Lars Hassel short CV 2015

Professor Lars G. Hassel
Umeå School of Business and Economics
Umeå University
SE-901 87 UMEÅ
PH: +46 90 786 7132 (office)
PH: +46 73 735 7800
Education: Dr. Sc. (Accounting), Åbo Akademi University, Finland, 1992
Present positions: Professor (Accounting), Rector/Dean Umeå School of Business and Economics (USBE)
Teaching and supervision experience:
Financial and management accounting courses at undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate levels in Finland,
Sweden and abroad. Former lecturer in Economics. Supervised 15 doctoral candidates for a successful defense
during last fifteen years and more than 150 master theses over the last twenty years.
Current Research interest: The value relevance of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) information in the
value chain of financial markets. Publications on international, financial, management and environmental accounting
topics. Management control in multinationals dissertation and post doc stage.
Former and visiting positions: Åbo Akademi University, Finland. Department of Accountancy-Massey University,
New Zealand, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, U.S. Zelenograd Business College, Russia, Helsinki
Business School American Degree Program at the University College Help Institute in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, IGR University of Rennes 1, France, University of Tartu, Estonia.
Publications in refereed journals: European Accounting Review, The International Journal of Accounting, Auditing
and Performance Evaluation. The Journal of Global Business Advancement, The Journal of International Accounting
Research, Journal of International Financial Management and Accounting, The Journal of Applied Accounting
Research, Asia Pacific Journal of Management, Scandinavian Journal of Management, Management International
Review, Sustainable Development, The Finnish Journal of Business Economics. Financial Accountability &
Management, Journal of Business Ethics.
Papers on Annual Conferences of the American Accounting Association, the European Accounting Association,
Workshops at the European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management, British Accounting Association Annual
Conferences, Annual Conferences of the Accounting Association for Australia and New Zealand, Asia-Pacific
Conferences on International Accounting Issues (best paper award 2001), Conferences of Academy of Global
Business Advancement (best paper award 2004). European Finance Association annual conferences, Emerging
issues in international accounting conferences. PRI Academic Network conferences.
Refereed article publications and book chapters:
Hassel, L.G., Kallunki J-P. and Nilsson, H (2014) Do Personal Traits Matter? CEO’s and Directors’ Risk Taking and
Environmental Firm Performance in Fetscherin, M. (ed.) The CEO Brand: Theory and Practice, Routledge forthcoming 2015
Cerin, P. Hassel L.G. and Semenova, N (2014) Energy Efficiency and Housing Prices, Sustainable Development, 22:6, 404419
Semenova, N. and Hassel, L.G (2014) On the Validity of Environmental Performance Metrics, Journal of Business Ethics,
Published online 17 August 2014
Mutiganda, J.C., Hassel L.G. and Fagerström, A (2013) Accounting for Competetion, ’Circuits of Power’ and Negotiated Order
Between Not-For-Profit and Public Sector Organisations, Financial Accountability and Management, 29 4: 378-396.
Hassel, L.G and Semenova, N (2013) The Added Value of Environmental, Social and Governance Performance and
Sustainable and Responsible Investment on Company and Portfolio Levels – What Can We Learn from Research? In CSR and
Beyond – A Nordic Perspective (ed. Atle Midttun), 137-164, Cappelem Damm Akademisk, Oslo 2013
Semenova, N and Hassel L.G. (2013) Asymmetry in Value Relevance of Environmental Performance (EP) Information:
Contingency Effects of Size and Industry, Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing, Vol. 9, No. 6, 777-789 (Norway:
Lars G. Hassel, Lars-Olle Larsson and Elisabeth Nore (2011) Hållbar utveckling - från risk till värde, Studentlitteratur.Semenova
N, Hassel L and Nilsson H (2010) The Value Relevance of Environmental and Social Performance: Evidence from Swedish SIX
300 Companies, Finnish Journal of Business Economics, Vol. 10, No. 3 , 265-292.
Cunningham G.M. and Hassel L (2009) (ed.) Global Accounting. Journal of Global Business Advancement. Vol 2, No1/2.
Arne Fagerström, Lars G. Hassel and Gary M. Cunningham (2009) Financial Reporting of Brazilian Subsidiaries to Swedish
Multinational Parent Companies: A Field Study. Journal of International Business and Entrepreneurship Development, Vol
4, No. 1, 179-190.
Cerin P, Hassel L and Scholtens, B (2008) (ed.) Sustainable Development and Socially Responsible Investing, Sustainable
Development, 16:3, 137-140.
Hassel, L. Ljungdahl, F. och Larsson, L-O. (2008), CSR – från risk till värde (CSR – from risk to value), Öhrlings
PricewaterhouseCoopers publication, Published by Studentlitteratur 2008
Hassel, L (2008) Det ansvarsfulla företaget skapar mervärde för ägarna in CSR – från risk till värde, pp. 9-24,
Studentlitteratur 2008
Hassel, L (2008) The Responsible Company Creates Added Value to Owners in CSR - from Risk to Value, Öhrlings
PricewaterhouseCoopers publication, Published by Studentlitteratur 2008
Hassel, L (2008) Har hållbarhetsrapporteringen värderelevans? i Röster om transparens och hållbarhetsredovisning,
PriceWaterhouseCoopers, Studentlitteratur 2008
Nilsson, H., G. Cunnigham and L. Hassel (2008): A Study of the Provision of Environmental Information in Financial Analysts
Research Reports. Sustainable Development, Vol. 16:3, 180-194
Semenova, N. and L. Hassel (2008) Company level financial outcomes of environmental risk and opportunity for U.S.
companies. Sustainable Development, Vol. 16:3, 195-212, Vol 16:3, 137-140
Gary M. Cunningham and Lars G. Hassel (2008) Budget Effectiveness in Multinational Corporations: A Systems Fit Approach,
Journal of Global Business Advancement, Vol. 1: 2/3, 204-224
Arne Fagerström, Lars G. Hassel and Gary M. Cunningham (2007) Compliance with consolidation (group) accounting standards
– the vertical adjustment issue: A survey of Swedish multinationals, Journal of Global Business Advancement Vol. 1, No.1, 3748 .
