Sales Information Manual I Church

Sales Information Manual
How Your Church was Signed Up
Church Contract Sample .................................................. 2
Spread the Word Brochure ............................................... 3
Church Testimonial Letters.......................................... 4-5
Information for Your Church Appointment
Dress Guidelines................................................................ 6
Church Etiquette ........................................................... 7-9
Bulletin/Newsletter Article Examples .......................... 10
Potential Advertiser List (PAL) Samples ...................... 11
Advertiser Complaint Letter .......................................... 12
II Sales
Getting Started Selling/Setting Up Appointments
Weekly Account Executive’s Standards ........................ 13
Account Executive Church Work Plan ................... 14-15
Sales Schedule (Example) ............................................... 16
Who Are Our Advertisers .............................................. 17
Finding Leads .................................................................. 18
Working The Telephone ................................................. 19
Research Sheet (Example) .............................................. 20
Information for Your Sales Appointments
Points to Cover in the Presentation .............................. 21
Finding the Online Guide Section ................................ 22
Drop Offs .......................................................................... 23
Collecting Payment at the Point of Sale ....................... 24
Advertising Agreements/Contracts .............................. 25
Advertising Agreement Sample ..................................... 26
After the Sale
Sales Commission Record (Example)........................... 27
Weekly Ads Sales Log ..................................................... 28
III General
Sales Support/Home Office
Mail/Voicemail ................................................................ 29
FAQ ................................................................................... 30
Expense Sheet .................................................................. 31
Your Weekly Assignment
Your Weekly Assignment Information ......................... 32
Sales Targets ..................................................................... 33
To Reps, Canceled Ads, In-Works and Pre-To Reps .. 34
Samples ............................................................................. 35
Detailed Church Report and Examples .................. 36-38
Project Summary Report................................................ 39
Invoicing/W-9’s/Statements/Collections ...................... 40
Credit Card Information ................................................ 41
Your Daily Numbers
Call-In Sheet Terminology ............................................. 42
Calling in Your Numbers ............................................... 43
Reporting Your Numbers Online .................................. 44
Hotel Barter ...................................................................... 45
Restaurant Barter............................................................. 46
Barter Agreement (Example) ......................................... 47
Hotel Gift Certificates (Example) .................................. 48
Key Accounts
How Key Accounts Work ......................................... 49-50
Key Account Addendum (Example)............................. 50
Key Account Brochure Sample ...................................... 51
Ad Copy
Quick Reference Ad Copy Guide .................................. 52
Email Guidelines ............................................................. 53
Benefactor Worksheet (Example) ................................. 54
Production Department
The Steps of Putting a Book Together .......................... 55
From the Creative Team ........................................... 56-57
Travel Expense Explained .............................................. 58
Travel Expense Sheet (Example) ................................... 59
Human Resources
Payroll ............................................................................... 60
Health Insurance and Aflac ........................................... 60
401K Program .................................................................. 60
Commission Policies....................................................... 61
Ordering Supplies............................................................ 62
Examples of Frequently Used Forms ...................... 63-65
How Your Church was Signed Up
In the following pages you will be able to see some of the material your church was given throughout the process of being signed
up. Our New Church Development department works tirelessly to make sure we have plenty of churches to sell in our current
markets, as well as signing up new markets so that we can grow.
Below is our church contract; nothing can happen without this. The standard contract length is five years.
322 Sovereign Ct. • St. Louis, MO 63011
636/391-2121 • 800/597-3037 • Fax: 636/391-3172 •
The most important thing when selling is
to know that we do not own their mailing
list. At no time can a customer use the
directory to solicit the members. If at
anytime an advertiser uses the directory
as a mailing list, we have promised the
church we will no longer place their ad
in their book. We also will not place an
advertiser in the book if it seems apparent that the sole purpose is to attain the
mailing/phone list for solicitation.
Church Guide Book and Directory Publishing Agreement
This contract made the _______ day of __________________,
, between Guide Book Publishing (GBP) and
____________________________________________________of_______________________________________ (Church).
(City, State)
(Name of Church)
Terms and Conditions Beneficial to Both Parties
(1) The Church hereby grants to GBP or its assigns the exclusive rights to print and supply the Church’s Guide Book and Directory
for five years (five annual editions), commencing with the first year’s printing in ___________________, ________.
(2) GBP agrees to:
A. Print ___________ Guide Book and Directories on a yearly basis. (________ Guide Books and Directories for mailing and
________ Guide Book and Directories for Church uses).
B. Provide a full-color cover design with art work of the Church’s choice.
C. Typeset ________ pages of information for the Guide section for the Church.
D. Typeset the Directory section for the Church.
E. Pay for the cost of mailing to each Church family listed in the Guide Book and Directory a copy of the Guide Book and Directory.
F. Provide envelopes printed with the member’s CASS certified address and the Church’s return address for the purpose of
mailing the Guide Book and Directories.\
G. Host an electronic PDF version of the Guide section on GBP’s website with advertisements listed.
(3) The Church agrees to:
A. Provide an electronic copy of the Church’s membership to GBP for typesetting that is in a format compatible to
GBP’s system.
B. Provide an electronic copy of the information to be typeset for the Guide section. The information is to be
sent to GBP in a format compatible to their system.
C. Provide artwork (line drawing or photo) for the cover design.
D. Provide the art cuts and photos (black and white preferred) they wish to have appear in the Guide section.
We pay for the cost of production and
mailing of the book to each family in the
322 Sovereign
Ct. • St. Louis,
MO 63011
• 800/597-30
37 • Fax: 636/391-31
Church Guid
e Book
This contract
made the _______
and Directory
Publishing Agre
day of _________
, between Guide
Book Publishing
(GBP) and
(City, State)
___ (Church).
(1) The Church
hereby grants
Beneficial to
to GBP or its
for three years
Both Parties
assigns the exclusive
(three annual
editions), commencin
rights to print
(2) GBP agrees
g with the fi
rst year’s printing supply the Church’s Guide
A. Print _________
Book and Directory
in _________
________ Guide Guide Book and Directories
a yearly basis.
B. Provide
(________ Guide
a full-color cover Directories for Church
C. Typeset
Books and Directories
________ pages design with art work of
for mailing and
the Church’s
D. Typeset
of information
the Directory
Guide Book
section for the
E. Pay for
for the Church.
the cost of mailing
322 Sovereign
322 Sovereign
F. Provide
to each Church
Ct. • St. Louis,
Ct. • St. Louis,
MO 63011
MO 63011
mailing the Guide printed with the member’s listed in the Guide Book
• 800/597-30
• 800/597-30
and Directory
CASS certifi
Book and Directories
37 • Fax: 636/391-31
37 • Fax: 636/391-31
G. Host an
a copy of the
ed address and
Guide Book
electronic PDF
72 •
the Church’s
72 • www.guid
and Directory.
version of the
return address
(3) The Church
Guide section
for the purpose
agrees to:
on GBP’s website
A. Provide
with advertisem
an electronic
ents listed.
This contract
copy of the Church’s
GBP’s system.
made the _______
This contract
made the _______
day of _________
B. Provide
to GBP for typesetting
an electronic
day of _________
that is in a format
copy of the
sent to GBP
, between Guide
compatible to
in a format compatibleinformation to be typeset
, between Guide
Book Publishing
C. Provide
for the Guide
to their system.
Book Publishing
(GBP) andartwork (line drawing
(Name of Country
section. The
(GBP) and
D. Provide
or photo) for
(Name of Homeowner’s
the art cuts and
cover design.
photos (black
(4) GBP agrees
and white preferred)
(City, State)
to deliver, at
___ (Country
they wish to
Terms and
(City, State)
(1) The Country
___ (Associatio
Club).its expense, the
listed above,
have appear
(1) The Homeowne
Guide Book
Club hereby
unless unavoidabl
in the Guide
grants to GBP
Directory for
y prevented
event, the Guide
cial to Both
and Directory
or its assigns
hereby grants
two years (two
Book and Directories from doing so by reason to the post office ready
for three years
the exclusive
to GBP or its
annual editions),
for mailing by
(three annual
beyond the control
rights to print
(5) This agreement
(2) GBP agrees
shall be delivered
(2) GBP agrees
editions), commencin the exclusive rights
and supply the
of GBP or through the publication date
will renew for
as promptly
with the first
to print and supply
g with the first
as possible.
year’s printing
an additional
A. Print _________
an act of God.
than 90Guide
A. Print _________
the Association
year’s printing
days after
three years
in _________
In such
’s Guide
in _________
of the third annual (three annual editions),
________ Guide Guide Book and Directories
(6) It
_____,__________. Book
________ Guide __ Guide Book and Directories
is agreed that________.
unless either
Book and
on a yearly basis.
Book and
GBP is allowed
on a yearly basis.
B. Provide
party notifies
B. Provide
(________ Guide
whole of the
a full-color cover Directories for Country
the other in
a full-color cover Directories for Association
(________ Guide
charges for same to solicit advertising for
C. Typeset
Typeset ________
and Directories
with art work
the Guide Book
and Directories
in order to compensat
________ pages
(7) GBP will for mailing
of the Country
pages of informationart work of the Association
and Directory
for mailing and
D. Typeset
D. Typeset
of informatio
e GBP for all
not sell or use
Club’s choice.
and that they
the Directory
’s choice.
the Directory
n for the Guide
for the Guide
services rendered.
the Church’s
have the right
section for the
E. Pay for
Book for the
section for the
E. Pay for the
list of members
(8) In event
to retain the
the cost of mailing for the Association
Country Club.
Country Club.
cost of mailing
of not being
F. Provide
and Directory.
each Association
to secure adequate
except as intended
envelopes printed each Country Club family
family listed
The Church
advertisers for
F. Provide
listed in the Guide
with the member’s
in the Guide
agrees to help
of mailing the
the Guide Book
envelopes printed
Book and Directory
Book and Directory
support GBP
Guide Book
and Directory,
with the member’s
the purpose
in its endeavor
G. Host an
and Directories CASS certified address
a copy of the
of mailing the
electronic PDF
to secure advertising GBP reserves the right
CASS certifi
and the Country copy of theIN
Guide Book
Book and Directory.F,
G. Host an
Guide Book
ed address and
version of the
to terminate
Club’s of
which considerati
and in considerati
electronic PDF
to pay for the
and Directories
(3) The Country
the Homeowne
Guide section
address for the
Guide Book
version of the
on of the premises
is hereby acknowled
r’s Association
on GBP’s website
Club agrees
(3) The Homeowne
and Directory.
Guide section .
and mutual covenants
return address
ged by both
A. Provide
with advertisem
on GVP’s website
r’s Association
parties, GBP
an electronic
A. Provide
set forth herein,
ents listed.
agrees to:
with advertisem
and the Church
copy of the Country
an electronic
the receipt and
to GBP’s system.
ents listed.
sign and execute
copy of the Subdivisio
(Date Signed)
Club’s membershi
compatible to
this Agreement
B. Provide
GBP’s system.
n membershi
p to GBP for
an electronic
B. Provide
p to GBP for
typesetting that
an electronic
copy of the
typesetting that
sent to GBP
is in a format
copy of the information
sent to GBP
is in a format
in a format compatibleinformation to be typeset
in a format compatible
C. Provide
to be typeset
for the Guide
C. Provide
to their system.
artwork (line
for the Guide
section. The
to their system.
artwork (line
drawing or photo)
Name of Church
D. Provide
section. The
drawing or photo)
D. Provide
n is to be
the art cuts and
for the cover
the art cuts and
for the cover
is to be
photos (black
photos (black
(4) GBP agrees
and white preferred)
white preferred)
agrees to deliver,
to deliver, at
they wish to
its expense,
they wish to
at its expense,
listed above,
have appear
listed above,
the Guide Book
have appear
the Guide Book
unless unavoidabl
in the Guide
unless unavoidabl
in the Guide
and Directories
and Directories
an event, the
y prevented
an event, the
y prevented
or Authorized
to the post offi
Guide Book
from doing so
to the post offi
Guide Book
from doing so
ce ready for
and Directories
mailing by
for mailing
beyond the control
(5) This agreement
(5) This agreement
shall be delivered
shall be delivered reason beyond the control
of GBP or through the publication date
will renew for
will renew for
as promptly
of GBP or throughby the publication date
as promptly
Authorized Signature ___________________________
later than 90
as possible.
later than 90
as possible.
an additional
an additional
an act of God.
an act of God.
days after publication
days after publication
three years
two years (two
In such
In such
of the third annual (three annual editions),
of the second
(6) It is agreed
(6) It is agreed
unless either
annual edition. editions), unless either party
that GBP is
that GBP is
party notifies
notifies the other
whole of the
rev 3/14
whole of the
the other in
322 Sovereign
charges for same to solicit advertising for
in writing no
charges for same to solicit advertising for
writing no
Ct. • St. Louis,
the Guide Book
in order to compensat
the Guide Book
in order to compensat
MO 63011
(7) GBP will
(7) GBP will
and Directory
and Directory
• 800/597-30
e GBP for all
not sell or use
e GBP for all
and that they
not sell or use
37 • Fax: 636/391-31
and that they
services rendered.
the Association
services rendered.
have the right
the Country
have the right
(8) In event
’s list of members
72 •
Club’s list of
to retain the
(8) In event
to retain the
of not being
members for
for any purpose
of not being
any purpose
nate this Agreement able to secure adequate
able to secure
except as intended
Agreement. The
except as intended
adequate advertisers
Country Club
Book and Directory.. The Association agrees advertisers for the Guide
for the Guide
agrees to help
Book and Directory,
to help support
Book and Directory,
support GBP
This contract
GBP in its endeavor
GBP reserves
in its endeavor
made the _______
the right to termito secure advertising reserves the right to terminate
to secure advertising
of which consideratiWHEREOF, and in considerati
day of _________
to pay for the
on is hereby
on of the premises
the Guide
Guide Book
in consideratio
and Directory.__________________
and mutual covenants
is hereby acknowledg
n of the premises
, between Guide
by both parties,
and mutual covenants
Book Publishing
ed by both parties,
set forth herein,
GBP and the
(GBP) and
Country Club
GBP and the
set forth herein,
(Name of Synagogue)
sign and execute receipt and sufficiency
(Date Signed)
Association sign the receipt and sufficiency
this Agreement
(Date Signed)
_, _________
and execute this
Agreement on
(City, State)
___ (Synagogu
(1) The Synagogue
hereby grants
Directory for
to GBP or its
Name of Country
Name of Homeowner __________________
five years (fi
assigns the exclusive
’s Association
ve annual editions),
rights to print
(2) GBP agrees
and supply the
with the first
year’s printing
A. Print _________
’s Guide
Book and
in _________
________ Guide Guide Book and Directories
Authorized Signature ___________________________
_, ________.
Book and
on a yearly basis.
B. Provide
(________ Guide
a full-color cover Directories for Synagogue
C. Typeset
and Directories
with art work
________ pages
Authorized Signature
of the Synagogue
for mailing and
D. Typeset
of informatio
’s choice.
the Directory
n for the Guide
section for the
section for the
E. Pay for the
cost of mailing
rev 3/14
to each Synagogue
F. Provide
rev 3/14
family listed
in the Guide
mailing the Guide printed with the member’s
Book and Directory
CASS certifi
Book and Directories
G. Host an
a copy of the
ed address and
electronic PDF
Guide Book
the Synagogue
and Directory.
version of the
’s return address
(3) The Synagogue
Guide section
for the purpose
on GBP’s website
agrees to:
A. Provide
322 Sovereign
with advertisem
an electronic
Ct. • St. Louis,
ents listed.
322 Sovereign
copy of the Synagogue
MO 63011
GBP’s system.
