sh li g en technical manual light vehicle Technical Manual- LIGHT VEHICLE - 2 Content A World-Class Company .................................................................. 03 Friction Material Features ............................................................... 05 Stopping Distance ......................................................................... 06 The Brake and the Physics .............................................................. 06 Brake Systems .............................................................................. 08 Disc Brake Pads Replacement ........................................................... 09 Brake Fluid ................................................................................. 09 Grinding Discs .............................................................................. 10 Grinding Drums ............................................................................ 10 ABS Systems ................................................................................ 11 Brake Most Common Failures ........................................................... 12 Failure Diagnosis ........................................................................... 13 Tips on Steering Problems ............................................................... 16 Instructions to bond Friction Materials to Metallic Surfaces ...................... 17 Conversion Table – Light Brake Linings ................................................ 18 Conversion Table - Brake Pads ......................................................... 18 Technical Manual- LIGHT VEHICLE - 3 A WORLD CLASS COMPANY International Leadership and Technology Established in 1954, Fras-le is engaged in the manufacturing of friction materials. Its business – Safety in Motion Control - makes of it the largest company in Latin America and one of the leading companies in the world in the Àeld.. It was the Àrst friction material manufacturer in Brazil to obtain the ISO 9001 CertiÀcation. Fras-le has also achieved the ISO 14001 and the ISO TS 16949. These certiÀcations conÀrm the company’s constant concern with quality, technology and environment. Fras-le provides products with the quality of original equipment to ensure safety, efÀciency and quality to OEM companies and the Aftermarket. In its advanced Research and Development Center – one of the best equipped labs in the world – Fras-le has a chemical, physical and pilot lab that enable it to develop high-performance products. With its plant in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, distribution centers in the United States and Argentina, and trade ofÀces in Chile, Mexico, Germany, The Arab Emirates, South Africa and China, the company maintains a trained team to meet the needs of customers located throughout more than 70 countries on Àve continents where the company is present. Fras-le is a Randon Group company. High Technology Fras-le has the largest and best equipped lab in Latin America to test its products, which are then delivered to test Àelds, race courses and roads, where they are approved and released for production. The entire process is followed up by Fras-le`s and OEM companies` engineers to ensure that the Ànal product complies with the required speciÀcations. Research Lab The Chemical Research Lab is in charge of analyzing the raw-materials for the development of new products and the improvement of existent material. At Fras-le, more than 135 different types of raw-materials are used in the production line. SpeciÀc methods of analysis are employed in new alternative raw-materials until coming to the compounds that make up the products. Quality Assured by Raw-Materials The raw-materials lab is responsible for analyzing over 135 different types of raw-materials accepted into the company. It also supports production system processes and develops new suppliers. These are the most important tasks carried out by the raw-materials lab, which also develops, certiÀes and audits the processes used by the suppliers in order to maintain their already proven qualiÀcation levels as Fras-le`s suppliers. The lab plays a very important role for Fras-le to gain market share, as it assures the quality of its products. This means that the raw-materials, the productive process and the tests are crucial for the safety of the products in any of their applications. Technical Manual- LIGHT VEHICLE - 4 Assessment All products being developed and those in the production lines are tested in the Physical Lab, which integrates the Research and Development Center. Different pieces of equipment simulate real working conditions of rawmaterials in their different applications, being instrumental in the improvement of the products until they reach the Ànal quality required by consumers. The lab operates in three working shifts, continually running tests and assessing their results. The lab includes the entire process of Fras-le`s products, from development to assessment of the products in the market, from the initial tests to the Ànal user through speciÀc tests. More than 120 different types of trials are carried out monthly in this Research and Development Center which offers the most complete testing structure in Latin America. In Pilot Production, Quality is Assured. In the Pilot Lab, samples are produced from customers` new needs and requests, especially OEM companies of vehicles. Experiments with new formulations are carried out. If approved, they go through all test phases until they reach the regular production lines. The Pilot Lab controls all features associated to the development of these products. At the beginning, Fras-le has not only absorbed technology from well-known manufacturers of friction materials in the world, both European and North-American , but has also improved the global production modus operandi. Stateof-the-art equipment and the company’s own culture and experience are the basic ingredients of Fras-le`s philosophy: that of developing high quality products that reÁect the tradition of its brand in the market. In addition to developing its own technology, Fras-le also maintains agreements and partnerships Motion Control: Fras-le`s Mission In addition to research, development of materials and products, test Àelds are also very important to maintain quality levels. During tests, products applied to vehicles go through all situations they will possibly face when operating in real situations, on the most diversiÀed road conditions. The performance of the products is also strictly followedup by technicians who visit customers on a permanent basis. These technicians give lectures, courses and instruct retailers` clerks, mechanics and drivers so that they can use the products safely. Technical Manual- LIGHT VEHICLE - 5 FRICTION MATERIALS FEATURES Mechanical Strength Friction material must have a mechanical strength sufÀcient to stand the efforts inherent to the application it is