INNER WHEEL NEW ZEALAND NZ291 CLUB RESOURCE MANUAL A General Guide for Clubs NZ291 CLUB RESOURCE MANUAL - CONTENTS 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 19. 21. 22. 23. 26. 27. 29. 31. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 42. 43. 44. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. Inner Wheel History Red Rose of Friendship District NZ291 History Membership Membership at Large Information Sheet - Club President Meeting Guidelines Meeting Procedure Club Procedure Calendar Club Presidents 20 Point Checklist Club Diary Dates Guidelines for District Chairman Visit Information Sheet - Club Vice President Information Sheet – Club Secretary Information Sheet – Club Treasurer Subscription Flow Chart Explanation of Fees Information Sheet – Club Editor Website Release Form Information Sheet – Club International & Service Organiser Information Sheet – Club Extension/Membership Organiser Promotion and Publicity Induction of a New Member How Do Clubs Nurture New Members District Meetings Delegates Guide for District Meeting District Training Day Guide to Set of Room for District Meetings Set up of Orewa Bridge Club Record of Club History Transfer Guide Membership Transfer Form Nominations and Elections Guidelines for Nomination District Executive Nomination Form for District Executive Margarette Golding Award Division of a Club Disbandment of a Club Procedure for Putting a Proposal to a Meeting Timeframe for National Conference Proposals How to Submit a Proposal/Amendment Lighting Dimming the Flame of Friendship Norwegian Three Candle lighting Ceremony Pamphlet/Leaflet List NZ291 Club Resource Manual 2013 2 INNER WHEEL NEW ZEALAND INNER WHEEL HISTORY International Inner Wheel is one of the largest international organisations for women, and is currently chartered in more than 100 countries. Members are united by friendship and a commitment to service in their communities. Inner Wheel is non-sectarian or party political. The objects of International Inner Wheel are: To promote true friendship To encourage the ideals of personal service To foster international understanding Inner Wheel began when a group of women who had been helping their Rotarian husbands with community service projects during the First World War, were inspired to join forces in an organized group in the post war years. They met on 15 November 1923 at a bath house (chosen because it was free!) to establish a ‘Ladies Rotary Club’. Rotary International would not countenance such a name so at a second meeting on 10 January 1924 the Inner Wheel Club of Manchester under the leadership of Mrs Margarette Golding was formed. They took the name Inner Wheel from the inner cog of the Rotary Wheel. The roots, from which Inner Wheel has grown, were established in 1934 when the Association of Inner Wheel Clubs in Great Britain and Ireland was formed with Mrs Oliver Golding as the Founder President. The first club formed outside of Great Britain and Ireland was the IW Club of Ballarat, Victoria in 1931. The IW Club of Napier was the tenth registered Club outside of Great Britain and was chartered in November 1936, and was the only club in New Zealand until the IW Club of Taumarunui was formed in 1947. The 1960’s saw clubs set up in Belfast, Christchurch South, Christchurch East, Dunedin South, Fitzroy and Turangi. The first District was NZ298 formed in 1971 and then District NZ293 in 1976. District NZ293 was divided in 1981 into NZ293 and NZ294, District NZ297 was formed in 1982 and District NZ291 was split off NZ293 in 1989. International Inner Wheel was formed in 1967 and the first international conference was held in 1970 at The Hague, the Netherlands. New Zealand has played a strong role in international affairs of Inner Wheel, way out of proportion to the country’s size. Ruth Gallagher was our first Inner Wheel Board Member in 1973 and we have proudly provided three International Inner Wheel Presidents – Alison Dowson 1988-1989, Beth McNeill 1996-1997 and Carole Young 2012-2013. Hap Naylor has been an IIW Editor and Shirley Hope International Inner Wheel Constitution Chairman 2007-2010. The 13th International Inner Wheel Convention was held in Christchurch in May 2006. NZ291 Club Resource Manual 2013 3 By 1990, New Zealand had 2500 Inner Wheel members in 84 clubs in five Districts and the workload of the Board Member had increased markedly. Co-coordinating the activities of all Districts was a daunting task for one person. A presentation was made to the Nelson conference in 1984 and following this, an ad hoc committee was formed under the chairmanship of Alison Dowson to investigate the viability of a National Council. The report to the 1987 conference in Tauranga provoked lively debate. The move towards a National Council proved controversial and it was not until 1990, at the Invercargill conference, that a majority of delegates voted to form a National Governing Body. The inaugural meeting took place on the Sunday morning of the Conference – 14 October 1990 at 7.00am. After a lengthy gestation, the National Council was born. The National Governing Body is made up of the President/National Representative, Vice President/Deputy Representative, Secretary, Treasurer, Editor, Past President (who is the extension Co-ordinator) and the five District Chairmen. They meet twice a year in March and August. International Inner Wheel is recognized by the United Nations as a non-governmental organization. This means that Inner Wheel is an observer with consultative status with the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). IIW has 6 representatives, 2 in Geneva, and 2 each in New York and Vienna, each sitting on different committees – Rights of the Family; Status of Women; Rights of the Child; Human Rights; Committee on Ageing and Narcotic Drugs. THE RED ROSE OF FRIENDSHIP In December 1969 Audrey Sarjeant who was the editor of the International Newsletter used a white rose on a yellow cover. The Editor explained that she had taken the idea from the Scandinavian Clubs. In Scandinavia there is a custom of presenting a single red rose of friendship when visiting friends and this custom was used by the Club there of presenting a single long-stemmed red rose to an honoured guest or speaker. The Editor had changed it to a white rose of Yorkshire to honour the President, Helena Foster (second President of International Inner Wheel) and it was cheaper to print that way! The newsletter continued with this rose but in 1970 the cover of the magazine changed to ‘jewel’ colours and the white rose was printed in black! In May 1986 the Newsletter used a new rose drawn from life by Helen Taylor the daughter of IIW Editor Lucy Davis. This rose had been named ‘Inner Wheel’ by the growers in honour of the Golden Jubilee of Great Britain and Ireland in 1984. NZ291 Club Resource Manual 2013 4 DISTRICT NZ291 HISTORY District NZ291 was formed in 1989 when the Inner Wheel Clubs north of the Bombay Hills split from District NZ293. Ailsa Wilson who at that time was a member of Auckland Inner Wheel was instrumental in the division of NZ293 and became NZ291s first District Chairman. There were seven Clubs in the new District, Auckland, Dargaville, East Coast Albany Bays, Mt Roskill, Noumea Plaisance, Parahaki of Whangarei and Warkworth. The IW Club of Auckland East was the first Club to be chartered in the new District in April 1990 DISTRICT NZ291 DISTRICT CHAIRMEN Ailsa Wilson 1989-1990 Jean Currie 1991-1992 Pam Garlick 1993-1994 Elizabeth Donaldson 1995-1996 Sheama Shepherd 1997-1998 Rae Innes 1999-2000 Annabelle Valentine 2002-2003 Mareea Osborne 2004-2005 Joan Swift 2006-2007 Denise Bulluss 2008-2009 Hazel Hunter 2010-2011 Annabelle Valentine 2013-2014 Pat Simpkin Bente Winter Margaret Tregidga Margaret Gapes Judith Gee Annette Mackay Annette Wilson Bev Brennan Gaye Pratt Glenna Tuck Wendy Chitty 1990-1991 1992-1993 1994-1995 1996-1997 1998-1999 2000-2002 2003-2004 2005-2006 2007-2008 2009-2010 2011-2013 IWNZ PAST PRESIDENTS Jean Currie 2001-2002 Annabelle Valentine 2008-2010 IWNZ PAST EXECUTIVE MEMBERS IWNZ Honorary Editor: Annette Wilson 1999-2002 IWNZ Secretary: Margaret Tregidga 2001-2002 IWNZ Secretary: Margaret Whitmore 2008-2010 IWNZ Treasurer: Dianne Cole-Baker 2006-2010 IWNZ Treasurer: Judith Gee 2011-2014 NZ291 Club Resource Manual 2013 5 INNER WHEEL NEW ZEALAND MEMBERSHIP The following are eligible for membership: Active Membership: May be retained or taken up by the following provided that they are over 18 years: a) Women related to Rotarians/former Rotarians b) Women related to Inner Wheel members/former Inner Wheel member. c) Women who have been invited to join – provided that a majority of the Club members agree. Active Membership should be taken up in the Inner Wheel Club most convenient for an Inner Wheel member to attend. Honorary Membership: Clubs may invite up to 4 persons whom they wish to Honour to become Honorary members. Such members shall be subject to re-election annually. Each National Governing Body may determine the period of consecutive membership. Honorary Members have no vote and cannot hold any office in a Club. Honoured Active Membership: An Award: A Club may confer Honoured Active Membership on an Active Member who has given outstanding service to Inner Wheel. The Club will pay the members’ dues for the year in which Honoured Active Membership is awarded. In the following years, she retains Honoured Active status, but pays all her own dues. Such a member retains all the rights of Active membership for life, or until she leaves Inner Wheel. Badges Badges and Bars are available from the Inner Wheel Club of Riccarton Badge Secretary, Inner Wheel Club of Riccarton PO Box 29 364 Fendalton, CHRISTCHURCH 8540 Email: or download from NZ291 website An Honoured Active Brooch is available through A. W. Matthews or through the Riccarton Badge Secretary who will order it for you. NZ291 Club Resource Manual 2013 6 INNER WHEEL NEW ZEALAND MEMBERSHIP at LARGE Inner Wheel New Zealand wishes to keep in touch with members who reside in an area where there is no Inner Wheel Club. Criteria: Reference: International Inner Wheel Constitution “If an active member resides in an area of the country where there is no Inner Wheel Club, the National Governing Body can grant her Membership at Large status. Application must be made to the National Secretary through her former Club, or District if there is no former Club through disbandment. Payment of International Inner Wheel Capitation Fees must be made to the Governing Body. Such a member cannot vote or hold office.” Former members are warmly invited to join Inner Wheel if they meet the above criteria. Application must be made on the official Inner Wheel New Zealand application form, available from the National Treasurer, District Secretary or downloaded from the IWNZ website The District Executive Committee will verify the membership application before forwarding to the National Secretary for processing. The membership fee of $25 is payable to Inner Wheel New Zealand and will provide for the following: International Inner Wheel Capitation fee Inner Wheel New Zealand National Levy IIW Newsletters IWNZ Communicator, etc Inner Wheel N.Z. Magazine – ‘Inner Link’ Inner Wheel N.Z. Directory Eligibility to participate in Inner Wheel occasions as advertised in Newsletters and the Communicator. The National Editor will be the link for information for Members at Large and Clubs and Districts are urged to send their newsletters to former members and invite them to District Meetings. NZ291 Club Resource Manual 2013 7 INNER WHEEL NEW ZEALAND INFORMATION SHEET FOR CLUB PRESIDENT As President you are responsible for the well-being of your Club, keeping it running smoothly and happily. With your Committee’s help, you manage the Club affairs – in no way dominating but encouraging them to actively participate in the planning of the year’s activities. Get to know your Committee Members’ abilities and delegate tasks. Committee work encourages contact with fellow members and knowledge of how the Club operates. Encourage and involve as many Club members as possible in Club activities. Make each member feel wanted – a smile or hello is often all that is needed. Welcome visitors – if your members wear