Ct. • St. Louis,
• 800/597-30
’s membershi
MO 63011
37 • Fax: 636/391-31
B. Provide
p to GBP for
• 800/597-30
an electronic
typesetting that
72 •
37 • Fax: 636/391-31
copy of the
is in a format
sent to GBP
72 • www.guid
compatible to
in a format compatibleinformation to be typeset
C. Provide
for the Guide
to their system.
artwork (line
section. The
drawing or photo)
D. Provide
This contract
the art cuts and
is to be
for the cover
made the _______
photos (black
day of _________
(4) GBP agrees
This contract
and white preferred)
made the _______
to deliver, at
they wish to
its expense,
listed above,
day of _________
have appear
, between Guide
the Guide Book
unless unavoidabl
in the Guide
and Directories
Book Publishing
an event, the
y prevented
to the post offi
(GBP) and
Guide Book
from doing so
, between Guide
(Name of Synagogue)
ce ready for
and Directories
Book Publishing
shall be delivered
the control of
(GBP) and (5) This agreement will
(Name of Temple)
as promptly
GBP or through the publication date
renew for an
as possible.
later than 90
(City, State)
an act of God.
additional fi
___ (Synagogu
days after publication
ve years
In such
The Synagogue
of the fifth annual (five annual editions),
(City, State)
either party
Directory for
that GBP is
(1) The Temple
notifies the other
three years (three GBP or its assigns the
whole of the
hereby grants
exclusive rights
in writing
charges for same to solicit advertising for
annual editions),
to GBP or its
for five years
(2) no
to print and
GBP agrees
the Guide Book
in order to compensat
(five annual
supply the Synagogue
(7) GBP will
and Directory
with the first
editions), commenci the exclusive rights
e GBP for all
not sell or use
A. Print _________
year’s printing
to print and
and that they
’s Guide Book
(2) GBP agrees
services rendered.
ng with the fi
the Synagogue
have the right
in _________
__ Guide Book
rst year’s printing supply the Temple’s Guide
’s list of members
(8) In event
to retain the ________
and Directories
A. Print _________
of not being
Book and Directory
in _________
Guide Book
for any purpose
able to secure
on a yearly basis.
B. Provide
Agreement. The
except as intended
(________ Guide
________ Guide Guide Book and Directories
a full-color cover Directories for Synagogue
Synagogue agrees adequate advertisers for the
C. Typeset
Books and Directories
Book and
on a yearly basis.
to help support
B. Provide
________ pages design with art work of
GBP in its endeavorBook and Directory, GBP
(________ Guide
a full-color cover Directories for Temple
for mailing and
the Synagogue
D. Typeset
of informatio
reserves the right
C. Typeset
Books and Directories
to secure advertising
’s choice.
the Directory
n for the Guide
to terminate
________ pages design with art work of
of which consideratiWHEREOF, and in considerati
section for the
section for the
to pay for the
for mailing
this E. Pay for the cost
the Temple’s
D. Typeset
of informatio
Guide Book
on is hereby
on of the premises
the Directory
n for the Guide
and Directory.
to each Synagogue
F. Provide
and mutual covenants
section for the
section for the
E. Pay for
by both parties,
family listed
the cost of mailing
GBP and the
in the Guide
mailing the Guide printed with the member’s
F. Provide
to each Temple
Synagogue sign forth herein, the receipt
Book and Directory
CASS certifi
Book and Directories
and sufficiency
(Date Signed)
and execute
G. Host an
a copy of the
ed address and
this Agreement
electronic PDF
mailing the Guide printed with the member’s listed in the Guide Book
Guide Book and
the Synagogue
and Directory
version of the
CASS certifi
Book and Directories
’s return address
(3) The Synagogue
a copy of the
Guide section
ed address and
(3) The Temple
for the purpose
Guide Book
on GVP’s website
the Temple’s
agrees to:
agrees to:
return address
A. Provide
with advertisem
A. Provide
an electronic
for the purpose
ents listed.
an electronic
copy of the Synagogue
Name of
of Synagogue
compatible to
copy of the Temple’s
GBP’s system.
GBP’s system.
’s membershi
B. Provide
p to GBP for
B. Provide
to GBP for typesetting
an electronic
typesetting that
an electronic
copy of the informatio
is in a format
GBP in a format
that is in a format
copy of the
sent to GBP
n to be typeset
compatible to
compatible to
in a format compatibleinformation to be typeset
C. Provide
for the Guide
their system.
Authorized Signature ___________________________
C. Provide
artwork (line
for the Guide
section. The
to their system.
artwork (line
drawing or photo)
section. The
D. Provide
drawing or photo)
D. Provide
the art cuts and
is to be sent
for the cover
the art cuts and
is to be
for the cover
photos (black
agrees to deliver,
Authorized Signature
(4) GBP agrees
preferred) they
and white preferred)
at its expense,
to deliver, at
wish to have
listed above,
they wish to
its expense,
the Guide Book
appear in the
listed above,
unless unavoidabl
have appear
the Guide Book
Guide section.
and Directories
unless unavoidabl
in the Guide
an event, the
y prevented
and Directories
to the post offi
an event, the
Guide Book
y prevented
from doing so
to the post offi
Guide Book
from doing so
rev 3/14
by reason beyond
Directories shall
for mailing by
ce ready for
and Directories
(5) This agreement
the control of
be delivered
mailing by
(5) This agreement
shall be delivered reason beyond the control
will renew for
as promptly
GBP or through the publication date
of GBP or through the publication date
will renew for
as promptly
as possible.
later than 90
an additional
an act of God.
as possible.
later than 90
days after publication
an additional
three years
an act of God.
In such
days after publication
five years
In such
of the third annual (three annual editions),
(6) It is agreed
of the fifth annual (five annual editions),
unless either
(6) It is agreed
that GBP is
unless either
party notifies
that GBP is
party notifies
whole of the
the other in
whole of the
charges for same to solicit advertising for
the other in
writing no
writing no
charges for same to solicit advertising for
the Guide Book
in order to compensat
(7) GBP will
the Guide Book
and Directory
in order to compensat
(7) GBP will
e GBP for all
not sell or use
and Directory
and that they
e GBP for all
services rendered.
not sell or use
the Synagogue
and that they
have the right
services rendered.
the Temple’s
’s list of members
(8) In event
have the right
to retain the
list of members
of not being
(8) In event
to retain the
for any purpose
able to secure
of not being
for any purpose
Agreement. The
except as intended
able to secure
except as intended
Synagogue agrees adequate advertisers for the
adequate advertisers
The Temple
to help support
agrees to help
for the Guide
GBP in its endeavorBook and Directory, GBP
support GBP
Book and Directory,
reserves the right
in its endeavor
to secure advertising
to terminate
to secure advertising GBP reserves the right
of which consideratiWHEREOF, and in considerati
of which consideratiWHEREOF, and in considerati
to pay for the
to pay for the
Guide Book
on is hereby
on is hereby
on of the premises
on of the premises
and Directory.
Guide Book
and mutual covenants
and mutual covenants
and Directory.
by both parties,
by both parties,
set forth herein,
GBP and the
GBP and the
Synagogue sign forth herein, the receipt
Temple sign
the receipt and
and sufficiency
(Date Signed)
and execute
and execute
(Date Signed)
this Agreement
this Agreement
(Name of Church)
(4) GBP agrees to deliver, at its expense, the Guide Book and Directories to the post office ready for mailing by the publication date
listed above, unless unavoidably prevented from doing so by reason beyond the control of GBP or through an act of God. In such
an event, the Guide Book and Directories shall be delivered as promptly as possible.
(5) This agreement will renew for an additional five years (five annual editions), unless either party notifies the other in writing no
later than 90 days after publication of the fifth annual edition.
Terms and
Country Club
Guide Book
Terms and
(6) It is agreed that GBP is allowed to solicit advertising for the Guide Book and Directory and that they have the right to retain the
whole of the charges for same in order to compensate GBP for all services rendered.
(7) GBP will not sell or use the Church’s list of members for any purpose except as intended herein.
(8) In event of not being able to secure adequate advertisers for the Guide Book and Directory, GBP reserves the right to terminate this
Agreement. The Church agrees to help support GBP in its endeavor to secure advertising to pay for the Guide Book and Directory.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, and in consideration of the premises and mutual covenants set forth herein, the receipt and sufficiency
of which consideration is hereby acknowledged by both parties, GBP and the Church sign and execute this Agreement on
(Date Signed)
Pastor’s or Authorized Signature
Authorized Signature
and Directory
Publishing Agre
to Both Parties
Synagogue Guid
e Book
Publishing Agre
Beneficial to
Both Partie
and Directory
Publishing Agre
to Both Parties
Name of Synagogue ___________________________
Name of Temple
Authorized Signature ___________________________
and Directory
Terms and
rev 4/14
to Both Parties
Terms and
Terms and
Name of Church
Guide BookHomeowner’s Associatio
and Directory
Synagogue Guid
e Book
Temple Guid
e Book
____________________________, ______________.
Directory Publi
Authorized Signature ___________________________
Authorized Signature ___________________________
Authorized Signature ___________________________
rev 3/14
rev 3/14
This Guide Book & Directory was published by:
Guide Book Publishing © 2014
322 Sovereign Ct. • St. Louis, MO 63011
636-391-2121 • 1-800-597-3037 •
This Guide Book and Directory is distributed free of charge to each family of the congregation for their private use only.
The publisher of this directory assumes no liability arising from errors of omissions in these free membership listings.
Its liability to a paid advertiser shall not exceed the charges paid by the advertiser for inclusion into this publication.
All Rights Reserved. Any unauthorized copying, duplicating, or reproducing of any portion of this publication constitutes
a violation of U.S. copyright law and is strictly forbidden. This copy of the Guide Book and Directory is and shall remain
the property of this congregation and is intended for the private use of the members of this organization only. Use of this
Guide Book & Directory by anyone for a business purpose or for telephone or mail solicitations is strictly forbidden. If such
use occurs, the license to use this publication is automatically rescinded. Further, such use may subject the user to a suit for
injunctive relief as well as damages.
This is our copyright protection we
place in every book. If a customer is
confused about not being able to use
the directory as a mailing list, you can
show this to them to help explain it.
Spread The Word Brochure
From Current Congregations
“...I have never been so pleased...”
“I write this letter to you as a strong recommendation that you consider using Guide Book Publishing for your
next church directory. In 40 years of ministry, I have never been so pleased with the quality of work and the politeness and efficiency of the sales personnel and workers who put together our Guide Book and Directory.”
~Reverend Edward Everitt, O.P., Pastor
Holy Ghost Catholic Church • Hammond, LA
“...I highly recommend...”
“It is rare that I recommend any particular vendor, but we have just finished an enjoyable experience with one.
Normally, I would rather take a bullet in the gut than get involved with a church directory. Putting together
the old pictorial directories, no matter what the vendor promised, was an exercise in frustration and even
agony. We are moving our pictorial directory to secure online. However, we still wanted to have something
that members could have in hand. We were contacted by Guide Book Publishing. Their Guide Book and
Directories are free. They make money through advertising. The effort on our part consisted of dumping our
member information into an excel file, writing about 10 short pages about our ministries, dumping a list of
our vendors (for their advertising sales), and approving a proof. We also let our members in retail businesses
know that they could advertise in the directory. Guide Book representatives were discrete and sensitive with
their advertising sells. That was a big concern of mine– fleecing the flock. In short, I highly recommend that
every church add the Guide Book & Directory to their offering to members and visitors.”
~Mike Gibbs, Church Administrator
Asbury UMC • Birmingham, AL
“...has received nothing but praises.”
“I just wanted to say that the new Guide Book & Directory developed for our parish has received nothing
but praises. This is the first real practical directory our parish has acquired in over 30 years. We have had
“pictorial” publications in the past, but these have only been distributed to about one fifth of the parish.
This directory goes out to everyone, without cost, which is fantastic. We arranged to have these mailed
out at the same time we were doing our stewardship drive. This only helps to establish that St. Mark is
a parish that cares for its parishioners. I have already noticed a change in the phone calls being received
at the front desk. The information printed in the first 20 pages answers many of the questions that we
have been receiving in the past. This reference book is not only helpful to the staff, but also to our entire
family of registered worshippers.”
~Don Williams, Development Director
St. Mark the Evangelist Catholic Church • San Antonio, TX
“...favorable comments from our parishioners...”
“The Guide Book & Directory has elicited many favorable comments from our parishioners and our ad
partners. Previous parish directories left a lot to be desired and the formats used were often cumbersome and
resulted in many delays before the finished product was delivered. The current Guide Book & Directory is
user friendly and the format is simple to follow. The quality is upscale and the information is current for our
parishioners to use. We look forward to next year when we will again produce our next booklet.”
~Philip J. Frappaolo, General Manager
Sacred Heart Church • Cullman, AL
“...very helpful publication.”
“Our congregation has found this to be a very helpful publication. It has replaced many separate pieces
that had been given to new members in the past. Pictorial directories are helpful and serve a different
purpose. This Guide Book & Directory is most helpful on a yearly basis to keep your members current
and information up to date.”
~Gloria Scott
First UMC • Richardson, TX
“They had an awesome product...”
“Recently Assumption Church had its first experience using Guide Book Publishing for our Ministry and
Membership Directory and we were very pleased with the results. For several years Don Ketcherside had
called to request our participation. On one occasion he came in to show us what Guide Book had to offer.
They had an awesome product and brought in plenty of samples to see and compare from many of our
neighboring parishes that were using Guide Book & Directories. Some had recently switched and others
had been using them for years. Every parish I called to ask about their experience with Guide Book Publishing had nothing to say but praise. We would have signed with them sooner but we were under contract
with another publishing company. However, immediately after discovering that we were no longer under
contract, I contacted Don who by coincidence had just called checking in the week before. They were by far and away the most
professional and helpful from the first contact to the finished product. We were on a time crunch and they met it in plenty of
time. A staff member from Guide Book even came out to show us how to set up for the new book and did much of the layout
and work for us. The book was awesome and we received many compliments from parishioners as well as staff on the change
and how much better the directory was and easier to use. I would recommend any parish considering switching to Guide Book
Publishing to give them a try.”
~Rosemary Tubbs, Secretary
Assumption Church • O’Fallon, MO
“...excellent way to get Stewardship materials in the hands of our
“With past publishers I had to do most of the work myself including cover design and print ready pages. This
was time consuming mostly because I am not a graphic designer and I do so many jobs at the parish that I
didn’t have time to worry about appearance. It was nice to have our own personal graphic designer make our
cover look nice and inviting to our parishioners. The feature I am most excited about is the fact that I can send
additional materials to you to stuff into the envelopes with the Guide Book & Directory that you will mail out
for us. This is an excellent way to get Stewardship materials in the hands of our parishioners with less expense
and man hours on our end. We look forward to working towards even greater Guide Book & Directories for our
parishioners in the years to come.”
~Rhonda Taylor, Office Manager
St. Patrick Catholic Church • Wichita, KS
“Your staff was a delight to work with...”
“The book is beautifully produced. Your staff was a delight to work with. Your organization, your commitment to keeping yourselves and your clients to schedule, and your steady communication all made this a
very pleasant experience. Thank you for opening this opportunity to serve our people more effectively. Your
publication adds to the pride our people have in their parish.”
~Father Bob Bonnot, Pastor
Christ Our Savior • Struthers, OH
“...very professional to work with during this process.”
“The entire experience of collaborating with Guide Book Publishing has been most positive. The representative
who came to our office to obtain ads for the Guide Book & Directory was most pleasant and very professional
to work with during this process. I highly recommend the entire experience to other parishes.”
~Reverend Monsignor Bennie J. Patillo, Pastor
St. Elizabeth Catholic Community • Port Neches, TX
Information For Your Church Appointment
The relationship you have with your church is extremely important. A good relationship will help get you leads and allow you
to increase your sales. Listed below are some frequently asked questions that we have received from other account executives,
followed by some resources for your church appointment that you should utilize.
How is the church prepared for sales?
Every church is sent a packet at the beginning of the process. In this packet, we include a Potential Advertiser List (PAL) with a
cover letter explaining how to fill out the PAL or send a vendor list. Also, for the new churches, we include a pre-posted envelope
for the return of the list. Renewal churches are given the choice to hold onto the PAL and give it directly to the rep. Our production
department informs the church of the approximate time of sales (due to scheduling changes we are unable to give an exact date).
Does every church have a place for me to work?
No. Unfortunately due to space restrictions in some churches they may not have a place, so you will need to work from your
home or hotel.
The church didn’t put anything in the bulletin/newsletter before I started sales, what
can I do?
On page 10, there are two bulletin/newsletter articles that they can place. One is for new books and another for renewal churches.
If the church is willing to place this in the bulletin/newsletter right away, that will be a great help to you getting sales.
It’s important to know that a church appointment does not have to be an hour or two long. Make sure the contact knows that you
would be happy to meet with them for ten minutes each day to go over the following information if that is convenient for them.
If this is the case, have a plan for each meeting. Always be quick and to the point. Be flexible when working with your contact.
