Installation and Operation Manual FIRE DECK SERIES Stone Hearth Oven Commercial European Models wood stone corporation 1801 w. bakerview rd. bellingham, wa 98226 usa FIRE DECK WS-FD-6045-CE FIRE DECK WS-FD-8645-CE t.360.650.1111 f.360.650.1166 Revised June 2014 Doc no: M0043.01 TABLE OF CONTENTS FD-6045-CE & FD-8645-CE Fire Deck Oven Installation and Operation Manual TABLE OF CONTENTS FIRE DECK�������������������������������������������������� 3 FD-6045 SPECIFICATIONS�������������������������� 4 FD-8645 SPECIFICATIONS�������������������������� 5 INSTALLATION CLEARANCES ���������������������� 6 OVEN VENTING ������������������������������������������ 7 COMPONENT SCHEMATIC �������������������������� 8 UNLOADING AND MOVING������������������������ 10 PLACING AND INSTALLATION�������������������� 12 FACADE READY OVENS ���������������������������� 13 GAS SPECIFICATIONS�������������������������������� 15 SCOPE OF APPROVALS ���������������������������� 16 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS�������������������� 17 CONTROLLER ������������������������������������������ 18 INITIAL START-UP ������������������������������������ 19 DAILY OVEN OPERATION���������������������������� 20 DAILY MAINTENANCE�������������������������������� 21 ELECTRICAL DIAGRAM������������������������������ 22 LIMITED WARRANTY �������������������������������� 24 An ongoing program of product improvement may require us to change specifications without notice. FD-6045-CE, FD-8645-CE, Revised June 2014. Doc no: M0042.01 2 wood stone corporation 1801 w. bakerview rd. bellingham, wa 98226 usa t.360.650.1111 f.360.650.1166 or visit FIRE DECK FD-6045-CE & FD-8645-CE Fire Deck Oven Installation and Operation Manual INSTALLATION AND OPERATION MANUAL FOR WOOD STONE FIRE DECK OVENS STONE HEARTH OVENS EUROPEAN MODEL NATURAL GAS OR PROPANE FUELED WS-FD-6045-RFG-(L, R)-IR-CE-(NG, LP) WS-FD-8645-RFG-(LR, L, R)-(IR)-CE-(NG, LP) ADDITIONAL COPIES AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST Shown: WS-FD-8645-CE ! This appliance is for professional use by qualified personnel. This appliance must be installed by qualified persons in accordance with the regulations in force. This appliance must be installed with sufficient ventilation to prevent the occurrence of unacceptable concentrations of substances harmful to health in the room in which it is installed. This appliance needs an unobstructed flow of fresh air for satisfactory combustion and must be installed in a suitably ventilated room in accordance with current regulations. This appliance should be serviced by qualified personnel at least every 12 months, or sooner if heavy use is expected. An ongoing program of product improvement may require us to change specifications without notice. FD-6045-CE, FD-8645-CE, Revised June 2014. Doc no: M0042.01 wood stone corporation 1801 w. bakerview rd. bellingham, wa 98226 usa t.360.650.1111 f.360.650.1166 or visit 3 FD-6045 SPECIFICATIONS FD-6045-CE & FD-8645-CE Fire Deck Oven Installation and Operation Manual Plan view 1 1/4" 30mm NOTES This oven is available in a left or right side burner configuration. Gas connections will be on the same side of the oven as the radiant flame. Electrical 4" 100mm connections are always on the left. Shown: Right side burner configuration. G NOTE: Using the temporary optional casters will add 76 mm (3") to the 52 3/4" height1340mm of the oven, for a total height of 1969 mm (77-1/2"). However, the 100 mm (3-3/4") vent shield on top can be removed temporarily if necessary. 4" 100mm 1 1/4" 30mm G 1 1/4" 30mm 4" 100mm 6" 150mm 52 3/4" 1340mm G 52 3/4" 1340mm 6" 150mm 6" 150mm 37 1/2" 950mm 3 3/4" 100mm 3 3/4" 100mm Front view 7 1/2" 190mm 46 1/4" 1180mm 37 1/2" 60" 1520mm 3 3/4" 950mm 48" 100mm 1220mm 46 1/4" 1180mm 33 3/4" 860mm 60" 1520mm 48" 1220mm 33 3/4" 860mm 37 1/2" 950mm 7 1/2" 46 1/4" 190mm 1180mm 7 1/2" 190mm 60" 1520mm 48" 1220mm 9 3/4" 33 3/4" 250mm 860mm 1/2" R 11 290mm Swing Radius 78 1/4" 1990mm 9 3/4" 250mm 78 1/4"10 1/4" 260mm 1990mm Side view 1/2" R 11 290mm Swing Radius 1/2" R 11 290mm Swing Radius Air intake: Do not facade or cover over Must be left removable for service Unit Shipping Weight: 1450 Kg (3200 lbs.) 3 1/2" 90mm 3 3/4" 100mm 3 1/2" 90mm 3 3/4" 100mm 3 1/2" 90mm 3 3/4" 100mm 9 3/4" 250mm 48 1/4" 1230mm 74 1/2" 1890mm 78 1/4" 1990mm 48 1/4" 29 3/4" 760mm 1230mm 48 1/4" 1230mm 10 1/4" 260mm 10" 250mm 10" 250mm 13 3/4" 350mm AIR INTAKE 24 3/4" 630mm AIR INTAKE 23 3/4" 600mm 23 3/4" 600mm 10" 250mm 13 3/4" 350mm 24 3/4" 23 3/4" 630mm 600mm 74 1/2" 1890mm 34" 860mm 25 1/2" 650mm AIR INTAKE 10 1/4" 260mm 74 1/2" 1890mm 25 1/2" 650mm 4" 100mm 25 1/2" 650mm 2 3/4" 29 3/4" 70mm 760mm 23"3/4" 29 580mm 43" 760mm 1090mm 7 1/4" 180mm 3/4" 4" 13 350mm 100mm 24 3/4" 630mm 7 1/4" 180mm 4" 2 3/4" 70mm 100mm 223" 3/4" 70mm 580mm 43" 1090mm 7 1/4" 180mm G 17 3/4" 13 1/4" 450mm 340mm 34" 860mm 9 3/4" 250mm G 17 3/4" G 13 1/4" 450mm 340mm 34" 860mm 17 3/4" 13 1/4" 450mm 340mm 9 3/4" 23" 250mm 580mm 43" 1090mm PART #: DATE: FD-6045-Gas-R SHEET: 1 of 1 3/14/2014 DWN BY: bena PART #: FD-6045-Gas-R PART FD-6045-Gas-R 3/14/2014 3/14/2014 9 3/4" 250mm REV: 2 gham, WA 360/650-1111 DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES OLERANCES: LINEAR ±1/2 [±10mm], ANGULAR ±2° DATE: NOTED OTHERWISE gham, WAUNLESS 360/650-1111 Bellingham, WA 360/650-1111 N ONGOING PROGRAM OF PRODUCT IMPROVEMENT MAY REQUIRE US TO CHANGE SPECIFICATIONS DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES LEGEND: WITHOUT NOTICE. OLERANCES: LINEAR ±1/2 [±10mm], ±2° ANGULAR ±2° TOLERANCES: LINEARANGULAR ±1/2 [±10mm], UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DRAWING IS THE #: DATE: 1 of 1 SHEET: 6045 Fire Deck DWN BY: bena SHEET: 1 of 1 DWN BY: bena General Arrangement 6045 Fire 6045 DeckFire Deck 120VAC,wood 4A stone corporation General Arrangement General Arrangement t.360.650.1111 1801 w. bakerview rd. PROPERTY OF WOOD STONE CORPORATION NOLE ONGOING PROGRAM OF PRODUCT IMPROVEMENT AN ONGOING PROGRAM OF PRODUCT IMPROVEMENT GAS INLET: 3/4" NPT YMAY REPRODUCTION OR USE IN PART ORCHANGE AS A WHOLE REQUIRE US TOREQUIRE CHANGE SPECIFICATIONS MAY US TO SPECIFICATIONS f.360.650.1166 bellingham, wa 98226 usa LEGEND: GLEGEND: AnWITHOUT ongoing program of product improvement maySTONE require us to 160,000 BTU, NG HOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF WOOD ISchange NOTICE. WITHOUT NOTICE. 