AECOM Authors New Remediation Manual for Petroleum Industry — IPIECA

AECOM Authors New Remediation Manual
for Petroleum Industry — IPIECA
AECOM Remediation Experts
author new Good Practice Guide for
Management and Remediation of
Sites in the Petroleum Industry for
The International Petroleum Industry
Environmental Conservation
Association (IPIECA).
Management and
remediation of sites in
the petroleum industry
An IPIECA Good Practice Guide
Good Practice
IPIECA is the London-based global oil and gas industry
association for environmental and social issues,
with membership covering over half of the world’s oil
production, and the industry’s principal channel of
communication with the United Nations.
AECOM senior remediation and environmental
engineers Chris Carleo and Kelly Hansel, working
closely with experts from major oil and gas companies,
co-authored the IPIECA remediation manual which
details strategies and practices for managing
contaminant releases to soil and groundwater from
petroleum refineries, terminals, gas stations, and
exploration and production facilities. The new guide
summarizes cleanup principles and approaches,
provides a globally applicable risk-based framework for
identifying and managing impacts and implementing
corrective actions, and aligns innovative and proven
risk management and site remediation methodologies
to industry standards.
AECOM has worked extensively with IPIECA to
improve environmental performance and natural
resource management across the oil and gas industry
especially for operations in developing countries and
emerging economies. Earlier, M. Venkatesh, AECOM
senior vice president, process engineering authored
IPIECA’s Manual on Petroleum Refinery Water and
Wastewater Use and Management. “According to
M. Venkatesh, “The remediation approaches and
techniques we‘ve detailed can be successfully applied
at facilities to produce positive environmental outcomes
and cost savings,” says Venkatesh, “especially where
information on standards and good practices is not
readily available.”
Chris Carleo has 30 years of experience in site
remediation for major industries and expertise in
investigation, conceptual site model development,
feasibility studies, remedial design and remedial action
development. Kelly Hansel has 25 years of experience
in remediation of petroleum and other contaminant
releases to soil, groundwater, surface water, sediment,
and indoor air. M. Venkatesh served as study manager
and expert reviewer for the Remediation Manual which
is a publicly available document.
AECOM’s remediation manual will assist
a multitude of oil companies with choosing
appropriate remediation techniques for the
situation, and introduce newer techniques with
best uses, benefits and drawbacks for the various
treatment systems.
Ranked as #1 engineering design firm by revenue in Engineering News-Record magazine’s annual industry rankings, AECOM is a premier, fully integrated
infrastructure and support services firm serving the transportation, facilities, environmental, energy, water and government markets with a leading
global oil and gas practice. A Fortune 500 company with 45,000 employees serving clients in 150 countries, AECOM had revenue of $7.9 billion during the
12 months ended June 30, 2014.
Management and Remediation of Sites in the Petroleum Industry
This manual will assist
the petroleum industry in
implementing “Good Practices”
for remediation management at
their facilities.
AECOM was commissioned to write a manual outlining
“good practices” for remediation management for the
petroleum industry. This work was contracted to AECOM
based on our extensive experience providing remediation
consulting services to petroleum companies worldwide.
With over 30 years of experience managing remediation
projects for the oil and gas industry, AECOM was uniquely
qualified to write this manual. Based on our staff’s extensive
experience in the industry, the manual contains an
introduction, detailed chapters outlining good practices,
as well as a references section to help facilities maintain
regulatory compliance. Topics covered include:
Conceptual Site Model: Basic Elements
• Site physical setting, including soil and groundwater
• Sources of impacts and contaminants of concern (COCs)
• Potential primary sources
• Potential migration and exposure pathways
• Potential receptors
• Other considerations
Conceptual Site Model: Development
• Preliminary site assessment
• Imminent hazard evaluation
• Comprehensive (Phase II) environmental sessment
Risk-Based Corrective Action
• Overview of risk assessment
• Risk-based corrective action (RBCA)
−− RBCA Tier 1 screening level risk assessment
−− RBCA Tier 2 site-specific risk assessment and target
−− RBCA Tier 3: refining the Tier 2 assessment
• Identify remedial action objectives
Remedial Technologies: Selection and
Considerations for selection and screening
Screening criteria
Remediation approaches
Implementation of remediation
Closeout Remedial Action
• Documentation
• Regulatory/stakeholder reporting
• Site reuse
Further Reading and References
Appendix A: Standard and Guidance References
Appendix B: Site Investigation
• Site investigation methodology
−− Work plan
−− Health and safety plan
−− Utility locating
−− Soil and bedrock investigation methods
−− Groundwater investigation methods
−− Soil and groundwater sample laboratory analyses
−− NAPL delineation and evaluation
−− Soil vapour and indoor air evaluations
−− Soil vapour screening
−− Decontamination
−− Management of investigation-derived waste (IDW)
• Comprehensive site assessment documentation
Appendix C: Remediation Technologies
• Remediation technologies
−− Physical impermeable barriers and encapsulation
−− Hydraulic containment
−− Skimming
−− NAPL recovery with water table depression
−− Multi-phase extraction
−− Enhanced fluid recovery
−− MNA and enhanced bioremediation
−− Soil vapour extraction (SVE)
−− Air sparging
−− Phytoremediation
• Ex situ treatment technologies
−− Biopiling
−− Constructed treatment wetlands
For information or
assistance with site
remediation, contact: