Operations Manual 1 The Gap Football Club Operations Manual – Version March. 2014 Contact Information The Gap Football Club Incorporated Walton Bridge Reserve, 25 Glen Affric Street, The Gap, 4061. PO Box 69, The Gap, QLD, 4061 Email: info@gapfootball.org.au Visit us: www.gapfootball.org.au Telephone: 07-3300 6004 Football related enquires (answering machine only) Telephone: 07-3300 5295 Licensed premises enquires only THE GAP FOOTBALL CLUB MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Juniors Rep Men’s Rep Womens Rep General Member General Member General Member 2 Lee Gannon Tony Skinner John Mullaney Glenys Wilkinson Peter Randall Steve Woolley Bob Clark Arch Bevis Neil Skinner Terry Sills 0411 494 052 0438 114 906 0416 402 013 0409 098 005 president@gapfootball.or.au vicepresident@gapfootball.org.au info@gapfootball.org.au treasurer@gapfootball.org.au The Gap Football Club Operations Manual – Version March. 2014 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION 4.7 Minroos Referee Coordinator 2.0 THE GAP FOOTBALL CLUB MANAGEMENT STRUCTURE 5.0 THE GAP FOOTBALL CLUB PAID COACHING STRUCTURE 3.0 MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE ROLES IN DETAIL 6.0 COACHING POSITIONS - PAID 6.1 Technical Director 3.1 President 6.2 Junior Development Officers 3.2 Vice President 6.3 Senior High Performance Coaching 3.3 Club Secretary Positions 3.4 Treasurer 6.4 Junior High Performance Coaching 3.5 Club Registrar Positions 3.6 Commercial Coordinator 3.7 Fixture Controller 6.5 Assistant Coaching Positions 6.6 Goalkeeper Coaching Position 3.8 Website Coordinator 7.0 CURRENT COACHING APPOINTMENTS - 3.9 Art Union Coordinator 4.0 SUBCOMMITTEES (JUNIORS, SENIORS PAID 4.1 Chairman/ Chairperson 8.0 OTHER POSITIONS - PAID 4.2 Junior Secretary/ Men’s & Women’s 8.1 Bar & Functions Manager Administrators 8.2 Canteen Manager 4.3 Treasurer 8.3 Book Keeper 4.4 Equipment Officer 9.0 CURRENT OTHER APPOINTMENTS - PAID 4.5 Commercial Officer 4.6 Age Group Coordinators 3 The Gap Football Club Operations Manual – Version March. 2014 1.0 INTRODUCTION This manual has been prepared by The Gap Football Club to assist members of the organisation to understand and develop methodical approaches to key roles within the club. Specifically, it addresses the functions of key operational personnel within the management committee and their relationship with each other. Additionally, this manual discusses the coaching hierarchy of the whole club with a focus on the paid positions from within the model. Finally, all other paid positions in the club will be outlined. The information provided in this manual should be adhered to in line with The Gap Football Club’s Constitution while also considering the organisations Strategic Plan. This manual only discusses key operational areas and does not and cannot overrule the clubs Constitution. WEBSITE Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information provided in this booklet however the information is only current at time of printing (January 2012). Please see our website www.gapfootball.org.au for the most up to date information. 4 The Gap Football Club Operations Manual – Version March. 2014 2.0 THE GAP FOOTBALL CLUB MANAGEMENT STRUCTURE President Management Committee Secretary Treasurer Vice President Commercial Coordinator Subcommittee Secretaries Bookkeeper Sub committee Equipment Officers Subcommittee Commercial Officers Secretary Treasurer Men's Rep/ Admin Women's Rep/ Admin Bar/ Clubhouse FB Delegate Club Registrar* Website & Social Media Coordinator Age Group Coordinators (min. 5) Technical Director (Planning) Men's Treasurer Women's Treasurer Grounds Subcommittee Treasurers Sporting Pulse Admin Junior Development Officers x 3 (Planning) Equipment Officer Sporting Pulse Admin Fixture Controller* Art Union Coordinator SSF Marshal & Referee Coordinator Commercial Officer Commercial Officer Junior Chair Senior Chair Facilities Chair Equipment Officer Sub Committee Sub Committee *May also sit on Management committee 5 The Gap Football Club Operations Manual – Version March. 2014 Sub Committee General Members Corporate Governance 3.0 MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE ROLES IN DETAIL 3.1 PRESIDENT Email address: president@gapfootball.org.au Objectives The President is the leader of the Club and must ensure the Club is run efficiently administratively, financially and socially to support the on field efforts of the Club. Responsibilities 1. Be well aware of all current and future Club activities 2. Represents the Club at local, regional and national levels 3. On most occasions act as Chairperson at Club meetings An active and successful chairperson: 6 Leads, but does not direct Ensures there is fair discussion on each issue and that all points are expressed before a decision is reached Keep the meeting moving in the desired manner. Be firm, but tactful, with members deviating from the point under discussion After adequate discussion on an issue impartially summarises the points of view expressed, both for and against, to make sure members know clearly what they will be voting or agreeing to Runs the meeting so that a balance is struck between speed and efficiency on the one hand, and keeping the meeting enjoyable on the other Start meetings on time Know and follow the agenda strictly, unless directed otherwise by the meeting Attempt to get all members to contribute to the meeting Be enthusiastic – enthusiasm is catching Ensure Managers and Committee Members fulfil their responsibilities to the Club Attend Football Brisbane's General Meetings* *These meetings are held normally 1st Wednesday monthly from April thru November. Attendance is compulsory for all Clubs. If the Secretary or President cannot attend, arrange for the Vice President or another club delegate to attend instead. A $30 fine is issued for non-attendance at these meetings. Presents the Annual Report at the Annual General Meeting This should be a comprehensive summary of the years’ activities, detailing programs conducted, membership changes, physical developments and any outstanding achievements. Also include a review of the financial situation and a look at plans and aspirations for the future Sections of this report can be delegated to other Committee Members so you don’t have to do it all yourself! Relationships Reports to the Members and General Committee of the Club Acts, or ensures his/her delegate acts, in the best interests of the club Supports all coaches, players and committee members Accountability The President is accountable to the Members and the General Committee The Gap Football Club Operations Manual – Version March. 