Project Manual Project No.: 13-0553 Issue Date: December 31, 2013 Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 Construction Document Issue Volume - 1 Divisions 00-14 Procurement, Contracting, General Requirements, and General Construction (Architectural /Structural) OWNER: Cherry Creek School District No. 5 9301 East Union Avenue Greenwood Village, Colorado 80111 ARCHITECT: Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. 601 S. Broadway, Suite N Denver, Colorado 80209 Tel: (303) 861-1600 Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 SECTION 000101 - PROJECT DIRECTORY DATE: December 31, 2013 PROJECT: SMOKY HILL HIGH SCHOOL RENOVATION PHASE 2 16100 EAST SMOKY HILL ROAD AURORA, COLORADO 80015 PROJECT NO.: 13-0553 General Construction, Fire Suppression, Plumbing, HVAC, Electrical & Civil Specifications OWNER: CHERRY CREEK SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 5 9301 EAST UNION AVENUE GREENWOOD VILLAGE, COLORADO 80111 ARCHITECT: Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. 601 S. Broadway, Suite N Denver, Colorado 80209 Telephone: (303) 861-1600 Facsimile: (303) 861-1602 CONSULTING STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS: JVA, Incorporated 1319 Spruce Street Boulder, Colorado 80302 Telephone: (303) 444-1951 Facsimile: (303) 444-1957 ROOFING CONSULTANT: Foothills Roof Services, Inc. 5797 South Rapp Street, Suite B Littleton, Colorado 80120 Telephone: (303) 783-0823 Facsimile: (303) 797-6838 CONSULTING MECHANICAL / ELECTRICAL: ENGINEERS: Shaffer Baucom Engineering & Consulting 7333 West Jefferson Avenue, Suite 230 Lakewood, Colorado 80235 Telephone: (303) 986-6200 Facsimile: (303) 986-8222 PROJECT DIRECTORY 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Section 000101 - Page 1 of 2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 CONSULTING INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY: ENGINEERS: Cator, Ruma & Associates, Co. 896 Tabor Street Lakewood, Colorado 80401 Telephone: (303) 232-8200 Facsimile: (303) 561-3339 CONSULTING CIVIL ENGINEERS: Jansen Strawn Consulting Engineers, Inc. nd 45 West 2 Avenue Denver, Colorado 80223 Telephone: (303) 561-3333 Facsimile: (303) 561-3339 END OF DOCUMENT Section 000101 - Page 2 of 2 PROJECT DIRECTORY 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 SECTION 000105 – CERTIFICATIONS AND SEALS PROJECT: SMOKY HILL HIGH SCHOOL RENOVATION PHASE 2 16100 EAST SMOKY HILL ROAD AURORA, COLORADO 80015 Project No. 13-0553 ARCHITECT'S CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that Divisions 00 through 14 of this Specification were prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Colorado. Architect’s Firm Name: Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Date: December 31, 2013 CERTIFICATIONS AND SEALS 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Seal Section 000105 - Page 1 of 8 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 (This Page Left Intentionally Blank) Section 000105 - Page 2 of 8 CERTIFICATIONS AND SEALS 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 FIRE SUPPRESSION ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that Division 21 Sections of this Specification were prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Colorado. Engineer’s Firm Name: Shaffer Baucom Engineering & Consulting Seal Date: December 31, 2013 PLUMBING ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that Division 22 Sections of this Specification were prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Colorado. Engineer’s Firm Name: Shaffer Baucom Engineering & Consulting Seal Date: December 31, 2013 HVAC ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that Division 23 Sections of this Specification were prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Colorado. Engineer’s Firm Name: Shaffer Baucom Engineering & Consulting Seal Date: December 31, 2013 CERTIFICATIONS AND SEALS 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Section 000105 - Page 3 of 8 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 (This Page Left Intentionally Blank) Section 000105 - Page 4 of 8 CERTIFICATIONS AND SEALS 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 ELECTRICAL ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that Divisions 26 and 28 Sections of this Specification were prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Colorado. Electrical Engineer’s Firm Name: Shaffer Baucom Engineering & Consulting Engineer’s Printed Name: Engineer’s Signature: Seal Date: December 31, 2013 Registration No. CERTIFICATIONS AND SEALS 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. . Section 000105 - Page 5 of 8 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 (This Page Left Intentionally Blank) Section 000105 - Page 6 of 8 CERTIFICATIONS AND SEALS 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 CIVIL ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that Division 32 Sections of this Specification were prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Colorado. Civil Engineer’s Firm Name: Jansen Strawn Seal Date: December 31, 2013 END OF SECTION 000105 CERTIFICATIONS AND SEALS 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Section 000105 - Page 7 of 8 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 (This Page Left Intentionally Blank) Section 000105 - Page 8 of 8 CERTIFICATIONS AND SEALS 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 SECTION 000110 – TABLE OF CONTENTS VOLUME - 1 INTRODUCTORY INFORMATION ***** 00 0101 00 0105 00 0110 Cover Sheet Project Directory Certification and Seals Table of Contents DIVISION 00 - PROCUREMENT AND CONTRACTING REQUIREMENTS 00 1113 00 2113 00 4113 00 4313 00 4323 00 5213 00 5263 00 6113 00 7200 00 7300 Advertisement for Bids Instructions to Bidders General Contract Bid Form - Base Bid Bid Bond Attachment to General Contract Bid Form - Alternates and Unit Prices Form of Agreement Assignment of Suppliers' Contracts Performance and Payment Bond Attachment: AIA Document A312 General Conditions Supplementary Conditions SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 01 - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 01 1100 01 2000 01 2200 01 2300 01 3100 01 3110 01 3116 01 3216 01 3300 01 3323 01 3516 01 4100 01 4219 01 4500 01 5010 01 6000 01 7300 01 7400 01 7700 Summary of Work Price and Payment Procedures Unit Prices Alternates Project Management and Coordination Project Meetings Mechanical and Electrical Coordination Construction Progress Schedule Submittals Attachments: Sample Schedule and Log of Selected Submittals Shop Drawings, Product Data, and Samples Alteration Project Procedures Regulatory Requirements Reference Standards Quality Control Construction Facilities and Temporary Controls Material and Equipment Cutting and Patching Final Cleaning Contract Closeout Requirements, Intermediate and Final DIVISION 02 – EXISTING CONDITIONS 02 4100 Selective Demolition TABLE OF CONTENTS 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Section 000110 - Page 1 of 6 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 DIVISION 03 - CONCRETE 03 3000 Cast-In-Place Concrete (See Structural Drawing Notes) DIVISION 04 - MASONRY 04 2000 Unit Masonry DIVISION 05 - METALS 05 5000 Metal Fabrications DIVISION 06 - WOOD PLASTICS, AND COMPOSITES 06 1000 06 2000 06 4100 Rough Carpentry Finish Carpentry Architectural Wood Casework DIVISION 07 - THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTION 07 1050 07 2100 07 2210 07 5350 07 6100 07 6200 07 7200 07 8100 07 8400 07 9005 Minor Demolition and Renovation for Reroofing Work By Foothills Roof Services, Inc. Thermal Insulation Roof and Deck Insulation By Foothills Roof Services, Inc. EPDM Membrane Roofing By Foothills Roof Services, Inc. Preformed Metal Standing Seam Roofing By Foothills Roof Services, Inc. Flashing and Sheet Metal Trim By Foothills Roof Services, Inc. Roof Accessories Applied Fireproofing Firestopping Joint Sealers DIVISION 08 - OPENINGS 08 1113 08 1416 08 3313 08 4313 08 4500 08 7100 08 8000 08 9100 Hollow Metal Doors and Frames Flush Wood Doors Coiling Counter Doors (Not Issued) Aluminum-Framed Storefronts Translucent Wall and Roof Assemblies Door Hardware Glazing Louvers (Not Issued) Section 000110 - Page 2 of 6 TABLE OF CONTENTS 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 DIVISION 09 - FINISHES 09 2116 09 5100 09 6500 09 6800 09 6813 09 9000 Gypsum Board Systems Acoustical Ceilings Resilient Flooring Carpeting Tile Carpeting Painting and Coating DIVISION 10 - SPECIALTIES 10 1101 10 1400 10 5100 Visual Display Boards Signage Lockers DIVISION 11 - EQUIPMENT 11 5213 Projection Screens (Not Issued) DIVISION 12 - FURNISHINGS 12 3216 12 3600 12 6100 Manufactured Plastic-Laminate Clad Casework Countertops Fixed Audience Seating DIVISION 13 - SPECIALTIES (Not Used) DIVISION 14 - CONVEYING SYSTEMS 14 2400 Hydraulic Elevator Modernization (Not Issued) TABLE OF CONTENTS 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Section 000110 - Page 3 of 6 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 VOLUME - 2 INTRODUCTORY INFORMATION ***** 00 0101 00 0110 Cover Sheet Project Directory Table of Contents Unless otherwise indicated, Division 21 - 28 Sections below are provided by Shaffer Baucom Engineering & Consulting. DIVISION 21 - FIRE SUPPRESSION 21 0100 21 0500 21 1000 Basic Requirements for Fire Suppression Systems Common Work Results for Fire Suppression Water-Based Fire-Suppression Systems DIVISION 22 - PLUMBING 22 0100 22 0500 22 0523 22 0529 22 0553 22 0700 22 1116 22 1119 22 1316 22 1319 22 1413 22 1429 22 4000 22 4700 Basic Requirements for Plumbing Common Work Results for Plumbing General-Duty Valves for Plumbing Piping Hangers and Supports for Plumbing Piping and Equipment Identification for Plumbing Piping and Equipment Plumbing Insulation Domestic Water Piping Domestic Water Piping Specialties Sanitary Waste and Vent Piping Sanitary Waste Piping Specialties Facility Storm Drainage Piping Sump Pumps Plumbing Fixtures Drinking Fountains and Water Coolers DIVISION 23 - HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING 23 0100 23 0500 23 0513 23 0514 23 0519 23 0523 23 0529 23 0553 23 0593 23 0700 23 0900 23 0933 231123 232113 23 2123 23 2500 23 3113 233300 Basic HVAC Requirements Common Work Results for HVAC Common Motor Requirements for HVAC Equipment Enclosed Motor Controllers Meters and Gages for HVAC Piping General-Duty Valves for HVAC Piping Hangers and Supports for HVAC Piping and Equipment Identification for HVAC Piping and Equipment Testing, Adjusting, and Balancing For HVAC HVAC Insulation Instrumentation and Control for HVAC Sequence of Operations for HVAC Controls Facility Natural Gas Piping Hydronic Piping Hydronic Pumps HVAC Water Treatment Metal Ducts Air Duct Accessories Section 000110 - Page 4 of 6 TABLE OF CONTENTS 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 23 3433 23 3600 23 3713 23 6416 23 6500 23 7413 23 7433 23 8126 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 Air Curtains Air Terminal Units Diffusers, Registers, and Grilles Centrifugal Water Chillers Cooling Towers Packaged, Outdoor, Central-Station Air-Handling Units Packaged, Outdoor, Heating and Cooling Makeup Air-Conditioners Split-System Air-Conditioners DIVISION 26 - ELECTRICAL 26 0500 26 0510 26 0526 26 0548 26 0573 26 2416 262726 26 2813 262815 262816 26 5100 26 5561 Common Work Results for Electrical Basic Electrical Materials Grounding and Bonding for Electrical Systems Vibration and Seismic Controls for Electrical Systems Power Distribution Study Panelboards Wiring Devices Fuses Electrical Connections for Equipment Enclosed Switches and Circuit Breakers Lighting Theatrical Lighting DIVISION 27 - COMMUNICATIONS 27 0500 27 1000 27 5115 Common Work Results for Communications Structured Cabling Systems By Cator, Ruma & Associates, Co. Auditorium Sound DIVISION 28 - ELECTRONIC SAFETY AND SECURITY 28 0500 28 3100 Common Work Results for Electronic Safety and Security Fire Detection and Alarm DIVISION 31 - EARTHWORK (Not Issued) Unless otherwise indicated, Division 32 Sections below are provided by Jansen Strawn Consulting Engineers, Inc. DIVISION 32 - EXTERIOR IMPROVEMENTS 32 1216 32 1313 Asphalt Paving Concrete Paving TABLE OF CONTENTS 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Section 000110 - Page 5 of 6 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 DIVISION 33 - UTILITIES (Not Issued) END OF TABLE OF CONTENTS Section 000110 - Page 6 of 6 TABLE OF CONTENTS 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 DOCUMENT 00 1113 - ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Sealed bids will be received from prequalified General Contractors by Cherry Creek School District No. 5, Arapahoe County, Colorado, at the Maintenance West Building, 9301 E. Union Ave., Greenwood Village, Colorado 80111, up to: For Base Bid: For Alternates: Bid Opening for Base Bid and Alternates: 2:00 P.M., Thursday, January 30, 2014 3:00 P.M., Thursday, January 30, 2014 3:00 P.M., Thursday, January 30, 2014 For: SMOKY HILL HIGH SCHOOL – RENOVATION PHASE 2 Bids will be opened and read aloud at closing time. Any bid received after the closing time will be returned unopened. Bids shall be submitted on form supplied by the Architect. All blank spaces in this form must be correctly filled in with ink or typewriter. In case of a difference in written words and numerals in a proposal, the amount stated in written words shall govern, unless obviously incorrect. Proposal shall be submitted in an opaque envelope addressed as follows: BIDS BY: TIME: PROJECT: TO: (name and address of bidder) 2:00 P.M. Base Bids / 3:00 P.M. Alternate Bids, Thursday, January 30, 2014 SMOKY HILL HIGH SCHOOL – RENOVATION PHASE 2 Board of Education Cherry Creek School District No. 5 Arapahoe County, Colorado c/o Office of the Superintendent All bids shall be accompanied by an acceptable bid bond, certified check, or cashier's check in an amount equal to at least 5% of the base bid proposal payable without condition to the School District as a guarantee that the Bidder, if awarded the contract, will promptly execute such contract in accordance with the Proposal and in the manner and form required by the Contract Documents and will furnish good and sufficient bond for faithful performance. Bid security of the three lowest bidders will be retained until contract is awarded. The Bidder to whom the work is awarded will be required to execute three (3) copies of the formal agreement with the School District, on forms supplied by Cherry Creek School District No. 5; to furnish at the Bidder's expense, three (3) fully executed copies of the Contractor's Performance Bond and Payment Bond, and furnish the requisite Certificates of Insurance within five (5) days from the date of the Notice of Award. Each Bidder is required to utilize local sources of labor and material insofar as possible, consistent with the requirements of the Contract Documents. The Contractor must abide by the State Wage Law and with local labor laws. Colorado labor shall be employed to an extent of not less than 80% of skilled and common labor. ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Section 00 1113 - Page 1 of 2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 General Contractors will be allowed one Compact Disc (CD) of bidding documents in PDF format, including Drawing and Project Manual. All subcontractors bidding the work may obtain electronic copies of the bidding documents in PDF format from Cuningham Group Architects, Inc., the prequalified General Contractors or Plan Rooms listed in the Project Manual. The Bidder to whom the contract is awarded will be furnished with 20 printed sets of the construction documents modified to include all changes issued by addenda for use during construction. The School District reserves the right to reject any or all bids, to waive informalities, and to accept any bid deemed desirable. Dr. Harry C. Bull, Jr. Superintendent Cherry Creek School District No. 5 Arapahoe County, Colorado END OF DOCUMENT 00 1113 Section 00 1113 - Page 2 of 2 ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 DOCUMENT 00 2113 - INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 1.1 BIDDERS A. Bids will be accepted only from an invited list of General Contractors prequalified by the School District. Prequalified General Contractors are as follows: 1. General Contractors: Adolfson & Peterson Construction Bassett & Associates GH Phipps Construction Companies Kiewit Contractors Nunn Construction, Inc. Pinkard Construction B. General Contractors may solicit bids from Subcontractors previously prequalified with the School District. 1. Mechanical/Plumbing Contractors: Apollo Mechanical Contractors Braconier Central Mechanical Cobb Mechanical Contractors Heating & Plumbing Engineers, Inc. Kimmel Mechanical Mechanical Technologies Group (MTech) Midlands Mechanical Trautman & Shreve U.S. Engineering 2. Electrical Subcontractors: ADK Allied Power Services Duro Electric Encore Electric Kenny Electric Lakewood Electric Piper Electric Weifield Group Contracting 3. Masonry Subcontractors: Ammex Masonry, Inc. B-W Masonry, Inc. C. Morgen Masonry Division IV Glover Masonry JVS Masonry INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Section 002113 - Page 1 of 8 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 4. Steel Fabrication Subcontractors: Front Range Steel General Iron Steel Midwest Steel Works Rocky Mountain Steel Steel Fabricators Zimkor 5. Roofing Subcontractors: Alpine Roofing Arapahoe Roofing & Sheet Metal B&M Roofing of Colorado, Inc D&D Roofing Douglass – Colony Group Superior Roofing, Inc Turner Morris Roofing 6. Gypsum Board/Metal Studs Contractors: Applied Drywall Concepts C&S Drywall, Inc. Corcoran Company E & K Companies John Low, LPD KM Construction Services Lundquist Associates O’Brien Plastering Company Spacecon Specialty Contractors 7. Glass and Glazing Subcontractors: Ken Caryl Glass EAP Glass, Inc. Horizon Glass & Glazing, Inc. Ken Caryl Glass 8. Floor Covering Subcontractors: Colorado Floorworks Gary Leimer, Inc. Midwest Sales Next Generation Surfaces Spectra Contract Flooring 1.2 BIDDING INFORMATION A. Bid proposals for furnishing all labor and materials required for the work on this project shall be received and publicly read aloud at the time, date, and place indicated in Document 00 1113. B. The bidder shall fill in all blank spaces on the Bid Forms (Documents 00 4113 and 00 4323). C. Unsolicited Alternates will not be entertained. See Article 1.14 for substitutions. D. Submit bid proposal on forms provided by Owner. Seal the bid proposal forms in an envelope addressed to the Owner and plainly mark the outside of the envelope with the name and address of the bidder, time set for the opening of bids, project name, and the name of the addressee. One (1) original copy of the bid proposal forms and documents shall be submitted. Do not remove bid forms from the Project Manual, the Architect will issue bid proposal forms for the use of bidders by Addendum. Section 002113 - Page 2 of 8 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 E. If a bidder submits his bid proposal by mail, he shall enclose the above described sealed envelope in a second envelope addressed to the Owner having the bidder's return address in the upper left hand corner. The Officer, whose duty it is to open the bids, will decide when the bid opening is at hand and no bid received thereafter will be considered. The Owner or Architect will not be responsible for the premature opening of any bid that is not properly addressed and identified. F. Do not remove proposal forms from this Project Manual. G. Any bid proposal improperly completed or modified in any respect will be subject to rejection. Each bid shall specify a price, written in ink or typewritten, in both words and figures of each of the separate items required. In case of discrepancy between the written words and the figures, the written words shall govern. H. If the party bidding is an incorporated body, the bid proposal shall be signed by the President and Secretary or a duly authorized agent and be accompanied by the corporation seal. If not a corporation, all interested parties must sign the proposal. I. The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all bid proposals and to waive informalities and irregularities. In that event, bid guarantees from the bidder(s) will be returned. J. The awarded Contractor shall be responsible for the tax-exempt number. No sales, RTD, or municipal taxes are to be included in the bid. . 1.3 BID GUARANTEE A. Each bid proposal shall be accompanied by a bid bond, a certified check, or a cashier's check, payable to the Owner, without condition, in an amount equal to five percent (5%) of the base bid proposal, as a guarantee that the bidder, if notified of acceptance, will promptly enter into a contract with the Owner and will provide Performance and Payment Bonds and Certificates of Insurance within ten (10) days from the date of the Notice of Award of the Contract. B. Bid guarantees will be returned to all unsuccessful bidders within sixty (60) days after the opening of bids. The bid guarantee of the three low bidders will be returned promptly after the Owner and the apparent low bidder have executed the Contracts, or, if no award has been made within forty-five (45) days after the date of the opening of the bids, upon demand of the bidder at any time thereafter, so long as he has not been notified of the acceptance of his bid. C. In the event the bidder whose proposal is accepted fails to execute the Contract or supply proper bonds and certificates, his bid guarantee shall be forfeited in full to the Owner as liquidated damages for the delay and extra work entailed thereby. 1.4 EXAMINATION OF SITE AND CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS A. 1.5 Prior to submitting bid proposal, each bidder shall examine the site of the project, compare it with the Construction Documents, and be satisfied as to the existing conditions under which the work shall be accomplished. No allowances will be made in behalf of a bidder for any error or negligence in determining these conditions, and / or, scope of work. Refer also to Article 1.16 for mandatory prebid meeting. INTERPRETATION OF DOCUMENTS A. No interpretation of the drawings, specifications, or other documents will be made to any bidder orally. Only interpretations made in conformity with the following procedure shall be valid. B. Each request for interpretation shall be in writing, addressed to Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc., 601 S. Broadway, Suite N, Denver, Colorado 80209. INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Section 002113 - Page 3 of 8 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 C. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 To be given consideration, requests must be received before: 12:00 Noon, Seven Calendar Days prior to Date of Bid Opening D. 1.6 Responses to interpretations and supplemental instructions will be issued by the Architect in the form of written Addenda. CONSULTANTS A. As a matter of identification, the name of consultants employed by the Architect for various portions of the work are listed in the Project Manual. Bidders or material suppliers shall not communicate directly with any of the consultants without the permission of the Architect. B. All questions and requests for decisions or interpretations needed from the consultants shall be directed to the Architect, who if he deems it advisable, will confer with the consultants regarding the item. 1.7 EXAMINATION OF SITE AND CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS A. 1.8 Prior to submitted proposal for this project, each bidder, shall have examined the site(s) of the work, compared them with the drawings and specifications and satisfied him / herself as to the existing conditions under which he / she will be required to work or that will affect the work under his / her contract. No allowances will be made in behalf of a bidder for any error or negligence in determining these conditions, and / or, scope of work. ADDENDA A. 1.9 Contractor shall acknowledge any Addenda issued during the bidding period on the bid forms in the spaces provided. Failure of a bidder to receive any Addenda shall not release the bidder from any obligations under his bid, provided said Addendum was sent by U.S. Mail, Express Mail, or Facsimile to the address furnished by the bidder for delivery or transmittal of Addenda. All Addenda so issued shall become a part of the Contract Documents. INTERPRETATION OF QUOTED PRICES A. 1.10 A. 1.11 A. In case of a difference in written words and figures on the Bid Form, the amount stated in written words shall govern, unless obviously incorrect. DELIVERY The bidder is responsible for delivering the bid proposal to the proper place at the proper time. The mere fact that a proposal was dispatched will not be considered. The bidder must have the bid proposal actually delivered. TELEGRAPHIC MODIFICATIONS A bidder may modify his bid by telegraphic communication at any time prior to the scheduled closing time for receipt of bids, provided such telegraphic communication is received by the Owner prior to said closing time, and provided further, the Owner is satisfied that a written confirmation of such telegraphic modification over the signature of the bidder was mailed prior to said closing time. If such written confirmation is not received within 48 hours from said closing time, no consideration will be given to the telegraphic modification. Telephonic bids will not be considered and telegraphic modifications will be considered only if clear and concise. Section 002113 - Page 4 of 8 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 1.12 A. 1.13 A. Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 CONTRACTS Work for this project shall be executed under one prime construction contract between the Owner and the Contractor. Refer to Document 00 5213. PERFORMANCE, LABOR AND MATERIAL, PAYMENT BONDS, AND INSURANCE CERTIFICATES General Contractor: 1. Performance Bond and Payment Bond are required. Refer to Document 00 6113. 2. General Liability, Auto Liability and Workmen's Compensation Insurance Certificates are required. Refer to Document 00 7300, Supplementary Conditions for insurance requirements. B. Subcontractors: Subcontractors bidding on the following work shall submit with their proposals to the General Contractor a letter from their bonding company stating that the bonding company will furnish a 100% Performance Bond and Labor and Material Payment Bond for the work of the subcontractor if the subcontractor submits the low responsive bid. Such bonds will be issued in favor of the General Contractor. Cost of such bonds shall be included in the subcontractor's bid. Submittal of a copy of the subcontractor's performance bond and labor and material payment bond are required prior to the certification by the Architect of the first payment to the General Contractor. Bonds shall be required of the following subcontractors: 1. Membrane Roofing 2. Mechanical 3. Electrical 1.14 A. 1.15 COORDINATION OF WORK Contractor and all subcontractors shall, jointly and severally, coordinate the various portions of the work for installation procedures, shop drawings, and final installation of all related materials. Responsibility for enforcing coordination requirements shall rest solely with the Contractor. SUBSTITUTIONS A. Each bidder represents that the bid is based on the materials and equipment described in the Contract Documents. B. Direct reference in the specifications or drawings to any article, device, product, materials, fixture, form or type of construction, by name, make, or catalog number, with or without the words "or equivalent" or "or approved substitute", shall be interpreted as establishing a standard of quality and shall not be construed as limiting competition. The Contractor in such cases may, at his option, use any article, device, product, material, fixtures, form or type of construction which is deemed, in the judgment of the Architect and expressed in writing, as an equivalent to that named. C. In order to allow the fullest competition, consistent with the Owner's interest, the Architect will give consideration, prior to submission of bid proposals, to requests for approval of products competitive with and similar to those specified by proprietary name. To be considered for approval, all substitution requests shall: 1. Be in writing. 2. Be delivered to the Architect's office at least seven (7) calendar days prior to date of bid opening. Requests for approval after the above date will not be considered. 3. Be accompanied by complete technical data, including laboratory reports, if applicable, on the proposed product. Each item proposed for substitution shall be clearly identified. INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Section 002113 - Page 5 of 8 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 4. Submit listing of local installations where proposed products have been provided, include names and phone numbers of references familiar with the installation and performance of products. 5. Explain fully the differences, if any, between the proposed product and the product named in the Specifications. 6. State any time implications of the use of the proposed substitution. 7. Give complete information on changes, in the event the proposed product requires for its proper initiation, any change to the drawings or specifications for related work. D. If the request has been submitted in compliance with the above stated requirements and if the Architect and the Owner decide the proposed product is of equivalent value to the products named in the Specifications as suitable in every respect for use in the project, the Architect will accept the item and list it in an Addendum which will be sent to all parties who have received complete sets of the Contract Documents. E. Attention is called to the fact that prior approval is required only for substitution of those products not specified by proprietary name or as an approved manufacturer. Manufacturers and systems listed within a specification section are acceptable subject to their fully meeting the detail requirements of that particular section. No increase in the Contract Sum will be considered whether or not the request for substitution is approved. 1.16 A. PRE-BID CONFERENCE A mandatory Pre-Bid Conference will be held in the Smoky Hill High School, 16100 East Smoky Hill Road, Aurora, CO 80015, at 2:30 P.M. on Tuesday, January 14, 2014. Attendance is mandatory for the following pre-qualified bidders: 1. General Contractors. 2. Mechanical/ Plumbing Subcontractors. 3. Electrical Subcontractors. 4. Roofing Subcontractors 1.17 A. 1.18 A. METHOD OF AWARD The Owner will consider both Base Bid and Alternates amounts in making award. If bids exceed the funds available, the Owner may reject all bids or may enter into negotiations with the selected bidder(s). TIME OF COMPLETION AND LIQUIDATED DAMAGES The Contractor must agree to commence work within seven (7) days following receipt of a written “Notice to Proceed”. Such notice will be issued by the Architect within thirty (30) days after the date of opening of the bids provided the Contractor has fulfilled all requirements necessary for execution of the Contract and provided the bid does not exceed the funds available for the project. 1. The Owner desires all work as shown on the drawings and specifications to be substantially complete on or before August 1, 2014. The Contractor agrees to substantially complete the work on or before the above date and failing to meet that date, agrees to pay the Owner as liquidated damages the sum of Five Thousand and No/100 Dollars ($5,000.00) for each consecutive calendar day thereafter that the work is not substantially complete. Section 002113 - Page 6 of 8 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 1.19 A. 1.20 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 PARTIAL INFORMATION Partial sets of the Drawings and Specifications will not be issued by the Architect. The Architect and Owner disclaim any and all responsibility for errors or omissions made by parties using partial information in compiling their proposals. LIST OF SUBCONTRACTORS AND MATERIAL SUPPLIERS A. Each bidder shall indicate on the Bid Form, in the spaces provided, the names of the subcontractors he intends to employ in the event his bid is accepted. B. Within five (5) days following the opening of bids and prior to the award of a Contract, the apparent low bidder shall submit in triplicate, a full and complete list of subcontractors and material suppliers intended for employ on the work in the event the bid is accepted. C. The list of material suppliers shall include the manufacturer’s name and descriptive data of the materials to be furnished. When said list is approved and contract is awarded, the list shall not be changed except upon written approval from the Architect. 1.21 A. STATE AND LOCAL LAWS Bidders are expected to familiarize themselves with the laws and acts of the State of Colorado and the ordinances of the city or county in which the project is located. END OF DOCUMENT 00 2113 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Section 002113 - Page 7 of 8 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 (This Page Left Intentionally Blank) Section 002113 - Page 8 of 8 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 BID PROPOSAL NO. 1 THE BOARD OF EDUCATION CHERRY CREEK SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 5 GREENWOOD VILLAGE, COLORADO 80111 Date: ________________ DOCUMENT 00 4113 – GENERAL CONTRACT BID FORM – BASE BID PROJECT NAME: SMOKY HILL HIGH SCHOOL RENOVATION PHASE 2 Cherry Creek School District No. 5 TO: The Board of Education Cherry Creek School District No. 5 4700 South Yosemite Street Arapahoe County, CO 80111 FROM: Bidder Address City / State / Zip Operating as an individual, a Company, a Corporation (strike out conditions which do not apply) organized and existing under the laws of the State of ___________________, or a Proprietorship, a Partnership, or Joint Venture (strike out conditions which do not apply) consisting of: BASE BID PROPOSAL The undersigned declares that he has carefully examined the Project Manual, all Sites and Bidding Documents, and proposes and agrees to provide all coordination, labor, materials, plant equipment, transportation, and other facilities required to execute all the work described by such Documents for the lump sum consideration: Dollars ($ GENERAL CONTRACT BID FORM – BASE BID 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. ) Document 00 4113 - Page 1 of 4 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 SUPPLIERS’ CONTRACTS The undersigned acknowledges that the following amounts are included in the above Base Bid Proposal and that the Suppliers’ Contract for each item listed below will be assigned to the General Contractor who will assure complete responsibility for the performance and payment of each item. TEMPERATURE CONTROL SYSTEM AND INSTALLATION Dollars ($ ) BUILDING SECURITY SYSTEM CAMERA AND DATA CABLE REPLACEMENT costs are to be included in the Base Bid. For the purposes of the Owner’s internal accounting, the Owner wishes to know the lump sum cost for this work, as described in the Construction Documents. This number is for accounting purposes only, and will not be used in evaluating the bids. Dollars ($ ) SUBCONTRACTORS If awarded a contract for this project, undersigned agrees to employ the following subcontractors: MECHANICAL / PLUMBING: ELECTRICAL: MEMBRANE ROOFING: GYPSUM BOARD / METAL STUDS: GLAZING: FLOORING: Document 00 4113 - Page 2 of 4 GENERAL CONTRACT BID FORM – BASE BID 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 ADDENDA ACKNOWLEDGMENT The undersigned acknowledges receipt of the following Addenda: ADDENDUM NUMBER DATE OF ADDENDUM NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE The undersigned agrees that upon acceptance of his bid, he will execute a Contract with the Owner and will deliver a Surety Bond for the faithful performance of his Contract, and such other bonds and insurance as may be required by the Specifications and other Construction Documents. Costs of all bonds and insurance are included in Base Bid Sum. COMPLETION If a Notice of Award is issued within thirty (30) calendar days following date of bid opening, the undersigned agrees to the following: 1. All work as shown on the drawings and specifications to be substantially complete on or before August 1, 2014. The Contractor agrees to substantially complete the work on or before the above date and failing to meet that date, agrees to pay the Owner as liquidated damages the sum of Five Thousand and No/100 Dollars ($5,000.00) for each consecutive calendar day thereafter that the work is not substantially complete. GENERAL CONTRACT BID FORM – BASE BID 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Document 00 4113 - Page 3 of 4 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 GENERAL STATEMENT The undersigned has checked the above figures, and understands that the Owner and Architect will not be responsible for any errors or omissions on the part of the undersigned in preparing this Proposal. In submitting this Proposal, it is understood that the right is reserved by the Owner to reject any or all bids and to waive all informalities in connection therewith. It is agreed that this Proposal may not be withdrawn for a period of forty-five (45) days from date of opening of bids. The undersigned declares that the person or persons signing this Proposal is/are fully authorized to sign on behalf of the firm listed and to fully bind the firm listed to all the Proposal's conditions and provisions. It is agreed that no person or persons or company other than the firm listed below or as otherwise indicated has any interest whatsoever in this Proposal or the Contract that may be entered into as a result of this Proposal and that in all respects the Proposal is legal and firm, submitted in good faith without collusion or fraud. It is agreed that the undersigned has complied and will comply with all requirements of local, state, and national laws, and that no legal requirements have been or will be violated in making or accepting this Proposal, or in the prosecution of the work required. Submitted this ______ day of , 2014. (Firm Name) (Address) (Signature) (Name Typed) (Title) Use below if additional signatures are required (Signature) (Name Typed) (Title) S E A L (If Bidder is Corporation) END OF DOCUMENT 00 4113 Document 00 4113 - Page 4 of 4 GENERAL CONTRACT BID FORM – BASE BID 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 DOCUMENT 00 4313 – BID BOND KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that we , a Corporation existing under the laws of the State of , or a Partnership, consisting of or an individual, doing business as , as Principal, and as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto the , as Obligee, in the penal Sum of , Dollars ($ ), for payment of which the Principal and the Surety bind themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. SIGNED AND SEALED THIS DAY OF 2014. This condition of this obligation is such that whereas the Principal is herewith submitting its proposal to the Obligee, acting by and through its (Executive Officer or Owner of Bidding Entity), on a Contract for: SMOKY HILL HIGH SCHOOL - RENOVATION PHASE 2 NOW THEREFORE, if the Principal shall not withdraw said bid within sixty (60) days after the opening of the same, and shall within the period specified therefore, or if no period be specified, within ten (10) days after the prescribed forms are presented to him for signatures, execute such further contractual documents, as may be required by the terms of the bid as accepted and give bonds with good and sufficient surety, as may be required, for the faithful performance and proper fulfillment of the resulting Contract, and for the protection of all persons supplying labor and materials in the prosecution of the work provided for in such Contract, or in the event of the withdrawal of said bid within the period specified, or the failure to enter into such Contract and give such bonds within the time specified, if the Principal shall pay the Obligee the difference between the amount specified in said bid and the amount for which the Obligee may procure the required work, supplies, and services, if the latter amount be in excess of the former, then the above obligation shall be voided and of no effect, otherwise to remain in full force and virtue. IN WITNESS: INDIVIDUAL PRINCIPALS: (Seal) (Seal) BID BOND 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Section 00 4313 - Page 1 of 2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 ATTEST: Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 CORPORATE PRINCIPALS: (Business address) By (Seal) Title ATTEST: CORPORATE SURETY: (Business address) (Seal) By END OF DOCUMENT 00 4313 Section 00 4313 - Page 2 of 2 BID BOND 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 BID PROPOSAL NO. 2 THE BOARD OF EDUCATION CHERRY CREEK SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 5 GREENWOOD VILLAGE, COLORADO 80111 Date: ________________ DOCUMENT 00 4323 ATTACHMENT TO GENERAL CONTRACT BID FORM ALTERNATES AND UNIT PRICES PROJECT NAME: SMOKY HILL HIGH SCHOOL RENOVATION PHASE 2 Cherry Creek School District No. 5 TO: The Board of Education Cherry Creek School District No. 5 4700 South Yosemite Street Arapahoe County, CO 80111 FROM: Bidder Address City / State / Zip 1.1 ALTERNATES - GENERAL A. The undersigned Bidder proposes the amount below be added to or deducted from the Base Bid if particular alternates are accepted by Owner. Amounts listed for each alternate include costs of related coordination, modification, or adjustment. B. If the alternate does not affect the Contract Sum, the Bidder shall indicate "NO CHANGE." C. The Bidder shall be responsible for determining from the Contract Documents the affects of each alternate on the Contract Time and the Contract Sum. D. Owner reserves the right to accept or reject any alternate, in any order, and to award or amend the Contract accordingly within 45 days of the Notice of Award unless otherwise indicated in the Contract Documents. E. Acceptance or non-acceptance of any alternates by the Owner shall have no affect on the Contract Time. ATTACHMENT TO GENERAL CONTRACT BID FORM - ALTERNATES AND UNIT PRICES 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Document 00 4323 - Page 1 of 6 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 F. 1.2 Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 Having carefully examined the Project Manual, Bidding and Construction Documents entitled SMOKY HILL HIGH SCHOOL – RENOVATION PHASE 2 as prepared by Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc., as well as the premises and conditions affecting the work, the undersigned proposes and agrees to furnish coordination, labor, materials, plant, equipment, transportation and other facilities required to execute the Alternate and Unit Price work in strict accordance with Sections 01 2200 and 01 2300 for the consideration of the following amounts: SCHEDULE OF ALTERNATES A. B. C. Alternate No. C-1: Asphalt mill and overlay: ADD____ DEDUCT____ NO CHANGE____ NOT APPLICABLE____. Dollars ($ ). Dollars ($ ). Alternate No. C-2: Site Stair Modification: ADD____ DEDUCT____ NO CHANGE____ NOT APPLICABLE____. Alternate No. AR-1: Omit I-15, I-C100C Security Desk addition and I-K16, I-J100A Access Controlled Vestibule remodel: ADD____ DEDUCT____ NO CHANGE____ NOT APPLICABLE____. Dollars ($ D. E. F. G. H. ). Alternate No. AR-2: Omit I-814, I-815, I-816 Digital Lab remodel and I-K26, I-K26A, I-K26B, IK26C, I-K24, I-K25 Nurse’s Office relocation: ADD____ DEDUCT____ NO CHANGE____ NOT APPLICABLE____. Dollars ($ ). Dollars ($ ). Dollars ($ ). Dollars ($ ). Dollars ($ ). Alternate No. AR-3: Omit Locker Replacement: ADD____ DEDUCT____ NO CHANGE____ NOT APPLICABLE____. Alternate No. AR-4: Omit I-803E Auto Shop Classroom remodel: ADD____ DEDUCT____ NO CHANGE____ NOT APPLICABLE____. Alternate No. AR-5: Omit Main Office remodel: ADD____ DEDUCT____ NO CHANGE____ NOT APPLICABLE____. Alternate No. AR-6: Omit II-B103A Science Collaboration Space remodel: ADD____ DEDUCT____ NO CHANGE____ NOT APPLICABLE____. Document 00 4323 - Page 2 of 6 ATTACHMENT TO GENERAL CONTRACT BID FORM - ALTERNATES AND UNIT PRICES 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 I. J. K. L. M. N. O. P. Q. R. Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 Alternate No. AR-7: Omit II-611, II-612 Office remodel and II-603, II-605, II-605A, II-608 STEM Classroom remodel: ADD____ DEDUCT____ NO CHANGE____ NOT APPLICABLE____. Dollars ($ ). Dollars ($ ). Dollars ($ ). Dollars ($ ). Dollars ($ ). Dollars ($ ). Dollars ($ ). Dollars ($ ). Dollars ($ ). Dollars ($ ). Alternate No. AR-8: Omit II-209 Bio-technology Lab remodel: ADD____ DEDUCT____ NO CHANGE____ NOT APPLICABLE____. Alternate No. AR-9: Omit Cafeteria Storefront: ADD____ DEDUCT____ NO CHANGE____ NOT APPLICABLE____. Alternate No. AR-10: Omit Classroom Wing Storefront: ADD____ DEDUCT____ NO CHANGE____ NOT APPLICABLE____. Alternate No. AR-11: Omit Elevator Modernization: ADD____ DEDUCT____ NO CHANGE____ NOT APPLICABLE____. Alternate No. AR-12: Omit Skylight Replacement: ADD____ DEDUCT____ NO CHANGE____ NOT APPLICABLE____. Alternate No. AR-13: Omit Existing Door Hardware Replacement: ADD____ DEDUCT____ NO CHANGE____ NOT APPLICABLE____. Alternate No. AR-14: Carpet Replacement: ADD____ DEDUCT____ NO CHANGE____ NOT APPLICABLE____. Alternate No. M-1: Add AHU-21 Replacement: ADD____ DEDUCT____ NO CHANGE____ NOT APPLICABLE____. Alternate No. M-2: Add Auto Shop Air Curtain Replacement: ADD____ DEDUCT____ NO CHANGE____ NOT APPLICABLE____. ATTACHMENT TO GENERAL CONTRACT BID FORM - ALTERNATES AND UNIT PRICES 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Document 00 4323 - Page 3 of 6 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 S. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 Alternate No. M-3: Add AHU-24 Replacement: ADD____ DEDUCT____ NO CHANGE____ NOT APPLICABLE____. Dollars ($ T. Alternate No. M-4A: Solar Hot Water System (Salvage Glycol / Remove and Dispose of System): ADD____ DEDUCT____ NO CHANGE____ NOT APPLICABLE____. Dollars ($ U. V. W. X. Y. Z. AA. ). ). Alternate No. M-4B: Solar Hot Water System (Hot Water System and Roof to Remain): ADD____ DEDUCT____ NO CHANGE____ NOT APPLICABLE____. Dollars ($ ). Dollars ($ ). Dollars ($ ). Dollars ($ ). Alternate No. E-1: Omit House Lighting Upgrade: ADD____ DEDUCT____ NO CHANGE____ NOT APPLICABLE____. Alternate No. E-2: Add Theatrical Lighting Console Replacement: ADD____ DEDUCT____ NO CHANGE____ NOT APPLICABLE____. Alternate No. E-3: Add LED Theatrical Instruments: ADD____ DEDUCT____ NO CHANGE____ NOT APPLICABLE____. Alternate No. E-4: Add Refurbishing of Incandescent Theatrical Instruments: ADD____ DEDUCT____ NO CHANGE____ NOT APPLICABLE____. Dollars ($ ). Dollars ($ ). Dollars ($ ). Alternate No. E-5: Parking Lot Luminaires Replacement: ADD____ DEDUCT____ NO CHANGE____ NOT APPLICABLE____. Alternate No. IT-1: Security Camera Cable Replacement: ADD____ DEDUCT____ NO CHANGE____ NOT APPLICABLE____. Document 00 4323 - Page 4 of 6 ATTACHMENT TO GENERAL CONTRACT BID FORM - ALTERNATES AND UNIT PRICES 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 UNIT PRICES – GENERAL 1.3 A. 1.4 The undersigned Bidder proposes the amounts below be added to or deducted from the Contract Sum on performance and measurement of the individual items of Work. SHEDULE OF UNIT PRICES A. Unit-Price No. 1: Provide Miro stands to replace existing electrical conduit stands on roof. 1. B. Unit-Price No. 2: Replace individual corridor lockers as identified in field. 1. C. _______________________________________ Dollars ($_____________) per unit. _______________________________________ Dollars ($_____________) per unit. Unit-Price No. 3: Replace gate valves as identified in field. Provide a separate unit price for each of the sizes indicated below. 1. 3/4”: _______________________________________ Dollars ($_____________) per unit. 2. 1”: _______________________________________ Dollars ($_____________) per unit. 3. 1-1/4”: _______________________________________ Dollars ($_____________) per unit. 4. 1-1/2”: _______________________________________ Dollars ($_____________) per unit. 5. 2”: 6. 2-1/2”: _______________________________________ Dollars ($_____________) per unit. 7. 3”: _______________________________________ Dollars ($_____________) per unit. 8. 4”: _______________________________________ Dollars ($_____________) per unit. _______________________________________ Dollars ($_____________) per unit. ADDENDA ACKNOWLEDGMENT The undersigned acknowledges receipt of the following Addenda: ADDENDUM NUMBER ATTACHMENT TO GENERAL CONTRACT BID FORM - ALTERNATES AND UNIT PRICES 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. DATE OF ADDENDUM Document 00 4323 - Page 5 of 6 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 If a Notice to Proceed is received within thirty (30) calendar days following date of bid opening, the undersigned agrees to substantially complete the work on or before the dates noted in Document 00 4113 and failing to do so agrees to pay the Owner as liquidated damages as noted in Document 00 4113 for each consecutive calendar day thereafter that the work is not substantially complete. The undersigned recognizes the Owner's right to waive informalities in the bidding and to accept or reject any or all bids for any reason whatsoever. The undersigned agrees that the information submitted on this attachment to the bid form shall not be withdrawn for a period of forty-five (45) days from the date of opening of bids. The undersigned agrees also to the conditions and provisions as stated in Document 00 4113. Submitted this ______ day of , 2014. (Firm Name) (Address) (Signature) (Name Typed) (Title) Use below if additional signatures are required (Signature) (Name Typed) (Title) S E A L (If Bidder is Corporation) END OF DOCUMENT 00 4323 Document 00 4323 - Page 6 of 6 ATTACHMENT TO GENERAL CONTRACT BID FORM - ALTERNATES AND UNIT PRICES 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 DOCUMENT 00 5213 - FORM OF AGREEMENT PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 FORM TO BE USED A. Contract will be prepared by the Architect using "Standard Form of Agreement Between Owner and Contractor, where the basis of payment is a stipulated sum,” AIA Document A101 - 2007, as published by The American Institute of Architects. 1. Attached to the Standard Form of Agreement shall be “Attachment No. 1 – Assignment of Supplier’s Contract”, which is bound into this document. B. The Architect’s determination of the point of "Substantial Completion" as referred to in the Standard Form of Agreement shall be final and binding. 1.2 COPIES AVAILABLE A. A sample copy of the above-referenced document is on file and may be reviewed in the office of the Architect, or is available for purchase at a nominal fee on-line thru the American Institute of Architects and retail dealers PART 2 - PRODUCTS – NOT USED PART 3 - EXECUTION – NOT USED END OF DOCUMENT FORM OF AGREEMENT 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Document 00 5213 - Page 1 of 2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 Document 00 5213 - Page 2 of 2 Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 FORM OF AGREEMENT 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 DOCUMENT 00 5263 - ASSIGNMENT OF SUPPLIER’S CONTRACTS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 AGREEMENT A. The Contractor understands that the Owner has previously contracted with certain supplier(s) as identified on the Bid Forms and Documents, the Drawings or the Specifications for certain equipment, parts, or supplies which require substantial lead time to manufacture, produce, assemble, or ship. As such, the Contractor agrees and understands that the Owner's contract(s) with said supplier(s) will be assigned to the Contractor and the performance thereof shall become a portion of the Contractor's contract with Owner. The Contractor may assume that the supplier(s) contract is complete for the intended scope of the supplier(s) work with the exception of specific exclusions note in the supplier(s) proposal. B. The Contractor agrees to accept the assignment of the Supplier's contract(s) with Owner and understands and agrees that all sums due and owing to Supplier shall be paid by Contractor who shall include said sums in its bid to the Owner. C. Contractor may assign the Supplier's Contract to the appropriate subcontractor. However, any such subsequent assignment shall not relieve the Contractor from its obligations to Owner hereunder. D. Suppliers' Proposals shall be included by Addendum. PART 2 - PRODUCTS – NOT USED PART 3 - EXECUTION – NOT USED END OF DOCUMENT ASSIGNMENT OF SUPPLIER'S CONTRACTS 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Document 00 5263 - Page 1 of 2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 Document 00 5263 - Page 2 of 2 Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 ASSIGNMENT OF SUPPLIER'S CONTRACTS 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 DOCUMENT 00 6113 - PERFORMANCE AND PAYMENT BOND FORM PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 FORMS TO BE USED A. 1984 Edition of the "Performance Bond" AIA Document A312, as published by the American Institute of Architects, is hereby made a part of these Specifications. B. 1984 Edition of the "Payment Bond" AIA Document A312, as published by the American Institute of Architects and as amended by the School District, shall be used for this project. A copy of this amended document is bound herein. 1.2 DIRECTIONS FOR PREPARATION A. Upon award of the Contract, the Contractor shall furnish Performance Bond and Payment Bonds covering the faithful performance of the Contract Agreement. The Performance and Payment Bonds shall be made in the amount of the Contract price. The Contractor shall include in his base proposal amount the total premiums for the Performance Bond, and Payment Bonds. B. Individual sureties, partnerships, or corporations, not in the surety business will not be acceptable. C. The name of the Principal shall be shown exactly as it appears in the Contract. D. If the principals are partners, or joint ventures, each member shall execute the bond as an individual, with his place of residence shown. E. If the principal is a corporation, the bond shall be executed under its corporate seal. If the corporation has no corporate seal the fact shall be stated, in which case a scroll or adhesive seal shall be affixed following the corporate name. F. The current power-of-attorney of the person signing for the surety company must be attached to each bond. G. The date of the bond must be the same as the date of the Contract. H. The signature of a witness shall appear in the appropriate place, attesting to the signature of each party to the bond. PART 2 - PRODUCTS – NOT USED PART 3 - EXECUTION – NOT USED END OF DOCUMENT PERFORMANCE AND PAYMENT BOND FORM 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Document 00 6113 - Page 1 of 2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 Document 00 6113 - Page 2 of 2 Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 PERFORMANCE AND PAYMENT BOND FORM 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 DOCUMENT 00 7200 - GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 FORM TO BE USED A. 1.2 “General Conditions of the Contract for Construction”, AIA Document A201 - 2007, as published by The American Institute of Architects and amended by the Supplementary Conditions, shall govern all aspects of the Contract for construction. COPIES AVAILABLE A. A sample copy of the above-referenced document is on file and may be reviewed in the office of the Architect, or is available for purchase at a nominal fee on-line thru the American Institute of Architects and retail dealers. PART 2 - PRODUCTS – NOT USED PART 3 - EXECUTION – NOT USED END OF DOCUMENT GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Document 00 7200 - Page 1 of 2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 Document 00 7200 - Page 2 of 2 Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS _______________________________________________________________ DOCUMENT 007300 SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS The following terms and conditions modify, change, delete from, or add to the “General Conditions of the Contract for Construction”, AIA Document A201, 2007 Edition. Where any article of the General Conditions is modified or any paragraph, subparagraph, or clause thereof is modified or deleted by these supplements, the unaltered provisions of that article, paragraph, subparagraph, or clause shall remain in effect. All Divisions of the Specifications shall be subject to the General Conditions and Supplementary Conditions. MODIFICATIONS TO ARTICLES OF THE GENERAL CONDITIONS ARTICLE 1 – GENERAL PROVISIONS / 1.1 BASIC DEFINITIONS Omit Paragraph 1.1.1 and substitute the Following Paragraph: 1.1.1. The Contract Documents The Contract Documents consist of the Owner – Contractor or Owner – Construction Manager as Constructor Agreement, the conditions of the Contract (General, Supplemental, and other Conditions), the Drawings, the Specifications, and all Addenda issued prior to, and all Modifications issued after, execution of the Contract. Modification is (1) A written amendment to the Contract signed by both parties; (2) A change order; (3) A written interpretation issued by the Owner; or (4) A written order for a minor change in the Work issued by the Owner. The Contract documents do not include Bidding Documents such as the Advertisement, or Invitation to Bid, the Instructions to Bidders, sample forms, the Contractors Bid, or portions of Addenda, relating to any of these, or any other documents, unless specifically enumerated in the Owner – Contractor Agreement. Omit Paragraph 1.1.2 and substitute the following Paragraph: 1.1.2. The Contract The Contract Documents form the Contract for Service. This Contract represents the entire and integrated agreement between the parties hereto and supersedes all prior negotiations, representations, or agreements, either written or oral. Omit Paragraph 1.1.3 and substitute the following Paragraph: 1.1.3. The Work The Work comprises the completed services required by the Contract Documents and includes all labor necessary to produce such services, and all materials and equipment incorporated, or to be incorporated, in such construction. Cherry Creek School District No. 5 * 12.10 007300-1 Omit Paragraph 1.1.4 and substitute the following Paragraph: 1.1.4. The Project The Project is the total services of which the work performed under the Contract Documents may be the whole, or part of it. ARTICLE 1 – GENERAL PROVISIONS / 1.2 CORRELATION AND INTENT OF THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS 1.2.1 Add the following to this Subparagraph: These General Conditions are modified and amended by Supplementary Conditions (Document 00 73 00). Add the following Subparagraph: Where a conflict occurs between or within standards, specifications, and drawings, the more stringent or higher quality requirements shall apply. The precedence of the Construction Documents is in the following sequence: .1 Addenda and modifications to the Drawings and Specifications take precedence over the original Construction Documents. .2 Should there be a conflict within or between the Specifications and the Drawings, the Architect shall decide which stipulation will provide the best installation and his decision shall be final. .3 The Contractor shall utilize the attached Form, REQUEST FOR INFORMATION / INTERPRETATION, when making such requests for information as are outlined in this section. ARTICLE 1 – GENERAL PROVISIONS / 1.5 OWNERSHIP AND USE OF DRAWINGS, SPECIFICATIONS AND OTHER INSTRUMENTS OF SERVICE Omit Paragraph 1.5.1, 1.5.2 and 1.6 and substitute the following Paragraphs: 1.5.1 The Drawings, Specifications and other documents, including those in electronic form, prepared by the Architect and the Architect’s consultants are Instruments of Service through which the Work to be executed by the Contractor is described. Neither the Contractor nor any Subcontractor, Sub-subcontractor or material or equipment supplier shall own or claim a copyright in the Drawings, Specifications and other documents prepared by the Architect or the Architect’s consultants, and unless otherwise indicated the Architect or the Architect’s consultants shall be deemed the authors of them and will retain all common law, statutory and other reserved rights, in addition to the copyrights. All copies of Instruments of Service shall be returned or suitably accounted for to the Architect, on request, upon completion of the Work. The Drawings, Specifications and other documents prepared by the Architect and the Architect’s consultants, and copies thereof furnished to the Contractor, are for use solely with respect to this Project. They are not to be used by the Contractor or any Subcontractor, Sub-subcontractor or material or equipment supplier on other projects or for additions to this Project outside the scope of the Work without the specific written consent of the Owner, Architect and the Architect’s consultants. Submittal or distributions to meet official regulatory requirements or for other purposes in connection with this Project is not to be construed as publication in derogation of the Architect’s or Architect’s consultants’ copyrights or other reserved rights Cherry Creek School District No. 5 * 12.10 007300-2 1.5.2 The Architect may release certain drawing information in electronic format to the Contractor, subcontractors, and material suppliers for use in preparation of shop drawings or other uses upon request by the Contractor. The procedure for this request and requirements shall be as outlined in the “NOTICE” and “AGREEMENT” attached to this Document. ARTICLE 2 – OWNER / 2.1 GENERAL 2.1.1 At Section 2.1.1, following the phrase “. . . who shall have . . .”, insert the words: “to the extent permissible under Colorado law,”. ARTICLE 2 – OWNER / 2.2 INFORMATION AND SERVICES REQUIRED OF THE OWNER Delete the first sentence of this Paragraph and substitute the following: 2.2.1 The Owner, by its Contract, has furnished to the Contractor reasonable evidence that financial arrangements have been made to fulfill the Owner’s obligations under the Contract. 2.2.2 Add the words “if required”, between the words “Owner” and “shall” in the first sentence. ARTICLE 2 – OWNER / 2.3 OWNER’S RIGHT TO STOP THE WORK 2.3. At Section 2.3, delete the word “repeatedly.” ARTICLE 2 – OWNER / 2.4 OWNER’S RIGHT TO CARRY OUT THE WORK 2.4 Delete and substitute the following Subparagraph: If the Contractor defaults or neglects to carry out the work in accordance with the Contract Documents and fails after seventy-two (72) hours written notification to the Contractor by the Owner, to commence and continue correction of such default or neglect with diligence or promptness, the Owner may, without prejudice to any other remedy he may have, make good such deficiencies. In such case an appropriate Change Order shall be issued deducting from payments then or thereafter due the Contractor the cost of correcting such deficiencies, including compensation for the Architect’s additional services and expenses made necessary by such default, neglect or failure. Such action by the Owner and amounts charged to the Contractor are both subject to prior approval of the Architect. If payments then or thereafter due the Contractor are not sufficient to cover such amounts, the Contractor shall pay the difference to the Owner. ARTICLE 3 – CONTRACTOR / 3.1 GENERAL Omit Paragraph 3.1.1 and substitute the following Paragraphs: 3.1.1 The Contractor is the person, or entity, identified as such in the Owner – Contractor Agreement and is referred to throughout the Contract Documents as if singular in number and masculine in gender. The term Contractor means the Contractor or Construction Manager as Constructor, or his authorized representative. Unless otherwise provided in the Contract Documents, the Contractor shall provide and pay for all Cherry Creek School District No. 5 * 12.10 007300-3 labor, materials, equipment, tools, construction equipment and machinery, water, heat, utilities, transportation, and other facilities and services necessary for the proper execution and completion of the Work; whether temporary or permanent and whether or not incorporated, or to be incorporated, in the Work. ARTICLE 3 – CONTRACTOR / 3.2 REVIEW OF CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND FIELD CONDITIONS BY CONTRACTOR 3.2.2 Delete the second sentence of 3.2.2 and substitute the following: If the Contractor performs any construction activity knowing it involves an error, inconsistency or omission in the Contract Documents without providing notice of such error, inconsistency or omission to the Architect, the Contractor shall assume responsibility for such construction activity and shall bear an equitable amount of the costs attributable to any necessary correction. ARTICLE 3 – CONTRACTOR / 3.4 LABOR AND MATERIALS Add the following Subparagraph: 3.4.4 Contractor shall have based its bid upon the use of any of the items specifically named in the Specifications or on the Drawings, or as approved in an Addendum issued by the Architect. No changes or substitutions will be considered after the award of the Contract except those which will result in a better job, a savings to the Owner, or both, or due to unavailability of specified product for reasons beyond the Contractor’s control. ARTICLE 3 – CONTRACTOR / 3.5 WARRANTY Omit the Paragraph 3.5 text and substitute the following Paragraph: 3.5 The Contractor warrants to the Owner that all materials and equipment furnished under this Contract will be new unless otherwise specified, and that all Work will be of good quality, free from faults and defects, and in conformance with the Contract Documents. All Work not conforming to these requirements, including substitutions not properly approved and authorized, may be considered defective. If required by the Owner, the Contractor shall furnish satisfactory evidence as to the kind and quality of materials and equipment. ARTICLE 3 – CONTRACTOR / 3.6 TAXES Add the following Subparagraph: 3.6.1 Colorado State, County and Municipal Taxes: The Owner is exempt from the collection and payment of state, municipal, RTD and county sales and use taxes on any materials, supplies, or other equipment used or installed in the work. The contract bid amount and any agreed upon variations thereof shall not include the cost of any such state taxes. It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor and all subcontractors to complete and file an “Application for Exemption Certificate” with the Colorado Department of Revenue. Copies of tax exemption certificates shall be filed with the Contractor by each subcontractor at a time and in a manner directed by the Contractor and are subject to review by Owner upon request. Cherry Creek School District No. 5 * 12.10 007300-4 ARTICLE 3 – CONTRACTOR / 3.7 PERMITS, FEES, NOTICES, AND COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS Omit Paragraph 3.7.1 and substitute the following Paragraphs: 3.7.1 The project site is located within the City of Aurora, Colorado. Building permits shall be taken out by the Contractor from the City of Aurora Building Department, 15151 East Alameda Parkway, Second Floor, Aurora, Colorado 80012. The building permit fee, which includes the permit for mechanical work, will be paid for by the Owner. Plumbing and Electrical permits shall be taken out and paid for by the mechanical and electrical subcontractors. Mechanical work shall be inspected by the City of Aurora. Plumbing and Electrical work shall be inspected by the State of Colorado. The subcontractors shall also be required to pay for any and all inspections required by the City of Aurora and the State of Colorado for Mechanical, Plumbing, and Electrical work. The underground utility subcontractor shall pay for any and all inspections required by the State of Colorado for underground electrical and plumbing work. The underground utility subcontractor shall pay for any required sewer, water and gas connection fees. The Owner will pay for plant investment fees and tap charges based on the cost of mains serving the site. The Contractor shall obtain a fire inspection permit from applicable Fire Department having jurisdiction of the project site. The Owner will pay the Fire Department review fees. The Contractor shall call for all inspections required by the local and State Building Inspection Authority, including the local Fire Department. Assessments against the property are the obligation of the Owner and will be paid by the Owner as necessary to assure issuance of permits specified above. This includes sewer and water charges for capital improvements and line extensions. Add the following subparagraphs: 3.7.6 Nothing contained in the Specifications or on the drawings shall be construed as authority for any Contractor to violate any applicable codes or ordinances in effect at the site. Code and ordinances shall take full and complete precedence over the Contract Documents in this respect, except where the Contract Documents call for work or materials of higher standard than those required by codes and ordinances in which event the higher standard shall control. 