Always remember that a little PR goes a long way.
Points to Cover in your Church Appointment
Review last year’s advertisers with your contact
Categories sold in last years book, i.e. doctors, funeral homes, florist, etc.
Mention new categories you have targeted for this years project. Ask for help within these new categories.
Review the ads that have cancelled and ask if they might have any ideas or reasons why the advertiser might have cancelled.
This may help you when you call on these clients. Do the same with the To-Reps.
Go over the importance of why we need a PAL from the church. We do not want to miss a church member and sell their
After the church appointment(s), make sure to thank them for their time. It is always good to review the progress that you have
with the PAL. This will reinforce the importance and benefit of the PAL to the contact. Reviewing the success can and should be
done with the pastor, school, principal, music teacher, custodian or anyone who makes purchases on behalf of the organization.
Dress Guidelines for all Account Executives
We require all of our account executives to dress in business attire. You are the face of our company when in any appointment.
We want you to leave a great first impression. Your impression can translate into a customer wanting a continued business relationship with you and could lead to additional sales.
All account executives are expected to:
have clothing and shoes neat, clean and pressed at all times
wear jewelry and accessories that are tasteful and complementary
(if male) wear shirts with ties, slacks that hold a crease , sport jackets or suits and dress shoes
(if female) wear blouses with slacks or a skirt, blazer, suit or dress and dress shoes.
Remember you are not only representing us but also the church.
Church Etiquette
At Guide Book Publishing, we work with many different denominations and organizations. We have compiled this “Church
Etiquette” section to help assist you with leaving not only a great first impression, but a lasting one. By understanding who we
service, you will have a better experience with your assignment.
The U.S.’s largest Christian denomination. It is among the oldest institutions in the world and has played a prominent role in history. The Catholic Church defines its mission as spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ, administering
the sacraments and exercising charity. The Catholic Church is the largest non-government provider of education and medical
services in the world.
They refer to their worship service or celebration of the Eucharist as a Mass. Catholics are generally used to using advertising.
They allow drinking alcohol in moderation, and are tolerant of gambling in moderation. Catholics are pro-life, so avoid soliciting
any clinics or doctor who might practice otherwise.
How to address
They are very formal in the manner in which they address their clergy. Below is a list of examples of the titles which you will
come across when working with the parish.
Rev. Patrick Flanagan – address as Father Flanagan
Rev. Msgr. Flanagan – address as Monsignor Flanagan (Mon.see.nyer)
The Very Rev. Flanagan – address as Monsignor Flanagan
Sr. Mary Riley – address as Sister Riley
Rev. Mr. Patrick Flanagan or Mr. Patrick Flanagan – address as Deacon Flanagan
• Parish – used when referring to the individual church community as a whole. The members are referred to as parishioners
• Nun – a woman bound to a religious order, living under solemn vows of poverty, chastity and obedience
• Deacon – a member of the clergy ranking just below a priest
• Transitional Deacon – plans to be ordained to the priesthood
• Permanent/Married Deacon – functions the same as a transitional deacon, but does not plan on being ordained to the
priesthood. They are also allowed to be married, but only before they are ordained.
• Rectory – the priest’s residence
Most churches have a weekly bulletin with ads on it that you can utilize as a source of leads.
United Methodist
Is the country’s second largest protestant denomination. It is mainline Protestant. The United Methodist Church allows
for a wide range of theological and political beliefs. United Methodists are very informal in the manner in which they
address their clergy.
The attendants of the church are referred to as members, which constitute what they refer to as their congregation. Most United
Methodist churches have probably never used advertising before. The UMC does not condone drinking alcohol or gambling.
A restaurant with a bar should be acceptable while a bar alone wouldn’t be. They do not condone abortion, but their official
position is pro-choice in order to respect the mother’s right to choose. The UMC allows men and women to be ordained, and
they are allowed to marry.
How to address
• Rev. Tom Smith – address as Pastor Smith
• Rev. Jennifer Lowe – address as Pastor Lowe
Is one of the largest Christian denominations, which identifies with the theology of Martin Luther, a German monk and
theologian. Due to a difference in beliefs, the Lutheran Church divided into different groups. The two main branches
of Lutheranism are the Missouri Synod & ELCA.
The attendants of the church are referred to as members, which constitute what they refer to as their congregation. Lutherans are
pro-life. They allow the consumption of alcohol, in moderation. Most Lutheran Churches have not used advertising before, but we
have run into some that use a bulletin service. They are, in general, very open to the concept of advertising.
How to address your contact
• Rev. Pat King – address as Pastor King
• E.L.C.A. - Evangelical Lutheran Church in America is the largest branch of American Lutheranism. It’s more liberal and
allows women to be ordained.
• L.C.M.S – The Missouri Synod is more theologically conservative than E.L.C.A. They do not allow women to be ordained.
Presbyterians derive their name from the presbyterian form of church government, which is government by representative assemblies of elders. Local congregations of churches which use presbyterian polity are governed by sessions made up of representatives of the congregation (elders). This protestant denomination is a form of Christianity
democratically organized to embrace the faith common to all Christians.
The attendants of the church are referred to as members, which constitute what they refer to as their congregation. Most Presbyterian Churches have probably never used advertising before. They do allow drinking alcohol in moderation. They allow men
and women to be ordained, and they are allowed to marry.
How to address
• Rev. Peter Simpson – address as Pastor Simpson
• Rev. Jane Anderson – address as Pastor Anderson
The church was organized after the American Revolution, when it separated from the Church of England. The
Episcopal Church is one of the more progressive churches, however each church is different and may have differing
opinions. It’s part of the Anglican Communion (a worldwide Christian community), so they are sometimes referred
to as Anglican Catholic.
The attendants of the church are referred to as parishioners, which constitute what they refer to as their parish. Most Episcopal
Churches have probably never used advertising before. They allow men and women to be ordained, and they are allowed to marry.
How to address
• Rev. Michael Lane – address as Father Lane
He is the Rector of the parish, (similar to the Pastor) but you address him as Father Lane.
• Rev. Joann Smith – address as Mother Smith or Priest Joann (keep in mind that this is used commonly by the parishioners), you should ask what they prefer.
In the event of working with an Episcopal Cathedral you will run into different titles.
How to address
• The Right Rev. Michael Lane – address as Bishop Lane
• The Very Rev. Michael Lane – address as Dean Lane
• The Rev. Canon Michael Lane – address as Father Lane or Canon Lane
• Curate – a member of the clergy who assists a rector or vicar
• Vicar – a parish priest or a member of the clergy whose charge is a chapel in a parish
Christian & Churches of Christ
The attendants of the church are referred to as members, which constitute what they refer to as their congregation. They do not
condone drinking alcohol, but do not openly preach against it. They have probably never used advertising before. They allow
men or women to be ordained and they are allowed to marry. There are four different types with the differences listed below.
Church of Christ
Stresses itself as a fellowship rather than a denomination. It is theologically more conservative than Christian.
The two divided over the issue of using instrumental music. The christian Church permits it, while the Church of
Christ only uses a capella music.
How to address
• Rev. Bob Johnson – address as Pastor Johnson
• Senior Minister – address as Pastor (Disciples of Christ only)
• Associate Minister – address as Pastor (Disciples of Christ only)
The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
has a denominational style of organization and is theologically more liberal.
United Church of Christ
United Church of Christ in partnership with the Disciples of Christ. The main differences between the two is baptism.
They baptize as babies, while Disciples of Christ baptize when they are older.
There are twenty-plus major Baptist denominations in the U.S today. The two major Baptist bodies are the Southern
Baptist Convention and the American Baptist Convention. Theological and especially social issues continue to separate the two. The American Baptist Church in the U.S is the more socially liberal of the two. The Southern Baptist
Convention is the largest American Protestant denomination.
The attendants of the church are referred to as members, which constitute what they refer to as their congregation. They are
pro-life and are opposed to drinking alcohol and gambling. Most Baptist churches have probably never used advertising before.
They are socially conservative. Be very mindful of the businesses you put in the book.
How to address
• The members will address the Pastor as Brother Smith, but if you are not a member you should address him as Pastor.
Never refer to their Pastor as Reverend.
• Pastor Daniel Smith – address as Pastor or Preacher Smith
Assembly of God
Assembly of God is a group of over 140 autonomous but loosely associated national groupings of churches which
together form the world’s largest Pentecostal denomination. They draw their basic theology from Baptism and Methodism. They also claim the literal truth of the Bible and view divine healing and speaking in tongues as evidence of the
work of the Holy Spirit. The General Council of the Assemblies of God is the largest of these fundamental churches.
The attendants of the church are referred to as members, which constitute what they refer to as their congregation. Most Assemblies of God have probably never used advertising before. They are opposed to drinking alcohol.
How to address
• Rev. Bob McGee – address as Pastor McGee
• Rev. Mary McGee – address as Pastor McGee
Is the largest non-Christian religious community in the U.S. Their beliefs are based on the Old Testament of the Bible.
Some believe Jesus to be a prophet instead of the Son of God and therefore do not celebrate traditional Christian
holidays like Christmas and Easter.
The attendants of the church are referred to as members, which constitute what they refer to as their congregation. They allow
men or women to be a Rabbi and are allowed to marry. The Jewish community does allow alcohol consumption in moderation.
It is important not to give them any material that references churches.
How to address
• Rabbi Glen Walter – address as Rabbi Walter
• Rabbi Ruth Walter – address as Rabbi Walter
• Rabbi – The spiritual leader of their congregation
• Temple/Synagogue – their house of worship
• Shabbat – their worship service, which is conducted on Friday evening and Saturday morning
If a church is not listed, follow the basic guidelines:
• Rev. Bob Jones – address as Pastor Jones
• Rev. Jane Jones – address as Pastor Jones
Do not approach politicians, unless you have checked with the church first. If they approve, you need to indicate that approval
on the advertisement agreement.
Regardless of the church’s policy on alcohol consumption you should avoid bars.
Always avoid casinos.
Bulletin/Newsletter Article
If the church did not run a notice of your arrival, below are two samples of something they could run in their bulletin/newsletter.
If the church does not still have this hand out, it can be printed out from our website.
New Church Bulletin/Newsletter Article
Guide Book & Directory
Advertising Opportunity
We have contracted Guide Book Publishing to publish a Guide Book & Directory for our congregation
that will be updated and delivered directly to your homes annually. This book will be the Who, What,
Where, When, Why and How of our Church. The book is being provided at no cost to our Church. Local businesses are being solicited to advertise in the book. If you own or manage a business and would
like to find out about advertising in our book, please call the Church Office at _________.
Recent survey results by Guide Book Publishing show that 92.1% of families would rather patronize a
Guide Book & Directory advertiser over a non-advertiser. It “will pay” to advertise in our new Guide
Book & Directory.
Renewal Church Bulletin/Newsletter Article
Guide Book & Directory
Advertising Opportunity
We are in the process of updating our annual Guide Book & Directory for the Church. This book will be
the Who, What, Where, When, Why and How of our Congregation. The book is being provided at no cost
to our Church, including the mailing to each family, and again is being subsidized by local businesses that
advertise in it. If you own or manage a business and would like to find out about advertising in our book,
please call the Church Office.
Recent survey results by Guide Book Publishing show that 92.1% of families would rather patronize a
Guide Book & Directory advertiser over a non-advertiser. It “will pay” to advertise in our new Guide
Book & Directory.
Potential Advertisers List (PAL)
Book #___________
Potential Advertisers List
Auto Sales/Service
Business Name
Elder Care
Home Health Care • Nursing Homes • Retirement Homes • Hospice• Assisted Living • Independent Living
1. ________________________ __________________
Auto Dealers • Auto Repair • Auto Body • Auto Parts • Car Washes • Gasoline/Marts • Oil Change Locations
Business Name
1. ________________________ __________________
2. ________________________ __________________
2. ________________________ __________________
3. ________________________ __________________
3. ________________________ __________________
4. ________________________ __________________
4. ________________________ __________________
5. ________________________ __________________
5. ________________________ __________________
1. ________________________ __________________
2. ________________________ __________________
3. ________________________ __________________
Business Name
Salons • Spas • Beauty Supplies • Avon • Mary Kay
Business Name
1. ________________________ __________________
2. ________________________ __________________
Computer Sales/Service • IT Support • Cell Phone Sales/Service • Appliance & TV Sales/Service
3. ________________________ __________________
4. ________________________ __________________
4. ________________________ __________________
5. ________________________ __________________
5. ________________________ __________________
Financial Services
Heating • Air Conditioning • Plumbers • Roofers • Lawn Care/Landscaping • Electricians • Construction • Remodel/Repair
Business Name
1. ________________________ __________________
2. ________________________ __________________
3. ________________________ __________________
4. ________________________ __________________
5. ________________________ __________________
1. ________________________ __________________
2. ________________________ __________________
3. ________________________ __________________
4. ________________________ __________________
5. ________________________ __________________
Food Service/Restaurants
Restaurants • Pizzerias • Cafés • Grocery Stores • Butchers • Delis • Caterers •
Day Care/Preschools • Private Schools • Learning Centers • Universities • Music/Voice Lession
Business Name
Business Name
Insurance Agencies • Banks • Savings & Loans • Credit Unions • Financial Planners • Accountants
Mortgage Companies
1. ________________________ __________________
1. ________________________ __________________
2. ________________________ __________________
2. ________________________ __________________
3. ________________________ __________________
3. ________________________ __________________
4. ________________________ __________________
4. ________________________ __________________
5. ________________________ __________________
5. ________________________ __________________
Business Name
PAL - p1
Funeral Services
PAL - p2
Pet Services
Funeral Homes • Funeral Directors • Mortuaries • Cemeteries • Cremation Services
Business Name
1. ________________________ __________________
2. ________________________ __________________
3. ________________________ __________________
4. ________________________ __________________
5. ________________________ __________________
Health Care/Medical
Business Name
Hospitals • Doctors/ Surgeons • Dentists/Orthodontists • Optometrists • Chiropractors • Home Health Care
Retirement/Assisted Living • Nursing Homes • Hospice • Health/Fitness Programs • Pharmacies
4. ________________________ __________________
Residential • Commercial
3. ________________________ __________________
4. ________________________ __________________
5. ________________________ __________________
3. ________________________ __________________
4. ________________________ __________________
5. ________________________ __________________
Attorneys • Tax Services • Legal Counsel
Business Name
1. ________________________ __________________
2. ________________________ __________________
3. ________________________ __________________
4. ________________________ __________________
1. ________________________ __________________
2. ________________________ __________________
3. ________________________ __________________
4. ________________________ __________________
5. ________________________ __________________
Wedding Services
Dry Cleaners • Gift Shops • Hardware Stores • Jewelers • Pest Control • Printers
Golf Courses • Bowling Alleys • Fun Centers • Theaters • Movie Rentals • Water/Amusement Parks
Business Name
2. ________________________ __________________
3. ________________________ __________________
Business Name
2. ________________________ __________________
5. ________________________ __________________
5. ________________________ __________________
1. ________________________ __________________
1. ________________________ __________________
1. ________________________ __________________
Business Name
Veterinarians • Grooming • Boarding • Training • Animal Hospitals • Pet Sitters
Business Name
2. ________________________ __________________
Legal Services
Business Name
Photographers • Florists • Bridal Gowns • Tuxedo Rentals • Limousine Rentals • Banquet Halls
1. ________________________ __________________
1. ________________________ __________________
2. ________________________ __________________
2. ________________________ __________________
3. ________________________ __________________
3. ________________________ __________________
4. ________________________ __________________
4. ________________________ __________________
5. ________________________ __________________
5. ________________________ __________________
PAL - p3
PAL - p4
Advertiser Complaint
This letter is a great tool for your church appointment to help you emphasis the importance of receiving a PAL or vendor list
Guide Book Publishing
14579 Manchester Road
St. Louis, Missouri 63011
St. Peter Catholic Church Guide Book & Directory
Huber Heights, Ohio 45424
To Whom It May Concern:
Yes, you missed us.
No one contacted me.
There are about twenty (20) people in the real estate business tat are
members of this parish. You have all the Baptist advertisers in place. I
hope the Catholic advertisers will have an opportunity to place an ad in the
most meaningful publication of St. Peter Parish.
Please have your agent contact me at his earliest convenience after the
first of the year.
Thank you for your assistance in this matter.
