HSP Instructor Manual Table of Contents High School Partnership Contact Information 1 Approval Process 2 Instructor Training Policy 3 1.1 & 1.2 Instructor Qualifications 4 Instructor Information Sheet 5 HSP Contact List by High School 6 Web Page information for HSP classes 7 Scores Required for HSP Classes 9 On-line Attendance and Grading Information 12 HSP Academic Program Coordinators 17 HSP Registration Procedures 18 Early Start and Early Bird Programs 19 HSP Contract and Renewal Procedures 20 HSP Course Renewal Example 21 ADMINISTRATION High School Partnerships Enrollment Services CONTACT LIST Dr. Dale Chapman, President 618 468-2000 618 466-4044 fax dchapman@lc.edu Dr. Linda Chapman, Vice President Academic Affairs 618 468-4000 618 468-2341 fax lchapman@lc.edu Gary Ayres, Vice President Administration & Community Services 618 468-3000 618 466-7173 fax gayres@lc.edu Kent Scheffel, Vice President Enrollment Services 618 468-3200 618 468-7182 fax kscheffe@lc.edu Dr. Susan Czerwinski-Aljets, Dean Math, Science and Technology 618 468-4800 618 468-7120 fax sczerwin@lc.edu Jill Lane, Dean Liberal Arts and Business 618 468-4900 618 468-7171 fax jlane@lc.edu HIGH SCHOOL PARTNERSHIPS & COMMUNITY EDUCATION Yvette McLemore, Director High School Partnerships & Community Education Ctrs. 618 468-5050 618 468-7185 fax ymclemor@lc.edu HIGH SCHOOL PARTNERSHIP & COMMUNITY EDUCATION STAFF Amy Underwood, Secretary, 618 468-5051 High School Partnership 618 468-7187 fax aunderwo@lc.edu COMMUNITY EDUCATION CENTERS Kelly Wilson, Coordinator Macoupin County Education Center 217 854-5400 217 854-3758 fax kwilson@lc.edu Laura Yowell, Assistant Macoupin County Education Center 217 854-5400 217 854-3748 fax lyowell@lc.edu Tim Gwillim, Coordinator Tri-County Community Education Center 618 498-6500 618 498-2560 fax tgwillim@lc.edu Linda Morgan, Assistant Tri-County Community Education Center 618 498-6500 618 498-2560 fax lmorgan@lc.edu Tim Bell, Manager N.O. Nelson Campus, Edwardsville 618 656-8800 618 656-9515 fax tbell@lc.edu Ann Bilbruck, Coordinator N.O. Nelson Campus, Edwardsville 618 656-8800 618 656-9515 fax abilbruc@lc.edu Annette Bartles, Assistant N.O. Nelson Campus, Edwardsville 618 656-8800 618 656-9515 fax abartles@lc.edu Updated: 11/13 2 High School Partnership (HSP) Approval Procedures. Course Approval: The high school instructor will submit the district approved Course Outline for the articulated course(s). Instructor Approval: The high school instructor’s district approved course outline, Information Sheet along with a copy of their college transcripts will be submitted to the HSP office. Transcripts may come from the Superintendent’s or ROE office (unofficial copies are accepted). When the documents are received in the LC HSP Department, an approval form is attached and the packet is sent to the appropriate HSP Program Coordinator/Dean for review and consideration. If approved, the documentation is signed and returned to the LC HSP Department. The approved course is then immediately inserted on the HSP web site. The HSP Secretary will send out approval letters to the instructor, principal and CEC Coordinator to whom the school is assigned to. If the course articulation/instructor is denied, the LC Coordinator/Dean will submit a letter of explanation to the LC HSP Department. A cover letter is attached and sent to the appropriate high school, instructor and Lewis and Clark personnel. Notification will also be sent to the appropriate CEC Coordinator. All HSP instructors are required to attend annual discipline specific professional development activities to continue their partnership. Amy Underwood LCCC-Fobes 2500 5800 Godfrey Rd Godfrey, IL 62035 (618) 468-5051 ♦ (618) 468-7187 FAX Revised 8/14 3 High School Partnership Program Instructor Training Policy All high school High School Partnership instructors are required to attend annual workshops for their specific discipline and general training seminars as necessary. Workshops