4 INDIAN Houseware th Indian Stainless Steel Houseware Show 2014 Show Exhibitor Guide 14 15 16 17 August 2014 Bombay Convention & Exhibition Center, GOREGAON (E) MUMBAI, INDIA Organized & Promoted by: Main Sponsor: Gold Sponsor: Query: Office: +91-291-2441514 Org: +91-9314713809 Mktg: +91-7737731015 Email: event@steelmarketinfo.com www.inoxhousewareshow.com LETTER TO EXHIBITOR 4 th INDIAN Houseware Show 2014 Dear Exhibitor, Welcome to 4th Indian Stainless Steel Houseware Show 2014. Enclosed is the exhibitor manual specially designed to address all crucial issues relating to the exhibition in detail, and to provide you with vital information for your successful participation. Please study the contents of this manual carefully to familiarize yourself with deadlines, guidelines, policies, available services and their related costs. All order forms contained in the manual should be mailed or faxed as directed. Please retain a photocopy of each form for your records, so that queries, if any, can be settled quickly and invoices checked easily and accurately. Although you may be tempted to skip through pages to focus your attention on specic items that interest you, we strongly urge you to read the Exhibitor Manual in its entirety, to ensure your smooth and successful participation at the event. If you have any queries, please phone or fax Steel Market Info. We will revert to you immediately. Again, we wish you a successful participation at the Indian Stainless Steel Houseware Show and assuring our dedicated services at all times. Sincerely, R.L Choudhary Steel Market Info 3 LAYOUT PLAN OF NESCO, GOREGAON, MUMBIA 4 th INDIAN Houseware Show 2014 INDIAN STAINLESS STEEL HOUSEWARE SHOW Hall - I VISITOR PARKING Ground GATE NO. 1 GATE NO. 2 4 ABOUT FAIR 4 th INDIAN Houseware Show 2014 Date & Venue Date : 14 – 17 AUGUST, 2014 Venue : Hall No. 1, Bombay Exhibi on Center, Goregaon (e), Mumbai Exhibition Timings DAYS Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday DATE 14 Aug, 2014 15 Aug, 2014 16 Aug, 2014 17 Aug, 2014 TIMINGS 11.00 am - 7.00 pm 10.00 am - 7.00 pm 10.00 am - 7.00 pm 10.00 am - 6.00 pm Important dates for exhibitors / Ofcial Functions Date Schedule 14 July, 2014 - Last date for receipt of applica on with full par cipa on charges 12 August 2014 (01.00 pm) - Move-in for bare space exhibitors 13 August 2014 (a er 5 pm) - Move-in for built-up stall exhibitors. 14 August 2014 (10.30 am) - Inaugura on/Ribbon Cu ng Ceremony 15 August 2014 (7.30 pm) - Independence Day Celebra on 16 August 2014 - Award Night Func on & Cultural Evening 17 August 2014 - Closing Ceremony and dismantling of stalls to be completed by: For Raw Space - 11:00 pm on 17 August 2014 For Builup Stall- 09.00 pm on 17 August 2014 Invita on of Inaugura on Ceremony: All Exhibitors are requested to be present at the Inaugura on Ceremony on 14 August 2014 6 DEADLINES - Important Dates 4 th INDIAN Houseware Show 2014 ADDITIONAL POWER REQUIREMENT Extra electrical consumption to run additional light bulbs and plug points, Tool, Accessories, Machineries from the stand-tting contractors they would be charged separately for electricity. Submit your requirement form. Deadline 04 July 2014 INVITATION CARD / BADGES If you do not receive Invitation card / Exhibitor Badges, Please Call for cause to be dispatch 0291-2441514 or by e-mail at event@steelmarketinfo.com Deadline 15 July 2014 DEADLINE OF PAYMENT All payments must be made by 14 July 2014. Exhibitors may note that possession of stall will only be given if all dues are clear. Deadline 14 July 2014 DEADLINE OF STALL BOOKING Please book your Stall with complete payment. Deadline 21 July 2014 ADVERTISMENT IN EXHIBITOR DIRECTORY Submit your add (8.5 x 11 inch, 300dpi - CDR / JPG / PDF) Deadline 14 July 2014 FREE LISTING IN EXHIBITOR DIRECTORY All the exhibitors are entitled to be listed free of charge in the fair catalogue. Please Fill Form No. 5 and send back to event@steelmarketinfo.com Deadline 26 July 2014. MOVE IN / POSSESSION OF STALL RAW SPACE (Stall Design) - After 00:30 am on 12 August 2014 Build-up Stall - After 12.00 pm on 13 August 2014 SUBMISSION OF PRODUCT FOR NOMINATION Please submit your product for award night ceremony - before 6:00 pm on 15 August 2014 MOVE OUT / DISMANTLING OF STALL RAW SPACE (Stall Design) Build-up Stall - from 5:30 - 11:00 pm on 17 August 2014 - from 5:30 - 9:00 pm on 17 August 2014 Call for Assist you: +91- 773 773 1015 event@steelmarketinfo.com Basic Information 4 th INDIAN Houseware Show 2014 1 ORGANIZER STEEL MARKET INFO, 2nd Floor Nirmal Tower, Chopasani Road, Jodhpur is the organizer of 4th INDIAN STAINLESS STEEL HOUSEWARE SHOW 2014 2 CLARIFICATIONS FOR EXHIBITOR INFORMATION MANUAL Till 14 August 2014, exhibitors may contact / call STEEL MARKET INFO for any clarifica on on the informa on given in this manual. It is our endeavour to answer any query that the Exhibitor may have. 3 REGULATIONS The formula on and execu on of the rules and regula ons and all other ma ers regarding the Exhibi on will be carried out by Organizer and he is vested with full authority to enforce all the rules and regula ons pertaining to the Exhibi on. His decision will be final and binding in all respect and to all concerned. 