160, BTU, LP specifications without notice. FD-6045-CE, FD-8645-CE, or visit 120VAC, 4A 120VAC, 4A PROHIBITED INFORMATION CONTAINED DRAWING ISno:THE THERevised INFORMATION CONTAINED INDoc THIS DRAWING IS THE June 2014.IN THIS M0042.01 OLE PROPERTY OF WOOD STONE SOLE PROPERTY OF CORPORATION WOOD STONE CORPORATION Pn\WS Top Level\FD-Fire_Deck\FD-6045_General_Arrangement-2.dft GAS INLET: 3/4" NPT GAS INLET: 3/4" NPT\dfs\CAD\0 REPRODUCTION OR USE IN PART OR AS IN A WHOLE ANY REPRODUCTION OR USE PART OR AS A WHOLE 4 WITHOUT HOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OFPERMISSION WOOD STONE THE WRITTEN OF IS WOOD STONE ISG 160,000 BTU, NG G 160,000 BTU, NG 160,000 BTU, LP 160,000 BTU, LP PROHIBITED PROHIBITED REV: 2 REV: 2 FD-8645 SPECIFICATIONS FD-6045-CE & FD-8645-CE Fire Deck Oven Installation and Operation Manual Plan view Air intake: Do not facade or cover over Must be left removable for service Shipping weight: 1975 Kg (4350 lbs.) 1 1/4" 30mm NOTES This oven is available in a left, right or left and right side burner configurations. The utility 1/4" connections will always be on130mm the left side. 1 1/4" 30mm 5 3/4" 150mm NOTE: Using the temporary G 4" optional casters will add 76 mm 100mm (3") to the height of the oven, for a total height of 2070 mm (81-1/2"). 5 3/4" 150mm However, the 100 mm (3-3/4") vent shield on top can be removed Cleaning Position temporarily if necessary. 14° 52 1/2" 1340mm Exhaust G 4" 100mm 3 3/4" 100mm 5 3/4" 150mm R 12" 300mm Swing Radius 3 3/4" 100mm 68 1/2" 1740mm 3/4" 333/4" 100mm 90mm G 4" 100mm 3/4" 52 1/2" 59 1340mm 1520mm 68 1/2" 1740mm 85 3/4" 2180mm 71 3/4" 1830mm 59 3/4" 1/2" 55 3/4" 7190mm 1520mm 1420mm 68 1/2" 1740mm 59 3/4" 1520mm Front view Side view Cleaning Position 14° R 12" 300mm Swing Radius 3 3/4" 90mm 3 3/4" 90mm 74 1/2" 1890mm Cleaning Position 14° 85 3/4" R 12" 300mm 2180mm 71 3/4" Swing Radius 783/4" 1/4" 1830mm 55 1980mm 1420mm 85 3/4" 2180mm 55 3/4" 1420mm 48 1/4" 1230mm 34" 860mm 74 1/2" 1890mm 74 1/2" 1890mm 34" 860mm G 17 3/4" 450mm 13 1/4" 340mm 78 1/4" 1980mm G 48 1/4" 1230mm 10" 17 3/4" 250mm 450mm 23" 34" 580mm 25 1/2" 860mm 13 1/4" 29 3/4" 43" 650mm 340mm 760mm 1090mm 10" 250mm17 3/4" 450mm 23" 580mm 13 1/4" 43" 340mm 1090mm 2 3/4" 70mm 10" 250mm 23" 580mm 24 3/4" 630mm 2 3/4" 24 3/4" 70mm 630mm 9 3/4" 24 3/4" 250mm 630mm 14 1/4" 360mm 23 3/4" 600mm 43" 1090mm 71 3/4" 1830mm 9 3/4" 250mm 10" 250mm 9 3/4" 250mm 14 1/4" 360mm 23 3/4" 10"600mm AIR INTAKE 250mm 25 1/2" 650mm AIR INTAKE G 9 3/4" 250mm AIR INTAKE 48 1/4" 1230mm 2 3/4" 70mm 29 3/4" 760mm 7 1/2" 190mm 9 3/4" 250mm 25 1/2" 78 1/4"650mm 1980mm 29 3/4" 760mm 7 1/2" 52 1/2" 190mm 1340mm 4" 100mm 10" 250mm 4" 14 100mm 1/4" 360mm 23 3/4" 600mm 9 3/4" 250mm 4" 100mm REV: SHEET: 1 of 1 PART #: FD-8645 DATE: 3/14/2014 2 DWN BY: bena Bellingham, WA 360/650-1111 8645 Fire Deck Oven DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES TOLERANCES: LINEAR ±1/2 [±10mm], ANGULAR ±2° PART #: FD-8645 PART #: FD-8645 SHEET: 1 of 1 UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE DATE: DATE: 3/14/2014 DWN BY: bena 3/14/2014 AN ONGOING PROGRAM OF PRODUCT IMPROVEMENT MAY REQUIRE US CHANGE SPECIFICATIONS llingham, WA 360/650-1111Bellingham, WA 360/650-1111 LEGEND: WITHOUT NOTICE. 120VAC, 4A DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES DIMENSIONS ARE IN THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN INCHES THIS DRAWING IS THE TOLERANCES: LINEAR ±1/2 [±10mm], ANGULAR ±2° TOLERANCES: LINEAR ±1/2 [±10mm], ANGULAR ±2° SOLE PROPERTY OF WOOD STONE CORPORATION UNLESS NOTED GAS INLET: 3/4" NPT UNLESS NOTED ANY OTHERWISE REPRODUCTION OR USEOTHERWISE IN PART OR AS A WHOLE wood stone corporation G 225,000 BTU, NG WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF IMPROVEMENT WOOD STONE IS AN ONGOING PROGRAM OFONGOING PRODUCT IMPROVEMENT AN PROGRAM OF PRODUCT 200,000 BTU,rd. LP 1801 w. bakerview MAY REQUIRE US TO CHANGE SPECIFICATIONS MAY REQUIRE USPROHIBITED TO CHANGE SPECIFICATIONS LEGEND: LEGEND: bellingham, wa 98226 usa WITHOUT NOTICE. WITHOUT An ongoing program of product improvement may NOTICE. require us to change of 1 SHEET: 1REV: General Arrangement REV: 2 2 DWN BY: bena 8645 Fire Deck8645 OvenFire Deck Oven General Arrangement General Arrangement \\\dfs\CAD\0 Pn\WS Top Level\FD-Fire_Deck\FD-8645_General_Arrangement-2.dft 120VAC, 4A t.360.650.1111 f.360.650.1166 120VAC, 4A specifications without notice.DRAWING FD-6045-CE, FD-8645-CE, or visit HE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS IS THEIN THIS DRAWING IS THE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED Revised JuneSTONE 2014. DocSTONE no: M0042.01 SOLE PROPERTY OF WOOD CORPORATION SOLE PROPERTY OF WOOD CORPORATION GAS INLET: 3/4" NPT GAS INLET: 3/4" NPT NY REPRODUCTION ORANY USEREPRODUCTION IN PART OR AS A WHOLE OR USE IN PART OR AS A WHOLE G 225,000ISBTU, NG G 225,000 BTU, NG THOUT THE WRITTENWITHOUT PERMISSION WOOD STONE IS THEOF WRITTEN PERMISSION OF WOOD STONE 200,000 BTU, LP 200,000 BTU, LP PROHIBITED PROHIBITED 5 INSTALLATION CLEARANCES FD-6045-CE & FD-8645-CE Fire Deck Oven Installation and Operation