Massachusetts Sheltered English Instruction Administrator Endorsement Course Participant Manual

Massachusetts Sheltered English Instruction
Administrator Endorsement Course
Participant Manual
Version 2.0
Syllabus ................................................................................................... 2
Introduction ......................................................................................... 2
Background .......................................................................................... 3
The Nature of the Course ..................................................................... 4
SEI Administrator Course Session Overview ...................................... 5
Course Requirements and Grading ..................................................... 5
Course Expectations: ....................................................................... 5
Categories of Homework Assignments & Grading Weight: ........... 6
Course Assignments Due Dates ........................................................... 7
Course Grading Rubrics ...................................................................... 7
Classroom Observations and Debriefings ....................................... 7
Participation, Discussion & Attendance .......................................... 7
Capstone Strategy Observation Tool............................................... 8
Capstone Written Observation Report .......................................... 10
Required Readings ............................................................................. 11
Umbrella Resources ...................................................................... 11
Educator Evaluation resources ...................................................... 11
During Session 1 ........................................................................... 11
For Session 2 ................................................................................. 11
For Session 3 ................................................................................. 11
For Session 4 ................................................................................. 11
For Session 5 ................................................................................. 11
Recommended Readings .................................................................... 12
Vocabulary and Discourse ............................................................ 12
Course Information and How To’s .................................................... 12
Blackboard Login .............................................................................. 12
Blackboard Support ........................................................................... 16
How to Apply for the SEI Endorsement ............................................. 16
Administrator Endorsement Course
Version 2 Sept 2013-2014
The purpose of this course is to prepare Massachusetts school administrators with the knowledge
and skills necessary to be effective reviewers and instructional leaders of educators who teach
English language learners, so that our growing population of English language learners (ELLs)
can access curriculum, achieve academic success, and contribute their multilingual and
multicultural resources as participants and future leaders in the 21st century global economy.
This course is aligned with the Massachusetts Administrator Endorsement Subject Matter
Knowledge Standards:
1. Understanding of diversity and background of English language learner populations, including
family systems, neighborhoods, and communities, and their impact on teaching and learning
2. Building a culture of equity and inclusiveness for linguistically and culturally diverse
3. Implementation of strategies for coordinating instruction for English language learners (SEI
and English language development)
4. Demonstrates an understanding of the use of best practices for sheltering content for, and
teaching academic language to, English language learners in the classroom
5. Understands and appreciates the challenges that English language learners face in the mastery
of academic language and assures that educators are equipped to shelter content and scaffold
instruction to promote the academic achievement of English language learners
The course has four overarching goals:
1. To enhance administrators’ leadership capacity so that they may effectively carry out their
responsibility for
a. Building school cultures of equity and inclusiveness
b. Developing and enhancing appropriate programs and services for all English language
c. Ensuring a collaborative vision in which all members of the school community share the
responsibility for the achievement of English language learners
2. To expand administrators’ understanding of how language affects English language and
content learning, and how children and adolescents learn language in academic settings
3. To build administrators’ knowledge about
a. the English language learner student body within their schools; the heterogeneity of their
English language learners
b. laws and regulations affecting the education of English language learners
c. effective program models that engage English language learners in acquiring English
while they learn academic content, and
d. research-based instructional practice that teachers employ to integrate subject area
content, language, and literacy development—per the expectations of the Massachusetts
English Language Development (ELD) World Class Instructional Design and
Assessment (WIDA) standards—and thus to support ELL students’ success with the 2011
Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks for English Language Arts and Literacy and
Mathematics and other Massachusetts content standards
Administrator Endorsement Course
Version 2 Sept 2013-2014
4. To equip administrators to integrate the various initiatives throughout the Commonwealth as
they relate to English language learners, including the new Educator Evaluation system.