4 DATE & VENUE The exhibi on will be held from 14 August to 17 August 2014 at Hall No. 1, Bombay Exhibi on Center, Goregaon (E), Mumbai 5 EXHIBITOR A company / organiza on / associa on booking space for par cipa on will be called exhibitor. 6 EXHIBITION TIMINGS Business Visitor: 1000 hrs - 1800 hrs Exhibi on complex will open for exhibitors at 0930 hrs and close at 1830hrs. During exhibi on hours, exhibitors must keep their stall fully manned and exhibits should be uncovered and demonstrated to the visitors. 7 ALLOCATION OF SPACE Space will be allocated on first come first serve basis. The details of stall allotment will be communicated to the Exhibitors appropriately. The decision of the Organizers in regard to stall / space alloca on will be binding. However, due considera on will be given to the choice and requirement of applicant. The organizers reserve the right, if circumstances necessitate, changing the posi on, dimensions or area of the stall(s) without prior in ma on and assigning any reasons. 8 MOVE IN PROCEDURE AND POSSESSION OF STALL Entry of vehicles of exhibitor including stall designers and other service providers will be allowed only from Gate no. 2. Please take print out of a ached entry pass to be presented at gate no. 2 to security person at the me of entry. A er unloading of the exhibits, such vehicles will have to immediately go out 8 of Bombay Exhibi on Center. Possession to exhibitors taking bare space will be given a er 00:30 am on August 12, 2014 and to exhibitors taking build-up both will be given a er 12.00 pm on 13 August 2014. 9 PROCEDURE FOR TAKING POSSESSION OF STANDS Possession of shell scheme stands and bare space area will be given to the exhibitors a er full payment of all dues. The representa ve of the exhibitors must bring a le er of authoriza on for taking possession of their stand. The authoriza on le er must be submi ed to the site office of the organisers at Hall No. 1 Bombay Exhibi on Center, Goregaon (E), Mumbai The person appointed to take possession of the stall must have a following authoriza on le er from the exhibi ng company on their le er head. “We hereby authorise Mr. ........................ (Name of Personnel) Designa on-------------------- to take the possession of our stall number ...................... in hall number------------. The above men oned person on behalf of the company will now be responsible for the stand and the exhibits on display.” 10 CONSTRUCTION OF STANDS Bare Space Exhibitors must use reputed stand contractors for carrying out their work and should get themself suitably insured against all risks. The exhibitors indemnify the organizers of 4th Stainless Steel Houseware Show 2014 against all Risks/damages/claims/law suits resul ng out of any hazard/accident/calamity resul ng out of faulty construc on. To achieve uniformity in display and appearance of the en re exhibi on and to ensure proper presenta on of all exhibits, Exhibitors are advised to strictly follow the guidelines for stand construc on, decora on & display specified by the Organizer. 11 STALL COMPLETION BY EXHIBITOR Exhibitors must complete the set up of Stall by 9 am on 14 August 2014 with all exhibits in posi on. A er this period no work/ person would be allowed inside due to NESCO norms and security reasons. 12 OPERATION OF STANDS No stand will remain una ended. All stands must open at least half an hour before the opening of the exhibi on and shall remain open ll half an hour a er closing of the exhibi on me on each day. 13 STORAGE OF EXHIBITS & EMPTIES No exhibits or emp es will be stored behind the exhibi on stands. 14 STAND DISMANTLING Exhibitors' will be allowed to dismantle/remove the exhibi on material a er 5.30 pm on August 17, 2014 and should clear all the exhibits latest by 11.00 pm. Security arrangements for the hand carriable materials need to be done by the exhibitor during the installa on & dismantling period. Organiser will not be responsible for any the or damages. 9 15 EXIT PASS For taking out the Exhibi on Material and Exhibits a er the closure of the Exhibi on, par cipants would need to obtain a final exit pass from the organisers. 16 REMOVAL OF EXHIBITS Exhibitors are allowed to remove the exhibits from the stalls a er 5:30 pm on August 17, 2014. All hall u li es will be disconnected a er 6:00pm hrs and exhibitors are requested to keep the aisles clear of cartons and crates to enable removal of aisle carpe ng. This mentling of stall and removal of exhibits must be completed latest by 11:00 pm on August 17, 2014. 