2014 3.2 VICE PRESIDENT Email address: vicepresident@gapfootball.org.au Objectives Assist the President with his/her duties. 7 Responsibilities Stand-in for the President if/when required Fill the position of Club Equipment Officer Ordering of apparel and training equipment to be centralised through the Vice President. o Process: Men’s, women’s and juniors to table their full equipment needs via the internal ordering form. To be done in conjunction with section treasurer to ensure it has been budgeted for and approved. Seek approval from club treasurer Vice President to place all orders with supplier in a timely and uniform manner. Accountability The Vice President is accountable to the President and the Management Committee. The Gap Football Club Operations Manual – Version March. 2014 3.3 CLUB SECRETARY Email address: info@gapfootball.org.au Important Football Dates for the Club President: Football Brisbane General Meeting - normally 1st Wednesday monthly from April thru November The Gap Football Club’s Management Committee Meeting - Last Monday monthly Objectives To ensure that appropriate administrative support is provided to the President and committee of your Club. The Secretary is the primary administration officer of the committee and provides the link between the committee, members and outside agencies. 8 Responsibilities and Duties Contact Football Brisbane to notify change of member/ committee contact details Establish a meeting schedule for general and management Committees for the current year In conjunction with the Treasurer maintain an accurate record of members and committee members to show who is entitled to vote and to receive notices o Incorporate this list with the database for keeping track of member payments (see Treasurers’ job description) Maintain an accurate copy of the Rules and By-Laws of your Club Provide administrative support to the committee in ensuring all association responsibilities are dealt with appropriately Be familiar with the rules of your Club, State and any other body that has governance to give advice to the President and Committee as required Prepare agenda for Committee meetings Prepare minutes of all Committee meetings of your Club and distribute in accordance with the Rules of your Club Receive all correspondence directed to your Club Take responsibility for seeing that letters are written and replied to Ensure all licences required by your Club are current (Eg: Liquor License) Process all inward and outward player clearances Prepare a comprehensive report of all activities of your Club for presentation to the membership at the Annual General Meeting Attend Football Brisbane's General Meetings* *These meetings are held normally 1st Wednesday monthly from April thru November. Attendance is compulsory for all Clubs. If the Secretary or President cannot attend, arrange for the Vice President or another club delegate to attend instead. A $30 fine is issued for non-attendance at these meetings. Relationships Reports to the President and management Committee Liaises with the President and Committee as and when required Liaises with all internal Football contacts (Eg: Football Federation Australia, Football Queensland & Football Brisbane Inc.) Accountability The Secretary is accountable to the President and the Management Committee. The Gap Football Club Operations Manual – Version March. 2014 3.4 TREASURER Email address: treasurer@gapfootball.org.au Objective To ensure that a financial management system and reporting system is put in place and operable so the Club committee has an accurate understanding of the financial status of the Club at all times. Responsibilities and Duties All duties should be either administered by the treasurer or the clubs paid bookkeeper under the direction of the club treasurer and include: 9 Set annual club registration fees Set fee packages in FFA’s MyFootballClub for registration Coordinate with the Club Registrar for the smooth running of sign on day Prepare budget to reflect income and expenditure of the Club, including sub committees, for presentation at the September GPC meeting. The budget should include an interim payment plan for any outstanding debt and a cash flow plan for the ensuing year. Send out accounts. Pay invoices in a timely manner. Maintain appropriate accounts of all income and expenditure. Present all accounts for payment for approval to Club Committee. Prioritise payment of accounts. Prepare and present the financial statements of the Club, including the Annual Report. o Present monthly report at Club Committee Meetings. Oversee and seek reports of all other accounts held by other sections of the Club (Eg: Sub committees, Canteen, Bar, Social and Fundraising committees) Review Club insurance policies annually to ensure appropriate coverage and cost effective premiums. Lodge quarterly BASs with the Australian Taxation Office on a cash basis with PAYG and fuel tax credits Ensure all grants received are acquitted with grant body. Review annually all contracts for services with the club and ensure they are appropriate to meet the Club’s needs. Ensure club’s lease with Brisbane City Council is renewed every 10 years. Set up annual Art Union All monies received to be handed to the Treasurer where a receipt will be issued and, as soon as possible, money to be deposited into Club Bank account. The Treasurer must maintain: o Members’ subscription records Database of all members which includes contact details, membership type and date membership fees paid. o Cash receipts and payments record Cash receipts are a summary listing of all money received Cash payments are a summary of all cheque book and cash payments made. o Register of assets This includes both current and fixed assets. Current assets include cash, materials, money still owed to the club and prepaid expenses. The Gap Football Club Operations Manual – Version March. 