Umpires Manual Sydney Harbour 2014

Umpires Manual
Sydney Harbour
Coaches Contacts
Education of an Umpire
Umpire Opportunity Pathway
What is Next Gen Program?
How do I get involved in Senior Football?
Training/Coaching Session details
Appointments Process
Wet Weather
Match Preparation
What to pack for your game?
Match Day Checklist – What to do and when
Before the game
At each break
After the match
Match Requirements
Quarter Lengths and breaks
Football Sizes
Player Numbers
Relevant AFL GSJ by laws
Team Sheets
Sports Trainers in Community Australian Football Policy (First Aid)
Approaching Umpires
Boundary Umpires and Goal Umpires
Duty of Care - Bad Weather
Spirit of the game
Tackling Under 13/14’s
Mercy Rule
Team/Club Official Roles
Racial/Religious Vilification
Umpire Abuse Free kick
Spectator Abuse Free kick
Sledging – Free Kick and or Report
Spectators to close to the field of play
After the Match
Paperwork – How to fill out
Send off/Order off
Yellow Card and Report
Red Card and Report
Send Off Procedure (Yellow Card No Report)
Reporting Procedure
Action during a match
Filling out a report/Notifying umpires coach
Reporting Notes template
Development Grade/Junior Rules
Youth Girls Rules
Payment – How much and where to collect
Ground Locations
Paperwork Information
Welcome to Season 2014 as an AFL Greater Sydney Juniors (GSJ) umpire. To those that are
returning for another exciting season, thanks and welcome back. To those that are new
umpires, congratulations on taking up a new challenge.
This manual has been designed as a resource for you, to assist you in your role as an AFL GSJ
umpire. As an umpire you should read this manual and become familiar with its contents, at
the same time you should also have it with you on match day as a quick reference guide.
An umpire is required to be a person of sound character, willing to accept advice and
constructive criticism and above all, to interpret the rules of the game in a fair and
consistent manner. He or she must always act in a manner, which places the umpire above
reproach with honesty, integrity, trust and respect as you are representing AFL GSJ and the
umpiring group.
The AFL GSJ wishes you all the best for season 2014.
Coaches and Regional Umpire Manager Contacts
Sydney Harbour Regional Umpires Manager: Todd Williams
Mobile: 0419 238 501
Sydney Harbour Red Region (North Shore & North West)
Sydney Harbour Red Appointments: Scott McNeilage
Mobile: 0407 414 084
Umpire Coaches:
North West: Dean Garroway & Stephen Baker
Mobile: 0425 243 739 (Dean)
Mobile: 0401 472 246 (Stephen)
North Shore: Joshua Graeve
Mobile: 0432 266 956
North Shore Assistant Coaches: Matthew Geddes & Chris Hurley
Sydney Harbour White Region (City & South)
Sydney Harbour White Appointments: Debbie King
Mobile: 0421 324 901
Umpire Coaches:
City: Stirling Coates
Mobile: 0468 898 980
South: Aaron Langdon
Mobile: 0468 386 972
Assistant Coach: Dylan Moore
Education of an Umpire
The AFL has a National Umpiring Accreditation Scheme that has three levels of competency
for Field Umpires and two levels for Boundary and Goal umpires. As a junior umpire you can
undertake Level 1 Accreditation. All Orange Shirt Umpires are expected to undertake the
online course. When you have completed the program successfully you will receive a
nationally recognised certificate as a Level 1 umpire.
Accreditation has theory components and observation of your performance in a match. Ask
your coach to learn how you can become accredited.
Umpiring Opportunity Pathway
What is the Next Gen Program?
The Next Gen Program is a development opportunity for talented junior umpires. At the end
of each season the AFL NSW/ACT calls for nominations of field umpires that are showing
promise. These umpires are then selected by the NSW/ACT Umpire Department staff.
There are a number of Next Gen Programs across NSW/ACT:
South East (ACT/Saphire Coast/South Coast
South West (Riverina and Broken Hill)
Northern (Central Coast/Newcastle/Black Diamond)
Western Sydney
The Next Gen Program will have an Induction day introducing them to the program, and
organised training sessions with their local senior group over the course of the year. The
umpires will also officiate at representative fixtures during the year.
How do I get involved in Senior Football?
As a junior umpire there are opportunities available to get involved in senior football as a
Boundary or Goal umpire. Junior Umpires need to be 14 years of age to Boundary or Goal
Umpire senior football. The local senior group (AFL Sydney) have opportunities available and
you should speak with your umpire coach if you’re interested.
When your umpire coach believes you are ready to field umpire with the senior umpires,
they will give you the opportunity.
Training/Coaching session details
Just like a player, training is important for umpires to develop their fitness, umpiring skills and
knowledge of the laws and their interpretations. It also provides the opportunity to get to know your
fellow umpires and make new friends. Umpire Training also forms part of your Level 1 Accreditation
and therefore it is important that you make the effort to attend.
Training details are below with locations of grounds in the Ground locations section of this manual:
City – Alan Davidson Oval
TIMES: 6.30pm – 7.30pm
COACH: Stirling Coates
North West – Mike Kenny (Greenway Park)
TIMES: 6.30pm – 7.30pm
COACH: Dean Garroway & Stephen Baker
North Shore – Lionel Watts Reserve
TIMES: 6.30pm – 7.30pm
COACH: Joshua Graeve
ASSISTANT COACHES: Matthew Geddes & Chris Hurley
South – Olds Park
TIMES: 6.30pm – 7.45pm
COACH: Aaron Langdon
Appointments process
Appointments are managed by the Schedula online appointments system. All umpires are
required to register via Footyweb as an umpire before being provided with access to
Schedula. Appointments will be released at 3pm each Tuesday. If you have been appointed
to a match then you will receive an email notifying you of an appointment. You are then
required to login to Schedula ( to confirm your appointment.
Appointments must be confirmed by Wednesday night.
