Winter 2007- 08 Volume 7, Issue 1 at the Arizona Health Sciences Center 2 Chairman’s Message UA Surgeons Perform Rare and Complex Organ Transplants 3 New Treatments for AAAs Study U Inside… 4 Less Invasive Lung Surgery 5 Research on Cancer Diagnosis Delays 5 New Lung Surgery Training Center 5 Vascular Suturing Skills Workshop 6 Simulation Curriculum in Resident Training 7 Department Welcomes Six New Faculty nder the leadership of a new chairman, The University of Arizona Department of Surgery is reaching new milestones and surgeons are performing rare and complex procedures at University Medical Center. A prime example is the Transplant Program, which is offering new hope to people suffering from organ failure. First Combined Heart-Kidney Transplant On Dec. 8, surgeons performed the first simultaneous heart and kidney transplant in Southern Arizona. After an earlier failed heart transplant and resulting kidney failure, 41-year-old husband and father Ron Webb now is recovering from the back-to-back dual-organ transplant. The cardiothoracic transplant team, led by Raj K. Bose, MD, assistant professor of clinical surgery, Section of Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery, performed the heart transplant first. 8 Alumni Spotlight – Rina Shinn, MD 9 ACS Reception Hosted 10 Faculty Awards & Publications The Department of Surgery at The University of Arizona College of Medicine is renowned for its research, patient care and academic achievement. The department features specialized sections in cardiovascular and thoracic surgery, surgical research, general surgery and trauma, surgical oncology, neurosurgery, plastic surgery, ENT, transplantation, urology and vascular surgery. Dr. Rainer Gruessner, Department of Surgery chairman and chief of Abdominal Transplantation, and Dr. Jack Copeland, chief of Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery, check on Ron Webb, UMC’s first patient to receive a simultaneous heart and kidney transplant. A second surgical team, led by Rainer Gruessner, MD, professor and chairman of the Department of Surgery, performed the kidney transplant. Webb’s heart damage was caused by a virus when he was 28. After his previous heart transplant failed, he developed kidney failure because of the side effects of his immunosuppressive medications. This life-saving operation was made even more difficult because of the rejection suffered from his first heart transplant, Dr. Bose says. Rare En Bloc Kidney Transplant William Diehl, 56, was given a toddler’s kidneys on Dec. 10 when the surgical team carried En bloc kidney transplantation out a complex procedure allows two pediatric kidneys by transplanting the to do the work of a single adult organ. child’s two kidneys Illustration: Dave Cantrell, connected only by the AHSC Biomedical Communications major blood vessels. Diehl had been on dialysis for a year and a half – ever since his kidneys failed due to polycystic disease. Now, he no longer needs the tiring threetimes-a-week dialysis that dominated his life. En bloc kidney transplantation, in which both kidneys from a baby are transplanted into an adult patient to do the work of a single adult kidney, addresses organ shortage issues by using organs that might not have been used in the past, says Dr. Gruessner. However, en bloc kidney transplants are rare, according to the United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS). “The en block technique is more challenging and there is a higher risk of graft thrombosis due to build up of blood clots. But, if we waited for an adult kidney, it could have taken many months,” Dr. Gruessner says. More than 74,000 people in the United States currently are on the transplant list for a kidney. Each year, about 6 percent of all patients on the waiting list die before an organ becomes available. Complex Positive Crossmatch Transplant Wilma Burton’s son was more than willing to donate one of his kidneys to his mother. However, his mother was “sensitized,” meaning she had developed harmful antibodies in her blood against foreign tissue. A person can develop antibodies through previous exposure to blood transfusions, previous transplants, and from pregnancies. The elevated levels of the antibodies make tissue rejection almost certain. CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 1 Chairman’s Message Transplants It truly has been an honor to serve as the new Chairman of the Department of Surgery at The University of Arizona these past six months and I am proud of the accomplishments of the department showcased in this newsletter. I accepted the position as chairman because of the potential to build a preeminent surgical program in the Southwest. My goal is to build on positive changes instituted by my predecessors Drs. Hugo Villar and Allan Hamilton. I am extremely committed to establishing an outstanding academic department with continued achievements in patient care, surgical education and translational research. I have been charged with substantially expanding the size of the department through recruitment of faculty across a range of specialties. The generous support of the College of Medicine, University Medical Center and University Physicians Healthcare will allow us to build new programs and expand existing ones. We welcome six new faculty members in this newsletter. I am delighted The University of Arizona has been able to recruit such outstanding physician leaders to join our surgical team. We plan to hire a total of 15-20 new faculty members across all surgical specialties. The first phase of recruitment will focus on general surgery, trauma, transplantation and urology. Beginning in 2009, we will start to rebuild the Sections of Neurosurgery, ENT and Plastic Surgery. Our recruitment efforts will bring noted leaders in their fields who will add to the existing nationally known leaders already in the department. Also, our residency programs now will focus not only on solid clinical training, but also on academic education through basic or clinical research. We are working in conjunction with Graduate Medical Education to establish a MS/PhD program starting at the end of this year. We will send about 30 percent of our residents after the third year into the labs, focusing on the following research areas: cardiovascular, oncology, trauma and transplantation. We also plan to increase the number of residents in each of the residency programs and build more fellowship programs. We also have created a Distinguished Alumnus Award that will be presented to a former resident who has emerged as a leader in the field of surgery. The award will be presented annually at the surgery residency graduation. Dr. Richard Carmona, the 17th U.S. surgeon general, has been named professor of surgery. As many of you know, Dr. Carmona has been affiliated with the department since the 1980s. He kindly has agreed to help create a board of directors to assist with the department’s development and strategic efforts. The establishment of endowments will be a priority and we will look to alumni and friends of the department to create endowed chairs across all surgical specialties. All these changes will help ensure that the UA Department of Surgery will provide the most innovative and comprehensive surgical care to all citizens of Arizona and train the future leaders in surgery. Sincerely, RAINER W. GRUESSNER, MD Professor and Chairman, UA Department of Surgery Surgery is published semi-annually by the Arizona Health Sciences Center Office of Public Affairs, P.O. Box 245066, Tucson, AZ 85724-5066 | (520) 626-7219 | Visit us online: Editor: Jo Marie Gellerman | Production: Biomedical Communications All contents © 2008 Arizona Board of Regents. All rights reserved. The UA is an EEO/AA - M/W/D/V Employer. If you need this information in an accessible format (Braille, digital, tape or large print) please contact Jo Gellerman, 2(520) 626-7219. CONT. FROM PAGE 1 Until recently, to be considered as a live donor, blood and tissue type had to be compatible with the recipient. UMC surgeons now offer a procedure called positive crossmatch transplant that allows patients to receive a kidney from an incompatible live donor. Dr. Gruessner and his transplant team were able to remove harmful antibodies from Burton with a process called plasmapheresis, a procedure similar to dialysis that removes the plasma portion of the blood where antibodies are located. Once the antibodies against the blood type of the live donor – Burton’s son – decreased to very low levels, the kidney transplant was able to take place and Burton received her son’s special gift. Arizona’s Only Comprehensive Program UMC’s Transplant Program is the only comprehensive solid-organ transplant program in Arizona, offering heart, lung, kidney, pancreas and liver transplantation for children and adults. On Feb. 5, the cardiothoracic (heart and lung) transplant team performed its 1,000th transplant with a new heart for 51-year-old Michael Boudreaux. The number of kidney transplants at UMC is at an all-time high, with Wilma Burton’s son becoming the 100th live donor who underwent a laparoscopic nephrectomy, a procedure that is becoming the standard of care. Pancreas transplantation also is growing in strength with the number of transplants quadrupling in 2007, compared to the previous year. Further, liver transplantation is being revitalized by Dr. Gruessner and the hiring of nationally known transplant surgeon John Renz, MD, PhD. Referrals for liver transplants from physicians in the community continue to rise. Exciting new programs in islet cell and bowel transplantation are under development. “The Transplant Program is undergoing dramatic changes, including a number of new members of the transplant team,” says Dr. Gruessner. How to Refer Patients For liver, kidney or pancreas transplant consultations, please call (520) 694-6170. For heart failure and heart transplantation consultations, please call (520) 694-6299. O Study Addresses New Treatments for Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm D oes size matter? That is the question UA Department of Surgery vascular researchers aim to answer in the multicenter clinical trial, “Positive Impact of Endovascular Options for Treating Aneurysms Early.” Over the past decade, revolutionary changes have been made in the diagnosis and treatment of abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAAs). Minimally invasive endovascular technologies, such as stent grafts, have decreased length of stay and, more importantly, improved outcomes compared with conventional open surgery. Current guidelines recommend treatment for aortic aneurysms when they reach 5.5 cm in diameter, but were based on clinical trials with open surgical repair before the use of stents. New studies, including the AAA Study in the Section of Vascular Surgery, are under way that are relevant to today’s management of aneurysms with endovascular techniques. AAA Study researchers are assessing the safety and effectiveness of “watchful waiting” compared to an endovascular stent graft repair. The clinical trial looks at patients with abdominal aortic aneurysms 4-5 cm in diameter. Joseph Mills, MD, professor and chief of the Section of Vascular Surgery, is leading the multi-center study at the UA. Also participating in the UA study are vascular surgeons John Hughes, MD, Kay Goshima, MD, and Daniel Ihnat, MD. An AAA forms when a bubble-like swelling occurs in a portion of the aorta, the major artery that carries blood from the heart through the abdomen to the lower body. As this “bubble” swells over time, the artery wall can thin out and rupture. Ruptures can happen suddenly and typically prove fatal. In fact, 50-75 percent of people who suffer a ruptured AAA die before making it to the hospital, and only half of those who make it to the hospital for emergency care survive the event. “That’s why detecting these aneurysms early and monitoring or repairing them is crucial,” Dr. Mills says. The traditional treatment option was an open surgical repair, which requires a surgeon to open the abdominal cavity, clamp off the aorta and sew a surgical graft in place to prevent an aneurysm from rupturing. The newer treatment option is minimally invasive endovascular stent grafting. A woven polyester tube (graft) covered by a metal web (stent) is placed inside the diseased vessel through a long catheter, without surgically opening the body. Open surgical repairs carry high health risks for many older patients who also may suffer from other significant medical conditions, such as heart disease, lung disease, diabetes or hypertension, so doctors were hesitant to perform the operation and followed the wait-and-see approach on smaller aneurysms, says Dr. Mills. The AAA Study focuses on two groups: one group receives an FDA-approved stent graft and the other is placed into a surveillance program, which includes medical examinations, blood tests, CT scans, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), or abdominal aorta ultrasound. Participants will be followed by the study doctor for a total of five years from enrollment. This study is sponsored by Medtronic Vascular, a subsidiary of Medtronic, Inc., and the Cleveland Clinic Foundation. Aortic aneurysms – including thoracic and abdominal aortic aneurysms – account for nearly 15,000 deaths annually in this country. The AAA Study will be conducted at as many as 70 U.S. hospitals and will include as many as 1,000 patients nationwide. For more information, contact: Brenda Harrington, RN, (520) 626-4845, O More Vascular Clinical Research Studies CREST – Carotid Revascularization Endarterectomy vs. Stenting Trial CREST is a randomized study comparing the two available FDAapproved treatments for blockages in the carotid arteries in the neck – carotid endarterectomy versus carotid artery stenting. The carotid artery stenting only is approved for patients who are considered to be at high risk for complications from carotid endarterectomy. Patients who are enrolled in this study (and randomized to the stenting group) can have the stent even if they are not considered high risk. PYTHAGORAS – Prospective Aneurysm Trial: High Angle Aorfix™ Bifurcated Stent Graft This is a non-randomized study of the new stent graft Aorfix™. Patients with abdominal aortic aneurysms greater than 4.5 cm who qualify for an endovascular repair may have one using the new stent graft. It is designed to be more flexible than currently available stent graphs. SwirlGraft - A Post Market Clinical Study to Compare the Performance of ePTFE SwirlGraft™ with a Conventional ePTFE Graft for Vascular Access Indications This is a randomization study evaluating the use of a newer type of vascular access graft (SwirlGraft™) as compared with a standard type of vascular access graft. The product already is approved by the FDA, but it has requested additional data on its performance. To find out more about these studies, contact Brenda Harrington, RN, (520) 626-4845, O 3 Vascular Disease Facts Vascular Screening Can Prevent Deaths from ‘Silent’ Disease I t is a silent killer. Thousands of people die each year from an aortic aneurysm, but if caught early, it is highly treatable. Non-cardiac vascular disease, including stroke from carotid artery disease, peripheral arterial disease (PAD), and aortic aneurysms, causes as much death and disability as heart disease and more than any cancer. It is called a “silent” disease because it often is not symptomatic until a catastrophic event occurs, such as stroke or aneurysm rupture. Vascular surgeons at the UA Department of Surgery are nationally recognized experts in