2014 Provider Manual Coventry Health Care of Florida Inc. June 2014 2 Table of Contents ❶ Administration ................................................................................................................................... 7 Section 1 – Overview ................................................................................................................................ 7 Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 7 History .................................................................................................................................................. 7 Purpose of this Manual ......................................................................................................................... 7 Protocols and Guidelines....................................................................................................................... 7 Coventry Provider Services.................................................................................................................... 8 Coventry National & First Health Network Contact Information ............................................................ 8 Key Contact Information ....................................................................................................................... 9 Products and Plan ................................................................................................................................. 9 Special Needs Plan ................................................................................................................................ 9 Provider Tools ..................................................................................................................................... 10 Translation Services ............................................................................................................................ 11 IVR (Integrated Voice Response System) ............................................................................................. 11 Forms & Reference Documents ........................................................................................................... 11 Designated Liaison .............................................................................................................................. 11 Member Responsibility ....................................................................................................................... 11 Direct Access and Cost-Sharing ........................................................................................................... 12 Marketing ........................................................................................................................................... 12 Compliance and Ethics Program .......................................................................................................... 12 Section 2 – Provider Programs and Responsibilities ............................................................................... 13 Provider Selection Criteria .................................................................................................................. 13 Changes to Provider Information or Status ......................................................................................... 13 Member Identification ........................................................................................................................ 14 Acceptance of Members ..................................................................................................................... 14 Verification of Eligibility ...................................................................................................................... 14 Managing the Member’s Health Care .................................................................................................. 15 Authorizing Treatment for Members................................................................................................... 15 Timeliness of Authorizations ............................................................................................................... 16 Access to Care and Service Standards ................................................................................................. 17 Section 3-Primary Care Physicians ......................................................................................................... 18 Membership Assigned to PCPs ............................................................................................................ 18 Hospitalist Program............................................................................................................................. 18 Section 4-Specialist Physicians ............................................................................................................... 19 Referrals for Specialist Services ........................................................................................................... 19 Follow-Up Care ................................................................................................................................... 19 Exceptions to Referral Requirement for Specialist Services ................................................................. 19 Prescriptions from OB/GYN: ................................................................................................................ 20 Obstetricians ....................................................................................................................................... 20 3 Section 5-Hospitals ................................................................................................................................. 21 Hospital Emergency Services ............................................................................................................... 21 Follow-Up Care ................................................................................................................................... 21 Section 6-Medical Records Guidelines .................................................................................................... 22 Medical Records Requests .................................................................................................................. 22 Advance Directives .............................................................................................................................. 23 Medical Record Alteration or Falsification ........................................................................................... 24 Transfer of Medical Records upon Termination of the Agreement ...................................................... 24 Medical Records: Member Consent .................................................................................................... 24 Member’s Rights to Access Medical Records ....................................................................................... 24 Section 7-Utilization Management Program & Clinical Practice Guidelines........................................... 25 Care/Case Management ..................................................................................................................... 25 Medically Necessary or Medical Necessity .......................................................................................... 25 Behavioral Health................................................................................................................................ 26 Case Management .............................................................................................................................. 26 Obstetrical Case Management Program .............................................................................................. 26 Pediatric Case Management Program ................................................................................................. 26 Transplant Case Management Program .............................................................................................. 26 Ventilator Case Management Program ............................................................................................... 26 Disease Management Programs .......................................................................................................... 27 Chronic Care Improvement Program (CCIP)......................................................................................... 28 Clinical Practice Guidelines.................................................................................................................. 28 Diabetes Clinical Practice Guidelines ................................................................................................... 28 Asthma Clinical Practice Guidelines ..................................................................................................... 30 Congestive Heart Failure ..................................................................................................................... 32 Skilled Nursing Admissions .................................................................................................................. 32 Rehabilitation Admissions ................................................................................................................... 32 Discharge Planning .............................................................................................................................. 33 Second Opinions ................................................................................................................................. 33 New Medical Technologies ................................................................................................................. 33 Section 8- Quality Improvement............................................................................................................. 34 Quality Improvement .......................................................................................................................... 34 HEDIS™ ............................................................................................................................................... 34 Medical Quality Performance Measure ............................................................................................... 35 Risk Management Program ................................................................................................................. 57 Long Term Care Program .................................................................................................................... 58 Medicare Social Services Unit.............................................................................................................. 59 Medicare Provider Training & Education ............................................................................................. 59 Section 9 – Fee Schedule Maintenance & Reimbursement Determinations ........................................... 61 Medicare/Commercial HMO/POS/PPO/Individual Products ................................................................ 61 Medicaid/Healthy Kids/Individual Product .......................................................................................... 61 Laboratory and Pathology Services ..................................................................................................... 61 Section 10 – Claims, Billing, Capitation & Encounters ............................................................................ 63 4 Coordination of Benefits ..................................................................................................................... 64 Claim Status ........................................................................................................................................ 64 How to Read Your Remittance Advice ................................................................................................. 65 Claim Detail......................................................................................................................................... 65 Editing Guidelines ............................................................................................................................... 66 High Dollar Claims (with expected payable amounts over $50,000) .................................................... 66 National Provider Identifier (NPI) ........................................................................................................ 67 Section 11 – EDI Claim & Encounter Submissions ................................................................................... 68 Monitoring Your EDI Reports .............................................................................................................. 69 Common Rejection Reason ................................................................................................................. 69 EDI Assistance ..................................................................................................................................... 70 Section 12 – Provider Administration Claims Review Process ................................................................ 71 Medical Necessity Reconsideration (Pre-Service) ................................................................................ 72 Important Information About Commercial Member Appeal Rights ..................................................... 72 Important Information About Medicare Member Appeal Rights ......................................................... 74 Important Information About Medicaid Member Appeal Rights ......................................................... 74 Section 13 – Overpayment Recovery ...................................................................................................... 77 Section 14 – Credentialing ...................................................................................................................... 78 Practitioners Rights: ............................................................................................................................ 78 Board Certification: ............................................................................................................................. 79 Re-Credentialing ................................................................................................................................. 79 Dual Specialties ................................................................................................................................... 79 Ongoing Monitoring ............................................................................................................................ 80 Credentialing Committee .................................................................................................................... 80 Section 15 - Provider Participating Status Dispute Resolution ............................................................... 81 Section 16 – Regulation and Accreditation ............................................................................................ 82 Disciplinary Action .............................................................................................................................. 82 Reporting to Regulatory Agencies ....................................................................................................... 84 Committee Activity ............................................................................................................................. 84 Treatment of Immediate Relatives and Self:........................................................................................ 84 Section 17- Pharmacy ............................................................................................................................. 85 Pharmacy Drug Formulary................................................................................................................... 85 Pharmaceutical Management Procedures ........................................................................................... 85 Generic Drug Policy ............................................................................................................................. 85 Prior Authorization and Step Therapy ................................................................................................. 86 Quantity Limits.................................................................................................................................... 86 Diabetic Supplies ................................................................................................................................. 86 Specialty Drugs and Self-Administered Injectables .............................................................................. 86 Pharmacy Network ............................................................................................................................. 87 Maintenance Drug Program ................................................................................................................ 87 Appeal Rights ...................................................................................................................................... 87 5 Section 18- General Information ............................................................................................................ 88 Independent Contractor Relationship ................................................................................................. 88 Member Provider Reportable Diseases ............................................................................................... 88 ❷ Medicaid .......................................................................................................................................... 90 Medicaid Program............................................................................................................................... 90 Florida Agency for Health Care Administration’s Medicaid Coverage and Limitations Handbook ........ 90 Medicaid Fraud and Abuse Complaint Form ........................................................................................ 90 Provider Subcontractor Responsibilities .............................................................................................. 90 Continuity of Care in Enrollment ......................................................................................................... 91 Emergency Service Responsibilities ..................................................................................................... 91 Requirements Regarding Background Screening ................................................................................. 92 Cultural Competency .......................................................................................................................... 92 Community outreach and marketing activities: ................................................................................... 94 Florida SHOTS/Healthy Kids ................................................................................................................ 95 Healthy Behaviors Program: ................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.6 Important Information for Medicaid Members ................................................................................... 96 Listing of Medicaid Covered Services .................................................................................................. 97 Enrollees Rights and Responsibilities: .................................................................................................. 104 ❸Key Lists & List of Forms .................................................................................................................. 105 6 ❶ Administration Section 1 – Overview Introduction Welcome to Coventry Health Care of Florida, Inc. and its affiliate companies including, but not limited to Coventry Health Plan of Florida, Inc., Coventry Summit Health Plan and Coventry Health and Life Insurance Company (hereinafter collectively referred to as “Coventry”). Coventry offers an array of products such as HMO, POS and PPO for employer groups and individual policies (CoventryOne). Coventry also has policies that cover enrollees in government programs such as Medicare, Medicaid and Florida Healthy Kids. We appreciate your participation in our network and welcome and encourage your comments and questions. History Coventry Health Care of Florida Inc., Coventry Health Plan of Florida Inc., Coventry Summit Health Plan and Coventry Health and Life Insurance Company are subsidiaries of Coventry Health Care, Inc. -- a national managed health care company based in Bethesda, Maryland operating insurance companies, network rental and workers’ compensation services companies. Coventry offers a full range of risk and fee-based managed care products and services including HMO, PPO and POS, Medicare Advantage, Medicaid, Healthy Kids, Workers’ Compensation and network lease products to a broad cross-section of employer and government-funded groups, government agencies, individuals and other insurance carriers and administrators in all 50 states, as well as, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico. Purpose of this Manual The purpose of this Provider Manual (this "Manual") is to provide your office with business guidelines and requirements necessary to conduct business transactions with Coventry. This Manual supports all Coventry Health and Life Agreements. This Manual is incorporated by reference into the terms and conditions of your Agreement with Coventry. All capitalized terms not otherwise defined in this Manual shall have such meaning as ascribed to them in the Agreement between Coventry and the particular Provider. Periodically, it will become necessary to update this Manual. Updated versions of this Manual are available at www.directProvider.com. Updates may also be delivered via fax, mailing or other electronic means for significant changes and/or updates. Please retain updates with your Manual for future reference and guidance. Additional reference material can be located at www.chcflorida.com. Protocols and Guidelines Provider acknowledges and agrees that (i) all decisions rendered by Coventry in its administration of the Agreement, including, but not limited to, all decisions with respect to the determination of whether or not a service is a covered service, are made solely to determine if payment of benefits under applicable Member Contract is appropriate; and (ii) any and all decisions relating to the necessity of the provision or non-provision of medical services or supplies shall be made solely by the Member and Provider in accordance with the usual Provider patient relationship and Provider as applicable, shall have sole responsibility for the medical care and treatment of Members under their care. Providers should encourage Members under their care to review their Member Contract concerning benefits, procedures and exclusions or limitations prior to receiving treatment. 7 Coventry Provider Services Coventry offers Provider support and education services through a dedicated team of network management associates. Provider relations representatives are available to answer your questions and assist you with navigating Coventry’s operations, policies, procedures and business guidelines. You may contact a Provider Relations Representative Provider by: Phone: 800-470-3555 Fax: 866-874-4140 Email: chcflProviderrelations@cvty.com Coventry National & First Health Network Contact Information This Manual contains information related to Coventry’s Florida health plan products and networks. For information related to Coventry’s national network, First Health network, or Workers' Comp network please visit the sites below: For any questions related to the status of receipt or payment of a claim call the payor-specific billing telephone number listed on the M e m b e r ’s benefit card. For any questions regarding how a claim was paid according to your Contract, please call Coventry National Provider Services at 1-800-937-6824. 8 Key Contact Information Products and Plan Coventry offers a variety of products in its portfolio with several Provider networks to service the membership of each product. Coventry’s products include: -HMO -PPO -Medicare -Healthy Kids -POS -ASO -Medicaid -Special Needs Plan for dual eligible members enrolled in a Coventry Medicare Advantage benefit plan Specific products are offered in select markets; your participating Provider Agreement will determine your participation. Special Needs Plan The Special Needs Plan was approved by Congress in 2003 to provide improved services to Medicare beneficiaries in three special needs populations, i.e. • • • Institutionalized Members; Members with certain severe or disabling chronic conditions, and “Dual Eligible” Medicare and Medicaid Members. Coventry offers Dual Eligible Special Needs Plans (DE-SNP) in Dade, Broward, Palm Beach, St. Lucie, Hernando, Hillsborough, Pinellas, Polk and Pasco counties. The DE-SNPs operate under the product names of Coventry Vista Maximum Choice, Coventry Vista Maximum, Coventry Summit Maximum and Coventry Advantra Maximum. The DE-SNP program is available to eligible Coventry Members residing within the program’s service area and meeting dual eligibility status requirements. Dual eligibility qualification is determined by the Members’ participation in federally administered Medicare programs and the state administered Medicaid programs based on low-income, assets and age or disability status. 9 Coventry’s PCPs have partnered with the plan to identify eligible SNP Members and to assist in navigating through the health care system. Participants in DE-SNPs are enrolled in Coventry’s Case Management program to: • • • • • • Integrate and coordinate care across specialty, multi-setting care continuums through a central point of contact; Emphasize early intervention and education; Improve access to care including medical, behavioral health and social services; Provide seamless transitions across health care settings, care providers and health services; Improve Member health outcomes through reducing hospitalizations and nursing home placement; and Provide specialty support through management of specific diseases, e.g. CHF, diabetes, chronic renal disease, hypertension and asthma/COPD. Coventry developed and implemented a model of care to provide guidance for comprehensive care management to Members enrolled in a DE-SNP. Providers are required to review, understand and utilize the guidelines set forth in Coventry’s model of care. The Special Needs Program Physician Training and Model of Care are available on CHCflorida.com at http://chcflorida.coventryhealthcare.com/web/groups/public/@cvty_regional_chcfl/documents/webcontent/c07 4933.pdf To support HEDIS initiatives it is very important that Providers submit encounter data for Care for Older Adults (COA) measures and ensure that the supporting documentation for all SNP Members ages 65 and older in the Member's chart. Requirements: -Advance Care Planning (CPTII: 1157F, 1158F) -Medication Review (CPTII: 1160F) -Functional Status Assessment: (CPTII: 1170F) -Pain Screening (CPTII: 0521F, 1125F, 1126F) For specific individualized care plans, PCPs may access and download the information at www.SNPCarePlans.com or contact the Disease Care Management department directly at 1-800-422-7335 ext. 3359. Information on these and other services may also be viewed in the news section at www.DirectProvider.com Visit our website to download a copy of the training at www.chcflorida.com under the document library and www.DirectProvider.com in the resource library. Provider Tools Coventry offers Providers easy access to a variety of functions, web-based tools, and resources at www.DirectProvider.com. All participating Providers may use this resource to access business activity information such as: -Claim inquiries -Authorization requirements and information -Remittance advices -Member eligibility -Business forms -Provider Manual -Member benefit information -Other business information or documentation -Member health alerts 10 DirectProvider.com Provider has a customer service center available to address questions regarding the web site and services. You may contact a representative at 1-866-629-3975. Hours of operation are Monday through Friday 8:00am to 6:00pm Eastern Time. Sign up is quick and easy at www.DirectProvider.com. Please have your FTIN, Provider CPD and IDX numbers available. Translation Services If a language barrier prevents you from communicating effectively with our Members, we have translation services available to assist. Our language line provides interpreter services at no cost. Please contact our customer service center at 866-847-8235. Inform the customer service representative of your need of an interpreter and the language. The connection will be made for you. For individuals with hearing impairment, Coventry Health Care of Florida offers a 7-1-1 relay. For Members who are hearing impaired, the health plan will utilize the 7-1-1 Telecommunications Relay Service (TRS). Members should call 7-1-1 and a representative will contact our customer service number on their behalf. As a Provider of services, you should be aware of Members who do not speak English or who have hearing impairments. Under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act and the Federal Rehabilitation Act, interpreter services must be available to ensure effective communication regarding treatment, medical history or health education. Coventry Health Care of Florida will arrange and pay for trained professionals when technical, medical or treatment information needs to be discussed with Members. Providers must offer the Member access to interpreter services, even when the Member brings a friend or family Member to interpret. In this event, the Member must be offered interpreter services and be informed that the services are available at no charge; the friend or family Member should not be used to interpret unless specifically requested by the Member, after having been advised of the availability of free interpreter services. IVR (Integrated Voice Response System) Access to information such as eligibility, claim status and authorization are available by using our Integrated Voice Response system (IVR) by calling customer service and following the appropriate prompts. Forms & Reference Documents Required forms and reference documents can be downloaded and printed from the resource library under the downloadable forms section of Coventry Health Care of Florida’s Provider website at: www.DirectProvider.com. Designated Liaison Each Provider’s office shall designate an office manager or administrator to be the primary contact person for Coventry’s Network Operations department. Member Responsibility Providers acknowledge and agree that Coventry shall have no financial or other liability with respect to a Member’s failure to pay Providers amounts due the Providers for co-payment, co-insurance, or deductible as required under the Member’s Contract or for non-covered services. Providers may not refuse to provide services to an eligible Member solely because the Member fails to pay the applicable co-payment at the time services are rendered. 