Page |1 TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY - COMMERCE Business Office Procedures Manual Financial Services Last updated: August 13, 2014 Page |2 Index Business Owners & Roles ................................................................................................................ 3 Financial Services Contact Information .......................................................................................... 4 Accounts Receivable Nightly Processing Steps ............................................................................... 6 Balancing (Closing) Procedure ...................................................................................................... 11 Book Vouchers Procedures ........................................................................................................... 12 Collections Process ....................................................................................................................... 14 Departmental Deposit and Receipting Procedure ........................................................................ 18 FAMIS Timeout Issues Resolve Procedure .................................................................................... 20 Financial Responsibility Agreement Procedure ............................................................................ 21 HigherOne Procedures .................................................................................................................. 22 HigherOne File Transmit Process.......................................................................................... 22 HigherOne Refund Stops Process ......................................................................................... 24 Hold Procedure ............................................................................................................................. 26 Institutional Loan Procedure ........................................................................................................ 28 Lions Card Procedure .................................................................................................................... 30 Automated Procedure .................................................................................................................. 31 Marketplace Procedure ................................................................................................................ 32 Refund Procedure ......................................................................................................................... 33 Ticket Trac (Citation/Permit) Procedure ....................................................................................... 35 Vault/Petty Cash Procedure.......................................................................................................... 36 Page |3 Business Owners and Roles Banner General Module – CIO (Tim Murphy) The CIO is the owner of all the Banner general tables, views and other database objects. The general module forms and processes usually begin with the letter “G”. Student Module – Registrar’s Office (Paige Bussell) The Registrar is the owner of all of the Student System forms, tables, views and other database objects. The Registrars’ Office also owns a number of tables used by all BANNER Systems (for example, SPRIDEN, SPRADDR, and SPBPERS). The student forms and processes usually begin with the letter “S.” The exception will be the admission/application forms, which are owned by the Admissions and/or Graduate School Office. Admission Module – Undergraduate Admissions Office (Jody Todhunter) and the Graduate School (Mary Beth Sampson) The Director of Admission is the owner of the undergraduate admission processes. The Associate Dean of Graduate Studies is the owner of the graduate admission processes. The admissions forms and processes usually begin with the letters “SA.” Financial Aid Module – Financial Aid Office (Maria Ramos) The Director of Financial Aid is the owner of all Student Financial Aid tables, views, and other database objects. The financial aid forms and processes usually begin with the letter “R.” Accounts Receivable Module – Student Account Office (Charles Robnett) The Bursar/Director of Student Accounts is the owner of all of the Accounts Receivables forms, tables, views, and other database objects. The accounts receivable forms and processes usually begin with the letter “T.” Page |4 Financial Service Contact Information FINANCIAL SERVICES Main Number 903-886-5052/5054 Fax Number-Main 903-886-5899 Fax Number-Accts Payable 903-886-5057 STUDENT WORKERS * Indicates 468 prefix on Telephone Number * 3034 Anderson, Janet 5045 Baker, Sarah Budget Coordinator Travel & Card Services Coord. Director/Acctg & Fin Reporting 5048 Bostick, Ginger Accounting Assistant III 5672 Burch, Chris Facilities Reporting Coord. 3224 Douglas, Jamie Senior Accountant 5482 Gonzalez, Debbie 5052 Gould, Stacy Financial Reporting Analyst Admin. Asst. II / Student Accts 5054 Holcomb, Deanna Admin. Asst. II / Fin Services 5253 Horn, Leslie 5042 Moreno, Rose Accounting Assistant III Exec. Dir. /Budgets & Bus Serv Student Accts Collection Spec. Accountant I, State & Treasury 5043 Nguyen, John Grants & General Accountant 5227 Ashmore, Kevin 5667 Livingston, Tina 5551 Martin, Bridgette *3089 Phelps, Sherrie / OSS & 2ND LINES 2nd *8112 (Chelsea Arnold) 2nd *8111 (Cece Kamau) Assistant Bursar/Third-Party Bus. Tech. Service Coordinator Bursar/Director of Student Accts. 