Yours truly,
Jerry Rigot, Broker
RE/MAX Premier Group Realtors
6541 Wrenview Court
Huber Heights, Ohio 45424
Account Executive’s Standards
• Make Enough Phone Calls To
Set 4-5 Solid Appointments Per Day.
• Set a MINIMUM of 20 Set Appointments
Per Week.
• Close 50% of the Appointments You See.
• Sell a MINIMUM of 10 Ads Per Week.
• Sell $4,500 Per Week.
Account Executive Church Work Plan
Beginning Assignment Procedures
Every Wednesday you will need to call in for your assignment. A message will be left in your voice mail after noon. If a new assignment
is not received, proceed with the Work Plan for additional week(s) on pg. 15. Otherwise, continue with the following procedures.
Call your church contact to set up your church appointment for Monday. Make sure to receive the below information during
your initial call.
• Do they have a place for you to call from?
• Is the potential advertiser list ready?
• Has a notice about sales been placed in the bulletin or newsletter?
Review research – local account executives will pick this up from the home office. Out of town reps will receive it via USPS
on Friday or Saturday.
• Organize research into a sensible working order.
• Review To-Reps, Pre To-Reps, In-Works and Canceled Ads.
• Look through last year’s contacts. Are there any call backs for this year?
• Check your mock-up to know what space is available.
• Review call-in sheets. What is the current running total? What do you still need to reach target?
• Compile drop offs. See Pg 23 for details.
First week of assignment
Prepare for church appointment
• Compile a list of questions for your church contact.
• Review church etiquette.
• Set up a daily plan broken down into goals for phone calls and appointments needed to be made in order to hit the
church target.
Daily: Figures must be called into the office for the day at the end of business.
Church Meeting
Pick up bulletin or newsletter
Read bulletin boards
Ask about the Congregation make up (older, younger, lots of kids, growing, etc).
• Block time for calls to set 5-8 appointments.
• Scope out surrounding areas.
Use a tape recorder to record local businesses – address & phone #.
Pick-up local flyers, newspapers, mailers, val-packs, etc.
• Block out time to see appointments.
• Prepare for next day appointments.
• Be sure to call or see all To-Reps, Cancelled, or Pre To-Rep ads.
• Call your district manager with your weekly update.
• Block time for calls to set 5-8 appointments.
• Block time to see appointments.
• Call in for your new assignment.
• Be sure to keep in contact with your church. You should stop in the church every day.
• Block time for calls to set 5-8 appointments.
• Block time to see appointments.
• Call office after 10 a.m for In-Works status. The statuses will be left in your voice mail box.
If any In-Works cancel or become To-Reps call them immediately to set up an appointment.
• Are you asking your appointments if they know of any other businesses who may want to get into the book?
Block time for calls to set 5-8 appointments.
Block time to see appointments.
• At the end of the day, turn in all contracts, ad copy, checks, research, etc. Research is only returned when you have received
a new assignment.
Out of town account executives mail all information.
Local account executives drop off all information.
• Block time for calls to set 5-8 appointments.
• Block time to see appointments.
Additional week(s) of your assignment
Evaluate how you are doing, what your plan is for the next week, and what you have left to sell.
• Are you having trouble generating leads? Go back to your research – Are all the top 30 GBP businesses represented in
the book? See pg 17 for total listing.
• Have you spoken to the secretary, pastor, committee presidents, school principal, etc. for leads?
• Have you conducted all internet searches listed on pg. 18.
• Block time for calls to set 5-8 appointments.
• Block time to see appointments.
• Review Handling Objections book to see if you can revisit any decision makers that might still be on the fence.
• Call your district manager with your weekly update.
• Ask your district manager for advice on generating more leads.
• Block time for calls to set 5-8 appointments.
• Block time to see appointments.
• Call back all pending sales for answers.
• Call in for your new assignment. If new assignment received, continue with beginning procedures and first week of assignment.
• Block time for calls to set 5-8 appointments.
• Block time to see appointments.
• Follow up on any outstanding potential advertisers, ad copy, contracts, or checks.
• Block time for calls to set 5-8 appointments.
• Block time to see appointments.
• If new assignment was received on Wednesday, continue with Beginning Assignment Procedures.
• At the end of the day, turn in all contracts, ad copy, checks, research, etc. Research is only returned when you have
received a new assignment.
Out of town account executives mail all information.
Local account executives drop off all information.
• Block time for calls to set 5-8 appointments.
• Block time to see appointments.
Sales Schedule
The below example is our Sales Schedule. This can help you keep all of your many appointments organized. We have it in two
different sizes: 8 1/2” x 11” or 8 1/2” x 14”. We supply it to you in the 8 1/2” x 11” format. Call the home office if you would like
the larger size. This can also be found on our website.
Appointments For The Week Of__________________________________________________
Who are Our Advertisers?
We categorize the types of businesses that advertise in our books. These top 30 types of businesses comprise nearly
80% of the ad buyers. Be sure that you identify and call on the businesses in your book’s area that are our top buyers.
Business Classification
Number of Businesses
Funeral Directors/Services
Automobile Repair & Service
Retirement Communities & Homes
Insurance Agencies
Real Estate (Agencies)
Physicians & Surgeons
Hotels, Motels & Inns
Legal Services
Financial Planning Consultants
Construction/Remodeling- Home/Commercial
Landscape Contractors/Architects
Plumbers/Plumbing Contractors
Home Health Care/Nursing
Heating Contractors
School General Interest
Florists Retail
Heating Equipment & Systems Repair SVC
Automobile Dealers
Groceries Retail
Roofing Contractors
Electrical Contractors
Veterinarian Hospitals
Elder Care
Pharmacies- Retail
Beauty Salons & Supplies
Top 30 Business Classifications
161 Other Business Classifications
Total Businesses Categorized
% of Total Businesses
Places To Go, People To See & Things To Read For Leads:
Chamber of Commerce
Local Mailers
Vendor Lists/PAL
Head of Church Council
Principal of School
Free Newspapers & Magazines in Grocery Stores
Last Year’s Research
Other Guide Book & Directories Around
The Church You Are Working
Grocery Store Receipts
Store Shopping Carts
Ads in Public Bathroom Stalls
• Haynes Directory - City Directory and/or Sorkins
• The Blue Book - The Annual Bound Book of Bulletins
(For Catholic Churches Only)
• Referrals From Advertisers
• Athletic Coach and/or Association President
• Bowling Alley Displays
• Yellow Pages
• Bulletins From Churches Around the One You Are Working
• Television Commercials - Especially When Out Of Town
• Radio Commercials
• Sheppard Guide
• Place Mats at Restaurants
• Bus Stop Benches
• Public Television Spots - Charter
Finding Leads On The Internet
An easy avenue to pursue when seaching for leads is logging onto the internet.
*These internet venues change on a regular basis. Call the home office if you have any problems.,, and Google Local have become a very popular and useful tool for locating
different businesses in the town you are working in.
simply go to,, or
type in name, city, state of the town you are working in
a map of your town will pop up and the option to search for different types of businesses
type in your type of business in the designated box, i.e. flowers, hotels, restaurants
on the left hand side of your screen all of the businesses of that type will come up along with all of their
contact info. Happy Selling!
This is a website database maintained by a leading bulletin company. It lists every bulletin/newsletter they do across the country
broken out by the city and state. It lists every business that advertises in each of their publications. It lists all the business contact
information including even the contact person’s name. It will allow you to sort the information by zip code and by distance. It will
even let you print out a copy of the actual bulletin’s ads. This is a tremendous lead source of businesses that already advertise in
church related media.
simply type in the zipcode of the town you are working in and browse through the choices that pop up. You can pick and
choose which businesses you would like to solicit.
• same as in the zipcode of the town you are working in.
• browse through the categories you are given and pick and choose which ones you would like to solicit.
• very similar to google local.
• type in category of business and the zip code and your choices will appear.
The businesses of choice should appear within a two to three mile radius of the church. These are free websites. Use them to
your advantage. It takes very little time to use and produces a wide variety of leads. If you do not have access to a computer or
the internet, libraries offer free computer and internet access, you only have to pay for the pages that are printed unless you
write down the information
Working the Telephone
“Hi, this is YOUR NAME from Guide Book Publishing. I am calling
on behalf of CHURCH NAME. I am working with the church on
their Guide Book & Directory that will be direct-mailed to all of
their members’ homes. I wanted to make sure you were given the
opportunity to participate. I would like to set up a 5-10 minute
appointment to stop by and show you what the book will look like.
Is morning or afternoon best for you?”
“My name is YOUR NAME. I am with Guide Book Publishing and I
am currently working with CHURCH NAME on their Guide Book
& Directory. This is a direct-mail piece that goes to each household
in the congregation. If I could have just a few minutes of your time, I
would like to show you the type of project we are working on here at
CHURCH NAME. It will only take about 5-10 minutes. What would
work better for you, this afternoon, or sometime tomorrow morning?”
(PAL/Church Contact)
“Hi, this is YOUR NAME. CHURCH NAME suggested that I call you. I work for Guide Book Publishing and I am currently
working with CHURCH NAME on their Guide Book & Directory. CHURCH CONTACT, wanted to make sure you were given
the opportunity to participate. I would like to set up a 5-10 minute appointment with you to show you what we are doing. When
is a good time for you? Do you have a few minutes this afternoon, or would tomorrow morning work better for you?”
(Church Member)
“My name is YOUR NAME. I am with Guide Book Publishing. I am working with CHURCH NAME putting together your
annual Guide Book & Directory. We always want to be in touch with members first to be sure you have the first opportunity to
have your business included in the directory this year, if you wish. I would like to stop by and show you what spaces we currently
have available in the directory. Do you have 5-10 minutes later this morning, or would tomorrow morning work better for you?”
(Church Vendor)
“Hello, this is YOUR NAME calling on behalf of CHURCH NAME. I work for Guide Book Publishing on their annual Guide
Book & Directory. I wanted to give you a call because of your relationship with the church. We always want to be sure that the
vendors are given first opportunity to be included in the directory. We know that the church prefers to do business with NAME
OF BUSINESS, therefore, we would like to put your business name in front of all the members of the congregation as well. I
only need about 5-10 minutes of your time. Would you have a few minutes later this morning, or would this afternoon work
better for you?”
“Hi, this is YOUR NAME, working with Guide Book Publishing. I am calling on behalf of CHURCH NAME.
REFERRED BY suggested that I give you a call. I am working with CHURCH NAME on their annual Guide Book & Directory.
REFERRED BY thought this would be a good opportunity for your business. What I would like to do is set up a 5-10 minute
appointment to show you what we are doing. When is a good time for you? I will be in your area this afternoon; would that be
good for you?”
Research Sheet
The below form is an example of our Research Sheet provided to you in your supplies and can also be found on our website. This
should be utilized in your preparation and organization of your leads and calls. Please turn this in at the end of your assignment,
so that it can be utilized in next year’s sales.
Points that should be covered
on/in every sales presentation!
1. This is the only source the church has to describe, as well as to inform, all of their members of all the different ministries,
organizations, committees and activities of the church in one information source.
2. This is the only source the church uses to provide all the members with a directory for them to easily reference and to reach
and communicate with other members in their church. Therefore it is used continually throughout the year by them.
3. My product is direct mailed to every family’s home.
4. Each new family, in addition to the current members, receives a copy when joining or registering. Therefore you will be
reaching many new families in the area. In this case, the church will be receiving ____copies for this purpose.
5. My product is very cost effective advertising and it works. You will be reaching ____families for _____cents per mailing.
6. Ad design is no additional charge.
7. We provide a complimentary online advertising presence.
Other things to use if necessary!
1. Versus the Bulletin - Yes, I’m sure the church appreciated your support - Let me take a few minutes to show you the advantages
of my Guide Book and Directory. Then start with #1 above.
2. My product offers you more reach (exposure) than any other church oriented advertising because it is direct mailed to every
family and has a year’s shelf life to it.
3. My product provides you with a real display type ad, plus an extra listing in the index of advertisers, and an online presence.
4. Your ad will not be jumbled in with or amongst many different advertisers. There is a maximum of four (4) advertisers to a
page. These are generally prime spot ad positions on the covers (inside front, inside back or back cover). Otherwise there is
most likely only one advertiser to a page.
5. Church surveys show that up to 40% of the people registered in any given church do not attend regularly. You will therefore
be reaching more people through our direct mail system.
6. This advertising works. Our renewal rate year to year is over 70% and people like yourself are not going to renew unless it
works for them.
Guide Book Publishing
Online Advertising Program
Finding the Online Guide Section on
Through the Map:
Click on Map at the top of the screen
Click on the State
Click on the City
Click on the Name of the Church
Through the Publications Page:
Click on the Publications Page on the top of the screen
Click on the Online Guide Sections Tab on the
left side of the computer screen
Click on the State
Click on the City
Click on the Name of the Church
Finding the Alphabetical Listing of Advertisers on
Through the Advertisers Page:
Click on the Advertisers Page on the top of the screen
Click on the Advertiser’s List Tab on the left side of the screen
Click on the State
Click on the City
Click on the Name of the Church
To visit an Advertiser’s website: Click on the name of the business
Drop Offs
When you need to leave material or fax information to a potential advertiser use the following provided information.
• Church letter/Who letter
• Survey Results
• Business Card
• Rate Card
Staple all of these together and sign your name to the Church/Who letter. It is also a good idea to put the church phone number
on the letter in case the business would like to contact the church to verify that Guide Book Publishing is printing their book.
Before doing this, you will need the church’s permission.
Once you have dropped off the information, it is important to follow up as soon as possible. It is a good idea to get your contact
ready as well as yourself before the appointment. Here is some suggested information to ask your contact before your appointment.
What size ad are they interested in?
Would they prefer a prime location. This way you can get availability from the home office ahead of time.
Would they like to receive information on more than one directory?
Their email address, website, and fax number. This will help you fill out the contract ahead of time.
Collecting Payment at the Point of Sale
There are four ways to collect payment at the time of sale.
Check (best option)
Credit Card
Money Order
Cash (not advisable in large sums)
The quickest way for you to receive your commissions is by collecting payment at the time of sale. The following step by step
process is what we have found to be the most effective way in receiving cash at the time of sale.
1. Fill out the contract and sign your name.
2. Go through the contract with the advertiser, showing what he/she has bought, making sure all entries are correct.
Do not just hand over the contract and ask them to look it over. Go through it completely with the advertiser.
3. Say, “I need your signature here,” showing, with your pen, the line on which he/she should sign.
4. Then follow up by saying, “I need a check in the amount of $___,” showing, with your pen, the total.
5. Say, “Write the check out to Guide Book Publishing,” showing the top of the contract with our name on it.
6. Hand the advertiser your pen. Don’t look at him – do something with your briefcase, the papers in front of you, or the
art work/business card they gave you etc.
If a question comes up about “amount this date,” just say that is for advertisers who need to go on a payment plan. You should
let them know that our new/first time customers usually pay in full.
If the advertiser tells you that they don’t have a check with them today, you can ask them if they would like to pay by credit card
instead. If they still want to pay by check later, they can mail the check to the home office, you can pick it up at a later date, or
the home office can invoice them.
Advertising Agreements/Contracts
Selling is what you do, and in order to get your sales billed and placed in the book a contract must first be filled out and signed.
The sample contract shown on the next page indicates the crucial information that must be filled out on all contracts. Below is a
list of some necessary points that you will need to remember in your selling process.
Ads located on the inside pages of the directory are never color (this does not include the center spread).
If a customer requests a special placement within the book, it needs to be written on the contract. The only place a customer cannot have a special placement is in the Guide section. Special placement is also an extra $15 charge.
When selling a Key Account or Multi-Book sale, the discount is only applied to the cost of the ad without the color
charge. We do not discount color.
If a customer has a specific way to be billed, you can indicate this in the middle part of the contract along with the ad
copy instructions.
The only time you need to fax a contract to the home office is when you have been advised by the home office. The original
contract is always needed by the home office and can be included in your Friday packet.
When filling out the projected publication date, it is suggested to write down seasons, such as Mid-Spring or Late-Fall.
It is important not to be specific as customers can become upset if the church delays a few weeks to a month after being
promised a specific date.
How Contracts Are Processed
1. Contracts are checked in against your reported sales for the week to verify we have received all reported ads.
2. Contracts that can be entered are entered into the computer system. Contracts can only be entered if they have 2 out
of 3 essential items: a signature, ad copy, or payment. Without 2 of the 3, the contract is unable to be entered and placed
on your Missing Ad Copy list.
