Kährs Holding AB (publ) Interim report – Q2-2013 27 August 2013 CEO comments on Q2-2013 Net sales in the second quarter came in 7% below last year due to a slightly weaker market, but also due to the stronger Swedish Krona. The operational result, EBITDA-R, of 63 MSEK or 10.0% was 10 MSEK better than last year’s level despite lower net sales. This was achieved through a higher gross margin of 34.9% and lower fixed costs than last year. The net sales loss in Q2 was compensated by a higher gross margin at 34.9% vs. 32.5% last year and on top of this the fixed cost levels were reduced. High focus on profitable business in combination with a stronger product mix continued to support the result improvement. Profitability was 10 MSEK better than Q2-2012. Operational result, EBITDA-R, reached 63 MSEK or 10.0% compared with 53 MSEK or 7.8% the same period last year. Net sales were below last year in Q2 due to a slightly weaker market in Russia/CIS region and also a slow project market for resilient flooring. Also the strong Swedish Krona had a negative impact on net sales by 15 MSEK. The main driver for increased NWC since year end 2012 is related to seasonality on accounts receivable and increased safety stock for projects. There is a continued high focus on net working capital reductions during the remaining part of the year. The main potential is within the inventory and also in a continued reduction of the number of SKUs. In the second quarter, a detailed analysis including negotiations with the unions has been performed with main focus to optimize the production footprint within the group. The outcome of this review has resulted in that the factory in Kuopio, Finland will be closed in 2013 and the production unit in Tuupovaara, Finland will produce the Saima product range only. Christer Persson President and CEO 2 (13) Financial overview April-June Financial overview June YTD Net sales: MSEK 633 (683 LY) Net sales: MSEK 1,246 (1,384 LY) Gross margin in %: 34.9% (32.5%) Gross margin in %: 34.3% (32.8%) EBITDA-R: MSEK 63 (53) or 10.0% (7.8%) EBITDA-R: MSEK 108 (99) or 8.7% (7.2%) EBIT: MSEK 32 (18) or 5.1% (2.6%) EBIT: MSEK 50 (34) or 4.0% (2.5%) Net working capital: MSEK 828 (962) Net debt: MSEK 188 (518) Net sales overview per product group and region Group net sales per June YTD amounted to 1,246 (1,384) MSEK. The decline of 138 MSEK was partly due to negative FX movements amounting to 31 MSEK. Sales within hardwood flooring amounted to 1,047 (1,141) MSEK, a decline of 8%, while resilient flooring business amounted to 125 (165) MSEK, a decline of 24%. Net sales for other business, accessories and energy, during the period January to June was 74 (77), a decline of 4%. Total group net sales in Q2-13 were 7% below last year and reached 633 MSEK (683). The strong Swedish Krona explained 15 MSEK of this net sales loss. Net Sales by Product Group Hardwood flooring continued to show a mixed development in the regions and during the second quarter 2013 the hardwood sales dropped by 5% to 533 MSEK compared with LY. Net sales per product group Q2-2013 Other Resilient 6% 10% The resilient flooring business reached a net sales in Q2 of 60 MSEK and was 21% behind LY due to a weak project market. Net sales for other business, including mainly accessories and energy sales, grew 5% to 40 MSEK in Q2. Hardwood flooring 84% Net Sales by region Net sales per region Q2-2013 The regions showed a mixed performance in Q2 with Nordic as the strongest region with 4% growth followed by Americas at 2% growth. The development in the Nordics was driven by favorable market growth. The Russia/CIS region showed a negative sales development of 5%, while Central Europe and Finland/Baltics had net sales losses of 14% and 18% respectively due to weaker market conditions. Americas 8% Other markets 3% Central Europe 23% Russia/CIS 16% 3 (13) Nordic 33% Finland/ Baltic 17% Operational result Net debt amounted to 188 (518) per the end of June 2013. The ratio between Net debt to EBITDA including one-off items (LTM) was 1.1. The operational result, EBITDA-R, was 63 (53) MSEK in the second quarter, an improvement of 10 MSEK or 19% compared with LY. The strengthened Swedish Krona had a negative FX impact on EBITDA-R of 3 MSEK in Q2. The improvement in EBITDA-R is mainly driven by higher gross margins and reduced fixed costs. Consolidated cash and cash equivalents per June 30, 2013 was 312 MSEK compared with 397 MSEK per December 31, 2012. Due to the excess cash position, and no material acquisitions planned in 2013, the Group is currently evaluating a repayment up to 130 MSEK of the shareholder loans during the fourth quarter. The operational result, EBITDA-R, for the first six months in 2013 amounted to 108 (99) MSEK. This increase was achieved through