2nd *3064 (Chrissy Hall) 2nd *8703 (Logan Taylor) *6019 Smith, Sharon (Temp) Accounts Payable Supervisor Grant Accountant, Property Mgr. *8110 Thatcher, Regina Business Services Supervisor *3137 Puttonen, Jon 5056 Robnett, Charles 5061 Shaffer, Heath 2nd *3107 (Coy Martin) *6019 (Erin Ham) Page |5 5032 Turner, Charlie *3039 Billing/Recvbls Assistant Director's Office 5201 Hood, Kendra Bus. Service Asst / OSS 5993 Lewis, Kelly / Charlie Turner 5058 Nabers, Robin Business Service Asst Bus. Service Asst/Perkins / OSS 5053 Pettit, Niki Business Service Asst 5591 Shaw, Amye Business Service Asst Wall Phone X5044 5038 Waltemyer, Amber Business Service Asst Wall Phone X8702 FAX# -BUSINESS SERVICES 903-468-6048 FAX# -ONE STOP SHOP (OSS) 903-886-5540 2nd 5051 Page |6 Accounts Receivable Nightly Processing Steps Banner AR Nightly Processing Step 1 Bursar runs TGRRFND Manually prepares student refunds 2 Bursar balances and closes physical cashiers 3 APPWORX chain AR_DAILY_ACCT_FEED Scheduled to run Monday thru Friday at 12:01am 3a AR_TRUNC_TAMUC_TABLES $BANNER_HOME/appworx/AccountsReceivable/sql/ar_trunc_arbatchusr_tables.sql spool &so_outfile truncate table arbatchusr.tamuc_gurapay; truncate table arbatchusr.tamuc_gurfeed; spool off exit 3b AR_COPY_FEED_TABLES_TAMUC $BANNER_HOME/appworx/AccountsReceivable/sql/ar_copy_feed_tables.sql spool &so_outfile insert into arbatchusr.tamuc_gurapay select * from gurapay; commit; insert into arbatchusr.tamuc_gurfeed select * from gurfeed; commit; spool off exit 3c AR_EXPORT_FEED_TABLES $BANNER_HOME/appworx/AccountsReceivable/shells/ar_export_feed_tables.shl Exports table TAMUC_GURAPAY to /u04/exports/tamuc_gurapay_PROD_(timestamp).dmp Exports table TAMUC_GURFEED to /u04/exports/tamuc_gurfeed_PROD_(timestamp).dmp 3d AR_TRUNC_FEED_TABLES $BANNER_HOME/appworx/AccountsReceivable/sql/ar_truncate_gurapay_gurfeed.sql spool &so_outfile exec general.tamuc_truncate_gurapay exec general.tamuc_truncate_gurfeed spool off 3e AR_UPDATE_TBRACCD_DATE_TBRMISD $BANNER_HOME/appworx/AccountsReceivable/sql/update_tbraccd_date.sql UPDATE TBRACCD SET TBRACCD_EFFECTIVE_DATE = '&eff_date1', TBRACCD_DATA_ORIGIN = 'Eff Date Fix' WHERE TBRACCD_TERM_CODE = '&term1' Page |7 AND TBRACCD_DETAIL_CODE NOT IN ('CASH','CCRD','CHEK','DCRD', 'OFFC','PFA1','PFRN','WAPA','WAPD','WAPM','WAPV','WCHK', 'WEBD','WEBM','WEBV','WEBX','F510','F520'); -- Update TBRMISD to set desc to a 15 digit number, so that FAMIS will reject UPDATE TBRMISD A SET A.TBRMISD_DESC = '&tbrmisd_desc' WHERE A.TBRMISD_ACCT_FEED_IND = 'Y' AND A.TBRMISD_CHARGE_DETAIL_CODE = 'DDEP' 3f AND A.TBRMISD_DESC = 'Departmental Deposit'; $BANNER_HOME/general/exe/tgrclos Execute Banner program TGRCLOS 3g AR_TGRAPPL $BANNER_HOME/general/exe/tgrappl Execute Banner program TGRAPPL 3h AR_TGRFEED $BANNER_HOME/general/exe/tgrfeed Execute Banner program TGRFEED 3i AR_ACCT_TO_HIST $BANNER_HOME/appworx/AccountsReceivable/sql/save_gurfeed_gurapay.sql spool &so_outfile insert into general.gurfeed_hist select * from general.gurfeed; commit; insert into general.gurapay_hist select * from general.gurapay; commit; spool off exit 3j AR_FTP_TGRCLOS $AW_HOME/exec/BANNERFTP.SH Destination Machine Name Fully Pathed Local File #tamuc_tgrclos_filename (tgrclos_yyyymmdd.lis) Fully Path Remote Filename #tamuc_tgrclos_remote_filename (tgrclos_yyyymmdd.lis) Userid For Remote Machine ctis/ctisftp Fully Pathed Netrc Filename /home/appworx/.netrc Transfer Mode Ascii/Binary ascii Direction Get/Put put 3k AR_FTP_TGRAPPL $AW_HOME/exec/BANNERFTP.SH Destination Machine Name Page |8 Fully Pathed Local File #tamuc_tgrappl_filename (tgrappl_yyyymmdd.lis) Fully Path Remote Filename #tamuc_tgrappl_remote_filename (tgrappl_yyyymmdd.lis) Userid For Remote Machine ctis/ctisftp Fully Pathed Netrc Filename /home/appworx/.netrc Transfer Mode Ascii/Binary ascii Direction Get/Put put 3l AR_FTP_TGRFEED $AW_HOME/exec/BANNERFTP.SH Destination Machine Name Fully Pathed Local File #tamuc_tgrfeed_filename (tgrfeed_yyyymmdd.lis) Fully Path Remote Filename #tamuc_tgrfeed_remote_filename Userid For Remote Machine ctis/ctisftp Fully Pathed Netrc Filename /home/appworx/.netrc Transfer Mode Ascii/Binary ascii Direction Get/Put put 4 Fiscal Office - Daily Refund Feed To College Station (A_REFUNDS) ReportCaster scheduled job, M-F @ 4:04am Runs WebFOCUS program in the Technology Services/Jerry/a_refunds see internal name app/refunds The WebFOCUS program FTP file /home/webfocusr/fisofc/refunds/RFDAILY.TXT to D120712 5 Fiscal Office - Daily Refund Feed to SISTOFAMISLOAD ReportCaster scheduled job, M-F @ 4:07am FTP file /home/webfocusr/fisofc/refunds/RFDAILY.TXT to CTIS11 - R:\SISTOFAMISLOAD 6 Fiscal Office - Daily Refund Report (A_REFUND_REPORT) ReportCaster scheduled job, M-F @ 4:10am Runs WebFOCUS program in the Technology Services/Jerry/a_refund_report see internal name app/f9r 7 Fiscal Office -Daily Refund Report To Fiscal Office Server ReportCaster scheduled job, M-F @ 4:12am FTP file /home/webfocusr/fisofc/refunds/reports/RFDAILY.HTML to bamfamfeed\bannerjobs\Feed_Re 8 Fiscal Office -Daily Accounting Feed File ReportCaster scheduled job, M-F @ 4:15am Runs WebFOCUS program in the Technology Services/Jerry/ACCOUNTING_FEED_TNCASHIERING Runs WebFOCUS program in the Technology Services/Jerry/ACCOUNTING_FEED_MINUS_TNCASHIERING 9 Fiscal Office -Daily Accounting Feed Report To Fiscal Office Server ReportCaster scheduled job, M-F @ 4:19am Runs WebFOCUS program in the Technology Services/Jerry/AF_REPORT_TNCASHIERING Runs WebFOCUS program in the Technology Services/Jerry/AF_REPORT_MINUS_CASHIERING 10 Fiscal Office -Daily ACH Refund Feed To College Station (A_REFUNDS_ACH) ReportCaster scheduled job, M-F @ 4:22am Runs WebFOCUS program in the Technology Services/Jerry/a_refunds_ach FTP file /home/webfocusr/fisofc/???????/ACHDAILY.TXT CTIS11 - R:\SISTOFAMISLOAD Updated 6/11/2014, changed detail code from RFD1 to RFHO -jp Page |9 11 Fiscal Office -Daily ACH Refund Feed To Fiscal Ofc Prepaid (A_ACH_report) ReportCaster scheduled job, M-F @ 4:26am Runs WebFOCUS program in the Technology Services/Jerry/a_ach_report Updated 6/11/2014, changed detail code from RFD1 to RFHO -jp 12 Fiscal Office -SSH Daily To SISTOFAMISLOAD ReportCaster scheduled job, M-F @ 4:30am FTP file /home/webfocusr/fisofc/acctfeed/incoming/AFDAILY.TXT to CTIS11 - R:\SISTOFAMISLOAD 13 Fiscal Office -Daily Cash Receipt Feed To SISTOFAMISLOAD ReportCaster scheduled job, M-F @ 4:32am FTP file /home/webfocusr/fisofc/cashrec/incoming/CRDAILY.TXT to CTIS11 - R:\SISTOFAMISLOAD 14 Fiscal Office -Daily ACH Feed To SISTOFAMISLOAD ReportCaster scheduled job, M-F @ 4:37am FTP file /home/webfocusr/fisofc/prepaid/ACHDAILY.TXT to CTIS11 - R:\SISTOFAMISLOAD 15 GURFEED UPDATE DATE RUN FILE ReportCaster scheduled job, M-F @ 4:44am Runs WebFOCUS program in the Technology Services/Jerry/AGURFEED_CHECK_DATE - see internal name a 16 Cash Reconciliation Report ReportCaster scheduled job, M-F @ 5:05am Runs WebFOCUS program in the Technology Services/Jerry/gurfeed_account_by_cashier 17 Departmentl Deposit GL Length Check ReportCaster scheduled job, M-F @ 10:01am Runs WebFOCUS program in the Technology Services/Jerry/TBRMISD_GL_ACCT_LEN 18 Scheduled Tasks on CTIS11 AcctFeedjdb automatically FTP GL feeds to College Station at 6:00 AM Monday-Frid Executes Acctfeedjbd.bat located in - R:\SISToFAMISLoad directory Send acct_feed_minus_tncashiering