Version 6.2 Spillman Kansas Incident-Based Reporting (KIBRS) Manual Spillman® Public Safety Software Spillman Technologies, Inc. 4625 West Lake Park Blvd. Salt Lake City, Utah 84120 Telephone: 1-800-860-8026 First publication: June 2006 Notice Copyright © 2014, Spillman Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved. The information contained herein is proprietary to Spillman Technologies, Inc. Spillman Technologies, Inc., reserves the right to make improvements and changes in the product described in this publication at any time and without notice, and may revise this publication from time to time without notice. Spillman Technologies, Inc., provides this publication “as is” without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties or conditions of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this manual and its representation of the product, the publisher and author assume no responsibility for errors, omissions, or any damages or loss of data as a result of said errors or omissions. All other registered or unregistered trademarks and names are the property of their respective owners. Spillman, Sentryx, Involvements, Spillman Touch and Visual Involvements are federally registered trademarks of Spillman Technologies, Inc. Spillman Mobile and InSight are trademarks of Spillman Technologies, Inc. All other registered or unregistered trademarks and names are the property of their respective owners. Rev. 08.26.14. Table of Contents Preface 7 Using this manual 7 KIBRS terms 7 Suggested prerequisites 8 Other Spillman manuals 8 System requirements 8 Windows basics 9 Conventions 9 1 User Information 11 Understanding the Differences Between UCR and NIBRS 12 Understanding Incidents 15 Acting in concert 15 Same time and place 16 Classifying Offenses 17 Categories of victimization 17 Offense codes 17 Group A offenses 17 Group B offenses 19 Understanding the Spillman IBR Process 21 Completing Spillman Records 23 Completing the Law Incident screen 24 Completing the Names screen 26 Completing the Property screen 29 Completing the Vehicle screen 31 Completing the Arrest screen 32 Completing the Offense screen 35 Spillman KIBRS Manual 3 TOC Linking arrests and incidents in Spillman 36 Completing the IBR Incident screen 37 Completing the Incident tab 38 Completing the Offenses tab 42 Completing the Persons tab 47 Entering information for a Victim 49 Entering information for an Offender 53 Entering information for Other 58 Completing the Property tab 60 Adding a Property record in the Property tab 62 Adding a Vehicle record in the Property tab 67 Completing the Arrests tab 71 Adding an Arrest record in the Arrest tab 72 Completing the IBR Arrest screen 75 Completing the Arrest tab in the IBR Arrest screen 76 Completing the Offenses tab in the IBR Arrest screen 78 Completing the Incident tab in the IBR Arrest screen 81 Validating KIBRS Records 83 Validating individual KIBRS records 83 Validating a batch of KIBRS records 86 Understanding and correcting validation errors 90 Correcting validation errors 90 Submitting KIBRS records 92 Validating records for submission 92 Generating and saving the submission file 92 Reverting the generated report 94 Confirming Submission Results 97 Marking records for resubmission 99 2 Administrator Information 101 Setting Up Sentryx IBR 102 Setting the state module 102 4 Spillman KIBRS Manual TOC Creating agency records 103 Setting up the KIBRS application parameter 107 Setting up other application parameters 108 Setting up system privileges 108 Entering Agency Information for Sentryx IBR 111 Creating and editing the IBR Agency record 112 Setting Up Translation Codes 115 Guidelines for translating codes 115 Reclassifying existing codes 117 Reclassifying codes in individual Spillman records 117 Reclassifying a code throughout the Spillman software 118 Retaining original codes 119 Setting up translation codes 119 A Appendix A 123 KIBRS error messages 123 Warning Messages 129 B Appendix B 131 Recommended Spillman codes and required KIBRS codes 131 Arrest Disposition 131 Arrest Type 132 Law Incident Disposition 132 Ethnicity 133 Eye Color 134 Hair Color 135 Name Type 135 Race Type 136 Offense Type (letter style) 137 Offense Type (NCIC style) 142 Property Color 147 Property UCR 149 Spillman KIBRS Manual 5 TOC Vehicle Type 157 Status 158 Name Involvement Relationship 158 6 Spillman KIBRS Manual Preface Welcome to the Spillman Kansas Incident-Based Reporting (KIBRS) Manual. This manual is written for the general user, as well as the Spillman Applications Administrator (SAA). This manual describes the Kansas Incident-Based Reporting System (KIBRS) and how to use the Spillman KIBRS module. The KIBRS module meets FBI standards for the National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS). In addition, the KIBRS module also contains fields and codes that are specific to Kansas and that fulfill state requirements. Using this manual This manual discusses the following information: Chapter 1 provides an introduction to users about the KIBRS module, including IBR rules and how they apply to record creation. Chapter 2 provides information to administrators about how to set up KIBRS, including required system privileges, translation codes, and the submission process. Appendix A lists common errors and warning codes that may occur during validation of KIBRS data. Appendix B lists recommended Spillman codes and required KIBRS codes. KIBRS terms The following table list terms that are vital to understanding Kansas Incident-Based Reporting. Spillman KIBRS Manual Term Description IBR Generic term for incident-based reporting KIBRS The term KIBRS may alternatively refer to the Kansas IBR program or specifications (administered by the state), or to our software implementation of those specifications Spillman Spillman software implementation (Force/Summit/Spillman/Sentryx) 7 Pre Term Description NIBRS The National Incident-Based Reporting System is a program administered by the FBI Classic Spillman Refers to Spillman software, versions 4.6 and earlier. Suggested prerequisites The following Spillman courses are suggested prerequisites to using this manual: System Inquiry Data Entry Introduction Law Enforcement Incident Management Records Management Arrest and Criminal History Records Other Spillman manuals The Spillman RMS User’s Guide provides information about the basic features of the Spillman software, including how to start, exit, and navigate in Spillman, use screens, search data, and print and run reports. The Spillman RMS User’s Guide also explains how to use the Hub module, which is comprised of tables used by most Spillman users. The Spillman Applications Setup and Maintenance, Spillman Security Setup and Maintenance, and Spillman Code Table Setup and Maintenance manuals provide information for the Spillman Applications Administrator (SAA) at your agency. System requirements The following is required to use the KIBRS module. Hardware 8 A Spillman-approved UNIX or Windows server that runs the Spillman software. Any peripheral devices required for creation of submission files, such as hard disk drives and tape drivers. These devices must be installed Spillman KIBRS Manual Pre and working before the Spillman Installation technician installs the KIBRS module. Software Spillman 6.2 or greater Spillman Hub module Spillman KIBRS module Spillman Law Enforcement Records Management module KIBRS Gateway Interface Control software – this is the state’s software that imports data generated by the Spillman KIBRS module Windows basics Before using Spillman, be familiar with the standard features of Microsoft® Windows®. At minimum, know how to do the following: Use a mouse or keyboard to do basic tasks, such as choosing menu options and buttons Work with windows, such as selecting, minimizing, restoring, maximizing, sizing, scrolling, closing, and so forth Work with dialog boxes If these tasks are unfamiliar, refer to your Windows online documentation or complete an online Windows tour. Conventions When using this manual, please note the following conventions. Convention Meaning/Use Examples bold Used for names of menus, options, text boxes, buttons, fields, and other items that appear on the screen. OK is a button on the screen. Click OK or press Enter. angle bracket (>) between items Shows the menu option(s) that you must select, in sequence, to get to a specific option. On the Start menu, select Programs > Spillman 3.0 > Spillman 3.0. Spillman KIBRS Manual 9 Pre Convention Meaning/Use Examples plus sign (+) between keys Used for keys that you press at the same time. Hold down the first key, and press the other key(s). When a keystroke is available for a mouse action, both the mouse action and the keystroke are presented. Press Ctrl+E. Click the Lookup button or press Ctrl+E. Alt+ letter in button name Indicates the keyboard method for selecting a button. You can also press Tab until the button is highlighted and then press Enter. To select the Accept button, you can click the button or press Alt+A. Courier font Used for displayed text. Used to denote Spillman table names. The software prompts: Are you sure you want to delete this record? Open the Spillman Names table (nmmain). bold Courier font Used for information you enter. Enter the street address, such as 401 W Sycamore St. italics Used for emphasis, and for variable information you supply. Enter the date, using the mm/dd/yyyy format. The following boxes signify special information. NOTE Notes call attention to information that is of particular importance or that varies depending on a particular condition, such as the way your Spillman Applications Administrator has configured the software. TIP Tips present recommendations, optional actions, and additional ways to perform specific tasks. CAUTION Cautions point out actions that might endanger your data or its integrity (usefulness) or cause other problems later. Features on your computer will depend on your software version, modules, and privileges. Actual screens on your computer may vary from the example screens shown in this manual. However, any differences are minor and do not affect the tasks being described. 10 Spillman KIBRS Manual Chapter 1 User Information Jump to topic: Understanding the Differences Between UCR and NIBRS Understanding Incidents Classifying Offenses Understanding the Spillman IBR Process Completing Spillman Records Completing the IBR Incident screen Completing the IBR Arrest screen Validating KIBRS Records Submitting KIBRS records Confirming Submission Results 1 User Information Understanding the Differences Between UCR and NIBRS Understanding the Differences Between UCR and NIBRS Both Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) and NIBRS are used to collect and report crime data, but the biggest difference between the two is the degree of detail in reporting. NIBRS is capable of producing more detailed, accurate, and meaningful data. The following table lists some of the significant differences between the UCR and NIBRS reporting systems. UCR NIBRS Reports In UCR, reports are summary-based. They report the total number of arrests and incidents without indicating the relationship between the incidents and arrests. UCR does not require links between arrests and incidents or victim report information. In NIBRS, reports are incident-based. They report each arrest related to an incident as part of that incident. Additionally, each offense, property item, victim, and offender related to an incident is reported as part of that incident. NIBRS also has more comprehensive victim-to-offender relationship data. Crime Classification UCR classifies criminal activity into eight Part I offenses and about 100 Part II offenses. NIBRS classifies criminal activity into Group A offenses and Group B offenses. Group A offenses are organized into 23 crime categories, which are made up of 47 offenses. Group B offenses are organized into 11 crime categories. Returns and Reports UCR data is submitted in the form of five primary returns: • Return A - Offenses Known to Police • Return B1 - Report of Stolen Property • Return B2 - Supplemental Report of Offenses • Return D - Persons Arrested, 18 and older • Return E - Persons Arrested under 18 NIBRS data is submitted in the form of two reports. For Group A offenses, a Group A incident report is submitted. For Group B offenses that involve an arrest, a Group B Arrest report is submitted. Resubmission Requirements UCR reports include the incidents and arrests for the current month only. If information changes or additional information is obtained about an incident or arrest, then the UCR system does not require the new information to be resubmitted. 12 NIBRS reports include specific data elements for each incident and arrest. Each time these data elements change or additional information is obtained after the original submission, the NIBRS system requires the incident and/or arrest to be resubmitted. Spillman KIBRS Manual User Information Understanding the Differences Between UCR and NIBRS UCR NIBRS The Hierarchy Rule UCR uses the “Hierarchy Rule,” where, with few exceptions, only the most serious offense is reported in an incident with multiple offenses. NIBRS does not use the “Hierarchy Rule.” In an incident that involves multiple offenses, all of the crimes are reported as offenses within the same incident. Categories of Victimization UCR uses two crime victimization categories: Crimes Against Persons and Crimes Against Property. NIBRS uses three crime victimization categories: Crimes Against Persons, Crimes Against Property, and Crimes Against Society. The Crimes Against Society category includes drug/narcotic, gambling, pornography/obscene material, and prostitution offenses. Attempted and Completed Crimes UCR does not provide a means of clearly differentiating between attempted and completed offenses. In NIBRS, each offense is designated as either attempted or completed. Circumstances Reporting Circumstances data is collected only for homicides. Circumstances data is collected for homicides and aggravated assaults. The Hotel Rule The “Hotel Rule” applies to multiple dwelling units under a single manager. The “Hotel Rule” has been expanded to include rental storage facilities. Submission Format Direct submissions to the FBI are made using manual forms or magnetic tapes. All agencies submitting data directly to the FBI must use magnetic tapes, 34xx cartridges, or computer disks. However, local agencies within a state might use other methods, such as e-mail or zip files, for data submission to their state IBR system. Computer Operating Systems In conjunction with Spillman software, UCR runs the same on all operating systems. In conjunction with the Spillman software, NIBRS is unique to each operating system and requires special programming. For more information on the differences between UCR and NIBRS, refer to section “I. Overview” in Volume 1 of the National Incident-Based Reporting System Manual. This manual is produced by the U.S. Department of Justice and comprises the following volumes: Volume 1: Data Collection Guidelines Volume 2: Data Submission Specifications Spillman KIBRS Manual 13 1 1 User Information Understanding the Differences Between UCR and NIBRS Volume 3: Approaches to Implementing an IBR System Volume 4: Error Message Manual Copies of these volumes may be obtained by writing to: Communications Unit Criminal Justice Information Services Division Federal Bureau of Investigation Module D3 1000 Custer Hollow Road Clarksburg, West Virginia 26306-0154 Facsimile: 304-625-5394 These volumes can also be viewed online at 14 Spillman KIBRS Manual User Information Understanding Incidents Understanding Incidents Since KIBRS is based upon incidents, a clear understanding of what constitutes an incident is essential. KIBRS defines an incident as the following: One or more offenses committed by the same offender or group of offenders acting in concert at the same time and place. The concepts of “acting in concert” and “same time and place” are used to determine whether a group of crimes forms a single incident. Using this criteria, the crimes are reported as either individual incidents or a single incident comprised of multiple offenses. NOTE All the examples used in this section are taken from the National Incident-Based Reporting System Manual, Volume I, page 18. Acting in concert As defined by the FBI, acting in concert requires that the offenders actually commit or assist in the commission of the crime. The offenders must be aware of and consent to the commission of the crime, or if non-consenting, their actions must assist in the commission of the offense. In KIBRS, all the offenders acting in concert are considered to have committed all the offenses in the incident. If one or more of the offenders did not act in concert, then the crime involves more than one incident. The following examples illustrate this point. Example 1 Two offenders robbed a bar. The offenders forced the bartender at gunpoint to give over money from the cash register. They also took money and jewelry from three customers. While searching for more customers to rob, one of the offenders found a female customer in the restroom and raped her there, outside of the view of the other offender. When the rapist returned, both offenders left. Because the offenders did not act in concert in both offenses, two incidents occurred in this example—one incident involving Robbery and the other involving Forcible Rape. Spillman KIBRS Manual 15 1 1 User Information Understanding Incidents Example 2 The same situation described in Example 1 occurs. However, the rape occurs in the bar and in the view of the other offender. The other offender told the rapist to stop and only rob the victim. However, the other offender did not stop the rape or allow anyone else to stop it. In this example, one incident with two offenses (Robbery and Forcible Rape) occurred. Although the other offender did not consent to the rape, by displaying a gun, he prevented anyone from coming to the victim’s aid, and thereby assisted in the commission of the crime. Same time and place As defined by the FBI, “same time and place” means that the time interval between the offenses and the distance between the offense locations were insignificant. Normally, the offenses must have occurred during an unbroken time duration and at the same or adjoining locations to be categorized as a single incident. However, incidents can also be comprised of offenses, which, by their nature, involve continuing criminal activity by the same offenders at different times and places, as long as the activity is considered to constitute a single criminal transaction. For example, over a period of 18 months, a computer programmer working for a bank manipulated the bank’s computer to systematically embezzle $70,000. This continuing criminal activity constituted a single incident involving the crime of Embezzlement. 