Office of the Registrar Banner Training Internet Native Banner

Office of the Registrar
Banner Training
InternetNative Banner
Manual Version 1.0
Banner Version 8.6.1
December 2013
Internet Native Banner Faculty and Advisor Manual
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA or the Buckley Amendment) Faculty
Orientation. ................................................................................................................................................... 3
FERPA Quick Check ........................................................................................................................................ 4
Access and Login Information ....................................................................................................................... 5
Login Directions using current Portaltest access to INB ............................................................................... 6
General Menu and Banner Navigation ......................................................................................................... 8
Direct Access ................................................................................................................................................. 9
Banner Forms .............................................................................................................................................. 11
Parts of a Form ............................................................................................................................................ 12
Navigating Blocks ........................................................................................................................................ 14
** Wildcards **........................................................................................................................................... 15
Searching for a Student............................................................................................................................... 16
Update Advisor Information ....................................................................................................................... 17
Searching for an Advisor: ............................................................................................................................ 20
Search for an Advisor Using a Last Name ................................................................................................... 21
Search for an Advisor Using a Partial Last Name: ....................................................................................... 21
Adding an Advisor ....................................................................................................................................... 23
Removing and Reassigning an Advisor ....................................................................................................... 25
Changing an Advisor to Keep Previous Advisor on Record ......................................................................... 27
Changing or Declaring a Major for a Student ............................................................................................. 31
To Declare a Second Major ......................................................................................................................... 38
To Add/Change a Minor without a Change in Major .................................................................................. 40
Registration Overrides ................................................................................................................................ 42
Resources .................................................................................................................................................... 46
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Internet Native Banner Faculty and Advisor Manual
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA or the Buckley
Amendment) Faculty Orientation.
Two Parts:
1. The right to inspect records…don’t put anything in a record you don’t want the student to see.
(Exception – sole use records)
2. The right to restrict the release of information.
Two Types of Information:
1. Information defined as “directory information” by the institution. Information that generally is
not considered to be intrusive or normally private.
2. Non-directory information – information considered to be private and
confidential in nature including but not restricted to academic performance, classifications
and activities.
The Office of the Registrar has prepared a “quick check” list to help you in determining what you
can release and what you can’t; if in doubt, do not release information.
Students have the right to invoke a “full FERPA information hold” if they choose to do so. What this
means is that St. Edward’s staff and faculty cannot acknowledge their existence at St. Edward’s to any
external party. Students in this category have a “confidential” warning attached to their student
advising record.
Internally, non-directory information should not be shared with anyone that does not have a
legitimate educational need to know. Just because you can access data doesn’t mean you should.
Tips for faculty:
Do not publicly post grades using any form of SSN or Student ID numbers.
E-mail is not considered to be secure. Do not e-mail students their grades unless they request it.
Do not leave grades, projects, papers, or other material in boxes outside your office for students to
pick up.
Do not place your computer screen in an area where its content might be viewed by unauthorized
When discussing non-directory information over the phone insure that unauthorized third parties do
not overhear your conversation.
If a parent/guardian contacts you regarding their student, make sure the student has identified the
individual as a FERPA contact.
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Internet Native Banner Faculty and Advisor Manual
FERPA Quick Check
Before disclosing ANY information, verify that the student does not have a Directory Information
Hold (FERPA hold), which is indicated by a “Confidential” warning on the student’s information.
If there is any doubt, please contact the Office of the Registrar.
Place of Birth
Permanent/Local Address
Telephone Number
E-Mail Address
Dates of Attendance
Major/Minor, Certificate
Anticipated Degree/Date
Class Standing (Fr, So, Jr, Sr)
Registered Hours
Degree/Date Conferred
Awards & Honors
Previously Attended Institutions
Sports Participation
Test Scores (i.e., SAT/ACT scores)
Class rank
Total hours
Date of Birth
Student ID#
Social Security #
Class Attendance
Student Schedule
Official Photo (ID/Roster Photo)
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is a complex set of rules, regulations, and
exceptions. For assistance, clarification, or a copy of exceptions to the law, contact the Office of
the Registrar. Violations of the law could result in the withdrawal of Federal funds from the
institution and civil penalties.
