AFL SportsReady U18 Club Manual 2014 AFL Queensland AFL SportsReady U18 Club Manual 2012 Table of Contents 1. DIVISIONS ..................................................................................................................................... 1 2. PRE-SEASON REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................................. 1 2.1 LICENCE AGREEMENT .................................................................................................................. 1 2.2 PLAYER LIST ............................................................................................................................... 1 2.3 PLAYER NUMBERS ....................................................................................................................... 1 2.4 LIST CAP ..................................................................................................................................... 1 2.5 TWO U18 TEAM RULE .................................................................................................................. 2 2.6 RECRUITING PLAYERS .................................................................................................................. 2 2.7 U18 COACH ................................................................................................................................ 2 2.8 UMPIRING .................................................................................................................................... 4 2.9 PLAYER STRIP APPROVAL ............................................................................................................ 4 2.10 SUPPORT STAFF UNIFORMS ......................................................................................................... 4 2.11 FOOTBALLS ................................................................................................................................. 4 2.12 CLUB CONTACT LIST .................................................................................................................... 4 2.13 MATCH DAY PACK ....................................................................................................................... 5 2.14 FEBRUARY/MARCH COMPETITION MEETING ................................................................................ 5 2.15 SEEDING GAMES ....................................................................................................................... 5 2.16 PRACTICE MATCHES .................................................................................................................... 5 2.17 U18 FIXTURE REQUESTS ............................................................................................................. 5 2.18 REGISTRATION ............................................................................................................................ 5 2.19 INSURANCE ................................................................................................................................. 6 3. IN-SEASON REQUIREMENTS ..................................................................................................... 6 3.1 MATCH REPORT SHEET................................................................................................................ 6 3.2 2012 SEASON COSTS .................................................................................................................. 6 3.3 RESPECT FOR UMPIRES ............................................................................................................... 6 3.4 COMPETITION STRUCTURE ........................................................................................................... 7 3.5 FINALS ELIGIBILITY ....................................................................................................................... 7 3.6 FIRST AID .................................................................................................................................... 7 3.7 GLOVES ...................................................................................................................................... 7 3.8 TEN GOAL RULE .......................................................................................................................... 7 3.9 UMPIRE ESCORTS ……………………………………………………………………………………………….6 3.10 MELEE RULE ............................................................................................................................... 7 3.11 PLAYER NUMBER EQUALISATION .................................................................................................. 8 3.12 LENGTH OF SEASON .................................................................................................................... 8 3.13 FOOTBALLS ................................................................................................................................. 8 3.14 FORFEITS .................................................................................................................................... 8 3.15 ORDER OFF LAW ......................................................................................................................... 9 3.16 SET PENALTIES ......................................................................................................................... 10 3.17 AWARDS DINNER ....................................................................................................................... 10 3.18 GRAYDON POULSEN PROPERTY 1 AWARD................................................................................... 10 ii AFL Queensland 4. AFL SportsReady U18 Club Manual 2012 APPENDICES.............................................................................................................................. 10 1(A) APPLICATION FOR AFL SPORTSREADY U18 LICENSE ........................................................................ 11 1(B) REQUIREMENTS TO ENTER A NEW U18 TEAM.................................................................................... 13 2 AFL QUEENSLAND COACH NOMINATION .......................................................................................... 14 3 CLUB PLAYER UNIFORMS ............................................................................................................... 15 4 2012 CLUB OFFICIAL ORDER FORM ................................................................................................ 16 5 WATER CARRIERS, TRAINERS, MEDICAL OFFICERS & PHYSIOTHERAPISTS ........................................ 17 6 SHERRIN FOOTBALL ORDER FORM .................................................................................................. 19 7 PRACTICE MATCH REQUEST FORM ................................................................................................. 20 8 AFL QUEENSLAND 2012 PLAYER REGISTRATION FORM ................................................................... 21 9. AFL SPORTSREADY U18 REGISTRATION & CLEARANCE MATTERS ................................................... 23 10 QUEENSLAND MATCH RESULT SHEET ............................................................................................. 24 11 AFL SPORTSREADY U18 COSTS .................................................................................................... 25 12 LETTER TO PARENTS ...................................................................................................................... 26 13 RESPECT AND SUPPORT FOR UMPIRES ........................................................................................... 27 14 AFL SPORTSREADY U18 FINALS ELIGIBILTY ................................................................................... 28 15 MATCH DAY PLAYER PERMIT .......................................................................................................... 29 16 RATIONAL FOR SHORTER AFL SPORTSREADY U18 COMPETITION .................................................... 30 17 TRADELINK GRAYDON POULSEN AWARD ........................................................................................ 31 18 SET PENALTIES 2012 ..................................................................................................................... 32 ii AFL Queensland AFL SportsReady U18 Club Manual 2012 The AFL Queensland U18 Club Manual is a guide for clubs to use throughout the season. It is linked to the AFL Queensland Community Competitions Rules and Regulations document. Should clubs require further clarification or information then either refer to the AFL Queensland Community Competitions Rules and Regulations document on the AFLQ website and/or contact Doug Hale (0412 080 389)/David Heilbron (0413 740 532), U18 Competition Managers, AFL Queensland – It is a condition of the AFL Queensland U18 competition that all U18 teams are associated with a senior club team(s). 1. Divisions AFL Queensland will allocate teams into divisions for 2012. A draft proposal will be sent to clubs for ratification. In the event that a minority of teams seek to play in a division other than that prescribed by AFL Queensland then AFL Queensland will arrange practice games to determine the appropriate division for these teams. Every attempt will be made to realise the aim of a structure involving two Division 1 competitions, north and south, and three Division 2 competitions, North, Central and South. However, necessarily, divisions will be based on the ability of the respective teams, the geographic location of teams and any viable/reasonable specific requests made by individual clubs. 