Several Massachusetts documents were used in the preparation of this course. These include:
• SEI Administrator Endorsement Subject Matter Knowledge Standards (SMK)
• SEI Teacher Endorsement Subject Matter Knowledge Standards Course (SEIT)
• Guidelines for the Preparation of Administrative Leaders (PSAL)
• Massachusetts Model System for Educator Evaluation, Part III: Guide to Rubrics for
Superintendent, Administrator, and Teacher (MTRTE)
The SEI Administrator Endorsement course, the SEI Teacher Endorsement course, and the
Bridge Endorsement courses for teachers who have taken two or more Category trainings 1,
together comprise three key elements of the Commonwealth’s Rethinking Equity and Teaching
for English Language Learners (RETELL) initiative. RETELL also includes statewide
implementation of the WIDA English Language Development (ELD) standards, and the WIDAACCESS (Assessing Comprehension and Communication in English State-to-State) assessment
tools. Administrators will be introduced to ELD standards and WIDA tools in this course. More
information about the RETELL initiative is available at
All school administrators (principals, assistant principals, and supervisors or directors) who
supervise or evaluate academic teachers of English language learners are required to earn the SEI
Administrator Endorsement by July 2016. Upon successful completion of this course,
participating administrators will receive an SEI Administrator Endorsement. During the course
administrators will explore federal and state laws that pertain to the education of English
language learners. They will analyze demographics, program models, and instructional practices
in use in the classrooms in their schools that enroll English language learners and will develop
professional and school plans to improve both programming and instruction for English language
learners in their schools.
All core academic teachers 2 responsible for the education of one or more ELLs are required to
earn the SEI Teacher Endorsement between 2012 and 2016, typically through completion of the
SEI Teacher Endorsement course. Upon successful completion of the course, participating
teachers will receive an SEI endorsement. During the course, teachers are expected to practice
instructional strategies grounded in SEI research both in the Endorsement course and in their
classrooms. Teachers will also be encouraged to sustain and develop their SEI practices over
time through one or more professional growth opportunities, including the following:
The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education developed the Category training model, which was presented in four
sections. Educators who participated in two of the trainings from Categories 1, 2, and 4 are eligible for the SEI endorsement
upon completion of a Bridge Course. The SEI Teacher Endorsement course replaces Category Training.
The following teachers are classified as “core academic teachers” under the regulations: early childhood and elementary
teachers; teachers of students with moderate disabilities; teachers of students with severe disabilities; subject-area teachers in
English, reading or language arts; mathematics, science; civics and government, economics, history, and geography. The
classification applies to teachers in all Massachusetts public schools, including charter schools and education collaboratives.
Administrator Endorsement Course
Version 2 Sept 2013-2014
In many districts, support with the implementation of SEI strategies provided via the
existing instructional coaching infrastructure, as part of literacy and mathematics
instructional coaching;
Professional development courses as approved by the ESE and local SEI affinity groups.
ESE-sponsored SEI conferences;
Whole-school mechanisms for sustaining focus on ELL needs including collaborative,
job-embedded professional learning, promoted in the SEI Administrators’ Endorsement
Participation in online professional learning networks through which teachers can share
resources and strategies for helping ELLs access content standards while developing
English language competency
In many instances, it will also be important for teachers and their evaluators to extend the
learning by making SEI the focus of professional practice goals as part of the new Educator
Evaluation process. To support evaluators in this work, ESE is developing a tool, Resource for
Evaluating Teachers of ELLs: Support for Understanding the Teacher Rubrics, which is one of
the guiding documents of the SEI Administrator Endorsement course.
All educators are also expected to earn at least 15 additional hours of professional development
points (PDPs) in SEI or ESL in each licensure renewal cycle beginning July 2016. These
opportunities to extend and sustain learning over time in a developmental way, with increasing
experience, will provide an excellent way to meet the licensure renewal requirement. In addition,
educators are expected to earn at least 15 hours of PDPs in Special Education during the same
time frame.
