Sponsorship Manual COMPUTEX TAIPEI Exhibitor Sponsorship Opportunity Increase media exposure and meet more trade visitors! Become a sponsor during COMPUTEX TAIPEI 䢴䢲䢳䢶 Note: 吷 Sponsor application will be approved based on the following conditions: ⯼ Date of receipt of application (major criterion) ⯽ The hall in which the exhibitor ćs booth(s) located ⯾ The amount of the sponsorship in recent 䢴 years ▣ The Show Management reserves the right to cancel or add sponsorships. ▤ Eligible sponsors will be informed by mail or facsimile. ▥ Sponsorship payment must be made before the due date indicated on the notification letter; non-payment will result in cancellation of sponsorship. ▦ Design layout of the sponsor must be sent to the Show Management by 䢳䢲 April, 䢴䢲䢳䢶, for approval. ▧ All graphic files must be in Photoshop format and at least 䢵䢲䢲dpi resolution. (Printout ize must meet the requirements for sponsorship). Application Date: From 䢳䢴 February to 䢵䢳 March, 䢴䢲䢳䢶 (Taiwan Time) Please contact Ms. Carol Chang for further details: Ms. Carol Chang 䢳, Hsin-yi Rd., Sec. 䢷, Taipei 䢳䢲䢲䢶䢻, Taiwan, R.O.C Tel: 䢺䢺䢸-䢴-䢴䢹䢴䢷-䢷䢴䢲䢲 ext. 䢵䢷䢴䢷 Fax: 䢺䢺䢸-䢴-䢴䢹䢴䢵-䢴䢷䢻䢲 E-mail: carolchang@taitra.org.tw 䢵 Advertising Sponsorship Application Form Computex Taipei DateƝتتتتت Company NameƝ Invoice No.Ɲ Booth No.Ɲ AddressƝ Contact PersonƝتتتتتتتتتت PhoneƝتتتتتتتتتتتتت E-mailƝتتتتتتتتتتتتتت FaxƝتتتتتتتتتتتتتتتت No. Venue ItemNo. Quantity Price(NTD) Subtotal 䢷٫ VAT Total Company StampƝ Legally Binding Signature Ɲ RemarksƝ䢳. Application Date: From 䢳䢴th Feburary to 䢵䢳st March ,䢴䢲䢳䢶 Taiwan time. 䢴. Applications are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. 䢵. Please fill in this form and fax or email it as early as possible to: Carol Chang Convention Section II, Taipei International Convention Center Taiwan External Trade Development Council Tel: +䢺䢺䢸-䢴-䢴䢹䢴䢷䢷䢴䢲䢲 ext.䢵䢷䢴䢷 Fax: 䢺䢺䢸-䢴-䢴䢹䢴䢵䢴䢷䢻䢲 E-mail: carolchang@taitra.org.tw 䢶 Mobile:+䢺䢺䢸-䢻䢹䢺䢹䢴䢴䢳䢲䢺 CONTENTS *HQHUDO6RSQVRU,WHPV SP䢳 ≻ Buyer Tote Bags P䢳䢲 SP䢴 ≻ Buyersć ID Lanyard P䢳䢲 SP 䢵 ≻ Street Light Flags/Traffic Island Flags P䢳䢲 SP 䢶 ≻ Inter-Hall Shuttle Bus Body Ads P䢳䢳 SP 䢷 ≻ Taxicab Ad P䢳䢴 SP 䢸 ≻ Smartphone APP Banner P䢳䢵 SP 䢹 ≻ Computer Terminals P䢳䢶 SP 䢺 ≻ Temporary Outdoor Tents (TWTC) P䢳䢷 SP 䢻 ≻ Temporary Outdoor Tents (TWTC-Nangang) P䢳䢷 SP 䢳䢲 ≻ DM to Pre-Registered Visitors P䢳䢸 SP 䢳䢳 ≻ĄOne Day Shuttle Bus Promotioną on Inter-Hall Shuttle Bus NEW P䢳䢹 7DLZDQ:RUOG7UDGH&HQWHU+DOO A Outdoor TWTC 䢳~䢴 ≻ Main Gate Wall Banners in Hsinyi and Zhuangjing Road P䢴䢲 TWTC 䢵~䢶 ≻ Main Gate Pillar Ad in Hsinyi Road (TWTC Hall 䢳) P䢴䢳 TWTC 䢷~䢸 ≻ Wall Banner on Shi-fu Rd. (TWTC Hall 䢳; Near MRT Exit 䢷) P䢴䢴 TWTC 䢹~䢺 ≻ Hallway Wall Banner (Between Hyatt and TWTC Hall 䢳) P䢴䢵 TWTC 䢻 ≻ Glass Curtain Wall Ad P䢴䢶 TWTC 䢳䢲 ≻ TWTC Square Pillar Ad P䢴䢷 B Indoor TWTC 䢳䢳~䢳䢴 ≻ Hall 䢳 Indoor 䢵M Sticker Ad on Escalator P䢴䢸 TWTC 䢳䢵 ≻ Wall Streamer Above Panorama Lifts P䢴䢹 TWTC 䢳䢶~䢳䢷 ≻ Indoor Roof Flags at Atrium (TWTC Hall 䢳) P䢴䢺 䢷 2014䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢 Sopnsorship Manual 7DLZDQ:RUOG7UDGH&HQWHU+DOO A Outdoor EXPO 䢳 ≻ Main Gate Lintel Banner in Song-Shou Road (TWTC Hall 䢵) P䢵䢲 EXPO 䢴 ≻ Main Gate Wall Ad in Song-Shou Road (TWTC Hall 䢵) P䢵䢲 EXPO 䢵~䢸 ≻ Song-Shou Road Wall Streamers(TWTC Hall 䢵) P䢵䢳 EXPO 䢹 ≻ Billboard at Song-Shou Rd. & Song-Chih Rd. Crossroad P䢵䢴 EXPO 䢺 ≻ Song-Chih Road Truck Entrance Wall Streamer P䢵䢵 EXPO 䢻 ≻ Song-Chih Road Truck Exit Wall Streamer P䢵䢵 EXPO 䢳䢲~䢳䢵 ≻ Wall Streamers Facing Taipei 䢳䢲䢳(TWTC Hall 䢵) P䢵䢶 B Indoor EXPO 䢳䢶 ≻ TWTC Hall 䢵 Foyer Back Wall & Curve Wall P䢵䢷 EXPO 䢳䢷 ≻ Foyer Balustrade Wall Banners (䢶 Faces) P䢵䢸 7DLSHL,QWHUQDWLRQDO&RQYHQWLRQ&HQWHU A Outdoor 䢸 TICC 䢳 ≻ Flag Set, TICC P䢵䢺 TICC 䢴 ≻ LED Monitor, TICC (Near MRT Exit 䢳) NEW P䢶䢲 TICC 䢵 ≻ TICC Southeast Wall Streamer P䢶䢳 TICC 䢶~䢷 ≻ Wall Banners at East Gate (Near MRT Exit 䢳) P䢶䢴 TICC 䢸 ≻ Pillars at east entrance (Near MRT Exit 䢳) P䢶䢵 TICC 䢹 ≻ Wall Streamer at Intersection of Hsin-Yi & Keelong Rd. P䢶䢶 TICC 䢺 ≻ TICC East Gate Ads P䢶䢷 TICC 䢻~䢳䢲 ≻ TICC North ٭South Gates Ads P䢶䢸 B Indoor TICC 䢳䢳~䢳䢴 ≻ TICC Main Lobby Hanging Banner P䢶䢹 TICC 䢳䢵~䢳䢶 ≻ TICC Escalator Hanging Rod P䢶䢺 TICC 䢳䢷~䢳䢺 ≻ Indoor Elevator & Hanging Banner P䢶䢻 TICC 䢳䢻 ≻ TICC Lobby Wall Streamer P䢷䢲 TICC 䢴䢲~䢴䢳 ≻ South & North Entrance Wall Streamer P䢷䢳 TICC 䢴䢴 ≻ Information Desk Wall Banner P䢷䢴 TICC 䢴䢵 ≻ Main Lobby Column Ads P䢷䢴 TICC 䢴䢶 ≻ Main Entrance PDP Screen P䢷䢵 TICC 䢴䢷~䢴䢸 ≻ TICC Main Lobby South ٭North Rest Area Ads P䢷䢶 TICC 䢴䢹~䢴䢺 ≻ TICC Main Lobby LCD Frame Ads P䢷䢷 TICC 䢴䢻~䢵䢲 ≻ TICC Main Lobby South ٭North Rest Area Banner P䢷䢸 7:7&1DQJDQJ([KLEWLRQ+DOO A Outdoor NIEC 䢳 ≻ Main Entrance Sidewalk Railing Ad P䢷䢺 NIEC 䢴 ≻ Main Entrance Canopy Banner P䢷䢻 NIEC 䢵 ≻ Main Entrance Pillars Ad P䢸䢲 NIEC 䢶 ≻ Outdoor 䢶䢴䢷ą LED TV AD P䢸䢳 NIEC 䢷 ≻ Outdoor Wall Streamer above 䢶䢴䢷" LED TV P䢸䢴 NIEC 䢸 ≻ Outdoor Amphitheater Flag Set P䢸䢵 NIEC 䢹 ≻ Skylight Lobby Panoramic Banner P䢸䢶 NIEC 䢺~䢳䢳 ≻ North Wall Streamer P䢸䢷 䢹 2014䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢 Sopnsorship Manual NIEC 䢳䢴~䢳䢷 ≻ South Wall Streamer P䢸䢸 NIEC 䢳䢸 ≻ Parking Lot Wall Banner P䢸䢹 NIEC 䢳䢹 ≻ Truck Entrance Wall Streamer Facing Chin-Mao 䢳st Road P䢸䢺 NIEC 䢳䢺~䢳䢻 ≻ South-Eastern Wall Streamer P䢸䢻 NIEC 䢴䢲 ≻ Lamp Flag Ads around Nangang Exhibition Hall P䢹䢲 NIEC 䢴䢳 ≻ South Side Canopy Banner and Pillars P䢹䢳 NIEC䢴䢴 – West Wall 䢳F Streamer NEW P䢹䢴 B Indoor 䢺 NIEC 䢴䢵A– 䢳F Main Entrance Lobby Roof Flag P䢹䢵 NIEC 䢴䢵B– 䢶F Sky Dome Main Entrance Lobby Roof Flag P䢹䢶 NIEC 䢴䢶 ≻ Light Gallery Roof Flag P䢹䢷 NIEC 䢴䢷~䢴䢸 ≻ Indoor Elevator Ad (䢵rd and 䢶th Floor) P䢹䢸 NIEC 䢴䢹 ≻ POP Poster (in front of the elevator on the 䢳st floor and 䢶th floor ) P䢹䢹 NIEC 䢴䢺~䢴䢻 ≻ 䢵M Sticker Ad on Escalator in Nangang P䢹䢺 NIEC 䢵䢲 ≻ Main Entrance Lobby Wall Banners P䢹䢻 NIEC 䢵䢳 ≻ South Entrance Wall Banner P䢺䢲 NIEC 䢵䢴~䢵䢵 ≻ MRT Exit No. 䢳 Wall Banner P䢺䢳 NIEC 䢵䢶 ≻ 䢳F Area I, J, K: TV Wall (On the upper side of entrance) P䢺䢴 NIEC 䢵䢷 ≻ Sky Dome Area L, M, N: TV Wall (On the upper side of entrance) P䢺䢵 Attachment 䢳: Meeting Room Package Nangang Exhibition Hall Computex Taipei 䢴䢲䢳䢶 P䢺䢶 Attachment 䢴: Plenary Hall Package A & B Taipei International Convention Center P䢺䢺 2014䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢 SP Sopnsorship Manual 01-04 63≻ %X\HU7RWH%DJV 63≻ %X\HUVb,'/DQ\DUG Item: Buyer Tote bags (䢵䢻,䢲䢲䢲pcs) Number of Sponsors: 䢵 exhibitors (䢳䢵,䢲䢲䢲pcs per sponsor) Price: NTD 䢷䢲䢲,䢲䢲䢲 per sponsor Full Size: 䢶䢷(L) x 䢳䢴(W) x 䢵䢷(H)cm Sponsorćs Ad Size: One side of the bag( the other side is reserved for the show organizer) Remarks: 䢳.PE material and 䢶-color printing 䢴.Layout design requires organizerćs approval. 