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Internet Native Banner Faculty and Advisor Manual
Access and Login Information
All contracted and adjunct faculty are automatically granted limited access to basic information in SSB
including Class Rosters, Course Catalog, Alpha Course Listing, Directory Information, Faculty Schedule
and Grade Entry.
Access link:
Login Credentials: You will use your current SEU User name and password.
***Please note: For the purposes of this overview, you will utilize one of the options on the following
pages to access Self Service Banner. ***
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Internet Native Banner Faculty and Advisor Manual
Login Directions using current Portaltest access to INB
Access link:
***After visiting the site you will be prompted to run Java through a
series of pop-up windows, this is due to running this test environment. Please just accept all the
prompts, by selecting yes, run, and I accept. This will then allow you to get to the main login
Login Credentials: You will use your current SEU user name and password.
A similar screen will appear. The hyperlink to access Internet Native Banner (INB) is located at the
bottom of this screen. Please scroll to the bottom and select INB.
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Internet Native Banner Faculty and Advisor Manual
A similar screen will appear.
The following pages will demonstrate basic Internet Native Banner (INB) navigation as well as
descriptions of the types of forms and fields you will encounter while completing your daily tasks.
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Internet Native Banner Faculty and Advisor Manual
General Menu and Banner Navigation
Components of the Main Menu include:
 Menu Bar
 Tool Bar
 Title Bar
 Go To… field – Direct Access
 Hierarchical menu
 AutoHint/Status Line
Menu Bar
The Banner Menu Bar, located at the top of every form, contains pull-down menus. It offers
a variety of options for navigating within Banner. The Menu Bar is accessible anytime
except when a dialog box, alert box, or list of values (LOV) is displayed on the screen.
There are nine pull-down menus on the Menu Bar, each with a variety of selections.
Tool Bar
The Banner Tool Bar contains buttons that perform common functions. It is located
directly under the Menu Bar.
To access a Tool Bar button:
Select the appropriate button. You can click a button any time, except when you are in a
dialog box, alert box, or List of Values (LOV). (You must respond to these windows before
you can select a button.) If a button is dimmed, then it is disabled and cannot be clicked.
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Internet Native Banner Faculty and Advisor Manual
Direct Access
Direct Access is entering the name of the form (e.g., SPAIDEN, SAAADMS, TSAAREV) in the
Go To… field of the Main Menu. When the Main Menu is open, your cursor focus will
automatically be in the Go To… field. Simply type the name of the form and press ENTER on your
You can also access forms using Direct Access if you are not in the Main Menu. Choose File >
Direct Access, then enter the name of the form, and press ENTER. You will be taken to the
form you chose (if you have access to that form).
Hierarchical Menu Tree Structure
When accessing Forms from the Main Menu they are displayed as a hierarchy. You can expand
and collapse content by clicking on the folders.
Closed folder
Select the closed folder to the left of an item to expand and view items contained under it.
Open folder
Select the open folder sign to collapse the menu into the original item.
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Internet Native Banner Faculty and Advisor Manual
Site Map
The site map appears on a separate page accessible by selecting the Site Map link on the main
menu. It lists the top-level menus in your installation, and one level below them. There are no
fields on it, only links to the various menus and forms.
If you select a menu from the site map, the main menu appears, displaying the menu you selected
with one level expanded. If you select a form, a process, or a QuickFlow, it will be displayed.
Last 10 Forms in the File Pull-Down Menu
You can quickly re-access a form that was previously opened in the current session. The bottom of the
File pull-down menu lists the last forms (up to ten) you used in the current session. You can re-access any
form in the list.
The only forms that never appear in this list are the QuickFlow Form (GUAQFLW), Direct Access Form
(GUAPARM), and Object Search Form (GUIOBJS).
To access a form from the File pull-down menu:
1. Access the File pull-down menu.
2. Select the form name from the list at the bottom of the pull-down menu.
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Auto Hint
The Auto Hint at the bottom of the form may contain the following information for the field
where the cursor is located:
Brief field description
Error and processing messages
Keyboard shortcuts
Instructions for accessing other blocks, windows, or forms from the field
Tip: If you have typed something that is not allowed in the field, read the message on the Auto
Hint line. To clear the message, select the Help button once; this will re-display the original
information about that field.