Appointments are coordinated by the following people:
Sydney Harbour Red (North Shore & North West) – Scott McNeilage with support from the
North West and North Shore Umpire Coaches.
Sydney Harbour White (City & South) – Debbie King with support from the City and South
Umpire Coaches.
Appointments take a lot of time to organise so please be respectful to your coach by
following this process. If your email/contact details change at any time please inform your
coach ASAP
It is your responsibility to inform your umpire coach if you are unavailable to umpire on a
particular day. Please inform them with at least a weeks notice! When the email is sent out,
you will need to respond to the umpire manager by the requested date. You should also
record your availability in schedula if you are unavailable for a whole day. More information
on the use of schedula will be sent to umpires separately.
Wet Weather
In the case of wet weather possibly affecting the weekends matches, please check your
email during Friday evening. In the event of cancellations, all changes will be sent via email
and/or schedula. Please reply to confirm you received the changes, to save the coaches
making many phone calls.
Facebook groups are also used for communications around appointments, availability and
wet weather. Ask your coach for more information.
Match Preparation
When preparing for a match on the weekend you should be well rested, be well hydrated,
and have eaten a good dinner/breakfast to ensure you have the energy to umpire the
match. In the week leading up to the game you should read different sections of the law
book, and watch sections of the laws DVD to make sure you’re prepared for any decision
that might pop up.
It is important that you arrive 30 minutes before the match to ensure you are ready to start
on time. This means that if you can’t drive then you need to organise transport to the
ground with a parent or a friend. Arriving late can cause delay/inconvenience for your fellow
umpire and the teams involved.
What to pack for your game?
Your umpiring bag should be packed the night before to ensure you have a relaxed start to
game day, and don’t have last minute stress looking for your equipment. It is a good idea to
pack something to eat in case there is no canteen (happens occasionally). Also bring some
water with you. With new ground managers, they are still learning and may inadvertently
forget to get water to you. Below is a list of recommended items:
Appointment Details
Runners or boots
Laws Book
Yellow/Red Cards
Umpires Handbook (this book)
Pen/Pencil/pocket note pad
Modified Rules (in this book)
2 Whistles (one on the fingers, one in your
whistle pocket of shorts!)
Reporting Pad (Youth Umpires only)
Uniform (Shirt, Shorts, Socks)
Tracksuit/towel/Drink bottle/suncream
Water to drink before and after the game.
Something to eat after the game.
Match Day Checklist – What to do and when
Before the Game
Introduce yourself to:
Coaches/Team officials/Captains
Arrive early 30mins before start
Check Boots, Nails and Jewellery of
players. Any player that needs to
make changes need to be re checked.
Find Ground Manager, introduce
yourself to them and other umpire.
Change into uniform, collect football
and visit teams
Do teams have Boundary (where
required) and Goal Umpires?
Have clubs provided team sheets to
ground manager?
Warm up - Is the ground safe to play
on? Check for sprinkler heads, glass,
divots etc
Is a first aid official in place?
Enter the ground 5mins before the
start. When 25m onto the ground
raise ball above your head. There
should be someone to escort you
onto the ground
Call the Captains to the centre for coin toss
Away team calls the toss
If no coin use whistle behind back
Move to position and start match!
At Each Break
Take a drink
Listen out for siren so that game
runs to time
Someone should bring out a
drink as an escort
Discuss the game with your fellow umpire,
mentor and/or coach
Discuss and write down players numbers
that might be playing well
After the match
Fill out the Match Paperwork (instructions
in this manual)
Collect the match ball and leave the ground
Shake hands with players and coaches
as leaving (if a team is agitated leave
them be and walk off)
There should be an escort with you as
you leave the ground
Match Report online
Player Votes (where applicable)
The Ground Manager has team
Take the Match Report/notes home to
submit online (details in this manual)
If there is a report, then make notes of
the incident and lodge this online as
part of your match report
Thank the Ground Manager and ask
where to collect payment
Match Requirements
Match Requirements
The following section outlines additional requirements that apply to all AFL GSJ matches.
Please make sure you are familiar with these details.
Football sizes
Under 9/10
Size 2 (leather or synthetic by coach agreement)
Under 11/12 &
Youth Girls U14
Size 3 (leather or synthetic by coach agreement)
Under 13/14 &
Youth Girls U18
Size 4 leather
Under 15/16/17
Full size leather
In the event of wet weather conditions, the umpire with the agreement of coaches has the
discretion to allow the use of a wet weather (synthetic) football.
Quarter lengths and breaks (per age group)
Age Group
Quarter lengths
Under 9/10
4 x 10 minute quarters (no time on)
11/12/13/14 &
Youth Girls
4 x 15 minute quarters (no time on)
4 x 20 minute quarters (no time on)
Youth Girls
4 x 12 minute quarters (no time on)
Breaks during games will be:
Under 9/10
Youth Girls
11/12/13/14 &
Youth Girls U18
Under 15/16/17
¼ Time
4 minutes
4 minutes
4 minutes
4 minutes
½ Time
4 minutes
5 minutes
7 minutes
10 minutes
¾ Time
4 minutes
4 minutes
4 minutes
4 minutes
Timekeepers will sound a siren one (1) minute prior to the scheduled completion of each
break. Umpires should then blow their whistle and ask teams to move if they have not
started to break for position.
If minimum Player numbers are not present fifteen (15) minutes after the scheduled time of
commencement, then the offending team will forfeit the match. For such matches where
teams do not have the minimum numbers at the scheduled start time but Players are still
due to arrive, the game shall commence but with reduced Player numbers on each team.
Teams must still have equal numbers on the field. After the required 15 minutes if minimum
numbers are not achieved the match becomes a scratch match.
In this circumstance the umpire must inform their Umpire Manager who will inform the GSJ
Player Numbers
In all cases, teams must have the MINIMUM number of Players available at the scheduled
commencement of a match to constitute an official match (Refer to additional note above).
