PCAWA GEAR CHECKING MANUAL PRÉCIS PAGES Updated May 2014 Page 1 Table of Contents PERMITTED GEAR & DRESS FOR PCAWA DRESSAGE .................................................................. 4 PERMITTED GEAR & DRESS FOR PCAWA EVENTING DRESSAGE ............................................ 7 PERMITTED GEAR & DRESS FOR PCAWA SHOW JUMPING AND EVENTING JUMPING .. 10 PERMITTED GEAR & DRESS FOR PCAWA EVENTING CROSS-COUNTRY............................. 14 PERMITTED DRESS FOR PCAWA TETRATHLON - RUNNING, SHOOTING, SWIMMING ... 18 PERMITTED GEAR & DRESS FOR PCAWA TETRATHLON - CROSS COUNTRY.................... 18 PERMITTED GEAR & DRESS FOR PCAWA PRINCE PHILIP MOUNTED GAMES .................. 22 PERMITTED GEAR & DRESS FOR PCAWA NOVELTIES .............................................................. 25 PERMITTED GEAR & DRESS FOR PCAWA MUSICAL RIDE, FANCY DRESS, FREESTYLE, PAS DE DEUX ............................................................................................................................................. 28 PERMITTED GEAR & DRESS FOR PCAWA PONY CLUB MOUNT .............................................. 31 PERMITTED GEAR & DRESS FOR PCAWA POLOCROSSE .......................................................... 34 NOT PERMITTED AT ANY PCAWA ACTIVITY ................................................................................ 38 Page 2 Précis Preface PLEASE NOTE: THESE PRÉCIS ARE “QUICK REFERENCE” TOOLS ONLY. THEY SHOULD BE USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE GEAR CHECKING MANUAL & MATRIX WHEN GEAR CHECKING. HORSES/PONIES MUST BE AMENABLE AND SAFE TO BE GEAR CHECKED Rules Reference Point NO RIDER/MOUNT COMBINATION MAY TAKE PART IN ANY PONY CLUB ACTIVITY UNTIL THEY HAVE BEEN SUCCESSFULLY GEAR CHECKED How to Find Gear Checking Rules online; Purpose INCOMPLETE or NO GEAR CHECK = NO START Location PCAWA Gear Checking Manual In-depth guide to PCAWA-compliant gear for all PCAWA activities. Rules here are binding. http://pcawa.com/gear_checking PCAWA Gear Checking Précis Summarised A4 sheet of rules pertaining to each discipline http://pcawa.com/gear_checking PCAWA Gear Checking Matrix Summarised booklet with ticks and crosses for the use of gear across disciplines. http://pcawa.com/gear_checking PCAWA Gear Amendments Annual amendments to gear checking rules http://pcawa.com/gear_checking How to Find Gear in the Précis Pages; Method 1: Go to your relevant discipline/activity Method 2: Do a document word search Go to the Table of Contents (page 2). Open the Précis .pdf document Look for your relevant discipline/activity page. Go to the PDF browser and enter your piece of gear in the text search tool: Each précis presents summarised gear allowed in the order of Rider, Horse, Saddlery and Bits. Scroll up and down for the piece of gear you are looking for. If you cannot find the gear or item, try Method 2 and finally read the Gear Checking Manual. The search tool will find all instances of the word you enter into the search tool. Gear is presented in the Précis Pages in the same order as in the Gear Checking Manual. If you cannot find the gear or item, refer to the Gear Checking Manual. Even better, consult with your Chief Club Coach. Entering in a PCAWA event, Open Riders are bound by the same competition rules, codes of conduct and gear checking rules as PC Members. Full details of dress / saddlery rules can be found in the General sections of the PCAWA Gear Checking Manual, and relevant discipline pages. Any item of gear or equipment, or combination of gear and/or equipment, not specifically in this manual, précis, matrix or amendments is not permitted. Page 3 PERMITTED GEAR & DRESS FOR PCAWA DRESSAGE RIDER SAFETY HELMET SHIRTS TIES JUMPERS WET WEATHER GEAR BADGE / DISK JODHPURS/BREECHES RIDING TROUSERS OR MOLESKINS BOOTS RIDER / DRESS A rider weighing more than 53 kilograms (8 stone 5lbs) dressed to compete, may not ride a pony 12.2 hands or under. Must be ASA / NZS 3838 -2003 or PAS 015 (UK), ASTM F 1163 (USA), EN 1384 (Europe). Clip Fasteners to be clicked up securely. Helmet cameras will not be allowed at any PCAWA event. Long sleeved, in Club or Zone colour/s, fastened at the wrist and tucked in to waistband of jodhpurs. Sleeves must NOT be pushed/rolled up. To be in Pony Club or Zone colour/s. May not be taken off when jumpers are removed. V-Necked Sleeved (or Sleeveless) Jumpers in Club / Zone colour/s worn with Long Sleeved Shirt with Tie. Jumper must not be removed without permission of the Judge, Examiner or Coach. Long Sleeves must NOT be pushed or rolled up. Team Members, Pairs, must wear either matching Long Sleeved Jumpers or Sleeveless Jumpers over long sleeved shirts (unless in composite teams). Wet weather gear not to be worn without permission of the Judge, Examiner or Coach. Optional. To be worn on the "V" of the jumper. Compulsory for Kanandah/Gingamurrah Beige, Bone or Fawn, (NO hipsters or low-rise). To be plain (No badges, ribbing or coloured stripes). Jodhpur Clips optional. Long socks are NOT permitted to be worn over jodhpurs. Fawn, Bone or Beige colour, the top of which shall be at the rider’s waist (NO hipsters or lowrise) and the length of which shall be such that when mounted the top of the rider’s boot shall be covered, permitted. English style riding boots with low heel, smooth sole in black or brown. No splits or holes, soles must be continued to heel - no half soles. Elastic sides must be firm, if stretched, use Jodhpur clips. Boots with zipper down front permitted. Short laced boots must either wear gaiters ensuring that the gaiters are covering the lace tie-up or if wearing jodhpurs must wear Jodhpur clips to make sure their Jodhpur stay covering the lace tie-up and don't slip up. LEGGINGS / GAITERS SPURS JEWELLERY GLOVES HAIR MAKE UP BODY PROTECTORS GLASSES OPEN RIDER DRESS Long laced boots (also called Field Boots) are to be laced in such a way that the laces will not be caught on any saddle, stirrup or girth fitting. Must match the colour of the boots. Must be polished leather on the outer side. Optional. If used, must be smooth metal, with a shank, which must be not more than 3.5cms long, pointing downwards to the rear and the end must be blunt in order to prevent wounding a horse. Straps must be correctly fitted with buckles to the outside. “Spur Ends” optional, must have one on each spur if used. Medic-Alert bracelets and chains must be taped leaving the disk exposed. Rings must be removed or taped. No other jewellery or body piercing permitted. Watches, Medic Alert Sports Bands, mouthguards and PCAWA Badges are permitted Optional. Must be neatly restrained. Long hair to be plaited to collar-length and restrained in a hairnet. The wearing of make-up is discouraged, Coloured Nail Polish not permitted. Optional but recommended. Prescription Spectacles permitted. Sun Glasses (Preferably Aus Std 1067, Cancer Council Approved), close-fitting and flat-wrap style permitted. SHIRTS - Long sleeved, fastened at the wrist and tucked in to waistband of jodhpurs. Sleeves must NOT be pushed/rolled up. TIES – Tie, Stock or Ratcatcher must be worn. JACKET – Must be worn with Long Sleeved Shirt and Tie/Stock/Ratcatcher. Jacket must not be removed without permission of the Judge. Sleeves must NOT be pushed or rolled up. Service (e.g. Police Force) uniform permitted. JODHPURS - Beige, Off White, Light Canary or White, (NO hipsters or low-rise). Jodhpur Clips optional. Long socks are NOT permitted to worn over jodhpurs. OPEN RIDERS ARE BOUND BY THE SAME GEAR CHECKING RULES AS PCAWA MEMBERS, WITH THE ONLY EXCEPTION OF OPEN RIDER DRESS Page 4 PRECIS - PCAWA DRESSAGE, Updated May 2014 AGE DISCHARGE GENERAL HEALTH BLOOD HOOVES MANES & TAILS BRIDLE HORSE / PONY Must be 4 years of age or over. No discharge from Eyes and Nose. No chronic cough. No swellings. The