will be scheduled at agreed upon dates when a majority of instructors are able to attend. If you are unable to attend the workshop, you must notify the High School Partnership Program Director prior to the date of the workshop. An alternative makeup session will be scheduled for all instructors that were unable to attend or, A special 1:1 meeting will be scheduled with the HSP Program Coordinator at a date/time agreed upon by both parties. These meetings may take place before or following the site visit made by the HSP Program Coordinator. Some training information may be shared electronically with instructors, and questions may be addressed via email or telephone communications. If repeated unsuccessful attempts to accommodate attendance for required workshops/seminars occur, the High School Partnership Program Director and the Vice President of Enrollment Services will meet with school district administration to address the issue. The college may select to withdraw the course offering from the school district if training issues are unresolved in a timely manner. 4 MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS FOR HIGH SCHOOL PARTNERSHIP INSTRUCTORS TRANSFER AREA (PCS 1.1) - Master’s Degree within the discipline Or - - - Minimum of five (5) years teaching in the content area (Master’s Degree, not within the discipline or approved Bachelor’s Degree) and Personal interview with the Vice President of Academic Affairs and/or the Program Coordinator in the content area and Recommendation letter from an administrator at the high school seeking instructor approval MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS FOR HIGH SCHOOL PARTNERSHIP INSTRUCTORS CAREER AREA (PCS 1.2) - Master’s Degree with 2000 hours of work experience within the discipline or related field of study Or - - Bachelor’s Degree with 2000 hours of work experience within the discipline or related field of study and Personal interview with a Dean and/or Program Coordinator in the content area and Recommendation letter from an administrator at the high school seeking instructor approval 5 “Empowering People” INSTRUCTOR INFORMATION SHEET 2013-2014 Academic Year Name: School: Social Security Number: Date of Birth: Home Address: City/State/Zip: Home Phone: Email Address: Race/Ethnic: 1. Are you Hispanic or Latino? (or are you of Spanish origin?) __ Yes Hispanic or Latino __ No Hispanic or Latino 2. Are you from one or more of the following racial groups? (Select all that apply) __ American Indian or Alaska ___ Asian __ Black or African American __ Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander __ White __ Choose not to Respond 3. Please identify your primary racial/ethnic group. (Select one) __ American Indian or Alaska ___ Asian __ Black or African American __Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander __White __Choose not to Respond 4. Are you in the United State on a Visa – Nonresident Alien? __ Yes in the United States on a Visa. Provide Home Country of Origin ______________________ __ Not in the United States on a Visa ******************************************************************************************** Preparation time period during school year Current Position: Employment History: Courses Taught: Courses Taught: Courses Taught: Courses Taught: Length at position How Long: How Long: How Long: How Long: Where: Where: Where: Where: Educational History: 1. Institution: Degree or Certificate: Major 2. Institution: Degree or Certificate: Major 3. Institution: Degree or Certificate Major Are transcripts on file in school district Board of Education Office? Are transcripts on file at LCCC? YES NO YES NO (If NO, please mail an unofficial copy to LCCC address below.) Instructor Signature: LCCC/ High School Partnership Amy Underwood, Secretary Fobes 2500 - 5800 Godfrey, Rd., Godfrey, IL 62035 (618)468-5051 * (618)468-7187 FAX Date: 6 High School Partnership/Community Education Center Coordinators Tim