MICROCOMPUTER MN102L00 MN102L00 Series Cross Assembler User’s Manual Pub.No.12210-071E MS-DOS is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. MIFES is a trademark of Megasoft, Inc. PC/AT is a registered trademark of International Business Machine, Incorporated. VZ Editor is a registered trademark of Village Center, Inc. SPARC station is a trademark of SPARC International, Inc., licensed exclusively to Sun Microsystems Corporation. Sun OS is a trademark of Sun Microsystems Corporation. Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation. PanaXSeries is a trademark of Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd. The other corporation names, logotype and product names written in this book are trademarks or registered trademarks of their corresponding corporations. Request for your special attention and precautions in using the technicalinformation and semiconductors described in this book (1) An export permit needs to be obtained from the competent authorities of the Japanese Government if any of the products or technologies described in this book and controlled under the "Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Law" is to be exported or taken out of Japan (2) The contents of this book are subject to change without notice in matters of improved function. When Þnalizing your design, therefore, ask for the most up-to-date version in advance in order to check for any changes. (3) We are not liable for any damage arising out of the use of the contents of this book, or for any infringement of patents or any other rights owned by a third party. (4) No part of this book may be reprinted or reproduced by any means without written permission from our company. If you have any inquiries or questions about this book or our semiconductors, please contact one of our sales ofÞces listed at the back of this book or Matsushita Electronics Corporation's Sales Department About This Manual This manual describes the functions and operation of the cross-assembler for this series of microcontrollers. ¥ Manual Features ¥ Chapters on installation, program development ßow, and introductory operation are provided, so Þrsttime users can quickly get an overview and easily master operation. ¥ Optimization, a special feature of the Cross-Assembler, is explained in its own chapter. ¥ Explanations of how to operate the assembler and linker and how to write programs are made mostly through the use of examples. ¥ Syntax, usage notes, and examples are given for each assembler directive, assembler control statement, and macro control statement. ¥ Use of the library manager, a tool for managing library Þles, is also explained. ¥ For users of engineering workstations (EWS), a separate chapter describes differences from the MSDOS version. ¥ Chapters provides listings of machine-language instructions and error messages, as well as sample programs that demonstrate usage. < About This Manual 1 > ¥ How to read Chapter 1 Installation Heading 1.3.4 Environment Settings Before using the Cross-Assembler, verify or change the following two Þles. CONFIG.SYS If FILES and BUFFERS speciÞcations do not already exist in CONFIG.SYS, then you must add them. If they do already exist, then check their settings, and change them if necessary. Program example FILES=20 BUFFERS=20 NOTE: Be sure to make these settings. If the assembler is started without them, then the error message "bad tmpbss(w)" will be output and processing will stop. This means that the number of Þles that can be opened simultaneously is insufÞcient. Terminology: CONFIG.SYS This is the Þle that sets the MS-DOS operating environment. FILES speciÞes the number of Þles that can be read and written simultaneously. BUFFERS speciÞes the size of memory used for reading/writing disks. Usage note Supplementary explanation Installing PC Version 14 ¥ Heading Chapter titles are shown here on each page, so the reader can get a quick idea of contents while ßipping through the pages. ¥ Program example These are actual examples of command options and instructions used by the assembler. First-time users should refer to these examples when trying to use the assembler. ¥ Usage note These give important information. Usage note provide cautions about usage, so they should always be read. ¥ Supplementary explanation These are hints ands terminology deÞnitions that can help the reader use the assembler. <About This Manual 2 > ¥ Reference Techniques Table of Contents Table of Contents Chapter Contents 1.1 Purpose of This Chapter Table of Contents ................................... ................................... ................................... .................................... ........... Chapter1.. Chapter 1... Chapter 2... .......... Chapter 8... Index Index ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ¥ ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... Main Contents This shows the main contents of this manual. Use it to look up the start of each chapter. ¥ Table Of Contents This shows the title of all sections of this manual. ¥ Chapter Contents Located at the start of each chapter, this shows the titles of all sections in that chapter. ¥ Index Refer to the index at the back of this manual to look up technical terms. < About This Manual 3 > ¥ Related Manuals The following related manuals are available. Please contact your sales representative for more details. MN102L00 Series LSI User's ManualÓ <Describes the device hardware> MN102L00 Series Instruction Manual" <Describes the instruction set> MN102L00 Series C Compiler User's Manual: Usage Guide" <Describes the installation, the commands, and options of the C Compiler> MN102L00 Series C Compiler User's Manual: Language Description" <Describes the syntax of the C Compiler> MN102L00 Series C Compiler User's Manual: Library Reference" <Describes the the standard library of the C Compiler> MN102L00 Series C Source Code Debugger User's Manual" <Describes the use of the C source code debugger> (NOTE: Not required for C Source Code Debugger for Windows¨ users.) MN102L00 Series C Source Code Debugger for Windows¨ User's Manual <Describes the use of the C source code debugger for Windows¨> MN102L00 Series Installation Manual" <Describes the installation of the C compiler, cross-assembler and C source code debugger and the procedure for bringing up the in-circuit emulator> <About This Manual 4 > < About This Manual 5 > Table of Contents Chapter 1 Installation Chapter 2 Program Development Flow Chapter 3 Introduction To Operation Chapter 4 Optimization Chapter 5 Using Assembler Chapter 6 Using Linker Chapter 7 Types Of Source Statements Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Writing Source Statements Writing Machine Language Instruction Statements And Directive Statements Writing Assembler Control Statements Chapter 11 Writing Macro Control Statements Chapter 12 List Of Machine Language Instructions Chapter 13 Error Messages Chapter 14 Readinig List Files Chapter 15 Using Library Manager Chapter 16 EWS Version Chapter 17 Appendix Index 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 index Ta b l e o f C o n t e n t s Chapter 1 Installation 1.1 Purpose Of This Chapter ................................................................................................................... 2 1.2 Installing the PC Version Of the Assembler..................................................................................... 3 1.2.1 Hardware Environment ............................................................................................................... 3 1.3 File Organization .............................................................................................................................. 4 1.4 Installation ........................................................................................................................................ 6 1.5 Configuring the Operating Environment .......................................................................................... 7 1.6 User Customization ........................................................................................................................... 9 1.6.1 Assembler Customization ........................................................................................................... 9 1.6.2 Linker Customization ................................................................................................................ 11 1.7 File Conversion Utility ................................................................................................................... 13 Chapter 2 Program Development Flow 2.1 Purpose Of This Chapter................................................................................................................. 18 2.2 Program Development Flow ........................................................................................................... 19 2.3 Programming With Assemble........................................................................................................ r 21 Chapter 3 Introduction To Operation 3.1 Purpose Of This Chapter................................................................................................................. 26 3.2 Files Used By Assembler And Linker ............................................................................................ 27 3.3 Basic Operation Of Assembler And Linker .................................................................................... 29 3.4 Assembling And Linking Multiple Sections .................................................................................. 35 3.5 Conditional Assembly And Linking ............................................................................................... 46 3.6 Error Correction Using Tag Jumps ................................................................................................. 53 Chapter 4 4.1 <TOC 1 > Optimization Purpose Of This Chapter................................................................................................................. 58 4.2 Rules Of Usage ............................................................................................................................... 59 4.2.1 Usage Example .......................................................................................................................... 71 Chapter 5 Using Assembler 5.1 Purpose of This Chapter ................................................................................................................. 80 5.2 Starting Assembler .......................................................................................................................... 81 5.3 Command Options .......................................................................................................................... 85 5.3.1 Output File Options ................................................................................................................... 86 5.3.2 Error Message Options............................................................................................................ 110 5.3.3 Preprocessor Options .............................................................................................................. 116 5.3.4 Program Generation Options ................................................................................................... 123 5.3.5 Other Options .......................................................................................................................... 127 5.4 Operation example ........................................................................................................................ 129 Chapter 6 Using Linker 6.1 Purpose Of This Chapter............................................................................................................... 132 6.2 Starting Linker .............................................................................................................................. 133 6.3 Command Options ........................................................................................................................ 136 6.3.1 Output File Options ................................................................................................................. 137 6.3.2 Error Message Options ............................................................................................................ 142 6.3.3 Program Generation Options ................................................................................................... 146 6.3.4 Library File Options ................................................................................................................ 152 6.3.5 Other Options .......................................................................................................................... 154 6.4 Operation Examples ...................................................................................................................... 157 Chapter 7 Types Of Source Statement 7.1 Purpose of This Chapter ............................................................................................................... 160 7.2 Program Format ............................................................................................................................. 161 7.3 Machine Language Instruction Statements And Directive Statements......................................... 163 7.4 Assembler Control Statements...................................................................................................... 164 7.5 Macro Control Statements ............................................................................................................ 165 <TOC 2 > 7.6 Comment Statements .................................................................................................................... 166 7.7 Blank Statements .......................................................................................................................... 167 Chapter 8 Writing Source Statements 8.1 Purpose of This Chapter ............................................................................................................... 170 8.2 Permitted Characters ..................................................................................................................... 171 8.3 Numbers ........................................................................................................................................ 172 8.4 Character Constants ...................................................................................................................... 175 8.5 Address Constants ......................................................................................................................... 177 8.6 Location Counter .......................................................................................................................... 178 8.7 Expressions ................................................................................................................................... 179 8.7.1 Operators ................................................................................................................................. 180 8.7.2 Expression Evaluation ............................................................................................................. 182 8.7.3 Expression Syntax ................................................................................................................... 184 8.7.4 Expression Attributes .............................................................................................................. 185 8.8 Reserved Words ............................................................................................................................ 187 Chapter 9 Writing Machine Language Instruction Statements And Directive Statements 9.1 Purpose Of This Chapter ............................................................................................................... 190 9.2 Instruction Statement Fields ......................................................................................................... 191 9.2.1 Writing Label Field ................................................................................................................ 192 9.2.2 Writing Operation Field .......................................................................................................... 193 9.2.3 Writing Operand Field ............................................................................................................ 194 9.2.4 Writing Comment Field .......................................................................................................... 195 9.3 Writing Machine Language Instruction Statements ..................................................................... 196 9.4 Writing Directive Statements ........................................................................................................ 197 9.4.1 section ..................................................................................................................................... 199 9.4.2 align ......................................................................................................................................... 201 9.4.3 end ........................................................................................................................................... 203 9.4.4 listoff, liston ............................................................................................................................ 204 <TOC 3 > 9.4.5 notation .................................................................................................................................... 206 9.4.6 org ........................................................................................................................................... 208 9.4.7 opt............................................................................................................................................ 210 9.4.8 page ......................................................................................................................................... 212 9.4.9 radix ......................................................................................................................................... 213 9.4.10 dc ............................................................................................................................................. 215 9.4.11 ds ............................................................................................................................................. 217 9.4.12 dw ............................................................................................................................................ 219 9.4.13 dd ............................................................................................................................................. 221 9.4.14 global ....................................................................................................................................... 225 9.4.15 tit ............................................................................................................................................. 227 9.4.16 xlistoff, xliston ........................................................................................................................ 228 Chapter 10 Writing Assembler Control Statements 10.1 Purpose Of This Chapter............................................................................................................... 232 10.2 #include ......................................................................................................................................... 233 10.3 #define .......................................................................................................................................... 235 10.4 #undef ........................................................................................................................................... 237 10.5 Conditional Assembly ................................................................................................................... 239 10.5.1 #ifdef,#ifndef ........................................................................................................................... 241 10.5.2 #if,#ifn ..................................................................................................................................... 243 10.5.3 #ifeq,#ifneq ............................................................................................................................. 246 10.5.4 #iflt,#ifle .................................................................................................................................. 251 10.5.5 #ifgt,#ifge ................................................................................................................................ 255 10.5.6 #ifb,#ifnb ................................................................................................................................. 259 Chapter 11 Writing Macro Control Statements 11.1 Purpose Of This Chapter............................................................................................................... 266 11.2 Macro Definitions (macro, endm) ................................................................................................. 267 11.3 Macro Calls And Expansion .......................................................................................................... 269 11.4 Macro Operators ........................................................................................................................... 272 11.5 Local Symbol Declaration (local) ................................................................................................. 275 11.6 Forced Termination Of Macro Expansion (exitm) ....................................................................... 278 <TOC 4 > 11.7 Purging Macro Definitions (purge) ............................................................................................... 283 11.8 rept ................................................................................................................................................ 285 11.9 irp .................................................................................................................................................. 288 11.10 irpc ................................................................................................................................................ 291 11.11 front / back .................................................................................................................................... 294 Chapter 12 List Of Machine Language Instructions 12.1 Purpose Of This Chapter............................................................................................................... 298 12.2 Addressing Modes ........................................................................................................................ 299 12.3 List Of Machine Language Instructions ....................................................................................... 303 12.3.1 Data Move Instructions ........................................................................................................... 304 12.3.2 Arithmetic Instructions............................................................................................................ 307 12.3.3 Logical Instructions................................................................................................................. 310 12.3.4 Subroutine Call Instructions .................................................................................................... 312 12.3.5 Unconditional Branch Instructions ......................................................................................... 312 12.3.6 Conditional Branch Instructions ............................................................................................. 313 12.3.7 Bit Manipulation Instructions ................................................................................................. 316 12.3.8 Other Instructions.................................................................................................................... 316 Chapter 13 Error Messages 13.1 Purpose Of This Chapter ............................................................................................................... 318 13.2 Assembler Errors .......................................................................................................................... 319 13.2.1 Error Messages ........................................................................................................................ 319 13.2.2 Warning Messages .................................................................................................................. 322 13.2.3 Fatal Error Messages............................................................................................................... 323 13.3 Linker Errors ................................................................................................................................. 326 13.3.1 Fatal Error Messages............................................................................................................... 328 Chapter 14 Readinig List Files 14.1 <TOC 5 > Purpose Of This Chapter ............................................................................................................... 332 14.2 Reading List Files ......................................................................................................................... 333 14.2.1 Output Format Of Machine Language Code........................................................................... 334 14.2.2 Symbol Table .......................................................................................................................... 337 14.2.3 Cross-Reference Table ............................................................................................................ 339 Chapter 15 Using Library Manager 15.1 Purpose Of This Chapter ............................................................................................................... 342 15.2 Starting Library Manager .............................................................................................................. 343 15.3 Error/Warning Messages .............................................................................................................. 351 Chapter 16 EWS Version 16.1 Purpose of This Chapter ............................................................................................................... 356 16.2 Installation .................................................................................................................................... 357 16.2.1 Hardware Environmen ............................................................................................................ 357 16.2.2 File Organization..................................................................................................................... 358 16.2.3 Installation............................................................................................................................... 359 16.3 Differences With MS-DOS Version ............................................................................................. 360 16.4 Configuration ................................................................................................................................ 361 16.4.1 Configuration .......................................................................................................................... 361 16.4.2 Configuration File Contents .................................................................................................... 363 16.5 Kanji Use ...................................................................................................................................... 365 Chapter 17 Appendix 17.1 Numeric Restrictions .................................................................................................................... 368 17.1.1 Numeric Value in Assembler .................................................................................................. 370 17.2 List Of Command Options ............................................................................................................ 371 17.2.1 List Of Assembler Command Options .................................................................................... 372 17.2.2 List Of Linker Command Options .......................................................................................... 374 17.3 List Of Assembler Directives ....................................................................................................... 376 17.4 List Of Assembler Control Statements ......................................................................................... 379 17.5 Program Example ......................................................................................................................... 381 <TOC 6 > <TOC 7 > Chapter 1 Installation 1 Chapter 1 Installation 1.1 Purpose Of This Chapter This chapter describes installation of the Cross-Assembler. It also describes the environment settings, memory requirements, and DOS version of personal computers that can use the assembler and linker. 2 Purpose Of This Chapter Chapter 1 Installation 1.2 Installing the PC Version Of the Assembler This section describes the personal computers that can use the assembler and linker, their environment, and memory requirements 1.2.1 Hardware Environment Personal Computer This package is developed under DOS extender (EXEGCCV) , so it requires the following system. ¥ Machine PC/AT or compatibles ¥ CPU Intel 80386 or higher ¥ Memory Minimum of 5.6 Mbytes free (recommended) This software uses extended memory, so does not run on personal computers with only 640 Kbytes of memory. ¥ Memory manager Fully compliant with the VCPI standard ¥ OS MS-DOS: ver.3.3 or later ¥ Windows: 95/98/NT3.51/NT4.0/2000 Conventional Memory Requirements The amount of conventional memory (640 Kbytes or less of the memory area) required depends on such factors as assembler and linker options and program size, so the following is only the bare minimum. ¥ Conventional memory requirements NOTE: Minimum of 320 Kbytes A long file name cannot be used under Windows NT3.51/NT4.0/2000. Installing the PC Version Of the Assembler 3 Chapter 1 Installation 1.3 File Organization The distribution disk contains the following Þles. A>DIR B: Volume in Directory of B 32RT AS102L00 AS102L00 AS102L00 DPMI32VM EXCV102 EXEGCCV LD102L00 LD102L00 LD102L00 PAINST SLIB102L SLIB102L WINDPMI drive B: has no label EXE EXE OUT RC OVL EXE EXE EXE OUT RC EXE EXE OUT 386 14 Þles 1,386,441, 156,204 1,986 183,028 946 58,744 53,248 100,944 1,986 100,356 1,010 26,168 1,986 44,692 17,996 216 bytes 98-11-10 98-11-10 98-11-10 98-11-10 98-11-10 98-11-10 98-11-10 98-11-10 98-11-10 98-11-10 98-11-10 98-11-10 98-11-10 98-11-10 749,284 bytes free 11:25 11:25 11:25 11:25 11:25 11:25 11:25 11:25 11:25 11:25 11:25 11:25 11:25 11:25 Þles File sizes and dates differ between shipping versions. AS102L00.EXE AS102L00.OUT (assembler) This pair constitutes the executable for the assembler. LD102L00.EXE LD102L00.OUT (linker) This pair constitutes the executable for the linker. PAINST.EXE (installer) This utility is for customizing the assembler and linker, changing work areas, etc.This chapter describes how to use this. EXCV102.EXE (file conversion utility) This utility converts EX format executable Þles from the linker to Intel HEX format. SLI102L.EXE (library manager) This utility manages library Þles. EXEGCCV.EXE (DOS extender) The assembler and linker use this module to run in extended memory. AS102L00.RC (assembler configuration) This Þle contains customization parameters for the assembler. LD102L00.RC (linker configuration) This Þle contains customization parameters for the linker. 4 File Organization Chapter 1 Installation 32RTM.EXE, DPMI32VM.OVL, WINDPMI.386 This Þle executes EXCV102.EXE(Þle conversion utility) in DOS and Windows 3.1. There may also be a README.DOC Þle in addition to the above Þles. This Þle contains new information unavailable in this manual, so please be sure to read it. File Organization 5 Chapter 1 Installation 1.4 Installation The explanation below assumes the use of a personal computer with two ßoppy disk drives. Before installation, create a backup of the ßoppy disk containing the assembler. Backup The ßoppy disk containing the assembler does not contain MS-DOS. You should provide a ßoppy disk with MS-DOS if needed. Insert the original ßoppy disk of the assembler in the B drive, and copy it to the A drive. >COPY B:*.* Store the original ßoppy disk in a safe place. After this, use the copied ßoppy disk. The installation process writes to the ßoppy disk, so do not afÞx a write-protect seal to it. Installation Before starting installation, read section 1.6, "User Customization", and determine if you need any customization. If needed, then perform the customization before the installation. Installation of the assembler and linker does require special operations. If you develop programs on the copied ßoppy disk, then they can be used as is. To use with a hard disk, copy the following programs to the appropriate directory on the hard disk, and set command search path in the directory. That will be the end of installation. EXEGCCV.EXE AS102L00.EXE AS102L00.OUT LD102L00.EXE LD102L00.OUT AS102L00.RC LD102L00.RC 6 Installation Chapter 1 Installation 1.5 ConÞguring the Operating Environment Two Þles may require editing before you can use the package. CONFIG.SYS (obligatory) Add the following lines to CONFIG.SYS. If the Þle already contains such lines, make sure that the numbers are greater than or equal to the numbers appearing here. NOTE: Any changes made do not take effect until the next reboot. FILES=20 BUFFERS=20 NOTE: If these numbers are too low, the assembler aborts with the totally opaque error message "bad tmpbss (w)," its way of saying that the operating system provides insufficient room to open all necessary files simultaneously Terminology: CONFIG.SYS This is the file that sets the MS-DOS operating environment. Files specify the number of files that can be read and written simultaneously. BUFFERS specifies the size of memory used for reading/writing disks. Configuring the Operating Environment 7 Chapter 1 Installation AUTOEXEC.BAT If you do not want intermediate work Þles cluttering the current directory, then modify AUTOEXEC.BAT. This modiÞcation is not necessary if you do not mind them being generated there. Before making this setting, create a subdirectory TMP below the root directory to hold the intermediate work Þles . A>MD TMP Add the following line to AUTOEXEC.BAT. SET TMP=A:\ TMP Add the following line to AUTOEXC.BAT when operating under MS-DOS or MS-DOS mode of Windows 9X. SET LONGNAME=OFF NOTE: When you have finished the above procedure, reset the personal computer and boot it again. This enables use of the new environment setting. Terminology: 8 AUTOEXEC.BAT This is a batch file automatically executed when MS-DOS starts. SET sets the value of an MS-DOS environment variable. Environment variables can be freely referenced by application programs. Configuring the Operating Environment Chapter 1 Installation 1.6 User Customization ConÞguring the Package PAINST is a utility for updating such assembler and linker conÞguration options as default radix and language for messages. It stores these conÞguration options in the Þles AS102L00.RC or LD102L00.RC. For this reason, make sure to use a copied ßoppy disk, and remove the write-protect tab before starting the change process. 1.6.1 Assembler Customization To customize the assembler, load the conÞguration utility with the following command line. A>PAINST AS102L00.EXE ¥ Selecting Items The utility starts with a list of conÞguration items. PanaX Series Assembler Installer For IBM PC/AT Copyright(c) 1996 ConÞguration *** ***AS 102L00.EXE ConÞguration Options Number formatting Language Optimization RF Þle output Version2.0 Release 1 Panasonic/KMC Extended C syntax English OFF OFF UP and DOWN to select. LEFT and RIGHT to change. ESC to exit. Use the up and down arrow keys to select an item and the left and right arrow keys to cycle between the settings available for that item. Press the Esc key to terminate editing. The following Table lists the conÞguration items, their descriptions, factory settings, and available settings. Table 1-1 Screen Label Assembler Configuration Options Description Factory Setting Available Settings Number formating SpeciÞes the format for Extended C syntax displaying intergers Matsushita, Intel, Extended C syntax Language Specify the default English Japanese, English Optimization settings for command OFF ON, OFF RF Þle output line options. OFF ON, OFF User Customization 9 Chapter 1 Installation ¥ Exiting Pressing the ESC key displays a slightly different screen listing the new settings. PanaX Series Assembler ***AS 102L00.EXE ConÞguration Options Number formatting Language Optimization RF Þle output Installer For IBM PC/AT Copyright(c) 1996 ConÞguration *** Version2.0 Release 1 Panasonic/KMC Extended C syntax English OFF OFF OK to update settings(Y/N)? Press Y to update the conÞguration Þle (AS102L00.RC) on disk or N to cancel all changes. 10 User Customization Chapter 1 Installation 1.6.2 Linker Customization To customize the linker, load the conÞguration utility with the following command line. A>PAINST LD102L00.EXE ¥ Selecting Items The utility starts with a list of conÞguration items. PanaX Series Assembler ***AS 102L00.EXE Language Debugging information output Symbol table output MAP Þle output EX.Þle output with errors UP and DOWN to select. Installer For IBM PC/AT Copyright(c) 1996 ConÞguration *** LEFT and RIGHT to change. Version2.0 Release 1 Panasonic/KMC English OFF OFF OFF OFF ESC to exit. Use the up and down arrow keys to select an item and the left and right arrow keys to cycle between the settings available for that item. Press the Esc key to terminate editing. The following Table lists the conÞguration items, their descriptions, factory settings, and available settings. Table 1-2 Screen Label Linker Configuration Options Description Language Factory Setting Available Setting English Japanese, English Debugging information output Specify the default settings for command OFF ON, OFF Symbol table output line options. OFF ON, OFF MAP Þle output OFF ON, OFF EX Þleoutput with errors OFF ON, OFF User Customization 11 Chapter 1 Installation ¥ Exiting Pressing the ESC key displays a slightly different screen listing the new settings. PanaX Series Assembler ***AS 102L00.EXE Language Debugging information output Symbol table output MAP Þle output EX.Þle output with errors OK to update settings(Y/N)? Installer For IBM PC/AT Copyright(c) 1996 ConÞguration *** Version2.0 Release 1 Panasonic/KMC English OFF OFF OFF OFF Press Y to update the conÞguration Þle (LD102L00.RC) on disk or N to cancel all changes. 12 User Customization Chapter 1 Installation 1.7 File Conversion Utility This utility converts EX format executable Þles from the linker to Intel HEX or Motorola format. The default format is Intel HEX, with extended addresses for code sizes above 0xFFFF up to 0xFFFFF. A code size greater than 1 Mbyte produces an error. The limit for the Motorola S2 format is 0xFFFFFF. Command Syntax The general command formatused to start the Þle conversion utility is shown below. A>EXCV102 [options] ex_format_filename Contents of brackets [ ]may be omitted. Command Line Options Option Description -j Displays error and warning messages in Japanese. *1 -e Displays error and warning messages in English. *2 -h Displays help information regarding Þle conversion utility options to the screen. -w Perform conversion using a work Þle during execution. This enables a large amount of data to be converted even if the personal computer has little memory. However, conversion speed will be slower. -i Output the execution Þle in Intel HEX format. -S2 Output the execution Þle in Motorola S2 format. S1 Output the execution Þle in Motorola S1 format. -oÞle Specify the Þle name to output -p Performs conversion only for the codes that actually exist. If omitted, 0xFF is padded for the address that does not exist. Perform conversion only for the addresses of the speciÞed range. -R start address, end address If omitting the end address, a conversion is performed until the last address in EX format Þle. -A start address Perform conversion for the starting address of EX format Þle into the speciÞed address. *1 Option for UNIX version. *2 Option for DOS/V, PC9800 version File Conversion Utility 13 Chapter 1 Installation NOTE: Like outputing the range of 0x80000 - 0x180000 (1Mbyte) in Intel HEX format, even if a cord size for output is within 1 Mbyte and an end address is greater than 0xFFFFF, you should use -A Option and adjust a start address in order that the end address do not excel 0xFFFFF. If the code size for output is within 1 Mbyte but excel 0xFFFFF, a correct output will not be given. (Example) Output the code for 0x80000 to 0x180000 into the Intel HEX file starting with 0x0 >excv102 -A0 -R80000, 180000 sample. ex Default SpeciÞcation Default operation is as follows. Operation Default operation Output message UNIX, PC/AT version : DOS/V, PC9800 version English Japanese Conversion No use of work Þle. Output format Intel HEX format. Padding None Output Þlename the same Þlename as EX format Þle with Ò.hexÓ extension. Conversion range from the start to the end address in EX format Þle. Ruels of Output Filename Option 14 Extension i .hex S2, S1 .sf default .hex File Conversion Utility Chapter 1 Installation Option SpeciÞcation Examples 1. Specify the range for data conversion (-R) excv102 -R1000, 1020 sample.ex (Description) Converts the data of 1000 to 1020 address in the sample.ex Þle. 2. Specify the start address for format conversion (-A) excv102 -A1000 saple.ex (Description) sample. ex Þle has the starting address information speciÞed at linking. Use these information to convert the starting address when converting the format. at the example above, a conversion is performed for the starting address at 1000. excv102 R4000, 8000-A1000 sample.ex (Description) Conversion is performed for the data of 4000 to 8000 address in sample.ex Þle as data from 1000 address. 3. Convert to Intel HEX format excv102 -i sample.ex (Description) Conversion is performed to intel HEX format. 4. Specify the conversion into motorola S format excv102 -S1 sample.ex excv102 -S2 sample.ex (Description) Conversion is performed into motorola S format. -S1 : 16 bits address format -S2 : 24 bits address format 5. Specify the conversion without padding excv102 -p sample.ex (Description) no padding (0xff)the blank space of the data at converting the format. File Conversion Utility 15 Chapter 1 Installation 16 Chapter 2 Program Development Flow 2 Chapter 2 Program Development Flow 2.1 Purpose Of This Chapter Programs can be developed with a compiler or an assembler. Currently most program development is done with a compiler, but an assembler is where compact code generation or faster processing speed is required. This chapter gives an overview of development with the assembler, and explains the ßow of development through completion. 18 Purpose Of This Chapter Chapter 2 Program Development Flow 2.2 Program Development Flow Main development ßow The microcomputers are used in such diverse applications as AV equipment, household electronics, information equipment, automobiles, robots, portable phones, computer peripherals, etc. Programs developed with the Cross-Assembler are ultimately incorporated into these products. In order to execute a program in an environment (on hardware) different from the operating environment of the machine used for its development, the developer must debug it on a target board using a source code debugger, and must then perform a special process called ROM conversion to incorporate the Þnished program. Assembler and compiler Both the assembler and C compiler can be used to develop programs for the microcomputers. Compared to assembly language, C language is a more productive language. Programs coded using a high-level language also offer superior documentabirity. On the other hand, microcomputer operations can be directly coded by programming with assembly language. Compared to high-level languages, programs can be created with more compact code size, less redundancy, and faster processing. Given the features of both languages, the main body of a program can be coded using C language, while parts that require fast processing can be coded using assembly language. When developing a program, the programmer must Þrst consider which language to use, program structure, processing speed required to meet the target performance of the end product, ROM size of the device, and several other related factors. Source code debugger Programs developed under MS-DOS must have their operation veriÞed on the same hardware environment as when incorporated into a product. Nearly all microcomputers will ultimately be incorporated within end products. Therefore, program debugging must also be performed under the same conditions as the end product. This is why a source code debugger and in-circuit emulator are provided. The probe of the in-circuit emulator can operate in place of the microcomputer by connecting it through the microcomputer socket in the product. The source code debugger is a program for controlling the in-circuit emulator's hardware. It writes executable Þles created under MS-DOS into emulator memory, creating the same state as when written into microcomputer ROM. It can start program execution as the address of any source statement, and can temporarily stop execution. Also, when execution is stopped, the source code debugger can display values of internal registers and memory and can be used to verify desired operation of programs by changing those values. It also enables more detailed operation checks with step operation, whereby execution proceeds one instruction at a time. Using this development environment, the developer can prove programs in the same state as when Þnally incorporated into the microprocessor. Program Development Flow 19 Chapter 2 Program Development Flow ROM conversion Programs that have been completely debugged using the source code debugger and in-circuit emulator must be written into ROM in order to be incorporated within the end product. There are two methods of ROM conversion. ¥ Limited production Using a device type that has internal EPROM, write the Þnished program into the EPROM using dedicated programming equipment (ROM writer). Any number of erases and writes can be performed. All devices provide device types with internal EPROM. This method is also suitable for producing prototypes before moving to volume production. ¥ Volume production When all product tests are complete, write the program into the mask ROM of a device. Matsushita Electronics Corporation will convert the executable Þle to a mask. Please consult with your sales representative for details. 20 Program Development Flow Chapter 2 Program Development Flow 2.3 Programming With Assembler Before creating programs using the assembler, you must understand the following items. Required knowledge ¥ Machine-language instructions ¥ Device operation ¥ Editor use ¥ C compiler use ¥ Assembler and linker use (in this manual) ¥ Debugger use Program development is an iterative process of editing, assembling, linking, and debugging many times until Þnished. Therefore, you should as much as possible automate assembler and linker commands, debugger calls, and error correction. MAKE When a program is divided into multiple Þles for joint development efforts by several programmers, a control system must be created for assembly and linking without error. If this is not done, then an old undebugged program could be linked within the iterative development process. To solve this problem, the following program is effective running under MS-DOS. ¥ MAKE With MAKE the programmer deÞnes the dependency relationships of the Þles needed to generate the Þnal executable Þle and list Þles. Afterwards MAKE will automatically assemble and link only those Þles that have been modiÞed. Program format The Cross-Assembler utilizes a program format called section address format. Section address format speciÞes the start addresses of programs for each section linked. Even when the program is divided between multiple Þles, or when a Þle is divided into multiple sections, identical sections are linked together with the same attributes. Therefore, the programmer must create programs such that addresses do not overlap. Refer to chapter 6, "Using The Linker", for details. Programming With The Assembler 21 Chapter 2 Program Development Flow Programming style It is important to use a consistent style for program coding from start to Þnish. When several people are to create a program, they should meet in advance to decide on a common style. You should consider the following points regarding the Þxed style of the Cross-Assembler. ¥ Header Þles Constants and variables used in all Þles and deÞne identiÞers used in common should be gathered into a single header Þle. As a result, changes can be made at just one location in the header Þle. ¥ Library Þles Subroutine programs frequently used by different Þles should be gathered by function as library Þles to make programs easier to use. ¥ Declaration position global directives Use one position for global directive declarations. The global directive can be declared anywhere within a program, but confusion will result if the declaration positions differ across source Þles. ¥ Unify radix and notation directives Choose a common default radix for coding numbers, constant values, strings, etc. ¥ Comment statements Comments reveal program algorithms and processing details within a program. Choose a common format for coding comment statements. Optimization The following conditional branch instructions and unconditional branch instructions are objects of optimization with this series. ¥ Conditional branch instructions that are objects of optimization ¥ Unconditional branch instructions that are objects of optimization Coding is not a simple task if the programmer must always select the optimal instruction from the above instructions. In particular, it is nearly impossible to select the optimal instructions when coding a program divided between Þles in section format. Optimization solves this problem. The assembler and linker generate the optimal code when invoked, regardless of the source code. The assembler evaluates source statements. For conditional branch instructions, it generates code that can be optimized only when the branch label range (-128-127) is exceeded. For unconditional branch instructions, it generates code that can be optimized from JMP and BRA instructions. The linker evaluates instructions that were the object of optimization, and selects the optimal codes. As a result, the programmer must be aware that the generated code will differ from the source statements coded in the list Þle. Refer to chapter 4, "Optimization", for details. 22 Programming With The Assembler Chapter 2 Program Development Flow Conditional assembly If a program for product A is to be created by partially modifying a program for product B, then both can be combined into a single program by using conditional assembler control instructions. Conditional assembly is done by deÞning a single symbol at the start of the program using a deÞne control directive. Here is an example. #define TYPE A Using TYPE and conditional assembler control directives to process different parts of the program, the programmer writes code in the format below. . . . TYPE Program of product A #else Program of product B #endif . . . TYPE has been deÞned with deÞne, so in this case the program for product A will be assembled. If the statement #define TYPE A is omitted, then the program for product B will be assembled. By using conditional assembler control directives in this manner, different versions of programs can be managed in a single source Þle. Refer to chapter 10, "Writing Assembler Control Statements", for details. Macros Macros are an important function of the assembler. A macro assigns a name to a process, thereby simplifying the coding of that process. By assigning an appropriate macro name to a block of multiple machine language instructions, the programmer can create custom instructions. When performing Þnal program debugging, the programmer must verify whether the intended operations are being performed or not. A source code debugger is provided for this. The programmer uses the debugger to download generated and linked object code and then verify operation. The g option of the assembler and linker generates information that allows the debugger to work with symbols. This allows symbols to be used for specifying debugger start addresses, breakpoint settings, memory references and changes, etc. Programming With The Assembler 23 Chapter 2 Program Development Flow 24 Chapter 3 Introduction To Operation 3 Chapter 3 Introduction To Operation 3.1 Purpose Of This Chapter Many options are provided with the Cross-Assembler and Linker, but you can use the assembler and linker without knowing all of them. This chapter explains how to use the most useful options while demonstrating actual operation. This chapter Þrst uses an example to show how to run the assembler and linker. Next, it explains assembler and linker use when assembler control statements and macro instructions are included for high-level operations. To make correction of syntax errors generated at the assembly level easier, this chapter also explains error Þle generation and the procedure for correcting the source Þle with the tag jump function of an editor using that error Þle. After reading this chapter once through and trying actual operation, you will have mastered basic assembler and linker operation. 