MANUAL OF PROCEDURE 2013 DRT Headquarters 510 East Anderson Lane Austin, Texas 78752-1218 Phone: 512-339-1997 Fax: 512-339-1998 E-mail: Public Website: 2013-2014 Bylaws Committees Ellen McCaffey, President General K. Jenschke, Parliamentarian General Dusky C. Waters, Chair, District VIII Nancy Sue O’Massey, District VIII Kimberly Elane Wiley, District VIII Betty Lu Vaughan, District VIII Advisors Lois Carol Burns Dyson, District VI Leslie Dawn Inman, District VIII Copyright 2013 by The Daughters of the Republic of Texas The Daughters of the Republic of Texas MANUAL OF PROCEDURE TABLE OF CONTENTS ORGANIZATION AND HISTORY ............................................................................................... 1 The DRT Legacy ..............................................................................................................................1 History of the Daughters of the Republic of Texas (DRT)..................................................................... 1 History of the Children of the Republic of Texas (CRT) ........................................................................ 2 History of the Texas Flag ...................................................................................................................... 2 Texas Honor Days ..........................................................................................................................3 DRT OWNED PROPTERTIES .................................................................................................... 5 DRT Headquarters ..........................................................................................................................5 Republic of Texas Museum .............................................................................................................5 DRT Collection at the Alamo Research Center .................................................................................6 The Cradle .....................................................................................................................................7 J. B. Wells House ............................................................................................................................8 DRT CHAPTER OWNED OR MANAGED PROPERTIES ................................................................ 9 Ezekiel Cullen House, San Augustine ...............................................................................................9 The Gaines-Oliphint House, Milam .................................................................................................9 Pioneer Memorial Log House, Houston ......................................................................................... 12 DRT CUSTODIAL PROPERTY .................................................................................................. 14 The French Legation Museum ....................................................................................................... 14 DRT MANAGERIAL PROPERTY .............................................................................................. 15 The Alamo ................................................................................................................................... 15 DRT MEMORIAL MEDIALLIONS ............................................................................................ 17 History of Memorial Medallions ................................................................................................... 17 MEMBERSHIP ...................................................................................................................... 19 Application Procedures ................................................................................................................ 19 Reinstatement of Membership ..................................................................................................... 31 Transfer of Membership............................................................................................................... 31 From Chapter to Chapter ................................................................................................................... 32 From Chapter to Member-at-Large.................................................................................................... 32 From Member-at-Large to Chapter.................................................................................................... 33 From CRT to DRT ................................................................................................................................ 33 CRT Membership ......................................................................................................................... 34 General Information ........................................................................................................................... 34 Application for Membership .............................................................................................................. 34 Transfers ............................................................................................................................................. 34 CRT to DRT Transfer ........................................................................................................................... 34 CRT Chapter Transfer ......................................................................................................................... 35 2013 Table of Contents i Manual of Procedure OFFICERS / BOARDS............................................................................................................. 36 Qualifications and Eligibility for Office .......................................................................................... 36 Duties of Officers ......................................................................................................................... 37 President General............................................................................................................................... 37 First Vice President General ............................................................................................................... 37 Second Vice President General .......................................................................................................... 39 Third Vice President General.............................................................................................................. 40 Fourth Vice President General ........................................................................................................... 41 Fifth Vice President General............................................................................................................... 42 Chaplain General ................................................................................................................................ 43 Recording Secretary General.............................................................................................................. 43 Corresponding Secretary General ...................................................................................................... 45 Treasurer General .............................................................................................................................. 45 Registrar General................................................................................................................................ 47 Custodian General .............................................................................................................................. 48 CRT Registrar General ........................................................................................................................ 51 Historian General ............................................................................................................................... 52 Parliamentarian General .................................................................................................................... 53 Retiring President General ................................................................................................................. 53 District Representatives ..................................................................................................................... 53 Board of Management (BOM) ...................................................................................................... 54 General Information ........................................................................................................................... 54 MEETINGS ........................................................................................................................... 56 DRT Convention ........................................................................................................................... 56 CRT Convention ........................................................................................................................... 60 District Information ..................................................................................................................... 61 District Meetings ................................................................................................................................ 61 District Elections ................................................................................................................................. 62 Special District Meetings .................................................................................................................... 63 COMMITTEES ...................................................................................................................... 67 General Information .................................................................................................................... 67 Nominating Committee ...................................................................................................................... 68 District Representatives Committee .................................................................................................. 70 Administrative Committees .......................................................................................................... 71 General Information ........................................................................................................................... 71 Alamo Committee .............................................................................................................................. 73 Cradle Committee .............................................................................................................................. 74 DRT Library Collection Committee..................................................................................................... 75 French Legation Museum Committee................................................................................................ 78 DRT Headquarters Committee ........................................................................................................... 80 Republic of Texas Museum Committee ............................................................................................. 81 Standing Committees ................................................................................................................... 83 Annual Proceedings Committee......................................................................................................... 83 Awards Committee............................................................................................................................. 85 2013 Table of Contents ii The Daughters of the Republic of Texas Bylaws Committee ............................................................................................................................. 86 Chapter Organization Committee ...................................................................................................... 87 CRT Committee .................................................................................................................................. 87 CRT Membership Committee ............................................................................................................. 87 Education and Flag Committee .......................................................................................................... 87 Finance Committee ............................................................................................................................ 88 Historic Committee ............................................................................................................................ 88 Historical Publication Committee ...................................................................................................... 92 Legislative Committee ........................................................................................................................ 93 Membership Committee .................................................................................................................... 93 Membership Dues Committee ........................................................................................................... 93 Media and Communication Committee ............................................................................................. 93 Memorial Park Committee ................................................................................................................. 94 Publicity Records Committee ............................................................................................................. 94 Senior Members Committee .............................................................................................................. 95 Relics, Old Trails and Historic Sites Committee.................................................................................. 96 San Jacinto Battleground Committee ................................................................................................ 96 Ad Hoc/Special Committees ......................................................................................................... 96 CHAPTER OFFICERS/DUTIES ................................................................................................. 97 New Chapters .............................................................................................................................. 97 General Information for Chapter Officers...................................................................................... 97 Chapter President ........................................................................................................................ 98 Chapter Checklist ......................................................................................................................... 99 Chapter Treasurer ...................................................................................................................... 103 Chapter Registrars and Chapter CRT Registrars ........................................................................... 109 Chapter Chaplain ....................................................................................................................... 109 Chapter Historian ....................................................................................................................... 110 Chapter CRT Sponsor.................................................................................................................. 110 Purchase of CRT Jewelry and Ribbon .......................................................................................... 112 FINANCES, RESTRICTED FUNDS, AND ENDOWMENTS ......................................................... 113 Clara Driscoll Fellowship Award .................................................................................................. 113 Laura Lanigan Texas History Fund ............................................................................................... 113 Native Texan License Plate (NTLP) Fund ...................................................................................... 114 DRT Building Fund ...................................................................................................................... 116 DRT Living Legacy Endowment ................................................................................................... 116 Historical Publication Fund ......................................................................................................... 117 Projects ..................................................................................................................................... 118 EMPLOYEES ....................................................................................................................... 119 General Information .................................................................................................................. 119 Employee Types ......................................................................................................................... 120 The Alamo Complex ......................................................................................................................... 120 French Legation Museum ................................................................................................................. 122 DRT Headquarters ............................................................................................................................ 123 Republic of Texas Museum .............................................................................................................. 127 2013 Table of Contents iii Manual of Procedure SEAL AND INSIGNIA ........................................................................................................... 128 Guidelines for submitting a new pin to BOM for approval ........................................................... 128 CHILDREN OF THE REPUBLIC OF TEXAS (CRT) ...................................................................... 130 Standing Rules ........................................................................................................................... 130 General Information .................................................................................................................. 131 Organizing a CRT Chapter ........................................................................................................... 131 CRT Memorial Medallion ............................................................................................................ 131 CRT Awards ............................................................................................................................... 132 CRT Grandmother Award ................................................................................................................. 132 Edward Philmore Haltom, Jr., Trophy .............................................................................................. 132 Carolyn DeKeith Cook Roth Memorial Trophy ................................................................................. 132 James Milton Rash Memorial Trophy............................................................................................... 133 CEREMONIES AND SERVICES .............................................................................................. 134 Chapter Memorial Service .......................................................................................................... 134 Chartering Ceremony for a DRT Chapter ..................................................................................... 135 Chartering Ceremony for a CRT Chapter ...................................................................................... 137 DRT Chapter Presentation and Explanation................................................................................. 139 Dedication of Memorial Medallion for a Citizen of the Republic of Texas ..................................... 140 Dedication Ceremony for a CRT Memorial Medallion .................................................................. 140 DRT Pledge for New Members .................................................................................................... 141 Founders Day Ceremony ............................................................................................................ 142 Installation Ceremony for the Board of Management .................................................................. 142 Installation Ceremony for Chapter Officers ................................................................................. 145 Welcoming Ceremony for New Members ................................................................................... 148 PROCEDURE FOR CHANGING THE MOP .............................................................................. 150 DRT POLICIES ..................................................................................................................... 152 Capital Assets and Depreciation Policy ....................................................................................... 152 Cash Fund Deposits Policy .......................................................................................................... 153 CRT Financial Review Policy ........................................................................................................ 153 Conflict of Interest Policy ........................................................................................................... 155 Credit Card Policy ....................................................................................................................... 159 General Records Retention Schedule Policy ................................................................................ 161 In-Kind Contributions Policy ....................................................................................................... 170 Investment Policy ...................................................................................................................... 170 Purchased and Donated Collections Policy .................................................................................. 173 Purchasing and Procurement Policy ............................................................................................ 173 Whistleblower Policy ................................................................................................................. 174 General Information/Miscellaneous Policies ............................................................................... 175 Officers General Club ....................................................................................................................... 179 INDEX ................................................................................................................................ 180 2013 Table of Contents iv Back to Table of Contents Back to Index The Daughters of the Republic of Texas ORGANIZATION AND HISTORY The DRT Legacy In 1907, at the last meeting of the Texas Veterans Association, only six (6) members answered the roll call. After the usual memorial service, each one of these men expressed that, owing to the increasing infirmities of age, he would be unable to attend another meeting. They then unanimously voted for the dissolution of the organization. But before adjourning for the last time, it was resolved that ‘the holy memories clinging around it should be merged into the patriotic association, The Daughters of the Republic of Texas. **** Upon motion, they repaired to the Presbyterian Church where without the furling of a banner or the strain of martial music these old heroes laid aside forever their badges of membership and bequeathed their memories and their deeds with an ‘Undivided Texas’ as a precious legacy to The Daughters of the Republic of Texas, by them to be held in trust forever (Fifty Years of Achievement, Daughters of the Republic of Texas, 1942, pp. 9-10). History of the Daughters of the Republic of Texas (DRT) At the Cradle in Galveston, Texas, in the summer of 1891, Miss Betty Ballinger and her cousin, Miss Hally Bryan, conceived the idea of perpetuating forever the memory of the Texas pioneer families and soldiers of the Republic of Texas by forming an association of their descendants that we now know as The Daughters of the Republic of Texas. The Daughters of the Republic of Texas is an association composed of over one hundred chapters. Each chapter is a part of the larger organization and must operate within the framework of Bylaws established by the Association. The date of the Convention has varied through the years. At first San Jacinto Day, April 21, was stipulated. In 1928 and 1929, March 2 was specified. In 1930 the Annual Meeting was held March 18, and the 1932 meeting dates were February 18 and 19. May 13, 14, and 15 were chosen in 1936. May 14 is Velasco Day, the date when Interim President David C. Burnet and Santa Anna signed the treaties of Velasco following the defeat of the Mexican forces at San Jacinto. Since 1936 the Daughters' tradition has been to choose a date for the Annual Convention as close to Velasco Day as possible in honor of this momentous occasion. The 1996 Convention voted that the Annual Convention not be on Mother’s Day weekend. 2013 Organization and History 1 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index Manual of Procedure History of the Children of the Republic of Texas (CRT) On March 3, 1928, during the DRT General Convention, Mrs. Clara Driscoll Sevier, President General, asked the Daughters assembled to bring young people into the organization to take an active part. A committee was set up to make plans to organize the children into chapters. Members of this DRT committee were Mrs. Joseph Carnal, San Antonio; Mrs. J. T. Cox, Austin; and Miss Bess Ferguson, Palestine. During the DRT Convention one year later, on March 1, 1929, the committee made the following motion, which carried: That the Daughters of the Republic of Texas sponsor the organization to be known as the Children of the Republic of Texas (CRT), such members to be subject to the Bylaws of our organization pertaining to membership and objectives and that a committee be appointed to further the same. History of the Texas Flag The first official national Lone Star Flag of the Republic of Texas was adopted on May 11, 1836, by the provisional government. Lorenzo de Zavala designed it with a blue field, large white five-pointed star in the center, and the letters T E X A S between the points of the star. However, this flag was never made up in cloth or flown by the Texas army. A month prior to the adoption of the Lone Star flag, President David G. Burnet and Commodore Charles E. Hawkins devised a flag for use by ships of the Texas Navy. Its conformation was union blue, white star central with thirteen prolonged stripes alternating white and red. When the first Congress of the Republic of Texas met, an act was passed on December 10, 1836, designating the official flag to be the one designed by David G. Burnet showing a blue field with a large gold star in the center. On January 25, 1839, Congress changed the national flag to the one we fly today. Designed by Charles B. Stewart, it consists of a three-bar arrangement, blue at the hoist central with a five-pointed lone star and two (2) horizontal bars of white and red joining the blue and extending to the fly with white stripe uppermost. It is one of the simplest and most beautiful flags in existence in any land or nation and a flag revered and loved by all Texans. Pledge to the Texas Flag “Honor the Texas flag, I pledge allegiance to Thee, Texas, one state under God, one and indivisible.” Flag Protocol The Texas flag should be displayed on the viewer's right, and the United States flag should be displayed on the viewer's left when the flags are on separate poles. When one flagpole is used for the United States and Texas flags, the United States flag is flown above the Texas flag, the flags should be of equal size. 2013 Organization and History 2 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index The Daughters of the Republic of Texas Where the flags are flown side by side, the flags shall be of equal size and the poles of equal height. For additional information concerning the Flags of Texas, see DRT publication, Texas and Its Flags, compiled by Mrs. Florine Rhea Railing, Fourth Vice President General, 1983-85. Texas Honor Days DRT promotes the celebration of Texas Honor Days. Chapters are encouraged to honor these days in some way, and members are encouraged to fly the Texas flag on each of these Honor Days. Mirabeau B. Lamar Day (January 26) Lamar is honored as the Father of Texas Education. DRT may observe this day by providing historical materials to local schools and the news media. It is also an excellent time to honor teachers of Texas history. Texas Statehood Day (February 19, 1846) The legal entry of Texas into the Union was 29 December 1845, but the decade-old Republic of Texas did not formally transfer its authority to the new State of Texas until 19 February 1846. DRT celebrates 19 February 1846 as Statehood Day and as a Texas Honor Day. Texas Independence and Flag Day (March 2, 1836) On this date, the Texas Declaration of Independence was signed at Washington-on-the-Brazos. A big celebration is held at the site each year and many Daughters participate in the event. Various programs and social events are held throughout the State by DRT chapters on this day which is also Sam Houston's birthday. Alamo Heroes Day (March 6, 1836) An observance at the Alamo honoring the patriots who died there is held annually by the Alamo Mission Chapter. The heroes' names and places of birth are called out by the President General in a solemn and impressive ceremony. Daughters are encouraged to participate in local celebrations on this day if at all possible. Goliad Heroes Day (March 27, 1836) Following the fall of the Alamo, the Mexican Army, under command of General Santa Anna, attacked Colonel James W. Fannin’s men at Goliad. Fannin was forced to surrender. He and his men were promised fair treatment and parole, but General Santa Anna ordered that all of the men should be shot. On March 27, 1836, 320 Texian prisoners were eXEcuted, the largest loss of life in the cause of Texas independence. “Remember Goliad!” became one of the great battle cries at San Jacinto. San Jacinto Day (April 21, 1836) On this date, General Sam Houston and the Texas Army defeated Santa Anna's Mexican troops in the Battle of San Jacinto. An annual celebration is held at the San Jacinto Monument and Battlefield. In San Antonio an Annual Pilgrimage to the Alamo is sponsored by the Alamo Mission Chapter. It is always the first Monday of Fiesta Week, originally “Fiesta San Jacinto,” which includes San Jacinto Day. 2013 Organization and History 3 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index Manual of Procedure Texian Navy Day (Third Saturday in September) In September 1835 the first naval engagement of the Texas Revolution occurred near Velasco. In that engagement between a Texian privateer, the San Felipe, and a Mexican war schooner, the Correo, the Mexican ship was forced to unconditionally surrender. Thus, the Texian Navy won its first victory in the War of Independence on the high seas. This event was one month before the first significant land battle of the Texas Revolution at Gonzales. Texas Heroes Day (September 18) The date of September 18th has multiple significant factors in that on September 18, 1842; thirty-six volunteer Texan soldiers were killed on the field of battle in the Dawson Massacre. Of the survivors, three escaped to tell the story, and fifteen others were taken prisoner by Mexican soldiers in the Woll invasion near Salado Creek (where Fort Sam Houston is now located in San Antonio). The captured prisoners were marched away to Perote Castle Prison in Veracruz, Mexico. Of these men, only nine survived to return to Texas. The remains of one captive who died were thrown into the castle moat. September 18, 1848, the remains of fifty-two men who died in Perote Prison, including sixteen of the seventeen who survived the Mier Expedition, were imprisoned at Perote Prison, and drew the “Black Beans of Death” on March 25, 1843, to decide who would be eXEcuted, were buried at what became known as Monument Hill at LaGrange. Gonzales Day (October 2, 1835) The first recognized battle of the Texas Revolution was fought in Gonzales. The Texas force of one hundred and sixty men challenged the Mexican military authority by refusing to surrender a brass cannon previously given to the town as a means of protection against the Indians. The Battle of Gonzales lasted only a few minutes, but most citizens in Texas realized that there was no turning back. A war had begun. Stephen F. Austin’s Birthday (November 3, 1793) The Father of Texas. DRT Founders Day (November 6, 1891) On this date, a group of seventeen ladies met in Houston in the home of Mrs. Andrew Briscoe to carry out the idea of Misses Betty Ballinger and Hally Bryan for organizing a Republic of Texas daughters' organization to meet with the Texas Veterans. 2013 Organization and History 4 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index The Daughters of the Republic of Texas DRT OWNED PROPTERTIES DRT Headquarters The DRT Headquarters is the communications center for the DRT organization and houses the archives and Business Office. The archives contain bound membership records and related documents from 1891 to the present. The office staff maintains membership and ancestor records and the database. They do limited searches on ancestors registered with the DRT for a small fee plus copying costs. DRT Headquarters’ supplies and historical publications are also available for purchase. Hours: 9 – 5 Mon. - Fri. Address: DRT Headquarters, 510 East Anderson Lane, Austin, Texas 78752-1218 Phone: (512) 339-1997 – Fax: (512) 339-1998 E-mail: Website: Republic of Texas Museum 1903 the Republic of Texas Museum was housed in one room of the State Capitol. The collection of Republic era artifacts grew rapidly through the dedicated efforts of the DRT, and more space was required. In 1916, the Land Department moved from the Old Land Office Building on the Capitol grounds, and a portion of the structure was turned over to the DRT for use as a museum. The DRT Museum occupied the second floor of the building until 1989 when restoration of the structure began. Four years later, during the centennial year of the DRT, the Daughters purchased a building to house both the museum and the organization's headquarters. Mission statement: The mission of the Republic of Texas Museum is to preserve the heritage of the Republic of Texas historic period and to educate the public about the history and culture of that time. Hours: 10 am to 4 pm, Monday through Friday Admission: $2 Adults; $1 DRT Members; $1.50 Seniors; $1.00 Children Address: Republic of Texas Museum, 510 East Anderson Lane, Austin, Texas 78752-1218 Phone: (512) 339-1997 – Fax: (512) 339-1998 E-mail: Website: 2013 Organization and History 5 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index Manual of Procedure DRT Collection at the Alamo Research Center The Daughters of the Republic of Texas collection has been developed and is supported and maintained by the DRT for the use of all researchers. The need to encourage the study of Texas history and to preserve its documents was of sufficient importance to the founders of the DRT to be stipulated specifically in the charter of 1893. The Alamo Research Center (formerly called the DRT Library) building was built by DRT from funds given by Mrs. John King Beretta in 1950 and then deeded to the State of Texas. DRT’S collection is composed of materials pertaining to the history of Texas, in particular, the period of the Texas Republic. Books, documents, maps, photographs, periodicals, early newspapers, clippings, and family papers are among the materials in the library's files and closed stacks. A card catalog is available for the use of researchers to locate information, and library attendants provide assistance in retrieving materials for use. Duplication services and photographic reproduction services are available. Mission statement: The DRT Library is dedicated to advancing the understanding of the unique history of the Alamo and Texas and of the lives of those who experienced it. In order to accomplish this mission, the DRT Library Committee and staff support: the selection and acquisition of materials about Texas focusing on the period of the Republic of Texas, 1836-1846; the conservation and restoration of the collection’s holdings; educational initiatives that promote the study of Texas history at all levels; the accessibility of the collections to the general public; research by lay and professional historians; maintain ongoing exhibits in the library for viewing by the public. Hours: By appointment only. Location: The Alamo Research Center (formerly the DRT Library) is located in the Alamo Complex Admission: None Address: DRT Collection at the Alamo Research Center, P. O. Box 1401, San Antonio, TX 78295-1401 Phone: (210) 225-1071 - Fax: (210) 212-8514 E-mail: Website: 2013 Organization and History 6 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index The Daughters of the Republic of Texas The Cradle This building was originally the law library of William Pitt Ballinger, father of co-founder Miss Betty Ballinger. Now known as the Cradle, the Daughters cherish it as the place where Miss Ballinger and her first cousin, Mrs. Hally Bryan Perry, formulated the idea for their new organization, which would become The Daughters of the Republic of Texas. The Cradle was restored in 1993-1995 to reflect the original furnishings of the late 1800s. The Cradle is open by appointment only. The address and phone number of the Cradle Committee Chairman may be found in the most recent Annual Proceedings. Hours: By appointment only Location: 2902 Avenue 0 O½, (Corner of O½ Street and 29th Street) in Galveston, Texas Address: The Cradle, P. O. Box 3268, Galveston, TX 77552-0268 Formatted: Underline Formatted: Left, Space After: 0 pt Formatted: Underline Formatted: Left, Indent: Left: 0", Space After: 0 pt, Line spacing: single 2013 Organization and History 7 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index Manual of Procedure J. B. Wells House On Sunday, April 25, 1999, the Gonzales Chapter, Gonzales, presented to The Daughters of the Republic of Texas a deed of property to the J. B. Wells House, Gonzales. President General Tookie Walthall accepted the gift on behalf of the Daughters. This home was built in 1885 and retains much history of the early years of Texas. Original furnishings continue to grace the fifteen rooms of the interior surroundings. The structure consists of Florida longleaf pine lumber delivered from the port of Indianola by oxen to Gonzales. The Gonzales Chapter is responsible for maintenance of the property at no cost to members ofthe DRT. Tours are available upon request. You may find the house open to the public around the weekend of October 2, celebrating Come and Take It Days, and during the Christmas holiday seasons. For more information please contact the following: Contact: Mrs. Elizabeth (Polly) Fink (830) 672-9793 (Please do not call after 9:00 p.m. Central Time) Hours: By appointment only Location: 829 Mitchell Street in Gonzales, Texas Address: The J.B. Wells House, 829 Mitchell Street, Gonzales, Texas 78629-4125 2013 Organization and History Formatted: Font: 11 pt, Underline Formatted: Font: 11 pt, Underline Formatted: Left, Space After: 0 pt, Line spacing: single 8 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index The Daughters of the Republic of Texas DRT CHAPTER OWNED OR MANAGED PROPERTIES Ezekiel Cullen House, San Augustine Built in 1839 by noted architect Augustus Phelps, it eventually became the home of Judge Ezekiel Cullen, an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Texas, and a member of the 3rd Congress. Hugh Roy Cullen, grandson of Ezekiel Cullen, presented the house to the Ezekiel Cullen Chapter of the Daughters of The Republic of Texas in San Augustine in 1953. The home is the headquarters for the Ezekiel Cullen Chapter, DRT. In September 1984, the Cullen Foundation presented $250,000 to the Ezekiel Cullen Chapter to be used for the upkeep of the home and grounds. It is used as an historical events center and museum in the community, as well as for social occasions and meeting place for the chapter. The Cullen House also contains a collection of paintings by the renowned portrait artist, S. Seymour Thomas, a native of San Augustine. Antiques and historical furnishings are on display in the home. A docent is present to tour groups and individuals February through mid-December, Thursday through Saturday, 1 p.m. until 4 p.m., and by special appointment. E-mail: The Gaines-Oliphint House, Milam The Gaines-Oliphint House may be the oldest Pre-Republic, Anglo-American structure existing in Texas today. It was built about 1818 by James D. Taylor Gaines who was a double first cousin to General Edward Pendleton Gaines of the United States Army. A few historians and descendants say that he was a brother to General Gaines. The house was built for his third wife’s parents, the Edmund Norris’, so that they could live in the vicinity of the settlement that had become established around the ferry on the 2013 Organization and History 9 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index Manual of Procedure Sabine River. In the 1835 Sabine District Census, James is listed as head of the household at age 53 along with his wife Susannah Norris Gaines at age 36 and children John age 17, James age 8, Sarah Ann age 4, and William age 5 months. Although listed in the 1835 census as being 53 years old, James was born in Culpepper County, Virginia on 14 Nov 1776, the son of Thomas and Susannah Strother Gaines. The Gaines family was considered as one of the oldest and best known in Virginia. He was christened Robert Thomas Gaines, but around 1810 changed his name to James. He first married Isabella Christian of Tennessee and they had one daughter. A second marriage to Katherine Vincent of Indiana produced two sons. The third marriage to Susannah Norris of the Nacogdoches Municipality produced six children, four of whom are listed in the 1835 census. James was described as being tall, red-haired and red-faced. In late 1803 and most of 1804 James accompanied then Lieutenant Edward Pendleton Gaines on an assignment ordered by President Thomas Jefferson to survey the waterways along the Natchez Trace, from Nashville, Tennessee down the Cumberland River to the Ohio, and on to New Orleans. When the United States troops were established at Natchitoches, Louisiana in 1805, James accompanied them and started a mercantile business in Natchitoches. By 1812 he was operating a ferry on the Sabine River, although some historians say he was at the crossing as early as 1809. James Gaines gave the 1812 date in open court testimony while testifying in a land grant trial involving two of his former neighbors. His testimony in the 1843 trial of the RUSSELL HEIRS vs. JAMES MASON clearly establishes the 1812 date. During the Gutierrez-Magee Expedition, he raised and commanded troops in an effort to wrest Texas from Spanish Mexico. After their defeat in San Antonio, he went to Virginia and fought against the British during the War of 1812. James also participated in the Fredonia Rebellion, was with Dr. Long’s Expedition, His testimony in the 1843 trial of the RUSSELL HEIRS vs. JAMES MASON clearly establishes the 1812 date. During the Gutierrez-Magee Expedition, he raised and commanded troops in an effort to wrest Texas from Spanish Mexico. After their defeat in San Antonio, he went to Virginia and fought against the British during the War of 1812. James also participated in the Fredonia Rebellion, was with Dr. Long’s Expedition, delegate to the Washington-on-the Brazos Convention-1 Mar 1836, signer of the Texas Declaration of Independence, helped draft the Republic of Texas constitution, served as senator in the Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Congress representing Harrison, Sabine and Shelby Counties, served as sheriff and alcalde (judge) for the Sabine District of the Municipality of Nacogdoches, served as postmaster, operated an inn and mercantile store, forwarded mail across the boundary into the United States and founded the settlement of Pendleton. In July of 1819 while serving with Dr. Long, James delivered a letter to Jeanne Lafitte in Galveston and discussed with Lafitte the plans to take Texas from Spanish Mexico. In about 1819, James bought the long established ferry on the El Camino Real that had been used as a crossing as early as 1541-1542 by Hernando De Soto, who had advanced to Nacogdoches and earlier by Native Americans. From the late 1600’s through the 1840’s, this crossing on the Sabine River was being used by Indians, early explorers, traders, kantucks, adventurers, missionaries, desperados, post riders, smugglers, empresarios, filibusters, settlers, slaves, circuit riders and preachers, soldiers and statesmen. During the twenty years that James owned the ferry; historians say that at least four-fifths of the settlers coming into Texas crossed on this ferry. The number is estimated to be fifty thousand or more. Most of the patriots, involved in the struggle with Mexico for independence, crossed at this site and passed within two hundred feet of the Gaines-Oliphint House. In 1843 James sold his ferry and moved to Nacogdoches and became involved in the movement to have Texas annexed into the United States. In the mid-1840s James moved to Bastrop in Central Texas, where he bought and operated a hotel. When news spread in 1849 about the gold rush in California, two of James’s sons, Edmund and John B. along other East Texans, headed west. On 23 Aug 1850 James arrived in San Francisco on the steamer Ecuador. He and his sons discovered the Gaines Ledge of gold and established the Gaines Mine that still exists today. He served in local Mariposa County, California government for several years. 2013 Organization and History 10 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index The Daughters of the Republic of Texas By 1854-1855 Susannah had died, and his two sons had returned to Texas. On 12 Nov 1856, two days before his eightieth birthday, James died in Oakland, California. In about 1815 on a high knoll that was above flood stage and about three hundred yards from the ferry, James built his family a new home. The house was of log construction with an open hallway through the middle, often called by early settlers a double pen log house with a dogtrot. There were two large rooms on the bottom floor with a large hand shaped native iron ore rock fireplace in the end of each room. In the hallway a staircase led to the second story that also had two large rooms. In 1967 this house was still standing. In 1959 the states of Louisiana and Texas formed the Sabine River Authority for the purpose of building a large reservoir along the boundary of the two states for flood control and power generation. By 1969 the Sabine River Authority had completed the Toledo Bend Reservoir Project that resulted in parts of both states being covered by the lake. In late 1967, the old James Gaines House was dismantled, parts numbered and moved from its original location because the area was to be inundated by the reservoir. The intent at the time was for the house to be reassembled and become a historical attraction. On a location 2.2 miles southwest of the original location the disassembled house was stored and covered with old sheet metal and tarps. Over a period of years, because of lost interest in the restoration project, the disassembled structure totally decayed and was lost. The house built by James Gaines for his third wife’s parents, the Edmund Norris’, referred to, as the Gaines-Oliphint House, was an exact copy of the old Gaines house. It was built between 1815-1818 about 0.6 miles west of the ferry location and sits at 263 feet elevation overlooking the Sabine River bottom. At this location the river bottom was only 0.2 of a mile wide on the Texas side and 2.0 miles wide on the Louisiana Side. The original road crossed at the ferry location and continued west and passed about two hundred feet in front of the Gaines-Oliphint House, then continues southwest, crossing Carrice Creek and on toward Milam. The house has hand shaped native iron ore rock fireplaces in both end of the house. The original fireplace in the east end of the house is still standing in good condition. The west end fireplace was taken down many years ago because it began leaning away from the house and was unsafe. After a twenty-year effort to save the house, the front porch and its roof and the back porch were taken off because of decay and the threat of loosing the main structure. The unattached kitchen was moved back away from the main structure. A new sheet metal roof was placed on the main structure and over the porch locations, which has kept the house in good condition. The beginning configuration of the kitchen is unknown but was probably entered through the door opening in the northeast corner and to the left of the fireplace. Another very interesting and historical object on the property is an ancient white oak tree (Quercus alba) that is located about forty eight feet south of the southwest corner of the house. The original road passed about one hundred fifty feet south of the tree or two hundred feet from the house. The tree was at one time about fifty-five inches in diameter. The ravages of time have rotted away most of the main trunk and only a partial shell remains. Several years ago the tree was blown down by a storm and now lies on the ground, but several very healthy limbs turned skyward and continue to grow today. Legend has it that while James was serving as sheriff and judge (alcalde) in the Pendleton settlement several hangings took place under this tree. During the early years of the settlement the shade of this tree is said to have provided a meeting place to discuss local issues involving the pre-republic, the Republic of Texas and statehood. The tree is estimated to be at least three hundred twenty five years old. Two other features on the grounds are a small double pen log barn that is in bad repair and of unknown age, and a cistern for the collection and storage of rainwater. 2013 Organization and History 11 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index Manual of Procedure In 1840 the house and sixty-one acres of land were sold to Wilford R. Oliphint, but apparently the bargain seems to have fallen through. On 17 Feb 1843 James did sell the property to Martha A. Oliphint. Several of the owners cannot be traced because of a courthouse fire in 1875 that destroyed most Sabine County records. In 1975-1976 the house was placed on the National Register of Historic Places. After an effort made over several years, finally in June of 1984, Mrs. Tom Foster of Center, Texas, for the purpose of historical restoration, donated the house and two acres of land. Several groups have tried to raise funds for restoration, and in Fall 1999 this project was taken over by the Daughters of the Republic of Texas (DRT) James Frederick Gomer Chapter out of Hemphill, Texas when the Sons of the Republic of Texas (SRT) Sabine Chapter, gifted and deeded the property to the DRT chapter. Several fundraisers have been held since 1999. One of the largest fundraisers is Pioneer Days held the third Saturday in April. Recent preservation projects finished by the James Frederick Gomer Chapter, DRT, as outlined by the Texas Historical Commission (THC) approved Master Plan include: 1. Stabilization of the house, especially after the damage suffered from Hurricanes Rita and Ike 2. Restoration of one of the chimneys 3. Restoration of the fireplace and mantle 4. Restoration of the board and batten in one of the rooms The above information was researched and written by: Weldon McDaniel P. O. Box 174 Hemphill, TX 75948. Currently the chapter is accepting donations for the restoration of the home’s original cedar shingles. Donations can be sent care of the James Frederick Gomer Chapter, DRT, at the address below. All donations are tax-deductible. Tours of the property are available by appointment only. For more information, please contact the Chapter President at the phone number below. Hours: By appointment only Admission: Donations welcomed Address: James Frederick Gomer Chapter of the DRT, Nina Gooch-President, RT. 4, Box 122 Hemphill, TX 75948 Phone: 409-787-4088 Pioneer Memorial Log House, Houston The Pioneer Memorial Log House, constructed in 1936, was built as a Chapter home and as a hospitality house for the many visitors expected to visit Houston for the Texas Centennial. Rededicated in March of 1996, the Log House continues to serve as the home of the San Jacinto Chapter of The Daughters of the Republic of Texas. Now open to the public on regularly scheduled afternoons, the House is also available as a meeting place for other educational and historical groups. It functions as a Texas Pioneer Museum with tours given by docents and brings special exhibits to the school children and citizens of Houston. 2013 Organization and History 12 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index The Daughters of the Republic of Texas Mission Statement: (From the San Jacinto Chapter yearbook) The mission of the Pioneer Memorial Log House Museum is to collect and preserve documents and relics relating to the early history of Texas and Texians, and Houston, and to encourage the study of Texas history through exhibits, literature and educational programs. The Museum places special significance on the Battle of San Jacinto, the Texas Revolution, the period of the Republic, and women’s contributions during this time. Owned by the San Jacinto Chapter, the Museum also adheres to the objectives of its mother organization, The Daughters of the Republic of Texas, founded in 1891, which are: (1) To perpetuate the memory and spirit of the men and women who achieved and maintained the independence of Texas; (2) To encourage historical research in to the earliest records of Texas, especially those relating to the Revolution of 1835 and the events which followed, to foster the preservation of documents and relics, to encourage the publication of records of individual service of the soldiers and patriots of the Republic and other source material for the history of Texas; (3) To promote the celebration of Texas Honor Days. Location: The Pioneer Memorial Log House is located between Ben Taub Hospital and the Houston Zoo. 1510 N. MacGregor, Hermann Park Houston, TX. Address: The Pioneer Memorial Log House, c/o San Jacinto Chapter, DRT, 1510 Cambridge Houston, Texas 77030-1732 Phone: (713) 522-0396 Website: 2013 Organization and History 13 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index Manual of Procedure DRT CUSTODIAL PROPERTY The French Legation Museum Construction of the French Legation was begun in 1840 and completed in the spring of 1841. The Legation was built by Comte Alphonse Dubois de Saligny, Charge d'affaires of His Majesty Louis Philippe, King of France, to the Republic of Texas. The house was purchased in 1949 by the State of Texas from the Robertson family in whose possession the Legation had been for 100 years. The State of Texas entered an agreement with the The Daughters of the Republic of Texas in 1949 to oversee and manage the preservation of the historic house and property. The Daughters have restored and maintained the Legation for the public. It was opened as a museum on April 5, 1956. The DRT maintains an extensive period garden surrounding the Legation with antique roses and other period appropriate plants. The Legation grounds may be scheduled for weddings and other special events.-A small meeting room, which holds up to 50 people, is available as well. Mission statement: The mission of the French Legation Museum is to preserve the heritage of the French Legation of the Republic of Texas and to educate the public about Texas history and culture. Hours: Open for tours: 1 - 5 pm, Tues. - Sun. Admission: $4 Adults; $3 Seniors; $2 Students and Teachers Group and AAA discounts available Address: The French Legation Museum, 802 San Marcos Austin, Texas 78702-2647 Phone: (512) 472-8180 – Fax: (512) 494-9962 E-mail: Website: 2013 Organization and History 14 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index The Daughters of the Republic of Texas DRT MANAGERIAL PROPERTY The Alamo The crusade to save the Alamo was begun in 1903 by The Daughters of the Republic of Texas when they learned the sacred ground was about to be sold for a hotel site. Adina de Zavala, one of the leaders of this movement, enlisted Miss Clara Driscoll, twenty-one years of age and a member of the local DRT chapter, to assist the Daughters' efforts to save this hallowed site. Miss Driscoll bought the option on the property. When the option expired and no legislative appropriation had been secured, Miss Driscoll bought the property, protecting the site from commercial development. Her gesture sparked public interest, and in 1905 the State reimbursed her and turned the Alamo over to the care of the Daughters. In the 1930s Miss Driscoll gave land south of the Alamo Shrine to the State. The Alamo is maintained by the Daughters at no expense to the State. The Alamo Complex consists of the Shrine, Long Barracks Museum, Sales Museum, Alamo Hall (meeting room), Support Complex (guard room, rest rooms, etc.) and DRT Research Library at the Alamo, Gallagher Building and Alamo grounds. In 2011, DRT entered a new agreement with the State of Texas to manage the operations of the Alamo Complex under the oversight of the General Land Office. Mission statement: The Daughters of the Republic of Texas are dedicated to the preservation of the Alamo as a sacred memorial to the Alamo Defenders. The DRT is committed to the conservation of the historic grounds and the research and study of Texas history. Vision statement: The DRT will be the recognized authority of Alamo history and the catalyst for the Alamo Legacy through preservation of the principles demonstrated by the Defenders. Hours: Regular hours 9 am to 5:30 pm, Summer hours 9 am to 7:00 pm. Open daily, except Christmas and New Year. Admission: Donations accepted. Location: The Alamo Complex, corner of Houston and Alamo Streets Address: The Alamo, P. O. Box 2599; San Antonio, Texas 78299-2599 Phone: (210) 225-1391; Fax (210) 229-1343 Website: 2013 Organization and History 15 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index Manual of Procedure 2013 Organization and History 16 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index The Daughters of the Republic of Texas DRT MEMORIAL MEDIALLIONS History of Memorial Medallions The desire for a memorial grave medallion for DRT founders and Past Presidents General became apparent to the Board of Management in 1958. The first twelve Daughters' medallions were ordered March 1958 from James H. Matthews Co. in Pennsylvania by Mrs. W. L. Scarborough, Treasurer General. In May 1958, the following Recommendation No. 6 was brought by the Board of Management to Convention: It is recommended that our official Daughters of The Republic of Texas Grave Medallion Seal be placed as a token of love, respect and gratitude from our organization on the grave or burial place of the remains of each of our two founders and on [the graves of] each of our deceased Past State Presidents and our Honorary President, and that this set a precedent to be followed in this regard throughout future years in paying our respects to our founders and our faithful leaders of The Daughters of the Republic of Texas. The Board of Management traveled to Austin, San Antonio, Galveston and Houston in November 1958 marking the graves of Miss Betty Ballinger and Mrs. Hally Bryan Perry, DRT founders, as well as Past Presidents General buried in these cities. Daughters have continued to be honored by the placement of these medallions on their graves from that time forward. Prior to this medallion's establishment, DRT marked many historic sites and graves in conjunction with the Texas Historical Commission as noted in The Precious Legacy (1994) by Mrs. Frances Underwood, 1991-93 Fourth Vice President General. A copy of The Precious Legacy can be found in the Headquarters office as well as the Republic of Texas Museum. Mrs. Mildred McElroy, 1979-81 Fourth Vice President General, chose as her project the marking of all Texas Revolution veterans' graves of men who saw combat in 1836, the final year of the war as accepted by the Texas Historical Commission. She spent one and a half years locating the graves and searching for a foundry to produce a suitable medallion. She underwrote the cost of the original die. Mrs. McElroy tended the Texas Veteran medallion project long after her term was over as a labor of love. In 1988, she passed the project to Mrs. Alice Kuykendall, then Fourth Vice President General. Since then, the project has been passed to each succeeding Fourth VP General. A Board of Management directive dated November 16, 1982, was written to “set up guidelines for issuing the Citizen's medallion.” Mrs. Evelyn Armstrong, Mrs. Billie Menefee, and Mrs. Mildred McElroy created a Dedication Ceremony and Remembrance Book to that included data applications of each medallion placed during Texas's sesquicentennial. The book was to be placed in the DRT Museum. Data from this book was used by the Historical Publication Committee under Mrs. Olga Vaughan and edited by Mrs. Thelma Youtz to publish the Marked Gravesites of Citizens of the Republic of Texas.The book was to be placed in the DRT Museum. 