the treatment of AAAs. They recommend high-risk individuals be screened with simple tests. “We now have available ultrasound and other screening technology designed to find vascular disease before it becomes a major problem,” says Joseph Mills, MD, professor and chief of vascular surgery. “Sudden death or major disability can occur if certain vascular conditions are not identified and properly treated. The good news is that most of these conditions can be discovered by using simple, painless, noninvasive tests that take just minutes to complete.” Tests included a carotid artery ultrasound scan to look for blockages in the arteries to the brain, an abdominal ultrasound to detect aortic aneurysms, and non-invasive pressure tests to detect peripheral artery disease. The department held its annual free screening event in September in the fourth-floor Vascular Clinic at UMC. “Many people may have an aneurysm or peripheral vascular disease and not know it until it is too late. These simple tests can save your life,” says Dr. Mills. O Less Invasive Lung Surgery Performed at UMC for early-stage lung cancer patients. However, few surgeons in the nation are trained to offer this operation. “Few surgeons currently offer the procedure because it’s difficult and tudies have shown minimally invasive requires additional training with a steep learning curve,” says Shari Meyerson, lung surgery to be so successful MD, assistant professor of surgery in the that many surgeons are pushing for the Section of Cardiovascular and Thoracic procedure to be the standard of care Surgery, who performs the procedure at University Medical Center. Dr. Meyerson is a noncardiac thoracic surgeon who cares for patients with diseases involving the lungs, airways, esophagus and other structures in the chest. Traditional lung cancer surgery is called a thoracotomy, in which the surgeon cuts through the muscles into the chest and spreads open the ribs to access the lungs. The incision is large, and recovery is slow and painful. Minimally invasive Dr. Shari Meyerson (right) trains a surgery resident to perform a lung surgery, known as a thoracoscopic lobectomy, a minimally invasive procedure to remove S lung cancer without opening the chest. 4 Certain conditions are associated with a higher risk of vascular disease, including: • Age – people older than 55 years of age are at greater risk • Hypertension • High blood lipids (LDL or bad cholesterol) • Smoking • Diabetes • Lack of exercise • Family history of vascular disease • Previous heart or leg problems Carotid artery disease leads to stroke, which remains the third-leading cause of death in the United States with nearly 157,000 people dying annually. A large proportion of strokes are caused by plaque in the carotid arteries. One in every 20 Americans over the age of 50 has PAD. It affects 8 to 12 million people in the U.S. Individuals with PAD suffer a five-fold increased relative risk of a cardiovascular ischemic event (heart attack or stroke) and a total mortality rate that is two to three fold greater than those without PAD. It is estimated that more than 1 million people are living with undiagnosed AAA and at least 95 percent of these individuals can successfully be treated if the condition is detected prior to rupture. thoracoscopic lobectomy, is done through two small incisions, one less than one centimeter and the other two to four centimeters and requires no rib spreading. This reduces both the amount of postoperative pain and the length of hospital stay required. It is proven to be as effective as traditional surgery in removing cancer. It is estimated that only about 10 percent of all lung cancer operations nationwide are done with minimally invasive techniques, but more than half the patients who need the surgery would qualify for the less invasive procedure. Dr. Meyerson is establishing a training program at the UA on minimally invasive lung surgery so that more surgeons can offer this life-saving technique. Dr. Meyerson also uses minimally invasive procedures to ease the discomfort and improve the quality of life of patients who have been diagnosed with advanced lung cancer that cannot be removed by surgery. O Research Examines Delays in Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment UA to be Training Center for Lung Surgery L T ess than 20 percent of lung cancer patients are diagnosed in the early stages of disease. The later lung cancer is diagnosed, the fewer the treatment options. Delays in diagnosing lung cancer patients result in an overall survival rate of only 15 percent at five years after diagnosis. Research being conducted by Assistant Professor Shari Meyerson, MD, Section of Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery, is looking at whether barriers in the health-care system are creating delays in diagnosis. Her study, “Navigating the System: A Pilot Study of the Process of Obtaining a Diagnosis of Lung Cancer,” is investigating the steps involved in obtaining a diagnosis of lung cancer. She says data collected so far in her pilot study suggests a significantly longer time to diagnosis from initial symptoms than expected in both symptomatic and asymptomatic patients. “This is a concern because the disease could progress significantly in the time between the onset of symptoms and definitive treatment,” Dr. Meyerson says. “If a correlation between progression of disease stage and delay in diagnosis can be confirmed in a larger study, interventions, including public education about early treatment options, such as minimally invasive approaches and the better prognosis of early-stage lung cancers, could make a difference in patient outcomes.” O Students Learn Suturing Skills for Tiny Vascular Vessels T here’s the purse string, the parachute, and the baseball – these are some of the suturing techniques UA surgery residents and medical students are practicing on small simulated blood vessels in a workshop offered by the Section of Vascular Surgery. Considerable training is necessary to master vascular suturing and knot tying. Blood vessels are far less forgiving than other tissues commonly handled in general surgical practice. The vessel wall is made up of three he UA Department of Surgery is dedicated to educating physicians and residents on new technologies that will advance patient care. As a result of the expertise of thoracic surgeon Shari Meyerson, MD, and support from Covidien, the UA Department of Surgery will be a national training site for minimally invasive lung surgery. The UA will be one of only a handful of academic medical centers in the U.S. actively training surgeons to perform the procedure. Every two to four months, surgeons will come to the department for the intensive one-day course. The participants, specialists in cardiovascular and thoracic surgery, will observe a live surgery as well as practice in the cadaver lab “The addition of this minimally invasive treatment for lung cancer has been a tremendous step forward for the treatment of the disease,” says Dr. Meyerson. “We’re very excited about our ability to deliver the most advanced surgical treatment for lung cancer available anywhere in the world and to be part of the select team to teach the technology of tomorrow.” O layers, all of which are delicate and easy to traumatize. This is even more the case when the vessel is diseased. Historically, these specialized skills have been developed in the operating room, Dr. Luis León (far right) teaches surgery residents how to suture delicate blood explains Luis R. León vessels in the Vascular Surgery Workshop. Jr., MD, RVT, assistant use of stents and other minimally professor of clinical surgery and chief invasive procedures for vascular of vascular surgery at the Southern conditions are providing little Arizona Veterans Affairs Health Care