Operations Manual Junior Competitions 2014 Championship Season Critical Dates Summer Season recommences February 14, 2014 Canberra Day long weekend – no games March 7-9, 2014 Playoff Round April 4-6, 2014 U18 National Championships – Belconnen April 10-17, 2014 Nominations close April 10, 2014 Easter Egg Tournament April 18-20, 2014 Competitions Meeting (Summer 14-15) TBC – Term 2 Final Grid released April 15, 2014 Competition Draws released April 21-25, 2014 2014 Championship season commences May 2, 2014 Development & Higher age group applications close May 18, 2014 Queen’s Birthday long weekend – no games June 4-6, 2014 School holidays – no games July 4-July 20, 2014 Competitions recommence July 25, 2014 Competition Concludes (round 14) August 29-31, 2014 Grand Final weekend September 21-22, 2014 For full BACT Critical Dates Calendar go to www.act.basketball.net.au Version 1 as at: 27/03/2014 12:16 PM Page | 2 Representative & Development critical dates COUNTRY PREMIER LEAGUE Round 1 8th & 9th March Canberra (Belconnen) & Coffs Harbour Maitland (18/16's Sat, 14/12's Sun) & Newcastle (14/12's Sat, Round 2 5th & 6th April 18/16 Sun) Illawarra - Berkeley, Shellharbour, Illawarra Sports High Round 3 10th & 11th May School Round 4 7th, 8th & 9th June* Country Tournament Venues or Gosford/CCYC Finals 19th & 20th July Maitland * Will be moved to the following weekend if a CPL round is not played on the Country Tournament weekend SOUTHERN JUNIOR LEAGUE Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Finals 26th & 27th April 24th & 25th May 21st & 22nd June 26th & 27th July Canberra - Belconnen, AIS Training Halls, Tuggeranong Illawarra - Berkeley, Beaton Park, Illawarra Sports HS Albury & Wodonga Illawarra - Shellharbour, Beaton Park Highlighted fields denote possible clashes with B-ACT domestic competitions. Clubs please be aware of this. Other Melbourne Classic & NSW Country Championships June 4-6, 2014 U16 Nationals – Geelong July 5-12, 2014 U14 Nationals (Albury – boys, Brisbane - girls) September 29 – October 4, 2014 For full BACT Critical Dates Calendar go to www.act.basketball.net.au. Version 1 as at: 27/03/2014 12:16 PM Page | 3 Table of Contents Critical Dates .......................................................................................................................................................... 2 Representative & Development critical dates ......................................................................................................... 3 WELCOME ........................................................................................................................................................................... 5 SOME IMPORTANT MATTERS AND CHANGES YOU NEED TO BE AWARE OF FOR THIS SEASON.................. 5 ON-LINE TEAM REGISTRATIONS ................................................................................................................................... 7 PLAYER REGISTRATION .................................................................................................................................................. 7 GAME TIMES ...................................................................................................................................................................... 8 PRINCIPLES OF FAIR PLAY ............................................................................................................................................. 9 COMPETITION STRUCTURE .......................................................................................................................................... 10 FINALS ............................................................................................................................................................................... 10 FEE STRUCTURE & PAYMENT OPTIONS .................................................................................................................... 14 FEES & FINES.................................................................................................................................................................... 15 INJURIES ............................................................................................................................................................................ 15 OTHER RELEVANT INFORMATION ............................................................................................................................. 15 CUSTOMER SERVICE OFFICER (CSO) ......................................................................................................................... 16 REFEREE SERVICES OFFICER (RSO) ........................................................................................................................... 16 REFEREES ......................................................................................................................................................................... 