file in the GL_Feed folder Send acct_report_minus_cashiering file in the Feed_Reports folder 19 Scheduled Tasks on CTIS11 Refundsjdb automatically FTP Refund feeds to College Station at 6:05 AM MondayExecutes Refundsjbd.bat located in - R:\SISToFAMISLoad directory Send a_refunds in the Refund_File folder Send a_refund_report in the Feed_Reports folder Send a_refunds_ach file in the Prepaid_Feed_file folder 20 Scheduled Tasks on CTIS11 SISToFAMISLoad automatically FTP Cashiering feeds to College Station Every 30 min Executes Daily.CMD located in - R:\SISToFAMISLoad directory Send acct_feed_tncashiering in the Daily_Cashier_Report folder Send acct_report_tncashiering in the Daily_Cashier_Report folder *** OR *** Scheduled Tasks on CTIS11 FAMISCashierDaily automatically FTP Cashiering feeds to College Station at 7:00AM Executes daily.cmd located in - R:\DailyCashier directory 21 Scheduled Tasks on CTIS11 ?? automatically FTP ACH feeds to College Station at ?:?? AM Monday-Friday Executes tnach.bat located in - R:\SISToFAMISLoad directory Send a_refunds_ach file in the Prepaid_Feed_file folder Send a_ach_report file in the FEED_Reports folder P a g e | 10 Files Produced for FAMIS: 1. Accounting Feed Filename = AFDAILY.TXT FAMIS Filename = K721XX.BANNER.ACCTFEED.Afyymmdd Path to Fin Svcs Share = \\ctis\dfsroot\FinancialServices\BannerJobs\GL_Feed Batch ID = BAN999 Report Caster Job (FTP)= "Fiscal Office - SSH Daily to SISToFAMISLoad" Report Caster Job (creates AFDAILY.TXT) = "Fiscal Office - Daily ACCOUNTING_FEED_MINUS_TNCashiering Focus Program = efj89epz.fex (Accounting_feed_minus_tncashiering) FileZilla Settings: Host = Protocol = FTP - File Transfer Protocol Encryption = Require explicit FTP over TLS Logon Type = Ask for password Server Type = MVS, OS/390,z/OS Default Remote Directory = 'K721XX.banner.acctfeed' (includes quo Transfer mode = Passive 2. Refunds Filename = RFDAILY.TXT FAMIS Filename = K721XX.BANNER.REFUNDS.Dyymmdd Path to Fin Svcs Share = \\ctis\dfsroot\FinancialServices\BannerJobs\Refund_File Batch ID = BRS656 Report Caster Job (FTP) = "Fiscal Office - Daily Refund Feed to SISToFAMISLoad" Report Caster Job (creates RFDAILY.TXT) = "Fiscal Office - Daily Refund Feed To College Station (A_REFUND Focus Program = refunds.fex (a_refunds) 3. ACHFILE Vouchers Filename = ACHDAILY.TXT FAMIS Filename = K721XX.VCHR.TOUCHNET.Dyymmdd Path to Fin Svcs Share = \\ctis\dfsroot\FinancialServices\BannerJobs\Prepaid_Feed Batch ID = TNET01 Report Caster Job (FTP)= "Fiscal Office - Daily ACH Feed to SISToFAMISLoad" Report Caster Job(creates ACHDAILY.TXT) = "Fiscal Office - Daily ACH Refund Feed To College Station (A_R Focus Program = a_refunds_ach.fex 4. Cashier File Filename = CRDAILY.TXT FAMIS Filename = K721XX.RECEIPTS.Dyymmdd Path to Fin Svcs Share = \\ctis\dfsroot\FinancialServices\BannerJobs\Daily_Cashier_Report Batch ID = ADP999 Report Caster Job (FTP)= "Fiscal Office - Daily Cash Receipt Feed to SISToFAMISLoad" Report Caster Job (creates CRDAILY.TXT) = "Fiscal Office - Daily Accounting Feed File" Focus Program = Accounting_feed_tncashiering.fex ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Outbound batch files sequence: AcctFeedjdb.bat Refundsjdb.bat tnach.bat (from Daily.cmd) P a g e | 11 Balancing (Closing) Procedure Each cashier will calculate a total for cash, checks and credit card receipts in their drawer at the end of each business day. Do an adding machine receipt for each of the following transaction types: cash, checks, and credit cards. The total of each receipt should equal the total as reported by TouchNet Cashiering for the business day. Once this is done and your totals match, place the contents of your deposit in to a deposit bag. The deposit bag is to be locked in the number seven drawer in the safe. (This is the drawer the accountants have access to for deposits) Put all cashier window lights in the off position, close cashier sliding windows, take any last minute departmental deposits, and lock them in the vault. Turn off vault room light and make sure both safe and vault are securely closed and locked. P a g e | 12 Book Vouchers Procedure Students are not required to buy their books through the University bookstore; however, at this time, we can only handle emergency book credits through the University bookstore. Books and supplies purchased through the online bookstore at can be paid through emergency book credits and shipped UPS directly to you. Emergency book credits are available only to students who have pending financial aid awarded through Texas A&M University-Commerce. To be eligible - your financial aid award must show as accepted on our system and the total award amount must be enough to cover all outstanding University charges including this amount of this book credit. Contact the Bursar's Office as shown below to determine availability dates. To utilize this option, print out the emergency book credit application. Students are to fill out the emergency book credit application, sign it, and return the completed form to the University Bursar's Office. Students may request bookstore credit for any amount up to $500 - approved book credit amount cannot exceed the difference between anticipated financial aid and the aggregate of charges due to Texas A&M UniversityCommerce. Students should fax the form to 903-468-6048 or mail it to: Texas A&M University-Commerce Attn: Bursar's Office. P.O. Box 3011 Commerce, TX 75429 We will verify eligibility upon receipt. When they select the emergency book credit payment option, the University bookstore will fax us a copy of your order. The University Bursar's Office will then fax a response to the bookstore that lets them know if you have an approved book credit on file and if so, how much in credit we will authorize. It is our understanding that approved orders will be shipped the same day. The student must pay shipping costs - these will be included in the amount of your book credit. When the financial aid is processed, all University charges, including the amount of emergency book credits, will be deducted from the financial aid award prior to any refund. Please note: emergency book credits represent a loan that you must pay back by the date shown in the form. If the financial is canceled or modified for any reason, so that the emergency book credit is not paid as expected, the student must pay the amount due in full by the indicated payment date. The