opportunity to perfect these skills System. However, resident work-hour when the need arises for open limitations, increasing costs of operating surgery. room time and patient safety concerns The Vascular Surgery Workshop have led to an increased interest in focuses on vascular suturing and teaching these skills in a simulated CONTINUED ON PAGE 6 environment. In addition, the growing 5 Suturing Skills CONT. FROM PAGE 5 knot-tying techniques, types of suture materials available and needle choices conducive to repairing vulnerable vessels, says Kay R. Goshima, MD, assistant professor of clinical surgery. The instruction incorporates lectures and hands-on practice using training boxes, suture and prosthetic graft material donated by several medical companies. Prosthetic grafts are mounted on a frame and cut in different shapes, simulating as close as possible real-life, human body conditions. Then the residents and students perform a vascular anastomosis, reconnecting the vessels, with end-to-end, end-toside anastomosis and interposition vein grafts. After the four-hour activity, which is held biannually on Saturdays, the participants and faculty discuss any remaining issues and propose suggestions to further improve the workshop. Drs. Goshima and León organized the workshop, first for residents only, but after a couple of sessions decided that students in the Surgery Club could benefit from the training as well. Vascular surgery faculty Joseph Mills, MD, and Daniel Ihnat, MD, also serve as instructors. For students, the workshop offers early exposure to a different surgical subspecialty that can help them decide which career direction to take in the future, says Dr. Goshima. Residents learn these vascular surgery techniques so when they show up for their scheduled rotation in our service, they are better prepared, Dr. León adds. O 6 As part of his residency training, surgery resident Wynter Phoenix, MD, practices laparoscopic skills in the Arizona Simulation Technology and Education Center (ASTEC). Hands-On, No-Risk Resident Training T he UA Department of Surgery is expanding in the area of minimally invasive surgery. Residency programs in the department are moving to standardize the curriculum for laparoscopic surgery in the simulation lab, which is a growing trend nationally in medical training. Surgical residents now are required to spend time in the Arizona Simulation Technology and Education Center (ASTEC) practicing the psychomotor skills necessary for laparoscopic procedures. For General Surgery residents, simulation offers the opportunity to become familiar with laparoscopic instruments and practice new techniques in a no-risk environment. The simulation curriculum is divided into three areas: basic equipment, technology and operative application laboratories, says Herminio Ojeda, MD, assistant professor of clinical surgery. Dr. Ojeda tracks each resident’s performance and confidence level throughout the four-to-six-week training session. “Using low-tech and high-tech simulation tools from wood blocks and rubber bands to virtual reality simulators, residents develop the eye-hand coordination skills needed for laparoscopic surgery,” Dr. Ojeda says. First-year general surgery resident Wynter Phoenix, MD, says his time in ASTEC was well spent. “The hands-on nature of ASTEC really helped in transitioning to laparoscopic procedures in the operating room. Having time in the lab to try different instruments and camera movements for the first time was a great opportunity for me to practice and learn,” he says. Mike Nguyen, MD, assistant professor of clinical surgery and director of minimally invasive urologic surgery, has developed a one-on-one teaching/ mentorship program for urology residents using simulation to focus specifically on core urologic laparoscopic procedures. Dr. Nguyen uses a wide range of teaching tools, from watching videos of procedures in the operating room to using simulated tissue and organ models produced in ASTEC for hands-on practice with vascular injuries and partial removal of a kidney. “The ASTEC lab is an extremely valuable resource for resident teaching,” says Dr. Nguyen. “Skills can be taught at the resident’s pace and errors in technique can be identified and corrected in the lab before going to the actual operating room. This way, time spent in live surgery is high yield for the resident and safe for the patient.” Residents in the neurosurgery residency program practice their microsurgery skills on simulated tissue under a special microscope with the mentorship of neurosurgeon Allan Hamilton, MD, professor and ASTEC executive director. O What’s Up in Surgery? Department Welcomes New Faculty Trauma, Critical Care and Emergency Surgery Peter M. Rhee, MD, MPH, has been appointed chief of the Section of Trauma, Critical Care and Emergency Surgery, and professor of surgery. Dr. Rhee, who once served as the designated surgeon on former President Clinton’s China trip in 1998, provides leadership and patient care for Tucson’s only Level 1 Trauma Center at University Medical Center. Dr. Rhee’s previous experience involves some of the busiest trauma centers in the country, including Harborview Medical Center in Seattle and Washington Hospital Center in Washington, D.C. He recently served in the U.S. Navy as the director of the Navy Trauma Training Center at Los Angeles County-University of Southern California. He holds academic appointments as professor of surgery and molecular cellular biology at the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences (USUHS) in Bethesda, Md., where he was director of the Trauma Readiness and Research Institute for Surgery, performing combat casualty care research; and at the University of Southern California Keck School of Medicine. On the battlefield, Dr. Rhee was one of the first trauma surgeons to be deployed to Camp Rhino, Afghanistan, and recently started the first surgical unit in Ramadi, Iraq. The recipient of numerous awards and honors, including the Legion of Merit, Defense Meritorious Service Medal and the Navy Commendation Medal, Dr. Rhee serves as a consultant to the Office of Naval Research, and the Marine Corps Commandants War Fighting Laboratory. Research interests include both basic science and clinical research in the areas of resuscitation, homeostasis, trauma training and monitoring devices. He has more than 140 publications in refereed journals and 10 book chapters. He is a fellow of the American College of Surgeons and Critical Care Medicine and has gained national prominence from his committee work for major medical organizations. Dr. Rhee earned his medical degree in 1987 from the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences F. Edward Hebert School of Medicine. He received a master’s degree in public health - health services, in 1995 from University of Washington, Seattle, and a Diploma in the Medical Care of Catastrophes in 1999 from the Society of Apothecaries of London, UK. Dr. Rhee completed his surgical internship at Balboa Naval Hospital, San Diego, and residency in general surgery at the University of California Irvine Medical Center. He completed a fellowship in trauma and critical care at Harborview Medical Center, University of Washington, Seattle. Transplantation John F. Renz, MD, PhD, has joined the department as professor of surgery and vice chief of the Section of Transplantation. Dr. Renz comes to the UA from Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, where he served as surgical director for the Liver Transplantation Program at the Center for Liver Disease and Transplantation. A highly skilled transplant surgeon, Dr. Renz was part of the first surgical team ever to perform a combined heart-liver transplant in the New York region. Very few of these procedures have been performed worldwide. Dr. Renz