designed for. Among mechanical efforts, we highlight Compression (rubbing against the friction surfaces) and Shearing (which results from tangential forces caused by rotation movements). Estabilidad Dimensional Todo material de fricción calentado y rápidamente enfriado debe mantener su forma y dimensiones lo menos alteradas posible. HEATING Braking actions at every half minute, from 90 to 0 km/ h. 0,50 COOLING OR RECOVERY Braking actions at every 3 minutes, from 45 to 0 km/h. 0,40 0,30 0,20 0,10 Temperature ( Degrees Centigrade) 8th braking 7th braking 6th braking 5th braking 4th braking th 3 braking 2th braking 300 250 220 200 180 150 120 100 th 1 braking th 15 braking th 14 braking 13th braking th 12 braking 11th braking th 10 braking th 9 braking 8th braking 7th braking th 6 braking 5th braking th 4 braking 3rd braking nd 2 braking 40ºC 100 160 190 210 230 250 270 290 310 320 330 340 345 350 1st braking COEFFICIENT OF FRICTION The coefÀcient of friction is the most important factor in friction materials. Its value must be kept constant within a certain temperature range. A high coefÀcient of friction does not necessarily mean quality in friction materials. Using the brake too hard is sometimes as dangerous as lack of brake. The friction stability is a crucial factor that depends on temperature, speed, pressure and external factors. Lack of brake is not necessarily caused by the friction material, but may be caused by a failure in the hydraulic or air system. Please see below the most important features involving friction materials: Durability The useful life of friction materials is a very important factor that depends on the quality of the friction material selected for a certain application. One of the factors that determines the durability of friction materials is temperature. Friction materials are bonded by organic resins that impose limitations on their working temperature. If the brakes or clutches are constantly used in high temperatures, wear on friction materials accelerates. Durability is also affected by the geometry of the brake and clutch, cast material and Ànish of the braking surfaces. A good quality friction material must be also a thermal insulator to protect the deepest parts from the high temperatures generated during brake and cluck applications. Wear on friction materials is necessary to renew the friction surface, otherwise glazing may occur. On the other hand, this renewal should not happen too quickly, at the risk of affecting the durability of friction materials. Sometimes, complaints about durability are due to problems related to the dimension of the brake ( if the drum heats too much, the working conditions have not been properly designed). Technical Manual- LIGHT VEHICLE - 6 STOPPING DISTANCE Basic Concepts in Brakes People react differently to obstacles or to diverse situations on trafÀc. When they are walking on roads, they may react differently and unexpectedly from when they are walking on streets. Therefore, it is necessary to get familiarized with the driver`s behavior when driving on different roads. Braking a vehicle basically depends on three factors: the vehicle, the road and the driver. A higher or lower braking efÀciency basically depends on the combination of these three factors. Please see below a table that shows stopping distances in relation to the vehicle’s speed: SPEED IN Km/h STOPPING DISTANCE IN METERS GOOD BRAKES BAD BRAKES 20 3,1 4,0 30 6,9 9,0 40 12,3 16,0 50 19,3 25,0 60 27,7 36,0 70 37,8 49,0 80 49,3 64,0 90 62,5 81,0 100 77,2 100,0 Force: all action capable to change the speed of a body. Area: surface area measurement. Pressure: ratio between the applied force and the surface area. Kinetic energy: energy of a body while in motion (Àg. 01). Kinetic Energy Heat Àg. 01 CoefÀcient of Friction: ratio of friction force to the normal force. Wear: reduction in material caused by friction. Braking Force: force resulting from the brake mechanism contrary to the motion of the vehicle. The higher the compression, the higher the braking force. Fuerza de Frenada: THE BRAKE AND THE PHYSICS An hydraulic brake works based on the Pascal`s law. “ Pressure applied to a conÀned Áuid is transmitted undiminished throughout the conÀning vessel of the system”. Example: By using an injection syringe (conÀning vessel), we can clearly exemplify the law: let`s block the outlet hole and press the piston. There will be pressure at all contact points of the liquid. Es la fuerza resultante del mecanismo de freno en sentido contrario al movimiento del vehículo. Cuanto mayor la compresión, mayor la fuerza de la frenada. Fade: reduction in stopping power (i.e. the reduction of friction between the brake pad /brake linings) caused by a buildup of heat in the braking surfaces. Technical Manual- LIGHT VEHICLE - 7 Considerations on Brakes The Equipment The Brake Stops the Wheel and the Ground Stops the Vehicle: A vehicle in motion means that Master Cylinder: the wheels are turning. Brakes are not designed to stop the vehicle, but slow down the wheels rotation until they stop completely. Assuming a vehicle has brakes functioning perfectly but the tires are poor and the road is wet: after applying the brakes, we guarantee that the wheels will stop, but we cannot guarantee that the vehicle will stop together with the wheels. The master cylinder activates and controls the braking process. When applying the brake pedal, the piston compresses the Áuid in the compression chamber, building up pressure throughout the hydraulic circuit of the system ( Àg. 02). Brakes Are a Set: Therefore, we should treat them as such. Their performance depends on the performance of their parts taken as whole. Brakes Are a Safety Item: If a vehicle’s component breaks while in motion, you still can manage to stop the vehicle, but if there is a brake failure, the vehicle will stop through collision. Friction X Brake: Whenever a body tries to slide over another one, a force called FRICTION prevents it from sliding. Àg. 02 Wheel Cylinder When you apply the brakes, the Áuid compresses the pistons, which push the brake shoes against the drum ( Àgure 3). Sliding = Heat: If we slide down a rope, our hands will burn, but if we go down normally (not sliding) our hands will not burn. Gases X Compressibility: an inÁated tire suffers deformations against weight exerted on it, that is, gases ARE COMPRESSIBLE. Liquids X Compressibility: If we completely inÁate a tire with water under pressure, the result will be a rigid tire that will not suffer deformations when weight is exerted on it. This means liquids ARE NOT COMPRESSIBLE. Good performance of the brake system depends on preventive maintenance. Carry out preventive maintenance every six months and your brakes will always work properly. Àg. 03 Brake Caliper Component that needs a disc that, when grasped, enables the piston to press the pads against the disc, causing friction. Servo-Brake Equipment designed