䢵. The price does not include 䢷% VAT. Item: BuyersćID Lanyard (䢵䢷,䢲䢲䢲 pieces) Number of Sponsors: 䢴 exhibitors (䢳䢹,䢷䢲䢲pieces for each) Price: NTD 䢵䢷䢲,䢲䢲䢲 for each exhibitor Full Size: 䢶䢲cm(L) x 䢴cm(W) Sponsorćs Ad Size: The Computex and sponsersć logo are displayed alternately. Remarks: 䢳. Single-color printing 䢴. The price does not include 䢷% VAT 63≻6WUHHW/LJKW)ODJV 7UDîF,VODQG)ODJV Item: Street Light Flags/Traffic Island Flags Number of Sponsors: 䢳 exhibitor Prece: NTD 䢳,䢲䢲䢲,䢲䢲䢲 Full Size: 䢸䢲(W) x 䢳䢷䢲(H)cm Description: 䢳.Street Light Flags located on 䢳䢷 main roads. 䢴.Traffic island Flags located on 䢺 main roads. Sponsor Ad Size: 䢳.Sponsor space on bottom half: 䢸䢲cm(W) ¼ 䢹䢷cm(H)/each side. 䢴.The price does not include 䢷% VAT. 䢳䢲 63≻ ,QWHU+DOO6KXWWOH%XV %RG\$GV Item: Inter-Hall Shuttle Bus Body Ads Price: NTD 䢳䢲䢲,䢲䢲䢲 per vehicle Route: 䢵 exhibition halls back and forth Sponsor Ad Size: 䢶䢷䢲cm(W) x䢶䢷cm(H) /each side 䢳䢳 Sopnsorship Manual 2014䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢 ᭳㉙ຓᡭ SP 05-06 63≻ 7D[LFDE$G Item: Taxicab Ad Number of Sponsors: No Limitation Price: NTD 䢷䢲䢲,䢲䢲䢲 per unit Full Size: Ad covers all 䢶 doors of each car, The logo of computex taipei 䢴䢲䢳䢶 should be shown prominently. Remarks: 䢳. 䢳䢲䢲 cars per unit 䢴. Advertisement placed for 䢳 month duration. (䢹 May– 䢹 June) 䢵. Layout design requires organizer approval. 䢶. The price does not include 䢷% VAT. 䢳䢴 63≻ 6PDUWSKRQH$33%DQQHU Item: Smart Phone APP Banner Price: NTD䢳䢲䢲,䢲䢲䢲/per ad Presentation: 䢷 seconds per cycle in random sequence, maximum 䢵 ads. Duration: April 䢴䢲䢳䢶-Feburary 䢴䢲䢳䢷 Platforms ƝiOSƋiPhone, iPadƌand Android RemarksƝThe price does not include 䢷% VAT. 䢳䢵 Sopnsorship Manual 2014䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢 ᭳㉙ຓᡭ SP 07-09 63≻ &RPSXWHU7HUPLQDOV Item: Computer Terminals Located at Buyers Registration Counter Number of SponsorsƝ䢳-䢵 exhibitors DescriptionƝComputer terminals for Buyers Registration in the 䢶 Exhibition Halls AmountƝ䢸䢲 Computers(including monitor, keyboard, mouse, and related accessories) RemarksƝ䢳. Computer hardware and system need to meet official specifications. 䢴. Sponsors will be responsible for storage and security of equipment provided 䢵. 䢴% of backup equipment must be on standby for immediate replacement. 䢶. Staff and computer equipment must ensure smooth operation for buyerćs registration at all times. 䢷. Organizer reserves the right to allocate sponsor computers to any location. 䢸. Sponsor ads at registration counter must be in accordance with event regulations. 䢳䢶 63≻ 7HPSRUDU\2XWGRRU7HQWV 7:7& Item: Temporary Outdoor Tents (TWTC Hall 䢳+ TWTC Hall 䢵) Number of Sponsors: 䢳 exhibitor Price: NTD 䢷䢲䢲,䢲䢲䢲 Area: Tents located in Shih-Fu Road & Keelung Road Sponsor Ad SizeƝ䢳䢷䢲 (W) x 䢳䢻.䢹(H)cm RemarksƝ䢳. Layout design requires organizerćs approval. 䢴. Organizer will produce the tents. 䢵. The price does not include 䢷% VAT. 63≻ 7HPSRUDU\2XWGRRU7HQWV 7:7&1DQJDQJ Item: Temporary Outdoor Tents (TWTC Nangang) Number of Sponsors: 䢳 exhibitor Price: NTD䢷䢲䢲,䢲䢲䢲 Area: Tents located in Jingmao 䢴nd Rd. Sponsor Ad Size: 䢳䢷䢲 (W) x 䢳䢻.䢹(H)cm Remarks: 䢳.Layout design requires organizerćs approval. 䢴.Organizer will produce the tents. 䢵. The price does not include 䢷% VAT. 䢳䢷 Sopnsorship Manual 2014䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢 ᭳㉙ຓᡭ SP 10-11 63 ٕ '0WR3UH5HJLVWHUHG9LVLWRUV ItemƝDM to Pre-Registered Visitors Number of SponsorsƝ䢴 exhibitor PriceƝNTD䢴䢷䢲,䢲䢲䢲/per exhibitor Full SizeƝA䢶 paper sizeƋ䢸 piecesƌ RemarksƝ䢳.Organizer will deliver the advertising mail to the hotels of pre-registered visitors(about 䢸,䢲䢲䢲 people). 䢴. The price does not include production fee and 䢷% VAT. 䢳䢸 63NEW ٕn2QH'D\6KXWWOH%XV3URPRWLRQ| RQ,QWHU+DOO6KXWWOH%XV ItemƝĄOne Day Shuttle Bus Promotioną on Inter-Hall Shuttle Bus Number of SponsorsƝ䢳 exhibitor/ per day (choose one day from 䢷, 䢸 or 䢹 June) PriceƝNTD䢳䢶䢲,䢲䢲䢲/per exhibitor Full SizeƝExhibitor can have at most 䢴 show girls for the " One Day Shuttle Bus Promotion " to have promotional activity on the inter-hall shuttle bus from 䢻am to 䢷pm. RemarksƝ䢳. Exhibitors can deliver flyers while passengers are getting on/ off the shuttle bus. Please do pick up the remaining flyers on the shuttle bus after passengers getting off the bus. 䢴. While the shuttle bus is operating, show girls can promote via microphone in Chinese or English (the broadcast should be within 䢷 minutes and keep the volume under 䢸䢲 dB). 䢵. Despite delivering flyers and broadcasting, exhibitor cannot display products or other promotional activities on the shuttle bus. 䢶. Exhibitor needs to prepare for the needed equipment. 䢷. Promotion content requires organizerćs approval. 䢸. Organizer will check randomly in the promotional activity. Once the exhibitor had violated the rules, the ĄOne Day Shuttle Bus Promotioną will be canceled immediately. 䢹. The price does not include production fee and 䢷% VAT. 䢳䢹 2014䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢 䢳䢺 Sopnsorship Manual 䢳䢻 2014䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢 TWTC Sopnsorship Manual 01-4 7:7&f≻ 0DLQ*DWH:DOO %DQQHUVLQ+VLQ\LDQG=KXDQJMLQJ 5RDG Item: Main Gate Wall Banners ⋇ ⋈ Number of Sponsors: 䢴 exhibitors PriceƝTWTC ⋇ NTD䢶䢲䢲,䢲䢲䢲 (Hsinyi Road) TWTC ⋈ NTD䢶䢲䢲,䢲䢲䢲 (Zhuangjing Road) Full SizeƝTWTC ⋇ 䢶䢶䢸 (W) x 䢴䢻䢹 (H)cm TWTC ⋈ Right Side:䢸䢲䢲(W) x䢴䢻䢵(H)cm Left Side:䢴䢻䢺(W) x䢴䢻䢵(H)cm Sponsor Ad SizeƝ䢶/䢷 right side of full size RemarksƝ䢳.Layout design requires organizerćs approval. 䢴. Canvas Material, 䢵. The prices do not include 䢷% VAT. 7:7& 7:7& ♋න ਼നਕை 7:7&+DOO *UDQG+\DWW+RWHO G 5 IX KL 6 ଡ଼ ਿ ᷙਨ 7DLSHL 䢴䢲 ଡ଼ ᖏ৮রੱ 7,&& L5G ;LQ\ F H 6 ਦଝଡ଼ 7:7&f≻ 0DLQ*DWH3LOODU$GLQ +VLQ\L5RDG7:7&+DOO ItemƝTWTC ⋉ Main Gate Pillar Ad (inner side,䢴 columns) TWTC ⋊ Main Gate Pillar Ad (outer side,䢴 columns) Number of SponsorsƝ䢴 exhibitors PriceƝTWTC ⋉ NTD䢷䢲䢲,䢲䢲䢲Ə䢴 columns TWTC ⋊ NTD䢷䢲䢲,䢲䢲䢲Ə䢴 columns Full SizeƝ䢸䢴䢺 (W) x 䢵䢲䢲(H)cm Sponsor Ad SizeƝ䢶/䢷 bottom side of full size RemarksƝ䢳. Layout design requires organizerćs approval. 䢴. Canvas material for all pillars. 