2013 Organization and History 17 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index Manual of Procedure The Defender medallion for the defender was researched and designed by Mrs. Wanda L. Perry, 1989-1991 Fourth Vice President General, and her committee. It was approved by The DRT Board of Management approved the medallion in 1990. Criteria for use of the Defender’s medallion is having seen battle between April 23, 1836, and February 19, 1846. Also during the term of Mrs. Perry, the years of eligibility for the veteran's Veteran medallion were changed to 1821-1836. A children's medallion was designed by Mrs. Perry and her committee designed the Children of the Republic of Texas (CRT) medallion in 1990 upon the first death of a CRT member. It is important for these medallions to be placed on all appropriate graves in cemeteries throughout the state. They are beautiful and visible symbols of our Texas heritage (written by Mrs. Carolyn Marble, 1995-1997 Fourth Vice President General). The Historic Site medallion was designed by Jean Kalina, Fourth Vice President General 2003-2005, and approved by the BOM in September, 2004. Guidelines for placement of a Historic Site medallion was written by the Relics, Old Trails and Historic Sites Committee 2007-2009, Anita Cooper, Chair and Fourth Vice President General, and approved by the BOM in September 2007. In February 2013, the BOM approved First Vice President General, Dr. Elizabeth “Betty” Edward’s, motion for a new 11-inch, aluminum alloy, Historic Site medallion. With the new technology ability to etch designs into the headstone itself, the BOM approved in November 2013, the Fourth Vice President General’s, Kim Stracener Zapalac, motion to provide a template (for a small fee) to members and their monument provider to sandblast etch the DRT Medallion design (the DRT seal) into their headstone. 2013 Organization and History 18 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index The Daughters of the Republic of Texas MEMBERSHIP Application Procedures These instructions may be used for both DRT and CRT applications. See the sample completed DRT application in this Membership Section of MOP. Applicants shall use the following instructions to prepare a worksheet provided by the Chapter Registrar or obtained from the DRT web site ( When the worksheet has been approved by the Chapter Registrar, the same instructions will be used for completing an original DRT Application for Membership Form, using the worksheet as a guide. Each completed application package consists of one original application form on original DRT watermarked, legal size paper, one clearly legible photocopy of the original form, and one set of proofs. The original proof shall be photocopied on 8 ½ x 14 inch paper with a one-inch margin for binding. The application must be printed with a laser or high-quality ink jet printer. All signatures must be original (signed after the photocopy is made), using a black acid-free archival pen. (See General Information/Miscellaneous Section of MOP for cost of official supplies.) Attach a check made payable to DRT or the DRT Chapter for the amount and payee as instructed by the Chapter Registrar, or for members-at-large, by the Registrar General. If submitting more than one application or supplemental application at the same time, provide a separate check for each. Proofs Information General Instructions Photocopies: Submit one set of photocopied proofs on legal-size paper (8½ by 14). Do not send original documents or photographs. Send only photocopies. Illegible photocopies: All documents must be clear enough to read or they will not be accepted. If a photocopy of a document is illegible (difficult to read), do not alter it in any way. Type beneath it what information cannot be read and have the statement notarized. Language: Documents written in a language other than English must be translated. Submit copies of both original and translation. Pertinent information: Underline pertinent information on proof papers with red pencil, i.e., names linking one generation to next, birth and death dates, places of birth and death. Do not use a highlighter on the proofs. 2013 Membership 19 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index Manual of Procedure Identification: On the front of each proof in the lower righthand corner, type or print name of the applicant and the generation number. If a piece of proof applies to more than one generation, label the proof with all generations to which it applies. Example: Mary Sue Brown Smith Generation 1 Married/widowed/divorced applicants: Include with your proofs a copy of your husband's (or former husband's) birth certificate if it is available to you, and his death certificate if deceased, to prove his dates and places of birth and death. In some instances this information is now available on marriage records; if so, the marriage record is acceptable to prove date and place of birth. In some instances, for former husbands, this information is not legally available to the applicant and therefore is not required. Do not enter dates and places on the application unless they can be verified by proofs submitted. "The applicant must prove that the birth certificate presented is a true copy of the applicant's birth certificate. This may be accomplished by submission of marriage record(s) to document the changes in name, an affidavit from the applicant's parents, or other suitable documentation. Divorce documentation is not required if the name changes are proven by marriage records. In the event the applicant does not wish to have the documentation of the previous marriages entered into the file, the Registrar General will examine the documentation and file a statement with the applicatin that she has examined the documentation presented by the applicant and can attest that is supports the fact that the applicant is the same as the birth record presented. This Statement, without the documents, should accompany the application. Documents will be destroyed by the Registrar General. Listing Proofs Beginning with Generation 1 (Applicant), list all proofs included with the application. Relationship of one generation to the next must be proved. The proof box in the application has limited space. Use the following abbreviations for brevity. Do not use the abbreviations more than once in a proof list. Instead, put the initials of the individual in parentheses afte the abbreviation. (ex) two birth certificates in a proof box would be listed as BC (JAJ, MHS). Abbreviations Chart To Use For Applications Marriage License Birth Certificate Death Certificate Obituary/Funeral Notice Divorce Decree Deed Record Texas General Land Office Family Bible Circa Before After Census Record 2013 Use Use Use Use Use Use Use Use Use Use Use Use Marriage BC DC Obit Divorce Deed GLO Bible Ca Pre Aft Only the year census and place (ex) 1860 Census Dallas Co., TX. Membership 20 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index The Daughters of the Republic of Texas Proof Records All dates since the inception of vital records (since 1903 in Texas) require copies of birth or death certificates and marriage licenses. (If person is deceased, death certificate will show birth information.) Dates in earlier generations may be approximated from census records, wills, tax rolls, obituaries, tombstones, deeds, probate records, guardianships, church records, newspaper articles, pensions, 1867 voter registration certificates, ships’ lists, Bible records, etc. If more exact information is not available, estimated dates should be shown as “ca (yr).” If submitting tombstone information, use a photo of the tombstone and have it photocopied, with name and location of cemetery typed on the page. If the information is difficult to read, type beneath it a transcript verifying the name and location and have it signed by a person other than the applicant who has seen the tombstone; and have the statement notarized. Tombstones must have been erected at the time of death to be used as proof. Tombstones or monuments erected in later years must have supporting proof. The 1846 Texas Poll Tax listing is not a proof of residence in Texas prior to February 19, 1846 as it was taken by authority of an act of the new State of Texas and ot begun until the summer of 1846. Applicants must obtain a copy of the marriage record from the County Courthouse. Bible records must have been recorded as the event happened, and a photocopy of the Bible record, including the title and copyright pages submitted. Only if a typed transcript is submitted instead must it be notarized attesting to this fact. A photocopy of a census record microfilm, if difficult to read, must have a typed transcription of the pertinent portion. Very important! Do not use family and/or county histories as proof. Only documentation from primary sources is acceptable. Common Proof Common proof is used when two or more applicants are joining or have joined on the same ancestor, and proof already on file may be cited. When referring to proof in another file, give the DRT membership number and member's name. It must be verified that proper proof was submitted with that member's application. Example: Gen. 3: James Jones and Mary Smith: DC (2); Marriage. (See DRT #010101, Mary Sue Kent) Page One Application for Posthumous Membership: Type POSTHUMOUS in upper-case letters at top center of page 1. 2013 Membership 21 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index Manual of Procedure Type the full legal name, including given name, middle name, maiden name, and married surname (if applicable) centered in uppercase letters. Underline either preprinted “Miss,” “Mrs.” or “Ms.” Example: Mrs. Mary Jane Wood Thomas Applicant's Name: Husband's Name: If applicable, indicate if you are wife, widow, or divorced. Type the full name of the husband. Do not use initials. Type the home address, including zip+4, telephone number including area code, and email address if applicable. Residence: Descendant of: Type the ancestor's full name centered in upper-case letters. Do not use titles. Chapter Record: Type the chapter name and city. The remaining part of page 1, except the endorsement section, will be completed by the Chapter Registrar after the application is complete. Remainder: After the application is complete and has been photocopied, the applicant must sign her name on both the original and one photocopy of the application. She will get original signatures of two members who endorse her application on both the original and photocopy. All signatures, including the applicant, the two endorsements, the Chapter Registrar and Chapter President, must be in permanent black acid-free archival pen. Endorsements are not necessary on supplemental applications. Signature and Endorsement: In accordance with the Texas Nonprofit Corporation Act, members' membership applications and proofs of lineage are subject to review by other DRT members. However, copies of application papers and/or proofs of lineage may be obtained from the office of the Custodian General by applicants only if the member gives written permission on her application papers by checking the appropriate boxes. Upon the death of a member, her papers shall be considered open. The fee for copies of an approved application or supplemental, not including proofs, will be $10. Copies: Pages Two to Three Relationship from one generation to the next must be shown and then proved. The applicant must furnish acceptable proof of her lineal descent from a man or woman who resided in Texas prior to 19 Feb 1846. Lineal descent must be proved from Generation 1 (the applicant) through each generation to the ancestor (not beyond), using as few proofs as possible. Redundant proof of a relationship, date or proof of service is not required and will be discarded. Lineal Descent Proof: Applicant: 2013 Type applicant's name exactly as it appears on page 1. Membership 22 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index The Daughters of the Republic of Texas Ancestor: Type ancestor's name exactly as it appears on page 1. Type all dates: day of month, month abbreviated to three letters, year. Example: 6 Mar 1836. If exact date not known, type: ca (yr). Example: ca 1837 Dates: Type all places using standard two-letter abbreviations for states. Example: Smith Co., TN Places: Complete applicant information. Applicant is Gen. 1. On Posthumous applications, type date and place of death. Generation 1: Generations 2, 3, 4, 5, etc: List husband's name first on each generation. Type full given name and maiden name (not married name) of wife. Example: Ruth Ann Carr The applicant's parents are Generation 2; Grandparents, Generation 3; GGP, Generation 4; etc. If wife had been married previously, type: “Mrs.” then her full given name, maiden name and prior husband's surname. Example: Mrs. Mary Jane Smith Jones Indicate whether she was 1st, 2nd, or “only” wife in the parentheses area of each Generation on the application. Type “living” in the “died at” blank if a person is alive. If a maiden name and married name are the same, put an asterisk with a footnote and state circumstances, such as, “*m. second cousin.” Complete generation information only through the ancestor that this application is proving. Do not type information beyond that ancestor. Only one document should be listed and submitted. Example: George Randall Smith, Land Grant for service in Texas Army, GLO File No. 0000. Proof of Ancestor's Service: Death records may NOT be used as positive proof of service. Include only one document showing positive proof of ancestor's being in Texas prior to 19 Feb 1846. Others will be discarded. Proof of ancestor service requires positive proof that an ancestor was in the Republic of Texas prior to 19 Feb 1846 and was: 2013 Membership 23 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index Manual of Procedure 1. A colonist with Austin's Old Three Hundred or any colonies authorized under the Spanish (i.e., grants from the Crown of Spain (1758 to 1821) and Mexican government (i.e., grants from Mexico (1821 to November 1835) before the Texas revolution or those authorized by the Congress of the Republic of Texas; 2. An officer or private in the service of the colonies or of the Republic of Texas; 3. A loyal citizen, male or female, regardless of age, who established residence in Republic of Texas prior to 19 Feb 1846, thereby aiding in its settlement; and 4. A recipient of a land grant authorized by the Provisional Government of the Republic of Texas. These land grants include: a. “Toby scrip” authorized issuance by the Republic of Texas 10 Dec 1836 to finance the Republic gave bearer rights to locate land in the Republic; b. Head rights granted under the laws of the Republic of Texas: First Class, granted to those living in the Republic on 2 Mar 1836; Second Class, granted to those who came to the Republic after 2 Mar 1836 but prior to 1 Oct 1837; Third Class, granted to those who came to the Republic after 1 Oct 1837 but prior to 1 Jan 1842; Fourth Class, granted to those who came to the Republic after 1 Jan 1840 but prior to 1 Jan 1842; c. Bounty and donation land granted for length of service and particular service such as at the Alamo, Goliad, or San Jacinto. Page Four Children of Ancestor: If the information is available, list children of the ancestor, their births, and their spouses. This information is not required; therefore, it does not have to be documented. Additional Proof or Family History: If additional space is needed for listing proofs documenting a generation, use this section of the application. Interesting stories, whether documented or not, may be included. Statement: Type the name of the ancestor as it appears on Page 1. Type your name as you wish it to appear on your certificate. DO Checklists. 1. DO make a legible photocopy of original application and of all documents. 2. DO use permanent black ink only for all signatures on both original and photocopy. 3. DO keep a copy of all papers and proof for your personal records. Application papers and proofs have been lost in the mail. 4. DO put post-it note with Generation # at the top of the first proof for each generation DO NOT Checklist 1. DO NOT use ballpoint, felt tip, blue ink, or pencil when signing papers. 2. DO NOT use a highlighter on the application or proofs. 3. DO NOT use correction fluid. If a correction must be made, very carefully erase or type xxx's over the mistake and type the correction beside, above or below. 4. DO NOT use staples, tape or paper clips. 2013 Membership 24 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index The Daughters of the Republic of Texas 5. DO NOT send by certified mail Send by regular mail. 6. DO NOT write or type anything on back of proof. 7. DO NOT send photographs. Send photocopies of photographs. 8. DO NOT send original proofs. Send photocopies. 9. DO NOT send more than one set of proofs. 10. DO NOT fold papers. Place in legal-size envelope for mailing. Processing of Papers Upon completion of her application, the applicant submits an original and one photocopy of the application (both with original signatures and endorsements) and one set of proofs to the Chapter Registrar with a check made payable to DRT, for the initiation fee and Association dues, and a check payable to the Chapter for Chapter dues. Or, if the Chapter Registrar directs, the applicant submits a check for Association dues, the initiation fee, and Chapter dues so the Chapter Treasurer can issue a Chapter check to DRT for the fee and Association dues. The Chapter Registrar carefully determines whether the application and proofs are complete and correct. Papers are signed by the Chapter Registrar and Chapter President. The two applications, proofs, and a check payable to DRT are forwarded by the Chapter Registrar to the Registrar General for approval. After approval, the Registrar General signs and dates the applications and has the President General sign them and a membership certificate and forwards them to the Custodian General for processing. The Registrar General notifies the Chapter Registrar of the applicant's approval and her membership number. The Custodian General mails the membership certificate to the applicant and the photocopy of the application to the Chapter Registrar for Chapter files. All original applications are retained in DRT's files. If the application is rejected, the applicant's papers, including proofs and dues, shall be returned. The initiation fee shall be retained by DRT. The entire procedure may take a few months. Supplementals Supplemental papers shall be prepared in the same manner as a primary application, using the same standards of documentation to prove lineal descent from a different ancestor. The member shall furnish supporting proofs for the generations not previously submitted. The Chapter Registrar and Chapter President sign supplemental applications, but endorsements are not necessary since the applicant is a DRT member. Each supplemental application shall be accompanied by a separate check for the fee specified in the DRT Bylaws, payable to DRT, for each new ancestral lineage. 2013 Membership 25 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index Manual of Procedure Posthumous Membership The application by a descendant for Posthumous Membership on behalf of a deceased woman shall be signed by the descendant, showing their relationship. Resources General Land Office Archives and Records, Suite 800 1700 North Congress Avenue Austin, TX 78701-1495 512-463-5277 or 1-800-998-4456, press 2 DRT Library at the Alamo P. O. Box 1401 San Antonio, TX 78295-1401 210-225-1071 or 210-225-8155 Center for American History University of Texas at Austin Sid Richardson Hall, Unit 2.109 Austin, TX 78712-1001 512-495-4515 Texas State Library and Archives Street Address: 1201 Brazos Street, Austin Mailing Address: P. O. Box 12927 Austin, TX 78711-2927 512-463-5463 (Genealogy Collection) 512-463-5455 (Reference) 512-463-5480 (State Archives) 512-454-2705 (State Records Management) Sample Completed DRT Membership Application Next four pages 2013 Membership 26 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index The Daughters of the Republic of Texas 2013 Membership 27 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index Manual of Procedure 2013 Membership 28 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index The Daughters of the Republic of Texas 2013 Membership 29 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index Manual of Procedure 2013 Membership 30 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index The Daughters of the Republic of Texas Reinstatement of Membership A former member need not seek reinstatement to her former chapter. She may be reinstated to a different chapter. In either case, she must follow the procedure for joining a chapter outlined in DRT Bylaws Article I, Sec. 5 and 6. The Chapter Treasurer shall complete Reinstatement Form M.08 and mail it with the reinstatement fee of $25.00 and current Association dues to the Second Vice President General. Follow the procedure in the Chapter Officers/Duties Section of MOP. Upon completion of her reinstatement as outlined in DRT Bylaws Article I, Sec. 5, if the member was reinstated to a different chapter, a copy of her papers should be sent to the Registrar of her new Chapter by the Registrar of her former Chapter or, if necessary, from the DRT Headquarters [(See Reinstatement Form M.08 in the FORMS Section of the DRT Members website at]. Transfer of Membership [See Bylaws Article 1, Sec 6] A member wishing to transfer to a chapter shall contact its president or registrar for an invitation to a meeting. She must be endorsed in writing by two (2) chapter member sponsors and be accepted by ballot, conforming to the rule governing new applicants. If accepted, the member shall present her Transfer Request Form and fee to the new chapter’s treasurer, who shall send the form and fee to the Second Vice President General. The Second Vice President General shall inform both chapter treasurers when the transfer is complete. The new chapter’s treasurer shall contact the Second Vice President General to ask whether the member is in good standing. Upon receiving confirmation of the member’s good standing, the new chapter’s Treasurer shall send the Transfer Request Form, transfer fee, and if applicable, dues and President General’s Project contribution to the Second Vice President General with a chapter check. (Between June 1 and the Dues Deadline, if the transferring member has not paid her dues, she shall pay them to the new chapter treasurer who shall include them in her next dues report.) The Second Vice President General shall inform both chapter treasurers that the transfer is complete and shall ask the former chapter treasurer to have her chapter registrar mail a copy of the member’s approved application(s) to the new chapter, retaining the original application(s) in the permanent files. If the member may supply a copy of her approved application(s), it shall expedite the process. A chapter member wishing to transfer to member at large shall submit her transfer request form, fee, and dues, if applicable, to the Second Vice President General. A member at large wishing to transfer to a chapter shall follow the same procedure outlined in Nos. 1-2 above. If accepted, the member at large shall give the chapter treasurer her Transfer Request Form and fee to send to the Second Vice President General; and shall present the chapter registrar a copy of her approved membership application(s). Transfers become effective on the date the signed Transfer Form and fee are received by the Second Vice President. She shall send the completed, signed Transfer Form and fee to DRT Headquarters for filing and deposit. 2013 Membership 31 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index Manual of Procedure A female CRT member wishing to transfer to a DRT chapter shall follow the procedure outlined above for chapter acceptance; or to transfer to member at large she shall follow the procedures outlined in No.2 above. She shall provide a CRT-to-DRT Transfer Form, a copy of her approved CRT application(s), and annual dues to the chapter treasurer, who shall send a chapter check to the Registrar General; or, to transfer to member at large, to the Second Vice President General. To transfer from CRT to DRT is to leave CRT and join DRT. A female CRT member above her sixteenth (16th) birthday who wishes to be a dual CRT-DRT member until age twenty-one may join DRT by completing an application, providing a copy of her approved CRT application, and payment of initiation fee and dues. Once accepted by the DRT’s CRT Registrar General for CRT membership, the applicant for DRT membership shall not be required by the DRT Registrar General to reprove her lineage, except to document the name, marital, or living status of herself or her parents that have occurred since her original CRT application. From Chapter to Chapter [See Bylaws Article 1, Sec 6] A member wishing to transfer to another chapter must have her name presented to the new chapter and voted upon, conforming to the rule governing new applicants found in Bylaws Article I, Sec. 6. Upon election to membership the following procedures shall be followed: The member shall obtain from the New Chapter Treasurer a Transfer Request Form, complete and sign the form, and follow the directions outlined thereon. The Chapter Treasurer may copy the form [See Form M.09 in the FORMS Section of the DRT Members website]. The current Chapter Treasurer shall confirm whether the member is active (her dues are not delinquent), sign the form, and return it to the member. The member shall present the form and transfer fee to the NEW Chapter Treasurer. The new Chapter Treasurer shall confirm the transfer by completing Step 3 of the Transfer Form, and shall mail the form and all fees to the Second Vice President General. When the second vice president general receives the Transfer Request form (signed by the transferring member and both chapter treasurers) and fee, she shall post the transfer, and notify both chapter treasurers, Headquarters, the member, and both chapter registrars, if possible by email. The “former” chapter registrar shall send a photocopy of the member's application(s) to the “new” chapter registrar, but shall keep the member’s original application in the chapter’s “Inactive” file [See Bylaws Article IX, Sec. 3]. From Chapter to Member-at-Large A Chapter member wishing to transfer to member-at-large shall follow Steps 1and 2 above. She shall then sent the fee and completed transfer request to the Second Vice President General, who shall notify the Registrar of the former Chapter that the member is transferring. The Chapter Registrar shall forward a 2013 Membership 32 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index The Daughters of the Republic of Texas completed Transfer Request Form M.09 and a copy of the member's application(s) to the Custodian General. The Chapter Registrar shall inform the member and the Chapter Treasurer that the transfer is complete. The member’s original application(s) shall remain in the inactive files of her original chapter [See Bylaws, Article IX, Sec. 3 (b); Form M.09 in FORMS Section of the Members website]. From Member-at-Large to Chapter A member wishing to transfer from member-at-large to a chapter must first be accepted by vote of the new chapter. Upon acceptance, the member shall follow the above transfer procedure. Her current membership status shall be verified by the Second Vice President General. From CRT to DRT A CRT member and/or aged-out CRT member wishing to transfer to Member-at-Large or a DRT chapter shall follow the rules set forth in DRT Bylaws, Article I, Sec. 7. The CRT member shall obtain and provide two (2) photocopies of her approved CRT application from her Chapter CRT Registrar or Sponsor. Any girl who is a member of the Children of the Republic of Texas is eligible for transfer to DRT after her sixteenth (16th) birthday but before her twenty-first (21st) birthday without payment of initiation fee. To transfer is to leave one organization and join the other. She may; however, apply for DRT membership by submitting a new application and paying the full initiation fees and dues, and simultaneously remain a CRT member until her 21st birthday, as DRT Bylaws do not prohibit concurrent membership in both DRT and CRT. Upon acceptance by the DRT Chapter, she shall submit two (2) photocopies of her approved CRT application; her completed CRT Transfer to DRT Short Form (original and one photocopy, and dues to the DRT Chapter Registrar). There is no initiation or transfer fee for CRT Transfers to DRT for members who have not aged out. [See FORMS Section, M.03]. The CRT Transfer to DRT Short Form must be printed on 8½ x 14-inch 25 percent cotton archival bond with the DRT imprint obtained from the Headquarters. She shall submit to the Chapter Registrar one printed and one photocopy of the Short Form (both bearing original signatures); one set of proofs for such changes in Generation 1 as name and if married her husband’s birth certificate and their marriage license, and in Generations 2 and 3 births, deaths, and marriages if not documented in the original application. These are also needed by the Historical Publication Committee for preparing Founders and Patriots lineage books. The Bylaws do not require the Chapter Registrar or Registrar General to approve the transferring CRT member’s lineal descent and ancestor’s service on her approved CRT application. The Chapter Registrar shall submit the application papers to the Registrar General. Upon approval, the Registrar General shall assign a DRT membership number, then the papers in the same manner as any new member’s application [SEE MOP, BOM (CRT Registrar General)]. 2013 Membership 33 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index Manual of Procedure CRT Membership General Information Application for Membership [See Bylaws Article 1, Sec 15] A set of CRT application papers may be purchased from the CRT applicant’s sponsoring DRT Chapter's CRT Registrar or the CRT Registrar General of DRT. The DRT’s computer-version application is available from Headquarters or downloadable from the DRT Members website. One original printed application on 8½ x 14-inch 25% cotton bond acid-free DRT printed paper and one photocopy of the application, both with original signatures using black acid-free archival ink, shall be submitted. [See Membership Section of MOP for Application Preparation Instructions]. A check or money order for the CRT initiation fee of fifteen dollars ($15.00) or supplemental fee of fifteen dollars ($15.00) should accompany the completed application. Make checks or money orders payable to Children of the Republic of Texas. One check must be sent for each applicant. When a family with two (2) or more applicants sends papers at the same time, one check to cover all members of the family is acceptable. A chapter check covering several applicants of different families is not acceptable. This could hold up approval of all others if one application is delayed. The Chapter CRT Registrar shall be notified by the CRT Registrar General when an application is approved. If the applicant wishes to be notified, a stamped, self-addressed post card may be included with the name of the applicant, the ancestor's name, and space for the date approved. Certificates Upon approval, application papers and certificates are signed by the CRT Registrar General and the DRT President General. They are then given to the DRT Custodian General for processing. The Custodian General mails the membership certificate to the new member and the Chapter copy of the approved application to the sponsoring DRT chapter. The entire process may take a few months. Transfers Members may request to transfer from one CRT chapter to another or to Member-at-Large. CRT to DRT Transfer [See Article I, Sec 7; and FORMS Section at M.03 CRT Transfer to DRT Short Form.] 2013 Membership 34 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index The Daughters of the Republic of Texas CRT Chapter Transfer A member wishing to transfer membership to a chapter from either member-at- large or another chapter must (1) be accepted by the new chapter, (2) fully complete the CRT Chapter Transfer Form, and (3) give it to the new Chapter CRT Registrar, who shall sign it, keep the original, and send one copy to each of the following: 1. The CRT Registrar General of DRT, who shall notify DRT Headquarters to change the member’s chapter name in the database. 2. The DRT Headquarters, whose staff shall update the membership data file and, if the transfer is from member-at-large to chapter member, shall send the CRT Registrar of the new chapter a the member-atlarge file copy of her application papers. 3. The former Chapter CRT Registrar shall forward a copy of the member’s approved application papers to the CRT Registrar of the new chapter [See DRT Bylaws Article I, Sec. 6]. 2013 Membership 35 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index Manual of Procedure OFFICERS / BOARDS Qualifications and Eligibility for Office To be eligible for an office on the Board of Management (BOM), either by election or by appointment, a member shall have been an active (dues paying) DRT chapter member for at least four (4) years; served as Chapter President for one term, or two (2) terms in elective office(s); or elective office for one term and one term on an administrative committee; and endorsed for office by her chapter. She shall agree, on the signed letter or form in which her chapter endorses her for office, to communicate electronically by sending and receiving reports, agendas, minutes, and other Board information, and to give consent to electronic meetings. No officer shall hold more than one elective office on the BOM at the same time or serve on a committee other than the one(s) on which she serves by virtue of her office. The Treasurer General shall have a high level of professional business experience coupled with accounting knowledge, and shall have served as a chapter Treasurer. The DRT Registrar General shall have served as a chapter Registrar unless she is a certified or accredited genealogist. The CRT Registrar General shall have served as a chapter Registrar unless she is a certified or accredited genealogist. The Custodian General shall live in the Austin area, where DRT permanent files are located, and should, if possible, have previously served on the Headquarters or Republic of Texas Museum Committee or served on the BOM for one term. Neither a member-at-large nor a DRT member who is a DRT employee shall be eligible to serve as an officer or member of a committee, except that a member employee may serve on a committee ex officio by reason of her position. No member shall be eligible for election to the office of President General at a convention held in the city where her chapter is located. 2013 Membership 36 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index Manual of Procedure Duties of Officers President General [See Bylaws Article III, Sec 3 & 4; Article IV, Sec. 2 (5); Article V, Sec 2 (1, & 9); Article VIII, Sec 2 (2 & 3)]. The President General shall be the chief executive officer, legal representative, and the official spokesman of DRT. She shall preside at the Convention and at the BOM meetings [See Bylaws Article III, Sec.3 and 4]. She is an ex-officio member of every committee, except the Nominating Committee, and should try to attend as many committee meetings as possible. She is responsible for scheduling and planning the BOM meetings. The President General is also responsible for planning the Annual Convention in coordination with the district hosting the Convention. The President General appoints all committee chairmen, except as otherwise specified in the Bylaws [See Article IV, Sec. 1 (3); Article VI, Sec. 4]. All committee members, with the exception of the Nominating Committee, are appointed by the President General with input from the respective committee chairmen and approval of the BOM [See Bylaws Article IV Sec. 2 (5)]. Each year the May BOM meeting shall include endorsement of the President General’s appointment of one-half of the members of each Administrative Committee, except the Cradle Committee, for two-year, staggered terms. The new President General must provide the retiring Recording Secretary General with photographs of the new BOM and a list of all new committees by July 31. Traditionally, the President General shall choose as her project the DRT area or property she feels is in greatest need of funds. There is an award for those chapters that support her project one hundred percent [See Form A.04 of the Awards Committee in the FORMS Section of the Members website]. She shall announce annually to chapter presidents and the BOM by June 1 during her two-year term what her project shall be. Contributions to the Project shall be spent only for the announced purpose. Any major DRT project of $20,000 or more which has been approved by the BOM shall be presented by the President General to the Convention for membership approval. The President General shall conduct a ballot vote of the membership by mail for approval of any major project which cannot wait until the next Convention. [See Article IV, Sec 4; Article VIII, Sec 2]. The President General shall be reimbursed for travel, telephone, and miscellaneous expenses in an amount not to exceed a total of $10,000 annually. President General distributes a newsletter electronically, posting on the website, at least four (4) times a year; mailing to members at large without e-mail which is covered by increased member at large admin fee. First Vice President General The First Vice President General is also the President General Elect. [See Bylaws Article II, Section 1.] The First Vice President General shall assist the President General and preside whenever she is requested 2013 Duties of Officers 37 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index Manual of Procedure to do so by the President General. She shall serve two (2) years as 1st Vice President and two (2) years as President General. [See Articles IV, Sec 2 (1).] The First Vice President General is chairman of the Organization Committee. She and her committee shall be in charge of organization of new chapters and assistance to troubled chapters. During the formation of a new chapter, she shall supervise and assist the Organizing President, making certain that all proper procedures are followed as outlined below: Organizing a Chapter The First Vice President General either contacts or is contacted by a person interested in forming a new chapter. She must submit the request for formation of a new chapter to the BOM for approval. The President General, with approval of the First Vice President General, appoints a chapter member of a nearby chapter or a member-at-large to be the Organizing President to assist in forming the new chapter, and she notifies the Registrar General of this person's name and address. The Organizing President, on behalf of the prospective chapter, shall purchase nine (9) or more sets of DRT application papers from the DRT Headquarters, making the check payable to DRT. The nine (9) prospective members must be new members only. Transfers and members-at-large may join, but they are not included in the nine (9) needed to form a new chapter. After receipt of these papers, the Organizing President shall call a meeting of all prospective members to decide upon a name for the proposed chapter. The First Vice President General should determine the acceptability of the name chosen for the new chapter. The chapter may be named after an approved ancestor who was in Texas during the period of the Republic, an individual, location, or incident of historical significance. The name must be approved by the BOM. After approval of at least nine (9) sets of papers by the Registrar General, a date for the chartering of the chapter and installation of officers shall be set. The First Vice President General shall coordinate the date with the President General and seek approval from the BOM. The First Vice President General shall advise the new chapter to elect its officers before the actual chartering so they may be installed during the charter ceremony. She shall also advise the Chapter Treasurer to contact the Treasurer General to obtain the forms for applying for the necessary Federal Identification Number in order to open a bank account. All new chapter officers shall be advised to obtain copies of DRT Bylaws and DRT MOP. The Chapter President shall be given a copy of both. Once a charter date is set, the Organizing President shall send invitations to the chartering ceremony to all members of the BOM. The First Vice President General shall provide the Organizing President with the names and mailing addresses of the BOM. The First Vice President General shall send the Organizing President a copy of the installation and chartering service to help her with the program. The First Vice President General shall obtain the gavel, which is presented by DRT to a newly organized chapter. It is paid for by DRT and is inscribed with the chapter name, chartering date, and town. The First Vice President General shall keep the President General, Registrar General, and the appropriate District Representative informed of all pertinent information. 2013 Duties of Officers 38 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index The Daughters of the Republic of Texas Immediately after the new chapter is chartered, the First Vice President shall inform the Headquarters staff of the exact date of charter and shall instruct the new chapter to apply for a sales tax eXEmption ID and to notify the Headquarters of their tax number. Disbanding a Chapter The First Vice President General shall be notified by the Second Vice President General when a chapter’s membership falls below nine (9). A chapter whose membership falls below nine (9) shall be given one year to increase its membership to at least nine (9) members. [See Articles IV, Sect 2 (1)]. Should the remaining members of the chapter elect, they may make an individual decision to transfer to another chapter provided the procedure to transfer to another chapter is followed. They may also transfer to member-at-large. When a chapter elects to work on increasing their membership to nine (9) or more and hasn’t increased their chapter’s membership in one year, the First Vice President General shall report to the BOM and the chapter shall be declared disbanded by the BOM. The remaining members of the chapter may be transferred to member-at-large or to membership in another chapter without paying a transfer fee and shall be informed of their options by the Second Vice President General. The Second Vice President General, District Representative and the Chapter Organization Committee member from the chapter’s district shall work together to facilitate the transfer the members of the disbanding chapter to another chapter or to member-at-large. Any member who does not express a preference shall be recorded as a member-at–large for the year of the chapter’s disbandment or the reminder of the dues paying year only. To remain a member-at-large, DRT dues must be paid annually. Assets, unless otherwise restricted, and records of a disbanding chapter shall become the property of DRT. The Chapter President shall send all chapter files, papers, minutes, gavel and charter, as well as any other material belonging to the chapter, such as History books and/or chapter flags to the custodian General for filing at DRT Headquarters in Austin. The First Vice President General shall be responsible for completing these transactions. Second Vice President General [See Bylaws Article I, Sec. 5, 6, & 8; Article IV, Sec. 2 (2); Article V, Sec 4; Article X, Sec 2 (3)]. The Second Vice President General shall chair the Membership Dues Committee. It shall be her duty to keep track of all active and inactive members and to post the payment of the dues as the list and checks are sent to her by chapter treasurers. After reconciling a dues report, she shall send the accompanying check to DRT Headquarters for deposit. She shall send dues notices to members at large. She shall handle all transfers, reinstatements, and requests for emeritus status when these are directed to her by chapter treasurers. The 2nd Vice President General shall have access to the DRT membership database. 2013 Duties of Officers 39 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index Manual of Procedure The Second Vice President General shall send dues notices to members-at-large prior July 1 with final notices being sent by August 1. A transfer should not be made until the fee is collected [See MOP, Membership Section]. When an inactive member requests reinstatement, the Second Vice President General certifies her status and advises that a reinstatement fee is necessary to renew her membership. The Second Vice President General shall notify the member and chapter of the members choice of her reinstatement [See M.08 Reinstatement Form under FORMS at]. The Second Vice President General shall keep a list of transfers, reinstatements, deaths, and name/address changes made during her term of office and notify the Headquarters. She shall keep a file for each chapter, including dues lists and correspondence for the current and previous year. She shall keep a supply of membership cards, insignia permits, and Member-at-Large handbooks and furnish them to members-at-large on request at no charge. Insignia permits may be downloaded or printed from the Forms page of the DRT Members website [See Form J.02 Jewelry/ Insignia Order Form DRT in FORMS Section]. Upon request, she shall supply insignia permits to Chapter Treasurers. When a new chapter is chartered, she shall send its Chapter Treasurer a supply of insignia permits. The Second Vice President General is vice chairman of the Credentials Committee. The Second Vice President General shall deliver to her successor all records and information necessary to facilitate the work of her office thirty days (30) after the conclusion of the DRT fiscal year. Third Vice President General [See Bylaws Article IV, Sec. 2 (3); Article V, Convention Sec 5; & 7; Articles VII, Sec 1 (5). and the Membership, Conventions, District Information, and Ceremonies Sections of MOP; as well as CRT and CRT Bylaws]. The Third Vice President General serves as Director of the Children of the Republic of Texas (CRT). She advises CRT committees, receives nominations and secures impartial judges for the Roth Trophy, Rash Trophy and Haltom Trophy. She works with the appropriate District Representative to arrange for the annual CRT Convention and CRT BOM meetings. She directs the chartering ceremonies for new CRT chapters and the day-by-day business and correspondence of CRT. She shall report the exact charter dates of any and all new CRT Chapters to DRT Headquarters as soon as possible after said chartering ceremony. She shall be an authorized signatory on a checking account for the CRT, opened by the DRT Treasurer General; she shall pay all expenses from the CRT General Fund, such as those associated with the annual printing and mailing of the CRT Handbook. 2013 Duties of Officers 40 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index The Daughters of the Republic of Texas Immediately following the CRT Convention, she shall prepare and send the Convention report and a list of the new CRT Officers General to the DRT Recording Secretary General. She shall correspond with the new CRT Officers General advising them of their duties and instructing them to prepare written descriptions of their individual projects for the CRT Handbook being prepared by the Third Vice President General for distribution to CRT and DRT Chapters. She may attend all district workshops, arrange for the CRT sales table, and encourage the CRT BOM members and members of the CRT Committee to attend the district workshops to assist with the sales table. She shall purchase the Texas-shaped charm given to the CRT Grandmother of the Year and the small, gavel given to each Retiring CRT President General and the Associate Grandmother award when given. Entries for the Roth Trophy, Haltom Trophy and Scholarship Awards are submitted to the Third Vice President General by May 1. The Third Vice President shall deliver to her successor all records and information necessary to facilitate the work of this office by August 1. Fourth Vice President General [See Bylaws Article IV, Sec. 2(4); and Article VII, Sec. 7]. The Fourth Vice President General serves as chairman of the Relics, Old Trails and Historic Sites Committee. This committee carries out the objectives of DRT as found in the Bylaws. It is the duty of the chairman and committee members to seek out and encourage the preservation and marking of the historical areas of Texas; to foster the authentication and preservation of documents and relics; to work with Republic of Texas Museum, historical tours, pilgrimages, etc.; and in any way possible to preserve artifacts and mementos of the Republic of Texas. She should stay informed of action or proposed action by custodians of Texas's historical sites. The Fourth Vice President General works with members and chapters, as well as with other interested parties, to locate and see that these objectives are carried out. As chairman of the Relics, Old Trails and Historic Sites Committee, she shall maintain a complete list of all historic medallions placed by DRT prior to and during her term. [See Stephen F. Austin Oak Tree Ceremony in Ceremonies and Services Section of MOP]. Memorial Medallions The Fourth Vice President General is responsible for DRT/CRT Memorial Medallions. She works closely with the Treasurer General in obtaining these markers and with the Custodian General who stores and issues them. She assists chapters with applications for memorial medallions, medallion dedication services, and the use of cenotaphs when gravesites have been lost. 2013 Duties of Officers 41 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index Manual of Procedure Processing Memorial Medallions See Memorial Medallions Procedures for CRT/DRT, Veteran/Defender/Citizen, and Historic Sites under the MOP Section “Headquarters” and subsection “Processing Memorial Medallions.” The Fourth Vice President General keeps a record of all medallions issued and the location of the gravesites where they are placed. Upon completion of her term of office, she shall prepare an index of all records concerning memorial medallions and send it to the Custodian General. All funds generated from the sales of memorial medallions are to be placed in a restricted account to be disbursed by the Treasurer General and to be used by the 4 th Vice President General for expenses concerning medallions, historic sights marking, or other expenses pertaining to the duties of the 4 th Vice President General. The following proofs are required: 1. A DRT or CRT approved ancestor name with appropriate application number, or 2. Proof of service for the individual as outlined in DRT Bylaws, [Article I Membership, Sec. 2] Proof of Eligibility. Also required is primary proof that the individual is the same as represented in record of eligibility. Types of records that may be used to support this proof of service are census records, tombstone, or cemetery records. [See MOP re: Membership, Application Procedures, Proof Records for a discussion of acceptable proofs]. There are three (3) Applications for Memorial Medallions in the FORMS Section of the DRT Members website: 1. MM.01 Member Memorial Medallion DRT-CRT. 2. MM.02 Citizen-Defender-Veteran of the Republic of Texas. 3. MM.03 Historic Site Memorial Medallion and instructions. Fifth Vice President General [See Bylaws Article IV, Sec. 2(5) and Article VII, Sec. 8]. The Fifth Vice President General is chairman of the Education and Flag Committee. She is responsible for monitoring the adoption of Texas history textbooks and the development of curriculum for Texas history courses taught in public schools. She shall, with her committee, conduct annual Outstanding Texas History Essay Contests for Fourth and Seventh Grade Students and annual Outstanding Texas History Teacher Contests for Fourth and Seventh Grade Teachers [See MOP, Committees – Education and Flag Committee – for contest rules]. She shall, with the help of her committee, promote the display of and pledge to the Texas flag. She should be knowledgeable in flag etiquette and become familiar with all laws dealing with the flag. She should also be knowledgeable in the history of the flag. She shall have charge of the flags belonging to the BOM. It is her responsibility to position them properly before each BOM meeting and to lead the pledges. She shall be responsible for getting the DRT flag to Convention. 2013 Duties of Officers 42 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index The Daughters of the Republic of Texas Chaplain General [See Bylaws Article IV, Sec. 3]. The Chaplain General shall open and close all Convention and BOM meetings with an invocation and benediction. If requested, she performs these duties at district and local meetings and must be available at all times to present prayers for any occasion. She shall keep a record of the deaths (with dates) of all members reported to her, including inactive members. She shall notify DRT Headquarters, Second Vice President General, and the Senior Members Committee Chairman of these deaths. She shall send cards or letters of condolence to the families of the deceased members. She shall maintain the Book of Memory, therein preserving items and articles concerning deceased members. She selects the memory book, gathers information and clippings sent to her from members and/or Chapter Chaplains and arranges them in the book which is displayed at Convention. Deaths are to be reported to her by Chapter Chaplains on the Deceased Member Report Form and the Member Biographical Form [Forms M.05 and M.06 in the FORMS Section of DRT Members website.]. They may also be downloaded from the DRT Members website, or filled out and printed on-line from the Members site Forms page, and mailed to the Chaplain General with a copy of the obituary and photograph of the member. [See Conventions and Chapter Officers/Duties - Chapter Chaplain Sections of the MOP]. Upon the death of a Past President General, the Texas flag at the Alamo shall be flown at half-mast on the day of the memorial service. Afterwards, the flag shall be presented to the family. The Chaplain General shall administer the oath of office to the new BOM. She presents each new Board member with her pin and places the ribbon sashes on the incoming President General and Retiring President General. Recording Secretary General [See Bylaws Article III, BOM, Sec. 7; Article IV, Duties of Officers Sec 4; Article V Meetings, Sec. 2 (9); Article VII, Sec 2 (4)]. The Recording Secretary General records, transcribes and distributes minutes of all regular, special (called or electronic) BOM meetings. The minutes of the BOM meetings shall be approved by the President General and then distributed as soon as possible after the meeting to BOM members, Chapter Presidents, Committee Chairmen, and Past Presidents General. She shall notify the Bylaws Committee Chairman of any amendments in the MOP that are adopted by the BOM. She shall maintain a copy of the MOP, insert all changes approved by the BOM into that copy, and use it to proofread the next edition of the MOP before publication by the Bylaws Committee. She shall record the proceedings of the Annual Convention and by June 15 shall send all members of the BOM, Committee Chairmen, and Chapter Presidents, and the Headquarters a condensed report of the important actions adopted at Convention. 