26 Purpose Of This Chapter Chapter 3 Introduction To Operation 3.2 Files Used By Assembler And Linker Figure 3-1 shows the inter-relationships of the Þles used by the assembler and linker. Map file Source file Include file SAMPLE.MAP SANPLE.ASM SAMPLE.H -a -l List file Assembler SAMPLE.LST Library file SAMPLE.LIB @ Relocatable object files SAMPLE.RF ... Linker -m Map file Executable file SAMPLE.MAP SAMPLE.EX Figure: 3-1 Files Used The assembler inputs source Þles and include Þles, and outputs relocatable object Þles. Include Þles are not special Þles, but are just Þles that comprise parts of the source Þle. They are incorporated into assembly at the location of include directives deÞned within source statements. Depending on the option speciÞcations input for the source Þle and map Þle, a list Þle will be output with fully resolved addresses. Files Used By The Assembler And Linker 27 Chapter 3 Introduction To Operation The map Þle is used to output a list Þle with fully resolved addresses. The linker inputs relocatable object Þles output by the assembler and, depending on option speciÞcations, library Þles. It generates an executable format Þle and, depending on option speciÞcations, a map Þle. Library Þles are collections of relocatable object Þles of frequently used programs and hardware interface programs. Only needed modules are speciÞed to have the linker extract the appropriate relocatable object Þles from library Þles and load them into the executable format Þle. Several library Þles are provided, but you can maintain them or newly create them yourself. Refer to chapter 15, "Using The Library Manager", for details. Below are the default Þle extensions and formats when Þle extensions are omitted. ¥ Source Þle .ASM (text format) ¥ Map Þle .MAP (text format) ¥ List Þle .LST (text format) ¥ Relocatable object Þle .RF (binary format) ¥ Library Þle .LIB (binary format) ¥ Executable format Þle .EX (binary format) NOTE: When extensions are omitted, the assembler searches the appropriate directory for a file with the specified file name and the extension .ASM. For example, if the file name SAMPLE is specified, then the assembler will search for SAMPLE.ASM. You cannot force different extensions for map Þles and list Þles. You can only specify whether or not to output these Þles. However, the extensions of relocatable object Þles and the executable format Þle can be changed with assembler and linker option speciÞcations. Since those options mean default extensions cannot be applied, you would then have to include extensions in Þle name speciÞcations. 28 Files Used By The Assembler And Linker Chapter 3 Introduction To Operation 3.3 Basic Operation Of Assembler And Linker The Cross-Assembler uses a section address format, in which the start address for each section as deÞned with the section directive corresponds to its start address when linked. This allows the programmer to freely change the order of linking Þles. The following explanation illustrates a simple example of only one section. In this example you will assemble and link two source Þles, PROGRAM1.ASM and PROGRAM2.ASM. These two Þles have related external references and external deÞnitions, where the subroutine of PROGRAM2.ASM is called from PROGRAM1.ASM. Therefore the Þnal list Þles cannot be created just by assembling PROGRAM1.ASM. In this example, you will generate with the linker a map Þle and then generate the Þnal list Þles. Create source files First, create the source Þles. Using an editor, create the two programs shown below (PROGRAM1.ASM and PROGRAM2.ASM). The contents of PROGRAM1.ASM are as follows. __CODE main _DATA data1 global section data_set CODE, PUBLIC, 2 mov mov mov jsr bra section ds end 0, A0 0xff, D0 0x80, D1 data_set main DATA, PUBLIC, 2 4 PROGRAM1.ASM consists of a section called _CODE (attribute CODE, link type PUBLIC) and a section called _DATA (attribute DATA, link type PUBLIC). The contents of PROGRAM2.ASM are as follows. Basic Operation Of The Assembler And Linker 29 Chapter 3 Introduction To Operation __CODE data_set global section data_set CODE, PUBLIC, 2 mov 0, D2 cmp bcc D1, D2 data_set_end mov add add bra D0, (A00 1, D2 2, A0 data_set_loop data_set_loop data_set_end rts end PROGRAM2.ASM also consists of a section called _CODE (attribute CODE, link type PUBLIC), and it makes an external declaration of data_set. Assemble Assemble the two programs that you created to generate relocatable object Þles. A>AS102L00 PROGRAM1 A>AS102L00 PROGRAM2 This will generate two relocatable object Þles (PROGRAM1.RF and PROGRAM2.RF). List Þles cannot be generated at this stage. These Þles will be generated after linking when the relationships of external references and external deÞnitions are resolved. Link Link the two relocatable object Þles to generate an executable format Þle. A map Þle will be generated along with the executable format Þle at this time. A>LD102L00 -m -T_CODE=80000 PROGRAM1 PROGRAM2 m optionOption to output map Þle. T optionOption to specify section address. This will link the two relocatable object Þles (PROGRAM1.RF and PROGRAM2.RF) and create an executable format Þle (PROGRAM1.EX) and map Þle (PROGRAM1.MAP) in the current directory. 30 Basic Operation Of The Assembler And Linker Chapter 3 Introduction To Operation NOTE: The file name and directory for output can be specified with the o (small letter o) option. If the o option is omitted, then the name of the first file specified to be linked (PROGRAM1 in this example) will be appended with the file extension .EX to become the name of the executable format file. The map file name cannot be specified, just as for the executable file name when the o option is omitted, the map file will be output as the name of the first file specified to be linked with the extension .MAP appended. Generate final list files After link processing is complete, generate the Þnal list Þles using the map Þle (PROGRAM1.MAP). A>AS102L00 -l -a PROGRAM1 PROGRAM1 A>AS102L00 -l -a PROGRAM1 PROGRAM2 l option Option to output a list Þle. a option Option to read a map Þle. Specify the map Þle name after it. This example speciÞes PROGRAM1 as the map Þle name with .MAP omitted. This operation will generate the Þnal list Þles (PROGRAM1.LST and PROGRAM2.LST) in the current directory. With the above operations, you can generate an executable format Þle and Þnal list Þles in the current directory. You must generate the Þnal list Þles using the map Þle after linking. This is because linking determines the start addresses of sections following the T option for Þles in section address format. In addition, there may be addresses unresolved until after link processing due to forward references, optimization, etc. (Refer to chapter 4, "Optimization".) Basic Operation Of The Assembler And Linker 31 Chapter 3 Introduction To Operation The contents of the Þnal list Þle PROGRAM1.LST are as follows. A>TYPE PROGRAM1.LST *** Loc mn102L00 Object 080000 080003 080006 080009 08000E DC0000 F8FF00 F98000 F4E1020000 EAF0 08001E 08001F 080020 080021 00 00 00 00 ROM size is No errors in No warnings 524322(Hex. this in this *** Symbol 00080000 0008001E 00080010 0008001E 00080000 Table *** A_CODE A_DATA T data_set D data1 T main Cross Line 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 12 12 12 13 PROGRAM1. Assembler Source _CODE main _DATA data1 Basic Operation Of The Assembler And Linker Page1 global data_set section CODE, PUBLIC, 2 mov mov mov jsr 0, A0 0xff, D0 0x80, D1 data_set section ds DATA, PUBLIC, 2 4 end 00080022) assembly assembly PROGRAM1 32 LST *** .LST Page2 Chapter 3 Introduction To Operation The contents of the Þnal list Þle PROGRAM2.LST are as follows. A>TYPE *** Loc PROGRAM2.LST mn102L00 Object 080010 8A00 080012 080014 F396 E607 080016 080017 080019 08001B 00 D601 D002 EAF5 08001D FE ROM size is No errors in No warnings 524318(Hex. this in this *** Symbol 00080010 00080010 0008001D 00080012 Table *** A_CODE T data_set T data_set_ T data_set_ Cross Line 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 PROGRAM1. Assembler Source _CODE data_set data_set_ data_set__ LST *** Page1 global data_set section CODE, PUBLIC, 2 mov 0, D0 loop cmp bcc D1, D2 data_set_end mov add add bra D0, (A0) 1, D2 2, A0 data_set_loop end rts end 008001E) assembly assembly PROGRAM2 .LST Page2 end loop Here is a simple explanation of how to read the list Þles. A list Þle shows four items of information. Source statements and machine language code ¥ ROM size ¥ Errors and warning messages ¥ Symbol table Source statements and their corresponding machine language code are further divided into Loc, Object, Line, and Source headings. Basic Operation Of The Assembler And Linker 33 Chapter 3 Introduction To Operation The Loc heading gives location counter values, which show execution addresses in the Þnal list Þles. PROGRAM1.LST starts from location 80000 (hex.), and PROGRAM2.LST starts from location 80010 (hex.). The Object heading shows the codes of instructions converted to machine language by the assembler. Instructions consist of one to four bytes (1 byte=8 bits), shown as two to eight hex digits. After some machine language code, the symbol 'M' will be added. The 'M' indicates an instruction that was expanded from a macro instruction. The Line heading shows line numbers added by the assembler. The Source heading shows the source statements as coded. 34 Basic Operation Of The Assembler And Linker Chapter 3 Introduction To Operation 3.4 Assembling And Linking Multiple Sections In section 3.3, "Basic Operation Of The Assembler And Linker", source Þles each comprising one section were assigned to the same section as a basic example. However, normally a program will be divided into multiple sections to clearly divide programs by function and type. The start addresses of a program in section format are set for each section during linking. Therefore, when a program divided into multiple Þles is developed, work can proceed without the programmer staying aware of the code size of each Þle. The programmer an also freely change the order in which Þles are linked. The following explanation illustrates a simple example dividing two source Þles into sections for each routine, allocated to two sections. Create source files Using an editor, create the two programs shown below (PROGRAM3.ASM and PROGRAM4.ASM). The contents of PROGRAM3.ASM are as follows. _CODE_00 main _DATA data1 global global section main data_set, time_filler CODE, PUBLIC, 2 mov mov mov jsr jsr bra 0, A0 0xff, D0 0x80, D1 data_set time_filler main section ds end DATA, PUBLIC, 2 4 Assembling And Linking Multiple Sections 35 Chapter 3 Introduction To Operation The contents of PROGRAM4.ASM are as follows. _CODE_01 data_set data_set_ global data_set, time_filler section CODE, PUBLIC, 2 mov 0, D2 loop cmp bcc D1, D2 data_set_end mov add add bra D0, (A0) 1, D2 2, A0 data_set_loop rts section CODE, PUBLIC, C2 data_set_end _CODE_00 time_filler Time_filler time_filler mov _loop cmp bcc bra _end rts end 0, D2 D1, D0 time_filler_end time_filler_loop As can be seen from the above two Þles, these programs are divided as follows. 36 ¥ main, time_Þller..._CODE_00 ¥ data_set..._CODE_01 ¥ data1..._DATA Assembling And Linking Multiple Sections Chapter 3 Introduction To Operation Assemble and generate list files Next assemble the two programs. Assemble with the option for output of list Þles in order to see what the list Þle is like when Þnal addresses are not resolved. A>AS102L00 -l -g PROGRAM3 A>AS102L00 -l -g PROGRAM4 g option Option to output debug information in the relocatable object Þle. l option Option to output list Þle (not normally speciÞed at this stage before linking, but specify it here to see intermediate values). This will assemble the two source Þles PROGRAM3.ASM and PROGRAM4.ASM in the current directory. It will add debug information (g option) to the relocatable object Þles PROGRAM3.RF and PROGRAM4.RF, and generate list Þles PROGRAM3.LST and PROGRAM4.LST respectively in the current directory (l option). Adding debug information (g option) enables symbols to be used during debugging. Let's take a look at the list Þles that were created. Assembling And Linking Multiple Sections 37 Chapter 3 Introduction To Operation The contents of the list Þle PROGRAM3.LST are as follows. A>TYPE PROGRAM3.LST *** Loc mn102L00 Object 000000 000003 000006 000009 00000E 000013 DC0000 F8FF00 F98000 F4E1000000 F4E1000000 EA00 000000 000001 000002 000003 00 00 00 00 ROM size is No errors in No warnings 25 (Hex. this in this *** Symbol 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 Table *** A_CODE_00 A_DATA *U data_set D data1 T main *U time_fil Cross Line 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 +9 +10 R11 12 13 14 14 14 14 15 PROGRAM3. Assembler Source _CODE_00 main _DATA data1 LST *** Page1 global global main data_set, time_filler section CODE, PUBLIC, 2 mov mov mov jsr jsr bra 0, A0 0xff, D0 0x80, D1 data_set time_filler main section ds DATA, PUBLIC, 2 4 end 00000019) assembly assembly PROGRAM3 .LST Page2 ler There is a plus sign '+' before line numbers 9 and 10. This indicates that the object code does not have Þnal values. This is because the two functions data_set and time_Þller do not exist in this program, so the call addresses will not be resolved unless linked. That further means that this list Þle is not the Þnal list Þle. There is an 'R' before line number 11. This also indicates that the object code does not have Þnal values. It warns that the code includes a relocatable symbol whose value will be resolved when linked. Finally, notice that the list begins from location 000000. The start addresses of section format programs are speciÞed with the linker. Here the assembler uses relative values beginning from 000000 as location counter values. 38 Assembling And Linking Multiple Sections Chapter 3 Introduction To Operation The contents of the list Þle PROGRAM4.LST are as follows. A>TYPE PROGRAM4.LST *** Loc mn102L00 Object 000000 8A00 000002 000004 F396 E600 000006 000007 000009 00000B 00 D601 D002 EA00 00000D FE 000000 8A00 000002 000004 000006 F394 B600 EA00 000008 FE ROM size is No errors in No warnings 23 (Hex. this in this *** Symbol 00000000 00000000 00000000 0000000D 00000002 00000000 00000008 Table A_CODE A_CODE T data_ T data_ T data_ T time_ T time_ Cross Line 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 +9 10 11 12 13 R14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 +26 R27 28 29 30 31 PROGRAM4. Assembler Source LST *** Page1 global global data_Set, time_filler data_set, time_filler section CODE, PUBLIC, 2 mov 0, D2 cmp bcc D1, D2 data_set_end mov add add bra D0, (A0) 1, D2 2, A0 data_set_loop _CODE_01 data_set data_set_loop data_set_end rts _CODE_00 sectio n CODE, PUBLIC, 2 mov 0, D2 loop cmp bcc bra D1, D0 time_filler_end time_filler_loop time_filler time_filler_ Time_filler_ end rts end 00000017) assembly assembly PROGRAM4 *** _00 _01 set set_ set_ fille fille .LST Page2 end loop r r_end Assembling And Linking Multiple Sections 39 Chapter 3 Introduction To Operation 00000002 T time_ fille loop r_ This Þle is deÞned as two sections. The addresses of the starting locations of both sections is assumed 000000. The 'R' added before '27' on line number 14 has the same meaning as in PROGRAM3.LST. It means that the code includes a relocatable symbol. Link Link the two relocatable object Þles to generate an executable format Þle. Specify the g option to add debug information to the executable format Þle. A>LD102L00 -m -g -T_CODE_00=80000 -T_CODE_01=80200 PROGRAM3 PROGRAM4 m option Option to output map Þle. g option Option to add debug information to the executable format Þle. T option Option to specify section address. This will link the two relocatable object Þles (PROGRAM3.RF and PROGRAM4.RF), assigning 80000 (hex.) and 80200 (hex.) respectively as the start addresses of the two sections _CODE_00 and _CODE_01. This command will generate an executable format Þle PROGRAM3.EX with debug information added and a map Þle PROGRAM3.MAP, both output to the current directory. 40 Assembling And Linking Multiple Sections Chapter 3 Introduction To Operation Parameter file during linking The following command was input to link. A>LD102L00 -m -g -T_CODE_00=80000 -T_CODE_01=80200 PROGRAM3 PROGRAM4 Repeated input of lines like this is tedious and prone to errors. For this reason the very convenient @ option is provided with the linker. With an editor create a Þle PFILE (the name can be freely chosen) with the following contents. The contents of PFILE are as follows. -m -g -T_CODE_00 -T_CODE_01 PROGRAM3 =80000 =80200 PROGRAM4 This Þle is called a parameter Þle. If the @ option is speciÞed when linking, then the linker will read a parameter Þle, and will interpret its contents as command options for execution. The two speciÞcations below will be equivalent. A>LD102L00 @PFILE A>LD102L00 -m -g -T_CODE_00=80000 -T_CODE_01=80200 PROGRAM3 PROGRAM4 Assembling And Linking Multiple Sections 41 Chapter 3 Introduction To Operation Generate final list files After link processing is complete, generate the Þnal list Þles using the map Þle (PROGRAM3.MAP). This will show what happens to the previous '+' and 'R' marks. A>AS102L00 -l -a PROGRAM3 PROGRAM3 A>AS102L00 -l -a PROGRAM3 PROGRAM4 l option Option to output a list Þle. a option Option to use a map Þle. Specify the map Þle name after the a option, followed by the source Þle name. Based on the link information written in the map Þle, the assembler will reassemble the source Þle and generate a Þnal list Þle. 42 Assembling And Linking Multiple Sections Chapter 3 Introduction To Operation Let's look at the Þnal list Þles with all addresses resolved. The contents of the Þnal list Þle PROGRAM3.LST are as follows. A>TYPE PROGRAM3.LST *** Loc mn102L00 Object 080000 080003 080006 080009 08000E 000013 DC0000 F8FF00 F98000 F4E1F20100 F4E1030000 EAEB 08020E 08020F 080210 080211 00 00 00 00 ROM size is No errors in No warnings 524818 (Hex. this assembly in this *** Symbol 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 Table *** A_CODE_00 A_DATA T data_set D data1 T main T time_filler Cross Line 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 14 14 14 15 PROGRAM3. Assembler Source _CODE_00 main _DATA data1 LST *** Page1 global global main data_set, time_filler section CODE, PUBLIC, 2 mov mov mov jsr jsr bra 0, A0 0xff, D0 0x80, D1 data_set time_filler main section ds DATA, PUBLIC, 2 4 end 0080212) assembly PROGRAM3 .LST Page2 Assembling And Linking Multiple Sections 43 Chapter 3 Introduction To Operation Compare this to the list Þle with unresolved addresses. The '+' on line numbers 9 and 10 and the 'R' on line number 11 have disappeared. Addresses also start from address 80000 (hex) as speciÞed by the T option. The contents of the Þnal list Þle PROGRAM4.LST are as follows. A>TYPE PROGRAM4.LST *** Loc mn102L00 Object 080200 8A,, 080202 080204 F396 E607 080206 080207 080209 08020B 00 D601 D002 EAF5 08020D FE Cross Line 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 080016 8A00 080018 08001A 08001C F394 E602 EAFA 000119 FE ROM size is No errors in No warnings in 524818 (Hex. this assembly this assembly *** Symbol 00080016 00080200 00080200 0008020D 00080000 00080016 Table *** A_CODE_00 A_CODE_01 T data_set T data_set_ end T main T time_filler PROGRAM4. Assembler Source _CODE_01 data_set data_set_ _CODE_00 Assembling And Linking Multiple Sections Page1 global data_set, time_filler section CODE, PUBLIC, 2 mov 0, D2 loop cmp bcc D1, D2 data_set_end mov add add bra D0, (A0) 1, D2 2, A0 data_set_loop rts section CODE, PUBLIC, 2 mov 0, D2 time_filler time_filler_ loop cmp bcc bra D1, D0 time_filler_end time_filler_loop time_filler_ end rts end 0008020E) PROGRAM4 44 LST *** .LST Page2 Chapter 3 Introduction To Operation 0008001E 000800018 T time_filler_ T time_filler_ end loop In this Þle the 'R' on line numbers 14 and 27 have disappeared, and the start address of the Þrst section _CODE_01 has been changed to address 80200 (hex.) as speciÞed by the T option. However, the start address of section _CODE_00 is address 80016 (hex.). This shows that it has been linked after the same section existing in PROGRAM3. Program locations after linking Program locations in the executable Þle after linking as above are shown below. 0X0000 ~~ ~~ Unused 0X080000 ~~ ~~ main 0X080016 time_filler 0X08001E ~~ ~~ Unused 0X080200 ~~ ~~ data_set 0X08020E data1 0X080211 ~~ ~~ Unused ~~ ~~ Figure: 3-2 Program Location Programs are laid out in accordance with the following rules when multiple sections are speciÞed. Each section is placed at the starting address speciÞed during linking. ¥ Sections with the same section names are linked in the order speciÞed for linking (in the order that object Þle names are entered after link option speciÞcations). ¥ Section linking rules: Link in order of appearance during linking. Link by attribute. Link by link format. For PUBLIC, link all link Þles. For PRIVATE, link within one Þle. Assembling And Linking Multiple Sections 45 Chapter 3 Introduction To Operation 3.5 Conditional Assembly And Linking The MN10200 Series Cross-Assembler provides many assembler directives. Assembler directives are not converted directly to machine language, but are used to control how the assembler processes. For example, during the development stage a programmer may want to include a special program only for debugging. This program must be deleted when the product is complete. That can be accomplished by editing the source Þle, but if that editing is spread throughout the program, then mistakes will be easy to make. It is convenient to use assembler directives in such cases. The conditions for assembly are deÞned at the start of the program, and programs to be assembled when the conditions are satisÞed or not satisÞed are written in the source Þle. Create source file Using an editor, create the program PROGRAM5.ASM shown below. The contents of PROGRAM5.ASM are as follows. #define * dat_set * _CODE main #else #endif _DATA data1 data2 DEBUG macro mov mov mov endm section CODE, PUBLIC,2 DEBUG dat_set dat_set section DATA, PUBLIC, 2 dw dw end adr, dat adr, A0 dat, D0 D0, (A0) data1, 0x11 data1, 0x22 0 0 The operation of this program is meaningless. The program will be used instead to explain program structure as it pertains to conditional assembly.The deÞne DEBUG on the Þrst line selects DEBUG as a condition by deÞning the identiÞer DEBUG. In the assembly control block starting with #ifdef DEBUG on line 13, the instructions between #ifdef to #else will be assembled if DEBUG has been deÞned, and the instructions between #else to #endif will be assembled if DEBUG is undeÞned. In this example DEBUG was deÞned on line 1, so the instructions in the deÞned block will be assembled. This program also uses a macro control directive. Lines 4 to 8 are the macro deÞnition. The macro's name is dat_set, and it has two parameters (adr, dat). 46 Conditional Assembly And Linking Chapter 3 Introduction To Operation Assemble and link Assemble and link the program that you have created. A>AS102L00 -g PROGRAM5 A>LD102L00 -m -g -T_CODE=80000 PROGRAM5 A>AS102L00 -l -a PROGRAM5 PROGRAM5 The Þrst assembly generates the relocatable object Þle PROGRAM5.RF. The second assembly generates the Þnal list Þle PROGRAM5.LST. Assembling And Linking Multiple Sections 47 Chapter 3 Introduction To Operation The contents of the Þnal list Þle PROGRAM5.LST are as follows. A>TYPE PROGRAM5.LST *** Loc mn102L00 Object 080000 080005 080007 F474080008 8011 00 080008 08000A 0000 0000 ROM size is No errors in No warnings 524300(Hex. this assembly in this *** Symbol 00080000 00080008 00080008 0008000A 00080000 Table *** A_CODE A_DATA T data1 D data2 T main Cross Line 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 M14 14+ 14+ 14+ 15 XX 17 18 19 20 21 22 PROGRAM5. Assembler Source #define * dat_set LST *** Page1 DEBUG macro mov mov mov endm adr, dat adr, A0 dat, D0 D0, (A0) section CODE, PUBLIC, 2 DEBUG dat_set mov mov mov data1, 0x11 data1, A0 0x11, D0 D0, (A0) dat_set data1, 0x22 section dw dw end DATA, PUBLIC, 2 0 0 .LST Page2 * _CODE main #ifdef #else #endif _DATA data1 data2 0008000C) assembly PROGRAM5 Line number 14 extends over four lines. This indicates lines where macro expansion has been performed. An 'M' is added before the line number where the macro instruction statement is shown, and a '+' is added after the line numbers where the instruction statements from macro expansion are shown.DEBUG has been deÞned, so the block between #ifdef-#else was assembled. There is no line 16, which has become XX. This indicates a statement that was not assembled because a condition was not fulÞlled. 48 Assembling And Linking Multiple Sections Chapter 3 Introduction To Operation Select false condition, assemble, and link Make the deÞne source statement line into a comment line, or just delete it. Then assemble and link with the same procedure as before. A>AS102L00 -g PROGRAM5 A>LD102L00 -m -g -T_CODE=80000 PROGRAM5 A>AS102L00 -l -a PROGRAM5 PROGRAM5 Assembling And Linking Multiple Sections 49 Chapter 3 Introduction To Operation The contents of the Þnal list Þle PROGRAM5.LST are as follows. A>TYPE PROGRAM5.LST *** Loc mn102L00 Object 080000 080005 080007 F474080008 8022 00 080008 08000A 0000 0000 ROM size is No errors in No warnings 524300(Hex. this assembly in this *** Symbol 00080000 00080008 00080008 0008000A 00080000 Table *** A_CODE A_DATA T data1 D data2 T main Cross Line 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 XX 15 M16 16+ 16+ 16+ 17 18 19 20 21 22 PROGRAM5. Assembler Source #define * dat_set LST *** DEBUG macro mov mov mov endm adr, dat adr, A0 dat, D0 D0, (A0) section CODE, PUBLIC, 2 DEBUG dat_set data1, 0x11 dat_set mov mov mov data1, 0x11 data1, A0 0x22, D0 D0, (A0) section dw dw end DATA, PUBLIC, 2 0 0 .LST Page2 * _CODE main #ifdef #else #endif _DATA data1 data2 0008000C) assembly PROGRAM5 Line 14 has become XX, and line 16 has been assembled instead. 50 Assembling And Linking Multiple Sections Page1 Chapter 3 Introduction To Operation Specify assembly conditions in the command Until this point the condition has been speciÞed by deÞne in the source Þle, but it has been bothersome to edit the source Þle each time. The explanation below describes how to directly specify conditions with command options. This operation is valid only with regards to #ifdef. In the previous Þle, you either deleted the deÞne line or made it into a comment, so you can use it to once again select the true condition. A>AS102L00 -g -D DEBUG PROGRAM5 A>LD102L00 -m -g -T_CODE=80100 PROGRAM5 A>AS102L00 -l -a PROGRAM5 -D DEBUG PROGRAM5 D option Option to specify an identiÞer (DEBUG), having the same effect as specifying deÞne DEBUG in the source Þle. Assembling And Linking Multiple Sections 51 Chapter 3 Introduction To Operation The contents of the Þnal list Þle PROGRAM5.LST are as follows. A>TYPE PROGRAM5.LST *** Loc mn102L00 Object 080100 080105 080107 F474080008 8011 00 080108 08010A 0000 0000 ROM size is No errors in No warnings 524556(Hex. this assembly in this *** Symbol 00080100 00080108 00080108 0008010A 00080100 Table *** A_CODE A_DATA T data1 D data2 T main Cross Line 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 M14 14+ 14+ 14+ 15 XX 17 18 19 20 21 22 PROGRAM5. Assembler Source #define * dat_set LST *** Page1 DEBUG macro mov mov mov endm adr, dat adr, A0 dat, D0 D0, (A0) section CODE, PUBLIC, 2 DEBUG dat_set mov mov mov data1, 0x11 data1, A0 0x11, D0 D0, (A0) dat_set data1, 0x22 section dw dw end DATA, PUBLIC, 2 0 0 .LST Page2 * _CODE main #ifdef #else #endif _DATA data1 data2 0008010C) assembly PROGRAM5 Line number 14 was assembled. Check for yourself that omitting -D DEBUG will assemble line number 16 instead. This technique enables the programmer to freely choose assembly conditions with command option speciÞcations. Other assembly options include suppression of output to the list Þle of source statements in unselected conditions, and output of the relocatable object Þle to other directories. Refer to chapter 5, "Using The Assembler",and chapter 6, "Using The linker", for details. 52 Assembling And Linking Multiple Sections Chapter 3 Introduction To Operation 3.6 Error Correction Using Tag Jumps This section describes a convenient way to Þx errors. When code mistakes, syntax errors, or other errors and warnings occur in a source Þle, further development cannot proceed unless they are Þxed. In long source Þles, it can be a lot of work to Þnd the source statements in which errors and warnings were detected. The error correction method described in this section uses the tag jump function of editors such as MIFESTM, etc. This assumes the necessity of an error Þle that incorporates tag jumps. Assembler error messages implement the tag jump function. When the assembler detects an error, it outputs an error message to the display. It will also output error messages to the list Þle if the l option was speciÞed. When the l option has not been speciÞed and the assembler detects errors, you can assemble again such that errors are not displayed to the screen but are redirected to an error Þle that the assembler generates. The list Þle will include correct source statements in which errors were not detected, while the Þle created by redirection will consist only of source statements in which errors were detected. It is accordingly faster to access the Þle created by redirection when the source Þle is large. Generate error file The example below shows the generation of an error Þle (ERROR) by redirection. This example assembles MAIN.ASM and outputs error messages to the Þle ERROR instead of the screen. First assemble a Þle that actually includes errors and generate an error Þle. The following source Þle (MAIN.ASM) includes two errors and one warning. _CODE data main section equ CODE, PUBLIC, 2 -1 mov move mov 0x11, D0 0x11, D0 D0, (data) main end The assembler will detect the errors, so it will generate an error Þle by redirection. A>AS102L00 MAIN > ERROR Error Correction Using Tag Jumps 53 Chapter 3 Introduction To Operation The contents of the generated error Þle are as follows. A>TYPE ERROR PanaX Series (c)Copyright MAIN.ASM MN102L00 Assembler 1994 Panasonic/KWC for linear Version3.1 Release1.1.1 MAIN.ASM(7): 5 Error 2000: F440FFFFFF 6 Warning 2054: 7 Error 2003: move Incorrect assembler mov Illegal RAM address main Symbol defined ROM size is 7 2 errors in 1 warnings in (Hex. 00000007) this assembly this assembly MAIN. ASM(5): 000002 MAIN.ASM(6): 0x11, D0 syntax. D0, (data) used twice This example assumes use of MIFES with a PC-9800 series computer. Start up MIFES and open two Þles. A>MI MAIN.ASM ERROR The contents of the Þle ERROR will be displayed on the screen. PanaX Series (c)Copyright MAIN.ASM MN102L00 Assembler 1994 Panasonic/KWC for linear Version3.1 Release1.1.1 MAIN.ASM(7): 5 Error 2000: F440FFFFFF 6 Warning 2054: 7 Error 2003: move Incorrect assembler mov Illegal RAM address main Symbol defined ROM size is 7 2 errors in 1 warnings in (Hex. 00000007) this assembly this assembly MAIN. ASM(5): 000002 MAIN.ASM(6): 54 Error Correction Using Tag Jumps 0x11, D0 syntax. D0, (data) used twice Chapter 3 Introduction To Operation Tag jumps The Þrst error message matches this display on the screen. MAIN. ASM(5): Error 2000: Incorrect assembler syntax. This line works with tag jumps regardless of the character positions on screen. Look at the display of function key F10 on the CRT screen. It should be [Tag JP]. This key speciÞes a tag jump, so try pressing F10. The screen will switch, and the cursor will be placed at the source Þle statement in which the error was detected. _CODE data main section equ CODE, PUBLIC, 2 -1 mov move mov 0x11, D0 0x11, D0 D0, (data) main end Fix errors The cursor will be located on the Þfth line. Fix the error here. Change move to mov. That alone Þxes the line. Switch the screen again to the error Þle. Return to error file To return to the error Þle, press the HOME CLR key (above and to the left of the period key). When the screen switches to the error Þle, the cursor will move to the next error line. MAIN.ASM(6):Warning 2054:Illegal RAM address used. This is a warning, not an error. You can see the problem by looking at the machine language code generated in the list Þle. The assembler processed assuming an address of 0. Tag jumps are valid here as well. Press F10 for the source screen. By repeating this procedure, you can Þx all the errors. Error Correction Using Tag Jumps 55 Chapter 3 Introduction To Operation Uncorrectable errors Some errors cannot be easily corrected. In some cases there are too many labels, exceeding the label registrations provided by the assembler. This kind of error must be Þxed by changing an initial value of the assembler or by deleting labels. Use the PAINST.EXE installer to change initial values of the assembler. You can avoid errors by customizing the assembler. Refer to chapter 1, "Installation," regarding customization. Supplemental Explanation: You can use other editors that support tag jumps (VZ EditorTM, RED++TM). 56 Error Correction Using Tag Jumps Chapter 4 Optimization 4 Chapter 4 Optimization 4.1 Purpose Of This Chapter The assembler and linker evaluate source statements coded as conditional branch instructions, unconditional branch instructions, subroutine call instructions, data move instructions, arithmetic instructions, and comparison instructions, and then select the optimal instructions that shorten instruction codes to the maximum possible extent. This is called optimization. This chapter uses examples to explain what optimization is. NOTE: 58 Purpose of This Chapter The assembler and linker make changes to object code, not instruction mnemonics. Pay close attention to this point when viewing list files. When an @ is displayed before a line number in the list file, it indicates that the statement has been optimized. Chapter 4 Optimization 4.2 Rules Of Usage To use the optimization function, optimization must be turned on by using the Ot option or by placing an opt directive at the start of the source Þle. opt on NOTE: Optimization is off by default. Rules of Usage 59 Chapter 4 Optimization 4.3 Usage Example Optimization Instructions The conditional branch instructions, unconditional branch instructions, subroutine call instructions, move instructions, arithmetic instructions, and comparison instructions shown below will be objects of optimization. Table 4-1 Optimized Conditional Branch Instructions Instruction BLT LABEL BGT LABEL BGE LABEL BLE LABEL BCS LABEL BHI LABEL BCC LABEL BLS LABEL BEQ LABEL BNE LABEL BVC LABEL BVS LABEL BVC LABEL BNS LABEL BLTX LABEL BGTX LABEL BLEX LABEL BCSX LABEL BHIX LABEL BCCX LABEL BLSX LABEL BEQX LABEL BNEX LABEL BVCX LABEL BVSX LABEL BVSX LABEL BNCX LABEL BNSX LABEL 60 Usage Example Type Relative branch instruction Branch Range Branch within -128 to +127 bytes of the PC. Chapter 4 Optimization Table 4-2 Optimized Unconditional Branch Instructions Instruction BRA LABEL JMP LABEL JSR LABEL Type Branch Range Relative branch instrction Absolute branch instruction Branch within -128 to +127 bytes of the PC Branch within the 16M-byte memory space. Table 4-3 Optimized Data Move Instructions Instruction MOV An, (abs) MOV Dn, (abs) MOV (abs), An MOV (abs), Dn MOVB Dn, (abs) MOVBU (abs), Dn MOV An, (d, An) MOV Dn,(d, An) MOV (d, An), An MOV (d, An), Dn MOVB Dn, (d, An) MOVB (d, An),Dn MOVBU (d, An), Dn MOVX Dn, (d,An), Dn MOVX (d, An), Dn MOV imm, An MOV imm, Dn Type Absolute addressing Branch Range 16M-byte memory space Register relative indirect addressing 16M-byte memory space. Immediate addressing 24-bit immediate data. Table 4-4 Optimized Arithmetic Instructions Instruction ADD ADD SUB SUB imm, An imm, Dn imm, An imm, Dn Type Immediate addressing Branch Range 24-bit immediate data Table 4-5 Optimized Comparison instructions Instruction CMP imm, An CMP imm, Dn Type Immediate addressing Branch Range 24-bit imediate data. Usage Example 61 Chapter 4 Optimization Optimixation processing The assembler informs the linker about all instructions to be optimized. Based on the information from the assembler, the linker outputs instruction codes with the smallest code size. Optimization processing of conditional branch instructions The linker resolves address values for labels when linking multiple Þles. In the example below, the linker will determine whether or not the LABEL coded as an operand is within the allowable range of the current instruction. If not in range, then the linker will replace it with instructions for a wider branch range. Take the BEQ instruction for example. BEQ LABEL ...... LABEL The destination label of the BEQ instructions must be in the range -128 to +127. However, the assembler cannot make that determination, so the following determinations are made during assembly and linking. Assembler processing The assembler outputs information about instructions to be optimized to the linker. Linker processing 1. The linker inputs information from the assembler. 2. The linker determines if the branch destinations of conditional branches are in range. 3. If determined to be in range, then the linker generates the normal code. 4. If determined to be not in range, then the linker will substitute code that can branch correctly. The substitution for the above example would be as follows. BNE *+5 JMP LABEL ...... LABEL 62 Usage Example Chapter 4 Optimization Table 4-6 Substituted Instructions For Conditional/Unconditional Branch Instructions Source Instrudtion Candidate instruction 1 Candidate instruction 2 BLT LABEL BRA LABEL BGT LABEL BGT LABEL BGE LABEL BGE LABEL BLE LABEL BLE LABEL BCS LABEL BCS LABEL BHI LABEL BHI LABEL BCC LABEL BCC LABEL BLS LABEL BLS LABEL BEQ LABEL BEQ LABEL BNE LABEL BNE LABEL BVC LABEL BVC LABEL BVS LABEL BVS LABEL BNC LABEL BNC LABEL BNS LABEL BNS LABEL BLTX LABEL BLTX LABEL BGTX LABEL BGTX LABEL BGEX LABEL BGEX LABEL BLEX LABEL BLEX LABEL BCSX LABEL BCSX LABEL BHIX LABEL BHIX LABEL BCCX LABEL BCCX LABEL BLSX LABEL BLSX LABEL BEQX LABEL BEQX LABEL BNEX LABEL BNEX LABEL BVCX LABEL BVCX LABEL BGE *+5 JMP LABEL BLE *+5 JMP LABEL BLT *+5 JMP LABEL BGT * +5 JMP LABEL BCC *+5 JMP LABEL BLS *+5 JMP LABEL BCS *+5 JMP LABEL BHI *+5 JMP LABEL BNE *+5 JMP LABEL BEQ *+5 JMP LABEL BVS *+6 JMP LABEL BVC *+6 JMP LABEL BNS *+6 JMP LABEL BNC *+6 JMP LABEL BGEX *+6 JMP LABEL BLEX *+6 JMP LABEL BLTX *+6 JMP LABEL BGTX *+6 JMP LABEL BCCX *+6 JMP LABEL BLSX *+6 JMP LABEL BCSX *+6 JMP LABEL BHIX *+6 JMP LABEL BNEX *+6 JMP LABEL BEQX *+6 JMP LABEL BVSX *+6 JMP LABEL Candidate instruction 3 BGE *+7 JMP LABEL BLE *+7 JMP LABEL BLT *+7 JMP LABEL BGT *+7 JMP LABEL BCC *+7 JMP LABEL BCC *+7 JMP LABEL BCS *+7 JMP LABEL BHI *+7 JMP LABEL BNE *+7 JMP LABEL BEQ *+7 JMP LABEL BVS *+8 JMP LABEL BVC *+8 JMP LABEL BNS *+8 JMP LABEL BNC *+8 JMP LABEL BGEX *+8 JMP LABEL BLEX *+8 JMP LABEL BLTX *+8 JMP LABEL BGTX *+8 JMP LABEL BCCX *+8 JMP LABEL BLSX *+8 JMP LABEL BCSX *+8 JMP LABEL BHIX *+8 JMP LABEL BNEX *+8 JMP LABEL BEQX *+8 JMP LABEL BVSX *+8 JMP LABEL Usage Example 63 Chapter 4 Optimization Table 4-6 Substituted Instructions For Conditional/Unconditional Branch Instructions Source Instrudtion Candidate instruction 1 Candidate instruction 2 BVSX LABEL BVSX LABEL BNCX LABEL BNCX LABEL BNSX LABEL BNSX LABEL BVCX *+6 JMP LABEL BNSX *+6 JMP LABEL BNCX *+6 JMP LABEL Candidate instruction 3 BVCX *+8 JMP LABEL BNSX *+8 JMP LABEL BNCX *+8 JMP LABEL Optimization processing of unconditional branch instructions If the branch destination of a JMP LABEL unconditional branch instruction is within the range of the relative branch instruction BRA LABEL, then it will be replaced by BRA LABEL. Therefore, regardless of whether the JMP instruction or BRA instruction is used, the linker will output the optimal unconditional branch. Table 4-7 Substituted Instructions For Unconditional Branch Instructions. Source Instruction BRA JMP JSR LABEL 64 Usage Example Candidate Instruction1 BRA D8 BRA D8 JSR LABEL Candedate Instruction2 JMP d16 JMP d16 JSR LABEL Candidate Instruction3 JMP d24 JMP d24 Chapter 4 Optimization Optimization of data move, arithmetic and comparison instructions Data move, arithmetic, and comparison instructions will be replaced by instructions of the optimal bit length when operating on immediate data, memory addresses, and relative data. In this manner optimal code will be output without the user distinguishing between each instruction variation. Table 4-8 Substituted Instructions For Data Move, Arithmetic, Comparison Instructions Source instruction Candidate instruction 1 Candidate instruction 2 Candidate instruction 3 ADD imm, An ADD imm8, An ADD imm16, An ADD imm24, An ADD imm, Dn ADD imm8, Dn ADD imm16, Dn ADD imm24, Dn SUB imm, An SUB imm16, An SUB imm24, An SUB imm, Dn SUB imm 16, Dn SUB imm24, Dn CMP imm, An CMP imm16, An CMP imm24, An CMP imm, Dn CMP imm8, Dn CMP imm16, Dn MOV An, (abs) MOV An, (abs16) MOV An, (abs24) MOV Dn, (abs) MOV Dn, (abs16) MOV Dn, (abs24) MOV (abs), An MOV (abs16), An MOV (abs)24, An MOV (abs), Dn MOV (abs16), Dn MOV (abs)24, Dn MOV An, (d, An) MOV An, (D8, An) MOV An, (d16, An) MOV An, (d24, An) MOV Dn, (d, An) MOV Dn, (D8, An) MOV Dn, (d16, An) MOV Dn, (d24, An) MOV (d, An), An MOV (D8, An), An MOV (d16, An), An MOV (d24, An), An MOV (d, An), Dn MOV (D8, An), Dn MOV (d16, An), Dn MOV (d24, An), Dn MOVB Dn, (abs) MOVB Dn, (abs16) MOVB Dn, (abs24) MOVB Dn, (d, An) MOVB Dn, (D8, An) MOVB Dn, (d16, An) MOVB Dn, (d24, An) MOVB (d, An), Dn MOVB (d8, An), Dn MOVB (d16, An), Dn MOVB (d24, An), Dn MOVBU (abs), Dn MOVBU (A8), Dn MOVBU (abs16), Dn MOVBU (abs24), Dn MOVBU (d, An), Dn MOVBU (D8, An), Dn MOVBU (d16, An), Dn MOVBU (d24, An), Dn MOV imm, Dn MOV imm16, An MOV imm24, An MOV imm, Dn MOV imm8, Dn MOV imm16, Dn MOV imm24, Dn MOVX Dn,(d, An) MOVX Dn, (D8, An) MOVX Dn,(d16, An) MOVX Dn, (d24, An) movx (d, An), Dn MOVX (D8, An), Dn MOVX (d16, An),Dn MOVX (d24, An), Dn CMP imm24, Dn Usage Example 65 Chapter 4 Optimization Example: Branch Destination of Conditional Branch Instruction Within Range This example shows a branch in the permitted range (-128 to 127 of PC) of a BCC LABEL conditional branch instruction. The source list is as follows. _CODE opt on section CODE, PUBLIC,2 mov 0, D2 cmp D1, D2 bcc func_end org addr_set+127 sub_func addr_set func_end rts end The final list file after assembly is shown next. The start address during linking is assumed to be 1000 (hex). The @ mark on line number 6 indicates that the instruction was the object of optimization. Here the branch of BCC LABEL is within range, so the code has not been changed. *** Loc mn102L00 081000 081002 081004 Object 8A00 F396 E67F Cross Line 1 2 3 4 5 @6 7 8 9 10 11 PROGRAM4. Assembler Source _CODE sub_func FE ROM size is No errors in No warnings 528522 this in this (Hex. 0008108A) assembly assembly *** Symbol 00081000 00081006 00081085 00081000 Table A_CODE T addr_ T func_ T sub_ *** Usage Example section CODE, PUBLIC, 2 mov cmp bcc 0, D2 D1, D2 func_end org addr_set+127 func_end rts end OPT2 66 Page1 addr_set 081089 set end func LST *** .LST Page2 Chapter 4 Optimization Example: Unconditional Branch Instruction Converted To Relative Branch This example shows a branch outside the permitted range (-128 to +127 of PC) of a BCC LABEL conditional branch instruction. The source list is as follows. _CODE opt on section CODE, PUBLIC,2 jmp func_end org addr_set+127 sub_func addr_set func_end rts end The final list file after assembly is shown next. LABEL exceeds the permitted branch range of BCC LABEL, so the code has been converted to BCS *+5, JMP LABEL. Note that the mnemonics and object code are different. *** Loc mn102L00 Object 081000 EA7F 081081 FE ROM size is 528514 Cross Line 1 2 3 @4 5 6 7 8 9 PROGRAM4. Assembler Source LST *** Page1 opt on section _CODE sub_func CODE, PUBLIC, 2 jmp func_end org addr_set+127 addr_set func_end rts end 00081082) (Hex. No errors in No warnings in this this *** Table *** A_CODE T addr_ T func_ T sub_ assembly assembly OPT3 Symbol 00081000 00081006 00081085 00081000 .LST Page2 set end func Usage Example 67 Chapter 4 Optimization Example: Unconditional Branch Instruction Converted To Absolute Branch This example shows the branch destination of a JMP LABEL unconditional branch instruction within the permitted range (-128 to +127 of PC) for relative branching. The source list is as follows. _CODE opt on section CODE, PUBLIC,2 bra func_end org addr_set+128 sub_func addr_set func_end rts end The final list file after assembly is shown next. The branch destination of the JMP LABEL instruction on line number 4 is in the permitted range for relative branching, so it has been converted to BRA LABEL. Note that the mnemonics and object code are different. *** Loc mn102L00 Object 081000 FC8000 081083 FE ROM size is 528516 Cross Line 1 2 3 @4 5 6 7 8 9 PROGRAM4. Assembler Source LST *** Page1 opt on section _CODE sub_func bra func_end org addr_set+128 addr_set func_end rts end 00081084) (Hex. No errors in No warnings in this this *** Table *** A_CODE T addr_ T func_ T sub_ assembly assembly OPT4 Symbol 00081000 00081003 00081083 00081000 68 Usage Example set end func CODE, PUBLIC, 2 .LST Page2 Chapter 4 Optimization Optimization of complex branch instructions For the complex branch instructions, optimizations of both conditional branch and comparison instructions are performed simultaneously. That is, the source instructions will be replaced by instructions of the optimal branch range and the optimal bit length. Table 4-9 Substituted Instructions for Complex Branch Instructions Source instruction CBEQ imm8,(abs),LABEL CBNE imm8,(abs),LABEL TBZ (abs)bp,LABEL Candidate instruction 1 Candidate instruction 2 CBEQ imm8,(abs8),LABE L (LABEL=d8+PC) CBEQ imm8,(abs8),LABE L (LABEL=d12+PC) CBNE imm8,(abs8),LABE L (LABEL=d8+PC) TBZ (abs8)bp,LABEL (LABEL=d8+PC) CBNE imm8,(abs8),label JMP LABEL label: (LABEL=abs18) CBEQ CBEQ imm8,(abs16),LABE imm8,(abs16),LABE L L (LABEL=d12+PC) (LABEL=d8+PC) CBEQ imm8,(abs8),label JMP LABEL label: (LABEL=abs18) CBNE CBNE imm8,(abs16),LABE imm8,(abs16),LABE L L (LABEL=d12+PC) (LABEL=d8+PC) TBNZ (abs8)bp,LABEL (LABEL=d8+PC) Candidate instruction 4 CBNE imm8,(abs16),label JMP LABEL label: (LABEL=abs18) CBNE imm8,(abs8),LABE L (LABEL=d12+PC) TBZ (abs8)bp,LABEL (LABEL=d12+PC) CBEQ imm8,(abs16),label JMP LABEL label: (LABEL=abs18) TBNZ (abs8)bp,LABEL (LABEL=d12+PC) TBNZ (abs8)bp,label JMP LABEL label: (LABEL=abs18) TBZ TBNZ (abs16)bp,LABEL (abs16)bp,label (LABEL=d12+PC) JMP LABEL label: (LABEL=abs18) TBZ (abs8)bp,label JMP LABEL label: (LABEL=abs18) TBNZ (abs16)bp,LABEL (LABEL=d8+PC) TBNZ (abs16)bp,LABEL (LABEL=d12+PC) TBZ (abs16)bp,LABEL (LABEL=d8+PC) TBNZ (abs)bp,LABEL Candidate instruction 3 TBNZ (abs16)bp,label JMP LABEL label: (LABEL=abs18) Usage Example 69 Chapter 4 Optimization Optimization of subroutine call instructions The linker converts subroutine calls (JSR) to the 16 subroutines with the highest frequencies of appearance to their vector indirect versions (JSRV). Normally this form of optimization automatically applies to all JSR instructions, but it is also possible to modify the process to force conversion for speciÞc functions with vecton directives and prohibit conversion for other functions with vectoff directives. Conversion to the vector indirect versions is limited to functions called a minimum of three times. When there are multiple functions with the same frequency of appearance eligible for the 16th position in the vector table, the one with the highest address takes precedence. NOTE: The frequencies represent counts based on a static analysis of the source code. Thus the linker counts a JSR instruction inside a loop only once even though a dynamic analysis would indicate that the same instruction would be repeated multiple times during actual execution of the loop. 70 Usage Example Chapter 4 Optimization 4.3.1 Usage Example Branch destination of conditional branch instruction within range This example shows a branch in the permitted range (-1024 to +1023.5 of PC) of a BCC LABEL conditional branch instruction. The source list is as follows. _CODE opt on section CODE, PUBLIC, 0 mov 0, D2 cmp D1, D2 bcc func_end org addr_set+1023.5 sub_func addr_set func_end rts end Usage Example 71 Chapter 4 Optimization The Þnal list Þle after assembly is shown next. The start address during linking is assumed to be 4100 (hex). The @ mark on line number 6 indicates that the instruction was the object of optimization. Here the branch of BCC LABEL is within range, so the code has not been changed. OPT1LST *** mn101C101d0 Cross 0 Loc Object Line Assembler *** Source 1 2 _CODE 3 sub_func opt on section CODE, PUBLIC,0 004100 AA00 4 mov 0,D2 004102 326 5 cmp D1, D2 004103_ 9CFF7 @6 bcc func_end org addr_set+1023.5 7 addr_set 8 9 004505_ 01 func_end 10 rts 11 end ROM size is 1031 No error in this (Hex. 00000407) assembly No warning in this this assembly opt1.LST 72 Page1 *** Symbol Table 00004100 T _CODE 00004106 T addr_set 00004505_ T func_end 00004100 T sub_func Usage Example *** Page 2 Chapter 4 Optimization Branch destination of conditional branch instruction out of range This example shows a branch outside the permitted range (-1024 to +123.5 of PC) of a BCC LABEL conditional branch instruction. The source list is as follows. _CODE opt on section CODE, PUBLIC, 0 mov 0, D2 cmp D1, D2 bcc func_end org addr_set+1024 sub_func addr_set func_end rts end Usage Example 73 Chapter 4 Optimization The Þnal list Þle after assembly is shown next. LABEL exceeds the permitted branch range of BCC LABEL, so the code has been converted to BCS *+5, JMP LABEL. Note that the mnemonics and object code are different. OPT2LST *** mn101C101d00 Loc Object Cross Assembler Line Source 1 opt 2 _CODE 3 sub_func 004100 AA00 4 004102 326 5 004103_ 8D7039090547 @6 7 section cmp D1, D2 func_end org addr_set+1023.5 addr_set func_end 01 10 rts 11 end ROM size is 1034 (Hex. 0000040A) No error in this assembly No warning in this assembly *** Symbol Table 00004100 T _CODE 00004109 T addr_set 00004509 T func_end 00004100 T sub_func opt2.LST 74 Usage Example 0,D2 bcc 004509 *** on CODE, PUBLIC,0 mov 8 9 Page1 *** Page 2 Chapter 4 Optimization Unconditional branch instruction converted to relative branch This example shows the branch destination of a JMP LABEL unconditional branch instruction within the permitted range (-1024 to +1023.5 of PC) for relative branching. The source list is as follows. _CODE opt on section CODE, PUBLIC, 0 jmp func_end cmp D1, D2 bcc func_end org addr_set+1023.5 sub_func addr_set func_end rts end The Þnal list Þle after assembly is shown next. The branch destination of the JMP LABEL instruction on line number 4 is in the permitted range for relative branching, so it has been converted to BRA LABEL. Note that the mnemonics and object code are different. Usage Example 75 Chapter 4 Optimization OPT3LST *** mn101C101D0 Cross 0 Loc Object Line Assembler Source 1 004100 99FF7 2 _CODE 3 sub_func @4 5 01 8 ROM size is 1027 (Hex. No error in this assembly No warning in this assembly *** Symbol Table 00004100 T _CODE 00004102_ T addr_set 00004502 T func_end 00004100 T sub_func 9 jmp func_end cmp D1, D2 org addr_set+1023.5 rts org end 00000403) opt3.LST 76 on CODE, PUBLIC,0 func_end 004502 *** opt section addr_set 6 7 Page1 *** Page 2 addr_set+1023.5 Chapter 4 Optimization Unconditional branch instruction converted to absolute branch This example shows the branch destination of a BRA LABEL unconditional branch instruction outside the permitted range (-1024 to +1023.5 of PC) for relative branching. The source list is as follows. _CODE opt on section CODE, PUBLIC, 0 bra func_end org addr_set+1024 sub_func addr_set func_end rts end The Þnal list Þle after assembly is shown next. The branch destination of the BRA LABEL instruction on line number 4 is outside the permitted range for relative branching, so it has been converted to JMP LABEL. Note that the mnemonics and object code are different. OPT4LST *** mn101C101D0 Cross 0 Loc Object Line Assembler Source 1 004100 3913054 2 _CODE 3 sub_func @4 5 004503_ 01 No warning in this assembly (Hex. T addr_set T func_end 00004100 T sub_func org addr_set+1024 00000405) opt4.LST 00004503_ func_end end assembly 00004103_ bra rts this T _CODE CODE, PUBLIC,0 9 1029 Table section 8 No error in 00004100 on func_end ROM size is *** Symbol opt addr_set 6 7 Page1 *** Page 2 *** 77 Chapter 4 Optimization 78 Chapter 5 Using Assembler 5 Chapter 5 Using Assembler 5.1 Purpose of This Chapter This chapter explains operation of the Cross-Assembler. Many options are provided by the assembler. This chapter includes examples to aid its explanations. Assembler operation can be classiÞed into three target uses. ¥ Normal assembly ¥ Generation of Þnal list Þle with resolved addresses ¥ Display of help screen for assembler operation The appropriate object is decide by specifying options. 