11 Direct Access and Cost-Sharing Providers shall, as mandated by state or federal law, the applicable Member Contract and this Manual; (i) allow Members direct access to certain specialist physicians; (ii) not inhibit Members’ self-referral for certain services, including mammography screening and influenza vaccinations; and (iii) not impose cost-sharing on any Member for influenza or pneumococcal vaccines. To the extent permitted by applicable law and benefit plan design (i.e. open access), Members may self refer without a primary care physician ("PCP") referral for (a) mental and behavioral health services, (b) gynecologists and obstetricians; (c) chiropractors; (d) podiatrists for routine care; (e) dermatologists for five (5) visits per year; and (f) optometrists, if such services are covered for the Member, in addition to any other services for which applicable law allows direct access. Marketing Any Provider marketing activities or materials for Coventry must be approved by Coventry in advance to ensure compliance with CMS and AHCA guidelines. This mandatory review will include letters announcing affiliation with Coventry, plan availability, events, health fairs, etc. Any gifts or promotional items must also follow guidelines promulgated by CMS or AHCA. Contact the network operations representative for more information. Providers may make available and/or distribute Coventry marketing materials and display posters or other materials announcing Coventry Contractual relationships in accordance with and subject to Medicare marketing materials guidelines. However, Providers may not make available, accept or distribute Coventry enrollment applications or offer inducements to enroll in a specific plan. Providers shall not offer anything of value to induce a prospective Member to select them as their Provider. Compliance and Ethics Program We are dedicated to conducting our business in accordance with the highest standards of ethical conduct. We are committed to conducting business activities with uncompromising integrity and in full compliance with the federal, state and local laws governing the health benefits industry. This commitment applies to relationships with shareholders, customers (enrollees, federal Providers, state and local governments), vendors, competitors, auditors and all public and government bodies. Most importantly, it applies to directors, officers, employees and representatives of Coventry. Each Coventry employee is responsible for upholding the highest level of ethical standards that exemplify professionalism and promote confidence in the organization. 12 Section 2 – Provider Programs and Responsibilities A Provider must complete an application, Provider Agreement and be fully credentialed as outlined in Section 14, in order to be approved for participation and treat any Coventry Members. Upon execution of the Agreement a copy will be returned to the Provider for his/ her records along with a welcome letter advising of product participation and effective dates. Provider Selection Criteria The Coventry network is open for application by a particular Provider/Provider specialty type if at least one of the following criteria is met: a. Access and availability standards are not being met in that area b. There appears to be a need in the market place for a particular specialty due to referral patterns c. Member, group or provider self nomination (Depending upon product and geography any provider requesting a direct contract with Coventry, provider information will be shared with the specialty network for review and consideration.) d. A provider’s participation is in the best interest of the plan and meets the business needs of the plan Once a determination has been made to add a Provider to the network and reimbursement has been mutually agreed upon, the Provider must meet quality of care and quality of service standards as well as Coventry’s minimum administrative requirements covered in Section 14 of this Manual. Changes to Provider Information or Status Please notify Coventry’s Network Operations department in writing within sixty (60) days or in accordance with your Agreement of any additions, deletions or changes to the topics listed below. Failure to notify Coventry timely could negatively impact claims processing. • • • • • • • • Tax identification number (submission of W-9 required). Changing a tax identification number will require a new Agreement with the new tax identification number Office or billing address Telephone or fax number Specialty (may require additional credentialing) New physician additions to the practice (please allow time for credentialing) Licensure (DEA, state licensure or malpractice insurance) Group affiliation Hospital privileges 13 If you have any changes, written notification is required as far in advance as possible to the Coventry’s Network Operations department. By providing the information prior to the change, the following is ensured: • • • • The practice address is properly listed in the Coventry Provider directory All claim payments are properly reported to the IRS There is no disruption in claims payments and claims are processed accordingly Coventry Members are notified in a timely manner if a change to their PCP becomes necessary or if they desire as a result of an address change or inability to continue participation with Coventry Member Identification All Coventry Members receive an identification (ID) card shortly after enrollment. Members must present their ID card to their Provider at the time services are rendered. If the Member is a recent enrollee who has not yet received a card, he/she must present a copy of the enrollment form. The ID card will list the Member’s name, Member number, primary care physician (PCP) (if applicable), group name and number, the benefit plan type, as well as copayments or coinsurance for office visits, prescriptions, outpatient and inpatient services. Benefits vary among Coventry’s different products. Therefore, it is important to reference the Member ID card for the correct copayment or coinsurance amount. The ID card will also contain important customer service phone numbers for Coventry, the pharmacy vendor, and the mental health vendor. Acceptance of Members Provider shall accept as patients all Members that select or are assigned by Coventry to a Provider unless otherwise agreed upon in writing by Coventry. Written approval is required by Coventry Health Care of Florida for a Provider’s panel to be frozen preventing or refusing new Members. Upon Coventry’s approval, Provider’s panel may remain open only to existing patients who are Members at the time the Provider’s panel is frozen (“Existing Members”). In such case, if a Member desires to select a Provider with a panel open only to existing Members, Coventry will contact the Provider to verify that the Member meets the criteria for an existing Member. If the Provider confirms that this is an existing Member, Coventry will open the panel to allow that Member to select the Provider. Upon a Provider’s acceptance of a Member, Provider may terminate the Member from its panel or as its patient only upon satisfaction of applicable provisions of this Manual and applicable laws and regulations. If a Member is non-compliant or does not comply with the Member rights and responsibilities as set forth herein, the Provider may notify the Member of the situation in writing. However, the Provider may not terminate the Member from their panel or services. Provider must request of Coventry, in writing, that a Member be removed from their panel; provided, however, that no such request can be based on the Member’s medical condition, which request shall be determined by Coventry in Coventry’s sole discretion. Such request must be sent to Coventry Provider representative. Verification of Eligibility Prior to providing any services to a Member, Providers shall determine a Member’s eligibility by taking the following steps: 1. 2. 3. Ask the Member to present his/her Coventry Membership card. If this is the Member’s first visit, ask the Member to present additional proof of personal identification, preferably a photo ID. Refer to www.directProvider.com for current Member eligibility list or call the telephone number provided on the Membership card to determine eligibility and verification of the type of plan in which the Member is enrolled. 14 Coventry shall make reasonable efforts to confirm or deny eligibility using the most current information available to Coventry; provided, however, that Providers' compliance with such verification procedures and/or Coventry’s confirmation of a Member’s eligibility does not constitute a guarantee of such Members eligibility or Coventry’s coverage of any services provided by Providers in reliance on such confirmation. Providers may verify eligibility by contacting a Coventry customer service representative or www.directProvider.com. Managing the Member’s Health Care Under certain Member Contracts, a referral or pre-authorization define as authorization that must be obtained from Coventry, or its designee, prior to the provision of certain covered services, as set forth in this Manual and as required by the applicable coverage plan and the Agreement. These Providers are listed on Coventry website. All pre authorizations using the (The CHCFL Prior Authorization Form) and referrals can be done electronically via directProvider.com. If a paper version is needed it can be downloaded and printed from the resource library under the downloadable forms section of Coventry’s Provider website at: www.directProvider.com. No PCP referral is required for any care listed under the direct access provision of this Manual. Except in the case of emergency services, urgently needed services, as otherwise permitted under this Manual or applicable state or federal law, upon the prior written approval of Coventry’s medical director or his/her designee, or as otherwise permitted under the applicable Member Contract, all referrals shall be made and pre-authorizations obtained by Providers in accordance with this Manual, the Agreement and the applicable Member Contract. Any laboratory services provided to Members in Providers’ offices shall not be reimbursable covered services, unless otherwise expressly provided in the Agreement. PCP shall use his/her best efforts to provide Members with any necessary referrals or obtain any required preauthorization from Coventry while the Member is in PCP’s office. Authorizing Treatment for Members Authorization is not a guarantee of payment. All Providers must contact Coventry via www.directProvider.com, telephone or fax to obtain a pre-authorization prior to scheduling a Member for any medical service subject to pre-authorization. Coventry may require the submission of clinical information to support a pre-authorization request. Hospitals shall notify Coventry of an admission occurring subsequent to the provision of emergency services. Emergency services do not require pre-authorization. IMPORTANT: The following services may not be covered under all Member Contracts even though such services are listed below. Members should refer to their summary of benefits or evidence/certificate of coverage for information regarding their covered services. This applies to all Member Contracts. -Drug Order for Home Use -Chemotherapy Drug Replacement -Physician Office Medications 15 Timeliness of Authorizations Coventry shall use its best efforts to provide requested pre-authorizations immediately upon a Provider’s request; provided, however, that Providers agree to take a pending or tracking number with respect to a pre-authorization request in the event Coventry requires further information in making the pre- authorization coverage decision. Routine pre-authorization requests will be completed within four to fourteen (4-14) business days of Coventry’s receipt of the request. Coventry’s determination will be communicated verbally to the requesting Provider at the time the decision is made and will be followed by written notice. All medical denial determinations will be made by a Florida licensed Coventry medical director. Denial letters will be sent to the Provider by fax or U.S. mail. Members will receive a copy of the notice via U.S. mail. Urgent pre-authorization requests will be processed within 72-hours of Coventry’s receipt of the request, unless additional information is required. The determination, approval or denial, will be verbally communicated or faxed to the requesting Provider and/or the Member at the time the decision is rendered followed by written notice to the Provider and/or the Member within (2) business days. Authorization status can be obtained by using Coventry website, www.directProvider.com 16 Access to Care and Service Standards Providers shall offer appointments and access to Members within the following guidelines: • Appointment availability shall be: o For routine care and physicals – 30 calendar days o For urgent care – same day o For emergent care - immediately o For sick care – within a calendar week • Member telephone calls to Provider offices shall be returned as follows: o Urgent – within 30 minutes o Emergent – immediately o Routine – within one business day During site visits to the Provider office for credentialing, re-credentialing and Provider representative office visits, Coventry will verify access standards by reviewing the Providers’ schedules of available appointments and may conduct periodic audits of appointment availability, return telephone calls, and after hours coverage arrangements. Network Operations will review and intervene, when appropriate, based on Member complaints about access to care and services. Site visits are required for initial and re-credentialing of Primary Care and OB/GYN providers as required by regulatory guidelines. Coventry can also conduct site visits upon inquiry. The Health plan monitors and tracks Provider visit data. Site visit assessments can include the following, but not limited to: Site visits include assessments of: • Physical accessibility for persons with disabilities • Adequate space, supplies, proper sanitation, smoke-free facilities • Evidence of proper fire and safety procedures • Medical record keeping practices • Posting of the Agency’s statewide consumer call center telephone number including the hours of operation in the waiting room reception area. • Posting of the Agency’s Summary of Florida’s Patient’s Bill of Rights and Responsibilities (please refer to www.DirectProvider.com to review in entirety) • The availability of a copy of the Florida Patient’s Bill of Rights and Responsibilities for enrollees who request a copy of the document. 17 Section 3-Primary Care Physicians PCPs are responsible for coordinating and managing the health care of their assigned Members in accordance with the applicable Member Contract, this Manual, and the Agreement. PCPs provide primary care services to all their patients and coordinate all other covered services, including specialist services defined as those covered services generally provided by specialist physicians in their respective fields of training and experience. Membership Assigned to PCPs Members may choose a PCP from Coventry’s Provider directory. Every month, PCPs receive a Coventry Membership listing of the Members that have chosen them as their PCP. PCPs shall contact any new Medicare or Medicaid Members in their panel to ask if they need any assistance or to schedule an office visit for continued medical care. Each PCP office shall designate an encounter/referral coordinator to ensure that encounters and referrals are completed and submitted to Coventry and/or the Member. Encounters may be submitted electronically or on a CMS1500 form. Hospitalist Program Under Coventry’s Hospitalist Program (the “Program”), PCP acknowledges and agrees that hospitalist physicians provide primary care services which PCP is otherwise obligated to provide under the Agreement on behalf of Members assigned to PCP (“PCP Members”) who present as observation or as inpatients to a hospital, including, but not limited to (i) evaluation of PCP Members presenting to the hospital’s emergency room; (ii) conducting daily hospital rounds of PCP Members; (iii) coordinating care of PCP Members and ensuring timely provision of covered diagnostic tests and procedures; (iv) communicating regularly with PCP, PCP Members and the PCP Members’ families, as appropriate; and (v) overseeing and coordinating discharge planning of PCP Members with the PCP, Coventry and the hospital. PCPs who elect to participate in the program shall assign responsibility of PCP Members to hospitalist physicians when PCP Members present to the emergency department or are inpatients of a hospital. In cases where a PCP elects not to participate in the program, the PCP shall continue to perform all other primary care services with respect to PCP Members, including, but not limited to (i) resuming responsibility for all care, including follow-up care, of a PCP Member immediately upon the PCP Member’s discharge from the hospital; (ii) communicating all medical information/history to the hospitalist physician or other physician attending to a PCP Member which is necessary to the PCP Member’s care and treatment in the hospital; and (iii) performing any and all other requirements as requested by Coventry in connection with the PCP’s participation in the program. Hospitals acknowledge and agree that if a PCP Member presents to the emergency department, the hospital shall notify PCP Member’s PCP and/or hospitalist physician participating in Coventry hospitalist program. 18 Section 4-Specialist Physicians The Member’s PCP is responsible for coordinating the provision of specialist services. The Specialist and the PCP work together to coordinate medical care for the Member. Referrals for Specialist Services Except for (i) emergency services; (ii)urgently needed services; (iii) as otherwise permitted under this Manual, the applicable Member Contract or applicable state or federal laws; or (iv) upon the prior written approval of Coventry’s medical director or his/her designee, specialist shall not provide specialist services to Members who’s Member Contract has a referral requirement unless the Member furnishes specialist with a completed referral from the Member’s PCP. Follow-Up Care Specialist shall coordinate the provision of specialist services with the Member’s PCP in a prompt and efficient manner and, except in the case of an emergency medical condition, shall not provide any follow-up or additional specialist services to Members other than the covered services indicated on the applicable referral form provided to specialist by Coventry or the PCP. Within ten (10) business days of providing specialist services to a Member, specialist shall furnish the Member’s PCP with a written report regarding the Member’s medical condition in such form and detail reasonably acceptable to the Member’s PCP and Coventry. Specialist shall at all times promptly and openly communicate with the Member’s PCP regarding the Member’s medical condition, including, without limitation obtaining the appropriate pre-authorization should a Member require additional or follow-up covered services. Except in the case of emergency services, Urgently Needed Services, as otherwise permitted under the applicable Member Contract, applicable law or upon the prior written approval of Coventry’s Medical Director or his/her designee, specialist shall refer Members back to the Member’s PCP in the event specialist determines the Member requires the services of another specialist physician. URGENTLY NEEDED SERVICES/URGENT CARE – Covered Services for conditions that (i) though not lifethreatening, could result in serious injury or disability to the Member unless medical attention is received or (ii) substantially restrict a Member’s activity; and (iii) which are provided (a) when a Member is temporarily absent from the service area or; (b) under unusual and extraordinary circumstances, when the Member is in the service area but all participating Providers are temporarily unavailable or inaccessible when such covered services are medically necessary (as defined under Medicaid) and immediately required (1) as a result of an unforeseen illness, injury, or condition; and (2) it was not reasonable given the circumstances to obtain the covered services through a participating Provider. Examples include, without limitation, high fever, animal bites, fractures, severe pain, infectious illness, flu and respiratory ailments. Exceptions to Referral Requirement for Specialist Services Diagnostic Centers/Ambulatory Surgery Centers: For any Commercial HMO, POS, PPO, or Individual HMO or Individual POS Member, specialists may issue a prescription for outpatient diagnostic testing at a participating freestanding diagnostic center, or for covered services provided at a participating ambulatory surgery center without pre-authorization from Coventry, as set forth on the table on the next page. If pre-authorization is required for the requested service, the specialist and PCP, for PCP required products, will be required to coordinate obtaining the proper authorization for Member. 19 Prescriptions from OB/GYN: Commercial HMO, POS, PPO, Individual HMO or Individual POS, Medicaid and Healthy Kids Members: A gynecologist or obstetrician may issue prescriptions for (i) covered services which do not otherwise require preauthorization in accordance with this Manual; and (ii) covered services provided by gynecological oncologists, maternal and fetal medicine specialists, reproductive endocrinologists and uro-gynecologists. The gynecological oncologist, maternal and fetal medicine specialist, reproductive endocrinologist or uro-gynecologist must contact Coventry directly for pre-authorization prior to providing services to Members. Medicare Members: A gynecologist or obstetrician may issue prescriptions for covered services provided by gynecological oncologists, maternal and fetal medicine specialists, reproductive endocrinologists and urogynecologists. The gynecological oncologist, maternal and fetal medicine specialist, reproductive endocrinologist or uro-gynecologist must contact Coventry directly for pre-authorization prior to providing services to Members. OB/GYN’s may not issue prescriptions for any other services for Medicare Members. HMO Open Access; Open Access plus point of service, PPO: Specialists may provide covered services to Members enrolled in an HMO Open Access, Open Access Plus, and Point of Service (POS) plan or Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) benefit plan without a referral from the Member’s PCP or a prescription from the Member’s obstetrician/gynecologist. See table below: Provider Type Format PCP Referral Obstetrician Gynecologist Specialist Coverage Plan Medicare, Medicaid, Healthy Kids, HMO, Individual HMO & POS, Individual POS, PPO Prescription Medicaid, Healthy Kids, HMO, Individual HMO, POS, Individual POS, PPO Prescription HMO, Individuel HMO, POS, Individuel or Referral POS, PPO For Services Not Requiring PreAuthorization All All Outpatient diagnostic testing (freestanding, par facility) Ambulatory surgery center (freestanding, par facility) Obstetricians The obstetrical notification form should be completed during a Members’ first prenatal visit. The form is located in the resource library under the downloadable forms section of the Coventry website at www.directProvider.com. 20 Section 5-Hospitals Hospital Emergency Services In the case of an emergency medical condition, hospitals are not required to obtain pre-authorization from Coventry prior to providing emergency services to Members; provided, however, that upon admitting a Member into hospital, hospital shall immediately notify the hospitalist physician participating in Coventry’s hospitalist program or other designated Coventry Provider of such admission and obtain the required pre-authorization in accordance with this Manual. Except for emergency services, coverage of all services rendered to Members by hospital are subject to Coventry’s sole determination of whether such service is a covered service under the applicable Member Contract. In the event it is determined that an emergency medical condition does not exist with respect to a Member who presented to the hospital, hospital must comply with all pre-authorization requirements as set forth in this Manual prior to providing any non-emergency services to a Member. Hospital’s failure to so obtain all required pre-authorizations for non-emergency services may, in Coventry’s sole discretion, result in Coventry’s denial of payment for such services as set forth in the Agreement. Hospital shall comply with this Manual and the Agreement in providing non-emergency services to Members. Hospital acknowledges and agrees that Coventry has the right to review the admission of any Member for an emergency medical condition for appropriateness of continued stay in accordance with the Manual. Follow-Up Care Hospital shall coordinate the provision of hospital services with the Member’s PCP in a prompt and efficient manner and, except in the case of an emergency medical condition, as otherwise permitted under the Manual or applicable state or federal law or upon the prior written approval of Coventry’s medical director or his/her designees’, shall not provide any follow-up or additional hospital services to Members other than the covered services in accordance with the pre-authorization for such services. Hospital shall at all times promptly and openly communicate with the Member’s PCP regarding the Member’s medical condition, including, without limitation obtaining the appropriate pre-authorization should a Member require additional or follow-up covered services. 21 Section 6-Medical Records Guidelines The Managed Care Plan shall ensure maintenance of medical/case records for each enrollee in accordance with this section and with 42 CFR 431 and 42 CFR 456. Medical/case records shall include the quality, quantity, appropriateness and timeliness of services performed under the contract. Providers shall prepare and maintain complete medical records for Members under their care in a manner that complies with the following: • • • Applicable federal and state laws Licensing, accreditation, and reimbursement rules and regulations applicable to Coventry, and Accepted medical practice In accordance with federal and state law and the Agreement, each Provider must protect the confidentiality of Members’ patient records. To fulfill this obligation, Providers must designate a person to be in charge of the Provider's medical records, and such person’s responsibilities include, but are not limited to, the following duties in accordance with federal and state law and the Agreement: • • • Maintaining the confidentiality, security, and physical safety of patient records Retrieving Member records in a timely manner upon the request of an authorized party, and Supervising the collection, processing, maintenance, storage, retrieval, and distribution of records In accordance with the Agreement and this Manual, the medical records must be available for utilization review, risk management and peer review studies, customer service inquiries, grievance and appeals, and quality improvement initiatives. All records should be kept confidential and maintained for seven (7) years and in certain instances described in the Medicare Advantage regulation, periods of up to ten (10) per 59A-12.005 and 64B14-7.002 of the Florida administrative code. All Member information should be available to be transferred upon request by the Member, or authorized representative, to any organization with which the Member may subsequently enroll, or to a Provider to ensure continuity of care. Providers must keep our members’ information confidential and stored securely. Providers must also ensure all staff members receive periodic training on member information confidentiality. Only authorized personnel should have access to medical records. We use practitioner/provider performance data to improve the quality of service and clinical care our members receive. Accrediting agencies require that providers let us use your performance data for this purpose. Medical Records Requests Providers must respond and submit requested medical records to Coventry’s Grievance and Appeals and/or Quality Improvement departments promptly to enable Coventry to comply with federal and Florida laws governing grievances and appeals and complaint investigation. Only those records for the time period designated on the request should be sent. A copy of the request letter should be submitted with the copy of the record. The submission should include test results, office notes, referrals, telephone logs and consultation reports. 22 Advance Directives Providers shall document whether or not a Member executed an advance directive in a prominent part of the Member’s medical record. Providers shall certify if he/she/it cannot implement an advance directive on grounds of conscience as permitted by state law. 23 Medical Record Alteration or Falsification Alteration or falsification of medical records is unethical conduct for any medical professional. Any incident relating to unethical behavior regarding medical record documentation is subject to the following process: 1. 2. 3. 4. All incidents of possible medical record falsification are reported to Coventry’s Peer Review Committee and the Special Investigation Unit (SIU). The Peer Review Committee reviews the records in question and allows the Provider to explain the circumstances. The Peer Review Committee makes the final decision regarding the allegations of unethical conduct and takes appropriate actions. Health professionals not subject to the peer review process (nurse, lab personnel, etc.) may be reported to the appropriate agency and/or governing body. Transfer of Medical Records upon Termination of the Agreement Upon the effective date of termination of the Agreement (and the expiration of any period of any continuing care obligation), or such earlier date as a Member may select or be assigned to another Provider regardless of whether the Agreement then remains in effect, pursuant to a Member’s or Coventry’s request, Provider shall copy all such Member’s medical records in Provider’s possession and forward such records, at no cost to Coventry or to the Member, to (i) such other Provider as designated by Coventry; (ii) the Member; and (iii) Coventry, as requested by Coventry or the Member. Medical Records: Member Consent Where required by law, Providers shall obtain specific written authorization from a Member prior to releasing such Member’s medical records. Providers acknowledge and agree that the consent by a Member in the applicable Member Contract enrollment form and/or Providers' standard consent form is hereby deemed satisfactory Member consent for the release of Members’ records, to the extent required by applicable law. Member’s Rights to Access Medical Records Providers shall ensure timely access by Members to review, amend and obtain a copy of their medical records upon request, to the extent required by applicable law. 24 Section 7-Utilization Management Program & Clinical Practice Guidelines Care/Case Management As required by applicable law, Coventry has procedures to identify, assess and establish treatment plans for persons with complex or serious medical conditions. With respect to individuals with complex or serious medical conditions, Providers shall assist Coventry in (i) identifying such individuals; (ii) diagnosing, assessing and monitoring such individuals; and (iii) establishing and implementing treatment plans for such individuals that (a) are appropriate for their condition; (b) are time-specific; (c) are updated periodically; (d) ensure adequate coordination of care among Providers; and (e) include an adequate number of direct access visits to Providers consistent with the treatment plan. Coventry shall maintain written protocols for identifying, assessing and implementing interventions for enrollees with complex medical issues, high service utilization, intensive health care needs, or who consistently access services at the highest level of care. Medically Necessary or Medical Necessity Services provided in accordance with 42 C.F.R. 438.210 (a)(4) and as defined in Section 59G-1.010(166), F.A.C., to include those medical or allied care, goods, or services furnished or ordered must: a) Meet the following conditions: 1. Be necessary to protect life, prevent significant illness or significant disability, or to alleviate severe pain; 2. Be individualized, specific, and consistent with symptoms or confirmed diagnosis of the illness or injury under treatment, and not in excess of the Member’s needs; 3. Be consistent with the generally accepted professional medical standards as determined by the Medicaid program, and not experimental or investigational; 4. Be reflective of the level of service that can be safely furnished, and for which no equally effective and more conservative or less costly treatment is available, statewide; 5. Be furnished in a manner not primarily intended for the convenience of the Member, the member’s caretaker, or Provider; 6. For those services furnished in a hospital on an inpatient basis, medical necessity means that appropriate medical care cannot be effectively furnished more economically on an outpatient basis or in an inpatient facility of a different type 7. “Medically Necessary” or “Medical Necessity” for inpatient hospital services requires that those services furnished in a hospital on an inpatient basis could not, consistent with the provisions of appropriate medical care, be effectively furnished more economically on an outpatient basis or in an inpatient facility of a different type. b) The fact that Provider prescribed, recommended, or approved medical or allied goods, or services does not, in itself, make such care, goods or services medically necessary, a medical necessity or a Covered Service. 