American Legion Auxiliary
Department of West Virginia, Inc
HC 60 Box 17
New Martinsville WV 26155-9731
(Fax) 1-304-455-5825
(E) alawvsec@frontier.com
State Web Site: www.wvaux.org
This Manual will be a guide on Unit awards your Unit can apply for in all
committees. This will be very important for your Unit to refer to all year long.
PLEASE use it and hopefully your Unit will win many awards at the end of the
year at State Convention. But the secret to it all is to REPORT all that you do
volunteer hours, cost of project, number of volunteers helping, number youth
served, number veterans served, and do PUBLIC RELATIONS on everything that
your Unit does— toot your horn — no one else will.
PLEASE give information to Unit committees. It will be easier for them as some
things have been changed due to high cost of postage and material to distribute to
the Units. PLEASE make the effort to keep the lines of communications open
between your Unit, our Department Chairmen and this Office all year long.
Throughout the year always remember the grass roots of why this organization is
here and why we, the members, want to keep the purpose of this organization
moving forward for many years to come.
President’s Award of Excellence-- These awards are very special because they represent the
“best of the best” in planning and implementation of Auxiliary efforts to meet the mission of serving veterans,
children and communities. By establishing objectives, creating action steps to accomplish those objectives, and
then reporting the achieved outcomes, measurable success will be achieved.. There will only be 5 Unit Awards
recognized at National Convention this year. The award format does not require a written narrative but rather
follows the format of the National Plans of Action (it must include objectives, action steps, and outcomes). There
must be a minimum of three (3) ALA Programs or ( 1) POD Project. The Entry form must be filled out completely
and included with entry. The Unit form is enclosed. This entry form is submitted by the Unit President in
collaboration with the Unit Members and Chairmen. Deadline for Entry is June 1, 2014. Hard copy can be mailed
or you can do an Electronic entry as indicated on the Entry Form.
National American Legion Auxiliary Web-Site: The National Plans of Action is on the National Web-Site.
Here is how you can get into the National Plans of Action:
1) www.alaforveterans.org
2) Once you are on their homepage go to bottom of page
3) There is a box that says –search- and in this box type -- Plans of Action
4) You should see a page listing all the programs – click on the program that you want information on
5) On this program page click on National Plans of Action and it will bring up the Plans of Action for that
6) Here you can read the Mission, Goals and Tactics of the committee you want to work on.
You can print this out or just write down what you want to know from the information.
7) PLEASE use this if can – it will save a lot of printing from this office and a lot of valuable time compiling
this Awards Booklet. (Thank You!)
Mid-Year Reports—National is asking all their National Chairmen to have a Mid-Year report at the Washington
DC Conference in Washington DC in February. In order for the National Chairmen to obtain information for this
report they must ask the Department Chairmen for information. If your Unit has done something very special on
any committee (s) make a small report to that Department Chairman so she can pass all this information on to
National Chairmen. There is no report form, or cover page needed for this. It can be handwritten or e-mailed to
the Department Chairmen. The only way the Department Chairmen can compile a report of what West Virginia is
doing is to hear from the Units. More information will be in SPIRIT from the Chairmen on this report. You should
send this short report to the Department Chairmen by December 15, 2013 so she has time to compile her report and
to National on time. This includes Unit Chaplains, Unit Historians and Unit Chairmen.
FORMS – APPLICATIONS – are available online with National ALA at www.alaforveterans.org click on
Forms or Scholarship or programs and you will find the information for your need or applications. You can
download any information you need.
If there is a problem with this please let this office know or the
DEPARTMENT CHAIRMAN and she will help you with the information you may need. Thank you. If any
questions contact Department Headquarters.
Scholarship Forms
American Essay Cover Sheet
Junior “Patch Program” forms
Auxiliary Emergency Fund Application
Youth Hero/Good Dead Award
ACTIVITY SHEET: There is an activity sheet enclosed that your Unit can use at your Unit meetings. Let each
member take one home and keep track of their volunteer work from one meeting to the next. If they gave blood,
volunteered for blood drive, volunteer with a community event, helped out a veteran, helped out a neighbor,
volunteered at library, school or church, made any donations, etc.. This could help your unit on the end-of-year
report when you have information from members on what they have done. All members should get credit for what
they have done in community but they have to let the Unit know.
Auxiliary Emergency Fund
Cavalcade of Memories
Changes for 2013-14 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Children & Youth
Community Service
Constitution & Bylaws
Girls State
Introduction ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Judging -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Junior Activities ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
National President’s Message --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------National Security
Past Presidents Parley
Public Relations
Total Participation
Unit President Award
Unit Secretary
Unit Treasurer
Veterans Affairs & Rehabilitation (Field Service & Home Service)
Pass It On Membership Mission Award –Creative Arts—Youth Hero Forms ---------------------------------
National President’s Award for Excellence Application Cover Sheet Form ----------------------------------
This manual contains all awards and contests that pertain to the Unit level only! All other
information on programs in the various committees will be in the SPIRIT from the
Department Committee Chairmen. Please keep informed by reading all mailings sent to your
Unit from Department and National Offices.
Attention All Units
This awards booklet is posted on State Web Site: www.wvaux.org
This booklet will be mailed to each unit President. It is the responsibility of the Unit President to see
that the information in this Awards Manual is distributed to all of your Unit Chairmen and Officers. The
Department Chairman for each program is listed and can be notified by your Unit or Unit Chairman if
there are any questions about any phase of her program. Please don’t hesitate to contact Department
Headquarters at 1-888-604-2242 or e-mail at alawvsec@frontier.com if there is any further information
All Traveling Plaques are plaques that are returned each year at Department Convention to be awarded
again. Extra forms, applications and pamphlets are available from National at
www.alaforveterans.org or Department Headquarters website at www.wvaux.org HC 60 Box 17,
New Martinsville WV 26155-9731.
Attention Department Chairmen & Officers
This awards manual contains all the awards and contests pertaining to the Units with the deadline
dates contests needs to be sent to Department. Please read your committee section, know what awards
and traveling plaques that you are responsible for at State Convention and on National Level and if there
is any problem with your committee please let this office know or President Debbie Fox. If there is a
correction or change—let this office know this so it can be sent to the Units in time for their entries if
done immediately. NO CHANGES TO BE MADE AFTER JANUARY 1, 2014 unless change is from
All Department traveling plaques and trophies are judged at State Convention, all material, books etc.
must be to State Convention by July 10, 2014. ONLY -- If there is a conflict of judging on a
Department Committee by that Department Committee is the Convention Judging Committee to be
used for the final judging. The Judging Committee is not there to judge all committee entrees that are
the responsibility of each Committee.
For Additional Information you can get on Internet at www.alaforveterans.org if
you would like more information or up to date on issues.
Tammy Workman
PO Box 63
Reader WV 26167
Mission Statement: To express, by word and action, our founding principal of service to God and Country.
Encourage all Units to celebrate diversity among people and faiths. Provide spiritual and emotional support when
needed, with dignity and a respect for the diversity of faith traditions.
Unit Prayer Book: Senior Prayer Book
Best overall
Cash Award
Junior Prayer Book
Best overall
Cash Award
Unit prayer book can be any size, consist of as many prayers as you desire and designed any way the unit wishes.
You may list the prayers in any order you want.,(by month, by programs, by events, etc). You may design the
prayer book anyway you wish. This can be submitted by any Senior or Junior member. Prayer books need to be
mailed to Department Chaplain by July 1, 2014 or brought to Department Convention by Thursday, July 10, 2014 to
qualify for judging. Make sure your name & address, Unit Name & number and if a Junior or Senior is listed.
Department President’s Prayer Book. Any Unit or District Chaplain, Unit member may submit a prayer, poem,
spiritual verse to the Department Chaplain for the prayer book. Those that are turned in will also be forwarded to
the National Chaplain for her use in the National President’s Prayer Book. They must reach the Department
Chaplain by May 1, 2014 to be compiled into a large Prayer Book to be presented to our Department President at
State Convention.
Patricia Moore Traveling Plaque: To the Unit 10-200 with the best overall end of year report.
Nina Mason Traveling Plaque: To the Unit 201 and over with the best overall end of year report.
Ramona Westfall
PO Box 23
Burnsville WV 26335
Mission: The Historian is committed to accurately recording annually the accomplishments and significant events
that occur within Unit during the course of her term.
Rules for Senior History:
I. Introduction (10 points)
1. Title Page
a. History of Unit ______________________Number________________
b Name of Unit Historian______________________________________
c. Date: 2011 - 2012
2. Forward or Dedication
3. Unit President’s Picture (optional—if used 5x7) or name. If using picture please put name of President under
picture. All shall be centered and in middle of page.
4. Prayer
5. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America
6. National Anthem— First Verse of “The Star Spangled Banner”
7. Preamble to the Constitution of American Legion Auxiliary
II. Historical Content (70 points)
1. List of Unit Officers for 2013-2014
a. Elected Unit Officer for 2013 - 2014
b. Appointed Unit Officers for 2013 - 2014
2. List of Unit Chairmen for 2013 - 2014
3. List of Department Officers and Committee appointments held by members of your Unit for
2013 - 2014
4. List of National Officers and Committee Appointments held by members of your Unit for 2013 - 2014
5. A list of Unit Awards received at the 2013 State Convention.
6. A list of Unit Awards received at the 2013 National Convention.
7. The history shall be written as a FACTUAL NARRATIVE beginning with the installation of officers and
ending with the month of June.
8. The signature of the Unit historian is to immediately follow the final paragraph of the History.
9. Index (optional)
Appearance (10 points)
1. Cover: Soft cover binder for loose leaf paper, preferable blue, with 2 ½ inch gold foil American Legion
Auxiliary seal centered on the cover or a regulation binder with imprinted seal. (These are available from
Emblem Sales)
2. Paper: 8 ½ x 11 inches Plain white
3. Margins: left and right margin should be 1.25 in.; leave one inch from top and bottom of the page. Page
numbers should begin on the first page of the Historical Content. They should be centered and placed 0.5
inch from the bottom of the page.
4. Spacing: double-spaced with the exception of the introductory pages, (Title page,
Foreword or Dedication, photograph of Unit President, Prayer, Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United
States, first verse of “The Star Spangled Banner” and Preamble to the Constitution of the American Legion
Auxiliary) which shall be centered in middle of the page. Paragraphs may be indented or in block form.
5. Text: 12 point font, times Roman or Arial style font.
6. Technology: Computer preferred however a typewritten or handwritten history is permissible. If typewritten
or handwritten, the page set should not vary from what is required of computer users.
Arrangement (10 points):
a. Written in third person
b. Clear concise language with correct spelling
c. No decorations, computer graphics, pen or ink drawings, illustrations, extra material, or newspaper
clippings. Be original and unique in thought and presentation.
V. Deadline: Unit Histories must be to the Department Historian by July 1, 2014 or received at Department
Convention by Thursday, July 10, 2014 to qualify for judging.
Rules for Junior History: Same as for Senior History, but with Junior information. (Unit Honorary Junior officers,
etc) Also may be handwritten. Deadline is same as Senior History.
Rules for District History: Same as Senior Unit History Book.
Deadline for Department History information: Must be to Department Historian by June 1, 2014
All Department Officers and Chairmen must compile an end-of-year narrative report on their committee from
information on Unit End-Of-Year Reports. All District Presidents will need to compile an end-of-year narrative
report from all the Unit Reports and activities given at Spring Conference. District Vice Presidents can submit a
small narrative membership report of your District for the year to Historian.
Unit Awards: Senior History = membership under 300 Senior History = membership over 300 Junior History = best overall
cash award
cash award
cash award
Janet Culp Traveling Plaque — Best overall History Report
Veterans History Project—National strongly recommended that members participate in the Veteran’s History
Project. More information on this program at www.loc.gov/vets/kit.html
a. Work with the Junior Activities Chairman to promote the Veterans History Project through
Facebook, e-mails and during meetings.
b. Stress the importance of collecting the history and the case of participating in the project through all
c. Highlight details of the project on the National Historian’s webpage.
d. Letter from National President and National Historian presented to one Junior member in each
division who submits the best (250-word minimum) essay of why she chose to participate in the
Veteran’s History Project.
e. A special cash award will be awarded to the best Veterans History Report from the Department
Rita Alley
PO Box 654
Welch WV 24801
Mission: to inspire, recognize and perpetuate responsible citizenship through education and acts of patriotism in
order to raise awareness and increase appreciation of the price paid for our fundamental freedoms.
Objective: Be a patriot through Unit involvement in community events.
Be the go-to organization in your community for flag promotion and protections
Promote Community awareness of yellow ribbon days, deployment of troops and welcome-home ceremonies.
Contact your local Family Readiness Group support person for details.
Be active in observing patriotic holidays. Encourage flying the flag every day but especially on patriotic holidays.
Be knowledgeable on flag history, etiquette and proper disposal.
Participate in the Pocket Flag project by providing flags for deploying troops.
Participate in the Get Out The Vote and Kids Voting USA campaigns.
Support the amendment to protect the US Flag from desecration
Objective: Increase awareness and participation in youth activities that support proper respect for our flag and
loyalty to our country.
Encourage participation in the Americanism Essay Contest by increasing awareness through stronger networking in
schools, youth groups (4-H, YMCA, Big Brothers/Big sisters, FFA/FHA) and home school associations. This year’s
theme is “How Can I Encourage My Friends to Show Pride in Being an American?”
Objective: Promote Auxiliary participation in The American Legion Americanism programs.
Legion Baseball, Oratorical Contest, Junior Shooting Sports
Americanism Essay Contest: Essay Title “How Can I show My Pride in Being an American?” typed or neatly
written essay conforming to the word limit for Class. The signature of the Student must be at the end of the essay.
The first page of essay is the Essay Cover Sheet. Classes are: I -- Grades 3 & 4 -- 150 - 250 words, II -- Grades 5
and 6 -- 250-300 words, III -- Grades 7 and 8 -- 350-400 words, IV -- Grades 9 and 10 -- 450-500 words, V -Grades 11 and 12 -- 450-500 words. Central Division Winner will receive $50 and a $50 honorarium in the
Student’s name to the National President’s Scholarship Fund. Units must send the winning entry in each class
to the Department Americanism chairman by April 1, 2014.
Department Americanism Plaques: A Department Shield plaque will be awarded to the Department winner in each
class of the Americanism Essay Contest. Unit entry must be to Department Americanism Chairman by May 1,
Dorothy Pearl Plaque: A plaque will be awarded to the Unit that reports the most outstanding Americanism
Program targeted to children and youth. . The entry must be typewritten in Narrative form not to exceed 1,000
words. The entry may include not more than five pictures and news articles. Entries must be submitted to
Department by May 1, 2014. All parts of speech are to be counted.
Junior Americanism Award: a citation plaque presented to a Junior group that reports the Most Outstanding
Americanism Program. Entry must be typewritten in narrative form, not to exceed 1,000 words: inclusion of
pictures (no more then 5) and news articles. All entries must be Postmarked by May 1, 2014 and sent to the
Department Chairman.
Department Americanism Traveling Plaques: A Department Plaque presented to the Unit with the best overall endof-year report. Report must be to Department by April 15, 2014.
First Place
Sally Arcuri Plaque
Second Place
June Harbert Plaque
Americanism Essay Contest Plaques five classes (National Headquarters 1995)
Auxiliary Emergency Fund
Peggy Swartz, Chairman
PO Box 124
Gary WV 24836
Objective: educate your Unit members of the Auxiliary Emergency Fund Program.
--go to State Web Site for more information www.wvaux.org or the National Web Site at www.alaforveterans.org
Objective: encourage your Unit to make or increase donation to AEF Program.
Pie sales, give 10 cents at each meeting, grab bags, sell used books, just a few suggested fund raisers.
The Auxiliary Emergency Fund Committee is responsible for raising funds to help replenish the funds for temporary
assistance to eligible members affected by a weather-related occurrence or a change in family or job status that has
created a financial crisis in their life. The AEF also assists members with a need to obtain training or update skills
necessary to enter or re-enter the workforce. It is the responsibility of this committee to dispense program
knowledge and create awareness of the Auxiliary Emergency Fund Program.
Applications for the Auxiliary Emergency Fund are available on line at www.alaforveterans.org or www.wvaux.org
Applicants must have maintained their Auxiliary membership for the immediate past two consecutive years and
have their current dues paid (TOTAL OF 3 YEARS). They must have exhausted all other sources of financial
assistance including funds and/or services available through the local Post and/or Unit and appropriate community
welfare agencies.. The maximum grant amount is $2,400.00.
Situations can be embarrassing to the members in need. Please handle each case with discretion and appreciate the
ASSISTANCE TO NEEDY MEMBERS. Please use current applications.
Auxiliary Emergency Fund Unit Contribution Citation: Recognition will be given for Unit contributions received by
April 15, 2014. Special Citation (Plaque) Recognition will be given to one Unit and Department making the
largest donation. Citation and Lapel Pin recognition will be awarded to anyone donating $50.00 or more to the
Auxiliary Emergency Fund. It must be reported on End 0f Year Report. Donations need to be made into
Department Headquarters by April 15, 2014 to be counted.
Certificate and Recognition at National Convention. One Department from Central Division contributing the
largest amount. Donation must be certified by Department Secretary. Submit donation to Department Headquarters
by April 15, 2014.
Department Auxiliary Emergency Fund Traveling Plaques: Department Plaque to the Unit with the best overall
end-of-year report.
Membership 10-200
Ruth Yoho Plaque
Membership 201 and over
Carol Williams Plaque
Cavalcade of Memories
Ramona Westfall
PO Box 23
Burnsville WV 26335
The purpose of this committee to encourage all Units to collect, help chronicle and preserve the history of
the American Legion Auxiliary in your Unit. Every Department and Unit is encouraged to preserve their records
and memorabilia in a Cavalcade of memories or have them preserved in a permanent place. Photos, plaques,
memory books, personal mementos, etc. to be put on display.
An annual report of your Cavalcade of Memories information should be sent to the Department
Headquarters by April 15, 2014.
Children & Youth
Beth Kilgore, Chairman
1562 Holderby Road
Huntington WV 25701
Mission: This committee works collaboratively with The American Legion, the Children & Youth Commission.
They direct and sponsor programs and services that provide care and protection to our nation’s children, especially
those of our military and veterans.
Objective: Develop, implement and monitor programs and activities that contribute to the physical, mental and
emotional health and wellness of children and youth of both military and nonmilitary families.
Plan to focus on areas your Unit is able to deal with. Focus on military children if available to you; but also focus
on the non-military children in your community.
Work with OMK, Big Brothers-Big Sisters, and Boys and Girls Club.
Order brochures from Emblem Sales or The American Legion to hand out or download from the Legion website and
print out your own handouts.