80 Purpose of This Chapter Chapter 5 Using Assembler 5.2 Starting Assembler The assembler is started by entering a command name and parameters, just as for other MS-DOS external commands. General format of commands Below is the general format of the command to use when starting the assembler. AS102L [options] source_filename Contents of brackets [ ] may be omitted. Specifying options An option starts with a slash (/) or hyphen (-) as the options speciÞer, followed by a character that indicate the particular option. /l or -l Option speciÞcations are case sensitive, so upper case and lower case letters must be speciÞed correctly. -Lc Single-character options not accompanied by parameters can be speciÞed as multiple characters following the slash (/) or hyphen (-) option speciÞer. The order is optional. /lcgrj or -crjgl When an option is accompanied by a parameter and other options are to follow, add a space after the parameter, and then follow with the slash (/) or hyphen (-) option speciÞer. -IA:\USER\SOURCE -Li -Lc Parameters can be speciÞed right after the option character or separated by one space. /w100 or -w 100 When options are omitted, assembly will be performed in accordance with the default interpretations built in to the assembler. Refer to section 3.3, "Command Options", for default interpretations. Starting Assembler 81 Chapter 5 Using Assembler 82 NOTE: When path names are not specified, the assembler will assume that files are in the current directory on the current drive. When only a source file path name and file name are specified, the assembler will generate the list file and relocatable object file in the source file's directory. When the source file extension is omitted, the assembler will assume .ASM. The following example will cause the source file name to be SAMPLE.ASM. The assembler will generate the list file (SAMPLE.LST) and relocatable object file (SAMPLE.RF) in the directory of the source file. A>AS102L -l SAMPLE When the source file is specified with a path name, the assembler will also generate the list file and relocatable object file in the same directory as the source file. A>AS102L -l B:\USR\SAMPLE By using the o option, you can generate the relocatable file in a directory other than that of the source file. A>AS102L -l -o B:\USER\BIN\SAMPLE.RF SAMPLE.ASM The above example will assemble the source file (SAMPLE.ASM) in the current directory, will output the list file (SAMPLE.LST) in the current directory, and will output the relocatable object file (SAMPLE.RF) in the B drive's \USER\BIN directory. NOTE: Windows 9X will be hung up if specifying a file name including a drive name which is not connected to your computer under MS-DOS mode of Windows 9X. C: >AS102L -l -0t B: SAMPLE.ASM ( in case the drive B does not exist.) Starting Assembler Chapter 5 Using Assembler Below is a list of options . Table 5-1 Assembler Options Option Type Symbol Output Þle Options O Þle_name l c Li Lm Ls Lc a map_Þle name Xl Error message options j e W number Preprocessor options Wall I path_name D identiÞer Program generation g Þle. options r Other Od Ot h Description Specify the relocatable object Þle name to be output. Output a list Þle. Append a cross-reference to the list Þle. Do not output Þles included by include to the list Þle. Do not output assembler source created by macro expansion using macro or irp to the list Þle. Output only the machine language code. Do not output a symbol table to the list Þle. Do not output source statements that were not assembled due Read the map Þle to output a list Þle with resolved addresses. Output the list Þle to the same directory as the relocatable object Þle. Output error and warning messages in Japanese. Output will be to the screen and, when a list Þle is speciÞed, to the list Þle. Output error and warning messages in English. Output will be to the screen and, when a list Þle is speciÞed, to the list Þle. Do not output warning messages of the speciÞed number. Output will not be performed to either the screen or list Þle. Refer to chapter 10, "Error Messages", for warning messages and their corresponding numbers Do not output any warning messages. SpeciÞes the path name of the directory that contains Þles speciÞed by include. Specifies an identifier to be used by ifdef during conditional assembly. Output debug information to the relocatable object Þle. Output a relocatable object Þle even if errors are detected in the source Þle. Turn off optimization Turn on optimization Output help information about assembler options to the screen Starting Assembler 83 Chapter 5 Using Assembler Assembler and linker directories When the assembler is in the same directory as the source Þle, it can be speciÞed by a direct command. When in a different directory, the assembler's directory must have been speciÞed with the PATH command. The examples below assume the following directory hierarchy. A: \BIN AS102L.EXE LD102L.EXE \TOOL EDITOR \USER \SOURCE \SAMPLE.ASM \SAMPLE.LST \OBJ \SAMPLE.RF Table 5-1 Command Directory Example Assuming that the current directory is A:\USER\SOURCE, the assembler is started as follows. A>PATH A:\BIN\102L00 -l -o A: \USER\OBJ\SAMPLE SAMPLE A>PATH A: \BIN A>AS102L -l -o A:\USER\OBJ\SAMPLE SAMPLE 84 Starting Assembler or Chapter 5 Using Assembler 5.3 Command Options This section describes the options used by the assembler. The assembler has many options for controlling assembler processing and Þle output. Assembler operation can be divided into the three categories below based on the reason for its use. Normal assembly With section address format, the addresses of each section are determined by linking. Therefore unless your intention is to output an error Þle, you cannot debug after assembly even if a list Þle is output by the l option. The same holds for the c option. Generation of Þnal list Þle with resolved addresses When programs are in section address format, addresses are not resolved until after the program has passed through the linker. To resolve them, you must generate a map Þle with the linker and then reassemble the source Þle using the generated map information, thereby generating a list Þle with resolved addresses. Use the a and l options to do this. Display of help screen The h option will output assembler operation information to the screen. Thus all options are not valid at the same time. Furthermore, even when some options are not speciÞed the assembler will use pre-determined default values. The default values have been set to values that are frequently used, so if the default values are acceptable then you can omit many option speciÞcations. For details on default interpretations, refer the descriptions of the options in question. Command Options 85 Chapter 5 Using Assembler 5.3.1 Output File Options o file_name Specify the relocatable object file name to be output Functional description The o option speciÞes the relocatable object Þle name to be output by the assembler. If the speciÞed Þle already exists, then its previous contents will be erased. If a path name that does not exist is speciÞed, then the assembler will display an error message and suspend processing. If specifying an extension, the extension will be the speciÞed one. If omitting an extension, the extension will be .RF. o option type generated files -o test -o test.rf -o test.obj test.rf test.rf test.obj NOTE: Because the @ symbol is used as the character for specifying parameter files, it cannot be used as the first character of file names Rules of use The o option is speciÞed with the slash (/) or hyphen (-) option speciÞcation character, followed by the lower-case letter 'o', then either immediately followed by the Þle name or a space and the Þle name. If the Þle is to be output to the current directory, then only the Þle name needs to be speciÞed. If the Þle is to be output to a different directory, then both a path name and a Þle name must be speciÞed. AS102L -o A:\USER\OBJ\TEST MAIN Default speciÞcation By default the assembler will generate a Þle with the source Þle name and extension .RF in the same source directory as the source Þle. If no path name is speciÞed for the source Þle, then the assembler will assume the current directory of the current drive. 86 Command Options Chapter 5 Using Assembler Operation example This example assembles a source Þle (SAMP1.ASM) in the current directory, and generates a relocatable Þle with the name SAMP1.RF in the A drive's \USER\OBJ directory. A>AS102L -o A:\USER\OBJ\SAMP1 SAMP1 PanaX Series MN102L00 Assembler Version 3.1 Release 1.1.1 (c)Copyright 1994 Panasonic/KMC SAMP1.ASM ROM size is 11 (Hex. 0000000B) No error in this assembly No warning in this assembly A>DIR A:\USER\OBJ Volume in drive A: Directory of A:\USER\OBJ . is SYSTEM <DIR> .. 93-06-21 <DIR> SAMP1 RF 2277376 bytes free 267 11:55 93-06-21 11:55 93-06-21 11:56 3 file(s) Command Options 87 Chapter 5 Using Assembler I Output a list file Functional description The l option outputs a list Þle. The Þle name of the list Þle will be the source Þle name with the extension .LST. The list Þle will be generated in the same directory as the source Þle. If any assembler errors are detected, then error information will also be written to the list Þle. Refer to chapter 3, ÒIntroduction To OperationÓ, regarding high-level error correction using an editorÕs tag jump functions\. Rules of use The l option is speciÞed with the slash (/) or hyphen (-) option speciÞcation character, followed by the lower-case letter 'l'. If multiple options without parameters are to be speciÞed, then they can all be speciÞed after a single option speciÞcation character. A parameter following the option should be delimited by a space before the next option starts. AS102L -l SAMPLE Default speciÞcation No list Þle will be output. 88 Command Options Chapter 5 Using Assembler Operation example This example assembles a source Þle (SAMP1.ASM) and generates a list Þle (SAMP1.LST) in the same directory. You can see that both output Þles are generated in the same directory. A>AS102L -l SAMP1 PanaX Series MN102L00 Assembler Version 3.2 Release 1.1.1 (c)Copyright 1994 Panasonic/KMC SAMP1.ASM ROM size is 11 (Hex. 0000000B) No error in this assembly No warning in this assembly A>DIR SAMP1.* Volume in drive A: is SYSTEM Directory of A: \MN102L00 SAMP1 ASM 209 SAMP1 RF 267 93-06-21 11:54 SAMP1 LST 1144 93-06-21 11:54 93-06-21 11:07 3 file(s) 2269184 bytes free Command Options 89 Chapter 5 Using Assembler c Output a cross-reference Functional description The c option outputs symbol reference information during assembly by appending it to the list Þle. If the c option is speciÞed, then even when the l option is not speciÞed a list Þle will be generated automatically. The following information is written in the cross-reference. ¥ symbol names ¥ addresses, values assigned to symbols ¥ symbol types ¥ line numbers of source statements that reference or declare the symbols If you create a program split between multiple Þles, then specify the cross-reference when you generate the Þnal list Þle after having generated a map Þle with the linker. This allows you to create a list Þle and cross-reference table with resolved addresses. Rules of use The c option is speciÞed with the slash (/) or hyphen (-) option speciÞcation character, followed by the lower-case letter 'c'. If multiple options without parameters are to be speciÞed, then they can all be speciÞed after a single option speciÞcation character. A parameter following the option should be delimited by a space before the next option starts. AS102L -c SAMPLE Default speciÞcation No cross-reference will be output. 90 Command Options Chapter 5 Using Assembler Operation example This example assembles a source Þle (SAMP1.ASM) with the c option and generates a list Þle (SAMP1.LST). You can see that a cross-reference table will be appended to the list Þle. The + before line numbers 4, 6, 7, and 9 indicates that the machine language code is not the Þnal code. A>AS102L00 -c SAMP1 A>TYPE SAMP1.LST SAMP1.LST Page 1 *** mn102L00 Cross Assembler *** Loc object Line Source 1 _CODE 2 main section CODE, PUBLIC,2 000000 8001 3 mov 1, D0 000002 F4E1000000 +4 mov data, A0 000007 00 5 mov D0, (A0) 000008 F4E1000000 +6 jsr subr 00000D EA00 R7 bra main 00000F F474000000 +9 mov data, A0 000014 20 10 mov (A0), D0 000015 8501 11 mov 1, D1 000017 F284 12 addc D1, D0 000019 00 13 mov D0, (A0) 00001A FE 14 rts 8 subr 15 000000 0000 16 _DATA section DATA, PUBLIC, 2 17 data dw 0 18 19 end 20 ROM size is 29 (HEX. 0000001D) No error in this assembly No warning in this assembly *** Reference SAMP1.LST Cross Table Page2 *** _CODE 00000000 ABS #SAMP1.ASM(1) _DATA 00000000 ABS #SAMP1.ASM(16) data 00000000 DAT SAMP1.ASM(4) SAMP1.ASM(4) SAMP1.ASM(4) SAMP1.ASM(9) SAMP1.ASM(9) SAMP1.ASM(9) Command Options 91 Chapter 5 Using Assembler #SAMP1.ASM(17) main 00000000 TXT #SAMP1.ASM(2) SAMP1.ASM(7) subr 0000000F TXT SAMP1.ASM(6) #SAMP1.ASM(8) The information output in the cross-reference table lists symbols, their values or addresses, types, and file names and line numbers where the symbols are coded (the numbers in parentheses). 92 Command Options Chapter 5 Using Assembler Li Do not output files included by include to the list file Functional description The Li option suppresses output of source Þle contents included by assembler directive (#include) to the list Þle. However, the machine language code will be written to the relocatable object Þle. This option is convenient when you need a listing only for a particular source Þle while debugging. The Li option speciÞcation will be ignored for source Þles that do not have any #include statements. Rules of use The Li option is speciÞed with the slash (/) or hyphen (-) option speciÞcation character, followed by the upper-case letter 'L' and lower-case letter 'i'. The pair of characters of Li are handled as a single option. If multiple options without parameters are to be speciÞed, then they can all be speciÞed after a single option speciÞcation character. A parameter following the option should be delimited by a space before the next option speciÞcation character starts. AS102L -Lil SAMPLE NOTE: The Li option is used in conjunction with the l option (lower-case 'l', list output). Default speciÞcation Source Þles included by include will be output to the list Þle. Command Options 93 Chapter 5 Using Assembler Operation example This example shows two source Þles (SAMP2.H and SAMP2.ASM). SAM2.H is a header Þle that deÞnes data, and is included in SAMP2.ASM with an include directive. NOTE: Files included with include must not terminate with the end directive. A>TYPE SAMP2.H DATA1 equ 0x11 DATA2 equ 0x22 DATA2 equ 0x33 A>TYPE SAMP2.ASM #include ÒSAMP2.HÓ _CODE section CODE, PUBLIC, 0 movw data1, A0 mov 1, D0 main mov D0, (A0) movw data2, A0 mov 2, D0 mov D0, (A0) movw data3, A0 mov 3, D0 mov D0, (A0) end 94 Command Options Chapter 5 Using Assembler First try assembling without the Li option. The list Þle will be as follows. Lines where the line number is preceded by a period (.) are statements that were included by include. A>102L -l SAMP2 A>TYPE SAMP2.LST SAMP2.LST Page 1 *** mn102L00 Cross Assembler *** Loc object Line Source 1 #include ÒSAMP2.HÓ =00000011 .1 data1 equ 0x11 =00000022 .2 data2 equ 0x22 =00000033 .3 data3 equ 0x33 3 _CODE section CODE, PUBLIC, 2 4 main 2 000000 DC1100 5 mov data1, A0 000003 8001 6 mov 1, D0 000005 00 7 mov D0, (A0) 000006 DC2200 8 mov data2, A0 000009 8002 9 mov 2, D0 00000B 00 10 mov D0, (A0) 00000C DC3300 11 mov data3, A0 00000F 8003 12 mov 3, D0 000011 00 13 mov D0, (A0) 14 end ROM size is 18 No error in this (HEX. 00000012) assembly No warning in this assembly SAMP2.LST *** Symbol Table 00000000 T _CODE 00000011 A data1 00000022 A data2 00000033 A data3 00000000 T main NOTE: Page2 *** Supplemental Explanation Further include directives can be written within include files. Up to three include nesting levels are allowed. Refer to section 10.2, "#include", for details Command Options 95 Chapter 5 Using Assembler Next, look at part of the list Þle when assembled with the Li option. You can see that source statements included with include have not been output. A>AS102L -lLi SAMP2 A>TYPE SAMP2.LST SAMP2.LST Page 1 *** mn102L00 Cross Assembler *** Loc object Line Source 1 #include ÒSAMP2.HÓ 3 _CODE section CODE, PUBLIC, 2 4 main 2 000000 CD1100 5 mov data1, A0 000003 8001 6 mov 1, D0 000005 00 7 mov D0, (A0) 000006 DC2200 8 mov data2, A0 000009 8002 9 mov 2, D0 00000B 00 10 mov D0, (A0) 00000C DC3300 11 mov data3, A0 00000F 8003 12 mov 3, D0 000011 00 13 mov D0, (A0) ROM size is 18 (HEX. 14 end 00000012) No error in this assembly No warning in this assembly *** Table SAMP2.LST 96 Symbol 00000000 T _CODE 00000011 A data1 00000022 A data2 00000033 A data3 00000000 T main Command Options *** Page2 Chapter 5 Using Assembler Lm Do not output assembler source created by macro expansion to the list file Functional description The Lm option suppresses output of assembler source created by macro expansion using macro directives macro and irp to the list Þle. Only display of machine language instruction mnemonics will be suppressed; machine language code will be output. By using names that represent their processing actions, macro names can make listings easier to read. In such cases, listings without expanded mnemonics will be easier to look at. This is why the Lm option is provided. If the l option is not speciÞed, then the Lm option will be ignored even if speciÞed. Source Þles with no macro expansion will be assembled normally even if assembled with the Lm option. Rules of use The Lm option is speciÞed with the slash (/) or hyphen (-) option speciÞcation character, followed by the upper-case letter 'L' and lower-case letter 'm'. The pair of characters of Lm are handled as a single option. If multiple options without parameters are to be speciÞed, then they can all be speciÞed after a single option speciÞcation character. A parameter following the option should be delimited by a space before the next option speciÞcation character starts. AS102L -Lml SAMPLE NOTE: The Lm option is used in conjunction with the l option (lower-case 'l', list output Default speciÞcation Source statements expanded from macros will be output to the list Þle. Command Options 97 Chapter 5 Using Assembler Operation example First see part of the source list when the source Þle (SAMP3.ASM) has been assembled without the Lm option. Lines where the line number is preceded by 'M' are macro expansion lines.Lines where the line number is followed by '+' are expanded source statements, where the machine language codes are output in the Object Þeld and the machine language mnemonics are output in the Source Þeld. A>AS102L -l SAMP3 A>TYPE SAMP3.LST *** Loc 98 mn102L0 object =00000080 =00000090 000000 000002 000005 000006 000008 00000B 8011 DC8000 00 8011 DC8000 00 00000C 00000E 000011 000012 000014 000017 8022 DC9000 00 8022 DC9000 00 ROM size is No error No warning 24 in this in this *** Table Symbol Command Options Cross Line 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 M16 16+ 16+ 16+ 17 18 19 M20 20+ 20+ 20+ 21 22 23 24 25 (HEX. *** SAMP3.LST Assembler Source val1 var2 Page 1 *** equ equ 0x80 0x90 *macro dat_set defenition macro mov mov mov endm ------adr, dat dat, D0 adr, A0 D0, (A0) section CODE, PUBLIC, 2 expansion -------- dat_set mov mov mov mov mov mov dat_set mov mov mov mov mov mov end var1, 0x11 0x11, D0 var1, A0 D0, (A0) 0x11, D0 var1, A0 D0, (A0) var2, 0x22 0x22, D0 var2, A0 D0, (A0) 0x22, D0 var2, A0 D0, (A0) * _CODE * *macro main 00000018) assembly assembly SAMP3.LST Page2 Chapter 5 Using Assembler 00000000 00000000 00000080 00000090 T T A A _CODE main var1 var2 Command Options 99 Chapter 5 Using Assembler Next, try assembling the same source file with the Lm option. You can see that the machine language code of macro expansion lines is output correctly, but the mnemonics are not output. A>AS102L -lLm SAMP3 A>TYPE SAMP3.LST *** Loc mn102L00 object =00000080 =00000090 000000 000002 000005 000006 000008 00000B A011 DC8000 00 8011 DC8000 00 00000C 00000E 000011 000012 000014 000017 8022 DC9000 00 8022 DC9000 00 ROM size is No error No warning 24 in this in this *** Symbol 00000000 00000000 00000080 00000090 Table T _CODE T main A var1 A var2 100 Command Options Cross Line 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 M16 16+ 16+ 16+ 17 18 19 M20 20+ 20+ 20+ 21 22 23 24 25 (HEX. *** SAMP3.LST Assembler Source val1 var2 Page 1 *** equ equ 0x80 0x90 *macro dat_set defenition macro mov mov mov endm ------adr, dat dat, D0 adr, A0 D0, (A0) section CODE, PUBLIC, 2 expansion -------- dat_set var1, 0x11 mov mov mov dat_set 0x11, D0 var1, A0 D0, (A0) var2, 0x22 mov mov mov end 0x22, D0 var2, A0 D0, (A0) * _CODE * *macro main 00000018) assembly assembly SAMP3.LST Page2 Chapter 5 Using Assembler Suppress output source statements of unfulfilled conditions of conditional assembly to the list file Lc Functional description The Lc option suppresses output of blocks of unsatisÞed conditions with conditional assembly to the list Þle. It also suppresses output of source statements of conditional directives. Rules of use The Lc option is speciÞed with the slash (/) or hyphen (-) option speciÞcation character, followed by the upper-case letter 'L' and lower-case letter 'c'. The pair of characters of Lc are handled as a single option. If multiple options without parameters are to be speciÞed, then they can all be speciÞed after a single option speciÞcation character. A parameter following the option should be delimited by a space before the next option speciÞcation character starts. NOTE: The Lc option is used in conjunction with the l option (lower-case 'l', list output). AS102L -Lcl SAMPLE Default speciÞcation UnfulÞlled conditional statements will be output to the list Þle. Command Options 101 Chapter 5 Using Assembler Operation example The example below uses conditional assembly directives (deÞne and ifdef). VERSION has been deÞned by a deÞne directive, so the block following ifdef (in the example, "mov 0X11,D0") will be assembled, and the block between else and endif (in the example, "mov 0X22,D0") will not be assembled. First, look at the source list when assembled without the Lc option. A>AS102L -l SAMP4 A>TYPE SAMP4.LST SAMP4.LST Page 1 *** *** mn102L00 Cross Assembler Loc object Line Source 1 #define VERSION 3 _CODE section 4 main 5 #ifdef 2 000000 8011 6 7 2 in this assembly in this assembly (HEX. *** Table *** 00000000 A_CODE 00000000 T main mov 0x22, D0 end 00000002) SAMP4.LST Symbol 0x11, D0 #endif 10 ROM size is No error No warning VERSION mov #else X 9 CODE, PUBLIC, 2 Page2 Lines marked with X for the line number are source statements unexpanded because a condition was not satisfied, so no machine language code is output. 102 Command Options Chapter 5 Using Assembler Next, look at the source list when the same source Þle is assembled with the Lc option. Only the source statement of the fulÞlled condition is output. You can see that the unfulÞlled statements and the assembler directives themselves are not output. A>AS102L -lLc SAMP4 A>TYPE SAMP4.LST SAMP4.LST Page 1 *** *** mn102L00 Cross Assembler Loc object Line Source 1 #define VERSION 3 _CODE section CODE, PUBLIC,2 4 main 6 mov 0x11, D0 10 end 2 000000 7011 ROM size is No error No warning 2 in this assembly in this assembly (HEX. *** Table *** 00000002) SAMP4.LST Symbol 00000000 A _CODE 00000000 T main Page2 Command Options 103 Chapter 5 Using Assembler Ls Do not output a symbol table to the list file Functional description The Ls option suppresses output of a symbol table when the list Þle is output. Rules of use The Ls option is speciÞed with the slash (/) or hyphen (-) option speciÞcation character, followed by the upper-case letter 'L' and lower-case letter 's'. The pair of characters of Ls are handled as a single option. If multiple options without parameters are to be speciÞed, then they can all be speciÞed after a single option speciÞcation character. A parameter following the option should be delimited by a space before the next option speciÞcation character starts. AS102L -Lsl SAMPLE NOTE: The Ls option is used in conjunction with the l option (lower-case 'l', list output Default speciÞcation A symbol table will be output. 104 Command Options Chapter 5 Using Assembler a map_filename Generate a list file with resolved addresses Functional description The a option is used to generate a Þnal list Þle with resolved addresses. First you must have generated a map Þle (.MAP) by specifying the m option with the linker. Then using this map Þle, reassemble with the a option to generate the Þnal list Þle. If the wrong map Þle is speciÞed, then the assembler help screen will be displayed on the screen. Rules of use The a option is speciÞed with the slash (/) or hyphen (-) option speciÞcation character, followed by the lower-case letter 'a', then followed by the map Þle name. If no Þle extension is speciÞed, the .MAP will be assumed. If an extension is included in the speciÞcation, then any extension is allowed. AS102L -l -a SAMPLE SAMPLE NOTE: When specifying the a option, always specify the l option to output a list file. No list file will be generated if only the a option is specified. Default speciÞcation The assembler will not generate a Þnal list Þle with addresses resolved by a map Þle. Command Options 105 Chapter 5 Using Assembler Operation example This example assembles a source Þle (SAMP5.ASM), links it, and then generates a Þnal list Þle. First, assemble the source Þle with the l option and look at the list Þle at a stage when addresses are not resolved. A>AS102L -l SAMP5 A>TYPE SAMP5.LST SAMP5.LST Page 1 *** mn102L00 Cross Assembler *** Loc object Line Source =000000AB 1 var equ 0xab 3 _CODE section CODE, PUBLIC, 2 4 main 2 000000 DCAB00 5 mov var, A0 000003 F4E1000000 +6 jsr subr 000008 EA00 R7 bra main 00000A 8011 9 mov 0x11, D0 00000C 00 10 mov D0, (A0) 00000D FE 11 rts 12 end 8 ROM size is No error No warning 14 in this in this (HEX. *** Table *** subr 0000000E) assembly assembly SAMP5.LST Symbol 00000000 A _CODE 00000000 T main 00000008 T subr 000000AB A var Page2 The + on line numbers 6 and 7 indicates that the machine language code is not the final value. The R on line 7 indicates that this line includes a relocatable symbol (a symbol whose value is determined at link time). Also, the list location starts from 000000. This will be the relative value before linking. 106 Command Options Chapter 5 Using Assembler Next, link this Þle located from address 4100 (hex.) and generate a map Þle. Then using that map Þle, generate a Þnal list Þle with resolved addresses. A>LD102L -m -T_CODE=4100 SAMP5 A>AS102L -la SAMP5 SAMP5 A>TYPE SAMP5.LST SAMP5.LST Page 1 *** mn102L00 Cross Assembler *** Loc object Line Source =000000AB 1 var equ 0xab 3 _CODE section CODE, PUBLIC, 2 4 main 2 080100 DCAB00 5 mov var, A0 080103 F4E1020000 6 jsr subr 080108 EAF6 7 bra main 08010A 8011 9 mov 0x11, D0 08010C 00 10 mov D0, (A0) 08010D FE 11 rts ROM size is No error No warning 524558 in this assembly in this assembly (HEX. *** Table *** 8 subr 12 end 0008010E) SAMP5.LST Symbol 00080100 A _CODE 00080100 T main 0008010A T subr 000000AB T var Page2 You can verify that the + on line number 6 and the R on line number 7 disappeared once the addresses were resoloved. Also you can see that the location counter was placed from address 80100(hex.). Command Options 107 Chapter 5 Using Assembler For reference, here are the contents of the map file used. A>TYPE SAMP5.MAP #MEMORY MAP INFORMATION ;Address Length Class :0X004100 0x0000000C CODE ;Address Length Section Class :0X004100 0X0000000C _CODE SAMP5.RF ; ; ;Address Length Section File :0X004100 0X0000000C _CODE SAMP5.RF #LOCAL SYMBOL INFORMATION ;(Clas: F=File, L=Local, G=Global) ;(Type: TEXT=Text Type, ABS=Absolute Type) Type/Size Symbol Name ; ;Value Clas :0X000000 F 0X000C SAMP5.RF :0X004100 L TEXT main :0X004108 L TEXT subr 108 Command Options Count Chapter 5 Using Assembler Xl Output the list file to the same directory as the relocatable object file. Functional description The assembled list Þle is output to the same directory as the relocatable object Þle. The list Þle is named with the .LST extension appended to the relocatable object Þle name. Rules of use The Xl option is speciÞed with the slash (/) or hyphen (-) option speciÞcation character, followed by the letter 'Xl'. 'X' is an upper-case letter and 'l' is a lower-case letter. These two letters, 'Xl', are treated as a single option character. If multiple options without parameters are to be speciÞed, then they call all be speciÞed after a single option speciÞcation character. A parameter following the option should be delimited by a space before the next option speciÞcation character starts. Default speciÞcation The list Þle is not output. Operation example This example assembles the source Þle (SAMPLE.ASM) and outputs the list Þle (SAMPLE.LST) and the relocatable object Þle to the C:\USER\OBJ directory. A>AS102L -Xl -o A:\USER\OBJ\SAMPLE SAMPLE Command Options 109 Chapter 5 Using Assembler 5.3.2 Error Message Options j Output error and warning messages in Japanese Functional description The j option displays messages for errors and warnings detected in assembler commands and assembler processing to the screen and list Þle in Japanese. This option is used when English has been made the default by user customization. Rules of use The j option is speciÞed with the slash (/) or hyphen (-) option speciÞcation character, followed by the lower-case letter 'j'. If multiple options without parameters are to be speciÞed, then they can all be speciÞed after a single option speciÞcation character. A parameter following the option should be delimited by a space before the next option speciÞcation character starts. AS102L -j SAMPLE Default speciÞcation Display will be in Japanese. By customizing the assembler, the output message default can be changed to English. Refer to section 1.3.5 ,"User Customization". 110 Command Options Chapter 5 Using Assembler Operation example Below is the screen display when a source Þle (SAMP6.ASM) that includes errors is assembled with the j option. A>AS102L -j SAMP6 PanaX Series MN102L00 Assembler Version 3.2 Release 1.1.1 (c)Copyright 1994 Panasonic/KMC SAMP6.ASM 5 move 0x11 ,D0 SAMP6.ASM(5): Error 2000: Syntax error. 000002 F440FFFFFF 6 mov D0,(data) SAMP6.ASM(6): Warning 2054: Illegal RAM address. 7 main SAMP6.ASM(7): Error 2003: Symbol defined twice. ROM size is 7 (Hex. 00000007) 2 errors in this assembly 1 warning in this assembly Command Options 111 Chapter 5 Using Assembler e Output error and warning messages in English Functional description The e option displays messages for errors and warnings detected in assembler commands and assembler processing to the screen and list Þle in English. Rules of use The e option is speciÞed with the slash (/) or hyphen (-) option speciÞcation character, followed by the lower-case letter 'e'. If multiple options without parameters are to be speciÞed, then they can all be speciÞed after a single option speciÞcation character. A parameter following the option should be delimited by a space before the next option speciÞcation character starts. AS102L -e SAMPLE Default speciÞcation Display will be in Japanese. By customizing the assembler, the output message default can be changed to English. Refer to section 1.3.5, "User Customization". Operation example Below is the screen display when a source Þle (SAMP6.ASM) that includes errors is assembled with the e option. A>AS102L -e SAMP6 PanaX Series MN102L00 Assembler Version 3.2 Release 1.1.1 (c)Copyright 1994 Panasonic/KMC SAMP6.ASM 5 SAMP6.ASM(5): 000002 Error 2000: F440FFFFFF SAMP6.ASM(6): Syntax error. Warning 2054: Error 2003: ROM size is 7 (Hex. 00000007) 2 errors in this assembly No warning in this assembly 112 Command Options 0x11 ,D0 6 7 SAMP6.ASM(7): move Illegal RAM address. main Symbol defined twice. Chapter 5 Using Assembler W number Do not output warning messages of the specified number Functional description The W option suppresses output of speciÞed warnings detected during assembly. Refer to chapter 10, "Error Messages", for warning numbers and their corresponding messages. When an unregistered number is speciÞed, it will be ignored. Rules of use The W option is speciÞed with the slash (/) or hyphen (-) option speciÞcation character, followed by the upper-case letter 'W', and then followed by the warning number speciÞcation. When further options are speciÞed, they should be delimited by a space before the option speciÞcation character. AS102L -W2054 SAMPLE Default speciÞcation Warning messages are output. Operation example Below is the screen display when a source Þle (SAMP7.ASM) that includes warnings is assembled without the W option. A>AS102L SAMP7 PanaX Series MN102L00 Assembler Version 3.1 Release 1.1.1 (c)Copyright 1994 Panasonic/KMC SAMP7.ASM 000004 F440FFFFFF SAMP7.ASM(6): Warning 6 mov D0,(data) 2054: Illegal RAM address. ROM size is 9 (Hex. 00000009) No error in this assembly 1 warning in this assembly Warning messages are output to the screen. Next suppress that output by assembling with the W option. Command Options 113 Chapter 5 Using Assembler Below is the screen when warning message output is suppressed. A>AS102L -W2054 SAMP7 PanaX Series MN102L00 Assembler Version 3.1 Release 1.1.1 (c)Copyright 1994 Panasonic/KMC SAMP7.ASM ROM size is 9 (Hex. 00000009) No error in this assembly No warning in this assembly You can see that warning messages are not output. 114 Command Options Chapter 5 Using Assembler Wall Do not output any warning messages Functional description The Wall option suppresses output of all warnings detected during assembly. Rules of use The Wall option is speciÞed with the slash (/) or hyphen (-) option speciÞcation character, followed by the letters 'Wall'. When further options are speciÞed, they should be delimited by a space before the option speciÞcation character. AS102L -Wall SAMPLE Default speciÞcation Warning messages are output. Operation example The Wall option is speciÞed as follows. A>AS102L -gWall SAMPLE Command Options 115 Chapter 5 Using Assembler 5.3.3 Preprocessor Options l path_name Specifies the path name of the directory that contains files specified by #include Functional description The #include directive causes the assembler to read speciÞed Þles during assembly and assembles them as part of the source Þle. The I option speciÞes the directory that contains those source Þles as a command option. The I option is speciÞed when you want to temporarily change the directive for some reason. Otherwise specify #include directives with directories. When #include directives are speciÞed with path names, no error will occur even if a different directory is speciÞed with the I option. In this case the path name speciÞed with the I option will be ignored. Rules of use The I option is speciÞed with the slash (/) or hyphen (-) option speciÞcation character, followed by the upper-case letter 'I', then either immediately followed by the path name or a space and the path name. AS102L -I A:\USER\DEFS MAIN Default speciÞcation The current directory is speciÞed 116 Command Options Chapter 5 Using Assembler Operation example Assume that the Þle SAMP8.H is speciÞed by an #include directive in SAMP8.ASM, and that SAMP8.H is in the directory A:\USER\DEFS. First, here are the contents of the two Þles. A>TYPE SAMP8.ASM #include ÒSAMP8.HÓ _CODE section CODE,PUBLIC,0 movw data,A0 mov 0x11 ,D0 mov D0,(A0) main end A>TYPE A:\USER\DEFS\SAMP8.H data equ 0xff Next is the assembled list Þle when the I option is speciÞed for assembly in the directory of SAM8.ASM. Command Options 117 Chapter 5 Using Assembler A>AS102L -lI A:\USER\DEFS SAMP8 A>TYPE SAMP8.LST SAMP8.LST Page 1 *** *** mn00 Cross Assembler Loc object Line Source 1 #include ÒSAMP8.HÓ =000000FF .1 data equ 0xff 3 _CODE section CODE, PUBLIC, 0 4 main 2 000000 0EFF 5 movw data, A0 000002 A011 6 mov 0x11, D0 000004 58 7 mov D0, (A0) ROM size is 5 (HEX. 8 end 00000005) No error in this assembly No warning in this assembly *** Table SAMP8.LST Symbol 00000000 T _CODE 000000FF A data 00000000 T main Page2 *** The period (.) preceding line numbers indicates that the contents were read from an include Þle. 118 Command Options Chapter 5 Using Assembler D identifier Specifies an identifier to be used by ifdef during conditional assembly Functional description The assembler directives #ifdef, #else, and #endif select which source statements are to be assembled depending on whether an identiÞer has been deÞned by a deÞne directive. The D option has the same function as the deÞne directive, but with direct speciÞcation from the command line. IdentiÞer speciÞcations by deÞne directives in source statements may be omitted. The statements to be assembled can instead be selected by specifying identiÞers with the D option as needed. Thus, the D option allows conditions to be set freely at the assembly stage without Þxing the conditions with deÞne directives in source statements. There are four conditional assembly directives that can make use of the D option. ifdef, ifndef, if, ifn No error will occur if identiÞers speciÞed by the D option are not used in the source Þle. Assembly will process as though conditions are unfulÞlled. Rules of use The D option is speciÞed with the slash (/) or hyphen (-) option speciÞcation character, followed by the upper-case letter 'D', then followed by the identiÞer. A space can be inserted between D and the identiÞer. The identiÞer must exactly match the string speciÞed by #ifdef. Characters are casesensitive. If multiple options without parameters are to be speciÞed, then they can all be speciÞed after a single option speciÞcation character. A parameter following the option should be delimited by a space before the next option speciÞcation character starts. AS102L -D VERSION SAMPLE Default speciÞcation UnfulÞlled conditions will be selected. The #elseÐ#endif blocks will be assembled. Command Options 119 Chapter 5 Using Assembler Operation example This example is the simplest source Þle that includes #ifdef,#else and #endif. The identiÞer is VERSION. VERSION is not declared in the source Þle with a deÞne directive. If assembly is performed as is, then the #elseÐ#endif block (here "mov 0x22,D0") will always become the object of assembly. A>TYPE SAMP9.ASM _CODE section CODE, PUBLIC, 0 main #ifdef VERSION mov 0x11, D0 mov 0x22, D0 #else #endif end 120 Command Options Chapter 5 Using Assembler Below is the list Þle assembled without the D option. A>AS102L -l SAMP9 A>TYPE SAMP9.LST SAMP9.LST Page 1 *** mn102L00 Cross Assembler *** Loc object Line Source 1 _CODE 2 main 3 #ifdef X 5 000000 8022 2 (HEX. in this assembly in this assembly *** Table SAMP9.LST T _CODE 00000000 T main 0x11, D0 mov 0x22, D0 end No warning 00000000 mov 00000002) No error Symbol VERSION #endif 8 ROM size is CODE, PUBLIC, 0 #else 6 7 section Page2 *** VERSION is not declared within the source Þle and it has not been speciÞed with an option, so the unfulÞlled condition statements have been assembled. The line numbers marked with X indicate lines that were not assembled. Command Options 121 Chapter 5 Using Assembler Next is the list Þle assembled from the same source Þle but with VERSION speciÞed with a D option. You can see that the result of fulÞlling the condition is that the #ifdefÐ#else block (here "mov 0x11,D0") has been assembled. A>AS102L -lD VERSION SAMP9 A>TYPE SAMP9.LST SAMP9.LST Page 1 *** mn102L00 Cross Assembler *** Loc object Line Source 1 _CODE 2 main 3 #ifdef 000000 8011 4 5 2 (HEX. in this assembly in this assembly *** Table SAMP9.LST 00000000 T _CODE 00000000 T main 122 Command Options 0x11, D0 mov 0x22, D0 end No warning *** mov 00000002) No error Symbol VERSION #endif 8 ROM size is CODE, PUBLIC, 0 #else X 7 section Page2 Chapter 5 Using Assembler 5.3.4 Program Generation Options g Output debug information to the relocatable object file Functional description Assembled programs are debugged using a source code debugger. The g option enables source-level debugging at the debug stage by adding the information needed for debugging to the relocatable object Þle (.RF). Debug information includes the following information. ¥ Names assigned to program addresses ¥ Names assigned to constants and variables ¥ Correspondence between line numbers and addresses The symbol information includes addresses, so you can specify symbol names instead of addresses during debugging. This can make debugging efforts much easier. NOTE: The g option must also be specified when linking. If the g option is not specified for either the assembler or linker, then debug information will not be output to the executable format file (.EX) Rules of use The g option is speciÞed with the slash (/) or hyphen (-) option speciÞcation character, followed by the lower-case letter 'g'. If multiple options without parameters are to be speciÞed, then they can all be speciÞed after a single option speciÞcation character. A parameter following the option should be delimited by a space before the next option speciÞcation character starts. AS102L -g SAMPLE Default speciÞcation Debug information will not be output. Operation example The g option is speciÞed as follows. A>AS102L -cg SAMPLE Command Options 123 Chapter 5 Using Assembler Output a relocatable object file even if errors are detected in the source file r Functional description The assembler normally does not output a relocatable object Þle (.RF) when it detects errors in the source Þle. The r option speciÞed during assembly will generate a relocatable object Þle even when errors are detected. NOTE: If errors are detected, then even when an executable format file is generated it cannot normally be executed. Therefore the r option is no more than a temporary measure; it cannot be used when finalizing programs. The r option is used to see the locations of errors and to start debugging error-free areas in advance. When the r option is speciÞed, note that a relocatable object Þle will be generated even when there are errors in machine language instructions. Rules of use The r option is speciÞed with the slash (/) or hyphen (-) option speciÞcation character, followed by the lower-case letter 'r'. If multiple options without parameters are to be speciÞed, then they can all be speciÞed after a single option speciÞcation character. A parameter following the option should be delimited by a space before the next option speciÞcation character starts. AS102L -r SAMPLE Default speciÞcation When the assembler detects errors during assembly, it will not generate a relocatable object Þle. You can change the default using customization to force output of relocatable object Þles. Refer to section 1.6, "User Customization". Operation example The r option is speciÞed as follows. A>AS102L -ro TEST.RF TEST 124 Command Options Chapter 5 Using Assembler Od Turn off optimization Functional description The assembler and linker evaluate source statements for the instructions to be optimized, and then select the optimal instructions. The Od option turns this optimization function off. Rules of use The Od option is speciÞed with the slash (/) or hyphen (-) option speciÞcation character, followed by the upper-case letter 'O' and lower-case letter 'd'. The pair of characters of Od are handled as a single option. If multiple options without parameters are to be speciÞed, then they can all be speciÞed after a single option speciÞcation character. A parameter following the option should be delimited by a space before the next option speciÞcation character starts. AS102L -Od SAMPLE Default speciÞcation Optimization will not be performed. You can change the default for optimization to on or off using customization. Refer to section 1.6, "User Customization". Operation example The Od option is speciÞed as follows. A>AS102L -Od SAMPLE Command Options 125 Chapter 5 Using Assembler Ot Turn on optimization Functional description The assembler and linker evaluate source statements for the instructions to be optimized, and then select the optimal instructions. The Ot option turns this optimization function on. Rules of use The Ot option is speciÞed with the slash (/) or hyphen (-) option speciÞcation character, followed by the upper-case letter 'O' and lower-case letter 't'. The pair of characters of Ot are handled as a single option. If multiple options without parameters are to be speciÞed, then they can all be speciÞed after a single option speciÞcation character. A parameter following the option should be delimited by a space before the next option speciÞcation character starts. AS102L -Ot SAMPLE Default speciÞcation Optimization will not be performed. You can change the default for optimization to on or off using customization. Refer to section 1.6, "User Customization". Operation example The Ot option is speciÞed as follows. A>AS102L -Ot 126 Command Options SAMPLE Chapter 5 Using Assembler 5.3.5 Other Options h Output help information to the screen Functional description The h option displays assembler command options and their descriptions to the screen. The h option is used alone. Rules of use Specify a lower case 'h' after a slash (/) or hyphen (-). AS102L -h NOTE: Even if the h option is not specified, input of ÒAS102L00 Ò alone will also display the help screen. Default speciÞcation Help information will not be displayed to the screen. Command Options 127 Chapter 5 Using Assembler Operation example The speciÞcation of the h option and the screen displayed are shown below. A>AS102L00 -h PanaX Series MN102L00 Assembler Version 3.2 Release 1.1.1 (c)Copyright 1994 Panasonic/KMC Command format: ASXXXX [Options] SRC-file Options: /I dir. = Set include files directory /D str. = Define 'string' /L{imc} = Control listing process /Ls = Stop Symbol Table /a file = Output fixed location list /c = Output cross reference /e = English messages /g = Output debug information /j = Japanese messages /l = Output listing file /o file = Specify output file name 128 Command Options /r = Ignore error and output RF file /W num = Stop warning message /Wall = Stop all warning messages /O{td} = Optimize on/off /h = Show this menu Chapter 5 Using Assembler 5.4 Operation example There are three steps to perform when you need a Þnal list Þle with resolved addresses. With the assembler, generate a relocatable object Þle (.RF). With the linker, generate an executable format Þle (.EX) and map Þle (.MAP). With the assembler again, use the map Þle to generate a Þnal list Þle (.LST) with addresses resolved by the linker. Program assembly Generation of a list Þle with the l option on the Þrst assembly will not resolve addresses, so you would not do so unless you have some special purpose. For the same reason, the c, Li, Lm, and Lc options are also not used. A>AS102L -g SAMPLE The above command assembles the source Þle (SAMPLE.ASM) in the current directory, and generates a relocatable object Þle (SAMPLE.RF) with debug information in the current directory. A>AS102L -LcgD VERSION -o TEST.RF A:\USER\SOURCE\MAIN The above command assembles the source Þle (MAIN.ASM) in the A drive's \USER\SOURCE directory. For conditional assembly of the source Þle, assembly will proceed as though VERSION were deÞned. The above command also generates a relocatable object Þle named TEST.RF with debug information in the current directory. A>AS102L -go TEST.RF -IA:\USER\LIB SAMPLE The above example assembles the source Þle (SAMPLE.ASM) in the current directory. Files speciÞed by include will be read from the A drive's \USER\LIB directory. The above command also generates a relocatable object Þle named TEST.RF with debug information in the current directory. A>AS102L -I A:\USER\DEFS -o B:\BIN\SAMPLE.RF -D TYPE FILE The above example assembles the source Þle (FILE.ASM) in the current directory. For conditional assembly (ifdef), assembly will proceed as though TYPE were declared. Also, Þles speciÞed by include directives will be taken from the A drive's \USER\DEFS directory. The above example will store the relocatable object Þle with name SAMPLE.RF in the B drive's \BIN directory with debug information. Command Options 129 Chapter 5 Using Assembler Generation of Þnal list Þle with resolved program addresses The Þnal list Þle is generated as follows. 1. First use the assembler to generate a relocatable object Þle. 2. Next use the linker to generate an executable format Þle by specifying the start address of each section and linking multiple Þles. Specify the linker's m option to generate the map Þle. Refer to chapter 4, "Using The Linker", for details. 3. Use the assembler once more to assemble the source Þle. This time read the map Þle generated by the linker with the assembler's a option. Specify the same options as those of the Þrst assembly. The following descriptions assume that a map Þle has already been generated. A>AS102L00 -la MAIN.MAP SUB In the above example all Þles exist in or are output to the current directory. The source Þle (SUB.ASM) is assembled using a map Þle (MAIN.MAP), generating a list Þle (SUB.LST). A>AS102L00 -lLcLma MAIN -D MODE PROG1 The above example assembles the source Þle (PROG1.ASM) in the current directory using a map Þle (MAIN.MAP), generating a list Þle (PROG1.LST). Assembly will be performed assuming that the identiÞer MODE has been deÞned for conditional assembly directives (ifdef). Source statements of unfulÞlled conditions and macro expansion source will not be output. 130 Command Options Chapter 6 Using Linker 6 Chapter 6 Using Linker 6.1 Purpose Of This Chapter This chapter explains how to use all the options provided by the linker. The linker reads relocatable object Þles output by the assembler, outputs an executable format Þle, and if speciÞed by option outputs a map Þle containing link information. If optimization was speciÞed at the assembly stage, then the linker will also adjust code such that it outputs optimal code for conditional and unconditional branch instructions. In addition, the linker also resolves forward references. For programs in section address format, the start address of each section is speciÞed when linking. The linker links relocatable object Þles by section in the order speciÞed by the link command, and then outputs an executable format Þle. Relocatable Object Files Executable Format File 000 sectionA sectionA Start Addresses sectionA=000 sectionB=200 sectionC=500 PROGRAM1.RF PROGRAM1 sectionA sectionB PROGRAM3 200 sectionB sectionC PROGRAM2.RF PROGRAM1 Linker sectionB PROGRAM2 sectionB sectionB PROGRAM3 sectionB 500 PROGRAM3.RF sectionC sectionA PROGRAM2 Figure 6-1 Link Model of Section Address Format 132 Purpose of This Chapter Chapter 6 Using Linker 6.2 Starting Linker The linker is started by entering a command name and parameters, just as for other MS-DOS external commands. The parameters are linker options and names of Þles to be linked. The command name differs depending on the device being used. This chapter uses the terminology of LD102L00 as is general format. General format of commands Below is the general format of the command to use when starting the linker. LD102L [options] relocatable_object_filename ... [library_filename] Contents of brackets [ ] may be omitted. Ellipses (...) indicate item may be repeated. Specifying options Except for the @ option, an option starts with a slash (/) or hyphen (-) as the options speciÞer, followed by a character that indicate the particular option. /g or -g The @ option is not preceded by a slash or hyphen. Option speciÞcations are case sensitive, so upper case and lower case letters must be speciÞed correctly. -Eg Single-character options not accompanied by parameters can be speciÞed as multiple characters following the slash (/) or hyphen (-) option speciÞer. The order is optional. /jmEgr or -jmEgr If you want to separate multiple options, delimit them with spaces. /j /m /g or -j -m -g When an option is accompanied by a parameter and other options are to follow, add a space after the parameter, and then follow with the slash (/) or hyphen (-) option speciÞer. -o A:\USER\MAIN.EX -gm Starting Linker 133 Chapter 6 Using Linker Parameters can be speciÞed right after the option character or separated by one space. /T_CODE=80000 or /T _CODE=80000 When options are omitted, assembly will be performed in accordance with the default interpretations built in to the assembler. Refer to section 6.3, "Command Options," for default interpretations NOTE: When multiple files are specified, the must be delimited by single spaces. When path names are not specified, the linker will assume that files are in the current directory on the current drive. When only relocatable object file path names and file names are specified, the linker will generate the map file and executable format file in the relocatable object files' directory. A>LD102L -mj MAIN PROG1 SUB When a relocatable object file extension is omitted, the linker will assume .RF. The above example will cause the relocatable object files MAIN.RF, PROG1.RF, and SUB.RF in the current directory to be linked, generating an executable format file also in the current directory. When the output file name is omitted, the name of the first relocatable object file after the options will be output with the extension .EX (extension .MAP for the map file). A>LD102L -mj MAIN PROG1 SUB The above example will generate an executable format file (MAIN.EX) and map file (MAIN.MAP). By using the o option, you can generate the executable format file in a directory other than that of the relocatable object files. A>LD102L -m -o A:\USER\OBJ\MAIN.EX MAIN SUB The above example links relocatable object files (MAIN.RF and SUB.RF) in the current directory, and outputs an executable format file (MAIN.EX) and map file (MAIN.MAP) in the A drive's \USER\OBJ directory. NOTE: Windows 9X will be hung up if specifying a filename including a drive name which is not connected to your computer under MS-DOS mode of Windows 9x. C: LD102L -m B: SAMPLE.RF (in case the drive B does not exist) 134 Starting Linker Chapter 6 Using Linker Below is a list of options. Table 6-1 Linker options Option Type Output Þle options Symbol Description o Þlename Specify the path name and Þle name of the executable format Þle to be output. m Output a map Þle Xm Output an extended format map Þle. Error message options j Output error and warning messages in Japanese. e Output error and warning messages in English. W number Do not output warning messages of the speciÞed number. Refer to chapter 10, "Error Messages," for warning messages and their corresponding numbers. Wall Do not output any warning messages. g Output debug information to the executable format Þle. Tesction_name[,section_name] start address [,end address] Specify the start/end addresses of a start address [,end address]section (section group). T@section_attribute start address [,end address] Specify the start/end addresses of a section start address [,end address] attribute. r Output an executable format Þle even if errors are detected. En Do not output symbol table within the executable format Þle. l library_Þlename Specify a library Þle. L path_name Specify a path name for library Þles. @Þlename Specify a parameter Þle. h Output help information to the screen. Program generation options Library Þle options Other Starting Linker 135 Chapter 6 Using Linker 6.3 Command Options This section describes the options used by the linker. The linker has many options for controlling output Þle speciÞcations and the information written to Þles. The linker reads multiple relocatable object Þles, links them into one, and creates an executable format Þle. If optimization was selected at the assembly stage, then the linker will output the optimal machine language code for conditional and unconditional branch instructions, regardless of the mnemonics deÞned in the source Þle. In addition, the linker resolves the values of forward-referenced symbols and undeÞned operands. 