Status Line
The Status Line directly under the Auto Hint can contain one or more of the following
 Record n/n: Shows the number of the current record followed by the total number of
records in the current block. If there are more records than fit in the window, the total
appears as a question mark (for example, 3/?) until you scroll to the last record in the
block. Once the last record is displayed, the total appears as a number (for example,
 List of Values: Indicates the field has a List of Values.
 Enter-Query: Indicates the form is in query mode.
Banner Forms
Banner is composed of forms. Forms are what might also be referred to as screens or windows.
Think of Banner forms as paper forms. Each form represents a specific body of information, such
as a name and address form or class schedule form.
Every form has a unique 7-character name (e.g., SPAIDEN) and a description of the form
(e.g., General Person Identification Form).
Information in Banner forms, like paper forms, is arranged in blocks. Understanding
Banner navigation and the many functions a form has will better help you in retrieving
A form is an online document where you can enter and look up information in the database. A form
visually organizes information so it is easier to enter and read. A Banner form is similar to a paper
form, except information is entered once and then used by other forms, reports, and jobs.
Forms can include windows, dialog boxes, and alert boxes.
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Internet Native Banner Faculty and Advisor Manual
Parts of a Form
A form is composed of multiple parts. Not all parts can be seen on all forms. These parts
will be described on the following pages.
Title Bar
May display the form’s descriptive name, the seven character ID
name, the software version number and the database name.
Key Block
Contains information that determines what is entered or
displayed on the remainder of the form.
Information Block
Displays data about the information entered in the Key Block. Area
where you enter information prior to updating a record.
Search Icon
Calls up the set-up form that contains the pre-entered data for you
to select an ID.
Area on a form where you can enter, query, change, and display
specific information.
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 Group information together, think of them as sections
 Can be one or more on a screen
 May be organized on tabs within a form
For example, a student’s record in SPAIDEN contains the following blocks: Current Identification (A),
Person Name Information (B), and Non-Person Information (C).
There are two types of blocks, a Key Block and an Information Block
Key Block
The place you start on a form.
Every form has a Key Block.
A unique code is entered such as an ID number, term code or document number.
Lets Banner know what piece of information you want to retrieve.
The rest of the information on the form will refer to the information that you enter on the
Key Block.
Information Block
Section that contains related information to what was entered in the Key block.
A line may separate each Information block on the form.
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Internet Native Banner Faculty and Advisor Manual
Navigating Blocks
To navigate in between blocks or tabs, you use the Next Block or Previous Block functions. These are
icons located on the Tool Bar in a form. If you prefer to use keystrokes for navigation, you can use CtrlPage Down to reach the Next Block or Ctrl-Page Up for the Previous Block.
Next Block
Previous Block
Rollback clears all information displayed in the information block and allows you to return to
the Key Block. Once in the Key Block, you are able to search for and select a different record
to work with or display in the form.
The Rollback button
is available on the Horizontal Tool Bar, or you may click Rollback on
any Options window or the File pull-down menu. If modifications to data have not been saved
prior to returning to the Key Block, Banner will prompt you to save your changes.
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Internet Native Banner Faculty and Advisor Manual
Querying the Database
To look up information in a database, you perform a query. In Banner, this is accomplished by
entering the search criteria into a form and executing the query. Inquiry and query forms are
designed for this purpose, but you can also execute a query from most of the application forms.
** Wildcards **
A wildcard is a special character that represents one or more other characters. Use wildcard symbols %
and _ in the search criteria.
% (percent sign) represents any number of characters
_ (underscore) represents one occurrence of a character
The wildcard “%” can represent any number of characters in the selected position.
Querying “sm%h” would return Smith, Smooth, and Smertsworth, but not Smythe.
The wildcard “_” (underscore) represents a single character in the selected position.
Querying “sm_th” would return Smith, but not Smooth.
To get these results...
All entries that contain ma
All entries that begin with ma
All entries that end with ma
All entries that have m as a second
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Enter these criteria...
Internet Native Banner Faculty and Advisor Manual
Searching for a Student
You can search for a student from most forms in Banner. Click on the Search button
box within the form and a search box will appear.
next to the ID
Click on Person Search to access SOAIDEN. A similar screen will appear.