Manual ! WARNING: Do not pack required air space (clearance) with insulation or other materials. When non-combustible building materials contact the body of the oven, the clearances to combustibles are transferred to those non-combustibles. IF THIS OVEN IS NOT PROPERLY INSTALLED A FIRE MAY RESULT. TO REDUCE THE RISK OF FIRE, FOLLOW THESE INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS. A MAJOR CAUSE OF OVEN RELATED FIRES IS FAILURE TO MAINTAIN REQUIRED CLEARANCES (AIR SPACES) TO COMBUSTIBLE MATERIALS. IT IS OF UTMOST IMPORTANCE THAT THIS OVEN BE INSTALLED ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH THESE INSTRUCTIONS. ! WARNING: Installation and servicing of this product could expose you to glasswool/ceramic fibers as well as calcium silicate dust. ALWAYS WEAR RESPIRATORY AND EYE PROTECTION WHEN INSTALLING OR SERVICING THIS APPLIANCE. Please read this entire manual before you install the oven. Failure to follow instructions may result in property damage, bodily injury or even death. Contact your local building or fire officials about restrictions and installation inspection in your area. CLEARANCES a. The Wood Stone Fire Deck oven should have a minimum 25mm (1") clearance to combustibles from all sides, and 610 mm (24") clearance to combustibles from the top. If building a facade that will contact the oven, use completely non-combustible materials*. Please note that standard Drywall (or Sheetrock) is considered a combustible. b. This oven is suitable for installation on a combustible floor. * When noncombustible building materials contact the body of the oven, the respective clearances are transferred to those non-combustibles. Maintain 610 mm (24") clearance from the top 25 mm (1") minimum side clearance to combustible construction Non-combustible floor, 915 mm (36") in front & 762 mm (30") to either side of oven doorway An ongoing program of product improvement may require us to change specifications without notice. FD-6045-CE, FD-8645-CE, Revised June 2014. Doc no: M0042.01 6 wood stone corporation 1801 w. bakerview rd. bellingham, wa 98226 usa t.360.650.1111 f.360.650.1166 or visit OVEN VENTING FD-6045-CE & FD-8645-CE Fire Deck Oven Installation and Operation Manual Wood Stone ovens should be vented in accordance with pertinent national, regional and local codes concerning Type A appliances; check venting plans with the authority having jurisdiction before proceeding with installation. The above statement taking precedence, Wood Stone Corporation recommends the following: Wood Stone gas-fired ovens must be vented using an approved exhaust hood. All ducting (whether insulated or not) used in exhaust systems venting Wood Stone ovens should meet the construction requirements of a grease duct. Take care to maintain proper clearances from the duct to combustible construction. Fire Deck model numbers containing a “-W” (other than the first letter of the model number) should be vented in accordance with codes concerning solid fuel appliances. Due to the dangers of creosote buildup and sparks entering the duct, these models should be vented separately from all other kitchen equipment or in such a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. The Wood Stone customer support staff is available to answer any questions concerning installation and venting of the oven; call your local distributor for assistance and technical support. Solid fuel exhaust contains creosote and other substances that accumulate in ducting, creating a risk of fire. The rate of accumulation will vary with respect to flue gas temperature, wood type and moisture content. Frequent, regularly scheduled, thorough flue cleaning is the best way to minimize the risk of flue fires. Wood Stone recommends cleaning and inspection at least monthly on any ventilation system serving solid fuel equipment. CREOSOTE - AND THE NEED FOR ITS REMOVAL When wood is burned slowly, it produces tar and other organic vapors, which combine with expelled moisture to form creosote. The creosote vapors condense in the relatively cool oven flue of a slow-burning fire. As a result, creosote residue accumulates in the duct. When ignited, this creosote makes an extremely hot fire. The duct serving this oven should be inspected at least twice a month during the first two months of operation, to establish rate of creosote buildup and necessary cleaning schedule. If creosote or soot has accumulated, it should be removed to reduce the risk of a flue fire. Wood Stone recommends cleaning and inspection at least monthly on any ventilation system serving solid fuel equipment. WOOD STONE RECOMMENDS THAT THE OPERATOR REFER TO THE EXHAUST HOOD MANUFACTURERS FOR INSPECTION, MAINTENANCE AND CLEANING. An ongoing program of product improvement may require us to change specifications without notice. FD-6045-CE, FD-8645-CE, Revised June 2014. Doc no: M0042.01 wood stone corporation 1801 w. bakerview rd. bellingham, wa 98226 usa t.360.650.1111 f.360.650.1166 or visit 7 COMPONENT SCHEMATIC COMPONENT SCHEMATIC FD-6045-CE & FD-8645-CE Fire Deck Oven Installation and Operation Manual FIRE DECK 6045 COMPONENT SCHEMATIC C D E F G I H G A E B I Gas inlet A. Transformer enclosure B. Junction box C. Radiant flame burner D. Underfloor IR burner E. Ignition module F. Controller circuit board G. Gas control valve H. Temperature Control Knob I. Flex conduit An ongoing program of product improvement may require us to change specifications without notice. FD-6045-CE, FD-8645-CE, Revised June 2014. Doc no: M0042.01 8 wood stone corporation 1801 w. bakerview rd. bellingham, wa 98226 usa t.360.650.1111 f.360.650.1166 or visit COMPONENT SCHEMATIC FD-6045-CE & FD-8645-CE Fire Deck Oven Installation and Operation Manual FIRE DECK 8645 