NOTES Questions and parts of some solutions have been taken from material copyrighted by the Casualty Actuarial Society and the Society of Actuaries. They are reproduced in this study manual with the permission of the CAS and SOA solely to aid students studying for the actuarial exams. Some editing of questions has been done. Students may also request past exams directly from both societies. We are very grateful to these organizations for their cooperation and permission to use this material. They are, of course, in no way responsible for the structure or accuracy of the manual. Exam questions are identified by numbers in parentheses at the end of each question. CAS questions have four numbers separated by hyphens: the year of the exam, the number of the exam, the number of the question, and the points assigned. SOA or joint exam questions usually lack the number for points assigned. W indicates a written answer question; for questions of this type, the number of points assigned are also given. A indicates a question from the afternoon part of an exam. MC indicates that a multiple choice question has been converted into a true/false question. Although we have made a conscientious effort to eliminate mistakes and incorrect answers, we are certain some remain. We are very grateful to students who discovered errors in the past and encourage those of you who find others to bring them to my attention. Please check our web site for corrections subsequent to publication. Survival Models 1 PAST CAS AND SOA EXAMINATION QUESTIONS ON SURVIVAL A. Time of Death for a Person Aged x A1. The lx column of a mortality table is calculated by the formula: lx = 1000000 100x2 for 0 ≤ x ≤ 100. It is desired to know the probability that a life now age 10 will survive 30 years and then die within the ensuing ten years. In which of the following ranges does this probability lie? B. ≥ .075 but < .085 A. < .075 (80S–4–39) A2. C. ≥ .085 but < .095 D. ≥ .095 but < .105 E. ≥ .105 The following mortality table is applied to a certain population. Age lx 0 1 2 3 4 5 1,000 960 918 874 828 779 dx Age x 40 42 44 46 49 51 6 7 8 9 10 lx dx 728 674 618 559 497 54 56 59 62 64 After several years, the table is revised to reflect the fact that mortality has increased at ages 5 and above such that only 716 lives reach age 6. However, the probability that a life age 2 will die between ages 6 and 7 is unchanged by the mortality increase. In which of the following ranges is the number of lives reaching age 7 under the revised table? A. < 600 A3. B. ≥ 600 but < 620 C. ≥ 620 but < 640 D. ≥ 640 but < 660 E. ≥ 660 (81S–4–14) A survival function is defined by: s(x) = 1 x/250 for 0 ≤ x ≤ 25 s(x) = (1.2)(1 x/100) for 25 < x ≤ 100 In which of the following ranges is the probability that a survivor age 10 will die between the ages 40 and 60? A. < .20 A4. B. ≥ .20 but < .24 C. ≥ .24 but < .28 D. ≥ .28 but < .32 E. ≥ .32 (81F–4–9) For a certain population, the number of lives at age x is determined by applying the following formula: lx = 10,000 121 x for 0 ≤ x ≤ 121 K is the probability that a life now age 21 will die after attaining age 40, but before attaining age 57. In which of the following ranges is K? A. < .7 A5. B. ≥ .07 but < .09 C. ≥ .09 but < .11 D. ≥ .11 but < .13 E. ≥ .13 (81F–4–15) Given the following, calculate (qx+1 + qx+2) to the nearest .01. 