You can search by last name, first name, ID or any combination utilizing the wild card (%) for any
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Internet Native Banner Faculty and Advisor Manual
Update Advisor Information
Utilize Direct Access as described on Page 9 of this manual to navigate to the SGAADVR form.
SGAADVR is the form users will open to assign or update (change/remove) advisor information for a
student that is assigned when they officially declare their major within the department.
In the ID field, enter the Banner ID of the student. If you do not have the ID of the student, click the
Search icon
to find the student.
Clicking the Search Icon will navigate you to the SOAIDEN form. Enter the students name or ID number
in the corresponding fields. Remember you can use the wild card symbol (%) if you only know partial
Press the F8 key or the Execute Query Icon
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to complete your search. A similar screen will appear.
Internet Native Banner Faculty and Advisor Manual
Double clicking on the student’s ID number will navigate you back to the SGAADVR form. A similar
screen will appear.
In the Term field, enter the term code. If you do not know the term code, click on the Search Icon
to pull up a List of Terms which will define available terms.
**Note: In CARS we utilized three terms (Summer, Fall and Spring). We will continue to use those terms
in Banner however with a specific format. Terms are entered with a six digit numeric value which
includes the year and semester: the four-digit year followed by a two digit term that relates to the
semester the term begins. (40=Fall, 60=Spring, and 20=Summer).
Example: Spring 2014 of the 2013-14 fiscal year would be entered as 201460
Summer 2015 of the 2015-16 fiscal year would be entered as 201620
Fall 2016 of the 2016-17 fiscal year would be entered as 201740
A similar screen will appear. Click List of Terms.
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Select the term of your choice from the pop-up menu then click OK.
***Please note, you must know which term you are searching for. Banner does not automatically
prepopulate the term field with the most recent term of attendance or advisor assignment for students.
The pop-up menu contains a comprehensive list of all SEU terms. The list is not specific to the student
Once you have selected the term, click the Next Block icon
or Ctrl+PgDn. The assigned advisor’s
Banner ID, name, and advisor type will be listed in the information block. If the student has not yet been
assigned an advisor because they are a continuing freshman or transfer student, this field will be blank.
The following pages of this manual will demonstrate how to search for, add, or replace an advisor.
***Be sure your cursor is located in the next blank field below the advisor name before moving
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Searching for an Advisor:
While still in the SGAADVR form, clicking the ID Search icon
will navigate you to the SIAIQRY form.
A similar screen will appear:
In the Term field, enter the term code.
Ensure the Advisor Flag is checked.
TIP: Other Types, Category, Staff Type, Contract Type, Tenure Status and Statuses are optional, but will
limit your search results if utilized.
Click the Next Block icon
Name, etc.
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or Ctrl+PgDn to enter additional search information such as ID, Student
Internet Native Banner Faculty and Advisor Manual
Search for an Advisor Using a Last Name
In the Last Name field on the Person Search Form, enter the last name of the advisor. If you know the
advisor’s first name, enter it also to narrow your search.
Execute the query by clicking the Execute Query icon
(or press F8).
Double-clicking on the advisor name will transfer the Banner ID and name back to the ID field on the
form with which you are working. In this case, the SGAADVR form.
Search for an Advisor Using a Partial Last Name:
In the Last Name field on the Person Search Form, enter the partial last name of the advisor.
You must use the wildcard “%” to represent the unknown characters. “Craw%” entered in the Last
Name field will return all people with last names that start with Craw. “Sma%” entered in the First Name
field will return all people with the first name that starts with Sma.
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Internet Native Banner Faculty and Advisor Manual
** Wildcards **
The wildcard “%” can represent any number of characters in the selected position.
Querying “sm%h” would return Smith, Smooth, and Smertsworth, but not Smythe.
The wildcard “_” (underscore) represents a single character in the selected position.
Querying “sm_th” would return Smith, but not Smooth.
You can use any combination of last names, first names and wild cards when you search.
Execute the query by clicking the Execute Query icon
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(or press F8).
Internet Native Banner Faculty and Advisor Manual
Adding an Advisor
Return to the SGAADVR form.