17 DAMAGE CAUSED TO ANY STRUCTURE BY THE EXHIBITOR Once the Exhibi on is closed, the stall / area must be restored to its original condi on. Exhibitor will be required to make good all damages, (or make payment adjustable against Cau on money in lieu thereof) to the Fair facili es incurred during the Installa on / Dismantling / Fair period. Exit passes will be issued only a er all dues are cleared. 18 STAND INTERIORS While the Exhibitors are free to decorate their stands to the best of their ability for projec ng the right image of their products and company, they should take care not to cause any damage to the walls, pillars and floors or any other such facility. CLOTH BANNERS ARE NOT ALLOWED TO BE USED EITHER INSIDE OR OUTSIDE THE STALL. 19 RESTRICTIONS The following are strictly prohibited. • Holes, Nails, Screws on panels, furniture, carpet, ceiling and floor Wall paper or glue on panels. • Use of paint or other non-erasable material on the panels. • Carrying out any type of welding work, opera on / demonstra on using naked flames or LPG Loud noise or music. • Nailing, digging or cu ng the floor without the prior permission of the organizers. • Smoking and consump on of alcoholic beverages within the stall or elsewhere during the construc on, dismantling and exhibi on period; Woodwork in the hall. • Use of any banner (inside / outside the stall / Exhibi on Site), tent house furniture / structure in the stall will not be allowed. • No danglers or projec on or encroachment in the passage area would be allowed Any altera on / change in the stand type in terms of openings of a stall / space Any change / altera on in the fascia / fascia name. • Distribu on of bills / pamphlets from the exhibi on entry gates / passage or any other area except the exhibitor's stall is strictly not allowed. 10 20 BUILT-UP FACILITIES Exhibitors who have applied for built-up stall would be provided pre-fabricated Octonorm system stand, Name Fascia in Vinyl computer cut s ckers, Spot Lights, Carpet and furniture as stated in the table, given below:1) 9 sq.m. Standard Booth 3) 18 sq.m. Standard Booth • fascia • partitions • carpet • 4 spotlights, 1 table, 2 chairs • 2 layers of 9m wooden / glass display shelves 2) 12 sq.m. Standard Booth • fascia • partitions • carpet • 8 spotlights, 2 table, 4 chairs • 2 layers of 12m wooden / glass display shelves 1) 24 sq.m. Standard Booth • fascia • partitions • carpet • 6 spotlights, 1 table, 2 chairs • 2 layers of 10m wooden / glass display shelves • fascia • partitions • carpet • 10 spotlights, 2 table, 4 chairs • 2 layers of 14m wooden / glass display shelves The above facili es will not be provided in the Indoor Raw Space/Outdoor Raw Space categories. Builtup stall does not include interior designing or decora on of the booths. This must be carried out by the exhibitors at their own cost. Exhibitors are requested to handle Stall Building Contractor's material with due care. Pain ng, nailing, drilling, gluing or wall papering on the stall panels is not permi ed. Exhibitors must use biadhesive tape for fixing purposes. Exhibitor needs to specify the fascia name by submi ng Directory Lis ng Form A copy of the form is a ached in the manual. No changes would be accepted a er the deadline. 21 SCHEDULE OF PAYMENT All payments must be made by 14 July 2014. Exhibitors may note that possession of stall will only be given if all dues are clear. Payment of Dues: Exhibitors are advised to clear all the dues through a demand dra or Bankers cheque favouring Steel Market Info (Event Div.) Payable at Jodhpur. Exhibitors are requested to follow the procedure to avoid any inconvenience. BANK DETAILS: Account Name : STEEL MARKET INFO (EVENT DIV) Account No. : 911020003179557 Bank : AXIS Bank For direct / electronic transfer : IFS CODE UTIB0000057 22 SERVICE TAX Govt. of India has levy service tax and educa on cess on all exhibi on services. This tax is applicable on the stall rentals, electrical charges and other fair services for the exhibi on. The service tax and educa on cess payable by par cipa ng company will be 12.36%. 23 (a ELECTRICITY & POWER CONNECTI0N CONSUMPTION Shell stand will be provided with single-phase electricity for the spotlights and 5/15 Amp socket provided as per the standard package. Each exhibitor taking a bare stand has to pay for the electricity connec on and consump on charges. 11 Addi onal Electricity required for the shell stand for running equipment, machines or addi onal lights has to be paid for. It is essen al for exhibitors who so ever require addi onal power or temporary power to give complete details through form 3 (copy a ached) of power requirement latest by 14 July 2014. Under no circumstances will the Exhibitors be permi ed to increase or decrease their requirement a er form submission deadlines. The decision of the Organisers in this regard would be final. 23 (b EXTRA POWER CONSUMPTION Extra electrical consump on above the basic en tlement will be charged @ 1000/- per extra 100 wa s. Exhibitors are requested to note that while ordering for addi onal light bulbs and plug points from the stand-fi ng contractors they would be charged separately for electricity. The price indicated in the Stand Fi ng Services Form does not include the electricity charges, which will have to be paid to the Council @ 1000/- per extra 100 Wa s. The above electricity charges would also be applicable to exhibitors construc ng their own booth/s. Due to limited availability of electricity at the venue, exhibitors should not connect of their basic en tlement of electricity as addi onal load as per the table given below: Booth Area (sq.mts) Basic En tlement for the booth Maximum Addi onal Load @ Wa s* 9 sq. mts 12 sq.mts 15 sq.mts 18 sq.mts 21 sq.mts 24 sq.mts 32 sq.mts 36 sq.mts 48 sq.mts 54 sq.mts 1000W 1250W 1500W 2000W 3000W 3500W 4500W 5000W 6000W 6750W 200W 250W 350W 400W 600W 700W 800W 900W 1000W 1200W ` 1000/- per 100 Total 1200W 1500W 1850W 2400W 3600W 4200W 4800W 5900W 7000W 7950W 1. The request for addi onal load as per table 2 must be submi ed online on or before 04 July 2014 2. 50% surcharge for applica ons received from 05 July 2014. ll 11 July 2014. 3. No applica on for addi onal load to be received a er 11 July 2014. 4. 100% penalty will be charged for any over consump on over the declared load, if found on site Exhibitors may please note that floodlights & halogens for ligh ng purpose are strictly NOT ALLOWED as they are a fire hazard and reduce the effec veness of air-condi oning thereby causing inconvenience to all. The organizers reserve the right to assess the safety and consump on of electricity at each booth. 23 (c Exhibitor Compressed Air, Water, Drain & Natural Gas Service Condi ons and Regula ons 1. All equipment must comply with the City of Portland building code, all federal, state and local safety codes. 2. Claims will NOT be considered unless filed by exhibitor prior to close of show. 3. All material and equipment furnished by the Conven on Center for this service order shall remain the property of the Oregon Conven on Center and shall be removed ONLY by the Conven on Center at the close of the show. 12 4. The Oregon Conven on Center reserves the right to refuse connec on to any exhibitor whose equipment is deemed unsafe by the OCC management. 5. Air and water service pressure may vary and no guarantee can be made of minimum or maximum pressures. If the pressure is cri cal, exhibitor should arrange to have a pressure regulator valve installed. 6. Unless otherwise directed, Oregon Conven on Center personnel are authorized to cut floor coverings to permit the installa on of service. 7. Rates quoted for all connec ons only cover bringing the services to the booth in the most convenient manner and does not include connec ng equipment. 8. Credit will not be given for services installed and not used unless no fied 72 hours prior to the first contracted move-in day. 9. Payment in full must be rendered prior to service connec on. 10. Advance orders shall receive priority service. 11. Prices are based upon current wage rates and are subject to change without no ce. 12. Obstruc ons blocking u lity floor boxes are subject to reloca on as necessary. 13. Standard rate available for mail-in orders with payment prior to show's first contracted move-in day. 14. Floor rate applies to any order placed on or a er show's first contracted move-in day. 15. Advance rates only available on-line un l 14 days prior to show's first contracted move-in day. 24 (a ADVERTISEMENT IN EXHIBITION CATALOGUE Organizer will publish the 4th Indian Stainless Steel Houseware 2014 Exhibi on catalogue which will serve as a ready reckoner for visitors during the exhibi on. Considering its wide circula on and shelf life, ll next exhibi on, exhibitors are welcome to release adver sements in the Exhibi on catalogue. For details of adver sement tariff please see page No. 30 Last date for booking of adver sement is 26 July 2014. Those par cipants, who have already paid charges for release of adver sement in Fair Catalogue but have not sent the adver sement ma er so far, may please do so. The adver sement ma er may be sent Steel Market Info's Address by courier or by e-mail at EVENT@STEELMARKETINFO.COM 24 (b Exhibitor Catalogue Free Lis ng. All the exhibitors are en tled to be listed free of charge in the fair catalogue. Please Fill Form No. 5 and send back to EVENT@STEELMARKETINFO.COM, dead line - 26 July 2014. 