1|qx+1 A. .15 = .095 B. .20 2|qx+1 C. .25 © 2014 ACTEX Publications, Inc. = .171 D. .27 qx+3 = .200 E. .30 (84S–4–B7) Exam MLC Review Questions 2 Survival Models A1. l10 = 1000000 (100)(10)2 = 990,000 l40 = 1000000 (100)(40)2 = 840,000 l50 = 1000000 (100)(50)2 = 750,000 30|10p10 = l40 l50 840,000 750,000 = = .09091 990,000 l10 Answer: C A2. l'7 = l'6(l7/l6) = (716)(674/728) = 663 Answer: E A3. s(10) = 1 10/250 = .96 s(40) = (1.2)(1 40/100) = .72 s(60) = (1.2)(1 60/100) = .48 30|20q10 = s(40) s(60) .72 .48 = = .25 s(10) .96 Answer: C A4. l21 = 10,000 121 21 = 100,000 l40 = 10,000 121 40 = 90,000 l57 = 10,000 121 57 = 80,000 19|17q21 = l40 l57 90,000 80,000 = = .10 100,000 l21 Answer: C A5. 2px+1 = 2|qx+1/qx+3 = .171/.200 = .855 px+1 = 2px+1 + 1|qx+1 = .855 + .095 = .95 px+2 = 2px+1/px+1 = .855/.95 = .9 qx+1 + qx+2 = (1 px+1) + (1 px+2) = (1 .95) + (1 .90) = .15 Answer: A © 2014 ACTEX Publications, Inc. Exam MLC Review Questions Survival Models 3 A6. You are given: t|qx = .10, for t = 0, 1, . . . 9. Calculate 2px+5. A. .40 B. .60 C. .72 D. .80 E. .81 (86S–4–13) A7. t+uqx ≥ uqx+t for t ≥ 0 and u ≥ 0. (87S–150–7–MC) A8. uqx+t ≥ t|uqx for t ≥ 0 and u ≥ 0. (87S–150–7–MC) A9. A survival function is defined by: f(t) = (kt/2)e-t/, t > 0, > 0 Determine k. A. 1/4 A10. B. 1/2 C. 1 D. 2 E. 4 (88S–160–4) Which of the following are equivalent to tpx? A. t|uqx t+upx B. t+uqx tqx + t+upx C. tqx t+uqx + tpx+u D. tqx t+uqx tpx+u E. None of these expressions are equivalent to tpx. (88–4–16–1) A11. Define in words the following: a. T(x) A12. b. t|uqx c. F(x). (89S–150–A1-ai-aiii–1.2) Which of the following are true? 1. t|uqx = tpx uqx+t 2. t|uqx = A. 1 D. 1,2 B. 2 C. 3 lx+t+u lx+t lx E. 1,3 3. t|uqx = tpx t+upx (89–4–10–1) A13. t+rpx ≥ rpx+t for t ≥ 0 and r ≥ 0. (90S–150–7–MC) A14. rqx+t ≥ t|rqx for t ≥ 0 and r ≥ 0. (90S–150–7–MC) A15. You are given: qx = .04 (x + t) = .04 + .001644t, 0 ≤ t ≤ 1 (y + t) = .08 + .003288t, 0 ≤ t ≤ 1 Calculate qy. A. .0784 A16. B. .0792 C. .0800 D. .0808 E. .0816 (90F–150–5) Given s(x) = [1 (x/100)]1/2, for 0 ≤ x ≤ 100, calculate the probability that a life age 36 will die between ages 51 and 64. A. < .15 B. ≥ .15 but < .20 © 2014 ACTEX Publications, Inc. C. ≥ .20 but < .25 D. ≥ .25 but < .30 E. ≥ .30 (04F–3C–8–2) Exam MLC Review Questions 4 Survival Models A6. .1 = t|qx = tpx t+1px Since 0px = 1, this equation gives us: 1px = .9, 5px = .5, and 7px = .3. p = p / p = .3/.5 = .60 2 x+5 7 x5 x Answer: B A7. T – t+uqx = tqx + (1 tqx) uqx+t = uqx+t + tqx(1 uqx+t). Since the second term must be ≥ 0, the sum of the two terms is ≥ uqx+t. A8. T – t|uqx = (tpx)(uqx+t) ≤ uqx+t. A9. Since f(t) = 1 and f(t) = (t/2)e-t/ is the probability density function for an inverse exponential, k ∞ 0 must equal 1. Answer: C A10. tq x = 1 tpx A. B. C. D. t|uqx = tpx t+upx t+uqx = 1 t+upx Thus we get: (tpx t+upx) t+upx = tpx 2(t+upx) (1 t+upx) (1 tpx ) + t+upx = tpx (1 tpx ) (1 t+upx) + t+upx = 2(t+upx) tpx (1 tpx) (1 t+upx) t+upx = tpx Answer: B A11. a. b. c. T(x) is the time-until-death random variable. t|uqx is the probability (x) will die between ages (x + t) and (x + t + u). F(x) is the continuous distribution function of the newborn's age at death random variable. A12. 