Calendar Activities:
December 31, 2013—Mid Year Report to Chairman
April-- Children and Youth Month
Month of the Military Child
April 15th—Year End Reports Due into Department Headquarters
May—National Children’s Mental Health Awareness Month
“Outstanding” Promotion of Supporting Activities-- Unit Award: An award will be presented in Central Division to
the Unit Chairman promoting the most outstanding Children & Youth program. The entry must have the names of
the Department (State), Unit and name & address of the Unit Chairman, must be in narrative form and not to exceed
1,000 words. All entries must be mailed to the Central Division Chairman Sharon Glassford, Department of WV,
PO Box 87, Charles Town 25414., email: scoobysharon@frontiernet.net by June 1, 2014
Youth Hero Award – A medal will be presented to youth under the age of 18 who have performed a heroic act of
physical valor. Unit must submit a written description of a youth’s action to verify the authenticity of the deed
which qualities he/she as a recipient of the award. A newspaper clipping may accompany the description but is not
required. Application is to be complete at unit level and mailed to Department Secretary for certification and
mailed on to National. NO REQUEST will be honored which is sent directly from Unit to National
Good Deed Award – An award for youth under 18 years of age who do not meet the Youth Hero Award criteria, but
who are great examples of community service. This award is submitted on the same nomination form as the Youth
Hero Award.
“Supporting Military Children”—Unit Award: A plaque citation will be awarded to a Unit in each Division with the
best innovative program supporting military children. Entry must be in narrative form, not to exceed 1,000 words,
and may include pictures, news articles, press releases, etc. A cover sheet including the name of the award,
Department, and name and contact information for the Unit C & Y Chairman, should be included. All entries must
be mailed to Central Division Chairman Sharon Glassford, Department of WV, contact information as above.
Department Children and Youth Traveling Plaques: Department plaque to the Unit with the best overall end-of-year
First Place
Shirley Davis Plaque for best overall end of year report
Second Place
Irene Weber Plaque for next best overall end of year report.
Liaison to the American Legion Child Welfare Foundation
Unit Level “Children First” Gift Club Awards: National American Legion will give plaque to Unit, Post, or
Squadrons for the cumulative donations made during the current contribution year (June 1, 2013 – May 31, 2014) as
Guardian -- Donation of $1,000 ---- Gold Plaque
Advocate -- Donation of $750 ----- Silver Plaque
Caretaker -- Donation of $500 ----- Bronze Plaque
Individual “Cornerstone” Gift Club Award: Logo pin awarded to individuals for their cumulative donations made
during the current contribution year (June 1, 2012 – May 31, 2013) as follows:
Foundation Ambassadors ---- Donation of $1000
President’s Circle ------------- Donation of $500
Foundation Partner ----------- Donation of $250
Century Club ------------------ Donation of $100
“Heritage Circle” Gift Club: A plaque presented to the top Department in each organization with the highest
increase in per capita giving to The American Legion Child Welfare Foundation during contribution year (June 1,
2013 through May 31, 2014)/
Benefactor Level---Donation of $5,000
Patron Level--------Donation of $2,500
Sponsor Level------Donation of $1,000
All contributions need to be mailed to Department Headquarters so name of Unit can be recorded and your
donations will be forwarded on to The American Legion Child Welfare Foundation. Department will also in turn
make a report of donations directly to National American Legion Auxiliary. All donations need to be into
Department by May 1, 2014.
Community Service
Tammy Workman
PO Box 63
Reader WV 26167
Mission: to strengthen our local communities with uniquely identified opportunities of service, by providing
volunteer leadership, encouraging the stewardship of its patriotic citizens, acknowledging our country’s military
history, and supporting the families who have sacrificed fro our freedom.
Objective: Develop, implement and monitor community service activities that aid veterans, active duty service
members and their families
--rake/mow their lawn, rebuild back porch, paint and clean their homes, prepare and deliver meals to their home,
invite to post home for Family Day, adopt a deployed family, help veteran’s family to relocate, adopt an elderly
veteran and/or family in community, visit a homeless veterans shelter.
Objective: Develop, implement, and monitor community service activities that promote the economic security of
veterans, active-duty service members and their families.
--Veteran Homelessness Prevention and Response
-- Job Fairs
-- Unit Innovative Activity
Unit Award: A citation will be presented to a unit in each division with the most outstanding overall promotion of
the Community Service Program during the 2013-204 year. Each entry must include both objectives. Entry must be
in narrative form not to exceed 1,000 words. Photos of program and projects are encouraged. The unit name and
address, name of the Department and a completed copy of the unit’s annual impact report from must be included.
Entry must be submitted to the Department Chairman no later than April 15, 2014.
Community Service Senior Volunteer of Year Award: A Senior member from Central Division will be honored
for outstanding volunteer service during the 2013-2014 administrative year in one or more of the activities
emphasized in the Plan of Action. The application must be completed with the required certification and a narrative
of 300-500 words, completed by entrant. All entries must be into Department by April 15, 2014.
Community Service Junior Volunteer of Year Award: A Junior member from Central Division will be honored
for outstanding community service in at least one activity emphasized in the Plan of Action during the 2013-2014
administrative year. The application must be completed with the required certification and a narrative of 300-500
words, completed by the entrant. Photos are encouraged. All entries must be into Department by April 15, 2014.
Department Community Service Traveling Plaque: Department award to the Unit with the best overall End-of-Year
Membership up to 150
Mary Ann Piatt Plaque
Membership 151 and over
Emogene Kirkland Plaque
Constitution & Bylaws
Dede Kelly, Chairman
229 Jefferson Street
Bridgeport WV 26330
Michelle Hart Member
67 Augustine Ct.
Kearneysville WV 25430
Mary Rose Yoho, Member
RR1 Box 144A
Proctor WV 26055
Mission: The purpose of this committee is to inform and educate the members of The American Legion Auxiliary on
the importance and power of properly written, reviewed and updated documents, policies and procedures at all
Objective: Constitution & bylaws
--are the foundation of the organization
--contain the most essential provision
--are the law of the organization
--should have a standard form and content
--define the primary characteristics of the organization
--prescript how the organization functions
--include all rules to important that they cannot be changed without previous notice
Objective: Standing Rules
--relate to the details of administration of the organization
--may be adopted by a majority vote
--may be amended or rescinded
Objective: Parliamentary Authority
--Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised
--State Constitution & Bylaws of American Legion Auxiliary
If your Unit has an established Unit Constitution & Bylaws on file in Department Headquarters then you need to
look at them to see when they were last updated or revised. This needs to be done at least once every five years. If
your Unit doesn’t have any established Constitution & Bylaws you need to refer to National’s Unit Handbook for
the suggested Constitution & Bylaws to assist your Unit in establishing a working Constitution & Bylaws for your
Department Constitution & Bylaws along with Standing Rules are in back of State Directory and online at
National Constitution & Bylaws are available on line at www.alaforveterans.org or order from Emblem Sales.
Roxie Nicholson, Chairman
PO Box 14
Shinnston WV 26431
Lisa Cadwallader, Member
42 Trout Circle
Kearneysville WV 25430
Linda Crumm, Member
10 Cherokee Drive
Moundsville WV 26041
Mission: This program promotes quality education for every child and supports students in their desire to continue
education beyond high school. The American Legion Auxiliary endeavor to assure a solid education is available to
both children and adults: through classroom activities, literacy programs and scholarship promotion.
Objective: Focus attention on educational and scholarship opportunities for military children, whether their
parent(s) are active duty or reserve.
--Give 10 To Education program
--Participate in the United Through Reading
--Seek out local opportunities for scholarships and share with the military members in your community
Objective: educate school administrators about the mental health issues facing children of our military
--distribute ALA KIDDS flyer
Objective: Enhance respect for the sacrifices of our military heroes among school children by scheduling Veterans
in the Classroom programs at your local school.
National President’s Scholarship: “Children of Warriors ”– The National President’s Scholarships are awarded to
children of veterans who served in the Armed Forces during one or more of the periods of war officially designated
as dates for membership in The American Legion. One $2,500 scholarship, one $2,000 scholarship, and one $1500
scholarship will be awarded in Central Division. The applicant must be in his/her senior year of high school and
completed fifty (50) hours of volunteer service within the community during high school years, verified in writing
by the recipient’s organization(s).
Applications may be obtained from Department Headquarters or online at
www.wvaux.org or www.alaforveterans.org. Applications must be into Unit for judging by March 1, 2014. Unit’s
winning application must be sent to Department Education Chairman by March 15,2014 .
Spirit of Youth Scholarship for Junior Members: The winner in Central Division will receive a scholarship per year
for four years. The applicant must be in her senior year of high school and said member to have held junior
membership in the American Legion Auxiliary for the past three consecutive years and currently holds a 2012
Membership Card; and continue to maintain her membership throughout the four-year scholarship period.
Candidate must have at least a 3.0 GPA. Applications can be ordered through Department Headquarters or on line
at www.wvaux.org or www.alaforveterans.org . Applications must be submitted to Unit for judging by March 1,
2014. Unit’s winning application must be in to Department Education Chairman by March 15, 2013.
The Non-Traditional Student Scholarship is available for a student returning to the classroom after some period of
time in which his/her formal schooling was interrupted or a non-traditional student who is just beginning his/her
education at a later point in life. The applicant must be a member of The American Legion, the American Legion
Auxiliary, or Sons of The American Legion; dues must have been paid for the two preceding years and for the
current 2012 year. Applications must be submitted to Unit for judging by March 1, 2014. Unit’s Winner must be
submitted to Department Education Chairman by March 15, 2014 for judging. One $1,000 scholarship will be
awarded in Central Division.