17 COMPETITION MANAGEMENT .................................................................................................................................... 17 Appendix 1 ............................................................................................................................................. 18 Appendix 2 ............................................................................................................................................. 22 Appendix 3 ............................................................................................................................................. 22 CONTACT INFORMATION ............................................................................................................................................. 25 Version 1 as at: 27/03/2014 12:16 PM Page | 4 WELCOME As Community Basketball Manager, I would like to welcome not only those returning, but also new teams and participants to Basketball ACT’s 2014 Championship Season. I trust that you will enjoy your experience with us and all we have to offer through our unified services for the enjoyment and enhancement of Basketball and sport in our community. Our vision is that our basketball programs will be recognised and supported locally and nationally. Throughout 2013, Basketball ACT took some big steps towards our vision when we experienced an unprecedented increase in participation with over 650 teams playing across all competitions. This is due to the great work continually being done by our local club volunteers, B-ACT participation and development staff, our referees, our competitions day staff, and of course our players. All of whom epitomise our core values of enjoyment, honesty, integrity, professionalism, understanding and transparency, teamwork and cooperation, and a new vibrant customer focus. Now that you have taken the first steps in joining our competitions, I encourage you to get involved as much as you can, enjoy the experience and support our great game. Yours in Basketball, Dallas Watt BACT Community Basketball Manager SOME IMPORTANT MATTERS AND CHANGES YOU NEED TO BE AWARE OF FOR THIS SEASON Code of Conduct B-ACT’s new code of conduct can be found on our website. All members are encouraged to familiarize themselves with this. B-ACT is a supporter of the Play by the Rules program. Public Holidays Queen’s Birthday long weekend June 4-6, 2014 Version 1 as at: 27/03/2014 12:16 PM Page | 5 Version 1 as at: 27/03/2014 12:16 PM Page | 6 ON-LINE TEAM REGISTRATIONS Nomination Dates A club nomination form including team name lists are to be completed and be submitted to Basketball ACT no later than 5pm Thursday 10 April, 2014. In addition to submitting the completed club nomination form by 10 April, clubs are able to create new teams and add existing teams directly to competitions through the online registration system. Details on this will be advised separately. NOMINATIONS ACCEPTED ON A FIRST IN FIRST SERVED BASIS. BASKETBALL ACT RETAINS THE RIGHT TO REJECT ANY NOMINATION. PLAYER REGISTRATION All players must be registered before they take the court in their first game. This is done by clubs via the online Fox Sports Pulse system. With the implementation of Stadium Scoring across all competitions, ALL players must be registered online. “For a detailed list of game timings relevant to each grade, visit our website.” Teams will be disqualified for playing unregistered players. Version 1 as at: 27/03/2014 12:16 PM Page | 7 GAME TIMES This season, B-ACT in conjunction with clubs is using the grid below. The table below outlines the 2014 season. Please note this table is a general guide and subject to change, dependent on the number of team nominations received and court restrictions. However, should changes occur every effort will be made to ensure that final grids are based on the below times. Basketball ACT Junior Playing Times and Days Game Day Game Time in Minutes Division Division Other 1 2 Grades Gender Division 1 Male Under 10 50 Under 12 75 55 55 Friday Under 14 75 55 55 Sunday Under 16 90 60 55 Friday Under 19 90 60 55 Sunday Female Division 2 Male Female Other Grades Male Female Game Times Division 1 Male Division 2 Female Male Female Other Grades Male 11:50am Saturday Saturday or 1:40pm 1:40pm Friday Friday Friday Saturday Saturday 6:05pm 6:05pm 5:10pm 5:10pm to 3:30pm 3:30pm D5 & D6 or Saturday Sunday Sunday Sunday Saturday 3:50pm 3:50pm 2:55pm 2:55pm 4:25pm D3 & D4 8:30am Sunday 9:25am Friday Friday Friday Sunday Sunday 8:20pm 8:20pm 7:20pm 7:20pm to 10:20am 3:50pm 12:10pm Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday 6:05pm 6:05pm 5:05pm or to 2pm 5:05pm Timing Regulations For a detailed list of timing regulations relevant to each division visit www.act.basketball.net.au Please note: No games are being played on the Queen’s Birthday long weekend. Draws Draws will be available to be viewed progressively on the web at least 7 days prior to the commencement date of the season. Clubs will be