SHAREHOLDERS’ MEETING MANUAL FOR SHAREHOLDERS’ PARTICIPATION ANNUAL AND EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETINGS APRIL/2014 ANNUAL AND EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETINGS MANUAL FOR SHAREHOLDERS’ PARTICIPATION TABLE OF CONTENTS Items Page Message from the Chairman .................................. 03 Message from the Company’s Legal Department ................ 04 Invitation ................................................. 05 Issues to be discussed over the Annual and Extraordinary General Shareholders’ Meetings (“Agenda”) .......................... 06 Procedures and Deadlines ................................... 07 Comments on the Issues to be discussed over the Annual General Shareholders’ Meeting (“Agenda”): a) examination, discussion and voting on the Management’s accounts and financial statements related to the fiscal year ended December 31, 2013 .......................................... 09 b) allocation of the net result for the year ............... 09 c) election of the members of the Board of Directors and the Audit Committee .................................................. 09 Comments on the Issues to be discussed over the Extraordinary General Shareholders’ Meeting (“Agenda”): a) To approve the Company Management Officers’ overall annual fixed and variable compensation for FY 2014 ............... 09 b) To proceed with the consolidation of the Company's Bylaws, taking into account the capital increases carried out during the course of 2013, deriving from the latest conversion requests of debentures into shares, in addition to the establishment of a Company’s subsidiary in Caxias do Sul (Rio Grande do Sul State), alongside with the change in address of another subsidiary 09 Power of Attorney Form ..................................... 11 Related documents and website links ........................ 14 2 ANNUAL AND EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETINGS MANUAL FOR SHAREHOLDERS’ PARTICIPATION MESSAGE FROM THE CHAIRMAN Dear Shareholders, It is with great pleasure that I invite you to participate in the Annual and Extraordinary General Shareholders’ Meetings (“Meeting” or “AEGM”) of Lupatech S/A (“Lupatech” or “Company”), convened for April 30, 2014 at 11 a.m. To assure the actual running of this Meeting, it shall be required the presence of Shareholders representing 1/4 (one fourth) of the Company’s capital stock, to ensure the deliberation of almost all the items on the Agenda. Therefore, your presence is of crucial importance to the Company, with a view to attaining 1/4 (one fourth) of the Company’s capital stock, to ensure the deliberation of all the items on the Agenda. Thank you all for your attention. We rely on your attendance and participation. Board of Directors 3 ANNUAL AND EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETINGS MANUAL FOR SHAREHOLDERS’ PARTICIPATION MESSAGE FROM THE COMPANY’S LEGAL DEPARTMENT Dear Shareholders, The preparation of the current manual is in line with the Company’s policy aimed at consistent enhancement of both its corporate governance practices and the quality of the of corporate disclosure provided to our Stockholders. This document seeks to provide clarifications and guidance on the resolutions to be taken at the next Shareholders’ Meeting of Lupatech. This manual provides the date, venue and the items to be resolved, as well as all the guidance and procedures, in addition to a power of attorney form to facilitate your participation in the decision-making process. Should you choose to take part in the Meetings through a power of attorney, a legal representative may be appointed by you (in this case, in addition to the documents required by law and listed in this manual, a document evidencing that the legal representative is the Shareholder’s attorney-in-fact shall be provided), or the Company’s in-house lawyer, whose relevant data are shown below: JOÃO MARCOS CAVICHIOLI FEITEIRO, Brazilian, single, lawyer, registered under the ID No. 37038099X, taxpayer's ID (CNPJ/MF)No. 366144858-73, and Brazilian Bar Association (OAB/SP) No. 307654, with business address in the city of São Paulo, state of São Paulo, at Avenida Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215, Bloco B, 5º andar, Jardim São Luís. We look forward to your vote. Thank you, Legal Department 4 ANNUAL AND EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETINGS MANUAL FOR SHAREHOLDERS’ PARTICIPATION INVITATION DATE: TIME: April 30, 2014 11:00 a.m. (São Paulo time) VENUE: Company’s Headquarters Rodovia Anhanguera, Km 119, sentido interior/capital, prédio C, esquina com a Rua Arnaldo J. Mauerberg, Distrito Industrial CEP 13.460-000 – Nova Odessa – SP DIRECTIONS: 5 ANNUAL AND EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETINGS MANUAL FOR SHAREHOLDERS’ PARTICIPATION Items to be discussed over the Annual General Shareholders’ Meeting (“Agenda”): a) examination, discussion and voting on the Management’s accounts and the financial statements related to the fiscal year ended December 31, 2013; b) allocation of net result for the year; and c) election of the members of the Board of Directors and the Audit Committee. Issues to be discussed over the Extraordinary General Shareholders’ Meeting (“Agenda”): a) to approve the Company Management Officers’ overall annual fixed and variable compensation for FY 2014; and b) to proceed with the consolidation of the Company's Bylaws, taking into account the capital increases carried out during the course of 2013, deriving from the latest conversion requests of debentures into shares, in addition to the establishment of a Company’s subsidiary in Caxias do Sul (Rio Grande do Sul State), alongside with the change in address of another subsidiary. 