is a pioneer in “extended criteria” transplantation, or the use of organs that don’t meet the usual criteria for transplantation due to various health problems, but are still healthy enough for a successful transplant. He proved that regular and extended donor criteria (EDC) liver recipients have equivalent survival rates, and EDC is able to increase the access to liver transplantation. In addition to liver transplantation, Dr. Renz specializes in kidney and intestinal transplants. Dr. Renz received his medical degree from Jefferson Medical College, and his PhD in biochemistry and molecular biology from Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia. Both his internship and residency were completed in general surgery at the University of California, San Francisco. He completed a fellowship in transplantation surgery at the University of California, Los Angeles. Dr. Renz’ research focuses on the development of hepatocellular carcinoma, investigations into expanded donor criteria allografts and experimental therapies involving liver and intestinal transplantation in adults and children. Clinical studies involve basic mechanisms in liver transplantation. A member of a dozen national and international professional associations, Dr. Renz has published more than 60 journal articles and book chapters. Surgical Oncology Julie Eileen Lang, MD, a fellowship-trained breast surgical oncologist, has been appointed assistant professor of surgery in the Section of Surgical Oncology. Dr. Lang, who also is a member of the Arizona Cancer Center, completed a breast surgical oncology fellowship at the nationally renowned MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston. Dr. Lang’s breast surgery practice focuses on the full spectrum of malignant and benign breast diseases, including breast masses, breast pain, abnormal mammograms and breast cancer. She also consults with high-risk patients, such as those with a family history of breast cancer or prior breast biopsies showing atypical findings. Additionally, she will open a clinic for women with inflammatory or locally advanced breast cancer at the Arizona Cancer Center so that these patients can be treated by a multidisciplinary team with extensive experience with these diseases. Specializing in skin sparing mastectomy and immediate reconstruction, Dr. Lang employs surgical techniques that optimize results both medically and cosmetically for her breast surgery patients. She is very enthusiastic about “oncoplastic” surgery, techniques in which the surgeon plans a lumpectomy and rearranges the local tissue to improve aesthetic outcomes. She performs ultrasound-guided minimally invasive core needle biopsy of suspicious breast lesions and uses sentinel lymph node biopsy, a minimally invasive technique to check to see if cancer has spread to lymph nodes. The co-author of numerous publications, Dr. Lang’s research focuses on circulating tumor cells and breast cancer stem cells in an effort to find better targets for treatment for all stages of breast cancer. Dr. Lang completed her residency and a postdoctoral cancer research fellowship at the 7 University of California, San Francisco. She received her medical degree from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She is the recipient of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Foundation Merit Award while at the MD Anderson Cancer Center. General Surgery John B. Kettelle, MD, assistant professor of clinical surgery, has joined the Section of General Surgery, specializing in general and advanced laparoscopic and endoscopic surgery for gallbladder disease, hernias and the GI tract and in bariatric surgery. Minimally invasive procedures have potential advantages over the traditional open surgery, including less blood loss. Because laparoscopic surgery requires only a few small incisions, most patients have a shorter hospital stay and a faster recovery. Dr. Kettelle graduated from the University of California Davis School of Medicine in 1997 and completed his residency at San Joaquin General Hospital in Stockton, Calif. After finishing his residency, he stayed for an additional year as a faculty member. Dr. Kettelle was in private practice in Rhode Island prior to his fellowship training in advanced laparoscopic and bariatric surgery at The Central California Institute for Minimally Invasive Surgery in Fresno, Calif. Prior to medical school, Dr. Kettelle spent six years in the U.S. Navy, where he served aboard the fast-attack submarine USS William H. Bates. Dr. Kettelle is a fellow of the American College of Surgeons and a member of the Society of American Gastrointestinal Endoscopic Surgeons. Urology Mike M. Nguyen, MD, has been named director of Minimally Invasive Urologic Surgery and assistant professor of clinical surgery in the Section of Urology. Dr. Nguyen joined the UA after completing a fellowship in advanced laparoscopy at the prestigious Glickman Urological Institute at The Cleveland Clinic Foundation. Dr. Nguyen specializes in advanced robotic and laparoscopic procedures on the prostate, bladder and kidney for both malignant 8 and benign diseases. Dr. Nguyen received his medical degree in 2000 from the University of California Davis School of Medicine, where he also completed his internship and residency training in urologic surgery. A member of the Endourological Society, American Association of Clinical Urologists and the American Urologic Association, Dr. Nguyen has published 16 articles and his honors include the Society of Laparoendoscopic Surgeons Outstanding Resident Award. His clinical expertise is in performing advanced robotic-assisted and laparoscopic urologic procedures on the prostate, bladder and kidney for both malignant and benign diseases. His research interests include research on surgical outcomes and on renal cancer. Neurosurgery Rein Anton, MD, PhD, has joined the department as assistant professor of clinical surgery, Section of Neurosurgery. Dr. Anton’s clinical expertise includes complex spine neurosurgery, including cervical/thoracic/lumbar disorders, cervical and lumbar stenosis, cervical/ lumbar disc herniations and spinal cord tumors. Dr. Anton also offers general neurosurgical intervention, including treatment for benign and malignant brain tumors. He received his medical degree, summa cum laude, from Tartu University, Estonia, where he also completed his initial residency training in neurosurgery and earned his PhD in biochemistry and molecular biology. Dr. Anton completed his postdoctoral research in Uppsala, Sweden, and at UCLA, on oncogenes (genes that contribute to the production of a cancer) and genetically engineering cells for neural transplantation. Dr. Anton also completed a general surgery internship at UCLA and a neurosurgery residency at Loma Linda University, Calif. He is a member of the American Society for Neural Therapy and Repair, Ludwig Puusep Society for Neurologists and Neurosurgeons (Estonia) and the American Association of Neurological Surgeons, AANS/CNS Joint Section on Disorders of the Spine and Peripheral Nerves. Certified by the American Board of Neurological Surgery, Dr. Anton has published more than 50 articles. His research interests include genetically engineering cells for transplantation for Parkinson’s and Huntington’s diseases, neuro-oncology, and the functioning of oncogenes in brain tumors. Alumni Spotlight Greetings from Colorado Balancing Motherhood and Surgery By Rina Shinn, MD Class of ’97 When I finished my residency 10 years ago, I came out to the small town of Pueblo, Colo., about 150 miles south of Denver. My brother, who used to live in Denver, campaigned for my move and the town turned out to be an ideal place to live and raise children. Initially, the child-raising wasn’t the primary concern, but the viability of a