Aquatic Microbial Ecology

 Aquatic Microbial Ecology SAME 14
Uppsala 23-28 August 2015
Topics •  Popula8ons and communi8es across 8me and space: microbial biogeography •  The diversity–func8on debate revisited •  Microbes and the biogeosphere: focus on elemental cycles •  (Co-­‐)evolu8on: causes and consequences •  Aqua8c microorganisms and public health: pathogens and an8bio8c resistance in the spotlight •  Composi8on of substrates and communi8es – are they linked? •  Microdiversity and func8onal tuning to the environment •  Microbial symbioses •  Microbial interac8ons in communi8es and food webs •  Outreach workshop: Microbes of the Bal8c Sea Confirmed keynote speakers •  Ginger Armbrust, University of Washington, USA •  Patrick Crill, Stockholm University, Sweden •  O+o Cordero, ETH, Switzerland •  Paul del Giorgio, Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada •  Ramiro Logares, Ins8tute of Marine Sciences, CSIC, Spain •  Åke Hagström, Linnaeus University, Sweden •  Helmut Hillebrand, University of Oldenburg, Germany •  Dana Hunt, Duke University, USA •  Andreas Schramm, Aarhus University, Denmark •  Michaela Salcher, Biology Centre of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Czech More info: h+p://