1. 2. 3. T – tpx uqx+t = tpx(1 upx+t) = tpx t+upx F – The right-hand side equals t+upx tpx, which is negative. T Answer: E A13. F – t+rpx = tpx rpx+t ≤ rpx+t A14. T – rqx+t ≥ t|rqx = tpx rqx+t A15. qy = 1 py = 1 exp y+t dt [ 1 ] = 1 exp[2 (x + t) dt] = 1 (p ) 1 x 0 qy = 1 (1 qy )2 = 1 (1 2 0 .04)2 = 0.0784 Answer: A A16. 1 36/100 = 0.8 s(51) = 1 51/100 = 0.7 s(51) s(64) .7 .6 = .8 = 0.125 15|13q36 = s(36) s(36) = s(64) = 1 64/100 = 0.6 Answer: A © 2014 ACTEX Publications, Inc. Exam MLC Review Questions Survival Models 27 D. Life Table Characteristics: Expectation of Life D1. The curtate expectation of life (ex) for a life age x is 10.9 years. The probability that a life age x dies within the next year is .05. In which of the following ranges is the curtate expectation of life in years for a life aged (x + 1)? A. < 10.0 (80F–4–39) D2. B. ≥ .93 but < .95 C. ≥ .95 but < .97 B. ≥ .80 but < .85 C. ≥ .85 but < .90 D. ≥ .97 but < .99 E. ≥ .99 (81S–4–4) D. ≥ .90 But < .95 E. ≥ .95 (81S–4–39) This inequality cannot be true. The inequality is true if and only if ex+1 > px/qx+1. The inequality is true if and only if ex+1 > px/(px+1)(qx+1). The inequality is true if and only if ex+1 > px+1/qx. The inequality is true if and only if ex+1 > px/qx. (82–4–33–2) Given the values shown below, in which of the following ranges is the probability a life aged 86 will survive one year? Assume all values are exact. x e° x Tx 85 86 87 4.35 4.07 3.82 56,670 44,030 34,630 A. < .830 B. ≥ .830 but < .835 (83–4–30–2) D6. E. ≥ 11.5 Which of the following statements is true concerning the inequality ex+1 > ex? A. B. C. D. E. D5. D. ≥ 11.0 but < 11.5 You are given the following curtate expectations of life, ex: Age x 75 76 77 10.5 10.0 9.5 ex In which of the following ranges is the probability that a life age 75 will survive to age 77? A. ≤ .80 D4. C. ≥ 10.5 but < 11.0 The curtate expectation of life (ex) for a life age x is 14.7 years. The curtate expectation of life age (x + 1) is 14.0 years. In which of the following ranges is the probability that a life age x will survive to age (x + 1)? A. < .93 D3. B. ≥ 10.0 but < 10.5 C. ≥ .835 but < .840 D. ≥ .840 but < .845 E. ≥ .845 You are given the following: lx = 75 .5x, 0 ≤ x ≤ 50 lx = 100 x, 50 ≤ x ≤ 100 In which of the following ranges is the curtate expectation of life at age x? A. < 57.0 (83F–4–30) B. ≥ 57.0 but < 57.5 © 2014 ACTEX Publications, Inc. C. ≥ 57.5 but ≤ 58.0 D. ≥ 58.0 but ≤ 58.5 E. ≥ 58.5 Exam MLC Review Questions 28 Survival Models D1. px = 1 qx = 1 .05 = .95 ex+1 = ex px 10.9 .95 = = 10.47 . .95 px Answer: B D2. ex 14.7 = 14 + 1 = .98. px = e + 1 x+1 Answer: D D3. 2p75 e75 e76 10.5 10.0 = e + 1 e + 1 = 10.0 + 1 9.5 + 1 = .909. 76 77 Answer: D D4. Since ex = px(1 + ex+1), we get: ex+1 ex = (ex+1)qx px For ex+1 to be greater than ex, ex+1 must be greater than px/qx. Answer: E D5. lx = Tx/e° x l86 = 44,030/4.07 = 10,818 l87 = 34,630/3.82 = 9,065 p86 = l87/l86 = 9,065/10,818 = .838. Answer: C D6. ex = (74/74.5 + 73.5/74.5 + . . . + 50.5/74.5) + (50/74.5 + 49/74.5 + . . . + 1/74.5) ex = 40.11 + 17.11 = 57.22. Answer: B © 2014 ACTEX Publications, Inc. Exam MLC Review Questions Survival Models 29 D7. Given the following, calculate the instantaneous absolute rate of increase of H(x) at 60. e° x = 20 A. .10 D8. 