䢵. The prices do not include 䢷% VAT. 7:7& 7:7& ♋න ਼നਕை 7:7&+DOO *UDQG+\DWW+RWHO G 5 IX KL 6 ଡ଼ ਿ ᷙਨ 7DLSHL ଡ଼ ᖏ৮রੱ 7,&& L5G ;LQ\ F H 6 ਦଝଡ଼ 䢴䢳 Sopnsorship Manual 2014䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢 ᭳㉙ຓᡭ TWTC 05-08 7:7&≻ :DOO%DQQHURQ6KLIX 5G7:7&+DOO1HDU057([LW ItemƝTWTC ⋋ Wall Banner in Shifu Rd. (Exit of Area B) Number of SponsorsƝ䢳 exhibitor PriceƝNTD 䢴䢲䢲,䢲䢲䢲 Full SizeƝ䢵 pcs in total, 䢵䢹䢲 (W) x 䢷䢴䢴 (H)cm Sponsor Ad SizeƝ䢶/䢷 top side of full size RemarksƝ䢳. Layout design requires organizerćs approval. 䢴. Canvas material for all pillars. 䢵. The prices do not include 䢷% VAT. ♋න ਼നਕை 7:7&+DOO *UDQG+\DWW+RWHO ኞઈ ਼നᲂ ẖলઠ G 5 IX KL 6 ଡ଼ ਿ ᷙਨ 7DLSHL ଡ଼ ᖏ৮রੱ 7,&& G LQ\L5 F; H 6 ਦଝଡ଼ 7:7&≻ :DOO%DQQHURQ6KLIX 5G7:7&+DOO1HDU057([LW ItemƝTWTC ⋌ Wall Banner in Shifu Rd. (Exit of Area C) Number of SponsorsƝ䢳 exhibitor PriceƝNTD 䢴䢷䢲,䢲䢲䢲 Full SizeƝ䢶pcs in total 䢵䢹䢲 (W) x 䢷䢴䢴 (H)cmx 䢴 pcs 䢶䢶䢸 (W) x 䢷䢴䢴 (H)cmx 䢴 pcs Sponsor Ad SizeƝ䢶/䢷 top side of full size RemarksƝ䢳. Layout design requires organizerćs approval. 䢴. Canvas material for all pillars. 䢵. The prices do not include 䢷% VAT. 䢴䢴 7:7& 7:7& 7:7&≻ +DOOZD\:DOO%DQQHU %HWZHHQ+\DWWDQG7:7&+DOO ItemƝTWTC ⋍ Wall Banner near Shi-Fu Rd. Number of SponsorsƝ䢳 exhibitor PriceƝNTD 䢴䢲䢲,䢲䢲䢲 Full SizeƝ䢳,䢵䢶䢸 (W) x 䢴䢻䢹 (H)cm x 䢳 pc Sponsor Ad SizeƝ䢶/䢷 right side of full size RemarksƝ䢳. Layout design requires organizerćs approval. 䢴. Canvas material for all pillars. 䢵. The prices do not include 䢷% VAT. 7:7& 7:7& ♋න ਼നਕை 7:7&+DOO *UDQG+\DWW+RWHO ᷙਨ 7DLSHL G 5 IX KL 6 ଡ଼ ਿ ਼ന៑ৃ ଡ଼ ᖏ৮রੱ 7,&& G LQ\L5 F; H 6 ਦଝଡ଼ 7:7&≻ +DOOZD\:DOO%DQQHU %HWZHHQ+\DWWDQG7:7&+DOO ItemƝTWTC ⋎ Wall Banner near TWTC Square Number of SponsorsƝ䢳 exhibitor PriceƝNTD 䢴䢲䢲,䢲䢲䢲 Full SizeƝ䢴䢴䢴 (W) x 䢴䢻䢹 (H)cm x 䢵pcs Sponsor Ad SizeƝ䢶/䢷 bottom side of full size RemarksƝ䢳. Layout design requires organizerćs approval. 䢴. Canvas material for all pillars. 䢵. The prices do not include 䢷% VAT. 䢴䢵 2014䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢 TWTC Sopnsorship Manual 09-10 7:7&≻ *ODVV&XUWDLQ:DOO$G ItemƝGlass Curtain Wall Ad ⋏ Number of SponsorsƝ䢳 exhibitor PriceƝNTD 䢺䢲䢲,䢲䢲䢲 Full SizeƝ䢵,䢴䢴䢳 (W)x 䢷䢳䢷 (H)cm Sponsor Ad SizeƝ䢶/䢷 right side of full size RemarksƝ䢳. Layout design requires organizerćs approval. 䢴. The price does not include 䢷% VAT. 7:7& ♋න ਼നਕை 7:7&+DOO *UDQG+\DWW+RWHO ᷙਨ 7DLSHL G 5 IX KL 6 ଡ଼ ਿ ਼ന៑ৃ 䢴䢶 ଡ଼ ᖏ৮রੱ 7,&& G LQ\L5 F; H 6 ਦଝଡ଼ 7:7&≻ 7:7&6TXDUH3LOODU$G ItemƝTWTC Square Pillar Ad ⋐ Number of SponsorsƝ䢳 exhibitor PriceƝNTD 䢷䢲䢲,䢲䢲䢲 Full SizeƝ䢴 columns in total 䢴䢲䢲 (W) x 䢵䢲䢲 (H)cm x 䢶 sides /each column Each side has 䢵 parts (see photo below) 䢳䢺䢸 (W) x 䢻䢳 (H)cm/each part Sponsor Ad SizeƝTwo sides for the sponsor, the organizer reserves the right to allocate the space of Ads. RemarksƝ䢳. Total 䢶 sides for each column 䢴. The price does not include 䢷% VAT. 7:7& ♋න ਼നਕை 7:7&+DOO *UDQG+\DWW+RWHO G 5 LIX K 6 ଡ଼ ਿ ᷙਨ 7DLSHL ଡ଼ ᖏ৮রੱ 7,&& G LQ\L5 ; HF 6 ਦଝଡ଼ 䢴䢷 2014䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢 TWTC Sopnsorship Manual 11-13 7:7&≻ +DOO,QGRRU0 6WLFNHU$GRQ(VFDODWRU ItemƝTWTC ⋑ Hall 䢳 Indoor 䢵M Sticker Ad on escalator(䢴 escalators facing Hsinyi Road entrance gates) Number of SponsorsƝ䢳 exhibitor PriceƝNTD 䢶䢲䢲,䢲䢲䢲 Full SizeƝEach escalator has 䢴 sides: Total 䢶 sides 䢳,䢷䢸䢲 (W) x 䢷䢵 (H)cm x 䢶 faces Sponsor Ad SizeƝ䢴 sides(full size) for sponsor RemarksƝThe price does not include 䢷% VAT. 7:7& ♋න ਼നਕை 7:7&+DOO *UDQG+\DWW+RWHO G 5 IX KL 6 ଡ଼ ਿ ଡ଼ \L5G ;LQ F H 6 ਦଝଡ଼ 7:7& 7:7&≻ +DOO,QGRRU0 6WLFNHU$GRQ(VFDODWRU ItemƝTWTC ⋒ Hall 䢳 Indoor 䢵M Sticker Ad on escalator (entrance of C area) Number of SponsorsƝ䢳 exhibitor PriceƝNTD 䢶䢲䢲,䢲䢲䢲 Full SizeƝEach escalator has 䢴 sides: Total 䢶 sides 䢳,䢷䢸䢲 (W) x 䢷䢵 (H)cm x 䢶 faces Sponsor Ad SizeƝ䢴 sides(full size) for sponsor RemarksƝThe price does not include 䢷% VAT 䢴䢸 7:7&≻ :DOO6WUHDPHU$ERYH 3DQRUDPD/LIWV ItemƝWall Streamer Above Panorama Lifts ⋓ Number of SponsorsƝ䢳 exhibitor PriceƝNTD 䢴䢲䢲,䢲䢲䢲 Full SizeƝ䢳,䢴䢷䢲(W) x 䢶䢷䢵(H)cm Sponsor Ad SizeƝ䢶/䢷 left side of full size RemarksƝThe price does not include 䢷% VAT. 7:7& ♋න ਼നਕை 7:7&+DOO *UDQG+\DWW+RWHO G 5 IX KL 6 ଡ଼ ਿ ᷙਨ 7DLSHL ଡ଼ ᖏ৮রੱ 7,&& L5G ;LQ\ F H 6 ਦଝଡ଼ 䢴䢹 2014䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢 TWTC Sopnsorship Manual 014-15 7:7&f≻ ,QGRRU5RRI)ODJV DW$WULXP7:7&+DOO ItemƝIndoor Roof Flags at Atrium ⋔ ⋕ Number of SponsorsƝ䢴 exhibitors PriceƝTWTC ⋔ NTD 䢷䢲䢲,䢲䢲䢲, 䢷 flags in total TWTC ⋕ NTD 䢷䢲䢲,䢲䢲䢲, 䢷 flags in total Full SizeƝ䢵䢲䢲 (W) x 䢳,䢺䢲䢲 (H)cm Sponsor Ad SizeƝ䢶/䢷 top side of full size Flag SpecificationƝflame retardants RemarksƝThe prices do not include 䢷% VAT. 7:7& 7:7& ♋න ਼നਕை 7:7&+DOO *UDQG+\DWW+RWHO 5 IX KL 6 ଡ଼ ਿ ᷙਨ 7DLSHL G 䢴䢺 ଡ଼ ᖏ৮রੱ 7,&& \L5G ;LQ F H 6 ਦଝଡ଼ 2014䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢 EXPO Sopnsorship Manual 01-06 (;32≻ 0DLQ*DWH/LQWHO%DQQHU LQ6RQJ6KRX5RDG7:7&+DOO ItemƝMain Gate Wall Banner ⋇ Number of SponsorsƝ䢳exhibitor PriceƝNTD䢳䢲䢲,䢲䢲䢲 Full SizeƝ䢳,䢲䢺䢲 (W) x 䢹䢷 (H)cm Sponsor Ad SizeƝFull Size RemarksƝ䢳.The logo of Computex Taipei 䢴䢲䢳䢶 should be shown prominently. 䢴.The price does not include 䢷% VAT. (;32 ᷙਨ 7DLSHL ਿ ଡ଼ 6K LIX 5G ૈඈ ଡ଼ 6RQ J]K L5G (;32≻ 0DLQ*DWH:DOO$GLQ 6RQJ6KRX5RDG7:7&+DOO ItemƝMain Gate Wall Ad(left side) ⋈ Number of SponsorsƝ䢳 exhibitor PriceƝNTD 䢵䢲䢲,䢲䢲䢲 Full SizeƝ䢻䢸䢲 (W) x 䢶䢵䢲 (H)cm Sponsor Ad SizeƝ䢶/䢷 top side of full size 䢻䢸䢲 (W) x 䢴䢷䢺 (H)cm RemarksƝ䢳.The price does not include 䢷% VAT. 䢴.The logo of Computex Taipei 䢴䢲䢳䢶 should be shown prominently. 䢵䢲 X5G JVKR 6RQ ଡ଼ ૈ (;32 (;32f≻ 6RQJ6KRX5RDG:DOO 6WUHDPHUV7:7&+DOO ItemƝSong-Shou Road Wall Streamers Ⓧ ~ ⋌ Number of SponsorsƝ䢶 exhibitors PriceƝEXPO ⋉ NTD䢶䢲䢲,䢲䢲䢲 EXPO ⋊ NTD䢶䢲䢲,䢲䢲䢲 EXPO ⋋ NTD䢶䢲䢲,䢲䢲䢲 EXPO ⋌ NTD䢶䢲䢲,䢲䢲䢲 Full SizeƝ䢳,䢲䢸䢷 (W) x 䢵䢺䢷 (H)cm Sponsor Ad SizeƝ䢷/䢸 right side of full size 䢺䢺䢺 (W) x 䢵䢺䢷 (H)cm RemarksƝThe price does not include 䢷% VAT. (;32 (;32 ᷙਨ 7DLSHL ਿ ଡ଼ 6K LIX 5G ૈඈ ଡ଼ 6RQ J]K L5G X5G JVKR 6RQ ଡ଼ ૈ (;32 (;32 䢵䢳 2014䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢 EXPO Sopnsorship Manual 07-09 (;32≻ %LOOERDUGDW6RQJ6KRX 5G6RQJ&KLK5G&URVVURDG Item ƝBillboard at Song-Shou Rd. & Song-Chih Rd. Crossroad ⋍ Number of SponsorsƝ䢳 exhibitor PriceƝNTD 䢴䢷䢲,䢲䢲䢲 Full SizeƝ䢵䢲䢲 (W) x 䢴䢷䢲 (H)cm Sponsor Ad SizeƝFull Size RemarksƝ䢳.The price does not include production fee and 䢷% VAT. 䢴.Sponsor needs to design the layout. 䢵.The logo of Computex Taipei 䢴䢲䢳䢶 should be shown prominently. ᷙਨ 7DLSHL ਿ ଡ଼ 6K LIX 5G ૈඈ ଡ଼ 6RQ J]K L5G ૈ X5G VKR RQJ 6 ଡ଼ (;32 䢵䢴 (;32≻6RQJ&KLK5RDG7UXFN (QWUDQFH:DOO6WUHDPHU ItemƝSong-Chih Road Truck Entrance Wall Streamer ⋎ Number of SponsorsƝ䢳 exhibitor PriceƝNTD 䢴䢷䢲,䢲䢲䢲 Full SizeƝ䢹䢲䢲 (W) x 䢶䢲䢲 (H)cm Sponsor Ad SizeƝFull Size RemarksƝ䢳. The logo of Computex Taipei 䢴䢲䢳䢶 should be shown prominently. 