3.7.7 The Contractor shall be required to obtain all the necessary and applicable Contractors licenses from the appropriate governmental authorities and shall not allow any Subcontractor to commence work on this contract until all required licenses of the Subcontractor have been obtained. ARTICLE 3 - CONTRACTOR / 3.9 SUPERINTENDENT Omit Paragraph 3.9.1 and substitute the following Paragraphs: 3.9.1 The Contractor shall employ a competent Construction Superintendent and necessary assistants. The Contractor’s Superintendent or an Assistant Superintendent or authorized designee shall be on site at all times while work is in progress including but not limited to weekends, evenings and nights. No subcontractors shall perform work on the site without the presence of the Superintendent or Assistant Superintendent. Cherry Creek School District No. 5 * 12.10 007300-5 The Contractor’s Superintendent shall be on the job site full time during normal working hours until all punch list items have been completed to the satisfaction of the Architect. Communication given to the Superintendent shall be as binding as given to the Contractor. Important communications shall be confirmed in writing. ARTICLE 3 – CONTRACTOR / 3.10 CONTRACTOR’S CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULES Add the following Subparagraph: 3.10.1 The schedule shall indicate the start and completion of each of the elements on the Schedule of Values. The schedule shall indicate the major dependencies among elements on the schedule. The completion time shall be as specified in the Agreement. The schedule shall be revised when the completion time is revised by Change Order. See Specifications, Division 1, for detailed procedures. ARTICLE 3 – CONTRACTOR / 3.11 DOCUMENTS AND SAMPLES AT THE SITE See Specifications, Division 1, for Record Documents Requirements ARTICLE 3 – CONTRACTOR / 3.12 SHOP DRAWINGS, PRODUCT DATA AND SAMPLES Paragraph 3.12.11 shall be added and shall read as follows: Copies of all Shop Drawings, Product Data, Samples and similar submittals as identified in Section 3.12 shall be preserved in an orderly manner and delivered to the Owner upon Final Completion. ARTICLE 3 – CONTRACTOR / 3.13 USE OF SITE Paragraph 3.13.1 shall be added and shall read as follows: The Contractor shall take reasonable precautions for the safety of, and shall provide all reasonable protection to prevent damage, injury or loss to, all persons at the site and all property at the site and adjacent thereto. The Contractor acknowledges that the work site may comprise school buildings and school areas that may be occupied during the performance of some portions of this Contract. Paragraph 3.13.2 shall be added and shall read as follows: The Contractor shall notify all public utility companies 48 hours prior to the commencement of any work by it or its subcontractors in the vicinity of the utilities. No work shall commence until the utilities have been located and staked by the utility company If the utility service must be interrupted, the Contractor shall notify the head of the local administrative services (i.e., city manager, mayor or city clerk, as applicable) and the utility users affected by the interruption. Such notice shall consist of publication in a local newspaper and/or announcement on local radio or television stations, whichever is most reasonably calculated to give notice to such utility users. Cherry Creek School District No. 5 * 12.10 007300-6 ARTICLE 3 – CONTRACTOR / 3.14 CUTTING AND PATCHING See Specifications, Division 1, for additional requirements. ARTICLE 3 – CONTRACTOR / 3.15 CLEANING UP See Specifications, Division 1, for additional requirements. ARTICLE 3 – CONTRACTOR / 3.17 ROYALTIES, PATENTS AND COPY RIGHTS Omit the Paragraph 3.17 text and substitute the following Paragraph: 3.17 The Contractor shall pay all royalties and license fees. He shall defend all suits, or claims, for infringement of any patent rights and shall save the Owner harmless from loss on account thereof, except that the Owner shall be responsible for all such loss when a particular design, process, or product of a particular manufacturer is specified, but if the Contractor has reason to believe that the design, process, or product specified is an infringement of a patent, he shall be responsible for such loss unless he promptly gives such information to the Owner. ARTICLE 3 – CONTRACTOR / 3.18 INDEMNIFICATION Omit the Paragraph 3.18.1 text and substitute the following Paragraph: 3.18.1 To the fullest extent permitted by Law, the Contractor shall indemnify and hold harmless the Owner and its agents and employees from and against all claims, damages, losses, and expenses, including, but not limited to, attorneys’ fees arising out of, or resulting from, the performance of the work, provided that any claim, damage, loss, or expense (1) is attributable to bodily injury, sickness, disease, or death, or to injury to, or destruction of tangible property (other than the work itself) including the loss of use resulting therefrom and (2) is caused in whole, or in part by, any negligent act or omission of the Contractor, and Subcontractor, anyone directly, or indirectly, employed by any of them or anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable, regardless of whether or not it is caused in part by a party indemnified hereunder. Such obligation shall not be construed to negate, abridge, or otherwise reduce any other right, or obligation, of indemnity which would otherwise exist as to any party, or person, described above. ARTICLE 4 – ARCHITECT / 4.1 GENERAL 4.1.3 Change the phrase “Owner shall employ to “Owner may appoint”. ARTICLE 4 – ARCHITECT / 4.2 ADMINISTRATION OF THE CONTRACT 4.2.2 Delete the first Sentence and substitute the following: The Architect shall visit the site at intervals appropriate to the stage of construction to become generally familiar with the progress and quality of the completed Work to endeavor to guard the Owner against defects and deficiencies in the Work and to determine in general if the Work is being performed in accordance with the Contract Documents. Cherry Creek School District No. 5 * 12.10 007300-7 4.2.3 Add the following to the Subparagraph: The Architect shall bring any nonconforming work, of which he becomes aware, to the attention of the Owner. ARTICLE 5 – SUBCONTRACTORS / 5.2 AWARD OF SUBCONTRACTORS AND OTHER CONTRACTS FOR PORTIONS OF THE WORK Omit Paragraph 5.2.1 and substitute the following Paragraph: 5.2.1 Unless otherwise required by the Contract Documents, or Bidding Documents, the Contractor, as soon as practicable after the award of the Contract, shall furnish to the Owner in writing the names of the persons, or entities (including those who are to furnish materials, or equipment fabricated, to a special design) proposed for each of the portions of the Work. Omit Paragraph 5.2.3 and substitute the following Paragraph: 5.2.3 If the Owner has reasonable objection to any such proposed person, or entity, the Contractor shall submit a substitute to whom the Owner has no reasonable objection, and the Contract Sum shall be increased, or decreased, by the difference in the cost occasioned by such substitution and an appropriate Change Order shall be issued. However, no increase in the Contract Sum shall be allowed for any such substitution unless the Contractor has acted promptly and responsively in submitting names, as required above. ARTICLE 6 – CONSTRUCTION BY OWNER OR BY SEPARATE CONTRACTORS / 6.1 OWNER’S RIGHT TO PERFORM CONSTRUCTION AND TO AWARD SEPARATE CONTRACTS Omit Paragraph 6.1.1 and substitute the following Paragraph: 6.1.1 The Owner reserves the right to perform work related to the Project with his own forces, and to award separate contracts in connection with other portions of the Project, or other work, on the site under these, or similar, Conditions of the Contract. If the Contractor claims that delay, or additional cost, is involved because of such action by the owner, he shall make such claim as provided elsewhere in the Contract Documents. Omit Paragraph 6.1.2 and substitute the following Paragraph: 6.1.2 When separate contracts are awarded for different portions of the Project, or other work on the site, the term Contractor in the Contract Documents in each case shall mean the Contractor who executes each separate Owner – Contractor Agreement. Omit Paragraph 6.1.3 and substitute the following Paragraph: 6.1.3 The Owner will provide for the coordination of the work of his own forces and of each separate contractor with the Work of the Contractor, who shall cooperate therewith. Cherry Creek School District No. 5 * 12.10 007300-8 ARTICLE 7 – CHANGES IN THE WORK / 7.1 GENERAL 7.1.2 The last clause in section 7.1.2 shall be deleted and replaced by the following clause: "an order for a minor change in the Work not involving adjustment in the Contract Sum or extension of the Contract Time and not inconsistent with the intent of the Contract Documents may be issued by the Architect alone." ARTICLE 7 – CHANGES IN THE WORK / 7.2 CHANGE ORDERS Omit Paragraph 7.2.1 and substitute the following Paragraph: 7.2.1 A Change Order is a written order to the Contractor signed by the Owner, issued after execution of the Contract, authorizing a change in the Work, or an adjustment in the Contract Sum, or the Contract Time. The Contract Sum and the Contract Time may be changed only by Change Order. A Change Order signed by the Contractor indicates his agreement therewith, including the adjustment in the Contract Sum, or the Contract Time. Add the following Paragraph: 7.2.2 The Owner, without invalidating the Contract, may order changes in the Work within the general scope of the Contract consisting of additions, deletions, or other revisions, the Contract Sum and the Contract Time being adjusted accordingly. All such changes in the Work shall be authorized by Change Order, and shall be performed under the applicable conditions of the Contract Documents. The cost, or credit, to the Owner resulting from a construction change directive shall be determined in one (1) or more of the following ways: .1 .2 By mutual acceptance of a lump sum properly itemized and supported by sufficient substantiating date to permit evaluation; By Unit prices named in the bid, or subsequently agreed upon; unit prices shall include all Contractors’ costs, including materials and labor, and shall be applied directly to the quantities or the difference in quantities for which unit prices are requested. The Contractor may include a sum up to 15% of the total of the total of above as compensation to cover the cost of supervision, overhead, bond, insurance profit, and any other general expenses; subcontractor and second level subcontractors may include a sum up to 10% for such expenses; when both additions and credits are involved in any one (1) change, the allowance for mark-up shall be figured on the basis of net increase, if any. .3 By reasonable estimated cost of: (1) Labor, including foremen (labor costs shall be direct costs) (2) Social Security and old age and unemployment contribution (3) Materials entering permanently into the work (4) The ownership or rental cost of construction plant and equipment during the time of use on the extra work The Contractor may include a sum up to 15% of the total of the total of above as compensation to cover the cost of supervision, overhead, bond, insurance profit, and any other general expenses; Subcontractor and second level Subcontractors may include a sum up to Cherry Creek School District No. 5 * 12.10 007300-9 10% for such expenses; when both additions and credits are involved in any one (1) change, the allowance for mark-up shall be figured on the basis of net increase, if any. The Contractor shall include an itemized breakdown showing quantities, unit costs, hours, rates of labor, and any other costs in such detail as may be required to allow the reasonableness of costs to be established. Similar cost information covering Subcontractor’s work shall be included as part of the Contractor’s proposal. Minimum changes for ‘handling’ will not be acceptable. Request for quotations shall be returned to the Architect within ten (10) calendar days of receipt by the Contractor. .4 7.3.5 If none of the methods set forth in Clauses, or, is agreed upon, the Contractor, provided he received a written order signed by the Owner, shall promptly proceed with the Work involved. The cost of such Work shall then be determined by the Owner on the basis of the reasonable expenditures and savings of those performing the Work attributable to the change, including in the case of an increase in the Contract Sum, a reasonable allowance for overhead and profit. Add the following Subparagraph If the Architect does not receive response within fifteen (15) days of the issuance of a Request for Quotation, the Architect will determine the appropriate cost and will issue a Change Order accordingly. 7.3.7 Delete the last sentence of 7.3.7 and delete (.1), (.2), (.3), (.4), and (.5). 7.3.11 Add the following Subparagraph: Modification Orders, signed by the Architect, approved by the Owner, and accepted by the Contractor, may be utilized as a written amendment to the Contract. A Modification Order authorizes the Contractor, subject to the provisions of the Contract, to make changes for which the contract sum will be modified in a Change Order to follow. It is intended to expedite changes in the work for which a cost or credit is determined after the Contractor is advised by Modification Order to proceed with such work. The cost or credit for the work shall be determined as required by Supplementary Condition Article 7.3.3 and, If acceptable, will be included in a future Change Order to the Contract. ARTICLE 8 – TIME / 8.2 PROGRESS AND COMPLETION 8.2.1 Add the following to the last sentence: It is agreed that time is of the essence and that the Owner will suffer substantial damages if the work is not completed within the time stated in the Agreement. Failing to meet the Substantial Completion date for all work for the project with the exception of irrigation system and landscape material installations, the Contractor agrees to pay the Owner as liquidated damages the sum of $5,000.00 for each consecutive calendar day thereafter that the work is not substantially complete. In addition, if irrigation system and landscape material installations are not complete by their separately stipulated substantial completion date, the Contractor agrees to pay the Owner as liquidated damages the sum of $500.00 for each consecutive calendar day thereafter that this work is not substantially complete. Cherry Creek School District No. 5 * 12.10 007300-10 ARTICLE 8 – TIME / 8.3 DELAYS AND EXTENSIONS OF TIME Omit Paragraph 8.3.1 and substitute the following Paragraph: 8.3.1 If the Contractor is delayed at any time in the progress of the work by any act or neglect of the Owner or the Architect, or by any employee of either, or by any separate contractor employed by the Owner, unavoidable casualties, or by any other cause which the Architect determines may justify the delay, then the Contract Time shall be extended by change Order for such reasonable time as the Architect may determine. Extension of Contract Time for minor changes in the work and labor disputes will not be allowed for this project. ARTICLE 9 – PAYMENTS AND COMPLETION / 9.2 SCHEDULE OF VALUES 9.2 Add the following to this Subparagraph: The Schedule of Values shall be prepared in such a manner that each major item of subcontractor work is shown as a single line item on AIA Document G 703, Application and Certificate for Payment, Continuation Sheet. As a guide, each section of the Project Manual should be shown as a single line item. Upon request by the Architect, the Contractor shall support values given with data that will substantiate their correctness. The Schedule of Values shall be used only as a basis for the Contractor’s Application for Payment. Each item on the Schedule of Values shall be identified as belonging to the major categories of Sitework, Building Construction, or General Conditions. In general, Sitework shall include all project work beyond five (5) feet outside the building perimeter (to include off-site utilities, if any), and Building Construction shall include all work within five (5) feet of building perimeter. General condition items shall include costs such as supervision and mobilization, which apply to site work and building construction. Division of the Schedule of Values into these categories may require the Contractor to create additional line items of the Schedule of Values. Breakdown installed costs into delivered cost of product and total installed cost with overhead and profit. For each line item which has installed value of more than $10,000.00, breakdown costs to list major products or operations under each item. Round off figures to nearest dollar and make total cost of all items listed to schedule equal to total Contract sum. If re-submittal is required after review by Architect, revise and resubmit schedule in same manner as required. Schedule must be approved prior to certification of first Application for Payment by Architect. See Specifications, Division 1, for additional requirements. ARTICLE 9 – PAYMENTS AND COMPLETION / 9.3 APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT Omit Paragraph 9.3.1 and substitute the following Paragraph: 9.3.1 At least ten (10) days before the date for each progress payment established in the Owner – Contractor Agreement, the Contractor shall submit to the Owner an itemized application for Cherry Creek School District No. 5 * 12.10 007300-11 Payment, notarized if required, supported by such data substantiating the Contractor’s right to payment as the Owner may require, and reflecting retainage, if any, as provided elsewhere in the Contract Documents. 9.3.2 Add the following to this Subparagraph: In order to facilitate and better assure prompt deliveries of materials, the Owner will issue payment to the Contractor for the full value of all materials, less the contract retained percentage safely stored within the county where the project is located for delivery as needed to the site of the work. Such stored materials must be properly tagged as to material and job identification, must be available for inspection by the Architect, and such requests for payment must be accompanied by documentary evidence as to quantity and value of materials, including insurance on the materials as evidenced by a Certificate of Insurance. Omit Paragraph 9.3.3 and substitute the following Paragraph: 9.3.3 The Contractor warrants that title to all work, materials, and equipment covered by an Application for Payment will pass to the Owner either by incorporation in the construction or upon receipt, or payment by, the Contractor, whichever occurs first, free, and clear of all liens, claims, security interests, or encumbrances, hereinafter referred to in this Article 6 as “Liens”; and that no work, materials, or equipment covered by an Application for Payment will have been acquired by the Contractor, or by any other person performing work at the site, or furnishing materials and equipment for the Project, subject to an agreement under which an interest therein, or an encumbrance, thereon and retained by the seller of otherwise imposed by the Contractor, or such other person. 9.3.4 Add the following Subparagraph: With each application for payment, the Contractor shall submit monthly Progress Charts comparing the “work-in-place” progress to the Project Schedule 9.3.5 Add the following Subparagraph: Starting with the second pay application and continuing each month through completion of the project, the Contractor shall submit lien waivers for the previous month’s pay application. These lien waivers shall cover all subcontractors and vendors as well as the Contractor’s portion of the work. Pay applications will not be processed until the prior month’s pay application lien waivers are submitted and reviewed. Each lien waiver shall key to a specific line item(s) on the Schedule of Values. ARTICLE 9 – PAYMENTS AND COMPLETION / 9.5 DECISIONS TO WITHHOLD CERTIFICATION Omit Paragraph 9.5.1 and substitute the following Paragraph: 9.5.1 The Owner may decline to certify payment and may withhold his Certificate in whole, or in part, to the extent necessary to protect the Owner from loss because of: .1 .2 Defective work not remedied; Third Party claims filed, or reasonable evidence, indicating probable filing of such claims; Cherry Creek School District No. 5 * 12.10 007300-12 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 Failure of the Contractor to make payments properly to Subcontractors, or for labor, materials, or equipment; Reasonable evidence that the work cannot be completed for the unpaid balance of the Contract Sum; Damage to the Owner, or another contractor; Reasonable evidence that the work will not be completed within the Contract time; Persistent failure to carry out the work in accordance with the Contact Documents; Failure of the Contractor to submit Progress Charts in comparison to Progress Schedule with application for payment. Failure to comply with any laws, ordinances, regulations or orders of any public authority governing the performance of the work, including failure to obtain necessary permits or licenses. The Owner shall make monthly progress payments as described in 9.6 until the scheduled (including time extensions made by change order) time for substantial completion. If the Project is not substantially complete at this time, the Owner will not make further progress payments until the project is substantially compete. Omit Paragraph 9.5.2 and substitute the following Paragraph: 9.5.2 The Contractor specifically waives the right to make application under the provisions of Section 2491-105 C.R.S. for withdrawal of any sum held by Owner under any of the contract provisions authorizing and allowing for retainage of any portion of installment payments. ARTICLE 9 – PAYMENTS AND COMPLETION / 9.6 PROGRESS PAYMENTS 9.6.1 Add the following Subparagraphs: Not later than thirty (30) days following the end of the period covered by the Application for Payment, ninety percent (90%) of the portion of the Contract sum properly allocable to labor, materials and equipment incorporated in the work and materials and equipment suitably stored at the site or some other location agreed upon in writing, where as indicated below, the parties have specifically agreed to progress payments on unincorporated materials and equipment, for the period covered by the Application for Payment, less the aggregate of previous payments made by the Owner, and upon substantial completion of the work, a sum sufficient to increase the total payments to ninety-five percent(95%) of the Contract Sum, less such amounts as the Architect shall determine for all incomplete work and unsettled claims as provided in the Contract Documents. The Contractor specifically waives the right to make application for interest earned on retainage held by the Owner as allowed under the provisions of Sections 24-91-105 through 108, C.R.S. Materials stored off the project site must be of specially fabricated nature and /or in a bonded warehouse to qualify for payment. The Contractor shall provide the Architect with an acceptable Certificate of Insurance with amounts and locations of stored items listed, in the name of Cherry Creek School District No. 5. 9.6.7 Add the following Subparagraphs: Upon completion of the work for each month and before, or contemporaneously with, payment of any sums due Contractor, which payment may be withheld as security for the faithful performance Cherry Creek School District No. 5 * 12.10 007300-13 of this Contract or otherwise, Contractor shall produce and deliver to Owner, full, complete, and properly executed releases from all persons or entities who have furnished materials or labor, including Contractor, in connection with the work. Contractor warrants that it will pay all subcontractors and sub-subcontractors any payment due them arising out of, and pursuant to the terms of, this Contractor. 9.6.8 shall be added and shall read as follows: Contractor warrants that it will pay all subcontractors and suppliers any payment due them arising out of this Contract. Upon request by the Owner, Contractor shall provide documentation of payment of all amounts due to all persons or entities who have furnished materials or labor, including Contractor, in connection with the Work. ARTICLE 9 – PAYMENT AND COMPLETION / 9.8 SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION 9.8.1 shall be amended by revising the final line to read as follows: ". . . for its intended use, all major systems are operational, and all safety features are completed." 9.8.3 Add the following sentence: In addition the other requirements of this Agreement, Contractor must have obtained the written approval and issuance of any occupancy permits required by the laws of the State of Colorado before Contractor shall be deemed to have achieved substantial completion. ARTICLE 9 – PAYMENTS AND COMPLETION / 9.9 PARTIAL OCCUPANCY OR USE Omit Paragraph 9.9.1 and substitute the following Paragraph: 9.9.1 The Contractor agrees to the use and occupancy of a portion or unit of the project before formal acceptance by the Owner under the following conditions: 1) A Certificate of Substantial Completion shall be prepared and executed as provided in Subparagraph 9.8.4 of the accompanying General Conditions of the Contract for Construction, except that when, In the opinion of the Owner, the Contractor is chargeable with unwarranted delay in completing work or other contract requirements, the signature of the Contractor will not be required. The Certificate of Substantial Completion shall be accompanied by a written endorsement of the Contractor’s insurance carrier and surety permitting occupancy by the Owner during the remaining period of project work. 2) Occupancy by the Owner shall be construed by the Contractor as being acceptance of that part of the project to be occupied. 3) The Contractor shall not be held responsible for any damage to the occupied part of the project resulting from the Owner’s occupancy. 4) Occupancy by the Owner shall not be deemed to constitute a waiver of existing claims on behalf of the Owner or Contractor against each other, nor a waiver of any unknown defects or claims. Cherry Creek School District No. 5 * 12.10 007300-14 Use and occupancy by the Owner prior to project acceptance does not ret relieve the Contractor of his responsibility to maintain all insurance and bonds required of the Contractor under the Contract until the project is completed and accepted by the Owner. ARTICLE 9 – PAYMENTS AND COMPLETION / 9.10 FINAL COMPLETION AND FINAL PAYMENT Delete the last sentence of this paragraph and add the following: 9.10.1 If the work is completed, but final completion thereof shall be prevented through delay or correction of minor defects or unavailability of materials or other causes beyond the control of the Contractor, the Owner at his discretion may release to the Contractor such amount as may be in excess of three times the cost of completing the unfinished work or the cost of correcting the defective work. Notwithstanding the provisions of this Agreement as to payment to the Contractor, the provisions of Section 38-26-107 C.R.S., shall be applicable under circumstances of a verified statement being filed by a supplier, material supplier or subcontractor for an amount due and unpaid. 9.10.2 Add the following to this paragraph: (6) All guarantees, warranties and certificates, (7) operating and maintenance manuals, (8) identification lists of materials and equipment, (9) Inspection Certificates and (10) record documents, (11) the Contractor has demonstrated to the Owner the proper operation and maintenance of all equipment, and (12) Resolution of Final Change Order and Contract sum. Upon completion of the above, the project shall be advertised by “Notice of Contractor’s Settlement”, in accordance with State Statute. On the date of final settlement thus advertised, and after the Contractor has submitted a written notice to the Owner that no claims have been filed, final payment and settlement shall be made in full. If any unpaid claim for labor, materials, supplies or equipment is filed before payment in full of all sums due the Contractor, the Owner shall withhold from the Contractor sufficient funds to insure the payment of such claim, until the same shall have been paid or withdrawn, such payment or withdrawal to be evidenced by filing a receipt in full or an order for withdrawal signed by the claimant or his duly authorized agent or assignee. However, as provided by statute, such funds shall not be withheld longer than ninety (90) days following the date fixed for final settlement with the Contractor, as set forth in the published notice of Contractor’s Settlement unless such action at law shall be commenced within that time to enforce such unpaid claim and notice of such action at law shall have been filed with the Owner. At the expiration of the ninety- (90) day period, the Owner shall release to the Contractor all monies as are not the subject of such action at law. 9.10.3 Delete this paragraph in its entirety. See revised Subparagraph 9.10.1 Cherry Creek School District No. 5 * 12.10 007300-15 ARTICLE 10 – PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY / 10.1 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS AND PROGRAMS Omit Paragraph 10.1.1 and substitute the following Paragraph: 10.1.1 The Contractor shall be responsible for initiating, maintaining, and supervising all safety precautions and programs in connection with the Work. ARTICLE 10 – PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY / 10.2 SAFETY OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY Omit Paragraph 10.2.1 and substitute the following Paragraph: 10.2.1 The Contractor shall take all reasonable precautions for the safety of and shall provide all reasonable protection to prevent damage, injury, or loss to: .1 .2 .3 All employees on the work and all other persons who may be affected thereby; All the work and all materials and equipment to be incorporated therein, whether in storage on, or off, the site, under the care, custody, or control of the Contractor, or any of his subcontractors, or sub-subcontractors; Other property at the site, or adjacent, thereto, including trees, shrubs, lawn walks, pavements, roadways, structures, and utilities not designated for removal, relocation, or replacement in the course of services. Omit Paragraph 10.2.2 and substitute the following Paragraph: 10.2.2 The Contractor shall give all notices and comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, rules, regulations, and lawful orders of any public authority bearing on the safety of persons, or property, of their protection from damage, injury, or loss. Omit Paragraph 10.2.3 and substitute the following Paragraph: 10.2.3 The Contractor shall erect and maintain, as required by existing conditions and progress of the work, all reasonable safeguards for safety and protection, including posting danger signs and other warnings against hazards, promulgating safety regulations and notifying owners and users of adjacent utilities. Omit Paragraph 10.2.4 and substitute the following Paragraph: 10.2.4 When the use, or storage, of explosives, or other hazardous materials, or equipment is necessary for the execution of the work, the Contractor shall exercise the utmost care and shall carry on such activities under the supervision of properly qualified personnel. Omit Paragraph 10.2.5 and substitute the following Paragraph: 10.2.5 The Contractor shall promptly remedy all damage, or loss, to any property referred to in Clauses 10.1.2 and 10.1.3 and Project Specifications caused in whole, or in part, by the Contractor, any subcontractor, and Sub-subcontractor, or anyone directly, or indirectly, employed by any of them, or by anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable and for which the Contractor is responsible under Article and Project Specifications, except damage or loss attributable to the Acts, or omissions, of the Owner, or anyone directly, or indirectly employed by the Owner, or by anyone Cherry Creek School District No. 5 * 12.10 007300-16 for whose acts they may be liable, and not attributable to the fault, or negligence of the Contractor. The foregoing obligations of the Contractor are in addition to his obligations under Paragraph 2. Omit Paragraph 10.2.6 and substitute the following Paragraph: 10.2.6 The Contractor shall designate a responsible member of his organization at the site whose duty shall be the prevention of accidents. This person shall be the Contractor’s superintendent unless otherwise designated by the Contractor in writing to the Owner. Omit Paragraph 10.2 7 and substitute the following Paragraph: 10.2.7 The Contractor shall not load, or permit, any part of the work to be loaded so as to endanger its safety. ARTICLE 10 – PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY / 10.2 SAFETY OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY. 10.2.9 shall be added and shall read as follows: Notwithstanding any other provision herein, the Contractor shall take all necessary measures to store materials on site for which payment has been made by the Owner so that they shall not deteriorate, be damaged or be stolen. The Contractor shall, to the best of its ability, safeguard such materials against burglary, pilferage, fire, vandalism and mischief. The Contractor shall bear sole responsibility (1) for the care and protection of materials and work installed in the building and materials stored on the site for which payment has been made, and (2) for the restoration of damaged work and replacement of damaged or stolen materials at no additional cost to the Owner. ARTICLE 11 – INSURANCE AND BONDS / 11.1 CONTRACTOR’S LIABILITY INSURANCE Omit the second sentence of Paragraph 11.1.2 and add the following: Contractor agrees to obtain and maintain without interruption during the performance of the work and until acceptance by the Owner the following described insurance naming the Owner as additional insured on the insurance described in Sections (2) and (3). Such insurance shall be primary to any insurance carried by Owner and shall be carried with insurance companies satisfactory to Owner. Contractor will provide Owner certificates of insurance prior to the start of the work evidencing the required insurance. The required insurance coverage is as follows: .1 Workers Compensation with statutory limits, as required under the laws of the State of Colorado and Employer’s Liability of not less than $500,000. .2 Commercial General Liability Insurance including premises/operations, personal injury, products/completed operations and contractual liability coverage’s with limits of not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence, $2,000,000 aggregate. Cherry Creek School District No. 5 * 12.10 007300-17 .3 11.1.5 Commercial Automobile Liability covering all automobiles, owned, hired and non-owned vehicles used in the performance of this contract with limits of no less than $1,000,000 per occurrence, $2,000,000 aggregate. Add the following Subparagraph: Certificates of Insurance shall include the statement that the hold harmless clause as required under General Conditions Article 3.18 is included in the policy. 11.1.6 Add the following Subparagraphs: The Contractor shall take out and maintain during the life of this Contract the above stated insurance written by Insurance Carriers satisfactory to the Owner. The Comprehensive General Liability and Comprehensive General Automobile Liability coverage’s will insure the Owner for work performed pursuant to this contract and will protect said Owner from and against all claims arising out of this Contract for injury to persons (including death) and/or property of another, whether such operations be by the Contractor or any Subcontractor or anyone directly employed or indirectly employed. 11.1.7 It is a further condition of this Agreement that the Owner shall be named as an Additional Insured, only for operations arising out of the performance of this Contract, under the following policies of insurance carried by the Contractor. (a) Comprehensive General Liability, (b) Comprehensive General Automobile Liability. 11.1.8 It is also understood and agreed on the part of the Contractor that the Contract will cover Owner, its officers, agents, employees and servants against contingent liability for any and all claims of any nature whatsoever arising out of said operations and covered by the herein above policies of insurance. 11.1.9 If the Contractor fails to procure and maintain such insurance, or if an aggregate policy limit has been eroded, the contractor will notify the owner. Owner shall have the right to procure and maintain the said insurance for and in the name of the Contractor and the Contractor shall pay the cost thereof and shall furnish all necessary information to make effective and to maintain such insurance. ARTICLE 11 – INSURANCE AND BONDS / 11.3 PROPERTY INSURANCE Delete Subparagraphs 11.3.1 through 11.3.10 and substitute the following: 11.3.1 The Owner shall procure and maintain at his own expense, until completion of direct work and acceptance thereof, a builder’s risk insurance policy insuring against “all risks of physical loss or damage” as the term is commonly construed in the insurance industry, insuring the entire project against such physical loss or damage. Such coverage contains specific limitations and exclusions. Faulty workmanship and negligence shall be excluded. A copy of the policy will be provided to the Contractor upon request. If other special insurance not provided for herein is desired by the Contractor, the Contractor shall purchase such insurance at his expense. Cherry Creek School District No. 5 * 12.10 007300-18 11.3.2 Such insurance shall be written on forms acceptable to Owner in an amount not less than the final completed value of the project; less cost of site preparation (including fences necessary to secure work area and excavation land, foundations below the lowest basement floor, underground pipes and wiring, sidewalks, curbs and gutters; and shall name as insured the Owner and Contractor. It shall be understood that subcontractors and second level subcontractors are insured as to their interests in the partially completed projects. 11.3.3 Any insured loss is to be adjusted with the Owner and made payable to the Owner as Trustee for the insured, as their interests may appear. 11.3.4 The insurance policy shall provide for necessary access to the project by Owner as follows: “Permission is hereby granted for the Owner to occupy such portion of the premises completed or suitable for occupancy prior to final acceptance of the entire project, any provision of the policy to the contrary notwithstanding”. 11.3.5 The contractor and his subcontractors and suppliers waive all rights against the owner for damages caused by fire or other perils to the extent covered by the builder’s risk insurance obtained pursuant to this section or other property insurance applicable to the work, except such rights they have to proceeds of such insurance provided by the owner on their behalf. The contractor shall require similar waivers of his subcontractors and all lower tier subcontractors, agents and employees. In waiving rights of recovery under terms of this sub paragraph, the term “owner” shall be deemed to include his employee, and the architect/engineer and his employees as the owner’s representative as provided in the contract document. 11.3.6 The Contractor, on his written request, shall be named jointly with the Owner in all policies, all of which shall be open to his inspection. 11.3.7 The following are specific exclusions: This insurance does not cover pollution, land, glass breakage, any tools owned by mechanics, any equipment, scaffolding, staging, towers and forms owned or rented by the Contractor, the capital value of which is not included in the cost of the work, or any temporary structures or trailers used by the Contractor or any subcontractor or material supplier. 11.3.8 The Contractor shall pay any deductible amount up to Twenty-five Thousand and No/100 Dollars ($25,000) when making a claim against the property insurance policy. 11.3.9 The contractor shall indemnify and hold the Owner and the Architect and their agents and employees harmless from and against all claims, damages, losses and expenses including attorney’s fees arising out of or resulting from the performance of the work, provided that any such claim, damage, loss, or expense (a) is attributable to bodily injury, sickness, disease, or death, or to injury to or destruction of tangible property (other than the work itself) and including the loss of use resulting therefrom, and (b) is caused in whole or in part by any negligent or intentional act or omission or breach of contract of the Contractor, any subcontractor, anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them or anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable, regardless of whether or not it is caused in part by a party indemnified hereunder. This specific indemnification by the Contractor is in addition to and not in lieu of other remedies which may be available to the Owner. Cherry Creek School District No. 5 * 12.10 007300-19 ARTICLE 11 – INSURANCE AND BONDS / 11.4 PERFORMANCE BOND AND PAYMENT BOND Omit Paragraph 11.4.1 and substitute the following Paragraph: 11.4.1 Contractor shall furnish prior to beginning work, a performance bond in the amount equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the contract amount as security for the faithful performance of this contract and also a labor and material payment bond in an amount not less than one hundred percent (100%) of the contract amount as security for the payment to all persons performing labor on the project under this contract and furnishing materials in connection with this contract. The bonds shall be issued by a surety licensed to contract business in the State of Colorado and approved by the Owner. Add Subparagraph as follows: The Contractor shall require landscaping, membrane roofing, mechanical and electrical subcontractors each to each to furnish 100% Performance and Payment Bonds covering their portion of the work. Such bonds shall be issued in favor of the Contractor and authenticated copies shall be submitted in proper form to the Owner via the Architect before the first Application for Payment by the Contractor is submitted to the Architect. The cost of these bonds shall be individually listed on the Schedule of Values. ARTICLE 12 – UNCOVERING AND CORRECTION OF WORK / 12.2 CORRECTION OF WORK - Section shall be amended by adding the phrase "or within such longer period of time as may be prescribed by law" after the words "Contract Documents" in the fourth line of the first sentence. ARTICLE 13 – MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS / 13.1 GOVERNING LAW Omit the Paragraph 13.1 text and substitute the following Paragraph and Subparagraph: 13.1 This agreement shall be governed in accordance with the laws of the State of Colorado and the parties hereto consent and agree to the jurisdiction and venue of the District Court in and for the County of Arapahoe, State of Colorado, for any litigation arising out of this agreement. 13.1.1 C.R.S. 8 – 17.5 – 101 et seq: .1 .2 .3 The Vendor certifies that the Vendor shall comply with the provisions of C.R.S. 8-17.5-101, et seq. Specifically, the Vendor shall not knowingly employ, or contract with, an illegal alien to perform services under this Contract and shall not enter into a contract with a subcontractor that fails to certify to the Vendor that the subcontractor shall not knowingly employ, or contract with, an illegal alien to perform services under this Contract; The Vendor has verified, or will verify, or attempt to verify that the Vendor does not employ any illegal aliens by participation in the “Basic Pilot Employment Verification Program”, administered by the Social Security Administration and Department of Homeland Security, or otherwise comply with the provisions of C.R.S. 8-17.5102(2)(b)(I); The Vendor shall comply with all reasonable requests made in the course of an investigation by the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment; Cherry Creek School District No. 5 * 12.10 007300-20 .4 .5 The Vendor is prohibited from using the Basic Pilot Employment Verification Program procedures or undertake pre-employment screening of job applicants while this Contract is being performed; In the event the Vendor obtains actual knowledge that a subcontractor performing services under this Contract knowingly employs, or contracts with, an illegal alien, the Vendor shall: (a) notify the subcontractor and the District within three (3) days of such knowledge, and (b) terminate the sub-contractor if the subcontractor does not stop employing, or contracting, with the illegal alien within three (3) days after notification. The Vendor shall not terminate the contract with the subcontractor if, during said three (3) days, the subcontractor provides information to establish that the subcontractor has not knowingly employed, or contracted with, an illegal alien to perform services under this Contract. ARTICLE 13 – MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS / 13.3 WRITTEN NOTICE 13.3. Section 13.3 shall be amended by adding the phrase ", or within three (3) days after depositing the same, addressed to the Party to receive notice, postage prepaid, in the U.S. Mail. ARTICLE 13 – MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS / 13.4 RIGHTS AND REMEDIES 13.4.1 shall be amended by adding the phrase "unless otherwise specified herein" at the end of the section. 13.4.2 shall be amended by adding the phrase "or as specified in the Contract" at the end of the section. 13.4.3 shall be added and shall read as follows: Notwithstanding any other provision of these General Conditions, the statute of limitations for the filing of any and all claims arising pursuant to the Work and Contract Documents shall be six (6) years from the date of Substantial Completion as defined in subparagraph 8.1.3 or the date of discovery of the claim, whichever is later, or such longer period as may be permitted by law. ARTICLE 13 – MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS / 13.5 TESTS AND INSPECTIONS 13.5.1 Add the following to this Subparagraph: The Contractor shall not use any material or equipment represented by samples found to be unacceptable. See Specifications, Division 1, for detailed procedures and cost of testing. 13.5.7 The Contractor shall not use any material or equipment represented by samples found to be unacceptable. See Specifications, Division 1, for detailed procedures and cost of testing. ARTICLE 13 – MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS / 13.7 TIME LIMITS ON CLAIMS 13.7.1 Add the following to the end of the first sentence of the Paragraph: or the Date of Actual Knowledge of the Cause or Claim by the Owner, whichever is later. Cherry Creek School District No. 5 * 12.10 007300-21 ARTICLE 14 – TERMINATION OR SUSPENSION OF THE CONTRACT / 14.1 TERMINATION BY THE CONTRACTOR 14.1.1 Add the following to the last sentence in this Subparagraph before the word “or” at the end of said paragraph: without prior written notice to Contractor of the reason for withholding payment; or 14.1.3 Delete the words “and damages”. ARTICLE 14 – TERMINATION OR SUSPENSION OF THE CONTRACT / 14.2 TERMINATION BY THE OWNER FOR CAUSE Omit Paragraph 14.2.1 and Subparagraphs through and substitute the following Paragraph: 14.2.1 If the Contractor is adjudged as bankrupt, or if he makes a general assignment for the benefit of his creditors, or if a receiver is appointed on account of his insolvency, of if he persistently, or repeatedly refuses or fails, except in cases for which extension of time is provided, to supply enough properly skilled workmen, or proper materials, or if he fails to make prompt payment to Subcontractors, or for materials for Labor, or persistently disregards laws, ordinances, rules, regulations, or orders of any public authority having jurisdiction, or otherwise is guilty of a substantial violation of a provision of the Contract Documents, then the Owner, upon certification that sufficient cause exists to justify such action, may without prejudice to any right, or remedy, and after giving the Contractor and his surety, if any, seven (7) days written notice, terminate the employment of the Contractor and take possession of the site and of all materials, equipment, tools, construction / maintenance equipment and machinery thereon owned by the Contractor and may finish the Work by whatever method he may deem expedient. In such case, the Contractor shall not be entitled to receive any further payment until the Work is finished. Omit Paragraph 14.2.4 and substitute the following Paragraph: 14.2.4 If the unpaid balance of the Contract Sum exceeds the costs of finishing the Work, including compensation for Owner’s time made necessary thereby, such excess shall be paid to the Contractor. If such costs exceed the unpaid balance, the Contractor shall pay the difference to the Owner. The amount to be paid to the Contractor, or the Owner, as the case may be, shall be certified upon application in the manner provided and this obligation for payment shall survive the termination of the Contract. ARTICLE 14 – TERMINATION OR SUSPENSION OF THE CONTRACT/14.2 TERMINATION BY THE OWNER FOR CONVENIENCE 14.4.3 It is amended to read; In the event of termination for the owners convenience, and provided Contractor is not in default under the terms of the Contract Documents, Contractor shall be reasonable compensated for the construction work earned to the date of such termination based on the actual cost of work completed as of such date. It is the intent of Owner and Contractor that Owner shall never incur a penalty for any termination of Contractor by Owner. Cherry Creek School District No. 5 * 12.10 007300-22 ARTICLE 15 – CLAIMS AND DISPUTES/15.1 CLAIMS 15.1.2 shall be amended by prefacing the section with the words “Except as otherwise provided herein “ 15.1.3 Add the following sentence to this Paragraph: During mediation, arbitration or litigation of any claims or dispute the Contractor shall carry on the work and maintain the progress schedule as called for in the Contract Documents and shall do so notwithstanding any dispute, claim or allegation regarding the Work, Contract, Contract Documents or the terms and conditions thereof. Omit Subparagraph and substitute the following Subparagraph: Extensions of the contract completion time will be made for delays due to weather conditions only when such conditions are more severe and extended then those reflected by the ten year average for the month as evidenced by the Climatological Data, U.S. Department of Commerce, for the project area and only if a request for such an extension of time is received within ten (10) days of the first date of delay. The above statement only applies to work described as “Early Completion Site Elements”. No other extension of Contract time due to weather delays will be permitted. ARTICLE 15 – CLAIMS AND DISPUTES / 15.2 INITIAL DECISION 15.2.3 delete the last sentence. 15.2.5 the last sentence shall be modified after the phrase “final and binding on the parties” to read: “but subject to mediation, arbitration or litigation, as may be determined in accordance with the Contract Documents.” ARTICLE 15 – CLAIMS AND DISPUTES / 15.4 ARBITRATION 15.4.1 shall be amended by replacing the word "shall" with the word "may" in the first sentence of that section. 15.4.1 Add the following: Contract Performance During Arbitration. During litigation or arbitration proceedings, the Owner and Contractor shall comply with Subparagraph 15.1.3. 15.4.5 Add the following: The Owner, may, at his option refuse to arbitrate any claim or demand and judicially litigate any claim or demand it may assert against the Contractor. ADDITIONS TO ARTICLES OF GENERAL CONDITIONS ARTICLE 16 – MEASUREMENTS Before ordering any material or doing any work, the Contractor shall verify all measurements at the project and shall be responsible for correctness of same. No extra charge or compensation shall be allowed because of difference between actual dimensions and the measurements indicated on the Drawings. Cherry Creek School District No. 5 * 12.10 007300-23 Any difference which may be found shall be submitted to the Owner for consideration before proceeding with the work. The Architect and Owner will not be responsible for the scaling of Drawings. ARTICLE 17 – SURVIVAL Any provision in the contact Documents to the contrary notwithstanding, the obligations of Owner and Contractor, each to the other, under this Contract, shall survive the termination of the Contract and shall continue to be binding upon the parties after such termination and until such time as full performance of such obligations shall have been made. ARTICLE 18 – LEGAL ACTIONS As a condition precedent to and as additional consideration for the award of any contract or subcontract pursuant to these Specifications, the Contractor and all subcontractors, suppliers, and other parties to the performance of the work required by these Specifications, do agree that in the event any party institutes a suit against any other party because of any alleged failure to perform properly hereunder, or any alleged error, omission, breach of warranty, negligence or malpractice hereunder, and if such suit is not successfully prosecuted to a judgment in favor of the party plaintiff, or if it is dismissed, or if a judgment is rendered for any defendant or defendants, the party instituting the suite hereby agrees to pay in full all actual costs of defense, including but not limited to attorney fees, expert witness fees, costs of investigations in the preparation for trial professional time expended by principals and employees of the prevailing party and that the same shall be taxed as cost in said action and judgment entered thereon. ARTICLE 19 – HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES Contractor shall state, in writing, on or about the date of substantial completion, that to the best of Contractor’s knowledge, information, and belief, no asbestos, or hazardous substances (as defined by Section 29-22-101 (1) C.R.S, were used for, or in the construction of, this Project; provided however, that if a hazardous substance is commonly used in school construction, such substance may be specified by the Architect, and used in the Project by Contractor, provided Contractor has received both Architect’s and Owner’s prior written consent. ARTICLE 20 – LOCAL LABOR As required under C.R.S. 8-17-101 st seq., Colorado labor shall be employed on the work under this Contract to the extent of not less than eighty (80) percent of each type or class of labor in the several classifications of skilled and common labor employed. ‘Colorado Labor”, as used herein means any person who has been a bonafide resident of the State of Colorado for a period of not less than one year, without discrimination based on race, color, creed, national origin, religion, sex or any other statutes or condition prohibited by state or federal laws. ARTICLE 21 - NON-DISCRIMINATION CLAUSE The Contractor agrees to comply with the provisions of the Colorado statutes prohibiting discrimination, C.R.S. 24-34-401 et. seq. Cherry Creek School District No. 5 * 12.10 007300-24 ARTICLE 22 – MATERIALS PREFERENCE Preference is hereby given to materials, supplies and provisions, products, manufactured or grown in Colorado, the quality being equal to articles offered by competitors outside the State. ARTICLE 23 – EXPEDITING MATERIALS The Contractor shall immediately after receipt of Notice to Proceed and approval of the list of subcontractors and material suppliers, place orders for all equipment, materials and supplies required for the work, if requested. He shall submit to the Architect evidence that such orders have been placed. The Contractor shall exercise due diligence in seeing that all equipment, material and supplies are delivered well in advance of the time they are needed on the job; and he shall properly store and protect same at his expense either at the site or elsewhere as approved by the Architect. Payment for materials so stored will be made as provided for these in Supplementary Conditions. END OF DOCUMENT Cherry Creek School District No. 5 * 12.10 007300-25 Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 SECTION 01 1100 - SUMMARY OF WORK PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.2 Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY A. Scope of Work Description: Generally, these renovations are to upgrade the existing facility with improvements including existing window, skylight and roof replacement; site lighting and drainage adjustments; plumbing and HVAC system repairs and improvements; carpet, door hardware and locker replacement; theater seating, sound and lighting upgrades; select mechanical unit replacement; and science room improvements. Additionally the project scope will include facility improvements to accommodate an enhanced Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) curriculum. B. Section Includes: 1. Schedule of Drawings, Specifications and Addenda. 2. Examination of Site. 3. Marking of Building Materials. 4. Contracts. 5. Assigned Contracts. 6. Separate Contracts. 7. Coordination. 8. Owner Occupancy and Contractor Use of Premises. 9. School Calendar. 10. Construction Schedule. 11. Work Sequence/ Phasing Schedule. 12. Time of Completion and Liquidated Damages. 13. Protection. 14. Owner Furnished and Installed Items. 15. Notice to Contractors Regarding Criminal Record Check C. Related Requirements: 1. Section 01 5000 "Temporary Facilities and Controls" for limitations and procedures governing temporary use of Owner's facilities. 1.3 SCHEDULE OF DRAWINGS, SPECIFICATIONS AND ADDENDA A. Drawing Index: Refer to List of Drawings on Title Sheet G001. B. Project Manual: Smoky Hill High School – Renovation Phase 2, dated December 31, 2013. C. Addenda: All Addenda issued prior to bidding. 1.4 EXAMINATION OF SITE A. Site Visit: Failure to visit site will in no way relieve any Contractor from necessity of furnishing materials or performing work that may be required to complete work in accordance with Drawings and Specifications without additional cost to Owner. B. Existing Utilities: The locations of all Existing Utilities, as indicated on the Site Surveys and on the various Site Plan Drawings, are approximate. Contractor shall be responsible for verifying location of all underground and above ground utilities, whether or not indicated on the Site Surveys and the various Site Plans, prior to construction. Any damage to existing utilities scheduled to remain shall be the Contractor's responsibility and shall be repaired at no cost to the Owner. SUMMARY OF WORK 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Section 01 1100 - Page 1 of 6 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 1.5 Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 MARKING OF BUILDING MATERIALS A. 1.6 The use of Water Based or Permanent Markers for marking of any building material on this project is prohibited. Marking of building materials for fitting, cutting, identification, or any other purpose must be done by Pencil only. CONTRACTS A. 1.7 All work under this contract will be executed under one prime contract between the Owner and the General Contractor. ASSIGNED CONTRACTS A. 1.8 Provision and installation of the Temperature Control System have been previously contracted by the Owner with separate suppliers. These suppliers shall be assigned to the Contractor in accordance with Document 00 5263. SEPARATE CONTRACTS A. Testing, Adjusting and Balancing: The hydronic and air distribution testing and balancing shall be done by an independent consultant separately contracted by the Owner. 1. The Mechanical Contractor under this Contract shall coordinate through the Owner with the separate Test and Balance Consultant to verify that all items such as; the thermometer wells, pressure test cocks, access doors, etc., are furnished and installed as required to allow tests and adjustments to be performed by the separate Test and Balance Consultant. 2. The Mechanical Contractor shall coordinate with the Owner’s separate Testing and Balance Consultant as required to ensure that the testing and balancing of the mechanical system will be completed prior to the listed date of final completion. B. The Owner will engage other separate contractors for any required asbestos or lead paint abatement. Such work is not currently anticipated. C. The Owner will engage other separate contractors to perform work at the site as required. D. Contractor to include time for “Separate Contract” work in the Project Schedule. E. Special Inspections: Special Inspections will be required per the 2006 International Building Code. These tests will be made at the Owner’s Expense. The Contractor shall coordinate the work schedule with the Owner’s Special Inspector. F. Information Technology Systems Equipment: The Owner will provide their own ITS Equipment, and make its final connections. The General Contractor shall coordinate with them the installation of this equipment to the cabling etc. provided by this contract. 1.9 COORDINATION A. Coordinate the installation of all underground and above ground piping, and electrical items, including stratification of plenum spaces. B. All work installed that interferes with the work of others and was not coordinated with existing conditions and the work of others shall be removed and reinstalled at no extra cost to the Owner. 1.10 A. OWNER OCCUPANCY AND CONTRACTOR USE OF PREMISES Limitations: 1. On days when school is in session, construction work may not begin before 7:30 A.M. 2. Operations of the Contractor shall be limited to the areas where construction work and access routes are indicated on the Construction Documents. The Contractor shall install fence as indicated and shall erect signs adjacent to the gates which read “Construction Traffic Only”. Fences and signs shall be removed by the Contractor at the conclusion of the project. 3. Access to the construction area for staging and the new additions shall be as indicated on the drawings. The fire access drives must be kept open at all times while school is in session. The Contractor shall coordinate access through these drives with the Owner. Section 01 1100 - Page 2 of 6 SUMMARY OF WORK 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 4. When construction vehicles are moving across sidewalks, play areas, or any other pedestrian access routes, the Contractor shall provide the services of a flagman to stop all pedestrian activity in the vicinity of the access gate to the construction areas. 5. When construction delivery vehicles are moving through the site driveways and parking areas at anytime students are on campus, Contractor shall provide the services of a flagman to stop all pedestrian and vehicular activity at the primary site intersections as necessary to allow those vehicles to safely access the staging area and then exit the site. 6. Construction vehicles shall not access the site through the school parking lots / drives from 2:30 P.M. to 3:30 P.M. Care shall also be taken when crossing the student parking lot between 11:30 A.M and 1:00 P.M. 7. Normal school hours are from 7:10 A.M. to 2:44 P.M. During weekdays the building is sometimes open until 11:00 P.M. 8. On days when school is in session, work may occur in occupied areas beginning 30 minutes after students have been released for the day. 9. Contractor must abide by the following general Site Restrictions: a. No radios for entertainment purposes are allowed. b. This site is a “Drug Free School Zone”. c. No contact between Contractor’s personnel and the Student population is allowed. d. No Smoking anywhere on site. B. Parking: 1. A designated portion of the existing west parking lot may be used for parking of Contractor or Subcontractor company and personal vehicles. Construction vehicles shall not park in any other areas or parking lots. C. Coordination with Owner: Schedule all work performed in existing School Buildings with Owner to minimize disruption and allow Owner to maintain occupancy during construction. Work which may negatively impact ongoing classes must be scheduled outside of regular class hours (weekends, after hours, holidays, or breaks); refer to Article 1.11A for school calendar schedule. During testing periods for Final Exams (1/15/14 – 1/17/14 and 5/29/14 – 6/2/14) and TCAP Testing (4 days as yet to be determined, probably in March, 2014), additional restraint of negative impacts will be required. Demolition to the existing building or any activity producing excessive noise, dust, or distraction will be considered as causing “negative impact”. D. Building Access: 1. The buildings and site will be occupied during the building addition construction period. Maintain safe access through emergency exits from occupied areas. Provide temporary covered pedestrian walkways and / or protective fencing over excavations and through construction area as required to maintain required exiting from all of the buildings. 2. Temporary covered pedestrian walkways shall facilitate exiting from the buildings as required. Emergency exiting paths shall be maintained and available at all times during the Owner’s regular business hours. E. Toilet Facilities: Use of the Existing Building Toilet Facilities by the Contractor is not permitted. F. Occupancy by Owner: 1. During the Contractor’s performance of the Work of this Contract (Site Investigation) up until the date of full access through the date of Substantial Completion, the Owner will continue to occupy all areas of the existing building and the existing site, on a full time basis. a. Between the dates of full access through Substantial Completion, the Owner will not occupy the Building or Site. b. Interruption of existing building access and facilities during time of Owner occupancy by the Contractor will not be permitted; to whatever extent such interruptions might interfere with the Owner’s occupancy. c. Any work performed (such as investigative work, measuring and similar items) prior to the date of full access must be approved by the Owner and the Architect Prior to work being completed and must be performed when the building is not occupied during breaks, weekends, after school hours, etc. d. No site construction work may be performed until the date of full access. SUMMARY OF WORK 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Section 01 1100 - Page 3 of 6 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 e. Do not interrupt power, lighting, plumbing, telephone and HVAC services to occupied areas during time of Owner occupancy. 1.11 A. 1.12 SCHOOL CALENDAR In addition to Weekends, the following schedule lists School Holidays and Breaks when the students are not present or when school is not in session during the site verification period: 1. Building Closed 2/17/14 Buildings Unoccupied 2. Staff Work Day - No Classes 2/18/14 Staff in Buildings 3. Spring Break 3/31/14 – 4/4/14 Buildings Unoccupied 4. Building Closed 5/26/14 Buildings Unoccupied 5. Semester Final Exams 5/29/14 – 6/2/14 Coordinate work activities with staff 6. Staff Work Day – No Classes 6/3/14 Staff in Buildings 7. Summer Break Begins 6/4/14 Staff Completing Year End Activities 8. Full Construction Access of Building Available Begins 6/6/14 Building Unoccupied CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE A. Notice of Award: Approximately February 09, 2014. B. Contractor Site Mobilization: Pending satisfaction of requirements leading to the issuance of the Notice to Proceed, the Contractor may move construction trailer on-site and start erecting construction fencing as coordinated with Owner. C. Final Completion: Any reference made in this Project Manual to Substantial Completion shall be understood to mean the Date of Final Completion as set forth in the Owner’s Letter of Acceptance, as defined in Document 00 7200 General Conditions. 1.13 WORK SEQUENCE/ PHASING SCHEDULE A. Mandatory Work Sequence: Complete the work in accordance with the following schedule: 1. Field Measuring and Inspections: Days school in not in session, after hours, weekends, etc,; until the date of full access. a. The existing building and site will be occupied by the Owner during the building verification period, from approximately February 10, 2014 to June 03, 2014. See Article 1.11 - School Calendar for dates when the school will not be in session. b. Start of Construction of Building Renovation (Date of Full Access): June 6, 2014. c. Renovation Construction Substantial Completion: August 1, 2014. B. Phasing: To facilitate the Owner’s use of portions of the facility during construction, the following work sequence and phasing must be followed: 1. Renovation, Remodeling, and Sitework: a. Construction of the renovation, remodeling, and sitework shall commence at any time after ithe Date indicated for Full Access to the Building and shall be substantially completed on or before the specific dates listed in Article 1.13. b. Mechanical, electrical, and civil work outside the building addition or in the existing building necessary for substantial completion of the new additions shall be completed by the scheduled substantial completion dates. This work shall include but not be limited to: 1) Utility work including gas lines, gas meters, electrical service lines, domestic water lines, fire lines, fire sprinkler lines, etc. 2) Mechanical systems necessary for normal operation. 3) Electrical systems (i.e., the fire alarm, intercom, clock program, etc.) necessary for normal operation. 4) Storm and sanitary sewer lines to connection points on site. 1.14 A. TIME OF COMPLETION AND LIQUIDATED DAMAGES The Owner desires all of the work associated with the existing building renovation and site work to be complete by August 1, 2014. The contractor agrees to complete the work on or before this date. If the Contractor fails to meet this date, the Contractor agrees to pay the Owner as liquidated damages Section 01 1100 - Page 4 of 6 SUMMARY OF WORK 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 the sum of Five Thousand and No/100 Dollars ($5,000.00) for each consecutive calendar day thereafter that the work is not fully complete. 1.15 PROTECTION A. The contractor shall protect from damage during demolition and construction all items to remain in place, to be removed and reinstalled, or to be removed and turned over to the Owner. B. Existing Roof Membrane: 1. Protect the Existing Roof Membrane from all construction-related damage. The Contractor shall be responsible for the protection methods. The methods shall be acceptable to the roof membrane manufacturer. Protection shall begin at all roof access locations used by the Contractor and follow all planned paths to roof work areas. Sufficient protection shall be provided at work areas to protect the roof membrane and insulation. 2. Submit proposed plan for roof membrane protection to the Architect prior to commencing work. 3. The Contractor shall be responsible for repair of any damage resulting from damage to the existing roof membrane related to construction activities. Including but not limited to: a. Existing roof membrane and insulation damage. b. Damage to interior materials, finishes, furniture, equipment, or contents. 1.16 A. 1.17 OWNER FURNISHED AND INSTALLED ITEMS The Owner will furnish and install certain items as listed below and as shown on the drawings. Contractor will be responsible for coordinating his work to accommodate these items. 1. Projectors. 2. Loose equipment. 3. Contactor will include in his scheduling the latest times when information, especially physical dimensions, mechanical rough-ins and electrical rough-ins for such items is required and so notify the Owner in writing. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS REGARDING CRIMINAL RECORD CHECK A. To the fullest extent permitted by law, prior to assigning any General Contractor or Subcontractor employee to perform any services on the Owner’s site, Contractor shall have performed a criminal background check to determine whether such employee has been convicted of a felony or other crime that would make such person unsuitable to work around children during the prior five year period or has any known felony convictions that occurred beyond the five year period. Contractor shall not, without the prior written approval of Owner, permit a Contractor employee to perform services on a site if that employee has been convicted of any felony or other crime that would make them unsuitable to work around children. Contractor’s background check must be in compliance with the Fair Credit Reporting Act and Colorado law. B. The Owner may, at any time, require Contractor to provide such information as is necessary to verify Contractor’s compliance with its obligation noted above. The Contractor shall submit copies of all security/background checks performed within twenty-four (24) hours of a request by the Owner for such information. The Owner may request copies of these security/background checks up to twelve (12) months after completion of the specific project. Failure to complete or submit any required security/background check requested by the Owner, may result in immediate cancellation of work in process and/or removal from the active vendor and bidders list for up to one year. PART 2 PRODUCTS (NOT USED) P3 EXECUTION (NOT USED) END OF SECTION SUMMARY OF WORK 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Section 01 1100 - Page 5 of 6 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 Section 01 1100 - Page 6 of 6 Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 SUMMARY OF WORK 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 SECTION 01 2000 - PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 SECTION INCLUDES A. Procedures for preparation and submittal of applications for progress payments. B. Documentation of changes in Contract Sum and Contract Time. C. Change procedures. 1.2 RELATED REQUIREMENTS A. Document 00 5213 - Form of Agreement: Contract Sum, retainages, payment period, monetary values of unit prices. B. Document 00 7200 - General Conditions and Document 00 7300 - Supplementary Conditions: Additional requirements for progress payments, final payment, changes in the Work. C. Document 00 7300 - Supplementary Conditions: Percentage allowances for Contractor's overhead and profit. D. Section 01 2200 - Unit Prices: Monetary values of unit prices, payment and modification procedures relating to unit prices. 1.3 SCHEDULE OF VALUES A. Electronic media printout including equivalent information will be considered in lieu of standard form specified; submit sample to Architect for approval. B. Forms filled out by hand will not be accepted. C. Format: Utilize the Table of Contents of this Project Manual. Identify each line item with number and title of the specification Section. Identify site mobilization. D. Revise schedule to list approved Change Orders, with each Application For Payment. 1.4 APPLICATIONS FOR PROGRESS PAYMENTS A. Payment Period: Submit at intervals stipulated in the Agreement. B. Electronic media printout including equivalent information will be considered in lieu of standard form specified; submit sample to Architect for approval. C. Forms filled out by hand will not be accepted. D. Execute certification by signature of authorized officer. E. Submit three copies of each Application for Payment. 1.5 MODIFICATION PROCEDURES A. Submit name of the individual authorized to receive change documents and who will be responsible for informing others in Contractor's employ or subcontractors of changes to the Contract Documents. B. For minor changes not involving an adjustment to the Contract Sum or Contract Time, Architect will issue instructions directly to Contractor. C. For other required changes, Architect will issue a document signed by Owner instructing Contractor to proceed with the change, for subsequent inclusion in a Change Order. 1. The document will describe the required changes and will designate method of determining any change in Contract Sum or Contract Time. 2. Promptly execute the change. D. Computation of Change in Contract Amount: As specified in the Agreement and Conditions of the Contract. E. Execution of Change Orders: Architect will issue Change Orders for signatures of parties as provided in the Conditions of the Contract. PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Section 01 2000 - Page 1 of 2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 F. After execution of Change Order, promptly revise Schedule of Values and Application for Payment forms to record each authorized Change Order as a separate line item and adjust the Contract Sum. G. Promptly revise progress schedules to reflect any change in Contract Time, revise sub-schedules to adjust times for other items of work affected by the change, and resubmit. H. Promptly enter changes in Project Record Documents. 1.6 APPLICATION FOR FINAL PAYMENT A. Prepare Application for Final Payment as specified for progress payments, identifying total adjusted Contract Sum, previous payments, and sum remaining due. B. Application for Final Payment will not be considered until the following have been accomplished: 1. All closeout procedures specified in Section 01 7000. END OF SECTION Section 01 2000 - Page 2 of 2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 SECTION 01 2200 - UNIT PRICES PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.2 Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SECTION INCLUDES A. List of unit prices, for use in preparing Bids. B. Measurement and payment criteria applicable to Work performed under a unit price payment method. 1.3 COSTS INCLUDED A. 1.4 Unit Prices included on the Bid Form shall include full compensation for all required labor, products, tools, equipment, plant, transportation, services and incidentals; erection, application or installation of an item of the Work; overhead and profit. MEASUREMENT OF QUANTITIES A. Measurement methods delineated in the individual specification sections complement the criteria of this section. In the event of conflict, the requirements of the individual specification section govern. B. Assist by providing necessary equipment, workers, and survey personnel as required. 1.5 PAYMENT A. 1.6 Payment for Work governed by unit prices will be made on the basis of the actual measurements and quantities of Work that is incorporated in or made necessary by the Work and accepted by the Architect, multiplied by the unit price. SCHEDULE OF UNIT PRICES A. Unit Price No. 1 - Roof Conduit Stand Replacement: 1. Description: Provide "Miro" stands to replace existing electrical conduit stands on roof, according to Section 07 7200 - Roof Accessories. 2. Unit of Measurement: EACH Conduit Stand Unit. B. Unit Price No. 2 - Individual Corridor Locker Stand Replacement: 1. Description: Replace individual corridor lockers as identified in field, according to Section 10 5100 - Lockers. 2. Unit of Measurement: EACH Locker Unit. C. Unit Price No. 3 - Gate Valve Replacement: 1. Description: Replace gate valves as identified in field. Provide a separate unit price for each of the sizes indicated on the Bid Form Attachment. 2. Unit of Measurement: EACH Gate Valve Unit. PART 2 PRODUCTS - NOT USED PART 3 EXECUTION - NOT USED END OF SECTION UNIT PRICES 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Section 01 2200 - Page 1 of 2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 Section 01 2200 - Page 2 of 2 Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 UNIT PRICES 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 SECTION 01 2300 - ALTERNATES PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.2 Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SECTION INCLUDES A. Description of alternates. B. Procedures for pricing alternates. C. Documentation of changes to Contract Sum and Contract Time. 1.3 RELATED REQUIREMENTS A. Document 00 2113 - Instructions to Bidders: Instructions for preparation of pricing for alternatives. B. Document 00 4323 - Alternates Form: List of alternatives as supplement to Bid Form. C. Document 00 5213 - Form of Agreement: Incorporating monetary value of accepted alternatives. 1.4 ACCEPTANCE OF ALTERNATES A. Alternates quoted on Bid Forms will be reviewed and accepted or rejected at Owner's option. Accepted alternates will be identified in the Owner-Contractor Agreement. B. Coordinate related work and modify surrounding work to integrate the Work of each alternate. 1.5 DESCRIPTION OF REQUIREMENTS A. Definitions and Explanations: "Alternates" are defined as alternate products, materials, equipment, systems, methods, units of work or major elements of the construction, which may, at the Owner's option be selected for the work in lieu of the corresponding requirements of the base bid Contract Documents. Selection may occur prior to the Contract Date, or may be deferred for possible selection at a subsequent date. Alternates may or may not change the scope and general character of the work substantially. Refer to Owner-Contractor Agreements, and subsequent modifications thereof (If any), for the determination of which of the several scheduled alternates listed have been accepted, and are, therefore, in full force and effect as though originally included in the Contract Documents for the base bid. B. Notification: Immediately following the award of the Contract, the Contractor shall prepare and distribute to each entity or person to be involved in the performance of the Work, a notification of the status of each alternate scheduled and including those subsequently added by notification during bidding. Indicate which alternates have been: 1) accepted, 2) rejected, and 3) deferred for consideration at a later date as indicated. Include full description of negotiated modifications to alternates, if any. C. General Alternate Requirements: The description for each alternate is recognized to be incomplete and abbreviated but implies that each change must be complete for the scope of work affected. Refer to applicable sections (Divisions 02 through 32) and to applicable drawings for the specific requirements of the work, whether or not references are so noted in the description of each alternate. Modify surrounding work as required to integrate with the work of each alternate. 