3. After the ad has been entered, it will go to one of two places.
• With ad copy attached, it will be given to the Graphic Department for ad design.
• Without ad copy attached, it will stay with administration and placed on your Missing Ad Copy list until the ad
copy is received.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is it OK to get a verbal agreement for a new contract?
No. A contract is not binding without a signature.
If I am signing up a customer in two books, is it OK to write both books on one contract?
No. We need an addendum or two separate contracts. We suggest filling out a contract and an addendum. This is to avoid
any confusion.
Sample Ad Contract
Advertising Agreement
322 Sovereign Ct., St Louis, MO 63011 • 636/391-2121 • 800/597-3037 • Fax 636/391-3172
E-Mail address for ad copy: •
This Advertising Agreement is between Guide Book Publishing and the Advertiser (Business) listed below. The Advertiser agrees to purchase advertising in the
Guide Book & Directory listed below and abide by the terms and conditions of this Agreement.
ADVERTISER INFORMATION -- Completion Of All Fields Required
)Book #
________Page Size
Date of Agreement: _________________________________________________
Special Placement
$ _________________
$ _________________
Extra Index
$ _________________
Multi-Bk Discount
$ _________________
Book Name: _______________________________________ (
Projected Publication Date: ___________________________________________
Business Name: ___________________________________________________
$ _________________
Contact Person: ___________________________________________________
Address: _________________________________________________________
Sub Total:
$ _________________
$ _________________
City:_________________________________St:______Zip: ________________
$ _________________
Ph: (______ ) ______________________ Fax: (______ ) ___________________
E-mail: __________________________________________________________
Website: www. ____________________________________________________
Type of Business: (This is NOT the index listing) ____________________________________
Total Charge:
$ _________________
Amount Paid This Date:
$ _________________
$ _______________
All of this information
must be completed
for billing and coding
This area must be completed INCLUDING any
extra charges for photos, indexes, special
placement AND color
Please note: this will be
used as the hyperlink in
the online Guide Book
Advertisement Placement & Layout
Ad Placement:
Last Page Of Book
Book Format:
Color Available ONLY On These Locations: ( I.F.C. I.B.C. B.C. C.S. )
Inside Page
Color NOT Available
Color NOT Available
Color NOT Available
Ad Format:
Circle if Applicable
Circle the placement
and layout of ad
This area is for any
information you need
to relay to the Graphic
Dept. or Administration
Dept. Do NOT staple,
tape or glue logos or
business cards to the
contract. Put all the
copy inside the contract and secure it with
a large paperclip.
Guide Book Publishing Representative
Billing Address & Phone if different from above: ___________________________________________________________________
City_______________________________________________St._____ Zip___________Phone (_______) ____________________
Rev. 12/13/13
N • Pic/Disk R’td Date________
A signature is required
If the customer requests a proof (we do NOT send proofs on every
ad) then you MUST make a note of it in this area.
Sales Commission Record
After every sale, you should always write the sale on your Sales Commission Record. This is for your use only. You do not need
to turn this into the home office. This form can help you keep track of your sales and the pertinent billing information that you
need to know.
Weekly Ads Sales Log
Throughout your week, you should keep a running list of all your sales on your weekly ads sales log. When you get your packet
ready to turn in you should include the weekly ads sales log with all your contracts. This way if there are any discrepancies we
can identify them and call you immediately. It is also a good practice to make a copy and keep it in your records.
Sales Support
Throughout this manual we have referenced the home office. This mainly references the sales support team. There are many
different job responsibilities in our sales support department, but our main concern is making sure you have the information
necessary for you to make your sales. The main points we will now discuss cover how your job responsibilities and ours merge.
Mailing Information to the Office
On Friday of every week, you will mail or turn in all contracts reported to the Guide Book Publishing office. When a church project
is finished, all research must be neatly mailed or turned in with your packet on Friday. You may also enclose all other correspondence with this packet.
Send all information to the office in a 2-day USPS priority package, which is provided at no charge from your local Post Office.
The cost of postage can be submitted on an expense form for reimbursement. See pg 31 for more details.
Please mail to:
Guide Book Publishing
322 Sovereign Ct
Ballwin, MO 63011
Out of town account executives who do not mail their contracts on Friday will need to send them in an overnight package at
their own expense.
Voice Mail & Calling the Office
On your first day, you will be assigned a voice mail box. It is your responsibility to check your messages at least twice a day.
Your trainer will already have assisted you in setting up your voice mail, however if you have any trouble accessing it you may
call and speak with sales support.
Our office phones are answered 8:30am-5:00pm (central time). However, an automatic attendant will answer during all other times.
To Retrieve Messages:
1. Call the Home office and ask for your voice mail box
2. Press # key no matter what the first message says
3. Press * key no matter what the second message says
4. Enter your voice mail box number
5. Enter your access code
First of the Month
Every month we will mail you reports that we like to call the “First of the Month.” This consists of:
List of churches by metro for your region
List of large format churches by metro
Key Account list
List of new churches added to the metro
List of churches in alphabetical order (sent out every six months)
When you receive these reports, please replace the old ones in your sales presentation manual.
Frequently Asked Questions
I never know who does what in the office?
In your Presentation Manual, there is a list of the entire sales support team and our job responsibilities as they
relate to you. Also, you can ask anybody.
How can I find out if a customer is in other books?
Call the home office and talk to sales support.
When can I call to get my assignment for the next week?
Assignments are ready by noon (central time) on Wednesday and are left in your voice mail.
Do all advertisers receive a copy of their book? If so, when do they receive it?
Yes, all advertisers receive a copy of their book. It is sent out after the book has published and the church has
received their extra copies.
When can I call in for my In-Works ads?
Thursday after 10am.
What do Copy In, Proof Out, Proof Back, and IMH all mean?
• Copy In – We have the first draft of the church’s information.
• Proof Out – After we have formatted the copy, we send a proof out to the church.
• Proof Back – We have received the corrected proof back from the church. This now means that we have 4-6
weeks to print, bind, and mail the books for the church.
• IMH – In Members’ Hands’ this is the date that the church has set for the members to receive their books in
their homes. This date is very important.
How does the IMH date affect me?
This means that you have a limited time to get the ad copy for your ads. Call the home office for an exact deadline.
Expense Sheet
Guide Book will reimburse any of your expenses used for sending contracts to the home office or other pre-approved work
related expenses. When you are applying for reimbursement it is important to attach ALL receipts associated with the expense.
Due to IRS regulations we cannot reimburse your expenses if they do not have a receipt.
Expense Report
Jane Wilson
• Expense reports should be turned in on a monthly basis, and the employee will be reimbursed
the following week.
Your Weekly Assignment Information
At the beginning of every assignment, you will receive the information needed to begin collecting leads. Keep in mind that
every assignment is different. For example, a new church will not have research from previous years, and a church that has only
published once will only have one year’s worth of research. The below list is what you will often find in your assignment package:
A metro – a collection of last year’s book, previous year editions, five example books, a map/metro listing, and an advertiser
history report.
Research – this will include up to four folders.
• Blue folder - the mock-up, last year’s book, call-in sheet, project summary report, and church information sheet.
• Yellow folder - a list of ads currently in the book, a list of last year’s ads, the To-Reps, Canceled, In-Works, etc, CPI, Ad
Value, and Who letters. If the home office receives a PAL, it will be stapled to the front of the folder.
• Green folder - any research sheets and applicable information returned from last year.
• Red folder - the last three years of research sheets and applicable information returned to the home office.
Travel (if applicable) – travel check, travel expense sheet, barter certificates or hotel information.
Any supplies that were ordered
All research should be returned at the end of each assignment. This will allow the home office the opportunity to organize and
prepare it for next year. Here is the terminology of some of the information given to you within the research folders.
Detailed church reports – two or three reports stapled together and located in the yellow folder. It contains a list of current sales
and totals for this year, current sales sorted by location, and last year’s sales and their current status, i.e. renewed, canceled etc.
Mock-up – this is a booklet with all current prime locations that are currently sold. This should be referenced at every sales
meeting. Mark all prime locations that you sell and return it to the home office at the end of your assignment.
Church information sheet – this contains a note of every conversation we have had with the church this year and can help you
with your church appointment.
CPI/Cost per impression – this can be used when a customer wants a detailed break down of the cost of their ad vs. the amount
of books being printed.
Ad Value – this shows additional services they receive when advertising with us.
Who letter/Church letter – this is used with your drop offs.
The home office will mail your new assignment information on Wednesday. For local account executives, it will be ready for pick
up at 3 pm on Friday. If your assignment is mailed, you should receive it on Friday or Saturday at the latest. Once it is received,
we advise that you take a good look at all information received. This will allow you to understand the assignment and help you
devise a strategy in compiling leads.
Sales Targets per Number of Books Printed
Number of Books*
Sales Required
Number of Books*
Sales Required
Sales Targets are calculated as follows:
1. New Churches (see above table):
Based on the number of books to be printed, first through third edition.
2. Renewal Churches:
For the 4th and 5th publications - $1,000 over high sales.
For the 6th Publication going forward, the average of the past 5 years or $1,000 over the last year (whichever is highest).
On any given church there may be an exception to the rule.
*Number of Books is defined as the total number of books the church receives for both mailing to members and for extras to use
for new members throughout the year.
To Reps, Canceled Ads, In-Works and Pre-To Reps
These ads are a great source for sales during your assignment. These customers should all be contacted by the end of your assignment. Each customer needs to be seen in person due to being either hard to reach by phone, they canceled and need some
PR, there is a new contact, or there is a problem with their billing. In your assignment, any accounts that these categories apply
to will have cover sheets attached to help you identify and remember key points. See pg 35 for examples.
To-Rep Ads - the renewal representative has had the assignment for more then 6 weeks and was unable to reach the
contact for renewal, so therefore it is given to you.
Canceled Ads – the customer has canceled with the renewal representative.
Pre-Canceled Ads – the customer either is in collections, the business closed, or the customer canceled with the home
office staff.
In-Works Ads – the renewal representative has had the assignment for less then 6 weeks and has been given an additional week to work on these ads.
Pre-To Rep Ads – these ads are normally unable to be contacted by the renewal representative due to some issue or request,
so it is given to you.
Key Cancel Ads – these ads were once Key Accounts and can only be contacted if you have a form in your Canceled ad
section with notes indicating that is OK. If you do not have a sheet for a Key Cancel, call the home office before contacting that customer.
Key In-Works Ads – these ads are current Key Accounts and should never be contacted unless they are your Key Account.
If they are on a prime location, you must save that location unless otherwise instructed by the home office.
To-Rep and Pre-To Rep ads are paid at 10% commission.
Canceled ads are paid at your regular commission rate.
In the fortunate circumstance that you receive a Pre-To Rep ad that has a previous balance due, you should stop by and not only
collect the past due money but also renew them. This circumstance is fortunate for you because you will receive the commission
rate currently assigned to that account as well as the commission on the renewal. However if you get a Pre-Canceled ad due to the
account being in collections, DO NOT contact them. We already have an outside collections agency calling them to collect the money.
There are three key reasons for contacting your To-Rep, Canceled or Pre-To Rep ads on the first day and throughout your
first week.
1. To preserve their spot in the directory, especially if they are on a prime location. (Renewals are promised their spot for
as long as they renew).
2. To allow you the opportunity to target any open prime locations.
3. To increase your sales numbers in the first week.
In-Works ads are slightly different than the other three categories. Here is what you need to know.
1. You can-not contact the In-Works ads until after the first Thursday of your current assignment.
2. The home office will leave the new status of all In-Works in your internal voicemail after 10 am that Thursday.
3. All In-Works ads will turn into either a Renewal, To-Rep, Canceled, or Pre-To Rep ad. Write the new status at the top
right corner next to the word “In-Works”.
4. After you have received their current status, you may contact all of the customers that have not renewed.
Once you have received the authorization from the customer on the renewal, you must fill out your To-Rep, Canceled, or Pre-To
Rep agreement. You do not have to fill out a new advertising agreement. However, if you feel more comfortable filling out a new
agreement and getting it signed, always attach the matching form so that the correct commissions are applied.
Here are three key things to remember when filling out the form.
Note: all To-Rep, Canceled, In-Works, or Pre-To Rep forms can be filled out the same way.
1. Indicate any business name, address, contact, email, or phone number changes in the top left part of the form.
2. Fill out the pricing and placement section. Sometimes the renewal representatives have pre written this information.
Regardless of that please indicate what you have discussed with the customer. You can cross out any of their notes.
3. ALWAYS write the ad copy instructions, even if we are just printing the same ad as last year. If these are not written on
the form, you will see the ad on your Missing & Pending list as missing copy.
On the next page are examples of correctly filled out forms. This applies to all categories.
Sample Renewal Contract
Pre-To Rep Ads
Attached are ads that you need to see in person for renewal.
You are to meet with these advertisers as early as possible during your working of the church to:
1. Preserve their space in your book for this year, especially in the case of cover space, center spread, or last page.
2. Or, allow you the opportunity to target any open prime spots for sales (re: cover space, center spread or last page).
If the advertiser renews the ad, complete the information on the “Pre-To Rep” sheet and write “RENEWED”
under the advertiser information area. Be sure to report these sales as “Pre-To Rep Ads Renewed” and if the advertiser cancels,
report them as “Pre-To Rep Ads Cancelled.”
All “Pre-To Rep” contracts, which pay 10% commission, are to be returned to our office along with the package for the week. DO
NOT leave ads you renewed in research!
“Pre-To Reps” are “To Reps” that have a special circumstance. They have not gone to the renewal department. Some reasons for
“Pre-To Reps” are as follows:
• They must pre-pay before the customer can renew
• We must have a signature on every renewal
• The balance due must be collected before the customer can renew
• The customer wants an outside account executive to come and see them
To Rep Ads
Attached are ads that you need to see in person for renewal.
You are to meet with these advertisers as early as possible during your working of the church to:
1. Preserve their space in your book for this year, especially in the case of cover space, center spread, or last page.
2. Or, allow you the opportunity to target any open prime spots for sales (re: cover space, center
spread or last page.)
If the advertiser renews the ad, complete the information on the “To Rep” sheet and write “RENEWED”
under the advertiser information area. Be sure to report these sales as “To Rep Ads Renewed” and if the advertiser cancels,
report them as “To Rep Ads Cancelled.”
All “To Rep” contracts, which pay 10% commission, are to be returned to our office along with the package for the week. DO
NOT leave ads you renewed in research!
Cancelled Ads
Attached are the ad(s) that have cancelled by telephone contact from our office.
These customers are to be contacted by you in person sometime during your first week of working the book. If the customer agrees to
run the ad again this year, the renewal form is completed and returned to us along with your package for the week. (Write “SAVED”
on the top center of the renewal sheet.) If the ad is still a cancelled ad, return the renewal sheet, along with the rest of the research,
when completed with the sales project.
As you are aware, all Cancelled Ads Saved are treated as new business and are paid at your full commission rate. DO
NOT leave ads you saved in research!
Detailed Church Report
The detailed church report is the most important tool that you receive in your assignment information. You will receive three of
them stapled together in a renewal book and two in a new book (if there are pre sales). See samples on the next 2 pages.
1. Ads currently in the book and their dollar amounts.
2. Ads currently in the book in order of location. If there are any questions about the mock-up, this will help you.
This third report will only be in a book if it is a renewal book.
3. Ads in last year’s book and their current status.
The third detailed church report has the most information and the following key will first tell you what statuses (letters) you will
see, what it stands for, and what that status means to you and your sales.
R – Renewed – this account has been renewed by a renewal representative and should not be contacted.
IW – In-Works – this ad has been included in your In-Works ad packet and can not be contacted until the first Thursday
TR – To-Rep – this ad has been given to you to contact for renewal. Contact them immediately.
C – Cancel – the customer has cancelled and you should contact them to try and get their business back.
PTR – Pre To-Rep – this ad has been given to you to contact for renewal. Please reference page 34 for more details.
CXL – Canceled last year’s ad – this ad did not or was not supposed to be in last year’s book. We have subtracted the ad
value out of last years sales total. Also note that if there are any price discrepancies, we will adjust last year’s total. Any of
this is at the end of the list of sales.
PS – Pre Sold – this total of ads pre sold into your book is indicated at the bottom left.
of your assignment. Please reference pg 34 for more details.