sighting of any blood (whether wet or dry) from anywhere on the horse, in particular the mouth, nostrils or spur area must be reported and checked by the Vet/Steward/Ground Jury/Chief Coach (whichever is applicable). To show evidence of recent care. Horse/pony must have either: 4 Unshod Hooves OR Front 2 Hooves Shod, Back Hooves Unshod OR Back 2 Hooves Shod, Front Hooves Unshod OR All Hooves Shod. Manes and forelocks to be plaited. Tails to be pulled, trimmed or plaited. False tails permitted but must not have metal parts. Artificial colouring or spray painting of horses or ponies permitted for Fancy Dress, Musical Ride, Pas de Deux, and Freestyle events only. SADDLERY Leather compulsory with matching Noseband. Micklem Bridles (Multibridles) allowed only with a snaffle bit. As per EA rules, no bit clips. BITS PERMITTED BUT NOT PICTURED Half-moon – port-mouth – curved mouthpieces Rubber or synthetic bit – both jointed and unjointed Sweet Iron bit Double-jointed rotating mouthpieces may have one ‘roller’ or rotating middle piece in the centre section. Multiple ‘rollers’ are not permitted. DOUBLE BRIDLES Permitted only for Medium (and above) Level Dressage. BIT GUARDS, AUSTRALIAN CHEEKERS NOSEBANDS MARTINGALES SADDLE Not permitted Cavesson Noseband Dropped Noseband Hanoverian (Flash) Grackle or Mexican Grackle (Crossover) Continental or Crank Noseband Not Permitted. English Type (Fully mounted) of leather or synthetic fibre is compulsory and must have a Girth with a minimum of two buckles, OR a Girth with a single buckle and surcingle. Humane Girth must have surcingle. Page 5 PRECIS - PCAWA DRESSAGE, Updated May 2014 BREASTPLATES / CRUPPERS / NECK STRAPS / MONKEY GRIPS SADDLE CLOTHS/NUMNAHS STIRRUP IRONS / STIRRUP LEATHERS WHIPS BANDAGES / BOOTS / BELL BOOTS Permitted. Must be in Club or Zone colours or White. ½ numnahs permitted in white, black, cream or club colours All team members must have the same Saddle Cloths/Numnahs unless in composite teams. Stirrup Irons to be metal or polymer and to allow 1cm minimum each side of the rider's boot at the broadest part, max 1.5cm.approx each side. Stirrup safety bar clip must be turned down. Stirrup leathers must not be tied down or worn under the saddle flap Toe-Stoppers – permitted. If used, must fit as for stirrup irons Stirrup Treads – use of stirrup treads is optional, but if used, they must be made of rubber, plastic, polymer or metal and be either silver, black or white. Whips are permitted up to and including Medium standard in Pony Club. General Purpose Whips must have a flexible flap or tassel, must not be weighted at the end, maximum length 75cm including flap. Loop Handles must be removed. Whip heads to be unadorned, i.e. no horse heads and smooth. Dressage Whip – must have tassel or flexible flap. Maximum length for pony 13h and under – 1m, over 13h – 1.20m. Not Permitted. Page 6 PRECIS - PCAWA DRESSAGE, Updated May 2014 PERMITTED GEAR & DRESS FOR PCAWA EVENTING DRESSAGE RIDER SAFETY HELMET SHIRTS TIES JUMPERS WET WEATHER GEAR BADGE / DISK JODHPURS/BREECHES RIDING TROUSERS OR MOLESKINS BOOTS RIDER / DRESS A rider weighing more than 53 kilograms (8 stone 5lbs) dressed to compete, may not ride a pony 12.2 hands or under. Must be ASA / NZS 3838 -2003 or PAS 015 (UK), ASTM F 1163 (USA), EN 1384 (Europe). Clip Fasteners to be clicked up securely. Helmet cameras will not be allowed at any PCAWA event. Long sleeved, in Club or Zone colour/s, fastened at the wrist and tucked in to waistband of jodhpurs. Sleeves must NOT be pushed/rolled up. To be in Pony Club or Zone colour/s. May not be taken off when jumpers are removed. V-Necked Sleeved (or Sleeveless) Jumpers in Club / Zone colour/s worn with Long Sleeved Shirt with Tie. Jumper must not be removed without permission of the Judge, Examiner or Coach. Long Sleeves must NOT be pushed or rolled up. Team Members, Pairs, must wear either matching Long Sleeved Jumpers or Sleeveless Jumpers over long sleeved shirts (unless in composite teams). Wet weather gear not to be worn without permission of the Judge, Examiner or Coach. Optional. To be worn on the "V" of the jumper. Beige, Bone or Fawn, (NO hipsters or low-rise). To be plain (No badges, ribbing or coloured stripes). Jodhpur Clips optional. Long socks are NOT permitted to be worn over jodhpurs. Fawn, Bone or Beige colour, the top of which shall be at the rider’s waist (NO hipsters or lowrise) and the length of which shall be such that when mounted the top of the rider’s boot shall be covered, permitted. English style riding boots with low heel, smooth sole in black or brown. No splits or holes, soles must be continued to heel - no half soles. Elastic sides must be firm, if stretched, use Jodhpur clips. Boots with zipper down front permitted. Short laced boots must either wear gaiters ensuring that the gaiters are covering the lace tieup or if wearing jodhpurs must wear Jodhpur clips to make sure their Jodhpur stay covering the lace tie-up and don't slip up. LEGGINGS / GAITERS SPURS JEWELLERY GLOVES HAIR MAKE UP BODY PROTECTORS GLASSES COMPETITOR NUMBERS OPEN RIDER DRESS Long laced boots (also called Field Boots) are to be laced in such a way that the laces will not be caught on any saddle, stirrup or girth fitting. Must match the colour of the boots. Must be polished leather on the outer side. Optional. If used, must be smooth metal, with a shank, which must be not more than 3.5cms long, pointing downwards to the rear and the end must be blunt in order to prevent wounding a horse. Straps must be correctly fitted with buckles to the outside. “Spur Ends” optional, must have one on each spur if used. Medic-Alert bracelets and chains must be taped leaving the disk exposed. Rings must be removed or taped. No other jewellery or body piercing permitted. Watches, Medic Alert Sports Bands, mouthguards and PCAWA Badges are permitted Optional. Must be neatly restrained. Long hair to be plaited to collar-length and restrained in a hairnet. The wearing of make-up is discouraged, Coloured Nail Polish not permitted. Optional. Prescription Spectacles permitted. Sun Glasses (Preferably Aus Std 1067, Cancer Council Approved), close-fitting and flat-wrap style permitted. RIDER - FRONT AND BACK NUMBERS (BIBS) must be worn. BRIDLE/ SADDLE CLOTH NUMBERS must also be worn. SHIRTS - Long sleeved, fastened at the wrist and tucked in to waistband of jodhpurs. Sleeves must NOT be pushed/rolled up. TIES – Tie, Stock or Ratcatcher must be worn. JACKET – Must be worn with Long Sleeved Shirt and Tie/Stock/Ratcatcher. Jacket must not be removed without permission of the Judge. Sleeves must NOT be pushed or rolled up. Service (e.g. Police Force) uniform permitted. JODHPURS - Beige, Off White, Light Canary or White, (NO hipsters or low-rise). Jodhpur Clips optional. Long socks are NOT permitted to worn over jodhpurs. OPEN RIDERS ARE BOUND BY THE SAME GEAR CHECKING RULES AS PCAWA MEMBERS, WITH THE ONLY EXCEPTION OF OPEN RIDER DRESS PRECIS - PCAWA EVENTING DRESSAGE, Updated May 2014 Page 7 AGE DISCHARGE GENERAL HEALTH BLOOD HOOVES MANES & TAILS BRIDLE HORSE / PONY Must be 4 years of age or over. No discharge from Eyes and Nose No chronic cough. No swellings. The sighting of any blood (whether wet or dry) from anywhere on the horse, in particular the mouth, nostrils or spur area must be reported and checked by the Vet/Steward/Ground Jury/Chief Coach (whichever is applicable). To show evidence of recent care. Horse/Pony must have either: 4 Unshod Hooves OR Front 2 Hooves Shod, Back Hooves Unshod OR Back 2 Hooves Shod, Front Hooves Unshod OR All Hooves Shod. Manes and forelocks to be plaited. Tails to be pulled, trimmed or plaited. False tails permitted but must not have metal parts. SADDLERY Leather compulsory with matching Noseband. Micklem Bridles (Multibridles) allowed only with