2014 Fixed assets include machinery and furniture. Liabilities record This indicates the total monies owed by your Club and includes current and non-current liabilities. Current liabilities include bank overdrafts and short-term loans Non-current liabilities include long-term loans. The Treasurer must prepare: o Annual Budget 12 month projection of income and expenses. Projections are then compared to actual income and expenses month by month. o Receipts and payments summary Just shows the amount of cash received and paid as well as the cash remaining. o Income & expense summary Records and itemised amount of income received and all expenses on a monthly and annual basis. o Balance Sheet Aims to provide overview of the wealth of your Club as it compares your assets with your liabilities. o Bank reconciliation statements This is a process done at the end of each month where you check that all receipts and payments match up with your bank deposits and withdrawals. Make details of all accounts available to the Club Committee and members. Manage any overdraft facility held by the Club. Ensure the Club finances are correctly audited. Ensure all taxation commitments are met by the Club. A sample Budget Profit and Loss Sheet, Actual Balance Sheet and Actual Cash Flow Sheet is available from Football Brisbane. o 10 Relationships Reports to the President and management Committee Liaise with all members of the club with financial responsibility (Eg: Canteen Convenor etc) Liaise with all creditors and debtors Delegate to the club’s Bookkeeper Accountability The Treasurer is accountable to the President and the management Committee The Treasurer shall seek ratification from the General Committee of a Club budget, including debt reduction and there after shall have the authority to act within the limits of the budget and strategy approved The Treasurer shall provide a monthly report to the General Committee of all financial transactions The Gap Football Club Operations Manual – Version March. 2014 3.5 CLUB REGISTRAR Email address: registrar@gapfootball.org.au Objectives Player registration, Team creation and maintenance. Responsibilities Coordinate and take responsibility for Season Registrations Take responsibility for the integrity of the Club’s data in FFA’s MyFootballClub, the national player registration database In conjunction with the Club Treasurer: Set up Terms and conditions and additional questions sections in MyFootballClub (MFC) In conjunction with Club bookkeeper process registrations, accept payments and approve players for team selection Set up team allocation lists in MFC by year of birth date, allocate players to lists and email team lists to each subcommittee as requested Process cancellation requests after consultation with Club Treasurer, bookkeeper and relevant subcommittees Approve coaches, managers & volunteers registered in MFC Organise and coordinate Sign on Day o Advertise Sign on day on Club website, o email registration process instructions to members through FBI’s Sporting Pulse o Book banner sites with The Gap Ward office and erect Club banners in allocated spaces at allocated dates Smooth running of Sign-on day(s) o Book Clubhouse for Registration day through GFC function organiser and enter on Club calendar o Organise volunteers for registration payment desk o Organise subcommittees to provide representatives to answer queries o Advise Canteen manager of registration hours to facilitate uniform sales Ensure all Player paperwork is completed in a timely manner and handed to Club Secretary Maintain Club Parent, Player & Supporter database (This is done by the Club bookkeeper in support of the club Registrar) Relationships Reports to the President and management Committee Liaises with the President and Committee as and when required Liaises with and delegates to Club bookkeeper Liaises with other Football Club registrars. Accountability The Registrar is accountable to the President, Treasurer and Management Committee. 11 The Gap Football Club Operations Manual – Version March. 2014 3.6 COMMERCIAL COORDINATOR Email address: comms@gapfootball.org.au Objectives A fundraising and sponsorship officer provides a central point for the club to lead, and develop opportunities for funding, grants and sponsorship into the club. This may include the preparation and submission of funding bids to organisations, working with other organisations to develop joint bids and ensuring the profile of the club is maintained. Responsibilities To identify and target sources of funding for the club in association with the club’s development plan To prepare funding bids in partnership with club committee members as appropriate To ensure the carrying out the terms of any secured funding agreement to its finalisation or acquittal To establish and develop effective working relationships with key local funding providers To develop a sponsorship proposal(s) for the club in association with the club’s strategic plan To promote and publicise any funding and/or sponsorship secured for the club through the club newsletters, website and notice board, in association with the communications coordinator. Organizing artwork from sponsors Presenting sponsors with a signed jersey from the team which wears their sponsored kit (an extra jersey is ordered with each sponsored set for this purpose) Ensuring sponsors are invited to the club’s sponsor and volunteer thank-you function at the end of the season Organize, attendance and associated hospitality for sponsors at Senior (Men’s & Women’s) or Junior events for core sponsors Relationships Reports to the President and treasurer Accountability The Commercial & Grants Coordinator is accountable to the President and Treasurer and Management Committee. 12 The Gap Football Club Operations Manual – Version March. 