16 Spillman KIBRS Manual User Information Classifying Offenses Classifying Offenses NIBRS classifies each offense as either a Group A or Group B offense. The offense type assigned to an offense determines which reports must be submitted. For Group A offenses, use the Group A Incident report to submit both incidents and arrests. For Group B offenses, use the Group B Arrest report to submit only the arrests. All Group A and Group B offenses are assigned a category of victimization and an offense code. Categories of victimization KIBRS classifies each offense in one of the following categories of victimization: Crimes Against Persons: Crimes whose victims are always individuals. Crimes Against Property: Crimes whose object is to obtain money, property, or some other benefit. Crimes Against Society: Crimes that represent society’s prohibition against engaging in certain types of activity. Offense codes The KIBRS system uses 58 three-digit UCR Offense codes to identify and classify Group A and Group B offenses. For example, the offense code for Aggravated Assault is 13A. These codes are unique to KIBRS, and were derived from the National Crime Information Center (NCIC) Uniform Offense Classification Codes. For more information about IBR offense codes, see section “IV. Offense Codes” in Volume 1 of the National Incident-Based Reporting System Manual. Group A offenses For Group A offenses, the Group A Incident report must be submitted. The KIBRS system has 47 Group A offenses, which are classified into 23 Group A crime categories. Spillman KIBRS Manual 17 1 1 User Information Classifying Offenses The following table lists each Group A offense, its category of victimization, and its three-digit offense code. Group A Offenses 18 Offense Crime against Code Arson Property 200 Assault Offenses: Aggravated Assault Simple Assault Intimidation Person Person Person Person 13A 13B 13C Bribery Property 510 Burglary/Breaking and Entering Property 220 Counterfeiting/Forgery Property 250 Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property Property 290 Drugs/Narcotic Offenses: Drug/Narcotic Violations Drug Equipment Violations Society Society Society 35A 35B Embezzlement Property 270 Extortion/Blackmail Property 210 Fraud Offenses: False Pretenses/Swindle/Confidence Game Credit Card/Automatic Teller Machine Fraud Impersonation Welfare Fraud Wire Fraud Property Property Property Property Property Property 26A 26B 26C 26D 26E Gambling Offenses: Betting/Wagering Operating/Promoting/Assisting Gambling Gambling Equipment Violations Sports Tampering Society Society Society Society Society 39A 39B 39C 39D Homicide Offenses: Murder or Non-negligent Manslaughter Negligent Manslaughter Justifiable Homicide Person Person Person Not a Crime 09A 09B 09C Kidnaping/Abduction Person 100 Spillman KIBRS Manual User Information Classifying Offenses Group A Offenses Offense Crime against Code Larceny/Theft Offenses: Pocketpicking Pursesnatching Shoplifting Theft From Building Theft From Coin-Operated Machine or Device Theft From Motor Vehicle Theft of Motor Vehicle Parts or Accessories All Other Larceny Property Property Property Property Property Property Property Property Property 23A 23B 23C 23D 23E 23F 23G 23H Motor Vehicle Theft Property 240 Pornography/Obscene Material Society 370 Prostitution Offenses: Prostitution Assisting or Promoting Prostitution Society Society Society 40A 40B Robbery Property 120 Sex Offenses, Forcible: Forcible Rape Forcible Sodomy Sexual Assault With An Object Forcible Fondling Person Person Person Person Person 11A 11B 11C 11D Sex Offenses, Non forcible: Incest Statutory Rape Person Person Person 36A 36B Stolen Property Offenses Property 280 Weapon Law Violations Society 520 Domestic Violence Person 999 Group B offenses For Group B offenses, the Group B Arrest report must be submitted. The KIBRS system has 9 Group B crime categories. Excluding most traffic offenses, these categories include all offenses that are not categorized as Group A offenses. Spillman KIBRS Manual 19 1 1 User Information Classifying Offenses The following table lists each Group B offense, its category of victimization, and its three-digit offense code. Group B Offenses 20 Offense Crime against Code Bad Checks Property 90A Disorderly Conduct Society 90C Driving Under the Influence Society 90D Drunkenness Society 90E Family Offenses, Nonviolent Society 90F Liquor Law Violations Society 90G Runaway Not a crime 90I Trespass of Real Property Society 90J All Other Offenses Person, Property, Society 90Z Spillman KIBRS Manual User Information Understanding the Spillman IBR Process Understanding the Spillman IBR Process For each incident or Level 7 arrest, complete the following data entry processes. IBR data entry process For each incident, complete the following tasks: Enter all data in the Spillman database, including all arrests. See “Completing Spillman Records” on page 23. Enter any missing IBR information using the IBR Incident and IBR Arrest screens. See “Completing the IBR Incident screen” on page 37 and “Completing the IBR Arrest screen” on page 75. Validate the KIBRS record. See “Validating KIBRS Records” on page 83. Correct any errors, and repeat the validation task. See “Correcting validation errors” on page 90. TIP To create the most accurate records, it is recommended to enter incident and arrest information in Spillman and IBR on a daily basis, and to validate each IBR record as it is created. NOTE The state of Kansas requires that criminal incident and arrest information be reported no later than 72 hours after it occurs. Therefore, your agency must frequently submit IBR-related data to the state. IBR validation and submission process To submit your data to the state, complete the following tasks: Add an agency ORI record for each agency whose IBR information is being submitted. See “Creating agency records” on page 103. NOTE An ORI record only needs to be added the first time the agency uses Spillman IBR, as the software remembers the agency settings for subsequent submissions. Spillman KIBRS Manual Validate all records in the submission batch. See “Validating KIBRS Records” on page 83. Correct any errors and repeat the validation task. See “Correcting validation errors” on page 90. 21 1 1 User Information Understanding the Spillman IBR Process Unload data and prepare to submit it to the state. See “Generating and saving the submission file” on page 92. Submit data to the state. The process for submitting the data to the state depends on your agency’s standards and state requirements. See “Submitting KIBRS records” on page 92. Wait for approval from the state. 22 If Then The state identifies errors Fix the errors and begin the IBR process for validation and submission. The state approves the submission Post the data. Upon feedback from the state, post the data to the database so Spillman recognizes it as having been submitted and approved. See “Confirming Submission Results” on page 97. Spillman KIBRS Manual User Information Completing Spillman Records Completing Spillman Records The information required for incidents and arrests in KIBRS is extensive. However, as the Law Incident, Names, Vehicle, Property, Arrest, and Offense records relating to the incident or arrest are completed in Spillman, most of the required data is already entered for incident-based reporting. The following sections discuss the Spillman screens and fields from which the software transfers information to corresponding fields in the KIBRS record. After information is entered in these fields in Spillman and the records are saved, it is available when IBR is opened. NOTE If any of the fields are modified in Spillman after the incident is initially transferred, then the incident must be transferred again. When it is retransferred, information in the KIBRS record is updated and the record is marked for resubmission to the KIBRS repository. Spillman KIBRS Manual 23 1 1 User Information Completing Spillman Records Completing the Law Incident screen In the Law Incident screen (lwmain), data from the following fields (outlined in red) is transferred to the KIBRS record. When creating the lwmain record, complete these fields, as applicable, to complete the KIBRS record. The following table shows how the fields in the Law Incident screen correspond to fields in the KIBRS record. Law Incident screen (lwmain) 24 Spillman field KIBRS field KIBRS tab Nature Incident Nature Incident Address Address Incident City City Incident State State Incident ZIP Zip Incident Spillman KIBRS Manual User Information Completing Spillman Records Law Incident screen (lwmain) Spillman KIBRS Manual Spillman field KIBRS field KIBRS tab Offense Codes Offenses tab header Offenses Rspnsbl Officer KIBRS record header All Agency Data in the Agency field does not transfer to a specific KIBRS field, but is used to send the Agency ORI when submitting IBR data. When Reported Report Date Incident Occurrd between/and Incident Time/Date Incident Disposition Exceptional Clearance Code Incident Disp Date Exceptional Clearance Date Incident 25 1 1 User Information Completing Spillman Records Completing the Names screen In the Names screen (nmmain), data from the following fields (outlined in red) is transferred to the KIBRS record. When creating the nmmain record, complete these fields, as applicable, to complete the KIBRS record. The following table lists the fields transferred from the Names screen and their corresponding fields in the KIBRS record. Although the Addr, Weight, Height, Eyes, and Hair fields in Spillman are not required, they are used for KIBRS reporting. Names screen (nmmain) Spillman field KIBRS field KIBRS tab Numbr Victim Victim Name Number Offender Arrest Last Last Offender Arrest 26 Spillman KIBRS Manual User Information Completing Spillman Records Names screen (nmmain) Spillman field KIBRS field KIBRS tab Fst Fst Offender Arrest Mid Mid Offender Arrest Suffix (unlabeled) Mid Offender Arrest Addr Street Offender Arrest City City Offender Arrest ST State Offender Arrest ZIP Zip Offender Arrest DOB Age Range Victim Offender Arrest DOB Offender Arrest Race Race Victim Offender Arrest Ethnicity Victim Ethnic Origin Offender Arrest Sex Sex Victim Offender Arrest Spillman KIBRS Manual 27 1 1 User Information Completing Spillman Records Names screen (nmmain) Spillman field KIBRS field KIBRS tab Height Height Victim Offender Weight Weight Victim Offender Eyes Eyes Victim Offender Hair Hair Victim Offender Ethnic Ethnicity Victim Offender Name Type 28 Victim Type Victim Spillman KIBRS Manual User Information Completing Spillman Records Completing the Property screen Property information is submitted to KIBRS when a Property record is linked to a Law Incident record by an involvement. In the Property screen (prmain), data from the following fields (outlined in red) is transferred to the KIBRS record. When creating the prmain record, complete these fields, as applicable, to complete the KIBRS record. The following table lists the fields transferred from the Property table and their corresponding fields in the KIBRS record. Property screen (prmain) Spillman KIBRS Manual Spillman field KIBRS field KIBRS tab Model Model Property Year Property Year Age Property Serial Number Serial #/Credit Card Property Color (1 and 2) Color 1 and Color 2 Property Owner Applied Number Owner Applied # Property 29 1 1 User Information Completing Spillman Records Property screen (prmain) Spillman field KIBRS field KIBRS tab IBR/UCR Quantity Quantity (for property) Property Quantity (for drugs and narcotics) 30 Measurement Measurement (for drugs and narcotics) Property IBR/UCR Code Property Description Property Suspected Drug Type Property IBR/UCR Total Value Total Value Property IBR/UCR Status Property Loss Type Property Date Recov/Rcvd Recovered Date Property Tag Number Property Livestock Brand/Tag Property Spillman KIBRS Manual User Information Completing Spillman Records Completing the Vehicle screen Vehicle information is submitted to KIBRS when a Vehicle record is linked to a Law Incident record by an involvement. In the Vehicle screen (vhmain), data from the following fields (outlined in red) is transferred to the KIBRS record. When creating the vhmain record, complete these fields, as applicable, to complete the KIBRS record. The following table lists the fields transferred from the Vehicle screen and their corresponding fields in the KIBRS record. Vehicle screen (vhmain) Spillman field KIBRS field KIBRS tab License Plate License Property State State Property VIN VIN Property Vehicle Type Vehicle Description Property Vehicle Year Property Year Age Property Vehicle Description Spillman KIBRS Manual 31 1 1 User Information Completing Spillman Records Vehicle screen (vhmain) Spillman field KIBRS field KIBRS tab Make Vehicle Description Property Model Model Property Vehicle Description Color (1 and 2) Color 1 and Color 2 Property Value Value Property IBR/UCR Status Vehicle Loss Type Property Date Recov/Rcvd Date Recovered Property Completing the Arrest screen In the Arrest screen (arrest), data from the following fields (outlined in red) is transferred to the KIBRS record. When creating the Arrest record, complete these fields, as applicable, to complete the KIBRS record. If data in any of 32 Spillman KIBRS Manual User Information Completing Spillman Records these fields is modified after the Arrest record is initially transferred, then the arrest must be transferred again. In addition, for Group A offenses, any law incidents linked to the arrest must be manually transferred. NOTE If your agency does not use the Jail module, then the Non-Custody Booking screen (noncustody) can be used instead. The following table lists the fields transferred from the Arrest screen and their corresponding fields in the KIBRS record. Arrest screen (arrest) Spillman fields KIBRS fields KIBRS screen KIBRS tab Arrest Number Arrest ID IBR Incident Arrests IBR Arrest Record header IBR Incident Arrests IBR Arrest Arrest IBR Incident Arrests IBR Arrest Arrest Date Arrest Type Spillman KIBRS Manual Arrest Date Arrest Type 33 1 1 User Information Completing Spillman Records Arrest screen (arrest) 34 Spillman fields KIBRS fields KIBRS screen KIBRS tab Arresting Agency Arresting Agency IBR Incident Arrests Offenses tab When the Spillman Offense screen is completed for an arrest, data is shown in the Offenses tab of the Spillman Arrest screen, which transfers to the Offenses tab in the IBR Arrest screen. If the Offense records’ Related Incident field is completed, then the offense information also transfers to the Offenses tab in the IBR Incident screen. Spillman KIBRS Manual User Information Completing Spillman Records Completing the Offense screen In the Offense screen (jloffense), data from the following fields (outlined in red) is transferred to the KIBRS record. When creating the jloffense record, complete these fields, as applicable, to complete the KSIBR record. If data in any of these fields is modified after the associated Arrest record is initially transferred, then the arrest and any incident linked to the arrest must be transferred again. The following table lists the fields transferred from the Offense screen and their corresponding fields in the KIBRS record. Offense screen (jloffense) Spillman fields KIBRS fields KIBRS tab Offense Code Offenses tab header Offenses Offense Code Arrest The Incidents tab on the IBR Arrest screen lists the incident(s) cleared by the arrest. Incidents Related Incident (for Group A offenses only) Spillman KIBRS Manual 35 1 1 User Information Completing Spillman Records Linking arrests and incidents in Spillman Before transferring an arrest for a Group A offense, an involvement between the arrest and the related Law Incident record must be created in Spillman. This involvement allows the KIBRS software to link the arrest and law incident in the KIBRS record. To create an involvement between an arrest and a law incident: 1. In Spillman, open the Offense record associated with the arrest. 2. In the Related Incident field, enter the Incident Number for the related Law Incident record. If the Incident Number is unknown, then click the Use button to open the Law Incident screen and search for the related incident. Once located, click the Use button to return to the Offense screen. 3. Click Save to save the involvement. The involvement displays on the Involvements screen for the Law Incident record. 36 Spillman KIBRS Manual User Information Completing the IBR Incident screen Completing the IBR Incident screen Once the Spillman records are created, complete the KIBRS record by accessing the IBR Incident screen. For every incident that has at least one IBR-reportable offense, complete the IBR Incident screen. Most information is already entered in IBR when the Spillman records are completed. However, additional information must be entered in the IBR tabs of the IBR Incident screen. To access the IBR Incident screen, do one of the following: In the Spillman Law Incident screen (lwmain), from the desired Law Incident record, click the IBR button. From the Involvements screen of the Law Incident record, with the Names record for the victim or offender highlighted, click the IBR button. In the Law Incident screen, from the Offense detail window of the desired Law Incident record, click the IBR button. IBR Incident screen tabs The following sections describe each tab included in the IBR Incident screen and the data required to complete the KIBR record: Spillman KIBRS Manual 37 1 1 User Information Completing the IBR Incident screen “Completing the Incident tab” on page 38 “Completing the Offenses tab” on page 42 “Completing the Persons tab” on page 47 “Completing the Property tab” on page 60 “Completing the Arrests tab” on page 71 For Group B offenses (Level 7), only arrest information needs to be submitted. Arrest data is transferred separately from incident data. For more information, see “Completing the IBR Arrest screen” on page 75. Completing the Incident tab The Incident tab contains basic information about the incident, including the date and time it occurred, when it was reported, where it took place, and the nature of the incident. Information populated in the Incident tab is based on information entered in the Spillman Law Incident record. To complete the Incident tab: 1. From the Law Incident record, click the IBR button. NOTE If the IBR option is selected and no reportable offenses exist in the incident record, then a dialog box opens stating such. Click OK to close the message. 38 Spillman KIBRS Manual User Information Completing the IBR Incident screen The IBR Incident screen opens to the Incident tab. Incident tab 2. Enter information in the appropriate fields. For field descriptions, see “Incident tab field descriptions” on page 39. 3. Click Save. Incident tab field descriptions The following describes fields in the Incident tab of the IBR Incident screen. When Reported Displays the date and time on which the incident was reported. Data is populated from the When Reported field in the Law Incident screen. If necessary, this field can be modified using the mmddyyyy hhmmss format. Changes to this field are reflected in the Law Incident record. Occurred From/Occurred To Displays the date and time on which the incident occurred, from when it began to when it ended. Data is populated from the Occurrd between and and fields in the Law Incident screen. If necessary, this field can be modified Spillman KIBRS Manual 39 1 1 User Information Completing the IBR Incident screen using the mmddyyyy hhmmss format. Changes to this field are reflected in the Law Incident record. Incident Nature Displays the translated value of the Nature field from the Law Incident screen. If necessary, this field can be modified. Changes to this field are reflected in the Law Incident record. Disposition Displays the current disposition of the incident. Data is populated from the Disposition field in the Law Incident screen. If necessary, this field can be modified. Changes to this field are reflected in the Law Incident record. Disposition Date Displays the date on which the disposition last changed. Data is populated from the Disposition Date field in the Law Incident screen. If necessary, this field can be modified. Changes to this field are reflected in the Law Incident record. Address Displays the street address at which the incident took place. Data is populated from the Address field in the Law Incident screen. If necessary, this field can be modified. Changes to this field are reflected in the Law Incident record. To validate an address: 1. Click the Validate button. 40 Spillman KIBRS Manual User Information Completing the IBR Incident screen The Geobase Address Selection window opens. 2. From the list of matching results, select the correct address. 3. Click Select to validate the address. Otherwise, click Don’t Validate to return to the Incident tab without validating the address. If validated, a mapping icon ( ) displays in the Address field. City Displays the city in which the incident took place. Data is populated from the City field in the Law Incident screen. If necessary, this field can be modified. Changes to this field are reflected in the Law Incident record. State Displays the state in which the incident took place. Data is populated from the State field in the Law Incident screen. If necessary, this field can be modified. Changes to this field are reflected in the Law Incident record. Zip Displays the ZIP code in which the incident took place. Data is populated from the ZIP field in the Law Incident screen. If necessary, this field can be modified. Changes to this field are reflected in the Law Incident record. Cleared Displays the exceptional clearance reason for the incident, if applicable. If necessary, this field can be modified. Spillman KIBRS Manual 41 1 1 User Information Completing the IBR Incident screen Cleared Date Displays the date on which the exceptional clearance took place. If necessary, this field can be modified. Entry Point Select how the offender entered the scene of the incident, if applicable. This field is required. Exit Point Select how the offender exited the scene of the incident, if applicable. This field is required. Neighborhood Select the type of neighborhood the incident occurred in. This field is required. Safe Entry Select the nature of entry used by the offender, if applicable. This field is required. Instrument Used Select the type of instrument the offender used to gain entry, if applicable. This field is required. Activity Select the type of activity that occurred during the incident, if applicable. This field is required. Completing the Offenses tab The Offenses tab contains information about the offense(s) connected to the involvement, such as offense code, counts, and bias motivation. Any offenses that were added to the Law Incident record automatically display in the Offenses List area, located on the left side of the screen. However, additional offenses can be added using the Add button. 42 Spillman KIBRS Manual User Information Completing the IBR Incident screen To complete the Offenses tab: 1. From the IBR Incident screen, click the Offenses tab. Offenses tab Offense List area 2. From the Offense List area, select the desired offense to complete. If the offense is not displayed, or to add an offense, do the following: – Click Add. Spillman KIBRS Manual 43 1 1 User Information Completing the IBR Incident screen The Search Offenses dialog box opens. – In the search field, enter the desired offense code, or use the scroll bar to find the code. NOTE The state of Kansas allows Group B incident offenses to be created. Therefore, when adding offenses, both Group A and Group B offense codes are available in the Search Offenses dialog box. – Once found, double-click the desired offense code to select it and add it to the Offense List area. NOTE Multiple offenses with the same offense code can be added. To differentiate between the offenses, the correct statute applicable to that offense must be selected. 