a snaffle bit. As per EA rules, no bit clips. BITS 1. Ordinary Snaffle with double jointed mouthpiece 2. Ordinary Snaffle with jointed mouthpiece 3. Racing Snaffle – D Ring 4. Egg-Butt Snaffle (a) with cheeks (b) without cheeks 5. Other types of snaffles with cheeks 6. Snaffle with upper cheeks only 7. Rubber, leather, plastic or steel snaffle, jointed or un-jointed 8. Hanging Cheek Snaffle 9. Ordinary Snaffle with double jointed mouthpiece – with lozenge 10. Ordinary Snaffle with double jointed mouthpiece – French Link 11. Un-jointed wavy plastic or rubber snaffle (not steel) (a) with cheeks (b) without cheeks 12. Ordinary snaffle with rotating mouthpiece NB Bit No 11 can be used for Eventing Dressage ONLY. Double-jointed mouthpieces may have one ‘roller’ or rotating middle piece in the centre section. Multiple ‘rollers’ are not permitted. ALSO PERMITTED BUT NOT PICTURED: Half-moon – port-mouth – curved mouthpieces Rubber or synthetic bit – both jointed and unjointed Sweet Iron bit 12 BIT GUARDS, AUSTRALIAN CHEEKERS NOSEBANDS MARTINGALES SADDLE Not permitted Cavesson Noseband Dropped Noseband Hanoverian (Flash) Grackle or Mexican Grackle (Crossover) Continental or Crank Noseband Not Permitted English Type (Fully mounted) of leather or synthetic fibre and it must have a Girth with a minimum of two buckles, OR a Girth with a single buckle and surcingle. Humane Girth must have surcingles PRECIS - PCAWA EVENTING DRESSAGE, Updated May 2014 Page 8 BREASTPLATES/ CRUPPERS/NECK STRAPS/MONKEY GRIPS SADDLE CLOTHS/NUMNAHS Permitted STIRRUP IRONS / STIRRUP LEATHERS Stirrup Irons to be metal or polymer and to allow 1cm minimum each side of the rider's boot at the broadest part, max 1.5cm.approx each side. Toe-Stoppers – permitted. If used, must fit as for stirrup irons Stirrup safety bar clip must be turned down. Stirrup leathers must not be tied down or worn under the saddle flap Stirrup Treads – use of stirrup treads is optional, but if used, they must be made of rubber, plastic, polymer or metal and be either silver, black or white. WHIPS Permitted for Grades C, D and E in warm up and in test. All other grades in warm up only. General Purpose Whips must have a flexible flap or tassel, must not be weighted at the end, maximum length 75cm including flap. Loop Handles must be removed. Whip heads to be unadorned, i.e. no horse heads and smooth. Dressage Whips – NOT permitted. BANDAGES / BOOTS / BELL BOOTS Not Permitted Must be in Club or Zone colours or White. All team members must have the same Saddle Cloths/Numnahs unless in composite teams. ½ numnahs permitted in white, black, cream or club colours PRECIS - PCAWA EVENTING DRESSAGE, Updated May 2014 Page 9 PERMITTED GEAR & DRESS FOR PCAWA SHOW JUMPING AND EVENTING JUMPING RIDER SAFETY HELMET SHIRTS TIES JUMPERS WET WEATHER GEAR BADGE / DISK JODHPURS/BREECHES RIDING TROUSERS OR MOLESKINS BOOTS RIDER / DRESS A rider weighing more than 53 kilograms (8 stone 5lbs) dressed to compete, may not ride a pony 12.2 hands or under. Must be ASA / NZS 3838 -2003 or PAS 015 (UK), ASTM F 1163 (USA), EN 1384 (Europe). Clip Fasteners to be clicked up securely. Helmet cameras will not be allowed at any PCAWA event. Long sleeved, in Club or Zone colour/s, fastened at the wrist and tucked in to waistband of jodhpurs. Sleeves must NOT be pushed/rolled up. To be in Pony Club or Zone colour/s. May not be taken off when jumpers are removed. V-Necked Sleeved (or Sleeveless) Jumpers in Club / Zone colour/s worn with Long Sleeved Shirt with Tie. Jumper must not be removed without permission of the Judge, Examiner or Coach. Long Sleeves must NOT be pushed or rolled up. Team Members, Pairs, must wear either matching Long Sleeved Jumpers or Sleeveless Jumpers over long sleeved shirts (unless in composite teams). Wet weather gear not to be worn without permission of the Judge, Examiner or Coach. Optional. To be worn on the "V" of the jumper. Beige, Bone or Fawn, (NO hipsters or low-rise). To be plain (No badges, ribbing or coloured stripes). Jodhpur Clips optional. Long socks are NOT permitted to be worn over jodhpurs. Fawn, Bone or Beige colour, the top of which shall be at the rider’s waist (NO hipsters or low-rise) and the length of which shall be such that when mounted the top of the rider’s boot shall be covered, permitted. English style riding boots with low heel, smooth sole in black or brown. No splits or holes, soles must be continued to heel - no half soles. Elastic sides must be firm, if stretched, use Jodhpur clips. Boots with zipper down front permitted. Short laced boots must either wear gaiters ensuring that the gaiters are covering the lace tieup or if wearing jodhpurs must wear Jodhpur clips to make sure their Jodhpur stay covering the lace tie-up and don't slip up. LEGGINGS / GAITERS SPURS JEWELLERY GLOVES HAIR MAKE UP BODY PROTECTORS GLASSES COMPETITOR NUMBERS OPEN RIDER DRESS Long laced boots (also called Field Boots) are to be laced in such a way that the laces will not be caught on any saddle, stirrup or girth fitting. Must match the colour of the boots. Must be polished leather on the outer side. Optional. If used, must be smooth metal, with a shank, which must be not more than 3.5cms long, pointing downwards to the rear and the end must be blunt in order to prevent wounding a horse. Straps must be correctly fitted with buckles to the outside. “Spur Ends” optional, must have one on each spur if used. Medic-Alert bracelets and chains must be taped leaving the disk exposed. Rings must be removed or taped. No other jewellery or body piercing permitted. Watches, Medic Alert Sports Bands, mouthguards and PCAWA Badges are permitted Optional. Must be neatly restrained. Long hair to be plaited to collar-length and restrained in a hairnet. The wearing of make-up is discouraged, Coloured Nail Polish not permitted. Optional. Prescription Spectacles permitted. Sun Glasses (Preferably Aus Std 1067, Cancer Council Approved), close-fitting and flat-wrap style permitted. RIDER - FRONT AND BACK NUMBERS (BIBS) must be worn for Eventing Jumping Phase. BRIDLE/ SADDLE CLOTH NUMBERS must also be worn for Eventing Jumping Phase. y horse) SHIRTS - Long sleeved, fastened at the wrist and tucked in to waistband of jodhpurs. Sleeves must NOT be pushed/rolled up. TIES – Tie, Stock or Ratcatcher must be worn. JACKET – Must be worn with Long Sleeved Shirt and Tie/Stock/Ratcatcher. Jacket must not be removed without permission of the Judge. Sleeves must NOT be pushed or rolled up. Service (e.g. Police Force) uniform permitted. JODHPURS - Beige, Off White, Light Canary or White, (NO hipsters or low-rise). Jodhpur Clips optional. Long socks are NOT permitted to worn over jodhpurs. OPEN RIDERS ARE BOUND BY THE SAME GEAR CHECKING RULES AS PCAWA MEMBERS, WITH THE ONLY EXCEPTION OF OPEN RIDER DRESS PRECIS - PCAWA SHOWJUMPING & EVENTING JUMPING, Updated May 2014 Page 10 AGE DISCHARGE GENERAL HEALTH BLOOD HOOVES MANES & TAILS HORSE / PONY Must be 4 years of age or over. No discharge from Eyes and Nose No chronic cough. No swellings. The sighting of any blood (whether wet or dry) from anywhere on the horse, in particular the mouth, nostrils or spur area must be reported and checked by the Vet/Steward/Ground Jury/Chief Coach (whichever is applicable). To show evidence of recent care. Horse/Pony must have either: 4 Unshod Hooves OR Front 2 Hooves Shod, Back Hooves Unshod OR Back 2 Hooves Shod, Front Hooves Unshod OR All Hooves Shod. Manes and forelocks may be plaited. Tails to be pulled, trimmed or plaited. False tails permitted but must not have metal parts. SADDLERY Leather or Synthetic Fibre with matching Noseband. Micklem Bridles (Multibridles) allowed only with a snaffle bit. As per EA rules, no bit clips. BITS BRIDLE 1. Ordinary Snaffle with double jointed mouthpiece 2. Ordinary Snaffle with