2014 3.7 FIXTURE CONTROLLER Email address: fixtures@gapfootball.org.au – Not active Objectives Arrange field usage for trials and match days in association with the grounds committee Responsibilities Coordinate and take responsibility for trials, pre-season matches and season proper matches:o Smooth running of Trials and matches o Liaise with grounds staff as to the availability of fields After Registration day(s), liaise with Committee, coaches & managers regarding field allocations for trials and trainings times and locations. Seek relevant approval to sanction matches for associated teams. During the season, liaise with team managers and coaches to ensure their needs are being met If there is no Carnival/Competition Coordinator, organise and run any/all Club Carnivals and Summer Competitions. Liaise with grounds staff as to the availability of fields. Relationships Reports to the President, the executive and relevant sub committees 13 Accountability The Fixture Controllers are accountable to the President, Management Committee and relevant sub committees. The Gap Football Club Operations Manual – Version March. 2014 3.8 WEBSITE & SOCIAL MEDIA COORDINATOR Email address: webmaster@gapfootball.org.au – Not active Objectives Responsible for managing every aspect of the organisation's website and online presence. Responsibilities Design and maintenance of the website Updating content and managing social media Point person in charge of communications via the website Liaise between the management committee and/ or sub committees to ensure any relevant content is uploaded onto the website Liaise with external parties (for example the host server company) in the event of an issue with regards to our web presence. Relationships Reports to the President, Management Committee and relevant sub committees Liaises with management committee Liaises with sub committee’s Accountability The Website Coordinator is accountable to the President, Management committee and relevant sub committees. 3.9 ART UNION COORDINATOR Email address: artunion@gapfootball.org.au – Not active Objectives An art Union coordinator provides a central point for the club to lead and develop the annual Art Union for the club. This may include the preparation, submission and follow-ups with sponsors and suppliers of the event, working with the club treasurer/ bookkeeper and ensuring the profile of the club is maintained. Responsibilities To identify and target sources of sponsorship for the raffle To liaise with suppliers as and when required To prepare the release of the tickets To ensure the Art Union meets with all legal regulations at all times To promote and publicise the raffle Organizing artwork from sponsors as and when required Collect the tickets back in Administer the draw and subsequent distribution of prizes. Relationships Reports to the President and treasurer Accountability The Art Union Coordinator is accountable to the President and Treasurer and Management Committee. 14 The Gap Football Club Operations Manual – Version March. 2014 4.0 SUBCOMMITTEES – NON PAID 4.1 CHAIRMAN / CHAIRPERSON The Chairman / Chairperson represent the committee within the club community and the wider football community in Brisbane. His or her main responsibilities include: a) Chair meetings of their respective committee b) The Chairman / Chairperson represent their subcommittee on the management committee of the Gap Football Club. All subcommittees are reportable to the Gap Football Club management committee. c) Act with other members of their respective club section executive (Chairman / Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer) to hear disciplinary matters and settle grievances d) Where possible, attend all major functions of the club e) Represent the club’s interests at Football Brisbane meetings f) Ensure all members of the club adhere to the club’s codes of behavior g) At all times represent the ethos of the club h) Represent their section of the club at meetings of The Gap Football Club i) To promote the club within the local community Reportable to the GPC management committee 4.2 VICE CHAIRMAN/ CHAIRPERSON Objectives Assist the Junior chairperson with his/her duties. Responsibilities Stand-in for the Junior chairperson if/when required Ensure equitable treatment of all players across the junior section Facilitate the integration of junior girl’s football in the junior committee. Accountability The Vice Chairperson is accountable to the Junior Chairperson t and the Management Committee. 4.3 JUNIOR SECRETARY/ MEN’S & WOMEN’S ADMINISTRATORS Email address: mens@gapfootball.org.au womens@gapfootball.org.au juniors@gapfootball.org.au The secretary’s role is to keep the machinery of their respective committee well oiled – organizing meetings, keeping minutes and keeping track of correspondence. The secretary is also the chief point of contact between the committee and Football Brisbane a) b) c) d) e) f) g) 15 His or her main responsibilities include: Attend to the general business of the section Women’s administrators are to attend management committee meetings to speak on behalf of the women Be the key point of contact with Football Brisbane Handle all correspondence and table a summary of correspondence at meetings Record all minutes of meetings and table a copy of the previous meeting’s minutes at each meeting Keep a record of attendance of all meetings Act with other members of their respective club section executive (Chairman / Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer) to hear disciplinary matters and settle grievances The Gap Football Club Operations Manual – Version March. 2014 h) All communications with external parties will at a minimum have the management committee secretary CC’ed in. Reportable to the GPC management Committee (specifically the secretary). 4.4 TREASURER The treasurer is responsible for the financial arrangements of their respective committee – setting budgets and keeping track of expenditure against the budget. Along with the secretary and president, the treasurer is part of the committee’s executive. His or her main responsibilities include: a) Provide monthly and annual financial reports, including the balance sheet and profit and loss b) Prepare a budget for each year which is submitted to the GPC Treasurer and presented to the Management Committee for approval c) monitor the progress of that budget, reporting to the committee meetings where necessary d) Liaise with the treasurer of the GPC Management Committee on budgetary matters e) Act with other members of their respective club section executive (Chairman / Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer) to hear disciplinary matters and settle grievances Reportable to the GPC Management Committee (specifically the Treasurer). 