I Manual Standard Manual Standard Parte I GeoStru Software 1 1 Pagina ................................................................................................................................... iniziale 1 2 Activation ................................................................................................................................... 2 3 Copyright ................................................................................................................................... 4 4 Servizio ................................................................................................................................... Supporto Tecnico Clienti 5 5 Contacts ................................................................................................................................... 5 Parte II Static 6 1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 6 2 Equipment ................................................................................................................................... 6 3 Correlation ................................................................................................................................... 8 4 General................................................................................................................................... Data 8 5 Statistic................................................................................................................................... compute 8 6 Insert test ................................................................................................................................... 9 7 Data Entry ................................................................................................................................... 10 8 Process ................................................................................................................................... 13 9 Reprocess ................................................................................................................................... 13 10 Section ................................................................................................................................... 14 11 Subsoil ................................................................................................................................... determination 14 12 Seismic ................................................................................................................................... probe 14 13 Portanza ................................................................................................................................... e cedimenti 16 14 Characteristic ................................................................................................................................... parameters 16 15 Theory................................................................................................................................... 17 Correlations Geotechnical .......................................................................................................................................................... 17 Cohesionless ......................................................................................................................................................... 17 Angle of friction ......................................................................................................................................... 17 Relative density ......................................................................................................................................... 18 Young’s modulus......................................................................................................................................... 18 Confined consolidation ......................................................................................................................................... modulus (Oedometric) 19 Unit volume w eight ......................................................................................................................................... 19 Shear deformation ......................................................................................................................................... modulus 19 Potenziale di liquefazione ......................................................................................................................................... 19 Consolidation coefficient ......................................................................................................................................... Cv 20 Permeabilità ......................................................................................................................................... 20 Cohesive ......................................................................................................................................................... 20 Coesione non drenata_2 ......................................................................................................................................... 20 Indice di compressione ......................................................................................................................................... C e coefficiente di consolidazione Cv 21 Edometric Modulus ......................................................................................................................................... 21 Undrained deformation ......................................................................................................................................... modulus 21 Unit volume w eight ......................................................................................................................................... 22 OCR ......................................................................................................................................... 22 Permeability ......................................................................................................................................... 22 © 2013 Geostru Software I II Manual Standard Subsoil categories .......................................................................................................................................................... 22 Liquefaction .......................................................................................................................................................... 