2013 Duties of Officers 43 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index Manual of Procedure 1. In even-numbered years, her report shall include Bylaws amendments adopted. It should also include District Representatives that were elected in their District meetings, their complete addresses, telephone numbers, and e-mail addresses, and those of committee chairmen when appointed, to the Headquarters, and Annual Proceedings Chairman 2. In odd-numbered years, her report shall include General officers elected, their complete addresses, telephone numbers, and e-mail addresses, and those of committee chairmen when appointed, to the Headquarters, and Annual Proceedings Chairman 3 She shall assemble any material, including Convention proceedings, requested by the Annual Proceedings Committee for the Annual Proceedings. She works closely with the Custodian General and the Treasurer General. Prior to opening a checking account for the purpose of managing the finances for a Convention, the Convention Chairman shall present a motion to the BOM authorizing this account and the signers (if known at that time). If adopted, the Recording Secretary General shall send the Convention Chairman a signed copy of the motion to present to the bank at the time the account is opened. The Recording Secretary General, with the President General, shall sign all deeds, abstracts, contracts, leases and other legal documents pertaining to DRT, the President General having first consulted a qualified attorney and received permission from the BOM. [See Article IV, Duties of Officers, Sec 1 (2)]. By May 1 each year, she shall be sent electronically a copy of all Administrative and Standing Committee reports to the BOM, including, when applicable, financial statements as of March 31, and a copy of their annual reports. [See Bylaws, Article VI, Sec.8]. By May 1, the Recording Secretary General shall be sent electronically copies of annual reports of the Chairman of the Alamo Committee, the DRT Alamo EXEcutive Administrator, the Alamo Shrine Hostess, and the Historian/Curator of the Alamo Republic of Texas Museums. The Library Director’s annual report goes to the Library Collection Committee. By May 1, she shall be sent electronically copies of all Chapter Presidents’ Annual Chapter Narrative Reports, and copies of all Chapter CRT Sponsors’ annual reports describing the chapter's work. After Convention in even-numbered years, the Bylaws Chairman shall provide the Recording Secretary General with a list of amendments adopted, for inclusion in the Convention minutes. Immediately following the CRT Convention, she shall be sent by the Third Vice President General a Convention report and list of the new CRT Officers General. By August 15, she shall be sent by the Library Collection Committee Chairman a copy of the DRT Library audit for the fiscal year ending May 31, which shall be presented at the September BOM meeting. At the conclusion of her two-year term of office, the Recording Secretary General shall file all minutes of the BOM, including officer, committee, and designated employee reports, at DRT Headquarters. The retiring Recording Secretary General shall deliver to the new Recording Secretary General any books or other material pertinent to the office by July 1 or thirty days after the conclusion of the DRT fiscal year. 2013 Duties of Officers 44 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index The Daughters of the Republic of Texas Corresponding Secretary General [See Bylaws Article III, Sec 5; Article IV, Sec. 5]. The Corresponding Secretary General assists the President General with her correspondence and arranges the BOM meetings, sending notices and agendas of the meetings to the BOM members and committee chairmen who should attend the meetings. In general, she assists the President General whenever possible. All thank-you correspondence for donations, memorials, honorariums, services, et al, toward programs and projects of DRT, excepting those made through the Administrative Committees, should be prepared by the Corresponding Secretary General and signed by the President General. She shall coordinate scheduling the district meetings. District meetings shall be scheduled by the March BOM meeting each year. District Representatives of adjoining districts should try to schedule consecutive meeting dates. Once the schedule is set, she shall distribute copies to the BOM and committee chairmen, and posted on the DRT Members website. After the minutes from all district meetings have been received, she shall deliver them to DRT Headquarters to be permanently filed under the supervision of the Custodian General. Treasurer General [See Article III BOM- Sec 2 (2); Article IV, Sec 6; Article V-Meetings, Sec 2 (3) & Sec 7 (3)] The Treasurer General shall be the chief financial officer of DRT. She shall have charge of the funds and securities of DRT. She shall collect all income of DRT except that of the Alamo Complex, French Legation, DRT Library and the Cradle and shall disburse same in accordance with the adopted budget or approval of the BOM. She shall direct the work of the accountant at DRT Headquarters. The Treasurer General shall, when and if necessary, open DRT financial accounts for the French Legation, Republic of Texas Museum, the Cradle, and a Convention checking account, with their respective chairmen as co-signatories. She shall open a financial account for the CRT on which the Third Vice President General shall be signatory and the CRT Registrar General an alternate. The Treasurer General shall be an authorized signatory on all DRT financial accounts, including administrative committee accounts. No other Officer General or committee chairman shall open an account with a financial institution for the parent organization of DRT or for CRT. The Treasurer General shall maintain all funds collected for specific purposes as separate funds, but not necessarily in separate accounts. She shall be responsible for having all tax returns and forms filed as required by the Internal Revenue Service and the State of Texas. The Treasurer General shall present financial statements at every regular BOM meeting. She shall select and submit to the BOM for approval at its March meeting the name of an auditor, not related through family or business to any member of the BOM, in the first year of her term, in evennumbered years, a proposal to include a review in the first year and an audit the second year of her term. Each administrative committee, except the Alamo Committee, shall submit its proposed budget to the 2013 Duties of Officers 45 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index Manual of Procedure Treasurer General by mid-January for the coming fiscal year so that she and the Finance Committee may prepare a proposed DRT annual budget to present to the BOM at its March meeting for approval. The Alamo budget shall be set by the General Land Office (GLO) and reported to but not voted upon by the Convention. The Treasurer General shall give a financial report to the Convention of all receipts and disbursements and shall present to the Convention for adoption the proposed DRT annual budget recommended by the BOM for the coming year. She shall have a review of her books one year and a certified audit at the end of her term. The Treasurer General is responsible for the payroll at the French Legation Museum, the DRT Headquarters and the Republic of Texas Museum. The actual payroll is prepared and paid by the accounting department at the Alamo. Payroll information is faXEd to the Treasurer General prior to the paycheck date. The Treasurer General must deposit the amount of the payroll, including wages, taXEs and employee benefits, into the DRT Payroll Escrow Account. The state and federal payroll tax reports and W-2 Forms are prepared by the Alamo staff. If work is done by an individual who is not an employee, the Treasurer General prepares Form 1099, which must be provided for non-employee compensation paid during the year. (The Alamo Complex Business Office prepares Form 1099 for payments of that type made from their funds.) The deadline for providing Form 1099 to the individuals is January 31. The monthly Texas Sales Tax Return is made by the Treasurer General based on sales and sales tax collected at the Alamo, the French Legation, and the Republic of Texas Museum. She keeps current sales tax guidelines in the permanent files and sends these to Chapter Treasurers at the beginning of each new administration or when changes in the law occur that affect DRT. A permit is maintained at the DRT Headquarters so that chapters selling items at Convention and/or district meetings may send taXEs they collect to the Treasurer General to be reported through the DRT Headquarters. Since sales tax permits are free, chapters selling items regularly should obtain their own sales tax permit from the State Comptroller's office. The Treasurer General is responsible for timely filing of Form 990, which must be done annually with the IRS by October 15 and should be prepared by a Certified Public Accountant or the Treasurer General. The Treasurer General is responsible for obtaining a safe deposit box at a bank of her choice, or she may utilize the vault at DRT Headquarters for storage of all Certificates of Deposit. The Treasurer General shall prepare a list of all donations of $100 or more for the fiscal year June 1-May 31 and send it to the President General and Annual Proceedings Chairman ASAP in June (after the fiscal year end). She shall send donor acknowledgments to all donations she deposits in the bank. The retiring Treasurer General shall pay all bills of the outgoing administration before turning over her records and funds to her successor by July 1. There shall be no outstanding debts left unless such commitments shall have been authorized by the BOM. Sufficient funds must be allocated to the incoming Treasurer General to defray the cost of the Annual Proceedings and the necessary operating expenses of DRT until October 15. 2013 Duties of Officers 46 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index The Daughters of the Republic of Texas At the June BOM meeting of each new administration, the retiring Treasurer General shall distribute financial statements (unaudited) and give the new officers a short explanation of DRT’s finances. Registrar General [See Bylaws Article I; Article II, Sec. 1; Article IV, Sec. 7; Article VII, Sec. 1, 3; and Membership Section of MOP]. The Registrar General is chairman of the Membership Committee. The Registrar General keeps a log which records the date applications are received. Upon receiving the application, she should immediately determine that the proper amount of money is enclosed. She has one month from the date each application is received to approve it or notify the applicant that additional proof is necessary. When approved, applications are numbered and signed by the Registrar General in permanent black ink. At the first opportunity applications and certificates are signed by the President General and are delivered with proof to the Custodian General. Any proposal to republish, revise or amend the then currently existing membership form (printed or computer generated) is to be coordinated with the Registrar General before initiating action. The Registrar General is responsible for approving any proposal to republish without change or, with BOM concurrence, to change the design, format or content of membership application forms, whether printed or computer generated. The Registrar General shall keep a separate list of all rejected application papers. This list should include the applicant’s name, ancestor, date of application, and rejection and reason for rejection. This list should be passed to each succeeding Registrar General. It is the responsibility of the Registrar General, under the direction of the BOM, to close a line of ancestry where proof of ancestry previously accepted is found to be incorrect, invalid, or insufficient. The membership of Daughters previously accepted on that line shall not be affected, but no other applications using that line of ancestry shall be approved by the Registrar General until the ancestry is established with proper proof. All correspondence should be handled as promptly as possible, and correspondence concerning applications received from a chapter should be addressed to the Chapter Registrar [See MOP, Chapter Officers/Duties (Chapter Registrar) Section]. The Registrar General should save receipts for postage or other supplies for which she is entitled to be reimbursed. Upon approval from the President General, the Treasurer General shall issue a check. She sends the Treasurer General a monthly report of money being transmitted, which lists each individual's DRT number, name, fees and check amount and the total number of applicants and supplements. She should enclose with the checks an adding machine tape showing the check amounts and total being remitted. The Registrar General's reports to the BOM shall include recommended candidates for member-at-large. She shall notify a member-at-large applicant who has been approved for membership by the BOM that she may purchase her application papers through the Registrar General. 2013 Duties of Officers 47 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index Manual of Procedure When the Registrar General leaves office, she passes on to the next Registrar General all books, materials and equipment pertaining to her office with the exception of the micro fiche records and micro film reader, digital membership application image files, which she turns in to the Custodian General, who in turn checks it out to the incoming Registrar General. She provides copies of reports she has made and generally assists her successor in any way that she may. Custodian General [See Bylaws Article IV, Sec. 8 and Article VII, Sec. 5, & 6]. The Custodian General is chairman of the DRT Headquarters Committee, which has the responsibility for submitting all proposed changes to policies and procedures relative to DRT Headquarters to the BOM for approval. Procedures for processing securing and archiving the paper and digital application and proof files, including automatic, on-line, off-site backup. She shall be the supervisor of the Headquarters and the Republic of Texas Museum employees. She is responsible for the filing and safekeeping of completed membership application papers, and all records of DRT. She works closely with DRT and CRT Registrars General, the Treasurer General, the Second Vice President General, and the Recording Secretary General. The Custodian General shall use the DRT permanent files in responding to requests from the general public for information on the organization and its affairs, as permitted by the BOM. The Custodian General answers inquiries concerning possible membership in the organization. Processing Applications When application papers receive final approval from the Registrar General and have been signed by the President General, they are sent with the proofs and the certificates to the Custodian General for final processing. The office staff shall promptly enter them in the computer, print mailing labels and membership cards, verify that all signatures are in the proper places on the papers and certificates, affix the seal and ribbons to the certificates, and mail them to the new members, maintaining a record of when certificates are issued and mailed. The membership cards for new members are routinely sent to the Second Vice President General. The staff shall mail the chapters' copies of the papers to the Chapter Registrars and file the archival papers for transfer to digital media and binding. The DRT Headquarters staff assigned to data entry in the membership database shall keep a list of New Ancestors (not previously in the Ancestor table of the database) on new applications approved by the Registrar General or CRT Registrar General. The ancestors’ information shall periodically be sent to the DRT Website for insertion on the posted Ancestors pages. 2013 Duties of Officers 48 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index The Daughters of the Republic of Texas Processing Memorial Medallions See Memorial Medallions Procedures for CRT/DRT, Veteran/Defender/Citizen, and Historic Sites under the MOP Section “Headquarters” and subsection “Processing Memorial Medallions.” The Custodian General shall file all original applications alphabetically with all previously approved applications. Some applications duplicate proof submitted for DRT membership, but many contain information and proof not available elsewhere. They are also a permanent record of where DRT memorial medallions have been placed Microfilm/Microfiche All approved DRT and CRT membership applications shall be processed and transferred to electronic media as soon as possible after May 31 each year. One original and two (2) duplicate sets of electronic media records (DRT and CRT) exist, and newly processed applications are added to each set as soon as possible. One complete set of records is placed with each of the following: (1) Republic of Texas Museum (in vault for safekeeping); (2) DRT Registrar General (to aid in approving new DRT membership applications); (3) CRT Registrar General (to aid in approving new CRT membership applications). When the applications have been processed, they shall be sent to the bindery for binding. The Custodian General maintains a complete listing of microfiche records checked out by the DRT and CRT Registrars General. At the end of each term of office, the sets of records are returned to the Custodian General to be reissued to the incoming DRT and CRT Registrars General. Additional records are issued in the same manner. Membership Records The Custodian General shall keep a complete membership file on the Headquarters computer database including deaths, marriages, resignations and transfers of DRT and CRT members. Approved membership applications and supplements as well as changes and corrections to DRT records are received at the Headquarters throughout the year. Any change in a member's status should be sent to the Headquarters for the staff to either make the change or verify the change. The Custodian General is responsible for ensuring the integrity of the records of the database. She shall ascertain that office personnel promptly enter all new records and all changes to old records. The Headquarters shall notify the Second Vice President General of changes it receives, unless the changes came from the Second Vice President General. The Custodian General shall ensure that daily backups are made of all data recorded on both the Headquarters and the Republic of Texas Museum computers. A complete record of honorary members (a former membership category for some distinguished Texans) shall be maintained by the Custodian General. This list should include the date and administration of their election to membership, sponsoring chapter and district, service to DRT, and deaths. In late March, the Custodian General shall mail to Chapter Treasurers a chapter roll which they should correct and return to the Headquarters as soon as possible for data entry and preparation of a Membership Roster. The Chapter Treasurer should send a copy of the corrected roll to her Chapter President. 2013 Duties of Officers 49 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index Manual of Procedure Copies of Papers In accordance with the Texas Nonprofit Corporation Act, DRT membership applications and proofs of lineage are subject to review by other DRT members. However, copies of applications may be obtained from the office of the Custodian General by prospective members only if the member has given written permission on her papers. After a member's death her papers shall be considered open. The fee for copies of an approved application or supplement, not including proofs, shall be $10. Archival Records Records of the organization, from both current and previous years, deposited with and filed by the Custodian General include original minutes of the BOM, the Annual Convention, and Administrative Committees; inventories and reports of all committees; member-at-large records; and charters, application papers and other records of disbanded chapters. Forms and Supplies The Custodian General has custody of award certificate forms and charter forms which are supplied to the proper officer on request. DRT and CRT membership forms, DRT membership cards, DRT ribbon and DRT historical publications, etc., may be purchased from the Headquarters. The Custodian General may sell DRT supplies and books to members at district meetings and the Annual Convention. All DRT Committee Chairman needs to coordinate any procedures or forms with DRT Headquarters staff before implementing action and all forms need to have a creation or revised date with the form name indicated underneath with a copy being sent to the Bylaws Committee Chairman. Finance At the end of each month, the Custodian General shall send the Treasurer General all sales reports from the DRT Headquarters and Republic of Texas Museum. All invoices and bills requiring payment shall be approved by the Custodian General and forwarded to the Treasurer General. Copies of all bank deposits and copies of all charge card receipts should also be sent to the Treasurer General. The Custodian General shall conduct a thorough inventory of all items sold by Headquarters and by the Republic of Texas Museum gift shop. This inventory should include the cost of all items and should be sent to the Treasurer General no later than June 15 for inclusion in the DRT’s year-end financial reports. Projects - Copyright The Custodian General shall be responsible for applying for (registering) copyright on newly published projects as soon as they are delivered from the printing company. The on-line form on the U.S. Copyright Office may be used for registration, both to expedite completion and to pay a lower fee. The US Copyright Office website is at, Library of Congress, Copyright Office, Records Research and Certification Sec., 101 Independence Avenue SE, Washington, DC 20559-6300. 2013 Duties of Officers 50 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index The Daughters of the Republic of Texas Annual Convention Chapter packets not picked up at Convention, including Awards and Senior Member certificates, forms and instructions from the BOM and Committees, shall be taken by the Custodian General to the Headquarters and mailed to the Chapter President ASAP after Convention, with an invoice for postage. Packet contents are needed by chapters during the summer. CRT Registrar General [See Bylaws Article I, Sec. 7, 15, 16 (8); Article IV, Sec. 9; Article VII, Sec. 6; Article XI, Sec. 2; and CRT Bylaws and Manual of Procedure] The CRT Registrar General assists Chapter CRT Registrars with application papers and questions. She should be well acquainted with the DRT Bylaws and MOP, and with the CRT Bylaws and Procedures. After carefully examining CRT applications and proofs, she approves those found acceptable. She signs and dates the application papers and secures the President General’s signature on the applications and certificates. The signed and dated applications, proofs, and certificates are sent to the Custodian General for processing, transfer to electronic media, filing and mailing. She notifies the Third Vice President General of all new members with the fees attached. She notifies the Chapter Registrar when applications are approved, and handles all correspondence with Chapter Registrar concerning CRT applications. To transfer aged-out CRT members to a DRT chapter, the receiving DRT Chapter Registrar shall request in writing a CRT to DRT Transfer Form from the CRT Registrar General. The Chapter Registrar shall send it along with two (2) copies of the original CRT application and two (2) copies of the CRT Transfer to DRT Short Form to the Registrar General. Upon approval, the Registrar General shall return the completed CRT to DRT Transfer Form to the CRT Registrar General [See MOP Membership Section (Transfer of Membership, From CRT to DRT); and Form M.03 in the FORMS Section on the Members website] The CRT Registrar General maintains a file on each CRT member and maintains records on the following transactions: membership numbers, aged-out children, insignia permits, and transfers. Upon request, she issues jewelry permits and instructions for purchasing jewelry, and Transfer Forms with transfer instructions. A list of children who shall age-out (reach their twenty-first birthday) is received annually from the Headquarters. The CRT Registrar General mails notices to Chapter CRT Registrars notifying them of their members who shall age out in the next year. The CRT Registrar General assists the Third Vice President General with the CRT Convention by supplying statistical information on membership and chapter enrollment and by conducting the installation ceremony for new CRT officers. 2013 Duties of Officers 51 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index Manual of Procedure Historian General [See Bylaws Article IV, Sec. 10; Article VII, Sec. 9; and MOP, Chapter Officers/Duties (Chapter Historian) Section]. The Historian General is chairman of the Historic Committee. She shall communicate with the Chapter Historians at least once a year, in late summer or early fall, to inform them about awards, history book and yearbook judging, and to notify them of the appropriate deadlines. Mamie Wynne Cox Award for Historical Research The Historian General is responsible for the Mamie Wynne Cox Award for Historical Research. She secures impartial judges and gives the winner's name to the Custodian General, who has the wall plaque engraved. Each year the Historian General presents a plaque and a framed official DRT certificate of award to the winner at the historical dinner at Convention. The Historian General shall purchase and be reimbursed for the plaque for the winner of the Mamie Wynne Cox Award that the winner shall retain. The Custodian General shall have the wall plaque engraved which shall be on display at DRT’s Republic of Texas Museum. Created for the purpose of encouraging research by DRT members in Texas history, this award honors the memory of Mrs. Mamie Wynne Cox, historian and devoted Honorary Member of the DRT. A silver tray, given to DRT by Mae Wynne McFarland (Mrs. I. B.), a niece of Mrs. Cox and also an Honorary Member of DRT, was engraved with the winners' names until 1991. A second tray was purchased by DRT to continue the tradition and was filled in 2005, at which time the BOM established the wall plaque which shall be displayed. Entrants should submit an unpublished monograph or essay of merit in the field of Texas history, preferably during or before the period of the Republic. Any subject may be addressed. If no essay of sufficient merit is submitted, an award shall not be made that year. A member may submit more than one entry. Submission of entries for the Mamie Wynne Cox Award gives DRT the right to publish winning essays. Essays must be in scholarly form and must be based for the most part upon the use of source material, properly documented. Important statements must be accompanied by explicit notations as to sources, and a bibliography shall be appended. Essays are to consist of no less than 1,000 words. In making the award, the committee shall consider effectiveness of research, originality of thought, accuracy of statements, excellence of style, and value of the contribution to Texas. Entries shall be judged by a group of qualified historians who are not members of DRT. All entries must be typed, double spaced, with a 1½-inch margin on the left side of all pages for binding. A sealed envelope must be attached to each entry containing the author's real name and address and title of entry, with the entrant's nom de plume and title of essay on the outside of the envelope. Contestants should retain duplicate copies of their manuscripts. The Historian General shall place the original of the winning paper in the DRT Library at the Alamo in San Antonio within thirty days after Convention. The deadline for entries is March 31, and all essays must be in the hands of the Historian General by that date. Entrants shall be notified of competition results before May 1. 2013 Duties of Officers 52 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index The Daughters of the Republic of Texas Parliamentarian General [See Bylaws Article IV, Sec. 12; Article VI, Sec 3 (2); Article VII, Sec. 3; Article VIII, Sec. 3]. The Parliamentarian General is consulted by the President General on all parliamentary questions during BOM meetings. She is a member of the Bylaws Committee and should be consulted when questions arise concerning the Bylaws, especially regarding elections. She shall meet with the Nominating Committee when they elect their chairman. She shall approve the Bylaws for all newly organized chapters. She shall maintain a file of copies of the Bylaws of each chapter. Retiring President General [See Bylaws Article IV, Sec. 13; Article X Sec 2, (4-5)]. The Retiring President General is a resource person for the BOM. She helps the President General upon request. The Retiring President General must approve the proceedings of her administration before they are printed in the Annual Proceedings. District Representatives [See Bylaws Article IV, Sec 11; Article V, Sec 5 and 6 and Article VI, Sec. 3, (2)]. District Representatives shall be knowledgeable in the work of the DRT. In addition to the instructions to all BOM members found in the beginning of this BOM Section, the following suggestions shall be helpful to District Representatives. Records kept by each District Representative and passed on to her successor should include copies of reports given at each BOM meeting, the annual report given at each Convention, minutes of each district meeting, and all planning notes, programs, etc., pertaining to the district meeting. As soon as possible after the start of her term, she should contact the Chapter Presidents in her district, offer to help in any way she may and request a copy of their yearbook and an invitation to visit one of their meetings. She should visit each chapter within her district and be thoroughly familiar with the DRT Bylaws, Manual of Procedure, past achievements, holdings and custodianships, and the actions of the BOM so that she may answer questions. Each representative shall encourage the chapters in her district to promote the teaching of Texas history and the observance of Texas Honor Days in all schools. She shall encourage chapters to have programs on Texas history. The District Representative shall encourage each Chapter President to obtain a copy of the latest Bylaws and MOP from the Headquarters. She shall remind Chapter Presidents in the Spring of odd-numbered years to nominate a Chapter member(s) for election at its District Meeting, the Chapter must vote to do so, at a meeting in which a quorum is present (District Representative or Alternate, and Nominating Committee or Alternate in oddnumbered years). She shall send them the Form C.03 Chapter Endorsement for District Election [See FORMS Section of MOP]. 2013 Duties of Officers 53 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index Manual of Procedure The District Representative is responsible for planning and hosting the DRT or CRT Convention when it meets in her district [See Bylaws Article III and MOP, Conventions]. District Representatives shall solicit entries from each chapter in their districts for Fourth and Seventh Grade Texas History Teacher Contests and Texas History Essay Contests for fourth and seventh grade students. These entries should be sent to her by March 2. She shall appoint a committee of DRT members and/or qualified individuals who shall select one entry for each award. The winning entries shall be forwarded to the Fifth Vice President General by March 25. In the event a District Representative moves to a chapter outside her district or may no longer serve, her Alternate District Representative shall serve out the term. They cannot alternate or take turns serving. Board of Management (BOM) General Information The Board of Management (BOM) consists of fourteen (14) Officers General (not State Officers), ten (10) District Representatives (twenty-four voting members), the Parliamentarian General and the Retiring President General [See Bylaws Article III]. There shall be four (4) regular BOM meetings held annually in September, November, March and May A request by a BOM member to electronically participate in a meeting should be presented to the Corresponding Secretary General a minimum of 48 hours in advance, in order to insure the availability of the required technology. A meeting reminder and tentative agenda for each BOM meeting shall be distributed electronically to all Officers and Committee Chairman by the Corresponding Secretary General at least two (2) weeks in advance of a meeting. Officers and Committee Chairmen shall send their reports electronically to the Recording Secretary and other Officers at least ten days in advance to allow time for study and preparation for the meeting. All Administrative and Standing Committees shall report on committee business at each regularly scheduled BOM meeting unless excused by the President General. One copy of the report shall be presented at the BOM meeting or mailed to the President General, one copy to the Recording Secretary General, and sent electronically to the Annual Proceedings Chairman. A copy of the report shall be retained for the committee's permanent files which shall be passed to the succeeding committee chairman. Committee chairmen shall attend BOM meetings as requested by the President General. Upon approval of the minutes by the presiding Officer, the Recording Secretary shall distribute the minutes electronically to BOM and to DRT Headquarters for forwarding to all Committee Chairmen, Past Presidents General, and to Chapter Presidents to share with chapter members. The Recording Secretary shall keep a set of minutes of BOM meetings in a loose-leaf binder. Before May 1 each year, a copy of each officer's annual report, typed on 8½- by 11-inch paper, must be sent to the President General, the Recording Secretary General, and an electronic copy to the Annual Proceedings Chairman. All BOM members shall include their volunteer hours in the reports of their respective chapters. 2013 Duties of Officers 54 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index The Daughters of the Republic of Texas Communications to and from the full Board of Management -- including meeting agendas, minutes, and reports; Committee minutes and reports; employees required by Bylaw to report to the BOM; and Chapter Presidents -- shall be sent, electronically when possible, to the DRT Headquarters Office Administrator or designated staff for distribution to the appropriate list. All members’ changes of name, address, telephone, or e-mail are sent to the Headquarters for entry into the members’ database, so it is more efficient to have one person with access to the current data do the distributing, making it unnecessary for each individual to notify everyone else of changes. The Board of Management shall give no credence to anonymous communications it receives. The BOM cannot respond so should ignore and not waste time discussing such correspondence. General Powers, Responsible for Strategy, policy and procedures, MOP amendments, discipline of member, closure of a line. A motion adopted by the Convention cannot be overturned or amended by the BOM Failure to respect the confidentiality of BOM meetings and information provided to the BOM is grounds for removal of position/office. At the Convention at the end of their term, the retiring Officers General and District Representatives shall deliver to their successors all records and information necessary to facilitate the work of each office. They shall send other appropriate items to the Custodian General for filing at DRT Headquarters. All BOM pins must be returned to the Treasurer General prior to the installation ceremony at the Convention [See Bylaws Article X, Sec. 3]. 2013 Duties of Officers 55 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index Manual of Procedure MEETINGS DRT Convention The Annual Convention of DRT is held on or as close to Velasco Day, May 14, as possible. Velasco Day is the day General Santa Anna signed the Treaty of Velasco recognizing the Republic of Texas. In order to honor the mothers of our organization and to prevent a conflict of interest, the DRT Convention shall not be scheduled the weekend of Mother’s Day. DRT Convention shall be for the purpose of (1) receiving reports of Officers and Committee Chairman, (2) to endorse (not ratify) the actions of the BOM since the last Convention. Convention Duties The District Representative of the hostess district is Convention Chairman, responsible for planning and hosting the DRT or CRT Convention when it meets in her district [See Bylaws Article IV, Sec 11]. It is her responsibility to acquire the necessary assistance within her district. It is suggested that she designate individuals responsible for the following duties: Color Guard posts and retires the flags at the opening ceremony. It may be a military or historical period color guard. Convention Registrar is Chairman of the Credentials Committee and shall receive and record all members' registration fees and activities, prepare registration packets, and assign seating for meals [See Article V, Sec. 2; MOP, BOM (Second Vice President General); MOP, Committees (Credentials Committee)]. Convention Treasurer shall accept and deposit registration fees from the Convention Registrar, record deposits and any other Convention income, pay bills approved by Convention Chairman, and prepare the Convention's financial report sent to the BOM. Coordinator serves as the Convention Chairman's general assistant. Marshall is responsible for the opening processional. She shall assume responsibility for inviting representatives of historical/genealogical associations as guests to the opening ceremonies and provide the President General with information on those attending to be used in introductions. Memorial Service Assistant assists the Chaplain General and is an excellent job for a Chapter Chaplain. Music Coordinator selects the music and musicians, when necessary, and acquires and coordinates the sound systems. Platform Coordinator plans the seating, decorations, etc., for the platform/head table(s) used during meetings. Publicity Person seeks publicity locally through newspapers, radio and television. Sales Tables Coordinator plans the layout of the sales tables and record reservations for them. Sales tables for Administrative Committees and CRT (state) are given priority and should be complimentary. Sales 2013 Meetings 56 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index The Daughters of the Republic of Texas tables are made available to DRT chapters for a fee, but not to individuals or non-DRT entities unless they provide a significant service to DRT such as the firm which makes DRT insignia. The President General shall appoint the Sergeant-at-Arms, Tellers and Timekeepers. Sergeant-at-Arms ensures that the doors to the meeting room are closed during voting and during closed business meetings. Tellers pass out, collect and count all votes made by the membership during the business meetings. Timekeepers time any necessary portions of the Convention business meetings. A Quorum for the Annual convention shall be 75 members. Convention Call The Convention Call notifying all members of the Convention, its date, time, place, activities and costs should be mailed to all chapter presidents, Administrative Committee chairmen and BOM members before February 1, posted on the DRT Members website. This Convention call should include the registration form to be filled out and returned with a check in the proper amount by each member when registering for the Convention. Registration deadline has traditionally been approximately two (2) weeks prior to the start of the Convention. Convention Cost [See Article V, Sec 2 (3)]. The Convention pays for, among other things: $ Rooms for the President General (if the hotel does not provide) $ Flowers for the President General or fruit and cheese (if hotel does not provide) $ Professional Registered Parliamentarian (See Bylaws Article V, Sec. 2 (7)), whom the President General shall have the privilege of selecting; public address system, microphones, etc. $ Meals for the President General, speakers, Pages, winners and parents of Seventh Grade and Fourth Grade History Essay Contests, winner and guest of Clara Driscoll Fellowship for Research in Texas History and/or Texas Sesquicentennial Fellowship Award, winners and one guest each of Outstanding Fourth and Seventh Grade Texas History Teacher Contests $ Flowers for opening night; and cake and punch served at the reception honoring the President General on opening night. Printing responsibilities include programs, napkins for the opening evening reception, meal tickets, badges, etc. The DRT Treasurer General shall send the District hosting the convention seed money “not to exceed $5,000" for deposits and advance monies, and set up a checking account for the convention. A location for judging history books and yearbooks every odd-numbered year must be planned and coordinated with the Historian General who is responsible for the judging. 2013 Meetings 57 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index Manual of Procedure The Installation Service for the Officers General on odd-numbered years should be planned and coordinated with the outgoing Chaplain General. District Representatives shall be installed in the evenyears convention. The registration fee (not to exceed $50) and meals set in the Convention call should be based on the Convention Committee’s best estimate of number in attendance, costs of meeting rooms, number and costs of meals sold, and other expenses. The purpose of Conventions is not to make a profit on members attending, but if possible, to break even rather than create a deficit. It may be difficult to estimate. Any profit after all bills are paid and the seed money has been reimbursed to the Treasurer General shall be turned over to DRT for the operating fund within ninety (90) days, or at the September Board meeting. Any deficit shall be absorbed by the hostess District chapters on a per capita basis. Order of Opening Processional The opening evening processional comprises six (6) groups: (1) CRT Pages; (2) Chapter Presidents of the hostess district; (3) BOM; (4) Past Presidents General; (5) President General’s Page; and (6) the President General. The Past Presidents General are led by the Retiring President General; followed in order by the one with the least seniority to the one with the longest seniority. The BOM begins with the District Representatives commencing with District X and ending with District I. The remainder of the BOM begins with the Parliamentarian General and concludes with the First Vice President General. The President General’s Page shall be the CRT President General unless the President General designates a related CRT. Order of Business for the DRT Convention 1. Call to order by the President General 2. Invocation 3. Pledge to the United States Flag 4. Pledge to the Texas Flag 5. Report of Credentials Committee 6. Reading and acceptance of minutes, but not necessary when committee to approve Convention minutes has been appointed. 7. Reading of officers reports 8. Reading of Administrative Committee reports 9. Reading of Standing Committee reports 10. Reading of Special Committee reports 11. Chapter reports filed 12. Unfinished business 13. New business 14. Installation of new officers General (odd-numbered years) District Representatives (even-yr) 15. Benediction 2013 Meetings 58 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index The Daughters of the Republic of Texas Credentials Committee [See Bylaws Article IV, Sec. 4, Article V, Sec 2 (4); and MOP, Committees (General Information Sec)]. The Convention Registrar is chairman of the Credentials Committee and the Second Vice President General is Vice-Chairman. This Committee records the number of members registered at the Annual Convention. A count of registered members in attendance is usually called for at least three (3) times during the Convention, at the beginning of the first business session on the first full day of the Convention, at the beginning of the second business session following lunch on the first day, and at the beginning of the third business session on the second day of Convention (i.e., first day at 8:30 a.m. and 2 p.m.; second day at 8:30 a.m.). Convention Pages The Third Vice President General is responsible for obtaining, assisting and supervising the six (6) official pages at the DRT Convention. The CRT President General usually serves as page to the DRT President General. Five (5) other CRT Officers General serve as pages during the DRT Convention, and should submit their names to the DRT Convention Chairman for inclusion in the Convention program. She should request a CRT sales table at the DRT Convention and arrange for CRT members and CRT committee members to assist at the table. Memorial Service The Chaplain General has complete responsibility for coordinating the memorial service at the Convention. She selects the place, time, music, prayers and participants, including other chaplains. As a general rule, she invites the Registrar General to call the roll of deceased members. Each deceased daughter is represented by a flower: red flowers for a fifty-year member, blue flowers for twenty-five to forty-nine year members and white flowers for all others. If blue flowers cannot be found, white ones may be dyed. A woman who has been a member for many years but becomes inactive because of age or illness shall, on the occasion of her death, be included in the roll call of deceased daughters at that year's memorial service, if the Chaplain General was notified of her passing. Members are asked to stand when their chapter member's name is called. The annual memorial service is a solemn occasion and should not be interrupted. The Chaplain General closes the service with a benediction [See MOP, BOM - Chaplain General]. The cut-off date for the Chaplain General to receive names of deceased daughters for remembrance at this service is April 15. Any names received after this date shall be included in the ceremony at the following Convention. Chapter Packets Chapter packets not picked up at Convention, including Awards and Senior Member certificates, forms and instructions from the BOM and Committees, shall be taken by the Custodian General to the 2013 Meetings 59 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index Manual of Procedure Headquarters and mailed to the Chapter President ASAP after Convention, with an invoice for postage. Packet contents are needed by chapters during the summer. CRT Convention The CRT Convention is held on the third Friday and Saturday in June. Attending this Convention is the first duty of the newly elected Third Vice President General. She shall plan the next two (2) CRT Conventions. She shall request that the DRT Treasurer General send the seed money ($750) allotted in DRT Bylaws for the CRT Convention directly to the CRT Convention Chairman (DRT District Representative in charge of the Convention) and meet with the CRT Convention Chairman and her committee to plan the Convention. She shall prepare the program for the CRT Convention, have it checked by the CRT Convention Chairman and then printed. The CRT Convention Registrar shall compile a list of those attending the Convention who are ten years of age on the day of the business session at the Convention and give it to the CRT Director. A CRT member must be ten years of age in order to vote. She notifies CRT Officers General that their reports are due the first of June, informing them of the part of the Convention program they must prepare and present. She prepares the report for the CRT Treasurer General to read at the Convention and prepares the agendas for the CRT BOM and business meetings and forwards them to the CRT President General. She obtains the membership information from the CRT Registrar General. The Third Vice President General shall to distribute copies to the DRT Third Vice President General, CRT Registrar General, CRT Officers General (outgoing and incoming), and file a copy at DRT Headquarters. The 3rd Vice President Gen/CRT Director shall appoint an adult to take the minutes to aid the CRT Recording Secretary, and appoint an Minutes Approval Committee to approve the minutes. Upon approval of the minutes within 30 days, they shall provide copies to the CRT Officers General (outgoing and incoming) and Third VP; send the minutes electronically to the DRT President Gen and Annual Proceedings Chairman; and to DRT Headquarters for filing. DRT Third Vice President General, shall keep a set of minutes in a loose leaf binder, which she shall pass to her successor. A much more detailed description of duties and schedule of activities for the Third Vice President General is available and shall be passed along to each successor of this office. 2013 Meetings 60 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index The Daughters of the Republic of Texas District Information Texas shall be divided into ten Districts. Each District shall be numbered and defined as to its location. Each District’s chapters shall have contiguous boundaries, and a chapter located away from its District’s boundaries should be invited by the BOM to move into a District, which surrounds or adjoins the chapter. District Meetings District meetings are held each year between August through October of each year. . They provide an opportunity for the BOM to communicate with chapter officers and members. They allow Chapter Presidents an opportunity to briefly report on the chapter's activities and accomplishments during the previous year and their plans for the future. Breakout sessions shall be held with those Officers Generals in attendance and their chapter counterpart officers and may be held with Committee Chairman and other members who wish to participate. The District Representative shall remind Chapter Presidents in the Spring of odd numbered years to nominate Chapter member(s) for election at its District Meeting, the Chapter must vote to do so, at a meeting in which a quorum is present (District Representative or Alternate, and Nominating Committee or Alternate in odd-numbered years). Written Chapter endorsement is required and must be sent to the District Representative prior to the District Meeting. The endorsement may be on the “Chapter Endorsement for District Election Form,” or a letter which provides all the same information [See Form C.03 in FORMS Section of the DRT member’s website]. It must be signed by the nominated Member, the Chapter President, and the Chapter Recording Secretary. The hostess chapter(s) should invite the District Representative to a planning meeting for the district meeting. She shall inform the hostess Chapter President(s) or representative to make the following arrangements for the meeting: luncheon menu, sales tables, publicity, lectern and microphone for the head table. Door prizes, decorations and table favors are optional. The chapter(s) should endeavor to keep the cost of the meeting as low as possible and not treat it as a fund-raising event for the chapter(s). Sales tables for Administrative Committees and CRT are given priority and should be complimentary. Sales tables are made available to DRT chapters for a small fee, but not to individuals, or non-DRT entities. The District Representative should prepare a district meeting announcement and registration form, have them reviewed and approved by the hostess chapter, and distributed at least one month prior to the meeting. Invitations should be sent to BOM members, committee chairmen, Past Presidents General, and electronically to Presidents of the District’s Chapters for ease in forwarding to members, and posted on the DRT Members website. The hostess chapter(s) often sponsors a social function the evening before the meeting for the BOM and others from out of town. This may be as simple as a Dutch treat dinner at a restaurant or a covered dish dinner at a member's home. The District Representative presides at the meeting and should appoint a member as secretary to record the minutes of the meeting, and shall appoint a Minutes Approval Committee. When the minutes are approved, within thirty days of the meeting, the secretary shall distribute the minutes to the District 2013 Meetings 61 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index Manual of Procedure Representative and hostess District Chapter President and send a copy to DRT Headquarters for filing; If possible, the meeting should be limited to five (5) hours and adjourn by 2 p.m. A copy of the minutes shall be retained by the District Representative to pass to her successor, and a copy of the minutes shall be filed at DRT Headquarters. Scheduling District Workshops All Districts shall follow each other in numerical order in choosing their workshop dates. The first District to select a workshop date each year should be the District hosting the Annual Convention of the same year. For example, if District I is hosting Convention, it has first choice of workshop dates that year. The next to choose would be District II, and so on. The following year, District II has first choice; District III has second choice; and District I shall be the last to choose its workshop date. District meetings shall be scheduled by the March BOM meeting each year. By the November BOM meeting, District Representatives shall submit two (2) possible district meeting dates to the Corresponding Secretary General. District Representatives of adjoining districts should try to schedule consecutive meeting dates. The hostess chapter(s) for the meeting should be established by a rotation of chapters within the district. It is up to the district. Some districts vote to rotate alphabetically by chapter city; others by some other method. Registration fee All members who attend District meetings, even if only to sell items, must pay the registration fee, except for CRT members. It's best for a district meeting registration form to charge separately for registration and the meal, so that all attending pay a fair share of the costs of meeting space, printing, mailing and other expenses. Sales tables Sales tables for Administrative Committees and CRT are given priority and should be complimentary. Sales tables are made available to DRT chapters for a small fee, but not to individuals or non-DRT entities. The CRT and Administrative Committees should not be charged for sales tables. Sales tables for Administrative Committees and CRT are given priority and should be complimentary. Sales tables are made available to DRT chapters for a fee, but not to individuals or non-DRT entities District Elections Each nominee, or her choice of one qualified and present DRT member, shall be allowed two (2) minutes to speak in support of her election. Votes may be cast on blank ballots; the presiding officer must give clear instructions such as, “You are to write the name of the candidate of your choice on the blank ballot distributed by the tellers.” 2013 Meetings 62 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index The Daughters of the Republic of Texas When there are two (2) or more nominees for any given office, the election shall be by ballot. When there is but one nominee for any given office, the election may be viva voce. A majority of votes cast shall be necessary for election. If there are three (3) or more nominees for these positions and no nominee receives a majority of the votes on the first ballot, only the two (2) nominees who receive the most votes shall be on the second ballot. If a District Representative did not receive a resume for the District Representative alternate or Nominating Committee alternate, the nominee receiving the second largest number of votes shall be the alternate [See Bylaws, Article V. Sec 3]. After the election, the names of the new District Representative and Alternate shall be sent to the chairman of the current Nominating Committee to be added to the report she shall give at the next Convention. The names of winners and alternates of all elections shall be included in the District Representative’s report to the BOM. Special District Meetings A special District Meeting may be called by the District Rep and shall be called upon the receipt of written requests by three (3) chapter presidents. Notice shall be sent to all of the District’s Chapter President for distribution to members not less than 30 days or more than 90 days before the special meeting. Business may include but not limited to electing a Nominating Committee member or Alternate or District Representative or Alternate, if not elected at its District Meeting; or if those elected are unable to serve, or to have a recall election. 2013 Meetings 63 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index Manual of Procedure CHAPTER LIST BY DISTRICT, CITY, NAME, COUNTY, CHARTER DATE District I Abilene, Frontier Chapter, Taylor Co. ............................................................................................3-01-2006 Alpine, Hally Bryan Perry Chapter, Brewster Co. ..........................................................................8-10-1950 El Paso, El Paso Rio Grande Chapter, El Paso Co..........................................................................6-12-2003 Midland, Aaron Estes Chapter, Midland Co. ..................................................................................1-19-1955 San Angelo, Fort Concho Chapter, Tom Green Co. .......................................................................4-29-1945 District II Arlington, Charles Calvin McCoy Chapter, Tarrant Co. ................................................................9-28-1966 Breckenridge, Pinckney Chapter, Stephens Co. .............................................................................7-14-2012 Brownwood, Welcome W. Chandler Chapter, Brown Co. .............................................................5-01-1979 Dublin, Hill Country Chapter, Erath Co. ......................................................................................11-10-2010 Duncanville, Cedar Mountains Chapter, Dallas Co. .......................................................................9-14-1982 Euless, Isaac Low Chapter, Tarrant Co.........................................................................................10-07-1989 Fort Worth, Frances Cooke Van Zandt Chapter, Tarrant Co. .........................................................4-26-1926 Granbury, Comanche Peak Chapter, Hood Co. ..............................................................................9-29-1990 Grand Prairie, Cross Timbers Chapter, Tarrant Co.........................................................................3-03-1990 Stephenville, Bosque River Chapter, Erath Co. ..............................................................................5-12-1975 Wichita Falls, Rebecca Jane Fisher Chapter, Wichita Co...............................................................2-16-1963 District III Dallas, Charles S. Taylor Chapter, Dallas Co. ................................................................................9-29-1958 Dallas, James Butler Bonham Chapter, Dallas Co..........................................................................6-30-1931 Dallas, Mary Ann Lawhon Chapter, Dallas Co. .............................................................................9-01-1956 Denton, Peters Colony Chapter, Denton Co. ................................................................................12-13-1969 Irving, Peter James Bailey Chapter, Dallas Co. ..............................................................................4-17-1993 Mesquite, Hiram Bennett Chapter, Dallas Co...............................................................................10-18-1991 Mount Pleasant, Anson Jones Chapter, Titus Co. ...........................................................................5-08-1951 Paris, George Washington Stell Chapter, Lamar Co.......................................................................5-24-1921 Plano, Collin McKinney Chapter, Collin Co. ...............................................................................10-18-1991 Sherman, Solomon Bostick Chapter, Grayson Co. .........................................................................8-28-1993 Texarkana, James Bowie Chapter, Bowie Co. ................................................................................6-15-1937 District IV Center, William Carroll Crawford Chapter, Shelby Co. ...............................................................11-13-1996 Chireno, Halfway Inn Chapter, San Augustine Co. ........................................................................5-02-1963 Crockett, David Crockett Chapter, Houston Co..............................................................................5-07-1955 Hemphill, James Frederick Gomer Chapter, Sabine Co. ..............................................................11-09-1968 Jasper, John Bevil Chapter, Jasper Co. ...........................................................................................9-30-1988 Livingston, John Floyd Gilbert Chapter, Polk Co...........................................................................3-26-1994 Longview, John Tilley Edwards Chapter, Gregg Co. .....................................................................3-29-1965 Lufkin, Mary Hall Mantooth Chapter, Angelina Co. ....................................................................10-11-1965 Nacogdoches, Stone Fort Chapter, Nacogdoches Co....................................................................11-14-1950 Palestine, Fort Houston Chapter, Anderson Co. .............................................................................9-07-1927 San Augustine, Ezekiel Cullen Chapter, San Augustine Co. ..........................................................2-23-1953 Tyler, Charles G. Davenport Chapter, Smith Co. ...........................................................................4-17-1946 2013 Meetings 64 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index The Daughters of the Republic of Texas District V Belton, Sam Houston Chapter, Bell Co. .........................................................................................5-31-1933 Bryan, Robert Henry Chapter, Brazos Co.......................................................................................4-26-1950 Burnet, Jane Wells Woods Chapter, Burnet Co. .............................................................................4-05-1997 Corsicana, José Antonio Navarro Chapter, Navarro Co. ................................................................4-30-1980 Franklin, Mary O'Neal McCuistion Chapter, Robertson Co. ..........................................................2-27-1971 Georgetown, John Berry Chapter, Williamson Co. ........................................................................5-18-2007 Lampasas, Oran Milo Roberts Chapter, Lampasas Co. ..................................................................4-13-1991 Madisonville, Rev. John Haynie Chapter, Madison Co. .................................................................8-18-2002 Marquez, Fort Boggy Chapter, Leon Co.........................................................................................2-10-1982 Navasota, Zuber-Hadley Chapter, Grimes Co. ...............................................................................4-16-1910 Salado, Village of Salado Chapter, Bell Co. ...................................................................................7-08-2002 San Saba, San Saba River Chapter, San Saba Co. ..........................................................................2-20-1998 Temple, Ben Milam Chapter, Bell Co. ...........................................................................................8-04-1921 Waco, Sterling C. Robertson Chapter, McLennan Co. ...................................................................4-21-1900 District VI Brenham, Dr. Richard Fox Brenham Chapter, Washington Co. .....................................................4-11-1983 Friendswood, Bluebonnet Branch Chapter, Harris Co..................................................................10-21-1984 Houston, Miss Ima Hogg Chapter, Harris Co. ..............................................................................12-18-1982 Houston, San Jacinto Chapter, Harris Co. ....................................................................................11-09-1891 Houston, Texas Star Chapter, Harris Co. ........................................................................................9-30-1977 Huntsville, President Houston Chapter, Walker Co........................................................................3-08-1933 Kingwood, Seth Hurin Bates Chapter, Harris Co. ..........................................................................5-13-1981 Montgomery, Judge Nathaniel H. Davis Chap, Montgomery Co. ..........................................