University Bursar's Office is not responsible for shipping difficulties, problems with the students online book order, or any other issue that may result from your online purchase. P a g e | 13 Please note: The bookstore has indicated that it will NOT provide cash refunds for books purchased with online book credits. Upon notification from the bookstore regarding credits issued for returns, the Bursar's Office will reduce the amount of the book credit charge on the students account. P a g e | 14 Collections Process Process Summary: The Collections Letters Process automatically generates a collections calendar with due dates which are based on the ending dates of the semester. The process runs every day, and if the current date is one of the dates for generating either a report or a letter, a file is produced. Reports of students subject to collections are automatically generated one week prior to the actual collection date for staff review. When the report is run, the students are saved in Banner on screen GLIEXTR/GLAEXTR. Staff has one week to review. The collection dates are approximately 30, 90, and 120 days past the end of the semester. On the collection dates (one week after the initial report was generated), a comma separated value list of students is automatically generated and saved on a network shared drive. This data is used to generate letters via mailmerge for mailing to students. Each time a list is generated, balances are recomputed so that if a student has paid they will be excluded. The last collection date (approximately 120 days past the end of the semester) is when students are turned over to a collections agency. It is also when state warrant holds are placed in FAMIS. An SQL script is run that generates a batch upload file which posts students from Banner into FAMIS. Process: SATURN.p_collections_letters Execution: Runs from an Oracle cron job, runs daily at 5:00am The cron job executes: /u05/ctool_utl/liveupdate-collections/go.shl Output: Output files are ftp’d to \\ctis\dfsroot\FinancialServices\BannerJobs\Collections_Reports Output Files: Coll-Report-Calendar.txt Current Collections Calendar Coll-Report1-term-date.csv Early Report #1 CSV Data Coll-Report2-term-date.csv Early Report #2 CSV Data Coll-Report3-term-date.csv Early Report #3 CSV Data Coll-Letter1-term-date.csv Official Letters #1 CSV Data Coll-Letter2-term-date.csv Official Letters #2 CSV Data P a g e | 15 Coll-Letter3-term-date.csv Official Letters #3 CSV Data FAMIS Filenames: K721XX.VENDOR.ADD.Dyymmdd.TEST K721XX.VENDOR.ADD.Dyymmdd Location of Lists, GLIEXTR: Process: The process automatically generates a collections calendar with due dates. Reports of students subject to collections are generated one week prior to the collection date. Collection dates are approximately 30, 90, and 120 days past the end of the semester. Once a report is generated, the list of students will be in Banner on screen GLIEXTR/GLAEXTR. The values for viewing the population select are: Application FINANCIAL_SERVICES Selection ID COLL-REPORTx-yyyyss-dd-mon-yy Creator ID MARTINBRIDGETTE User ID MARTINBRIDGETTE In the above, x = 1 means collections report #1 x = 2 means collections report #2 x = 3 means collections report #3 Reports 1, 2, and 3 generate lists on GLIEXTR/GLAEXTR. Letters run one week after the reports, and are read from the lists on GLIEXTR/GLAEXTR. The only difference is that at this point, balances are recomputed so that if a student has paid they will be excluded. Here is an overview of the process: Report #1 Computes balances from TBRACCD, TBBDETC Saves list #1 to GLBEXTR Letter #1 Reads student id’s from report #1 on GLBEXTR, compute balances Save list of students on GURMAIL (Letter code = COLL-LETTER-1) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Report #2 Computes balances from TBRACCD, TBBDETC Saves list #2 to GLBEXTR P a g e | 16 Letter #2 Reads student id’s from report #2 on GLBEXTR, compute balances Save list of students on GURMAIL (Letter code = COLL-LETTER-2) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Report #3 Computes balances from TBRACCD, TBBDETC Saves list #3 to GLBEXTR Letter #3 Reads student id’s from report #3 on GLBEXTR, compute balances Save list of students on GURMAIL (Letter code = COLL-LETTER-3) Place ‘C’ (collection) holds on SPRHOLD Generate FAMIS feed to update vendors Report files are saved on the database server in /u05/convert, then a CRON jobs moves the files to \\ctis\dfsroot\FinancialServices\BannerFAMISFeed\BannerJobs\Collections_Repo rts Here is the CRON job: #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# Accounts Receivables 00 5 * * * sh /u05/ctool_utl/liveupdate-collections/go.shl >/u05/ctool_utl/liveupdatecollections/go.log #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- State Warrant Hold Process Summary: State Warrant Holds are placed in FAMIS by running an SQL script that reads the id’s from the collections letters, and sending the output to the FAMIS ftp server. An email must be sent to FAMIS requesting that the file be posted. Process: Collections_UPLOAD_TO_FAMIS.sql Uploading Vendor Data to FAMIS: The FAMIS job name is XVNDR and the data file will be named: K721XX.VENDOR.ADD.Dyymmdd (With no other extension at the end) K721XX.VENDOR.ADD.Dyymmdd.TEST (For Training System) Requests to post files to FAMIS Production should be emailed to: P a g e | 17 Requests to post files to FAMIS Training should be emailed to: Reports from posting will be listed in DDRINT under report id F21XVNDR. Steps: 1) Run Collections_UPLOAD_TO_FAMIS.sql, to produce K721XX.VENDOR.ADD.Dyymmdd file. 2) FTP above file to FAMIS ftp site. a. Put localfile ‘remotefile’ (remote file in single quotes) Example: put K721XX.VENDOR.ADD.D131207 ‘K721XX.VENDOR.ADD.D131207.TEST’ 3) Send an email to to request posting the file to FAMIS production. 4) Verify data was successfully uploaded using FAMIS screen 209 and review DDRINT file posting report to check for errors. P a g e | 18 Departmental Deposits and Receipting Procedure 1.0 RECEIPTS Sequentially numbered cash receipts shall be issued for all money received by the Business Services Assistants in Financial Services. Each receipt shall reference the revenue account number and name of the payee. 