25 Bibliographies.......................................................................................................................................................... 26 © 2013 Geostru Software GeoStru Software 1 GeoStru Software 1.1 Pagina iniziale The GeoStru company develops technical and professional software for engineering, geotechnology, geology, geomechanics, hydrology and soil testing. Grazie a Geostru Software è possibile avvalersi di strumenti di grande efficacia per la propria professione. I software GeoStru sono strumenti completi, affidabili (gli algoritmi di calcolo sono quanto di più tecnologicamente avanzato nel campo della ricerca mondiale), aggiornati periodicamente, semplici da utilizzare, dotati di un' interfaccia grafica intuitiva e sempre all'avanguardia. Attention to customer service and the development of software using modern technology has allowed the company to become one of the strongest in the market in only a few years. The software – currently translated into five languages – is compatible with international calculation rules and it is one of the most used in over 50 countries worldwide. GeoStru è presente alle maggiori manifestazioni fieristiche nazionali, SAIE di Bologna, GeoFluid di Piacenza ed internazionali SEEBE di Belgrado, Costruct EXPO Romania etc. Today contacting GeoStru is more than just buying software – it means having a team of specialised professionals who use their experience to help customers. Tanti sono i settori in cui l'azienda si è specializzata nel corso degli anni. La famiglia dei prodotti GeoStru è, infatti, suddivisa in diverse categorie: Strutture; Geotecnica e geologia; Geomeccanica; Prove in situ; Idrologia e idraulica; Topografia; Energia; Geofisica; Ufficio. Per maggiori informazioni sui prodotti disponibili consultare il nostro sito web http://www.geostru.com/ © 2013 Geostru Software 1 2 Manual Standard Inoltre tra i tanti servizi offerti da GeoStru Software è possibile usufruire del servizio gratuito GeoStru Online che include applicazioni software sul web che risolvono le problematiche più varie. ISO 9001:2008 certification CVI Italia s.r.l. awarded GeoStru software the UNI EN ISO 9001 company certification on 1st June 2009, certificate no. 7007, for software design and sale. 1.2 Activation Activation of GeoStru products COMPATIBLE OPERATIVE SYSTEMS Windows 98/Windows XP/Windows Vista/Windows 7 Per utilizzare i software in versione integrale, è necessario attivare i programmi. The activation process of GeoStru software allows unlocking the purchased programmes and making them immediately operational, without the intervention of operators. The procedure is fully automatic and is active 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. To configure your computer, you must follow the steps listed below. The procedure described must be performed for each computer on which you intend to install GeoStru programmes. STEP 1: Download and install Product Activation. Product Activation software requires Microsoft. NET Framework version 2.0. If Product Activation does not work or you are not able to install it, this component is likely not installed: in this case, download and install the latest version of .NET Framework suitable for your PC. Product Activation è una tecnologia antipirateria progettata per verificare che i prodotti software dispongano di regolare licenza. È un sistema semplice, rapido e discreto che consente di proteggere la privacy dei clienti. Il processo di attivazione del prodotto verifica che il codice Product Key di un programma software, utilizzato per l'installazione, non sia stato utilizzato in un numero di personal computer maggiore di quello previsto dalla licenza per il software. STEP 2: Dopo alcuni secondi dall'avvio del programma compare l'opzione da cliccare Register. By clicking register button it will start the activation process. In case of active Internet connection the process doesn't requires © 2013 Geostru Software GeoStru Software additional steps: if user has a valid software license, the programme will be activated and it will display a message that informs about the successful. The only step needed to activate the software on the user PC is to click on the button "Proceed to the activation request". In a few moments, you will receive the confirmation of the activation. The dialog box will change showing the data concerning the license holder. The unique code assigned to the programme by the system will be shown as well. The number of possible activations on different PCs depends on the number of licenses purchased. On the same PC, you can make unlimited activations (e.g. after uninstallations and subsequent reinstallations of the software) In case you need to change your PC, and in general in all cases where it becomes necessary to transfer the license, you can activate the software on a different computer. After the transfer, the original computer will be disabled and you can no more reactivate the software on the same PC. In case you do not have Internet connection on the computer where the software is to be activated or if it is not possible to reach our server because of security settings (firewall, antivirus, etc..), you may use an alternative procedure that consists of three distinct phases, namely: 1) You generate the activation request file by clicking the appropriate button in the dialog box; 2) Then you transport the file onto a computer connected to the Internet, access the Website reserved area and recall the function to activate the software. Once you have uploaded the activation request file on our server, if the latter passes the controls and if the user is authorized to issue a license, you will receive via email the license file itself; 3) Finally, you insert the files received via email, by clicking the button in the dialog box. In confirmation of the activation, the data concerning the license holder will be shown. In case the user already has a USB key when at the time of the first installation of the activation system described in this document, following the instructions reported further below in this section, the licensed software can be used without any interruption. By clicking on the button "Proceed to the activation request", active when Internet connection is detected, you will proceed to the activation of the programme. In a few moments, you will receive