Applications can be requested from Department Headquarters www.wvaux.org or www.alaforveterans.org.
Unit Award: A plaque will be presented to the Unit Education Chairman in Central Division reporting the most
outstanding promotion in each of the following Education Programs: 1) Most Outstanding American Education
Week Program, 2) Most Outstanding Scholarship Program, 3) Most Outstanding Literacy Program, 4)
Most Outstanding Veterans in the Classroom Program, 5) Give 10 to Education, 6) Honoring the Service of
our Military. To be eligible for these awards, a copy of the Unit Report Form must accompany a typewritten
narrative,- double-spaced and not to exceed 1000 words. The cover page should have the name of the award entry,
Department (State) name, Unit name & number, and name and address of Unit Chairman. A copy of the Unit’s
Dept Report Form must accompany the narrative. Entries must be judged at Department level and forward to the
National Education Chairman Ann Rehbein, 1505 Douglas Avenue, Armes IA 50010-5313.
Department Education Traveling Plaque: Department plaque to the unit with the best overall End-of-Year report.
Janet Durbin Plaque – 10 –150 membership
Virginia Beaty Plaque – 151 and over membership
Department Scholarship Grant: The winner will be awarded $300 a year for four years. Applicant must be a
veteran’s son, daughter, or grandchild ,must attend a college/university in West Virginia, must be a resident of West
Virginia and under 22 years of age. Applications must be submitted to Unit for judging by March 1, 2014. Unit’s
winning applicant must be submitted to Department Education Chairman on or before March 15, 2014.
Applications are online at www.wvaux.org . (Winner must renew each year with grade transcript & proof of
enrollment for next year.)
Shirley Davis, Chairman
1524 Sycamore St.
Kenova WV 25530
Irene Weber, Member
355 Harrison Ave.
Berkeley Springs WV 25411
Betty Rea, Member
1115 Main Street
Follansbee WV 26037
Mission: The responsibility of Department Finance Committee is to oversee the general financial policy of the
Department, subject to the ratification of the Department Executive Committee and preparation of the Annual
budget and supervision of the expenditures under that budget.
Finance is the key ingredient that creates the ability for the organization to provide services to veterans and their
families on all levels (Unit, Department, National). Every member is an investor and needs to be an informed
All Units should have their financial records audited at least once a year. There should be financial report at each
Unit meeting – not just a balance in account. Members that attend should know what is coming in and what is being
spent. Copy should to be given to Unit Secretary to be attached to that month’s minutes.
All members that handle money in Unit are covered on the National Blanket Bond that the Unit pays annually
($5.00). Each Unit is required to complete the IRS Form 990 or Form 990EZ or Form 990N prior to the annual
deadline which is based on the Unit’s fiscal year (not calendar year.)
Unit Secretary
It is your or your President’s responsibility to keep the Unit informed of what is happening in Department and
District. You need to take the Department Newsletter, (The Auxiliary Spirit) to your Unit meetings. (this depends
on who is Unit Contact that receives all Unit information). Let your members read this information and be
informed. Encourage your new members to be involved with your Unit projects, events and fund-raisers. Strive for
the future of your Unit. Please note the information and material that needs immediate action in Department
Mailings. These are very important mailings for your Unit.
Be prompt in returning all dated material. It must all be in on time for Headquarters to meet deadlines with National
and to get material out to the Unit in time for their use. If everyone works together on the deadline dates, then things
will get done on a timely manner. All events and hard work of your Unit will get counted, no matter how small you
may think it is.
Unit Treasurer
Make all checks ONLY payable to Department Treasurer ALA. Designate on each check the purpose for which
the money is intended. Membership must be on a separate check. Other donations can be in one check, but list
what each donation is for and the amount. Unit account ledgers should be audited each year.
Keep funds in two separate accounts or two separate ledgers - General Fund and Welfare Fund (Poppy Fund).
GENERAL FUND - deposit all membership dues, money from fund-raisers and any donations received for the
Unit. All money EXCEPT Poppy proceeds. Disbursements from the General Fund are Unit expenses, ordering
material from National or Department Headquarters, or any cost of fund-raisers.
Bonding ($5.00)
Department Scholarship Fund
Girls State Project
WELFARE FUND - deposit all proceeds from Poppy Day collections. Disbursements that can come from Welfare
Fund (Poppy Fund) are Gift Shops at the four VAMC (Beckley, Clarksburg, Huntington & Martinsburg). Cheer
parties are monthly and held at the five hospitals in WV (Beckley, Clarksburg, Huntington, Martinsburg, and WV
Veterans Home).
Veterans 1st Fund
Poppy Order
$100.00 -1000
50.00 - 500
(Any amount of poppies can be ordered plus shipping & handling)
25.00 - 250
10.00 - 100
10% Poppy Proceeds
Mandatory Funds must be paid into Department Headquarters 30 days prior to State Convention (June 10,
2014). Checks for Poppy Orders must be made payable to Department Treasurer, ALA and mailed to:
American Legion Auxiliary
Department Headquarters
HC 60 Box 17
New Martinsville WV 26155-9731
Have your Treasurer’s Books audited at least once a year, which is showing the Unit’s auditing committee all
canceled checks, check book, ledgers and bank accounts are in order for the new year.
All donations need to be made by May 1, 2014 and reported on Unit Year End Report.
Make check payable to: National Treasurer, ALA
Mail to: National American Legion Auxiliary
8945 North Meridian St
Indianapolis, IN 46260
Make check payable to: Department Treasurer, ALA
Mail to: Department American Legion Auxiliary
HC 60 Box 17
New Martinsville WV 26155-9731
Mandatory Funds
Auxiliary Emergency Fund
Spirit of Youth
Department President’s Special Project (Diabetes)
National President’s Project
Gift Shops
Cheer Parties
Past President’s Parley
Cavalcade of Memories
Make check payable to: The American Legion, National Treasurer
National Child Welfare Foundation
The American Legion
P O Box 1055
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Operation Comfort Warriors
The American Legion
PO Box 1055
Indianapolis IN 46204
DONATIONS TO: (Make checks payable directly to the following)
1201 Constitution Avenue
Philadelphia Naval Bus. Center Bldg. 649
Philadelphia, PA 19112
1000 Dupont Road Box 7
Morgantown WV 26505
P O Box 7197
Indianapolis, IN 46207
Fish House Foundation, Inc.
1401 Rockville Pike
Rockville MD 20852
5075 Arcarda Avenue
Minneapolis, MN 55436
Habitat and Church Street
Americus, GA 31709
P O Box 1943
Valley Forge, PA 19482
WVU Children’s Hospital
P O Box 8227
Morgantown, WV 26506
Rhododendron Girls State
Lynda Lancaster, Chairman
PO Box 1037
Ranson WV 25438
Michelle Sirbaugh, Girls State Director
85 Key Acres
Berkeley Springs, WV 25411
Mission: Girls State provides an outstanding, unique, and coveted educational opportunity to the young women of
our nation that instills the basic ideals and principles of American government through our Girls State and Girls
Nation citizenship training programs.
Objective: To increase the number of girls participating in the Girls State Program in West Virginia.
a. Informing unit chairman so that information is given to the school and junior girls eligible to attend
b. Keeping the department website updated with new information about Rhododendron Girls State
c. Offering Orientation material to unit chairman and getting the orientation material on the website.
Objective: To instill in all Girls State citizens a commitment of volunteerism and an awareness of the American
Legion Auxiliary’s mission.
a. To include information on the program offered by the American Legion Auxiliary to the participants
during the week.
b. Include an event in the week’s program that will include some type of volunteerism.
c. Include an ALA Brochure and application in the packet sent to those girls registering for RGS.
Objective: Incorporate a veterans’ programs in the program for the week.
a. POW/MIA ceremony with table and accessories
b. Present Blue Star Banners/Coins for those on staff and citizens who have a loved one in the military at a
Recognition Program.
Department Traveling Plaque: Unit with the best report of Girls State activities by a Unit. This is to be judged by
the Girls State Director. This report must be to the Department Headquarters by April 15, 2014.
Ann Buchanan—Best Report 10-200 members
Lillian Luttrell—Best Report 201 members and over 200
Betty Rea Plaque: Unit with the best overall scrapbook that reports the Girls State activities by a Unit. This is to be
judged by the Girls State Chairman. The Scrapbook must be at the State Convention by Thursday, July 10, 2014 for
judging or mail to Girls State Chairman by July 1, 2014.
Samsung American Legion Scholarship: Girls State citizens will be able to apply for financial assistance when
seeking a higher education. Applicants must be a High School junior who is a direct descendant, i.e., child,
grandchild, great-grandchild or a legally adopted child of a United States wartime veteran. Selection criteria
includes academic record, community involvement, school activities, and financial need. Applications are mailed to
Girls State citizens in their information packet. Application must be completed and turned in at registration at
Girls State on June 8, 2014 held at Wheeling Jesuit University.
Web Sites: www.alaforveterans.org
Junior Activities
Laura Kilgore, Department Chairman
1426 Spring Valley Circle Drive
Huntington WV 25701
Mission: to interest eligible young women (under age of 18) in adult membership through positive experiences of
mission-based volunteer opportunities that instill the ideals of the organization.