improved gross margins and focused cost control. Loan and borrowings The group issued bonds on 20 December 2012 with gross proceeds of 500 MSEK. An additional tap-issue of maximum 250 MSEK can be issued subject to pro forma incurrence test being met. Cashflow The operational Cashflow amounted to 25 (32) MSEK in Q2. Working capital was increased by 39 (20) MSEK due to seasonality and safety stock build up for projects and summer shutdown of the production facilities over 2-4 weeks. These bonds are transferable, unsecured, callable floating rate bonds with a coupon of STIBOR (3 months) plus 7.50 percent p.a. Interest are payable on a quarterly basis on 20 March, 20 June, 20 September and 20 December. After net investments in Q2 of 29 (18) MSEK and restructuring costs of 4 (5) MSEK, the Cashflow before financing amounted to -8 (11) MSEK. The group is currently working with the IFRS conversion and the prospectus for listing the corporate bond on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm. Target listing date is October 2013. Operational Cashflow before financing for the period January to June amounted to -50 (23) MSEK. This development was mainly driven by increases in net working capital in terms of higher accounts receivable and also increased finished goods inventory as safety stock. Employees The number of employees per 30 June 2013 was 1,599, which is a decrease of 13 employees since 31 December 2012. Financial position The equity ratio (incl. negative goodwill and shareholder loans) amounted to 48% on 30 June 2013 to be compared with 49% on 31 December 2012. No dividend has been paid to shareholders during the period January-June. 4 (13) Events after balance sheet date US customs Karelia-Upofloor Oy, the Finnish subsidiary of Kährs Holding AB (publ), has in July 2013 finalized its negotiations initiated in May at its Kuopio and Tuupovaara hardwood flooring units in Finland. As a result, the Kuopio and Tuupovaara production, excluding the production of Saima products in Tuupovaara, will be integrated into other production units within the Group network. The Kuopio production will be fully discontinued in 2013. The U.S. customs case for Kährs International Inc. is related to product classification and tariffs for importing parquet to the US. This legal case was lost in the US appeals court in April 2013 and no rehearing was granted in June 2013. The U.S. Customs may be entitled to claim import duties of 8 percent retroactively for the years 2001–2005. The higher tariff of 8 percent has been paid by Kährs International Inc. since the legal case was initiated back in 2006. The negotiations were initiated to improve long-term competitiveness, by reorganizing the Group’s production network. The European hardwood floor business is undergoing a restructuring – the industry has been characterized by a large amount of small producers and overcapacity. By reorganizing the hardwood floor production, the group will enhance the operations to better meet the market challenges. In order to recover any amount from Kährs International Inc., the U.S. Customs would need to prove that Kährs International Inc. failed to exercise reasonable care when importing the flooring products during the period 2001-2005. Furthermore, Kährs International Inc. will likely have the possibility to mitigate and renegotiate a settlement with the U.S. Customs. In the event of a successful claim from the U.S. Customs, or if a favourable settlement with the U.S. Customs cannot be reached, Kährs international Inc. could be forced to file for bankruptcy, which in turn would lead to a need for a reorganisation of the Group’s U.S business. The total amount of Kuopio and Tuupovaara blue-collar employees in the scope of the cooperation negotiations was 116. 5 (13) Parent company Accounting principles Kährs Holding AB (publ) is the parent company of the group and was established in 1996. The revenue for the period January to June was 0 (0) MSEK with a NIAT of -2 (-1) MSEK. The parent company’s financials are presented on page 10-12 in this interim report. This Q2 interim report is prepared in accordance with the Swedish Annual Accounts Act and Swedish GAAP. Information on accounting principles applied in 2012 is available in the annual report and the same principles have been used in this interim report. This report has not been reviewed by the company’s auditor. 