If during the course of a game a Player injured has to leave the ground but there are no
replacements in that team the Field Umpire and opposition coach are to be advised
accordingly. The other side is to remove a Player to keep the numbers on the ground even
(except for send offs). For a Player returning to the field the same process in reverse
To encourage maximum participation and teams to stand alone in terms of Player numbers,
the term Match Number specifies the ideal number of on-field Players per team. Where a
team has the number of Players shown as Match Number (but the other team has more),
then borrowing Players from the opposition team is not compulsory to balance overall
numbers. Where a team does not have the number of Players shown as Match Number (and
the other team has more than the first team), then it is compulsory to borrow/loan available
Players to balance on-field Player numbers as far as possible up to the number shown as
Match Number.
During school holidays to assist clubs to field teams the numbers below can be reduced by
two (2) players.
The following table shows the Minimum Number and Match Number by age group,
competition and Divisions in the Sydney Harbour Region:
Age Group
Max. on Field
Max Interchange
Under 8, 9 & 10
Syd Harbour
Under 11 & 12
Yth Girls U14
Syd Harbour
Syd Harbour
Div 1 & 2
Syd Harbour Div 3
Red & White
Yth Girls U18
Under 13 to 17
Relevant GSJ by laws
Team Sheets
Before commencing a match you must check with the Ground Manager that the team sheet
has been handed in and is filled out correctly listing the match being played, all players,
player jumper numbers, names of coaches, runners, trainers and water carriers. The game is
not to commence until the Ground Manager has been handed the team sheet. Changes can
be made to the team sheet by the club up until the conclusion of the half time break.
Sports Trainers in Community Australian Football Policy (First Aid)
Before commencing a match you must first check with the Ground Manager that a suitably
qualified first aid official is present for Under 9 – 12’s matches. In the Under 13 – 17 age
groups you must check if an Emergency Response Coordinator (ERC) or a person who is
suitably qualified as per the by laws (Doctor/Nurse/Physiotherapist/Certified Sports
Trainer/St John Officer/Paramedic) is available at the match. The ERC official will be
identifiable by an arm band. When you have confirmed this with the Ground Manager you
can commence the match.
If an umpire notices that a player has possibly received an injury during a match the umpire
will let play continue unless the play could endanger the injured player. Umpires should
allow club trainers and or runners to run out and check on the player. If the team trainer or
runner then requests that a first aid official or an ERC check the player, then the umpire will
stop play to allow the player to be assessed. Play will then resume when the injured player
has been assessed and can either resume playing or leave the field.
If a stretcher is required then Law 7.3 of the Laws of Australian Football will apply.
Approaching Umpires
No person, except as listed below, shall approach or talk to an Umpire (Field, Boundary and
Goal) during the quarter time, half time or three quarter time interval or when the Umpires
are entering or leaving the field/ground. The persons allowed to approach umpires are as
Members of the Regional Committee acting in their capacity as a member of the
Regional Committee
Ground Manager, including any designated assistants
Parents of the umpires
Club Umpire Ambassadors
Regional Umpire Coordinator/Coach
Any team address shall be given outside the centre square.
Use of gloves by Players in competition is not allowed. Umpires have discretionary power to
allow the use of a glove(s) in special circumstances such as injury.
Undergarments (such as Skins)
Undergarments (lycra shorts) must be either neutral colour or black or white. Full length
undergarments (items other than the playing jumper or shorts) are not permitted.
Boundary Umpires and Goal Umpires
Each Club is to ensure the competency of any person who accepts responsibility as a Goal or
Boundary Umpire. The Field Umpire has the power to order replacements for any Boundary
or Goal Umpire. The Field Umpire has the power to consult with, and if necessary, overrule
a Goal or Boundary Umpire where, in the Field Umpire’s opinion, an obvious error has
occurred. No third party is permitted to be involved in any such consultation
(notwithstanding the Laws).
All Goal and Boundary Umpires should introduce themselves to the Field Umpire(s) prior to
the commencement of the game.
Goal Umpires
A Goal Umpire must be provided by each competing team and is required to be dressed in
something that is clearly identifiable. A white coat is recommended and they must have a
set of white flags and scorecard.
Boundary Umpires
Boundary Umpires are to be supplied for Under 13’s to Under 16’s age groups and are
required to be dressed with a white top to assist in recognition by the Field Umpire(s) and
use an audible whistle.
In the case that a team does not provide suitable Boundary Umpires, a member of that
team will be responsible for throwing in the ball on the non-umpired side of the ground. In
the case where neither team provides a Boundary Umpire the attacking side will throw the
ball in. Where a team has not provided a Boundary Umpire this must be noted on the
appropriate match day paperwork.
Duty of Care – Bad Weather
Umpires and Clubs (in particular Ground Managers) should be aware of the dangers of
allowing play during thunder/electrical storms. Play should cease if lightning is seen in the
vicinity of the playing field. No risks should be taken in this regard.
Spirit of the Game
At the end of a game all Players, coaches and umpires should gather in the centre of the
ground and shake hands.
Tackling in Under 11/12/13 & 14’s
Tackling is permitted as per the Laws of Australian Football however in Under 11’s, 12’s, 13’s
and Under 14’s:
No Player shall be deliberately slung, dumped or thrown to the ground via any tackle.
Mercy Rule
The Goal Umpires are to inform the Field Umpire at half time or three quarter time, where
the score differential between the teams equals or exceeds a set amount (i.e. sixty (60)
points) in Under 11’s, Under 12’s, Any Division 3 competition, Red & White Divisions and
Youth Girls.
The Field Umpire will instruct the Goal Umpires and any scoreboard attendants to cease
further scoring for the remainder of the match.
Where the Mercy Rule is applied, the match shall continue for the remainder of the
allocated time of play, with the coaches encouraged to even-up the skill levels of the teams.
The official recorded result for the match shall be:
Losing team - the score of the losing team, at the time the Mercy Rule was applied; Winning
Team - the score of the losing team, at the time the Mercy Rule was applied, plus a margin
equal to the points’ differential for that grade.