䢴. The price does not include 䢷% VAT. (;32≻ 6RQJ&KLK5RDG7UXFN ([LW:DOO6WUHDPHU ItemƝSong-Chih Road Truck Exit Wall Streamer ⋏ Number of SponsorsƝ䢳 exhibitor PriceƝNTD 䢴䢷䢲,䢲䢲䢲 Full SizeƝ䢹䢲䢲 (W) x 䢶䢲䢲 (H)cm Sponsor Ad SizeƝFull Size RemarksƝ䢳. The logo of Computex Taipei 䢴䢲䢳䢶 should be shown prominently. 䢴. The price does not include 䢷% VAT. (;32 ᷙਨ 7DLSHL ਿ ଡ଼ 6K LIX 5G ૈඈ ଡ଼ 6RQ J]K L5G ૈ X5G VKR RQJ 6 ଡ଼ (;32 䢵䢵 2014䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢 EXPO Sopnsorship Manual 10-14 (;32f≻ :DOO6WUHDPHUV )DFLQJ7DLSHL7:7&+DOO ItemƝWall Streamers Facing Taipei 䢳䢲䢳 ⋐ ~ ⋓ Number of SponsorsƝ䢶 exhibitors PriceƝEXPO ⋐ NTD䢴䢷䢲,䢲䢲䢲 EXPO ⋑ NTD䢴䢷䢲,䢲䢲䢲 EXPO ⋒ NTD䢴䢷䢲,䢲䢲䢲 EXPO ⋓ NTD䢴䢷䢲,䢲䢲䢲 Full SizeƝ䢳,䢲䢷䢺 (W) x 䢵䢹䢷 (H)cm Sponsor Ad SizeƝ䢷/䢸 right side of full size 䢺䢺䢺 (W) x 䢵䢹䢷 (H)cm RemarksƝThe price does not include 䢷% VAT. (;32 (;32 (;32 (;32 ᷙਨ 7DLSHL ਿ ଡ଼ ૈඈ ଡ଼ 6RQ J]K L5G 䢵䢶 ૈ X5G VKR RQJ 6 ଡ଼ 6K LIX 5G (;32≻7:7&+DOO)R\HU %DFN:DOO&XUYH:DOO ItemƝTWTC Hall 䢵 Foyer Back Wall & Curve Wall ⋔ Number of SponsorsƝ䢳 exhibitor PriceƝNTD 䢵䢲䢲,䢲䢲䢲 Full SizeƝ˩Back Wall˪䢹䢴䢶 (W) x 䢴䢸䢹 (H)cm ˩Curve Wall˪䢳,䢵䢶䢲 (W) x 䢴䢵䢵 (H)cm Sponsor Ad SizeƝFull Size RemarksƝ䢳. The logo of Computex Taipei 䢴䢲䢳䢶 should be shown prominently. 䢴. The price does not include 䢷% VAT. (;32 ᷙਨ 7DLSHL ਿ ଡ଼ 6K LIX 5G ૈඈ ଡ଼ 6RQ J]K L5G ૈ X5G VKR RQJ 6 ଡ଼ 䢵䢷 2014䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢 EXPO Sopnsorship Manual 15 (;32≻ )R\HU%DOXVWUDGH:DOO %DQQHUV)DFHV ItemƝFoyer Balustrade Wall Banners(䢶 Faces) ⋕ Number of SponsorsƝ䢳 exhibitor PriceƝNTD 䢵䢲䢲,䢲䢲䢲 Full SizeƝ䢶 faces in total ⯼ ⯿ 䢷䢳䢴 (W) x 䢳䢺䢲 (H)cmx䢴 faces ⯽ ⯾ 䢷䢺䢷 (W) x 䢳䢺䢲 (H)cmx䢴 faces Sponsor Ad SizeƝFull Size RemrksƝ䢳. The logo of Computex Taipei 䢴䢲䢳䢶 should be shown prominently. 䢴. Canvas material 䢵. The price does not include 䢷% VAT. $ % ' & (;32$% ᷙਨ 7DLSHL ਿ ଡ଼ 6K LIX 5G ૈඈ ଡ଼ 6RQ J]K L5G 䢵䢸 ૈ X5G VKR RQJ 6 ଡ଼ (;32'& 2014䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢 TICC Sopnsorship Manual 01 7,&&≻ )ODJ6HW7,&& ItemƝFlag Set,TICC ⋇ Number of SponsorsƝ䢳 exhibitor PriceƝNTD䢶䢲䢲,䢲䢲䢲 Flag SizeƝNo. 䢺 Sponsor Ad SizeƝ䢴䢴 flags in total RemarksƝ䢳. The price does not include production fee and 䢷% VAT. 䢴. Sponsor needs to design the layout. 7,&& ਼നை 7:7& ଡ଼ ẖ G QJ5 OX .HH HF 6 ଡ଼ ੦ඤ 䢵䢺 G ྱ F 6H ਦଝ ଡ଼ 5 LQ\L ; 䢵䢻 2014䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢 TICC Sopnsorship Manual 02-03 7,&&NEW ٕ /('0RQLWRU7,&& 1HDU057([LW ItemƝLED Monitor, TICC East Gate ⋈ Number of SponsorsƝ䢳 exhibitor /per day (choose one day from 䢷, 䢸 or 䢹 June) PriceƝNTD 䢳䢷䢲,䢲䢲䢲 Full SizeƝ䢳䢺䢲ą RemarksƝ䢳. The price does not include 䢷% VAT. 䢴. Exhibitor can play the commercial video from 䢻am to 䢷pm and should rotate with Computex official video. The video length should be within 䢴 minutes. 䢵. Please provide the file in the following format before 䢴䢺 May: (䢳) jpeg (䢴) mpeg, flash (䢵) DVD 7,&& ਼നை 7:7& ଡ଼ ẖ HF 6 ଡ଼ ੦ඤ ኞઈ ਼നᲂ ẖলઠ OX .HH G G QJ5 \L5 ;LQ 䢶䢲 6 ଡ଼ ਦଝ HF 7,&&≻ 7,&&6RXWKHDVW:DOO 6WUHDPHU ItemƝSoutheast Wall Streamer ⋉ Number of SponsorsƝ䢳 exhibitor PriceƝNTD 䢻䢲䢲,䢲䢲䢲 Full SizeƝ䢳,䢳䢴䢷 (W) x 䢴,䢺䢷䢲 (H)cm Sponsor Ad SizeƝ䢶/䢷 bottom side of full size 䢳,䢳䢴䢷(W) x 䢴,䢴䢺䢲 (H)cm RemarksƝ䢳.Layout design requires organizerćs approval. 䢴. The price does not include 䢷% VAT. ਼നை 7:7& ଡ଼ ẖ HF 6 ଡ଼ ੦ඤ ኞઈ ਼നᲂ ẖলઠ OX .HH G G QJ5 \L5 ;LQ 6 ଡ଼ ਦଝ HF 7,&& 䢶䢳 2014䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢 TICC Sopnsorship Manual 04-06 7,&&≻ :DOO%DQQHUVDW(DVW *DWH1HDU057([LW ItemƝWall Banners at East Gate ⋊ Number of SponsorsƝ䢳 exhibitor PriceƝNTD 䢹䢷䢲,䢲䢲䢲 Full SizeƝ䢵,䢹䢷䢲 (W) x 䢶䢷䢲 (H)cm Sponsor Ad SizeƝ䢶/䢷 right side of full size 䢵,䢲䢲䢲 (W) x 䢶䢷䢲 (H)cm RemarksƝ䢳.Layout design requires organizerćs approval. 䢴.The price does not include 䢷% VAT. 7,&& ਼നை 7:7& ଡ଼ ẖ ଡ଼ ੦ඤ J5G HOXQ .H HF 6 ኞઈ ਼നᲂ ẖলઠ ଡ଼ ਦଝ 5G LQ\L ; 6HF 7,&& 7,&& ≻ :DOO%DQQHUVDW6RXWK *DWH1HDU057([LW ItemƝWall Banners at South Gate ⋋ Number of SponsorsƝ䢳 exhibitor PriceƝNTD 䢶䢷䢲,䢲䢲䢲 Full SizeƝ䢸,䢹䢹䢲 (W) x 䢳,䢷䢲䢲 (H)cm Sponsor Ad SizeƝ䢶/䢷 left side of full size 䢶,䢸䢹䢲 (W) x 䢳,䢸䢶䢹 (H)cm 䢹䢷䢲 (W) x 䢳,䢳䢷䢲 (H)cm 䢸䢲䢲(W) x 䢳,䢳䢷䢲 (H)cm 䢹䢷䢲(W) x 䢳,䢳䢷䢲 (H)cm RemarksƝ䢳. The price does not include production fee and 䢷% VAT. 䢴. Sponsor needs to design the layout . 䢵. Layout design requires organizerćs approval. 䢶䢴 7,&&≻ 3LOODUVDWHDVWHQWUDQFH 1HDU057([LW Item ƝPillars at east entrance ⋌ Number of SponsorsƝ䢳 exhibitor PriceƝNTD 䢺䢲䢲,䢲䢲䢲 Full SizeƝ䢴 pillars in total 䢸䢸䢺 (W) x 䢺䢴䢲 (H)cm/per pillar Sponsor Ad SizeƝ䢴/䢵 bottom side of full size RemrksƝThe price does not include 䢷% VAT. ਼നை 7:7& ଡ଼ ẖ HF 6 ଡ଼ ੦ඤ OX .HH G 7,&& ኞઈ ਼നᲂ ẖলઠ G QJ5 \L5 ;LQ 6 ଡ଼ ਦଝ HF 䢶䢵 2014䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢 TICC Sopnsorship Manual 07-08 7,&&≻:DOO6WUHDPHUDW ,QWHUVHFWLRQRI+VLQ<L.HHORQJ5G ItemƝWall Streamer at Intersection of Hsin-Yi & Keelong Rd. ⋍ Number of SponsorsƝ䢳 exhibitor PriceƝNTD 䢹䢲䢲,䢲䢲䢲 Full SizeƝ䢻䢻䢲 (W) x 䢴,䢴䢺䢷 (H)cm Sponsor Ad SizeƝ䢷/䢸 bottom side of full size 䢻䢻䢲 (W) x 䢳,䢻䢲䢲 (H)cm RemrksƝThe price does not include 䢷% VAT. 7,&& ਼നை 7:7& ଡ଼ ẖ HF 6 ଡ଼ ੦ඤ OX .HH G G QJ5 \L5 ;LQ 䢶䢶 6 ଡ଼ ਦଝ HF 7,&&≻ 7,&&(DVW*DWH$GV ItemƝTICC East Gate Ads ⋎ Number of SponsorsƝ䢳 exhibitor PriceƝNTD 䢹䢲䢲,䢲䢲䢲 Full SizeƝ䢴 spacesƏsee fig.䢳 ٭fig.䢴 䢳䢺䢶 cm(W) x䢴䢳䢶 cm(H)Ƌfig.䢳ƌ 䢹䢷䢳cm (W) x䢹䢺䢷 cm(H)Ƌfig.䢴ƌ Sponsorćs Ad SizeƝFull Size(䢴 spaces) RemarksƝ䢳.The logo of Computex Taipei 䢴䢲䢳䢶 should be shown on a significant area of Ads. 䢴. Layout design requires organizerćs approval. 䢵. The price does not include 䢷% VAT. 7,&& ਼നை 7:7& ଡ଼ ẖ HF 6 ଡ଼ ੦ඤ OX .HH G G QJ5 \L5 ;LQ 6 ଡ଼ ਦଝ HF 䢶䢷 2014䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢 TICC Sopnsorship Manual 09-12 7,&&f≻ 7,&&1RUWK ٭6RXWK *DWHV$GV ItemƝTICC North & South Gate Ad ⋏ ⋐ Number of SponsorsƝ䢳 exhibitor PriceƝTICC ⋏ NTD 䢴䢲䢲,䢲䢲䢲 TICC ⋐ NTD 䢴䢲䢲,䢲䢲䢲 Full SizeƝ䢷䢺䢺cm(W) ¼ 䢶䢻䢵cm(H) Sponsor Ad SizeƝ䢶/䢷 of full size RemarksƝ䢳. Layout design requires organizerćs approval. 䢴. The prices do not include 䢷% VAT. 7,&& ਼നை 7:7& ଡ଼ ẖ HF 6 ଡ଼ ੦ඤ OX .HH G G QJ5 \L5 ;LQ 䢶䢸 6 ଡ଼ ਦଝ HF 7,&& 7,&&f≻ 7,&&0DLQ/REE\ +DQJLQJ%DQQHU ItemƝMain Lobby South Side Hanging Banner ⋑ Main Lobby North Side Hanging Banner ⋒ Number of SponsorsƝ䢴 exhibitors PriceƝTICC ⋑ NTD䢶䢲䢲,䢲䢲䢲Ə䢺 pcs TICC ⋒ NTD䢶䢲䢲,䢲䢲䢲Ə䢺 pcs Full SizeƝ䢳䢷䢲cm (W) x 䢵䢺䢲 cm(H) Sponsorćs Ad SizeƝ䢶/䢷 top side of full size Remarks:䢳. The prices do not include production fees and 䢷%VAT. 