136 Command Options Chapter 6 Using Linker 6.3.1 Output File Options o filename Specify the path name and file name of the executable format file to be output Functional description The o option speciÞes the directory and Þle name of the executable format Þle to be output by the linker. If the directory is omitted, then the Þle will be output to the current directory. If a Þle name that already exists is speciÞed, then that Þle will be overwritten with new contents. If a directory that does not exist is speciÞed, then an error message will be displayed. If specifying an extension, the extension will be the speciÞed one. If omitting an extension, the extension will be .EX. o option type generated files -o test test.ex -o test.ex test.ex -o test.out test.out NOTE: Because the @ symbol is used as the character for specifying parameter files, it cannot be used as the first character of file names. Rules of use The o option is speciÞed with the slash (/) or hyphen (-) option speciÞcation character, followed by the lower-case letter 'o', then either immediately followed by the Þle name or a space and the Þle name. LD102L -o B:\USER\OBJ\MAIN -T_CODE=80100 PROG1 PROG2 Command Options 137 Chapter 6 Using Linker Default speciÞcation The executable format Þle will be output to the current directory with the name of the Þrst speciÞed Þle and the extension .EX. LD102L -T_CODE=80100 MAIN SUB In the above example the Þrst Þle name speciÞed for linking in MAIN, so the executable format Þle will be MAIN.EX. Operation example The example below links two relocatable object Þles (PROG1.RF and PROG2.RF) in the current directory from start address 4100 (hex) for section _CODE, and generates an executable format Þle (MAIN.EX) in the B drive's \USER\OBJ directory. A>LD102L -o B:\USER\OBJ\MAIN -T_CODE=80100 PROG1 PROG2 The next example links two relocatable object Þles (PROG1.RF and PROG2.RF) in the current directory from start address 4100 (hex) for section _CODE, and generates an executable format Þle (PROG1.EX) and map Þle (PROG1.MAP) in the same current directory. A>LD102L -T_CODE=80100 -m PROG1 PROG2 138 Command Options Chapter 6 Using Linker m Output a map file Functional description The m option writes to a map Þle all symbols linked and their values, identifying information for local and global symbols, symbol types (text and absolute), size, etc. In any programs the values of symbols assigned to addresses will not be resolved until after linking. The linker outputs a list of symbols with resolved values to the map Þle. To create a Þnal list Þle, reassemble the source Þle using the map Þle. Rules of use The m option is speciÞed with the slash (/) or hyphen (-) option speciÞcation character, followed by the lower-case letter 'm'. The map Þle name will be the name of the Þrst Þle speciÞed in the link command with the extension .MAP. The map Þle will be output to the same directory as the directory where the executable format Þle is generated. LD102L00 -m MAIN SUB Default speciÞcation A map Þle will not be output. The default can be changed to output a map Þle by using customization. Refer to section 1.6, "User Customization". Command Options 139 Chapter 6 Using Linker Operation example The example below links two relocatable object Þles (PROG1.RF and PROG2.RF) in the current directory from start address 0000 (hex.) for section _DATA, and generates an executable format Þle (PROG1.EX) and map Þle (PROG1.MAP) in the current directory. A>LD102L00 -m -T_DATA=0000 PROG1 PROG2 The next example links two relocatable object Þles (PROG1.RF and PROG2.RF) in the current directory from start address 4200 (hex.) for section _PRO and 4400 (hex) for section _SUB, and generates an executable format Þle (MAIN.EX) and map Þle (MAIN.MAP) in the B drive's \USER\OBJ directory. A>LD102L00 -m -T_PRO=80200 -T_SUB=80400 -o B:\USER\OBJ\MAIN.EX PROG1 PROG2 The next example links a relocatable object Þle (PROG1.RF) in the A drive's \USER\TEST directory and a relocatable object Þle (SUB.RF) in the A drive's \USER\LIB library, and generates an executable format Þle (PROG1.EX) and map Þle (PROG1.MAP) in the A drive's \USER\TEST directory. A>LD102L00 -m A:\USER\TEST\PROG1 A:\USER\LIB\SUB 140 Command Options Chapter 6 Using Linker Xm Output the extended format map file. Functional description An extended map Þle will be output. With the extended map Þle, the information for each symbol is rearranged in the address order and then output. Global symbols are collectively output as a single item. Rules of use Enter an upper case letter ÔXÕ and a lower case letter ÔmÕ after the option speciÞer character slash(/) or hyphen(-). This Þle retains the base name of the Þrst Þle supplied to the linker, but changes the extension to .Xm. It is created in the same directory in which the executable format Þle is generated. This option can be speciÞed alone or with the m option. Specifying both options creates a regular map Þle and an extended one. Default speciÞcation An extended map Þle will not be output. Operation example The example below links two relocatable object Þles (PROG1.RF and PROG2.RF) in the current directory from start address 0000 (hex.) for section_DATA, and generates an executable Þle (PROG1.EX) and extended map Þle (PROG1.XM) in the current directory. A>LD102L00 -Xm -T_DATA=0000 PROG1 PROG2 The example below links two relocatable object Þles (PROG1.RF and PROG2.RF) in the current directory from start address 4000 (hex.) for section_CODE, and generates an executable Þle (PROG1.EX), extended map Þle (PROG1.XM), and standard map Þle simultaneously in the current directory. A>LD102L00 -m -Xm -T_CODE=4000 PROG1 PROG2 Command Options 141 Chapter 6 Using Linker 6.3.2 Error Message Options j Output error and warning messages in Japanese Functional description The j option displays messages for errors and warnings detected in link commands and link processing in Japanese. This option is used when English has been made the default by user customization. Rules of use The j option is speciÞed with the slash (/) or hyphen (-) option speciÞcation character, followed by the lower-case letter 'j'. LD102L00 -j PROG1 PROG2 Default speciÞcation Display will be in Japanese. By customizing the linker, the output message default can be changed to English. Refer to section 1.6, "User Customization". Operation example The j option is speciÞed as follows. A>LD102L00 -j PROG1 142 Command Options Chapter 6 Using Linker Output error and warning messages in English. Output will be to the screen and, when a list file is specified, to the list file e Functional description The e option displays messages for errors and warnings detected in link commands and link processing to the screen and list Þle in English. Rules of use The e option is speciÞed with the slash (/) or hyphen (-) option speciÞcation character, followed by the lower-case letter 'e'. LD102L00 -e PROG1 PROG2 Default speciÞcation Display will be in Japanese. By customizing the linker, the output message default can be changed to English. Refer to section 1.6, "User Customization". Operation example The e option is speciÞed as follows. A>LD102L00 -e PROG1 Command Options 143 Chapter 6 Using Linker W number Do not output warning messages of the specified number Functional description The W option suppresses output of speciÞed warnings detected during linking. Unlike errors, warnings are not fatal, so the W option is used when you understand their meanings sufÞciently and need to suppress their output. Specifying Wall will suppress output of all warnings. Refer to chapter 10, "Error Messages", for warning numbers and their corresponding messages. Rules of use The W option is speciÞed with the slash (/) or hyphen (-) option speciÞcation character, followed by the upper-case letter 'W', and then followed by the warning number speciÞcation. A space may or may not be inserted between the 'W' and the warning number. This option is provided for future expansion of functions. LD102L00 -Wmmm PROG1 PROG2 Here 'mmm' speciÞes the linker warning number. Default speciÞcation Warning messages are output. 144 Command Options Chapter 6 Using Linker Wall Do not output any warning messages Function description The Wall option suppresses output of all warnings detected during linking. Ruels of use The Wall option is speciÞed with the slash (/) or hyphen (-) option speciÞcation character, followed by the letters 'Wall'. When further options are speciÞed, they should be delimited by a space before the option speciÞcation character. LD102L00 -Wall SAMPLE Default speciÞcation Warning messages are output. Option example The Wall option is speciÞed as follows. A>LD102L00 -gWall SAMPLE Command Options 145 Chapter 6 Using Linker 6.3.3 Program Generation Options g Output debug information to the executable format file Functional description In order to use symbols during program debugging, the g option outputs the executable format Þle with debug information added. The source code debugger can then read the debug information at the same time it reads the executable format Þle. Debug information includes symbol names and their values, so during debugging you can use symbols to specify start addresses and breakpoints and to reference memory. NOTE: The g option must also be specified when assembling. If the g option is not specified for either the assembler or linker, then debug information will not be output to the executable format file (.EX). If files assembled with the g option and files not assembled with the g option are linked with the g option, then debug information will be output only for the files assembled with the g option. Rules of use The g option is speciÞed with the slash (/) or hyphen (-) option speciÞcation character, followed by the lower-case letter 'g'. LD102L00 -g MAIN SUB Default speciÞcation Debug information will not be output. The default can be changed to output debug information using customization. Refer to section 1.3.5, "User Customization". Operation example The example below links two relocatable object Þles in the current directory (MAIN.RF and SUB.RF), and generates and executable format Þle with debug information (MAIN.EX) and map Þle in the current directory. A>LD102L00 -mg MAIN SUB 146 Command Options Chapter 6 Using Linker Tsection_name [,section_name]= addresses Specify section (section group) start Functional description The T option speciÞes a section start address and a section end address. It will change the start address of the speciÞed section where it exists in relocatable object Þles deÞned after the T option.The linker will check that the speciÞed ranges for start address values. SpeciÞcations cannot exceed the range of ROM area of the target device. LD102L00 -TTEXT1=80000, -T Sample 2 TEXT3=0x83000 sample.rf Object assignment after linking TEXT1 section code 0x8000 TEXT1 section code TEXT2 section code TEXT2 section code TEXT3 section code 0x83000 TEXT3 section code Figure: 6-2 functional description(2) Command Options 147 Chapter 6 Using Linker Rules of use The T option is speciÞed with the slash (/) or hyphen (-) option speciÞcation character, followed by the upper-case letter 'T', and then the section name, start address. The start address is speciÞed in hexadecimal. A space may be inserted between the T and the section name. The start address will be taken as hexadecimal without modiÞcation. For example, "-T_CODE=abc" will indicate the hex address 0xABC. LD102L00 -T_CODE=80000 PROG1 PROG2 LD102L00 -T_TEXT=80000 MAIN -T_CODE=80100 SUB When multiple Þles are linked, the individual sections will be linked in the order that the Þles are speciÞed. Be aware of the order of speciÞcation. The start addresses of the CODE attribute and DATA attribute can be speciÞed by the T@section_attribute=address option. LD102L00 -T@CODE=80000 PROG1 PROG2 Default speciÞcation The Þrst Þle is assigned from address 0. For second and further Þles that are omitted, the assigned address will be the next address after the last address of the previous object Þle that was deÞned by linker argument. 148 Command Options Chapter 6 Using Linker r Output an executable format file even if errors are detected Functional description The r option is used in conjunction with the assembler's r option. The assembler's r option is used when you know where errors are located, but want to start debugging the error-free areas in advance. To link Þles that include errors generated this way, specify the r option for linking as well. As a result the r option will forcibly generate an executable format Þle. Rules of use The r option is speciÞed with the slash (/) or hyphen (-) option speciÞcation character, followed by the lower-case letter 'r'. LD102L00 -r PROG1 Default speciÞcation An executable format Þle will not be generated. You can change the default using customization to force output of an executable format Þle even when errors occur. Refer to section 1.6, "User Customization". Operation example The r option is speciÞed as follows. A>LD102L00 -r PROG1 Command Options 149 Chapter 6 Using Linker En Do not output symbol table within the executable format file Functional description The En option suppresses output of a symbol table in the executable format Þle. Only executable code will be output to the executable format Þle. Rules of use The En option is speciÞed with the slash (/) or hyphen (-) option speciÞcation character, followed by the upper-case letter 'E' and lower-case letter 'n'. The pair of characters of En are handled as a single option. LD102L00 -En MAIN SUB Default speciÞcation The entire symbol table (local and global symbols) will be output. Operation example The En option is speciÞed as follows. A>LD102L00 -En PROG1 PROG2 PROG3 150 Command Options Chapter 6 Using Linker Ed Output the DATA-attribute section into the EX file. Functional description Output the DATA-attribute section other than CODE-attribute section into the EX Þles. Rules of use The Ed option is speciÞed with the slash (/) or hyphen (-) option speciÞcation character, followed by the upper-case letter 'E' and lower-case letter 'd'. The pair of characters of En are handled as a single option. LD102L00 -Ed SAMPLE Default speciÞcation The CODE-attribute section will be output in the EX Þles. Operation example The Ed option is speciÞed as follows. A>LD102L00 -m -Ed -T@DATA=100 SAMPLE Command Options 151 Chapter 6 Using Linker 6.3.4 Library File Options l library_filename Specify a library file Functional description The l options speciÞes a library Þle. Rules of use The l option is speciÞed with the slash (/) or hyphen (-) option speciÞcation character, followed by the lower-case letter 'l', then either immediately followed by the path name and Þle name or a space and the path name and Þle name. The l option must be coded end of the command line. LD PROG1 PROG2 -lB: \USER\OBJ\SAMPLE.lib Default speciÞcation No library files will be read. 152 Command Options Chapter 6 Using Linker L path_name Specify a directory containing library files Functional description The L option speciÞes a directory that contains library Þles. Library Þles following the L option speciÞcation will be searched for in the speciÞed directory. Searching will be performed Þrst in the current directory and then in the directories speciÞed by L. When the L option is deÞned multiple times, the search will be performed in the order of deÞnition. Rules of use The L option is speciÞed with the slash (/) or hyphen (-) option speciÞcation character, followed by the lower-case letter 'L', then either immediately followed by the path name or a space and the path name. LD102L00 -LB:\USER\OBJ -lsample.lib -lsample2.lib PROG1 PROG2 The Þles sample.lib and sample2.lib will be searched for in the directory B:\USER\OBJ. Default speciÞcation Library Þles speciÞed by the l option will be read. Command Options 153 Chapter 6 Using Linker 6.3.5 Other Options @filename Specify a parameter file Functional description By writing various option used by the linker in a Þle, the @ option lets you specify just that Þle during execution, and the linker will replace it with the option speciÞcations. All options other than the @ option can be written in a parameter Þle. If a parameter Þle that does not exist is speciÞed, then the linker will display an error message. Rules of use The @ option does not use the slash (/) or hyphen (-) option speciÞcation character. It speciÞed alone, followed by the parameter Þle name. LD102L00 @PFILE Default speciÞcation None. -o MAIN.EX -gm -T_CODE=80100 PROG1 -T_DATA=F000 PROG2 Operational example Assume the following contents for PFILE. Then specifying the following two commands is equivalent. A>LD102L00 @PFILE A>LD102L00 -o MAIN.EX -gm PROG2 154 Command Options -T_CODE=80000 PROG1 -T_DATA=F000 Chapter 6 Using Linker h Output help information to the screen Functional description The h option displays linker command options and their descriptions to the screen. The h option is used alone. Rules of use The h option is speciÞed with the slash (/) or hyphen (-) option speciÞcation character, followed by the lower-case letter 'h'. LD102L00 -h NOTE: Even if the h option is not specified, input of LD102L00 alone will also display the help screen Default speciÞcation Help information will not be displayed to the screen. Command Options 155 Chapter 6 Using Linker Operation example The speciÞcation of the h option and the screen displayed are shown below. A>LD102L00 -h PanaX Series MN102L00 (c)Copyright 1994 Linker Version3.1 Release1.1.1 Command format: LDXXXX [Options] @file = Read parameter-file /g = Output debug information /En = Stop output symbol into EX-file /Ed = Output data section into EX-file /e = English messages /j = Japanese messages Panasonic/KWC RF-files... Options: 156 Command Options /m = Output a map-file /o file = Specify output EX-name /r = Ignore error and make EX-file /T sec=addr = Specify section start address (hexadecimal) /l file = Specify a library file /L file = Set library file direction /W num = Stop output warning message /Wall = Stop output all warning messages /b = EMS memory enable /h = Show this menu Chapter 6 Using Linker 6.4 Operation Examples The following examples of linker operation assume that there are three relocatable object Þles (MAIN.RF, PROG.RF, and SUB.RF) in the current directory. These three relocatable object Þles will be linked. Debug information will be added to the executable format Þle. The start addresses of the sections deÞned in these Þles will have the following values. _CODE 80000 _SUB 80200 _DATA F000 First, link the Þles in the current directory (MAIN.RF, PROG1.RF, SUB.RF), and generate an executable format Þle with debug information (MAIN.EX) in the same directory. A>LD102L00 -g -T_CODE=80000 -T_SUB=80200 -T_DATA=F000 MAIN PROG1 SUB Next, link the same Þles, but generate just the executable format Þle in a separate directory. A>LD102L00 -go A:\USER\BIN\MAIN.EX -T_CODE=80000 -T_SUB=80200 -T_DATA=F000 MAIN PROG1 SUB The above example will generate an executable format Þle (MAIN.EX) in the A drive's \USER\BIN directory. Command Options 157 Chapter 6 Using Linker 158 Chapter 7 Types Of Source Statement 7 Chapter 7 Types Of Source Statements 7.1 Purpose of This Chapter Programs used by the Cross-Assembler are collections of source statements. There are Þve types of source statements, classiÞed by their purpose. ¥ Machine language instruction statements and directive statements ¥ Assembler control statements ¥ Macro control statements ¥ Comment statements ¥ Blank statements This chapter describes these Þve types of statements, and at the same time explains their position and use when constructing a program. 160 Purpose Of This Chapter Chapter 7 Types Of Source Statements 7.2 Program Format A program is text created to assemble as machine language instructions in order to operate a microprocessor. The assembler translates the text into machine language code, while the linker joins that code to make an executable format Þle. One line of text is called a source statement. There are Þve types of source statements, with the type determining how a source statement is written. Basic program format is shown below. * Comment statement #include #deÞne deÞnitions of constants, macros, globals Write comments as needed #include speciÞcations DeÞne #deÞne identiÞers Statements to deÞne constants and macros andto declare and deÞne globals section name . . . program body Declare start of section . . . end section Machine language instructions, conditional assembly directives, macro expansions End of program Program Format 161 Chapter 7 Types Of Source Statements There are several points to be aware of when writing programs. ¥ Always declare an attribute and link type for a section name the Þrst time it appears in a Þle.The same section name cannot be set to a different attribute or link type. ¥ The effective scope of a section is until the line preceding the next section ¥ Assembler instructions and dc, dw, ds and da directives cannot be coded before a section. ¥ The end of a program is indicated by end. NOTE: If the last line of an assembler source file does not have a return before the EOF, then the following error will occur. Always code a return at the end of the last line. Error Error 2026: No return code at end of line. Example code causing error RET[EOF] (No return after RET) Example code fixing error RET [EOF] (Return after RET) Below is an example source Þle. ; comment ;include a Þle ;deÞne identiÞer for conditional assembly ;deÞne a constant ; SAMPLE #include #define KEYBORD PROGRAM "FILE1.H equ 0x32 data_set macro movw mov mov endm section data data, A0 0x12, D0 D0, (A0) _CODE ;end of macro CODE, PUBLIC,0 main #ifdef ;deÞne a macro mov TYPE data_set 0x10, KEYBORD mov 0, D1 ;blank statement ;statement with label only ;machine language instruction statement ;conditional assembly directive ;expand macro #else D1 #endif end 162 Program Format ;end of program Chapter 7 Types Of Source Statements 7.3 Machine Language Instruction Statements And Directive Statements Machine language instruction statements Machine language instructions are instructions that the microprocessor directly executes on its own hardware. Each machine language code has a corresponding mnemonic. Machine language instruction statements are statements that code these mnemonics. The assembler will convert them into machine language code (called object code). After the program has been converted to ROM, these statements will be executed by the microprocessor. The instructions have the following features. ¥ Memory-oriented instruction set(all calculations performed throughout memory) ¥ Single and double-operand instructions ¥ Minimized instruction set and instruction codes ¥ Supports common instruction space and data space expandable to 16MB with bank switching. ¥ Six addressing formats The example below shows machine language instruction statements. mov mov mov add rts 0xff , D0 data1, A0 D0, (A0) 1, D0 Directive statements Directive statements are not converted to machine language code. Within programs they specify assembler attributes to modify program structure and addresses, select radices, deÞne constants, and control list Þle style. The example below shows directive statements. CONST _CODE MESG global equ section org dc end save 0x12 CODE, PUBLIC, 2 100 ÔSÕ Machine Language Instruction Statements And Directive Statements 163 Chapter 7 Types Of Source Statements 7.4 Assembler Control Statements Assembler control statements are source statements that control how the assembler processes. The assembler provides include directives that include Þles and conditional assembly directives that specify conditions for changing which instructions are assembled. The example below shows assembler control statements. #include ÒFILE1 #define MODE .ASM ;include a Þle ;deÞne an identiÞer MODE . . . mov 0x22, D0 ;begin conditional assembly ;block to assemble if condition is fulÞlled mov 0x11, D0 ;block to assemble if unfulÞlled #ifdef #else #endif . . . 164 Assembler Control Statements Chapter 7 Types Of Source Statements 7.5 Macro Control Statements Macro control statements reduce coding effort by replacing strings coded in source statements with other strings. This enables low-level assembly language for a program block to be abstracted as a macro name. Macros are coded in two formats: macro deÞnitions and macro calls. A macro deÞnition deÞnes a macro name and macro body. The macro body uses multiple machine language instructions to construct a single program process. A macro call is just a macro name coded as a source statement. The assembler will replace it with all the machine language instructions coded in the macro body. This process is called macro expansion. The basic difference between a macro call and a subroutine call is that a macro call actually outputs machine language instructions as source statements, with arguments used to output different machine language instructions for each call. The example below shows macro control statements. *macro deÞnition------- ------------------ ------- adr_set macro data, reg movw reg, A0 mov data, D0 mov D0, (A0) endm . . . --------------- -------- *macro call-------------- adr_set . . . adr_set . . . data1, reg1 data2, reg2 Macro Control Statements 165 Chapter 7 Types Of Source Statements 7.6 Comment Statements Comments start with an asterisk in column one or a semicolon in any column. All text from the starting character through to the end of the line is ignored, so does not affect program operation or function. Use this space to document data structures, algorithms and other relavant information. Comment statements are an important structural element of documentation. You should add comments that are detailed as possible to enhance program maintenance. The example below shows comment statements. ********************** ****************** MN10200 Series Sample Program Cross-Assembler ********************** ****************** *************************** #include Òram.hÓ ;RAM deÞnition Þle ;macro deÞnition Þle ;conditional assembly deÞnition #include Òmacro.hÓ #define VERSION * Program Start main . . 166 Comment Statements *************************** Chapter 7 Types Of Source Statements 7.7 Blank Statements A blank statement consists of a single carriage return. Blank statements are used to make printed lists easier to read. Blank Statements 167 Chapter 7 Types Of Source Statements 168 Chapter 8 Writing Source Statements 8 Chapter 8 Writing Source Statements 8.1 Purpose of This Chapter This chapter explains common information for writing source statements. Source statements include machine language instruction statements, assembler control statements, and macro control statements. This chapter explains how to code the characters and numbers that can be used when writing source statements, and it describes how to write character constants, address constants, location counters, and expressions. 170 Purpose of This Chapter Chapter 8 Writing Source Statements 8.2 Permitted Characters There are four types of characters that can be coded in source statements for the MN101C00 Series Cross-Assembler. Digits 0123456789 Letters Upper-case A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T UV W XY Z Lower-case abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Control characters space tab carriage return line feed !Ó # $ % & Õ ( ) * + Ð . , / ; : < = > ? @ \ ^ [ ] Ð _ (underscore) Can be used in names, labels, mnemonics, operands, and comments. Permitted Characters 171 Chapter 8 Writing Source Statements 8.3 Numbers The Cross-Assembler provides three coding formats for use in numbers and (single) character constants (refer to section 8.4, "Character Constants"). ¥ Extended C language format ¥ Intel format ¥ Matsushita format One of these formats is selected by using the notation directive. The default is extended C language format. Four radices can be used. ¥ Radix 2 (binary) ¥ Radix 8 (octal) ¥ Radix 10 (decimal) ¥ Radix 16 (hexadecimal) Any radix can be selected by using the radix directive (but only decimal is allowed in extended C language format). The default is decimal, regardless of coding format. To code numbers with a radix other than the default, a Þxed sufÞx indicating the radix is appended to the digits. Radices and allowed digits Radix 2(binary) Radix 8(octal) Radix 10(decimal) Radix 16(hexadecimal) 0 0 0 0 A 10 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F or B C D E F are hexadecimal digits that correspond to decimal 11 12 13 14 15. Lower case letters can also be used. The next page shows how the various radices and formats are coded. 172 Numbers Chapter 8 Writing Source Statements Extended C language format Radix Binary Octal Decimal Hexadecimal Current default radix Binary Octal Decimal Hexadecimal ----- ----- 0B101 0765 789 0XDEF ----- Coding rules: Binary Start with '0' (zero) and letter 'B' (or 'b'), followed by binary digits. Octal Start with '0' (zero), followed by octal digits. Decimal Code decimal number as is. Hexadecimal Start with '0' and letter 'X' (or 'x'), followed by hexadecimal digits. Intel format Radix Binary Octal Current default radix Binary Octal Decimal Hexadecimal 101B 101 567O 567Q 101B 101B 101B 567O 567Q 567O 567Q 789D 789 0defH 789D Decimal 789D 567O 567Q 567 789D Hexadecimal 0defH 0defH 0defH 0def Coding rules: Binary Follow binary digits with letter 'B' (or 'b'). When the default is binary, the sufÞx 'B' may be omitted. Octal Follow octal digits with letter 'O' (or 'o') or 'Q' (or 'q'). When the default is octal, the sufÞx 'O' or 'Q' may be omitted. Decimal Follow decimal digits with letter 'D' (or 'd'). When the default is decimal, the sufÞx 'D' may be omitted. Hexadecimal Follow hexadecimal digits with letter 'H' (or 'h'). If the digits begin with a letter A Ð F, then they must be preÞxed with the digit '0' (zero). When the default is hexadecimal, the sufÞx 'H' may be omitted. Numbers 173 Chapter 8 Writing Source Statements Matsushita format Radix Binary Octal Current default radix Binary Octal Decimal Hexadecimal 567O 567Q 567O 567Q 567O 567Q 789D 789 0defH 789D Decimal 789D 567O 567Q 567 789D Hexadecimal 0defH 0defH 0defH 0def Coding rules: 174 Numbers Binary Start with letter 'B' (or 'b'), and enclose binary digits in single quotation marks ( ' ). When the default is binary, code the binary number as is. Octal Start with letter 'O' (or 'o'), and enclose octal digits in single quotation marks ( ' ). When the default is octal, code the octal number as is. Decimal Start with letter 'F' (or 'f'), and enclose decimal digits in single quotation marks ( ' ). When the default is decimal, code the decimal number as is. Hexadecimal Start with letter 'X' (or 'x'), and enclose hexadecimal digits in single quotation marks ( ' ). When the default is hexadecimal, code the hexadecimal number as is. When the number begins with a letter, preÞx it with '0' (zero). Chapter 8 Writing Source Statements 8.4 Character Constants Displayable ASCII characters can be coded as character constants or string constants. The characters that can be used for constants are as follows. ¥ Digits ¥ Letters (upper or lower case) NOTE: String constants can use underscores and control characters (other than carriage returns or line feeds). Character constants A character constant is stored as an ASCII code in the space of a single character. The method for specifying character constants differs depending on the coding format. The coding format is selected using the notation directive. The default is extended C language format. NOTE: The coding format also applies to numbers. Refer to section 8.3, "Numbers", for details. Coding rules: In extended C format and Intel format, character constants are speciÞed just with the character enclosed in single quotation marks ( ' ). In Matsushita format, the enclosed character is preceded by the letter 'C' (or 'c'). The character 'A' (ASCII code 042) is speciÞed in each coding format as follows. Coding Format Extended C language format Matsushita format Intel format Character Constant ÔAÕ CÕAÕ or cÕAÕ ÔAÕ When more than one character is speciÞed (such as C'FEDCBA' or 'FEDCBA'), only the that last character will be valid (in this case the letter 'A' (ASCII code 042) will be valid. NOTE: To specify a single quotation mark for a character constant, precede the mark by a backslash (\): CÕ\ÕÕ Specifies "Õ". Character Constants 175 Chapter 8 Writing Source Statements String constants String constants are strings of one or more characters stored as ASCII code. When a string constant is one character it will be the same as a character constant. Coding rules: String constants are speciÞed by enclosing the string in double quotation marks ( " ). "ABCDEFG" SpeciÞes the string ABCDEFG as ASCII code. "+-[&%$#@!,.;:'" SpeciÞes the string +-[&%$#@!,.;:' as ASCII code. NOTE: To specify a double quotation mark in a character constant, precede the mark by a backslash (\): "\"" Specifies """ in ASCII code. NOTE: Note that string constants are specified the same regardless of coding format. The coding format has no effect even when a single-character string constant is specified. 176 Character Constants Chapter 8 Writing Source Statements 8.5 Address Constants Address constants return particular bits from expressions that can be evaluated as addresses. They are written as follows. address_speciÞer (expression) An address constant is written as an expression enclosed in parentheses following an address speciÞer. An expression consists of names, self-reference address symbols, and constants linked by operators, with the result representing a single value (refer to section 6.7, "Expressions", for details). The address speciÞers are shown below. A or a Return the whole 18 bits of the expression value (bits 0 Ð 23). AL or al Return the lower 16 bits of the expression value excluding a half byte (bits 1 Ð 15). AH or ah Return the upper 2 bits of the expression value (bits 16 Ð 23). Example: Assume that the following address is assigned to the label with the name MESSAGE. address = 001110010101011011101001(binary) a(MESSAGE) represents 1001110010101011011101001 al(MESSAGE) represents 0101011011101001 ah(MESSAGE) represents 100111001 Address Constants 177 Chapter 8 Writing Source Statements 8.6 Location Counter The assembler contains an variable for counting addresses of instructions. This variable is called the location counter. Each time the assembler converts an instruction to machine language, it increments the location counter by the number of words in that instruction. Location counter values are Þrst set during linking for each section deÞned by the section directive, so location counter values during assembly will not necessarily match the addresses assigned to instructions during execution. Location counter values during execution will be offset values from the start of each section. The address of the current instruction can be coded as an asterisk (*). This asterisk is called the selfreference address symbol. By using a self-reference address symbol in the operand Þeld of a source statement, you can reference the address assigned to that statement during execution. The self-reference address symbol is also used to specify the operand of equ directives. Example: main equ * This assigns the current address value to main. 178 Location Counter Chapter 8 Writing Source Statements 8.7 Expressions Expressions are symbols, self-reference address symbols, and constants linked by operators, with the result representing a single value. When an expression is coded as an operand, its result will be a number or an address depending on the type of instruction. When a symbol or self-reference address included in an expression is a forward referenced symbol, a relocatable symbol, or an undeÞned symbol, the result of the expression cannot be resolved by the assembler. It will then be resolved by the linker. Expressions 179 Chapter 8 Writing Source Statements 8.7.1 Operators There are three types of operators. ¥ Arithmetic operators ¥ Shift operators ¥ Logical operators Arithmetic operators Arithmetic operators perform the four standard arithmetic calculations. Operator * / % + + - Meaning Multiplication Division Modulo operator (remainder) Addition Subtraction Unary plus (positive) Unary minus (negative) Formats: 180 Expressions Example: operand1 * operand2 123 * LABEL operand1 / operand2 123 / 10 operand1 % operand2 COUNT % 4 operand1 + operand2 SATRT + 0x10 operand1 Ð operand2 STACK Ð 16 + operand +SIGN Ð operand -SIGN Chapter 8 Writing Source Statements Shift operators The shift operators shift to the left or right in bit units. Operator Meaning >> << logical right shift Logical left shift Formats: operand>>count ADDRESS >> 3 3-bit right shift operand<<count ADDRESS << 4 4-bit left shift Binary 0(zero) will be shifted in. Shifted out bits will be lost. Logical operators Logical operators perform calculation in bit units. Operator Meaning & ^ | - Logical AND Exclusive OR Logical OR Unary negation (1Õs complement) Formats: Example: operand1 & operand2 ADDRESS & MASK operand1 ^ operand2 CONST ^ 0b11110000 operand1 | operand2 VECT | 0b11110000 - operand MAIN Expressions 181 Chapter 8 Writing Source Statements 8.7.2 Expression Evaluation There are seven levels of operator precedence. The order of precedence can be changed using parentheses ( ). Operators with the same precedence are evaluated in order from left to right. Table 8-1 Operator Precedence Precedence Operator Highest + * / % + << >> & ^ | Lowest 182 Expressions Description Unary negation, unary plus, unary minus Multiply, divide, remainder Add, subtract Left shift, right shift Logical AND Exclusive OR Logical OR Chapter 8 Writing Source Statements An example of operator is hown below. ***mn102L00 Loc Cross Object =0000000A =0000006E 000000 000001 000002 000003 000004 000005 000006 000007 000008 000009 15 07 92 91 1B 28 00 27 03 6F 000100 F470000000 ROM size is 261 (HEX. No error in this assembly No warning in this assembly Assembler line 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 +13 14 15 16 17 +18 19 00000105) SIKI.LST *** Source global c2 c1 c2 equ equ 10 0b01101110 _CODE d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 d6 d7 d8 d9 d10 section dc dc dc dw dc dc dc dc dc dc org mov end CODE, PUBLIC,2 c1/3 * (3+4) c1%3 * (3+4) -c2 ~c2 c2>>2 c1<<2 main>>2 c2>>2^0b00111100 (c2&0b00001111)>>2 c2|0b00001111 0x100 c2 & 0b00001111,D0 main SIKI.LST ***Symbol 00000000 0000000A 0000006E 00000000 00000009 00000001 00000002 00000003 00000004 00000005 00000006 00000007 00000008 00000100 Page 1 Page2 Table*** A _CODE A c1 *U c2 T d1 T d10 T d2 T d3 T d4 T d5 T d6 T d7 T d8 T d9 T main An asterisk * is used as both the self-reference address symbol and the multiplication operator, so take care in its use. The expression *** will be multiplication of the self-reference address symbol by itself. Expressions 183 Chapter 8 Writing Source Statements 8.7.3 Expression Syntax Below is an expression syntax diagram ( expression expression binary operator ) expression unary operator symbol constant * Figure 8.1 Expression Syntax NOTE: Example: mov mov mov 184 Expressions When the expressions starting with parenthsis are coded to the operands of Machine language instructions, it will be regarded as an address-referene. To be proceeded as expressions, put 0+ before the parenthsis and distinguish them from others. (10+5), d0 (0+(10+5), d0 (10+5)+2, d0 ; move the value of address 15 to D0 equal to mov(15), d0 ; move the value of constant 15 to d0 equal to mov 15, d0 ; Error. "(10+5)" is regarded as an address-reference. It is syntax error. Chapter 8 Writing Source Statements 8.7.4 Expression Attributes When expression operands are connected by an operator, the calculated result of the expression will have attributes of the operands and the operator. The most important attributes for expression evaluation are as follows. ¥ UndeÞned (undeÞned -UND) ¥ Absolute (absolute -ABS) ¥ External (external -EXT) ¥ Relative (relocate -REL) Operation result attributes The operation result attributes for the label itself or the labels are following four. UND: undeÞned attributes the label is undeÞned at the reference. ABS: absolute attributes The label is undeÞned with equ pseud instruction. The value is not changed. The constant value written directly will be regarded as an absolute attribute. REL: relative attributes The label is already deÞned in the same Þle at the reference (the label referring forward). EXT: external reference attrobites The label is declared with global pseud instruction and deÞned by another Þle. The rules for connecting attributes are as follows. For Ð, +, Ð (unary) operators Attribute Of Operand Attribute Of Result UND ABS REL EXT UND ABS REL EXT Expressions 185 Chapter 8 Writing Source Statements For + (addition) operator operand1 + operand2 + (addition) Operand 1 Operand 2 UND ABS REL EXT UND ABS REL EXT UND UND UND UND UND ABS REL EXT UND REL REL EXT UND EXT EXT EXT For - (subtraction) operator operand1 - operand2 -(SUBTRACTION) Operand 2 UND ABS REL EXT Operand 1 UND ABS REL EXT UND UND UND UND UND ABS REL EXT UND REL REL EXT UND EXT EXT EXT For *, /, %, <<, >>, &, ^ , | operators operand1 operator operand2 *,/,%,<<,>>,&, Operand 1 NOTE: ^,| UND ABS REL EXT Operand 2 UND ABS REL EXT UND UND UND UND UND ABS REL EXT UND REL REL EXT UND EXT EXT EXT The expressions writing in the operands of pseud instructions and Assembler Control instruction must result in ABS. However, unlike the other pseud instructions, the expressions written in the operands of org pseud instruction and equ pseud instruction may write the instructions of operands other then ABS. [Reference: 9.4.6 org and 9.4.14 equ for details. ] 186 Expressions Chapter 8 Writing Source Statements 8.8 Reserved Words The assembler gives special meanings to the symbols listed below, so they cannot be used for other purposes. These symbols are called reserved words. Either all upper-case or all lower-case letters may be used to code reserved words, but they cannot be mixed within one reserved word. ¥ Machine language instruction mnemonics ¥ Port names ¥ Register names ¥ Address constants ¥ Directives ¥ Assembler control instructions ¥ Macro control instructions Except for machine language instruction mnemonics and port names, the reserved words are listed below. Register name D0, D1, D2, D3, A0, A1,A2, A3, Address constants ah, al, a PSW, MDR Assembler control instructions align, dc, dd, ds, dw, end, equ, global, listoff, liston, xlistoff, xliston, notation, org, opt, page, radix, section, tit define, if, ifb, ifdef, ifeq, ifge, ifgt, fle, iflt, ifn, ifnb, ifndef, ifneq, include, undef Macro control instructions back, endm, exitm, front, irp, irpc, instructions, local, macro, purge, rept Directives Reserved Words 187 Chapter 8 Writing Source Statements 188 Chapter 9 Writing Machine Language Instruction Statements And Directive Statements 9 Chapter 9 Writing Machine Language Instructions And Directive Statements 9.1 Purpose Of This Chapter This chapter explains how to write machine language instructions and directives. There are five source statement formats ¥ Instruction statements that code machine language instructions and directives. ¥ Assembler control statements that code assembler control instructions ¥ Macro control statements that code macro control instructions ¥ Comment statements ¥ Blank statements Each is coded differently. This chapter explains in detail the code syntax and usage examples of machine language instructions and directives. Refer to chapter 8, "Writing Source Statements", regarding address constants, numeric constants, expressions, and the syntax rules for numbers and characters. Refer to the "Instruction Manual" for detailed descriptions of machine language instructions. 190 Purpose Of This Chapter Chapter 9 Writing Machine Language Instruction Statements And Directive Statements 9.2 Instruction Statement Fields Source statements that code machine language instructions and directives are built from four Þelds. [label] [operation [operand [, operand]]] [comment] Contents of brackets [ ] can be omitted. Coding rules Source statements may contain a label Þeld only. Depending on the operation, source statements may contain no operand. Fields are delimited by at least one space or tab. Two operands are delimited by a comma (,). A statement with an LF only, omitting all Þelds, is a blank statement. Statements are terminated by the LF character (line feed = 0x0A). The maximum number of characters on one line is 256. Instruction Statement Fields 191 Chapter 9 Writing Machine Language Instructions And Directive Statements 9.2.1 Writing Label Field Labels are called both symbols and names. The assembler assigns a label the value of the location counter at the point it is deÞned. Coding rules Labels can use upper-case and lower-case letters, digits, underscores (_). Labels are coded in the Þrst column. The Þrst character of a label must not be a digit. The Þrst through 64th characters will be registered as the label. Labels are case sensitive. The same label name cannot be deÞned twice. When the label is omitted, it must be replaced with at least one space or tab. Terminology: * Column This is a column on the display or printer paper. One character takes one column. Columns are counted from the left as column 1, 2, etc. Coding examples LABEL LONGLABELLONGLABELLONGLABELLONGLAB main start_cont The following examples are incorrect. 1LABEL @START START 192 Instruction Statement Fields ; Starts with a digit ; Uses a prohibited character ; Does not start from the Þrst column Chapter 9 Writing Machine Language Instruction Statements And Directive Statements 9.2.2 Writing Operation Field The operation Þeld is written with a machine language instruction mnemonic or directive. Coding rules The operation Þeld can be coded using upper-case and lower-case labels. Coding examples CONST1 _CODE start equ tit section mov rts 10 ÒCalculation ProgramÓ CODE, UBLIC, 2 CONST1, D0 Instruction Statement Fields 193 Chapter 9 Writing Machine Language Instructions And Directive Statements 9.2.3 Writing Operand Field The operand Þeld coding is determined by the machine language instruction or directive in the operation Þeld. Refer to the "Instruction Manual" for details on coding machine language instructions. Coding rules Operands are written with expressions and reserved words (register names, etc.). Operands cannot include spaces, except for character constants and string constants. When two operands are coded, they must be delimited by a comma (,). Coding examples ROR mov jsr 194 Instruction Statement Fields D0 CONST+3, D0 PRINT ;One operand ;Operands are aregister and expression ;Operand is an address Chapter 9 Writing Machine Language Instruction Statements And Directive Statements 9.2.4 Writing Comment Field The Þeld that starts from a semicolon (;) after the operands is called the comment Þeld. Comments coded in this position are called end-of-line comments, as opposed to comment statements where the entire line is a comment. Coding rules Comments being with a semicolon (;) and end with a line feed (LF). Comment Þelds may be written with letters, digits, special characters, and control characters other than carriage return and line feed. Coding examples mov 0x10, D0 ;Set count value Instruction Statement Fields 195 Chapter 9 Writing Machine Language Instructions And Directive Statements 9.3 Writing Machine Language Instruction Statements Each machine language instruction is deÞned by speciÞc mnemonics. Mnemonics are formed from operations and operands accurately coded in the statement Þelds previously described. Both upper-case and lower-case letters may be used. Refer to the "Instruction Manual" for details of machine language instructions. Coding rules When coding a label, insert at least one space or tab between it and the operation Þeld. When the label Þeld is omitted, replace it with at least one space or tab. Both upper-case and lower-case letters may be used. Insert at least one space or tab between the operation Þeld and operand Þeld. The assembler and linker optimization function will adjust conditional and unconditional branch instructions to generate the optimal code. When a relative address is speciÞed in an operand and only labels with speciÞc addresses are coded, the assembler will calculate and set the relative values. Coding examples START indirect mov D0, (A0) ;src=register, dst=register indirect mov 0x11, D0 ;src=immediate data not rol ror and or xor add sub mul divu cmp bra jmp indirect) jsr rts D0 D0 D0 0x0f, D0 0x30, D0 D0, D1 D1, D0 D1, D0 D1, D0 D1, D0 0x05, D0 SUBR (A0) ;negate ;rotate left ;rotate right ;logical AND ;logical OR ;exclusive OR ;add ;subtract ;multiply ;divide ;compare ;unconditional branch ;unconditional branch SUBR ;subroutine call ;return from subroutine dst=register (register 196 Writing Machine Language Instruction Statements Chapter 9 Writing Machine Language Instruction Statements And Directive Statements 9.4 Writing Directive Statements Directives differ from machine language instructions in that they only have effect on the assembler. Directives specify program structure and start addresses, set constants and radices, and specify options and label attributes. List of directives Below is a list of directives. Directive section align end listoff liston notation org opt page radix dc ds dw dd equ global tit xlistoff xliston Function SpeciÞes a section Aligns the location counter value to a multiple of an expression. Indicates the end of the program. Stops list output from the line following this directive. Starts list output from this directive. Selects the coding format for numbers. Changes the program address. Enables/disables optimization functions. SpeciÞes the number of columns and rows on one page of the list Þle. Selects the radix to be speciÞed by default. Stores an 8-bit constant in a memory area. Reserves an 8-bit data area in a memory area. Stores a 16-bit constant in a memory area. Stores a 32-bit constant in a memory area. DeÞnes a name as the value of an operand expression. Declares external references with external declarations. SpeciÞes the header name of the list Þle. Stops list output including this directive. Starts list output from the line following this directive. Writing Direcrive Statements 197 Chapter 9 Writing Machine Language Instructions And Directive Statements Document conventions Symbols used in this chapter have the following meanings. [] ( )... | Contents of brackets [ ] may be omitted. Contents of parentheses ( ) may be repeated. Specify one or the other of the terms delimited by a vertical bar |. NOTE: 198 Writing Directive Statements The blank in the colums of "label" and 'operand" means that you can not write the label or operand. Example: label operation operand notation CLANG|INTEL|PANA The "label" is not coded in the same line as notation directives. Chapter 9 Writing Machine Language Instruction Statements And Directive Statements 9.4.1 section Syntax label operation operand section_name section [deÞnition1 [,deÞnition2 [,expression]]] definition1 Section attribute (CODE|DATA) definition2 Link type (PUBLIC|PRIVATE) expression Location counter boundary value (power of 2, or 0) Default settings When deÞnition1, deÞnition2, or expression are omitted, they will inherit the current section type. Functional description The section directive speciÞes a section name, as well as its attribute, link type, and location boundary. During linking the linker gathers sections with the same name and links them together by attribute. The order of linking is determined by the link type and the order in which the linker encounters the sections. Section linking rules 1. Link sections in order of appearance. 