2. Pre-Season Requirements 2.1. Licence Agreement To be considered for entry into the AFL Queensland U18 competition each team must submit to AFL Queensland, prior to 17 February 2012, a signed team licence agreement [see Appendices 1(a) and 1(b)]. 2.2. Player List A player list and contact details for a minimum of 25 players must be submitted to AFL Queensland by the 17 February 2012. Admission into the competition will be confirmed by AFL Queensland on 5 March 2012 provided AFL Queensland has received a verifiable list of 30 players which includes the; name, address, contact phone number and date of birth for each player. 2.3. Player Numbers Past experience indicates that teams with less than 30 players on their list by the end of February tend to forfeit games during the season. Clubs experiencing difficulty obtaining a full list of players should contact Doug Hale or David Heilbron at AFL Queensland. It may be possible to attract extra players to the team from neighbouring clubs that have an excess of players. 2.4. List Cap All U18 team lists will be capped at 34 players, exclusive of players who may be needed to play up from the U16’s during the season or who may be a reserve/senior registered player who temporarily loses his place in the club’s reserve/senior team. 1 AFL Queensland AFL SportsReady U18 Club Manual 2012 Clubs must have no more than 34 (thirty - four) U18 players on their playing/training list from the second week in March each year. In this instance an U18 player is someone who will play the majority of their games in the U18 team. 2.5. Two U18 Team Rule A club may apply for two U18 teams if, i) there is no other senior club in the area or, ii) there are enough players, coming through a club’s junior program, for two U18 teams or, iii) the club is amalgamating with another club to more effectively manage the team. Should a club have enough U16 players (registered with the club in 2011) in combination with continuing U18 players (registered with the U18 team in 2011) to form two U18 teams then, depending on the quality of the players, the club can form either two Division 2 U18 teams or one Division 1 and one Division 2 U18 team. Once the season has commenced, players will only be permitted to move between the division 1 team and the division 2 team according to AFL Queensland guidelines as agreed by the competing clubs. Clubs with proposals for two U18 teams must confirm with AFL Queensland the funding model for maintaining financial viability. 2.6. Recruiting Players NEAFL clubs and clubs with Division 1 U18 teams, which actively seek to recruit players from Division 2 U18 teams, are to formally invite players from clubs with Division 2 U18 teams by sending a letter of invitation to the player with a copy to the player’s club. The practice of an ‘open invitation’ to all interested local junior players to come and train with an NEAFL U18 team or Division 1 U18 team is strongly discouraged. Clubs with two Division 2 U18 teams will not be permitted to actively recruit players from other clubs with U18 teams. Clubs with a Division 1 U18 team and a Division 2 U18 team will only be able to recruit players from other clubs into their Division 1 U18 team, not their Division 2 U18 team, using the formal invitation process and only after satisfying the requirement that they have enough U16 players within the club to independently form two teams. In these circumstances clubs should not actively recruit players from other clubs to top up their Division 1 team. Clubs which have an excess number of U16 players progressing to U18 in 2012, but not enough players to form two U18 teams, must redirect the excess players to another club as soon as possible. In all SEQAFL and NEAFL competitions where a player is currently registered with an U18 team the recruitment of that player by another club is governed by regulation 2.2 ‘Permission to Interview’ of the AFL Queensland Community Competitions Rules and Regulations. 2.7. U18 Coach A coach nomination (Appendix 2) must be submitted to AFL Queensland by the first week in March 2012. U18 Coaches must have a minimum of level 1 accreditation. Level 1 and 2 coaching courses are held in February/March of each year. Non- 2 AFL Queensland AFL SportsReady U18 Club Manual 2012 accredited coaches and/or coaches seeking updates for ongoing accreditation must complete, or be in the process of completing their accreditation, prior to the commencement of the season. Persons should contact Troy Clarke (07 3033 5431; to arrange accreditation. 3 AFL Queensland AFL SportsReady U18 Club Manual 2012 2.8. Umpiring It is anticipated that in 2012 AFL Queensland will be able to provide a full complement of field umpires for most U18 games. Therefore club umpires will only be required as back-up. However in some cases, such as for every home game in areas which are yet to have an umpire academy, it will be essential that home clubs have boundary and goal umpires. The expectation is that back-up umpires will maintain a quality presentation and standard when in the role of boundary or goal umpire. Clubs which provide back-up club boundary, goal and/or field umpires must ensure that the payment arrangements, if any, for these umpires is confirmed and communicated prior to the start of the season. Clubs should discuss, as a matter of priority, their club umpire arrangements with Andrew Reeves, AFL Queensland Umpire Manager [(07) 3033 5401 or 0420 980 497]. As in previous seasons each club will be given a sample letter requesting support from parents/guardians and/or siblings for the roles of back-up goal and boundary umpire (Appendix 12). The commitment of clubs and the umpire’s association to providing quality umpires has greatly improved the standard of umpiring and subsequently the standard of football in the U18 competition. Clubs are reimbursed for umpires’ fees in games for which AFL Queensland does not provide a full complement of umpires. 2.9. Player Strip Approval Clubs which have not previously had an U18 team’s playing strip approved must submit the planned jumper, shorts and socks design to AFL Queensland for approval by mid December (see Appendix 3). Players must be in correct AFLQ shorts and correct socks. ‘Bike shorts’ and other medical apparel (e.g. knee braces) must be light beige in colour. In U18 football teams wear the same shorts for home and away games. The away teams do not need to wear white shorts. 2.10. Support Staff Uniforms Orders for runner, water carrier and trainer uniforms (see Appendix 4) should be forwarded to Doug Hale by mid December. Clubs must adhere to the guidelines for support staff uniforms (see Appendix 5). 2.11. Footballs AFL Queensland invoices each club, as part of the competition fee, for 6 Sherrin match balls at a greatly reduced price. Clubs may purchase more Sherrin footballs through Doug Hale (AFL Queensland Competitions Manager) using the appropriate order form (see Appendix 6). Extra footballs will be at the cost quoted on the 2011 order form. 2.12. Club Contact list Each club is to submit to AFL Queensland a club contacts list containing the, email addresses and appropriate phone numbers for the coach, team manger, team captain and club president prior to the end of February. 4 AFL Queensland AFL SportsReady U18 Club Manual 2012 2.13. Match Day Pack At the pre-season meeting late February/early March each club with receive a match day pack containing – match day checklists, time cards and goal cards. Match Day Checklists must be completed and signed by a representative from each competing team prior to fixtured games and practice matches. 2.14. February/March Competition Meeting In late February/early March there will be a competition meeting held on a Monday/Wednesday evening at the Sunshine Coast, Gold Coast and Yeronga offices. The coach and captain of each team are required to attend with the team manager or club president. The meeting is an opportunity to discuss changes to the competition and pass on procedural information. It is also an opportunity for players to input into the conduct of their competition. 2.15. Seeding Games Prior to the commencement of the season, in March/April, AFL Queensland conducts seeding games. Seeding involves nominated teams playing in designated practice games against teams of differing ability (based on form in 2011). Games will be held at AFL Queensland nominated grounds. The allocation of teams to divisions is strictly based on performance in the required practice matches. Variations may occur in exceptional circumstances only. 2.16. Practice Matches Clubs wanting to hold practice matches, other than those required by AFL Queensland, must complete and return a Practice Match Request Form (Appendix 7) or on-line at by no later than midday Tuesday prior to the match. 2.17. U18 Fixture Requests Clubs can submit fixture requests to AFL Queensland prior to 26 March 2012. These should be forwarded in writing (electronic) to Doug Hale or David Heilbron at AFL Queensland. Requests are to be made in response to special circumstances and can only be accommodated if adequate resources are available at the time of the requested fixture. 