Governing Board Resource Guide 2013-2014

Governing Board
Resource Guide 2013-2014
Thank You
To our Association Leadership,
Since 1853, the Mizzou Alumni Association has carried the torch of alumni support for the University
of Missouri. From our first president, Gen. Odon Guitar, until today we have been blessed with extraordinary
volunteer leadership. Thanks in large part to that leadership, the Association has been a proud and prominent
resource for the University and its alumni for 160 years.
This resource guide is the product of our commitment to communicate efficiently and effectively
with our volunteer leaders. We are hopeful the enclosed information is a useful tool for you as you serve on
our Governing Board. It is critical that you know and share the story of how the Association proudly serves
the best interests and traditions of Missouri’s flagship university.
We are proud to serve a worldwide network of 260,000 Mizzou alumni. Your volunteer leadership
represents a portion of our diverse, vibrant and loyal membership base. While Mizzou has many cherished
traditions, the tradition of alumni support is one that we foster by our actions and commitment to the Association and the University.
Thank you for your selfless service to MU and the Association. With your involvement and engagement, I am confident we will reach our vision of becoming the preeminent resource for the University of
Missouri. Our staff and I look forward to working with you in 2013 - 2014.
Go Mizzou!
Todd A. McCubbin, M Ed ‘95
Executive Director
Mizzou Alumni Association
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
• Alumni Association History
• FY14 Budget
• MAA Vision, Mission & Guideposts
• Form 990
• MAA Long Range Plan
• Constitution
• Bylaws
• MAA Executive Directors
• MAA Past Presidents
• Officer Job Descriptions
• 2013-2014 Year-At-A-Glance Calendar
• Governing Board Member Expectations
• CASE & ASAP Awards
• Conflict of Interest Policy
• Governing Board Travel Supplement Form
• 2013-2014 Governing Board
• Standing Committees & Committee Guidelines
• Ad Hoc Committees
• Programs & Services
• MU - Chancellor
• Graduates & Members
• Chancellor’s Staff
• Association Staff
• UM - President
• Organizational Chart
• UM - Board of Curators
Our Organization
Our Organization
Alumni Association History
MAA Vision, Mission & Guideposts
MAA Long Range Plan
MAA Executive Directors
MAA Past Presidents
On the occasion of the Mizzou Alumni Association’s sesquicentennial, the association
asked a researcher to dig up its history. The story is one of loyal alumni and citizens acting
on behalf of Mizzou. (Perhaps what says it best is the legend of how alumni and locals saw
to it that the Columns became Mizzou’s foremost campus icon.)
MU alumni and citizens gather at the base of the Columns in the days after a fire that destroyed
Academic Hall in 1892.
Keep your hands off these Columns
he Mizzou Alumni Association was founded in 1853, but perhaps the best story that encapsulates its
meaning to MU comes from a tenuous time in the University’s history. It’s the story of loyal alumni
and citizens acting on behalf of Mizzou and how the Alumni Association saw to it that the Columns
became Mizzou’s foremost campus icon.
The inferno that consumed Academic Hall in 1892 somehow spared the six limestone Columns. To
many alumni and Columbians at the time, they quickly became an enduring symbol of all they held dear about
the University. But to others, including the University’s Board of Curators, the Columns looked out of scale
with the new University buildings they hoped to construct around them. They resolved that the Columns
would have to come down.
Few people now know – perhaps because it weakens the legend – that the board originally intended to
leave the Columns in place or reposition them on campus. But the board changed its mind, and some alumni
and locals didn’t like it. Among them was Jerry Dorsey, a leading Columbia citizen of that period. According
to a newspaper report, Dorsey watched with interest as workers carried off the chard remnants of Academic
Hall. He was appalled to learn one day that Gideon Rothwell, president of the board, had ordered a pair of
mule teams hitched to one of the Columns, with instructions to tear it down.
“Mr. Dorsey sought Mr. Rothwell and protested against the destruction of the Columns, who insisted
that they were a menace and dangerous,” according to the newspaper account. “Mr. Dorsey declared that the
Columns could not be pulled down by a herd of elephants, whereupon Mr. Rothwell announced that they were
coming down if he had to dynamite them. The argument became heated, Mr. Rothwell struck at Mr. Dorsey
and Mr. Dorsey upheld his Kentucky traditions and returned the blow. Spectators separated the combatants
and the controversy continued in a battle of words.”
At this point, Dorsey may have charged off to the courthouse to get a writ of injunction against tearing down the Columns. But writ or no writ, alumni got wind of the board’s plot and added their voices of
protest. In fact, the president of the Mizzou Alumni Association (MAA) Gardiner Lathrop, made a persuasive
speech to the Curators, according to a story that engineering Professor Luther “Daddy” Defoe (association
president in 1903-04) used to tell.
A 1924 account goes like this: “Following a brilliant plea before the board, during which Lathrop
pleaded with tears in his eyes that the Columns be preserved intact, a plan was presented that the whole of the
elevated campus (now Francis Quadrangle) be cut away, except for a small tract around the Columns, which
should be terraced into mounds, to rise above the level of the campus.”
This time around, the board resolved that its previous resolution was a bad idea. After Lathrop’s
speech, Mr. Rothwell stated “Let the Columns stand. Let them stand for a thousand years.”
In many ways, imagining Mizzou without its beloved Columns is like trying to imagine a strong
university without alumni support. It is only fitting that more than 100 years later, the MAA Long Range
Planning Committee penned a mission statement that begins with “The Mizzou Alumni Association proudly
supports the best interests and traditions of Missouri’s flagship university and its alumni worldwide.”
Mizzou and MAA: Through the Years...
Boone County wins its bid to locate the University in
Columbia. The Geyer Act establishes the University,
the first publicly supported higher education institution west of the Mississippi River.
Classes begin.
College of Arts and Science established.
The University’s first commencement was held.
Robert L. Todd and Robert B. Todd become the
University’s first alumni.
First course in civil engineering offered.
Alumni Society (Association) forms with Odon
Guitar as first president. Robert L. Todd gives first
alumni oration at commencement.
The Civil War forced the University to close for
most of the year.
Normal School, now the College of Education,
Federal Morrill Act makes MU a land-grant university.
College of Agriculture founded.
entomologist, helps save the French wine industry
from an aphid by grafting French vines onto resistant
Missouri rootstock.
College of Engineering was founded.
Alumni vote to raise $10,000 to endow the association.
The Original tombstone of Thomas Jefferson from
Monticello is dedicated on Francis Quadrangle.
Mizzou Discovery
Sanborn Field is founded the oldest continuously
used research plot west of the Mississippi River (and
second oldest in the U.S.) Sanborn Field also was the
site of landmark studies in crop rotation that are the
basis for today’s sustainable agriculture.
At the alumni association’s annual meeting, alumni
resolve to create an Alumni Annual containing the
annual oration and information on all alumni. (Forerunner to MIZZOU Magazine).
Mizzou fields its first football team. “Tigers” is
chosen as the university mascot.
St. Louis chapter formed.
Kansas City alumni chapter formed.
School of Medicine established.
Mizzou Discovery
MU entomoligists determined that the cattle tick
causes the deadly Texas fever disease, and scientists
at the MU Agricultural Experiment Station discover
how to eradicate it.
Anna Ware becomes first female to graduate with a
four-year bachelor’s degree.
Jesse Hall is dedicated.
Mizzou Discovery
Charles V. Riley, MU lecturer and the first state
Department of Household Economics, now the College of Human Environmental Sciences, established.
Mary Gillett becomes first woman graduate.
Law department (school) established.
Mizzou and MAA: Through the Years...
First nursing class graduates. In 1920, the Department of Nursing is established within the School of
Medicine, and it becomes the autonomous School of
Nursing in 1975.
Alumni Association publishes The Missouri Alumni
Quarterly magazine and offers a subscription of
New Missouri county chapters: Adair, Audrain,
Barton, Bates, Boone, Buchanan, Butler, Cape Girardeau, Carroll, Cass, Clay, Clinton, Cole, Cooper,
Dade, Greene, Grundy, Jackson, Jasper, Lafayette,
Lawrence, Linn, Livingston, Macon, Madison, Monroe, Nodaway, Pettis, Pike, Putnam, Randolph, Ray,
St. Clair, Saline, Schuyler, Scotland, Shelby, Sullivan,
and Vernon. Local secretaries also appointed in the
following Missouri locations: Andrew, Barry, Cedar,
Dallas, Davies, De Kalb, Gasconade, Gentry, Harrison, Knox, Mercer, Morgan, Pike, Platte, Pulaski,
Ralls and Texas. Chapters also active in Chillicothe,
Hannibal, Kansas City, Kirksville, Maryville, Pittsburg, St. Joseph and Sedalia.
MU fields its first basketball team.
Boonville Weekly Advertiser writes that 3,276 men
and women have graduated from the University as of
April 19, 1907.
New Missouri county chapters: Morgan, Bollinger,
Ralls, Dallas, Polk, Mercer, Nodaway and Andrew.
There are 50 chapters by 1907.
April 19, 1907
First celebration of Founders’ Day, the birthday of
James S. Rollins.
The world’s first School of Journalism established.
MU is selected for membership in the Association
of American Universities, which limits membership
to this country’s most prestigious public and private
research universities.
New Missouri county chapters: Johnson, Barry,
Stoddard, Montgomery, Holt and Chariton.
New chapters in California, Chicago and
New York City chapter forms.
MU Extension division founded.
Athletic Director Chester Brewer to return home
and pack Rollins Field for the annual football game
against Kansas. Mizzou “Homecoming” is born. The
game ends in a 3-3 tie.
Alumni Association publishes The Missouri Alumnus
magazine. A subscription came along with the $2
annual membership dues.
Washington, D. C. chapter forms.
Portland, Oregon chapter forms.
Mizzou Discovery
Journalism faculty member Walter Williams pens
The Journalist’s Creed, a standard for practicing
journalism that stands the test of time.
College of Business established.
Ellis Library is completed.
Mizzou Discovery
Harlow Shapley, BA ‘10, MA ‘11, DL ‘27, argues that
the sun looms not in the center of our Milky Way
galaxy, but at the outskirts, an influencial observation
that leads to the first realistic estimate of our galaxy’s
Groundbreaking for Memorial Tower. MAA plays a
key role in the fundraising campaign for both
Memorial Union and Memorial Stadium.
Memorial Stadium is dedicated and hosts its firstgame.
Mizzou and MAA: Through the Years...
First Tap Day ceremony.
University Hospital opens.
Mizzou Discovery
MU education professor and reading remediation
pioneer Sterl Artley was hired by Scott Foresman
and Co. to work with a colleague at the University of
Chicago and Case Western Reserve University to revise the Dick and Jane series, which taught nearly 85
million elementary students to read from the 1930s
to the 1970s.
MAA awards its first Distinguished Faculty Award to
Dr. Lewis Atherton.
University appoints Guy “Bus” Entsminger, assistant
director of alumni activities. He becomes vice chancellor for development and alumni relations in 1967.
Many consider him the “father of alumni relations”
at MU.
The School of Forestry, Fisheries and Wildlife
(Natural Resources) is founded.
The four campus MU System is established.
Alumni Association and Alumni Achievement Fund
combined to become Office of Development and
Alumni Relations.
MAA begins Faculty-Alumni Award Program to
honor outstanding faculty and alumni achievements.
Dr. Arvarh Strickland becomes the first African
American professor.
Hearnes Center opens.
Gus T. Ridgel was one of the first African-American
students to enroll at MU, and the first graduate. He
earned a Master’s degree in Economics.
Harry S. Truman speaks at commencement.
Mizzou Discovery
Ernie Sears develops techniques to transfer genes
from wild grasses to cultivated wheat to improve disease resistance. His wife, Lotti Sears, contributes to
the research and to determining the genetic structure
of wheat. Their work leads to a strain of wheat that
is resistant to rust disease and is used as a food source
The Mizzou baseball team wins the College World
Series and the National Championship.
KOMU - TV was dedicated.
The Maneater (student newspaper) founded.
MU Research Reactor Center opens.
Mizzou Discovery
MU scientist John C. Schuder develops the first
automatic and completely implanted defibrillator
for the human heart. Today, these internal devices
regulate heartbeats around the world.
Gifts to University by alumni increase to $570,380,
up $75,000 from 1971.
Alumni Association Student Board founded.
The School of Accountancy is founded.
MU’s literary magazine, The Missouri Review, publishes its first issue. Today, it receives more submissions than any other such publication and is nationally recognized as the top university literary review.
The School of Health Related Professions established.
Mizzou and MAA: Through the Years...
Barbara S. Uehling becomes the first female
Tiger Walk for MU freshmen established.
Black Alumni Organization forms.
Launched MAA website,
Mizzou Discovery
Mizzou’s interdisciplinary Food for the 21st Century
program studies animal reproductive biology, plant
biotechnology, human nutrition, and foods, feeds
and products. The program has produced fifteen
soybean varieties and two wheat varieties.
Mizzou Discovery
Pediatric cardiologist Dr. Zuhdi Lababidi performed
the world’s first aortic valvuloplasty, an angioplasty
procedure, on an infant. In 1996, he performed
the procedure on a patient weighing 13 ounces,
the smallest patient known to have undergone the
Truman the Tiger was born.
Began sending association alumni magazine to all
“The Shack” mysteriously burns to the ground.
MU celebrates its sesquicentennial.
Truman Conference on U.S.-Korean Relations
forms, partly to keep in contact with Korean
The MAA moves into the Donald W. Reynolds
Alumni Center. The building is made possible by a
$9 million gift, the largest single gift to MU at that
School of Information Science and Learning
Technologies established.
With the Missouri Botanical Garden, Washington
University and Monsanto Co., MU is a founding
partner in the Danforth Plant Science Center in St.
Louis. The center is devoted to discovering new
solutions for fighting hunger and disease, and for
conserving the Earth’s natural resources.
Mizzou Discovery
MU researchers were the first to develop transgenic
pigs whose organs can potentially be transplated into
humans. More than 98,000 Americans are currently
on the organ transplant waiting list.
Bronze statue of Thomas Jefferson on Francis
Quadrangle dedicated.
MU names the Black Culture Center the Lloyd
L. Gaines-Marian O’Fallon Oldham Black Culture
Center in honor of two individuals whose dedication
and sacrifices help African-Americans to fulfill their
educational goals at MU.
Randall Prather, Distinguished Professor of Reproductive Biotechnology, and research colleagues from
MU and Immerge Bio Therapeutics Inc., clone the
world’s first miniature swine with a specific gene
“knocked out” of their DNA. The breakthrough
moves scientists closer to making animal-to-human
organ transplants a reality.
Tiger Plaza was dedicated during Homecoming.
MU’s Life Sciences Center and Mizzou Arena open.
Mizzou and MAA: Through the Years...
MAA reaches a record high of 37,550 members.
Griffiths Leadership Society for Women established
and named after The Honorable Martha Wright
Griffiths, BS `34, a leader in civil and equal rights
movements respectively.
Mizzou ‘39 program was created.
Across the country, 45 alumni chapters kick off the
association’s 150th anniversary on January 16 by
watching the basketball Tigers beat the Jayhawks
89-86 in overtime.
unique and special. Alumni may provide additional,
annual support to enable MAA to accomplish its mission through activities like Tiger Walk and Homecoming. It also supports MAA’s role as the largest
contributor to student scholarships on campus.
Maryland Avenue was renamed Tiger Avenue. A
renaming celebration was held on September 17 in
conjunction with MAA’s Leaders’ Weekend activities.
New MU Student Center (formerly Brady Commons) dedication was held on October 22 in conjunction with Mizzou Homecoming.
As part of the sesquicentennial celebration, the Association adopted a new brand - The Mizzou Alumni
For the first time, ESPN College GameDay was held
on the MU campus in conjunction with the October
23 MU vs. Oklahoma Homecoming game. A record
crowd of 50,000 attended the Mizzou Homecoming
Mizzou Legacy Walk was dedicated during Homecoming.
Mizzou license plates were made available for purchase in Texas.
Mizzou raises a record $160.5 million in private
In honor of the 100th anniversary of the best Homecoming celebration in the nation, MAA created the
Mizzou Tradition Keeper, a member whose dues and
added charitable gift to the Mizzou Traditions Fund
are $100 or greater.
The For All We Call Mizzou campaign goal was
achieved, making MU the first and only public university in Missouri to raise $1 billion.
The inaugural Guy H. “Bus” Entminger Golf Tournament was held at A.L. Gustin Golf Course.
A new association website was launched in April.
Launched MAA social media networks including
Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube.
MAA celebrated 100 years of Mizzou Homecoming
on October 15.
Revived the Romp, Chomp and Stomp tailgate tradition at Homecoming.
Created a guide by cell campus landmarks audio tour.
Invested in two billboards on I-70 welcoming alumni
MAA office suite was remodeled to better reflect the
Mizzou colors.
Organized the inaugural Homecoming Day of Service (21 alumni chapters and 465 alumni volunteers
MAA launched the Mizzou Traditions Fund to ensure
the continuation of traditions that make Mizzou
MAA initiated a senior life membership option and
an “easy life” payment plan.
Mizzou and MAA: Through the Years...
The Mizzou Alumni Association reached an all-time
membership high of 40,178.
The True Son's and Daughter's program was created
to recognize families with multiple generations of
Mizzou alumni. Additionally, the Legacy Scholarship
was created to provide support to students who are
the children of alumni.
Revised the Chapter Columns Recognition Program
to create an emphasis on quality engagement activities.
Mizzou announced on Nov. 11 that it plans to leave
the Big 12 Conference and will join the Southeastern
Conference effective July 1, 2012.
For the sixth consecutive year, MAA reached a record
membership number with a peak membership of
44,415. The record membership number reflects an
increase of 5.3% from 2011 and 25.2% increase in
the last five years.
MAA life membership is now available for staff with
the option of payment by payroll deduction.
Launched Stand Up for Mizzou campaign, a grassroots
campaign to engage advocates of the University of
Missouri in the legislative process.
Added new MAA web pages designed specifically to
be viewed on mobile devices.
Conducted research and developed a black alumni
engagement plan. The inaugural Fire Side Chat was
held on April 30 with 35 alumni and students in attendance.
As the university prepares for the next comprehensive
campaign, a $10 Million goal is set for the association
and its programs.
A record high twenty-six new or redeveloping alumni
chapters were established.
Mizzou Military Veterans Affinity Organization
established. The organization is a partnership
between the Mizzou Alumni Association and the
University of Missouri Veterans Center.
MAA membership reached 44,195. This is the
second best membership year since the Association's
founding in 1853.
MAA set a goal to raise $90,000 for the Mizzou
Traditions Fund and ended up raising $95,720.
Vision Statement
The Mizzou Alumni Association shall
be the pre-eminent resource for the University.
Mission Statement
The Mizzou Alumni Association proudly supports
the best interests and traditions of Missouri’s flagship university
and its alumni worldwide.
Lifelong relationships are the foundation of our support.
These relationships are enhanced through
advocacy, communication and volunteerism.
Guideposts To Excellence
Much like the stones which give strength to six beloved columns,
these six values are supported only
by the degree of excellence which they embody.
The Association recognizes the special worth that the
pursuit of excellence creates and strives to bond our alumni
together using excellence as the foundation.
Long Range Plan
Goals and Strategies
Adopted 2009
(Governing Board action 9/17/09)
I. Promote a Culture of Passionate Advocates
♦ Engage alumni in innovative volunteer roles
♦ Mobilize alumni to magnify the impact of Mizzou through personal contact
♦ Recognize stellar volunteer service
♦ Educate and engage alumni to be effective legislative advocates
♦ Promote relevant, inspiring programming
II. Enrich the Mizzou Student Experience
♦ Initiate a lifelong connection to Mizzou through MAA
♦ Preserve and promote Mizzou traditions
♦ Elevate MAA student programming and communications
♦ Strengthen and broaden the Homecoming student experience
III. Strengthen the MAA Identity
♦ Clarify the brand identity
♦ Communicate and promote the MAA identity
♦ Leverage new technology to strengthen the brand
♦ Cultivate and leverage strategic relationships
IV. Maximize Opportunities for Stability and Growth
♦ Position MAA as a giving opportunity
♦ Increase endowment
♦ Create a strategic facilities and space management plan
♦ Leverage strategic relationships to expand and develop revenue opportunities
V. Develop and Energize Quality Leadership
♦ Ensure the continual identification of emerging leaders
♦ Expand and communicate leadership opportunities for all interested volunteers
♦ Strengthen education and development of all volunteer leaders
♦ Create and maintain connections with student leaders
NUMBER 34454
Now on this day come Richmond C. Coburn, as President and R. L. Hill, as Secretary, and submit to
the Court the Articles of Agreement of said association, together with a petition praying for a pro forma decree
thereon, in manner provided by law, and it appearing to the Court that said petition has remained on file in the
Clerk’s Office of this Court for at least three days since the same was first presented to the Court and the Court
having duly examined said articles of agreement, and being duly advised in the premises, doth now consider,
adjudge and determine that said Articles of Agreement, and the purposes of the Association as therein expressed,
come properly within the purview of Article Ten, Chapter 32 of the Revised Statutes of the State of Missouri,
1929, and are not inconsistent with the Constitution or laws of the United States or of the State of Missouri.
IT IS THEREFORE, ordered, adjudged and decreed by the Court that the petitioners and their associates named in said Articles of Agreement be and are hereby created a body politic and corporate by and under
the corporate name of The University of Missouri Alumni Association.
( SS
(Revised April 22, 1988)
(Amended through November 7, 2008)
The Association was formally chartered in 1936 as an independent, not-for-profit educational corporation.
In accordance with the Pro Forma Decree of Incorporation, the corporation is formed for the purpose of
promoting and furthering education in the State of Missouri. It proposes to accomplish its purpose by aiding,
extending, furthering and calling to public attention the work of the University of Missouri in all of its
departments and by supporting, maintaining and directing to educational ends the alumni activities of the
alumni and former students of said University.
In furtherance of this purpose, the Association provides services to its alumni constituency and to the
University. Services and activities may be educational, developmental or social and may encourage both
fellowship and constructive contributions to the University.
The Association is expected to facilitate these activities and to function as a communications link, act as a
motivating force to provide alumni support and express alumni opinions to the campus administration.
Through the Association’s programs, chapters and related organizations, alumni are encouraged to
support their alma mater and generally participate in building a greater University.
Section 1. Membership Requirements
Members of the Association shall be those persons who: (a) are graduates or former students of the
University; or (b) have had an honorary degree conferred upon them by the University; or (c) have been
elected to Honorary Membership in the Association by the Governing Board or (d) have evinced an
interest in the University but do not qualify for membership under Subsections (a), (b) or (c) of this
Section. (amended April 20, 2001; November 9, 2001)
Section 2. Regular Members
Regular Members shall include all members described in Section 1, Subsections (a) and (b), who have
remitted to the Association the appropriate dues established and prescribed by the Governing Board.
Regular Members shall receive all the rights and benefits of membership as may be determined from time
to time by the Board. (amended April 20, 2001)
Section 3. Honorary Members
Any person who has rendered distinguished service to the University of Missouri (MU) or to this
Association may be elected to Honorary Membership in the Association by the Governing Board and
shall have all rights and benefits of Regular Members, without the obligation of paying dues. (amended
April 20, 2001; November 9, 2001)
Section 4. Constitutional Members
All former students of the University who do not remit membership dues as established by the Governing
Board shall be known as Constitutional Members of the Association. Constitutional Members shall be
nonvoting members of the Association and shall be allowed those rights and benefits established from
time to time by the Governing Board. In no event shall the rights or benefits of Constitutional Members
be greater or more substantial than those of Regular Members. (amended April 20, 2001; November 9,
Section 5. Associate Members
Any person who evinces an interest in the University of Missouri (MU) but does not qualify for
membership under Section 1, Subsections (a), (b) or (c), shall, upon payment of annual dues established
by the Governing Board, become an Associate Member, with rights and benefits identical to those of
Regular Members. In no event shall such annual dues be an amount less than that charged Regular
Members. (amended April 20, 2001; November 9, 2001)
Section 1. Authority
Except as otherwise provided by law, the Pro Forma Decree of Incorporation or the Bylaws of the
Association, all of the authority of the Association and its government and management shall be exercised
by the Governing Board. (amended April 20, 2001; November 9, 2001)
Section 2. District and Regional Boundaries
The Governing Board may establish and alter the territorial boundaries of Association chapters, districts
and regions as necessary. (amended April 20, 2001; November 9, 2001, April 12, 2007)
Section 3. Vacancies
In the event of a vacancy on the Governing Board, the remaining Governing Board Members shall, by
majority vote, appoint a Regular, Honorary or Associate Member to fill the unexpired term of the
vacating Member, unless otherwise established by these Bylaws. If the uncompleted term is less than six
months, the abbreviated service of the replacement Member shall not be counted toward the limits
established in Article IV, Section 1. (amended April 20, 2001; November 9, 2001, April 12, 2007)
Section 4. Resignation, Termination or Removal
Any Governing Board Member may resign by notice in writing to the President in care of the Secretary.