2.0 DEPOSIT VERIFICATION Accounting staff shall verify Business Services Assistant deposits against a report of daily cash receipts from the university’s internal cash receipting system. Departmental deposits shall be receipted into FAMIS subsidiary ledger accounts. Revenue and expense object codes will be reviewed and corrected. Internal daily cash receipts shall be reconciled to FAMIS cash receipts. 3.0 WORKING FUNDS Each Financial Services Business Services Assistant has custody of $250. Of this amount, $200 is dedicated to cash drawer to complete daily receipting transactions and $50 is reserved for vending machine reimbursements. The Bursar / Student Accounts Mananger and the Billing/Receivables Coordinator control the vault cash of $3000. The Account Manager or Director of Accounting verifies vault totals on a quarterly basis. Petty Cash requests are to be submitted through Accounts Payable at least three business days prior to the day the funds are required. Change requests in excess of $50 are to be submitted through the Property Manager / Accountant II. 4.0 FAMIS ACCESS Financial Services personnel having access to auxiliary cash receipting systems shall not have FAMIS cash receipting access. The FAMIS security officer shall review FAMIS user access no less than once per year. 5.0 DEPARTMENT DEPOSITS Deposits are required the next working day whenever amount on hand reaches two hundred ($200) dollars and at least once every three-business days regardless of amount. Persons transporting deposits in excess of $2,500 must be accompanied by an A&M Commerce police officer. All deposits must be taken to the cashier window by an A&M Commerce staff employee. University police officers will escort any employee making a deposit, however, they should not be asked to act as a courier. Staff employees will be asked to wait and verify any cash in P a g e | 19 the bag at the time of drop-off if the Business Services Assistants are not able to work the bag at that time. 6.0 REQUIRED DOCUMENTATION A log is required to be kept by any person receiving checks for deposit. The log must detail the check date, check number, amount, date of receipt, date of deposit and individual receiving the check. The log is subject to audit by Financial Services staff. 7.0 REPERCUSSIONS The supervisor of the individual making the deposit and/or the Vice President of Business Administration may be contacted if deposits violate the cash receipting procedure on an ongoing basis. P a g e | 20 FAMIS Timeout Issues Resolve Procedure Purpose: This document was created to address the issue of customers 3270 FAMIS sessions locking up after a set amount of inactivity to the mainframe. Problem: SSL Sessions are set to timeout after 30 minutes of inactivity on the PAN firewall. The PAN firewall needs to see 16 tcp packets to reset the TTL of the session. The FAMIS application, when not in use, does not meet the 16 tcp packets in 30 minutes causing the firewall to drop the session but the client still thinks the session is active. This will appear like the FAMIS session is locked up. Customers are able to close and reopen the FAMIS session to keep working. Resolution: Start the FAMIS session. On the top menu click Session, then click Disconnect. Click ok. Now click on Session again, and then choose Session Setup From the options below select Telnet Keep Alive Click ok. P a g e | 21 Financial Responsibility Agreement Procedure NEW FOR FALL 2014 REGISTRATION: A Financial Responsibility Agreement will appear when you login to register for classes. It is required that you read and agree to its conditions before being allowed to proceed with registration. This agreement notifies you of all the payment options that are available. The University will also be authorized to enroll you in an installment payment plan. This will prevent you from being dropped from your classes and avoid the $200.00 reinstatement fee. P a g e | 22 HigherOne File Transmit Process 1. Daily Card File for New Students HigherOne_Daily_Card_File.sql Creates file named commerceYYYYMMDDHHMM.crd File is ftp’d to \\ctis\approot\bff\BannerJobs\HigherOne\H1_Card_File File is copied to \\ctis\dfsroot\xfer\sftp\HigherOne (outbound sftp) Transmittal to HigherOne via sFTP w/SSH Site: (port 22) Folder: /data/customer/home/commerce/card/fromcommerc e After file is sent, place a copy in \\ctis\approot\bff\BannerJobs\HigherOne\H1_Card_File\sent 2. Daily Refund File Modification to Daily Accounting Feed Process Creates file named commerceYYYYMMDDHHMM.ref File is ftp’d to \\ctis\approot\bff\BannerJobs\HigherOne\Refunds File is copied to \\ctis\dfsroot\xfer\sftp\HigherOne (outbound sftp) Transmittal to HigherOne via sFTP w/SSH Site: (port 22) Folder: /data/customer/home/commerce/financial/fromcom merce User: commerce, pw= cFoZF4ew After file is sent, place a copy in \\ctis\approot\bff\BannerJobs\HigherOne\Refunds\sent Automatic uploads to HigherOne start at 12:00 noon, and 6:00am. I have sent them the address to open up to HigherOne. Here are the credentials they provided for sending the card file to them: Site = (port 22) Upload directory = card / fromcommerce Filename Format = commerceYYYYMMDDHHMM.crd DAILY CARD FILE PROCESS: P a g e | 23 At 6am, M-F, a CRON job (owned by Oracle) starts the daily card file process: sh /u05/ctool_utl/liveupdate-higherone/go.shl >/u05/ctool_utl/liveupdatehigherone/go.log The daily card file is built from a list of students enrolled in a current or future term who have not yet been mailed a card. Each id that is included in the card file is also recorded in a table to track which cards have been ordered. If an id is in this file, it will not be mailed another card UNLESS the students’ address is updated with an address source code of H1 – HigherOne Card Resend. The card resend process is as follows: Each day, id’s are removed from the Saturn.tamuc_higherone_pidms table if the id was marked on SPAIDEN (address tab) with an address source code of H1. Then all address source codes of H1 are changed to null. The normal card file process will then pick up these id’s and include them in the card file (as long as the student is enrolled in a current or future term.) CRON job executes go.shl (located in /u05/ctool_utl/liveupdate-higherone) go.shl executes HigherOne_Daily_Card_File.sql go.shl FTP’s commerceYYYYMMDD.crd file to network share o \\ctis\approot\bff\BannerJobs\HigherOne\H1_Card_file DAILY REFUND FILE PROCESS: At 6am, M-F, a CRON job (owned by Oracle) starts the daily refunds file process: sh /u05/ctool_utl/liveupdate-higherone/go-refunds.shl >/u05/ctool_utl/liveupdatehigherone/go-refunds.log The refunds file is built from detail codes named ‘RFHO’ that have a transaction date within the calculated time period. CRON job executes go-refunds.shl (located in /u05/ctool_utl/liveupdatehigherone) go-refunds.shl executes HigherOne_Daily_Refund_File.sql go-refunds.shl FTP’s commerceYYYYMMDD.ref file to network share o \\ctis\approot\bff\BannerJobs\HigherOne\H1_Refunds_file P a g e | 24 HigherOne Refund Stops Process Refund stops are monitored by the Business Services Supervisor. To aid in the processing of stops, and to make the process less manual, there is a Visual Basic utility program that aids in producing the file that goes to HigherOne for refunds. The first part of the process creates the refunds file and places it in a network share. (See Jons How To for HigherOne Process.docx for documentation on producing the refunds file) Once the file is in the network share, it is ready for review. The Business Services Supervisor will execute the program named “JonsHigherOneProgram”. If necessary, the program may be installed from: \\ctis\dfsroot\FinancialServices\BannerFAMISFeed\BannerJobs\HigherOne\JonsHigherO neProgram_Setup\setup.exe The program automatically reads the refund files from this network share: \\ctis\dfsroot\FinancialServices\BannerFAMISFeed\BannerJobs\HigherOne\H1_Refunds_ file\commerceYYMMDDHHMM.ref • Click on the filename in the lower left-hand box to select the file, then click the “Process File” button. • The file is then read, and the upper left-hand box will show the refund transactions. P a g e | 25 • The stops are reviewed, and when a student needs to have their refund stopped, check the box next to the appropriate refund. • After all of the stops are marked with check marks, click the “Process Stops” button. • The “Process Stops” button calculates new totals for the HigherOne batch. • Once the correct number of stops and the correct amount is shown in the right-hand window, we are ready to finalize. • Click on “Build H1 File”. The new file for HigherOne is automatically built and placed in this share: \\ctis\dfsroot\FinancialServices\BannerFAMISFeed\BannerJobs\HigherOne\H1_Refunds_ file\outbound There is an automated process (currently running on Jon’s computer at 11:50am M-F) that moves the refund file from the \outbound folder to the sftp folder from where it will be sent to HigherOne. The sftp folder for HigherOne is located at: \\ctis\dfsroot\xfer\sftp\HigherOne P a g e | 26 Hold Procedure Manual removal BSAs check the TSAAREV screen to check the students balance. If the student doesn’t have outstanding charges and is verified to not be in collections by the WOAHOLD screen they will lift registration and transcript Fiscal holds. These are the only two holds BSAs deal with. BANNER HOLD STEPS How to enter and remove a Hold: Step Action ENTERING 1 Log in to Banner using your Username and Password AND 2 Enter WOAHOLD in the “Go To…” box. SAVING 3 Enter a Student ID or Name, and press Enter. This will bring up the student ID and name in the key block. 4 Press Next Block (or Ctrl-Page Down). 5 Enter Hold Type (if known); or press F9 or double click in the Hold Type box for a list of all available Hold Types 6 Press TAB to move to the Reason box, and enter the hold reason. 7 Press TAB to move to the Amount box, and enter the hold amount (if applicable). 8 Click on the Release Indicator button in order to restrict hold release to your department only. 9 Today’s date automatically populates in the From field, and 31Dec-2099 (the end of time) defaults in the To field. The From and To dates may be updated if necessary. 10 Enter FISC in the Origination Code box. 11 Save the hold by clicking the disk icon near the top left of the Banner window. A HOLD 1 Follow steps 1-4 above P a g e | 27 REMOVING 2 Locate applicable hold entry and click on the correct hold to make it the active record. The record will be highlighted with a different background color to indicate that it is the active record. 3 Enter today’s date in To field in DD-MON-YYYY format, or click on the calendar icon to select a date. 4 Click the Save icon (F10); exit the form A HOLD NOTE: Do not use the “X” at the upper right of the screen at any time in Banner to exit! P a g e | 28 Institutional Loan Procedure The Texas A&M University-Commerce Institutional Loan program offers two types of short term loans—tuition loans and Leo personal loans. Tuition loans pay the full amount of tuition/fees only and cannot be used to pay housing or other university charges (including UPD traffic tickets). Students do not receive a check with this loan-a credit is made to offset tuition/fee charges. Tuition loans can cover course fees as well, but not late registration fees. Applications for Tuition Loans must be submitted by the 20th class day for Fall/Spring terms and the 15th class day for Summer terms. Leo personal loan proceeds are intended to pay educational expenses (books, supplies, etc). Loan limits will vary between terms. Support documentation may be required with your application. If you have set yourself up for direct deposit refunds then your Leo personal loan will be disbursed to you that way. Otherwise your Leo personal loan will be disbursed by check and will be available within 2-3 working days. Leo personal loans cannot be disbursed before the first class day of the semester. Eligibility for short-term loans: 1. Must be enrolled in the given term. 2. Must be in good standing with the university. 