……4-29-1967 Spring-Tomball, New Kentucky Chapter, Harris Co. ...................................................................10-16-1986 District VII Beeville, Rio Medio Chapter, Bee Co.............................................................................................2-20-1969 Brownsville, Fort Brown Chapter, Cameron Co.............................................................................4-28-1940 Corpus Christi, Clara Driscoll, Nueces Co. ....................................................................................3-16-1932 Edna, Texana Chapter, Jackson Co.................................................................................................4-27-1963 Goliad, Presidio La Bahía Chapter, Goliad Co. ..............................................................................1-23-2010 Laredo, Villa de San Agustín de Laredo Chapter, Webb Co. .........................................................6-08-2002 New Braunfels, Austin's Ranging Company Chapter, Comal Co.................................................10-18-2003 Rockport, Stenson-Simpson Chapter, Aransas Co........................................................................10-14-1984 San Antonio, Alamo Couriers Chapter, Bexar Co. .........................................................................4-30-2000 San Antonio, Alamo Heroes Chapter, Bexar Co.............................................................................4-20-1993 San Antonio, Alamo Mission Chapter, Bexar Co. ..........................................................................4-18-1906 Uvalde, Caddel-Smith Chapter, Uvalde Co. ...................................................................................3-05-1977 Victoria, James W. Fannin Chapter, Victoria Co............................................................................4-20-1904 District VIII Austin, Reuben Hornsby Chapter, Travis Co. ................................................................................4-21-1919 Austin, Stephen F. Austin Chapter, Travis Co. ...............................................................................4-21-1933 2013 Meetings 65 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index Manual of Procedure Austin, Texian Chapter, Travis Co. ................................................................................................4-13-1957 Austin, William Barret Travis, Travis Co. ......................................................................................6-20-1892 Bastrop, Baron de Bastrop Chapter, Bastrop Co. .........................................................................11-07-1985 Brady, Heart of Texas Chapter, McCulloch Co. ...........................................................................11-06-2007 Columbus, Dilue Rose Harris Chapter, Colorado Co. ....................................................................3-09-1969 Fredericksburg, Dr. Wilhelm Keidel Chapter, Gillespie Co. ..........................................................5-08-1987 Gonzales, Gonzales Chapter, Gonzales Co. ....................................................................................3-20-1903 Kerrville, Joshua D. Brown Chapter, Kerr Co. ...............................................................................1-09-1996 Llano, Llano Pioneers, Llano Co. ........................................................................................................... 2010 Lockhart, James George Chapter, Caldwell Co. .............................................................................5-18-2003 Luling, Cornelius Smith Chapter, Caldwell Co. ...........................................................................10-05-1986 New Braunfels, Ferdinand Lindheimer Chapter, Comal Co. ..........................................................5-11-1982 Round Rock, Martin Wells Chapter, Williamson Co. ..................................................................11-03-1982 San Marcos, Moon-McGehee Chapter, Hays Co. ...........................................................................9-10-1929 Seguin, Abishai Mercer Dickson Chapter, Guadalupe Co. .............................................................4-26-1969 Smiley, Elizabeth Zumwalt Kent Chapter, Gonzales Co. ...............................................................4-29-1989 District IX Baytown, Solomon Barrow Chapter, Harris Co. ..........................................................................10-21-1968 Beaumont, Tejas Chapter, Jefferson Co..........................................................................................4-27-1939 Freeport, Cradle of Texas Chapter, Brazoria Co.............................................................................1-26-1950 Galveston, Sidney Sherman Chapter, Galveston Co.....................................................................11-06-1891 La Grange, Monument Hill Chapter, Fayette Co. .........................................................................11-06-1985 Liberty, Franklin Hardin Chapter, Liberty Co. ...............................................................................5-28-1936 Pasadena, James W. Brown Chapter, Harris Co. ............................................................................8-19-1984 Sugar Land, Fort Settlement Chapter, Fort Bend Co. .....................................................................9-19-1989 Winnie-Stowell, James Taylor White I Chapter, Liberty Co. .......................................................10-20-1983 District X Amarillo, Palo Duro Chapter Chapter, Potter Co. ..........................................................................5-10-1955 Lubbock, General James Smith, Lubbock Co.................................................................................4-13-1954 Monahans, Thomas William Ward, Ward Co...............................................................................10-10-1998 Odessa, Presidents of Texas, Ector Co. ..........................................................................................4-17-1981 2013 Meetings 66 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index Manual of Procedure COMMITTEES [See Bylaws; Article VI; Article IV, Sec. 11]. General Information Elective Committees: Nominating Committee District Representative Committee Administrative Committees: Alamo Cradle DRT Library Collection Committee French Legation Museum DRT Headquarters (chaired by Custodian General) Republic of Texas Museum Standing Committees: (Chaired by Officers General): Chapter Association (chaired by First Vice President) CRT (chaired by Third Vice President) CRT Membership (Chaired by CRT Registrar) Education and Flag (Financed by Fifth Vice President) Finance (chaired by Treasurer General) Historic (chaired by Historian General) Membership (chaired by Registrar General) Membership Records (chaired by Second Vice President) Relics, Old Trails and Historic Sites (chaired by Fourth Vice President) (Chaired by appointees of the President General): Annual Proceedings Awards Bylaws Historical Publication Legislative Media and Communications Memorial Park Publicity Records Senior Members San Jacinto Battlefield Ad Hoc/Special Committees: (To be appointed by the President General) Please Note: As charitable organization all of the DRT fund raising forms shall have a note at the bottom of the form which states “All payments are non-refundable.” 2013 Committees, Elective 67 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index Manual of Procedure Elective Committees Nominating Committee [See Bylaws Article II, Sec 8; Article VI, Sec. 1 (a), 2, 3 (1)]. The Nominating Committee shall nominate Officers General. Elections shall be held, and all officers installed, at the biennial convention in odd-numbered years. Members of the Nominating Committee shall meet these requirements: 1. The same qualifications as nominees for the BOM. 2. Active in DRT for four (4) years. 3. Served as chapter president for one term or two (2) terms in elective offices. 4. Agree to communicate electronically. 5. Received written endorsement by her chapter after a majority vote in a meeting of which notice was given and a quorum was present. 6. Win election by the members of her district at the District Meeting held in odd-numbered years. No officer shall be elected to the Nominating Committee as a member or Alternate while serving on the BOM. No Nominating Committee member shall serve more than once in four (4) years. Past President Generals and current BOM members are not eligible to sit on the committee. Should a Nominating Committee member be unable to serve her term, she shall resign from the committee and her Alternate shall take her place. If the Alternate cannot serve, they shall be replaced by a member from the chapter from which they belong, if possible. Such members must be elected at a chapter meeting at which a quorum is present. If the chapter cannot provide an appropriate replacement, the district nominating committee representative shall be elected by a majority vote of the chapter presidents in an election conducted by the district representative. The President General shall direct the Parliamentarian General to set the time and place for the meeting to elect the chair and to meet with the committee. Prior to the meeting, the Parliamentarian General shall contact the 10 committee members regard the place and time of the meeting. The Nominating Chair shall distribute by September 1 chapter presidents a Chapter Endorsement form [See C.04 in the FORMS Section of the DRT member’s website]. A copy of the form shall be posted on the DRT Members website. When chapters vote to endorse a member, the form must be signed by the nominated member, chapter president, chapter recording secretary, and submitted to all ten members of the Nominating Committee, postmarked by December 1 in an even-numbered year. Endorsement forms postmarked after that date shall be discarded. Forms may be submitted by e-mail only if the form is scanned to show the signatures. The Nominating Committee shall nominate Officers General. Elections shall be held, and all officers installed, at the biennial convention in odd-numbered years. Members Elected: Should a Nominating Committee member be unable to serve her term, she shall resign from the committee and her Alternate shall take her place. 2013 Committees, Elective 68 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index The Daughters of the Republic of Texas Chairman Elected. The Nominating Committee shall meet to elect its chairman at the Convention on even-numbered years. The President General shall direct the Parliamentarian General to set the time and place for the meeting and to meet with the committee. Prior to the meeting the Parliamentarian General shall contact the ten committee members to notify them of the meeting to elect a chairman. Vacancy of Nominating Committee Member. If neither the District Nominating Committee member nor her Alternate may serve, they shall be replaced by members from the chapter(s) to which they belong, if possible. Such members must be elected at a meeting of their chapter(s) at which a quorum is present. If the chapter(s) cannot provide appropriate replacement(s), the District's Nominating Committee representative shall be elected by a majority vote of the chapter Presidents in an election conducted by the District Representative. Chapter Endorsements of Officer Candidates. The Nominating Committee Chairman shall write to each chapter President no later than September 1 of even-numbered years asking each chapter to submit the names of three (3) or more of its members who are capable and willing to serve as Officers General. She shall list the qualifications for office and the names and addresses of all members of the Nominating Committee. Candidates must be endorsed in a chapter meeting of which notice was given and a quorum was present. Chapter endorsement forms and candidates’ resumes shall be mailed to each member of the Nominating Committee postmarked no later than December 1. Committee Meeting and Slate of Nominees. The Nominating Committee shall meet and review the qualifications of the nominees presented by the chapters, determine if they are in compliance with these Bylaws, and prepare a slate of candidates. A candidate shall be considered only for the offices specified on her chapter endorsement form. The Nominating Committee shall present at least one nominee for each office to be filled. If there is an office for which no name was submitted, the Nominating Committee Chairman shall, with the approval of the President General, notify the chapter Presidents to ask for qualified candidates. These candidate resumes and chapter endorsements shall be sent to each member of the Nominating Committee by no later than the date specified by the Nominating Committee Chairman. No later than forty-five (45) days before the Convention in May, the Nominating Committee Chairman shall send the slate of nominees, with a biographical sketch and qualifications for office of each, to the Headquarters for posting on the Members website and to distribution to chapter Presidents to share with their chapters. Courtesy copies shall be sent to the BOM, Past Presidents General, and committee chairmen. Eight (8) members of the Nominating Committee shall constitute a quorum. 2013 Meetings 69 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index Manual of Procedure District Representatives Committee [See Article II, Sec 2, Article V, Sec 11] Members of the District Representatives Committee shall be the ten Representatives elected by their respective districts in odd-numbered years and installed at the next Convention in even-numbered years for two-year terms. The District Representatives shall meet at Convention in even-numbered years to elect the chairman of the District Representatives Committee. The time and place of the meeting shall be set by the Parliamentarian General, who shall preside. After a Chairman is elected, the committee shall meet when and where it chooses. If the members wish to elect a different chairman for the second year of a term, they shall notify the Parliamentarian General. The committee shall meet annually with the Corresponding Secretary General to coordinate the scheduling of the District Meetings. The committee shall assist the Chaplain General in conducting the memorial service at annual Conventions. Each District Representative shall organize and preside at a District Meeting annually during her term. 2013 Committees, Elective 70 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index Manual of Procedure Administrative Committees General Information [See Bylaws Article VI, Sec 2]. Plan regularly scheduled meetings, which have been coordinated with the President General. Minutes of all meetings must be kept for a minimum of two (2) years. The President General must be informed of and invited to all important functions. She should be invited to greet visiting dignitaries, if possible. The President General must be informed of all problems that exist at the property. Any plaques or commemorative medallions erected must have the approval of the BOM. Communications to and from the full Board of Management -- including meeting agendas, minutes, and reports; Committee minutes and reports; employees required by Bylaw to report to the BOM; and Chapter Presidents -- shall be sent, electronically when possible, to the DRT Headquarters Office Administrator or designated staff for distribution to the appropriate list. All members’ name changes, address, telephone, or e-mail are sent to the Headquarters for entry into the members’ database, so it is more efficient to have one person with access to the current data do the distributing, making it unnecessary for each individual to notify everyone else of changes. The chairman shall assign specific duties to committee members. Examples for the Alamo would include secretary, security, gift shop, shrine, grounds, Alamo Hall, and public relations. (The Alamo has a paid public relations person.) For the French Legation Museum, they could include secretary, treasurer, gift shop, publicity, ways and means, and social events. The committee secretary is responsible for typing and sending minutes of committee meetings to the BOM, Past Presidents General, committee members and two (2) copies to the DRT Headquarters within two (2) weeks after the meeting. These minutes must be approved and signed by the committee chairman and secretary. Mailing labels are available to committees from the Headquarters. With the exception of the DRT Headquarters Committee and Republic of Texas Museum Committee, the treasurer of each committee shall prepare a financial report, which shall be attached to, or incorporated into, the body of the minutes of each meeting. An annual financial statement for the fiscal year ending March 31 must be received before May 1 each year for inclusion in the Annual Proceedings and for presentation at the Annual Convention. The Alamo financial report is prepared by the DRT Alamo Executive Administrator All Administrative and Standing Committees shall report on committee business at each regularly scheduled BOM meeting unless excused by the President General. One copy of the report shall be presented at the BOM meeting or mailed to the President General, one copy to the Recording Secretary General, and sent electronically to the Annual Proceedings Chairman. A copy of the report shall be retained for the committee's permanent files, which shall be passed to the succeeding committee chairman. Committee chairmen shall attend BOM meetings as requested by the President General. 2013 Committees, Administrative 71 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index Manual of Procedure Each chairman, except Alamo and DRT Library shall report to the Annual Convention on all major activities of the committee during the previous year. This report should be typewritten on 8½- by 11-inch paper and, whenever applicable, should include financial statements as of March 31. Before the first of May, the chairman shall send one copy of this annual report to the President General, one copy to the Recording Secretary General, and send electronically to the Annual Proceedings Chairman. Each committee shall prepare a proposed budget with the Director or Business Manager, if there is one, for approval of the BOM and then the Convention body. After approval by the committee, copies of proposed budgets are sent to the BOM members at least ten days prior to the March BOM meeting so that BOM members have sufficient time to study them. The chairman shall present the proposed budget to the BOM at the March BOM meeting. All Administrative Committees handling funds are permitted to make repair and maintenance expenditures costing less than fifteen hundred dollars ($1,500.00). Emergency repairs are not limited to this amount, but routine repairs that cost in excess of fifteen hundred dollars ($1,500.00) must be approved by the BOM, with the exception of the Alamo Committee which is allowed up to three thousand dollars ($3,000.00) for routine repair costs [See Bylaws Article VI, Sec. 4 (5)]. For all major expenditures, the committee shall secure three (3) bids, recommending the lowest and/or best bid to the BOM. The exception would be if there are not three (3) vendors available. A called meeting must comply with DRT Bylaws. A committee member who misses two (2) consecutive meetings without a valid excuse is automatically resigned, and the chairman is asked to select a new member. In the case of committees whose membership is outlined in DRT Bylaws, a member who meets the same requirements as the resigned member should be appointed. Projects begun but not completed by the previous committee must be honored by the next committee whenever practicable. All documents such as government forms, tax returns, etc., must be sent to the Treasurer General as these documents become due. The Treasurer General then incorporates them into the reports DRT sends to the Government. Business Managers or Directors of each project shall make these reports in triplicate, keeping one for the files of the project affected and forwarding two (2) copies to the Treasurer General. These reports shall be accompanied by checks to cover any tax required. Acknowledgment cards for donations shall be sent to donors by all Administrative Committees. The chairman of each Administrative Committee shall present an insurance report to the BOM annually at the September BOM meeting. This report shall include a listing of all insurance carried and the coverage provided, including but not limited to commercial multi-peril, commercial liability umbrella, workman's compensation, fidelity bonds, and hired and non-owned auto insurance. The chairmen of all Administrative Committees should be available daily for consultation and problems, which may arise. It is especially important that they be available between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. 2013 Committees, Administrative 72 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index The Daughters of the Republic of Texas Each Administrative Committee Chairman shall appoint a Committee Historian to retain information such as photographs, invitations and newspaper clippings. The committee shall determine how the information is to be compiled and stored. DRT and Alamo Employees may not accept personal gifts which are valued at more that $25.00 from anyone including vendors. Alamo Committee [See Bylaws Article VI, Sec.2 (d); and MOP, Committees (General Information Section)]. The Alamo Execcutive Administrator or Committee member (s), or the Shrine Hostess shall greet allimportant visitors at the Alamo and attend all important functions relating to the Alamo. DRT is a contractor of the Alamo for the State of Texas. Attempts to accommodate the Mayor's requests for tours for dignitaries and, of course, accommodates requests from the Governor. A public relations fund is set up for entertaining public officials. The Alamo Executive Administrator and Committee are responsible for compliance with and enforcement of all Bylaws pertaining to the Shrine and Alamo Complex. No person shall conduct an assembly or demonstration within or upon the Alamo Complex, including, but not limited to, political or religious activities and weddings. Ceremonies in the Alamo shall be limited to observances honoring the Alamo heroes. All checks should have two (2) signatures [See Bylaws Article VIII, Sec. 1 (4)]. The administrator must inform the Texas Historical Commission of any alterations or changes to the complex. The Alamo Complex is state property. Entities of the Texas Historical Commission shall monitor activities. The Texas Historical Commission issues permits for preservation, construction, and archeology. Consultation and contact with these departments are necessary and should be on a continuing basis. The Historic Preservation office of the City of San Antonio is kept informed of Complex projects. A competent attorney should be consulted by the committee before presenting any agreement, contract or document to the President General and Recording Secretary for their signature. The Alamo Historian/Curator should be consulted on authenticity of any gifts or donations. No loans may be accepted without the prior and expressed approval of the BOM. [See Bylaws Article VII, Sec. 8(2)]. The committee works closely with the DRT Alamo Executive Administrator on employee relations. The DRT Alamo Executive Administrator approves activities at the Alamo. The Alamo Committee approved annual events of the Alamo Complex. The DRT Alamo EXEcutive Administrator, in managing the Alamo Complex, uses the following: (1) DRT Policies for Alamo Complex, (2) Employee Manual, (3) Job Descriptions (all of which have been approved by GLO and BOM), and (4) Alamo Master Plan (which has been approved by the Texas Historical Commission). The above may be changed without BOM approval. The Alamo Executive Administrator should join the Alamo Plaza Association and any other downtown associations, which helps create friendly relations with the Alamo's neighbors. 2013 Committees, Administrative 73 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index Manual of Procedure GLO-DRT Council is to serve to assure the Alamo “Operating Agreement” is in compliance. The members shall be appointed by the President General and shall meet at least quarterly in cooperation with the needs of both DRT & GLO. In addition to the President General and DRT General Council, there shall be 5 to 7 members. No pictures are allowed to be taken inside the Shrine. Special requests shall be given consideration. The DRT Alamo Executive Administrator shall be authorized to schedule tours of the Shrine and other Alamo facilities that occur after the normal operating hours of the Alamo Complex and to establish appropriate fees for such events to offset the associated additional costs. If having the fees waived is requested for a tour, this shall be granted upon approval of the Alamo Committee. Immediately after the minutes of each committee meeting have been approved, a copy shall be mailed to all members of the committee, the President General, the BOM and Past Presidents General, the French Legation Committee Chairman, the DRT Library Committee Chairman, and the Cradle Committee Chairman. Two (2) copies shall be sent to the DRT Headquarters. A file on all Alamo Committee activities must be kept. All letters written by the Alamo Committee Chairman must be made in duplicate, one to be mailed to addressee and one filed. The chairman and DRT Alamo EXEcutive Administrator shall review the DRT Library Committee's budget with the Library Committee Chairman in November to ensure the availability of funds. The DRT Executive Administrator, President General and Alamo Committee Chairman shall ensure that a qualified CPA performs an audit each year. One copy of this audit to the President General, one to the Recording Secretary General (e-mail preferred), and one copy electronically to the Annual Proceedings Chairman. Copies of this audited financial statement shall be furnished to the BOM at its May meeting. The chairman shall ensure that the State inventory is prepared by the Historian/Curator each year according to State procedures and is mailed to the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts by January 31. The DRT Alamo Executive Administrator signs this inventory as Property Manager. The responsibility of oversight for The Daughters of the Republic of Texas Alamo Park 401K Plan shall belong to the DRT Alamo EXEcutive Administrator. The trustees for the 401K Plan for the employees of The Daughters of the Republic of Texas shall be the EXEcutive Administrator, and the Chairman of the Alamo Committee, and one member of the Alamo Committee who shall be selected by the Alamo Committee and the President General. The deaccession of property is to be offered to other DRT properties including DRT Library, Headquarters, Cradle, J.B. Wells House, and French Legation before offering to membership or other means of sale. Cradle Committee [See Bylaws Article VI, Sec 2©; and MOP, Committees (General Information) Section]. 2013 Committees, Administrative 74 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index The Daughters of the Republic of Texas The Cradle Chairman shall prepare financial reports to be included with the minutes of each committee meeting sent to the BOM. Either the Chairman or the Treasurer General shall prepare a year-end (May 31) financial report to be included in the Annual Proceedings. The Cradle funds are a part of DRT funds and are therefore included in its audit every two (2) years. The Cradle Chairman shall forward to the Treasurer General all bank statements; check stubs and investment account statements by June 30 of odd-numbered years. Upon completion of the DRT audit all records shall be returned to the Cradle Chairman for permanent storage. The Chairman shall prepare an annual inventory of all property at the Cradle. By May 1 she shall send one copy to the President General and one copy to the DRT Headquarters. One copy should be kept in the committee's permanent files. The deaccession of property is to be offered to other DRT properties including DRT Library, Headquarters, Cradle, J.B. Wells House, and French Legation before offering to membership or other means of sale. DRT Library Collection Committee [See Bylaws Article VI, Sec. 2(e); and MOP, Committees (General Information) Section]. The State mandates a research facility on the Alamo Complex. State funds are used to maintain the Alamo Research Center building and the collections within. The DRT collection is housed in the building and is made available to the public through the generosity of The Daughters of the Republic of Texas. The library staff is Alamo Complex employees who make the DRT collection available to the public and provide educational support to other departments on the complex. The Alamo Reseach Center (formerly the DRT Library building), most furnishings and some equipment are the property of the State of Texas and must be accounted for on the State inventory each year. The DRT Library Collection Committee shall consist of ten (10) members. The Chairman or her committee designee must approve the invoices for these budgeted expenses before submission to the DRT Alamo Executive Administrator. Only DRT funds and grants are used for acquisitions and conservation of the DRT collection. There is no co-mingling of DRT funds with Alamo funds. The DRT Library Collection Committeeis responsible for compliance with and enforcement of all DRT Bylaws pertaining to the DRT Collection, all DRT policies, and all Library job descriptions. It shall ensure that only books or materials pertaining to Texas and Texas history shall be placed in the Library. All books, pictures, paintings and documents, which are purchased, must have the approval of the DRT Library Collection Committee and shall be purchased with DRT Library Collection Committee funds, not with Alamo funds. The Library Director must have approval of the DRT Library Collection Committee in administrative activities of the Library. The committee shall have supervision of the Library contents. The DRT Library Collection CommitteeChairman must ensure that DRT Library Collection Committee funds are invested in fully insured, interest-bearing accounts paying the highest rate of interest consistent with safety of principal. The committee should consult a competent attorney before presenting any agreement, contract or document to the BOM for its approval and to the President General for her signature. 2013 Committees, Administrative 75 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index Manual of Procedure The Chairman, committee members, or Library Director shall greet all important visitors to the Library and attend all important functions of the Library. A file on all DRT Library Collection Committee activities must be kept. All correspondence from the DRT Library Collection Committee Chairman shall be made in duplicate, with one copy filed at the Library. The Chairman and Library Director shall prepare a tentative budget for the DRT Library Collection Committee's approval and then present the tentative Library budget to the Alamo Committee in November to ensure the availability of funds. After the second approval of the budget by the DRT Library Collection Committee in January, the budget is sent to the BOM for approval. The Chairman shall ensure that an audit of DRT Library Collection Committee funds is performed for the year ending May 31. This should be done by the CPA performing the DRT audit (Library funds are DRT funds). This audit should be completed by August 15. One copy should be sent to the President General, one copy to the Treasurer General, one copy to the Recording Secretary General for the permanent files at Headquarters, and one sent electronically to the Annual Proceedings Chairman. Copies of this audited financial statement shall be furnished to the BOM at its September meeting. The LDRT Library Collection Committee Chairman shall receive from the Library Director an annual report to be included in the committee's annual report due on May 1. The Chairman shall ensure that the Library Director keeps a current inventory of Library holdings and that one copy of this inventory is sent to the President General, one copy to the DRT Headquarters and one copy to the Treasurer General by May 31 each year. The Library personnel shall assist the Alamo Curator in maintaining the inventory of Library furnishing and fixtures as required for the annual State inventory which is due by January 31. The Inventory Facilitator shall have experience in archival collections in the field of specialization and inventory. Current work on the inventory proof of ownership project shall continue by the Library staff, volunteers, and temporary employees as previously directed by the BOM and the DRT Library Collection Committee, including working 10 hours per day, seven (7) days per week with at least one permanent library staff member on premises at all times; and the Library shall hire as many temporary employees as necessary to complete the project. Security shall be the responsibility of the permanent library staff. The permanent library staff and the DRT Library Collection Committee shall work in a courteous manner and in an expeditious time frame to facilitate any answers to questions and assistance as requested by the Inventory Analyzer and his staff in a mutually respected environment to accomplish the goal of completing the inventory/proof of ownership project, and in that scope, also complete the inventory Analyzer’s evaluation and written report. The deaccession of property is to be offered to other DRT properties including DRT Library, Headquarters, Cradle, J.B. Wells House, and French Legation before offering to membership or other means of sale. 2013 Committees, Administrative 76 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index The Daughters of the Republic of Texas Texas History Forum The DRT Library Collection Committee is responsible for the annual Texas History Forum, if any is conducted. June Franklin Naylor Award The June Franklin Naylor Award for the Best Book for Children on Texas History, endowed by the family of June Franklin Naylor and sponsored by The Daughters of the Republic of Texas Library, is given annually to the author/illustrator of the most distinguished book for children and young adults, grade K-12, that accurately portrays the history of Texas, whether fiction or nonfiction. Immediately after the Annual Convention, the DRT Library Collection Committee shall see that the current award winner’s name and book description are posted on the DRT website. General Guidelines for the June Franklin Naylor Award The book must have been published for the first time within the calendar year, January-December (as specified in annual Guidelines). The exception to this rule is the reprint of an early book for children that is annotated or revised to make its story accessible to today’s students. Two (2) copies of the book must accompany the entry. All books become the property of The Daughters of the Republic of Texas, and shall not be returned. All entries must be sent to the attention of the Library Director, whose mailing address is DRT Library, P.O. Box 1401, San Antonio, TX 78295-1401; and shipping address is DRT Library, 300 Alamo Plaza, San Antonio, TX 78205. Entries must be postmarked or hand delivered to the library during regular library hours no later than January 31 of the year of the award. Selections shall be made from books nominated. If no nominated book is considered to meet the listed criteria, no award shall be presented. The text and illustrations should be of highest quality and accuracy. The DRT Library Collection Committee Chairman shall ask a three-member panel of judges to select the top five (5) entries. The panel shall consist of historians, educators, and/or librarians who may or may not be DRT members. At the end of February all Committee members and a member of the Naylor family shall meet in San Antonio at the DRT Library to select the award winner from the five (5) top entries. The winning entry shall receive a cash prize of $400.00. If the winning entry has multiple authors and/or illustrators, the committee may choose to honor them singly or together. If there are multiple honorees, the cash award shall be divided among them. Awards shall be presented at the Historical Evening during the Annual Convention of the Daughters of the Republic of Texas. Only the winner shall be notified prior to the awards ceremony. The award winner shall be a guest of the Library at the Historical Evening but shall be responsible for his travel expenses. 2013 Committees, Administrative 77 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index Manual of Procedure Virginia M. Law Research Award The Virginia M. Law Research Award is designed to bring scholars to San Antonio, Texas, to work with materials housed at the DRT Library. Research must be done at the DRT Library and completed by June 1 of the following year. The award is accompanied by a grant of $400.00 ($200.00 when the award is announced and $200.00 after completion of research). The award is funded through the Virginia M. Law Endowment Fund, which was established in May 2006 by Nancy M. Law. Guidelines for the Virginia M. Law Research Award The Virginia M. Law Award is open to individuals in any field whose research may benefit from the holdings of the DRT Library collections. Considerations for awarding the grant include: (a) suitability of the project for meaningful research in the DRT Library collections; (b) applicant’s academic training or professional experience: © potential of the project to make a significant contribution to scholarship. If no project submitted is considered to meet the listed criteria, no award shall be presented. A copy of the applicant’s curriculum vitae and a description of the proposed research project should be mailed to the DRT Library, P.O. Box 1401, San Antonio, TX 78295-1401. The applicant should also arrange to have sent to the above address letters of reference from two (2) persons who may assess the significance of the work and the ability of the scholar to carry it out. The deadline for submission of all documents is September 29. The award recipient shall be announced October 31. One complimentary copy of any resulting publication is to be placed in the DRT Library collections. A presentation of research findings shall be made at a DRT Texas History Forum, at a time convenient to the recipient, in order to publicly disseminate research results. Recipients of the award shall acknowledge it in writing and all resulting publications, exhibits, or projects for which the award has made research possible. The judging committee is composed of the DRT Library Collection Committee Chairman, the DRT Library Director and the DRT Library Archivist. The LDRT Library Collection Committee shall meet in the Committee Meeting Room on the Alamo Complex for its monthly meetings and/or other meetings as required. When the Alamo Meeting Room is used by the DRT Library Collection Committee, the DRT Library Collection Committeeshall not be denied the use of conveniences. French Legation Museum Committee [See Bylaws Article II, Sec. 3-6; Article VI, Sec. 2(f); Article VIII, Sec. 6; and MOP, Committees (General Information) Section]. The French Legation Museum Committee has an appointed and consists of eighteen (18) members. The Chairman of the French Legation Museum Committee shall appoint members of the committee to chair the following subcommittees: gift shop, publicity, public relations, ways and means, and social 2013 Committees, Administrative 78 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index The Daughters of the Republic of Texas events. The Chairman shall also appoint a recording secretary and treasurer with computer and bookkeeping skills. The Chairman shall attend all BOM meetings and be prepared to present the committee report and any committee recommendations needing BOM approval. Copies of this report shall be given to each member of the BOM. The Chairman shall ensure that an audit of French Legation Museum funds is performed each year as of March 31 by a competent CPA. Before the first of May, the Chairman shall send one copy of this audit to the President General, one to the Recording Secretary General (e-mail preferred), and electronically to the Annual Proceedings Chairman. Copies of this audit shall be furnished to the BOM at its May meeting. The French Legation Museum Committee Treasurer, with the assistance of the Director, shall prepare the budget for approval of the committee. The French Legation Museum Chairman shall send copies of the budget to the BOM at least ten days prior to the March BOM meeting and then formally present the budget at that meeting for approval by the BOM. All horticultural activity pertaining to French Legation Museum grounds and gardens undertaken by the committee must be in accord with the architectural master plan on file at the Legation office. The Texas Historical Commission governs all digs and building restorations or improvements on the French Legation grounds. The Chairman must be thoroughly familiar with the duties and responsibilities of the Director of the French Legation Museum in order to provide adequate supervision and support to that individual. Of particular importance are those director responsibilities related to financial management, general administration, public relations, and gift shop administration. Familiarity of the Chairman with all areas associated with funds is of critical importance. The Chairman must be willing and able to perform key director responsibilities in the absence of the Director; these include responding to security alarms when notified by the security service. The Chairman must be thoroughly familiar with the history of the French Legation. It is highly desirable that she be competent as a docent in order to direct tours for distinguished visitors during special occasions and in case of staff emergencies. The committee shall be responsible for the acceptance of all gifts to DRT for display at the French Legation Museum and shall investigate and approve the authenticity of all gifts and artifacts, with the help of an expert trained in the Republic of Texas Museum field who is qualified to give curatorial and/or historical opinions of said artifact [See Bylaws Article VI, Sec. 2(f)]. The Director of the French Legation Museum shall, when invited by the Chairman, attend meetings of the French Legation Museum Committee. The Chairman shall prepare annual and separate inventories of all State and DRT property at the French Legation Museum. By May 1 she shall send one copy to the President General and one copy to the DRT Headquarters. One copy should be kept in the committee's permanent files. The Chairman shall ensure that the State inventory (consisting only of State property) is prepared each year according to State procedures and is mailed to the State agency currently handling the French Legation Museum by the 2013 Committees, Administrative 79 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index Manual of Procedure deadline required by said agency. The French Legation Museum Committee Chairman signs this inventory as Property Manager. The de-accession of property is to be offered to other DRT properties including DRT Library, Headquarters, Cradle, J.B. Wells House, and French Legation before offering to membership or other means of sale. DRT Headquarters Committee [See Bylaws Article I; Article II, Sec. 8(f); Article IV, Sec. 8; Article VI, Sec 4 & 5]. DRT Headquarters Committee is chaired by the Custodian General and consists of ten (10) members. Under the direction of the BOM, the DRT Headquarters, with the Custodian General as Chairman, shall have supervision of the DRT Headquarters. With approval of the committee and under the direction of the BOM, the Custodian General shall supervise the personnel of the DRT Headquarters. Under supervision of the Office Administrator, the DRT Headquarters shall furnish administrative support to the entire association of DRT, which functions through specific authority and responsibility assigned to each Officer General. The Office Administrator, in carrying out day-to-day operations, consults when appropriate with Officers General in matters involving their individual areas of responsibility and authority as reflected in the DRT Bylaws and Manual of Procedure (MOP). She shall develop sufficient understanding of the DRT Bylaws, MOP, and Employee Manual to carry out her duties. A competent attorney should be consulted by the committee before presenting any agreement, contract or document to the BOM for its approval and to the President General and Recording Secretary for their signature. A file must be kept on all DRT Headquarters Committee activities. All correspondence from the committee shall be made in duplicate with one copy filed at the Headquarters. The Custodian General and the Office Administrator shall prepare a budget for the Headquarters each year. The Custodian General with the assistance of the Office Administrator and the Committee shall maintain an inventory of all holdings of the DRT Headquarters. Before May 31 of each year, one copy of this inventory shall be sent to the President General, one copy to the Treasurer General, and one copy retained and put in the Committee's permanent files at DRT Headquarters. The Headquarters Committee is responsible for coordinating the maintenance of the DRT website at, the public site, and the member’s site at On the Members website shall be all current Forms, including the Awards, Member Data Change, Deceased Member Report, Reinstatement, Transfer, Chapter Dues Report, Dues Reconciliation, Applications for Memorial Medallions Forms, and others; as well as current Announcements; lists of 2013 Committees, Administrative 80 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index The Daughters of the Republic of Texas chapters, BOM, committee chairmen, District Meetings, Conventions, and Properties. The DRT Webmaster is appointed with power to correct, update, amend, and remove forms on the website in consultation with the officer or committee chair responsible for the form. The deaccession of property is to be offered to other DRT properties including DRT Library, Headquarters, Cradle, J.B. Wells House, and French Legation before offering to membership or other means of sale. Republic of Texas Museum Committee The official name of the DRT Republic of Texas Museum shall be the Republic of Texas Museum. The chairman and members of the Republic of Texas Museum Committee (RTMC) shall be appointed by the President General. There shall be ten (10) members including the chairman. This committee shall consist of no fewer than five (5) members from the Austin area chapters and one from each of four (4) other chapters. A file must be kept on all the Republic of Texas Museum Committee activities. All financial accounts and disbursements of the Republic of Texas Museum funds, including funds received as memorials, grants, or gifts, are the responsibility of the Treasurer General. If she chooses to establish a checking account for the Republic of Texas Museum, all checks paid out of the Republic of Texas Museum funds shall require two (2) authorized signatures of the following: President General, Treasurer General, the RTMC Chairman, Republic of Texas Museum Manager, or a member of the committee designated by the RTMC and the Treasurer General. If the Treasurer General chooses to establish a checking account for the RTMC, all checks paid out of Republic of Texas Museum funds, including funds which have been received by the Library as memorials, grants, or gifts, shall require two (2) authorized signatures of the following: President General, Treasurer General, RTMC Chairman, Republic of Texas Museum Manager, or a member of the RTMC designated by the committee and the Treasurer General. The RTMC shall be responsible for the acceptance of all gifts to the Republic of Texas Museum and shall pass upon the authenticity of such gifts. Only artifacts pertaining and related to the period of the Republic of Texas shall primarily be accepted by the RTMC; however, items from other time periods shall be considered for acceptance based upon their historical significance and value. To de-access any item, approval must first have been received from the RTMC and the BOM. Only items approved by the RTMC and the BOM may be accepted on loan for display or care. The RTMC shall formulate plans and assist in raising funds for the maintenance of the Republic of Texas Museum and, under the direction of the BOM, shall administer these funds for the benefit of the Republic of Texas Museum. When invited, the Republic of Texas Museum Director shall attend meetings of the committee. All income and disbursements of the Republic of Texas Museum are supervised by the Treasurer General, and these funds shall be included in the audit of the DRT General Fund. However, it is possible that memorials, gifts, etc., shall be received by the Republic of Texas Museum in the future and these funds would be overseen by this committee with an annual audit of the account. 2013 Committees, Administrative 81 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index Manual of Procedure The Republic of Texas Museum Director and the committee shall maintain an inventory of all holdings of the Republic of Texas Museum. Before May 1 each year, one copy of this inventory shall be sent to the President General, one copy to the Treasurer General, and one copy retained and put in the Committee's permanent files. Republic of Texas Museum Director shall prepare a budget for the Republic of Texas Museum each year. The Custodian General, committee members, or the Republic of Texas Museum Director shall greet all important visitors to the Republic of Texas Museum and attend all important functions of the Republic of Texas Museum. Requests for special tours shall be considered. The Republic of Texas Museum Director shall submit an annual report for inclusion in its annual report to the BOM and the Convention. The deaccession of property is to be offered to other DRT properties including DRT Library at the Alamo Complex, Headquarters, Cradle, J.B. Wells House, and French Legation before offering to membership or other means of sale. 2013 Committees, Administrative 82 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index The Daughters of the Republic of Texas Standing Committees [See Bylaws Article VII; and MOP, Committees (General Information) Section]. Annual Proceedings Committee [See Bylaws Article VII, Sec. 2(1); and MOP, Committees (General Information) Section]. The Annual Proceedings Committee shall be responsible for preparing for publication the Proceedings of each year of a two-year term of office, from assembling, editing, and proofreading to delivery “printready” to the printing company whose bid was accepted by the BOM. The President General or Retiring President General has supervisory approval of the Proceedings of her administration. In even-numbered years the Annual Proceedings consists of one book. In odd-numbered years, at the end of a term, the Annual Proceedings are in one book and sold as a set with a Membership Roster in another, as produced from the DRT Membership data by the Headquarters staff. Advance orders are taken and the books, when printed, are distributed by staff to purchasers. The Annual Proceedings Chairman shall send members of the BOM, Committee chairmen, and Chapter Presidents instructions on sending her their reports electronically, due by May 1. As requested by the Committee, the Recording Secretary General and Headquarters staff shall assemble material needed for printing the book. All submissions for insertion into the Annual Proceedings (AP) book must be sent to the Chairman by email ONLY, by May 1 annually. Use “DRT (Chapter Name, City, and District) or (Committee or Office)” in the subject line of the e-mail. Send your CRT Chapter report at the same time and manner, in a separate e-mail. Paste your report into the body of the e-mail, using Times New Roman font. Reports sent to the Chairman are only for the Annual Proceedings book. Also e-mail Chapter reports to the President General by May 1, and e-mail Committee and Officer reports to the President General and Recording Secretary General by May 1. If not familiar with how your report shall look in the AP, please refer to a prior copy. Listings of chapters should be by District, by City, by Chapter. Please help the AP Committee keep this listing consistent throughout the AP. Chapter reports may not exceed 300 words in length. If a report is longer than 300 words, it shall be returned to the sender for editing. Remove any formatting such as headers and footers, page numbers, multi-columns, etc. Your report shall appear without paragraph spacing. Important note: Every year, a copy of the Annual Proceedings, with chapter reports included, goes to the General Land office. Choose information about your year’s activities to show the important role DRT plays in promoting Texas and Texas History. (Do not include your personal story, your illnesses, etc.) 2013 Committees, Administrative 83 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index Manual of Procedure Send the following items for the Annual Proceedings by e-mail: Each BOM Member is responsible for: ALL BOM 1. 2. 3. Your photo (a digital black and white copy sent by e-mail) Your annual report Your committee report (if different from your officer’s report) RECORDING SECRETARY GENERAL is responsible for: 1. BOM Minutes, motions only 2. Verification Organizational Chart, Miscellaneous Information, Honor Days and Addresses, Official Calendar, Past Presidents General list. CORRESPONDING SECRETARY GENERAL is responsible for: 1. List of Committee members with address, phone and e-mail in this format: First Name, Last Name (all caps), e-mail address Mailing address, phone number CHAPLAIN GENERAL is responsible for: 1. Memoriam Service program 2. In Memoriam list of deceased members, by District, by City, by Chapter (one or two columns only) TREASURER GENERAL is responsible for: 1. Audited Financial Statements from DRT, Alamo, Library and French Legation 2. Approved Budget for next year 3. Monetary Gifts to DRT REGISTRAR GENERAL is responsible for: 1. New members by District, by City, by Chapter 2. Number of members by District, by City, by Chapter (obtained from Membership database at Headquarters) CRT REGISTRAR GENERAL is responsible for: 1. CRT number of members by District, by City, by Chapter 2. CRT New Members by District, by City, by Chapter THIRD VICE PRESIDENT GENERAL is responsible for: 1. CRT Convention report 2. CRT Awards recipients 3. CRT Chapter reports FIFTH VICE PRESIDENT GENERAL is responsible for: 1. Names of Winners of Teacher of the Year and Essay Contests; 2. Contestant’s school, city, and sponsoring DRT chapter 2. Copies of Fourth and Seventh Grade Essays 2013 Committees, Administrative 84 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index The Daughters of the Republic of Texas Each DISTRICT REPRESENTATIVE is responsible for: 1. Your report 2. All of your District’s Chapter Reports 3. List of your Chapter Presidents (by District, by City, by Chapter), with addresses, phone numbers, mail addresses in this format: First Name, Last Name (all caps), e-mail address Mailing address, phone number 4. Special Note: Remind chapters to send names of the entire slate of new chapter officers in oddnumbered years, when they are elected, with addresses, phone numbers, e-mail addresses, to DRT Headquarters. CHAIRMAN is responsible for: 1. A Convention program by e-mail and two (2) clean copies of the program 2. List of Hostess Chapters 3. List of Convention attendees by District, by City, by Chapter with total DRT, CRT, and guests Each COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN is responsible for: 1. Committee report 2. All lists by District, by City, by Chapter The finished product shall be delivered to DRT Headquarters, in both written and digital form. Printing, sales, and distribution shall be handed by DRT Headquarters. Awards Committee [See Bylaws Article VII, Sec. 2 (2); and MOP, Committees (General Information) Section]. The Awards Program became effective May 16, 1964, with adoption of the plan by the DRT in Convention assembled at Beaumont. In 1994 the Membership Award category was added. In 2000 the Volunteer Hours Award was added. In 2001 the Six-Star Chapter Award was added by the BOM to the MOP, and in 2010 to the Bylaws, Article XII, Sec. 2 (2). The Awards Committee is responsible for seven (7) chapter awards presented at Annual Conventions. They are Achievement, Attendance, Membership, President General's Project, Volunteer Hours, Six-Star Chapter, and Texas History Award. Chapter awards provide chapter recognition and give chapters an opportunity for self-evaluation. They stimulate pride in and enthusiasm for the goals of DRT and encourage Chapters to support the work of the Association including preserving and promoting the study of Texas history. Chapter Presidents should complete the four (4) Awards Forms covering seven (7) Chapter awards found in the FORMS Section of the Members website, all covering the period of April 16 the previous year to April 15 of the current year: 2013 A.01 Achievement Award Form. A.02 Attendance Award Form. A.03 Texas History Award Form. A.04 Volunteer Hours, Membership, President General’s Project, Six-Star Chapter Award Form Committees, Administrative 85 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index Manual of Procedure Photocopy or print the blank forms so a spare set shall be available in case of error. Submit the Awards Forms and Annual Chapter Narrative Reports by April 22 as follows: Mail or e-mail the awards forms to the Awards Chairman. Mail or e-mail only the Annual Chapter Narrative Report to the President General. Send electronically the Annual Chapter Narrative Report to the Annual Proceedings Chairman The Awards Committee shall receive the reports from the chapters and determine eligibility of each chapter for each award. The committee shall prepare awards certificates and distribute them at Convention. If no chapter member attends Annual Convention or picks up its chapter packet, including awards certificates, the Custodian General shall take the packets to Headquarters and mail them ASAP to Chapter Presidents, with an invoice for postage. Bylaws Committee [See Bylaws Article VII, Sec. 2 (3); Article XII; and MOP, Committees (General Information) and Procedure for Changing the MOP Sections.]