AVALON SAILING CLUB AVALON SAILING CLUB MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION FORM APPLICANT(S) INFORMATION Family Name*: Home Address*: Mailing Address (if different)*: Home Phone*: Date of Application: Published Phone 1: Published Phone 2: Primary Email*: Secondary Email: / / MEMBERSHIP TYPE (TICK) Family Single Adult Junior Social Associate Supervising Adult Groups of Interest: (tick all that apply) Yacht Racing Yacht Cruising Etchells Instructor School Student Working Bees Blue W-L/Camp Blue Purple Red Gold AM Gold PM MJ 29er Flying 11 Laser Spiral Paddleboard BIC ADULT (1) INFORMATION First name: Current Boat License? Mobile: Last Name (If different to Family) YA Mem. Exempt? (Social only) Current First Aid Certificate? YA Number: DOB (YA req. for New): / / BOAT 1 Sails Boat Type? Yacht/ Paddle board / Other In Group? Boat Make: Boat Name: Cruising / Racing As a : Helm / Crew Sail Number: BOAT 2 Sails Boat Type? Yacht/ Paddleboard / Other In Group? Boat Make: Boat Name: Cruising / Racing As a : Helm / Crew Sail Number: PLEASE INDICATE THE ROLES YOU WOULD BE PREPARED TO VOLUNTEER FOR: Suitable roles: Please tick ALL that apply. Mark any roles with a ‘T’ that you would be prepared to do after training. Please mark at least ONE additional role with an ‘S’ for a Shadow Duty whereby you learn a new role by observing someone else. Canteen Blue Mentor Red Mentor Yacht Coord. Beginner Sign-on Coord. AM Race Control AM Race Scribe AM Race PRO AM Mark Boat AM Response Boat PM Race Control PM Race Scribe PM Race PRO PM Mark Boat PM Response Boat Working Bees* Social Events* Fundraising* * These roles are not rostered Do you have skills and qualifications that you would be prepared to use to assist the club? (e.g. electrician, plumber, builder, accounting, boat maintenance, sailing coach etc.) Page 1 of 4 AVALON SAILING CLUB AVALON SAILING CLUB MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION FORM ADULT (2) INFORMATION First name: Current Boat License? Mobile: Last Name (If different to Family) YA Mem. Exempt? (Social only) Current First Aid Certificate? YA Number: DOB (YA req. for New): / / BOAT 1 Sails Boat Type? Other Yacht / In Group? Boat Make: Cruising / Racing As a : Boat Name: Helm / Crew Sail Number: BOAT 2 Sails Boat Type? Other Yacht / In Group? Boat Make: Cruising / Racing As a : Boat Name: Helm / Crew Sail Number: VOLUNTEERING Suitable roles: Please tick ALL that apply. Mark any roles with a ‘T’ that you would be prepared to do after training. Please mark at least ONE additional role with an ‘S’ for a Shadow Duty whereby you learn a new role by observing someone else. Canteen Blue Mentor Red Mentor Yacht Coord. Beginner Sign-on Coord. AM Race Control AM Race Scribe AM Race PRO AM Mark Boat AM Response Boat PM Race Control PM Race Scribe PM Race PRO PM Mark Boat PM Response Boat Working Bees* Social Events* Fundraising* * These roles are not rostered Do you have skills and qualifications that you would be prepared to use to assist the club? (e.g. electrician, plumber, builder, accounting, boat maintenance, sailing coach etc.) CHILD (1) INFORMATION First name: Mobile: Last Name (If different to Family) Boat License? YA Membership exempt? (Blue only) Date of Birth: / / YA Number: Weight: Kg Weight Date: / / BOAT 1 Sails Boat Type? In Group? As a : Boat Name: Helm / Crew Sail Number: BOAT 2 Sails Boat Type? In Group? As a : Boat Name: Helm / Crew Sail Number: CHILD (2) INFORMATION First name: Mobile: Last Name (If different to Family) Boat License? YA Membership exempt? (Blue only) Date of Birth: / / YA Number: Weight: Kg Weight Date: / BOAT 1 Sails Boat Type? In Group? As a : Boat Name: Helm / Crew Sail Number: BOAT 