The RETELL initiative comes at a time when all administrators and teachers must be equipped
to address the needs and build on the multilingual and multicultural assets of a diverse and everchanging student population in Massachusetts. The introduction of various educational reforms
such as the 2011 Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks for English Language Arts and
Literacy and Mathematics, WIDA’s ELD standards, and the Commonwealth’s new Educator
Evaluation system require teachers to assume new roles and responsibilities in their classrooms.
This course will support the professional growth of administrators who supervise the teaching
and learning of all students.
The Nature of the Course
The SEI Administrator Endorsement course is designed to promote continuous improvement in
educator practice, and to build administrators’ confidence and familiarity with procedures and
strategies for supporting teachers in developing research-proven practices for working with
ELLs. Throughout the course, effective methods of examining data, observing teaching practice,
and providing support to teachers will be explored.
Assignments are designed to engage administrators in conducting research within their school
buildings. Assignments include careful analysis of school, district, and state data pertaining to
English language learners, as well as data collection on the classroom practice of SEI teachers.
Administrators will learn about the elements to look for in teachers’ lesson plans, as well as the
SEI strategies to look for during classroom observations. Throughout, administrators will be
Administrator Endorsement Course
Version 2 Sept 2013-2014
asked to reflect upon the implications of the course material and their findings on their
responsibilities as school leaders.
The SEI Administrator Endorsement course:
• systematically strengthens administrators’ capacity to ensure that their schools provide
SEI effectively to all English language learners.
• is integrated with and supported by three other major initiatives underway in the
Commonwealth: the implementation of the 2011 standards for ELA and math
(incorporating the Common Core State Standards), the implementation of WIDA ELD
standards for all educators, and the new Educator Evaluation system.
• acknowledges that to address the needs of ELLs, individual and collective ownership,
collaborative practice between educators, and a whole-school approach are critical. The
new SEI Administrator Endorsement course is cohesively connected to the SEI Teacher
Endorsement course and supported by policies that require continuous educator growth
over time.
• is facilitated by approved instructors who have been vetted through a comprehensive
application and interview process, have participated in a rigorous training program, and
will be subject to ongoing performance evaluation.
• is delivered in cohorts across the state. The cohorts will provide opportunities for online
and in-district collaboration, peer support, and sharing of ideas and materials.
SEI Administrator Course Session Overview
This SEI Administrator Endorsement course is made up of five three-hour sessions.
Session 1: Introduction, Law & SEI Considerations for ELLs
Session 2: Vocabulary & Discourse
Session 3: Reading
Session 4: Writing& More
Session 5: Integration
In each session topics are explored within an overarching framework of guiding messages and
guiding questions. Guiding messages stress the intersection of multiple laws, policies, standards,
practices, tools, and resources that frame the responsibility for the academic success of English
language learners, shared by all stakeholders within a school, and lead by school administrators.
Guiding questions engage administrators in personal, school-based reflection on the implications
of the course content they are learning: How does this affect my role and my responsibilities?
How does this look in my school? How does this look in my teachers’ classrooms?
Most sessions assign participants a small observation project. Each assignment is debriefed at
the beginning of the following session.
Course Requirements and Grading
Course Expectations: SEI Administrator Endorsement course participants are expected to
attend all classes, actively participate in sessions and complete all homework assignments.
Assignments are turned in online per directions provided by the instructor.
Administrator Endorsement Course
Version 2 Sept 2013-2014
Hardship: If an educator has been assigned to the course and is unable to participate or complete
the course due to serious illness or injury, or other circumstances beyond the educator’s control,
he or she may ask the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education to grant a hardship
exception to allow additional time to meet the requirements for the SEI endorsement. See 603
CMR 14.07(2) (b). For further information, contact
Pass/Fail: Course participants who complete the Administrator Endorsement course receive a
grade of pass or fail. To pass the course participants must obtain the equivalent of an overall
course grade of C (70%) or better. Participants must successfully complete the course to be
eligible for the SEI Administrator Endorsement.
