Wellness Program Manual Effective January 1, 2014

Wellness Program Manual
Effective January 1, 2014
Medford Area Public School District Wellness Committee has created a worksite wellness program
to create, support, and promote activities that foster good physical health and well-being for all
employees and spouses. The program is dedicated to enhancing the mind, body, and spirit of
MAPS employees and spouses and designed to empower them to take responsibility for their
health and well-being. As an incentive for active participation, your health insurance dollars are
discounted for program participation and completion. However, the best reward is the
improvement of personal health.
Participation in the Wellness Program is recommended for all MAPS employees and their spouses.
Participation requires (1) completing the Biometrics Screening (2) completing a Health Risk
Assessment (HRA) online and (3) participate in a minimum of one coaching session (onsite or
telephonic). These three areas are mandatory components of participating in the wellness
As an incentive for participating in the Wellness Program, your health insurance dollars will be
less if you turn in the MAPS Quarterly Wellness Point Log each quarter and earn a minimum of 3
points per quarter, 12 points in total for the year.
To document points, participants must use the MAPS Quarterly Wellness Point Log and submit it
to your Building Wellness Representative or complete it online on the MAPS home page under
Wellness, on a quarterly basis. Points must be turned in by the end of each quarter in order to
receive proper credit. If points are not turned in on time, you will forfeit your health insurance
discount for the next quarter. We are not requiring you to attach your documentation or proof of
participation in events or activities. Please keep these records in your file and random audits may
be completed for participants.
Deadlines to submit are as follows:
April 15, 2014
for 3rd Quarter (January 1 – March 31)
July 15, 2014
for 4th Quarter (April 1 – June 30)
October 15, 2014
January 15, 2015
April 15, 2015
July 15, 2015
for 1st Quarter (July 1 – September 30)
for 2nd Quarter (October 1 – December 31)
for 3rd Quarter (January 1 – March 31)
for 4th Quarter (April 1 – June 30)
Please note that activities count in the quarter they occur (except the prevention items which can
be carried over to a future quarter).
The MAPS Quarterly Wellness Point Log is found on the internet. It is important to use the
updated form for each quarter. The form may be subject to change to improve the process for all
Wellness Program participants.
Your Wellness Coordinator is Amanda (AJ) Lange from Memorial Health Center. She can be
reached at (715) 748-8129 or via email at wellness@medford.k12.wi.us. In addition, there is a
wellness box in the office at each school (and on the back bulletin board at District office) to turn
in your quarterly tracking logs or other information. We will provide scheduled hours onsite each
week for you to touch base with your wellness team. Wellness activities, forms and additional
information can be found on the Medford Schools homepage:
http://www.medford.k12.wi.us/do/index.htm (Under Wellness: Staff Information)
In addition, please feel free to contact your Building Wellness Representatives at:
MASH: Tracy Swedlund
Email: swedltr@medford.k12.wi.us
Phone: 715-748-5951 ext. 434
MAMS: Jenny Shipman
Email: shipmje@medford.k12.wi.us
Phone: 715-748-2516 ext. 234
MAES: Elizabeth Orth
Email: orthel@medford.k12.wi.us
Phone: 715-748-2316 ext. 355
SES: Sue Fitzgerald
Email: fitzgsu@medford.k12.wi.us
Phone: 715-678-2600 ext. 145
District Office: Luanne Olson
Email: olsonlu@medford.k12.wi.us
Phone: 715-748-4620 ext. 534
District-wide (school nurse): Jill Koenig
Email: koeniji@medford.k12.wi.us
Phone: 715-748-5951 ext. 432
Fitness Activities - Physical Activity Log – Participants track physical activity for a minimum of 3
times per week, for at least 30 minutes in duration, and for at least 8 weeks. Examples of physical
activity can include organized fitness classes, sports leagues, bike to work, snowshoeing,
gardening, and walking/running. An example tracking log is included in this packet or you are
welcome to use your own journal or online program.
Physical Fitness – Organized Fitness Event: Participated in an organized event such as a 5k
Run/Walk, Snowshoe Race, Marathon, etc. Please document race date on your log.
Physical Fitness – MAPS Organized Wellness Activity: The MAPS Wellness Program will offer
organized fitness activities through the year. Please document activity and date on your log.
Nutrition – Food Journal: Participants would need to complete a food journal for at least one
month during that quarter (a minimum of five days per week). A sample food journal is attached.
You are welcome to use your own journal. Or visit MyPyramid.gov.
Nutrition – 3-A-Day Program: Participants would need to eat a minimum of three fruits and three
vegetables per day, every day, for one month.
Nutrition – 8 Glasses-A-Day Program: Participants would need to drink at least eight, eight ounce
glasses of water per day, for one month.
Nutrition – Weight Management Program: Participate in an organized weight management
program for a minimum of 8 weeks. An example of this is Weight Watchers, Nutrisystem, Jenny
Craig or other organized program promoted by the MAPS Wellness Program. Please document
specific program and participation dates on your log.
Nutrition Activity – MAPS Organized Wellness Activity: Points are available for one event per
quarter. The MAPS Wellness Program will offer organized nutrition activities through the year.
Please document activity and date on your log.
Mind & Body Activities – Massage Therapy: Participants can obtain a maximum of one point per
quarter by receiving a massage from a licensed Massage Therapist during the quarter. Please
document the appointment date on your log.
Mind & Body Activities – Acupuncture: Participants can obtain a maximum of one point per
quarter by completing an appointment for Acupuncture. Please document the appointment date
on your log.
Mind & Body Activities – Chiropractic Appointment: Participants can obtain a maximum of one
point per quarter by completing a preventative appointment for Chiropractic services. Please
document the appointment date on your log.
Speakers / Educational Activities –The MAPS Wellness Program will host presentations and
educational speakers throughout the quarter. Please document activity and date on your log.
Speakers / Educational Activities – Wellness Video: Watch a Wellness DVD from the District Office
or Popsprings video library. Please document activity and date on your log.
Prevention – Exams/Screenings: Please enter the date that you received this exam/preventative
screening. Points in the Prevention column can be carried forward to apply to future quarters
within the next year. This is the only area where you are able to carry forward points into a future
quarter in the same wellness year.
Life Enrichment & Community Activities – Donating Blood: Participants will provide a date when
they donated blood as a part of a community blood drive.
Life Enrichment & Community Activities – CPR / First Aid Certification / Re-Certification:
Participants will provide a date when they completed their CPR or First Aid
Certification/Recertification during that quarter.
Life Enrichment & Community Activities - Volunteering: Examples include MHC Volunteers,
Junior Achievement, Big Brothers/Big Sisters, or other organized volunteering program.
Life Enrichment & Community Activities – Attend a School or Community Event: Participants will
receive up to one wellness point per quarter for attending a school or community event outside of
the expectations of their job responsibility. Examples include plays, concerts, athletic events,
church, etc. Please document activity and date on your log.
Life Enrichment & Community Activities - Life Enrichment: Examples include stress management,
conflict resolution, pottery, art, writing, music class. Please document activity and date on your
Life Enrichment & Community Activities – Continuing Education Course: Examples include
college courses and professional certifications (please note this should be obtained through a
course – not single class). Please document activity and date on your log.
If you have any questions regarding activities or the point system, please contact our Wellness
Coordinator at wellness@medford.k12.wi.us.