25 INVITATION CARDS Organizer will publish Show Invita on cards which although will be sent to all trade related contacts present in our database, but if exhibitors are interested to send through them to a ract be er and more qualified traffic at their boot, they can let us know the quan ty telephonically on 0291-2441514 or by e-mail at event@steelmarke nfo.com 13 26 PUBLIC SAFETY & SECURITY Exhibitors & their representa ves should be present at their stands at all mes during the opening hours of the Exhibi on in order to receive visitors. They may not close their stands before the officially appointed me of closing. Fire: All inflammable disposable materials (such as empty boxes and other wrappings) should be immediately removed from the exhibi on premises. Flammable Materials: The use of flammable materials for the decora on of the stand is prohibited unless such decora ons have been treated with a fire retarding substance. Use of hea ng appliances within the stand is strictly prohibited. 27 ENTRY / EXIT Entry into Exhibi on area will be on the basis of exhibitor passes issued by Steel Market Info. Each exhibitor will be en tled to 3 passes per 9-sq meter space. Entry of vehicles in Exhibi on area will not be permi ed during exhibi on hours and other hours specified separately. Exit passes will be necessary for exhibits/ material to be taken out of Exhibi on Area. 28 RIGHT OF ENTRY TO VISITOR The Organizers reserve the right of admission to visitors and may prescribe registra on procedure. Their decision in this ma er would be final. 29 ENCROACHMENT The exhibitors should confine their exhibits as well as personal furniture etc. within the area allocated to them. They should not encroach upon corridors, passages, vacant space or other facili es provided by the Organiser 30 FORCE MAJEURE Under the condi ons of force Majeure which also include strike, lockout, closure, riot, natural calami es and other events & decisions beyond the control of the Organizer, the Organizer reserve the right to alter the opening and dura on or even cancel the en re exhibi on. In case of change in dates and dura on of the Exhibi on, The rules and regula ons and the agreement between the Exhibitor and the Organizer will remain unaffected. All disputes are subject to Jodhpur Jurisdic on. 31 ACCEPTANCE OF RULES By submi ng the applica on form for space booking or by confirming their par cipa on in the Exhibi on in wri ng, the applicants undertake to adhere to all the rules and regula ons laid down by the Organisers or to be framed by them from me to me. 32 PUBLICITY The Organisers will undertake general publicity of the Exhibi on. Posters and other publicity material to be prepared by the Organisers will be made available to Exhibitors for their own use. Exhibitors will be at liberty to carry out their own publicity independently at their own cost. Exhibitors are not allowed to put up posters etc. in any other are except their booth in the Exhibi on Hall. Distribu on of Printed Pamphlets outside the stall and publicity by/of non-exhibitor is prohibited. Note: During exhibi on period, to avoid hassles of parking, please travel in a metro to reach Bombay Exhibi on Center, Goregaon. 14 33 RULES FOR SHELL SCHEME STANDS a. Minimum space for shell scheme is 9 Sqm b. No pain ng or wallpapering of panels is permi ed. Exhibitors who desire to have any panel painted or wallpapered must inform the Official Stand Fi ng Contractor for approval and execu on of work on payment. c. No addi onal fi ng or displays are allowed to be a ached, nailed, screwed or drilled to the booth structure. On viola on of these instruc ons, the exhibitor is liable to be charged by the Official Stand Fi ng Contractor for damages caused to the stand. d. The use of flammable materials for decora on of the stand is prohibited unless such decora ons have been treated with fire-retarding substance. Use of hea ng appliances is strictly prohibited. e. No suspension from hall's ceiling or fixtures to the walls columns and floor of the hall or any other part of the building structure is permi ed. Exhibitors should only u lize the inner parts of the stall allo ed to them, for display. f. Height of all fi ngs/exhibits should be restricted to 2.5 m. The rear and side walls should be 2.5m high. Structures/exhibits (mounted or otherwise) between 2.5 m and 4 m in height must be approved by the Organisers and placed at a minimum distance of 1 m from the rear, sides and front of the stand. g. No financial credit will be given by the Organisers/Official Stand Fi ng Contractor for any shell scheme stand items that are not u lized. h. Exhibitors are requested to deal directly with the Official Stand Fi ng Contractor for their requirement of addi onal items on extra payment, by furnishing details on Form No.8. Any dispute regarding addi onal items has to be se led by the exhibitors directly with the official stand fi ng contractors. Any damage to these items by the exhibitors will be liable for penalty. i. Each shell scheme stall of 9 Sqm. is provided with power supply of 1 KW load including the ligh ng load, free of charge. For addi onal power requirements please refer to Form No. 3 (copy a ached). 