advised when these are available. In developing the draw, B-ACT endeavours to ensure equity and transparency for all teams. Draws can be located at www.act.basketball.net.au. Please note that all competition draws are subject to change. It is the responsibility of individual clubs and teams to check draws online and disseminate any information relating to changes passed on from Basketball ACT. Version 1 as at: 27/03/2014 12:16 PM Page | 8 Female 10:00am to 11:50am 10:00am to 11:50am 12:45am to 2:35pm 11:15am 12:10pm to 2pm Download Sporting Pulse App See where you’re playing next week and access your team’s draw and results via the Sporting Pulse app. Also receive game reminders each week. Other features include: Your ladder - latest ladder for all the teams you follow Your schedule - see where you’re playing and when Your results - latest results for your team, plus round by round comp results Maps and directions to game venue - integration with Google maps Last time played – Access scores from your last game against an upcoming opponent Get Fox Sports Pulse for Android or iPhone More Sporting Pulse resources can be found via the Sporting Pulse website. PRINCIPLES OF FAIR PLAY Basketball should be enjoyable for all participants but unfortunately this is sometimes spoilt by some players who abuse the spirit of good sportsmanship. For this reason all players and coaches who participate in a Basketball ACT competition are subject to a Code of Conduct. This code is based on mutual respect and as long as players play in a spirit of good sportsmanship there will be no problems. All players should be aware of the provisions of the Code, which can be viewed at either stadium or on the Basketball ACT website. The competitions are run in accordance with the laws of Basketball and local Basketball ACT by-laws. A copy of all Basketball ACT By-Laws can be obtained from our website www.act.basketball.net.au FIBA rule books can also be downloaded from the FIBA website www.fiba.com All teams should be aware of these rules and by-laws to ensure competitions are enjoyable to all players. In the event of a dispute or an infraction of the rules, the incident will be processed though the Basketball ACT Competition and Disciplinary Tribunals By-Laws. Version 1 as at: 27/03/2014 12:16 PM Page | 9 COMPETITION STRUCTURE General Competition Information The 2014 Junior Championship Season will consist of 14 regular round games plus a playoff series for each competition. Under 10’s: Term 2, 2014 will run for 8 weeks from Saturday 3 May to Saturday 28 June 2014. Term 3, 2014 will run for 8 weeks from Saturday 2 August to Saturday 20 September 2014. Age Groups U/10 years born in 2005 or later U/12 years: born in 2003 or later U/14 years: born in 2001 or later U/16 years: born in 1999 or later U/19 years: born in 1996 or later FINALS The Championship Season will feature the Page-McIntyre playoff structure as follows: Semi Finals 1 3v4 SF1 2 1v2 SF2 Preliminary Final 3 L2vW1 PF Grand Final 4 W2vW3 GF 1st v 2nd, 3rd v 4th (Winner 1st v 2nd progresses to Grand Final) Loser 1st v 2nd plays Winner 3rd v 4th (Winner progresses to Grand Final) This structure will be applied to all divisions and age groups throughout the competition. For specific rules, please refer to Basketball ACT’s Competition Rules and By-laws available at www.act.basketball.net.au Version 1 as at: 27/03/2014 12:16 PM Page | 10 FEE STRUCTURE & PAYMENT OPTIONS Payment of the fees per team can be made in full or in 2 equal installments. To facilitate payment, an invoice will be issued to all clubs based on their nominated teams after the nominations have closed. It is the responsibility of clubs to ensure the emailed copies of invoices are sent to the correct person. JUNIOR COMPETITION FEES GRID ** All prices include GST Total Per Team U/10 U/12 & U/14 Division 1 $ 548 U/16 & U/19 Division 1 $ 1428 U/16 & U/19 Division 2 $ 1633 All Other Divisions $ 1213 $ 1199 Payments in equal installments Installment 1: (Due 23 May) Installment 2: (Due 20 June) $ 548 $ 714 $ 816.50 $ 606.50 $ 599.50 N/A $ 714 $ 816.50 $ 606.50 $ 599.50 *Prices include GST Version 1 as at: 27/03/2014 12:16 PM Page | 14 FEES & FINES Late Nominations Nominations received after specified closing date will be subject to a late nomination fee of $80. Withdrawal Fee Any team that withdraws after the creation of draws has commenced will be required to pay amount equivalent to 50the 1st instalment fee. NO REFUNDS will be given to teams who withdraw from competitions under any circumstances, after round 3. “NO REFUNDS will be given to teams who withdraw from competitions under any circumstances, after Round 3.” Change in Nomination Any changes in nominations will be subjected to a fee of $80. FULL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF NOMINATION CAN BE FOUND WHEN NOMINATING ONLINE. INJURIES If a player is injured whilst playing in a Basketball ACT competition, they must be reported to the Customer Service