COMPONENT SCHEMATIC C D I F C H E G H G I G A E B I E A. Transformer enclosure Gas inlet B. Junction box C. Radiant flame burners D. Underfloor (IR) burner E. Ignition module F. Controller circuit board G. Gas control valve H. Temperature Control Knob I. Flex conduit An ongoing program of product improvement may require us to change specifications without notice. FD-6045-CE, FD-8645-CE, Revised June 2014. Doc no: M0042.01 wood stone corporation 1801 w. bakerview rd. bellingham, wa 98226 usa t.360.650.1111 f.360.650.1166 or visit 9 UNLOADING AND MOVING FD-6045-CE & FD-8645-CE Fire Deck Oven Installation and Operation Manual Forklift pockets (front view) Forklift pockets (side view) Always use the forklift pockets; lifting the oven any other way will result in damage. The Wood Stone Fire Deck 6045 weighs approximately 1450 Kg (3200 lbs), and the 8645 weighs approximately 1975 Kg (4350 lbs), and they are topheavy. Use extreme caution and make sure that the forks extend all the way through the pockets provided (if not, fork extensions must be used so the forks extend the full length of the fork pockets). If it is necessary to approach the oven from the front, be sure that the mast does not contact the stainless steel mantle (shelf). DO NOT TURN THE OVEN ON ITS SIDE! Once the oven is on a smooth, flat floor it can be easily rolled on its optional heavy-duty, temporary shipping casters (see next page for details). Do not attempt to manually roll the oven up or down a ramp or incline. Do not position yourself between the moving oven and an immovable object or surface (wall or door frame). Remove shipping steel before installing temporary casters. IF YOU ARE PLANNING TO USE A CRANE TO UNLOAD THE OVEN, PLEASE SPECIFY A FLATBED TRUCK DELIVERY! Moving a Wood Stone oven can present interesting challenges to even the most experienced riggers. Take your time, use your head, secure the proper equipment and make safety your first priority. Please don’t hesitate to call your local distributor for technical support. DELIVERY NOTE: The customer will receive an Oven Shipping Notification when the oven leaves the Wood Stone factory. This will include a PRO# and a trucking company contact number. Wood Stone recommends that you confirm the delivery date/time with the trucking company before committing to heavy equipment and/or labor. Our goal is a smooth and safe delivery. An ongoing program of product improvement may require us to change specifications without notice. FD-6045-CE, FD-8645-CE, Revised June 2014. Doc no: M0042.01 10 wood stone corporation 1801 w. bakerview rd. bellingham, wa 98226 usa t.360.650.1111 f.360.650.1166 or visit INSTALLATION UNLOADING AND MOVING FD-6045-CE & FD-8645-CE Fire Deck Oven Installation and Operation Manual USE OF OPTIONAL TEMPORARY CASTERS Vent shield Shown: Left-hand configuration With the oven supported by a forklift or pallet jack, slide and secure the caster assemblies into the end forklift pockets. NOTE: The casters will add 76 mm (3") to the total height of the oven. The 100 mm (3-3/4") vent shield on top can be removed temporarily if necessary. Forklift pocket cover Once the oven is in place, support the unit using a pallet jack and remove the caster and its support. Be sure to seal the side and front forklift pockets using the covers provided. Once the front and side forklift pockets are no longer needed, they must be closed using the metal covers provided. Be sure to replace all screws and bolts after removal of the shipping steel and covering of the forklift pockets. This oven is designed to be sealed to the floor upon installation. Use a silicone sealant acceptable to the local health official. An ongoing program of product improvement may require us to change specifications without notice. FD-6045-CE, FD-8645-CE, Revised June 2014. Doc no: M0042.01 wood stone corporation 1801 w. bakerview rd. bellingham, wa 98226 usa t.360.650.1111 f.360.650.1166 or visit 11 PLACING AND INSTALLATION FD-6045-CE & FD-8645-CE Fire Deck Oven Installation and Operation Manual PLACING THE OVEN The oven must be installed on a flat level surface. The weight of the oven is carried by the full perimeter of the oven stand. If it is necessary to shim the oven for leveling purposes, it is critical that the shim material be metal, and that the shims are installed in such a way that the full perimeter of the stand is solidly supported. Any gaps created by shimming between the oven and the floor must be sealed to prevent airflow issues beneath the oven. Failure to solidly support the full perimeter of the oven stand can result in costly damage to the oven and will void the warranty. The floor design and construction must be adequate to handle the weight of the oven. Please see for floor loading information. TOE KICK AND FORK POCKET COVERS Shown: WS-FD-6045 Fork pocket covers Toe kick Once the oven is in place, the toe kick must be installed along the front of the oven using the screws provided. Additionally, the side fork pocket covers must be installed over the fork pockets. The area under the oven must be enclosed in order to prevent pests from entering this space. If the front of the oven is shipped facade ready, the toe kick will not be included. If the sides and/or rear of the oven is shipped facade ready, the fork pocket covers will not be included. Pre-cut blocks of cement board or other facade material will be shipped instead of the fork pocket covers. The blocks must be inserted into the fork pockets before the oven facade is put in place. An ongoing program of product improvement may require us to change specifications without notice. FD-6045-CE, FD-8645-CE, Revised June 2014. Doc no: M0042.01 12 wood stone corporation 1801 w. bakerview rd. bellingham, wa 