Objective: to encourage participation in service projects that serve our military, veterans and their families
--invite friends & family to participate when you volunteer
-- you may make many new friends and new members
Objective: To promote the Children of Warriors National President’s Scholarship peer-to-peer, by raising awareness
of the rules and application process in schools, communities and on military bases.
--Post information about the National President’s Scholarship on your social networking sites and /or Department
Objective: To empower our Junior members by seeking their assistance to increase the use of technology in
promoting Auxiliary programs.
Junior Auxiliary Member of the Year: An engraved plaque will be given to the National Winner in recognition of
her dedicated service, efforts and talents. Each Unit may submit one nominee for Junior Member of the Year to
Department. The rules are as follows:
1. Only Junior members in good standing are eligible.
2. Current year of membership dues must be paid. (2014 dues paid)
3. Each Unit is limited one nomination
4. Selection should be based on the outstanding contribution the Junior has made through a program or project
outlined in the Plan of Action and other than the office she is holding (based on current year ONLY)
5. Nominee may not be serving as Honorary Department Junior President
6. Length of membership is not a criterion.
7. Each Junior group will select the Junior nominee with the assistance of the Unit Junior Activities Advisor.
8. Each Junior group will submit to the Department Junior Activities Chairman the following information;
a. Name and Complete address of nominee
b. Narrative typed, double-spaced, essay not to exceed 500 words describing nominees accomplishments
during the current administrative year. Include pictures.
c. Nomination must be signed by Unit Junior Activities Advisor, the Junior Group President and
submitted to Department Junior Activities Chairman by May 1, 2014
Activity Sheets and Patches: Junior members can be active participants of the organization for 2013-14 Patch
Program. Regardless of where one lives and whether she belongs to an active Junior group, Junior members are able
to serve their communities, veterans and learn about patriotism, health, fitness and leadership through this program.
Patches that can be earned in: Americanism, Community Service, Education, Field Service, Leadership,
Membership, National President’s Scholarship Fund (SPECIAL PATCH), National Security, Physical Fitness,
Poppy and V A & R. These sheets can be ordered from Department Headquarters or go to www.alaforveterans.org.
Each activity sheet explains the criteria and what a Junior member must do in order to earn her patch(s). When the
activities are completed, an adult or Senior member must sign the form to verify a Junior has met the criteria. The
activity sheets need to be turned into Department or Department Junior Activities Chairman by May 1, 2014.
Department Junior Activities Chairman will order the number of patches needed to award the Junior Members.
This year there are 3 levels for each of the above programs: Red Level 1: Kindergarten through 3rd Grade
Gold Level 2: 4th Grade through 8th Grade
Blue Level 3: 9th Grade through 12th Grade (or 18 yrs.)
National Plaque Award: will be given to the Unit reporting the best Overall Junior Activities Program with at least
one action step from each of the three objectives as stated in the Plan of Action. The report is to be a narrative form,
1000 words or less, typed, double-spaced, giving the Unit Name & Number, Unit Junior Activities Chairman name
& Address, and the name of the Department (State). Please include pictures. (Do Not Attach pictures). All entries
must be submitted by May 1, 2014 and sent to the Department Chairman.
Department Honorary Junior President Traveling Plaque:
Kati Hart ------- Department Honorary Junior President
Department Junior Activities Traveling Plaque: Department Plaque to the Unit with the best overall End-of-Year
Membership up to 150
Betty Shumate
Membership 151 and over
Margaret Kercheval
Ann Buchanan Chairman
105 Cheyenne Trail
Ona WV 25545
Mission: Leadership Committee strives to develop and prepare knowledgeable and capable leaders to carry on the
growth and success of the American Legion Auxiliary by promoting activities and resources to educate, motivate,
and mentor members of all ages, on all levels and phases of the Auxiliary programs. As Leaders in the American
Legion Auxiliary, we must continue to move forward for a stronger organization filled with potential future leaders.
We must provide them with opportunities to use their skills and energy. We must constantly be looking for those
with potential to become our leaders of tomorrow.
Outline of Program:
1. Educate Members
a. About programs and the duties of officers
b. About and through Leadership Courses
c. About & with the materials & resources available
d. Encourage use of Unit Handbook
e. use a Leadership “Tools” Manual
3. Encourage mentor programs
a. Recruit experienced members to help
b. Facilitate partnerships
c. Coordinate Mentoring activities
2. Motivate Members
4. Develop new activities and resources
a. Promote participation in the Unit with training & teaching
a. Organize & conduct new workshops
b. Conduct interesting workshops that attract member at all levels
b. Integrate learning Opportunities into prog.
c. Share information & training materials with members in an
engaging and exciting format
d. Encourage volunteer recognition throughout the year
c. Develop new training materials at all levels
A wallet-size certificate will be issued to each member that completes the Leadership Correspondence Course. Send
completed answers to the Department Leadership Chairman.
Department Leadership Traveling Plaque: To the Unit with the best End-of-Year Report.
Membership 10-300
Marlene Bonar
Membership 301 & over Marie Bailey
Lisa Cadwallader, Chairman
42 Trout Circle
Kearneysville WV 25430-5713
Mission: To train and inform our members to become grass root advocates for veterans and their families with
local, state and nationally elected officials, supporting the Legislative agenda and initiatives of The American
Program outline:
1. Objective: Provide information and resources to unit members on Legislation, congress members, and
upcoming Legislative issues of the American Legion.
a. Gather information and resources to hand out at unit meetings.
b. Subscribe to The Dispatch or access The Dispatch on the internet @ http://www.legion.org/dispatch
2 Objectives: Assist all unit members with their concerns, communications, and activities.
a. Hold discussions during unit meetings with all unit members regarding Legislation, concerns, and ideas
b. Volunteer your time for any activities planned for Legislation throughout the local area. Some examples
are town hall meetings, activities with children about the government/voting.
c. Communicate with your Legislative Department Chairman. All contact information is listed above.
Mid-Year Report due by December 15, 2013. Year End Reports due by April 15, 2014.
Unit Legislative Award: A citation will be presented to the Unit Chairman in Central Division with the most
outstanding overall Legislative Program. All entries are to be typewritten in narrative form and are not to exceed
500 words and include a cover page. You are encouraged to include pictures and newspaper articles. Cover page
includes name of Unit, name of Unit Chairman, and Department of West Virginia. Entries are to be submitted to
Department Chairman by April 15, 2014.
Department Legislative Traveling Plaque: To the Unit with the best overall End-of-Year Report.
First Place
Lynda Lancaster Plaque
Sharon Glassford, Chairman
PO Box 87
Charles Town WV 25414
Mission: The goal of the Membership program is demonstrate Service not Self and to engage members in
meaningful mission delivery of the American Legion Auxiliary which is to retain current members and attract new
Retain New Members
a. Identify and offer meaningful volunteer opportunities in which members can participate
b. Recognize all members for any or all contributions
c. Ensure a positive experience for all members
d. Make sure Units have tools available to work on the membership program
Attract new members
a. Increase Auxiliary’s visibility in the community
b. Identify potential members like veterans’ family members, Girls State alumnae, etc.
c. Make sure the Auxiliary is appealing to new members
d. Provide a positive new member experience.
National – Individual Awards:
Submit form to National Headquarters by May 1, 2014 and receive a button. Only one entry/one button
Silver Brigade Award: Recruit 25 or more NEW senior members and receive a special gift from our National
President. Entry forms must be received in National Headquarters by May 1, 2014 in order to qualify.
(one gift per recruiter)
Junior Recruiter Award: Junior members who recruit 10 or more NEW junior and/or senior Auxiliary members
are eligible for a $100 cash drawing. One entry per recruiter. Certification forms must be in National Headquarters
no later than May 1, 2014.
Rejoin 1 Former Member: Submit form to National Headquarters by May 1, 2014 to receive button. Only one
entry/one button per recruiter.
National—Unit Awards:
Unit Renewal Awards: Units hat retain/renew 100% of their 2013 membership as of 12/31/13 by April 8, 2014
will be eligible for a cash drawing—one in each membership category—to be used for mission outreach and/or
membership efforts.
Department Awards:
Renewal Drawing: one $50 prize to a senior member who has renewed their dues by January 23, 2014. Drawing
will be at Mid-Winter Conference.
Rejoin 3 Members: a special cash drawing will be held at Department Convention. Entries must beinto
Department Headquarters by June 15, 2014.
Department Goal Ribbon to Unit reaching or exceeding their 203-2014 membership Goal.
Department Citation: Unit must reach Goal, pay all Mandatory funds by June 11, 2013 and the Unit must attend
both Fall and Spring Conferences in your District.
Cash Awards: First Unit to reach goal in each class:
Class I
Membership 10-50
Class II
Membership 51-100
Class III
Membership 101-200
Class IV
Membership 201-400
Class V
Membership 401 and over
Cash Awards:
First District to Reach Goal ($10.00)
First Unit to Reach Goal ($10.00)
Unit that enrolls most NEW Senior Members ($10.00)
Unit that enrolls most NEW Junior Members ($10.00)
Firs District that organizes a NEW Unit ($20.00)
Unit in each District with most NEW Members ($5.00)
Traveling Plaques (Department Convention)
Virginia Blake-- highest % by January 31, 2014
Katena Karnes—most new members by June 10, 2014
JoAnn Hastings, Chairman
PO Box 95
Proctorville WV 45669
Mission: Use music in all our Auxiliary programs to stimulate fun, entertainment, inspiration, enjoyment and
relaxation for our veterans, our youth, our members, our meetings and for all of those with whom we come in
contact in our communities.