3. Complete any blank fields, as applicable. For field descriptions, see “Offenses tab field descriptions” on page 45. 4. Click Save. 44 Spillman KIBRS Manual User Information Completing the IBR Incident screen 5. Repeat steps 2–4 for each offense. NOTE To remove a record, click Remove. Offenses tab field descriptions The following describes fields in the Offense tab of the IBR Incident screen. NOTE Fields in the Offense tab vary depending on which offense is selected.Only those related to the selected offense display. The following field descriptions are for the offense RKRE Robbery, Knife, Resd. Offenses tab header Displays basic information about the selected offense, including the statute and description. For example, RKRE Robbery, Knife, Resd. Data is populated from the translation table for the offense code and cannot be modified. Attempted/Completed Select whether the offense was attempted or completed. In general, attempts to commit a crime are classified as though the crime(s) was actually completed. The only exception applies to attempts or assaults to murder, wherein the victim does not die. Such offenses must be classified as aggravated assaults, rather than attempted murders. Location Type Select the type of location where the offense occurred. This field is required. Method of Entry Select the method of entry used to enter a structure, if applicable. Forced entry is when force of any degree or by a mechanical contrivance of any kind is used to unlawfully enter a structure for the purpose of committing a theft or felony. Unforced entry involves unlawful entry through an unlocked door or window. This field is used only for burglary-type offenses. Premises Entered Enter the number of buildings, grounds, or rooms entered if the offense is a burglary-type offense and the location is a hotel, motel, or rental storage facility. Spillman KIBRS Manual 45 1 1 User Information Completing the IBR Incident screen Statute Select the statute of the incident. Effective Displays the effective date of the statute. This field is automatically populated when the Statute field is completed and cannot be modified. Expired Displays the expiration date of the statute. This field is automatically populated when the Statute field is completed and cannot be modified. Statute Description Displays a description of the selected statute. This field is automatically populated when the Statute field is completed and cannot be modified. Incident Larceny Type Select the type of larceny for the incident, if applicable. Campus Code If the offense occurred on a college campus, select the campus code. Aiding and Abetting Select whether the offense included Aiding and Abetting, Conspiracy to Commit, or Solicitation to Commit, if applicable. Bias Motivation Indicate whether the offender’s actions were motivated by bias against a racial, religious, ethnic/national origin, or sexual orientation group. This field is required. Incidents that do not involve any facts indicating biased motivation on the part of the offender are reported as None, while those involving inconclusive facts are reported as Unknown. To add more than one entry, click the Add icon ( click the Remove icon ( ). 46 ). To delete an entry, Spillman KIBRS Manual User Information Completing the IBR Incident screen Offender Used Indicate whether the offender was suspected of consuming alcohol, using drugs during or shortly before the time of the offense, or using computer equipment to perpetrate the crime. This field is required. To add more than one entry, click the Add icon ( click the Remove icon ( ). ). To delete an entry, Criminal Activity Type/Gang Information Select the type of criminal activity or gang-related information involved with the offense, if applicable. To add more than one entry, click the Add icon ( click the Remove icon ( ). ). To delete an entry, Weapon Code Select the type of weapon/force the offender used while committing the offense, if applicable. This field is required. To add more than one entry, click the Add icon ( ). To delete an entry, click the Remove icon ( ). Up to three types of weapons/force can display. Use this field only for the following offenses: • Murder and Non-negligent • Forcible Fondling Manslaughter • Negligent Homicide • Robbery • Justifiable Homicide • Aggravated Assault • Kidnapping/Abduction • Simple Assault • Forcible Rape • Extortion/Blackmail • Forcible Sodomy • Weapon Law Violations • Sexual Assault with an Object Completing the Persons tab The Persons tab contains information for each person involved in the incident, such as a victim, offender, or witness. The data gathered for each person depends on their role in the incident. Spillman KIBRS Manual 47 1 1 User Information Completing the IBR Incident screen When completing the incident information in Spillman, involvements are added that link the Law Incident record to the Names record for the victim, offender, complainant, witness, suspect, person of interest, assailant, or owner. Based on the Relationship field value in the Names records, each person displays in their respective group in the Persons List area of the Persons tab. Persons tab Persons List area The role or relationship type can be modified in IBR by changing the value in the Relationship field for the selected person. Once changed, the software updates the groups displayed in the Persons List area accordingly. To save changes, click Save. To complete the Persons tab, complete the following tasks: 48 “Entering information for a Victim” on page 49 “Entering information for an Offender” on page 53 “Entering information for Other” on page 58 Spillman KIBRS Manual User Information Completing the IBR Incident screen Entering information for a Victim Each incident must contain at least one victim. When victim is entered as the relationship type in the Involvements screen, this role is automatically assigned to the person in IBR. To enter information for a victim: 1. From the Persons tab, in the Persons List area, select the desired Names record who is the victim. Victims group 2. If necessary, in the Relationship field, change the value to Victim. 3. If the desired Names record is not displayed in the Persons List area, add it by doing the following: – Click Add. The Names screen opens. – Search for the desired Names record. – Once found, click Use. If one or more Names records are found, but none are the desired record, or no matching records are found, click Add to create a new Names record. Complete the necessary fields, including those Spillman KIBRS Manual 49 1 1 User Information Completing the IBR Incident screen required for IBR. For more information, see “Completing the Names screen” on page 26. Save the record and then click Use to return to the Persons tab. Perform step 2, if necessary. 4. Complete any empty fields, as applicable. For field descriptions, see “Role of Victim field descriptions” on page 50. NOTE To remove a record, select it, and then click Remove. To edit a record, select it, and then click Edit to open the appropriate screen in Spillman. Role of Victim field descriptions The following describes fields for the role of Victim in the Persons tab of the IBR Incident screen. Persons tab header Displays basic information about the selected person, including name, date of birth, gender, race, and ethnicity. Data is populated from the Names record in Spillman. To change this information, modify the Names record in Spillman. Relationship Designates the role of the selected person involved in the incident and what fields are displayed in the Persons tab based on that relationship. Age Range Displays the age of based on the DOB field from the Names record in Spillman. Sex Displays the sex based on the Sex field from the Names record in Spillman. If necessary, modify this field. Changes made are saved in the Names record. Race Displays the race based on the Race field from the Names record in Spillman. If necessary, modify this field. Changes made are saved in the Names record. Ethnicity Displays the ethnicity based on the Ethnic field from the Names record in Spillman. If necessary, modify this field. Changes made are saved in the Names record. 50 Spillman KIBRS Manual User Information Completing the IBR Incident screen Resident Status Use the drop-down list to select the resident status of the victim at the time of the incident. Eyes Displays the eye color based on the Eyes field from the Names record in Spillman. If necessary, modify this field. Any changes made are reflected in the Names record. Hair Displays the hair color based on the Hair field from the Names record in Spillman. If necessary, modify this field. Any changes made are reflected in the Names record. Offense Use the drop-down list to select the offense(s) associated with the victim. To add more than one entry, click the Add icon ( click the Remove icon ( ). ). To delete an entry, Injury Type Use the drop-down list to select the type of injury sustained in the incident. Complete this field only if the incident includes one of the following offenses: • 100 Kidnapping/Abduction • 13A Aggravated Assault • 11A Forcible Rape • 13B Simple Assault • 11B Forcible Sodomy • 210 Extortion/Blackmail • 11C Sexual Assault with an Object • 64A Human Trafficking, Commercial Sex Acts • 11D Forcible Fondling • 64B Human Trafficking, Involuntary Servitude • 120 Robbery To add more than one entry, click the Add icon ( click the Remove icon ( ). Spillman KIBRS Manual ). To delete an entry, 51 1 1 User Information Completing the IBR Incident screen Offender Use the drop-down list to select the offender. If none of the Names records in the Persons List are assigned the role of Offender, then the drop-down list will be empty. Complete this field only for Crimes Against Person and/or Robbery. To add more than one entry, click the Add icon ( click the Remove icon ( ). ). To delete an entry, Relationship to Offender Use the drop-down list to select the relationship between the offender and the victim. This field is required only for Crimes Against Persons and/or Robbery. To add more than one entry, click the Add icon ( click the Remove icon ( ). ). To delete an entry, Assault Homicide Circumstances Use the drop-down list to select the circumstances associated with aggravated assaults and homicide offenses. For victims of Aggravated Assault and Battery, Murder, and Non-negligent Manslaughter, select one of the following: • Argument • Lover’s Quarrel • Assault on Law Enforcement • Mercy Killing (not applicable for Aggravated Assault/Battery) • Drug Dealing • Other Felony Involved • Gangland • Other Circumstances • Juvenile Gang • Unknown Circumstances For victims of Negligent Manslaughter, select one of the following: • Child Playing with Weapon • Other Negligent Weapon Handling • Gun-Cleaning Accident • Other Negligent Killings • Hunting Accident 52 Spillman KIBRS Manual User Information Completing the IBR Incident screen Justifiable Homicide Circumstance Use the drop-down list to select the circumstance surrounding a justifiable homicide. This field displays only if the victim is LEOKA. Crimes against Society and Unknown offenders For some offenses, the victim will be Society or unknown. In such cases, the software creates a record and assigns the role of Victim, as shown in the following example. Crimes against Society for Group A offenses include gambling, pornography, prostitution, and weapons law violations. No additional information is required when the victim is Society or unknown. Entering information for an Offender Each incident must contain at least one offender. When offender is entered as the relationship type in the Involvements screen, this role is automatically assigned to the person in IBR. Spillman KIBRS Manual 53 1 1 User Information Completing the IBR Incident screen To enter information for an offender: 1. From the Persons tab, in the Persons List area, select the desired Names record who is the offender. Offenders group 2. If necessary, in the Relationship field, change the value to Offender. 3. If the desired Names record is not displayed in the Persons List area, add it by doing the following: – Click Add. The Names screen opens. – Search for the desired Names record. – Once found, click Use. If one or more Names records are found, but none are the desired record, or no matching records are found, click Add to create a new Names record and complete the necessary fields, including those required for IBR. For more information, see “Completing the Names screen” on page 26. Save the record and then click Use to return to the Persons tab. Perform step 2, if necessary. 54 Spillman KIBRS Manual User Information Completing the IBR Incident screen 4. Complete any empty fields, as applicable. For field descriptions, see “Role of Offender field descriptions” on page 55. NOTE To remove a record, select it, and then click Remove. To edit a record, select it, and then click Edit to open the appropriate screen in Spillman. Role of Offender field descriptions The following describes fields for the role of Offender in the Persons tab in the IBR Incident screen. Persons tab header Displays basic information about the selected person, including name, date of birth, gender, race, and ethnicity. Data is populated from the Names record in Spillman. To change the information, modify the Names record. Relationship Designates the role of the selected person involved in the incident and what fields are displayed in the Persons tab based on that relationship. Ethnicity Displays the ethnicity based on the Ethnic field from the Names record in Spillman. If necessary, modify this field. Changes made are saved in the Names record. Age Range Displays the age based on the DOB field from the Names record in Spillman. Sex Displays the sex based on the Sex field from the Names record in Spillman. If necessary, modify this field. Changes made are saved in the Names record. Race Displays the race based on the Race field from the Names record in Spillman. If necessary, modify this field. Changes made are saved in the Names record. Spillman KIBRS Manual 55 1 1 User Information Completing the IBR Incident screen Eyes Displays the eye color based on the Eyes field from the Names record in Spillman. If necessary, modify this field. Changes made are saved in the Names record. Hair Displays the hair color based on the Hair field from the Names record in Spillman. If necessary, modify this field. Changes made are saved in the Names record. Resident Status Use the drop-down list to select the resident status of the victim at the time of the incident. Address Displays the street address of the offender. Data is populated from the Address field of the Names screen in Spillman. If necessary, modify this field. Changes made are saved in the Names record. To validate an address: 1. Click the Validate button. The Geobase Address Selection window opens. 2. From the list of matching results, select the correct address. 56 Spillman KIBRS Manual User Information Completing the IBR Incident screen 3. Click Select to validate the address. Otherwise, click Don’t Validate to return to the Incident tab without validating the address. If validated, a mapping icon ( ) displays in the Address field. House # Displays the house number of the address. For example, 123 in the address 123 East Avenida Del Oro Blvd. Data is populated from the House # field in the Spillman gbaddr record. If necessary, modify this field. Changes made are saved in the gbaddr record. Pre Directional Displays the prefix direction of the address. For example, East in the address 123 East Avenida Del Oro Blvd. Data is populated from the Pre-Directional field in the Spillman gbaddr record. If necessary, modify this field. Changes made are saved in the gbaddr record. NOTE In general, most addresses use either a pre-directional or post-directional, but not both. Pre Type Displays the prefix type of the address. For example, Avenida in the address 123 East Avenida Del Oro Blvd. Data is populated from the Pre-Type field in the Spillman gbaddr record. If necessary, modify this field. Changes made are saved in the gbaddr record. Post Directional Displays the suffix direction of the street address. For example, South in the address 123 Avenida Del Oro Blvd South. Data is populated from the Post-Directional field in the Spillman gbaddr record. If necessary, modify this field. Changes made are saved in the gbaddr record. NOTE In general, most addresses use either a pre-directional or post-directional, but not both. Post Type Displays the suffix type of the address. For example, Blvd in the address 123 East Avenida Del Oro Blvd. Data is populated from the Post-Type field Spillman KIBRS Manual 57 1 1 User Information Completing the IBR Incident screen in the Spillman gbaddr record. If necessary, modify this field. Changes made are saved in the gbaddr record. Occupancy Type Displays the type of occupancy the address is designating as. For example, APT for Apartment. Data is populated from the Occupancy Type field in the Spillman gbaddr record. If necessary, modify this field. Changes made are saved in the gbaddr record. Occupancy Value Displays the number for the occupancy type. For example, APT 13 for Apartment #13. Data is populated from the Occupancy Value field in the Spillman gbaddr record. If necessary, modify this field. Changes made are saved in the gbaddr record. City Displays the city in which the offender resides. Data is populated from the City field of the Names screen in Spillman. If necessary, modify this field. Changes made are saved in the Names record. State Displays the state in which the offender resides. Data is populated from the State field of the Names screen in Spillman. If necessary, modify this field. Changes made are saved in the Names record. Zip Displays the ZIP code in which the offender resides. Data is populated from the ZIP field of the Names screen in Spillman. If necessary, modify this field. Changes made are saved in the Names record. Offender Vehicle Use the drop-down list to select the vehicle for the offender. Available options are populated from Vehicle records listed in the Property tab. If the desired vehicle is not listed, then add it first in the Property tab. Entering information for Other Some incidents include additional involvements to persons with the role of Witness, Person of Interest, Complainant, Suspect, Assailant, or Owner. When any of these roles are entered as the relationship type in the 58 Spillman KIBRS Manual User Information Completing the IBR Incident screen Involvements screen, this role is automatically assigned to the person in IBR. However, roles can be reassigned in IBR by changing the value in the Relationship field. To enter information for others: 1. From the Persons tab, in the Persons List area, select the desired Names record whose role is defined as other than the victim or offender. Others group 2. If necessary, in the Relationship field, change the role to anything other than Victim or Offender. 3. If the desired Names record is not displayed in the Persons List area, add it by doing the following: – Click Add. The Names screen opens. – Search for the desired Names record. – Once found, click Use. If one or more Names records are found, but none are the desired record, or no matching records are found, click Add to create a Spillman KIBRS Manual 59 1 1 User Information Completing the IBR Incident screen new Names record and complete the necessary fields, including those required for IBR. For more information, see “Completing the Names screen” on page 26. Save the record and then click Use to return to the Persons tab. Perform step 2, if necessary. 4. Complete any empty fields, as applicable. Fields highlighted in yellow are required. For field descriptions, see “Role of Other field descriptions” on page 60. NOTE To remove a record, select it, and then click Remove. To edit a record, select it, and then click Edit to open the appropriate screen in Spillman. Role of Other field descriptions The following describes fields for the role of Other in the Persons tab in the IBR Incident screen. Persons tab header Displays basic information about the selected person, including name, date of birth, gender, race, and ethnicity. Data is populated from the Names record in Spillman. To change any of this information, modify the Names record in Spillman. Relationship Designates the role of the selected person involved in the incident and what fields are displayed base on that relationship. New values are added to this field through the IBR translation table, Name Involvement Relationship (trsyrshp). Completing the Property tab The Property tab describes the type and value for each item of property involved in the incident, including vehicles. For each type of property loss, such as stolen, burned, recovered, or seized, submit a Property segment for the following offense categories: 60 • Crimes Against Property • Gambling Offenses • Drug/Narcotic Offenses • Kidnapping/Abduction Spillman KIBRS Manual User Information Completing the IBR Incident screen Depending on the incident, involvements to Spillman Property and Vehicle records may have already been created while completing information about the incident. Based on the status of the property involved, Property and Vehicle records display in the Property List area. If necessary, Property and Vehicle records can be added to the incident. Most fields in the Property tab are automatically populated with information based on data entered in Spillman. However, some additional fields must be completed. To complete the Property tab: 1. From the IBR Incident screen, select the Property tab. Property tab 2. From the Property List area, select the desired Property or Vehicle record. 