. The Committee is responsible for receiving Proposed Bylaws Amendments submitted by November 15 in odd-numbered years, voting whether or not to recommend each of them, and sending them to the BOM to review before presentation by the Bylaws Chairman at their March BOM meeting in even-numbered years. The Proposed Bylaws Amendments shall be sent to Chapter Presidents at least sixty (60) days before the Annual Convention for distribution to their members, showing whether recommended by the Committee and (optionally) the BOM; and shall be posted on the DRT Members website. The Committee shall receive proposed amendments to the Manual of Procedure (MOP) and transmit them to the BOM for study or review prior to the March or May BOM meeting, for inclusion in the next book. The Committee shall present three (3) competitive bids at the March BOM meeting for approval, to republish the amended, updated Bylaws and MOP in even-numbered years following Convention, and shall recommend its selling price. After Convention in even-numbered years, the Bylaws Chairman shall provide the Recording Secretary General with a list of amendments adopted, for inclusion in the Convention minutes; and by June 1 shall send her annual Committee report to the Annual Proceedings Chairman by e-mail. The Bylaws Chairman and Committee shall have sufficient computer expertise and proofreading skills to prepare the book for print. Preparation may if necessary be done with the assistance of the Headquarters office staff under supervision of the Custodian General. The Committee shall provide a digital copy of the Bylaws/MOP to be stored for backup at the Headquarters. The DRT Bylaws/MOP shall be made available by the Headquarters for purchase at district meetings. 2013 Committees, Administrative 86 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index The Daughters of the Republic of Texas Only when a new edition of the Bylaws/MOP is published in even-numbered years should the copy posted on the DRT Members website be changed, unless necessary to correct a publication error. Updates to the MOP adopted by the BOM shall not be inserted into the on-line MOP, causing it to be outof-sync with the printed book and index purchased by members. To allow members to see subsequent MOP amendments, the Bylaws chairman shall provide the Headquarters with a separate list to post on the MOP page of the DRT Members website. It is expected that if an approved amendment must take effect immediately in order to comply with State or National law, the Officer requesting its approval shall notify her Chapter counterparts (i.e., Treasurer General to Chapter Treasurers). Chapter Organization Committee [See Bylaws Article VII, Sec. 1 (2); and MOP, BOM (First Vice President General) Section]. CRT Committee [See Bylaws Article VII, Sec 5; MOP, Committees (General Information) Section]. The CRT Committee, with the Third Vice President General as chairman, shall assist in the organization of new CRT chapters. In addition to duties found in DRT Bylaws [Article VII, Sec. 5,] Committee members shall assist the Third Vice President General with her duties, such as CRT sales tables at DRT meetings and Convention. The Third Vice President General shall have the CRT Committee audit the CRT accounts before the books are turned over to the next Third Vice President General. [See CRT Bylaws.] CRT Membership Committee [See Bylaws Article VII, Sec. 6, and MOP Membership and Committees (General Information) Sec]. This Committee, with the CRT Registrar General as chairman, may consult with the Registrar General and DRT Membership Committee when necessary. Education and Flag Committee [See Bylaws Article VII, Sec. 8; and MOP, Committees (General Information) Sec]. This Education and Flag Committee, with the Fifth Vice President General as chairman, is charged with the responsibility of stimulating interest in early Texas history, especially in our State schools, colleges and universities. It also assembles and distributes information on Texas flags. This committee sponsors four (4) Texas history contests: Fourth and Seventh Grade Texas History Teacher Contests and Fourth and Seventh Grade Texas History Essay Contests for students. To better prepare teachers, essay topics shall be selected a year in advance. The Fifth Vice President General shall notify District Representatives and Chapter Presidents of the topics for the upcoming year 2013 Committees, Administrative 87 Manual of Procedure during the Convention. It shall be the last duty of the outgoing Fifth Vice President General to present the topics for the upcoming year to the newly elected officers and to turn over committee information to the newly elected Fifth Vice President General. Judging shall be by DRT members or other qualified individuals. Student contests should be open to any interested student. An appropriate award should be presented to the winner of each contest by the sponsoring chapter, such as a plaque, framed certificate, monetary award, or Texas charm, dated and bearing chapter name and “The Daughters of the Republic of Texas." Topics of the essays shall be chosen by the committee with input from the nominated Fifth Vice President General. Chapters shall be notified of the topics no later than thirty days after Convention. Contest rules for the four (4) contests may be found on the DRT Members website. Finance Committee [See Bylaws Article VII, Sec. 1 (1); and MOP (General Information) Sec]. The finance committee members shall be assigned duties of oversight. A minimum of two (2) committee members shall be assigned duties of oversight to all audits of all DRT entities, and a minimum of two (2) other committee members shall be assigned duties of the oversight to the investments of DRT. A nonmember of DRT, who has a background in accounting and finance, shall serve as a financial advisor to the members overseeing all audits. This advisor shall be approved by the Board of Management. All audits of DRT entities shall be reviewed by the Treasurer General; the President General; the DRT Finance Committee members assigned the duty of oversight to audits; and the financial advisor. This advisor shall review all audits, including information and letters to management, and shall report to the DRT finance committee members his/her opinions. All expenses submitted for payment to the Treasurer General must have an expense report filled out accompanied by the appropriate documentation. Reimbursement of Expenses: All expenses submitted for payment to the Treasurer General must have an expense report filled out accompanied by the appropriate documentation. Mileage expense for business use of a personal vehicle: DRT will compensate the designated officers in accordance with our bylaws and the current IRS mileage rate for documented business travel. This would include the date, destination, total miles and purpose. You could also establish the date of each trip with a receipt or other documentary evidence. Reimbursement of Expenses: For expenses to be reimbursed, By DRT, you must furnish two items: original receipts for expenses and a detailed listing of such expenses. Although receipts are not readily available for individual miscellaneous expenditure for $10 and under, such as gratuities, parking, etc., receipts are encouraged whenever possible. Expense Reports should be submitted on a monthly basis unless the amount due is large enough to warrant more frequent submissions. All receipts should be taped (not stapled) on letter size paper in chronological order.” Historic Committee [See Bylaws Article VII, Sec. 1(9); and MOP, BOM (Historian General) and Committees (General Information) Sec]. The Historic Committee, with the Historian General as chairman, shall assist the Historian General with all of her duties. They shall encourage Chapter Historians to compile chapter history books and provide information about what should and should not be saved in the books. The committee shall judge the chapter yearbooks and history books at the Convention of odd-numbered years. Awards shall be announced for first, second, and third-place winners. A recognition award is established for those chapters which produce publications to perpetuate our heritage as stated in the DRT Charter , Sec. II (2): “To encourage historical research into the earliest records of Texas . . .” These should be brought to the Annual Convention in odd-numbered years to be displayed along with history books and yearbooks but not to be judged. 2013 Committees, Administrative 88 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index Back to Table of Contents Back to Index The Daughters of the Republic of Texas Guidelines for Chapter History Books Chapter history books may be submitted as a traditional scrapbook or in a digital form with a hard copy. Hard copies shall be judged on the same guidelines as an original book. A CD should be formatted for a PC. 1. The Binder (10 pts.) a. The official DRT seal described and illustrated in Bylaws Article XV, Sec. 1, may be used. If so, it must be above the words, “The Daughters of the Republic of Texas.” Nothing may be above the seal. b. Include the Chapter name and location. c. Dates covered d. Art work may be used. e. Should be no larger than 13 X 13", nor smaller than 9X12". 2. Cover Page (5 pts.) a. The seal may be used. If so, it must be above the words, “The Daughters of the Republic of Texas.” Nothing may be above the seal. b. It must include the Chapter name, location, years covered, and the size classification of the chapter (number of total members), as history books are judged in size classifications. c. It must include the name/address/phone number of the Chapter President, and name/address/phone number of the person who prepared the history book. Classifications are: Class I: 30 or fewer members Class II: 31-60 members Class III: 61-100 members Class IV: 101-150 members Class V: 151 or more members Class VI All Digital History Books 3. 4. Table of Contents (5 pts.) Must be included and the pages of the book must be numbered. a. b. May be laid out in chronological order, or in sections by type of event, or however the Chapter Historian chooses. 5. Chapter Identity (20 pts.) a. Identify the chapter (1) who or what it's named for and why; (2) special write-ups (biographies/photos, perhaps of emeritus or special members); (3) list important facts pertaining to the Chapter (Note: membership figures are on the cover page) b. Locale (1) To help judges put into perspective the efforts of the historian and Chapter, include the names of counties and towns, population covered by the Chapter (2) address/phone numbers of local newspapers; (3) 2013 Committees, Administrative 89 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index Manual of Procedure c. d. e. identify other printed sources that my publish information on the Chapter such as brochures, programs, historical directories, libraries, etc. State Chapter involvement such as BOM/State committee members. Brag on your Chapter stars. Ancestral histories/photos and photos of member descendants. New Member highlights. 6. Chapter Activities (20 pts.) Activities should reflect the work of the chapter, including all programs for two (2) years. The only exception is if the chapter chartered within the biennium. Both years are kept in same book. Suggestions include: a. Meeting agenda, party invitations. b. Include appropriate Chapter correspondence, such as thank you cards, notices, Chapter business, appreciation for sympathy notes, etc. c. Photo or illustration of Chapter pin , explaining its history or meaning; also its selling price. d. Fund Raisers: Photos of sellers and what sold, for how much, and total raised (representation of articles sold may be photographs, illustrations, original pieces of a CD) e. Chapter President's report f. Chapter Officers/Committee Members: Write information on officers, committee members and include photos. Perhaps featuring the President during her term with photo (s) of her ancestor and her history would be interesting. g. Chapter Awards: Include chapter awards with chronological order or include them in a special awards division on the table of contents. Since annual awards certificates are given at the end of each year, they may be added at that time. 7. Newspaper Clippings/Obituaries (10 pts.) Must include the dateline of the newspaper that shows its name, date and page number. Do not use medallions or underline or highlight on the news clippings. To correct newsprint, make a side note that is mounted close by (same or opposite page) and include title, newspaper name, page number, date, corrected information, and name of person who made the corrections. 8. Yearbook (5 pts.) Include a copy of Chapter yearbook (or membership roll) or yearbook insert. A sleeve or pocket may be made to slip the yearbook into, or it may be photocopied or digitized on a CD and inserted. 8. Labeling (5 pts.) a. All photos should be labeled. b. Labeling design and quality shall be considered. 2013 Committees, Administrative 90 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index The Daughters of the Republic of Texas c. Identify all persons in photos, if possible. 9. Quality (10 pts.) a. Photo and layout b. Calligraphy/handwriting quality or font use c. Artistic appearance d. Neatness e. Systematic arrangement f. Durability of materials 10. Originality and Imagination (10 pts.) a. Theme (eXEcution and implementation of guidelines) b. Use of DRT objectives c. Other Total possible points: 100 Suggestions for Materials Archival Preservation Hints: Use “Bookkeeper” spray on newsprint. Use acid-free adhesives or acid-free, pre-glued corners. Use acid-free pens and paper. These may be purchased from such stores as Lights Impressions (, Exposures (, Wal-Mart or book stores. Suggestions for Judges Make sure each history book is placed in the correct classification according to size (See “3. Classifications”) 1. The door to the judging area should be locked during judging. 2. Judges shall not judge their own chapter’s classification. 3. Review all history books before rating any. 4. Very important: Score No. 10, Originality and Imagination, after all books have been scored on the first nine (9) areas, which give some flexibility in determining winners. 5. Complete the Judging Sheet. Comments should be made about anything that is outstanding or lacking. 6. First, Second, Third and Honorable Mention certificates are awarded in each chapter size classification (see “2. Cover Page”). Delivering/Picking-Up History Books Make arrangements for someone to be responsible for getting history book entered in competition before 6 p.m. the first night of the Convention before the opening ceremonies. Inquire at the Convention registration table for the location of history book competition. Also arrange for someone to pick up the book and get it back to the Chapter prior to the close of Convention. History books shall be on display when sales tables are open. Guidelines for Chapter Yearbooks 2013 Committees, Administrative 91 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index Manual of Procedure Any format, size or color is acceptable. Nothing may be placed above the DRT seal as shown in Bylaws Article XV, Sec. 1, and only the seal may be above the words, “The Daughters of the Republic of Texas.” Additional material the chapter may like to add may include: 1. Cover a. Any color or size b. Must contain: “The Daughters of the Republic of Texas” Name and location of chapter Dates for yearbook 2. Contents a. Names and addresses of BOM and chapter officers b. Order of business c. DRT motto (Bylaws Article X) d. DRT colors (Bylaws Article X) e. List of Honor Days, dates and names f. Meeting schedule, dates and place (a regular meeting room needs to be mentioned only once) g. Pledge to the United States Flag h. Pledge to the Texas Flag I. Words to Texas, Our Texas (first verse and chorus) j. Roster of chapter members. It is suggested that the order of listing of members' names be left to the chapters. However, an example for listing members would be: DRT No. Smith, Mary Sue Jones Phone No. (Mrs. Shalliam) Email address Address City, State, Zip DRT No.+R and primary ancestor name DRT No.+S and supplemental ancestor name k. A proviso similar to the following shall be placed in the yearbook, “This Yearbook is for Chapter distribution only. No member’s address, telephone, e-mail address, or birthday may be published or distributed elsewhere without her express consent.” l. Any additional material the chapter would like to add. Historical Publication Committee [See Bylaws Article VII, Sec. 2(4); and MOP, Finances, Restricted Funds, and Endowments; and Committees (General Information) Sections]. The Historical Publication Committee shall be responsible for publication of any DRT material relating to membership and/or ancestral information, such as Founders and Patriots, 90 Years of the Daughters, etc. Should the committee find a historical manuscript or other historical material that they deem worthy of publication, they must secure the approval of the BOM before proceeding with any contracts, bids, etc. Only the interest from the twenty thousand dollar ($20,000.00) restricted Historical Publication Fund shall be used for publications. 2013 Committees, Administrative 92 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index The Daughters of the Republic of Texas All contracts shall be signed by the President General, Recording Secretary General, and the Historical Publication Committee Chairman. After obtaining three (3) bids and consulting with the Treasurer General, the committee shall select the lowest and best bid from a printer and set the selling price, submit them to the BOM for approval, and conduct a prepublication sale. The Committee shall be responsible for the process of publication, from assembling, editing. Upon delivery of the files and printed coy to DRT Headquarters, the Custodian General shall have it printed and shall apply for the Copyright, have the prepublication orders shipped to buyers, and make the books available for sale at District Meetings and Annual Conventions. Legislative Committee [See Bylaws Article VII, Sec.2 (5); and MOP, Committees (General Information) Sec]. The purpose of the Legislative Committee is to keep DRT informed of any legislation before the Texas Legislature, which is of interest to DRT membership. The committee is also charged with keeping the Texas Legislature aware of the special interests of the DRT. The committee shall not take action concerning any legislation without the permission and direction of the BOM; however, recommendations from the committee are encouraged. Membership Committee [See Bylaws Article VII, Sec. 1 (3); and MOP, Membership and Chapter Officers/ Duties (Chapter Registrar) Section]. The Registrar General is chairman of the Membership Committee, whose members assist her in verifying the proofs submitted with applications for membership. The Committee members may assist prospective members and applicants with references for areas of research, but are not expected to conduct the research. Membership Dues Committee [See Bylaws Article VII, Sec. 1 (4); and MOP, BOM (Second Vice President General) Section]. The Membership Dues Committee assists its chairman, the Second Vice President General, in maintaining an accurate record of the active and inactive membership and in posting of dues. Media and Communication Committee [See Bylaws Article VII, Sec 2 (6)]. This goal of the Media and Communication Committee is to inform and educate the general public about DRT and to promote DRT projects and activities that result in a positive image of the organization and growth in its membership. The Committee shall disseminate this information through various tools including: Television, newspapers, Internet (blogs, social networking, and websites), online and print publications/newsletters, radio, billboards, interviews, and electronic presentations. 2013 Committees, Administrative 93 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index Manual of Procedure This committee shall encourage the development of a corporate identity and guidelines for usage and the creation and distribution of brochures, newsletters, and fact information sheets. This committee shall encourage chapters in publicizing Texas Honor Days, historical events, and functions of DRT. It shall endeavor to supply chapters with a template press kit (i.e., photo library). The committee shall encourage the development of chapter websites, increased participation in the state DRT website, and the implementation of social media initiatives. This committee shall be a resource for DRT chapter officers, the BOM, and other DRT entities in the utilization of technology tools (i.e., PowerPoint). The committee shall continuously work to implement new and emerging technologies as well as standard information sources in order to promote a positive image of DRT. This Committee shall be responsible for promoting the Native Texan License Plate project. Memorial Park Committee [For more information on the Memorial Park Committee, see Bylaws Article VII, Sec. 2 (7)]. Publicity Records Committee [See Bylaws Article VII, Sec 2 (8)]. The goal of the Publicity Records Committee is to encourage chapters to inform the general public about the work of DRT and the contributions and sacrifices of our ancestors by collecting and maintaining and recognizing chapter media. The committee shall collect articles from the Chapter Historians relating to chapter activities, dedications and projects for the publicity file. At the end of her term the Publicity Records Committee Chairman must see that the publicity file is placed in the DRT Archives at DRT Headquarters. Guidelines for Submitting Chapter Publicity 1. Submit articles to the Publicity Chairman quarterly with the postmark deadline for the final quarter being April 24. 2. The chapter name or mention of DRT must appear in the article, brochure, radio, or TV feature. 3. Any article about a DRT member is acceptable only if her name and DRT affiliation are included in the article. 4. Do not send snapshots or photographs. Do not use tape, glue, staples, or highlighters. Do not write on articles; do not correct them. 5. The number of inches and the number of articles shall be counted. 6. The number of radio and TV spots shall be counted. A copy of the text that is aired should be sent. 7. To submit newspaper articles, first carefully clip the article, the source name and publication date. Then, preferably, photocopy the article and accompanying information for submission. The original may then be used for a Chapter History Book or a Chapter Publicity Book. However, if preferred or the article is too large, the original may be submitted. 2013 Committees, Administrative 94 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index The Daughters of the Republic of Texas 8. A list of articles must accompany each submission. 9. Obituaries are not considered publicity. Send all obituaries to the Chaplain General for the Book of Memory. Senior Members Committee [See Bylaws Article VII, Sec. 2 (10); and MOP, Committees (General Information) Section]. A Senior Member is a member of the Senion Members Committee with continuous or cumulative active membership in the DRT for 25 years or longer. Senior Member Certificates are issued at Annual Conventions to members who have reached 25, 50, or 75 years of membership during the preceding year (prior to June 1), based on their date of admission, whose dues have been paid every year for the designated time period. The DRT Headquarters database shall be used to identify eligible members with continuous membership, and the Senior Members Chairman shall verify their past dues payments with the Second Vice President General's records. If a Chapter has a member with cumulative but not continuous membership for that many years, the Chapter President or Treasurer must notify the Senior Members Chairman, who must verify the member’s record with the Second Vice President General. In the event a member has been placed on inactive status without her knowledge and requests reinstatement within six (6) months of learning that she has been designated inactive, the certificate shall be based upon accumulated years rather than continuous years. CRT membership does not count toward these certificates. Certificates shall not be awarded posthumously. The Senior Members Committee shall send to Chapter Presidents a letter by February 1 listing their members who appear eligible to receive a certificate at the Annual Convention. The blank certificates, seals, and ribbon for the Senior Members awards shall be provided to the Committee by the Headquarters. The certificate for a senior member not present at Convention shall be mailed to her or presented personally by her chapter president. Under no circumstances should the certificate be retained for presentation at a district meeting. Should a member notify the senior members chairman that she was eligible but did not receive a certificate at Convention, if the chairman may verify the eligibility she shall send her a certificate as soon as possible, and ask the Annual Proceedings chairman to include the name in the list to be published in the Annual, if time permits. Appropriate year designation pins may be ordered from J. Brandt Co., 2816 W. Lancaster Avenue, Ft. Worth, TX 76107, phone 817-877-0513, after a member receives a certificate. Ordering information may be obtained from Chapter Treasurers [See the J.01 Jewelry/Insignia Order Form DRT and J.02 Jewelry/Insignia Order Form CRT in FORMS Section of MOP]. 2013 Committees, Administrative 95 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index Manual of Procedure Relics, Old Trails and Historic Sites Committee [See Bylaws Article VII, Sec. 1 (7); and MOP, Organization and History (History of Memorial Medallions), BOM (Fourth Vice President General), and Ceremonies and Services Sections]. The Fourth Vice President General is chairman of this committee. It assists donors in the placing of relics and artifacts pertaining to Texas history in Republic of Texas Museums designated by the donor. It is also charged with locating, identifying, and helping preserve historic roads, buildings, sites, etc. The committee cooperates with the Republic of Texas Museum and the San Jacinto Republic of Texas Museum in the discovery and placement of artifacts at those Republic of Texas Museums. It should be informed of any proposed action at Texas historical sites and the activities of their custodians. The three (3) Applications for Memorial Medallions are MM.01 DRT-CRT Members, MM.02 VeteranDefender-Citizen, and MM.03 Historic Site (and instructions) in the FORMS Section of the DRT member’s website. San Jacinto Battleground Committee [For more information on the San Jacinto Battleground Committee, see Bylaws Article VII, Sec. 2 (9), and MOP, Committees (General Information) Section]. Ad Hoc/Special Committees . An ad hoc, or special committee may be appointed for a specific task or objective the President General and the BOM shall deem necessary, and dissolved after completion of the task or achievement of the objective. Ad hoc committees shall consist of three (3) or more members. At the completion of the task for which the committee was appointed, its chairman shall place all articles for sale, supplies, material, and reports at DRT Headquarters and all funds and investments with the Treasurer General. 2013 Committees, Administrative 96 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index The Daughters of the Republic of Texas CHAPTER OFFICERS/DUTIES New Chapters [See Bylaws Article IV, Sec. 2 (1); Article IX, Sec 2 and MOP, BOM (First Vice President General) Section]. Formation of new chapters is the responsibility of the Organization Committee, with the First Vice President General as chairman. Individuals interested in forming a new chapter should contact the First Vice President General who shall in turn consult with the BOM. The President General shall appoint an Organizing President that may demonstrate the leadership skills to guide a new chapter. The chapter's Organizing President shall call a meeting to formally organize the chapter. The chapter shall select a name and decide upon a date for the first election of officers. The date for the chartering ceremony shall be recorded, and the BOM shall commemorate the date by issuing a charter bearing the date of organization and the names of the charter members. New members and transfer members may be charter members. The chapter has the option of holding the charter open for up to one year from the date of charter. The newly organized chapter shall receive assistance and guidance from the Organizing President for two (2) years following chartering of the chapter. A more detailed description of the steps involved in the formation of a new chapter may be found in the duties of the First Vice President General. Each new chapter must have a federal identification number. To obtain this number, a chapter must first obtain an Application for Employer I.D. Number (Form SS-4) by calling 1-800-829-3676. After completing the Form SS-4, call the IRS in Austin at (512) 462-7843 to obtain a Federal Tax Identification Number. This may also be done on the IRS web site at General Information for Chapter Officers Chapter officer elections and terms of office are defined in DRT Bylaws Article IX, Sec. 1 & 8, and general chapter information is in Bylaws Article IX. All chapter officers are encouraged to own and be familiar with the current DRT Bylaws and MOP. Chapters may have one or more vice presidents, depending on the wishes of the membership and the size of the chapter. If a chapter has five (5) vice presidents, it is advisable that their duties closely reflect those of the corresponding Vice Presidents General. Should the Chapter President be unable to preside, the chapter should call on the vice presidents to do so in their numerical order. Chapters should include in their Bylaws a provision for the replacement of nonfunctioning officers. 2013 Committees, Administrative 97 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index Manual of Procedure Chapter President The President presides at all meetings, conducting the business in the prescribed manner. It is her duty to expedite the business in an orderly manner, allowing all members the right to speak or debate on questions according to the most current edition of Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised. The presiding officer does not speak for or against any subject. She shall share all information received from the BOM and the Headquarters, including Minutes of BOM and Administrative Committee meetings, with her officers and members as quickly as possible, by forwarding reports she receives via e-mail and having copies available at meetings. She shall electronically notify Headquarters immediately after chapter election the list of new officers. The meeting program may be scheduled at whatever time is convenient for the speaker and the chapter, but other than that, the following is the suggested order of business for a chapter business meeting: 1. Call to order 2. Invocation 3. Pledge to the United States flag 4. Pledge to the Texas flag 5. Reading and acceptance of minutes 6. Reading of officers' reports 7. Reading of committee reports 8. Unfinished business 9. New business 10. Benediction The President appoints and is an ex-officio member of all committees except the Nominating Committee. The President shall call a board meeting for the preparation of a budget at the beginning of the chapter year (unless the Chapter Bylaws require a different procedure, i.e., through a financial or budget committee). The President shall send by email, no later than April 15, one copy of the Annual Chapter Narrative Report to the Annual Proceedings Chairman and one to the President General. She shall complete and submit by April 22 each year the four (4) completed Award Forms to the Awards Committee Chairman, covering the period of April 16 to the next April 15 [See A.01, A.02, A.03, and A.04 in FORMS Section of the DRT Members website]. The Awards Committee shall determine the eligibility of each chapter for each award, prepare awards certificates, and distribute them at Convention. If no chapter member attends Annual Convention or picks up its chapter packet, including awards and other certificates, the Custodian General shall take the packets to Headquarters and mail ASAP to them to Chapter Presidents, with an invoice for postage. For a Chapter to endorse its member(s) to the Nominating Committee for officer candidates for the Board of Management, the Chapter must vote at a Chapter meeting in which a quorum is present. A completed Chapter Endorsement for General Office Form must be sent to all ten (10) members of the Nominating Committee, postmarked by December 1. It may be submitted by e-mail only if the form is scanned and shows the signatures [See Bylaws, Article VI, and form C.04 in FORMS Section of the DRT member’s website]. 2013 Chapter Officers/Duties 98 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index The Daughters of the Republic of Texas For a Chapter to endorse its member(s) for election at its District Meeting, the Chapter must vote in a Chapter meeting at which a quorum is present. The Chapter President must notify her District Representative in writing prior to the District Workshop, sending the Chapter Endorsement of Member for District Election Form, or a letter which provides all the same information, signed by the Chapter President, Recording Secretary, and the member [See District Information Section, BOM Representatives, and Form C.03 in the FORMS Section of the DRT member’s website]. $ For election at the District Meeting (in odd-numbered years), to District Representative or Alternate. $ For election at the District Meeting (in odd-numbered years) to the Nominating Committee or Alternate. (By Date) Note Subject to bylaws adoption Chapter Checklist June DRT Fiscal Year begins (Bylaws Article I, Sec. 15) Completion of research at DRT Library for Virginia M. Law Research Award (MOP p. 99) 01 Essay topics, Laura Lannigan Texas History Essay contest for 4 th and 7th grades announced by Fifth Vice-President, so chapters may notify interested schools. 01 Submission Deadline: BOM and Committee Annual Narratives must be transmitted to Annual Proceedings Chair via email 01 CRT Submission Deadline: CRT Officer General Projects due to 3 rd VP Gen/CRT Director and CRT President General 20 Filing Deadline: Chapters on a monthly remittance schedule must remit collected sales tax to the State Comptroller’s Office (Monthly remittances are due on the 20 th of each month) 30 Submission Deadline: Chapter Treasurer sends completed Chapter “Entity” Form to Treasurer General Jun-Aug 5th VP Gen shall announce topics for Laura Lanagan Texas History Essay Contest – Chapters should notify interested schools 01 01 July 01 01 Chapter Treasurers send second dues notice to members 1st Chapter Dues Report: Chapter Treasurer to 2nd VP General – Bylaws Article I, Sec.1 form in MOP. August 01 Final Dues Report one month before Final Dues Report Deadline required to qualify for 02 Membership Award Aug-Oct Chapter Endorsement of Nominees for District Rep and/or Alternate/Nominating Committee Member and/or Alternate sent in writing to District Rep prior to District Meeting: District Rep and Alt nominees in even numbered years, Nom. Com Members and Alt nominees in odd numbered years. (Bylaws Article I, Sec 8) 2013 Committees, Administrative 99 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index Manual of Procedure September Dues Deadline: Members must postmark to Chapter Treasurer; unpaid members become Inactive. Members at large pay to 2nd VP General 07 Final Dues and Reconciliation Report postmarked by Chapter Treasurer to 2nd VP Gen - Bylaws Article I, Sec 15, forms on the member’s website - Members whose dues are not postmarked to 2nd VP Gen become inactive) Mid 3rd Saturday, Texian Navy Day 18 Texas Heroes Day 27 Goliad Heroes Day 29 Submission Deadline, Virginia M. Law Research Award (entries delivered to DRT Library) 01 October 01 02 07 15 31 Filing Deadline for Chapter Treasurer to remit sales tax to State Comptroller Gonzales Day Final Chapter Dues Report Form c.03 Reconciliation Form C.04, and Chapter check sent by Chapter Treasurer to 2nd VP Gen postmarked by this date. IRS Filing Deadline for Chapter Treasurer to e-file 990EZ990N to maintain 503(c)3 tax eXEmpt status, include previous year’s Volunteer Hours (Chapters with $50,000 gross revenue file 990N, Chapters with less file 990EZ) Virginia M. Law Research Award winner announced November 03 06 15 Stephen F. Austin’s Birthday DRT Founders Day Submission Deadline, any Bylaw Amendment Proposals must be “in the hands” of Bylaws Com Chairman in odd numbered years for consideration at next convention (Bylaws Article XIII, Sec. 3, form in MOP) December 01 10 31 January 2013 Submission Deadline, Chapter Endorsement of Nominees for Officers General sent in writing to the Nominating Com Chair in even numbered years (Bylaws Article II, Sec. 8, forms from the member’s website) Submission Deadline, entries in Republic of Texas Museum Art Contest sent to DRT Headquarters (DRT Website Submission Deadline, Chapter contributions to President General’s Project sent to 2nd VP Gen to qualify for President General’s Project Award (forms from the DRT member’s website) Mid Essays and Teacher Materials for Laura Lanigan Texas History Essay Contest due to chapters for judging and selection of chapter winners 20 Filing Deadline: Chapters on an annual remittance schedule must remit collected sales tax to the State Comptroller’s Office. 26 Lamar Texas Honor Day Chapter Officers/Duties 100 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index The Daughters of the Republic of Texas 31 Submission Deadline, any entries for June Franklin Naylor Award to DRT Library (MOP) February 01 01 19 Senior Members Award: Senior Members Chair contact some chapters to verify possible qualifying members for 25, 50, or 75 year certificates (Bylaws Article VIII, Sec. 2) CRT Submission Deadline: Proposed CRT bylaw amendments must be sent to the 3rd Vice Pres. Gen/DRT Director and CRT Parliamentarian General (annually). Texas Statehood Honor Day March 01 01 02 06 10 10 mid mid 27 April 2013 Chapters respond to Senior Members Chair re possible members eligible for certificates) Submission Deadline, Chapters transmit 4th & 7th Grade Essay and Texas History Teachers to District Rep for final judging (Article VIII, Sec.2 (3). Texas Independence and Flag Day Alamo Heroes Day Submission Deadline, any entries for Mamie Wynne Cox Award sent to Historian General Submission Deadline, District Reps transmit winning district 4th & 7th Grade Essay and Texas History Teachers to 5th VP Gen for Laura Lanigan Texas History Award for final judging At least 60 days before Convention, Bylaws Com distributes proposed Bylaw Amendments to Chapters in even-numbered years (Bylaws, Article VIII, Sec. 2) Custodian Gen/Headquarters staff send Chapter Membership Roll to Chapter Treasurers for correction; if Chapters send membership changes as they occur, the roll shall be correct Goliad Heroes Day Membership Applications approved by Registrars Gen on/after this date not liable for additional dues until the following year (Bylaws Article I) Mid Convention Registration by members at least 30 days prior to Convention to avoid $10 late fee (Bylaws Article I) Mid Nominating Com distributes Slate and bios to Chapters and website at least 45 days before Convention 15 Notification Deadline, receipt by Chaplain Gen of members’ deaths reported by Chapter Chaplains for inclusion in Memorial Service at Convention (MOP) Submission Deadline, Publicity Award, all printed articles sent by Chapters to Publicity Records Chair (MOP) 21 San Jacinto Day 22 Submission Deadline, DRT and CRT Chapter Annual Narrative Reports sent electronically to Annual Proceedings Chair, President General, and Recording Secretary General 22 Submission Deadline, Chapter Awards Forms (from the DRT member’s website) postmarked by or sent electronically to Awards Chair; include Volunteer Hours from Apr 01 Committees, Administrative 101 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index Manual of Procedure 22 16 last year-Apr 15 this year. Highest possible score on each one required for Six Star Chapter Award Submission Deadline, Chapters must submit all published materials to Publicity Chair to qualify for Publicity Award April/May In odd-number years, Chapter Presidents notify Headquarters immediately of list of chapter officers elected. May 01 01 01 01 01 mid 31 06 10 10 mid mid 2013 Submission Deadline, BOM and Committee Annual Narrative reports sent electronically to Annual Proceedings Chair, President General, and Recording Secretary General Reporting Deadline, Historian General and 5th VP Gen Historical Dinner honorees to Convention Chairman for Convention program Chapter Treasurers return corrected Membership Roll to Custodian Gen/Headquarters Chapter Treasurers, send Dues Notices to members CRT Submission Deadline, entries for Grandmother of the Year Award, CRT Roth Trophy, Haltom Trophy and Scholarship Awards to 3rd VP Gen Opening day of Convention, Chapters take Chapter History Books and Yearbooks to judging room by 5 p.m. in odd numbered years. DRT Fiscal Year Ends Alamo Heroes Day Submission Deadline, any entries for Mamie Wynne Cox Award sent to Historian General Submission Deadline, District Reps transmit winning district 4th & 7th Grade Essay and Texas History Teachers to 5th VP Gen for Laura Lanigan Texas History Award for final judging At least 60 days before Convention, Bylaws Com distributes proposed Bylaw Amendments to Chapters in even-numbered years (Bylaws, Article VIII, Sec. 2) Custodian Gen/Headquarters staff send Chapter Membership Roll to Chapter Treasurers Chapter Officers/Duties 102 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index The Daughters of the Republic of Texas Chapter Treasurer The Treasurer collects all chapter dues. Organization dues must be received by the Chapter Treasurer by September 1 and in the hands of the Second Vice President General by September 7 [See Bylaws Article I, Sec. 16(5)]. New members whose applications are approved after April 1 are not liable for Organization or Chapter dues again until the following year. Review the information regarding chapters in the Bylaws in Article IX, Chapter information and in Chapter Officers. Information is also in the MOP under Chapter Officers/Duties. Reinstatement and Transfer Request Forms are M.08 and M.09 in the FORMS from the DRT member’s website; they may be copied/enlarged for your use, or downloaded from the DRT Members website. It is important that chapter officers have a copy of the latest edition of the DRT bylaws and MOP, published in even-numbered years. They may be purchased from the DRT Headquarters. Chapter Treasurer's Calendar May 1 Fiscal year begins, start collecting dues at last Chapter meeting. By June 30 Filing deadline, completed DRT Chapter Entity form with Treasurer General, including volunteer hours for fiscal year By July 1 Send first dues notices to unpaid Chapter members. By Aug 1 Remit collected dues to Second Vice President General with a Chapter Dues Report Form (C.01), Dues Reconciliation Form (C.02), and Chapter check. [See FORMS Section from the DRT member’s website]. By Aug 1 Send second dues notices to unpaid Chapter members and remind members of the consequences of being placed on the inactive list. August 1 Deadline to qualify for Membership Award, all dues sent to Second Vice President General. Sept 1 Deadline for receipt of dues by Chapter Treasurer, who shall remit final collected dues to the Second Vice President General. Unpaid members shall be placed on inactive status without further notice; payment of a Reinstatement fee and current dues shall be required to return to active status. October 1 Deadline for Chapter Treasurer to remit sales tax to State Comptroller. October 7 Final Chapter Dues Report Form C3, Reconciliation Form C4, and Chapter October 15 Deadline for Chapter Treasurer to e-file form 990N with IRS to maintain 501(c) 3 tax eXEmpt status. Include previous year’s volunteer hours, check sent by Chapter Treasurer to 2nd VP Gen Postmarked by this date. Dues and Fees Collecting and Remitting Dues Guidelines for Chapter Treasurers Send all Organization Dues Reports and Fees to the Second Vice President General as soon as possible; with a Chapter check made payable to DRT. 2013 Committees, Administrative 103 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index Manual of Procedure Dues and Fees as set in Bylaws, Article I. Sec 16. Dues: Chapter Members $45.00 per annum Members-at-Large $45.00 per annum plus $8.00 administrative fee Fees: Initiation Fee $70.00 Supplemental Fee $40.00 Reinstatement Fee $25.00 Transfer Fee $10.00 Dues Reports Each Chapter Treasurer’s dues remittance to the Second Vice President General shall contain three (3) items: 1. Chapter check for Organization dues, made payable to DRT, accompanied by 2. Dues Report Form C.01, a printed, numbered, alphabetical list of all members, their DRT number and status, with column headings similar to the shown below, and 3. Dues Reconciliation Form C.02 [See FORMS from DRT Members website]. An electronic spreadsheet file of the Dues Report Form may be obtained via e-mail from the Second Vice President General. START with a list of ALL chapter members from last year’s final dues report, plus those added since then, in alphabetical order by last name/first name. Indicate which have deceased, resigned, or transferred out and when (to what chapter); which are new by application (approved by April 1), reinstated, transferred in and when (from what chapter); which are new by application since April 1 and emeritus members who pay no dues. Indicate which have not replied to dues notices. Do not list associate or posthumous members. This procedure allows the Second Vice President General to account for all members, added or removed, from each chapter since the previous year’s final dues payment. PLEASE LIMIT THE NUMBER OF DUES REPORTS TO THREE (3). CHAPTER DUES REPORT FORM C.01 Instructions: Make as many copies as needed of Form C.01 in FORMS from Members website. If your chapter uses a computer file for dues reports, please use a similar format. 2013 Chapter Officers/Duties 104 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index The Daughters of the Republic of Texas Report heading at the top of each report: 1. Report number 1, 2, or 3 and the date should be on every page. 2. The fiscal year you are reporting, such as 2012-2013. 3. Your chapter name, city, and district. 4. Treasurer’s name, phone number, and e-mail address. The Chapter Roster list of members sent to the Second Vice President General with dues shall include: All members and their DRT Nos. listed in alphabetical order regardless of payment status. Include members as shown on the official roll sent to Chapter Treasurers each April by DRT Head-quarters, or as marked for correction when you returned the roll to Headquarters; members gained since then, and Emeritus members approved by the Second VPG – but not associate or posthumous members. (Submit any other name or address changes to the Second Vice President General on a Member Data Change Form, M.07). New members approved after April 1 and Emeritus members owe no dues but should be listed. Column headings: A. B. C. Number each member in this column when you are finished, or let the computer do it for you. DRT No., from the roll sent by Headquarters in April or your Chapter yearbook. Last name, first name of member, in alphabetical order. When submitting multiple reports, always list all members; do not omit names of members whose dues were remitted on a previous report or not yet received. D. Report 1. If this member’s dues are remitted in your first report, enter the amount. Total the column at bottom of report should equal the amount of first check you send. E. Report 2. If this member’s dues are remitted in your second report, enter the number 1. Total the column at bottom of report should equal the amount of second check you send. F. Report 3. If this member’s dues are remitted with your third report, enter the number 1. Total the column at bottom of report should equal the amount of third check you send. These are members lost: G. H. I. J. Deceased. Enter date of member’s death. Resigned. Enter date of member’s resignation. Transfer Out Date-To. Enter date of the transfer, and name of Chapter she transferred to. No Reply. If member did not ever reply to dues notices, enter the number 1 here, and total column at bottom. These are members gained: K. L. M. N. O. New member before 4/1. Enter date new member’s application was approved; remit her dues. Reinstated. Enter date member was reinstated; remit her dues. Transfer In Date-From. Enter date and name of Chapter she transferred from; remit dues. New member aft 4/1. Enter date approved after April 1; they owe no dues this year. Emeritus. Enter 1 for each emeritus member; they pay no dues; total column at bottom of report. 2013 Committees, Administrative 105 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index Manual of Procedure Complete and submit a Dues Reconciliation Form C.02 with each dues remittance [See FORMS from the DRT member’s website]. Reinstatements An inactive member who desires reinstatement and whose written request is accepted by vote of a chapter shall be restored to full membership upon the payment of her dues for the current year and a $25.00 reinstatement fee. The Chapter Treasurer shall collect Organization and Chapter dues, the reinstatement fee, and submits a completed M.08 Reinstatement Form, fee, and current Organization dues to the Second Vice President General. [See Bylaws Article I, Sec. 4 (a), and Article II, Sec. 2. Dues and Fees; M.08 in the FORMS Section at:]. Transfers The Chapter Treasurer has a significant role in membership transfers. She shall ensure that any DRT or CRT member wishing to transfer into her Chapter is accepted for membership by the Chapter before any other action is taken [See Bylaws Article I, Sec. 4 and 6]. A detailed description of all transfer procedures may be found in the MOP, Membership Section. Upon election to membership by vote of her NEW chapter, the member shall obtain a Transfer Request Form, M.09 in the FORMS from the DRT Members website. Applicants When an applicant submits her application papers to the Chapter Registrar, the check accompanying the application shall include Organization dues and initiation fee. It may or may not include the chapter dues, depending on the chapter's procedure for collection of this first payment of chapter dues. Technically, the chapter dues are not due until the applicant’s papers have been approved by the Registrar General and a membership number assigned. Some chapters prefer to collect Organization and Chapter dues and the initiation fee in one check payable to the Chapter. The Chapter then sends a Chapter check for the Organization dues and initiation fee with the application papers. If this procedure is followed and the application is rejected, the Chapter must refund the Chapter dues to the applicant. Ordering Insignia Jewelry/Insignia Order Forms are J.01 for CRT members and J.02 for DRT members in the FORMS from the Members website. After completing the order form, including the signatures of the Chapter President and Chapter Treasurer, attach a check and send to J. Brandt Co., Inc. 2816 W. Lancaster Ave., Ft. Worth, TX, Telephone: 1-800-435-5749. Ordering DRT Supplies Application papers, CDs, ribbons, books, etc., should be ordered from the Custodian General, DRT Headquarters, 510 East Anderson Lane, Austin, Texas 78752-1218. A current supply list is found in the MOP under the General Information/Miscellaneous Section. Applications for memorial medallions must be sent to the Fourth Vice President General. The Treasurer General does not sell anything. 2013 Chapter Officers/Duties 106 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index The Daughters of the Republic of Texas Checks All checks sent to the Registrar General, to the Custodian General for items purchased from the DRT Headquarters, and to the Second Vice President General for dues and fees should be made payable to DRT. Donations and Memorials For donations to a specific project, checks should be mailed directly to the appropriate committee. Contributions to the President General’s Project should be with a separate check mailed to the Second Vice President General with a dues report, or afterwards to the Treasurer General. Undesignated donations should be sent to the Treasurer General. When sending a memorial donation, please include the name and address of the person(s) who should receive acknowledgment and notification. Those sent to a DRT project or property should be made payable to that project as follows: 2013 Project: Send to: The Vision - Republic Village The Vision Chair 510 East Anderson Lane Austin, TX 78752-1218 Republic of Texas Museum Republic of Texas Museum Chair 510 East Anderson Lane Austin, TX 78752-1218 DRT Library Collection DRT Library Collection Committee Chair P. O. Box 1401 San Antonio, TX 78295-1401 The Cradle The Cradle P. O. Box 3268 Galveston, TX 77552-3268 Building Fund Treasurer General French Legation Museum French Legation Museum Chair 802 San Marcos Austin, TX 78702-2647 The Alamo Alamo Executive Director P. O. Box 2599 San Antonio, TX 78299-2599 Committees, Administrative 107 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index Manual of Procedure Name and Address Changes Send all changes regarding membership information (deaths, marriages, address changes, etc.) to the DRT Headquarters as they occur. Changes may be sent by email to, with a copy to the Second Vice President General (or CRT Registrar General if for a CRT member), or the fill-in Member Data Change Form M.07 in the FORMS from the DRT Members website. It may be emailed or sent through the mail. It is not necessary to send the names of new members, since the Registrar General sends a list of all newly-approved members to the Second Vice President General and the Treasurer General. Staff at DRT Headquarters maintains the membership database. They provide the Second Vice President General with membership cards for new members, and she posts changes on the membership cards. In late March each year the Chapter Treasurer shall receive a chapter membership roll from the Custodian General. The Chapter Treasurer should make all necessary corrections and return the chapter roll to the Headquarters, keeping copies for herself and the Chapter President. This corrected data shall be used for the Annual Proceedings. This membership roll provides a starting point for listing chapter members on the dues report in the fall. Federal IRS 990N Filing Requirements Chapter Treasurers should file an IRS 990N before October 15 each year. Sales Tax Collection and Remittance If a chapter sells anything, with the exception of books that the chapter has published, the chapter must collect and remit sales tax on all items it sells. Each chapter may hold two (2) one-day, tax-free sales or auctions each calendar year. For purposes of exemption, one day is counted as 24 consecutive hours. The sale of tangible property is subject to Texas sales and use tax. Tangible property includes property that may be seen, weighed, measured, felt, touched, or that is perceptible to the senses in any other manner. A ground rental for hosting an event is not subject to sales tax unless billed in connection with the sale of a taxable item. Sales tax is due from the purchaser on the sales price of taxable items sold at an auction. If a chapter plans to sells and to the general public, it must obtain a sales tax permit. This permit may be obtained free of charge from a State Comptroller's Field Office or through the toll free number, 1-800252-5555. You must first have your chapter’s federal identification number to obtain the Texas sales tax number [See MOP, Chapter Officers/Duties (New Chapters), fourth paragraph]. Chapter sales shall probably be small enough for an annual sales tax report, and the report itself is very simple with easy-tofollow instructions. New chapters must obtain a Texas sales tax ID. All chapter treasurers must remit sales tax to the State Comptroller by October 1st at The following formulas provide a simple method to calculate the taXEs while charging a round amount for items being sold: 2013 Chapter Officers/Duties 108 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index The Daughters of the Republic of Texas 1. 