䢴. Sponsors need to design the layout. 䢵. Layout design requires organizerćs approval. 7,&& ਼നை 7:7& ଡ଼ ẖ HF 6 ଡ଼ ੦ඤ OX .HH G \L5 ;LQ G QJ5 HF 7,&& 6 ଡ଼ ਦଝ 䢶䢹 2014䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢 TICC Sopnsorship Manual 13-18 7,&&f≻ 7,&&(VFDODWRU +DQJLQJ5RG ItemƝTICC ⋓ South Escalator Hanging Rod TICC ⋔ North Escalator Hanging Rod Number of SponsorsƝ䢴 exhibitors PriceƝTICC ⋓ NTD 䢷䢲䢲,䢲䢲䢲Ə䢶sets TICC ⋔ NTD 䢷䢲䢲,䢲䢲䢲Ə䢶sets Full SizeƝ䢸䢲䢲cm (W) x 䢳䢷䢲cm (H) per rod ٮ䢶 sets of rod per item, last set has to be 䢴䢸䢲cm above handrail. Sponsor Ad SizeƝ䢶/䢷 of the flag size 7,&& ਼നை 7:7& ଡ଼ ẖ HF 6 ଡ଼ ੦ඤ OX .HH G \L5 ;LQ G QJ5 HF 䢶䢺 ਦଝ ଡ଼ 6 7,&& 7,&&f≻ ,QGRRU(OHYDWRU +DQJLQJ%DQQHU ItemƝTICC ⋕ 䢳st Floor South TICC ⋖ 䢳st Floor North TICC ⋗ 䢴nd Floor South TICC ⋘ 䢴nd Floor North Number of SponsorsƝ䢶exhibitors PriceƝTICC ⋕ NTD 䢶䢲䢲,䢲䢲䢲 TICC ⋖ NTD 䢶䢲䢲,䢲䢲䢲 TICC ⋗ NTD 䢵䢲䢲,䢲䢲䢲 TICC ⋘ NTD 䢵䢲䢲,䢲䢲䢲 Full SizeƝ 䢳. Elevator: Bottom䢳䢳䢲(W)x䢴䢳䢲cm(H) per door. 䢴. Hanging banner: Left 䢳䢷䢲cm(W)x䢷䢲cm(H) per Unit. 䢵. Each item has 䢶 exterior elevator doors and 䢳䢴 hanging aisle banners. Sponsorćs Ad SizeƝFull size RemarksƝ䢳. The logo of computex taipei 䢴䢲䢳䢶 should be shown prominently. 䢴. Limited to 䢴 images in eachel evator banner,additional image require extra fees. 䢵. The prices do not include 䢷% VAT. 7,&& ਼ന ை ਼നை 7:7& ଡ଼ ẖ HF 6 ଡ଼ ੦ඤ OX .HH G G QJ5 \L5 ;LQ 6 ଡ଼ ਦଝ HF 7,&& ᧱ ਜ਼઼ ᧱ ਜ਼઼ 䢶䢻 2014䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢 TICC Sopnsorship Manual 19-21 7,&&≻ 7,&&/REE\:DOO 6WUHDPHU ItemƝLobby Wall Streamer ⋙ Number of SponsorsƝ䢳 exhibitor PriceƝNTD 䢶䢲䢲,䢲䢲䢲 Full SizeƝ䢷䢸䢲 (W) x 䢳,䢳䢴䢲 (H)cm Sponsorćs Ad SizeƝ䢷/䢸 top side of full size 䢷䢸䢲 (W) x 䢻䢵䢲 (H)cm RemarksƝ䢳. The price does not include production fee and 䢷% VAT. 䢴. Sponsor needs to design the layout. 7,&& ਼നை 7:7& ଡ଼ ẖ HF 6 ଡ଼ ੦ඤ OX .HH G G QJ5 \L5 ;LQ 䢷䢲 6 ଡ଼ ਦଝ HF 7,&&f≻ 6RXWK1RUWK (QWUDQFH:DOO6WUHDPHU ItemƝ䢳st Floor South Entrance Wall Streamer ⋚ 䢳st Floor North Entrance Wall Streamer ⓟ Number of SponsorsƝ䢴 exhibitors PriceƝTICC ⋚ NTD䢴䢷䢲,䢲䢲䢲 TICC ⓟ NTD䢴䢷䢲,䢲䢲䢲 Full SizeƝ䢴䢳䢷 (W)x 䢵䢺䢻 (H)cm Sponsorćs Ad SizeƝFull Size RemarksƝ䢳.The logo of computex taipei 䢴䢲䢳䢶 should be shown prominently. 䢴.The prices do not include 䢷% VAT. 7,&& ਼നை 7:7& ଡ଼ ẖ HF 6 ଡ଼ ੦ඤ OX .HH G G QJ5 \L5 ;LQ 6 ଡ଼ ਦଝ HF 7,&& 䢷䢳 2014䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢 TICC Sopnsorship Manual 22-24 7,&&≻ ,QIRUPDWLRQ'HVN:DOO %DQQHU ItemƝInformation Desk Wall Banner ⓪ Number of SponsorsƝ䢳 exhibitor PriceƝNTD 䢷䢲䢲,䢲䢲䢲 Full SizeƝ䢷䢲䢲 (W) x 䢵䢲䢲 (H)cm Sponsorćs Ad SizeƝ䢶/䢷 bottom side of full size RemarksƝ䢳.The logo of computex taipei 䢴䢲䢳䢵 should be shown prominently. 䢴.The price does not include 䢷% VAT. 7,&& ਼നை 7:7& ଡ଼ ẖ 7,&& J5G HOXQ .H HF 6 ଡ଼ ੦ඤ 7,&&≻ 0DLQ/REE\&ROXPQ$GV ItemƝMain Lobby Column Ads ⓫ (circled around the columns) Number of SponsorsƝ䢳 exhibitor PriceƝNTD 䢸䢷䢲,䢲䢲䢲 Full SizeƝ䢴 columns 䢺䢷䢲cm(W) x 䢶䢲䢲cm (H)/per column ٮHeight Limit:䢶䢲䢲cm from the floor. Sponsorćs Ad SizeƝ䢴 columns,䢶/䢷 top side:䢺䢷䢲cm(W) x䢵䢴䢲cm(H) RemarksƝ䢳. Limited to only 䢳 designed plate, additional plates require extra fees. 䢴. If products are displayed in the column like fig.䢴,the price of Ads will be NTD䢹䢷䢲,䢲䢲䢲 䢵. The prices do not include 䢷% VAT. 䢶. Layout design requires organizerćs approval 䢷䢴 ଡ଼ ਦଝ 5G LQ\L ; 6HF 7,&&≻ 0DLQ(QWUDQFH3'3 6FUHHQ ItemƝMain Entrance PDP Screen(䢳䢴 sets in total) ⓬ Number of SponsorsƝ䢴 exhibitors PriceƝNTD 䢳䢷䢲,䢲䢲䢲 per exhibitor Location/DescriptionƝ䢸䢷" Plasma Display Panel 䢳F Lobby South/North (䢶 sets) 䢳F Main Entrance (䢴 sets) 䢴F Front of South/North Escalator (䢴 sets) 䢷䢲" Plasma Display Panel 䢵F/䢶 Fsouth/north main entrance (䢶 sets) Sponsorćs Ad SizeƝAds alternate, VCD˚DVD or Power Point file format RemarksƝ䢳. The price does not include 䢷% VAT. 䢴. Sponsor can play the commercial video from 䢻am to 䢷 pm and rotate with Computex official video. The video length should be within 䢴 minutes. ਼നை 7:7& ଡ଼ ẖ 6 ଡ଼ ੦ඤ .HH HF OXQJ G 5G HF 6 ଝଡ଼ 7,&& \L5 ;LQ ਦ 䢷䢵 2014䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢 TICC Sopnsorship Manual 25-28 7,&&f≻ 7,&&0DLQ/REE\ 6RXWK ٭1RUWK5HVW$UHD$GV ItemƝMain Lobby South Rest Area ⓭ Main Lobby North Rest Area ⓮ Number of SponsorsƝ䢴 exhibitors PriceƝTICC ⓭ NTD 䢴䢲䢲,䢲䢲䢲 TICC ⓮ NTD 䢴䢲䢲,䢲䢲䢲 Full SizeƝ䢺䢲䢲 cm(W) x 䢷䢲䢲cm cm(H) Sponsorćs Ad SizeƝ䢷/䢸 of full size, form board material RemarksƝ䢳. The prices do not include production fees and 䢷٫ VAT . 䢴. Sponsors need to design the layout. 䢵. Layout design requires organizerćs approval 7,&& 7,&& ਼നை 7:7& ଡ଼ ẖ HF 6 ଡ଼ ੦ඤ OX .HH G G QJ5 \L5 ;LQ 䢷䢶 6 ଡ଼ ਦଝ HF 7,&&f≻ 7,&&0DLQ/REE\ /&')UDPH$GV ItemƝMain Lobby LCD Frame Ads ⓯ ⓰ Number of SponsorsƝ䢴 exhibitors Cost of Ads ƝTICC ⓯ NTD䢴䢲䢲,䢲䢲䢲 TICC ⓰ NTD䢴䢲䢲,䢲䢲䢲 Full SizeƝ䢵䢸䢻 (W) x 䢴䢸䢻 (H)cm Sponsorćs Ad SizeƝThe space outside lcd monitors RemarksƝ䢳. Foam Board Material 䢴. The prices do not include 䢷% VAT. 7,&& 7,&& ਼നை 7:7& ଡ଼ ẖ HF 6 ଡ଼ ੦ඤ OX .HH G G QJ5 \L5 ;LQ 6 ଡ଼ ਦଝ HF 䢷䢷 2014䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢 TICC Sopnsorship Manual 29-30 7,&&f ≻ 7,&&0DLQ/REE\ 6RXWK ٭1RUWK5HVW$UHD%DQQHU ItemƝTICC Main Lobby South ٭North Rest Area Banner Number of SponsorsƝ䢴 exhibitors PriceƝTICC ⓱ NTD䢳䢷䢲,䢲䢲䢲 TICC ⓲ NTD䢳䢷䢲,䢲䢲䢲 Full SizeƝ䢳,䢴䢵䢲(W) ¼ 䢴䢻䢲(H)cm Sponsorćs Ad SizeƝƝ䢶/䢷 right side of full size RemarksƝ䢳. Foam Board Material 䢴. The prices do not include 䢷% VAT. 7,&& 7,&& ਼നை 7:7& ଡ଼ ẖ HF 6 ଡ଼ ੦ඤ OX .HH G G QJ5 \L5 ;LQ 䢷䢸 6 ଡ଼ ਦଝ HF 䢷䢹 2014䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢 NIEC Sopnsorship Manual 01-02 1,(&≻ 0DLQ(QWUDQFH6LGHZDON 5DLOLQJ$G ItemƝMain Entrance Sidewalk Railing Ad ⋇ Number of SponsorsƝ䢳 exhibitor PriceƝNTD 䢶䢲䢲,䢲䢲䢲 Full sizeƝAƝ䢳,䢵䢷䢲 (W) x 䢻䢵 (H)cm BƝ䢴,䢻䢷䢲 (W) x 䢻䢵 (H)cm CƝ䢳,䢻䢷䢲 (W) x 䢻䢵 (H) cm DƝ䢶,䢷䢲䢲 (W) x 䢻䢵 (H) cm Sponsor Ad SizeƝ䢶/䢷 right side of full size AƝ䢳,䢲䢺䢲(W) x 䢻䢵 (H)cm BƝ䢴,䢵䢸䢲 (W) x 䢻䢵 (H) cm CƝ䢳,䢷䢸䢲(W) x 䢻䢵 (H) cm DƝ䢵,䢸䢲䢲(W) x 䢻䢵 (H) cm RemarkƝ䢳.The prices do not include 䢷% VAT. 䢴.Sponsor needs to design the layout . 䢵.Layout design requires organizerćs approval 1,(& A 5G QG PDR -LQJ ଡ଼ ᴇന B ᴇന QG PDR -LQJ ଡ଼ C 5G 䢷䢺 D 1,(&≻ 0DLQ(QWUDQFH &DQRS\%DQQHU ItemƝMain Entrance Canopy Banner ⋈ Number of SponsorsƝ䢳 exhibitor PriceƝNTD 䢶䢷䢲,䢲䢲䢲 Full SizeƝ䢹䢹䢲 (W) x 䢻䢲 (H)cmx 䢵 pcs Sponsor Ad SizeƝFull Size(Both side of the banner.) RemarksƝ䢳.The prices do not include production fees and 䢷% VAT. 