34 FIRE SAFETY · Firefigh ng equipment will be provided at various vantage points in the exhibi on halls. Exhibitors are, however, advised to take due precau ons and provide necessary equipment in their own stalls. Exhibitors should also install Guards or Protectors on Machine/Exhibits during the demonstra ons to avoid injury to visitors. · All exits, entry areas and exit aisles must be kept clear and unobstructed. Gas cylinders of any type are prohibited in the exhibi on area. · All temporary wiring must be accessible and free from debris and storage material. Live wire must be insulated. · No storage of any kind is allowed behind booths or near electrical services. All empty cartons and crates must be labeled and removed for storage · Helium balloons are not allowed inside the halls. · Smoking is strictly prohibited inside the exhibi on halls during show days. · No person present inside the exhibi on halls will behave or act in a manner that may cause any harm, injury or damage to other persons, exhibits/exhibi on hall property/fixtures. 15 35 SECURITY REGULATIONS · Badges must be worn at all mes by the exhibitors managing the stalls and their temporary staff to gain entry to the exhibi on halls. · Badges can be obtained at the me of taking possession of stalls from the organisers' office Bombay Exhibi on Center, Mumbai · During show days, exhibitors are allowed to enter half an hour prior to the opening of the Show each day and will be allowed to remain half an hour a er the close of the show · Par cular care should be taken of small portable items, tools and instruments. · Hand carried items or any equipment going out of the exhibi on hall will require an exit pass. While the Organizers will maintain general security surveillance throughout the exhibi on period, security of individual stalls is the responsibility of the exhibitors. Stalls are not to be le una ended during the show period, par cularly before the show starts and a er the show closes on the final day. Hence the exhibitors are advised to hire security personnel for their stall and the same has to be hired from the appointed agencies only. The address of appointed agency is men oned in this manual. Security personnel from an agency other than the appointed agencies will not be permi ed to enter and manage the stalls of any individual exhibitor or group pavilion. Exhibitors are requested to approach the appointed agencies directly with their requirement of personnel. 36 ELECTRICAL SERVICES Each stall will be provided with electric power at one or more main points depending on the total load requirements. Exhibitors should use Distribu on Boards for feeding power to their machines. Individual isola on switches should be provided for each machine. Exhibitors should use either armored cables or metal conduits for connec ng power supply to machines. The work of drawing power from main points to machines/exhibits is to be carried out by the exhibitors, at their own cost. Exhibitors may engage the services of their own personnel or authorised electrical contractors for wiring work inside their stall subject to the condi on that they are duly licensed to undertake electrical work. Exhibitors are advised to exercise highest level of safety precau on for electrical wiring and installa ons. The service charges of electrical contractor are to be borne by the Exhibitors and are payable directly to the contractors. The Exhibitors should connect power to machines and exhibits as per the requirement given in their Applica on. Connec ng power to the Exhibits other than those men oned in the Electricity requisi on Form or more than the specified load or allo ed by the Electrical Department will not be permi ed. 37 EXHIBITION FACILITIES 37.1 Business Visitors Registra on Counters Registra on Counters are being set up at the entrance gates of the exhibi on halls for registering the business visitors. A visitor will present his business card and in return receive a badge, which will en tle him to repeat entries into the Halls on all the days of the exhibi on. 37.2 Business Centre Exhibitors are requested to make use of the Business Centre located in NESCO. This Business Centre is equipped with essen al communica on facili es viz. Computers, telephone with STD/ISD facility, photocopy, fax etc. 16 37.3 Restaurant/Snack counters The organisers have provided a restaurant to provide buffet lunch as well as snacks and also snack counters in each hall for providing tea / coffee/ So Drinks and Snacks 37.4 VIP lounge This lounge will be manned by Steel Market Info staff and will be used for hos ng VIP visitors. 