98226 usa t.360.650.1111 f.360.650.1166 or visit FACADE READY OVENS FD-6045-CE & FD-8645-CE Fire Deck Oven Installation and Operation Manual WS-FD-6045 The facade-ready front Fire Deck features cement board already installed on the front surfaces of the oven. ANY MATERIALS AFFIXED TO THE CEMENT BOARD MUST be NONCOMBUSTIBLE. Total thickness of facade materials, including the cement board, should not exceed 25 mm (1") in thickness in area above the door to allow removal of door system components for service. Tile or other noncombustible, sanitation approved material (supplied by others) 25 mm (1") stainless steel perimeter lip An ongoing program of product improvement may require us to change specifications without notice. FD-6045-CE, FD-8645-CE, Revised June 2014. Doc no: M0042.01 wood stone corporation 1801 w. bakerview rd. bellingham, wa 98226 usa OVEN A 25 mm (1") wide stainless steel lip is provided around the doorway opening and around the air intake vent. This is provided so that the noncombustible, sanitation approved materials used to cover the cement board can be neatly terminated at these points. CEMENT BOARD The hatching represents surfaces of the oven that are covered with cement board. All parts of the oven which are meant to be left exposed are not hatched. t.360.650.1111 f.360.650.1166 or visit 13 FACADABLE OVENS FACADE READY OVENS FD-6045-CE & FD-8645-CE Fire Deck Oven Installation and Operation Manual WS-FD-8645 The facade-ready front Fire Deck features cement board already installed on the front surfaces of the oven. ANY MATERIALS AFFIXED TO THE CEMENT BOARD MUST NONCOMBUSTIBLE. Total thickness of facade materials, including the cement board, should not exceed 25 mm (1") in thickness in area above the door to allow removal of door system components for service. Tile or other noncombustible, sanitation approved material (supplied by others) 25 mm (1") stainless steel perimeter lip An ongoing program of product improvement may require us to change specifications without notice. FD-6045-CE, FD-8645-CE, Revised June 2014. Doc no: M0042.01 14 wood stone corporation 1801 w. bakerview rd. bellingham, wa 98226 usa t.360.650.1111 f.360.650.1166 or visit OVEN A 25 mm (1") wide stainless steel lip is provided around the doorway opening and around the air intake vent. This is provided so that the noncombustible, sanitation approved materials used to cover the cement board can be neatly terminated at these points. CEMENT BOARD The hatching represents surfaces of the oven that are covered with cement board. All parts of the oven which are meant to be left exposed are not hatched. GAS SPECIFICATIONS GAS SPECIFICATIONS FD-6045-CE & FD-8645-CE Fire Deck Oven Installation and Operation Manual The Wood Stone WS-FD-6045 and WS-FD-8645 are equipped with a 19 mm (3/4") female ISO-7 gas connection. Have a licensed gas installer provide the hookup and test all fittings and pipe connections for leaks. Use approved gas leak detectors (soap solutions or equivalent) over and around the fittings and pipe connections. ! DO NOT USE FLAME TO TEST FOR LEAKS! SV-1, SV-2 and SV-3 are the gas control valves that operate underfloor infrared (IR) burner and the interior radiant burner(s), respectively. NOTE: Some models are only equipped with two valves. The manifold pressure test port for the underfloor IR burner (always served by SV-1) is a plugged nipple tap located on the outlet side of the valve. The manifold pressure test port(s) for the radiant burner(s), served by SV-2 and SV-3, is a plugged nipple tap located at the base of the T-junction between the valve and the radiant/interior burner. All the gas valves have an additional plugged nipple tap on the inlet side. The burner manifold pressures have been adjusted and tested at the factory. Factory specified individual burner manifold pressure(s) (expressed in mbar) for Fire Deck models equipped to burn Natural Gas (I2H @ 20 mbar and I2L or I2E at 25 mbar). Model WS-FD-6045-RFG-(L, R)-IR-CE-NG WS-FD-8645-RFG-(LR, L, R)-CE-NG SV-1 (if equipped) SV-2 (if equipped) SV-3 (if equipped) 9 mbar 9 mbar 11.5 mbar 11.5 mbar N/A 11.5 mbar Factory specified individual burner manifold pressure(s) (expressed in mbar) for Fire Deck models equipped to burn Propane (I3P, I3+ and I3B/P). Model WS-FD-6045-RFG-(L, R)-IR-CE-LP WS-FD-8645-RFG-(LR, L, R)-(IR)-CE-LP SV-1 (if equipped) SV-2 (if equipped) SV-3 (if equipped) 18.9 mbar 18.9 mbar 19.7 mbar 19.7 mbar N/A 19.7 mbar Maximum gas input rates for Wood Stone Fire Deck ovens for various European gas types Model WS-FD-6045-RFG-(L or R)-IR-CE WS-FD-8645-RFG-LR-IR-CE WS-FD-8645-RFG-(L or R)-IR-CE WS-FD-8645-RFG-LR-CE I2H, I2L and I2E I3P, I3+ and I3B/P 44.85 kW 69.68 kW 44.85 kW 49.66 kW 37.92 kW 62.36 kW 37.92 kW 48.88 kW NOTE: Wood Stone recommends that the oven be equipped with an individual shutoff valve and that this individual shutoff valve (supplied by others) be left easily accessible. Wood Stone also recommends that inspection and maintenance of the burners and gas piping connections of this appliance be performed at regularly scheduled intervals and only by professional gas appliance service agencies. An ongoing program of product improvement may require us to change specifications without notice. FD-6045-CE, FD-8645-CE, Revised June 2014. Doc no: M0042.01 wood stone corporation 1801 w. bakerview rd. bellingham, wa 98226 usa t.360.650.1111 f.360.650.1166 or visit 15 SCOPE OF APPROVALS FD-6045-CE & FD-8645-CE Fire Deck Oven Installation and Operation Manual EN 437 Gas Group Inlet Pressure (mbar) I2H 20 I2E and I2L 25 I3+ 28-30/37/50 I3B/P(30) 30 I3B/P(50) 50 I3P 30/37/50 NATURAL GAS (METHANE) I2H(20) for use in: AT, BG, CZ, DK, EE, FI, GR, HR, HU, IS, IE, IT, LV, LT, NO, PT, RO, SK, SI, ES, SE, CH, TR