Any Governing Board Member may be removed from office on the Governing Board for good cause
upon the vote of at least two-thirds of the Governing Board Members present at a meeting where a
quorum of the Governing Board Members exists. Such termination or removal shall be considered upon
the request of not less than three Governing Board Members; any such request shall be submitted in
writing to the President in care of the Secretary. The Governing Board Member shall receive written
notice not less than 30 days in advance of the meeting at which the issue of removal or termination is to
be addressed. Upon request of the Governing Board Member subject to the removal or termination action,
a hearing shall be held at said meeting prior to the vote of the Governing Board Members. (amended
April 20, 1991; April 20, 2001; November 9, 2001; April 12, 2007)
Section 5. Meetings
The Governing Board shall meet at least three times each year for the transaction of business, at a time
and place to be designated by the President. Special meetings may be called on the initiative of the
President and shall be called by the President in the event of a resolution by the Board or upon receipt of a
written request signed by at least eight Governing Board Members. A minimum of 14 days’ notice by
United States mail, telephone or personal contact shall be given for periodic or special meetings, which
may be held anywhere in the State of Missouri, or by use of any means of communication by which all
Governing Board Members participating may simultaneously hear each other during the meeting.
(amended April 20, 2001; November 9, 2001; amended August 11, 2006)
Section 6. Quorum
The presence of 11 members of the Governing Board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of
business and a vote by a majority of those Governing Board Members present at such time, unless
otherwise provided by law, the Pro Forma Decree of Incorporation or the Bylaws of the Association shall
constitute official and duly authorized action on any matter within the jurisdiction of the Governing
Board. A proxy authorized under Section 7 cannot be used to establish a quorum but must be included in
determination of the vote on any matter for which the proxy is authorized. (amended April 20, 2001;
November 9, 2001; April 12, 2007)
Section 7. Proxies
Any Governing Board Member may name a Regular, Honorary or Associate Member of this Association,
or another Governing Board Member as his proxy. This proxy may be denoted by a letter over his
signature, by telegram or facsimile or other electronic transmission, which shall be directed to the
Governing Board in care of the Secretary, or by telephone message to the Secretary, who shall certify in
writing to the Governing Board the time and place of such call. Upon demand of any Governing Board
Member present, the President or acting President shall notify any absent Member of the use of a proxy in
his name. Such notice shall be in writing and sent to the usual mailing address of said Member. (amended
September 25, 1997; April 20, 2001; November 9, 2001; April 12, 2007)
Section 8. Business by Mail
The Governing Board may authorize the transaction of business by the Governing Board by mail or
facsimile or other electronic transmission. (amended September 25, 1997; April 20, 2001; November 9, 2001)
Section 9. Executive Committee
(a) An Executive Committee shall be established, whose members shall serve one-year terms
commencing on July 1 of each year. The Executive Committee shall consist of the President; the
Immediate Past President; the President-Elect; the Vice President; and the Treasurer. The University staff
members mentioned in Article IV, Section 2, Subsection (h), shall be ex-officio, nonvoting members of
the Executive Committee. (amended April 22, 1989; October 19, 1990; September 14, 1996; September
25, 1997; April 20, 2001)
b) The Executive Committee shall meet at the discretion of the President or at the request of three
Executive Committee Members to discuss Association personnel and/or other highly sensitive issues
affecting the Association. Unless otherwise provided by law, the Pro Forma Decree of Incorporation or
the Bylaws of the Association, said Executive Committee shall have full authority to conduct the business
of the Association, subject to the approval of the Governing Board at its next regular or special meeting.
An act or authorization of an act by the Executive Committee shall be as effective for all purposes as the
act or authorization of the Governing Board, including authorization of activities, expenditures and all
other matters normally within the jurisdiction of the Governing Board, so long as the action is approved
by a vote of a majority of the total membership of said Executive Committee. (amended April 20, 2001;
November 9 , 2001)
Section 10. Expenditures
No expenditure in excess of $1,000 of unallocated funds of this Association shall be made unless it has
been authorized by the Governing Board. (amended April 20, 2001; November 9, 2001)
Section 11. Committees and Task Forces
a) The following standing committees shall be established: Communications, Diversity, Finance,
Membership and Marketing, Mizzou Legislative Network, Schools and Colleges, and Rules. The
President shall fill all vacancies on such standing committees each year. Chairmen of standing
committees shall be nominated by the Nominating Committee each year in accordance with Article V,
Section 2, and shall be considered Members of the Governing Board upon approval of said nominations
by the Governing Board. In this regard, Chairmen of the Communications, Finance, and Rules
committees shall be nominated for two-year terms, to begin their terms during even-numbered years, and
Chairmen of the Diversity, Membership and Marketing, Mizzou Legislative Network, Schools and
Colleges committees shall be nominated for two-year terms, to begin their service during odd-numbered
years. Each standing committee shall maintain written guidelines and operating procedures that conform
with the provisions of these Bylaws and that have been approved by the Governing Board. (amended
September 9, 1988; October 27, 1989; October 22, 1992; September 24, 1999; April 20, 2001; November
9, 2001; February 11, 2006; April 12, 2007; November 7, 2008)
b) The Governing Board or the President may, from time to time, establish and appoint other committees
or task forces deemed necessary or appropriate to serve in an advisory capacity . The Chairman and any
member of any such advisory committee or task force must be a Regular, Honorary or Associate Member
of this Association. (amended April 20, 2001; November 9, 2001; April 12, 2007 )
(c) The President of this Association automatically shall be an ex-officio member of all committees and
task forces established in accordance with Subsections (a) and (b) of this Section. A substantial number of
members of each such committee or task force shall be persons who are not Governing Board Members.
(amended April 20, 2001; November 9, 2001)
Section 1. Term and Eligibility
A Governing Board Member shall be a Regular, Honorary or Associate Member of the Association in
good standing. No person shall be selected for more than 2 (two-year) consecutive terms as a Governing
Board Member, except as follows: Officers listed in Article V, Section 1, shall be Members of the
Governing Board for as long as they hold office, without regard to any limit otherwise imposed by this
Section. The abbreviated service of a Governing Board Member selected to fill an uncompleted term of
less than six months in accordance with Article III, Section 3, shall not be counted toward any limit
otherwise established by this Section. Additionally, if a Governing Board member is selected as a
committee chair, then prior service is not included as part of the committee chair total service. After
absence from the Governing Board for a minimum of two years, any former Governing Board Member
may be selected for additional terms as a Governing Board Member; however, such additional service is
again subject to the limits imposed herein. No person shall serve as an Governing Board Member of the
Association while serving as an employee of the University if service as a Governing Board Member
would give rise to the appearance of impropriety or of a conflict of interest in the performance of the
duties of such person as a Governing Board Member. One Governing Board Member may not hold two
positions simultaneously. (amended April 11, 1992; September 10, 1998; April 20, 2001; November 9,
2001; April 12, 2007)
Section 2. Governing Board Makeup
The Governing Board shall be composed of 22 voting Members, and other non-voting Members, as
follows: (amended April 20, 2001; November 9, 2001; April 12, 2007)
(a) one Member, who represents Missouri districts 7, 11, and 15 and who resides within the district
boundaries; (amended April 20, 1990; September 25, 1997; April 20, 2001; November 9, 2001; April 12, 2007)
(b) one Member, who represents all other Missouri districts not stated in paragraph (a) and who resides in
one of these districts; (amended October 19, 1990; April 20, 1991; April 20, 2001; April 12, 2007)
(c) two out-of-state Members, who represent all members residing outside of the State of Missouri, but
within the United States, and who are not otherwise represented on the Governing Board by virtue of
paragraph (a) or (b); (amended April 20, 1990; April 20, 2001; November 9, 2001; April 12, 2007)
(d) one Member, who represents all members residing outside of the United States, and who resides
outside of the United States; (April 12, 2007; November 7, 2008)
(e) four Members at large appointed by the President for two-year terms, one-half in alternating years;
(amended April 20, 2001; April 12, 2007)
(f) all Association officers;
(g) the immediate Past President of the Governing Board; (amended April 11, 1992; September 25, 1997;
April 20, 2001; November 9, 2001)
(h) the Chairmen of the seven standing committees established in Article III, Section 11; (amended
September 9, 1988; October 27, 1989; October 22, 1992; September 24, 1999; April 20, 2001; April 12,
(i) one Member from the Alumni Association Student Board (“AASB”), as selected by AASB; (amended
September 25, 1997; April 20, 2001; April 12, 2007)
(j) the Vice Chancellor for Development and Alumni Relations; the Associate Vice Chancellor for
Alumni Relations; the Assistant to the Chancellor for University Affairs; the Director of Publications and
Alumni Communication; and the MU Governmental Relations Liaison (all ex-officio, nonvoting
members of the Governing Board); (amended September 25, 1997; April 20, 2001; November 9, 2001;
April 12, 2007)
(k) all other past Presidents, who shall be ex-officio, nonvoting members of the Governing Board and
who may be requested to attend specific meetings and perform specific functions at the discretion of the
President. (amended April 20, 2001; November 9, 2001
Section 3. Association Officers
Officers of the Association shall be considered elected to the Governing Board at the time elected to any
office named in Article VI, Section 1, and shall retain membership upon the Governing Board so long as
they hold such office. The election of a sitting Governing Member to any office named in Article VI,
Section 1, shall constitute a vacancy in his previous Governing Board position, which shall be filled by
the Governing Board in accordance with Article III, Section 3. (amended April 20, 2001; November 9,
2001; April 12, 2007)
Section 4. Conflicts of Interest
Any Governing Board Member with a business or personal interest in any matter before the Association
shall disclose such interest to the Governing Board prior to any action being taken thereon. Any
Governing Board Member who is so interested may be counted in determining the existence of a quorum
at any meeting at which such action may be considered but shall not be entitled to vote on such action. No
action of the Association shall be rendered void solely by the fact that any of the Members are so
interested, but subsequent disclosure of such interest may be a basis for the Governing Board to rescind
such action. (amended April 11, 1992; April 20, 2001; November 9, 2001)
Section 1. Term and Eligibility
Officers of the Association shall serve from July 1 for a period of one year and until their successors are
elected. The Governing Board shall elect Regular, Honorary or Associate Members of the Association to
fill the following offices: President-Elect, Vice President and Treasurer. The President-Elect for one year
automatically shall assume the office of President the following year. One person may not hold two
offices simultaneously. (amended April 11, 1992; September 14, 1996; April 20, 2001; November 9,
Section 2. Nominating Committee
By March 1, the President shall name a Nominating Committee to submit to the Governing Board the
nominations for officers, standing committee Chairmen, and appropriate Governing Board Members for
the ensuing year. This committee shall be drawn from the following: current Governing Board members,
past Governing Board members within four years of their last date of service on the Governing Board, or
current members of standing or ad hoc committees. The President of the Association automatically shall
be an ex-officio, nonvoting member of such Nominating Committee. The Secretary shall publish notice of
the coming election in an Association publication, such notice to include the address of the Secretary, who will
receive nominations. Nominees need not be members of the Governing Board. (amended April
20, 2001; November 9, 2001; April 12, 2007; November 7, 2008)
Section 3. Election
Election of officers shall not take place for at least 14 days after publication of notice of said election but
shall take place at the first meeting of the Governing Board held after such period has elapsed. Election
procedure shall be determined by the Governing Board but must allow the will of a majority of those
present and voting or represented by proxies to prevail. (amended April 20, 2001; November 9, 2001)
Section 4. Vacancies
In the event of a vacancy in the office of President, the President-Elect shall fill the office for the
unexpired term. Other vacancies in the offices of the Association may be filled by the Governing Board
for the unexpired term. In the event of the absence or inability to act of the President, the President-Elect
shall temporarily carry out the duties of the office. In the event both the President and the President-Elect
are absent or unable to perform their duties, the Vice President shall serve as President pro tempore.
(amended September 14, 1996; April 20, 2001; November 9, 2001)
Section 5. Resignation or Removal
Any officer may resign by notice in writing to the Governing Board in care of the Secretary. Any officer
may be removed from office for good cause upon the vote of at least two-thirds of the Governing Board
Members present at a meeting where a quorum of the Governing Board Members exists. Such removal
shall be considered upon the request of not less than three Governing Board Members; any such request
shall be submitted in writing to the Executive Board in care of the Secretary. The officer in question shall
receive written notice not less than 30 days in advance of the meeting at which the issue of removal is to
be addressed. Upon request of the officer subject to the removal action, a hearing shall be held at said
meeting prior to the vote of the Governing Board Members. (amended April 20, 1991; April 20, 2001;
November 9, 2001)
Section 6. Duties of the President
The President shall call and preside at all meetings of the Association, of the Governing Board, and of the
Executive Committee; shall make all appointments as specified in Article III, Section 11, and Article IV,
Section 2; shall have general charge of and control over the programs of the Association, subject to the
direction of the Board and shall perform such additional duties as may be prescribed from time to time by
the Board of Directors or the Bylaws of the Association. (amended October 22, 1992; April 20, 2001;
November 9, 2001; April 12, 2007)
Section 7. Duties of the President-Elect
The President-Elect shall assist the President in the programs of the Association, perform and discharge
the duties of the President in case of the absence of the President and perform such additional duties as
may be prescribed from time to time by the Governing Board or the Bylaws of the Association.
(amended April 20, 2001; November 9, 2001)
Section 8. Duties of the Vice President
The Vice President of the Association shall assist the President in the programs of the Association, chair
and serve on committees as directed and perform other duties as prescribed by the Governing Board or
the Bylaws of the Association. In case both the President and the President-Elect are absent or unable to
perform their duties, the Vice President shall serve as President pro tempore. (amended September 14,
1996; April 20, 2001; November 9, 2001)
Section 9. Duties of the Treasurer
The Treasurer shall, under the direction of the Executive Board and subject to such regulations as the
Governing Board shall prescribe, oversee the finances of the Association and shall report to the
Governing Board on a regular basis on the nature and extent of all finances and investments of the
Association. (amended April 20, 2001; November 9, 2001)
Section 10. Duties of the Secretary
The Secretary shall have made and preserved a record of all proceedings of the Association and shall
perform such other duties as may be prescribed from time to time by the Governing Board or by the
Bylaws of the Association. (amended April 11, 1992; April 20, 2001; November 9, 2001)
Section 11. Duties of the Professional Association Staff
(a) The Associate Vice Chancellor for Development and Alumni Relations shall serve as the Executive
Director of the Alumni Association, shall administer the Association’s budget and shall provide staff
support for Association programs. The Executive Director, subject to the direction of the Governing
Board and the President, is responsible for the day-to-day operations of the Association. The Executive
director shall be the Association’s liaison with the University administration. The Executive Director also shall
perform the duties of Secretary to the Governing Board, and the Executive Committee. (amended April
11, 1992; September 25, 1997; April 20, 2001; November 9, 2001; April 12, 2007)
(b) The Director of Publications and Alumni Communication shall serve as editor of the MIZZOU
magazine, shall provide staff support for other Association publications (see Article VII). (amended
September 8, 1995; April 20, 2001; April 12, 2007)
c) The Vice Chancellor for Development and Alumni Relations shall coordinate the University’s
institutional advancement effort with the Alumni Association. (amended September 25, 1997; April 12,
Section 1. Annual Dues
The Governing Board may establish and prescribe annual dues for membership in the Association. All
dues-paying members of the Association (as well as Honorary Members, who are relieved of the
obligation to pay dues) shall enjoy all the rights and benefits as may be determined from time to time by
the Governing Board. (amended April 20, 2001; November 9, 2001)
Section 2. Special and Promotional Memberships
The Governing Board may, at its discretion, adopt family memberships, life memberships, interim
memberships, trial memberships and other special or promotional memberships for new University of
Missouri (MU) graduates and others but is under no obligation to do so. (amended April 20, 2001;
November 9, 2001)
The Association shall edit, publish, issue and maintain an alumni magazine to be known as the MIZZOU
magazine, to be published throughout the year at such intervals as may be determined by the Governing
Board. The direction of the policies and management of the publication shall be vested in the Governing
Board, acting by and through the Communications Committee. The Director of Publications and Alumni
Communication shall be editor of the MIZZOU magazine (see Article V, Section 11, Subsection (b).
(amended September 8, 1995; April 20, 2001; November 9, 2001)
The Association endorses and pledges its support to the University of Missouri Division of Development
and Alumni Relations, which is the official development office of the University. (amended April 20,
2001; April 12, 2007)
The Governing Board may amend or repeal these Bylaws by the vote of two-thirds of the Governing
Board Members present or represented by proxies at any regular or special meeting, provided that the
notice of said meeting shall contain a verbatim statement of the proposed amendment and that such notice
be mailed to the Governing Board Members at their respective addresses of record at least 14 days in
advance of said meeting. Amendments must be submitted to the Secretary of the Association for review
under procedures approved by the Executive Board. (amended April 20, 1990; April 11, 1992; April 20,
2001; November 9, 2001)
Section 1. Fiscal Year
The fiscal year of the Association shall be from the first day of July each year through the 30th day of
June of the succeeding calendar year.
Section 2. Parliamentary Procedure
Matters of procedure in parliamentary practice not covered in the Pro Forma Decree of Incorporation or
Bylaws of the Association shall be governed by the latest edition of Robert’s Rules of Order.
Section 3. Definitions
As used in these Bylaws, the following terms shall mean:
(a) Association: The University of Missouri (MU) Alumni Association;
(b) Governing Board: The Governing Board of The Mizzou Alumni Association;
(c) University: the University of Missouri (MU). (amended October 19, 1990; September 14, 1996; April 20,
2001; November 9, 2001)
MAA Executive Directors
1852 Charles Allen
1951-1968 Guy H. (Bus) Entsminger
1854-1855 R.L. Todd
1968-1971 Jean Madden
(Corresponding Secretary)
1971-1974 William Dalzell
1854-1855 Sterling Paige, Jr.
1974-1979 Steve Roszell
(Recording Secretary)
1979-1981 Sharon Baysinger
1981-1986 Thomas Schultz
1870-1871 D.W.B. Kurtz
1986-1992 George Walker
1992-1993 James Irvin
1875-1878 S.C. Douglass
1994-2004 J. Todd Coleman
1878-1880 Scott Hayes
Todd McCubbin
1880-1881 R.W. Gentry
1881-1887 C.B. Rollins
1887-1891 Thomas J. Lowry
1891-1895 C.B. Sebastian
1895-1899 N.T. Gentry
1899-1901 S.F. Conley
1901-1902 W.H. Turner
1902-1904 F.W. Niedermeyer
1904-1905 N.T. Gentry
1905-1906 L.E. Bates
1906-1908 Merril E. Otis
1908-1909 W.F. Woodruff
1909-1910 William G. Bek
1910-1911 J.E. Chasnoff
1911-1912 Harry E. Ridings
1912-1914 Charles Ross
1914-1916 Hugh MacKay
1916-1918 H.H. Kinyon
1918-1919 Vaughn Bryant
1919 C.H. Willliams (acting)
1919-1921 C.E. Kane
1921 T.C. Morelock (acting)
1922-1944 R.L. (Bob) Hill
1944-1946 Thelma Woods (interim)
1946-1951 Herbert Bunker
MAA Past Presidents
1877 L.B. Wilkes
1878-1881 Shannon C. Douglass
1882 Alex F. Denny
1883-1884 Odon Guitar
1885-1886 Robert L. Todd
1887-1888 Edwin W. Stephens
1889-1890 Curtis B. Rollins
1891-1894 Gardiner Lathrop
1895-1896 Charles E. Yeater
1897-1898 Isidor Loeb
1899-1900 North T. Gentry
1901-1902 Woodson Moss
1903-1904 Luther M. Defoe
1905-1907 C. M. Jackson
1908-1909 John C. Leggett
1910-1911 Earl F. Nelson
1912-1914 Odon Guitar Jr.
1914-1916 R. B. Caldwell
1916-1920 Allen McReynolds
1920-1922 Forest C. Donnell
1922-1930 Frank Rollins
1930-1934 Wilber Cochel
1934-1938 Richmond C. Coburn
1938-1940 Byron Spencer
1940-1942 Allen Oliver
1942-1944 Laurence M. Hyde
1944-1948 Silas Oak Hunter
1948-1950 Don McVay
1950-1953 Harold Niedorp
1953-1955 Cullen Coil
1955-1956 Richmond J. Charmier
1956-1957 Dutton Brookfield
1957-1958 Flavius Freeman
1958-1959 John Albert Morris
1959-1960 William R. Toler
1960-1962 J. Gordon Blackmore
1962-1963 Eddie Sowers
1963-1964 Bradford Brett
1964-1966 William Tucker
1966-1967 Marvin McQueen
1967-1969 Beauford W. Robinson
1969-1971 Garth Landis
1971-1972 Darryl Francis
1972-1973 Frank Williams
1973-1974 Mitch Murch
1974-1975 Cordell Tindall
1975-1976 William M. Symon, Jr.
1976-1977 John Booth
1977-1978 Doris England
1978-1979 Jerry Tiemann
1979-1980 Barbara Houston Moore
1980-1981 Thomas D. Schultz
1981-1982 Eugene Leonard
1982-1983 Norris W. Phillips
1983-1984 Jack McCausland
1984-1985 William Lenox
1985-1986 Edward K. Powell
1986-1987 Joe Moseley
1987-1988 Eleanor R. Frasier
1988-1989 Carl Schweitzer
1989-1990 J. Edward Travis III
1990-1991 Bob H. Dixson
1991-1992 Richard P. Moore
1992-1993 Thomas J. Lawson
1993-1994 Gerald L. Johnson
1994-1995 Carolyn L. Wiley
1995-1996 G. P. “Rusty” Jandl
1996-1997 Brock L. Hessing
1997-1998 Jean B. Snider
1998-1999 Mark A. Miller
1999-2000 Melodie A. Powell
2000-2001 Cordelia M. Esry
2001-2002 Dale R. Ludwig
2002-2003 Steven S. Vincent
2003-2004 Deborah Snellen
2004-2005 Doug Crews
2005-2006 Jay Dade
2006-2007 Kim Voss
2007-2008 Titus Blackmon
2008-2009 Craig Lalumandier
2009-2010 Jacqueline McEntire Clark
2010-2011 Randall C. Wright
2011-2012 Pamela M. Oberdiek
2012-2013 James B. Gwinner
Officer Job Descriptions
Governing Board Member Expectations
Conflict of Interest Policy
2013-2014 Governing Board
Standing Committees & Committee Guidelines
Ad Hoc Committees
Officer Job Descriptions
Association Officers
Officers of the Association shall be considered elected to the Governing Board at the time elected to any
office named in Article VI, Section 1, and shall retain membership upon the Governing Board so long as they
hold such office. The election of a sitting Governing Board Member to any office named in Article VI, Section
1, shall constitute a vacancy in his previous Governing Board position, which shall be filled by the Governing
Board in accordance with Article III, Section 3. (amended April 20, 2001; November 9, 2001; April 12, 2007)
Duties of the President
The President shall call and preside at all meetings of the Association, of the Governing Board, and of the Executive Committee; shall make all appointments as specified in Article III, Section 11, and Article IV, Section
2; shall have general charge of and control over the programs of the Association, subject to the direction of the
Board and shall perform such additional duties as may be prescribed from time to time by the Board of Directors or the Bylaws of the Association. (amended October 22, 1992; April 20, 2001; November 9, 2001; April 12,
Duties of the President-Elect
The President-Elect shall assist the President in the programs of the Association, perform and discharge the
duties of the President in case of the absence of the President and perform such additional duties as may be
prescribed from time to time by the Governing Board or the Bylaws of the Association. (amended April 20,
2001; November 9, 2001)
Duties of the Vice President
The Vice President of the Association shall assist the President in the programs of the Association, chair and
serve on committees as directed and perform other duties as prescribed by the Governing Board or the Bylaws
of the Association. In case both the President and the President-Elect are absent or unable to perform their
duties, the Vice President shall serve as President pro tempore. (amended September 14, 1996; April 20, 2001;
November 9, 2001)
Duties of the Treasurer
The Treasurer shall, under the direction of the Executive Board and subject to such regulations as the Governing Board shall prescribe, oversee the finances of the Association and shall report to the Governing Board on
a regular basis on the nature and extent of all finances and investments of the Association. (amended April 20,
2001; November 9, 2001)
Duties of the Secretary
The Secretary shall have made and preserved a record of all proceedings of the Association and shall perform
such other duties as may be prescribed from time to time by the Governing Board or by the Bylaws of the Association. (amended April 11, 1992; April 20, 2001; November 9, 2001)
Duties of the Professional Association Staff
(a) The Associate Vice Chancellor for Development and Alumni Relations shall serve as the Executive Director
of the Alumni Association, shall administer the Association’s budget and shall provide staff support for Association programs. The Executive Director, subject to the direction of the Governing Board and the President, is
responsible for the day-to-day operations of the Association. The Executive director shall be the Association’s
liaison with the University administration. The Executive Director also shall perform the duties of Secretary
to the Governing Board, and the Executive Committee. (amended April 11, 1992; September 25, 1997; April
20, 2001; November 9, 2001; April 12, 2007)
(b) The Director of Publications and Alumni Communication shall serve as editor of the MIZZOU magazine,
shall provide staff support for other Association publications (see Article VII). (amended September 8, 1995;
April 20, 2001; April 12, 2007)
c) The Vice Chancellor for Development and Alumni Relations shall coordinate the University’s institutional
advancement effort with the Alumni Association. (amended September 25, 1997; April 12, 2007)
Governing Board Member Expectations
Financial Expectations
Bylaws require that the Board members are dues paying members of the Alumni Association; each Board
member is encouraged to become a life member.