jointed mouthpiece 3. Racing Snaffle – D Ring 4. Egg-Butt Snaffle (a) with cheeks (b) without cheeks 5. Other types of snaffles with cheeks 6. Snaffle with upper cheeks only 7. Rubber, leather, plastic or steel snaffle, jointed or un-jointed 8. Hanging Cheek Snaffle 9. Ordinary Snaffle with double jointed mouthpiece – with lozenge 10. Ordinary Snaffle with double jointed mouthpiece – French Link 11. Un-jointed wavy plastic or rubber snaffle (not steel) (a) with cheeks (b) without cheeks 12. Ordinary snaffle with rotating mouthpiece NB Bit No 11 can be used for Eventing Dressage ONLY. Double-jointed mouthpieces may have one ‘roller’ or rotating middle piece in the centre section. Multiple ‘rollers’ are not permitted. ALSO PERMITTED BUT NOT PICTURED: Half-moon – port-mouth – curved mouthpieces Rubber or synthetic bit – both jointed and unjointed Sweet Iron bit 12 Crescendo Cherry Roller Wilkie Snaffle Dr Bristol PRECIS - PCAWA SHOWJUMPING & EVENTING JUMPING, Updated May 2014 Page 11 Copper Roller Peewee Dutch Gag / Pessoa Snaffle 3 Ring Dutch Gag / Pessoa 4 Ring Dutch Gag / Pessoa Myler Egg-Butt D ring Snaffle Bit with slots The check piece attaches to the top slot and the rein to the bottom slot, (this increases the leverage action) Kimblewick Bits - Can only be used with a Cavesson Noseband. Jointed Mouthpieces are NOT permitted. This variation of the Kimblewick has The original version of the Myler Kimblewick slotted bit rings. Kimblewick Pelham Bits - Can only be used with a Cavesson Noseband. Jointed Mouthpieces are NOT permitted. Half Moon Pelham Port Mouth Pelham Two loop Pelham More examples can be seen in the General Section of the Manual under Bridles/Bits. Rein Attachments & Roundings: Pessoa / Kimblewick / Pelham Bits A. With Two reins, or B. With a single rein attached to roundings, or B. C. C. With divided reins. Two reins may be used with single mouthpiece bits including the Kimblewick, Pelham and Dutch Gag / Pessoa Snaffle. BIT GUARDS, Permitted AUSTRALIAN CHEEKERS NOSEBANDS Cavesson Noseband Dropped Noseband Hanoverian (Flash) Grackle or Mexican Grackle (Crossover) Continental or Crank Noseband If a bit with a curb chain or curb strap is used, the only permitted Noseband is a Cavesson MARTINGALES Unrestricted running/Bib Martingales, with rein and neck stops or Irish Martingales with rein stops are permitted SADDLE English Type (Fully mounted) of leather or synthetic fibre and it must have a Girth with a minimum of two buckles, OR a Girth with a single buckle and surcingle. Humane Girth must have surcingle BREASTPLATES / Permitted with the exception of Monkey Grips CRUPPERS / NECK STRAPS / MONKEY GRIPS SADDLE Must be in Club or Zone colours or White. CLOTHS/NUMNAHS All team members must have the same Saddle Cloths/Numnahs unless in composite teams. ½ numnahs permitted in white, black, cream or club colours STIRRUP IRONS / Stirrup Irons to be metal or carbon polymer but not plastic, wooden or aluminium. STIRRUP LEATHERS Stirrup Irons to allow 1cm minimum each side of the rider's boot at the broadest part, max 1.5cm.approx each side. Toe-Stoppers – permitted. If used, must fit as for stirrup irons Stirrup safety bar clip must be turned down. Stirrup leathers must not be tied down or worn under the saddle flap Stirrup Treads – use of stirrup treads is optional, but if used, they must be made of rubber, plastic, polymer or metal and be either silver, black or white. PRECIS - PCAWA SHOWJUMPING & EVENTING JUMPING, Updated May 2014 Page 12 WHIPS BANDAGES / BOOTS / BELL BOOTS General Purpose Whips must have a flexible flap or tassel, must not be weighted at the end, maximum length 75cm including flap. Loop Handles must be removed. Whip heads to be unadorned, i.e. no horse heads and smooth. Dressage Whips – NOT permitted. Polar Fleece Bandages must be either stitched, or taped with a minimum of three (3) separate rounds of electrical tape. Polar Fleece Bandages are NOT recommended for Cross Country or Show Jumping. All Bandages must have padding and be either stitched, or taped with a minimum of three separate rounds of electrical tape. Bandages and tape not to be tight enough to cause pressure areas. Boots to be clean and correctly fitted – fastenings at the outside, straps facing backwards. Taping of Boots is optional. Boots with metal loop-fasteners must be fitted and fastened correctly – fastenings on the outside with straps facing backwards. PRECIS - PCAWA SHOWJUMPING & EVENTING JUMPING, Updated May 2014 Page 13 PERMITTED GEAR & DRESS FOR PCAWA EVENTING CROSS-COUNTRY RIDER SAFETY HELMET SHIRTS TIES JUMPERS & POLO SHIRTS WET WEATHER GEAR BADGE / DISK JODHPURS/BREECHES RIDING TROUSERS OR MOLESKINS BOOTS RIDER / DRESS A rider weighing more than 53 kilograms (8 stone 5lbs) dressed to compete, may not ride a pony 12.2 hands or under. Must be ASA / NZS 3838 -2003 or PAS 015 (UK), ASTM F 1163 (USA), EN 1384 (Europe). Clip Fasteners to be clicked up securely. Helmet cameras will not be allowed at any PCAWA event. Long sleeved, in Club or Zone colour/s, fastened at the wrist and tucked in to waistband of jodhpurs. Sleeves must NOT be pushed/rolled up. Optional, to be in Pony Club or Zone colour/s. V-Necked Sleeved (or Sleeveless) Jumpers in Club / Zone colour/s worn with Long Sleeved Shirt with Tie. Polo Shirts with long sleeves in the registered Club or Zone primary colour/s may be worn tucked in to waistband of jodhpurs or trousers. Jumper/Polo Shirts must not be removed without permission of the Judge, Examiner or Coach. Long Sleeves must NOT be pushed or rolled up. Team Members, Pairs, must wear matching Long Sleeved Jumpers, Polo Shirts or Sleeveless Jumpers over long sleeved shirts (unless in composite teams). Wet weather gear not to be worn without permission of the Judge, Examiner or Coach. Optional. To be worn on the "V" of the jumper. Beige, Bone or Fawn, (NO hipsters or low-rise). To be plain (No badges, ribbing or coloured stripes). Jodhpur Clips optional. Long socks are NOT permitted to be worn over jodhpurs. Fawn, Bone or Beige colour, the top of which shall be at the rider’s waist (NO hipsters or lowrise) and the length of which shall be such that when mounted the top of the rider’s boot shall be covered, permitted. English style riding boots with low heel, smooth sole in black or brown. No splits or holes, soles must be continued to heel - no half soles. Elastic sides must be firm, if stretched, use Jodhpur clips. Boots with zipper down front permitted. Short laced boots must either wear gaiters ensuring that the gaiters are covering the lace tie-up or if wearing jodhpurs must wear Jodhpur clips to make sure their Jodhpur stay covering the lace tie-up and don't slip up. LEGGINGS / GAITERS SPURS JEWELLERY GLOVES HAIR MAKE UP EQUESTRIAN BODY PROTECTORS Long laced boots (also called Field Boots) are to be laced in such a way that the laces will not be caught on any saddle, stirrup or girth fitting. Must match the colour of the boots. Must be polished leather on the outer side. Optional. If used, must be smooth metal, with a shank, which must be not more than 3.5cms long, pointing downwards to the rear and the end must be blunt in order to prevent wounding a horse. Straps must be correctly fitted with buckles to the outside. “Spur Ends” optional, must have one on each spur if used. Medic-Alert bracelets and chains must be taped leaving the disk exposed. Rings must be removed or taped. No other jewellery or body piercing permitted. Watches, Medic Alert Sports Bands, mouthguards and PCAWA Badges are permitted Optional. Must be neatly restrained. Long hair to be plaited to collar-length and restrained in a hairnet. The wearing of make-up is discouraged, Coloured Nail Polish not permitted. Optional but recommended for PC65 (D grade) level and below. Compulsory for PC80 (C grade) level