Bell, Manager/N.O. Nelson Center N. O. Nelson Center Edwardsville Campus (618) 656-8800 ext. 5855 tbell@lc.edu *Edwardsville High School *Metro-East Lutheran High School *Marquette Catholic High School Ann Bilbruck, Coordinator N.O. Nelson Center Edwardsville Campus (618) 656-8800 ext. 5856 abilbruc@lc.edu *Alton High School *Civic Memorial High School *East Alton/Wood River High School *Roxana High School Tim Gwillim, Coordinator Tri-County Community Education Center (618) 498-6500 tgwillim@lc.edu *Brussels High School *Calhoun High School *Carrollton High School *Greenfield High School *Jersey Community High School *North Greene High School Kelly Wilson, Coordinator Macoupin County Community Education Center (217) 854-5400 kwilson@lc.edu *Bunker Hill High School *Carlinville High School *Gillespie High School *Southwestern High School *Staunton High School 7 Web Page information for High School Classes On our Web Site www.lc.edu you can select “Degrees and Courses” then “High School Partnership Program” By selecting “High School Partnership Schools & Courses” you will be able to see all the classes and sections that your school offers as part of our high school partnership program Select High School Partnership These are the PDF that are available. If you select “High School Partnership Schools & Courses” you will be able to see each school and what classes they are offering. 8 First you will need to select your school from the list Then you will be able to see all the classes your school is partnering and who is the instructor for each course. 9 Scores Required for HSP Classes L&C Course Number L&C Course Name Transfer Reading Diagnostic Score Writing Diagnostic Score Algebra Score Trig. ACCT 131 Financial Accounting 1.1 78 ART 131 Basic Design I 1.1 78 ART 141 History of Art 1.1 78 ART 151 Introduction to Photography 1.1 78 BIOL 130 Fundamentals of Biological Science 1.1 78 BIOL 131 Biology: A Contemporary Approach 1.1 78 BIOL 132 Human Biology 1.1 78 BIOL 145 Natural Resources & Enviromental Science 1.1 78 BIOL 165 Ecological Principles 1.1 78 CDEV 130 Career Development 1.1 No Test Required CHEM 121 General Chemistry 1- Recitation 1.1 Concurrent Enrollment in CHEM 141 CHEM 131 Introduction to Chemistry I 1.1 78 CHEM 141 General Chemistry I 1.1 78 CIS 135 Computer Literacy 1.1 78 CIS 210 Intro to Java Programming 1.1 78 ECON 151 Principles of Macroeconomics 1.1 78 ECON 152 Principles of Macroeconomics 1.1 78 ENGL 131 First-Year English I 1.1 78 66 ENGL 132 First-Year English II 1.1 78 66 FREN 131 Elementary French I 1.1 78 FREN 132 Elementary French II 1.1 78 FREN 231 Intermediate French I 1.1 78 FREN 232 Intermediate French II 1.1 78 GERM 131 Elementary German I 1.1 78 GERM 132 Elementary German II 1.1 78 GERM 231 Intermediate German I 1.1 78 GERM 232 Intermediate German II 1.1 78 HIST 131 Western Civilization I 1.1 78 HIST 132 Western Civilization II 1.1 78 HIST 231 American Republic: Beg-1877 1.1 78 HIST 232 American Nation: 1877-Present 1.1 78 HUMN 131 Introduction to Humanities I 1.1 78 HUMN132 Introduction to Humanities II 1.1 78 HUMN 231 Comparative Religion I 1.1 78 LITT 136 Mythology 1.1 78 MATH 131 College Algebra 1.1 78 62-100 MATH 132 Trigonometry 1.1 78 62-100 10 MATH 145 General Education Statistics 1.1 78 MATH 171 Calculus & Analytical Geometry I 1.1 78 46-100 MATH 172 Calculus & Analytical Geometry II 1.1 78 46-100 MATH 235 Statisitcs 1.1 78 46-100 MCOM 132 Intro to Mass Communications 1.1 78 MCOM 134 News Writing 1.1 78 MCOM 145 Broadcasting Writing 1.1 78 MUSI 130 Appreciation of Music 1.1 78 MUSI 170 Wind Ensemble 1.1 78 POLS 131 American Government 1.1 78 POLS 231 Fundamentals of International Rel. 1.1 78 PSYC 131 General Psychology 1.1 78 SPAN 131 Elementary Spanish I 1.1 78 SPAN 132 Intermediate Spanish II 1.1 78 SPAN 231 Intermediate Spanish II 1.1 78 SPAN 232 Elementary Spanish II 1.1 78 SPCH 131 Public Speaking 1.1 78 SPCH 145 Public & Private Communication 1.1 78 Transfer Reading