6 ANNUAL AND EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETINGS MANUAL FOR SHAREHOLDERS’ PARTICIPATION PROCEDURES AND DEADLINES Should any of the Shareholders opt to be represented by an outside attorney-in-fact other than the Company’s in-house lawyer, they must present themselves at least 1 (one) hour in advance, bearing a personal identification document, as well as, if applicable, an evidence of their respective equity share, issued by the depositary institution, or related to the shareholders as participants of the registered shares fungible custody; a statement containing the respective equity share, issued by the accredited authority; and when applicable, the power of attorney with a notarized signature. Notwithstanding, the share ownership certificate shall be sent to the Company in advance by either a postal correspondence or email, at the latest by 6:00 p.m. of the business day preceding the Meeting. Should any of the Shareholders opt to be represented by the Company’s in-house parties, a share ownership certificate issued by the depositary institution over the last five (5) days must be provided, as well as the power of attorney with notarized signature of the grantor, in addition to their intended vote, at the latest by one (1) hour prior to the Meeting, by either a postal correspondence, email or fax. Notwithstanding, the evidence of equity participation shall be submitted to the Company in advance by postal mail, e-mail or fax, at the latest by 6:00 p.m. of the business day preceding the Meeting. An application for the share ownership certificate shall be made to the applicable agencies three (3) days before the intended delivered date, which shall be specified in the application. In compliance with CVM Rule 165, as amended, the Company informs that the minimum percentage of interest in the voting capital necessary to request the adoption of multiple vote is five per cent (5%), according to Article 141, paragraph 1, of Law 6404/76, as amended. Pursuant to CVM Rule 481, in particular Article 24, the Company informs that the Company’s physical power of attorney provides shareholders with an attorney-in-fact for voting favorably, another one for abstaining from voting and another for voting against each one of the items on the Agenda. In accordance with the above, all documentation shall be forwarded to: 7 ANNUAL AND EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETINGS MANUAL FOR SHAREHOLDERS’ PARTICIPATION FAX: + 55 11 2992-7673 For the attention of: Manuela Spolador Stefano E-mail: Address: Avenida Maria Coelho Aguiar, nº 215, Bloco B, 5º andar, Bairro Jardim São Luís, CEP 05.804-900 – São Paulo – SP For any queries, please contact: Investor Relations telephone + 55 11 2134-7000/7089 or 8 ANNUAL AND EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETINGS MANUAL FOR SHAREHOLDERS’ PARTICIPATION COMMENTS ON THE ITEMS TO BE DISCUSSED OVER THE ANNUAL AND THE EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL SHAREHOLDERS’ MEETINGS Next, we present the clarifications provided by the Company’s Management concerning each item to be resolved at the Meetings. Items to be discussed over the Annual General Shareholders’ Meeting (“Agenda”): a) examination, discussion and voting on the Management’s accounts and the financial statements related to the fiscal year ended December 31, 2013; (item “a” of the power of attorney) As regards this issue, the Board of Directors recommends the approval of the Management’s accounts and the financial statements related to the fiscal year ended December 31, 2013. b) allocation of net result for the year; and (item “b” of the power of attorney) Concerning this matter, the Company’s Board of Directors suggests the allocation of the loss for the year reported by the Company, in the amount of R$ 378,789,000 (three hundred seventy-eight million, seven hundred eighty-nine thousand Brazilian Reais to the accumulated losses account. c) election of the members of the Board of Directors and the Audit Committee. (item “c” of the power of attorney) With regards to this item, the Company Management suggests the election of 5 (five) members for the composition of the Company’s Board of Directors, and also proposes the instatement of the Audit Committee for FY 2014. Items to be discussed over the Extraordinary General Shareholders’ Meeting (“Agenda”): a) to approve the Company Management Officers’ fixed and variable compensation for FY 2014 (item “a” of the power of attorney) overall annual With respect to this matter, Management clarifies that the overall Company’s Management compensation, including both fixed and variable