4.5 EQUIPMENT OFFICER The equipment officer works with the Technical Director and Vice President of the club to order and keep track of equipment required by the each section. a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) His or her main responsibilities include: Liaising with the Technical Director to determine what equipment each team requires Consult with their respective Committee regarding equipment requirements Liaising with the treasurer to ensure the equipment budget is not over-spent Placing orders to the GPC Vice President for equipment using the internal ordering form. To be done in conjunction with section treasurer to ensure it has been budgeted for and approved Organising a working bee to make up the training kits for each team Distributing training kits and jersey sets to teams and recording which team takes receipt of what gear Responding to requests for replacement equipment where training kit is damaged during the year Responding to requests from the Technical Director for the purchase of new equipment Receipt of gear at the end of the season Auditing the training kit which is returned and discarding that equipment which is worn out Reportable to the GPC Management Committee (specifically the Vice President). 4.6 COMMERCIAL OFFICER The Commercial Officer seeks sponsors from within the club community and the broader community of The Gap and services those sponsors. a) b) c) d) e) f) 16 His or her main responsibilities include: To identify and target sources of funding for the club in association with the club’s development plan To prepare funding bids in partnership with club committee members as appropriate To ensure the carrying out the terms of any secured funding agreement to its finalisation or acquittal To establish and develop effective working relationships with key local funding providers To develop a sponsorship proposal(s) for the club in association with the club’s strategic plan To promote and publicise any funding and/or sponsorship secured for the club through the club newsletters, website and notice board, in association with the communications coordinator. Organizing artwork from sponsors The Gap Football Club Operations Manual – Version March. 2014 g) Presenting sponsors with a signed jersey from the team which wears their sponsored kit (an extra jersey is ordered with each sponsored set for this purpose) h) Ensuring sponsors are invited to the club’s sponsor and volunteer thank-you function at the end of the season i) Organize, attendance and associated hospitality for sponsors at Senior (Men’s & Women’s) or Junior events for core sponsors j) Coming up with ideas for social functions, both for parents and children and integration with other sections of the club (Senior Men’s / Women’s) k) Recruiting help to organize the functions l) Ensuring they are listed in the club calendar and are promoted to club members m) Updating Facebook with Events, games, team lineups, sponsors, etc. as and when required. Reportable to the GPC Management Committee and to their sub-committee. 4.7 AGE GROUP COORDINATORS (JUNIOR SUBCOMMITTEE) The Age Group Coordinators fill a vital role as the conduits between the junior committee and the teams in each age bracket. This job is too big for one person, so there are Coordinators – one for each age group of the three categories of small-sided football and two for competition teams. Their main responsibilities include: a) One per age group – Juniors U6, U7, U8, U9, U10, U11, U12, U13-U16 and one for all girl competition teams. NPL U13, U15, U17 b) Allocating players to teams in the small-sided football age brackets c) Keeping up to date the Sporting Pulse contact details of coaches and managers in their category d) Passing information from the junior committee to their coaches and managers e) Answering queries from coaches, managers and parents in their categories f) Taking queries they cannot answer to the appropriate people within the club g) Being the first point of contact for people within their categories who have grievances Reportable to the GPC Management Committee and to their sub-committee 4.8 SSF MARSHAL & REFEREE COORDINATOR (JUNIOR SUBCOMMITTEE) His or her main responsibilities include: a) b) c) d) e) f) 17 Interview and appoint house referees for The Gap Football Club SSF leagues Schedule and coordinate referees for SSF games as to ensure the smooth operation of each match Coordinate and implement a SSF ground marshal roster for match days Support the football management team in achieving on field results Liaise with referees, coaches and managers in order to ensure the smooth operations of all football related activates Liaise with relevant parties on all football matters (TD men’s coaches, women’s coaches and junior coaches) as required. Reportable to the GPC Management Committee and to their sub-committee The Gap Football Club Operations Manual – Version March. 2014 5.0 THE GAP FOOTBALL CLUB PAID COACHING STRUCTURE JUNIOR SUB COMMITTEE JUNIOR FOOTBALL THE GAP FOOTBALL CLUB MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE SENIOR SUB COMMITTEE MEN’S FOOTBALL WOMEN’S FOOTBALL Technical Director Capital 2 - First Team Name: Gerry McAvoy Name: Greg Bradley JDO Female Competition Name: Mario Malesevic Under 16 Div 1 Capital 2 – Reserves Name: Name: Gerry McAvoy Under 15 BJL All Other Name: Paul Dunning & Will O’Hanlon (Volunteers) Name: Steve Maugham Under 18 Div 1 South East Queensland Premier League Name: Rob Askew Brisbane Womens Premier League Name: Andrew Harvey City 3 League Name: Neil Storey All Other (Volunteers) Under 14 BJL Name: Mario Malesevic Under 13 BJL Name: Bob Clark Under 12 Div 1 Name: Jason Hawke JDO Under 10 to 13 Name: Troy Dobell-Weakley and Brett Cadoo JDO Under 6 to 9 Name: Chris May Squirts Name: All Other (Volunteers) GOAL KEEPER COACH – THE GAP Name: Tony Skinner 18 The Gap Football Club Operations Manual – Version March. 