Board members should annually promote membership or annually donate a gift of equal amount to the Alumni
Board members who are life members of the Alumni Association are encouraged to consider “sustaining life”
membership gifts annually.
Board members should consider not requesting travel reimbursement and/or returning a like amount in a gift
to the Alumni Association.
Fiduciary Expectations
Board members should attend all Board meetings (usually three a year).
Board members should study the meeting material sent in advance of each meeting (sometimes sent via email
and sometimes packets are mailed) and be prepared to discuss and vote on agenda “action items”.
Service on a Board, committee or task force is optional, according to interest.
Advocacy Expectations
Board members should publicly praise and promote the University of Missouri.
Board members should support MU with time, talents and personal resources.
Board members should support and participate in the programs, initiatives and activities of the Alumni Association.
Board members should participate, when possible, in key Alumni Association events (example: Homecoming,
Ring Ceremonies, Distinguished Alumni Dinner, Tiger Walk, etc.) Refer to MAA “Calendar of Events”.
Constituency Expectations
Board members should share information about Alumni Association issues, programs and activities with members of constituent groups that the Board members represent (district, chapters, constituent alumni associations, etc.) and represent their interests and opinions to the Board.
Conflict of Interest Policy
The purpose of the conflict of interest policy is to protect the University of Missouri Alumni Association (“Association”) when it is contemplating entering into a transaction or arrangement that might benefit the private
interest of an officer or director of the Association. This policy is intended to supplement but not replace any
applicable state laws governing conflict of interest applicable to non-profit and charitable Associations.
Any director, principal officer or member of a committee of the Association with powers delegated by the
Governing Board of the Association, who has a direct or indirect financial interest, as defined below, is an
interested person.
A person has a financial interest if the person has, directly or indirectly, through business, investment or family
an ownership or investment interest in any entity with which the Association has a transaction
or arrangement, or
a compensation arrangement with the Association or with any entity or individual with which the Association has a transaction or arrangement, or
a potential ownership or investment interest in, or compensation arrangement with, any entity or
individual with which the Association is negotiating a transaction or arrangement.
Family shall mean an individual’s spouse, parents, brother, sister, child, father-in-law, mother-in-law, brotherin-law, sister-in-law, son-in-law and daughter-in-law.
Entity shall mean any sole proprietorship, partnership, limited partnership, limited liability company, corporation, professional corporation, association, professional association, enterprise, franchise, trust, joint venture,
business or other entity, whether non-profit or carried on for profit.
Compensation includes direct and indirect remuneration as well as gifts or favors that are substantial in nature.
A financial interest is not necessarily a conflict of interest. Under Article III, Section 2, a person who has a
financial interest will be determined to have a conflict of interest if the Association’s Board of Directors or appropriate committee decides that a conflict of interest exists.
In connection with any actual or possible conflict of interest, an interested person must disclose the existence
of his or her financial interest AND ALL MATERIAL FACTS to the directors and members of committees
with Board delegated powers considering the proposed transaction or arrangement.
After disclosure of the financial interest AND ALL MATERIAL FACTS, AND AFTER ANY DISCUSSION
WITH the interested person, HE OR SHE shall leave the Board or committee meeting while the DETERMINATION OF A CONFLICT OF INTEREST is discussed and voted upon. The remaining Board or
committee members shall decide if a conflict of interest exists.
An interested person may make a presentation at the Board or committee meeting, but after such a
presentation, he/she shall leave the meeting during the discussion of, and the vote on, the transaction or the
arrangement that is the subject of the potential conflict of interest.
The chairperson of the Board or committee shall, if appropriate, appoint a disinterested person or
committee to investigate alternatives to the proposed transaction or arrangement.
After exercising due diligence, the Board or committee shall determine whether the Association can
obtain a more advantageous transaction or arrangement with reasonable efforts from a person or entity that
would not give rise to a conflict of interest.
If a more advantageous transaction or arrangement is not reasonably attainable under circumstances
that would not give rise to a conflict of interest, the Board or committee shall determine by a majority vote of
the disinterested directors whether the transaction or arrangement is in the Association’s best interest and for
its own benefit and whether the transaction is fair and reasonable to the Association, and shall make its decision as to whether to enter into the transaction or arrangement in conformity with such determination.
If the Board or committee has reasonable cause to believe that a member has failed to disclose actual
or possible conflicts of interest, it shall inform the member of the basis for such a belief and afford the member
an opportunity to explain the alleged failure to disclose.
If, after hearing the response of the member and making such further investigation as may be warranted in the circumstances, the Board or committee determines that the member has in fact failed to disclose
an actual or possible conflict of interest, it shall take appropriate disciplinary and corrective action.
The minutes of the Governing Board and all committees with Board-delegated powers shall contain:
The names of the persons who disclosed or otherwise were found to have a financial interest in connection with an actual or possible conflict of interest, the nature of the financial interest was present, and the
Board’s or committee’s decision as to whether a conflict of interest existed.
The names of the persons who were present for discussions and votes relating to the transaction or
arrangement, the content of the discussion, including any alternatives to the proposed transaction or arrangement, and a record of any votes taken in connection therewith.
Each director, principal officer and member of a committee with Board delegated powers shall annually sign a
statement, which affirms that such a person—
a. has received a copy of this Conflict of Interest Policy,
b. has read and understands this Policy,
c. has agreed to comply with this Policy, and
d. understands that the Association is a 501(C)(3) organization and that in order to maintain its federal tax
exemption it must engage primarily in activities which accomplish one or more of its tax exempt purposes.
2013-2014 Governing Board
Tracey E. Mershon, BJ ‘85
Lee’s Summit, MO
Spouse: T. Bruce Mershon
Life Member
Number of Years on the Board: 5
Tracey Mershon has 25 years of experience in marketing communications, corporate public relations, nonprofit fund development, and journalism. She has been a consultant for 19 years, and co-owner and partner
of Mershon & McDonald Creative Communications Strategies since 1998. In this role, Tracey has helped
create and implement many highly successful public relations programs in the Kansas City area. Today, her
consulting firm works with the nonprofit and philanthropic community on awareness and branding campaigns,
marketing and communications, media relations, fund development and nonprofit management issues. Tracey
also leads workshops on crisis communications and media relations, and provides extensive media interview
Prior to owning her own company, Tracey worked for Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas City where she
helped bring to Kansas City a national nonprofit foundation called the Caring Program for Children, which
offered health insurance coverage to needy children. Tracey served as Executive Director of the Missouri Valley Caring Program for Children. She also helped start and was editor of Blue Cross and Blue Shield’s lifestyle
magazine, Kansas City Live! read by more than 100,000 households.
Tracey is currently President of the Alumni Association’s national Governing Board; and has served on its
Marketing/Membership, Finance and Diversity committees. Tracey is past chairperson for the Griffiths
Leadership Society for Women, a leadership/mentor program of the Mizzou Alumni Association. She is on
the board of directors for the Kansas City Chapter of MAA. Tracey also serves on the board of directors for
the Truman Heartland Community Foundation. She served as president of the board of directors for the Rose
Brooks Center in 1996. She was presented an Up and Comers Award by the Kansas City Business Journal, and
has received PRISM Awards from the Kansas City Chapter of the Public Relations Society of America.
Tracey received her B.A. in Journalism from the University of Missouri-Columbia. She participated in the
Leadership Institute of the Kansas Health Foundation, class of 2000. For more information, please go to www.
Tracey and her husband Bruce have three boys. Their oldest son, Thomas, and his wife Meredith graduated
from MIZZOU and were members of AASB; Chris is a midshipman at the United States Naval Academy; and
David is a senior at Lee’s Summit North High School.
W. Dudley McCarter, JD ‘75
Creve Coeur, MO
Spouse: Elizabeth McCarter
Endowed Life Member
Number of Years on the Board: 2
Dudley McCarter is a principal in the St. Louis law firm of Behr, McCarter & Potter, P. C. He received his
B.A. degree, cum laude, from Knox College in 1972, and his J. D. degree in 1975 from the University of Missouri – Columbia. He is a past president of The Missouri Bar and the St. Louis County Bar Association.
He received the Faculty-Alumni Award from the Mizzou Alumni Association in 1994, the Geyer Award for
Public Service to Higher Education (2004) and the Distinguished Service Award (2009). He has also received
the Citation of Merit from the University of Missouri – Columbia School of Law (1993) and the Purcell Professionalism Award from The Missouri Bar (2001).
He has been active in a variety of charitable and civic organizations. He served on the Board of the Children’s
Trust Fund of Missouri, the Missouri Foundation for the Prevention of Child Abuse, and was Chair of that organization from 2001 to 2003. He also served on the Board of Education for the Parkway School District and
the Board of Directors of the St. Louis Crisis Nursery. He has been on the faculty of the Missouri Trial Judges
College every year since 1997.
Mr. McCarter has been elected to the “Best Lawyers in America” every year since 2002. His practice is concentrated in the area of civil litigation. He has authored many articles published in the Journal of The Missouri
His wife, Beth McCarter, is a principal of the St. Louis law firm of Dunlop & McCarter. Dudley and Beth have
three daughters, Katherine, Libby and Emily. He often follows his wife to the marathons she runs in and has
actually completed 10 half-marathons.
Vice President
Sherri Gallick, BS Ed ‘82
Vice President
Lakeland, TN
Spouse: Randy Gallick
Life Member
Number of Years of the Board: 5
Sherri Gallick is an executive with more than 25 years of experience in Sales, Management, Marketing and
Logistics. Much of her career focus has been in the Consumer Products Industry where she worked for the
Sara Lee Corporation, Fresh Mark Corporation and Maple Leaf Farms. In 2013, Sherri traded her high heels
for tennis shoes and her suits for spandex and a ball cap. She is now a certified trainer educating people on
the benefits of health, fitness and quality of life. In the ever changing world of healthcare, she makes sure her
clients know that they can prevent or reduce many ailments and/or diseases through exercise and proper nutrition.
Sherri graduated from the University of Missouri in 1982 with a BS in Education. She also has an MBA from
Webster University. She is the past President of MIZZOU’s Indianapolis, Indiana Alumni Chapter and currently serves as the President of the MidSouth Memphis Alumni Chapter. She received the MIZZOU Tiger
Pride Award in 2007 and she is also active in the Griffiths Leadership Society for Women. She served on the
Governing Board from July 2008 – June 2012 as an out-of-state representative, as Treasurer in 2012-2013 and
she is currently the Vice President of the MIZZOU Alumni Association Governing Board.
Sherri is also committed to giving back and making her local community better. She is a liaison for Economic
Development and a Municipal Planning Commissioner for the city of Lakeland, Tennessee. She serves on
the board for the Shelby County Republican Women of Purpose and she is a volunteer at St. Vincent’s Food
Kitchen & Mission in Memphis, TN.
Sherri’s husband Randy is an executive for Roche Diagnostics. They reside in the Memphis, TN metropolitan
area and have two sons; Adam, who lives in Indianapolis and is a Special Operations Staff Sergeant with the
Army National Guard and Ryan, who is currently in his last year of Law School at the University of Miami.
Ted D. Ayres, JD ‘72
Wichita, KS
Spouse: Marcia Ayres
Life Member
Number of Years on the Board: 1st year
Ted D. Ayres earned his Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration from Central Missouri State
College in 1969 and his Juris Doctorate degree in 1972 from the University of Missouri.
From 1972 to 1976 Mr. Ayres served as law clerk to Judge J.P. Morgan of the Missouri Supreme Court, was a
partner with the firm of Stubbs and Ayres in Chillicothe, Missouri, (also serving as the Assistant Prosecuting
Attorney of Livingston County) and was an attorney with the Southwestern Bell Telephone Company corporate headquarters legal department in St. Louis, respectively.
In 1976 Mr. Ayres began his career in higher education law as counsel for University of Missouri and, in 1984
he became General Counsel for the University of Colorado. In 1986 he became General Counsel to the Kansas Board of Regents. This position expanded when he was also named Director of Governmental Relations in
1992 and served as the chief spokesperson for the Board and the Regents System for five legislative sessions.
In May of 1996 Mr. Ayres joined Wichita State University as General Counsel and Associate to the President.
In July of 2002, Mr. Ayres was promoted to Vice President and General Counsel. He also serves as General
Counsel to the WSU Foundation, the WSU Intercollegiate Athletic Association, Inc., and the WSU Board of
Trustees. During his career, Mr. Ayres has also served as Interim President of Pittsburg State University in
Pittsburg, Kansas, and as Interim Director of the Ulrich Museum of Art at Wichita State University (on two
separate occasions).
In 1996, Ayres received a Bingham Foundation Scholarship to attend the NACUA Institute at Harvard University. In July of 2000, he was an invited participant in the Oxford Round Table (Higher Education law) at
Somerville College, Oxford University, Oxford, England. In 2004, Mr. Ayres completed the Federal Bureau of
Investigation Citizens Academy and in 2009, he attended the National Security Forum at Maxwell Air Force
Base in Montgomery, Alabama, upon invitation of the Secretary of the Air Force.
His past professional and community affiliations include serving as member of the Board of Directors of the
National Association of College and University Attorneys, the Downtown YMCA in Topeka, the Wichita
Technology Corporation, and the Tornado Alley Tigers Chapter of the Mizzou Alumni Association. He is a
life member of the Mizzou Alumni Association and served on the MAA Governing Board as an at large appointment from 2010 to 2012. He served a two-year term as President of the Tornado Alley Tigers Chapter
in Wichita. Ayres is also a lifetime member of the WSU Alumni Association. Additionally, Mr. Ayres’ public
service includes service as a member of the board of Trustees of KPTS Public Television in Wichita, as well as
serving as President of the Board of Directors of WWII Memorial, Inc.
Mr. Ayres is licensed to practice law in Missouri, Colorado and Kansas. He is or has been licensed to practice
in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Missouri, the U.S. District Court of Colorado, the 8th
Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals, the 10th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals and the United States Supreme Court.
In 1981, he argued the case of Widmar v. Vincent before the United States Supreme Court.
On February 24, 2009, Mr. Ayres received the A. Price Woodard, Jr. Humanitarian of the Year Award from Diversity Kansas. On October 30, 2010, he was named Person of the Year by the Wichita chapter of the NAACP.
And, on February 6, 2013, he received a 2013 Building Bridges Award at National TRIO Day on the WSU
Ted and his wife, Marcia, have three sons, and two grandchildren.
Past- President
Jim Gwinner, BA ‘90
Immediate Past President
St. Louis, MO
Spouse: Angie Fox Gwinner
Endowed Life Member
Number of Years on the Board: 6
Jim Gwinner graduated from Mizzou in 1990 with a degree in Political Science. A member of Beta Sigma
Psi Fraternity, he was commissioned as a 2nd Lieutenant through the Army ROTC program and entered the
reserve components of the U.S. Army. Upon his return, he went to work in Missouri politics working to elect
candidates, championing issue-advocacy efforts and building coalitions across the state for his clients. His career in public affairs now spans more than 20 years. Jim began James Gwinner and Associates, his own consulting firm, in 2006 specializing in state and federal political issues. He also successfully managed a fellow Mizzou
alum’s election campaign.
Recently, Jim joined LS2group as the Senior Vice President of Public Affairs in its Midwest office. LS2group
was founded as a public affairs firm utilizing the campaign experience of its principals and staff to accomplish
seemingly impossible goals for clients.
Jim served as Chapter President for both the Cole County and St. Louis (Gateway Tigers) Chapters. He then
joined the MAA Governing Board where he chaired the Mizzou Legislative Network from 2007 – 2009. In
that role, Jim helped to redefine the efforts of the MLN planting the seeds for what has today become the
grassroots advocacy voice for Mizzou Alumni. He is a board member of the Army ROTC Alumni Chapter and
serves on the Chancellor’s Fund for Excellence Committee.
Jim and his wife, Angie Fox Gwinner (MU ’94), reside in St. Louis with their two children (Classes of 2026
and 2029).
Communications Committee Chair
William Fialka, BS BA ‘78
Chair, Communications Committee
Lee’s Summit, MO
Spouse: Denise Fialka
Endowed Life Member
Number of Years on the Board: 1
A thirty-year veteran in advertising and marketing, Bill serves as CEO of Associated Integrated Marketing
headquartered in Wichita, Kansas. Throughout his career Bill has had the opportunity to work for agencies
such as Barkley & Evergreen (now Barkley) in Kansas City and Noble & Associates in Springfield, Missouri
on brands including Gerber Baby and Toddler Foods, Mrs. Smith’s Pies, Del Monte, Mazzio’s Pizza, and Basic
American Foods. He also has held corporate marketing positions with Interstate Bakeries and Keebler Company.
Bill has three children, two are MU graduates, and is married to Denise Fialka. They reside in Lee’s Summit,
Diversity Committee Chair
Andrea Allison-Putman, BS BA ‘85
Chair, Diversity Committee
Kansas City, MO
Spouse: André Putman
Endowed Life Member
Number of Years on the Board: 2
Andrea Allison-Putman serves at the Chief People Officer for the YMCA of Greater Kansas City. Andrea leads
the areas of staff and volunteer leadership, payroll, benefits, inclusion and diversity, training, team recruitment
and the Y-USA regional training partner efforts. She has more than 20 years of executive experience in the
areas of leadership development, employee relations, inclusion advancement, recruiting, training/education and
volunteer engagement. Her background combines human resources management with community relations
expertise. In her spare time, Andrea volunteers with many nonprofit organizations including Harvesters – The
Community Food Network, Coterie Theatre and Griffiths Leadership Society. Andrea resides in Kansas City,
MO with her husband André and they have three children.
Finance Committee Chair
Gary Thompson, BS ‘82
Chair, Finance Committee
Columbia, MO
Spouse: Julie Ann Thompson
Life Member
Number of Years on the Board: 1
Gary W. Thompson is President & Chief Executive Officer of Columbia Insurance Group, a regional property
and casualty insurance company providing customized risk management services and insurance protection to
small and mid-sized businesses throughout the Midwest, South and Southeastern United States. He earned
his Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Missouri-Columbia and his MBA with an emphasis in
Risk Management and Insurance from Walden University. A life long learner, Gary has pursued his professional education by earning the designations of Chartered Property Casualty Underwriter (CPCU), Certified
Insurance Counselor (CIC), Associate in Reinsurance (ARe), and Associate in Information Technology (AIT).
Gary has served on various boards and committees for local, state and national professional organizations and
presently serves as Board Chair for the Property & Casualty Conference of the National Association of Mutual
Insurance Companies.
Gary has been an active volunteer in many facets of the community, including service as Campaign Chair,
Director and Board President of the Heart of Missouri United Way and as a Director and Board Chair of Job
Point, Inc. He remains active in the Columbia Area Chamber of Commerce where he as served in numerous
capacities including Treasurer, Board Member and Chair of the Budget & Finance Committee and Leadership
Columbia. He presently serves as a member of the Community Impact – Income Committee and Co-Chair of
the Major Firms Campaign of the Heart of Missouri United Way, Chamber of Commerce Airport Committee
and as a member of the Finance Committee for the Mizzou Alumni Association.
Gary and his wife, Julie, have been blessed with five healthy and energetic children, including a 2012 Mizzou
graduate, who continue to both enrich and challenge them every day, some of which have now moved off the
payroll, at least theoretically. In between work and family, Gary enjoys travel, golf, reading, snow skiing and
following college athletics. Go Tigers!
Membership & Marketing Committee Chair
Ellie Preslar, BS BE ‘04
Chair, Membership & Marketing Committee
Nashville, TN
Endowed Life Member
Number of Years on the Board: 2
Ellie Preslar is a Senior Account Executive for Procter & Gamble in Nashville, Tennessee. She leads the
Health & Beauty Team for the Dollar General account. Prior to this assignment, Ellie developed the sales
strategy for Tide, sold P&G’s hair care portfolio to Walmart stores in Fayetteville, Arkansas and worked in
Minneapolis, Minnesota on P&G’s pharmaceutical business.
Ellie is the Past Chair of the Griffiths Leadership Society for Women. She has served as the Outreach Department Chair for her church, a steering committee member for Paint the Town Red, a fund-raiser for the
American Heart Association, and served on the Young Professional Arts Society council. She was also involved
as a member of the Long Range Planning Committee for the Mizzou Alumni Association and as co-chair of
the Mizzou Young Alumni Association Steering Committee.
Mizzou Legislative Network Committee Chair
Lesa McCartney, BSN ‘77, MS ‘97
Chair, Mizzou Legislative Network Committee
Kirksville, MO
Spouse: Jack W. McCartney
Annual Member
Number of Years on the Board: 1st year
Lesa McCartney, Kirksville, Missouri has been selected to serve in the capacity of chairperson for the Mizzou Legislative Network Committee. McCartney has had long term involvement with the Adair Co. Mizzou
Alumni Association Chapter, serving previously as President and now Membership Co-Chair. She has previously served on the Mizzou Alumni Association Governing Board from 2008 – 2012 in the capacity of representative for small in-state chapters in Missouri. Since 2009, Lesa has held the position of Vice Chair for MLN
and has been actively involved in its continued development. McCartney has a BSN and MS in Nursing from
the Sinclair School of Nursing and has worked in the nursing profession for over 30 years in several different
clinical and administrative positions. She currently is employed at Preferred Family Healthcare, a behavioral
health organization, with headquarters in Kirksville. Lesa is married to Jack McCartney, BS '73, MS '74, and
has 2 daughters – Kinsey, a MU graduate - BS '09, and Courtney BS '12 from William Jewell College. Lesa is
excited to have this opportunity in working further with MLN and serving the University in this capacity.
Rules Committee Chair
Christina M. Hammers, BJ ‘90, MPA ‘96, JD ‘03
Chair, Rules Committee
Springfield, MO
Endowed Life Member
Number of Years on the Board: 3
Christina M. Hammers is the Accreditation Director for the American College of Forensic Examiners Institute
(ACFEI) in Springfield, MO. ACFEI is an independent, scientific and professional association representing forensic examiners worldwide. It provides continuing education, credentials and basic and advanced training for
a wide variety of forensic experts, including forensic consultants, accountants, nurses, investigators, physicians,
social workers and criminal investigators, to name a few.
Previously, Christina practiced law specializing in the area of workers’ compensation. She served as an assistant
attorney general for the State of Missouri defending the State in workers’ compensation claims for eight years,
and then worked for two years representing injured workers on behalf of the Van Camp Law Firm, LLC. Prior
to earning her law degree in 2003, Christina worked as a public relations professional for 10 years representing
numerous public agencies and organizations.
Christina served on the MAA Governing Board from 2007-’09, and then returned to the Governing Board in
2010 as the Chair of the Rules Committee. She also served on the Alumni Advisory Board for MU’s Truman
School of Public Affairs. She is an active volunteer for Special Olympics Missouri, serving as a general volunteer, a venue coordinator, chair of the SOMO Summer Games held in Springfield, MO from 2008-’11 and as a
member of SOMO’s Strategic Planning Committee.
Schools & Colleges Committee Chair
Mica Ward, BJ ‘91
Chair, Schools & Colleges Committee
Denver, CO
Endowed Life Member
Number of Years on the Board: 1st year
After graduating from J-School, Mica worked at newspapers in Connecticut and Alabama. But it was her
experience covering a nuclear project while at Mizzou that led to her work at Argonne National Laboratory.
For 19 years, Mica worked with the Chemical Stockpile Emergency Preparedness Program helping safely store
chemical weapons until they could be destroyed. She’s excited to be transitioning into the next phase of her
career by opening her own consulting company for event management and strategic planning and writing.
Mica has been active in the Rocky Mountain Tiger chapter serving as vice president and member-at-large
where she created signature events in Colorado for Mizzou Advantage and the College of Arts & Science.
She is a native of Conway, Arkansas, but loves living in downtown Denver.
At-Large Representative
Jill Brown, BS BA ‘78
At-Large Representative
St. Louis, MO
Life Member
Number of Years on the Board: 1
Jill Brown is principal of Caldwell Brown LLC, providing analytical, strategic and financial consulting and
project management to businesses. Jill graduated from Mizzou with an accounting degree, is a CPA and obtained an Executive MBA from Washington University in St. Louis. After graduation from Mizzou, Jill worked
for Price Waterhouse, attaining senior manager prior to joining Brown Shoe’s corporate development department. She then joined Mallinckrodt Medical (now Covidien) as global group CFO and then General American
Life Insurance (now CIGNA), leading acquisitions for the Group Health division. Jill has also served as chief
financial officer of several smaller organizations in St. Louis including the YMCA of Greater St. Louis and
Integrated Chemical Management Solutions.