60 = .02 B. .20 C. .30 H(x) = x + e° x D. .35 E. .40 (84F–5–28) You are given the following survival distribution; b x/a S(x) = The median age is 75. Determine e° 75. A. 8.3 D9. B. 12.5 C. 16.7 D. 20 E. 33.3 (87S–150–1) Life expectancies and death rates from one life table are denoted by superscript A. Corresponding values B from another life table are denoted by superscript B. Given the following, Calculate q0 . B /A A ex ex = 1.1 for x = 0, 1, 2, . . . A. .049 D10. B. .051 C. .053 D. .055 A. 16 (87S–160–4) B. 18 C. 20 D. 22 0 ≤ x < 100 E. 24 (87F–160–8) Given the following information about a group of lives, what is the complete expectation of life e° 39? i) ii) iii) iv) The total number of years lived beyond age 38 (T38) equals 95,000. The total expected number of years lived between ages 38 and 39 (L38) equals 2,475. The central death rate at age 38 (m38) equals .021. The number of survivors to age 38 (l38) 2,500. A. < 37.0 B. ≥ 37.0 but < 37.2 (88–4–17–2) D12. E. .057 A e0 = 57 Given the following force of mortality for a survival distribution, determine e° 64. x = (.5)(100 x)-1, D11. q0 = .05 C. ≥ 37.2 but < 37.4 D. ≥ 37.4 but < 37.6 E. ≥ 37.6 You are given: lx = (100 x).5, where 0 ≤ x ≤ 100 __ = 24.67 e° 36:28| 28 Calculate t tp36 (36 + t) dt. 0 A. 3.67 D13. B. 5.00 C. 11.33 D. 19.67 E. 24.67 (88S–150–11) Define in words e° x. (89S–150–A1a-v) © 2014 ACTEX Publications, Inc. Exam MLC Review Questions 30 Survival Models D7. d/dx (x + e° x) = 1 + [e° x (x) 1] = e° x (x) d/dx (x + e° x) = (20)(.02) = .40. Answer: E D8. b 0/a 1 = S(0) = 100 e° 75 = b 75/a .50 = S(75) = 1 x/100 75 = S(75) b=1 a = 100 | (200/3)(1 x/100)1.5 100 75 = 16.7. .5 Answer: C D9. B e1 = A 1.1e1 B q0 = 1 = (1.1)[eA0 (1 qA0)] A 1.1e0 B 1 + e1 1 A q0 = [1.1][57 (1 .05)] = 64.9 1 .05 (1.1)(57) = 1 1 + 64.9 = .049. Answer: A D10. tp64 [ t = exp (.5)(100 64 t)-1 dt) 0 ] = exp[.5 log (36 t)]| 36 e° 64 = t 0 = (36 t)/36 | 36 (36 t)/36 dt = (1/9)(36 t)3/2 0 = 24. 0 Answer: E D11. l39 = l38 L38 m38 = 2,500 (2,475)(.021) = 2,448 T39 = T38 L38 = 95,000 2,475 = 92,525 e° 39 = T39/l39 = 92,525/2,448 = 37.80. Answer: E 28 D12. __ 28 p = 24.67 t tp36 (36 + t) dt = e° 36:28| 28 36 0 28 28 s(64) (28)(100 64).5 = 24.67 s(36) (100 36).5 t tp36 (36 + t) dt = 3.67. 0 Answer: A D13. e° x is the complete expectation of life. © 2014 ACTEX Publications, Inc. Exam MLC Review Questions Survival Models 51 F7. A mortality table for a subset of the population with better than average health is constructed by dividing the force of mortality in the standard table by 2. The probability of an 80-year-old dying within the next year is defined in the standard table as q80 and in the revised table it is defined as q'80. In the standard table q80 = .30. Determine the value of q'80 in the revised table. A. < .150 B. ≥ .150 but < .155 (93S–4A–12–2) F8. C. ≥ .155 but < .160 D. ≥ .160 but < .165 E. ≥ .165 You are given: i) [ 1 R = 1 exp (x + t) dt [ ] 0 1 ii) S = 1 exp [(x + t) k] dt iii) k is a positive constant. ] 0 Determine an expression for k such that S = 2R/3. A. log([1 – px] /[1 – 2qx/3]) D. log([1 – qx] /[1 – 2qx/3]) F9. B. log([1 – 2qx/3]/[1 – px]) E. log([1 – 