Inclement Weather Days and Instructor Absences: In the event that class must be canceled,
the instructor will e-mail participants and post an announcement canceling the day’s class on the
ESE Endorsement Course page. It will be the participants’ responsibility to check their e-mail or
the webpage. Any canceled class will be made up using one of the two extra course dates reserved
for such purposes.
Categories of Homework Assignments & Grading Weight: Participants will complete various
preparation assignments including classroom observations readings and a final Observation
Capstone activity that integrates principles covered in the course.
• Strategy Classroom Observations and Debriefings (3 submissions)
Administrators observe a teacher/s in their own classroom, noting elements of practice and SEI
strategies modeled and explored in the Administrator Endorsement course and using the
Educator Observation Tool/Educator Evaluation rubrics and a course tool: SEI Strategy
Observation Tool. After the observation, Administrators reflect on strengths observed and
supports the observed teacher may need to enhance practice. Administrators reflect on these
observations and discuss evidence and conclusions with their peers in a debriefing session in
class. These 3 tools are posted to Blackboard in Sessions 3, 4 & 5. Weight: 30% of final grade.
(10pts ea submitted Tool)
• Capstone Observation Assignment (1 assignment - 2 components)
The Capstone Observation Assignment will be begun during Session 5, the last day of the
course, and posted to the course site within two weeks of the last session. The assignment
involves two parts: 1) viewing a video clip and determining feedback to the featured teacher.
Participants are expected to incorporate their understandings of SEI principles and strategies, as
well as their knowledge of the Massachusetts Educator Evaluation rubrics into their integrated
post-observation notes and summary. 2) Participants will turn in a final Strategy Observation
Tool based on the video. Weight: 40% of final grade. (30 pts for Written Summative
Observation and 10 pts for Summative Strategy Observation Tool).
• Participation (5 Grades - 1 per session)
A grade will be given for participation. Weight: 40% of final grade. (8 Points per session)
Each assignment will be graded individually using rubrics. Participants will receive
Participation grades scored five times throughout the course on a rubric.
Final course grades will be determined through a combination of grades on assignments and
Administrator Endorsement Course
Version 2 Sept 2013-2014
Course Assignments Due Dates
Classroom Observation 1: Vocabulary
Session 3
Classroom Observation 2: Reading
Session 4
Classroom Observation 3: Writing
Session 5
Capstone Observation & Summary
Within two weeks after the final session
Course Grading Rubrics
Task Completion
Presentation of
Classroom Observations and Debriefings
(30% of final grade) (Evaluated 3 times, 10 pts each, total 30/100pts)
(0 points)
Participant was
absent and
therefore unable to
participate in the
(1 point)
Minimally or
participates in
debriefing sessions.
(2.5 points)
participates in
debriefing sessions.
(3 points)
Proficient PLUS
shows leadership.
Fully prepared for
all contingencies.
(0 points)
Participant has not
completed the
assigned task
following the
(1 point)
Participant has
completed portions
of the assigned task
following the
(1.5 points)
Participant has
completed the
assigned task
following the
(2 points)
Proficient PLUS
shows leadership.
Participant has
completed the
assigned task
following the
directions provided.
(0 points)
Participant has not
completed the
assigned task
following the
(2 points)
Minimal or
understanding of
the strategies and
(4 points)
Participant has
understanding of
strategies and
(5 points)
Proficient PLUS
shows leadership.
Participant has
understanding of
strategies and
Participation, Discussion & Attendance
Administrator Endorsement Course
Version 2 Sept 2013-2014
Classroom Participation
(35% of final grade) (Evaluated for each of 5 sessions, 7 pts each, total 35/100 pts)
(0 points)
Participation does
not relate to the
No knowledge or
understanding is
regarding concepts
and ideas
pertaining to the
discussion topic.
Comments do not
support claims
with either
evidence or
Comments contain
Does not
(3 points)
minimally relates
to topic.
Minor knowledge
or depth of
regarding topics or
Attempts to
support claims.