2 Sails Boat Type? In Group? As a : Boat Name: Helm / Crew Sail Number: Page 2 of 4 / AVALON SAILING CLUB AVALON SAILING CLUB MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION FORM CHILD (3) INFORMATION First name: Mobile: Last Name (If different to Family) Boat License? YA Membership exempt? (Blue only) Date of Birth: / / YA Number: Weight: Kg Weight Date: / / BOAT 1 Sails Boat Type? In Group? As a : Boat Name: Helm / Crew Sail Number: BOAT 2 Sails Boat Type? In Group? As a : Boat Name: Helm / Crew Sail Number: CHILD (4) INFORMATION First name: Mobile: Last Name (If different to Family) Boat License? YA Membership exempt? (Blue only) Date of Birth: / / YA Number: Weight: Kg Weight Date: / / BOAT 1 Sails Boat Type? In Group? As a : Boat Name: Helm / Crew Sail Number: BOAT 2 Sails Boat Type? In Group? As a : Boat Name: Helm / Crew Sail Number: BOAT STORAGE Mooring Requested? Boat Type: Boat Name: Boat Length: Boat Weight: Rack Requested? Inside/Outside Dinghy / 29r / Spl / Lsr / F11 / MJ / BIC / Pdle Brd Boat Name: Rack Requested? Inside/Outside Dinghy / 29r / Spl / Lsr / F11 / MJ / BIC / Pdle Brd Boat Name: Rack Requested? Inside/Outside Dinghy / 29r / Spl / Lsr / F11 / MJ / BIC / Pdle Brd Boat Name: Rack Requested? Inside/Outside Dinghy / 29r / Spl / Lsr / F11 / MJ / BIC / Pdle Brd Boat Name: CLUBHOUSE KEY On payment of a $50 deposit, members will be issue with a key to the Clubhouse which will unlock the main door, boat shed doors and the padlocks on the ramp gates to either side of the deck. When using the key, please remember to ensure that all doors and gates are locked when leaving. If other members are on the premises when you leave, please arrange for them to lock up. It is Club policy that you assume full responsibility for the key's use and do not loan it or allow it to be used by anyone other than a Club member. Should you leave the Club it is a requirement that the key be handed back, after which a refund of the deposit will be organised. Upon signing this application you are agreeing that you have read and understood the conditions relating to the issuing of a key in your name. Key Requested? Page 3 of 4 AVALON SAILING CLUB AVALON SAILING CLUB MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION FORM REQUIRED FORMS Please ensure you complete both the WORKING WITH CHILDREN CHECK and ASC RISK NOTICE and if Joining BLUE GROUP a BOAT CARE AGREEMENT: WWCC RISK NOTICE BOAT CARE AGREEMENT GENERAL General Notes: SIGNATURES I verify that the information provided on this form is accurate and I have received a copy of this application. I also acknowledge by signing below that my membership status will be provisional until approved by the ASC Main Committee. I also acknowledge that if, for any reason, the application is rejected any monies paid will be returned to me. Upon acceptance I agree to be bound by the Memorandum and Articles of Association and the rules of Avalon Sailing Club. I will be prepared to assist at the club as required and as detailed on the various rosters. Signature of applicant: Date: Name of ASC Office Holder/Assisting (Print): Date: Signature of ASC Office Holder/Assisting ASC – CLUB USE ONLY Name of Proposer (Print): Signature of Proposer: Address of Proposer: Date: Presented to Committee Accepted by Committee Date of Acceptance: Treasurer confirmed payment? Website Database updated? Group Leader informed? Welcome letter sent? Mainsheet issued? Entered onto Roster? Working With Children Check? Risk Notice? Boat Care Agreement? Rack allocated? Mooring allocated? No : No : Key allocated? Or Waitlisted? Or Waitlisted? General Notes: Page 4 of 4 / Key No : /
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