and above. All equestrian body protectors must be fitted correctly and as per manufacturer’s recommendations. Air Vests are permitted, must be worn over body protector, fitted and maintained as per manufacturer’s recommendations. GLASSES COMPETITOR NUMBERS As of Jan 1 2015 equestrian body protectors (ANY) will become compulsory at all grades for cross country phases in both Eventing and Tetrathlon. Prescription Spectacles permitted. Sun Glasses (Preferably Aus Std 1067, Cancer Council Approved), close-fitting and flat-wrap style permitted. RIDER - FRONT AND BACK NUMBERS (BIBS) must be worn. BRIDLE/ SADDLE CLOTH NUMBERS must also be worn for. PRECIS - PCAWA EVENTING CROSS-COUNTRY, Updated May 2014 Page 14 OPEN RIDER DRESS SHIRTS – Shirt / Polo Shirts with long sleeves, tucked in to waistband permitted. Sleeves must NOT be pushed or rolled up. JUMPERS – Jumpers permitted, sleeves must NOT be pushed or rolled up. Service (e.g. Police Force) uniform permitted. JODHPURS - Beige, Off White, Light Canary or White, (NO hipsters or low-rise). Jodhpur Clips optional. Long socks are NOT permitted to worn over jodhpurs. OPEN RIDERS ARE BOUND BY THE SAME GEAR CHECKING RULES AS PCAWA MEMBERS, WITH THE ONLY EXCEPTION OF OPEN RIDER DRESS MEDICAL ARMBAND COMPULSORY and must be worn on the LEFT UPPER ARM. AGE DISCHARGE GENERAL HEALTH BLOOD HOOVES MANES & TAILS BRIDLE HORSE / PONY Must be 4 years of age or over. No discharge from Eyes and Nose No chronic cough. No swellings. The sighting of any blood (whether wet or dry) from anywhere on the horse, in particular the mouth, nostrils or spur area must be reported and checked by the Vet/Steward/Ground Jury/Chief Coach (whichever is applicable). To show evidence of recent care. Horse/Pony must have either: 4 Unshod Hooves OR Front 2 Hooves Shod, Back Hooves Unshod OR Back 2 Hooves Shod, Front Hooves Unshod OR All Hooves Shod. Manes and forelocks may be plaited. Tails to be pulled, trimmed or plaited. False tails permitted but must not have metal parts. SADDLERY Leather or Synthetic Fibre with matching Noseband. Micklem Bridles (Multibridles) allowed only with a snaffle bit. As per EA rules, no bit clips. BITS 1. 2. 3. 4. Ordinary Snaffle with double jointed mouthpiece Ordinary Snaffle with jointed mouthpiece Racing Snaffle – D Ring Egg-Butt Snaffle (a) with cheeks (b) without cheeks 5. Other types of snaffles with cheeks 6. Snaffle with upper cheeks only 7. Rubber, leather, plastic or steel snaffle, jointed or un-jointed 8. Hanging Cheek Snaffle 9. Ordinary Snaffle with double jointed mouthpiece – with lozenge 10. Ordinary Snaffle with double jointed mouthpiece – French Link 11. Un-jointed wavy plastic or rubber snaffle (not steel) (a) with cheeks (b) without cheeks 12. 12 Ordinary snaffle with rotating mouthpiece NB Bit No 11 can be used for Eventing Dressage ONLY. Double-jointed mouthpieces may have one ‘roller’ or rotating middle piece in the centre section. Multiple ‘rollers’ are not permitted. 12 ALSO PERMITTED BUT NOT PICTURED: Half-moon – port-mouth – curved mouthpieces Rubber or synthetic bit – both jointed and unjointed Sweet Iron bit PRECIS - PCAWA EVENTING CROSS-COUNTRY, Updated May 2014 Page 15 Crescendo Cherry Roller Wilkie Snaffle Dr Bristol Copper Roller Dutch Gag / Pessoa Snaffle 3 Ring Dutch Gag / Pessoa 4 Ring Dutch Gag / Pessoa Peewee Myler Egg-Butt D ring Snaffle Bit with slots The check piece attaches to the top slot and the rein to the bottom slot, (this increases the leverage action) Kimblewick Bits - Can only be used with a Cavesson Noseband. Jointed Mouthpieces are NOT permitted. This variation of the Kimblewick has The original version of the Miler Kimblewick slotted bit rings. Kimblewick Pelham Bits - Can only be used with a Cavesson Noseband. Jointed Mouthpieces are NOT permitted. Half Moon Pelham Port Mouth Pelham Two loop Pelham More examples can be seen in the General Section of the Manual under Bridles/Bits. Rein Attachments & Roundings: Pessoa / Kimblewick / Pelham Bits A. With Two reins, or B. With a single rein attached to roundings, or B. C. C. With divided reins. Two reins may be used with single mouthpiece bits including the Kimblewick, Pelham and Dutch Gag / Pessoa Snaffle. BIT GUARDS, Permitted AUSTRALIAN CHEEKERS NOSEBANDS Cavesson Noseband Dropped Noseband Hanoverian (Flash) Grackle or Mexican Grackle (Crossover) Continental or Crank Noseband If a bit with a curb chain or curb strap is used, the only permitted Noseband is a Cavesson MARTINGALES Unrestricted running/Bib Martingales, with rein and neck stops or Irish Martingales with rein stops are permitted SADDLE English Type (Fully mounted) of leather or synthetic fibre and it must have a Girth with a minimum of two buckles, OR a Girth with a single buckle and surcingle. Humane Girth must have surcingle BREASTPLATES / Permitted with the exception of Monkey Grips CRUPPERS / NECK STRAPS / MONKEY GRIPS SADDLE Must be in Club or Zone colours or White. CLOTHS/NUMNAHS All team members must have the same Saddle Cloths/Numnahs unless in composite teams. ½ numnahs permitted in white, black, cream or club colours PRECIS - PCAWA EVENTING CROSS-COUNTRY, Updated May 2014 Page 16 STIRRUP IRONS / STIRRUP LEATHERS WHIPS BANDAGES / BOOTS / BELL BOOTS Stirrup Irons to be metal or carbon polymer but not plastic, wooden or aluminium. Stirrup Irons to allow 1cm minimum each side of the rider's boot at the broadest part, max 1.5cm.approx each side. Toe-Stoppers – permitted. If used, must fit as for stirrup irons Stirrup safety bar clip must be turned down. Stirrup leathers must not be tied down or worn under the saddle flap Stirrup Treads – use of stirrup treads is optional, but if used, they must be made of rubber, plastic, polymer or metal and be either silver, black or white. General Purpose Whips must have a flexible flap or tassel, must not be weighted at the end, maximum length 75cm including flap. Loop Handles must be removed. Whip heads to be unadorned, i.e. no horse heads and smooth. Dressage Whips – NOT permitted. Polar Fleece Bandages must be either stitched, or taped with a minimum of three (3) separate rounds of electrical tape. Polar Fleece Bandages are NOT recommended for Cross Country or Show Jumping. All Bandages must have padding and be either stitched, or taped with a minimum of three separate rounds of electrical tape. Bandages and tape not to be tight enough to cause pressure areas. Boots to be clean and correctly fitted – fastenings at the outside, straps facing backwards. Taping of Boots is optional. Boots with metal loop-fasteners must be fitted and fastened correctly – fastenings on the outside with straps facing backwards. PRECIS - PCAWA EVENTING CROSS-COUNTRY, Updated May 2014 Page 17 PERMITTED DRESS FOR PCAWA TETRATHLON - RUNNING, SHOOTING, SWIMMING ATHLETE ATHLETE FOOTWEAR ATHLETE RUNNING AND SHOOTING Competitors must wear a Polo or Rugby Top (singlets permitted for Running Phase only) in Club primary colour/s. Competitors may not take part stripped to the waist. Bib Number to be worn. For safety reasons, appropriate footwear must be worn for the running phase. SWIMMING The use of grease, oil or any similar substance on the body is not permitted. Wet Suits are not permitted. No device or swimsuit that may give an unfair advantage permitted. PERMITTED GEAR & DRESS FOR PCAWA TETRATHLON - CROSS COUNTRY RIDER SAFETY HELMET SHIRTS TIES JUMPERS & POLO SHIRTS WET WEATHER GEAR BADGE / DISK JODHPURS/BREECHES RIDING TROUSERS OR MOLESKINS BOOTS RIDER / DRESS A rider weighing more than 53 kilograms (8 stone 5lbs) dressed to compete, may not ride a pony 12.2 hands or under. Must be ASA / NZS 3838 -2003 or PAS 015 (UK), ASTM F 1163 (USA), EN 1384 (Europe). Clip Fasteners to be clicked up securely. Helmet cameras will not be allowed at any PCAWA event. Long sleeved, in Club or