25 Behavioral Health Coordination of care between the Primary Care Physician (PCP) and the Behavioral Health Practitioners (BHP) is critical to the well being of the patient. Coventry Health Care, Inc. uses a variety of mechanisms to monitor continuity and coordination of care between behavioral health and medical care. Coventry works collaboratively with our Behavioral Health vendors for the administration, management and monitoring the quality of behavioral health services for members. Some of the indicators that Coventry may review on an annual basis are the exchange of information between behavioral healthcare and primary care physicians; the appropriate diagnosis, treatment and referral of behavioral health care disorders commonly seen in primary care; the appropriate use of psychopharmacological medications; management of treatment access and follow-up of members with co-existing medical and behavioral disorders; and primary or secondary preventive behavioral health care program implementation. Case Management Members may self-refer and Providers may refer Members to Coventry’s case management programs. Providers may request assistance in the development of plans of treatment for Members with complex or serious medical conditions. To make such a referral or to request assistance, please contact Case Management at (800) 422-7335, extension 3405. To refer a Member to one of these programs, use the disease and case management referral form in the forms section of this Manual. Fax the completed form to (877) 479-8545. The case management nurse will work with the Provider, the Member and the Member’s family in an effort to help decrease the risk of complications, support coordination of care and provide education. These nurses will work with Providers to assess, plan and monitor options and services for Members with chronic illness or injury. Case management services are also offered to Members upon discharge from the hospital, to help facilitate the receipt of post-discharge services administered by their Provider. Obstetrical Case Management Program An obstetrical nurse works with Obstetricians and Perinatologists to help coordinate services during pregnancy for Members with high-risk conditions. The case manager also monitors the mother and newborn progress through the sixth week postpartum follow-up visit. To make a referral or get information on this program, call (800) 4227335, extension 3630. Pediatric Case Management Program Pediatric Members with catastrophic or chronic diseases are supported by a pediatric nurse who works with the Member’s Providers and family, while the child is in the hospital or at home. The nurse works to identify participating Providers, and resources in the area to meet the child’s needs as defined by the Providers. For more information on this program, call (800) 422-7335, extension 3377. Transplant Case Management Program Transplant candidate Members should be referred to the transplant coordinator. Contact the transplant coordinator at (800) 422-7335, extension 3322. Ventilator Case Management Program A case manager follows up with Members who are placed on a ventilator in an acute facility, and will work with the Member’s attending physician, other case managers and the family to establish a discharge plan for the 26 Member. If the Member is discharged to a SNF, the concurrent review coordinator will continue to follow the Member until the Member is weaned from the ventilator or placed in a custodial setting. For more information, call (800) 422-7335, extension 3405. To refer a Member to one of these programs, use the disease and case management referral form in the forms section of this Manual. Fax the completed form to (877) 479-8545. Disease Management Programs Disease management programs are population-based programs designed to improve the health status of Members with chronic diseases by actively intervening to assist Members and practitioners manage the disease. Coventry provides bi-lingual staff to support Spanish-speaking Members. Coventry maintains five disease programs: Congestive Heart Failure, Diabetes, Asthma, Hypertension and Renal Disease Management. The programs are based on scientific literature and industry disease management standards. Separate program descriptions are maintained for each program. Members are identified using a clinical rules program which pulls claims data regarding diagnosis, medication, laboratory testing and procedures. Based on analysis of the data extracted, those Members meeting selected disease state criteria will be enrolled in one of the identified disease management programs. Members may also be identified through any of the following processes: • • • • Member completes a health risk assessment form after enrollment Member admitted to acute care facility and reviewed by Coventry on-site nurse. Nurse makes referral to disease management program, as appropriate PCP may contact Coventry to refer a Member to a program by faxing a disease management referral form to (877) 479-8545). See the forms section of this Manual for a sample form Member self-refers through customer service Once the Member is identified as eligible to participate in the program, he or she is stratified by disease severity and placed in one of the following tiers: Tier I - Low: The Member is notified of the appropriate disease management program and provided educational materials through mail. Members are encouraged to contact their disease management nurse if they need assistance, guidance or have any questions regarding their disease. Once a Member is identified as having a disease state, and literature has been mailed, they are automatically enrolled in the disease management program. Members who wish to disenroll in the program will be directed to contact their disease management nurse or call the customer service department. Tier II - Moderate: All of the above interventions as well as a disease management nurse will contact the Member to perform an assessment for their specific condition. Nurses also provide focused education on disease, diet, exercise and medication and discuss the importance of self-management. The nurse will communicate with the Member and their attending physician to coordinate a treatment plan. Tier III - High: Members meeting the highest criteria with CHF, diabetes or asthma are enrolled in a Tier III program. In addition to the components featured in Tier I and Tier II, these Members also receive an in-home monitoring device that records, on a daily basis, clinical data related to their condition. This information is relayed electronically to Coventry which is reviewed by the disease management nurse. If the nurse receives data that indicates an 27 exacerbation or complication of the disease, the Member and physician will be called to facilitate an intervention so the appropriate medical treatment can be provided to the Member in a timely manner. The Member may call a case manager at any time during normal business hours, Monday through Friday, between 8:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. Once the Member is stable, communication will be less frequent; however, the Member may contact the case manager at any time. To speak with a disease case manager call (800) 422-7335 ext. 3405 or (954) 858-3405. You will be connected to the appropriate disease case manager for the following conditions: -Asthma -CHF -Diabetes -Hypertension -Chronic Renal Disease Chronic Care Improvement Program (CCIP) To support the PCP in managing the care of Members with CHF, diabetes, and chronic renal disease, Coventry offers CCIP. Potential Members will be identified by Coventry. To be eligible, the Member must have been enrolled with Coventry for at least six (6) continuous months. Once the Members are identified, Coventry will contact the Member’s PCP to participate in the program. The disease case manager will contact the Member to perform a comprehensive assessment. If indicated Coventry’s licensed social worker will conduct a home visit Member. The disease case manager and the social worker will contact the PCP to develop a care plan. The Member and Member’s family or caregiver will be contacted and provided education on disease state, diet, medication and care plan. Clinical Practice Guidelines Coventry Health Care, Inc. (Coventry) employees make clinical decisions regarding members’ health based on the most appropriate care and service available. Coventry makes these decisions based on appropriate clinical criteria. The clinical guidelines and criteria used by the Health Services Departments are available to practitioners on the health plan website or via access to www.Direct Provider.com. A Member's participation in Coventry’s disease management programs is not a substitute for a physician's medical advice or treatment. Coventry does not intend to exercise any control or direction over a physician's medical judgment or clinical decisions, or to interfere with the physician/patient relationship between Providers and their patients. The following clinical practice guidelines are intended to be educational and informational in nature and are not meant to substitute for a Provider's medical judgment or advice. Diabetes Clinical Practice Guidelines Purpose As part of our goal of providing quality care and improved health outcomes, as well as improving Provider awareness, Coventry supports the use of evidence-based medicine to reduce unnecessary variations in care. For diabetes management, Coventry has adopted the current recommendations from the American Diabetes Association, a recognized, national, expert source on diabetes management. A summary of the standards may be accessed at: http://care.diabetesjournals.org/content/33/Supplement_1/S4.full.pdf1 1 “Please note that not all health insurance and group health plans cover all recommended services. Please check the member’s benefit documents to determine whether their health insurance or group health plan covers these services” 28 This is intended solely as a guide and information source. Coventry recognizes that any management plan should be individualized and developed in coordination with the physician, health care team, patient and family, as deemed necessary. Diabetes is a chronic illness that requires continuing medical care and patient self-management education to prevent acute complications and to reduce the risk of long-term complications. Diabetes care is complex and requires that many issues, beyond glycemic control, be addressed. A large body of evidence exists that supports a range of interventions to improve diabetes outcomes. 29 Guideline Components to be Monitored • Hemoglobin A1C testing • Percentage of Members with Hemoglobin A1c greater than 9% (poor control) • Percentage of Members with Hemoglobin A1c less than 8% (good control) • LDL screening rates • LDL-C control (Less than 100 mg/dL) • Diabetic nephropathy testing • Diabetes – eye examinations Interventions • By evaluating claims data, Coventry will collect data to verify Provider and Member compliance with the guideline recommendations for the above components • Educational information and individual Provider feedback will be provided where compliance rates do not meet benchmark goals • All Members with diabetes will be assessed for participation in the diabetes disease management program, to facilitate achievement of clinical outcome goals Clinical Outcome Goals Hemoglobin A1C level < 8.0% Lipid control: LDL-C < 100 mg./dL Annual eye examination Urine albumin and serum creatinine testing annually Asthma Clinical Practice Guidelines Purpose In its efforts to improve Provider and Member awareness of nationally established practice guidelines for common disease states, Coventry supports the clinical practice guideline for asthma outlined in 2007 by the National Asthma Education and Prevention Program of the National Institutes of Health. Members and Providers may access the asthma clinical practice guideline in its entirety at: http://www.nhbli.nih.gov/guidelines/asthma/index.htm Physicians are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the guideline and to incorporate the guideline into their daily patient management. As with all guidelines, it is intended to offer evidence-based guidance for treating this disease, with the understanding that a physician’s treatment plan for any particular patient will be individualized. It offers a consensus opinion on the standard of care, keeping in mind that variations from it are expected when a patient’s particular clinical circumstances so require. Coventry intends to select several standards from within the guideline each year for particular focus and will monitor rates of adherence to those standards (referenced below as a “monitored standard”). Again, it is understood that deviations from any particular standard may occur based on physician judgment. Nevertheless, the overall rates of compliance will be instructive, and it is Coventry’s goal to improve overall compliance on those standards for appropriate patients. 30 Definitions Asthma severity is classified in persons 5 years of age and older by assessing the level of impairment. The severity level is based on the child’s/caregiver’s recall of the 2-4 weeks just prior to the assessment. • • • • Severe persistent - continual daytime symptoms, frequent nighttime symptoms, and extreme limitation of normal activity Moderate persistent – daily daytime symptoms or symptoms more than one night per week, and some limitation of normal activity Mild persistent – daytime symptoms more than twice per week but less than once a day or symptoms more than two nights per month, and minor limitation of normal activity Intermittent – daytime symptoms less than or equal to two days per week and less than or equal to two nights per month, and no limitation of normal activity Guideline Components To Be Monitored – Coventry will monitor: • The use of inhaled corticosteroids in asthmatic Members age five and older with two or more emergency department visits and/or one inpatient admission for asthma in the past year • The use of long-acting bronchodilators in asthmatic Members age five and older with two or more emergency department visits and/or one inpatient admission for asthma in the past year • The number of asthma-related emergency department visits annually in Members age 5 and older • The number of asthma-related inpatient admissions annually in Members age five and older Data Tracking – Coventry will track all pharmacy claims for inhaled corticosteroids and inhaled long-acting beta agonists and record the following specifics for each claim: • Member name • Provider name/ whether Provider is PCP or specialist • Panel size of Provider Coventry will track claims for the two pharmaceutical agents above and compare claims per 1000 Members against established benchmarks for utilization of these two agents (allowing for mail order claims for up to 90 days of medication per claim). Clinical Outcome Goals • Increased use of inhaled corticosteroids in asthmatic Members • Increased use of long-acting bronchodilators in asthmatic Members • Reduction in number of asthma-related emergency department claims for Coventry Members • Reduction in number of asthma-related inpatient claims for Members 31 Congestive Heart Failure Purpose Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) is a prevalent disease in Medicare Members and that prevalence is reflected in the Coventry Membership. In an effort to improve Provider and Member awareness of nationally established practice guidelines for common disease states, Coventry encourages Providers and Members to use clinical practice guidelines as reference tools for giving and receiving care. Providers are encouraged to familiarize themselves with applicable guidelines and to refer to them in their daily patient management. Coventry recognizes the guideline for CHF management developed by the American College of Cardiology (ACC). A complete copy of the guideline, may be found at: http://content.onlinejacc.org/cgi/reprint/53/15/e1.pdf2 This is intended solely as a guide and information source. Coventry recognizes that any management plan should be individualized, and developed in coordination with the physician, healthcare team, patient, and family, as deemed necessary. Guideline Components To Be Monitored • Prescription fill rates of ACEI/ARB • Prescription fill rates of beta blockers • Annual lipid testing rates Interventions • By evaluating claims data, Coventry will collect data to verify Member and Provider compliance with ACEI/ARB, beta blocker and lipid testing, as recommended by the guideline • Educational information and individual Provider feedback will be provided where compliance rates do not meet benchmark goals • All Members with diabetes will be assessed for participation in the CHF disease management program to facilitate achievement of clinical outcome goals Clinical Outcome Goals • Increased use of ACEI/ARB increased use beta blockers • Appropriate lipid testing rates Skilled Nursing Admissions Skilled nursing facility admissions require pre-authorization. The concurrent review coordinator, as part of the discharge planning process, usually performs pre-authorization of SNF admissions. Following the admission, the concurrent review coordinator will review the stay via the telephone or onsite with the facility case manager (or designated facility review staff). Rehabilitation Admissions Admissions to rehabilitation facilities require pre-authorization, which is often performed by the concurrent review coordinator as a part of discharge planning. Concurrent review may be performed telephonically or onsite. 2 “Please note that not all health insurance and group health plans cover all recommended services. Please check the member’s benefit documents to determine whether their health insurance or group health plan covers these services” 32 Discharge Planning The concurrent review coordinator will begin the discharge planning process at the time of an inpatient, skilled nursing, or rehabilitative facility admission. The concurrent review coordinator will collaborate with the hospital discharge planner and the Member’s physician to ensure that the Member receives all medically necessary covered services available within the Member’s Member Contract at the time of discharge. Second Opinions Florida Statute 641.51 requires that Coventry provide Members with access to a second medical opinion in any instance in which the Member disputes Coventry’s or the Provider’s opinion of the reasonableness or necessity of surgical procedures or is subject to a serious illness or injury. If requested, the Member may select a Provider or a non-participating Provider in the geographical service area of Coventry. If the Member selects a participating Provider, PCPs may issue a referral for the second opinion. If the Member selects a non-participating Provider, the PCP must request a pre-authorization from Coventry. New Medical Technologies Coventry Health Care evaluates benefit coverage for new medical technologies or new applications of existing technologies on an ongoing basis. These technologies may include medical procedures, drugs and devices. The following factors are considered when evaluating the proposed technology: • Input from appropriate regulatory bodies. • Scientific evidence that supports the technology’s positive effect on health outcomes. • The technology’s effect on net health outcomes as it compares to current technology. The evaluation process includes a review of the most current information obtained from a variety of authoritative sources including medical and scientific journals, medical databases and publications from specialty medical societies and the government. 33 Section 8- Quality Improvement Quality Improvement Coventry’s Quality Improvement department identifies high-volume, high-risk and problem prone areas of care and service affecting Members. To the extent required by applicable law and regulations and requirements of applicable accreditation organizations, Coventry’s Quality Improvement department also: Undertakes quality improvement initiatives: • • • Audits medical records and provides feedback on the results of those audits to Providers Conducts retrospective review and investigation of complaints regarding quality of care Shares findings with other committees, such as the Credentialing Committee, Peer Review Committee and Quality Improvement Committee HEDIS™ The Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set (HEDIS®) is a set of standardized performance measures designed to ensure that the public has the information needed to reliably compare performance of managed health care plans. Some frequently asked questions regarding HEDIS data collection are addressed below: Why do health plans collect HEDIS data? The collection and reporting of HEDIS data are required by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) for Medicare Members. Accrediting bodies such as the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA), and many states also require that health plans report HEDIS data. The HEDIS measures are related to many significant public health issues such as cancer, heart disease, asthma, diabetes and utilization of preventive health services. This information is used to identify opportunities for quality improvement for the health plan and to measure the effectiveness of those quality improvement efforts. How are HEDIS measures generated? HEDIS measures can be generated using three different data collection methodologies: • Administrative (uses claims and encounter data) • Hybrid (uses medical record review on a sample of Members along with claims and encounter data) • Survey Why does Coventry need to review medical records when it has claims data for each encounter? Medical record review is an important part of the HEDIS data collection process. The medical record contains information such as lab values, blood pressure readings and results of tests that may not be available in claims/encounter data. Typically, a Coventry employee will call the physician’s office to schedule an appointment for the chart review. If there are only a few charts to be reviewed, the plan may ask the Provider to fax or mail the specific information. How accurate is the HEDIS data reported by the plans? HEDIS results are subjected to a rigorous review by certified HEDIS auditors. Auditors review a sample of all medical record audits performed by the health plan, so the plan may ask for copies of records for audit purposes. Coventry also monitors the quality and inter-rater reliability of their reviewers to ensure the reliability of the information reported. 34 Is patient consent required to share HEDIS related data with Coventry? The HIPAA privacy rule permits a Provider to disclose protected health information to a health plan for the quality –related health care operations of the health plan, including HEDIS, provided that the health plan has or had a relationship with the individual who is the subject of the information, and the protected health information requested pertains to the relationship. See 45 CFR 164.506(c)(4). Thus, a Provider may disclose protected health information to a health plan for the plan’s HEDIS purposes, so long as the period for which information is needed overlaps with the period for which the individual is or was enrolled in the health plan. May the Provider bill Coventry for providing copies of records for HEDIS? According to the terms of a Provider’s Agreement, Providers may not bill either Coventry or the Member for copies of medical records related to HEDIS. How can Providers reduce the burden of the HEDIS data collection process? We recognize that it is in the best interest of both the Provider and Coventry to collect HEDIS data in the most efficient manner possible. Options for reducing this burden include providing Coventry remote access to Provider electronic medical records (EMR) and setting up electronic data exchange from the Provider EMR to Coventry. Please contact your Provider relations representative or Coventry’s Quality Improvement department for more information. How can Providers obtain the results of medical record reviews? Coventry’s quality improvement department can share the results of the medical record reviews performed at your office and show you how your results compare to that of Coventry overall. Please contact your Provider relations representative or Coventry’s quality improvement department for more information. Medical Quality Performance Measure The technical specifications, measures, and score criteria listed below are subject to change at any time based upon changes issued by HEDIS or NCQA. Coventry shall use best efforts to notify Physician of such changes prior to their effective date; however such changes shall not be subject to the formal notice and amendment provisions of the Agreement. At all times, PHYSICIAN shall be evaluated based upon the then-current technical specifications, measures, and score criteria in effect. 1. Evidence Based Medicine Guidelines (EBM) Goal: Improve compliance to the following evidence based guidelines. Bone & Joint Conditions • Osteoporosis management in women who have a fracture. -% of women with t fracture who have either a DEXA of osteoporosis drug in subsequent 6 months (NCQA/HEDIS) - Current Year HEDIS Technical Specifications. Comprehensive Adult Diabetes Care • HbAlc testing - The percentage of members 18 to 75 years of age with diabetes (type 1 and type 2) who had Hemoglobin Alc (HbAlc) testing (NCQA/HEDIS) - Current Year HEDIS Technical Specifications. 35 • Eye exam (retinal) – The percentage of members 18 to 75 years of age with diabetes (type 1 and 2) who had an eye screening for diabetic retinal disease in the measurement year or negative retinal exam in the year prior to the measurement year. (NCQA/HEDIS) - Current Year HEDIS Technical Specifications. • LDL-C screening – The percentage of members 18 to 75 years of age with diabetes (type 1 and 2) who had an LDL-C test performed during the measurement year as identified by claim/encounter or automated laboratory data. (NCQA/HEDIS) - Current Year HEDIS Technical Specifications. Annual Monitoring for Patients on Persistent Medication (on angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors or angiotensin receptor blockers (ARB)) • Annual monitoring for members on ACE/ARB -The percentage of members 18 years of age and older who received at least 180 treatment days of ambulatory medication therapy for a select therapeutic agent during the measurement year and at least one therapeutic monitoring event for the therapeutic agent in the measurement year (NCQA/HEDIS) - Current Year HEDIS Technical Specifications. Antidepressant Medication Management • The percentage of members 18 years of age and older who were diagnosed with a new episode of major depression, treated with antidepressant medication, and who remained on an antidepressant medication treatment. Two rates are reported: 1. Effective Acute Phase Treatment. The percentage of newly diagnosed and treated members who remained on an antidepressant medication for at least 84 days (12 weeks). (NCQA/HEDIS) - Current Year HEDIS Technical Specifications. 2. Effective Continuation Phase Treatment. The percentage of newly diagnosed and treated members who remained on an antidepressant medication for at least 180 days (6 months). (NCQA/HEDIS) - Current Year HEDIS Technical Specifications. Use of Spirometry Testing in the Assessment and Diagnosis of COPD (Measure starts in Year 2) • COPD Spirometry - The percentage of members 40 years of age and older with a new diagnosis or newly active COPD who received appropriate spirometry testing to confirm the diagnosis. (NCQA/HEDIS) - Current Year HEDIS Technical Specifications. Breast Cancer Screening • The percentage of women 42 to 69 years of age with one or more mammograms during the measurement year or the year prior to the measurement year. (NCQA/HEDIS) – Current Year HEDIS Technical Specifications. 