Team/Club Officials roles
Ground Manager
On match day, the Ground Manager is the go to person. They are the ones that set up the
ground and will have all the match paperwork. They will be able to assist you if you have any
problems or concerns. The ground manager or umpires escort is responsible for escorting
the umpires on and off the ground during the day, and will bring out the drinks. During the
day you will also have dealings with Coaches, Runners, Water carriers and trainers. Always
be friendly in your dealings with these club volunteers and thank them for their support.
The coaches role is to coach their players. Coaches must stay on the sideline, apart from
under 9/10’s where they can be on the field (15m from play). Coaches are required to wear
an Identification bib (Blue in colour) that clearly identifies them as the coach.
In the Under 13’s to Under 17’s age groups two (2) runners are allowed but only one on the
ground at a time. In all other age groups, only one (1) is allowed. The runner is to wear a
clearly visible and identifiable coloured top as determined by the Regional Committee. Only
runners are permitted to deliver messages to Players and are not to loiter after delivering
such messages.
Water Carriers & Trainers
Each team is allowed four (4) water carriers/trainers (identified as a minimum by a plain
coloured t-shirt, as determined by the Regional Committee.). They should only enter the
playing field on the scoring of a goal or when play is at the opposite end of the field.
Minimum age of water carriers will be:
Under 12’s – 12 years or older
Under 13’s - 17’s – 13 years or older
Racial/Religious Vilification
To vilify is to defame, slander or speak ill of someone regarding their race, religion, sex,
colour, descent or national or ethnic origin.
A complaint such as this must only be made by an umpire on the occasion of being
absolutely certain of what has taken place. You must have seen and heard exactly what has
happened without assuming or guessing. Before lodging the complaint you must then ask
the offended player “Are you offended?” If they answer yes you must ask “Do you wish to
take the matter further?” if they wish to take it further you must then record the exact
incident on the Match Report Form.
If you did not hear what was said, then it is up to the club to take the matter further.
Umpire Abuse Free Kick
Abuse of umpires is not acceptable. The AFL Greater Sydney Juniors wants to support
umpires, and continue to encourage all umpires to stay involved, while also recruiting new
ones. It is crucial that all umpires do not accept abuse as part of the role, but instead
penalise it and record it on the match paperwork. Remember that as umpires we strive to
be consistent, and therefore we need to all take action on abuse.
Players, coaches and officials can be penalised for abuse, and reported. Umpires should use
the abuse signal.
Spectator Abuse Free kick
Spectators can be penalised for abuse. A Free kick and 50m penalty will be paid where a
spectator uses abusive, insulting, threatening or obscene language and/or gesture towards
an umpire. If you are to pay this free kick then you must be able to identify who has abused
you, and which team they are with.
In paying the free kick you should then say, “Free Kick for Umpire Abuse from the TEAM’s
spectator”. The Free kick shall then be taken from where the football is at the time. Umpires
should use the abuse signal.
Sledging - Free kick and or Report
“Sledging” may be described as insulting or verbally intimidating a Player or Players.
Sledging is not appropriate in AFL GSJ football competitions. AFLGSJ has a “no tolerance”
attitude toward sledging and the interpretation and application of the Laws and these Rules
will reflect this “no tolerance” attitude.
An umpire may give a warning to a Player or Players sledging another Player or Players and
where possible, should inform both captains of the warning as soon as reasonably
practicable after issuing such a warning.
A Player who sledges another Player or Players shall, whether or not a warning has been
given to that Player or any other Player, be ordered off the field for a period of time
equivalent to one quarter or for the remainder of the game if the breach was committed in
the last quarter. In this instance, the Umpire will hold up a Yellow card
For the purpose of these rules, sledging will be deemed to be an act of misconduct under
the Law 15.10.1(f). Where the act is considered serious in nature then players can be
reported under law 19.2.2 (p). The Rules in relation to sledging will apply in addition to the
Laws, including the Laws in relation to the use of an obscene gesture and using abusive,
insulting, threatening or obscene langusge (law 15.10.1 (d)).
Audible Obscenities
The GSJ has a “no tolerance” attitude toward the use of audible obscenities, and the
interpretation and application of the Laws and these Rules will reflect this “no tolerance”
attitude. Players who use audible obscenities, regardless to whom they are directed, will be
removed from the playing field for a period of time equivalent to one quarter and may be
reported. If the obscenity is directed at the Umpire, the Player shall be reported.
Spectators to close to field of play
Where required the Field umpire may ask spectators to provide more space beyond the
boundary and may refrain from recommencing the game until the request is complied with.
After the match
After the match you have not finished your role until the paperwork is filled out correctly. If
you are going to be playing for a team later in the day, or staying at the ground it is
important to change out of your umpiring uniform. Remember that while you are in the
uniform, you are representing the entire umpiring group.
Paperwork – How to fill out
The match paperwork is an important part of your role as an umpire. After the match the
umpire will need to make notes regarding the match. Umpires should work together to
complete all details as required. All grades require the umpire to complete a match report
online, while only Youth football (13’s-17’s) require the umpire votes to be completed. After
the match one of the umpires must take the notes home and submit the details online.
Please refer to the Paperwork information at the end of this manual.
*Please note that if an Umpire issues a card or makes a report then they must be the one
that submits the match report. If both umpires issue a card or report then both umpires
should submit the match report, and indicate in the additional comments section that
both umpires had issued a card during the match.
Send Off/Order Off
Yellow Card and Report
A Player who is reported by an Umpire/s for a breach of the Laws shall be ordered from the
field for a period of time equivalent to one quarter or for the remainder of the game if the
breach was committed in the last quarter. In this instance, the Umpire will hold up a yellow
card. In the case of a Yellow Card the player can be replaced immediately.