Jill was part of the launch of Mizzou Alumni’s Griffiths Leadership Society for Women, serving on the executive board and as Chair in 2008/2009. Jill serves the St. Louis community in various volunteer activities
including past treasurer and board member of the Arts and Education Council of Greater St. Louis. Currently,
she serves the stewardship committee of Ladue Chapel and is on the board of Washington University EMBA
At-Large Representative
Matt Krueger, BA ‘76
At-Large Representative
St. Johns, FL
Spouse: Karen Krueger
Endowed Life Member
Number of Years on the Board: 1
Matt Krueger graduated from Ol’ Mizzou in 1976, with a degree in Political Science. After attending Law
School at the University of Tulsa, he joined Rockwell International offices in Tulsa. He was transferred to
Rockwell’s Aviation Division headquarters in El Segundo, CA in 1984 to serve as the Small Business and
Economic Utilization Officer on the B-1B bomber program. He worked to qualify small, women-owned and
minority-owned businesses for sub-contracting opportunities with the Department of Defense, the Defense
Logistics Agency and the Department of the Air Force. In 1987, Matt joined Nissan North American. He
served in a number of different positions and was transferred to Nissan’s Southeast Regional Office in Jacksonville, FL in 1993. In 2005, he accepted a position in the corporate offices of Hyundai Motor America in Costa
Mesa, CA. He was promoted to the position of Regional Sales Manager for Hyundai’s Southern Regional
Office in Atlanta in 2006. Currently, Matt is the National Sales Manager for Audio Images International, a
telecommunication services provider to the multi-family apartment industry.
Matt has served on the Executive Board of a number of local MAA chapters including Tulsa, Los Angeles, Jacksonville, South Florida and Atlanta. Under his leadership, the Tulsa Chapter was voted the Most Outstanding
Out-of-State Chapter in 1982 and the Northeast Florida Chapter achieved Capstone achievement in 2003.
He has served on MAA’s National Board as the Southwest Regional Representative. He was a member of the
second Long-Range Planning Committee and served as a subcommittee chairman of the Leadership Development Committee. Matt and his wife Karen live in St. Johns, FL and are proud parents of their two children,
Courtney and Martin.
At-Large Representative
Debra Weekley, BJ ‘82
At-Large Representative
Portland, OR
Life Member
Number of Years on the Board: 1st year
Debra Weekley is a Consultant focused on team effectiveness, strategic research and recruiting. Her Oregon
Trail adventure started in Missouri and continues in Portland, OR. After an exciting career in ad agencies
Wieden + Kennedy (where she helped launch the Just Do It campaign) and Saatchi Saatchi, Deb eventually
switched to the client side and worked in Nike Marketing and Recruiting. Deb now focuses her consultancy
on select programs that build successful brands and teams for companies that create products, movements,
campaigns, communities and inspired individuals.
Incubated at the School of Journalism at the University of Missouri (BJ ’82), she now serves as the President
of the Oregon Alumni Chapter and is also helping start a non-profit focused on college women ‘What Smart
Girls Do.' With a daughter at MIZZOU and a son at the University of Montana in Missoula, Deb proudly
paddles along the Missouri River to support their own Oregon Trail journey.
At-Large Representative
Lincoln Stephens, BJ ‘03
At-Large Representative
Dallas, TX
Number of Years on the Board: 1st year
Lincoln Stephens is a former Advertising Account Management Executive (Carol H Williams, Martin Retail,
and TracyLocke) turned activist, muckraker and social entrepreneur. In his professional career, Stephens has
worked with top brands such as Frito Lay, Quaker, Pepsi, Cadillac, Hummer, Chevrolet, and Coca-Cola.
Born in Dallas, Texas, Stephens is a graduate of the University of Missouri-Columbia where he received
a Bachelor’s in Journalism with a focus in Strategic Communications and recently completed his Master’s
Degree in Entertainment Business at Full Sail University. He is also an accomplished community organizer.
In that capacity, he has served as the Chicago & Dallas Street Team Leader for Rock The Vote, as well as an
active leader & servant in a variety of urban-progressive organizations such as: African American Leaders of
Tomorrow, American Cancer Society-Relay for Life, Dallas Urban League Young Professionals, YMCA, and
Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc.
In November 2008, Stephens decided to quit his job to pursue his passion for mentorship and co-founded a
non profit organization called The Marcus Graham Project. The organization which is focused on bringing
more diversity to the advertising industry through mentorship, exposure and career development has been featured in Advertising Age, Black Enterprise Magazine, Savoy Magazine, and on CNN and NBC. Additionally,
he was recently named as one of Advertising Age's top 40 marketing leaders under 40 and previously featured
in Ebony Magazine as one of the top entrepreneurs in the country under the age of 34.
In-State Representative: Small Chapters
Julie Gates, BS Ed ‘99
In-State Representative: Small Chapters
Jefferson City, MO
Spouse: Jeffrey Gates
Endowed Life Member
Number of Years on the Board: 1
Julie Gates has been employed by the American Cancer Society since 2001. She has spent her tenure working
on the Society's signature fundraising event, Relay for Life, and is currently the Vice President-Relay For Life
for the states of Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Hawaii and Guam. Prior to joining the Society, she
was a volunteer for the American Cancer Society and a teacher in the Jefferson City Public School system.
Julie has been an active member of the Cole County Chapter since 2003, serving as President since 2005. She
has served as the chair of the annual tailgate party and currently serves on the tailgate party and scholarship
subcommittees. She is a past recipient of the Mizzou Spirit Award (a local Chapter award), has served as a
judge for the Homecoming BBQ and Mizzou '39, and is a 2008 graduate of Leadership Mizzou.
Julie is a 1999 graduate of Mizzou and holds a Master of Education Administration from William Woods University. She is a member of Kappa Kappa Gamma and has been an active member of the Advisory Board since
2005. She has also been involved with the Jefferson City Area Chamber of Commerce, Boys and Girls Club,
and is a 2006 Leadership Jefferson City graduate.
Julie and her husband JJ, also a Mizzou graduate, reside in Jefferson City along with their son, Hudson.
In-State Representative: Large Chapters
Robin Wenneker, BS BA ‘91
In-State Representative: Large Chapters
Columbia, MO
Endowed Life Member
Number of Years on the Board: 2
Robin is a General Partner in a family business that owns farm, rental and raw land holdings. She has worked
with her family for 14 years handling investments, legal, government and accounting interfaces.
Prior to working in her family business Robin worked for Procter & Gamble in Institutional Sales in Denver,
Colorado. She also worked for the 1996 Atlanta Paralympic Games in Atlanta, Georgia -- the world's largest
games for the disabled-- where she was the Director of Guest and Food Services and the Venue Director of
the Headquarters Hotel. In this role, she created the operational plans for other key areas as well as identifying
revenue generating and sponsorship opportunities that made her areas self supporting. She moved to St. Louis
in 1997 and worked for an event marketing firm, Marketing Mix, that specialized in entertainment clients
where she worked with VH1, Coca-Cola, ESPN and the WB.
Robin will serve as the large chapter in-state representative. Her MAA involvement includes being involved
with alumni chapters in Atlanta, St. Louis and Boone County. She currently serves on the board for the Boone
County Chapter. Robin received the Gold Award in 2001. Additionally, she has been one of the association's
alumni representatives to the Intercollegiate Athletics Committee and currently serves on the association's
Rules Committee. She is an active member of Griffiths Leadership Society for Women serving as the mentor
task force co-chair.
Her Mizzou involvement includes serving on the executive committee for the Agriculture Foundation for
the College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources. She is a member of Friends of the Library Society
Council and is a past president of the Mizzou Tiger Club St. Louis. She continues to be active with Kappa
Alpha Theta serving as the Permanent Alumnae Secretary and as the co-chair for the centennial reunion of the
chapter at Mizzou in 2009.
Robin graduated with a BS BA from Mizzou in 1991 and an MBA from Washington University in St. Louis in
Out-of-State Representative
Mark Bauer, MBA ‘69
Out-of-State Representative
Southlake, TX
Spouse: Mary Bauer
Annual Member
Number of Years on the Board: 1
Mark Bauer retired from IBM Corporation September 1, 2011 with over 40 years of service. Mark began
his career in Jefferson City, Missouri after initially interviewing for an IBM sales position on campus at the
University of Missouri-Columbia. After several successful years as a sales representative, Mark became sales
manager in Shreveport, LA where he won several sales and sales management leadership awards. While in
Shreveport, Mark became very active in the Independence Bowl and eventually became President of the Independence Bowl Foundation in 1995 and was a member of the Executive Committee and Team Selection Committee from 1990 to 1999. Mark also worked in Atlanta, GA at IBM’s National Marketing Division Headquarters as Program Director for End User Products Marketing. From there, Mark became Manager of Software
and Services in St. Louis as IBM made entry into the services business. Finally, Mark finished his career in Dallas, TX from 1999 to 2011 as a Solutions Executive integrating major business management systems.
Mark has been very active in the Dallas Ft. Worth Mizzou Alumni Chapter for the last seven years. He served
on the board of directors for 4 years and is in his third year as President of the DFW Chapter. Mark has been
very instrumental in involving young alums and guiding them into leadership positions. Additionally, Mark has
been very involved with the chapter’s scholarship program and initiated a long term relationship with Children’s Medical Center of Dallas in leading their annual toy drive and coordinating craft days with seriously ill
Mark received his Masters in Business Administration (MBA) from the University of Missouri-Columbia
and served as a teaching assistant. Mark received his undergraduate degree in Business Administration from
Bradley University, Peoria , IL. Mark also served in the United States Army after graduating from Mizzou and
served in Vietnam.
Mark is married to Mary Leonard Bauer and currently resides in Southlake, TX. Mary is an LSU graduate,
as is their daughter Morgan. Mark and Mary also have a son that is a recent graduate of University of Central
Arkansas, Conway, Arkansas where he was a member of the baseball team. Currently Mark is busy playing a lot
of golf, following all Mizzou sports and the entire SEC, and enjoying the opportunity to stay involved with the
University of Missouri.
Out-of-State Representative
Craig Politte, BS BA ‘93
Out-of-State Representative
New York, NY
Endowed Life Member
Number of Years on the Board: 2
Craig Politte is a native of Columbia and a lifelong Tiger fan. Craig graduated from Mizzou in 1993 with a BS
BA and was a member of Kappa Alpha fraternity. While at Mizzou, Craig studied abroad twice to further his
educational experience. Since graduation, Craig has worked in the reinsurance industry, including initially in
London, back in Columbia, and finally moving to New York in 2002. In 2000, Craig earned an International
M.B.A. from the University of South Carolina and Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien (Vienna, Austria) during which
he served on the MBA Student Association Executive Council and was awarded the “Outstanding Dedication
and Lasting Contribution” Award upon graduation.
As a member of the Mizzou Alumni Chapter in New York City (MizzouNYC), Craig has served as PresidentElect, President, and as Past President. During his time with MizzouNYC, Craig has helped to earn the Columns status for the chapter over the past couple years, has been focused on broadening the chapter involvement among Mizzou's diverse alumni base, and is a co-founder of the New York Metropolitan Big 12 Alumni
Chapter Leaders Council which serves the purpose of further integrating Big 12 leadership and assisting other
Big 12 chapters in the NYC Metropolitan Area.
International Representative
Christine Chan, BJ ‘06, MA ‘08
International Representative
Life Member
Number of Years on the Board: 2
Christine Chan is a financial graphics journalist at Thomson Reuters, one of the largest multimedia news agencies
in the world. Christine works on the Asia Desk which is based in Singapore and is responsible for creating financial
and explanatory information graphics for financial professionals. Before joining Reuters, she worked at New Yorkbased publishing house – Condé Nast – and a 3D graphics design firm.
Christine graduated with a Bachelor in Journalism from the University of Missouri in 2006 and received an MA in
Journalism in 2008.
Student Representative
Rachel Newman, Education
Student Representative
Jefferson City, MO
True Tiger Student Member
Number of Years of the Board: 1st year
Rachel Newman is a senior from Jefferson City, MO studying Elementary Education. She currently serves
as President of the Alumni Association Student Board (AASB). Since joining AASB in 2010, Rachel has also
served as Vice President of True Tigers, the student chapter of the Mizzou Alumni Association. She is an
Alumni Scholar of the Cole County Mizzou Alumni Association Chapter and recipient of the Bus Entsminger
Scholarship. Outside of volunteering for the Mizzou Alumni Association, Rachel also works as a College of
Education Ambassador and Undergraduate Research Assistant. Upon graduating, Rachel plans to pursue a
teaching position in the Kansas City area.
MAA Standing Committee Purpose
Communications Committee
The Communications Committee was formally established in 1968 to direct the policies and management
of the MIZZOU magazine. As stated in Article VII of the University of Missouri Alumni Association bylaws,
“The Association shall edit, publish, issue and maintain an alumni magazine to be known as the MIZZOU
magazine, to be published throughout the year at such intervals as may be determined by the Governing
Board. The direction of the policies and management of the publication shall be vested in the Governing
Board, acting by and through the Communications Committee. The Director of Publications and Alumni
Communication shall be editor of the MIZZOU magazine.” (amended September 8, 1995; February 9, 2002)
Diversity Committee
The Committee was established to promote and assist in the development of a diverse Association and to assist
the Association in fulfillment of its diversity goals. The Committee further exists to assist the Association’s
chapter and affiliated groups in their efforts in enhancing and promoting diversity in both their membership
and programming.
Finance Committee
The Committee was established in 1988 to act in an advisory capacity to the Executive Committee and provide liaison with the Association staff. It is specifically charged with the following responsibilities: (a) Advise
regarding appropriate investment opportunities (b) Assist staff in preparation of budget (c) Review quarterly
financial statements (d) Review audit and advise on audit procedures.
Membership & Marketing Committee
The Membership and Marketing Committee was established to:
A. Advise staff on membership matters, sponsorships, advertising, and new revenue opportunities, and to
review and recommend major affinity programs offered to all Alumni Association members and other constituents.
B. Regularly review and evaluate the membership and marketing efforts of the Committee and the Association.
C. Make recommendations to the Executive Committee regarding matters of policy which will impact affinity
and other marketing revenue, membership development, and retention.
D. Report to the Board the direction and increments of its programs and the results of same.
Mizzou Legislative Network Committee
Mizzou Legislative Network Committee’s purpose is to bring a diverse group of MU alumni and friends together in a unified front to encourage support for the University and public higher education in the Missouri
General Assembly and among other public governing bodies. The Committee further exists to plan legislative
advocacy activities for the Mizzou Legislative Network, comprised of MU alumni and supporters in Missouri
who have expressed an interest in advocating higher education issues and issues concerning MU in the General
Rules Committee
The Rules Committee was formally established in 1988 to review and recommend changes in the rules, operating procedures, and bylaws of the Association and its various standing committees and chartered and affiliated alumni organizations. The Committee further exists to assist and serve as a resource on parliamentary and
procedural matters for the Association and its committees and organizations.
Schools & Colleges Committee
The Schools and Colleges Committee was established to:
Make recommendations to the Board regarding matters of policy which will impact the Schools and
Report to the Board on matters that affect the Schools and Colleges and their alumni.
The Committee further exists to:
Promote membership in the Mizzou Alumni Association.
Assist School and College organizations in reaching Honors status in the Mizzou Alumni Association
recognition program.
Communications Committee
(Adopted April 20, 1990) (Revised February 9, 2002)
The word “Association” when used in this document shall mean the University of Missouri Alumni
Association. The word “Board” or the words “Governing Board” when used herein shall mean the Governing
Board of the Association; the words “the Committee” shall refer to the Communications Committee; and the
word “member(s)” shall refer to members of the Communications Committee.
The Communications Committee was formally established in 1968 to direct the policies and management
of the MIZZOU magazine. As stated in Article VII of the University of Missouri Alumni Association bylaws,
“The Association shall edit, publish, issue and maintain an alumni magazine to be known as the MIZZOU
magazine, to be published throughout the year at such intervals as may be determined by the Governing
Board. The direction of the policies and management of the publication shall be vested in the Governing
Board, acting by and through the Communications Committee. The Director of Publications and Alumni
Communication shall be editor of the MIZZOU magazine.” (amended September 8, 1995; February 9, 2002)
A. The Communications Committee shall be composed of 21 voting members and the editor of the MIZZOU
magazine (who shall serve as an ex-officio, non-voting member). The President of the Association shall be an
ex-officio member of the Committee. (amended September 8, 1995; February 9, 2002)
B. Committee members shall represent the professions of journalism, graphic design, marketing and
advertising, with no fewer than one-third of the members working in the media (broadcast and print).
Committee members shall be regular, honorary, or associate members of the Association. In addition, at least
one Committee member shall be a University student who is a regular member of the Association,
and one Committee member, the Committee Chairman, shall be a member of the Governing Board, after
nomination by the Nominating Committee and approval by the Governing Board. (amended February 9,
C1. Except as set forth in this section members of the Committee shall serve staggered three-year terms from
the date of appointment until their successors are appointed, the term of seven members expiring each year.
The Governing Board member shall serve a term of two years and is eligible for renomination. Any student
member shall serve a term of one year and is eligible for reappointment. (amended February 9, 2002)
C2. No person shall serve more than two consecutive terms, except that the abbreviated service of a member
selected to fill an uncompleted term of 12 months or less shall not be counted toward any limit otherwise
established by this paragraph. After absence from the Committee for a minimum of two years, any former
member may be selected for additional terms, subject to the limits herein. (amended February 9, 2002)
D. Vacancies shall be filled by appointment by the Association president. If an uncompleted term is 12 months
or less, the abbreviated service of the replacement member shall not be counted toward the limits established
in Section II, paragraph C.
E. Any Communications Committee member may resign by notice in writing to the president of the Association, with a copy to the chairman of the Committee. Any member may be removed from the Committee for
good cause by the Governing Board by following the procedures described for removal of a Director in Article
III, Section 4, of the Association bylaws. (amended February 9, 2002)
A.1. The Committee shall meet for the transaction of business in informal proceedings twice each year, at
a place and time designated by the chairman. The fall meeting will be held on a Saturday. The spring meeting shall occur prior to the Governing Board meeting. Special meetings may be called on the initiative of the
chairman, and shall be called by the chairman in the event of a written request from at least seven members.
Meeting notice may be given in any appropriate fashion. (amended September 8, 1995; February 9, 2002)
A.2. The presence of nine voting members of the Committee shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of
business. (amended February 9, 2002)
A.3. The Committee may authorize the transaction of its business by telephone or mail.
A.4. Written and oral proxies are allowed on all matters before the Committee.
B. The Committee may, with the cooperation of the MIZZOU staff, present an annual workshop for editors
of school and college alumni publications at MU. (amended September 8, 1995) The Committee has no formal budget and is not empowered to authorize or contract for expenditures of Association funds.
C. The Committee may establish subcommittees as necessary for its operation. The chairman of any subcommittee must be a member of the Committee and of the Association. The chairman of the Committee automatically shall be an ex-officio member to all subcommittees. (amended February 9, 2002)
D1. The Chairman of the Committee must be a member of the Committee . The chairman is nominated to
the position by the Nominating Committee of the Association, subject to approval by the Governing Board,
for a two-year term. (amended February 9, 2002)
D2. The Chairman shall appoint a vice chairman who is authorized to discharge the duties of the chairman
in case of the chairman’s absence. The MIZZOU staff shall perform the duties of secretary to the Committee.
(amended September 8, 1995; February 9, 2002)
E. Changes in the formal operating procedures and rules of the Committee require a vote of two-thirds of the
entire Committee and approval of the Association’s Governing Board. (amended February 9, 2002)
F. Any Committee member with a business or personal interest in any matter before the Committee shall
disclose such interest to the Committee prior to any action being taken thereon. Any Committee member who
is so interested may be counted in determining the existence of a quorum at any meeting at which such action
may be considered, but shall not be entitled to vote on such action. No action of the Committee shall be rendered void solely by the fact that any of the members are so interested. Disclosure of such interest by a Committee member subsequent to action taken thereon may be a basis for the Committee to rescind such action or
for the Association Governing Board to rescind any resulting Board action. (amended April 21, 1995; February
9, 2002)
G. Informal matters of procedure and rules interpretation not directly covered by these operating procedures
may be resolved by majority vote of those present. Matters of procedure and parliamentary practice not other-
wise covered in either the bylaws of the Association or the Communications Committee’s Guidelines shall be
governed by the latest edition of Robert’s Rules of Order. (amended February 9, 2002)
A. At the spring meeting, the Committee will prepare an operating budget for the MIZZOU magazine and
program recommendations for the following year. (amended September 8, 1995)
B. At the fall meeting, the Committee will address magazine issues, as well as serving as a sounding board for
the public relations impact of University actions throughout the state.
C. All members shall complete at least two written evaluations of the MIZZOU magazine each year. (amended
September 8, 1995)
D. The Committee shall perform other duties as directed by the Governing Board. (amended February 9,
Diversity Committee
(Approved August 30, 2002)
The word “Association” when used in this document shall mean the University of Missouri Alumni Association. The word “Board” or the words “Governing Board” when used herein shall mean the Governing
Board of the Association; the words “the Committee” shall refer to the Diversity Committee; and the word
“member(s)” shall refer to members of the Diversity Committee.
The Committee was established to promote and assist in the development of a diverse Association and to assist
the Association in fulfillment of its diversity goals. The Committee further exists to assist the Association’s
chapter and affiliated groups in their efforts in enhancing and promoting diversity in both their membership
and programming.
A. The Committee shall be composed of a minimum of six voting members and appropriate Alumni Relations
staff members (who shall serve as ex-officio, non-voting members). The president of the Association shall be an
ex-officio member of the Committee.
B. At least six Committee members shall be regular, honorary, or associate members of the Association. In addition, at least one Committee member shall be a University student who is a regular member of the Association, and one Committee member, the Committee Chairman, shall be a member of the Executive Board, after
nomination by the Nominating Committee and approval by the Governing Board.
C.1. Except as set forth in this section, members of the Committee shall serve staggered three-year terms from
the date of appointment until their successors are appointed, the terms of at least two members expiring each
year. The Executive Board member shall serve a term of two years and is eligible for reappointment.
C.2. No person shall serve more than two consecutive terms, except that the abbreviated service of a member
selected to fill an uncompleted term of 12 months or less shall not be counted toward any limit otherwise
established by this paragraph. After absence from the Committee for a minimum of two years, any former
member may be selected for additional terms, subject to the limits herein.
D. Vacancies shall be filled by appointment by the Association president. If an uncompleted term is 12 months
or less, the abbreviated service of the replacement member shall not be counted toward the limits established
in Section II, paragraph C.2.
E. Any Committee member may resign by notice in writing to the president of the Association, with a copy
to the chairman of the Committee. Any member may be removed from the Committee for good cause by the
Governing Board by following the procedures described for removal of a Director in Article III, Section 4, of
the Association Bylaws.
A.1. The Committee shall meet for the transaction of business in informal proceedings at least four times a
year, at a place and time designated by the chairman. Special meetings may be called on the initiative of the
chairman, and shall be called by the chairman in the event of a written request from at least two members.
Meeting notice may be given in any appropriate fashion.
A.2. The presence of four voting members of the Committee shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of
business. Any member may participate by telephone and any member so participating will be included in the
A.3. The Committee may authorize the transaction of its business by telephone, mail or other appropriate
A.4. Written proxies are allowed on all matters before the committee.
B. The Committee has no formal budget and is not empowered to authorize or contract for expenditures of
Association funds.
C. The Committee may establish subcommittees as necessary for its operation. The chairman of any subcommittee must be a member of the Committee and of the Association. The chairman of the Committee automatically shall be an ex-officio member of all subcommittees.
D.1. The chairman of the Committee must be a member of the Committee under the provisions of Section II,
paragraphs B, C.1. and C.2 of these Guidelines. The chairman is nominated to the position by the Nominating
Committee of the Association, subject to approval by the Governing Board, for a two-year term.
D.2. The chairman shall appoint a vice-president who is authorized to discharge the duties of the chairman in
case of the chairman’s absence. The Alumni Relations staff shall perform the duties of secretary to the Committee.
E. Changes in the formal operating procedures and rules of the Committee require an affirmative vote of twothirds of the entire Committee and approval of the Association’s Governing Board.
F. Any Committee members with a business or personal interest in any matter before the Committee shall
disclose such interest to the Committee prior to any action being taken thereon. Any Committee member who
is so interested may be counted in determining the existence of a quorum at any meeting at which such action
may be considered, but shall not be entitled to vote on such action. No action of the Committee shall be rendered void solely by the fact that any of the members are so interested. Disclosure of such interest by a Committee member subsequent to action taken thereon may be a basis for the Committee to rescind such action or
for the Association Board of Directors to rescind any resulting Board action.
G. Informal matters of procedure and rules interpretation not directly covered by these operating procedures
may be resolved by majority vote of those present. Matters of procedure and parliamentary practice not otherwise covered in either the Association Bylaws or the Diversity Committee’s Guidelines shall be governed by
the latest edition of Robert’s Rules of Order.
A. The Committee shall be responsible for encouraging diversity, in all of its dimensions, throughout the Association, including its geographic chapters and affinity organizations, assisting the Association in implementing
the diversity aspects of its Strategic Plan, and aiding the University of Missouri in fulfilling its diversity goals.
B. The Committee shall solicit and evaluate requests for funding activities which encourage diversity and help
with funding of appropriate events and assist the Association’s chapters to meet the Association’s diversity
C. The Committee shall annually report to the governing board concerning its activities and events it has assisted in order to enhance the diversity of the Association, its chapters, and affinity groups.