3. Limited to one emergency loan or one bookcredit per semester. Tuition loans cannot be used for courses offered through Colloquy Global E-Learning (MS-GBEC) or for Academic Partnerships programs including Executive MBA, MSApplied Criminology, BS-Business Administration, Masters of Education or Doctor of Education. Please contact our office if you have any questions about your eligibility for a tuition loan. Submission of an application does not guarantee approval. Loan funds are limited and we may not be able to accommodate all applicants even if eligibility requirements are met. Students are limited to one emergency loan or one bookcredit per semester. Exceptions to eligibility guidelines or loan procedures will be made strictly at the discretion of the university. The University reserves the right to deny loan approval to any student based on past payment performance or other factors that negatively impact credit risk. Contact Student Accounts at 903-886-5050 for more information or refer to information on the main Student Accounts Web page for current updates. Tuition loans are accessed online through MyLeo. Log in to MyLeo and click on LeoPay. Go to the Payment Plans tab. You will see the option to select the Tuition Loan or the Installment Plan. The tuition loan option does not require a down payment but you will P a g e | 29 have to pay a $35 processing charge at sign-up. There are no interest charges associated with the tuition loan option. Leo Personal Loans are offered to students each semester to help cover books, supplies or other related expenses. Loans are capped at $400 per term ($200 in mini-terms and summer semesters) Leo Personal Loans do not accrue interest but a $35 processing fee is required. The processing fee must be paid before the loan application can be processed. Completed application forms can be faxed to 903-468-6048 or scanned copies can be sent by email to You can also deliver applications in person to our payment windows in either the McDowell Administration Building or the One Stop Shop. NOTE: Students may not borrow against future financial aid distributions and Leo personal loans cannot be used to to pay UPD tickets or other university charges. A $25 late charge and a registration/transcript hold will be assessed on all past due loan accounts. P a g e | 30 Lion Cards Procedure Putting money on a student/faculty/staff Lion Card requires that you use the Blackboard application program. Ask to see the students’ Lion Card so that you can verify the money is going into the correct account. Enter the required information into Blackboard. You are able to accept, cash, credit or check as a form of currency being applied to the card. You must keep your Blackboard transactions separate from your daily drawer transactions. At the end of the day you will receive an email with your daily total Blackboard transactions, this email should accurately portray what you have received in cash, credit cards and checks. Fill out a Lion Cash Department Deposit Worksheet and attach it with the Blackboard email you receive along with the currency you took in. Put this form at the end of each closing day in the Department Deposit Basket. P a g e | 31 Automated Procedure Job Sequence for AR 12:01 am Nightly Banner Accounting Feed Process (Appworx) 4:04 am WebFocus job - Daily Refund Feed to College Station 4:07 am WebFocus job - Daily Refund Feed to SISTOFAMISLOAD 4:10 am WebFocus job - Daily Refund Report 4:12 am WebFocus job - Daily Refund Report to Fiscal Office server 4:15 am WebFocus job - Daily Accounting Feed File 4:19 am WebFocus job - Daily Accounting Feed Report to Fiscal Office server 4:22 am WebFocus job - Daily ACH Refund Feed to College Station 4:26 am WebFocus job - Daily ACH Refund Feed to Fiscal Ofc Prepaid 4:30 am WebFocus job - SSH Daily to SISTOFAMISLOAD 4:32 am WebFocus job - Daily Cash Receipt Feed to SISTOFAMISLOAD 4:37 am WebFocus job - Daily ACH Feed to SISTOFAMISLOAD 4:44 am WebFocus job - GURFEED update date run file 5:00 am Collections Process 5:05 am WebFocus job – Cash Reconciliation Report 6:00 am Generate report of Graduate School Application Fees paid 6:00 am Scheduled task FTP’s GL feed to College Station 6:05 am Scheduled task FTP’s Refund feeds to College Station 6:10 am Scheduled task FTP’s ACH feeds to College Station 10:01 am Webfocus job – Departmental Deposit General Ledger length check 2:00 pm Upload ID’s for State Hold checks to FAMIS 6:00 pm Download State Holds Report and post in Banner Scheduled tasks FTP’s Cashiering feeds to College Station every 30 minutes every day. P a g e | 32 Marketplace Procedure How do YOU get a store for your department? •Request a store by filling out the Marketplace Store Request Form and returning to Jon Puttonen ( or Coy Martin ( •The mall manager will create a Touchnet Store site for you to use •Each area will be responsible for placing inventory and fulfilling orders for the store •Link to the mall and your store from your web pages •Start collecting payments Marketplace store features •Provides an easy, user-configurable online site for sale of goods and services •Reduces dependence on IT resources •Supports a wide variety of online commerce activities including tickets, events, donations, merchandise, summer camps, banquets, fundraisers, mailing lists, and more…. •Provides secure, PA-DSS compliant payment processing. (Touchnet handles all payments) •Funds are deposited directly into the designated FAMIS account. •Tracks Inventory – Restrict Sales to Inventory •Allows for recurring payments •Reports downloadable in Excel •Refunds directly from Marketplace •Products can be enabled or disabled, also by calendar dates •Products can be grouped by store and product categories •No COST to your area! Marketplace Store Request Form %20Store%20Request%20Form.pdf P a g e | 33 Refund Procedure Student Account Refunds Student account refunds are commonly generated by application of financial aid, reduction of charges due to dropped classes or a withdrawal from enrollment, or a change in housing or meal plan contracts. Student accounts with credit balances are refunded automatically. No action is needed by the student to initiate a refund from a credit balance on their account. Students can receive refunds by mail, direct deposit, or a Higher One debit account (an exception for credit card payments is discussed below). All refunds require several working days to process. When a refund entry appears on the students account, they should add at least three to five working days to the date shown. A number of circumstances can delay refunds. If the student has a past due loan or other charge from a prior semester, the refund will be delayed at least a day. There are occasional unexpected system problems that can cause refunds to be delayed as well. Please Note: Students who make expenditures based on a pending refund do so at their own risk. Refunds may be delayed and the students are advised to wait until the refund check is delivered to them or their direct deposit is available in their individual bank account. The university is not responsible for any charges that may be incurred due to delays in the refund processing. If a payment has been made using a credit card, we will issue refunds back to the credit card used for payment first before issuing any cash refund. The university