Red Card and Report
A Player who is reported by an Umpire/s for a breach of the Laws twice in the same match
for separate incidents, or who is reported for a serious breach (as listed below) shall be
ordered from the field for the remainder of the match. In this instance the Umpire will hold
up a red card. A Player sent from the field with a red card for the remainder of the game
must leave the field completely and cannot sit with the interchange players or the coaches.
In the case of a Red Card the player can be replaced after a period of 15 minutes.
Serious breaches include where a Player or Official:
Intentionally, recklessly or negligently makes contact with or strikes an Umpire.
Attempts to make contact with or strike an Umpire.
Behaves in an abusive, insulting, threatening or obscene manner towards, or in
relation to an Umpire.
Intentionally, recklessly or negligently kicks another person.
Commits an act of misconduct; if the Umpire is of the opinion that the act
constituting misconduct is serious in nature.
Send Off Procedure (Yellow Card No Report)
At the discretion of the Umpire, a Player may be ordered from the field for a
period of time equivalent to one quarter and not be reported. In this instance
an Umpire will hold up a yellow card.
In all instances, a Player ordered
off shall leave the playing area
immediately through the
interchange area. In the case of a
yellow card send-off, for a period
of time equivalent to one quarter
the timekeeper shall indicate
when the Player is permitted to
resume playing. In this case the
Player must sit with the
For the purposes of this Rule any
send-off will result in the Player
concerned remaining off the field
for a period of time equivalent to
one quarter excluding breaks
between quarters. For example, a
Player sent off five (5) minutes
before halftime in an Under 13
game would be permitted to
resume playing ten (10) minutes
after the third quarter
The ordered-off Player will be removed from the playing field for a period of
time equivalent to one quarter for the first offence (Yellow Card) and for the
remainder of the game for the second offence (Red Card)
Players who use audible obscenities regardless of to whom they are directed at
will be removed from the playing field for a period of time equivalent to one
quarter. If the obscenity is directed at the Umpire, or for a second offence, the
Player shall be reported.
The Umpire will recommence the game once the Player has left the playing
field. In the event of a Player failing or refusing to leave the field when ordered
off, the Player shall be reported for misconduct and the Player’s team shall
forfeit the match.
Any time a player is sent from the field with a Yellow or Red Card, the umpire must:
Stop the match, advise of the offence and signal the appropriate card
Record the players number, the offence and the quarter on your note pad
If for an offence against another player then record that player’s number and the
location on the field.
Resume the match when the player has left the field
Reporting Procedure
Action during Match
Where an Umpire reports a player or Official during the course of a Match, the Umpire shall
use best endeavours to inform the player or official of the Report:
at the time of the incident;
before the commencement of the next quarter; or,
where the incident occurs in the final quarter, after the completion of the Match.
The Umpire shall use best endeavours to inform the player or official against whom a
reportable offence has been committed of the Report.
An Umpire may inform the captain, acting captain or an Official of a Team of the
Report where it is impracticable to inform the Player or Official who has been
Apart from informing a Player or Official of the Report, an Umpire shall not speak
with the reported Player or Official or any other Player or Official about a Report
which has been made.
The failure of an Umpire to inform a Player or Official of the Report does not
invalidate the making of the Report.
Filling out a report/notifying umpires coach
When completing a Report you must make detailed notes, before taking it home to submit
online. You need to include the players name and number from the team sheet, the club,
the quarter, what the offence was, and whether you gave a red or yellow card, and whether
the player was reported. You should also make your own detailed notes about the lead up
to the incident, the actual incident and after the incident had occurred.
As soon as reasonably possible after the match, you must verbally advise the
Regional Umpire Manager of the Report and complete the details required in the
match report online. The Umpire Manager will then ask you questions about your
report and guide you through the Offence Grade Template in order to offer a
Prescribed Penalty if appropriate
Over the page there is a Reporting Notes sheet and Field diagram for making
detailed notes for your own record in case a report was to go to a tribunal.
Jot down for your personal reference all the details you can recall about the incident. It does not matter if you cannot recall all the information. Other
umpires can assist you with the peripheral details but if asked you must say so eg “the other field umpire told me he was 60 m away on the opposite side
of the major axis and was not looking at the incident”.
What quarter and approx time through quarter
No and team of offender
No and team of victim
Location of incident on the ground
Which way was each team attacking in that
Describe play immediately before the incident
Describe offence and position of players involved:
how many blows: left or right hand: how many
landed: to what part of body
Condition of victim: blood?: did the blow cause him
to go to ground: did he require treatment from a
Where was the ball when the incident occurred
How far were you away from the incident (use
Other players
Were other players in the immediate area
Did they obscure your view
Free Kick
Did you award a free kick for the incident: specify
Approximate position of the other umpires at the
time of the incident
Did you see or hear any previous exchange
between these players
What did you say to the player when reporting him
What did the player say and/or do when told he
was being reported
Development Grade / Junior Rules
1. Playing Field
2. Ball Size
3. The Team
105metre x 80 metre (cones or lines to mark zones)
110 metre x 80metre
Increased by agreement. The field is divided into 3 equal zones
Increased by agreement.
Size 2 Ball (synthetic or leather ball by agreement)
Size 3 Ball (synthetic or leather ball by agreement)
12 - 15 Players with up to six reservesNumber of Players on ground must be equal.
Interchange may take place at any time, but all Players should play 3 quarters.
9, 12 or 15 Players with any number of reserves.
Number of Players on ground must be equal.
Team consists of up to 5 equal numbers of forwards, backs and centres. Players remain in
position for all of the quarter after which the Players must change zone.
Interchange of Players may take place at any time
All Players should play at least 3 quarters of the match where possible
4.Zones/Positions Players will be instructed to by the Umpire to stay in their correct position.
and transition of
When the ball is in transition from the back zone to the forward zone, it must be touched
the ball
by a Player in the mid zone. Failing this, a free kick will be awarded to the opposition team
at the point where the ball entered the end zone.