36 Colorectal Cancer Screening • The percentage of members 50 to 75 years of age who had an appropriate screening for colon cancer. - (NCQA/HEDIS) - Current Year HEDIS Technical Specifications Glaucoma Screening in Older Adults • The percentage of members 67 years and older, without a prior diagnosis of glaucoma or glaucoma suspect, who had one or more eye exams for glaucoma by an eye care professional. (NCQA/HEDIS) - Current Year HEDIS Technical Specifications Cholesterol Screening for Patients with Heart Disease • The percentage of members with heart disease who had a test for LDL cholesterol in the past year. - (NCQA/HEDIS) - Current Year HEDIS Technical Specifications Heart Failure – ACE and Acceptable Alternatives • The percentage of members 18 years and older identified with congestive heart failure (CHF) and filled a prescription for an ACE-inhibitor, Angiotensin II Receptor Antagonist, Hydralazine or Nitrate medication during the last 120 days of the period through day 90 days after the end of the report period. - (Ingenix custom measure) Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) – ACE and ARB • 2. The percentage of members 18 years and older identified with coronary artery disease (CAD) and filled a prescription for an ACE-inhibitor or Angiotensin II Receptor Antagonist, medication during the last 120 days of the period through day 90 days after the end of the report period- (Ingenix custom measure) Rx Compliance Goal: Improve pharmacy compliance and performance for the following conditions and measures. Acute MI • Beta blocker after heart attack -% of member’s age 35 or greater diagnosed with MI with a prescription for a beta blocker during the measurement year (NCQA/HEDIS) - Current Year HEDIS Technical Specifications. Rate of Generic prescription • Ratio of generics to brand • Formulary compliance rate 37 3. Avoidable ER Goal: Decrease avoidable emergency room visits for select diagnosis codes. This metric will be measured based on a per 1000 utilization rate based on the total Members, Avoidable ER ICD9 diagnosis codes are: ICD-9 Code Short Description ICD-9 Code Short Description 8.8 OTHER ORGANISM, NEC 372.1 CHRONIC CONJUNCTIVITIS 79.99 VIRAL INFECTION NOS 372.14 CHR ALLERGIC CONJUNCTNEC 110 110.5 DERMATOPHYT SCALP/BEARD DERMATOPHYTOSIS OF BODY 372.2 372.3 BLEPHAROCONJUNCTIVITIS CONJUNCTIVITIS NOS 307 SPECIAL SYMPTOM NEC 372.39 CONJUNCTIVITIS NEC 307.2 TIC DISORDER NOS 372.51 PINGUECULA 307.23 GILLES TOURETTE DISORDER 372.71 HYPEREMIA OF CONJUNCTIVA 307.4 307.42 NONORGANIC SLEEP DISORD PERSISTENT INSOMNIA 372.72 372.73 CONJUNCTIVAL HEMORRHAGE CONJUNCTIVAL EDEMA 307.46 SOMNAMBULISM/NGHT TERROR 372.74 CONJUNCTIVA VASC ANOMALY 307.47 SLEEP STAGE DYSFUNCT NEC 372.89 OTHER DISORDERS OF CONJUNCTIVA 307.5 EATING DISORDERS NEC/NOS 372.9 CONJUNCTIVA DISORDER NOS 307.59 EATING DISORDER NEC 380 DISORDER OF EXTERNAL EAR 307.8 PSYCHOGENIC PAIN NOS 380.1 INFEC OTITIS EXTERNA NOS 307.81 TENSION HEADACHE 380.11 ACUTE INFECTION OF PINNA 307.9 SPECIAL SYMPTOM NEC/NOS 380.12 ACUTE SWIMMERS' EAR 311 346 DEPRESSIVE DISORDER NEC MIGRAINE MIGRAINE W/O AURA W/O INTRACTABLE MIGRAINE W/O STATUS MIGRAINOSUS 380.22 380.31 ACUTE OTITIS EXTERNA NEC HEMATOMA AURICLE/PINNA 380.39 NONINFECT PBX PINNA NEC 380.4 IMPACTED CERUMEN 380.89 DISORD EXTERNAL EAR NEC 380.9 381 DISORD EXTERNAL EAR NOS AC NONSUP OTITIS MEDIA 381.01 ACUTE SEROUS OTITIS MEDIA 381.02 AC MUCOID OTITIS MEDIA 381.1 381.6 CHR SEROUS OM SIMP/NOS NONSUPPURATIVE OTITIS MEDIA, NOT SPEC.AS ACUTE OR CHRONIC ET OBSTRUCTION 381.81 DYSFUNCT EUSTACHIAN TUBE 382 AC SUPPUR OTITIS MEDIA ACUTE SUPPURATIVE OTITIS W/EAR DRUM RUPTURE 346.1 346.2 VARIANTS OF MIGRAINE 346.8 MIGRAINE NEC MIGRAINE, UNSPEC, W/O INTRACTABLE MIGRAINE W/O STATUS MIGRAINOSUS 346.9 354 CARPAL TUNNEL SYNDROME 354.2 354.3 ULNAR NERVE LESION RADIAL NERVE LESION 354.9 MONONEURITIS ARM NOS 372 ACUTE CONJUNCTIVITIS NOS 372.01 SEROUS CONJUNCTIVITIS 372.03 372.05 MUCOPURULENT CONJUNCTNEC AC ATOPIC CONJUNCTIVITIS 381.4 382.01 38 ICD-9 Code ICD-9 Code Short Description 473.9 CHRONIC SINUSITIS NOS 477 ALLERGIC RHINITIS 477.1 ALLERGIC RHINITIS DUE TO FOOD 477.2 ALLERG RHINITIS DUE TO ANIM 477.8 ALLERGIC RHINITIS NEC 477.9 382.9 Short Description CHRONIC TUBOTYMPANIC SUPPURATAIVE OTITIS MEDIA CHRONIC ATTICOANTRAL SUPPURATIVE OTITIS MEDIA UNSPEC CHRONIC SUPPURATIVE OTITIS MEDIA UNSPECIFIED SUPPURATIVE OTITIS MEDIA OTITIS MEDIA NOS 388.2 SUDDEN HEARING LOSS NOS 486 ALLERGIC RHINITIS NOS OTHER DISEASE OF NASAL CAVITY AND SINUSES PNEUMONIA, ORGANISM NOS 388.3 TINNITUS NOS 490 BRONCHITIS NOS 388.4 388.6 OTH ABN AUDITORY PERCEP OTORRHEA 491 388.69 OTORRHEA NEC 388.7 OTALGIA 388.71 OTOGENIC PAIN 491.21 491.22 CHRONIC BRONCHITIS OBSTRUCTIVE CHRONIC BRONCHITIS, W/O ACUTE EXACERBATION OCB W ACUTE EXACERBATION OBSTRUCT CHRON BRONCH W/ACUT 388.8 388.9 OTHER DISORDERS OF EAR DISORDER OF EAR NOS 491.8 CHRONIC BRONCHITIS NEC 491.9 CHRONIC BRONCHITIS NOS 460 ACUTE NASOPHARYNGITIS 461 AC MAXILLARY SINUSITIS 493.9 493.92 ASTHMA W/O STATUS ASTH ASTHMA,UNSPEC W ACUTE EXAC 461.1 AC FRONTAL SINUSITIS 520.6 TOOTH ERUPTION DISTURB 461.2 461.8 AC ETHMOIDAL SINUSITIS OTHER ACUTE SINUSITIS 520.7 TEETHING SYNDROME 520.9 TOOTH DEVEL/ERUPT DISNOS 461.9 ACUTE SINUSITIS NOS 462 ACUTE PHARYNGITIS 521 522.5 HARD TISSUE DIS OF TEETH PERIAPICAL ABSCESS W/O SINUS 463 ACUTE TONSILLITIS 525.9 464 ACUTE LARYNGITIS 464.1 AC TRACHEITIS NO OBSTR 464.2 AC LARYNGOTRACH NO OBSTR 465 AC URI MULT SITES/NOS 555.9 465.8 ACUTE URI MULT SITES NEC 465.9 ACUTE URI NOS 556.6 466 ACUTE BRONCHITIS 556.9 466.19 AC BRONCHIOLITIS ORG NEC 558.3 473 CHR MAXILLARY SINUSITIS 473.1 473.2 CHR FRONTAL SINUSITIS CHR ETHMOIDAL SINUSITIS 558.9 564 DENTAL DISORDER NOS REGIONAL ENTERITIS, SMALL INTESTINE REGIONAL ENTERITIS, LARGE INTESTINE REGIONAL ENTERITIS NOS UNIVERSAL ULCERATIVE CHRONIC COLITIS ULCERATIVE COLITIS NOS ALLERGIC GASTROENTERITIS AND COLITIS OTHER AND UNSPEC NONINFECTIOUS GASTROENTERITIS AND COLITIS FUNCT DIGESTIVE DIS NEC 473.3 CHR SPHENOIDAL SINUSITIS 564.01 SLOW TRANSIT CONSTIPATION 382.1 382.2 382.3 382.4 478.19 491.2 555 555.1 39 ICD-9 Code Short Description ICD-9 Code Short Description 564.09 OTHER CONSTIPATION 690.12 SEBORRHEIC INFANTILE DERMATITIS 564.1 690.18 OTHER SEBORRHEIC DERMATITIS 691 564.9 IRRITABLE BOWEL SYNDROME OTHER FUNCTIONAL DISORDERS OF INTESTINE FUNCT DISORD INTEST NOS 595 CYSTITIS 692 595.1 CHR INTERSTIT CYSTITIS 595.89 595.9 CYSTITIS NEC CYSTITIS NOS 692.3 599 URIN TRACT INFECTION NOS 599.1 URETHRAL FISTULA 692.4 599.5 PROLAPSE URETHRAL MUCOSA 599.7 599.84 HEMATURIA, UNSPECIFIED URETHRAL DISORDER NEC 692.5 599.9 URINARY TRACT DIS NOS 623.8 NONINFL DISORD VAG NEC 692.6 648.93 681 OTH CCE ANTEPARTUM CELLULITIS OF FINGER 681.01 FELON ONYCHIA AND PARONYCHIA OF FINGER CELLULITIS OF TOE 692.76 ATOPIC DERMATITIS OTHER ATOPIC DERMATITIS AND RELATED CONDITIONS CONTACT DERMATITIS CONTACT DERMA/ECZEMA, DUE TO DRUGS/MEDICINES IN CONTACT WITH SKIN CONTACT DERMATITIS AND OTHER ECZEMA, DUE TO OTHER CHEMICAL PRODUCTS CONTACT DERMATITIS AND OTHER ECZEMA,DUE TO FOOD IN CONTACT W/SKIN CONTACT DERMATITIS AND OTHER ECZEMA, DUE TO PLANTS(EXCEPT FOOD) SOLAR RADIATION DERM CONTACT DERMATITIS AND OTHER ECZEMA,DUE TO SUNBURN SUNBURN OF SECOND DEGREE 692.81 COSMETIC DERMATITIS 564.89 681.02 681.1 691.8 692.7 692.71 692.82 RADIATION DERMATITIS NEC 692.83 DERMATITIS DUE TO METALS DERMATITIS DUE TO ANIMAL (CAT)(DOG) DANDER DERMATITIS NEC 684 ONYCHIA AND PARONYCHIA OF TOE CELLULITIS AND ABSCESS OF DIGIT NOS OTHER CELLULITIS AND ABSCESS, UPPER ARM AND FOREARM OTHER CELLULITIS AND ABSCESS, BUTTOCK OTHER CELLULITIS AND ABSCESS, LEG, EXCEPT FOOT OTHER CELLULITIS AND ABSCESS, FOOT, EXCEPT TOES OTHER CELLULITIS AND ABSCESS, OTHER SPEC SITES OTHER CELLULITIS AND ABSCESS, UNSPECIFIED SITE IMPETIGO 690.1 SEBORR DERMATITIS NOS 690.11 SEBORRHEA CAPITIS 681.11 681.9 682.3 682.5 682.6 682.7 682.8 682.9 692.84 692.89 692.9 700 DERMATITIS NOS DERMATITIS DUE TO DRUGS AND MEDICINES DERMATITIS DUE TO FOOD DERMATITIIS DUE TO UNSPEC SUBSTANCE TAKEN INTERNALLY CORNS AND CALLOSITIES 703 INGROWING NAIL 703.8 DISEASES OF NAIL NEC 704 ALOPECIA 704.01 ALOPECIA AREATA 704.8 HAIR DISEASES NEC 704.9 HAIR DISEASE NOS 693 693.1 693.9 40 ICD-9 Code Short Description ICD-9 Code Short Description 705 DISORDERS OF SWEAT GLAND 726.65 PREPATELLAR BURSITIS 705.1 PRICKLY HEAT 726.69 ENTHESOPATHY OF KNEE NEC 705.81 DYSHIDROSIS 726.71 ACHILLES TENDINITIS 705.89 SWEAT GLAND DISORDER NEC 726.73 CALCANEAL SPUR 706.1 ACNE NEC 726.79 ANKLE ENTHESOPATHY NEC 706.2 SEBACEOUS CYST 726.9 ENTHESOPATHY, SITE NOS 706.3 706.8 SEBORRHEA SEBACEOUS GLAND DIS NEC 729.1 729.2 MYALGIA AND MYOSITIS NOS NEURALGIA/NEURITIS NOS 708.9 URTICARIA NOS 729.5 PAIN IN LIMB 719.41 JOINT PAIN SHOULD 729.81 SWELLING OF LIMB 719.46 JOINT PAIN L/LEG 729.82 CRAMP IN LIMB 719.47 723.1 JOINT PAIN ANKLE CERVICALGIA 780.4 780.6 DIZZINESS AND GIDDINESS FEVER 724 BACK DISORDER NEC NOS 780.8 HYPERHIDROSIS 724.1 PAIN IN THORACIC SPINE 780.96 GENERALIZED PAIN 724.2 724.3 LUMBAGO SCIATICA 782 782.1 SKIN/OTH INTEGUMENT SX NONSPECIF SKIN ERUPT NEC 724.4 LUMBOSACRAL NEURITIS NOS 782.2 LOCAL SUPERF SWELLNG 724.5 BACKACHE NOS 782.3 EDEMA 724.6 DISORDERS OF SACRUM 782.4 JAUNDICE NOS 724.79 724.8 DISORDER OF COCCYX NEC OTHER BACK SYMPTOMS 782.62 782.7 FLUSHING SPONTANEOUS ECCHYMOSES 724.9 BACK DISORDER NOS 782.8 CHANGES IN SKIN TEXTURE 726 ADHESIVE CAPS SHOULD 782.9 INTEGUMENT TISS SX NEC 726.1 ROTATOR CUFF SYND NOS 784 SX INVOLVING HEAD/NECK 726.11 726.12 CALCIF TENDINITIS SHOULD BICIPITAL TENOSYNOVITIS 784.1 784.2 726.19 ROTATOR CUFF DISORD NEC 726.2 SHOULD REGION DISORD NEC 726.31 MEDIAL EPICONDYLITIS 784.5 THROAT PAIN SWELLING IN HEAD & NECK OTHER VOICE AND RESONANCE DISORDERS SPEECH DISTURBANCE NEC 726.32 726.33 LATERAL EPICONDYLITIS OLECRANON BURSITIS 786 DYSPNEA/RESPIRATORY ABN 726.4 ENTHESOPATHY OF WRIST 786.01 786.02 HYPERVENTILATION ORTHOPNEA 726.5 ENTHESOPATHY OF HIP 786.05 SHORTNESS OF BREATH 726.6 ENTHESOPATHY OF KNEE 786.06 TACHYPNEA 726.61 726.64 PES ANSERINUS TENDINITIS PATELLAR TENDINITIS 786.07 WHEEZING 786.09 RESPIRATORY ABNORM NEC 784.49 41 ICD-9 Code Short Description ICD-9 Code Short Description 786.2 COUGH 789.04 LLQ ABDOMINAL PAIN 786.3 HEMOPTYSIS 789.05 PERIUMBILIC ABD PAIN 786.51 PRECORDIAL PAIN 789.06 EPIGASTRIC ABD PAIN 786.52 PAINFUL RESPIRATION 789.07 GENERALIZED ABD PAIN 786.6 CHEST SWELLING/MASS/LUMP 789.09 ABDOMINAL PAIN SITE NEC 786.7 ABNORMAL CHEST SOUNDS 789.1 HEPATOMEGALY 786.8 786.9 HICCOUGH RESP SYST/CHEST SX NEC 789.2 789.3 SPLENOMEGALY ABD/PELVIC SWELLING NEC 787.01 NAUSEA WITH VOMITING 789.31 RUQ ABD/PELVIC SWELLING 787.02 NAUSEA ALONE 789.32 LUQ ABD/PELVIC SWELLING 787.03 VOMITING ALONE 789.33 RLQ ABD/PELVIC SWELLING 787.1 787.2 HEARTBURN DYSPHAGIA 789.34 789.35 LLQ ABD/PELVIC SWELLING PERIUMB ABD/PELV SWELLNG 787.3 FLATUL, ERUCT & GAS PAIN 789.36 EPIGASTRIC SWELLING 787.4 VISIBLE PERISTALSIS 789.39 ABD/PELV SWELL SITE NEC 787.6 787.7 INCONTINENCE OF FECES ABNORMAL FECES 789.5 789.6 ASCITES ABDOMINAL TENDERNESS 787.91 DIARRHEA 789.61 RUQ ABDOMINAL TENDERNESS 787.99 OTH GI SYSTEM SYMPTOMS 789.63 RLQ ABDOMINAL TENDERNESS 788 RENAL COLIC 789.64 LLQ ABDOMINAL TENDERNESS 788.1 788.21 789.65 789.66 PERIUMBILIC TENDERNESS EPIGASTRIC TENDERNESS 789.67 GENERAL ABD TENDERNESS 788.36 DYSURIA INCOMPL BLADDER EMPTYING UNSPECIFIED URINARY INCONTINENCE NOCTURNAL ENURESIS 789.69 ABD TENDERNESS SITE NEC 788.39 URINARY INCONTINENCE NEC 789.9 ABDOMEN/PELVIS SX NEC 788.41 URINARY FREQUENCY 788.42 POLYURIA 799.2 799.89 NERVOUS OTHER ILL DEFINED CONDITIONS 788.63 URGENCY OF URINATION 799.9 UNKN CAUSE MORB/MORT NEC 788.64 URINARY HESITANCY 826 FRACTURE PHALANGES, FOOT 788.69 URINATION ABNORMALTY NEC 840.8 SPRAIN SHOULDER/ARM NEC 788.7 URETHRAL DISCHARGE 788.9 URINARY SYS SYMPTOM NEC 840.9 842 SPRAIN SHOULDER/ARM NOS SPRAIN OF WRIST 789 ABDOMINAL PAIN 842.1 SPRAIN OF HAND NOS 789.01 RUQ ABDOMINAL PAIN 844.9 SPRAIN OF KNEE & LEG NOS 789.02 LUQ ABDOMINAL PAIN 845 SPRAIN OF ANKLE NOS 789.03 RLQ ABDOMINAL PAIN 847 847.2 SPRAIN OF NECK SPRAIN LUMBAR REGION 788.3 42 ICD-9 Code Short Description ICD-9 Code Short Description 873 OTHER OPEN WOUND OF HEAD 924.2 CONTUSION ANKLE FOOT 873.4 OPEN WOUND OF FACE 931 FOREIGN BODY IN EAR 873.42 OPEN WOUND OF FOREHEAD 959.01 HEAD INJURY, UNSPECIFIED 873.43 OPEN WOUND OF LIP 959.9 INJURY OF FACE AND NECK 873.44 OPEN WOUND OF JAW 959.3 ELB/FOREARM/WR INJ NOS 882 OPEN WOUND HAND/S COMP 959.5 FINGER INJURY NOS 883 883.1 OPEN WOUND OF FINGER OPEN WOUND FINGER COMP 959.7 959.9 LOWER LEG INJURY NOS INJURY SITE NOS 891 OP WND LOW LEG /S COMP 995.3 ALLERGY, UNSPECIFIED 892 OPEN WOUND FOOT/S COMP 34 910 SUPERFICIAL INJURY HEAD 918.1 919.4 SUPERFICIAL INJ CORNEA INSECT BITE NEC 920 CONTUSION FACE/SCALP/NCK 922.1 CONTUSION OF CHEST WALL 922.31 923.2 BACK CONTUSION CONTUSION OF WRIST/HAND 923.3 CONTUSION OF FINGER STREPTOCCOCAL SORE THROAT ENCOUNTER FOR CHG OR REMOVAL SURGICAL WOUND DRESSING ENCOUNTER FOR REMOVAL OF SUTURES FOLLOW UP EXAM NEC ISSUE REPEAT PRESCRIPT OBSERVATION FOLLOWING OTHER ACCIDENT OTHER SPECIF SUSPECTED CONDIT 924.1 CONTUSION KNEE/LOWER LEG 924.11 CONTUSION OF KNEE 4. V58.31 V58.32 V67.59 V68.1 V71.4 V71.89 Follow up Visit Within 2 Weeks after Inpatient Discharge Goal: Reduce unnecessary readmissions. • Measured by a Member follow up office visit to PCP, or a Cardiologist, Pulmonologist or Endocrinology specialist 2 weeks after an inpatient admission for a Heart Failure, COPD, Pneumonia, Atrial Fibrillation and/or Diabetes condition. • Follow up visits will be measured 2 weeks after the discharged date. Coventry will measure the ratio of E&M CPT codes 992XX and 993XX from PCP, or a Cardiologist, Pulmonologist or Endocrinology specialist to total discharge for the following inpatient discharge diagnosis: Code Code Description Condition 427.3 ATRIAL FIB/FLUTTER Atrial Fibrillation 427.31 427.32 ATRIAL FIBRILLATION ATRIAL FLUTTER Atrial Fibrillation Atrial Fibrillation 398.91 RHEUMATIC HEART FAILURE (CONGESTIVE CHF 402.01 Malignant hypertensive heart disease ; with heart failure CHF 43 Code Code Description Condition 402.11 Benign hypertensive heart disease; with heart failure CHF 402.91 Unspecified hypertensive heart disease; with heart failure CHF 404.01 Malignant Hypertensive heart and chronic kidney disease; with heart failure and with chronic kidney disease stage I through stage IV, or unspecified CHF 404.11 Benign Hypertensive heart and chronic kidney disease; with heart failure and with chronic kidney disease stage I through stage IV, or unspecified CHF 404.91 Unspecified hypertensive heart disease; with heart failure and with chronic kidney disease stage I through stage IV, or unspecified CHF 425.4 Other primary cardiomyopathies; Cardiomyopathy not otherwise specified includes congestive CHF 428 428.1 Congestive heart failure, unspecified (code actually 428.0) LEFT HEART FAILURE CHF CHF 428.2 UNSPECIFIED SYSTOLIC HEART FAILURE (code actually 428.20) CHF 428.21 ACUTE SYSTOLIC HEART FAILURE CHF 428.22 CHRONIC SYSTOLIC HEART FAILURE CHF 428.23 428.3 Systolic heart failure: Acute on chronic UNSPECIFIED DIASTOLIC HEART FAILURE (code actually 428.30 CHF CHF 428.31 ACUTE DIASTOLIC HEART FAILURE CHF 428.32 CHRONIC DIASTOLIC HEART FAILURE CHF 428.33 428.4 Diastolic heart failure; acute on chronic Unspecified; Combined systolic and diastolic heart failure CHF CHF 428.41 Acute; Combined systolic and diastolic heart failure CHF 428.42 Chronic; Combined systolic and diastolic heart failure CHF 428.43 Acute on Chronic: Combined systolic and diastolic heart failure CHF 428.9 HEART FAILURE, UNSPEC CHF 429.4 Heart failure following cardiac surgery or due to prosthesis CHF 491 CHRONIC BRONCHITIS COPD 491.1 MUCOPURUL CHR BRONCHITIS COPD 491.2 OBSTR CHR BRONCHITIS COPD 491.2 OCB NO EXACERBATION COPD 491.21 OCB W ACUTE EXACERBATION COPD 491.22 OBSTRUCT CHRON BRONCH W/ACUT COPD 491.8 CHRONIC BRONCHITIS NEC COPD 491.9 CHRONIC BRONCHITIS NOS COPD 492 492 EMPHYSEMA EMPHYSEMATOUS BLEB COPD COPD 44 Code Code Description Condition 492.8 EMPHYSEMA NEC COPD 496 CHR AIRWAY OBSTR NEC COPD 496 CHRONIC AIRWAY OBSTRUCTION NOS COPD 250 DIABETES MELLITUS Diabetes 250 DM2 UNCOMP NSU Diabetes 250.01 DM1 UNCOMP NSU Diabetes 250.02 250.03 DM2 UNCOMP UNC DM1 UNCOMP UNC Diabetes Diabetes 250.1 DM2 W KETOACIDOSIS NSU Diabetes 250.11 DM1 W KETOACIDOSIS NSU Diabetes 250.12 DM2 W KETOACIDOSIS UNC Diabetes 250.13 250.2 DM1 W KETOACIDOSIS UNC DM2 HYPEROSMOLARITY NSU Diabetes Diabetes 250.21 DM1 HYPEROSMOLARITY NSU Diabetes 250.22 DMII HYPEROSMOLARITY UNC Diabetes 250.23 250.3 DM1 HYPEROSMOLARITY UNC DM2 COMA NEC, NSU Diabetes Diabetes 250.31 DM1 COMA NEC, NSU Diabetes 250.32 DM2 W COMA NEC, UNC Diabetes 250.33 DM1 W COMA NEC, UNC Diabetes 250.4 250.41 DM2 RENAL MANIFEST, NSU DM1 RENAL MANIFEST, NSU Diabetes Diabetes 250.42 DM2 W RENAL MANFEST, UNC Diabetes 250.43 DM1 W RENAL MANFEST, UNC Diabetes 250.5 DM2 W EYE MANIFEST, NSU Diabetes 250.51 250.52 DM1 W EYE MANIFEST, NSU DM2 W EYE MANIFEST, UNC Diabetes Diabetes 250.53 DM1 W EYE MANIFEST, UNC Diabetes 250.6 DM2 NEURO MANIFEST, NSU Diabetes 250.61 DM1 NEURO MANIFEST NSU Diabetes 250.62 250.63 DM2 W NEURO MANFEST UNC DM1 W NEURO MANFEST UNC Diabetes Diabetes 250.7 DM2 W CIRC DISORD, NSU Diabetes 250.71 DM1 W CIRC DISORD, NSU Diabetes 250.72 DM2 W CIRC DISORD UNC Diabetes 250.73 250.8 DM1 W CIRC DISORD UNC DM2 W MANIFEST NEC, NSU Diabetes Diabetes 45 Code Code Description Condition 250.81 DM1 W MANIFEST NEC, NSU Diabetes 250.82 DM2 W MANIFEST NEC, UNC Diabetes 250.83 DM1 W MANIFEST NEC, UNC Diabetes 250.9 DM2 W COMP NOS, NSU Diabetes 250.91 DM1 W COMP NOS, NSU Diabetes 250.92 DM2 W COMP NOS, UNC Diabetes 250.93 357.2 DM1 W COMP NOS, UNC NEUROPATHY IN DIABETES Diabetes Diabetes 362 RETINAL DISORDERS NEC Diabetes 362.01 DIABETIC RETINOPATHY NOS Diabetes 362.02 PROLIF DM RETINOPATHY Diabetes 362.03 362.04 NONPROLIF DIABETIC RETINOPATHY MILD NONPROLIF DIABETIC RETINO Diabetes Diabetes 362.05 MODERATE DIABETIC RETINOPATHY Diabetes 362.06 SEVERE DIABETIC RETINOPATHY Diabetes 362.07 366.41 DIABETIC MACULAR EDEMA DIABETIC CATARACT Diabetes Diabetes V58.67 LONG-TERM/CURRENT USE OF INSULIN Diabetes 3.22 SALMONELLA PNEUMONIA Pneumonia 11.6 TB PNEUMONIA (ANY FORM) Pneumonia 11.6 11.61 TB PNEUMONIA (ANY FORM), UNSPEC EXAM TB PNEUMONIA (ANY FORM), BACTERIO/HISTO NOT DONE Pneumonia Pneumonia 11.62 TB PNEUMONIA (ANY FORM), BACTERIO/HISTO RESULTS UNKNOWN Pneumonia 11.63 TB PNEUMONIA (ANY FORM), BACILLI FOUND IN SPUTUM BY MICRO Pneumonia 11.64 TB PNEUMONIA (ANY FORM), BACILLI NOT IN SPUTUM BY MICRO BUT BY BACT CX Pneumonia 11.65 TB PNEUMONIA (ANY FORM), BACILLI NOT BY BACTERIO EXAM BUT HISTO Pneumonia 11.66 TB PNEUMONIA (ANY FORM), BACILLI NOT BY BACTERIO/HISTO BUT OTH METHOD Pneumonia 41.3 KLEBSIELLA PNEUMONIAE Pneumonia 55.1 POSTMEASLES PNEUMONIA Pneumonia 73 ORNITHOSIS PNEUMONIA Pneumonia 115.05 HISTOPLASMA CAPSULATUM PNEUMONIA Pneumonia 115.15 H DUBOISII PNEUMONIA Pneumonia 115.95 480 HISTOPLASMOSIS PNEUMONIA VIRAL PNEUMONIA Pneumonia Pneumonia 46 Code Code Description Condition 480 ADENOVIRAL PNEUMONIA Pneumonia 480.1 RSV PNEUMONIA Pneumonia 480.3 SARS CORONAVIR PNEUMONIA Pneumonia 480.8 VIRAL PNEUMONIA NEC Pneumonia 480.9 VIRAL PNEUMONIA NOS Pneumonia 481 PNEUMOCOCCAL PNEUMONIA Pneumonia 482 482 OTH BACTERIAL PNEUMONIA K. PNEUMONIAE PNEUMONIA Pneumonia Pneumonia 482.1 PSEUDOMONAL PNEUMONIA Pneumonia 482.2 H.INFLUENZAE PNEUMONIA Pneumonia 482.3 STREPTOCOCCAL PNEUMONIA Pneumonia 482.3 482.31 STREPTOCOC PNEUMONIA NOS GRP A STREP PNEUMONIA Pneumonia Pneumonia 482.32 GRP B STREP PNEUMONIA Pneumonia 482.39 STREP PNEUMONIA NEC Pneumonia 482.4 STAPHYLOCOCCAL PNEUMONIA Pneumonia 482.41 METHICILLIN SUSCEPTIBLE PNEUMONIA DUE TO STAPHYLOCOCCUS AUREUS Pneumonia 482.42 METHICILLIN RESISTANT PNEUMONIA DUE TO STAPHYLOCOCCUS AUREUS Pneumonia 482.49 STRAPHYLOCOCCUS PNEUMONIA Pneumonia 482.8 BACTERIAL PNEUMONIA NEC Pneumonia 482.81 482.82 PNEUMONIA D/T ANAEROBES E. COLI PNEUMONIA Pneumonia Pneumonia 482.83 GRAM NEG PNEUMONIA NEC Pneumonia 482.89 BACTERIAL PNEUMONIA-NEC Pneumonia 482.9 BACTERIAL PNEUMONIA NOS Pneumonia 483 PNEUMONIA: ORGANISM NEC Pneumonia 483 M.PNEUMONIAE PNEUMONIA Pneumonia 483.1 CHLAMYDIAL PNEUMONIA Pneumonia 483.8 PNEUMONIA-OTH SPEC ORG Pneumonia 484.3 PNEUMONIA IN WHOOP COUGH Pneumonia 484.5 485 PNEUMONIA IN ANTHRAX BRONCHOPNEUMONIA ORG NOS Pneumonia Pneumonia 486 PNEUMONIA, ORGANISM NOS Pneumonia 487 INFLUENZA WITH PNEUMONIA Pneumonia 517.1 RHEUMATIC PNEUMONIA Pneumonia 47 Code Code Description Condition 770 CONGENITAL PNEUMONIA Pneumonia 997.31 VENTILATOR ASSOCIATED PNEUMONIA Pneumonia 5. Preventable IP Admissions Goal: Prevent unnecessary inpatient admissions. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Admission Rate. Numerator: All Member non-maternal discharges of age 18 years and older with ICD-9-CM principal diagnosis code for COPD. Include ICD-9-CM diagnosis codes: Code Code Description Code Code Description 466.0 AC BRONCHITIS* 494 BRONCHIECTASIS OCTOO491.9 CHRONIC BRONCHITIS NOS 491.20 OBS CHR BRNC WIO ACT EXA 490 BRONCHITIS NOS* 494.0 BRONCH IECTAS WIO AC EXAC OCTOO492.0 EMPHYSEMATOUS BLEB 491.21 OBS CHR BRNC W ACTEXA 491.0 SIMPLE CHR BRONCHITIS 494.1 BRONCHIECTASIS W AC EXAC OCTOO492.8 EMPHYSEMA NEC 491.8 CHRONIC BRONCHITIS NEC 491.1 MUCOPURUL CHR BRONCHITIS 496 CHR AIRWAY OBSTRUCT NEC *Qualifies only if accompanied by secondary diagnosis of 491.xx, 492.x, 494.x or 496 (i.e., any other code on this list). Exclude cases: • transfer from a hospital (different facility) • transfer from a skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) or Intermediate Care Facility (ICF) • transfer from another health care facility • MDC 14 (pregnancy, childbirth, and puerperium) Denominator: Member population, age 18 years and older CHF Admission Rate. Numerator: All Member non-maternal discharges of age 18 years and older with ICD-9-CM principal diagnosis code for CHF. Include ICD-9-CM diagnosis codes: Code Code Description 398.91 RHEUMATIC HEART FAILURE 428.31 AC DIASTOLIC HRT FAILURE OCT02 428.0 CONGESTIVE HEART FAILURE 428.32 CHR DIASTOLIC HRT FAIL OCT02428.1 LEFT HEART FAILURE 428.33 AC ON CHR DIAST HRT FAIL OCT02428.20 SYSTOLIC HRT FAILURE NOS OCT02428.40 SYST/DIAST HRT FAIL NOS OCT02428.21 AC SYSTOLIC HRT FAILURE OCT02- 48 Code 428.41 428.22 428.42 428.23 42843 428.30 428.9 Code Description AC SYSTIDIASTOL HRT FAIL OCT02 CHR SYSTOLIC HRT FAILURE OCT02CHR SYST/DIASTL HRT FAIL OCT02 AC ON CHR SYST HRT FAIL OCT02AC/CHR SYST/DIA HRT FAIL OCT02DIASTOLC HRT FAILURE NOS OCT02HEART FAILURE NOS Exclude ICD-9·CM diagnosis codes: Code Description 402.01 MAL HYPERT HRT DIS W CHF 404.11 BEN HYPER HRT/REN W CHF 402.11 BENIGN HYP HRT DIS W CHF 404.13 BEN HYP HRT/REN W CHF/RF 402.91 HYPERTEN HEART DIS W CHF 404.91 HYPER HRT/REN NOS W CHF 404.01 MAL HYPER HRT/REN W CHF 404.93 HYP HT/REN NOS W CHF/RF 404.03 MAL HYP HRT/REN W CHF/RF Exclude cases: • transfer from a hospital (different facility) • transfer from a skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) or Intermediate Care Facility (ICF) • transfer from another health care facility • MDC 14 (pregnancy, childbirth, and puerperium) • with cardiac procedure codes in any field (see list of ICD-9 - CM below) Exclude ICD-9-CM Cardiac procedure codes: Code 005.0 005.1 005.7 005.2 005.3 006.6 350.0 005.4 350.1 005.6 350.2 350.3 361.2 350.4 361.3 351.0 3614 Code Description IMPL CRT PACEMAKER SYS OCT02-0CT06IMPL CRT DEFIBRILLAT OCT02IMP/REP SUBCUE CARD DEV IMP/REP LEAD LF VEN SYS OCT02- OCT06IMP/REP CRT PACEMKR GEN PTCA OCT06-0CT02CLOSED VALVOTOMY NOS IMP/REP CRT DEFIB GENAT OCT02CLOSED AORTIC VALVOTOMY INS/REP IMPL SENSOR LEAD CLOSED MITRAL VALVOTOMY CLOSED PULMON VALVOTOMY AORTOCOR BYPAS-2 COR ART CLOSED TRICUSP VALVOTOMY AORTOCOR BYPAS-3 COR ART OPEN VALVULOPLASTY NOS AORTCOR BYPAS-4+ COR ART 45 Code 351.1 361.51 351.2 361.62 351.3 361.7 351.4 361.9 352.0 362. 352.1 363 352.2 363.1 352.3 363.2 352.4 363.3 352.5 352.6 363.4 352.7 352.8 363.9 353.1 369.1 353.2 369.9 353.3 373.1 353.4 373.2 353.5 373.3 353.9 373.4 354.1 373.5 354.2 373.6 355.0 355.1 355.2 374.1 355.3 355.4 375. Code Description OPN AORTIC VALVULOPLASTY INT MAM·COR ART BYPASS OPN MITRAL VALVULOPLASTY INT MAM·COR ART BYPASS OPN PULMON VALVULOPLASTY ABD·CORON ART BYPASS OCT96 OPN TRICUS VALVULOPLASTY HRT REVAS BYPS ANAS NEC REPLACE HEART VALVE NOS ARTERIAL IMPLANT REVASC REPLACE AORT VALV· TISSUE OTH HEART REVASCULAR REPLACE AORTIC VALVE NEC OPEN CHESTTRANS REVASC REPLACE MITR VALV·TISSUE OTH TRANSMYO REVASCULAR REPLACE MITRAL VALVE NEC ENDO TRANSMYO REVASCULAR REPLACE PULM VALV·TISSUE OCT06REPLACE PULMON VALVE NEC PERC TRANSMYO REVASCULAR REPLACE TRIC VALV· TISSUE REPLACE TRICUSP VAL V NEC OTH HEART REVASULAR PAPILLARY MUSCLE OPS CORON VESS ANEURYSM REP CHORDAE TENDINEAE OPS HEART VESSLE OP NEC ANNULOPLASTY PERICARDIECTOMY INFUNDIBULECTOMY HEART ANEURYSM EXCISION TRABECUL CARNEAE CORD OP EXC/DEST HRT LESION OPEN TISS ADJ TO VAL V OPS NEC EXC/DEST HRT LES OTHER ENLARGE EXISTING SEP DEF PARTIAL VENTRICULECTOMY CREATE SEPTAL DEFECT EXCISION OR DESTRUCTION OF PROSTH REP HRT SEPTA NOS LEFT ATRIAL APPENDAGE (LAA) PROS REP ATRIAL DEF·OPN OCT08PROS REPAIR ATRIA DEF·CL IMPLANT PROSTH CARD SUPPORT PROST REPAIR VENTRIC DEF DEV OCT06 PROS REP ENDOCAR CUSHION HEART TRANSPLANTATION (NOT 46 Code 355.5 375.1 356.0 375.2 356.1 375.3 356.2 356.3 375.4 357.0 357.1 375.5 357.2 357.3 358.1 376.0 358.2 358.3 358.4 376.1 359.1 376.2 359.2 359.3 376.3 359.4 376.4 359.5 359.6 376.5 359.S 359.9 376.6 360.1 360.2 377.0 360.3 377.1 360.4 377.2 360.5 377.3 360.6 377.4 360.7 377.5 377.6 Code Description PROS REP VENTRC DEF·CLOS VALID AFTER OCT 03) OCT06· HEARTTRANPLANTATION OCT03 GRFT REPAIR HRT SEPT NOS IMPLANT TOT REP HRT SYS OCT03· GRAFT REPAIR ATRIAL DEF REPUREP THORAC UNIT HRT GRAFT REPAIR VENTRIC DEF OCT03GRFT REP ENDOCAR CUSHION REPUREP OTH TOT HRT SYS HEART SEPTA REPAIR NOS OCT03ATRIA SEPTA DEF REP NEC REMOVAL OF INTERNAL VENTR SEPTA DEF REP NEC BIVENTRICULAR HEART ENDOCAR CUSH ION REP NEC REPLACEMENT SYSTEM OCTOSTOT REPAIR TETRAL FALLOT IMPLANTATION OR INSERTION OF TOTAL REPAIR OF TAPVC BIVENTRICULAR EXTERNAL HEART TOT REP TRUNCUS ARTERIOS ASSIST SYSTEM OCT08TOT COR TRANSPOS GRT VES IMPLANT OF PULSATION BALLOON INTERATVEN RETRN TRANSP INSERTION OF NON-IMPLANTABLE CONDUIT RT VENT-PUL ART HEART ASSIST SYSTEM CONDUIT LEFT VENTR-AORTA REPAIR OF HEART ASSIST SYSTEM CONDUIT ARTIUM-PULM ART REMOVAL OF HEART ASSIST HEART REPAIR REVISION SYSTEM PERC HEART VALVULOPLASTY IMPLANT OF EXTERNAL HEART OTHER HEART SEPTA OPS ASSIST SYSTEM OTHER HEART VALVE OPS INSERTION OF IMPLANTABLE PTCA-1 VESSEL WIO AGENT HEART ASSIST SYSTEM PTCA-1 VESSEL WITH AGNT INT INSERT PACEMAK LEAD OPEN CORONRY ANGIOPLASTY INT INSERT LEAD IN VENT INTRCORONRY THROMB INFUS INT INSERT LEAD A TRI-VENT PTCA-MULTIPLE VESSEL INT INSER LEAD IN ATRIUM INSERT OF COR ART STENT OCT95INT OR REPL LEAD EPICAR INS DRUG-ELUT CORONRY ST REVISION OF LEAD OCT02REPL TV ATRI-VENT LEAD 47 Code Code Description 360.9 REM OF COR ART OBSTR NEC 377.7 REMOVAL OF LEAD WIO REPL 361.0 AORTOCORONARY BYPASS NOS 377.S INSER TEAM PACEMAKER SYS 361.1 AORTOCOR BYPAS-1 COR ART 377.9 REVIS OR RELOCATE POCKET 378.0 INT OR REPL PERM PACEMKR 378.9 REVISE OR REMOVE PACEMAK 378.1 INT INSERT i-CHAM, NON 379.4 IMPLT/REPL CARDDEFIB TOT 37S.2 INT INSERT i-CHAM, RATE 379.5 IMPLT CARDIODEFIB LEADS 378.3 INT INSERT DUAL-CHAM DEV 379.6 IMPLT CARDIODEFIB GENATR 378.5 REPL PACEM W i-CHAM, NON 379.7 REPL CARDIODEFIB LEADS 378.6 REPL PACEM 1-CHAM, RATE 379.8 REPL CARDIODEFIB GENRATR 378.7 REPL PACEM W DUAL-CHAM Denominator: Member population. Dehydration Admission Rate. Numerator: All Member non-maternal discharges of age 18 years and older with ICD-9-CM principal diagnosis code for hypovolemic. Include ICD-9-CM diagnosis code: Code Code Description 276.50 VOL DEPLETION, UNSPECIFIED OCT06276.52 HYPOVOLEMIA OCT06276.51 DEHYDRATION OCT06276.5 HYPOVOLEMIA Exclude cases: • transfer from a hospital (different facility) • transfer from a skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) or Intermediate Care Facility (ICF) • transfer from another health care facility • MDC 14 (pregnancy, childbirth, and puerperium) Denominator: Member population, age 18 years and older. Bacterial Pneumonia Admission Rate. Numerator: All Member non-maternal discharges of age 18 years and older with ICD-9-CM principal diagnosis code for bacterial pneumonia. Include ICD-9-CM diagnosis code: Code Description 481 PNEUMOCOCCAL PNEUMONIA 482.42 METHICILLIN RESISTANT PNEUMONIA 482.2 H.INFLUENZAE PNEUMONIA DUE TO STAPHYLOCOCCUS AUREUS 482.30 STREP PNEUMONIA UNSPEC OCT08482.31 GRP A STREP PNEUMONIA 482.9 BACTERIAL PNEUMONIA NOS 48 482.32 483.0 482.39 483.1 482.41 483.8 485 486 GRP B STREP PNEUMONIA MYCOPLASMA PNEUMONIA OTH STREP PNEUMON IA CHLAMYDIA PNEUMONIA OCT96METHICILLIN SUSCEPTIBLE PNEUMONIA OTH SPEC ORG PNEUMONIA DUE TO STAPHYLOCOCCUS AU REUS BRONCOPNEUMONIA ORG NOS OCT08PNEUMONIA, ORGANISM NOS Exclude cases: • transfer from a hospital (different facility) • transfer from a skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) or Intermediate Care Facility (ICF) • transfer from another health care facility • MDC 14 (pregnancy, childbirth, and puerperium) • with any diagnosis of sickle cell anemia or HB-S disease (see ICD-9 CM list below) • with any diagnosis or procedure code for immunocompromised state (see ICD-9 CM list below) Exclude ICD-9-CM Sickle Cell or HB-S diagnosis codes: Code Code Description 282.41 THLASEMA HB-S W/O CRISIS OCT03282.63 SICKLE-CELUHB-C DISEASE 282.42 THLASSEMIA HB-S W CRISIS OCT03282.64 HB-S/HB-C DIS W CRISIS OCT03282.60 SICKLE-CELL ANEMIA NOS 282.68 HB-S DIS W/O CRISIS NEC OCT03282.61 HB-S DISEASE W/O CRISIS 282.69 SICKLE-CELL ANEMIA NEC 282.62 HB-S DISEASE WITH CRISIS Exclude ICD-9-CM Immunocompromised States diagnosis codes: Code Code Description 042 HUMAN IMMUNODEFICIENCY VIRUS DISEASE 238.73 HI GRDE MYELODYS SYN LES OCT06238.76 MYELOFI W MYELO METAPLAS OCT06136.3 PNEUMOCYSTOSIS 238.77 NEOPLASM OF UNCERTAIN BEHAVIOR, POST-TRANSPLANT - LYMPHOPROLIFERATIVE DISORDER 199.2 MALIGNANT NEOPLASM ASSOCIATED WITH TRANSPLANTED ORGAN OCT08288.50 LEUKOCYTOPENIA NOS OCT06238.79 NEOPLASM OF UNCERTAIN BEHAVIOR, 288.51 LYMPHOCYTOPENIA OCT06288.59 DECREASED WBC COUNT NEC OCT06- HEMATOPOIETIC TISSUES OCT08 289.53 NEUTROPENIC SPLENOMEGALY OCT06260 KWASH IORKOR OCT05289.83 MYELOFIBROSIS OCT06261 NUTRITIONAL MARASMUS OCT05403.01 MAL HYP KIDNEY W CHR KID OCT06262 OTH SEVERE MALNUTRITION OCT05 49 Code 403.11 279.00 403.91 279.01 404.02 279.02 404.03 279.03 404.12 279.04 404.13 279.05 404.92 279.06 404.93 279.09 579.3 279.10 585 279.11 585.5 279.12 585.6 279.13 996.8 279.19 279.2 996.80 279.3 996.81 279.4 996.82 996.83 279.50 996.84 996.85 279.51 996.86 996.87 279.52 996.89 V42.0 279.53 V42.1 V42.6 279.8 V42.7 Code Description BEN HYP KIDNEY W CHR KID OCT06HYPOGAMMAGLOBULINEM NOS HYP KIDNEY NOS W CHR KID OCT06SELECTIVE IGA IMMUNODEF MAL HY HRT/KID W CHR KID OCT06SELECTIVE IGM IMMUNODEF MAL HYP HRT/KID W HF/KID OCT06SELECTIVE IG DEFIC NEC BEN HYP HT/KID W CHR KID OCT06CONG HYPOGAMMAGLOBULINEM BEN HYP HT/KID W HF/KID OCT06 IMMUNODEFIC W HYPER-IGM HYP HT/KID NOS W CHR KID OCT06COMMON VARIABL IMMUNODEF HYP HRT/KID NOS W HF/KID OCT06 HUMORAL IMMUNITY DEF NEC NTEST POSTOP NONABSORB OCT06 IMMUNDEF T-CELL DEF NOS CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE OCT05 DIGEORGES SYNDROME CHRON KIDNEY DIS STAGE V OCT05WISKOTT-ALDRICH SYNDROME END STAGE RENAL DISEASE OCT06NEZELOFS SYNDROME COMPLICATIONS OF TRANSPLANTED DEFIC CELL IMMUNITY NOS -ORGAN COMBINED IMMUNITY DEFICIENCY COMP ORGAN TRANSPLNT NOS UNSPECIFIED IMMUNITY DEFICIENCY COMPL KIDNEY TRANSPLANT AUTOIMMUNE DISEASE, NOT COMPL LIVER TRANSPLANT ELSEWHERE CLASSIFIED COMPL HEART TRANSPLANT GRAFT-VERSUS-HOST DISEASE COMPL LUNG TRANSPLANT UNSPECIFIED OCT08COMPL MARROW TRANSPLANT ACUTE GRAFT-VERSUS-HOST DISEASE COMPL PANCREAS TRANSPLNT OCT08COMP INTESTINE TRANSPLNT CHRONIC GRAFT-VERSUS-HOST COMP OTH ORGAN TRANSPLNT DISEASE OCT08 KIDNEY REPLACED BY TRANSPLANT ACUTE ON CHRONIC GRAFT-VERSUS HEART REPLACED BY TRANSPLANT HOST DISEASE OCT08LUNG REPLACED BY TRANSPLANT OTHER SPECIFIED DISORDERS LIVER REPLACED BY TRANSPLANT INVOLVING 50 Code V42.8 279.9 V42.81 284.09 V42.82 284.1 288.0 V42.83 288.00 28801 V42.84 288.02 V42.89 288.03 V45.1 288.09 V45.11 288.2 V56.0 2884 V56.1 V56.2 Code Description OTHER SPECIFIED ORGAN OR TISSUE UNSPECIFIED DISORDER OF IMMUNE BONE MARROW SPECIFIED BY -TRANSPLANT CONST APLASTC ANEMIA NEC OCT06PERIPHERAL STEM CELLS REPLACED PANCYTOPEN IA OCT06- -BY TRANSPLANT AGRANULOCYTOSIS OCT05PANCREAS REPLACED BY NEUTROPENIA NOS OCT06- -TRANSPLANT CONGENITAL NEUTROPENIA OCT06INTESTINES REPLACE BY TRANSPLANT CYCLIC NEUTROPENIA OCT06OTHER REPLACED BY TRANSPLANT DRUG INDUCED NEUTROPENIA OCT06RENAL DIALYSIS STATUS OCT06NEUTROPENIA NEC OCT06RENAL DIALYSIS STATUS OCT08GENETIC ANOMALY LEUKOCYT OCT06RENAL DIALYSIS ENCOUNTER OCT06HEMOPHAGOCYTIC SYNDROMES FT/ADJ XTRCORP DIAL CATH OCT06- OCT06FIT/ADJ PERIT DIAL CATH OCT06 Exclude ICD-9-CM Immunocompromised States procedure codes: Code Code Description 001.8 INFUS IMMUNOSUP ANTIBODY OCT05410.1 AUTOLOGOUS BONE MARROW 335 LUNG TRANSPLANTATION 335.0 LUNG TRANSPLANTATION, NOS 410.2 ALLOGENEIC BONE MARROW 335.1 UNILATERAL LUNG TRANSPLANTATION 335.2 BILATERAL LUNG TRANSPLANTATION 410.3 ALLOGENEIC BONE MARROW 336 COMBINED HEART-LUNG TRANSPLANTATION 410.4 AUTOLOGOUS HEMATOPOIETIC STEM 375 HEART TRANSPLANTATION 375.1 HEART TRANSPLANTATION (OCT 03) 410.5 ALLOGENEIC HEMATOPOIETIC STEM 410 OPERATIONS ON BONE MARROW AND SPLEEN 410.6 CORD BLOOD STEM CELL TRANSPLANT 410.0 BONE MARROW TRANSPLANT, NOS 410.7 AUTOLOGOUS HEMATOPOIETIC STEM CELL TRANSPLANT WI PURGING 528.1 REIMPLANTATION OF PANCREATIC 410.8 ALLOGENEIC HEMATOPOIETIC STEM CELL TRANSPLANT WI PURGING 410.9 AUTOLOGOUS BONE MARROW 528.2 HOMOTRANSPLANT OF PANCREAS 51 Code 528.3 528.5 505.1 505.9 528.0 528.6 556.9 Code Description HETEROTRANSPLANT OF PANCREAS ALLOTRANSPLANTATION OF CELLS OF ISLETS OF LANGERHANS AUXILIARY LIVER TRANSPLANT LIVER TRANSPLANT, NEC PANCREATIC TRANSPLANT, NOS TRANSPLANTATION OF CELLS OF ISLETS OF LANGERHANS, NOS OTHER KIDNEY TRANSPLANTATION Denominator: Member population, age 18 years and older. Urinary Tract Infection Admission Rate. Numerator: All Member non-maternal discharges of age 18 years and older with ICD-9-CM principal diagnosis code of urinary tract infection (see below). Include ICD-9-CM diagnoses codes: Code Code Description 590.10 AC PYELONEPHRITIS NOS 590.81 PYELONEPHRIT IN OTH DIS 590.11 AC PYELONEPHR W MED NECR 590.9 INFECTION OF KIDNEY NOS 590.2 RENAL/PERIRENAL ABSCESS 595.0 ACUTE CYSTITIS 590.3 PYELOURETERITIS CYSTICA 595.9 CYSTITIS NOS 590.80 PYELONEPHRITIS NOS 599.0 URIN TRACT INFECTION NOS Exclude cases: • transfer from a skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) or Intermediate Care Facility (ICF) • transfer from another health care facility • MDC 14 (pregnancy, childbirth, and puerperium) • with any diagnosis of kidney/urinary tract disorder (see ICD-9 CM list below) • with any diagnosis or procedure code for immunocompromised state (see ICD-9 list below) Exclude ICD-9-CM Kidney/Urinary Tract Disorder diagnosis codes: Code Code Description 590.00 CHR PYELONEPHRITIS NOS 753.16 MEDULLARY CYSTIC KIDNEY 590.01 CHR PYELONEPH W MED NECR 753.17 MEDULLARY SPONGE KIDNEY 593.70 VESCOURETRL RFLUX UNSPCF 753.19 CYSTIC KIDNEY DISEAS NEC 593.71 VESICOURETERAL REFLUX UNIL TRL 753.20 OBS DFCT REN PLV&URT NOS 593.72 VESICOURETERAL REFLUX NPHT 753.21 CONGEN OBST URTROPLV JNC BL TRL 753.22 CONG 08ST URETEROVES JNC 593.73 VESICOURETERAL REFLUX W NPHT 753.23 CONGENITAL URETEROCELE NOS 753.29 OBST DEF REN PLV&URT NEC 52 Code 753.0 753.3 753.10 753.4 753.11 753.5 753.12 753.6 753.13 753.14 753.8 753.15 753.9 Code Description RENAL AGENESIS KIDNEY ANOMALY NEC CYSTIC KIDNEY DISEAS NOS URETERAL ANOMALY NEC CONGENITAL RENAL CYST EXSTROPHY OF URNIARY BLADDER POLYCYSTIC KIDNEY NOS ATRESIA AND STENOSIS OF URETHRA POLYCYST KID-AUTOSOM DOM AND BLADDER NECK POL YCYST KID-AUTOSOM REC CYSTOURETHRAL ANOM NEC RENAL DYSPLASIA URINARY ANOMALY NOS Exclude ICD-9-CM Immunocompromised States diagnosis codes: Code 042 288.03 288.09 136.3 288.2 199.2 288.4 238.73 288.50 238.76 288.51 238.77 288.59 289.53 289.83 403.01 238.79 403.11 403.91 404.02 260 404.03 261 404.12 262 404.13 279.00 404.92 279.Q1 404.93 Code Description HUMAN IMMUNODEFICIENCY VIRUS DRUG INDUCED NEUTROPENIA OCT06- DISEASE NEUTROPENIA NEC OCT06PNEUMOCYSTOSIS GENETIC ANOMALY LEUKOCYT OCT06MALIGNANT NEOPLASM ASSOCIATED HEMOPHAGOCYTIC SYNDROMES HI GRDE MYELODYS SYN LES OCT06LEUKOCYTOPENIA NOS OCT06MYELOFI W MYELO METAPLAS OCT06LYMPHOCYTOPENIA OCT06NEOPLASM OF UNCERTAIN BEHAVIOR, DECREASED WBC COUNT NEC OCT06NEUTROPENIC SPLENOMEGALY OCT06MYELOFIBROSIS OCT06MAL HYP KIDNEY W CHR KID OCT06NEOPLASM OF UNCERTAIN BEHAVIOR, BEN HYP KIDNEY W CHR KID OCT06HYP KIDNEY NOS W CHR KID OCT06MAL HY HRT/KID W CHR KID OCT06KWASHIORKOR OCT05MAL HYP HRT/KID W HF/KID OCT06NUTRITIONAL MARASMUS OCT05BEN HYP HT/KID W CHR KID OCT06OTH SEVERE MALNUTRITION OCT05 BEN HYP HT/KID W HF/KID OCT06 HYPOGAMMAGLOBULINEM NOS HYP HT/KID NOS W CHR KID OCT06SELECTIVE IGA IMMUNODEF HYP HRT/KID NOS W HF/KID OCT06 53 Code 279.02 579.3 279.03 585. 