Curriculum Vitae - the Department of Peace and Conflict Research

Curriculum Vitae
Department of Peace and Conflict
Research, Uppsala University
Box 514
75120 Uppsala, Sweden
+46(0)18-471 61 06
Mobile: +46(0)73-988 11 60
Current Position
Ph.D. Peace and Conflict Research, Uppsala University, 2014
M.A. Peace and Conflict Research, Uppsala University, 2004
B.A. Political Science, Örebro University, 2001
Since February 2014 I am employed as a researcher and assistant professor at the Department of Peace and
Conflict Research at Uppsala University. The research is carried out within the Causes of Peace – The Botswana,
Malawi and Zambia “Zone of Peace” project funded by The Swedish Research Council (U-forsk). Botswana,
Malawi and Zambia constitute a “Zone of Peace” spared from violent conflict since independence. The project
aims to explain why peace has prevailed in these countries despite being located in the world’s most volatile
continent with all their neighbors struck by conflict. The teaching primarily consists of being course convenor of
the Peace, War and Democratization MA-course as well as supervising six MA-theses.
Previous Positions
From June 2008 until February 2014 I was a PhD-candidate at the Department of Peace and Conflict Research at
Uppsala University. My dissertation deals with communal conflicts and why they turn violent in some regions but
not in others. I use a comparative approach, based on field-work, and compare three different regions – Darfur,
Eastern Sudan and Jonglei – of Sudan and Southern Sudan.
I spent the spring of 2012 as a visiting scholar at the Center on International Cooperation at New York
University. During my time as PhD-candidate I have also served as a member of an academic task force set up in
order to support the work of the UNSG Special Envoy on Darfur (Jan Eliasson). In addition, I have worked as a
consultant for the Mediation Support Unit at the Department of Political Affairs, United Nations.
From August 2005 until I started the PhD-program I worked within the Uppsala Conflict Data Program
(UCDP). Before taking up the position as project leader for the Uppsala Conflict Database in 2006 I worked as a
research assistant with prevention and human security issues.
Brosché, Johan. 2014. Masters of War – The Role of Elites in Sudan’s Communal Conflicts Uppsala: Uppsala
University Press
Brosché, Johan & Daniel Rothbart. 2013. Violent Conflict and Peacebuilding – The Continuing Crisis in Darfur
London & New York: Routledge
Brosché, Johan. 2009. Sharing Power – Enabling Peace? Evaluating Sudan’s Comprehensive Peace Agreement
2005 New York & Uppsala: Mediation Support Unit, Department of Political Affairs, United Nations &
Uppsala University Press
Brosché, Johan. 2008. Darfur – Dimensions and Dilemmas of a Complex Situation Uppsala: Uppsala University
Articles in Peer-reviewed Journals
Kreutz, Joakim and Johan Brosché. “A Responsibility to Talk: Mediation and Violence against Civilians.”
Canadian Foreign Policy Journal, 19(1): 1-20
Brosché, Johan and Emma Elfversson. 2012. “Communal conflict, civil war, and the State: Complexities,
connections, and the case of Sudan.” African Journal on Conflict Resolution, 12(1): 33-60
Brosché, Johan. 2007. “CPA – New Sudan, Old Sudan or Two Sudan? - A review of the implementation of the
Comprehensive Peace Agreement.” Journal of African Policy Studies, 13(1): 27-61
Other Articles
Rothbart, Daniel, Johan Brosché and Adeeb Yousif. 2012. “Darfur – the Crisis Continues.” Beyond Intractability
Boulder: Beyond Intractability Project, University of Colorado
Brosché, Johan. 2012. “Abyei: the Kashmir of Sudan.” New Routes 17(2): 26-29 Uppsala: Life and Peace Institute
Brosché, Johan. 2011. “Good Understanding Enables Good Solution”. Peace Monitor Stockholm: Swedish Peace
and Arbitration Society
Brosché, Johan and Ralph Sundberg. 2013 “Katastrof i Sydsudan måste förhindras” Brännpunkt Svenska
Dagbladet 2013-12-22.