name tags give them one too. It’s nice to address people by name. Look after your guest speakers – delegate a member to meet and welcome them and take care of their needs. Have a phone list, with committee members being responsible for a small number of club members, to update meeting arrangements, plan activities, and keep in touch with members who are sick or to pass on good wishes. A good rapport between members and a committee member can be invaluable. Keep members well informed – they are the most important part of a cog in the turning wheel of Inner Wheel, whose members encompass the world. Give them the opportunity of being part of that World. They are also your future Club officers, so keep them interested in what Inner Wheel is and does. Newsletters can convey information about the Club, but also from District and National Council and International levels too, especially when members are away for one meeting or more. Have a slot for the ISO to report on service projects and contacts made. Work closely with your Club Editor. Encourage your Vice President to know what is going on – she may need to take a meeting at a moment’s notice. Meet with her from time to time to discuss plans and ideas. In many Clubs the Vice President takes the role of Almoner as this will help her know more about the members. Your Secretary will be your most valuable friend and aid during the year. Talk or meet with her often and maintain good communication at all times. Together, attend to requests from District and National Governing Body promptly, always with final Club approval. Minutes of the Club Meeting should be sent out to all members prior to the meeting so that they can be taken as read at the Club Meeting and passed as a true and correct record. Committee Minutes should be available for all members to read if they so wish, table them at the Club Meeting. Make sure that your Secretary always puts both Christian and Surname so that when looking back over Club records people know who is being referred to. Minutes should not have any personal comments about a member in them – keep any discussion about a member off record! Your Treasurer will keep you informed as to the financial state of the Club and should discuss all cheques for payment with you prior to them being presented to the members for payment. All money is members’ money and they make the final decision on how the Clubs money is to be spent. Money is what causes the most dissension in Clubs so have everything available for members to see if they so wish – be open on all money matters. District Chairman Email contact: NZ291 Club Resource Manual 2013 8 Some Meeting Guidelines A PRESIDENT does not move a motion only her ANNUAL REPORT. Motions must all start with the word “THAT ........”. POINTS OF ORDER usually relate to 1. breaches of the Constitution, By-laws, District and Club Rules 2. absence of a Quorum 3. whether a person has the right to speak 4. keeping to the subject under discussion. Standard meeting procedures are to be found in the Handbook Section of the Constitution. Any INNER WHEEL member may visit any Club if she wishes. The PRESIDENT or SECRETARY of the Club should be contacted prior to the meeting. The member will be expected to pay any cost e.g. meal. Your 12 Points to Success 1. Do your homework 2. Have all your papers in order before the meeting starts 3. Prepare an Agenda in consultation with your Secretary at least 24 hours before the meeting.This keeps you on track and will help your Secretary in writing the Minutes. 4. Check with your Treasurer if there are any financial matters that need to be raised with the Club members and check that she has the latest Bank Balances to hand. 5. Check the day before the meeting that you have all equipment/personnel organised. 6. NEVER be without your Rule Book. 7. BE EARLY for your meetings 8. Keep the business side of the meeting concise and to the point, but make sure members are given the opportunity to be fully informed. 9. Listen to all members but be firm, if necessary ring the bell and keep to business in hand. 10. Encourage members to attend District activities and where necessary take names numbers and any money for forwarding to the District Treasurer or Secretary. 11.The District Chairman’s Newsletter should be circulated to all members and relevant interest mentioned at meetings. points of 12.The National President’s Communicator should be circulated and relevant points of interest mentioned at meetings. 13. Give time for your International Service Organiser and/or Club Editor to report any interesting news. 14. Your District Executive is there if you have any worries or problems. Help is at hand – you only have to ask. 15. Above all – be enthusiastic and your members will be too. Enjoy your time as President! NZ291 Club Resource Manual 2013 9 INNER WHEEL NEW ZEALAND MEETING PROCEDURE Date: Venue: 7 March 2012 The home of Jane Brown Have your agenda and all your papers in order. Call the meeting to order (use bell if necessary) Welcome everyone – especially any visitors to be introduced. Apologies Move/Second they be accepted Minutes of the previous meeting should be circulated prior to the meeting. “The minutes of the previous meeting have been circulated, are there any corrections? (any corrections can be made at this time) That they are a true and accurate record Moved by Seconded by (names) In favour please say 'Aye'.............. to the contrary (or against) 'No' ”. President signs and dates them. Business (or Matters) Arising from the Minutes Deal with these (they are usually noted on your agenda) If there is a matter that you know will take longer, postpone it until General Business, when you know how much time is available. Correspondence Inward Highlight important information from the District Chairman's Newsletter, or National President’s Communicator Deal with the District Package and all other relevant Inward Correspondence. Outward – reported “That the Inward Correspondence be accepted and the Outward approved”. Moved/Seconded Treasurers Report Report of the financial position No 1 Account – Club Operations No 2 Account – Charity, Projects Accounts to be passed for payment. Moved/Seconded Reports ISO Club Correspondent Any others. General Business At the end of this, ask if there is any further business. If there is no further business, declare the meeting closed and note the time. NZ291 Club Resource Manual 2013 10 INNER WHEEL NEW ZEALAND CLUB PROCEDURE CALENDAR SHEET President, Secretary and Treasurer – Please refer to this regularly in conjunction with the District Secretary and Treasurer letters, so that you are familiar with Inner Wheel matters, which need to be dealt with each month. Some dates may vary slightly from year to year. JULY The new Executive takes over Make yourselves familiar with International Inner Wheel Constitution (Blue) and IWNZ By-laws and Handbook (Red) Guidelines for Club Officers (Club Resource Manual) District Editor will require article for District magazine reviewing the previous year AUGUST Consider nominations for National President/National Representative; National Vice President/Deputy National Representative; National Secretary; National Treasurer and National Editor and send to the District Secretary by the 15 September. Send any proposals or matters for discussion at the October District Meeting, to the District Secretary by the 15 August. (These are checked by the District Executive at their August Executive Meeting) Send a list of all your Club Members, membership status and addresses to the District Secretary by 31 August. The payment of International Capitation Fees, National Council Levy and District affiliation Fees to be forwarded to the District Treasurer on the form supplied by 31 August. SEPTEMBER Inner Wheel New Zealand Day is held on 01 September. Plan to “Walk and Talk”. Send nominations for IWNZ National positions to the District Secretary before 15 September. Discuss Agenda for District Meeting with your Committee and Club. Encourage members to attend the District Meeting. Prepare a brief report following guidelines sent out by the District Chairman. September is International month. OCTOBER District Meeting: Take a copy of the agenda, Minutes of last District Meeting and Rule Book, Presidents Chain and any report that the District Chairman requested. Make sure that your Club Voting Delegates have agenda, minutes and IWNZ By-law book. Encourage members to attend and also to take a copy of the agenda and by-law book. You will receive the ordered IIW Directories. Call for nominations for District Executive positions for the following year and send nominations approved by the club to the District Secretary BEFORE 17 December. NOVEMBER In discussion with your Vice President start to think about nominations for Club Officers, to be finalised at your February/March meeting. (Information will be needed for the IWNZ Directory). DECEMBER Outstanding fees for full membership to District Treasurer, 17 December. use the form provided District Executive nominations to District Secretary by 17 December. NZ291 Club Resource Manual 2013 11 JANUARY International Inner Wheel Day 10 January FEBRUARY Elect Club Officers for the following year as soon as possible but no later than 15 March. Send Club information to the District Secretary. Return Voting Papers for District Executive to Returning Officer by 01 March. (if election was required) Return Voting Papers for National President/National Representative; National Vice President/Deputy National Representative; National Secretary; National Treasurer and National Editor to the Returning Officer by 07 March (if election was required). Voting Papers for International Officers to be sent directly to International Inner Wheel, UK, to be received by 31 March. Orders for IWNZ Directory and IIW Directory to District Treasurer by 05 March. Use form provided. MARCH IIW Directory information to be updated online by date stated. – you will be sent a reminder about this on the IIW email account ( club name) Club Officer Information and IWNZ Directory orders to be received by 15 March APRIL Dues for new members who have joined since January to be sent by 30 April to District Treasurer Receive notification of IIW Capitation, National Council Levy and District Fees. Discuss Club fees for the next Inner Wheel year. Proposals for June District Meeting to District Secretary by 15 May. District Training Day – all incoming committee to attend this to hear about plans for the next Inner Wheel year. Members to be encouraged to attend. MAY Discuss Agendas for June District Meeting and Annual General Meeting. Return form listing Delegates and observers to District Meeting to District Secretary. Send nominations to District Secretary for the positions of International President, Vice President, Treasurer, Editor and Board Director. Date for both of the above will be given by District Secretary when forms sent out. These are voted on and passed at the June District Meeting Organise Club Changeover with Executive Committee and Club members. JUNE District Meeting, Annual General Meeting and Changeover of District Officers. Take copies of last Minutes (District & AGM), Agenda, IWNZ By-Laws Book and a brief summary of your Clubs activities as directed by the District Chairman. Ensure that the Treasurer prepares the Club Accounts to be reviewed after end of year 30th June. Prepare Annual Report for presentation at your Club’s Annual General Meeting. Ratify Club Accounts from the previous year at your AGM – these should have been presented to the Club at a Club Meeting as soon as they have been reviewed – usually August or September Receive IWNZ Directories as ordered and copies of the Inner Link Magazine at the District Meeting NOTE: In a Conference year, Proposals or any General Motions to amend the National Council By-laws, District and Club Rules must be forwarded (through your June District Meeting) to the National Secretary no later than 10 months prior to a National Conference. Proposal forms are in the Club Resource Manual pages 48/49 Amendments must be with the National Secretary no later than 5 months prior to a National Conference. All Proposals must be approved by the District Committee before submission to National Governing Body. Clubs should be aware of the time frame involved. Please refer to the Constitution for dates for Proposals and General Motions to be presented to the Triennial International Inner Wheel Convention. NZ291 Club Resource Manual 2013 12 Presidents 20 Point Checklist Club Presidents are responsible for implementing and continually evaluating the Club’s goals and motivating members to accomplish them. As Club President you do not work in isolation but with your committee. Committee members are expected to carry out their respective duties, and to keep the President informed of what is happening, in their area of responsibility. They help the President implement the various Club activities and motivate all members to be involved. 