2.18. Registration All new U18 players must complete a 2012 registration form (Appendix 8). In 2012 clubs can use the on-line re-registration system for U18 players. Players are not permitted to participate in practice matches and/or seeding games without having first registered using the appropriate form or on-line registration. If players fill out their own forms then please ensure that the information provided is legible and that the name of the club is in the appropriate space. For players who are not yet 18 years of age when completing the registration form or registering on-line, the form or on-line registration must be signed/ratified by a parent or guardian, i.e for players born after 31 December 1995. Any incomplete/illegible registration will be returned to the club and the player will not be registered. In 2012 clubs will be required to enter the registration details of each player on the Sportingpulse website. Players can be registered at any time throughout the season however clearances 5 AFL Queensland AFL SportsReady U18 Club Manual 2012 and transfers close on 30 June and registrations close on 31 July. Please let AFL Queensland know if you need registration forms. The eligibility date for the AFL SportsReady U18 competition will be 30 June (in the previous year). That is if a player does not turn 18 until 1 July 2011 or later, he is eligible for the 2012 AFL SportsReady U18 competition. For further detail in relation to U18 registration and clearances refer to appendix 9. 2.19. Insurance All U18 teams must register with JLT insurers (official insurers of the AFL). To register on the internet: enter –, go to the link – Australian Football League, go to the link – Club Registration, follow prompts. Asset protection to the value of $15,000 is included in the JLT insurance cover cost for U18’s. 3. In-season Requirements 3.1. Match Report Sheet All match results must be entered on-line by the home club immediately after the game. This means that clubs will need to be diligent in completing and submitting match report details and corrected team sheets on-line on the AFL Sportingpulse website. Use the Match Result Sheet (appendix 10) to gather the relevant information, ensuring that you enter each player’s full name, then use that information to enter the data on-line. 3.2. 2012 Season Costs (Appendix 11) Costs for an U18 team in 2012 are as follows: $3392 – umpires (full complement) $200 - insurance (platinum level, JLT insurers)* $275 - $60 x 5 people to attend the end of season awards dinner. $594 - $106 (includes GST) x 6 match footballs for home games. $25 player levy x 30 registered players. If more than 30 under 18 players register on line and pay the $25 levy then AFL Queensland will refund levies for players over the 30 registered player threshold. Total cost at this stage = $4461 plus $25 x 30 registered players (to be invoiced in three equal amounts throughout the season). * Insurance for Toowoomba is $200 plus $525 for public liability (total cost is $4986 plus $25 x 30 registered players). 3.3. Respect for Umpires In keeping with the AFL’s emphasis on ‘social responsibility’ the 2008 U18 players developed a proposal for enhancing the relationship between the U18 players and those who umpire in the AFL Queensland U18 competition (Appendix 13). The intention is to retain the emphasis on the charter of the proposal throughout the 2012 season and beyond. 6 AFL Queensland AFL SportsReady U18 Club Manual 2012 3.4. Competition Structure The U18 teams are allocated into divisions on the basis of ability and geographic location. In 2011 there were three competitions – two competitions (north and south) in Division 2 entitled the Northern and Southern Conferences and one competition in Division 1 entitled the AFL SportsReady Cup. This structure may be altered in 2012 depending on the number of teams, the geographic location of teams and their relative ability. 3.5. Finals Eligibility There are finals eligibility conditions which are unique to U18 players (Appendix 14). It is strongly recommended that the U18 coach, and if needed the reserves and senior coaches, familiarise themselves with the finals eligibility criteria for U18 players. Team managers should keep accurate records of all (U18, reserves and senior) games played by U18 players, as well as the number of times a player has ‘doubled up’ on a weekend. 3.6. First Aid Clubs are to provide their own qualified trainers and first aid kits (including tape and ice) for each game. On the odd occasion that a team is not able to provide a qualified trainer then contact should be made with the opposing club requesting the use of their training staff. This contact should be made no later than the day before the scheduled fixture. 3.7. Gloves The use of gloves by players is prohibited 3.8. Ten Goal Rule This rules has been removed as a trial for the 2012 season. 3.9 Umpire Escorts Refer to section 3.19 AFL Queensland Communities Competitions Rules and Regulations. Clubs are responsible for providing an escort for umpires for both home and away matches. Umpire armbands are to be worn by the relevant officials. The umpires escort is only required to escort the umpires off the ground. At the completion of the second quarter and at the end of the match the escorts are to join the umpires as soon as possible to escort them from the ground. They must escort the umpires to the door of the umpires change rooms. The umpire escorts duty is to protect the umpires from abuse and deter fellow club members and members of the public from possible unnecessary actions. It is imperative that a competent person is appointed in this important role. Failure to provide an umpire’s escort is considered a serious breach. (Penalty 30 points) 7 AFL Queensland 3.10 AFL SportsReady U18 Club Manual 2012 Melee Rule A melee is an incident involving six (6) or more players. Teams that engage in a melee will be issued with one caution. A second offence will result in the application of regulation 4.9 ‘Melees’ in the AFL Queensland Community Competitions Rules and Regulations whereby clubs can be penalised between five (5) and three hundred (300) penalty points. The decision as to what constitutes a melee will be the decision of the competition manager in consultation with the umpires and any appointed match manager. 3.11 Player Number Equalisation The Player Number Equalisation rule does not apply for Under 18 Division 1. Should a team be able to field only sixteen (16) or less players (less than 14 is a forfeit) the match will become 16-a-side (no wings). Similarly if one team has only seventeen (17) players the game will be 17-a-side. To avoid playing games with less than 18-a-side clubs are directed to provision 6.6 Permits of the AFL Queensland Community Competitions Rules and Regulations which allows for the permitting of players on match day. If a team has only fourteen (14) or fifteen (15) players the opposition may field sixteen (16) players with an interchange of six (6). Should there be an injury to the team with the least number of players the opposition do not have to reduce playing numbers. Should playing numbers go below fourteen (14) through injury, the game shall be forfeited, unless players are permitted across. U18 players can be permitted across from one team to another during the season using the permit facility via AFL Sportingpulse, footyweb or the appropriate Match Day Player Permit, AFL Queensland U18 form (Appendix 15). If the form is used on the day of a game then this information needs to be entered onto footyweb ASAP following the game. 3.12 Length of Season The U18 season is limited to 15 home and away fixtured games. The relatively shorter season ensures that the U18 finals do not coincide with senior and reserves finals. This enables U18 players who have senior commitments to play with their peers in U18 finals while still being available for senior or reserves finals games. The shorter U18 season also enables clubs to encourage U18 players, after their season is over, to continue training and playing with senior and reserves teams in preparation for the following season (Appendix 16). 3.13 Footballs Home clubs must provide an appropriate Sherrin match ball with AFL SportsReady logo. Ideally a new ball would be used for each game with a good quality spare ball on hand. Yellow footballs must be used for twilight games and night games. The field umpires alone decide if a match ball is up to the required standard before the match. If a new ball is not available then a ‘near to new’ ball may be used provided the opposition club and umpires agree. 