Officer immediately and make the injury known. If in the case the injured player is too badly injured to do so, a representative from the injured player’s team must retrieve the CSO to attend to the injured player. An Injury Report Form must be completed within 7 days of the injury occurring, signed and submitted to Basketball ACT via the CSO. If a member also wishes to make a claim on any injury an Injury Claim Form must be completed and sent to B-ACT’s insurance company directly. Basketball ACT is not involved in the claim process. Both of the aforementioned forms can be obtained from the Duty Managers office or on Basketball ACT’s website. OTHER RELEVANT INFORMATION For other information relevant to B-ACT Junior competitions, including rules and policies please refer to our web page at www.act.basketball.net.au. All clubs and members are reminded to be aware of critical policies such as Rescheduling due to clashes with development program events which are available online. Version 1 as at: 27/03/2014 12:16 PM Page | 15 CUSTOMER SERVICE OFFICER (CSO) Each venue has the presence of at least one Customer Service Officer (CSO). They can be easily identified wearing a Navy Blue Basketball ACT staff polo shirt. Our CSO’s and game day operation staff are here to help you the best way possible, and are able to respond and assist you with most, if not all, general enquiries you may have. Please see our CSO for the following enquiries; You have a question about score sheets You wish to pay a fee You need assistance with duty You have an issue regarding competitions (including deferred games, withdrawals, redraws or replacement teams) You have a question relating to by-laws and regulations including player eligibility You wish to make a formal complaint to then be forwarded to the Community Basketball Manager for follow up if required Your team wishes to re nominate next season Your team is short of players or are looking for new players You have a question or concern regarding facilities REFEREE SERVICES OFFICER (RSO) As part of our Referee Development Program and continuous improvement and service to our customers, B-ACT also employs Referee Service Officers at each venue during each competition day and evening. They too can be easily identified in wearing a bright Yellow Basketball ACT staff polo shirt. Our RSO’s can assist you in the following areas: Apply the conditions of participation required by Basketball ACT in the conduct of competitions Manage the floor conduct of competitions at a venue on nominated days including game start and timing Advice and clarification on rules interpretation and appropriate application of rules by referees given the nature of the games Concerns regarding the performance of referees Issues or concerns threatening to the harmonious, competitive and enjoyable environment for our sport These two Basketball ACT staff members are your first point of contact. Our web page can also provide you with the information you require. Version 1 as at: 27/03/2014 12:16 PM Page | 16 REFEREES Referees will be provided where possible to games each week. Please note that referees are not guaranteed for every game – however, every effort is made to achieve full coverage. B-ACT referees are involved in continuous training and education and make themselves available to referee at times that are suitable to them and where required. Referees are responsible for the control of each game within the rules and should be respected. From time to time, players can spoil the experience for referees through abusive language, gestures and threats. Behaviour of this type will NOT be tolerated and we ask that team managers and captains relay the importance of referee/player relationships to their team members. This helps to create a positive and enjoyable atmosphere whilst playing basketball for everyone involved in our sport. All referee concerns should be expressed respectfully through the Referee Manager via a club official. “Please note that referees are not guaranteed for every game – however, every effort is made to achieve full coverage.” Interested in becoming a referee? Basketball ACT conduct beginner courses regularly throughout the year for those who are interested in becoming a referee or would like to learn more about the rules of basketball. For further information regarding when the next referees course is or any other information required, please contact Karin Berrysmith on (02) 6253 3066 or email karin@act.basketball.net.au. COMPETITION MANAGEMENT Community Basketball Manager Dallas Watt Dallas.Watt@act.basketball.net.au Competition Administrator Sean Willis Sean.Willis@act.basketball.net.au Referee and Services Manager Karin Berrysmith Karin@act.basketball.net.au Version 1 as at: 27/03/2014 12:16 PM Page | 17 Appendix 1: Position Statement Restriction on Number of teams in each grade B-ACT’s mission is to successfully lead, manage, develop and promote basketball for the benefit of our members and to maximise