small, single specialty practice was. I felt ill-prepared to battle the ever-escalating insurance/third-party provider demands and games and felt practically lost to comprehend the rapidly changing rules and regulations of being a surgeon. Then the children started to arrive. My daughter, Freia, was born in 2000 and soon followed my son, Baldur, in 2001. Most recently, second son, Lodur, was born in September. I found motherhood, especially with a tiny infant, much harder to manage than the residency. Even with every other night of trauma call rotation, there was a solid 10 to 12 hours when you can crash and sleep, if you wanted to. With a couplehour interval feeding of a small infant, however, the sleep-deprivation, lasting three to four months and sometimes longer, was truly torturous. As the children grew in number and size there were always more demands for a mother in various capacities. I am sure this is a similar dilemma all working mothers face. And I had to learn the ropes like all other mothers, without an instruction manual. My husband (Stefan Siegel) works at the Air Force Academy, which requires a two-hour commute each day, leaving me to be a single mom during the daytime. One learns to develop a local Department Hosts ACS Reception The UA Department of Surgery hosted a reception in October for faculty and alumni at the Alumni and Friends Reception during the Clinical Congress of the American College of Surgeons in New Orleans. The reception was co-sponsored by Novartis and Karl Storz Endoscopy. More photos can be seen on the Web site: ABOVE: Leigh Neumayer & Dr. Hugo Villar LEFT: Drs. Rainer Gruessner, Amy Waer, Jennifer Tittensor & Kimberly Peck ABOVE: Dr. Angelika Gruessner, Dr. Susan Horne, Ljubica Villar, and Dr. Ana Grau Dr. Martin Dresner Drs. Charles Perry & Rod McKinley LEFT: Drs. Herminio Ojeda & Luis León network quickly when one has to maintain a professional life and raise small children. In 2002, I was given an opportunity to take over a position of chief of surgery at CMHIP, which is a remnant of an old Colorado State I found Hospital. We have motherhood, a 20-bed general hospital, embedded especially in a state mental with a tiny health campus. Being infant, was a salaried surgeon much harder made a great impact in my family life and to manage I was able to balance than the my professional life residency. and motherhood much better. It’s truly a small world, and Andrea Kaiser (class of ’98) came and took my place in the old practice. She is married to pediatrician Mark Schwartz and they have two sons, Noah (almost 3 years old) and Eli (15 months). Since last year, she has moved into a bigger surgical group in Pueblo. In the past few years, I have been involved more with county and state medical societies and been more politically involved, realizing that the field of surgery, as well as the entire medical profession, is going through significant changes currently and that all physicians need to be more politically savvy than before. We have just finished building an energyefficient passive solar house in town and would love to hear from any alumni who might pass through Colorado. O Richard H. Carmona, MD, MPH, 17th U.S. Surgeon General (2002-2006), is now professor of surgery in the UA Department of Surgery. Dr. Carmona has been affiliated with the department since 1986. He will help the department create a board of directors to assist with development and strategic efforts. Dr. Carmona also is distinguished professor of public health at the UA Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health, vice chairman of Tucson-based Canyon Ranch, and president of the non-profit Canyon Ranch Institute. Arizona Surgery Club officers Christine Poach, Mina Shin & Andrew Hopper Rifat Latifi, MD, (left), Section of Trauma and Emergency Services, talks with the Prime Minister of Albania, Dr. Salih Berisha, center, and Deputy Minister of Health of Albania, Arben Ivanaj, Oct. 22, 2007. As professor of clinical surgery and associate director of the Arizona Telemedicine Program, Telesurgery and International Affairs, Dr. Latifi has been successful in developing telemedicine links to seven hospitals in various parts of Kosova. The program, funded by a U.S. Department of State Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs grant, aims to improve the delivery of medical services in the Balkan countries. 9 Awards & Recognition Tucson’s Best Doctors – Copeland, Hamilton, Mills, Villar Four surgeons from the UA Department of Surgery are included among the 2007-2008 Best Doctors in America. The database includes about 40,000 U.S. physicians in more than 40 specialties and 400 subspecialties of medicine who represent the top 3 to 5 percent of specialists in the country. University Medical Center Ranks Among America’s Best Hospitals 2007 UMC is ranked among the nation’s premier hospitals in U.S.News & World Report’s 18th annual guide to “America’s Best Hospitals.” This year UMC is ranked among the top 50 hospitals in the following medical specialties: • Heart and Heart Surgery • Cancer • Geriatrics • Respiratory Disorders Jack Copeland, MD, Section of Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery, has been appointed Visiting Professor and Faculty Member, School of Cardiovascular Science at the University of Verona Medical School, Verona, Italy. Luis R. León, MD, Section of Vascular Surgery, was a nominated finalist for the 2007 Frank Brown Berry Prize in Federal Medicine (U.S. Medicine - The Voice of Federal Medicine. August 2007; Vol.43: No. 8). Dr. Leon also was awarded the International Society for Vascular Surgery (ISVS) Scholarship – Milan, Italy. Michael Moulton, MD, Section of Cardiothoracic Surgery, received the 2007 Special Recognition Award from the Southern Arizona Chapter Association of Perioperative Registered Nurses at their annual meeting in September. Juan Martin Valdivia-Valdivia, MD, neurosurgery resident, received the annual John Green Award for Resident Research of the Arizona Neurosurgical Society 2007. This paper has been selected to be presented at the American Association of Neurological Surgeons Meeting in Chicago in 2008. Hugo Villar, MD, Section of Surgical Oncology, has been named to a two-year term as chair of the International Relations Committee for the American College of Surgeons. Dr. Villar also was named the Distinguished Latin American Surgeon in the United States for 2007 by the Federation of Latin American Surgeons (FELAC – Federation Latino Americana de Curugia). Outstanding Teaching Awards The UA Department of Surgery was awarded the UA College of Medicine “Outstanding Achievement in Teaching by a Clerkship or Elective in the Clinical Sciences Award.” This 10 award is nominated and selected by the college’s medical students. Surgery resident Albert Chi, MD, received the “Houseofficer Educator of the Year Award.” Publications Emil S, Duong ST. Antibiotic therapy and interval appendectomy for perforated appendicitis in children: a selective approach. Am Surg 2007 Sep;73(9):917-22. Gruessner RWG, Benedetti E (editors). Living Donor Organ Transplantation. 1st Edition. McGraw-Hill, New York, Jan 2008. Gruessner RW, Sutherland DE, Kandaswamy R, Gruessner AC, Over 500 solitary pancreas transplants in nonnuremic patients with brittle diabetes mellitus. Transplantation 2008 Jan 15;85(1):42-7. Sturdevant ML and Gruessner RWG: Critical Care Problems in Kidney Transplant Recipients. In: Intensive Care Medicine. 