2014 6.0 COACHING POSITIONS - PAID 6.1 TECHNICAL DIRECTOR The club will appoint a suitably qualified Technical Director (TD) to oversee all of the clubs Coach Education & Player Development programs. The TD is also responsible for the appointment criteria for coaches and managers, establishment of playing / coaching standards and expectations. The TD also manages any appointed Junior Development Officers for the provision of coaching services to all sections of the club encompassing: Small Sided Football, Recreational Competition Squads and High Performance Programs. The TD is responsible for establishing the club playing and coaching “culture” and philosophies. a) The TD position will be advertised via the club website or other suitable advertising means as decided by the respective section of the club by the end of August of any given year. b) Applicant’s that meets with the minimum required criteria may be subject to an interview with a selection panel. The panel will require evidence of qualifications and experience. c) The minimum coaching qualifications to coach at this level will be an AFC “B” License (With the preference of AFC “A” Coaching License or greater) d) The TD must demonstrate exceptional organizational and management capabilities, extensive football coach educational qualifications and experience. e) Extensive experience in strategic planning and program development. f) Candidates for this role may be asked to demonstrate their practical coaching abilities in an accessible training session. g) The selection panel will consist of – Chairperson (Usually the President of the GPC management committee), representatives from each of the football sections of the club, and any appointed Development Officers. h) The TD will be responsible for developing a club strategy and programming for delivery to all user groups within the club. i) There is an expectation that appointed coaches make every effort to ensure they continue with their coaching education and are encouraged to attend additional FFA Licensed Coach Education Courses and / or State Coaching / National Coaching Updates as provided by Football Queensland and Football Federation Australia. j) All programs will meet with Football Federation Australia’s National Curriculum and The Gap Football Club’s overall playing philosophies which integrate with Youth / Junior / SSF. k) All coaches will be appointed for a term negotiated with the club. 6.2. JUNIOR DEVELOPMENT OFFICERS x 3 - U6 to U9, U10 to U13, female competition Junior Development Officers (JDO’s) may be appointed to support the role of the TD in providing coaching services and support to all user groups within the club. The JDO reports to the TD and provides direct support to team coaches with respect to delivery of the club coaching programs and coach education. The JDO will also be a panel member for any club coaching appointments to act in an advisory role. a) The JDO position will be advertised via the club website or other suitable advertising means as decided by the respective section of the club by the end of August of any given year. b) Each applicant that meets with the minimum required criteria may be subject to an interview with a selection panel. The panel will require evidence of qualifications and experience. c) The minimum coaching qualifications to coach at this level will be an FFA Youth Coaching License (With the preference of an FFA Senior or AFC “C” Coaching License or greater) d) Coaches may be asked to demonstrate their practical coaching abilities in an accessible training session. e) The selection panel will consist of – Chairperson (Usually the President of the GPC management committee), TD or an appointed JDO (to act as an advisor), a nominated section 19 The Gap Football Club Operations Manual – Version March. 2014 committee member and an independent (a committee member from one of the other club sections or a suitably qualified coach). f) There is an expectation that appointed JDO make themselves available for all monthly coaching updates. g) DO’s will be expected to monitor the delivery of training programs to the team groups under their control in line with the clubs overall development strategy. h) A training framework and explanation of this program will be provided through the Introductory & Updating seminars programmed by the TD / JDO. i) There is an expectation that appointed coaches make every effort to ensure they continue with their coaching education and are encouraged to attend additional FFA Licensed Coach Education Courses and / or State Coaching / National Coaching Updates as provided by Football Queensland and Football Federation Australia. j) A preseason training framework will be provided for coaches to deliver to their teams and ongoing competition programming will be in consultation with the Technical Director. k) All programs will meet with Football Federation Australia’s National Curriculum. l) All coaches will be appointed for a term of one year. 6.3 SENIOR HIGH PERFORMANCE COACHING POSITIONS a) Senior Men’s Premier League Division 2, PL2 Reserves, Women’s Premier League, Women’s City 1 and Women’s City 2 squads. b) Positions for all coaches will be advertised via the club website or other suitable advertising means as decided by the respective section of the club by the end of August of any given year. c) Each applicant that meets with the minimum required criteria may be subject to an interview with a selection panel. The panel will require evidence of qualifications and experience. d) The minimum coaching qualifications to coach at this level will be an FFA Senior Coaching License / AFC “C” License (With the preference of AFC “B” Coaching License or greater) e) Coaches may be asked to demonstrate their practical coaching abilities in an accessible training session. f) The selection panel will consist of – Chairperson (Usually the President of the GPC management committee), Technical Director or an appointed Development Officer (to act as an advisor), the chairperson of the relevant subcommittee and an independent (a committee member from one of the other club sections or