and GB I2E(20/25) for use in: DE and PL |2E+(20/25) for use in: BE and FR I2L(25) for use in: NL I2HS(25) for use in: HU PROPANE AND PROPANE BLENDS I3P(37) for use in: FI, DE, GR, IE, HR, LU, NL, PL, SK, SI, ES, CH, TR and GB I3P(50) for use in: CY, CZ, MT and SK I3+(28-30,37) for use in: BE, CY, CZ, EE, FR, GR, IE, IT, LT, LU, LV, PT, RO, SK, ES, CH and GB I3B/P(30) for use in: BG, CY, CZ, DK, EE, FI, GR, HR, LV, LT, LU, MT, NL, NO, SK, SI, SE and TR I3B/P(37) for use in: PL I3B/P(50) for use in: AT, DE, HU, SK and CH An ongoing program of product improvement may require us to change specifications without notice. FD-6045-CE, FD-8645-CE, Revised June 2014. Doc no: M0042.01 16 wood stone corporation 1801 w. bakerview rd. bellingham, wa 98226 usa t.360.650.1111 f.360.650.1166 or visit ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS FD-6045-CE & FD-8645-CE Fire Deck Oven Installation and Operation Manual ELECTRICAL Have a licensed electrician wire the transformer terminal strip with a 230 VAC, 5 A lead (unit is rated at 0.42 A). Electrical diagrams are located on the back of the removable service/air intake panel of the appliance and also at the end of this manual. ! ELECTRICAL GROUNDING: This appliance must be electrically grounded (earthed). PROVIDE DISCONNECT DEVICE: This appliance must be provided with an all-pole type disconnect device in the incoming power supply so that the appliance can be completely isolated from the power supply. Junction box Gas inlet Electrical line entry (cord grip) An ongoing program of product improvement may require us to change specifications without notice. FD-6045-CE, FD-8645-CE, Revised June 2014. Doc no: M0042.01 wood stone corporation 1801 w. bakerview rd. bellingham, wa 98226 usa t.360.650.1111 f.360.650.1166 or visit 17 CONTROLLER CONTROLLER FD-6045-CE & FD-8645-CE Fire Deck Oven Installation and Operation Manual CONTROLLER DISPLAY Indicates the system is energized. Indicates the pilot flame for the radiant flame burner is lit. Indicates that the pilot flame for the underfloor IR burner is lit. This light will go off whenever the actual floor temperature is above the Hearth Set Point. Displays temperature of oven floor (hearth). Sensor is embedded 1" below hearth surface. 0 1 Arrow buttons to adjust thermostatic Hearth Set Point up or down. F I O C I/ 0 °F/ °C 1-360-650-1111 On/Off button Toggle button to change between Fahrenheit and Celsius temperature scales in display screens An ongoing program of product improvement may require us to change specifications without notice. FD-6045-CE, FD-8645-CE, Revised June 2014. Doc no: M0042.01 18 Thermostatic Hearth Set Point display screen wood stone corporation 1801 w. bakerview rd. bellingham, wa 98226 usa t.360.650.1111 f.360.650.1166 or visit INITIAL START-UP FD-6045-CE & FD-8645-CE Fire Deck Oven Installation and Operation Manual INITIAL OVEN START-UP FIRST DAY 1. Make sure main gas supply is on (valve parallel with gas line). 2. Push I/O button on controller. It may take a while for the gas to purge all the air from the gas lines. 3. Allow oven to operate at FACTORY SETTINGS for 1 hour (thermostat set at 38 °C (100 °F), radiant flame at its lowest setting). 4. After one hour, raise radiant flame(s) to 25% (~10-13 cm / ~4-5" flame) and hold this setting for 4 hours. 5. After 4 hours at 25% flame, raise to 50% flame and hold for at least another 4 hours. The oven can be left at this setting all night. SECOND DAY 1. Set the floor temperature to 260 °C (500 °F). 2. Turn the radiant flame(s) to 100% height. The floor temperature should reach 260 °C (500 °F) within about an hour. The oven is now ready for cooking. GENERAL DAILY OVEN OPERATION END OF THE DAY Push I/O button, all gas will go off, even the pilots. BEGINNING OF THE DAY Push I/O button, set controller to desired floor temperature and turn the radiant flame to its highest setting. Oven should be stabilized at or above the set point within two hours. CLEANING THE OVEN 1. As needed (twice per hour), use the natural fiber brush to sweep surface food debris away from the radiant burner(s) and towards the doorway, where it can be easily removed with a dough cutter or spatula. 2. As needed, swab the deck using an damp (not wet) rag wrapped around the brush head. ! NEVER PLACE ANYTHING IN OR ABOVE THE RADIANT FLAME HOW TO READ FLOOR TEMPERATURE The floor temperature is continuously displayed by the controller in the upper window. This reading is being taken by a thermocouple about an inch below the floor surface, so the actual surface temperature may be somewhat different, and is best measured using a non-contact (IR) thermometer. 0 1 HOW TO ADJUST THE FLOOR TEMPERATURE (HEARTH SET POINT) To adjust the oven’s thermostatic floor temperature setting, simply press the arrow button corresponding to the direction in which you would like the setting to go. If the thermostatic set point is raised above the actual hearth temperature, the underfloor IR burner should activate. An ongoing program of product improvement may require us to change specifications without notice. FD-6045-CE, FD-8645-CE, Revised June 2014. Doc no: M0042.01 wood stone corporation 1801 w. bakerview rd. bellingham, wa 98226 usa t.360.650.1111 f.360.650.1166 or visit 19 DAILY OVEN OPERATION FD-6045-CE & FD-8645-CE Fire Deck Oven Installation and Operation Manual DETAILED DAILY OVEN OPERATION ! IMPORTANT: If at any time you feel that either or both of the burners are not operating properly, turn the oven off and call for service. Before servicing, disconnect the electrical supply at the breaker and turn off the gas supply at the appliance’s individual gas shutoff valve. In the event of a power failure, no attempt should be made to operate