Department Music Traveling Plaque: To the Unit with the best overall End-of-Year report.
First Place
Ella Mae Short Plaque
National Security
Patricia Moore, PDP, Chairman
825 George Washington Hwy.
Thornton WV 26440
Purpose: To maintain and promote a strong national defense by strengthening and supporting military service
members and their families. Also central to national security is a prepared citizenry that can respond to natural and
man-made disasters.
OBJECTIVE: Develop, implement and monitor programs and activities that contribute to the practical and
emotional well-being of military service members and their families.
--Participate in Department of Defense and other outside programs that support our military and their families
throughout the entire deployment cycles.
*Yellow Ribbon Reintegration Program www.yellowribbon.mil & www.jointservicesupport.org/YRRP
*Invite unit members to meet and make yellow ribbons and display them throughout your communities to
show your support for the troops
*Approach the local Chamber of Commerce or other nonprofits (ex: Yellow Ribbon Program) to help
promote welcome-home events
--Operation Home Front http://www.operationhomefront.net/
* Assemble care packages for service members
* Assemble family member support packages
* Attend Welcome-Home event, providing hospitably & refreshments
--Family Readiness Groups, & Family to Family Support
* Participate in pre/post deployment events with display table
* Provide list of resource of members on standby who are willing to help and what they offer as help (such
as child care, plumbing, snow removal, etc.)
--USO http://www.uso.org/
--Adopt a Military Family, Unit, family, Guard/Reserve, Respond to TAL Family support requests
* Look for contacts who know of active-duty military families
* Contact your Family Readiness Group
* Send handwritten notes or emails inviting families to functions
* Offer help with household chores (lawn mowing, babysitting, grocery shopping, handy-man needs, etc.)
* Contact local discount department stores to see if they will donate gift cards
--Welcome Home Celebrations
* Offer to participate in support activities such as hospitality, refreshments, or activities for children and
*Make presentation on Auxiliary resources to family members and returning service members
--American Red Cross http://www.redcross.org/
* Help connect service members or their family members with the American Red Cross, which offers a
number of things to Military families.
--Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors (T*A*P*S) http://www.taps.org/
* Volunteer to help. TAPS offers all kinds of support to survivors of fallen heroes
--Participate in the Military And Family Support programs of The American Legion: Utilize networking
opportunities to find families who have active military.
--Family Support Network—email familysupport@legion.org or phone (800) 504-4098
*Set up webcams in your Legion Home so family members can actually see their soldier
*Acquire necessary hardware (up-to-date computer, fast Internet connection, Skype or other similar
software, webcam)
* Advertise the opportunity to use computer/webcam to community (newspaper or local news station)
* Create events with this opportunity
--Operation Comfort Warriors http://www.legion.org/troops/operationcomfort
* Take care of the wounded warriors and their families once they get home by collecting family comfort
* Suggest they go to the local VA office in their county and get signed up in the VA system
--Heroes to Hometown-- Service members and their families seeking assistance can call (202) 621-9924
or email heroestohometown@legion.org
* Host Job Fairs
--Gold Star Banner/Blue Star Banner Program http://www.legion.org/troops/bluestar
* Present Blue Star Banners to families in honor of their soldier
* Present Gold Star Banner to families in memory of their soldier
--POW/MIA Initiatives http://www.dtic.mil/dpmo/
* Join with The American Legion and Sons of The American Legion to host a ceremony on National
POW/MIA Recognition Day to honor the sacrifices made by this nations Prisoners of War and those still
Missing In Action
* Abide by The American Legion’s POW/MIA empty chair Resolution 288 with a display at all official
meetings and events
* Write letters/emails to your state legislators supporting The American Legion Family’s commitment to
achieving a full accounting of POWs and MIAs from all wars
--Support implementation of homeland security programs of The American Legion and the American Legion
--Citizen Corps http://citizencorps.gov/
* Have a training exercise in your post home to give training in first aid, CPR, or any other type of
emergency skills
* Collect supplies for emergency preparedness kits and distribute them in your community
* When a disaster strikes, be there to volunteer as a unit
--Provide recognition and support for ROTC and JROTC groups
--ROTC and JROTC—watch spirit for websites
* If you have a JROTC unit at your local high school, have them post colors at various functions
* Reward them by having dinners and recognizing their accomplishments; after all, they will be future
leaders of our military
--Additional Activities
* ALA Gateway to Services
* National Military Appreciation Month (May) http://www.nman.org/
Military Support Unit Award: A citation will be presented to a Unit Chairman in Central Division reporting the
Most Outstanding Overall Program serving and supporting of Military families with special emphasis on helping
them through times of family member deployment and/or injury (severely wounded). Entries must be typewritten
in narrative form double-spaced and must not exceed 1,000 words. Please include pictures and news articles. First
page should have Department (State), Unit name & number, chairman’s name & address. All entries must be
postmarked by May 15, 2014, sent by the Unit Chairman to the Divisional Chairman, Karen Peel, 2216 25th
Street SW, Akron OH 44313-2202.
Department National Security Traveling Plaque: Unit with best overall End-of-Year report. It must include a
narrative to be eligible. Send to Department Headquarters by April 15, 2014
First Place
Wilma Mayfield Plaque
Past President Parley
Nancy Sundstrom, NEC
1307 23rd Street
Parkersburg WV 26101
Dortha Parsons, PDP
130 Washington Ave, Apt. #201
Clarksburg WV 26301
Sharon Glassford, PDP
PO Box 87
Charles Town WV 25414
Mission: This committee is designed specifically to take advantage of the experience and knowledge of our past
leaders who train and encourage our up-and-coming leaders. We also lend a particular focus on recognizing the
contributions of our female veterans.
Committee Outline:
1. Recognizing Women Veterans
2. Honoring Female Active Duty and Iraq War Veterans
3. Selection of Outstanding Female National Guard Veterans
4. Nursing Scholarships
5. Development of New Parleys and Enhancing Involvement
6. Unit Member of the Year
Unit Member of the Year Award: Every Unit has a very special, hard working, dedicated Auxiliary member who
goes above and beyond the call of duty but has no desire to serve in any office higher than the Unit level. Promote
the opportunity for your Unit to recognize a recipient in this very special way. Units are instructed to adhere to the
following National guidelines:
Each Unit is limited to one nomination.
Selection is to be based on activities in a variety of ALA initiatives and programs between September 1,
2013 and March 31, 2014
Nominations are limited to Senior members in good standing. Must have “2014” dues paid.
Nominees must not have served in an appointed or elected leadership role higher than Unit President.
However, it is not necessary to have served as Unit President. (must not have served on District or
Department level anytime by election or appointment.)
Years of membership are not a part of the criteria: she may be a new member.
Unit President must submit a typewritten entry in narrative form, not to exceed 1000 words to Department
Past Presidents’ Parley Chairman the following information:
Name & complete address of nominee, Unit name & number, and number of years in the
Narrative of not more than 1,000 words describing the nominee’s accomplishments and activities
during the CURRENT administrative year.
Nomination form must be signed by the Unit President and the Unit Secretary unless one of
them is the nominee in which case another Past Unit President must sign the entire form.
Deadline for submission to Department is May 1, 2014
“All Unit Members of The Year” will be recognized at the National Convention in Indianapolis, Indiana.
Honoring Active Duty Servicewomen:
1. Nominees should be in active duty and willing to attend National Convention.
2. A brief narrative of their military service should be included with the entry form. A YouTube video
can take the place of a written narrative.
3. Entry must have the nominee’s name and address, unit name and number (if applicable) and most
importantly, contact information for the servicewomen.
4. One applicant for each branch of service per unit.
5. All entries must be postmarked by the first Friday in June and sent o National Chairman Peggy
Janice Gamerdinger Traveling Plaque: Awarded to the Unit Member of the Year.
Department Past Presidents’ Traveling Plaque: An award for the best overall End-of-Year report.
Membership 10-300
Susan Brown Plaque
Membership 301 & over Norma Lee Clise Plaque
Department Timeless Award: Receives the Twyla Finley Traveling Plaque
1. An award to any member of the Department with the exception of current officers.
2. Must be an Auxiliary member for the past three years with current dues (2014) paid.
3. No member shall receive this award more than once.
4. A narrative report, typewritten, telling of the committee which this member contributed to in her
5. Entry must be signed by the Unit President and the Unit Secretary.
6. Entry must be sent to Department Headquarters by April 15, 2014.
Carla Wilfong, Chairman
130 Wilfong Hollow Rd.
Enterprise WV 26568
MISSION: to elevate community awareness and respect for our veterans by educating our membership and the
public about the Poppy’s history and the financial benefit realized by our nation’s veterans as a result of its
Objective – Promote/circulate the history of the poppy and significance of its distribution.
a. Distribute poppy materials – In Flanders Field Poem, how he monies are used, Poppy program fact
sheet, Poppy Fact bookmark
b. Work with Unit PR Chairman to send Public Service Announcements to newspapers prior to
Distribution mission and locations of distribution.
c. Encourage Poppy Poster Contest for children in kindergarten and 1st grad to prepare them.
d. Encourage participation in the Miss Poppy Contest ages 6-12 and 13 – 18.