a suitably qualified coach). g) There is an expectation that appointed coaches make themselves available for an introductory coaching course, and to attend a monthly coaching update presented by the Technical Director or Development Officer as organized by The Gap Football Club h) Coaches will be expected to deliver a training program to their team groups as part of the clubs overall development strategy. i) Appointed coaches are to provide training Framework and explanation of this for approval by the Technical Director. j) There is an expectation that appointed coaches make every effort to ensure they continue with their coaching education and are encouraged to attend additional FFA Licensed Coach Education Courses and / or State Coaching / National Coaching Updates as provided by Football Queensland and Football Federation Australia. k) All programs will meet with Football Federation Australia’s National Curriculum and The Gap Football Club’s overall playing philosophies which integrate with Youth / Junior / SSG. l) All coaches will be appointed for a term of one year. 20 The Gap Football Club Operations Manual – Version March. 2014 6.4 JUNIOR HIGH PERFORMANCE COACHING POSITIONS a) Junior Premier League, Brisbane Junior League, highest rated competition teams. b) Positions for all coaches will be advertised via the club website or other suitable advertising means as decided by the respective section of the club by the end of August of any given year. c) Each applicant that meets with the minimum required criteria may be subject to an interview with a selection panel. The panel will require evidence of qualifications and experience. d) Appointed coaches must register as a coach with the Club on FFA’s Myfootballclub. e) The minimum coaching qualifications for Australian Premier League Coaches is an FFA Senior Coaching License (With the preference of an AFC “C” Coaching License or working toward one) f) The minimum coaching qualifications to coach all other high performance junior teams is an FFA Youth Coaching License (With the preference of an FFA Senior or AFC “C” Coaching License or greater) g) Coaches may be asked to demonstrate their practical coaching abilities in an accessible training session. h) To avoid potential conflict or bias coaches of High Performance Player Programs will not be able to coach teams in which they have their own children. (As of 2013) i) The selection panel will consist of – Chairperson (Usually the TD or JDO), A nominated Committee Member, Development Officer or independent (a committee member from one of the other club sections or a suitably qualified coach) j) There is an expectation that appointed coaches make themselves available for an introductory coaching course, and to attend a monthly coaching update presented by the TD or JDO as organized by the Gap Football Club k) Coaches will be expected to deliver a training program to their team groups as part of the clubs overall development strategy. A training Framework and explanation of this program will be provided through the Introductory & Updating seminars programmed by the TD / JDO. l) There is an expectation that appointed coaches make every effort to ensure they continue with their coaching education and are encouraged to attend additional FFA Licensed Coach Education Courses and / or State Coaching / National Coaching Updates as provided by Football Queensland and Football Federation Australia. m) A preseason Training Framework will be provided for coaches to deliver to their teams and ongoing competition programming will be in consultation with the TD. n) All programs will meet with Football Federation Australia’s National Curriculum. o) All coaches will be appointed for a term of one year. p) Coaches will only be appointed to the same Junior High Performance Team for a maximum of 2 years. This is to enable players to be exposed to other coaching methods and personnel. 6.5 ASSISTANT COACHING POSITIONS The Gap Football Club’s ongoing vision for player and coach develop believes the necessity to expand our coaching network, education of coaches and ultimately improved player development as a consequence of this process. With this in mind we encourage teams and coaches to find suitable coaching assistants to enable our coach resources to grow and allow for replacement of volunteers who may leave the club on a year to year basis. With this in mind all potential assistant coaches are still subject to the same selection process as appointed coaches and must make a written application to The Gap Football Club for any voluntary position. a) Assistant Coaches are appointed for a coaching tenure of 1 year, after which an assessment will be made to their level of competency, and whether they are capable to coach a team of their own. 21 The Gap Football Club Operations Manual – Version March. 2014 b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) l) m) n) o) p) During their tenure, assistant coaches must work towards qualifications commensurate with the level at which they intend to coach. Senior Men’s Premier League Division 2, PL2 Reserves, Women’s Diamond’s, Sapphires and Australian Premier League Squads – Minimum of an FFA Youth License or willing to secure an FFA Youth License through the season. Senior Men’s & Women’s Recreational Competition Teams – Minimum of an FFA Junior License or willing to secure an FFA Junior License through the season. (Preference given to FFA Youth License Holders) Junior High Performance Squads - Minimum of an FFA Junior License or willing to secure an FFA Junior License through the season. (Preference given to FFA Youth License Holders) Junior Recreational Competition Squads - Minimum of an FFA Junior License or willing to secure an FFA Junior License through the season. (Preference given to FFA Youth License Holders) Small Sided Football Squads – No prerequisite however FFA Qualifications are favored. Positions for all coaches will be advertised via the club website or other suitable advertising means as decided by the respective section of the club by the end of August of any given year. Each applicant that meets with the minimum required criteria may be subject to an interview with a