1.6 SCHEDULE OF ALTERNATES A. Alternate C-1: Asphalt mill and overlay; 1. Base Bid: Provide 2" mill and overlay with petromat at locations indicated in the documents. 2. Alternate: DEDUCT the 2" overlay with petromat at locations indicated in the documents and PROVIDE mill and overlay at edges only. B. Alternate C-2: Site Stair Modification; 1. Base Bid: Modify stair south of the parking lot as indicated in the documents. ALTERNATES 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Section 01 2300 - Page 1 of 4 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 2. Alternate: DEDUCT (No Work). C. Alternate AR-1: I-15, I-C100C Security Desk addition and I-K16, I-J100A Access Controlled Vestibule remodel; 1. Base Bid: Salvage existing display case and demolish CMU wall. Add I-15 Security Desk as indicated in documents and transaction counter. Add transaction counter at I-J100A. Include power & data, mechanical, and light fixtures. 2. Alternate: DEDUCT (No Work). D. Alternate AR-2: I-814, I-815, I-816 Digital Lab remodel and I-K26, I-K26A, I-K26B, I-K26C, I-K24, I-K25 Nurse’s Office relocation; 1. Base Bid: Demolish walls, doors and ceilings as indicated in documents. Add walls, doors and ceilings as indicated in documents. Include power & data, mechanical, plumbing, and light fixtures. 2. Alternate: DEDUCT (No Work). E. Alternate AR-3: Locker replacement; 1. Base Bid: Replace corridor lockers as indicated in documents. 2. Alternate: DEDUCT Existing lockers to remain. F. Alternate AR-4: I-803E Auto Shop Classroom remodel; 1. Base Bid: Demolish chain link fence, walls, and display case. Enlarge I-803E as indicated in documents. Include power & data poles, mechanical modifications, and light fixture replacement. 2. Alternate: DEDUCT (No Work). G. Alternate AR-5: I-24 Main Office remodel; 1. Base Bid: Demolish hollow metal frames, windows and doors replace with storefront system as indicated in documents. Add casework as indicated in documents. Include power & data. 2. Alternate: DEDUCT (No Work). H. Alternate AR-6: II-B103A Science Collaboration Space remodel; 1. Base Bid: Demolish lockers as required. Add partial height wall, marker boards, and overhead projector as indicated in documents. Include power & data. 2. Alternate: DEDUCT (No Work). I. Alternate AR-7: II-611, II-612 Office remodel and II-603, II-605, II-605A, II-608 STEM Classroom remodel; 1. Base Bid: Demolish walls, doors and ceilings as indicated in documents. Add walls, doors and ceilings as indicated in documents. Include power & data, mechanical, plumbing, and light fixtures. 2. Alternate: DEDUCT (No Work). J. Alternate AR-8: II-209 Bio-technology Lab remodel; 1. Base Bid: Add science casework and relocate teaching wall as indicated in documents. Include power & data. 2. Alternate: DEDUCT (No Work). K. Alternate AR-9: Cafeteria Storefront Replacement; 1. Base Bid: Replace all storefront framing and glazing at cafeteria area as indicated in documents. 2. Alternate: DEDUCT (No Work). L. Alternate AR-10: Classroom Wing Storefront Replacement; 1. Base Bid: Replace all storefront frames and glazing at classroom wing as indicated in documents. 2. Alternate: DEDUCT (No Work). M. Alternate AR-11: Elevator Modernization; 1. Base Bid: Modernize elevator as indicated in documents. Include mechanical, electrical, and plumbing. 2. Alternate: DEDUCT (No Work). N. Alternate AR-12: Skylight Replacement; 1. Base Bid: Replace skylights as indicated in documents. Section 01 2300 - Page 2 of 4 ALTERNATES 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 2. Alternate: DEDUCT (No Work). O. Alternate AR-13: Existing door hardware replacement; 1. Base Bid: Replace existing doors and door hardware as indicated on plans. 2. Alternate: DEDUCT (No Work). P. Alternate AR-14: Carpet Replacement; 1. Base Bid: Replace carpet as indicated on plans. 2. Alternate: DEDUCT replace carpet in I-706 Auditorium only. Q. Alternate M-1: AHU-21 Replacement; 1. Base Bid: No work. 2. Alternate: ADD Replace AHU-21 (Wrestling Room air handling unit). R. Alternate M-2: Auto Shop air curtain replacement; 1. Base Bid: No work. 2. Alternate: ADD Replacement of Auto Shop air curtain S. Alternate M-3: RTU-24 Replacement; 1. Base Bid: No work. 2. Alternate: ADD Replace RTU-24 (Kitchen make-up air unit). T. Alternate M-4: Solar Hot Water 1. Base Bid: Remove and store glycol for reuse. Disassemble and remove solar hot water system from roof and reinstall. Fill system with salvaged glycol. Commissioning by owner. The glycol is to be drained from the hot water solar system glycol feeder in the basement. 2. Deduct Alternate A: Remove glycol from system, salvage to owner. Remove hot water solar system from roof and discard. 3. Deduct Alternate B: Hot water solar system to remain. Roof to remain. U. Alternate E-1: LED House lighting upgrade; 1. Base Bid: LED house lighting upgrade with integral drivers as indicated in documents. 2. Alternate: DEDUCT no work. V. Alternate E-2: Theatrical lighting console replacement; 1. Base Bid: No work. 2. Alternate: ADD Replacement of theatrical lighting console. W. Alternate E-3: LED theater instruments; 1. Base Bid: No work. 2. Alternate: Furnish theatrical instruments types as indicated in documents. X. Alternate E-4: Existing Incandescent theater instruments refurbishment; 1. Base Bid: No work. 2. Alternate: Refurbish existing incandescent theatrical instruments as indicated in documents Y. Alternate E-5: Parking lot luminaires replacement. 1. Base Bid: Provide LED parking lot luminaires as indicated in documents. 2. Alternate: DEDUCT Provide Metal halide parking lot luminaires in place of LED luminaires. Z. Alternate IT-1: Security camera cable replacement. 1. Base Bid: No work. 2. Alternate: ADD Provide CAT-6 cables to all existing security cameras. PART 2 PRODUCTS - NOT USED PART 3 EXECUTION - NOT USED END OF SECTION ALTERNATES 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Section 01 2300 - Page 3 of 4 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 Section 01 2300 - Page 4 of 4 Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 ALTERNATES 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 SECTION 01 3100 - PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND COORDINATION PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.2 Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY A. Section includes administrative provisions for coordinating construction operations on Project including, but not limited to, the following: 1. General coordination procedures. 2. Coordination drawings. 3. Requests for Information (RFIs). B. Each contractor shall participate in coordination requirements. Certain areas of responsibility are assigned to a specific contractor. C. Related Requirements: 1. Document 00 7300 - Supplementary Conditions. 2. Section 01 2973 - Schedule of Values. 3. Section 01 3116 - Mechanical and Electrical Coordination. 4. Section 01 3213 - Construction Schedule. 5. Section 01 3300 - Submittals. 6. 01 33 23 Shop Drawings, Product Data, and Samples. 1.3 DEFINITIONS A. 1.4 RFI: Request from Owner, Architect, or Contractor seeking information required by or clarifications of the Contract Documents. GENERAL COORDINATION PROCEDURES A. Coordination: Coordinate construction operations included in different Sections of the Specifications to ensure efficient and orderly installation of each part of the Work. Coordinate construction operations, included in different Sections, that depend on each other for proper installation, connection, and operation. 1. Schedule construction operations in sequence required to obtain the best results where installation of one part of the Work depends on installation of other components, before or after its own installation. 2. Coordinate installation of different components to ensure maximum performance and accessibility for required maintenance, service, and repair. 3. Make adequate provisions to accommodate items scheduled for later installation. B. Coordination: Each contractor shall coordinate its construction operations with those of other contractors and entities to ensure efficient and orderly installation of each part of the Work. Each contractor shall coordinate its operations with operations, included in different Sections, that depend on each other for proper installation, connection, and operation. 1. Schedule construction operations in sequence required to obtain the best results where installation of one part of the Work depends on installation of other components, before or after its own installation. 2. Coordinate installation of different components with other contractors to ensure maximum performance and accessibility for required maintenance, service, and repair. 3. Make adequate provisions to accommodate items scheduled for later installation. C. Prepare memoranda for distribution to each party involved, outlining special procedures required for coordination. Include such items as required notices, reports, and list of attendees at meetings. 1. Prepare similar memoranda for Owner and separate contractors if coordination of their Work is required. PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND COORDINATION 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Section 01 3100 - Page 1 of 4 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 D. Administrative Procedures: Coordinate scheduling and timing of required administrative procedures with other construction activities to avoid conflicts and to ensure orderly progress of the Work. Such administrative activities include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. Preparation of Contractor's construction schedule. 2. Preparation of the schedule of values. 3. Installation and removal of temporary facilities and controls. 4. Delivery and processing of submittals. 5. Progress meetings. 6. Preinstallation conferences. 7. Project closeout activities. 8. Startup and adjustment of systems. E. Conservation: Coordinate construction activities to ensure that operations are carried out with consideration given to conservation of energy, water, and materials. Coordinate use of temporary utilities to minimize waste. 1. Salvage materials and equipment involved in performance of, but not actually incorporated into, the Work. See other Sections for disposition of salvaged materials that are designated as Owner's property. 1.5 COORDINATION DRAWINGS A. Coordination Drawings, General: Prepare coordination drawings according to requirements in individual Sections, and additionally where installation is not completely shown on Shop Drawings, where limited space availability necessitates coordination, or if coordination is required to facilitate integration of products and materials fabricated or installed by more than one entity. 1. Provide Coordination Drawings for the following: a. Ceiling Plenum: all areas. b. Areas with exposed structure (e.g., no finished ceiling). c. Roof Deck penetrations: all areas. d. Mechanical, Electrical, and Telecommunications Equipment Rooms. e. Penetrations of structural Elements (id not already shown on other coordination drawings): all areas. f. Slab edge and embedded items: all areas. 2. Content: Project-specific information, drawn accurately to a scale large enough to indicate and resolve conflicts. Do not base coordination drawings on standard printed data. Include the following information, as applicable: a. Use applicable Drawings as a basis for preparation of coordination drawings. Prepare sections, elevations, and details as needed to describe relationship of various systems and components. b. Coordinate the addition of trade-specific information to the coordination drawings by multiple contractors in a sequence that best provides for coordination of the information and resolution of conflicts between installed components before submitting for review. c. Indicate functional and spatial relationships of components of architectural, structural, civil, mechanical, and electrical systems. d. Indicate space requirements for routine maintenance and for anticipated replacement of components during the life of the installation. e. Show location and size of access doors required for access to concealed dampers, valves, and other controls. f. Indicate required installation sequences. g. Indicate dimensions shown on the Drawings. Specifically note dimensions that appear to be in conflict with submitted equipment and minimum clearance requirements. Provide alternate sketches to Architect indicating proposed resolution of such conflicts. Minor dimension changes and difficult installations will not be considered changes to the Contract. 3. Meet with and carefully coordinate layout with all affected trades before preparation and submission of required Shop Drawings or other relevant Submittals. Review Coordination Drawing requirements, plans, specifications and proposed work sequencing and schedule with all Section 01 3100 - Page 2 of 4 PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND COORDINATION 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 affected subcontractors/trades. Resolve any discrepancies, conflicts or problems prior to proceeding with the subject work. B. 1.6 Coordination Drawing Organization: Organize coordination drawings as follows: 1. Floor Plans and Reflected Ceiling Plans: Show architectural and structural elements, and mechanical, plumbing, fire-protection, fire-alarm, and electrical Work. Show locations of visible ceiling-mounted devices relative to acoustical ceiling grid. Supplement plan drawings with section drawings where required to adequately represent the Work. 2. Plenum Space: Indicate subframing for support of ceiling and wall systems, mechanical and electrical equipment, and related Work. Locate components within ceiling plenum to accommodate layout of light fixtures indicated on Drawings. Indicate areas of conflict between light fixtures and other components. 3. Mechanical, Electrical, and Telecommunications Equipment Rooms: Provide coordination drawings for mechanical rooms showing plans and elevations of mechanical, plumbing, fire-protection, fire-alarm, telecommunications, and electrical equipment. 4. Structural Penetrations: Indicate penetrations and openings required for all disciplines. 5. Slab Edge and Embedded Items: Indicate slab edge locations and sizes and locations of embedded items for metal fabrications, sleeves, anchor bolts, bearing plates, angles, door floor closers, slab depressions for floor finishes, curbs and housekeeping pads, and similar items. 6. Review: Architect will review coordination drawings to confirm that the Work is being coordinated, but not for the details of the coordination, which are Contractor's responsibility. If Architect determines that coordination drawings are not being prepared in sufficient scope or detail, or are otherwise deficient, Architect will so inform Contractor, who shall make changes as directed and resubmit. REQUESTS FOR INFORMATION (RFIS) A. General: Immediately on discovery of the need for additional information or interpretation of the Contract Documents, Contractor shall prepare and submit an RFI in the form specified. 1. Architect will return RFIs submitted to Architect by other entities controlled by Contractor with no response. 2. Coordinate and submit RFIs in a prompt manner so as to avoid delays in Contractor's work or work of subcontractors. B. Content of the RFI: Include a detailed, legible description of item needing information or interpretation and the following: 1. Project name. 2. Project number. 3. Date. 4. Name of Contractor. 5. Name of Architect. 6. RFI number, numbered sequentially. 7. RFI subject. 8. Specification Section number and title and related paragraphs, as appropriate. 9. Drawing number and detail references, as appropriate. 10. Field dimensions and conditions, as appropriate. 11. Contractor's suggested resolution. If Contractor's suggested resolution impacts the Contract Time or the Contract Sum, Contractor shall state impact in the RFI. 12. Contractor's signature. 13. Attachments: Include sketches, descriptions, measurements, photos, Product Data, Shop Drawings, coordination drawings, and other information necessary to fully describe items needing interpretation. a. Include dimensions, thicknesses, structural grid references, and details of affected materials, assemblies, and attachments on attached sketches. C. RFI Forms: AIA Document G716. 1. Attachments shall be electronic files in Adobe Acrobat PDF format. PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND COORDINATION 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Section 01 3100 - Page 3 of 4 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 D. Architect's Action: Architect will review each RFI, determine action required, and respond. Allow seven working days for Architect's response for each RFI. RFIs received by Architect after 1:00 p.m. will be considered as received the following working day. 1. The following Contractor-generated RFIs will be returned without action: a. Requests for approval of submittals. b. Requests for approval of substitutions. c. Requests for approval of Contractor's means and methods. d. Requests for coordination information already indicated in the Contract Documents. e. Requests for adjustments in the Contract Time or the Contract Sum. f. Requests for interpretation of Architect's actions on submittals. g. Incomplete RFIs or inaccurately prepared RFIs. 2. Architect's action may include a request for additional information, in which case Architect's time for response will date from time of receipt of additional information. 3. Architect’s action on RFIs that may result in a change to the Contract Time or the Contract Sum may be eligible for Contractor to submit a change request proposal according to provisions of the Contract Documents governing such an issue. If Contractor believes an RFI response warrants a change in the Contract Time or the Contract Sum, notify Architect in writing within 10 calendar days of receipt of the RFI response. a. If Contractor believes the RFI response warrants change in the Contract Time or the Contract Sum, notify Architect in writing within 10 days of receipt of the RFI response. E. RFI Log: Prepare, maintain, and submit a tabular log of RFIs organized by the RFI number. Submit log weekly. Use CSI Log Form 13.2B. Include the following: 1. Project name. 2. Name and address of Contractor. 3. Name and address of Architect. 4. Architect's Project Number. 5. RFI number including RFIs that were returned without action or withdrawn. 6. Brief RFI description. 7. Date the RFI was submitted. 8. Date Architect's response was received. F. On receipt of Architect's action, update the RFI log and immediately distribute the RFI response to affected parties. Review response and notify Architect within seven days if Contractor disagrees with response. 1. Identification of related Minor Change in the Work, Construction Change Directive, and Proposal Request, as appropriate. 2. Identification of related Field Order, Work Change Directive, and Proposal Request, as appropriate. PART 2 PRODUCTS (NOT USED) P3 EXECUTION (NOT USED) END OF SECTION Section 01 3100 - Page 4 of 4 PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND COORDINATION 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 SECTION 01 3110 - PROJECT MEETINGS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.2 Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. PRECONSTRUCTION MEETINGS A. Preconstruction and Contract Accomplishment Conference: A meeting will be scheduled by the Owner within ten (10) days following Notice of Award, at which time the Contractor will submit executed bonds and insurance certificates. Administrative requirements such as subcontractor lists, schedule of values, payment applications, change order procedures, sales tax records and project closeout will be reviewed in detail. B. Site Mobilization Conference: A meeting will be scheduled by the Architect at the site prior to Contractor move-in. Representatives of the Contractor, Geotechnical Engineer, Owner, and Architect will be present. Job site procedures, to include the following items, will be discussed: 1. Procedures for maintaining record documents 2. Owner's requirements 3. Construction facilities and controls 4. Temporary utilities 1.3 PROGRESS MEETINGS A. Regular weekly meetings shall be scheduled at Contractor's job site field office. The Contractor's Project Manager and Superintendent, and Owner, will be present. Minutes of progress meetings shall be kept and distributed by the Contractor. Minutes shall record only actual statements made and items discussed during the meetings. The following items will be discussed: 1. Review of Work Progress Since Previous Meeting. 2. Field Observations, Problems, Conflicts. 3. Status of Previous Instructions Issued. 4. Problems Which Impede Construction Schedule. 5. Review of Off-Site Fabrication and Material Delivery Schedules. 6. Review Status of Contractor's Construction Schedule. 7. Discuss Procedures to Regain Projected Schedule. 8. Itemize Work for Succeeding Work Period Up to Next Progress Meeting. 9. Coordination of Schedules. 10. Maintenance of Quality Standards. 11. Review Contractor's Submittals. 12. Review Proposed Changes for Effect on Other Trades, Construction Schedule, Completion Date, and Costs. 13. Coordination of Owner's Separate Contracts. 14. Work In Progress During Visit. 15. Other Business as Required. PART 2 - PRODUCTS - NOT USED PART 3 - EXECUTION - NOT USED END OF SECTION PROJECT MEETINGS 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Section 01 3110 - Page 1 of 2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 Section 01 3110 - Page 2 of 2 Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 PROJECT MEETINGS 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 SECTION 01 3116 - MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COORDINATION PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.2 Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. COORDINATION A. Check and review the Mechanical and Electrical Drawings and Specifications to assure coordination between Divisions 23 and 26. Any errors and / or omissions noted between Divisions 23 and 26 shall be brought to the attention of the Architect for his decision, prior to the bid. B. It shall be the responsibility of the Mechanical Contractor (MC) to transmit all changes of electrical characteristics that result from any substitution of equipment to the General Contractor and Electrical Contractor (EC). Any and all charges for such changes shall be the responsibility of the Mechanical Contractor (MC). 1.3 RESPONSIBILITY A. The following chart is provided only as a suggested outline of responsibility for furnishing, setting, and wiring. The chart applies only to those items listed. The following schedule is a recommendation and does not relieve the Contractor of responsibility to coordinate completion of the Work or otherwise assign portions of the Work. ITEM Equipment Motors (See Note 10) Motor Starter & Overload Heaters (See Note 1) Fused & Unfused Disconnect Switches, Thermal Overload & Heaters (See Note 5) Manual Operating & Speed Switches, (carrying load currents) (See Notes 3 & 4) Control Relays & Transformer (See Note 2) Thermostats - Line Voltage (See Note 6) Temperature Control Panels (See Note 9) Temperature Control Remote Panels Smoke Dampers and Combination Fire/Smoke Dampers (See Note 12) Fire & Smoke Detectors, Including Relays for Fan and Smoke Damper Shutdown (See Notes 7 & 8) Motor & Solenoid Balves, Damper Motors, Control Valves, Fan Interlocking Wiring, Low Voltage Thermostats Freezestats, Auastats, TC Flow Switches Pushbutton Stations & Pilot Lights (Manually operated Swithces not carrying Load Currents) (See Note 3) Boiler and Water Heater Controls Including F.I. A. Gas Train MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COORDINATION 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. FURNISHED BY MC SET BY MC POWER WIRING EC CONTROL WIRING -- MC EC EC MC EC EC EC -- MC EC EC EC MC MC EC MC MC MC MC MC EC MC MC MC EC EC MC EC EC MC MC EC EC EC EC EC MC MC -- MC MC MC MC MC --- MC MC MC MC EC MC Section 01 3116 - Page 1 of 4 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 ITEM Temporary Heating Connections Heat Tape Bolier / Gas Water Heater EPO Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 FURNISHED BY MC MC EC SET BY MC MC EC POWER WIRING EC EC EC CONTROL WIRING MC MC MC MC = Mechanical Contractor Under Division 23 of the Work EC = Electrical Contractor Under Division 26 of the Work NOTES: 1. All starters, other than those in Motor Control Centers shall be furnished under Division 23. All starters furnished under Division 23 shall be complete with three (3) O.L. heaters and shall conform to NEC and NEMA requirements. 2. Control relays and control transformers shall be furnished under Division 23 except where furnishing such items are specifically required under Division 26 specifications and/or drawings. 3. Pushbutton stations carrying full load current are to be wired under Division 16 of the work. 4. Exhaust Fans: The EC shall refer to Division 23 documents for methods of control. The EC under Division 26 will furnish and install circuits, feeders and disconnect switches, and make all connections to motors and controls. Where exhaust fans are switched with lights, a time delay off timing relay (adjustable from 5 to 30 minutes) shall be provided by the EC under Division 26. The timer shall be controlled with the lights and shall control the exhaust fan. Where exhaust fans are controlled by sixty (60) minute time switches, EC under Division 26 shall furnish and install the switch. Where exhaust fans are interlocked with other mechanical equipment, the interlock wiring will be furnished by the MC under Division 23. Where exhaust fans are controlled by remote starters, EC shall set starters furnished by MC and provide all power wiring. 5. If disconnect switches are furnished as part of factory wired equipment, wiring and connections only by EC. 6. If float switches, line thermostats, PE switches, time switches, etc., carry the FULL LOAD CURRENT to any motor, heating element, or other similar item, they shall be furnished by MC under Division 23, but they shall be set in place and connected by EC under Division 26; except where such items are an integral part of the mechanical equipment or directly attached to ducts, piping, etc., they shall be set in place under the MC and connected by the EC. If they do not carry the FULL LOAD CURRENT to any motor, they shall be furnished, set in place, and wired under the MC. 7. Wiring from alarm contacts to fire alarm system by EC; all control function wiring by MC, unless noted otherwise (refer to mechanical control drawings). 8. Fire and smoke detectors in ductwork on mechanical equipment are mounted under MC. All others are mounted under EC. Locations to be determined by EC (fire alarm subcontractor). 9. EC under Division 26 shall coordinate quantity and location of temperature control panels with Mechanical Drawings and Specifications and with MC under Division 23. Provide a 120-volt, 1phase dedicated circuit from each control panel or group of control panels to the nearest panelboard of correct voltage characteristics. Mechanical drawings only indicate potential temperature control panel locations. Specific control systems installed may deviate in quantity and locations of control panels indicated on drawings. 10. Connections to all controls directly attached to ducts, piping, and mechanical equipment shall be made with flexible connections. 11. MC shall not fabricate ductwork until he has inspected the space in which the ductwork will be installed, coordinated the location of ductwork with the light fixtures to be installed by EC, and assured himself that all ductwork will fit the space provided. EC shall transmit final approved shop drawing and product data submittals showing sizes, heights, and locations of light fixtures to the General and MC to allow the coordination to take place. MC and EC shall coordinate the layout and installation of mechanical and electrical equipment in Mechanical and Electrical Rooms. Section 01 3116 - Page 2 of 4 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COORDINATION 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 12. EC under Division 26 shall coordinate quantity and locations of smoke dampers with Mechanical Drawings and Specifications and with MC under Division 23. Provide a 120volt,1-phase dedicated circuit from each group of smoke dampers to the nearest panelboard of correct voltage characteristics. EC shall provide all necessary detectors and fire alarm system relays to accomplish code required functions of smoke dampers. PART 2 PRODUCTS PART 3 EXECUTION END OF SECTION MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COORDINATION 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Section 01 3116 - Page 3 of 4 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 Section 01 3116 - Page 4 of 4 Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COORDINATION 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 SECTION 01 3216 - CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS SCHEDULE PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.2 Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SECTION INCLUDES A. Preliminary schedule. B. Procedures for prepartation, submission, review of Contractor's Construction Schedule (network analysis schedules), and periodic updating. C. The requiements of this Section are in addtion to and not in lieu of any other requirements of the General and Supplementary Conditions of the Contract. 1.3 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 01 1100 - Summary of Work. B. Section 01 2000 - Price and Payment Procedures. C. Section 01 3110 - Project Meetings. D. Section 01 3300 - Submittals. E. Section 01 3323 - Shop Drawings, Product Data, and Samples. 1.4 REFERENCES A. 1.5 AGC (CPSM) - Construction Planning and Scheduling Manual; Associated General Contractors of America; 2004. GENERAL A. 1.6 The Construction Schedule will be an integral part of the Contract, and will establish interim Contract completion dates for various activities. Unless otherwise specifically stated elsewhere in the Contract Documents, "day" shall mean calendar day. SUBMITTALS A. Within 10 days after date of Agreement, submit preliminary schedule defining planned operations for the first 60 days of Work, with a general outline for remainder of Work. B. If preliminary schedule requires revision after review, submit revised schedule within 10 days. C. Within 20 days after review of preliminary schedule, submit draft of proposed complete schedule for review. 1. Include written certification that major contractors have reviewed and accepted proposed schedule. D. Within 10 days after joint review, submit complete schedule. E. Submit updated schedule with each Application for Payment. F. Submit the number of opaque reproductions that Contractor requires, plus two copies that will be retained by Architect. G. Submit under transmittal letter form specified in Section 01 3000. 1.7 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Scheduler: Contractor's personnel or specialist Consultant specializing in CPM scheduling with one years minimum experience in scheduling construction work of a complexity comparable to this Project, and having use of computer facilities capable of delivering a detailed graphic printout within 48 hours of request. CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS SCHEDULE 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Section 01 3216 - Page 1 of 4 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 B. 1.8 Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 Contractor's Administrative Personnel: Three years minimum experience in using and monitoring CPM schedules on comparable projects. SCHEDULE FORMAT A. Listings: In chronological order according to the start date for each activity. Identify each activity with the applicable specification section number. B. Diagram Sheet Size: Maximum 22 x 17 inches (560 x 432 mm) or width required. C. Scale and Spacing: To allow for notations and revisions. PART 2 PRODUCTS - NOT USED PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 PRELIMINARY SCHEDULE A. 3.2 Prepare preliminary schedule in the form of a preliminary network diagram. CONTENT A. Show complete sequence of construction by activity, with dates for beginning and completion of each element of construction. B. Identify each item by specification section number. C. Show accumulated percentage of completion of each item, and total percentage of Work completed, as of the first day of each month. D. Provide separate schedule of submittal dates for shop drawings, product data, and samples, owner-furnished products, Products identified under Allowances, and dates reviewed submittals will be required from Architect. Indicate decision dates for selection of finishes. E. Coordinate content with schedule of values specified in Section 01 2000. F. Provide legend for symbols and abbreviations used. 3.3 NETWORK ANALYSIS A. Prepare network analysis diagrams and supporting mathematical analyses using the Critical Path Method. B. Illustrate order and interdependence of activities and sequence of work; how start of a given activity depends on completion of preceding activities, and how completion of the activity may restrain start of subsequent activities. C. Mathematical Analysis: Tabulate each activity of detailed network diagrams, using calendar dates, and identify for each activity: 1. Preceding and following event numbers. 2. Activity description. 3. Estimated duration of activity, in maximum 15 day intervals. 4. Earliest start date. 5. Earliest finish date. 6. Actual start date. 7. Actual finish date. 8. Latest start date. 9. Latest finish date. 10. Total and free float; float time shall accrue to Owner and to Owner's benefit. 11. Monetary value of activity, keyed to Schedule of Values. 12. Percentage of activity completed. 13. Responsibility. D. Analysis Program: Capable of compiling monetary value of completed and partially completed activities, accepting revised completion dates, and recomputation of all dates and float. Section 01 3216 - Page 2 of 4 CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS SCHEDULE 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 E. 3.4 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 Required Reports: List activities in sorts or groups: 1. By preceding work item or event number from lowest to highest. 2. By amount of float, then in order of early start. 3. By responsibility in order of earliest possible start date. 4. In order of latest allowable start dates. 5. In order of latest allowable finish dates. 6. Contractor's periodic payment request sorted by Schedule of Values listings. 7. Listing of basic input data that generates the report. 8. Listing of activities on the critical path. REVIEW AND EVALUATION OF SCHEDULE A. Participate in joint review and evaluation of schedule with Architect at each submittal. B. Evaluate project status to determine work behind schedule and work ahead of schedule. C. After review, revise as necessary as result of review, and resubmit within 10 days. 3.5 UPDATING SCHEDULE A. Maintain schedules to record actual start and finish dates of completed activities. B. Indicate progress of each activity to date of revision, with projected completion date of each activity. C. Annotate diagrams to graphically depict current status of Work. D. Identify activities modified since previous submittal, major changes in Work, and other identifiable changes. E. Indicate changes required to maintain Date of Substantial Completion. F. Submit reports required to support recommended changes. G. Provide narrative report to define problem areas, anticipated delays, and impact on the schedule. Report corrective action taken or proposed and its effect including the effects of changes on schedules of separate contractors. 3.6 DISTRIBUTION OF SCHEDULE A. Distribute copies of updated schedules to Contractor's project site file, to Subcontractors, suppliers, Architect, Owner, and other concerned parties. B. Instruct recipients to promptly report, in writing, problems anticipated by projections shown in schedules. END OF SECTION CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS SCHEDULE 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Section 01 3216 - Page 3 of 4 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 Section 01 3216 - Page 4 of 4 Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS SCHEDULE 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 SECTION 01 3300 - SUBMITTALS PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.2 Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. INFORMATION INCLUDED A. Submittal defined. B. Submittal Categories established. C. Requirements, procedures, and conditions. D. Submittal schedule requirements. 1.3 RELATED REQUIREMENTS A. Requirements pertaining to various submittals as described in the General and Supplementary Conditions. B. Requirements for submittals described in other individual specification Sections. C. Shop Drawings, Product Data and Samples: Section 01 3323. 1.4 SUBMITTALS DEFINED AND CLASSIFIED A. A submittal is anything required in the Contract Documents to be submitted by the Contractor to the Architect. Submittals are not Contract Documents and Architect’s corrections/comments made on submittals do not constitute Modifications (refer to Conditions of the Contract) to the Contract Documents. B. Category I submittals require approval by the Architect and include: 1. Schedule of Values (approval is for format and level of detail only). 2. List of Subcontractors and Material Suppliers. 3. Submittal schedule (approval is for format and level of information only). 4. Shop drawings. 5. Product Data. 6. Samples. 7. Applications for Payment. 8. Substitution requests. 9. Any item specifically classified in individual Sections as a Category I submitta.l C. Category II submittals are required for the Architect’s and/or Owner’s information and as evidence of the Contractor’s compliance with provisions of the Contract Documents. They are not required to be approved by the Architect. Consequently, Category II submittals will not be approved by the Architect and will normally not be returned to the Contractor. The Architect reserves the right to require the Contractor to resubmit any Category II submittal if the Architect becomes aware, at any time, of anything concerning the submittal which does not comply with the requirements of the Contract Documents. Any such discovery or lack thereof shall not relieve the Contractor from the obligation of having fully complied with, or the obligation to yet fully comply with, the conditions and provisions of the Contract Documents, and the Owner shall not be prevented from requiring removal and replacement of nonconforming work. Category II submittals include: 1. Construction Schedule(s) and updates. 2. Performance and Labor and Material Payment Bonds. 3. Quality control plan. 4. Coordination drawings. 5. Engineering calculations. 6. Test reports. 7. Certificates / certifications. SUBMITTALS 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Section 01 3300 - Page 1 of 4 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 Manufacturer’s instructions Contractor’s list of corrections. Warranties; sample and final copies. Operation and Maintenance manuals / instructions. Affidavits of Payment of Debts and Claims. Lien waivers. Consent of Surety to Final Payment. All project closeout documents specified in Section 01 7700. Any item specifically classified in individual Sections as a Category II submittal. D. For any required submittal not listed in this section, the Architect shall, upon discovery or request from the Contractor, determine the proper category of such submittal. E. Incomplete Submittal Packet(s): collection of submittals transmitted with required concurrent submittal(s) omitted. Refer to paragraph 1.5.G of this Section. F. Partial Submittal(s): 1. A shop drawing submittal that takes into account a single, ununterupted subdivision of the total area of a building. 2. A submittal of samples required for color, texture, pattern, or other finish (collectively, “color”) selection by Architect that is inclusive of less than all such samples required to be submitted. 1.5 REQUIREMENTS, PROCEDURES, AND CONDITIONS A. The requirements of this Section are in addition to and not in lieu of any other requirements of the General and Supplementary Conditions of the Contract. B. Submit all submittals required by the Contract Documents and revise and resubmit as necessary to fully comply with specified requirements. C. Where a conflict occurs between or within specified standards and the Contract Documents, or should the Contractor have any question regarding the intent of the Contract Documents or any requirement thereof, the Contractor shall, prior to submission of any affected submittal, ensure his full understanding of said intent/requirement by making written Request for Interpretation/Information using the form provided in the Project Manual for this purpose. D. Contractor shall review all submittals to ensure strict conformance with requirements of the Contract Documents. Prior to transmitting each submittal, Contractor shall carefully review and coordinate all aspects of each item being submitted and verify that each item and the submittal for it conforms in all respects with the requirements of the Contract Documents. By signing and submitting same to Architect, Contractor acknowledges that said review and coordination has been performed. Contractor’s transmission of the submittal to the Architect shall constitute prima facie evidence of Contractor’s compliance with the provisions of the Contract Documents relating to submittals. E. Deliver submittals to Architect as directed at the project pre-construction conference. Facsimile transmissions will be not be accepted. F. Transmit submittals under Contractor’s specific transmittal form, AIA Form G810, or other form acceptable to the Architect. Transmit each group of related submittals (submittals that are required under the same specification Section) under the same transmittal form. Do not transmit submittals required by different specification sections under the same transmittal form. Show transmission date and identify Project, Architect, Contractor, subcontractor, manufacturer, supplier, and separate shop drawing producer if pertinent. List numbers of drawings and specification Section number as appropriate. G. Provide all submittals required by an individual Section at the same time as a single Submittal Packet. Incomplete Submittal Packets will be returned without further review and the Contractor shall be strictly liable for all resulting delays. Each submittal type (e.g., shop drawings, product data, calculations, etc.) shall be transmitted as a separate pdf file when in electronic form, and as a separately bound document when in hard copy form. H. Partial Submittals will be reviewed only in the specific cases listed in Section 01 3323. I. On at least the first page of each submittal, and elsewhere as required for positive identification, clearly indicate the specification Section number in which the item was included. When an item is Section 01 3300 - Page 2 of 4 SUBMITTALS 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 being resubmitted for any reason, transmit said item under new letter of transmittal and with a revised submittal number. Resubmittals shall have the same number as the original submittal with alphanumeric suffix consecutively numbered (e.g., R1, R2, etc.). J. Protocol for numbering/identification of submittals shall be as follows: specification section number (without spaces) - specification section paragraph reference - date (MMDDYY format) submittal or revised submittal is transmitted to Architect - revision suffix (e.g., 084113-1.03.A061513-R1designates a submittal required for Section 08 41 13, paragraph 1.03.A on June 15, 2013, first resubmittal). K. Maintain an accurate submittal log for the duration of the Contract, showing current status of all submittals. Make the submittal log available to the Architect upon request. L. Prepare and transmit to Architect all submittals far enough in advance of scheduled dates for installation to provide all time required for reviews, for securing necessary approvals, for possible revisions and resubmittals, and for placing orders and securing delivery. Allow at least 15 calendar days (after receipt of submittal in Architect’s office) for each review and re-review by Architect. Submittals received after 1:00 p.m. will be considered as received the following working day. Delays caused by tardiness in receipt of submittals will not be an acceptable basis for extension of the Contract completion date. M. Specifically call attention to, Identify, make patent, and explain deviations, if any, from Contract Documents. N. The Contract Documents impose upon the Contractor, subcontractors, manufacturers, suppliers, and distributors (collectively “contractor”), various responsibilities. Any statement, note or comment on any submittal that (1) diminishes, limits, disclaims, contravenes, or otherwise is inconsistent with said responsibilities, or (2) intentionally or unintentionally, imposes any responsibility whatsoever on the Architect and/or its consultants, shall have no force or effect; and shall otherwise be deemed null and void whether or not said statement, note or comment be stricken by the Architect during the submittal review process. O. Notwithstanding any purported ownership and/or copyright by Contractor, any subcontractor, supplier, manufacturer, or other submittal producer, copies of all submittals will be retained by the Architect, Contractor, and Owner as part of the Project Record Documents. 1.6 SCHEDULE OF SELECTED SUBMITTALS A. General: Within 15 days after Award of Contract and before any listed items are submitted, submit an electronic copy of the Submittal Schedule as described below. Compile a complete and comprehensive schedule of the following submittals required during the course of the Work: 1. Shop Drawings. 2. Product Data. 3. Samples. 4. Calculations. 5. Coordination drawings. 6. Test data/reports. 7. Manufacturer’s instructions/installation manuals. 8. Certificates relating to products/materials. B. For each required submittal, list the following: 1. Date submittal is due from subcontractor/originator to Contractor. 2. Date submittal is due from Contractor to Architect. 3. Date submittal is due from Architect to Contractor. C. Architect will not accept Submittals until the Contractor completes this schedule to the satisfaction of Architect. After approval by Architect of the initial schedule information, update schedule only by adding new information and due dates relating to required resubmittals. D. Coordination: Coordinate the schedule with all necessary subcontractors and material suppliers to ensure their understanding of the importance of adhering to the approved schedule and their ability to do so. Coordinate as necessary to ensure management and transmission of submittals described herein. SUBMITTALS 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Section 01 3300 - Page 3 of 4 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 PART 2 PRODUCTS – NOT USED P3 EXECUTION – NOT USED END OF SECTION Section 01 3300 - Page 4 of 4 SUBMITTALS 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. ID. # 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 LINE (SPEC. #) SPEC. SECTION TITLE SUBCONTR./ MANUF. Test Data Calculations Samples Product Data Shop Dwgs. R = Rejected SUBMITTALS REQ'D FAC = Furnish as Corrected DUE at DUE at DUE at SCHEDULED DATES SSI = Submit specified item Warranties A = Approved Manuf. Inst. PROJECT: PROJECT NO.: UPDATE: RECVD at RECVD at SENT to ACTUAL DATES R&R = Revise & Resubmit SCHEDULE AND LOG OF SELECTED SUBMITTALS Certifications RECVD at STATUS Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 SECTION 01 3323 - SHOP DRAWINGS, PRODUCT DATA, AND SAMPLES PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.2 Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. REQUIREMENTS INCLUDED A. Shop drawing definition and requirements. B. Product data definition and requirements. C. Sample definition and requirements. 1.3 RELATED REQUIREMENTS A. Requirements pertaining to Shop drawings, Product Data, and Samples as described in the Conditions of the Contract. B. Submittals: Section 01 3300. C. Requirements for Shop drawings, Product Data, and Samples described in other Sections. 1.4 REQUIREMENTS, PROCEDURES, AND CONDITIONS A. The requirements of this Section are in addition to and not in lieu of any other requirements of the Conditions of the Contract or any other Contract Document. B. Shop drawings, product data, and samples (individually referred to in this Section as “submittal” or collectively as “submittals”) are not Contract Documents. The purpose of these submittals is to document the Contractor’s specific plan for conforming to the information and design requirements expressed in the Contract Documents. C. Contractor shall review all submittals to ensure strict conformance with the requirements of the Contract Documents. Contractor shall carefully review and coordinate all aspects of each item (product/material) in a submittal. D. Contractor’s approval required: Contractor’s independent approval of submittals, documented in the manner prescribed herein, is a condition precedent to review and action by Architect. Do not transmit submittals to Architect unless they have been reviewed and approved in full accord with the provisions of the Contract Documents, including but not necessarily limited to, the Conditions of the Contract, this Section, and Section 01 3300. Contractor’s transmission of submittals shall constitute prima facie evidence of Contractor’s acknowledgment of and compliance with this provision. E. Approval of submittal(s) means Contractor has determined and verified materials, field measurements and field construction criteria related thereto, or will do so, and has checked and coordinated the information contained within such submittal(s) with the requirements of the Work, Contract Documents, and other pertinent submittals. F. By affixing Contractor’s signature (name, initials, stamp, mark or the like) to a submittal and transmitting submittal to Architect, Contractor represents and certifies that the review and coordination required by this Section has been fully performed, and the submittal is therefore approved by Contractor; notwithstanding any statement(s) on the submittal made to qualify or limit the scope of said review and/or approval. G. Any review or approval note or comment made on a submittal indicating that it has been submitted contrary to the provisions of the Contract Documents may cause rejection of the submittal by Architect. H. Contractor’s signature on the first sheet of any Shop Drawing or Product Data submittal shall be understood to be in effect for all sheets included in a particular submittal (e.g., electronic pdf file or bound hardcopy). SHOP DRAWINGS, PRODUCT DATA, AND SAMPLES 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Section 01 3323 - Page 1 of 4 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 I. Transmit submittals with reasonable promptness and in such sequence as to ensure efficient progress of the Work and to cause no delay in the Work or in the activities of the Owner or his separate contractors. J. J. Submit only those submittals required by the Contract Documents. Submittals not required by the Contract Documents will not be processed by the Architect and will be either returned to the Contractor without action or discarded. K. Provide all submittals required by an individual specification Section at the same time, in a single Submittal Packet. Incomplete Submittal Packets will be returned to Contractor without action. L. Color assignment for review comments and corrections shall be as follows: 1. Architect: contrasting red only. 2. Contractor: contrasting green only. 3. Subcontractor (if not producer of submittal): contrasting blue only. 4. Producer of submittal: black only. M. Subject to the specific requirements stated below, Shop Drawings for the following portions of the Work may be submitted as Partial Submittals (as defined in Section 01 3300) and will be reviewed if submitted as such. 1. Concrete Reinforcement (by building area and/or level designation). 2. Structural Precast Concrete (by building area and/or level designation) 3. Structural Steel (by building area and/or level designation). 4. Structural Steel. 5. Steel Joists. N. Subject to the specific requirements stated below, samples submitted for color selection for the following portions of the Work may be submitted as Partial Submittals (as defined in Section 01 3300) and will be reviewed if submitted as such. 1. Architectural precast wall panel samples. 2. Pre-blended masonry mortar for use with exterior masonry units. 3. Masonry units (exterior exposure). 4. Prefinished parapet cap flashing. 5. Glass (exterior exposure.) 6. Aluminum curtainwall and storefront framing. O. Architect’s Review: After review, submittals made under provisions of this Section shall be returned to the Contractor marked with one or more of the actions noted below, as appropriate: 1. “Approved”: Contractor may proceed with fabrication, purchase, or both of items so marked. 2. “Furnish as Corrected”: Contractor may, subject to the corrections noted, proceed with fabrication, purchase or both of items so marked. 3. “Revise and Resubmit”: Contractor may not proceed with fabrication or purchase. 4. “Submit Specified Item” or “Rejected”: Contractor may not proceed with fabrication or purchase of items so marked. P. When an action of “Revise and Resubmit” is used, it applies to an entire submittal and Submittal Packet. Submittals so marked must be resumitted meeting all requirements as if submitted for the first time, including new copies of all required submittals (both Category I and II) specified under that Section. Q. Submittal items returned with an action of “Submit Specified Item” or “Rejected” must be resubmitted providing revised copies of submittal information for only those items that were so marked. Re-submittals that include information or items previously reviewed and given an action by the Architect of “Approved” or “Furnish as Corrected” will not be reviewed or acted upon by the Architect again. 1.5 SHOP DRAWINGS A. Shop Drawings are drawings, diagrams, and schedules prepared by the Contractor, a subcontractor, supplier, or manufacturer to illustrate some portion of the Work. Individual Specification Sections may limit which of these entities shall produce shop drawings required under that Section. Shop drawings show fabrication details, layout or placement of materials, products, and equipment as may be Section 01 3323 - Page 2 of 4 SHOP DRAWINGS, PRODUCT DATA, AND SAMPLES 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 required to demonstrate that such materials, products, and equipment, and the location / position thereof, conform to the requirements of the Contract Documents. Shop drawings establish the actual detail of all manufactured or fabricated items; indicate proper relation to and coordination with adjoining work; amplify design details in relation to physical spaces and conditions of installation, and identify and incorporate minor adjustments of design or construction to suit actual conditions and/or constraints, if any are necessary for the proper use and installation of said materials, products, or equipment. B. Shop drawings shall not be reproductions of Contract Documents but shall be original drawings. Do not copy or submit manufacturer's standard information sheets as the basis for shop drawings. Submit drawings, drawn to accurate scale, specifically prepared for this Project. Highlight, encircle, or otherwise distinctively indicate deviations from the Contract Documents. Standard information prepared without specific reference to the Project is unacceptable as shop drawings. C. Unless otherwise specified in individual specification Sections, submittals specified in this Section shall be made electronically to the address specified by the Architect. In addition, submit one (1) hardcopy per shop drawing sheet. Unless a greater number of hardcopies is otherwise specifically requested by Architect, hardcopy drawings submitted in excess of the number specified will be discarded without review. D. Architect’s review comments will be noted on the electronic copy of said shop drawings and returned to Contractor. Contractor shall make and distribute all copies required for his purposes. E. References: Shop drawings shall be referenced to applicable Construction Drawings and specification Sections using the identical reference marks/numbers established by the Architect and his consultants. 1.6 PRODUCT DATA A. Product Data are illustrations, schedules, performance charts, graphs, and/or facts, printed descriptions, brochures, catalog cuts, diagrams, graphic depictions, pictures, manufacturer’s color or finish charts, and other such information furnished by the Contractor to describe a manufactured material, product, assembly, or system for some portion of the Work. Where product data must be specially prepared because standard printed data is not suitable for use, submit as "Shop Drawings". B. Unless otherwise specified in individual specification sections, submit one (1) electronic copy of brochure material. C. Mark each copy to show applicable choices and options. Where printed product data includes information on several products, some of which are not required, strike through all information that does not pertain to the required product(s). D. References: Product Data shall be referenced to applicable construction drawings and specification Sections using the identical reference marks/numbers established by the Architect and his consultants. 1.7 SAMPLES A. Samples are physical examples of individual materials, products, equipment, devices, and items (collectively “materials”), or assemblies of materials furnished by the Contractor for incorporation into the Project. Samples include natural and manufactured or fabricated materials. Samples are not imitations or simulations of anything else and are made of the actual material(s) to be incorporated into the Project. Submit samples as may be required by the Architect to determine whether the kind, quality, construction, workmanship, finish, color, and other characteristics of the materials proposed by the Contractor conform to the required characteristics of the various parts of the Work. B. Within 30 days of Award of Contract, the Contractor shall deliver to the Architect two (2) complete collections of all samples (of sufficient size to establish general visual effect) required by individual Sections for a color, texture, pattern, or other finish (collectively, “color”) selection by the Architect, as well as two (2) samples of any item which has been specified in individual Sections with color selection already made. A comprehensive list of all samples delivered shall be included and shall cross-reference each sample to the appropriate Section number. Upon receipt of a complete collection of such samples the Architect will, with reasonable promptness and after receiving any required Owner approval, document the necessary selections, and deliver to the Contractor a schedule of the selections made. SHOP DRAWINGS, PRODUCT DATA, AND SAMPLES 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Section 01 3323 - Page 3 of 4 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 C. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 Except as indicated elsewhwere in this Section, the color selection process will not begin until all samples required by Paragraph 1.7.B are properly submitted, and color selection will otherwise not be made on an individual basis. Samples other than those described in Paragraph 1.7.B shall be submitted as part of, and concurrently with, all other submittals required under a given Section. PART 2 PRODUCTS – NOT USED P3 EXECUTION – NOT USED END OF SECTION Section 01 3323 - Page 4 of 4 SHOP DRAWINGS, PRODUCT DATA, AND SAMPLES 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 SECTION 01 3500 - ALTERATION PROJECT PROCEDURES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.2 Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. REQUIREMENTS INCLUDED A. Coordinate work of trades and schedule elements of alterations and renovation work by procedures and methods to expedite completion of the work. B. In addition to demolition specified in Section 02 4100 and demolition specifically shown on the drawings; cut, move, and remove items as necessary to provide access or to allow alterations and new work to proceed. Include such items as: 1. Repair or removal of hazardous or unsanitary conditions. 2. Removal of abandoned items and items serving no useful purpose, such as abandoned piping, conduit, and wiring. 3. Removal of unsuitable or extraneous materials not marked for salvage, such as abandoned furnishings and equipment, and debris such as rotted wood, rusted metals, and deteriorated concrete. 4. Cleaning of surfaces and removal of surface finishes, as needed to install new work and finishes. C. Patch, repair, and refinish existing items to remain, to the specified conditions for each material, with transition to adjacent new items of construction. 1.3 RELATED REQUIREMENTS A. Cutting and Patching: Section 01 7300. B. Construction Facilities and Temporary Controls: Section 01 5010. C. Selective Demolition: Section 02 4100. 1.4 ALTERATIONS, CUTTING, AND PROTECTION A. Assign the work of moving, removal, cutting, and patching to trades qualified to perform the work in a manner to cause least damage to each type of work. Provide means of returning surfaces to appearance of new work. B. Perform cutting and removal work to remove minimum necessary in a manner to avoid damage to adjacent work. Cut finish surfaces such as paving, concrete slabs, masonry, tile, plaster, or metals by methods to terminate surfaces in a straight line at a natural point of division. C. Protect existing finishes, equipment and, adjacent work which is scheduled to remain, from damage. Protect existing and new work from weather and extremes of temperature. 1. Maintain existing interior work above 60 degrees F. 2. Provide weather protection, waterproofing, heat, and humidity control as needed to prevent damage to remaining existing work and new work. D. Provide temporary enclosures to separate work areas from existing building and from areas occupied by Owner, and to provide weather protection. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 PRODUCTS FOR PATCHING, EXTENDING, AND MATCHING A. Provide same products or types of construction as that in existing structure, as needed to patch, extend, or match existing work. Generally Contract Documents will not define products or standards of workmanship present in existing construction; Contractor shall determine products by inspection and any necessary testing and workmanship by use of the existing as a sample of comparison. ALTERATION PROJECT PROCEDURES 130553 Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Section 01 3500 Page 1 of 4 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 B. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 Presence of a product, finish, or type of construction, requires that patching, extending or matching shall be performed as necessary to make Work complete and consistent. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 PERFORMANCE A. 3.2 Patch and extend existing work using skilled mechanics who are capable of matching existing quality of workmanship. Quality of patched or extended work shall be not less than that specified for new work. LAYING OUT WORK A. Verify dimensions and elevations indicated in layout of existing work. Refer discrepancies between drawings, specifications, and existing conditions to Architect for adjustment before work affected is performed. Failure to make such notification shall place responsibility upon Contractor to carry out work in satisfactory manner. B. The Contractor shall be held responsible for the location and elevation of the construction contemplated by the Construction Documents. C. Prior to commencing work, carefully compare and check drawings that affect the location or elevation of the work to be executed. Should any discrepancy be found, immediately report the same to the Architect for verification and adjustment. 3.3 LOCATION OF EQUIPMENT AND PIPING A. Drawings showing location of equipment, piping, ductwork, etc., are diagrammatic and job conditions may not always permit their installation in the location shown. When this situation occurs, it shall be brought to the Architect's attention immediately and the relocation determined in a joint conference. B. If the Contractor removes / relocates any items not required by Contract without first obtaining Architect's approval, he shall reinstall items to original condition and location. 3.4 PATCHING EXISTING FACILITIES A. 3.5 Existing structures, facilities, etc., which are damaged or removed due to required construction work, shall be patched, repaired, or replaced, and be left in their original state of repair by the Contractor, to satisfaction of the Architect. INTEGRATING EXISTING WORK A. Protect existing construction from damage. B. Contractor's operations shall be confined to the immediate vicinity of the new work and shall not in any way interfere with or obstruct the ingress or egress to and from adjacent facilities. C. Where new work is to be connected to existing work, special care shall be exercised not to disturb or damage the existing work more than necessary. Damaged work shall be replaced, repaired, and restored to its original condition at no cost to the Owner. 3.6 ADJUSTMENTS A. Where partitions are removed, patch floors, walls and ceilings with finish materials to match existing. Where removal of partitions results in adjacent spaces becoming one, rework floors and ceilings to provide smooth planes without breaks, steps or bulkheads. Where extreme change for plane occurs, request instructions from Architect as to method of making transition. B. Trim and refinish existing doors as necessary to clear new floor finish. 3.7 DAMAGED SURFACES A. Patch and replace with new material to match any portion of an existing finished surface which is damaged, lifted, discolored, or shows other imperfections which is identified in the Contract. B. Provide adequate support of substrate prior to patching the finish. Section 01 3500 Page 2 of 4 ALTERATION PROJECT PROCEDURES 130553 Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 C. Refinish patched portions of painted or coated surfaces in a manner to produce uniform color and texture over entire surface. D. When existing surface finish cannot be matched, refinish entire surface to nearest intersections. 3.8 TRANSITION FROM EXISTING TO NEW WORK A. 3.9 When new work abuts or finishes flush with existing work, make a smooth transition. Patch work shall match existing adjacent work in texture and appearance so that the patch or transition is invisible at a distance of five (5) feet. When finished surfaces are cut in such a way that a smooth transition with new work is not possible, terminate existing surface in a neat manner along a straight line at a natural line of division, and provide trim appropriate to finished surface. DUST CONTROL A. 3.10 Precaution shall be exercised at all times to control dust created as a result of any operations during the construction period. If serious problems arise due to air borne dust, and when directed by Architect, operations causing such problems shall be temporarily discontinued and necessary steps taken to control the dust. FIRE PROTECTION A. Maintain good housekeeping practices to reduce the risk of fire damage and injury to workmen. Scrap materials, rubbish and trash shall be removed daily from in and about the work area and shall not be permitted to be scattered to adjacent areas. B. Suitable storage space shall be provided outside the immediate building area for storing flammable materials and paints; no storage will be permitted in the building. Excess flammable liquids being used inside the building shall be kept in closed metal container and removed from the building during unused periods. C. A fire extinguisher shall be available at each location where cutting or welding is being performed. Where electric or gas welding or cutting work is done, interposed shields of incombustible material shall be used to protect against fire damage due to sparks and hot metal. When temporary heating devices are used, a watchman shall be present to cover periods when other workmen are not on the premises. D. Provide fire extinguishers in accordance with the recommendations of National Fire Code, NFPA Standards Nos. 10 and 241. 3.11 A. 3.12 SPECIAL FIRE PROTECTION REQUIREMENTS If operations of Contractor require the building fire alarm or sprinkler systems to be disabled at any time during construction period, a fire guard shall be provided by the Contractor for the length of time that the fire alarm or sprinkler systems are disabled. Fire guard shall monitor the building continuously (24 hours / day) and report extraordinary events to Owner. Coordinate fire guard set up and responsibilities with Owner. CLEANING A. Perform periodic and final cleaning as specified in Sections 01740, 01500 and as follows: 1. Clean Owneroccupied areas daily, when used by Contractor. 2. Clean spillage, overspray, and heavy collection of dust in Owneroccupied areas immediately. B. At completion of work of each trade, clean area and make surfaces ready for work of successive trades. C. At completion of work in each area, provide final cleaning and return space to a condition suitable for use by Owner. END OF SECTION ALTERATION PROJECT PROCEDURES 130553 Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Section 01 3500 Page 3 of 4 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 Section 01 3500 Page 4 of 4 Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 ALTERATION PROJECT PROCEDURES 130553 Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 SECTION 01 4100 - REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.2 Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. PERMITS AND FEES A. 1.3 See the Supplementary Conditions. APPROVAL AND RECOMMENDATION AGENCIES A. The City of Aurora has jurisdiction for approval of this project for general construction, life safety and mechanical systems. The City of Aurora will enforce the codes that have been adopted by The Colorado Department of Public Safety, Division of Fire Safety, Public School and Junior College Construction and Inspections Section. The State of Colorado has jurisdiction for approval and inspection of plumbing and electrical systems. The applicable codes for this project are: 1. International Building Code, 2006 Edition 2. International Fire Code, 2006 Edition 3. International Plumbing Code, 2006 Edition, as amended, known as the Colorado Plumbing Code 4. International Mechanical Code, 2006 Edition 5. International Energy Conservation Code, 2006 Edition 6. National Electrical Code 2008 Edition 7. ANSI/ASME - A17.1 Safety Code for Elevators & Escalators B. Comply with all requirements and codes adopted by the Fire Department, Utility Company, and Health Department having jurisdiction. Comply with all other requirements of State Division of Oil and Labor, Public Safety Section, and any other local, state or federal requirements which are applicable, particularly and local or state regulations regarding dust control, noise abatement, permissible hours of construction, water management and erosion control. C. In case of a conflict between referenced applicable codes or other requirements, the one having the more stringent requirements shall govern. Where governing codes or requirements indicate that the drawings or specifications do not comply with the minimum requirements of the codes or requirements, the Contractor shall be responsible to immediately report the offending condition to the Architect. He shall then, with the Architect’s approval, provide an installation that will comply with code requirements. Drawings and specifications shall be followed where they are superior to code requirements. 1.4 OSHA AND EEO COMPLIANCE A. The Contractor shall have sole responsibility for compliance on the job site to all applicable portions of the Occupational Safety and Health Act and compliance with the Equal Employment Opportunity Act. B. Protection of life, health and public welfare as it relates to the execution of the construction contract is the responsibility of the Contractor. The Owner, Architect and Architect's Consultants will not provide observation, inspection, supervision, or any comment on plans, procedures or actions employed at the project as they relate to safety of life, health, or public welfare. If conditions are imposed by the Owner which interfere with, or imply actions detrimental to safety, written notice shall be provided by the Contractor for action prior to affecting any unsafe conditions. 1.5 STORM WATER & EROSION CONTROL MANAGEMENT A. The Contractor shall comply with the requirements of the City of Aurora Roadway Specifications Manual, Chapter 45 and the conditions of the project’s State of Colorado Construction Storm Water Discharge Permit. The Contractor shall maintain the required project records and conduct the required periodic erosion control measure inspections stipulated by the above referenced documents. The Contractor is encouraged by the City of Aurora to assign storm water management REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Section 01 4100 - Page 1 of 2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 responsibilities to a designated individual or consultant familiar/trained in best management practices. The management plan shall be maintained on site at all times and facilities revised as warranted by construction progress. PART 2 PRODUCTS – NOT USED P3 EXECUTION – NOT USED END OF SECTION Section 01 4100 - Page 2 of 2 REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 SECTION 01 4219 - REFERENCE STANDARDS PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.2 Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY A. Section includes the definition and application of referenced standards. B. Definitions of Specification Language. 