to provide more comfort to the driver when applying the brake pedal. The servo-brake uses atmospheric pressure that, combined with the vacuum generated by the engine, increases the force exerted on the pedal. Brake Disc Metallic part with a Áat and parallel surface that resists to the compression of the pads exerted by the hydraulic system. Technical Manual- LIGHT VEHICLE - 8 BRAKE SYSTEMS Advantages of Disc Brakes: Hydraulic Brake Distributes the force by means of pressure in a Áuid and acts on the brake shoes by means of pistons ( Àg. 4). Wheel cylinder Brake Lining Drum Self-adjustable, Áat braking surface, higher cooling and cleanliness, easy maintenance, and uniform braking even in abrupt braking actions. Due to these advantages, there has been a trend to replace drum brake systems by disc brake systems in all vehicles ( including the heavy line vehicles). For this to be fully implemented, pad materials should be developed to stand high temperatures, as their braking area is small. Studies have also been carried out to improve their thermal conductibility (fan), good mechanical resistance and high resistant to friction, thermal fatigue, and corrosion. Brake shoe Àg. 04 Àg. 05 Disc Brake In this brake, the braking force is obtained by pressing two brake pads against the brake disc. The disc must be submitted to equal forces on both lateral faces so the disc and the pads may wear equally (Àg. 05). There are two versions of disc brakes: with Àxed caliper (Àgure 06) and two pistons; and the Áoating type ( Àgure 07) with one piston only. In the two-piston type, each piston activates one brake pad against the disc face. For being less cooled by the movement of the vehicle, the piston located on the wheel side dissipates the heat generated during braking action through the caliper body and the brake Áuid. As heat dissipation is lower in this type of construction, a Áuid proper for high temperatures must be used with this brake. Fixed Caliper Floating Caliper pinça flutuante pinça fixa Àg. 06 Àg. 07 Technical Manual- LIGHT VEHICLE - 9 DISC BRAKE PADS REPLACEMENT When replacing disc brake pads, we recommend that you follow the procedure below ( Fig. 08): 5º) Replace the pads and check the condition of the springs. If necessary, replace the springs; 6º) We recommend that you use brake Áuid proper for operation in high temperatures; 7º) Once you complete the procedure, check the brake pressure; 8º) Apply the brakes 6 to 8 times from 60 km/h up to 40 km/h and apply the brakes again 6 to 8 times from 40 km/h until the vehicle comes to a complete halt. This will allow pre-burnishing to take place. We remind you that a satisfactory output of the material depends on its initial behavior; 9º) Soon after replacing the pads, use the brakes moderately. This will allow a perfect burnishing between the friction material and the brake disc. 1º) Clean the disc, mainly the friction surfaces. If necessary, grind both faces simultaneously so they can have parallel faces. Remove any particles of carbon dust left by the machining process with industrial alcohol; 2º) Clean the brake caliper where the pads are with a steel brush; 3º) With a proper tool, move the piston away from the set by Àrst opening the bleeding screws. This will allow the pads to be introduced easily. Do not use poor quality pads; 4º) In case the pistons are gripped, replace the caliper repair kits; Brake disc Bleeding Screw Housing Bleeding screw cap Rataining Pin Key Cushioning plate Cushioning spring Brake pads Dust-shield Retaining ring Piston Piston retaining ring Àg. 08 BRAKE FLUID To keep the brake Áuid in good conditions, never complete the level of the reservoir. If Áuid level is low, check the cause, which may be leak or excessive wear on the pads. If you complete the level, good Áuid will mix with a contaminated Áuid, changing its properties and not offering the ideal working conditions. Contamination of the Áuid by humidity ( water) will not only cause the brakes to operate in higher temperatures for a longer time ( wearing down the pads more rapidly) but will also damage the metallic parts of the system, which, in contact with humidity, will cause corrosion, compromising the efÀciency of the system. Technical Manual- LIGHT VEHICLE - 10 GRINDING DISCS The friction surfaces of brake discs affect directly the useful life of the pads. Cracks, thermal Àssures and grooves must be removed by grinding these surfaces whenever you feel they need (use your hands to feel it). On the other hand, grind brake discs only as far as the safety limit recommended by manufacturers. We recommend that you replace them whenever the actual thickness of the disc is equal or lower than the dimension engraved on the disc. GRINDING DRUMS RIVETING TABLE DIAMETER OF THE VEHICLES – mm VEHICLES` MAKE Regular Belt Oversized Belt (1) 229,0 231,6 280,0 281,0 180,0 181,0 185,0 186,0 228,0 229,0 180,0 181 (*) 200,0 201,0 203,0 204,0 229,0 230,0 Oversized Belt (2) RIVETING TYPE DIMENSIONS – mm A B C 4-3 3,6 4,8 8,0 4-4 3,6 6,4 8,0 4-5 3,6 8,0 8,0 4-6 3,6 9,5 8,0 182 (*) 4-7 3,6 11,0 8,0 202,0 5-4 3,6 6,4 9,5 5-5 3,6 8,0 9,5 231,6 5-6 3,6 9,5 9,5 231,6 5-7 3,6 11,0 9,5 254,0 255,6 7-3 4,8 4,8 9,5 280,0 281,6 (**) 7-4 4,8 6,4 9,5 305,0 306,6 7-5 4,8 8,0 9,5 330,0 331,6 7-6 4,8 9,5 9,5 180,0 181,0 7-7 4,8 11,0 9,5 200,0 201,0 7-8 4,8 13,0 9,5 203,0 204,6 7 - 10 4,8 16,0 9,5 222,0 223,6 7 - 12 4,8 19,0 9,5 229,0 230,6 8-8 4,8 13,0 13,0 280,0 281,6 8 - 10 4,8 16,0 13,0 305,0 306,6 8 - 12 4,8 19,0 13,0 330,0 331,6 8 - 14 4,8 22,0 13,0 200,0 201,0 202,0 8 - 16 4,8 25,0 13,0 230,0 231,0 232,0 248,0 249,0 250,0 250,0 251,0 252,0 LADA 250,0 251,0 MB 254,0 255,0 10 - 8 6,4 13,0 13,0 PEUGEOT 254,0 255,0 10 - 10 6,4 16,0 13,0 229,0 230,6 10 - 12 6,4 19,0 13,0 248,0 249,0 10 - 14 6,4 22,0 13,0 254,0 255,6 10 - 16 6,4 25,0 13,0 160,0 161,0 11 - 5 4,0 8,0 8,0 305,0 306,6 13 - 10 8,0 16,0 16,0 180,0 181,0 13 - 12 8,0 19,0 16,0 200,0 201,0 13 - 14 8,0 22,0 14,0 203,0 204,0 13 - 16 8,0 25,0 14,0 230,0 231,0 232,0 8 x 15 8,0 15,0 16,0 248,0 249,0 250,0 8 x 16 8,0 16,0 16,0 250,0 251,0 252,0 8 x 18 8,0 18,0 16,0 8 x 20 8,0 20,0 16,0 8 x 22 8,0 22,0 16,0 VOLVO 6,2 19,0 12,5 CHRYSLER FIAT FORD GM GURGEL PUMA RENAULT TOYOTA VW * Except for P/N FC/66 * Except for P/N 1219 187,0 202,0 RIVETING TYPE 10 - 6 250,0 182,0 DIMENSIONS - mm A B C 6,4 9,5 13,0 Technical Manual- LIGHT VEHICLE - 11 ABS SYSTEM In addition to all traditional brake components, the vehicle may also be equipped with the ABS system, which offers many advantages to the driver in terms of safety. Anti-Locking Braking System (ABS) is designed to prevent the wheels from locking while braking, due to heavy braking, in any braking condition, ground or tire, especially on slippery surfaces. The system allows lateral friction to be maintained on the wheels being decelerated, even during the total application of the brakes. As a result, the stability and steering condition of