2. Assume a price of $10.00 includes tax at a sales tax rate of 8.25 percent. Dividing $10.00 by 1.0825 gives $9.264, which is the price of the item without tax. To prove, multiply $9.264 by 8.25% which is 76 cents. $9.24 + $.76 = $10.00. To clear $10.00 on an item without charging $10.73, i.e., $10 price plus 83 cents tax, round the price up to the nearest dollar, in this case, charge $11.00. Applying the formula, divide $11 by 1.0825 which gives $10.16 as the price of the item for reporting purposes and $.84 is the tax. $10.16 + $.84 = $11.00. Purchases DRT and all chapters are eXEmpt from paying sales tax on all items purchased for use by DRT or the chapters. This includes office supplies, printing, equipment rental, or meals at a chapter luncheon meeting at a public eating place. It does not include members' hotel rooms at Convention. A sales tax eXEmption form must be completed and furnished to the retailer. (A copy of this form may be obtained from the Treasurer General.) The Chapter Treasurer should keep a supply of these forms to use when making purchases, listing the chapter as and signing the form. If the chapter does not have a mailing address, the person making the purchase should use her own address. Please note that an ID number is not necessary to be eXEmpt. If the supplier is insistent, use the chapter's Federal Identification Number. The important information is that we are exempted under Section 501(c) (3) by the Internal Revenue Service. Chapter Registrars and Chapter CRT Registrars The Chapter Registrar is custodian of the chapter's file of all application papers, active, inactive, emeritus, transferred-out, and deceased. The Chapter Registrar is responsible for seeing that the membership applications and proofs submitted by her chapter are properly completed before sending them with the appropriate fees to the DRT Registrar General or the CRT Registrar General. She should verify all names, dates and places typed on the applications against those on the proofs submitted. [See DRT Bylaws Article I; Article II, Sec. 1-2; Article XIV, Sec. 4; and MOP, Membership Section.] Chapter Chaplain The Chapter Chaplain shall open Chapter meetings with a prayer and may close with a benediction. She sends notice of the death of a member to the Chaplain General as soon as possible [See Bylaws Article IV, Sec. 3]. Her duties may include sending condolence cards to members who have had deaths in their family and/or get well cards to members who are ill or hospitalized. She also may conduct a chapter memorial service for deceased members, either annually or as the need arises. She is requested to have each member complete a copy of the Member Biographical Form M.06 and keep it on file in the chapter, with a picture, if possible, in a 3-ring binder. The Form may be used for speaker information, record of activities of members, chapter Memorial Service, and submission to the Chaplain General when reporting a member’s death. The death of a chapter member is reported to the Chaplain General on the Deceased Member Report Form M.05, to include a copy of the obituary, funeral service and any other information on the member. Submit with a copy of the Member Biographical Form. 2013 Committees, Administrative 109 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index Manual of Procedure Both forms are given to each chaplain in the Chaplain General’s Instruction Package. [See Forms M.05 and M.06 in the FORMS from DRT Members website.] Chapter Recording Secretary The Chapter Recording Secretary shall keep the minutes of all chapter meetings and all chapter board meetings. She shall assist the President in the preparation of the chapter's annual narrative report and must co-sign the report. She shall co-sign the Chapter Endorsement for District Election Form when the Chapter votes to nominate its member(s) for election to District Representative or Alternate, or Nominating Committee member or Alternate, at the District Meeting. She shall co-sign the Chapter Endorsement for Officer General Form of the Nominating Committee when the Chapter votes to endorse its member(s) for election to the Board of Management. Chapter Historian The information below relates to chapter history books, chapter publicity, and chapter yearbooks. Some chapters have a Chapter Historian, a Publicity Committee Chairman, and a Yearbook Committee Chairman, in which case the job descriptions shall apply separately. The Chapter Historian shall document the chapter's activities in a history book. She shall take photographs whenever possible at chapter meetings and activities. The history book shall be taken to Annual Convention in odd-numbered years and entered in competition. [See MOP, Committees (Historic Committee) for guidelines for history books]. She shall encourage interest in locating, marking and preserving historic sites. She shall send the Publicity Records Committee Chairman copies of news articles concerning the chapter for the DRT publicity file and for the counting of publicity inches. [See MOP, Committees (Publicity Records Committee), for guidelines for publicity]. She shall prepare a chapter yearbook. A copy shall be taken to Annual Convention in odd-numbered years and entered in competition. [See MOP, Committees (Historic Committee), for guidelines for chapter yearbooks.] Chapter CRT Sponsor In many chapters one of the vice presidents is the CRT sponsor. She directs the activities of the CRT and arranges CRT meetings. She places special emphasis on the study of Texas history, endeavors to interest CRT members in the preservation of documents and relics, and encourages CRT members to cherish their heritage. It is her duty to work with the CRT Registrar (or Chapter Registrar) to determine the eligibility of applicants and to seek qualified new members. In some chapters the CRT Sponsor and the CRT Registrar are the same. 2013 Chapter Officers/Duties 110 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index The Daughters of the Republic of Texas The sponsor should inform the CRT members about the CRT Convention and encourage members to attend and participate in all activities. If at all possible, she accompanies them to the CRT Convention. She shall prepare an annual report describing the chapter's work. Before the first of May, one copy of the annual report and the membership roll shall be sent to the Recording Secretary General, one copy each to the Third Vice President General, Custodian General, and electronically to the Annual Proceedings Chairman. 2013 Committees, Administrative 111 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index Manual of Procedure Purchase of CRT Jewelry and Ribbon Chapter members may obtain jewelry permits and order blanks for jewelry from their Chapter CRT Registrar who shall assist them in completing the forms [See J.01 Jewelry/Insignia Order Form in FORMS from the DRT member’s website]. Members-at-Large should request the permit and order blank from the CRT Registrar General of DRT, or download from the DRT Members website. The DRT Third Vice-President General should be contacted concerning ribbon. 2013 Chapter Officers/Duties 112 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index The Daughters of the Republic of Texas FINANCES, RESTRICTED FUNDS, AND ENDOWMENTS Clara Driscoll Fellowship Award The Clara Driscoll Fellowship Award for Research in Texas History and Texas Sesquicentennial Fellowship Awards are presented each year to the most promising graduate student(s) conducting research in Texas history at The University of Texas at Austin. The chairman of this committee shall be a resident of the Austin area and shall be able to work closely with The University of Texas. The recipient(s) and a guest shall be invited as guests of DRT for dinner and recognized at the Historical Evening of the DRT Convention. DRT is not responsible for any expenses incurred by recipient(s) in order to attend Convention. Laura Lanigan Texas History Fund In order to encourage and reward participation in the DRT’s Texas History contests, the DRT has established a Restricted Fund named the “Laura Lanigan Texas History Fund.” The principal is to be maintained in a fully insured, interest bearing account drawing maximum interest commensurate with safety. Only the annual interest from this fund may be used, and any unused portion of the annual interest is to be reinvested in the “Laura Lanigan Texas History Fund.” The monetary awards shall be presented by the Fifth Vice President General at DRT’s Annual Convention to: Winner of 4th Grade Texas History Essay Winner of 7th Grade Texas History Essay Outstanding 4th Grade TX History Teacher Outstanding 7th Grade TX History Teacher $500.00 $750.00 $1000.00 $1000.00 The amounts of these awards may be increased at the direction of the BOM when suficient funds have accumulated in the Restricted Fund Account. 2013 Finances, Restricted Funds, and Special Endowments 113 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index Manual of Procedure Native Texan License Plate (NTLP) Fund On June 22, 2003, the Governor signed House Bill 2971, creating the Native Texan License Plate, sponsored by the DRT. It became law September 1, 2003, and the Texas Department of Transportation began producing a specialty vehicle license plate sponsored by the DRT – the Native Texan License Plate. The likeness of the whole plate is the property of the Texas DOT. The Texas artist, Benjamin Knox, retains ownership of the Native Texan License Plate artwork. Anytime DRT wants to use either of these for a project, permission must be received from each of them. Knox’s address is: Benjamin Knox Gallery, 405 University Drive East, College Station, TX 77840; phone 979-691-2787; fax 979-691-2788; website: Application form for the Native Texas License Plate Fund may be found on the TXDOT website and the DRT website: Administered for the state by the Economic Development and Tourism Department of the Governor’s Office, the contract with the DRT states: DRT shall use the funds for the purpose of all aspects of preserving Texas historic sites or funding educational programs that teach Texas history, including, but not limited to the maintenance and preservation of historic properties and documents and artifacts. Using the State’s calendar (year ending August 31st), the State shall deposit the funds quarterly into the DRT’s NTLP money market account maintained by the Treasurer General; by September 30th of each year, the Treasurer General shall provide the State with a financial statement containing detailed and documented explanations of the expenditures and their relevance to the stated purpose of the project. Upon request from the State, DRT shall open to inspection all books and records reflecting NTLP transactions. Requests for NTLP funds shall be received by the Finance Committee using the NTLP Grant Request Form, which may be obtained from DRT Headquarters or from the Treasurer General. There are two (2) such NTLP Grant Request Forms, one for DRT Committees or Chapters [See F.01 in FORMS Section from the DRT member’s website], and the other for non-DRT maintained historic sites or projects. 2013 Finances, Restricted Funds, and Special Endowments 114 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index The Daughters of the Republic of Texas Requests should be sent to the Treasurer General (or designated member of the Finance Committee) no later than one week prior to a Board of Management meeting. The Finance Committee shall present the requests to the BOM who shall make the decision on disbursement of the funds. The Finance Committee shall publish a list of the recipients in each issue of Daughters’ Reflections and at the end of the year in the Annual Proceedings. Requests for use of the Native Texan Artwork are restricted by the artist, Benjamin Knox, and must be approved by the BOM and, per his directive, by DRT member Elaine Milam Vetter, or her successors. All approved use must give credit to Benjamin Knox as artist. Only Benjamin Knox, who holds the copyright to his NTLP artwork, or his heirs, may replace Mrs. Vetter as his DRT designee to approve or disapprove use of the design. At the time of her demise, the DRT Board of Management should contact Benjamin Knox at his main studio in College Station, Texas, and ask him to designate a member, to honor their agreement for use of his design. 2013 Finances, Restricted Funds, and Special Endowments 115 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index Manual of Procedure DRT Building Fund In November 1991, the Daughters purchased a building to house the DRT Headquarters and Republic of Texas Museum. A building fund drive was established with a goal of two hundred fifty thousand dollars ($250,000.00), which would replenish the unrestricted funds used to purchase the building and create a reserve fund to be available for repairs and maintenance. This goal was achieved in 1996, and the DRT Building Fund is now a reserve (restricted) fund to be available for repairs and maintenance to the DRT Headquarters and Republic of Texas Museum Building and its contents. The Daughters welcome donations in any amount from individuals or chapters, with an award system based on the amount of the donation. The awards listed below are named in honor of our two founders and the first three Presidents General of DRT: $5,000 donation: $2,500 donation: $1,000 donation: $ 500 donation: $ 100 donation: Hally Bryan and Betty Ballinger Award Mrs. Anson Jones Award Rebecca Jane Fisher Award Clara Driscoll Award President's Club Many companies shall match an employee's (and retiree's) contribution made to a nonprofit organization. A list of known participating companies may be obtained from the DRT Headquarters. Please send the following information along with your check payable to DRT, to the Treasurer General: Name ____________________________________________ Address ___________________________________________ City/State/Zip ______________________________________ Phone ____________________________________________ Name of person(s)/chapter(s) to be honored if other than donor: ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ DRT Living Legacy Endowment In order to encourage major donations and bequests and to help maintain DRT’s financial security, the DRT has established an Endowment Fund named the “DRT Living Legacy Endowment Fund.” The principal is to be maintained in a fully insured, interest-bearing account drawing maximum interest commensurate with safety. Only the annual interest from this fund may be used, and any unused portion of the annual interest is to be reinvested in the “DRT Living Legacy Endowment.” The amount of the endowment fund is not limited. However, after an initial goal of ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) having been reached, the BOM shall name at its March meeting the recipient(s) for that fiscal year and designate the amount to be used out of the earned interest from this endowment and shall name the property or fund in greatest need, such as a named DRT property, fund, or “DRT, General Funds.” 2013 Finances, Restricted Funds, and Special Endowments 116 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index The Daughters of the Republic of Texas Donors shall be recognized at the following levels: $1,000 or more received from a deceased person’s estate: DRT Angelic Bequest $5,000 or more: Pioneer Woman Award $2,500 - $4,999: Beautiful Bluebonnets Award $1,000 - $2,499: Texas Skies Award $ 500 - $ 999: Texas Star Award $ 100 - $ 499: Yellow Rose Award Recognition shall be given in a manner similar to that utilized for the DRT Building Fund except that DRT Angelic Bequests shall be acknowledged during the Annual Convention’s memorial service by the Chaplain General. Names of deceased from whom the DRT Living Legacy Endowment Fund has received bequests shall be engraved on brass plates placed on a plaque inscribed “DRT Angelic Bequests,” and maintained at DRT Headquarters. The names of other donors of $500.00 or more shall be engraved on brass plates placed on plaques inscribed with the name of the award and maintained at DRT Headquarters. The President General shall recognize all donors at the Annual Convention. All levels of donations shall be recognized in DRT’s Annual Proceedings. By the first day of May each year, the Treasurer General shall send one copy of the list of contributors and amounts each contributed to the President General, the Chaplain General, the Recording Secretary General, and electronically to the Annual Proceedings Chairman. The Treasurer General shall also advise the President General immediately upon receipt of any donation to this endowment so that the President General may write an appropriate letter of appreciation. Historical Publication Fund [See Bylaws Article VII, Sec. 2 (4); MOP, Committees – General Information Section; “Preface,” Founders and Patriots of the Republic of Texas, Book V (1996), p. I.] Only the interest from the twenty thousand dollar ($20,000.00) restricted Historical Publication Fund which was established by vote of the Annual Convention of 1927 shall be used for publications. All contracts shall be signed by the President General, Recording Secretary General, and the Historical Publication Committee Chairman. After obtaining three (3) bids and consulting with the Treasurer General, the BOM shall approve the lowest and best bid from a printer. A price (including postage and handling) shall be set. The committee shall then conduct a prepublication sale to members of DRT by notifying Chapter Treasurers of the prepublication sale and price. The publications shall be delivered to and shipped from Headquarters and made available for sale at Conventions and District Meetings. 2013 Finances, Restricted Funds, and Special Endowments 117 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index Manual of Procedure Projects [See Bylaws, Article VIII; MOP, Board of Management (Custodian General), Committees Administrative, and Committees - Standing (Historical Publications) Sections]. Any project into which DRT enters must have Board of Management approval. Any major project into which DRT enters must be thoroughly studied by a special committee appointed for that purpose. A plan of procedure must be adopted by the Convention before any work may be started on said project. All committees appointed on the project must then abide by the adopted plan, alteration of which may be made only by a succeeding Convention. Each project of DRT shall be under the control of an administrative or a special committee responsible to the BOM. Any project of DRT involving unbudgeted expenditure of two Thousand dollars ($2,000.00) or more, with the exception of the Alamo Committee and French Legation Museum with one thousand five hundred dollars ($1,500.00) or more, shall be under the control of an administrative committee. The project shall be presented to the BOM (and, if approved, shall be presented to the Convention for final approval or rejection) approval. Emergency repairs are not affected by this rule. A major of $20, 000 or more must require membership approval. If a project involving business contracts or agreements cannot be completed by the close of an administration, those contracts and agreements shall be honored by the new administrative committee and BOM. Major Project between Conventions: If a time-sensitive major project is approved by the EXEcutive Board but cannot wait until convention to present to the membership, the President General shall inform the DRT membership about the project, its source of funds, and conduct a ballot vote distributed and returned to DRT Headquarters by postal mail. She shall appoint a teller committee which shall tally the votes. Examples of such a project might be the purchase or construction of a building. DRT may put its stamp of approval upon the project of another organization. After careful study by its Historical Publication Committee and the BOM, DRT may give a stamp of approval to the publication of a book or the presentation of a cinema, either of which would deal with some phase of Texas history. Copyrights All formal material prepared for publication under the name of DRT must be copyrighted by the Custodian General, but under current U.S. Copyright laws, cannot be copyrighted prior to publication. Copyrights noted in the publication and upon delivery from printer shall be established by the Custodian General. 2013 Finances, Restricted Funds, and Special Endowments 118 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index The Daughters of the Republic of Texas EMPLOYEES [See Bylaws, Article VIII, Sec 6, MOP, Committees - Administrative, and Policies Sections]. Employees named by the BOM, on the recommendation of the appropriate committee, and salaries fixed by the BOM: Republic of Texas Museum Manager in Austin DRT Executive Director DRT Headquarters Manager Office Administrator of DRT Headquarters in Austin DRT Alamo Executive Administrator DRT Library Director Library Librarians Library Archivist Alamo Shrine Hostess Superintendent of the Gardens of the Alamo Complex Chief of Security of the Alamo Complex; Historian/Curator of the Alamo Republic of Texas Museums Director of the French Legation Museum Such other employees for projects as the demand arises General Information All employees of DRT shall be comply with all policies adopted by DRT and, except for the Alamo and DRT Library Collection Committee, shall report on the same fiscal and dues year as DRT. Any member employed by DRT shall not hold elective officer or serve on a committee except ex officio because of her duties. DRT and Alamo Employees may not accept personal gifts, which are, valued at more that $25.00 from anyone including vendors. The responsibility of oversight for The Daughters of the Republic of Texas Alamo Park 401K Plan shall belong to the Alamo Executive Administrator. The trustees for the 401K Plan for the employees of The Daughters of the Republic of Texas shall be the Director of Operations, the Chairman of the Alamo Committee, and one member of the Alamo Committee who shall be selected by the Alamo Committee and the President General. All Administrative Committee discussions regarding employee job performance or salaries shall be conducted in eXEcutive session, and only the Committee chairman shall inform the employee. EXEcutive sessions are confidential and must never be discussed outside one. To do so is grounds for disciplinary action. By May 1 the Recording Secretary General shall be sent electronically copies of annual reports of the Chairman of the Alamo Committee, the Alamo Executive Administrator, the Alamo Shrine Hostess report to the Alamo Committee, the Historian/Curator of the Alamo Republic of Texas Museums, and the Library Director’s annual report to the DRT Library Collection Committee. 2013 Employees 119 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index Manual of Procedure The BOM shall designate the specific hours of operation for the DRT Headquarters, Republic of Texas Museum and the French Legation. For the Alamo Complex and the DRT Collection at the Alamo Research Center hours will be set as noted in the GLO Operations Agreement. Printed notice of these hours shall be displayed in each building. Special requests from the public for opening the Alamo at unusual hours shall be given consideration. Employee Types The Alamo Complex DRT Alamo Executive Administrator Under the supervision of the Alamo Committee, the DRT Alamo Executive Administrator and the GLO Alamo Director (The Complex which includes the Alamo Shrine, the Alamo Republic of Texas Museum, Alamo Hall, DRT Library, Long Barrack Republic of Texas Museum, the Gallagher Building, and the Alamo Grounds) shall administer activities at the Alamo buildings and grounds, following policies and programs specified by the BOM of DRT. In administering the activities at the Alamo, the DRT Executive Administrator shall obtain specific approval of the Alamo Committee on all business brought to the Ex Adm whether the business be of DRT or outside matters. The DRT Alamo Executive Administrator may have general supervision of all employees connected with the Alamo. The Alamo Executive Administrator shall have supervision of payrolls, insurance, taxes, financial reports, etc., concerning all employees connected with the Alamo. The Alamo Executive Administrator shall, when invited by the chairman, attend the meetings of the Alamo and DRT Library Collection Committees and shall render to the Alamo Committee a report of all work accomplished since the last meeting. The Executive Administrator shall submit an annual budget to the Treasurer General after approval by the GLO according to the dictates of the contractual obligations. The Executive Administrator shall be authorized to lend Alamo Hall, subject to a reasonable service charge, to historical, patriotic, and educational associations, after securing the approval of authorized representatives of the Alamo Committee. The Executive Administrator shall be authorized to schedule tours of the Shrine and other Alamo facilities that occur after the normal operating hours of the Alamo Complex. The Executive Administrator shall establish fees for all such events, subject to the approval of the Alamo Committee. If having the fees waived is requested for a tour, this shall be granted only upon approval of the Alamo Committee. The Executive Administrator shall furnish an annual, audited financial report of the Alamo to be read at the Convention for adoption. Alamo Shrine Hostess The Alamo Shrine Hostess shall be an active member of the Organization and in good standing with her chapter. She shall be well versed in Texas history. She shall assist in planning, scheduling, and executing the guided tours in cooperation with the Historian/Curator of the Alamo Republic of Texas Museums. She shall furnish an annual report before the first day of May (1 May) to the Alamo Committee for presentation to the Convention for adoption. 2013 Employees 120 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index The Daughters of the Republic of Texas Historian/Curator of the Alamo Under the supervision of the Alamo Committee, the Historian/Curator of the Alamo Republic of Texas Museums (Alamo Shrine, Long Barrack Republic of Texas Museum and Alamo Republic of Texas Museum) shall be responsible for the care and supervision of the Republic of Texas Museums and for the acceptance of gifts, passing on the authenticity of same. The Historian/Curator shall direct activities concerned with the instructional acquisition, exhibits, safeguarding, research and public service objectives of the Republic of Texas Museums. An inventory shall be maintained in accordance with State requirements. The Historian/Curator may obtain, develop and organize new collections to expand and improve educational facilities with the Alamo Committee approval. The Historian/Curator shall demonstrate expertise in the history of Spanish Borderlands and American Southwest with emphasis on the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. The Historian/Curator shall be responsible for disseminating an accurate interpretation of history of the Alamo from its establishment to the present and for providing appropriate information for publication. Chief of Security Under the supervision of the Alamo Committee, the Chief of Security shall be responsible for the supervision of the security of the buildings, parking area, walls, sidewalks, etc., as well as for the protection of all Alamo Complex properties and maintaining order in the buildings and on the grounds. The Chief of Security may recommend to the Alamo Committee the employment of persons for the protection of the Alamo Complex. All security personnel shall be properly licensed by the appropriate agency to perform security duties. Superintendent of the Gardens of the Alamo Complex The Superintendent of the Gardens shall be responsible for the care of the gardens and grounds of the Alamo Complex. This person shall be a qualified horticulturist. The Superintendent may recommend to the Alamo Committee the employment of persons who work in this department. Library Director for the DRT Collection at the Alamo Research Center Under the direction of the DRT Library Collection Committee, the Library Director shall maintain the collection and supervise Library personnel. The Director shall supervise the care and display of documents, coins, pictures and books given to the Library. The Library Director shall keep an inventory up to date. One (1) copy of this inventory shall be sent to the President General by the first day of May (1 May) each year. The Library Director shall make a monthly report to the Chairman of the DRT Library Collection Committee. The Director shall make an annual report to the DRT Library Collection Committee for presentation to the Convention. The DRT Library Collection CommitteeChairman shall send electronically one (1) copy of this report before the first day of May (1 May) to the President General, Recording Secretary General, and Annual Proceedings Chairman for inclusion in the Annual Proceedings. With the approval of the DRT Library Collection Committee, the Library Director shall establish and collect appropriate fees for extensive research by the library staff. The fees shall belong to the library funds. 2013 Employees 121 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index Manual of Procedure The Library Director shall prepare a budget for DRT Library to be presented to DRT Library Collection Committee in November. Under the supervision of the Library Director, Assistant Librarians shall assist in carrying out the normal duties performed in research libraries. French Legation Museum Director of the French Legation Museum Under the supervision of the French Legation Museum Committee, the Director of the French Legation Museum (which includes the French Legation House, kitchen, carriage house, privy, and 2½ acres of grounds) shall administer activities at the French Legation Museum, following policies and programs specified by the BOM of DRT. In administering the activities at the French Legation, the Director shall obtain specific approval of the French Legation Museum Committee on all business brought to the Director whether the business be of DRT or outside matters. The Director shall, when invited by the chairman, attend the meetings of the French Legation Museum Committee and shall render to the French Legation Museum Committee a report of all work accomplished since the last meeting. The Director shall work with the chair and treasurer of the French Legation Museum Committee to prepare an annual budget that is submitted to the BOM for acceptance at its March meeting. The Director shall develop, plan, and oversee the implementation of educational programs, tours, special events, workshops, and other programs on Republic of Texas history and culture. The Director shall promote facility rentals at the French Legation Museum. If having the fees waived or reduced is requested for a tour or rental, this shall be granted upon approval of the French Legation Museum Committee. The Director shall work with the treasurer of the French Legation Museum Committee on an annual audit to be read at the Convention for adoption. The Director shall send one copy of the audited financial report before May 1 to the President General, one copy to the Recording Secretary General, and send electronically to the Annual Proceedings chairman. One copy of the audited financial report shall be sent to the Governor of the State of Texas. The Director may have general supervision of all employees connected with the French Legation Museum. The French Legation Committee shall be responsible for operation, maintenance, and preservation of the French Legation grounds and buildings, in concordance with appropriate Sate directives governing the care and maintenance of State-owned historic buildings, and shall coordinate with the appropriate Texas State agencies. The French Legation Museum paper and digital records shall be permanently filed in a secure site approved by the BOM. 2013 Employees 122 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index The Daughters of the Republic of Texas DRT Headquarters With approval of the Headquarters Committee, and under the direction of the BOM, the Custodian General shall supervise the personnel of the DRT Headquarters and Republic of Texas Museum. Under supervision of the Office Administrator, the DRT Headquarters shall furnish administrative support to the entire organization of DRT, which functions through specific authority and responsibility assigned to each Officer General. The Office Administrator, in to carry out day-to-day operations, consults when appropriate with Officers General in matters involving their individual areas of responsibility and authority as reflected in the DRT Bylaws and Manual of Procedure (MOP). She shall develop sufficient understanding of the DRT Bylaws, MOP, and Employee Manual to carry out her duties. The Custodian General and the Office Administrator shall prepare a budget for the Headquarters each year. The Custodian General with the assistance of the Office Administrator and the Committee shall maintain an inventory of all holdings of the DRT Headquarters. Before May 31 of each year, one copy of this inventory shall be sent to the President General, one copy to the Treasurer General, and one copy retained and put in the Committee's permanent files at DRT Headquarters. Processing Memorial Medallions: Procedures for processing Memorial Medallions are as follows for the below medallions. 2013 DRT Medallion CRT Medallion Veteran Medallion Defender Medallion Citizen Medallion Historic Site Medallion Employees 123 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index Manual of Procedure Memorial Medallion Procedure for DRT/CRT 4th Vice President General Working Off Site Procedure Approval Date _September 21, 2013___ Revision Date ____________________ 1. DRT Headquarter receives the Memorial Medallion application for DRT or CRT and payment. 2. The Bookkeeper (or other staff designee) will scan copies of the application and payment and send them to the 4th Vice President General by e-mail to approve or disapprove. 3. The Bookkeeper (or other staff designee) will then file the application and the payment in a locked filing cabinet under “Memorial Medallion Applications Pending” until the 4 th Vice President General approves or disapproves the application. 4. The 4th Vice President General receives the copy of the application and the payment and will then send a notification (by e-mail or letter) to the applicant notifying them that the application is being processed. 5a. If approved, (For requirements to approve a Memorial Medallion, see MOP, “Duties of Officers – Fourth Vice President General – Memorial Medallions) the 4th Vice President General will notify the applicant (by e-mail or letter) and copy the Bookkeeper (or other staff designee) by e-mail that the application has been approved and the Bookkeeper (or other office staff) will process the check according to DRT procedures and then mail the DRT or CRT medallion to the applicant. If not mailed, the applicant is informed that their DRT or CRT medallion is ready for pick-up. The Bookkeeper (or other staff designee) will enter the memorial medallion application into the Memorial Medallion Database. 5b. If not approved, the 4th Vice President General will notify the applicant (by e-mail or letter) and copy the Bookkeeper (or other staff designee) by e-mail that the application has been disapproved and indicate the reasons for disapproval and any recommendations needed for further consideration such as additional proofs, wrong amount of money sent, cemetery permission not received, etc. The Bookkeeper (or other staff designee) will continue to hold the Memorial Medallion application for one month to wait for the arrival of the necessary proofs, etc. If not received by then, the Bookkeeper (or other staff designee) will return the Memorial Medallion application and check to applicant. 2013 Employees 124 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index The Daughters of the Republic of Texas Memorial Medallion Procedure for Veteran/Defender/Citizen 4th Vice President General Working Off Site Procedure Approval Date __September 21, 2013__ Revision Date ____________________ 1. DRT Headquarter receives the Memorial Medallion application for Veteran/Defender/Citizen and payment. 2. The Bookkeeper (or other staff designee) will scan copies of the application and payment and send them to the 4th Vice President General by e-mail to approve or disapprove. 3. The Bookkeeper (or other staff designee) will then file the application and the payment in a locked filing cabinet under “Memorial Medallion Applications Pending” until the 4 th Vice President General approves or disapproves the application. 4. The 4th Vice President General receives the copy of the application and the payment and will then send a notification (by e-mail or letter) to the applicant notifying them that the application is being processed. 5a. If approved, (For requirements to approve a Memorial Medallion, see MOP, “Duties of Officers – Fourth Vice President General – Memorial Medallions) the 4th Vice President General will notify the applicant (by e-mail or letter) and copy the Bookkeeper (or other staff designee) by e-mail that the application has been approved and the Bookkeeper (or other office staff) will process the check according to DRT procedures and then mail the Veteran/Defender/Citizen medallion to the applicant. If not mailed, the applicant is informed that their Veteran/Defender/Citizen medallion is ready for pick-up. The Bookkeeper (or other staff designee) will enter the memorial medallion application into the Memorial Medallion Database. 5b. If not approved, the 4th Vice President General will notify the applicant (by e-mail or letter) and copy the Bookkeeper (or other staff designee) by e-mail that the application has been disapproved and indicate the reasons for disapproval and any recommendations needed for further consideration such as additional proofs, wrong amount of money sent, cemetery permission not received, etc. The Bookkeeper (or other staff designee) will continue to hold the Memorial Medallion application for one month to wait for the arrival of the necessary proofs, etc. If not received by then, the Bookkeeper (or other staff designee) will return the Memorial Medallion application and check to applicant. 2013 Employees 125 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index Manual of Procedure Memorial Medallion Procedure for Historic Site 4th Vice President General Working Off Site Procedure Approval Date __September 21, 2013__ Revision Date ____________________ 1. DRT Headquarter receives the Memorial Medallion application for Historic Site and payment. 2. The Bookkeeper (or other staff designee) will scan copies of the application and payment and send them to the 4th Vice President General by e-mail to approve or disapprove. 3. The Bookkeeper (or other staff designee) will then file the application and the payment in a locked filing cabinet under “Memorial Medallion Applications Pending” until the 4 th Vice President General approves or disapproves the application. 4. The 4th Vice President General receives the copy of the application and the payment and will then send a notification (by e-mail or letter) to the applicant notifying them that the application is being processed. 5a. If approved, (For requirements to approve a Memorial Medallion, see MOP, “Duties of Officers – Fourth Vice President General – Memorial Medallions) the 4th Vice President General will notify the applicant (by e-mail or letter) and copy the Bookkeeper (or other staff designee) by e-mail (see Sample #2 attached) that the application has been approved and the Bookkeeper (or other office staff) will process the check according to DRT procedures and then mail the Historic Site medallion to the applicant. If not mailed, the applicant is informed that their Historic Site medallion is ready for pickup. The Bookkeeper (or other staff designee) will enter the memorial medallion application into the Memorial Medallion Database. 5b. If not approved, the 4th Vice President General will notify the applicant (by e-mail or letter) and copy the Bookkeeper (or other staff designee) by e-mail that the application has been disapproved and indicate the reasons for disapproval and any recommendations needed for further consideration such as additional proofs, wrong amount of money sent, cemetery permission not received, etc. The Bookkeeper (or other staff designee) will continue to hold the Memorial Medallion application for one month to wait for the arrival of the necessary proofs, etc. If not received by then, the Bookkeeper (or other staff designee) will return the Memorial Medallion application and check to applicant. 2013 Employees 126 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index The Daughters of the Republic of Texas Republic of Texas Museum The Committee Chairman, with the assistance of the Republic of Texas Museum Director and the committee, shall maintain an inventory of all holdings of the Republic of Texas Museum. Before May 1 each year, one copy of this inventory shall be sent to the President General, one copy to the Treasurer General, and one copy retained and put in the Committee's permanent files. The Republic of Texas Museum Director and/or Chairman shall submit monthly financial reports to be presented to the RT Republic of Texas Museum Committee and the BOM. The Republic of Texas Museum Director shall submit an annual report to the Republic of Texas Museum Committee for inclusion in its annual report to the BOM and the Convention. When invited, the Republic of Texas Museum Director shall attend meetings of the Republic of Texas Museum Committee. Republic of Texas Museum Director shall prepare a budget for the Republic of Texas Museum each year. 2013 Employees 127 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index Manual of Procedure SEAL AND INSIGNIA Members may purchase ancestor bars and DRT membership pins through J. Brandt Co., 2816 W. Lancaster Avenue, Ft. Worth, TX 76107, and phone 817-877-0513. [See Forms J.01 and J.02 for Jewelry/Insignia Order Forms for CRT and DRT members in the FORMS from the DRT Members website]. Ordering information and procedure may be obtained from Chapter Treasurers. The pins are fastened to ribbon, which may be purchased, from the Chapter Treasurer or the DRT Headquarters. [See Bylaws Article X, Sec 2; Article X, Sec 6]. The one-inch insignia is the membership pin. It is pinned to the top of the membership ribbon and worn over the left breast at official DRT functions. No other item shall be worn above the membership pin with the exception of the plain, gold fastener bar approved by the BOM. The ribbon may be suspended from beneath the bar. The official DRT pins that may be worn on the membership ribbon and the order in which they should appear is as follows: $ One-inch membership pin $ Senior Member pin $ Ancestor bars $ BOM pins $ Ex-BOM pins $ Preservation Projects Donor pin (approved2/3/06-donation of $100 or more required) $ DRT General Committee pin (approved by BOM Nov. 1995) $ DRT General Committee bar $ Chapter President pin $ Ex-Chapter President pin $ YOUR Chapter pin (approved by BOM) $ Chapter officer pin (approved by BOM 10 Feb. 1994) $ Six-Star pin $ Six-Star bar pin $ Star Pin $ Bluebonnet pin $ Commemorative pins (approved by BOM) The three-quarter inch insignia (or recognition pin) may be worn as a piece of jewelry over the left breast, at meetings of DRT and on such occasions as are worthy of its display. Guidelines for submitting a new pin to BOM for approval 1. 2. 3. 4. The proposed design should be sent to the District Representative. Design specifications should not exceed one and one-fourth inch. The design should commemorate something or someone before 1860. The design should include “The Daughters of the Republic of Texas” at the top of the pin. Pins not approved by the BOM, and which cannot be worn on the ribbon, are sometimes sold by DRT chapters and committees as fund-raising projects. An example is the San Jacinto Heroes Monument pin sold by Sidney Sherman Chapter, Galveston. 2013 Seal and Insignia 128 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index The Daughters of the Republic of Texas Trinkets, such as derricks, Texas-shaped charms and rhinestone Texas pins, are not to be worn on the ribbon. Insignia of other organizations, such as Chamber of Commerce, DAR or UDC pins, also are not to be worn on the ribbon. If a member finds it necessary to wear multiple widths of ribbon, the membership pin, ancestor bars and DRT service pins should be worn on the inside ribbon. The commemorative pins should be displayed on the outside ribbon, lower than the membership pin. Upon the death of a member, any family member eligible to wear the insignia may do so. Otherwise, the local chapter should offer to take or purchase the insignia until such time as the Organization may find an appropriate person to whom to give or to sell the insignia. The seal may be placed above or left of name, chapter, address on name badges, stationery, and business websites. 2013 Seal and Insignia 129 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index Manual of Procedure CHILDREN OF THE REPUBLIC OF TEXAS (CRT) Standing Rules 1. CRT shall own a membership pin with bar attached for the use of the CRT President General during his or her term of office. The President General shall present said pin to the newly elected President General during the installation service. 2. The CRT Retiring President General shall be presented with a small gold filled gavel pin with a chain to be attached to his or her personal membership pin. This pin shall be ordered from J. Brandt Co., Inc., 2816 W. Lancaster Avenue, Ft. Worth, TX 76107, phone 817-877-0513, by the CRT Director and shall be paid for from the treasury of the CRT. 3. The CRT President General's official ribbon shall be passed from one President General to the next and the incoming President General shall present the Retiring President General with a Past President General ribbon provided by CRT. 4. A permit must be secured through the CRT Registrar General of DRT by the CRT local sponsor in order to purchase CRT insignia and ancestral bars. A CRT member-at-large must obtain the permit directly from the CRT Registrar General of DRT. 5. An annual Grandmother's Award shall be presented during the CRT Convention. The award is a Texas-shaped charm, engraved “CRT GRANDMOTHER” and the year. Nominees are judged by the CRT BOM on their contributions to CRT. Nominations must be received in writing by the CRT President General no later than the first day of June. 6. At the CRT Convention, CRT shall present a monetary award to one CRT member who is a high school graduating senior who has exhibited scholarship and leadership and who shall enroll in a college or university in the fall. The award shall be a minimum of one hundred dollars ($100.00). Eligibility is as follows: a) Applicant must have been an active member of the CRT for the previous two (2) years. b) Applicant must have proven scholastic ability. c) Applicant must have demonstrated leadership ability in school, community or summer part-time work. d) Applicant must have met all requirements for admission to the college or university of his/her choice. e) Applicant must have filed his/her application with requested letters of recommendation with the Third Vice President General of the DRT by the first day of May. f) There may be more than one application from any on chapter. g) These standing rules may be changed at any convention of the CRT. 7. Dress Code. As a way to show respect to others, ourselves and Texas, we have a dress code in the CRT – to be followed by CRT Convention body in session. 2013 No muscle shirts Children of the Republic of Texas 130 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index The Daughters of the Republic of Texas Shirt necklines must be no lower than the length of an index finger below the top of the collarbone No clothing that advertises offensive things The waist area must be covered at all times (both sitting and standing) Any clothing that allows undergarments to be seen is not allowed For gentlemen, hats are allowed except during prayers and pledges If a CRT member is wearing inappropriate clothing, he/she shall be required to remedy the clothing choice with another garment. The CRT Director shall make the final decision on what clothing is/is not appropriate. This decision shall be nonnegotiable, though she shall be glad to discuss it. 8. Conduct. – In the spirit of mentorship, leadership and over-all courtesy, CRT has some conduct guidelines. All people are entitled to be treated with respect, courtesy, and attentiveness Curse words are not permitted in all CRT activities to promote leadership and courtesy 9. Standing rules of this Association may be changed or amended by two-thirds (2/3) vote of the eligible voting members present at the Annual Convention. The CRT Director shall send a copy of amended bylaws or standing rules to the DRT Bylaws Chair. General Information [See Bylaws: Article XI; MOP, Membership Section of DRT MOP regarding DRT and CRT Membership]. Organizing a CRT Chapter Five (5) new members are required to organize a new CRT chapter. After these five (5) new CRT members have been approved, the sponsoring DRT chapter must submit a formal written request to the DRT Third Vice President General (CRT Director) asking the DRT BOM for approval to charter. In the letter, state the name chosen for the CRT chapter and include three (3) suggested dates for the chartering ceremony, indicating the preferred date. The CRT Director shall send the sponsoring DRT chapter a copy of the Chartering Ceremony and more detailed instruction for the chartering. The DRT shall present each new CRT chapter with an engraved gavel and letters of welcome. Flag pledge cards shall be presented to each CRT charter member. CRT Memorial Medallion Applications for a CRT Memorial Medallion should be directed to the DRT Fourth Vice President General. Her name and address may be obtained from a DRT Chapter officer. All information and instructions for obtaining the medallion are on the form, including its cost (See DRT MOP, BOM/Officers General (Fourth Vice President General). The form is available from her or may be downloaded from the DRT Members website: 2013 Children of the Republic of Texas 131 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index Manual of Procedure The DRT Third Vice President General should be notified by the chapter wishing to sponsor the service. The DRT Third Vice President General shall coordinate and assist the CRT chapter in securing a date and in planning the memorial service. The medallion has been designed with a star of five (5) points, encircled by olive and live oak branches, and the words “Children of the Republic of Texas” with the dates of the Republic and the date of the founding of CRT. The star is emblematic of the Republic, the olive branch of peace, and the live oak indigenous to Texas, of strength and fertility. CRT Awards CRT Grandmother Award CRT members present this award annually during the CRT Convention. The award is a Texas-shaped charm, engraved “CRT Grandmother” and the year. Nominees are judged by the CRT BOM on their contributions to CRT. The nominees must be active DRT members. Nominations must be received in writing by the CRT President General and the DRT Third Vice President General, postmarked no later than the first of May each year. Associate Grandmother of the Year may be awarded to a grandmother whose roots do not grow deep enough to be eligible for membership in DRT but who supports her grandchildren in their activities in DRT. Grandmother should show heart and passion for DRT. She shall be awarded a Heart shape charm with Associate Grandmother of the Year and Date engraved on them. Edward Philmore Haltom, Jr., Trophy This award was begun in 1986 in memory of Edward Philmore Haltom, Jr., a Past President of CRT. This trophy is to be presented annually to the CRT Chapter that is judged to have had the best program or project during the past year. Nominations must be received by the DRT Third Vice President General and postmarked no later than the first of May each year. Carolyn DeKeith Cook Roth Memorial Trophy A gift of the John W. Roth family, this trophy shall be presented annually to the young person judged to be the year's outstanding member. To qualify for the Roth Trophy, a candidate must be an active CRT member exhibiting scholarship and demonstrating involvement in religious activities, sports and community affairs. The CRT candidate’s resume, sent by the sponsoring DRT chapter, should include a list of CRT activities and cover all other qualifying requirements. Nominations must be received by the DRT Third Vice President General postmarked no later than the first day of May each year. 2013 Children of the Republic of Texas 132 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index The Daughters of the Republic of Texas James Milton Rash Memorial Trophy The Rash Family is giving this trophy to the CRT in loving memory of James Milton Rash CRT President General 1968-1969. Jim Rash was avid researcher and genealogist during his adult life and often spoke to groups about genealogical research. This James Milton Rash Memorial Trophy is awarded annually. The trophy shall be awarded to the winning applicant who must be fourteen (14) years of age or older. To qualify for this award, a CRT member must research and prepare an essay of 150-200 words, describing his Republic of Texas ancestor and contribution to the Republic. Applicants shall be judged on how the CRT member presents the facts, not on the accomplishments of the ancestor. Nominations must be received by the Third Vice President General postmarked no later than the first day of May each year. CRT Award for Scholarship and Leadership CRT presents this award (minimum of one hundred dollars ($100.00)) each year at the CRT Convention to a CRT member who is a graduating senior. There may be more than one applicant from any one chapter. Eligibility is as follows: a) b) c) d) e) Active member of CRT for the past two (2) years; Proven scholastic ability; Demonstrated leadership ability in school, community or summer part-time work; All requirements for admission to the college or university of his/her choice must have been met; Application for award must have been filed, along with requested letters of recommendation, with the Third Vice President General of DRT by the first of May. These Standing rules may be amended at any convention by a majority vote. 2013 Children of the Republic of Texas 133 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index Manual of Procedure CEREMONIES AND SERVICES Chapter Memorial Service (This ceremony shall be coordinated by the Chapter Chaplain as a memorial service for deceased DRT members.) Introduction and Welcome: Chapter President Daughters, it is with honor and reverence that we gather here today to pay tribute to our beloved deceased DRT member(s). The Lord's Prayer: Chapter Chaplain (in unison) Remembrance: Chapter Vice President (The chapter members may be honored at this time with a flower or the lighting of a candle as their names are called.) Roll Call: Chapter Registrar Tribute: Chapter Chaplain (Mention what the member has done and meant to the chapter. Member's favorite song or poem may be read.) Benediction: Chapter Chaplain Our Heavenly Father, grant thy blessing on those who have passed before, grant consolation to the loved ones who are left, and we pray Thy loving benediction on all members of our chapter and organization. In Jesus's name we pray. Amen. [See FORMS from the DRT member’s website, M.05 Deceased Member Report Form, to report a chapter member's death to the Chaplain General, and M.06 Member Biographical Form for Chapter Chaplain to submit to Chaplain General]. 2013 Ceremonies and Services 134 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index The Daughters of the Republic of Texas Chartering Ceremony for a DRT Chapter Call to Order: Organizing President Invocation: Chaplain General Pledge to United States Flag: Fifth Vice President General Pledge to Texas Flag: District ______ Representative History of Chapter: Chapter President Presentation of Chapter: First Vice President General, Chairman of Organization Committee Madam President General, members of the Board of Management, and other DRT members, it is my privilege and my pleasure as Chairman of the Organization Committee to present to you the newly organized _________________________ Chapter of The Daughters of the Republic of Texas. Welcome to DRT: President General Honored guests, The Daughters of the Republic of Texas. The organization of a chapter of The Daughters of the Republic of Texas is a most solemn and significant occasion when we, the Daughters, take unto ourselves others whom we consider worthy to share the legacy and heritage bequeathed to us by the men who achieved, secured and maintained the Republic of Texas by their blood and valor. Almost everyone is familiar with the story of the two young women, Miss Betty Ballinger and Miss Hally Bryan, who, after attending a meeting of the Texas Veterans Association, realized the necessity of a patriotic group to assist in, and in time to carry on, the work of these aging heroes, for in 1891 it had been 55 years since the Battle of San Jacinto. The Daughters of the Republic of Texas had their early meetings in conjunction with the Veterans. In 1907, the 34th and last reunion of the Texas Veterans Association took place in Austin. Mrs. Rebecca Fisher, First Vice President of the Daughters, called the meeting to order. Six veterans answered the roll call. After memorial services, each expressed the opinion that owing to the infirmities of age he would be unable to attend another meeting, and cast his vote for the dissolution of the Association; but before adjourning it was determined: That the holy memories clinging around it should be merged into that patriotic organization, The Daughters of the Republic of Texas. Be it resolved that we are unalterably opposed to any division or diminution of our beloved State of Texas, and desire that it shall ever be one and indissoluble. For its preservation as such we rely upon The Daughters of the Republic of Texas, who shall survive us, and we hope shall live as an organization until the end of time. Then upon motion they repaired to the Presbyterian Church where, without the furling of a banner, or strains of martial music, these old heroes laid aside forever their badges of membership and bequeathed their memories and their deeds, with undivided Texas as a precious legacy, to The Daughters of the Republic of Texas, by them to be held in their trust forever. 