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. For products or workmanship specified by association, trade or Federal Standards, comply with requirements of the standard, except when more rigid requirements are specified or are required by applicable codes. B. The date of the standard is that in effect as of the bid date except when a specific date is specified or when the standard is part of an applicable code which includes an edition date. C. When required by individual sections, obtain a copy of standard. Maintain copy at job site during the work. 1.4 RELATED REQUIREMENTS A. 1.5 Drawing Symbols and Abbreviations - See Drawings. SPECIFICATION LANGUAGE EXPLANATION A. Specifications are of abbreviated, simplified or streamlined type and include incomplete sentences. Omissions of words or phrases such as "the Contractor shall", "in conformity therewith", "shall be", "as noted on the drawings", "a", "the" are intentional. Supply omitted words or phrases by inference in same manner as they are when "NOTE" occurs on Drawings. Supply words "shall be" or "shall" by inference when colon is used within sentences or phrases. Supply words " on the Drawings" by inference when "as indicated" is used with sentences or phrases. B. Imperative language is directed to the Contractor. 1. The term "provide" used in the text is defined to mean "furnish and install complete, in place, and ready for operation and use”, unless specifically indicated otherwise. 2. The term “furnish” used in the text is defined to mean “supply and deliver”, unless specifically indicated otherwise. 3. The term “install” used in the text is defined to mean “place and fix in position, complete and ready for operation and use”, unless specifically indicated otherwise. 1.6 ABBREVIATIONS A. Trade Associations: Reference in Contract Documents to trade associations, technical societies, recognized authorities and other institutions include following organizations, which are sometimes referred to only by corresponding abbreviations: AA Aluminum Association AAMA American Architectural Manufacturer's Association ACI American Concrete Institute AIMA Acoustical and Insulating Materials Association AISC American Institute of Steel Construction AISI American Iron and Steel Institute AITC American Institute of Timber Construction AMA Acoustical Materials Association ANSI American National Standards Institute APA American Plywood Association REFERENCE STANDARDS 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Section 01 4219 - Page 1 of 2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 ASHRAE American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers. ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials AWI Architectural Woodwork Institute AWPA American Wood Preservers Association AWS American Welding Society BIA Brick Institute of America CRSI Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute FGMA Flat Glass Marketing Association FIA Factory Insurance Association FM Factory Mutual Engineering Division NAAMM National Association of Architectural Metal Manufacturers NCMA National Concrete Masonry Association NEC National Electric Code (of NFPA) NEMA National Electrical Manufacturer's Association NFPA National Fire Protection Association NWMA National Woodwork Manufacturer's Association PCA Portland Cement Association PCI Prestressed Concrete Institute SDI Steel Deck Institute SJI Steel Joist Institute SMACNA Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors National Association SSPC Steel Structures Painting Council SWI Steel Window Institute TCA Tile Council of America UL Underwriters’ Laboratories, Inc. WWPA Western Wood Products Association PART 2 PRODUCTS – NOT USED P3 EXECUTION – NOT USED END OF SECTION Section 01 4219 - Page 2 of 2 REFERENCE STANDARDS 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 SECTION 01 4500 - QUALITY CONTROL PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.2 Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY A. 1.3 Section includes description of the various tests required to provide appropriate control and indentifies who pays for the tests. TESTING - GENERAL A. Owner will contract directly with accredited testing laboratory for required testing. Contractor shall provide on-site equipment and facilities required by the testing laboratory for conducting field tests, and collecting and forwarding samples. B. Contractor shall not use any materials or equipment represented by samples until tests, if required, have been made and the materials or equipment are found to be acceptable. Any product deemed unfit for use shall not be incorporated into the work. C. All materials or equipment proposed for use may be tested at any time during their preparation or use. Contractor shall furnish the required samples without charge and give sufficient notice of the placing of orders to permit testing. Products may be sampled either prior to shipment or after being received at the site of the work. D. Tests noted below shall be made by an accredited testing laboratory, paid by the Owner. Except as otherwise noted, sampling and testing of materials, and laboratory methods and testing equipment shall be in accordance with the latest standards of the American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM). E. Where additional or specific information concerning testing methods, procedures, sample sizes, etc., is required, requirements are included under the applicable Sections of the specifications. 1.4 CONCRETE TESTS A. 1.5 Control tests of concrete work shall be made at the Owner's expense at such times and number prescribed by Section 03 3000. FILL AND BACKFILL TESTS A. 1.6 Control tests of fill and backfill shall be made by the Geotechnical Engineer, contracted and paid for by the Owner. The Geotechnical Engineer will make sufficient tests to ensure that fill and backfill operations and materials comply with the requirements of Section 31 2000. MASONRY TESTING A. 1.7 Control tests of masonry work shall be made at the Owner's expense in accordance with Section 04 2000. WELDING TESTS A. 1.8 Testing of structural welds shall be made at the Owner's expense in accordance with Section 05 1200. ASPHALTIC CONCRETE PAVING A. Control tests of asphaltic concrete paving shall be made at the Owner's expense by the Geotechnical Engineer. The Geotechnical Engineer will make sufficient tests to ensure that asphaltic concrete paving operations and materials comply with requirements of Section 32 1216. QUALITY CONTROL 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Section 01 4500 - Page 1 of 4 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 1.9 Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 SPECIAL INSPECTIONS A. 1.10 Special Inspections will be required per the 2006 International Building Code. These tests will be made at the Owner’s Expense. The Contractor shall coordinate the work schedule with the Owner’s Special Inspector. OTHER TESTING A. If required, the following testing shall be performed at the expense of the Contractor: 1. Material Substitution: Testing of basic material or fabricated equipment offered as a substitute for specified item may be required in order to prove its compliance with the specifications. 2. Mechanical / Electrical: Tests on mechanical or electrical systems required to ensure their proper installation and operation. B. Any test that fails shall be paid for by the Contractor: 1. Quantity and nature of tests will be determined by the Architect. 2. Proof of noncompliance will make the Contractor liable for any corrective action which the Architect feels is prudent including complete removal and replacement of defective material. C. Nothing contained herein is intended to imply that the Contractor does not have the right to have tests performed on any material at any time for his own information and job control so long as the Owner does not assume responsibility for costs or for giving them consideration when appraising quality of materials. 1.11 A. 1.12 TEST REPORTS Reports of tests conducted by testing laboratories shall be distributed by the testing laboratory as follows: 1. 1 copy - Contractor 2. 1 copy - Applicable supplier or subcontractor 3. 1 copy - Owner 4. 1 copy - Applicable Consulting Engineer 5. 1 copy - Architect 6. Other copies - as directed QUALITY CONTROL SYSTEM A. General: Contractor shall establish a quality control system to perform sufficient inspection and tests of all items of work, including that of all subcontractors, to ensure conformance to the Contract Documents for materials, workmanship, construction, finish, functional performance and identification. This control shall be established for all construction except where the Contract Documents provide for specific compliance tests by testing laboratories or engineers employed by the Owner. The quality control system shall specifically include all testing assigned to subcontractors by various Sections of the specifications. B. The quality control system shall be the means by which the Contractor is assured that the construction complies with the requirements of the Contract Documents. Control shall be adequate to cover all construction operations and should be keyed to the proposed construction schedule. C. Records: The Contractor shall maintain correct records on an appropriate form for all inspections and tests performed, instructions received from the Architect, and actions taken as a result of those instructions. These records shall include evidence that the required inspections or tests have been performed (including type and number of inspections or tests, nature of defects, causes for rejection, etc.) proposed or directed remedial action, and corrective action taken. The Contractor shall document inspections and tests as required by each Section of the specifications. 1.13 A. QUALITY CONTROL PLAN SUBMITTAL Within thirty (30) days after Notice of Award, the Contractor shall furnish quality control plan to Architect which shall include the personnel, procedures, instructions, and records to be used. The plan shall specifically include the following: 1. A list of control tests which the Contractor understands Contractor or subcontractors are to perform. Section 01 4500 - Page 2 of 4 QUALITY CONTROL 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 2. Procedures for reviewing shop drawings, product data, samples or other submittals before submission to Architect. Include procedures for obtaining required field measurements. 3. Method of documenting quality control operation, inspection and testing including samples of proposed forms. PART 2 PRODUCTS - NOT USED PART 3 EXECUTION END OF SECTION QUALITY CONTROL 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Section 01 4500 - Page 3 of 4 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 Section 01 4500 - Page 4 of 4 Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 QUALITY CONTROL 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 SECTION 01 5010 - CONSTRUCTION FACILITIES AND TEMPORARY CONTROLS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.2 Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. TEMPORARY ELECTRICITY AND LIGHTING A. Service and Distribution: 1. Owner will allow temporary electrical service from the existing buildings. Contractor shall provide temporary wiring, outlets, lights, etc., from sources designated by the Owner, as required for construction power and lighting during construction period. Remove all temporary wiring upon completion of work. 2. Temporary service and distribution system shall be properly grounded in accordance with the NEC. Provide ground fault interrupters as required by Code. Distribution equipment and wiring devices for temporary power and lighting need not be new, however, the installation shall conform to good safe general practice as required by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration. 3. The Owner will pay for electricity used from the designated source. However, should the demand for power during the course of construction exceed the capacity of the designated source, the Contractor shall provide for the additional power required at his own expense and by whatever means he deems expedient. B. Temporary Power: 1. Contractor shall provide double duplex 120V outlets. Each subcontractor shall furnish extension cords necessary to convey electricity from double duplex outlets to portions of the building in which their work is in progress. 2. Special power required for welders or other special equipment shall be provided by the trade requiring such power. 3. Planned power outages shall be scheduled with the Owner at least 48 hours in advance, and shall be done only with the Owners approval. C. Temporary Lighting: 1. General Contractor shall provide working lights (plug-in portable lights) as required to complete their portion of the work. Temporary lighting shall be at levels as required be governing regulations but not less than the following: 2. Minimum of 5 footcandle illumination in all areas accessible to workers during hours they are at the job. 3. Minimum of 10 footcandles illumination for shop areas. 4. Minimum of 20 footcandles illumination for where detailed or finshing work is being done, supplemented as required. 5. Contractor shall be responsible for seeing that temporary lighting is turned off at times when no work is in progress, unless required for security. D. Use of Permanent Systems: 1. After the work is completed to the extent that new permanent electric service is available, Contractor may use same as necessary for power and light. The Contractor shall then remove temporary facilities. 2. Contractor shall be responsible for any damage done to the permanent wiring or fixtures as a result of use of same. 3. Permanent branch circuit wiring may be used to supply pigtail lights if protected by properly sized circuit breaker or fuse. 4. Permanently installed light fixtures shall be cleaned using method and materials recommended by the manufacturer. CONSTRUCTION FACILITIES AND TEMPORARY CONTROLS 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Section 01 5010 - Page 1 of 4 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 1.3 Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 TEMPORARY HEAT AND ENCLOSURES A. Contractor shall provide temporary heat necessary for the execution of the work on the project. Temporary heating apparatus shall be installed, maintained, and operated by the Contractor in a safe manner to facilitate the continuation and protection of the work. No fuel of any kind, (gas propane, etc.) shall be stored inside the building. B. General Contractor same shall provide temporary enclosures necessary for holding temporary heat such as enclosures for masonry or concrete work or for thawing frozen ground. 1. After the building is entirely permanently enclosed, glazing of exterior openings completed, permanent or temporary doors on exterior openings, and permanent heating system installed and capable of being adequately controlled, the permanent heating system may be used to provide heat for the building subject to approval of the Owner and Architect. 2. Owner shall pay for gas and electricity used in connection with the operation of same up to the date of Substantial Completion. 3. In using the permanent heating system, Contractor shall assume complete responsibility for its proper operation and for correction of any damage that may occur to permanent heating system. Use of permanent heating system by Contractor shall in no manner compromise the warranty of the system. Warranty of the system will commence at date set in the Certificate of Substantial Completion. 1.4 FIELD OFFICE AND OTHER TEMPORARY STRUCTURES A. The Contractor is not required to provide a construction office trailer at any of the school sites. During the school year the administrative staff at each school building may select a space within their existing building to be used as an office by the construction superintedndent. During the summer construction period a space will be made available in each school building for use as a construction office. Offices shall be removed from within the buildings and any temporary structures erected by the contractor shall be removed from the sites upon completion of the work. 1. If a Contractor intends to place a construction office trailer at one or more of the project sites, he shall requiest approval from the Owner and coordinate a mutually agreeable location. The Contractor will be responsible for applying for, obtaining and paying for required State of Colorado temporaty modular building permits. B. Temporary structures or storage areas used for contractor’s storage shall be located on the site in an orderly manner as determined by the Contractor. 1.5 TEMPORARY TELEPHONE SERVICE A. 1.6 Contractor shall provide for communications to the project site by cellular telephone which shall be in the possession of the full-time Project Superintendent and shall also cause to be installed in his field office a telephone and facsimile machine for the use of himself and others engaged in the work. Contractor shall pay for the installation, maintenance, removal, and all other charges for the use of this telephone and facsimile machine. TEMPORARY WATER A. Contractor shall provide temporary connections, plumbing, piping etc., necessary to convey water from existing on-site sources designated by the Owner, to places needed. B. The Owner will pay for water used from the designated source. However, should the demand for water during the course of construction exceed the capacity of the designated source, the Contractor shall provide for the additional water required at his own expense and by whatever means he deems expedient. 1.7 TEMPORARY SANITARY FACILITIES A. Contractor shall provide and maintain, in a neat and sanitary condition, adequate chemical toilet facilities for the use of employees engaged in the work, in strict compliance with the requirements of applicable codes, regulations, laws, and ordinances. B. Restrooms in the existing building are not available for use during the construction period. Section 01 5010 - Page 2 of 4 CONSTRUCTION FACILITIES AND TEMPORARY CONTROLS 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 1.8 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 TEMPORARY PROTECTIVE FACILITIES A. Contractor shall provide and maintain protective devices and facilities for the protection of the public and the general protection of workers on the project including, but not limited to, the following: B. Danger signs warning against hazards created by such features of construction such as protruding nails, hoists, and falling materials. C. Fire protection equipment. Contractor shall provide and maintain fire extinguishers and active fire hydrants where indicated, maintain fire lanes to hydrants, and provide other equipment as necessary for proper fire protection during construction. Such equipment shall be used for fire protection only. D. Contractor and each subcontractor shall provide temporary walks, roadways, trench covers, barricades, bulkheads, railings, danger lights, and signals, etc., required for work by Federal, State, and Municipal safety laws and building codes. E. Temporary protective facilities shall be maintained in good condition throughout the term of the work. At completion of the work, they shall be removed and all work damaged thereby shall be repaired and replaced to good condition. F. Danger lights shall be kept lighted each night from sunset to sunrise. 1.9 SCAFFOLDING AND RUNWAYS A. Scaffolding shall be the responsibility of the trade requiring same who shall include its cost in his bid and shall be responsible for its maintenance. B. Contractor shall furnish, erect, and maintain runways, guard rails, platforms, and similar temporary construction, as he may deem necessary for the safe performance of the contract. Such facilities shall be of type and arrangement as required for their specific use; shall be substantially constructed throughout, strongly supported, well secured, and shall comply with applicable rules and regulations or applicable state and local codes. 1.10 A. 1.11 A. 1.12 A. 1.13 A. 1.14 CLOSURES Contractor shall erect temporary closures over openings when weather conditions render such action necessary for proper installation of any portion of the work. Provide temporary closures at the interface of new construction and renovation areas. Provide secure noiseproof and dustproof temporary partitions to allow Owner’s operations to continue unimpeded in the existing building. PROTECTION FOR WORK IN PLACE Work in place that is subject to injury because of adjacent operations shall be covered, boarded up, or substantially enclosed with adequate protection. Permanent openings used as thoroughfares for the introduction of work and materials to the structure shall have heads, jambs, and sills well blocked and boarded. All forms of protection shall be constructed in a manner such that, upon completion, the entire work will be delivered to the Owner in undamaged condition. CONSTRUCTION FENCE Contractor shall erect construction fencing as indicated on the drawings. The fence shall be 6'-0" high, constructed of chain link with steel posts at 8'-0" on center. Top of fabric shall be knuckled to remove all sharp edges. Provide gates where required. Gates shall be kept closed and locked after working hours. At completion of exterior work, fences shall be removed from the site. Patch areas damaged by fence posts after removal. Install “No Trespassing – Construction Area” signs on fence. ACCESS Limit access to necessary routes to perform the work. TEMPORARY CONTROLS A. General: Comply with applicable codes, ordinances, and regulations. B. Noise Control: Minimize noise at all times near residential areas. Equipment shall be properly muffled. Do not operate equipment after hours. CONSTRUCTION FACILITIES AND TEMPORARY CONTROLS 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Section 01 5010 - Page 3 of 4 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 C. Dust Control: When construction procedures result in dust that becomes a nuisance to the Owner, private property, or traffic, Contractor shall control said dust. D. Water Control: Provide means necessary to control flow of water at the work to prevent damage to the Owner's property and adjacent property. E. Debris Control: Contractor shall continually police the work area to prevent collection and scattering of debris, loosened, uncovered or caused by execution of the work. Contractor shall provide and maintain, in a neat and orderly condition, adequate trash and debris containers of sufficient size for the use of the Contractor and subcontractors on this project. Contractor shall allow and accommodate use of the trash and debris containers by the Owner’s separate contractors. F. Pollution Control: Take extreme caution to prevent spilling or littering of water polluting substances. Do not pump foreign materials into any portion of the sanitary or storm sewer collection systems. Provide labor, equipment, and materials necessary to remedy such pollution. No burning of debris, or any other air polluting methods or equipment, shall be allowed. G. Erosion Control: Provide such facilities as might be necessary to prevent erosive damage to the Owner's property or to adjacent properties and as required by Erosion Control Plan. 1.15 CLEAN-UP DURING CONSTRUCTION A. Clean-Up During Construction: Contractor shall keep the building and premises free from surplus material, waste material, dirt and rubbish caused by the work. At the completion of work, Contractor shall remove surplus material, waste material, dirt and rubbish, tools, equipment, scaffolding, and shall leave the project premises clean. B. Contractor shall perform clean-up daily and transport rubbish to an on-site trash and debris container as described in Article 1.13 at a location designated by Contractor, who shall arrange for its maintenance and removal. C. Upon completion and before being accepted by the Owner, the entire work inside and out, along with the entire premises shall be in first-class, clean condition. 1.16 A. 1.17 A. 1.18 A. 1.19 A. PROJECT IDENTIFICATION SIGN Furnish, install, and maintain project identification sign as detailed on the Drawings. Allow no other signs to be displayed. Remove sign on completion of construction. Locate sign as directed by Architect. TREE PROTECTION Provide snow fencing or other acceptable material around existing trees and shrubs indicated on the Drawings. SECURITY If operations of Contractor require the building security system to be disabled, and do not allow the system to be brought back into operation by the end of the work day, the Contractor shall provide for a full time overnight security person to be on-site. FIRE PROTECTION If operations of Contractor require the building fire alarm or sprinkler systems to be disabled at any time during construction period, a fire guard shall be provided by the Contractor for the length of time that the fire alarm or sprinkler systems are disabled. Fire guard shall monitor the building continuously (24 hours / day) and report extraordinary events to Owner. Coordinate fire guard set up and responsibilities with Owner. PART 2 - PRODUCTS - NOT USED PART 3 - EXECUTION - NOT USED END OF SECTION Section 01 5010 - Page 4 of 4 CONSTRUCTION FACILITIES AND TEMPORARY CONTROLS 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 SECTION 01 6000 - MATERIAL AND EQUIPMENT PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.2 Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. RELATED REQUIREMENTS A. 1.3 General and Supplementary Conditions. PRODUCTS A. Products include material, equipment and systems. B. Comply with Specifications and referenced standards as minimum requirements. 1. Manufacturers and systems listed within a specification section are acceptable subject to their fully meeting the detail requirements of that particular section. C. Components required to be supplied in quantity within a Specification Section shall be the same, and shall be interchangeable. D. No asbestos containing materials will be incorporated into project. See Section 01 7700. 1.4 TRANSPORTATION AND HANDLING A. Transport and handle products by methods to prevent soiling or damage. B. Promptly inspect shipments to ensure that products comply with requirements, quantities are correct, and products are undamaged. 1.5 STORAGE AND PROTECTION A. Store products in accordance with manufacturer's instructions, with seals and labels intact and legible. Store sensitive products in weathertight enclosures; maintain within temperature and humidity ranges required by manufacturer's instructions. B. For exterior storage of fabricated products, place on sloped supports above ground. Cover products subject to deterioration with impervious sheet covering; provide ventilation to avoid condensation. C. Store loose granular materials on solid surfaces in a well drained area; prevent mixing with foreign matter. D. Arrange storage to provide access for inspection. Periodically inspect to assure products are undamaged, and are maintained under required conditions. E. After installation, provide coverings, to protect products from damage from traffic and construction operations, remove when no longer needed. 1.6 PRODUCTS LIST A. Within ten (10) days following Notice of Award, transmit three (3) copies of a list of major products which are proposed for installation, including name of manufacturer and supplier. B. Tabulate products by Specification Section number, title and Article number. C. For products specified only by reference standards, give manufacturer, trade name, model or catalog designation, and reference standards. D. Architect will promptly reply in writing stating whether there is reasonable objection to listed items. Failure to object to a listed item shall not constitute a waiver of requirements of Contract Documents. 1.7 PRODUCTS OPTIONS A. Products Specified by Reference Standards or by Description Only: Any product meeting those standards. MATERIAL AND EQUIPMENT 130553 Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Section 01 6000 Page 1 of 2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 B. Products Specified by Naming One or More Manufacturers with a Substitution Paragraph: Submit a request for substitution for any manufacturer not specifically named. C. Product Specified by Naming Several Manufacturers: Products of named manufacturers meeting specifications; no options, no substitutions. D. Products Specified by Naming Only One Manufacturer: No option; no substitution allowed. 1.8 LIMITATION ON SUBSTITUTIONS A. During the bidding period, Document 00 2113 governs times for submitting requests for substitutions under requirements specified in this Section. B. Substitutions after Award of Contract will only be considered 1) due to unavailability of specified product for reasons beyond the Contractor's control; 2) which result in a better job; 3) which improve lead time; and 4) which result in a saving to the Owner. C. Substitutions will not be considered when indicated on Shop Drawings or Product Data submittals 1) without a prior formal request; 2) when requested directly by subcontractor or supplier; 3) or when acceptance will require substantial revision of Contract Documents. D. Requests for substitution shall be accompanied by a written comparison between the specified item and the substitute item. Request submittals shall be accompanied by complete technical data, including laboratory reports, if applicable, on the proposed product. Each item proposed for substitution shall be clearly identified. Submit listing of local installations where proposed products have been provided, include names and phone number of references familiar with installation and proposed product's performance. Explain fully the differences, if any, between the proposed product and the products named in the Specifications, i.e., delivery time. E. Substitute products shall not be ordered or installed without written acceptance. F. Only one (1) request for substitution for each product will be considered. When substitution is not accepted, provide specified product. G. Owner will determine acceptability of substitutions. 1.9 CONTRACTOR REPRESENTATION A. Request for substitution constitutes a representation that Contractor has investigated proposed product and has determined that it is equal to or superior in all respects to specified product. B. Contractor will provide same warranty for substitution as for specified product. C. Contractor will coordinate installation of accepted substitute, making such changes as may be required for work to be completed in all respects. D. Contractor waives claims for additional costs related to substitution that may later become apparent. E. If such substituted products do not meet or exceed the above requirements, whether before, during or incorporated into the work, the Contractor shall, at no additional cost to the Owner, replace substituted products with the products originally specified. PART 2 - PRODUCTS - NOT USED PART 3 - EXECUTION - NOT USED END OF SECTION Section 01 6000 Page 2 of 2 MATERIAL AND EQUIPMENT 130553 Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 SECTION 01 7300 - CUTTING AND PATCHING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.2 Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. DESCRIPTION A. 1.3 Work Included: Contractor shall be responsible for all cutting, fitting and patching including related excavation and backfill, required to complete the work or to: 1. Make its parts fit together properly. 2. Uncover portions of the work to provide for installation of ill-timed work. 3. Remove and replace defective work. 4. Remove and replace work not conforming to requirements of Contract Documents. 5. Remove samples of installed work as specified for testing. 6. Provide routine penetrations of non-structural surfaces for installation of piping and electrical conduit. 7. Install piping or conduit under existing concrete floors on grade or in existing walls. 8. Cut and patch existing paving at all new cuts for electrical or piped utilities. 9. Remove and replace undesignated areas of partitions, walls, ceilings, etc., necessary for installation of new mechanical and/or electrical work. QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Notification of Owner: Notify Owner well in advance of executing any cutting or alteration which affects: 1. The work of the Owner or any separate contractor. 2. The structural value or integrity of any element to the Project. 3. The integrity or effectiveness of weather-exposed or moisture-resistant elements or systems. 4. The efficiency, operational life, maintenance or safety of operational elements. 5. The visual qualities of sight-exposed elements. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS A. Comply with specifications and standards for each specific product involved. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. 3.2 Inspect existing conditions of the Project, including elements subject to damage or to movement during cutting and patching. After uncovering work, inspect the conditions affecting the installation of products, or performance of the work. Report unsatisfactory or questionable conditions to the Owner; do not proceed with the work until the Owner has provided further instructions. PREPARATION A. Provide adequate temporary support as necessary to assure the structural value or integrity of the affected portion of the work. Provide devices and methods to protect other portions of the project from damage. Provide protection from the elements for that portion of the project which may be exposed by cutting and patching work, and maintain excavations free from water. CUTTING AND PATCHING 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Section 01 7300 - Page 1 of 2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 3.3 Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 CUTTING AND PATCHING A. General: Openings in construction which are required by the work shall be left by trade involved. It is the responsibility of the contractor to supply or obtain in advance, proper and sufficiently detailed information required for openings. B. Cutting: Execute cutting and demolition by methods which will prevent damage to other work, and will provide proper surfaces to receive installation or repairs. Execute excavating and backfilling by methods which will prevent settlement or damage to other work. C. Employ the installer or fabricator of work on this project to perform cutting and patching for: 1. Weather-exposed or moisture-resistant elements. 2. Sight-exposed finished surfaces. D. Cut asphalt, concrete or masonry using a saw or core drill as applicable. Pneumatic impact tools will not be allowed unless approved by Owner. E. Fitting: Execute fitting and adjustment of products to provide a finished installation to comply with specified products, functions, tolerances and finishes. Fit work airtight to pipes, sleeves, ducts, conduit and other penetrations through surfaces. F. Patching: Wherever any pipe, conduit, duct, steel member, bracket, equipment, or other material penetrates or passes through fire-resistant wall, ceiling or floor, completely seal voids with firestop system as specified in Section 07 84 00. G. Finishing: Where surfaces are exposed, finish with same materials specified in finish schedule or material that is on constructed surfaces. H. Refinish entire surfaces as necessary to provide an even finish to match adjacent finishes: 1. For continuous surfaces, refinish to nearest intersection. 2. For an assembly, refinish the entire unit. END OF SECTION Section 01 7300 - Page 2 of 2 CUTTING AND PATCHING 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 SECTION 01 7400 - FINAL CLEANING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.2 Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. RELATED REQUIREMENTS A. 1.3 Construction Facilities & Temporary Controls: Section 01 5010. CLEANERS A. 1.4 Cleaners: With the exception of cleanup of the site and cleaning specifically assigned to contractors under the various sections of the Specifications, all final cleanup of exterior and interior of the building shall be done by professional cleaners. FINAL CLEANUP A. Exterior: In addition to items specified below, all surfaces on exterior, concrete, metal, etc., shall be carefully and thoroughly cleaned. B. Glass: Both sides of all glass shall be carefully and thoroughly cleaned by professional window cleaners and left absolutely clean and free from paint, labels, grease, dirt, etc. C. Hardware: Clean and polish hardware and leave clean and free from paint, grease, dirt, etc. D. Plumbing: Clean and polish all plumbing fixtures, fittings and exposed plated piping. Leave clean and free from paint, grease, dirt, etc. Remove all labels. E. Electrical: Clean and polish all electric fixtures, including glassware, switchplates, etc., and leave clean from paint grease, dirt, etc. F. Equipment: Carefully and thoroughly clean all items of equipment, mechanical, electrical, cabinets, ductwork, etc. G. Floors: Thoroughly clean floors. Mop resilient floor coverings as recommended by manufacturer of tile and adhesive, then thoroughly machine buff. Vacuum and clean carpeting. Damp mop or scrub concrete floors as required to leave them thoroughly clean when building is turned over to the Owner. H. Ceramic / Porcelain/ Quarry Tile: Remove grout haze, observing tile manufacturer's recommendations. Rinse tile work thoroughly with clean water. I. Painted Walls: Clean dirt, marks smudges, etc, from painted walls using only products and procedures (typically soap and water, no harsh cleaners) that are approved by the paint manufacurer. Contractor use of harsh chemical cleaners may damage paint finish, and necessitate the repainting of the entire wall surface. 1.5 COMPLETION A. The entire work inside and out, and the entire premises shall be in firstclass, clean condition upon completion before being accepted by the Owner. PART 2 - PRODUCTS - NOT USED PART 3 - EXECUTION - NOT USED END OF SECTION FINAL CLEANING 130553 Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Section 01 7400 Page 1 of 2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 Section 01 7400 Page 2 of 2 Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 FINAL CLEANING 130553 Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 SECTION 01 7700 - CONTRACT CLOSEOUT REQUIREMENTS, INTERMEDIATE AND FINAL PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.2 Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SECTION INCLUDES A. 1.3 This section inculdes Contract Closeout procedural requirements for the following: 1. Project Record Documents. 2. Completion of Structural Elements. 3. Completion of Site Utilities and Drainage. 4. Substantial Completion. 5. Reinspection and Fees. 6. Final Observation and Acceptance. 7. Contract Closeout Submittals. 8. Final Completion and Final Payment. 9. Warranties Manual. 10. Operating and Maintenance Manuals. 11. Demonstrations. 12. Mechanical Service and Maintenance. 13. Post-Construction Inspection. PROJECT RECORD DOCUMENTS A. Job Site Documents: Maintain at the job site, one (1) record copy of the following: 1. Drawings 2. Project Manual 3. Addenda 4. Reviewed and Accepted Shop Drawings and Product Data Submittals 5. Change Orders 6. Other Modifications to Contract 7. Field Test Records B. Do not use record documents for construction purposes. Maintain documents in clean, dry, legible condition, apart from documents used for construction. C. Record Information: Label each record document "Project Record" in 2" high printed letters. Mark all information with contrasting color using indelible ink. Keep each record current. Do not permanently conceal any work until required information is recorded. D. Record following information on the Record Drawings: 1. Location of all new exterior underground utility lines 2. Location of internal utilities and appurtenances concealed in construction referenced to visible and accessible features of structure 3. Field changes of dimension and detail 4. Changes by addendum, change order, or field order 5. Details not on original contract drawings E. Record following information in the Record Project Manual: 1. Manufacturer, trade name, catalog number, and supplier of each product and item of equipment in each section actually installed 2. Changes by addendum, change order, or field order 3. Other matters not originally specified F. Maintain Shop Drawings / Product Data Submittals as record documents: Record changes made after review by all parties. CONTRACT CLOSEOUT REQUIREMENTS, INTERMEDIATE AND FINAL 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Section 01 7700 - Page 1 of 6 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 1.4 Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 COMPLETION OF STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS A. 1.5 Contractor shall notify the Owner, in writing, when substantial completion of the structural elements of the project have been achieved and request an observation by the Structural Engineer. The Owner, upon receipt of notification, will contact the Structural Engineer to schedule the observation. The observation and verification of substantial completion of the structural elements must occur before the Owner will certify payment of structural line items listed in the Contractor’s Application for Payment. COMPLETION OF SITE UTILIITES AND DRAINAGE A. 1.6 Contractor shall notify the Architect, in writing, when substantial completion of the site utilities and drainage elements of the project have been achieved and request an observation by the Civil Engineer. The Architect, upon receipt of notification, will contact the Civil Engineer to schedule the observation. The observation and verification of substantial completion of the referenced elements must occur before the Architect will certify payment of site utility and drainage line items listed in the Contractor’s Application for Payment. SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION A. Preparation: Contractor shall submit written certification that project, or designated portion of project, is substantially complete and request a Punch List Observation by the Owner. Attached to said request shall be the Contractor's own Punch List describing incomplete work or work requiring correction. B. Observation: Upon receipt of the Contractor's request for Punch List Observation, the Owner will visit the site for purposes of determining Substantial Completion. C. Should the Owner determine that the work is substantially complete, he will prepare, if necessary, a Punch List of deficiencies in addition to those listed on the Contractor's Punch List that need to be corrected before Final Observation. The Owner may then issue a Certificate of Substantial Completion with the deficiencies noted. D. Should the Owner determine that the work is not substantially complete, he will notify the Contractor, in writing, stating reasons. After Contractor completes work, he shall resubmit certification and request for Punch List Observation. 1.7 REINSPECTION FEES A. 1.8 Should the Contractor fail to complete and/or correct all punch list items such that additional inspections are required by the Owner, the Contractor will be billed at $90.00 per hour plus mileage and per diem for the Owner's additional services. If the Contractor has any questions with regards to any item on the punch list, he is to request clarification before final inspection. FINAL OBSERVATION AND ACCEPTANCE A. Preparation: Prior to the Final Observation by the Owner, the Contractor shall submit written certification that: 1. Project has been inspected for compliance with Contract Documents. 2. Work has been completed in accordance with Contract Documents. 3. Equipment and systems have been tested in the presence of Owner's Representative and are operational. 4. Project is completed and ready for Final Observation. B. Observation: Upon receipt of written certification that project is complete, the Owner shall visit the site for purposes of determining final completion of the work. 1.9 CONTRACT CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS A. See Supplementary Conditions. B. Evidence of Payments and Release of Liens: 1. Affidavit of Payment of Debts and Claims: AIA G706. 2. Affidavit of Release of Liens: AIA G706A. Section 01 7700 - Page 2 of 6 CONTRACT CLOSEOUT REQUIREMENTS, INTERMEDIATE AND FINAL 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 3. Consent of Surety to Final Payment: AIA G707. C. Inspection Certificates: Each subcontractor shall, upon completion of the work, secure in triplicate all certificates from any State or local governing body having jurisdiction in dictating that the work is in strict accordance with applicable codes and deliver same to the Contractor for transmittal to the Owner. D. Spare Parts and Materials: As specified in individual Sections. Deliver to Owner stating amounts of materials delivered (number of gallons, cases, etc.). Provide evidence of delivery to Owner by signed receipt. E. Miscellaneous Keys, Switches, Etc.: At the completion of the Project, all loose keys for hose bibs, adjustment keys and wrenches for door closers and panic hardware, keys for electric switches, electrical panels, etc., shall be accounted for, labeled, and turned over to the Owner. Provide evidence of delivery to Owner by signed receipt. F. Sales and Use Tax Certificates. Refer to Document 00 7200, 3.6 Taxes. G. Asbestos Containing Material: Provide a letter certifying that to the best of Contractor's knowledge and belief, no asbestos containing materials have been incorporated into this project. 1. A copy of this letter shall be be provided to the Health Department at the time of Health Department Final Inspection. H. Record Documents: At completion of project, deliver Record Documents (as defined in Article 1.2, Paragraph A of this Section) to Owner with transmittal letter containing date, project title and number, contractor's name and address, title and number of each record document. Include certification letter that each document is complete and accurate. Contractor or his authorized representative shall sign submittal. 1.10 FINAL COMPLETION AND FINAL PAYMENT A. Submit final Application for Payment to the Owner in accordance with the requirements of the General and Supplementary Conditions. Application shall not be submitted until all contract closeout requirements have been met. B. Application shall reflect all adjustments: 1. Original Contract sum 2. Additions and deductions resulting from: a. Change orders b. Unit prices c. Allowances d. Deductions for uncorrected work e. Deductions for reinspection fees (see below) f. Other adjustments 3. Total Contract Sum, as adjusted 4. Previous payments 5. Sum remaining due C. Reinspection Fees: Contractor shall reimburse the Owner for any reinspection fees charged by the Owner as a result of the Contractor's failure to achieve Substantial Completion or Final Completion when such status has been so stated by the Contractor pursuant to Article 1.04. 1.11 WARRANTIES MANUAL A. Upon completion of the work, the Contractor shall deliver to the Owner a written warranty addressed to the Owner, properly signed and notarized, warranting that the Contractor and each subcontractor shall remedy any defects due to faulty materials or workmanship and pay for consequential damage resulting therefrom, which appear in his work within a period of one (1) year from the Date of Substantial Completion and in accordance with the terms of any special warranties (in excess of one year) as specified in individual Sections of the Specification. The Owner shall give notice of observed defects to the Contractor with reasonable promptness during the warranty period. B. Submit special warranties as specified in individual Sections of the Specifications. All warranties shall include the name and address of the Contractor, subcontractor or supplier, the project name, CONTRACT CLOSEOUT REQUIREMENTS, INTERMEDIATE AND FINAL 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Section 01 7700 - Page 3 of 6 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 and the item(s) being warranted. Warranties specified under individual Sections of the Specification for periods longer than specified above shall be submitted as stated above and shall include payment for consequential damage due to faulty materials or workmanship for full duration of warranty. C. 1.12 Submit to the Owner for his approval one (1) copy, indexed, in hard-cover three-ring binder. After initial copy is reviewed and approved, Contractor will then provide two (2) additional copies of the approved version, for a total of three (3) hard copies, plus one additional electronic copy (in .pdf format). Submit hard copies in separate, hard-cover, three-ring binders. 1. Index with tab dividers for each individual Specification Section, where warranty information is required by that Section. 2. 8-1/2" x 11" in size. OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE MANUALS A. See individual specification sections for addtional requirements. B. Submit to the Architect for his approval one (1) copy, indexed, in hard-cover three-ring binder each for Architectural/ Technology, Mechanical, Electrical and Kitchen “Operations and Maintenance Manuals”, with complete literature, complete operating instructions and technical data on all products or equipment requiring same. After initial copy is reviewed and approved, Contractor will then provide two (2) additional copies of the approved version, for a total of three (3) hard copies, plus one additional electronic copy (in .pdf format). 1. Information shall be typed and bound in hard-cover three-ring binders. a. Index with tab dividers for each individual Specification Section. b. 8-1/2" x 11" in size. C. Architectural and Technology - By General Contractor: Where required by individual sections of the Specifications, provide complete literature, operating instructions and technical data on all products or equipment requiring same. Provide as a minimum the following: 1. Suppliers, with contact information. 2. Maker, model number, style, color etc. 3. Repair and warranty information. D. Mechanical - By Mechanical Contractor: Manual to have tab dividers to each major equipment section to facilitate loading information on specified pieces of equipment. Identify all data within each section with identification numbers as they appear on drawings. Include as a minimum the following data: 1. Alphabetical list of all system components, with the name, address and 24-hour telephone number of the company responsible for servicing each item during the first year of operation. 2. Operating instructions for complete system including: a. Emergency procedures for fire, or failure of major equipment b. Major start, operation and shut-down procedure 3. Maintenance instructions including: a. Valve tag and other identified equipment lists b. Proper lubricants and lubricating instructions for each piece of equipment c. Necessary cleaning, replacement and / or adjustment schedule 4. Manufacturer's data on each piece of equipment including: a. Installation instructions b. Drawings and specifications c. Parts lists d. Complete wiring and temperature control diagrams (as-builts) e. Marked or changed prints locating all concealed parts and all variation from the original system design 5. Schematic flow diagram showing all component parts including valves of the system. Number of valves in accordance with the valve schedule as required under another section of these specifications. 6. Other items as required by Divisions 22 and 23. Section 01 7700 - Page 4 of 6 CONTRACT CLOSEOUT REQUIREMENTS, INTERMEDIATE AND FINAL 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 E. 1.13 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 Electrical - By Electrical Contractor: Manual to have tab dividers for each major equipment section to facilitate loading information on specified pieces of equipment. Identify all data within each section with identification numbers as they appear on drawings. Include as a minimum the following data: 1. Operating instructions for systems including. a. Distribution System b. Fire Alarm System c. Clock System d. Intercom e. Dimming System 2. Manufacturer's data on each piece of equipment including: a. Installation instructions b. Drawings and specifications c. Parts lists 3. Maintenance instructions. 4. Devices and Device Plates 5. Service Ground Test Reports 6. Letters of Certification for Intercom and Fire Alarm Systems 7. Luminaires and Lamps 8. Other items as required by Division 26 DEMONSTRATIONS A. See individual specification sections for additional requirements. B. Qualifications: Contractor and equipment representatives shall have a thorough knowledge of the particular installation and equipment. C. Mechanical Systems Start-up: Refer to Divisions 22 and 23 for requirements. D. Mechanical Systems - By Mechanical Contractor: 1. Instruct the Owner's representative(s) once on the proper operation and maintenance of the mechanical systems. As a minimum, presenting participants shall include Mechanical Contractor, Controls Subcontractor, and major equipment manufacturer's representative. The Design Engineer or Architect may attend this demonstration. Refer to Divisions 22 and 23 for additional requirements. a. These demonstration sessions shall be video recorded by the Contractor. At the completion of the instruction periods, a DVD of the video shall be turned over to the owner for future reference. E. Electrical Systems - By Electrical Contractor: 1. Instruct the Owner's representative(s) twice on the proper operation of the entire electrical installation, including any and all special systems provided under this contract. One of the instruction periods shall be for building users. Refer to Division 26 for additional requirements. 2. Include the following minimum number of sessions and hours of instruction to be conducted by the manufacturer’s representatives: a. Fire Alarm System 2 at 2 hours each b. Sound Systems/ Intercom 2 at 4 hours each c. Dimming System 2 at 1 hour d. Lighting Controls 2 at 2 hours each 3. These demonstration sessions shall be video recorded by the Contractor. At the completion of the instruction periods, a DVD of the video shall be turned over to the owner for future reference. F. Technology Systems - By Technology Contractor: 1. Instruct the Owner's representative(s) twice on the proper operation of the entire technology installation, including any and all special systems provided under this contract. One of the instruction periods shall be for building users. Refer to Division 27 for additional requirements. 2. Include the following minimum number of sessions and hours of instruction to be conducted by the manufacturer’s representatives: a. Voice 2 at 1 hour CONTRACT CLOSEOUT REQUIREMENTS, INTERMEDIATE AND FINAL 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Section 01 7700 - Page 5 of 6 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 b. Data 2 at 1 hour c. Security 2 at 1 hour 3. These demonstration sessions shall be video recorded by the Contractor. At the completion of the instruction periods, a DVD of the video shall be turned over to the owner for future reference. 1.14 MECHANICAL SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE A. Contractor shall include four (4) complete service and maintenance calls plus emergency calls spaced at reasonable intervals throughout one (1) year warranty period. During each service and maintenance call, check the following: 1. Safety devices on each piece of equipment 2. Lubrication of moving parts and lubricate where required 3. Adjust V belt drives B. In addition to service calls, the Contractor shall meet with the Owner's representative and Mechanical Engineer at the Building at three (3) and eleven (11) months following Date of Substantial Completion to review warranty items and performance of HVAC systems. 1.15 A. POST-CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION Prior to expiration of one (1) year from Date of Substantial Completion, the Owner, Owner and Contractor will inspect project to determine whether corrective work is required. Contractor will be notified in writing of all deficiencies. Contractor must correct noted deficiencies within ten (10) days of receipt of notification. PART 2 - PRODUCTS - NOT USED PART 3 - EXECUTION - NOT USED END OF SECTION Section 01 7700 - Page 6 of 6 CONTRACT CLOSEOUT REQUIREMENTS, INTERMEDIATE AND FINAL 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 SECTION 02 4100 - SELECTIVE DEMOLITION PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.2 Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. Demolition and removal of selected portions of building or structure. 2. Demolition and removal of selected site elements. 3. Salvage of existing items to be reused or recycled. 4. Disposal of items not noted to be saved or reinstalled. 5. Securing exposed utilities. 6. Shoring and bracing. 7. Clean up. B. Related Work: Construction Facilities and Temporary Controls: Section 01 5010. C. Referenced Standards/Minimum Criteria: 1. Demolition Firm Qualifications: An experienced firm that has specialized in demolition work similar in material and extent to that indicated for this project. 2. Refrigerant Recovery Technician Qualifications: Certified by an EPA approved certification program. 3. Regulatory Requirements: Comply with governing EPA notification regulations before beginning selective demolition. Comply with hauling and disposal regulations of authorities having jurisdiction. 4. Standards: Comply with ANSI A10.6 and NFPA 241. 5. Predemolition Conference: Conduct conference at Project site. Review methods and procedures related to selective demolition including, but not limited to, the following: a. Inspect and discuss condition of construction to be selectively demolished. b. Review structural load limitations of existing structure. c. Review and finalize selective demolition schedule and verify availability of materials, demolition personnel, equipment, and facilities needed to make progress and avoid delays. d. Review requirements of work performed by other trades that rely on substrates exposed by selective demolition operations. e. Review areas where existing construction is to remain and requires protection. D. Submittals Required: 1. Schedule of Selective Demolition Activities: Indicate the following: a. Detailed sequence of selective demolition and removal work, with starting and ending dates for each activity. Ensure Owner’s onsite operations are uninterrupted. b. Interruption of utility services. Indicate how long utility services will be interrupted. c. Coordination for shutoff, capping, and continuation of utility services. d. Locations of proposed dustandnoise control temporary partitions and means of egress. e. Coordination of Owner’s continuing occupancy of portions of existing building and of Owner’s partial occupancy of completed work. f. Means of protection for items to remain and items on path of waste removal from building. 2. Inventory: After selective demolition is complete, submit a list of items that have been removed and salvaged. 3. Predemolition Photographs/Video: Show existing conditions of adjoining construction and site improvements including finish surfaces that might be misconstrued as damaged caused by selective demolition operations. E. Restrictions/Critical Criteria: SELECTIVE DEMOLITION 130553 Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Section 02 4100 Page 1 of 4 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 1. Owner may occupy portions of building immediately adjacent to selective demolition area. Conduct selective demolition so Owner’s operations will not be disrupted. 2. Historic items, relics, and similar objects including, but not limited to, cornerstones and their contents, commemorative plaques and tablets, antiques, and other items of interest or value to Owner that may be encountered during selective demolition remain Owner’s property. Carefully remove and salvage each item or object in a manner to prevent damage and deliver promptly to Owner. 3. Existing Services/Systems: Maintain services/systems indicated to remain and protect them against damage during selective demolition operations. 4. Service/System Requirements: Locate, identify, disconnect, and seal or cap off indicated utility services and mechanical/electrical systems serving areas to be selectively demolished. Contractor shall arrange and pay for disconnections, removal and capping of utility services within areas of demolition. a. Arrange to shut off indicated utilities with utility companies. b. If services/systems are required to be removed, relocated, or abandoned, before proceeding with selective demolition provide temporary services/systems that bypass area of selective demolition and that maintain continuity of services/systems to other parts of building. c. Cut off pipe or conduit in walls or partitions to be removed. Cap, valve, or plug and seal remaining portion of pipe or conduit after bypassing. d. Identify service lines and capping locations on project record documents. 1.3 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Asbestos Containing Materials: No asbestos containing materials are known to exist in the areas to be demolished. If the Contractor discovers materials which he suspects to contain asbestos, he shall cease work in the area and notify the Owner, who will issue further instructions. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 ITEMS TO BE REMOVED AND REINSTALLED A. 2.2 Materials, specialty items, equipment, casework, systems, doors, frames, hardware and other components scheduled or noted to be reused on other portions of the work, shall be carefully removed and stored at the site for later reinstallation. Damage caused during removal, storage, or reinstallation shall be repaired to the satisfaction of the Owner, at no cost to the Owner. 1. Clean and repair items to functional condition adequate for intended reuse. Paint equipment to match new equipment. 2. Pack or crate items after cleaning and repairing. Identify contents of containers. 3. Protect items from damage during transport and storage. 4. Reinstall items in locations indicated. Comply with installation requirements for new materials and equipment. Provide connections, supports, and miscellaneous materials necessary to make item functional for use indicated. ITEMS TO BE REMOVED AND SALVAGED FOR THE OWNER A. The following items shall be removed and salvaged for the Owner’s use: 1. B. After salvage and removal the following procedures shall be utilized: 1. Clean salvaged items. 2. Pack or crate items after cleaning. Identify contents or containers. 3. Store items in a secure area until delivery to Owner. 4. Transport items to Owner’s storage area designed by Owner or as indicated on Drawings. 5. Protect items from damage during transport and storage. C. The Owner reserves the right to reject items which are designated to be salvaged and turned over to the Owner. In that event, Contractor shall dispose of items rejected by Owner. Section 02 4100 Page 2 of 4 SELECTIVE DEMOLITION 130553 Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 2.3 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 ITEMS TO BE REMOVED BY OWNER A. 2.4 Items that are removed prior to the start of demolition will remain the property of the Owner. DISPOSITION OF REMOVED ITEMS A. 2.5 Items indicated to be removed and not indicated to be salvaged or reinstalled shall become the property of the Contractor. EXISTING ITEMS TO REMAIN: A. Protect construction indicated to remain against damage and soiling during selective demolition. When permitted by Owner, items may be removed to a suitable, protected storage location during selective demolition and cleaned and reinstalled in their original locations after selective demolition operations are complete. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 PREPARATION A. Protection: Erect weatherproof enclosures over new exterior openings in existing building to protect building interior until new finish materials are installed. B. Shoring and Bracing: Provide necessary temporary shoring and bracing to support and protect portions of existing building during demolition operations. Such shoring shall be left in place until permanent supports have been installed. The Contractor shall be solely responsible for the design, safety, and adequacy of temporary shoring and bracing and its ability to carry the load for which intended. C. Cease operations and notify Owner immediately if safety of structure appears to be endangered. Take precautions to properly support structure. Do not remove supports until safety is restored. 3.2 BUILDING DEMOLITION A. Demolish in an orderly and careful manner as required to accommodate new work. Protect existing foundations and supporting structural members. Cut concrete floors to a straight line with a saw before removing. B. Repair demolition performed in excess of that required at no cost to the Owner. 3.3 SITE DEMOLITION A. 3.4 Remove existing site improvements as indicated. Cut existing paving to a straight line with a saw where removal is required. Remove existing aggregate base course under paving indicated to be removed. Material may be reused for overlot fill but may not be used for foundation backfill or base course under new paving. DISPOSITION OF REMOVED ITEMS A. 3.5 Items and materials indicated to be removed and not indicated to be salvaged or reused shall become the property of the Contractor. Items and materials indicated as such shall be removed by the Contractor to an approved licensed landfill, to a facility designated for acceptance of the specific material, or to the Contractor’s own storage facility. CLEANING A. The Contractor shall at all times during the demolition keep the premises free from accumulations of waste material or rubbish caused by his employees or work. At the completion of the work, Contractor shall remove rubbish, tools, and surplus materials. Leave the premises clean and ready for subsequent work. END OF SECTION SELECTIVE DEMOLITION 130553 Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Section 02 4100 Page 3 of 4 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 Section 02 4100 Page 4 of 4 Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 SELECTIVE DEMOLITION 130553 Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 SECTION 04 2000 - UNIT MASONRY PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.2 Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SECTION INCLUDES A. Concrete Block. B. Clay Facing Brick. 1. Work of this Section includes the salvage and reinstallation of existing brick units and providing new brick to match existing as may be required. C. Mortar and Grout. D. Reinforcement and Anchorage. E. Lintels. F. Accessories. 1.3 RELATED REQUIREMENTS A. 1.4 Section 05 5000 - Metal Fabrications: Loose steel lintels. REFERENCE STANDARDS A. ACI 530/530.1/ERTA - Building Code Requirements and Specification for Masonry Structures and Related Commentaries; American Concrete Institute International; 2011. B. ASTM A82/A82M - Standard Specification for Steel Wire, Plain, for Concrete Reinforcement; 2007. C. ASTM A615/A615M - Standard Specification for Deformed and Plain Carbon Steel Bars for Concrete Reinforcement; 2012. D. ASTM A641/A641M - Standard Specification for Zinc-Coated (Galvanized) Carbon Steel Wire; 2009a. E. ASTM C90 - Standard Specification for Loadbearing Concrete Masonry Units; 2013. F. ASTM C144 - Standard Specification for Aggregate for Masonry Mortar; 2011. G. ASTM C150/C150M - Standard Specification for Portland Cement; 2012. H. ASTM C207 - Standard Specification for Hydrated Lime for Masonry Purposes; 2006 (Reapproved 2011). I. ASTM C216 - Standard Specification for Facing Brick (Solid Masonry Units Made From Clay or Shale); 2013. J. ASTM C270 - Standard Specification for Mortar for Unit Masonry; 2012. K. ASTM C404 - Standard Specification for Aggregates for Masonry Grout; 2011. L. ASTM C476 - Standard Specification for Grout for Masonry; 2010. 1.5 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. 1.6 Comply with provisions of ACI 530/530.1/ERTA, except where exceeded by requirements of the contract documents. DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Deliver, handle, and store masonry units by means that will prevent mechanical damage and contamination by other materials. UNIT MASONRY 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Section 04 2000 - Page 1 of 4 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 CONCRETE MASONRY UNITS A. 2.2 Concrete Block: Comply with referenced standards and as follows: 1. Size: Standard units with nominal face dimensions of 16 x 8 inches (400 x 200 mm) and nominal depths as indicated on the drawings for specific locations. 2. Special Shapes: Provide non-standard blocks configured for corners. 3. Load-Bearing Units: ASTM C90, normal weight. a. Hollow block, as indicated. b. Exposed faces: Manufacturer's standard color and texture. BRICK UNITS A. 2.3 Facing Brick: ASTM C216, Type FBS, Grade SW. Salvage and reuse existing brick to the extent possible. Provide new brick as may be required to match existing. 1. Salvaged Brick Units: Salvaged brick shall be as approved by the Architect, sound, crack free, clean brick without face chips, as salvaged from removal of face brick of the same type. 2. Color and texture: As required to match existing. 3. Nominal size: As required to match existing. 4. Special shapes: Molded units as required by conditions indicated, unless standard units can be sawn to produce equivalent effect. MORTAR AND GROUT MATERIALS A. Portland Cement: ASTM C150, Type I; color as required to produce approved color sample. B. Hydrated Lime: ASTM C207, Type S. C. Mortar Aggregate: ASTM C144. D. Grout Aggregate: ASTM C404. E. Water: Clean and potable. 2.4 REINFORCEMENT AND ANCHORAGE A. Reinforcing Steel: ASTM A615/A615M Grade 60 (420) deformed billet bars; uncoated. B. Single Wythe Joint Reinforcement: Truss or ladder type; ASTM A 82/A 82M steel wire, mill galvanized to ASTM A 641/A 641M, Class 3; 0.1483 inch (3.8 mm) side rods with 0.1483 inch (3.8 mm) cross rods; width as required to provide not more than 1 inch (25 mm) and not less than 1/2 inch (13 mm) of mortar coverage on each exposure. 2.5 MORTAR AND GROUT MIXES A. Mortar for Unit Masonry: ASTM C270, using the Proportion Specification. 1. Exterior, loadbearing masonry: Type N. 2. Exterior, non-loadbearing masonry: Type N. 3. Interior, loadbearing masonry: Type N. 4. Interior, non-loadbearing masonry: Type N. B. Grout: ASTM C476. Consistency required to fill completely volumes indicated for grouting; fine grout for spaces with smallest horizontal dimension of 2 inches (50 mm) or less; coarse grout for spaces with smallest horizontal dimension greater than 2 inches (50 mm). C. Mixing: Use mechanical batch mixer and comply with referenced standards. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Verify that field conditions are acceptable and are ready to receive masonry. B. Verify that related items provided under other sections are properly sized and located. Section 04 2000 - Page 2 of 4 UNIT MASONRY 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 C. 3.2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 Verify that built-in items are in proper location, and ready for roughing into masonry work. PREPARATION A. Direct and coordinate placement of metal anchors supplied for installation under other sections. B. Provide temporary bracing during installation of masonry work. Maintain in place until building structure provides permanent bracing. 3.3 COURSING A. Establish lines, levels, and coursing indicated. Protect from displacement. B. Maintain masonry courses to uniform dimension. Form vertical and horizontal joints of uniform thickness. C. Concrete Masonry Units: 1. Bond: to match existing adjacent construction. 2. Coursing: One unit and one mortar joint to equal 8 inches (200 mm). 3. Mortar Joints: Concave. D. Brick Units: 3.4 PLACING AND BONDING A. Lay solid masonry units in full bed of mortar, with full head joints, uniformly jointed with other work. B. Lay hollow masonry units with face shell bedding on head and bed joints. C. Perform job site cutting of masonry units with proper tools to provide straight, clean, unchipped edges. Prevent broken masonry unit corners or edges. 3.5 REINFORCEMENT AND ANCHORAGE - GENERAL A. 3.6 Unless otherwise indicated on drawings or specified under specific wall type, install horizontal joint reinforcement 16 inches (400 mm) on center. LINTELS A. 3.7 Install loose steel lintels over openings. GROUTED COMPONENTS A. Lap splices minimum 24 bar diameters. B. Support and secure reinforcing bars from displacement. Maintain position within 1/2 inch (13 mm) of dimensioned position. C. Place and consolidate grout fill without displacing reinforcing. D. At bearing locations, fill masonry cores with grout for a minimum 12 inches (300 mm) either side of opening. 3.8 BUILT-IN WORK A. 3.9 As work progresses, install built-in metal door frames and other items to be built into the work and furnished under other sections. BRICK REMOVAL FOR SALVAGE AND REPLACEMENT (TIE-IN) WITH EXISTING A. At locations indicated, remove bricks that are to be salvaged for reuse Carefully demolish or remove entire units from joint to joint, without damaging surrounding masonry, in a manner that permits replacement with full-size units. 1. Remove full size units as required to permit, "toothing-in" of salvaged units for remodeling and tie-in work. B. Support and protect remaining masonry that surrounds removal area. Maintain flashing, reinforcement, lintels, and adjoining construction in an undamaged condition. C. Notify Architect of unforeseen detrimental conditions including voids, cracks, bulges, and loose units in existing masonry backup, rotted wood, rusted metal, and other deteriorated items. UNIT MASONRY 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Section 04 2000 - Page 3 of 4 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 D. Remove in an undamaged condition as many whole bricks as as required for the work 1. Remove mortar, loose particles, and soil from brick by cleaning with hand chisels, brushes, and water. 2. Remove sealants by cutting close to brick with utility knife and cleaning with solvents. 3. Store brick for reuse. Store off ground, on skids, and protected from weather. 4. Deliver cleaned brick not required for reuse to Owner unless otherwise indicated. E. Rebuild back-up and substrate as required to replace any unsound material. F. Clean back-up materials and existing bricks to remain, surrounding tie-in areas, by removing mortar, dust, and loose particles in preparation for replacement. G. Repair or replace existing sheathing, flashing, reinforcement and ties as required. H. Install and salvaged brick in good quality, where possible, or with new brick matching existing brick, including size. Do not use broken units unless they can be cut to usable size. I. Install replacement brick into bonding and coursing pattern of existing brick. If cutting is required, use a motor-driven saw designed to cut masonry with clean, sharp, unchipped edges. 1. Maintain joint width for replacement units to match existing joints. J. Lay replacement brick with completely filled bed, head, and collar joints. Butter ends with sufficient mortar to fill head joints and shove into place. Wet both replacement and surrounding bricks that have ASTM C 67 initial rates of absorption (suction) of more than 30 g/30 sq. in. per min.. Use wetting methods that ensure that units are nearly saturated but surface is dry when laid. 1. Tool exposed mortar joints in repaired areas to match joints of surrounding existing brickwork. 2. Blend new work into existing work smoothly with no lines of demarcation and no change of pattern or coursing. 3. If adjustments are required, remove units, clean off mortar and reset in fresh mortar. K. Brush all excess mortar form the wall surfaces frequently during the work. Dry brush at the end of each day's work. L. Protect all existing surfaces from mortar dripping and splashing. Clean off adjacent surfaces which have been spattered during the course of the work. Rinse immediately with cean, clear water. 