the vehicle are guaranteed within physical limits. When braking friction occurs between the tire and the ground, the deceleration of the vehicle and the stopping distance are optimized. An anti-locking braking system is a re-feeding system that controls the braking pressure in response to the average deceleration of the vehicle to prevent the wheels from locking. The system basically consists of the following parts: - Wheel speed sensor: captures the variation of wheel rotation and sends a signal to the controller; - Control Unit: receives the signal from the sensor, interprets it and sends the decision to the modulator; - Modulator: controls the brake pressure as a result of the signals received. Brakes equipped with ABS do not require special friction materials. The original or regular friction material can be used. The wheel rotation sensors inform the control unit if there will be a locking action at one or more wheels. The control unit (modulator) will stop such a locking by giving a set of signals to the hydraulic control, which will regulate the brake oil pressure individually, in each wheel. This way, the driver can brake the vehicle heavily without locking the wheels, maintaining steering control with ease and safety at the shortest distance traveled. The ABS system also allows the driver to hit the brakes fully on curves at high speeds, even on wet or slippery roads without the fear of skidding or loss of control. Servo Brake Drum Fluid Reservoir Pressure Regulating Valve Pad Brake shoes Disc Master Cylinder Disc Brake Wheel Cylinder Brake lining Technical Manual- LIGHT VEHICLE - 12 BRAKE MOST COMMON FAILURES PROBLEM CAUSE Wet Brake Linings Air in the Circuit. SOLUTION Hit slightly the brake pedal with the vehicle in motion. This will make the brake linings to dry. Bleed the circuit. Low pressure in the brake Áuid. LACK OF EFFICIENCY Check the Áuid level and possible leaks. Too much play between the drum and the Worn brake linings, requiring the brakes lining. If the defect continues, replace to be applied several times before it enthe brake linings. Check the retainers and gages. check the Áuid for leaks. Diaphgram is leaking. Replace the diaphgram. The grease must be removed with industrial alcohol. Do not use thinner, or fuel, Grease in the drums, damaged retainers or as they can compromise the resistance of Áuid leak. the brake linings. Check the retainers and inspect for Áuid leaks. Improper brake linings. Replace them. Replace the brake linings by following the Loose brake linings or out of center. riveting procedures. Brake linings contaminated with grease, oil Replace the brake linings and correct posor brake Áuid. sible Áuid leaks. FLUID LEAK TOO MUCH PLAY ON PEDAL THE BRAKES HEAT LOW PEDAL Brake Fluid Quality. With the vehicle stationary, hit the brake pedal heavily and check all Áexible hose junctions and piping throughout the circuit. Change the Fluid. Worn Cylinder Rubber. Replace the rubber. Holes in the piping or Áexible hoses. Edges of brake hoses are swelled or cracked. Check and replace the brake hoses. There is no play between the brake shoe Adjust the play between the brake lining and the drum. and the drum. If the problem is only on the rear wheels, it is possible that the hand brake is not well Hand Brake. adjusted and is forcing the linings against the drum, even when the lever is not being used. Improper hub caps are being used. Remove the hub caps. The return valve is damaged. Do not open The Fluid does not return. alter applying the brakes. Unclog the oriÀces in clogged piping. Check for leaks or worn pads and change Lack of Fluid. the Áuid. There is air in the piping. Bleed the piping. Weak brake hoses: they easily expand. Gripped pedal mechanism or activating lever of master cylinder. PEDAL DOES NOT RETURN Cylinder pistons are blocked. Replace the hoses. Check pedal or lever mechanism Correct the defect by leaving the pistons free to move. Bent brake hoses and broken connections. Replace the brake hoses or connections. Glazed linings or pads. Replace the springs. Replace linings or pads. Wet linings. Dry them by pressing the pedal with the vehicle in motion. NOISY BRAKES Technical Manual- LIGHT VEHICLE - 13 FAILURE DIAGNOSISS Aiming to make the diagnosis and solution of failures in the brake system easier, you will Ànd below references to the most common causes of brake failure. It does not PROBLEM CAUSE SOLUTION Excessive wear. Replace the disc or grind the surface Internal leak: replace the internal repair kit when the brake caliper does not show signs of internal corrosion, otherwise replace the hydraulic assy. External leak: locate the leak and replace the defective components. Replace the repair kit or components. Open them, replacing the defective parts. Replace the internal repair kit when the brake caliper does not show signs of internal corrosion, otherwise replace the hydraulic assy. Internal or external Áuid leak Leak or wear. Kinked brake lines. THE VEHICLE DOES NOT STOP mean they are the only possible causes. For each cause a solution is presented. Engaged hydraulic system pistons. Poor quality brake linings and pads. Brake linings and pads contaminated with grease or oil. Overheated brake linings and pads (brakes are applied repeatedly and continually). Brake linings and pads not burnished. Glazed brake linings and pads. Moldy brake linings. Replace the brake linings or brake pads Friction materials ( brake linings and pads) are responsible for decelerating the wheels. Therefore, any damage or irregularity in the friction material affects directly the stopping distance. When the brake drum is not well adjusted, pressurization takes place slowly, the brake pedal has a longer run and it is difÀcult to stop the vehicle. In this case, adjust the brakes correctly. Lack of pressurization or difÀculty to pressurize the brakes on the wheels may have different causes as well. NOTE: Excessive load or passengers will require a greater effort from both, the driver and the brake system, not allowing for a safe braking action at a shorter stopping distance. PROBLEM BRAKE PEDAL TREPIDATION CAUSE Brake discs with non-parallel friction surfaces. This happens due to poor grinding or poor quality of the discs. Out-of-shape brake drum. Misalignment during rectiÀcation. SOLUTION Grind correctly or replace the discs. Grind again or replace the brake drum. This usually happens when the brake Áuid is forced to return to the brake pump due to problems in the wheel brakes. PROBLEM CAUSE SOLUTION Adjust well the brake-servo inlet rod. VEHICLE WITH BLOCKED WHEELS. Inlet rod of servo-brake is improperly adjusted. Inlet rod adjusting screw, which activates the master cylinder, is not adjusted. Brake hose is damaged, making pressure relief more difÀcult in the brakes. Regulate the adjusting screw. Replace the defective brake hoses. This happens when the wheels are overheated or when the wheels do not turn when