6 (13) Group Income Statement Income Statement MSEK Net sales Operating costs EBITDA-R % of Net sales Restructuring costs EBITDA % of Net sales Depreciation EBIT Apr-Jun 2013 Apr-Jun 2012 (proforma) Jan-Jun 2013 633 683 1,246 1,384 2,457 -570 -630 -1,138 -1,285 -2,267 63 53 108 Jan-Jun LTM 2012 Jul-Jun (proforma) (proforma) 99 190 10,0% 7,8% 8,7% 7,2% 7,7% -4 -6 -5 -7 -14 59 47 103 92 176 9,3% 6,9% 8,3% 6,6% 7,2% -27 -29 -53 -58 -111 32 18 50 34 65 % of Net sales 5,1% 2,6% 4,0% 2,5% 2,6% Finance net -41 -5 -50 -9 -75 EBT -9 13 0 25 -10 Tax 0 1 1 0 -8 -9 14 1 25 -18 Net income after tax 7 (13) Group Balance Sheet Balance Sheet MSEK 30 Jun 2013 31 Dec 2012 30 Jun 2012 (proforma) Tangible assets 635 648 820 Other fixed assets 103 98 21 Inventory 646 629 729 Account receivables 371 290 377 Other current assets 76 69 103 312 397 156 2,143 2,131 2,206 Shareholders’ equity 223 232 515 Negative goodwill 235 233 0 Shareholders’ loans 580 569 494 External interest bearing debt 500 500 674 Account payables 189 186 144 Accrued expenses 206 213 218 Other liabilities 210 198 161 2,143 2,131 2,206 Net working capital 828 733 962 Net debt 188 103 518 Equity ratio (incl. negative goodwill) 21% 22% 23% Equity ratio (incl. negative goodwill & SH loans) 48% 49% 46% Fixed assets Current assets Cash and bank balances Total assets Shareholders’ equity Liabilities Total liabilities and equity 8 (13) Group Cashflow Statement Cashflow Statement MSEK Apr-Jun 2013 Apr-Jun 2012 (proforma) Jan-Jun 2013 Jan-Jun 2012 (proforma) EBIT before restructuring 37 23 55 41 Depreciation 27 29 53 58 0 0 0 0 64 52 108 99 Changes in working capital -39 -20 -114 -38 Cash flow from operations 25 32 -6 61 -29 -18 -42 -33 0 2 3 2 Restructuring costs -4 -5 -5 -7 Free cash flow before financing -8 11 -50 23 -41 -5 -50 -9 Change in deferred taxes -2 1 -5 -2 FX and other changes in equity 28 -3 20 -35 Changes in cash and cash equivalents -23 4 -85 -23 Cash & bank assets, opening balance 335 152 397 179 Cash & bank assets, closing balance 312 156 312 156 Taxes paid Cashflow from operations (before changes in working capital) Investments Changes in other investments and long-term non-interest bearing items Finance net 9 (13) Kährs Holding AB (publ) - Income Statement Income Statement MSEK Apr-Jun 2013 Apr-Jun 2012 (proforma) Jan-Jun 2013 Net sales 0 0 0 0 0 Operating costs 0 -1 -1 -1 -1 EBITDA-R % of Net sales Restructuring costs EBITDA % of Net sales Depreciation EBIT 0 -1 -1 Jan-Jun LTM 2012 Jul-Jun (proforma) (proforma) -1 -1 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 -1 -1 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 -1 -1 % of Net sales 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% Finance net -2 0 -9 -1 60 EBT -2 -1 -10 -2 59 Tax 0 0 0 0 0 -2 -1 -10 -2 59 Net income after tax 10 (13) Kährs Holding AB (publ) - Balance Sheet Balance Sheet MSEK 30 Jun 2013 31 Dec 2012 30 Jun 2012 (proforma) 0 0 0 1,078 1,085 465 Inventory 0 0 0 Account receivables 0 0 0 Other current assets 23 5 0 Cash and bank balances 20 8 0 1,121 1,098 465 332 342 247 0 0 0 Shareholders’ loans 196 193 207 External interest bearing debt 500 500 0 Account payables 5 8 0 Accrued expenses 13 15 2 Other liabilities 75 40 9 1,121 1,098 465 -5 -8 0 Net debt 480 492 0 Equity ratio (incl. negative goodwill) 30% 31% 53% Equity ratio (incl. negative goodwill & SH loans) 47% 49% 98% Fixed assets Tangible assets Other fixed assets Current assets Total assets Shareholders’ equity Shareholders’ equity Negative goodwill Liabilities Total liabilities and equity Net working capital 11 (13) Kährs Holding AB (publ) - Cashflow Statement Cashflow Statement MSEK Apr-Jun 2013 Apr-Jun 2012 (proforma) Jan-Jun 2013 Jan-Jun 2012 (proforma) EBIT before restructuring 0 -1 -1 -1 Depreciation 0 0 0 0 Taxes paid 0 0 0 0 Cashflow from operations (before changes in working capital) 0 -1 -1 -1 Changes in working capital 3 2 23 2 Cash flow from operations 3 1 22 1 Investments 0 0 0 0 Changes in other investments and long-term non-interest bearing items 0 0 0 0 Restructuring costs 0 0 0 0 Free cash flow before financing 3 1 22 1 -2 0 -9 -1 0 0 0 0 FX and other changes in equity -2 -2 -1 -1 Changes in cash and cash equivalents -1 -1 12 -1 Cash & bank assets, opening balance 21 1 8 1 Cash & bank assets, closing balance 20 0 20 0 Finance net Change in deferred taxes 12 (13) Financial reporting 2013 Kährs Holding AB (publ)’s interim reports as well as the year end-report are available on Kährs website www.kahrs.com. The following interim reporting will occur in 2013: Proforma report 2012 Statutory report 2012 Shareholder’s general meeting Interim report Q1 Interim report Q2 Interim report Q3 Interim report Q4 February 2013 April 2013 April 2013 May 2013 August 2013 November 2013 February 2014 For further information, please contact: Christer Persson President and CEO Phone: +46 70 271 2014 Email: christer.persson@kahrs.se Peter Ericsson CFO Phone: +46 70 461 1039 Email: peter.ericsson@kahrs.se Address: Kährs Holding AB (publ) Dunderbergsgatan 10 382 28 Nybro Sweden Corporate identity number: 556534-2481 Phone: +46 481 46000 13 (13)
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