Zone colour/s, fastened at the wrist and tucked in to waistband of jodhpurs. Sleeves must NOT be pushed/rolled up. Optional, to be in Pony Club or Zone colour/s. V-Necked Sleeved (or Sleeveless) Jumpers in Club / Zone colour/s worn with Long Sleeved Shirt with Tie. Polo Shirts with long sleeves in the registered Club or Zone primary colour/s may be worn tucked in to waistband of jodhpurs or trousers. Jumper/Polo Shirts must not be removed without permission of the Judge, Examiner or Coach. Long Sleeves must NOT be pushed or rolled up. Team Members, Pairs, must wear matching Long Sleeved Jumpers, Polo Shirts or Sleeveless Jumpers over long sleeved shirts (unless in composite teams). Wet weather gear not to be worn without permission of the Judge, Examiner or Coach. Optional. To be worn on the "V" of the jumper. Beige, Bone or Fawn, (NO hipsters or low-rise). To be plain (No badges, ribbing or coloured stripes). Jodhpur Clips optional. Long socks are NOT permitted to be worn over jodhpurs. Fawn, Bone or Beige colour, the top of which shall be at the rider’s waist (NO hipsters or low-rise) and the length of which shall be such that when mounted the top of the rider’s boot shall be covered, permitted. English style riding boots with low heel, smooth sole in black or brown. No splits or holes, soles must be continued to heel - no half soles. Elastic sides must be firm, if stretched, use Jodhpur clips. Boots with zipper down front permitted. Short laced boots must either wear gaiters ensuring that the gaiters are covering the lace tieup or if wearing jodhpurs must wear Jodhpur clips to make sure their Jodhpur stay covering the lace tie-up and don't slip up. LEGGINGS / GAITERS SPURS JEWELLERY GLOVES Long laced boots (also called Field Boots) are to be laced in such a way that the laces will not be caught on any saddle, stirrup or girth fitting. Must match the colour of the boots. Must be polished leather on the outer side. Optional. If used, must be smooth metal, with a shank, which must be not more than 3.5cms long, pointing downwards to the rear and the end must be blunt in order to prevent wounding a horse. Straps must be correctly fitted with buckles to the outside. “Spur Ends” optional, must have one on each spur if used. Medic-Alert bracelets and chains must be taped leaving the disk exposed. Rings must be removed or taped. No other jewellery or body piercing permitted. Watches, Medic Alert Sports Bands, mouthguards and PCAWA Badges are permitted Optional. Page 18 PRECIS - PCAWA TETRATHLON, Updated May 2014 HAIR MAKE UP EQUESTRIAN BODY PROTECTORS Must be neatly restrained. Long hair to be plaited to collar-length and restrained in a hairnet. The wearing of make-up is discouraged, Coloured Nail Polish not permitted. Optional but recommended for PC65 (D grade) level and below. Compulsory for PC80 (C grade) level and above. All equestrian body protectors must be fitted correctly and as per manufacturer’s recommendations. Air Vests are permitted, must be worn over body protector, fitted and maintained as per manufacturer’s recommendations. GLASSES COMPETITOR NUMBERS OPEN RIDER DRESS As of Jan 1 2015 equestrian body protectors (ANY) will become compulsory at all grades for cross country phases in both Eventing and Tetrathlon. Prescription Spectacles permitted. Sun Glasses (Preferably Aus Std 1067, Cancer Council Approved), close-fitting and flat-wrap style permitted. RIDER - FRONT AND BACK NUMBERS (BIBS) must be worn. BRIDLE/ SADDLE CLOTH NUMBERS must also be worn for. SHIRTS – Shirt / Polo Shirts with long sleeves, tucked in to waistband permitted. Sleeves must NOT be pushed or rolled up. JUMPERS – Jumpers permitted, sleeves must NOT be pushed or rolled up. Service (e.g. Police Force) uniform permitted. JODHPURS - Beige, Off White, Light Canary or White, (NO hipsters or low-rise). Jodhpur Clips optional. Long socks are NOT permitted to worn over jodhpurs. OPEN RIDERS ARE BOUND BY THE SAME GEAR CHECKING RULES AS PCAWA MEMBERS, WITH THE ONLY EXCEPTION OF OPEN RIDER DRESS MEDICAL ARMBAND COMPULSORY and must be worn on the LEFT UPPER ARM. AGE DISCHARGE GENERAL HEALTH BLOOD HOOVES MANES & TAILS BRIDLE HORSE / PONY Must be 4 years of age or over. No discharge from Eyes and Nose No chronic cough. No swellings. The sighting of any blood (whether wet or dry) from anywhere on the horse, in particular the mouth, nostrils or spur area must be reported and checked by the Vet/Steward/Ground Jury/Chief Coach (whichever is applicable). To show evidence of recent care. Horse/Pony must have either: 4 Unshod Hooves OR Front 2 Hooves Shod, Back Hooves Unshod OR Back 2 Hooves Shod, Front Hooves Unshod OR All Hooves Shod. Manes and forelocks may be plaited. Tails to be pulled, trimmed or plaited. False tails permitted but must not have metal parts. SADDLERY Leather or Synthetic Fibre with matching Noseband. Micklem Bridles (Multibridles) allowed only with a snaffle bit. As per EA rules, no bit clips. Page 19 PRECIS - PCAWA TETRATHLON, Updated May 2014 BITS 1. Ordinary Snaffle with double jointed mouthpiece 2. Ordinary Snaffle with jointed mouthpiece 3. Racing Snaffle – D Ring 4. Egg-Butt Snaffle (a) with cheeks (b) without cheeks 5. Other types of snaffles with cheeks 6. Snaffle with upper cheeks only 7. Rubber, leather, plastic or steel snaffle, jointed or un-jointed 8. Hanging Cheek Snaffle 9. Ordinary Snaffle with double jointed mouthpiece – with lozenge 10. Ordinary Snaffle with double jointed mouthpiece – French Link 11. Un-jointed wavy plastic or rubber snaffle (not steel) (a) with cheeks (b) without cheeks 12. 12 Ordinary snaffle with rotating mouthpiece NB Bit No 11 can be used for Eventing Dressage ONLY. Double-jointed mouthpieces may have one ‘roller’ or rotating middle piece in the centre section. Multiple ‘rollers’ are not permitted. 12 ALSO PERMITTED BUT NOT PICTURED: Half-moon – port-mouth – curved mouthpieces Rubber or synthetic bit – both jointed and unjointed Sweet Iron bit Crescendo Cherry Roller Wilkie Snaffle Dr Bristol Copper Roller Dutch Gag / Pessoa Snaffle 3 Ring Dutch Gag / Pessoa 4 Ring Dutch Gag / Pessoa Peewee Myler Egg-Butt D ring Snaffle Bit with slots The check piece attaches to the top slot and the rein to the bottom slot, (this increases the leverage action) Page 20 PRECIS - PCAWA TETRATHLON, Updated May 2014 Kimblewick Bits - Can only be used with a Cavesson Noseband. Jointed Mouthpieces are NOT permitted. This variation of the Kimblewick has The original version of the Myler Kimblewick slotted bit rings. Kimblewick Pelham Bits - Can only be used with a Cavesson Noseband. Jointed Mouthpieces are NOT permitted. Half Moon Pelham Port Mouth Pelham Two loop Pelham More examples can be seen in the General Section of the Manual under Bridles/Bits. Rein Attachments & Roundings: Pessoa / Kimblewick / Pelham Bits A. With Two reins, or B. With a single rein attached to roundings, or B. C. C. With divided reins. Two reins may be used with single mouthpiece bits including the Kimblewick, Pelham and Dutch Gag / Pessoa Snaffle. BIT GUARDS, Permitted AUSTRALIAN CHEEKERS NOSEBANDS Cavesson Noseband Dropped Noseband Hanoverian (Flash) Grackle or Mexican Grackle (Crossover) Continental or Crank Noseband If a bit with a curb chain or curb strap is used, the only permitted Noseband is a Cavesson MARTINGALES Unrestricted running/Bib Martingales, with rein and neck stops or Irish Martingales with rein stops are permitted SADDLE English Type (Fully mounted) of leather or synthetic fibre and it must have a Girth with a minimum of two buckles, OR a Girth with a single buckle and surcingle. Humane Girth must have surcingle BREASTPLATES / Permitted with the exception of Monkey Grips CRUPPERS / NECK STRAPS / MONKEY GRIPS SADDLE Must be in Club or Zone colours or White. CLOTHS/NUMNAHS All team members must have the