D. The Committee shall perform other duties as directed by the Governing Board.
Finance Committee
(Adopted April 20, 1990)
(Amended through April 18, 2002)
The word “Association” when used in this document shall mean the University of Missouri Alumni Association. The word “Board” or the words “Governing Board” when used herein shall mean the Governing
Board of the Association; the words “the Committee” shall refer to the Finance Committee; and the word
“member(s)” shall refer to members of the Finance Committee.
The Committee was established in 1988 to act in an advisory capacity to the Executive Committee and provide liaison with the Association staff. It is specifically charged with the following responsibilities: (a) Advise
regarding appropriate investment opportunities (b) Assist staff in preparation of budget (c) Review quarterly
financial statements (d) Review audit and advise on audit procedures.
A. The Finance Committee shall be composed of a minimum of five voting members; in addition, one University student and appropriate Alumni Relations staff members (who shall serve as ex-officio, non-voting members).
B. All voting Committee members shall be regular, honorary, or associate members of the Association, and
at least one member shall be a public accountant or certified public accountant. In addition, one Committee
member shall be the Association treasurer, and one Committee member shall be an Association Vice President.
The Committee Chairman shall be a member of the Executive Board, after nomination by the Nominating
Committee and approval by the Governing Board.
C.1. Except for the Association Treasurer and Vice President, members of the Committee shall serve staggered three-year terms from the date of appointment until their successors are appointed. The Association
Treasurer and Vice President and any student member shall serve terms of one year and are eligible for reappointment.
C.2. No person shall serve more than two consecutive three-year terms, except that the abbreviated service
of a member selected to fill an uncompleted term of 12 months or less shall not be counted toward any limit
otherwise established by this paragraph. After absence from the Committee for a minimum of two years, any
former member may be selected for additional terms, subject to the limits herein.
D. Vacancies shall be filled by appointment by the Association president. If an uncompleted term is 12 months
or less, the abbreviated service of the replacement member shall not be counted toward the limits established
in Section II, paragraph C.2.
E. Any Committee member may resign by notice in writing to the president of the Association, with a copy
to the chairman of the Committee. Any member may be removed from the Committee for good cause by the
Governing Board by following the procedures described for removal of a Director in Article III, Section 4, of
the Association Bylaws.
A.1 The Committee shall meet for the transaction of business in informal proceedings at least two times each
year, at a place and time designated by the chairman. Special meetings may be called on the initiative of the
chairman and shall be called by the chairman in the event of a written request from at least two members.
Meeting notice may be given in any appropriate fashion.
A.2. The presence of three voting members of the Committee shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of
A.3. The Committee may authorize the transaction of its business by telephone or mail.
A.4. Written and oral proxies are allowed on all matters before the Committee.
B. The Committee has no formal budget and is not empowered to authorize or contract for expenditures of
Association funds.
C. The Committee may establish subcommittees as necessary for its operation. The chairman of the Committee automatically shall be an ex-officio member of all subcommittees.
D.1. The chairman of the Committee must be a member of the Committee under the provisions of Section II,
paragraphs B, C.1 and C.2 of these Guidelines. The chairman is nominated to the position by the Nominating
Committee of the Association, subject to approval by the Governing Board, for a two-year term.
D.2. The chairman shall appoint a vice-chairman, who is authorized to discharge the duties of the chairman in
case of the chairman’s absence. The Alumni Relations staff shall perform the duties of secretary to the Committee.
E. Changes in the formal operating procedures and rules of the Committee require an affirmative vote of two
thirds of the entire Committee and approval of the Association’s Governing Board.
F. Any Committee member with a business or personal interest in any matter before the Committee shall
disclose such interest to the Committee prior to any action being taken thereon. Any Committee member who
is so interested may be counted in determining the existence of a quorum at any meeting at which such action
may be considered, but shall not be entitled to vote on such action. No action of the Committee shall be rendered void solely by the fact that any of the members are so interested. Disclosure of such interest by a Committee member subsequent to action taken thereon may be a basis for the Committee to rescind such action or
for the Association Board of Directors to rescind any resulting Board action.
G. Informal matters of procedure and rules interpretation not directly covered by these operating procedures
may be resolved by majority vote of those present. Matters of procedure and parliamentary practice not otherwise covered in either the Association Bylaws or the Finance Committee’s Guidelines shall be governed by the
latest edition of Robert’s Rules of Order.
A. Investments
The Committee shall provide advice regarding appropriate investment vehicles for the Association’s investable
funds. The Committee shall be notified 60 days in advance of any maturing investments and will advise the Assistant Vice Chancellor of Alumni Relations as to desirable investments.
B. Budget
The Committee will be responsible to act as liaison to the Executive Committee for budget preparation and
presentation. The budget shall be prepared by staff and a preliminary budget will be supplied to the Finance
Committee for review before presentation in final form to the Executive Committee.
C. Audit
The Committee shall review the audit reports of the independent certified public accounting firm and provide
advice regarding audit procedures. The Committee shall annually review the results of audits and the performance of the accounting firm. The Committee shall advise the Executive Committee with respect to the selection or termination of the Association’s public accounting auditors.
D. Financial Reporting
The Committee shall review the quarterly financial statements. The Committee shall be specifically advised
of any proposed capital expenditure that exceeds $1,000 and that was not reflected in the annual budget. The
Committee shall offer advice and assistance to staff with respect to accounting procedures and expense control.
E. Other
The Committee shall provide guidance and assistance to the Executive Committee and staff with respect to
financial aspects of Association operations. The Committee shall perform other duties as directed by the Governing Board.
Membership & Marketing Committee
(Adopted August 14, 1987)
(Revised February 11, 2006)
The word “Association” when used in this document shall mean the University of Missouri Alumni Association. The word “Board” or the words “Governing Board” when used herein shall mean the Governing Board
of the Association; the words “the Committee” shall refer to the Membership and Marketing Committee;
and the word “member(s)” shall refer to members of the Membership and Marketing Committee. (amended
February 11, 2006)
The Membership and Marketing Committee was established to:
A. Advise staff on membership matters, sponsorships, advertising, and new revenue opportunities, and to
review and recommend major affinity programs offered to all Alumni Association members and other constituents.
B. Regularly review and evaluate the membership and marketing efforts of the Committee and the Association.
C. Make recommendations to the Executive Committee regarding matters of policy which will impact affinity
and other marketing revenue, membership development, and retention.
D. Report to the Board the direction and increments of its programs and the results of same.
A. The Membership and Marketing Committee shall be composed of a minimum of nine voting members and
appropriate Alumni Relations staff members (who shall serve as ex-officio, non-voting members). The President of the Association shall be an ex-officio member of the Committee. (amended February 9, 2002)
B. All Committee members shall be regular, honorary, or associate members of the Alumni Association. In addition, at least one Committee member shall be a University student who is a regular member of the Association, and one member, the Chairman, shall be a member of the Governing Board, after nomination by the
Nominating Committee and approval by the Governing Board. (amended February 9, 2002)
C.1. Except as set forth in this section, members of the Committee shall serve staggered three-year terms
from the date of appointment until their successors are appointed, the terms of at least two members expiring
each year. The Governing Board Committee member shall serve a term of two years and is eligible for renomination. Any student member shall serve a term of one year and is eligible for reappointment.
C.2. No person shall serve more than two consecutive terms except that the abbreviated service of a member
selected to fill an uncompleted term of 12 months or less shall not be counted toward any limit otherwise
established by this paragraph. After absence from the committee for a minimum of two years, any former
member may be selected for additional terms, subject to the limits herein.
D. Vacancies shall be filled by appointment by the Association president. If an uncompleted term is 12 months
or less, the abbreviated service of the replacement member shall not be counted toward the limits established
in Section II, paragraph C.2.
E.1. Any Membership and Marketing Committee member may resign by notice in writing to the president of
the Association, with a copy to the chairman of the Committee. Any member may be removed from the Com-
mittee for good cause by the Governing Board by following the procedures described for removal of a Director in Article III, Section 4, of the Association bylaws.
E.2. Appointment to the Membership and Marketing Committee is forfeited when:
a. There are three unexcused absences in a two-year period.
b. The cumulative total of unexcused absences reaches three during the term of appointment.
A.1. The Committee shall meet for the transaction of business in informal proceedings at least two (2) times
each year, at a place and time designated by the chairman. Meetings will be held in Columbia, unless otherwise
designated, in the fall and spring prior to the semi-annual Governing Board meetings. Special meetings may
be called on the initiative of the chairman, and shall be called by the chairman in the event of a written request
from at least two members. Meeting notice may be given in any appropriate fashion.
A.2. The presence of five voting members of the Committee shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of
A.3. The Committee may authorize the transaction of its business by telephone or mail.
A.4. Written and oral proxies are allowed on all matters before the committee.
B. The Committee may authorize expenditures of funds allocated for committee purposes by the Governing
Board. (amended February 9, 2002)
C. The Committee may establish subcommittees as necessary for its operation. The chairman of any subcommittee must be a member of the Committee and of the Association. The chairman of the Committee automatically shall be an ex-officio member of all subcommittees.
D.1. The chairman of the Committee must be a member of the Committee, under the provisions of Section
II, paragraphs B, C.1. and C.2 of these Guidelines. The chairman is nominated to the position for a two year
term by the Nominating Committee of the Association and subject to approval by the Governing Board. Such
appointment may be renewed by the succeeding president, so long as the appointment does not otherwise
violate Committee Guidelines or Association Bylaws. (amended February 9, 2002)
D.2. The chairman shall appoint a vice-chairman who is authorized to discharge the duties of the chairman in
case of the chairman’s absence. The Alumni Relations staff shall perform the duties of secretary to the Committee.
E. Changes in the formal operating procedures and rules of the Committee require an affirmative vote of
two-thirds of the entire Committee and approval of the Association’s Governing Board. (amended February 9,
F. Any Committee member with a business or personal interest in any matter before the Committee shall
disclose such interest to the Committee prior to any action being taken thereon. Any Committee member who
is so interested may be counted in determining the existence of a quorum at any meeting at which such action
may be considered, but shall not be entitled to vote on such action. No action of the Committee shall be rendered void solely by the fact that any of the members are so interested. Disclosure of such interest by a Committee member subsequent to action taken thereon may be a basis for the Committee to rescind such action or
for the Association Governing Board to rescind any resulting Board action. (amended April 21, 1995)
G. Informal matters of procedure and rules interpretation not directly covered by these operating procedures may be resolved by majority vote of those present. Matters of procedure and parliamentary practice not
otherwise covered in either the bylaws of the Association or the Membership Committee’s Guidelines shall be
governed by the latest edition of Robert’s Rules of Order.
A. The Committee will review and monitor membership marketing and solicitation.
B. The Committee will advise on policies and procedures that will be used to evaluate current and create or
reinstate future affinity, sponsorship, and advertising programs.
C. The Committee will review major affinity proposals, data used to adjust dues rates, new sponsorship opportunities, advertising revenue programs, and other revenue opportunities to help ensure the Association’s
financial stability.
D. The Committee will monitor and report membership statistics to the Board.
E. The Committee shall perform other duties as directed by the Governing Board.
Mizzou Legislative Network Committee
(Adopted November 3, 1992)
(Revised April 21, 1995; April 15, 1999; January 31, 2003;
April 14, 2005; November 9, 2007; November 11, 2011)
The term “MU” or “University” shall mean the “University of Missouri.” The term “Association,” when used
in this document, shall mean the University of Missouri Alumni Association. The terms “Board” or “Governing Board,” when used herein, shall mean the Governing Board of the Association; the terms “the Committee”
or “MLN” shall refer to the Mizzou Legislative Network; and the term “member(s)” shall refer to members of
the Mizzou Legislative Network.
Mizzou Legislative Network Committee’s purpose is to bring a diverse group of MU alumni and friends
together in a unified front to encourage support for the University and public higher education in the Missouri
General Assembly and among other public governing bodies. The Committee further exists to plan legislative
advocacy activities for the Mizzou Legislative Network, comprised of MU alumni and supporters in Missouri
who have expressed an interest in advocating higher education issues and issues concerning MU in the General Assembly.
A. The Mizzou Legislative Network Committee shall be composed of:
1) Two members representing each of the Congressional Districts, each serving a three-year term;
2) Five members, one each representing the following groups or organizations: The Association,
AASB, MU Staff, MU faculty, and MU Parents’ Leadership Council, each serving a one-year term;
3) Not more than 12 at-large members, each serving a three-year term. At-Large members may be se
lected at the discretion of the Association President in consultation with the Committee Chair and
Association Executive Director, to bring diversity to the committee and to increase political presence
where geographic gaps in congressional districts exist.
4) Ex-officio members shall include: the Assistant to the MU Chancellor for University Affairs; the
Association President; the Association Executive Director; the Association Advocacy Director; and any
honorary members as designated by the Committee.
B. All geographic and at-large members shall be regular, honorary or associate members of the Association. In
addition, at least one Committee member, the Committee Chair, shall be a member of the Governing Board,
after nomination by the Nominating Committee and approval by the Governing Board.
C.1. Members serving three-year terms shall serve staggered terms from the date of appointment until their
successors are appointed, the term of at least six members expiring each year. All terms begin on July 1 and end
on June 30. The Chair of the Committee shall serve an initial term of two years and is eligible for re-nomination and service in this capacity pursuant to applicable Governing Board bylaws.
C.2. No person shall serve more than two consecutive terms except that the abbreviated service of a member
selected to fill an uncompleted term of 12 months or less shall not be counted toward any limit otherwise
established by this paragraph. After absence from the committee for a minimum of two years, any former
member may be selected for additional terms, subject to the limits herein.
C.3 For the purpose of implementing paragraph C.2 fairly, members of the MLN Committee serving on the
date of the adoption of the paragraph C.2 by the MLN Committee are eligible to serve for one additional full
term following the termination of their current term before being subject to a two year absence as detailed in
D. Vacancies shall be filled by appointment by the Association President.
E. Any Committee member may resign by notice in writing to the President of the Association with a copy to
the Chair of the Committee. Any member may be removed from the Committee for good cause by the Governing Board by following the procedures described for removal of a Director in Article III, Section IV of the
Association Bylaws.
A.1. The Committee shall meet for the transaction of business in informal proceedings at least three times
each year, at a place and time designated by the Chair.
Special meetings may be called on the initiative of the Chair, and shall be called by the Chair in the event of a
written request from at least two members. Meeting notice may be given in any appropriate fashion.
A.2. The presence of one-third of the members of the Committee, in person or by proxy, shall constitute a
quorum for the transaction of business.
A.3. The Committee may authorize the transaction of its business bycurrent electronic or written methods.
A.4. Written and oral proxies are allowed on all matters before the Committee.
B. The Committee has no formal budget and is not empowered to authorize or contract for expenditures of
Association funds. However, the Committee shall be kept apprised of the expenditure of Association funds
related to the operation of the committee and the activities it sponsors.
C. The Committee may establish subcommittees as necessary for its operation. The chair of any subcommittee
must be a member of the Committee and of the Association. The Chair of the Committee automatically shall
be an ex-officio member of all subcommittees.
D.1. The Chair of the Committee must be a member of the Committee, named to the Committee under the
provisions of Section II, Paragraphs B, C.1., and C.2. of these Guidelines. The Chair is nominated to the position for a two-year term by the Nominating Committee of the Association, subject to approval by the Governing Board.
D.2. The Chair shall nominate and the Committee shall elect by majority vote a Vice-chair. The Vice-chair is
authorized to discharge the duties of the Chair in case of the Chair’s absence. The secretary shall keep minutes
from the meetings and compile them for distribution following the meetings. The Committee shall be staffed
by the Association’s Executive Director and Advocacy Director.
E. Changes in the formal operating procedures and rules of the Committee require the affirmative vote of
two-thirds of the Committee present, approval of the Association’s Rules Committee and approval of the
Association’s Governing Board.
F. Any Committee member with business or personal interest in any matter before the Committee shall disclose such interest to the Committee prior to any action being taken thereon. Any Committee member who
is so interested may be counted in determining the existence of a quorum at any meeting at which such action
may be considered, but shall not be entitled to vote on such action. No action of the Committee shall be rendered void solely by the fact that any of the members are so interested. Disclosure of such interest by a Committee member subsequent to action taken thereon may be a basis for the Committee to rescind such action or
for the Association’s Governing Board of Directors to rescind any resulting Board action.
G. Informal matters of procedure and rules interpretation not directly covered by these Guidelines may be
resolved by majority vote of those present. Matters of procedure and parliamentary practice not otherwise
covered in either the bylaws of the Association of the Committee’s Guidelines shall be governed by the latest
edition of Robert’s Rules of Order.
A. The Committee shall be responsible for monitoring legislation relating to MU and higher education, communicating important legislative activity to the Board, informing legislators and administration officials of the
contributions of MU to the state, and advocating legislative issues of importance relating to MU and higher
B. The Committee members shall help to coordinate strategy relating to MU and higher education legislation
and communication between MU alumni and legislators.
C. The Committee shall help sponsor MU or Association events for legislators, such as the the Geyer Award
Reception; the freshman legislator tour or other similar activities.
D. The Committee shall be involved with the annual Legislative Day sponsored by the Alumni Alliance of the
University of Missouri.
E. The Committee shall help organize information and advocacy campaigns for legislative issues related to
MU and higher education.
F. The Committee shall select recipients of the Geyer Award for Public Service to Higher Education in Missouri and other legislative awards given by the Alumni Association.
G. The Committee shall perform other duties as directed by the Governing Board.
Rules Committee
(Adopted August 14, 1987)
(Revised February 9, 2002)
The word “Association” when used in this document shall mean the University of Missouri Alumni Association. The word “Board” or the words “Governing Board” when used herein shall mean the Governing Board
of the Association; the words “the Committee” shall refer to the Rules Committee; and the word “member(s)”
shall refer to members of the Rules Committee. (amended February 9, 2002)
The Rules Committee was formally established in 1988 to review and recommend changes in the rules, operating procedures, and bylaws of the Association and its various standing committees and chartered and affiliated alumni organizations. The Committee further exists to assist and serve as a resource on parliamentary and
procedural matters for the Association and its committees and organizations. The president of the Association
shall be an ex-officio member of the Committee. (amended February 9, 2002)
A. The Rules Committee shall be composed of a minimum of seven voting members and appropriate Alumni
Relations staff members (who shall serve as ex-officio, non-voting members).
B. At least four committee members shall be regular, honorary, or associate members of the Association, and at
least one member shall be a lawyer. In addition at least one Committee member shall be a University student
who is a regular member of the Association, and one Committee member, the Committee Chairman, shall be
a member of the Governing Board, after nomination by the Nominating Committee and approval of the Governing Board. (amended February 9, 2002)
C.1. Except as set forth in this section, members of the Committee shall serve staggered three-year terms
from the date of appointment until their successors are appointed, the terms of at least two members expiring
each year. The Executive Board member shall serve a term of two years and is eligible for nomination. Any
student member shall serve a term of one year and is eligible for reappointment. (amended February 9, 2002)
C.2. No person shall serve more than two consecutive terms, except that the abbreviated service of a member
selected to fill an uncompleted term of 12 months or fewer shall not be counted toward any limit otherwise
established by this paragraph. After absence from the Committee for a minimum of two years, any former
member may be selected for additional terms, subject to the limits herein.
D. Vacancies shall be filled by appointment by the Association president. If an uncompleted term is 12 months
or fewer, the abbreviated service of the replacement member shall not be counted toward the limits established
in Section II, paragraph C.2.
E. Any Rules Committee member may resign by notice in writing to the president of the Association, with a
copy to the chairman of the Committee. Any member may be removed from the Committee for good cause by
the Governing Board by following the procedures described for removal of a Director in Article III, Section 4,
of the Association Bylaws. (amended February 9, 2002)
A.1. The Committee shall meet for the transaction of business in informal proceedings at least three times
each year, at a place and time designated by the chairman. Two regular meetings shall be held no more than
45 days and no fewer than 19 days prior to the regular meetings of the Association’s Governing Board; a third
meeting shall be held upon call of the chairman. Special meetings may be called on the initiative of the chairman, and shall be called by the chairman in the event of a written request from at least two members. Meeting
notice may be given in any appropriate fashion. (amended February 9, 2002)
A.2. The presence of three voting members of the Committee shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of
A.3. The Committee may authorize the transaction of its business by telephone or mail.
A.4. Written and oral proxies are allowed on all matters before the committee.
B. The Committee has no formal budget and is not empowered to authorize or contract for expenditures of
Association funds.
C. The Committee may establish subcommittees as necessary for its operation. The chairman of any subcommittee must be a member of the Committee and of the Association. The chairman of the Committee automatically shall be an ex-officio member of all subcommittees.
D.1. The chairman of the Committee must be a member of the Committee, under the provisions of Section II, paragraphs B, C.1. and C.2 of these Guidelines. The chairman is nominated to the position by the
Nominating Committee of the Association, subject to approval by the Governing Board, for a two-year term.
(February 9, 2002)
D.2. The chairman shall appoint a vice-chairman who is authorized to discharge the duties of the chairman in
case of the chairman’s absence. The Alumni Relations staff shall perform the duties of secretary to the Committee.
E. Changes in the formal operating procedures and rules of the Committee require an affirmative vote of
two-thirds of the entire Committee and approval of the Association’s Governing Board. (amended February 9,
F. Any Committee member with a business or personal interest in any matter before the Committee shall
disclose such interest to the Committee prior to any action being taken thereon. Any Committee member
who is so interested may be counted in determining the existence of a quorum at any meeting at which such
action may be considered, but shall not be entitled to vote on such action. No action of the Committee shall
be rendered void solely by the fact that any of the members are so interested. Disclosure of such interest by
a Committee member subsequent to action taken thereon may be a basis for the Committee to rescind such
action or for the Association Governing Board to rescind any resulting Board action. (amended April 21, 1995;
February 9, 2002)
G. Informal matters of procedure and rules interpretation not directly covered by these operating procedures
may be resolved by majority vote of those present. Matters of procedure and parliamentary practice not otherwise covered in either the bylaws of the Association or the Rules Committee’s operating procedures shall be
governed by the latest edition of Robert’s Rules of Order.
A.1. The Rules Committee shall review all proposed changes, amendments, and revisions in the Association’s
bylaws and Pro Forma Decree of Incorporation. The Committee also shall review proposed changes in other
rules, regulations, written guidelines, operating procedures, and governing documents of the Association, its
standing committees, ad hoc committees and chartered and affiliated alumni organizations on request of the
affected organizations.
A.2. At the direction of the Governing Board or Executive Committee, the Rules Committee shall develop
appropriate amendments and changes to Association documents, which shall be submitted to the Executive
Committee and Governing Board for review. The Committee also may initiate suggested changes. (amended
February 9, 2002)
A.3. The Committee shall develop standard procedures for submission and review of all such changes. Such
review shall be for the purposes of insuring consistency of language and approach throughout the document,
identifying other affected sections and documents, and evaluating the likely effect and possible ramifications of
the proposed amendment. The Committee shall transmit the results of its review to the Executive Committee
and the Board for action.
B. The Committee shall review all proposed bylaws amendments in timely fashion, and all such amendments
must be presented to the Board for consideration, with a recommendation for adoption or disapproval, at the
next Board meeting after the Committee’s review is complete, subject to the following;
The Committee is expected to give every submitted amendment thoughtful consideration; therefore it
must be allowed reasonable time to review before presenting amendments to the Board. Because of the
time requirements set forth in Article IX of Association Bylaws, the Committee is not required to present
an amendment that was submitted less than 45 days prior to the relevant Board meeting. However, it is the
Committee’s obligation to review amendments after established deadlines if time allows.
Rules Committee members present at a Board meeting shall attempt to evaluate the effects of trivial
technical corrections or changes pointed out at the meeting, and are expected to alert the Board to possible unintended effects and consequences of all changes, even those of a seemingly innocuous or cosmetic
In the event disapproval is recommended, the Committee shall report the reasons for its recommendation.
C. The Committee shall annually review the Association’s bylaws, the written guidelines and operating procedures of all standing committees, ad hoc committees and other documents as requested by the Board, and shall
make recommendations regarding areas in need of revision.
D. The Committee shall be available to assist all Association committees and chartered and affiliated organizations with bylaws and document preparation and review.
E. The Committee shall maintain: “master” sets of Association bylaws and other organizational rules, guidelines, and operating amendments and related documents, and of Rules Committee actions. The Committee
also shall establish procedures and formats for recording and disseminating changes in Association bylaws and
other organizational rules and documents.
F. The chairman of the Rules Committee or his designee will be available to serve as the Association’s parliamentarian. The parliamentarian shall be responsible for all matters of rules interpretation, parliamentary
practice, and organizational operational procedures, and shall serve as parliamentary advisor to the president of
the Association.
G. The Committee shall perform other duties as directed by the Board or by the Executive Committee.
Schools & Colleges Committee
(Adopted November 7, 2008)
The word “Association” when used in this document shall mean the University of Missouri Alumni Association. The word “Board” or the words “Governing Board” when used herein shall mean the Governing Board
of the Association; the words “the Committee” shall refer to the Schools & Colleges Committee; and the word
“member(s)” shall refer to members of the Schools & Colleges Committee.