Place the cursor in the ID field of the Advisor Information box and enter the ID of the advisor to be
assigned to the student.
Enter the appropriate Advisor Type or click the Advisor Type search button. The Advisor Type search
button will display a similar menu as indicated below.
Select the type of advisor which needs to be assigned (i.e. CAMP, CPEL, PRIM, etc.).
**** Please note: Multiple Advisors can be assigned in the secondary role, but only one may be a
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Check the Primary Indicator box.
Click the Save icon (or F10).
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Internet Native Banner Faculty and Advisor Manual
Removing and Reassigning an Advisor
Navigate to the SGAADVR form.
In the ID field, enter the Banner ID of the student. (If you do not have the ID of the student, click the
Search icon to find the student). In the Term field, enter the term code.
Perform a Next Block. The assigned advisor’s Banner ID, name, and advisor type will be listed in the
information block as shown in the following example.
Select the line to remove by clicking in the Advisor ID field then click the Remove Record icon.
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Internet Native Banner Faculty and Advisor Manual
The advisor name and ID should now be removed as shown in the example below.
After you remove the advisor, place the cursor in the ID field and enter the ID of the new advisor to be
assigned to the student. If you do not know the ID number of the advisor, refer to Searching for an
Advisor located on page 14 of this manual.
Enter the appropriate Advisor Type code and check the Primary box (if the only advisor listed).
Click the Save icon (or F10).
*****Note: Remember a student can have multiple secondary advisors but only one primary as
flagged by the primary indicator.
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Internet Native Banner Faculty and Advisor Manual
Changing an Advisor to Keep Previous Advisor on Record
This process will ensure that an accurate record is kept of a student’s advising history.
Navigate to the SGAADVR form using Direct Access (see page 9 of this manual).
***Users must know the most recent term associated with the student (i.e. from term 201520 to term
999999) and the term changes will occur before proceeding (i.e. 201540).
In this example we will use Student 000024959, Moise T. Abam and Summer 2015.
Enter the Student ID and the most recent term for the student then click next block to advance into the
Advisor Information block. A similar screen will appear which displays the current advisor/s assigned for
your student.
Key Block
Advisor Info Block
To begin, roll out of the Advisor Information block and enter the term you wish changes to occur in the
term field. Then click next block. In this example we will want to make changes for Fall 2015.
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**Note: Before moving forward, users must ensure that the Term codes in both blocks are identical. If
the Term in the Key Block does not match the From Term in the Advisor Information block, you will need
to click on the Maintenance icon, and choose Copy Advisor .
Click the Maintenance icon to bring up the menu options displayed below.
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Choose Copy Advisor to copy the current set of advisors to the next term. Click the Save icon. This will
allow both the Term in the key block and the From Term in the Advisor Block to now be equivalent as
shown in the following example.
Next select Rollback to move back into the Key block which will allow changes to be made to the term
code. The term code should now be prepopulated to Fall 2015.
Select Next Block: you will be able to enter the new advisor beginning with the term in the Key Block.
Here you can make and save any changes and the historical record remains archived.
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Enter the new advisor information and click Save. ***If you do not know the ID number of the advisor,
refer to Searching for an Advisor on pages 19-21 of this manual. ***
To remove a previous advisor, use the arrow keys to navigate between fields.
Once the corresponding Advisor is highlighted, select the remove record icon
from the current term. Then click save.
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to delete that advisor
Internet Native Banner Faculty and Advisor Manual
Changing or Declaring a Major for a Student
Majors are entered in INB BANNER via the SGASTDN form. To navigate directly to the form select Direct
Access from the File Menu.
Type SGASTDN into the GoTo field located beneath the title bar and hit Enter.
A similar screen will appear:
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Enter the Banner ID for the student whose major you wish to change. Leave the Term field in the Key
block blank. Then select Next Block. A similar screen will appear.
The General Learner block contains student information such as status, type, program and field of study.
Click the New Term List of values icon to select Create New Effective Term:
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Enter or select the appropriate term. Always use the next term (i.e. if you are currently in the Fall 2013
semester, you should use Spring 2014.) Then select save.
Note: If you are not absolutely sure of the term code use the drop down menu.