(5 points)
addresses key
issues, questions,
or problems related
to the discussion or
activity, offers
some insight,
analysis, or
Statements apply
course concepts.
Generally supports
claims and
opinions with
evidence or
(7 points)
Proficient PLUS
original insight,
analysis, or
observation that
demonstrates a
grasp of concepts
and ideas
pertaining to the
discussion topic or
Takes discussion
to the next level of
Supports all claims
and opinions with
either rational
argument or
(.25 points)
Participant has
completed the
assigned task
following the
(.75 points)
Participant has
completed the
assigned task
following the
(1 point)
Participant has
completed the
assigned task
following the
Capstone Strategy Observation Tool
(10% of final grade) (10/100 pts)
Task Completion
(0 points)
Participant has not
completed the
assigned task
following the
directions provided.
Administrator Endorsement Course
Version 2 Sept 2013-2014
Under-standing and
(0 points)
The participant
demonstrates little
to no understanding
of applicable
readings, classroom
discussions, and
Educator Evaluation
Mechanics and organization
(0 points)
conference notes do
not discuss
strengths and areas
for growth.
(0 points)
notes are not clearly
Administrator Endorsement Course
(2 points)
The participant
demonstrates a
understanding of
discussions, and
(5 points)
The participant
demonstrates a
understanding of
discussions, and
(6 points)
The participant
demonstrates a
understanding of
discussions, and
(.5 points)
conference notes
minimally discuss
strengths and areas
for growth.
(1.5 points)
conference notes
strengths and areas
for growth.
(2 points)
conference notes
effectively and
strengths and areas
for growth.
(.25 points)
notes are not
entirely clearly
Frequent errors in
spelling, grammar,
and/or other
conventions are
(.75 points)
notes are not
entirely clearly
Frequent errors in
spelling, grammar,
and/or other
conventions are
(1 point)
notes are not
clearly written.
Numerous errors
in spelling,
grammar, and/or
other writing
conventions are
Version 2 Sept 2013-2014
Attention to Strategies/Concepts
Capstone Written Observation Report
(25% of final grade) (25/100 pts)
(0 points)
Submitted late.
Missing or incomplete
Demonstrates lack of
effort to implement
targeted strategies or
apply central course
(5 points)
Submitted on time.
Each component,
or work as a whole,
partially meets
understanding and
minimal reflection
or planning of
targeted strategies
as related to the
(9 points)
Submitted on time.
Work is complete.
Each component or
work, as a whole,
meets expectations.
Demonstrates solid
understanding and
reflective planning
and analysis for
implementation of
targeted strategies
and course issues.
(12 points)
Proficient PLUS
work is original
and insightful.
reflection, analysis
implementation of
targeted strategies
and course
Leadership level
abilities evident.
(0 points)
Substantial errors in
grammar and
formatting that
impede understanding
of product.
(2 points)
Some errors in
grammar and
Lacks coherence.
(3 points)
Well edited.
(4 points)
Proficient PLUS
professional or
publishable level.
(0 points)
Submitted late.
Missing or incomplete
Demonstrates lack of
effort to implement
targeted strategies or
apply central course
(3 points)
Submitted on time.
Each component,
or work as a whole,
partially meets
analysis and
implementation of
targeted strategies
and limited
understanding of
course concepts.
Reflection and
revision not
(6.5 points)
Submitted on time.
Work is complete.
Each component,
or work as a whole,
meets expectations.
Demonstrates solid
analysis and
implementation of
targeted strategies
and course
Shows reflection
and thoughtful
(9 points)
Proficient PLUS
work is original
and insightful.
analysis and
implementation of
targeted strategies
and course
concepts with
advanced reflection
and revision based
upon research and
Administrator Endorsement Course
Version 2 Sept 2013-2014
Required Readings
Umbrella Resources
Calderón, M. (2012). Why we need a new way of schooling language minority children. In
Calderón, M. (Ed.). Breaking through: Effective instruction and assessment for reaching
English learners. 16-29. Bloomington, IN: Solution Tree Press. (Introduced as a required
reading assignment in Session 1; Due by Session 5).