2qx/3]/[1 – qx]) C. log([1 – 2px/3]/[1 – px]) (93F–150–15) You are given: i) ii) iii) iv) v) (35 + t) = for 0 ≤ t ≤ 1 p35 = .985 '(35 + t) is the force of mortality for (35) subject to an additional hazard, for 0 ≤ t ≤ 1. '(35 + t) = + c The additional force of mortality decreases uniformly from c to 0 between age 35.5 and 36. Determine the probability that (35) subject to the additional hazard will not survive to age 36. A. .015 e-.25c F10. C. 1 .985e-c D. 1 .985e-.5c E. 1 .985e-.75c (95S–150–15) A life table for severely disabled lives is created by modifying an existing life table by doubling the force of mortality at all ages. In the original table, q75 = .12. Calculate q75 in the modified table. A. < .21 F11. B. .015e.25c B. ≥ .21 but < .23 C. ≥ .23 but < .25 D. ≥ .25 but < .27 E. ≥ .27 (96S–4A–16–2) You are given the following life table information about the normal population: t lx+t 0 1,000 1 700 2 480 3 300 4 175 Assume that you insure a group of insureds who are subject to mortality 50% greater than the normal population. Determine the probability that an insured from this group will live 3 years from time t = 0 (i.e., 3p'x). A. < .05 B. ≥ .05 but < .10 © 2014 ACTEX Publications, Inc. C. ≥ .10 but < .15 D. ≥ .15 but < .20 E. ≥ .20 (97F–4A–18–2) Exam MLC Review Questions 52 Survival Models F7. See F2. q'80 = 1 1 q80 = 1 1 .30 = 1 .83666 = .1633 Answer: D F8. S = 1 pxek = 2R/3 = 2qx/3 ek = 1 2qx/3 px k = log (1 1 2qq /3). x x Answer: E F9. (35 + t) + 2(1 t)c for .5 ≤ t ≤ 1 [ .5 ] [ 1 ] q'35 = 1 .5p'.5 .5p'35.5 = 1 exp ((35) + c) dt exp [(35 + t) + 2(1 t)c] dt 0 [ .5 | ] = 1 (.985)exp[.5c + 2c c c + .25c] 1 q'35 = 1 p35 exp .5c + (2tc t2c) .5 q'35 = 1 (.985)e-.75c. Answer: E F10. ( 1 ) q75 = 1 exp (75 + s) ds 1 = .12 ( (75 + s) ds) = log .88 = .12783 0 0 1 ( 2(75 + s) ds) = 25567 q'75 = 1 exp (.25567) = .226. 0 Answer: B F11. q'0 = (1.5)(1 p0) = (1.5)(1 700/1,000) = .45 q'1 = (1.5)(1 p1) = (1.5)(1 480/700) = .47143 q'2 = (1.5)(1 p2) = (1.5)(1 300/480) = .5625 3p'x = (1 q'0)(1 q'1)(1 q'2 ) = (1 .45)(1 .47143)(1 .5625) = .1271. Answer: C © 2014 ACTEX Publications, Inc. Exam MLC Review Questions Survival Models 53 F12. You are given: i) ii) iii) t R = 1 – exp – X(t) dt 0 t S = 1 – exp – (X(t) + k) dt 0 k is a constant such that S = .75R [ ] [ ] Determine an expression for k. A. log((1 qx)/(1 .75qx)) D. log((1 px)/(1 .75qx)) F13. C. log((1 .75px)/(1 px)) (02F–3–35) (Sample–M–59) Individuals with flapping gum disease are known to have a constant force of mortality . Historically, 10% will die within twenty years. A new, more serious strain of the disease has surfaced with a constant force of mortality equal to 2. Calculate the probability of death in the next twenty years for an individual with this new strain. A. 17% F14. B. log((1 .75qx)/(1 px)) E. log((1 .75qx)/(1 qx)) B. 18% C. 19% D. 20% E. 21% (05F–3–11–2) For a group of lives aged 30, containing an equal number of smokers and nonsmokers, you are given: i) ii) For nonsmokers, n(x) = .08, For smokers, s(x) = .16, x ≥ 30 x ≥ 30 Calculate q80 for a life randomly selected from those surviving to age 80. A. .078 F15. B. .086 C. .095 D. .104 E. .112 (05F–M–32) Use the Illustrative Life Table with the following values and adjustments: * qx = 4qx for 