37.5 Informa on Booth Informa on booth will be provided near the main entrance of exhibi on area for giving informa on about the exhibi on. Exhibitors are advised to contact officials available at this booth for any assistance. The Exhibitors should contact the site office of Steel Market Info for obtaining “No Dues Cer ficate” and on that basis they will be issued the Exit Pass. Please Note : Exit Passes will be given to Exhibitors only on the condi on that all dues towards par cipa on in the exhibi on are cleared. The copies of permission granted will be retained by Fair Secretariat, Bombay Exhibi on Center, Goregaon, Mumbai Security staff at the gates and the Exhibitor. 37.6 Entry and Exit into Hall No. 1, Bombay Exhibi on Center, Goregaon, Mumbai All vehicles with the exhibi on materials will be allowed to enter & exit into NESCO from the designated entrance as indicated through signage's onsite. During this show, Visitors will be allowed to enter from the Gate No. 2 No vehicles will be allowed to enter exhibi on area during exhibi on me. The vehicles inside the Bombay Exhibi on Center should be parked at the Paid parking areas. 17 Final Checklist & Show Implementation 4 th INDIAN Houseware Show 2014 FINAL CHECKLIST • Furniture ordered for exhibi on booth and/or trade show contractor hired? • Hotel accommoda on and travel bookings made? • Informa onal materials prepared for the general public? • Business cards printed? • How will the packaged material be brought to the booth? • Arrangement for temporary staff made? • What invoices are s ll outstanding? SHOW IMPLEMENTATION During show it is important that your stand personnel converse professionally with customers. These interac ons must be documented properly to collect informa on for professional trade show followup. 1. Conversa on with customers .Every opportunity to make contact is priceless and must be converted to dialogue with a great deal of a en on and willingness. Even seemingly disinterested customers present a window of opportunity for frui ul communica on. Understand the visitor's busy schedule and compress your sales pitch accordingly. Leave room for the visitors to explore, instead of overwhelming them with a en on. Recognize the interests of the visitor and build your conversa on around it. 2. Documenta on Each conversa on forms the basis for your trade show follow-up and hence must be documented by stand personnel whenever a visitor shows keen interest. When a business card is available do not ask for informa on already men oned there. Only begin taking notes a er a short warm-up phrase. Because your notes are not secret, allow the person concerned to see what you write down. Use copies of the enclosed “Conversa on Record” for evalua ng significant contacts. 3. Follow-up In no later than 10 days a er show, the following ac vi es when efficiently handled directly influence the business decisions of important contacts: • Thank-You mailings • Phone calls to ini ate contacts • Business proposals • Live up to the promises made WE WISH YOU SUCCESS IN THE UPCOMING EVENT & HOPE YOU FIND THESE GUIDELINES USEFUL 18 Services & Service Agencies 4 th INDIAN Houseware Show 2014 The Organisers have provided the following services to facilitate a smooth par cipa on of Exhibi ng companies. The services will be provided either by an official agency or by the organisers themselves as indicated against each service. 1. Stall Contractor Mr. S. Fasihuddin SHAHBAAZ INTERIORS Gala No. 2/3-D, Near Rahat Hotel, Kherani Road, Sakinaka, Andheri (E) MUMBAI- 400072 CELL - 9819071863, 9594642642 TELL ; 022-28527188, 64117435 shahbaazinteriors@gmail.com, shahbaazinteriors@yahoo.co.in Mr. Dharmesh Vadke STYLUZ TECHNOLOGIES 101, 1st Floor, Anubhai CHS, Radhabai Mhatre Road, Dahisar West MUMBAI -40008 Mobile No. 9619222023 styluzevents@gmail.com 2. Freight Forwarder Mr. Nanhe Mishra SIDDHARTHA LOGISTICS CO. PVT. LTD., 1 & 2, Sushil, 30 Tarun Bharat Society, Chakala, Andheri - East, Mumbai - 400099, Ph.: 022 - 4089 4843 Fax.: 022-26834222 Mobile: 9930260118 2. Security B.S.S. & CO. Anu Apt. Connemaria Co-Op Hsg.Soc. Ltd., Gundavali Gauthan, Andheri E Mumbai - 400069, Ph.: 022-26834765, 26840073 Fax.: 022-26834222 Mobile: 9223113343 19 3. Fire Figh ng & Medical Ambulance Deepak Sakpal Saibaba Interna onal H-001, Gokul Residency, Thakur Village, Kandivali (E) Mumbai - 400101 Ph.: 022-28870819 Fax: 022-28865826 Mobile: 9820287631 4. Electricity Rajkumar Tiwali / Shastri R.R. Electrical R/3, S.R. Pathak Chawl, P.N. Rd, Hanuman Mandir, Bandup (W) Mumbai - 400078 Mobile: 9324314269, 9323967125 5. House Keeping Mithun Wadekar Parth Service Zariya Niwas, Koldongari, Sahara Road Andheri (E) Mumbai - 400069 Mobile: 9769818198, 9833624974 6. Liasoning Manoj Menavan Chaitanya Arts Mobile: 9819004987, 9869059566 7. Catering Satyam Kohli 93210 98210 Meals N More 20 INDIAN Houseware Show 4 th Indian Stainless Steel Houseware Show 2014 14 15 August 2014 Additional items available on rental basis OFFICIAL STALL DESIGNER