3. If the desired record is not displayed in the Property List area, add it by clicking Add. For more information on adding a record in the Property tab, see “Adding a Property record in the Property tab” on page 62 or “Adding a Vehicle record in the Property tab” on page 67. 4. Complete any empty fields, as applicable. Fields highlighted in yellow are required. Fields displayed vary depending on the type of Spillman KIBRS Manual 61 1 1 User Information Completing the IBR Incident screen property record selected. For field descriptions, see “Property record field descriptions” on page 63 or “Vehicle record field descriptions” on page 68. 5. Click Save. 6. Repeat steps 2–5 for each Property record in the Property List area. Adding a Property record in the Property tab To add a Property record to the Property tab: 1. From the Property tab of the IBR Incident screen, click Add, and then click Add Property. The Property screen opens in Spillman. 2. Search for the desired record. 3. Once found, click Use to return to the Property tab. If one or more Property records are found, but none are the desired record, or no matching records are found, click Add to create a new Property record and complete the necessary fields, including those required for IBR. For more information, see “Completing the Property screen” on page 29. Save the record and then click Use to return to the Property tab. 4. Click Save. NOTE To remove a record, select it, and then click Remove. To edit a record, select it, and then click Edit to open the appropriate screen in Spillman. 62 Spillman KIBRS Manual User Information Completing the IBR Incident screen Property record field descriptions The following describes fields for a Property record in the Property tab of the IBR Incident screen Property tab header Displays basic information about the selected property, including property description, owner, owner applied number, and characteristics. Data is populated from the Property record in Spillman. To change any of this information, modify the Property record in Spillman. Spillman KIBRS Manual 63 1 1 User Information Completing the IBR Incident screen Property Description Displays the property type based on the translated value from the IBR/UCR Code field of the Property record in Spillman. If necessary, this field can be modified. When changes are saved, the Property record is also updated in Spillman. In addition, if changes are made in the Spillman Property record, then data is updated in IBR. Property Loss Type Describes the type of property and how it is connected to the incident, such as whether the property was stolen, damaged, or burned. This field is required and, if necessary, can be modified. Total Value Displays the total value of the property. Data is populated from the IBR/UCR Total Value field of the Spillman Property screen. If necessary, this field can be modified. When changes are saved, the Property record is also updated in Spillman. In the Spillman Property table, the value for any drugs/narcotics seized in all types of crimes must be entered. However, for drug/narcotic violations, entering values is optional. Date Recovered Displays the most recent date on which the property was recovered. Data is populated from the Date Recov/Rcvd field of the Spillman Property screen. If necessary, this field can be modified by using the mmddyyyy hhmmss format, or using the calendar Lookup button. When changes are saved, the Property record is also updated in Spillman. Suspected Drug Type Displays any suspected drug type. This field is display-only. Quantity Displays the amount of selected property involved in the incident. For example, if an incident involved the theft of two stereos, then it would display the value of 2. Data is populated from the IBR/UCR Quantity field of the Spillman Property screen. If necessary, this field can be modified. When changes are saved, the Property record is also updated in Spillman. 64 Spillman KIBRS Manual User Information Completing the IBR Incident screen Measurement Displays the unit of measurement for drugs in drug-related incidents. For example, liters, pounds, or grams. Data is populated from the Measurement field of the Spillman Property screen. If necessary, this field can be modified. When changes are saved, the Property record is also updated in Spillman. Property Code Displays the property description according to the IBR property code. For example, for the IBR property code 0618, the following description displays: Video Cassette Recorders (VCR) / DVD Player / DVD Recorder. If necessary, this field can be modified. Property Category Displays the three-digit IBR/UCR category code for the property, if applicable. Property Description Displays the brand and model number of the property. Data is populated from the Brand and Model fields of the Spillman Property screen. This field is display-only. Quantity Displays the amount of selected property involved in the incident. Property Year Age Displays the year the property was manufactured using the yyyy format. Data is populated from the Year field of the Spillman Property screen. This field is display-only. Model Displays the model number for the property. Data is populated from the Model field of the Spillman Property screen. This field is display-only. Color 1 Displays the primary color of the property. Data is populated from the first Color field of the Spillman Property screen. If necessary, this field can be modified. When changes are saved, the Property record is also updated in Spillman. Spillman KIBRS Manual 65 1 1 User Information Completing the IBR Incident screen Color 2 Displays the secondary color of the property. Data is populated from the second Color field of the Spillman Property screen. If necessary, this field can be modified. When changes are saved, the Property record is also updated in Spillman. Caliber Enter the type of projectile used if the property is a firearm, if applicable. This field can be modified. Size Displays the size of the property, if applicable. This field is display-only. Weight Displays the weight of the property (in pounds), if applicable. This field is display-only. Gender Enter the gender of the property owner, if necessary. This field can be modified. Serial #/Credit Card Displays the Serial or Credit Card Number of the property. Data is populated from the Serial Number field of the Spillman Property screen. This field is display-only. Model Displays the model number for the property. This field can be modified. Owner Applied # Displays the number, name, or initials that the owner applied to the item. This field can be modified. Property Livestock Brand/Tag Displays the tag number applied to the property. This field can be modified. 66 Spillman KIBRS Manual User Information Completing the IBR Incident screen Adding a Vehicle record in the Property tab To add a Vehicle record to the Property tab: 1. From the Property tab of the IBR Incident screen, click Add, and then click Add Vehicle. The Vehicle screen opens in Spillman. 2. Search for the desired record. 3. From the desired record, click Use to return to the Property tab. If one or more Vehicle records are found, but none are the desired record, or no matching records are found, click Add to create a new Vehicle record and complete the necessary fields, including those required for IBR. For more information, see “Completing the Vehicle screen” on page 31. Save the record and then click Use to return to the Property tab. NOTE To remove a record, select it, and then click Remove. To edit a record, select it, and then click Edit to open the appropriate screen in Spillman. Spillman KIBRS Manual 67 1 1 User Information Completing the IBR Incident screen Vehicle record field descriptions The following describes fields for a Vehicle record in the Property tab of the IBR Incident screen. Vehicle Property tab header Displays basic information about the selected vehicle, including the year, make, model, owner, expiration date, license type, VIN, and color. Data is populated from the Vehicle record in Spillman. To change any of this information, modify the Vehicle record in Spillman. Vehicle Description Displays the type of vehicle. Data is populated from the Vehicle Type field of the Vehicle record in Spillman. If necessary, this field can be modified. When changes are saved, the Vehicle record is also updated in Spillman. Vehicle Loss Type Describes the type of vehicle and how it is connected to the incident, such as whether the vehicle was stolen, damaged, or burned. This field is required 68 Spillman KIBRS Manual User Information Completing the IBR Incident screen and, if necessary, can be modified. When changes are saved, the Property record is also updated in Spillman. Value Displays the value of the vehicle. Data is populated from the Value field of the Vehicle record in Spillman. If necessary, this field can be modified. When changes are saved, the Vehicle record is also updated in Spillman. Date Recovered Displays the date and time on which the vehicle was recovered. Data is populated from the Date Recov/Rcvd field of the Vehicle record in Spillman. If necessary, this field can be modified using the drop-down calendar. When changes are saved, the Vehicle record is also updated in Spillman. Vehicles Stolen/Vehicles Recovered Displays the number of vehicles stolen and/or recovered. Theses fields are display-only. Property Code Displays the property description according to the IBR property code. For example, for the IBR property code 0402, the following description displays: Automobiles / Sports Utility (SUV) / Vans. If necessary, this field can be modified. Property Category Displays the three-digit IBR/UCR category code for the property. If necessary, this field can be modified. Property Description Displays a description of the vehicle, including year, make, and model. Data is populated from the Year, Make, and Model fields of the Vehicle record in Spillman. If necessary, this field can be modified. Property Year Age Displays the year the vehicle was manufactured using the yyyy format. Data is populated from the Year field of the Spillman Vehicle screen. If necessary, this field can be modified. When changes are saved, the Vehicle record is also updated in Spillman. Spillman KIBRS Manual 69 1 1 User Information Completing the IBR Incident screen Model Displays the model number of the vehicle. Data is populated from the Model field of the Vehicle record in Spillman. This field is display-only. Color 1 Displays the primary color of the vehicle. Data is populated from the first Color field of the Spillman Vehicle screen. If necessary, this field can be modified. When changes are saved, the Vehicle record is also updated in Spillman. Color 2 Displays the secondary color of the vehicle. Data is populated from the second Color field of the Spillman Vehicle screen. If necessary, this field can be modified. When changes are saved, the Vehicle record is also updated in Spillman. Property Style Enter the style of vehicle, if necessary. This field can be modified. Size Enter the size of the property, if necessary. This field can be modified. Gender Enter the gender of the property owner, if necessary. This field can be modified. VIN Displays the VIN number of the vehicle. Data is populated from the VIN Number field of the Spillman Vehicle screen. If necessary, this field can be modified. When changes are saved, the Vehicle record is also updated in Spillman. License Displays the license plate number of the vehicle. Data is populated from the License Plate field of the Spillman Vehicle screen. If necessary, this field can be modified. When changes are saved, the Vehicle record is also updated in Spillman. 70 Spillman KIBRS Manual User Information Completing the IBR Incident screen State Displays the state the license plate was issued in for the vehicle. Data is populated from the State field of the Spillman Vehicle screen. If necessary, this field can be modified. When changes are saved, the Vehicle record is also updated in Spillman. Year Displays the year the license plate was issued for the vehicle. Data is populated from the Expires field of the Spillman Vehicle screen. If necessary, this field can be modified. When changes are saved, the Vehicle record is also updated in Spillman. Completing the Arrests tab The Arrest tab contains information about each arrest involved in the incident, such as the arrest date and time, arrest type, and arresting officer. Data is populated from the Arrest or Non-Custody Booking record associated with the incident, and will only display if the Incident Number has been entered in the Related Incident field on the Offense screen (jloffense). All fields in the Arrest tab are display-only. Therefore, information does not need to be entered. NOTE Arrests related to the incident display if the Related Incident field in the Spillman Offense screen (jloffense) is completed before opening the record in IBR. If the arrest has not yet been linked to the incident, click the Add button to link it. For more information, see “Adding an Arrest record in the Arrest tab” on page 72. Spillman KIBRS Manual 71 1 1 User Information Completing the IBR Incident screen Adding an Arrest record in the Arrest tab To add an Arrest record to the Arrest tab: 1. In the IBR Incident screen, click the Arrest tab. Arrest tab 2. Click Add. The Non-Custody Booking screen opens. 3. In the appropriate fields, enter search criteria to find the arrest record to add, and then click Submit. 4. Depending on the search results, do one of the following: – If the desired arrest record displays, continue to step 5. – If the desired record does not display, or no matching records are found, search again using different criteria or create a new Non-Custody Booking record. For more information on creating a new record, see the Spillman Jail Management User Manual. 5. From the desired arrest record, click the Offenses tab. 6. Do one of the following: 72 Spillman KIBRS Manual User Information Completing the IBR Incident screen – If the Offense record exists and is already associated with the arrest, then click Open Record to view the Offense record. – If the Offense record exists, but is not associated with the arrest, then click Attach Record to open the Add Offenses to Current Record window. Click the check box next to the desired Offense record, and then click Add Selected to return to the Offense record. Click Open Record to view the Offense record. – If the Offense record does not exist and there is no Offense record associated with the arrest, then click Create Record to open the Non-Custody Booking screen in Add mode. For more information on how to create an Offense record, see the Spillman Jail Management User Manual. 7. From the desired Offense record of the arrest, in the Related Incident field, enter the Incident Number, or click the Use button to open the Law Incident screen and search for the desired record. Once found, click the Use button to return to the Offense screen. 8. Click Save. The selected arrest information displays in the Arrest tab of the IBR Incident screen. Spillman KIBRS Manual 73 1 1 User Information Completing the IBR Incident screen To change any information on the Arrest tab, modify the Non-Custody Booking record in Spillman by clicking Add and searching for the record again. Once found, modify the fields as needed. When the record is saved, any changes are automatically updated in the Arrest tab. 9. Click Save. 74 Spillman KIBRS Manual User Information Completing the IBR Arrest screen Completing the IBR Arrest screen Arrests are transferred separately from incidents. For every KIBRS record that includes an arrest, complete the IBR Arrest screen. Most information required for KIBRS is already populated from completing the Spillman screens. However, additional information must be entered. The IBR Arrest screen contains several tabs with information about the arrest associated with the incident, the offense, and the incident itself, if applicable. For both Level 6 and7 arrests, complete the IBR Arrest screen. To access the IBR Arrest screen, do one of the following: In the Spillman Arrest screen (arrest), with the desired Arrest record open, click the IBR button. In the Spillman Non-Custody Booking screen (noncustody), with the desired Booking record open, click the IBR button. IBR Arrest screen tabs The following sections describes how to access the IBR Arrest screen, as well as each tab included in the screen and the data required to complete the KIBRS record: Spillman KIBRS Manual “Completing the Arrest tab in the IBR Arrest screen” on page 76 75 1 1 User Information Completing the IBR Arrest screen “Completing the Offenses tab in the IBR Arrest screen” on page 78 “Completing the Incident tab in the IBR Arrest screen” on page 81 Completing the Arrest tab in the IBR Arrest screen The Arrest tab on the IBR Arrest screen contains basic information about the arrest, such as the arrestee, arrest date, arresting agency, and others. Most information is automatically populated based on data entered in the Arrest screen (arrest) or the Non-Custody Booking screen (noncustody). To complete the Arrest tab: 1. From the IBR Arrest screen, click the Arrest tab. Arrest tab 2. Complete any empty fields as necessary. Fields highlighted in yellow indicate required information. For field descriptions, see “Arrest tab field descriptions” on page 77. 3. Click Save. 76 Spillman KIBRS Manual User Information Completing the IBR Arrest screen Arrest tab field descriptions The following describes fields in the Arrest tab of the IBR Arrest screen. Name ID Displays the Name ID number of the arrestee. This field is display-only. Name Displays the name of the arrestee. This field is display-only. Age of Arrestee Displays the age of the arrestee based on the DOB field of the Spillman Names record. This field is display-only. Tracking Displays the tracking number of the arrestee, if your agency uses tracking. Data is populated from the Tracking field in the Spillman Arrest record. This field is display-only. Resident Status Displays the resident status of the arrestee at the time of the arrest. This field can be modified. Age at Arrest Displays the age of the arrestee at the time of the arrest. Data is populated from the Age at Arrest field in the Spillman Arrest record. This field is display-only. Judicial Age Status Displays the judicial age of the arrestee. Data is populated from the Judicial Age Status field in the Spillman Arrest record. This field is display-only. Arrest Date Displays the date on which the arrest occurred. This field is display-only. Arresting Officer Displays the name of the arresting officer. Data is populated from the Arresting Officer field in the Spillman Arrest record. This field is display-only. Spillman KIBRS Manual 77 1 1 User Information Completing the IBR Arrest screen Arresting Agency Displays the name of the agency responsible for the arrest. Data is populated from the Arresting Agency field in the Spillman Arrest record. This field is display-only. Weapon Code Displays the code for weapons used as part of the incident. Data is populated from the Circumstances tab of the Spillman Arrest record. To add more than one entry, click the Add icon ( click the Remove icon ( ). ). To delete an entry, Arrest Type Displays the arrest type. Data is populated from the Arrest Type field of the Spillman Arrest record. This field is display-only. Disposition Displays the disposition of the arrest. Data is populated from the Juvenile Disposition field of the Spillman Arrest record. This field is display-only. Completing the Offenses tab in the IBR Arrest screen The Offenses tab contains information about the offense(s) associated with the arrest. The offense is linked to the arrest by the creation of an Offense record attached to the Arrest or Non-Custody Booking record. Most information is automatically populated based on information entered in the Offense record (jloffense). 78 Spillman KIBRS Manual User Information Completing the IBR Arrest screen To complete the Offenses tab in the IBR Arrest screen: 1. From the IBR Arrest screen, click the Offenses tab. Offenses tab 2. Complete any empty fields as necessary. Fields highlighted in yellow indicate required information. For field descriptions, see “Offenses tab field descriptions” on page 79. 