confirmation of the activation and the dialog box will change, showing the data concerning the license holder. The unique code assigned to the programme by the system will be shown as well. The procedure described above allows the use of the programme on a computer and allows using the software until you reprogram the key. By reprogramming, the user is free to install and use the software on multiple computers, subject to the constraint of the presence of the key during use. Suggestion: To facilitate the recognition of the key, we recommend entering the key itself when you first start the programme. Then you shall no longer use the key until you have proceeded to reprogram it. REPROGRAMMING THE KEY The migration to the new activation system requires the reprogramming of the key in possession of the user. This procedure is usually done within a few days, requires minimal user intervention and is divided into the following © 2013 Geostru Software 3 4 Manual Standard steps: STEP 1) Detection of the key code. In order that the key can be reprogrammed, the code corresponding to the key you have is required. The code is automatically sent to our server when the programme is started with the USB key inserted into the computer. Alternatively, if you do not have Internet connection or if requested by the operator, you must click on the "Copy key code" button. With this operation, the code corresponding to the key is copied to the clipboard and can be pasted (Ctrl + V) into the email message to be sent to the operator. STEP 2) Reprogramming of the key. Wait for the email message that informs about the availability of the software for reprogramming the key. On receiving the message, access your reserved area on the Website and select the "Documents" section. Among the documents present, identify the file with the code corresponding to that notified by email and download it to your computer. Unzip the downloaded file on your desktop and run it by double-clicking and making sure that the key to be reprogrammed is present in your PC. Leave blank the field for entering the password. If the key corresponds to the expected one, the re-programming will be executed successfully. 1.3 Copyright Le informazioni contenute nel presente documento sono soggette a modifiche senza preavviso. Se non specificato diversamente, ogni riferimento a società, nomi, dati e indirizzi utilizzati nelle riproduzioni delle schermate e negli esempi è puramente casuale e ha il solo scopo di illustrare l'uso del prodotto. Il rispetto di tutte le applicabili leggi in materia di copyright è a esclusivo carico dell'utente. Nessuna parte di questo documento può essere riprodotta in qualsiasi forma o mezzo elettronico o meccanico, per alcun uso, senza il permesso scritto di GeoStru Software. Comunque, se l'utente ha come unico mezzo di accesso quello elettronico, allora sarà autorizzato, in base al presente documento, a stamparne una copia. © 2013 Geostru Software GeoStru Software 1.4 5 Servizio Supporto Tecnico Clienti Per qualsiasi domanda riguardante un prodotto GeoStru: Consultare la documentazione ed altro materiale stampato incluso nella confezione del prodotto. Consultare l'Help in linea. Consultare la documentazione tecnica utilizzata per lo sviluppo del software (Web Site) Consultare l'area FAQ (Web Site) Consultare i servizi di supporto GeoStru (Web Site) It is active the new ticket support service developed by GeoStru Software in order to respond to our users support requests. This service, reserved to registered users and owners of valid licenses, allows you to get answers to your requests regarding different aspects of your programs directly from our specialists. (Web Site) Web Site: www.geostru.com 1.5 Contacts Skype Nick: geostru_support_it-eng-spa Web: www.geostru.com E-mail: geostru@geostru.com Consultare la pagina dei contatti del Sito Web per avere maggiori informazioni sui nostri contatti e sugli indirizzi delle sedi operative in Italia e all'Estero. © 2013 Geostru Software 6 Manual Standard 2 Static 2.1 Introduction Static Probing provides a tool for the recording, management, processing and archiving of readings obtained by static penetrometry instruments, in a reactive continuous graphic environment, supported by a database of correlative methods and parameters for the determination of soil types, aimed at the generation of a comprehensive mapping of the subsurface. The graphic display and process support enables the terrain to be catalogued, parameterised and compared with adjacent borings to gain an insight of the stratigraphy encountered. The stratigraphy of the terrain is derived automatically, for each instrument step, based on the type of lithologic interpretation selected for the instrument. Thus in the graphic display, layers are inserted, and the various relevant authorities are consulted to display lithological evaluations of the strata traversed. Soil section mapping, tailored to other Geostru software, can be generated for lines connecting test borings. Penetrometric probes enable fairly accurate evaluations of the depth of lithologic boundaries in the substrata, depth of water table, breach surfaces on slopes as well as the general consistency of the terrain. 2.2 Equipment This window may be used to select an instrument in the list of ones in the database, review its characteristics, add those of a new one or remove an existing one. The window may be reached from the General Data menu of from the menu bar. A button is also present on the status bar. Three categories of instruments, Mechanical Cone, Electric Cone, and Piezoelectric cone, may be specified, under the headings: CPT, CPTE, CPTU. Under each category the individual equipment items recorded are listed. Click on one to select it for use, or for editing. To delete an instrument, right click the name. This enables the delete function. To add a new instrument, right click the root of the category header. This enables the New function. © 2013 Geostru Software Static This in turn opens a blank window in which the new characteristics may be entered. The characteristics to be recorded, usually provided by the supplier, are: Type: Equipment Name Readings: Type of Reading returned. Height of barycentre (cm) Tip area (cm²) Cone point internal area (cm²) Point aperture angle (º) Mechanic conic point diameter (mm) Side friction sleeve height (cm) Measurement system Interval(cm): Distance step between readings. Weight of anchorage sleeve (Kg) Sleeve surface (cm²) Expansion ring Conversion constant: See topic Standards reference For Piezoelectric cones, additionally: Observed neutral pressure: See Topic Separation point/Porous sensor (cm) Temperature output : Yes/No Probe inclination output: Yes/No Speed of progress output: Yes/No The electric bulb icon that appears beside some items for specific instruments indicates that entry of these items is mandatory. © 2013 Geostru Software 7 8 2.3 Manual Standard Correlation Permette di selezionare per ogni parametro la correlazione da utilizzare. Ved. anche Cenni teorici. 