䢴.The first piece of banner is for ComputexTaipei 䢴䢲䢳䢶 advertisement, the second & third pieces are for the sponsor. 1,(& 5G QG PDR -LQJ ଡ଼ ᴇന QG PDR -LQJ ଡ଼ ᴇന 5G 䢷䢻 2014䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢 NIEC Sopnsorship Manual 03-04 1,(&≻ 0DLQ(QWUDQFH3LOODUV$G ItemƝMain Entrance Pillars Ad ⋉ Number of SponsorsƝ䢳 exhibitor PriceƝNTD䢻䢲䢲,䢲䢲䢲 Full sizeƝ䢺 Pillars in total 䢳䢴䢲 (W) x 䢴䢶䢷 (H)cmx 䢵 faces/per pillar Sponsor Ad SizeƝFull Size RemarksƝ䢳. The prices do not include 䢷% VAT. 䢴. One face for Computex Taipei 䢴䢲䢳䢶, two faces for the exhibitor. 䢵. Layout design requires organizerćs approval. 1,(& 5G QG PDR -LQJ ଡ଼ ᴇന QG PDR -LQJ ଡ଼ ᴇന 5G 䢸䢲 1,(&≻ 2XWGRRU|/('79$' ItemƝOutdoor 䢶䢴䢷ą LED TV AD ⋊ Number of SponsorsƝ䢳 exhibitor PriceƝNTD 䢷䢲䢲,䢲䢲䢲 Full SizeƝ䢻䢲䢲 (W) x 䢸䢲䢲 (H)cm Broadcast ScheduleƝ䢵-䢹 June ,䢳䢲am-䢸pm RemarksƝ䢳. Max video length of ad must be within 䢷 minutes. 䢴. The price does not include 䢷% VAT. 䢵. The Ads of exhibitor and Taipei Computex 䢴䢲䢳䢶 will display alternately. 1,(& 5G QG PDR -LQJ ଡ଼ ᴇന QG PDR -LQJ ଡ଼ ᴇന 5G 䢸䢳 2014䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢 NIEC Sopnsorship Manual 05-06 1,(&≻ 2XWGRRU:DOO6WUHDPHU DERYH/('79 ItemƝOutdoor Wall Streamer above 䢶䢴䢷" LED TV Number of SponsorsƝ䢳 exhibitor PriceƝNTD 䢺䢲䢲,䢲䢲䢲 Full SizeƝ䢻䢹䢸 (W) x 䢳,䢷䢵䢲 (H)cm Sponsor Ad SizeƝ䢷/䢸 bottom side of full size RemarksƝThe price does not include 䢷% VAT. 1,(& 5G QG PDR -LQJ ଡ଼ ᴇന QG PDR -LQJ ଡ଼ ᴇന 5G ኞઈવ னἼை ẖলઠ 䢸䢴 1,(&≻ 2XWGRRU$PSKLWKHDWHU )ODJ6HW ItemƝOutdoor Amphitheater Flag Set ⋌ Number of SponsorsƝ䢳 exhibitor PriceƝNTD 䢶䢲䢲,䢲䢲䢲 Flag SizeƝNo. 䢻 Sponsor Ad SizeƝ䢴䢺 flags in total RemarksƝ䢳. The price does not include production fee and 䢷% VAT. 䢴. Sponsor needs to design the layout. 1,(& 5G QG PDR -LQJ ଡ଼ ᴇന QG PDR -LQJ ଡ଼ ᴇന 5G ኞઈવ னἼை ẖলઠ 䢸䢵 2014䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢 NIEC Sopnsorship Manual 07-11 1,(&≻ 6N\OLJKW/REE\ 3DQRUDPLF%DQQHU ItemƝSkylight Lobby Panoramic Banner ⋍ Number of SponsorsƝ䢳 exhibitor PriceƝNTD 䢷䢷䢲,䢲䢲䢲 Full SizeƝ䢶,䢵䢴䢷 (W) x 䢻䢷䢲 (H) ਁী Sponsor Ad SizeƝ䢵/䢷 bottom side of full size RemarksƝ䢳. Single-sided, transparent sticker. 䢴. Layout design requires organizer's approval. 䢵. The price does not include production fee and 䢷% VAT. 1,(& 5G QG PDR -LQJ ଡ଼ ᴇന QG PDR -LQJ ଡ଼ ᴇന 5G ኞઈવ னἼை ẖলઠ 䢸䢶 䢳䢳 1,(&f≻ 1RUWK:DOO6WUHDPHU 䢳䢲 ItemƝNorth Wall Streamer ⋎ ⋏ ⋐ ⋑ Number of SponsorsƝ䢶 exhibitors PriceƝNIEC ⋎ NTD 䢺䢷䢲,䢲䢲䢲 NIEC ⋏ NTD 䢺䢷䢲,䢲䢲䢲 NIEC ⋐ NTD 䢺䢷䢲,䢲䢲䢲 NIEC ⋑ NTD 䢺䢷䢲,䢲䢲䢲 Full SizeƝ⋎ 䢳,䢲䢳䢹 (W) x 䢴,䢶䢲䢲 (H)cm ⋏ ⋐ 䢳,䢷䢴䢲 (W) x 䢴,䢲䢺䢲 (H)cm ⋑ 䢳,䢶䢴䢸 (W) x 䢴,䢵䢳䢲 (H)cm Sponsor Ad SizeƝ䢶/䢷 top side of full size ⋎ 䢳,䢲䢳䢹 (W) x 䢳,䢶䢶䢲 (H)cm ⋏ ⋐ 䢳,䢷䢴䢲 (W) x 䢳,䢴䢷䢲 (H)cm ⋑ 䢳,䢶䢴䢸 (W) x 䢳,䢵䢻䢲 (H)cm RemarksƝThe prices do not include 䢷% VAT. 1,(& 1,(& 1,(& 䢻 䢺 1,(& 5G QG PDR -LQJ ଡ଼ ᴇന QG PDR -LQJ ଡ଼ ᴇന 5G ኞઈવ னἼை ẖলઠ 䢸䢷 2014䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢 NIEC Sopnsorship Manual 12-16 1,(&f≻ 6RXWK:DOO6WUHDPHU 䢳䢴 ItemƝSouth Wall Streamer ⋒ ⋓ ⋔ ⋕ Number of SponsorsƝ䢶 exhibitors PriceƝ NIEC ⋒ NTD 䢺䢷䢲,䢲䢲䢲 NIEC ⋓ NTD 䢺䢷䢲,䢲䢲䢲 NIEC ⋔ NTD 䢺䢷䢲,䢲䢲䢲 NIEC ⋕ NTD 䢺䢷䢲,䢲䢲䢲 Full SizeƝ⋒ 䢳,䢲䢳䢹 (W) x 䢴,䢶䢲䢲 (H)cm ⋓ ⋔ ⋕ 䢳,䢷䢴䢲 (W) x 䢴,䢲䢺䢲 (H)cm Sponsor Ad SizeƝ䢶/䢷 top side of full size RemarksƝThe prices do not include 䢷% VAT. 䢳䢵 䢳䢶 䢳䢷 PDR -LQJ ଡ଼ ᴇന QG -L ଡ଼ ᴇന 5G DR QJP G QG5 1,(& 䢸䢸 1,(& 1,(& 1,(& 1,(&≻ 3DUNLQJ/RW:DOO%DQQHU ItemƝParking Lot Wall Banner ⋖ Number of SponsorsƝ䢳 exhibitor PriceƝNTD 䢸䢲䢲,䢲䢲䢲 Full SizeƝ䢷,䢷䢲䢲 (W) x 䢹䢷䢲 (H)cm Sponsor Ad SizeƝ䢶,䢷䢲䢲 (W) x 䢹䢷䢲 (H)cm RemarksƝ䢳. Canvas Material, The logo of Computex Taipei 䢴䢲䢳䢶 must be shown prominently. 䢴. The price does not include 䢷% VAT. 5G QG PDR -LQJ ଡ଼ ᴇന 5G QG PDR -LQJ ଡ଼ ᴇന 1,(& 䢸䢹 2014䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢 NIEC Sopnsorship Manual 17-19 1,(&≻ 7UXFN(QWUDQFH:DOO 6WUHDPHU)DFLQJ&KLQ0DRVW5RDG 1,(& 5G QG PDR -LQJ ଡ଼ ᴇന QG PDR -LQJ ଡ଼ ᴇന 5G 䢸䢺 ItemƝTruck Entrance Wall Streamer Facing Chin-Mao 䢳st Road ⋗ Number of SponsorsƝ䢳 exhibitor PriceƝNTD 䢸䢲䢲,䢲䢲䢲 Full SizeƝ䢵,䢹䢹䢴 (W) x 䢹䢻䢲 (H)cm Sponsor Ad SizeƝ䢷/䢸 left side of full size. 䢵,䢳䢶䢲 (W) x 䢹䢻䢲 (H)cm RemarksƝThe price does not include 䢷% VAT. 1,(&f≻ 6RXWK(DVWHUQ:DOO 6WUHDPHU ItemƝSouth-Eastern Wall Streamer ⋘ ⋙ Number of SponsorsƝ䢴 exhibitors PriceƝNIEC ⋘ NTD䢵䢷䢲,䢲䢲䢲 NIEC ⋙ NTD䢵䢷䢲,䢲䢲䢲 Full SizeƝ⋘ 䢶䢹䢸 (W) x 䢴,䢲䢶䢲 (H)cm ⋙ 䢷䢳䢲 (W) x 䢴,䢲䢶䢲 (H)cm Sponsor Ad SizeƝ䢷/䢸 bottom side of full size RemarksƝThe price does not include 䢷% VAT. 䢳䢺 䢳䢻 5G QG PDR -LQJ ଡ଼ ᴇന QG PDR -LQJ ଡ଼ ᴇന 5G 1,(& 1,(& 䢸䢻 2014䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢 NIEC Sopnsorship Manual 20-21 1,(&≻ /DPS)ODJ$GV DURXQG1DQJDQJ([KLELWLRQ+DOO ItemƝLamp Flag Ads around Nangang Exhibition Hall ⋚ Number of SponsorsƝ䢳 exhibitor PriceƝNTD 䢷䢲䢲,䢲䢲䢲 Full SizeƝ䢸䢲 (W) x 䢻䢲 (H)cm Sponsor Ad SizeƝ䢷䢻 pairs, left face for exhibitor; right face for Computex Taipei RemarksƝThe price does not include production fee and 䢷% VAT. 5G QG PDR -LQJ ଡ଼ ᴇന LQJP ଡ଼ ᴇന DR G QG5 1,(& 䢹䢲 1,(&≻ 6RXWK6LGH&DQRS\ %DQQHUDQG3LOODUV ItemƝSouth Side Canopy Banner(double side) and pillar(䢶 pillars ) ⓟ Number of SponsorsƝ䢳 exhibitor PriceƝNTD䢶䢲䢲,䢲䢲䢲 Full SizeƝBanner䢸䢲䢷 (W) x䢳䢴䢲 (H)cm Pillar䢹䢲(W) x䢴䢷䢲 (H)cm Sponsor Ad SizeƝFull Size RemarksƝ䢳. One side of the banner and two faces of each pillar are reserved for organizer. 䢴. The price does not include production fee and 䢷% VAT. 1,(& 5G QG PDR -LQJ ଡ଼ ᴇന QG PDR -LQJ ଡ଼ ᴇന 5G 䢹䢳 2014䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢 NIEC Sopnsorship Manual 22-23 1,(& NEW≻:HVW:DOO) 6WUHDPHU ItemƝWest Wall 䢳F Streamer ⓪ Number of SponsorsƝ䢳 exhibitor PriceƝNTD 䢴䢲䢲,䢲䢲䢲 Full SizeƝ䢶䢵䢲 (W) x 䢴䢹䢷 (H)cm Sponsor Ad SizeƝ䢶/䢷 top size of full size 䢶䢵䢲 (W) x 䢴䢹䢷 (H) cm RemarksƝ 䢳.The price does not include 䢷% VAT. 5G QG PDR -LQJ ଡ଼ ᴇന DR P -LQJ ଡ଼ ᴇന G QG5 1,(& 䢹䢴 1,(&$t)0DLQ(QWUDQFH /REE\5RRI)ODJ 䢳F ItemƝMain Entrance Lobby Roof Flag 䢴䢵A Number of SponsorsƝ䢳 exhibitor PriceƝNTD 䢴䢲䢲,䢲䢲䢲 Full SizeƝ䢵 flags 䢴䢲䢷 (W) x 䢵䢴䢲 (H)cm x 䢵 flags Sponsor Ad SizeƝ䢴䢲䢷 (W) x 䢴䢷䢸 (H)cm x 䢵 flags RemarksƝ䢳. The price does not include and 䢷% VAT. 䢴. Sponsor needs to design the layout . 䢵. The sponsorship is with ĄMeeting Room Package Nangang Exhibition Hallą. Please refer to p.䢺䢶. 5G QG PDR -LQJ ଡ଼ ᴇന DR P -LQJ ଡ଼ ᴇന G QG5 1,(&$ 䢹䢵 2014䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢 NIEC Sopnsorship Manual 23-24 1,(&%t)6N\'RPH0DLQ (QWUDQFH/REE\5RRI)ODJ Sky Dom ItemƝ䢶F Sky Dome Main Entrance Lobby Roof Flag 䢴䢵A Number of SponsorsƝ䢳 exhibitor PriceƝNTD 䢴䢲䢲,䢲䢲䢲 Full SizeƝ䢵 flags 䢴䢲䢷 (W) x 䢴䢲䢲 (H)cm x 䢵 flags Sponsor Ad SizeƝ䢴䢲䢷 (W) x 䢴䢲䢲 (H)cm x 䢵 flags RemarksƝ䢳. The price does not include and 䢷% VAT. 