Brosché, Johan and Samuel Taub. 2013. “Syriens kris liknar den i Darfur” (The Crisis in Syria Resembles the
Crisis in Darfur). Main debate article Uppsala Nya Tidning 2013-03-11
Brosché, Johan. 2012. “Varför ska allmänheten tro på Lundingruppens version” (Why should the general public
believe the version of the Lundingroup?). Main debate article Dagens Nyheter 2012-03-22
Brosché, Johan and Ralph Sundberg. 2012. “Ställ tuffa krav på Sydsudan” (Make tough demands on South Sudan)
Arena April 2012,
Curriculum Vitae
Book Chapters
Brosché, Johan. 2008. “CPA – New Sudan, Old Sudan or Two Sudan? - A review of the implementation of the
Comprehensive Peace Agreement” in Johansson Dahre (ed.) Post-Conflict Peace-Building in the Horn of Africa
Lund University (this chapter was previously published as an article in Journal of African Policy Studies).
Brosché, Johan. 2011. The Crises Continue Sudan’s Remaining Conflicts ISPI Working Paper No. 41. Milano:
Istituto per gli Studi di Politica Internazionale
Brosché, Johan. 2009.”Darfur – Dimensioner och dilemman i en komplex situation” (Darfur – Dimensions and
Dilemmas of a Complex Situation) in Konflikterna i Mellanöstern och Sudan– finns det lösningar? (The
Conflicts in the Middle East and Sudan are there any Solutions?) Stockholm: The Olof Palme
International Center.
Brosché, Johan and Maria Nilsson. 2005. Zambian Refugee Policy- Security, Repatriation and Local Integration
Minor Field Study No.24, Uppsala: Department of Peace and Conflict Research.
Research Grants
Swedish research Council U-forsk. 2013. “Causes of Peace – The Botswana, Zambia and Malawi ´Zone of
Peace´4.3 million SEK granted for the 2014-2016 period (application written together with Kristine
Swedish research Council. 2007. “Communal Conflicts – Causes and Solutions” 2.1 million SEK granted for the
2008-2010 period (application written together with Peter Wallensteen and Joakim Kreutz).
The Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs. 2007. “Darfur: Deepening Knowledge to Build Sustainable Policy”
287 000 SEK (application written together with Peter Wallensteen).
Field Work
Sudan and South Sudan (Khartoum, Juba, Malakal, Bor, Gedarif, and Nyala) over five months of field-research
carried out between 2007 and 2013.
Zambia (Lusaka, Mungo, Meheba, and Mayukwayukwa) September-October 2004
Kenya (Nairobi) June 2009
Media Experience (Selection)
TV4 (national cable channel) “Nyheterna” 2013-12-24, analyzing the civil war in South Sudan.
SVT (Swedish public service channel) “Gomorron Sverige” 2012-07-16, analyzing the situation in Sudan and
South Sudan focusing on the conflicts in South Kordofan and Blue Nile and theirs humanitarian
TV4 (national cable channel) “Nyheterna” 2010-12-27, analyzing the upcoming referendum for independence in
South Sudan.
SVT (Swedish public service channel) “Aktuellt” 2010-06-21, analyzing the situation in South Sudan, in relevance
to the oil issue.
SVT (Swedish public service channel) “God morning Sweden” (“Gomorron Sverige”) 2008-07-16, analyzing the
situation in Darfur and the consequences of a potential prosecution of Sudan’s President, Omar el-Bashir,
by the International Criminal Court (ICC).
TV8 (national cable channel), “The World in Focus” (“Världen i fokus”), 2007-04-11, analyzing the situation in
Darfur and the possibilities for an upcoming UN-peacekeeping force.
SR (public service channel) “Studio Ett” 2013-12-27, analyzing the civil war in South Sudan
Voice of Russia “Burning Point” 2013-08-12, analyzing the situation in Darfur and forecasting future development
of the crisis
Voice of Russia “Burning Point” 2013-12-17, analyzing the civil war in South Sudan.