the enjoyment and opportunities for all. This position statement intends to inform all stakeholders of the philosophy on Basketball ACT’s position on restricting teams in each grade of each age group as well as the single club team in Junior Premier. Objective In general the Junior Winter Championship Season will consist of 14 regular season games plus a finals series for the top 4 in each grade. Grades Teams per Grade As a general guideline, in the Winter Championship Season only, Premier grades will consist of a minimum of 6 teams and a maximum of 8 teams in each age group. All other grades will have a minimum of 6 and maximum of 10 teams per grades. Where more than 8 (Premier) or 10 (other grades) teams are nominated BACT reserves the right to re-grade teams according to performance. Team Grading It is a goal of BACT to strive to continually improve the competitiveness of all competitions for all participants at all levels. Each club is responsible to nominate teams in the correct grade as best as they can. Given the varying levels of participation, the nomination form allows clubs to nominate teams across 6 grades (Premier – E grade). Additional grades (e.g. F grade, G grade, etc.) will be added should they be required. In determining which grade to nominate a team, BACT recommend clubs consider the following: Experience of the team and individual players Top age versus bottom age players What the team/players achieved in the previous season Premier Grades are not to be used for development purposes, they are for Elite competition Version 1 as at: 27/03/2014 12:16 PM Page | 18 In order to strengthen its competitions, BACT reserves the right to move any team where deemed necessary, justifiable, and in the best interests of the competition as a whole. This will be based on a number of factors, including though not limited to; Win/loss record Margin and Pts. % Individual team assessment by independent experts Previous season performance (where applicable) and grading Perceived level of competence Transfer of players both in and out of the particular team Teams per Competition The optimum number of teams per competition is 8 with a minimum of 6 and a maximum of 10. In addition in the preservation of balance, evenness in scheduling and accommodating the extend of all competitions across B-ACT, it is operational preference that competitions should not have an odd number of teams that creates byes and at all times this will be avoided where possible however may not always be possible. How this may apply in a practical sense for example, if there are 7 teams nominated in B grade and 7 teams nominated in C grade, one of the teams may be moved to either the higher or lower grade so that there is an even number in each grade. Rationale: 8 and 10 team grades 8 team Premier grades intensify competition at the top level, leading to the strengthening of underpinning grades in the pathway. This provides greater opportunity and enjoyment for all participants across all grades and is crucial given the relatively small population base in the ACT, comparative to other major cities sport markets. 10 team grades allow for greater depth of participation across all competitions and promotes inclusion. This ensures a level of quality control on the competition and reduces the large disparity that can emerge between teams on the top and at the bottom of each grade in each age group and competition. An even number of teams ensures there are no byes throughout the competition. Providing more grades and depth of competition ensures that greater emphasis and foresight is placed upon teams to nominate in grades suitable to the level of their teams. A greater number of participants are more likely to experience success and finals in smaller grades, leading to increased enjoyment, perceived confidence, retention, and more importantly an increase in the fairness and equity of competitions, by fulfilling one of B-ACT’s shared values; being inclusion. Conducive towards the development of younger referees, hence competition of higher quality. 8 and 10 grades allows for improved utilisation and maximisation of limited court space and facility resources. Version 1 as at: 27/03/2014 12:16 PM Page | 19 This structure is aligned with the strategic vision of Basketball Australia, and incorporates other state’s best practice models (namely Victoria, South Australia, Western Australia, New South Wales and Queensland) whereby competitions do not exceed 10 teams in each grade and all nominations are subject to acceptance and, where necessary, grading by relevant processes. In general all of the top elite representative competitions in each state and territory around Australia have no more than 10 teams and in a number of cases are restricted to 8. Eg Basketball Victoria’s Junior Championship competition has 10 teams. This is a state with 160,000 participants. BNSW’s junior leagues all have grades with a maximum of 8 teams, specifically the Sydney Metro Junior