5. Scoring
Only forward zone Players can score from within the forward zone. Forward Players are
After a behind the Player kicking in cannot dispose to themselves.
marked with a clearly identifiable armband. Where a non forward scores, a free kick will be
awarded to the opposition team at the point where the ball entered the end zone
After a behind, the Player kicking in cannot dispose to themselves
6. Playing Time
7. Starting and
restarting play
4 x 10 Minute Quarters
4 x 15 Minute Quarters
A ball up is conducted between 2 centre Players of similar height as nominated by the
umpire. The umpire should nominate different pairs of Players for subsequent ball ups
after goals are scored. There is no full possession allowed.
A ball up is contested between 2 centre Players of similar height as nominated by
the umpire in the centre of the ground. Only centre line Players attend centre
bounces (20m clearance from all other Players). The Umpire is to enforce a similar
20m area for field ball ups.
The full possession rule is applied as follows:
No Full possession permitted
A Player contesting the ball up may not grab the ball and play on; and
The Player must knock, palm or punch the ball to a teammate or open ground, and
may not play the ball again until it has been touched by another Player or hit the
8. Scrimmage and Field ball ups are contested by 2 Players of similar height (selected by the umpire) after all Field ball ups are contested by 2 Players of equal size selected by the umpire.
field ball ups
other Players have been sent back to their positions. There is no full possession permitted. Before the ball up, the umpire should clear the area by sending Players back to
their positions. No more then 3 Players from each team shall be closer to the ball
up than about 20 metres.
No Full possession permitted
From a kick – a free kick is awarded to the closest opponent. A Player cannot kick for goal
from this free kick. If in doubt – ball up 5metres in from boundary.
9. Out of Bounds
Off hands or body – ball up 5metres in from the boundary. No Full possession permitted.
10. Gaining
A player’s prime objective should be to gain possession of the ball (eyes on the ball).
Restrained side (shoulder to shoulder) contact is permitted when Players are contesting a
loose ball, provided that the ball is within 5 metres. ‘Running with’ the Player rather than
‘running at’ the Player must be the intention. Front on contact or contact from behind is
strictly prohibited. The ball is possessed by controlling it, catching it, grabbing it, or laying 2
hands on it when it is on the ground.
From a kick – a free kick is awarded to the closest opponent. A Player cannot kick
for goal from this free kick. If in doubt – ball up 5metres in from boundary Off
hands or body – ball up 5 metres in from the boundary. No Full possession
Players can perform a modified tackle.
11. Tackling
A Player in possession of the ball may be tackled by an opponent wrapping both arms
around the area below the top of the shoulders and on/above the knees. The tackle may be
from either side or from behind providing the tackle from behind does not thrust forward
the player with the ball (That is push back the player in the back).
Full tackling rules as per the Rules of Australian Football apply. No Sling tackle
If the Player in possession of the ball is taken to the ground in the act of tackling, they
will receive a free kick. If the umpire feels the player drops to the ground deliberately
in order to receive a free kick, they will be penalized for holding the ball
A Player in possession of the ball, when held by an opponent applying the wrap around
tackle, should be given a reasonable chance to dispose of the ball by kick or by
handball, or by attempting to kick or handball, otherwise a free kick shall be awarded
to the tackler for holding the ball.
The Field Umpire shall conduct a ball-up when the player with the ball has the ball held
to the body by an opponent, unless the player has had a reasonable time to dispose of
the ball prior to being tackled, in which case a free kick shall be awarded to the tackler
for holding the ball.
The Field Umpire shall allow play to continue if the ball is knocked out of a player’s
hands (accidently) by an opponent.
A Player not in possession of the ball, when held by an opponent, shall be awarded a
Free Kick.
There is strictly no bumping, slinging or deliberately bringing the opposition Player in
possession of the ball to the ground.
Players cannot:
12. Smothering
(deliberately) knock the ball out of an opponent’s hands
push the player in the side
steal the ball from another Player
smother an opponent’s kick
shepherd an opponent
Not permitted
Smothering is permitted
13. Barging
No barging, fending off or chopping past opponents is permitted. A free kick shall be
awarded to the nearest opponent.
Barging and fending off opponents is permitted
14. Shepherding
Not permitted
Shepherding permitted as per the laws of Australian Football.
15. Marking
A mark is awarded irrespective of the distance the ball has travelled to any Player who
catches it or shows control
A mark is awarded when a Player catches the ball directly from another Player’s
kick that has travelled at least 10 metres.
16. Distance Run A Player running with the ball must bounce it within 10 metres. Only one bounce is
and Bouncing the permitted. Players cannot dispose of the ball to themselves intentionally.
17. Penalties
(after a mark &
free kick)
10m penalty can be applied at the Umpire’s discretion if they feel a player has been
hindered in any way
18. Kicking Off
A Player running with the ball must bounce it within 15 metres, only 2 bounces are
permitted. Players cannot dispose of the ball to themselves intentionally.
25m penalty can be applied at the umpire’s discretion if they feel a player has
been hindered in any way
Not permitted unless accidental.
the Ground
19. Order off rule
As per Rule 9 of GSJ By Laws.
20. Spirit of the
Players, Coaches and Officials and Umpires to shake hands before and after game.
Players, Coaches and Officials and Umpires to shake hands before and after game.
No scores or ladders to be kept.
60 point mercy rule
21. Coaches
Coaches allowed on field to teach but no closer than 15 metres from play.
Coaches are not allowed on the field.
Messages delivered by a runner who must be an adult or a Player that is mature
enough to umpire the game.
Youth Girls Under 14 & Under 18 - Sydney Harbour
1. Playing Field
110 metre x 80metre
Full Length- (Player/s 15-18)
Increased by agreement
Full Length x 90 metre width (player/s 12 -14)
2. Ball Size
Size 3 Ball leather ball
Size 4 Leather Ball
3. The Team
9 Min 15 Max, with any number of reserves.
12 Min 18 Max, with any number of reserves.
All Players should play at least 3 quarters of the match where possible
All Players should play at least 3 quarters of the match where possible
All players may score
5. Playing Time 4 x 12 Minute Quarters (4/5/4) min intervals
4 x 15 Minute Quarters (4/7/4) min intervals
6. Starting and Only centre line Players attend centre bounces (20m clearance/centre square from all other As per the Laws of Australian Football.
restarting play Players).
