USER MANUAL Electronic Import and Export Licence Service

Electronic Import and Export Licence
1 General ................................................................................................................................. 3
2 Registering as a customer with the Department of Market Support .......................... 3
3 Signing in to the service ..................................................................................................... 4
3.1 A forgotten password...................................................................................................... 4
4 Key code ............................................................................................................................... 4
5 Search service home page .................................................................................................. 5
6 Personal information .......................................................................................................... 6
7 Securities status ................................................................................................................... 7
8 Licence application ............................................................................................................. 8
8.1 Import Licence Application ........................................................................................... 8
8.2 Export Licence Application ........................................................................................... 9
9 Templates ........................................................................................................................... 11
10 Follow-up ......................................................................................................................... 12
11 Licences ............................................................................................................................ 13
12 List of Forms ................................................................................................................... 14
13 Contact Details for The Finnish Agency for Rural Affairs ...................................... 15
Liitteet, ISBN, ym
1 General
This user manual contains instructions for applying for licences electronically. Benefits of using the
webservice include:
Saving applications as application templates speeds up the application process
The number of paper copies is reduced when licence applications need not to be posted or
brought to the Finnish Agency for Rural Affairs
It is easier to follow-up securities accounts
It is easier to follow-up different stages of the licence application process
The number of errors and risks is reduced in comparison to sending a fax, for example
You can enter the electronic licence service at
There is also a link to the Digital services on the website of the Finnish Agency for Rural Affairs at and directly
2 Registering as a customer with the
Department of Market Support
A precondition for applying for electronic credentials is that the company must have registered as a
customer with the department of market support at the Finnish Agency for Rural Affairs in the Import or
Export function and that it has received individualized 8-digit registration number. Instructions for
registering as a customer and the form Application for Registration (number 561000) can be found at the
Finnish Agency for Rural Affairs website at section Guides and Forms of Export support and of Import
In order to obtain the necessary credentials the company must return a Registration form in the electronic
import and export licence service to the department of market support of the Finnish Agency for Rural
Affairs. Username, password and key code list will be sent by mail. The Registration form (number
561027) and the form for changing information provided (561027M) for the electronic licence service can
be found on the Electronic services pages.
3 Signing in to the service
Fill in your username and password and click Continue.
If you have forgotten your password click on Forgot password?
3.1 A forgotten password
By entering the username registered for the service and e-mail address linked to the username, the system
resets the password. A new password together with a link for activating it will be sent to you by e-mail.
4 Key code
Following signing in, a display opens up in to which a changing key code is entered; the key code can be
found on the key code list sent to you by post. Once you have entered the key code, click Sign in.
When the key code list expires, a new key code list is sent to the user by e-mail and a notification is sent to
the administrator by e-mail.
5 Search service home page
Following the two-stage signing in you have entered the home page of the service where you can choose
from different functions given in the main menu. By clicking the main menu options you can check your
securities status, submit an application for licence, or make a template for application. In addition to these
functions you can also follow-up processing stages of previously submitted applications and within certain
limits cancel them. Cancelling an application is possible if text “Cancel” appears after the application
information given in the follow-up section (before 2 pm on the day the application is submitted).
6 Personal information
When entering the service for the first time, please check the Active product group for which you will
apply licences.
7 Securities status
In the Securities section you can follow up valid securities. By choosing Security identifier you get to the
screen where you can define the period of time during which you want to follow up securities.
8 Licence application
You can submit a licence application by choosing either “Application” or “Templates” from the menu.
The following points need to be filled in:
8.1 Import Licence Application
Country of consignment needs to be given when the Yes option is chosen
Country of origin needs to be given when the Yes option is chosen
The identifier for the security used is chosen from the options listed, following which the security
chosen will be transferred for use in connection with the licence by the +- function.
The CN code is chosen from the list; it is possible to choose more than one CN codes by the +function
Quantity in numbers kg/1/piece
The licence is used elsewhere in the EU, choose Yes when the licence is used outside Finland
Special notes are added in section possible additional information, e.g. a quota number for which
the application is made
In the section “Check the information given “you may check the application information once
more before saving it or edit the information. After this click “Save application”.
Following this confirm not completed/go to?
When applying for a licence for another company, choose the name of the company represented
from the list.
8.2 Export Licence Application
Choose the name of the company to be represented from the list when applying for a licence for
another company
The country of destination must be given when choosing the Yes option
Point 8 in the export licence application Advance confirmation is applied for Yes/No
Point 9 in the export licence application Tender Yes/No
The identifier for the security to be used is chosen from options listed, following which the
chosen security/securities is/are transferred for use in connection with the licence with the +function
The CN code is chosen from the list; it is possible to choose more than one CN codes with the
+- function
Quantity in numbers kg/l/piece
The licence is used elsewhere in the EU, choose Yes when the licence is used outside Finland
Special notes are added in section possible additional information, e.g. express licence
In the section “Check the information given” you may check the application information once
more before saving it or edit the information. After this click “Save the application”.
The name of the company represented is chosen from the list when applying for a licence for
another company.
9 Templates
On the Templates screen you may save a new application template or choose a template already saved,
which you may copy as a new application or edit it.
10 Follow-up
The unconfirmed applications appear on the follow-up screen; you may confirm, edit delete them, In
addition to this you may follow up the status of saved confirmed applications.
After clicking ”confirm” the status changes to ”application” and is now been send to the Finnish Agency
for Rural Affairs.
11 Licences
Through the Licences section you may examine the status and capacity of the licence.
By choosing the number of the licence, a screen opens up on which you can see the reservations and
confirmations made.
In the section Quantity to be reserved you may reserve a quantity/estimate which the customs confirm
when the exports/imports take place. It is possible to edit the quantity reserved or it can be deleted before
At the bottom of the screen there is a button from which a used licence is returned to the Finnish Agency
for Rural Affair within two months from the expiry date at the latest.
The licence applicant receives by e-mail a notification on the licences to be returned when the licence
Transferring the licence to another customer; there is a letter S at the end of the licence number
FI576542[S]. The marking shows only with the customer to whom the licence has been transferred to.
12 List of Forms
Registration application
Notice of changing registration information
Registration of a user to the web service
Registration of a user to the web service (notification of change)
13 Contact Details for The Finnish Agency
for Rural Affairs
Finnish Agency for Rural Affairs,
Department of Market Support,
School Distribution and Trade Mechanisms Unit
Postal Address:
P.O.BOX 405
FIN-60101 SEINÄJOKI, Finland
Visiting address:
Alvar Aallon katu 5
Tel. +358 295 312 000 (switchboard)
Fax +358 295 312 203
E-mail: or