67 ≤ x ≤ 68 * q69 = q66 Values from the Illustrated Life Table are the following: 1,000q66 = 23.2871 1,000q67 = 25.4391 1,000q68 = 27.7932 1,000q69 = 30.3680 Calculate 2|2q66. A. < .1150 B. ≥ .1150 but < .1175 (08S–3L–14–2) F16. C. ≥ .1175 but < .1200 D. ≥ .1200 but < .1225 E. ≥ .1225 For a certain life aged 48, mortality follows the Illustrative Life Table. However, from ages 50 to 52, it is found that mortality is four times greater than the Illustrative Life Table, i.e. q50* = 4q50. Given the following values, calculate 1,0004p48. l48 = 90,456.78 A. ≤ 925 l49 = 90,000.55 B. ≥ 925 but < 935 © 2014 ACTEX Publications, Inc. l50 = 89,509.00 C. ≥ 935 but < 945 l51 = 88,979.11 D. ≥ 945 but < 950 E. ≥ 950 l52 = 88,407.68 (10F–3L–2–2) Exam MLC Review Questions 54 Survival Models F12. S = 1 pxe-k = 3R/4 = 3qx/4 k = log e-k = 1 3qx/4 px ek = px 1 3qx/4 (1 1 3qq /4) x x Answer: A F13. ln .90 = .20 S(20) = .90 = e-20 = ln .90 (.10536) = = .00527 20 20 S'(20) = e-(20)(2) = e-(20)(2)(.00527) = .80994 = 1 S'(20) = 1 .80994 = .19006. Answer: C 20qx F14. n q80 = 1 e-.08 = 1 .92312 = .07688 s q80 = 1 e-.16 = .14786 n 35p80 = e-(.08)(50) = e-4 = .01832 = e-(.16)(50) = e-8 = .00034 n 35p80 + 35p80 = .01832 + .00034 = .01866 s s 35p80 wn = .01832/.01866 = .98178 ws = .00034/.01866 = .01822 n s q80 = wn q80 + ws q80 = (.98178)(.07688) + (.01822)(.14786) = .07817. Answer: A F15. * q69 = q66 = .02329 * q67 = (4)(.025491) = .10196 * q68 = (4)(.0277932) = .11117 [1 q66][1 q*67 ][1 (1 q*68 )(1 q*69 )] 2|2q66 = 2|2q66 = [1 .02329][1 .10196][1 (1 .11117)(1 .02329)] = .11567. Answer: B F16. d50 = l50 – l51 = 89,509.00 – 88,979.11 = 529.89 d51 = l51 – l52 = 88,979.11 – 88,407.68 = 571.43 d50 = 3d50 = (3)(529.89) = 1,589.67 d51 = 3d51(l51 – d50)/l51 = (3)(571.43)(88,979.11 – 1,589.67)/88,979.11 = 1,683.66 l’52 = l52 – d50 – d51 = 88,407.68 – 1,589.67 – 1,683.66 = 85,134.35 1,0004p48 = (1,000)(l’52/ l48) = (1,000)(85,134.35/90,456.78) = 941.16. Answer: C © 2014 ACTEX Publications, Inc. Exam MLC Review Questions Survival Models 67 H28. You are given: (i) (ii) a 3.4 2.5 x lx 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 99,999 88,888 77,777 66,666 55,555 44,444 33,333 22,222 q60 assuming a uniform distribution of deaths over each year of age. (iii) b 3.4 2.5 q60 assuming a constant force of mortality over each year of age. Calculate 100,000(a − b). A. −24 B. 9 © 2014 ACTEX Publications, Inc. C. 42 D. 73 E. 106 (13F-MLC-25) Exam MLC Review Questions 68 Survival Models H28. First we note that 3.4 2.5 q60 3.4 p60 2.5 q63.4 l63.4 2.5 d63.4 l60 l63.4 d63.4 l63.4 l65.9 . l60 l60 2.5 Using the uniform distribution of deaths over each year of age assumption, a.k.a., UDD, we have l63.4 0.6 l63 0.4 l64 0.6 66,666 0.4 55,555 62,221.60, UDD l65.9 0.1 l65 0.9 l66 0.1 44,444 0.9 33,333 34,444.10. UDD Therefore, a 3.4 2.5 62,221,6 34, 444.1 0.27777778. UDD 99,999 q60 On the other hand, under Constant Force (CF) Constant Force 0.4 l l63.4 0.4 ln p 0.4 0.4 p63 e 63 p63 64 , CF l63 l63 so that 0.4 0.6 l63.4 l64 l63 55,5550.4 66,6660.6 61,977.1925. CF Similarly, 0.1 0.9 l65.9 l65 l66 44,4440.1 33,3330.9 34,305.8572. CF Therefore, b 3.4 2.5 61,977.1925 34, 305.8572 0.27671612. CF 99,999 q60 Finally, 100,000 a b 100,000 0.27777778 0.27671612 