the oven. SEE PAGE 18 FOR AN ILLUSTRATION OF THE OVEN CONTROLLER DAILY STARTUP Press the I/O button to start the oven. The radiant flame will ignite. The infrared underfloor IR burner will ignite if the actual floor temperature is below the set point temperature to which the controller is adjusted. Indicates the system is energized. Indicates the pilot flame for the radiant flame burner is lit. Indicates that the pilot flame for the underfloor IR burner is lit. This light will go off whenever the actual floor temperature is above the thermostatic Hearth Set Point (see CONTROLLER section). TURNING OFF THE OVEN Push the I/O button on the controller to turn the oven off. Both burners will go out and the digital readout on the controller will go out. ADJUSTING THE RADIANT (DOME) FLAME The radiant flame(s) is (are) always on when the oven is operating and can be adjusted to any flame intensity between its highest and lowest setting by simply turn the Flame Height Control Knob. This burner is the primary heat source for the oven. The underfloor IR burner will act as an assist to maintain desired floor temperatures during periods of high food production. ADJUSTING THE FLOOR HEARTH SET POINT To adjust the oven's thermostatic floor temperature setting, simply press the arrow button corresponding to the direction in which you would like the setting to go. If the thermostatic Hearth Set Point is raised above the actual hearth temperature, the underfloor IR burner should activate. Note: It is possible to program the floor’s thermostatic Hearth Set Point to temperatures from 37–427 °C (100–800 °F). Once proper temperatures for your application have been established, there should be little or no need to change the floor Hearth Set Point. An ongoing program of product improvement may require us to change specifications without notice. FD-6045-CE, FD-8645-CE, Revised June 2014. Doc no: M0042.01 20 wood stone corporation 1801 w. bakerview rd. bellingham, wa 98226 usa t.360.650.1111 f.360.650.1166 or visit DAILY MAINTENANCE DAILY MAINTENANCE FD-6045-CE & FD-8645-CE Fire Deck Oven Installation and Operation Manual OVEN INTERIOR Wood Stone recommends the use of long-handled brushes for sweeping up surface debris that will accumulate on the floor of the oven during use. Use a natural fiber brush—always brushing away from the radiant burner wells. For deeper cleaning, use a brass bristled brush. The oven floor can be then cleaned with a damp rag wrapped around the brush head. Wood Stone offers an assortment of oven brushes available through your dealer. Specification sheets may be viewed on the Wood Stone website under Tools & Accessories. DO NOT USE ICE OR EXCESSIVE WATER ON THE FLOOR. THIS IS TO PREVENT THERMAL SHOCKING OF THE STONE. There are stainless steel burner guards to prevent food from falling on and thereby obstructing the gas orifices of the radiant flame. If debris gets into the radiant flame well or the flame is visibly obstructed, turn the oven off immediately and call for service. OVEN EXTERIOR All painted and stainless steel surfaces should be cleaned as necessary using an approved mild detergent, hot water and a soft cloth or sponge. Stubborn residues may be removed using a nonmetallic scouring pad. When scouring stainless steel surfaces, scrub with the grain of the metal to prevent scratching. IMPORTANT: Do not use excessive amounts of liquid when wiping on or around the controller box. MAKE SURE THE TOP OF THE OVEN IS KEPT CLEAR AND THAT ANY GREASE CATCHES OR HOODS ARE CLEANED FREQUENTLY. DO NOT ALLOW GREASE TO ACCUMULATE ON TOP OF THE OVEN. DO NOT USE THE RADIANT BURNER WELL AS A DUMP FOR DEBRIS OR TRASH INCINERATION; MAKE EVERY ATTEMPT TO KEEP DEBRIS FROM DROPPING INTO THE WELL. CLEANING THE HEAT SHIELD DOOR The glass heat shield is designed to allow for easy cleaning. It should be cleaned daily. The front of the heat shield can be cleaned in the lowered position using a soft cloth and mild soap and water solution. To clean the back of the glass, first raise the shield to its up position. The shield can then be rotated up and over the roller blocks, which will support the shield in this position, allowing the back to be cleaned. Rotate back to the normal position for normal operation. CAUTION: Do not use abrasive pads, which may etch or fog the glass. Avoid excessive water. Prevent dripping onto the ceramic hearth of the oven by placing sheet pans in the doorway to catch drips. For excessive build up on glass, oven cleaner may be used on an infrequent basis. Take extreme care to prevent dripping onto the ceramic hearth by placing sheet pans in the doorway to catch drips. An ongoing program of product improvement may require us to change specifications without notice. FD-6045-CE, FD-8645-CE, Revised June 2014. Doc no: M0042.01 wood stone corporation 1801 w. bakerview rd. bellingham, wa 98226 usa t.360.650.1111 f.360.650.1166 or visit 21 ELECTRICAL DIAGRAM FD-6045-CE & FD-8645-CE Fire Deck Oven Installation and Operation Manual FD-6045 & FD-8645 230 VAC MODEL RFG-(L or R)-IR-CE TYPE 2 CONTROLLER IR w/ Single Radiant Flame - CE ICS 1 fuse F2 = 2A L N G Spark / Sensor SV-1 fuse F1 = 5A H1 X1 H2 24 VAC H1 V2 Grd TB4-P Pink TB4-8 White 6EQ1 Filter X2 IND V1 MV PV1 TH/W D H1 XFMR D+ TH TR Infrared Burner GND GND Yellow 230 VAC 50/60 Hz wired by others Temperature Controller Control Panel Type 2 Thermo Couple green TB1 Red Yellow 2 red 5 orange P pink 8 white 4 brown 6 yellow Purple Gray Red TB3-2 Filter Bead TB4-R TB4-Y TB3-2 TB3-5 TB4-P TB4-8 TB3-4 TB3-6 GND TB4 R Y 8 8 P TB3 2 6 4 4 5 White ICS 2 White V2 Grd Spark / Sensor IND V1 MV PV1 TH/W D J-Box D+ TH TR Radiant Burner Brown TB3-5 Purple Gray Orange DIAG #: DATE: Bellingham, WA +1(360)650-1111 An ongoing