2. Link by attribute. 3. Link by link type. PUBLIC(PRIVATE) Link across all linked Þles. Writing Directive Statements 199 Chapter 9 Writing Machine Language Instructions And Directive Statements Operand coding rules When the Þrst section name encountered in a Þle is deÞned, deÞnition1, deÞnition2, and expression cannot be omitted. If omitted, then the assembler will generate an error and ignore this directive. Only speciÞc strings can be deÞned for deÞnition1 and deÞnition2. If some other string is deÞned, then the assembler will generate an error and ignore this directive. The value of expression must be a power of 2 between 1 and 32768, or 0. If its value is outside this range, then the assembler will assume the closest valid value instead. If the value is 0, the location counter boundary value is 0.5 bytes. The attribute, link type, and location boundary of sections with the same name must be either identical or omitted. If a different attribute, link type, or location boundary is deÞned, then actual value will be inherited from the setting of the very Þrst section. If there is the same section name in a Þle with a different attribute, link type, or location boundary, then the linker will locate the section using the attribute, link type, and location boundary of the Þrst occurrence that it encounters. Directive coding rules The section directive has no restrictions on where in the source Þle it can be deÞned. Usage example Below is an example use of the section directive. * _CODE main comment section jsr . . . 200 CODE, PUBLIC, 2 INIT NOTE: Assembler instructions and dc, dd, ds and dw directives must be coded after a section has been defined. If used before a section has been defined, then the assembler will generate an error and ignore that assembler instruction or directive. NOTE: The value for the section name will be the starting address in the same section after link Writing Directive Statements Chapter 9 Writing Machine Language Instruction Statements And Directive Statements 9.4.2 align Syntax label operation operand align expression Default settings The current location counter value will be inherited. Functional description The align directive adjusts the location counter to be a multiple of the value indicated by expression. The expression must be a power of 2 in the range 1 to 215. When the expression value is 4, the multiples of 4 will be the following series. 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, ... When the location counter value is 13, then the statement after align 4 will have its location counter changed to 16. When the location counter is 23, the statement will have its location counter changed to 24. When the location counter is 30, the statement counter will have its location counter changed to 32. Thus, the align directive rounds up the current location counter value up to the next greater multiple of the expression value. Operand coding rules The attribute of the calculated result of the expression coded in the operand must be abs (absolute). Refer to Section 6.7.4, "Expression Attributes", regarding expression attributes. The expression value must be a power of 2 in the range 1 to 215. 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, ... If the expression value is not a power of 2, then the assembler will generate an error and round up to the next greater power of 2. In such a case, if the assembler's r option has been speciÞed, then the assembler will generate a relocatable object Þle even with the error. NOTE: When the expression value is between 5 to 7, it can be round up to 8. Also,When the expression value is between 17to 31,it can be round up to 32. Writing Directive Statements 201 Chapter 9 Writing Machine Language Instructions And Directive Statements Usage example Below is an example use of the align directive. ***mn102L00 Loc Cross Object 000000 000001 000002 00 00 00 ALIGN.ASM(6) 000008 000009 00000A :Error2002: 00 00 00 000010 000011 00 00 000020 000021 00 00 ROM size is 34 (HEX. 1 error in this assembly No warning in this assembly ALIGN Assembler Line 1 2 3 4 5 6 Illegal 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Page 1 section CODE, PUBLIC, 2 mov D0, (A0) mov D0, (A0) mov D0, (A0) align 6 operand value. mov mov mov align mov mov 14 15 16 17 00000022) ALIGN ***Symbol 00000000 00000000 .LST *** Source _CODE main .LST D0, (A0) D0, (A0) D0, (A0) 8 D0, (A0) D0, (A0) align 16 mov mov end D0, (A0) D0, (A0) Page2 Table*** A_CODE T main In the align 6 directive on line 6, the expression value 6 is not a power of 2, so the assembler will convert it to align 8. The series of multiples of 8 is shown below. Numbers in parentheses are hexadecimal. 8(8) 16(10) 24(18) 32(20) 40(28) 48(30) 56(38) 64(40) The location counter value at the line of align 6 is 0003 (hex.), which is between 0000 and 0008 (hex.). Therefore the next line will start from location 0008 (hex.). The same series applies to the align 8 on line 10. The location counter there is 000B (hex.), which is between 0008 and 0010 (hex.). Therefore the next line will start from location 0010 (hex.). Similarly, the align 16 on line 13 uses the series 16 (10), 32 (20), 48 (30)... The location counter there is 0012 (hex.), which is between 0010 and 0020 (hex.). Therefore the next line will start from location 0020 (hex.). 202 Writing Directive Statements Chapter 9 Writing Machine Language Instruction Statements And Directive Statements 9.4.3 end Syntax label operation [name] end operand Default settings If the end directive is omitted, then the assembler Þle will assume that the end of the Þle is the end of the program. Functional description The end directive is coded once at the end of a program. All text coded after the end directive will be ignored by the assembler (but it will be output to the source list). When a name is coded in the label Þeld, the current location counter value will be assigned to it. Operand coding rules The end directive takes no operands. If operands are coded, they will cause an assembler syntax error. Usage example Below is an example use of the end directive. _CODE main section CODE, PUBLIC, 2 jsr mov . . end data_move 0, D0 Writing Directive Statements 203 Chapter 9 Writing Machine Language Instructions And Directive Statements 9.4.4 listoff, liston Syntax label operation [name] listoff operand . . . [name] liston Functional description The listoff and liston directives are used in pairs. Statements from the statement following the listoff directive until the statement preceding the liston directive will not be output to the list Þle. These directives are used when you do not want to output an already debugged program to the list Þle. NOTE: The listoff and liston directives themselves are output. Only output to the list Þle will be suppressed. Output of object code will not be suppressed at all. Operand coding rules These directives take no operands. Usage example Below is an example use of the listoff and liston directives. The mov 0x22,D0 is a statement that should not be output to the list Þle. _CODE main 204 Writing Directive Statements section CODE, PUBLIC, 2 mov listoff mov liston mov end 0x11,D0 0x22, D0 0x33, D0 Chapter 9 Writing Machine Language Instruction Statements And Directive Statements The list file created by the assembler is shown below. The mov 0x22,D0 statement between the listoff and liston directives has not been output. The listoff and liston directives themselves are shown on two consecutive lines in the list file. ***mn102L00 Loc Cross Object 000000 8011 000004 8033 ROM size is 6 (HEX. No error in this assembly No warning in this assembly LISTON Assembler Line 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 00000006) .LST *** Source _CODE main Page 1 section CODE, PUBLIC, 2 mov listoff liston mov end 0x11, D0 0x33, D0 Writing Directive Statements 205 Chapter 9 Writing Machine Language Instructions And Directive Statements 9.4.5 notation Syntax label operation operand notation CLANG | INTE | PANA Default settings CLANG will be selected. Functional description The notation directive selects the format of numbers and character constants (single character). The Cross-Assembler provides three numeric formats. ¥ Extended C language format ¥ Intel format ¥ Matsushita format Each format gives a speciÞc way to represent binary, octal, decimal, and hexadecimal numbers, as well as character constants. The notation directive selects which format numbers and character constants will be coded with. This directive can be coded any number of times in a program. Refer to section 6.3, "Numbers", for details about numeric formats, and to section 6.4, "Character Constants", for details about character constant formats Operand coding rules The strings that can be speciÞed in the operand and the format that they select are listed below. operand CLANG INTEL PANA Format Extended C language format Intel format Matsushita format If other strings are speciÞed, then the assembler will generate an error and ignore this directive. 206 Writing Directive Statements Chapter 9 Writing Machine Language Instruction Statements And Directive Statements Usage example Below is an example use of the notation directive. ***mn102L00 Loc Cross Object 000000 000003 000006 000009 00000C F8FF00 F8FF00 F8FF00 F8FF00 F8FF00 00000F 000012 000015 000018 F8FF00 F8FF00 F8FF00 F8FF00 00001B 00001E 000021 000024 F8FF00 F8FF00 F8FF00 F8FF00 NOTATION Assembler Line 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 .LST *** Source _CODE Page 1 section notation mov mov mov mov mov notation mov mov mov movw notation mov mov mov mov end CODE, PUBLIC, 2 INTEL 11111111b, D0 377q, D0 377o, D0 255d, D0 0ffh, D0 CLANG 0b11111111, D0 0377, D0 255, D0 0xff, DW0 PANA bÕ11111111Õ, D0 oÕ377Õ, D0 fÕ255Õ, D0 xÕffÕ, D0 Writing Directive Statements 207 Chapter 9 Writing Machine Language Instructions And Directive Statements 9.4.6 org Syntax label operation operand [name] org expression expression label_name + constant, constant + label_name, label_name or constant Default settings The current location counter value will be inherited. Functional description The org directive sets the location counter to the address value speciÞed by expression. Operand coding rules The expression coded in the operand is speciÞed in the form of label_name + constant, constant + label_name, label_name or a constant alone. The attribute of the calculation result must be rel (relative). If the label is a forward reference or an external label that exists in a later position, then it will cause an error. Even when both of the operand formata and the value are correct, it will cause an error if an another code already exists in the address after the location counter setting. If specifying the constants, it will be regarded as offset of the starting in the section. If the expression consists the labels, set the location counter in the address value speciÞed with the expressions. Refer to section 8.7.4, "Expression Attributes", regarding attributes of expressions. When a name is coded with the org directive, that name will be set the current location counter value. 208 Writing Directive Statements Chapter 9 Writing Machine Language Instruction Statements And Directive Statements NOTE: If the expressions written in the operands are label name + constant, constant+label name, label name or in non-constant format, the error will occur no matter what the constant value is. Even if the expressions are in the adequate format, they will cause an error when the constant value is in negative number. Example 1: Expression format is incorrect. org label-10 ; error (inadequate format) org abel-(-10) ; error (inadequate format) Example 2: Format is correct but Constant Value is in negative number. org label+(-10) ; error (negative constant value) org -10` ; error (negative constant value) Example 3: Format is correct but Constant Value result is positive. org -(-10) ; correct coded org -(-10)+label ; correct coded Usage example Below is an example use of the org directive. _CODE sec_adr sec_fnc section equ . instructions . org equ . instructions . org . . . end CODE, PUBLIC, 2 * sec_adr+0x20 * sec_fnc+0x10 Writing Directive Statements 209 Chapter 9 Writing Machine Language Instructions And Directive Statements 9.4.7 opt Syntax label operation operand opt on | off Default settings If omitted, then opt off will be assumed. Functional description The opt directive enables and disables the optimization functions of the assembler and linker. Optimization applies only to conditional and unconditional branch instructions. The optimization function evaluates how the source statements are coded, and then converts them to the optimal code with the linker. When a program split into multiple Þles is assembled, the assembler at this stage cannot determine if the branch destinations of conditional branch instructions are within the speciÞed range or if unconditional branch instructions can be replaced with relative branch instructions. The purpose of the optimization function is to solve this problem. The assembler informs the linker of the instructions subject to optimization. While the linker is linking multiple Þles, it outputs the instructions with the smallest possible code size for the instructions subject to optimization. Refer to chapter 2, "Optimization", for details. NOTE: The -Od assembler option disables the optimization function, however, optimization will be enabled if opt on is coded in the source file Operand coding rules The strings that can be coded for the operand and their meanings are as follows. 210 opt on Enables optimization. opt off Disables optimization. Writing Directive Statements Chapter 9 Writing Machine Language Instruction Statements And Directive Statements Usage example Below is an example use of the opt directive. opt opt on off Writing Directive Statements 211 Chapter 9 Writing Machine Language Instructions And Directive Statements 9.4.8 page Syntax label operation operand page lines_expression, columns_expression Default settings Number of lines = 60 Number of columns = 132 Functional description The page directive speciÞes the number of lines and columns per page. At the line where the page directive itself is speciÞed the assembler will output a carriage return and then apply the newly set values. Operand coding rules The expressions coded in the operand must result in the attribute abs (absolute). Refer to section 8.7.4, "Expression Attributes", regarding attributes of expressions. Specify the number of lines in the range 10 Ð 255. Specify the number of columns in the range 60 Ð 255. If a value outside the allowable range is speciÞed, then the assembler will generate an error and ignore this directive. Usage example Below is an example use of the page directive. page page 212 Writing Directive Statements 24, 80 LINE_NO, COLUMN_NO Chapter 9 Writing Machine Language Instruction Statements And Directive Statements 9.4.9 radix Syntax label operation operand radix expression Default settings Radix 10 (decimal). Functional description The radix directive speciÞes the radix that will be used by default. The Cross-Assembler provides three coding formats for numbers. ¥ Extended C language format ¥ Intel format ¥ Matsushita format The format is selected with the notation directive. Refer to the description of the notation directive. The default is extended C language format. The radix directive speciÞes the default radix for numbers in these coding formats by the expression in the operand. Select one from radix 2 (binary), radix 8 (octal), radix 10 (decimal), and radix 16 (hexadecimal). NOTE: In extended C language format, the default radix cannot be specified by the radix directive. The default is fixed as radix 10 (decimal), and it cannot be changed to another radix Operand coding rules The expression coded in the operand must result in the attribute abs (absolute). Refer to section 8.7.4, "Expression Attributes", regarding attributes of expressions. The calculated result of the expression coded in the operand must be either 2, 8, 10, or 16. The radix of the expression in the operand is always 10 (decimal), regardless of the current default radix. If the expression results in a number that does not specify a radix, then the assembler will generate an error and ignore this directive. Writing Directive Statements 213 Chapter 9 Writing Machine Language Instructions And Directive Statements Usage example Below is an example use of the radix directive. radix radix 214 Writing Directive Statements 16 BINARY Chapter 9 Writing Machine Language Instruction Statements And Directive Statements 9.4.10 dc Syntax label operation operand [name] dc constant | expression (, constant | expression )... Functional description The dc directive is used to deÞne constants in a memory area. The 8-bit constant speciÞed by the operand will be stored at the location of the statement specifying this directive. When a name is coded for the label, the assembler will assign the current location counter value to that name. Operand coding rules The expression coded in the operandmust result in the attribute abs(absolute). Refer to section 8.7.4 ÒExpression AttributesÓ, regafding attributes of expressions. Specify one of the following constants or the operand. ¥ character constant ¥ string constant ¥ address constant The operands are delimited with commas (,). Any number of operands can be coded. If data that exceeds 8 bits is speciÞed, then the lower 8 bits will be valid, and the upper bits will be lost. The assembler will output a warning message in such cases. When the speciÞed data has fewer than 8 bits, those bits will Þll the lower bits, and the upper bits will be padded with zeroes. Writing Directive Statements 215 Chapter 9 Writing Machine Language Instructions And Directive Statements Usage example Below is an example use of the dc directive. *** Loc 216 mn102L00 Object 000000 000001 000002 000003 000004 000005 000006 000007 000008 000009 00000A 41 41 42 43 3F 0E FF FF FE FF FF 00000B F470000000 Writing Directive Statements DC.LST *** Page 1 _CODE d0 d1 radix section dc dc 10 CODE, PUBLIC, 2 ÔAÕ ÒABCÓ d2 d3 d4 d5 dc dc dc dc 255>>2 (12+3)/2*2 0b11111111 0377,0376 d6 d7 main dc dc 255 0xff +12 mov d7, D0 13 end end Cross Line 1 2 3 4 4 4 5 6 7 8 8 9 10 11 Assembler Source Chapter 9 Writing Machine Language Instruction Statements And Directive Statements 9.4.11 ds Syntax label operation operand [name] ds expression1 [, expression2 [, expression3]] expression1 Number of bytes of memory to reserve expression2 Initial value expression3 Number of iterations Default settings expression2 (initial value) If omitted, the assembler will assume 0. expression3 (iterations) If omitted, the assembler will assume 1. Functional description The ds directive reserves a memory area of the number of bytes speciÞed by expression1 of the operand. When expression2 (initial value) is speciÞed, that memory area will be Þlled with the initial value. Note that expression2 can be speciÞed only when the value of expression1 is 4 or less. When expression3 (iterations) is speciÞed, the same speciÞcation will be repeated for the number of iterations. For example, if the operand is 4, 0, 3, then a 4-byte area will be Þlled with 0 three times. Thus, a 12-byte area will be reserved. When a name is coded for the label, the assembler will assign the current location counter value to that name. Operand coding rules The expression1 (bytes), expression2 (initial value), and expression3 (iterations) coded in the operand must result in the attribute abs (absolute). Refer to section 6.7.4, "Expression Attributes", regarding attributes of expressions. NOTE: When expression2 is omitted, expression3 cannot be specified. Usage example Below is an example use of the ds directive. DC.LST *** mn102L00 Cross Assembler Loc Object Line Source 1 _CODE 000000 00 2 Page 1 *** section CODE, PUBLIC, 2 ds 1 Writing Directive Statements 217 Chapter 9 Writing Machine Language Instructions And Directive Statements 000001 11 3 000002 22 3 000003 33 4 000004 44 4 000005 55 4 000006 33 4 000007 44 4 000008 55 4 5 218 Writing Directive Statements ds 2, 0x1122 ds 3, 0x334455, 2 end Chapter 9 Writing Machine Language Instruction Statements And Directive Statements 9.4.12 dw Syntax label operation operand [name] dw expression (, expression )... Functional description The dw directive is used to deÞne 16-bit constants in a memory area. The 16-bit constant speciÞed by the operand will be stored at the location of the statement specifying this directive. When a name is coded for the label, the assembler will assign the current location counter value to that name. Operand coding rules The operands are delimited with commas (,). Any number of operands can be coded. If data that exceeds 16 bits is speciÞed, then the lower 16 bits will be valid, and the upper bits will be lost. The assembler will output a warning message in such cases. When the speciÞed data has fewer than 16 bits, those bits will Þll the lower bits, and the upper bits will be padded with zeroes. Writing Directive Statements 219 Chapter 9 Writing Machine Language Instructions And Directive Statements Usage example Below is an example use of the dw directive. *** Loc mn102L00 Object =00000000 000000 0000 000004 0000 000006 0000 000008 0000 000100 000105 000107 000108 00010A 00010B 000110 000112 000113 F474000000 8022 21 F281 01 F474000000 8011 00 FE 000000 220 0000 Writing Directive Statements DW>LST Cross Assembler Line Source 1 _CODE R2 start 3 +4 5 +6 7 +8 9 +10 11 +12 main 13 14 15 16 +17 no_int 18 19 20 21 22 _DATA 23 data 24 Page 1 *** section equ org dw org dw org dw org dw org mov mov mov addc mov mov mov mov rts CODE, PUBLIC, 2 * start+0x0 a(main) start+0x4 a(no_int) start+0x6 a(no_int) start+0x8 a(main) 0x100 data, A0 0x22, D0 (A0), D1 D0, D1 D1, (A0) data, A0 0x11, D0 D0, (A0) section DATA, PUBLIC, 2 dw 0 end Chapter 9 Writing Machine Language Instruction Statements And Directive Statements 9.4.13 dd Syntax labeloperationoperand [name]ddexpression(, expression)... Functional description The dd directive is used to define 32-bit constants in a memory area. The 32-bit constant specified by the operand wil be stored at the location of the statement specifying this directive. When a name is coded for the label, the assembler will assign the current location counter value to that name. Operand coding rules The operands are delimited with commas(,). Any number of operands can be coded. When the specified data has fewer than 24 bits, those bits will fill the lower bits and the upper bits will be padded with zeros. Usage example Below is an example use of the dw directive. *** Loc mn102L00 Object =00000000 000000 00000000 000006 00000000 00000C 00000000 0000012 00000000 000100 000105 000107 000108 00010A 00010B F474000000 8022 21 F281 01 F474000000 DD.LST Cross Assembler Line Source 1 _CODE R2 start 3 +4 5 +6 7 +10 9 +10 11 +12 main 13 14 15 16 +17 no_int Page 1 *** section equ org dd org dd org dd org dd org mov mov mov addc mov mov CODE, PUBLIC, 2 * start+0x0 a(main) start+0x6 a(no_int) start+0xc a(no_int) start+0x12 a(main) 0x100 data, A0 0x22, D0 (A0), D1 D0, D1 D1, (A0) data, A0 Writing Directive Statements 221 Chapter 9 Writing Machine Language Instructions And Directive Statements 000110 000112 000113 000000 8011 00 FE 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 0000 mov mov rts _DATA data 0x11, D0 D0, (A0) section DATA, PUBLIC, 2 dw 0 end 9.4.14 equ Syntax label operation operand name equ expression Functional description The equ directive deÞnes the name to be the value of the expression coded in the operand. When that name is coded in the operand of machine language instructions, the assembler will reference the name's value. System constants often used in programs (memory size, clock frequency, etc.) can be assigned to names that describe those values. MEMORY equ 0x20 MOTOR equ 10 STOP equ 0b00001000 BASE equ 0x1000 This allows numbers used in programs to be coded as descriptive names instead, making programs easier to read. Furthermore, values can be changed just by modifying the equ directive, which in turn changes the data wherever it is used. This makes programs easier to maintain. Operand coding rules Names deÞned in other programs cannot be speciÞed within expression. Names deÞned once with the equ directive cannot be deÞned again. No memory area is reserved when an equ directive statement is executed. A 0.5-byte unit value is acceptable for the constant. Only the ezpressions of ABS can be coded in operands of equ pseud instruction. However, the self address symbol "*" can be coded. the label deÞned with equ will be the label of REL. Example: Label1 will be deÞned as label of REL consisting of location counter value. 222 Writing Directive Statements Chapter 9 Writing Machine Language Instruction Statements And Directive Statements label 1 equ * ;can be coded Operand, "*" is not coded alone, which causes an error. lagel 2 equ *+1 error Writing Directive Statements 223 Chapter 9 Writing Machine Language Instructions And Directive Statements NOTE: Symbols with unresolved values cannot be coded in the operand. In the following example, the value of ram1 is not resolved at the point where the value of ram2 is to be resolved, so the assembler will generate an error. Error example: ram2 equ ram1+0x1 ram1 equ 0x10 By changing the order such that the value of ram1 is resolved first, no error will occur. No error example: ram1 equ 0x10 ram2 equ ram1+0x1 Usage example Below is an example use of the equ directive. *** Loc 000000 000002 000005 00000A 00000C 00000E 00000F 000011 000013 000000 224 mn102L00 Object =00000064 =00000020 8000 DC2000 F471000000 D864 E600 01 D002 EA00 FE 0000 Writing Directive Statements Cross Line 1 2 3 4 5 6 +7 8 +9 10 11 +12 13 14 15 16 17 BQU.LST Assembler Source count memory Page 1 *** equ equ 100 0x20 _CODE step section mov mov mov cmp bcc mov add bra rts CODE, PUBLIC, 2 0, D0 memory, A0 data, D1 count, D0 step_end D1, (A0) 2, A0 step_loop step_loop step_end _DATA data section DATA, PUBLIC, 2 dw 0 end Chapter 9 Writing Machine Language Instruction Statements And Directive Statements 9.4.15 global Syntax label operation operand [name] global name(, name)... Default settings External reference when omitted = external label External declaration when omitted = undeÞned label error during linking Functional description The global directive declares external references and external declarations. For external references, the global directive declares that the names coded in the operand are from other Þles. For external declarations, the global directive declares that the names coded in the operand can be referenced externally. The global directive can be coded anywhere in a source programs. Operand coding rules Write the name coded in the label Þeld as an operand. Generally this will be a program name. The names are delimited with commas (,). Any number of operands can be coded. When a speciÞed name has been coded in a label Þeld within the program, it will be considered an external declaration. When it has been coded as operands, it will be considered an external reference. Writing Directive Statements 225 Chapter 9 Writing Machine Language Instructions And Directive Statements Usage example Below is an example use of the global directive. global global main SUB1 226 jsr . . jsr . . mov . . rts end Writing Directive Statements SUB1 READ, WRITE READ WRITE 0x11, D0 ;external declaration ;external reference Chapter 9 Writing Machine Language Instruction Statements And Directive Statements 9.4.16 tit Syntax label operation operand tit ["string"] Default settings No header will be output to the list Þle. Functional description The tit directive speciÞes that the string coded as its operand is to be output as the header of the list Þle. Typically the string is written with the program name, function, author, version, company, date, etc. Operand coding rules The operand is written with any string enclosed by double quotation marks ("). A double quotation mark itself cannot be included in the string. Usage example Below is an example use of the tit directive. TIT.LST Title of Practice Program Loc Object Line Source 1 programÓ 000000 54 2 3 Page 1 tit ÒTitle Practice ProgramÓ main mov end (xp), (yp) (a0), d0 4 Writing Directive Statements 227 Chapter 9 Writing Machine Language Instructions And Directive Statements 9.4.17 xlistoff, xliston Syntax label operation [name] xlistoff operand . . . [name] xliston Functional description The xlistoff and xliston directives are used in pairs. Statements from the xlistoff directive until the xliston directive will not be output to the list Þle. These directives are used when you do not want to output an already debugged program to the list Þle. NOTE: The xlistoff and xliston directives themselves are not output. Only output to the list Þle will be suppressed. Output of object code will not be suppressed at all. Operand coding rules These directives take no operand. Usage example Below is an example use of the xlistoff and xliston directives. The range from xlistoff to xliston will be suppressed . _CODE main 228 section CODE, PUBLIC, 0 mov xlistoff mov xliston mov end 0x11, D0 Writing Directive Statements 0x22, D0 0x33, D0 Chapter 9 Writing Machine Language Instruction Statements And Directive Statements The list Þle created by the assembler is shown below. The directive statements are not included in the output. The xlistoff and xliston directives themselves are hidden from the list Þle by having their output suppressed *** Loc 000000 000004 mn102L00 Object 8011 8033 Cross Line 1 2 3 7 8 XLISTON .LST Assembler *** Source _CODE section main mov mov end Page 1 CODE, PUBLIC, 2 0x11, D0 0x33, D0 Writing Directive Statements 229 Chapter 9 Writing Machine Language Instructions And Directive Statements 230 Chapter 10 Writing Assembler Control Statements 10 Chapter 10 Writing Assembler Control Statements 10.1 Purpose Of This Chapter Assembler control statements are statements that control assembler processing. They specify include Þles and control conditional assembly. Include Þles are used to place deÞnitions of constants, memory areas, I/O ports, and bit assignments common to the entire program in separate Þles. They are read in during assembly. Conditional assembly allows the assembler to evaluate conditions, and then to select a block of statements to assemble depending on whether the conditions are fulÞlled or not. This chapter describes these functions and how to code them, and provides examples of actual use. Many directives used in conditional assembly are used only within macro deÞnitions. Refer to chapter 9, "Writing Macro Statements", as needed. Common coding rules Here are some rules common to coding of all assembly control statements. The assembler directive should be coded from the Þrst column of its statement. Both upper and lower case letters can be used. The characters that can be used as identiÞers are upper and lower case letter, digits, and underscores ( _ ). However, the first character must not be a digit. Further conditional assembly directives can be used within a block of conditional assembly directives. Up to 255 nesting levels are allowed. The #else directive and the second block can be omitted. Refer to section 8.5, "Conditional Assembly", for details about the second block. An expression combines symbols, self-reference address symbols, and constants with operators into an equation that returns a single value as its result. The value must have the attribute abs (absolute). Refer to section 8.7, "Expressions", regarding attributes of expressions. Document conventions Symbols used in this chapter have the following meanings. [] 232 Purpose Of This Chapter Contents of brackets [ ] may be omitted. Chapter 10 Writing Assembler Control Statements 10.2 #include Syntax #include ÓfilenameÓ Functional description The #include directive causes the assembler to read in the source Þle with the speciÞed name at the location of the directive. NOTE: The included file will be assembled and output to the relocatable object file and list file. In order for the list file to show that lines were included as part of an include file, a period (.) will be prefixed before the line number. By specifying the assembler's Li option, you can suppress output of include Þles to the list Þle. Coding rules The Þle is speciÞed by the Þle name enclosed in double quotation marks ("). If the Þle is in a different directory, then the Þle name speciÞcation must include the path name. The assembler will assume an .ASM extension if the extension is omitted. NOTE: By adding the I option when starting the assembler, you can specify a path name for include files. However, even in this case the option will be ignored if a specific path name is coded within "filename". Usage example This example will show an include Þle speciÞed in a different directory. Here is the contents of the Þle INCL.H in the directory A:\USER\DEFS. data equ 0x12 #include 233 Chapter 10 Writing Assembler Control Statements Here are the contents of the Þle to be assembled, which is in the current directory. #include ÒA:\USER\ DEFS\INCL.H _CODE section CODE, PUBLIC, 2 movw data, A0 mov 0x34, D0 mov D0, (A0) main end This example includes Þle INCL.H from the directory A:\USER\DEFS. The results of assembly are shown below in the list Þle. Line number 1 of the list Þle was written within an #include directive, so the next line number .1 shows the contents of the included Þle INCL.H. INCLUDE .LST *** Page1 *** mn102L00 Cross Assembler Loc Object Line Source 1 #include ÒA: \USER\DEFS \INCL.HÓ =00000012 .1 data equ 0x12 3 _CODE section code,public,2 4 main 2 000000 DC1200 5 mov data, A0 000003 8043 6 mov 0x34, D0 000005 00 7 mov d0, (A0) ROM size is 6 (Hex. No error in this assembly No warning in this assembly *** Symbol Table *** 00000000 A_CODE 00000012 A data 00000000 T main 8 end 00000006) INCLUDE 234 #include .LST Page2 Chapter 10 Writing Assembler Control Statements 10.3 #deÞne Syntax #define identiÞer [replacement_string] [; comment] Functional description The #deÞne directive causes the assembler to replace the identiÞer with the replacement_string on all further lines. The #deÞne directive differs from the #equ directive in that a string can be speciÞed. Furthermore, when used in conjunction with the #undef directive, redeÞnition is possible. Coding rules Any string can be coded for the replacement_string. The string can include spaces and tabs. If the replacement_string is omitted, then the identiÞer will be deÞned as a null character. Everything after a semicolon (;) is considered a comment. Therefore semicolons cannot be included in the replacement_string. The same identiÞer cannot just be redeÞned with another #deÞne directive. When used in conjunction with the #undef directive, redeÞnition is possible. Refer to section 10.4, "#undef", for details. If the replacement_string is omitted, then the identiÞer will be deÞned as a null character. Usage example Source Þle contents are shown below. The Þrst line replaces data with the character 5. The next line is an example of changing a mnemonic, so mov data,D0 can be coded as load. #define data 5 #define load mov _CODE section CODE, PUBLIC, 2 mov data, D0 data, D0 main load end #define 235 Chapter 10 Writing Assembler Control Statements The assembled list Þle is shown below. Line number 6 and 7 show that the same machine language code was generated. DEF.LST Page1 *** mn102L00 Cross Assembler Loc Object Line Source *** 1 #define data 5 2 #define load mov data, D0 3 4 _CODE 5 main section 000000 8005 6 mov 000002 8005 7 load 8 end ROM size is 4 (Hex. 00000004) No error in this assembly No warning in this assembly DEF.LST 236 *** Symbol 00000000 A_CODE 00000000 T #define main Table *** CODE, PUBLIC, 2 data., D0 Page2 Chapter 10 Writing Assembler Control Statements 10.4 #undef Syntax identiÞer #undef Functional description The #undef directive deletes an identiÞer deÞned by a #deÞne directive. The effective range of an identiÞer is from the line following #deÞne until the line before #undef. To redeÞne the replacement string of an identiÞer, redeÞne it with #deÞne after performing an #undef. Coding rules The identiÞer for an #undef directive must be the same string as the identiÞer for the corresponding #deÞne directive. The string is case sensitive. Usage example A source Þle that uses #undef is shown below. #define data1 0x11 #define data2 0x22 _CODE section CODE, PUBLIC, 2 mov data1, D0 mov data2, D1 #undef data1 mov #undef data1, D0 data2 #define #define data1 0x33 data2 0x44 mov data1, D0 mov data2, D1 end #undef 237 Chapter 10 Writing Assembler Control Statements The assembled list Þle is shown below. Line number 7 deletes the identiÞer data1, so it is undeÞned (+) in line number 8. UNDEF .LST *** Page1 *** mn102L00 Cross Assembler Loc Object Line Source 1 #define data1 0x11 2 #define data2 0x22 _CODE section CODE, PUBLIC, 2 3 4 000000 8011 5 mov data1, D0 000002 8522 6 mov data2, D1 7 000004 #undef F470000000 +8 9 #undef 10 #define 11 #define mov data1, D0 data2 data1 data2 0x33 0x44 000009 8033 12 mov data1, D0 00000B 8544 13 mov data2, D1 14 end ROM size is 13 (Hex. 0000000D) No error in this assembly No warning in this assembly UNDEF 238 data1 *** Symbol 00000000 A_CODE 00000000 +U data1 #undef Table *** .LST Page2 Chapter 10 Writing Assembler Control Statements 10.5 Conditional Assembly The Cross-Assembler provides conditional assembly capabilities. The directives explained in this section are provided for this purpose. By coding conditional assembly directives in a program, the assembler will select which block to assemble by judging the speciÞed conditions at the time of assembly. Many conditional assembly directives are used only within macro deÞnitions. The actual program structure of conditional assembly is shown below. block1 to be expression, identiÞer, parameter, etc. assembled if codition is true block 2 to be assembled if condition is false] #if [#else #endif NOTE: The contents of brackets [ ] from #else on can be omitted. The basic function of conditional assembly is for the assembler to evaluate the condition speciÞed by #if, and then to select the block to assemble based on the result. Conditional assembly is used for the following purposes. ¥ Different object code for different versions can be output with a single source program. ¥ Machine language instructions differ depending on the device type. ¥ Conditional assembly can be included in programs being debugged. Conditional Assembly 239 Chapter 10 Writing Assembler Control Statements The table below lists the directives used for conditional assembly. Directive #ifdef #ifndef #if #ifn #ifeq (see note) #ifneq (see note) #ißt #iße #ifgt #ifge #ifb (see note) #ifnb (see note) NOTE: 240 Conditional Assembly Condition for selecting block1 IdentiÞer has been deÞned by #deÞne. IdentiÞer has not been deÞned by #deÞne. Expression value is not 0. Expression value is 0. Parameters 1 and 2 are the same string. Condition for selecting block2 IdentiÞer has not been deÞned. IdentiÞer has been deÞned. Expression value is 0. Expression value is not 0. Parameters 1 and 2 are not the same string. Parameters 1 and 2 are not the same string. Parameters 1 and 2 are the same string. Expression value is negative. Expression value is 0 or negative. Expression value is positive. Expression value is 0 or positive. Parameter is the null character. Expression value is not negative. Expression value is not 0 and not negative. Expression value is not positive. Expression value is not 0 and not positive. Parameter is not the null character. Parameter is not the null character. Parameter is the null character. These directives can be used only within macro definitions Chapter 10 Writing Assembler Control Statements 10.5.1 #ifdef,#ifndef Syntax Syntax for #ifdef #ifdef identiÞer Syntax for #ifndef #ifndef block1 [#else identiÞer block1 [#else block2] #endif block2] #endif Functional description #ifdef If the identiÞer has been deÞned by a #deÞne directive before the #ifdef statement, then block1 will be assembled. If it has not been deÞned and an #else directive has been coded, then block2 will be assembled. #ifndef If the identiÞer has not been deÞned by a #deÞne directive before the #ifndef statement, then block1 will be assembled. If it has been deÞned and an #else directive has been coded, then block2 will be assembled. Coding rules These directives can be used within macro deÞnitions and wherever machine language instructions can be coded. If an identiÞer is deÞned after #ifdef or #ifndef, then it will be considered undeÞned. IdentiÞers can be speciÞed by the D option when the assembler is started, even if they are not deÞned with #deÞne directives. Conditional Assembly 241 Chapter 10 Writing Assembler Control Statements Usage example A source Þle that uses #ifdef and #ifndef is shown below. #define VERSION _CODE section #ifdef VERSION CODE, PUBLIC, 2 mov 0x11, D0 mov 0x11, D0 mov 0x22, D0 #else #else #endif #ifndef VERSION mov 0x33, D0 mov 0x44, D0 #else #endif end The assembled list Þle is shown below. IFDEF.LST *** mn102L00 Cross Assembler Loc Object Line Source 1 #define VERSION 3 _CODE section 4 #ifdef Page 1 *** 2 000000 8011 5 6 8 #endif 9 #ifndef XX 000002 8044 is 4 No error in No warning in (Hex. this this mov 0x22, D0 VERSION mov 0x33, D0 mov 0x44, D0 #endif 14 ROM size 0x11, D0 #else 12 13 VERSION mov #else x 11 CODE, PUBLIC, 2 end 00000004) assembly assembly The identifier VERSION is defined in line number 1. The replacement string is a null character. Since VERSION has been defined, the #ifdef starting from line number 4 will assemble block 1 (line number 5 here), and will not assemble block 2 (shown as line number X). The #ifndef directive inverts the condition, so block 2 (line number 12) will be assembled. 242 Conditional Assembly Chapter 10 Writing Assembler Control Statements 10.5.2 #if,#ifn Syntax Syntax for #if #if expression Syntax for #ifn #ifn expression block1 [#else block1 [#else block2] #endif block2] #endif Functional description #if If the value of expression is not 0, then block1 will be assembled. If it is 0 and an #else directive has been coded, then block2 will be assembled. #ifn If the value of expression is 0, then block1 will be assembled. If it is not 0 and an #else directive has been coded, then block2 will be assembled. Coding rules These directives can be used within macro deÞnitions and wherever machine language instructions can be coded. Conditional Assembly 243 Chapter 10 Writing Assembler Control Statements Usage example A source Þle that uses #if and #ifn is shown below. DEVICE equ 1 _CODE section CODE, PUBLIC, 2 #if DEVICE-1 mov 0x11, D0 mov 0x22, D0 #else #endif #ifn DEVICE-1 mov 0x33, D0 mov 0x44, D0 #else #endif end The assembled list Þle is shown below. The program Þrst sets DEVICE to 1. Therefore the expression DEVICE-1 will be 0, so the #if directive causes line number 7 to be assembled and the #ifn directive causes line number 10 to be assembled. IF1.LST Page 1 *** mn102L00 Cross Assembler *** Loc Object Line Source =00000001 1 DEVICE equ 1 3 _CODE section CODE, PUBLIC, 2 4 #if DEVICE-1 2 X 6 000000 000002 8022 8033 7 8 #endif 9 #ifn 10 11 is 4 No error in No warning in 0x22, D0 DEVICE-1 mov 0x33, D0 mov 0x44, D0 end (Hex. 00000004) this assembly this mov #endif 14 ROM size 0x11, D0 #else XX 13 mov #else assembly IF1.LST 244 *** Symbol 00000001 A DEVICE 00000000 T _CODE Conditional Assembly Table *** Page2 Chapter 10 Writing Assembler Control Statements Next is an assembled list file where the program sets DEVICE to 0. This conversely causes line numbers 5 and 12 to be assembled. IF1.LST Page 1 *** mn102L00 Cross Assembler *** Loc Object Line Source =00000000 1 DEVICE equ 0 3 _CODE section CODE, PUBLIC, 2 4 #if 2 000000 8011 5 6 8 #endif 9 #ifn XX 00002 8044 is 4 (Hex. this 0x22, D0 DEVICE-1 mov 0x33, D0 mov 0x44, D0 #endif 14 ROM size mov #else 12 13 0x11, D0 #else X 11 DEVICE-1 mov end 00000004) No error in No warning in this assembly assembly *** Symbol Table *** 00000000 A DEVICE 00000000 A _CODE IF1.LST Page2 Conditional Assembly 245 Chapter 10 Writing Assembler Control Statements 10.5.3 #ifeq,#ifneq Syntax Syntax for #ifeq #ifeq parameter1, parameter2 Syntax for #ifneq #ifneq parameter1, parameter2 block1 [#else block1 [#else block2] #endif block2] #endif Functional description #ifeq If parameter1 and parameter2 are the same string, then block1 will be assembled. If they are different and an #else directive has been coded, then block2 will be assembled. #ifneq If parameter1 and parameter2 are different strings, then block1 will be assembled. If they are the same and an #else directive has been coded, then block2 will be assembled. Coding rules These directives can only be used within macro deÞnitions. Either or both of parameter1 and parameter2 may be dummy parameters set up during macro deÞnition. 246 Conditional Assembly Chapter 10 Writing Assembler Control Statements Usage example A source Þle that uses #ifeq and #ifneq is shown below. The macro named compare uses two dummy parameters(data1,data2). Within the macro it compares the strings of those dummy parameters. If they match, then an instruction that sets the A register to 1 will be assembled. If they do not match, then an instruction that sets the A register to 0 will be assembled. The macro is called by specifying strings to be passed to the dummy parameters. compare macro #ifeq data1, data2 data1, data2 mov 1, D0 mov 0, D0 #else #endif endm _CODE section CODE, PUBLIC, 2 compare abcdef, abcdef compare abcdef, acbdef main end Conditional Assembly 247 Chapter 10 Writing Assembler Control Statements The assembled list Þle is shown below. Line number 11 assembles the statements for a match, and line number 12 assembles the statements for a mismatch. IFEQ.LST *** mn102L00 Cross Assembler Loc Object Line Source 1 compare macro 2 #ifeq data1,data2 3 4 *** data1, data2 mov 1, D0 mov 0, D0 #else 5 6 Page 1 #endif 7 endm 8 9 _CODE 10 main M11 11+ 000000 8001 #ifeq 11+ 11+ #ifeq XX+ 12+ 000002 8000 is 4 (Hex. this mov 1, D0 mov 0, D0 Compare abcdef, acbdef abcdef, acbdef mov 1, D0 mov 0, D0 #endif 13 ROM size abcdef, abcdef #else 12+ 12+ compare abcdef, abcdef #endif M12 12+ CODE, PUBLIC, 2 #else XX+ 11+ section end 00000004) No error in No warning in this assembly assembly *** Symbol Table *** 00000000 A _CODE 00000000 T main IFEQ.LST Page2 Next is an example where parameter1 is a dummy parameter, but parameter2 is a string specified within the macro. The source file is shown below. The macro defines only one dummy parameter (data). Therefore the assembler will evaluate the #ifeq directive assuming that parameter2 is the string "abcdef." 248 Conditional Assembly Chapter 10 Writing Assembler Control Statements compare macro #ifeq data1, abcdef data mov 1, D0 mov 0, D0 #else #endif endm _CODE section CODE, PUBLIC, 2 compare abcdef compare acbdef main end Conditional Assembly 249 Chapter 10 Writing Assembler Control Statements The assembled list Þle is shown below. IFEQ2.LST *** mn102L00 Cross Assembler Loc Object Line Source 1 compare macro 2 #ifeq data1,abcdef 3 4 *** data mov 1, D0 mov 0, D0 #else 5 6 Page 1 #endif 7 endm 8 9 _CODE 10 main M11 11+ #ifeq XX+ 11+ 000000 8000 #ifeq XX+ 12+ 000002 8000 is 4 (Hex. this mov 1, D0 mov 0, D0 Compare acbdef data1, abcdef mov 1, D0 mov 0, D0 #endif 13 ROM size abcdef #else 12+ 12+ compare data1,abcdef #endif M12 12+ CODE, PUBLIC, 2 #else 11+ 11+ section end 00000004) No error in No warning in this assembly assembly *** Symbol Table *** 00000000 A _CODE 00000000 T main IFEQ2.LST 250 Conditional Assembly Page2 Chapter 10 Writing Assembler Control Statements 10.5.4 #ißt,#iße Syntax Syntax for #iflt Syntax for #ifle expression #iflt #ifle block1 expression block1 [#else [#else block2] block2] #endif #endif Functional description #iflt If the value of expression is negative, then block1 will be assembled. If it is not negative and an #else directive has been coded, then block2 will be assembled. #ifle If the value of expression is 0 or negative, then block1 will be assembled. If it is positive and an #else directive has been coded, then block2 will be assembled. Usage example The Þrst example will be of #ißt. A source Þle is shown below. The "size-16" expression of the #ißt is not negative, so block 2 is assembled MN10200 equ 16 MAX equ 0xff romsize macro size #iflt size-16 movw (MAX-0x20), DW0 movw MAX, DW0 #else #endif endm _CODE section CODE, PUBLIC, 2 main romsize MN10200 end Conditional Assembly 251 Chapter 10 Writing Assembler Control Statements The assembled list Þle is shown below. IFLT.LST Page 1 *** mn102L00 Cross Assembler *** Loc Object Line Source =00000010 1 MN102L00 equ 16 =000000FF 2 MAX equ 0xff 4 romsize macro size 5 #iflt size-16 3 6 7 8 9 mov (MAX-0x20), D0 mov MAX, D0 #else #endif 10 endm 11 12 _CODE 13 main M14 14+ #iflt XX+ 14+ 000000 F8FF00 size is 3 romsize MN10200 MN10200-16 mov (MAX-0x20), D0 mov MAX, D0 #endif 15 ROM CODE, PUBLIC, 2 #else 14+ 14+ section end (Hex. 00000003) this assembly No error in No warning in this assembly *** Symbol Table *** 000000FF A MAX 00000010 A MN10200 00000000 T _CODE 00000000 T main IFLT.LST Page2 Next the program's #iflt is changed to #ifle. The result of the #ifle directive's expression will be 0, so block 1 will be assembled. 252 Conditional Assembly Chapter 10 Writing Assembler Control Statements MN10200 equ 16 MAX equ 0xff romsize macro size #ifle size-16 mov (MAX-0x20), D0 mov MAX, D0 #else #endif endm _CODE main section romsize CODE, PUBLIC, 2 MN10200 end Conditional Assembly 253 Chapter 10 Writing Assembler Control Statements The assembled list Þle is shown below. You can see that block 1 was assembled. IFLE.LST Page 1 *** mn102L00 Cross Assembler Loc Object Line Source *** =00000010 1 MN10200 equ 16 =000000FF 2 MAX equ 0xff 4 romsize macro size 5 #ifle size-16 3 6 7 (MAX-0x20), D0 mov MAX, D0 #else 8 9 mov #endif 10 endm 11 12 _CODE 13 main M14 14+ 000000 C8DF00 #ifle 14+ 14+ size is 3 No error in No warning in MN10200 MN10200-16 mov (MAX-0x20), D0 mov MAX, D0 end (Hex. 00000003) this assembly this romsize #endif 15 ROM CODE, PUBLIC, 2 #else XX+ 14+ section assembly IFLE.LST 254 *** Symbol 000000FF A MAX 00000010 A MN10200 00000000 T _CODE 00000000 T main Conditional Assembly Table *** Page2 Chapter 10 Writing Assembler Control Statements 10.5.5 #ifgt,#ifge Syntax Syntax for #ifgt #ifgt Syntax for #ifge expression #ifge block1 expression block1 [#else [#else block2] block2] #endif #endif Coding rules #ifgt If the value of expression is positive, then block1 will be assembled. If it is not positive and an #else directive has been coded, then block2 will be assembled. #ifge If the value of expression is 0 or positive, then block1 will be assembled. If it is negative and an #else directive has been coded, then block2 will be assembled. Note that 0 is not included in positive numbers. Usage example A source Þle that uses #ifgt is shown below. The value of the dummy parameter passed to the macro type is 0, so block 2 will be assembled. device equ 0 type macro id #ifgt id mov 1, D0 mov 2, D0 #else #endif endm _CODE section CODE, PUBLIC, 2 type device main end Conditional Assembly 255 Chapter 10 Writing Assembler Control Statements The assembled list Þle is shown below. You can see that the expression's value is 0, so block 2 was assembled. IFGT.LST Page 1 *** mn102L00 Cross Assembler Loc Object Line Source *** =00000000 1 device equ 0 3 type macro id 4 #ifgt id 2 5 6 7 8 mov 1, D0 mov 2, D0 #else #endif 9 endm 10 11 _CODE 12 main M13 13+ 000000 8001 #ifgt 13+ 13+ 14 size is 2 CODE, PUBLIC, 2 type device device mov 1, D0 mov 2, D0 #else XX+ ROM section end (Hex. 00000002) this assembly No error in No warning in this assembly *** Symbol Table *** 00000000 A _CODE 00000000 A device 00000000 T main IFGT.LST Page2 Next the program's #ifgt is changed to #ifge. The dummy parameter's value is 0, so this time block 1 will be assembled. 