Swedish - ENIGMA

Välkommen på dialog angående innovationsupphandling
av intelligent offentlig belysning.
Malmö stad och Stavanger kommune är delaktiga i EU-projektet ”ENIGMA - Enlightenment & Innovation, Ensured
through Pre-Commercial Procurement in Cities”. I projektet deltar fem europeiska städer tillsammans i en
innovationsupphandling för IKT-baserad utomhusbelysning (Smart Lighting). Innovationsupphandlingen genomförs
genom en förkommersiell upphandlingsmetod (PCP) och avser forskning och utveckling (FoU) och pilotinstallationer i
de fem städerna Eindhoven, Stavanger, Espoo, Malmö och Bassano del Grappa.
Den 21/3 publicerades en förhandsinformation om ENIGMA-projektet på TED som ett första steg i upphandlingen. För
mer information se hemsidan för ENIGMA projektet.
Malmö stad, Serviceförvaltningen och Stavanger kommune, Park og Vej, bjuder in aktörer inom belysning och IKT till
en marknadskonsultation.
Syftet med marknadskonsultationen är att informera om den påbörjade innovationsupphandlingen och skapa en
dialog mellan Malmö stad, Stavanger kommune, aktörer och intressenter för att utveckla en framtida lösning för
smart IKT-belysning. Detta är en del av de aktiviteter som genomförs inom ramen för projektet.
Programmet för dagen:
Start kl. 10.00
Lari Pitkä- Kangas (MP) Malmö
ENIGMA: Lunds Universitet presenterar projektet
Malmö och Stavangers intresse för ENIGMA
Pilotområden: Projektledare från Malmö & Stavanger
Challenge och state-of-the-art: Lunds Universitet
Lunch och feedback på the Challenge
Frågor och Svar
Förkommersiell upphandling (PCP): Beskrivning samt frågor och svar
”Mix and Match”
Slut senast kl. 15.00
När: Tisdag den 29 april kl. 10.00 – 15.00 (senast)
Var: Sankt Gertrud Konferens, Östergatan 7B, Malmö Lokal: Salmson
Lätt lunch och kaffe ingår.
Välkommen med din anmälan till Sofia Traneflykt senast 25 april.
Kontakt: Sofia.Traneflykt@malmo.se
Market Consultation European project ENIGMA
“ENIGMA is an FP7 project that aims to implement a joint transnational pre-commercial procurement (PCP)
procedure in the field of public lighting. Coordinated by the city of Eindhoven, the project’s five partner
municipalities (Eindhoven, Malmo, Stavanger, Espoo and Bassano del Grappa) cooperate on procuring
innovation and testing in a real life environment the technologies that their commercial subcontractors
The goal of the European-funded ENIGMA project is to foster next generation of public lighting systems by
developing breakthrough solutions in the field of smart ICT-based lighting through an EU-supported, joint
transnational pre-commercial procurement (PCP) procedure in five European cities. The ENIGMA project
partner cities have defined a common smart lighting ambition and development opportunity and will
launch a European PCP call for competence development and pilot installations.
The common challenge for ENIGMA partner cities Eindhoven, Malmo, Stavanger, Espoo and Bassano del
Grappa is to upgrade their public lighting infrastructure and system, using ICT solutions, to enable cities to
offer a wide range of intelligent and integrated services benefiting society and individual citizens and
bringing the cities closer to the ambition of becoming Smart Cities.
Located in Sweden, the City of Malmö and its 313 000 inhabitants make up the 3rd largest city of Sweden
and the commercial center of the south. The municipality has had a strong focus on creating a safe,
attractive and environmentally aware city and a city where the citizens feel safe using public areas. The last
decade, Malmö has consciously been reinventing itself as a multi-cultural knowledge city and has gained
international recognition for its undertaken efforts in promoting sustainable urban development.
After the PCP process, the new lighting systems will be installed in a piloting school area in the southern
part of Malmö, at the property Heleneholm 4. Most of the buildings were built in the 1960´s and several
have architectural value. The property and its surroundings have been struggling with vandalism and the
damage cost for the last five years has been almost 3 million SEK (approximately 300 000 EUR).
Located on the southwest coast of Norway, the City of Stavanger and its 130.000 inhabitants represent the
country’s most densely populated municipality. Stavanger is the 4th largest city in Norway. Much of
Norway’s oil industry is located here. The local authority has focus on health and sustainability, and has
given priority to establish a strong green structure, where walkways are an important part. Stavanger also
underlines the importance of combining energy efficiency, urban design and public safety when it comes to
upgrading the lighting systems.
As lighting the walkways is an important ambition in Stavanger, the City has chosen the recreational area
Vannassen as a pilot area. Vannassen is about 15 ha and is located south of the city. A small lake is situated
in the center of the area and around the lake there is an abundant bird life and rich flora. The area provides
walkways and paths through woods and park-like areas. Various paths and walkways connect Vannassen
very well to the fjord and other green structures in the city.
The pilot areas of the five ENIGMA cities all have different challenges but the cities are all working towards
promoting safer and more enjoyable environments. The ambition is to find a solution that can improve the
various municipalities smart lighting systems through a flexible framework. The lighting and societal needs
of the areas have been assessed through stakeholder consultations involving municipal decision makers
and project managers, as well as pupils and local residents.