International Vendor Manual International Supplier Manual This Document outlines the standard operating procedures to be followed by all overseas Suppliers to Officeworks Ltd August 2014 Version 1 Page 1 International Vendor Manual Contents Officeworks Profile ....................................................................................................3 Introduction ................................................................................................................3 Key Performance Metrics ..........................................................................................3 Officeworks International Supply Chain Portal .........................................................4 Sea Freight .................................................................................................................5 Pre Shipment Timelines .......................................................................................................... 5 CFS Delivery (LCL): Handover Procedure ............................................................................ 6 CY Load (FCL): Handover Procedure .................................................................................... 6 CY Container Loading Guidelines.......................................................................................... 7 Container Fill Guidelines ........................................................................................................ 8 Shipping Documentation ........................................................................................................ 9 Documents Required ............................................................................................................. 10 Fumigation ............................................................................................................................ 11 Carton Markings Standards................................................................................................... 13 Outer and inner carton requirements..................................................................................... 13 Large and bulky merchandise ............................................................................................... 14 Packaging labels for fragile items ......................................................................................... 14 Size & Weight Icon Specifications on Outer Cartons .......................................................... 15 Icon Application.................................................................................................................... 16 Size........................................................................................................................................ 16 Icon Ordering ........................................................................................................................ 16 Air Freight ................................................................................................................17 Booking & delivery requirements with the Freight Forwarder ............................................ 17 Payment to Supplier .................................................................................................17 Table of Terms / Glossary........................................................................................18 Page 2 International Vendor Manual Officeworks Profile Officeworks Limited ABN: 36 004 763 526 ACN: 004 760 526 Introduction The purpose of this document is to provide guidelines for Officeworks international Suppliers for the freight forwarding and consolidation of goods from overseas. It provides some key steps to ensure the process runs smoothly and delays are minimized. Key Performance Metrics Officeworks will measure and report on: Booking timeliness and integrity On Time & In Full shipments Documentation handover performance Load Integrity Further measures will be recorded regarding any issues with: Article labelling Units per outer Safe and correct stacking Under/Over delivery Mixed loads For the most up to date International Supplier Manual please refer to the Officeworks Supplier Portal: Page 3 International Vendor Manual Officeworks International Supply Chain Portal The Officeworks portal will allow you to view and download all current orders and make the necessary bookings to send to DB Schenker. You will be required to: Confirm receipt of Purchase Orders Check that the Purchase Order details are correct Making Bookings Online Produce / Upload Commercial Invoices and Documents To access the International Supplier Portal, please visit: A link to the portal user guide can be found on the home page of the portal Page 4 International Vendor Manual Sea Freight The current contracted Sea Freight Forwarder is DB Schenker Officeworks order terms are mainly FCA/CFS, therefore suppliers are required to deliver the loose cargo to the DB Schenker nominated consolidation facility. DB Schenker will then consolidate the cargo as per Officeworks requirements. Incoterms other than FCA must be approved by Officeworks Refer to the portal home page for current DB Schenker contact details Pre Shipment Timelines Page 5 International Vendor Manual CFS Delivery (LCL): Handover Procedure Suppliers must deliver into the DBS origin warehouse on or before the Freight Forward date on the Purchase order (before 03:00pm) Product should be loaded by PO/item, non-compliance will result in the application of sorting charges. Prior arrangement must be made with DBS origin office at least one day in advance Upon receipt, DB Schenker will check: Actual vs. booked quantity Physical condition of cartons needs to