256 Conditional Assembly Chapter 10 Writing Assembler Control Statements device equ 0 type macro id #ifge id mov 1, D0 mov 2, D0 #else #endif endm _CODE section CODE, PUBLIC, 2 type device main end Conditional Assembly 257 Chapter 10 Writing Assembler Control Statements The assembled list Þle is shown below. You can see that block 1 was assembled. IFGE.LST Page 1 *** mn102L00 Cross Assembler *** Loc Object Line Source =00000000 1 device equ 0 3 type macro id 4 #ife id 2 5 6 1, D0 mov 2, D0 #else 7 8 mov #endif 9 endm 10 11 _CODE 12 main M13 13+ 000000 8001 #ifge 13+ 13+ size is 2 No error in No warning in device device mov 1, D0 mov 2, D0 end (Hex. 00000002) this assembly this type #endif 14 ROM CODE, PUBLIC,2 #else XX+ 13+ section assembly IFGE.LST 258 *** Symbol 00000000 T _CODE 00000000 A device 00000000 T main Conditional Assembly Table *** Page2 Chapter 10 Writing Assembler Control Statements 10.5.6 #ifb,#ifnb Syntax Syntax for #ifb #ifb dummy_parameter Syntax for #ifnb #ifnb block1 [#else dummy_parameter block1 [#else block2] #endif block2] #endif Functional description #ifb If the dummy_parameter is a null character, then block1 will be assembled. If it is not a null character and an #else directive has been coded, then block2 will be assembled. #ifnb If the value of expression is not a null character, then block1 will be assembled. If it is a null character and an #else directive has been coded, then block2 will be assembled. Coding rules These directives can only be used within macro deÞnitions. The parameter must be a dummy parameter. Conditional Assembly 259 Chapter 10 Writing Assembler Control Statements Usage example A source Þle that uses #ifb is shown below. If the dummy parameter para to the macro debug is a null character, then the program will execute next_cycle. If it is not a null character, then the program will execute test and then execute next_cycle. In this example, the identiÞer MODE is passed to the macro debug. When a replacement string has been speciÞed, the call is without a null character. debug macro #ifb para para jsr next_cycle jsr test jsr next_cycle #else #endif endm _CODE section CODE, PUBLIC, 2 #define MODE debug_on debug MODE main #undef MODE #define MODE debug end 260 Conditional Assembly MODE Chapter 10 Writing Assembler Control Statements The assembled list Þle is shown below. Where the characters debug_on have been speciÞed, block 2 is assembled. Where the null character has been speciÞed, block 1 is assembled . IFB.LST *** mn102L00 Cross Assembler Loc Object Line Source 1 debug macro 2 #ifb para 3 4 para isr next_cycle jsr test jsr next_cycle #else 5 6 7 Page 1 *** #endif 8 endm 9 10 _CODE section CODE, PUBLIC, 2 11 #define MODE debug_on 12 main debug MODE M13 13+ #ifb XX+ 13+ 000000 F4E100000 +13+ 000005 F4E100000 +13+ size is 15 No warning in jsr next_cycle #undef MODE 15 #define MODE debug MODE jsr next_cycle XX+ jsr test XX+ jsr next_cycle #ifb +16+ #else #endif 17 in test 14 16+ No error jsr #endif 16+ ROM next_cycle 13+ 16+ F4E1000000 jsr #else M16 00000A debug_on end (Hex. 0000000F) this assembly this assembly IFB.LST *** Symbol 00000000 00000000 Table Page2 *** A _CODE T main 00000000 +U next_cycle 00000000 +U test Next the program's #ifb is changed to #ifnb. Now the test routine for debugging will be assembled if a null character has not been specified. Conditional Assembly 261 Chapter 10 Writing Assembler Control Statements debug macro #ifnb para para jsr next_cycle jsr test jsr next_cycle #else #endif endm _CODE section CODE, PUBLIC, 2 #define MODE debug_on debug MODE main #undef MODE #define MODE debug end 262 Conditional Assembly MODE Chapter 10 Writing Assembler Control Statements The assembled list Þle is shown below. IFNB.LST *** mn102L00 Cross Assembler Loc Object Line Source 1 debug macro 2 #ifnb para 3 Page 1 *** para isr next_cycle 5 jsr test 6 jsr next_cycle 4 7 #else #endif 8 endm 9 10 _CODE section CODE, PUBLIC, 2 11 #define MODE debug_on 12 main debug MODE M13 13+ 000000 F4E1000000 #ifnb +13+ jsr next_cycle XX+ jsr test XX+ jsr next_cycle 13+ #else 13+ #endif 14 #undef MODE 15 #define MODE M16 16+ 16+ 000005 F4E1000000 +16+ 00000A F4E1000000 +16+ 16+ MODE jsr next_cycle jsr test jsr next_cycle #else #endif 17 size is 15 debug #ifnb XX+ ROM debug_on end (Hex. 0000000B) this assembly No error in No warning in this assembly *** Symbol Table *** IFNB.LST 00000000 A _CODE 00000000 T main 00000000 +U next_cycle 00000000 +U test Page2 Conditional Assembly 263 Chapter 10 Writing Assembler Control Statements 264 Chapter 11 Writing Macro Control Statements 11 Chapter 11 Writing Macro Control Statements 11.1 Purpose Of This Chapter Macros consist of two parts: macro deÞnitions and macro calls. A macro that has been deÞned can be coded as a macro call in any source statement after that. When a macro without parameters is called, it becomes a simple text substitution. When a macro with parameters is called, part of the text to be substituted will be modiÞed by the strings speciÞed as the parameters. This chapter explains how deÞne and call macros. It also describes the directives used for macros. Common coding rules The characters that can be used for macro names, dummy parameters, parameters, and identiÞers are upper and lower case letters, digits, and underscores (_). The Þrst character must not be a digit. Symbols used in expressions must have been previously deÞned. The following directives cannot be coded within macro blocks. #include directive macro definitions Refer to section 11.2, "Macro DeÞnitions", regarding macro deÞnitions and blocks. The rept and irp directives and macro calls can be coded within macro blocks. Up to 20 nesting levels are allowed. Document conventions Symbols used in this chapter have the following meanings. [] () 266 Purpose of This Chapter Contents of brackets [ ] may be omitted. Contents of parentheses ( ) may be repeated. Chapter 11 Writing Macro Control Statements 11.2 Macro DeÞnitions (macro, endm) Syntax macro_name macro [dummy_parameter (, dummy_parameter)...] macro_body endm NOTE: 10 dummy parameters can be specified. Functional description A macro assigns a name to a single process that is used repeatedly in a program, simplifying the coding of source statements. Macros must be deÞned before they are called. The macro body is coded with multiple machine language instructions, directives, macro control instructions, and conditional assembly control instructions. A macro deÞnition is the assignment of a name to the single process in the macro body. A macro is called by coding its name in the operation Þeld of a source statement. The assembler then inserts the text of the macro body at that position. This is called macro expansion. Macro deÞnitions can have up to 10 dummy parameters. Dummy parameters are used within the macro body to allow the caller to modify some of the expanded text. Reference: Subroutines have similar functions, but macros and subroutines differ on the following points. 1) Macro expansion actually writes the macro body's machine language code in the object file each time the macro is called at that call's position. For subroutines the subroutine body exists at one location in the program. 2) By using parameters, macro expansion allows the programmer to change the expanded machine language instructions each time the macro is called. For subroutines the process cannot be changed. Macro Definition (macro, endm) 267 Chapter 11 Writing Macro Control Statements Coding rules The following instructions cannot be used within macro deÞnitions. ¥ include directive ¥ macro directive Ñ within a macro deÞnition another different macro cannot be deÞned ¥ purge directive Ñ within a macro deÞnition macros cannot be purged The symbols used in the label Þelds within a macro deÞnition must be declared with the local directive or passed from the outside using dummy parameters. Refer to section 11.5, "Local Symbol Declaration (local)", for details. A macro can be redeÞned. The new deÞnition will be effective from the following line on. The purge directive can purge a macro deÞnition. The macro will be recognized as an instruction or symbol from the following line on. The same mnemonic as a machine language instruction can be used as a macro name. Which receives priority at assembly time can be speciÞed using front and back directives. When the same mnemonic as a machine language instruction is deÞned as a macro, the default is as though the back directive had been speciÞed, which causes assembly as a machine language instruction. Lines after a front directive will give the macro deÞnition priority. Refer to section 9.11, "front / back", for details. The assembler does not perform syntax checks when a macro is deÞned. If there are errors or warnings, then they will be output when the macro is expanded. Usage example An example macro deÞnition is shown below. xchg macro mov D2, D0 mov D1, D2 mov D0, D1 endm 268 Macro Definition (macro, endm) Chapter 11 Writing Macro Control Statements 11.3 Macro Calls And Expansion Syntax macro_name NOTE: [parameter (, parameter)... ] 10 parameters can be specified. Functional description A macro is called by coding its name in the operation Þeld of a source statement. The assembler then inserts the text of the macro body at that position. When parameters are speciÞed, their values are passed in the same order as the dummy parameter when the macro was deÞned. mac1 macro para1, para2, para3 ;macro deÞnition address, data, count ;macro call . . endm main mac1 In this example para1, para2, and para3 are dummy parameters. The parameters of the macro call are passed to the dummy parameters as follows. para1 = address para2 = data para3 = count Macro Calls And Expansion 269 Chapter 11 Writing Macro Control Statements Coding rules Any string can be speciÞed as a parameter. To specify a string that includes commas or spaces, use the macro operator <>. Refer to section 9.4, "Macro Operators", for details. If there are more parameters than there were dummy parameters in the macro deÞnition, then an error will occur. If there are fewer parameters than there were dummy parameters in the macro deÞnition, then the assembler will process the remaining parameters as though null characters were speciÞed. In the list Þle, the line numbers of source statements with macro calls will be preÞxed by the letter 'M'. The source statements resulting from macro expansion will have a '+' appended to the line number. Usage example A source Þle is shown below. The macro add_adr has one dummy parameter. The dummy parameter is used as the operand of an add machine language instruction within the macro body. Take note whether a macro name is the same as a machine language instruction. The macro is called with var1 and var2 as parameters. var1 equ 0x10 var2 equ var1+2 add_adr macro adr add adr, A0 endm _CODE section CODE, PUBLIC, 2 add_adr var1 add_adr var2 main end Reference: By adding the Lm option when the assembler is started, you can suppress the output of mnemonics of macros expanded by the assembler. 270 Macro Calls And Expansion Chapter 11 Writing Macro Control Statements The assembled list Þle is shown below. *** Loc mn102L00 Object =00000010 =00000012 000000 D010 000002 D012 ROM size No No is 4(Hex. error in warning in 00000000 00000000 00000010 00000012 A T A A Cross Line 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 M10 10+ M11 11+ 12 this this INC_MAC Assembler Source var1 var2 .LST *** Page1 equ equ 0x10 var1+2 add_adr macro add adr adr,A0 endm _CODE main 00000004) assembly assembly INC_MAC section CODE, PUBLIC, 2 add_adr add add_adr add end var1 var1, A0 var2 var2, A0 .LST Page2 _CODE main var1 var2 Macro Calls And Expansion 271 Chapter 11 Writing Macro Control Statements 11.4 Macro Operators Macro operators are used in macro bodies to operate on parameters of macro calls. Macro operators are listed below. Operator & Description Concatenates strings. Macro deÞnition dummy parameters p1&p2&p3 ® p1&p2&p3 ® Escape characters for including normally (<, >, &, \) in parameters of macro calls. Macro deÞnition dummu parameters p1&p2&\>\>&p3\&0x0f ® Passes the enclosed string as a single Macro deÞnition dummy parameters p1 ® \ <> Macro call abc, def,ghi ® data, 1, 3 ® unusable Macro expansion abcdefghi data13 characters Mcro calll var. 3. 2 ® parameter of a Macro call <ÒabcÓ, 1> ® Macro expansion var3>>2&0x0f macro call. Macro expansion ÒabcÓ, 1 Usage example The following example uses the operators \, <>, and &. The & characters in the body of macro mac1 are used with two different meanings. The & before the dummy parameters is a macro operator. The & before the hexadecimal 0x0f indicates a logical AND. mac1 mac2 _CODE main macro mov endm macro p1 endm section mac1 mac2 end 272 Macro Oprators p1, p2, p3 p1&p2\>\>&p3\&0x0f, D0 p1, p2 p2 CODE, PUBLIC, 2 1,2,3 <add>, <1, D0> Chapter 11 Writing Macro Control Statements The assembled list Þle is shown below. *** Loc mn102L00 Object 000000 8001 000002 D401 ROM size No No is 4 (Hex. error in warning in 00000000 00000000 A _CODE T main NOTE: Cross Line 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 M11 11+ M12 12+ 13 this this MAC Assembler Source mac1 .LST *** Page1 macro mov endm p1, p2, p3 p1&p2\>\>&p3\&0x0f, D0 mac2 p1 endm _CODE main 00000004) assembly assembly MAC macro p1, p2 p2 section CODE, PUBLIC, 0 mac1 mov mac2 add end 1,2,3 12>>3&0x0f, D0 <add>, <1,D0> 1, D0 .LST Page2 < > can be nested at a macro call. Macro Operators 273 Chapter 11 Writing Macro Control Statements Example: mac2 NOTE: 1, <<10, 20>, <30, 40>> Be sure to use < > in pairs for nesting. The parameter cannot be passed to macro, if < > are not used in pairs. Be sure to know the followings when you describe shift operators (<<, >>) in the parameter enclosed with < >. Left shift (<<) in the parameter enclosed with < > may be assumed as < of macro operator, so that the pairs of < > cannot be recognized correctly. In this case, macro expansion cannot be performed correctly. (Example(1)). Right shift (>>) in the < > does not prevent the correct expansion because > of macro operator is processed prior to shift operators (Example(2)). If you describe shift operators in the < >, append backslash(\) just before < or > to clarify it as not macro operator (Example(3), (4)). Example: mac3 <1<<2>, 3 mac3 <1>>2>, 3 mac3 <1\<\<2>, 3 mac3 <1\>\>2>, 3 274 Macro Operators ;(1) ;(2) ;(3) ;(4) leads wrong expansion result processed correctly processed correctly processed correctly Chapter 11 Writing Macro Control Statements 11.5 Local Symbol Declaration (local) Syntax macro_name symbol macro parameter local symbol (, symbol)... . . . endm NOTE: 30 symbols can be specified. Functional description The local directive declares local symbols used in a macro body. When local symbols are expanded, the are expanded in the form ??XXXXX, where XXXXX is in the range starting 00001 to 99999. Coding rules Symbols speciÞed with the local directive should not be used outside the macro deÞnition. The local directive can be used only within macro deÞnitions. Local symbols should be used after they have been declared by the local directive. If the local symbol ??XXXXX used by the local directive is not undeÞned, then an error will occur. Local Symbol Declaration (local) 275 Chapter 11 Writing Macro Control Statements Usage example An example using the local directive is shown below. loc lab1 lab2 macro p1 local lab1, lab2, lab3 mov p1, D0 mov 0, D1 cmp D1, D0 bcc lab2 mov (A0), D2 add 1, D1 bra lab2 lab3 nop _CODE section CODE, PUBLIC, 2 loc 3 loc 2 endm main end The assembled list file is shown next. You can see that each time the local symbol is expanded it is changed to ??00001, ??00002, ... *** Loc 000000 000002 000004 276 mn102L00 Object A030 A500 324 Local Symbol Declaration (local) Cross Line 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 M18 18+ 18+ 18+ LOCAL Assembler Source loc local mov mov lab1 bcc lab2 add mov addw add bra lab3 endm .LST *** Page1 macro lab1, lab2 p1, D0 0, D1 cmp lab2 mov 1, D2 D2, (A0) 2, A0 1, D1 lab2 nop p1 lab3 _CODE main section CODE, PUBLIC, 0 loc mov mov cmp 3 3, D0 3, D1 D1, D0 ??00001 D1, D0 (A0), D2 Chapter 11 Writing Macro Control Statements 000005_ 000008 000009 00000A_ 00000B_ 00000D 00000E_ 000011 9C000 4A 821 5A EC2 811 99000 00 000012 000014 000016 000017_ 00001A 00001B 000001C_ 000001D_ 000001F 000020_ 000023 A020 A500 324 9C000 4A 821 5A EC2 811 99000 00 ROM size No No is 36 (Hex. error in warning in *** 00000004 00000008 00000011 00000016 0000001A 00000023 00000000 00000000 Symbol T ??00001 T ??00002 T ??00003 T ??00004 T ??00005 T ??00006 T _CODE T main +18 18+ 18+ 18+ 18+ 18+ +18+ 18+ M19 19+ 19+ 19+ +19+ 19+ 19+ 19+ 19+ 19+ +19+ 19+ 20 this this ??00002 ??00003 loc ??00004 ??00005 ??00006 bcc mov add mov addw add bra nop 2 mov mov cmp bcc mov add mov addw add bra nop end 00000024) assembly assembly LOCAL .LST Table *** ??00002 (A0), D2 1, D2 D2, (A0) 2, A0 1, D1 ??00002 2, D0 0, D1 D1, D0 ??00005 (A0), D2 1, D2 D2, (A0) 2, A0 1, D1 ??00005 Page2 Local Symbol Declaration (local) 277 Chapter 11 Writing Macro Control Statements 11.6 Forced Termination Of Macro Expansion (exitm) Syntax macro_name macro #ifndef identiÞer parameter exitm #endif . . . endm Functional description The exitm directive forcibly terminates macro expansion at the point it appears. Used in conjunction with an #ifndef directive, it can end macro expansion if an identiÞer is undeÞned. If the identiÞer has been deÞned, then expansion beyond #endif will be performed. (The conditions are reversed when #ifdef is used.) Coding rules In addition to #ifdefÐ#endif, all directives listed in section 8.5, "Conditional Assembly", can be used. The exitm directive can be used at any location. The assembler will terminate macro expansion after it appears. The exitm directive can only be used within macro deÞnitions. Usage example Usage example with #ifb directive A source Þle is shown below. The identiÞer TEST is used for the condition. In main the Þrst macro call is made with TEST undeÞned. This causes exitm to be executed, so jsr debug will not be expanded. TEST is deÞned before the second macro call, so here the statements after #endif will be assembled. 278 Local Symbol Declaration (local) Chapter 11 Writing Macro Control Statements extm macro #ifndef TEST mov 1, D0 exitm #endif jsr debug endm _CODE section CODE, PUBLIC, 2 main extm #define TEST extm end Forced Termination Of Macro Expansion (exitm) 279 Chapter 11 Writing Macro Control Statements The list Þle is shown below. The second macro call has been expanded after #endif. *** Loc 000000 mn102L00 Object 8001 Cross Line 1 EXITM .LST Assembler *** Source extm macro 2 3 #ifndef 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 M11 11+ 11+ 11+ 11+ 11+ 12 000002 280 8001 000004 F4E1000000 ROM size No No is 9 (Hex. error in warning in *** 00000000 00000000 00000000 Symbol A _CODE +U debug T main M13 13+ 13+ XX+ 13+ +13+ 14 this this Forced Termination Of Macro Expansion (exitm) mov Page1 1, D0 TEST exitm #endif _CODE main #ifndef jsr endm debug section CODE, PUBLIC, 2 extm mov 1, D0 TEST exitm #endif jsr #define TEST extm mov #ifndef debug 1, D0 TEST exitm #endif jsr end 00000009) assembly assembly EXITM .LST Table *** debug Page2 Chapter 11 Writing Macro Control Statements Usage example with #ifeq directive A source Þle is shown below. The macro call parameter is passed to the expression used as the #ifeq condition. If #ifeq has two different parameters, then expansion will terminate. In this example, p1=off for the Þrst macro expansion, so the statements after #endif will be expanded. In the second macro expansion p1=on, so statements after #endif will not be expanded. extm macro #ifeq p1, 0ff p1 exitm #else jsr debug endm _CODE section CODE, PUBLIC, 2 extm off extm on main end Forced Termination Of Macro Expansion (exitm) 281 Chapter 11 Writing Macro Control Statements The assembled list Þle is shown below. *** Loc mn102L00 Object Cross Line 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 M11 11+ 000000 282 F4E1000000 ROM size No No is 5 (Hex. error in warning in *** 00000000 00000000 00000000 Symbol A _CODE +U debug T main 11+ 11+ 11+ 11+ M12 12+ XX+ 12+ +12+ 12+ 13 this this Forced Termination Of Macro Expansion (exitm) EXITM1 .LST Assembler *** Source extm macro #ifeq Page1 p1 p1, off exitm #else jsr debug #endif endm _CODE main #ifeq section CODE, PUBLIC, 2 extm off off, off exitm #else jsr debug extm on, off exitm on jsr debug #endif #ifeq #else #endif end 00000005) assembly assembly EXITM1 .LST Table *** Page2 Chapter 11 Writing Macro Control Statements 11.7 Purging Macro DeÞnitions (purge) Syntax macro_name (, macro_name)... purge Functional description The purge directive purges the deÞnitions of the speciÞed macro names. Coding rules The macro names speciÞed with the purge directive are valid for previously deÞned macro names. After the purge directive, purged macros will not be expanded even if they are called. They will be processed as instructions or symbols. The purge directive cannot be used within macro deÞnitions. When multiple macro names are speciÞed, they are delimited by commas (,). Usage example This example deÞnes the macro name rts, which is the same as a machine language instruction. The Þrst rts will be taken as a macro call and expanded. The rts after purge has been executed will not be recognized as a macro name, but will be taken as a return instruction. front rts macro nop endm _CODE section CODE, PUBLIC, 2 main rts purge rts rts end Forced Termination Of Macro Expansion (exitm) 283 Chapter 11 Writing Macro Control Statements The assembled list Þle is shown below. *** Loc 000000 F6 000001 FE ROM size No No is 2 (Hex. error in warning in *** 00000000 00000000 284 mn102L00 Object Symbol A _CODE T main Purging Macro Definitions (purge) Cross Line 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 M8 8+ 9 10 11 this this PURGE .LST Assembler *** Source Page1 front rts macro nop endm _CODE main section CODE, PUBLIC, 2 rts nop purge rts end rts 00000002) assembly assembly PURGE .LST Table *** Page2 Chapter 11 Writing Macro Control Statements 11.8 rept Syntax expression rept block endm Functional description The rept directive repeatedly expands the speciÞed block the speciÞed number of times. It is used for simple repeating without parameters. The rept directive can be coded anywhere in a program or even within a macro deÞnition. Coding rules Symbols cannot be used within a block. If used, then a double deÞnition error will occur. The local directive cannot be used either. Further rept and ipt directives and macro calls can be coded within a block. Up to 20 nesting levels are allowed. Usage example In the following example, the rept directive is in a macro deÞnition that is used twice in the program main. repeat macro p1 rept p1 add 1, D0 endm endm _CODE section CODE, PUBLIC, 2 repeat 5 main rept 3 repeat 2 endm end rept 285 Chapter 11 Writing Macro Control Statements The assembled list Þle is shown below. *** Loc 000000 000002 000004 000006 000008 286 rept mn102L00 Object D401 D401 D401 D401 D401 00000A 00000C D401 D401 00000E 000010 D401 D401 0000012 0000014 D401 D401 ROM size No No is 22 (Hex. error in warning in *** 00000000 Symbol A _CODE Cross Line 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 M9 M9+ 9+ 9+ 9+ 9+ 9+ 9+ 9+ M10 11 12 M12+ M12+ 12+ 12+ 12+ 12+ M12+ M12+ 12+ 12+ 12+ 12+ M12+ M12+ 12+ 12+ 12+ 12+ 13 this this REPT .LST Assembler *** Source repeat macro rept add endm endm _CODE main 00000016) assembly assembly REPT Table Page1 p1 p1 1, D0 section CODE, PUBLIC, 2 repeat rept add endm add add add add add rept repeat endm repeat rept add endm add add repeat rept add endm add add repeat rept add endm add add end 5 5 1, D0 .LST *** 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3 2 D0 D0 D0 D0 D0 2 2 1, D0 1, D0 1, D0 2 2 1, D0 1, D0 1, D0 2 2 1, D0 1, D0 1, D0 Page2 Chapter 11 Writing Macro Control Statements 00000000 T main The first call of the repeat macro expands to five add instructions. The next repeat macro call is within a rept that repeats three times, so it will expand to three sets of two add instructions each. rept 287 Chapter 11 Writing Macro Control Statements 11.9 irp Syntax irp dummy_parameter, parameter (, parameter) ... block endm NOTE: 10 dummy parameters can be specified. Functional description The irp directive repeatedly expands the speciÞed block the speciÞed number of times. The dummy parameter is used within the block. The macro expansion replaces the dummy parameter with each parameter in turn, repeated for the number of parameters. Coding rules Symbols cannot be used within a block. If used, then a double deÞnition error will occur. The local directive cannot be used either. If a comma (,) delimiters in a row are speciÞed, then the corresponding parameter will be processed as though a null character had been speciÞed. To specify strings that include commas and spaces, use the macro operator <>. 288 rept Chapter 11 Writing Macro Control Statements Usage example In the following example, the irp directive is in a macro deÞnition that is used twice in the program main. init _CODE main _DATA data macro irp mov mov endm endm section init irp mov endm section dw opr, <data\& 0x0f> opr, D0 opr, D1 CODE, PUBLIC, 0 reg, D2, D3 0, reg DATA, PUBLIC, 2 0 end irp 289 Chapter 11 Writing Macro Control Statements The assembled list Þle is shown below. *** Loc 290 irp mn102L00 Object 000000 000002 F470000000 F470000000 000004 000006 AA00 AF00 000000 0000 ROM size No No is 16(Hex. error in warning in *** 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 Symbol A _CODE A _DATA D data T main Cross Lne 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 M10 M10+ 10+ 10+ 10+ +10+ +10+ M11 12 13 13+ 13+ 14 15 16 17 18 this this IRP .LST Assembler *** Source init macro irp mov mov endm endm Page1 _CODE main CODE, PUBLIC, 2 section init irp mov mov endm mov mov irp mov endm mov mov _DATA data section dw end 00000010) assembly assembly IRP .LST Table *** opr,<data\&0x0f> opr, D0 opr, D1 opr,<data&0x0f> opr, D0 opr, D1 data&0x0f, D0 data&0x0f, D1 reg, D2, D3 0, reg 0, D2 0, D3 DATA, PUBLIC, 2 0 Page2 Chapter 11 Writing Macro Control Statements 11.10 irpc Syntax dummy_parameter, "string" irpc block endm Functional description The irpc description repeatedly replaces the dummy parameter with each character in the speciÞed string one at a time. The dummy parameter can be used in the block. The macro expansion replaces the dummy parameter with each character in turn, repeated for the number of characters. Coding rules The string cannot include the characters &, \, ', and ". Symbols cannot be used within a block. If used, then a double deÞnition error will occur. The local directive cannot be used either. Usage example The following example uses the irpc directive . _CODE section irpc dc endm irpc dc irpc dc endm irpc dc end CODE, PUBLIC, 2 dummy, ÒA1!Ó ÔdummyÕ dummy, Ò#$%( ) = ! @ ~ [ Ò ÔdummyÕ dummy, Ò1234567890Ó ÔdummyÕ dummy, Ò?_Ó ÔdummyÕ irpc 291 Chapter 11 Writing Macro Control Statements The assembled list Þle is shown below. *** Loc 292 irpc mn102L00 Object IRPC .LST Assembler *** Source _CODE section irpc dc endm Page1 000000 41 Cross Lne 1 M2 3 4 4+ 000001 31 4+ dc 000002 20 4+ dc 000003 21 4+ dc 000004 20 4+ dc 000005 20 4+ dc ÔAÕ Ô1 Ô Ô Õ Ô!Õ Ô Ô Ô Ô M5 6 7 irpc dc dummy, Ò#$%( )=!@~[ ÔdummyÕ 7+ 7+ 7+ 7+ 7+ 7+ 7+ 7+ 7+ 7+ M8 9 10 10+ 10+ 10+ 10+ 10+ 10+ 10+ 10+ 10+ 10+ M11 12 13 13+ 13+ 14 dc dc dc dc dc dc dc dc dc dc irpc dc endm dc dc dc dc dc dc dc dc dc dc irpc dc endm dc dc end 0000001C) 000006 000007 000008 000009 00000A 00000B 00000C 00000D 00000E 00000F 23 24 25 28 29 3D 21 40 7E 5B 000010 000011 000012 000013 000014 000015 000016 000017 000018 000019 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 30 00001A 00001B 3F 5F ROM size No is 28 error in this dc CODE, PUBLIC, 2 dummy, ÒA1 ! Ò ÔdummyÕ endm (Hex. assembly Ô#Õ Ô$Õ Ô%Õ Ô(Ô Ô)Ô Ô=Õ Ô!Ô Ô@Ô Ô~Ô Ô[ dummy, Ò1234567890Ó ÔdummyÕ Ô1Õ Ô2Õ Ô3Õ Ô4Õ Ô5Õ Ô7Õ Ô8Õ Ô9Õ Ô9Õ Ô0Õ dummy, Ò?_Ó ÔdummyÕ Ô?Õ Ô_Õ Chapter 11 Writing Macro Control Statements No warning in *** 00000000 Symbol A _CODE this assembly IRPC .LST Table *** Page2 irpc 293 Chapter 11 Writing Macro Control Statements 11.11 front / back Syntax front . . back . . Functional description The front and back directives change the look-up sequence of machine language instructions and macro names. They are used when deÞning macros with the same names as machine language instructions. The assembler maintains two tables: one that registers machine language instructions and one that registers macro instructions. Normally (in the default state) the assembler processes the table that registers machine language instructions Þrst. That means macros with the same name as machine language instructions will not be expanded. The front directive changes the table look-up sequence so that the assembler searches the table that registers macro instructions Þrst. When a macro has the same name as a machine language instruction, the macro expansion will have priority. front First search table that registers macro instructions. back First search table that registers machine language instructions. Coding rules The front and back directives can be coded at any statement position in a program. The look-up sequence will change from the next line after the front/back directive. 294 front / back Chapter 11 Writing Macro Control Statements Usage example A source Þle is shown below. It deÞnes the macro rts, which has the same name as a machine language instruction. front rts macro nop endm _CODE section CODE, PUBLIC, 2 main rts purge rts rts back rts macro nop endm rts purge rts rts end front/back 295 Chapter 11 Writing Macro Control Statements The assembled list Þle is shown below. *** Loc 000000 F6 000001 FE 000002 FE 000003 FE ROM size No No is4 error in warning in *** 00000000 00000000 296 mn102L00 Object front/back Symbol A _CODE T main Cross Lne 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 M8 8+ 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 this this FRONT .LST Assembler *** Source front rts macro nop endm Page1 _CODE main section CODE, PUBLIC, 2 rts nop purge rts back rts rts macro nop endm rts purge rts end 00000004) (Hex. assembly assembly FRONT .LST Table *** rts Page2 Chapter 12 List Of Machine Language Instructions 12 Chapter 12 List of Machine Language Instructions 12.1 Purpose Of This Chapter The chapter lists machine language instructions of the microcomputers. This comprehensive list of addressing modes and mnemonics for every instruction can be quite useful when you are coding machine language instruction statements. If you need to know about the detailed operation of individual instructions, then refer to the Instruction Manual. 298 Purpose Of This Chapter 12.2 Addressing Modes The microcomputers support four addressing modes for memory accesses. The following four address formats are methods for accessing an address speciÞed as an address register's contents or as the sum of an address register's contents and a displacement. ¥ Register indirect addressing ¥ Register relative indirect addressing ¥ Absolute addressing ¥ Index addressing Register indirect addressing Register indirect addressing Register indirect addressing is speciÞes the address to access with the address register An. 0 23 An RAM Address specification Addressing Modes 299 Chapter 12 List of Machine Language Instructions Register relative indirect addressing 1. Register relative indirect addressing determines the address to access using the following three combinations. Address register An with a sign-extended 8-bit or 16-bit displacement 0 16 d16/d8 0 23 23 An 0 sign-extended + 0 23 RAM Address specification 300 Addressing Modes 2. Address register An with a 24-bit displacement 0 23 23 0 An d24 + 0 23 RAM Address specification 3. Program counter PC with a sign-extended 8-bit or 16-bit displacement 0 16 d16/d8 0 23 PC 23 0 sign-extended 0 23 RAM Address specification Addressing Modes 301 Chapter 12 List of Machine Language Instructions Absolute addressing Absolute addressing speciÞes the address to be accessed as a 24-bit or 16-bit displacement. 0 23 abs24/abs16 RAM Address specification Index addressing Index addressing extends the offset of register indirect addressing, adds address register An and data register Dn, and takes the resulting value as the offset. 0 23 15 0 An Dn + 0 23 RAM Address specification 302 Addressing Modes 12.3 List Of Machine Language Instructions Symbol An, Am Dn, Dm imm8 imm16 imm24 d8 d16 d24 MDR PSW CF ZF NF VF CXF ZXF NXF VXF () Description Address register (n, M=3 to 0) Data register (n, M = 3 to 0) 8-bit immediate data speciÞed with an instruction 16-bit immediate data speciÞed with an instruction 24-bit immediate data speciÞed with an instruction 8-bit offset data speciÞed with an instruction 16-bit offset data speciÞed with an instruction 24-bit offset data speciÞed with an instruction Multiply/divide register Program status word Carry ßag Zero ßag Negative ßag Overßow ßag Extended carry ßag Extended zero ßag Extended negative ßag Extended overßow ßag Indicates an indirect address List Of Machine Language Instructions 303 Chapter 12 List of Machine Language Instructions 12.3.1 Data Move Instructions MOVE source to destination Mnemonic Register Direct Immediate Value Register Indirect MOV Dn, Am MOV An, Dm MOV Dn, Dm MOV an, Am MOV DBRn, Dn MOV Dn, DBRn MOV MDR, Dn MOV Dn, MDR MOV PSW, Dn MOV Dn, PSW MOV SCBR, Dn MOV Dn, SCBR MOV imm8, Dn MOV imm16, Dn MOV imm24, Dn MOV imm16, An MOV imm24, An MOV (An),Dm MOV Dn, (Am) MOV (An), Am MOVB(An), Dm MOVB Dn, (Am) MOVBU (An), Dm Register Relative Indirect 304 MOV (d8, An), Dm MOV Dn, (d8, Am) MOV (d16, An), Dm Description of operation Moves contents of Dn to Am. Moves contents of An to Dm Moves contents of Dn to Dm Moves contents of An to Am Moves sign-extended contents of DBRn to Dn Moves lower 8 bits of Dn to DBRn Moves contents of MDR to Dn Moves contents of Dn to MDR Moves contents of PSW to Dn Moves contents of Dn to PSW Moves sign-extended contents of SCBR to Dn Moves lower 8 bits of Dn to SCBR Moves sign-extended 8-bit immediate data speciÞed by the instruction to Dn Moves 16-bit immediate data speciÞed by the instruction to Dn Moves 24-bit immediate data speciÞed by the instruction to Dn Moves 16-bit immediate data speciÞed by the instruction to An Moves 24-bit immediate data speciÞed by ghe instruction to An Moves contents of memory speciÞed by An to Dm Moves contents of Dn to memory speciÞed by Am Moves contents of An to memory speciÞed by Am Moves sign-extended 8-bit contents of memory speciÞed by An to Dm Moves lower 8 bits of contents of Dn to memory speciÞed by Am Moves zero-extended 8-bit contents of memory speciÞed by An to Dm Moves contents of memory speciÞed by An, d8 to Dm Moves contents of Dn to memory speciÞed by Am, d8 Moves contents of Dn to memory specified by Am, d24 MOV Dn, (d16, Am) Moves contents of Dn to memory speciÞed by Am, d16 MOV (d24, An), Dm Moves contents of Dn to memory speciÞed by Am, d24 MOV Dn,(d24, Am) Moves contents of memory speciÞed by Am, d24 MOV (d8, An), Am Moves contents of memory speciÞed by An,d8 to Am. MOV An, (d8, Am) Moves contents of An to memory speciÞed by Am,d8. MOV (d16, An), Am Moves contents of memory speciÞed by An,d16 to Am MOV An, (d16, Am) Moves contents of An to memory speciÞed by Am,d16 MOV (d24, An), Am Moves contents of memory speciÞed by An,d24 to Am MOV An, (d24, Am) Moves contents of An to memory speciÞed by Am,d24 MOVB (d8, An), Dm Moves sign-extended 8-bit contents of memory speciÞed by An,d8 to Dm. List Of Machine Language Instructions Mnemonic (Register Relative Indirect) Index Absolute Description of operation MOVB Dn, (d8, Am) Moves lower 8 bits of contents of Dn to memory speciÞed by Am,d8. MOVB (d16, An), Moves sign-extended 8-bit contents of memory speciÞed by Dm An,d16 to Dm. MOVB Dn, (d16, Moves lower 8 bits of contents of Dn to memory speciÞed by Am) Am,d16. MOVB (d24, An), Moves sign-extended 8-bit contents of memory speciÞed by Dm An,d24 to Dm. MOVB Dn, (d24, Moves lower 8 bits of contents of Dn to memory speciÞed by Am) Am,d24. MOVBU (d8, An), Moves zero-extended 8-bit contents of memory speciÞed by Dm An,d8 to Dm MOVBU (d16, An), Moves zero-extended 8-bit contents of memory speciÞed by Dm An,d16 to Dm MOVBU (d24, An), Moves zero-extended 8-bit contents of memory speciÞed by Dm An,d24to Dm MOVX (d8, An)), Dm Moves contents of memory speciÞed by An,d8 to Dm. MOVX Dn, (d8, An) Moves contents of Dn to memory speciÞed by Am,d8 MOVX (d16, An)), Moves contents of memory speciÞed by An,d16to Dm Dm MOVX Dn, (d16, An) Moves contents of Dn to memory speciÞed by Am,d16 MOVX (d24, An)), Moves contents of memory speciÞed by An,d24 to Dm Dm MOVX Dn, (d24, Moves contents of Dn to memory speciÞed by Am,d24 Am) MOV (Dn, An), Dm Moves contents of memory speciÞed by Dn,An to Dm MOV Dn, (Dm, An) Moves contents of Dn to memory speciÞed by Dm,An MOV (Dn, An), Am Moves contents of memory speciÞed by Dn,An to Am MOV An, (Dn, Am) Moves contents of Dn to memory speciÞed by Dm,Am MOVB (Dn, An), Dm Moves sign-extended 8-bit contents of memory speciÞed by An,Dn to Dm MOVB Dn, (Dm, An) Moves lower 8 bits of contents of Dn to memory speciÞed by An,Dm MOVBU (Dn, An), Moves zero-extended 16-bit contents of memory speciÞed by Dm An,Dn to Dm MOV (abs16), Dn Moves contents of memory speciÞed by abs16 to Dn MOV (abs24), Dn Moves contents of memory speciÞed by abs24 to Dn MOV Dn, (abs16) Moves contents of Dn to memory speciÞed by abs16 MOV Dn, (abs24) Moves contents of Dn to memory speciÞed by abs24 MOV (abs16), An Moves contents of memory speciÞed by abs16 to An MOV (abs24), An Moves contents of memory speciÞed by abs24 to An MOV An, (abs16) Moves contents of An to memory speciÞed by abs16 MOV An, (abs24) Moves contents of An to memory speciÞed by abs24 MOVB (abs16), Dn Moves sign-extended 8-bit contents of memory speciÞed by abs16 to Dn MOVB Dn, (abs16) Moves lower 8 bits of contents of Dn to memory speciÞed by abs16 List Of Machine Language Instructions 305 Chapter 12 List of Machine Language Instructions Mnemonic (Absolute) Description of operation MOVB (abs24), Dn Moves sign-extended 8-bit contents of memory speciÞed by abs24 to Dn MOVB Dn, (abs24) Moves lower 8 bits of contents of Dn to memory speciÞed by abs24 MOVBU (abs16), Dn Moves zero-extended 8-bit contents of memory speciÞed by abs16 to Dn MOVBU (abs24), Dn Moves zero-extended 8-bit contents of memory speciÞed by abs24 to Dn EXTEND Sign Mnemonic EXT Dn EXTX Dn EXTU Dn EXTXB Dn EXTXBU Dn 306 Description of operation Sign-extends contents of Dn to 32 bits, and moves the extended upper 16 bits to MDR Sign-extends the lower 16 bits of Dn to 24 bits, and stores in Dn. Zero-extends the lower 16 bits of Dn to 24 bits, and stores in Dn. Sign-extends the lower 8 bits of Dn to 24 bits, and stores in Dn Zero-extends the lower 8 bits of Dn to 24 bits, and stores in Dn List Of Machine Language Instructions 12.3.2 Arithmetic Instructions ADD Mnemonic Register ADD Dn, Dm ADD Dn, An ADD An, Dn ADD An, Am ADD imm8, Dn Immediate ADD imm16, Dn Value ADD imm24, Dn ADD imm8, An ADD imm16, An ADD imm24, An Description of operation Adds contents of Dn and Dm, and stores result in Dm Adds contents of Dn and An, and stores result in An Adds contents of An and Dn, and stores result in Dn Adds contents of An and Am, and stores result in Am Adds sign-extended 8-bit immediate data speciÞed by the instruction to Dn, and stores the result in Dn Adds 16-bit immediate data speciÞed by the instruction to Dn, and stores the result in Dn Adds 24-bit immediate data speciÞed by the instruction to Dn, and stores the result in Dn Adds sign-extended 8-bit immediate data speciÞed by the instruction to An, and stores the result in An Adds 16-bit immediate data speciÞed by the instruction to An, and stores the result in An Adds 24-bit immediate data speciÞed by the instruction to An, and stores the result in An. ADD with CARRY Mnemonic ADDC Dn, Dm Description of operation Adds contents of Dn and Dm with the carry, and stores the result in Dm ADD without FLAG Mnemonic ADDNF imm8, An Description of operation Sign-extends the 8-bit immediate data speciÞed by the instruction, adds this to the contents of An, and stores the result in An. List Of Machine Language Instructions 307 Chapter 12 List of Machine Language Instructions SUBTRACT Mnemonic Register Immediate SUB Dn, Dm SUB Dn, An SUB An, Dn SUB An, Am SUB imm16, Dn Value SUB imm24, Dn SUB imm16, An SUB imm24, An Description of operation Subtracts contents of Dm from Dn, and stores result in Dm Subtracts contents of An from Dn, and stores result in An Subtracts contents of Dn from An, and stores result in Dn Subtracts contents of Am from An, and stores result in Am Subtracts 16-bit immediate data speciÞed by the instruction from Dn, and stores the result in Dn Subtracts 24-bit immediate data speciÞed by the instruction from Dn, and stores the result in Dn Subtracts 16-bit immediate data speciÞed by the instruction from An, and stores the result in An Subtracts 24-bit immediate data speciÞed by the instruction from An, and stores the result in An SUBTRACT with BORROW Mnemonic SUBC Dn, Dm Description of operation Subtracts contents of Dm from Dn with the carry, and stores the result in Dm MULTPLY Mnemonic Signed MUL Dn, Dm Unsigned MULU Dn, Dm Description of operation Multiplies contents of Dn (a signed 16-bit integer) and Dm (a signed 16-bit integer), and stores upper 16 bits of the 32-bit product in MDR and lower 16 bits in Dm Multiplies contents of Dn (an unsigned 16-bit integer) and Dm (an unsigned 16-bit integer), and stores upper 16 bits of the 32-bit product in MDR and lower 16 bits in Dm DIVIDE Mnemonic Unsigned 308 DIVU Dn, Dm List Of Machine Language Instructions Description of operation Divides contents of Dm (an unsigned 16-bit integer) into contents of the 32-bit unsigned integer formed by concatenating MDR (the upper 16 bits) and DN (the lower 16 bits), and stores the 16-bit quotient in Dm. If VF=1, then MDR and Dm will be undeÞned COMPARE source with destination Mnemonic Register CMP Dn, Dm CMP Dn, An CMP An, Am CMP An, Dn Immediate Value CMP imm8, Dn CMP imm16, Dn CMP imm24, Dn CMP imm16, An CMP imm24, An Description of operation Subtracts contents of Dn from Dm, and reßects the result in the ßags Subtracts contents of Dn from An, and reßects the result in the ßags Subtracts contents of Am from An, and reßects the result in the ßags Subtracts contents of An from Dn, and reßects the result in the ßags Subtracts sign-extended 8-bit immediate data speciÞed by the instruction from contents of Dn, and reßects the result in the ßags Subtracts 16-bit immediate data speciÞed by the instruction from contents of Dn, and reßects the result in the ßags Subtracts 24-bit immediate data speciÞed by the instruction from contents of Dn, and reßects the result in the ßags Subtracts 16-bit immediate data speciÞed by the instruction from contents of An, and reßects the result in the ßags Subtracts 24-bit immediate data speciÞed by the instruction from contents of An, and reßects the result in the ßags List Of Machine Language Instructions 309 Chapter 12 List of Machine Language Instructions 12.3.3 Logical Instructions AND source with destination Mnemonic AND Dn, Dm AND imm8, Dn AND imm16, Dn AND imm16, PSW Description of operation Performs logical AND of Dn and Dm, and stores result in Dm Performs logical AND of Dn and zero-extended 8-bit immediate data speciÞed by the instruction, and stores the result in Dn Performs logical AND of Dn and 16-bit immediate data speciÞed by the instruction, and stores the result in Dn Performs logical AND of PSW and 16-bit immediate data speciÞed by the instruction, and stores the result in PSW OR source with destination Mnemonic OR Dn, Dm OR imm8, Dn OR imm16, Dn OR imm16, PSW Description of operation Performs logical OR of Dn and Dm, and stores result in Dm. Performs logical OR of Dn and zero-extended 8-bit immediate data speciÞed by the instruction, and stores the result in Dn. Performs logical OR of Dn and 16-bit immediate data speciÞed by the instruction, and stores the result in Dn Performs logical OR of PSW and 16-bit immediate data speciÞed by the instruction, and stores the result in PSW EXCLUSIVE-OR source with destination Mnemonic Register Immediate Value XOR Dn, Dm XOR imm16, Dn Description of operation Performs exclusive OR of Dn and Dm, and stores result in Dm. Performs exclusive OR of Dn and 16-bit immediate data speciÞed by the instruction, and stores the result in Dn NOT destination Mnemonic NOT Dn 310 List Of Machine Language Instructions Description of operation Inverts all bits of Dn and stores the result in Dn. ARITHMETIC SHIFT RIGHT Mnemonic ASR Dn Description of operation Performs a 1-bit arithmetic shift right on contents of Dn and stores the result in Dn. The LSB of Dn from before the calculation will be stored in the C ßag LOGICAL SHIFT RIGHT Mnemonic LSR Dn Description of operation Performs a 1-bit logical shift right on contents of Dn and stores the result in Dn. The LSB of Dn from before the calculation will be stored in the C ßag. The MSB of Dn will be set to 0 ROTATE RIGHT Mnemonic ROR Dn Description of operation Concatenates Dn and the C ßag, rotates it 1-bit to the right,and stores the result in Dn ROTATE LEFT Mnemonic ROL Dn Description of operation Concatenates Dn and the C ßag, rotates it 1 bit to the left, and stores the result in Dn List Of Machine Language Instructions 311 Chapter 12 List of Machine Language Instructions 12.3.4 Subroutine Call Instructions CALL Subroutine Mnemonic JSR (An) JSR label RTS RTI Description of operation After pushing the next instruction address on the stack (low byte Þrst), sets PC to the contents of An and jumps to the subroutine. After pushing the next instruction address on the stack (low byte Þrst), jumps to the subroutine indicated by label Pops the address that was pushed on the stack, sets the PC to that address, and returns from the subroutine Performs the following to return from an interrupt routine ¥ Pops the stack to restore the PSW. ¥ Pops the caller address from the stack, and sets the PC to it. ¥ Sets the contents of SCBR to CBR 12.3.5 Unconditional Branch Instructions Unconditional BRANCH Mnemonic JMP (An) JMP label 312 List Of Machine Language Instructions Description of operation Branches unconditionally to the address speciÞed by the contents of An Branches unconditionally to the address speciÞed by label (branch range is 0 to 0xFFFFFF) 12.3.6 Conditional Branch Instructions Conditional BRANCH Mnemonic Meaning BEQ label ZF set BNE label ZF clear BGT label <(signed) BGE label £(signed) BLE label ³ (signed) BLT label > ( signed ) BHI label < ( unsigned ) BCC label £ ( unsigned ) CF clear BLS label ³ ( unsigned ) BCS label > ( unsigned ) CF set BVC label VF clear BVS label VF set BNC label NF clear BNS label NF set Description of operation If ZF=1, branches to the relative address speciÞed by label (branch range is -128 to +127). If ZF=0, executes the next instruction. If ZF=0, branches to the relative address speciÞed by label (branch range is -128 to +127). If ZF=1, executes the next instruction. If ZF=0 and NF=VF, branches to the relative address speciÞed by label (branch range is -128 to +127). If ZF=1 or NF<>VF, executes the next instruction. IF NF=VF, branches to the relative address speciÞed by label (branch range is -128 to +127). IF NF¹VF, executes the next instruction. If CF=1 or ZF=1, branches to the relative address speciÞed by label (branch range is -128 to +127). If CF=0 and ZF=0, executes the next instruction. If NF=1 and VF=1, or if NF=0 and VF=0, branches to the relative address speciÞed by label (branch range is -128 to +127). If NF=1 and VF=0, or if NF=0 and VF=1, executes the next instruction. If CF=0 and ZF=0, branches to the relative address speciÞed by label (branch range is -128 to +127). If CF=1 or ZF=0, executes the next instruction. If CF=0, branches to the relative address speciÞed by label (branch range is -128 to +127). If CF=1, executes the next instruction. If CF=1 or ZF=1, branches to the relative address speciÞed by label (branch range is -128 to +127). If CF=0 and ZF=0, executes the next instruction. If CF=1, branches to the relative address speciÞed by label (branch range is -128 to +127). If CF=0, executes the next instruction. If VF=0, branches to the relative address speciÞed by label (branch range is -128 to +127). If VF=1, executes the next instruction. If VF=1, branches to the relative address speciÞed by label (branch range is -128 to +127). If VF=0, executes the next instruction. If NF=0, branches to the relative address speciÞed by label (branch range is -128 to +127). If NF=1, executes the next instruction. If NF=1, branches to the relative address speciÞed by label (branch range is -128 to +127). If NF=0, executes the next instruction. List Of Machine Language Instructions 313 Chapter 12 List of Machine Language Instructions Mnemonic BRA label 314 Meaning l List Of Machine Language Instructions Description of operation Unconditionally branches to the relative address speciÞed by the operand label (branch range is -128 to +127). Extended Conditional BRANCH Mnemonic Meaning BEQX label = ZXF set BNEX label ¹ ZXF clear BGTX label <(signed) BGEX label £(signed) BLEX label ³ (signed) BLTX label > ( signed ) BHIX label < ( unsigned ) BCCX label £ ( unsigned ) CXF clear BLSX label ³ ( unsigned ) BCSX label > ( unsigned ) CFX set BVCX label VXF clear BVSX label VXF set BNCX label NXF clear BNSX label NXF set Description of operation If ZXF=1, branches to the relative address speciÞed by label (branch range is -128 to +127). If ZXF=0, executes the next instruction. If ZXF=0, branches to the relative address speciÞed by label (branch range is -128 to +127). If ZXF=1, executes the next instruction. If ZXF=0 and NXF=VXF, branches to the relative address speciÞed by label (branch range is -128 to +127). If ZXF=1 or NXF¹VXF, executes the next instruction. IF NXF=VXF, branches to the relative address speciÞed by label (branch range is -128 to +127). IF NXF¹VXF, executes the next instruction. If CXF=1 or ZXF=1, branches to the relative address speciÞed by label (branch range is -128 to +127). If CXF=0 and ZXF=0, executes the next instruction. If NXF=1 and VXF=1, or if NXF=0 and VXF=0, branches to the relative address speciÞed by label (branch range is -128 to +127). If NXF=1 and VXF=0, or if NXF=0 and VXF=1, executes the next instruction. If CXF=0 and ZXF=0, branches to the relative address speciÞed by label (branch range is -128 to +127). If CXF=1 or ZXF=0, executes the next instruction. If CFX=0, branches to the relative address speciÞed by label (branch range is -128 to +127). If CFX=1, executes the next instruction. If CXF=1 or ZXF=1, branches to the relative address speciÞed by label (branch range is -128 to +127). If CXF=0 and ZXF=0, executes the next instruction. If CXF=1, branches to the relative address speciÞed by label (branch range is -128 to +127). If CXF=0, executes the next instruction. If VXF=0, branches to the relative address speciÞed by label (branch range is -128 to +127). If VXF=1, executes the next instruction. If VXF=1, branches to the relative address speciÞed by label (branch range is -128 to +127). If VXF=0, executes the next instruction. If NXF=0, branches to the relative address speciÞed by label (branch range is -128 to +127). If NXF=1, executes the next instruction. If NXF=1, branches to the relative address speciÞed by label (branch range is -128 to +127). If NXF=0, executes the next instruction. List Of Machine Language Instructions 315 Chapter 12 List of Machine Language Instructions 12.3.7 Bit Manipulation Instructions BIT Operation Mnemonic BTST imm8, Dn BTST imm16, Dn BSET Dn, (Am) BCLR Dn, (Am) Description of operation Performs a logical AND of the contents of Dn and the zero-extended 8-bit immediate data speciÞed by the instruction, and reßects the result in the ßags. Performs a logical AND of the contents of Dn and the 16-bit immediate data speciÞed by the instruction, and reßects the result in the ßags. Loads a 16-bit internal temporary register with the zero-extended 8-bit contents of the memory indicated by Am, performs a logical AND with the contents of Dn, and reßects the ßag results in the PSW. Also performs a logical OR of the contents of the temporary register and Dn, storing the lower 8 bits of the result in the memory indicated by Am. Bus clocks and interrupts are disabled while all operations of this instruction are executed. Loads a 16-bit internal temporary register with the zero-extended 8-bit contents of the memory indicated by Am, performs a logical AND with the contents of Dn, and reßects the ßag results in the PSW. Also performs a logical OR of the contents of the temporary register and the inverted contents of Dn, storing the lower 8 bits of the result in the memory indicated by Am. Bus 12.3.8 Other Instructions NO OPERATION Mnemonic NOP 316 Description of operation Performs no processing. Consumes a Þxed amount of time. List Of Machine Language Instructions Chapter 13 Error Messages 13 Chapter 13 Error Messages 13.1 Purpose Of This Chapter There are three types of errors ¥ Warnings ¥ Errors ¥ Fatal errors This chapter lists the error messages that may occur during assembly and linking. How to read The meanings of each entry in the error message tables are as shown below. error_number 318 Purpose Of This Chapter displayed_message cause solutions Chapter 10 Error Messages 13.2 Assembler Errors The assembler has three types of messages: warning messages, error messages, and fatal error messages. 