Arne Fagerström, Lars G. Hassel and Gary M. Cunningham (2007) Compliance with consolidation (group) accounting standards
– the vertical adjustment issue: A Field Study, International Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Performance Evaluation, Vol. 4,
issue 6, pages 650-665.
Lars Hassel, Henrik Nilsson and Siv Nyqvist (2005) The Value Relevance of Environmental Performance, European Accounting
Review, Vol. 14, No.1, 41-61.
Lars G. Hassel and Gary M. Cunningham (2004), Psychic Distance and Budget Control of Foreign Subsidiaries, The Journal of
International Accounting Research, Vol. 3 No. 2, 79-93
Stellan Nilsson and Lars Hassel (2003) Corporate Governance: Attendance at the annual general meetings in large Swedish
companies, The International Journal of Vestnik, No. 4, 128-133.
Chris Durden, Lars Hassel and David Upton (1999) Cost Accounting and Performance Measurement in a Just-in-Time
Production Environment, Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 16 (1), 113-127.
Lars Hassel (1998) Budget Communication Moderate Incongruent Budget Emphasis between the Superior and Subordinate,
The Finnish Journal Business Economics, No. 1, 11-23.
Mohan Lal and Lars Hassel (1998) The Joint Impact of Environmental Uncertainty and Tolerance of Ambiguity on Managers
Perceptions of the Usefulness of Non-Conventional Management Accounting Information, Scandinavian Journal of Management,
Vol. 14, No. 3, 259-271.
Lars Hassel and Gary Cunningham (1996) Budget Effectiveness in Multinational Corporations: An Empirical Test of The Use of
Budget Controls Moderated by Two Dimensions of Budget Participation Under High and Low Environmental Dynamism,
Management International Review, Vol. 36, No. 3, 245-266.
Lars Hassel and Gary Cunningham (1993) Budget Effectiveness in Multinational Companies: An Empirical Examination of
Environmental Interaction on Cognitive and Affective Effects of Two Dimensions of Budgetary Participation, Scandinavian
Journal of Management, Vol. 9, No. 4, 297-316.
Lars Hassel (1993) Interaction Between Reliance on Accounting Performance Measures and Budgetary Participation: A Further
Test of Performance Effects, The Journal of Applied Accounting Research, Vol. No. 1, 88-106.
Lars Hassel (1992) Budget Control in a Multinational Context (diss.). Åbo Academy University press
Silja Latvanen and Lars Hassel (1992) Rewarding Results among Production Personnel, The Finnish Journal of Business
Economics, Nr. 4, 1-15.
Lars Hassel (1991) Headquarter Reliance on Accounting Performance Measures in a Multinational Context, Journal of
International Financial Management and Accounting, Vol.3, No.1, 17-38.
Other academic assignments. Member of editorial boards of Journal of Sustainable Finance & Investment, Journal
of Global Business Advancement (co-editor of special issue on Global Accounting), Independent Business Review.
Invited co-editor for Sustainable Development, ad hoc referee for international journals. External evaluator examiner
for doctoral dissertations in Finland, Sweden and internationally (Leeds, Maastricht, Massey, MacQuarie and Tartu),
member of dissertation committees, evaluator of applicants for professor and lecturer positions in Finland, Sweden
(Helsinki, Jyväskylä, Oulu, Vaasa, Uppsala, Lund, Stockholm, Linköping, Mälardalen, Jönköping, Umeå and
Karlstad) and internationally (Tartu, Marseilles). Faculty member of doctoral school in economics 2006-, University of
Tartu, Oikos Young Scholars Finance Academy, Gais 2011. Board member at Swedish Auditing Academy 2009-.
Chair of UN PRI – Mistra Academic conference Dynamics of Responsible Investment, Sigtuna 2011. Keynote at
UNPRI Academic Network Conference, University of Sydney Business School, 2011. Member of the UN-PRI
Academic Network steering committee 2010-.
Awards. Vernon Zimmerman best paper award Rio 2001, AGBA best paper Delhi 2004, Globe award for outstanding
CSR research, Stockholm 2008. Lee Radebaugh notable contribution to international research by American
Accounting Association 2013.
Administrative experience: Rector Umeå School of Business and Economics 2012-, Head of Department of
Business Studies at Åbo Akademi University, 1999-2005. Member of the board at University of Vaasa 2014-, Åland
University of Applied Sciences 1996-2002, Novia University of Applied Sciences (former Sydväst) 1998-2006, Center
for Environmental and Resource Economics, Umeå University 2013-, Research and Development Institute Aronia
(chair) 1996-2010, Research Institute of Åbo Akademi foundation 2008-2011, Earthrate 2015, Economic advisory
board of Åbo Akademi student union 1986-2012. Program Director for Sustainable Investment Research Platform at
Mistra, Foundation for Strategic Environmental Research ( 2006-2012. Contractor and coordinator of
Tempus Tacis MJEP 10723-1999 and CDJEP 23209-2002 in Russia.
Research funding (main): Mistra 101 MSEK (2006-2012)
Merits: FVR R 1, December 6, 2009, Finland. Honorary professor, Kahabrovsk State Academy of Economics of Law,
Russia, 2005: Moscow State Industrial University 2013.
Military rank: Senior Lieutenant in the reserve