8 AFL Queensland AFL SportsReady U18 Club Manual 2012 3.14 Forfeits Any team which forfeits three matches will be withdrawn from the competition in that year and will be required to show cause as to why they should be readmitted for the following season. In U18 competitions exclusion from the competition will be for two seasons. In the event that a team receives a forfeit, that team shall submit a team sheet for the purpose of finals qualifications. Percentages will be calculated at the end of the home and away season as per the Laws of Australian Football. Should a club advise AFL Queensland or an affiliate of a forfeit prior to 9:00am of the Friday preceding the match the points penalty will be halved. (Penalty: Forfeit: Senior match - 200 units; Reserve Grade - 100 units; U18 - 50 units) 3.15 Order Off Law The following ‘Red and Yellow’ card system applies to send off laws in the U18 competitions. Yellow Card • A yellow card is issued should a player/official be found to have breached the laws of the game and given away a free kick in a deliberate, intentional, reckless, or undisciplined manner or behaved in a manner that the umpire believes is detrimental to the game. • The period of time off the field for a yellow card misdemeanour shall be fifteen (15) minutes of playing time. A player sent off under the yellow card system may be replaced. • The field umpire shall show the yellow card to the offending player, point to the interchange area, then show the yellow card to the interchange steward. The interchange steward acknowledges the umpires signal (via reciprocal showing of yellow card) and is in charge of ensuring that the “send off” period of playing time is fifteen (15) minutes. The interchange steward should make due notation of the players number, time of send off, and time of return to the ground on the provided interchange sheets. • The player must remain “off the field” for fifteen (15) minutes playing time. Off the field means outside of the boundary line. Players sent off must not cross the line through the interchange area until advised that their send off period has expired. A sent off player is not permitted to enter the field of play during breaks between quarters. Red Card • Any player/official reported under laws of an offence as listed in Law 20.2 and Law 20.3 (Laws of Australian Football) will be sent off for the remainder of the match. • The umpire will show the offending player a red card and point them to the interchange area, then show the red card to the interchange steward. The interchange steward must: acknowledge the umpires signal (via reciprocal showing of red card); make due notation on the interchange sheet of the player’s number and time of offence; and begin to time the fifteen (15) minutes of playing time which must elapse before the sent off player can be replaced by another player. 9 AFL Queensland AFL SportsReady U18 Club Manual 2012 • Any player/official receiving a red card should be reported and a report sheet must be completed by the umpire post match. • A player/official sent off under the red card system must not at any time return to the field of play especially at breaks or intervals between quarters. NOTE: • Fifteen (15) minutes of playing time does not include ‘time on’ in games where the time is stopped for stoppages in play. In games where ‘time on' is not recorded ‘playing time’ is the total time but not including first quarter, half time and third quarter breaks. • A player/official whom is sent off via a yellow card for fifteen (15) minutes of playing time must exit the ground through the interchange area. If they fail to do so they are not permitted to return to the field of play after fifteen (15) minutes of elapsed playing time but may be replaced by another player. • Where a sent off player, or his replacement goes back on the field before the penalty has expired, and a count of players has been called, which results in a team having the incorrect number on the field, then such team may be penalised by way of; reverse of match results, annulment of score or part thereof, fine, or censure, as the League considers appropriate in the circumstances. 3.16 Set Penalties Umpires can offer U18 players set penalties for breaches of the Laws of the Game. These penalties are offered immediately after the game. It is a requirement for team managers to go to the umpire’s room ASAP after the game to confirm the ‘all clear’ for the game. If a player has been reported by an umpire and offered a set penalty then the team manager and/or parent and/or appointed guardian must bring the reported player to the umpire’s room to confirm the player’s acceptance or otherwise of the set penalty (appendix 18). The team manager of the opposition must also confirm the opposition team’s acceptance of the set penalty offered to the offending player by the umpire. Umpires are not required to find team managers to inform them of reports and umpires are not required to wait for extended periods of time for team managers to come to the umpire’s room. 3.17 Awards Dinner TBA 3.18 Tradelink Graydon Poulsen Award TBA 4 Appendices 10 Appendix 1(a) APPLICATION FOR AFL SPORTSREADY U18 LICENCE Football League ("the League") (Name of Club)(“the Club") Of_________________________________________________ _ (Address) The Club hereby applies for a Licence to field a team(s) in the football competition(s) conducted by the League on the terms set out below. Upon acceptance of this application by the League, the terms set out below will record the agreement between the parties. TERMS & CONDITIONS OF LICENCE 1. The Club shall comply with and observe and use its best endeavours to procure that each of its officers, players, officials and persons concerned with, or taking part in, the running of the Club complies with and observes the following:- 2. (a) In so far as they affect the Club, any document, rules or regulations of AFL Queensland Ltd ("AFL Queensland") which the League is obliged to observe by reason of any agreement between AFL Queensland and the League; (b) In so far as it affects the Club, the Constitution of the League; (c) Any rules, regulations or by-laws of the League, as amended from time to time; (d) Any determination or resolution of the League or AFL Queensland made before or after the date of this Application; and (e) Any marketing or sponsorship commitments made on behalf of the Club by the League in relation to use of logos or approved equipment and / or suppliers. (f) Any credit control and debt management policy, of AFL Queensland and/or the League, as amended from time to time. The Club shall: (a) (b) Ensure that its players compete in the competition conducted by the League in accordance with the Laws of Australian Football; Ensure that all players competing in the competition(s) conducted by the League complete a registration form and remain registered whilst on the Club's list of players; and (c) Maintain and ensure that each of its officers, players, officials and persons concerned or taking part in the running of the Club (whether paid or unpaid) maintain a high and good reputation and not jointly or severally engage in any unbecoming conduct or conduct which is prejudicial or likely to be prejudicial to the interests of the AFL, AFL Queensland, the League or the playing of Australian Football. 3. The Club shall pay to the League on or before 31 January in each year an annual licence fee as determined by the League from time to time. The licence fee may be deducted by the League from any funding given to, or amounts paid on behalf of, the Club by the League. 4. The League may terminate this licence: (a) By giving the Club 12 months notice; (b) Immediately if the Club fails to comply with all or any of its obligations contained in this Agreement; (c) Immediately if the Club does or permits to be done any act or thing which reflects unfavourably upon the reputation, standing or goodwill of the AFL, AFL Queensland or the League or the game of Australian Football; or (d) Immediately if the Club is unable to field a team in the League's competition. Signed for and on behalf of the Club: By (Signature): Print Name: Title: Dated: This Application was accepted by the League on: Date: Signed: Print Name: Title: Appendix 1(b) Requirements to enter a new U18 team Below are the requirements for a club to apply to enter an U18 team: P Requirements for new teams / all teams for 2012 season - Each club must submit the following by Thursday 12 January. P P P P Signed licence agreement Verifiable list of 25 players Coach nomination forms (both coach / assistant coach) Team contact information (must have email contact) Admission into the 2012 competition will not be confirmed by AFL Queensland until submission of verifiable list of 30 players by the end of February 2012. The verifiable list must include players name, address, contact number(s), DOB. Information to be sent to AFL Queensland marked ‘Attention U18 Competition Manager’ via fax: 07 3846 7381 or email: Appendix 2 AFL QUEENSLAND COACH NOMINATION The (Club) Hereby nominates (Coach) As coach of the coach / assistant grade team for season 2011. senior / reserve / under 18 NOMINEE DETAILS – to be completed in full Address: P/C Contacts: (w) (P) (M) (F) Email: COACH ACCREDITATION Level Coach ID # Date Place Obtained One Two Three SUMMARY OF COACHING EXPERIENCE Year Club Grade Comment We have read and accept to be bound by the competition rules and regulations. SIGNED………………………………. SIGNED……………………………………….. By the Nominee Club President / CDM POSITION……………………………….POSITION…………………………………….. DATE:…………………………. DATE:……………………………………….. Appendix 3 Club Player Uniforms Each club shall have the exclusive right to wear such colours approved by AFL Queensland or its affiliated League from time to time and no club shall alter its course without the approval of AFL Queensland or its affiliated League. The AFL Queensland or affiliated League logo is to be worn on the right breast of all playing jumpers. The logo should be approximately 20cm down from the shoulder seam and 12 cm across from the side seam of the jumper and be a maximum size of 100 square centimetres whilst maintaining the logo in proportion to the size of the jumper (i.e. should be smaller for junior jumpers). Clubs are reminded that ONLY AFL Queensland contracted preferred clothing suppliers are allowed to reproduce the AFL Queensland logo. Any club deemed to use suppliers outside the contracted list to reproduce the AFL Queensland logo will be liable to a penalty. (Penalty up to 300 units). One only sponsorship logo or club emblem (ideally sublimated), to a maximum size of 100 square centimetres, may be affixed on the left side front of the jumper worn by a player. One only logo at a maximum width of 10cm and maximum height of 5cm may be positioned under the logo badge on the left hand side of the jumper. Clubs are not permitted to have sponsor or manufacturer recognition on the front of their jumpers other than those that are permitted on the breast of the jumpers as stated above. A logo badge, to a maximum size of 240 square centimetres (example. 