be suitable for export Carton labelling must be up to standard Consignments to be accompanied with the following documents: Booking form (delivery order) Packing list Commercial Invoice Dock Receipt will be issued to the truck driver duly signed & stamped by the warehouse staff for the quantities received along with full documentation on completion CY Load (FCL): Handover Procedure Cartons to be loaded into the container by PO then item Loaded container must be delivered to the container terminal listed on the S/O Container load manifest including Officeworks article number, Load Quantity (Units) and Load Quantity (Cartons) must be submitted to DBS after delivery to the CY terminal Suppliers must inform DBS origin office immediately if containers are delivered after the CY closing date Page 6 International Vendor Manual CY Container Loading Guidelines The Freight Forwarder will decide on equipment based on the information submitted by the Supplier on the SO to ensure maximization of container utilization (CY Management Program). The Freight Forwarder will book space with carrier and inform Supplier of carrier booking and expected vessel details. If a Supplier does not submit the Factory Load Declaration to the Freight Forwarder the Supplier will incur a penalty payment. The Fumigation Certificate must be issued by a DAFF or MAF approved provider. All external stickers on the container pertaining to previous shipments must be removed prior to stuffing All containers must be inspected internally and externally to ensure that they are sea-worthy, free of odor, dirt, soil, mud, debris and contamination, e.g. no holes, dents, excess rust, door seals intact, locking mechanism in working condition, etc. If any of the above is visible, the container must be rejected. Officeworks cargo must not be packed together with any cargo of a ‘dirty nature’, including: hazardous chemicals; pigments or dyes; oils; odour permeating cargo (e.g. coffee); second hand machinery No cartons are to be shipped without correct carton markings showing on the export carton. Cartons must be stowed upright wherever marked, with marks and numbers facing the door To avoid cargo damage loads must be packed in a manner that minimises the possibility of movement whilst in transit. If cargo is palletised ensure shrink-wrap or alternative is appropriately applied (shrink-wrapping must wrap onto the pallet). In the event of underutilized container cube, cargo must be distributed at floor level to minimise movement whilst in transit. To minimise spillage as the container is opened, or as unpacking is taking place consider the use of netting. The use of airbags is allowed with prior approval from Officeworks, however, they must not be placed behind container doors as this can lead to container doors being pushed out under pressure when opened. Heavy cargo should be loaded at the bottom of the container. Ensure that loads including items of individual weights >17kgs are positioned so that OFW team members unloading containers have the option to utilize mechanical aids. Page 7 International Vendor Manual Extra care must be taken on the handling of fragile cargo e.g. glassware, stoneware, and food products in glass jars, to avoid damages If using pallets, ensure that pallet load limits are observed (i.e. don’t put 1500kg on a pallet with specified weight limit of 1000kg). Pallet heights do not exceed 1.6m and are 1 tone in weight. Ensure that loads are kept within the confines of the pallet footprint, where possible. Bullet seals must be applied on the container Straw or any organic material cannot be used in packing of the container Deliveries are to be sorted by S/O, purchase order, APN / key code Once loaded container photos are required to assist in identifying loads that may have moved prior to arrival at port of destination. Images should include container with one door shut showing container number and another image showing both doors open Container Fill Guidelines Container Type 20’ GP – VIC, NSW, QLD, WA 40’ GP – VIC, NSW, QLD, WA 40’ HC – VIC, NSW, QLD, WA Max Cargo Weight 21,000kg 21,000kg 21,000kg Maximum container weights are calculated to allow for Australian road weight limits. LCL shipments will require officeworks approval Page 8 International Vendor Manual Shipping Documentation The negotiable document for the Supplier is the Forwarders Cargo Receipt (FCR) An FCR will be issued per shipment received at the CFS The forwarder at origin will issue one original and one copy FCR upon confirmation of: Shipment delivery to CFS Collection of all required commercial documents Payment of local charges. Draft FCR to be prepared within 48 hours by cargo receiving date after the carton has been successfully transferred to the Consignee’s title. Supplier has to return back the draft FCR confirmation to the forwarder at origin within 24 hours. The original FCR will be ready to pick up at the forwarders counter office with 24 hours after receipt of draft FCR confirmation and payment of local charges from vendor CY factory packed containers will only receive a Master Bill of Lading Documents are not required to be forwarded directly to Officeworks. Name and consignee details on commercial invoice/ packing list should be: Officeworks Ltd 236-262 East Boundary Road, Bentleigh East, VIC 3165, Australia We cannot accept invoices that have an invoice number greater than 16 characters. Page 9 International Vendor Manual Documents Required Documents should be uploaded to the portal through the booking process: Document Commercial Invoice Will be system generated Can upload your own (must be supplier invoice, not factory invoice) – refer to example