Educator Evaluation resources available at: Highlighted portions available in
this manual
During Session 1
Connie Belin and Jacqueline N. Blank International Center for Gifted Education and Talent
Development. (2008). Identifying gifted and talented English language learners, grades
K–12. Des Moines, IA: Iowa Department of Education.
DeCapua, A., &. Marshall, H. W. (2011). Reaching ELLs at risk: Instruction for students with
limited or interrupted formal education. Preventing School Failure 55(1), 35–41.
Menken, K., & Kleyn, T. (2009). The difficult road for long-term English learners. Supporting
English Language Learners, 66(7). Association for Supervision and Curriculum
By Session 5
For Session 2
Hamayan, E., & Field, R. F. (2012). English language learners at school: A guide for
administrators, 8-9, 37-39. Philadelphia, PA: Caslon Publishing.
For Session 3
Coleman R., & Goldenberg, C. (2012, February). The common core challenge for ELLs.
Principal Leadership, 46-51.
Zacarian, D. (2011). Transforming schools for English language learners: A comprehensive
framework for school leaders, 75-91. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.
For Session 4
de Jong, E. J., & Harper, C. A. (2005). Preparing mainstream teachers for English language
learners: Is being a good teacher good enough? Teacher Education Quarterly 32(2), 101–
For Session 5
Zacarian, D. (2011). Emphasizing the Importance of Parent Engagement, 113-129. Thousand
Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.
Calderón, M. (2012). Why we need a new way of schooling language minority children. In
Calderón, M. (Ed.). Breaking through: Effective instruction and assessment for reaching
English learners. 16-29.
Administrator Endorsement Course
Version 2 Sept 2013-2014
Recommended Readings
Course participants are strongly encouraged to familiarize themselves with the recommended
readings to expand and deepen their understandings of the SEI content and strategies
introduced in the SEI Endorsement course.
Vocabulary and Discourse
Calderón, M. (2011). Teaching reading and comprehension to English learners, K–5: Teaching
Reading Comprehension and Content, 67-83. Bloomington, IN: Solution Tree Press.
Calderón, M. (2007). Teaching reading to English language learners, grades 6–12: Vocabulary
Development, the foundation for reading in the content areas, 29–45. Thousand Oaks, CA:
Corwin Press.
Reading Comprehension
Calderón, M. (2011). Teaching reading and comprehension to English learners, K–5.Teaching
Reading Comprehension and Content, 85-103. Bloomington, IN: Solution Tree Press.
Calderón, M. (2007). Teaching reading to English language learners, grades 6–12. Chapter 4:
Teaching Reading Comprehension and Content, 47-67. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin
Gillespie, A. and S. Graham. (2011). Evidence-based practices for teaching writing. Better
Evidence-based Education. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University. 4-5
Course Information and How To’s
Blackboard Login
When your Blackboard account was created, or will be created if you registered late, the email
address you used to register for your course(s) became your Username. You were also assigned a
temporary password. In order to re-set your password, you need to follow the “Lost password”
process that is described below.
Follow the steps below to log into Blackboard for the first time:
1. Go to the address below to navigate to the Blackboard login page:
2. Click on the link labeled “First time logging in? Click here to set your password.” This
link, and the login page, is illustrated in Figure 1 below.
Administrator Endorsement Course
Version 2 Sept 2013-2014
Figure 1: Blackboard login page
3. A page titled “Lost Password,” will pop up. Here, you will find two sections. You can
either enter your first and last name and your username. Or, you can enter your first and
last name and your email address. Since the email address you used to register for your
course IS your username, Figure 2 below shows the steps for filling out this form. Note,
you can fill in EITHER section. You do not need to fill in BOTH sections. If you choose
to fill in the second section where you enter your first name, last name, and email
address, you MUST use the same email address you used to register for your course(s).