SR (public service channel) “Ekot” 2012-07-08, analyzing the battles that characterize South Sudan’s first year as
an independent nation
SR (public service channel) “Radio Sweden” 2012-03-23 analyzing the legacy of Lundin Petroleum in South
SR (public service channel) “Studio Ett” 2011-02-28, analyzing the referendum and future for South Sudan
SR (public service channel) “Studio Ett” 2009-12-08, analyzing the election in Sudan
Radio UPF (Student Radio) “Foreign Policy Analysis” 2009-04-29, analyzing the conflict in Darfur
Expressen 2012-07-08 “Dystert när Sydsudan firar ett år” ananlyzing the situation in South Sudan one year after
its independence.
Aftonbladet 2012-05-31 “Nu kan fler följa efter” analyzing the divestment by major owner Folksam from Lundin
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Curriculum Vitae
Aftonbladet 2012-03-23 “Här avslöjas oljebolagen” analyzing new evidence about the involvement of oilcompanies in the civil war in Sudan.
The Guardian 2011-12-23 “The issues: Sudan and South Sudan” analyzing Sudan’s remaining crisis after the split
with South Sudan.
McClatchy Newspapers 2011-03-22”Surge in Sudan violence raises worry independence won't bring peace”
analyzing the increasing violence in South Sudan during the spring of 2011.
Svenska Dagbladet 2008-01-10 “Sverige Stoppar trupp till Darfur” analyzing why Sweden did not send troops to
Arbetarbladet 2008-01-19 ”Tobias åker rakt in i Krishärd i Tchad” analyzing the situation in Chad.
Uppsala Nya Tidning 2008-08-09 ”Konflikt med många inblandande på många nivåer” analyzing the situation in
Eastern Chad.
In total I have been teaching for more than 2250 hours – equivalent to more than 16 months of full-time teaching. I
have been the main supervisor for two Master’s Essays, eleven Bachelor Essays, and sixteen Undergraduate
Essays as well as course director and lecturer for numerous different courses. This teaching has taken place at all
different academic levels (bachelor, master’s, doctoral) and at numerous different Universities in Sweden, Sudan
and United States.
Swedish Universities
• Department of Peace and Conflict Research, Uppsala University, Seminar Leader at the introduction course
for new PhD-candidates; Principal Advisor, for Master, Bachelor &Undergraduate Theses; Course Director
and Lecturer undergraduate and Master’s Level; Lecturer International Training Programme
• Department of Government, Uppsala University Lecturer,
• Department of Earth Science, Uppsala University Supervisor of Master’s thesis
Sudanese Universities
• Department of Political Science, Khartoum University, Guest Lecturer
• Center for Peace and Development, Gedarif University, Guest Lecturer
• Peace Center, Nyala University, Guest Lecturer
American Universities
• The School for Conflict Analysis & Resolution George Mason University, Guest Lecturer
• Center on International Cooperation, New York University, Guest Lecturer
Invited Talks (Selection)
“Conflicts over the Commons – Communal Conflicts in Darfur and Eastern Sudan” at Workshop in Political
Theory and Policy Analysis, Bloomington, University of Indiana, 19 March, 2012 (invited by Elinor
Ostrom, Nobel Laureate in Economic Science 2009).
“Darfur Four Conflicts in One” at a seminar in the honor of Anna Lindh, University of Gothenburg, 15 September
2009 (invited by Jan Eliasson Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations).
“Darfur, Chad and Central African Republic – Explaining a Complex Situation”, presentation held at the Swedish
Parliament, Stockholm, Sweden 14 February 2008 (invited by Nina Frödin Political Advisor Foreign
Affairs Moderaterna).
Conference and Workshop Participation (Selection)
Participating and moderating one working group at the 7th Expert Meeting on Regional Security Policy at the
Greater Horn of Africa, organized by Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, 13-14 October 2011, Juba South Sudan.
Participating as a Darfur expert at the United States Government Interagency, Conflict Assessment Workshop on
Darfur, 31 May 2011, Washington D.C.
Participating as a South Sudan expert at the United States Government, Interagency Conflict Assessment
Workshop on South Sudan, 1 June 2011, Washington D.C.
Participating and presenting Sharing Power – Enabling Peace? Evaluating Sudan’s Comprehensive Peace
Agreement 2005 at the Peace Agreement Evaluation Workshop, at the Mediation Support Unit of the UN
Department of Political Affairs, New York, November 19 2009.
Participant and presenter at the International Sudan Studies Conference November 25-28 2009 University of South
Africa, Pretoria, South Africa.