30cm wide x 8cm deep or 16cm wide x 15cm deep), regardless of the shape, may be positioned directly under the number on the rear of the jumper. No variation to this dimension stated above is permitted, unless it is a reduction in logo size. Clubs are not permitted to have a sponsor logo above the number on the back of the jumper. However, plain text (e.g. Arial font) of the football club’s abbreviation (e.g. BBFFC) to the maximum height of 3.5cm is permitted. A manufacturer’s (preferred clothing supplier's) logo is permitted only on the back of a jumper at the bottom of the number/s. This logo is to be a one-colour version that complements the design of the jumper and must be in proportion with the number size. Proofs on final artwork must be shown and approved by AFL Queensland. A logo to a maximum size of 40 square centimetres may be worn on the front or back of each leg on the shorts worn by a player (i.e. maximum of two logos per short, in addition to the AFLQ short strip.). Design and location of logo/s or badge/s has to be approved by the AFL Queensland. The emblem of AFL Queensland and logo of ‘PowerAde’ shall be included on all players’ ‘shorts strips’ (affiliated Leagues included), with approved artwork as specified by AFL Queensland Corporate Relations. The jumpers and shorts worn by players shall be supplied by AFL Queensland preferred suppliers. AFL Queensland and its affiliated Leagues reserve the right to nominate the colour of the shorts worn by the team in the finals series. The contracted suppliers for 2012 are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Cougar Sportswear Emu Sportswear Explosive Sportswear Kombat Clothing Kooga Appendix 4 2012 CLUB OFFICIAL UNIFORM ORDER FORM CLUB NAME: CONTACT PERSON: PH: SIGNATURE: State League Divisions1 & 2 only permitted to have 2 runners. All other divisions permitted one runner only. Please return your form ASAP as orders may take a minimum of 8 weeks. Club Uniforms (please indicate the quantity of each size you require) S M L Runner – green shirt Shirt #1 Shirt #2 Runner – green shorts XL 2XL Unit Price TOTAL $27.00 $22.00 Water carrier / trainer – white shirt Shirt #1 Shirt #2 Shirt #3 $27.00 Shirt #4 Shirt #5 Shirt #6 Water carrier / trainer/umpire – black shorts Club Umpire Shirts AFL Queensland Cap (one size) Umpire Escort armband Doctor / Physio armband $22.00 $27.00 $12.00 $11.50 TOTAL A fee will apply to any orders that require postage / courier. Please send Order Form to: Fax: Email: Post: (07) 3846 7381 (Doug Hale – 07 3033 5420) PO Box 3132 Yeronga LPO 4104 Office Use Only Form Received: Invoiced: / Appendix 5 Water-Carriers, Trainers, Medical Officers and Physiotherapists All water carriers, trainers, medical officers and physiotherapists must comply with the rules and regulations as set out herein. Clubs are allowed to have six (6) water carriers / trainers for each match who must be turning fifteen (15) years of age in the year of competition. Water carriers must wear the attire as supplied by AFL Queensland or its affiliated League clearly marked with the clubs name and it must be numbered (official uniform order form Appendix 4). The number is to correspond with the number and name on the team sheet. Water carriers have the sole duty to administer water to players. The water carrier must provide their own short white socks (football socks prohibited). Strictly no wearing of board shorts, jean shorts etc. The wearing of long white cricket type trousers / tracksuit pants is acceptable. Appropriate covered footwear must be worn at all times by water carriers. Water carriers may only wear official AFL Queensland hats. (Penalty 10 units) Water carriers are not permitted to be situated in a defined area 15 metres on either side of the competing team’s coach’s box from which the club's official runner must leave and enter the playing arena when delivering messages. (Penalty 10 units) All club trainers / water carriers must remain behind the boundary line while the game is in progress and enter the playing arena only when there is a clear break in play away from the player/s. When behind the boundary line it is imperative that the water carrier is up against the fence and in a crouch position. This will enable the boundary umpire to carry out their duties and facilitate clear viewing for any spectators. Water carriers must not throw water bottles to players. (Penalty 10 units) Club trainers / water carriers are not to remain on the playing arena after performing their duties even though there may be a clear break in play. The obvious exception is where a player is injured and requires the attention of the trainer / water carrier. (Penalty 10 units) Club trainers will also wear the attire supplied by AFL Queensland or its affiliated League with the club name clearly visible. These shirts should be numbered. The numbers on the trainers and water carrier shirts should correspond with that number next to their name on the official team sheet. (Penalty 10 points) Trainers entering the playing arena for the purpose of attending an injured player must not interfere with the play in any way and must vacate the arena as soon as possible. A trainer / water carrier must not engage in physical contact that may cause or incite injury to any player, official, or umpire or initiate any physical contact outside the realms of his/her duty of responsibilities. Any penalties incurred by a player acting as a trainer / water carrier shall be viewed as penalties against a player in respect to the AFLQ affiliates awards for fair play. Trainers / water carriers must not stand inside the 50m arc at full back kick-ins when they are treating a player. Should treatment be necessary during the full back kick-in, the trainer / water carrier should notify the controlling umpire before the kick-in process occurs. A free kick may be given if permission is not received and the trainer / water carrier is deemed to be interfering with play. At all times the common sense rule should apply to all parties. Any sponsorship advertising on any part of the club trainer / water carrier’s uniform must be approved by the Football Operations Manager of AFL Queensland or competition manager of the affiliated League. Each club must provide a qualified / accredited first aid attendant for all matches (compulsory for all State League Division 1 and 2 matches). Should an away team, at U18, Women’s and affiliated League level, be unable to provide such assistance they must advise AFL Queensland / or its affiliated League and the home team before midday on the Friday before the game. It is expected that the occurrence of an away team not providing qualified medical assistance would be an exception. Appendix 6 2012 SHERRIN FOOTBALL ORDER FORM CLUB NAME: CONTACT NAME PH: SIGNATURE: EMAIL: 1.1. FOOTBALLS REQUIRED BY: NB> Minimum of 8 weeks required for an order with artwork, from final approval on artwork. Please note delivery times vary. CLUB DATE: ORDER FORM 2011 TYPE PRICE SHERRIN KB LEATHER . Sherrin Kangaroo Brand SHERRIN POLY COATED . Sherrin Kangaroo Brand Poly (available in Red, yellow and white) SHERRIN MATCH SERIES $90.00 + GST $79.00 + GST QUANTITY RED YELLOW RED YELLOW WHITE RED SIZE 5 Available in red & yellow QUANTITY $77.00 + GST YELLOW poly coated YELLOW vege tan SIZE 4 Size 4.5 Women’s RED $75.00 + GST YELLOW poly coated YELLOW vege tan SIZE 3 RED $72.00 + GST YELLOW poly coated YELLOW vege tan SIZE 2 RED $70.00 + GST YELLOW poly coated YELLOW vege tan SHERRIN IMPORTED SYNTHETIC . SIZE 5 $16.00 + GST RED YELLOW SIZE 4 SIZE 3 SIZE 2 SIZE 1 $15.00 + GST $14.00 + GST $14.00 + GST $11.00 + GST RED YELLOW RED YELLOW RED YELLOW RED YELLOW ARTWORK: > UP TO 2 PANELS ONLY > MIN. OF 24 FOOTBALLS FOR ARTWORK (Must be same ball) > NO ARTWORK ON SYNTHETICS Please return this form to Doug Hale PO Box 3132 Yeronga LPO, 4104 Fax (07) 3846 7381 Email to DELIVERY ADDRESS – NO PO BOXES Invoice Address – PO Box 3132 Yeronga