Objective – increase unit poppy revenues
a. Encourage and educate all members to participate in the poppy program for generating funds to be used for
b. Partner with local businesses to gain more distribution opportunities and community awareness
c. Have resource material on hand during distribution
d. Utilize media outlets to publicize information about Poppy distribution and history of Poppy Program
Poppy Poster Contest:
Contests shall be sponsored by the Unit in local schools. When this activity is not conducted by schools,
other youth, including Junior members, may participate under direct supervision of the Unit.
The contest shall have seven classes:
Class I
Grades 2 & 3
Class II
Grades 4 &5
Class III
Grades 6 & 7
Class IV
Grades 8 & 9
Class V
Grades 10 – 11
Class VI
Grade 12
Class VII
Students with Special Needs*
*Special needs is defined as those students in special education classes or on a waiting list to enter such a
class; a student with an identified disability but not in a special education class for reasons other than
waiting list.
Poppy Poster Requirements
Each poster shall have a fitting slogan not to exceed ten (10) words. The articles “a, and, an, the” are not to
be counted as words. The words “buddy” and “buy” cannot be used.
The words “American Legion Auxiliary” must be used in the design of the poster and will not be counted
in the ten (10) word count.
Each poster must include a picture of the Flanders Poppy in the correct color (four red petals with a center
of green and black).
The Poppy shall have four petals and no leaves.
All entries must be submitted to Department Chairman by April 15, 2013
The poster shall be 11" x 14" poster board ONLY. Drawing paper will not be accepted.
The United States Flag may be used as long as there is no infraction of the flag code.
Poster will be judged using the following criteria:
Poster appeal (layout, message, originality) 50%
Artistic ability (design and color)
Media used shall be watercolors, crayons, powder, or oil paint, handmade paper cutouts, ink or cut textures,
acrylics, pencils and markers.
The poster shall be the work of only one individual.
Written in ink on the back of the poster (not attached) shall be the name, address, age, and grade of the
contestant; the name of the Department (state), and the class in which the entry is submitted.
No humorous drawings or slogans shall be used
The label “In Memoriam” from the veteran-made Poppy may not be used.
When the Holy Cross is used, the Star of David shall also be used.
Judging & Awards
All posters must be submitted to the Department Chairman by April 15, 2014.
A Citation will be given for the best poster in each classification in Central Division.
Divisional winning Posters will be published in the “National Auxiliary” magazine.
National Miss Poppy Contest - (Two Categories)
Little Miss Poppy -- Ages 6-12 and Miss Poppy -- Ages 13-18 -- Even though the selection of a Miss Poppy is at the
discretion of the Unit, nominees submitted to the Department must meet the following criteria:
Entrant must be between 6 - 12 years of age or 13-18 and a Junior Member of the American Legion
Promotional activity of the Poppy Story must be through The American Legion and the American Legion
Auxiliary and the community.
Selection of Miss Poppy is at the discretion of the Unit.
A narrative report, not to exceed 100 words, on the “Memorial Poppy” must be submitted.
Entrant must submit a Miss Poppy Scrapbook (8 ½” x 11") containing photographs and clippings of how
she promoted the American Legion Auxiliary Poppy.
Entries must be submitted to Department Poppy Chairman by April 15, 2013.
Rules for Judging Miss Poppy Scrapbook Entries:
Promotion of Poppy Program
Publicity of Poppy Activities
Narrative Report on “What I have Learned Being Miss Poppy”.
Memorial Poppy must be visible in all promotion and publicity submitted
Neatness and creativity
Cover page to include member name, unit name, age division and year
Judging scale should be 1 through 10 for each area of judging for entire entry.
Both National Miss Poppy winners will be invited to appear at the National Convention in Indianapolis, Indiana
immediately following her selection and if she so chooses, will travel at her own expense. There is no specific
dress code or particular color for Miss Poppy. Units can use their own ideas and colors, but we suggest you use
something that compliments the “Poppy”. The winners of the National Miss Poppy contest will be awarded a
citation plaque.
*NOTE: Any article, poster or scrapbook that is submitted for judging must have return postage included if you
wish to have it returned. No returns will be made if postage is not included. Posters not mailed on to Central
Division for judging will be on display at State Convention. Units MUST pick up their posters at State Convention
if you want them returned to your Unit. THEY Will NOT BE MAILED.
Poppy Usage Contest:
Poppy Usage Contest will be held during the Mid-Winter Conference.
Poppy Club
Unit raises money by having members join the Poppy Club in a way the Unit sets.
Money collected – ½ goes to Unit Welfare Fund and ½ goes to Department Welfare Fund
For Poppy Club donations the might provide a Poppy Club Card, list the names on a Poppy Club Board posted for
all to see, or even hold a dinner to thank those donating over a certain amount.
Unit needs to list the amount from the Poppy Club on the End of Year report. This will be a separate item on the
Unit Poppy Program Award: An award will go to a Unit Chairman in Central Division reporting the best poppy
program. Entry must be typewritten in narrative form not to exceed 1,000 words. Cover page for this report she
have Chairman’s name, address, Unit and Department. The report should cover all areas of emphasis, and any
relevant information involving program activity and describing your use of the poppy during the year. Do not
include pictures, clippings, scrapbooks, folders, etc. Entries are to be submitted to Department Chairman by April
15, 2014.
Lorena Jennings Department Traveling Trophy: To the Unit with the best overall End-of-Year report.
Brady Stone Department Traveling Plaque: Highest contribution and best overall End-of-Year report in Units
participation in the Poppy Club. (Poppy Club - a Unit raises money by having their members join their poppy club
in any way that the Unit sets it up.) For Example: ask for donation for a poppy, a poppy club card and/or have their
name put on the Unit Poppy Club board. Half of the money raised goes to the Unit Welfare Fund and the other half
goes to the Department Welfare Fund. Contribution must be reported on End-Of-Year report. This plaque can only
be won two years in a row by the same unit.
Public Relations
Vickie Luttrell, Chairman
205 Merryswood Drive
Berkeley Springs WV 25411
Mission: to work collaboratively with all levels of the organization to create, implement and support a proactive
communications network that advances the objectives and programs of the American Legion Auxiliary and
positively projects our image and programs to the general public.
Program Outline:
1. Internal Communications
Communication to members and promotion of programs
Effective use of National ALA Web Site ( www.alaforveterans.org)
Press book
2. External (public/Media) Communications
Use of American Legion Auxiliary emblem
Increasing awareness of American Legion Auxiliary
Department & Unit online communications (Unit E-Mails, Web Sites, etc.)
3. Youth-centered program initiatives for 2013-2014
Junior program initiatives
Featuring our Junior members
Unit Press Book Awards: An award will be presented to the Unit Public Relations Chairman who submits the best
Unit Press book. The Press book must be sent to the Department Chairman by July 1, 2014, or taken to Department
Convention on July 10, 2014.
Material must be prepared in a Press book no larger than 12 x 15".
The first page of the entry must include the name & address of the Unit Chairman, name & number of Unit.
The entry must include a completed copy of the Unit’s Annual Report Form.
The entry must include a narrative report not to exceed 1,000 words. This report should describe how the
public relations program was promoted in the unit and make references to the newspaper clippings included
in the press book.
Newspaper articles must include the name of newspaper, date, page number at the top of each article.
Photostat copies MAY be used, but cannot exceed 1/3 of the total articles included in the press book.
Newspaper articles and photographs concerning an American Legion Auxiliary and/or Legion Family
functions/programs should be included in chronological order.
Press books can be picked up at Department Convention.
Guidelines for judging are:
Content of Press
Coverage of Programs
Overall Appearance
30 points
25 points
25 points
20 points
100 points total
Unit New Web Site Award: A citation will be presented to each Unit that has created and launched a new Web
Site during 203-2014 year. Need: Website URL, webmaster name and contact info. Website must have been
created since September 1, 2013. Deadline to submit report June 1, 2014 to Central Division Chairman Pamela
Bates, pbates9@woh.rr.com .
Unit Program Emphasis-Best 3 Published Press Releases Award: Realizing that in some areas getting newspaper
coverage and creating press books is difficult, to a Unit PR Chairman in Central Division that creates and achieves
publishing of three different articles, highlighting different ALA committees, published in three different months.
(September 1, 2012 May 1, 2013) (photo may or may not be used by newspaper). The National PR Chairman will
use these press releases in the National President’s Press Book.
1. Must be a different article in 3 different months: September 1, 2013 – May 1, 2014.
2. Each release to have an emphasis on a different committee of the American Legion Auxiliary. Example:
December: Veterans Affairs & Rehabilitation; February – Americanism; April – Children & Youth
3. Include Names, date & page number of newspaper also Name & address of Unit PR Chairman
4. Unit Submit entry to Department Chairman by May 1, 2014.
Junior Public Relations Award: An award to a Junior group for the best published press or media coverage for a
Junior activity or project. Copies of articles, newsletters, pictures of displays promoting the event, or any other
examples of public relations may be included in the entry. Submit entry to Department Chairman by April 15, 2014.
Public Relations Department Traveling Plaque: Best overall report on Public Relations. (Does not have to be a
Press book.) Must be typewritten in narrative form not to exceed 1,000 words. Due into Department by April 15,
Up to 200 -- Helen Kesler Traveling Plaque
201 and over -- Dianne McClung Traveling Plaque
Unit President’s Award for Quality of Leadership
Debbie Fox, Department President
874 Longview Drive
Berkeley Springs WV 25411
Unit President’s Department Traveling Plaque: An Award to the Unit President who submits the best overall Endof-Year report.