2.4 General Data Permette di assegnare i dati generali per l'intestazione (Committente, Cantiere, Località, Operatore prova, Responsabile prova, Codice commessa, Numero certificati allegati), e la localizzazione della prova. Inserendo la localizzazione nel formato: via xxxx, città, provincia, nazione, sarà individuata automaticamente la zona di lavoro. Alternativamente occorre assegnare le coordinate nel sistema WGS84 in gradi decimali. Il sistema richiede per l'individuazione della zona una connessione internet. 2.5 Statistic compute Drop down list in Menu bar that sets the statistical value of the resistances (qc) for each layer, to use in calculation of lithologic parameters for each layer. The possible variants are: Average: Arithmetic average of tip resistance in the layer (Default). Minimum Average: Arithmetic average of values below the average, of tip resistance in the layer. Maximum: Maximum value of tip resistance in the layer. Minimum: Minimum value of tip resistance in the layer. Average + deviation: Average incremented by standard deviation of tip resistance in the layer. Average – deviation: Average decreased by standard deviation of tip resistance in the layer. © 2013 Geostru Software Static 9 Distribuzione normale R.N.C.: ved. Parametri caratteristici. Distribuzione normale R. C.: ved. Parametri caratteristici. 2.6 Insert test The program is based on the graphic entry of the penetrometric tests. To enter them: 1) Select the Tests management icon; 2) Go on the work area; 3) Click on the right button of the mouse and then choose the test type to input and enter the general data; Equipment type: Select the equipment used from the drop down list. (If not present on the list it will be necessary to record its parameters in the Equipment window reachable from the General data menu). The choice of instrument controls the format of the data entry grids. Test Identifier: Enter an identifying code for the test. X, Y, Z: X and Y representing the location coordinates are automatically entered but may be altered as required. Z indicates the elevation. Test Depth: Final depth (mt) reached by the probe. Water table depth: If any water tables are encountered the “from – to” depths may be entered. Colour: Colour to be assigned to the test identifying marker on the worksheet. 4) Right click of the mouse on the test and choose Data entry; 5) In Data Entry a series of quick menus are available, among which: -On the volume unit weight column right click for automatic computation of the weight -On the graphic a series of functions among which input of layers with the right click of the mouse, export, etc. -To delete a layer select the entire row in the Layer table and press Del; 6) Once the input finished, go on the test and choose Process; 7) In Process, to choose parameters, go on the grid in upper right corner and press the right button of the mouse. © 2013 Geostru Software 10 Manual Standard *The difference between Process and Reprocess is the following: the first one calculates the geotechnical parameters and keeps the eventual alteration of the parameters, while the second one recalculates the parameters without keeping eventual alterations brought by the user. *If the equipment to use is not in the equipment list open the window Equipment from General Data menu, go with the mouse on Equipment, press the right button of the mouse and insert a new penetrometer. 2.7 Data Entry Le letture da inserire nel programma sono formate dalla resistenza di punta misurata dalla sonda nella prima porzione dell`infissione nel terreno, e dal valore totale comprensivo della resistenza di punta più la resistenza laterale (spinta totale della punta e del manicotto di frizione). La resistenza specifica Qc e Ql vengono desunte tramite opportune costanti e sulla base dei valori specifici dell’area di base della punta e dell’area del manicotto di frizione laterale. Più precisamente i vari termini in gioco sono : Lettura alla punta = prima lettura dello strumento utilizzato Lettura laterale = seconda lettura dello strumento utilizzato (lettura totale) A = area di base del cono della sonda (ex. 10 cmq) Am = area del manicotto di frizione (ex. 150 cmq) K = costante di trasformazione utilizzata per ottenere le letture eseguite nel valore di uscita previsto Qc (RP) = (Lettura alla punta x K) / A Resistenza alla punta Ql (RL) = (Lettura alla punta – Lettura laterale) x K) / Am Resistenza laterale I dati di inserimento generale della prova sono quindi una coppia di valori per ogni intervallo di lettura costituiti da LP (Lettura alla punta) e LT (Lettura totale della punta + manicotto), le relative resistenze vengono quindi desunte per differenza, inoltre la resistenza laterale viene conteggiata 20 cm. sotto (alla quota della prima lettura della punta). I dati di inserimento della prova possono essere in Kg/cmq, in T/mq, in Mpa, in kN/mq, in kPa a scelta dall’utente e possono essere inseriti automaticamente anche da un copia-incolla (ex. da Excel) posizionandosi nella Ia casella ed incollando i dati. I dati di uscita sono pertanto RP (Resistenza alla punta) e RL (Resistenza laterale o fs attrito laterale specifico che considera la superficie del manicotto di frizione). Il programma calcola quindi automaticamente durante l’inserimento i valori risultanti di fs (Fs (attrito laterale specifico) Resistenza Laterale), del © 2013 Geostru Software Static Rapporto RP/RL (Rapporto Begemann 1965), del Rapporto RL/RP (Rapporto Schmertmann 1978 (FR) %). Scegliendo il tipo di interpretazione litologica (consigliata o meno a seconda del tipo di penetrometro utilizzato) si ha in automatico la stratigrafia con il passo dello strumento ed interpolazione automatica degli strati. Il programma calcola quindi automaticamente durante l’inserimento i valori risultanti di fs (Fs (attrito laterale specifico) Resistenza