LPO 4104 Appendix 7 P R A C T IC E M A T C H R E Q U E S T F O R M This form must be used for all practice match requests LEAGUE / DIVISION: (Please tick) Seniors Reserves Under 18 Women’s DO YOU REQUIRE GOAL & BOUNDARY UMPIRES? (Please circle) YES / NO CLUB REQUESTING HOME GAME: AGAINST: VENUE: DATE: TIME: (Goal and Boundary umpires will only be provided if they are available) (ALL GAMES INVOLVING A STATE LEAGUE TEAM MUST HAVE FIELD, BOUNDARY & GOAL UMPIRES) OTHER DETAILS: NUMBER OF QUARTERS: 4 QUARTERS ONLY LENGTH OF QUARTERS: (There is NO time on in practice matches) n n n Clubs requesting matches will be invoiced for umpire fees. All normal match and ground conditions apply. (i.e. team sheets, grounds marked etc. see section 6.27 AFL Queensland rules and regulations) A pre-season Ground Inspection must be completed before any matches are played. AFL Queensland MUST receive this form by midday Tuesday prior to the game FAX: (07) 3846 7381 Appendix 8 AFL QUEENSLAND 2012 PLAYER REGISTRATION FORM (Please PRINT clearly) ALL SECTIONS OF THIS REGISTRATION FORM MUST BE COMPLETED LEGIBLY BEFORE REGISTRATION WILL BE ACCEPTED Section 1: Given Name(s): PLAYER INFORMATION Surname: Current Date of Birth / / Sex: M F Age: Players under 18 years of age at the time on registration must have this registration form signed by legal parent / guardian (see reverse PARENT / GUARDIAN CONSENT) Street / postal address: Suburb: Mobile Phone: Home Ph: PC: Work Phone: Email Address: WHAT CLUB ARE YOU REGISTERING WITH: SECTION 2: REGISTRATION INFORMATION Please indicate which competition(s) of football you wish to register with at the nominated football club. State League SNR / RESERVE Under 18’s Must be under 18 at 30 June 2011 SECTION 3: State Association SNR / RESERVE Must be M14 or over Women’s at 1 January INSURANCE INFORMATION PLEASE TICK AND READ THE RELEVANT INSURANCE INFORMATION FOR THE COMPETITION(S) NOMINATED ABOVE. AFL Queensland recommends players take out private health insurance to augment this insurance cover. State League Division 1 - INDEMNITY CLAUSE (IT IS IMPORTANT THAT YOU READ AND UNDERSTAND THIS CLAUSE) I understand that I am covered by Insurance for "DEATH AND DISABILITY" (MAXIMUM $100000) and for 90% of all NON MEDICARE medical bills to a maximum of $7500 ($50 excess) plus “Loss of Wages” cover to a maximum of $300 PW (14 day excess) under the Clubs bulk policy. It is my responsibility to discuss with my Club any additional insurance I may require. I INDEMNIFY AFL QUEENSLAND FROM ANY CLAIMS NOT COVERED BY THE ABOVE. By signing this registration form a player agrees to be bound by all these provisions and by any other that come into force during the players period of registration with the League. State League Division 2 / State Association / Women’s - INDEMNITY CLAUSE (IT IS IMPORTANT THAT YOU READ AND UNDERSTAND THIS CLAUSE) I understand that I am covered by Insurance for "DEATH AND DISABILITY" (MAXIMUM $100000) and for 90% of all NON MEDICARE medical bills to a maximum of $7500 ($50 EXCESS APPLIES) under the Clubs bulk policy and that this policy does not include “Loss of Wages” Insurance. It is my responsibility to discuss with my Club any additional insurance I may require. I INDEMNIFY AFL QUEENSLAND FROM ANY CLAIMS NOT COVERED BY THE ABOVE. By signing this registration form a player agrees to be bound by all these provisions and by any other that come into force during the players period of registration with the League. Under 18 - INDEMNITY CLAUSE (IT IS IMPORTANT THAT YOU READ AND UNDERSTAND THIS CLAUSE) I understand that I am covered by Insurance for "DEATH AND DISABILITY" (MAXIMUM $100000) and for 90% of all NON MEDICARE medical bill to a maximum of $7500 ($50 EXCESS APPLIES) under the Clubs bulk policy and does not include “Loss of Wages” Insurance. It is my responsibility to discuss with my Club any additional insurance I may require. I INDEMNIFY AFL QUEENSLAND FROM ANY CLAIMS NOT COVERED BY THE ABOVE. By signing this registration form a player agrees to be bound by all these provisions and by any other that come into force during the players period of registration with the League. Women’s League Registrations PREGNANCY - Should the participant be pregnant at the time of registration or become pregnant during the season then the participant should, before making the decision about whether to continue to participate in sport obtain expert medical advice and obtain a clear understanding of the risks, particularly in regard to AFL. I HEREBY APPLY for registration with AFL Queensland Ltd. (Herein called “The League") as a player of the nominated club indicated above and declare that the information set out in this form is true, complete and accurate in every respect. I hereby acknowledge that I have read the conditions of registration printed on the back of this form and I agree that I am bound by those conditions. I HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND THE ABOVE INSURANCE INFORMATION FOR THE COMPETITIONS THAT I WISH TO REGISTER FOR. (please read CONDITIONS OF REGISTRATION on reverse before signing) SIGNED: date: SECTION 4: / / PLAYER HISTORY (Please complete) q Have you previously registered with an AFL Queensland q Yes If YES, which club: No club: I am / am not a suspended player (please indicate); and I have been previously registered with (state last two clubs and seasons): CLUB: LEAGUE: Age Group: Season(s): CLUB: LEAGUE: Age Group: Season(s): SECTION 5: CONDITIONS OF REGISTRATION 1. By signing this Registration form, I hereby: (a) Agree that I am bound by the rules, by-laws and policies of the Club, the League and AFL Queensland Limited as amended from time to time ("the Rules"); (b) Acknowledge that the rules restrict my freedom to transfer from one Club to another but that such Rules are necessary and reasonable for the purpose of achieving an even and well matched competition, ensuring that the-competition is properly organised and well administered, encouraging Clubs to support junior development of players to support the future of the competition and protecting and promoting the game of Australian Football; (c) Agree that I will not play Australian football in any other competition or match or series of matches organised or controlled or conducted by another Club, Association or Body during the period of this Registration; and (d) Acknowledge that my failure to adhere to the rules may result in suspension and / or de-registration. (e) Upon signing this form, I hereby give AFL / AFL Queensland and its affiliated Leagues permission to use photographs and/or images of my participation in the above mentioned competition for any promotional, media or marketing purpose of AFL Queensland and the so-mentioned Leagues. (f) AFL Queensland may, at its discretion, provide the information contained herein to third parties. SECTION 6: parent / guardian consent (TO BE COMPLETED BY PARENT / GUARDIAN IF PLAYER REGISTERING IS UNDER 18 AT TIME OF REGISTRATION) NAME of parent / guardian: By signing this form I indicate that I understand and agree to the rules, codes of conduct and conditions that AFL Queensland have in place during the time that my son / daughter is playing football with the nominated football club. Parent / Guardian signature: Dated: / / TO BE COMPLETED BY THE CLUB SECRETARY / PRESIDENT / CDM / FOOTBALL MANAGER (please circle) THE ABOVE APPLICATION IS APPROVED BY THE NOMINATED CLUB. / (PRINT NAME) SIGNATURE date / . Appendix 9 AFL SportsReady U18 Registration and Clearance Matters AFL SportsReady U18 - players must be under 18 years of age on the 30 June (in the previous year). AFL SportsReady U18 competition players are able to use the re-registration process. All new players must complete an AFL Queensland player registration form (appendix 8). The specific registration form must be signed by the player, his parent/guardian and the club. Players may also be registered with either AFL Queensland State League / State Association or if they are under 16, AFL Brisbane Juniors, AFL Gold Coast Juniors or AFL Sunshine Coast Juniors. A senior registration does not tie the player to that club for U18 football. AFL Queensland strongly discourages players from changing clubs to play U18 football. U18 football is seen as a transitional phase of a player’s football development, linking their junior involvement (i.e. U8 – U16) with senior club football. AFL Queensland strongly believe that there is no benefit to an U18 player in changing clubs if the junior club that he has traditionally played with field an U18 team. Obviously, a player will need to change clubs if the junior club he has played with do not field an U18 team. If however, a 17 or 18 year old player is invited to play senior football and is seen to be skilful enough and strong enough to play competitive senior football, the player, with the consent of his parents/guardians, can sign a Senior Registration form with whichever club he chooses. Senior Link All U18 teams must be aligned to a senior club. This policy is aimed at ensuring that the U18 players become familiar with the players and officials of a senior team and its associated club environment. Hopefully this association will translate into more U18 players continuing on to play senior football. Memorandums of