on the portal Packing and Weight List – refer to example on Requirements Always required Always required the portal Packing Declaration – refer to example on the portal Fumigation Certificate* Manufacturer Declaration Cargo Release Confirmation (CRC) Certificate of Origin (Form A) Country of Origin Declaration (CO) Dangerous Goods Certificate (MSDS) Factory Load Manifest Photos of Containers once loaded Always required unless a DAFF approved annual packing declaration is in place. Where applicable for natural materials Where applicable Required at time of booking only when a buying agent is used. Where applicable Where applicable Where applicable for DG products For CY containers only For CY containers only Page 10 International Vendor Manual Fumigation The importation of Quarantine Risk Material (QRM) into Australia is highly regulated. Where articles are made from plant material such as wood, plywood, bamboo, cane, seagrass, water hyacinth, wicker, straw, and seed treatment by Methyl Bromide is required for exportation to Australia. There is a minimum requirement when Methyl Bromide is used, this is: 48 g/m3 (3 1bs/1000 cu ft) for 24 hours at 21 degrees Celsius (70 degrees Fahrenheit) or above This treatment is to be performed on articles of timber and must be exported within 21 days of treatment If the article is wrapped in plastic, packed into plastic bags or any other material that the fumigation cannot penetrate, the goods must be fumigated prior to wrapping If the article is wrapped in plastic, packed into plastic bags or any other material that will allow the fumigation to reach the article, Australian Quarantine will accept the fumigation. For the fumigation to reach the article, the plastic must have holes with at least 10mm at every 10 cm horizontally & vertically. Many suppliers are not shrink wrapping or skin wrapping goods as it gives the products a much cleaner and attractive finish. In these cases, please keep in mind that fumigation must done prior to its wrapping. No matter how the fumigation has been carried out, the Fumigation Certificate and your Commercial Invoice (with large printing) must also state one of the following clause: These goods have been fumigated prior to wrapping These goods are wrapped in plastic which have been slashed/punched These goods have no wrapping Page 11 International Vendor Manual Cane and Rattan articles Cane and rattan articles (e.g. Basket type products, Christmas decorations, decorative items) are subject to quarantine when imported into Australia. The following is a summary of our requirements for cane or rattan articles: All cane and rattan used must be clean and free of insects and contamination. All cane and rattan articles must be fumigated prior to export. If the cane or rattan article is coated (i.e.: painted or varnished/lacquered), the fumigation must be done prior to the coating being applied to the cane and rattan article. The fumigation certificate must state that the goods have been treated prior to the application of the coating. A certificate on the vendor’s letterhead declaring one of the following clauses is required : This is attesting that the materials used have been treated or fumigated prior to that varnish/lacquering process. or This is attesting that the bamboo/wicker/rattan/wood/cane items are not varnished/lacquered. If the cane or rattan article is wrapped in plastic, the fumigation must be done prior to the plastic wrapping being applied to the cane or rattan application Fumigated products must be packed into the export shipping container within 21 days of the goods being fumigated. All vendors have to comply with the above requirements; otherwise the goods will have to be unpacked or refumigated upon arrival at destination on supplier’s expense. It is most important the above rules are complied with. If not, the Fumigation Certificate will not be accepted and the goods will have to be re-fumigated upon arrival at the suppliers cost. Useful links Australian Government - Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry Importing to Australia List of acceptable wood packing treatments =17670&Types=none&WhichQuery=Go+to+full+text&intSearch=1&LogSessionID=0 Offshore Methyl Bromide Treatment Providers list Page 12 International Vendor Manual Carton Markings Standards Outer and inner carton requirements Shipping markings should be on the front and back sides of the outer carton The below details are required markings for the outer & inner carton: The Officeworks order number and article number must be used, not the suppliers order/article numbers The outer carton must be of export quality Size and Weight icons should be placed on the outer carton when applicable (refer to: Size & Weight - Icon Specifications on Outer Shipping Cartons ) Page 13 International Vendor Manual Large and bulky merchandise Merchandise greater than 0.4 cubic metres - must be supplied with handholds that: Are made of appropriate materials which can bear the weight of the merchandise Are securely fixed to the merchandise Are positioned appropriately for carrying the merchandise Have appropriate room for hands to grasp them securely Packaging labels for fragile items Mark the packaging of fragile items with the appropriate symbols and stickers. For example: GLASS Handle With Care FRAGILE This WAY UP Handle With Care WHICHEVER APPLICABLE HAZARDOUS CARGO Page 14 International Vendor Manual Size & Weight Icon Specifications on Outer Cartons Any packaged item or outer cartons moved as individual units or on shelf ready packaging weighing in excess of 16kg, or is of a bulky nature (0.13 cubic metres or greater in size, approximating measurements of 0.5m x 0.5m x 0.5m) must carry one of the following approved Size and Weight Icons. Weight Requirements Classification Bulky CAUTION: BULKY (weighing For packages and outer cartons moved as up to 17kg) individual units or on shelf ready packaging, where the carton size is larger than 0.13 cubic meters (or approx. 