106.165758. Answer E. © 2014 ACTEX Publications, Inc. Exam MLC Review Questions Survival Models 69 I. De Moivre's Law of Mortality I1. For every 125 lives born at the same time, a mortality table shows one death each year until there are no survivors. Which of the following is the youngest age for which the probability of living to age 65 is at least 2/3? A. 25 I2. B. 30 C. 35 D. 40 E. 45 (79F–4–17) The mortality of a population is as follows: i) ii) For 100 males born at the same time, a mortality table shows one death each year until there are no survivors. For 110 females born at the same time, a mortality table shows one death each year until there are no survivors. On January 1 of a given calendar year, 150 males and 121 females are born. Which of the following is closest to the age of the group when there are exactly 5 more surviving males than females. A. 45 I3. B. 50 C. 55 D. 60 E. 65 (79F–4–19) The terminal age of a mortality table is 120, and a constant number of deaths occur each year. It is desired to know the probability that a person now age 24 will not die between the ages of 36 and 72. In which of the following ranges does this probability lie? A. < .300 (80S–4–21) B. ≥ .300 but < .450 C. ≥ .450 but < .600 D. ≥ .600 but < .750 I4. (x) = dx-2/lx if lx is of the form k( x). (84–4–16–2) I5. Mortality follows de Moivre's law and e° 16 = 42. Calculate Var(T(16)) to the nearest integer. A. 595 I6. B. 588 C. 505 D. 472 E. 300 E. ≥ .750 (84F–4–21) Equal numbers of males and females are born in a population. You are given the following survival distribution functions: i) i) For males, s(x) = 1 x/90 for 0 ≤ x ≤ 90. For females, s(x) = 1 x/100 for 0 ≤ x ≤ 100. Calculate the force of mortality at age 60 for a cohort observed from birth. A. .0288 I7. B. .0280 C. .0290 D. .0291 E. .0292 (86S–5–A10) You are given that mortality follows de Moivre's law and that e° 30 = 30. Calculate q30. A. 1/30 B. 1/60 © 2014 ACTEX Publications, Inc. C. 1/61 D. 1/62 E. 1/70 (86S–4–22) Exam MLC Review Questions 70 Survival Models I1. Mortality follows de Moivre's law with = 125. 65 125 65 2/3 = 65px = = x = 35 x 125 x Answer: C I2. Mortality follows de Moivre's law with = 100 for males and = 110 for females. Number of Males at Age x = 150 1.5x Number of Females at Age x = 121 1.1x Difference in Number of Males and Females = (150 1.5x) (121 1.1x) = 5 x = 60 Answer: D I3. Mortality follows de Moivre's law with = 120. 36 36 1 12|36q24 = 1 = 1 = .625 24 120 24 Answer: D I4. T – dx-2 = k(lx-2 lx-1) = k[ (x 2)] k[ (x 1)] = k -x -x I5. (x) = k 1 = k( x) x | t2 x xt -x e° x = tpx dt = x dt = t 2 x 0 = 2 0 0 = 2e° x + x = (2)(42) + 16 = 100 x -x Var[T(x)] = 2 t tpx dt (e° x)2 = 2 t 0 0 | xt dt (e° x)2 x -x Var[T(x)] = [t2 2t3/3( x)] 0 – ( x/2)2 = ( x)2/12 Var(T(16)) = ( x)2/12 = (100 16)2/12 = 588. Answer: B I6. x 90 60 = = 1/3 90 1 1 m 60 = = = 1/30 x 90 60 m 60p0 60 = = (60p0m)(60m ) + (60pf0)(f60) m 60p0 + f 60p0 100 60 = 2/5 100 1 f 60 = = 1/40 100 60 f 60p0 = = (1/3)(1/30) + (2/5)(1/40) = .0288 1/3 + 2/5 Answer: A I7. = 2e° x + x = (2)(30) + 30 = 90 x1 90 30 1 = 1 = 1/60. q30 = 1 p30 = 1 x 90 30 See I5. Answer: B © 2014 ACTEX Publications, Inc. Exam MLC Review Questions
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