same Saddle Cloths/Numnahs unless in composite teams. ½ numnahs permitted in white, black, cream or club colours STIRRUP IRONS / Stirrup Irons to be metal or carbon polymer but not plastic, wooden or aluminium. STIRRUP LEATHERS Stirrup Irons to allow 1cm minimum each side of the rider's boot at the broadest part, max 1.5cm.approx each side. Toe-Stoppers – permitted. If used, must fit as for stirrup irons Stirrup safety bar clip must be turned down. Stirrup leathers must not be tied down or worn under the saddle flap Stirrup Treads – use of stirrup treads is optional, but if used, they must be made of rubber, plastic, polymer or metal and be either silver, black or white. WHIPS General Purpose Whips must have a flexible flap or tassel, must not be weighted at the end, maximum length 75cm including flap. Loop Handles must be removed. Whip heads to be unadorned, i.e. no horse heads and smooth. Dressage Whips – NOT permitted. BANDAGES / BOOTS / Polar Fleece Bandages must be either stitched, or taped with a minimum of three (3) separate BELL BOOTS rounds of electrical tape. Polar Fleece Bandages are NOT recommended for Cross Country or Show Jumping. All Bandages must have padding and be either stitched, or taped with a minimum of three (3) separate rounds of electrical tape. Bandages and tape not to be tight enough to cause pressure areas. Boots to be clean and correctly fitted – fastenings at the outside, straps facing backwards. Taping of Boots is optional. Boots with metal loop-fasteners must be fitted and fastened correctly –fastenings on the outside with straps facing backwards. Page 21 PRECIS - PCAWA TETRATHLON, Updated May 2014 PERMITTED GEAR & DRESS FOR PCAWA PRINCE PHILIP MOUNTED GAMES RIDER SAFETY HELMET SHIRTS TIES JUMPERS & POLO SHIRTS WET WEATHER GEAR BADGE / DISK JODHPURS/BREECHES RIDING TROUSERS OR MOLESKINS BOOTS RIDER / DRESS A rider weighing more than 53 kilograms (8 stone 5lbs) dressed to compete, may not ride a pony 12.2 hands or under. Must be ASA / NZS 3838 -2003 or PAS 015 (UK), ASTM F 1163 (USA), EN 1384 (Europe). Clip Fasteners to be clicked up securely. Helmet cameras will not be allowed at any PCAWA event. Long sleeved, in Club or Zone colour/s, fastened at the wrist and tucked in to waistband of jodhpurs. Sleeves must NOT be pushed/rolled up. Optional, to be in Pony Club or Zone colour/s. V-Necked Sleeved (or Sleeveless) Jumpers in Club / Zone colour/s worn with Long Sleeved Shirt with Tie. Polo Shirts with long sleeves in the registered Club or Zone primary colour/s may be worn tucked in to waistband of jodhpurs or trousers. Jumper/Polo Shirts must not be removed without permission of the Judge, Examiner or Coach. Long Sleeves must NOT be pushed or rolled up. Team Members, Pairs, must wear matching Long Sleeved Jumpers, Polo Shirts or Sleeveless Jumpers over long sleeved shirts (unless in composite teams). Wet weather gear not to be worn without permission of the Judge, Examiner or Coach. NOT permitted Beige, Bone or Fawn, (NO hipsters or low-rise). To be plain (No badges, ribbing or coloured stripes). Jodhpur Clips optional. Long socks are NOT permitted to be worn over jodhpurs. Fawn, Bone or Beige colour, the top of which shall be at the rider’s waist (NO hipsters or lowrise) and the length of which shall be such that when mounted the top of the rider’s boot shall be covered, permitted. English style riding boots with low heel, smooth sole in black or brown. No splits or holes, soles must be continued to heel - no half soles. Elastic sides must be firm, if stretched, use Jodhpur clips. Boots with zipper down front permitted. Short laced boots must either wear gaiters ensuring that the gaiters are covering the lace tieup or if wearing jodhpurs must wear Jodhpur clips to make sure their Jodhpur stay covering the lace tie-up and don't slip up. LEGGINGS / GAITERS SPURS JEWELLERY GLOVES HAIR MAKE UP GLASSES BODY PROTECTORS OPEN RIDER DRESS Long laced boots (also called Field Boots) are to be laced in such a way that the laces will not be caught on any saddle, stirrup or girth fitting. Must match the colour of the boots. Must be polished leather on the outer side. NOT permitted Medic-Alert bracelets and chains must be taped leaving the disk exposed. Rings must be removed or taped. No other jewellery or body piercing permitted. Medic Alert Sports Bands and mouthguards are permitted. Watches and PCAWA badges are not permitted. Optional. Must be neatly restrained. Long hair to be plaited to collar-length and restrained in a hairnet. The wearing of make-up is discouraged, Coloured Nail Polish not permitted. Prescription Spectacles permitted. Sun Glasses (Preferably Aus Std 1067, Cancer Council Approved), close-fitting and flat-wrap style permitted. Optional. SHIRTS - Long sleeved, fastened at the wrist and tucked in to waistband of jodhpurs. Sleeves must NOT be pushed/rolled up. TIES – Tie, Stock or Ratcatcher must be worn. JACKET/V-NECKED JUMPER – Must be worn with Long Sleeved Shirt and Tie/Stock/Ratcatcher. Jacket/Jumper must not be removed without permission of the Judge. Sleeves must NOT be pushed or rolled up. Service (e.g. Police Force) uniform permitted. JODHPURS - Beige, Off White, Light Canary or White, (NO hipsters or low-rise). Jodhpur Clips optional. Long socks are NOT permitted to worn over jodhpurs. Riding Trousers (bone, fawn or Beige) permitted OPEN RIDERS ARE BOUND BY THE SAME GEAR CHECKING RULES AS PCAWA MEMBERS, WITH THE ONLY EXCEPTION OF OPEN RIDER DRESS Page 22 PRECIS - PCAWA PPMG, Updated May 2014 AGE DISCHARGE GENERAL HEALTH BLOOD HOOVES MANES & TAILS BRIDLE HORSE / PONY Must be 4 years of age or over. No discharge from Eyes and Nose No chronic cough. No swellings. The sighting of any blood (whether wet or dry) from anywhere on the horse, in particular the mouth, nostrils or spur area must be reported and checked by the Vet/Steward/Ground Jury/Chief Coach (whichever is applicable). To show evidence of recent care. Horse/Pony must have either: 4 Unshod Hooves OR Front 2 Hooves Shod, Back Hooves Unshod OR Back 2 Hooves Shod, Front Hooves Unshod OR All Hooves Shod. To be neat, tidy and clean. Plaiting not permitted unless the length of the mane is at risk of the rider where a French Plait is permitted. False tails not permitted. SADDLERY Leather or Synthetic Fibre English style or correctly fitting Barcoo bridle with noseband Micklem Bridles (Multibridles) not permitted. REINS – If long reins are knotted, the centre buckle must be left undone. Polocrosse/Novelty reins are permitted. Clips must face inwards towards the horse/pony. BITS PERMITTED BUT NOT PICTURED Half-moon – port-mouth – curved mouthpieces Rubber or synthetic bit – both jointed and unjointed Sweet Iron bit Double-jointed rotating mouthpieces may have one ‘roller’ or rotating middle piece in the centre section. Multiple ‘rollers’ are not permitted. BIT GUARDS, AUSTRALIAN CHEEKERS NOSEBANDS MARTINGALES Permitted Cavesson Noseband Dropped Noseband Hanoverian (Flash) Grackle or Mexican Grackle (Crossover) Continental or Crank Noseband Permitted Martingales (only one may be worn at a time) are: Running Martingale with rein and neck stops, Irish Martingale, with rein stops; Page 23 PRECIS - PCAWA PPMG, Updated May 2014 SADDLE BREASTPLATES / CRUPPERS / NECK STRAPS / MONKEY GRIPS SADDLE CLOTHS/NUMNAHS STIRRUP IRONS / STIRRUP LEATHERS WHIPS BANDAGES / BOOTS / BELL BOOTS Standing Martingale with neck stop. A Standing Martingale may only be attached to a Cavesson Noseband or the Cavesson portion of a Hanoverian/Continental noseband. English Type or Poley or Stock Saddle (Fully mounted) of leather or synthetic fibre and it must have a Girth with a minimum of two buckles, OR a Girth with a single buckle and surcingle. Humane Girth must have surcingle All permitted Must be in Club or Zone colours or