remuneration, shall not exceed the total amount of RS 15,665,580.75 (fifteen million, six hundred 9 ANNUAL AND EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETINGS MANUAL FOR SHAREHOLDERS’ PARTICIPATION sixty-five thousand, five hundred and eighty Brazilian Reais, composed as follows: - Up to R$ 5,216,320.75 (five million, two hundred and sixteen thousand, three hundred and twenty Brazilian Reais and seventy-five cents) earmarked to the total fixed compensation of the Officers of the Executive Board; Up to R$ 8,649,260.00 (eight million, six hundred fortynine thousand, two hundred and sixty Brazilian Reais) earmarked to the total variable compensation of the Officers of the Executive Board; and - Up to R$ 1,800,000.00 (one million, eight hundred thousand Brazilian Reais) earmarked to the total fixed compensation of the members of the Board of Directors. b) to proceed with the consolidation of the Company's Bylaws, taking into account the capital increases carried out during the course of 2013, deriving from the latest conversion requests of debentures into shares, in addition to the establishment of a Company’s subsidiary in Caxias do Sul (Rio Grande do Sul State), alongside with the change in address of another subsidiary. (item “b” of the power of attorney) As regards this issue, the Board of Directors recommends the consolidation of the Company's Bylaws, so as to reflect the recent alterations carried out. 10 ANNUAL AND EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETINGS MANUAL FOR SHAREHOLDERS’ PARTICIPATION POWER OF ATTORNEY FORM POWER OF ATTORNEY [SHAREHOLDER], [QUALIFICATION] (“Grantor”) hereby appoints and empowers as its attorney-in-fact Mr. JOÃO MARCOS CAVICHIOLI FEITEIRO, Brazilian, single, lawyer, registered under the ID No. 37038099X, taxpayer's ID (CNPJ/MF)No. 366144858-73, and Brazilian Bar Association (OAB/SP) No. 307654, with business address in the city of São Paulo, state of São Paulo, at Avenida Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215, Bloco B, 5º andar, Jardim São Luís, for voting in favor, against or for abstaining from voting, in the capacity of Shareholder of LUPATECH S/A (“Company”), at the Company’s Extraordinary General Meeting, to be held on first call on May 15, 2014 at 11:00 a.m. (São Paulo time), at the Company’s headquarters located at Rodovia Anhanguera, Km 119, sentido interior/capital, prédio C, esquina com a Rua Arnaldo J. Mauerberg, Distrito Industrial, CEP 13.460-000, city of Nova Odessa, state of São Paulo, and he may examine, discuss and vote on behalf of the Grantor, in compliance with the guidance set out below concerning the items on the Agenda: Items to be discussed over the Annual General Shareholders’ Meeting (“Agenda”): a) to examine, discuss and vote on the Management’s accounts and the financial statements related to the fiscal year ended December 31, 2013; In favor ( ) Against ( ) Abstention ( ) b) allocation of net result for the year; In favor ( ) Against ( ) Abstention ( ) c) election of the members of the Board of Directors and the Audit Committee; In favor ( ) Against ( ) Abstention ( ) 11 ANNUAL AND EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETINGS MANUAL FOR SHAREHOLDERS’ PARTICIPATION Items to be discussed over the Extraordinary General Shareholders’ Meeting (“Agenda”): a) to approve the Company compensation for FY 2014. Management’s overall annual fixed In favor ( ) Against ( ) Abstention ( ) b) to proceed with the consolidation of the Company's Bylaws, taking into account the capital increases carried out during the course of 2013, deriving from the latest conversion requests of debentures into shares, in addition to the establishment of a Company’s subsidiary in Caxias do Sul (Rio Grande do Sul State), alongside with the change in address of another subsidiary. In favor ( ) Against ( ) Abstention ( ) For the purposes of granting this power of attorney, the powers of the attorney-in-fact will be limited to attending the Extraordinary General Meetings and voting in compliance with the voting instructions stated above, and the attorney-in-fact shall not be entitled nor obliged to take any measures that do not concern compliance with this power of attorney. The attorney-infact is hereby authorized to abstain from voting in any resolution or matter for which he/she has not received, at his/her own discretion, specific voting instructions. The present power of attorney shall be effective for the Company’s Shareholders’ Meetings to resolve on the matters described in the Agenda(s), whether convened on 1st, 2nd or 3rd call, and the representation, however, shall be limited to the voting instructions provided by the Grantor with respect to the aforementioned matters. The present power of attorney shall be valid for one (1) month, as of the current date. [City], [month] [day], 2014 Grantor By: (notarized signature) Position: 12 ANNUAL AND EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETINGS MANUAL FOR SHAREHOLDERS’ PARTICIPATION RELATED DOCUMENTS AND WEBSITE LINKS - Information on the Company. - BM&FBOVESPA’s Novo Mercado Listing Rules - Brazilian Corporate Law. 13
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