13.2.1 Error Messages 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Syntax error This line has a syntax error. Refer to the instruction guidelines in this manual. Operand error An incorrect type of operand was used for a machine language instruction Check whether or not the operand type and value are incorrect. Illegal operand value The operand value is not a legal value. Change the operand value to a legal value. Symbol multiple defined This is a symbol double-deÞnition error. Change the symbol. Symbol undefined This is an undeÞned symbol error. DeÞne the symbol or declare it as an external reference. Can't output to listing file The columns per line in the list Þle is too small. Make the columns per line larger with the page directive. Operand type should be absolute The operand value is not an absolute address. Specify an absolute address for the operand valu Illegal address mode An illegal address mode was used. Check the address mode. Illegal symbol type An illegal address mode was used. Check the symbol type. Define symbol multiple defined This is a symbol double-deÞnition error. Change the #deÞne identiÞer or use the #undef directive. ROM or RAM table over flow The ROM or RAM check table is full. Contact Matsushita Electronics Corporation. Assembler Errors 319 Chapter 13 Error Messages 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 320 Assembler Errors Use map file value The map Þle and assembly results are different. Check the map Þle value. Expression oveflow A value outside the allowed range was speciÞed for a dc directive operand. Make the value fall within range. Eliminated instruction A value outside the allowed range was speciÞed for a dc directive operand. Make the value fall within range. Branch address out of range The branch address exceeds the allowed range. Check the branch address. Unterminated conditional assemble There is no #endif. Specify an #endif. Operand value should be 0 -15 The operand value is not a legal value. Change the operand value to a legal value. Operand value should be -128 -255. The operand value is not a legal value. Change the operand value to a legal value. Operand value should be 0 - 255. The operand value is not a legal value. Change the operand value to a legal value. Too many "#if" or "#endif" The numbers of #if and #endif directives do not match. Check the #if and #endif speciÞcations. Too many "#else" There are too many #else directives. Check the #else speciÞcations. No optimizing information There is no optimization information in the map Þle. Check the map Þle. Illegal constant The coding of an expression is illegal. Check the expression coding. Change PADIX equal 10 The radix for expressions in extended language is not 10. Change the radix to using the radix directive. Ignore RADIX When expression format is extended language, te fadix directive is ignored. Remove the radix directive. Chapter 10 Error Messages 2025 2026 2030 Define symbol recursive defined A #deÞne directive identiÞer is recursively deÞned. Check the deÞnition of the #deÞne directive identiÞer. Can't find newline at EOF The source Þle ended without a carriage return character. Add a carriage return character at the end of the line. Write code at code section An instruction is coded outside the code section. Code instructions in the code section. Assembler Errors 321 Chapter 13 Error Messages 13.2.2 Warning Messages 2002 2011 2050 2051 2052 2053 2054 2055 2056 322 Assembler Errors Illegal operand value The operand value is not a legal value. Change the operand value to a legal value. Use map file value The map Þle and assembly results are different. Check the map Þle value. Operand value must be 0 - X'FF' The operand value is not a legal value. Change the operand value to a legal value. Operand value must be 0 - XÕFFFFÕ The operand value is not a legal value. Change the operand value to a legal value. Relative branch far -128 - 127. The operand value is not a legal value. Change the operand value to a legal value. Illegal rom address The operand value is not a legal value. Chante the operand value to a legal value. Illegal ram address The operand value is not a legal value. Change the operand value to a legal value. Operand value must be -128 - 127 The operand value is not a legal value. Change the operand value to a legal value. Operand value must be -32768 - 32767 The operand value is not a legal value. Change the operand value to a legal value. Chapter 10 Error Messages 13.2.3 Fatal Error Messages 2501 2502 2503 2504 2505 2506 2507 2508 2509 2510 2511 Memory full The RAM size of the personal computer is insufÞcient. Check that the RAM size is correctly set using the CHKDSK command of MSDOS. Can't write to output file Disk space is insufÞcient or there is a disk defect. Perform a disk check using the CHKDSK command of MS-DOS. Line too long ( MAX 256 char/line ) One line of a source statement exceeds 256 characters. Edit the source statement so each line has 256 characters or fewer. Can't open output file The output Þle speciÞcation is incorrect, or disk space is insufÞcient, or there is a disk defect. For the former case, check that the Þle name is speciÞed correctly. For the latter cases, perform a disk check using the CHKDSK command of MS-DOS. Label buffer full There are too many labels. Split up the source Þle, or reduce the number of labels, or increase the label registration areas using the install program (PAINST.EXE). Can't open tmp file Not enough Þles can be opened simultaneously. Check the CONFIG.SYS setting. Illegal option The option speciÞcation is illegal. Check the option speciÞcation. Input file error The input Þle speciÞcation is incorrect, or disk space is insufÞcient, or there is a disk defect. For the former case, check that the Þle name is speciÞed correctly. For the latter cases, perform a disk check using the CHKDSK command of MS-DOS. Cross reference buffer full The RAM size of the personal computer is insufÞcient. Check that the RAM size is correctly set using the CHKDSK command of MSDOS. Directory name too long A speciÞed directory name is too long. Keep the directory name to 60 characters or fewer. File name too long A speciÞed Þle name is too long. Keep the Þle name to 60 characters or fewer. Assembler Errors 323 Chapter 13 Error Messages 2512 2513 2514 2515 2516 2517 2518 2519 2520 2521 2522 2523 2524 324 Assembler Errors Illegal file name There is no Þle name speciÞcation for an option. Specify a Þle name. Include nesting error ( max 3 level ) There are more than 3 include nesting levels. Keep the include nesting levels to 3 or fewer. Symbol tmp buffer full There is too much debug information. Simplify the structure deÞnition Member tmp buffer full There is too much debug information. Simplify the structure deÞnition. Macro buffer full There are too many macros. Split up the source Þle, or reduce the number of labels. Missing endm There is no endm to correspond to a macro directive. Check the macro and endm directives. Macro nesting error ( max 15 level ) There are more than 15 macro nesting levels. Keep the macro nesting levels to 15 or fewer. Local label buffer full There are too many labels. Split up the source Þle, or reduce the number of labels. Define buffer full There are too many #deÞne directives. Split up the source Þle, or reduce the number of #deÞne directives. Tmp file I/O error Disk space is insufÞcient or there is a disk defect. Perform a disk check using the CHKDSK command of MS-DOS. Illegal warning number A warning number speciÞcation is illegal. Check the warning number speciÞcations. Can't unlink tmp file Disk space is insufÞcient or there is a disk defect. Perform a disk check using the CHKDSK command of MS-DOS . Can't open include file The Þle name speciÞcation is incorrect, or disk space is insufÞcient, or there is a disk defect. For the former case, check that the Þle name is speciÞed correctly. For the latter cases, perform a disk check using the CHKDSK command. Chapter 10 Error Messages 2525 2526 2527 2528 2529 2530 Can't open reserve file The directory that contains the assembler is too deep, or there is a disk defect. For the former case, keep the directory speciÞcation to 60 characters fewer. For the latter case, perform a disk check using the CHKDSK command. Illegal I/O file name The speciÞed Þle name is the same as another input/output Þle. Change the Þle name. Illegal map file format The map Þle format is illegal. Check the map Þle. Too long #define line ( MAX 256 char/line ) The result of #deÞne expansion exceeds 256 characters. Change deÞnitions such that #deÞne expansion is 256 characters or fewer. Install a CPU-Type with the ASINS-TOOL There has been an internal failure. Contact Matsushita. Section buffer full. There are too many distinct section labels. Reduce the number of section labels. Assembler Errors 325 Chapter 13 Error Messages 13.3 Linker Errors The linker has three types of messages: warning messages, error messages, and fatal error messages. 3300 3301 3302 3303 3304 3305 3306 326 Assembler Errors Global label multiple define A global label is deÞned twice. Check the label deÞnition. Undefined label The label is undeÞned. Check the label deÞnition. /t option is used in absolute-File A ROM address has been changed in an absolute address format program. Check the ROM address. Bad option switch An option speciÞcation is in error. Check the option speciÞcation. Not warning message number A warning number of the W option is in error. Check the W option warning numbers. ROM size overflow The ROM size exceeds the maximum value. Reduce the ROM size, or change the maximum value of ROM using the install. Illegal section operand An operand speciÞcation of the section directive is in error. Make the operand of the section directive the same as the section name. Chapter 10 Error Messages 13.3.1 Warning Messages 3050 3051 3052 3053 3054 3055 3056 3067 Operand value must be 0 - X'FF' The operand value is not a legal value. Change the operand value to a legal value. Operand value must be 0 - X'FFFF' The operand value is not a legal value. Change the operand value to a legal value. Relative branch far -128 - 127 The operand value is not a legal value. Change the operand value to a legal value. Illegal rom address The operand value is not a legal value. Change the operand value to a legal value. Illegal ram address The operand value is not a legal value. Change the operand value to a legal value. Operand value must be -128 - 127 The operand value is not a legal value. Change the operand value to a legal value. Operand value must be -32768 - 65535 The operand value is not a legal value. Change the operand value to a legal value. The line of map file exceeds 256 letters. Since more than 256 letters are coded in one line of the map Þle, the Þnal list Þle is not created. Reduce the letters of the Þlename or sectionname. Assembler Errors 327 Chapter 13 Error Messages 13.3.2 Fatal Error Messages 3500 3501 3502 3503 3504 3505 3506 3507 3508 3509 328 Cannot open RF-file An input Þle does not exist. Check that the Þle exists. No RF-file An input Þle is not an RF Þle. Check that the input Þle is not in error. File can't load An input Þle has a problem. Assemble the Þle again and check that the disk being used has not problems. Bad file search An input Þle has a problem. Assemble the Þle again and check that the disk being used has not problems. Operator not supported An RF Þle has a problem. Assemble the Þle again. No memory space Memory size of your personal computer is insufÞcient. Check that memory size is adequate. Disk full Disk space on your personal computer is insufÞcient. Check that disk space is adequate. Invalid hex-data A hexadecimal number is coded incorrectly. Check the coding of the hexadecimal number. Output-file can't open The output Þle has a problem. Check that the coding of the output Þle name is correct. Address overlay ROM addresses overlay each other. Check ROM address settings. 3510 Cannot open Parameter-file The parameter Þle has a problem. Check that the coding of the parameter Þle name is correct. 3513 Operand error An operand is in error. Check that the coding of the operand is correct. Assembler Errors Chapter 10 Error Messages 3700 Internal error An error occurred in internal processing. Contact Matsushita Electronics Corporation. Linker Errors 329 Chapter 13 330 Error Messages Chapter 14 Readinig List Files 14 Chapter 14 Reading List Files 14.1 Purpose Of This Chapter This chapter explains how to read the list Þles output during assembly. There are three types of information output in a list Þle. ¥ Machine language code ¥ Symbol table ¥ Cross-reference table This chapter also explains how to read the information added by individual options and the meanings of special symbols. 332 Purpose Of This Chapter Chapter 14 Reading List Files 14.2 Reading List Files Adding the l (letter) option when the assembler is invoked will generate the list Þle in the current directory. List Þle contents are entirely in text format, so the can be viewed with the TYPE command of MS-DOS or by using an editor. Reading List Files 333 Chapter 14 Reading List Files 14.2.1 Output Format Of Machine Language Code The output format of the machine language code section is shown below. Location Loc Machine Language Code Supplemental Information Object R * + M @ Line Number Supplemental Information Source Statement + Line Source . Each of these Þelds is described below. Location (Loc) The location Þeld shows the location counter values during assembly. For section address format programs, the location Þeld shows the relative value from the start of the section. However, if the assembly is to output the Þnal list by incorporating the map Þle from linking, then the location Þeld will match the execution addresses. Machine language code (Object) This Þeld shows machine language code. The eight bits of one byte are shown as two hexadecimal digits. These are 1-byte, 2-byte, 3-byte and 4byte instrucions. 334 Reading List Files Chapter 14 Reading List Files Machine language code supplemental information The characters R, *, +, M, and @ may be added to the machine language code as supplemental information. The meaning of each character is as follows. R This line includes a relocatable symbol whose value will be determined during linking. The machine language code does not indicate the Þnal values. * This line includes an externally deÞned symbol whose value will be determined during linking. The machine language code does not indicate the Þnal values. + This line includes an undeÞned symbol that was automatically changed to an external deÞnition. The machine language code does not indicate the Þnal values. M This line is a result of macro expansion. @ This line includes an instruction whose value will be the object of optimization during linking. The machine language code does not indicate the Þnal values. Line number (Line) The assembler adds a line number to each source statement. Line number supplemental information Sometimes the line number will be shown as X. Sometimes it will be preceded by a period (.), and sometimes it will be followed by a plus sign (+). X Line numbers shown as X indicate that the line will not be processed by the assembler. During conditional assembly this is used for lines in the block of the unfulÞlled condition. If the Lc option is added when the assembler is invoked, then output of blocks of unfulÞlled conditions will be suppressed. .Line numbers preceded by a period indicate that the line was included by an include directive. The number of periods indicate the nesting levels of include directives. For example ".." means the line was included by an include directive that itself was within an include Þle. .10 ..10 ...10 #include #include, #include #include, #include, #include If the Li option is added when the assembler is invoked, then output of lines included by include directives will be suppressed. + Line numbers followed by a plus sign indicate the line was a result of macro expansion. In addition to macro expansions deÞned by macro directives, a plus sign is added to expansions by irp and rept directives. Reading List Files 335 Chapter 14 Reading List Files Source statement The source statements of the source Þle are output as is. If the Lm option is added when the assembler is invoked, then output of source statements resulting from macro expansion will be suppressed. Below are example of source statement. *** Loc mn102L00 Object =00001100 336 000000 000001 000002 000004 000006 000007 000008 00000A 20 04 D002 D102 20 04 D002 D102 00000C 00000B F4E10000000 EA00 ROM size No No is 19 (Hex. error in warning in *** 00000000 00001100 00000000 00000000 Symbol A _CODE A data T main *U move Reading List Files Cross Line 1 .1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 XX XX 17 M18 18+ 18+ 18+ 18+ 19 20 21 22 23 +24 R25 26 this this *** OUTLIST Assembler Source #include data load _CODE main #ifdef .lst *** Page1 Òoutlist.hÓ equ 0x1100 global move macro mov mov add add endm (A0), D0 D0, (A1) 2, A0 2, A1 section CODE, PUBLIC, 2 mov mov VERSION data, D0 D0, (A0) load mov mov add add mov mov add add (A0), D0 D0, (A1) 2, A0 2, A1 (A0), D0 D0, (A1) 2, A0 2, A1 #else #endif 00000013) assembly assembly OUTLIST jsr bra move main end .LST Page2 Chapter 14 Reading List Files 14.2.2 Symbol Table If only the l (letter) option is speciÞed, and not the c or s options, when the assembler is invoked, then the assembler will output a symbol table to the list Þle after the machine language code section. If the c option is speciÞed, then a cross-reference table will be output instead of the symbol table. The symbol table outputs the name, value, and type of every symbol in the source Þle. It has the following format. Symbol Value Supplemental Inforamtion * Symbol Type 00000000 + A T U Symbol Name XXXXXX Symbol Value The symbol's value is shown as eight hexadecimal digits. Supplemental Information The symbol type may be preceded by a * or +. * This indicates an externally deÞned symbol. + This indicates an undeÞned symbol that was automatically changed to an externally deÞned symbol. Symbol Type This indicates the type of symbol. All symbols can be classiÞed into three types: A, U, and T. A This indicates that the symbol value is absolute. T This indicates a text format symbol. The symbol value is an address value. U This indicates that the symbol was not deÞned in the source Þle. It is an undeÞned symbol. Reading List Files 337 Chapter 14 Reading List Files Symbol Name Symbol names are shown up to 64 characters. An output example of a symbol table is shown below. OUtLIST.LST *** Symbol 00001100 00000000 00000000 338 Reading List Files Table *** A data T main *U move Page2 Chapter 14 Reading List Files 14.2.3 Cross-Reference Table If the c option is added when the assembler is invoked, then a cross-reference table will be output instead of a symbol table. The format of the cross reference table is shown below. Symbol Name Symbol Value XXXXX 00000000 Supplemental Information Symbol Type * + ABS EXT TXT UND Reference List XXXXXX Symbol Name Symbol names are shown up to 64 characters. Symbol Value The symbol's value is shown as eight hexadecimal digits. Supplemental Information The symbol type may be preceded by a * or +. * This indicates an externally deÞned symbol. + This indicates an undeÞned symbol that was automatically changed to an externally deÞned symbol. Symbol Type The symbol type shows the attribute of a symbol. ABS This indicates that the symbol value is absolute. EXT This indicates that the symbol is deÞned in another Þle. It is an externally deÞned symbol. TXT This indicates a text format symbol. The symbol value is an address value. UND This indicates that the symbol was not deÞned in the source Þle. It is an undeÞned symbol. Reading List Files 339 Chapter 14 Reading List Files Reference List This reference list shows the Þle names and line numbers where the symbol was deÞned and referenced. An example of a cross-reference table is shown below. OUTLIST.LST *** _CODE data main Cross Reference 00000000 00001100 00000000 Table *** TXT ABS TXT move 00000000 *EXT 340 Reading List Files #OUTLIST.ASM(2) #OUTLIST.H(1) #OUTLIST.ASM(10) OUTLIST.ASM(22) OUTLIST.ASM(22) OUTLIST.ASM(3) OUTLIST.ASM(21) Page2 Chapter 15 Using Library Manager 15 Chapter 15 Using Library Manager 15.1 Purpose Of This Chapter A library Þle is a collection of relocatable object Þles which you can pull out as needed. Library Þles are convenient for placing frequently used modules. When a module is called from within a program, the linker searches the library Þle, extracts only the required relocatable object Þle, and loads it in the executable format Þle. The library manager is a utility for managing library Þles. It can create library Þles and add, delete, replace, and search for relocatable object Þles. This chapter explains how to use the library manager. 342 Purpose Of This Chapter Chapter 15 Using Library Manager 15.2 Starting Library Manager The library manager is started by entering a command name and parameters, just as for other MS-DOS external commands. General format of commands Below is the general format of the command to use when starting the library manager. SLIB102L library_Þle_name [options] (relocatable_object_Þle_name) ... Contents of brackets [ ] may be omitted. Table 15-1 Library Manager Options Option -a -c -d -e -f -h -p -r -t -x @Þlename Description Add the speciÞed relocatable object Þle to the library Þle. Create a library Þle. If a library Þle of the same name already exists, then a message conÞrming the Þle update will be output. Delete the speciÞed relocatable object Þle from the library Þle. Output messages in English. Messages will be output in Japanese unless this option is speciÞed. Force creation of a library Þle. Output help information about library manager options on the screen. Output information about externally deÞned symbols in the library Þle. Replace the speciÞed relocatable object Þle in the library Þle. Output a list of the relocatable object Þles that make up the library Þle. Extract the speciÞed relocatable object Þle from the library Þle. Specify a parameter Þle. Starting Library Manager 343 Chapter 15 Using Library Manager 15.3 Command Options a Add the specified relocatable object file to the library file Functional description The -a option is used to add relocatable object Þles to the library Þle. Operation example >slib102L test.lib -a test1.rf This example adds the relocatable Þle test1.rf to the library Þle test.lib. Multiple Þles can be added with one -a option. To add test1.rf, test2.rf, and test3.rf to test.lib, specify the following. >slib102L test.lib NOTE: 344 Command Options -a test1.rf test2.rf test3.rf If any of the relocatable object files to add already exists in the library file, then the library manage will output an error message and terminate without performing any processing. Chapter 15 Using Library Manager c Create a library file Functional description If a Þle with same name of the speciÞed library Þle already exists, the library manager will inquire if the Þle should be modiÞed. Based on the response, the library manager will determine whether or not to create the library Þle. Operation example >slib102L test.lib -c test1.rf test2.rf test3.rf test4.rf This example will create a library Þle called test.lib from the four relocatable object Þles test1.rf, test2.rf, test3.rf, and test4.rf. NOTE: With slib102L, files that mutually reference symbols cannot be placed in library files with the same name. d Delete the specified relocatable object file from the library file Functional description The -d option is used to delete relocatable object Þles from the library Þle. If a speciÞed Þle does not exist in the library Þle, then the library manager will output a warning message and continue processing. Operation example >slib102L test.lib -d test1.rf This example deletes the relocatable Þle test1.rf from the library Þle test.lib. Multiple Þles can be deleted with one -d option. To delete test1.rf, test2.rf, and test3.rf from test.lib, specify the following. >slib102L test.lib -d test1.rf test2.rf test3.rf Command Options 345 Chapter 15 Using Library Manager Output messages in English. Messages will be output in Japanese unless this option is specified e Functional description The default for slib101c is to output messages in Japanese, but the -e option makes the library manager switch to English messages. Operation example >slib102L test.lib -f -e test1.rf test2.rf test3.rf f Force creation of a library file Functional description The -f option forces creation of the library Þle. If a Þle with the same name as the speciÞed library Þle already exists, then the library manager will overwrite it. Operation example >slib102L test.lib -f test1.rf test2.rf test3.rf test4.rf This example will create a library Þle called test.lib from the four relocatable object Þles test1.rf, test2.rf, test3.rf, and test4.rf. NOTE: 346 Command Options With slib102L, files that mutually reference symbols cannot be placed in library files with the same name Chapter 15 Using Library Manager h Output help information about library manager options on the screen Functional description The -h option is used when you want information about options or the slib101c version number. Operation example When the library manager is started with the -h option as shown below, it will output a description of its version number and options. >slib102L -h NOTE: If the -h option is not used, then input of slib101c will also display help information. p Output information about externally defined symbols in the library file Functional description The -p option is used when you want know the externally deÞned symbol names that exist in the library Þle. When a relocatable object Þle name is speciÞed following the -p option, and a Þle with the same name exists in the library Þle, the externally deÞned symbol names in that relocatable object Þle will be output. If the Þle does not exist, then the library manager will output a warning message and continue processing. When no relocatable object Þle name is speciÞed, the externally deÞned symbols in all relocatable object Þles that exist in the library Þle will be output. Operation example >slib102L test.lib -p test1.rf >slib102L test.lib -p The Þrst example checks whether or not the Þle test1.rf exists in test.lib, and if it does, outputs the externally deÞned symbols within it. The second example outputs the externally deÞned symbols in all relocatable object Þles in test.lib. Command Options 347 Chapter 15 Using Library Manager r Replace the specified relocatable object file in the library file Functional description The -r option is used to replace relocatable object Þles in the library Þle. If a speciÞed Þle does not exist in the library Þle, then the library manager will output a message add the relocatable object Þle. Operation example Specify the following to replace the relocatable object Þle test1.rf in the library Þle test.lib. >slib102L test.lib -r test1.rf Multiple Þles can be replaced with one -r option. To delete test1.rf, test2.rf, and test3.rf from test.lib, specify the following. >slib102L test.lib -r test1.rf test2.rf test3.rf This example replaces the relocatable object Þles test1.rf, test2.rf, and test3.rf in test.lib. t Output a list of the relocatable object files that make up the library file. Functional description The -t option is used when you want to know the names of the relocatable object Þles that exist in the library Þle. When a relocatable object Þle name is speciÞed following the -t option, and a Þle with the same name exists in the library Þle, that Þle name will be output. If the Þle does not exist, then the library manager will output a warning message and continue processing. When no relocatable object Þle name is speciÞed, the names of all relocatable object Þles that exist in the library Þle will be output. Operation example >slib102L test.lib -t test1.rf >slib102L test.lib -t The Þrst example checks whether or not the Þle test1.rf exists in test.lib. The second example outputs the names of all relocatable object Þles in test.lib. 348 Command Options Chapter 15 Using Library Manager x Extract the specified relocatable object file from the library file Functional description The -x option is used when you want to extract relocatable object Þles that exist in the library Þle. When a relocatable object Þle name is speciÞed following the -x option, and a Þle with the same name exists in the library Þle, that relocatable object Þle will be extracted into the speciÞed Þle name. If the Þle does not exist, then the library manager will output a warning message and continue processing. When no relocatable object Þle name is speciÞed, all relocatable object Þles that exist in the library Þle will be extracted. Operation example >slib102L test.lib -x test1.rf >slib102L test.lib -p The Þrst example checks whether or not the Þle test1.rf exists in test.lib, and if it does, extracts test1.rf. The second example extracts all relocatable object Þles in test.lib. NOTE: When slib102Lis used to group relocatable object files into libraries, it will store them with debug information in the relocatable object files deleted if such debug information exists. Therefore, when an ordinary relocatable object file is placed in a library, it will be the same as that file when extracted from the library. However, if there will be differences if the relocatable file was generated with the -g option. Also, be aware that when an object file is extracted, it will overwrite any file of the same name existing in the current directory. Command Options 349 Chapter 15 Using Library Manager @filename Specify a parameter file. Functional description The options you will use with slib101c can be written to a Þle, so instead of specifying all those options for execution, you can specify just that Þle name. Every option other than the @ option can be written in a parameter Þle. If a parameter Þle that doesn't exist is speciÞed, then the library manager will display an error message. Operation example >slib102L @PFILE 350 Command Options Chapter 15 Using Library Manager 15.4 Error/Warning Messages Below is a list of error messages and warning messages displayed by the library manager. How to read The meanings of each entry in the error message tables are as shown below. error_number displayed_message cause solutions Error/Warning Messages 351 Chapter 15 Using Library Manager Error messages 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 352 Error/Warning Messages Illegal option.(string) An option that is not provided by the library manager was input. Check the option again. Library file name not found. No library Þle name was speciÞed for processing, or it was speciÞed in an incorrect position. Check how to specify the library Þle name. Multiply specified library file name.(filename) More than one library Þle names were speciÞed for processing. Check how to specify the library Þle name. Multiply specified object file name.(filename) An object Þle with the same name was speciÞed more than once, or an object Þle with the same name already exists in the library Þle. Check how to specify object Þles, and change any necessary Þles.5 Memory allocation error. Memory could not be allocated. Check memory size. Cannot open file.(filename) The Þle with the name Þlename could not be opened. Check that the Þle exists, and check its access rights. Premature EOF.(filename) The contents of the Þle with the name Þlename are incorrect. The Þle contents are possibly corrupted, so generate the Þle again. Cannot read file.(filename) The Þle with the name Þlename could not be read. Check that the Þle exists, and check its access rights. Interrelated file exist. There are Þles with mutual reference relationships. Fix the source program. Cannot make temporary file name. The temporary Þle could not be generated correctly. Check memory size. Cannot create library file.(filename) The library Þle could not be generated. Check the size of the Þle system. This file is not object file.(filename) The Þle Þlename was not correctly speciÞed as an object Þle. Check again whether an object Þle for MN101C00 was correctly speciÞed. If it was, then the object Þle contents are possibly corrupted, so generate the object Þle again. Chapter 15 Using Library Manager 13 14 15 16 This file is not library file.(filename) The Þle Þlename was not correctly speciÞed as a library Þle. Check again whether a library Þle was correctly speciÞed. If it was, then the library Þle contents are possibly corrupted, so generate the object Þle again. Cannot write file.(filename) Data could not be output to the output Þle Þlename. Check the size of the Þle system. Illegal offset for symbol name strings.(filename) The offset to a symbol name string in the Þle with the name Þlename is not correct. The Þle contents are possibly corrupted, so generate the Þle again. Object file name not found. An option that was used needs an object Þle speciÞcation, yet not object Þle name was speciÞed. Check again how to specify the option. Error/Warning Messages 353 Chapter 15 Using Library Manager Warning messages 17 354 Error/Warning Messages Filename not found The speciÞed object Þle Þlename does not exist in the library Þle. Check again the names of the object Þles in the library Þle. Chapter 16 EWS Version 16 Chapter 16 EWS Version 16.1 Purpose of This Chapter This chapter is for users of the engineering workstation (EWS) version. It mainly describes the differences between the MS-DOS version and the EWS version. This chapter also explains the environment settings for using the EWS version, the installation method, and customization of the conÞguration Þle. 356 Purpose of This Chapter Chapter 16 EWS Version 16.2 Installation This section describes the engineering workstations that can use the EWS version of the assembler and linker, their environments, and installation. 16.2.1 Hardware Environment Engineering workstations The engineering workstations that can be used and the corresponding operating system versions are as follows. ¥ SPARC station SunOS 4.0 or later and upward compatible machines Installation 357 Chapter 16 EWS Version 16.2.2 File Organization The contents of the EWS version cross-assembler are as follows. Instead of PAINST.EXE, the EWS version has .as102L00rc and .ld102L00rc. %ls-a as102L00 ld102L00 excv102 .as102L00rc .ld102L00r slib102l c Each Þle is used for the following purpose as102L00 (assembler) This is the assembler executable Þle. ld102L00 (linker) This is the linker executable Þle. .as102L00rc (assembler configuration) This Þle deÞnes customization of the assembler. .ld102L00rc (linker configuration) This Þle deÞnes customization of the linker. excv102 (file conversion utility) This utility converts the EX format executable Þles of this assembler (Ver. 3.0) to Intel HEX format. slib102l(library manager) This utility manages library Þles. 358 Installation Chapter 16 EWS Version 16.2.3 Installation To install, Þrst copy all Þles from the media you were sent to the EWS work directory that you will use. Next, copy the executable Þles (as102L00, ld102L00, slib102l, and excv102) to the appropriate directory. Copy the conÞguration Þles (.as102L00rc and .ld102L00rc) to the user's home directory. NOTE: The configuration files are referenced when the assembler and linker execute. The directory to be reference will be the user's home directory as set by the environment variable HOME. NOTE: If the assembler or linker executable file names are changed, then the configuration file names must also change. Change their names to the executable file name prefixed by a period (.) and suffixed by "rc". Installation 359 Chapter 16 EWS Version 16.3 Differences With MS-DOS Version Except for the following points, all MS-DOS version functions explained in this manual apply to the EWS version assembler and linker. Functions removed from MS-DOS version ¥ Slashes (/) cannot be used as the option speciÞcation character. ¥ The installed work area cannot be changed. Functions in addition to the MS-DOS version ¥ Initial settings of the options and kanji codes can be set by the conÞguration Þle. Refer to section 16.4, "ConÞguration", for details. 360 Difference With MS-DOS Version Chapter 16 EWS Version 16.4 ConÞguration The EWS version assembler and linker read the conÞguration Þles (.as102L00rc or .ld102L00rc) in the user's home directory, allowing the user to change initial settings of options and kanji codes. In the English mode, the setting for Þle kanji codes is ignored. 16.4.1 ConÞguration If there is no conÞguration Þle in the user's home directory, then execution will be with the following initial settings. Assembler settings Item Purpose Initial Setting Range of Settings Display kanji codes Used to change kanji codes displayed on the screen. (Ignore in the English mode.) EUC EUC code SJIS code New JIS 7-bit code New JIS 8-bit code Old JIS 7-bit code Old JIS 8-bit code File kanji codes Used to change kanji codes output to Þles. Output Þles are list Þles. (Ignore in the English mode.) EUC EUC code SJIS code New JIS 7-bit code Old JIS 7-bit code Old JIS 8-bit code Notation types Used to change the radix format type. Extended C language format Matsushita, Intel, Extended C language English Japanese, English OFF ON, OFF OFF ON, OFF Output messages Optimize Ignore error and output RF Þle Used to change the default settings of start options. Configuration 361 Chapter 16 EWS Version Linker settings Item Initial Setting Range of Settings Display kanji codes Used to change kanji codes displayed on the screen. (Ignore in the English mode.) EUC EUC code SJIS code New JIS 7-bit code New JIS 8-bit code Old JIS 7-bit code Old JIS 8-bit code File kanji codes Used to change kanji codes output to Þles. Output Þles are list Þles. (Ignore in the English mode.) EUC EUC code SJIS code New JIS 7-bit code Old JIS 7-bit code Old JIS 8-bit code Output messages English Japanese, English Output debug information OFF ON, OFF OFF ON, OFF Output map Þle OFF ON, OFF Output EX Þle OFF ON, OFF Suppress output symbol into EX-Þle 362 Purpose Configuration Used to change the default settings of start options. Chapter 16 EWS Version 16.4.2 ConÞguration File Contents This section describes the contents of the assembler and linker conÞguration Þles. Assembler configuration file %cat .as102L00rc #Configuration # #Display kanji DISPKANJI For Assembler code EUC for ... ... ... ... ... ... screen output EUC #Kanji code Shift JIS code New JIS 7-bit code New JIS 8-bit code Old JIS 7-bit code Old JIS 8-bit code #output file FILEKANJI kanji EUC setting #Kanji code #EUC #SJIS #NEWJIS7 #NEWJIS8 #OLDJIS7 #OLDJIS8 code setting #Kanji code #EUC #SJIS #NEWJIS7 #NEWJIS8 #OLDJIS7 #OLDJIS8 for ... ... ... ... ... ... file output EUC kanji code Shift JIS code New JIS 7-bit code New JIS 8-bit code Old JIS 7-bit code Old JIS 8-bit code #Options NOTATION setting CLANG #Notation #PANA #CLANG type ... ... MESSAGE OPTIMIZE r-OPTION ENGLISH OFF OFF # #INTEL #Output messages #JAPANESE #ENGLISH #Optimize #Ignore error and (Ver. 3.0) ... Matsushita format Extended C language format Intel format ... ... (ON/ output Japanese English OFF) RF-file(ON/OFF) Configuration 363 Chapter 16 EWS Version Linker configuration file %cat #Configuration # #Display kanji DISPKANJI For Linker code EUC setting #Kanji code #EUC #SJIS #NEWJIS7 #NEWJIS8 #OLDJIS7 #OLDJIS8 setting for ... ... ... ... ... ... screen output EUC #Kanji code Shift JIS code New JIS 7-bit code New JIS 8-bit code Old JIS 7-bit code Old JIS 8-bit code #Kanji code #EUC #SJIS #NEWJIS7 #NEWJIS8 #OLDJIS7 #OLDJIS8 for ... ... ... ... ... ... file output EUC kanji code Shift JIS code New JIS 7-bit code New JIS 8-bit code Old JIS 7-bit code Old JIS 8-bit code #JAPANESE #ENGLISH #Output debug ... ... Japanese English #Suppress output symbol into EX-file #output file kanji FILEKANJI EUC #Options MESSAGE setting ENGLISH g-OPTION En-OPTION m-OPTION r-OPTION 364 .ld102L00rc Configuration code OFF OFF OFF OFF (Ver. 3.0) #Output messages #(ON/OFF) #Output map file #Output EX file information (ON/OFF) (ON/OFF) (ON/OFF) Chapter 16 EWS Version 16.5 Kanji Use The EWS version assembler and linker make use of the multiple kanji codes available in the EWS. For multiple kanji codes, the assembler automatically determines the kanji code input and processes it. The defaults for screen display and Þle output are EUC code. However, these can be changed by the conÞguration Þle. Screen display and Þle output for the linker are handled the same as for the linker. Input kanji codes ¥ EUC code ¥ SJIS code ¥ New JIS 7-bit code ¥ New JIS 8-bit code ¥ Old JIS 7-bit code ¥ Old JIS 8-bit code The assembler automatically distinguishes between the above kanji codes. Output kanji codes ¥ EUC code ¥ SJIS code ¥ New JIS 7-bit code ¥ New JIS 8-bit code ¥ Old JIS 7-bit code ¥ Old JIS 8-bit code The default is EUC code. The above kanji codes can be selected by the conÞguration Þle. NOTE: If half-size Japanese characters(Katakana) or secondary standard kanji codes are encountered before any full-size characters(Kanji or Hiragana) in a file, then kanji codes might not be processed correctly. This is also true if multiple kanji codes are used within a single file. Kanji Use 365 Chapter 16 EWS Version 366 Chapter 17 Appendix 17 Chapter 13 Appendix 17.1 Numeric Restrictions This section shows the numeric restrictions on the cross-assembler. Be sure not to exceed these values when writing programs. 17.1.1 Restrictions Assembler restrictions Item Numeric Restriction Label characters 64 characters If a label exceeds 64 characters, the 65th and further characters will be ignored Characters per line 256 characters Lines per Þle No restriction Number of labels 30,000 labels Linker restrictions Item Numeric Restriction Number of externally referenced labels 15,000 labels Number of link Þles No restriction Directive restrictions Item section directives 368 Numeric Restrictions Numeric Restriction 255 directives Chapter 13 Appendix Assembler control directive restrictions Item Numeric Restriction include directives No restriction deÞne directives 4,096 directives include nesting levels 3 levels if XX nesting levels 255 levels Macro directive restrictions Item Numeric Restriction Number of macros 1,024 macros Macro nesting levels 20 levels Macro local symbols 30 symbols (within one macro deÞnition) Numeric Restrictions 369 Chapter 13 Appendix 17.1.2 Numeric Value in Assembler Assembler has the area of 32-bit to save the numeric value. The numeric value exceeding 32-bit is disabled. If the value exceeds 32-bit, only the value below 32-bit will be abled. 370 Numeric Restrictions Chapter 13 Appendix 17.2 List Of Command Options How to read The entries in the command option tables below and their meanings are as follows. option_name functional_description speciÞcation_example List Of Command Options 371 Chapter 13 Appendix 17.2.1 List Of Assembler Command Options Assembler command general format Below is the general format of the command to use when starting the assembler. AS102L [options] source_filename Contents of brackets [ ] may be omitted. Output Þle options o Þlename l c Li Lm Lc Ls a map_Þlename Xl 372 List Of Command Options Specify the relocatable object Þle name to be output. AS102L -o A:\USER\OBJ\TEST SAMPLE Output a list Þle. AS102L -l SAMPLE Append a cross-reference to the list Þle. AS102L -c SAMPLE Do not output Þles included by include to the list Þle. AS102L -Lil SAMPLE Do not output assembler source created by macro expansion using macro or irp to the list Þle. Output only the machine language code. AS102L -Lml SAMPLE Do not output source statements that were not assembled due to unfulÞlled conditions of conditional assembly to the list Þle. AS102L -Lcl SAMPLE Do not output a symbol table to the list Þle. AS102L -Lsl SAMPLE Read the map Þle to output a list Þle with resolved addresses. AS102L -l -a SAMPLE SUB Output the list Þle to the same directory as the relocatable object Þle. AS102L -Xl SAMPLE Chapter 13 Appendix Error message options j e W number Wall Output error and warning messages in Japanese. Output will be to the screen and, when a list Þle is speciÞed, to the list Þle. AS102L -j SAMPLE Output error and warning messages in English. Output will be to the screen and, when a list Þle is speciÞed, to the list Þle. AS102L -e SAMPLE Do not output warning messages of the speciÞed number. Output will not be performed to either the screen or list Þle. Refer to chapter 10, Error Messages", for warning messages and their corresponding numbers. AS102L -W 2016 SAMPLE Do not output any warning messages. AS102L -Wall SAMPLE Preprocessor options I path_name D identiÞer SpeciÞes the path name of the directory that contains Þles speciÞed by include. AS102L -I A:\USER\DEFS SAMPLE SpeciÞes an identiÞer to be used by ifdef during conditional assembly. AS102L -D VERSION SAMPLE Program generation options g r Od Ot Output debug information to the relocatable object Þle. AS102L -g SAMPLE Output a relocatable object Þle even if errors are detected in the source Þle. AS102L -r SAMPLE Turn off optimization. AS102L -Od SAMPLE Turn on optimization. AS102L -Ot SAMPLE Other h Output help information about assembler options to the screen. AS102L -h List Of Command Options 373 Chapter 13 Appendix 17.2.2 List Of Linker Command Options Linker command general format Below is the general format of the command to use when starting the linker. LD102L [options] (filename)... Contents of brackets [ ] may be omitted. Ellipses (...) indicate item may be repeated. Output Þle options o Þlename m Xm Specify the path name and Þle name of the executable format Þle to be output. LD102L -o B:\USER\OBJ\MAIN PROG1 PROG2 Output a map Þle. LD102L -m PROG1 PROG2 Output a extended format map Þle. LD102L -Xm PROG1 Error message options j e W number Wall 374 List Of Command Options Output error and warning messages in Japanese. LD102L -j PROG1 PROG2 Output error and warning messages in English. LD102L -e PROG1 PROG2 Do not output warning messages of the speciÞed number. Refer to chapter 10, "Error Messages", for warning messages and their corresponding numbers. LD102L -W100 PROG1 PROG2 Do not output any warning messages. LD102L -Wall PROG1 PROG2 Chapter 13 Appendix Program generation options g Tsection_name[,section_n ame]=start address [,end address] T@section_attribute=addr ess [,address] r En Output debug information to the executable format Þle. LD102L -g PROG1 PROG2 Specify a section start address and a section eend address. LD102L -T_CODE=80000-T_SRC=80300 PROG1 PROG2 SpeciÞes the start and end addresses of a section attribute. LD102L -T@CODE=80000 PROG1 Output an executable format Þle even if errors are detected. LD102L -r PROG1 Do not output symbol table within the executable format Þle. LD102L -En PROG1 PROG2 Library Þle options l library_Þlename L path_name Specify a library Þle. LD102L -lB:\SAMPLE.LIB Specify a path name for library Þles. LD -LB:\LIB -lSAMPLE.LIB PROG1 Other @Þlename h Specify a parameter Þle. LD102L @PFILE Output help information to the screen. LD102L -h List Of Command Options 375 Chapter 13 Appendix 17.3 List Of Assembler Directives This section provides a list of assembler directives. Directives for program contro Syntax symbol instruction Function & Notes operand align expression [name] [name] end org expression [name] section [deÞnition1[,deÞnition2[,expression]]] opt on|off Adjusts the location counter to be a multiple of the value indicated by expression. The expression must be a power of 2 in the range 1 to 215. Indicates the end of the program. Changes the program address to the value speciÞed by expression. expression = label_name + constant ets the start of a section. deÞnition1: section attribute (CODE | DATA) deÞnition2: link type (PUBLIC | PRIVATE) expression: location counter boundary value (power of 2). Enables/disables optimization. Directives for symbols 376 Syntax operand symbol instruction name equ operand global name(, name)... List Of Assembler Directives Function & Notes DeÞnes a name as the value of the expression coded in the operand. Declares global declarations and global references Chapter 13 Appendix Directives for data area allocation symbol instruction [name] [name] [name] [name] dc dw dd ds Syntax operand constant | expression(, constant | expression).. expression (, expression)... expression (,expression).. expression1[, expression2[, expression3]] Function & Notes Allocates 8-bit data areas Allocates 16-bit data areas Allocates 32-bit data areas. Allocates the number of bytes speciÞed by expression1 to a data area. If expression2 (initial value) is speciÞed, then the data area will be Þlled with that initial value. If expression3 (repeat count) is speciÞed, then this operation will be repeated for the speciÞed number of times. List Of Assembler Directives 377 Chapter 13 Appendix Directives for list control symbol instruction [name] tit listoff [name] liston [name] xlistoff [name] xliston Syntax operand [ÒstringÓ] Function & Notes SpeciÞes the header for the list Þle. Suppresses list output from the next line after this directive. Resumes list output from the line of this directive. Suppresses list output from the line of this directive. Resumes list output from the next line after this directive. Other directives symbol 378 Syntax operand instruction notation format radix expression List Of Assembler Directives Function & Notes Selects the coding format of numbers. format(CLANG | INTEL | PANA) CLANG: Extended C language format (default INTEL: Intel format PANA: Matsushita format SpeciÞes the radix to be used by default. The result of expression must be either 2, 8, 10, or 16. If the default is 10 and if extended C language format has been selected, then the radix will always be 10 regardless of the speciÞcation. Chapter 13 Appendix 17.4 List Of Assembler Control Statements This section provides a list of assembler control statements. Syntax #include #deÞne ÒÞle_nameÓ identiÞer [replacement_string] #undef identiÞer #ifdef identiÞer block1 [#else block2] #ifndef #endif identiÞer block1 [#else block2] #endif #if expression block1 [#else #ifn block2] #endif expression block1 [#else Function & Notes Reads in the source Þle speciÞed by Þle_name. Replaces the identiÞer with the replacement_string. Purges the identiÞer previously deÞned by #deÞne. Assembles block1 if the identiÞer was deÞned before the #ifdef statement. Assembles block2 if it was not deÞned (nothing will be assembled if there is no #else). Assembles block1 if the identiÞer was deÞned before the #ifdef statement. Assembles block2 if it was not deÞned (nothing will be assembled if there is no #else). Assembles block1 if the identiÞer was not deÞned before the #ifndef statement. Assembles block2 if it was deÞned (nothing will be assembled if there is no #else). Assembles block1 if the expression is not 0. Assembles block2 if it is 0 (nothing will be assembled if there is no #else) block2] #endif #ifeq parameter1, parameter2 block1 [#else block2] #endif #ifneq parameter1, parameter2 block1 [#else block2] #endif Assembles block1 if parameter1 and parameter2 are equal. Assembles block2 if they are not equal (nothing will be assembled if there is no #else). At least one or the other of parameter1 and parameter2 must be a dummy parameter within a macro deÞnition. #ifeq can only be used within macro deÞnitions. Assembles block1 if parameter1 and parameter2 are not equal. Assembles block2 if they are equal (nothing will be assembled if there is no #else). At least one or the other of parameter1 and parameter2 must be a dummy parameter within a macro deÞnition. #ifeq can only be used within macro deÞnitions. List Of Assembler Control Statements 379 Chapter 13 Appendix Syntax #ißt expression block [#else #iße block2] #endif expression block1 [#else #ifgt block2] #endif expression block1 [#else #ifge block2] #endif expression block1 [#else #ifb block2] #endif dummy_parameter block1 [#else #ofnb block2] #endif dummy_parameter block1 [#else block2] #endif 380 List Of Assembler Control Statements Function & Notes Assembles block1 if the expression is negative. Assembles block2 if it is not negative (nothing will be assembled if there is no #else). Assembles block1 if the expression is zero or negative. Assembles block2 if it is positive (nothing will be assembled if there is no #else). Assembles block1 if the expression is positive. Assembles block2 if it is not positive (nothing will be assembled if there is no #else). Assembles block1 if the expression is zero or positive. Assembles block2 if it is negative (nothing will be assembled if there is no #else) Assembles block1 if the dummy_parameter is a null character. Assembles block2 if it is not (nothing will be assembled if there is no #else). #ifb can only be used within macro deÞnitions. Assembles block1 if the dummy_parameter is not a null character. Assembles block2 if it is (nothing will be assembled if there is no #else). #ifnb can only be used within macro deÞnitions. Chapter 13 Appendix 17.5 Program Example This section provides an example of the use of the cross-assembler. This example utilizes the following programming techniques. Modular assembly The program is divided into two files: MAIN.ASM and SUB.ASM. The program SUB is used from the program MAIN, so the start of each program is declared as global. File include The constants used by both MAIN.ASM and SUB.ASM are collected in one file with the name EQUTBL.H. This file is read in at the start of the MAIN.ASM and SUB.ASM programs by specifying an #include directive. Macro definitions Sequences of instructions used repeated in the programs are defined as macros. Iterated macros The irp directive is used to define constants. Use of #ifdef assembler control statement NOTE: This example is provided only to