Laterale), del Rapporto RP/RL (Rapporto Begemann 1965), del Rapporto RL/RP (Rapporto Schmertmann 1978 (FR) %). Ad ogni strato mediato il programma calcola la Qc media, la fs media, il peso di volume naturale medio, il comportamento geotecnico (coesivo, incoerente o coesivo-incoerente), ed applica una texture. La texture può essere variata semplicemente trasportando la texture scelta sullo strato della tabella. Scegliendo coesivo il programma elabora i dati geotecnici solamente come terreno coesivo, o incoerente elabora i dati solo come incoerente; scegliendo coesivo-incoerente (terreno dotato di comportamento intermedio e non inquadrabile i maniera certa) il programma elabora i dati anche in uscita con entrambi i comportamenti. Per quanto riguarda il Punta elettrica generalmente tale strumento permette di ottenere dati in continuo con un passo molto ravvicinato (anche 2 cm.) rispetto alla Punta meccanica (20 cm.). Per il Piezocono i dati di inserimento oltre a quelli di LP e LT sono invece la pressione neutrale misurata ed il tempo di dissipazione (tempo intercorrente misurato tra la misura della sovrappressione neutrale e la pressione neutrale o pressione della colonna d’acqua). Tale misurazione si effettua generalmente misurando la sovrappressione ottenuta in fase di spinta e la pressione neutrale (dissipazione nel tempo) misurata in fase di alleggerimento di spinta (arresto penetrazione). Il programma permette di immettere U1 – U2 – U3 cioè la sovrappressione neutrale misurata rispettivamente con filtro poroso posizionato nel cono, attorno al cono (alla base di esso), o attorno al manicotto di frizione a seconda del tipo di piezocono utilizzato. Tale sovrappressione (che è data dalla somma della pressione idrostatica preesistente la penetrazione e dalle pressioni dei pori prodotte dalla compressione) può essere positiva o negativa e generalmente varia da (-1 a max. + 10-20 kg/cmq) ed è prodotta dalla compressione o dilatazione del terreno a seguito della penetrazione. Per il calcolo, oltre ai dati strumentali generali si deve immettere per una correzione dei valori immessi : Area punta del cono (area esterna punta) Area interna punta del cono (area del restringimento in prossimità del setto poroso – interna cono-manicotto) Generalmente il rapporto tra le aree varia da (0,70 – 1,00). Il programma elabora quindi i dati di resistenza alla punta e laterale fs con le opportune correzioni dovute alla normalizzazione (con la tensione litostatica e con la pressione dei pori). Robertson definisce infine il valore caratteristico del Ic (Indice di tipo dello © 2013 Geostru Software 11 12 Manual Standard strato) e Contenuto in materiale fine FC % (cioè la percentuale di contenuto argilloso < 2 micron). Grafico Quando si inserisce una nuova prova i dati sono visualizzati su un modello grafico in cui vengono riportati i dati identificativi della prova, il diagramma che riproduce ad ogni passo l'andamento della resistenza alla punta e laterale, la falda e la litostratigrafia. Il modello base proposto interagisce in contemporaneo con il valore delle letture immesso ad ogni passo e con la griglia sottostante in cui avviene la gestione della stratigrafia, ossia ogni dato modificato nella colonna di immissione dati viene aggiornato sul modello grafico, così come ogni cambiamento eseguito sulla griglia di gestione della stratigrafia viene riprodotto sul grafico nella colonna litostratigrafica. Il modello grafico proposto è gestibile da un menu di scelta rapida che si attiva con il pulsante destro del mouse; i comandi di gestione sono: esporta in DXF ed in EXCEL, stampa, copia, sposta, pagina intera ed opzioni. Le opzioni su colori, linee e scala sono riproposte anche nel menu Preferenze alla voce Opzioni elaborato grafico. Dal comando Grafico valutazioni litologiche è possibile visualizzare un grafico Profondità - Valutazioni litologiche secondo l'autore selezionato. Il comando Litologia Istantanea individua la litologia (coesivo/incoerente) man mano che l’utente inserisce la profondità dello strato. Ricerca dinamica strato è un comando che sincronizza la stratigrafia sul grafico con la griglia degli strati sottostante: ossia quando si posiziona con il mouse su uno strato del grafico viene evidenziato nella stratigrafia sottostante. Osservazioni Le funzioni Copia-Incolla permettono di copiare od incollare la sequenza di dati (N° colpi) da un foglio Excel al programma Static Probing: esse si attivano dal menu di scelta rapida visualizzato posizionando il puntatore del mouse sulla griglia di immissione dei dati e premendo il tasto destro del mouse. Come inserire uno strato da tastiera Digitare nella tabella visualizzata sotto il modello grafico (in basso a destra nella finestra di immissione dati) le profondità degli strati. Come inserire uno strato con il mouse Attivare sul grafico il menu di scelta rapida, selezionare il comando Inserisci strato, fare click ed inserire la quota corrispondente. Cancellare uno strato Selezionare dalla tabella stratigrafia una riga intera e premere canc dalla tastiera. © 2013 Geostru Software Static 2.8 Process The program contains a data base of methodologies and data to correlate the observed soil properties to the more significant geotechnic parameters that characterize soils. For each parameter type a number of different authorities may be selected (see Parameters Evaluated). By default the program utilises a set of correlations but with expert, or local knowledge, or for explorative aims these can be altered. To see or alter the selected set open the Correlations selection window (General Data Menu). The window has a tab for cohesive and one for cohesionless soils and within each parameter, evaluation can occur according to different authors. This choice is not tied to an individual test!! but applies to the evaluation process as follows: 1. When a test is processed (Process not Reprocess) for the first time, the selections made in Operational Correlations are used AND the set is recorded with the test. 2. If later the test is again processed (not Reprocessed) the stored set is used again, not the Operational Correlation set that may have changed in the intervening time. 3. After processing, it is possible to alter the correlation authority for specific layers. When this is done the alteration is incorporated in the set associated with the layer and will be reused on subsequent process commands. In this way it is possible to refine the parameter set for each test. In this way alterations to the Operative correlations relevant for other tests need not be rolled back if the original test must be re evaluated, say consequent upon an alteration to the stratigraphy. If however it is required to start again with a different set of authorities, then the Reprocess command should be used. This command operates as if process command was being used for the first time, i.e. the set of selected authorities is used and that set is stored with the test overwriting any previous set. Results of correlations for cohesionless terrains are certainly more reliable than those for cohesive ones as these latter are influenced by drainage to a greater extent, while the rapid test occurs in saturated state with consequent lesser reliability. In any case the dynamic test in situ enables a more reliable parametrization of cohesionless loose terrain that, does not permit undisturbed sampling. 