The rest of the list will talk about Key Accounts. It is very important that you know what ads are Key Accounts in your book from
last year and that you do not contact them unless otherwise instructed. Please reference pg 49 for more details or contact Deb
Robbins for any questions.
KR – Key Renewed – this key account has been renewed by its assigned account executive and must not be contacted.
KW – Key In-Works – this key account is still in the process of being renewed and must not be contacted. You must
hold any prime location they were in last year until otherwise instructed by Deb Robbins. The status of a Key In-Works
is not left on your voice mail like the other In-Works. If you would like to get an update on any Key In-Works you must
call Deb Robbins.
KC – Key Cancel – this key account has canceled some or all of their books. You should have a cancellation sheet in your
cancel packet and that will indicate whether or not you may contact that customer.
At the bottom right of your detailed church report, there will be totals for your Renewals, In-Works, To-Reps, and Cancels. These
totals are what administration uses to make sure that all ads are marked correctly, that they all add up to an amount that is greater
than last year’s total, and to create your Call-In Sheet.
This Year’s Sales Totals
This Year’s Ads And Their Current Position
Last Year’s Sales and Current Status
Project Summary Report
This is a wonderful resource for you when reporting back to the home office on your project. This will assist us in a proper
assessment of each project. Please return this at the end of each assignment.
If you are unable to collect payment at the time of sale, the below procedures will apply to your contract.
Invoicing – any contract not marked to be billed upon publication will be invoiced once
(this includes payment plans). The invoice will go out the first Thursday after it was received.
W-9’s – if a customer requests a W-9, note this on the contract or call the home office. We will send them one either by email,
fax or mail.
Statements – these are generated after their ad has published. The customer will receive a statement with a copy of the published
book. After this, a statement will be generated every month until the account is paid. Any month the account is not paid a
late fee will be applied. If the account becomes 60 days past due, a past due letter is sent along with the statement. At 120 days
past due, they are sent a notice of intent to submit this debt to a collection agency.
Open/Past Due Accounts
We have an accounts receivable position that calls on all accounts that have published and are still open. However, we do not call
on any account that has not been published. In order to assist you in knowing what accounts you have open, accounts receivable
will send you a report of all your open accounts. Past due accounts will be highlighted and a cover sheet will be attached to help
you better understand this report. Your assistance in collecting past due accounts is not only appreciated, but if the account is
submitted to our third party collections agency, commissions will not be paid. There are two important responsibilities for you
to accomplish with this report.
1. Assist accounts receivable in collecting on your past due accounts. At 90 days past due, accounts receivable has already
called the account several times and may need your assistance. It is always advisable to call and find out what has been said
between them and your customer.
2. Try and collect on any non-published ads. These are not being called on by the home office. We do not want to bother
them or give them an opportunity to cancel.
This report is for your benefit and does not need to be returned to the home office.
Collections – customers are sent to collections after four full months have passed without a payment. It is in your best interest
for your customers to not go to collections. After an account is sent to collections, you are no longer eligible to receive commission on the sale. We will send the accounts to the collections agency on the 15th of every month.
Credit Card Authorization Form
Credit cards are great resources in collecting payment at the point of sale. We accept Visa, Mastercard, and Discover Cards.
Below are some important things to remember when collecting credit cards.
If the address, zip code, credit card number, or 3 digit code are incorrect the credit card company can not process the payment.
By law, we are responsible for the information on the credit card form, therefore we do not want any copies of the credit
card made.
Faxing credit cards is strongly discouraged. We do not want a credit card form to get faxed to the wrong number by
Contracts are seen by many people in our office therefore you should never write credit card information on the contract.
All blank spaces must be completed in order for the credit card to be processed.
Below is an example of a completed credit card form.
Call-In Sheet Terminology
To Rep: #/$ Ads Renewed – If you renew a To-Rep ad, record it here by putting the number of ads in the first column and the
total dollar amount in the second column.
How it works: Renewed 2 ads each for $410 = 2/$820 reported. *10% commission paid on these sales.
To Rep: #/$ Ads Canceled – If you have a To-Rep ad that cancels, you will report it here. Again, record them here by putting the
number of ads in the first column and the total dollar amount in the second column.
How it works: 1 ad canceled for $410 = 1/$410 reported.
#/$ Canceled Ads Saved – These are advertisers that canceled with the office. If you go see them and get them to renew, you
record it the same as above. *Your regular commission is paid on these accounts.
How it works: 2 ads saved; 1 for $410 and 1 for $710 = 2/$1120 reported.
New Calls Made – New calls made daily by phone.
Decision Makers – The number of Decision Makers reached daily by phone.
New Appts Made – Decision Makers to whom you have scheduled an appointment.
New Appts Seen – Decision Makers to whom you showed and explained the Guide Book & Directory.
#/$ New Ads Sold – When you receive a signed contract with ad copy and/or a check, you can report it here as well as any upgrades that you sell in the book you are currently working. You will report these sales the same as above.
How it works: 1 new ad and 1 upgrade; 1 for $510 and 1 upgrade for $285 = 1/$795
If only 1 upgrade; 1 upgrade for $160 = 0/$160
Running Total – This is the running total of all dollars sold on your book either by you or other account executives.
Still Needed – Dollars still needed for you to reach your target.
#/$ New Ads Sold Other Bk – The number of new ads sold and the total dollar amount sold in other books.
How it works: 5 new ads for $594.25 = 5/$2971.25
#/$ Ren Ads Sold Other Bk - The number of renewal ads sold and the total dollar amount sold in other books.
How it works: 5 new ads for $471.75 = 5/$2358.75
Payment Received – The total dollar amount you collected (cash, check, money order, credit card, or barter).
*All numbers need to be called in to the office before you end your day.
The numbers can be left on Ext. 303
Don’t Forget to Call In Numbers Everyday!
Calling in Numbers
*If you do not call in your numbers everyday, you will be
docked one day’s pay or vacation/sick day (if eligible)
Example of Renewal Church Daily Sales Activity
Reporting Your Numbers Online
If you prefer to report your numbers online versus by phone, below is the link that you can use in order to do so. Sales support
can also email you this link upon reqest or it can also be found on the current employee section of our website.
The following is an example of the online reporting form. Please follow the prompts for each box.
Daily Numbers
* Required
Date in which these numbers apply *
First Name *
Last Name *
Book Number *
District *
• Central
• Southwest
• North
• East
To-Rep Ads that Renewed. This must include total ads renewed/total dollar amount i.e. 2/1100
To-Rep Ads that Cancelled. This must include total ads cancelled/total dollar amount i.e. 2/1100
Cancelled Ads that you saved. This must include total ads saved/total dollar amount i.e. 2/1100
New Calls Made *
Decision Makers Reached *
New Appointments Made *
New Appointments Seen *
New Ads Sold *This must include total ads sold/total dollar amount for your current book only i.e. 2/1100
Running Total *
Still Needed *
New Ads Sold in other books. This must include total ads sold/total dollar amount i.e. 2/1100
Renewal Ads Sold in other books. This must include total ads renewed/total dollar amount i.e. 2/1100
Cash Received. This includes any barter certificates, credit cards, checks, and cash
Postal Tracking Number *Enter tracking number every Friday in the “Other” category
• N/A
• Other:
Barter/Trade Out
We normally barter with two different types of businesses; hotels and nationwide restaurant chains. Before approaching any of
these businesses about doing a barter, you must first call into the home office and check with Jennifer Hiebert, Administrative
Manager. She will verify that we need barter in the area or that the restaurant trade is acceptable. The need for barter can change
on a daily basis.
All barter commissions are paid once the certificates are received. However, if barter is not needed in that area and you do not
get pre-approval you will not be paid commission. ALL barter must be within the pre-approved requirements. Any changes to
requirements must be approved by Bill Fisher, Deb Robbins, Jim Korlin, or Jennifer Hiebert.
Hotel Barter
Hotel barter is slightly different from your normal sales. There are two things to remember when doing a barter.
1. Always use a Hotel Trade-Out agreement
• The Hotel Trade-Out agreement has all requirements pre-printed that must be included with all barter deals.
• There are no prime locations listed on this contract. This is because barters are not allowed to be placed on prime
locations without Deb Robbins’ pre-approval.
• There is no area for multi-book discounts. Barter accounts do not receive multi-book discounts.
2. Collect the gift certificates at the point of sale
• We can only accept original certificates; copies and/or faxes will not be accepted.
• We prefer to receive the hotel’s certificates. However, if they do not have their own we have provided you with certificates
to fill out and have them sign.
• If you do receive their certificates, any terms listed must match the requirements listed on the Hotel Trade-Out agreement.
The hotel requirements pre-printed on the contract:
1. Free local phone calls
2. No expiration date – any change to this must be no less than 18 months
Any change to the pre-printed requirements must be written on the contract.
If applicable, the below information must be listed on the contract:
1. Black out dates – cannot exceed more than 2 consecutive weeks
2. Number of nights received
3. Reservations needing to be made by a specific person
Interview Quality vs. Regular Quality
When you call and receive pre-approval for barter, Jennifer Hiebert might differentiate between whether we need Interview Quality
or Regular Quality. The difference between the two is that when Interview Quality is needed we require a lobby or meeting room
for a manager to conduct their interviews and in a central location. Hotels that usually have this are Hampton Inn, Hilton Garden
Inn, Doubletree etc. Interview Quality is normally given a higher rate range due to these needs. Also keep in mind that just because
you are given Regular Quality nights, does not mean to sell a hotel where you yourself wouldn’t stay or in an area that is unsafe.
How To Calculate Payment
Hotel barter is a dollar for dollar trade, which means one certificate must equal that hotel’s corporate room rate. This is determined
by first finding out what size ad they want on the inside page of the book. Once that is determined you follow this formula to
figure out how many nights to get from the customer.
Ad price = $1085
Corporate room rate = $65
Divide $1085/$65 = 16.70
You then need to collect 17 certificates.
Barter Renewals
Whether it is a Cancelled ad, To-Rep, or Pre To-Rep all barter accounts will have a label attached to them stating how many nights
we need. This is a pre-approval from Jennifer Hiebert to receive that many nights for that account. If the account is unable to be
saved, call the home office and speak with Jennifer to see if additional nights can be pursued.
Restaurant Barter
You can use either the Hotel-Trade Out agreement or the regular Advertising Agreement on these sales. This is because the hotel
requirements do not apply. The only requirement that applies is the expiration date. As with hotel trade, no barter on prime
locations without prior approval from Deb Robbins. We do a very limited amount of restaurant barter.
When collecting restaurant certificates, we cannot provide certificates for the restaurant. Not to worry, restaurants are used to
this practice and the majority of nationwide restaurants have gift cards. We prefer the gift cards/certificates to be in $25 to $50
increments and all gift cards/certificates must add up to the full amount of the sale.
Frequently Asked Questions
The hotel is concerned about how far in advance we make our reservations. What should I tell them?
We make our reservations 1 week in advance. We cannot go farther out than this due to scheduling changes.
The hotel only wants to give us certificates for weekend stays. Is this ok?
No. We normally use trade Monday-Thursday nights. We do not stay over the weekend.
Can hotels or restaurants run accounts and not give us certificates?
No. We need signed certificates because hotels have a high turnover rate in employees, managers and ownership so having
the certificates in hand will ensure our usage.
When hotels split their ad do they split their certificates between the two hotels?
We prefer that they don’t. Making certificates valid for either hotel is fine. If nights are split between hotels, reps may have
to change hotels mid-week.
Advertising Agreement
Hotel Trade-Out
322 Sovereign Ct., St. Louis, MO 63011 • 636/391-2121 • 800/597-3037 • Fax 636/391-3172
E-Mail address for ad copy: •
This Advertising Agreement is between Guide Book Publishing and the Advertiser (Business) listed below. The Advertiser agrees to purchase advertising in the
Guide Book & Directory listed below and abide by the terms and conditions of this Agreement.
ADVERTISER INFORMATION -- Completion Of All Fields Required
Book Name: _______________________________________ (
)Book #
________Page Size
Special Placement
Business Name: ___________________________________________________
Contact Person: ___________________________________________________
Extra Index
City:_________________________________St:______Zip: ________________
Ph: (______ ) ______________________ Fax: (______ ) ___________________
Corporate Room Rate
÷ _______________
E-mail: __________________________________________________________
Total Number of Nights = _____________
Date of Agreement: _________________________________________________
Projected Publication Date: ___________________________________________
Address: _________________________________________________________
Website: www. ____________________________________________________
Type of Business __________________________________________________
Advertisement Placement & Layout
Ad Placement:
Inside Page
Book Format:
Ad Format: Horizontal
Trade Out Includes: Free Local Calls • No Expiration of Usage •All Taxes
Prime locations and/or color is NOT allowed for any trade-outs, exceptions to
this MUST be approved prior to the sale by the Internal Operations Manager, Deb Robbins.
If the ad is NOT pre-approved the ad may not be placed or commissions may not be paid.
All changes to requirements must be
pre-approved and indicated on contract
If a certain person needs to be contacted for a reservation,
that must be indicated Here
Guide Book Publishing Representative
Billing Address & Phone if different from above: ___________________________________________________________________
City_______________________________________________St._____ Zip___________Phone (_______) ____________________
Rev. 12/13/13
N • Pic/Disk R’td Date________
Hotel Gift Certificates
After selling a hotel for barter, it is very important that you collect the certificates in the appointment so that you will be paid your
commission right away. We prefer that the hotel gives us their certificates. This allows for an easier time at check in. However,
if a hotel cannot provide their own, we do have some gift certificates that you can fill out and have the hotel sign. Below is an
example of both types of gift certificates.
Gift Certificate
In exchange for advertising in
Book #
(Book Name)
I authorize Guide Book Publishing to use this certificate for a one night
stay in a standard room at
Authorized by
(Hotel Name)
No Cash Value. Not redeemable for cash. Gratuities not included. Subject to availability.
Advance reservations required. Free local phone calls, taxes included, no expiration date.
322 Sovereign Ct.
St. Louis, MO 63011
Key Accounts
In this section we will take you through the importance and procedures of Key Accounts. While keys can be very profitable,
remember your first priority is to meet your sales target on the church you have been assigned.
Key Account – an advertiser that purchases display ads in 5 or more books.
Key Account addendum – an additional contract that allows you to list all books, prices and locations an advertiser is
taking without the need to fill out multiple contracts.
Key Account proposal – a marketing plan that lays out the specific books, location and price that is needed to renew. It
also lists any new books they can purchase and identifies any current advertisements.
Key Account Brochure – a handout that can be given to the advertiser that aids in presenting the benefits of being a
Key Account.
Key Account folder – this folder includes the proposal, last years contract, current ad copy on file, Key Account Brochure,
Key Account contact information sheet, and a metro map with current and new churches highlighted.
Key Account contact information sheet – for your use to take any notes, list any contact with customer, and lists the
contact information for the customer.
Discounts for Multiple Books
Color is NOT discounted.
The discount percent is based on the number of books purchased. See discount
table for the complete list.
Any discount that differs from the discount table must be pre-approved by Deb
Robbins, Jim Korlin, or Bill Fisher. If you do not have prior approval, the additional
discount may be taken from your commissions.
Benefits of being a Key Account
Saves Money – with an assigned account executive multi-book discounts will get
applied correctly and the more books they are in the bigger the discount.
Saves Time – the advertiser is only contacted by one representative every year for
renewal. They are also renewed all at one time.
Prime Space – due to the Key Account Proposal being sent out at the time of renewals being started, they get to not only reserve their current position but can get
first pick of any open prime spaces.
Special Billing – due to the large balance of their account we can customize their
bill to best suit their needs.
Multiple Book
Advertising Discounts
The more books that your advertisement
appears in, the lower the cost per book.
of Books
2-4 ........................................ 5%
5-9 ..................................... 7.5%
10-14 .................................. 10%
15-19 ............................... 12.5%
20-24 .................................. 15%
25-29 ............................... 17.5%
30-34 .................................. 20%
35-39 ............................... 22.5%
40 plus ............................... 25%
Amount of discount is calculated off
of the standard rate for one ad in one book.
You can be assigned a Key Account in a couple of ways. One, is to sell a new advertiser display ads in five different books all
on one contract. Second, is to be assigned a Key Account from the home office. To whom a Key Account is assigned is always
determined by management. The reason for a Key Account needing to be assigned to someone varies, any inquiries on this can
be directed to the home office. Key Account renewals are paid at 10% commission. Upgrades are paid at 10% commission on
the renewal price and your regular commission rate for the difference between the renewal price and new sale price. Any new
additions to the Key Account are paid at your regular commission rate.