50CM x 50CM x 50CM). CONSIDER TWO PERSON LIFT OR MECHANICAL AID 17-35 kgs CAUTION: HEAVY For packages and outer cartons moved as individual units or on shelf ready packaging CONSIDER TWO PERSON LEFT OR MECHANICAL AID 36-50 kgs WARNING: VERY HEAVY For packages and outer cartons moved as individual units or on shelf ready packaging 51 +kgs TEAM LIFT OR MECHANICAL AID ADVISED DANGER: EXTREMELY HEAVY For packages and outer cartons moved as individual units or on shelf ready packaging TEAM LIFT OR MECHANICAL AID ADVISED Page 15 Symbol International Vendor Manual Icon Application The icon can be a black and white sticker or incorporated into the packaging design as a pre-print. If black text does not provide a contrast to the package, an alternative colour may be used in line with the size and weight icon specifications provided in this document. The icon can be used in a swing ticket version for non-boxed products with the product barcode sticker on back of ticket. Size and weight icon must be included and visible on the product packaging when the item (gusset / sides of box) is stored and merchandised. Icons can be printed directly onto the outer shipping carton or product packaging. If this is not possible; place icon on the outer carton or packaging using a sticker or swing ticket. Icons must be placed on at least two opposing sides of the package, with one of the icons positioned within 10cm of the gross weight information so employees can assess the risk of moving the load. Size and weight icons should be placed in a clear position on the package: Do not bend labels over the edges of packages Do not place or labels over seams, closures or sealing tape Do not place or labels over barcodes or unique identifiers Size Black and white size and weight icons can be printed in 3 sizes: 50 x 45mm - To be used on packaging or cartons with sides of the box less than 200mm deep 80 x 70mm - To be used on packaging or cartons with sides of the box less than 300mm deep 110 x 95 mm - To be used on packaging or cartons with sides greater than 300mm deep. Where the size and weight warning icon is incorporated as part of the packaging design, the icon should be no less than 50 x 45mm and no more than 110 x 95 mm. Icon Ordering Pre-printed size and weight icons can be ordered from: Kung Wo Brand Co Hong Kong - Ph: 2785 0011, Fax: 2785 3840 Email address: Address: 777 Yu Chan West St 2nd floor, Block A, Wing Hong Factory Bldg. Kowloon. HK Any size and weight icons or tickets sourced outside the suggested providers must ensure compliance to Officeworks standards and guidelines. Page 16 International Vendor Manual Air Freight The current contracted air freight Forwarder is Damco Australia Pty Ltd Refer to the portal home page for current DB Schenker contact details Booking & delivery requirements with the Freight Forwarder Suppliers should send the Shippers Letter of Instruction (SLI) to Damco with full details of the shipment 5 days prior to the expect delivery date. A copy of the SLI can be obtained from Damco local office. The following information needs to on the SLI P.O. No.* Style Pack No.* / Article number* No. of Cartons* Estimated Weight Estimated Volume Quantity of Each Shipment Number Freight Payment Term * Compulsory Delivery can be made 2 days prior to the Ship Date but no later than the ship date. (Liaise with your Damco local office for details of where to deliver the goods) Suppliers need to provide accurate packing list, commercial invoice and CRC (when Officeworks Asia is the buying agent), before or at delivery of cargo. Liaise with your Damco local office regarding Customs Clearance requirements The goods should be sorted by PO number, article number or region Payment to Supplier Officeworks will process payment according to the agreed payment terms Payments terms start from date goods are physically handed to the forwarder (CFS) or Gate in at origin wharf (CY) Page 17 International Vendor Manual Table of Terms / Glossary Below is a list of terms / abbreviations / acronyms which are referred to throughout this document. Abbreviation / Term ABN ACN APN Article Number DAFF CFS CRC CY DC DBS DC Due Date DG FCA FCR FF Due Date MSDS Officeworks Asia OFW PO SLI S/O No. Definition Australian Business Number Australian Company Numbers Australian Product Number, and is an alternate name for the EAN product number. Now referred to as the GTIN. The APN is the lowest level of unique product identification Alpha numeric code used by Officeworks to identify a specific product. This number is one level above APN. I.e. One Key Code can have multiple APNs Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry Container Freight Station Cargo Release Confirmation issued for all orders managed by a buying agent Supplier or forwarder packed container Distribution Centre DB Schenker (current freight forwarder) Date goods are to arrive at the POD Distribution Centre. Dangerous Goods Free Carrier (named place of delivery) Forwarder’s Cargo Receipt Last day goods can be delivered to the forwarder Material Safety Data Sheets Previously known as CGA (Coles Group Asia) and TGT (TGT Sourcing Asia). International Supply Chain sourcing department based in Hong Kong and Shanghai Officeworks Purchase Order Shipper’s Letter of Instruction Shipment Order Number Page 18
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