3.10 TOLERANCES A. Maximum Variation from Alignment of Columns and Pilasters: 1/4 inch (6 mm). B. Maximum Variation From Unit to Adjacent Unit: 1/16 inch (1.6 mm). C. Maximum Variation from Plane of Wall: 1/4 inch in 10 ft (6 mm/3 m) and 1/2 inch in 20 ft (13 mm/6 m) or more. D. Maximum Variation from Plumb: 1/4 inch (6 mm) per story non-cumulative; 1/2 inch (13 mm) in two stories or more. E. Maximum Variation from Level Coursing: 1/8 inch in 3 ft (3 mm/m) and 1/4 inch in 10 ft (6 mm/3 m); 1/2 inch in 30 ft (13 mm/9 m). F. Maximum Variation of Joint Thickness: 1/8 inch in 3 ft (3 mm/m). G. Maximum Variation from Cross Sectional Thickness of Walls: 1/4 inch (6 mm). 3.11 A. 3.12 CUTTING AND FITTING Cut and fit for chases, pipes, conduit, sleeves, and grounds. Coordinate with other sections of work to provide correct size, shape, and location. CLEANING A. Remove excess mortar and mortar droppings. B. Clean soiled surfaces with cleaning solution. END OF SECTION Section 04 2000 - Page 4 of 4 UNIT MASONRY 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 SECTION 05 5000 - METAL FABRICATIONS PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.2 Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SECTION INCLUDES A. Shop fabricated steel items. B. Modifications to existing metal fabrications and railings as indicated and required for the remodeling work. 1.3 RELATED REQUIREMENTS A. Section 03 3000 - Cast-in-Place Concrete: Placement of metal fabrications in concrete. B. Section 04 2000 - Unit Masonry: Placement of metal fabrications in masonry. C. Section 09 9000 - Painting and Coating: Paint finish. 1.4 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES A. 1.5 See Section 01 2200 - Unit Prices, for additional requirements. REFERENCE STANDARDS A. ANSI A14.3 - American National Standard for Ladders -- Fixed -- Safety Requirements; 2008. B. ASTM A36/A36M - Standard Specification for Carbon Structural Steel; 2008. C. ASTM A53/A53M - Standard Specification for Pipe, Steel, Black and Hot-Dipped, Zinc-Coated, Welded and Seamless; 2012. D. ASTM A153/A153M - Standard Specification for Zinc Coating (Hot-Dip) on Iron and Steel Hardware; 2009. E. ASTM A283/A283M - Standard Specification for Low and Intermediate Tensile Strength Carbon Steel Plates; 2012. F. ASTM A325 - Standard Specification for Structural Bolts, Steel, Heat Treated, 120/105 ksi Minimum Tensile Strength; 2010. G. ASTM A325M - Standard Specification for Structural Bolts, Steel, Heat Treated 830 MPa Tensile Strength (Metric); 2013. H. ASTM A500/A500M - Standard Specification for Cold-Formed Welded and Seamless Carbon Steel Structural Tubing in Rounds and Shapes; 2010a. I. AWS D1.1/D1.1M - Structural Welding Code - Steel; American Welding Society; 2010. J. SSPC-Paint 15 - Steel Joist Shop Primer; Society for Protective Coatings; 1999 (Ed. 2004). 1.6 SUBMITTALS A. See Section 01 3000 - Administrative Requirements, for submittal procedures. B. Shop Drawings: Indicate profiles, sizes, connection attachments, reinforcing, anchorage, size and type of fasteners, and accessories. Include erection drawings, elevations, and details where applicable. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS - STEEL A. Steel Sections: ASTM A36/A36M. B. Steel Tubing: ASTM A500, Grade B cold-formed structural tubing. METAL FABRICATIONS 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Section 05 5000 - Page 1 of 2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 C. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 Plates: ASTM A283. D. Pipe: ASTM A53/A53M, Grade B Schedule 40, black finish. E. Bolts, Nuts, and Washers: ASTM A325 (ASTM A325M), Type 1, galvanized to ASTM A153/A153M where connecting galvanized components. F. Welding Materials: AWS D1.1/D1.1M; type required for materials being welded. G. Shop and Touch-Up Primer: SSPC-Paint 15, complying with VOC limitations of authorities having jurisdiction. 2.2 FABRICATION A. Fit and shop assemble items in largest practical sections, for delivery to site. B. Fabricate items with joints tightly fitted and secured. C. Grind exposed joints flush and smooth with adjacent finish surface. Make exposed joints butt tight, flush, and hairline. Ease exposed edges to small uniform radius. D. Supply components required for anchorage of fabrications. Fabricate anchors and related components of same material and finish as fabrication, except where specifically noted otherwise. 2.3 FABRICATED ITEMS A. Ladders: Steel; in compliance with ANSI A14.3; with mounting brackets and attachments; prime paint finish. B. Lintels: As detailed; prime paint finish. 2.4 FINISHES - STEEL A. Prime paint all steel items. B. Prime Painting: One coat. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. 3.2 Verify that field conditions are acceptable and are ready to receive work. PREPARATION A. 3.3 Clean and strip primed steel items to bare metal where site welding is required. INSTALLATION A. Install items plumb and level, accurately fitted, free from distortion or defects. B. Provide for erection loads, and for sufficient temporary bracing to maintain true alignment until completion of erection and installation of permanent attachments. C. Field weld components indicated . D. Perform field welding in accordance with AWS D1.1/D1.1M. E. Obtain approval prior to site cutting or making adjustments not scheduled. 3.4 TOLERANCES A. Maximum Variation From Plumb: 1/4 inch (6 mm) per story, non-cumulative. B. Maximum Offset From True Alignment: 1/4 inch (6 mm). C. Maximum Out-of-Position: 1/4 inch (6 mm). END OF SECTION Section 05 5000 - Page 2 of 2 METAL FABRICATIONS 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 SECTION 06 1000 - ROUGH CARPENTRY PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.2 Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SECTION INCLUDES A. Preservative treated wood materials. B. Fire retardant treated wood materials. C. Miscellaneous framing and sheathing. D. Communications and electrical room mounting boards. E. Concealed wood blocking, nailers, and supports. 1.3 RELATED REQUIREMENTS A. 1.4 Section 01 2300 - Alternates: For Bid Alternates related to the Work of this Section. REFERENCE STANDARDS A. ASTM A153/A153M - Standard Specification for Zinc Coating (Hot-Dip) on Iron and Steel Hardware; 2009. B. ASTM E84 - Standard Test Method for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials; 2013a. C. AWPA U1 - Use Category System: User Specification for Treated Wood; American Wood Protection Association; 2012. D. PS 20 - American Softwood Lumber Standard; National Institute of Standards and Technology, Department of Commerce; 2010. E. WWPA G-5 - Western Lumber Grading Rules; Western Wood Products Association; 2011. 1.5 SUBMITTALS A. 1.6 See Section 01 3000 - Administrative Requirements, for submittal procedures. DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. General: Cover wood products to protect against moisture. Support stacked products to prevent deformation and to allow air circulation. B. Fire Retardant Treated Wood: Prevent exposure to precipitation during shipping, storage, or installation. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. Dimension Lumber: Comply with PS 20 and requirements of specified grading agencies. 1. If no species is specified, provide any species graded by the agency specified; if no grading agency is specified, provide lumber graded by any grading agency meeting the specified requirements. 2. Grading Agency: Any grading agency whose rules are approved by the Board of Review, American Lumber Standard Committee ( and who provides grading service for the species and grade specified; provide lumber stamped with grade mark unless otherwise indicated. B. Lumber fabricated from old growth timber is not permitted. ROUGH CARPENTRY 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Section 06 1000 - Page 1 of 4 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 2.2 Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 DIMENSION LUMBER FOR CONCEALED APPLICATIONS A. Grading Agency: Western Wood Products Association (WWPA). B. Sizes: Nominal sizes as indicated on drawings, S4S. C. Moisture Content: S-dry or MC19. D. Miscellaneous Framing, Blocking, Nailers, Grounds, and Furring: 1. Lumber: S4S, No. 2 or Standard Grade. 2. Boards: Standard or No. 3. 2.3 CONSTRUCTION PANELS A. 2.4 Communications and Electrical Room Mounting Boards: PS 1 A-D plywood, or medium density fiberboard; 3/4 inch (19 mm) thick; flame spread index of 25 or less, smoke developed index of 450 or less, when tested in accordance with ASTM E84. ACCESSORIES A. 2.5 Fasteners and Anchors: 1. Metal and Finish: Hot-dipped galvanized steel per ASTM A 153/A 153M for high humidity and preservative-treated wood locations, unfinished steel elsewhere. FACTORY WOOD TREATMENT A. Treated Lumber and Plywood: Comply with requirements of AWPA U1 - Use Category System for wood treatments determined by use categories, expected service conditions, and specific applications. 1. Fire-Retardant Treated Wood: Mark each piece of wood with producer's stamp indicating compliance with specified requirements. 2. Preservative-Treated Wood: Provide lumber and plywood marked or stamped by an ALSC-accredited testing agency, certifying level and type of treatment in accordance with AWPA standards. B. Fire Retardant Treatment: 1. Manufacturers: a. Hoover Treated Wood Products, Inc; Product Pro-Guard: b. Hickson Corp.; Product DRICON. c. Osmose, Inc; Product Flame Proof LHC-HTT: d. Substitutions: See Section 01 6000 - Product Requirements. 2. Interior Type A: AWPA U1, Use Category UCFA, Commodity Specification H, low temperature (low hygroscopic) type, chemically treated and pressure impregnated; capable of providing a maximum flame spread rating of 25 when tested in accordance with ASTM E84, with no evidence of significant combustion when test is extended for an additional 20 minutes. a. Kiln dry wood after treatment to a maximum moisture content of 19 percent for lumber and 15 percent for plywood. b. Treat rough carpentry items as indicated . c. Do not use treated wood in applications exposed to weather or where the wood may become wet. C. Preservative Treatment: 1. Manufacturers: a. Arch Wood Protection, Inc: b. Osmose, Inc: 2. Preservative Pressure Treatment of Lumber Above Grade: AWPA U1, Use Category UC3B, Commodity Specification A using waterborne preservative to 0.25 lb/cu ft (4.0 kg/cu m) retention. a. Kiln dry lumber after treatment to maximum moisture content of 19 percent. 3. Preservative Pressure Treatment of Plywood Above Grade: AWPA U1, Use Category UC2 and UC3B, Commodity Specification F using waterborne preservative to 0.25 lb/cu ft (4.0 kg/cu m) retention. a. Kiln dry plywood after treatment to maximum moisture content of 19 percent. Section 06 1000 - Page 2 of 4 ROUGH CARPENTRY 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION - GENERAL A. Select material sizes to minimize waste. B. Reuse scrap to the greatest extent possible; clearly separate scrap for use on site as accessory components, including: shims, bracing, and blocking. C. Where treated wood is used on interior, provide temporary ventilation during and immediately after installation sufficient to remove indoor air contaminants. 3.2 BLOCKING, NAILERS, AND SUPPORTS A. Provide framing and blocking members as indicated or as required to support finishes, fixtures, specialty items, and trim. B. In framed assemblies that have concealed spaces, provide solid wood fireblocking as required by applicable local code, to close concealed draft openings between floors and between top story and roof/attic space; other material acceptable to code authorities may be used in lieu of solid wood blocking. C. In metal stud walls, provide continuous blocking around door and window openings for anchorage of frames, securely attached to stud framing. D. In walls, provide blocking attached to studs as backing and support for wall-mounted items, unless item can be securely fastened to two or more studs or other method of support is explicitly indicated. E. Where ceiling-mounting is indicated, provide blocking and supplementary supports above ceiling, unless other method of support is explicitly indicated. 3.3 INSTALLATION OF CONSTRUCTION PANELS A. Communications and Electrical Room Mounting Boards: Secure with screws to studs with edges over firm bearing; space fasteners at maximum 24 inches (610 mm) on center on all edges and into studs in field of board. 1. At fire-rated walls, install board over wall board indicated as part of the fire-rated assembly. 2. Where boards are indicated as full floor-to-ceiling height, install with long edge of board parallel to studs. 3. Install adjacent boards without gaps. END OF SECTION ROUGH CARPENTRY 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Section 06 1000 - Page 3 of 4 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 Section 06 1000 - Page 4 of 4 Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 ROUGH CARPENTRY 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 SECTION 06 2000 - FINISH CARPENTRY PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.2 Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SECTION INCLUDES A. Finish carpentry items. B. Wood casings and moldings. C. Hardware and attachment accessories. 1.3 RELATED REQUIREMENTS A. Section 01 2300 - Alternates: For Bid Alternates related to the Work of this Section. B. Section 06 1000 - Rough Carpentry: Support framing, grounds, and concealed blocking. C. Section 06 4100 - Architectural Wood Casework: Shop fabricated custom cabinet work. D. Section 08 1416 - Flush Wood Doors. E. Section 09 9000 - Painting and Coating: Painting and finishing of finish carpentry items. 1.4 SUBMITTALS A. See Section 01 3000 - Administrative Requirements for submittal procedures. B. Shop Drawings: Indicate materials, component profiles, fastening methods, jointing details, and accessories. 1. Provide the information required by AWI/AWMAC/WI Architectural Woodwork Standards. 1.5 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Protect work from moisture damage. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 FINISH CARPENTRY ITEMS A. 2.2 Quality Grade: Unless otherwise indicated provide products of quality specified by AWI/AWMAC/WI Architectural Woodwork Standards for Custom Grade. WOOD-BASED COMPONENTS A. 2.3 Wood fabricated from old growth timber is not permitted. LUMBER MATERIALS A. Softwood Lumber: sugar or white pine species, ________ sawn, maximum moisture content of 6 percent; with vertical grain, . B. Hardwood Lumber: to match existing species, ________ sawn, maximum moisture content of 6 percent; with vertical grain, of quality suitable for transparent finish. 2.4 FASTENINGS A. Adhesive for Purposes Other Than Laminate Installation: Suitable for the purpose; not containing formaldehyde or other volatile organic compounds. B. Fasteners: Of size and type to suit application; plain finish in concealed locations and stainless steel finish in exposed locations. C. Concealed Joint Fasteners: Threaded steel. FINISH CARPENTRY 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Section 06 2000 - Page 1 of 2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 2.5 Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 FABRICATION A. Shop assemble work for delivery to site, permitting passage through building openings. B. When necessary to cut and fit on site, provide materials with ample allowance for cutting. Provide trim for scribing and site cutting. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Verify adequacy of backing and support framing. B. Verify mechanical, electrical, and building items affecting work of this section are placed and ready to receive this work. 3.2 INSTALLATION A. Install work in accordance with AWI/AWMAC/WI Architectural Woodwork Standards requirements for grade indicated. B. Set and secure materials and components in place, plumb and level. C. Carefully scribe work abutting other components, with maximum gaps of 1/32 inch (1 mm). Do not use additional overlay trim to conceal larger gaps. 3.3 PREPARATION FOR SITE FINISHING A. Set exposed fasteners. Apply wood filler in exposed fastener indentations. Sand work smooth. B. Site Finishing: See Section 09 9000. 3.4 TOLERANCES A. Maximum Variation from True Position: 1/16 inch (1.5 mm). B. Maximum Offset from True Alignment with Abutting Materials: 1/32 inch (0.7 mm). END OF SECTION Section 06 2000 - Page 2 of 2 FINISH CARPENTRY 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 SECTION 06 4100 - ARCHITECTURAL WOOD CASEWORK PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.2 Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SECTION INCLUDES A. Specially fabricated cabinet units. B. Cabinet hardware. C. Factory finishing. D. Preparation for installing utilities. 1.3 RELATED REQUIREMENTS A. Section 01 2300 - Alternates: For Bid Alternates related to the Work of this Section. B. Section 12 3600 - Countertops. C. Section 12 3216 - Manufactured Plastic-Laminate Casework: Manufacturered Casework and Hardware requirements for Custom Architectural Casework. 1.4 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. AWI/AWMAC/WI (AWS) - Architectural Woodwork Standards; 2009. B. NEMA LD 3 - High-Pressure Decorative Laminates; National Electrical Manufacturers Association; 2005. 1.5 SUBMITTALS A. See Section 01 3000 - Administrative Requirements, for submittal procedures. B. Shop Drawings: Indicate materials, component profiles, fastening methods, jointing details, and accessories. 1. Minimum Scale of Detail Drawings: 1-1/2 inch to 1 foot (1:8). 2. Provide the information required by AWI/AWMAC/WI Architectural Woodwork Standards. 3. Include certification program label. C. Product Data: Provide data for hardware accessories. D. Samples: Submit actual sample items of proposed pulls, hinges, shelf standards, and locksets, demonstrating hardware design, quality, and finish. 1.6 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. 1.7 Fabricator Qualifications: Company specializing in fabricating the products specified in this section with minimum five years of documented experience. DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. 1.8 Protect units from moisture damage. FIELD CONDITIONS A. During and after installation of custom cabinets, maintain temperature and humidity conditions in building spaces at same levels planned for occupancy. ARCHITECTURAL WOOD CASEWORK 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Section 06 4100 - Page 1 of 4 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 CABINETS A. Quality Grade: Unless otherwise indicated provide products of quality specified by AWI//AWMAC/WI Architectural Woodwork Standards for Premium Grade. B. Wood Veneer Faced Cabinets: Premium grade. 1. Exposed Surfaces: Grade A, Red Oak, plain sliced, slip-matched. 2. Semi-Exposed Surfaces: Grade A, Red Oak, plain sliced, slip-matched. C. Plastic Laminate Faced Cabinets: Custom grade. 2.2 WOOD-BASED COMPONENTS A. Wood fabricated from old growth timber is not permitted. B. Hardwood Edgebanding: Use solid hardwood edgebanding matching species, color, grain, and grade for exposed portions of cabinetry. 2.3 LAMINATE MATERIALS A. Manufacturers: 1. Formica Corporation; Product ____: 2. Panolam Industries International, Inc\Nevamar; Product ____: 3. Wilsonart International, Inc; Product ____: 4. Laminart. 5. Substitutions: See Section 01 6000 - Product Requirements. B. High Pressure Decorative Laminate (HPDL): NEMA LD 3, types as recommended for specific applications. C. Provide specific types as follows: 1. Vertical Surfaces: VGS, 0.028 inch (0.71 mm) nominal thickness, through color, colors as scheduled, finish as scheduled. 2. Cabinet Liner: CLS, 0.020 inch (0.51 mm) nominal thickness, through color, colors as scheduled, finish as scheduled. 2.4 ACCESSORIES A. Vinyl Countertop Edge: PVC anchor type tee-molding edging in width to match thickness of countertop, color as scheduled, used at locations as indicated. B. Bolts, Nuts, Washers, Lags, Pins, and Screws: Of size and type to suit application; galvanized or chrome-plated finish in concealed locations and stainless steel or chrome-plated finish in exposed locations. 2.5 HARDWARE A. 2.6 Use same hardware as specified in Section 12 3216 - Manufactured Plastic-laminate Casework. FABRICATION A. Assembly: Shop assemble cabinets for delivery to site in units easily handled and to permit passage through building openings. B. Edging: Fit shelves, doors, and exposed edges with specified edging. Do not use more than one piece for any single length. C. Fitting: When necessary to cut and fit on site, provide materials with ample allowance for cutting. Provide matching trim for scribing and site cutting. D. Plastic Laminate: Apply plastic laminate finish in full uninterrupted sheets consistent with manufactured sizes. Fit corners and joints hairline; secure with concealed fasteners. Slightly bevel arises. Locate counter butt joints minimum 2 feet (600 mm) from sink cut-outs. 1. Apply laminate backing sheet to reverse side of plastic laminate finished surfaces. Section 06 4100 - Page 2 of 4 ARCHITECTURAL WOOD CASEWORK 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 2. Cap exposed plastic laminate finish edges with material of same finish and pattern. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Verify adequacy of backing and support framing. B. Verify location and sizes of utility rough-in associated with work of this section. 3.2 INSTALLATION A. Set and secure custom cabinets in place, assuring that they are rigid, plumb, and level. B. Use concealed joint fasteners to align and secure adjoining cabinet units. C. Carefully scribe casework abutting other components, with maximum gaps of 1/32 inch (1 mm). Do not use additional overlay trim for this purpose. D. Secure cabinets to floor using appropriate angles and anchorages. 3.3 ADJUSTING A. Adjust installed work. B. Adjust moving or operating parts to function smoothly and correctly. 3.4 CLEANING A. Clean casework, counters, shelves, hardware, fittings, and fixtures. END OF SECTION ARCHITECTURAL WOOD CASEWORK 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Section 06 4100 - Page 3 of 4 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 Section 06 4100 - Page 4 of 4 Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 ARCHITECTURAL WOOD CASEWORK 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 SECTION 07 0150 MINOR DEMOLITION AND RENOVATION FOR REROOFING WORK PART 1 – GENERAL 1 .1 1 .2 1 .3 SECTION INCLUDES: A. Required demolition for reroofing work. B. Required renovation for reroofing work. RELATED SECTIONS: A. Removing existing roofing – Sections 07 5350. B. Flashing and Sheet Metal - Section 07 6200. SUBMITTALS: A. 1 .4 PROTECTIONS: A. 1 .5 Product Data: Submit manufacturer's product data sheets for each product in accordance with Division One and Seven. Prior to starting minor demolition operations, provide necessary protections as specified in Division One and Seven. COORDINATION: A. Sequence minor demolition and renovation with work sequence of reroofing work. B. Coordinate with reroofing work so that no more existing roofing and sheet metal items are removed in one day than can be replaced along with new roofing work in same day. PART 2 – PRODUCTS 2 .1 MATERIALS A. Wood Nailers and Blocking: Utility grade lumber, any commercial softwood species, kiln dried and preservative treated. B. Fasteners: 1. Screws: Fluorocarbon coated screws, i.e. Roofgrip Climaseal™. 2. Nails: Nonferrous, cement-coated, or hot-dip galvanized ring-shank nails. 3. Concrete and Masonry: Stainless steel or galvanized screws with lead expansion anchor, Rawlplug by the Rawlplug Co. MINOR DEMOLITION AND RENOVATION FOR REROOFING WORK 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Section 07 0150 - Page 1 of 4 © Foothills Roof Services, Inc. Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 PART 3 – EXECUTION 3 .1 PREPARATION: A. 3 .2 Verify that required barricades and other protective measures are in place. MINOR DEMOLITION OPERATIONS: A. B. C. D. GENERAL: 1. Comply with precautions and procedures specified in Division One and Seven. 2. Cut and remove materials as designated on Drawings. 3. Execute demolition in a careful and orderly manner with least possible disturbance or damage to adjoining surfaces and structure. 4. Avoid excessive vibrations in demolition procedures that would be transmitted through existing structure and finish materials. ABANDONED EQUIPMENT CURBS, SUPPORTS AND VENTS: 1. Completely remove abandoned curbs and supports. 2. Remove abandoned piping and vent penetrations, electrical conduit and switch gear. Cap-off at roof deck level. PITCH PANS: 1. Remove existing pitch pans and wood blocking supporting piping. 2. Remove existing pitch pans at conduit and pipe penetrations. 3. Remove existing pitch pans and wood blocking supporting at mechanical equipment. ABANDONED CURBS/EQUIPMENT DEMOLITION: 1. 3 .3 3 .4 Completely remove existing abandoned curbs and/or equipment. Remove curbs to deck level, and patch hole in roof deck to match existing roof deck (where required). DISPOSAL: A. Unless specifically noted otherwise, materials, equipment and debris resulting from demolition operations shall become property of Contractor. Remove demolition debris in accordance with applicable City, State and Federal laws, and in accordance with requirements of Division One. B. Legally dispose of demolition debris. MINOR RENOVATION WORK: A. Replacing wood nailers and curbs; new wood nailers and curbs: 1. Clean and prepare existing surfaces to receive wood nailers and curbs. 2. Replace designated wood blocking with new wood blocking. 3. Install wood nailers and curbs continuously without gaps and plumb, level and true with joints flush. Securely fasten to structure with expansion fasteners and to existing wood with Fluorocarbon or epoxy coated screws, @ a rate of 12" o.c. Section 07 0150 - Page 2 of 4 © Foothills Roof Services, Inc. MINOR DEMOLITION AND RENOVATION FOR REROOFING WORK 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 B. C. D. Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 Equipment Reinstallation: 1. Remove and reinstall existing equipment, HVAC units, and fans as required to facilitate installation of new roofing and flashing. 2. Carefully disconnect equipment and move in a manner to prevent damage to equipment or service lines. 3. Add new wood nailers at top of existing roof curbs to insure that the finished roof flashing height is at least 8” above the new finish roof surface. 4. Coordinate reinstallation with new equipment support curbs where scheduled. 5. Reinstall equipment on curbs and supports after new flashing is installed. Securely fasten to curbs. 6. Extend and reconnect electrical connections, gas piping and drain lines. Disconnecting, extending and reconnecting of services shall be performed by a mechanical, plumbing and electrical company licensed to perform such work. 7. Equipment shall be left in complete operating condition. Relocating and Raising Piping and Conduit: 1. Raise existing gas piping, vent pipes, conduit and condensate drain lines where scheduled and where required for new curb heights, supports and where needed due to new roof thickness. 2. Disconnect gas piping and extend with new piping and fittings. 3. Extend conduit with proper conduit connections and fittings. Extend wiring as required for additional conduit. Relocating and Raising Piping and Conduit: 1. Raise existing gas piping, vent pipes, conduit and condensate drain lines where scheduled and where required for new curb heights, supports and where needed due to new roof thickness. 2. Disconnect gas piping and extend with new piping and fittings. 3. Extend conduit with proper conduit connections and fittings. Extend wiring as required for additional conduit. 4. Gas Pipe Supports: Furnish and install Miro Industries gas pipe supports Model Numbers 4-RAH or 6-RAH (hot dipped galvanized) (size as required for gas pipe on roof) per governing local codes and manufacturer requirements and/or spaced a minimum of 10' o.c and at all corners (whichever is more stringent). Install over an extra layer of specified walkway pad. 5. Electrical Conduit Supports: Furnish and install Miro Industries electrical conduit supports Model Numbers 4-RAH or 6-RAH (hot dipped galvanized) (size as required for electrical conduit on roof) per governing local codes and manufacturer requirements and/or spaced a minimum of 10' o.c and at all corners (whichever is MINOR DEMOLITION AND RENOVATION FOR REROOFING WORK 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Section 07 0150 - Page 3 of 4 © Foothills Roof Services, Inc. Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 more stringent). All electrical conduits are to be clamped per NEC requirements. Install over an extra layer of specified walkway pad. Furnish and install Miro Industries Pillow Block Pipe Stands Model 1.5 with 1.5 Spacer (for electrical conduits 3" or less above finished roof height). E. Testing and inspection: 1. Test electrical circuits for proper operation. 2. Test drain piping for leaks and proper flow. 3. Perform tests and inspections on gas piping as required by City. Gas piping systems shall be left complete and operational with City inspection "green tags" at completion of work. 4. Test equipment that was removed and reinstalled to ensure that equipment is operating properly. END OF SECTION 07 0150 Section 07 0150 - Page 4 of 4 © Foothills Roof Services, Inc. MINOR DEMOLITION AND RENOVATION FOR REROOFING WORK 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 SECTION 07 2100 - THERMAL INSULATION PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.2 Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SECTION INCLUDES A. Batt insulation in exterior wall construction. B. Batt insulation for filling perimeter window and door shim spaces and crevices in exterior wall and roof. 1.3 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. ASTM C665 - Standard Specification for Mineral-Fiber Blanket Thermal Insulation for Light Frame Construction and Manufactured Housing; 2012. B. ASTM E136 - Standard Test Method for Behavior of Materials in a Vertical Tube Furnace At 750 Degrees C; 2012. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 BATT INSULATION MATERIALS A. Glass Fiber Batt Insulation: Flexible preformed batt or blanket, complying with ASTM C665; friction fit. 1. Combustibility: Non-combustible, when tested in accordance with ASTM E136. 2. Formaldehyde Content: Zero. 3. Manufacturers: a. CertainTeed Corporation: b. Johns Manville Corporation: c. Owens Corning Corp: 4. Substitutions: See Section 01 6000 - Product Requirements. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. 3.2 Verify that substrate, adjacent materials, and insulation materials are dry and that substrates are ready to receive insulation . BATT INSTALLATION A. Install insulation in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. B. Install in exterior wall spaces without gaps or voids. Do not compress insulation. C. Trim insulation neatly to fit spaces. Insulate miscellaneous gaps and voids. D. Fit insulation tightly in cavities and tightly to exterior side of mechanical and electrical services within the plane of the insulation. 3.3 PROTECTION A. Do not permit installed insulation to be damaged prior to its concealment. END OF SECTION THERMAL INSULATION 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Section 07 2100 - Page 1 of 2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 Section 07 2100 - Page 2 of 2 Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 THERMAL INSULATION 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 SECTION 07 2210 – ROOF AND DECK INSULATION PART 1 – GENERAL 1 .1 SECTION INCLUDES A. VAPOR BARRIER: 1. STEEL DECK: Install one layer of specified vapor barrier (see Section 07 5350) over the top of the prepared roof deck, prior to installation of the new roof insulation. Seal off all penetrations and perimeter with approved vapor barrier tape to insure vapor and air seal. Seal all laps, penetrations and edges of vapor barrier with approved tape. 2. CONCRETE DECK: Install one ply 28 lb. Fiberglass base sheet nailed with ES-90 fasteners, with two-ply fiberglass felt (Type IV Felt) mopped in hot asphalt vapor barrier over the top of the prepared roof deck, prior to installation of the new roof insulation. Seal off all penetrations and perimeter with approved sealants and mastics. B. INSULATION: 1. STEEL DECK areas: Furnish and install two layers of 1.8" thick polyisocyanurate roof insulation, and ½” per ft. sloped taper at cricket areas (as shown on roof plans and behind high side of all curbs) , with an overlay insulation board of one-half inch (½") Gypsum Overlayment Board, over specified vapor barrier, over prepared existing structurally sloped roof deck in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. 2. CONCRETE DECK areas: Furnish and install two layers of 1.5" thick polyisocyanurate roof insulation, and ½” per ft. sloped taper at cricket areas (as shown on roof plans and behind high side of all curbs) , with an overlay insulation board of one-half inch (½") Gypsum Overlayment Board, over nailed base sheet and two-ply felt (mopped in hot asphalt) vapor barrier, over prepared existing structurally sloped roof deck in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. C. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: 1. Insulation types and manufacturers shall be supplied by the roofing material manufacturer. 2. Insulation shall be approved by Factory Mutual and Underwriters Laboratories for use as a roofing insulation. 3. Minimum LTTR aged R-Value of polyisocyanurate only: R-6 per inch. 4. Maximum Thickness of tapered or flat fill polyisocyanurate insulation: Three inches (3”) thick. 5. Minimum aged R-Value of ½” Gypsum Overlayment Board: R-.56. ROOF AND DECK INSULATION 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Section 07 2210 - Page 1 of 4 © Foothills Roof Services, Inc. Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 PART 2 – PRODUCTS 2 .1 FLAT POLYISOCYANURATE INSULATION A. 2 .2 2 .3 Flat Polyisocyanurate with Coated Glass Facer: 1. ASTM C 1289, Type II, Class 2 Standard Specification for Polyurethane and Polyisocyanurate Roof Insulation. 2. Fill Board (for taper) Thickness: Maximum thickness of fill boards is 2" thick. Maximum board size to be 48" x 48" in size. 3. Minimum Thickness: One-point-five (1.5") inches thick. 4. Manufacturers: a. Carlisle - Coated Glass Facer Polyisocyanurate b. Firestone - Resista Polyisocyanurate c. Versico - Coated Glass Facer Iso TAPERED OVERLAY CRICKETS: Where shown on drawings and behind high side of all roof curbs. A. Tapered Polyisocyanurate Overlay Crickets: 1. ASTM C 1289, Type II, Class 2 Standard Specification for Polyurethane and Polyisocyanurate Roof Insulation. 2. Minimum Thickness: ½". Tapered Insulation panels are to be pre-fabricated sloped panels with a slope of ½” per foot (where indicated on roof plans and at the high side of all curbs). Install 6" T.E.S. (tapered edge strip) at the low side of the tapered crickets. 3. Manufacturers: a. Carlisle - Coated Glass Facer Polyisocyanurate b. Firestone - Resista Polyisocyanurate c. Versico - Coated Glass Facer Iso B. OVERLAYMENT BOARD: ® 1. Dens-Deck Prime - A fire-tested, gypsum hardboard with glass-mat facers and a ® pre-primed surface on one side. Dens-Deck Prime is provided in a 4 ft x 4 ft in thickness of ½ inch. Install over all flat roof areas. ® 2. Securerock Gypsum-Fiber Roof Board - A firetested, fiber-reinforced, water® resistant hardboard. Securerock is provided in a 4 ft x 4 ft in thickness of ½ inch. Install over all flat roof areas. ACCESSORIES A. TAPERED EDGE: TAPERED EDGE: 1½" x 18" tapered edge strip (at high side of roof curbs, at scuppers/roof drains, etc.), ½" x 6" tapered edge strip at start of taper cricket system. B. INSULATION PLATES - 3 inch square or round, stamping of SAE 1010 steel with an AZ 55 Galvalume coating: 1. Carlisle - 3" Steel Insulation Plate 2. Firestone - 3" Steel Insulation Plate 3. Versico - 3" HPV Steel Insulation Plate Section 07 2210 - Page 2 of 4 © Foothills Roof Services, Inc. ROOF AND DECK INSULATION 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 C. INSULATION FASTENERS - A #14 (minimum) corrosion-resistant fastener with a buttress thread, used with insulation plates to attach insulation boards to steel or wood roof decks. 1. Carlisle - HP Heavy Duty Fastener 2. Firestone - Heavy Duty Fastener 3. Versico - #14 MP Fasteners D. INSULATION/OVERLAYMENT BOARD ADHESIVE - Two-part manufacturer provided foam adhesive for installation of polyisocyanurate insulation to concrete roof deck and overlayment board to polyisocyanurate roof insulation. 1. Carlisle - One Step Insulation Adhesive 2. Firestone - ISO Twin Pack 3. Versico - One Step Insulation Adhesive PART 3 – EXECUTION 3 .1 PREPARATION & INSTALLATION: A. Remove existing roofing ballast and roof membrane to existing roof insulation and prepare existing roof insulation to receive new roof insulation/protection board as required prior to installation of new roof insulation/protection board. B. Installation of polyisocyanurate roof insulation: 1. Metal/Wood Roof Decks: Install one-ply of specified (see Section 07535) vapor retarder over prepared roof deck prior to installation of roof insulation. Install vapor retarder with 3" minimum side-laps, and 6" minimum end laps. Seal all laps of vapor retarder, all perimeter locations and all penetrations with approved vapor retarder tape (provided by the vapor retarder manufacturer). Over vapor retarder, install roof insulation with end joints staggered. Insulation joints shall be ⅛" or less in width. Neatly cut and fit insulation around roof penetrations and projections. Install only dry insulation and only as much insulation as can be covered the same day with membrane and completed. (Insulation that has become wet during storage will be marked and removed from site by the contractor.) Install insulation layers mechanically fastened to the substrate using manufacturer supplied and Factory Mutual approved fasteners, fastened at a minimum rate of one fastener every two (2) square feet or as required to meet Factory Mutual (FM) I-90 and Bulletin 1-28s wind requirements, whichever is more stringent. Comply with additional fastening requirements at perimeter and corners per FM Bulletin 1-28s. Fastener is to penetrate a minimum of ¾” past the bottom of the roof deck. 2. Concrete Roof Decks: Over prepared roof deck install 2-plies of Type IV fiberglass ply sheets to new nailed 28 lb. fiberglass base sheet, in a continuous hot mopping of Type III asphalt, applied at a rate of approximately thirty (30) pounds per 100 square feet, per mopping (stagger joints between all layers). Insulation joints shall be ⅛" or less in width. Fill all uneven or oversized insulation joints with modified flashing cement. Neatly cut and fit insulation around roof penetrations and projections. Install only dry insulation and only as much insulation as can be covered the same day with membrane and completed. Install insulation layers to prepared roof deck and to each other, in a continuous hot mopping of Type IV asphalt, applied at a rate of approximately thirty (30) pounds per 100 square feet, per mopping. Install insulation as required to meet FM requirement. ROOF AND DECK INSULATION 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Section 07 2210 - Page 3 of 4 © Foothills Roof Services, Inc. Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 C. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 Installation of overlayment board: (at ALL roof areas) 1. Over installed polyisocyanurate roof insulation, install the overlayment board (all joints staggered) adhered to the installed polyisocyanurate roof insulation using manufacturer approved/provided “low-rise” sprayed-in-place urethane foam adhesive (i.e. One Step Insulation Adhesive (Carlisle/Versico), ISO Twin Pack (Firestone)). Insure boards are properly adhered and “walked” in to insure that no corners are sticking up. END OF SECTION 07 2210 Section 07 2210 - Page 4 of 4 © Foothills Roof Services, Inc. ROOF AND DECK INSULATION 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 SECTION 07 5350 – EPDM MEMBRANE ROOFING PART 1 – GENERAL 1.1 1.2 1.3 SECTION INCLUDES: A. Substrate preparation-removal of all existing roof ballast, stone mat, existing roof insulations, existing built-up roofing and EPDM roof membranes down to the existing substrate. Removal of flashings, existing leads and metal jacks. B. Demolition-Remove all abandoned roof penetrations (pipes, curbs, etc.) from roof surface and patch roof deck. Raise all curbs as required by code to accommodate new roof system. C. Insulation - Furnish and install new polyisocyanurate roof insulation over new vapor barrier over prepared roof deck with all layers of polyisocyanurate roof insulation fastened/adhered to the structural roof deck , install a new layer of ½" gypsum overlayment board over fastened/adhered roof insulation in specified foam adhesive in accordance with Sections 07 2210. D. Blocking-furnish and install new wood blocking as shown or specified. E. Membrane installation-furnish and install fully adhered 60 mil non-reinforced BLACK EPDM roof system. F. Membrane Flashing-furnish and install new elastomeric roof flashings per manufacturers requirements. G. Sheet metal (See Section 07 6200) - furnish and install new 24 gauge Kynar coated Steel flashings including (but not limited to) drip edge metal, pre-fabricated edge/fascia metal, parapet cap, transition metal, galvanized roof jacks, EPDM pipe boots, EPDM pourable sealer pockets, and other miscellaneous items to insure a watertight roof. Furnish and install new aluminum termination bar where shown or required. RELATED SECTIONS A. Wood nailers, wood/metal cementitious roof deck renovation – Section 07 0150. B. Metal flashing and other sheet metal items – Section 07 6200. ALTERNATES: A. 1.4 Alternates that may be contemplated/required for this project will comply with procedures specified in General Provisions. REFERENCES A. American Society for Testing & Materials (ASTM): EPDM- ASTM D-297, D-412, D-471, D573, D-624, D-746, D-751, D-751B, D-1149, E-96 B. ASTM C 1289, Type II, Class 2 Standard Specification for Polyurethane and Polyisocyanurate Roof Insulation. EPDM MEMBRANE ROOFING 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Section 075350 - Page 1 of 10 © Foothills Roof Services, Inc. Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 1.5 Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 SUBMITTALS A. Shop Drawings: 1. Submit six (6) copies of drawing indicating roof size, location and type of penetrations, perimeter and penetration details. Indicate complete installation details of roofing and flashing, including roof slopes, flashing details, penetration details and accessories. 2. Sheet metal shop drawings: Submit six (6) copies of sheet metal shop drawings showing size, layout and location of all sheet metal items. 3. Submit two (2) copies of MSDS data directly to the owner for their files, on all roofing, insulation and flashing materials. 4. Submit three (3) samples of EPDM Membrane to be used taken from rolls on the roof. Submit “Lot Numbers” taken from membrane rolls on the roof. B. Product Data: Submit six (6) copies of latest edition of manufacturer's roofing and flashing specifications (deleting non-applicable information), including list of materials proposed for use, and manufacturer's data sheets for other products. C. Progress Schedule Plan: 1. Submit a complete progress schedule and phasing plan indicating complete sequence of removal and replacement of roofing for each area. 2. Include roof plan with layout indicating amount of roof area included in each day's work. 3. Indicate dates for beginning and completing each activity. 4. Identify other related work affecting roof replacement and phasing. D. Guaranty: Submit specimen copy of contractor and manufacturer's roofing warranty (that complies with guaranty requirements as listed in paragraph 1.13 below), with Product Data submittal, including evidence of application for warranty. E. Manufacturer's Review: Concurrent with Shop Drawing submittal; submit (in writing) roof manufacturer's review and acceptance of Contract Documents (plans, specifications, application requirements, etc.) and approval of applicator. Certifications by manufacturers of roofing and insulating materials that all materials supplied comply with all requirements of the identified ASTM and industry standards or practices. F. Certification from the Applicator that the system specified meets all identified code and insurance requirements as required by the Specification. G. Maintenance Data: Compile and submit maintenance instructions in accordance with Division One. Include complete manufacturer's instructions for periodic inspection and maintenance of roofing system, including precautions and warnings to prevent damage and deterioration to roofing system. H. Warranty: Submit specimen copy of contractor and/or manufacturer's roofing warranty with Product Data submittal, including evidence of application for warranty. Section 075350 - Page 2 of 10 © Foothills Roof Services, Inc. EPDM MEMBRANE ROOFING 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 1.6 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Applicator: 1. Approved in writing by manufacturer of accepted roofing system. 2. A single applicator with a minimum of 10 years continuous previous successful experience in installation of specified roof manufacturer’s system. Contractor must have completed a minimum of three (3) 60 mil adhered installations prior to bidding this project. 3. Current Proof of applicator status letter from the proposed Manufacturer showing that the roofer is a: 4. B. C. 1.7 1.8 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 a. Carlisle - Centurion Contractor b. Firestone - Master Contractor c. Versico - Gold Medal Contractor Shall maintain a permanent office within 65 miles distance of project site to satisfy Owner that projects can be properly serviced during guaranty phase. Manufacturer: 1. Manufacturer shall have a minimum of 10 years previous successful experience of specified roofing products in the local area. 2. Manufacturer’s specified system shall meet all UL and FM design requirements at least seven days prior to the bid date. Proof of compliance shall be provided to the owner’s consultant upon request, at least seven days prior to bid date. Pre-Installation Conference: 1. Prior to installation of roofing system, conduct a Pre-Installation conference at the project site. 2. Attendance: Owner, Roofing Consultant, Contractor, project superintendent, project foreperson, and roof manufacturer's technical representative. 3. Agenda: Refer to General Provisions requirements. SYSTEM PERFORMANCE A. Roofing system to provide watertight roof assembly. B. All roofing materials shall be from one manufacturer or approved by EPDM Membrane Manufacturer. REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS A. Fire Hazard Classification: UL (Underwriters Laboratories) Class A. B. Factory Mutual Research Corporation. All products shall be approved by Factory Mutual Research Corporation for I-90 classification. C. Governing Building Department and State of Colorado Building Codes. EPDM MEMBRANE ROOFING 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Section 075350 - Page 3 of 10 © Foothills Roof Services, Inc. Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 1.9 1.10 1.11 Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 D. Sheet Metal shall comply with SMACNA Manual, 5th Edition recommendations and requirements for fabrication and installation. E. Comply with all OSHA, EPA, Colorado Department of Health, NRCA, and all applicable regulations for the handling and disposal of existing roofing/flashings. PRE-INSTALLATION CONFERENCE A. Prior to installation of roofing system, conduct a Pre-Installation conference at the project site. B. Attendance: Owner, Consultant, Contractor, project superintendent, project foreperson, and roof manufacturer's technical representative. C. Agenda: Refer to Division One. DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Deliver materials in manufacturer's original, unopened containers or packages with labels intact and legible, including required fire resistance classification labels. B. Store rolled goods on end on clean raised platforms with weather protective covering. Load roof daily to prevent damage to the existing roof system. Visqueen is not an acceptable watertight material for protecting roof materials. C. Provide continuous protection of materials against wetting and absorption; remove wet materials and marked materials that have been wet, from project site. D. Materials loaded on roof levels for immediate (same day) use shall be: 1. Distributed to prevent concentrated loads that would impose excessive strain on deck or structural members. 2. Positively secured to prevent displacement by excessive wind forces. 3. Deliver roofing materials, insulation and accessories in manufacturer's protective containers with labels intact and legible, and comply with manufacturer's instructions for storage and handling. E. Handle rolled goods to prevent damage. F. Store all materials on clean, raised platforms with weather-protective covering. PROJECT CONDITIONS: A. Existing Conditions: Examine existing building and existing roofing to determine existing physical conditions that affect removal of existing roofing and installation of new roofing. B. Environmental Requirements: 1. Apply roofing in dry weather. 2. Do not remove existing roofing and flashing in inclement weather or when rain is predicted (30% or more possibility). 3. o not apply new roofin when ambient temperature is below Section 075350 - Page 4 of 10 © Foothills Roof Services, Inc. F. EPDM MEMBRANE ROOFING 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 4. 1.13 Ensure roof deck is structurally sound and sufficiently rigid to support the live and dead load requirements of the construction traffic. C. Emergency Equipment: Maintain on-site equipment necessary to apply emergency temporary edge seal in the event of sudden storms or inclement weather. D. Restrictions: E. 1.12 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 1. Comply with requirements of Division One on use of site. 2. Smoking is prohibited on roof areas or in existing buildings or on grounds. 3. Radios, boom boxes, etc. are not allowed on the job site. Continuation of Services: Comply with requirements of General Provisions. SEQUENCING AND SCHEDULING A. Do not remove more existing roofing in one day than can be replaced with new roof membrane in the same day. B. For each day's work, install complete roof system including flashings, penetrations and other materials required for a complete, watertight installation. WARRANTY A. Applicator/Roofing Contractor 2 Year MRCA Warranty - The Applicator shall supply the Owner with a separate materials and workmanship warranty. In the event any work related to roofing, flashing, or metal is found to be within the Applicator warranty term, defective or otherwise not in accordance with the Contract Documents, the Applicator shall repair that defect at no cost to the Owner. The Applicator's warranty obligation shall run directly to the Owner. B. The Manufacturer “2 Year No ollar Limit (N L) Total System Warranty” - Upon successful completion of the work, the Manufacturer’s 2 Year No ollar Limit (N L) Total System Warranty shall be issued covering all materials and workmanship including the following: 1. Include repairs required to maintain roof and flashing in a watertight condition. 2. Make repairs at no expense to Owner. 3. Guaranty coverage to include: a. All roof insulations, insulation fasteners, vapor retarders (where applicable), membrane fasteners and adhesives. b. Roof membrane components and adhesives. All accessory products required for installation of membrane roofing system, including bonding adhesive, flashing membrane, stripping plies, clad metal, pipe boots, pourable sealant pockets, etc. 4. Guaranty shall not exclude coverage as a result of small areas of standing or ponding water. 5. Guaranty shall include hail (up to 1½") coverage. EPDM MEMBRANE ROOFING 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Section 075350 - Page 5 of 10 © Foothills Roof Services, Inc. Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 6. Guaranty shall not exclude coverage as a result of winds less than 85 m.p.h. PreEngineered metal detail shall be guaranteed by the manufacturer for 110 miles per hour. 7. Guaranty shall not be limited by a dollar amount. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 ELASTOMERIC SHEET ROOFING SYSTEM COMPONENTS A. 2.2 2.3 Manufacturer’s of EP M Roofin 1. Carlisle SynTec - .060 Non-Reinforced BLACK EPDM Sure-Seal Roofing 2. Firestone Rubbergard - .060 Non-Reinforced BLACK EPDM Roofing 3. Versico Roof Systems - .060 Non-Reinforced BLACK EPDM Roofing B. Membrane Material Type: Ethylene Propylene Diene Terpolymer (EPDM) Membrane. C. Roof Flashing: Manufacturer's Uncured EPDM Membrane D. Accessories: Contact Manufacturer for a complete listing of accessories. VAPOR RETARDER A. Concrete roof deck: Base sheet and two plies of Type IV fiberglass roofing felt set in hot asphalt. B. Steel roof deck: Griffolyn Industries – Griffolyn Type 65, a reinforced polyethylene vapor retarder/air retarder. Use manufacturer supplied polyethylene tape for laps and sealing edges of the building. MISCELLANEOUS A. Nailers, Blocking: No. 2 or better, preservative treated for rot resistance. B. Insulation Fasteners: FM approved coated screw with insulation plate. Screws to penetrate past top flute of metal roof deck minimum ¾ inch. 1. Manufacturer approved screws and plates included in total system warranty. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 3.2 EXAMINATION A. Verify proper placement of all roof openings, pipes, curbs, sleeves, ducts, vents and drains. B. Verify that surfaces and site conditions are ready to receive work. C. Verify that deck is clean. SUBSTRATE PREPARATION A. Comply with manufacturer's instructions for preparation of substrate to receive elastomeric sheet roofing. Section 075350 - Page 6 of 10 © Foothills Roof Services, Inc. EPDM MEMBRANE ROOFING 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 3.3 3.4 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 B. Remove all existing roofing and roof flashings down to the existing structural roof deck. C. Clean substrate of dust, debris, and other substances detrimental to elastic sheet roofing work. D. Beginning of installation means acceptance of conditions as satisfactory. E. Remove old membrane flashings, pitch pans, metal and lead flashings. FASTENING STRIPS, NAILERS, BLOCKING A. Install fastening strips at the base of roof projections, penetrations and non-roof edge perimeters as detailed. B. Install treated wood nailers at roof edge details, at roof perimeters and around specified roof penetrations. 1. Total nailer height shall match total thickness of insulation being used. Install with 1/8" gap between each length. 2. Firmly fasten nailer to the deck or existing structurally sound and secured nailers at (16") o.c. maximum, so as to resist a force of 200 lbs. per linear foot in any direction. 3. Taper nailer where applicable to be flush at point of contact with membrane in either the vertical or horizontal applications. INSULATION APPLICATION A. Install ½" Overlayment Board with end joints staggered. (Stagger joints between all layers.) Joints shall be ⅛” or less in width. Neatly cut and fit insulation around roof penetrations and projections. Install only dry insulation and only as much insulation as can be covered the same day with membrane and completed. B. Install new roof insulation fastened to the substrate as specified in Section 07 2210, and to comply with manufacturer and code requirements. NOTE: Comply with FM requirements and per FM Loss Data Sheet 1-28s. 3.5 EPDM MEMBRANE APPLICATION A. Install elastomeric sheet roofing in accordance with manufacturer's current instructions. B. Loosely lay sheet membrane over roof insulation and allow the membrane to relax 30 minutes minimum before bonding, splicing or attaching. Evenly fold sheet back on itself after it is in its final position so as to expose the underside. Apply bonding adhesive evenly to both the substrate and the membrane. Apply simultaneously to allow equal drying time; allow to dry until tacky, not to stick or string by touch of a dry finger. Starting at the fold, slowly roll the coated membrane into the coated substrate evenly, so as to prevent wrinkles. Compress with a clean stiff push broom to assure full contact. Splice adjoining sheets by lapping the edges and splicing with 3" splice tape. C. Over top of 3" taped splice, install one layer of 6" semi-cured cover-tape as shown on drawings. EPDM MEMBRANE ROOFING 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Section 075350 - Page 7 of 10 © Foothills Roof Services, Inc. Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 D. 3.6 3.7 A. When feasible, flash all penetrations and walls with cured EPDM membrane. Uncured EPDM flashing shall be limited to; overlay vertical seams (as required at angle changes) or to flash inside and outside corners, scuppers, pourable sealer pockets, and other penetrations or unusually shaped walls where the use of cured membrane flashing is not practical. EPDM manufacturer's prefabricated accessories should be used whenever feasible. B. Apply EPDM membrane flashing as recommended by the EPDM Manufacturer per their standard roofing details and project documents. C. Remove existing sheet metal parapet cap, counter flashings, roof jacks, pitch pans, and other miscellaneous flashings, and replace with new 24 gauge Kynar coated galvanized steel flashings. Furnish and install new 24 gauge Kynar coated parapet cap at the top of the parapet. Furnish and install new aluminum termination bar where shown or required. WALKWAY PADS Specified Walkway - Roofing membrane to receive walkpads shall be clean and dry. Place chalk lines on deck sheet to indicate location of walkpads. Apply primer to roof membrane surface in accordance with the manufacturer's technical requirements and press walkpads into place. Important: Do not install walkpads over field seams or termination/batten/peel bars. FIELD QUALITY CONTROL: A. 3.9 Complete splice between flashing and sheet roofing before bonding the flashing to vertical surface. Flash all penetrations passing through the sheet membrane. FLASHING AND ACCESSORIES A. 3.8 Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 Roofin Contractor’s Quality Control: 1. During construction, contractor is to provide daily supervision of the project, performed by the contractor’s field superintendent (not to be confused with the project foreperson who is on site at all times). 2. Contractor’s project mana er is to perform re ular site inspections at the minimum rate of one site visit per week. 3. Upon completion of installation, contractor is to perform their own final inspection by their quality control person to confirm that roofing system has been installed in accordance with the construction documents and manufacturer's requirements. Contractor is to produce a written punchlist and roof diagram of deficiencies found during their final inspection. Correct identified defects and/or irregularities. A copy of this punchlist, diagram and signed completion letter, will be provided to the consultant prior to the owner and consultant performing their final inspection. CLEANING AND PATCHING: A. Clean up debris, excess materials and equipment and remove from site. B. Remove drippage or spills of coatings, sealant, adhesives or primers from finish surfaces. Section 075350 - Page 8 of 10 © Foothills Roof Services, Inc. EPDM MEMBRANE ROOFING 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 C. 3.10 3.11 3.12 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 Patch misaligned or inadequately lapped seams, inadequately adhered areas, punctures or other damage to membrane with a patch of membrane sheet that extends at least 6 in. in each direction from deficiency. PROTECTION: A. Provide special protection (i.e. use of tarps and plywood), and avoid heavy traffic on completed work. B. Restore to original condition or replace work or materials damaged during handling of roofing materials. MANUFACTURER'S FIELD SERVICE A. During installation, provide for a minimum of three (3) on-site inspection of roof application by qualified technical representatives of roofing manufacturer. B. Upon completion of installation, provide a final inspection by a technical representative of roofing manufacturer to confirm that roofing system has been installed in accordance with manufacturer's requirements. The roofing contractor, owner and roof consultant are required to be present for this inspection. The manufacturer is to produce a written punchlist and roof diagram of deficiencies found during their final inspection. A copy of this punchlist, dia ram and si ned completion letter, will be provided to the owner’s roof consultant prior to the owner and consultant performing their final inspection. Consultant and owner to attend final inspection. Contractor is responsible for notifying both the owner and consultant two (2) weeks in advance of the manufacturer’s inspection. Failure to notify both the owner and consultant may require a reinspection of the roof by the manufacturer at no cost to the owner. C. The manufacturer is to perform an 18-month inspection of the entire guaranteed roof system 18 months after the guaranty issuance date. The roofing contractor, owner and roof consultant are required to be present for this inspection. COMPLETION A. Prior to demobilization from the site, the work shall be reviewed by the Owner's Representative and the Applicator. All defects noted and non-compliance with the Specifications or the recommendations of the manufacturer shall be itemized in a punch list. These items must be corrected immediately by the Applicator to the satisfaction of the Owner's Representative and The manufacturer prior to demobilization. B. All punch-lists shall have been completed, and warranties referenced in this Specification shall have been delivered to the Owner’s Representative prior to the Owner acceptin the project for final payment. END OF SECTION 07 5350 EPDM MEMBRANE ROOFING 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Section 075350 - Page 9 of 10 © Foothills Roof Services, Inc. Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 (This Page Left Intentionally Blank) Section 075350 - Page 10 of 10 © Foothills Roof Services, Inc. EPDM MEMBRANE ROOFING 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 SECTION 07 6100 - PREFORMED METAL STANDING SEAM ROOFING PART 1 – GENERAL 1 .1 1 .2 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. Prefinished, prefabricated structural standing seam roof system with continuous interlocking seams. 2. Coordinate with installation of roofing substructure. 3. Provide color coordinated head wall, rake wall, eave, gutter, and flashings, parapet caps, and counter-flashings. 4. Provide clips, fasteners, closures, and sealant as necessary to meet design criteria and ensure weathertight installation. B. Related Sections: 1. Section 07 6200: Flashing and Sheet Metal Trim. SYSTEM DESCRIPTION A. Design Requirements: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. B. Structural Requirements: 1. 2. C. Provide UL 90 rated roofing system that has been tested in accordance with UL 580 test procedure. Provide factory preformed panel system that has been pre-tested and certified by manufacturer to comply with specified requirements under installed conditions. Provide one piece, single length roof panel. Provide continuous interlocking standing seam that inherently increases load span capability, stiffness and flexural stress handling. Panel capable of maintaining UL 90 wind uplift rating. Vinyl Weatherseal Insert (Berridge). Engineer panels for structural properties in accordance with latest edition of American Iron and Steel Institute’s “Cold Formed Steel Design Manual”, using “effective width” concepts. Provide confirmation of positive and negative buckling moments and uplift capacity determined by full-scale tests. Substrate Criteria: 1. Insulated metal deck with ½" minimum thickness CDX plywood substrate. PREFORMED METAL STANDING SEAM ROOFING 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Section 07 6100 - Page 1 of 8 © Foothills Roof Services, Inc. Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 1 .3 REFERENCES A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. 1 .4 Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 American Iron & Steel Institute (AISI) Specification for the Design of Cold-formed Steel Structural Members. ASTM A-653 & ASTM A924 Steel Sheet, Zinc-Coated (Galvanized) ASTM E-283-84 ASTM E-331-86 ASTM E-1592 Spec Data Sheet - Galvalume Sheet Metal by Bethlehem Corp. SMACNA - Architectural Sheet Metal Manual. Building Materials Directory - Underwriter's Laboratories, Test Procedure 580. SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: 1. Metal System: Submit manufacturer’s specifications, standard detail drawings, installation instructions and warranty information. 2. Underlayment: Submit manufacturer’s specifications, standard detail drawings, installation instructions and warranty information. B. Shop Drawings: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. C. Samples: 1. 2. 3. D. Submit six (6) copies of shop drawings indicating thickness and dimensions of parts, fastenings and anchoring methods, details and locations of seams, transitions and other provisions necessary for thermal expansion and contraction. Indicate roof terminations, clearly showing flashings and change of direction caps. Clearly indicate locations of field and factory applied sealant. Show locations and types of hold-down clips and fasteners. Provide plan showing layout of entire roof. Submit two samples, 12" long x full width panel showing proposed metal gauge, seam profile, and required finish. Submit standard color samples on metal for Consultant’s selection. Color and style of metal roofing to match existing roofing on adjacent south building. Submit 2 samples of each fastener used (size & type). Test Reports: 1. 2. Submit test reports prepared by (UL) Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. indicating wind uplift rating of proposed roof system (UL 90). Submit results indicating compliance with minimum requirements of the following performance tests: a. Air Infiltration - ASTM E 283-84 b. Water Infiltration - ASTM E 331-86 Section 07 6100 - Page 2 of 8 © Foothills Roof Services, Inc. PREFORMED METAL STANDING SEAM ROOFING 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 E. Certification: 1. 2. 3. F. Submit list of completed projects including name of owner and/or consultant. Submit (with bid) contractor’s reference list demonstrating a minimum of three (3) similar projects, that the manufacturer’s 20 year watertight warranty was issued. QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Manufacturer’s Qualifications: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. B. C. Ten years minimum experience in factory fabrication of standing seam roofs. All roof panels shall be rollformed at the manufacturer’s prime manufacturing location. Products listed in this specification section are as manufactured by: a. Berridge Manufacturing (to match existing adjacent building). No other bidder of standing seam roof panels will be accepted without prior written approval of Consultant based upon other manufacturer’s products meeting specified requirements. No substitutions will be permitted after bid date. Applicator Qualifications: 1. 2. 3. Five (5) years minimum experience in application of standing seam roofs. Minimum of five satisfactory projects on similar types of roofs. Certified by the manufacturer to install and provide manufacturer’s 20 year watertight warranty. Regulatory Requirements: 1. 1 .6 Submit manufacturer’s certification that materials and finishes meet specification requirements. Submit manufacturer’s certification that contractor is certified and approved to install and provide manufacturer’s 20 year watertight warranty. Submit calculations with registered engineer seal, verifying roof panel and attachment method resists wind pressures imposed on it pursuant to applicable building codes. Applicator’s and Manufacturer’s Experience Records: 1. 2. 1 .5 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 Comply with requirements of applicable building codes and other agencies having jurisdiction of wind uplift rating of standing seam roofs. DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Protect products and accessories from damage and discoloration during transit and at project site. Store sheets and components in dry storage area to prevent condensation. PREFORMED METAL STANDING SEAM ROOFING 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Section 07 6100 - Page 3 of 8 © Foothills Roof Services, Inc. Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 B. C. D. E. F. 1 .7 Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 Do not overload roof structure with stored materials. Do not permit material storage or traffic on completed roof surfaces. Upon receipt of panels and other materials, installer shall examine the shipment for damage and completeness. Panels should be stored in a clean, dry place. One end should be elevated to allow moisture to run off. Panels with strippable film must not be stored in the open, exposed to the sun. Stack all materials to prevent damage and to allow for adequate ventilation. WARRANTY A. Furnish manufacturer’s standard 20-year warranty stating architectural fluorocarbon finish will be: 1. Free of fading or color change in excess of 5 NBS units as measured per ASTM D 2244-68; 2. Will not chalk in excess of numerical rating of 7 when measured in accordance with standard procedures specified in ASTM D 659-74; 3. Will not peel, crack, chip, or delaminate. B. Galvalume material shall have a twenty year guarantee against failure due to corrosion, rupture or perforation. C. Furnished written MRCA Guaranty signed by applicator for two year period from date of substantial completion, covering repairs required to maintain roof and flashings in watertight condition. D. Furnish manufacturer’s 20-year Watertightness and Finish Warranty from date of substantial completion, covering repairs required to maintain roof and flashings in watertight condition. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2 .1 ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURERS: A. 2 .2 ACCEPTABLE PRODUCTS: A. 2 .3 Berridge Manufacturing Cee-Lock® panels as manufactured by Berridge Manufacturing. MATERIALS A. Panels 1. Prefinished Galvalume ™ sheet, ASTM AZ50 made up of 55% aluminum, 1.6% silicon and the balance zinc as described in ASTM specification A792. Section 07 6100 - Page 4 of 8 © Foothills Roof Services, Inc. PREFORMED METAL STANDING SEAM ROOFING 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. B. Berridge: Continuous Cee-Rib as manufactured by Berridge. UL 90 requirements: 1. 2. 3. 4. D. Fabricate panels with sufficient thickness to meet specified UL 90 wind uplift requirements. Factory fabricates panel with integral continuous interlocking standing seams without need for separate seam covers. Seam size: a. Male leg: 1-⅜" high. b. Female leg: 1-½" high x ½" wide. Provide field installed, Vinyl Weatherseal Insert as manufactured by Berridge. Acceptable Standing Seam System: a. Cee-Lock standing seam system (16.5" panel width) by Berridge Manufacturing. Strippable film shall be applied to the top side of the painted surface to protect the finish during fabrications, shipping and field handling. This strippable film must be removed before installation. Clip/Fastener Assemblies: 1. C. Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 Fasteners: Manufacturer’s standard #10 - 16 x 1" long self-drilling, self-tapping pancake head Phillips drive screws for metal; non-corrosive base material. UL Rated Clip: a. Berridge: Continuous Cee-Rib as manufactured by Berridge. Standard Fasteners: Same as UL 90 fasteners specified above. Nailable Substrate Fasteners: #10 - 12 x 1" long A-Point fastener, pancake head Phillips drive screws for plywood; noncorrosive base material. Clip shall be designed to meet positive and negative pressures as calculated per local building code. Accessories: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Provide manufacturer’s standard accessories and other items essential to completeness of standing seam roof installation. Provide nylon seam end plugs for clean termination of panel. Provide factory fabricated rib covers at roof slope transitions. Provide transition rib covers where roofing changes directions. Gutters and downspouts will be fabricated to the same gauge and specification as panel. Provide Vinyl Weatherseal Insert E. Field Sealant: 1. Color coordinate primerless silicone or high grade, nondrying butyl as recommended by panel manufacturer. 2. Do not use sealant containing asphalt. F. Waterproof Underlayment: Grace Vycor Ultra (no substitutions). PREFORMED METAL STANDING SEAM ROOFING 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Section 07 6100 - Page 5 of 8 © Foothills Roof Services, Inc. Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 2 .4 G. Roof Insulation: Existing insulation. H. Substrate: Existing substrate. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 FABRICATION A. Panels: 1. Provide factory formed panel of 16-½" width, 1-½" high x ½" wide standing seam. 2. Provide panels in full length from ridge to eave. 3. Vertical striations (Shadowline/Rigidized) to be furnished on all panels. B. Seams: 1. 2. 3. 4. C. Panel seams shall interlock entire length of seam without use of field seaming machines. Engineer standing seam to lock up and resist joint disengagement during design wind uplift conditions as calculated according to local building codes. Fabricate female leg with pressure equalized capillary break to prevent water siphoning through joints. Provide factory sealant on leading edge of female seam leg to aid in resistance of leaks and to provide panel-to-panel seal while allowing expansion and contraction movement. Clips: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Provide UL listed clip designed to allow panels to thermally expand and contract. Fabricate clips with embossments that raise underside of panels above substrate to allow underside ventilation. Fabricate clips with structurally embossed outstanding legs to prevent distortion due to wind uplift forces. Continuous Cee Rib (Berridge) to be 1-3/8" wide and 1-7/16" in height. Rib shall be connected to substrate with two #12-14 x 1" self-drilling/tapping fasteners every 36" on center. Vinyl Weatherseal (U.S. Patent No. 4641475) to be factory-installed. Panel assembly to bear Underwriter's Laboratories Label UL90, pursuant to Construction Number 334 and applicable Fire Ratings. Certification shall be submitted, based on independent testing laboratory, indicating no measurable water penetration or air leakage through the system when tested in accordance with ASTM E-331-86 and E-283-84. D. Engineer panels to use concealed anchors that permit expansion and contraction. Exposed fasteners in roofing panels will not be permitted. E. Provide factory eave panel notch for eave termination. (To be utilized with joggle cleat detail.) Section 07 6100 - Page 6 of 8 © Foothills Roof Services, Inc. PREFORMED METAL STANDING SEAM ROOFING 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 2 .5 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 FINISH A. Fluorocarbon Coating: 1. 