The Schools and Colleges Committee was established to:
Make recommendations to the Board regarding matters of policy which will impact the
Schools and Colleges.
Report to the Board on matters that affect the Schools and Colleges and their alumni.
The Committee further exists to:
Promote membership in the Mizzou Alumni Association.
Assist School and College organizations in reaching Honors status in the Mizzou
Alumni Association recognition program.
The Schools & Colleges Committee shall be composed of a representative from each School/College
Alumni Organization and appropriate Alumni Relations staff members (who shall serve as ex-officio, non-voting members) as well as each School/College staff member that serves as the liaison to their alumni organization (who shall serve as ex-officio, non-voting members). The president of the Association shall be an ex-officio
member of the Committee.
All Committee members shall be regular, honorary, or associate members of the Association. In addition, at least one Committee member shall be a University student who is a regular member of the Association, and one Committee member, the Committee Chairman, shall be a member of the Governing Board, after
nomination by the Nominating Committee and approval by the Governing Board.
Except as set forth in this section, members of the Committee shall serve staggered two-year terms
from the date of selection until their successors are selected, the terms of at least two members expiring each
year. The Governing Board member shall serve a term of two years and is eligible for renomination. Any student member shall serve a term of one year and is eligible for reappointment.
No person shall serve more than three consecutive terms, except that the abbreviated service of a
member selected to fill an uncompleted term of 12 months or less shall not be counted toward any limit otherwise established by this paragraph. After absence from the Committee for a minimum of two years, any former
member may be selected for additional terms, subject to the limits herein.
Each School/College Alumni Organization selects their own representative to this Committee. Any
vacancies shall be filled by the School & College Alumni Organizations. If an uncompleted term is 12 months
or less, the abbreviated service of the replacement member shall not be counted toward the limits established
in Section II, paragraph D.
Any Schools & Colleges Committee member may resign by notice in writing to the president of the
Association, with a copy to the chairman of the Committee. Any member may be removed from the Committee for good cause by the Governing Board by following the procedures described for removal of a Director in
Article III, Section 5, of the Association Bylaws.
The Committee shall meet for the transaction of business in informal proceedings at least {2} times
each year, at a place and time designated by the chairman. The fiscal year of the Committee shall be from the
first day of July each year through the 30th day of June in the succeeding calendar year.
Special meetings may be called on the initiative of the chairman, and shall be called by the chairman in the
event of a written request from at least two members. Meeting notice may be given in any appropriate fashion.
The presence of eight voting members of the Committee shall constitute a quorum for the transaction
of business.
The Committee may authorize the transaction of its business by telephone, mail or any electronic
Written and oral proxies are allowed on all matters before the Committee.
The Committee has no formal budget and is not empowered to authorize or contract for expenditures
of Association funds.
The Committee may establish subcommittees as necessary for its operation. The chairman of any
subcommittee must be a member of the Committee and of the Association. The chairman of the Committee
automatically shall be an ex-officio member of all subcommittees.
The chairman of the Committee must be a member of the Committee under the provisions of Section
II, paragraphs B, C and D of these Guidelines. The chairman is nominated to the position by the Nominating
Committee of the Association, subject to approval by the Governing Board, for a two-year term.
The chairman shall appoint a vice-chairman who is authorized to discharge the duties of the chairman
in case of the chairman’s absence. The Alumni Relations staff shall perform the duties of secretary to the Committee.
Changes in the formal operating procedures and rules of the Committee require an affirmative vote of
two-thirds of the entire Committee and approval of the Association’s Governing Board.
Any Committee member with a business or personal interest in any matter before the Committee
shall disclose such interest to the Committee prior to any action being taken thereon. Any Committee member
who is so interested may be counted in determining the existence of a quorum at any meeting at which such
action may be considered, but shall not be entitled to vote on such action. No action of the Committee shall
be rendered void solely by the fact that any of the Members are so interested. Disclosure of such interest by a
Committee member subsequent to action taken thereon may be a basis for the Committee to rescind such action or for the Association Governing Board to rescind any resulting Board action.
Informal matters of procedure and rules interpretation not directly covered by these operating procedures may be resolved by majority vote of those present. Matters of procedure and parliamentary practice not
otherwise covered in either the Association Bylaws or the Schools & Colleges Committee’s Guidelines shall be
governed by the latest edition of Robert’s Rules of Order.
The Schools & Colleges Committee shall be responsible for:
Sharing “best practices” within the Committee with regards to alumni and student events and programs.
Recommend training and programming geared specifically toward Schools and Colleges representa-
Promote success of students and faculty in schools and colleges to the media, legislators, MAA and the
general public.
Promote the value of MAA membership to faculty, staff and students in the schools and colleges represented by the committee.
Develop and evaluate activities to increase MAA membership through Schools and Colleges.
Increase communication with Chapter organizations to keep them aware of the activities of the
Schools and Colleges Committee.
The Committee shall perform other duties as directed by the Governing Board.
Ad Hoc Committees
Board Nominating Committee
The Nominating Committee was established to receive and review nominations for vacancies on the Governing Board, and to submit to the Governing Board a slate of nominations
for officers and Governing Board Members for the ensuing year.
The Committee further exists to review and revise annual election procedures, and to submit these for approval at the Fall Board meeting.
Faculty-Alumni Awards Committee
The Faculty-Alumni Awards Committee was established to review nominations and select
recipients for the Faculty-Alumni Awards, and to honor the recipients at a gala banquet and
program each fall.
Leadership Development Committee
The Leadership Development Committee is established to support the advancement of
the Association through proactively identifying emerging and emergent leaders, equiping
them to serve in leadership throughout the Association, assisting the Association to cultivate
strong leadership pools, and serving as a leadership education resource.
The PRIDE’s purpose is to bring Association Past Presidents together to provide ancillary
support to the Association, Association Governing Board, Association Executive Committee and Association Staff. Specifically, The PRIDE shall endeavor to be the preeminent
resource to the Association and assist the Association in executing its Mission. The PRIDE
shall also perform other duties and responsibilities assigned or otherwise delegated to it
which are consistent with its purpose and the purposes of the Association.
Board Nominating Committee
(Approved September 14, 1996; Amended through November 7, 2008)
The word “Association” when used in this document shall mean the University of Missouri Alumni Association.; the term Governing Board shall refer to the Board of the Association; the words “the Committee” shall
refer to the Nominating Committee; and the word “member(s)” shall refer to members of the Nominating
The Nominating Committee was established to receive and review nominations for vacancies on the Governing Board, and to submit to the Governing Board a slate of nominations for officers and Governing Board
Members for the ensuing year.
The Committee further exists to review and revise annual election procedures, and to submit these for approval at the Fall Board meeting.
A. The Nominating Committee shall be composed of a minimum of five voting members. The President of
the Association and appropriate Alumni Relations staff members shall serve as ex-officio, non-voting members.
The names of the Nominating Committee members shall be made public with the call for nominations.
B. All Committee members shall be members of the Association and drawn from the following: current Governing Board members, past Governing Board members within four years of their last date of service on the
Governing Board, or current members of standing or ad hoc committees.
C.1. Members of the Committee shall serve one-year terms from the date of appointment until their successors are appointed, and are eligible for reappointment.
C.2. No person shall serve more than two consecutive terms.
D. Vacancies shall be filled by appointment by the Association President. The abbreviated service of the replacement member in an uncompleted term shall not be counted toward the limits established in Section
II, paragraph C.2.
E. Any Nominating Committee member may resign by notice in writing to the President of the Association,
with a copy to the Chairman of the Committee.
A.1. The Committee shall meet for the transaction of business in informal proceedings at least two times each
year, at a place and time designated by the Chairman.
Special meetings may be called on the initiative of the Chairman, and shall be called by the Chairman in the
event of a written request from at least two members. Meeting notice may be given in any appropriate fashion.
A.2. The presence of three voting members of the Committee shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of
A.3. The Committee may authorize the transaction of its business by telephone or mail.
B. The Committee has no formal budget and is not empowered to authorize or contract for expenditures of
Association funds.
C. The Committee may establish subcommittees as necessary for its operation. The chairman of any subcommittee must be a member of the Committee.
D.1. The Chairman of the Committee must be a member of the Committee, named to the Committee under
the provisions of Section II, paragraphs B, C.1. and C.2 of these Guidelines. The Chairman is appointed to the
position by the President of the Association. Such appointment may be renewed by the succeeding President,
so long as the appointment does not otherwise violate Committee Guidelines or Association Bylaws.
D.2. The Chairman shall appoint a Vice-Chairman who is authorized to discharge the duties of the Chairman in case of the Chairman’s absence. The Executive Director of the Association shall perform the duties of
Secretary to the Committee.
E. Changes in the formal operating procedures and rules of the Committee require an affirmative vote of twothirds of the entire Committee and approval of the Association’s Governing Board.
F. Any Committee member with a business or personal interest in any matter before the Committee shall
disclose such interest to the Committee prior to any action being taken thereon. Any Committee member who
is so interested may be counted in determining the existence of a quorum at any meeting at which such action
may be considered, but shall not be entitled to vote on such action. No action of the Committee shall be rendered void solely by the fact that any of the members are so interested. Disclosure of such interest by a Committee member subsequent to action taken thereon may be a basis for the Committee to rescind such action or
for the Association Governing Board to rescind any resulting Board action. (April 21, 1995)
G. Informal matters of procedure and rules interpretation not directly covered by these operating procedures
may be resolved by majority vote of those present. Matters of procedure and parliamentary practice not otherwise covered in either the bylaws of the Association or the Nominating Committee’s operating procedures
shall be governed by the latest edition of Robert’s Rules of Order.
A.1. The Committee, upon approval of the Governing Board, will utilize the following procedures.
A.2. The Nominating Committee shall be responsible for the entire process of formulating a slate of officers
and Board Directors and Governing Board Members from nominations received through March 1 each year.
This process shall include an application form for each nominee stating current or past volunteer experience
and the stated desire to serve as a volunteer of the Association.
A.3. The Committee shall ensure that a call for nominations for all eligible positions is placed in the winter
issue of the MIZZOU magazine.
A.4. The Committee shall present the slate of proposed officers and Board Directors and Governing Board
Members to the Governing Board for approval prior to the Spring Governing Board meeting. The
Committee shall also present the proposed slate, in writing, to the Governing Board at least ten days prior to
the Spring Governing Board meeting.
A.5. A written ballot will be used for all election procedures.
A.6. No nominations will be accepted by the Committee from the floor at the Governing Board meeting.
B. The Committee shall perform other duties as directed by the Governing Board.
Faculty-Alumni Awards Committee
(Adopted April 21, 1995; amended through February 9, 2002)
The word “Association” when used in this document shall mean the University of Missouri Alumni Association. The word “Board” or the words “Governing Board” when used herein shall mean the Governing Board
of the Association; the words “the Committee” shall refer to the Faculty-Alumni Awards Committee; and the
word “member(s)” shall refer to members of the Faculty-Alumni Awards Committee. (amended February 9,
The Faculty-Alumni Awards Committee was established to review nominations and select recipients for the
Faculty-Alumni Awards, and to honor the recipients at a gala banquet and program each fall.
A. The Faculty-Alumni Awards Committee shall be composed of a minimum of 10 voting members and appropriate Alumni Relations staff members and the Adviser (who shall serve as ex-officio, non-voting members).
The president of the Association shall be an ex-officio member of the Committee. (amended February 9, 2002)
B. At least 7 Committee members shall be regular, honorary, or associate members of the Association. In addition, at least three Committee members shall be University faculty and at least one Committee member shall
be a University student who is a regular member of the Association. (amended September 25, 1997; February
9, 2002)
C.1. Except as set forth in this section, members of the Committee shall serve staggered three-year terms from
the date of appointment until their successors are appointed, the terms of at least two members expiring each
year. The Advisor and any student member shall serve a term of one year and are eligible for reappointment.
(amended February 9, 2002)
C.2. No person shall serve more than two consecutive terms, except that the abbreviated service of a member
selected to fill an uncompleted term of 12 months or less shall not be counted toward any limit otherwise
established by this paragraph. After absence from the Committee for a minimum of two years, any former
member may be selected for additional terms, subject to the limits herein.
D. Vacancies shall be filled by appointment by the Association president. If an uncompleted term is 12 months
or less, the abbreviated service of the replacement member shall not be counted toward the limits established
in Section II, paragraph C.2.
E. Any Faculty-Alumni Awards Committee member may resign by notice in writing to the president of the
Association, with a copy to the chairman of the Committee. Any member may be removed from the Committee for good cause by the Governing Board by following the procedures described for removal of a Director in
Article III, Section 4, of the Association bylaws. (amended February 9, 2002)
A.1. The Committee shall meet for the transaction of business in informal proceedings at least one time each
year, at a place and time designated by the chairman. This meeting shall be for the purpose of reviewing nominations and making selections for the Awards. Special meetings may be called on the initiative of the chairman, and shall be called by the chairman in the event of a written request from at least two members. Meeting
notice may be given in any appropriate fashion.
A.2. The presence of seven voting members of the Committee shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of
A.3. The Committee may authorize the transaction of its business by telephone or mail.
A.4. The Committee will allow for written proxy or electronic participation in awardee selection in the event
of the absence(s) for two or fewer Committee members on the date chosen for the selection meeting. In the
event more than two members cannot attend, an alternate meeting date will be chosen. The Advisor or Committee Chair will cast the written ballot for the absent member(s). The absent member(s) selections will be
voted as long as the candidate is in the pool. If and when all of the candidates on the written ballot are exhausted, the absent member(s) vote ceases. (amended September 14, 2000)
Electronic participation is defined as teleconferencing, online participation or any other electronic
media available. (amended September 14, 2000)
The Committee has no formal budget and is not empowered to authorize or contract for expenditures of Association funds. (amended February 9, 2002)
The Committee may establish subcommittees as necessary for its operation. The chairman of any
subcommittee must be a member of the Committee and of the Association. The chairman of the Committee
and the adviser automatically shall be ex-officio members of all subcommittees. (amended September 25, 1997)
B.1. The chairman of the Committee must be a member of the Committee under the provisions of Section II,
paragraphs B, C.1. and C.2 of these Guidelines. The chairman is appointed to the position by the President of
the Association. (amended February 9, 2002)
B.2. The chairman shall appoint a vice-chairman who is authorized to discharge the duties of the chairman in
case of the chairman’s absence. The Alumni Relations staff shall perform the duties of secretary to the Committee.
C. Changes in the formal operating procedures and rules of the Committee require an affirmative vote of
two-thirds of the entire Committee and approval of the Association’s Governing Board. (amended February 9,
D. Any Committee member with a business or personal interest in any matter before the Committee shall
disclose such interest to the Committee prior to any action being taken thereon. Any Committee member
who is so interested may be counted in determining the existence of a quorum at any meeting at which such
action may be considered, but shall not be entitled to vote on such action. No action of the Committee shall
be rendered void solely by the fact that any of the members are so interested. Disclosure of such interest by
a Committee member subsequent to action taken thereon may be a basis for the Committee to rescind such
action or for the Association’s Governing Board to rescind any resulting Board action. (amended February 9,
E. Informal matters of procedure and rules interpretation not directly covered by these operating procedures
may be resolved by majority vote of those present. Matters of procedure and parliamentary practice not otherwise covered in either the bylaws of the Association or the Faculty-Alumni Awards Committee’s Guidelines
shall be governed by the latest edition of Robert’s Rules of Order. (amended February 9, 2002)
A. The Faculty-Alumni Awards Committee shall be responsible for the selection of recipients for the FacultyAlumni Awards, the Distinguished Service Award, and the Distinguished Faculty Award.
B. The Committee will assist in the planning and production of the Awards Banquet and Program which honors the award recipients annually.
C. The Committee shall perform other duties as directed by the Governing Board. (amended February 9,
Leadership Development Committee
An Ad Hoc Committee of the
The word “Association” when used in this document shall mean the University of Missouri Alumni Association. The word “Board” or the words “Governing Board” when used herein shall mean the Governing Board
of the Association; the words “the Committee” shall refer to the Leadership Development Committee; and the
word “member(s)” shall refer to members of the Leadership Development Committee.
The Leadership Development Committee is established to support the advancement of the Association
through proactively identifying emerging and emergent leaders, equiping them to serve in leadership throughout the Association, assisting the Association to cultivate strong leadership pools, and serving as a leadership
education resource.
A. The Leadership Development Committee shall be composed of a minimum of nine voting members and
appropriate Alumni Relations staff members (who shall serve as ex-officio, non-voting members). The president of the Association shall be an ex-officio member of the Committee.
B. Committee members shall be regular, honorary, or associate members of the Association, and in addition to
the committee chairman and immediate Past President of the Association, at least one member shall represent
each of the following groups:
In-State Chapters,
Out-of-State Chapters,
Schools & Colleges,
Current or former AASB President,
At-Large student, and
At-Large Association members
C.1. Except as set forth in this section, members of the Committee shall serve staggered three-year terms from
the date of appointment until their successors are appointed, the terms of at least two members expiring each
C.2. No person shall serve more than two consecutive terms, except that the abbreviated service of a member
selected to fill an uncompleted term of 12 months or less shall not be counted toward any limit otherwise
established by this paragraph. After absence from the Committee for a minimum of two years, any former
member may be selected for additional terms, subject to the limits herein.
D. Vacancies shall be filled by appointment by the Association president. If an uncompleted term is 12 months
or less, the abbreviated service of the replacement member shall not be counted toward the limits established
in Section II, paragraph C.2.
E. Any Leadership Development Committee member may resign by notice in writing to the president of the
Association, with a copy to the chairman of the Committee. Any member may be removed from the Committee for good cause by the Governing Board by following the procedures described for removal of a Director in
Article III, Section 4, of the Association Bylaws.
A.1. The Committee shall meet for the transaction of business in informal proceedings at least four times each
year, at a place and time designated by the Chairman. Special meetings may be called on the initiative of the
chairman, and shall be called by the chairman in the event of a written request from at least two members.
Meeting notice may be given in any appropriate fashion.
A.2. The presence of five voting members of the Committee shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of
A.3. The Committee may authorize the transaction of its business by electronic or mail.
A. 4. Written and oral proxies are allowed on all matters before the committee.
B. The Committee has no formal budget and is not empowered to authorize or contract for expenditures of
Association funds.
C. The Committee may establish subcommittees as necessary for its operation. The chairman of any subcommittee must be a member of the Committee and of the Association. The chairman of the Committee automatically shall be an ex-officio member of all subcommittees.
D.1. The chairman of the Committee must be a member of the Committee under the provisions of Section II,
paragraphs B, C.1. and C.2 of these Guidelines. The chairman is appointed to the position by the president of
the Association and shall have served at least one year on the committee. Such appointment may be renewed
by the succeeding president, so long as the appointment does not otherwise violate Committee Guidelines or
Association Bylaws.
D.2. The chairman shall appoint a vice-chairman who is authorized to discharge the duties of the chairman in
case of the chairman’s absence. The Alumni Relations staff shall perform the duties of secretary to the Committee.
E. Changes in the formal operating procedures and rules of the Committee require an affirmative vote of twothirds of the entire Committee and approval of the Association’s Governing Board.
F. Any Committee member with a business or personal interest in any matter before the Committee shall
disclose such interest to the Committee prior to any action being taken thereon. Any Committee member who
is so interested may be counted in determining the existence of a quorum at any meeting at which such action
may be considered, but shall not be entitled to vote on such action. No action of the Committee shall be rendered void solely by the fact that any of the members are so interested. Disclosure of such interest by a Committee member subsequent to action taken thereon may be a basis for the Committee to rescind such action or
for the Association Board of Directors to rescind any resulting Board action.
G. Informal matters of procedure and rules interpretation not directly covered by these operating procedures
may be resolved by majority vote of those present. Matters of procedure and parliamentary practice not otherwise covered in either the Association Bylaws or the Leadership Development Committee’s Guidelines shall be
governed by the latest edition of Robert’s Rules of Order.
A. The Leadership Development Committee shall be responsible for coordinating with the Alumni Relations
staff in the identification, development and maintenance of profiles of emerging and emergent alumni leaders.
B. The Committee shall respond to inquiries from the President, Committee Chairmen, and Chapter/Organization leaders interested in filling vacancies.
C. The Committee shall, with the help of Alumni Relations staff, implement and conduct the annual Leadership Mizzou program and may implement, support, or conduct other leadership education programming.
D. The Committee shall perform other duties as directed by the Governing Board.
(Adopted April 11, 2008)
The term “MU” shall mean the “University of Missouri-Columbia.” The term “Association,” when used in this
document, shall mean the Mizzou Alumni Association. The terms “Board” or “Governing Board,” when used
herein, shall mean the Governing Board of the Association; the terms “the Council” or “The PRIDE” shall
refer to The PRIDE Past Presidents Council (Presidents Retired, Involved and Dedicated to Excellence); and
the term “member(s)” shall refer to members of The PRIDE.
The PRIDE’s purpose is to bring Association Past Presidents together to provide ancillary support to the
Association, Association Governing Board, Association Executive Committee and Association Staff. Specifically, The PRIDE shall endeavor to be the preeminent resource to the Association and assist the Association in
executing its Mission. The PRIDE shall also perform other duties and responsibilities assigned or otherwise
delegated to it which are consistent with its purpose and the purposes of the Association.
The PRIDE shall be composed of all Association Past Presidents who are regular, honorary or associ-
ate members of the Association. Initial membership in The PRIDE shall become operative upon an individual’s rotation into the Association’s Immediate Past President position or at such time when an individual’s term
as Association President otherwise concludes.
Ex-officio members shall include the Association President and Executive Director. Honorary mem-
bers may also be designated by The PRIDE.
There shall be no designation of term of membership in The PRIDE. Membership shall continue
throughout a member’s lifetime or until the member resigns from membership or becomes otherwise
ineligible for regular, honorary or association membership in the Association. Should a member resign
membership in The PRIDE, that individual may reinstitute membership by indicating to the Association
President his or her desire to rejoin The PRIDE and reinitiating participation in The PRIDE’s activities.
The PRIDE shall meet for the transaction of business in informal proceedings at least twice each year,
at the Association’s annual Leaders’ Day and at a place and time during MU’s Winter Semester, at which time
the PRIDE shall additionally hold an annual social event. These and any other additional meetings shall be
called by The PRIDE’s Facilitator. Meeting notice may be given in any appropriate fashion.
The PRIDE may conduct its business by telephone, email or mail.
The PRIDE has no formal budget and is not empowered to authorize or contract for expenditures of
Association funds. However, The PRIDE shall be kept apprised of the expenditure of Association funds
related to its operation and the activities it sponsors.
The PRIDE may establish subcommittees as necessary for its operation. Any subcommittee leader
must be a member of The PRIDE. The PRIDE’s Facilitator shall be deemed an ex-officio member of all
Beginning with commencement of The PRIDE as an Association group, its Facilitator shall be the
individual twice removed in succession from the Association’s Immediate Past President position. The
Facilitator shall thus serve a one-year term. In the event an individual is unable or unavailable to serve as Facilitator, the Association’s President shall appoint another member of The Pride to serve as Facilitator for that
term. No individual shall be eligible to serve successive terms as Facilitator.
The Facilitator may appoint an Assistant Facilitator. If appointed, the Assistant Facilitator shall be
authorized to discharge the duties of the Facilitator in case of the Facilitator’s absence. The PRIDE shall keep
minutes from the meetings and compile them for subsequent distribution. The PRIDE shall be staffed by the
Association’s Executive Director.
Changes in The PRIDE’s Guidelines shall require the affirmative majority vote of members present
and approval of the Association’s Governing Board.
Any member with business or personal interest in any matter before The PRIDE shall disclose such
interest to The PRIDE prior to any action being taken thereon. Any member who is so interested shall not be
entitled to vote on such action. No action of The PRIDE shall be rendered void solely by the fact that any of
the members are so interested. Disclosure of such interest by a member subsequent to action taken thereon
may be a basis for The PRIDE to rescind such action or for the Association’s Governing Board to rescind a
resulting action.
Matters of procedure not directly covered by these Guidelines may be resolved by majority vote of
those present.
The PRIDE shall serve as an advisory resource to the Association, Association Governing Board, As-
sociation Executive Committee and/or Association Staff on matters pertaining to the Association and its ancillary groups (including, but not limited to, Alumni Association Student Board, Homecoming Steering Committee and True Tigers).
The PRIDE shall serve as a resource for Association representation on MU-related or University of
Missouri System-related advisory, strategic planning, search and other committees and/or task forces.
The PRIDE shall serve as an advisory resource for the MU Chancellor, upon the Chancellor’s request.
The PRIDE shall serve as an advisory resource for the UM System President, upon the President’s
The PRIDE shall provide advocacy assistance to the Association, in conjunction with the Mizzou
Legislative Network, concerning legislation and/or legislative issues relating to MU and higher education.
The PRIDE shall perform other functions as requested by the Association Governing Board, Associa-
tion President, Association Executive Committee and/or Association Staff.