Diagnostic Score L&C Course Number L&C Course Name ART 161 Graphic Design I 1.2 66 CGRD 140 Digital Photography 1.2 66 CGRD 142 CGRD 144 CGRD 150 CGRD 242 CHDV 131 CHDV 133 CNET 131 CNET 142 CNET 148 CNET 154 CIS 140 DRFT 131 DRFT 146 ECOL 101 ECOL 102 JOBS 132 JOBS 133 MACH 203 MACH 204 MACH 207 Adobe Photoshop Adobe Illustrator Desktop Publishing Using Indesign Advanced Adobe Photoshop Intro to Child Development Child Growth & Development Computer Appl. For Technology Operating System Tech. for A+ Data Communications and TCP/IP PC Servicing & A+ Preparation Computer Programming Logic Fundimentals General Drafting AutoCad Plant Growth & Development Plant Reproduction Targeting the Job Market Job Seeking Skills Machine Shop I Machine Shop II Machine Shop III 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 66 66 66 66 78 78 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 No Test Req. No Test Req. 66 66 66 62-100 11 MCOM 125 OTEC 111 OTEC 112 OTEC 113 OTEC 114 OTEC 115 OTEC 117 OTEC 119 OTEC 120 OTEC 121 OTEC 140 OTEC 151 OTEC 211 OTEC 261 WEB 135 WEB 150 WELD 191 WELD193 Class ENGL 131 MATH 131 MATH 145 MATH 132 MATH 235 MATH 171 Introductin to Broadcast Operations Microsoft Word (Level 1) Microsoft Excel (Level 1) Microsoft Access (Level 1) Microsoft PowerPoint (Level 1) Microsoft Publisher Microsoft Outlook Keyboarding Keyboarding/Formatting Formatting/Word Processing Proofreading/Transcription Skills Introduction to Computer Skills Microsoft Word (Level 2) Adminstrative Assistant Internship Web Page Design Essentials Dreamweaver Basic Welding Arc Welding Exemption Requirements ACT Scores ACT Reading Score of 18 or above ACT English Score of 18 or above ACT Math Score of 22 to 24 ACT Math Score of 19 to 21 and C or better in HS Geometry ACT Math Score of 22 to 24 ACT Math Score of 25 or higher ACT Math Score of 25 or higher 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 No Test Req. 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 12 On-line Attendance and Grading In The Portal Portal Access Go to: https://portal.lc.edu/ To log into the portal enter your BlazerNet ID and Password * If you do not know your ID and Password contact the Help Desk at 618-468-4357 Once you log in your will need to select Faculty/Advisors Then Select Attendance and Grading You will need to select the term that you wish to access (Ex. 2014 Fall) 13 Here is where you have access your Rosters for each of your classes. When you log in for the first time: Rosters There are three types of rosters that you will have access to under Attendance and Grading. The three are: Verification Rosters Midterm Rosters Final Grade Rosters All three are important. Verification Rosters are used as an “early warning system” to correct registration issues before the Midterm Rosters are due. Your LC Community Education Center Coordinator will be working directly with you to accomplish this task. The Verification Roster is for viewing and NOT intended for submitting. Midterm Rosters are used for an Illinois state reporting requirement. IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT THESE ROSTERS BE COMPLETED!!! Final Grade Rosters are used to assign students final grades. These rosters must be submitted in a timely manner so that students can view their final grade in your class, academic standing can be calculated, and transcripts can be mailed to transfer institutions. Availability of rosters: E-Mails will be sent to faculty as a reminder of the availability of their rosters. They will be sent to your High School Email. After grades are certified, grade changes must be submitted on a grade change form and submitted to your LC Community Education Center Coordinator to be sent for approval. 