䢴.Sponsor needs to design the layout . 䢵. The sponsorship is with ĄMeeting Room Package Nangang Exhibition Hallą. Please refer to p.䢺䢶. 5G QG PDR -LQJ ଡ଼ ᴇന DR P -LQJ ଡ଼ ᴇന G QG5 1,(&% 䢹䢶 1,(&≻/LJKW*DOOHU\5RRI )ODJ Sky Dom ItemƝLight Gallery Roof Flag 䢴䢶 Number of SponsorsƝ䢳 exhibitor PriceƝNTD 䢷䢲䢲,䢲䢲䢲 Full SizeƝ䢸 flags 䢳FƝ䢴䢲䢷 (W) x 䢵䢵䢲 (H)cm x 䢵 flags Sky Dome (䢶F)Ɲ䢴䢲䢷 (W) x 䢹䢲䢲 (H)cm x䢵 flags Sponsor Ad SizeƝ䢶/䢷 top side of full size RemarksƝ䢳. The price does not include production fee and 䢷% VAT. 䢴. Sponsor needs to design the layout. 䢳F 5G QG PDR -LQJ ଡ଼ ᴇന QG PDR -LQJ ଡ଼ ᴇന 5G 1,(& 䢹䢷 Sopnsorship Manual 2014䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢 ᭳㉙ຓᡭ NIEC 25-27 1,(&≻ ,QGRRU(OHYDWRU$G 67)ORRU Item ƝIndoor Elevator Ad on the 䢳st floor ⓭ Number of Sponsors Ɲ䢳 exhibitor only Price ƝNTD 䢵䢲䢲,䢲䢲䢲 DescriptionƝ䢸 sets Full size: 䢳䢳䢲cm(W) ¼ 䢴䢳䢷cm( H) Allowance of 䢷cm as safe area all around. Sponsorćs Ad SizeƝ䢶/䢷 of bottom side RemarksƝ䢳. Design Limited to 䢴 plates(additional plate will have extra charge) 䢴. The logo of Computex Taipei 䢴䢲䢳䢶 must be shown prominently. 䢵. The price does not include production fee and 䢷% VAT. 5G ଡ଼ QG PDR -LQJ ᴇന ਗ਼ጇਜ਼઼ৼ ଡ଼ ᴇന ਕ᧱岝6N\'RP 5G QG PDR -LQJ 1,(&f 1,(&≻ ,QGRRU(OHYDWRU$G UGDQGWK)ORRU Item ƝIndoor Elevator Ad on the 䢵rd floor and 䢶th floor ⓮ Number of SponsorsƝ䢳 exhibitor only Price ƝNTD 䢷䢲䢲,䢲䢲䢲 DescriptionƝ䢸 sets for each floor, 䢳䢴 sets total Full size:䢳䢳䢲cm(W) ¼ 䢴䢳䢷cm( H) Allowance of 䢷cm as safe area all around. Sponsorćs Ad SizeƝ䢶/䢷 of bottom side RemarksƝ䢳. Design Limited to 䢴 plates(additional plate will have extra charge) 䢴. The logo of Computex Taipei 䢴䢲䢳䢶 must be shown prominently. 䢵. The price does not include production fee and 䢷% VAT. 䢹䢸 1,(&≻3233RVWHU LQIURQWRIWKHHOHYDWRURQWKH VWsRRUDQGWKsRRU Item ƝPOP Posters on the 䢳st floor ans 䢶th floor ( in front of the elevator) Number of SponsorsƝ䢳 exhibitor only Price ƝNTD 䢴䢲䢲,䢲䢲䢲 DescriptionƝ䢴 sets for each floor, 䢶 sets total. Full size: 䢳䢲䢲cm(W) ¼ 䢴䢷䢲cm( H) Sponsorćs Ad SizeƝ䢶/䢷 of bottom side 䢳䢲䢲 (W) x 䢴䢲䢲 (H)cm RemarksƝ䢳.MAXIMA System 䢴.The price does not include 䢷% VAT. ᴇന ଡ଼ ᧱岝6N\'RP 5G QG PDR -LQJ ଡ଼ ᴇന PDR -LQJ ਗ਼ጇਜ਼઼ৼ 1,(& 䢹䢹 2014䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢 NIEC Sopnsorship Manual 28-30 1,(&f≻ 06WLFNHU$GRQ (VFDODWRULQ1DQJDQJ Item ƝSouth Escalator ⓰ North Escalator ⓱ Number of SponsorsƝ䢴 exhibitors PriceƝNIEC䢴䢺 NTD 䢴䢲䢲,䢲䢲䢲 NIEC䢴䢻 NTD 䢴䢲䢲,䢲䢲䢲 Full SizeƝ䢳st-䢶th floor, 䢴 escalators, 䢶 faces per exhibitor. 䢴,䢻䢸䢸 (W) x 䢸䢺 (H)cmx 䢶 faces Sponsorćs Ad SizeƝ䢶/䢷 of full size RemarksƝThe prices do not include 䢷% VAT. 5G QG PDR -LQJ ଡ଼ ᴇന 5G QG PDR -LQJ ଡ଼ ᴇന 1,(&f 䢹䢺 1,(&≻ 0DLQ(QWUDQFH/REE\ :DOO%DQQHUV 5G QG PDR -LQJ ଡ଼ ᴇന PDR -LQJ ଡ଼ ᴇന 5G QG ItemƝMain Entrance Lobby Wall Banners (䢳st floor and 䢶th floor) Number of SponsorsƝ䢳 exhibitor PriceƝNTD 䢹䢲䢲,䢲䢲䢲 Full SizeƝ䢳st Floor 䢳,䢸䢺䢴 (W) x 䢳䢺䢴 (H)cm x 䢳face 䢶th Floor 䢳,䢸䢺䢺 (W) x 䢳䢺䢲(H)cm x 䢳face Sponsor Ad SizeƝ䢷/䢸 of full size RemarksƝThe price does not include 䢷% VAT. 6N\'RP ਜ਼઼ ᷟ᧱ਗ਼ጇਜ਼઼ ৼ 1,(& 䢹䢻 2014䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢 NIEC Sopnsorship Manual 31-33 1,(&≻6RXWK(QWUDQFH:DOO %DQQHU ItemƝSouth Entrance Wall Banner ⓳ Number of SponsorsƝ䢳 exhibitor PriceƝNTD䢳䢷䢲,䢲䢲䢲 Full SizeƝ䢵䢲䢲(W)x䢴䢲䢲(H)cm Sponsor Ad SizeƝFull Size RemarksƝThe price does not include 䢷% VAT. 5G QG PDR -LQJ ଡ଼ ᴇന DR P -LQJ ଡ଼ ᴇന G QG5 1,(& 䢺䢲 1,(&f≻ 057([LW1R:DOO %DQQHU ItemƝMRT Exit No. 䢳 Wall Banner (south side of Nangang Exhibition Hall) ⮝ ⮞ Number of SponsorsƝ䢴 exhibitors PriceƝNIEC ⮝ NTD 䢵䢲䢲,䢲䢲䢲 NIEC ⮞ NTD 䢴䢲䢲,䢲䢲䢲 Full SizeƝNIEC ⮝ 䢹䢳䢴(W)x䢵䢵䢷(H)cm NIEC ⮞ 䢷䢳䢶(W)x䢵䢵䢷(H)cm Sponsor Ad SizeƝ䢶/䢷 right side of full size RemarksƝ䢳.Canvas Material 䢴.The prices do not include 䢷% VAT. 䢵䢴 䢵䢵 5G QG PDR -LQJ ଡ଼ ᴇന QG PDR -LQJ ଡ଼ ᴇന 5G 7,(& 7,(& 䢺䢳 2014䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢 NIEC Sopnsorship Manual 34-35 1,(&≻)$UHD,-.79:DOO 2QWKHXSSHUVLGHRIHQWUDQFH ItemƝ 䢳F Area I, J, K LCD Panel (On the upper side of entrance) 䢵䢶 Number of SponsorsƝ䢳 exhibitor PriceƝNTD 䢶䢲䢲,䢲䢲䢲 Full SizeƝArea I – 䢸 screens/ 䢶䢹ą TV Area J – 䢸 screens/ 䢶䢹ą TV Area K – 䢻 screens/ 䢶䢹ą TV RemarksƝ䢳. The sponsorship is with ĄMeeting Room Package Nangang Exhibition Hallą. Please refer to p.䢺䢶. 䢴. The commercial video should rotate with Computex official video. 5G QG PDR -LQJ ଡ଼ ᴇന J K 5G QG PDR -LQJ ଡ଼ ᴇന I 1,(& 䢺䢴 1,(&≻6N\'RPH$UHD/0 179:DOO2QWKHXSSHUVLGH RIHQWUDQFH ItemƝ Sky Dome Area L, M, N: TV Wall (On the upper side of entrance) 䢵䢷 Number of SponsorsƝ䢳 exhibitor PriceƝNTD 䢴䢲䢲,䢲䢲䢲 Full SizeƝArea L – 䢸 screens/ 䢶䢹ą TV Area N – 䢸 screens/ 䢶䢹ą TV Area M – 䢻 screens/ 䢶䢹ą TV RemarksƝ䢵.The sponsorship is with ĄMeeting Room Package Nangang Exhibition Hallą. Please refer to p.䢺䢶. 䢶.The commercial video should rotate with Computex official video. 5G QG PDR -LQJ ଡ଼ ᴇന M N 5G QG PDR -LQJ ଡ଼ ᴇന L 1,(& 䢺䢵 2014䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢䢢 Sopnsorship Manual ŤƗƗƄƆƋƐƈƑƗő!01 0HHWLQJ5RRP3DFNDJH1DQJDQJ([KLELWLRQ+DOO &RPSXWH[7DLSHL ,WHP Package A ,QFOXGHV Ƌ䢳ƌMeeting Room 䢶䢲䢳˩䢵䢹䢸 Square Meters˪ Ƌ䢴ƌHallway Wall Banner Ad Outside Meeting Room 䢶䢲䢳 Ƌ䢵ƌInter-Hall Shuttle Bus Body Ads ¼ 䢵 Vehicles Ƌ䢶ƌTV WallƋ䢶th Floor- Sky Dome, Above entrances/exits of areas of L and N/ The Ads of exhibitors and computex will display Package B 3ULFH17' 䢳,䢳䢷䢲,䢲䢲䢲 alternately.) Ƌ䢳ƌMeeting Room 䢶䢲䢴˩䢵䢹䢵 Square Meters˪ Ƌ䢴ƌHallway Wall Banner Ad Outside Meeting Room 䢶䢲䢴 Ƌ䢵ƌ䢳F Main Entrance Lobby Roof Flag- 䢵 flags Ƌ䢶ƌTV WallƋ䢳st Floor, Above entrances/exits of areas 䢳,䢳䢷䢲,䢲䢲䢲 of I, J & K/ The Ads of exhibitors and computex will display alternately.) Package B䢳 Ƌ䢳ƌMeeting Room 䢶䢲䢴a˩䢳䢴䢳 Square Meters˪ Ƌ䢴ƌHallway Wall Banner Ad Outside Meeting Room 䢶䢲䢴 䢵䢵䢷,䢲䢲䢲 Package B䢴 Ƌ䢳ƌMeeting Room 䢶䢲䢴 a+b˩䢴䢶䢶 Square Meters˪ Ƌ䢴ƌHallway Wall Banner Ad Outside Meeting Room 䢶䢲䢴 Ƌ䢵ƌ䢳F Main Entrance Lobby Roof Flag- 䢵 flags Ƌ䢶ƌTV WallƋ䢳st Floor, Above entrances/exits of areas of I & K/ The Ads 䢺䢸䢲,䢲䢲䢲 of exhibitors and computex will display alternately.) Package B䢵 䢺䢶 Ƌ䢳ƌMeeting Room 䢶䢲䢴 b+c˩䢴䢷䢳 Square Meters˪ Ƌ䢴ƌVertical roll-up banner at 䢶䢲䢴c entrance Ƌ䢵ƌ䢳F Main Entrance Lobby Roof Flag- 䢵 flags Ƌ䢶ƌTV WallƋ䢳st Floor, Above entrances/exits of areas of I & K/ The Ads of exhibitors and computex will display alternately.) 