Programs, Services & Staff
Programs & Services
Graduates & Members
Organizational Chart
Programs, Services & Staff
Association Staff
Programs & Services
Alumni Association Student Board (AASB)
AASB safeguards the traditions of our alma mater,
fosters a sense of pride within the Mizzou community and oversees the True Tiger program. Student
members serve as ambassadors at alumni events and
provide the perspective of “alumni in residence.”
Alumni Athletic Events
The association sponsors Tiger Tailgates and rallies
for selected football and basketball games with special pricing for MAA members.
Diversity Programs
The association works with affiliated organizations
and other campus offices to coordinate activities for
alumni and students who share similar interests and
Dr. Richard Wallace Faculty Incentive Grants
This program was initiated in 1994 to support the
development of junior faculty members, and it was
renamed for Chancellor Emeritus Wallace in 2002.
To date, the association has provided start-up funds
to more than 150 faculty members for the initiation
of research or professional development projects.
Faculty-Alumni Awards
Faculty-Alumni Awards focus attention on achievements and on the vital relationship between faculty
and alumni in promoting the best interests of the
University. The association also recognizes outstanding teaching with the Distinguished Faculty Award
and meritorious service with the Distinguished
Service Award. Contact the association for nomination forms.
Griffiths Leadership Society
The Griffiths Leadership Society for Women is the
catalyst for global connections among diverse and
distinguished MU collegian leaders and Alumnae.
Through lifelong learning, leadership development
and mentoring, members stimulate their potential
and that of other MU women, while supporting the
best interests and traditions of Missouri’s flagship
In 1911, Athletic Director Chester Brewer issued a
call to all alumni to “come home” for the MissouriKansas game, and more than 9,000 Mizzou alumni
packed Rollins Field. Thousands of alumni and
friends still “come home” to Mizzou each
year for the oldest and one of the largest Homecomings in the nation. For information, call 1-888-292MUHC.
Leaders Weekend
Alumni volunteers return to Mizzou each fall for
a weekend of activities and fun. Campus leaders
present the state of the university and interact with
alumni. Volunteers share ideas, tour the campus and
renew their involvement with MU during a daylong
Legacy Scholarships
The True Sons and Daughters Legacy Scholarship
program provides support to students who are the
children of alumni.
This quarterly magazine is mailed to all MU graduates and association members to keep them informed
about Mizzou news, events around the country, and
the lives of their friends and classmates.
Mizzou ‘39
Mizzou ‘39 is a senior recognition program sponsored by the Mizzou Alumni Association Student
Board. Established in 2005, this program seeks to
recognize 39 outstanding seniors for their academic
achievement, leadership, and service to the University and community.
Mizzou Card Program
Association credit cards are available without an
annual fee. The cards provide the association with
additional funds for campus programs. Call Bank of
America at 1-800-847-7378 for an application. Association members are eligible for a reduced annual
percentage rate.
Mizzou Legacy Walk
As part of the alumni association’s 150th anniversary
celebration, a plan was developed to transform the
sidewalk leading to the Reynolds Alumni Center into
the Mizzou Legacy Walk. Proceeds from this MAA
project totaled nearly $1 Million and were used to
support student scholarships. The project, completed in 2012, features 2,576 engraved bricks with
personalized messages by each donor. Granite strips
between each section of bricks are etched with the
association’s six guideposts.
Mizzou Legislative Network (MLN)
MLN informs interested alumni about legislative
issues that affect MU and higher education. All instate members are part of MLN; out-of-state alumni
who wish to support Mizzou’s legislative efforts may
sign up by contacting the alumni association office.
Mizzou Match
Married couples who are both MU graduates and
association members are eligible to register for Mizzou Match. Members who found love with another
Tiger receive an annual Mizzou Match greeting,
matching program lapel pins, wedding anniversary
card and more. To register visit
MizzouNet offers the University of Missouri an
online solution for helping graduate alumni and
other members of the Mizzou Alumni Association
stay personally and professionally connected. Build a
personal profile and a network of friends on this free
Facebook-like online social community exclusively
for the MU community.
Tiger Plaza
The University dedicated Tiger Plaza during the
2002 Homecoming weekend, thanks in large part to
the life members and other contributors who made
their mark on MU history by supporting the construction of one of Mizzou’s favorite campus icons.
An endowment, strengthened by more than 2,000
new life members generated through the Tiger Plaza
life member campaign, provides critical support for
the association’s life member program. More than
8,500 alumni and friends of the University are life
members of the MAA.
Tiger Walk
Tiger Walk welcomes new students to Mizzou with
a walk through the Columns toward Jesse Hall to
symbolize their entrance into the University. More
than 4,000 students participate each year.
Mizzou Plate Program
With an annual contribution of $25 to a general
scholarship fund, alumni and other Tiger Fans can
purchase MU license plates and put some pride
on their ride. The plates are available for Missouri
residents only.
Time of the Tiger Founders’ Celebration
This annual celebration honors the 1839 founding
of the University of Missouri and showcases
Mizzou’s current successes. Founders’ Celebration is
held in February each year. Alumni chapters worldwide host concurrent events.
The association offers a variety of services to help
alumni interested in holding their own MU reunions, including basic printing and mailing services,
publicity, supplies and a reunion-planning guide. In
addition, each fall the MAA invites 50 year graduates
and former Gold Medal recipients back to campus
to renew friendships and reconnect with their alma
mater during Gold Medal Society Weekend.
Tourin’ Tigers Program
This program provides exciting, educational travel
opportunities for alumni and friends. Participants
travel around the globe on more than 20 tours each
Scholarship Program
To help top-quality students attend MU, the association’s Alumni Scholars program provides over
$200,000 in student scholarships annually. Applications for entering and returning Mizzou students are
due February 1 of each year.
Senior Send-Off/Tiger Prowl
Held every May, Senior Send-Off is the official celebration for new graduates. The event includes Tiger
Prowl, in which students walk north through the
Columns away from Jesse Hall to signify their entry
into the world as alumni. Other special activities for
seniors also take place at this event.
Stand Up for Mizzou Campaign
The Stand Up for Mizzou Campaign is a grassroots
campaign to engage advocates of the University of
Missouri in the legislative process.
True Son's & Daughter's Legacy Program
The True Son's and Daughter's program was created
to recognize families with multiple generations of
Mizzou alumni. Additionally, the Legacy Scholarship was created to provide support to students who
are the children of alumni.
True Tiger Student Membership Program
The association invites current students to join at a
discounted rate. True Tigers are invited to special
events planned just for them, such as networking
dinners, career seminars, road trips to athletic events
and more. They also enjoy all of the membership
benefits alumni members receive, including invitations to local chapter and school/college organization activities. True Tigers receive a membership gift
kit including a Mizzou Traditions T-shirt.
Volunteer Awards Program
Each year, the Tiger Pride and Mizzou G.O.L.D.
awards recognize four alumni for ongoing leadership and service through the association or any of its
organizations. Mizzou Alumni Legacy Awards are
presented to one in-state and one out-of-state volunteer for lifetime exemplary service to the association.
Geyer Awards are presented to alumni for their
public service to Missouri higher education.
Graduates & Members by State
District of Columbia
New Hampshire
New Jersey
New Mexico
New York
North Carolina
North Dakota
Graduates MAA
Rhode Island
South Carolina
South Dakota
West Virginia
Graduates & Members in Missouri
Adair County
Andrew County
Atchison County
Audrain County
Barry County
Barton County
Bates County
Benton County
Bollinger County
Boone County
Buchanan County
Butler County
Caldwell County
Callaway County
Camden County
Cape Girardeau County
Carroll County
Carter County
Cass County
Cedar County
Chariton County
Christian County
Clark County
Clay County
Clinton County
Cole County
Cooper County
Crawford County
Dade County
Dallas County
Daviess County
DeKalb County
Dent County
Douglas County
Dunklin County
Franklin County
Gasconade County
Gentry County
Graduates Members
Greene County
Grundy County
Harrison County
Henry County
Hickory County
Holt County
Howard County
Howell County
Iron County
Jackson County
Jasper County
Jefferson County
Johnson County
Knox County
Laclede County
LaFayette County
Lawrence County
Lewis County
Lincoln County
Linn County
Livingston County
Macon County
Madison County
Maries County
Marion County
McDonald County
Mercer County
Miller County
Mississippi County
Moniteau County
Monroe County
Montgomery County
Morgan County
New Madrid County
Newton County
Oregon County
Osage County
Graduates Members
Graduates & Members in Missouri
Ozark County
Pemiscot County
Perry County
Pettis County
Phelps County
Pike County
Platte County
Polk County
Pulaski County
Putnam County
Ralls County
Randolph County
Ray County
Reynolds County
Ripley County
Saline County
Schuyler County
Scotland County
Scott County
Shannon County
Shelby County
St. Charles County
St. Clair County
St. Francois County
St. Louis City
St. Louis County
Ste. Genevieve County
Stoddard County
Stone County
Sullivan County
Taney County
Texas County
Vernon County
Warren County
Washington County
Wayne County
Webster County
Worth County
Graduates Members
Wright County
Total for Missouri
Graduates Members
Mizzou Alumni Association Staff
Todd A. McCubbin, M Ed ‘95
Executive Director
Phone: (573) 882-6017
Endowed Life Member
Number of Years on Staff: 18
Todd McCubbin was named Executive Director of the Alumni Association and Associate Vice Chancellor for
Alumni Relations in October of 2004. Todd directs the operational and financial activities of the Alumni Association. He is responsible for increasing Association membership, managing the budget and the relationship
with the Governing Board and its committees. He serves as Secretary to the Governing Board of Directors
and staffs the Past Presidents Council (The PRIDE). He also manages the integration of the Association’s
activities with other campus advancement efforts. Todd earned a BA in Communications from Truman State
A Harrisburg, MO native, Todd and his wife, Debra, have two daughters, Avery and Mya, and a son, Tate.
Linda Crane
Executive Staff Assistant
Phone: (573) 882-6615
Annual Member
Number of Years on Staff: 13
Linda coordinates the MAA Governing Board meetings, works with the MAA Past President's Council, coordinates the Richard Wallace Faculty Incentive Grant program, supervises the staff of student workers, oversees
the reception area in the office, and coordinates Todd McCubbin’s schedule, travel, and meeting materials.
Linda coordinates the Association suite at Memorial Stadium during the football season. She also assists
McCubbin with his duties as the Associate Vice Chancellor of Alumni Relations.
In her spare time, Linda enjoys spending time at the family farm. Linda and husband Tony have one son,
Jason, and a grandson, Blake. Linda has worked at MU for 23 years.
Ann Carter
Program Assistant
Phone: (573) 882-6611
Annual Member
Number of Years on Staff: 11
Ann began her work with the Association in the Fall of 2002. She is the Receptionist/Program Assistant and
assists co-workers with many projects. She helps answer questions, directs phone calls, meets and greets visitors and handles MAA’s email account, Ann is the Association’s first impression in many
cases and enjoys working with Mizzou’s alumni and students.
Ann earned a bachelor’s degree in Fine Arts in 1995 from William Woods University. She worked as a Floral
Designer for 12 years and owned a home-based Freeze Dried business prior to coming to the Association.
Mizzou Alumni Association Staff
Cindy Frazier, BS Ed ‘91, MBA ‘07
Associate Executive Director
Phone: (573) 882-0011
Endowed Life Member
Number of Years on Staff: 14
Cindy is involved with the overall business administration of the Association and is primarily responsible for the
fiscal and human resource areas. She also works with the national budget and finance committee and supervises
some of the programming areas.
Cindy received a bachelor’s degree in Education and a MBA with an emphasis in finance and accounting from
Mizzou. Her husband Shawn is also a Mizzou graduate and received a degree in Accountancy. She and Shawn
have four children.
Cindy and Shawn are lifetime members of the Mizzou Alumni Association.
Scott Reeter
Advertising & Corporate Sponsorships Director
(573) 882-7358
Annual Member
Number of Years on Staff: 2
The MIZZOU magazine advertising director since fall of 2000, Scott Reeter joined the Mizzou Alumni
Association team in fall of 2011. His role with MAA expanded with the addition of Corporate Sponsorships to
his responsibilities. During his tenure with the university, Scott’s served as the magazine’s liaison to the association’s Membership and Marketing Committee.
Scott earned his Bachelor’s of Business Administration degree from Iowa State University in 1986 with a major
in Marketing. He was an Advertising Account Executive for the Columbia Daily Tribune during the 90’s and
for Lamar Outdoor Advertising before joining the university. On the weekends, he enjoys the outdoors and digs
gardening, boating and fishing.
Charlotte Burkett
Senior Data Entry Operator
Phone: (573) 882-5151
Annual Member
Number of Years on Staff: 27
Charlotte is responsible for maintaining the 40k+ members of the Mizzou Alumni Association, which
includes membership processing and records, and coordinates other projects for Cindy Frazier,
associate executive director and chief fiscal officer. She has been with the University since 1986 and the
Association since 1995.
Charlotte has three children, Richie, Beth and Benjamin.
Carol Huhman
Fiscal Assistant
Phone: (573) 884-8928
Annual Member
Number of Years on Staff: 5
Carol joined the association in January 2008 as Administrative Assistant, assisting Cindy Frazier and Charlotte
Burkett with fiscal activities. Carol retired from full-time University employment in 2003 and began her own
real estate property management business. She has one son, daughter-in-law and beautiful granddaughter. In
her free time she enjoys traveling, fine hand sewing, and reading.
Mizzou Alumni Association Staff
Chapter Development
Jayson Meyer
Director, Alumni Relations
Phone: (573) 882-8208
Endowed Life Member
Number of Years on Staff: 9
Jayson joined the staff in January 2004. He manages the team charged with oversight of the Mizzou Alumni Association chapter network. As part of that team he serves as staff liaison to alumni chapters in Kansas City and
the southwest and northeast regions of the US, as well as international groups. In addition, his responsibilities
include chapter development, the Leadership Development Committee, Leaders Weekend program, Volunteer
Leadership Awards, the Association’s Rules Committee, Leadership Mizzou, and the Varsity M Letterwinners
Before joining us at Mizzou, Jayson worked in alumni relations and was an active student leader. In June 2006,
Jayson was promoted to Assistant Director of Alumni Relations and then Director in fall 2008.
Jayson has a master’s degree in Public Administration, and his wife, Anne, is on staff at the MU Counseling
Stephanie Anderson, BS BA ‘08, MBA ‘10
Assistant Director, Alumni Relations
Phone: (573) 882-2634
Recent Grad Member
Number of Years on Staff: 3
Stephanie joined the MAA staff in August 2010 as Coordinator of Alumni Relations, and was promoted to Assistant Director in January of 2013. In her current role, she serves as the liaison to alumni chapters in St. Louis,
Chicago, Nashville, Omaha, South Carolina, and the West Coast. Stephanie is also responsible for managing
MAA’s young alumni efforts.
Stephanie was born and raised in St. Louis and comes from a large family of Mizzou Tigers. She graduated with
her Bachelor’s degree in business in 2008 and received her MBA in 2010. As a student, Stephanie served as a
2007 Summer Welcome Leader, Residential Life Peer Advisor, and volunteer in the Wellness Resource Center.
In her spare time, Stephanie loves spending time with friends and family and cheering on the Mizzou Tigers! In
June 2012, Stephanie married her Mizzou sweetheart Alex, who is an academic adviser for the College of Arts
& Science.
Chapter Development
Anne Case-Halferty, BA ‘08, MPA ‘11
Assistant Director, Alumni Relations
Phone: (573) 884-7032
Life Member
Number of Years on Staff: 1st year
Anne Case-Halferty joined MAA in March 2013 as Assistant Director of Alumni Relations. In this role, she
manages the Alumni Scholars program and serves as the liaison to regional alumni chapters including Colorado, Kansas, Mississippi, Alabama, and North Carolina, as well as several chapters in central and Southern
Born and raised a Tiger, Anne is a third generation Mizzou alum who grew up in the Columbia area. A 2004
Boone County Alumni Scholar, Anne graduated from the College of Arts & Science in 2008 with her Bachelor’s in English and Political Science and went on to earn a graduate degree in public administration (MPA)
in 2011. As a student, Anne participated in Summer Welcome, the Alumni Association Student Board, Mystical
Seven, Mortar Board, and was the 2007 Homecoming Queen. Her husband, Christopher Ruff, is a military
veteran studying computer and electrical engineering at Mizzou.
Robert Ross, M Ed ‘12
Coordinator, Affinity Relations
Phone: (573) 882-2451
Annual Member
Number of Years on Staff: 1
Robert was appointed to his current position in June 2012 after serving as a graduate assistant since August 2011.
His responsibilities include coordinating activities of existing affinity groups and developing connections with new
groups. Robert served in the U.S Marine Corps and in city government in Columbia, MO and Kansas City, KS in
public relations.
He graduated with a Master of Education Degree (higher education) from Mizzou in 2012 and earned a Bachelor
of Arts degree in Journalism (public relations emphasis) from San Diego State University. Robert serves on the
Board of Directors for First Chance for Children and the Columbia Public Schools Achievement Disparities Committee Leadership Group. He is former President of Mid-Missouri Chapter, Public Relations Society of America and
former President of the Minority Men’s Network. Born in Indianapolis, IN, Robert’s son, Carlos, is an undergraduate at Mizzou and daughter, Monica, attends college in Kentucky. An avid bicyclist, Robert has participated in the
annual 150-mile bike ride for Multiple Sclerosis (MS) since 2007.
Chapter Development
Molly Richardson, BA ‘09
Coordinator, Alumni Relations
Phone: (573) 882-3941
Recent Grad Member
Number of Years on Staff: 1st year
As Coordinator of Alumni Relations, Molly is the liaison to most alumni chapters in the northeast, south central, and upper midwest, as well as several chapters within the state of Missouri. Moreover, she is responsible
for the True Son's and Daughter's Legacy Program and is the MAA’s liaison with the Office of Parent Relations.
Molly is a 2009 graduate of the College of Arts & Science, receiving degrees in both History and Geography.
She is an MU legacy, as both of her parents are proud Mizzou alums and all three bleed black and gold. Molly
is excited to have the opportunity to return to Mizzou after graduate school in Chicago and working for several years in the New York City area.
Sr. Program Assistant
Mizzou Alumni Association Staff
Athletics & Student Programming
Assistant Director, Alumni Relations
Aly Friend, BS ‘12
Coordinator, Student Programs
Phone: (573) 882-6613
Recent Grad Member
Number of Years on Staff: 1st year
Aly Friend is the Coordinator of Student Programs at the Mizzou Alumni Association. In this position, Aly
oversees the planning of Homecoming as well as True Tiger programming. She also advises the Homecoming
Steering Committee and the Alumni Association Student Board.
Aly was born and raised in Sikeston, MO. A 2012 graduate of the University, she received a BS in Hospitality Management. As a student Aly was a member of the Centennial Homecoming Steering Committee and
served as a Summer Welcome Leader. Aly enjoys spending time with her Weimaraner puppy, Jax, cooking, and
spending time with friends and family.
Athletics & Student Programming
Kyle Luetkemeyer
Program Assistant, Student Programs & Athletic Events
Phone: (573) 884-2346
Annual Member
Number of Years on Staff: 1st year
Kyle joined the MAA team on February 18, 2013 as the Program Assistant for Student Programs & Athletic
Events. She is originally from Fulton, MO and graduated from Missouri State University in May 2011 with a
Bachelor’s Degree in Marketing Management. Kyle moved to Columbia in Fall 2011 and was most recently
employed with MFA Incorporated as an administrative assistant/marketing assistant in the Precision Department.
Kyle assists with athletic events, Griffiths Leadership Society for Women, and student programs. In her spare
time she enjoys spending time with friends and family, cooking, crafting, and spending time with her dog,
Brandon Guthrie, BA ‘09
Graduate Assistant, MAA Student Programs
Phone: (573) 884-7630
True Tiger Student Member
Number of Years on Staff: 1
Brandon joined the MAA team after two years serving in the Missouri College Advising Corps in St. Louis. He
is working on a Masters in Higher Education with an emhasis in Student Affairs Leadership at Mizzou. Brandon assists with the Student Programming area. He helps coordinate True Tiger programming, with focused
leadership on the new True Tiger mentoring programming, and True Tiger recruitment efforts. He also helps
with the selection process for new Alumni Association Student Board members.
Brandon is a 2009 graduate of the College of Arts and Science where he studied Sociology.
Mizzou Alumni Association Staff
Marketing & Communications
David Roloff, BES ‘78, MA ‘85
Director, Marketing & Communications
Phone: (573) 882-6205
Endowed Life Member
Number of Years on Staff: 13
David is responsible for general marketing functions of the Association in addition to managing the association’s brand identity and electronic communications including David also manages the
Association’s merchandise programs, giveaways, donations and research and assessment.
David has served as the President of the Council of Alumni Marketing and Membership Professionals in
addition to currently serving as the Treasurer of the Park Hill Improvement Association, Columbia’s oldest
neighborhood association.
David received a bachelor’s degree in Radio/TV/Film from Mizzou in 1978 and a master’s degree in Counseling/Psychology from Mizzou in 1985. He and his wife Laura, BJ ‘86, MA ‘09, have one son, Berkley, and a
daughter, Audrey.
Ry Colman, BJ ‘11
Coordinator, E-Engagement
Phone: (573) 884-9062
Recent Grad Member
Number of Years on Staff: 1
Ry Colman joined the MAA staff as the Coordinator of E-Engagement, part of the Marketing and Communications team, in December, 2011. In this position, Ry coordinates the MAA’s social networking platforms,
website and e-mail traffic among other tasks in the digital communications realm.
Ry grew up just down the road from campus in Columbia and has been a Tiger since birth. A 2011 graduate
of the University, he received a Bachelor’s degree in journalism with an emphasis in strategic communications, as well as minors in psychology, sociology and multi-cultural studies. In his free time Ry enjoys relaxing
with friends, family and his dog, Ziggy. He is also an avid sports fan and hasn’t missed a Mizzou home football
game in many years.
Marketing & Communications
Ellen Davison, BJ ‘08
Program Assistant
Phone: (573) 882-1373
Annual Member
Number of Years on Staff: 1
Ellen Davison joined MAA in March of 2012 as Program Assistant for Alumni Relations. She previously
worked on alumni network development and assisted in serving our alumni chapters. She now assists the
Marketing and Communications team. Ellen graduated from Mizzou with a bachelor's degree in journalismadvertising emphasis in 2004. After almost eight years in the small business sector of Chicago, she returned to
Columbia. She originates from a large St. Louis family, deeply rooted in Cardinal baseball and thin crust pizza.
She also loves to travel, cook and spend time with her family and friends.
Christa Penning, BJ ‘13
Program Assistant
Phone: (573) 882-6612
Number of Years on Staff: 1st year
Christa is originally from Philadelphia and graduated in 2013 with a Bachelor's degrees in magazine journalism and English. Before joining the MAA staff, she worked as a university writing tutor, a writer for the
Maneater, a reporter for the Missourian, a reporter for Vox Magazine and, in her final semester, as a music
department editor for Vox Magazine. During her time as an undergrad, she also participated in various campus
ministries and performed as a member of MU Improv. In her spare time, Christa enjoys reading, listening to
music, performing improv comedy, and playing with her black lab, DeeDee.
Mizzou Alumni Association Staff
Constituent Relations
Carrie Lanham, BS HE ‘76
Senior Director, Constituent Relations
Phone: (573) 882-4366
Annual Member
Number of Years on Staff: 34
Carrie received her bachelor’s degree in Human Environmental Sciences from Mizzou in 1976 and started
with the Association in 1979. She is responsible for the Faculty-Alumni Awards program, oversees the Tourin’
Tigers Travel Program and Reunion programming. Carrie is a member of the Mizzou Alumni Association and
her husband, Richard, is also a Mizzou alumnus.
Carrie is an animal lover. She and Rick have a dog, Daisy, and numerous barn cats.
Dan Szy
Program Assisitant
Phone: (573) 884-3747
Annual Member
Number of Years on Staff: 1st year
Dan Szy joined MAA in October, 2012 as Program Assistant for Legislative Advocacy and Constituent Relations. He assists M. Dianne Drainer with the Mizzou Legislative Network and Carrie Lanham with the
Faculty-Alumni Awards, Tourin’ Tigers, and reunion programs.
Dan previously served as residency coordinator in Mizzou’s Department of Internal Medicine. He earned a
B.S.F.S. in international politics from Georgetown University and served on the staff of Sen. Rick Santorum
and The Heritage Foundation. Dan has studied theology at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and
the Trinity Forum Academy. His wife Dusti (BA ’11) is a teaching assistant at Mizzou in the Department of
Medical Pharmacology & Physiology. They belong to Karis Community Church and live in Columbia with
their daughter Ella and son Noah.
Mizzou Alumni Association Staff
Annual Giving & Membership
Jill McIntosh, BS BA ‘00
Director, Annual Giving & Membership
Phone: (573) 882-2136
Annual Member
Number of Years on Staff: 1st year
Jill McIntosh serves as MAA’s Director of Annual Giving and Membership. Jill returned to Mizzou in 2013
after leading the fundraising operation at Fr. Tolton Catholic High School as the school’s first Director of
Development. She previously worked in MU's College of Engineering as the Manager of Events and Communications and at the Trulaske College of Business as a Development Officer. Jill spent the early part of her
career in the private sector, specializing in retail operations and merchandising for Sprint. Jill has dual Mizzou business degrees in management and marketing. She has been an active alumna serving as president of the
College of Business Recent Alumni Advisory Board, president of the Boone County Alumni Chapter, and as a
member of the MAA Governing Board. Jill and her husband Dave have two children, Garrett (6) and Grace
(4), and enjoy spending their family time fishing, cooking, and playing outdoors.