3. Click Save. Offenses tab field descriptions The following describes fields in the Offenses tab of the IBR Arrest screen. Offenses tab header Displays basic information about the selected offense, including the statute and description. For example, RKRE Robbery, Knife, Resd. Data is populated from the translation table for the offense code and cannot be modified. Spillman KIBRS Manual 79 1 1 User Information Completing the IBR Arrest screen Incident ID and other incident information For Group A offenses, this area displays the Incident ID number for the offense and other information, including the offense, complainant (if applicable), and address where the incident took place. Attempted/Completed Select whether the offense was attempted or completed. In general, attempts to commit a crime are classified as though the crime(s) was actually completed. The only exception applies to attempts or assaults to murder, wherein the victim does not die. Such offenses must be classified as aggravated assaults, rather than attempted murders. Statute Enter the statute number for the offense. This field is independent of the Offense statute and must be completed manually. Effective Displays the date the statute went into effect. This field is display-only. Expired Displays the date the statute expired. This field is display-only. Statute Description Displays a description of the selected statute. This field is automatically populated when the Statute field is completed and is display-only. Arrest Charge Larceny Type Select the type of larceny for the arrest, if necessary. Charge Type Select the type of charge for the arrest, if necessary. Offense Description Displays a description of the offense. Data is populated from the Offense Code field in the Spillman Offense record. This field is display-only. 80 Spillman KIBRS Manual User Information Completing the IBR Arrest screen Offense UCR Displays a description of the offense according to the UCR code. Entry Description Displays a description of the type of arrest entry for the offense. Data is populated from the Entry Code field in the Spillman Offense record. This field is display-only. Alcohol/Drug Displays the degree of influence that alcohol or drugs had in the involvement, if any. Data is populated from the Alcohol/Drug field in the Spillman Offense record. This field is display-only. Completing the Incident tab in the IBR Arrest screen The Incidents tab contains display-only information about each incident involved in the arrest. The incident is associated with the arrest when the Related Incident field is completed in the Spillman Offense record. Incidents tab Spillman KIBRS Manual 81 1 1 User Information Completing the IBR Arrest screen Since the Incidents tab is display-only, it does not need to be completed. NOTE The Incidents tab for Group B (Level 7) arrests may be blank if no incidents are associated with the arrests. 82 Spillman KIBRS Manual User Information Validating KIBRS Records Validating KIBRS Records To ensure that the information being submitted to the state meets national and state reporting requirements, IBR has a data validation feature. Each IBR record can be validated individually as it is it created, or grouped in a batch and validated, before submission to the state. This section describes each validation method, as well as any errors that may occur and how to fix them. Validating individual KIBRS records In the IBR Incident and Arrest screens, the Validate button can be clicked at any time during the data entry process. However, it is recommended to wait until all required information is entered before validating, as many fields rely on data from other related fields to validate. For example, if the incident involves an Aggravated Assault or Homicide, then the Assault Homicide and Circumstances fields on the Persons tab must be completed for the record to validate. For more information, see “Validating Group A Incident reports” on page 83 and “Validating Group B Incident reports” on page 85. Validating Group A Incident reports To validate a Group A Incident report: 1. From the IBR Incident screen, click the Validate button. NOTE If necessary, in the Law Incident screen, locate the desired record, and then click the IBR button to open the IBR Incident screen. Click Save to enable the Validate button. Spillman KIBRS Manual 83 1 1 User Information Validating KIBRS Records Information in each tab is validated. When complete, the IBR Validation screen opens. Incident tab Validation errors Revalidate button Records summary area NOTE If the incident is associated with an arrest, then the IBR Validation screen displays a separate Arrests tab to validate arrest information. Make sure to check for errors on this tab as well. – If errors are found, then they are listed under the record with their location and description. Each error displays a red x mark ( ). – If errors are not found, then a green check mark ( to the record. ) displays next 2. Correct any errors and/or warnings. For more information, see “Correcting validation errors” on page 90. 3. Click the Revalidate button. The record is validated again. 4. Repeat steps 2–3 until the record is error-free. 84 Spillman KIBRS Manual User Information Validating KIBRS Records Validating Group B Incident reports To validate Group B Incident reports: 1. From the IBR Incident screen, click the Validate button. NOTE If necessary, in the Law Incident screen, locate the desired record, and then click the IBR button to open the IBR Incident screen. Information in each tab is validated. When complete, the IBR Validation screen opens. Accent tab Validation errors Revalidate button Records summary area – If errors are found, then they are listed with their location and a description. – If errors are not found, then the IBR Validation screen remains blank. 2. Correct any errors and/or warnings in both the Incident and Arrest tabs. For more information, see “Correcting validation errors” on page 90. 3. Click the Revalidate button. The record is validated again. Spillman KIBRS Manual 85 1 1 User Information Validating KIBRS Records 4. Repeat steps 2–3 until the record is error-free. Validating a batch of KIBRS records As part of the submission process, a batch of all the KIBRS records, along with any rejected records from a previous submission, must be submitted. Batch validation ensures that data in each KIBRS record in the batch meets national and state requirements, and must be completed for state submission. TIP Batch validation can be performed at any time to ensure all incident and arrest records are entered correctly and reviewed by records staff. The submission file is not created and saved until the Generate Report button is clicked. For more information on the submission process, see “Generating and saving the submission file” on page 92. To validate a batch of KIBRS records: 1. At the Spillman command line, enter ibragency. NOTE Privileges are required to access the IBR Agency screen. Contact your SAA, if necessary. 86 Spillman KIBRS Manual User Information Validating KIBRS Records The IBR Agency screen opens and displays information for your agency. Agency tab Validate button Edit button NOTE If accessing the IBR Agency screen for the first time, the Edit IBR Agency screen also opens so that an IBR Agency record can be created. For more information, see “Creating and editing the IBR Agency record” on page 112. 2. To edit the IBR Agency screen, click Edit. For more information, see “Creating and editing the IBR Agency record” on page 112. 3. Click the Validate button. Spillman KIBRS Manual 87 1 1 User Information Validating KIBRS Records The IBR Validation screen opens. The screen contains the following tabs for each record type: Incident, Agency, and Arrest. Any errors found in each record within a batch display in each tab. A green check mark ( ) indicates a valid record, while a red x mark ( ) indicates an invalid one. 4. In the Incident tab, click the chevron ( ) next to the record to view error descriptions for an invalid record. For more information on 88 Spillman KIBRS Manual User Information Validating KIBRS Records how to use error descriptions, see “Validating a batch of KIBRS records” on page 86. Invalid record Error descriptions 5. Correct all errors for each record listed in the batch. 6. When finished, click the Revalidate button. TIP The Revalidate button can be clicked any time during the error correction process to remove any errors that have already been corrected. 7. Repeat steps 3–6 for invalid records in the Agency and Arrest tabs, as necessary. Spillman KIBRS Manual 89 1 1 User Information Validating KIBRS Records Understanding and correcting validation errors Validation errors point out information that makes the report invalid. To make the incident or arrest valid for submission, any errors must be corrected. The IBR Validation screen contains several columns that list each error’s location and description. The following table describes each column in the IBR Validation screen. Column name Description Screen Name Indicates the tab containing the error. For example, an error may be found in the Arrest tab of the IBR Arrest screen. Data Field Displays the name of the field in which the error occurred. Error Number Displays a reference number for the error. For a list of all errors, see “Appendix A” on page 123. Error Message Displays a description/explanation of the error. TIP Double-click the error row to open the tab in the IBR Incident or Arrest record that contains the error. Correcting validation errors Use the information displayed in the IBR Validation screen to correct the error(s). The IBR Validation screen opens in a new window and can be referred to while correcting data in the IBR Incident or Arrest record. 90 Spillman KIBRS Manual User Information Validating KIBRS Records Double-click the record to open the tab in the IBR Incident or Arrest record that contains the error. When opened, a validation warning may display next to the affected field. Validation Warning message To correct a validation error: 1. In the IBR Incident or IBR Arrest screen, update the appropriate KIBRS record with the correct information. 2. Click the Save button. 3. In the IBR Validation screen, click the Revalidate button. 4. Repeat steps 1–3 for each error until the IBR Validation screen is error-free. Spillman KIBRS Manual 91 1 1 User Information Submitting KIBRS records Submitting KIBRS records The FBI requires IBR data to be submitted. Therefore, most KIBRS information must be submitted to the state by completing the following tasks: Validate the batch of records submitted for the month. See “Validating a batch of KIBRS records” on page 86. Generate and save the submission file. See “Generating and saving the submission file” on page 92. Submit KIBRS data to the state. See “Submitting KIBRS records” on page 92. Correct the reported errors and revalidate all rejected records so they are included in the next state submission. See “Validating KIBRS Records” on page 83. Confirm all submission results. See “Confirming Submission Results” on page 97. Validating records for submission Make sure each KIBRS record being submitted is valid to avoid having records rejected by the state. For more information, see “Validating a batch of KIBRS records” on page 86. NOTE When at least one record is valid, the Generate Report button is enabled. However, it is recommended that all records be validated within a submission batch before generating the submission file to avoid state rejection. Generating and saving the submission file Once all records are validated and errors corrected, click the Generate Report button on the IBR Validation screen to create a submission file of all incident-based reporting data that will be submitted to the state. When generated, the submission file is automatically saved to the server. However, your agency can also save it to an agency-specified location, if desired. To save the submission file to an agency-specified location: 1. From the IBR Validation screen for batch submissions, click the Browse button, located next to the Client Save Directory field. For 92 Spillman KIBRS Manual User Information Submitting KIBRS records information on opening the IBR Validation screen, see “Validating a batch of KIBRS records” on page 86. Browse button The Browse For Folder dialog box opens. 2. Navigate to the desired directory in which to save the submission file, or create a new folder if necessary. 3. Click OK. The path to the directory displays in the Client Save Directory field. The submission file report will save in both the selected directory and the server. 4. Click the Generate Report button. A prompt box opens, asking for verification to generate the report. 5. Click Yes. Spillman KIBRS Manual 93 1 1 User Information Submitting KIBRS records The submission file is generated, and the following message box appears. 6. To submit the submission file to the state, follow your agency’s guidelines. NOTE Once a report has been generated, the Generate Report button is disabled until the submission results are confirmed or the generated reports are reverted. For more information, see “Reverting the generated report” on page 94 and “Confirming Submission Results” on page 97. Reverting the generated report If the Generate Report button is accidentally clicked, or if more records need to be added to the submission file after it has been generated, then as long as the submission file has not been submitted or the submission results confirmed, the Undo Generated Report button can be used to revert the generated report. To revert a generated report: 1. At the Spillman command line, enter ibragency. 94 Spillman KIBRS Manual User Information Submitting KIBRS records The IBR Agency screen opens. Undo Generated Report button 2. Click Undo Generated Report. Spillman KIBRS Manual 95 1 1 User Information Submitting KIBRS records A prompt box opens, asking for verification to 3. Click Yes. The generated report is reverted and the following occurs: – All records that were previously included in the report display in the IBR Validation screen when the Validate button is clicked. – The Current Submission Month and Current Submission Year fields are set back to the values of the previously generated report. – The Undo Generated Report and Confirm Submitted Report buttons become disabled. 96 Spillman KIBRS Manual User Information Confirming Submission Results Confirming Submission Results Once the submission file is submitted, and feedback is received back from the state, use the Confirm Submitted Report button in the IBR Agency screen to mark all incidents as submitted, including those in the last submission file. Doing so ensures that future submissions contain only those records that were added, modified, or deleted since the last submission. CAUTION The Confirm Submitted Report button brings the Spillman database into agreement with the state or FBI database. Therefore, select this button only after the state or FBI has processed your agency’s last submission. It is recommended to wait until the error report is received back from the state or FBI. If the submission is lost or damaged and is not processed, then the unloaded file must be resubmitted with the same information. When the Confirm Submitted Report button is clicked, and a month boundary is crossed for a submission file, the Current Submission Month and Current Submission Year fields are updated to the current month in preparation for the next submission. To confirm submission results: 1. At the Spillman command line, enter ibragency. The IBR Agency screen opens, with the Confirm Submitted Report button enabled and the Validate button disabled. Confirm Submitted Report button NOTE If the Confirm Submitted Report button is still unavailable after the submission report has been generated, then enter ibragency at the Spillman command line to open the IBR Agency screen again. 2. Click the Confirm Submitted Report button. Spillman KIBRS Manual 97 1 1 User Information Confirming Submission Results The IBR Approval screen opens. By default, all records are checked as complete. 3. Click Save to mark all records as submitted. NOTE If the state rejected any records, then they must be marked for resubmission. For more information, see “Marking records for resubmission” on page 99. 98 Spillman KIBRS Manual User Information Confirming Submission Results Marking records for resubmission Records that were rejected by the state must be marked for resubmission. After posting the submission file, in the IBR Confirm Submitted Report screen, clear the Complete check box next to each rejected record to indicate that the cleared records are incomplete and must be resubmitted with the next submission file. TIP To view the Incident or Arrest record, click the Incident or Arrest link to open it in a new window. To sort the list of records, click the Complete or Record column headings. To mark a record for resubmission: 1. Confirm the submission file in the IBR Approval screen. For more information, see “Confirming Submission Results” on page 97. All valid incidents and arrests display in the IBR Approval screen. 2. For any rejected incident or arrest record, clear the Complete check box next to the record. TIP If many records need resubmission, click the Select All check box to clear all of the records, and then click the Complete check box for those records that were accepted by the state. 3. Click Save. A prompt box opens, asking for confirmation to proceed. 4. Click OK to continue. Spillman KIBRS Manual 99 1 1 User Information Confirming Submission Results The selected records are marked as complete, while the cleared records are marked for resubmission. The next time a batch of records is validated, the cleared records are included. The Current Submission Month and Current Submission Year fields in the IBR Agency screen are updated only when a month boundary is crossed for the submission file. 100 Spillman KIBRS Manual Chapter 2 Administrator Information Jump to topic: Setting Up Sentryx IBR Entering Agency Information for Sentryx IBR Setting Up Translation Codes 2 Administrator Information Setting Up Sentryx IBR Setting Up Sentryx IBR This section outlines, in sequential order, the setup tasks that must be performed to use Sentryx IBR: “Setting the state module” on page 102 “Creating agency records” on page 103 “Setting up the KIBRS application parameter” on page 107 “Setting up other application parameters” on page 108 “Setting up system privileges” on page 108 For more information about applications, parameters, and user privileges, see the Spillman Applications Setup and Maintenance and Spillman Security Setup and Maintenance manuals. Setting the state module The state module tells the Spillman software whether to display Sentryx or Classic IBR screens. To set the state module application setting: 1. At the Spillman command line, enter adminutil. The Administration Manager opens. 2. If necessary, select the Settings menu group, and then select the All Settings menu item to open the Settings Editor screen. 102 Spillman KIBRS Manual Administrator Information Setting Up Sentryx IBR 3. Select Module > Module.IBR. 4. Double-click IBRStates. The Enter String Value dialog box opens with the specified privilege level. 5. In the Value field, enter the two-letter abbreviation for your state. NOTE If your agency borders another state, and records will be added for residents of that state, then enter the abbreviation for both states, separated by a comma. For example, KS, NE or KS, OK. 6. Click OK to save the entry and close the dialog box. 7. Click Close to exit the Administration Manager. Creating agency records For each agency for which IBR data will be submitted, an agency record must be created. These records contain crucial information for each submission. NOTE Most likely, an agency record is already created for your agency. For Sentryx IBR, the State field must be completed. Therefore, even if an agency record already exits, ensure this field is complete. To create an agency record: 1. At the Spillman command line, enter apagncy. Spillman KIBRS Manual 103 2 2 Administrator Information Setting Up Sentryx IBR The Agency Codes screen opens. 2. Click Srch and search for your agency record. 3. Do one of the following: – If the record exists, ensure that the two-letter abbreviation for your state displays in the State field. If it does not, click Mod, enter the abbreviation in the field, and then click Accept. – If the record does not exist, then create it by clicking Add. 4. Complete the fields. For field descriptions, see “Agency Codes field descriptions” on page 104. 5. When finished, click Accept. 6. Repeat steps 2–5 for each agency that IBR data will be submitted for. Agency Codes field descriptions The following describes fields in the Agency Codes screen in Spillman. Agency Code Enter a code for the agency. Up to four alphanumeric characters are allowed. For example, SPD for Springfield Police Department. 