2.9 Reprocess Command available within <Tests management> status, selectable from General Parameters menu or toolbar button. Automatically processes the penetrometric data for a test, and produces a Test report preview. © 2013 Geostru Software 13 14 Manual Standard Not e t ha t <Re proc e ss> re se t s t he se t of c orre la t ions for t he t e st t o t he c urre nt c hoic e s in t he list of Ope ra t iona l Corre la t ions t hus re pla c ing a ny pre v ious one s. Se e Corre la t ion proc e ssing for a disc ussion of t he diffe re nc e s be t w e e n t his func t ion a nd Proc e ss. To perform the command, open the floating menu for the test (Point and activate right mouse button) and click on <Reprocess>. The correlations used are those selected in <Operative Correlations> of the General data menu and are highlighted in red in the list on the left. 2.10 Section E' possibile creare delle sezioni geologiche semplicemente collegando più prove tramite il mouse, cliccando con il tasto destro del mouse sul foglio di lavoro e selezionando 'Crea sezione'. La sezione creata può essere letta direttamente da Slope il quale può essere eseguito in modalità sezioni direttamente dal programma Dynamic, oppure occorre disporre di un modulo aggiuntivo per la creazione delle sezioni. 2.11 Subsoil determination In the soil determination phase the software loads automatically the data of the current test. If a stratigraphy was defined in the current test, the software automatically determines: Depth, Description, Qc, fs, Tipo (coesivo, incoerente o coesivo-incoerente), Autore, Vs e Cu. The automatic loaded data can be altered independently of the data from the current test. Geotechnical parameters The geotechnical parameters necessary to the soil classification are calculated using the command. They can also be assigned by the user and the program determines the soil category. In the Range Soil Category table the minimum and maximum values of the geotechnical parameters that determine the soil category can be set. 2.12 Seismic probe Prova penetrometrica statica con piezocono sismico (SCPTU) © 2013 Geostru Software Static Tramite il piezocono sismico si ha a disposizione un sistema molto rapido ed economico per determinare: stratigrafia dettagliata, parametri geotecnici e velocità delle onde di taglio. Il piezocono sismico permette di determinare, in contemporanea ai parametri di una prova penetro metrica statica (qc, fs, U), le velocità delle onde di taglio (Vs). Esso è costituito da geofoni triassiali ortogonali tra di loro secondo le direzioni X, Y e Z. L’utilizzo di due accelerometri posti ortogonalmente tra di loro consente di acquisire un segnale significativo dell’onda sismica a prescindere dall’orientamento della sonda (durante la fase di infissione non è possibile mantenere un orientamento). Il sistema di energizzazione deve generare prevalentemente onde di taglio a larga ampiezza con poche componenti compressionali. L’analisi del segnale avviene graficizzando i singoli segnali registrati dai geofoni triassiali. Per la valutazione dei tempi di arrivo si può utilizzare il metodo cross-over della sovrapposizione di due segnali polarizzati. Dai valori dei tempi di arrivo sono state calcolate le Vs relative al tratto sorgente-geofono e successivamente le Vs nel livello litologico. Per la classificazione del suolo si è fatto riferimento al parametro Vs30 corrispondente alla velocità delle onde di taglio nei primi 30 metri. © 2013 Geostru Software 15 16 Manual Standard Dove hi e Vi indicano lo spessore e la velocità delle onde di taglio per N strati presenti in 30 metri. Per la stima delle categorie di profilo stratigrafico abbiamo fatto riferimento alle nuove Norme Tecniche per le Costruzioni. 2.13 Portanza e cedimenti Surface foundations This function enables the computation of limit and permissible bearing capacity of surface foundations according to the following authorities: Terzaghi & Peck Meyerhof Schmertmann Herminier Deep fondations (Driven piles) This function calculates the bearing capacity of deep foundations (Driven piles) in tons, using Meyerhof’ s method, that utilises the similarities in behaviour of the penetrometer probe drive with that of driven piles. 2.14 Characteristic parameters Characteristic parameters with CVsoils Dynamic allows to define two stratigraphies: one established by the user based on the number of blows, the other on instrumental step. The stratigraphy on instrumental step is very useful as the geotechnical parameters are returned in step, which can be exported from the command Export to other GeoStru programs, selecting file xlm for CVsoils. These files can be exported for the new GeoStru program, ‘CVsoils’, for the determination of characteristic geotechnical parameters. In order to perform processing on instrumental step is necessary: a)To define in data entry, in addition to stratigraphy user, even the stratigraphy on instrumental step; b)To select Elaboration on instrumental step from the shortcut menu of tests. © 2013 Geostru Software Static Characteristic parameters with Static From the menù General Data, qc calculation, there is the opportunity to choose how to assess qc in the layer. In addition there is the opportunity to select several options, among them a particular clarification: Normal distribution R.C. The value of qc,k is calculated on the basis of a normal or Gaussian distribution, fixed a probability of no exceedance of 5%, according to the following expression: qc, k qc, medio 1.645 qc where s qc is the standard deviation of qc. Normal distribution R.N.C. The value of qc,k is calculated on the basis of a normal or Gaussian distribution, fixed a probability of no exceedance of 5%, treating mean values of qc normally distributed: qc, k qc, medio 1.645 qc / n where n is the number of samples. The first distribution gives values near the minimum, whereas the second provides values close to average. 