1. Know your goals for the Club for your year as President 2. Ensure that all meetings are well planned - discuss agenda with your Secretary prior to each meeting 3. Communicate important information to Club members at the Club Meeting and through the Club Newsletter 4. At your monthly Committee meeting all committee members should report back on their area of responsibility 5. Your Secretary should ensure that information etc requested by District, National and IIW is attended to on time 6. Work with your Treasurer to develop and monitor the Club budget (remember that the Committee recommends but the Club decides on how money is spent) 7. Provide regular fellowship opportunities for members 8. Use the IIW Presidents theme for the year and undertake a project under the Happier Futures banner 9. New members are the life blood of your Club make sure that they are fully informed about Inner Wheel and are welcomed into Club activities 10. Ensure that your Club is represented at the District Meetings and the delegates and attendees are aware of the Agenda and any voting that needs to be done 11. Prepare a report for the District Meetings as requested by the District Chairman 12. Promote attendance at the District Training Day to both incoming Committee and Club Members 13. Promote attendance at the IWNZ National Conference and IIW Convention 14. Use the NZ291 Club Resource Manual, especially the Club Monthly Calendar 15. Prepare for the visit of the District Chairman 16. Remember that the District Executive are there to help and give support 17. Ensure that at the end of your year of office the Club History is written up and filed 18. Keep your Vice President informed of what is happening in the Club 19. Arrange a joint meeting with the incoming and outgoing Committee prior to Changeover 20. Most of all enjoy your year as Club President! NZ291 Club Resource Manual 2013 13 CLUB DIARY CHECK LIST Please note that the dates given are the final day that they can be received at District, National or International level. Clubs must action these items for post or email to meet the given deadline. JULY 1 July – Start of new Inner Wheel year. New Club Executive takes office, use new Gmail address AUGUST 15 August - Proposals for the October District meeting to District Secretary 31 August – list of Club members and their addresses to District Secretary 31 August – Payment of IIW Capitation, National Levy and District Fee to District Treasurer on form provided SEPTEMBER 15 September - Nominations for IWNZ National Governing Body to District Secretary OCTOBER District Meeting – date advised at District Training Day in April Call for nominations for District Executive DECEMBER 17 December – last day for nominations for District Executive received by District Secretary 17 December – outstanding fees for full membership to District Treasurer MARCH 5 March – orders for IIW Directories and National Directory to District Treasurer 15 March – last day for list of Club Officers received by District Secretary 31 March – IIW voting papers must be received in the UK by this date APRIL District Training day held this month 30 April – Dues for new members who have joined since January received by District Treasurer for inclusion in the IWNZ membership numbers IIW Directory information to be updated on line by date stated MAY 15 May – Proposals for June District Meeting be received by District Secretary 15 May – Proposals for Inner Wheel New Zealand Conference received by District Secretary (only in year prior to IWNZ Conference) 20 May – Nominations for IIW President, Vice President, Treasurer, Editor and Board Directors to District Secretary JUNE Club AGM and Changeover District AGM and Changeover NZ291 Club Resource Manual 2013 14 INNER WHEEL NEW ZEALAND CLUB GUIDELINES FOR THE DISTRICT CHAIRMAN’S VISIT At the District Training Day the incoming District Chairman will discuss with the incoming Club President proposed dates. Arrangements for the club visit will be made at least one month before the visit is to take place. If this date is not convenient then the Club President is at liberty to suggest an alternative, but please try to accommodate the District Chairman’s preference. It can be difficult to arrange dates, as often two or more Clubs meet on the same evening. If the Chairman needs to travel and stay overnight she may try to organise visits to Clubs in the same area the same week. Please ask your Club Secretary to confirm in writing the date, time and venue. Offer accommodation for an overnight stay, if required. If your Club has already arranged a guest speaker for that meeting and an alternative date is not convenient to the District Chairman, please arrange your programme to allow at least 10-15 minutes for the District Chairman to speak. The purpose of the District Chairman’s visit is to share the focus she has for the District that year, and to help Clubs with any other issues they may have. If the Chairman is not granted a segment of the evening then members miss the advice and experience that she has. Only with dialogue between the Chairman and members can issues be resolved. The visit of the District Chairman is a highlight of your Club’s year and should be treated as such. Sometimes the District Chairman is a guest for a meeting and members do not know why she is there. It is important to tell members well in advance of the visit, and the reason she is coming. Presidents must formally introduce the District Chairman with a little background knowledge of her previous roles in Inner Wheel. If your Club is a lunch or dinner Club, then the Club must stand the cost of the District Chairman’s meal. She should be treated as a guest and her expenses met on her official visit. The District pays her travel costs but Clubs are liable for all other costs for her official visit. If your Club Committee meet prior to the Club meeting, it may be beneficial to invite the District Chairman to meet with your committee so areas of concern can be discussed or clarified. If the Club wishes to make a small presentation to the Chairman during her visit, a single rose, garden flowers or home baking is suitable. One of the highlights of the District Chairman’s year is visiting Clubs. They are occasions that are remembered for their fellowship and friendship. Please ensure your Club makes it such. If your Club is having other functions during the year, such as an anniversary or special guest speaker, you may like to invite the District Chairman back to enjoy a special Club Occasion. Please clearly indicate on the invitation if it is complementary or not. You are not expected to pay for her or her husband if she has already made an official visit to your Club. NZ291 Club Resource Manual 2013 15 INNER WHEEL NEW ZEALAND INFORMATION SHEET FOR CLUB VICE-PRESIDENT The Vice-President: 1. Shall be nominated and elected annually and shall not serve for more than two consecutive years. 2. Deputise for the President when necessary. 3. In the event of a vacancy, the Club shall elect a past or present member of the Executive Committee to fill the vacancy. 4. Prepare for your year as President. Many Vice-Presidents take on the role of Almoner in their Club and also keep in touch with members who were not at the Club meetings. In this way they can get to know the Club members. Use your year as Vice-President to learn and understand the workings of your Club. District Training Day It is important that you attend your District’s Training Day and ensure that all the members of your committee also attend. Whilst several of your committee members may be continuing on in their position remind them that it is a new District Chairman and she will be discussing her aims and objectives for the year. Keep in regular contact with your President and undertake any task with enthusiasm. Don’t be scared to ask questions, the more you know the easier your year as Club President will be. Read the IWNZ By-Laws (Red Book) to give you a better understanding of Inner Wheel District Vice Chairman Email: NZ291 Club Resource Manual 2013 16 INNER WHEEL NEW ZEALAND INFORMATION SHEET FOR CLUB SECRETARY Club Secretaries: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Keep Club President informed of all matters. Deal promptly with all general correspondence Send out notices of meetings Send agenda to all Committee members prior to the committee meetings. Keep minutes of all meetings Write up the Club History at end of year Sounds simple, but you are the one who can hold this position for up to three years and have an influence on how well your club may run. Explaining the above – Notices of meetings – this is generally done through your Club Newsletter but please give the information to your Club Correspondent in plenty of time. There may also be other notices and information as well. Minutes – these should be recorded for both Committee and Club Meetings. They should be brief and to the point, must be a true and accurate record and contain all relevant information. Use both names when recording – when looking back in 10 years time – who or which Jane? Some clubs email club minutes and some copy and send out with the newsletter, which keeps all members informed. Record those present as well as apologies (again with both names). Remember the minutes are the historical record of all your club happenings and are invaluable. Apologies must be handed in prior to the start of the meeting Annual Report – this is generally written by the President but you need to have all the details available for her. This should be interesting, not just a list of facts. Remember the success of your club is measured by the friendship, fellowship, international understanding and projects, not just funds raised and spent. Correspondence – this cannot be stressed enough – Please attend to this promptly. You receive the District Mail-Out and it is your responsibility to share this with your President (could be emailed, photocopied or faxed). Read it all through as soon as it arrives and contact others on your committee if necessary. Send out to Club members the District Chairman’s monthly newsletter and the IWNZ Presidents Communicator. Please feel you can contact the District Secretary at any time for further clarification, even if it seems trivial. Remember to date everything, both inward and outward. Contact Email for District Secretary NZ291 Club Resource Manual 2013 17 A few other helpful hints Keep all papers in a logical order and know where they all are. Arrange to meet with your President before meetings to prepare an agenda and know what is happening. This helps the smooth running of all meetings. As Secretary you assist your President and usually form a close friendship, and you can jog her memory if necessary. You also get to know all members of your club and gain personal satisfaction and confidence. Remember you don't have to know everything to be Secretary. Enjoy the position. Good luck. REFER TO THE CLUB PROCEDURE CALENDAR FOR DIARY DATES NZ291 Club Resource Manual 2013 18 INNER WHEEL NEW ZEALAND INFORMATION SHEET FOR CLUB TREASURER The Treasurer shall receive all monies and be custodian of the funds of the Club. Write a receipt for every cent received and pay only by cheque. The Treasurer shall collect subscriptions from members and supply receipts. She should contact members whose dues have not been paid within three months. The Treasurer must report to the Club at each meeting with details of money received and payments