14 Now, choose which option you want to view or complete (Verification Roster, Midterm Attendance, or Final Grade): Midterm Attendance Roster 15 You must provide information on those students that are no longer attending your class. Use XA for those students who have never attended your class and NA for those students who attending at least once but have stopped attending. If you enter XA or NA contact the LC CEC Coordinator. The following box appears at the bottom of the roster: This box must be checked prior to submitting the roster. 16 Final Grade Roster 1. Record grades A, B, C, D, or F in the Transcript Grade column. You can use the drop-down list. Important Note: All students must be assigned a grade or you will be unable to submit your roster. The only exception would be if a student has a status of “Dropped”. You should not give a grade to that student. 2. After giving each student a grade, check the bottom box “Check the box to certify grading” and Submit. Important Note: Never give a student a W (withdraw). Students must be officially withdrawn prior to the LCCC withdraw deadline. Contact the LC Community Education Center Coordinator to complete this process. 17 Lewis and Clark Community College HSP Academic Departments 2013-2014 Liberal Arts – Jill Lane, Dean ART ENGL, LITT FREN, GERM, SPAN HIST, POLS HUMN MUSI PSYC SPCH Chris Brennan Terri Hilgendorf Leslie Funk Kelly Obernefemann Jill Lane Louis Michael Shannon Shepard Elizabeth Grant Wade 1103 Caldwell 5301 Caldwell 4300 Caldwell 3331 Caldwell 2333 Music Building 0114 Caldwell 5332 Caldwell 3303 cbrennan@lc.edu thilgend@lc.edu lmayerho@lc.edu kobernue@lc.edu jlane@lc.edu lmichael@lc.edu sshepard@lc.edu eegrant@lc.edu Doug Schneiderheinze Mike Lemons Kim Maynard Cathy Carruthers Steve Campbell Melissa Batchelor Caldwell 3309 Caldwell 1316 Baldwin 3431 Trimpe 0239 Trimpe 0247 Caldwell 3327 ddschnei@lc.edu mlemons@lc.edu kmaynard@lc.edu ccarruth@lc.edu scampbel@lc.edu mbatchel@lc.edu Science Building 0517 Nursing 0209 Commons 0221 dstair@lc.edu abruha@lc.edu tsteinma@lc.edu Trimpe 0245 Trimpe 0150 Trimpe 0142 Trimpe 0138 Science Building 0415 grobeen@lc.edu dmcclellan@lc.edu ljumper@lc.edu tjumper@lc.edu jkmoss@lc.edu Business – Jill Lane, Dean ECON MCOM CDEV, JOBS OTEC CGRD, WEB CHDV Math/Science – Dr. Sue Czerwinski, Dean BIOL, HLTH CHEM MATH David Stair Alan Bruha Tom Steinmann Technology – Dr. Sue Czerwinski, Dean CIS CNET DRFT WELD, MACH ECOL, BIOL 138 Gene Robeen Doyle McClellan Luke Jumper Travis Jumper Scott Moss 30 Disciplines 22 Coordinators 4 Academic Divisions 2 Academic Deans 18 HSP Registration Procedure 1. The high school will provide high school class lists in August and January, of participating HSP classes to the CEC Coordinator. HSP classes can be viewed online at www.lc.edu/HSpartnership 2. The high school will coordinate testing times with the lab personnel and instructors for the classes needing testing and/or registering to the CEC Coordinator. a. CEC Coordinator will register students who were successful on the LCCC placement test after testing or those who have already tested appropriately. 3. CEC Coordinator will pick up any unused registration cards. 4. Deadline to register Fall students is mid-September. Deadline to register Spring students is mid-February. 5. CEC Coordinator, High School Contact Person at the high school, and HSP Instructor will work cooperatively to ensure each student is registered properly. (i.e. changes in registration, etc.) CEC Coordinator High School Visits The CEC Coordinators will be visiting their designated high schools frequently to provide hands on instructions to HSP instructors, advise students, and answer questions as needed. 1. CEC Coordinator will arrange dates for high school visits with H.S. Contact Person. Dates will be scheduled throughout the year. 2. A poster is recommended to notify students and instructors of the visits. A poster has been included on the following page. In addition, a sign-up sheet and a designated room with computer access are suggested. 19 Early Start Program 1. The High School Contact Person to provide a list to CEC Coordinator of Interested seniors by early October for the Spring semester and early April for the following Fall semester, who meet the criteria of the program. 