Up to 200 -- Tallulah Simpson Plaque
201 and over -- Jerri Ritenour Plaque
Rules are:
Typewritten narrative not more than 500 words
Attach Completed Unit Presidents’ Year End Report
Report may be accompanied by clippings, scrapbook, or anything she wishes to send that demonstrates her year
as Unit President and what Unit has accomplished with her leadership.
 Due into Department Headquarters by April 15, 2014.
Veterans Affairs and Rehabilitation Program - (Home Service, Field Service)
Mary Waybright, Chairman
1137 Norway Ave
Huntington, WV 25705
(304) 736-6484
Mission: To initiate, sponsor and participate in programs and services that assist and enhance the lives of our
veterans and their families; ensuring restoration and/or transition to normally functioning lives; physically, mentally,
socially, and vocationally.
Objective: to bring awareness to the plight and ever-increasing number of homeless veterans. Today it is estimated
that 1 in 4 homeless are veterans and that includes approximately 6,500 female veterans.
--educate Unit members about homeless veterans. 45% who have entered a treatment program have mental illness.
3 out of 4 have a substance abuse while 35% have both
-- Every VAMC has a homeless coordinator. Call and see what your Unit can do to help the homeless veterans
-- Locate a Homeless shelter in your area and try to find out if any veterans are there
-- Contact elected officials on every level about issues effecting homeless veterans
--Work with your Legion Post Veterans Affairs & Rehabilitation Chairman and the Sons of the The American
Legion to trip your efforts.
Objective: to raise $150,000 to fulfill obligation as a corporate sponsor of the National Veterans Creative Arts
--Contribute to the NVCAF by raising funds for the festival.
--Recruit your members to volunteer at local Creative Arts Festivals.
--Apply for a Local Veterans Creative Arts Festival/Creative Arts Workshop Grant.
Objective: develop, implement and monitor activities that promote economic and housing security for veterans and
their families.
--Job Fairs: support veteran job fairs organized by The American Legion and/or the National Chamber Foundation
--Home Building: support home building and home renovation projects for veterans and veteran families organized
by Habitat for Humanity chapters, and The American Legion.
Objective: engage student veterans organizations on college campuses.
--contact Veterans coordinator to offer your help and see what you can do to support them
--off to babysit while student veterans are in class or anytime they need you
--inform them of the benefits that The American Legion has to offer
--Honor them and their family for serving at veterans’ holiday activities or at other times during the year.
Honor Their Service Award: A citation Plaque will be presented to Unit that implements and carries out the Most
Outstanding Event that brings honor and recognition to our veterans and/or service members at any VAMC or VA
Facility, Veteran’s Home, Fisher House, Vet Center, Homeless Veterans Shelter or any facility where more than
60% of the residents are veterans. Entry must be typewritten in narrative form not to exceed 1,000 words. Pictures
and newspaper article may be included but not to exceed six pages. Entry cannot be in bound book or hard cover.
Cover sheet must include Unit name and number, address, Unit chairman’s name, address and phone number, date
and location where event was held. Submit to Department Chairman by April 15, 2013.
Home Service Pins: A one time Home Service pin will be awarded to the American Legion Auxiliary Home Service
volunteer after 50 hours of Home Service has been accumulated. Hour bars for 100, 300, 500, and 1,000 hours of
volunteer service
Home Service Volunteer Hours: Citation will be presented to a home service Volunteer serving the greatest number
of hours from April 1, 2013 – March 31, 2014 in Central Division for Junior and Senior members. Unit should send
their nominees to Department Chairman by April 15, 2014. Unit is required to certify hours on any nominee. The
top hour volunteer Junior and Senior volunteer in Department will be sent on to Central Division.
Hour Bar Recognition For Field, Home, and Hospital Volunteers: Volunteers are recognized when specific hour
milestones are reached: 50, 100, 300, 500, and 1,000. After the first 1,000 hour bar is awarded, the next bar will be
earned in 1,000 increments.
Field Service Volunteer Hours Award: A citation to a Field Service volunteer serving the greatest number of hours
from April 1, 2013- March 31, 2014 in Central Division for Junior and Senior members. Units should send their
nominees to the Department Chairman. Unit is required to certify hours of any nominee. The top hour volunteer
Junior and Senior, will be sent on to Central Division. Must be submitted to Department Chairman by April 15,
10,000 Hour Volunteer Service Award: a special volunteer citation will be awarded to volunteers who have reached
10,000 hours of service in a VA facility during this year (April, 2013-March 31, 2014). A $100 donation will be
sent in each eligible volunteer’s name to the National Veterans Creative Arts Festival. Verifications of hours must
be received to the Department Chairman by April 15, 2014.
20,000 Hour Volunteer Service Award: a special volunteer citation will be awarded to volunteers who have reached
20,000 hours of service in a VA facility during this year (April 1, 2013-March 31, 2014). A $200.00 donation will
be sent in each eligible volunteer’s name to the National Veterans Creative Arts Festival. Verification of hours must
be received to the Department Chairman by April 15, 2014.
Best Overall VA&R Program by Unit Chairman: A Citation Plaque will be presented to the Unit Chairman in
Central Division reporting the best overall program in VA&R as per the goals set in National Plans of Action.
(www.alaforveterans.org) . The report must be typewritten in narrative form not to exceed 1,000 words and must
include the name of the Department (state), name & number of the unit and name & address of the Unit Chairman.
Entries must be in to Department Chairman by April 15, 2014.
Betty Burton Department Traveling Plaque: To the Unit with the best overall report for VA&R Program
Membership 10-200
Anna Jane Williams Department Traveling Plaque: To the Unit with the best overall report for VA&R Program
Membership 201 and over
Joyce Seamonds Department Traveling Plaque: To the Unit with the best End-of-Year Report in Field Service
Paulette Anderson Department Traveling Plaque: To the Unit with the best End-of Year reporting Home Service
Patti Riggleman
118 Pious Ridge Rd.
Berkeley Springs WV 25411
Mission: Unit Scrapbook should document the work of the members of your Unit toward the American Legion
Auxiliary Programs. Community and social events as well as volunteer work over the course of the year should also
be included.
The scrapbook is a visual history of your Unit/District/Department Activities. It is an opportunity for the Scrapbook
Chairman to illustrate the year’s activities with pictures, newspaper articles and memorabilia that have been
collected throughout the year.
Scrapbooks are to be mailed to Department Scrapbook Chairman by July 1, 2014 or take to State Convention by
July 10, 2014 for judging.
Scrapbook Guidelines
Size: Scrapbooks can be any size.
Cover: All covers must have the Auxiliary Emblem.
Title Sheet: Unit name and number, and District Number must be displayed on this page. If it is a Junior Auxiliary
Scrapbook, please have that indicated on this page as well, chairman submitting the scrapbook and the number of
members in the Unit.
Decorations: with the wreath of craft material available now, you can create all kinds of beautiful decorated
scrapbooks. (Points in judging are given for neatness, originality, presentation.
Contents: should be arranged according to months, starting in July and ending with June. Newspaper articles,
programs, favors, newsletters, pictures, etc. can be included in the scrapbook. Do not make the book so thick it will
not close properly.
Once your scrapbook has been judged, it is your Unit’s responsibility to pick up the scrapbook. None will be
mailed to Unit.
Cash Award will be presented to winning Senior Scrapbook in two categories. 1) up to 300
2) 301 and over
A cash award will be presented winning Junior Scrapbook.
Basis of Judging Scrapbook
Neatness, Originality and presentation -------------------------------------------------------40%
Design an appealing page
All material should be placed in chronological order
Articles & pictures should appear by monthly order
Material in scrapbook should be attractively spaced in a neat orderly fashion & Clean
Newspaper material ( Publicity on programs) -----------------------------------------------20%
Newspaper articles must include caption, name of paper and date Pictures -------------20%
Pictures must have caption. Group Pictures together with a brief description stating
name of the activity or project.
Programs, souvenirs, mementos of various events ----------------------------------------20%
Thank you cards, letters acknowledging participation in events, etc. ________
Total Participation
Debbie Fox, President
874 Longview Drive
Berkeley Springs WV 25411
Total Participation Department Traveling Plaques:
Narrative report of what your Unit has done in all programs for the current year. All entries must list the
Unit name and number, and total membership. All entries must be typewritten and no more than 1,000 words,
submitted to the Department President by June 1, 2014.
Ina Polsinelli ---------up to 200 members
Jessica Payne -------- 201and over members
Cash Awards
As per Standing Rules and Department Budget
Scrapbook------Seniors--$5.00 each, up to 300 members
301 and over members
History---------Seniors--$10.00 each, Junior--$2.50
Prayer Book---Senior--$10.00, Junior--$5.00
Poppy Posters--$5.00 per class as set in National Plan of Action
Timeless Award—up to $25.00 shall be allowed
Membership Cash Awards---a) $5.00 each to 1st Goal Unit in each District
b) $10.00 each to 1st Goal Unit in Each District in membership
category: 1) 10-5 , 2) 51-100, 3)101-200, 4)201-400, 5)401 & over
c) $10.00 to1st District to reach Goal
d) $10.00 to Unit with most new Senior Members
e) $10.00 to Unit with most new Junior Members
f) $20.00 to District that organizes a New Unit
g) $5.00 to Unit in each District with Most New Members
h) $5.00 to 1st Goal Unit in Department
Units must have all Mandatory Funds paid 30 days prior to Department Convention and have
attended both Fall and Spring conferences in their District to be eligible for Membership
Membership totals are based on membership in Department Headquarters 30 days prior to
Department Convention.