League Div#1 for all age groups which is the top junior competition in NSW which has 50,000 participants. Similarly in SA, WA and Qld. Premier Competition One of the strategies to improve quality is to restrict quantity and this in turn produces a more intense competitive environment when you have a limited fixed population. In the past, there have been too many teams and players who are not of Premier quality in Premier Competitions which resulted in large average spreads in scores and results of games across the season. Eg. Last season average spread for U/16 boys was 39 points. More grades with less teams creates depth in the teams right through the lower grades and more competitive social grades. This allows for more teams to experience finals and therefore the opportunity of success. This is a measure to improved quality of A-grade that underpins Premier in order to provide focus and emphasis on improving the quality of A-grade so that it is recognised as a pathway to Premier. 8 teams in Premier allows for a balanced draw i.e. in a 14 week competition every team plays every other team twice. This ensures a complete competition and most accurate result for our most elite competitive competition. In previous competitions the gap and discrepancy between teams and scores was too large and therefore reduced competitiveness, and was of no benefit to anyone, winning teams players do not improve and this effects our competitiveness at Australian Junior Championships. Teams that consistently lose by large margins are detrimental to individual participants enjoyment. Too many players who were not premier quality players yet were playing premier because team numbers needed to be filled and therefore was a weight that restricted improved quality of competition. To maximise the court space available and to ensure that all competitions can fit into the fixed restricted facilities that we have at our disposal. Ensuring premier quality refereeing and alleviating strain on referee resources allows for greater development of referees and ensuring that appropriate quality of referees is available on Friday nights as well as greater coverage. Key word being Premier, It should be the best players playing against each other in the most competitive environment and competition that can be provided based on performance. Version 1 as at: 27/03/2014 12:16 PM Page | 20 Challenge for admission to Premier No teams or clubs are locked out of Premier because one season they are not in. It is a flexible promotion and relegation structure where new teams can be included into Premier every season. At the beginning of each new season, Summer and Winter, Clubs have the opportunity to nominate teams in Premier if they feel they are of the appropriate quality and they also have the opportunity to challenge existing teams if they have a case that they have improved. In situations where a team feels they should be considered to be placed in any Premier competition, at the beginning of each season they may submit an application to the Competitions Management. In this application, they are expected to provide substantiation and rationale including evidence of performance to support the claim, such as previous season’s final rankings, new playing recruits, or development of players and or changes in coach. As a result many clubs have voluntarily elected to not nominate a Premier team because they have realistically assessed that they are not at that standard. A number of teams and clubs have now realistically assessed their actual team’s level, performance and position and taken the appropriate action of not playing in premier and nominating in A-grade. Therefore, removing inequality in Premier and improving quality and competiveness for A-grade which will in turn lead to improved quality of Premier over the long term. This is a conscious decision that clubs have made based on their own particular circumstances and club philosophy and should be acknowledged. It should also be stated that this in no way prohibits or restricts any team from any club from re-entering Premier. Please be reminded that the quota of a maximum number of 8 teams is for Winter Competition only and in the Summer Competition, the maximum number quota can be increased to 10 allowing for flexibility and opportunity of teams to be included. Teams can therefore nominate for Premier in Summer Competition and also Challenge for a position in the Winter Competition if their performance and result in Summer warrants such inclusion. Clubs can also nominate for the Winter competition and challenge the lower placed teams, if again they can demonstrate improvement. Therefore season upon season, there is opportunity to be included into Premier based on performance and results. Only one team per club in Premier It is a general guideline and principle in the formation of the competition to ensure that all clubs have an equal opportunity to be represented in the highest Elite competition being