2.15 Theory 2.15.1 Correlations Geotechnical Cohesionless Angle of friction Angle of friction (Durgunouglu-Mitchell 1973-1975) For non cemented N.C. & S.C. sand. Angle of friction (Meyerhof 1951) For N.C. & S.C. sand. Angle of friction (Caquot) For non cemented N.C. & S.C. sand. and for depths > 2 mt in saturated © 2013 Geostru Software 17 18 Manual Standard soils or > 1 mt in non saturated soils. Angle of friction (Koppejan) For non cemented N.C. & S.C. sand. and for depths > 2 mt in saturated soils or > 1 mt in non saturated soils. Angle of friction (De Beer 1965-1967) For non cemented N.C. & S.C. sand. and for depths > 2 mt in saturated soils or > 1 mt in non saturated soils. Angle of friction (Robertson & Campanella 1983) For non cemented quartzy sand. Angle of friction (Schmertmann 1977-1982) Diverse soils (This correlation generally gives an overestimate). Relative density Relative density (Baldi and others 1978-1983 - Schmertmann 1976) For NC uncemented sand. Relative density (Schmertmann) Relative density (Harman 1976) Relative density (Lancellotta 1983) Relative density (Jamiolkowski 1985) Relative density (Larsson 1995) For homogeneous ungraded sand. Young’s modulus Young’s modulus Ey 25 –50; (Schmertmann 1970-1978) 25% & 50% shear value – first phase of load/deform curve Young’s modulus (Robertson & Campanella 1983) For quartzy NC sand. Young’s modulus (ISOPT-1 1988) for Over consolid. sand. © 2013 Geostru Software Static Confined consolidation modulus (Oedometric) Confined condsolidation modulus (Robertson & Campanella) da Schmertmann Confined condsolidation modulus (Lunne-Christoffersen 1983 - Robertson and Powell 1997) Valido per sabbie NC Confined condsolidation modulus (Kulhawy-Mayne 1990) Confined condsolidation modulus (Mitchell & Gardner 1975) Confined condsolidation modulus (Buisman - Sanglerat) Confined condsolidation modulus (avg. value for all authors) Unit volume w eight Unit volume weight Gamma(t/mc) For loose sand and dense sand. Unit volume weight, saturated - Gamma(t/mc) For loose sand and dense sand. Shear deformation modulus G (kg/cmq) (Ohsaki & Iwasaki) Valid for fine plastic sand or clean sand. Robertson e Campanella (1983) e Imai & Tonouchi (1982) Valid mainly for sand and for lithostatic tension from 0,5 - 4,0 kg/cmq. Potenziale di liquefazione Applies to soils below phreatic level submitted to seismic acceleration. © 2013 Geostru Software 19 20 Manual Standard This function verifies liquefaction for cohesionless soils (Robertson & Wride 1997 – CNR – GNDT) Safety factor related to various seismic zones I II III IV cat. N.B. Liquefaction is absent for Fs >= 1,25, possible for Fs = 1,0 – 1,25 and very probable for Fs< 1. Consolidation coefficient Cv Consolidation coefficient Cv (Piacentini-Righi, 1988). Permeabilità Coefficiente di Permeabilità K (Piacentini-Righi, 1988). Cohesive Coesione non drenata_2 Undrained cohesion (Lunne & Eide) Undrained cohesion Sunda (experimental report) Undrained cohesion (Lunne T.-Kleven A. 1981) Undrained cohesion (Kjekstad. 1978 - Lunne, Robertson and Powell 1977) Undrained cohesion (Terzaghi – minimum value) Undrained cohesion (Begemann) Undrained cohesion (De Beer) Applicable to light cohesion Undrained cohesion (Baligh and others 1976-1980) In this evaluation the value of Nk must be entered (generally variable from 11 to 25) Undrained cohesion (Marsland 1974-Marsland and Powell 1979) Undrained cohesion (Rolf Larsson SGI 1995) © 2013 Geostru Software Static Indice di compressione C e coefficiente di consolidazione Cv Indice di Compressione Vergine Cc (Schmertmann) Indice di Compressione Vergine Cc (Schmertmann 1978) Fattore di compressibilità ramo di carico C (Piacentini-Righi Inacos 1978) Fattore di compressibilità medio ramo di carico Crm (Piacentini-Righi Inacos 1978) Coefficiente di Consolidazione Cv (Piacentini-Righi 1988) Edometric Modulus Mitchell - Gardnerr (1975) Mo (Eed) (Kg/cmq) for silt and clay. General confined consolidation modulus method. Buisman correlation valid for silt and average plasticity clay. Buisman and Sanglerat valid for compacted clays Undrained deformation modulus Undrained deformation modulus Eu (Cancelli et al. 1980) Undrained deformation modulus Eu (Ladd et al. 1977) Insert value of n where 30 < n < 1500 © 2013 Geostru Software 21 22 Manual Standard Unit volume w eight Unit volume weight, cohesive soils (t/mq) Unit volume weight saturated soils, cohesive soils (t/mq) OCR Degree of overconsolidation OCR - (Stress-History) Degree of overconsolidation OCR (P.W. Mayne 1991) For clay and over consolidated clay. Degree of overconsolidation OCR (Piacentini-Righi Inacos 1978) Degree of overconsolidation OCR (Larsson 1991 S.G.I.) Degree of overconsolidation OCR - (Jamiolkowski 1979) (cohesive) Degree of overconsolidation OCR - (Schmertman 1978) (cohesive) Permeability Coefficiente di Permeabilità K (Piacentini-Righi, 1988). 2.15.2 Subsoil categories Once the design seismic action is defined, it becomes necessary to determine the effect of the local seismic response through specific analysis. In the absence of this analysis, in order to define the seismic action we can refer to a simplified approach, that is based on the determination of the reference subsoil categories. (Tab. 3.2.II and 3.2.III). Table 3.2.II – Subsoil categories C Description a t e g o r y © 2013 Geostru Software Static A B C D E Outcrop rocky mass or very rigid soils characterised by Vs,30 superior to 800 m/s, eventually including in the surface an alteration layer, with a maximum thickness of 3 m Soft rocks and deposits of very dense coarse grain soils or very dense fine grain soils with thickness superior to 30 m, characterised by gradual improvement of the mechanical properties with depth and Vs,30 values between 360 m/s and 800 m/s, ( or NSPT,30 > 50 in coarse grain soils and cu,30 > 250 kPa in fine grain soils). Deposits of medium dense coarse grain soils or medium dense fine grain soils with thickness superior to 30 m, characterised by gradual improvement of the mechanical properties with depth