6th Edition. Editors: Irwin RSI and Rippe JM. Wolters Kluwer Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia, 2008. Gonzales JA, Hughes JD, León LR. Probable zoonotic aortitis due to group C Streptococcal infection. J Vasc Surg 2007 Nov;46 (5):1039-1043. Ihnat DM, Duong ST, Taylor Z, León LR, Mills JL, Echeverri J, Arslan B. Contemporary outcomes after superficial femoral artery angioplasty and stenting”: the influence of TASC classification and runoff score. Journal of Vascular Surgery: (in press). Coons SJ, Chongpison Y, Wendel CS, Grant M, Krouse RS. Overall quality of life and difficulty paying for ostomy supplies in the VA ostomy health-related quality of life study: An exploratory analysis. Med Care 2007 Sept; 45:891-5. Mitchell KA, Rawl SM, Schmidt CM, Grant M, Ko CY, Baldwin CM, Wendel C, Krouse RS. Demographic, Clinical, and Quality of Life Variables Related to Embarrassment in Veterans Living With an Intestinal Stoma. J Wound Ostomy Continence Nurs 2007 Sept/Oct; 34(5):524-532. Jain S, McGory ML, Ko CY, Sverdlik A, Tomlinson JS, Wendel CS , Coons SJ, Rawl SM , Schmidt CM, Grant M, McCorkle R, Mohler MJ, Baldwin CM, Krouse RS. Comorbidities play a larger role in predicting quality of life compared to having an ostomy. Am J Surg 2007 Dec;194(6):774-779. Alberts DS, Einspahr JG, Krouse RS, Prasad A, Ranger-Moore J, Hamilton P, Ismail A, Lance P, Goldschmid S, Hess LM, Yozwiak M, Bartels HG, Bartels PH. Karyometry of the colonic mucosa. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2007 Dec;16(12):2704-2716. Julie E. Lang, MD, and Henry M. Kuerer, MD, PhD, Breast Ductal Secretions: Clinical Features, Potential Uses, and Possible Applications, Cancer Control, Oct 2007. R Latifi, RS Weinstein, JM Porter, M Ziemba, D Judkins, D Ridings, R Nassi, T Valenzuela, M Holcomb, F Leyva. Telemedicine and Telepresence for Trauma and Emergency Care Management, Scandinavian Journal of Surgery 96: 281–289, 2007. “Current Practices and Principles on Telemedicine and E-Health,” Rifat Latifi, editor, published by IOS, Amsterdam. Labropoulos N, Ayuste B, León LR. Renovascular disease among patients referred for renal duplex ultrasonography. J Vasc Surg 2007 Oct; 46 (4): 731-737. Labropoulos N, León LR, Gonzalez-Fajardo JA, Mansour AM, Kang SS. Non-atherosclerotic pathology of the neck vessels: prevalence and flow patterns. Vascular and Endovascular Surgery 2007 Oct/Nov; (41) 5: 417-427. León LR, Psalms SB. A diagnostic dilemma: does peri stent-graft air after thoracic aortic endografting necessarily imply infection? Vascular and Endovascular Surgery 2007 Oct/Nov; (41) 5: 433-439. León LR, Mills JL Sr., Psalms SB, Kasher J, Kim J, Ihnat DM. Aortic paraprosthetic-colonic fistulae: review of the literature. Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg 2007 Dec; 34 (6):682-692. León LR, Hughes JD, Psalms SB. Guerra R, Biswas A, Prasad A, Krouse RS. Portomesenteric reconstruction during Whipple procedures: review and report of a case. Vascular and Endovascular Surgery 2007 Dec;41(6). León LR, Mills JL. Invited commentary on: Bandyk DF. Surveillance after lower extremity arterial bypass. Pers Vasc Surg Endovasc Ther 2007 Dec; 19 (4). León LR, Psalms SB, Ihnat DM, Mills JL Sr. Vascular Images: Aortic graft-colonic paraprosthetic fistula. Journal of Vascular Surgery 2007: in press. León LR, Psalms SB, Ihnat DM, Becker GJ, Mills JL Sr. Endovascular iliac aneurysm exclusion when hypogastric artery flow preservation is crucial: a novel approach. Vascular: in press. León LR, Ojeda H, León CR, Mills JL Sr., Psalms SB, Villar H. The journey of a foreign-trained physician to a U.S. residency: Controversies surrounding their migration. Journal of the American College of Surgeons 2007: in press. León LR, Psalms SB, Walters JL. Diabetic foot infections in the elderly: primary amputation vs. “foot- sparing surgery”. A case report. International Wound Journal: in press. León LR, Psalms SB, Mills JL, Taylor Z. Degenerative aneurysms of the superficial femoral artery. European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery: in press. León LR, Psalms SB, Labropoulos N, Mills JL. Mycotic aneurysms affecting the upper extremities. European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery: in press. Labropoulos N, Bekelis K, León LR. Natural history of deep vein thrombosis in unusual sites of the lower extremity. Journal of Vascular Surgery: in press. León LR, Rodriguez HE, Labropoulos N, Littooy FN, Psalms SB. Aortitis and bacterial endocarditis. Vascular: in press. Melissa L. Meas, Lisa Davidson, Grace-Davis Gorman, Paul F. McDonagh, Bruce M. Coull and Leslie S. Ritter. Evaluation of Sample Fixation and Comparison of LDS-751 or anti-CD45 for Leukocyte Identification in Mouse Whole Blood Using Flow Cytometry. J Immunological Methods 319: 79-86, 2007. DuBose JJ, Inaba K, Shiflett A, Trankiem C, Teixeira PG, Salim A, Rhee P, Demetriades D, Belzberg H. Measurable outcomes of quality improvement in the trauma intensive care unit: the impact of a daily quality rounding checklist. J Trauma. 2008 Jan;64(1):22-7; discussion 27-9. Diaz JJ Jr, Cullinane DC, Altman DT, Bokhari F, Cheng JS, Como J, Gunter O, Holevar M, Jerome R, Kurek SJ Jr, Lorenzo M, Mejia V, Miglietta M, O’Neill PJ, Rhee P, Sing R, Streib E, Vaslef S; EAST Practice Management Guideline Committee. Practice management guidelines for the screening of thoracolumbar spine fracture. J Trauma. 2007 Sept;63(3):709-18. Yanar H, Demetriades D, Hatzizacharia P, Nomoto S, Salim A, Inaba K, Rhee P, Chan LS. Pedestrians injured by automobiles: risk factors for cervical spine injuries. J Am Coll Surg. 2007 Dec;205(6):794-9. Epub 2007 Sept 17. Dokken B and McDonagh P. Role of Innate Immune Dysregulation in Diabetic Heart Failure. In: Immune Dysfunction and Immunotherapy in Heart Disease. Watson and Larson ed. BlackwellFutura, 2007. Oncel D, Demetriades D, Gruen P, Salim A, Inaba K, Rhee P, Browder T, Nomoto S, Chan L. Brain lobectomy for severe head injuries is not a hopeless procedure. J Trauma. 2007. Nov;63(5):1010-3. Katie Finnerty, Ji-Eun Choi, Alexandria Lau, Grace Davis Gorman, Conrad Diven, Norma Seaver, William Linak, Mark Witten and Paul McDonagh. Instillation of Coal Ash Particulate Matter and Lipopolysaccharide Produces a Systemic Inflammatory Response in Mice. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A. 70: 1957-1966, Dec 2007. Salim A, Ottochian M, Gertz RJ, Brown C, Inaba K, Teixeira PG, Rhee P, Demetriades D. Intraabdominal injury is common in blunt trauma patients who sustain spinal cord injury. Am Surg. 2007 Oct;73(10):1035-8. Mills JL, Duong ST, León LR, Goshima KR, Wendel CS, Ihnat DM, Chavez L, Zimmerman H, Pike SL. The effect of EVAR and serial surveillance contrast CT scans on long-term renal function. Journal of Vascular Surgery: in press. Rhee P, Inaba K. Coagulopathy in Trauma. Current Surgical Therapy. Cameron ed: in press. Rhee P, Holcomb J, Jenkins D. Military Trauma. Trauma. Mattox, Moore, Feliciano eds: in press. Martin M, Rhee P. Nonoperative management of blunt and penetrating abdominal injuries. Current Therapy in Trauma and Surgical Critical Care, Asensio and Trunkey eds: in press Teixeira PG, Inaba K, Hadjizacharia P, Brown C, Salim A, Rhee P, Browder T, Noguchi TT, Demetriades D. Preventable or potentially preventable mortality at a mature trauma center. J Trauma. 2007 Dec;63(6):1338-46; discussion 1346-7. Rhee P, Hadjizacharia P, Trankiem C, Chan L, Salim A, Brown C, Green D, Inaba K, Law J, Demetriades D. What happened to total parenteral nutrition? The disappearance of its use in a trauma intensive care unit. J Trauma. 2007 Dec;63(6):1215-22. Salim A, Hadjizacharia P, Brown C, Inaba K, Teixeira PG, Chan L, Rhee P, Demetriades D. Significance of troponin elevation after severe traumatic brain injury. J Trauma. 2008 Jan;64(1):46-52. Teixeira PG, Inaba K, Salim A, Brown C, Rhee P, Browder T, Belzberg H, Demetriades D. Retained foreign bodies after emergent trauma surgery: incidence after 2526 cavitary explorations. Am Surg. 2007 Oct;73(10):1031-4. Inaba K, Teixeira PG, David JS, Brown C, Salim A, Rhee P, Browder T, Dubose J, Demetriades D. Computed tomographic brain density measurement as a predictor of elevated intracranial pressure in blunt head trauma. Am Surg. 2007 Oct; 73(10):1023-6. Salim A, Martin M, Brown C, Inaba K, Browder T, Rhee P, Teixeira PG, Demetriades D. The presence of the adult respiratory distress syndrome does not worsen mortality or discharge disability in blunt trauma patients with severe traumatic brain injury. Injury. 