cannot issue cash refunds for credit card payments. This procedure will apply to all refunds including those generated by financial aid or scholarships. Refund inquiries should be directed to Appeal for Removal or Reversal of Charges Students must contact the office responsible for account charges if they have questions regarding the validity of the charge. The Student Account Office is responsible for calculating and assessing tuition and fee charges associated with enrollment. Students with questions as to how their tuition/fee charges were assessed may contact The Student Accounts Office will provide an itemization of charges upon written request to P a g e | 34 The Registrar's Office administers course drops and withdrawals and is responsible for calculating the percentage of charges refunded. Students will need to contact the Registrar's Office if they wish to appeal charges remaining after they drop a class or withdraw from enrollment. Contact the Registrar’s Office if there are any questions about the drop or withdrawal procedure and how the refund percentage for tuition/fees is calculated. The Office of Residential Living and Learning administers housing and meal plan contracts. As such, they are responsible for calculating student account charges associated with those contracts. Students must contact the Office of Residential Living and Learning if they have questions about their housing or meal plan charges. Any adjustment to housing or meal plan charges must be done by the Office of Residential Living and Learning. Deduction of University Charges Prior to Refund Processing The University may exercise the right of offset, meaning that a refund could be subject to adjustment if necessary to ensure any past due University obligations are satisfied. University charges are deducted as allowed by statute or regulation before a refund is issued. These may include (but are not limited to) current term and prior term charges such as: Tuition & Fees Book Credits Emergency Loans Tuition Loans Housing Meal Plans Late Fees Installment Fees Departmental Charges Refunds P a g e | 35 Ticket Trac (Citation/Permit) Procedure Citations are given by the University Police Department when someone is in violation of the parking regulations and guidelines of the University. When someone is issued a citation they bring it to the cashiers. You enter the citation number in TickeTrac, when it pulls up it will tell you what it was given for and how much it is. Accept cash, credit or check as a form of payment. If a person has received more than five tickets without payment their car will then be booted and a “boot agreement” will be setup for them. This is where they pay half of the amount of citations upfront to have the boot released and then are setup on a payment plan for the remainder of the amount due. If someone does not agree with the citation they have the right to appeal it. They must pay the citation upfront and if the appeal is granted we will refund their money. A Parking Permit is required by everyone on campus property. The permits range from a free visitor pass to a permanent $40 good from Sept.1st-Aug.31st. Permits are available online and in person. A person requesting a permit in person must fill out an information card. This card allows us to enter their personal information along with their vehicle information into TickeTrac. Each person is assigned their own permit number. Ask the person requesting the permit enough information to be able to differentiate which type of permit is needed for them. You must keep your TickeTrac transactions separate from your daily drawer transactions. At the end of the day print your transactions from the report screen in TickeTrac. This report should accurately portray what you have received in cash, credit cards and checks. Fill out a TickeTrac Department Deposit Worksheet and attach it with the report you printed along with the currency you took in. Put this form at the end of each closing day in the Department Deposit Basket. P a g e | 36 Vault/Petty Cash Procedure Submit an Authorization for Petty Cash Fund request from the Department Head to the Comptroller’s Office, which includes the following: purpose for the fund, account(s) to be used to replenish the fund, amount being requested with justification, and name of primary custodian. Upon approval, the Comptroller’s Office will prepare a voucher to generate the beginning or increased petty cash fund balance from the departmental working fund account. The resulting check will be made payable to a Comptroller’s Office staff member, who will take the check to the bank to obtain cash. An authorized member of the requesting department must sign for the cash from the Comptroller’s office. ACCOUNTABILITY FOR THE FUND 1. The primary custodian must ensure that the receipts, vouchers submitted for processing and cash equal the current petty cash balance at all times. 2. The Custodian must make periodic reconciliation and reimbursement requests using the Petty Cash Reconciliation and Request for Reimbursement form. Even if no replenishment is needed, a reconciliation should be completed monthly. 3. The department head, or his or her designee, should perform a departmental petty st cash count as of August 31 and submit the annual Departmental Petty Cash Count th form to the Comptroller’s Office by the 5 working day of each new fiscal year. 4. If the primary custodian changes, prepare an Authorization for Petty Cash Fund form, have the new custodian verify the funds, and have the new custodian sign as the primary custodian. To complete the transfer of accountability, a memo documenting the transfer of custodianship, along with a copy of the completed Authorization for Petty Cash Fund Form, should be submitted to the Comptroller’s Office. 5. The petty cash may be audited at anytime, at the direction of the Comptroller’s Office. CLOSING A PETTY CASH FUND If it is determined that an existing petty cash fund is no longer needed, submit the following to the Comptroller’s Office: P a g e | 37 • • • Total cash balance of fund Completed Authorization for Petty Cash Fund Form Memo from department head approving the return of the funds All receipts must be submitted for reimbursement before the fund may be closed. The petty cash fund must be returned in its entirety (no unreimbursed receipts will be accepted).
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