When signing up a new Key Account...
1. Write “New Key Account” at the top middle of the contract.
2. Always use a Key Account addendum.
3. Make clear notes on any special instructions for ad copy and billing.
When a Key Account is assigned to you....
1. Review last year’s contract and ad copy given to you in the Key Account folder.
2. Review the proposal. Know all of the books they need to be renewed in, new books to mention, and books they
have advertisements in currently.
3. Make an appointment with the decision maker. Be sure to inform them that you are their new account executive,
and will be servicing their account in the future.
4. Fill out a new contract and Key Account addendum to have ready for your meeting. Write “Key Account Renewal”
at the top middle of the contract.
5. Bring your Key Account folder to the meeting.
6. Renew them on their existing advertisements, upgrade them if possible, and sell them into any new churches in their area.
Study your metro maps and your metro lists so you are always aware of the surrounding churches that we serve.
Always suggest to an advertiser that they expand their exposure by placing multiple ads.
Any business with multiple locations is ALWAYS a key account prospect. Let them know we will feature different ads
in different books for them.
You should set up an appointment for a later date after your initial appointment. You can then call the home office and
request a Key Account Proposal for that customer.
Be sure to get the order for the church that you are currently working.
Frequently Asked Questions
If an advertiser is already in one book and I sign them up into four more books, can a discount be applied to the original book?
Call your manager or the home office. The answer will depend on if the book is already published, if the ad is already paid,
and the price of the original ad.
My customer only wants to be on the back cover, but it is not available in one of the 5 books I am selling. What should I do?
There are two options:
1. Sign them up on the back cover, but list 3 alternate placements. If it does not become available, we will adjust the price
down and move them to the alternate location.
2. Sign them up on the location that is currently available with the potential to upgrade to the back cover if it becomes
Due to prime space being sold on a first come first serve basis, option 1 is the best choice. Make sure to indicate
this on your contract and addendum.
I accidentally sold an advertiser who is already a Key Account, however it is not my Key Account. Do I get the commission?
No, the salesperson who handles the Key Account gets the commission. Every month we will release a list of current Key
Accounts, this will help aid you in identifying them, so this won’t happen.
On my Key Account Proposal, there are ads that are italicized (which indicates they are current advertisements and do not
need to be renewed). Do I list these on my Key Account addendum?
No, that is not necessary. Only renewal and new ads need to be listed.
Here is a template for filling out a Key Account/Multiple Book Addendum.
322 Sovereign Ct., St. Louis, MO 63011 • 636/391-2121 • 800/597-3037 • Fax 636/391-3172
Key Account Brochure
Page 2
Page 3
Quick Reference Ad Copy Guide
Ads cannot be designed or proofed until the appropriate ad copy is collected by you. The design of an ad is included with the
price, but this doesn’t mean we do not need verbiage, logo, graphic, or pictures from the customer. It is your responsibility to
secure ad copy even after the contract has been turned in to the home office. Here are some important points to remember when
collecting and communicating with your customers about ad copy.
If a customer prefers to email their ad copy, it must be sent to
The book number must be referenced in the subject line in order to be matched up to the contract in a timely manner.
Benefactor worksheets must be filled out with the customer. They only receive five lines of text so it is important that
every line counts. This can be accomplished in the sales meeting.
Benefactors do not receive proofs.
If you attach a business card, we never assume this is the ad copy that is to be used. The correct procedure is to note on
the contract that the business card is what we use to design the ad.
Logos may be pulled from the business card only if the business card does not have a background. Otherwise, the logo must
be emailed. Pictures on business cards cannot be used. If the customer’s desired picture is on the business card, it must
be emailed to
Websites often place pictures on the site at a lower resolution. Due to this problem, pictures being used off of a website
is not advisable.
Always write in the bottom right hand corner of the contract whether a customer wants a proof. If this is not written on
the contract, the customer will not receive a proof.
When a customer purchases a color ad, they must send a color ad to us. The graphic artist cannot make a black and
white ad color. However, if the customer purchased a black and white ad and they send us a color ad we can turn that
into black and white.
Frequently Asked Questions about Ad Copy
Do we send proofs on ads that we have on file from the previous years or other books?
Yes, but only if the customer has changes they would like to make.
What is a Missing Ad Copy list?
This is a spreadsheet that is sent to you via email that has all contracts listed that were received without essential information
i.e. ad copy, signature, etc. If none of your contracts are missing essential information, we will send you an email to inform
you of this as well.
What do I do with the Missing Ad Copy list I am sent every week?
You are to call the customers listed to secure whatever is needed (signature, ad copy, etc.). Check with the ad copy person
throughout the week to see if any emails have been received for your customers and to let them know the current status on
the customers.
If I don’t have a copy of an ad in my metro, how can I get one?
Call in to the home office and speak to anyone on our sales support team and they will be able to assist you.
What is the deadline for the customer to get us their ad copy?
Deadlines are contingent on when the church gets us their information. Always call the home office for a specific deadline.
How are deadlines determined after the proof comes back from the church?
The deadlines are assigned by Deb Robbins and are based on how many books a graphic artist has to layout and whether the
book is a high priority such as an IMH.
If the customer wants an ad proof, how long after they send in their ad copy will it take for them to get a proof?
You can assure your customer that they will receive a proof before the book goes to press, as long as this is indicated on the
contract. However, if the customer wants to know a specific time, call the home office for a time frame.
If I collect ad copy from a customer after I have sent in the contract, how should I send it in?
We prefer it to be attached to the front of your Weekly Ads Sales Log with an attached note with instructions.
Email Guidelines
When a customer prefers to email in their ad copy, please fill out the below form and give it to the customer.
E-Mail Guidelines
Send Ad Copy To:
E-Mail requirements:
The Book Number MUST be in the subject line.
Book Number: _________________________________________________________
To be filled out by Account Executive
Account Executive: ________________________________________________
To be filled out by Account Executive
We prefer .PDF files
but we can also accept the following file types:
.TIF, .JPG, .EPS, Illustrator, EPS, some .BMP’s, and
Photoshop Documents, InDesign Documents, MS Word, MS Publisher
provided that:
a. all images are saved as complete copies and fonts are embedded in the document. If the
fonts are not embedded and we do not have them they will default and the ad will not look like
what was intended.
b. the image resolution is at least 300 dpi...or the file is saved at a high resolution.
If you need confirmation of receipt PLEASE do a return receipt or state in your e-mail you need
confirmation. We do not respond to all e-mail.
Using Images/Logos From Websites:
We do NOT recommend using logos from a website. The majority of images on a website are low resolution
.gifs which DO NOT print well (they are not intended for commercial printing).
InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator, Word, MS Publisher
on a PC Platform
If you have any questions concerning e-mailing copy please call (in St. Louis) 636-391-2121 or 1-800-597-3037
Benefactor Worksheet
When selling a benefactor, it is important to always fill out the benefactor worksheet with the customer. Since a benefactor is
only five lines of text, it is important that the customer gets the wording that they desire. Once the benefactor worksheet is filled
out you need to attach it to the contract.
The Steps of Putting A Book Together
The beginning.
The entire process of a book begins with
a phone call from Bob (if it’s a renewal
church) or with a signed contract (if it’s a
new church). The church receives a package of information via mail. This contains
a handbook, paper swatches, a potential
advertiser form and other helpful information. They are also contacted by e-mail
and phone from Rachel, our Church Coordinator. She gives them their deadlines for
submitting information and keeps them
posted on when a salesperson will arrive.
What we do with the copy
from the church:
The copy the church sends us goes
through many steps before it becomes
a finished Guide Book & Directory. The
following details the process of turning
church copy into a Guide Book & Directory. Each of these steps is equally
important and dependent on the other.
Step 1: Guide Book Publishing receives
the email containing the congregation’s
guide, directory and cover information.
The email is sent to our Page Layout Person, who begins the initial cleanup of the
copy (removing extra spaces, deleting extra
returns, setting tabs, formatting text, new
cover designs or changes, etc.). We also
generate a mailing list from your directory
file. We run this list through the post office’s
software to check for accuracy (CASS). We
then generate a list of any addresses the post
office says are incorrect. We include this list
with the proof. It takes approximately one
week for us to send a proof (guide and directory), cover (press copy printed on their
paper choice) and the CASS list via mail.
Step 2: The church receives their proof.
This is when they make edit changes to
their information contained in their Guide
Book & Directory. Once all changes to the
guide, directory section, CASS sheet and
cover are made, the proof is mailed back
to us.
Step 3: The proof comes back from the
The production department makes the
corrections indicated. If there are any questions or concerns they will call the church.
Then the book moves to a graphic artist.
Step 4: The Art Department gets involved. The graphic designers gather the
ads to be placed in the book. They do a
final check of the book to make sure the
graphic images are set up correctly and
then place the ads in the directory. Once
the ads are placed they go through the
directory and make sure none of the family names are “split” between columns.
Finally the table of contents and the index
of advertisers are typed in. They set up the
front and back cover, the inside front and
inside back covers and the envelope. They
incorporate elements from the cover into
the envelope design for continuity.
Step 5: The book goes to proofing.
A hard copy of the corrected book is printed and given to one of our proofreaders.
We thoroughly check all information in
the Guide Book & Directory. We use the
copy of the edited proof to verify that the
information is correct and the changes
indicated were made. The ads are proofed.
After the Proofreader is finished the book
is second proofed by Bonnie, Creative
Director. She checks and verifies that the
graphics and photos are set up correctly,
does an overview of the overall design and
layout of the book and calls the church if
there are any questions.
Step 6: The corrections are made on
the book. The artist now makes all corrections found in proofing of the book;
then sets up the book for a final review.
Step 7: Final Review.
Final review is a two-part process for your
book. The final review person verifies all
changes and corrections have been made
and also gives the book another look
over. If a correction is still needed, the
book is sent back to the artist. If not, the
book proceeds to the second part of final
review. Here, the first part of final review
is repeated by our Executive Administor,
Ruth, and any corrections needing to
be made will be made by the artist. The
book is now finally ready to be sent to our
digital presses.
Step 8: The book is sent digitally to
our presses.
Our press operator sends the inside
pages to our black and white presses and
the color pages to our color press. The
artist also sets up the online version of the
book. The marketing department puts the
book online in the next several weeks.
Step 9: Binding.
After the pages are printed, the thousands
of sheets must be inserted into specialized
binding equipment (a collator). This machine will first collate the pages together.
It uses what’s called “saddle stitching”
to then bind the book. Then it folds the
book and finally it trims the edges of the
book. Some books are then sent to the
“square backer” which flattens the fold
of the book. Once the books are printed
and boxed they are sent to our packaging
company, Lafayette Industries.
Step 10: Packaging.
The completed books are sent to Lafayette Industries where the books are
stuffed into envelopes by the employees
of this sheltered workshop. Lafayette
gives people with disabilities a chance to
use their skills in a work environment.
Although packaging is something we
could certainly do ourselves, we feel that
in a small way we are helping others and
at the same time they help us. Lafayette
has done all of our books since day one.
Step 11: The books are delivered!
The members’ books are mailed to their
homes and extra books are mailed to the
church. If the church is located in the St.
Louis area, the Owner of the Company,
Bob, personally delivers the extra books.
Step 12: Administration department
mails the book to the advertisers.
Our Administrative Manager and assistants package the books for the advertisers and mail each one a copy of the book.
The Graphic
We have a very talented design team.
Below are just a few of the responsibilities
in the graphic department.
Final layout and placement of books
Ad Design & Customer Support
Cover Design
Corporate and Company Newsletters
All Sales Support Materials
Brochures, Flyers
Most printed material from GBP
Information from the Creative Team
Filling out the contracts correctly will allow your contract to be processed quickly through the administration department and
the graphic department. The following are some important reminders:
Print legibly and include a business card for the proofreaders to reference against.
Fill out the contract completely. This includes zip codes, fax numbers, email addresses, website, ad size and placement
AND the type of business. The graphic department will determine the index listing.
When referencing an ad from another church, please include the church number AND year it printed and (if possible)
a copy of the ad.
If a proof is requested, please make a note of it in the space provided (bottom right corner). You must also secure a fax
number and email address from the advertiser. Otherwise they may not receive a proof and may not pay for the ad.
NOTE: We DO NOT send proofs on Benefactors, Camera-Ready Ads and Renewals that have no changes.
There are special charges for: photos, extra lines in a benefactor ad, extra bolding of lines, special placement (i.e. centerspread, last
page of book, page with name, etc.), extra index listings and color. These charges are required unless approved by your manager.
It is NOT necessary for you to do any design or layout work for an ad. We will do all the layout work with the information
you provide us. You MUST be specific as to what to include in the ad (photo, logos, copy, etc.), If we have questions concerning your copy, we will put the contract in your folder and when you call in, your sales support coordinator will assist you.
Ad Copy
First and foremost...It is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to secure ALL ad copy!
We design and lay out the information GIVEN to us.
Be very specific as to what copy to use if you are including a brochure or pamphlet. Unfortunately, we are not very good
at guessing and will inevitably choose the wrong copy.
Ad copy can be faxed to the home office as long as it does not contain logos or photos
LOGOS and CLIP-ART - There are a few things to remember about logos and clip-art:
We are unable to use faxed logos. Check with us to see if we have the logo you need on file.
Time does not allow us to do illustrations, pencil sketches or create logos.
What is Camera-Ready? Camera-ready refers to an ad that is exactly the right specifications (size, etc.) and does
not require any changes to be made. When we receive a camera-ready ad, we place it in the book “as-is.”
Business cards are acceptable for logos. We scan the logos directly from the business card, so if the logo does not look
good to you, it won’t be good for us. Metallic business cards should be avoided for logos. DO NOT TAPE or STAPLE
copy to the front of the contract.
One of the more powerful graphic elements to be used in advertisements is the photograph. As you will soon discover, many of
our customers wish to use photos in their ads. In the Graphic Department, we scan all photos into the computer, so there are
some limitations on what we can use. Here are a few things you need to know when receiving photos from advertisers:
Photos emailed with a high resolution are usually the most flexible for us to manipulate if needed.
Make sure photos are in good condition, no rips or creases.
We cannot use photos cut out of newspapers, phone books and magazines due to the fact that they have a dot pattern.
Note: If a customer needs their photo returned, please note it on the contract.
When submitting contracts for benefactors there are a few things you can do that would be very helpful for the
person who typesets them.
Benefactors consist of 5 lines - Please refer to your benefactor worksheet.
There needs to be copy attached for ALL benefactors, including renewals and ads that have run in other books. This helps
clear up any confusion as to what copy to use.
Please include a business card so that the proofreaders have something to reference.
Every benefactor will have an index listing as well as a main listing of Parish/Church Benefactors.
Each line on the benefactor sheet is a letter, number, space, punctuation, etc. Do NOT go over the amount of lines on the
benefactor sheet. If you do so, we will NOT bump copy to another line, but start shrinking the type to fit.
Guidelines for Color Usage
Color is ONLY available for the Inside Front Cover, Inside Back Cover, Back Cover and the Center Spread. There is a
charge for Color...please refer to your rate cards.
It is IMPERATIVE that you use AND follow your mock-up. If a cover is oversold YOU will be responsible for dealing
with the customers (AND we might not be able to move them to a place that has color).
Photos can be in color; if the ad is black and white we can adjust it. However, we cannot add color to a black and white photo.
The ONLY way we can send a color proof is through e-mail, so, if a customer wants to see their proof in color we MUST
have an e-mail address to send them a proof. Differences in computer monitors might make the color vary slighty.
Creating QR Codes
You must indicate on the advertising agreement when a customer wants a QR Code created. We will link it to their website unless
indicated otherwise.
Online Ads
Ads will be included within the church’s guide section posted on our website after the book publishes. If the customer wants a
link in the alphabetical listing, you must provide us with the url or website.
MOCK-UPS: A mock-up is a preliminary layout showing the position of ads (on covers, center spread and the last page of the book) as
they are to appear in the final book. These are included in your initial church information. If your mock-up has spaces marked “to-rep,”
please either cross it off if the ad has cancelled, and/or write the name of the ad to be placed there. This keeps the Graphic Department from
searching for nonexisting contracts. It is important to remember:
Not every book has a centerspread. Churches with less than 700 families generally will not have a centerspread available.