Mr. S. Fasihuddin SHAHBAAZ INTERIORS Gala No. 2/3-D, Near Rahat Hotel, Kherani Road, Sakinaka, Andheri (E) MUMBAI- 400072 CELL - 9819071863, 9594642642 TELL ; 022-28527188, 64117435 shahbaazinteriors@gmail.com, shahbaazinteriors@yahoo.co.in 28 16 17 INDIAN Houseware Show 4 th 14 Indian Stainless Steel Houseware Show 2014 (Submit to the Hall Co-ordinator on 12 August, 2014 at at the Exhibition site. Please hand over possession of space allotted to us, to our representative: Name : : We have paid all the dues as per the Debit Note/s sent by you. Date/Signature Please keep a copy for your records Indian Stainless Steel Houseware 2014 Authorised by: Name Designation Company City E-mail Hall No. Organized & Promoted by: Steel Market Info THE MAGAZINE DEVOTED TO STAINLESS STEEL AND ITS APPLICATIONS 21 17 Bombay Exhibition Center, GOREGAON (E) MUMBAI STAND POSSESSION Stamp 16 August 2014 Form No. 1 Designation 15 LVhy ekdZsV bUQks , Stall No. 4 INDIAN Houseware Show th 14 Indian Stainless Steel Houseware Show 2014 15 16 17 August 2014 Bombay Exhibition Center, GOREGAON (E) MUMBAI Form No. 2 MOVE-OUT/EXIT PASS (To be submitted in quadruplicate on 17.8.2014) The Fair Authorities Indian Stainless Steel Houseware Show 2014 Jodhpur Name of the Company: Authorized Person: Hall No /Stall No: / Dear Sir, The following items were brought by the above said company for display in Indian S.S. Houseware Show 2014 Party may allow taking out their garments/goods from Bombay Exhibition Center, Goregaon (E), Mumbai S. No Particulars Units We here by undertake that we will be responsible for any Missing/ Damage Furniture/ Amenities, if found at the time of move-out. Signature of PARTICIPANT with Seal Authorized Signatory Indian S.S. Houseware Show 2014 To be signed by the ofcial (Signature with seal) Important Note: • Participants are requested to ll up the above and submit the same to the Fair coordinator in quadruplicate on 17 August, 2014. • Exhibits/Materials/Furniture should be moved out in one lot as multiple Exit Passes will not be issued. • Move-out will only start from 6.00 pm on 17 August, 2014. • Halls will be handed over to Bombay Exhibition Center AUTHORITY on 17 August, 2014. INDIAN Houseware Show 4 th 14 Indian Stainless Steel Houseware Show 2014 15 16 17 August 2014 Bombay Exhibition Center, GOREGAON (E) MUMBAI Form No. 3 ENTRY PASS It is certified that the track / tempo being No. ........................................... is carrying goods of M/s ................................................................................... who is participating in Indian Stainless Steel Houseware Show 2014 going to be held on 14-17 August 2014, Bombay Convention & Exhibition Center. Authorized Signature ....................................... Organized by: Event Division Steel Market Info THE MAGAZINE DEVOTED TO STAINLESS STEEL AND ITS APPLICATIONS Nirmal Tower, 2nd Floor, Chopasni Road, JODHPUR - 342 003 (Rajasthan) INDIA Tel.: +91-291-2441514 | Fax: +91-2912632533 | Mobile: +91-9314713809 E-mail: info@steelmarketinfo.com l Website: www.steelmarketinfo.com LVhy ekdZsV bUQks 23 INDIAN Houseware Show 4 th 14 Indian Stainless Steel Houseware Show 2014 15 16 17 August 2014 Bombay Exhibition Center, GOREGAON (E) MUMBAI Form No. 4 NATIONAL EXHIBITOR ROAD PERMIT FORM TO WHOM SO EVER IT MAY CONCERN It is certified that............................................................................... from ............................ is participating in "4th INDIAN STAINLESS STEEL HOUSEWARE SHOW 2014" going to be held at Bombay Convention & Exhibition Center, Goregaon (E), Mumbai from 14–17 August 2014 organized by STEEL MARKET INFO. The following goods/samples are for exhibition purpose only. Stall No. : ............................................ All the above material is not for sale and is on returnable basis. Any other interstate Taxation Form will be applicable. For 4th Indian Stainless Steel Houseware Show 2014 R. L. CHOUDHARY (Organizer – Indian S.S. Houseware Show 2014) Find attached : ITPO Approval Letter Organized by: Event Division Steel Market Info THE MAGAZINE DEVOTED TO STAINLESS STEEL AND ITS APPLICATIONS Nirmal Tower, 2nd Floor, Chopasni Road, JODHPUR - 342 003 (Rajasthan) INDIA Tel.: +91-291-2441514 | Fax: +91-2912632533 | Mobile: +91-9314713809 E-mail: info@steelmarketinfo.com l Website: www.steelmarketinfo.com LVhy ekdZsV bUQks 24 Thank Yo u INDIAN Houseware Show 4 th Indian Stainless Steel Houseware Show 2014 Organized & Promoted by: Steel Market Info THE MAGAZINE DEVOTED TO STAINLESS STEEL AND ITS APPLICATIONS LVhy ekdZsV bUQks 2nd Floor, Nirmal Tower, Chopasani Road, JODHPUR - 342 003 (INDIA) Tel: +91-291-2441514 • Fax: +91-291-2632533 • Cell: +91- 9314713809, 9001706993 E-mail: event@steelmarketinfo.com • Website: www.steelmarketinfo.com
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