made since the last meeting. All money must be banked in the appropriate account promptly and receipts issued. The Bank Statements should be available at Club Meetings for inspection by any member. All money belongs to the Club members and the Treasurer should state at each meeting where and how the money has been spent. All Money given away to Charity must be agreed to at a Club Meeting. Cheques to be signed by any TWO of the following: PRESIDENT, SECRETARY or TREASURER. All cheques MUST be crossed. Do not ask anyone to sign a blank cheque and make sure that cheque butts are clear as to what was paid for. Ask for an invoice for all reimbursements asked for and give a receipt for all money received. Two Accounts must be kept: GENERAL No 1 Account Derived from subscriptions. These should cover running costs of the Club, some of which are as follows: Capitation Fees to International Inner Wheel National Council Levy Affiliation Fees to District Stationery, postage, printing, etc Venue Hire Speaker’s expenses. CHARITY No 2 AccountThis Account is sometimes called the ‘PROJECT ACCOUNT’ and is used for Charity. Money raised for charity, to which members of the public have subscribed, must be used for this purpose only. It CANNOT be used to defray Club expenses. Please be aware of the Tax law pertaining to Charity accounts and make sure that only money raised from the public less any expenses are declared for tax. Contact that District Treasurer if you require more clarification about this. Income from Club member functions, raffles and sales tables can go into either account as determined by the Club committee, these are not liable for tax. NZ291 Club Resource Manual 2013 19 The financial year is from 1 July to 30 June and reviewed financial statement of accounts from the previous year are to be presented at the Annual General Meeting of the Club. Copies to be circulated to all members AT LEAST FOUR DAYS before the ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING. These accounts can be presented to the Club as soon as they have been reviewed and then ratified at the AGM. PAYMENT OF FEES Capitation Fees to International Inner Wheel, the National Council Levy and District Affiliation fees should be paid to the District Treasurer by 31 August. The deadline is important! The District Treasurer will send you an itemised form to remind you. It is important to pay these fees on time and the cheques made out to the Inner Wheel District NZ29... and crossed. Capitation and affiliation fees must be paid to the District Treasurer for new members joining throughout the year. Full fees to be paid up to 31 December and form sent to District Treasurer by this date. Half fees are paid from 01 January up to 30 June. GENERAL All members should have the opportunity to voice their opinions on the allocation of Club Charity Funds. Recommendations may be made by the Club Executive, to save time, for discussion and decision of the majority. All expenditure must be passed by a motion and minuted in the Clubs Minute Book. Remember that the money belongs to the members. Please keep RECEIPTS where possible. It is important for the Reviewer to give a true and accurate picture of the accounts. Cheque numbers on invoices and dates of payment, cheque butts correctly recorded, all help save time at the end of a busy year. All about Capitation, Affiliation and National Fees Each year you will be sent a form for payment of these fees, to be paid by 31 August. Please pay these to the District Treasurer promptly as these then have to be sent on to the National Treasurer and then to IIW. Remember to pay only for paid up members at that date. At the first monthly meeting after 1July, members should be advised that subscriptions are due and payable as soon as possible. As new members join, please encourage them to pay their subscriptions and again forward the fees on to District Treasurer. If members join after 31 December they pay only half of the – Capitation, Affiliation and National Council fees. At this stage Clubs may also decide to lower new members’ subscriptions. (This is entirely a Club decision). What are these fees for? Capitation Fee – District Treasurer forwards this to National Treasurer who in turn forwards it to International Inner Wheel. All members world-wide pay this fee to assist with the running of the organisation. National Council Levy – this amount is forwarded to National Treasurer and is used for the running of National Council. District Affiliation Fees – this amount is used for the running of the District. REFER TO CLUB PROCEDURE CALENDAR FOR DIARY DATES District Treasurer Email: NZ291 Club Resource Manual 2013 20 INNER WHEEL NEW ZEALAND SUBSCRIPTION FLOW CHART If there is an increase in any of the amounts given below these will be notified to Clubs by the District Treasurer at the end of April, so that Clubs can set their fees for the coming year. CLUB SUBSCRIPTION $ per Member. This amount varies from Club to Club. for General Running Expenses and Travel (where applicable). (Club Subscription includes: $ 10.50 per Member District Affiliation Fee; $7.00 per Member National Council Levy; $10.00 per Member International Inner Wheel Capitation Fee.) DISTRICT AFFILIATION FEE $ 10.50 per Member. This amount varies for each District. for Administration/Expenses/Travel for District Executive. NATIONAL COUNCIL LEVY $7.00 per Member. for Administration/Expenses/Travel of National Governing Body. INTERNATIONAL INNER WHEEL CAPITATION FEE $10.00 (UK£3.50) per Member. For Administration/Expenses/Travel of International Inner Wheel. NZ291 Club Resource Manual 2013 21 INNER WHEEL NEW ZEALAND EXPLANATION OF DISTRICT, NATIONAL COUNCIL AND INTERNATIONAL INNER WHEEL FEES DISTRICT AFFILIATION FEE: An affiliation fee is paid by each member to the District and is determined at the AGM of the District Committee, by vote. This fee covers: 1. Stationery, postage, photocopying etc 2. District Chairman’s travel to each Club and the Charter function for a new Club. NATIONAL COUNCIL LEVY: The National Council levy is determined at the biennial Conference of Inner Wheel New Zealand by vote. This fee covers: 1. 2. 3. 4. Stationery, postage, photocopying etc. The President/National Representative’s travel. Travel expenses involved in the meetings of the National Governing Body of the Council. Cost of a teleconference meeting which may be held in lieu of a ‘face to face’ meeting of the Governing Body. 5. Expenses relating to the Business Session of the biennial Conference. INTERNATIONAL INNER WHEEL CAPITATION FEE The International Inner Wheel Capitation fee is determined at the triennial International Convention, by vote. This fee covers: 1. Operating costs of International Inner Wheel. 2. Salaries of Secretary and part time office staff. 3. International Executive and Board Directors’ expenses and travel to Executive and Board Meetings and Convention. 4. Some expenses of representatives at United Nations. 5. IIW President’s travel expenses. CLUB ACCOUNTS MUST BE REVIEWED BY A SUITABLE QUALIFIED PERSON AND COPIES CIRCULATED TO ALL MEMBERS NZ291 Club Resource Manual 2013 22 INNER WHEEL NEW ZEALAND INFORMATION FOR CLUB EDITOR Communication is an important component of a successful club and the Club Editor is a vital communicator through your newsletters. The main task of the Club Editor is to produce the Club Newsletter and keep the District Editor updated with club photos and news for the District Website. The content and presentation of your club Newsletter is your choice but please discuss it with your President. General Contents of Newsletters • Name of Club • Date- Month and Year • IIW theme – which you will be able to copy and paste from the IIW website in July • Contact details for club committee • Date, time and venue of next Club meeting • Date, time and venue of next committee meeting • Club notices • Reports on current club activities and social projects • ISO information – remember to give your ISO a “box” or space in the newsletter monthly to update the club on current ISO, service projects. This is a great way to advertise service and international projects and is a good way to let others know about the wonderful things your club is doing in the community. However remember that you never mention specific amounts of money raised. • Snippets of information from the District Chairman’s newsletter as well as any National or International news or reports • Notices of upcoming District meetings, assemblies, conferences etc. (Encouraging members to attend) • Don’t forget to consult both the NZ IW website and the International IW website for general information that may be of interest to your members that you can include in your club bulletins – e.g. little snippets in a “did you know” paragraph perhaps. • Website details and links to: District website – IWNZ website – IIW website – • Any other personal interest articles such as: • Personal news – birthdays, trips, anniversaries, etc • Favourite or requested recipes • Thoughts, quotes or proverbs • Profile of new members or current and long standing members Preparation and circulation – Clubs decide which method of circulation is best for them. Upload your Newsletter to your Club webpage. NZ291 Club Resource Manual 2013 23 Newsletters should be sent to - All Club members, all District NZ291 Club Editors, all District Executive committee, National Council - President, Vice President, Past President, Editor, Link Clubs. Any interesting and relevant information for the New Zealand and/or the International Websites should be highlighted and sent through the District Chairman. Sharing other club newsletters -You will receive all club newsletters, please ensure you share these with your club. You should forward all incoming newsletters to your club President and Secretary. Newsletters can be distributed to other club members who wish to receive them or taken to club meetings for others to read. You may like to print one copy of each newsletter or take a computer for members to read them at club meetings. Or perhaps ask club members who would like to be forwarded the newsletters as they arrive by email. District Magazine – All Club Editors are requested to prepare an article of interest for inclusion in the annual District Magazine which is distributed via email and published on the website in August. These articles are to be sent to the District Editor by the requested date. When sending your contribution, please send as a ‘Word’ document with Jpeg photos as attachments, so your copy may be edited for inclusion in the magazine. Inner Link Magazine - Club Editors may be requested to provide a brief article and photo for the National Inner Link magazine. The deadline for this will usually be March/April. Emailing Newsletters When sending newsletters via email please remember to: 1. Identify your club name and month of newsletter in the subject line. Eg. Auckland Newsletter May 2012 2. Reduce the size of any photos by compressing all photos for emailing. 3. Convert your ‘Word ‘document to a PDF for emailing, as this reduces size and the ability for people to edit the document. 