279.04 585.5 279.05 585.6 279.06 996.8 279.09 279.10 996.80 279.11 996.81 279.12 996.82 279.13 996.83 279.19 996.84 279.2 996.85 279.3 996.86 279.4 996.87 996.89 279.50 V42.0 V42.1 27951 V42.6 V42.7 279.52 V42.8 V42.81 279.53 V42.82 279.8 V42.83 279.9 V42.84 28409 V42.89 284.1 V45.1 Code Description SELECTIVE IGM IMMUNODEF INTEST POSTOP NONABSORB OCT06 SELECTIVE IG DEFIC NEC CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE OCT05 CONG HYPOGAMMAGLOBULINEM CHRON KIDNEY DIS STAGE V OCT05IMMUNODEFIC W HYPER-IGM END STAGE RENAL DISEASE OCT06COMMON VARIABL IMMUNODEF COMPLICATIONS OF TRANSPLANTED HUMORAL IMMUNITY DEF NEC IMMUNDEF T-CELL DEF NOS COMP ORGAN TRANSPLNT NOS DIGEORGES SYNDROME COMPL KIDNEY TRANSPLANT WISKOTT-ALDRICH SYNDROME COMPL LIVER TRANSPLANT NEZELOFS SYNDROME COMPL HEART TRANSPLANT DEFIC CELL IMMUNITY NOS COMPL LUNG TRANSPLANT COMBINED IMMUNITY DEFICIENCY COMPL MARROW TRANSPLANT UNSPECIFIED IMMUNITY DEFICIENCY COMPL PANCREAS TRANSPLNT AUTOIMMUNE DISEASE, NOT COMP INTESTINE TRANSPLNT COMP OTH ORGAN TRANSPLNT GRAFT-VERSUS-HOST DISEASE KIDNEY REPLACED BY TRANSPLANT HEART REPLACED BY TRANSPLANT ACUTE GRAFT-VERSUS-HOST DISEASE LUNG REPLACED BY TRANSPLANT LIVER REPLACED BYTRANSPLANT CHRONIC GRAFT-VERSUS-HOST OTHER SPECIFIED ORGAN OR TISSUE BONE MARROW SPECIFIED BY ACUTE ON CHRONIC GRAFT-VERSUS PERIPHERAL STEM CELLS REPLACED OTHER SPECIFIED DISORDERS PANCREAS REPLACED BY UNSPECIFIED DISORDER OF IMMUNE INTESTINES REPLACE BY TRANSPLANT CONST APLASTC ANEMIA NEC OCT06· OTHER REPLACED BY TRANSPLANT PANCYTOPENIA OCT06· RENAL DIALYSIS STATUS OCT06- 54 Code 288.0 V45.11 288.00 V56.0 288.01 V56.1 288.02 V56.2 Code Description AGRANULOCYTOSIS OCT05· RENAL DIALYSIS STATUS OCT08· NEUTROPENIA NOS OCT06· RENAL DIALYSIS ENCOUNTER OCT06· CONGENITAL NEUTROPENIA OCT06· FT/ADJ XTRCORP DIAL CATH OCT06· CYCLIC NEUTROPENIA OCT06FITIADJ PERIT DIAL CATH OCT Exclude ICD-9-CM Immunocompromised States procedure codes: Code Code Description 001.8 INFUS IMMUNOSUP ANTIBODY OCT05· 336 COMBINED HEART·LUNG TRANSPLANTATION 335 LUNG TRANSPLANTATION 335. LUNG TRANSPLANTATION, NOS 375 HEARTTRANSPLANTATION 335.1 UNILATERAL LUNG TRANSPLANTATION 375.1 HEART TRANSPLANTATION (OCT 03) 335.2 BILATERAL LUNG TRANSPLANTATION 410 OPERATIONS ON BONE MARROW AND Spleen 410.8 ALLOGENEIC HEMATOPOIETIC STEM CELL TRANSPLANT WI PURGING 410.0 BONE MARROW TRANSPLANT, NOS 410.1 AUTOLOGOUS BONE MARROW 410.9 AUTOLOGOUS BONE MARROW 505.1 AUXILIARY LIVER TRANSPLANT 410.2 ALLOGENEIC BONE MARROW 410.3 ALLOGENEIC BONE MARROW 505.9 LIVER TRANSPLANT, NEC 528.0 PANCREATIC TRANSPLANT, NOS 528.1 REIMPLANTATION OF PANCREATIC 410.4 AUTOLOGOUS HEMATOPOIETIC STEM 410.5 ALLOGENEIC HEMATOPOIETIC STEM 528.2 HOMOTRANSPLANT OF PANCREAS 528.3 HETEROTRANSPLANT OF PANCREAS 528.5 ALLOTRANSPLANTATION OF CELLS OF ISLETS OF LANGERHANS 410.6 CORD BLOOD STEM CELL TRANSPLANT 410.7 AUTOLOGOUS HEMATOPOIETIC STEM 528.6 TRANSPLANTATION OF CELLS OF ISLETS OF LANGERHANS, NOS 556.9 OTHER KIDNEYTRANSPLANTATION Denominator: Member population, age 18 years and older Adult Asthma Admission Rate. Numerator: All Member non-maternal discharges of age 18 years and older with ICD-9-CM principal diagnosis code of asthma. 55 Include ICD-9-CM diagnosis codes: Code Code Description 493.00 EXT ASTHMA WIO STAT ASTH 493.21 CH OB ASTHMA W STAT ASTH 493.01 EXT ASTHMA W STATUS ASTH 493.22 CH OBS ASTH W ACUTE EXAC OCTOO 493.02 EXT ASTHMA W ACUTE EXAC OCTOO493.81 EXERCSE IND BRONCHOSPASM OCT03493.10 INT ASTHMA WIO STAT ASTH 493.82 COUGH VARIANT ASTHMA OCT03493.11 INT ASTHMAW STATUS ASTH 493.90 ASTHMA WIO STATUS ASTHM 493.12 INT ASTHMA W ACUTE EXAC OCTOO493.91 ASTHMA W STATUS ASTHMAT 493.20 CH OB ASTH WIO STAT ASTH 493.92 ASTHMA W ACUTE EXACERBTN OCTOO Exclude cases: • transfer from a hospital (different facility) • transfer from a skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) or Intermediate Care Facility (ICF) • transfer from another health care facility • MDC 14 (pregnancy, childbirth, and puerperium) • with any diagnosis code of cystic fibrosis and anomalies of the respiratory system (see list of ICD-9 CM below) Exclude ICD-9-CM diagnosis codes of cystic fibrosis and anomalies of the respiratory system: Code 277.00 748.60 277.01 748.61 277.02 748.69 277.03 748.8 277.09 748.9 747.21 750.3 748.3 759.3 748.4 770.7 748.5 Code Description CYSTIC FIBROS WIO ILEUS LUNG ANOMALY NOS CYSTIC FIBROS W ILEUS CONGEN BRONCHIECTASIS CYSTIC FIBROS W PUL MAN LUNG ANOMALY NEC CYSTIC FIBROSIS W GI MAN RESPIRATORY ANOMALY NEC CYSTIC FIBROSIS NEC RESPIRATORY ANOMALY NOS ANOMALIES OF AORTIC ARCH CONG ESOPH FISTOLAfATRES LARYNGOTRACH ANOMALY NEC SITUS INVERSUS CONGENITAL CYSTIC LUNG PERINATAL CHR RESP DIS AGENESIS OF LUNG Denominator: Member population, age 18 years and older 56 Risk Management Program Providers shall participate in and cooperate with Coventry’s risk management program. The Managed Care Plan shall require participating and direct service provider to report adverse incidents to the Managed Care Plans within twenty-four (24) hours of the incident. The Managed Care Plan must ensure that all participating and direct service providers are required to report adverse incidents to the Agency immediately but not more than twenty-four (24) hours of the incident. Reporting will include information including the enrollee’s identity, description of the incident and outcomes including current status of the enrollee. Coventry developed and implemented an incident reporting system to minimize injury/incidents to Members, employees and visitors. The risk management program and incident reporting policy and procedures comply with §59A-12.012, Florida Administrative Code (Internal Risk Management Program for HMOs) and §641.55, Florida Statute. (Internal risk management program for HMOs). ADVERSE or UNTOWARD INCIDENT – an event, as defined in Chapter 395.0197(5) of the Florida statutes, over which Provider could exercise control which is more probably associated, in whole or in part, with the medical intervention rather than the medical condition for which such medical intervention occurred and which results in one of the following: a. Death; b. Brain or spinal damage; c. Permanent disfigurement; d. Fracture or dislocation of bones or joints; e. A resulting limitation of neurological, physical, or sensory function which continues after discharge from the facility; f. Any condition that required specialized medical attention or surgical intervention resulting from nonemergency medical intervention, other than an emergency medical condition, to which the Member has not given his/her informed consent; or g. Any condition that required the transfer of the Member, within or outside the facility, to a unit providing a more acute level of care due to the adverse incident, rather than the Member’s condition prior to the adverse incident, including: 1. 2. 3. 4. The performance of a surgical procedure on the wrong patient, a wrong surgical procedure or wrongsite surgical procedure, or a surgical procedure otherwise unrelated to the Member’s diagnosis or medical condition; Required surgical repair of damage resulting to a Member from a planned surgical procedure where the damage was not a recognized specific risk, as disclosed to the Member and documented through the informed-consent process; A procedure to remove unplanned foreign objects remaining from a surgical procedure; or Any complaint or allegation of sexual misconduct and abuse, or contact by Provider employee or agent of Provider. 57 If an adverse or untoward incident occurs to a Member, Provider shall report the adverse or untoward incident (as defined under Florida law) to Coventry’s risk manager within twenty-four (24) hours after its occurrence. Provider shall (i) participate in and cooperate with Coventry’s risk management program; (ii) provide such medical and other records without charge within ten (10) days of receipt of written notice; (iii) share such investigation reports and other information as may be required or requested by Coventry’s risk manager to determine if an adverse or untoward incident is reportable as a “Code 15” to AHCA; and (iv) in all other respects comply with and abide by this Manual. A Provider’s failure to comply with these requirements may be deemed a material breach of the Agreement, at Coventry’s sole discretion. When an incident occurs: • Complete the incident report (located in the forms section) form immediately when becoming aware of an adverse or untoward incident • Fill each blank on the form, using N/A when not applicable to the particular occurrence • Write legibly or type the information on the form • Describe the incident carefully. Be brief, but include important information, including who, what, where, when and how • Indicate the body part injured, the location and extent of injury and document fully, including lack of injury • Report any pertinent action taken in response to the occurrence • Obtain the name and location information for any witnesses, including employees • Sign and date the report. Include title/designation and contact phone number • Fax to Coventry’s risk manager at: (877) 479-8564 For assistance in completing the incident report form, contact Coventry’s risk manager at (954) 858-3246. Incident reports are part of risk management files only and copies of incident reports must be maintained separately from Member’s medical records. All incident reports will be reviewed and date stamped upon receipt. Appropriate action will be initiated when indicated. Incident reports will not be used to penalize Providers; however, failure to report an adverse or untoward incident may result in further action by Coventry. Long Term Care Program Coventry offers a special program for Members in Broward, Miami-Dade and Palm Beach counties who are both Medicare and Medicaid eligible. The program is designed to keep these Members living in their own homes or in a long-term care facility rather than in a nursing home. Eligible Members will need some assistance with the skills required for daily living. The PCP may refer a potential long term care Member to the CARES (Comprehensive Assessment Review and Evaluation for Long-Term Care services) Unit of the Department of Elder Affairs of the State of Florida by calling: Broward: Miami-Dade – Central and North area: Miami-Dade – South area: Palm Beach: (954) 746-1773 (786) 336-1400 (305) 671-7200 (561) 840-3150 58 Medicare Social Services Unit Coventry has a social services unit to facilitate Members’ access to government programs known as Medicare savings programs and other social services programs. Eligibility for such programs is determined by the Florida Department of Children and Families. Such programs include: • • • • • Qualified Medicare Beneficiary (QMB) Specified Low Income Medicare Beneficiary (SLMB) Qualified Individual -1 (QI-1) Qualified Disabled Working Individuals (QDWI) Medicaid If the Member’s income and assets meet the guidelines for these programs, Member may qualify for assistance. To contact Coventry’s Social Services Unit for an in-service visit call (800) 297-6217, then press 1. Medicare Provider Training & Education Coventry is pleased to have the opportunity to work with you as a Provider or Provider organization in delivering high value services to our Members. Our association, particularly in relation to our Medicare product lines, relies on a Contracted relationship that establishes your entity as a first tier3 or related entity4. As a first tier or related entity, there are several requirements imposed upon you, some by federal law, some by federal regulations as promulgated by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (“CMS”), and other requirements in light of your Contracted relationship with Coventry. As a result, you, your entity, any downstream entities5 and/or related entities under your direction, and in several cases your individual employees who are assigned to work on Coventry’s Medicare business, must complete a number of requirements. The requirements are summarized below and are applicable to your organization, as well as any of your downstream and/or related entity arrangements. 1. General Compliance and Fraud, Waste and Abuse (“FWA”) Training You and/or your organization must complete general compliance training. In addition, you must complete the FWA portion of the training unless you are deemed to have met the FWA certification requirements through enrollment into Parts A or B of the Medicare program or through accreditation as a supplier of DMEPOS. You must provide general compliance training to all of your employees, downstream, and related entity arrangements who are assigned to work on Coventry Medicare business initially upon hire and annually thereafter. You must also provide FWA training, initially upon hire and annually thereafter, to all your employees, downstream and related entity arrangements who are assigned to work on Coventry Medicare business unless these individuals are deemed to have met FWA certification requirements as described above. In addition, your organization must provide either Coventry’s Code of Conduct (“COC”) or your own 3 A first tier entity is defined as any party that enters into a written arrangement acceptable to CMS with a Sponsor (i.e., Coventry) to provide administrative or health care services for a Medicare eligible individual under Part C or Part D. 4 A related entity is defined as any entity that is related to the Sponsor by common ownership or control and a) performs some of the Sponsor’s management functions under Contract or delegation; b) furnishes services to Medicare enrollees under an oral or written Agreement, or c) leases real property or sells materials to the Sponsor at a cost of more than $2500 during a Contract period. 42 CFR 423.501 5 A downstream entity is defined as any party that enters into a written arrangement, acceptable to CMS, below the level of the arrangement between the Sponsor and the first tier entity. These written arrangements continue down to the level of Provider of both health and administrative services. 59 equivalent COC to all of your employees, downstream, and related entities who are assigned to work on Coventry Medicare business initially upon hire or Contract commencement and annually thereafter. 2. Reporting Mechanisms You and/or your organization must report compliance concerns and suspected or actual misconduct to Coventry. 3. Exclusion/Debarment You and/or your organization must ensure that none of its employees or downstream and/or related entities that service Coventry Medicare businesses is on any of the following excluded persons, sanction and debarment lists: HHS Office of Inspector General (OIG); General Services Administration (GSA). 4. Downstream and Related Entity Oversight You and/or your organization must ensure that compliance is maintained by you and/or your organization as well as any of your Contracted downstream and/or related entities that service Coventry Medicare business. 5. Offshore Operations You and/or your organization must ensure that you do not engage in offshore operations for Coventryrelated Medicare business without the express consent of an authorized Coventry representative. Offshore operations are usually Contractually prohibited by Coventry. Any Coventry-approved offshore arrangements are subject to reporting requirements to alert CMS of these activities and therefore must be reported to Coventry before utilization. You must access the training and compliance materials mentioned above, along with additional information concerning these requirements, available for you on the Coventry Medicare FDR Training and Education Portal under Provider and Provider Group FDRs. This portal can be accessed through the following URL link: www.CoventryMedicareFDRs.com. Further, if you and/or your organization utilizes downstream and/or related entities to perform Coventry Medicare work or serve Coventry Medicare Members, that entity is also responsible for satisfaction of all of the above requirements. Due to the unique nature of the relationship between you and your downstream and/or related entities, Coventry expects that you ensure that they receive these requirements. You and/or your organization are responsible to ensure that evidence of the effectuation for all of the requirements is developed and maintained. This evidence may be in the form of attestations, training logs, or other means determined by you to best represent fulfillment of your obligations. Please be reminded that Coventry and CMS require records to be retained for a period of ten (10) years, and that your records must be available to Coventry and/or CMS upon request. Coventry takes these responsibilities very seriously. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this requirement or if you have difficulty accessing the Coventry Medicare FDR Training and Education Portal, please contact Coventry’s FDR Governance personnel at corpcompliance@cvty.com. 60 Section 9 – Fee Schedule Maintenance & Reimbursement Determinations The Coventry schedule of allowances represents the maximum reimbursement amount for each covered service that corresponds to any given medical service code. The basis of determining valid medical service codes are from Current Procedural Terminology (CPT), HCFA Common Procedural Coding System (HCPCS), or National Drug Codes (NDC). For covered services represented by a single code, the maximum reimbursement amount is the allowance amount determined by Coventry or the Provider’s usual charge for the service, whichever is less. In many cases, Coventry allowances are based upon measures of relative value such as Average Wholesale Price (AWP), the Federal Resource Based Relative Value Scale (RBRVS), American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) units and Medicare laboratory and Durable Medical Equipment (DME) rates. Your Contract will outline the specific fee schedule methodology used to determine your rates. Medicare/Commercial HMO/POS/PPO/Individual Products Coventry will make best efforts to have all CMS based fee schedules for Contracted Medicare products updated in a timely matter in accordance with CMS’s publication of new codes and reimbursement schedules issues. • All Provider Agreements with prevailing year schedules will be updated according to CMS published rates and effective dates • All Provider Agreement with fixed year schedules will only be updated with NEW codes with the assigned reimbursement published by CMS Any schedule updates that are retrospectively updated CHC FL will request discrepancy reports be pulled and all claims be reviewed and over and underpayments will be handled accordingly with Providers. Medicaid/Healthy Kids/Individual Product Coventry updates all Medicaid based fee schedules as published by Medicaid and in accordance with Medicaid effective dates assigned to codes and reimbursement. Upon publication of codes previously not valued by Medicaid, Coventry will update Medicaid based schedules accordingly. Coventry will request code specific discrepancy reports be pulled; claims will be reviewed and over and underpayments will be handled accordingly with Providers. Coventry will reprocess any Provider claims affected by new codes upon Provider’s written request. Laboratory and Pathology Services Laboratory and pathology services must be performed by a Coventry participating laboratory. Coventry maintains a Contract with LabCorp to provide outpatient lab services for Members. LabCorp provides all necessary supplies; request forms; specimen pick-up; accurate and prompt test results. Laboratory and pathology services provided by an outside or reference lab that is not the applicable Contracted laboratory Provider (LabCorp) will not be reimbursed to the Provider of service by Coventry. Laboratory and pathology services include but are not limited to clinical labs, nonclinical labs, pathology, and dermatology. If services are performed in office, the Provider may not bill the Member/patient or Coventry for the laboratory/pathology services. Quest Diagnostics is available ONLY for commercial PPO Members. LabCorp must be used for all other Coventry Commercial, Medicare, Medicaid, and Healthy Kids Members. 61 Although Coventry maintains a Contract with LabCorp to provide lab and path services, we recognize the need for urgent lab work to make a diagnosis, or to treat the patient while in the Provider’s office. When this situation occurs, some lab procedures listed below can be billed to Coventry and the Provider will be reimbursed according to the schedule below: CPT Code Description Allowable Rate Provider Type 36410 36415 81000 81001 81002 81003 81005 82247 82947 82948 84520 85002 85007 85008 85013 85018 85025 85027 85610 Non-routine Blood draw > 3 yrs Routine venipuncture Urinalysis manual Urinalysis automated Urinalysis non automated w/o microscopy Urinalysis automated w/o microscopy Urinalysis Bilirubin Glucose; quantitative Glucose blood; reagent strip BUN - Assay of urea nitrogen (HEDIS Code) Bleeding time test B1 smear w/diff w/bc count B1 smear w/o diff w/bc count Blood count; spun micro hematocrit Hemoglobin CBC Hemogram and platelet count automated Prothrombin time $ 3.00 $ 3.00 $ 2.00 $ 2.00 $ 3.00 $ 3.00 $ 3.00 $ 10.00 $ 3.00 $ 3.00 $ 8.00 $ 4.00 $ 4.00 $ 4.00 $ 2.00 $ 2.00 $ 6.00 $ 6.00 $ 4.00 86580 86580 87081 Skin Test, Tuberculosis, Intradermal Skin Test, Tuberculosis, Intradermal Culture, presumptive, pathogenic organisms, screening Influenza Immunoassay Influenza Immunoassay Streptococcus group A with direct optical observation $ $ 7.00 3.20 ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL Urology Providers Only ALL ALL ALL ALL Hematology/Oncology Providers Only Hematology/Oncology Providers Only ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL Hematology/Oncology/Cardiovascular Disease Physicians Only ALL Medicaid/Healthy Kids $ 5.00 ALL 87804 87804 87880 $ 11.50 $ 16.88 Medicaid/Healthy Kids Commercial/Medicare $ ALL 5.00 All preadmission laboratory testing should be performed by a Coventry Contracted lab. For Members scheduled for elective admission, all preadmission diagnostic work-ups including lab, radiology, and supporting specialty consultations, must be referred to free-standing Contracted Providers. If needed, lab services may be performed at that facility within seven (7) days of the event. Any laboratory service required prior to the seven (7) days must be performed as described above. CLIA Certification Physician office laboratories must hold either a CLIA certificate or a CLIA waiver to perform laboratory tests for Coventry Members. When billing for laboratory services, please be sure to include your CLIA number on the claim form. 62 Section 10 – Claims, Billing, Capitation & Encounters Providers shall submit claims in accordance with applicable state and federal laws. Untimely claims will be denied when they are submitted past the timely filing deadline. Unless otherwise stated in the Provider Agreement, the following guidelines apply: Timely Filing & Prompt Pay Guidelines Grid Provider / Claim Type Commercial participating and non-participating Providers Medicare participating and non-participating Providers Medicaid participating and non-participating Providers Late charges/corrected claim (corrected coding, NDC, type of submission indicator) Guideline Provider shall submit bills within one hundred eighty (180) days or as set forth in applicable law, whichever is less, of the date of discharge/service unless coordination of benefit issues exist as defined in F.S. 641.3155. Provider shall be paid in accordance with the payment terms set forth in each product attachment. In accordance with the law in the state of Florida, payments to physician shall be made within twenty (20) days of receipt of an electronic clean claim and within forty (40) days of receipt of a non-electronic clean claim. When Florida law does not apply, payment to physician shall be made within forty-five (45) days of receipt of a clean claim In accordance with CMS 42 CFR 422.520(a)(1), Coventry shall make best efforts to pay clean claims submitted by hospital for covered services provided to Medicare Advantage Members within thirty (30) calendar days of receipt. For purposes of this product, the term “clean claim” shall have the meaning assigned in 42 CFR 422.500. Coventry shall pay interest on clean claims that are not paid within thirty (30) calendar days in accordance with 42 CFR 422.520(a)(2). Provider shall mail or electronically transfer (submit) the claim within six (6) months after the date of service or discharge from an inpatient setting or the date that the provider was furnished with the correct name and address of the Managed Care Plan. When the Managed Care Plan is the secondary payer, the provider must submit the claim within ninety (90) calendar days after the final determination of the primary payer. Provider shall have the opportunity to correct any billing or coding error within thirty-five (35) days of denial related to any such claim submission 63 Return of requested additional information (itemized bill, ER records, med records, attachments) A Provider must submit any additional information or documentation as specified, within thirty-five (35) days after receipt of the notification. Additional information is considered received on the date it is electronically transferred or mailed. Coventry cannot request duplicate documents. (F.S. 641.3155(2)(c)(2) Coordination of Benefits Coordination of Benefits (“COB”) provision applies when a Member has health care coverage under more than one plan. In the event that Coventry is the secondary payer, coordination of benefit claims must be submitted within ninety (90) days after final determination by the primary organization as evidenced by the primary carrier’s Explanation of Payment (EOP) or Explanation of Benefits (EOB) as required under applicable law and regulation. (See Florida statute 641.3155(2)). All explanations of payment or denials from the Member’s primary carrier must be provided with the claim. Information should be sent to: Attn: Commercial Coventry ACS P.O. Box 7807 London, Kentucky 40742 Attn: Medicare Coventry ACS P.O. Box 7808 London, Kentucky 40742 Attn: Medicaid & Healthy Kids Coventry ACS P.O. Box 7803 London, Kentucky 40742 Claim Status You may use the Coventry website at www.directProvider.com to check the status of claims with dates of service within the last year (365 days). 