䢺䢸䢲,䢲䢲䢲 ,WHP ,QFOXGHV 3ULFH17' Package B䢶 Ƌ䢳ƌMeeting Room 䢶䢲䢴 c˩䢳䢴䢺 Square Meters˪ Ƌ䢴ƌVertical roll-up banner at 䢶䢲䢴c entrance 䢵䢵䢷,䢲䢲䢲 Package C Ƌ䢳ƌMeeting Room 䢶䢲䢵˩䢳䢴䢲 Square Meters˪ Ƌ䢴ƌHallway Wall Banner Ad Outside Meeting Room 䢶䢲䢵 Ƌ䢵ƌAd Banner on the Computex 䢴䢲䢳䢶 APP ƋDurationƝApril to December ,䢴䢲䢳䢶ƌ 䢵䢶䢷,䢲䢲䢲 Package D Ƌ䢳ƌMeeting Room 䢶䢲䢶˩䢳䢵䢶 Square Meters˪ Ƌ䢴ƌHallway Wall Banner Ad Outside Meeting Room 䢶䢲䢶 Ƌ䢵ƌInter-Hall Shuttle Bus Body Ads ¼ 䢳 Vehicle 䢵䢹䢷,䢲䢲䢲 Package E Ƌ䢳ƌMeeting Room 䢷䢲䢳˩䢳䢵䢳 Square Meters˪ Ƌ䢴ƌHallway Wall Banner Ad Outside Meeting Room 䢷䢲䢳 Ƌ䢵ƌInter-Hall Shuttle Bus Body Ads ¼ 䢳 Vehicle 䢵䢹䢷,䢲䢲䢲 Package F Ƌ䢳ƌMeeting Room 䢷䢲䢴˩䢳䢲䢴 Square Meters˪ Ƌ䢴ƌHallway Wall Banner Ad Outside Meeting Room 䢷䢲䢴 Ƌ䢵ƌInter-Hall Shuttle Bus Body Ads ¼ 䢳 Vehicle 䢵䢴䢲,䢲䢲䢲 Package G Ƌ䢳ƌMeeting Room 䢷䢲䢵˩䢳䢷䢳 Square Meters˪ Ƌ䢴ƌHallway Wall Banner Ad Outside Meeting Room 䢷䢲䢵 Ƌ䢵ƌInter-Hall Shuttle Bus Body Ads ¼ 䢳 Vehicle 䢶䢲䢲,䢲䢲䢲 5HPDUNV؟ All meeting rooms hire duration:䢲䢺:䢲䢲-䢳䢺:䢲䢲, 䢵䢳 May- 䢹 June,䢴䢲䢳䢵.Ƌincluding set-up and break-down time requirementsƌ Price excluding 䢷% VAT. Renting maximum is 䢵 meeting room packages for per exhibitor. Applications are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. Applications will open at 䢻 A.M., 䢳䢳 Feb., 䢴䢲䢳䢶. For further information, please contact us as follows: Julia Lin Convention Section II, Taipei International Convention Center Taiwan External Trade Development Council Tel: +䢺䢺䢸-䢴-䢴䢹䢴䢷䢷䢴䢲䢲 ext.䢵䢷䢴䢵 Fax: +䢺䢺䢸-䢴-䢴䢹䢴䢵䢴䢷䢻䢲 E-mail: esola䢳䢲䢲䢵@taitra.org.tw 䢺䢷 Sopnsorship Manual &RPSXWH[7DLSHL 0HHWLQJ5RRP3DFNDJH1DQJDQJ([KLELWLRQ+DOO $SSOLFDWLRQ)RUP DateƝتتتتت Company NameƝ Invoice No.Ɲ Booth No.Ɲ AddressƝ Contact PersonƝتتتتتتتتتت PhoneƝتتتتتتتتتتتتت E-mailƝتتتتتتتتتتتتتت FaxƝتتتتتتتتتتتتتتتت No. Venue ItemNo. Quantity Price(NTD) Subtotal 䢷٫ VAT Total Company StampƝ Legally Binding Signature Ɲ RemarksƝ䢳. Please fax the completed application form toƝ+䢺䢺䢸(䢴)䢴䢹䢴䢵䢴䢷䢻䢲 䢴. Applications are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. 䢵. Applications for the Meeting Room Package will open at 䢻:䢲䢲 a.m. Feb. 䢳䢳,䢴䢲䢳䢶 and close at 䢷:䢲䢲 p.m. March 䢴䢻, 䢴䢲䢳䢶. 䢺䢸 ŤƗƗƄƆƋƐƈƑƗő!02 3OHQDU\+DOO3DFNDJH$7DLSHL,QWHUQDWLRQDO &RQYHQWLRQ&HQWHU ,WHPV 3ULFH17' (䢳) Plenary Hall, TICC (see remark 䢳) (䢴) LED Screen Panel, TICC (see remark 䢴) (䢵) ĄOne Day Shuttle Bus Promotioną on Inter-Hall Shuttle Bus (see remark 䢵) 䢺䢷䢲,䢲䢲䢲 5HPDUNV The Plenary Hall hire duration: 䢳䢵:䢵䢲-䢳䢹:䢵䢲, 䢵 June, 䢴䢲䢳䢶 Set up time: 䢲䢺:䢵䢲-䢴䢴:䢵䢲, 䢳 June, 䢴䢲䢳䢶 & 䢲䢺:䢵䢲-䢳䢹:䢵䢲, 䢴 June, 䢴䢲䢳䢶. Break-down time: 䢲䢺:䢵䢲-䢳䢴:䢵䢲, 䢵 June, 䢴䢲䢳䢶. Sponsor can play the commercial video from 䢻am to 䢷 pm and rotate with Computex official video on 䢵 June, 䢴䢲䢳䢶. The video length should be within 䢴 minutes. (䢳) Full SizeƝ䢳䢺䢲ą (䢴) Please provide the file in the following format before 䢴䢺 May: ٴjpeg ٴmpeg, flash ٴDVD Exhibitor can have at most 䢴 show girls for the " One Day Shuttle Bus Promotion " to have promotional activity on the inter-hall shuttle bus from 䢻am to 䢷pm on 䢵 June, 䢴䢲䢳䢶. (䢳) Exhibitors can deliver flyers while passengers are getting on/ off the shuttle bus. Please do pick up the remaining flyers on the shuttle bus after passengers getting off the bus. (䢴) While the shuttle bus is moving, show girls can promote for the exhibitor via microphone in Chinese or English (no longer than 䢷 minutes and keep the sound under 䢸䢲 dB) . (䢵) Despite delivering flyers and broadcasting, exhibitor cannot display products or other promotional activities on the shuttle bus. (䢶) Exhibitor needs to prepare for the equipment and so on. (䢷) Promotion content requires organizerćs approval. (䢸) Organizer will check randomly during the activity. Once the exhibitor had violated the rules, the ĄOne Day Shuttle Bus Promotioną will be canceled immediately. The price does not include 䢷% VAT. 䢺䢹 3OHQDU\+DOO3DFNDJH%7DLSHL,QWHUQDWLRQDO &RQYHQWLRQ&HQWHU ,WHPV 3ULFH17' (䢶) Plenary Hall, TICC (see remark 䢳) (䢷) LED Screen Panel, TICC (see remark 䢴) (䢸) ĄOne Day Shuttle Bus Promotioną on Inter-Hall Shuttle Bus (see remark 䢵) 䢸䢲䢲,䢲䢲䢲 5HPDUNV The Plenary Hall hire duration: 䢳䢵:䢵䢲-䢳䢹:䢵䢲, 䢶 June, 䢴䢲䢳䢶 Set up time: 䢳䢻:䢵䢲-䢴䢴:䢵䢲, 䢵 June, 䢴䢲䢳䢶 & 䢲䢲:䢲䢲-䢲䢹:䢵䢲, 䢶 June, 䢴䢲䢳䢶. Break-down time: 䢲䢺:䢵䢲-䢳䢴:䢵䢲, 䢶 June, 䢴䢲䢳䢶. Sponsor can play the commercial video from 䢻am to 䢷 pm and rotate with Computex official video on 䢶 June, 䢴䢲䢳䢶. The video length should be within 䢴 minutes. (䢳) Full SizeƝ䢳䢺䢲ą (䢴) Please provide the file in the following format before 䢴䢺 May: ٴjpeg ٴmpeg, flash ٴDVD Exhibitor can have at most 䢴 show girls for the " One Day Shuttle Bus Promotion " to have promotional activity on the inter-hall shuttle bus from 䢻am to 䢷pm on 䢶 June, 䢴䢲䢳䢶. (䢳) Exhibitors can deliver flyers while passengers are getting on/ off the shuttle bus. Please do pick up the remaining flyers on the shuttle bus after passengers getting off the bus. (䢴) While the shuttle bus is moving, show girls can promote for the exhibitor via microphone in Chinese or English (no longer than 䢷 minutes and keep the sound under 䢸䢲 dB) . (䢵) Despite delivering flyers and broadcasting, exhibitor cannot display products or other promotional activities on the shuttle bus. (䢶) Exhibitor needs to prepare for the equipment and so on. (䢷) Promotion content requires organizerćs approval. (䢸) Organizer will check randomly during the activity. Once the exhibitor had violated the rules, the ĄOne Day Shuttle Bus Promotioną will be canceled immediately. 䢺䢺 The price does not include 䢷% VAT. Notification: 䢳. Application are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. 䢴. Application will open at 䢲䢻:䢲䢲 am, 䢳䢳 Feb, 䢴䢲䢳䢶. 䢵. please contact Ms. Julia Lin for further information: Ms. Julia Lin, TICC Tel: +䢺䢺䢸-䢴-䢴䢹䢴䢷-䢷䢴䢲䢲 Ext. 䢵䢷䢴䢵 Fax: +䢺䢺䢸-䢴-䢴䢹䢴䢵-䢴䢷䢻䢲 Email: esola䢳䢲䢲䢵@taitra.org.tw &RPSXWH[7DLSHL3OHQDU\+DOO3DFNDJH7DLSHL ,QWHUQDWLRQDO&RQYHQWLRQ&HQWHU$SSOLFDWLRQ)RUP DateƝتتتتت Company NameƝ Invoice No.Ɲ Booth No.Ɲ AddressƝ Contact PersonƝتتتتتتتتتت PhoneƝتتتتتتتتتتتتت E-mailƝتتتتتتتتتتتتتت FaxƝتتتتتتتتتتتتتتتت No. Venue ItemNo. Quantity Price(NTD) Subtotal 䢷٫ VAT Total Company StampƝ Legally Binding Signature Ɲ RemarksƝ䢳. Please fax the completed application form toƝ+䢺䢺䢸(䢴)䢴䢹䢴䢵䢴䢷䢻䢲 䢴. Applications are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. 䢵. Applications for the Meeting Room Package will open at 䢻:䢲䢲 a.m. Feb. 䢳䢳,䢴䢲䢳䢶 and close at 䢷:䢲䢲 p.m. March 䢴䢻, 䢴䢲䢳䢶. 䢺䢻 䢻䢲
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