the vehicle is suspended. Technical Manual- LIGHT VEHICLE - 14 PROBLEM CAUSE Too much play between the pedal brake lever and the servo-brake inlet rod, or between the outlet rod ( servo) and the master cylinder. Air in the hydraulic circuit Internal or external leak somewhere in the circuit. Overheated brake disc. Old Áexible hoses or of poor quality. They do not stand the pressure and get swelled. PEDAL GOES TOO Drum with internal diameter out of speciÀcation DEEP DOWN (many times ground) with too thin walls. They do not stand the brake shoes force and may break. Non-burnished brake linings and pads, since there is a signiÀcant loss of contact area between the friction material and the friction surface of the disc or drum. Automatic adjusting mechanism of the brake is engaged, leaving the brake linings far from the drum. Poor quality Áuid or contaminated with water. The Áuid vaporizes too easily, generating gases in the circuit. SOLUTION Correct the play in the rods. Bleed the brake system. Internal leak: Replace the internal repair kip when the brake caliper does not show signs of internal corrosion, otherwise, replace the hydraulic assy. External leak: locate the leak and replace the defective components. Avoid using the brake too much. Replace the Áexible hoses. Replace the brake drum. A perfect burnishing of the friction material takes place at the extent the brakes are used (alter approximately 500 km (in the city). Repair and lubricate the automatic adjusting mechanism. Change all the brake Áuid. To engage the brakes, the pedal must go to a certain point. This varies according to the vehicle and to each manufacturer’s speciÀcations. If the brake needs to go too deep down, it is a sign that there are problems. PROBLEM CAUSE THE VEHICLE PULLS TO ONE SIDE Unequal adjustment of the drum brakes in the front axle. During replacement of brake linings and pads, make sure not to contaminate them with grease or oil, as this causes imbalanced braking actions. Discs or drums with wrong diameter / thickness. Non-matching brake linings and pads ( different types). The hydraulic pressure does not reach one of the brake sides due to an obstruction in the piping or Áexible hoses. Wheel cylinder or disc brake caliper is engaged in one of the sides. Brake retaining springs with pressure loss in one of the sides. SOLUTION Adjust the drum brake. Replace the contaminated component. Grind or replace the disc or drum. Use the correct part during replacement. Unclog the piping or Áexible hoses, replacing the damaged parts. Replace the internal repair kit when the brake caliper does not show signs of internal corrosion, otherwise replace the hydraulic assy. Replace the springs. Any difference between the left and the right side in the front axle, whether in the suspension or brakes, results in the vehicle pulling to one side.. The Àrst measure to avoid this problem is servicing the brakes in each axle, making sure to keep the same conditions in both sides. Watch the following factors, as they may contribute to the defect and are not part of the brake system: -Badly calibrated tires or of different types; -Irregular steering system ( convergence or Caster angle out of speciÀcation); -Bearings of front wheel hub are damaged or loose; -Front suspension or steering bar are loose or damaged. Technical Manual- LIGHT VEHICLE - 15 PROBLEM CAUSE Locked master (cylinder oxidation). THE BRAKE PEDAL IS TOO HARD. Brake linings and pads are glazed or of poor quality. Engaged pedal articulation, causing the pedal to get too hard. Kinked brake lines. Obstructed brake hoses. Locked wheel cylinder or brake caliper. Damaged servo brake. SOLUTION Replace the internal repair kit when the brake caliper does not show signs of internal oxidation, otherwise replace the hydraulic assy. Replace the brake linings and pads. Disengage the pedal articulation. Open them and replace the damaged components. Replace the brake hose. Replace the internal repair kit when the brake caliper does not show signs of internal oxidation, otherwise replace the hydraulic assy. Repair or replace the brake servo. Problems in the servo brake require greater effort to apply the brakes, since there is leak in the servo and the hoses or air inlet Àlters are obstructed. Under any of these conditions, the system does not work, causing too much effort at the pedal. Despite this, the brakes are still working. PROBLEM CAUSE VEHICLE WITH LOCKED WHEEL Disc brake retaining ring is dry. This prevents the piston from returning. Improperly adjusted brake shoes or parking brake cable. Out-of-shape drum. Drum brake springs show fatigue or are broken. Damaged return valve in the power brake booster. SOLUTION Replace the repair kit of the disc brake caliper. Adjust the brake properly. Grind or replace the brake drum. Replace the springs. Replace the return valve. This happens when the wheels are overheated or when the wheels do not turn when the vehicle is suspended. PROBLEM CAUSE SOLUTION Replace the brake linings or brake discs. Check if there is play or damaged pieces. Replace if necessary. NOYSE BRAKES Glazed brake linings, worn discs or of poor quality Play or wear. Loose, wet, out-of-center or contaminated brake linings. Improperly assembled brake shoes or brake linings. Improperly-adjusted springs or showing fatigue. Replace the pads or linings. Assemble the linings correctly. Replace the drum brake springs. This usually happens when the brake pads or linings are glazed, or when they are contaminated. Discs and drums in poor conditions also may cause noise. PROBLEM CAUSE ABRUPT BRAKING ACTIONS Defective internal mechanism of the servo-brake. Brake linings or pads with coefÀcient of friction higher that the one designed for the vehicle. SOLUTION Repair or replace the servo brake. Replace the brake linings or pads. Brakes are designed to carry out safe and comfortable braking actions. When applying the brakes, the effect should not be aggressive. Technical Manual- LIGHT VEHICLE - 16 TIPS ON STEERING PROBLEMS Brake Pedal: : the pedal travel should not be longer than 5,0 cm or 2,5 cm in vehicles equipped with servo brake. When the pedal is too low or there is no resistance, the hydraulic circuit may be defective or bubbles may be building up in the system. If the pedal gets too hard / heavy, this means the servo brake must not be working for some reason. With the engine on, put your foot on the brake with medium force for 15 seconds: if the pedal does not move, the brake is in good conditions. Whenever You Replace Brake Linings or Pads: Grind the discs or drums or have them replaced. This will allow for a better burnishing, improving the efÀciency of the braking actions, increasing the useful life of the linings and pads, and eliminating noises. Wheel cylinder Brake Lining Glazed Brake Pads: if there is overheating in the system in the beginning of the pads` useful life, glazing may occur. This can be usually avoided