64 How to Read Your Remittance Advice Here are detailed explanations of the fields on the remittance advice to aid you in reading your remittance advice. Claim Detail • • • • • • • • • • • Patient Name – The name of the Member receiving the services Account # -- Patient account number taken from the claim submission Place of Service – Identifies the type of facility where the services were provided, e.g., outpatient, hospital, office, etc. Member # -- Coventry identification number for the Member receiving services Date Received- The date the claim was received by Coventry Processed Date – The date the claim was processed in Coventry's system Claim # -- A unique number assigned during the claim imaging process. Please provide this number when making claim inquiries as it speeds specific claim retrieval Auth # -- The number that Coventry assigns to the referral associated with the claim, if applicable. Claim Provider – Identifies the name of the Provider in the HIPAA compliant format, who performed and billed the service Carrier – The information in this field may vary by product and account. It indicates the entity responsible for funding the claim, including the employer group if a self-funded arrangement is applicable Network/Division – Division of referring physician, if a referral is applicable. May also signify network accessed 65 • • • • • • • • • • • Product- Indicates which one of the Coventry products applies to the coverage for the Member, e.g., HMOCommercial, PPO, etc. Service Dates – Dates of service corresponding to each procedure code. From first date the Member received the service from the Provider (from date) through the last date the Member received the service from the Provider (to date) Procedure Code – Code pertaining to the procedure performed and billed by the Provider on the corresponding service date(s) Mod Cd – Indicates the modifier for the procedure code and procedure description, if applicable DRG/APC- Reflects the specific DRG or APC used to process the claim, if applicable Procedure Description – Describes the procedure performed for the procedure code indicated CAP Y=Yes, Indicates the claim line was adjudicated as a result of a capitated Agreement. CAP N=No, indicates the claim line was adjudicated as a result of a fee for service Agreement Total Charges – The amount billed for the procedure(s) performed on the corresponding service dates(s) Allowed Amount – Amount of billed charges less any ineligible amounts Ineligible Amount – Amount that is not covered or is in excess of the Provider’s Contracted rate and for which the Member or Provider is responsible Editing Guidelines Coventry uses multiple editing systems to process claims through its practice management application. These systems are configured to comply with applicable state and federal regulations, with respect to timely filing, coding combinations, maximum units, place of service and other editing guidelines. Claim denials resulting from editing that conflict with Contractual obligations will be reviewed by our Clinical Editing Review Committee and a payment determination will be made based on the Provider’s Agreement and correct coding initiatives. A reduction in payment as a result of claims policies and/or editing procedures is not an indication that the service is a non-covered service. Note: Claims processed after the implementation date, regardless of date of service, will process according to the most recent version. No retrospective claim payment changes are made for processing changes that are a result of new editing rules. High Dollar Claims (with expected payable amounts over $50,000) All claims submitted to Coventry with an expected payable amount of over $50,000 (“high dollar”) require the accompaniment of an itemized statement. High dollar claims not accompanied by itemization are subject to denial. If a hospital Provider receives such a denial, the claim should be marked as an “appeal” and resubmitted with the itemization for processing. The purpose of the review is to identify items billed under routine services in an inpatient setting that are not separately billable. Such items include but are not limited to: • Minor medical and surgical supplies such as Band-Aids, cotton balls, Q-tips, swab sticks, drapes, saline solutions irrigation/flush, syringes, gloves, drapes, bed linen, gowns. • Other identified nursing charges. • IV nursing care, procedural charges for an IV flush and or administration is considered a routine cost. • Equipment permanently stored or housed in a room such as cardiac/heart monitor in ICU/CCU, BP monitor, resp. ETCO2 equipment. • Continuous pulse ox monitoring in critical care or step down units. • Personal items such as slippers, lotions, powders, deodorant, admission kits (except MD), tooth brushes, denture care kits, under pads. 66 National Provider Identifier (NPI) NPI is the standard unique health identifier for health care Providers adopted by the Secretary of Health and Human Services under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996. You may apply for an NPI number online at https://nppes.cms.hhs.gov. 67 Section 11 – EDI Claim & Encounter Submissions An encounter or a claim is an interaction between a patient and provider (MCO, HMO, rendering physician, pharmacy, lab, etc.) who delivers services or is professionally responsible for services delivered to a patient. Encounters can be reimbursed to the provider for fee for service or capitation by the health plan. In support of Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and its goal of administrative simplification, Coventry encourages physicians and medical Providers to submit claims electronically. Electronic claims submission can have a significant, positive impact on the productivity and cash flow for your practice. Electronic claim submission to the Coventry payers is easy to establish. Contact your practice management system vendor or clearinghouse to initiate the process. Electronic claim submissions will be routed through Emdeon who will review and validate the claims for HIPAA compliance and forward them directly to Coventry. Providers can also submit directly to Emdeon. Emdeon will provide the electronic requirements and set-up instructions. Providers should call (800) 215-4730 or go to www.emdeon.com for information on direct submission to Emdeon. EDI claim submitters should review the electronic claim submission requirements below: 1. EDI Specifications: The 837 claim transaction is utilized for electronic professional and institutional claims and encounters. Coventry uses the ASC X12N 837 Professional Health Care Claim and the ASC X12N 837 Institutional Health Care Claim implementation guides. The official implementation guides for claim transactions are available electronically from the Washington Publishing Company website at www.wpc-edi.com. This Coventry document contains clarifications and payer specific requirements related to data usage and content with submitting an EDI claims to Coventry. Please note that this document is intended to list only those elements where payer specific requirements or clarifications apply. 2. Coventry Specific Payer Edits at Emdeon: All EDI claims submitted through Emdeon will be subject to these Coventry specific payer edits (unless indicated for one transaction only) that are in place at Emdeon. Submitters will receive these types of rejections on their level 1 payer rejection reports. • The insured id must be at least two characters in length or the claim will reject • To allow zero dollar line charges and zero dollar claim charges • The billing Provider id may not contain a value of 999999999 or the claim will reject • If the procedure code begins with 0, then anesthesia minutes are required or the claim will reject. Excluding procedure code is 01995 or 01996 then service units are required and the anesthesia minutes should contain 00 or the claim will reject. If the procedure code begins with a 0 and ends with T, then service units are required and the anesthesia minutes should contain 00 or the claim will reject. 68 • If the procedure code does not begin with a 0, then service units are required and the anesthesia minutes should contain 00 or the claim will reject. • The discharge hour must contain a numeric value of 00-23 or 99 if the batch type contains an inpatient value of x10, x11x14 or x17 and the statement period from date is equal to the statement period thru date. 3. EDI Acknowledgement and Reject Reports: For every claim filed electronically, the Provider should monitor whether or not that claim has been rejected by reviewing EDI acknowledgement and reject reports on a regular basis. The following reports should be monitored regularly: • • • Initial reject report (Emdeon report Rpt 05 or equivalent vendor report) - This is a report that shows claims rejected by Emdeon that were not forwarded to Mail Handlers Benefit Plan. These claims should be corrected and re-submitted electronically Initial accept report (Emdeon Envoy Report Rpt 04 or equivalent vendor report) - This is a report that shows Emdeon accepted the EDI claim and forwarded it to Coventry for processing Payer rejects report (Emdeon Report Rpt 11 or equivalent vendor report) - This report states why Coventry rejected the claim. These claims should be corrected and re-submitted electronically Monitoring Your EDI Reports Please note that claims appearing on the initial reject report have not met the initial clearinghouse criteria approved by Coventry and have not been sent to Coventry for adjudication. Any claims appearing on this report must be corrected and re-submitted electronically as soon as possible to avoid timely filing issues. It is also important to note that a claim can pass the clearinghouse edits and be displayed on the initial accept report, but still be rejected by Coventry. Claims rejected by Coventry payors will appear on the payer reject report. Any claims appearing on this report should be corrected and re-submitted electronically as soon as possible to avoid timely filing issues. Timely Filing-Coventry must accept a claim within its timely filing limit or it will be denied for untimely filing. If you are not receiving the described clearinghouse and payer reports on a regular basis, please contact your clearinghouse or Emdeon. A Provider can avoid timely filing issues through understanding and regular monitoring of EDI Reports. This process will help to ensure all rejected claims are re-filed timely and electronically. Common Rejection Reason Review the following tips for assistance with resolving the most common rejections received by Providers. The most common claim reject reason for Coventry is “Member not found.” Use the Coventry secure Provider portal, directProvider.com, Emdeon, or an integrated solution through your vendor or clearinghouse to verify/validate Member’s eligibility prior to submitting claims. • Member Identification Number- Submit the 10 or 11 digit number as displayed on the patient's ID card. • Patient Date of Birth-Submit a valid date of birth for the patient. - Do not send "00" for the month or date - Do not send dummy dates such as "17760704" - Do not send a date of birth greater than the date of service 69 • A claim will be rejected if a valid date of birth does not match the date of birth on file in the Coventry system. If this is the case, please verify the patient date of birth with the patient or policyholder. • Date Format -Submit all dates in the following format CCYYMMDD unless otherwise specified. - Submit valid dates of service - Do not submit future dates of service • Monetary Amount Format -Include the decimal point in all monetary amounts unless otherwise specified. - Do not submit negative dollar amounts • Coding Detail-Consider the following when verifying service codes and/or modifiers that have been rejected. - Submit service codes and modifiers appropriate to the age and gender of the patient - Submit service codes and modifiers appropriate to the date of service - Submit service codes to their greatest level of specificity EDI Assistance Your Clearinghouse - typically, your first point of contact for resolving an EDI issue is your practice's specific clearinghouse or vendor. Emdeon - The Emdeon customer service center can track all EDI submissions received by them. Emdeon also maintains the status message returned on an EDI claim from the health plan. This information is readily available for forty-five (45) days after the submission. Information on older submissions is also available but will require being forwarded to their research division for follow-up. Emdeon customer support can be reached at (877) 4693263. Additionally, Emdeon has a new web-based application, Vision for Claim Management that compiles claim information received and generated during claim filing and processing. It is in an easy to use application for tracking EDI claim submissions. For more information and registration for Vision for Claim Management, go to http://transact.emdeon.com/editrx_services.php Coventry staff is available to assist you with electronic filling concerns as they relate to our submission requirements. Please contact us at (302) 283-6570 or via email at EDIClaims@cvty.com. 70 Section 12 – Provider Administration Claims Review Process Provider administration review process is a request by the Provider for consideration of a Coventry issued denial for services rendered. The review process outlined below applies to all Providers and does not replace the separate and distinct Member appeal process wherein a Provider may appeal on behalf of a Member as the Member’s authorized representative. Coventry’s benefit determinations are never intended to limit, restrict, or interfere with the physician’s judgment. In all cases, decisions regarding treatment continuation or termination, treatment alternatives, or the provision of medical services are between the physician and the patient. Coventry recognizes that Providers may occasionally encounter situations in which the operation of Coventry does not meet their expectations. When this occurs, the Provider is encouraged to call customer service to bring the matter to Coventry’s attention. Provider Administrative Review for the Medicaid line of business: Level 1: The review will be first handled by the customer service organizations (CSO) who are the dedicated staff for the providers to contact via telephone, electronic mail, regular mail to ask questions, file a complaint, including complaints about claims issues. The customer service organization (CSO) has the authority to review and resolve provider complaints and claim issues. Allow providers forty-five (45) calendar days to file a written complaint for issues that are not about claims. Within three (3 ) business days of receipt of the complaint, the plan will notify the provider (verbally or in writing) that the complaint has been received and the expected date of resolution. The plan will investigate each provider complaint according to applicable guidelines and provider contractual provisions, collecting all pertinent facts from all parties involved. The plan will document why a complaint is unresolved after fifteen (15) calendar days of receipt and provide written notice of the disposition and the basis of the resolution to the provider within three (3) business days of the resolution and; Ensure that the plan executives with the authority to require corrective action are involved in the provider complaint process. Provider Administrative Review for the Commercial and Medicare lines of business: The review will be handled by the Customer Service Organization (“CSO”) within 24-48 hours or the Provider will be contacted in that time frame to confirm that we have received it and it is under review according to the guidelines defined by Coventry for level 1 disputes. If the Provider still disagrees, a Level 2 review can be requested. Level 2: A written review (see form) must be sent to the below corresponding CSO P. O. Box. The CSO will log the request for review, research and bring the review to the Provider Administrative Review Committee on a weekly basis for committee review and direction. Written notification via e-mail, fax or mail will be sent to the Provider within 60 days of the written dispute request. 71 Types of Administrative Reviews (but not limited to): • Timely Filing • Administration (No authorization on file) • Fee Schedule Disputes • Claim Payment Disputes • COB - disputing the way Coventry processed their claims when other insurance is primary • Contract Allowance • Editing Software • Itemized Bills • Network Accessibility All Providers' requests for administrative reviews must be received by Coventry within 12 months from the date of denial or date of remittance/EOP. Attn: Commercial Attn: Medicare Attn: Medicaid & Healthy Kids Coventry Coventry Coventry ACS ACS ACS P.O. Box 7807 P.O. Box 7808 P.O. Box 7403 London, Kentucky 40742 London, Kentucky 40742 London, Kentucky 40742 Medical Necessity Reconsideration (Pre-Service) Coventry is not obligated to pay for unauthorized services. If the Provider does not agree with the determination and the matter cannot be resolved informally, Coventry maintains a pre-service appeals process through which all Providers (physician, facility, or ancillary) may appeal, on behalf of a Member, a medical management issue or benefit determination. This process also includes provisions for an urgent review process in which the Provider can expect a determination within 72 hours of initiating the request. If a Provider does not agree with a denial for lack of medical necessity, he/she may request a reconsideration of the decision. This may be done by providing additional information in one of two ways. • • A peer to peer review with the medical director who made the decision may be requested by calling the Health Services Department at (800) 292-4470 within 24 hours or one working day of the denial, or; A request for reconsideration may be made by providing additional information by phone at (800) 2924470, by fax at (888) 399-1831, or mail to: Coventry Health Care Attn: Health Services/Appeals Unit 1340 Concord Terrace Sunrise, FL 33323 Important Information About Commercial Member Appeal Rights The Right to Appeal If the Member is dissatisfied with our decision, the Member, or their authorized representative, can file for an appeal through Coventry’s internal process. The Member has 180 calendar days from the date of the adverse determination to file an appeal. 72 Need help understanding the denial? The Member, or their authorized representative, can contact Coventry at 1866-847-8235 if assistance is needed to understand the denial notice or Coventry’s decision to deny a service or coverage. What if the Member does not agree with this decision? The Member has a right to appeal any decision not to provide or pay for an item or service (in whole or in part). How to file an appeal? An appeal can be mailed or faxed to the address below: Coventry – Florida Attn: Member Appeals Department 1340 Concord Terrace, Sunrise FL 33323 Fax: 954-858-3437 What if the situation is urgent? If the situation meets the definition of urgent under the law, the review will be conducted on an expedited basis. Generally, an urgent situation is one in which the Members health may be in serious jeopardy or, in the opinion of the physician, the Member may experience pain that cannot be adequately controlled while they wait for a decision on the appeal. If you believe the situation is urgent, you may request an expedited appeal by calling us at 1-866-847-8235, or send your request via fax at 954-858-3437. Who may file an appeal? The Member or someone they name to act on their behalf (authorized representative) may file an appeal. Can additional information be provided regarding a claim? Yes. Additional information can be sent by mail or fax to the contact information listed under the section titled “How do I file an appeal?” What happens next? If an appeal is filed, Coventry will review the decision and provide a written determination. If the decision is to deny the payment, coverage, or service requested or a decision is not made timely, the Member may be able to request an external review of the claim by an independent third party, who will review the denial and issue a final decision. Pre-Service Appeal - If the appeal involves services that have not yet been provided, the Appeals department will notify you of a decision within 15 calendar days after receipt of the appeal request. Urgent Care Services (Expedited) Appeal. If the requested services involve urgent care, as defined by federal ERISA law, a decision will be made no later than 72 hours after Coventry receives the appeal request. The Appeals department will notify you if your request does not qualify as urgent. Post Service Appeal. If the appeal involves services that have already been provided, Coventry will notify you of our decision within 30 calendar days after the receipt of an appeal. Appealing a Medical Necessity Decision A medical necessity appeal is an appeal involving Coventry’s decision that a service does not meet medical necessity criteria or is considered to be experimental or investigational. A level one medical necessity appeal will be reviewed by a physician with the same or similar credentials as would usually treat the condition which is being appealed. The physician reviewing the level one medical necessity appeal has no involvement in the initial denial. [Employer Group Plans Only] A level two medical necessity appeal is available if the decision is not favorable. 73 Important Information About Medicare Member Appeal Rights There are two kinds of appeals: Standard (30 days) – Coventry must issue a decision no later than thirty (30) days after receipt of the appeal. (This may be extended by up to fourteen (14) days if an extension is requested, or if Coventry needs additional information and the extension benefits the Medicare Member.) Fast (72 hour review) – A fast appeal can be requested if the Medicare Member’s health could be seriously harmed by waiting up to 30 days for a decision. Coventry must decide on a fast appeal no later than 72 hours after receipt of the appeal. (This may be extended by up to fourteen (14) days if requested or if Coventry needs additional information and the extension benefits the Medicare Member.) • • If any Provider asks for a fast appeal by indicating that waiting for 30 days could seriously harm the Medicare Member’s health, Coventry will process the appeal as a fast request. If the Medicare Member requests a fast appeal without support from a Provider, Coventry will decide if the Member’s health requires a fast appeal. Coventry will notify the Medicare Member if we do not issue a fast appeal, and we will decide the appeal within 30 days. What should be included with an appeal? A written request should include: your name, address, Medicare Member number, reasons for appealing, and any evidence you wish to attach. You may send in supporting medical records, doctor’s letters, or other information that explains why Coventry should provide the service. How Do I File An Appeal? For a Standard Appeal: Mail or deliver the written appeal to the address below: Coventry Health Care of Florida Attn: Member Appeals Department P.O. Box 7776 London KY 40742 For a Fast Appeal: Contact us by telephone or fax: Telephone: 1-866-707-9781 Fax: 1-855-788-3994 What Happens Next? After Coventry’s review, if any of the requested services are still denied, Medicare will provide the Medicare Member with a new and impartial review of the case by a reviewer outside of Coventry. Important Information About Medicaid Member Appeal Rights A Medicaid Member may file a Medicaid grievance, or a Provider acting on the Medicaid Members behalf with written authorization, may file a Medicaid grievance. Medicaid grievances can be filed either orally or in writing and must be filed within one (1) year after the date of occurrence that initiated the grievance. The address and telephone number to contact the Grievance and Appeals department is: Coventry Health Care of Florida, Inc. Attention: Appeals and Grievance 1340 Concord Terrace, Sunrise FL 33323, (800) 441-5501 (toll free) 74 You can contact the Coventry customer service department to file a grievance and request the form by calling (800441-5501) Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. Eastern Time. Coventry and/or the Provider must give the Medicaid Member reasonable assistance in completing the forms and other steps, including but not limited to providing interpreter services and interpreter capability. The grievance coordinator will send an acknowledgement letter within three (3) business days of the receipt of the Medicaid grievance. The Medicaid grievance will be reviewed as expeditiously as the Medicaid Member’s health requires, or in a reasonable length of time not to exceed ninety (90) days from initial filing by the Medicaid Member, or Provider acting on their behalf. If an extension is necessary, Coventry will notify the Medicaid Member of the delay, which is not to exceed fourteen (14) calendar days. Information about the Beneficiary Assistance Program (BAP) process, including an explanation that a review by the BAP must be requested within one (1) year after the date of the occurrence that initiated the appeal, how to initiate a review by the BAP and the BAP address and telephone number: Agency for Health Care Administration Beneficiary Assistance Program Building 1, MS #26 2727 Mahan Drive, Tallahassee, FL 32308 (850) 412-4502 (888) 419-3456 (toll-free) 75 Request for a Reconsideration (Appeal) for Medicaid Members A Medicaid Member may file an appeal, or a review of a Medicaid action (denial in whole or part of a requested service). The Medicaid Member, or Provider acting on their behalf, may file an appeal within thirty (30) calendar days of the date of the action. If Coventry did not issue a written notice of action, the Medicaid Member may file an appeal within one (1) year of the action. Any oral requests to appeal a Medicaid action are treated as appeals and Coventry will confirm the appeal in writing, unless the Medicaid Member or Provider requests an expedited resolution. For decisions that involve an appeal of a denial that is based on medical necessity, a Medicaid grievance regarding the denial of an expedited resolution of an appeal, or a grievance/appeal that involves clinical issues, the decision maker will be someone other than the person involved in making the initial determination, and who has the clinical expertise in the Medicaid Members condition or disease. The Medicaid Member or their representative will have an opportunity to review the case file, including medical records and any other documents and records. Expedited Reconsideration (Expedited Appeal) for Medicaid Members Coventry has an expedited review process for appeals when Coventry determines, or the Provider indicates that taking the time for a standard resolution could seriously jeopardize the Medicaid Member’s life or health or ability to attain, maintain, or regain maximum function. The Medicaid Member or Provider may file an expedited appeal either orally or in writing. No additional Medicaid Member follow-up is required. Further Rights for Review/Medicaid Fair Hearing for Medicaid Members Coventry’s grievance and appeal processes state that the Medicaid Member has the right to request a Medicaid fair hearing in additional to pursuing Coventry’s grievance process. A Provider acting on behalf of the Medicaid Member and with the Medicaid Member’s written consent may request a Medicaid fair hearing. A Medicaid grievance taken to the Medicaid fair hearing process will not be considered by the subscriber assistance program. The Medicaid Member or Provider may request a Medicaid fair hearing within ninety (90) days of the date of the notice of action (or denial of service). To request a Medicaid fair hearing, the Medicaid Member or Provider must contact: Office of Public Assistance Appeals Hearings 1317 Winewood Boulevard, Building 5, Room 255 Tallahassee, FL 32399-0700 Coventry is required to continue the Medicaid Member’s benefits while a Medicaid fair hearing is pending if: (a) The Medicaid fair hearing is filed timely, meaning on or before the latter of the following: (i) within ten (10) days of the date on the notice of action; (ii) the intended effective date of Coventry’s proposed action; (b) The Medicaid fair hearing involves the termination, suspension, or reduction of a previously authorized course of treatment; (c) The services were ordered by an authorized Provider; (d) The authorization period has not expired; and (e) The Medicaid Member requests an extension of benefits. 76 Section 13 – Overpayment Recovery If a claim is overpaid, the Provider will receive a letter via U.S. mail from Coventry requesting the return of monies paid in error in accordance with Florida statute. Providers are able to access and track their overpayment recovery detail through our website at www.directProvider.com under the “Providers’ section.” If there are any questions about the information in the notice, on the website or concerns about an explanation of payment entry for a negative amount, please email Coventry’s Financial Recovery department at Financial.RecoverySF@cvty.com or via mail to: Recovery Operations P.O. Box 7247-7427 Philadelphia, PA 19170-7427 77 Section 14 – Credentialing The Coventry’s Credentials Verification Center (CVC) has responsibility for the centralized credentialing of Providers Contracted with Coventry. Credentialing activities follow the guidelines defined by various accrediting organizations, CMS as well as state and federal regulations. Provider categories requiring full credentialing based on these stated guidelines include: • Physicians (MD,DO) • Dentists (Oral Maxillofacial – DDS/DMD) • Chiropractors (DC) • Podiatrists (DPM) • Physical Therapists/Occupational Therapists/Speech Therapists (ONLY if individually contacted and listing in the Provider directories) • Various allied health and behavior health Providers, as defined by Coventry, and • Additional Providers who hold independent relationships or Contracts with Coventry and/or are listed in Provider directories, or as required by a specific state statute. Providers may complete the Coventry Provider application. Use of The Council for Affordable Quality Healthcare, Inc. (CAQH) universal application, which is free to the Provider and available statewide, is encouraged to support electronic submission. Providers may access www.caqh.org to register directly. The requirements for Provider credentialing are: • Complete executed appropriate application • Verification of current licensure in the state(s) where the Provider has a practice location and/or hospital privileges/affiliation • Evidence of good standing with state regulatory bodies • Absence of federal and state sanctions verified through the EPLS and NPDB • OIG Form – Ownership & Controlling Interest Worksheet • Absence of sanctions verified through OIG/LEIE • DEA or state controlled substance license (CDS/BNDD) in every state in which a Provider sees Coventry Members as defined by practice location and hospital affiliation • Liability insurance (by attestation or by a copy of liability insurance policy declaration sheet, or as required by Florida statute 458.320) • Verification of education, either by board certification or education verification • Current hospital affiliation • At least a 5-year uninterrupted work history (or period of time required by state statute) • Completion of survey questions with explanations for any “yes” answers • Current signed attestation/release; and • Site visit (PCPs and OB/GYNs) Practitioners Rights: Practitioners have a right to correct erroneous information submitted by another source. Information that differs substantially from that submitted by provider will require staff to notify provider for clarification/correction, including variations from Provider reported information on malpractice history, licensure actions or board certification status. 