Understanding or In-Principle Agreements may be developed between junior and senior clubs such that both entities assume some responsibility for the administration, management and organisation of the U18 program. However, AFL Queensland would prefer that the senior club assumes primary responsibility for the U18 team. Two Team Policy AFL Queensland’s policy is for as many senior teams as possible to have associated U18 teams. Only in exceptional circumstances would AFL Queensland support one senior club having two U18 teams. These circumstances may include: • • • There is no other senior club in the area. There are enough players for two teams coming through a club’s junior program. The clubs amalgamating with another club to more effectively manage the team. In situations where anomalies exist, senior clubs may negotiate with other senior clubs the U18 association options which provide the most beneficial outcomes for the players. Clearances - Under 18 players NB. Clearances for U18 and senior football are separate. From Junior club with no Under 18’s – a clearance is not required, however should the original club form an under 18 team in subsequent seasons the player has the option of playing for either club, and may return to his original club without a clearance. From junior club with under 18’s – a clearance is required. Appendix 10 AFL QUEENSLAND MATCH RESULT SHEET MATCH VS DATE / / 2010 GRADE 1ST QTR 2ND QTR 3RD QTR FINAL QTR Home team Away team GOAL KICKERS HOME TEAM AWAY TEAM BEST PLAYERS HOME TEAM X 6 AWAY TEAM X 6 IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE HOME TEAM TO SEND THIS COMPLETED MATCH REPORT SHEET All home teams must lodge this result sheet on-line as soon as possible after the completion of the match. Please check to ensure that both teams have given ALL goal kickers from the match. If experiencing problems entering information contact: David Heilbron – WEEKEND FAX: 07 5530 2010 or PHONE: 0413 740 532 Appendix 11 AFL SportsReady U18 Costs $3136 – umpires (full complement) $200 - insurance (platinum level, JLT insurers)* $300 - $60 x 5 people to attend the end of season awards dinner (TBA). $636 - $106 (includes GST) x 6 match footballs for home games. $25 player levy x 30 registered players. If more than 30 under 18 players register on line and pay the $25 levy then AFL Queensland will refund levies for players over the 30 registered player threshold. Total cost at this stage = $4297 plus $25 x 30 registered players (to be invoiced in three equal amounts throughout the season). * Insurance for Toowoomba is $200 plus $525 for public liability (total cost is $4797 plus $25 x 30 registered players). Appendix 12 Letter to Parents Dear Parent AFL Queensland and the many volunteers who manage the AFL SportsReady U18 competition in South East Queensland need the help of a number of enthusiastic volunteers to ensure the viability and integrity of the competition. The U18 competition has always been difficult to manage for a number of reasons: • • • Older adolescents are very independent and no longer need their parents to accompany or transport them to games. Therefore there are less people at games to assign to the many volunteer roles required to be filled to conduct U18 matches. There are some significant changes to the life patterns of the U18 footballer: many finish school and enter the work force; others begin tertiary education; the majority expand their social networks and experiences; gaining a driver’s licence increases their mobility; and, after turning 18, they become eligible to access many new adult experiences. The many challenges and responsibilities of early adulthood can greatly affect the U18 sportsperson’s ability to maintain a commitment to a sporting team. AFL Queensland is striving to assist the U18 player to stay involved in sport while also enhancing their sport experience in a number of areas by improving: • • • • the profile of the AFL SportsReady U18 competition within the AFL community, the quality of the management of each game by providing a full compliment of umpires and support staff, the tone of the U18 AFL culture by working with clubs to appoint quality mentors to assist with the administration and officials roles, the integrity of the relationship between those who participate in the game – players, officials, coaches and administrators. To achieve this each U18 team needs a couple of willing parents to volunteer to be either a back-up boundary or goal umpire each week of the competition or to assist the team’s support staff. Those willing to take on a role will be briefed regarding the responsibilities of the role and ways in which the role can enhance the sporting experience for the participants. If you are interested in assisting please contact Brian Douge on 0411 749 013 OR offer your services directly to the team manager of your son’s team. or email: Appendix 13 Respect and Support for Umpires In 2008, as a result of a group discussion, which included player representatives from each club, the following points were made in relation to improving the respect and support for umpires in the Under 18 competition. • It is the responsibility of coaches to provide players with feedback regarding the player’s treatment of umpires and to advise as to what is appropriate and inappropriate • Captains are to approach umpires during half time with issues only after they have sought the permission of their coach. • Should the spectators of a club display extreme inappropriate behaviour towards umpires during a game, the coaching staff will speak to the most senior official and request that the abusive individuals be asked to cease the abuse or leave. If unsuccessful then the coaches should meet and agree to ask the umpires to stop the game until the offending spectators modify their behaviour or leave. • Umpires should be introduced to the captain and coach of each team prior to the game. This interaction needs to be well managed with players and coaches showing the utmost respect for the umpires. • Everyone involved in the game must show respect for the umpire by regarding him as being part of the team, particularly club umpires. Players, spectators and support staff are to focus on the positive aspects of the umpire’s role and involvement in the game. Negative comments should be avoided at all times. • All players and coaches will take time to thank the umpires at the conclusion of the game either by acknowledgement and/or shaking hands. • Each club should be provided with an understanding of their legal options in relation to dealing with difficult parents/spectators. The above discussion points will be brought to the attention of the AFL Queensland Umpires Department, and two or three strategies will be developed to put in place for the 2012 season. These will be forwarded to the clubs prior to the seeding games as a draft for comment. Once agreement is reached then a formal document will be produced detailing the agreed actions. Appendix 14 AFL Queensland U18 Finals Eligibility In the interests of affording the player who plays in the team all season the opportunity to play in the finals, the strategy of playing senior quality U18 players on the interchange to make them eligible for finals is to be discouraged. Consideration will be given to a player with long term injuries (missing six or more consecutive games and where a medical certificate is supplied); clubs must apply in writing for AFL Queensland approval. A player must meet all of the following requirements to be eligible to play in Under 18 finals. (i) A player must play at least three (3) under 18 home and away games with his club to qualify for the final series. However, a player who has played three (3) or more games in senior or reserve grade must play five (5) or more games in the under 18 competition to qualify for finals (3:5 rule), BRISBANE LIONS AND GOLD COAST SUSN RESERVES PLAYERS. U18 players who are used as “top up players” for the Brisbane Lions/Gold Coast Suns Reserves teams may play seven (7) games with the Brisbane Lions Reserves before they must have played five (5) under 18 games to qualify for finals (7:5 Rule) - if a player has played (six) 6 games for the Brisbane Lions Reserves he only needs to play three (3) Under 18 games to qualify for Under 18 finals. (ii) A player may only “double up” on eight (8) occasions (i.e. play both under 18 and senior/reserve grade football on the same weekend) before he is ineligible to play in under 18 finals. (i.e. on the ninth occasion he is ineligible for under 18 finals). (iii) U18 registered players participating in the State under 18 and/or under 16 program will have State games (trial or fixture) counted as U18 participation. (iv) In cases where a club is fielding teams in both the senior, reserve and under 18 grades over the same weekend in finals round matches, the club shall have the right to select a player to play in the under 18 team provided that the player has qualified to play under 18 finals. Appendix 15 MATCH DAY PLAYER PERMIT AFL Queensland Under 18 THIS PERMIT IS ONLY VALID FOR THE DATE OF THE MATCH ON THIS FORM. Permitted Players club: Permitted Players name: Address: PC: Contact Phone Number: Date of birth: Permitted to (club name): Match date: Player’s signature: Team manager permitting club: Signature: Printed Name: Team manager club receiving permitted player Signature: Printed Name: THIS FORM MUST BE FAXED TO AFL QUEENSLAND (07) 3846 7381 ON THE MONDAY FOLLOWING THE GAME, BY THE CLUB RECEIVING THE PERMITTED PLAYER. Appendix 16 Rationale for shorter AFL SportsReady U18 season • • • Some U18 players are required to play in U18, reserves and senior teams during the season. If these players are eligible for the U18 finals then the opportunity for them to play in finals with their peer group may be thwarted if the reserves and seniors are playing finals at the same time. Having all U18 players available for the U18 finals gives each team the opportunity to be at full strength for the finals. U18 players whose teams are not in the finals can, if capable, play with the club’s reserves. This is at a time when many clubs are short of players due to injury. Quality U18 players may play both U18 finals and reserves/seniors finals, if both teams are in the finals, without causing selection concerns within the club. Appendix 17 Tradelink Graydon Poulsen Award The Tradelink Graydon Poulsen Award was instituted in 2007 in recognition of the Nambour Football Club’s, in particular the Under 18 player’s, contribution to the participation of Graydon Poulsen in under age football. Due to his team mate’s commitment, Graydon, despite having personal challenges, was able to play football with considerable success. This award will continue in 2012. Clubs are requested to nominate a circumstance within their club which represents an exceptional level of support for an individual within the club. This may be in the form of; • • • • Providing work opportunities, Providing emotional and/or financial support for someone suffering hardship in either or both areas, Assisting a high performance athlete to cope with the pressures of competing elements in his life, and/or Supporting young people whose families are facing difficult times. These are only examples; there may be other circumstances which warrant consideration for this award. Clubs should contact Brian Douge if they are unsure as to the merit of a particular circumstance in their club. Nominations will be called for in late July. This award is sponsored in 2012 by Tradelink a strong supporter of AFL. Tradelink’s empathy for the significant contribution football clubs make to the community has prompted them to support this award. We thank Mr Tradelink for their insight and substantial contribution. Appendix 18 SET PENALTIES 2012 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Date____________ The Umpire, the charged Player or any other person or club involved in the incident have the right to request that the report be referred to the Tribunal. Should a report be received without this sheet attached it will be assumed that one of the parties involved requires that the charge proceed. If the Umpires agree to allow the “Set Penalty” they must sign the sheet at the bottom and include it with the paper work being sent to the League, they should also notify the appropriate officials that they have made a report and they will or will not accept the set penalty. Should more than one umpire report a player for a single incident only one set penalty form need be submitted. The parties involved in the incident have, until 10.00am on the Monday following the game, the opportunity to request that the matter be referred to the Tribunal or alternatively take the set penalty. (Via the League Secretary) If a club does not accept the set penalty and wishes to have it heard by the Tribunal and the Tribunal finds the player guilty, the Tribunal will be free to apply any sentence it sees fit under the circumstances. The ‘set penalties’ will be administered for the following offences and in the following manner. Rule 19.2.2(c) 19.2.2(c) 19.2.2(c) 19.2.2(c) 19.2.2(d) 19.2.2(e) 19.2.2(f) 19.2.2(g) 19.2.2(h) 19.2.2(i) 19.2.2(j) 19.2.2(k) 19.2.2(l) 19.2.2(m) 19.2.2(n) 19.2.2(p) Explanation Penalty Using abusive, insulting, threatening or obscene language towards or in relation to an umpire – grade 1 For a second offence in the same season the penalty for a grade 1 charge Using abusive, insulting, threatening or obscene language towards or in relation to an umpire – grade 2 For a second offence in the same season the penalty for a grade 2 charge Behaving in an abusive, insulting, threatening or obscene manner towards or in relation to an umpire 1 match 4 matches Disputing a decision of an umpire Using an obscene gesture (i) kicking another person (ii) striking another person GRADE 1 GRADE 2 (iii) tripping another person whether by hand, arm, foot or leg (v) charging another person GRADE 1 GRADE 2 (vi) throwing or pushing another player after that player has taken a mark, disposed of the football or after the football is otherwise out of play (vii) engaging in rough conduct against an opponent which in the circumstances is unreasonable – GD 1 GD 2 (viii) engaging in a melee, except where the players sole intention is to remove a team mate (x) spitting at or on another person (xi) bumping or making forceful contact to an opponent from front on when that player has his head over the ball. GRADE 1 GRADE 2 Attempting to kick another person Attempting to strike another person Attempting to trip another person by hand, arm, foot or leg Intentionally shaking a goal post or behind post when another player is preparing to kick or is kicking for goal or after the player has kicked for goal and the ball is in transit Wrestling another person Using abusive insulting, threatening or obscene language – grade 1 Using abusive insulting, threatening or obscene language – grade 2 Failing to leave the playing surface when directed to do so by a field umpire 1 match 1 match 2 matches 1 match 2 matches 1 match 1 match 2 matches 1 match Any act of misconduct 2 matches 6 matches 2 matches 1 match 2 matches 5 units Tribunal 1 match 2 matches 1 match 1 match 1 match 1 match 5 units 1 match 2 matches 2 matches Tribunal Reported Players Name___________________________No.______ Club_______________________________ I hereby agree to accept the set penalty as indicated above Signature___________________________________ Witness Players Name______________________________No._______Club_____________________________ I hereby agree with the set penalty as indicated above Signature_______________________________________ Reporting Umpire_____________________________ Signature______________________________________ Reporting Umpire____________________________ _Signature______________________________________ I / we hereby agree to allow the charged player to take the set penalty if he decides to do so Appendix 20 JLT Sport Match Day Checklist AFL Match Venue: Date of Inspection: Time: Home Team: Away Team: Please refer to the Match Day Checklist Guidelines for further information, terms and conditions. (Acceptable) (Action Required) YES/NO 1. Weather Conditions: 1.1 In regard to player safety, are the weather conditions satisfactory for play to commence? Yes/No 2. Field of Play: 2.1 In regard to player safety, are the playing surfaces satisfactory for play to commence? Yes/No 2.2 Has all visible debris, that may affect player safety, been removed? Yes/No 2.3 Are the game formats and ground markings in-‐line with the AFL “Laws of the Game”? Yes/No 2.4 Are all sprinkler covers intact and level with the playing field? Yes/No 2.5 In regard to player safety, are the perimeter fences and/or signs free from visible hazards? Yes/No 3. Facilities: 3.1 In regard to safety, are the public areas (e.g. seating and walkways) free of visible hazards? Yes/No 3.2 In regard to safety, are the player’s areas (e.g. change rooms) free from visible hazards? Yes/No 3.3 Are First Aid facilities (e.g. First Aid Kit, qualified personnel and ice) on site and accessible? Yes/No 4. Other Factors (please insert details of safety areas specific to your circumstances): 4.1 Are the following area/s (below) satisfactory for play to commence? N/A 5. Please provide details of actions taken to address your safety concerns. 6. Declarations I / We declare that I / We are authorised representatives of the nominated Teams. I / We declare that after reasonable inquiry, the following statements are true and accurate A. the above inspection (Match Day Checklist) was completed as per the above date and time B. all hazards, risks and safety concerns have been addressed to an acceptable level and recorded on this form (Sec. 5) C. both teams are satisfied that the playing conditions are acceptable prior to the commencement of play Who Signs the Checklist? As the home club is responsible to ensure the greater environment of the venue is safe for members and guests, an authorised (18+ years of age) home club representative signs the form. As the away team players and entourage participate in the game under the same conditions, an authorised (18+ years of age) away team representative also signs the form. Home Team Authorised Representative’s Name Away Team Authorised Representative’s Name (please (please print) print) Position at Club Position at Club Home Team Authorised Representative’s Signature Away Team Authorised Representative’s Signature
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