program of product improvement may require us to change specifications without notice. FD-6045-CE, FD-8645-CE, Revised June 2014. Doc no: M0042.01 22 SV-2 wood stone corporation 1801 w. bakerview rd. bellingham, wa 98226 usa WD066 Rev. 1 4/7/2014 t.360.650.1111 f.360.650.1166 or visit ELECTRICAL DIAGRAM FD-6045-CE & FD-8645-CE Fire Deck Oven Installation and Operation Manual FD-6045 & FD-8645 230 VAC MODEL RFG-(LR)-IR-CE TYPE 2 CONTROLLER IR w/ Single Radiant Flame - CE ICS 1 fuse F2 = 2A L N G Spark / Sensor SV-1 fuse F1 = 5A H1 X1 H2 24 VAC H1 V2 Grd TB4-P Pink TB4-8 White 6EQ1 Filter X2 IND V1 MV PV1 TH/W XFMR D+ D H1 TH TR Infrared Burner GND GND Yellow 230 VAC 50/60 Hz wired by others Temperature Controller Control Panel Type 2 Thermo Couple green TB1 Red Yellow 2 red 5 orange P pink 8 white 4 brown 6 yellow Purple Gray Red TB3-2 Filter Bead TB4-R TB4-Y TB3-2 TB3-5 TB4-P TB4-8 TB3-4 TB3-6 GND TB4 R Y 8 8 P TB3 2 6 4 4 5 White ICS 2 White V2 Grd Spark / Sensor IND V1 MV PV1 SV-2 TH/W D+ D J-Box TH TR Radiant Burner Brown Purple Gray Orange TB3-5 DIAG #: DATE: Bellingham, WA +1(360)650-1111 WD066 Rev. 1 4/7/2014 + Single RFG CE ADDITIONAL RADIANT FLAME BURNER TB3-5 Orange TB3-4 Brown TB4-8 White ICS 3 V2 Grd Spark / Sensor IND V1 MV PV1 SV TH/W D D+ TH TR Radiant Burner White Brown Purple Gray Orange DIAG #: DATE: Bellingham, WA +1(360)650-1111 An ongoing program of product improvement may require us to change specifications without notice. FD-6045-CE, FD-8645-CE, Revised June 2014. Doc no: M0042.01 wood stone corporation 1801 w. bakerview rd. bellingham, wa 98226 usa WD102 Rev. 0 3/27/2014 t.360.650.1111 f.360.650.1166 or visit 23 LIMITED WARRANTY LIMITED WARRANTY FD-6045-CE & FD-8645-CE Fire Deck Oven Installation and Operation Manual Local Distributor: ALL WARRANTY SERVICE MUST BE PRE-APPROVED BY WOOD STONE PLEASE CONTACT YOUR LOCAL DISTRIBUTOR FIRST EXCLUSIONS The warranties provided by Wood Stone do not apply in the following instances: 1. In the event that the equipment is improperly installed. Proper installation is the responsibility of the installer; proper installation procedures are prescribed by the Wood Stone Installation and Operation Manual. 2. In the event the equipment is improperly or inadequately maintained. Proper maintenance is the responsibility of the user; proper maintenance procedures are prescribed in the Wood Stone Installation and Operation Manual. Burner problems resulting from debris or ash in the burner well will not be covered by the warranty. Call with questions regarding maintenance frequency. 3. In the event that the failure or malfunction of the appliance or any part thereof is caused by abnormal or improper use or is otherwise not attributable to defect in material or manufacture. 4. In the event that the appliance, by whatever cause, has been materially altered from the condition in which it left the factory. 5. In the event that the rating plate has been removed, altered or obliterated. 6. On parts that would be normally worn or replaced under normal conditions. 7. Normal cracking due to expansion and contraction stress relief in the ceramic firebox. 8. In wood-fired equipment configurations, in the event that pressed log products of any type have been burned in the equipment. 9. In coal-fired oven configurations, in the event any type of coal other than anthracite coal fuel has been used. 10.Damage resulting from the use of chemical cleaning products in the oven, as well as any damage from liquids or chemicals, including water, being poured or sprayed into the oven. If any oral statements have been made regarding this appliance, such statements do not constitute warranties and are not part of the contract of sale. This Limited Warranty constitutes the complete, final and exclusive statement with regard to warranties. THIS LIMITED WARRANTY IS EXCLUSIVE AND IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES WHETHER WRITTEN, ORAL OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR WARRANTY AGAINST LATENT DEFECTS LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY: In the event of warranty claim or otherwise, the sole obligation of Wood Stone shall be the repair and/or replacement, at the option of Wood Stone, of the appliance or component or part thereof. Such repair or replacement shall be at the expense of Wood Stone with the exception of travel over 100 miles or two hours, overtime, and holiday charges which shall be at the expense of the purchaser. Any repair or replacement under this warranty does not constitute an extension of the original warranty for any period of the appliance or for any component or part thereof. Parts to be replaced under this warranty will be repaired or replaced at the option of Wood Stone with new or functionally operative parts. The liability of Wood Stone on any claim of any kind, including claims based on warranty, expressed or implied, contract, negligence, strict liability or any other theories shall be solely and exclusively the repair or replacement of the product as stated herein, and such liability shall not include, and purchaser specifically renounces any rights to recover, special, incidental, consequential or other damages of any kind whatsoever, including, but not limited to, injuries to persons or damage to property, loss of profits or anticipated profits, or loss of use of the product. TO SECURE WARRANTY SERVICE: Contact your local distributor. An ongoing program of product improvement may require us to change specifications without notice. FD-6045-CE, FD-8645-CE, Revised June 2014. Doc no: M0042.01 24 wood stone corporation 1801 w. bakerview rd. bellingham, wa 98226 usa t.360.650.1111 f.360.650.1166 or visit
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