and Vs,30 values between 180 m/s and 360 m/s, ( or 15 < NSPT,30 < 50 in coarse grain soils and 70 < cu,30 < 250 kPa in fine grain soils), Deposits of poor consistency coarse grain soils or poor consistency fine grain soils with thickness superior to 30 m, characterised by gradual improvement of the mechanical properties with depth and Vs,30 inferior to 180 m/s ( or NSPT,30 < 15 in coarse grain soils and cu,30 < 70 kPa in fine grain soils) Subsoil terrains of C or D type, with thickness not superior to 20 m, laying on the reference substratum (with Vs > 800 m/s) The classification is based on the values of the equivalent propagation velocity Vs,30 of the shear waves in the first 30 m of depth. For shallow foundations and retaining walls made of embankments this depth is considered beginning from the footing of the foundation.. The direct measurement of the propagation velocity of the shear waves is highly recommended. In case this determination is not possible, the classification can be done in base of the values of the equivalent number of blows of the dynamic penetrometric test (Standard Penetration Test) NSPT,30 in soils consisting mostly in coarse grain and in base of the equivalent undrained strength cu,30 in soils consisting mostly in fine grain. For the soils in the S1 and S2 categories in Tab. 3.2.III specific analysis are required to define the seismic actions, especially when the presence of soils susceptible to liquefaction and/or very sensitive clays can produce soil collapse. Table 3.2.III – Additional subsoil categories C Description a t e g o r © 2013 Geostru Software 23 24 Manual Standard y S 1 S 2 Deposits of soils characterised by values of Vs,30 inferior to 100 m/s (or 10 < cu,30 < 20 kPa), that include a layer of at least 8 m of poor consistency fine grain soils, or include at least 3 m of peat or clays with high organic content. Deposits of soils susceptible to liquefaction, of sensitive clays or any other subsoil type that can not be classified in the previous types.. The equivalent velocity of the shear waves Vs,30 is defined by: The equivalent dynamic penetrometric strength NSPT,30 is defined by: The equivalent undrained strength cu,30 is defined by: In the previous expressions we have indicated with: hi= thickness (in m) of the i layer comprised in the first 30 m of depth; VS,i= velocity of the shear waves in the i layer; NSPT,i= number of NSPT blows in the i layer; cu,i= undrained strength in the i layer; N= number of layers comprised in the first 30 m of depth; M= number of layers of coarse grain terrains comprised in the first 30 m of depth; K= number of layers of fine grain terrains comprised in the first 30 m of depth; In case of subsoils formed by stratifications of coarse grain terrains and fine grain terrains, with similar thickness in the first 30 m of depth, included in one of the categories from A to E, and when direct measurements of the shear waves velocity are not available, one can proceed as follows: © 2013 Geostru Software Static - determine NSPT,30 in the coarse grain terrain layers comprised in the first 30 m of depth; - determine cu,30 in the fine grain terrain layers comprised in the first 30 m of depth; - determine the categories corresponding to the NSPT,30 and cu,30 parameters; - refer the subsoil to the worse category. 2.15.3 Liquefaction The method of Seed and Idriss (1982) is the most known and used of the simplified methods and requires only the knowledge of few geotechnical parameters: the granulometry, the number of blows in the SPT test, the relative density, the volume weight. To determine the value of the reducing coefficient rd is used the empirical formula proposed by Iwasaki and others (1978): rd 1 0.015 z while for the corrective factor MSF in Table 1 is brought the value of this factor obtained by various researchers, among which Seed H. B. and Idriss I. M (1982). Tabella 1 - Magnitude Scaling Factor Magnitude Seed H. B. & Idriss I. M. (1982) 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 1.43 1.32 1.19 1.08 1.00 0.94 0.89 The liquefaction resistance CRR, is calculated as a function of the magnitude, the number of blows, the effective vertical pressure, the relative density. By selecting the cases of terrains with liquefaction and no liquefaction during the earthquakes, a graphic is obtained. Initially the correct number of blows at the desired elevation is calculated to take into consideration the lithostatic pressure through the following relation: N1.60 where: © 2013 Geostru Software C N Nm 25 26 Manual Standard Nm average number of blows in the penetrometric standard test SPT; CN corrective factor calculated using the following expression: CN Pa ' v0 0.5 where: s'vo effective vertical pressure; Pa atmospherical pressure expressed in the same s'vo units; n an exponent that depends on the relative density of the soil It was demonstrated that for an earthquake of a magnitude equal to 7,5 CRR is: CRR N1.60 90 Is therefore applied: FS CRR CSR if FS > 1,3 the deposit can not be liquefied The Authors have specified that this procedure is valid for sand with D50 > 0,25 mm; for sandy silt and silts they suggest to correct afterwards the value of N1 ,6 0 : N1.60 C S N1.60 7.5 2.15.4 Bibliographies A. G. Raccomandazioni programmazione sulla ed AG I © 2013 Geostru Software Static © 2013 Geostru Software I. (1 97 7) Bel lot tiJa mi olk ow ski Ghi on na Pe dro ni M. Ca rte r (1 98 3) esecuzione delle indagini geotecniche Ro ma Penetrometro Statico; terreni non coesivi M. Ca sa dio Il Manuale del Geologo F. Ce sta ri prove Geotecniche in sito F. Col les elli So ran zo (1 98 Esercitazioni Geotecnica Att i Co nv eg no Na z. Ge ot ec nic a 19 83 Pe nt ec h Pre ssLo nd on Pit ag ora Edi tri ce ed. GE OGR AP H 19 90 Ed. Cle up Pa do va Geotechnical engineering-Handbook di 27 28 Manual Standard 0) R. F. Cr aig (1 98 5) Soil mechanics Di Ma rti no A. Flo ra Geotecnica Stradale P. Fo car di Prove in sito F. Ga mb ini C. Gui di Manuale dei Piloti He rmi nie r Theory for the interpretation of penetration test data Introduzione alle Indagini Geotecniche Geotecnica e Tecnica delle Fondazioni; Vol. I-II Va n No tra an Rei nh old (U H) Co . Ltd Hel vel ius Edi zio ni Ge olo gia Te cni ca 19 82 Ed. 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Ve nt ura Interpretazione delle prove penetrometriche statiche tramite punta piezometrica © 2013 Geostru Software
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