104 Spillman KIBRS Manual Administrator Information Setting Up Sentryx IBR ORI Number Enter the nine-character, alphanumeric number assigned to the agency by the FBI. Agency Description Enter a description for the agency code. Up to 30 alphanumeric characters are allowed. For example, Springfield Police Department for SPD. Agency ID Displays the software-assigned identification number of the agency. This field is display-only. Dispatch Agency Type Enter the type of units dispatched from the agency: l (Law Enforcement), f (Fire), or e (EMS). Type of Agency Enter the type of agency. Up to 30 alphanumeric characters are allowed. For example, Sheriff’s Department, Police Department, or Fire Department. Agency Name Enter the full name of the agency. Up to 30 alphanumeric characters are allowed. For example, Springfield Police Department. Agency CEO Name ID Enter the Names number for the person to whom payments are to be made for civil process charges, or click the Lookup button to search for the Names record and then click Use to select it. Up to nine characters are allowed. NOTE A Names number must be entered in the Agency CEO Name ID field if your agency uses the Civil Process module. Agency CEO Name Enter the name of the agency’s CEO. Up to 20 alphanumeric characters are allowed. Spillman KIBRS Manual 105 2 2 Administrator Information Setting Up Sentryx IBR Agency CEO Title Enter the title of the agency’s CEO. Up to 20 alphanumeric characters are allowed. For example, Chief of Police. Report Heading Enter the heading that will display on agency reports. Up to 50 alphanumeric characters are allowed. In general, the agency name is entered. For example, Springfield Police Department. County Name Enter the county in which the agency is located. Up to 30 alphanumeric characters are allowed. CDC Identifier Enter the agency’s organization identifier assigned by the Department of Public Safety. Up to five alphanumeric characters are allowed. Phone Enter the agency’s phone number using the (xxx)xxx-xxxx xxxx format, where (xxx) is the area code, xxx-xxxx is the phone number, and xxxx is the four-digit extension. Address Enter the agency’s physical address. City Name Enter the code for city in which the agency is located, or click the Lookup button and select it from the list. State Enter the two-letter abbreviation for the state in which the agency is located, or click the Lookup button and select it from the list. This field is required for access to the IBR Agency and IBR Arrest screens. Zip Code Enter the ZIP code for the agency’s location using the xxxxx xxxx format. The last four characters are optional. 106 Spillman KIBRS Manual Administrator Information Setting Up Sentryx IBR Setting up the KIBRS application parameter The KIBRS application parameter determines whether the IBR button displays in the toolbar of the following screens: Law Incident, Arrest, and Involvements (of the Law Incident and Names tables). The Involvement screens display the IBR button only after a law incident or name has been added. To set up the KIBRS application parameter: 1. At the Spillman command line, enter apparam. The Application Parameters Table screen opens. 2. Search for the nibrs record, and then do one of the following: – If the record exists, click Mod. – If the record does not exist, click Add. 3. In the Application Parameter field, enter nibrs. 4. In the Parameter Description field, enter Provide IBR Option. 5. In the Application Parameter Value field, click the Editor button or double-click inside the field to open the text editor. 6. In the text editor, enter the following information: Inci Yes Off Yes Invl lwmain nmmain Yes Arst Yes The test editor should look similar to the following example. 7. Click Accept to return to the apparam table. 8. Click Accept to save the record. Spillman KIBRS Manual 107 2 2 Administrator Information Setting Up Sentryx IBR Setting up other application parameters The following table lists additional application parameters that must be set up in the Application Parameters Table screen (apparam) to allow history records to be created for Property and Vehicle records. Sentryx IBR uses these history records in cases where a Property or Vehicle record is tied to multiple incidents or arrests. Application Parameter Parameter Description Value adprhist Add Property History Creates a Property History record for each modification to the Property record. Sentryx IBR uses these records in cases where one Property record is tied to multiple incidents or arrests. Yes advhhist Add Vehicle History Creates a Vehicle History record for each modification to the Vehicle record. Sentryx IBR uses these records in cases where one Vehicle record is tied to multiple incidents or arrests. Yes loghist Tables with History Records Allows logging for the tables specified. vhmain prmain relinci Related Incident Creation Creates a system involvement between the tables specified in the loghist parameter and the incident. It is recommended to keep this value blank. Setting up system privileges Before Sentryx IBR can be used, system privileges must be set up. The following table lists the Spillman tables for which users need access and the required privileges. 108 Spillman table Description Required privileges arrest Arrest Access, Read, Modify apagncy Agency Codes Access ibr IBR button Access, Read ibragency IBR Agency Access, Read Spillman KIBRS Manual Administrator Information Setting Up Sentryx IBR Spillman table Description Required privileges lwmain Law Incident Table Access, Read, Modify lwtbori ORI Table Access, Read, Modify System privileges can also be set up in the Administration Manager (adminutil). For more information, see the Spillman Security Setup and Maintenance Manual. NOTE The IBR Agency system privilege determines whether the IBR button displays on the Agency Codes screen. The SAA and at least one IBR clerk should have access to this button to enter or modify information on the IBR Agency screen. To set up system privileges: 1. At the Spillman command line, enter sypriv. The User Privileges Table screen opens. 2. Click Srch and locate the record for the table whose privileges will be modified. If the record does not exist, create one by clicking Add. Spillman KIBRS Manual 109 2 2 Administrator Information Setting Up Sentryx IBR 3. In the (U)ser (G)roup (W)orld (P)assword field, enter U for a single user, or G for a group of users. TIP A group of IBR clerks can be created to make it easier to add and update system privileges. 4. In the User ID / Group ID / 0 / Password field, enter the user or group identification number. 5. In the Menu/Prgm/Table/ Table[securityidentifier] field, enter the menu, program, or table name. For example, ibragency. 6. In the May user access Menu/Prgm/Table w/o a password field, enter 1. 7. In the May user Read records? field, enter 1. 8. If the table requires modify privileges, then in the May user Modify records? field, enter 1. 9. Click Accept to save the record. 110 Spillman KIBRS Manual Administrator Information Entering Agency Information for Sentryx IBR Entering Agency Information for Sentryx IBR KIBRS requires not only the agency information provided in the Spillman Agency Codes screen (apagncy), but also specific information about your agency pertaining to incident-based reporting. This data displays in the IBR Agency screen, but is maintained through the Edit IBR Agency screen. Edit button The IBR Agency screen opens to the logged in user’s IBR agency record. However, when accessed for the first time, the Edit IBR Agency screen also opens so that the IBR Agency record can be created. To later edit the IBR Agency record, click the Edit button from the IBR Agency screen to open the Edit IBR Agency screen. For more information, see “Creating and editing the IBR Agency record” on page 112. The Status field on the IBR Agency screen displays a records summary of the last generated report of records. Spillman KIBRS Manual 111 2 2 Administrator Information Entering Agency Information for Sentryx IBR Creating and editing the IBR Agency record To create or edit the IBR Agency record: 1. At the Spillman command line, enter ibragency. The IBR Agency screen opens. – If a new IBR Agency record is being created, then the Edit IBR Agency screen automatically opens. 2. If necessary, click the Edit button from the IBR Agency screen to open the Edit IBR Agency screen. Some fields may be automatically populated based on data entered in the Spillman Agency Codes screen (apagncy). 3. Complete any blank fields, or modify information as necessary. For field descriptions, see “Edit IBR Agency field descriptions” on page 113. 4. When finished, click Save. The Edit IBR Agency screen closes and your saved information displays in the IBR Agency screen. 112 Spillman KIBRS Manual Administrator Information Entering Agency Information for Sentryx IBR Edit IBR Agency field descriptions The following describes fields in the Edit IBR Agency screen. ORI Displays the Origin Routing Indicator (ORI) for your agency. Data is populated from the ORI Number field of the Agencies screen in the Spillman Administration Manager. This field is display-only. ORI Name Displays the name for the ORI. This value is set in the apagncy table and dictated by the FBI. It cannot be modified once set. Agency Displays the name of your agency. Data is populated from the Agency Name field of the Agencies screen in the Spillman Administration Manager. This field is display-only. City This field is not applicable to Kansas. Date went IBR Displays the date that your agency started IBR reporting using the mmddyyyy hhmmss format. This field can be modified, if necessary. NOTE The date your agency began IBR reporting and the date your agency began using Sentryx IBR software may not be the same. Make sure to enter the date your agency began reporting IBR data, not the date on which it began using Sentryx IBR software. Retention Yrs Displays the number of years your state retains submitted KIBRS information. This field can be modified, if necessary. Volume Serial # Displays the serial number assigned by the software to the volume. This field is display-only. Spillman KIBRS Manual 113 2 2 Administrator Information Entering Agency Information for Sentryx IBR Backup Count Displays the number of months (up to 12) the agency retains backup information. This field can be modified. Note State Specific Data check box Select this check box to reveal additional fields for information required by the state. This check box is selected by default. Date stop IBR Enter the time and date on which your agency stopped reporitng IBR data using the mmddyyyy hhmmss format, or select the date from the calendar. Activity Date This field is not applicable to Kansas agencies. Valid Record Check This field is not applicable to Kansas agencies. Subm. Month Displays the current submission month. Subm. Year Displays the current submission year. 114 Spillman KIBRS Manual Administrator Information Setting Up Translation Codes Setting Up Translation Codes For Spillman data to be useful for KIBRS submissions, it must conform to the KIBRS format. Therefore, the following is applicable: If a KIBRS code value does not exist in the Spillman database, then it must be added. For example, if the Spillman database does not contain a code used by KIBRS for the race Asian/Pacific Islander, then a code for this value must be added. Codes being used in Spillman, both old and new, must be translated into the standard KIBRS code. For example, in the Name Type field of the Spillman Names screen, the value INDIV is used for Individual. However, KIBRS uses the value I for Individual. Therefore, the value code in Spillman must be translated using the translation tables to conform to the KIBRS standard. The following sections describe the guidelines and methods for translating codes. For a list of recommended codes for Spillman and required codes for KIBRS, see “Appendix B” on page 131. Guidelines for translating codes Spillman codes are not always categorized in the same manner as KIBRS codes. Use the following guidelines when translating codes: Multiple Spillman codes need to be translated into only one KIBRS code. For example, if your agency uses the following codes for arson offenses, but KIBRS has only one code, then merging all of the old code values into one KIBRS code may be desirable. Spillman KIBRS Manual 115 2 2 Administrator Information Setting Up Translation Codes For information on merging codes, see the Spillman Code Table Setup and Maintenance Manual. Spillman code Description KIBRS code Description ARST Arson, Storage 200 Arson ARST Arson, Single Resident ARMV Arson, Motor Vehicle AROM Arson, Other Mobile Property ARPP Arson, Public Property ARSN Arson, All Other Multiple Spillman codes need to be translated into fewer KIBRS codes. For example, your agency might have 14 codes for classifying vehicle types, but KIBRS only uses five codes. You might need to translate one Spillman code into several KIBRS codes, for example, if your agency uses one code for exceptional clearances but KIBRS has four codes for classifying exceptional clearances. Spillman code EXC Description Cleared by Exceptional Means KIBRS code Description A Death of Offender B Prosecution Declined C Extradition Denied D Victim Refused to Cooperate As new codes are added into a Spillman code table, the values required in the KIBRS database can be checked. To check the code values in the KIBRS database: 1. With the KIBRS database active, at the Spillman command line, enter the name of the desired code table to access. 2. In the UCR Offense Code field, click the Lookup button (Ctrl+E) to view the required values for the KIBRS database. 116 Spillman KIBRS Manual Administrator Information Setting Up Translation Codes Reclassifying existing codes To reconcile the relationship between codes in the Spillman and KIBRS databases, codes can be reclassified in the Spillman database, either in individual records or throughout the Spillman software. Both methods alter existing information. If your agency prefers to retain its existing codes, then see “Retaining original codes” on page 119. To determine the best code conversion approach for your agency, review the recommended Spillman codes and the required KIBRS codes listed in Appendix B, and then evaluate the codes your agency uses. Reclassifying codes in individual Spillman records Reclassifying the code in individual Spillman records may be desirable when translating one Spillman code into multiple KIBRS codes. For example, translating one Spillman code used for all clearances by exceptional means into multiple KIBRS codes used for specific clearances by exceptional means. NOTE If your agency has numerous records, then reclassifying codes in individual records can be time consuming. In addition, codes may not be accurately reclassified. For example, if the Arrest and Law Incident records in Spillman do not indicate why each exceptional clearance occurred, such as death of the offender, prosecution declined, extradition denied, or victim refused to cooperate, then the correct code to substitute in each record may not be easily determined. To reclassify a code in individual Spillman records: 1. Open the appropriate Spillman code table, and add the additional codes required for KIBRS. 2. Search the Arrest/Non-Custody, Offense, and Law Incident tables in Spillman for records that use the old code. In each record, change the code to one of the new codes and accept the changes. NOTE In some cases, the old code may be used elsewhere besides the Arrest/Non-Custody, Offense, and Law Incident tables. Spillman KIBRS Manual 117 2 2 Administrator Information Setting Up Translation Codes 3. After modifying all occurrences of the old code, delete the old code from the Spillman code table. NOTE The old code cannot be deleted if it is still used in any record. Reclassifying a code throughout the Spillman software Reclassifying a code throughout the Spillman software, rather than record by record, can be useful for fitting Spillman codes into KIBRS code categories. For example, if there are 14 vehicle type codes, then all occurrences of each code can be changed to equal one of the five KIBRS vehicle type codes. Each record with a changed vehicle type code might contain less detail, but the information will still be accurate. NOTE Reclassifying a code throughout the software alters all records that use the old code, which might produce inaccurate records. For example, if the Cleared by Exceptional Means code is changed to equal the KIBRS code for Prosecution Declined, then every record that used the old code will contain the code for Prosecution Declined, which might not be the correct information. To reclassify a code throughout the Spillman software: 1. For each Spillman code to be replaced, select a KIBRS code that closely matches the meaning of the old code. 2. At the Spillman command line, enter su to enable Super User status. Super User status is required to modify a code that is in use. 3. In the Spillman code table that contains the old code, search for the old code. 4. Change the code to the selected KIBRS code. 5. Click Accept (Alt+A). A prompt box opens with the following message: Change all occurrences of this value? 6. Click Yes, or press Enter. All occurrences of the old code are changed to the new code. 118 Spillman KIBRS Manual Administrator Information Setting Up Translation Codes Retaining original codes By retaining your original Spillman codes, users can enter the standard KIBRS codes when adding future records, but still preserve the accuracy of the records already in the Spillman database. NOTE Retaining original codes may complicate future data analysis. For incidents added before the change date, old codes must be used for summary and statistical reports. For reports after the change date, new codes must be used. To retain an original Spillman code while using KIBRS codes: 1. At the Spillman command line, enter su to enable Super User status. 2. In the Spillman code table that contains the code to retain, search for that code. 3. Change the code’s description (not the code itself) to the following: Do not use this code! 4. Add the KIBRS code(s) that users are to use in the future. 5. Instruct users to use the new code(s) after a specified time and date. Setting up translation codes Before data can be viewed in the Sentryx IBR screens, the translation code tables must be set up so Spillman values translate into KIBRS values. To set up a translation code table: 1. From the Spillman Tree Menu, select Law Enforcement Record Menu > IBR Translation. The IBR Translation folder expands to list the IBR code tables. 2. Double-click the desired code table to open it, or at the Spillman command line, enter the name of the code table. For example, to open the Offense code table, enter troff. 3. With the desired code table open, click the Fwd button. Spillman KIBRS Manual 119 2 2 Administrator Information Setting Up Translation Codes The first record in the code table displays, as show in the following example of the Name Type record Alias. 4. Click the Mod button, or click inside a field, to enable Modify mode. 5. Complete any empty fields, as applicable. For example, for the Name Type record Alias, the following fields would be completed: – In the State Abbreviation Code field, enter the two-letter abbreviation for the state. For example, KS. – In the Type of Victim field, click the Lookup button and select from the list the valid code to use. For example, since an alias is an individual, select I - Individual. – The Is Law Enforcement Officer? (AL) field is required only for agencies in Alabama and does not need to be completed. 6. Click Accept (Alt+A) to save the record. 7. Click Fwd to move to the next record. 120 Spillman KIBRS Manual Administrator Information Setting Up Translation Codes 8. Repeat steps 3–7 for each record in the code table. TIP To find Spillman codes that do not have a translation: 1. From the desired code table, click Srch. 2. In the NIBRS Translations area, click in the first field, and then click the Type button (Ctrl+N). 3. Select 2 - Not equal to, and then enter an asterisk (*). 