The Umpire is to enforce a similar 20m area for field ball ups.
No Full possession permitted
Players contesting the ball up may not grab the ball and play on; and
a Player must knock, palm or punch the ball to A teammate or open ground, and may not
the ball again until it has been touched by another Player or hit the ground
7. Out of
From a kick – a free kick is awarded to the closest opponent. A Player cannot kick for goal
from this free kick. If in doubt – ball up 5metres in from boundary. Off hands or body – ball
up 5metres in from the boundary. No full possession permitted
As per the Laws of Australian Football.
8. Gaining
A player's prime objective should be to gain possession of the ball (eyes on the ball).
Restrained side (shoulder to shoulder) contact is permitted when Players are contesting a
loose ball, provided that the ball is within 5 metres. "Running with" the Player rather than
"running at" the Player must be the intention.
As per the laws of Australian Football.
Front on contact or contact from behind is strictly prohibited
The ball is possessed by controlling it, catching it, grabbing it, or laying 2 hands on it when it
is on the
ground. Once the ball is possessed, other Players may apply a wrap tackle (refer to tackling
9. Tackling
Players can perform a modified tackle.
As per the Laws of Australian Football.
A Player in possession of the ball may be tackled by an opponent wrapping both arms
around the area below the top of the shoulders and on/above the knees. The tackle may be
from either side or from behind providing the tackle from behind does not thrust forward
the Player with the ball (That is push back the Player in the back).
If the Player in possession of the ball is taken to the ground in the act of tackling, they
will receive a free kick. If the Umpire feels the Player drops to the ground deliberately in
order to receive a free kick, they will be penalised for holding the ball
A Player in possession of the ball, when held by an opponent applying the wrap around
tackle, should be given a reasonable chance to dispose of the ball by kick or by handball,
or by attempting to kick or handball, otherwise a free kick shall be awarded to the
tackler for holding the ball.
The Field Umpire shall conduct a ball-up when the Player with the ball has the ball held
to the body by an opponent, unless the Player has had a reasonable time to dispose of
the ball prior to being tackled, in which case a free kick shall be awarded to the tackler
for holding the ball.
The Field Umpire shall allow play to continue if the ball is knocked out of a player’s
hands by an opponent (accidently).
A Player not in possession of the ball, when held by an opponent, shall be awarded a
Free Kick.
There is strictly no bumping, slinging or deliberately bringing the opposition player in
possession of the ball to the ground.
Players cannot:
knock the ball out of an opponent’s hands (deliberately)
push the Player in the side
steal the ball from another player
bump an opponent ( other than in rule 8 above)
10. Smothering
11. Barging
As per the Laws of Australian Football.
No barging, fending off or chopping past opponents is permitted. A free kick shall be
awarded to the nearest opponent.
No barging through opponents is permitted. Fending off with open hand to the
body (provided it is not above the shoulders or in the back) is permitted.
As per the Laws of Australian Football.
13. Marking
A mark is awarded when a Player catches the ball directly from another Player's kick that has travelled at least 10 metres
14. Distance
Run and
Bouncing the
A Player running with the ball must bounce it within 15 metres, only 2
15. Kicking off
the Ground
bounces are permitted. Players cannot dispose of the ball to themselves intentionally.
Not permitted unless accidental.
As per the Laws of Australian Football.
16. Distance
25m penalty can be applied at the Umpire’s discretion if they feel a player has been
As per the Laws of Australian Football.
hindered in any way
(after a mark &
free kick)
17. Order off
18. Spirit of the
19. Coaches
As per Rule 9 of GSJ By Laws.
Players, Coaches and Officials and Umpires to shake hands before and after game.
Coaches are not allowed on the field.
Messages delivered by a runner who must be a minimum of 13 years
20. Allowed on
Field of Play
Only Players, Umpires, Trainers, Water Carriers, First Aid Officials (as defined) and Runners are permitted
21. Mercy Rule
This rule is applied to all Youth Girls fixtures
on the field during the course of play:
See Appendix 3
Payment – How much and where to collect
Umpire Fees are highlighted in the table below. When you have completed all match day paperwork and
handed it in to the ground manager, you are then free to collect your payment and leave the ground.
When collecting payment you should speak with the ground manager. They will then either sort your
payment or direct you to the appropriate person.
2014 Umpire Fees
Finals Fees
GSJ - Standard Metro Umpire
Semi & Preliminary Finals
Under 9
Under 10
Under 11
Under 12
Under 13
Green Shirt
One Two
One Two
Under 14
Under 15
Under 16
Under 17
Under 14 YG
Under 18 YG
Field Umpires (2 Umpires)
Field Umpires (3 Umpires)
2 x Boundary Umpires
4 x Boundary Umpires
Goal Umpires
No Change
Under 17 Div 1 & 2 only Paid at full rate ie.$65
Grand Finals
Field Umpires (2 Umpires)
Field Umpires (3 Umpires)
2 x Boundary Umpires
4 x Boundary Umpires
Goal Umpires
$10 increase
Under 17 Div 1 & 2 only $10 increase on Semi
Late arrival of umpire
Should an Umpire arrive late to an appointed match then the level of payment will be made on a pro-rata basis.
The pro-rata calculation is to be on the basis of whole quarters officiated during the game.
Standby Appointment
Where an Umpire takes control of a game that is underway (due to another Umpires non-arrival) then the minimum
fee payable will be pro-rata to the whole quarters officiated during the game.