Tim McLaughlin
Interim Director, Lead Annual Giving
Phone: (573) 884-2355
Annual Member
Number of Years on Staff: 12
Tim McLaughlin joined the MU Advancement Team in June 2001 as the Supervisor of the Student Calling
Program for the Office of Annual Giving. In 2004, Tim became the Development Officer for Annual Giving.
His responsibilities include assessing, cultivating, soliciting and stewarding MU Alumni that have the passion
and propensity to give annual gifts averaging $1000-10,000 each year. Tim also oversees the MU Faculty, Staff
and Retirees campaign called ITS MY MIZZOU which generates over $3 million in contributions to MU
annually. Tim is excited to be part of the Mizzou Alumni Association family and will offer his assistance to
increase MAA membership and help raise funds for the MAA Traditions Fund.
Tim was born and raised in Columbia, Missouri. He graduated from Columbia College with a BA in Business
Administration. His father was an MU graduate and a 35-year employee of the University of Missouri. Tim is
married to Yvonne and they have two teenage sons, Ryan and Brendan. In his spare time he enjoys spending
time with family, attending Mizzou football and basketball games and cheering on the Tigers.
Annual Giving & Membership
Beverly Smith
Calling Floor Supervisor, Annual Giving & Membership
Phone: (573) 882-2137
Annual Member
Number of Years on Staff: 5
Beverly Smith joined the Mizzou Annual Fund in April, 2008 as Supervisor for the Tiger Calling Club. She
manages approximately 70 Mizzou students each semester who call alumni and friends of Mizzou in an effort
to update information, answer any questions they may have, as well as ask for donations for several different
areas. Beverly’s responsibilities include but are not limited to, hiring, training and management of all Mizzou
Annual Fund student employees, statistical reporting, preparing data and working with our programmers for
calling projects, communicating with Mizzou alumni regarding any questions or requests they may have, as
well as connecting alumni to appropriate colleagues for everything from estate planning to setting up scholarships.
Laura Williamson
Coordinator, Annual Giving & Membership
Phone: (573) 882-1901
Annual Member
Number of Years on Staff: 5
Laura Williamson joined the Annual Giving staff in 2008 and is now part of the Annual Giving and Membership team. In her role, Laura coordinates and oversees direct mail and email marketing efforts and has a hand
in hundreds of solicitations and communications yearly reaching Mizzou alumni, parents, friends, fans, faculty,
staff, and retirees. In addition, she serves as the annual giving liaison to our schools, colleges and campus
constituents. Most recently, Laura has joined our MAA membership team and will also be assisting with our
membership recruitment efforts in the future as well as raising annual support for the MAA through the Mizzou Traditions Fund in addition to her annual giving duties.
Laura has lived in Columbia most of her life and worked at Mizzou for more than a decade in marketing,
customer service and advancement. She grew up a Tiger fan in St. Louis and remains an avid Mizzou sports
fan. Laura enjoys travel, reading, baking, working out, creative projects of all sorts, hanging out with family
and friends, and of course watching and attending Mizzou sporting events. Laura and husband, David, are the
proud parents of two college students, Alexandra, a Truman State Bulldog (like Mom) and Lucas, a Mizzou
Annual Giving & Membership
Christy Pourney, BA ‘04
Coordinator, Annual Giving & Membership
Phone: (573) 882-1961
Annual Member
Number of Years on Staff: 6
Christy Pourney joined the Mizzou Alumni Association in December 2007 as Program Assistant for Membership and Marketing. She is currently the Coodinator of Annual Giving and Membership. Her responsibilities
include membership recruitment and retention and facilitating She also coordinates member programs such as Mizzou Match, the annual MAA calendar, discount program, Tiger Locator, and Tigers
in Training.
Christy was born and raised in Festus, Missouri. She graduated from Mizzou with a BA in sociology. Her
husband, Matt, is also a graduate from Mizzou (BA ’02, MA ’05) and is employed by Mizzou as the Director of
Study Abroad for the College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources. They have a son named Arlo, born
in January 2013, who is a Tiger in training. In her spare time she enjoys going to the park with her dogs Rigby
and Piper, cooking with her husband, and spending time with her family.
Susan Tapia
Administrative Assistant, Annual Giving & Membership
Phone: (573) 882-2134
Annual Member
Number of Years on Staff: 8
Susan Tapia joined the Mizzou Annual Fund in February 2005 where she is the Administrative Assistant. Her
responsibilities include Human Resource and Payroll for 50+ students, running reports generated from the
Tiger Calling Club, help with direct mail, MAA membership support and supporting the rest of her team.
Susan was born in Columbia and has spent most of her life here. Before joining the Mizzou team she was a
Paraprofessional for Columbia Public Schools. She and her husband, Lonnie, have 2 sons, Jesse and Niko, as
well as a couple of dogs and several cats. Lonnie is the Art Teacher at Fr. Tolton High School. In her spare
time she enjoys spending time with her family and friends, working in her flower garden and spending as much
time at the Lake of the Ozarks as possible.
Administrative Assistant
Annual Giving & Membership
Susan Tapia
Calling Floor Supervisor
Annual Giving & Membership
Beverly Smith
Annual Giving & Membership
Christy Pourney
Annual Giving & Membership
Laura Williamson
Interim Director
Lead Annual Giving
Tim McLaughlin
Annual Giving & Membership
Jill McIntosh
Receptionist & Program
Assistant Administration
Ann Carter
Sr. Program Assistant
Alumni Relations
Affinity Relations
Robert Ross
Alumni Relations
Molly Richardson
Assistant Director
Alumni Relations
Stephanie Anderson
Assistant Director
Alumni Relations
Ann Case-Halferty
Alumni Relations
Jayson Meyer
Student Assistants
Executive Staff Assistant
Linda Crane
Governing Board
Program Assistant
Marketing & Communications
Christa Penning
Program Assistant
Marketing & Communications
Ellen Davison
Ry Colman
Marketing & Communications
David Roloff
Executive Director
Todd McCubbin
Organizational Chart
Graduate Assistant
Student Programs
Brandon Guthrie
Student Programs
Aly Friend
Program Assistant
Alumni Relations &
Student Programs
Kyle Luetkemeyer
Assistant Director
Alumni Relations
Advertising & Corporate Relations
Scott Reeter
Associate Executive Director
Fiscal & Administration
Cindy Frazier
Advocacy Director
M. Dianne Drainer
Vice Chancellor
Tom Hiles
Senior Data Specialist
Charlotte Burkett
Fiscal Assistant
Carol Huhman
Program Assistant
Constituent Relations
Dan Szy
Senior Director
Constituent Relations
Carrie Lanham
Operating Budget
FY14 Budget
Form 990
Operating Budget
FY14 Budget
Affinity Groups
Annual Report
Athletic Events
Endowments - MU
Board and Committee
Chapter Development
Chapter In/Out State
Dues-Life Membership
Diversity Programs
Investment income - agency
Electronic Communications
Faculty Alumni Awards
Legacy Walk
Faculty Incentive Grants
Misc. Income
General Administration
Univ Salary/Benefit Support
Leaders Weekend
Legacy Walk
Legacy Program
Legislative Activities
License Plate Program
Mizzou Magazine
Pending Programs
Professional Development
Gold Medal Society
Scholarship Program
School/College Development
Schools and Colleges
True Tiger
University Support
Young Alumni
Transfer to Endowment-Legacy Walk
Form 990
2013-2014 Year-At-A-Glance Calendar
CASE & ASAP Awards
Governing Board Travel Supplement Form
2013-2014 Year-At-A-Glance Calendar
KC Chapter Picnic/Auction
Tiger Walk
MU vs. Murray State Football
MU vs. Toledo Football
Board of Curators Meeting, Columbia
MU @ Indiana Tailgate
MAA Officers Meeting
MAA Governing Board Meeting
True Tiger/Alumni Networking Event
Leaders’ Day
MAA Past Presidents Council (The PRIDE) Meeting
Leaders’ Banquet & Program
27-29 Family Weekend
MU vs. Arkansas State Football
True Son’s & Daughter’s Legacy Brunch
MU @ Vanderbilt Tailgate
HC Food Drive/Tigers Taming Hunger Kick-Off
Tiger Food Fight (competition on campus), Student Center
HC Day of Service
MU @ Georgia Tailgate
14-17 HC Blood Drive , Hearnes Fieldhouse
Faculty-Alumni Awards President’s Reception
Faculty-Alumni Awards Banquet
MU vs. Florida Football
21-23 HC Talent Competition, Jesse Auditorium
HC Decorate the District
HC Headquarters, RAC
HC Campus Decorations
HC Concert
HC Grand Marshal Breakfast, RAC
Brewer Breakfast, Brewer Fieldhouse, Mizzou Rec Center
Romp, Chomp & Stomp Homecoming Tailgate
MU vs. South Carolina Football
MU vs. Tennessee Football
MU @ Kentucky Tailgate
Fall Griffiths Leadership Society for Women Conference
Board of Curators Meeting, UMSL
MU @ Ole Miss Tailgate
MU vs. Texas A&M Football
2013-2014 Year-At-A-Glance Calendar
Commencement (Honors Convocation)
Geyer Awards Reception
30-31 Board of Curators Meeting, Columbia
MAA Scholarship Deadline
MAA Faculty-Alumni Awards Nominations Due
Founders’ Day - Mizzou’s 175th Birthday
MAA Officers Meeting
MAA Governing Board Meeting
Mizzou ’39 Banquet
MAA Governing Board Nominations Due
Spring Griffiths Leadership Society for Women Conference
16-22 Spring Break Week
10-11 Board of Curators Meeting, Missouri S&T
MAA Officers Meeting
MAA Governing Board Meeting
MAA Governing Board Dinner, Les Bourgeois Winery & Restaurant
Tap Day
TBD Black & Gold Spring Game
TBD K.C. Chapter Tiger Ball
Tiger Prowl & Senior Send-Off
16-18 Commencement
19-20 Board of Curators Meeting, Columbia
TBD STL Chapter Soiree in Stripes
National Awards
2013 - CASE Circle of Excellence Alumni Relations Programs
New Program Initiatives
Silver Award - Mizzou Mutts
Advocacy Campaigns
Bronze Award - Stand Up for Mizzou
2012 - CASE District VI Awards
Gold Award - Excellence in Alumni Websites:
Gold Award - Excellence in Graphic Design (Single Logo) Centennial HC logo
Gold Award - Excellence in Advertising (Billboard/Environmental Advertising)
Welcome Home, Tigers billboard
Bronze Award - Excellence in Advertising (Billboard/Environmental Advertising)
Good Game, Great Fans game day candy box
Silver Award - Excellence in Advertising (Print Ad Series)
If it’s the Biggest & Best, You Better Believe it’s Mizzou Homecoming
Silver Award - Excellence in Alumni Programming (Special Group Programming)
Random Act of Membership program
Silver Award - Excellence in Fundraising Materials (Fundraising Direct Mail):
Mizzou Traditions Fund launch mailer
Silver Award - Excellence in Fundraising Materials (Member Appeal):
Be True to Mizzou school/college member appeal
2011 - CASE ASAP
Outstanding Tried-and-True Program:
Tiger Prowl Senior Sendoff
2008 - CASE Circle of Excellence
Bronze Award – (Leadership Mizzou)
2007 - CASE Circle of Excellence
Silver Award - Mizzou `39
ASAP District & National - “Most Outstanding External Program Awards”
2006 - CASE Circle of Excellence
Gold Award - @Mizzou e-newsletter
Gold Award - Mizzou Match
2004 - CASE Circle of Excellence
Grand Gold Award - Leaders’ Day
Gold Award - @Mizzou e-newsletter
Gold Award - Online Freshman Journal
Silver Award - Member Calendar Photo Contest
ASAP District & National - “Most Outstanding External Program Awards”
- Rivalry Week
2003 - CASE Circle of Excellence
Bronze Award - Tiger Plaza Dedication Ceremony
2002 - CASE Circle of Excellence
Grand Gold Award - Tiger Plaza Life Membership Campaign
Grand Gold - Tiger Walk
ASAP National “Most Outstanding Organization” - AASB
2001- CASE Circle of Excellence
Grand Gold - Tiger Walk
ASAP National “Most Outstanding Organization” - AASB
2000 - CASE Circle of Excellence
Grand Gold - Mizzou Homecoming
1999 - CASE Circle of Excellence
Grand Gold - Mizzou Homecoming
District Awards
2011 - CASE District VI Awards
Gold Medal - (Excellence in Multimedia Web-site or Special Section for Mizzou IQ
Trivia Games)
ASAP District Awards for Outstanding Internal Program (All-Member Retreat) and
Top Tried and True Program (Tiger Prowl/Senior Sendoff)
2010 - CASE District VI Awards:
Silver Award - (CD Directory Member Appeal to Recent Graduates)
Bronze Award - (
2009 - CASE District VI Awards:
Gold Award - (Benefits at Any Age Series - Membership Appeal)
Gold Award - (Restore the Roar - Graphic Design)
Gold Award - (Restore the Roar - Solution to an Institutional Comm. Challenge)
Silver Award - (Something for You and Mizzou - Membership Appeal)
Silver Award - (Legacy Walk Dedication - Special Events)
Bronze Award - (Legacy Walk Dedication - Alumni Event)
2008 - CASE District VI Awards:
Silver Award - (MAA Member Calendar - Graphic Design)
Bronze Award - (You Know You’re a 70s Grad - Fundraising Materials)
Bronze Award - (February Cycle Member Renewal Appeal - Fundraising Materials)
Bronze Award - (Mizzou Legacy Walk Mailer - Fundraising Materials)
MAA Governing Board
Travel Supplement
Board Member’s
Name: _____________________________________________________________________________
Check to: __________________________________________________________________________
See back for Guidelines.
Date of
Attach to this form.
*Travel mode
Name of Meeting
plane, car, etc.
# Miles
$ Amount
Signature of Board member required
Travel Supplement Requests must be submitted within 30 days of meeting.
MAA Governing Board Travel Supplement Guidelines
Alumni volunteers play an important role in fulfilling the mission of the Mizzou Alumni
Association. Therefore, we encourage and facilitate the involvement of alumni and
try to minimize the barriers to participation.
The following guidelines outline the expenses that the Mizzou Alumni Association will
reimburse upon request. To receive the reimbursement check, the volunteer must
complete the reverse side of this form and submit it, along with valid receipts, within
30 days of the date of the meeting/activity.
Personal Vehicle Travel
MAA reimburses personal vehicle travel at .35 cents per mile not to exceed the
maximum amounts listed below.
*Airfare or Car Rental
Continental Ranges:
MAXIMUM reimbursement
0-249 miles (roundtrip)
No Reimbursement
250-449 miles
450-649 miles
650 miles or more
International Ranges:
MAXIMUM reimbursement
North & South America
Africa, Asia & Australia
*Reimbursement will be made on actual amount submitted, not to exceed the
maximum amounts listed above.
For Governing Board functions, a block of rooms will be reserved and payment to the
hotel will be made by the Association. Individual volunteers are responsible for
overnight stays beyond what is required for attending official MAA functions and
should inform the hotel staff of this arrangement upon arrival and at departure.
Tax Deduction Option
Travel expenses associated with service to a not-for-profit agency can be considered a tax
deduction up to a specified amount in lieu of monetary reimbursement. Please consult your
accountant during tax filing time.
Campus/UM System
MU - Chancellor
Chancellor’s Staff
UM - President
UM - Board of Curators
Office of the Chancellor
Brady J. Deaton
105 Jesse Hall
Columbia, MO 65211
Chancellor Brady J. Deaton became the 21st chief executive officer of the University of Missouri on Oct. 4, 2004. With
many years of service to MU and experience in public higher education, Dr. Deaton brings an international perspective, a
record of national leadership, and a strong devotion to Mizzou to his position.
Dr. Deaton began his journey in higher education as a student at the University of Kentucky, where he graduated with
a degree in agricultural economics in 1966. Growing up as the second of nine children of a hard-working farm family in
Kentucky and furthered by his participation in 4-H, he developed a love of the land and a desire to study agriculture. His
dedication deepened during a two-year tour as a Peace Corps volunteer in Nan, Thailand, from 1962 to 1964, where he
taught vocational agriculture in the Thai language.
After receiving his bachelor’s degree, Dr. Deaton pursued a master of arts in diplomacy and international commerce at the
University of Kentucky, graduating in 1968. He went on to the University of Wisconsin where he earned a master of science in 1970 and a doctorate in 1972 in agricultural economics.
Moving from the student to the faculty ranks, Dr. Deaton spent the next six years as an assistant and associate professor of
agricultural economics and rural sociology at the University of Tennessee. During this time at Tennessee, he was appointed
as staff director of the Special Task Force on Food for Peace for the U.S. Department of Agriculture in Washington, D.C.
In 1978, Dr. Deaton took a professorship position at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in the Department
of Agricultural Economics, where he also served as coordinator of the rural development research and extension program.
Dr. Deaton spent 12 years at Virginia Tech, the last four as associate director of the Office for International Development.
In March 1989, he joined the University of Missouri as professor and chair in the Agricultural Economics Department and
as Social Science Unit leader. He transitioned from faculty to administration in December 1993, when he was appointed
chief of staff in the Office of the Chancellor. He became deputy chancellor in 1997.
In January 1998, Dr. Deaton was appointed interim provost and was named to the permanent position in October of that
year. His duties were expanded in 2001 when he also became the executive vice chancellor for academic affairs. A strong
proponent of the university’s role on the global stage, Dr. Deaton was instrumental as the sponsor of the Big 12 Provosts’
delegation to the European Union.
Dr. Deaton holds leadership roles in many university, community and national organizations. In 2011 President Barack
Obama appointed Dr. Deaton chairman of the Board for International Food and Agricultural Development. Dr. Deaton
chairs the Missouri Council on Public Higher Education (COPHE), a member-based organization of presidents and
chancellors of the state’s public four-year institutions. He served as chair of the Academic Affairs Council of the Association
of Public and Land-Grant Universities (APLU), participates in advisory roles with the U.S. Department of Agriculture and
maintains active membership in the American and International Agricultural Economics Associations.
Dr. Deaton has authored more than 100 articles, presentations and book chapters in his career in addition to co-authoring
three books.
For his contributions to the university, Dr. Deaton has been the recipient of many honors. He has been awarded the
Outstanding Commitment to Multiculturalism and Diversity certificate by the Association of Black Graduate and Professional Students, honored as an invited lecturer at the Japan International Agricultural Council and recognized by Gamma
Sigma Delta with an Award of Merit for Outstanding Administrator. He has received the Malone Award from NASULGC
for furthering international education in public higher education. In 2009 he received an honorary degree from Prince of
Songkla University in Hat Yai, Thailand, and in 2012 he received an honorary degree in public administration from Khon
Kaen University in Khon Kaen, Thailand.
Chancellor Deaton and his wife, Dr. Anne Deaton, are the parents of four grown children and the grandparents of five
grandsons and two granddaughters.
Chancellor’s Staff
Mike Alden, director
Intercollegiate Athletics
Rhonda Gibler, director
MU Budget Office
Robert Duncan, vice chancellor for research
Office of Research
Cathy Scroggs, vice chancellor
Student Affairs
Brian Foster, provost
Office of the Provost
Harold Williamson, MD, vice chancellor
Health System
Tom Hiles, vice chancellor
Alumni Relations
Jackie Jones, vice chancellor
Administrative Services
Chris Koukola, assistant to the chancellor
University Affairs
Todd McCubbin, executive director
Mizzou Alumni Association
Ann McGruder, executive assistant to the chancellor
Office of the Chancellor
Michael Middleton, deputy chancellor
Deputy Chancellor
Michael Ouart, vice provost for extension
MU Extension
Office of the President
Timothy M. Wolfe
321 University Hall
Columbia, MO 65211
An alumnus of the University of Missouri-Columbia with deep Missouri roots, Timothy M. Wolfe is an executive recognized
for recruiting, building and leading successful teams by creating innovative strategies and clear execution plans across the enterprise. He
has more than 30 years in information technology, infrastructure software, consulting and sales leadership.
Wolfe began his career in 1980 at IBM Corporation in Missouri, first as a sales representative in Jefferson City then as a manager in
Kansas City. For the next 20 years, Wolfe established a reputation at IBM as a change agent who could take an under-performing or
brand new unit and make it successful. He assumed progressively more responsible management positions, leading to vice president and
worldwide leader of the Enterprise Resource Planning Unit and later as partnership executive for the University of Missouri and Cerner.
Wolfe left IBM in 2000 as vice president and general manager of the global distribution sector. Throughout his IBM career he consistently
achieved or exceeded his revenue objectives while improving customer satisfaction and his employee satisfaction.
From 2000 to 2003, Wolfe served as executive vice president of Covansys, a global consulting and technology services company headquartered in Michigan. There he led a global consulting team of more than 1,300 employees with $125 million in revenues. He was instrumental in developing the company’s strategy and rebranding efforts, improving profitability through better resource allocations and improved
financial tracking processes. There he defined and tracked key performance metrics and processes, and integrated a global development
center in India.
In 2003, Wolfe joined Novell, a leading provider of infrastructure software. As President of the Americas and as a member of the senior
management team for the organization, he was responsible for more than 3,000 employees and partner firms in the United States, Canada
and Latin America. Wolfe was influential in developing the company’s overall strategy, product development, mergers and acquisitions,
marketing investments and community service initiatives.
While at Novell, Wolfe was instrumental in implementing a shared services model for several key operational units, including finance, human resources, legal, and operations and support. He was viewed as a popular mentor and credited with developing the company’s global
training programs. He consistently had one of the highest employee satisfaction ratings and was a core member of the executive team that
successfully executed the sale of Novell, which resulted in a 40 percent improvement in shareholder value in the past year.
Wolfe was born in Iowa City, Iowa, and moved to Columbia, Mo., in the fourth grade. He attended Rock Bridge High School where he
led the football team to the 1975 Class 3A state championship as quarterback.
Wolfe attended the University of Missouri-Columbia, earning a bachelor’s degree in personnel management in 1980. During college, he
completed an 18-month internship with Cramer Products in St. Louis. He was a member of the Beta Theta Pi fraternity and was on the
business school’s Dean’s List. In 1995 he was selected to participate in Harvard Business School’s Advanced Management Program to
further expand his leadership skills.
Wolfe’s passion for education was instilled in him at a young age by his parents, both of whom are life-long educators. His father, Joe, received a bachelor’s degree in theater from Eastern Illinois University, and master’s and doctorate degrees in speech and dramatic arts from
the University of Iowa. From 1967 to 1997 he was a communications professor at the University of Missouri-Columbia, teaching film
theory, film production, advanced television production, broadcast rules and regulations, as well as graduate seminars in broadcast history
and mass culture.
Wolfe’s mother, Judith, received a bachelor’s degree in education, master’s degrees in library and information science, and public administration, and a law degree from MU. She taught third grade in the Columbia Public School System from 1968 to 1972 and worked in
Missouri’s library system from 1974 to 1981. For the past 18 years, she has been a professor of law at the Massachusetts School of Law in
Wolfe and his wife, Molly, were married in Kansas City in 1992. They have twin teenagers, daughter Madison and son Tyler. Molly is a
native of Kansas City and graduated from the University of Kansas in 1990. She enjoys tennis and book clubs, and was the president of the
Mother of Twins Club and PTA, served as a Girl Scout Leader and is active in her twins’ school and their family church.
Madison and Tyler also are involved in their church and took a mission trip to help victims of Hurricane Katrina. Both are involved in
various sporting activities, including cross-country, track and baseball.
Wolfe serves on several academic and civic boards and organizations. He currently is a member of the University of Missouri-Columbia
Trulaske College of Business Strategic Development Board and has participated in its Vaughan Executive-in-Residence Lecture Series. He
was a member of the Archdiocese of Atlanta Financial Planning Board and the University of Arkansas Walton College of Business Computer Information Systems and Quantitative Analysis Board. He has been active in Habitat for Humanity, United Way, the Young Chief
Executive Officers, and enjoyed serving as a fifth- and sixth-grade football coach at Rock Bridge Elementary School in Columbia.
In his free time, Wolfe enjoys running, golf, fly-fishing, reading and music.
Board of Curators
Wayne Goode
David L. Steward
Don M. Downing
District 1
District 2
District 2
St. Louis
St. Louis
Webster Groves
Pamela Quigg Henrickson
Ann K. Covington
John R. Phillips
District 3
District 4
District 5
Jefferson City
Kansas City
David R. Bradley
Donald L. Cupps
J. Michael Ponder
District 6
District 7
District 8
St. Joseph
Cape Girardeau
123 Reynolds Alumni Center
Columbia, MO 65211
Proudly supporting the best interests and traditions of Missouri’s flagship university.