ENGLISH MiniMaster H A pH B C D I E J 10 L property of Pahléns and may not be copied, reproduced, transmitted or communicated to a third party, or used for any purpose without written permission. E F G E K Designed by: Surface treatment This document and its contents are the exclusive property of Pahléns and may not be copied, reproduced, transmitted or communicated to a third party, or used for any purpose without written permission. 10 1 Assembly drawing no. 634320 634321 634326 634324 634304 634300 634301 634319 634322 634305 634303 634302 634308 3 Auto-Diod bestyckad O-ring 9,25x1,78 EPDM 70 Sh 2 416X0 R Scale 414352 M11393 Drawing number 19970092 Default 19970092 Default 16013026 Redox 16013027 Modul 2 1 Plugg 1" - inv PG13,5 Default 16013014 M11141 19970293 2 O-ring 29,20x3,00 EPDM 70 Sh Default 19970293 1 1 Plugg 1" Default 16013006 Item. Qty. E Description This document and its contents are the exclusive property of Pahléns and may not be copied, reproduced, transmitted or communicated to a third party, or used for any purpose without written permission. A (A) B C D E F G H I J K L Benämning A Art.no. Redox elektrod 6 1 Box 728, SE-194 27 Upplands Väsby, Sweden 1 Etikett: Redox Phone +46 8 59411050, Fax5 +46 8 59086880 4 1 Påbyggnadsmodul Art.nr Item no. Drawn by: Date ASA 2010-10-26 The tolerance class in accordance with this part of ISO 2768-1 Pos. SVENSKA F Material Title/ Name M11140 Art_nr Designed by: Surface treatment M11 Drawing.no: Drawn by: Date Approved by: ASA 2010-05-28 The tolerance class in accordance with this part of ISO 2768-1 Assembly drawing no. Montering Redox Auto-Diod Art.no. (16013062) Scale Revised by: Date Kretskort pH Circuit card pH M11395 0 Kretskort fritt klor Circuit card free chlorine Elektrod pH Electrode pH Elektrod klor Electrode chlorine Anslutning IN Connection IN Designed by: Drawn by: Date Approve Surface treatment E ASA 2010-03-08 Startmodul komplett Starting module complete The tolerance class in accordance with this Assembly drawing no. Art.no. part of ISO 2768-1 Påbyggnadsmodul komplett (utan pluggar) Additional module complete (without plugs)Scale 16013000 Revised Startmodul Ventil 1/4”, 2 st Gate valve ¼”, 2 pcs. komplett Drawing number Box 728, SE-194 27 Upplands Väsby, Sweden Kåpa komplett Cover complete M1132 Phone +46 8 59411050, Fax +46 8 59086880 Anslutning UT Connection OUT Flödesmätare komplett Flow meter complete Filterpatron, 5 st Filter cartridge, 5 pcs. Monteringskit för pH- eller klorxelektrod Assembly kit for pH or chlorine electrode Drawing number Box 728, SE-194 27 Upplands Väsby, Sweden Phone +46 8 59411050, Fax +46 8 59086880 Reservdelar / Spare parts Pahlén AB, Box 728, SE-194 27 Upplands Väsby, Sweden Tel. +46 8 594 110 50, Fax +46 8 590 868 80, e-mail: info@pahlen.se, www.pahlen.com RL60-03SE 2012 Rev.n
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