Ground locations – Sydney Harbour
Baulkham Hills Australian Football
Charles McLaughlin Reserve
Crestwood Drive, Crestwood
Bangor Junior AFL Club
Barden Ridge Oval
Old Illawarra Road, Barden Ridge
Bankstown District Sports Club Ltd
Kelso Oval
Henry Lawson Dve, Panania
Concord Cats Junior AFL Club
Goddard Oval
Broughton Street, Concord
Cronulla Junior AFL Club
Gwawley Oval
Cnr Taren Point & Box Rd’s, Taren Point
Drummoyne Junior AFL Club
Drummoyne Oval
Bayswater Street, Drummoyne
East Sydney Junior AFL Club
Forest Districts Australian Football
Trumper Park
Glenmore Road, Paddington
Lionel Watts Reserve
Blackbutts Road, Belrose
Glebe Junior AFL Club
Heathcote-Engadine Australian
Football Club
Jubilee Oval
Chapman Road, Glebe
Heathcote Oval
Wilson Pde, Heathcote
Hornsby-Berowra Junior AFL Club
Rofe Park
Galston Road, Hornsby Heights
Kellyville/Rouse Hill A.F.L. Club
Bruce Purser Reserve
Cnr Withers & Commercial Rds, Rouse Hill
Manly Junior AFL Club
Weldon Oval
Heffron Park Oval
Pioneers Park
Stirgess Avenue, Harbord
Heffron Park - Jersey Road, Matraville
Pioneers Park – Anzac Parade, Malabar
Waratah Oval No.4
Rawson Ave, Sutherland
Moore Park Oval
Cnr Sth Dowling & Cleveland St, Moore Park
Mosman Junior AFL Club
Middle Head Oval
Middle Head Road, Mosman
Newtown Junior AFL Club
North Ryde Dockers Australian
Football Club
Alan Davidson Oval
Sydney Park Road, Alexandria
ELS Hall Park
Kent Road, Ryde
Pennant Hills Junior AFL Club
Ern Holmes Oval
Britannia St Pennant Hills
Penshurst RSL Junior AFL Club
Forest Rd, Penshurst
Pittwater Junior AFL Club
Olds Park
North Narrabeen Reserve
No 6
Ramsgate RSL Memorial Club Ltd
Tonbridge St Oval
St Ignatius College AFL Club
St Ives Australian Football Club
Field 1 and Field 4
Acron Oval
Killara Park
Tonbridge St, Ramsgate
St Ignatius College, Tambourine Bay Rd, Riverview
(Lane Cove)
1 Acron Road, St Ives
Koola Ave, Killara
Lane Cove Cats Junior AFL Club
Blackman Oval No 4
Lloyds Rees Drive, Lane Cove
Westbrook Junior AFL Club
Greenway Park
Shepherds Dr, Cherrybrook
Western Suburbs Junior AFL Club
Willoughby Junior AFL Club
Picken Oval
Gore Hill Oval
Hampton St, Croyden Park
Pacific Hwy, St Leonards
Maroubra Junior AFL Club
Miranda Bombers Australian
Football Club
Moore Park Tigers Junior
Australian Football Club
Walsh Street, North Narrabeen
2014 Match Day Paperwork information
Once you have made sufficient notes, umpires will then take the information home to submit online. Paperwork
must be submitted by 9am Monday following the match.
This link is available through the AFL Greater Sydney Juniors website. Simply go to and then
select the UMPIRES tab, followed by PAPERWORK and then select your region.
When the webpage loads select the Umpires tab, and then select Paperwork, followed by Umpire Match Day
paperwork, and your regional form link.
When you select the link the following web page will load. Use your notes made at the ground to enter the details.
This process should only take about 5mins to complete. The form uses drop down menu’s where possible, or simply
type in the required details (i.e. Umpire Names)
1. The first page online is the match information. Please answer all relevant fields about your match then click
2. Additional Match Details - Please select the relevant answers about the match. At the bottom of this page
you will then be asked to select the age group of this match as follows:
Under 9’s – 12’s
Under 13’s – 17’s
After selecting the age group you will then proceed to either complete the Player Votes (Under 13 – 17) or to
the Player Behaviour Questions (Under 9 – 12)
3. UNDER 13 – 17 Age Group Matches - The Voting section is to be completed for all Under 13 – 17’s matches.
Please ensure you complete the player name, jumper number and club as per details collected from the
team sheet. When you click continue you will then proceed to Player Behaviour Questions.
4. Player Behaviour - The next page is regarding player behaviour. If you have sent a player off or reported a
player you must select YES and provide further information. If you did not have any player behaviour issues
then select NO and it will skip to the next section.
If you selected YES for player behaviour you then need to provide details of the incident as outlined
in this manual. Please also provide details in the comment box of the incident.
If the player has been reported you must:a. Inform your Umpire Manager and complete the Notice of Report Form as advised earlier.
b. Select the reportable offence from the Laws of Australian Football that are provided in a drop down
menu. If the player was not reported you must select YELLOW CARD NO REPORT.
c. The form provides room for up to three reports (if you have more then three reports then please contact
your Umpire manager). After you have provided details select continue.
5. Officials, Parents and Spectator Behaviour - The next section is regarding officials, parents and spectator
behaviour. If you have had code of conduct issues with officials, parents or spectators you must select YES
and provide further information. If you did not have any behaviour issues then select NO and it will skip to
the next section.
If you selected YES for officials, parents or spectator behaviour you will then provide details of the
incident as per the Match Day form. You will be required to provide the persons name, club, the
quarter, and the offence from a drop down menu. Please also provide details in the comment box of
the incident.
If you have had issues with officials, parents or spectators you must inform your Umpire Manager.
The form provides room for up to three incidents (if you have more then three incidents then please contact
your Umpire Manager), after you have provided details select continue.
6. The Final page of the form is where you complete your name as the umpire completing the online form, and
you can provide any additional comments that you might like to make. Once completed click submit and you
will have successfully lodged your match day paperwork.
Please ensure you keep your notes for one week after the match in case there were any issues in lodging
the form