2. 3. 4. Full strength 70% Kynar 500® coating baked on for 15 minutes at 450 degrees F to dry-film thickness of 1.0 mil. 15% reflective gloss (ASTM D 523). (Low Gloss). 0.3 mil baked on epoxy primer. Color: To match existing color on adjacent building. PART 3 – EXECUTION 3 .1 3 .2 DEMOLITION/EXAMINATION A. Existing Roof: 1. Remove existing Standing Seam Roofing, all existing layers of roofing felt down to existing wood roof deck. Comply with all applicable regulations for the handling and disposal of existing roofing and flashings. B. Substrate: 1. Examine substrate to ensure it is properly secured and prepared to receive metal roofing. 2. Ensure substrate is installed flat, free from objectionable warp, wave, and buckle. 3. Do not proceed with installation until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. 4. Inspect roof deck to verify deck is clean and smooth, free of depressions, waves or projections, level to +/- ¼" in 20', and properly sloped to valleys or eaves. Install hot-dipped galvanized shims as needed between substrate and anchor clip/rib to insure that new roof is free of waves or depressions. 5. Verify roof openings, curbs, pipes, sleeves, ducts or vents through roof are solidly set, cant strips and reglets in place, and nailing strips located. 6. Verify deck is dry and free of snow or ice. PREPARATION A. Waterproof Underlayment 1. 2. 3. Provide one layer of Vycor/W.R. Grace Ice & Watershield over entire plywood substrate. At EPDM/Metal roof transitions, install one course (3' wide) parallel to the eave of Vycor Ultra waterproof membrane. Lay parallel to ridge or eave line with 3" horizontal (side) laps and 6" vertical (end) laps. Comply with metal manufacturer and underlayment manufacturer installation requirements for compliance with guaranty requirements and this specification (whichever is more stringent). PREFORMED METAL STANDING SEAM ROOFING 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Section 07 6100 - Page 7 of 8 © Foothills Roof Services, Inc. Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 3 .3 INSTALLATION A. Comply with manufacturer’s instructions for assembly, installation, and erection in order to achieve weathertight installation. Install in accordance with approved shop drawings. B. Install panels in such a manner that horizontal lines are true and level, and vertical lines are plumb. C. Standing Seam System: 1. 2. 3. D. 2. 3 .5 Where sheet metal is in contact with dissimilar metals, execute juncture to facilitate drainage and minimize possibility of galvanic action. At point of contact with dissimilar metal, coat metal with protective paint or tape which can be placed between metals. E. Field apply sealant to penetrations, transitions, and other locations necessary (not standing seam) for airtight, waterproof installation. F. Do not allow traffic on completed roof. If required, provide cushioned walk boards. CLEANING A. Clean exposed surfaces of work promptly after completion of installation. B. Clean any grease, finger marks or stains from the panels per manufacturer recommendations. C. Excessive marring/scratches of the finish product (as determined by the owner or their consultant), will be repaired and/or replaced at no cost to the owner. PROTECTION A. 3 .6 Install panels in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions and recommendations. Anchor securely in place using clips/ribs and fasteners spaced in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations for design wind load criteria. Fully seat adjacent panel to achieve continuous engagement of standing seam joint. Dissimilar Metals: 1. 3 .4 Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 Protect work as required to ensure roofing will be without damage at time of final completion. FINAL INSPECTION A. Final inspection will be performed by the Owner’s consultant and the manufacturer for issuance of the 20 year watertightness warranty. END OF SECTION Section 07 6100 - Page 8 of 8 © Foothills Roof Services, Inc. PREFORMED METAL STANDING SEAM ROOFING 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 SECTION 07 6200 – FLASHING AND SHEET METAL TRIM PART 1 – GENERAL 1 .1 1 .2 1 .3 SECTION INCLUDES: A. Shop or field-formed sheet metal work for moisture protection. B. Related accessories. RELATED SECTIONS: A. Wood curbs, nailers, blocking – Section 07 1050. B. EPDM membrane roofing – Section 07 5350. ALTERNATES: A. 1 .4 1 .5 1 .6 Work specified in this Section may be affected by Alternates. Refer to Section 01 2300 and the bid form. REFERENCES: A. ASTM A525 – Steel Sheet, Zinc-Coated (Galvanized), General Requirements. B. ASTM A526 – Steel Sheet, Zinc-Coated (Galvanized), Commercial Quality. C. ASTM B32 – Solder Metal. D. ASTM D4586 – Fibrated Asphalt Roof Cement. E. FS FF-S-325 – Shield Expansion; Nail, Expansion; and Nail, Drive-Screw. F. FS TT-S-00230C(2) – Sealing Compound, Elastomeric Type, Single Component (For Caulking, Sealing and Glazing in Buildings and Other Structures). G. (SMACNA) – Sheet Metal Manual, Fifth Edition, 1993 SUBMITTALS: A. Product Data: Submit manufacturer's product data sheets for each product in accordance with Section 01 3300. B. Shop Drawings: 1. Submit in accordance with Section 01 3300. 2. Indicate joints, types and locations of fasteners, shapes, sizes, expansion joints, special conditions, and installation details. GUARANTY: A. Provide Owner a written guaranty which shall warrant sheet metal work to be free of leaks and defects in materials and workmanship for 2 years after date of completion and acceptance of project by owner. B. Provide sheet metal manufacturer’s standard 20 year Kynar coating warranty. C. Provide Owner Hickman’s 20 year “Excel” Warranty covering wind blow off, leaking, and membrane failure, up to and including, winds of 110 miles per hour on Terminedge coping system. Warranty to be covered under roof membrane manufacturer’s warranty. PART 2 – PRODUCTS 2 .1 SHEET METAL MATERIAL: A. Galvanized Steel: ARMCO Zincgrip Paintgrip, ASTM A526 commercial quality, coating designation G90, ASTM A525, gauge as scheduled. B. Kynar Coated 24 gauge metal as scheduled. Color as selected by architect. FLASHING AND SHEET METAL TRIM 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Section 07 6200 - Page 1 of 4 © Foothills Roof Services, Inc. Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 2 .2 2 .3 2 .4 2 .5 Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 FASTENERS: A. Nails: Galvanized steel material, 3/8" flathead, wire, barbed, slating type. For washers use lead, EPDM or neoprene. B. Screws: Self-tapping sheet metal type and wood screws, cadmium plated. C. Rivets: Cadmium plated material, type and size as recommended by sheet metal manufacturer. D. Concrete Fasteners: Round-head stainless steel screw and neoprene washer with lead expansion anchor, FS FF-S-325, Group IV, Type 2. Rawlplug by The Rawlplug Co. RELATED MATERIAL: A. Solder: ASTM B32, alloy grade 58, 50% tin, 50% lead. B. Flux: Phosphoric acid type, manufacturer's standard. C. Sealant: Polyurethane, FS TT-S-00230c, Type II, Class A. D. Bituminous Plastic Cement: ASTM D4586, Type I, asbestos free. FABRICATION – GENERAL: A. Fabricate work in accordance with SMACNA Sheet Metal Manual and reviewed Shop Drawings. B. Form sheet metal on bending brake. C. Shape, trim and hand seam metal on bench insofar as practicable. D. Make angle bends and folds for interlocking metal with full regard for expansion and contraction to avoid buckling or fullness in metal after installation. E. Form materials with straight lines, sharp angles and smooth curves. F. Fold back edges on concealed side of exposed edge to form hem. G. Weld or solder joints on parts that are to be permanently and rigidly assembled. FABRICATED ITEMS: A. Edge/Eave Metal: 24 ga. Galvanized Kynar coated sheet steel per manufacturer’s details and requirements, as detailed, in minimum 10 ft. lengths. Fasten and seal per roof manufacturer requirements. B. Pre-Manufactured Fascia/Edge Metal: 24 ga. Galvanized Kynar coated sheet steel; Terminedge® by Hickman, as detailed, in minimum 10 ft. lengths. Provide factory mitered corners, end-caps and end-terms. Lap joints and seal per manufacturer and contract requirements. C. Parapet Cap: 24 ga. galvanized Kynar coated sheet steel Permasnap® coping system by Hickman as detailed, in minimum 10 ft. lengths. Provide factory mitered corners. Lap joints and seal per Hickman requirements and contract documents. D. Through-Wall (and overflow) Scuppers: 24 ga. Galvanized Kynar coated steel, Figure 1-11, joints welded per manufacturer requirements. E. Counter flashings: 24 ga. Galvanized Kynar coated prefinished sheet steel, formed in minimum 10 ft. lengths. F. Down spouts: 24 ga. galvanized Kynar coated prefinished sheet steel, upper sections telescoped into lower sections 3 in., and sealed per SMACNA requirements. G. Splash Pans: Figure 1-36 where down spouts empty on roof. H. Roof Penetration Flashing Pipes: 24 ga. galv. sheet steel, Figure 4-14C. Section 07 6200 - Page 2 of 4 © Foothills Roof Services, Inc. FLASHING AND SHEET METAL TRIM 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 I. Metal Penetration Dams: Fabricate as detailed from 24 ga. PVC coated steel. J. Umbrella Counter flashing: 24 ga. galv. sheet steel, similar to SMACNA Figure 4-15A, twopiece construction, fabricated as detailed. PART 3 – EXECUTION 3 .1 3 .2 3 .3 EXAMINATION A. Verify that substrates are smooth and clean to extend needed for sheet metal work. B. Verify that reglets, nails, cants, and blocking to receive sheet metal are installed and free of concrete and soil. C. Do not start sheet metal work until conditions are satisfactory. GENERAL A. Remove all existing sheet metal and properly dispose of prior to installation of new sheet metal. B. Install work watertight without waves, warps, buckles, fastening stresses or distortion, allowing for expansion and contraction. C. Install fabricated sheet metal items in accordance with SMACNA Sheet Metal Manual and Drawing Details. D. Coat contact surfaces of dissimilar metals with Zinc chromate paint. INSTALLATION A. B. C. Edge/Eave Metal 1. At EPDM roof, install reinforced securement strip adhered to substrate prior to installing new edge metal. 2. Hang assembly over new continuous anchor cleat. 3. Set horizontal flanges over reinforced securement strip per manufacturer requirements, and nail to wood blocking at 3-4 in. o.c. staggered. 4. Install new metal fastened per roof manufacturer and contract documents. 5. Install edge metal to insure even/plumb appearance, allowing for expansion per manufacturer requirements. Pre-Manufactured Edge Metal 1. Install new pre-manufactured edge metal fastened per manufacturer and contract documents. 2. Install edge metal to insure even/plumb appearance, allowing for expansion per manufacturer requirements. Parapet Cap: 1. Install new parapet cap to new continuous anchor cleat (both sides). Furnish and install specified factory-fabricated parapet cap, manufactured and installed with slope as shown on drawings. 2. Insure that parapet cap is attached per manufacturer requirements with anchor cleat (both sides) fastened at a rate of 6" o.c. Hang assembly over new metal edge. D. Scuppers: Install with joints fully soldered. Extend flanges 4 in. in each direction. Install wood nailers under flange. E. Flashings, Counter flashings: FLASHING AND SHEET METAL TRIM 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Section 07 6200 - Page 3 of 4 © Foothills Roof Services, Inc. Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 3 .4 Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 1. Extend flanges into reglets and securely fasten. 2. Where nailing is required, nail at 6 in. o.c. 3. Overlap 4 in. (Min.) on base flashing, lap ends of sheets 4 inches as required by SMACNA. 4. Install continuous bead of sealant along top of surface applied reglet/Counter flashing. F. Down spouts: Install plumb and level, attached to wall with 1¼ in. wide 24 ga. prefinished galvanized sheet steel straps at top, bottom, and 10 ft. o.c. maximum. Set splash pans in lap sealant on roof at bottom of down spouts. G. Metal Penetration Dams: Install at equipment supports, pipes, conduits, and other items penetrating roof where membrane or penetration flashing cannot be used. H. Roof Penetration Flashing-Pipes: Install at multiple pipes and small pipes and conduit penetrating roof. Fully solder connections and seams. I. Umbrella Counter flashing (Option for single pipe penetration): 1. Install sleeve with deck flanges. 2. Fully solder connections and seams. 3. Set umbrella in mastic and tighten draw bands. 4. Seal top of umbrella with sealant. CLEANING: A. Leave work clean and free of stains, scrap, and debris. END OF SECTION 07 6200 Section 07 6200 - Page 4 of 4 © Foothills Roof Services, Inc. FLASHING AND SHEET METAL TRIM 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 SECTION 07 7200 - ROOF ACCESSORIES PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.2 Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SECTION INCLUDES A. 1.3 Manufactured curbs, equipment rails, and pedestals. REFERENCE STANDARDS A. 1.4 ASTM A653/A653M - Standard Specification for Steel Sheet, Zinc-Coated (Galvanized) or Zinc-Iron Alloy-Coated (Galvannealed) by the Hot-Dip Process; 2011. SUBMITTALS A. See Section 01 3000 - Administrative Requirements, for submittal procedures. B. Product Data: Manufacturer's data sheets on each product to be used. 1. Preparation instructions and recommendations. 2. Storage and handling requirements and recommendations. 3. Installation methods. 4. Maintenance requirements. 1.5 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Store products in manufacturer's unopened packaging until ready for installation. B. Store products under cover and elevated above grade. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURED CURBS A. Manufactured Curbs, Equipment Rails, and Other Roof Mounting Assemblies: Factory-assembled hollow sheet metal construction with fully mitered and welded corners, integral counterflashing, internal reinforcing, and top side and edges formed to shed water. 1. Sheet Metal: Hot-dip zinc coated steel sheet complying with ASTM A653/A653M, SS Grade 33 (230); G60 (Z180) coating designation; 18 gage, 0.048 inch (1.21 mm) thick. 2. Manufacture curb bottom and mounting flanges for installation directly on roof deck, not on insulation; match slope and configuration of roof deck. 3. Provide the layouts and configurations shown on the drawings. B. Curbs Adjacent to Roof Openings: Provide curb on all sides of opening, with top of curb horizontal for equipment mounting. 1. Provide preservative treated wood nailers along top of curb. 2. Insulate inside curbs with 1-1/2 inch (38 mm) thick fiberglass insulation. 3. Height Above Finished Roof Surface: 6 inches (152 mm), minimum. 4. Height Above Roof Deck: 14 inches (356 mm), minimum. C. Equipment Rails: Two-sided curbs in straight lengths, with top horizontal for equipment mounting. 1. Provide preservative treated wood nailers along top of rails. 2. Height Above Finished Roof Surface: 6 inches (152 mm), minimum. 3. Height Above Roof Deck: 14 inches (356 mm), minimum. D. Pipe, Duct, and Conduit Mounting Pedestals: Vertical posts, minimum 8 inches (400 mm) square unless otherwise indicated. 1. Height Above Finished Roof Surface: 6 inches (152 mm), minimum. 2. Height Above Roof Deck: 14 inches (356 mm), minimum. ROOF ACCESSORIES 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Section 07 7200 - Page 1 of 2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Do not begin installation until substrates have been properly prepared. B. If substrate preparation is the responsibility of another installer, notify Architect of unsatisfactory preparation before proceeding. 3.2 PREPARATION A. Clean surfaces thoroughly prior to installation. B. Prepare surfaces using the methods recommended by the manufacturer for achieving the best result for the substrate under the project conditions. 3.3 INSTALLATION A. 3.4 Install in accordance with manufacturer's instructions, in manner that maintains roofing weather integrity. CLEANING A. 3.5 Clean installed work to like-new condition. PROTECTION A. Protect installed products until completion of project. B. Touch-up, repair or replace damaged products before Substantial Completion. END OF SECTION Section 07 7200 - Page 2 of 2 ROOF ACCESSORIES 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 SECTION 07 8100 - APPLIED FIREPROOFING PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 SECTION INCLUDES A. 1.2 Fireproofing of interior structural steel. RELATED REQUIREMENTS A. 1.3 Section 07 8400 - Firestopping. REFERENCE STANDARDS A. ASTM E84 - Standard Test Method for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials; 2012. B. ASTM E736 - Standard Test Method For Cohesion/Adhesion of Sprayed Fire-Resistive Materials Applied to Structural Members; 2000 (Reapproved 2011). C. ASTM E760 - Standard Test Method for Effect of Impact on Bonding of Sprayed Fire-Resistive Material Applied to Structural Members; 1992 (Reapproved 2011). D. ASTM E937 - Standard Test Method for Corrosion of Steel by Sprayed Fire-Resistive Material (SFRM) Applied to Structural Members; 1993 (Reapproved 2011). 1.4 SUBMITTALS A. See Section 01 3000 - Administrative Requirements, for submittals procedures. B. Product Data: Provide data indicating product characteristics. C. Manufacturer's Installation Instructions: Indicate special procedures. 1.5 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Manufacturer Qualifications: Company specializing in manufacturing products specified in this section, with not less than three years of documented experience. B. Installer Qualifications: Company specializing in performing work of the type specified in this section. 1.6 FIELD CONDITIONS A. Do not apply spray fireproofing when temperature of substrate material and surrounding air is below 40 degrees F (4 degrees C). B. Provide ventilation in areas to receive fireproofing during application and 24 hours afterward, to dry applied material. C. Provide temporary enclosure to prevent spray from contaminating air. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURERS A. 2.2 Sprayed-On Fireproofing: 1. Grace Construction Products; Product Monokote Mk-6-HY: 2. Isolatek International Inc; Product CAFCO 400: 3. Substitutions: See Section 01 6000 - Product Requirements. FIREPROOFING ASSEMBLIES A. 2.3 Provide assemblies as indicated on the drawings. MATERIALS A. Sprayed Fire-Resistive Material for Interior Applications: Manufacturer's standard factory mixed material, which when combined with water is capable of providing the indicated fire resistance, and conforming to the following requirements: 1. Composition: Portland-cement-based, not mineral fiber-based. APPLIED FIREPROOFING 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Section 07 8100 - Page 1 of 2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 2. Bond Strength: 200 psf (____ kPa), minimum, when tested in accordance with ASTM E736 when set and dry. 3. Effect of Impact on Bonding: No cracking, spalling or delamination, when tested in accordance with ASTM E760. 4. Corrosivity: No evidence of corrosion, when tested in accordance with ASTM E937. 5. Surface Burning Characteristics: Maximum flame spread of 0 and maximum smoke developed of 0, when tested in accordance with ASTM E84. 2.4 ACCESSORIES A. Primer Adhesive: Of type recommended by fireproofing manufacturer. B. Water: Clean, potable. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Verify that surfaces are ready to receive fireproofing. B. Verify that clips, hangers, supports, sleeves, and other items required to penetrate fireproofing are in place. C. Verify that ducts, piping, equipment, or other items that would interfere with application of fireproofing have not been installed. D. Verify that voids and cracks in substrate have been filled. Verify that projections have been removed where fireproofing will be exposed to view as a finish material. 3.2 PREPARATION A. Perform tests as recommended by fireproofing manufacturer in situations where adhesion of fireproofing to substrate is in question. B. Remove incompatible materials that could affect bond by scraping, brushing, scrubbing, or sandblasting. C. Prepare substrates to receive fireproofing in strict accordance with instructions of fireproofing manufacturer. D. Protect surfaces not scheduled for fireproofing and equipment from damage by overspray, fall-out, and dusting. E. Close off and seal duct work in areas where fireproofing is being applied. 3.3 APPLICATION A. Apply primer adhesive in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. B. Apply fireproofing in thickness and density necessary to achieve required ratings, with uniform density and texture. 3.4 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Inspect the installed fireproofing after application and curing for integrity, prior to its concealment. Ensure that actual thicknesses, densities, and bond strengths meet requirements for specified ratings. B. Re-inspect the installed fireproofing for integrity of fire protection, after installation of subsequent Work. 3.5 CLEANING A. Remove excess material, overspray, droppings, and debris. B. Remove fireproofing from materials and surfaces not required to be fireproofed. END OF SECTION Section 07 8100 - Page 2 of 2 APPLIED FIREPROOFING 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 SECTION 07 8400 - FIRESTOPPING PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.2 Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SECTION INCLUDES A. Firestopping systems. B. Firestopping of all joints and penetrations in fire-resistance rated and smoke-resistant assemblies, whether indicated on drawings or not, and other openings indicated. 1.3 RELATED REQUIREMENTS A. Section 01 2300 - Alternates: For Bid Alternates related to the Work of this Section. B. Section 07 8100 - Applied Fireproofing. C. Section 09 2116 - Gypsum Board Assemblies: Gypsum wallboard fireproofing. 1.4 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. ASTM E814 - Standard Test Method for Fire Tests of Through-Penetration Fire Stops; 2011a. B. ASTM E1966 - Standard Test Method for Fire Resistive Joint Systems; 2007 (Reapproved 2011). C. ASTM E2307 - Standard Test Method for Determining Fire Resistance of Perimeter Fire Barriers Using Intermediate-Scale, Multi-story Test Apparatus; 2010. D. ASTM E2837 - Standard Test Method for Determining Fire Resistance of Continuity Head-of-Wall Joint Systems Installed Between Rated Wall Assemblies and Nonrated Horizontal Assemblies; 2011. E. UL 2079 - Standard for Tests for Fire Resistance of Building Joint Systems; Underwriters Laboratories Inc.; 2004. F. UL (FRD) - Fire Resistance Directory; Underwriters Laboratories Inc.; current edition. 1.5 SUBMITTALS A. See Section 01 3000 - Administrative Requirements, for submittal procedures. B. Schedule of Firestopping: List each type of penetration, fire rating of the penetrated assembly, and firestopping test or design number. C. Product Data: Provide data on product characteristics, performance ratings, and limitations. D. Manufacturer's Installation Instructions: Indicate preparation and installation instructions. E. Qualification statements for installing mechanics. 1.6 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Fire Testing: Provide firestopping assemblies of designs that provide the scheduled fire ratings when tested in accordance with methods indicated. B. Manufacturer Qualifications: Company specializing in manufacturing the products specified in this section with minimum three years documented experience. C. Installer Qualifications: Company specializing in performing the work of this section and: 1. Trained by the manufacturer. 2. With minimum 3 years documented experience installing work of this type. 1.7 FIELD CONDITIONS A. Comply with firestopping manufacturer's recommendations for temperature and conditions during and after installation. Maintain minimum temperature before, during, and for 3 days after installation of materials. FIRESTOPPING 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Section 07 8400 - Page 1 of 4 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 B. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 Provide ventilation in areas where solvent-cured materials are being installed. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 FIRESTOPPING - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. Manufacturers: 1. A/D Fire Protection Systems Inc: 2. Bio Fireshield Systems. 3. Carboline Co. 4. Dow Corning. 5. 3M Fire Protection Products: 6. Hilti, Inc: 7. Rectorseal Metacaulk. 8. Specified Technologies, Inc: 9. Tremco Treseal. 10. USG Fire Code Compound. 11. Substitutions: See Section 01 6000 - Product Requirements. B. Primers, Sleeves, Forms, Insulation, Packing, Stuffing, and Accessories: Type required for tested assembly design. 2.2 FIRESTOPPING ASSEMBLY REQUIREMENTS A. Perimeter Fire Containment Firestopping: Use any system that has been tested according to ASTM E2307 to have fire resistance F Rating equal to required fire rating of the floor assembly. B. Head-of-Wall Firestopping at Joints Between Non-Rated Floor and Fire-Rated Wall: Use any system that has been tested according to ASTM E2837 to have fire resistance F Rating equal to required fire rating of floor or wall, whichever is greater. C. Floor-to-Floor, Wall-to-Wall, and Wall-to-Floor Joints, Except Perimeter, Where Both Are Fire-Rated: Use any system that has been tested according to ASTM E1966 or UL 2079 to have fire resistance F Rating equal to required fire rating of the assembly in which the joint occurs. D. Through Penetration Firestopping: Use any system that has been tested according to ASTM E814 to have fire resistance F Rating equal to required fire rating of penetrated assembly. 2.3 FIRESTOPPING SYSTEMS A. Firestopping: Any material meeting requirements. 1. Fire Ratings: Use any system listed by UL or tested in accordance with ASTM E814 that has F Rating equal to fire rating of penetrated assembly and T Rating Equal to F Rating and that meets all other specified requirements. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. 3.2 Verify openings are ready to receive the work of this section. PREPARATION A. Clean substrate surfaces of dirt, dust, grease, oil, loose material, or other matter that could adversely affect bond of firestopping material. B. Remove incompatible materials that could adversely affect bond. C. Install backing materials to arrest liquid material leakage. 3.3 INSTALLATION A. Install materials in manner described in fire test report and in accordance with manufacturer's instructions, completely closing openings. Section 07 8400 - Page 2 of 4 FIRESTOPPING 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 B. Do not cover installed firestopping until inspected by authority having jurisdiction. C. Install labeling required by code. 3.4 CLEANING A. 3.5 Clean adjacent surfaces of firestopping materials. PROTECTION A. Protect adjacent surfaces from damage by material installation. END OF SECTION FIRESTOPPING 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Section 07 8400 - Page 3 of 4 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 Section 07 8400 - Page 4 of 4 Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 FIRESTOPPING 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 SECTION 07 9005 - JOINT SEALERS PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.2 Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SECTION INCLUDES A. 1.3 Sealants and joint backing. RELATED REQUIREMENTS A. Section 01 2300 - Alternates: For Bid Alternates related to the Work of this Section. B. Section 07 8400 - Firestopping: Firestopping sealants. C. Section 08 8000 - Glazing: Glazing sealants and accessories. D. Section 09 2116 - Gypsum Board Assemblies: Acoustic sealant. 1.4 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. ASTM C834 - Standard Specification for Latex Sealants; 2010. B. ASTM C920 - Standard Specification for Elastomeric Joint Sealants; 2011. C. ASTM C1193 - Standard Guide for Use of Joint Sealants; 2013. D. SCAQMD 1168 - South Coast Air Quality Management District Rule No.1168; current edition; 1.5 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS A. 1.6 Coordinate the work with other sections referencing this section. SUBMITTALS A. See Section 01 3000 - Administrative Requirements, for submittal procedures. B. Product Data: Provide data indicating sealant chemical characteristics, performance criteria, substrate preparation, limitations, and color availability. 1.7 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Maintain one copy of each referenced document covering installation requirements on site. B. Manufacturer Qualifications: Company specializing in manufacturing the Products specified in this section with minimum three years documented experience. C. Applicator Qualifications: Company specializing in performing the work of this section with minimum three years experience. 1.8 FIELD CONDITIONS A. 1.9 Maintain temperature and humidity recommended by the sealant manufacturer during and after installation. WARRANTY A. See Section 01 7800 - Closeout Submittals, for additional warranty requirements. B. Correct defective work within a two year period after Date of Substantial Completion. C. Warranty: Include coverage for installed sealants and accessories which fail to achieve airtight seal, exhibit loss of adhesion or cohesion, or do not cure. JOINT SEALERS 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Section 07 9005 - Page 1 of 4 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURERS A. 2.2 Gunnable and Pourable Sealants: 1. BASF Construction Chemicals-Building Systems: 2. Bostik Inc: 3. Dow Corning Corporation: 4. Momentive Performance Materials, Inc (formerly GE Silicones): 5. Pecora Corporation: 6. Tremco Global Sealants: 7. W.R. Meadows, Inc: SEALANTS A. Sealants and Primers - General: Provide only products having lower volatile organic compound (VOC) content than required by South Coast Air Quality Management District Rule No.1168. B. General Purpose Exterior Sealant: Polyurethane; ASTM C920, Grade NS, Class 25, Uses M, G, and A; multi- component. 1. Color: To be selected by Architect from manufacturer's standard range. C. General Purpose Interior Sealant: Acrylic emulsion latex; ASTM C834, Type OP, Grade NF single component, paintable. 1. Color: Match adjacent finished surfaces. D. Interior Floor Joint Sealant: Polyurethane, self-leveling; ASTM C920, Grade P, Class 25, Uses T, M and A; multi- component. 1. Approved by manufacturer for wide joints up to 1-1/2 inches. 2. Color: To be selected by Architect from manufacturer's standard range. E. Concrete Paving Joint Sealant: Polyurethane, self-leveling; ASTM C920, Class 25, Uses T, I, M and A; multi- component. 1. Color: Gray. F. Type ___ - Acrylic Sealant: ASTM C920, Grade NS, Class 12-1/2, Uses NT, M, A, O; single component, solvent curing, non-staining, non-bleeding, non-sagging. 1. Color: To be selected by Architect from manufacturer's standard range. 2. Movement Capability: Plus and minus 12-1/2 percent. 3. Service Temperature Range: -13 to 180 degrees F (-25 to 82 degrees C). 2.3 ACCESSORIES A. Primer: Non-staining type, recommended by sealant manufacturer to suit application. B. Joint Cleaner: Non-corrosive and non-staining type, recommended by sealant manufacturer; compatible with joint forming materials. C. Joint Backing: Round foam rod compatible with sealant; ASTM D 1667, closed cell PVC; oversized 30 to 50 percent larger than joint width; Ethafoam manufactured by Dow Chemical Co.; or equivelant products by one of the following: 1. Sonneborn, Sonofoam. 2. Backer Rod Manufacturing, Inc., Denver Foam. D. Bond Breaker: Pressure sensitive tape recommended by sealant manufacturer to suit application. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Verify that substrate surfaces are ready to receive work. B. Verify that joint backing and release tapes are compatible with sealant. Section 07 9005 - Page 2 of 4 JOINT SEALERS 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 3.2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 PREPARATION A. Remove loose materials and foreign matter that could impair adhesion of sealant. B. Clean and prime joints in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. C. Perform preparation in accordance with manufacturer's instructions and ASTM C1193. D. Protect elements surrounding the work of this section from damage or disfigurement. E. Exposed Concrete Floor Joints: Test joint filler in inconspicuous area of floor slab. Verify specified product does not stain or discolor slab. 3.3 INSTALLATION A. Perform work in accordance with sealant manufacturer's requirements for preparation of surfaces and material installation instructions. B. Perform installation in accordance with ASTM C1193. C. Measure joint dimensions and size joint backers to achieve the following, unless otherwise indicated: 1. Width/depth ratio of 2:1. 2. Neck dimension no greater than 1/3 of the joint width. 3. Surface bond area on each side not less than 75 percent of joint width. D. Install bond breaker where joint backing is not used. E. Install sealant free of air pockets, foreign embedded matter, ridges, and sags. F. Apply sealant within recommended application temperature ranges. Consult manufacturer when sealant cannot be applied within these temperature ranges. G. Tool joints concave. 3.4 CLEANING A. 3.5 Clean adjacent soiled surfaces. PROTECTION A. Protect sealants until cured. END OF SECTION JOINT SEALERS 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Section 07 9005 - Page 3 of 4 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 Section 07 9005 - Page 4 of 4 Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 JOINT SEALERS 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 SECTION 08 1113 - HOLLOW METAL DOORS AND FRAMES PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.2 Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SECTION INCLUDES A. Non-fire-rated steel doors and frames. B. Steel frames for wood doors. C. Fire-rated steel doors and frames. D. Thermally insulated steel doors. E. Steel glazing frames. 1.3 RELATED REQUIREMENTS A. Section 01 2300 - Alternates: For Bid Alternates related to the Work of this Section. B. Section 08 7100 - Door Hardware. C. Section 08 8000 - Glazing: Glass for doors and borrowed lites. D. Section 09 9000 - Painting and Coating: Field painting. 1.4 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. ANSI/ICC A117.1 - American National Standard for Accessible and Usable Buildings and Facilities; International Code Council; 2009. B. ANSI A250.8 - SDI-100 Recommended Specifications for Standard Steel Doors and Frames; 2003. C. ANSI A250.10 - Test Procedure and Acceptance Criteria for Prime Painted Steel Surfaces for Steel Doors and Frames; 1998 (R2011). D. ASTM A653/A653M - Standard Specification for Steel Sheet, Zinc-Coated (Galvanized) or Zinc-Iron Alloy-Coated (Galvannealed) by the Hot-Dip Process; 2011. E. BHMA A156.115 - Hardware Preparation in Steel Doors and Steel Frames; 2006. F. NAAMM HMMA 840 - Guide Specifications for Installation and Storage of Hollow Metal Doors and Frames; The National Association of Architectural Metal Manufacturers; 2007. G. NFPA 80 - Standard for Fire Doors and Other Opening Protectives; 2013. H. UL (BMD) - Building Materials Directory; Underwriters Laboratories Inc.; current edition. I. UL 10C - Standard for Positive Pressure Fire Tests of Door Assemblies; Current Edition, Including All Revisions. J. UL 1784 - Standard for Air Leakage Tests of Door Assemblies; Current Edition, Including All Revisions. 1.5 SUBMITTALS A. See Section 01 3000 - Administrative Requirements for submittal procedures. B. Product Data: Materials and details of design and construction, hardware locations, reinforcement type and locations, anchorage and fastening methods, and finishes; and one copy of referenced grade standard. C. Shop Drawings: Details of each opening, showing elevations, glazing, frame profiles, and identifying location of different finishes, if any. D. Installation Instructions: Manufacturer's published instructions, including any special installation instructions relating to this project. E. Manufacturer's Certificate: Certification that products meet or exceed specified requirements. HOLLOW METAL DOORS AND FRAMES 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Section 08 1113 - Page 1 of 4 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 1.6 Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Manufacturer Qualifications: Company specializing in manufacturing the products specified in this section with minimum three years documented experience. B. Maintain at the project site a copy of all reference standards dealing with installation. 1.7 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Store in accordance with NAAMM HMMA 840. B. Protect with resilient packaging; avoid humidity build-up under coverings; prevent corrosion. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURERS A. 2.2 Steel Doors and Frames: 1. Assa Abloy Ceco or Curries: 2. Gateway Metal Products. 3. North Central Supply, Inc. 4. Steelcraft, an Ingersoll Rand brand: 5. Southwestern Hollow Metal. 6. Substitutions: See Section 01 6000 - Product Requirements. DOORS AND FRAMES A. 2.3 Requirements for All Doors and Frames: 1. Accessibility: Comply with ANSI/ICC A117.1. 2. Door Top Closures: Flush with top of faces and edges. 3. Door Edge Profile: Beveled on both edges. 4. Door Texture: Smooth faces. 5. Glazed Lights: Non-removable stops on non-secure side; sizes and configurations as indicated on drawings. 6. Hardware Preparation: In accordance with BHMA A156.115, with reinforcement welded in place, in addition to other requirements specified in door grade standard. 7. Galvanizing for Units in Wet Areas: All components hot-dipped zinc-iron alloy-coated (galvannealed), manufacturer's standard coating thickness. 8. Finish: Factory primed, for field finishing. STEEL DOORS A. Exterior Doors Type ___: 1. Grade: ANSI A250.8 Level 3, physical performance Level A, Model 1, full flush. 2. Galvanizing: All components hot-dipped zinc-iron alloy-coated (galvannealed) in accordance with ASTM A653/A653M, with manufacturer's standard coating thickness. B. Interior Doors, Non-Fire-Rated: 1. Grade: ANSI A250.8 Level 3, physical performance Level A, Model 1, full flush. 2. Core: Vertical steel stiffeners. 3. Thickness: 1-3/4 inches (44 mm). C. Interior Doors, Fire-Rated: 1. Grade: ANSI A250.8 Level 3, physical performance Level A, Model 1, full flush. 2. Fire Rating: As indicated on Door and Frame Schedule, tested in accordance with UL 10C ("positive pressure"). a. Provide units listed and labeled by UL. b. Attach fire rating label to each fire rated unit. 3. Core: Mineral fiberboard. D. Interior Smoke and Draft Control Doors (Indicated as "S" on Drawings): Same construction as fire-rated doors with indicated fire rating, plus: Section 08 1113 - Page 2 of 4 HOLLOW METAL DOORS AND FRAMES 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 1. Maximum Air Leakage: 3.0 cfm per sq ft (0.01524 cu m/s/sq m) of door opening at 0.10 inch w.g. (24.9 Pa) pressure, when tested in accordance with UL 1784 at both ambient and elevated temperatures. 2. Gasketing: Provide additional gasketing or edge sealing if necessary to achieve leakage limit. 3. Label: UL "S" label. 2.4 STEEL FRAMES A. General: 1. Comply with the requirements of grade specified for corresponding door, except: a. Frames for Wood Doors: Comply with frame requirements specified in ANSI A250.8 for Level 1, 16 gage 2. Finish: Same as for door. 3. Provide mortar guard boxes for hardware cut-outs in frames to be installed in masonry or to be grouted. 4. Frames in Masonry Walls: Size to suit masonry coursing with head member 4 inches (100 mm) high to fill opening without cutting masonry units. 5. Frames Wider than 48 Inches (1200 mm): Reinforce with steel channel fitted tightly into frame head, flush with top. B. Exterior Door Frames: Face welded, seamless with joints filled. 1. Galvanizing: All components hot-dipped zinc-iron alloy-coated (galvannealed) in accordance with ASTM A653/A653M, with manufacturer's standard coating thickness. 2. Weatherstripping: Separate, see Section 08 7100. C. Interior Door Frames, Non-Fire-Rated: Fully welded type. D. Interior Door Frames, Fire-Rated: Fully welded type. 1. Fire Rating: Same as door, labeled. E. Frames for Interior Glazing or Borrowed Lights: Construction and face dimensions to match door frames, and as indicated on drawings. F. Transom Bars: Fixed, of profile same as jamb and head. 2.5 ACCESSORY MATERIALS A. Glazing: As specified in Section 08 8000. B. Astragals for Double Doors: Specified in Section 08 7100. 1. Fire-Rated Doors: Steel, shape as required to accomplish fire rating. C. Grout for Frames: Portland cement grout of maximum 4-inch slump for hand troweling; thinner pumpable grout is prohibited. D. Silencers: Resilient rubber, fitted into drilled hole; 3 on strike side of single door, 3 on center mullion of pairs, and 2 on head of pairs without center mullions. E. Temporary Frame Spreaders: Provide for all factory- or shop-assembled frames. 2.6 FINISH MATERIALS A. Primer: Rust-inhibiting, complying with ANSI A250.10, door manufacturer's standard. B. Bituminous Coating: Asphalt emulsion or other high-build, water-resistant, resilient coating. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Verify existing conditions before starting work. B. Verify that opening sizes and tolerances are acceptable. HOLLOW METAL DOORS AND FRAMES 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Section 08 1113 - Page 3 of 4 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 3.2 Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 PREPARATION A. 3.3 Coat inside of frames to be installed in masonry or to be grouted, with bituminous coating, prior to installation. INSTALLATION A. Install in accordance with the requirements of the specified door grade standard and NAAMM HMMA 840. B. In addition, install fire rated units in accordance with NFPA 80. C. Coordinate frame anchor placement with wall construction. D. Grout frames in masonry construction, using hand trowel methods; brace frames so that pressure of grout before setting will not deform frames. E. Coordinate installation of hardware. F. Coordinate installation of glazing. G. Coordinate installation of electrical connections to electrical hardware items. 3.4 TOLERANCES A. Clearances Between Door and Frame: As specified in ANSI A250.8. B. Maximum Diagonal Distortion: 1/16 in (1.5 mm) measured with straight edge, corner to corner. 3.5 ADJUSTING A. Adjust for smooth and balanced door movement. END OF SECTION Section 08 1113 - Page 4 of 4 HOLLOW METAL DOORS AND FRAMES 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 SECTION 08 1416 - FLUSH WOOD DOORS PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.2 Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SECTION INCLUDES A. 1.3 Flush wood doors; flush configuration; fire rated and non-rated. RELATED REQUIREMENTS A. Section 01 2300 - Alternates: For Bid Alternates related to the Work of this Section. B. Section 06 2000 - Finish Carpentry. C. Section 08 1113 - Hollow Metal Doors and Frames. D. Section 08 7100 - Door Hardware. E. Section 08 8000 - Glazing. 1.4 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. AWI/AWMAC/WI (AWS) - Architectural Woodwork Standards; 2009. B. ICC (IBC) - International Building Code; 2012. C. ITS (DIR) - Directory of Listed Products; Intertek Testing Services NA, Inc.; current edition. D. NFPA 80 - Standard for Fire Doors and Other Opening Protectives; 2013. E. NFPA 252 - Standard Methods of Fire Tests of Door Assemblies; National Fire Protection Association; 2012. F. UL (BMD) - Building Materials Directory; Underwriters Laboratories Inc.; current edition. G. UL 10B - Standard for Fire Tests of Door Assemblies; Current Edition, Including All Revisions. 1.5 SUBMITTALS A. See Section 01 3000 - Administrative Requirements for submittal procedures. B. Product Data: Indicate door core materials and construction; veneer species, type and characteristics. C. Shop Drawings: Show doors and frames, elevations, sizes, types, swings, undercuts, beveling, blocking for hardware, factory machining, factory finishing, cutouts for glazing and other details. 1. Provide the information required by AWI/AWMAC/WI Architectural Woodwork Standards. D. Specimen warranty. E. Samples: Submit two samples of door construction, 12 by 12 inch (____ by ____ mm) in size cut from top corner of door. F. Samples: Submit two samples of door veneer, 12 by 12 inch (____ by ____ mm) in size illustrating wood grain, stain color, and sheen. G. Manufacturer's Installation Instructions: Indicate special installation instructions. H. Warranty, executed in Owner's name. 1.6 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Maintain one copy of the specified door quality standard on site for review during installation and finishing. B. Manufacturer Qualifications: Company specializing in manufacturing the products specified in this section with minimum three years of documented experience. C. Installed Fire Rated Door Assembly: Conform to NFPA 80 for fire rated class as indicated. FLUSH WOOD DOORS 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Section 08 1416 - Page 1 of 4 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 1.7 Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Package, deliver and store doors in accordance with specified quality standard. B. Accept doors on site in manufacturer's packaging. Inspect for damage. C. Protect doors with resilient packaging sealed with heat shrunk plastic. Do not store in damp or wet areas; or in areas where sunlight might bleach veneer. Seal top and bottom edges with tinted sealer if stored more than one week. Break seal on site to permit ventilation. 1.8 WARRANTY A. See Section 01 7800 - Closeout Submittals for additional warranty requirements. B. Interior Doors: Provide manufacturer's warranty for the life of the installation. C. Include coverage for delamination of veneer, warping beyond specified installation tolerances, defective materials, and telegraphing core construction. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURERS A. 2.2 Wood Veneer Faced Doors: 1. Algoma Hardwoods, Inc. 2. Eggers Industries: 3. Marshfield DoorSystems, Inc: 4. Substitutions: See Section 01 6000 - Product Requirements. DOORS A. All Doors: See drawings for locations and additional requirements. 1. Quality Level: Custom Grade, in accordance with AWI/AWMAC/WI Architectural Woodwork Standards. 2. Wood Veneer Faced Doors: 5-ply unless otherwise indicated. B. Interior Doors: 1-3/4 inches (44 mm) thick unless otherwise indicated; flush construction. 1. Provide solid core doors at all locations . 2. Fire Rated Doors: Tested to ratings indicated on drawings in accordance with NFPA 252, UL 10B, or UBC Standard 7-2-94 ("neutral pressure"); UL or WH (ITS) labeled without any visible seals when door is open. 3. Wood veneer facing with factory transparent finish where indicated on drawings. 2.3 DOOR AND PANEL CORES A. Non-Rated Solid Core and 20 Minute Rated Doors: Type particleboard core (PC), plies and faces as indicated above. B. Fire Rated Doors: Mineral core, Type FD, plies and faces as indicated above; with core blocking as required to provide adequate anchorage of hardware without through-bolting. 2.4 DOOR FACINGS A. 2.5 Wood Veneer Facing for Transparent Finish: Species to match existing doors, veneer grade as specified by quality standard, plain sliced, book veneer match, running assembly match; unless otherwise indicated. 1. Vertical Edges: Any option allowed by quality standard for grade. 2. Pairs: Pair match each pair; set match pairs within 10 feet (3 m) of each other when doors are closed. ACCESSORIES A. Glazing Stops: Wood, of same species as door facing, butted corners; prepared for countersink style tamper proof screws. Section 08 1416 - Page 2 of 4 FLUSH WOOD DOORS 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 2.6 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 DOOR CONSTRUCTION A. Fabricate doors in accordance with door quality standard specified. B. Cores Constructed with stiles and rails: C. Factory machine doors for hardware other than surface-mounted hardware, in accordance with hardware requirements and dimensions. D. Factory fit doors for frame opening dimensions identified on shop drawings, with edge clearances in accordance with specified quality standard. 1. Exception: Doors to be field finished. E. Provide edge clearances in accordance with the quality standard specified. 2.7 FACTORY FINISHING - WOOD VENEER DOORS A. Finish work in accordance with AWI/AWMAC/WI Architectural Woodwork Standards, Section 5 Finishing for Grade specified and as follows: 1. Transparent: a. System - 11, Polyurethane, Catalyzed. b. Sheen: Flat. B. Factory finish doors in accordance with approved sample. C. Seal door top edge with color sealer to match door facing. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Verify existing conditions before starting work. B. Verify that opening sizes and tolerances are acceptable. C. Do not install doors in frame openings that are not plumb or are out-of-tolerance for size or alignment. 3.2 INSTALLATION A. Install doors in accordance with manufacturer's instructions and specified quality standard. 1. Install fire-rated doors in accordance with NFPA 80 requirements. B. Factory-Finished Doors: Do not field cut or trim; if fit or clearance is not correct, replace door. C. Use machine tools to cut or drill for hardware. D. Coordinate installation of doors with installation of frames and hardware. E. Coordinate installation of glazing. 3.3 TOLERANCES A. Conform to specified quality standard for fit and clearance tolerances. B. Conform to specified quality standard for telegraphing, warp, and squareness. 3.4 ADJUSTING A. Adjust doors for smooth and balanced door movement. B. Adjust closers for full closure. END OF SECTION FLUSH WOOD DOORS 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Section 08 1416 - Page 3 of 4 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 Section 08 1416 - Page 4 of 4 Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 FLUSH WOOD DOORS 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 SECTION 08 4500 - TRANSLUCENT WALL AND ROOF ASSEMBLIES PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.2 Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SECTION INCLUDES A. (SK-1) Pre-Enginnered, Self supporting aluminum framed sloped glazing system. B. (SK-2) Custom Engineered, Supported aluminum framed sloped glazing system. C. Sandwich panels of translucent skins separated with an aluminum grid. 1.3 RELATED REQUIREMENTS A. Section 01 2300 - Alternates: For Bid Alternates related to the Work of this Section. B. Section 07 9005 - Joint Sealers: System perimeter sealant and back-up materials. 1.4 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. AA DAF-45 - Designation System for Aluminum Finishes; The Aluminum Association, Inc.; 2003. B. AAMA CW-DG-1 - Aluminum Curtain Wall Design Guide Manual; American Architectural Manufacturers Association; 1996. C. AAMA CW-10 - Care and Handling of Architectural Aluminum From Shop to Site; American Architectural Manufacturers Association; 2012. D. ASTM A36/A36M - Standard Specification for Carbon Structural Steel; 2008. E. ASTM A653/A653M - Standard Specification for Steel Sheet, Zinc-Coated (Galvanized) or Zinc-Iron Alloy-Coated (Galvannealed) by the Hot-Dip Process; 2011. F. ASTM B209 - Standard Specification for Aluminum and Aluminum-Alloy Sheet and Plate; 2010. G. ASTM B209M - Standard Specification for Aluminum and Aluminum-Alloy Sheet and Plate [Metric]; 2010. H. ASTM B221 - Standard Specification for Aluminum and Aluminum-Alloy Extruded Bars, Rods, Wire, Profiles, and Tubes; 2013. I. ASTM B221M - Standard Specification for Aluminum and Aluminum-Alloy Extruded Bars, Rods, Wire, Profiles, and Tubes [Metric]; 2013. J. ASTM E330 - Standard Test Method for Structural Performance of Exterior Windows, Doors, Skylights and Curtain Walls by Uniform Static Air Pressure Difference; 2002 (Reapproved 2010). K. ASTM E331 - Standard Test Method for Water Penetration of Exterior Windows, Skylights, Doors, and Curtain Walls by Uniform Static Air Pressure Difference; 2000 (Reapproved 2009). 1.5 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS A. System Design: Design and size components to withstand dead loads and live loads caused by snow, hail, and positive and negative wind loads acting on plane of panel without damage or permanent set. 1. Design Loads: Calculate in accordance with applicable code. 2. Measure performance in accordance with ASTM E330, using test load of 1.5 times the design wind pressure and 10 second duration of maximum load. B. Deflection: Limit mullion deflection to 3/4 inch (19 mm) with full recovery of glazing materials. C. System Assembly: Accommodate without damage to system, components or deterioration of seals; movement within system; movement between system and perimeter framing components; dynamic loading and release of loads; deflection of structural support framing, tolerance of supporting components, shortening of building concrete structural columns TRANSLUCENT WALL AND ROOF ASSEMBLIES 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Section 08 4500 - Page 1 of 4 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 D. Water Leakage: None, when measured in accordance with ASTM E331 at a test pressure difference of 2.86 lbf/sq ft (140 Pa). E. Expansion / Contraction: System to provide for expansion and contraction within system components caused by a cycling temperature range of 170 degrees F (95 degrees C) over a 12 hour period without causing detrimental effect to system components. F. System Internal Drainage: Drain water entering joints, condensation occurring in framing system, or migrating moisture occurring within system, to the exterior by a weep drainage network. G. Air and Vapor Seal: Maintain continuous air barrier and vapor retarder throughout assembly, primarily in line with inside face of glazing panel and heel bead of glazing compound. Position thermal insulation on exterior surface of air barrier and vapor retarder. H. Not Permitted: Vibration harmonics, wind whistles, noises caused by thermal movement, thermal movement transmitted to other building elements, loosening, weakening, or fracturing of attachments or components of system. 1.6 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS A. 1.7 Preinstallation Meeting: Convene one week before starting work of this section. SUBMITTALS A. See Section 01 3000 - Administrative Requirements, for submittal procedures. B. Product Data: Provide component dimensions, describe components within assembly, anchorage and fasteners, panel configuration, internal drainage details . C. Design Data: Provide framing member structural and physical characteristics, calculations, dimensional limitations. D. Shop Drawings: Indicate system dimensions, framed opening requirements and tolerances, anticipated deflection under load, affected related Work, weep drainage network, expansion and contraction joint location and details, and field welding required. E. Installation Data: Special installation requirements. 1.8 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Perform work in accordance with AAMA CW-DG-1. B. Designer Qualifications: Design structural support framing components under direct supervision of a Professional Structural Engineer experienced in design of this Work and licensed in the State in which the Project is located. C. Installer Qualifications: Company specializing in performing the work of this section with minimum five years of experience. 1.9 REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS A. 1.10 Conform to applicable code for fire resistance ratings. DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Handle work of this section in accordance with AAMA CW-10. B. Protect prefinished aluminum surfaces with wrapping. Do not use adhesive papers or sprayed coatings which bond when exposed to sunlight or weather. Puncture wrappings at ends for ventilation. 1.11 FIELD CONDITIONS A. Do not install sealants when ambient temperature is less than 40 degrees F (5 degrees C). B. Maintain this minimum temperature during and after installation of sealants. Section 08 4500 - Page 2 of 4 TRANSLUCENT WALL AND ROOF ASSEMBLIES 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURERS A. 2.2 Sandwich Panel Wall/Roof System Manufacturers: 1. Kalwall: 2. Substitutions: Not permitted. MATERIALS A. Extruded Aluminum: ASTM B221 (ASTM B221M). B. Sheet Aluminum: ASTM B209 (ASTM B209M). C. Sheet Steel: Hot-dipped galvanized steel sheet, ASTM A653/A653M, with G90/Z275 coating. D. Steel Sections: ASTM A36/A36M; shaped to suit mullion sections. E. Fasteners: Stainless steel. 2.3 COMPONENTS A. Translucent Wall and Roof System: Structurally reinforced translucent panels, with self supporting framing, shop fabricated, factory prefinished, battens, cap strips, related flashings, anchorage and attachment devices. B. Panels: Bonded to both sides of structural extruded aluminum grid of indicated pattern; exposed surfaces of exterior sheet chemically and permanently treated to protect against surface erosion and extreme weather conditions; exposed surface of interior sheets fire retardant to a flame rating of ___ and smoke rating of _____; polyvinyl fluoride film coated: C. Battens, Cover Strips, Cover Plates, and Integral Flashings: Extruded aluminum, to suit location and application; sized to rigidly retain panels in place. 2.4 FABRICATION A. Fabricate system components with minimum clearances and shim spacing around perimeter of assembly, yet enabling installation and dynamic movement of perimeter seal. B. Accurately fit and secure joints and corners. Make joints flush, hairline, and weatherproof. C. Prepare components to receive anchor devices. Fabricate anchors. D. Arrange fasteners and attachments to ensure concealment from view. E. Reinforce framing members for external imposed loads. 2.5 FINISHES A. Exterior Exposed Aluminum Surfaces: 1. AA A41 anodized to 215-R1 thickness, to clear color. B. Interior Exposed Aluminum Surfaces: 1. AA A41 anodized to 215-R1 thickness, to clear color. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. 3.2 Verify dimensions, tolerances, and method of attachment with other work. INSTALLATION A. Install translucent panel system in accordance with manufacturer instructions. Install cellular panels with cells vertical. B. Attach to structure to permit sufficient adjustment to accommodate construction tolerances and other irregularities. TRANSLUCENT WALL AND ROOF ASSEMBLIES 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Section 08 4500 - Page 3 of 4 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 C. Provide alignment attachments and shims to permanently fasten system to building structure. D. Align assembly plumb and level, free of warp or twist. Maintain assembly dimensional tolerances and align with adjacent work. 3.3 TOLERANCES A. 3.4 Maximum Variation from Plumb: 0.06 inches every 3 ft (1.5 mm/m) non-cumulative or 0.5 inches per 100 ft (12 mm/30 m), whichever is less. FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. 3.5 Provide the services of the manufacturer's field representative to observe installation and make report. CLEANING A. Remove protective material from prefinished aluminum surfaces. B. Wash down surfaces with a solution of mild detergent in warm water, applied with soft, clean wiping cloths. Take care to remove dirt from corners. Wipe surfaces clean. C. Remove excess sealant by moderate use of mineral spirits or other solvent acceptable to sealant manufacturer. 3.6 PROTECTION A. Protect finished work from damage. END OF SECTION Section 08 4500 - Page 4 of 4 TRANSLUCENT WALL AND ROOF ASSEMBLIES 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 SECTION 08 7100 – DOOR HARDWARE PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.2 Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY A. Section includes: 1. Mechanical and electrical door hardware for the following: a. Swinging doors. 2. Cylinders for door hardware specified in other Sections. 3. Permanent lock cores to be installed by Owner. B. Exclusions: 1. Windows 2. Cabinets (casework), including locks in cabinets 3. Signage 4. Toilet Accessories 5. Overhead or coiling doors C. Related Sections: 1. Section 01 2300 - Alternates: For Bid Alternates related to the Work of this Section. 2. Section 07 9005 - Joint Sealers: for sealant requirements applicable to threshold installation under the work of this section. 3. Section 08 1113 - Hollow Metal Doors and Frames. 4. Section 08 1416 - Flush Wood Doors. 5. Section 08 4313 - Aluminum-Framed Storefronts. 6. Division 26 Sections for connections to electrical power systems and for low-voltage wiring work. 7. Division 28 Sections for coordination with other components of electronic access control system. 1.3 REFERENCED STANDARDS A. BHMA – Builders Hardware Manufacturers Association B. ANSI – American National Standards Institute C. ANSI A117.1 – Specification for making buildings and facilities usable by physically handicapped people. D. ADA – Americans with Disabilities Act. E. DHI – Door and Hardware Institute. F. NFPA – National Fire Protection Association. 1. NFPA 80 – Fire Doors and Windows. 2. NFPA 101 – Life Safety Code 3. NFPA 105 – Smoke and Draft Control Door Assemblies. 4. NFPA 252 – Fire Tests of Door Assemblies DOOR HARDWARE 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Section 08 7100 - Page 1 of 42 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 G. UL – Underwriters Laboratories. 1. UL10C – Fire Tests of Door Assemblies (Positive Pressure). 2. UL305 – Panic Hardware. H. WHI – Warnock Hersey Incorporated. I. SDI – Steel Door Institute. J. WDMA Industry Standards I.S.1-A-97 (Window & Door Manufacturers Association). K. AWI Quality Standards, 8 Edition, Version 1.0 2003. L. ANSI A115. W Series, Wood Door Hardware Standards. M. NAAMM – National Association of Architectural Metal Manufacturers. 1.4 th SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: For each type of product indicated. Include construction and installation details, material descriptions, dimensions of individual components and profiles, and finishes. B. SUBMITTALS: Submit six copies of schedule per Division 01. Organize vertically formatted schedule into “Hardware Sets” with index of doors and headings, indicating complete designations of every item required for each door or opening. Include following information: 1. Type, style, function, size, quantity and finish of hardware items. Use BHMA Finish codes per ANSI A156.18. 2. Name, part number and manufacturer of each item. 3. Fastenings and other pertinent information. 4. Location of hardware set coordinated with floor plans and door schedule. 5. Explanation of abbreviations, symbols, and codes contained in schedule. 6. Mounting locations for hardware. 7. Door and frame sizes, materials and degrees of swing. 8. List of manufacturers used and their nearest representative with address and phone number. 9. Catalog cuts. 10. Manufacturer’s technical data and installation instructions for electronic hardware. 11. Date of jobsite visit. 12. Furnish as-built/as-installed schedule with closeout documents, including keying schedule, wiring/riser diagrams, manufacturer’s installation, adjustment and maintenance information and hardware consultants final inspection report. C. Shop Drawings: Details of each electrified door hardware, indicating the following: 1. Description of each electrified door hardware function, including location, sequence of operation and interface with other building control systems. 2. Wiring diagrams: power, signal and control wiring. Including the following: a. System schematic b. Point-to-Point wiring diagram. c. Riser diagram. d. Elevation of each door. 3. Operating narrative: Describe the operation of doors controlled by electrified door hardware. a. Sequence of Operations: Include description of component functions that occur in the following situations: Authorized person wants to enter, authorized person wants to exit; unauthorized person wants to enter; unauthorized person wants to exit. 4. Scheduling Responsibility: Preparation of door hardware and keying schedules. 5. Engineering Responsibility: Preparation of data for electrified door hardware, including Shop Drawings, based on testing and engineering analysis of manufacturer’s standard units in assemblies similar to those indicated for this project. Section 08 7100 - Page 2 of 42 DOOR HARDWARE 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 6. 7. Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 Electrified Door Hardware Consultant Qualifications: A qualified Architectural Hardware Consultant who is experienced in providing consulting services for electrified door hardware installations. Wiring and Riser Diagrams: Supplier shall furnish, electrical wiring and riser diagrams for low voltage security hardware equipment specified in this section. Provide elevation drawings indicating door numbers, associated electronic security equipment such as electric locks, indicator signal lights and sounding devices which are contained in the approved hardware submittals. Elevations shall indicate standard electrical enclosures detailing the manufacturer’s space and attaching requirements. D. Keying Schedule: Submit separate detailed keying schedule indicating clearly how the Owner’s final instructions on keying of locks has been fulfilled. E. Product Test Reports: For compliance with accessibility requirements, based on evaluation of comprehensive tests performed by manufacturer and witnessed by a qualified testing agency, for door hardware on doors located in accessible routes. F. Warranty: Special warranty specified in this Section. 1.5 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Installer Qualifications: Supplier of products and an employer of workers trained and approved by product manufacturers and an Architectural Hardware Consultant who is available during the course of the Work to consult with Contractor, Architect, and Owner about door hardware and keying. 1. Educational Facilities: In Project's vicinity. 2. Scheduling Responsibility: Preparation of door hardware and keying schedules. B. Suppliers Qualifications: A recognized architectural door hardware supplier, with warehousing facilities in the Project’s vicinity, that has a record of successful in-service performance for supplying door hardware similar in quantity, type and quality to that indicated for this Project and that employs an experienced Architectural Door Hardware Consultant (AHC) who is available to owner, architect and contractor, at reasonable time during the course of the work, for consultation. The supplier shall be an approved factory direct supplier and maintain the following hardware and is currently stocking replacement parts. C. Source Limitations: Obtain each type of door hardware from a single manufacturer. D. Smoke- and Draft-Control Door Assemblies: Where smoke- and draft-control door assemblies are required, provide door hardware that meet requirements of assemblies tested according to UL 1784 and installed in compliance with NFPA 105. 1. Air Leakage Rate: Maximum air leakage of 0.3 cfm/sq. ft. at the tested pressure differential of 0.3-inch wg of water. E. Means of Egress Doors: Latches do not require more than 15 lbf to release the latch. Locks do not require use of a key, tool, or special knowledge for operation. F. Accessibility Requirements: For door hardware on doors in an accessible route, comply with the U.S. Architectural & Transportation Barriers Compliance Board's ADA-ABA Accessibility Guidelines and ICC/ANSI A117.1. 1. 2. Provide operating devices that do not require tight grasping, pinching, or twisting of the wrist and that operate with a force of not more than 5 lbf. Comply with the following maximum opening-force requirements: a. Interior, Non-Fire-Rated Hinged Doors: 5 lbf applied perpendicular to door. b. Fire Doors: Minimum opening force allowable by authorities having jurisdiction. DOOR HARDWARE 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Section 08 7100 - Page 3 of 42 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 3. 4. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 Bevel raised thresholds with a slope of not more than 1:2. Provide thresholds not more than 1/2 inch. Adjust door closer sweep periods so that, from an open position of 70 degrees, the door will take at least 3 seconds to move to a point 3 inches from the latch, measured to the leading edge of the door. G. Keying Conference: Conduct conference at Project site to comply with requirements in Division 1 Section "Project Management and Coordination." In addition to Owner, Contractor, and Architect, conference participants shall also include Installer's Architectural Hardware Consultant. Incorporate keying conference decisions into final keying schedule after reviewing door hardware keying system including, but not limited to, the following: 1. Function of building, flow of traffic, purpose of each area, degree of security required, and plans for future expansion. 2. Preliminary key system schematic diagram. 3. Requirements for key control system. 4. Requirements for access control. 5. Address for delivery of keys. H. Preinstallation Conference: Preinstallation conference shall be conducted prior to installation of hardware at project site. Meet with the, owner, contractor, installer and manufacturers’ representatives. A separate preinstallation conference shall be conducted prior to installation of electronic security hardware with electrical contractor to review catalogs, brochures, templates, installation instructions and the approved hardware schedule. Survey installation procedures and workmanship, with special emphasis on unusual conditions, as to ensure correct techniques of installation and coordination with other work. Notify participants at least ten (10) working days before conference. 1. Review and finalize construction schedule and verify availability of materials, Installer's personnel, equipment, and facilities needed to make progress and avoid delays. 2. Inspect and discuss preparatory work performed by other trades. 1.6 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Inventory door hardware on receipt and provide secure lock-up for door hardware delivered to Project site. B. Tag each item or package separately with identification coordinated with the final door hardware schedule, and include installation instructions, templates, and necessary fasteners with each item or package. C. Deliver keys and permanent cores to Owner by registered mail or overnight package service. 1.7 COORDINATION A. Installation Templates: Distribute for doors, frames, and other work specified to be factory prepared. Check Shop Drawings of other work to confirm that adequate provisions are made for locating and installing door hardware to comply with indicated requirements. B. Existing Openings: Where hardware components are scheduled for application to existing construction or where modifications to existing door hardware are required, field verify existing conditions and coordinate installation of door hardware to suit opening conditions and to provide proper door operation. 1.8 WARRANTY A. General Warranty: Warranty specified in this article shall not deprive owner of other rights the owner may have under other provisions of the contract documents and shall be in addition to, and Section 08 7100 - Page 4 of 42 DOOR HARDWARE 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 run concurrent with, other warranties made by the contractor under requirements of the contract documents. B. 1.9 Special Warranty: Manufacturer's standard form in which manufacturer agrees to repair or replace components of door hardware that fail in materials or workmanship within specified warranty period. 1. Failures include, but are not limited to, the following: a. Structural failures including excessive deflection, cracking, or breakage. b. Faulty operation of doors and door hardware. c. Deterioration of metals, metal finishes, and other materials beyond normal weathering and use. 2. Warranty Period: Three years from date of Substantial Completion, unless otherwise indicated. a. Locksets: Ten years from date of Substantial Completion. b. Exit Devices: Three years from date of Substantial Completion. c. Manual Closers: 10 years from date of Substantial Completion. d. Everest/Primus keys: Life of the building from date of Substantial Completion. PROJECT CLOSEOUT A. Maintenance Data: For each type of door hardware to include in maintenance manuals. Include final hardware schedule. 1. Maintenance Tools and Instructions: Furnish a complete set of specialized tools and maintenance as needed for Owner’s continued adjustment, maintenance and removal and replacement of door hardware. Present special tools and maintenance instructions to Owner at time of testing and demonstration interval. B. Operating and Maintenance Manuals at Project Closeout. 1. Bound in a 3-ring, three (3) inch black binders, indexed by the following: a. Project Record Documents and Shop Drawings (hard copy) with one electronic data file, Microsoft Word. Format to Owner’s operating systems. b. Manufacturers listing with name address and phone number and catalog cut sheets of each item supplied. c. Installation instructions, maintenance manuals including operating and maintenance instructions. d. Part listing with manufacturer sources and manufacturer distribution Purchasing and Service Program participants. e. Warranties. 2. Submit directly to, return receipt requested a. Cherry Creek School District No. 5 Facilities Management 9301 East Union Ave. Greenwood Village, Colorado 80111 Attn: Rick Gordon 1.10 A. MAINTENANCE SERVICE Maintenance Tools and Instructions: Furnish a complete set of specialized tools and maintenance instructions for Owner's continued adjustment, maintenance, and removal and replacement of door hardware. DOOR HARDWARE 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Section 08 7100 - Page 5 of 42 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 SCHEDULED DOOR HARDWARE A. Provide door hardware for each door as scheduled on Drawings to comply with requirements in this Section. 1. Door Hardware Sets: Provide quantity, item, size, finish or color indicated, and named manufacturers' products complying with BHMA designations referenced. B. Designations: Requirements for design, grade, function, finish, size, and other distinctive qualities of each type of door hardware are indicated in Part 3 "Door Hardware Schedule" Article. Products are identified by using door hardware designations, as follows: 1. Named Manufacturers' Products: Manufacturer and product designation are listed for each door hardware type required for the purpose of establishing minimum requirements. 2.2 HINGES A. General: 1. Hinges shall be 5-knuckle, and shall be certified to exceed two million, five hundred thousand (2,500,000) full load-operating cycles by a recognized independent testing laboratory. Templates: Except for hinges to be installed entirely (both Leaves) into wood doors and frames provide only template-produced units. 