selection panel. The panel will require evidence of qualifications and experience. The selection panel will consist of – Chairperson (Usually the President of the GPC management committee), Technical Director or an appointed Development Officer (to act as an advisor), the chairperson of the relevant subcommittee and an independent (a committee member from one of the other club sections or a suitably qualified coach). There is an expectation that appointed Assistant coaches make themselves available for an introductory coaching course, and to attend a monthly coaching update presented by the Technical Director or Development Officer as organized by The Gap Football Club Coaches will be expected to deliver a training program to their team groups as part of the clubs overall development strategy. Appointed Assistant coaches are to work within the parameters established for their respective teams. There is an expectation that appointed coaches make every effort to ensure they continue with their coaching education and are encouraged to attend additional FFA Licensed Coach Education Courses and / or State Coaching / National Coaching Updates as provided by Football Queensland and Football Federation Australia. All programs will meet with Football Federation Australia’s National Curriculum and The Gap Football Club’s overall playing philosophies which integrate with Youth / Junior / SSG. All coaches will be appointed for a term of one year. 6.6 GOALKEEPING COACHING POSITIONS A suitably qualified goalkeeping specific coach will be appointed to provide services for: senior men’s / women’s goalkeepers, high performance program goalkeepers, competition age junior goalkeepers. Any goalkeepers outside of these groups such as SSF goalkeepers may arrange specific training on a user pay basis. Further to the provided services additional goalkeeping specific services are available on a user pay basis or in a goalkeeping academy group. a) Positions for Goalkeeping Specific Coaching roles will be advertised via the club website or other suitable advertising means as decided by the respective section of the club by the end of August of any given year. b) Each applicant that meets with the minimum required criteria may be subject to an interview with a selection panel. The panel will require evidence of qualifications and experience. 22 The Gap Football Club Operations Manual – Version March. 2014 c) The minimum coaching qualifications to coach at this level will be initially an FFA Goalkeeping Certificate (preference to holders of a Goalkeeping License / Diploma) d) Coaches may be asked to demonstrate their practical coaching abilities in an accessible training session. e) The selection panel will consist of – Chairperson (Usually the President of the GPC management committee), TD or an appointed JDO (to act as an advisor), the chairperson of the relevant subcommittee and an independent (a committee member from one of the other club sections or a suitably qualified coach). f) There is an expectation that appointed coaches make themselves available for an introductory coaching course, and to attend a monthly coaching update presented by the TD or JDO as organized by The Gap Football Club g) Coaches will be expected to deliver a training program to their goalkeeping groups as part of the clubs overall development strategy. h) Appointed coaches are to provide training framework and explanation of this for approval by the TD. i) There is an expectation that appointed coaches make every effort to ensure they continue with their coaching education and are encouraged to attend additional FFA Licensed Coach Education Courses and / or State Coaching / National Coaching Updates as provided by Football Queensland and Football Federation Australia. j) All programs will meet with Football Federation Australia’s National Curriculum and The Gap Football Club’s overall playing philosophies which integrate with Youth / Junior / SSF. k) All coaches will be appointed for a term of one year. Overall, any individual in a paid coaching position is reportable to the GPC Management Committee. If detailed Job descriptions are required, approval to review an individual contract must be sought from the GPC. 7.0 CURRENT COACHING APPOINTMENTS - PAID Technical Director Development Officer – Female Development Officer – u10 - u13 Development Officer – u6 – u9 Men’s Coaches - Firsts - Reserves - Under 18’s Women’s Coaches – SEQ Premier League - BWPL - Women’s City 3 23 Gerry McAvoy Mario Malesevic Troy Dobell-Weakley Brett Cadoo Chris May td@gapfootball.org.au jdo_w@gapfootball.org.au jdo10_13_1@gapfootball.org.au jdo10_13_2@gapfootball.org.au jdo6_9@gapfootball.org.au Greg Bradley Steve Maugham Gerry McAvoy Rob Askew Andrew Harvey Neil Storey The Gap Football Club Operations Manual – Version March. 2014 8.0 OTHER POSITIONS - PAID 8.1 BAR & FUNCTIONS MANAGER a) b) c) d) Reports to the GPC and Club house and facilities head Liaise with the Treasurer as and when required Responsible for the operations of the clubhouse and bar during opening hours Responsible for the booking and operations of the clubhouse for functions 8.2 CANTEEN MANAGER a) Reports to the GPC Club house and facilities head b) Liaise with the Treasurer as and when required c) Responsible for the operations of the canteen during opening hours 8.3 BOOK KEEPER a) Reports to the GPC president, GPC treasurer, GPC committee and club registrar b) Responsible for all bookkeeping aspects of The Gap Football Club 9.0 OTHER APPOINTMENTS – PAID Bar & Functions Manager Canteen Manager Book Keeper Tracy Taggart Beverly Mawdsley Shona Smith (07)3300 5295 (07)3300 6004 0439 670 246 functions@gapfootball.org.au canteen@gapfootball.org.au registrar@gapfootball.org.au Overall, any individual in a paid position is reportable to the management committee. If detailed Job descriptions are required, approval to review an individual contract must be sought via the GPC. In addition, non-paid roles are discussed in the clubs handbook. 24 The Gap Football Club Operations Manual – Version March. 2014 BLANK PAGE 25 The Gap Football Club Operations Manual – Version March. 2014
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