4. Click Accept (Alt+A). The first code that does not have a translation displays. Click Fwd to move to the next code. Click List and Total to list and total the codes. Spillman KIBRS Manual 121 2 2 Administrator Information Setting Up Translation Codes 122 Spillman KIBRS Manual Appendix A During the validation of KIBRS reports, errors and/or warnings may be generated and display at the end of the report: An error must be fixed before the report can be submitted. Otherwise, the state will reject the submission. A warning indicates that the information may need attention, but does not strictly need to be fixed before submitting the report. KIBRS error messages The following KIBRS error messages are specific to Spillman users. For a list of all additional IBR error messages, refer to the NIBRS Error Message Manual on the FBI website: K073 NUMBER OF RECOVERED VEHICLES CANNOT BE GREATER THAN THE NUMBER OF STOLEN When submitting an Incident report, the number of stolen vehicles must be greater than or equal to the number of recovered vehicles within the same incident. K078 A VALID PROPERTY LOSS CODE DOES NOT EXIST FOR THIS COMPLETED OFFENSE A valid Property Loss code does not exist for this completed offense. K201a A VALID CRIMINAL ACTIVITY CODE MUST BE PRESENT WHEN THE UCR OFFENSE CODES IS 250, 280, 35A, 35B, 39A, 39B, 39C, 39D, 370, OR 520 When the UCR Offense Code field is 250, 280, 35A–B, 39A–D, 370, or 520, one of the following entries must be in the Type of Criminal Activity/Gang Information field: • B (Buying/Receiving) • O (Operation/Promoting/Assisting) • C (Cultivating/Manufacturing/Publishing) • P (Possessing/Concealing) Spillman KIBRS Manual • D (Distributing/Selling) • T (Transporting/Transmitting/Importing) • E (Exploiting Children) • U (Using/Consuming) 123 A Appendix A K203 THIS FIELD MUST BE BLANK If the Property Loss/Etc. is 1 or 8, then leave this property field blank. K204 INVALID CAMPUS CODE Must be a valid Campus Code. K205 INVALID SEIZED PROPERTY LOSS TYPE The only type of seized property 6 reported to KIBRS would be associated with a drug offense or gambling offense. K206a RECOVERED PROPERTY MUST HAVE A MATCHED FORGED OR STOLEN PROPERTY For loss type 5 (Recovered), a 3 (Forged) or 7 (Stolen) record must be included, unless there is a possession of stolen property offense that is 280. K206b RECOVERED PROPERTY MUST HAVE A MATCHED FORGED OR STOLEN PROPERTY All loss type 5 (Recovered) fields, except for loss type, quantity, value and recovered date must exactly match those in the 3 (Forged) or 7 (Stolen) record. K209a METHOD OF ENTRY ERROR The Method of Entry field cannot be F (Forced Entry) because the Instrument Used field is 11 (Not Applicable). K209b METHOD OF ENTRY ERROR The Method of Entry field cannot be N (No Force) because the Instrument Used field is not 11 (Not Applicable). K210 ACTIVITY CODE ERROR If the Activity Code field is C or D, and one of the following Statute codes is reported, then the incident data must be submitted: 21-3843, 21-4101, 21-6203, 21-6203a1, 21-6203a2, 21-6203a3, 21-5924, 21-5924a1, 21-5924a2, 21-5924a3, 21-5924a4, 21-5924a5, 21-5924a6. K211 ACTIVITY CODE ERROR If the Activity Code field is C or D, then the Relationship to Offender field cannot be blank. 124 Spillman KIBRS Manual Appendix A K212 ACTIVITY CODE ERROR If the Activity Code field is C or D, then the Age of Victim field may not be blank. K213 ACTIVITY CODE ERROR If the Activity Code field is J, then the Property Loss/Etc. field must be 7 (Stolen), and the Property Description field must be 0402, 0404, 0406, 0407, or 0408. K214 LARCENY TYPE ERROR If the UCR Offense Code field is 23A–H, 240, 270, or 280, then the Incident Larceny Type field cannot be blank. K219a DATA CAN ONLY BE ENTERED FOR SPECIFIC OFFENSES. The Type of Force/Weapon Used field can be J (Juvenile Gang), G (Other Gang), or N (None/Unknown) only if the UCR Offense Code field is one of the following: K252 • 09A Murder/Nonnegligent Manslaughter • 11C Sexual Assault With An Object • 09B Negligent Manslaughter • 11D Fondling • 09C Justifiable Homicide • 13A Aggravated Assault • 100 Kidnapping/Abduction • 13B Simple Assault • 120 Robbery • 13C Intimidation • 11A Rape • 36A Incest • 11B Sodomy • 36B Statutory Rape OFFENSE CODE MUST BE 220 WITH LOCATION TYPE OF 33 OR 35 FOR DATA TO BE ENTERED. The Premises Entered field can only be completed when the UCR Offense Code field is 220 and the Location Type field is 33 or 35. K257 MUST BE PRESENT WITH AN OFFENSE CODE OF 220 AND A LOCATION TYPE OF 33 OR 35. The Premises Entered field must be populated with a valid data value and cannot be blank when the UCR Offense Code field is 220 and the Location Type field is 33 or 35. K301 MUST BE PRESENT – MANDATORY FIELD. This field must contain a valid data value and cannot be blank when the UCR Offense Code field is in one of the following: Spillman KIBRS Manual 125 A A Appendix A 100, 120, 200 210, 220 23A–H, 240, 250, 26A–D, 270, 280, 290, 35A–B, 39A–D, 510. K304 INVALID FIELD VALUE The field value must be valid for Kansas. K351 INVALID PROPERTY DESCRIPTION When the Property Value field is zero, the Property Description field must be one of the following: 0105, 0106, 0121–0136, 0151, 0152, 0159–0162. K352 DRUG MEASUREMENT MUST BE BLANK WHEN PROPERTY LOSS CODE = 1 The Type Drug Measurement field must be blank if the Property Loss/Etc. field is 1 (None). K358 THIS FIELD MUST BE PRESENT The Vehicles Stolen and Vehicles Recovered fields must be entered when the UCR Offense Code field is 240, the Property Loss/Etc. field is Stolen, and the Attempted/Completed field is Completed. K359 ALL NONVEHICLE PROPERTY DESCRIPTIONS WERE ENTERED The Property Description field must be one of the following values when the Number of Stolen Motor Vehicles field or the Number of Recovered Motor Vehicles field contains a data value other than 00 (Unknown): • Automobiles/Sport Utility/Vans • Recreational Vehicles • Buses • Semi Tractors • Motorcycles/Moped/Dirt Bikes • Miscellaneous Vehicles (ATV, Golf Carts, Go-Carts, Snowmobiles) • Trucks (Pick-Ups) K360 PROPERTY LOSS (14) MUST BE 5 WITH AN OFFENSE CODE OF 240 FOR DATA TO BE ENTERED The Vehicles Stolen and Vehicles Recovered fields cannot be completed unless the UCR Offense Code field is 240, the Property Loss/Etc. field is Recovered, and the Attempted/Completed field is Completed. The exception to this rule is when recovered property is reported for a pre-NIBRS incident. In this case, the property record will contain A (Add), but the data value in the Incident Number field will not match an incident 126 Spillman KIBRS Manual Appendix A already on file in the national UCR database. The segment will be processed, but used only for SRS purposes and will not be included in the agency's NIBRS figures. K364 QUANTITY MUST BE PRESENT The Estimated Drug Quantity field must be entered when the UCR Offense Code field is 35A (Drug/Narcotic Violations) and the Property Loss/Etc. field is 6 (Seized). K364b DRUG MEASUREMENT MUST BE VALID The Type Drug Measurement field must be valid if the UCR Offense Code field is 35A (Drug/Narcotic Violations) and the Property Loss/Etc. field is 6 (Seized). K365 OFFENSE = 35A AND PROPERTY LOSS = 6 MUST EXIST Offense = 35A and Property Loss = 6 must exist when the Suspected Drug Type field is completed. K367 DRUG TYPE MUST BE 0924, 0926, OR 0930 FOR A VALUE OF NP The Type Drug Measurement field cannot be Number of Plants unless the Suspected Drug Type field is 0924, 0926, or 0930. K382a AN OFFENSE OF 35A AND LOSS TYPE OF 6 MUST BE SUBMITTED The UCR Offense Code field must be 35A and the Property Loss/Etc. field must be 6 when the Property Description field is one of the following: 0920–0938. K382b AN OFFENSE OF 35B MUST BE SUBMITTED The UCR Offense Code field must be 35B when the Property Description field is 0915. K387a PROPERTY DESCRIPTION MUST BE VALID If the UCR Offense Code field is 35A and the Property Loss/Etc. field is 6, then the Property Description field must be one of the following: 0920–0938, or 0941. K387b PROPERTY DESCRIPTION MUST BE VALID If the UCR Offense Code field is 35B, then the Property Description field must be 0915. Spillman KIBRS Manual 127 A A Appendix A K390 ILLOGICAL PROPERTY DESCRIPTION FOR THE OFFENSE(S) SUBMITTED The Property Description field must contain a data value that is logical for one or more offense codes entered in the UCR Offense Code field. For example, Livestock would be an illogical data value if the related offense was 23A (Pocket-picking). Note that the Property Description field contains an extended listing of illogical property descriptions. K391 PROPERTY VALUE MUST BE ZERO The Property Value field must be zero when the Property Description field is one of the following: 0105, 0106, 0121–0136, 0151, 0152, 0159–0162. K401 MUST BE PRESENT – MANDATORY FIELD This field must contain a valid data value, but not be blank, when the victim was murdered or the victim type is not I (Individual). K407 ERROR – MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE VALUE The Type of Injury Code field cannot contain mutually exclusive data values, although more than one data value is allowed. The values N (None) or M (Apparent Minor Injury) cannot be entered with any other data value. K408 THIS FIELD MUST BE BLANK If the victim is not I (Individual), then this field must be blank. K410 FNN FORMAT ERROR Format at FNN, with F = 1–8 (in feet) and NN = 00–11 (in inches). Round fractions. K464 ENTRY FOR TYPE OF VICTIM MUST BE \”I\” FOR CRIME AGAINST PERSON OFFENSE The Type of Victim field must be I (Individual) when the UCR Offense Code field contains a Crime Against Person. K470 FIELDS MUST BE IDENTICAL If the Relationship to Offender field is VO (Victim Was Offender), then there must be a victim that is identical to the offender. K553 128 SEX OF VICTIM AND OFFENDER DOES NOT REFLECT THE RELATIONSHIP Spillman KIBRS Manual Appendix A The Sex of Offender field should contain a data value that is consistent with the data value entered in the Relationship to Offender field. The sex of the victim and offender must be different when the Relationship to Offender field is one of the following: • BG (Victim Was Boyfriend/Girlfriend) • XS (Victim Was Ex-Spouse) • CS (Victim Was Common-Law Spouse) • XF (Victim was Ex-Boyfriend/Girlfriend) • SE (Victim Was Spouse) The sex of the victim and offender must be the same when the Relationship to Offender field is HR (Homosexual Relationship). K554 AGE OF VICTIM AND OFFENDER DOES NOT REFLECT THE RELATIONSHIP The Age of Offender field must contain a data value that is consistent with the data value entered in the Relationship to Offender field. The age of the offender must be less than the age of the victim when the Relationship to Offender field is one of the following: • GP (Victim Was Grandparent) • PA (Victim Was Parent) • FP (Victim Was Foster Parent) The age of the offender must be greater than the age of the victim when the Relationship to Offender field is one of the following: • CH (Victim Was Child) • GC (Victim Was Grandchild) • FC (Victim Was Foster Child) K701 ARRESTEE BIRTHDAY MUST BE PRESENT. The DOB field in the arrestee’s Names record is required. Warning Messages K343 Spillman KIBRS Manual OFFENSE 280 HAS RECOVERED VEHICLE BUT 240 DOES NOT SHOW STOLEN 129 A A Appendix A The Property record was submitted with recovered vehicle information, but no stolen motor vehicle is questionable when the UCR Offense Code field contains both 280 (Stolen Property) and 240 (Motor Vehicle Theft), the Property Loss/Etc. field is Recovered, and the Property Description field contains a motor vehicle. 130 Spillman KIBRS Manual Appendix B Recommended Spillman codes and required KIBRS codes The following tables list recommended Spillman codes, and required KIBRS codes. • “Arrest Disposition” on page 131 • “Race Type” on page 136 • “Arrest Type” on page 132 • “Offense Type (letter style)” on page 137 • “Law Incident Disposition” on page 132 • “Offense Type (NCIC style)” on page 142 • “Ethnicity” on page 133 • “Property Color” on page 147 • “Eye Color” on page 134 • “Vehicle Type” on page 157 • “Hair Color” on page 135 • “Status” on page 158 • “Name Type” on page 135 • “Name Involvement Relationship” on page 158 NOTE Not all codes reported in KIBRS may be covered by Spillman codes. Your agency may have its own codes to use and should add its own Spillman codes to cover all possibilities. NOTE Blank fields indicate that there is no translation or direct recommendation for that code. For example, if a Spillman code is listed, but there is no translation or recommendation for your state, then the field for KIBRS is left blank. Arrest Disposition Spillman Arrest Disposition (Sentryx) (jlardisp) KIBRS Juve Disposition (trjlardp) Arst Disp code Description Juve Disp code Description JHWD Juv. Handled within Department H Handled Within Department JROA Juv. Ref. to Other Authorities R Referred to Other Authorities Spillman KIBRS Manual 131 A Appendix B Arrest Type Spillman Arrest Type (jlartype) KIBRS Arrest Type (trjlarty) Arrest Type code Description Arrest Type code Description O-VA On-View Arrest O On-View Arrest S/C Summoned/Cited S Summoned/Cited TIC Taken Into Custody T Taken Into Custody Law Incident Disposition Spillman Law Incident Disposition (lwtbdisp) KIBRS Exceptional Clearance (trlwdisp) Disp code Description Excp code Description Delete ACT Active N Not Applicable N CAA Clrd Adlt, Arst Clrd Adlt, Arst (One Incident) N Not Applicable N CAC Clrd Adlt, Arst (One Incident) Clrd Adlt, Arst (Cnt Arrestee) N Not Applicable N CAM lrd Adlt, Arst (Cnt Arrestee) Clrd Adlt, Arst (Multi-Clear) N Not Applicable N CJA Clrd Juv, Arst Clrd Juv, Arst (One Incident) N Not Applicable N CJC Clrd Juv, Arst (One Incident) Clrd Juv, Arst (Cnt Arrestee) N Not Applicable N CJM Clrd Juv, Arst (Cnt Arrestee) Clrd Juv, Arst (Multi-Clear) N Not Applicable N CLO Closed Case N Not Applicable N ECD Clrd Adlt, Death of Offender A Death of Offender N ECE Clrd Adlt, Extradition Denied C Extraction Denied N ECP Clrd Adlt, Prosecution Declined B Prosecution Declined N ECV Clrd, Adlt, Victim Uncooperative D Victim Refused to Cooperate N EJD Clrd Juv, Death of Offender A Death of Offender N 132 Spillman KIBRS Manual Appendix B Spillman Law Incident Disposition (lwtbdisp) KIBRS Exceptional Clearance (trlwdisp) Disp code Description Excp code Description Delete EJE Clrd Juv, Extradition Denied C Extradition Denied N EJN Clrd Juv, No Custody E Juvenile/No Custody N EJP Clrd Juv, Prosecution Denied B Prosecution Denied N EJV Clrd Juv, Victim Uncooperative D Victim Refused to Cooperate N INA Inactive N Not Applicable N INF For Information Only N Not Applicable N PEN Pending N Not Applicable N SGJ Sent to Grand Jury N Not Applicable N TRA Transferred N Not Applicable N UNF Unfounded N Not Applicable Y Ethnicity Spillman Ethnicity (nmtbethn) KIBRS Ethnicity (trnmethn) Ethnicity code Description Ethnicity code AFR African N ASIA Asian N CAN Canadian N CUBA Cuban H ENG English or British N FRCH French N GERM German N GREK Greek N HIS Hispanic H LAT Latino H MEX Mexican H Spillman KIBRS Manual 133 A A Appendix B Spillman Ethnicity (nmtbethn) KIBRS Ethnicity (trnmethn) Ethnicity code Description Ethnicity code NHIS Non-Hispanic N PACF Pacific Islander N RUS Russian N SCAN Scandinavian N SPAN Spanish H TURK Turkish N Eye Color Spillman Eye Color (nmtbeyes) KIBRS Eye Color (trnmeyes) Eye Color code Description Eye Color code Description BLK Black BLK Black BLU Blue BLU Blue BRO Brown BRO Brown GRN Green GRN Green GRY Gray GRY Gray HAZ Hazel HAZ Hazel MAR Maroon MAR Maroon MUL Multicolored MUL Multicolored PNK Pink PNK Pink XXX Unknown Blank Does not apply if Suspect Sequence Number is 00. 134 Spillman KIBRS Manual Appendix B Hair Color Spillman Hair Color (nmtbhair) KIBRS Hair Color (trnmhair) Hair Color code Description Hair Color code Description XXX Bald BLD Bald BLK Black BLK Black BLN Blonde BLN Blonde BRO Brown BRO Brown BLU Blue BLU Blue GRN Green GRN Green GRY Gray GRY Gray MUL Multicolored MUL Multicolored ONG Orange ONG Orange PNK Pink PNK Pink PLE Purple PLE Purple RED Red RED Red SDY Sandy SDY Sandy WHI White WHI White XXX Unknown Blank Does not apply if Victim Type is not I or if Suspect Sequence Number is 00. Name Type Spillman Name Type (nmtbntyp) KIBRS Victim type (trnmntyp) Name Type code Description Victim Type code Description ALIAS Alias I Individual BUSIN Business B Business FINANC Financial Institution F Financial Institution Spillman KIBRS Manual 135 A A Appendix B Spillman Name Type (nmtbntyp) KIBRS Victim type (trnmntyp) Name Type code Description Victim Type code Description GOVMNT Government G Government INDIV Individual I Individual OTHER Other O Other RATO Resident Alarm Tracking Only O Other RELIGI Religious Institution R Religious Organization SUSPCT Suspect Name Record I Individual Race Type Spillman Race Type (nmtbrace) KIBRS race type (trnmrace) Race code Description Race code Ethnicity A Asian/Pacific Islander A N B Black B N I American Indian/Alaskan Native I N K Black (Hispanic) B H L White (Hispanic) W H N American Indian (Hispanic) I H P Asian/Pacific Islander (Hispanic) A H U Unknown Race/Ethnicity U U W White (Non Hispanic) W N 136 Spillman KIBRS Manual Appendix B Offense Type (letter style) Spillman offense type (tboff) (Set 1, letter style block coded) KIBRS offense type (troff) Off code Offense description Off code Offense description Atmp/ Comp AFRM Assault with a Firearm 13A Aggravated Assault C AIMI Arson, Industrial, Inhabited 200 Arson C AIMU Arson, Industrial, Uninhabited 200 Arson C AINT Assault, Intimidation 13C Intimidation C AKNF Assault with a Knife 13A Aggravated Assault C ANAI Assault Hands, Fists, Agg Injury 13A Aggravated Assault C AOCI Arson, Othr Cmrcial, Inhabited 200 Arson C AOCU Arson, Othr Cmrcial, Uninhabit 200 Arson C AODU Arson, Othr. Struc. Uninhabitd 200 Arson C AOFF Alcohol Offense 90G Liquor Law Violations C AORI Arson, Other Resd. Inhabited 200 Arson C AORU Arson, Other Resd. Uninhabited 200 Arson C AOSI Arson, Othr. Struc. Inhabited 200 Arson C AOWP Assault, Other Weapon 13A Aggravated Assault C APFR Assault, Police, Firearm 13A Aggravated Assault C APKN Assault, Police, Knife 13A Aggravated Assault C APNA Assault, Police, Agg Injury 13A Aggravated Assault C APOW Assault, Police, Other Weapon 13A Aggravated Assault C APPI Arson, Public Prop. Inhabited 200 Arson C APPU Arson, Public Prop. Uninhabitd 200 Arson C APSM Assault, Police, Simple 13B Simple Assault C ARMV Arson, Motor Vehicle 200 Arson C AROM Arson, Other Mobile Property 200 Arson C ARSI Arson, Single Resd. Inhabited 200 Arson C ARSN Arson, All Other 200 Arson C Spillman KIBRS Manual 137 A A Appendix B Spillman offense type (tboff) (Set 1, letter style block coded) KIBRS offense type (troff) Off code Offense description Off code Offense description Atmp/ Comp ASIM Assault, Simple 13B Simple Assault C ASRU Arson, Single Resd. Uninhabitd 200 Arson C ASTI Arson, Storage, Inhabited 200 Arson C ASTU Arson, Storage, Uninhabited 200 Arson C BNAF Burglary, Non-res, Att Forc En 220 Burglary/Breaking & Entering A BNFE Burglary, Non-res, Forcibl Ent 220 Burglary/Breaking & Entering C BNUE Burglary, Non-res, Unlawf Ent 220 Burglary/Breaking & Entering C BOMB Bomb Threat or Attack 13C Intimidation C BRAF Burglary, Resid, Att Forc Ent 220 Burglary/Breaking & Entering A BRFE Burglary, Resid, Forcible Ent 220 Burglary/Breaking & Entering C BRIB Bribery 510 Bribery C BRUE Burglary, Resident, Unlawf Ent 220 Burglary/Breaking & Entering C CHAN Child Abuse or Neglect 90F Family Offense, Nonviolent C CNSP Criminal Nonsupport 90F Family Offense, Nonviolent C CSPC Cont Subs, Pssess, Cocaine 35A Drug/Narcotic Violations C CSPM Cont Subst Possession Marijuana 35A Drug/Narcotic Violations C CSPO Controlled Substance/Possession 35A Drug/Narcotic Violations C CSPP Cont Subs, Possess, Paraphrnla 35B Drug Equipment Violations C CSPS Cont Subst Posses Synthetics 35A Drug/Narcotic Violations C CSSC Cont Subst Sale, Manuf Cocaine 35A Drug/Narcotic Violations C CSSM Cont Subst Sale, Manu Marijuana 35A Drug/Narcotic Violations C CSSO Cont Substance Sale, Manu Other 35A Drug/Narcotic Violations C CSSS Cont Subst Sale, Manu Synthetic 35A Drug/Narcotic Violations C CURF Curfew or Loitering DCON Disorderly Conduct 90C Disorderly Conduct C DUI DUI Alcohol or Drugs 90D Driving Under the Influence C EMBZ Embezzlement 270 Embezzlement C 138 Spillman KIBRS Manual Appendix B Spillman offense type (tboff) (Set 1, letter style block coded) KIBRS offense type (troff) Off code Offense description Off code Offense description Atmp/ Comp EXBM Extortion or Blackmail 210 Extortion/Blackmail C EXPL Explosc or Incendiary Problem 520 Weapon Law Violations C FAMF Family Fight, Nonviolent 90F Family Offenses, Nonviolent C FATM Fraud, Credit Card, ATM Fraud 26B Credit Card/Automatic Teller C FGO Fish and Game Offense 90Z All Other Offenses C FIMP Fraud, Impersonation 26C Impersonation C FORG Counterfeiting, Forgery 250 Counterfeiting/Forgery C FRAU Fraud/Swindle/Confidence Game 26A False Pretenses/Swindle/ Conf Game C FWEL Fraud, Welfare 26D Welfare Fraud C FWIR Fraud, Wire 26E Wire Fraud C GABM Gambling, Bookmaking 39B Operating/Promoting/ Assisting Gamb. C GABT Gambling, Betting or Wagering 39A Betting/Wagering C GAEQ Gambling, Equipment Violations 39C Gambling Equipment Violations C GAMB Gambling, Operat/Promot/Assist 39B Operating/Promoting/ Assisting Gamb. C GANL Gambling, Numbers 39B Operating/Promoting/ Assisting Gamb. C GASP Gambling, Sports Tampering 39D Sports Tampering C HOMI Homicide 09A Murder & Nonnegligent Mansl C HOMN Negligent Homicide 09B Negligent Manslaughter C INTP Intoxicated Person 90E Drunkenness C JHOM Justifiable Homicide 09C Justifiable Homicide C JRUN Juvenile Runaway 901 Runaway C KIDN Kidnapping, Abduction 100 Kidnaping/Abduction C LOIT Loitering PORN Pornography, Obscene Material 370 Pornography/Obscene Material C Spillman KIBRS Manual 139 A A Appendix B Spillman offense type (tboff) (Set 1, letter style block coded) KIBRS offense type (troff) Off code Offense description Off code Offense description Atmp/ Comp PRAP Assisting, Promoting Prostitution 40B Assist or Promot Prostitution C PROS Prostitution 40A Prostitution C PTOM Peeping Tom RAPE Rape First 11A Forcible Rape C RESP Recovered Stolen Property 23E Theft From Coin-Op or Device C RFBK Robbery, Firearm, Bank 120 Robbery C RFBU Robbery, Firearm, Business 120 Robbery C RFCS Robbery, Firearm, Chain Store 120 Robbery C RFGS