2. Screws: Provide Phillips flat-head screws complying with the following requirements: a. For metal doors and frames install machine screws into drilled and tapped holes. b. For wood doors and frames install wood screws. c. For fire-rated wood doors, install #12x 1 ¼ inches, threaded-to-the-head steel wood screws. d. Finish of screws heads to match surface of hinge or pivots. 3. Hinge Pins: Except as otherwise indicated, provide hinge pins as follows; a. Out-swing doors with locks: non-removable pins (NRP). b. Interior doors: Non-rising pins. c. Tips: Flat button and matching plug, finish to match leaves. d. Number of Hinges: Provide number of hinges indicated but not less than 3 hinges for door leaf for doors 90 inches or less in height and one additional hinge for each 30 inches of additional height. Unless otherwise specified, hinge size for doors through 3’-0” shall be 4 ½ inches by 4 ½ inches. e. Hinges for doors over 3’-0” wide shall be four ball bearing, heavy weight, 0.190 gage inches, 5 inches by 4 ½ inches. f. Option: Doors over 3’-0” wide shall receive four (4) heavy weight, 0.190 gage inches, 4 ½ inches by 4 ½ inches. g. Fire-rated Doors: Not less than 3 hinges per door leaf for doors 86 inches or less in height with same rule for additional hinges. B. Hinges: BHMA A156.1. Provide template-produced hinges for hinges installed on hollow-metal doors and hollow-metal frames. 1. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide the following: a. b. c. IVES Hardware; an Allegion Plc company, 5BB1 or 5BB1HW. McKinney Products Company; an ASSA ABLOY Group company, TA2714 or TA3786. Stanley Commercial Hardware; Div. of the Stanley Works, FBB179 or FBB199. Section 08 7100 - Page 6 of 42 DOOR HARDWARE 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 2.3 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 MECHANICAL LOCKS AND LATCHES A. General: 1. An approved BHMA testing laboratory shall certify locksets to exceed three million (3,000,000) full load operating cycles. 2. Locksets and latch sets shall be non-handed, heavy duty cylindrical type, with 2 ¾ inch backset or greater, as specified, with ½ inch throw latch bolt. Manufacturer lock chassis from cold rolled steel, with locking spindles of deep drawn cold rolled steel. Spindles to resist deforming under severe torque. 3. Lever trim shall be designed to increase resistance against vandalism and forced entry by over torquing of lock chassis. Disablement of secured levers shall not permit latch bolt retraction from secure side while allowing emergency egress. 4. Furnish units with concealed through-bolts and threaded chassis hubs to prevent lever torque from rotating lock chassis and maintain correct alignment. Equip units with cast auxiliary spring cages with studs to prevent rotation attached directly to the lock chassis to assist in support of levers. Spring cage units shall contain coil compression springs to maintain life safety and provide extended service. 5. Provide manufacturer’s standard wrought box strike for each latch or lock bolt, with curved lip extended to protect frame. Comply with UL requirements for throw of bolts and latch bolts on rated fire openings. 6. Interface owners existing keying system with specified locksets. Furnish complete and fully operational locksets and cylinders. B. Locksets, Latchsets and Deadbolts 1. Schlage; an Allegion Plc company. 2. No approved equals. C. Lock Functions: As scheduled. D. Lock Throw: Comply with testing requirements for length of bolts required for labeled fire doors, and as follows: 1. 2. Mortise Locks: Minimum 1/2-inch minimum latchbolt throw. Deadbolts: Minimum 1-inch minimum bolt throw. E. Lock Backset: 2-3/4 inches, unless otherwise indicated. F. Lock Trim: 1. Description: ND-Series. 2. Levers: Cast. a. Rhodes. 3. Escutcheons (Roses): Wrought. 4. Dummy Trim: Match lever lock trim and escutcheons. 5. Operating Device: Lever with escutcheons (roses). 6. Finish: 626, Satin Chromium G. Strikes: Provide manufacturer's standard strike for each lock bolt or latch bolt complying with requirements indicated for applicable lock or latch and with strike box and curved lip extended to protect frame; finished to match lock or latch. 1. Flat-Lip Strikes: For locks with three-piece antifriction latch bolts, as recommended by manufacturer. 2. Extra-Long-Lip Strikes: For locks used on frames with applied wood casing trim. 3. Aluminum-Frame Strike Box: Manufacturer's special strike box fabricated for aluminum framing. DOOR HARDWARE 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Section 08 7100 - Page 7 of 42 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 H. 2.4 Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 Push-Pull: 1. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products by one of the following: a. IVES Hardware; an Allegion Plc company, Basis-of-Design, 8200-6x16/8305-6x16, finish 630. b. Rockwood Manufacturing Company. c. Trimco. BOLTS A. Surface Bolts or Manual Flush bolts: BHMA A156.16. 1. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products by one of the following: a. IVES Hardware; an Allegion Plc company, basis of design , SB453/FB458. b. Trimco. c. Rockwood. B. Constant Latching or Automatic Latching: BHMA A156.3. 1. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products by one of the following: a. IVES Hardware; an Allegion Plc company. b. Trimco. c. Rockwood. 2.5 EXIT DEVICES AND AUXILIARY ITEMS A. 2.6 General 1. Provide exit devices of single manufacturer with specified functions, which can accept exterior and interior cylinders of specified cylinder. Exit devices shall be certified to exceed three million (3,000,000) full load-operating cycles by a recognized testing laboratory. 2. Provide exit devices with specified functions, which can accept specified cylinders. Exit devices shall have ribbed interior body to discourage vandalism and graffiti. Releasable with 15 lbs maximum pressure under 250 lb load to door. Where specified, furnish with special cylinder (SD) dogging to replace standard hex key dogging. 3. Equip devices with dead locking latch bolts. Furnish through bolted fasteners for all devices. Where required, provide projecting glass bead stop kits to provide clearance when used with projecting glass stops. Furnish glass bead stop kits at locations using both exit device and electric strike. 4. Lever handle trim shall have a mechanism to disengage lever from operating should excessive force be applied and allow lever to be rest to its operating position. Lever design to match lock manufacturers lever design. Provide keyed security removable mullions, which will accept security cylinders of specified cylinder manufacturer, to allow removal by use of cylinder. Mullions to be furnished with a self-locking mechanism for reinstallation without use of cylinder. Equip each mullion with mullion stabilizers to maintain integrity between door and mullion to prevent vandalism. 5. Electrically actuated devices shall retract latch bolts instantly without delay for momentary unlocking or for extended periods of time. Solenoids shall be continuous duty, 24 volt, direct current and 16.0 amp inrush. Devices shall be UL approved for Class II circuit applications. 6. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products by the following: a. Von Duprin; an Ingersoll-Rand company, 99 Series with 996L lever trim, 626 finish. LOCK CYLINDERS A. Lock Cylinders: Tumbler type, constructed from brass or bronze, stainless steel, or nickel silver. 1. Manufacturer: Schlage Everest/Primus. Section 08 7100 - Page 8 of 42 DOOR HARDWARE 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 B. Standard Lock Cylinders: finished to match lockset. C. Construction Cores: Provide construction cores that are replaceable by permanent cores. Provide 10 construction master keys. 2.7 BHMA A156.5; Grade 1; permanent cores that are removable; face KEYING A. Keying System: Factory registered, complying with guidelines in BHMA A156.28, Appendix A. Incorporate decisions made in keying conference. 1. Existing System: a. Master key or grand master key locks to Owner's existing system (Everest/Primus D123 Keyway.) B. Meet with Architect and Owner to finalize keying requirements and obtain keying instructions in writing. Integrate locks and cylinders with owners existing “Everest D” patent protected keying system with specifically assigned milled side bar. Cylinders must allow for applications on multiplex keying capabilities and multiple keyways. Key bitting shall be registered by the lock manufacturer. Keying services shall be performed by Owner’s authorized keying services, where permanent records are maintained. Owner shall provide key bittings. C. Furnish cylinders with temporary interchangeable core construction keying system during construction period. Temporary cores and keys remain property of hardware supplier. 1. Furnish permanent cores zero (0) bitted, Everest/Primus D123 keyway. Deliver permanent core directly to owner for keying. 2. Owner will furnish keyed permanent cores to General Contractor and General Contractor shall remove temporary construction cores and install keyed cores into locksets and cylinders. Return temporary construction cores to hardware supplier. D. Keys and Key Blanks: furnish of nickel silver to maintain security and safety of keying system and accuracy in keys and long cylinder wear. 1. Key blanks shall be available only from factory-direct sources, not available from aftermarket key blank manufacturers. 2. All keys shall be embossed “Do Not Duplicate.” Keys and cylinders shall be stamped with the applicable key mark for identification. Stamp all keys in sequence. Visual stamped key control on keys, indelible marking on cylinder bodies. 3. Architect and owner shall approve stampings and markings prior to ordering of locksets and cylinders; furnish owner written approval of the system. E. Do not package permanent keys with locks. Package keys separately from locksets and cores. Deliver all keys, key blanks and other security keys directly to owner from lock manufacturer by secure courier, return receipt requested. F. Failure to properly comply with these requirements may be cause to require replacement of all or any part of the keying system, cores, cylinders and keys involved as deemed necessary at no additional cost to the owner. G. Keys: Nickel silver. 1. Key Quantity: Furnish keys in the following quantities (verify quantities for size of project); a. 12 each, temporary construction keys to General Contractor. b. 2 each, temporary construction control keys to owner. c. 2 each, Permanent core control keys to owner. d. 3 each, change keys per cylinder to owner. e. 10 each, emergency keys per cylinder to owner. f. 200 each key blanks, each type used, to owner. DOOR HARDWARE 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Section 08 7100 - Page 9 of 42 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 2.8 Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 SURFACE CLOSERS A. General: 1. Closer shall be certified to exceed ten million (10,000,000) full load-operating cycles by a recognized testing laboratory. 2. Where manual closers are indicated for doors required to be accessible to the physically handicapped, provide adjustable units complying with ANSI A117.1 provisions for door opening force and delayed action closing. Except as specifically indicated, comply with manufacturer’s recommendations for size of door control units, depending upon size of door, exposure to weather and anticipated frequency of use. 3. Closers shall be cast iron construction with forged lever arms, independent adjusting valves for closing, latching and back check. Hydraulic regulation controlled by tamper-proof, noncritical screw valves. All closer adjustments shall be shielded by metal cover plate after installation. 4. Furnish extra heavy duty arms, EDA, to protect against excessive force. Provide special templated arms to allow clearance and applications of overhead stops and holders. Closers installed on exterior doors and interior doors in high traffic areas, shall be equipped with advanced variable back check, AVB, function. 5. Provide combination door closer and electromagnetic holder designed to hold door in open position. Under normal usage and to release and automatically close door under fire conditions. Incorporate an integral electromagnetic holder mechanism designed for use with UL listed fire detectors, provided with normally closed switching contacts. Provide integral smoke detector device in combination door closers and holders complying with UL 228. 6. Install closers to allow maximum degree of opening, position back check to activate well in advance of the stop position to cushion the opening swing and prevent door and frame damage. Unless specified, install closer with through bolt mounting method on metal and wood doors. a. Template and install door closers for maximum degree of door swing. 7. Operating voltages: Coordinate operating power requirements with Fire/Life Safety Control systems. B. Surface Closers: BHMA A156.4; rack-and-pinion hydraulic type with adjustable sweep and latch speeds controlled by key-operated valves and forged-steel main arm. Comply with manufacturer's written recommendations for size of door closers depending on size of door, exposure to weather, and anticipated frequency of use. Provide factory-sized closers, adjustable to meet field conditions and requirements for opening force. 1. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products by the following: a. LCN Closers; an Allegion Plc company, 4110-MC-EDA-AVB/4010-MC 2.9 DOOR GASKETING AND THRESHOLDS A. General 1. Provide continuous seal at jambs and head and at door bottom. Where specified, provide threshold type with silicone gasket. Smoke, or sound seals shall be rated in accordance with surrounding wall rating respective to sound or fire rating or as required by code. Unless otherwise indicated, provide metal threshold units of type, size and profile as shown or scheduled. Provide noncorrosive fasteners for exterior and interior applications. 2. Extruded aluminum with color anodized finish as selected by Ar4chitect from manufacturers standard color range; 0.062 inch minimum thickness of main wall flanges. Provide only those units where resilient or flexible seal strip is easily replaceable and readily available from stocks maintained by manufacturer. 3. Nylon brush filament weather stripping, shall be wrapped around a core wire, locked in a metal spline and encased in an anodized aluminum flange for attachment. Nylon shall remain pliable within a temperature range of 400 degrees F to minimum -40 degrees F below zero. Provide only those units where resilient or flexible seal strip is easily replaceable and readily available from stocks maintained by manufacturer. Section 08 7100 - Page 10 of 42 DOOR HARDWARE 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 4. 5. 6. Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 Fire-Rated Doors, Resilient Seals: UL10C/UBC-7-2 compliant. Coordinate with selected door manufacturers and selected frame manufacturer’s requirements. Where rigid housed resilient seals are scheduled in this section and the selected door manufacturer only requires an adhesive mounted resilient seal, furnish rigid housing seal at minimum, or both the rigid housed seal and the adhesive applied seal if necessary to fulfill door manufacturer’s requirement. Adhesive applied seal alone is deemed insufficient for this project where rigid housed seals are scheduled. Fire-Rated Doors, Intumescent Seals: Furnish fire-labeled opening assembly complete and in full compliance with UL10C/UBC-7-2. Furnished by selected door manufacturer, these seals vary in requirements by door type and door manufacturer. a. Adhesive applied intumescent strips are not acceptable, use concealed-in-door-edge type or kerf-in-frame type. Careful coordination required. Fasteners: Generally, exposed screws to be Phillips or Robertson drive. Flat head sleeve anchors (FHSL) may be slotted drive. Sheet metal and wood screws: Full-thread. Sleeve nuts: full length to prevent door compression. B. Door Gasketing: BHMA A156.22; air leakage not to exceed 0.50 cfm per foot of crack length for gasketing other than for smoke control, as tested according to ASTM E 283; with resilient or flexible seal strips that are easily replaceable and readily available from stocks maintained by manufacturer. C. Thresholds: BHMA A156.21; fabricated to full width of opening indicated. D. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products by the following: 1. Pemko Manufacturing Company. a. Model numbers 272A, 45041CNB, 18041CNB, 3452CNB and S88D 2. National Guard Products. a. Model numbers 613A, A626A, 600A, C627A and 5050B 2.10 METAL PROTECTIVE TRIM UNITS A. General: 1. Provide manufacturer’s standard exposed fasteners for door trim units, kick plates, edge trim, push/pull plates and similar units; either machine screws of self-tapping screws from metal doors or Phillips flat head screws from wood doors. 2. Fabricated protection plates, armor, kick or mop plates not more than 2 inches less than door width on stop side and not more than 1 inch less than door width on pull side and 1 inch less than door width on double doors, by the indicated height. Size plate to provide clearance for bottom rail, grills, louvers and door lites. a. Protective Plates shall be nominal 10 inches in height, unless noted otherwise. b. Metal Plates: Stainless Steel plates 0.050, US 18 gage. B. Metal Protective Trim Units: BHMA A156.6; fabricated from 0.050-inch- thick; with manufacturer's standard machine or self-tapping screw fasteners. 1. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products by one of the following: a. IVES Hardware; an Allegion Plc company, 8400 b. Rockwood Manufacturing Company, K1050, 18 gauge. c. Triangle Brass, K0050, 18 gauge. 2.11 A. DOOR STOPS General: 1. Furnish heavy duty wrought stainless steel base material, concave or convex wall stops, coincide with lock function, wherever door strikes wall unless otherwise noted in door DOOR HARDWARE 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Section 08 7100 - Page 11 of 42 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 hardware groups, provide wall type with appropriate fasteners. Where wall type cannot be used, provide floor type. If neither can be used, provide overhead type. a. Floor Stops: (Place at maximum swing and out of traffic flow to avoid trip hazards. b. Provide gray resilient rubber bumpers. B. 2.12 Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products by one of the following to suit conditions: 1. IVES Hardware; WS406, FS495, 470 or 436/438 2. Rockwood Manufacturing Company; 407/408, 494, 455, or 440/441. 3. Triangle Brass; W1274CCS, 1254, 1245 or 1210/1212. 4. All door/floor stops shall be 626 finish or approved equal. FABRICATION A. Manufacturer's Nameplate: Do not provide products that have manufacturer's name or trade name displayed in a visible location except in conjunction with required fire-rated labels and as otherwise approved by Architect. 1. Manufacturer's identification is permitted on rim of lock cylinders only. B. Base Metals: Produce door hardware units of base metal indicated, fabricated by forming method indicated, using manufacturer's standard metal alloy, composition, temper, and hardness. Furnish metals of a quality equal to or greater than that of specified door hardware units and BHMA A156.18. C. Fasteners: Provide door hardware manufactured to comply with published templates prepared for machine, wood, and sheet metal screws. Provide screws that comply with commercially recognized industry standards for application intended, except aluminum fasteners are not permitted. Provide Phillips flat-head screws with finished heads to match surface of door hardware, unless otherwise indicated. 1. Fire-Rated Applications: a. Wood or Machine Screws: For the following: 1) Hinges mortised to doors or frames. 2) Strike plates to frames. 3) Closers to doors and frames. b. Steel Through Bolts: For the following unless door blocking is provided: 1) Surface hinges to doors. 2) Closers to doors and frames. 3) Surface-mounted exit devices. 2. Spacers or Sex Bolts: For through bolting of hollow-metal doors. 3. Fasteners for Wood Doors: Comply with requirements in DHI WDHS.2, "Recommended Fasteners for Wood Doors." 4. Gasketing Fasteners: Provide noncorrosive fasteners for exterior applications and elsewhere as indicated. 2.13 FINISHES A. Provide finishes complying with BHMA A156.18 as indicated in door hardware schedule. B. Protect mechanical finishes on exposed surfaces from damage by applying a strippable, temporary protective covering before shipping. C. Appearance of Finished Work: Variations in appearance of abutting or adjacent pieces are acceptable if they are within one-half of the range of approved Samples. Noticeable variations in the same piece are not acceptable. Variations in appearance of other components are acceptable if they are within the range of approved Samples and are assembled or installed to minimize contrast. Section 08 7100 - Page 12 of 42 DOOR HARDWARE 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 D. Match items to the manufacturer’s standard color and texture finish for the latch and locksets (or push/pull unit if no latch or lockset). E. Provide quality of finish, including thickness of plating or coating (if any), composition, hardness and other qualities complying with manufacturer’s standard but in no case less than specified by referenced standards for applicable units of hardware. F. The designations used in schedules and elsewhere to indicate hardware finishes are those listed in ANSI/BHMA A156.18, “Materials and Finishes,” including coordination with the traditional finishes shown by certain manufacturer’s for their products. G. The designations used in the schedules and elsewhere to indicate hardware finishes are industryrecognized standard commercial finishes, except as otherwise noted. 1. Satin Chromium Plated, Clear Powder Coated: US26D/ANSI 626, ANSI 652 2. Brushed Stainless Steel, No Coating: US32D/ANSI 630 3. Powder Coated Aluminum Finnish: ANSI 689. 4. Thresholds and Weatherseals: Thresholds, mill Aluminum finish. Weatherseal, clear anodized aluminum finish. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Examine doors and frames, with Installer present, for compliance with requirements for installation tolerances, labeled fire-rated door assembly construction, wall and floor construction, and other conditions affecting performance. B. Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. 3.2 PREPARATION A. Steel Doors and Frames: For surface applied door hardware, drill and tap doors and frames according to ANSI/SDI A250.6. B. Wood Doors: Comply with DHI WDHS.5 "Recommended Hardware Reinforcement Locations for Mineral Core Wood Flush Doors." 3.3 INSTALLATION A. Builder’s Hardware Installation: Install each hardware item in compliance with the manufacturer’s instructions and recommendations. Where cutting and fitting is required to install hardware onto or into surfaces that are later to be painted or finished in another way, coordinate removal, storage and reinstallation or appli9cation of surface protection with finishing work specified in the Division 9 Sections. Do not install surface-mounted items until finishes have been completed on the substrates involved. B. Mounting Heights: Mount door hardware units at heights indicated in following applicable publications, except as specifically indicated or required to comply with governing regulations and except as otherwise directed by Architect. 1. Exit devices touch bar height, centerline to finish floor: 39 13/16 inches at center. Center exit devices on mid-rail of doors. 2. Lever locksets height to, centerline to finished floor: 38 inches at center. 3. Standard Steel Doors and Frames: ANSI/SDI A250.8. 4. Custom Steel Doors and Frames: HMMA 831. DOOR HARDWARE 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Section 08 7100 - Page 13 of 42 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 5. 6. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 Wood Doors: DHI WDHS.3, "Recommended Locations for Architectural Hardware for Wood Flush Doors." Latest Edition of the American with Disabilities Act. C. Install each door hardware item to comply with manufacturer's written instructions. Where cutting and fitting are required to install door hardware onto or into surfaces that are later to be painted or finished in another way, coordinate removal, storage, and reinstallation of surface protective trim units with finishing work specified in Division 9 Sections. Do not install surface-mounted items until finishes have been completed on substrates involved. 1. Set units level, plumb, and true to line and location. Adjust and reinforce attachment substrates as necessary for proper installation and operation. 2. Drill and countersink units that are not factory prepared for anchorage fasteners. Space fasteners and anchors according to industry standards. D. Hinges: Install types and in quantities indicated in door hardware schedule but not fewer than the number recommended by manufacturer for application indicated or one hinge for every 30 inches of door height, whichever is more stringent, unless other equivalent means of support for door, such as spring hinges or pivots, are provided. E. Intermediate Offset Pivots: Where offset pivots are indicated, provide intermediate offset pivots in quantities indicated in door hardware schedule but not fewer than one intermediate offset pivot per door and one additional intermediate offset pivot for every 30 inches of door height greater than 90 inches. F. Lock Cylinders: Install construction cores to secure building and areas during construction period. 1. Furnish permanent cores to Owner for installation. G. Thresholds: Set thresholds for exterior doors and other doors indicated in full bed of sealant complying with requirements specified in Division 7 Section "Joint Sealers." H. Stops: Provide floor stops for doors unless wall or other type stops are indicated in door hardware schedule. Do not mount floor stops where they will impede traffic. I. Perimeter Gasketing: Apply to head and jamb, forming seal between door and frame. J. Meeting Stile Gasketing: Fasten to meeting stiles, forming seal when doors are closed. K. Door Bottoms: Apply to bottom of door, forming seal with threshold when door is closed. 3.4 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Architectural Hardware Consultant: Architect will engage a qualified Architectural Hardware Consultant to perform inspections and to prepare inspection reports. B. Architectural Hardware Consultant will inspect door hardware and state in each report whether installed work complies with or deviates from requirements, including whether door hardware is properly installed and adjusted. 3.5 ADJUSTING A. Initial Adjustment: Adjust and check each operating item of door hardware and each door to ensure proper operation or function of every unit. Replace units that cannot be adjusted to operate to operate freely and smoothly or as intended for the application made. Adjust door control devices to compensate for final operation of heating and ventilating equipment and to comply with referenced accessibility requirements. Section 08 7100 - Page 14 of 42 DOOR HARDWARE 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 1. 2. B. 3.6 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 Door Closers: Adjust sweep period to comply with accessibility requirements and requirements of authorities having jurisdiction. Where door hardware is installed more than one month prior to acceptance or occupancy of a space or area, return to the installation during the week prior to acceptance or occupancy and make final check and adjustment of all hardware items in such space or area. Clean operating items as necessary to restore proper function and finish of hardware and doors. Adjust door control devices to components for final operation of heating and ventilating equipment. Six-Month Adjustment: Architectural Hardware Consultant to provide letter of certification to Architect that approximately 6 months after substantial completion, Consultant and installer will visit Project with representative of the manufacturers of the locking devices and door closers to accomplish following: 1. Re-adjust hardware. 2. Evaluate maintenance procedures and recommend changes or additions and instruct owner’s personnel. 3. Identify items that have deteriorated or failed. 4. Architectural Hardware Consultant shall submit written report identifying problems and likely future problems. CLEANING AND PROTECTION A. Clean adjacent surfaces soiled by door hardware installation. B. Clean operating items as necessary to restore proper function and finish. C. Provide final protection and maintain conditions that ensure that door hardware is without damage or deterioration at time of Substantial Completion. 3.7 DEMONSTRATION A. Engage a factory-authorized service representative to train Owner's maintenance personnel to adjust, operate, and maintain door hardware and door hardware finishes. Refer to Division 01 Section "Contract Closeout Requirements." Manufacturer’s Used: B/O By Others EXI Existing GLY Glynn Johnson IVE Ives LCN LCN NGP National Guard Products SCH Schlage VON Von Duprin DOOR HARDWARE 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Section 08 7100 - Page 15 of 42 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 3.8 Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 HARDWARE SETS HW SET# 001 - EXTERIOR DOOR EACH TO HAVE: 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA SET EA EA NEW HM DOOR HINGE STOREROOM LOCK FSIC CORE LOCK GUARD SURFACE CLOSER KICK PLATE SEALS DOOR SWEEP NOTE NEW HM DOOR 5BB1 5 X 4.5 NRP ND80TD RHO 23-030 LG12 4111 SCUSH MC 8400 10" X 2" LDW B4E A626A C627A BALANCE OF HARDWARE IS EXISTING TO REMAIN ( THRESHOLD) 630 626 626 630 689 630 CL CL B/O IVE SCH SCH IVE LCN IVE NGP NGP EXI 630 626 626 626 689 630 CL CL B/O IVE VON SCH SCH LCN IVE NGP NGP EXI NEW HOLLOW METAL DOOR - EXIST HM FRAME. FIELD VERIFY CONDITIONS. IF DOOR SWINGS IN OR OUT. HW SET# 002 - EXTERIOR HOLLOW METAL DOORS EACH TO HAVE: 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA SET EA EA NEW HM DOOR HINGE PANIC HARDWARE RIM CYLINDER FSIC CORE SURFACE CLOSER KICK PLATE SEALS DOOR SWEEP NOTE NEW HM DOOR 5BB1 4.5 X 4.5 NRP 99-NL-990-SNB 20-057-ICX 23-030 4111 AVB EDA MC TBWMS 8400 10" X 2" LDW B4E A626A C627A BALANCE OF HARDWARE IS EXISTING TO REMAIN (WALL STOP, THRESHOLD) NEW HM DOOR; EXIST HM FRAME. Section 08 7100 - Page 16 of 42 DOOR HARDWARE 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 HW SET# 003 - EXTERIOR - PANIC EACH TO HAVE: 2 2 2 EA SET EA EA PANIC HARDWARE SEALS DOOR SWEEP NOTE 33A-EO A626A C627A BALANCE OF HARDWARE IS EXISTING TO REMAIN 626 CL CL VON NGP NGP EXI A626A C627A CL CL NGP NGP 626 626 CL CL SCH SCH NGP NGP 626 626 CL CL B/O SCH SCH NGP NGP EXISTING HM DOOR AND FRAME. FIXED MULLION. HW SET# 004 - EXTERIOR EACH TO HAVE: 1 1 SET EA SEALS DOOR SWEEP EXISTING HM DOOR AND FRAME. REPLACE WEATHERSTRIP AND DOOR SWEEP. HW SET# 005 - EXTERIOR EACH TO HAVE: 1 1 1 1 EA EA SET EA STOREROOM LOCK FSIC CORE SEALS DOOR SWEEP ND80TD RHO 23-030 A626A C627A EXISTING HM DOOR AND FRAME. REPLACE LOCK SET, WEATHERSTRIP AND DOOR SWEEP. HW SET# 006 - EXTERIOR - ROOF - NOT USED EACH TO HAVE: 1 1 2 1 1 EA EA EA SET EA NEW HM DOOR DBL CYL STORE LOCK FSIC CORE SEALS DOOR SWEEP NEW HM DOOR ND66TD RHO 23-030 A626A C627A NEW HOLLOW METAL DOOR -EXIST HM FRAME. HW SET# 007 - EXTERIOR - EXISTING EACH TO HAVE: DOOR HARDWARE 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Section 08 7100 - Page 17 of 42 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 1 1 1 1 EA EA EA EA ELECTRIC STRIKE REMOTE RELEASE INTERCOM POWER SUPPLY Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 6300 FSE FURNISHED IN DIV 28 FURNISHED IN DIV 28 FURNISHED IN DIV 28 630 VON B/O B/O B/O 630 IVE EXI 689 EXI 689 EXI ADD ELECTRIC STRIKE FOR ACCESS CONTROL HW SET# 097 - EXTERIOR - REPLACE HINGES ONLY EACH TO HAVE: 3 1 EA EA HW HINGE NOTE 5BB1HW 4.5 X 4.5 NRP BALANCE OF HARDWARE IS EXISTING TO REMAIN DR. 902-C AND 902-D NEED REPAIR. HOLLOW METAL DOORS. HW SET# 098 - EXTERIOR - NO NEW HARDWARE EACH TO HAVE: 1 EA EXISTING TO REMAIN EXISTING TO REMAIN HARDWARE IS NEW. NO WORK AT THESE OPENINGS. HW SET# 099 - EXTERIOR - NO NEW HARDWARE EACH TO HAVE: 2 EA EXISTING TO REMAIN Section 08 7100 - Page 18 of 42 EXISTING TO REMAIN DOOR HARDWARE 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 HW SET# 101 - CLASSROOM LOCK EACH TO HAVE: 1 EA NEW WOOD DOOR 3 1 1 1 1 EA EA EA EA EA EA HINGE CLASSROOM LOCK FSIC CORE CLOSER KICK PLATE NOTE NEW WOOD DOOR MATCH EXISTING. 5BB1 4.5 X 4.5 ND70TD RHO 23-030 SALVAGE AND RE-USE 8400 10" X 2" LDW B4E BALANCE OF HARDWARE TO REMAIN (WALL STOP/SILENCERS) B/O 652 626 626 689 630 IVE SCH SCH EXI IVE EXI NEW WOOD DOOR SALVAGE CLOSER AND RE-USE. HW SET# 102 - CLASSROOM LOCK EACH TO HAVE: 1 EA NEW WOOD DOOR 3 1 1 1 1 1 3 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA HINGE CLASSROOM LOCK FSIC CORE CLOSER KICK PLATE WALL STOP SILENCER NEW WOOD DOOR MATCH EXISTING. 5BB1 4.5 X 4.5 ND70TD RHO 23-030 SALVAGE AND RE-USE 8400 10" X 2" LDW B4E WS407CCV SR64 B/O 652 626 626 689 630 630 GRY NEW WOOD DOOR DR. 11-417 HAS 24 X 39 VISION LITE. SALVAGE CLOSER AND RE-USE. DOOR HARDWARE 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Section 08 7100 - Page 19 of 42 IVE SCH SCH EXI IVE IVE IVE Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 HW SET# 102A - CLASSROOM LOCK EACH TO HAVE: 1 EA NEW WOOD DOOR 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 EA EA EA EA SET EA EA EA EA HINGE CLASSROOM LOCK FSIC CORE CLOSER SCREW PACK KICK PLATE WALL STOP SILENCER PART NEW WOOD DOOR MATCH EXISTING. 5BB1 4.5 X 4.5 ND70TD RHO 23-030 SALVAGE AND RE-USE 4110-TBWMS 8400 10" X 2" LDW B4E WS407CCV SR64 4110-72MC B/O 652 626 626 689 689 630 630 GRY 689 IVE SCH SCH EXI LCN IVE IVE IVE LCN NEW WOOD DOOR SALVAGE CLOSER AND RE-USE. COVER IS MISSING. HW SET# 103 - CLASSROOM LOCK EACH TO HAVE: 1 EA NEW WOOD DOOR 3 1 1 3 1 EA EA EA EA EA HINGE CLASSROOM LOCK FSIC CORE SILENCER NOTE NEW WOOD DOOR MATCH EXISTING. 5BB1 4.5 X 4.5 ND70TD RHO 23-030 SR64 BALANCE OF HARDWARE IS EXISTING TO REMAIN (WALL STOP) B/O 652 626 626 GRY IVE SCH SCH IVE EXI NEW WOOD DOOR HW SET# 103A - CLASSROOM LOCK EACH TO HAVE: 1 EA NEW WOOD DOOR 3 1 1 1 EA EA EA EA HINGE CLASSROOM LOCK FSIC CORE NOTE NEW WOOD DOOR MATCH EXISTING. 5BB1 4.5 X 4.5 ND70TD RHO 23-030 BALANCE OF HARDWARE IS EXISTING TO REMAIN (WALL STOP, SEALS) B/O 652 626 626 NEW WOOD DOOR HW SET# 104 - CLASSROOM LOCK Section 08 7100 - Page 20 of 42 DOOR HARDWARE 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. IVE SCH SCH EXI Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 EACH TO HAVE: 1 1 3 1 EA EA EA EA CLASSROOM LOCK FSIC CORE SILENCER NOTE ND70TD RHO 23-030 SR64 BALANCE OF HARDWARE TO REMAIN 626 626 GRY SCH SCH IVE EXI ND70TD RHO 23-030 BALANCE OF HARDWARE TO REMAIN 626 626 SCH SCH EXI ND70TD RHO 23-030 WS407CCV BALANCE OF HARDWARE TO REMAIN 626 626 630 SCH SCH IVE EXI ND70TD RHO 23-030 WS407CCV SR64 BALANCE OF HARDWARE TO REMAIN 626 626 630 GRY SCH SCH IVE IVE EXI HW SET# 105 - CLASSROOM LOCK EACH TO HAVE: 1 1 EA EA EA CLASSROOM LOCK FSIC CORE NOTE HW SET# 106 - CLASSROOM LOCK EACH TO HAVE: 1 1 1 1 EA EA EA EA CLASSROOM LOCK FSIC CORE WALL STOP NOTE HW SET# 107 - CLASSROOM LOCK EACH TO HAVE: 1 1 1 3 EA EA EA EA EA CLASSROOM LOCK FSIC CORE WALL STOP SILENCER NOTE DOOR HARDWARE 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Section 08 7100 - Page 21 of 42 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 HW SET# 108 - CLASSROOM LOCK EACH TO HAVE: 1 EA NEW WOOD DOOR 3 1 1 1 1 1 3 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA HINGE CLASSROOM LOCK FSIC CORE SURFACE CLOSER KICK PLATE WALL STOP SILENCER NEW WOOD DOOR MATCH EXISTING. 5BB1 4.5 X 4.5 ND70TD RHO 23-030 4111 EDA MC TBWMS 8400 10" X 2" LDW B4E WS407CCV SR64 B/O 652 626 626 689 630 630 GRY IVE SCH SCH LCN IVE IVE IVE NEW WOOD DOOR DR. 11-414 TO HAVE 3 X 24 VISION LITE? HW SET# 109 - CLASSROOM LOCK EACH TO HAVE: 1 EA NEW WOOD DOOR 3 1 1 1 1 3 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA HINGE CLASSROOM LOCK FSIC CORE SURFACE CLOSER KICK PLATE SILENCER NOTE NEW WOOD DOOR MATCH EXISTING. 5BB1 4.5 X 4.5 ND70TD RHO 23-030 4111 EDA MC TBWMS 8400 10" X 2" LDW B4E SR64 BALANCE OF HARDWARE IS EXISTING TO REMAIN (WALL STOP) B/O 652 626 626 689 630 GRY IVE SCH SCH LCN IVE IVE EXI 626 626 689 630 GRY SCH SCH LCN IVE IVE EXI NEW WOOD DOOR HW SET# 110 - CLASSROOM LOCK EACH TO HAVE: 1 1 1 1 3 EA EA EA EA EA EA CLASSROOM LOCK FSIC CORE SURFACE CLOSER WALL STOP SILENCER NOTE ND70TD RHO 23-030 4111 EDA MC TBWMS WS407CCV SR64 BALANCE OF HARDWARE TO REMAIN NEW WOOD DOOR SALVAGE CLOSER AND RE-USE. HW SET# 111 - CLASSROOM LOCK Section 08 7100 - Page 22 of 42 DOOR HARDWARE 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 EACH TO HAVE: 1 EA NEW WOOD DOOR 4 1 1 3 1 EA EA EA EA EA HINGE CLASSROOM LOCK FSIC CORE SILENCER NOTE NEW WOOD DOOR MATCH EXISTING. 5BB1 4.5 X 4.5 ND70TD RHO 23-030 SR64 BALANCE OF HARDWARE IS EXISTING TO REMAIN (WALL STOP) B/O 652 626 626 GRY IVE SCH SCH IVE EXI NEW WOOD DOOR HW SET# 112 - CLASSROOM LOCK - NOT USED EACH TO HAVE: 1 EA NEW WOOD DOOR 3 1 1 1 EA EA EA EA EA HINGE CLASSROOM LOCK FSIC CORE CLOSER NOTE NEW WOOD DOOR MATCH EXISTING. 5BB1 4.5 X 4.5 ND70TD RHO 23-030 SALVAGE AND RE-USE BALANCE OF HARDWARE TO REMAIN (WALL STOP/SILENCERS) B/O 652 626 626 689 IVE SCH SCH EXI EXI 626 626 689 GRY SCH SCH LCN IVE B/O NEW WOOD DOOR SALVAGE CLOSER AND RE-USE. HW SET# 113 - CLASSROOM LOCK - NOT USED EACH TO HAVE: 1 1 1 3 EA EA SET EA EA CLASSROOM LOCK FSIC CORE SCREW PACK SILENCER NOTE EA NOTE DOOR HARDWARE 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. ND70PD RHO 23-030 4110-TBWMS SR64 REINSTALL EXISTING CLOSER USING THRU BOLTS BALANCE OF HARDWARE IS EXISTING TO REMAIN Section 08 7100 - Page 23 of 42 EXI Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 HW SET# 114 - CLASSROOM LOCK W/LOCK GUARD EACH TO HAVE: 1 EA NEW WOOD DOOR 3 1 1 1 1 1 3 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA HINGE CLASSROOM LOCK FSIC CORE LOCK GUARD SURFACE CLOSER KICK PLATE SILENCER NOTE NEW WOOD DOOR MATCH EXISTING. 5BB1 4.5 X 4.5 ND70TD RHO 23-030 LG12 4111 EDA MC TBWMS 8400 10" X 2" LDW B4E SR64 BALANCE OF HARDWARE IS EXISTING TO REMAIN (WALL STOP) B/O 652 626 626 630 689 630 GRY IVE SCH SCH IVE LCN IVE IVE EXI NEW WOOD DOOR HW SET# 115 - CLASSROOM LOCK EACH TO HAVE: 1 EA NEW WOOD DOOR 3 1 1 1 1 3 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA HINGE CLASSROOM LOCK FSIC CORE SURFACE CLOSER KICK PLATE SILENCER NOTE NEW WOOD DOOR MATCH EXISTING. 5BB1 4.5 X 4.5 ND70TD RHO 23-030 4111 HEDA MC TBWMS 8400 10" X 2" LDW B4E SR64 BALANCE OF HARDWARE IS EXISTING TO REMAIN (WALL STOP) B/O 652 626 626 689 630 GRY NEW WOOD DOOR Section 08 7100 - Page 24 of 42 DOOR HARDWARE 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. IVE SCH SCH LCN IVE IVE EXI Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 HW SET# 116 - CLASSROOM LOCK W/LOCK GUARD EACH TO HAVE: 1 EA NEW WOOD DOOR 3 1 1 1 3 EA EA EA EA EA EA HINGE CLASSROOM LOCK FSIC CORE LOCK GUARD SILENCER NOTE NEW WOOD DOOR MATCH EXISTING. 5BB1 4.5 X 4.5 ND70TD RHO 23-030 LG12 SR64 BALANCE OF HARDWARE IS EXISTING TO REMAIN (WALL STOP) B/O 652 626 626 630 GRY IVE SCH SCH IVE IVE EXI NEW WOOD DOOR HW SET# 117 - CLASSROOM LOCK EACH TO HAVE: 1 3 1 1 1 1 3 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA NEW HM DOOR HINGE CLASSROOM LOCK FSIC CORE CLOSER KICK PLATE SILENCER NOTE NEW HM DOOR 5BB1 4.5 X 4.5 ND70TD RHO 23-030 SALVAGE AND RE-USE 8400 10" X 2" LDW B4E SR64 BALANCE OF HARDWARE TO REMAIN (WALL STOP) 652 626 626 689 630 GRY B/O IVE SCH SCH EXI IVE IVE EXI NEW HOLLOW METAL DOOR HW SET# 118 - CLASSROOM LOCK EACH TO HAVE: 1 EA NEW WOOD DOOR 3 1 1 1 3 EA EA EA EA EA EA HINGE CLASSROOM LOCK FSIC CORE WALL STOP SILENCER NOTE NEW WOOD DOOR MATCH EXISTING. 5BB1 4.5 X 4.5 ND70TD RHO 23-030 WS407CCV SR64 BALANCE OF HARDWARE TO REMAIN B/O 652 626 626 630 GRY NEW WOOD DOOR HW SET# 119 - CLASSROOM LOCK DOOR HARDWARE 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Section 08 7100 - Page 25 of 42 IVE SCH SCH IVE IVE EXI Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 EACH TO HAVE: 1 3 1 1 1 1 3 1 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA NEW HM DOOR HINGE CLASSROOM LOCK FSIC CORE SURFACE CLOSER KICK PLATE SILENCER NOTE NEW HM DOOR 5BB1 4.5 X 4.5 ND70TD RHO 23-030 4111 EDA MC TBWMS 8400 10" X 2" LDW B4E SR64 BALANCE OF HARDWARE TO REMAIN (WALL STOP) 652 626 626 689 630 GRY B/O IVE SCH SCH LCN IVE IVE EXI NEW HOLLOW METAL DOOR HW SET# 120 - STOREROOM LOCK EACH TO HAVE: 1 EA NEW WOOD DOOR 3 1 1 1 EA EA EA EA HINGE STOREROOM LOCK FSIC CORE NOTE NEW WOOD DOOR MATCH EXISTING. 5BB1 4.5 X 4.5 ND80TD RHO 23-030 BALANCE OF HARDWARE TO REMAIN B/O 652 626 626 IVE SCH SCH EXI NEW WOOD DOOR HW SET# 121 - STOREROOM LOCK - NOT USED EACH TO HAVE: 1 EA NEW WOOD DOOR 3 1 1 1 1 3 EA EA EA EA EA EA HINGE STOREROOM LOCK FSIC CORE SURFACE CLOSER KICK PLATE SILENCER NEW WOOD DOOR MATCH EXISTING. 5BB1 4.5 X 4.5 ND80TD RHO 23-030 4111 EDA MC TBWMS 8400 10" X 2" LDW B4E SR64 B/O 652 626 626 689 630 GRY NEW WOOD DOOR Section 08 7100 - Page 26 of 42 DOOR HARDWARE 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. IVE SCH SCH LCN IVE IVE Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 HW SET# 122 - STOREROOM LOCK EACH TO HAVE: 1 1 3 EA EA EA EA STOREROOM LOCK FSIC CORE SILENCER NOTE ND80TD RHO 23-030 SR64 BALANCE OF HARDWARE IS EXISTING TO REMAIN 626 626 GRY SCH SCH IVE EXI ND80TD RHO 23-030 REUSE BALANCE OF DOOR HARDWARE 626 626 SCH SCH B/O HW SET# 123 - STOREROOM LOCK EACH TO HAVE: 1 1 1 EA EA EA STOREROOM LOCK FSIC CORE NOTE REPLACE LOCK ONLY. HW SET# 124 - STOREROOM LOCK EACH TO HAVE: 1 3 1 1 1 1 EA EA EA EA EA EA NEW HM DOOR HW HINGE STOREROOM LOCK FSIC CORE SURFACE CLOSER NOTE NEW HM DOOR 5BB1HW 4.5 X 4.5 ND80TD RHO 23-030 4111 EDA MC TBWMS BALANCE OF HARDWARE TO REMAIN 652 626 626 689 B/O IVE SCH SCH LCN EXI NEW WOOD DOOR HW SET# 125 - STOREROOM LOCK EACH TO HAVE: 1 EA NEW WOOD DOOR 3 1 1 1 3 1 EA EA EA EA EA EA HINGE STOREROOM LOCK FSIC CORE SURFACE CLOSER SILENCER NOTE NEW WOOD DOOR MATCH EXISTING. 5BB1 4.5 X 4.5 ND80TD RHO 23-030 4111 EDA MC TBWMS SR64 BALANCE OF HARDWARE TO REMAIN B/O 652 626 626 689 GRY NEW WOOD DOOR HW SET# 126 - STOREROOM LOCK EACH TO HAVE: DOOR HARDWARE 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Section 08 7100 - Page 27 of 42 IVE SCH SCH LCN IVE EXI Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 1 EA NEW WOOD DOOR 3 1 1 3 EA EA EA EA EA HINGE STOREROOM LOCK FSIC CORE SILENCER NOTE Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 NEW WOOD DOOR MATCH EXISTING. 5BB1 4.5 X 4.5 ND80TD RHO 23-030 SR64 BALANCE OF DOOR HARDWARE IS EXISTING TO REMAIN (WALL STOP) B/O 652 626 626 GRY IVE SCH SCH IVE B/O NEW WOOD DOOR HW SET# 127 - STOREROOM LOCK EACH TO HAVE: 1 3 1 1 3 EA EA EA EA EA EA NEW HM DOOR HINGE STOREROOM LOCK FSIC CORE SILENCER NOTE NEW HM DOOR 5BB1 4.5 X 4.5 ND80TD RHO 23-030 SR64 BALANCE OF HARDWARE IS EXISTING TO REMAIN (WALL STOP) 652 626 626 GRY B/O IVE SCH SCH IVE EXI HW SET# 128 - STOREROOM LOCK EACH TO HAVE: 1 1 1 1 3 EA EA EA EA EA EA STOREROOM LOCK FSIC CORE SURFACE CLOSER WALL STOP SILENCER NOTE ND80TD RHO 23-030 4111 EDA MC TBWMS WS407CCV SR64 BALANCE OF HARDWARE IS EXISTING TO REMAIN 626 626 689 630 GRY CONFIRM FIRE DOOR AND NEEDS SEALS. Section 08 7100 - Page 28 of 42 DOOR HARDWARE 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. SCH SCH LCN IVE IVE EXI Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 HW SET# 129 - STOREROOM LOCK EACH TO HAVE: 1 1 1 3 EA EA EA EA EA STOREROOM LOCK FSIC CORE WALL STOP SILENCER NOTE ND80TD RHO 23-030 WS407CCV SR64 BALANCE OF HARDWARE IS EXISTING TO REMAIN 626 626 630 GRY SCH SCH IVE IVE EXI ND40S RHO SR64 REUSE BALANCE OF DOOR HARDWARE 626 GRY SCH IVE B/O HW SET# 130 - PRIVACY SET EACH TO HAVE: 1 3 EA EA EA PRIVACY LOCK SILENCER NOTE HW SET# 131 - PRIVACY SET EACH TO HAVE: 1 EA NEW WOOD DOOR 3 1 1 EA EA EA HINGE PRIVACY LOCK NOTE NEW WOOD DOOR MATCH EXISTING. 5BB1 4.5 X 4.5 ND40S RHO BALANCE OF HARDWARE IS EXISTING TO REMAIN (WALL STOP, SILENCERS) B/O 652 626 IVE SCH EXI HW SET# 132 - PRIVACY SET EACH TO HAVE: 1 EA NEW WOOD DOOR 3 1 1 EA EA EA EA HINGE PRIVACY LOCK SURFACE CLOSER NOTE NEW WOOD DOOR MATCH EXISTING. 5BB1 4.5 X 4.5 ND40S RHO 4111 EDA MC TBWMS REUSE BALANCE OF DOOR HARDWARE B/O 652 626 689 NEW WOOD DOOR; EXIST HM FRAME. HW SET# 133 - PRIVACY SET EACH TO HAVE: DOOR HARDWARE 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Section 08 7100 - Page 29 of 42 IVE SCH LCN B/O Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 1 EA NEW WOOD DOOR 3 1 1 1 1 1 EA EA EA EA SET EA HINGE PRIVACY LOCK SURFACE CLOSER KICK PLATE SEALS NOTE Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 NEW WOOD DOOR MATCH EXISTING. 5BB1 4.5 X 4.5 ND40S RHO 4111 EDA MC TBWMS 8400 10" X 2" LDW B4E 2525B REUSE BALANCE OF DOOR HARDWARE B/O 652 626 689 630 BRN IVE SCH LCN IVE NGP B/O ND50TD RHO 23-030 SR64 REUSE BALANCE OF DOOR HARDWARE 626 626 GRY SCH SCH IVE B/O ND10S RHO SR64 BALANCE OF HARDWARE IS EXISTING TO REMAIN 626 GRY SCH IVE EXI NEW WOOD DOOR; EXIST HM FRAME HW SET# 140 - OFFICE LOCK EACH TO HAVE: 1 1 3 1 EA EA EA EA ENTRANCE/OFFICE LOCK FSIC CORE SILENCER NOTE CONFIRM FIRE DOOR AND NEEDS SEALS. HW SET# 150 - PASSAGE SET EACH TO HAVE: 1 3 EA EA EA PASSAGE SET SILENCER NOTE REPLACE LATCHSET; INSTALL NEW SILENCERS. HW SET# 151 - CLASSROOM LOCK EACH TO HAVE: 1 3 1 1 1 EA EA EA EA EA NEW HM DOOR HINGE CLASSROOM LOCK FSIC CORE OH STOP NEW HM DOOR 5BB1 5 X 4.5 ND70TD RHO 23-030 90S 652 626 626 630 NEW HOLLOW METAL DOOR; EXIST HM FRAME. VERIFY SIZE - 3'8" X 7'4". HW SET# 152 - CLASSROOM LOCK EACH TO HAVE: Section 08 7100 - Page 30 of 42 DOOR HARDWARE 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. B/O IVE SCH SCH GLY Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 1 EA NEW WOOD DOOR 3 1 1 1 1 EA EA EA EA SET HINGE CLASSROOM LOCK FSIC CORE SURFACE CLOSER SEALS Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 NEW WOOD DOOR MATCH EXISTING. 5BB1 5 X 4.5 ND70TD RHO 23-030 4111 CUSH MC 2525B B/O 652 626 626 689 BRN IVE SCH SCH LCN NGP NEW HM DOOR 5BB1 4.5 X 4.5 ND70TD RHO 23-030 90S 652 626 626 630 B/O IVE SCH SCH GLY NEW WOOD DOOR . VERIFY "SMOKE" DOOR. HW SET# 153 - CLASSROOM LOCK EACH TO HAVE: 1 3 1 1 1 EA EA EA EA EA NEW HM DOOR HINGE CLASSROOM LOCK FSIC CORE OH STOP NEW HOLLOW METAL DOOR; EXIST HM FRAME. HW SET# 154 - STOREROOM LOCK EACH TO HAVE: 1 3 1 1 1 3 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA NEW HM DOOR HINGE STOREROOM LOCK FSIC CORE SURFACE CLOSER SILENCER NOTE NEW HM DOOR 5BB1 4.5 X 4.5 ND80TD RHO 23-030 4111 EDA MC TBWMS SR64 BALANCE OF HARDWARE IS EXISTING TO REMAIN (WALL STOP) 652 626 626 689 GRY NEW HOLLOW METAL DOOR -EXIST FRAME. VERIFY DOOR SIZE AT 1-D02-02; 3'8" X 7'2". DOOR HARDWARE 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Section 08 7100 - Page 31 of 42 B/O IVE SCH SCH LCN IVE EXI Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 HW SET# 155 - STOREROOM LOCK EACH TO HAVE: 1 3 1 1 1 3 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA NEW HM DOOR HINGE STOREROOM LOCK FSIC CORE SURFACE CLOSER SILENCER NOTE NEW HM DOOR 5BB1 4.5 X 4.5 ND80TD RHO 23-030 4111 EDA MC TBWMS SR64 BALANCE OF HARDWARE IS EXISTING TO REMAIN (WALL STOP) 652 626 626 689 GRY B/O IVE SCH SCH LCN IVE EXI NEW HOLLOW METAL DOOR -EXIST HM FRAME. HW SET# 156 - STOREROOM LOCK EACH TO HAVE: 1 EA NEW WOOD DOOR 3 1 1 1 1 EA EA EA EA EA HINGE STOREROOM LOCK FSIC CORE OH STOP SURFACE CLOSER 1 3 EA EA KICK PLATE SILENCER NEW WOOD DOOR MATCH EXISTING. 5BB1 4.5 X 4.5 ND80TD RHO 23-030 90S 4111 EDA MC TBWMS X ST-2731 8400 10" X 2" LDW B4E SR64 B/O 652 626 626 630 689 IVE SCH SCH GLY LCN 630 GRY IVE IVE 626 626 689 SCH SCH LCN EXI HW SET# 157 - STOREROOM LOCK EACH TO HAVE: 1 1 1 1 EA EA SET EA STOREROOM LOCK FSIC CORE SCREW PACK NOTE ND80TD RHO 23-030 4110-TBWMS BALANCE OF HARDWARE IS EXISTING TO REMAIN DR. 934-C IS MISSING A SCREW ON THE CLOSER SHOE. Section 08 7100 - Page 32 of 42 DOOR HARDWARE 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 HW SET# 158 - STOREROOM LOCK EACH TO HAVE: 1 EA NEW WOOD DOOR 1 1 1 1 1 1 EA EA EA EA SET EA STOREROOM LOCK FSIC CORE SURFACE CLOSER KICK PLATE SEALS NOTE NEW WOOD DOOR MATCH EXISTING. ND80TD RHO 23-030 4111 EDA MC TBWMS 8400 10" X 2" LDW B4E 2525B BALANCE OF HARDWARE IS EXISTING TO REMAIN B/O 626 626 689 630 BRN SCH SCH LCN IVE NGP EXI NEW WOOD DOOR AND EXIT HM FRAME. FIELD VERIFY - IS THERE A FIXED MULLION AT 1-718A-1 AND 1-718A02? HW SET# 159 - STOREROOM LOCK EACH TO HAVE: 1 EA NEW WOOD DOOR 1 1 1 EA EA EA STOREROOM LOCK FSIC CORE NOTE NEW WOOD DOOR MATCH EXISTING. ND80TD RHO 23-030 BALANCE OF HARDWARE IS EXISTING TO REMAIN B/O 626 626 SCH SCH EXI 689 LCN EXI NEW WOOD DOOR . VERIFY SIZE 3' X 3'. HW SET# 160 - CLOSER EACH TO HAVE: 1 EA EA SURFACE CLOSER NOTE 4111 HEDA MC TBWMS BALANCE OF HARDWARE IS EXISTING TO REMAIN CLOSER HAS HOLD-OPEN ARM (TOILET ROOM) DOOR HARDWARE 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Section 08 7100 - Page 33 of 42 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 HW SET# 161 - CLOSER EACH TO HAVE: 1 EA EA SURFACE CLOSER NOTE 4111 EDA MC TBWMS BALANCE OF HARDWARE IS EXISTING TO REMAIN 689 LCN EXI 689 LCN EXI 626 626 689 SCH SCH LCN EXI 626 626 SCH SCH REMOVE OLD CLOSER AND REPLACE WITH NEW. HW SET# 162 - CLOSER EACH TO HAVE: 1 1 EA EA SURFACE CLOSER NOTE 4111 HEDA MC TBWMS BALANCE OF HARDWARE IS EXISTING TO REMAIN REMOVE OLD CLOSER AND REPLACE WITH NEW. **CONFIRM HOLD OPEN FEATURE ON CLOSER. HW SET# 163 - CLOSER EACH TO HAVE: 1 1 1 1 EA EA EA EA PRIMUS RIM CYLINDER FSIC CORE SURFACE CLOSER NOTE 20-757 23-030 4111 HEDA MC TBWMS BALANCE OF HARDWARE IS EXISTING TO REMAIN REMOVE OLD CLOSER AND REPLACE WITH NEW. **CONFIRM HOLD OPEN FEATURE ON CLOSER. HW SET# 164 - COMMUNICATING LOCK EACH TO HAVE: 1 2 EA EA INSTITUTION LOCK FSIC CORE Section 08 7100 - Page 34 of 42 ND82TD RHO 23-030 DOOR HARDWARE 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 HW SET# 165 - STOREROOM LOCK EACH TO HAVE: 1 3 1 1 1 EA EA EA EA EA NEW HM DOOR HINGE STOREROOM LOCK FSIC CORE SURFACE CLOSER NEW HM DOOR 5BB1 4.5 X 4.5 ND80TD RHO 23-030 4111 CUSH MC 652 626 626 689 B/O IVE SCH SCH LCN NEW HOLLOW METAL DOOR. HW SET# 166 - DUTCH DOOR EACH TO HAVE: 1 EA NEW WOOD DOOR 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA HINGE SURFACE BOLT DUST PROOF STRIKE STOREROOM LOCK FSIC CORE SURFACE CLOSER KICK PLATE NOTE NEW WOOD DOOR MATCH EXISTING. (DUTCH DOOR) 5BB1 4.5 X 4.5 SB453 12" TB DP2 ND80TD RHO 23-030 4111 HEDA MC TBWMS 8400 10" X 2" LDW B4E BALANCE OF HARDWARE IS EXISTING TO REMAIN B/O 652 652 626 626 626 689 630 IVE IVE IVE SCH SCH LCN IVE EXI NEW WOOD DOOR - EXIST HM FRAME CONFIRM CLOSER ON TOP LEAF - OLD CLOSER ARM WAS NO LONGER ATTACHED. HW SET# 167 - DUTCH DOOR EACH TO HAVE: 1 EA NEW WOOD DOOR 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA HINGE SURFACE BOLT DUST PROOF STRIKE STOREROOM LOCK FSIC CORE OH STOP & HOLDER KICK PLATE NOTE NEW WOOD DOOR MATCH EXISTING. (DUTCH DOOR) 5BB1 4.5 X 4.5 SB453 12" TB DP2 ND80TD RHO 23-030 90H 8400 10" X 2" LDW B4E BALANCE OF HARDWARE IS EXISTING TO REMAIN B/O 652 652 626 626 626 630 630 NEW WOOD DOOR - EXIST HM FRAME . HW SET# 168 - DUTCH DOOR - DOOR HARDWARE 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Section 08 7100 - Page 35 of 42 IVE IVE IVE SCH SCH GLY IVE EXI Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 EACH TO HAVE: 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 EA NEW WOOD DOOR EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA HINGE SURFACE BOLT DUST PROOF STRIKE CLASSROOM LOCK FSIC CORE OH STOP & HOLDER KICK PLATE NOTE NEW WOOD DOOR MATCH EXISTING. (DUTCH DOOR) 5BB1 4.5 X 4.5 SB453 12" TB DP2 ND70TD RHO 23-030 90H 8400 10" X 2" LDW B4E BALANCE OF HARDWARE IS EXISTING TO REMAIN B/O 652 652 626 626 626 630 630 IVE IVE IVE SCH SCH GLY IVE EXI 626 626 689 630 GRY SCH SCH LCN IVE IVE EXI 626 626 689 GRY SCH SCH LCN IVE EXI NEW WOOD DOOR - EXIST HM FRAME . HW SET# 170 - DEADBOLT EACH TO HAVE: 1 1 1 1 3 EA EA EA EA EA EA CLASSROOM DEADBOLT FSIC CORE SURFACE CLOSER WALL STOP SILENCER NOTE B663T 23-030 4111 EDA MC TBWMS WS407CCV SR64 BALANCE OF HARDWARE IS EXISTING TO REMAIN REPLACE DEADBOLT AND DOOR CLOSER. FILL ANY HOLES FROM CLOSER REMOVAL WITH LEFT OVER THRU BOLTS. HW SET# 171 - DEADBOLT EACH TO HAVE: 1 1 1 3 EA EA EA EA EA CLASSROOM DEADBOLT FSIC CORE SURFACE CLOSER SILENCER NOTE B663T 23-030 4111 EDA MC TBWMS SR64 BALANCE OF HARDWARE IS EXISTING TO REMAIN REPLACE DEADBOLT AND DOOR CLOSER. FILL ANY HOLES FROM CLOSER REMOVAL WITH LEFT OVER THRU BOLTS. HW SET# 180 - LOCKER AND GYM AREA EACH TO HAVE: Section 08 7100 - Page 36 of 42 DOOR HARDWARE 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 1 EA NEW WOOD DOOR 3 1 1 1 1 1 3 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA HINGE PANIC HARDWARE RIM CYLINDER FSIC CORE SURFACE CLOSER KICK PLATE SILENCER NOTE Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 NEW WOOD DOOR MATCH EXISTING. 5BB1 4.5 X 4.5 99-NL-990-SNB 20-057-ICX 23-030 4111 HEDA MC TBWMS 8400 10" X 2" LDW B4E SR64 BALANCE OF HARDWARE IS EXISTING TO REMAIN (WALL STOP) B/O 652 626 626 626 689 630 GRY IVE VON SCH SCH LCN IVE IVE EXI 626 626 626 689 VON SCH SCH LCN EXI NEW WD DOOR; EXIST HM FRAME *CONFIRM HOLD OPEN FEATURE ON CLOSER HW SET# 181 - PANIC EACH TO HAVE: 1 1 1 1 1 EA EA EA EA EA PANIC HARDWARE RIM CYLINDER FSIC CORE SURFACE CLOSER NOTE 99-NL-990-SNB 20-057-ICX 23-030 4111 HEDA MC TBWMS BALANCE OF HARDWARE IS EXISTING TO REMAIN REPLACING CORBIN PANIC AND DOOR CLOSER. CONFIRM HOLD OPEN FUNCTION ON NEW CLOSER. DOOR HARDWARE 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Section 08 7100 - Page 37 of 42 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 HW SET# 182 - LOCKER AND GYM AREA EACH TO HAVE: 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA NEW HM DOOR HINGE PANIC HARDWARE RIM CYLINDER FSIC CORE SURFACE CLOSER KICK PLATE SILENCER NOTE NEW HM DOOR 5BB1 4.5 X 4.5 99-NL-990-SNB 20-057-ICX 23-030 4111 HEDA MC TBWMS 8400 10" X 2" LDW B4E SR64 BALANCE OF HARDWARE IS EXISTING TO REMAIN (WALL STOP) 652 626 626 626 689 630 GRY B/O IVE VON SCH SCH LCN IVE IVE EXI NEW HM DOOR; EXIST HM FRAME *CONFIRM HOLD OPEN FEATURE ON CLOSER HW SET# 190 - CORRIDOR - PANIC EACH TO HAVE: 2 6 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA NEW HM DOOR HW HINGE PANIC HARDWARE PANIC HARDWARE RIM CYLINDER FSIC CORE MAGNETIC HOLDER CLOSER KICK PLATE NEW HM DOOR 5BB1HW 4.5 X 4.5 99-EO-SNB 99-NL-990-SNB 20-057-ICX 23-030 SALVAGE AND RE-USE SALVAGE AND RE-USE 8400 10" X 2" LDW B4E 652 626 626 626 626 689 689 630 B/O IVE VON VON SCH SCH EXI EXI IVE FIELD VERIFY IF PANIC TO BE RIM MOUNTED OR SURFACE VERTICAL ROD. IS MULLION EXISTING? EXISTING DOORS HAVE VISION LITES. HW SET# 197 - EXISTING TO REMAIN - NO WORK EACH TO HAVE: 2 EA EXISTING TO REMAIN Section 08 7100 - Page 38 of 42 EXISTING TO REMAIN 689 DOOR HARDWARE 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. EXI Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 HW SET# 198 - EXISTING TO REMAIN - NO WORK EACH TO HAVE: 1 EA EXISTING TO REMAIN EXISTING TO REMAIN 689 EXI 5BB1 4.5 X 4.5 ND80TD RHO 23-030 4111 CUSH MC 8400 10" X 2" LDW B4E SR64 652 626 626 689 630 GRY IVE SCH SCH LCN IVE IVE 5BB1 4.5 X 4.5 ND70TD RHO 23-030 4111 CUSH MC 8400 10" X 2" LDW B4E 2525B 652 626 626 689 630 BRN IVE SCH SCH LCN IVE NGP 5BB1 4.5 X 4.5 ND70TD RHO 23-030 4111 EDA MC TBWMS 8400 10" X 2" LDW B4E WS407CCV 2525B 652 626 626 689 630 630 BRN IVE SCH SCH LCN IVE IVE NGP HARDWARE IS NEW. NO WORK AT THESE OPENINGS. HW SET# 201 - NEW DOOR & HARDWARE EACH TO HAVE: 3 1 1 1 1 3 EA EA EA EA EA EA HINGE STOREROOM LOCK FSIC CORE SURFACE CLOSER KICK PLATE SILENCER SECURITY DESK HW SET# 202 - NEW DOOR & HARDWARE EACH TO HAVE: 3 1 1 1 1 1 EA EA EA EA EA SET HINGE CLASSROOM LOCK FSIC CORE SURFACE CLOSER KICK PLATE SEALS OFFICE HW SET# 203 - NEW DOOR & HARDWARE EACH TO HAVE: 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 EA EA EA EA EA EA SET HINGE CLASSROOM LOCK FSIC CORE SURFACE CLOSER KICK PLATE WALL STOP SEALS CLASSROOM HW SET# 204 - NEW DOOR & HARDWARE EACH TO HAVE: DOOR HARDWARE 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Section 08 7100 - Page 39 of 42 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 EA EA EA EA EA EA SET HINGE DBL CYL STORE LOCK FSIC CORE SURFACE CLOSER KICK PLATE WALL STOP SEALS Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 5BB1 4.5 X 4.5 ND66TD RHO 23-030 4111 EDA MC TBWMS 8400 10" X 2" LDW B4E WS407CCV 2525B 652 626 626 689 630 630 BRN IVE SCH SCH LCN IVE IVE NGP 5BB1 4.5 X 4.5 ND80TD RHO 23-030 4111 CUSH MC SR64 652 626 626 689 GRY IVE SCH SCH LCN IVE 5BB1HW 4.5 X 4.5 FB458 DP2 ND80TD RHO 23-030 4111 CUSH MC WS407CCV SR64 652 626 626 626 626 689 630 GRY IVE IVE IVE SCH SCH LCN IVE IVE COMMUNICATING DOOR - VERIFY LOCK FUNCTION HW SET# 206 - NEW DOOR & HARDWARE EACH TO HAVE: 3 1 1 1 3 EA EA EA EA EA HINGE STOREROOM LOCK FSIC CORE SURFACE CLOSER SILENCER MECHANICAL ROOM HW SET# 207 - NEW DOOR & HARDWARE EACH TO HAVE: 6 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA HW HINGE MANUAL FLUSH BOLT DUST PROOF STRIKE STOREROOM LOCK FSIC CORE SURFACE CLOSER WALL STOP SILENCER MECHANICAL ROOM Section 08 7100 - Page 40 of 42 DOOR HARDWARE 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 HW SET# 208 - NEW DOOR AND HARDWARE EACH TO HAVE: 1 EA CONTINUOUS HINGE 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA SET PANIC HARDWARE RIM CYLINDER FSIC CORE SURFACE CLOSER MOUNTING PLATE BLADE STOP SPACER WALL STOP PERIMETER SEALS BY SECTION 084113 - DOOR MFR STANDARD 99-NL-990-SNB 20-057-ICX 23-030 4111 EDA MC TBWMS 4110-18 4110-61 WS407CCV BY SECTION 084113: FRAME MFG. STD. 628 B/O 626 626 626 689 689 689 630 TBD VON SCH SCH LCN LCN LCN IVE B/O OFFICE (ALUMINUM) END OF SECTION DOOR HARDWARE 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Section 08 7100 - Page 41 of 42 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 (This Page Left Intentionally Blank) Section 08 7100 - Page 42 of 42 DOOR HARDWARE 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 SECTION 08 8000 - GLAZING PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.2 Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SECTION INCLUDES A. Glass. B. Glazing compounds and accessories. 1.3 RELATED REQUIREMENTS A. Section 01 2300 - Alternates: For Bid Alternates related to the Work of this Section. B. Section 08 1113 - Hollow Metal Doors and Frames: Glazed doors and borrowed lites. C. Section 08 1416 - Flush Wood Doors: Glazed lites in doors. D. Section 08 4313 - Aluminum-Framed Storefronts: Glazing furnished by storefront manufacturer. 1.4 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. ASTM C864 - Standard Specification for Dense Elastomeric Compression Seal Gaskets, Setting Blocks, and Spacers; 2005 (Reapproved 2011). B. ASTM C1036 - Standard Specification for Flat Glass; 2011e1. C. ASTM C1048 - Standard Specification for Heat-Strengthened and Fully Tempered Flat Glass; 2012. D. ASTM C1193 - Standard Guide for Use of Joint Sealants; 2013. E. ASTM E2190 - Standard Specification for Insulating Glass Unit Performance and Evaluation; 2010. F. GANA (GM) - GANA Glazing Manual; Glass Association of North America; 2009. G. GANA (SM) - GANA Sealant Manual; Glass Association of North America; 2008. 1.5 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS A. 1.6 Preinstallation Meeting: Convene a preinstallation meeting one week before starting work of this section; require attendance by all affected installers. SUBMITTALS A. See Section 01 3000 - Administrative Requirements, for submittal procedures. B. Product Data on Glass Types: Provide structural, physical and environmental characteristics, size limitations, special handling or installation requirements. C. Samples: Submit two samples __ x __ inch (__ x __ mm) in size of glass units. 1.7 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. 1.8 Perform Work in accordance with GANA Glazing Manual and GANA Sealant Manual for glazing installation methods. FIELD CONDITIONS A. Do not install glazing when ambient temperature is less than 50 degrees F (10 degrees C). B. Maintain minimum ambient temperature before, during and 24 hours after installation of glazing compounds. 1.9 WARRANTY A. See Section 01 7800 - Closeout Submittals, for additional warranty requirements. GLAZING 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Section 08 8000 - Page 1 of 4 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 B. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 Sealed Insulating Glass Units: Provide a five (5) year warranty to include coverage for seal failure, interpane dusting or misting, including replacement of failed units. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 GLAZING TYPES A. IGU-1: East, South, West Facing Low-E coated 1” insulated glass unit to match following performance criteria: 1. Outdoor Lite: ¼” class 1 Gray heat strengthened glass with low-E coating on #2 surface 2. Space: ½” black stainless steel, air filled 3. Indoor Lite: ¼” class 1 Clear heat strengthened glass 4. Visible Light Transmittance: 0.20-0.24 5. Solar Heat Gain Coefficient: 0.18-0.21 6. Winter time U-value: 0.29-0.31 7. Summer time U-value: 0.26-0.29 8. Exterior Reflectance: not more than 15% 9. Interior Reflectance: not more than 15% B. IGU-1t: East, South, West Facing Low-E coated 1” insulated glass unit to match following performance criteria: 1. Outdoor Lite: ¼” class 1 Gray fully tempered glass with low-E coating on #2 surface 2. Space: ½” black stainless steel, air filled 3. Indoor Lite: ¼” class 1 Clear fully tempered glass 4. Visible Light Transmittance: 0.20-0.24 5. Solar Heat Gain Coefficient: 0.18-0.21 6. Winter time U-value: 0.29-0.31 7. Summer time U-value: 0.26-0.29 8. Exterior Reflectance: not more than 15% 9. Interior Reflectance: not more than 15% C. GL-1 - Single Vision Glazing: 1. Applications: All interior glazing unless otherwise indicated. 2. Type: Annealed float glass. 3. Tint: Clear. 4. Thickness: 1/4 inch (6 mm). D. GL-1t - Single Safety Glazing: Non-fire-rated. 1. Applications: Provide this type of glazing in the following locations: a. Glazed lites in doors, except fire doors. b. Glazed sidelights to doors, except in fire-rated walls and partitions. c. Other locations required by applicable federal, state, and local codes and regulations. d. Other locations indicated on the drawings. 2. Type: Fully tempered float glass as specified. 3. Tint: Clear. 4. Thickness: 1/4 inch (6 mm). E. GL-3t - Single Safety Glazing: Non-fire-rated. 1. Type: Fully tempered float glass as specified. 2. Tint: Gray to match insulating glass units. 3. Thickness: 1/4 inch (6 mm). 4. Glazing Method: Gasket glazing. F. GL-2 - Decorative Glazing (Frosted): 1. Application: Locations indicated on the drawings. 2. Type: Translucent float glass made with uniformly etched surface. 3. Type: Etched float glass. 4. Tint: Clear. Section 08 8000 - Page 2 of 4 GLAZING 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 5. Thickness: 1/4 inch (6 mm), nominal. 6. Glazing Method: Gasket glazing. G. 2.2 GL-2t - Decorative Glazing (Frosted): 1. Application: Locations indicated on the drawings. 2. Type: Translucent float glass made with uniformly etched surface. 3. Tint: Clear. 4. Thickness: 1/4 inch (6 mm), nominal. 5. Glazing Method: Gasket glazing. GLASS MATERIALS A. 2.3 Float Glass: All glazing is to be float glass unless otherwise indicated. 1. Annealed Type: ASTM C1036, Type I, transparent flat, Class 1 clear, Quality Q3 (glazing select). 2. Heat-Strengthened and Fully Tempered Types: ASTM C1048. 3. Tinted Types: Color and performance characteristics as indicated. 4. Thicknesses: As indicated; for exterior glazing comply with specified requirements for wind load design regardless of specified thickness. SEALED INSULATING GLASS UNITS A. Manufacturers: 1. Cardinal Glass Industries: 2. Viracon, Apogee Enterprises, Inc: 3. Substitutions: Refer to Section 01 6000 - Product Requirements. B. Sealed Insulating Glass Units: Types as indicated. 1. Locations: Exterior, except as otherwise indicated. 2. Durability: Certified by an independent testing agency to comply with ASTM E2190. 3. Edge Spacers: Stainless steel, bent and soldered corners. 4. Edge Seal: Glass to elastomer with supplementary silicone sealant. 5. Purge interpane space with dry hermetic air. 2.4 GLAZING ACCESSORIES A. Setting Blocks: Neoprene, 80 to 90 Shore A durometer hardness, ASTM C864 Option I. Length of 0.1 inch for each square foot (25 mm for each square meter) of glazing or minimum 4 inch (100 mm) x width of glazing rabbet space minus 1/16 inch (1.5 mm) x height to suit glazing method and pane weight and area. B. Glazing Tape: Preformed butyl compound with integral resilient tube spacing device; 10 to 15 Shore A durometer hardness; coiled on release paper; ____x____ inch (____x____ mm) size; black color. C. Glazing Gaskets: Resilient silicone extruded shape to suit glazing channel retaining slot; ASTM C864 Option I; ________ color. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Verify that openings for glazing are correctly sized and within tolerance. B. Verify that surfaces of glazing channels or recesses are clean, free of obstructions that may impede moisture movement, weeps are clear, and ready to receive glazing. 3.2 PREPARATION A. Clean contact surfaces with solvent and wipe dry. B. Seal porous glazing channels or recesses with substrate compatible primer or sealer. C. Prime surfaces scheduled to receive sealant. D. Install sealants in accordance with ASTM C1193 and GANA Sealant Manual. E. Install sealant in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. GLAZING 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Section 08 8000 - Page 3 of 4 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 3.3 Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 INSTALLATION - EXTERIOR/INTERIOR DRY METHOD (GASKET GLAZING) A. Place setting blocks at 1/4 points with edge block no more than 6 inches (150 mm) from corners. B. Rest glazing on setting blocks and push against fixed stop with sufficient pressure on gasket to attain full contact. C. Install removable stops without displacing glazing gasket; exert pressure for full continuous contact. 3.4 INSTALLATION - EXTERIOR BUTT GLAZED METHOD (SEALANT ONLY) A. Temporarily brace glass in position for duration of glazing process. Mask edges of glass at adjoining glass edges and between glass edges and framing members. B. Temporarily secure a small diameter non-adhering foamed rod on back side of joint. C. Apply sealant to open side of joint in continuous operation; thoroughly fill the joint without displacing the foam rod. Tool the sealant surface smooth to concave profile. D. Permit sealant to cure then remove foam backer rod. Apply sealant to opposite side, tool smooth to concave profile. E. Remove masking tape. 3.5 INSTALLATION - INTERIOR DRY METHOD (TAPE AND TAPE) A. Cut glazing tape to length and set against permanent stops, projecting 1/16 inch (1.6 mm) above sight line. B. Place setting blocks at 1/4 points with edge block no more than 6 inches (150 mm) from corners. C. Rest glazing on setting blocks and push against tape for full contact at perimeter of pane or unit. D. Place glazing tape on free perimeter of glazing in same manner described above. E. Install removable stop without displacement of tape. Exert pressure on tape for full continuous contact. F. Knife trim protruding tape. 3.6 CLEANING A. Remove glazing materials from finish surfaces. B. Remove labels after Work is complete. C. Clean glass and adjacent surfaces. 3.7 PROTECTION A. After installation, mark pane with an 'X' by using removable plastic tape or paste; do not mark heat absorbing or reflective glass units. END OF SECTION Section 08 8000 - Page 4 of 4 GLAZING 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 SECTION 09 2116 - GYPSUM BOARD ASSEMBLIES PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.2 Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SECTION INCLUDES A. Metal stud wall framing. B. Acoustic insulation. C. Gypsum wallboard. D. Joint treatment and accessories. 1.3 RELATED REQUIREMENTS A. Section 01 2300 - Alternates: For Bid Alternates related to the Work of this Section. B. Section 07 8400 - Firestopping: Top-of-wall assemblies at fire rated walls. 1.4 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. ASTM C475/C475M - Standard Specification for Joint Compound and Joint Tape for Finishing Gypsum Board; 2012. B. ASTM C645 - Standard Specification for Nonstructural Steel Framing Members; 2011a. C. ASTM C665 - Standard Specification for Mineral-Fiber Blanket Thermal Insulation for Light Frame Construction and Manufactured Housing; 2012. D. ASTM C754 - Standard Specification for Installation of Steel Framing Members to Receive Screw-Attached Gypsum Panel Products; 2011. E. ASTM C840 - Standard Specification for Application and Finishing of Gypsum Board; 2011. F. ASTM C954 - Standard Specification for Steel Drill Screws for the Application of Gypsum Panel Products or Metal Plaster Bases to Steel Studs From 0.033 in. (0.84 mm) to 0.112 in. (2.84 mm) in Thickness; 2011. G. ASTM C1002 - Standard Specification for Steel Self-Piercing Tapping Screws for the Application of Gypsum Panel Products or Metal Plaster Bases to Wood Studs or Steel Studs; 2007. H. ASTM C1047 - Standard Specification for Accessories for Gypsum Wallboard and Gypsum Veneer Base; 2010a. I. ASTM C1396/C1396M - Standard Specification for Gypsum Board; 2011. J. ASTM C1629/C1629 - Standard Classification for Abuse-Resistant Nondecorated Interior Gypsum Panel Products and Fiber-Reinforced Cement Panels; 2006. K. ASTM C1658/C1658M - Standard Specification for Glass Mat Gypsum Panels; 2012. L. ASTM D3273 - Standard Test Method for Resistance to Growth of Mold on the Surface of Interior Coatings in an Environmental Chamber; 2012. M. GA-216 - Application and Finishing of Gypsum Board; Gypsum Association; 2013. 1.5 SUBMITTALS A. See Section 01 3000 - Administrative Requirements, for submittal procedures. B. Product Data: Provide data on metal framing, gypsum board, accessories, and joint finishing system. GYPSUM BOARD ASSEMBLIES 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Section 09 2116 - Page 1 of 4 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 GYPSUM BOARD ASSEMBLIES A. 2.2 Provide completed assemblies complying with ASTM C840 and GA-216. METAL FRAMING MATERIALS A. Non-Loadbearing Framing System Components: ASTM C645; galvanized sheet steel, of size and properties necessary to comply with ASTM C754 for the spacing indicated, with maximum deflection of wall framing of L/240 at 5 psf (240 Pa). 1. Studs: "C" shaped with flat or formed webs . 2. Runners: U shaped, sized to match studs. 3. Furring: Hat-shaped sections, minimum depth of 7/8 inch (22 mm). 4. Resilient Furring Channels: 1/2 inch (12 mm) depth, for attachment to substrate through one leg only. B. Shaft Wall Studs and Accessories: ASTM C645; galvanized sheet steel, of size and properties necessary to comply with ASTM C754 and specified performance requirements. C. Partition Head To Structure Connections: Provide track fastened to structure with legs of sufficient length to accommodate deflection, for friction fit of studs cut short and fastened as indicated on drawings. 2.3 BOARD MATERIALS A. Gypsum Wallboard: Paper-faced gypsum panels as defined in ASTM C1396/C1396M; sizes to minimize joints in place; ends square cut. 1. Application: Use for vertical surfaces and ceilings, unless otherwise indicated. 2. Glass-mat-faced gypsum panels as defined in ASTM C1658/C1658M, suitable for paint finish, of the same core type and thickness may be substituted for paper-faced board. 3. Mold Resistance: Score of 10, when tested in accordance with ASTM D3273. 4. At Assemblies Indicated with Fire-Rating: Use type required by indicated tested assembly; if no tested assembly is indicated, use Type X board, UL or WH listed. 5. Thickness: a. Vertical Surfaces: 5/8 inch (16 mm). b. Ceilings: 5/8 inch (16 mm). c. Multi-Layer Assemblies: Thicknesses as indicated on drawings. B. Impact-Rated Wallboard: Tested to Level 3 soft-body and hard-body impact in accordance with ASTM C1629. 1. Application: High-traffic areas indicated. 2. Mold Resistance: Score of 10, when tested in accordance with ASTM D3273. 3. Paper-Faced Type: Gypsum wallboard as defined in ASTM C1396/C1396M. 4. Type: Fire-resistance rated Type X, UL or WH listed. 5. Thickness: 5/8 inch (16 mm). 6. Edges: Tapered. 2.4 ACCESSORIES A. Acoustic Insulation: ASTM C665; preformed glass fiber, friction fit type, unfaced. Thickness: 3 inch (____ mm). B. Acoustic Sealant: Non-hardening, non-skinning, for use in conjunction with gypsum board. C. Finishing Accessories: ASTM C1047, galvanized steel or rolled zinc, unless otherwise indicated. 1. Types: As detailed or required for finished appearance. D. Joint Materials: ASTM C475 and as recommended by gypsum board manufacturer for project conditions. 1. Tape: 2 inch (50 mm) wide, creased paper tape for joints and corners, except as otherwise indicated. Section 09 2116 - Page 2 of 4 GYPSUM BOARD ASSEMBLIES 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 2. Ready-mixed vinyl-based joint compound. E. High Build Drywall Surfacer: Vinyl acrylic latex-based coating for spray application, designed to take the place of skim coating and separate paint primer in achieving Level 5 finish. F. Screws for Attachment to Steel Members Less Than 0.03 inch (0.7 mm) In Thickness, to Wood Members, and to Gypsum Board: ASTM C1002; self-piercing tapping type; cadmium-plated for exterior locations. G. Screws for Attachment to Steel Members From 0.033 to 0.112 inch (0.8 to 2.8 mm) in Thickness: ASTM C954; steel drill screws for application of gypsum board to loadbearing steel studs. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. 3.2 Verify that project conditions are appropriate for work of this section to commence. SHAFT WALL INSTALLATION A. Shaft Wall Framing: Install in accordance with manufacturer's installation instructions. B. Shaft Wall Liner: Cut panels to accurate dimension and install sequentially between special friction studs. 3.3 FRAMING INSTALLATION A. Metal Framing: Install in accordance with ASTM C754 and manufacturer's instructions. B. Studs: Space studs as permitted by standard. 1. Extend partition framing to structure where indicated and to ceiling in other locations. 2. Partitions Terminating at Ceiling: Attach ceiling runner securely to ceiling track in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. 3. Partitions Terminating at Structure: Attach extended leg top runner to structure, maintain clearance between top of studs and structure, and brace both flanges of studs with continuous bridging. 3.4 ACOUSTIC ACCESSORIES INSTALLATION A. Acoustic Insulation: Place tightly within spaces, around cut openings, behind and around electrical and mechanical items within partitions, and tight to items passing through partitions. B. Acoustic Sealant: Install in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. 3.5 BOARD INSTALLATION A. Comply with ASTM C 840, GA-216, and manufacturer's instructions. Install to minimize butt end joints, especially in highly visible locations. B. Single-Layer Non-Rated: Install gypsum board in most economical direction, with ends and edges occurring over firm bearing. C. Double-Layer Non-Rated: Use gypsum board for first layer, placed parallel to framing or furring members, with ends and edges occurring over firm bearing. Use glass mat faced gypsum board at exterior walls and at other locations as indicated. Place second layer perpendicular to framing or furring members. Offset joints of second layer from joints of first layer. D. Installation on Metal Framing: Use screws for attachment of all gypsum board . 