78 Practitioners may review information submitted to support their credentialing application, including any information received from outside sources, with the exception of references, recommendations or other peer review protected information. Practitioners may receive the status of their credentialing or recredentialing application, upon request Board Certification: Board certification is not a requirement for network participation. However, Providers may be ineligible for participation in specific regulated products which require the Provider to be board certified, e.g. Florida Healthy Kids. Facilities are credentialed by license, not by TIN and must utilize a Coventry facility application. Urgent Care Centers are subject to credentialing at the facility level only; Providers in these centers are not individually credentialed. Additional categories may be added based on state requirements, regulations and/or accreditation standards. All facilities require evidence of one of the following; accreditation from a recognized approved entity, results of a survey done by the state, CMS audit or CMS Certification. Facility categories requiring full credentialing based on these stated guidelines include: • Hospitals • Laboratories • Free standing ambulatory surgery centers • Nursing Homes • Home Health Agencies • Skilled Nursing Facilities • Home IV/Infusion Services • Urgent Care Centers • Retail Clinics (“Minute Clinics”) • Hospices • Behavioral health Facilities including in-patient, • End Stage Renal Disease Facilities residential and /or ambulatory (ESRDs) • Physical Therapy/Occupational Therapy/Speech • Comprehensive Outpatient Language Therapy Rehabilitation Facilities The requirements for facility credentialing are: o Complete executed application o Verification of current licensure in the state where the facility treats Coventry Members o Evidence that the facility is in good standing with state regulatory bodies o Absence of federal and state sanctions verified through the OIG/LEIE o Liability insurance o Current signed attestation/release; and o Copy of W-9 Re-Credentialing Providers and facilities are subject to re-credentialing every three years or as applicable based on state standards. Initiated by the CVC within 180 days of the current expiration date, the process follows the same as initial credentialing with the exception of primary source verification of education and work history. Providers and facilities non-compliant with the re-credentialing requirements may be terminated from Coventry’s network. Dual Specialties Participation in two or more specialties may be granted based on Coventry’s business need and supported by verifiable training in the specialties requested. 79 Ongoing Monitoring Coventry routinely monitors Providers and facilities ensuring any changes in licensure status, sanctions or other adverse actions are reviewed by the credentialing committee. Providers or facilities with a license suspension or revocation are subject to termination from Coventry’s network. Credentialing Committee Coventry’s credentialing committee renders decisions on whether to grant or deny credentialing to the Provider. Credentialing is generally granted for a three year period; however, the committee may choose to grant credentialing for a lesser time frame. The credentialing committee meeting minutes and discussions are confidential. Committee decisions are communicated to all applicants in writing. Coventry maintains credentialing files on each Provider and supporting electronic systems in a confidential manner. All information collected is solely utilized for the purpose of credentialing. 80 Section 15 - Provider Participating Status Dispute Resolution Coventry has a process for participating Providers to resolve issues between the participating Provider and Coventry that may result in a change in network status of the Provider, as such network status change relates to Coventry’s review of the Providers professional competency and/or conduct or clinical quality. A Provider may be denied continued participation status for quality concerns based on the competence or professional conduct of a Provider, which affects or could affect the health or welfare of a patient or patients. Examples of such quality concerns include but are not limited to: • • • • • • Evidence of substandard treatment rendered to patients Malpractice judgments/settlements In any instance where corrective action will be required to be reported to the National Provider Data Bank In any instance where a Provider’s Contract with Coventry is terminated for cause under the terms of the Contract Current Medicare or Medicaid sanctions Loss of accreditation or certification status if a facility or ancillary Provider Prior to taking any final action to deny continued participation status to a Provider for quality concerns, the Provider will be entitled to pursue the appeal process. If the credentialing committee has made the determination to not renew a Providers reappointment for reasons based on quality concerns, the Provider shall be notified in writing by the medical director of the decision and the reasons for it. The Provider may request an appeal, within thirty (30) days of receipt of the decision letter. The Provider must make this request to the medical director in writing. 81 Section 16 – Regulation and Accreditation Providers shall comply with the applicable provisions of this Manual and cooperate with and participate in all internal and external QIO review process; independent quality review and improvement organizations’ activities; utilization management, including patient assessment and disease management programs, credentialing and recredentialing, quality assurance and management and other administrative activities, including site medical audit reviews and medical record charting and compliance audits, financial audits and post audit interviews by Coventry personnel or internal or external financial or other audit programs; performance improvement projects; *HEDIS™ reporting requirements and performance measurement and reporting activities, in each case consistent with applicable law as may be established or implemented by Coventry or its designees from time to time, including but not limited to Coventry nurse reviewers. Coventry is authorized to take whatever steps necessary to ensure that the Provider is recognized by the state Medicaid program, including its choice counseling/enrollment broker contractor(s) as a participating provider of the health plan and that the Provider’s submission of encounter data is accepted by the Florida MMIS and/or the state’s encounter data warehouse. Providers shall comply with all final determinations rendered by Coventry in connection with any of the foregoing. Providers shall cooperate and participate in any program required for Coventry’s compliance with the Medicare and Medicaid programs and any other federal or state laws and regulations or the rules and regulations of accreditation organizations. Providers shall grant Coventry, AHCA, CMS, OIR, any accreditation organization, any QIO and any other agency with governing or accreditation authority over Coventry access to its facilities and records on reasonable notice during ordinary business hours for the purpose of conducting any reviews, audits or site visits in connection with the foregoing in accordance with the Agreement and this Manual. To the extent permitted by applicable law, Providers shall provide such medical and other records or data required by Coventry or any regulatory agencies governing Coventry in connection with the foregoing within ten (10) days of written notice to the Provider without cost to Coventry or such sooner time as requested by Coventry in order for Coventry to comply with applicable law and regulations and in accordance with Contract terms. Disciplinary Action As required by applicable law and regulations, and accreditation organization requirements, all quality complaints relating to the care and services rendered by Providers are investigated according to Coventry’s defined Adverse Incident/Quality Complaint Investigation policy and procedure. All aspects of the peer review process including investigation, conclusions, recommendations, actions taken and results of corrective actions are privileged and confidential. All related documents are maintained securely and confidentially in the Quality Improvement department pursuant to F.S. 766.101 (5). Depending upon the nature of the issue the investigation may include, but not limited to: • Internal fact finding from internal records (customer complaints, enrollment status, medical management activities, claims history and status) • Outreach to the Member and/or Member representative • A letter of inquiry to the involved Provider summarizing the currently understood facts and a request for response to the issue • A request for medical records when necessary 82 When a case is referred to the Peer Review Committee, the committee evaluates the facts of the case and determines if the care and service meets the standard of care and makes one or more of the following determination(s): • • Assigns a severity level – (See Attachment B). and Recommend a follow up activity which may include but is not limited to: o Track and trend for patterns o Provider education/orientation o Request additional information o Focused review – The committee recommends completing a focused review of additional practitioner’s clinical records. o Corrective action plan – The committee may request a corrective action plan from the Provider. o Provider termination for failure to follow the Contract – The committee may make a recommendation to issue a termination notice for failure to fulfill obligations of their Contract o Reduction, suspension or termination for quality of care issues. This situation occurs when the committee finds serious substandard quality issues. o Referral to Provider relations department for follow up o Letter of warning This determination strictly follows the due process of appeals as outlined by the Health Care Quality Improvement Act of 1986. The Quality Improvement department notifies Providers in writing within five business days of the Committee’s decision. The letter summarizes the following: • • • • • • • A summary of the facts of the case The review of the case by the Peer Review Committee The committee’s determination The disposition of the case Specific actions the Provider must take to correct the issue/problem and prevent recurrence, if any A description of the process used to evaluate the effectiveness of the intervention The Providers appeal and hearing rights The Provider may disagree with the determination of Coventry’s Peer Review Committee, and decide to file an appeal in accordance with the process define in Section 15 of this Manual. Upon imposition of a corrective action plan, the Peer Review Committee evaluates the effectiveness of the intervention. The committee makes one of the following determinations: • The intervention was effective. A letter is prepared and sent to the Provider stating that the quality concerns were addressed. • The intervention was not fully effective. The Committee may recommend additional actions. A notification letter is sent to the Provider. • The intervention was not effective. The committee may suspend the Provider, terminate the Provider, freeze or move the Provider’s Membership. 83 Issues that may be brought to the committee that are not related to clinical competency include: • Failure to respond to notice of defects in medical records • Failure to participate in quality management or peer review activities • Failure to meet other Contractual requirements not related to clinical competency • Evidence of illegal use of narcotics or other intoxicants • Unethical conduct • Failure to cooperate with Coventry’s quality improvement program • Failure to cooperate with Coventry’s utilization management program • Failure to respond to an investigational request • Failure to respond to a corrective action plan • Failure to comply with quality management or risk management guidelines • Insubordinate activity by Provider, including but not limited to lack of cooperation with Coventry, failure to comply with the terms of this Manual or other business reasons. Any of these failures may result in corrective action by the Peer Review committee, including but not limited to termination. Information gathered in the quality management and peer review process shall be shared with the credentialing committee. Reporting to Regulatory Agencies Coventry will report any decision to reduce, suspend or terminate a Provider’s participation in Coventry network as required by applicable law and regulations. Committee Activity Coventry values physician input and views it as an important element of the management structure of Coventry. From time to time, you may be asked to participate in a variety of professional committees. Your participation in these committees will be greatly appreciated. Treatment of Immediate Relatives and Self: Providers shall not treat themselves or immediate family Members, except in the case of an emergency medical condition only when another physician is not readily available. For the purpose of this Manual “Immediate Relatives” means any of the following but is not limited to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. husband or wife natural or adoptive parent, child or sibling stepparent, stepchild, stepbrother or stepsister father-in-law, mother-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, brother-in-law or sister-in-law grandparent or grandchild; and spouse of grandparent or grandchild 84 Section 17- Pharmacy Pharmacy Drug Formulary Coventry Health Care of Florida maintains a drug Formulary for each line of business: Commercial (HMO, POS, and PPO), Medicaid (includes Florida Healthy Kids) and Medicare. These formularies are developed by the appropriate Coventry Health Care Pharmacy and Therapeutics (P&T) Committee for that line of business to assist physicians in prescribing cost-effective, quality drug therapy. The appropriate Formulary should be used when prescribing for Coventry Health Care of Florida Members. The formularies contain convenient cost comparison guides for several drugs within therapeutic categories. When writing a prescription for a Coventry Health Care of Florida Member, please consider those medications that are covered under the appropriate Formulary. Products are accessible in a tiered copayment arrangement and the Members copayments may vary depending on the product tier. Coventry Health Care of Florida formularies and other prescription benefit documents are accessible at http://www.chcflorida.com, or you may contact your Provider relations representative for a copy. Pharmaceutical Management Procedures The National Pharmacy and Therapeutics (P&T) Committee, with recommendations from Regional P&T Committees (where applicable), will be responsible for the development and ongoing management of CHC Formularies. In adhering to our principle of “embracing generics” we’ve developed a mechanism to add generic medications to the Formularies without waiting for the National P&T Committee to meet. This will result in an increased number of generic medications available on our Formulary, and decreased administrative hassles for our Members, and their prescribing Practitioners. The CHC Pharmacy Department will communicate Formulary changes that adversely affect Members and their prescribing Practitioners via letter at least one (1) month in advance. Annually and after updates, changes to pharmaceutical management procedures (i.e. Formulary, prior authorization, step-therapy, etc.) will also be communicated to Members and participating Practitioners in writing. The Coventry Health Care Pharmacy Department uses a number of processes to promote safe, cost-effective medication use. One of these processes is prompt written notification of Members and prescribing Practitioners regarding Class I and II medication recalls. We also monitor individual and aggregate patterns of medication use in order to identify opportunities to promote safe and effective therapy. These efforts are supported contractually by concurrent drug utilization review activities between CHC and the Pharmacy Benefits Manager (PBM). Generic Drug Policy Generic substitution is mandatory if the FDA has determined the generic to be therapeutically equivalent to the brand product. These medications are noted in the commercial and Medicaid Formulary with an (*) asterisk and the generic name is italicized in the Medicare formulary. These drugs are covered at a generic reimbursement level and Maximum Allowable Cost (MAC) limits of reimbursement have been defined. When a physician indicates “Dispense as Written” or if a Member insists on the brand-name when a generic is available, the Member may incur the cost difference between the brand-name product and the MAC amount in addition to their copayment. There are six (6) Florida negative Formulary drugs (narrow therapeutic window) that are exempt from automatic generic substitution. These include: Digitoxin, Conjugated Estrogens, Dicumarol, Chlorpromazine (solid oral dosage forms), Theophylline (controlled release) and Pancrelipase (oral dosage forms). 85 Prior Authorization and Step Therapy To promote appropriate utilization of Formulary generics and preferred brand name drugs, certain medications may require prior authorization to be eligible for coverage under the Member’s prescription benefit. These medications include all specialty drugs, along with high risk and/or high cost medications and select non-preferred drugs. These drugs are designated in the Formulary by “Prior Authorization” or “Step Therapy”. Prior authorization and step therapy criteria have been established by the different Coventry P&T Committees for each line of business. For a Commercial or Medicaid Member to receive coverage for a medication requiring prior authorization, the physician or pharmacist can call the pharmacy department at 1-866-847-8279 to request authorization or fax your request to 1-877-548-7648 for commercial members and 1-855-799-2554 for Medicaid members using a prior authorization request form. In order for a Medicare Member to receive coverage for a medication requiring prior authorization, the physician or pharmacist can call 1-800-551-2694 for or fax the request to 1-800-639-9158. If your request does not have a specific form, please use the form that states Formulary exception and fill in the medication that you are requesting. These forms may be duplicated as often as necessary. To view and access the most current prior authorization and step therapy criteria and forms, visit the Coventry Health Care of Florida website at http://www.chcflorida.com Quantity Limits Quantity Limits (QL) on medications are established for different reasons. Limits are set because some medications have either a maximum limit recommended by the FDA or a maximum dose suggested by the medical literature. Many commonly used once daily drugs have limits since these drugs are proven to be safe and effective when taken once daily. In addition, taking two pills daily instead of one pill of equal strength may double the cost of therapy without necessarily improving the benefit. Other drugs are on the list as a safeguard to make sure that Members do not receive a prescription for a quantity that exceeds recommended dosage limits. The updated QL list can be found on Coventry Health Care of Florida website at http://www.chcflorida.com. Diabetic Supplies Diabetic blood glucose test strips and supplies are covered if the employer purchases this benefit. For those Members, only LifeScan One Touch Ultra®, One Touch FastTake®, One Touch SureStep® and One Touch Test Strips® are available as the preferred formulary product. Insulin is a covered benefit through their prescription benefit. Specialty Drugs and Self-Administered Injectables Specialty drugs and Self Administered Injectables (SAI) are covered under the pharmacy benefit. Specialty drugs are designated on the formulary with a SP applies to all Coventry Health Care of Florida Members. Members can receive Specialty and SAI drugs through their Coventry Health Care of Florida pharmacy benefit after prior authorization has been requested and approved. Depending on the Member’s pharmacy benefit, copayments will be assessed at that time. Accredo specialty pharmacy is the preferred pharmacy vendor. All specialty and SAI drugs require prior authorization by the Pharmacy department rather than the Coventry Health Care of Florida precertification line. To request prior authorization for a Commercial or Medicaid Member, Providers may call the Pharmacy department at 1-866-847-8279 or fax your request using a prior authorization request forms to 1-877-548-7648 for commercial members and 1-855-799-2554 for Medicaid members using a prior authorization request form. In order for a Medicare Member to receive coverage for a medication requiring prior authorization, the physician or pharmacist can call 1-800-551-2694 for or fax the request to 1-800-639-9158. Forms can be found on Coventry Health Care of Florida website at http://www.chcflorida.com. 86 Pharmacy Network Coventry Health Care of Florida Members have access to a national network of over 60,000 participating pharmacists. Please refer your Coventry Health Care of Florida Members to the Coventry Health Care of Florida website at http://www.chcflorida.com for a comprehensive list of participating pharmacies. You can access the following pharmacy information at www.chcflorida.com • A list of preferred pharmaceuticals, including any restrictions and/or preferences; • A list of medications which require prior authorization, and applicable coverage criteria; • A list of medications which require step-therapy, including the medications which must be tried/failed prior to coverage; • A list and explanation of medications which have limits or quotas; • Copayment and coinsurance requirements, and the medications or classes to which they apply; • Procedures for step-therapy, prior authorization, generic substitution, preferred-brand interchange, and therapeutic interchange; • Information on the use of pharmaceutical management procedures; • Criteria used during the evaluation of new medications for inclusion on the formulary, and • A description of the process for requesting a medication coverage exception. Maintenance Drug Program Coventry Health Care of Florida Members may obtain maintenance medications through pharmacies that are specifically Contracted with Coventry Health Care of Florida to provide up to a ninety (90) day supply. Express Scripts mail order pharmacy is our Contracted pharmacy for 90 day supplies. For more mail order information, visit the Coventry Health Care of Florida website at http://www.chcflorida.com Appeal Rights The fact that a Coventry Health Care of Florida participating Provider prescribes, recommends or orders a medication does not make such a medicine a covered benefit. Whether or not a Member obtains a medication that is not covered is a decision between the Provider and Member. A request for coverage of a medication that was denied only indicates that Coventry Health Care of Florida will not be responsible for charges incurred. If a medication request has been denied, with the consent of the commercial or Medicaid Member, you may request reconsideration of a decision on behalf of the Member if you believe this decision was made in error. All requests should be made by calling the pharmacy customer services department at 1-866-847-8279, Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. For Medicare Members, you have sixty (60) days from the notice of denial of Medicare prescription drug coverage to ask for a redetermination (appeal) of our decision. This can be done by phone at 1-800-536-6767, fax 1-800-5354047 on through the website at http://coventry-medicare.coventryhealthcare.com/ grievances-and-appeals. 87 Section 18- General Information Independent Contractor Relationship Coventry, in consideration of monthly premium payments made to Coventry on behalf of Members, agrees to arrange for the delivery of health care services in accordance with and subject to the terms and conditions of the applicable Member Contract entered into between the Members, or on the Member’s behalf, and Coventry. Provider agrees Coventry, in so arranging for the delivery of health care services and supplies to Members, provides such services or supplies through independently Contracted Providers. In accordance with the Agreement, Provider and Coventry are independent Contractors. Coventry shall not be liable for any negligent act or omission committed by a Provider or any Provider staff or hospital vendor who may from time to time, furnish services or supplies to Members. Provider acknowledges and agrees that any decisions made by Coventry concerning appropriateness of setting or whether any service is covered are made solely for purposes of determining whether benefits are due under the applicable Member Contract, and not for purposes of recommending any medical treatment or non-treatment. Member Provider Reportable Diseases Section 381.0031(1,2) of the Florida statutes provides that “Any practitioner, licensed in Florida to practice medicine, osteopathic medicine, chiropractic, naturopathy, or veterinary medicine, who diagnoses or suspects the existence of a disease of public health significance shall immediately report the fact to the Department of Health.” The county health departments serve as the Florida Department of Health’s representatives to receive these reports. To report a case of a reportable disease, report an outbreak, or get consultation on a public health disease control problem, please call your County Health department or call the Bureau of Epidemiology at (850) 245-4401 (24/7/365 accessibility). You will find a list of the county health departments in all sixty seven (67) Florida counties on the Coventry Provider website at. www.chcflorida.coventryhealthcare.com Chapter 64D-3 of the Florida Administrative Code identifies three major categories for reporting timeframes: 1. Suspect Immediately: Report on initial suspicion or laboratory test order (24 hours a day, 7 days a week by phone). 2. Immediately: Report immediately upon diagnosis confirmed clinically or by laboratory results (24 hours a day, 7 days a week by phone). 3. Next Business Day (previously within seventy two (72) hours): Report next business day upon diagnosis confirmed clinically or by laboratory results. New diseases or conditions include: • Reportable by practitioners: HIV exposed infants or newborns and conjunctivitis in neonates less than or equal to fourteen (14) days old • Reportable by laboratories: CD-4 counts, viral load and STARHS • Reportable by both practitioners and laboratories: o HPV cancer associated strains o abnormal cervical cytologies / histologies o novel or pandemic human influenza strains o influenza associated pediatric mortality o SARS o California serogroup viruses o hepatitis D, E and G 88 o o o o varicella varicella mortality epidemic typhus fever cancer, including benign and borderline intracranial and central nervous system tumors Routine testing is required during pregnancy for chlamydia, gonorrhea, hepatitis Bm HIV, and syphilis with an optout approach. All blood tests must be electronically reported by laboratories. Please be advised that Coventry will periodically monitor Member charts to assure compliance of Providers with this Florida statute. 89 ❷ Medicaid Medicaid Program Florida Medicaid is the medical assistance program that provides access to health care for low-income families and individuals. The Florida Medicaid program is responsible for policies, procedures, and programs to promote access to quality acute and long-term medical, behavioral, therapeutic, and transportation services for Medicaid beneficiaries. Medicaid also assists the elderly and people with disabilities with the costs of nursing facility care and other medical expenses. Eligibility for Medicaid is usually based on the families or individual’s income and assets. Statewide Medicaid Managed Care Program Florida has offered Medicaid services since 1970. Medicaid provides health care coverage for eligible children, seniors, disabled adults and pregnant women. It is funded by both the state and federal governments. The 2011 Florida Legislature passed House Bill 7107 (creating part IV of Chapter 409, F.S.) to establish the Florida Medicaid program as a statewide, integrated managed care program for all covered services, including long-term care services. This program is referred to as statewide Medicaid managed care (SMMC) and includes two programs: one for medical assistance (MMA) and one for long-term care (LTC). Florida Agency for Health Care Administration’s Medicaid Coverage and Limitations Handbook Providers may access the Florida Agency for Health Care Administration’s Medicaid Coverage and Limitations Handbook on the state’s website at www.fdhc.state.fl.us or handbooks may be obtained from AHCA. The handbooks provide more detail on the medical care, treatment and rights of Medicaid Members. Coventry Health Care of Florida (CHCFL) and Providers shall comply with applicable AHCA handbooks and shall not be more restrictive than the limitations and exclusions in such handbooks. Medicaid Fraud and Abuse Complaint Form To report suspected fraud and/or abuse in Florida Medicaid, call the Consumer complaint Hotline toll free at 1-888419-3456 or complete a Medicaid Fraud and Abuse Complaint Form, which is available online at: https://apps.ahca.Myflorida.com/inspectorGeneral/fraud_complaintform.aspx If you report suspected fraud and your report results in a fine, penalty, or forfeiture of property from a doctor or health care provider, you may be eligible for a reward through the Attorney General’s Fraud Rewards Program (tollfree 1-866-866-7226 or 850-414-3990). The reward may be up to 25 percent of the amount recovered, or a maximum of $500,000 per case (Florida Statutes Chapter 409.9203). You can talk to the Attorney General’s Office about keeping your identity confidential and protected. Provider Subcontractor Responsibilities The Managed Care Plan shall be responsible for all work performed under this Contract, but may, with the prior written approval of the Agency, enter into subcontracts for the performance of work required under this Contract. All subcontracts must comply with 42 CFR 438.230, 42 CFR 455.104, 42 CFR 455.105 and 42 CFR 455.106 90 Continuity of Care in Enrollment Coventry shall be responsible for coordination of care for new enrollees transitioning into the Managed Care Plan. In the event a new enrollee is receiving prior authorized ongoing course of treatment with any provider, the Managed Care Plan shall be responsible for the costs of continuation of such course of treatment, without any form of authorization and without regard to whether such services are being provided by participating or nonparticipating providers. LTC Managed Care Plans shall provide continuation of LTC services until the enrollee receives an assessment, a plan of care is developed and services are arranged and authorized as required to address the long-term care needs of the enrollee, which shall be no more than sixty (60) calendar days after the effective date of enrollment. MMA Managed Care Plans shall provide continuation of MMA services until the enrollee’s PCP or behavioral health provider (as applicable to medical or behavioral health services, respectively) reviews the enrollee’s treatment plan, which shall be no more than sixty (60) calendar days after the effective date of enrollment. Comprehensive LTC Managed Care Plans shall provide continuation of LTC services for enrollees with LTC benefits and MMA services for enrollees with MMA benefits as indicated above. Emergency Service Responsibilities The Managed Care Plan shall provide pre-hospital and hospital-based trauma services and emergency services and care to enrollees. See ss. 395.1041, 395.4045 and 401.45, F.S. a. When an enrollee presents at a hospital seeking emergency services and care, the determination that an emergency medical condition exists shall be made, for the purposes of treatment, by a physician of the hospital or, to the extent permitted by applicable law, by other appropriate personnel under the supervision of a hospital physician. See ss. 409.9128, 409.901, F.S. and 641.513, F.S. b. The physician, or the appropriate personnel, shall indicate on the enrollee's chart the results of all screenings, examinations and evaluations. c. The Managed Care Plan shall cover all screenings, evaluations and examinations that are reasonably calculated to assist the provider in