2013 Ceremonies and Services 135 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index Manual of Procedure To the members of the ____________________ Chapter of The Daughters of the Republic of Texas, we extend our welcome to share this sacred trust. May you ever be worthy of it. Roll Call of Chapter: DRT Registrar General Oath of Membership: President General or Parliamentarian General (Please rise and raise your right hand ) Having been duly received as members of The Daughters of the Republic of Texas, do you solemnly promise to uphold its Charter and Bylaws, to work zealously to promote the success of the Organization in ensuing years? Response: I do. Do you solemnly promise to love this Organization and conscientiously discharge your duties as members with charity for all and malice towards none? Response: I do. It is a happy privilege for me to welcome you as members of The Daughters of the Republic of Texas. Pledge to DRT: First Vice President General (To be repeated by the members as the First Vice President General reads the following:) Realizing that the Heritage to eligibility in the Organization of The Daughters of the Republic of Texas is a special honor to be cherished, as a member of the ___________________ Chapter, I pledge myself to be faithful to its lofty ideals and to guard its interests and achievements. Roll Call of Officers: Organizing President Officers, please step forward as your names are called. Installation of Officers: President General The Daughters of the Republic of Texas, members of the ________ __________________ Chapter, this is a momentous occasion to install in office the women whom you have selected to guide and direct your chapter for the next two (2) years. Your duty and responsibility is to loyally support these women whom you have selected as your leaders. Do you, Ms. ____________________, having been duly elected President of the ____________________ Chapter by vote of the members (or by acclamation), solemnly promise to uphold its Charter and Bylaws, and endeavor through just administration of them, to keep the spirit of unity in the bond of peace and to work to promote the success of the chapter? Response: I do 2013 Ceremonies and Services 136 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index The Daughters of the Republic of Texas I charge you always to remember your heritage, yours by right of birth, not only as an honored member of The Daughters of the Republic of Texas, but as an individual Texan. You are now confirmed as President and officers of the ____________________ Chapter of The Daughters of the Republic of Texas. Presentation of Charter and Gavel: President General Ms. ____________________, Madam President, assuming your duties, I now present the Charter of the ____________________ Chapter with my best wishes, and may God's blessing be with you. I also give you herewith a beautiful rosewood gavel inscribed with the name of the chapter and the date of organization as a gift from The Daughters of the Republic of Texas. Introduction of Guests: Chapter Vice President Speech: Chapter President Prayer: Chaplain General or President General Let us pray: Our Father, we have added a new chapter to our Organization and received the pledges of these elected officers and members. We thank Thee for these women and our Founders whose vision was the beginning of our Association. We thank Thee for the beauty of the symbolism, which is expressed, in our flag. God, we thank Thee for the simple joys of life, for the fellowship we have in work, and for our Association, which unites us in ideals and service. Bless us, we pray Thee, our work and our friendship, and make us an increasing force for good which expresses itself in self-denying service. Strengthen us in all that is worthwhile, in Christ's name. Amen. Chartering Ceremony for a CRT Chapter Call to Order: DRT Chapter President Invocation: CRT Chaplain General O Lord, be in our presence this day. We give Thee praise for our heritage. Keep us always mindful of our sacred trust to nurture and guide our young members. By looking back with care, we learn how to endure, how to transcend, and how to move into the future with courage and honor to Thee. Amen. Pledge to the United States Flag: CRT Fifth Vice President General Pledge to the Texas Flag: CRT Fifth Vice President General Singing of Texas, Our Texas Introduction of Guests: 2013 Ceremonies and Services 137 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index Manual of Procedure History of CRT Chapter: CRT Chapter President Welcome: DRT Third Vice President General Members and guests, it is my pleasure as CRT Director to welcome you to the chartering ceremony of the Children of the Republic of Texas. Many years ago, six heroes of the Texas Veterans Association entrusted to The Daughters of the Republic of Texas the legacy of memories and deeds of the Republic of Texas. The Daughters later deemed it advisable to sponsor a junior organization to be known as “The Children of the Republic of Texas.” Today these young people shall be joining more than _______ other youths who, over the last years, have chosen to eXErcise the honor and privilege of having had ancestors living in the Republic of Texas. Welcome to CRT: CRT President General In 1934, the thirty-four young people who formed the first chapter of the Children of the Republic of Texas chose as their slogan the words of David Crockett, “Be sure you are right, and then go ahead.” During the next _____ years, more than _____ chapters were sure it was right and went ahead. It is to this forward moving organization that continually looks back to its heritage, that we welcome you today. As a member of the Children of the Republic of Texas, you shall be encouraged to study the history of Texas, to preserve its documents and relics, and to cherish your heritage. This Organization, being organized under The Daughters of the Republic of Texas, must conform to their Bylaws. (hold up the Indian Paintbrush) This Indian Paintbrush not only represents our official flower but also the colors of our organization, green and scarlet. Our motto, “Not for self, but for Texas,” eXEmplifies the trust being placed in the members of the __________________ CRT Chapter today. May each of you ever be worthy of this trust. Objectives of the Organization The objectives of the Organization shall be to encourage the study of Texas history; to help preserve the places made sacred by the men and women who achieved Texas independence; to stimulate historical research into the earliest records of Texas; to foster the preservation of documents and relics; to promote the celebration of all Texas Honor Days; to revere the flag of Texas and to promote the display of same; and to cherish and preserve Texas, One and Indivisible, as achieved and established by the Fathers and Mothers of the Texas Revolution. Presentation of Charter to CRT Chapter Sponsor Would the CRT Chapter Sponsor please come forward? It is my pleasure as CRT President General, to present to you, the sponsor, the charter of the ___________________________________ Chapter of the Children of the Republic of Texas. Oath: Shall the members of the ______________________ Chapter please come forward? 2013 Ceremonies and Services 138 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index The Daughters of the Republic of Texas Having heard the objectives of this Association, do you promise to work toward achieving these objectives? Your response is, “I do.” Do you promise to uphold the Bylaws of the Children of the Republic of Texas? Your response is, “I do.” Presentation of Certificates and Roll Call When your name is called, please come forward to receive your membership certificate in the Children of the Republic of Texas and sign the Chapter Charter. Installation of Officers: CRT President General The red and green ribbons represent the colors of the Children of the Republic of Texas and are symbols binding you to your office and its duties. As I call your name, please grasp a piece of the ribbon with your left hand. President: Vice President: Secretary: Registrar: Chaplain: Historian: Sergeant-at-Arms: (Use of more officers is up to individual chapters.) Please raise your right hand. The members of the CRT _______________________ Chapter have indicated their faith and trust in you by appointing you as their officers for the coming year. Do you promise to perform the duties of your offices to the best of your ability? Your response is, “I do.” I declare you duly installed officers of the ___________________ Chapter of the Children of the Republic of Texas. It is my pleasure to present to President _________________ this gavel as a symbol of his/her office. Best wishes to you and your chapter. Sponsor DRT Chapter Presentation and Explanation Benediction: (Please stand.) Almighty God, Heavenly Father, give us calm strength and patient wisdom as we encourage these young leaders to walk before Thee in humility, yet with a high sense of the duties of their oaths. 2013 Ceremonies and Services 139 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index Manual of Procedure Give them and all of us carefulness, unselfishness, faithfulness, wisdom and zeal in the affairs committed to them. May we teach them to live whatever is just and true and good, following the example of our savior, Jesus Christ. Amen. Dedication of Memorial Medallion for a Citizen of the Republic of Texas 1836 to 19 February 1846 (Modify for Veteran or Defender Medallion) Scripture Reading: “One generation passeth away and another cometh, but the earth abideth forever.” Ecclesiastes 1:4 Invocation: O Lord, from whom all good things do come, grant to us, Thy humble servants, that by Thy holy inspiration, we may think those things that are good, and by Thy merciful guidance may perform the same, through our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. Pledge to the United States Flag Pledge to the Texas Flag Welcome and Introductions Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 Call to Remembrance: We have come today to pay respect to ____________________, a staunch citizen of our Republic. Remember today the years that are gone. Let us call to remembrance the great, the good, and those who were honored in their generation. Though we come to honor their memory, we ourselves are honored. Those who, for a time, have walked this way and who now have attained the Eternal Springtime of a Greater Land, have learned forever the beauty and truth of these words of Thomas Wolfe: To lose the earth you know for greater knowing; to lose the life you have for greater life; to leave the friends you loved for greater loving; to find a land more kind than home, more large than earth, whereon the pillars of this earth are founded, toward which the conscience of this world is tending, a wind is rising, and the rivers flow. Biographical Sketch of Life and Times of Citizen Unveiling of Medallion Benediction: Dedication Ceremony for a CRT Memorial Medallion Call to Order: Chapter President Invocation: CRT Chaplain General or Minister 2013 Ceremonies and Services 140 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index The Daughters of the Republic of Texas Pledge to United States Flag: CRT Fifth Vice President General Pledge to Texas Flag: CRT Fifth Vice President General Greetings: CRT Chapter President Introduction of Guests: CRT Chapter President Introduction of DRT BOM: DRT District Representative Introduction of CRT BOM: CRT President General History of CRT: CRT President General Remembering the Deceased CRT Member: (a teacher, minister or someone particularly qualified) Friends, sung by ________________ History of CRT Medallion: DRT Third Vice President General Unveiling of Medallion: CRT President General and CRT Chapter President Placing of Flowers: CRT BOM and CRT Chapter Members Texas, Our Texas, sung by _________________ Presentation of Pages for Book of Memories to CRT Chaplain General: Sponsoring CRT Chapter President Benediction: CRT Chaplain General or Minister Reception: Note: The cover to be used for the CRT Memorial Medallion Dedication Ceremony shall be provided by the Cedar Mountains Chapter, CRT, Duncanville. This is a project which has special meaning for this chapter that held the first CRT Medallion Dedication Ceremony for Roxanna Kristine McBride, September 8, 1990. The Book of Memory was also provided by this chapter. The chapters need only to illustrate the pages in memory of their deceased member which shall be placed in the Book of Memory. DRT Pledge for New Members Realizing that the heritage to eligibility in the Association of The Daughters of the Republic of Texas is a sacred honor to be cherished, as a member of the __________________ Chapter, I pledge myself to be faithful to its lofty ideals, and to guard its interests and achievements (written by Mrs. Belle Fenn Clark). 2013 Ceremonies and Services 141 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index Manual of Procedure Founders Day Ceremony President: It is a most significant occasion to gather today to celebrate with those who share the legacy and heritage bequeathed to us by the men and women who settled, established, secured, maintained, and defended the Republic of Texas. Now, ______years after our founding, we, the members of The Daughters of the Republic of Texas, have sought and are charged with carrying on the patriotic, historical, and educational responsibilities that ensured Betty Ballinger and Hally Bryan Perry to unite others in establishing this organization. You have been duly received as members of The Daughters of the Republic of Texas by verification of proven lineal descent from an ancestor who served the Republic of Texas. Therefore, do you solemnly promise to uphold its Charter and Bylaws and to work zealously to promote the success of the Organization in enduring years? Response: I do. President: Do you solemnly promise to support this Organization and conscientiously discharge your duties as a member with charity for all and malice toward none? Response: I do. President: Do you also promise to work to keep the unity of the spirit of the _______________ Chapter and to work to promote its success? Response: I do. President: As President, I charge you always to remember your heritage, yours by right of birth, not only as an honored member of The Daughters of the Republic of Texas and the _______________ Chapter but as an individual Texan. Please join me in repeating our pledge to The Daughters of the Republic of Texas (see above): Installation Ceremony for the Board of Management Chaplain General Our Father, in this solemn hour, within these sacred walls, as we assemble to receive the pledges of our newly elected officers and bestow upon them their badges of office, we thank Thee for those women of ____ years ago, our Founders, whose vision was the beginning of our Association. We thank Thee for the strong foundations they laid. Bless, we pray Thee, the enlarging vision which has come to us though the years which has led to material and spiritual growth. Oh God, we thank Thee for the beauty of the symbolism which is expressed in our Flag. It speaks to us of the intangible things of the spirit, reminds us of heroic sacrifices, and calls us to devotion and service. We thank Thee, Lord, for the simple joys of life, for the fellowship we have in work, and for our Association which unites us in ideals and service. 2013 Ceremonies and Services 142 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index The Daughters of the Republic of Texas Bless, we pray Thee, our work and our friendships, and make us an increasing force for good which expresses itself in self-denying service, and strengthen us in all that is worthwhile. In Christ's name. Amen. President General The Daughters of the Republic of Texas, this is a momentous occasion. As we install in office the women whom you have selected to guide and direct your Association these next two (2) years, I charge you to remember in this hour your duty and responsibility to loyally support the women whom you have elected your leaders. Upon you in a large measure rests the success of the new administration. And I charge you to always remember your heritage, yours by right of birth, a heritage that sings in your blood, which is spirit of your spirit, that in which you live and move and have your being, not only as members of an honored Association but also as individual Texans. Because of the labors and sacrifices of the men and women who established and maintained Texas independence, you began life as children of liberty. Though the wilderness stretched before them, they conquered it; they crossed it; deserts obstructed, they passed them, for they had faith in God and His providence; and holding as their eternal ideals–truth, justice and tolerance – they marched fearlessly forward. And in these perilous times, let us pray: Renew their breed, Almighty God, Those pioneers of yesterday, Who through wilderness and wastes Undaunted pushed their way, New frontiers lift their rocky heights New deserts stretch before our years. Renew in us Almighty God, The spirit of the pioneers. Past Board of Management members have turned in their pins. When the Chaplain General has completed administering the oath of office and your response is complete, the Treasurer General shall call the roll. When your name is called, please pass by and accept your pin which denotes your further acceptance of your office. The Chaplain General shall now administer the oath of office. Chaplain General Please raise your right hand. Having been duly elected as members of the Board of Management of The Daughters of the Republic of Texas, do you solemnly promise to uphold its Charter and Bylaws and endeavor through just administration of them to keep the unity of spirit in the bond of peace, and also to work zealously to promote the success of the Association during the ensuing years? Response: I do. “When thou shalt vow a vow unto the Lord, thy God, thou shalt not slack to pay it, for the Lord thy God shall surely require it of thee.” Deuteronomy 23:21. 2013 Ceremonies and Services 143 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index Manual of Procedure President General It is a happy privilege for me as your President to welcome you as the new Board of Management of The Daughters of the Republic of Texas, and my wish for you is that you may find ever-increasing joy and inspiration in the service you render this Association. Chaplain General Shall the Retiring President General and the newly elected President General please come forward? Please raise your right hand. Having been duly elected as President General of The Daughters of the Republic of Texas, do you solemnly promise to uphold its Charter and Bylaws and endeavor through just administration of them to keep the unity of spirit in the bond of peace, and also to work zealously to promote the success of the Association in the ensuing years? Response (Newly Elected President General): I do. Retiring President General Daughters of the Republic of Texas, I present to you your new President General, and I bespeak for her your loyalty and cooperation. And it is now my privilege to pass to my successor this lovely pin which denotes the office as President General of The Daughters of the Republic of Texas. I give you this pin for safekeeping and with it the high hope that you may find, as I have, great joy in your service. And now, like Elisha of old, it is my happy privilege to drop upon your shoulders the mantle of service and responsibility. This broad ribbon, whose colors symbolize truth, courage and purity, and your pin are the emblems of the highest honor the Association may bestow. You are now confirmed as President General of The Daughters of the Republic of Texas, assuming your duties. I give you and your officers my very best wishes. God's blessing rest upon you. Chaplain General Madam Retiring President General, it is now my privilege to place upon your shoulders this ribbon, emblem of your loyal service to our Association. This honor is confirmed upon you by The Daughters of the Republic of Texas with love, gratitude and affectionate regard. Your deep and sincere love for our Association has been evidenced by your faithful, just and efficient service. May the future hold for you much happiness, and may God's blessing rest upon you always. Retiring President General Thank you one and all. I assure you that, although I am your Retiring President General, I shall continue as an active member feeling it a happy privilege and high honor to serve The Daughters of the Republic of Texas. 2013 Ceremonies and Services 144 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index The Daughters of the Republic of Texas Installation Ceremony for Chapter Officers Installer (District Representative, Chaplain, Retiring President, etc.) Let us pray. Our Father, as we assemble to receive the pledges of our newly elected officers and bestow upon them vows of office, we thank Thee for those women of many years ago, our Founders, whose vision was the beginning of our Association. We thank Thee for the strong foundations they laid. Bless, we pray Thee, the enlarging vision which has come to us through the years which has led to material and spiritual growth. O God, we thank Thee for the beauty of symbolism which is expressed in our flag. It speaks to us of the intangible things of the Spirit, reminds us of heroic sacrifices, and calls us to devotion and service. We pray that all we say and do shall be worthy in your sight. Amen. Assistant Installer (Past President, BOM Officer, or Chapter Member): The Daughters of the Republic of Texas, _______________Chapter of ____________________(city), this is a momentous occasion. As we install in office the women whom you have chosen to guide and direct your chapter these next two (2) years, I charge you to remember in this hour your duty and responsibility to loyally support the women whom you have elected your leaders. Upon you in large measure rests the success of the new administration. Therefore, let us all renew our pledge to DRT. Please repeat after me (all members): Realizing that the heritage of eligibility in the Association of The Daughters of the Republic of Texas is a sacred honor to be cherished, as a member of the ________________ Chapter, I pledge myself to be faithful to its lofty ideals and to guard its interests and achievement. [Installer and Assistant Installer alternate calling each officer by office and name, then giving her a Bluebonnet (or other appropriate token) before her specific responsibilities are read.] Installer Officers, please come forward (or stand) as your name is called. Ms. ____________________, as President, you shall preside at all meeting of the chapter, appoint all committees, and represent the chapter officially. You shall have the general supervision of plans for extending, unifying and rendering effective the work of the chapter. Assistant Installer Ms. ____________________, as Vice President, you shall preside in the absence of the President and, when requested to do so by the President, shall assist in the discharge of the duties and responsibilities of the President. You shall chair the ____________________ Committee. (If there are other vice presidents, call upon them using similar format to above.) 2013 Ceremonies and Services 145 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index Manual of Procedure Installer Ms. ____________________, as Secretary, you shall record the proceedings of all meetings, collaborate with the President in the preparation of all annual reports and cosign such reports. You shall also prepare correspondence as required by the chapter. Assistant Installer Ms. ____________________, as Treasurer, you shall collect all dues and, upon authority of the chapter, make disbursements as necessary. Before October 7 you shall send to the Second Vice President General the monies for the chapter dues and the President General's Project plus an alphabetical list of all chapter members, including a list of resignations, transfers, and marriages and deaths. You shall chair the Finance Committee. Installer Ms. ____________________, as Historian, you shall keep a history book of the chapter. You shall enter the chapter History Book to be judged at DRT Convention on odd-numbered years. You shall chair the __________________ Committee. Assistant Installer Ms. ____________________, as Registrar, you shall have custody of all duplicate application papers of the members, and these papers must remain in the chapter files. You are responsible for verifying the accuracy of all papers and proofs submitted to the Registrar General. You shall chair the ____________________ Committee. Installer Ms. ____________________, as Chaplain, you shall open all meetings with a prayer. When a member of the chapter dies, you shall send a sympathy card to the family. You shall immediately send to the Chaplain General the name and address of the deceased member with the date of her death and the name and address of her nearest relative. You shall also send any newspaper notices available in order that proper tribute may be paid at the next Convention. Assistant Installer Ms. ____________________ (Installing Officer's Name) shall now administer the Oath of Office. Installer (Facing new officers) Please raise your right hands. Having been duly elected as officers of the ____________________ Chapter of The Daughters of the Republic of Texas, do you solemnly promise to uphold its Charter and Bylaws and endeavor through just administration of them to keep the spirit of unity in the bond of peace and to work zealously to promote the success of the Association during the ensuing years? 2013 Ceremonies and Services 146 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index The Daughters of the Republic of Texas Response by all the new officers: I do. It is a privilege for me to welcome you as the new officers of the ____________________ Chapter, and my wish for you is that you may find ever-increasing joy and inspiration in the service you render this Association. Shall the Retiring President and the newly elected President please come forward? (To the chapter) The Daughters of the Republic of Texas, I present to you your new President, and I bespeak for her your loyalty and cooperation. Retiring President to Incoming President You are now confirmed as President of the ____________________ Chapter of The Daughters of the Republic of Texas. I give you and your officers my very best wishes. I assure you that, although I am your Retiring President, I shall continue as an active member feeling it a privilege and high honor to serve DRT. (Optional:) And now it is my privilege to pass to you this gavel, a sign of authority of our chapter. Installer Let us pray. Our Father, bless and guide the officers and members of the ___________________ Chapter. We thank Thee for the simple joys of life, for the fellowship we have in work, and for our Association, which unites us in ideals and service. We pray that you shall bless each of us, our work and our friendship, and make us an increasing force for good, which expresses itself in self-denying service. Strengthen us in all that is worthwhile. In Christ's name we pray. Amen. Stephen F. Austin Oak Tree Ceremony To honor Stephen F. Austin’s birthday, DRT shall be responsible for a commemorative flag-raising ceremony at the Stephen F. Austin Oak Tree on or near November 3 each year. Born in southwestern Virginia on November 3, 1793, Stephen F. Austin died on December 27, 1836, in Columbia (now West Columbia), Texas, at the home of the Honorable George B. McKinstry, the first Chief Justice of Brazoria County. At the site of the old McKinstry home is a giant live oak tree that has been in that location since before Austin lived there. This site is located north of West Columbia just off of Highway 36. The purpose of the annual marking of this historic site is to encourage the participation of school children in the ceremony in order to perpetuate the life and history of Stephen F. Austin, the Father of Texas. 2013 Ceremonies and Services 147 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index Manual of Procedure Welcoming Ceremony for New Members President It is a most significant occasion when we, as Daughters, take unto ourselves others who share the legacy and heritage bequeathed to us by the men and women, who settled, established, secured, maintained, and defended the Republic of Texas. The purpose of The Daughters of the Republic of Texas is to perpetuate the memory and spirit of our ancestors and to encourage research and preservation of Texas's rich history, especially during the period of the Republic. Now, ____ years after our founding, we, the members of The Daughters of the Republic of Texas, have sought and are charged with carrying on the patriotic, historical, and educational responsibilities that inspired Betty Ballinger and Hally Bryan Perry to unite others in establishing this organization. Registrar Your eligibility for membership has been certified by the Registrar General of The Daughters of the Republic of Texas by verification of proven lineal descent from an ancestor who served the Republic of Texas. Having been duly received as a member of The Daughters of the Republic of Texas, do you solemnly promise to uphold its Charter and Bylaws and to work zealously to promote the success of the Association in ensuing years? Response: I do. Do you solemnly promise to support this Association and conscientiously discharge your duties as a member with charity for all and malice towards none? Response: I do. Do you also promise to work to keep the spirit of unity of the ____________________ Chapter and to work to promote the success of the chapter? Response: I do. It is a signal privilege for me to welcome you to The Daughters of the Republic of Texas and the _____________________ Chapter. (Registrar presents new member with Certificate of Membership.) President To commemorate this occasion, it is my privilege to present to you two (2) symbols, recognized worldwide, that are synonymous with the pride, joy and beauty of our great State, our State Flag, whose 2013 Ceremonies and Services 148 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index The Daughters of the Republic of Texas Lone Star once flew over the Republic from which you are descended, and our State flower, the Bluebonnet, whose azure beauty blankets our beloved State each spring. (President makes presentation of flag and flower.) I charge you always to remember your heritage, yours by right of birth, not only as an honored member of The Daughters of the Republic of Texas and the ____________________ Chapter but as an individual Texan. (If a relative or sponsor present wishes to lend her membership pin to the new member for the ceremony, she may pin it on her at this time.) Chaplain As we welcome you, Ms. ____________________, we ask that you join us in repeating our Pledge to DRT: Realizing that the heritage to eligibility in the Association of The Daughters of the Republic of Texas is a sacred honor to be cherished, as a member of the _____________ Chapter, I pledge myself to be faithful to its lofty ideals and to guard its interests and achievements. It seems particularly appropriate to reflect on the words found in Job 8:8-10 at this time: Ask the former generations and find out what our fathers learned, for we were born only yesterday and know nothing, and our days on earth are but a shadow. Shall they not instruct you and tell you? Shall they not bring forth words from their understanding? Let us pray: Our Heavenly Father, we lift our hearts in prayer, ever grateful for the blessings of freedom. We thank you for this occasion to welcome a new member into our chapter. May she find a kindredship through friendship and patriotism that shall be ever meaningful to her life. And, dear God, guide our thoughts and efforts as we continue our endeavors to uphold the legacy bequeathed to us by the ancestors we honor, the brave men and women who achieved and maintained the independence that we enjoy today. As we meet with diversity, dear Lord, give us the strength, unity, and foresight that you gave those who came before us. And, Father, guide us in our actions, that we may continue as individuals and as an Association to uphold the goals of freedom for future generations. This we ask in Thy name and for Thy sake. Amen. 2013 Ceremonies and Services 149 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index Manual of Procedure PROCEDURE FOR CHANGING THE MOP Authority The BOM shall have the authority to change procedures in this MOP, providing the submitter has first sent her proposal to the Bylaws Chairman at least three (3) weeks before a BOM meeting, so that the Bylaws Committee may review, decide whether or not to recommend, and forward the proposals to the BOM for action at least ten (10) days before the next BOM meeting. Proposed Amendments Proposals and changes should be made during even-numbered years to coincide with the Bylaws amendment procedure and republication, to avoid making the new book out of date; or as deemed necessary by the BOM. Motions by BOM members to amend or add procedures should state whether the MOP shall be updated and the effective date if adopted. Any member may submit proposed changes to the MOP by sending them in writing to the Bylaws Committee using the same guidelines and deadlines governing proposed amendments to the DRT Bylaws, but marked as suggestions for the MOP. If the Bylaws Committee believes any of the proposed Bylaw amendments submitted for vote at Convention in even-numbered years are more appropriate for the MOP, it should forward them to the BOM. The member who submitted the proposed amendment shall be notified of this action. The Bylaws Committee Chairman shall carefully check all BOM minutes throughout the year for changes made by the BOM to the MOP and incorporate them therein. Under Bylaws Article XII, Sec. 2 (2), changes to Awards Forms may only be made by the Awards Committee, but must be approved by the BOM, and shall not become effective until after the next Convention. The BOM must ensure that the MOP reflects all amendments to the Bylaws adopted by the DRT at Convention. The Recording Secretary General shall keep a file of MOP amendments adopted by the BOM with which to check the new MOP for their inclusion before it is printed. Once the new edition Bylaws/MOP is published in even-numbered years, the Bylaws/MOP files on the DRT Members website should remain identical to the book, so as not to render the new books purchased by members immediately out of date. Instead, a separate downloadable file listing post-publication changes adopted by the BOM should be provided by the Bylaws chairman to be posted on the Members website. Updates to the MOP adopted by the BOM shall not be inserted into the on-line MOP, causing it to be out-of-sync with the printed book and index purchased by members, unless necessary to correct a publication error. Motions to amend the MOP should state their effective dates, such as “after the next convention,” or ideally, “when the next Bylaws/MOP are published.” 2013 Procedure for Changing the MOP 150 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index The Daughters of the Republic of Texas It is expected that if an approved amendment must take effect immediately in order to comply with State or National law, the Officer requesting its approval shall notify her Chapter counterparts (i.e., Treasurer General to Chapter Treasurers). Vote Amendments to the MOP shall be submitted to the Bylaws Committee at least three (3) weeks prior to a BOM meeting, reviewed and sent to the BOM for study at least ten (10) days before the next BOM meeting, where a two-thirds (2/3) vote shall be required to adopt (as the Bylaws require the Convention body to have sixty (60) days advance notice and amendments to be adopted by a 2/3 vote). Printing After Convention in even-numbered years, the Bylaws and MOP shall be updated and republished by the Bylaws Committee. The Bylaws chairman shall present to the BOM for approval at its March meeting three (3) bids for printing, send them to the Treasurer General for review, and give the BOM its recommended sales price at its March meeting. The BOM shall award the winning bid and set the sales price. Preparation for print and CDs of the Bylaws/MOP to sell may be assisted by the DRT Headquarters staff under supervision of the Custodian General. An order form for the new DRT Bylaws/MOP book shall be available at Convention, or sent to Chapter Presidents, BOM, and Committee chairmen soon afterward; and posted on the DRT Members website. The books and CDs shall be made available for sale at the Headquarters and for purchase at district meetings. Bylaws/MOP on DRT Members Website Only when a new edition of the Bylaws/MOP is published in even-numbered years should the copy posted on the DRT Members website be changed, unless necessary to correct a publication error. Updates to the MOP adopted by the BOM shall not be inserted into the on-line MOP, causing it to be outof-sync with the printed book and index purchased by members. To allow members to see amended MOP procedures, a separate list shall be provided by the Bylaws chairman for posting on the MOP page of the Members website. 2013 Procedure for Changing the MOP 151 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index Manual of Procedure DRT POLICIES Capital Assets and Depreciation Policy All capital assets with an acquisition price of $5,000 or greater shall be recorded as a fixed asset in DRT’s financial statements. Capital assets include land, land improvement, buildings, building improvements, fixed and moveable equipment, furniture and fixtures, computer systems and software, art and other such items. Land cost to be capitalized as land includes all costs connected with the acquisition of land. These include but are not limited to the costs of purchase, appraisals, professional services and title insurance. Building cost to be capitalized includes all costs related to the acquisition or construction of buildings. Acquisition cost includes but is not limited to the costs of: purchase, professional services, appraisals and title insurance. Construction cost includes but is not limited to the costs of: professional services, test borings, materials and site preparation. Building improvements to be capitalized are significant alterations or structural changes that cost in excess of $5,000 and that increase or amend the usefulness, enhance efficiency, or prolong the useful life of the subject building for a period of at least five (5) years. Equipment to be capitalized is an article of non-expendable tangible personal property with a useful life of at least two (2) years and a cost in excess of $5,000 per unit, excluding freight charges and taXEs. In addition, acquisitions of individual items of software with an acquisition cost of $5,000 or more shall also be considered a capital asset. Repair and maintenance costs are normal and recurring expenditures made to maintain a property in an efficient operating condition without adding value to or prolonging the life of the building or equipment. These costs are not capitalized. Land and building improvements and equipment repairs not capitalized (based upon capitalization policy) shall be recorded as a current expense. Equipment repair costs to be capitalized are those repairs or equipment replacement costs in excess of $5,000 intended to extend the useful life of equipment of at least two (2) years. Depreciation Depreciation on entity assets shall be expensed monthly in accordance with applicable financial accounting pronouncements, offsetting the purchase price in the accumulated depreciation account. All entity assets shall be depreciated using the straight-line method for financial reporting purposes. All entity assets shall be depreciated over a useful life as determined by the Treasurer General and in accordance with GAAP. 2013 DRT Policies 152 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index The Daughters of the Republic of Texas Disposals The Treasurer General shall be responsible for accounting for the disposal of all DRT assets at the time of disposal in accordance with the applicable financial accounting pronouncements. The treasurer general shall be notified in writing via email or letter within 10 business days of the disposal of any capital asset. CAPITAL RENEWAL AND REPLACEMENT FUND A reserve fund of $100,000 shall be established for Capital renewal and replacement which is defined as a systematic management process to plan and budget for known cyclic repair and replacement requirements that extend the life and retain usable condition of facilities and systems and are not normally contained in the annual operating budget. Capital renewal is a planned investment program that ensures that facilities shall function at levels commensurate with the priorities and missions of an institution. Included are major building (this would include the Vision’s purpose and would be a sub-fund of this fund) and infrastructure systems and components that have a maintenance cycle in excess of one year, in case of necessary emergency needs, including but not limited to repairs and replacements of furniture, equipment, and other building expenses. Cash Fund Deposits Policy All persons processing financial donations shall follow the Guidelines for Processing Donations to DRT prepared and issued by the Treasurer General. These guidelines address administration of DRT funds in a manner adequate to ensure that donors’ and their directives shall be carried out. Any questions should be referred to the Treasurer General for clarification. CRT Financial Review Policy Adopted by the Board of Management September 10, 2010 1. At each district workshop in which any Children of the Republic of Texas funds were raised or received, whether through sales or donations, the funds shall be counted by a minimum of two (2) members of The Daughters of the Republic of Texas and, if present, a member of the Board of Management of the Children of the Republic of Texas. The total funds received shall be classified in the following two (2) manners: a. First: (1) Sales (2) Donations (3) Total funds received b. Second: (1) CRT General Funds (2) CRT President General’s Fund (3) Itemize any additional CRT donor directed funds received at the workshop. (4) Total funds received c. 2013 The total of a must equal the total of b. DRT Policies 153 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index Manual of Procedure d. The record of the funds received and classified shall be signed by all DRT and CRT members involved in counting the funds. 2. At each district workshop, the information in 1.b. shall be reported to the recording secretary, who shall record the CRT funds raised for each respective project in the workshop minutes. 3. The Third Vice President General, or her representative, shall report the information in 1(a) and 1(b) to the DRT Treasurer General. 4. At each DRT and CRT convention, the CRT sales table shall be attended by two (2) unrelated persons at all times. a. At the close of each sales day, all CRT funds received shall be counted by a minimum of two (2) unrelated DRT members, and, if present, the Treasurer General or another member of the Board of Management of the Children of the Republic of Texas. Procedures for counting and recording daily funds shall be consistent with Procedure #1. b. Each day’s Total funds, including the amounts received for each respective CRT Fund, shall be reported to the DRT Third Vice President General and the DRT Treasurer General. 5. All statements for accounts of the Children of the Republic of Texas received from financial institutions shall be received by the Third Vice President General and the Treasurer General. 6. The DRT Treasurer General shall review the statements to reconcile deposit amounts with reports received from workshops/conventions and shall verify that deposit amounts were made in a timely manner. 7. The DRT Third Vice President General shall document all monetary disbursements from CRT funds with a vendor receipt, minutes of a CRT Board of Management meeting, and/or minutes of a CRT Convention. The purpose of the disbursement shall also be recorded. 8. At the end of each fiscal year (June 1-May 31), all CRT financial records, including financial statements, documents validating monetary disbursements, and an inventory count of unsold goods purchased by CRT for fund raising purposes, shall be examined by two (2) DRT Finance Committee members who are not check signers. 2013 DRT Policies 154 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index The Daughters of the Republic of Texas Conflict of Interest Policy Article I – Purpose The purpose of the conflict of interest policy is to protect this tax-eXEmpt organization’s (The Daughters of the Republic of Texas) interest when it is contemplating entering into a transaction or arrangement that might benefit the private interest of a member of the Board of Management, committee member, or management employee of this organization or might result in a possible excess benefit transaction. This policy is intended to supplement but not replace any applicable state and federal laws governing conflict of interest applicable to nonprofit and charitable organizations. Article II – Definitions 1. 2. Interested Person – Any member of the Board of Management, an administrative committee, or a management employee with governing board delegated powers, who has a direct or indirect financial interest, as defined below, is an interested person. Financial Interest – A person has a financial interest if the person has, directly or indirectly, through business, investment, or family: a. An ownership or investment interest in any entity with which The Daughters of the Republic of Texas have a transaction or arrangement. b. A compensation arrangement with The Daughters of the Republic of Texas or with any entity or individual with which this organization has a transaction or arrangement, or c. A potential ownership or investment interest in, or compensation arrangement with, any entity or individual with which The Daughters of the Republic of Texas are negotiating a transaction or arrangement. Compensation includes direct and indirect remuneration as well as gifts or favors that are not insubstantial. A financial interest is not necessarily a conflict of interest. Under Article III, Sec. 2, a person who has a financial interest may have a conflict of interest only if the Board of Management or governing committee decides that a conflict of interest exists. Article III – Procedures 1. Duty to Disclose – In connection with any actual or possible conflict of interest, an interested person must disclose the existence of the financial interest and be given the opportunity to disclose all material facts to the Board of Management and members of committees with governing board delegated powers considering the proposed transaction or arrangement. 2. Determining Whether a Conflict of Interest Exists – After disclosure of the financial interest and all material facts, and after any discussion with the interested person, he/she shall leave the Board of Management or governing committee meeting while the determination of a conflict of interest is discussed and voted upon. The remaining Board of Management or governing committee members shall decide if a conflict of interest exists. 2013 DRT Policies 155 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index Manual of Procedure 3. Procedures for Addressing the Conflict of Interest a. An interested person may make a presentation at a Board of Management or Committee meeting, but after the presentation, he/she shall leave the meeting during the discussion of, and the vote on, the transaction or arrangement involving the possible conflict of interest. b. The President General or the chairman of the governing committee shall, if appropriate, appoint a disinterested person or committee to investigate alternatives to the proposed transaction or arrangement. c. After eXErcising due diligence, the Board of Management or governing committee shall determine whether The Daughters of the Republic of Texas may obtain, with reasonable efforts, a more advantageous transaction or arrangement from a person or entity that would not give rise to a conflict of interest. d. If a more advantageous transaction or arrangement is not reasonably possible under circumstances not producing a conflict of interest, the Board of Management or governing committee shall determine by a majority vote of the disinterested members whether the transaction or arrangement is in The Daughters of the Republic of Texas’ best interest, for its own benefit, and whether it is fair and reasonable. In conformity with the above determination, it shall make its decision as to whether to enter into the transaction or arrangement. 4. Violations of the Conflicts of Interest Policy a. If the Board of Management or governing committee has reasonable cause to believe an employee or member has failed to disclose actual or possible conflicts of interest, it shall inform the employee or member of the basis for such belief and afford the employee or member an opportunity to explain the alleged failure to disclose. b. If, after hearing the employee’s or member’s response and after making further investigation as warranted by the circumstances, the Board of Management or governing committee determines the employee or member has failed to disclose an actual or possible conflict of interest, it shall take appropriate disciplinary and corrective action. Article IV – Records of Proceedings The minutes of the Board of Management and all committees with board delegated powers shall contain: 1. 2. 2013 The names of the persons who disclosed or otherwise were found to have a financial interest in connection with an actual or possible conflict of interest, the nature of the financial interest, any action taken to determine whether a conflict of interest was present, and the Board of Management’s or governing committee’s decision as to whether a conflict of interest in fact existed. The names of the persons who were present for discussions and votes relating to the transaction or arrangement, the content of the discussion, including any alternatives to the proposed transaction or arrangement, and a record of any votes taken in connection with the proceedings. DRT Policies 156 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index The Daughters of the Republic of Texas Article V – Compensation 1. 2. 3. A voting member of Board of Management who receives compensation, directly or indirectly, from The Daughters of the Republic of Texas for services is precluded from voting on matters pertaining to that member’s compensation. A voting member of any committee whose jurisdiction includes compensation matters and who receives compensation, directly or indirectly, from The Daughters of the Republic of Texas for services is precluded from voting on matters pertaining to that member’s compensation. No voting member of the Board of Management or any committee whose jurisdiction includes compensation matters and who receives compensation, directly or indirectly, is prohibited from providing information to any committee regarding compensation. Article VI -- Annual Statements Each member of the Board of Management, each member of a committee with governing board delegated powers, and each management employee shall annually sign a statement which affirms such person: 1. 2. 3. 4. Has received a copy of the conflicts of interest policy, Has read and understands the policy, Has agreed to comply with the policy, Understands that The Daughters of the Republic of Texas are charitable, and, in order to maintain their federal tax eXEmption, they must engage primarily in activities which accomplish one or more of their tax-eXEmpt purposes. Article VII – Periodic Reviews To ensure that The Daughters of the Republic of Texas operate in a manner consistent with their charitable purposes and do not engage in activities that could jeopardize their tax-eXEmpt status, periodic reviews shall be conducted. The periodic reviews shall, at a minimum, include the following subjects: 1. 2. Whether compensation arrangements and benefits are reasonable, based on competent survey information and the result of arm’s length bargaining. Whether partnerships, joint ventures, and arrangements with management organizations conform to The Daughters of the Republic of Texas’ written policies, are properly recorded, reflect reasonable investment or payments for goods and services, further charitable purposes, and do not result in inurement, impermissible private benefit, or in an excess benefit transaction. Article VIII -- Use of Outside Experts When conducting the periodic reviews as provided for in Article VII, The Daughters of the Republic of Texas may, but need not, use outside advisors. If outside experts are used, their use shall not relieve the Board of Management or the governing committees of their responsibility for ensuring periodic reviews are conducted. 2013 DRT Policies 157 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index Manual of Procedure Conflict of Interest Information Form Name:_______________________________________________________ Date:____________________________ Please describe below any relationships, positions, or circumstances in which you are involved that you believe could contribute to a conflict of interest arising as defined in The Daughters of the Republic of Texas’ policy on conflicts of interest. I hereby certify that the information set forth above is true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I have reviewed, and agree to abide by, the Policy of Conflict of Interest of The Daughters of the Republic of Texas that is currently in effect. Signature:____________________________________________________ Date:_________________________________________ 2013 DRT Policies 158 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index The Daughters of the Republic of Texas Credit Card Policy Policy The Board of Management of The Daughters of the Republic of Texas authorizes the issuance of credit cards to employees to purchase merchandise and/or non-travel related services that are in compliance with the approved budget of the governing administrative committee. Purchases may be made in person, over the telephone, or on the internet in accordance with the regulations of The Daughters of the Republic of Texas. Credit cards are encouraged to be used when the check payment process shall not secure the merchandise or services in a timely manner. Procedures The governing administrative committee must approve the authorization of all credit cards issued for the respective program that it administers. The supervisor of the employee to whom the credit card is issued shall be responsible for monitoring the proper use of the credit card system. Authorized employees who are issued credit cards are responsible for card's protection and security. If an employee receives a unique card with his/her name on it, only that cardholder is authorized to use that card. All other credit cards issued to The Daughters of the Republic of Texas, or one of its subordinate organizations, are to remain in a secure, locked location in the financial office of the entity when not used by an employee. The supervisor of the cardholder of the employee making a credit card purchase is responsible for: 1. Approving all charges 2. Reviewing all charges 3. Ensuring all purchases are in compliance with the approved budget or have the approval of the Board of Management. 4. Ensuring that the credit card was not used for a prohibited purchase 5. Ensuring that detailed receipts for all credit card purchases are retained and attached to the credit card statement when received. The Cardholder is responsible for: 1. Obtaining an itemized receipt/invoice that includes: a. The description, quantity, and price per unit of items purchased. b. Shipping/handling charges, if any. c. The following additional notation: the purpose of the purchase, if there was any under/over quantity shipment, damaged goods, or errors to be resolved. d. Total amount. 2. If the receipt is not itemized, he/she must write the items purchased on a separate sheet of paper and sign the sheet. The security of Corporate Credit Card. Giving the receipts for credit card purchases to the department supervisor in a timely manner. Handling all credit card purchase disputes. Payment for all prohibited or unauthorized purchases. 3. 4. 5. 6. 2013 DRT Policies 159 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index Manual of Procedure 7. Lost or stolen credit cards shall be reported to the credit card company as soon as the loss in discovered. The approving supervision should also be immediately notified. Prohibited Transactions: 1. 2. 3. 