show the coding and program structure of assembly programs. It is not guaranteed to operate in actual use. Program Example 381 Chapter 13 Appendix 17.5.1 Source File This section shows the contents of the source file. EQUTBL.H file ************** *************** *************** ************** MN10200 assember sample program *************** *************** *************** ************** Special Register MAP for MN10200 *************** ************** ************* *************** cpum equ 0xfc00 mcr equ 0fc02 iagr equ 0xfc0e icr1 equ 0xfc42 irc2 equ 0xfc44 icr4 equ 0xfc48 icr8 equ 0xfc50 ************** *************** *************** ****************** Communication Terminal: Equation *************** *************** *************** ***************** port table 382 *************** *************** ************* ***************** port_tx equ 0xfe00 ;TX port_rx equ 0xfe01 ;RX port_cmd equ 0xfe02 ;Command (OUT) port_sts equ 0xfe02 ;Status(IN) port_dip_sw equ 0xfe08 ;DIP Switch port_speed equ 0xfe09 ;Baud Rate Generator(BRG) port_cyc_h equ 0xfe10 ;Cyclic LED port_cyc_l equ 0xfe11 port_alarm equ 0xfe12 ;Alarm LED port_lcd equ 0xfe20 ;LCD Program Example Chapter 13 Appendix ************** *************** *************** ************** Command/ Status Definition *************** *************** *************** ************** Special for MN10200 *************** ************** Register MAP ************* *************** c_init equ 0x00 ;Initial value c_reset equ 0x40 ;Hard reset c_err_rest equ 0x10 ;RX Error reset c_cmd_inst equ 0x7a ;Command instruction c_tx_rdy equ 0x01 ;TX ready c_rx_rdy equ 0x02 ;Rx ready c_line_con equ 0x80 ;Line connected c_err_bit equ 0x28 ;RX error bits ************* ************* ************** ****************** Speed Definition ************** ************** *************** ********************* s_1200 equ 0x80 s_2400 equ 0x40 s_4800 equ 0x20 s_9600 equ 0x10 brg_1200 equ 0x80 brg_2400 equ 0x40 brg_4800 equ 0x20 ;Dip switch image ;BRG image brg_9600 equ 0x10 ************** ************* ************** ******************** ************** ************** ******************* buffer_size equ 16 ************** *************** ************** System define ************** ************** *************** ******************* MCR_WAIT equ 0x0101 CPU_MODE equ 0x0000 STACKTOP equ 0xf400 PSW_OFF equ 0x0000 PSW_SET equ 0x0f00 Buffer Size ************** ******************* Program Example 383 Chapter 13 Appendix MAIN.ASM file ************* ************* ************* MN102L00 assembler sample *************** *************** ************** Communication Terminal: ************** *************** ************** #include Òequtbl.hÓ if_clear macro icr_reg mov icr_reg, a0 mov (a0), d0 or 0xff0f, d0 mov d0, (a0) ******************** program ***************** Main ****************** endm _CODE section CODE, PUBLIC, 2 _DATA section DATA, PUBLIC, 2 _CODE section CODE, PUBLIC, 2 global rx_proc, tx_proc, cyc_proc global time_filler ************* *************** ************** start up routine ************** *************** ************** ******************** ******************** _start jmp _main nop ;*---start interrupt routine (64KB org _start+0x0008 model)---* add -14, A3 mov D0, (12, A3) ;D0 Register PUSH mov D1, (10, A3) ;D1 Register PUSH mov D2, (8, A3) ;D2 Register PUSH mov D3, (6, A3) ;D1 Register PUSH mov A0, (4, A3) ;A0 Register PUSH mov A1, (2, A3) ; A1 Register PUSH mov A2, (A3) ; A2 Register PUSH mov (iagr), D0 and D0, D0 _irg 384 Program Example Chapter 13 Appendix mov D0, A0 add _irg_vec_tbl, A0 mov (0, A0, D0) mov D0, A0 nop ;*---interrupt return operation---* mov (12, A3), D0 ;D0 Register POP mov (10, A3), D1 ;D1 Register POP mov (8, A3), D2 ;D2 Register POP mov (6, A3), D3 ;D3, Register POP mov (4, A3), A0 ;A0 Register POP mov (2, A3), A1 ;A1 Register POP mov (A3), A2 ;A1 Register POP add 14, A3 _irq_end rti ;*---interrupt vector table---* dd _irq_end ;NMI, WDT irq dd _ad_irq ;A/D irq dd _asci_irq ;SIF irq dd _irq_end dd _timer_irq dd _irq_end dd _irq_end dd _irq_end _irq_vec_tbl ;*---program ;Timer irq dd _ext_irq initialize routine---* ; External irq mov MCR_WAIT, D0 mov D0, (mcr) ;(Non wait cycle) mov CPU_MODE,D0 ;clear WDT irq mov D0, (cpum) ;(disable WDT) mov STACKTOP, A3 Interrupt Disable Flag mov PSW_OFF, D0 mov D0, PSW jmp _main bra _loop1 interrupt routine---* _main ;*---set ;set External Bus cycle ---* _loop *---program Program Example 385 Chapter 13 Appendix *---A/D interrupt operation---* if_clear icr _ad_irq *---SIF jmp -irq interrupt operation---* if_clear icr2 jmp -irq -end _asci_irq: -end *--TM interrupt operation---* _timer_irq: *---EXIRQ if_clear icr4 sub d0, d0 mov d0, (time_flg) jmp -irq interrupt operation---* if_clear icr8 imp -irq -end _ext_irq: 386 Program Example -end Chapter 13 Appendix ************** *************** ************* ********************** main routine ************** ************** *************** ********************** jsr init_irq ; initialize IRQ jsr clear_memory ;clear memory jsr init_speed ;initialize BRG jsr init_trx ;initialize TRX jsr rx_proc ;Rx process cmp 1, D0 bne main_skip jsr tx_proc jsr rx_proc cmp 1, D0 bne main_skip jsr tx_proc jsr cyc_proc ;Cyclic process bra main_loop ;goto main loop _main main_loop ;if not received, skip Tx process main_loop ;RX process ;if not received, skip Tx process main_skip *************** ************** *************** ******************** initialize IRQ ************* *************** *************** ******************* init_irq mov 0x0100, d0 mov icr1, a0 mov d0, (a0) mov 0x0200, d0 mov icr2, a0 mov d0, (a0) mov 0x0400, d0 mov icr4, a0 mov d0, (a0) mov 0x0100, d0 mov icr8, a0 mov d0, (a0) Program Example 387 Chapter 13 Appendix mov PSW_SET, D0 mov D0, PSW rts 388 Chapter 13 Appendix ************* ************** ************** ******************** clear memory ************* ************** ************* ****************** mov tx_buffer, A0 ;set initial value mov rx_buffer, A1 mov buffer_size, D0 mov buffer_size, D1 mov 0, D2 movb D2, (A0) sub 1, D0 beq memory_loop1 add 1, A0 bra memory_loop0 movb D2, (A1) sub 1, D1 beq memory_exit add 1, A1 bra memory_loop1 clear_memory memory_loop0 ;clear end memory_loop1 ;clear end memory_exit rts ************** *************** ************* initialize Baud rate ************** ********************* Generator *************** ************ ******************** init_speed mov port_dip_sw, A0 movbu (A0), D0 mov brg_1200, d1 btst s_1200, D0 beq speed_exit mov brg_2400, D1 btst s_2400, D0 beg speed_exit ;get Dip-sw (8 bits) ;1200bps ;2400bps Program Example 389 Chapter 13 Appendix mov brg_4800, D1 btst s_4800, D1 beq speed_exit mov brg_9600, D1 btst s_9600, D0 beq speed_exit ;9600bps mov brg_1200, D1 ;default...1200bps mov port_speed, A0 ;set to BRG movb D1, (A0) ;4800bps speed_exit rts 390 Program Example Chapter 13 Appendix ************** ************** *************** ************************ ************** ************* mov c_init, D0 mov port_cmp, A0 movb D0, (A0) jsr time_filler movb D0, (A0) jsr time_filler movb D0, (A0) jsr time_filler mov c_reset, D0 movb D0, (A0) jsr time_filler mov c_cmd_inst, D0 movb D0, (A0) jsr time_filler mov c_cmd_inst, D0 movb D0, (A0) jsr time_filler mov port_sts, A0 movbu (A0), D0 btst c_line_con, D0 bne trx_loop ;if line is not connected section DATA, PUBLIC, 2 global time_flg, tx_buffer, rx_buffer initialize TRX ************** ********************** init_trx ;set initial value x3 ;set reset command ;set command inst. ;set mode inst. trx_loop rts _DATA end Program Example 391 Chapter 13 Appendix SUB.ASM file ************ ************** ************** ********************** MN10200 assembler sample program ************ ************** ************* ******************** Communication Terminal: SUB ************* *************** ************** ******************* ######### ########## ########### ############# Example of include usage ######### ########## ########## ############# #include Òequtbl.hÓ #define HI_SPEED _CODE section CODE, PUBLIC, 2 global rx_proc, tx_proc, cyc_proc global time_filler ######### ########## ########## Example of macro declaration ######### ######### ######### output macro mov ############# ############## A0, (save_A0) mov port_tx, A0 movb D0, (A0) mov (save_a0), A0 endm time_fill macro count local fill_loop mov D0, (save_D0) mov count, D0 ; fill_loop nop nop nop sub 1, D0 bne fill_loop mov (save_d0), D0 ; rts endm *************** ************** 392 Program Example *************** *********************** Chapter 13 Appendix Rx process ************ ************* ************** ********************* mov 0, D0 ;set ÔNot ReceivedÕ mov port_sts, A0 movbu (A0), D1 btst c_rx_rdy, D1 beq rx_exit and c_err_bit, D1 bne rx_error mov port_rx, A0 movbu (A0), D1 mov rx_buffer, A0 mov (rx_index), D0 rx_proc ;not received ;Rx error happended ;Rx data add D0, A0 movb D1, (A0) and buffer_size-1, D0 mov D0, (rx_index) mov 1, D0 bra rx_exit ;Normal receiving mov port_alarm, A0 ;Alarm LED ON mov 1,D1 movb D1, (A0) ;set into buffer ;next index rx_error rx_exit rts ************ *************** ************ ********************** ************* ********************* Tx process ************* ************* tx_proc mov 0, D0 movb D0, (cyc_lcd) mov (tx_index), D0 mov (rx_index), D1 cmp D0, D1 ;clear lcd data Program Example 393 Chapter 13 Appendix beq tx_exit mov rx_buffer, A1 mov (rx_index), D1 add D1, A1 movbu (A1), D0 ;get data in D0 movb D0, (cyc_lcd) ;set lcd data mov tx_buffer, A1 mov (tx_index), D1 add D1, A1 movb D0, (A1) and buffer_size-a, D1 ;save into buffer mov D1, (tx_index) ;next index ########## ########### ######### ############### Example of macro expansion ########## ########## ########## ############## output time_fill 10 tx_exit rts ************* ************* ************* ******************* ************** ************* ****************** cyclic process ************** cyc_proc ########## ########### ########## ############## Example of assembler control statements ######### ########## ######### ############# #ifdef HI_SPEED mov 500, D0 mov port_cyc_h, A0 mov 1000, D0 mov port_cyc_1, A0 mov (cyc_count), D1 add 1, D1 cmp D0, D1 bne cyc_skip movbu (cyc_data), D0 #else #endif 394 Program Example Chapter 13 Appendix xor 1, D0 movb D0, (cyc_data) mov 0, D1 mov D0, (A0) mov D1, (cyc_count) movbu (cyc_lcd), D0 and 0x007f, D0 cmp 0x20, D0 bcc cyc_exit mov port_lcd, A0 and 0x00ff, D0 mov D0, D1 mov D0, D2 lsr D1 lsr D1 lsr D1 lsr D1 mov erro_disp, A1 add D1, A1 movbu (A1), D0 movb D0, (A0) sub D1, A1 time_fill 10 and 0x000f, D2 add D2, A1 movbu (A1), D0 movb D0, (A0) ;change ON/OFF cyc_skip ;normal character ;shift right 4 bits ;upper ;lower cyc_exit rts ************* ************** *************** ************************ ************** ************* time_fill 10 time filler ************* ************************ time_filler rts ########## ########## ########## Example of data definition ########## ######### ########## ############### ############## Program Example 395 Chapter 13 Appendix _DATA section DATA, PUBlIC, 2 global time_flg, tx_buffer, rx_buffer time_flg ds 1 tx_buffer ds 1, 0, buffer_size rx_buffer ds 1, 0, buffer_size ########## ######### ######### ############### Example of iterated macro use ######### ######### ######### ############## irp const, Ò0123456789ABCDEFÓ dc const erro_disp endm _DATA section DATA, PUBLIC, tx_index ds 2 rx_index ds 2 save_A0 ds 2 save_D0 ds 2 cyc_count ds 2 cyc_data ds 1 cyc_lcd ds 1 end 396 Program Example 2 Chapter 13 Appendix 17.5.2 Batch File The batch file used for assembly and linking is shown below. AS102L00 MAIN AS102L00 SUB LD102L00 -m -o SAMPLE.EX AS102L00 -a SAMPLE MAIN AS102L00 -a SAMPLE SUB -T_CODE=800000 -TDATA=F000 MAIN SUB First, the batch file assembles the two files. After assembly, it links the files, specifying the start addresses of the sections defined in the two files (_CODE and _DATA) with the T option. It also specifies the -m option to generate a map (SAMPLE.MAP) file. Finally, the files are assembled again using the map file to create final list files. Program Example 397 Chapter 13 Appendix 17.5.3 Execution Example The final list files are shown below. Final list file MAIN.LST *** Loc mn102L00 object =0000FC00 =0000FC02 =0000FC0E =0000FC42 =0000FC44 =0000FC48 =0000FC50 398 Program Example MAIN.LST Cross Line Source 1 ******** 2 3 MN10200 4 5 ******** 6 7 ******** 8 COMMUNICAT ION 9 ********** 10 11 #include .1 ******** .2 .3 MN10200 .4 .5 ********* .6 .7 ********* .8 Special .9 ********* .10 .11 cpum .12 mcr .13 iagr .14 .15 icr1 .16 icr2 .17 icr4 .18 icr8 .19 .20 ******** .21 .22 ******** .23 .24 ******** .25 .26 port Page1 Assembler*** ************** *************** assembler sample ************** ************* ************* TERMINAL: ************ MAIN *************** *************** Òequtbl.hÓ ************** *************** assembler sample program program **************** ************* *************** Register MAP *************** ************* for MN10200 ************** equ equ equ 0xfc00 0xfc02 0xfc0e equ equ equ equ 0xfc42 0xfc44 0xfc48 0xfc50 ************* COMMUNICATION ************* **************** TERMINAL: EQUATION *************** ************** *************** table Chapter 13 Appendix =0000FE00 =0000FE01 =0000FE02 =0000FE02 =0000FE08 .27 .28 .29 .30 .31 .32 .33 .34 .35 =0000FE09 .36 ********* ************** *************** port_tx port_rx port_cmd port_sts equ equ equ equ 0xfe00 0xfe01 0xfe02 0xfe02 ;TX ;RX ;Command (OUT) ;Status (IN) port_dip_s equ w port_speed equ 0xfe08 ;Dip Switch 0xfe09 ;Baud Rate Generator(BRG) port_cyc_h equ 0xfe10 ;Cyclic LED port_cyc_ equ 0xfe11 port_alarm equ 0xfe12 ;Alarm LED port_lcd equ 0xfe20 ;LCD ************** Page 2 Assembler*** *************** Command/Status Definition .37 =0000FE10 .38 =0000FE11 .39 .40 =0000FE12 .41 .42 =0000FE20 .43 .44 .45 *** Loc mn102L00 Object =00000000 =00000040 =00000010 =0000007A ******* MAIN.LST Cross Line Source .46 * .47 * .48 * .49 ********** .50 .51 c_init .52 c_reset .53 c_err_rest .54 c_cmd_ins =00000037 .55 .56 =00000001 .57 =00000002 .58 .59 =00000080 .60 .61 =00000028 .62 .64 .65 .66 .67 .68 .69 * * * **************** **************** equ equ equ equ 0x00 0x40 0x10 0x7a ;Initial value ;Hard reset c_mod_inst equ 0x37 c_tx_rdy c_rx_rdy equ equ 0x01 0x02 ;Tx ready ;Rx ready c_line_con equ 0x80 ;Line connected c_err_bit ******** equ *************** 0x28 ************** ;Rx error bits Speed Definition ******** ************* ;Command instruction ;Mode instruction **************** Program Example 399 Chapter 13 Appendix =00000080 .70 s_1200 equ 0x80 =00000040 .71 =00000020 .72 =00000010 .73 .74 =00000080 .75 =00000040 .76 =00000020 .77 =00000010 .78 .79 .80 .81 .82 .83 .84 .85 =00000010 .86 s_2400 s_4800 s_9600 equ equ equ 0x80 0x80 0x80 s_1200 s_2400 s_4800 s_9600 equ equ equ equ 0x80 0x80 0x80 0x80 ********* *************** ************* Buffer Size ******** ************* =00000101 =00000000 =0000F400 =00000000 =00000F00 *** Loc 400 mn102L00 Object Program Example .87 .88 .89 .90 .91 .92 .93 .94 .95 .96 .97 .98 .99 12 13 ;DIP swtich image ;BRG image *************** buffer_siz equ e 16 ******* ************** ************* System define ******** *************** **************** MCR_WAIT CPU_MODE STACKTOP PSW_OFF PSW_SET equ equ equ equ equ 0x0101 0x0000 0xf400 0x0000 0x0f00 macro Page3 Assembler*** icr_reg mov mov or mov endm icr_reg,a0 (a0),d0 0xff0f, d0 d0, (a0) section section CODE, PUBLIC, DATA, PUBLIC, 2 2 section CODE, PUBLIC, 2 global global rx_proc, time_filler Tx_proc,cyc_proc if_clear MAIN.LST Cross Line Source 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 _CODE 21 _DATA 22 23 _CODE 24 25 26 Chapter 13 Appendix 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 080 F4 080 080 080 080 080 080 080 080 080 080 F47 080 080 080 080 080 F46 000 000 000 E0610000 005 F6 0008 D3f0 000A 4C0E 000C 4D0C 00E 4E0A 010 4F08 012 5C06 014 5D04 016 5E02 018 4310008 01D 5C00 01F C80EFC 022 F5003E 025 F230 027 4420008 02E F000 030 F6 ********* *************** start up routine ********* *************** **************** jmp nop _main start interrupt org routine(64KB _start+0x0008 41 add -16, A3 42 mov D0,(14, A3) ;D0 Register PUSH 43 mov D1,(12, A3) ;D1 Register PUSH 44 mov D2,(10, A3) ;D2 Register PUSH 45 46 mov D3,(8, A3) ;D1 Register PUSH 47 mov A0,(6, A3) ;A0 48 mov A1,(4, A3) ;A1 Register PUSH 49 50 mov !2, (2, A3) ;A2 Register PUSH 51 mov _irq_end, A0 52 mov A0, (A3) 53 mov (iagr), D0 54 and 0x3e, D0 55 mov D0, A0 56 add _irq_vec_tbl, A0 58 jmp (A0) 59 nop 35 36 37 38 39 40 *************** _start ;*--- model)---* _irg Register PUSH Program Example 401 Chapter 13 Appendix 60 61 interrupt return operation ---* 63 mov (12, A3), D0 ;D0 Register POP 64 mov (10, A3), D1 ;D1 register POP 65 mov (8,A3),D2 Register POP 66 mov (6, A3), D3 ;D3 Register POP 67 mov (4, A3), A0 ;A0 Register POP 68 mov (2, A3), A1 ;A1 Register POP 69 mov Page 4 Assembler *** (A3), A2 70 add 14, A3 71 72 73 rti ;*--- 74 _irq_vec_ 62 080 080 080 080 080 080 080 *** Loc 080 080 080 080 080 080 080 080 080 080 080 402 031 6C0C 033 6D0A 035 6E08 037 6F06 039 7C04 03B 7D02 03D 7E00 mn102L00 Object 03F D30E 041 EB 042 31000800 046 7F000800 04A 89000800 04E 31000800 052 93000800 056 31000800 05A 31000800 05E 31000800 062 A3000800 Program Example ;*--_irq_end MAIN.LST Cross Line Source ;D2 ;A2 Register POP interrupt vector tbl table---* 75 dd _irq_end ;NMI, WDT irg 76 dd _ad_irq ;A/D irq 77 dd _asci_irq ;SIF irq 78 dd _irq_end 79 dd _timer_irq 80 dd _irq_end 81 dd _irq_end 82 dd _irq_end 83 84 85 86 dd _ext_irq ;External irq program initialize routine---* ;*--- ;Timer irq Chapter 13 Appendix 87 080 080 080 080 080 080 080 080 080 080 080 080 080 080 080 080 080 _main 066 F80101 88 mov MCR_WAIT, D0 069 C002FC 89 mov D0, (mcr) ;(Non wait cycle) 90 mov CPU_MODE,D0 ;clear EDT irq 91 mov D0, (cpum) ;(disable WDT) 92 93 94 mov STACKTOP, A3 Interrupt Disable mov PSW_OFF, D0 mov D0, PSW program A/D interrupt interrupt operation if_clear icr1 105+ mov icr1, a0 105+ mov (a0), d0 105+ or 0xff0f, d0 105+ mov d0, (a0) 06C 8000 06E C000FC 071 DF00F4 074 8000 076 F3D0 07F DC42FC 082 20 083 F7400FFF 087 00 088 FE 089 DC44FC 08C 20 08D F74000FFF 091 00 092 FE ;*--- set 95 96 97 100 101 102 103 104 M105 ; setExternal Bus cycle Flag ---* _loop1 *--*--_ad_irq 106 rts 107 *--SIF interrupt 108 _asci_irq: M109 if_clear routine---* ---* operation ---* icr2 109+ mov icr2, a0 109+ mov (a0), d0 109+ or 0xff0f, d0 109+ mov d0,(a0) 110 rts Program Example 403 Chapter 13 Appendix 080 080 080 080 *** Loc 080 080 F44 080 080 080 080 080 080 080 080 080 404 093 DC48FC 096 20 097 F74000FFF 09B 00 mn102L00 Object 09C A0 09D 000F000 0A2 FE 0A3 DC50FC 0A6 20 0AC FE 0AD F4E124000 0 0B2 F4E141000 0 0B7 F4E163000 0 0BC F4E187000 0C1 Program Example 111 *---TM 112 _timer M113 interrupt _irq: if_clear 113+ mov icr4, a0 113+ mov (a0), d0 113+ or 0xff0f, d0 113+ mov Page5 Assembler *** d0, (a0) 114 sub d0, d0 115 mov d0, (time_flg) 116 117 *---EXIRQ 118 _ext_irq: M119 rts interrupt operation ---* if_clear icr8 119 mov icr8, 119+ mov (a0), d0 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 rts MAIN.LST Cross Line Source operation ---* icr4 a0 ******** ************** main routine ******* _main ************** *************** 128 jsr init_irq ;initialize IRQ 129 jsr clear_memory ;clear memory 130 jsr init_speed ;initialize BRG 131 132 133 jsr init_trx ;initialize TRX main__loop **************** Chapter 13 Appendix 080 080 Tx 080 F4 080 F4 080 080 080 080 080 080 080 080 080 080 080 080 F4E1BC000 134 0 0C6 D801 135 0C8 E905 136 process CA E1E70000 0CF E1430100 0D4 EAEB 0D6 F80001 0D9 DC42FC 0DC 00 0DD F80002 0E0 00 0E4 F80004 0E7 DC48FC 0EA 00 0EB F80001 0EE DC50FC 0F1 00 jsr rx_proc cmp 1, D0 bne main_skip jsr tx_proc 140 jsr cyc_proc ;Cyclic process 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 bra main_loop ;goto main loop 137 138 139 ;RX process ;if not received, skip main_skip ******** **************** *************** initialize IRQ ********* init_irq **************** **************** 149 mov 0x0100, d0 150 mov icr1, a0 151 152 mov d0, (a0) 153 mov 0x0200, d0 155 156 mov d0, (a0) 157 mov 0x0400, d0 158 mov icr4, a0 159 160 mov d0, (a0) 161 mov 0x100, d0 162 mov icr8, a0 163 164 mov d0, (a0) Program Example 405 Chapter 13 Appendix 080 *** Loc 080 080 mn102L00 Object 0F5 F3D0 0F7 FE 080 F47 0F8 401F000 080 F47 080 0FD 511F000 102 8010 104 8510 106 8A00 080 080 080 080 F71 080 080 080 080 080 F71 080 080 080 406 0F2 F8000F 108 02 109 C0100 10D E804 10F D001 111 EAF5 113 06 114 D0100 118 E804 11A D101 11C Program Example 165 mov Page 6 Assembler *** 166 167 mov D0, PSW 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 rts MAIN.LST Cross Line Source PSW_SET, D0 ******** *************** clear memory ******** Clear_ ************** memory **************** 176 mov tx_buffer, A0 177 mov rx_buffer, A1 178 mov buffer_size, D0 179 mov buffer_size, D1 180 181 182 mov 0, D2 memory_ *************** ;set initial value loop0 183 mov D2, (A0) 184 sub 1, D0 185 beq memory_loop1 186 add 1, A0 187 188 bra memory_loop1 memory_loop0 189 mov D2, (A1) 190 sub 1, D1 191 beq memory_exit 192 add 1, A1 ;clear end ;clear end Chapter 13 Appendix EAF5 080 080 080 11E FE 11F DC08FE 122 30 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 bra memory_ memory_loop1 exit rts ******** *************** initialize Baud rate **************** Generator ********* *************** init_speed ************** 204 mov port_dip_sw, A0 205 movbu (A0), D0 207 mov brg_1200, D1 208 btst s_1200, D1 209 210 beq speed_exit 211 mov brg_2400, D1 212 btst s_2400, D0 213 214 beq speed_exit 215 mov brg_4800, D1 216 btst s_4800, D0 217 218 beq speed_exit 219 mov brg_9600, D1 220 btst s_9600, D0 221 beq Page 7 Assembler*** speed_exit ;get Dip-sw (8bit) 206 080 080 080 080 080 080 080 080 080 080 080 080 *** Loc 123 F98000 126 F50480 129 F818 12B 8540 12D F50440 130 F818 132 8520 134 F50420 137 E80A 139 8510 13B F50410 013E E803 MN102L00 Object MAIN.LST Cross Line Source 222 ;1200bps ;2400bps ;4800bps ;9600bps Program Example 407 Chapter 13 Appendix 080 140 F9800 223 mov brg_1200, D1 ;default...1200b ps 226 mov port_speed, A0 ;set to BRG 227 movb D1, (A0) 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 rts 224 225 080 080 080 080 080 080 080 F4E 080 080 F4E 080 080 F4E 080 080 080 F4E 080 080 408 143 DC09FE 146 11 147 FE speed_exit ******** **************** **************** initialize TRX *************** **************** 236 mov c_init, D0 237 238 mov port_cmp, A0 239 movb D0, (A0) 240 jsr time_filler 241 movb D0, (A0) 242 jsr time_filler 243 movb D0, (A0) 244 245 jsr time_filler 246 mov c_reset, D0 247 movb D0, (A0) 248 249 jsr time_filler 167 807A 250 mov c_cmd_inst, D0 169 10 251 movb D0, (A0) 148 8000 14A DC02FE 14D 10 14E 1300100 153 10 154 12A0100 159 10 15A 1240100 15F 8040 161 10 162 11C0100 Program Example ********* init_trx ;set initial value x3 ;set reset command ;set command inst. Chapter 13 Appendix 080 F4E 16A 1140100 080 16F 8037 171 10 172 10C0100 080 080 F4E 080 080 080 080 080 ROM No No 177 DC02FE 17A 30 17B F50480 17E F9FA 180 FE size is erros warnings 252 253 jsr time_filler 254 mov c_mod_inst, D0 255 movb D0, (A0) 256 257 jsr time_filler 258 259 260 mov port_sts, A0 261 movbu (A0), D0 262 btst c_line_con, D0 263 bne trx_loop 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 rts in in ;set mode inst trx_loop _DATA 524673 this this section DATA, PUBLIC, 2 global time_flg,tx_buf ;if line is not connected fer,rx_buffer end (Hex.00080181) assembly assembly Program Example 409 Chapter 13 Appendix ***Symbol 00000000 00000101 00000000 00000F00 0000F400 00080000 0000F000 00080066 0008007F 00080089 000800A3 00080008 00080031 00080042 00080078 000800AD 0080000 00080093 00000080 00000040 00000020 00000010 00000010 0000007A 00000028 00000010 00000000 00000080 00000037 00000040 00000002 00000001 000800F8 0000FC00 00080217 0000FC0E 0000FC42 0000FC44 0000FC48 0000FC50 000800D6 0008011F 00080148 000800C1 000800CF 410 Program Example Table T T T T T A A T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T MAIN.LST *** CPU_MODE MCR_WAIT PSW_OFF PSW_SET STACKTOP _CODE _DATA _MAIN _ad_irq _asci_irq _ext_irq _irq _irq_end _irq_vec_tbl _loop1 _main _start _timer_irq brg_1200 brg_2400 brg_4800 brg_9600 buffer_size c_cmd_inst c_err_bit c_err_rest c_init c_line_con c_mod_inst c_reset c_rx_rdy c_tx_rdy clear_memory cpum cyc_proc iagr icr1 icr2 icr4 icr8 init_irq init_speed init_trx main_loop main_skip Page8 Chapter 13 Appendix 0000FC02 0008011E 00080108 00080113 0000FE12 0000FE02 0000FE10 0000FE11 0000FE08 0000FE20 0000FE01 T T T T T T T T T T T *** Symbol 0000FE09 0000FE02 0000FE00 0000F011 00080182 00000080 00000040 00000020 00000010 00080143 00080283 0000F000 0008017A 0000F001 000801B6 T T T D T T T T T T T D T D T mcr memory_exit memory_loop0 memory_loop1 port_alarm port_cmd port_cyc_h port_cyc_l port_dip_sw port_lcd port_rx MAIN.LST Table *** Page 9 port_speed port_sts port_tx rx_buffer rx_proc s_1200 s_2400 s_4800 s_9600 speed_exit time_filler time_flg trx_loop tx_buffer tx_proc Program Example 411 Chapter 13 Appendix Final list file SUB.LST *** Loc mn102L00 object SUB.LST Cross Line Source 1 ******** 2 MN10200 3 4 5 ******** 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 =0000FC00 =0000FC02 =0000FC0E =0000FC42 =0000FC44 =0000FC48 =0000FC50 412 Program Example 14 15 16 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 .10 .11 .12 .13 .14 .15 .16 .17 .18 .19 .20 .21 .22 .23 .24 Page 1 Assembler *** ************* ************* assembler sample program ************* ************** * ********* ************* ************* COMMUNICATION TERMIVAL: SUB ********** ************* ************* * ###### ########### ########### Example of include usage ###### #include ********* ########## Òequtbl.hÓ ************ ************* MN10200 assembler sample program ********* ************* ************** ******** Special ******** ************ ************* Register MAP for MN10200 ************* ************* vpum mcr iagr equ equ equ 0xfc00 0xfc02 0xfc0e icr1 icr2 icr4 icr8 equ equ equ equ 0xfc42 0xfc44 0xfc48 0xfc50 ******** COMMUNI ******* ************* ************ CATION TERMINAL: ************* ************ ******** ************ ########### ************ EQUATION Chapter 13 Appendix =0000FE08 .25 .26 .27 .28 .29 .30 .31 .32 .33 .34 .35 =0000FE09 .36 =0000FE10 =0000FE11 .37 .38 .39 .40 =0000FE00 =0000FE01 =0000FE02 =0000FE02 *** Loc Port table ********* ************* ************ port_tx port_rx port_rx port_sts equ equ equ equ 0xfe00 0xfe001 0xfe002 0xfe02 ;TX ;RX ;Command(OUT) ;Status (IN) port_dip_s equ w port_speed equ 0xfe08 ;Dip Switch 0xfe09 ;Baud Rate Generator(BRG) port_cyc_h equ port_cyc_l equ 0xfe10 0xfe11 ;Cyclic LED =00000000 =00000040 =00000010 SUB.LST Page 2 Cross Assembler Line Source .41 port_alarm equ .42 .43 port_lcd equ .44 .45 ******** ************ .46 .47 Command/ Status Definition .48 .49 ********* ************* .50 .51 c_init equ .52 c_reset equ .53 c_err_rest equ =0000007A .54 c_cmd_inst equ 0x7a =00000037 .55 c_mod_inst equ 0x37 c_tx_rdy c_rx_rdy equ equ 0x01 0x02 ;Tx ready ;Rx ready c_line_con equ 0x80 ;Line connected c_err_bit equ 0x28 ;Rx error bits ********* ************ ************ mn102L00 Object =0000FE12 =0000FE20 =00000001 =00000002 =00000080 =00000028 .56 .57 .58 .59 .60 .61 .62 .63 .64 *** 0xfe12 ;Alarm LED 0xfe20 ;LCD ************* ************* 0x00 0x40 0x10 ;Initial value ;Hard reset ;Rx Error reset ;Command instruction ;Mode instruction Program Example 413 Chapter 13 Appendix =00000080 =00000040 =00000020 =00000010 =00000010 .71 .72 .73 .74 .75 .76 .77 .78 .79 .80 .81 .82 .83 .84 .85 .86 =00000101 =00000000 =0000F400 .87 .88 .89 .90 .91 .92 .93 .94 .95 .96 =00000080 =00000040 =00000020 =00000010 Loc 414 Program Example .65 .66 .67 .68 .69 .70 Object =00000000 =0000F00 speed Definition ******** *********** ************ s_1200 equ 0x80 s_2400 s_4800 s_9600 equ equ equ 0x40 0x20 0x10 brg_1200 brg_2400 brg_4800 brg_9600 equ equ equ equ 0x80 0x40 0x20 0x10 ******** *********** ************* Buffer Size ******** ************ ;BRG image ************* buffer_siz equ e 16 ********* ************ ************ System define ********* ************* ************* MCR_WAIT CPU_MODE STACKTOP SUB.LST Line Source .97 PSW_OFF .98 PSW_SET .99 17 18 #define 19 20 _CODE 21 22 23 24 25 ####### 26 27 Example ;Dip switch image equ equ equ Page 3 0x0101 0x0000 0xf400 equ equ 0x0000 0x0f00 HI_SPEED section CODE, PUBLIC, 2 global global rx_proc,tx_pro c, cyc_proc time_filler ########## ########## of macro declaration Chapter 13 Appendix 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 080182 8000 080184 080187 080188 08018B DC02FE 31 F50502 E828 08018D 080190 F50028 E91D 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 DC01FE 68 69 080192 ***mn 080195 080196 102L00 31 70 71 F47411F000 72 ###### ########## ########### output macro mov mov movb mov A0,(save_A0) port_tx, A0 D0, (A0) (save_A0), A0 endm time_fill ; fill_loop macro local mov mov nop nop nop sub bne count fill_loop count, D0 1, D0 fill_loop ; mov rts endm (save_D0), D0 ******** ************ ************ Rx process ******** rx_proc ************ ************* mov 0,D0 mov movbu btst beq port_sts, A0 (A0), D1 c_rx_rdy, D1 rx_exit and bne c_err_bit, D0 rx_error mov Page 4 Assembler movbu port_rx, A0 *** (A0), D1 mov rx_buffer, A0 SUB.LST Cross ;set ÔNot ReceivedÕ ;not received ;Rx error happened ;Rx data Program Example 415 Chapter 13 Appendix 08019B 0801A0 0801A2 F4C034F000 73 F200 74 11 75 mov add movb 0801A3 0801A6 F5000F 76 F44034F000 77 78 8001 79 EA06 80 and mov (rx_index), D0 D0, A0 D1, (A0) ;set into buffer buffer_size_1 ,D0 D0, (rx_indes) ;next index mov bra 1, D0 rx_exit mov mov movb port_alarm, A0 ;Alarm LED ON 1, D1 D1, (A0) 0801AB 0801AD 0801AF 0801B2 0801B4 0801B5 0801B6 0801B8 0801BD 0801C2 0801C7 0801C9 F4C032F000 F4C134F000 F391 E84B 0801CB 0801D0 0801D5 0801D7 F47511F000 F4C134F000 F205 34 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 rx_error rx_exit ********* rts ************* ************** Tx process ******** tx_proc ************ ************* mov movb 0, D0 D0, (cyc_lcd) mov mov cmp beq (tx_index), D0 (rx_index), D1 D0, D1 tx_exit mov mov add movbu rx_buffer, A1 (rx_index), D1 D1, A1 (A1), D0 ;get data in D0 movb D0,(cyc_lcd) mov mov mov add movb tx_buffer, A1 tx_buffer, A1 (tx_index), D1 D1, A1 D0, (A1) ;save into buffer buffer_size1,D1 D1,(tx_index) ;next index 0801DD 0801E2 0801E2 0801E7 0801E9 108 F4443DF000 109 110 F47501F000 111 F4C132F000 112 F4C132F000 112 F205 113 14 114 0801EA F5010F 115 and 0801ED F44132F000 116 mov 0801D8 416 81 82 DC12FE 83 8501 84 11 85 86 87 FE 88 90 91 92 93 94 95 8000 96 F4443DF000 97 Program Example ;Normal receiving ;clear lcd data ;set lcd data Chapter 13 Appendix 0801F2 *** Loc 0801F7 0801FA 0801FB 080205 080207 080208 080209 08020A 08020E 080210 080215 080216 080217 08021A 08021D 080222 080224 080226 117 118 ###### 119 120 Example of 121 122 ###### 123 M124 F45036F000 124+ SUB.LST mn102L00 Cross Object Line Source DC00FE 124+ 10 124+ F4D036F000 124+ M125 800A 125+ F6 125+ ??00001 F6 125+ F6 125+ F71C0100 125+ E9F7 125+ F4C038F000 125+ FE 125+ 126 127 tx_exit FE 128 129 130 ******* 131 132 cyclic 133 134 ******* 135 cyc_proc 136 137 ###### 138 139 Example of 140 141 ###### 142 143 #ifdef F8F401 144 DC10FE 145 149 #endif F4C13AF000 150 D501 151 F391 152 E910 153 ######## ######### macro expansion ######## ######### output mov Page 5 Assembler mov movb mov time_fill mov nop nop nop sub bne mov rts A0, (save_A0) *** port_tx,A0 D0, (A0) (save_Ao), A0 10 D0, (save_D0) 1,D0 ??00001 (save_D0),D0 rts *********** ************* process ********** ************ ######### ######### assembler control ######### ########## HI_SPEED mov mov 500,D0 port_cyc_h, A0 mov add cmp bne (cyc_count),D1 1,D1 D0, D1 cyc_skip statements Program Example 417 Chapter 13 Appendix 080228 08022D 080231 080236 080238 080239 08023E 080243 080246 080248 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 00 161 F4413AF000 162 163 F4C83DF000 164 F5007F 165 D820 166 E638 167 F4C83F000 F74C0100 F4443CF000 8500 movbu xor movb mov (cyc_data), D0 1,D0 D0,(cyc_data) ;change ON/OFF 0,D1 mov mov D0,(A0) D1,(cyc_count) movbu and cmp bcc (cyc_lcd), D0 0x007f, D0 0x20, D0 cyc_exit SUB.LST Cross Line Source Page 6 Assembler *** 169 170 171 172 173 174 mov and mov mov port_lcd, A0 0x00ff, D0 D0, D1 D0, D2 lsr D1 lsr lsr lsr mov add movbu movb D1, A1 D1 D1 D1 error_disp, A1 D1, A1 (A1), D0 D0, (A0) ;upper time_fill mov mov nop nop syb bne mov rts 10 D0,(save_Do) 10,D0 and add movbu movb 0x000f,D2 D2, A1 (A1), D0 D0, (A0) cyc_skip ;normal character 168 *** Loc mn102L00 Object 08024A 08024D 080250 080251 DC20FE F500FF 81 82 080252 F33D 080254 080256 080258 08025A 08025F 080261 080262 080263 F33D F33D F33D F47521F000 F205 34 10 F215 080265 08026A 08026C 08026D 08026F 080273 080275 08027A 08027B 08027E 080280 080281 418 Program Example 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 sub 183 M184 F44038F000 184+ 800A 184+ F6 184+ ??00002 F6 184+ F71C0100 184+ E9F7 184+ F4C038F000 184+ FE 184+ 185 F5020F 186 F209 187 34 188 10 189 ;shift right 4 bits 1,D0 ??00002 (save_D0) ;lower Chapter 13 Appendix 080282 080283 080288 08028A 08028B 08028C 08028D 080291 080293 080298 080299 *** Loc 00F000 00F001 00F002 00F003 00F004 00F005 00F006 00F007 00F008 00F009 00F00A 00F00B 00F00C 00F00D FE F44038F000 800A F6 F6 F6 F71C0100 E9F7 F4C038F000 FE FE mn102L00 Object 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 cyc_exit rts ******* ************* ************** time filler ********* ************ time_fille r time_fill mov mov ??00003 nop nop nop sub bne mov rts rts M200 200+ 200+ 200+ 200+ 200+ 200+ 200+ 200+ 200+ 201 202 203 ##### 204 205 Example 206 SUB/LST Cross Line Source 207 ###### 208 _DATA 209 210 211 212 time_flg 213 tx_buffer 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 ************* 10 D0,(save_D0) 10,D0 1,D0 ??00003 (save_D0),D0 ######### ######### of data definition Page 7 Assembler *** ######### section ########## DATA, PUBLIC, global time_flg,tx_bu ffer,rx_buffer ds ds 1 1, 0, buffer 2 _size Program Example 419 Chapter 13 Appendix 00F00E 00F00F 00F010 00F011 00F012 00F013 00F014 00F015 00F016 00F017 00F018 00F019 00F01A 00F01B 00F01C 00F01D 00F01E 00F01F 00F020 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 213 213 213 214 214 214 214 214 214 214 214 214 214 214 214 214 214 214 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 M223 224 225 225+ 225+ 225+ 225+ 225+ 225+ 225+ *** Loc mn102L00 Object SUB.LST Cross Line Source 00F028 00F029 00F02A 00F02B 00F02C 00F02D 00F02E 00F02F 00F030 37 38 39 41 42 43 44 45 46 225+ 225+ 225+ 225+ 225+ 225+ 225+ 225+ 225+ 00F021 00F022 00F023 00F024 00F025 00F026 00F027 420 Program Example 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 rx_buffer ds 1,0,buffer_ ###### ######### ########## Example of iterated macro use ###### ######### error_disp irp dc endm dc Page 8 Assembler size ########## const,Ó0123456 789ABCDEFÓ const Ò0123456789AB *** CDEFÓ Chapter 13 Appendix 00F032 00F033 00F034 00F035 00 00 00 00 00F036 00F037 00F038 00F039 00 00 00 00 00F03A 00F03B 00F03C 00F03D 00 00 00 00 ROM No No size is errors in warning *** Symbol 00080207 0008026C 0008028A 00000000 00000101 00000000 00000F00 0000F400 00080182 0000F000 00000080 00000040 00000020 00000010 00000010 0000007A 00000028 00000010 00000000 00000080 00000037 00000040 00000002 T T T T T T T T STACKTOP A _CODE A_DATA T brg_1200 T brg_2400 T brg_4800 T brg_9600 T buffer_ T c_cmd_ T c_err T c_err_ T c_init T c_line_ T c_mod_i T c_reset T c_rx_ 00000001 T c_tx_ 0000FC00 T cpum 226 227 228 229 229 230 230 231 232 232 233 233 234 235 235 236 237 238 in _DATA section DATA, PUBLiC, tx_index ds 2 rx_index ds 2 save_A0 ds 2 save_D0 ds 2 cyc_count ds 2 cyc_data cyc_lcd ds 1 ds 1 end Hex.0008029A) assembly assembly Page 9 *** 524954( this this SUB.LST Table 2 ??0001 ??00002 ??00003 CPU_MODE MCR_WAIT PSW_OFF PSW_SET size inst _bit rest con nst rdy rdy Program Example 421 Chapter 13 Appendix 422 0000F03A 0000F03C 00080282 0000F03D 00080217 00080238 0000F021 D cyc_coun t D cyc_data T cyc_exit D cyc_lcd T cyc_proc Tcyc_skip disp D error_ 0000FC0E 0000FC42 0000FC44 0000FC48 0000FC50 0000FC02 0000FE12 0000FE02 0000FE10 0000FE11 0000FE08 0000FE20 0000FE01 0000FE09 0000FE02 0000FE00 0000F011 000801AF 000801AF 000801B5 000F034 00080182 00000080 00000040 00000020 T iagr T icr1 T icr2 T icr4 T icr8 T mcr T port_al T port_cmd T port_cyc T port_cyc T port_dip T port_lcd T port_rx T port_sp T port_sts T port_tx rx_buffer T rx_error T rx_error T rx_exit D rx_index T rx_proc T s_1200 T s_2400 T s_4800 *** Symbol 00000010 0000F036 0000F038 00080283 0000F000 00080216 0000F032 000801B6 T D D T D T D T Program Example arm _h _l _sw eed s_9600 save_A0 save_D0 time_fil ler tx_buff er tx_exit tx_index tx_proc SUB.LST Table *** Page 10 Index Symbols #define .................................................... 235 #else ........................................................241 #endif .......................................................239 #if ........................................................... 243 #ifb ..........................................................259 #ifdef .......................................................241 #ifeq ........................................................ 246 #ifge ........................................................255 #ifgt ......................................................... 255 #ifle .........................................................251 #iflt ..........................................................251 #ifn .......................................................... 243 #ifnb ........................................................259 #ifndef ......................................................241 #ifneq .......................................................246 #include ....................................................233 #undef ...................................................... 237 &............................................................. 272 .as102L00rc ...............................................358 .ld102L00r ................................................358 @filename ........................................154, 350 A A .............................................................177 a ..............................................................344 a map_filename .......................................... 105 ABS ......................................................... 185 Absolute ................................................... 185 Addition ................................................... 180 Address Constants ......................................177 address specifiers........................................ 177 Addressing Modes ......................................299 AH .......................................................... 177 AL ........................................................... 177 align ........................................................ 201 Arithmetic Instructions ................................307 Arithmetic operators ................................... 180 as102L00 .................................................. 358 AS102L00.EXE ............................................. 4 assembler ......................................................4 Assembler configuration .............................. 363 Assembler Control Statements ......................164 Assembler Customization .................................9 Assembler Errors ........................................319 Assembler Options ........................................83 Assembling And Linking Multiple Sections ....... 35 assembly language ........................................ 19 AUTOEXEC.BAT ......................................... 8 B back ......................................................... 294 Bit Manipulation Instructions ....................... 316 Blank Statements ....................................... 167 C c ....................................................... 90, 345 Character Constants .................................... 175 CLANG ................................................... 206 Command Options ...................................... 344 Comment Field .......................................... 195 Comment Statements .................................. 166 compiler ..................................................... 19 Conditional Assembly ................................. 239 Conditional assembly .................................... 23 Conditional Assembly And Linking ................. 46 Conditional Branch Instructions .................... 313 CONFIG.SYS ............................................... 7 Configuration ............................................ 361 Configuration Options ............................... 9, 11 COPY .......................................................... 6 cross-reference ............................................ 90 Cross-Reference Table ................................ 339 current directory ........................................... 31 D d ............................................................. 345 D identifier ............................................... 119 Data Move Instructions ............................... 304 dc ............................................................ 215 Debugging information output ........................ 11 DIR ............................................................. 4 Directive statements .................................... 163 Division ................................................... 180 ds ............................................................ 217 dummy_parameter ...................................... 259 dw ........................................................... 219 <Index 1> E H e ............................................. 112, 143, 346 Ed ........................................................... 151 Editor ........................................................ 21 En ........................................................... 150 end .......................................................... 203 endm ....................................................... 267 engineering workstation .............................. 356 equ .......................................................... 222 Error Message Options ................................ 110 Error Messages .......................................... 319 Error messages .......................................... 352 EWS version ............................................. 356 EX fileoutput with errors ............................... 11 EXCV102.EXE ............................................. 4 exitm ....................................................... 278 Expansion ................................................. 269 EXT ........................................................ 185 Extended C language format ........................ 173 External ................................................... 185 external declaration ...................................... 30 external label ............................................. 225 external reference ....................................... 185 external references ....................................... 30 h ..............................................127, 155, 347 Hardware Environment ....................................3 Header files ................................................. 22 I I ................................................................88 include files .................................................27 Installation ............................................6, 359 installer......................................................... 4 Intel format .......................................173, 206 internal EPROM ...........................................20 irp ............................................................288 irpc ..........................................................291 J j ......................................................110, 142 L F f ............................................................. 346 Factory Setting .............................................. 9 Fatal Error Messages .......................... 323, 328 Fatal Errors ...... 318, 319, 322, 323, 326, 327, ................................................ 328, 351, 352 file conversion utility ...................................... 4 file extensions ............................................. 28 File Organization ................................... 4, 358 Files Used By Assembler And Linker .............. 27 Forced Termination Of Macro Expansion ....... 278 front ........................................................ 294 G g ..................................................... 123, global ...................................................... < Index 2 > 146 225 l library_filename .......................................152 L path_name .............................................. 153 l path_name ...............................................116 Label Field ................................................192 Lc ............................................................ 101 ld102L00 ..................................................358 LD102L00.EXE ............................................. 4 Li ..............................................................93 Library File Options ....................................152 Library Manager ......................................... 343 Line .........................................................334 Line number ...............................................335 Line number supplemental information ...........335 Linker configuration ....................................364 Linker Errors .............................................326 Linker options ............................................135 linker) ..........................................................4 listoff .......................................................204 liston ........................................................204 Lm .............................................................97 Loc ..........................................................334 local ......................................................... 275 Local Symbol Declaration ............................275 Location Counter ........................................ 178 Logical AND ............................................. 181 Logical left shift .........................................181 Logical operators ........................................181 Logical OR................................................ 181 logical right shift ........................................181 Ls ............................................................104 M m .............................................................139 Machine language code ................................334 Machine language code supplemental information ............................................................... 335 Machine language instruction statements .........163 macro ....................................................... 267 Macro Calls ...............................................269 Macro Control Statements ............................ 165 Macro Operators ........................................272 macro_body .............................................. 267 macro_name ......................................267, 269 Macros .......................................................23 MAKE ....................................................... 21 MAP file output ........................................... 11 Matsushita format .......................................174 Memory ........................................................ 3 mnemonics ................................................196 Modulo operator (remainder) ........................180 MS-DOS .......................................................3 Multiplication ............................................ 180 N notation .................................................... 206 Number formating ..........................................9 Numbers ...................................................172 Numeric Restrictions ...................................368 O o file_name .................................................86 o filename .................................................137 Object ......................................................334 Od ...........................................................125 Operand Field ............................................194 Operation Field .......................................... 193 Operator Precedence ................................... 182 Operators .................................................. 180 opt ........................................................... 210 Optimization ........................................... 9, 22 optimization ................................................ 58 org .......................................................... 208 Ot............................................................ 126 Output debug information ............................ 362 Output EX file ........................................... 362 Output File Options .............................. 86, 137 P p ............................................................. 347 page ......................................................... 212 PAINST.EXE ................................................ 4 PANA ...................................................... 206 Parameter file during linking .......................... 41 Permitted Characters ................................... 171 Preprocessor Options .................................. 116 Program Format ......................................... 161 Program Generation Options ................ 123, 146 Program locations after linking ....................... 45 Programming style ....................................... 22 Programming With Assembler ........................ 21 Purging Macro Definitions (purge) ................ 283 R r .............................................. 124, 149, 348 radix ........................................................ 213 Reading List Files ...................................... 333 Reference List ........................................... 340 Register indirect addressing .......................... 299 Register relative indirect addressing ............... 299 REL......................................................... 185 Relative .................................................... 185 identifier ................................................... 235 rept .......................................................... 285 Reserved Words ......................................... 187 RF file output ................................................ 9 ROM conversion .......................................... 20 ROM writer ................................................ 20 root directory ................................................. 8 <Index 3> S X section ..................................................... 199 self-reference ............................................ 178 settings ........................................................ 9 Shift operators ........................................... 181 SLI102L.EXE ............................................... 4 slib102l .................................................... 358 Source ..................................................... 334 Source code debugger ................................... 19 Starting Assembler ....................................... 81 String constants ......................................... 176 subdirectory .................................................. 8 Subroutine Call Instructions ......................... 312 Subtraction ............................................... 180 Symbol Table ............................................ 337 Symbol table output ...................................... 11 Symbol Type ............................................. 339 x ..............................................................349 Xl ............................................................109 xlistoff ...................................................... 228 xliston ...................................................... 228 Xm ..........................................................141 T t .............................................................. 348 tit ............................................................ 227 Tsection_name .......................................... 147 TYPE ................................................ 32, 333 U Unary minus ............................................. 180 Unary negation .......................................... 181 Unary plus ................................................ 180 Unconditional Branch Instructions ........... 61, 312 UND ....................................................... 185 Undefined ................................................. 185 undefined ................................................. 225 User Customization ........................................ 9 W W number ........................................ 113, 144 Wall ................................................ 115, 145 Warning Messages ............................. 322, 327 Warning messages ...................................... 354 < Index 4 > 102L00Series Cross-Assembler UserÕs Manual October, 2000 7th Edition 1st Printing Issued by Matsuhita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd Ó Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd. 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