4. Set up groups to email your newsletters efficiently and easily. a. Group 1 – all club members b. Group 2 – District Club Editors, District Executive and National Council members. District Website It is the club Editor’s duty, in conjunction with the Club President, to provide photos and information for inclusion on the District Website. When providing photos please include an explanation of the event or activity, names of people included in the photos and/or a caption for the photo. (For privacy it may just be President Anne or Secretary Donna) Club Websites If your club has a club website then it is important to remember to keep the website up to date. You may like to consider a club “webmaster” who is not necessarily the club Editor. When setting up websites it is possible to have more than one editor on the site. This makes it useful for uploading photos and information easily. If you have a website make sure no personal details appear on the site – no phone numbers or email addresses. If you want people to make contact with you then set up a contact form where they submit information rather than by emailing you directly. Email addresses on websites attract viruses and other internet bugs. Make sure you inform the District Executive and National President when you set up a club website, so that it may be included as a link on the District and National Websites. NZ291 Club Resource Manual 2013 24 Contact with District Editor The District Editor is easily contacted on email – Please do not hesitate to contact her at any time with queries or concerns regarding your role as Club Editor. Each month the District Editor will send you her monthly ConnectED letter which has helpful hints in it for producing your Bulletin as well as any date reminders for articles needed for the District magazine or the National Inner Link. Bulletin Award – There is an annual Bulletin Award that is presented to the club with the best newsletter which meets the criteria of good presentation, inspiration, clear information and is entertaining. In all articles that you write, remember to include your name. When recording names, include a title eg. President Maria Jones. This is helpful to members of District and National Executives. Always date reports and newsletters – it is important for records. Be aware of the Privacy Act. Members who do not wish their information to be shared must sign the appropriate disclaimer form. Form is on page 26. Enjoy your term of office. Keep your ears to the ground for useful facts. You will gain much pleasure and satisfaction in producing your Club Newsletter. NZ291 Club Resource Manual 2013 25 INNER WHEEL NEW ZEALAND WEBSITE RELEASE FORM This is a Release Form for the Insertion of member’s Photos to be placed on official Inner Wheel Websites. The members of the Inner Wheel Club of Give permission for the use of member’s photos taken at Inner Wheel functions and activities to be used on Inner Wheel New Zealand Websites for the purpose of sharing and celebrating Inner Wheel achievements in New Zealand. Name of President: Signature: Date: Members wishing for their photos not to be published please complete the following. Name: Signed: Name: Signed: Name: Signed: Please Note: This form will be sent annually at the beginning of the Inner Wheel Year, so member’s names can be added or deleted as necessary. Please return to District Secretary on completion. NZ291 Club Resource Manual 2013 26 INNER WHEEL NEW ZEALAND INFORMATION FOR CLUB INTERNATIONAL AND SERVICE ORGANISER The ISO position is a very interesting and fulfilling role. The ISO should encourage member participation in Club Service projects and events Make the most of it, by ensuring you are familiar with the ‘Susan Auer’ and ‘Take Time’ Trophy criteria. INTERNATIONAL The more contacts that can be made with other countries, the more news can be passed on to club members. You are fulfilling an Inner Wheel aim by promoting friendship between countries. The International Directory has all the clubs listed. To increase your Links, write to the Secretary of a Club if the ISO’s name is not listed and ask that your letter be passed on. Copy or Email letters for members to read at their leisure. A précis can be read at meetings. If you do not get answers from a Link club, after trying to establish it, try another club or country. The free coloured promotional brochures of your area are always welcomed by overseas clubs, also put a variety of stamps on your letter. As September is International Month, the ISO should assist with planning the meeting or an outing with an overseas content. Invite local citizens from other countries to come to meetings as guests or speakers. At your invitation, the District ISO will attend these meetings. If possible, send a club photograph to your link club; you may get one in return for your club album. SERVICE Liaise with the Club Correspondent/Editor to take action photos of projects and include the Happier Futures logo. Ask your Club Correspondent/Editor for space in the club newsletter to include news from Link clubs and your club’s project reports. Report to the District ISO on time as requested. Your reports create the data for the Susan Auer ISO Trophy and the Take Time Trophy If you need any assistance ask your District ISO. She is there to help. Contact Email for the District ISO is: District NZ291 has two trophies that are awarded for different areas of service: The Take Time Silver Tray and The Susan Auer Crystal Globe. TAKE TIME TROPHY The Silver tray is presented to the Club that has taken time through friendship and working together to give meritorious Community Service. This is presented at Changeover by the District Chairman it is important that Clubs report in their newsletter and to the District Chairman of service projects they undertake if they wish to be considered for the award. NZ291 Club Resource Manual 2013 27 THE SUSAN AUER ISO CHALLENGE This award is in memory of Susan Auer who died while in office as the District ISO October 2009. The Trophy is a crystal Globe of the world, which sits on a clear plinth. The wording of the Challenge This Award is to be given to the Club, which shows the greatest involvement in International Understanding, encompassing the current year’s International Inner Wheel theme, BE A FRIEND The District Inner Wheel International and Service Organiser in conjunction with the District Executive to choose the worthy recipient. The Trophy is to be given annually. Administration directions A questionnaire to be sent to the Club’s ISO after the first District Executive meeting of each year, asking them: “What is your Club’s objective for the year internationally? How are you encompassing the Inner Wheel theme of the year into your programme?” A follow up questionnaire to be sent to Club’s ISO, after the March District Executive meeting, but no later than 1st May, to ascertain what has been accomplished throughout the IW year. The criteria for the awarding of the trophy in 2013/14 will include: ** Correspondence with Inner Wheel Link clubs in other countries. ** Contributions to any International projects at National, District or Club level. ** Club recognition of September as NZ International Month ** Club recognition of IIW International Day on 10th January. ** International visitors to the club. ** Exchange visits with other Inner Wheel clubs. ** Reports of members traveling overseas and making contact with IW members. ** Reports on any of the above in an ISO slot in the Club Bulletin. ** Contribution of photos for the District website. ** Published articles in any media. NZ291 Club Resource Manual 2013 28 INNER WHEEL NEW ZEALAND INFORMATION SHEET FOR CLUB EXTENSION/MEMBERSHIP CO-ORDINATOR To nurture and retain members and increase club membership To liaise with the District Extension (Membership) Co-ordinator for ideas of increasing membership, and to explore possibilities for forming new clubs. To promote and publicise Inner Wheel To liaise with your Rotary Club(s) President/Secretary The Club Extension/Membership Co-coordinator should have a sound knowledge of how Inner Wheel functions and the different levels of IW. Friendship is our first and most important objective, and from that comes working together on personal service and international understanding. Clubs which work together on Service projects tend to be strong Clubs with good interaction between members. Each member of the Club should be involved in extension/membership within the Club by inviting friends and acquaintances to Club meetings and activities and actively promoting Inner Wheel. Offer to take a prospective member along to a meeting, or meet with them when they attend their first meeting. Be sure name labels can be easily read, so that new members may easily make new friends within the Club. Your friendship may well convince them to join. Ensure new members have an understanding of what Inner Wheel is all about. (Use pamphlets, IWNZ and IIW Websites ) Prospective members should be invited to join Inner Wheel. However if no interest is shown on the first approach, ask again at a later date as often circumstances change. Our new membership rules allow us to invite women with no Rotary or Inner Wheel connection to join, but when your IW Club has close contact with a Rotary Club do make the most of inviting new Rotary Club members’ wives/partners to your Inner Wheel Club. Establish a link with your Rotary Club and ask the Secretary to give you a list of new members from time to time. Provide Inner Wheel information to be included in Rotary new member packs. Ask if you can speak to the Rotary Club on a “Partners Night” and issue an invitation to partners to attend a meeting or outing of your Club. Invite key women in your Community to Inner Wheel. Put up on your local Library or Community notice boards the Inner Wheel promotion poster – available from the District Extension/Membership officer or download from the District website. All members should make members feel they really belong. Each member is valuable and has something to contribute to the Club. Encourage members to mix within the Club and not to sit with the same groups. All members must be kept well informed and be given the opportunity to express their ideas. Informed members are interested members. Balance business with fun and friendship. Have a variety of activities such as coffee mornings, garden visits, theatre visits, BBQs etc. Encourage activities and visits to other Clubs in your area. NZ291 Club Resource Manual 2013 29 Ideas for Extension by all Club Members • Membership must be a consolidated effort by all members • Organise an information time for new members to explain/inform them of who and what we are as an organisation. • Ensure all members are familiar with ways to inspire others to join our organisation. This could include • • • • • History and Structure of Inner Wheel Service and projects in the community, nationally and internationally Your own involvement and what it means to you Meeting information Links with Rotary We will grow through word of mouth!! Resources for Club Extension and Membership • Club Manual includes information for Club Extension/Membership co-ordinators • Inner Wheel Publications – What is Inner Wheel, IIW Brochure, Invitation cards etc available from the District Extension/Membership officer or download from the District Website. • District NZ291, IWNZ and IIW websites have copies of publications and information • Club and District dates – events, meetings, etc • Club members contact information and Link Clubs Directories Inner Wheel New Zealand International Inner Wheel • Inner Wheel New Zealand By-Laws 2012 • • IIW, IWNZ, and District Newsletters, Bulletins, Inner Links, etc • Files from previous Extension/Membership co-ordinator • Club notepaper/cards/envelopes/stamps • Rotary Club(s) contacts – President/Secretary Contact email for District Membership/Extension : NZ291 Club Resource Manual 2013 30 Promotion and Publicity The Extension (Membership) Officer is responsible for the promotion and publicity of Inner Wheel in their area. • To promote and publicize Inner Wheel • To liaise with the media – newspaper, radio • To prepare photos and articles for publicity locally, Nationally and Internationally. (these articles are different from those required by our IW Editors) • To inform various organisations, clubs and the community about Inner Wheel, its objectives and activities by distributing pamphlets and contact details • To involve club members in understanding Inner Wheel and the promotion of the organisation. • Place Inner Wheel posters on Community boards • Have Inner Wheel added to Community Service Club listings • Promote NZ291 website. • Promote IWNZ website. • Use the generic email addresses at all times. District gmail accounts and Club gmail accounts for your communication contact. NZ291 Club Resource Manual 2013 31 INNER WHEEL NEW ZEALAND Membership Development only arises from an ENTHUSIASTIC AND POSITIVE CLUB Has your Club held an evening to discuss membership? We like our comfort zones, but that will not achieve new members. We must extend our thinking. “Think outside the square”. Let members really express how they feel about their Club. Organise a forum evening to allow members to share ideas about their club activities and promote extension. Provide stimulation with the choice of speakers. Select a speaker on a controversial subject. It will make members have a different perspective on issues. Combine with another Club if numbers are small. Arrange to attend another Club with a “makeup” like Rotary members do. This is very rewarding as members get an insight into how other Clubs function (each Club is different). Appoint a member to liaise with the Rotary Club and exchange ideas, newsletters etc, with a rotary club and have combined social evenings. This is most important as some Rotary Clubs barely know of our existence. Choose a social evening or an interesting speaker and invite prospective members to attend. Phone and arrange to take them to the meeting. Vary the meeting format by organising theatre evenings, shows, café meals, exhibitions or garden centre with lunch facilities. Remember it’s about having fun in a variety of ways. Encourage members to attend Training Days, District Meetings and Inner Wheel New Zealand Conferences. Participation in these events and interaction between clubs is recommended and encourages friendship. A small interested group could play mahjong or bridge, embroidery, a monthly movie evening, garden trips, book club or craft group etc. Reflect on the pleasure you have derived from Inner Wheel. Being an office bearer and putting something back into the organisation is very rewarding. It is a wonderful experience. Navigate a new course for your Club, and have the courage to JUST DO IT! Membership and Club survival is the responsibility of ALL MEMBERS. Challenge each Club member to bring along a new member. NZ291 Club Resource Manual 2013 32 INNER WHEEL NEW ZEALAND WELCOME OF A NEW MEMBER At the commencement of the meeting the President should read the Objects and address each of the new members by name and saying: The Objects of Inner Wheel are: 1. 