***Remember the term year will match for the Spring semesters but be a year ahead for Fall and
Example: Academic year 2013-2014
Summer 2013 would be entered as 201420, Fall 2013 is 201440 and Spring 2014 would
be entered as 201460.
Once you select the term, click on the Curricula tab to proceed.
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A similar screen will appear:
Click on the Replace icon. The term will populate with the new effective term; the Catalog Term and
Admission Term will populate with the previous values. When changing a major, change the Catalog
Term to match the new effective term.
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Enter or select the code for the appropriate program. If you do not know the program code, select the
search icon to access the list of values for this field. The select All Program Codes.
A similar screen will appear. Make your selection then click OK.
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The new Program code will be populated into the Curriculum Block along with the Degree type, Level
and College as shown in the example below.
Next, click on the Field of Study Tab. If there is only one major attached to the program the Field of
Study box under the Major area in the Field of Study block will already be populated. If it is not, enter or
select the appropriate major code. Then click Save.
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Note: Remember to enter a concentration for Majors with attached concentrations. After entering the
major code, use the down arrow to move to the next set of fields.
Select Concentration in the Type box and enter or select the appropriate concentration code in the Field
of Study box.
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If you are unclear on the appropriate code for Field of Study, click the search icon to access the List of
Values for Attached Concentrations.
Click the corresponding concentration code. Then click Save. Note: You will also have to re-enter the
minor if one existed in the previous curricula and is not changing or if the student is declaring a minor at
the same time as the major. Arrow down to the next set of fields in the Field of Study block. Select
MINOR in the type box. Enter or select the appropriate code in the Field of Study box. Then click save.
To Declare a Second Major
Enter the Banner ID of the student into the SGASTDN form then Next Block.
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Click the Curricula tab then select Record and Insert.
A similar screen will appear:
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Enter the corresponding code for the second major. Then proceed using the steps for declaring a major
beginning on page 21 of this manual. Remember to add concentrations if required. Then click save.
To Add/Change a Minor without a Change in Major
Enter the Banner ID of the student into the SGASTDN form then Next Block.
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Click on the curricula tab and click the Update button.
All fields will be pre-populated. You SHOULD NOT change the Catalog Term if you are not changing the
Click on the Field of Study tab. Arrow down to the first blank set of boxes. Select Minor in the Type box.
Enter or select the appropriate code in the Field of Study box then click Save.
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Internet Native Banner Faculty and Advisor Manual
Registration Overrides
In Banner, all students must register his/herself. If the student is unable to enroll in a class from your
department because it is closed or they do not meet the pre-requisite, you must perform the following
steps. This will allow the student to register themselves in the class by using Self Service Banner (SSB).
Access the Registration Permit Override Form (SFASRPO) from the General Menu or Direct Access.
In the ID field, enter the banner ID or name of the student. You can review Searching for a student on
page 16 of this manual).
In the term field, enter the term you wish to view (this is the term for which you plan to override the
restriction so the student can enroll).
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Click the next block icon or Ctrl+PgDn. This portion of the screen will show Student Permits and
Overrides that currently exist for this student or where an override can be assigned for this student. The
bottom portion of the screen will show what the student is currently enrolled in for this term.
In the permit field, enter the override type you are issuing to the student. Double click in the Permit field
to see a list of override types.
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You can grant permission by subject/course which allows the student to enroll in any CRN for that
subject/course number combination.
You can grant permission by a specific CRN which allows the student to enroll in a specific class by
The user ID of the person issuing the override will be listed in the User field.
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Internet Native Banner Faculty and Advisor Manual
Click the save icon (or Shift-F10)
***Note: Let the student know that you have overridden their registration restriction and that they can
now register themselves in that class through SSB.
To enter another override for the same student, click on the next permit line. To enter an override on
another student, click the Rollback icon and repeat steps above.
To return to the General Menu, click the “X” to Exit, or press (Ctrl+Q).
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Internet Native Banner Faculty and Advisor Manual
For questions regarding specific student content please contact:
Lori Crawford
Office of the Registrar
Amanda Holland
Office of the Registrar
Patrick Fields
Associate Registrar
For Technical Support please contact:
St. Edward’s University Computer Help Desk
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