with the preburnishing between brake pads and disc, or through a thorough maintenance in the system. Every 5,000 km, check the brake pads and inspect the brake system every 10,000 km. The minimum thickness should be 2 mm in the brake pads and 0,5 mm in the brake linings at the upper edge of the rivets. Drum Brake Shoe If the Front Wheels Lock: the vehicle continues running but loses steering control. Some of the causes may be: rear brake linings and pads improperly assembled, worn or with oil; improperly adjusted slack adjuster; worn or defective disc or drum and problems in the rear hydraulic circuit. If the Rear Wheels Lock: the vehicle loses stability Brake Fluid: For being hygroscopic, the brake Áuid absorbs water in the hydraulic system, especially when it is submitted to great efforts. Down hill and heavy trafÀc, for example, are situations that generally overheat the brakes, increasing the temperature to over 150° C. This may cause air bubbles to build up in the brake system, generating brakes failure and leading the driver to hit the pedal in vain. The brake Áuid must be changed according to the manufacturer’s instructions. and may slip. Some of the causes may be improperlyinstalled front pads, worn front pads, or even a defect in the support of the front axle. Stability and Skidding: the vehicle should keep on course after a braking action. If it does not do that, there must be a failure in one of the sides of the brake system: stuck cylinder pistons, defective or worn discs, wrong brake pads, worn pads, contaminated with oil or glazed. Technical Manual- LIGHT VEHICLE - 17 INSTRUCTIONS TO BOND FRICTION MATERIALS TO METALLIC SURFACES Bonding friction materials on their metallic supports requires a few cares. The metallic surfaces that will contact the friction materials must be free from any type of contamination. Whenever it is possible, sandblast the surface or use any other process to remove impurities without damaging the surface. A number of adhesives can be found on the market. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions concerning bonding and its application / curing processes. As an example, please see below an extract on the application of one type of bonding material: EC 1099 Adhesive - 3M: Application Process: Remove any type of residue / impurity from the brake shoe surface – where the brake lining will be installed. Clean the brake shoe surfaces with alcohol or acetone. Apply a uniform coat of adhesive on both, the brake shoes and the brake linings, and wait for three minutes. Position correctly the brake lining onto the brake shoe by placing the set in a proper device that will keep the brake lining pressed against the brake shoe. Take the set to a pre-heated oven (150° C ( ± 5)) and keep it there for about four ( 4) hours. Remove the set from the oven, allow it to cool and remove possible surplus of adhesive from the sides. The information above must be updated according to the adhesive manufacturer’s instructions. Technical Manual- LIGHT VEHICLE - 18 Conversion Table – Light Brake Linings FRAS-LE BENDIX BOSCH COBREQ FRAS-LE 855 1219 2006 2006-T 2011 2053-T 2080-T 2095 2121-T 8020 8049 CB/38 CB/39 HQ-127 HQ-139 LF 0127 LF 0139 LF 0118 LF 0121 LF 0147 LF 0148 LF 0122 LF 0146 LF 0149 0417 1219 CB/40 HQ-110 LF 0110 0200 / 0495 CB/41 CB/42 CB/43 CB/47 CB/48 CB/49 CB/51 CB/52 CB/55 FD/61-S/F HQ-110C HQ-107 HQ-106 HQ-108 HQ-128 HQ-145 LF 0110C LF 0107 LF 0106 LF 0108 LF 0128 LF 0145 LF 0151 LF 0143 LF 0152 0207 FD/63-S/F FD/64-S/F FD/65 FD/66 FD/68 FI/90 FI/91-S/F FI/96-S/F LD/123-S/F MB/156-S/F RN/210 TY/252 TY/253 TY/254 VW/262 VW/264 VW/270 VW/271 VW/272 VW/273 VW/274 VW/275 VW/276 VW/277 VW/278 HQ-121 HQ-122 HQ-157 HQ-129 HQ-109 HQ-143 2006T 0457T LF 0129 LF 0109 LF 0150 0211 BENDIX BOSCH COBREQ HQ-116 HQ-117 LF 0116 LF 0117 LF 0153 LF 0111 0443 0444 HQ-111 HQ-130 HQ-144 HQ-132 HQ-131 HQ-135 HQ-136 HQ-137 HQ-133 HQ-134 HQ-138 HQ-140 LF 0154 LF 0130 LF 0155 LF 0144 LF 0132 LF 0131 LF 0135 LF 0136 LF 0137 LF 0133 LF 0134 LF 0138 LF 0140 0500 0493 0882A 0881 8080 8081 8078 0436 0884 0479 0885 Technical Manual- LIGHT VEHICLE - 19 Conversion Table – Brake Pads FRAS-LE LONAFLEX PD/1 BENDIX BOSCH COBREQ FMSI HQ-2023 PB 23 N-103 7273 D384 20011 WVA PD/5 P-5 HQ-2015 PB 15 N-201 755 D21 735 D30 20009 PD/6 P-6 HQ-2020 PB 20 N-302 7255 D31 20034 HQ-2010 PB 10 N-301 719 D2 20030 PD/7 PD/8 PD/10 P-10 PD/11 PD/13 P-13 PD/16 PD/60 P-60 PD/61 N-156 7626 D757 PB 95 N-829 HQ-2057 HQ-2106 PB 57 N-138 PB 150 A/2 N-534 PB 18 N-208 7021 D45 20011 PD/65 P-65 PB 16 N-207 7032 D96 20228 PD/66 P-66 7031 D96 20228 PD/66-A 20375 PD/66-B PD/19-C P-19-C HQ-2012 PB 12 N-109 PD/22 P-22 HQ-2019 PB 19 N-309 7013A D50 7605 D736 PB 148 HQ-2016 N-501 N-348 HQ-2139 HQ-2018 PB 22 N-532 PB 96 HQ-2095A N-304 HQ-2022 PB 146 HQ-2096 PD/64 PB 09 P-18 21829 HQ-2154 PD/63 HQ-2009 23484 8251 D1140 20753 N-539 21636 PB 150 A/1 PD/67-A PD/68 HQ-2246 HQ-2066A WVA 20961 N-146 N-108 PD/18 FMSI 7335 D340 PB 147 P-62 N-303 N-204 COBREQ HQ-2103 PD/62 PB 11 PB 17 BOSCH 7625 D756 7625 D824 PB 01 HQ-2017 BENDIX HQ-2168 HQ-2011 P-17 PD/22-B LONAFLEX PD/59 HQ-2001 PD/17 20578 FRAS-LE HQ-2101A PB 0155 N-700 23070 P-68 HQ-2062 PB 152 N-533 23229 23649 HQ-2028A PB 19 A/1 N-310 PD/23 P-23 HQ-2008 PB 08 N-209 7242 D350 21193 PD/69 P-69 HQ-2129A PB 153 N-1204 PD/24 P-24 HQ-2003 PB 03 N-115 7529 D649 20752 PD/71 P-71 HQ-2089A PB 0237 N-835 20783 PD/72 P-72 HQ-2137 PB 0238 N-351 8252 D1141 23057 PD/73 P-73 HQ-2170 PB 0240 N-262 7635 D768 21974 HQ-2171A PB 0240 A/1 N-263 HQ-2272 PB 279 N-1359 PD/68-B PD/24-A HQ-2167A PB 03 A/2 N-117 7529 D649 PD/24-B HQ-2002A PB 03 A/1 N-116 7529 D649 HQ-2005 PB 05 N-503 7242 D350 PD/25-A HQ-2007A PB 05 A/2 N-506 PD/25-B HQ-2006A PB 05 A/1 N-504 PD/25 PD/26 P-25 P-26 PD/27-A PD/28 P-28 PD/32 PD/74 P-74 PD/76 PB 14 N-505 PD/77 P-77 HQ-2172A PB 0391 N-355 N-521 PD/78-A P-78-A HQ-2066A PB 0078 A/2 N-534 HQ-2029 PB 29 N-214 HQ-2170 21193 PD/79 PB 107 29009 PD/80 HQ-3009PA N-182 PB 108 20166 PD/81 P-81 HQ-3004PA N-289 20660 PD/82 P-82 HQ-3001PA N-358 HQ-2162A PB 110 N-851 HQ-2046 PB 46 N-128 PD/35 P-35 HQ-2059 PB 41 N-144 PD/36 HQ-2055 PB 55 N-133 PD/37 HQ-2039 PB 39 7242 D350 7529 D649 HQ-3003PA PD/84 HQ-3008PA N-375 HQ-2279 N-598 23300 PD/85 7568 D693 21832 PD/87 HQ-3000PA N-542 N-319 7666 D796 21190 / 21192 / 21201 PD/88 HQ-3010PA N-595 P-85 PB 40 N-321 7614 D709 21050 PD/90 HQ-3007PA HQ-2056 PB 56 N-131 7201 D298 20907 PD/91 HQ-3002PA N-183 PD/40 HQ-2110 PB 140 N-322 21368 PD/92 HQ-3005PA N-543 PD/41 HQ-2111 PB 139 N-326 7314 D426 21140 PD/93 HQ-2038 PB 38 N-324 7563 D688 20547 / 21353 PD/43 P-43 PD/44 P-44 PD/44-B HQ-2037 PB 37 N-222 HQ-2042 PB 42 N-227 HQ-2042A PB 42 A/1 N-228 PD/45 P-45 HQ-2045 PB 45 N-232 PD/46 P-46 HQ-2157A PB 0235 N-360 PD/47 P-47 PD/47-A PD/48 P-48 8290 D1176 HQ-2049 PB 32 N-511 21193 PB 32 A/2 N-513 21962 HQ-2081 PB 50 N-530 7201 D298 HQ-2050A PB 50 A/2 N-516 PD/49 HQ-2114 PB 141 N-514 7144 D228 HQ-2030 PB 30 