2008 Jan;39(1):30-5. Epub 2007 Oct 24. Gigena M, Villar HV, Knowles NG, Cunningham JT, Outwater EK, León LR. A rare occurrence of antegrade intussusception after remote Whipple and Puestow procedures due to pancreas divisum. World J Gastroenterol. 2007 Nov 28;13(44): 5954-5956. Witte, MH, M Bernas: Silver bullets and shotguns in lymphedema research. Lymphology 40:1-2, 2007. Dellinger, MT, RJ Hunter, MJ Bernas, MH Witte, RP Erickson: Chy-3 mice are Vegfc haploinsufficient and exhibit defective dermal superficial to deep lymphatic transition and dermal lymphatic hypoplasia. Develop. Dynamics 236:2346-2355, 2007. Witte M, K Jones, M Bernas, CL Witte: Landmarks and advances in translational lymphology. In: Cancer Metastasis and the Lymphovascular System: Basis for Rational Therapy. Chapter 1, Leong SPL (Ed.), Springer US, 2007, pp. 1-16. Leong, SL, MH Witte: Future perspectives and unanswered questions on cancer metastasis and the lymphovascular system. In: Cancer Metastasis and the Lymphovascular System: Basis for Rational Therapy. Chapter 21, Leong SPL (Ed.), Springer US, 2007, pp. 293-296. The following were published in: Progress in Lymphology. Proc. 20th Int’l. Congress of Lymphology, Salvador, Brazil. Andrade M, MH Witte (Eds.), Lymphology 39(Suppl), 2007: Hunter, R, M Witte, M Dellinger, B Kriederman, R Zeigler, C Suri, N Gale, G Yancopoulos: The generalized hypo-dysplastic lymphaticlymphedema phenotype of angiopoietin-2 knockout mice persists throughout adulthood and is fully rescued by angiopoietin-1 knock-in. Lymphology 39(Suppl):28-30, 2007. Noon, A, R Hunter, B Kriederman, M Witte, M Bernas, M Rennels, S Enerback, N Miura, R Erickson, C Witte: Foxc2 gene insufficiency and imbalance in the genesis of the distinctive lymphatic and ocular phenotype of lymphedema-distichiasis syndrome. Lymphology 39(Suppl):31-34, 2007. Dellinger, MT, RJ Hunter, MJ Bernas, RP Erickson, MH Witte: Lymphatic phenotype of Chy-3 mice. Lymphology 39(Suppl):62-65, 2007. Jones, KA, MH Witte: Cancer and the lymphatic system. Lymphology 39(Suppl):136-140, 2007. Richards, G, M Bernas, R Hunter, B Kaylor, A Gmitro, MH Witte: Rhodamine-base optical imaging of the murine lymphatic system. Lymphology 39(Suppl): 164-165, 2007. BonHomme, KP, WH Williams, MH Witte: Muscle hypertrophy and inflammation in the lymphedematous upper extremities of women following treatment for breast cancer. Lymphology 39(Suppl): 298-303, 2007. Suri C, MH Witte: Lymphedema syndromes. In: Lang, F. (ed). Encyclopedia of Molecular Mechanisms of Disease. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg New York (in press). Witte MH, P Crown, M Bernas, CL Witte: Lessons learned from ignorance: The curriculum on medical (and other) ignorance. In: Virtues of Ignorance: Complexity, Sustainability, and the Limits of Knowledge. William Vitek and Wes Jackson, editors, University Press, University of Kentucky (in press). Witte MH, MJ Bernas, KA Northup, CL Witte: Molecular lymphology and genetics of lymphedema-angiodysplasia syndromes. In: Textbook of Lymphology, Földi M, E Földi, S Kubik (Eds), Urban & Fischer Verlag, München, Germany, (in press). Ramos, R, JB Hoying, MH Witte, WD Stamer: Schlemms’ canal endothelia, lymphatic or blood vascular? J. Glaucoma 16:391-405, 2007. 11 The University of Arizona Department of Surgery PO Box 245066 Tucson AZ 85724-5066 Presentations “The effect of EVAR and serial surveillance contrast CT scans on long-term renal function,” Duong ST ST, Mills JL JL, Goshima KR KR, León LR, Ihnat DM, Taylor Z, Chavez L, Pike SL, Zimmerman H. Abstract Book. Forum, Western Vascular Society 22nd Annual Meeting and 14th Annual Resident, Kona, Hawaii, Sept 2007. Intern International Virtual e-Hospital: The Balkans Projec Project”; “Amazon Virtual Medical Team: Telem Telemedicine in the jungle of Peru and Brazil.” Latifi, R. Distinguished Speaker, “Global Forum on Tel Telemedicine: Connecting the World through Partnerships.” First Annual ATA/TATRC MidYear Meeting, Las Vegas, Sept 2007. Latifi, R. Key Speaker, “Telemedicine and Telepresence for Trauma and Emergency Care Management: Ready for Prime Time.” Surgical Rainer Gruessner, “The Uremic Diabetic: LD kidney followed by PAK is preferred to a DD SPK Grand Rounds. Billings Clinic, Mont. Oct 2007. – PRO.” International Pancreas & Islet Transplant Latifi, R. Key Speaker, Second Intensive Balkan Association, Joint Conference Minneapolis, Sept Telemedicine and e-Health Seminar: A Three-Day 2007. Workshop on Current Principles and Practices of Rainer Gruessner, “Transplantation of Extrarenal Telemedicine and e-Health, Albania, Oct 2007. Abdominal Organs,” Grand Rounds - University “The Journey of a Foreign-trained Physician to a of New Mexico Health Sciences Center, Nov 2007. U.S. Residency”; and “Cervical Cancer in Peru,” León LR. New Orleans, 93rd American College “High velocity penetrating wounds to the of Surgeons Annual Clinical Congress: Latin neck: lessons learned from the battlefields in American Day, Oct 2007. Afghanistan and Iraq,” presentor – Hwang P, invited discussant, Surgical Forum, American College of Surgeons 93rd Annual Clinical Congress, New Orleans, Oct 2007. “Percutaneous stenting of the superficial femoral artery,” Ihnat DM, Arslan B, Taylor Z, León LR, Goshima KR, Duong ST, Mills JL. Abstract Book. Forum, Western Vascular Society 22nd Annual Meeting and 14th Annual Resident, Kona, Hawaii, Sept 2007. Latifi, R. Invited Faculty, First Annual ATA Mid-Year Meeting, Las Vegas, Sept 2007: “The “The risks of celiac artery coverage during endoluminal repair of acute and chronic thoracic aortic pathology,” León LR, Mills JL, Morasch MM, Jordan W, Kovacs ME, Becker GJ, Arslan B, Dake MD, Katzen BT. Abstract Book, First European Congress of the International Society for Vascular Surgery, Milan, Italy, Oct 2007. Abstract Book. 34th Annual VEITH symposium, 1st Poster Session, New York, Nov 14-18, 2007. New York, New York, VEITH symposium, poster presentation, Nov 2007. NONPROFIT ORG US POSTAGE PAID TUCSON AZ PERMIT NO. 190 “Is irreversible shock truly irreversible?” Shultz C, Zheng C, Sailhamer E, Rhee P, Spaniolas K, Velmahos G, De Moya M, Alam H, Surgical Forum, 93rd Annual Clinical Congress of ACS, New Orleans, Oct 2007. “RANTES and E2F1 Chemokines mediate Neuronal Apoptosis in Intractable Epilepsy,” Juan Martin Valdivia-Valdivia, Martin Weinand, Milan Fiala, presented at the Arizona Neurosurgical Society Meeting, Oct 2007. Ojeda H. “Perspectives in Bariatric Surgery” and “Development of New Devices in Surgery,” Annual Navajo Surgical Society Meeting in Flagstaff, Nov 2007. “From genes to man: The past, present and future of lymphology and the ISL,” Marlys H. Witte, Ceremonial Opening Lecture; “Heme/Lymph vasculogenesis, angiogenesis, angiotumorigenesis, and tumor angiogenesis: need for a terminology adjustment,” Marlys H. Witte, Michael Dellinger, Michael Bernas, Invited Lecturer, Session on Lymphangiogenesis; “Genetics for lymphologists,” and “The lymphatic system and cancer: Historical, biological and clinical perspectives.” Marlys H. Witte, Invited Lecture, Session on Oncolymphology and Sentinel Node. 21st International Congress of Lymphology, Shanghai, China, Sept 2007: “Groin Wound Complications Involving Vascular Grafts: The Importance Of Debridement And Sartorius Flap Coverage,” Hannah Zimmerman, Joseph Mills, presented at the Western Vascular Society, Kona, Hawaii, Sept 2007. O
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