4. Cash Advances, leases, maintenance agreements, or other term contracts. Personal purchases. Alcoholic beverages/tobacco products. Travel Expenses. Consequences of Misuse Any employee guilty of misuse of a credit card issued to The Daughters of the Republic of Texas shall be subject to disciplinary action and/or possible dismissal. I have read and understand The Daughters of the Republic of Texas' Credit Card Policy and Procedures and I agree to adhere to them. Signature _______________________________________ Date________ 2013 DRT Policies 160 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index The Daughters of the Republic of Texas General Records Retention Schedule Policy Introduction The Daughters of the Republic of Texas present this retention schedule to its membership and its employees as a guide to the proper retention and disposition of the records of the organization at its constituent properties: DRT Headquarters, the Republic of Texas Museum, the Alamo, the DRT Library, the French Legation, and the Cradle. The organization intends for this retention schedule to be used by all offices in the organization. This retention schedule is meant to be used in conjunction with the records management policies adopted by the Board of Management and records management guidelines and procedures adopted by the constituent properties in a records management manual. Definitions Retention – the amount of time a record is kept in the office after it has lost its usefulness as a current record. This is sometimes called a semi-current record. In other words, you no longer use the record regularly, but may consult it from time to time. Record - information recorded on a tangible medium (paper or electronic media being two common examples) and intentionally retained and managed as evidence of an organization’s activities, events, or transactions for business, legal, regulatory, and/or historical purposes. Record copy – the original, official copy of the record. Duplicate copy – a copy of the record that is not the record copy. Archival value – whether the record has any historical value for preservation in the organization’s archives. OSA – “Obsolete, Superseded, or Administrative value is lost.” All duplicate copies of records in the organization are considered to be “OSA” unless otherwise stated in this retention schedule. When a record is OSA, then the person approved to discard the material may discard it according to approved disposition procedures. Retention Schedule Items Accession Records – records of acquisitions for materials of cultural or intellectual value (archives, manuscripts, publications, ephemera) that include donor information and dates of acquisition. Retention: permanent Record copy belongs to: Archival value: high Accounts Payable Records – records related to accounts payable transactions. Retention: three (3) years Record copy belongs to: Archival value: none Accounts Receivable Records Retention: three (3) years Record copy belongs to: 2013 DRT Policies 161 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index Manual of Procedure Archival value: none Annual Reports - Narrative reports to the Board of Management. Retention: permanent Record copy belongs to: Archival value: high Applications for Hire – Not Hired - Applications, resumes, and related materials whose submission by candidates for vacant positions is required on the application forms. Retention: two (2) years Record copy belongs to: Archival value: none Audit Reports - Audits and reviews performed by or on behalf of an agency, including the working papers that support the audit. Retention: seven (7) years after release of final audit findings. Record copy belongs to: Archival value: none Bank Statements Retention: seven (7) years Record copy belongs to: Archival value: none Bid Documentation – Includes bid requisitions and authorizations, invitations to bid or propose, bid specifications, accepted and rejected bids, and bid evaluations. Retention: closing/termination of bid plus three (3) years Record copy belongs to: Archival value: none Budgets and Budgetary Documents – includes all documents used for the determination of annual budgets. Retention: three (3) years Record copy belongs to: Archival value: none Building Construction Project Files – planning, design, and construction records; accepted bids; correspondence; etc. Retention: construction termination plus ten (10) years. Record copy belongs to: Archival value: none Building Plans and Specifications – Includes architectural and engineering drawings, profiles, and blueprints. Retention: permanent Record copy belongs to: Archival value: high 2013 DRT Policies 162 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index The Daughters of the Republic of Texas Calendars, Appointment and Itinerary Records -- Calendars, appointment books or programs and scheduling, or itinerary records, maintained by staff during business hours that document appointments, itineraries, and other activities of officials or employees. Retention: one (1) year Record copy belongs to: Archival value: review necessary Cancelled Checks/stubs/warrants/drafts – Retention: three (3) years Record copy belongs to: Archival value: none Cash Deposit Vouchers and Cash Receipts – cash deposit slips and receipts for fees. Retention: three (3) years Record copy belongs to: Archival value: none Contracts and Leases – Contracts, leases, and agreements include general obligation, land lease, utilities, and construction except for buildings. Retention: expiration of contact/lease plus four (4) years Record copy belongs to: Archival value: none Correspondence - Administrative -- Incoming/outgoing and internal correspondence pertaining to the formulation, planning, implementation, interpretation, modification, or redefinition of the programs, services, or projects of an agency and the administrative regulations, policies, and procedures that govern them. Retention: three (3) years. Record copy belongs to: Archival value: review necessary Correspondence - General -- Non-administrative incoming/outgoing and internal correspondence, in any media, pertaining to or arising from the routine operations of the policies, programs, services, or projects of an agency. Retention: one (1) year. Record copy belongs to: Archival value: none Customer Surveys -- Surveys returned by the customers or clients and the statistical data maintained rating an agency's performance. Retention: as long as administratively valuable Record copy belongs to: Archival value: none Daily Cash Receipt Logs – Retention: three (3) years Record copy belongs to: Archival value: none 2013 DRT Policies 163 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index Manual of Procedure Destruction Authorizations – Documents authorizing the final disposition of records under the retention schedule. Retention: ten (10) years Record copy belongs to: Archival value: none Directives -- Any document that officially initiates, rescinds, or amends general office procedures. Retention: one (1) year Record copy belongs to: Archival value: none Electronic Funds Transfers – Records such as direct deposit registers and receipts for electronic funds transfers. Retention: three (3) years Record copy belongs to: Archival value: none Equipment History/Calibration/Inventory Files – Records related to agreements or contracts between vendor and organization to provide maintenance service for equipment, calibration records, and inventory records for equipment owned or leased by the organization. Retention: Termination of contract or loss/replacement of equipment plus three (3) years. Record copy belongs to: Archival value: none Equipment Manuals Retention: loss/replacement of equipment plus sixty (60) days Record copy belongs to: Archival value: none Evacuation and Emergency Preparedness Documentation – Records association with plans for evacuation of the facilities and grounds and for emergency preparedness and recovery. Retention: one (1) year Record copy belongs to: Archival value: review necessary Facilities Inspection Records – Building and other facility inspection records. Retention: inspection plus ten (10) years Record copy belongs to: Archival value: none Facilities Reservation Requests/logs Retention: occupancy or denial of occupancy plus one (1) year Record copy belongs to: Archival value: none Finding Aids, Indices, and Catalogs – Automated or print indices, lists, registers, and other finding aids used in libraries and archives to provide access to records and manuscripts. Retention: permanent 2013 DRT Policies 164 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index The Daughters of the Republic of Texas Record copy belongs to: Archival value: high Former Employee Verification Records – Minimum information needed to verify employment, including name, social security number, exact dates of employment, last known address. Retention: Termination of employment plus seventy-five (75) years Record copy belongs to: Archival value: none Forms – Print masters of all versions of forms used by the organization. Retention: one (1) year Record copy belongs to: Archival value: none General Ledgers Retention: permanent Record copy belongs to: Archival value: high Hardware/Software Documentation – Records documenting operational and maintenance requirements of computer hardware and software, such as operating manuals. Retention: one (1) year Record copy belongs to: Archival value: none Insurance Policies – Policies on vehicles, equipment, and facilities. Retention: expiration of policy plus four (4) years Record copy belongs to: Archival value: none Internal Fiscal/Financial Reports -- Includes monthly budget reports. Retention: three (3) years Record copy belongs to: Archival value: none Inventory Files Retention: three (3) years Record copy belongs to: Archival value: none Legal Opinions and Advice -- From legal counsel, including any requests eliciting the opinions. Retention: as long as administratively valuable Record copy belongs to: Archival value: none Library Circulation Records Retention: Record copy belongs to: Library 2013 DRT Policies 165 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index Manual of Procedure Archival value: statistical compilations have archival value. Litigation Files -- Records created by or on behalf of an agency in anticipation of or in the adjudication of a lawsuit. Retention: one (1) year Record copy belongs to: Archival value: review required. Attorney working papers, if archived, shall have restricted use for fifty (50) years Lost and Stolen Property Reports Retention: loss of property plus three (3) years Record copy belongs to: Archival value: review necessary Meeting Agenda and Minutes -- Official agenda and minutes of the Board of Management and all committees, subcommittees, task forces, working groups, chapters, or other bodies of the organization. Retention: permanent record Record copy belongs to: Archival value: high. Records must be retained in organization archives. Meeting Notes – Notes taken during meetings of the Board of Management and all committees, subcommittees, task forces, working groups, or other bodies of the organization. Retention: six (6) months Record copy belongs to: Archival value: none Meeting Supporting Documentation – Documents submitted at meetings of the Board of Management and all committees, subcommittees, task forces, working groups, or other bodies of the organization, including documents sent in advance of meetings for briefing purposes. Retention: two (2) years Record copy belongs to: Archival value: none Miscellaneous Financial Records – Records of a financial nature that does not fit into any other category of financial records in this retention schedule. Retention: three (3) years Record copy belongs to: Archival value: none Republic of Texas Museum Exhibition Records Retention: Record copy belongs to: Republic of Texas Museum Archival value: Organizational Charts – Records pertaining to the development of organizational charts and the charts themselves. Retention: as long as administratively valuable. Record copy belongs to: 2013 DRT Policies 166 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index The Daughters of the Republic of Texas Archival value: none Payroll Records – Records of employee payroll that differ from personnel records (see Personnel Records) which include: employee deduction authorizations, earnings records, federal tax records, income adjustment authorizations, W-4 forms, wage rate tables, unemployment compensation records, workers compensation records, and direct deposit authorizations. Retention: Termination of employee plus four (4) years Record copy belongs to: Archival value: none Personnel Policies and Procedures – Any internally distributed manual, guideline, or similar record that defines organization-wide policies and procedures concerning personnel. Retention: three (3) years Record copy belongs to: Archival value: none Personnel Records – Record files that include materials such as applications for employment, employee counseling records, employee insurance records, employment contracts, employment selection records, employee grievance records, employee performance appraisals, employee corrective action documentation, personnel disciplinary documentation, criminal history checks, results of blood/urine screenings, physical examination/medical reports, accumulated leave adjustment requests, leave status reports, overtime authorizations, educational achievement records (transcripts and certificates), time cards and time sheets, sick leave documentation, employee benefit records, resumes/curriculum vita, and job descriptions. Retention: Termination of employment plus five (5) years. Record copy belongs to: Archival value: none (lists of employees and dates of employment may be permanent records) Plans and Planning Records -- Plans and records relating to the process of planning new or redefined programs, services, or projects of an agency that are not included in or directly related to other records series in this schedule. Retention: three (3) years. Record copy belongs to: Archival value: review necessary Policies and Procedures – Manuals, guidelines, administrative rules, or similar records distributed internally for the use of employees or externally to the public or those individuals or entities regulated by the organization that set out the rules, policies, and procedures that govern the programs, services, or projects of the organization. Retention: three (3) years Record copy belongs to: Archival value: review necessary Postage Records – Records and reports of postage expenses. Retention: three (3) years Record copy belongs to: Archival value: none 2013 DRT Policies 167 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index Manual of Procedure Property Damage Reports – Internal and external reports and forms related to the damage of property owned by the organization. Retention: damage plus three (3) years Record copy belongs to: Archival value: review necessary Property Destruction Certificates Retention: destruction of property plus three (3) years Record copy belongs to: Archival value: none Public Relations Records -- News, press releases, or any public relations files maintained or issued by the organization. Retention: two (2) years. Record copy belongs to: Archival value: review necessary Purchasing Logs – Logs, registers, etc., providing a record of purchase orders issued, orders received, and procurement status. Retention: purchase plus three (3) years Record copy belongs to: Archival value: none Quality Control Reports Retention: two (2) years Record copy belongs to: Archival value: none Records Retention Schedule – This schedule and its revisions. Retention: permanent record Record copy belongs to: Library Archival value: high Returned Checks/warrants/drafts Retention: three (3) years Record copy belongs to: Archival value: none Sales/receipt/expenditures Journals Retention: three (3) years Record copy belongs to: Archival value: none Security Access Records – Records relating to the issuance of keys, identification cards, building passes, passwords, signed statements or similar instruments of access to organization facilities, equipment, or automated systems. Retention: two (2) years 2013 DRT Policies 168 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index The Daughters of the Republic of Texas Record copy belongs to: Archival value: none Software Programs – Automated software applications. Retention: one (1) year Record copy belongs to: Archival value: none Speeches, Papers and Presentations -- Notes or text of speeches, papers, or reports delivered in conjunction with organization’s work. Note: This includes presentations to community and civic groups and organizations and presentations at professional conferences by individual employees. Retention: as long as administratively valuable Record copy belongs to: Archival value: review required Strategic Plans -- Information resources and operational strategic plans. Retention: six (6) years Record copy belongs to: Archival value: review necessary Surplus Property Sales Reports Note: This does not include sales of cultural property or publications/ ephemera. Retention: sale plus three (3) years Archival value: none Training Materials -- Instructional materials developed by an agency for training employees or volunteers. Retention: one (1) year Record copy belongs to: Archival value: none Transitory Information - Records of temporary usefulness that are not an integral part of a records series of an agency, that are not regularly filed within an agency's record-keeping system, and that are required only for a limited period of time for the completion of an action by an official or employee of the agency or in the preparation of an on-going records series. Note: Transitory records are not essential to the documentation of organization functions. Some examples of transitory information, which may be in any medium (voice mail, fax, email, hard copy, etc.) are routine messages; post-it notes; telephone message notifications; internal meeting notices; routing slips; incoming letters or memoranda of transmittal that add nothing of substance to enclosures; and similar routine information used for communication, but not for the documentation, of a specific agency transaction. Retention: AC. Vital: No. Archival: No. Comments: AC = Purpose of record has been fulfilled. Retention: 3 months Record copy belongs to: Archival value: none 2013 DRT Policies 169 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index Manual of Procedure Utility Usage Reports/bills Retention: one (1) year Record copy belongs to: Archival value: none Vouchers – Encumbrance, purchase, expenditure, and general journal vouchers. Retention: three (3) years Record copy belongs to: Archival value: none In-Kind Contributions Policy DRT receives numerous non-monetary contributions of both time and various types of tangible items. Services In accordance with SFAS 116, significant services received which create or enhance a non-financial asset or require specialized skills that DRT would have to purchase if not donated shall be recorded as an increase in unrestricted net assets in the financial statements. Tangible Goods Contributions of equipment or other non-collection tangible items are recorded at fair market value as an increase in unrestricted net assets where there is an objective basis upon which to value these contributions and where the contributions are an essential part of DRT’s Republic of Texas Museum activities. Investment Policy Gifts to The Daughters of the Republic of Texas are generally given with the donors’ expectations that the funds shall stay intact and shall grow from earnings, which may then be used for current or long-term needs of the Daughters. Records shall be maintained by the Treasurer General on the separate funds to ensure that the corpus of each fund remains intact and does not violate the terms of the donor agreements. The funds shall be invested in accordance with these general policies: 2013 1. Preservation to Capital. Both with respect to the overall Fund and to the assets assigned to each investment manager, the DRT Finance Committee members assigned investment oversight, the Treasurer General, and the Financial Advisor should make conscious efforts to preserve capital within the framework of the policy and consistent with the primary objective of safety, understanding that losses may occur in individual securities. 2. Risk Aversion. Understanding that risk is present in all types of securities and investment styles, the DRT Finance Committee members assigned investment oversight recognize that some risk is necessary to produce long-term investment results sufficient to meet the Fund’s objectives. However, financial advisors are to make reasonable efforts to control risk, and they shall be evaluated regularly to ensure that the risk assumed is commensurate with the given investment style and objectives. DRT Policies 170 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index The Daughters of the Republic of Texas 3. Adherence to Investment Discipline. Financial Advisors are expected to adhere to the investment management styles of The Daughters of the Republic of Texas, and shall be evaluated regularly for adherence to investment discipline. Investment Objectives: Specifically, the primary objective in the investment management of fund assets shall be: • • • To preserve purchasing power after spending To achieve returns that are more than the rate of inflation plus spending over the investment horizon in order to preserve purchasing power of fund assets. To control risk in the investment of fund assets T: Allowable Assets: Cash Equivalents o Treasury Bills o Money Market Funds o Certificates of Deposit FiXEd Income Securities o U.S. Government and Agency Securities o U.S. Corporations o Notes and Bonds o Preferred Stock Equity and Securities o U.S. Corporations o Common Stocks o Convertible Notes and Bonds o Convertible Preferred Stock o American Depository Receipts of Non-U. S. Companies o Mutual Funds o Mutual Funds, which invest in securities as allowed in this statement Prohibited Transactions • Short Selling • Margin Transactions • Purchase of: o Privately held securities o Real Estate Properties (The does not exclude gifts of real estate to DRT) o Derivative securities Asset Allocation Guidelines Equities, including any convertible securities, shall constitute no more than 50% of the total portfolio market value at any time; the remainder (a minimum of 40%, and up to 100% of the total market value) shall be invested in fiXEd obligations (bonds, cash or cash equivalents). Foreign domiciled stocks shall be limited to a maximum of 20% of the portfolio market value. The Investment Committee may direct the asset allocation or delegate that to the financial advisor within the above limits. 2013 DRT Policies 171 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index Manual of Procedure Guidelines for Equity Investments American Depository Receipts of Non-U. S. Companies (ADRs) are limited to no more than 15% of the total market value of the Fund at the time of investment. To ensure sufficient trading liquidity, at least 80% of the total equity portfolio (by market value) shall be in companies having a market capitalization of greater than $500 million. Guidelines for FiXEd Income Investments and Cash Equivalents Corporate bonds must be “investment grade,” rated A by Standard and Poors (S&P) and A by Moody’s at the time of investment FiXEd income maturity restrictions are as follows: Maximum maturity for any single security is 15 years Weighted average portfolio maturity may not exceed 10 years Money Market funds selected shall contain securities whose credit rating at absolute minimum would be rated investment grade by S&P, and /or Moody’s Spending Policy If the endowment, net asset fund, or trust agreement contains specific directives for income distribution, the donor directives shall be followed. If the endowment, net asset fund, or trust agreement does not have specific directives for income distribution, no more than 5% of the last 12-quarter market average value as of May 31 for the previous fiscal year shall be appropriated. Income shall be composed of interest earnings, dividends, and realized capital gains. Any exceptions to the maximum distribution of 5% of investment market value shall require the approval of the Board of Management of The Daughters of the Republic of Texas. Selection of Financial Advisor The Investment Committee’s recommendations to the DRT Board of Management regarding the selection of a Financial Advisor must be based on prudent due diligence procedures. A qualifying investment manager must be a registered investment advisor, or a bank. Financial Advisor Performance Review and Evaluation The Investment Committee shall, at least quarterly, review and measure the performance of the total portfolio, as well as asset class components, against commonly accepted performance benchmarks. Consideration shall be given to the extent to which the investment results are consistent with the investment objectives, goals, and guidelines as set forth in this statement. The Investment Committee intends to evaluate the portfolio (s) over at least a two (2) year period, but reserves the right to terminate a financial advisor for any reason, including the following: 2013 Investment performance that is significantly less than anticipated, given the discipline employed and risk parameters established, or unacceptable justification of poor results Failure to adhere to any aspect of this statement of investment policy, including communication and reporting requirements DRT Policies 172 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index The Daughters of the Republic of Texas Significant qualitative changes to the investment management organization The Investment Committee shall review the Financial Advisor regularly regarding performance, personnel, strategy, research capabilities, organization and business matters, and other qualitative factors that may impact their ability to achieve the desired investment results. The DRT Finance Committee members with duties of investment oversight shall evaluate the portfolio(s) over at least a two-year period, but reserve the right to terminate a financial advisor for any reason, including the following: Investment performance that is significantly less than anticipated, given the discipline employed and risk parameters established, or unacceptable justification of poor results. Failure to adhere to any aspect of this statement of investment policy, including communication and reporting requirements. Significant qualitative changes to the investment management organization. Purchased and Donated Collections Policy The Daughters of the Republic of Texas (“DRT”) maintains numerous historical collections at its various Republic of Texas Museums and custodial properties as part of its mission to foster preservation of documents and relics pertaining to Texas history. The collections are maintained for public exhibition, education and research in furtherance of public service rather than for financial gain. DRT’s collections acquired through purchase and donation are not recognized as assets in the financial statements. Purchases of collection items shall be recorded in the year in which the items are acquired as decreases in unrestricted or temporarily restricted net assets, depending on the source of those assets used to purchase the items and whether those assets were restricted by donors. Contributed collection items are not reflected in the financial statements. Proceeds from deaccessions, which are reflected as increases in temporarily restricted net assets, are used exclusively to acquire, restore, and maintain Republic of Texas Museum artifacts for this collection. Purchasing and Procurement Policy Purpose A. To establish uniform and systematic procurement procedures and basic standard forms for DRT purchases. B. To assure complete and adequate control over all procurement practices for maximum benefit to the DRT. Purchasing Guidelines A. Purchases shall be made under competitive conditions, where feasible, which provide the Company the lowest price consistent with quality, quantity, delivery and service. 2013 DRT Policies 173 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index Manual of Procedure B. Suppliers shall be selected based on fair and equitable consideration of proposals from all financially responsible and reliable sources. C. Except for bonafide emergencies, non-budgeted expenditures over fifteen hundred dollars ($1500), with the exception of the Alamo Committee and the French Legation Committee, which are allowed up to Three thousand dollars ($3,000) in non-budgeted expenditures, Purchase Orders (P.O.) must be approved by the BOM prior to placing any order or request for services. D. Where it is advantageous, purchase agreements should be negotiated for repetitive purchases of the same component or services. Forms Standard procurement process shall be used by the DRT and all committees to initiate authorize and procure goods and services. Purchasing Procedure When necessary, each administrative committee handling funds shall establish specific purchasing procedures suitable to their operating requirements and circumstances within the framework established by the BOM. Responsibilities All Daughters delegated the authority to initiate or approve DRT purchases shall be responsible for: A. Compliance with all guidelines and practices designated by "Purchasing and Procurement" statements and all other established DRT practices. B. The Committee Chairman shall be responsible for establishing adequate internal control and accounting procedures necessary to administer this policy. C. A committee chairman, committee member, or employee may be held personally liable for payment of any DRT expenditure that is not in compliance with the Bylaws and DRT Purchasing Policy. Financial liability for expenditures that are not in compliance with DRT Bylaws and Purchasing Policy shall be determined by the DRT Board of Management. Proceeds from de accessions, which are reflected as increases in temporarily restricted net assets, are used exclusively to acquire, restore, and maintain Republic of Texas Museum artifacts for this collection. Whistleblower Policy It is the intent of The Daughters of the Republic of Texas to adhere to all laws and regulations that apply to this organization, and the purpose of this Whistleblower Policy is to support this organization’s goal of legal compliance. The support of all employees and volunteers is necessary to achieve compliance with various laws and regulations. 2013 DRT Policies 174 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index The Daughters of the Republic of Texas If any employee or volunteer reasonably believes that some policy, practice, or activity of The Daughters of the Republic of Texas is in violation of federal or state law or in violation of this organization’s bylaws, a complaint may be filed with the chief employed eXEcutive or with the governing administrative committee chairman. If both of those persons are implicated in the complaint, report, or inquiry, it should be directed to the President General of The Daughters of the Republic of Texas. The Daughters of the Republic of Texas prohibit retaliation by or on behalf of the organization against staff or volunteers for making good faith complaints, reports, or inquiries under this policy or for participating in a review or investigation under this policy. This protection extends to those whose allegations are made in good faith but prove to be mistaken. The Daughters of the Republic of Texas reserve the right to discipline persons who make bad faith, knowingly false complaints, reports, or inquiries or otherwise abuse this policy. General Information/Miscellaneous Policies DRT Websites Public website for DRT general information: DRT Members only: The Headquarters Committee is responsible for coordinating the maintenance of the DRT public and DRT Members websites. On the DRT Members website, all current BOM-approved official forms are provided for posting by the Bylaws Committee. They are for the use of members, BOM, and Committee Chairmen, and include Awards, Chapter Endorsement of Member for Election, Chapter Dues Reports, Dues Reconciliation, CRT Transfer to DRT Short Form, Deceased Member Report, Member Data Change, Jewelry/Insignia Order, Request for Reinstatement, Transfer, and Applications for Memorial Medallions Forms, and others. Assigned organizational e-mail addresses of BOM and Committee Chairmen shall be posted on the DRT Members website. Only with written consent of an individual shall the personal contact information of the BOM, committee chairman, chapter officer, or other member be posted on DRT websites. A list of BOM and Chairmen’s addresses shall continue to be distributed to Chapter Presidents for use only in chapter yearbooks by chapter counterpart officers. Pictures of children may not be shown on DRT websites without written parental consent, and may not be named. Also posted are Current Announcements; lists of Chapters and links to Chapter websites, BOM, committee chairmen, District Meetings, Conventions, Properties, and names of DRT Ancestors. Every DRT chapter is encouraged to have a chapter website. It is good public relations for our organization, may help to attract new members, and is a good resource for chapter members. A link to the chapter president’s assigned organizational e-mail address, and optionally to the webmaster’s e-mail address may be shown. Instructions for accessing DRT membership digital application images on-lin: Step 1: Go to 2013 DRT Policies 175 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index Manual of Procedure Step 2: Click “all collections” Step 3: Click on “U.S” Step 4: Scroll down to “Texas” and click Step 5: Select “Daughters of the Republic of Texas”. At this point you shall be asked to Register, If you haven’t already done so, then sign in with your ID and password. Step 6: Select the Vol. Which includes the application number you wish to see, including images of proofs, for a n average of 15 images per application, to reach the one you want. NOTE: Indexing is in progress. Merchandise Available Merchandise Purchased from the Alamo Republic of Texas Museum Gift Shop All DRT members when properly identified may purchase regular priced items from the Alamo Republic of Texas Museum Gift Shop at a 10% (percent) discount. Merchandise Available from DRT Headquarters Prices for the items listed below may be obtained by contacting the DRT Headquarters by calling, writing or emailing the office. New price lists shall be made available as prices change. Order forms are available on the DRT Members website: Items Available to Chapters Only DRT Membership Card Certificate of Appreciation Certificate of Award Chapter roster Chapter member labels Items Available to General Membership DRT application Packet It includes acid free pen, and 24 sheets of DRT watermarked legal-size application paper sells for $38.00 if picked up, or $33.30 if shipped, and includes a yellow sheet of instructions, general guidelines for proofs (from MOP Membership Section: Application Preparation Instructions. Packet contents and pricing breakdown: o Paper: $12.00 o Pen: $ 3.00 o +tax $ 3.30 $33.30 Completed Computer Applications must be exactly four (4) pages when printed; if one rolls over to a fifth page, go back and abbreviate or delete a few characters in your Proofs listings. See Membership Section of MOP. 2013 Preprinted (4-pages) Application DRT Policies 176 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index The Daughters of the Republic of Texas A four-page preprinted application on the proper watermarked legal-size bond is sold at Headquarters for $10.00 to chapters, plus $.83 sales tax to individuals, plus the yellow instruction sheet, usually sold to people who don’t have access to a computer and prefer to complete their application on a typewriter. DRT brochure Pledge to the Texas Flag cards DRT ribbon DRT note cards and envelopes DRT letterhead and envelopes DRT note pads (50 pages) Current edition of Bylaws/MOP printed booklet inserts and Tabs for binder Current edition of Bylaws/MOP on CD Blue binders for Old Bylaws/MOP/Tabs Texas flag pin (may be worn on ribbon) Headquarters and Republic of Texas Museum pin (may be worn on ribbon) Memorial Medallions (see Index) Annual Proceedings/Membership Roster DRT Publications Texas and Its Flags booklet Founders and Patriots: The Lineages of the Members of The Daughters of the Republic of Texas Founders and Patriots, Book I, Third Edition, 2003 Founders and Patriots, Book IV, 1993 Founders and Patriots, Book V, 1998 Founders and Patriots, Book VI, 2001 Founders and Patriots, Book VII, 2002 Founders and Patriots, Book VIII, 2005 Founders and Patriots, Book IX, 2010 Liberty, Justice & F’rall (specify hardbound or paperback), 1999 The Real Daughters. 2007 Mamie Wynne Cox Essay Book, 2005 A Combined Index for Books IV-VIII on CD of Founders and Patriots of the Republic of Texas: the Lineages of the Members of The Daughters of the Republic of Texas, 2010 The Daughters – A Dozen Decades of DRT, 2012 Rare Books The following DRT publications are out of print but possibly may be found at rare book stores, on the Internet, or through Texana dealers: James Harper Starr, by John Nathan Cravens, 1950 Fifty Years of Achievement, 1941 Now You Hear My Horn, 1967 Muster Rolls of the Texas Revolution Defenders of the Republic of Texas, 1989 The Precious Legacy, 1994 2013 DRT Policies 177 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index Manual of Procedure Founders and Patriots: The Lineages of the Members of The Daughters of the Republic of Texas Founders and Patriots of the Republic of Texas, Book I, 1953 Founders and Patriots, Book I, Second Edition, 1963 Founders and Patriots, Volume II, 1974 Founders and Patriots, Volume II, 1984 Founders and Patriots, Volume III, 1985 Founders and Patriots, Volume IV, 1993 Texas Wildflowers, Eliza Griffin Johnston, 1972, 1976 Letters From the Ursulines, 1852-1853, Catherine McDowell, 1977 (The DRT Library) Texas A B C's Coloring Book, composed by the 4th grade students of Colonies North Elementary School, San Antonio, 1978 90 Years of the Daughters, 1981 Merchandise Available from the Republic of Texas Museum Prices for the items listed below may be obtained by contacting the Republic of Texas Museum by calling, writing or e-mailing the Republic of Texas Museum at: Texas Poster Maps, covered with colorful Texas trivia Inside Texas (coffee table book) Texas Veterans (ribbon pin) Pioneer Woman Ornament For other items, click the DRT Republic of Texas Museum Gift Shop link on the DRT Members website ( Merchandise at the French Legation Museum Store Prices for the items listed below may be obtained by contacting the French Legation Museum, 802 San Marcos St., Austin, TX 78702, phone: 512-472-8180 or e-mailing: Please check for new items on the website, at: Official DRT Seal Ring in your choice of: 14k gold 10k gold Sterling silver Official Pins: Fleur-de-lis Pin (French and Texas flags crossed behind the Fleur-de-lis): red, white, blue, and gold enamel. French Legation Gate Pin (commemorates the 50th anniversary of 1956 opening of the French Legation Museum to the public): red, white, blue, and gold enamel. DRT Silver Charm Bracelet 2013 DRT Policies 178 Back to Table of Contents Back to Index The Daughters of the Republic of Texas Officers General Club The Officers General Club was organized for the purpose of fellowship at an annual breakfast held at Convention. It is suggested that the program, plate favors, decorations, etc., be eliminated in favor of a more relaxing and informal reunion. Members present at the breakfast take up a collection and vote to select which DRT entity to donate it to. A president, vice president, secretary and treasurer are elected in odd-numbered years. Lifetime dues are two dollars ($2.00). 2013 DRT Policies 179 Back to Table of Contents Manual of Procedure INDEX Ad hoc, or Special committee ......................................................................................................................................96 Alamo.. 3, 6, 7, 15, 43, 44, 45, 46, 52, 65, 67, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 82, 84, 101, 102, 107, 118, 119, 120, 121, 161, 174, 176 Alamo Committee .......................................................................................................................... 73, 74, 119, 120, 121 Alamo Heroes Day ......................................................................................................................................................... 3 Annual Proceedings Committee ............................................................................................................................ 43, 83 Applicant ...................................................................................................... 32, 34, 46, 47, 78, 106, 124, 125, 126, 133 Application ....31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 38, 42, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 104, 105, 106, 109, 124, 125, 126, 130, 146, 162, 175, 176, 177 Application Papers, Copies of ......................................................................................................................................22 Applications, Do Not's Checklist ..................................................................................................................................24 Applications, Do's Checklist .........................................................................................................................................24 Applications, Processing of Papers .............................................................................................................................. 25 Awards Committee ............................................................................................................................ 37, 85, 86, 98, 150 Ballinger ........................................................................................................................... 1, 4, 7, 17, 116, 135, 142, 148 Bible records ................................................................................................................................................................ 21 Board of Management................................................................................................................................ 36, See BOM BOM 18, 33, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 68, 69, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 90, 92, 93, 94, 96, 97, 98, 99, 102, 113, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 122, 123, 127, 128, 130, 131, 132, 141, 145, 150, 151, 174, 175 Book of Memory ............................................................................................................................................ 42, 95, 141 Bryan .......................................................................................................................... 1, 4, 7, 17, 65, 116, 135, 142, 148 Bylaws Committee ....................................................................................................................................................... 43 Ceremony ............................................................................... 3, 38, 40, 51, 55, 56, 59, 77, 97, 131, 134, 138, 147, 149 Chaplain General ...................... 42, 43, 56, 58, 59, 70, 95, 109, 110, 117, 134, 135, 137, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 146 Chapter . 3, 8, 9, 12, 13, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 38, 39, 40, 42, 43, 44, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 58, 59, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 71, 80, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 108, 109, 110, 112, 117, 128, 131, 132, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 151, 175, 176 Chapter President ........................................................................................................................................................ 25 Chapter Registrar ......................................................................................................................................................... 25 Chapter Treasurer ........................................................................................................................................................ 25 Citizen Medallion ................................................................................................................................................. 17, 123 Clara Driscoll Fellowship Award ................................................................................................................................113 Conflict of Interest ............................................................................................................................... 56, 155, 156, 158 Convention 1, 2, 10, 17, 36, 37, 40, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 62, 63, 69, 70, 71, 72, 77, 82, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 91, 95, 98, 101, 102, 109, 110, 111, 113, 117, 118, 120, 121, 122, 127, 130, 131, 132, 133, 146, 150, 151, 154, 179 Copies of an approved application Copies of application ..............................................................................................................................................22 Copyright .....................................................................................................................................................................21 Corresponding Secretary General ............................................................................................................. 44, 54, 62, 70 Cradle.............................................................................................. 1, 7, 37, 45, 66, 67, 74, 75, 76, 80, 81, 82, 107, 161 Credentials Committee .............................................................................................................................. 40, 56, 58, 59 Credit card ......................................................................................................................................................... 159, 160 CRT Committee ...................................................................................................................................................... 40, 87 CRT Medallion.............................................................................................................................................. 18, 123, 141 2013 DRT Policies 180 Back to Table of Contents The Daughters of the Republic of Texas CRT Membership Committee ......................................................................................................................................87 CRT President General ...............................................................................................................................................130 CRT Registrar General .................................................................................................................................... 50, 51, 130 CRT Retiring President General .................................................................................................................................130 Custodian General .. 22, 25, 33, 34, 36, 41, 43, 45, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 55, 59, 67, 80, 82, 86, 93, 98, 106, 107, 108, 111, 118, 123, 151 De Zavala ................................................................................................................................................................. 2, 15 Defender Medallion ..................................................................................................................................... 17, 123, 140 District .... ii, 10, 38, 39, 40, 43, 44, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 81, 83, 84, 85, 87, 93, 99, 101, 102, 110, 117, 128, 135, 141, 145, 175 District meetings ........................................................................................................................................ 43, 44, 61, 62 District Representative ......................................... 38, 39, 40, 53, 54, 56, 60, 61, 63, 67, 69, 70, 99, 110, 128, 141, 145 District Representatives Committee ............................................................................................................................ 70 Donations ............................................................................................................ 12, 44, 46, 72, 73, 107, 116, 117, 153 Driscoll ......................................................................................................................................... 2, 15, 57, 65, 113, 116 DRT Building Fund.............................................................................................................................................. 116, 117 DRT Founders Day ................................................................................................................................................. 4, 100 DRT Headquarters . i, 5, 31, 35, 38, 39, 40, 42, 44, 45, 46, 48, 50, 54, 55, 60, 62, 67, 71, 74, 75, 76, 79, 80, 85, 93, 94, 95, 96, 100, 103, 106, 107, 108, 114, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 123, 128, 151, 161, 176 DRT Headquarters Committee ....................................................................................................................................80 DRT Library ..................................................................................................................................................................26 DRT Library Committee ........................................................................................................... 6, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 122 DRT Living Legacy Endowment Fund ................................................................................................................. 116, 117 DRT Medallion ............................................................................................................................................... 17, 18, 123 Dues .............................................................................................................................................................................25 Education and Flag Committee.............................................................................................................................. 42, 87 Employee .....................................................................................................................................................................36 Ezekiel Cullen House ...................................................................................................................................................... 9 Fee ...............................................................................................................................................................................25 Initiation..................................................................................................................................................................25 Fifth Vice President General ...................................................................................... 42, 54, 87, 88, 113, 135, 137, 141 Finance Committee................................................................................................ 45, 88, 114, 115, 146, 154, 170, 173 First Vice President General .......................................................................................... 37, 38, 39, 58, 87, 97, 135, 136 Fourth Vice President General ....................................................................... 3, 17, 18, 41, 96, 106, 124, 125, 126, 131 French Legation ...................... 14, 45, 46, 67, 71, 74, 75, 76, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 84, 107, 118, 119, 122, 161, 174, 178 Gaines-Oliphint House ....................................................................................................................................... 9, 10, 11 General Land Office ............................................................................................................................................... 15, 45 Goliad Heroes Day ......................................................................................................................................... 3, 100, 101 Gonzales Day ......................................................................................................................................................... 4, 100 Hally Bryan ...................................................................................................................................................................64 Historian General ....................................................................................................................... 52, 57, 67, 88, 101, 102 Historic Site Medallion.................................................................................................................................................18 Historical Publication Committee .............................................................................................. 17, 33, 92, 93, 117, 118 Insignia ........................................................................................................................... 40, 95, 106, 112, 128, 129, 175 IRS 990N ....................................................................................................................................................................108 J. B. Wells House ............................................................................................................................................................ 8 Jewelry ................................................................................................................................... 40, 95, 106, 112, 128, 175 June Franklin Naylor Award ................................................................................................................................. 77, 101 Laura Lanigan Texas History Fund .............................................................................................................................113 Legislative Committee .................................................................................................................................................93 2013 DRT Policies 181 Back to Table of Contents Manual of Procedure Library Director ............................................................................................................ 44, 75, 76, 77, 78, 119, 121, 122 Mamie Wynne Cox Award ........................................................................................................................... 52, 101, 102 Media and Communication Committee ...................................................................................................................... 93 Member-at-large ......................................................................................................................................................... 32 Members website .......31, 32, 33, 34, 37, 40, 42, 43, 45, 51, 57, 61, 68, 69, 80, 85, 86, 87, 88, 98, 103, 104, 106, 108, 110, 112, 128, 131, 150, 151, 175, 176, 178 Membership 1, 2, 5, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 37, 38, 39, 40, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 57, 60, 72, 74, 75, 76, 80, 81, 82, 89, 90, 92, 93, 95, 97, 101, 106, 108, 109, 111, 118, 128, 129, 130, 132, 135, 139, 148, 149, 161, 175 Posthumous ............................................................................................................................................................ 26 Membership Committee ....................................................................................................................................... 46, 93 Membership Dues Committee .............................................................................................................................. 39, 93 Memorial Medallions..................................................................... 17, 41, 42, 48, 80, 96, 123, 124, 125, 126, 175, 177 Memorial Park Committee ..........................................................................................................................................94 Mirabeau B. Lamar Day .................................................................................................................................................3 Native Texas License Plate Fund ................................................................................................................................114 Nominating Committee ................................................................................. 36, 37, 53, 61, 63, 67, 68, 69, 98, 99, 110 Officers General Club .................................................................................................................................................179 Organization Committee ................................................................................................................... 37, 39, 87, 97, 135 Parliamentarian General............................................................................................ ii, 53, 54, 58, 68, 69, 70, 101, 136 Pioneer Memorial Log House ................................................................................................................................ 12, 13 Posthumous Membership ............................................................................................................................... 21, 23, 25 President General ... ii, 3, 8, 17, 18, 31, 34, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 43, 44, 46, 47, 48, 49, 51, 53, 54, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 67, 68, 69, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 85, 86, 87, 88, 93, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 107, 108, 112, 117, 118, 119, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 130, 131, 132, 133, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 141, 143, 144, 146, 153, 156, 175 President General ........................................................................................................................................................ 25 Project ............................................................................................................... 11, 31, 37, 85, 100, 107, 118, 146, 162 Proof Information ........................................................................................................................................................ 19 Proof of ancestor service .............................................................................................................................................23 Proof of Lineage, Copies of ..........................................................................................................................................22 Public website ............................................................................................................................................................175 Publicity Records Committee .............................................................................................................................. 94, 110 Recording Secretary General . 37, 40, 43, 44, 48, 54, 71, 72, 74, 76, 79, 83, 86, 93, 101, 102, 111, 117, 119, 121, 122, 150 Registrar General .25, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 38, 45, 46, 47, 48, 59, 60, 67, 87, 93, 106, 107, 108, 109, 112, 136, 146, 148 reinstatement .......................................................................................................................................... 31, 39, 95, 106 Reinstatement of Membership ............................................................................................................................. 26, 31 Relics, Old Trails and Historic Sites Committee ..................................................................................................... 18, 41 Republic of Texas Museum .... 5, 6, 17, 36, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 52, 67, 71, 79, 81, 82, 96, 100, 107, 116, 119, 120, 121, 123, 127, 161, 166, 170, 173, 174, 176, 177, 178 Republic of Texas Museum Committee ............................................................................................................... 81, 127 Resources for Research ...............................................................................................................................................26 Retention ................................................................................................................................................... 161, 164, 166 Retiring President General ..........................................................................................................................................53 San Jacinto Battleground Committee .......................................................................................................................... 96 San Jacinto Day .................................................................................................................................................. 1, 3, 101 San Jacinto Republic of Texas Museum ....................................................................................................................... 96 Second Vice President General ..... 31, 32, 33, 38, 39, 40, 42, 48, 49, 56, 59, 93, 95, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 146 Senion Members Committee .......................................................................................................................................95 Shrine ........................................................................................................................................... See Alamo, See Alamo 2013 DRT Policies 182 Back to Table of Contents The Daughters of the Republic of Texas Stephen F. Austin’s Birthday .................................................................................................................................. 4, 100 Supplementals ....................................................................................................................................................... 22, 25 Texas Heroes Day .................................................................................................................................................. 4, 100 Texas Historical Commission ..................................................................................................................... 12, 17, 73, 79 Texas Honor Days ................................................................................................................................ 3, 13, 53, 94, 138 Texas Independence and Flag Day ........................................................................................................................ 3, 101 Texas Nonprofit Corporation Act .................................................................................................................................22 Texas Sesquicentennial Fellowship Award .................................................................................................................. 57 Texas State Library and Archives .................................................................................................................................26 Texas Statehood Day ..................................................................................................................................................... 3 Texas Veterans Association ........................................................................................................................... 1, 135, 138 Texian Navy Day .................................................................................................................................................... 4, 100 The Alamo Research Center ..........................................................................................................................................6 The Daughters of the Republic of Texas .......ii, 1, 6, 7, 8, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 74, 75, 77, 88, 89, 92, 119, 128, 135, 136, 137, 138, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 153, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 177, 178 Third Vice President General .............................. 40, 41, 44, 45, 51, 59, 60, 87, 111, 130, 131, 132, 133, 138, 141, 154 Transfer.....................................................................................................3, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 39, 48, 51, 97, 105, 106 Treasurer General ... 17, 36, 38, 40, 41, 43, 45, 46, 47, 48, 50, 55, 57, 58, 60, 67, 72, 75, 76, 80, 81, 82, 87, 88, 93, 96, 99, 103, 106, 107, 108, 109, 114, 115, 116, 117, 120, 123, 127, 143, 151, 152, 153, 154, 170 Veteran Medallion ............................................................................................................................................... 17, 123 Virginia M. Law Research Award ................................................................................................................... 78, 99, 100 2013 DRT Policies 183
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