Participant and Discussant at the China Institute of International Studies organized international conference Darfur
Peace and Development 26-27 June 2008, Beijing.
Participant in the International Crisis Group, Save Darfur and European Policy Centre organized conference
Towards a Comprehensive Settlement for Darfur 22 January 2007, Brussels.
Public Lectures (Selection)
“Darfur – four Conflicts in One” presentation for the Sudan Task Force, School for Conflict Analysis &
Resolution George Mason University, 2 June 2011
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Curriculum Vitae
”South Sudan – Will Peace be able to Survive Independence” lecture given at the Uppsala Association of
International Affairs, 5 May 2011
“Darfur – Dimensions and Dilemmas of a Complex Situation”, lecture given at Lund University, event organised
by Utrikespolitiska Föreningen Lund (Foreign Politics Association Lund), 29 April 2009
“Conflicts in Sudan – are there any solutions?” lecture given at the Swedish Social Democratic Party, event
organised by the Olof Palme International Centre, 5 February 2009
“How I work for Peace” panel discussion at Samgymnasiet, Järfälla, event organised by Peace Quest International,
4 December 2008
“Sudan – Darfur and the South” lecture given at Umeå University, event organised by the Olof Palme
International Centre, 11 November 2008
“UCDP, Sudan and Darfur”, lecture given and following seminar led, at the Department of Political Science,
University of Khartoum, Sudan, 5 December 2007
Services (Selection)
Referee, Journal of Peace Research
Reviewer of Sudan’s 2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement for the Peace Accord Matrix at Joan B Kroc Institute
for International Peace Studies, University of Notre Dame.
Sudan Country Expert for the Ethnic Power Relations a collaborative project of ETH Zurich and University of
California, Los Angeles
Member of the Governing Board, Faculty of Social Sciences, Uppsala University, 2008-2010
President of the PhD Student Association of the Faculty of Social Sciences, Uppsala University 2008-2010
Lecturer at a preparatory course for election observers going to monitor the election in Chad, Swedish
International Development Agency, SIDA 2011
2011 The Sweden-America Foundation for exchange semester as a Visiting Scholar at Center for International
Cooperation at New York University
2011 Anna Maria Lundins Stipendiefond, for field work in Sudan
2010 Anna Maria Lundins Stipendiefond, for field work in Sudan
2009 Anna Maria Lundins Stipendiefond, for presentation at the International Studies Association 51 th Annual
Convention in New Orleans, 17-18 February 2010
2009 Anna Maria Lundins Stipendiefond, for field work in Sudan
2009 Wallenberg travel grants (Uppsala University), for participation at the International Sudan Studies
Conference, Pretoria 25-28 November 2009
2009 Anna Maria Lundins Stipendiefond, for taking the course Qualitative Methods and the Study of Civil War at
the Peace Research Institute Oslo 1-4 June 2009
2008 Anna Maria Lundins Stipendiefond, for presentation at the International Studies Association 50 th Annual
Convention in New York City 15-18 February 2009
2008 The Royal Swedish Academy of Science, for field work in Sudan
Swedish: Mother tongue
English: Fluent
Ambassador Jan Eliasson
Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations, 2012United Nations Secretary-General Special Envoy on Darfur, 2007-2008
Foreign Minister of Sweden, 2006
President of the sixtieth session of the United Nations General Assembly, 2005-2006
Contact through, Monica Lundkvist
Department of Press-, Information and Communocaton, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
SE 103 39 Stockholm, Sweden
Phone: +46 (0) 8 405 31 77, cell: 46 (0) 733 40 33 59
Professor Peter Wallensteen
Senior Professor of Peace and Conflict Research, Uppsala University
Richard G. Starmann Sr. Research Professor of Peace Studies, University of Notre Dame
Department of Peace and Conflict Research, Uppsala University
Phone: +46 (0) 18 471 23 52, cell: +46 (0) 675 26 79
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Curriculum Vitae
Professor Daniel Rothbart
Professor of Conflict Analysis and Resolution, George Mason University
School for Conflict Analysis and Resolution, George Mason University
Phone: (703) 993-4474
Last Updated 10 February 2014
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