After filling in either section 1 or 2, click the button labeled “Submit.”
Figure 2: The Lost Password page
4. After clicking the Submit button, you will be taken back to the login page and you will
have a confirmation message stating that an email message has been sent to you with a
link in which you can re-set your password. This screen is shown in Figure 3 below.
Administrator Endorsement Course
Version 2 Sept 2013-2014
Figure 4: Confirmation Message
5. Check your email account for a message with “Blackboard Administrator” in the “From:”
field (note: this is an automated message). In this message, you will find a link where you
can re-set your password. Figure 5 shows an example of this message with personal
information blocked out.
Figure 4: Automated email message
6. After clicking or copying and pasting the link in the email message, you will be taken to a
page labeled “Change Password.” Figure 5 below shows the steps for filling in this form.
You will enter, then re-enter a password, and click the button labeled “Submit.”
Figure 5: Change Password page
Administrator Endorsement Course
Version 2 Sept 2013-2014
7. After click the Submit button, you should receive a confirmation message as shown in
Figure 6 below. You will then be able to log in with your username (again, the email
address you used to register for your course) and the new password you created.
Figure 6: Password Update page
8. After logging into Blackboard, you will be able to find your course in the area labeled
“My courses.” This area is shown in Figure 7 below. To enter the area for your course,
click on the course title. On this page, you will also find an area for system-wide
announcements and a link to a help center.
Figure 7: My Courses area
Instructions for retrieving your User Name and/or resetting your Password
1. At the Security Portal click on Forgot User Name/Password.
2. Click on Retrieve User Name/Reset Password.
3. Enter personal information on the User Registration page and click “submit”.
4. The system will retrieve your User Name.
5. Click on Forgot Your Password? and answer your security question. Please remember that
the security answer is case, space, and punctuation sensitive.
6. Reset your Password by creating a brand new Password and confirm the Password. Please
write down or remember your User name and Password for future use.
7. Click “submit”.
8. Click “close”.
9. Click “yes”.
Administrator Endorsement Course
Version 2 Sept 2013-2014
Blackboard Support
A support function has been established to help with the online portion of the course and any
questions with Blackboard. Please go to the following site for support documents and to access
customer support.
How to Apply for the SEI Endorsement
Step 1) Visit
rs and click on the ELAR
logo on the right-hand side
of the screen.
Step 2) Enter your User
Name and Password. If you
are not sure of your User
Name and Password, click
on Forgot User
name/Password (for
instructions, see below).
Close your browser window follow steps 1-7, above.
If additional assistance is required, please contact the Licensure Call Center
(Monday-Friday, 2:00-5:00 p.m.) at (781) 338-6600.
Administrator Endorsement Course
Version 2 Sept 2013-2014
Step 3) After logging into
ELAR, you may be asked to
update some information or
you may be directed right to
the welcome screen. Please
select “apply for a new
license, or advance to the
next level license”.
Step 4) Review the steps to
apply for a license and click
“next”. Verify your profile
information and click
“next”. On the following
page, select
“Endorsements” from the
drop down list and then
select the appropriate SEI
Endorsement (teacher or
administrator), select the
“Level” and “Type: and
then and click “add”.
Step 5) Select the path to
earn the endorsement and
click “next”. For
Administrators there is one
path and for teachers there
is either path 1 (for those
taking the ESE course, that
have an ESL/ELL license,
will pass the SEI MTEL,
etc.) or path 2, which will
be a transcript review based
on a related degree or
graduate level training.
Administrator Endorsement Course
Version 2 Sept 2013-2014
Step 6) Click “next” to
continue to the next page of
the application. On the
following page, update or
enter your affidavit
information and click
Step 7) Click “okay” to
continue to the next page of
the application. Complete
the application by clicking
“sign” and then “okay”. On
the Payment screen, click
“done”. Please note that no
fee is required for the SEI
Teacher or Administrator
Administrator Endorsement Course
Version 2 Sept 2013-2014