N-316 7489A D610 PD/51 P-51 HQ-2065 PB 142 N-235 8288 D350 PD/52 P-52 HQ-2132 PB 143 N-332 PD/54 P-54 HQ-2054 PB 54 N-239 8284 D1173 PD/55 P-55 HQ-2051 PB 51 N-136 8316 D1196 PD/57 P-57 HQ-2060A PB 144 N-344 PD/58 P-58 HQ-2107 PB 145 N-252 PD/58-B 23226 HQ-2032A PD/48-A PD/50 HQ-2107A PB 0145 A/1 N-254 PD/94 PD/102 20907 / 20908 20668 21202 23063 7860 D768 7709 D768 HQ-2025 PB 25 N-118 HQ-2004 PB 04 N-308 21974 / 23130 23187 / 23131 8321 D1201 PD/104 P-104 HQ-2026 PB 26 N-705 PD/105 P-105 HQ-2034 PB 34 N-317 PD/106 P-106 HQ-2036 PB 36 N-330 PD/107 P-107 HQ-2048 PB 48 N-327 HQ-2079 PB 79 N-708 PD/109 P-109 HQ-2025 PB 97 N-118 PD/110 P-110 HQ-2113 PD98 N-341 7593 D726 23663 PD/111 P-111 HQ-2191 PB 91 N-717 7848 D949 29153 HQ-2091A PB 91 A/2 N-710 7848 D949A 29076 PB 101 N-335 PB 102 N-1324 PB 103 N-844 7298 D436 21679 / 21785/ 21789 / 21790 PB 105 N-713 PD/108 PD/111-A PD/113 P-113 PD/114 21862 8777 D1568 N-367 P-102 PD/103 23120 21636 PD/89 HQ-2040 P-42 8308 D1189 N-179 PD/39 PD/42 23487 7679 D806 PB 43 A/2 P-34 P-38 21195 HQ-2014 PD/34 PD/38 PD/73-B HQ-2043A PD/29 PD/31 21193 PD/115 P-115 HQ-2126A P-117 HQ-2122 7968 D1062 29835 8328 D1208 29071 PD/116-F PD/116-FK PD/117 PD/117-A 29117 PB 105 A/1 PD/118 P-118 HQ-2121 PB 106 N-712 PD/122 P-122 HQ-2118 PB 100 N-557 7829 D928 23021 29121 Technical Manual- LIGHT VEHICLE - 20 Conversion Table – Brake Pads FRAS-LE LONAFLEX BENDIX BOSCH COBREQ FMSI WVA FRAS-LE LONAFLEX PD/379 PD/125-F PD/129-F PD/132 PB 0422 PD/134 PB 0392 PD/135 PB 0512 PD/139 HQ-2026 PD/189 HQ-2270 7353 D473 N-1415 21539 7744 D869 23951 PD/382 23318 PD/383 PD/190 BOSCH COBREQ FMSI PB 125 N-1306 7331 D451 21333 7332 D452 21344 / 21345 / 21346 PD/380 7530A D650 N-1507 BENDIX HQ-2143A PB 126 P-383 HQ-4080A PB 127 N-1201 7376 D497 21773 HQ-2131A PB 128 N-1300 7412 D530 21363 29122 PD/384 HQ-2162 PB 0247 N-255 7434 D555 21911 29229 PD/384-A HQ-2162A PB 129 A/2 N-264 7434A D555 20676 29232 PD/385 HQ-2146 PB 0248 N-859 7437 D558 21292 PD/195 PD/386 PD/196-K19 PD/387 HQ-2105A PB 131 PD/388 HQ-2151 PB 132 PD/389 HQ-2191 PB 133 PD/201 WVA 29231 PD/204 PB 130 PD/390 PD/300 HQ-4014A N-737 PD/305-A HQ-2078A PB 0327 A/1 N-430 7194 D292 20937 PD/391-A PD/312-A HQ-2075A PB 75 A/2 N-874 7116 D193 20632 20926 / 20928 PD/318-A HQ-2076A PB 76 A/1 N-433 PD/321-A HQ-2072A PB 72 A/2 N-427 7244 D351 21016 PD/322-A HQ-2074A PB 74 A/2 N-421 7261 D371 20905 7178 D273 21331 N-841 7441 D695 21601 N-1316 7448 D568 21879 7479 D601 26637 21388 PB 134 P-391-A 20753 HQ-2104A PB 135 A/2 N-449 8255 D1145 PD/392 HQ-4011 PB 0403 N-1413 7438B D641 PD/397 HQ-2189A PB 0288 PD/398 HQ-2281A PD/403-B HQ-2067A 7443 D564 PB 0249 A/1 PD/404 PB 0465 PD/405-E PB 0290 PD/326-A HQ-2077A PB 77 A/2 N-881 7334 D454 21209 / 21210 PD/327 HQ-2102 PB 109 N-440 7394 D516 21096 PD/411 PD/410 P-411 HQ-2134 7345 D465 N-562 21497 21738 21927 21697 8342 D1221 21674 PB 0250 N-174 7545A D667 23627 PB 0251 N-1157 8309 D1190 23346 HQ-2052 PB 52 N-883 7209 D569 20887 PD/411-E P-329 HQ-2084 PB 84 N-885 7570 D696A 20168 PD/412 HQ-2088 PB 88 N-892 20780 PD/412-B PD/331 P-331 HQ-2082A PB 111 N-888 23784 PD/414-E PD/332 P-332 HQ-2058 PB 58 N-140 23472 PD/416 HQ-2080A PB 80 N-886 20002 / 20191 / 20192 PD/417 HQ-2218 7144 D228 20668 PD/418 HQ-2152 PD/335-A HQ-2115A PB 114 N-518 D147 20833 PD/419 PD/336 HQ-2100 PB 115 N-896 7571 D684A 20168 PD/422 PB 255 PB 117 N-448 21404 PD/422-A PB 117 A/2 N-443 21463 PD/423 PB 256 7350 D470 21495 PB 0242 A/2 N-575 29107 PD/424 PB 0296 7267 D378 21059 PD/328 PD/329 PD/330 PD/333 PD/334 PB 113 PD/338 P-338 HQ-2063 PD/338-A P-338-A HQ-2063A PD/339-A PD/340-B PD/341 P-341 PD/343 7532 D652 8256 D1146 PB 156 N-1100 23124 HQ-2068 PB 138 N-1156 23205 HQ-2128A HQ-2117A PB 138 A/2 N-446 PB 157 N-1113 PB 252 N-867 7849 D950 23471 PB 253 N-731 7507A D477 7358A D477 21576 / 21577 PB 158 N-1400 7358 D712 21822 PB 0404 N-1331 7435 D556 21907 PB 255 A/2 21724 21799 N-555 21800 PB 0257 N-1327 7228 D333 21347 / 21348 / 21349 PD/429 HQ-2061 PB 0258 N-847 7205 D303 21158 PD/430 HQ-2123 PB 0259 N-824 23600 PD/431 BX-92 PB 0299 N-1200 23613 PD/432 HQ-4061 PB 0260 N-1303 7559 D680 23314 HQ-2187 PB 0405 N-1158 8254 D1143 23597 HQ-2153 PB 0406 N-363 7946 D1043 HQ-2160A PB 0408-A N-566 N-264 7710 D687 23392 PB 0396 N-727 7909 D1006 21592 HQ-2149A PB 0397 23520 7257 D366 20008 PB 0398 HQ-2069A HQ-2225 PB 0395 HQ-2219 PD/344 P-412 PD/427 P-427 21103 20939 PD/346 P-346 HQ-2206 PB 0400 PD/347 P-347 HQ-2275 PB 0401 N-450 PD/352 HQ-2064 PB 118 N-147 7528 D648 7528D745 21394 PD/352-A HQ-2064A PB 0118 A/2 N-149 7672 D801 21395 PD/353 HQ-2206 N-1168 PD/438-B HQ-2215A N-1238 PD/439 HQ-2141 PB 0261 N-559 21797 PD/441 HQ-2145 PB 0409 N-1312 7540 D660 21142 N-161 7690 D816 23154 PD/354 P-354 PD/358 PB 0245 PD/358-A PD/362 P-362 PD/364-A PD/365 PD/367 PD/368 PD/369-B P-365 P-367 P-368 HQ-2116A PB 0245 A/2 N-553 HQ-2085 PB 85 N-884 HQ-2135A PB 0246 A/2 N-897 HQ-2202A N-189 HQ-2102 N-260 N-820 PB 120 HQ-2108 HQ-2109 PB 0149 N-810 HQ-2159A PB 0402-A N-565 PD/374 PB 121 PD/376 7234 D340 7569 D694 C/16mm PB 122 PD/437 PB 0407 P-438-B 21798 PD/442 HQ-2136 PB 0262 PD/449 HQ-2265A PB 0305 21430 PD/450 HQ-4045A PB 0264 PD/453 HQ-2149 PB 0308 21866 21866 23602 7125A D387 P-435 PD/436 20961 7709 D833 7569 D694 PD/435 21830 7219 D466 21654 PD/377 HQ-2124A PB 123 N-826 7241 D349 21373 PD/378 HQ-2144A PB 124 N-1309 7305 D418 21500 P-442 7951 D1048 23603 23177 7382 D503 21651 N-1340 7447 D567 21840 N-1211 7342 D462 21527 PD/458-B PB 0312 A/1 7401 D520 21897 PD/464-B PB 0314 A/1 7398 D518 PD/465 P-465 HQ-2176A PB 265 N-1104 21237 20974 PD/469 PB 266 7365 D484 21647 PD/470 PB 0318 23242 / 23243 / 23244 PD/471-A PB 0319 A/2 23230 / 23231 / 23232 / 23233 Technical Manual- LIGHT VEHICLE - 21 Conversion Table – Brake Pads FRAS-LE LONAFLEX BENDIX BOSCH COBREQ FMSI WVA FRAS-LE PD/551 LONAFLEX BENDIX BOSCH COBREQ FMSI PB 267 N-893 8247 D1137 23081 / 23082 / 23083 PB 0560 N-1372 7155 D275 PD/474 PB 268 N-832 7551 D671 21519 PD/556 PB 0561 N-1409 7502A D666 PD/475 PB 0321 N-1223 PD/478 PB 0323 PD/473 HQ-2127A PD/480 HQ-2175 PD/482 PB 269 N-163 23234 PD/560 PB 0562 7543 D664 23238 / 23239 / 23240 PD/561 PB 0563 7566 D691 PD/562 PB 0564 7566 D855 7763 D886 23353 PD/565 HQ-2190A PB 0565 7576 D702 21964 PD/566 HQ-2199 PB 0566 7584 D711 21147 PD/571 PB 0567 7652 D784 21383 PD/572 PB 0568 PD/573 PB 0569 23442 PD/575 PB 0570 21635 PD/580 PB 0571 PD/581 PD/582 HQ-2119A PB 270 A/2 N-605 PD/484-A HQ-2120A PB 271 A/2 N-607 PD/485 HQ-2125 PB 272 N-833 7616 D746 PD/486 HQ-2130A PB 273 N-1207 7641 D774 PD/487 HQ-2140 PB 274 N-258 PD/488 HQ-2148 PB 275 PD/489 HQ-4040 PB 276 HQ-2174 PB 0410 PD/492 HQ-2211 PB 0411 PD/493 HQ-2150A PB 0412 PD/491 7469 D590 7567 D692 21607 7523 D645 21439 PB 277 P-491 20162 N-1319 23766 7518A D642 N-1313 7497 D621 21694 PB 350 PD/585 PD/494 P-494 23842 PD/586 PD/497 P-497 HQ-2173 PB 0413 N-152 8289 D1175 23202 PD/588 PD/498-A P-498-A HQ-2233A PB 0414-A/2 N-573 8318 D1198 23917 PD/592-B PD/500 P-500 HQ-2222 PB 