If the mock-up you receive does not have space for a centerspread then please DO NOT sell one.
TURN IN THE MOCK-UPS ON TIME. The graphic designers follow the mock-ups for layout of the book. Make sure
you turn them in with your packet not your research. Research is not always gone through right away.
Page of
the Book
Front of Book
Back Cover
Generally you are given 2 weeks to sell a church. If you need more time or you have questions about a different church’s
deadline please call the production department. Our hours are M-F • 7am-3:30pm (cst).
We will try and make travel as painless as possible. We have a person on our sales support staff that will make your travel arrangements on Wednesday between 11am and 3pm. Due to scheduling changes, we are only able to make these travel arrangements
on a weekly basis. You will receive a travel expense explanation sheet along with a check and any applicable hotel information (if
staying overnight). If you do not arrive on time at your hotel, it is YOUR responsibility to call the hotel.
Travel expenses for Account Executives traveling outside of their metro area are covered by Guide Book Publishing as follows:
• Meal per diem - $5 for breakfast and lunch - $15 for dinner
• Hotel – GBP will arrange and cover the cost of your stay
• Mileage – GBP will adjust the rate paid by a half cent (.5 cent) for each full 10 cent movement in the national average
retail price of regular gasoline above $1.50 per gallon. The national average price used for a regular gallon of gas is issued
by the Federal Dept. of Energy (see web page info below).
The last week of every month GBP will go to the Dept. of Energy website and update the GBP mileage rate based upon the above
formula for the upcoming month. GBP guarantees a base rate no lower then the current .15 cent rate even if the national price
drops below $1.50 per gallon.
The above expenses are covered Monday through Friday. Any special arrangements must be pre-approved and you will need
to let Sales Support know by 10am Wednesday morning prior to your travel week.
Expense checks will be mailed to your home or be available for pickup at the office prior to your trip. Expense checks are sent
on a weekly basis. Mileage is not given for appointments.
Department of Energy Website:
Frequently Asked Questions
What website is used to calculate mileage?
What addresses do you use to calculate mileage?
We will use your home address to the church.
Do I get a food allowance if I am not staying overnight?
If it says that my hotel is guaranteed for late arrival, what does that mean?
It means we used the company credit card to hold the room.
If we do not have hotel trade, how is my hotel reservation handled?
We normally use to make our hotel arrangements.
When my hotel reservation is made online, is it already paid for in advance?
Many times yes. This will depend greatly on the hotels policy. If we are unable to prepay for the reservation, have the hotel
fax us a credit card authorization form and we will take care of the cost for the room night only. We do not cover the cost
of incidentals.
The mileage from your house
to the church calculated
Your Church and
General Information
This is the breakdown
of the food per diem
The total amount
that is given to you
Your Hotel
On Overnight Stays, this line will either say
“B” for Barter or will note the online site
from which the reservation originated
This is to let you know how the hotel is
guaranteed. If you do not arrive on time, it is your
responsibility to call the hotel. Otherwise, you will
be responsible for the charges.
If you need further explanation, please call Jennifer.
Human Resources/Payroll
Our human resources manager is continually working to ensure that you are able to take full advantage of our benefits. Below
we will discuss our policies and when and how you will be eligible to receive our company benefits.
Your Paycheck - payroll is processed bi-weekly and we are paid on Friday. Your paycheck or paycheck stub is mailed out on
Thursday of each payroll week.
Direct Deposit - this is the fastest way to receive your check. Usually, your check is available to you Friday morning. If you want
to take advantage of our direct deposit program, it can start on your 3rd paycheck as long as the direct deposit form is filled
out and a voided check is given to HR.
Weekly Packages – in order for your contracts with payment to be on your bi-weekly paycheck, they must be received by Monday
of the payroll week. You can accomplish this by mailing your packet in on Friday.
Health Insurance and Aflac
Guide Book Publishing offers both health insurance and Aflac. Approximately 3 weeks before your eligibility date, we will send
you a health insurance packet. This MUST be filled out completely and returned to the home office immediately regardless of
whether you are taking the health insurance or aflac.
Eligibility – All full time Guide Book Publishing employees are eligible for health insurance and Aflac after 60 days of employment, coverage would start on the 1st of the next month following the 60 day waiting period. Your entry date is on the first
month in which you become eligible, at open enrollment time, or under special circumstances due to a qualifying event such
as marriage (check with an administrator for details).
Contributions – As an eligible employee you are responsible for 30% of the Health Insurance Package (individual or family)
which will be paid through an automatic payroll deduction. Guide Book Publishing will pay for 70% of the Health Insurance
Package (individual or family).
Life Insurance – Basic Life is provided regardless of participation in the health insurance program and is non-contributory.
401K Program
Eligibility - All Guide Book Publishing employees who have completed 1 year, 1,000 hours of service and attained age 18 are
eligible to enroll. Enrollment is on January 1st and July 1st, subsequent to meeting the eligibility requirements.
Contributions - As an eligible employee, you may defer compensation on a pre tax and/or an after tax basis up to $17,500 in
2014. Employees who will be 50 by the end of the calendar year may defer an additional $5,500.
Guide Book Publishing has elected to match 50% of your contributions up to 4% of your income, and may also make an annual
discretionary profit sharing contribution. You must complete 1,000 hours of service and be employed on the last day of the Plan
year to be eligible for the company matching and /or profit sharing contribution for the year.
Deferrals – You may increase, decrease or stop making contributions. Any changes made would take effect on the first day of
each month.
Vesting – Employee deferrals are always 100% vested. Your employer matching contributions, any discretionary Profit Sharing
contributions, and Forfeitures are subject to the following vesting schedule:
Years of Service
Less than 2 years
2 years
3 years
% Vested
Years of Service
% Vested
Commission Policies
Upon leaving company employ (for whatever reason), commissions will be paid to former employee on cash received from
advertisement that he/she sold while employed by Guide Book Publishing, provided the cash is received within 4 months of
the actual publication of the advertisement or 6 months after leaving the company, whichever occurs first. If you have a draw
balance when your employment is terminated, any commissions that are received within the allowed time will go back to pay off
the draw balance first. If your draw balance exceeds the outstanding commissions due to you, then no additional commissions
will be paid. Guide Book Publishing shall provide to the employee, within 14 days of leaving employment, a list of the accounts
sold by said employee that have outstanding balances. This policy shall cover all former, current and future employees of Guide
Book Publishing. This policy is effective April 1, 1993. All Guide Book Publishing materials, including boxes, manuals, church
research, etc. MUST be returned before any commissions will be paid.
Materials Fee Upon Employee Leaving Company
Upon leaving company employ (for whatever reason), all material must be returned to the immediate supervisor or to the Guide
Book Publishing office within 3 business days of the last day of employment. A charge of $250 will be incurred for non-returned
Sales Manuals. A charge of $100 will be incurred for each church’s research material that is not returned and a charge of $100
for the supply box and supplies.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I change my direct deposit?
At any time that you have changes that need to be made to your direct deposit, a new direct deposit form must be filled out.
This includes distribution changes, new accounts, closing accounts, and canceling direct deposit. To receive a direct deposit
form contact HR.
I need to change my marital status/tax withholding, how would I do this?
You can download and print these forms direct from the government sites or you can contact HR to send them to you. After
you have filled them out completely, you can email them to hr@guidebookpublishing or mail them to:
Guide Book Publishing
322 Sovereign Ct
Ballwin, MO 63011
Ordering Supplies
It is advisable that before you send your weekly packet to the home office you check to see if you are low on any supplies i.e.
contracts, rate cards, dimension sheets, etc. If you are low on anything, you can fill out the form order sheet that you are given in
your supplies and send it in with your sales contracts. Once received, all supplies ordered are sent out on the following Wednesday.If you are in need of a form immediately, you can go to our website and log-in. The forms are available in a .pdf format and
can be printed from your home computer.
Jane Doe
Updated 2/14
Examples of Frequently Used Forms
Advertising Agreement
322 Sovereign Ct., St Louis, MO 63011 • 636/391-2121 • 800/597-3037 • Fax 636/391-3172
E-Mail address for ad copy: •
This Advertising Agreement is between Guide Book Publishing and the Advertiser (Business) listed below. The Advertiser agrees to purchase advertising in the
Guide Book & Directory listed below and abide by the terms and conditions of this Agreement.
ADVERTISER INFORMATION -- Completion Of All Fields Required
)Book #
________Page Size
Date of Agreement: _________________________________________________
Special Placement
$ _________________
$ _________________
Book Name: _______________________________________ (
Projected Publication Date: ___________________________________________
Business Name: ___________________________________________________
$ _________________
Extra Index
$ _________________
Multi-Bk Discount
$ _________________
Contact Person: ___________________________________________________
Sub Total:
Address: _________________________________________________________
$ _________________
$ _________________
City:_________________________________St:______Zip: ________________
$ _________________
Ph: (______ ) ______________________ Fax: (______ ) ___________________
E-mail: __________________________________________________________
Website: www. ____________________________________________________
Type of Business: (This is NOT the index listing) ____________________________________
Total Charge:
$ _________________
Amount Paid This Date:
$ _________________
$ _______________
Advertisement Placement & Layout
Ad Placement:
Last Page Of Book
Inside Page
Color NOT Available
Book Format:
Color Available ONLY On These Locations: ( I.F.C. I.B.C. B.C. C.S. )
Color NOT Available
Research Sheet
Color NOT Available
Ad Format:
Circle if Applicable
Guide Book Publishing Representative
Billing Address & Phone if different from above: ___________________________________________________________________
City_______________________________________________St._____ Zip___________Phone (_______) ____________________
Rev. 12/13/13
N • Pic/Disk R’td Date________
Check Th
The results of a random survey of members of the
congregations we serve show why the Guide Book & Directory
is the advertising media for you.
of the families report that they
would rather patronize one of our advertisers
over a non-advertiser. Wow! The advertisers are
supporting their congregation’s Guide Book &
Directory and these members in turn are loyal to
those who help their congregation.
of the families still have the previous
year’s book in their home after one year. Our direct
mailed customer’s ads get year-round exposure.
times per year on the average the book is
used in each household. The cost per exposure
is outstanding.
Rate Card
Regular Format • Large Format
Display Ad
Sizes and Prices
Regular Book Format
74.0% of the families regularly
Back Cover - $610
Inside Covers - $540
Center Spread - $510
Inside Page - $410
70.5% of the families find the Index of
Advertisers useful. The Index is a tool to direct a
congregation member to your business. The Index is
located in the front few pages of the book where it is
seen and will be used. The Index listing is included in
the price of the advertisement.
70.9% of the families report that they
patronize advertisers in their book. Our books
are a targeted advertising media. Keeping the
advertiser’s name out there so they can get new
business and keep their current business is what
we are all about.
Refer To Your Presentation Manual
selected a business for a particular product
or service specifically because that business
advertised in their congregation’s Guide Book &
consciously look to see who is advertising in
their book. They have an interest in who is
supporting their congregation.
50.0% of the families report that they
of the families report that they have
used the Index to locate a particular advertiser.
If they are looking for an advertiser then they are
most likely patronizing that advertiser.
80.6% of the families go out to eat
before or after services. For restaurant owners,
we have a uniquely targeted market that each
weekend does something all together. The
families go to their worship services and on the
way to and/or from the service they stop to eat.
of the families enjoy receiving the
books. They keep the book and they use the book
322 Sovereign Court • St. Louis, MO 63011 • 636/391-2121 • 800/597-3037 • Fax: 636/391-3172
*Color - $100
4 1/2” Wide x 1 3/4” Height
Survey Results
*Add Impact to
your ad with Color.
Full-Color is available in prime locations.
Ask your Account Representative for an upgrade today!
Back Cover - $610
Inside Covers - $540
Center Spread - $510
Inside Page - $410
*Color - $100
2 1/8” Wide x 3 5/8” Height
Refer To Your Presentation Manual
Back Cover - $950
Inside Covers - $845
Center Spread - $785
Inside Page - $695
*Color - $125
Back Cover - $950
Inside Covers - $845
Center Spread - $785
Inside Page - $695
2 1/8” Wide x 7 1/2” Height
*Color - $125
4 1/2” Wide x 3 5/8” Height
Guide Book Publishing
322 Sovereign Court • St. Louis, MO 63011
636/391-2121 • 800/597-3037
Fax: 636/391-3172
E-Mail Address For Ad Copy:
*Color Is Available For Covers and Center Spread ONLY
Dimension Sheet
Regular Format • Large Format
Refer To Your Presentation Manual
Appointments For The Week Of__________________________________________________
Advertising Addendum For
Key Account or Multiple Books
Business Name & City:_______________________________________________
(Available in
8 1/2 x 11
or 8 1/2 x 14)
Office Use Only
P.O. Box 240430 • Ballwin, Missouri 63024 • 636/391-2121 • 800/597-3037 • Fax 636/391-3172
Key Account
*Alternate Page Size/Locations if 1st Choice (Above) is Not Available:
*Copy Instructions:
Guide Book Publishing Representative
Rev. 12/13
Advertising Agreement
Hotel Trade-Out
322 Sovereign Ct., St. Louis, MO 63011 • 636/391-2121 • 800/597-3037 • Fax 636/391-3172
E-Mail address for ad copy: •
This Advertising Agreement is between Guide Book Publishing and the Advertiser (Business) listed below. The Advertiser agrees to purchase advertising in the
Guide Book & Directory listed below and abide by the terms and conditions of this Agreement.
1st Line = 21 Spaces (12pt. Bold)
ADVERTISER INFORMATION -- Completion Of All Fields Required
Refer to Your
Presentation Manual
Book Name: _______________________________________ (
)Book #
________Page Size
Date of Agreement: _________________________________________________
Projected Publication Date: ___________________________________________
Business Name: ___________________________________________________
Extra Index
City:_________________________________St:______Zip: ________________
Ph: (______ ) ______________________ Fax: (______ ) ___________________
Corporate Room Rate
÷ _______________
E-mail: __________________________________________________________
Total Number of Nights = _____________
Contact Person: ___________________________________________________
___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
Special Placement
Address: _________________________________________________________
Lines 2 - 5 = 31 Spaces (10pt.)
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
Website: www. ____________________________________________________
Type of Business __________________________________________________
Advertisement Placement & Layout
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
Ad Placement:
Inside Page
Book Format:
Ad Format: Horizontal
Trade Out Includes: Free Local Calls • No Expiration of Usage •All Taxes
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
Hotel Trade-Out
• Every comma, space, dash, letter etc. counts as a space
• ALL copy is centered
• No logos or different fonts can be used
• Benefactors are listed alphabetically in the Guide Books
• Benefactors receive a group listing (Church #) and an individual listing
Guide Book Publishing Representative
Additional Charges For:
Extra Lines
Extra Bolding
Extra Index Listings
Rev. 12/13/13
Sales Commission Record
Billing Address & Phone if different from above: ___________________________________________________________________
City_______________________________________________St._____ Zip___________Phone (_______) ____________________
N • Pic/Disk R’td Date________
E-Mail Guidelines
Gift Certificate
Send Ad Copy To:
In exchange for advertising in
Book #
(Book Name)
I authorize Guide Book Publishing to use this certificate for a one night
E-Mail requirements:
stay in a standard room at
The Book Number MUST be in the subject line.
Authorized by
(Hotel Name)
P.O. Box 240430
St. Louis, MO 63024
No Cash Value. Not redeemable for cash. Gratuities not included. Subject to availability.
Advance reservations required. Free local phone calls, taxes included, no expiration date.
Book Number: _________________________________________________________
To be filled out by Account Executive
Gift Certificate
Account Executive: ________________________________________________
To be filled out by Account Executive
We prefer .PDF files
but we can also accept the following file types:
Hotel Gift
.TIF, .JPG, .EPS, Illustrator, EPS, some .BMP’s, and
Photoshop Documents, InDesign Documents, MS Word, MS Publisher
provided that:
a. all images are saved as complete copies and fonts are embedded in the document. If the
fonts are not embedded and we do not have them they will default and the ad will not look like
what was intended.
In exchange for advertising in
Book #
(Book Name)
I authorize Guide Book Publishing to use this certificate for a one night
stay in a standard room at
(Hotel Name)
Authorized by
P.O. Box 240430
St. Louis, MO 63024
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