2. The High School Contact Person and CEC Coordinator will arrange testing and start registering students at the high school in November for the Spring semester and March for the following Fall semester. Early Bird Registration 1. Assistant Director of Admissions along with the CEC Coordinators/Manager will arrange student registration dates and times for the high School with the H.S. Contact Person. 2. High School Contact Person to provide a list to the Assistant Director of Admissions no later than the deadline discussed of interested seniors who are planning to attend LCCC in the Summer or Fall. 3. LCCC Academic Advisors and CEC Coordinators/Manager will test and register students on the LCCC campus during the agreed upon times. 20 HSP Contract/Renewal Procedures END of Each School Year 1. 2. 3. 4 To be reviewed with Principal and Instructor Principal signs the Contract Agreement with a copy of HSP classes taught for the upcoming year. These will be mailed to the principal, completed, and mailed back to LCCC. Principal signs the Lab Lease Agreement and marks the number of labs to be used. CEC Coordinator will deliver and pickup to send to LCCC. Instructor signs the Course Renewal Forms, reviewing the classes and recording any changes. CEC Coordinator will deliver and pickup to send to LCCC. (Note: Any high school curriculum/course changes must be re-approved by the appropriate LCCC Coordinator/Dean. Please contact your CEC Coordinator to begin the process.) CEC Coordinator will remind instructors to complete course outlines and grades before leaving for the summer. ALL FORMS NEED TO BE RETURNED BY THE END OF THE ACADEMIC SCHOOL YEAR Instructors: Please review Course Renewal Forms carefully: (see number 3 above) (Note: LCCC curriculum changes will be listed in red on the renewal form for listed course.) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Check course semester FALL only, SPRING only, or YEAR Name of HS course Make sure all forms are signed Approval procedure will begin at LCCC Copies will be mailed or hand delivered to schools If a new instructor will be teaching for a previously approved instructor, the new instructor will need to obtain new hire paperwork to be approved. Amy Underwood LCCC-Fobes 2500 5800 Godfrey, IL 62035 (618)468-5051 * (618)468-7187 FAX 21 “Empowering People” BRIEF OUTLINE FOR HSP COURSE RENEWALS (This form is required for Renewal – Please complete ALL items on this form.) SCHOOL NAME «School_Name»INSTRUCTOR «Instructor» LCCC COURSE NUMBER & NAME: «LCCC__» - «LCCC_Name» HIGH SCHOOL COURSE NAME: «High_School_Course_Name» SCHEDULE OF INSTRUCTION for 2013-14: Fall ONLY _____ Spring ONLY _____ Year Long _____ Begin Date: ___________ Begin Date: ___________ Begin Date: ___________ End Date: ___________ End Date: ___________ End Date: ___________ MATERIALS OF INSTRUCTION: Must be completed Textbook(s) Used: Software Used METHODS OF STUDENT EVALUATIONS: (Assignments, quizzes, exams, research, etc.) _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ __«X» ___LCCC Curriculum Changes «Curriculum_Changes» _____Course Information Changes. (Any changes in content, materials and/or instructor requires notification to Lewis & Clark and submission of the appropriate documents for the renewal review process.) _____ No Anticipated Changes. (Since there are no anticipated changes at either institution, we confirm that all the requirements and conditions of the previously approved arrangement will be met.) ______ Will Not Teach this Course 2013-14. (Please check if applicable) If no changes have been made, all blanks completed and you wish to continue the partnership arrangement for this course, simply confirm by marking the correct statement above and sign below. _____________________________________________ _____________________ High School Instructor Date
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