0415 N-1337 23879 / 23880 PD/501 P-501 HQ-2234 PB 0416 N-1169 23921 PD/502 PD/503 PD/505 7259 D369 P-503 P-505 HQ-2161A HQ-2226 PD/507 PD/509-B P-509-B HQ-2179A PD/510 N-1344 HQ-2178A P-512 N-1166 PB 0515 N-1165 23332 N-569 23705 / 23706 / 23707 PB 0516 PB 0418 PB 0419-A/4 PD/525-A HQ-2253A PB 0420-A/2 7863 D981 PB 0576 A/1 7921 D1018 23882 7790 D911 23557 N-583 PB 0577 PB 0578 PD/611 PB 0579 7557 D677 23400 PB 0580 7587 D716 23032 HQ-2201 PB 0581 N-1335 7589 D721 23558 / 21915 HQ-4065 PB 0582 N-1336 7590 D722 23780 PD/616 HQ-4046A PB 0583 0986424711 7602 D733 23593 PD/619 HQ-4053A PB 0584 7637 D770 23572 23631 / 23336 PD/613 PD/614 N-1220 7660 D790 PB 0586 N-1160 7616 D820 7738 D862 23585 N-1451 7955 D1051 23656 HQ-4093A PB 0589 N-1250 7739 D864 23569 PD/631 HQ-4042 PB 0590 N-1446 7741 D866 23584 N-1153 21460 PD/632 HQ-2221 PB 0591 7743 D868 23582 N-1147 20906 PD/633 PB 0592 PD/634 PB 0593 N-1241 PB 0594 N-1231 7825 D924 N-1444 7864 D965 PB 0426 29115 / 29116 P-527 HQ-2204A PB 0421 N-1360 7671 D799 PD/528 P-528 HQ-2227A PB 0427 N-1449 7877 D976 24024 / 24025 / 24026 PD/529-F PD/531 HQ-2251A PB 0519 N-1425 7716 D841 PD/532 HQ-2090A PB 0554 N-1178 7389 D510 HQ-2238 PB 0384 HQ-2224A PB 0555 7876 D830 PB 0556 8253 D1142 21657 29148 / 29115 PB 0557 7703 D830 N-1343 7742 D867 7070C D183 PD/635 HQ -2216A PD/637 HQ-2197A 21561 24092 24178 24179 23891 23892 23893 / / / / PB 0595 7870 D969 24056 PD/644 PB 0596 7795 D914 23868 / 23869 7418 D1086 24231 / 24332 / 24333 PD/645 HQ-2248A PB 0597 PD/646 HQ-2213 PB 0598 N-186 8272 D1161 PD/647 HQ-2212 PB 0599 N-185 8277 D1164 HQ-2232 PB 0600 N-1171 23406 / 23407 HQ-2210A PB 0601 A/4 N-1174 23277 PD/649-E 24066 24275 PD/638 PD/648 7260 D370 PB 0559 HQ-2252 PB 0585 PD/630 21938 / / 23930 23714 7715 D840 / / 23279 23581 PB 0518 PB 0558 24036 24037 24038 23814 23871 23872 PD/601 PD/620 PD/527 PD/550 7789 D910 PB 0575 N-1441 PD/599 23708 / 23709 / 23710 21775 / 21776 HQ-2192-A PB 0574 HQ-2249 PB 0588 HQ-2163A PD/548 7784 D905 PD/629 HQ-2184A HQ-2220 986494090 23669 PD/522-E PD/538 HQ-4060A PB 0587 PD/521-E PD/536 7734 D858 PD/628 HQ-2155 PD/535 PB 0573 PD/623 HQ-2180 PD/534 23640 / 23642 23816 PD/520 P-533 7733 D857 23409 PD/518 PD/533 PB 0572 N-1334 8325 D1205 23339 23635 N-1164 HQ-2274 7661 D791 23638 PB 0425 PD/516 7653 D785 N-1418 7732 D856 N-582 HQ-2181 23420 7674 D803 PB 0517 A/1 HQ-2177 HQ-2217 7623 D730 20449 PD/598 PD/612 PB 0424 PD/514 PD/526 8320 D1200 23599 / 23954 PB 0553 PD/511-B PD/512 PB 0417 HQ-2214A 7667 D797 PD/483-A PD/490 P-554 8258 D1148 PB 0423 N-723 PD/554 WVA 7339 D459 P-648 PD/650-E PB 0602 A/4 PD/651 PB 0603 23273 N-1170 23305 Technical Manual- LIGHT VEHICLE - 22 Conversion Table – Brake Pads FRAS-LE PD/652-B LONAFLEX P-652-B BENDIX HQ-2260A BOSCH PB 0604 A/1 COBREQ FMSI WVA 23919 / 23920 N-596 FRAS-LE PD/1072 PD/662 PD/1077 PD/663 PD/1078 PD/665 N-1242 7979 D1074 PD/666 N-1249 7344 D464 21553 7917 D1013 24068 24069 24070 23725 23726 23727 23728 PD/667 PD/668 PD/669 N-903 P-669 PD/672 HQ-2229A N-1366 HQ-2247A N-1277 PD/680 PD/681 PD/685 P-685 HQ-2207A HQ-2245A PD/689 P-689 HQ-2228A N-1377 N-1368 PD/692 8379 D1261 / / / / / / 23993 7939 D1036 24071 HQ-4044 N-1449 PD/696 7487 D606 7489 D610 PD/708 HQ-2264A HQ-4007A PD/711 PD/715 N-1400 7358 D477 N-371 8381 D1264 N-372 PD/717 HQ-2189A PD/725 HQ-2267A HQ-4021A 8391 D1275 24510 24511 24512 24498 24499 24500 PD/728 7688 D813 23543 7783 D815 8307 D1188 HQ-2277 HQ-4050 8377 D1258 24544 PD/1081 HQ-2250 HQ-4017 N-1466 8378 D1259 24545 N-1247 8505 D1397 HQ-4023 N-1259 8267 D1157 HQ-2287A N-1447 PD/1092 PD/1093 8689 D1489 PD/1100 HQ-2158 N-288 8768 D1556 PD/1101 HQ-4070A N-384 8730 D1522 PD/1102 HQ-4071A N-387 8668 D1468 24375 / 24376 PD/1287 HQ-2269A HQ-4024A N-1243 8322 D1202 24351 / 24352 / 24568 / 24569 N-1256 8614 D1295 24501 PD/1296 PD/1298 HQ-4080A 8417 D1301 PD/1299 HQ-4081A 8418 D1302 PD/1303 8427 D1309 PD/1320 8463 D1354 23662 PD/1347 N-378 PD/758 7868 D966 HQ-2271A N-1382 PD/775 24529 / 24530 N-187 HQ-2266A 8655 D1455 PD/1355 8370 D1252 PD/1356 8428 D1445 24557 / 24558 PD/1357 8698 D1498 PD/1358 8455 D1344 23587 / 23588 / 23589 PD/1364 8801 D1590 PD/1365 8804 D1592 PD/1366 8575 D1439 PD/811 8212 D1107 PD/1026 HQ-4013A N-735 8439 D1327 PD/1028 HQ-2261 PD/1028-B HQ-2261A PD/1029-A HQ-2262A PD/1030 HQ-2209 8767 D1555 24484 N-292 8595 D1444 PD/1354 24342 N-279 HQ-4078A 8751 D1543 8402 D1285 7994 D1089 HQ-2208A PD/1351 N-1272 PD/1353 23482 PD/1000-B HQ-4029A HQ-4076A 8400 D1202 7957 D973 PD/1000 PD/1348 23974 / 25295 / 25296 PD/1352 7863 D964 PD/796 8701 D1502 24486 8213 D1108 23914 / / 8306 D1125 23928 P-771 / / N-192 7787 D908 23723 / 23724 25034 25035 25036 25096 25097 25098 N-1253 PD/745 7947 D1044 24468 / 24469 HQ-2235 N-286 N-190 / / HQ-2268A PD/1346 HQ-3011PA / / PD/1277 24336 PD/767 23966 23987 23988 24320 24321 24322 PD/1103 8330 D1210 N-1468 24346 8331 D1293 PD/1330 PD/740 PD/809 7702 D829 N-1467 / / PD/733 PD/771 WVA 23178 / 23179 HQ-2254 HQ-4016 / / 7632 D764 N-1233 FMSI 8206 D1100 HQ-4059 PD/1099-B 7533 D540 PD/695 COBREQ PD/1080 PD/1098 20870 BOSCH PD/1097 8456 D1345 7153 D242 BENDIX PD/1052 PD/661 PD/664 LONAFLEX PD/1367 PD/1368 8428 D1594 23583 / 23584 25268 / 25629 / 25270 25153 25154 25155 25337 25338 25339 / / / / Proving Grounds Headquarters - Main Manufacturing Facility - Caxias do Sul - RS - Brazil Alabama Manufacturing Facility - United States Stattes Pinghu Ma Manufacturing Facility - China Manufacturing Facilities Customers 03/2014 International Operations FRAS-LE ARGENTINA Calle 109 (ex 1º de Agosto), 2755 B1650NHF - San Martín Provincia de Buenos Aires - Argentina Tel.: (+ 54 11) 4752 8500 Fax: (+ 54 11) 4754 0911 FRAS-LE NORTH AMERICA INC. 103 Echlin Boulevard Prattville, Alabama 36067 - USA Tel: 1 (334) 358 5775 Fax: 1 (334) 358 5776 FRAS-LE ANDINA Calle Andrés de Fuenzalida, 69 Oficina 701 Providencia – Santiago - Chile Tel: (+ 56 2) 334 9349 Fax: (+ 56 2) 231 6281 FRAS-LE EUROPE Ludwig-Erhard-Straße 8 45891 Gelsenkirchen Germany Tel: (+ 49 209) 386 240 Fax: (+ 49 209) 386 2415 FRAS-LE MÉXICO Av. Universidad no. 989, Primer piso, Oficina 103 Col. Del Valle - Delegación Benito Juárez 03100- México, D.F. – México Tel: (+ 52 55) 5524 1896 Fax: (+ 52 55) 5524 1899 FRAS-LE ASIA Pinghu Manufacturing Facility No.1688 Hongjian Road, Pinghu Economic Development Zone Zhejiang Prov. Postal Code 314200 P.R. China Tel.: (+ 86 573) 8529 0700 Fax: (+ 86 573) 8529 0720 FRAS-LE AFRICA Regent Hill office Park, Block C, Office 7A Cnr Leslie & Turley Rds, Lonehill, 2062 Johannesburg - South Africa Tel.: (+ 27 11) 702 8340 Fax : (+ 27 11) 467 1476 FRAS-LE MIDDLE EAST P.O. Box 261416 Lob 13, 1st Floor, No. 28 Jebel Ali Free Zone Dubai - U.A.E. Tel.: (+971) 4 8810344 Fax: (+971) 4 8810355 FRAS-LE S.A. - Matriz RS 122 - Km 66, nº 10945 t Forqueta t 95115-550 Caxias do Sul t RS t Brasil Tel.: (+55 54) 3239 1000 - Fax: (+55 54) 3239 1921 IUDVOHRȴFLDO IUDVOHRȴFLDO IUDVOHRȴFLDO
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