3.6 INSTALLATION OF TRIM AND ACCESSORIES A. Control Joints: Place control joints consistent with lines of building spaces and as indicated. B. Corner Beads: Install at external corners, using longest practical lengths. 3.7 JOINT TREATMENT A. Finish gypsum board in accordance with levels defined in ASTM C840, as follows: 1. Level 4: Walls and ceilings to receive paint finish or wall coverings, unless otherwise indicated. GYPSUM BOARD ASSEMBLIES 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Section 09 2116 - Page 3 of 4 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 2. Level 5: Walls and ceilings to receive semi-gloss or gloss paint finish and other areas specifically indicated. 3. Level 2: In utility areas, behind cabinetry, and on backing board to receive tile finish. 4. Level 1: Fire rated wall areas above finished ceilings, whether or not accessible in the completed construction. 5. Level 0: Temporary partitions and surfaces indicated to be finished in later stage of project. B. Tape, fill, and sand exposed joints, edges, and corners to produce smooth surface ready to receive finishes. 1. Feather coats of joint compound so that camber is maximum 1/32 inch (0.8 mm). C. Where Level 5 finish is indicated, spray apply high build drywall surfacer over entire surface after joints have been properly treated; achieve a flat and tool mark-free finish. 3.8 TOLERANCES A. Maximum Variation of Finished Gypsum Board Surface from True Flatness: 1/8 inch in 10 feet (3 mm in 3 m) in any direction. END OF SECTION Section 09 2116 - Page 4 of 4 GYPSUM BOARD ASSEMBLIES 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 SECTION 09 5100 - ACOUSTICAL CEILINGS PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.2 Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SECTION INCLUDES A. Suspended metal grid ceiling system. B. Acoustical units. C. Modifictions to existing suspension systems and panels. 1.3 RELATED REQUIREMENTS A. 1.4 Section 01 2300 - Alternates: For Bid Alternates related to the Work of this Section. REFERENCE STANDARDS A. ASTM C635 - Standard Specification for the Manufacture, Performance, and Testing of Metal Suspension Systems for Acoustical Tile and Lay-in Panel Ceilings; 2007. B. ASTM C636/C636M - Standard Practice for Installation of Metal Ceiling Suspension Systems for Acoustical Tile and Lay-in Panels; 2008. C. ASTM E580/E580M - Standard Practice for Installation of Ceiling Suspension Systems for Acoustical Tile and Lay-in Panels in Areas Subject to Earthquake Ground Motions; 2011. D. ASTM E1264 - Standard Classification for Acoustical Ceiling Products; 2008e1. E. UL (FRD) - Fire Resistance Directory; Underwriters Laboratories Inc.; current edition. 1.5 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS A. Sequence work to ensure acoustical ceilings are not installed until building is enclosed, sufficient heat is provided, dust generating activities have terminated, and overhead work is completed, tested, and approved. B. Do not install acoustical units until after interior wet work is dry. 1.6 SUBMITTALS A. See Section 01 3000 - Administrative Requirements, for submittal procedures. B. Product Data: Provide data on suspension system components. C. Samples: Submit two full size samples illustrating material and finish of acoustical units. D. Manufacturer's Installation Instructions: Indicate special procedures. 1.7 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Fire-Resistive Assemblies: Complete assembly listed and classified by UL for the fire resistance indicated. B. Suspension System Manufacturer Qualifications: Company specializing in manufacturing the products specified in this section with minimum three years documented experience. C. Acoustical Unit Manufacturer Qualifications: Company specializing in manufacturing the products specified in this section with minimum three years documented experience. 1.8 FIELD CONDITIONS A. Maintain uniform temperature of minimum 60 degrees F (16 degrees C), and maximum humidity of 40 percent prior to, during, and after acoustical unit installation. ACOUSTICAL CEILINGS 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Section 09 5100 - Page 1 of 4 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 ACOUSTICAL UNITS A. Manufacturers: 1. Armstrong World Industries, Inc: 2. CertainTeed Corporation: 3. USG: 4. Substitutions: See Section 01 6000 - Product Requirements. B. Acoustical Units - General: ASTM E1264, Class A. C. Acoustical Panels Type ____: Painted mineral fiber, ASTM E1264 Type III, with the following characteristics: 1. Size: 24 x 48 inches (600 x 1200 mm). 2. Thickness: 3/4 inches (19 mm). 3. Composition: Wet felted. 4. Suspension System: Exposed grid Type ____. 2.2 SUSPENSION SYSTEM(S) A. Manufacturers: 1. Armstrong World Industries, Inc: 2. CertainTeed Corporation: 3. Chicago Metallic Corporation: 4. USG: 5. Substitutions: See Section 01 6000 - Product Requirements. B. Suspension Systems - General: ASTM C635; die cut and interlocking components, with stabilizer bars, clips, splices, perimeter moldings, and hold down clips as required. C. Exposed Steel Suspension System: Formed steel, commercial quality cold rolled; intermediate-duty. 1. Profile: Tee; 15/16 inch (24 mm) wide face. 2. Construction: Double web. 3. Finish: White painted. 2.3 ACCESSORIES A. Support Channels and Hangers: Galvanized steel; size and type to suit application, seismic requirements, and ceiling system flatness requirement specified. B. Perimeter Moldings: Same material and finish as grid. 1. At Exposed Grid: Provide L-shaped molding for mounting at same elevation as face of grid. C. Acoustical Sealant For Perimeter Moldings: Non-hardening, non-skinning, for use in conjunction with suspended ceiling system. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Verify existing conditions before starting work. B. Verify that layout of hangers will not interfere with other work. 3.2 INSTALLATION - SUSPENSION SYSTEM A. Install suspension system in accordance with ASTM C636/C636M, ASTM E580/E580M, and manufacturer's instructions and as supplemented in this section. B. Rigidly secure system, including integral mechanical and electrical components, for maximum deflection of 1:360. Section 09 5100 - Page 2 of 4 ACOUSTICAL CEILINGS 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 C. Lay out system to a balanced grid design with edge units no less than 50 percent of acoustical unit size. D. Install after major above-ceiling work is complete. Coordinate the location of hangers with other work. E. Hang suspension system independent of walls, columns, ducts, pipes and conduit. Where carrying members are spliced, avoid visible displacement of face plane of adjacent members. F. Where ducts or other equipment prevent the regular spacing of hangers, reinforce the nearest affected hangers and related carrying channels to span the extra distance. G. Do not support components on main runners or cross runners if weight causes total dead load to exceed deflection capability. H. Support fixture loads using supplementary hangers located within 6 inches (150 mm) of each corner, or support components independently. I. Do not eccentrically load system or induce rotation of runners. J. Perimeter Molding: Install at intersection of ceiling and vertical surfaces and at junctions with other interruptions. 1. Use longest practical lengths. 2. Overlap and rivet corners. K. Install light fixture boxes constructed of gypsum board above light fixtures in accordance with fire rated assembly requirements and light fixture ventilation requirements. 3.3 INSTALLATION - ACOUSTICAL UNITS A. Install acoustical units in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. B. Fit acoustical units in place, free from damaged edges or other defects detrimental to appearance and function. C. Fit border trim neatly against abutting surfaces. D. Install units after above-ceiling work is complete. E. Install acoustical units level, in uniform plane, and free from twist, warp, and dents. F. Cutting Acoustical Units: 1. Make field cut edges of same profile as factory edges. G. Install hold-down clips on each panel to retain panels tight to grid system; comply with fire rating requirements. END OF SECTION ACOUSTICAL CEILINGS 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Section 09 5100 - Page 3 of 4 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 Section 09 5100 - Page 4 of 4 Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 ACOUSTICAL CEILINGS 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 SECTION 09 6500 - RESILIENT FLOORING PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.2 Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SECTION INCLUDES A. Resilient tile flooring. B. Resilient base. C. Installation accessories. 1.3 RELATED REQUIREMENTS A. 1.4 Section 01 2300 - Alternates: For Bid Alternates related to the Work of this Section. REFERENCE STANDARDS A. ASTM E648 - Standard Test Method for Critical Radiant Flux of Floor-Covering Systems Using a Radiant Heat Energy Source; 2010e1. B. ASTM F1066 - Standard Specification for Vinyl Composition Floor Tile; 2004 (Reapproved 2010)e1. C. ASTM F1861 - Standard Specification for Resilient Wall Base; 2008 (Reapproved 2012). D. NFPA 253 - Standard Method of Test for Critical Radiant Flux of Floor Covering Systems Using a Radiant Heat Energy Source; National Fire Protection Association; 2011. 1.5 SUBMITTALS A. See Section 01 3000 - Administrative Requirements, for submittal procedures. B. Product Data: Provide data on specified products, describing physical and performance characteristics; including sizes, patterns and colors available; and installation instructions. C. Selection Samples: Submit manufacturer's complete set of color samples for Architect's initial selection. D. Verification Samples: Submit two samples, ____x____ inch (____x____ mm) in size illustrating color and pattern for each resilient flooring product specified. E. Maintenance Data: Include maintenance procedures, recommended maintenance materials, and suggested schedule for cleaning, stripping, and re-waxing. 1.6 FIELD CONDITIONS A. Maintain temperature in storage area between 55 degrees F (13 degrees C) and 90 degrees F (72 degrees C). B. Store materials for not less than 48 hours prior to installation in area of installation at a temperature of 70 degrees F (21 degrees C) to achieve temperature stability. Thereafter, maintain conditions above 55 degrees F (13 degrees C). PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 TILE FLOORING A. Vinyl Composition Tile: Homogeneous, with color extending throughout thickness, and: 1. Minimum Requirements: Comply with ASTM F1066, of Class corresponding to type specified. 2. Critical Radiant Flux (CRF): Minimum 0.45 watt per square centimeter, when tested in accordance with ASTM E 648 or NFPA 253. 3. Size: 12 x 12 inch (305 x 305 mm). 4. Thickness: 0.125 inch (3.2 mm). RESILIENT FLOORING 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Section 09 6500 - Page 1 of 4 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 5. Pattern: Solid color. 6. Manufacturers: a. Armstrong World Industries, Inc: b. Mannington Mills, Inc: c. Tarkett Inc: d. Substitutions: See Section 01 6000 - Product Requirements. 2.2 RESILIENT BASE A. 2.3 Resilient Base: ASTM F1861, Type TP, rubber, thermoplastic; top set Style B, Cove, and as follows: 1. Height: 4 inch (100 mm). 2. Thickness: 0.125 inch (3.2 mm) thick. 3. Finish: Satin. 4. Color: Color as selected from manufacturer's standards. 5. Manufacturers: a. Burke Flooring: b. Johnsonite, Inc: c. Roppe Corp: d. Substitutions: See Section 01 6000 - Product Requirements. ACCESSORIES A. Subfloor Filler: White premix latex; type recommended by adhesive material manufacturer. B. Primers, Adhesives, and Seaming Materials: Waterproof; types recommended by flooring manufacturer. C. Moldings, Transition and Edge Strips: Same material as flooring. D. Filler for Coved Base: Plastic. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. 3.2 Verify that surfaces are flat to tolerances acceptable to flooring manufacturer, free of cracks that might telegraph through flooring, clean, dry, and free of curing compounds, surface hardeners, and other chemicals that might interfere with bonding of flooring to substrate. PREPARATION A. Remove sub-floor ridges and bumps. Fill minor low spots, cracks, joints, holes, and other defects with sub-floor filler to achieve smooth, flat, hard surface. B. Prohibit traffic until filler is cured. 3.3 INSTALLATION A. Starting installation constitutes acceptance of sub-floor conditions. B. Install in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. C. Spread only enough adhesive to permit installation of materials before initial set. D. Fit joints tightly. E. Set flooring in place, press with heavy roller to attain full adhesion. F. Where type of floor finish, pattern, or color are different on opposite sides of door, terminate flooring under centerline of door. G. Install edge strips at unprotected or exposed edges, where flooring terminates, and where indicated. H. Scribe flooring to walls, columns, cabinets, floor outlets, and other appurtenances to produce tight joints. Section 09 6500 - Page 2 of 4 RESILIENT FLOORING 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 3.4 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 TILE FLOORING A. 3.5 Mix tile from container to ensure shade variations are consistent when tile is placed, unless manufacturer's instructions say otherwise. RESILIENT BASE A. Fit joints tightly and make vertical. Maintain minimum dimension of 18 inches (45 mm) between joints. B. Install base on solid backing. Bond tightly to wall and floor surfaces. 3.6 CLEANING A. Remove excess adhesive from floor, base, and wall surfaces without damage. B. Clean in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. 3.7 PROTECTION A. Prohibit traffic on resilient flooring for 48 hours after installation. END OF SECTION RESILIENT FLOORING 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Section 09 6500 - Page 3 of 4 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 Section 09 6500 - Page 4 of 4 Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 RESILIENT FLOORING 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 SECTION 09 6800 - CARPETING PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.2 Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SECTION INCLUDES A. Carpet, direct-glued. B. Removal of existing carpet. C. Accessories. 1.3 RELATED REQUIREMENTS A. Section 01 2300 - Alternates: For Bid Alternates related to the Work of this Section. B. Section 09 6813 - Tile Carpeting. 1.4 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. CRI (CIS) - Carpet Installation Standard; Carpet and Rug Institute; 2009. B. CRI (GLA) - Green Label Testing Program - Approved Adhesive Products; Carpet and Rug Institute; Current Edition. 1.5 SUBMITTALS A. See Section 01 3000 - Administrative Requirements, for submittal procedures. B. Shop Drawings: Indicate seaming plan, method of joining seams, direction of carpet pile and pattern, location of edge moldings and edge bindings, layout of flat wire system, and ________. C. Product Data: Provide data on specified products, describing physical and performance characteristics; sizes, patterns, colors available, and method of installation. D. Samples: Submit two samples ____x____ inch (____x____ mm) in size illustrating color and pattern for each carpet and cushion material specified. E. Manufacturer's Installation Instructions: Indicate special procedures. F. Maintenance Data: Include maintenance procedures, recommended maintenance materials, and suggested schedule for cleaning. 1.6 FIELD CONDITIONS A. Store materials in area of installation for minimum period of 24 hours prior to installation. B. Maintain minimum 70 degrees F (21 degrees C) ambient temperature 24 hours prior to, during and 24 hours after installation. C. Ventilate installation area during installation and for 72 hours after installation. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 CARPET A. 2.2 Carpet Type: Provide Broadloom Carpet as manufactured by Collins & Aikmann, matching same pattern as Tile Carpet. ACCESSORIES A. Sub-Floor Filler: Type recommended by carpet manufacturer. CARPETING 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Section 09 6800 - Page 1 of 4 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 B. Adhesives - General: Compatible with materials being adhered; maximum VOC content of 50 g/L; CRI Green Label certified; in lieu of labeled product, independent test report showing compliance is acceptable. C. Seam Adhesive: Recommended by manufacturer. D. Contact Adhesive: Compatible with carpet material; releasable type. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Verify that sub-floor surfaces are smooth and flat within the tolerances specified for that type of work and are ready to receive carpet. B. Verify that wall surfaces are smooth and flat within the tolerances specified for that type of work, are dust-free, and are ready to receive carpet. C. Verify that sub-floor surfaces are dust-free and free of substances that could impair bonding of adhesives to sub floor surfaces. D. Verify that required floor-mounted utilities are in correct location. 3.2 PREPARATION A. Remove existing carpet and carpet cushion. B. Remove sub-floor ridges and bumps. Fill minor or local low spots, cracks, joints, holes, and other defects with sub-floor filler. C. Apply, trowel, and float filler to achieve smooth, flat, hard surface. Prohibit traffic until filler is cured. D. Clean substrate. 3.3 INSTALLATION - GENERAL A. Starting installation constitutes acceptance of sub-floor conditions. B. Install carpet and cushion in accordance with manufacturer's instructions and CRI Carpet Installation Standard. C. Verify carpet match before cutting to ensure minimal variation between dye lots. D. Lay out carpet and locate seams in accordance with shop drawings: 1. Locate seams in area of least traffic, out of areas of pivoting traffic, and parallel to main traffic. 2. Do not locate seams perpendicular through door openings. 3. Align run of pile in same direction as anticipated traffic and in same direction on adjacent pieces. 4. Locate change of color or pattern between rooms under door centerline. 5. Provide monolithic color, pattern, and texture match within any one area. E. Install carpet tight and flat on subfloor, well fastened at edges, with a uniform appearance. 3.4 DIRECT-GLUED CARPET A. Double cut carpet seams, with accurate pattern match. Make cuts straight, true, and unfrayed. Apply seam adhesive to cut edges of woven carpet immediately. B. Apply contact adhesive to floor uniformly at rate recommended by manufacturer. After sufficient open time, press carpet into adhesive. C. Apply seam adhesive to the base of the edge glued down. Lay adjoining piece with seam straight, not overlapped or peaked, and free of gaps. D. Roll with appropriate roller for complete contact of adhesive to carpet backing. E. Trim carpet neatly at walls and around interruptions. 3.5 CLEANING A. Remove excess adhesive from floor and wall surfaces without damage. Section 09 6800 - Page 2 of 4 CARPETING 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 B. Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 Clean and vacuum carpet surfaces. END OF SECTION CARPETING 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Section 09 6800 - Page 3 of 4 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 Section 09 6800 - Page 4 of 4 Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 CARPETING 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 SECTION 09 6813 - TILE CARPETING PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.2 Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SECTION INCLUDES A. Carpet tile, fully adhered. B. Removal of existing carpet tile. 1.3 RELATED REQUIREMENTS A. 1.4 Section 01 2300 - Alternates: For Bid Alternates related to the Work of this Section. REFERENCE STANDARDS A. ASTM D2859 - Standard Test Method for Ignition Characteristics of Finished Textile Floor Covering Materials; 2006 (Reapproved 2011). B. ASTM E648 - Standard Test Method for Critical Radiant Flux of Floor-Covering Systems Using a Radiant Heat Energy Source; 2010e1. C. CRI (CIS) - Carpet Installation Standard; Carpet and Rug Institute; 2009. D. CRI (GLA) - Green Label Testing Program - Approved Adhesive Products; Carpet and Rug Institute; Current Edition. E. CRI (GLP) - Green Label Plus Carpet Testing Program - Approved Products; Carpet and Rug Institute; Current Edition. F. NFPA 253 - Standard Method of Test for Critical Radiant Flux of Floor Covering Systems Using a Radiant Heat Energy Source; National Fire Protection Association; 2011. 1.5 SUBMITTALS A. See Section 01 3000 - Administrative Requirements, for submittal procedures. B. Product Data: Provide data on specified products, describing physical and performance characteristics; sizes, patterns, colors available, and method of installation. C. Samples: Submit two carpet tiles illustrating color and pattern design for each carpet color selected. D. Manufacturer's Installation Instructions: Indicate special procedures. E. Maintenance Data: Include maintenance procedures, recommended maintenance materials, and suggested schedule for cleaning. 1.6 FIELD CONDITIONS PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS A. Carpet Tile Type _____: Tufted, manufactured in one color dye lot. 1. Product: to be selected as manufactured by Collins & Aikmann. 2. Tile Size: 18 x 18 inch (450 x 450 mm), nominal. 3. Critical Radiant Flux: Minimum of 0.22 watts/sq cm, when tested in accordance with ASTM E648 or NFPA 253. 4. Surface Flammability Ignition: Pass ASTM D2859 (the "pill test"). 5. VOC Content: Provide CRI Green Label Plus certified product; in lieu of labeling, independent test report showing compliance is acceptable. TILE CARPETING 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Section 09 6813 - Page 1 of 2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 B. 2.2 Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 Roll Carpet: Same manufacturer, type, color and pattern, and face fiber characteristics as carpet tile, ____ feet (____ m) wide, manufactured in same color dye lot as tile. ACCESSORIES A. Sub-Floor Filler: White premix latex; type recommended by flooring material manufacturer. B. Edge Strips: Embossed aluminum, ________ color. C. Adhesives: Acceptable to carpet tile manufacturer, compatible with materials being adhered; maximum VOC of 50 g/L; CRI Green Label certified; in lieu of labeled product, independent test report showing compliance is acceptable. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Verify that sub-floor surfaces are smooth and flat within tolerances specified for that type of work and are ready to receive carpet tile. B. Verify that required floor-mounted utilities are in correct location. 3.2 PREPARATION A. Remove sub-floor ridges and bumps. Fill minor or local low spots, cracks, joints, holes, and other defects with sub-floor filler. B. Apply, trowel, and float filler to achieve smooth, flat, hard surface. Prohibit traffic until filler is cured. C. Vacuum clean substrate. 3.3 INSTALLATION A. Starting installation constitutes acceptance of sub-floor conditions. B. Install carpet tile in accordance with manufacturer's instructions and CRI Carpet Installation Standard. C. Blend carpet from different cartons to ensure minimal variation in color match. D. Cut carpet tile clean. Fit carpet tight to intersection with vertical surfaces without gaps. E. Lay carpet tile in square pattern, with pile direction parallel to next unit, set parallel to building lines. F. Fully adhere carpet tile to substrate. G. Trim carpet tile neatly at walls and around interruptions. H. Complete installation of edge strips, concealing exposed edges. 3.4 CLEANING A. Remove excess adhesive without damage, from floor, base, and wall surfaces. B. Clean and vacuum carpet surfaces. END OF SECTION Section 09 6813 - Page 2 of 2 TILE CARPETING 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 SECTION 09 9000 - PAINTING AND COATING PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.2 Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SECTION INCLUDES A. Surface preparation. B. Field application of paints, stains, varnishes, and other coatings. C. Scope: Finish all interior and exterior surfaces exposed to view, unless fully factory-finished D. Do Not Paint or Finish the Following Items: 1. Items fully factory-finished unless specifically so indicated; materials and products having factory-applied primers are not considered factory finished. 2. Items indicated to receive other finishes. 3. Items indicated to remain unfinished. 4. Fire rating labels, equipment serial number and capacity labels, and operating parts of equipment. 5. Non-metallic roofing and flashing. 6. Stainless steel, anodized aluminum, bronze, terne, and lead items. 7. Marble, granite, slate, and other natural stones. 8. Floors, unless specifically so indicated. 9. Ceramic and other tiles. 10. Glass. 11. Concrete masonry in utility, mechanical, and electrical spaces. 12. Acoustical materials, unless specifically so indicated. 13. Concealed pipes, ducts, and conduits. 1.3 RELATED REQUIREMENTS A. 1.4 Section 01 2300 - Alternates: For Bid Alternates related to the Work of this Section. REFERENCE STANDARDS A. 40 CFR 59, Subpart D - National Volatile Organic Compound Emission Standards for Architectural Coatings; U.S. Environmental Protection Agency; current edition. B. ASTM D4442 - Standard Test Methods for Direct Moisture Content Measurement of Wood and Wood-Base Materials; 2007. 1.5 SUBMITTALS A. See Section 01 3000 - Administrative Requirements, for submittal procedures. B. Product Data: Provide complete list of all products to be used, with the following information for each: 1. Manufacturer's name, product name and/or catalog number, and general product category (e.g. "alkyd enamel"). 2. MPI product number (e.g. MPI #47). 3. Cross-reference to specified paint system(s) product is to be used in; include description of each system. 4. Manufacturer's installation instructions. C. Samples: Submit three paper "draw down" samples, 8-1/2 by 11 inches (216 by 279 mm) in size, illustrating range of colors available for each finishing product specified. 1. Where sheen is specified, submit samples in only that sheen. 2. Where sheen is not specified, submit each color in each sheen available. PAINTING AND COATING 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Section 09 9000 - Page 1 of 4 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 D. Manufacturer's Instructions: Indicate special surface preparation procedures. E. Maintenance Data: Submit data on cleaning, touch-up, and repair of painted and coated surfaces. F. Maintenance Materials: Furnish the following for Owner's use in maintenance of project. 1. See Section 01 6000 - Product Requirements, for additional provisions. 2. Extra Paint and Coatings: 1 gallon (4 L) of each color; store where directed. 3. Label each container with color in addition to the manufacturer's label. 1.6 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. 1.7 Applicator Qualifications: Company specializing in performing the type of work specified with minimum five years experience. DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Deliver products to site in sealed and labeled containers; inspect to verify acceptability. B. Container Label: Include manufacturer's name, type of paint, brand name, lot number, brand code, coverage, surface preparation, drying time, cleanup requirements, color designation, and instructions for mixing and reducing. C. Paint Materials: Store at minimum ambient temperature of 45 degrees F (7 degrees C) and a maximum of 90 degrees F (32 degrees C), in ventilated area, and as required by manufacturer's instructions. 1.8 FIELD CONDITIONS A. Do not apply materials when surface and ambient temperatures are outside the temperature ranges required by the paint product manufacturer. B. Follow manufacturer's recommended procedures for producing best results, including testing of substrates, moisture in substrates, and humidity and temperature limitations. C. Provide lighting level of 80 ft candles (860 lx) measured mid-height at substrate surface. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURERS A. Provide all paint and coating products from the same manufacturer to the greatest extent possible. B. Paints: 1. Comex Group (Color Wheel, Frazee, General Paint, Kwal, or Parker): 2. Diamond Vogel Paints: 3. Benjamin Moore & Co: 4. Pratt & Lambert Paints: 5. Sherwin-Williams Company: C. Substitutions: See Section 01 6000 - Product Requirements. 2.2 PAINTS AND COATINGS - GENERAL A. Paints and Coatings: Ready mixed, unless intended to be a field-catalyzed coating. 1. Provide paints and coatings of a soft paste consistency, capable of being readily and uniformly dispersed to a homogeneous coating, with good flow and brushing properties, and capable of drying or curing free of streaks or sags. 2. Supply each coating material in quantity required to complete entire project's work from a single production run. 3. Do not reduce, thin, or dilute coatings or add materials to coatings unless such procedure is specifically described in manufacturer's product instructions. B. Primers: Where the manufacturer offers options on primers for a particular substrate, use primer categorized as "best" by the manufacturer. Section 09 9000 - Page 2 of 4 PAINTING AND COATING 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 C. Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) Content: 1. Provide coatings that comply with the most stringent requirements specified in the following: a. 40 CFR 59, Subpart D--National Volatile Organic Compound Emission Standards for Architectural Coatings. b. Architectural coatings VOC limits of the State in which the Project is located. 2. Determination of VOC Content: Testing and calculation in accordance with 40 CFR 59, Subpart D (EPA Method 24), exclusive of colorants added to a tint base and water added at project site; or other method acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. D. Colors: As indicated on drawings 2.3 PAINT SYSTEMS - EXTERIOR A. Paint ME-OP-3L - Ferrous Metals, Unprimed, Latex, 3 Coat: 1. One coat of latex primer. 2. Semi-gloss: Two coats of latex enamel; ____. B. Paint ME-OP-2L - Ferrous Metals, Primed, Latex, 2 Coat: 1. Touch-up with rust-inhibitive primer recommended by top coat manufacturer. 2. Semi-gloss: Two coats of latex enamel; ____. C. Paint MgE-OP-3L - Galvanized Metals, Latex, 3 Coat: 1. One coat galvanize primer. 2. Semi-gloss: Two coats of latex enamel; ____. 2.4 PAINT SYSTEMS - INTERIOR A. Paint WI-OP-3L - Wood, Opaque, Latex, 3 Coat: 1. One coat of latex primer sealer. 2. Semi-gloss: Two coats of latex enamel; ___________________. B. Paint CI-OP-3L - Concrete/Masonry, Opaque, Latex, 3 Coat: 1. One coat of block filler. 2. Semi-gloss: Two coats of latex enamel; ____. C. Paint MI-OP-2L - Ferrous Metals, Primed, Latex, 2 Coat: 1. Touch-up with latex primer. 2. Semi-gloss: Two coats of latex enamel; ____. D. Paint CI-OP-3E - Concrete/Masonry, Epoxy Enamel, 3 Coat: 1. One coat of catalyzed epoxy primer. 2. Gloss: Two coats of catalyzed epoxy enamel; ____. E. Paint GI-OP-3L - Gypsum Board/Plaster, Latex, 3 Coat: 1. One coat of alkyd primer sealer. 2. Semi-gloss: Two coats of latex enamel; walls. 3. Eggshell: Two coats of latex enamel; ceilings. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Do not begin application of coatings until substrates have been properly prepared. B. Verify that surfaces are ready to receive work as instructed by the product manufacturer. C. Examine surfaces scheduled to be finished prior to commencement of work. Report any condition that may potentially affect proper application. D. Test shop-applied primer for compatibility with subsequent cover materials. E. Measure moisture content of surfaces using an electronic moisture meter. Do not apply finishes unless moisture content of surfaces are below the following maximums: 1. Gypsum Wallboard: 12 percent. 2. Masonry, Concrete, and Concrete Unit Masonry: 12 percent. PAINTING AND COATING 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Section 09 9000 - Page 3 of 4 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 3. Interior Wood: 15 percent, measured in accordance with ASTM D4442. 3.2 PREPARATION A. Clean surfaces thoroughly and correct defects prior to coating application. B. Prepare surfaces using the methods recommended by the manufacturer for achieving the best result for the substrate under the project conditions. C. Remove or mask surface appurtenances, including electrical plates, hardware, light fixture trim, escutcheons, and fittings, prior to preparing surfaces or finishing. D. Seal surfaces that might cause bleed through or staining of topcoat. E. Remove mildew from impervious surfaces by scrubbing with solution of tetra-sodium phosphate and bleach. Rinse with clean water and allow surface to dry. F. Concrete and Unit Masonry Surfaces to be Painted: Remove dirt, loose mortar, scale, salt or alkali powder, and other foreign matter. Remove oil and grease with a solution of tri-sodium phosphate; rinse well and allow to dry. Remove stains caused by weathering of corroding metals with a solution of sodium metasilicate after thoroughly wetting with water. Allow to dry. G. Gypsum Board Surfaces to be Painted: Fill minor defects with filler compound. Spot prime defects after repair. H. Shop-Primed Steel Surfaces to be Finish Painted: Sand and scrape to remove loose primer and rust. Feather edges to make touch-up patches inconspicuous. Clean surfaces with solvent. Prime bare steel surfaces. Re-prime entire shop-primed item. I. Interior Wood Surfaces to Receive Opaque Finish: Wipe off dust and grit prior to priming. Seal knots, pitch streaks, and sappy sections with sealer. Fill nail holes and cracks after primer has dried; sand between coats. Back prime concealed surfaces before installation. J. Interior Wood Surfaces to Receive Transparent Finish: Wipe off dust and grit prior to sealing, seal knots, pitch streaks, and sappy sections with sealer. Fill nail holes and cracks after sealer has dried; sand lightly between coats. Prime concealed surfaces with gloss varnish reduced 25 percent with thinner. 3.3 APPLICATION A. Apply products in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. B. Do not apply finishes to surfaces that are not dry. Allow applied coats to dry before next coat is applied. C. Apply each coat to uniform appearance. D. Sand wood and metal surfaces lightly between coats to achieve required finish. E. Vacuum clean surfaces of loose particles. Use tack cloth to remove dust and particles just prior to applying next coat. F. Wood to Receive Transparent Finishes: Tint fillers to match wood. Work fillers into the grain before set. Wipe excess from surface. G. Reinstall electrical cover plates, hardware, light fixture trim, escutcheons, and fittings removed prior to finishing. 3.4 CLEANING A. 3.5 Collect waste material that could constitute a fire hazard, place in closed metal containers, and remove daily from site. PROTECTION A. Protect finished coatings until completion of project. B. Touch-up damaged coatings after Substantial Completion. END OF SECTION Section 09 9000 - Page 4 of 4 PAINTING AND COATING 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 SECTION 10 1101 - VISUAL DISPLAY BOARDS PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.2 Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SECTION INCLUDES A. 1.3 Markerboards and Tackboards. RELATED REQUIREMENTS A. 1.4 Section 01 2300 - Alternates: For Bid Alternates related to the Work of this Section. REFERENCE STANDARDS A. ANSI A208.1 - American National Standard for Particleboard; 2009. B. ASTM A424 - Standard Specification for Steel, Sheet, for Porcelain Enameling; 2009a. 1.5 SUBMITTALS A. See Section 01 3000 - Administrative Requirements, for submittal procedures. B. Product Data: Provide manufacturer's data on chalkboard, markerboard, tackboard, tackboard surface covering, trim, and accessories. C. Shop Drawings: Indicate wall elevations, dimensions, joint locations, special anchor details. D. Samples: Submit color charts for selection of color and texture of chalkboard, markerboard, tackboard, tackboard surface covering, and trim. E. Manufacturer's printed installation instructions. F. Maintenance Data: Include data on regular cleaning, stain removal. 1.6 QUALITY ASSURANCE 1.7 WARRANTY A. See Section 01 7800 - Closeout Submittals, for additional warranty requirements. B. Provide five year warranty for markerboard to include warranty against discoloration due to cleaning, crazing or cracking, and staining. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURERS A. 2.2 Visual Display Boards: 1. MooreCo, Inc: 2. Claridge Products and Equipment, Inc: 3. Polyvision Corporation (Nelson Adams): 4. Substitutions: See Section 01 6000 - Product Requirements. VISUAL DISPLAY BOARDS A. Markerboards: Porcelain enamel on steel, laminated to core. 1. Color: White. 2. Metal Face Sheet Thickness: Not less than; 0.015 inch, 28 gage (0.38 mm). 3. Core: Particleboard, manufacturer's standard thickness, but not less than 7/16", laminated to face sheet. 4. Backing: Not less than -.15" thick, Aluminum sheet, laminated to core. 5. Size: As indicated on drawings. VISUAL DISPLAY BOARDS 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Section 10 1101 - Page 1 of 2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 B. Tackboards: Fine-grained, homogeneous natural cork. 1. Cork Thickness: 1/4 inch (6 mm). 2. Fabric: Vinyl coated fabric. 3. Size: As indicated on drawings. C. Combination Units and Units Made of More Than One Panel: Factory-assembled chalkboards, markerboards, and tackboards in a single frame, of materials specified above. 1. Configuration: As indicated on drawings. 2.3 MATERIALS A. Porcelain Enameled Steel Sheet: ASTM A424, Type I, Commercial Steel, with fired-on vitreous finish. B. Particleboard: ANSI A208.1; wood chips, set with waterproof resin binder, sanded faces. C. Aluminum Sheet Backing: 0.015 inch (0.38 mm) thick. 2.4 ACCESSORIES A. Map Rail: Extruded aluminum, manufacturer's standard profile, with cork insert and runners for accessories; 1 inch (25 mm) wide overall, full width of frame. B. Map Supports: Formed aluminum sliding hooks and roller brackets to fit map rail. C. Chalk Tray: Aluminum, manufacturer's standard profile one piece full length of chalkboard, molded ends; concealed fasteners, same finish as frame. D. Mounting Brackets: Concealed. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Verify that field measurements are as indicated. B. Verify that internal wall blocking is ready to receive work and positioning dimensions are as indicated on shop drawings. C. Verify flat wall surface for frameless adhesive-applied boards. 3.2 INSTALLATION A. Install boards in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. B. Secure units level and plumb. 3.3 CLEANING A. Clean board surfaces in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. END OF SECTION Section 10 1101 - Page 2 of 2 VISUAL DISPLAY BOARDS 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 SECTION 10 1400 - SIGNAGE PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 SECTION INCLUDES A. 1.2 Room and door signs. FIELD CONDITIONS A. Do not install tape adhesive when ambient temperature is lower than recommended by manufacturer. B. Maintain this minimum temperature during and after installation of signs. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 SIGNAGE APPLICATIONS A. Accessibility Compliance: All signs are required to comply with ADA Standards for Accessible Design and ANSI/ICC A 117.1 and applicable building codes, unless otherwise indicated; in the event of conflicting requirements, comply with the most comprehensive and specific requirements. B. Room and Door Signs: Provide a sign for every doorway, whether it has a door or not, not including corridors, lobbies, and similar open areas. 1. Sign Type: Flat signs with applied character panel media as specified. 2. Provide "tactile" signage, with letters raised minimum 1/32 inch (0.8 mm) and Grade II braille. 3. Character Height: 1 inch (25 mm). 4. Rest Rooms: Identify with pictograms, the names "MEN" and "WOMEN", room numbers to be determined later, and braille. 2.2 SIGN TYPES A. Flat Signs: Signage media without frame. 1. Edges: Square. 2. Corners: Square. 3. Wall Mounting of One-Sided Signs: Tape adhesive. B. Color and Font: Unless otherwise indicated: 1. Character Font: Helvetica Medium. 2. Character Case: Upper and lower case (title case). 3. Background Color: As scheduled. 4. Character Color: Contrasting color. 2.3 TACTILE SIGNAGE MEDIA A. Engraved Panels: Laminated colored plastic; engraved through face to expose core as background color: 1. Total Thickness: 1/16 inch (1.6 mm). B. Applied Character Panels: Acrylic plastic base, with applied acrylic plastic letters and braille. 1. Total Thickness: 1/8 inch (3 mm). 2. Letter Thickness: 1/8 inch (3 mm). 3. Letter Edges: Square. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION A. Install in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. B. Install neatly, with horizontal edges level. C. Locate signs where indicated: SIGNAGE 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Section 10 1400 - Page 1 of 2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 1. Room and Door Signs: Locate on wall at latch side of door with centerline of sign at 60 inches (1525 mm) above finished floor. 2. If no location is indicated obtain Owner's instructions. D. Protect from damage until Substantial Completion; repair or replace damage items. END OF SECTION Section 10 1400 - Page 2 of 2 SIGNAGE 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 SECTION 10 5100 - LOCKERS PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.2 Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SECTION INCLUDES A. 1.3 Metal lockers. RELATED REQUIREMENTS A. Section 01 2200 - Unit Prices: For Unit prices related to the Work of this Section. B. Section 01 2300 - Alternates: For Bid Alternates related to the Work of this Section. 1.4 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. 1.5 ASTM A653/A653M - Standard Specification for Steel Sheet, Zinc-Coated (Galvanized) or Zinc-Iron Alloy-Coated (Galvannealed) by the Hot-Dip Process; 2011. SUBMITTALS A. See Section 01 3000 - Administrative Requirements, for submittal procedures. B. Product Data: Manufacturer's published data on locker construction, sizes and accessories. C. Shop Drawings: Indicate locker plan layout, numbering plan and combination lock code. D. Manufacturer's Installation Instructions: Indicate component installation assembly. 1.6 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Protect locker finish and adjacent surfaces from damage. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURERS A. 2.2 Metal Lockers: 1. Penco Products, Inc: 2. Republic Storage Systems Co; Product Quiet Lockers: 3. Substitutions: See Section 01 6000 - Product Requirements. LOCKER APPLICATIONS A. 2.3 Student Lockers: Single tier metal lockers, recessed mounted. 1. Width: 9 inches (225 mm). 2. Depth: 15 inches (380 mm). 3. Height: 72 inches (1,830 m). 4. Fittings: Hat shelf, 2 coat hooks. 5. Locking: Built-in combination locks. METAL LOCKERS A. Lockers: Factory assembled, made of formed sheet steel, ASTM A653/A653M SS Grade 33/230, with G60/Z180 coating, stretcher leveled; metal edges finished smooth without burrs; baked enamel finished inside and out. 1. Where ends or sides are exposed, provide flush panel closures. 2. Provide filler strips where indicated, securely attached to lockers. 3. Color: To be selected by Architect. B. Locker Body: Formed and flanged; with steel stiffener ribs; electric spot welded. LOCKERS 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Section 10 5100 - Page 1 of 2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 1. Body and Shelves: 24 gage, 0.024 inch (0.6 mm). C. Frames: Formed channel shape, welded and ground flush, welded to body, resilient gaskets and latching for quiet operation. 1. Door Frame: 16 gage, 0.060 inch (1.5 mm), minimum. D. Doors: Hollow double pan, sandwich construction, 1-3/16 inch (30 mm) thick; welded construction, channel reinforced top and bottom with intermediate stiffener ribs, grind and finish edges smooth. 1. Door Outer Face: 16 gage, 0.060 inch inch (1.5 mm), minimum. 2. Door Inner Face: 20 gage, 0.036 inch (0.9 mm), minimum. 3. Form recess for operating handle and locking device. 4. Provide louvers in door face, top and bottom, for ventilation. E. Hinges: Two for doors under 42 inches (1 050 mm) high; three for doors over 42 inches (1 050 mm) high; weld securely to locker body and door. 1. Hinge Thickness: 14 gage, 0.075 inch (1.9 mm). F. Coat Hooks: Stainless steel or zinc-plated steel. G. Number Plates: Provide oval shaped aluminum plates. Form numbers 3/8 inch (____ mm) high of block font style with ADA designation, in contrasting color. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. 3.2 Verify that prepared bases are in correct position and configuration. INSTALLATION A. Install in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. B. Install lockers plumb and square. C. Place and secure on prepared base. D. Secure lockers with anchor devices to suit substrate materials. Minimum Pullout Force: 100 lb (445 N). E. Bolt adjoining locker units together to provide rigid installation. F. Install accessories. G. Replace components that do not operate smoothly. 3.3 CLEANING A. Clean locker interiors and exterior surfaces. END OF SECTION Section 10 5100 - Page 2 of 2 LOCKERS 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 SECTION 12 3216 - MANUFACTURED PLASTIC-LAMINATE-CLAD CASEWORK PART 1 – GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.2 Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SECTION INCLUDES A. 1.3 Fixed modular laminate clad casework and components. RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 01 2300 - Alternates: For Bid Alternates related to the Work of this Section. B. Blocking within walls where indicated: Division 06. C. Millwork, trim, and custom cabinetry: Division 06. D. Locks master keyed to room doors: Division 08. E. Base molding: Division 09. F. Sinks and service fixtures, service waste lines, connections, and vents: Division 22. G. Electrical service fixtures: Division 26. 1.4 DEFINITIONS A. 1.5 Identification of casework components and related products by surface visibility. 1. Open Interiors: Any open storage unit without solid door or drawer fronts, units with full glass insert doors and/or acrylic doors, and units with sliding solid doors. 2. Closed Interiors: Any closed storage unit behind solid door or drawer fronts. 3. Exposed Ends: Any storage unit exterior side surface that is visible after installation. 4. Other Exposed Surfaces: Faces of doors and drawers when closed, and tops of cabinets less than 72 inches above furnished floor. 5. Semi-Exposed Surfaces: Interior surfaces which are visible, bottoms of wall cabinets and tops of cabinets 72 inches or more above finished floor. 6. Concealed Surfaces: Any surface not visible after installation. QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Manufacturer: Minimum of 5 years experience in providing manufactured casework systems for similar types of projects, produce evidence of financial stability, bonding capacity, and adequate facilities and personnel required to perform on this project. B. Manufacturer: Provide products certified as meeting or exceeding ANSI-A 161.1-2000 testing standards. C. Single Source Manufacturer: Casework, countertops and architectural millwork products must all be engineered and built by a single source manufacturer in order to ensure consistency and quality for these related products. Splitting casework, countertops and/or architectural millwork between multiple manufacturers will not be permitted. D. Quality Standard: Unless otherwise indicated, comply with AWI’s Architectural Woodwork Quality Standards for grades of interior architectural woodwork, construction, finishes and other requirements. 1. Provide AWI Quality Certification Program LABELS indicating that the woodwork complies with requirements of the grade specified. This project has been registered as AWI/QCP project number ______________. 2. Provide AWI Quality Certification Program CERTIFICATE indicating that the woodwork complies with requirements of the grade specified. This project has been registered as AWI/QCP project number ______________. MANUFACTURED PLASTIC-LAMINATE-CLAD CASEWORK 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Section 12 3216 - Page 1 of 6 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 3. The contractor, upon award of work, shall register the work under this section with the AWI Quality Certification Program (Phone: 800.449.8811). 1.6 SUBMITTALS A. Comply with Section 013300, unless otherwise indicated. B. Product Data: Manufacturer’s catalog with specifications and construction details. C. Shop Drawings: Indicate dimensions, description of materials and finishes, general construction, specific modifications, component connections, anchorage methods, hardware, and installation procedures, plus the following specific requirements. 1. Include section drawings of typical and special casework, work surfaces and accessories. 2. Indicate locations of plumbing and electrical service field connection by others. 3. Provide one set of shop drawings which includes all products within this section, engineered and built by a single source manufacturer, with seamless coordination amongst all products. D. Samples: 1. Component samples: Two sets of samples for each of the following: a. Decorative laminate color charts / PVC and ABS edgings. 1.7 PRODUCT HANDLING A. Deliver completed laminate clad casework, countertops, and related products only after wet operations in building are completed, store in ventilated place, protected from the weather, with relative humidity range of 25 percent to 55 percent. B. Protect finished surfaces from soiling and damage during handling and installation with a protective covering. 1.8 JOB CONDITIONS A. Environmental Requirements: Do not install casework until permanent HVAC systems are operating and temperature and humidity have been stabilized for at least 1 week. 1. Manufacturer/Supplier shall advise Contractor of temperature and humidity requirements for architectural casework installation areas. 2. After installation, control temperature and humidity to maintain relative humidity between 25 percent and 55 percent. B. Conditions: Do not install casework until interior concrete work, masonry, plastering and other wet operations are complete. 1.9 WARRANTY A. All materials and workmanship covered by this section will carry a five (5) year warranty from date of acceptance. PART 2 – PRODUCTS 2.1 ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURERS A. 2.2 Manufacturer: 1. Basis of Design: TMI Systems Design Corporation. a. Drawings and specifications are based on manufacturer’s literature from TMI SYSTEMS DESIGN CORPORATION, 50 South Third Avenue West, Dickinson, North Dakota, 58601, Phone: 800-456-6716, fixed modular, flexible rail mounted, and mobile casework and accessories. b. Or approved equal. Other manufacturers shall comply with the minimum levels of material and detailing indicated on the drawings or as specified. MATERIALS A. Core Materials: Section 12 3216 - Page 2 of 6 MANUFACTURED PLASTIC-LAMINATE-CLAD CASEWORK 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 1. Particleboard up to 7/8 inch thick: Industrial Grade average 45-pound density particleboard, ANSI A 208.1-2009, M-2 requirements. 2. Particleboard 1 inch thick and thicker: Industrial Grade average 45-pound density particle-board, ANSI A 208.1-2009, M-2 requirements. 3. Medium Density Fiberboard 1/4 inch thick: Average 54-pound density grade, ANSI A208.2-2009 requirements. 4. MR Moisture Resistant Particleboard: Average 45-pound density particleboard, ANSI A208.1 1-2009, M-2 requirements. B. Decorative Laminates: GREENGAURD Indoor Air Quality Certified 1. High-pressure decorative laminate VGS (.028), NEMA Test LD 3-2005. 2. High-pressure decorative laminate HGS (.048), NEMA Test LD 3-2005. 3. High-pressure decorative laminate HGP (.039), NEMA Test LD 3-2005. 4. High-pressure cabinet liner CLS (.020), NEMA Test LD 3-2005. 5. High-pressure backer BKH (.048), (.039), (.028), NEMA Test LD3-2005. 6. Thermally fused melamine TFM laminate, NEMA Test LD 3-2005. (TFM allowed on casework interiors only, as specified below. Utilization of TFM on any exterior casework surfaces, including door and drawer faces and finished ends, will not be permitted.) C. Laminate Color Selection: Maximum 1 color per unit face and 5 colors per project. (See Color Selection in section 3.5). D. Edging Materials: 1. 1mm PVC banding, machine applied. 2. 3mm PVC banding, machine applied and machine profiled to 1/8 inch radius. 2.3 CABINET HARDWARE A. Hinges: 1. Five knuckle, epoxy powder coated, institutional grade, 2-3/4 inch overlay type with hospital tip. 0.095 inch thick. ANSI-BHMA standard A156.9, Grade 1. a. Doors 48 inches and over in height have 3 hinges per door. b. Magnetic door catch with maximum 5 pound pull provided, attached with screws and slotted for adjustment. B. Pulls: 1. Select from the TMI Vendor Stock Pull Program or other manufacturer’s pre-approved equivalent program. 2. All pulls with 96mm spacing on screws. Pull designs shall comply with the Americans with Disability Act (ADA). C. Drawer Slides: 1. Regular, kneespace and pencil: 100-pound load rated epoxy coated steel, bottom corner mounted with smooth and quiet nylon rollers. Positive stop both directions with self-closing feature. Paper storage, 150-pound load rated epoxy coated steel slides. D. Adjustable Shelf Supports: 1. Injection molded transparent polycarbonate friction fit into cabinet end panels and vertical dividers, adjustable on 32mm centers. Each shelf support has 2 integral support pins, 5mm diameter, to interface pre-drilled holes, and to prevent accidental rotation of support. The support automatically adapts to 3/4 inch or 1 inch thick shelving and provides non-tip feature for shelving. Supports may be field fixed if desired. Structural load to 1200 pounds (300 pounds per support) without failure. E. Locks: 1. Removable core, disc tumbler, cam style lock with strike. Lock for sliding 3/4 inch thick doors is a disc type plunger lock, sliding door type with strike. Lock for sliding glass/acrylic doors is a ratchet type sliding showcase lock. 2.4 FABRICATION A. Fabricate casework, countertops and related products to dimensions, profiles, and details shown. MANUFACTURED PLASTIC-LAMINATE-CLAD CASEWORK 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Section 12 3216 - Page 3 of 6 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 B. All casework panel components must go through a supplemental sizing process after cutting, producing a panel precisely finished in size and square to within 0.010 inches, ensuring strict dimensional quality and structural integrity in the final fabricated product. C. Cabinet Body Construction: 1. Tops and bottoms are glued and doweled to cabinet sides and internal cabinet components such as fixed horizontals, rails and verticals. Minimum 6 dowels each joint for 24 inch deep cabinets and a minimum of 4 dowels each joint for 12 inch deep cabinets. (Mechanical or metal hardware fasteners joining cabinet top and bottom panels to the sides will not be accepted.) a. Tops, bottoms and sides of all cabinets are particleboard core. 2. Cabinet backs: 1/4 inch thick medium density fiberboard panel fully captured by the cabinet top, bottom and side panels. Finish to match cabinet interior. 3/4 inch x 4 inch particleboard rails will be placed behind the back panel at the top and bottom, and doweled to the sides utilizing 10mm hardwood fluted dowels. A third intermediate rail will be included on all cabinets taller than 56 inches. Utilize hot melt glue to further secure back and increase overall strength. a. Exposed back on fixed or movable cabinets: 3/4 inch thick particleboard with the exterior surface finished in VGS laminate as selected. 3. Fixed base and tall units have an individual factory-applied base, constructed of 3/4 inch thick plywood. Base is 102mm (nominal 4 inch) high unless otherwise indicated on the drawings. 4. Base units, except sink base units: Full sub-top glued and doweled to cabinet sides. (Mechanical or metal hardware fasteners joining cabinet sub-top panel to the sides will not be accepted.) a. Sink base units are provided with open top and a stretcher at the front, attached to the sides. Back to be split removable access panel. 5. Side panels and vertical dividers shall receive adjustable shelf hardware at 32mm line boring centers. Mount door hinges, drawer slides and pull-out shelves in the line boring for consistent alignment. 6. Exposed and semi exposed edges. a. Edging: 1mm PVC machine applied. 7. Adjustable Shelves in Cabinets: a. Core: Particleboard. b. Core Thickness: 3/4 inch up to 36 inches wide, 1 inch over 36 inches wide. c. Edge: 1mm PVC on Front Edge Only. 8. Interior finish, units with open Interiors: a. Top, bottom, back, sides, horizontal and vertical members, and adjustable shelving faces with TFM Thermally Fused Melamine laminate. 9. Interior finish, units with closed Interiors: a. Top, bottom, back, sides, horizontal and vertical members, and adjustable shelving faces with TFM Thermally Fused Melamine laminate. 10. Exposed ends: a. Faced with high-pressure decorative VGS laminate. Use of TFM on exposed ends will not be permitted. 11. Wall unit bottom: a. Faced with thermally fused melamine laminate. 12. Balanced construction of all laminated panels is mandatory. Unfinished core stock surfaces, even on concealed surfaces (excluding edges), are not permitted. D. Drawers: 1. Sides, back and sub front: Minimum 1/2 inch thick particleboard, laminated with TFM Thermally Fused Melamine doweled and glued into sides. Top edge banded with 1mm PVC. 2. Drawer bottom: Minimum 1/2 inch thick particleboard laminated with TFM Thermally Fused Melamine, screwed directly to the bottom edges of drawer box. 3. Paper storage drawers: Minimum 3/4 inch thick particleboard sides, back, and sub front laminated with TFM Thermally Fused Melamine. Minimum 1/2 inch thick particleboard drawer bottoms screwed directly to the bottom edges of the drawer box. Provide PVC angle retaining bar at the rear of the drawer. Section 12 3216 - Page 4 of 6 MANUFACTURED PLASTIC-LAMINATE-CLAD CASEWORK 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 E. 2.5 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 Door/Drawer Fronts: 1. Core: 3/4 inch thick particleboard. 2. High-pressure decorative VGS laminate exterior, balanced with high-pressure cabinet liner CLS. Use of TFM on exterior or interior surfaces of door/drawer fronts will not be permitted. 3. Edges: 3mm PVC, machine applied, external edges and outside corners machine profiled to 1/8 inch radius. 4. Provide double doors in opening in excess of 24 inches wide. DECORATIVE LAMINATE COUNTERTOPS A. Core: 1. All countertops except at sink elevations: 1-1/8 inch thick ANSI A208.1-1993 M-2 particleboard. 2. Countertops at sink elevations: 1-1/8 inch thick ANSI A208.1-1993 M-3 moisture resistant (MR) particleboard. B. Surface: High-pressure decorative HGS/HGP laminate with balanced backer sheeting. C. Edges, including applied backsplash: 3mm PVC, exposed edges and corners machine profiled to 1/8 inch radius. D. All countertops joints must be dry fit at the factory to check for consistency in color from one panel to the other and overall finished panel thickness, resulting in a high quality product easy to install. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 INSPECTION A. 3.2 The casework contractor must examine the job site and the conditions under which the work under this section is to be performed, and notify the building owner in writing of unsatisfactory conditions. Do not proceed with work under this Section until satisfactory conditions have been corrected in a manner acceptable to the installer. PREPARATION A. 3.3 Condition casework to average prevailing humidity conditions in installation areas prior to installing. INSTALLATION A. Install casework per manufacturer's written instructions. B. Erect casework, plumb, level, true and straight with no distortions. Shim as required. Where laminate clad casework abuts other finished work, scribe and cut to accurate fit. C. Adjust casework and hardware so that doors and drawers operate smoothly without warp or bind. D. Repair minor damage per plastic laminate manufacturer’s recommendations. 3.4 CLEANING A. Remove and dispose of all packing materials and related construction debris. B. Clean cabinets inside and out. Wipe off fingerprints, pencil marks, and surface soil etc., in preparation for final cleaning by the building owner. 3.5 COLOR SELECTION A. Laminate Color Selection: 1. Select from the full range of standard Wilsonart® and Formica® stock color charts. 2. Thermally fused melamine laminate matched to White color. B. Hardware Color Selection: 1. Hinge: Select from your choice of epoxy powder coating stock colors matched to White, Beige, Gray, Black, Slate and Chrome. 2. Pulls: Select from design specific finish options available in the TMI Vendor Stock Pull Program. 3. Miscellaneous Hardware (support brackets, table frames, etc.): Select from your choice of epoxy powder coating stock colors matched to White, Beige, Gray, Black, Slate and Chrome. MANUFACTURED PLASTIC-LAMINATE-CLAD CASEWORK 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Section 12 3216 - Page 5 of 6 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 C. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 PVC Edge Banding Color Selection: 1. 3mm PVC: Select from your choice of stock colors matched to White, Beige, Gray, Black and Slate. 2. 1mm PVC: Select from your choice of stock colors matched to White, Beige, Gray, Black and Slate. Section 12 3216 - Page 6 of 6 MANUFACTURED PLASTIC-LAMINATE-CLAD CASEWORK 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 SECTION 12 3600 - COUNTERTOPS PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 SECTION INCLUDES A. Countertops for architectural cabinetwork. B. Countertops for manufactured casework. 1.2 RELATED REQUIREMENTS A. 1.3 Section 06 4100 - Architectural Wood Casework. REFERENCE STANDARDS A. ASTM D635 - Standard Test Method for Rate of Burning and/or Extent and Time of Burning of Plastics in a Horizontal Position; 2010. B. AWI/AWMAC/WI (AWS) - Architectural Woodwork Standards; 2009. C. NEMA LD 3 - High-Pressure Decorative Laminates; 2005. 1.4 SUBMITTALS A. See Section 01 3000 - Administrative Requirements, for submittal procedures. B. Product Data: Manufacturer's data sheets on each product to be used, including: 1. Preparation instructions and recommendations. 2. Storage and handling requirements and recommendations. 3. Specimen warranty. C. Shop Drawings: Complete details of materials and installation; combine with shop drawings of cabinets and casework specified in other sections. D. Selection Samples: For each finish product specified, color chips representing manufacturer's full range of available colors and patterns. E. Verification Samples: For each finish product specified, minimum size 6 inches (150 mm) square, representing actual product, color, and patterns. F. Test Reports: Chemical resistance testing, showing compliance with specified requirements. 1.5 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Fabricator Qualifications: Same fabricator as for cabinets on which tops are to be installed. B. Installer Qualifications: Fabricator. 1.6 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Store products in manufacturer's unopened packaging until ready for installation. B. Store and dispose of solvent-based materials, and materials used with solvent-based materials, in accordance with requirements of local authorities having jurisdiction. 1.7 FIELD CONDITIONS A. Maintain environmental conditions (temperature, humidity, and ventilation) within limits recommended by manufacturer for optimum results. Do not install products under environmental conditions outside manufacturer's absolute limits. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 COUNTERTOP ASSEMBLIES A. Quality Standard: Premium Grade, in accordance with AWI/AWMAC/WI Architectural Woodwork Standards. B. Plastic Laminate Countertops: High pressure decorative laminate sheet bonded to substrate. COUNTERTOPS 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Section 12 3600 - Page 1 of 4 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 1. Laminate Sheet, Unless Otherwise Indicated: NEMA LD 3 Grade HGS, 0.048 inch (HGS, 1.2 mm) nominal thickness. a. Finish: Matte or suede, gloss rating of 5 to 20. 2. Back and End Splashes: Same material, same construction. C. 2.2 Epoxy Resin Countertops: Filled epoxy resin molded into homogenous, non-porous sheets; no surface coating and color and pattern consistent throughout thickness; with integral or adhesively seamed components. 1. Flat Surface Thickness: 1 inch (25 mm), nominal. 2. Chemical Resistance: Provide products that resist the following chemicals with not more than Moderate Effect when tested in the same manner as specified in NEMA LD 3: 3. Flammability: Self-extinguishing, when tested in accordance with ASTM D635. 4. Surface Finish: Smooth, non-glare. 5. Color: Black. 6. Back and End Splashes: Same material, same thickness; separate for field attachment. ACCESSORY MATERIALS A. 2.3 Adhesives: Chemical resistant waterproof adhesive as recommended by manufacturer of materials being joined. FABRICATION A. Fabricate tops and splashes in the largest sections practicable, with top surface of joints flush. 1. Join lengths of tops using best method recommended by manufacturer. 2. Fabricate to overhang fronts and ends of cabinets 1 inch (25 mm) except where top butts against cabinet or wall. 3. Prepare all cutouts accurately to size; replace tops having improperly dimensioned or unnecessary cutouts or fixture holes. B. Provide back/end splash wherever counter edge abuts vertical surface unless otherwise indicated. 1. Secure to countertop with concealed fasteners and with contact surfaces set in waterproof glue. 2. Height: 4 inches (102 mm), unless otherwise indicated. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Do not begin installation until substrates have been properly prepared. B. If substrate preparation is the responsibility of another installer, notify Architect of unsatisfactory preparation before proceeding. C. Verify that wall surfaces have been finished and mechanical and electrical services and outlets are installed in proper locations. 3.2 PREPARATION A. Clean surfaces thoroughly prior to installation. B. Prepare surfaces using the methods recommended by the manufacturer for achieving the best result for the substrate under the project conditions. 3.3 INSTALLATION A. Securely attach countertops to cabinets using concealed fasteners. Make flat surfaces level; shim where required. B. Attach plastic laminate countertops using screws with minimum penetration into substrate board of 5/8 inch (16 mm). C. Attach epoxy resin countertops using compatible adhesive. D. Seal joint between back/end splashes and vertical surfaces. Section 12 3600 - Page 2 of 4 COUNTERTOPS 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 3.4 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 TOLERANCES A. Variation From Horizontal: 1/8 inch in 10 feet (3 mm in 3 m), maximum. B. Offset From Wall, Countertops: 1/8 inch (3 mm) maximum; 1/16 inch (1.5 mm) minimum. C. Field Joints: 1/8 inch (3 mm) wide, maximum. 3.5 CLEANING A. 3.6 Clean countertops surfaces thoroughly. PROTECTION A. Protect installed products until completion of project. B. Touch-up, repair or replace damaged products before Substantial Completion. END OF SECTION COUNTERTOPS 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Section 12 3600 - Page 3 of 4 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 Section 12 3600 - Page 4 of 4 Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 COUNTERTOPS 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 SECTION 12 6100 - FIXED AUDIENCE SEATING PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.2 Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SECTION INCLUDES A. Fixed, upholstered theater chairs. B. Support standards. 1.3 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. 36 CFR 1191 - Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines for Buildings and Facilities; Final Rule; current edition; (ADA Standards for Accessible Design). B. ASTM A36/A36M - Standard Specification for Carbon Structural Steel; 2008. C. ASTM E1352 - Standard Test Methods for Cigarette Ignition Resistance of Mock-Up Upholstered Furniture Assemblies; 2008a. D. ASTM E1537 - Standard Test Method for Fire Testing of Upholstered Furniture; 2012. E. NFPA 261 - Standard Method of Test for Determining Resistance of Mock-Up Upholstered Furniture Material Assemblies to Ignition by Smoldering Cigarettes; National Fire Protection Association; 2013. 1.4 SUBMITTALS A. See Section 01 3000 - Administrative Requirements, for submittal procedures. B. Product Data: Manufacturer's printed data sheets for products specified. C. Shop Drawings: Fabrication and installation details, chair layouts and dimensions and seat numbering scheme. 1. Field Measurements: Verify seating layout by field measurements and record field dimensions on shop drawings. D. Selection Samples: Manufacturer's color charts and swatches for fabric upholstery, indicating full range of materials, colors, and patterns available. E. Verification Samples: Full-size two-seat fabricated sample of each type of chair specified, including all accessories and one end panel, illustrating all finishes and workmanship to be expected in the finished Work; approved sample may be incorporated into the Work. F. Maintenance Materials: 1. See Section 01 6000 - Product Requirements, for additional provisions. 2. Extra Fabric: Quantity sufficient for reupholstering 5 percent of installed seating. 1.5 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Installer Qualifications: An experienced installer certified in writing by the seating manufacturer to be qualified for installation of specified seating. B. Fire Retardance of Upholstered Seating: Self-extinguishing when mock-up is exposed to smoldering cigarettes in accordance with ASTM E1352 or NFPA 261. C. Fire Retardance of Fixed Theater Seating: Maximum instantaneous net peak rate of heat release of 250 kW or less, and total energy released during first 5 minutes of 40 mJ or less, when tested in accordance with ASTM E1537. 1.6 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Deliver seats to project site in unopened containers clearly labeled with manufacturer's name and identification of contents. FIXED AUDIENCE SEATING 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Section 12 6100 - Page 1 of 4 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 B. 1.7 Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 Store seating units in dry and clean location until needed for installation. During installation, handle in a manner that will prevent marring and soiling of finished surfaces. MOCK-UP A. See Section 01 4000 - Quality Requirements, for additional mock-up requirements. B. Construct mock-up with at least 2 seats in each of 2 rows at location indicated. Approved mock-up will serve as quality standard for completed installation. Approved mock-up may remain as part of the Work. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURERS A. Basis of Design Product: Subject to compliance with requirments, Provide Irwin Seating Company, Citation, Model; or a comparable product by one of the following: 1. Hussey Seating Company: 2. Substitutions: See Section 01 6000 - Product Requirements. B. Provide all theater seating by one manufacturer. 2.2 MATERIALS A. Steel plates, bars, and tubes: ASTM A36/A36M. B. Exposed Hardwood: Solid lumber selected for absence of visible defects; birch, northern hard maple, white oak, or species standard with manufacturer. C. Polyurethane Foam: Density not less than 1.8 lb/cu ft (28.8 kg/cu m), fire retardant, non-hardening and non-oxidizing, with high resistance to alkalis, oils, moisture, and mildew. 2.3 UPHOLSTERED CHAIRS A. Fixed seating system designed to permit radial installation using common middle support standards in each row and aisle standards aligned as indicated on drawings. Width of seats not less than 22 inches (559 mm), except exit seat locations may be reduced to 20 inches (508 mm) to complete specific row dimensions. B. Backs: Fixed type; two-panel construction with fabric covering over padding and protective back panel, with installed height not less than 32 inches (813 mm) above finished floor. 1. Padding: Polyurethane foam not less than 1 in (25 mm) thick bonded to structural support. 2. Covering: Fabric bonded to padding and fastened by upholstery technique that facilitates replacement. C. Seats: Hinged type, constructed to permit reupholstering without removing seat from chair. D. Hinges: Self-lubricating, noiseless steel hinges with brass alloy bearings or nylon bushings, equipped with spring mechanism that causes unoccupied seat to rise automatically to uniform 3/4 fold, with 100 percent fold when additional pressure is applied. E. Arm Rests: Locate at aisles and between chairs; mount to support standard with concealed fasteners; exposed surfaces of solid hardwood lumber with smoothed edges. F. End Panels: One piece panels fastened securely to aisle standards with concealed fasteners, configured as follows: 1. Shape: Rectangular. 2. Finish: Solid hardwood. 2.4 STANDARDS A. Support Standards: Tubular steel with welded mounting points for backs, seats, and arm rests, and welded floor anchor plates. Section 12 6100 - Page 2 of 4 FIXED AUDIENCE SEATING 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 2.5 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 FINISHES A. Ferrous Metals: Manufacturer's standard two-coat baked enamel finish, applied over conversion coating appropriate to base metal. B. Hardwood: Manufacturer's standard clear low-gloss finish. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. 3.2 Examine substrates for conditions detrimental to installation of fixed theater seating. Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. INSTALLATION A. Comply with manufacturer's instructions for installation and approved shop drawings. B. Anchor support standards securely to substrate with at least two anchoring devices recommended by manufacturer. 1. Place standards in each row laterally so the standards at the aisle will be in alignment. Vary width of seats and backs as required to optimize sightlines, and comply with the ADA Standards for Accessible Design requirements for row and aisle widths. 3.3 ADJUSTING A. Adjust seat mechanisms to ensure that seats in each row are aligned when unoccupied. B. Repair minor abrasions and imperfections in painted finishes with a coating that matches factory-applied finish; replace units that cannot be repaired to unblemished appearance. C. Replace upholstery fabric damaged or soiled during installation. END OF SECTION FIXED AUDIENCE SEATING 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Section 12 6100 - Page 3 of 4 Construction Documents Issue Date: 12/31/2013 Section 12 6100 - Page 4 of 4 Smoky Hill High School Renovation Phase 2 FIXED AUDIENCE SEATING 13-0553 - Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc.
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