arriving at the determination as to whether the enrollee's condition is an emergency medical condition. d. If the provider determines that an emergency medical condition does not exist, the Managed Care Plan is not required to cover services rendered subsequent to the provider's determination unless authorized by the Managed Care Plan. e. If the provider determines that an emergency medical condition exists, and the enrollee notifies the hospital or the hospital emergency personnel otherwise have knowledge that the patient is an enrollee of the Managed Care Plan, the hospital must make a reasonable attempt to notify: - The enrollee's PCP, if known, or - The Managed Care Plan, if the Managed Care Plan has previously requested in writing that it be notified directly of the existence of the emergency medical condition. f. If the hospital, or any of its affiliated providers, do not know the enrollee's PCP, or have been unable to contact the PCP, the hospital must: g. Notify the Managed Care Plan as soon as possible before discharging the enrollee from the emergency care area; or h. Notify the Managed Care Plan within twenty-four (24) hours or on the next business day after the enrollee’s inpatient admission. i. If the hospital is unable to notify the Managed Care Plan, the hospital must document its attempts to notify the Managed Care Plan, or the circumstances that precluded the hospital's attempts to notify 91 j. k. the Managed Care Plan. The Managed Care Plan shall not deny coverage for emergency services and care based on a hospital's failure to comply with the notification requirements of this section. If the enrollee's PCP responds to the hospital's notification, and the hospital physician and the PCP discuss the appropriate care and treatment of the enrollee, the Managed Care Plan may have a member of the hospital staff with whom it has a participating provider contract participate in the treatment of the enrollee within the scope of the physician's hospital staff privileges. The Managed Care Plan shall advise all enrollees of the provisions governing emergency services and care. The Managed Care Plan shall not deny claims for emergency services and care received at a hospital due to lack of parental consent. In addition, the Managed Care Plan shall not deny payment for treatment obtained when a representative of the Managed Care Plan instructs the enrollee to seek emergency services and care in accordance with s. 743.064, F.S. Requirements Regarding Background Screening Physicians and subcontractors shall be subject to background checks. Coventry shall consider the nature of the work Physician, subcontractors or agents performs in determining the level and scope of background checks for all treating providers not currently enrolled in Medicaid’s fee-for-service program, in accordance with the following: Coventry shall ensure providers not currently enrolled in Medicaid’s fee-for-service program submit fingerprints electronically following the process described on the Agency’s Background Screening website. Coventry shall verify Medicaid eligibility through the background screening system; Coventry shall not contract with any provider who has a record of illegal conduct; i.e., found guilty of, regardless of adjudication, or who entered a plea of nolo contendere or guilty to any of the offenses listed in s. 435.04, F.S.; Individuals already screened as Medicaid providers or screened within the past twelve (12) months by another Florida agency or department using the same criteria as the Agency are not required to submit fingerprints electronically but shall document the results of the previous screening; and Individuals listed in s. 409.907(8)(a), F.S., for whom criminal history background screening cannot be documented must provide fingerprints electronically following the process described on the Agency’s background screening website. Cultural Competency Introduction Coventry Health Care and its Florida affiliates recognize that a person’s cultural norms, values and beliefs shape how they approach and utilize health care services. Numerous cultural variables including, but not limited to, ethnicity, race, gender, age, socio-economic status, primary language, English proficiency, spirituality, religion and literacy level influence the way in which a person seeks and utilizes health services and the manner in which a person approaches and manages recovery. The Cultural Competency Plan (CCP) has been developed to outline the methods used by Coventry Health Care of Florida, Inc., serving Medicaid enrollees located in Miami-Dade County, hereafter referred to as “the Health Plan”. The plan is developed to ensure that members receive care that is delivered in a culturally and linguistically sensitive manner. The CCP is comprehensive and incorporates all members, employees and providers. The Health Plan recognizes that respecting the diversity of our members has a significant and positive effect on outcomes of care and have adopted the Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS) Standards, as developed by the Department of Health and Human Services, 92 Office of Minority Health, as guidelines for providing culturally and linguistically competent services. These 15 standards are organized by themes: • • • • Principle Standard (Standard 1) Governance, Leadership, and Workforce (Standards 2-4) Communication and Language Assistance (Standards 5-8) Engagement, Continuous Improvement and Accountability (Standards 9-15) The standards are intended to be inclusive of all cultures and not limited to any particular population group or sets of groups; however, they are especially designed to address the needs of racial, ethnic, and linguistic population groups that may experience unequal access to health services. Cultural Competence Definition: Cultural and linguistic competence is a set of coinciding behaviors, knowledge, attitudes, and policies that come together in a system, organization, or among professionals that enables effective work in crosscultural situations. “Culture” refers to integrated patterns of human behavior that include the language, thoughts, actions, customs, beliefs, and institutions of racial, ethnic, social, or religious groups. “Competence” implies having the capacity to function effectively as an individual or an organization within the context of the cultural beliefs, practices, and needs presented by patients and their communities (Rural Assistance Center, 2008). Stated more simply, cultural competence is the integration and transformation of knowledge about individuals and groups of people into specific standards, policies, practices, and attitudes used in appropriate cultural settings to increase the quality of services; thereby producing better outcomes. Also, cultural competence can be defined as services that are sensitive and responsive to cultural differences whereby caregivers are aware of the impact of culture and possess the skills to help provide services that respond appropriately to a person's unique cultural differences, including race and ethnicity, national origin, religion, age, gender, sexual orientation or physical disability. Goals of the Cultural Competency Plan The purpose of the Health Plans’ Cultural Competency Plan is to implement enterprise-wide methodologies and processes that measure and improve clinical care and services that are mindful of the language and cultural needs of the plans’ members The Health Plans have implemented procedures to assist their staff and Providers to develop awareness and appreciation of cultural customs, values and beliefs, and provide educational information and references to facilitate their incorporation into the assessment of, treatment of, and interaction with our members. The Health Plans encourage their staff to share and utilize their own cultural diversity to enhance the services provided to our members. The Company is committed to providing competent health care that is culturally and linguistically sensitive to members. The Health plans will achieve this by: Program Activities a. Cultural Competency Workgroups Cultural Competency Workgroups are formed on an ad hoc basis to support the health plan in implementing portions of the CLAS project plan. An annual Cultural Competency Work plan/Project Plan (CCP) is developed to guide the activities of the health plan and the Company’s affected functional areas. The CCP Annual Evaluation is used to assess the progress of initiatives and make 93 recommendations to the Quality Improvement Committee and executive leadership, when barriers are identified. b. Member Outreach The Health Plan requests voluntary information on race and language from members and utilize this information to improve linguistic and cultural services. The Health Plan supports activities promoting Health Literacy and ensures member communications are in Plain Language. c. Member Satisfaction Assessment Member satisfaction survey data is reviewed annually, paying special attention to those who identify themselves with limited English proficiency, in order to determine any identifiable clinical care and service gaps. d. Member and Provider Education Cultural Competency articles are posted on the Provider, Member and Employee web portals or via the health plans approved communication venues. Provider and Employee Surveys are conducted in order to determine how best to assist the providers and employees in meeting the cultural needs of the population we serve. The Health Plan monitors complaints on a monthly basis from providers and subcontractors to ensure complaints regarding cultural and linguistically services are identified and resolved in a timely manner. Program Evaluation and Assessment Annually, the health plans conduct an evaluation of the Cultural Competency Plan to assess overall effectiveness and to determine future directions. The evaluation serves as the foundation for planning the upcoming year’s plan and activities relating to elevating cultural awareness. If you have any questions or would like to request a free copy of the Health Plan’s Cultural Competency Plan please call the Quality Department at 1-800-422-7335 extension 308-3576. Providers and subcontractors are required to comply with the plan’s Cultural Competency Plan. Community outreach and marketing activities: Provider may not: 1. Offer marketing/appointment forms, make phone calls or direct, urge or attempt to persuade recipients to enroll in the Coventry Health Care of Florida based on financial or any other interests of the provider. 2. Mail marketing materials on behalf of the Coventry Health Care of Florida. 3. Offer anything of value to induce recipients/enrollees to select them as their provider. 4. Offer inducements to persuade recipients to enroll in the Coventry Health Care of Florida. 5. Conduct health screening as a marketing activity. 6. Accept compensation directly or indirectly from the Managed Care Plan for marketing activities. 7. Distribute marketing materials within an exam room setting. 8. Furnish to the Managed Care Plan lists of their Medicaid patients or the membership of any Managed Care Plan. For a complete list of Community outreach and marketing activities, refer to www.directprovider.com Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation 1. Suspected cases of abuse, neglect and/or exploitation must be reported to the state’s Adult Protective Services Unit. The Florida Adult Protective Services has the responsibility for investigating allegations of 94 abuse and neglect of elders and individuals with disabilities. If the investigation required the enrollee to move from his/her current locations, the Managed Care Plan will coordinate with the investigator to find a safe living environment or another participating ALF of the enrollee’s choice. 2. The Managed Care Plan must ensure that all staff and providers are required to report adverse incidents to the Agency immediately but not more than twenty-four (24) hours of the incident. Reporting will include information including the enrollee’s identity, description of the incident and outcomes including current status of the enrollee. If the event involves a health and safety issue, the Managed Care Plan and case manager will arrange for the enrollee to move from his/her current location or change providers to accommodate a safe environment and provider of the enrollee’s choice. 3. Documentation related to the suspected abuse, neglect or exploitation, including the reporting of such, must be kept in a file, separate from the enrollee’s case file, that is designated as confidential. Such file shall be made available to the Agency upon request. 4. Enrollee quality of care issues must be reported to and a resolution coordinated with the Managed Care Plan’s Quality Management Department. Florida SHOTS/Healthy Kids All PCPs that are participating with Florida Healthy Kids must enroll in Florida SHOTS, Florida’s statewide online immunization registry at the following link: http://www.flshots.com/ Florida SHOTS is a statewide immunization registry developed by the Florida Department of Health (DOH). Florida SHOTS is designed to access and utilize a statewide immunization database. The registry is part of DOH's initiative to increase vaccination coverage for children across Florida. Immunization registries are confidential, computerized information systems that track childhood immunization data. Children are entered into a registry either at birth, through a linkage with electronic birth records from Vital Statistics, or by health care providers. As childhood immunizations are given, the information is entered so that health care professionals know if immunizations are necessary or redundant. Florida SHOTS receives vaccination information for children from across the state, including input from County Health Departments, private providers, the Bureau of Vital Statistics, and eventually from Women Infant and Children (WIC) clinics, and Medicaid. This immunization information will soon be available to schools, and childcare centers. Immunization registries are essential for maintaining high immunization coverage levels. This is true particularly since disease levels are at record lows and outbreaks of preventable illnesses are becoming less common. 95 Important Information for Medicaid Members All Medicaid PCP’s are required to post a copy of the Florida Patients Bill of Rights and Responsibilities in the open and conspicuous view of Medicaid Members. PCP’s are also required to post the Florida HMO Hotline number, (888) 419-3456, in the open and conspicuous view of all Medicaid Members. To view the enrollee’s rights and responsibilities, please see page 103. If copayments are waived as an expanded benefit, the provider must not charge enrollees copayments for covered services; and if copayments are not waived as an expanded benefit, that the amount paid to providers shall be the contracted amount or for FFS Managed Care Plans, the Medicaid fee schedule amount, less any applicable copayments. Healthy Behaviors Program: We will offer programs to our members who want to stop smoking, lose weight, or address any drug abuse problems. We will reward members who join and meet certain goals. These programs will be ready October 1, 2014. Additional information will be provided related to these programs at a later time. 96 Listing of Medicaid Covered Services See table below for the Covered Services: COVERED SERVICES CY 2012 – 2013 9/1/12 – 8/31/15 Ambulance Services Emergency service to hospital/$0 Copay Behavioral Health Services (Inpatient, outpatient, physician services, community mental health, targeted case management for children & adults, intensive targeted case management for adults) PsychCare Toll Free: 800-221-5487 Fax: 800-370-1116 Medical, social & educational resources Services must be recommended by primary care physician or psychiatrist Substance abuse $0 Copay Child Health Check-Up Services Health screening evaluation that shall consist of: comprehensive health and developmental history (including assessment of past medical history, developmental history and behavioral health status); comprehensive unclothed physical exam; developmental assessment; nutritional assessment; appropriate immunizations; laboratory testing (including blood lead testing); health education (including anticipatory guidance); dental screening (including a direct referral to a dentist for enrollees beginning at age three or earlier as indicated); vision screening including objective testing as required; diagnosis and treatment; and referral and follow-up as appropriate. Chiropractic Services Up to 24 visits per year Circumcision Dental Services – Children (under age 21) Dental Services – Adult (age 21 & over) Dialysis Services • In-center hemodialysis, in-center administration of injectable medication & home peritoneal dialysis • Routine lab tests, dialysis-related supplies & ancillary/parenteral items Diabetic Supplies Up to age 20 MediKids - age 1-4 $0 Copay $0 Copay See expanded benefits below MCNA - Dade Dental Quest (Formerly ADI) – Dade Toll Free: 800-964-7811 Fax: 305-443-2622 Broward – 1-866-875-9131 Hendry – 1-800-226-6735 NFL - 850 412-4002 1-800-248-2243 * Emergency & Denture Services: -SFL: (305) 499-2100 N FL (850) 921-8474 $0 Copay $0 Copay 97 Durable Medical Equipment & Medical Supplies – (DME) • Medical or surgical items that are consumable, expendable, disposable or non-durable & are appropriate for use in the patient’s home • Must have prescription, plan if care or hospital discharge plan • Documentation must be signed by/dated by physician with specific term, duration & diagnosis • Prior-authorized wheelchairs • Some services for under 21 years of age Family Planning Services (Member has access to par & non-par Providers) • Restrictions for enrollees under the age of 18 based on marital status, parental consent and pregnancy or in the opinion of the physician, the enrollee may suffer health hazards if the services are not provided. • Not covered: Infertility or elective abortion Flu Shots • Covered for up to 18 years of age under the Vaccine for Children (VFC) program • State provides immunizations directly to the Provider • For ages 19-20, CHCFL covers the flu shot and the Provider should bill CHCFL if administered • Not covered for ages 21 & older Hearing Services • $0 Copay $0 Copay $0 Copay Hearing exam and/or hearing aid (limited number and /or selection of hearing aid) if medically necessary Home Health Services (Home visit services provided by RN/LPN, home health aide, private duty nurse or therapist) Private duty nursing, personal care, personal care, therapy services, limited to children under age 21 who are medically complex • 60 visits per lifetime • 2 to 24 hours private nursing per day • 2 to 24 hours personal care by health aid per day Immunizations (including those provided by county health departments) • Based on the recommended childhood immunization schedule for the U.S. and established by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) • Up to age 20 Inpatient Hospital Services – Adult • $0 Copay $0 Copay $0 Copay $0 Copay Coverage up to 45 days per fiscal year (7/1 to 6/30) 98 Laboratory Services & X-ray Services • Outpatient Hospital Services Covered outpatient hospital services included medical supplies, nursing care, therapeutic services and drugs. Some outpatient hospital services are limited to $1,500 for adults age 21 and older. There is no limitation for children 20 years of age or younger. Physician Services - Primary Physician Services - Specialist (Including, but not limited to) Allergy, anesthesiology, cardiology, chiropractic services, dermatology, endocrinology, gastroenterology, general surgery, gynecology, infectious diseases, nephrology, neurology, obstetrics, oncology, ophthalmology, oral surgery, orthopedics, pathology, podiatry, psychiatry, pulmonology, radiology, therapy, urology Podiatry Services • $0 Copay Blood, urinalysis, freestanding facility, MRI, CAT scan $0 Copay • Primary care Provider (PCP), psychiatrist, registered nurse practitioner, physicians assistant, ambulatory surgical center, rural health clinic, federally qualified health center, birthing center and county health department clinic • $0 Copay Some services may require a referral from your primary care physician $0 Copay $0 Copay Up to 4 visits per year without authorization Prescription Drug Services Medicaid Formulary • Unlimited Generic Drugs Therapy Services – Adults (age 21 & over) Physical, Respiratory Therapy Services – Children (under age 21) Physical, Respiratory, Speech/Language, Occupational Translation Services (Oral translations for non-English speakers) Transplant Services (Evaluation, bone marrow; cornea, intestinal/multivisceral, kidney, pancreas, pre- and post transplant care including transplants not covered by Medicaid) Transportation Services (Non-emergency) $0 Copay Vision Services • Contact lenses available only for unilateral or bilateral aphakia • Adult eyeglass frames and $0 Copay $0 Copay $0 Copay $0 Copay Some limitations to services may apply SFL Logistic Care : 866-726-1457 Broward: 1-866-867-0729 Gadsden: 850-627-9958 Hendry: 239-768-2900 Jefferson: 850-997-1323 Leon: 850-891-5199 Liberty: 850-643-2524 Madison: 850-973-4418 Wakulla: 850-926-7145 Primary Plus aka CompBenefits Toll Free 1-800-393-2873 / Option 3 Fax 1-800-329-6030 Eye Management, Inc. - Hillsborough 99 • Eyeglasses (frames are limited to 1 pair every 2 years per recipient; lenses limited to 1 every 365 days based on medical necessity) • All special eyeglasses and contact lenses must be prior authorized QUALITY BENEFIT ENHANCEMENTS Smoking cessation $0 Copay Substance abuse $0 Copay Domestic violence $0 Copay Pregnancy prevention $0 Copay Pre-natal/postpartum pregnancy Children’s programs Disease management programs diabetes, asthma, heart disease, hypertension, congestive heart failure, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, high risk obesity, chronic kidney disease, dialysis, wound care, pediatrics, neonatal intensive care, end of life Physician Surgical EXPANDED BENEFITS/SERVICES Circumcision $0 Copay $0 Copay $0 Copay $0 Copay $0 Copay $0 Copay (Up to 12 weeks) Chiropractic Services Up to 24 visits per year $0 Copay Circumcision See expanded benefits below Dental Services – Children (under age 21) Dental Quest (Formerly ADI) – Dade Toll Free: 800-964-7811 Fax: 305-443-2622 Broward – 1-866-875-9131 Hendry – 1-800-226-6735 NFL - 850 412-4002 Dental Services – Adult (age 21 & over) Dialysis Services • In-center hemodialysis, in-center administration of injectable medication & home peritoneal dialysis • Routine lab tests, dialysis-related supplies & ancillary/parenteral items Diabetic Supplies * Emergency & Denture Services: -SFL: (305) 499-2100 N FL (850) 921-8474 $0 Copay $0 Copay 100 Durable Medical Equipment & Medical Supplies – (DME) • Medical or surgical items that are consumable, expendable, disposable or non-durable & are appropriate for use in the patient’s home • Must have prescription, plan if care or hospital discharge plan • Documentation must be signed by/dated by physician with specific term, duration & diagnosis • Prior-authorized wheelchairs • Some services for under 21 years of age Family Planning Services (Member has access to par & non-par Providers) • Restrictions for enrollees under the age of 18 based on marital status, parental consent and pregnancy or in the opinion of the physician, the enrollee may suffer health hazards if the services are not provided. • Not covered: Infertility or elective abortion Flu Shots • Covered for up to 18 years of age under the Vaccine for Children (VFC) program • State provides immunizations directly to the Provider • For ages 19-20, CHCFL covers the flu shot and the Provider should bill CHCFL if administered • Not covered for ages 21 & older Hearing Services • $0 Copay $0 Copay $0 Copay Hearing exam and/or hearing aid (limited number and /or selection of hearing aid) if medically necessary Home Health Services (Home visit services provided by RN/LPN, home health aide, private duty nurse or therapist) Private duty nursing, personal care, personal care, therapy services, limited to children under age 21 who are medically complex • 60 visits per lifetime • 2 to 24 hours private nursing per day • 2 to 24 hours personal care by health aid per day Immunizations (including those provided by county health departments) • Based on the recommended childhood immunization schedule for the U.S. and established by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) • Up to age 20 Inpatient Hospital Services – Adult • $0 Copay $0 Copay $0 Copay $0 Copay Coverage up to 45 days per fiscal year (7/1 to 6/30) 101 Laboratory Services & X-ray Services • $0 Copay Blood, urinalysis, freestanding facility, MRI, CAT scan Outpatient Hospital Services Covered outpatient hospital services included medical supplies, nursing care, therapeutic services and drugs. Some outpatient hospital services are limited to $1,500 for adults age 21 and older. There is no limitation for children 20 years of age or younger. $0 Copay Physician Services - Primary • Primary care Provider (PCP), psychiatrist, registered nurse practitioner, physicians assistant, ambulatory surgical center, rural health clinic, federally qualified health center, birthing center and county health department clinic • $0 Copay Physician Services - Specialist (Including, but not limited to) Allergy, anesthesiology, cardiology, chiropractic services, dermatology, endocrinology, gastroenterology, general surgery, gynecology, infectious diseases, nephrology, neurology, obstetrics, oncology, ophthalmology, oral surgery, orthopedics, pathology, podiatry, psychiatry, pulmonology, radiology, therapy, urology Podiatry Services • Some services may require a referral from your primary care physician $0 Copay $0 Copay Up to 4 visits per year without authorization Prescription Drug Services Medicaid Formulary $0 Copay Therapy Services – Adults (age 21 & over) Physical, Respiratory Therapy Services – Children (under age 21) Physical, Respiratory, Speech/Language, Occupational Translation Services (Oral translations for non-English speakers) Transplant Services (Evaluation, bone marrow; cornea, intestinal/multivisceral, kidney, pancreas, pre- and post transplant care including transplants not covered by Medicaid) Transportation Services (Non-emergency) $0 Copay $0 Copay $0 Copay $0 Copay Some limitations to services may apply SFL Logistic Care : 866-726-1457 Broward: 1-866-867-0729 Gadsden: 850-627-9958 Hendry: 239-768-2900 Jefferson: 850-9971323 Leon: 850-891-5199 Liberty: 850-643-2524 Madison: 850-973-4418 Wakulla: 850-926-7145 102 Vision Services • Contact lenses available only for unilateral or bilateral aphakia • Adult eyeglass frames and • Eyeglasses (frames are limited to 1 pair every 2 years per recipient; lenses limited to 1 every 365 days based on medical necessity) • All special eyeglasses and contact lenses must be prior authorized Primary Plus aka CompBenefits Toll Free 1-800-393-2873 / Option 3 Fax 1-800-329-6030 QUALITY BENEFIT ENHANCEMENTS Smoking cessation $0 Copay Substance abuse $0 Copay Domestic violence $0 Copay Pregnancy prevention $0 Copay Pre-natal/postpartum pregnancy Children’s programs Disease management programs diabetes, asthma, heart disease, hypertension, HIV/AIDS Physician $0 Copay $0 Copay $0 Copay $0 Copay Surgical $0 Copay EXPANDED BENEFITS/SERVICES Circumcision $0 Copay (Up to 12 weeks) 103 Enrollees Rights and Responsibilities: RIGHTS Enrollees have the right to have your privacy protected Enrollees have the right to a response to questions and requests Enrollees have the right to know who is providing services to you Enrollees have the right to know the services that are available, including an interpreter if you don’t speak English Enrollees have the right to know the rules and regulations about your conduct Enrollees have the right to be given information about your health Enrollees have the right to get service from out-of-network providers Enrollees have the right to get family planning services from any participating Medicaid provider without prior authorization Enrollees have the right to be given information and counseling on the financial resources for your care Enrollees have the right to know if the provider or facility accepts the assignment rate Enrollees have the right to receive an estimate of charges for your care Enrollees have the right to receive a bill and to have the charges explained Enrollees have the right to be treated regardless of race, national origin, religion, handicap, or source of payment Enrollees have the right to be treated in an emergency Enrollees have the right to participate in experimental research Enrollees have the right to file a grievance if you think your rights have been violated Enrollees have the right to information about our doctors Enrollees have the right to be treated with respect and with due consideration for your dignity and privacy Enrollees have the right to receive information on available treatment options and alternatives, presented in a manner appropriate to your condition and ability to understand Enrollees have the right to participate in decisions regarding your health care, including the right to refuse treatment Enrollees have the right to be free from any form of restraint or seclusion used as a means of coercion, discipline, convenience, or retaliation Enrollees have the right to request and receive a copy of your medical records and request that they be amended or corrected Enrollees have the right to be provided health care services in accordance with federal and state regulations Enrollees are free to exercise your rights, and the exercise of those rights does not adversely affect the way the health plan and its providers or the State agency treat you Enrollees have the right to make a complaint or appeal about the health plan or the care it provides. Enrollees have the right to make a recommendation regarding the health plan’s member rights and responsibilities RESPONSIBILITIES Enrollees should provide accurate and complete information about your health Enrollees should report unexpected changes in your condition Enrollees should report that you understand your care and what is expected of you Enrollees should follow the treatment plan recommended Enrollees should keep appointments Enrollees should follow your doctor’s instructions Enrollees should make sure your health care bills are paid Enrollees should follow health care facility rules and regulations Enrollees should understand your health problems and participate in starting equally agreed-upon treatment goals 104 ❸Key Lists & List of Forms Required forms and reference documents can be downloaded and printed from the Resource Library under the Downloadable Forms section of Coventry’s Provider Website at: www.directProvider.com and include but is not limited to the list of forms below. This list as well as any forms or documents found on www.directProvider.com is subject to change at Coventry Health Care of Florida’s discretion. Forms/Reports/Bulletins/Newsletters 2014 Annual Mandatory Provider Trainings Provider Newsletter Notification Clinical Practice Guidelines Provider Satisfaction Survey – Re-send Financial Compensation Federal Reimbursement Guidelines Duplicate Claim Submission Update Prior Authorization Updates Triad Notification Provider Satisfaction Survey 2013 Referral/Hospital Admissions Notification Standards For Medical Records Documentation Provider Newsletter Carelink Notification Oncology Specialist Care Management Program Notification 105
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