2. 3. To promote true friendship To encourage the ideals of personal service To foster international understanding Today/tonight we have the privilege of welcoming ......................... to the Inner Wheel Club of .......................... (name)…………….. You have been invited to become a member of this Inner Wheel Club because we are sure you will welcome the responsibilities of friendship and service that membership brings with it. We believe that you will enjoy being a member of our International organisation and take a full and active part in all that this Club offers. We do hope that you will feel you are among friends, and enjoy participating in all aspects of Inner Wheel. I ask all the members to stand and welcome ……….. …as a member of our Club. NZ291 Club Resource Manual 2013 33 INNER WHEEL NEW ZEALAND HOW DO CLUBS NURTURE NEW MEMBERS? Clubs with robust programmes for extension are aware of the importance of nurturing and looking after new members. Suggestions are: Have and afternoon or evening to which new members are invited to learn more about Inner Wheel Make sure that new members have been given information about Inner Wheel i.e. the pamphlets etc that are available A type of ‘Buddy’ system whereby someone will collect and take a new member to meetings, introduce them to people as appropriate. Make sure that new members are always included in a group during supper, or if a meal is provided, see that they are seated with welcoming and friendly people. Phone contact – need to ensure that initially at least, the new member is contacted personally. Information about joining the Committee, when appropriate, is often a good way to make new members feel valued and involved. Invite new members to attend Training Days and District meetings, offering to pick them up. Make sure that the new member gradually gains some understanding of business matters without burdening her with details initially. NZ291 Club Resource Manual 2013 34 INNER WHEEL NEW ZEALAND DISTRICT MEETING District Meetings are usually held twice a year with one of them including the Annual General Meeting and Changeover. All Club members are entitled to attend the District meeting and may speak though only the Club delegates may vote. The District Meeting is a time of friendship and fellowship as well as learning about what is happening in your own District and elsewhere. Criteria for Voting Delegates 1. Voting delegates must have served on the Executive Committee of a Club for at least one year at the time of nomination 2. They may not serve for more than three consecutive years unless elected to the District Executive 3. In the event of a vacancy, the Club shall appoint a qualified successor. When your Club receives the notice of meeting make sure that all Club members are aware of the date, time and where it is being held. Encourage members to attend. Co-ordinate transport amongst your members, many Clubs have travel funds so that the driver is not out of pocket. Reply promptly to the District Secretary with numbers attending. The President takes her chain of office, and members wear their appropriate IW badges The President and Voting Delegates will need the minutes of the previous District Meeting and/or Annual General Meeting whichever is appropriate The District Chairman will send the President guidelines for what she would like in the Club report. Remember when reporting on Club service projects never mention the amount of money raised, this is only reported within your own Club meetings. Adhere to what you have been asked to report on and also the length of the report. If the District Chairman hasn’t given you anything specific to report on then just pick out highlights of your Club’s activities and keep it brief. NZ291 Club Resource Manual 2013 35 DELEGATE TO DISTRICT MEETINGS The Delegates are an important part of the smooth running of any District meeting. They must come prepared to take a full part in proceedings. The District Secretary will send out all papers required for each meeting. Notice of items for General Business, must be sent to the District Chairman prior to the meeting date. Meeting Preparation Ensure your club has discussed and voted on any matters arising from the Agenda. In a manila or plastic open-sided folder, arrange the papers as follows – 1. District Meeting Agenda 2. Minutes of District Meeting held on 22nd September 2012 3. Your Club President's report 4. Copies of any proposals that are to be discussed and vote on 5. District AGM Agenda – if being held at the same time 6. Minutes of previous AGM 7. Other items such as IWNZ By-Law Book they may be helpful Hand list of Club Apologies to the District Secretary. They are not taken from the floor. Be seated five minutes before the starting time. Put your Club name card on top of your folder. As the meeting progresses, be ready to hold up the name card to move or second any motion. All club names should appear in the Minutes – to prove you have taken part in the meeting. If you speak to any item, stand, take a deep breath, and speak slowly and clearly. As each paper is completed, put it at the back of the folder, keeping the Agenda at the front for writing any notes. Present a brief report to your next Club meeting giving the outcome of any proposals. Include Guest Speaker names, the Changeover details, outcome of Forum discussions, BRIEF highlights from other clubs, and other pertinent details. Do not mention food – this report covers the Business of the meetings only! NZ291 Club Resource Manual 2013 36 INNER WHEEL NEW ZEALAND DISTRICT TRAINING DAY It is important that the incoming Club President and all her committee attend the District Training Day This is the time for the incoming Chairman to talk about her aims and objectives for the coming year and give diary dates that are known. If known the International Theme for the coming year will also be announced so that Club Presidents and her committee can use this when planning their year. The Incoming National President is usually in attendance as well and she will be asked to speak to the Meeting on her aims and objectives for her year as National President It is not a District Meeting. It is a time for the Club Presidents, Secretaries, Treasurers, Correspondents, Extension and International Service Organisers to meet and learn about their roles. Each group is presided over by the appropriate District Officer or Executive Member. These meetings enable each officer to be briefed as to her duties and give opportunities for the discussion of new ideas. They are particularly helpful for members taking office for the first time. Training days are open to all members and a special interest group is arranged for members who are not attending one of the Executive Training Groups. NZ291 Club Resource Manual 2013 37 GUIDE FOR DISTRICT MEETINGS AT OREWA BRIDGE CLUB ROOMS. The District Secretary has already booked the venue for the meetings required and the District Treasurer will pay the account on the day. Contact is the current Orewa & Whangaparaoa President. Both Duty Clubs to leave together Set Up Club Full set up of the venue is the responsibility of the Club. You will be advised when the Hall is to be opened. Bridge Club contact is Pat Moore. Phone 09 426 0040 – only contact if problem on the day. The Club is responsible for opening the venue up, setting the tables up, setting the top table, flowers on top table, trading tables, a table for the collection of lunch money and a table for the raffle. Place remaining tables to the side. Plastic table cloths must be used for all tables being used. Chairs to be set out for the delegates and then the rest of the members attending (in staggered rows). • • • • Top Table for District Executive (Vice Chairman, Past District Chairman, Treasurer, District Chairman, Secretary, ISO, Extension Chairman, IWNZ President.) Chairs for Club Delegates and for Observers Sales Tables (if required) – set up on entry side wall Spare Tables (Display Tables if requested)- set up on opposite wall Members from Set Up Duty Club are also responsible for the breakdown of the venue, putting the room back to the correct set up for the Bridge Club, vacuuming the floor, removing rubbish, cleaning bathrooms and ensuring that all curtains closed and doors and windows are locked. Both Clubs The urn in the kitchen will need to be turned on early by first Club entering so there will be plenty of boiling water. Catering Club The club in charge of the catering for the day will be responsible for the set up all the cup, and plates and the cleanup of the kitchen, this includes the wiping of all surfaces and the floor being washed and taking away all the rubbish (be aware that there may be cups and glasses in meeting room) You need to bring • All food and drinks • Tea towels and cleaning cloths • Table cloths for food tables • Provide two members to collect lunch payment and mark off list of attendees Suggested Menu for District Meeting Morning Tea – Scones, muffins, fruit loaf. Lunch Choose from one of the following two options: Hot Soup and bread rolls – have 2 different varieties of soup Bread Rolls or different types of bread - butter, platters of meat eg shaved ham and pastrami, with gherkins, sliced tomatoes, mashed egg, lettuce, cucumber, grated cheese, chutney, relish, salad dressing & mustard, so everyone can make their own open or closed sandwich/roll. Fresh Fruit, Cheese & Crackers plus cake and slice. Always ensure to cater for special dietary needs, i.e. diabetics, gluten free. Food should be kept simple. NZ291 Club Resource Manual 2013 38 BRIDGE CLUB HALL FOR IW MEETINGS Return Hall to this set up Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table KITCHEN END OF HALL All tables to have pocket facing away from the kitchen A chair on each side A stool beside each table on rightside facing pocket Vacuum hall (cleaner is room marked Store) Remove all Rubbish from Bathroom and Hall areas. Cleaning gear for bathrooms? When leaving alarm must be set. NZ291 Club Resource Manual 2013 39 INNER WHEEL NEW ZEALAND RECORD OF CLUB HISTORY This should be completed annually by the Club President and filed, ready to update the Club History every 10 years. The next update will cover the period 2011 – 2020 inclusive. Inner Wheel Club of Inner Wheel Year: 20 _ _ / 20_ _ District Chairman: International Theme: Club Officers: President: Past President: 1st Vice: 2nd Vice: Secretary: Treasurer: ISO: Editor: Extension: Committee: Delegates: Names of District Officers from the Club: Names of National Council Member from the Club and Office held: Name of Club member serving on IIW Board: Membership: Club Sub is: Honoured Active Members: Honorary Members: Other Information: Awards given and received: Speakers: NZ291 Club Resource Manual 2013 40 Activities: Charities Supported: Highlights: Attach a copy of the Club Presidents Annual Report and the Reviewed Financial Accounts for the year A copy of this should be sent to your District Secretary by 31 July annually for filing. NZ291 Club Resource Manual 2013 41 INNER WHEEL NEW ZEALAND A GUIDE RE TRANSFERS A member resigns from her Club by officially asking for a transfer. The Club Secretary completes the Transfer form. (Page 38 in the guide). One copy is given to the member to present to her new club on her first visit. A duplicate to be forwarded to the District Secretary. If a member is transferring to another District a copy is also to be sent to the District Secretary of her new club. There is no capitation fee, as that will already have been paid but there may be an adjustment of District dues. If the member is transferring at the end of the financial year she just pays her subscription to her new Club. When moving to where there is no Inner Wheel Club, then membership can be retained in her previous Club (even if that is in another country) or she can become a Member at Large by application to the National Governing Body. (Ref Page 4 IIW Constitution - Red Book). The Club Secretary could advise a club or clubs in the area to which the member is transferring so they can they can make contact. NZ291 Club Resource Manual 2013 42 INNER WHEEL NEW ZEALAND MEMBERSHIP TRANSFER NAME OF CLUB: NUMBER OF DISTRICT: NAME OF MEMBER: POSITIONS HELD – CLUB: POSITIONS HELD – DISTRICT: POSITIONS HELD – NATIONAL: POSITIONS HELD – INTERNATIONAL: THIS IS TO CERTIFY that Has been a member of the Inner Wheel Club of From To Signed Club President Club Secretary NAME OF CLUB TRANSFERRING TO: DATE: One copy of this form should be given to the Member at her last meeting of her former Club. This should be presented to her new Club on her first visit. A duplicate of this form should be forwarded to the District Secretary of her new Club, in order that no duplication of membership occurs. If the member is transferring to another District eg. from NZ298 to NZ291, this transfer form will ensure that numbers remain correct within the country. NZ291 Club Resource Manual 2013 43 INNER WHEEL NEW ZEALAND NOMINATIONS and ELECTIONS There are four kinds of nominations and elections: 1. Club Executive Committee 2. District Executive Committee 3. National Governing Body 4. International Inner Wheel Governing Body and International Editor. The prior consent of every nominee must be obtained. It is the responsibility of the Club or District or National Governing Body to ensure that their nominee is well informed about all aspects of Inner Wheel. The details of past and present Inner Wheel elected office positions held by the nominee must be verified by the Club or District or the National Governing Body. Canvassing for any office or nominee is not permitted. All proposed members of committees must be nominated annually in writing by the specified date. Annual elections are required for all positions when voting is necessary (even when the position can be held for more than one year). 1. Club Executive Committee: Club members nominate prospective executive officers and committee members to the Club Secretary at least 7 days before the election meeting. This meeting shall be held no later than 15 March, Club details are required to be sent to the District Secretary by this date. If more than one nomination is received for a position, each Club member will have one vote. Voting will be by a simple majority of the votes cast. In the event of the votes being equal, the Club President shall have the casting vote. NB. No proxies are allowed. Refer to the Red IWNZ By-laws and Handbook for qualifications and tenure of office. The Club must appoint Two Delegates to the District Committee, Clubs with 51 or more Active and Honoured Active members may appoint Three Delegates: a. Voting Delegates must have served on the Executive Committee of a Club for at least one year at the time of nomination. b. They must not serve for more than three consecutive years unless elected to the District Executive c. In the event of a vacancy, the Club shall appoint a qualified successor The above qualifications apply to the Club Delegates to the IWNZ Conference. Clubs should nominate and elect a Voting Delegate to the International Inner Wheel Convention whenever a Convention is to be held and appoint a Deputy. The Delegate must be well versed in Inner Wheel to undertake the voting on the Clubs behalf at the International Convention. 2. District Executive Committee: Clubs may nominate prospective executive members, nominations close on 12 December and must be sent to the District Secretary no later than 17 December. Refer to the Red IWNZ By-laws and Handbook for qualifications and tenure of office. NZ291 Club Resource Manual 2013 44 When an election is required, the District Secretary will circulate the list of nominees together with a description of offices they have held and a ballot paper. Each Club, each District Officer and each District ex officio member is eligible to cast one vote, and a simple majority of votes cast will decide the election. In the event of the votes being equal, the District Chairman/Council member shall have the casting vote. Voting papers to be sent to the Returning Officer by 1 March. The results of the election will be confirmed at the next meeting of the District Committee. 3. National Governing Body Each Club may nominate a consenting and eligible member for a position on the National Governing Body, (The District Chairman is automatically a member) to the District Secretary by 15 September. Refer to the Red IWNZ By-laws and Handbook for qualifications and tenure of office. If more than one nominee is received for a position, a District election will be necessary. The District Secretary will notify Clubs of the nominee names, together with offices held prior to the October District meeting, when a ballot will be held. Each Club, District Officer and District ex officio member will have one vote. No proxies are allowed. The District selections are then sent as nominations to the National Secretary by 10 November. If more than one nominee for each position is received, the National Secretary will arrange for a postal election to be held. Each Club shall have one vote. Votes will be returned to an independent returning officer no later than 7 March. The method of voting is to be by simple majority of votes cast. In the event of the votes being equal, the National President shall have the casting vote. 5. International Inner Wheel Governing Body and International Editor: Nominations with the consent of the nominee may be made by the District Committees of the National Governing Body of which they are members, to their National Governing Body and are approved at the June District Meeting. Members may accept nomination only from District Committees of the National Council of which they are members. Nominations must be received by the National Secretary by 10 July. If more than one nomination is received for a position, a national election will be completed by 10 September. Each Club has one vote. In the event of the votes being equal, the National President will have the casting vote. International nomination forms must be received by International Headquarters no later than 30 September. A list of International nominees, with offices held, is then sent to all Clubs with an official ballot slip and envelope for return. Votes must be received at International Inner Wheel Headquarters no later than 31 March. In the event of the votes being equal, the International Inner Wheel President shall have the casting vote. Canvassing, that is asking for votes, is Forbidden, whether by letter or any other means, and will result in the disqualification of the candidate concerned NZ291 Club Resource Manual 2013 45 INNER WHEEL NEW ZEALAND GUIDELINES FOR NOMINATIONS FOR DISTRICT NZ291 EXECUTIVE Nominations close on 12th December completed nomination forms to be sent to the District Secretary to arrive no later than 5 days after this closing date - 17th December. We have brought the date for District nominations forward from what is in the By-Laws book so that Clubs in the new year can concentrate on their Club elections which need to be completed and information sent to the District Secretary by 15 March. The District Secretary will send out nomination forms in plenty of time for Clubs to nominate and complete forms prior to the closing date. QUALIFICATIONS ALL Club Delegates are members of the District Committee and therefore are eligible to serve for the following positions: CHAIRMAN/COUNCIL MEMBER AND VICE CHAIRMEN: Must have served on the District Committee for at least a year at the time of nomination and also have been a Club Officer. They shall not be members of the same Club. SECRETARY AND TREASURER: Must have served on a District Committee for at least a year at the time of nomination. EXTENSION OFFICER: Must have served as an Officer of a District Committee for one year at the time of nomination. INTERNATIONAL SERVICE OFFICER: Must have served on a District Committee for at least one year at the time of nomination. EDITOR: Must have served on a District Committee or have served as a Club Correspondent for at least one year at the time of nomination. Each Nomination must be accompanied by the WRITTEN CONSENT of the Nominee and a list of her qualifications and Inner Wheel experience including (if possible) when she has been a Delegate. Please include a passport size photo. NZ291 Club Resource Manual 2013 46 DISTRICT NZ 291 (includes Auckland, Northland, New Caledonia and Fiji) NOMINATION FOR DISTRICT OFFICER 20……-20…… (Please complete in black pen.) Position _______________________________________________ Name _______________________________________Club__________________________ Home Address __________________________________ (Husband’s name)____________ _____________________________________________________________ _______________________________________Postcode _______________ Telephone _____________________________ Fax ________________________________ Email (District Gmail one for position) ____________________________________________ Present Offices held in Inner Wheel __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ Past Offices held in Inner Wheel ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Nominated by _______________________ Club __________ I accept Nomination as Inner Wheel District NZ291 ________________________________ Signature ____________________________________________ Date ________________ Nomination must be accompanied by a passport size photo. NZ291 Club Resource Manual 2013 47 INNER WHEEL NEW ZEALAND THE MARGARETTE GOLDING AWARD This International Award may be presented for outstanding, highly commendable personal service to Inner Wheel or in the Community. The Award is for exceptional service, not for elected office of Inner Wheel at any level - Club through to National Council. There is already in place a very high Award for service to Inner Wheel – Honoured Active Membership. All “elected” office is undertaken by acceptance of the individual member and does not qualify for this Award. Clubs, Districts or the National Governing Body may present names of people they wish to honour, through our National Representative/President Inner Wheel New Zealand. These applications will then be edited and forwarded to International Inner Wheel for consideration. There is no limit to the number of Awards that can be recommended. The recommendation states – In recognition of ............................. (in not more than 25 words). These words will appear on the actual certificate – when awarded. Additional information regarding the application for the Margarette Golding Award, can be sent with the request by the National Representative, as sometimes the 25 words do