Robbery, Firearm, Gas Station 120 Robbery C RFMC Robbery, Firearm, Misc 120 Robbery C RFRE Robbery, Firearm, Residential 120 Robbery C RFST Robbery, Firearm, Street 120 Robbery C RKBK Robbery, Knife, Bank 120 Robbery C RKBU Robbery, Knife, Business 120 Robbery C RKCS Robbery, Knife, Chain Store 120 Robbery C RKGS Robbery, Knife, Gas Station 120 Robbery C RKMC Robbery, Knife, Miscellaneous 120 Robbery C RKRE Robbery, Knife, Residential 120 Robbery C RKST Robbery, Knife, Street 120 Robbery C ROBK Robbery,Other Weapon, Bank 120 Robbery C ROBU Robbery,Other Weapon, Business 120 Robbery C ROCS Robbery, Other Weap Chain Store 120 Robbery C ROGS Robbery,Other Weap Gas Station 120 Robbery C ROMC Robbery, Other Weapon, Misc. 120 Robbery C RORE Robbery, Other Weapon, Residence 120 Robbery C ROST Robbery, Other Weapon, Street 120 Robbery C RSBK Robbery, Strongarm, Bank 120 Robbery C 140 Spillman KIBRS Manual Appendix B Spillman offense type (tboff) (Set 1, letter style block coded) KIBRS offense type (troff) Off code Offense description Off code Offense description Atmp/ Comp RSBU Robbery, Strongarm, Business 120 Robbery C RSCS Robbery, Strongarm, Chain Store 120 Robbery C RSGS Robbery, Strongarm, Gas Station 120 Robbery C RSMC Robbery, Strongarm, Misc. 120 Robbery C RSRE Robbery, Strongarm, Residence 120 Robbery C RSST Robbery, Strongarm, Street 120 Robbery C SAAR Force Sex Assault, Att Rape 11A Forcible Rape A SAFF Force Sex Assault, Fondling 11D Forcible Fondling C SAFO Force Sex Assault, With Object 11C Sexual Asslt With an Object C SAFR Force Sex Assault, Rape 11A Forcible Rape C SAFS Force Sex Assault, Sodomy 11B Forcible Sodomy C SANI Nonfrc Sex Assault, Incest 36A Incest C SASR Nonfrc Sex Assault, Stat Rape 36B Statutory Rape C SPRP Receive, Posses Stolen Property 280 Stolen Property Offenses C THEF Theft of Prop 23H All Other Larceny C THRE Threatening 13C Intimidation C TPBD Theft, Property, Building 23D Theft From Building C TPCM Theft, Property, Coin Machine 23E Theft From Coin-Op or Device C TPMV Theft, Property, From Mtr Veh 23F Theft From Motor Vehicle C TPOT Theft, Property, Other 23H All Other Larceny C TPPK Theft, Property, Pocket 23A Pocket-picking C TPPS Theft, Property, Purse 23B Purse-snatching C TPSH Theft, Property, Shoplifting 23C Shoplifting C TPVP Theft, Property, Vehicle Parts 23G Theft of Motor Veh. Parts C TRES Trespassing 90J Trespass of Real Property C TVAU Theft, Vehicle: Automobile 240 Motor Vehicle Theft C TVMC Theft, Vehicle: Motorcycle 240 Motor Vehicle Theft C Spillman KIBRS Manual 141 A A Appendix B Spillman offense type (tboff) (Set 1, letter style block coded) KIBRS offense type (troff) Off code Offense description Off code Offense description Atmp/ Comp TVOT Theft, Vehicle: Other Type 240 Motor Vehicle Theft C TVTB Theft, Vehicle: Truck or Bus 240 Motor Vehicle Theft C VAGR Vagrancy VAND Destruct, Damage, Vandalize Prop 290 Destruction/Damage/ Vandalism C WOFF Weapons Offense 520 Weapon Law Violations C Offense Type (NCIC style) Spillman offense type (tboff) (Set 2, NCIC style block coded) KIBRS offense type (troff) Off code Offense description Off code Offense description Atmp/Comp 090A Homicide 09A Murder & Nonnegligent Mansl C 090B Negligent Homicide 09B Negligent Manslaughter C 090C Justifiable Homicide 09C Justifiable Homicide C 1000 Kidnapping, Abduction 100 Kidnaping/Abduction C 110A Sex Off, Att Forcible Rape 11A Forcible Rape A 110B Sex Off, Forcible Sodomy 11B Forcible Sodomy C 110C Sex Off, Assault w/Object 11C Sexual Asslt With an Object C 110D Sex Off, Forcible Fondling 11D Forcible Fondling C 111A Sex Off, Forcible Rape 11A Forcible Rape C 1201 Robbery, Firearm, Bank 120 Robbery C 1202 Robbery, Firearm, Business 120 Robbery C 1203 Robbery, Firearm, Chain Store 120 Robbery C 1204 Robbery, Firearm, Gas Station 120 Robbery C 1205 Robbery, Firearm, Misc. 120 Robbery C 142 Spillman KIBRS Manual Appendix B Spillman offense type (tboff) (Set 2, NCIC style block coded) KIBRS offense type (troff) Off code Offense description Off code Offense description Atmp/Comp 1206 Robbery, Firearm, Residential 120 Robbery C 1207 Robbery, Firearm, Street 120 Robbery C 1211 Robbery, Knife, Bank 120 Robbery C 1212 Robbery, Knife, Business 120 Robbery C 1213 Robbery, Knife, Chain Store 120 Robbery C 1214 Robbery, Knife, Gas Station 120 Robbery C 1215 Robbery, Knife, Miscellaneous 120 Robbery C 1216 Robbery, Knife, Residential 120 Robbery C 1217 Robbery, Knife, Street 120 Robbery C 1221 Robbery, Strongarm, Bank 120 Robbery C 1222 Robbery, Strongarm, Business 120 Robbery C 1223 Robbery, Strongarm, Chain Store 120 Robbery C 1224 Robbery, Strongarm, Gas Station 120 Robbery C 1225 Robbery, Strongarm, Misc. 120 Robbery C 1226 Robbery, Strongarm, Residence 120 Robbery C 1227 Robbery, Strongarm, Street 120 Robbery C 1291 Robbery, Other Weapon, Bank 120 Robbery C 1292 Robbery, Other Weapon, Business 120 Robbery C 1293 Robbery, Other Weap Chain Store 120 Robbery C 1294 Robbery, Other Weap Gas Station 120 Robbery C 1295 Robbery, Other Weapon, Misc. 120 Robbery C 1296 Robbery, Other Weap Residence 120 Robbery C 1297 Robbery, Other Weapon, Street 120 Robbery C 130C Assault, Intimidation 13C Intimidation C 130B Assault, Simple 13B Simple Assault C 131B Assault, Police, Simple 13B Simple Assault C 130A Assault, Police, Agg Injury 13A Aggravated Assault C Spillman KIBRS Manual 143 A A Appendix B Spillman offense type (tboff) (Set 2, NCIC style block coded) KIBRS offense type (troff) Off code Offense description Off code Offense description Atmp/Comp 131A Assault, Hand, Fist, Agg Injury 13A Aggravated Assault C 132A Assault, Other Weapon 13A Aggravated Assault C 133A Assault, Police, Other Weapon 13A Aggravated Assault C 134A Assault with a Knife 13A Aggravated Assault C 135A Assault, Police, Knife 13A Aggravated Assault C 136A Assault with a Firearm 13A Aggravated Assault C 137A Assault, Police, Firearm 13A Aggravated Assault C 200U Arson, Single Resd. Uninhabitd 200 Arson C 200I Arson, Single Resd. Inhabited 200 Arson C 201U Arson, Other Resd. Uninhabited 200 Arson C 201I Arson, Other Resd. Inhabited 200 Arson C 202U Arson, Storage, Uninhabited 200 Arson C 202I Arson, Storage, Inhabited 200 Arson C 203U Arson, Industrial, Uninhabited 200 Arson C 203I Arson, Industrial, Inhabited 200 Arson C 204U Arson, Othr Cmrcial, Uninhabit 200 Arson C 204I Arson, Othr Cmrcial, Inhabited 200 Arson C 205U Arson, Public Prop. Uninhabitd 200 Arson C 205I Arson, Public Prop. Inhabited 200 Arson C 206U Arson, Othr. Struc. Uninhabitd 200 Arson C 206I Arson, Othr. Struc. Inhabited 200 Arson C 2070 Arson, Motor Vehicle 200 Arson C 2080 Arson, Other Mobile Property 200 Arson C 2090 Arson, All Other 200 Arson C 2100 Extortion, Blackmail 210 Extortion/Blackmail C 22NA Burglary, Non-res, Att Forc En 220 Burglary/Breaking & Entering A 22NU Burglary, Non-res, Unlawf Ent 220 Burglary/Breaking & Entering C 144 Spillman KIBRS Manual Appendix B Spillman offense type (tboff) (Set 2, NCIC style block coded) KIBRS offense type (troff) Off code Offense description Off code Offense description Atmp/Comp 22NF Burglary, Non-res, Forcibl Ent 220 Burglary/Breaking & Entering C 22RA Burglary, Resid, Att Forc Ent 220 Burglary/Breaking & Entering A 22RU Burglary, Resident, Unlawf Ent 220 Burglary/Breaking & Entering C 22RF Burglary, Resid, Forcible Ent 220 Burglary/Breaking & Entering C 230A Theft, Property, Pocket 23A Pocket-picking C 230B Theft, Property, Purse 23B Purse-snatching C 230C Theft, Property, Shoplifting 23C Shoplifting C 230D Theft, Property, Building 23D Theft From Building C 230E Theft, Property, Coin Machine 23E Theft From Coin-Op or Device C 230F Theft, Property, From Mtr Veh 23F Theft From Motor Vehicle C 230G Theft, Property, Vehicle Parts 23G Theft of Motor Veh. Parts or C 230H Theft, Property, Bicycle 23H All Other Larceny C 239H Theft, Property, Other 23H All Other Larceny C 2401 Theft, Vehicle: Motorcycle 240 Motor Vehicle Theft C 2402 Theft, Vehicle: Other Type 240 Motor Vehicle Theft C 2403 Theft, Vehicle: Truck or Bus 240 Motor Vehicle Theft C 2404 Theft, Vehicle: Automobile 240 Motor Vehicle Theft C 2500 Counterfeiting, Forgery 250 Counterfeiting/Forgery C 260A Fraud-Swindle, Confidence Game 26A False Pretenses/Swindle/Conf C 260B Fraud, Credit Card/ATM Fraud 26B Credit Card/Automatic Teller C 260C Fraud, Impersonation 26C Impersonation C 260D Fraud, Welfare 26D Welfare Fraud C 260E Fraud, Wire 26E Wire Fraud C 2700 Embezzlement 270 Embezzlement C 2800 Receive, Posses Stolen Property 280 Stolen Property Offenses C 2900 Destruct, Damage, Vandalize Prop 290 Destruction/Damage/ Vandalism C Spillman KIBRS Manual 145 A A Appendix B Spillman offense type (tboff) (Set 2, NCIC style block coded) KIBRS offense type (troff) Off code Offense description Off code Offense description Atmp/Comp 350B Cont Subst Drug Equipment 35B Drug Equipment Violations C 350A Controlled Substance Possession 35A Drug/Narcotic Violations C 351A Cont Subst Posses Synthetics 35A Drug/Narcotic Violations C 352A Cont Subst Possession Marijuana 35B Drug/Narcotic Violations C 353A Controlled Subs Posses Cocaine 35A Drug/Narcotic Violations C 354A Cont Substance Sale, Manu Other 35A Drug/Narcotic Violations C 355A Cont Subst Sale, Manu Synthetic 35A Drug/Narcotic Violations C 356A Cont Subst Sale, Manu Marijuana 35A Drug/Narcotic Violations C 357A Cont Subst Sale, Manuf Cocaine 35A Drug/Narcotic Violations C 360A Sex Off, Nonforcible Incest 36A Incest C 360B Sex Off, Nonfrc Statutory Rape 36B Statutory Rape C 3700 Pornography, Obscene Material 370 Pornography/Obscene Material C 390A Gambling-Other Betting, Wagr 39A Betting/Wagering C 391A Gambling-Numbers Betting, Wagr 39A Betting/Wagering C 392A Gambling-Bookmake Betting, Wagr 39A Betting/Wagering C 390B Gambling-Other Operate, Promote 39B Operating/Promoting/Assisting C 391B Gambling-Numbers Oper, Promote 39B Operating/Promoting/Assisting C 392B Gambling-Bookmake Oper, Promote 39B Operating/Promoting/Assisting C 390C Gambling-Other Equipment Viol 39C Gambling Equip. Violations C 390D Gambling-Other Sports Tamper 39D Sports Tampering C 400A Prostitution 40A Prostitution C 400B Assisting, Promoting Prostitution 40B Assist or Promot Prostitution C 5100 Bribery 510 Bribery C 5200 Weapons Offense 520 Weapon Law Violations C 900A Nonsufficient Funds Checks 90A Bad Checks C 900B Curfew or Loitering 900C Disorderly Conduct 90C Disorderly Conduct C 146 Spillman KIBRS Manual Appendix B Spillman offense type (tboff) (Set 2, NCIC style block coded) KIBRS offense type (troff) Off code Offense description Off code Offense description Atmp/Comp 900D DUI Alcohol or Drugs 90D Driving Under the Influence C 900E Intoxicated Person 90E Drunkenness C 900F Family Offenses, Nonviolent 90F Family Offenses, Nonviolent C 900G Alcohol Offense 90G Liquor Law Violations C 900H Peeping Tom 900I Juvenile Runaway 90I Runaway C 900J Trespassing 90J Trespass of Real Property C 900Z All Other Offenses 90Z All Other Offenses C 901B Vagrancy 9901 Suspicion 9902 Traffic Offense Property Color Spillman Color (tbcolor) KIBRS Property Color (trpcolor) Color code Property Color code Description AME Amethyst (purple) Description BGE Beige BGE Beige BLK Black BLK Black BLN Blonde BLU Blue BLU Blue BRO Brown BRO Brown BRZ Bronze BRZ Bronze BUR Burgundy CAM Camouflage CHA Champagne Spillman KIBRS Manual 147 A A Appendix B Spillman Color (tbcolor) KIBRS Property Color (trpcolor) Color code Description Property Color code Description COM Chrome COM Chrome CPR Copper CPR Copper CRM Cream CRM Cream/Ivory DBL Dark Blue DBL Dark Blue DBR Dark Brown DGR Dark Green DGR Dark Green GLD Gold GLD Gold GRN Green GRN Green GRY Gray GRY Gray HAZ Hazel LAV Lavender LAV Lavender LBL Light Blue LBL Light Blue LBR Light Brown LGR Light Green LGR Light Green MAR Maroon MAR Maroon/Burgundy (purple) MAV Mauve MVE Mauve (purple) MUL Multi-Colored MUL Multicolored ONG Orange ONG Orange PLE Purple PLE Purple PMR Primer PNK Pink PNK Pink RED Red RED Red SDY Sandy SIL Silver SIL Silver/Aluminum TAN Tan TAN Tan TEA Teal TEA Teal TPE Taupe (brown) TRQ Turquoise TRQ 148 Turquoise Spillman KIBRS Manual Appendix B Spillman Color (tbcolor) KIBRS Property Color (trpcolor) Color code Description Property Color code Description WHI White WHI White XXX Bald YEL Yellow YEL Yellow Property UCR Spillman Property UCR (prtbucr) KIBRS Property Type (trprucr) UCR code Description Property code Description AIR Aircraft 0401 Aircraft ALC Alcohol 0901 Alcohol/Liquor Products BIC Bicycles 1155 Bicycles/Bicycle Parts CD Compact Discs 0603 Cassette Tapes/Compact Discs/Vinyl Records 0622 Compact Disc Players (does not include Vehicle CD Players) 0105 Credit Cards 0152 Bank Cards (ATM, Deficit) 0622 Compact Disc Players (does not include Vehicle CD Players) 0605 Radios (AM/FM, Walkman, Clock, Portable) 0504 Computer Hardware 0511 Computer Software 0301 Children/Infants 0302 Men’s 0303 Women’s 0304 Pelts A/Furs 0350 Miscellaneous Clothing CDC CDP CHS CLO Credit, Debit Cards Compact Disc Players Computer Hardware, Software Clothes, Furs Spillman KIBRS Manual 149 A A Appendix B Spillman Property UCR (prtbucr) KIBRS Property Type (trprucr) UCR code Description Property code Description CON Consumable Goods 0902 Other Beverages 0903 Food (Can Goods, Fresh, Dried) 0904 Meat 0905 Tobacco Products 0906 Grooming Products 0907 Cleaning Products 0908 Firewood 0910 Gasoline/Oil 0950 Miscellaneous (Off-the-Shelf Medications) DEQ Drug, Narcotic Equipment 0915 Drug Paraphernalia DNA Drug, Narc-Crack 0920 Crack Cocaine DNB Drug, Narc-Cocaine 0921 Cocaine DNC Drug, Narc-Hashish 0922 Hashish DND Drug, Narc-Heroin 0923 Heroin DNE Drug, Narc-Marijuana 0924 Marijuana DNF Drug, Narc-Morphine 0925 Morphine DNG Drug, Narc-Opium 0926 Opium DNH Drug, Narc-Other Narcotics 0927 Other Narcotics DNI Drug, Narc-LSD 0928 LSD DNJ Drug, Narc-PCP 0929 PCP DNK Drug, Narc-Other Hallucinogens 0930 Other Hallucinogens DNL Drug, Narc-Amphet/Methamphet 0934 Amphetamines/Methamphetamines DNM Drug, Narc-Other Stimulants 0931 Other Stimulants DNN Drug, Narc-Barbiturates 0932 Barbiturates DNO Drug, Narc-Other Depressants 0933 Depressants DNP Drug, Narc-Other Drugs 0950 Miscellaneous Drugs/Other Prescription Drugs DNU Drug, Narc-Unknown Type Drug 0935 Unknown Type of Drug 150 Spillman KIBRS Manual Appendix B Spillman Property UCR (prtbucr) KIBRS Property Type (trprucr) UCR code Description Property code Description FIR Firearms 0701 Antique Guns and Weapons 0702 Handguns 0703 Rifles 0704 Shotguns 0705 Other Firearms (BB, Pellet, Gas Powered) 0706 Automatic Weapons 0710 Ammunition 0711 Holsters/Gun Cases 0750 Miscellaneous Weapons (Knives, Swords) GEQ Gambling Equipment 1170 Gambling Equipment HCI Heavy Const/Indust Equipment 1101 Backhoes 1102 Bulldozers 1103 Graders 1104 High Loaders 1105 Cranes/Hoists 1106 Lumber 1107 Pipe 1108 Portable Buildings/Structures 1109 Wire 1110 Electrical Supplies 1111 Explosives 1112 Other Construction Equipment Spillman KIBRS Manual 151 A A Appendix B Spillman Property UCR (prtbucr) KIBRS Property Type (trprucr) UCR code Description Property code Description HHG Household Goods 0801 Air Conditioners/Furnaces/Heaters 0802 Antiques 0803 Bedroom Furniture/Mattresses/Box Springs 0804 Bookcases/Entertainment Centers 0805 Carpeting/Rugs 0806 Chairs 0807 Dishwashers 0808 Drapes/Curtains 0809 Dressers/Chests/Cabinets/Hutches 0810 Washers/Dryers 0811 Freezers 0812 Luggage/Briefcases 0813 Microwaves 0814 Refrigerators 0815 Sewing Machines 0816 Silverware/China/Pottery 0817 Small Appliances 0818 Sofas/Loveseats 0819 Ranges/Stoves 0820 Tables 0821 Nursery and Infant Furniture/Toys 0850 Miscellaneous Household Goods (Linens, Cooking Utensils, Etc.) 152 Spillman KIBRS Manual Appendix B Spillman Property UCR (prtbucr) KIBRS Property Type (trprucr) UCR code Description Property code Description JPM Jewelry/Precious Metals 0201 Antiques/Collectibles 0202 Bracelets 0203 Pins/Brooches/Tie Tacks/Stick Pins 0204 Cuff Links 0205 Earrings 0206 Necklaces 0207 Rings 0208 Body Piercing Jewelry 0209 Watches 0210 Matching Sets 0211 Costume Jewelry 0212 Belt Buckles 0213 Jewelry Boxes 0250 Miscellaneous Jewelry 0220 Aluminum 0221 Brass 0222 Copper 0223 Gold 0224 Iron 0225 Platinum 0226 Silver 0227 Tin 0228 Lead 0229 Bronze 0230 Other Precious Metals 0231 Pewter Spillman KIBRS Manual 153 A A Appendix B Spillman Property UCR (prtbucr) KIBRS Property Type (trprucr) UCR code Description Property code Description LIV Livestock 1001 Cattle 1002 Fowl 1003 Horses 1004 Sheep 1005 Swine 1010 Pets (Dogs, Cats, Birds, Etc.) 1015 Miscellaneous Animals 0101 Bills 0102 Coins 0103 Antique Coins 0104 Coin Collection 0108 Foreign Currency 0150 Miscellaneous Currency 0127 Government Checks (Endorsed) 0128 Payroll Checks (Endorsed) 0129 Personal Checks (Endorsed) 0130 Travelers Checks (Endorsed) 0131 Stamps/Stamp Collections 0151 Money Orders (Endorsed) 0159 Business Checks (Endorsed) 0160 Gift Certificates (Endorsed) MER Merchandise (held for sale) MON Money NEG 154 Negotiable Instruments Spillman KIBRS Manual Appendix B Spillman Property UCR (prtbucr) KIBRS Property Type (trprucr) UCR code Description Property code Description NON Non-negotiable Instruments 0106 Securities/Bonds (Not Endorsed) 0121 Government Checks (Not Endorsed) 0122 Payroll Checks (Not Endorsed) 0123 Personal Checks (Not Endorsed) 0124 Travelers Checks (Not Endorsed) 0125 Money Orders (Not Endorsed) 0126 Business Checks (Not Endorsed) 0132 Vision Card/WIC Vouchers (Not Endorsed) 0133 Lottery Tickets (Not Endorsed) 0501 Adding Machines/Calculators 0502 Cash Registers/Cash Boxes 0503 Check Protectors 0505 Duplicating Machines/Copy Machines 0506 Office Furniture 0507 Typewriters 0508 Safes 0509 Office Supplies 0510 Fax Machines 0550 Miscellaneous Office Equipment 1199 Miscellaneous OEQ Office-type Equipment OTH Other PEN Pending Inventory PHW Purses/Handbags/Wallets 0305 Purses/Wallets RAV Recordings-Audio/Visual 0603 Cassette Tapes 606 Compact Disks/Records 0614 Video Tapes/Movies/Games Spillman KIBRS Manual 155 A A Appendix B Spillman Property UCR (prtbucr) KIBRS Property Type (trprucr) UCR code Description Property code RTV Radios/TVs/VCRs 0605 Radios (AM/FM, Walkman, Clock, Portable) 0604 CB Radios and Accessories 0612 Televisions 0618 Video Cassette Records (VCR)/Players Description SCB Struct-Other Commerc/Business 1203 Other Commercial Business SIM Struct-Indust/Manufact 1204 Industrial Manufacturing Business SOD Struct-Other Dwelling 1202 Other Dwelling SOT Struct-Other 1207 Other Structures SPC Struct-Public/Community 1205 Public/Community Building SPK Speakers, Stereo or Radio 0605 Radios (AM/FM, Walkman, Clock, Portable) 0607 Stereo Component Systems 0610 Speakers (Does not include Vehicle Speakers) SST Struct-Storage 1206 Storage Facility TOO Tools (Hand/Power) 1191 Hand Tools 1192 Power Tools VPA Vehicle Parts/Accessories 1151 Auto Parts/Accessories WAT Watercrafts 0403 Watercraft AUT Automobiles NIBRS Required 156 Spillman KIBRS Manual Appendix B Vehicle Type Spillman Vehicle Type (vhtbtyp) KIBRS Vehicle Type (trvhtyp) Vehicle Type Description Property code Description AERO Aircraft 0401 Aircraft ATV All-Terrain Vehicle 0450 Miscellaneous Vehicles (Golf carts, Snowmobiles, Go-Carts) BUS Buses 0404 Buses COVAN Commercial Van CTK Cargo Truck FIRE Fire Truck HBOAT House Boat LAWN Lawn Mower MBOAT Manually Powered Boat MC Motorcycle 0405 Motorcycles/Mopeds/Dirt Bikes OTH Other 0450 Miscellaneous Vehicles (Golf Carts, Go-Carts, Snowmobiles) PBOAT Powerboat 0407 Recreational Vehicles (Motor Home, Custom Van) PCAR Passenger Car 0402 Automobiles PTK Passenger Truck 0402 Automobiles PVAN Passenger Van 0402 Automobiles RVEH Recreational Vehicle 0407 Recreational Vehicles (Motor Home, Custom Van) SBOAT Sailboat SEMI Semi-Truck 0408 Semi Tractor SNOW Snowmobile 0450 Miscellaneous Vehicles (Golf carts, Snowmobiles, Go-Carts) SPEC Dune Buggy, Golf Cart, Wheelchair 0450 Miscellaneous Vehicles (Golf carts, Snowmobiles, Go-Carts) SUV Sport Utility Vehicle 0402 Automobiles TLR Trailer Spillman KIBRS Manual 157 A A Appendix B Spillman Vehicle Type (vhtbtyp) KIBRS Vehicle Type (trvhtyp) Vehicle Type Description Property code Description TRUK Truck 0406 Trucks (Pickup) UVEH Utility Vehicle WRCKR Wrecker Status Spillman Property and Vehicle Status (tbstats) KIBRS Property Status (trstats) Status code Description Loss code Description DDA Damaged Due to Arson 2 Burned DDV Destroyed/Damaged/Vandalized 4 Destroyed/Damaged/ Vandalized RFO Stolen Other/Recovered Locally 7 Stolen/Etc. SNR Stolen Not Recovered 7 Stolen/Etc SRL Stolen Locally/Recvd Locally 7 SRO Stolen Locally/Recvd Other 7 Rcvd code Description 5 Recovered Stolen/Etc. 5 Recovered Stolen/Etc. 5 Recovered Name Involvement Relationship Recommended Spillman to KIBRS Name Involvement Relationship (trsyrshp) Relationship Victim Offender Arresting Officer No No Assailant No Yes Complainant No No Offender No Yes Owner No No 158 Spillman KIBRS Manual Appendix B Recommended Spillman to KIBRS Name Involvement Relationship (trsyrshp) Relationship Victim Offender Person of Interest No No Related Incident No No Related Record No No Suspect No Yes Suspect/Victim Yes Yes Victim Yes No Victim/Offender Yes Yes Witness No No Spillman KIBRS Manual 159 A A Appendix B 160 Spillman KIBRS Manual
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