Premier. Therefore it is an operational preference that each club be permitted to have only 1 team in each Premier age group. However this may not always be the case and there will be exceptions to the general rule. The guiding principal is to ensure the best teams on performance are competing against each other in Premier at different times in different age groups. This may mean that a particular club is permitted to enter more than 1 team in Premier from that same club due to the fact that the club is extraordinarily strong in a specific age group. In this case the club will be required to substantiated the inclusion of a second team in an age group and participate in any challenge required to re-affirm their inclusion. Version 1 as at: 27/03/2014 12:16 PM Page | 21 Appendix 2: Guiding Principles and timeline of Draw Creation, Grading & Re-grading Processes Version 1 as at: 27/03/2014 12:16 PM Page | 22 Appendix 3: B-ACT Policy - Retrospective Disqualifications & Protests for By-Law Breach B-ACT’s mission is to successfully lead, manage, develop and promote basketball for the benefit of our members and to maximise the enjoyment and opportunities for all. This policy intends to inform all stakeholders of Basketball ACT’s position on specifying timelines for lodging protests in relation to the possible use of ineligible players, across all Basketball ACT competitions. Rationale Over the past 12 months, one issue which has become quite prevalent throughout B-ACT competitions, at various levels, is that of player eligibility and subsequent protests. The 2013 season saw numerous enquiries on player eligibility made to Basketball ACT. Particular cases were also prevalent over the course of the 2013 Junior Grand Final weekend. B-ACT have received protests from teams and clubs at various stages including immediately after a game or on that same day, during a game, in the days following a game, and in some instances weeks after a game. This has prompted B-ACT to take a more proactive approach with this issue so as to prevent future incidents which may negatively impact the experience for all involved. Previously, in order to maintain consistency and to uphold the integrity of its competitions, Basketball ACT has accepted protests and eligibility queries right throughout the season no matter how much time had lapsed at that point. Unfortunately, this approach has led to some disqualifications being applied retrospectively and in some cases by a considerable amount of time. Whilst B-ACT does not condone breaches of the competition by-laws, it does see flaws in such actions. New Policy and Process As per FIBA rules and guidelines, protests are generally required to be submitted at the conclusion of a game, noted on the score sheet and signed by the coach of the team lodging the protest. Should this not occur, a club may submit a request for review or a protest for alleged By-law breaches relating to the use of ineligible players in writing to Basketball ACT, no later than 5 working days after the completion of the game in question. B-ACT will investigate the protest within the following 5 working days of receipt, and take appropriate action prior to the next competition round. Retrospective protests or those in relation to matters outside of 7 days (5 working days) will not be considered, and no action by Basketball ACT will be taken. Protests may only be lodged from immediately after the conclusion of any one game. No protest will be investigated, nor any action taken by Basketball ACT during a game. This applies to regular season games and finals. Any team found to be in breach of the Competition By-laws will be subjected to penalties which may include disqualification. Version 1 as at: 27/03/2014 12:16 PM Page | 23 B-ACT Policy - Retrospective Disqualifications & Protests for By-Law Breach Process NOTIFCATION PROTEST MADE Within 5 working days FINAL NOTIFICATION Both clubs/teams notified of final outcome within 10 working days of protest being made. Club/team allegedly in breach notified and asked to clarify any discrepancies and afforded the opportunity to respond to all claims. OUTCOME Course of action determined. MATTER CLOSED Version 1 as at: 27/03/2014 12:16 PM Page | 24 B-ACT INVESTIGATE CLAIM This may include but is not restricted to the review of score sheets, review of competition database, review higher age group, development player and/or restricted player status status. B-ACT CONSIDER RESPONSE Compiles summary of any findings. CONTACT INFORMATION If you require further assistance regarding your nomination or anything basketball please contact us: PO Box 3268, Belconnen, ACT, 2617 42 Oatley Court Belconnen, ACT, 2617 Ph: (02) 6253 3066 Fax: (02) 6253 3060 Comp@act.basketball.net.au www.act.basketball.net.au ‘Like’ us on Facebook BasketballACT Follow us on Twitter @basketballACT Version 1 as at: 27/03/2014 12:16 PM Page | 25 Subscribe to us on YouTube BasketballACT
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