not fully explain the work of the applicant. The Award is to be in the form of a “Marguerite” - a tiny white flower with a yellow centre (the word Marguerite being another form of the word Margarette). The cost of each Award granted is to be ten pounds sterling (plus the bank draft fee) payable by the presenting Club or District or the National Governing Body to the National Treasurer. A master register of Awardees will be retained at International Inner Wheel Headquarters. A New Zealand register will be held by the National Representative of Inner Wheel New Zealand. CRITERIA as per The IIW Website The successful Margarette Golding Award recipients have generally been involved with a variety of charities or organisations for a very long time, often involving a great deal of commitment on a very regular basis. This work must be completely unconnected with Inner Wheel membership, Inner Wheel or Rotary fundraising activities. Alternatively or in addition they must have made great personal sacrifices for the benefit of others. The awards are given to Inner Wheel members as well as members of the general public. The criteria for success are set high so that the award remains a truly significant marker of an individual’s commitment to others. Application Forms can be downloaded from the IIW website under Documents. Completed forms must be returned to the IWNZ National Representative for forwarding to IIW. NZ291 Club Resource Manual 2013 48 INNER WHEEL NEW ZEALAND DIVISION OF A CLUB When an Inner Wheel Club considers itself to be too large logistically there is provision to divide into two clubs. It is recommended that such a club divides as soon as practicable ensuring that membership can be sustained by both clubs. PROCEDURE Membership a) When an Inner Wheel Club decides to divide it is necessary to ensure there shall be sufficient members to guarantee the smooth working of both Clubs b) After decision to divide, the new Clubs start on 1 July with newly elected Officers. c) Members joining the new Club(s) may retain qualifications held in the original Club. Regalia Before existing funds are divided, essential pieces of regalia must be purchased for each new Club. Other items may be allocated by mutual agreement. Funds The balance of Club funds, after all liabilities have been met, must be divided proportionately, according to the number of members in each new Club. Minute Book and Records Each new Club starts a new Minutes Book and Records. Old Records and Minute Books must be held by the original Club and made available to others when requested. To avoid loss it is recommended these are placed with the original Club archives and listed in the new Club’s manual. Charter Each new Club will receive a Charter. If the original Charter no longer applies it must be returned to the District Secretary for archiving. Nominations and Elections Each new Club will nominate, and then elect by ballot, its Officers and Committee who will take office on 1 July. If these elections take place during a meeting of the existing Club, only members of the new Club concerned can vote. The Club newly formed as a result of the division will have no Immediate Past President for the first year. Dates of Meetings It is recommended that the new Clubs meet on different days so that inter-club visits can be made. NZ291 Club Resource Manual 2013 49 INNER WHEEL NEW ZEALAND DISBANDMENT OF A CLUB If a Club is in difficulty, it must immediately contact the District Secretary, who will arrange for two District Officers, preferably the District Chairman and the District Secretary, to attend a Business Meeting of the Club to discuss the matter. The District Secretary will keep all the members of the District Executive Committee fully informed. Only after discussion with the District Executive and the Club Members will options be selected for the future of the Club. It is the District Chairman/Executive Members responsibility to keep the President of Inner Wheel New Zealand fully informed. After this the Inner Wheel Club contemplating disbandment must arrange a meeting of its members to discuss the matter of disbandment. Notice of this meeting, stating its purpose, must be sent to all Club members in writing at least 30 days before the date of the meeting. Provision for every member to register a vote on this matter, either in person or by post, must be made. If voting shows there are sufficient members against disbandment to make the continued existence of the Club feasible, no action should be taken. If, however, the members decide disbandment is inevitable, then the Charter, the Regalia and the Chattels must be returned to the National Governing Body of Inner Wheel New Zealand Archives, until such time as the Club is reformed. The details, naming the place of safekeeping, must be recorded in the Minutes of the last meeting of the Club. The Club must send to the District Secretary the Minute Books together with a letter giving full information regarding the disbandment of the Club and the place of safe custody of the regalia and chattels. Any other Club possessions must be disposed of according to the wishes of the Club Members. Finance All outstanding financial obligations must be met in full. If, after the satisfaction of all the Club’s debts and liabilities, any assets remain, they must not be paid or distributed amongst the members, but must be given or transferred to a charity or charities. The decision as to which charity or charities shall benefit must be made by the Club members. Membership Members of the disbanded Club may transfer to any other Inner Wheel Club of their choice until such time as the Club is reformed. The Club does not officially disband until the end of the Inner Wheel year 30 June. In the event of any query, guidance must be sought, in the first instance, from the District Executive Committee and then to the National Governing Body of Inner Wheel New Zealand. NZ291 Club Resource Manual 2013 50 INNER WHEEL NEW ZEALAND PROCEDURE FOR PUTTING A PROPOSAL TO A MEETING ORDER of PROCEDURE 1 The Secretary reads the Proposal 2 The President asks the Proposer to move the Proposal 3 The President calls for a Seconder (should be pre-arranged) 4 The Proposer then explains the reason for the Proposal. Speaking time shall not exceed three minutes 5 The Seconder may speak and explain why she supports the Proposal (or she can reserve the right to speak later). Speaking time shall not exceed three minutes 6 The President calls for discussion. Other speakers to a Proposal shall not exceed two minutes 7 When sufficient discussion has taken place, the President calls upon the Mover for right of reply. The mover can make explanations; deal with points made in opposition or from supporters, but cannot introduce any new material. Speaking time shall not exceed three minutes 8 No further discussion is permissible and the Chairman must then put the Proposal to the vote. If a member disagrees with the Proposal or finds it unacceptable in its present form, they may put an Amendment from the floor at this point (before the vote is taken on the original proposal) 1 When the Amendment has been accepted by the President, and has been moved by the Proposer she calls for a Seconder and the procedure follows as for a Proposal. 2 The discussion then proceeds on the Amendment and at the conclusion the President puts the Amendment to the vote. 3 If it is Carried, and there are no further Amendments, it becomes the Proposal and is put again to the vote to confirm. 4 If Defeated, return to the original Proposal and Voting takes place on that Proposal without further discussion. NOTES ON VOTING PROCEDURE a) Proposals shall be decided by a single majority. In the event of the votes being equal, the President shall have the casting vote. b) All members carry one vote each. c) The President may not move any Proposal, as she has a casting vote and must seen to be impartial. NZ291 Club Resource Manual 2013 51 INNER WHEEL NEW ZEALAND TIME FRAME FOR NATIONAL CONFERENCE PROPOSALS OCT 2014: Reminder at District meeting that proposals for IWNZ Conference 2016 will be called for prior to the next District meeting. NOV: DEC: JAN 2015: FEB: District Secretary calls for Proposals from Clubs and circulates these, giving a date for them to be returned. Suggest they are sent to the Constitution Chairman for checking to see if they are worded correctly before presenting to district. MAR: APR: MAY: JUN: Proposals considered by District Committees. Those passed to be sent to National Secretary by 10 July. JUL: AUG: District Secretary calls for Amendments from Clubs SEP: OCT: Amendments considered at District meetings NOV: Amendments passed at District meeting sent to National Council Secretary by 10 November. DEC: JAN 2016: FEB: Clubs circulated with Proposals and Amendments MAR: APR: MAY: NATIONAL CONFERENCE NZ291 Club Resource Manual 2013 52 INNER WHEEL NEW ZEALAND GUIDELINE – HOW TO SUBMIT A PROPOSAL/AMENDMENT Submitted by the Inner Wheel Club of ………………………………District NZ….. Submitted by NZ………District Committee □ PROPOSAL □ AMENDMENT TO PROPOSAL NO…………. Page No: Heading: Delete: Insert: (after/before) To Read: Rationale: (Should be concise and kept to a minimum number of words) Proposal/Amendment submitted and passed at Club/District Meeting as per the minutes of ……………………….(date) Signed………………………………… (Secretary) A Proposal must be worded in affirmative manner and should be specific. An Amendment must not negate the Proposal. An Amendment cannot introduce any new material. It can add to or subtract from, or alter wording only. An Amendment is a motion which seeks to make the original Motion/Proposal more acceptable to the meeting by altering or amending it in some way. NZ291 Club Resource Manual 2013 53 INNER WHEEL NEW ZEALAND LIGHTING THE FLAME OF FRIENDSHIP This Flame is a true symbol of Friendship and reminds us of our obligations to others who are less fortunate than ourselves. May it weld together all Members of Inner Wheel in True Friendship, Personal Service and International Understanding. DIMMING THE FLAME As we dim the Candle of Friendship may the glow remain in our hearts until we meet again. NZ291 Club Resource Manual 2013 54 INNER WHEEL NEW ZEALAND NORWEGIAN CANDLE LIGHTING CEREMONY THREE CANDLES This candle lighting ceremony can be adapted for using at Club and District functions. The Norwegian custom features three candles of different sizes. The candles are set in a display of white flowers representing out National Council, the candle holders are pale blue for our Districts, the candles are dark blue for our Clubs and the yellow flames glow for all our members. 1. ________________________will light the second largest candle representing Inner Wheel’s past history and achievements. We remember at this time Inner Wheel members who have passed on since our last meeting together. 2. ________________________ will light the smallest candle. This one indicates Inner Wheel of the present day, vibrant, forward looking membership. 3. ________________________ will light the largest candle. This indicates the unlimited scope for future personal service and friendship in Inner Wheel globally. These symbolic flames now add light to the time we will share together. May they weld together all members of Inner Wheel. NZ291 Club Resource Manual 2013 55 INNER WHEEL NEW ZEALAND THE FOLLOWING PAMPHLETS HAVE BEEN ADAPTED FOR NZ291 They are available either from The District ExtensionMembership Chairman or at 1. What is Inner Wheel (NZ291) 2. Inner Wheel Extension Brochure 3. New Members Welcome to Inner Wheel Brochure 4. Inner Wheel Family Tree 5. An Introduction to Inner Wheel 6. Structure of Inner Wheel 7. Glossary of Inner Wheel Terminology 8. Inner Wheel Promotional Poster A4 size 9. IW Club of Riccarton Badge Order Form 10. District Executive Nomination Form THE FOLLOWING PAMPHLETS are available at 1. What is Inner Wheel - What Is It All about? 2. The Inner Wheel Family Tree 3. Inner Wheel New Zealand Welcome to New Members 4. Membership at Large Information and Application form 5. Inner Wheel New Zealand Promotion Poster 6. Website Release Form 7. Margarette Golding Application form NZ291 Club Resource Manual 2013 56
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