White. All team members must have the same Saddle Cloths/Numnahs unless in composite teams. ½ numnahs permitted in white, black, cream or club colours Stirrup Irons to be metal or carbon polymer but not plastic, wooden or aluminium. Spring Hinged irons and Kwik-outs not permitted. Stirrup Irons to allow 1cm minimum each side of the rider's boot at the broadest part, max 1.5cm.approx each side. Toe-Stoppers – permitted. If used, must fit as for stirrup irons Stirrup safety bar clip must be turned down. Stirrup leathers must not be tied down or worn under the saddle flap Stirrup Treads – use of stirrup treads is optional, but if used, they must be made of rubber, plastic, polymer or metal and be either silver, black or white. NOT permitted Polar Fleece Bandages must be either stitched, or taped with a minimum of three (3) separate rounds of electrical tape. All Bandages must have padding and be either stitched, or taped with a minimum of three separate rounds of electrical tape. Bandages and tape not to be tight enough to cause pressure areas. Boots to be clean and correctly fitted – fastenings at the outside, straps facing backwards. Taping of Boots is optional. Boots with metal loop-fasteners must be fitted and fastened correctly – fastenings on the outside with straps facing backwards. Page 24 PRECIS - PCAWA PPMG, Updated May 2014 PERMITTED GEAR & DRESS FOR PCAWA NOVELTIES RIDER SAFETY HELMET SHIRTS TIES JUMPERS & POLO SHIRTS WET WEATHER GEAR BADGE / DISK JODHPURS/BREECHES RIDING TROUSERS OR MOLESKINS BOOTS RIDER / DRESS A rider weighing more than 53 kilograms (8 stone 5lbs) dressed to compete, may not ride a pony 12.2 hands or under. Must be ASA / NZS 3838 -2003 or PAS 015 (UK), ASTM F 1163 (USA), EN 1384 (Europe). Clip Fasteners to be clicked up securely. Helmet cameras will not be allowed at any PCAWA event. Long sleeved, in Club or Zone colour/s, fastened at the wrist and tucked in to waistband of jodhpurs. Sleeves must NOT be pushed/rolled up. To be worn, and in Pony Club or Zone colour/s. May not be taken off when jumper removed. V-Necked Sleeved (or Sleeveless) Jumpers in Club / Zone colour/s worn with Long Sleeved Shirt with Tie. Polo Shirts with long sleeves in the registered Club or Zone primary colour/s may be worn tucked in to waistband of jodhpurs or trousers. Jumper/Polo Shirts must not be removed without permission of the Judge, Examiner or Coach. Long Sleeves must NOT be pushed or rolled up. Team Members, Pairs, must wear matching Long Sleeved Jumpers, Polo Shirts or Sleeveless Jumpers over long sleeved shirts (unless in composite teams). Wet weather gear not to be worn without permission of the Judge, Examiner or Coach. NOT permitted Beige, Bone or Fawn, (NO hipsters or low-rise). To be plain (No badges, ribbing or coloured stripes). Jodhpur Clips optional. Long socks are NOT permitted to be worn over jodhpurs. Fawn, Bone or Beige colour, the top of which shall be at the rider’s waist (NO hipsters or low-rise) and the length of which shall be such that when mounted the top of the rider’s boot shall be covered, permitted. English style riding boots with low heel, smooth sole in black or brown. No splits or holes, soles must be continued to heel - no half soles. Elastic sides must be firm, if stretched, use Jodhpur clips. Boots with zipper down front permitted. Short laced boots must either wear gaiters ensuring that the gaiters are covering the lace tieup or if wearing jodhpurs must wear Jodhpur clips to make sure their Jodhpur stay covering the lace tie-up and don't slip up. LEGGINGS / GAITERS SPURS JEWELLERY GLOVES HAIR MAKE UP BODY PROTECTORS GLASSES OPEN RIDER DRESS Long laced boots (also called Field Boots) are to be laced in such a way that the laces will not be caught on any saddle, stirrup or girth fitting. Must match the colour of the boots. Must be polished leather on the outer side. NOT permitted Medic-Alert bracelets and chains must be taped leaving the disk exposed. Rings must be removed or taped. No other jewellery or body piercing permitted. Medic Alert Sports Bands and mouthguards are permitted. Watches and PCAWA badges are not permitted. Optional. Must be neatly restrained. Long hair to be plaited to collar-length and restrained in a hairnet. The wearing of make-up is discouraged, Coloured Nail Polish not permitted. Optional. Prescription Spectacles permitted. Sun Glasses (Preferably Aus Std 1067, Cancer Council Approved), close-fitting and flat-wrap style permitted. SHIRTS - Long sleeved, fastened at the wrist and tucked in to waistband of jodhpurs. Sleeves must NOT be pushed/rolled up. TIES – Tie, Stock or Ratcatcher must be worn. JACKET/V-NECKED JUMPER – Must be worn with Long Sleeved Shirt and Tie/Stock/Ratcatcher. Jacket/Jumper must not be removed without permission of the Judge. Sleeves must NOT be pushed or rolled up. Service (e.g. Police Force) uniform permitted. JODHPURS - Beige, Off White, Light Canary or White, (NO hipsters or low-rise). Jodhpur Clips optional. Long socks are NOT permitted to worn over jodhpurs. Riding Trousers (bone, fawn or Beige) permitted OPEN RIDERS ARE BOUND BY THE SAME GEAR CHECKING RULES AS PCAWA MEMBERS, WITH THE ONLY EXCEPTION OF OPEN RIDER DRESS Page 25 PRECIS - PCAWA NOVELTIES, Updated May 2014 AGE DISCHARGE GENERAL HEALTH BLOOD HOOVES MANES & TAILS BRIDLE HORSE / PONY Must be 4 years of age or over. No discharge from Eyes and Nose. No chronic cough. No swellings. The sighting of any blood (whether wet or dry) from anywhere on the horse, in particular the mouth, nostrils or spur area must be reported and checked by the Vet/Steward/Ground Jury/Chief Coach (whichever is applicable). To show evidence of recent care. Horse/Pony must have either: 4 Unshod Hooves OR Front 2 Hooves Shod, Back Hooves Unshod OR Back 2 Hooves Shod, Front Hooves Unshod OR All Hooves Shod. To be neat, tidy and clean. Plaiting not permitted unless the length of the mane is at risk of the rider where a French Plait is permitted. False tails not permitted. SADDLERY Leather or Synthetic Fibre English style or correctly fitting Barcoo bridle with noseband Micklem Bridles (Multibridles) not permitted. REINS – If long reins are knotted, the centre buckle must be left undone. Polocrosse/Novelty reins are permitted. Clips must face inwards towards the horse/pony. BITS PERMITTED BUT NOT PICTURED Half-moon – port-mouth – curved mouthpieces Rubber or synthetic bit – both jointed and unjointed Sweet Iron bit Double-jointed rotating mouthpieces may have one ‘roller’ or rotating middle piece in the centre section. Multiple ‘rollers’ are not permitted. BIT GUARDS, AUSTRALIAN CHEEKERS Permitted NOSEBANDS Cavesson Noseband Dropped Noseband Hanoverian (Flash) Grackle or Mexican Grackle (Crossover) Continental or Crank Noseband Page 26 PRECIS - PCAWA NOVELTIES, Updated May 2014 MARTINGALES SADDLE BREASTPLATES / CRUPPERS / NECK STRAPS / MONKEY GRIPS SADDLE CLOTHS/NUMNAHS STIRRUP IRONS / STIRRUP LEATHERS WHIPS BANDAGES / BOOTS / BELL BOOTS Permitted Martingales (only one may be worn at a time) are: Running Martingale with rein and neck stops, Irish Martingale, with rein stops; Standing Martingale with neck stop. A Standing Martingale may only be attached to a Cavesson Noseband or the Cavesson portion of a Hanoverian/Continental noseband. English Type or Poley or Stock Saddle (Fully mounted) of leather or synthetic fibre and it must have a Girth with a minimum of two buckles, OR a Girth with a single buckle and surcingle. Humane Girth must have surcingle All permitted Must be in Club or Zone colours or White. All team members must have the same Saddle Cloths/Numnahs unless in composite teams. ½ numnahs permitted in white, black, cream or club colours Stirrup Irons to be metal or carbon polymer but not plastic, wooden or aluminium. Spring Hinged irons and Kwik-outs not permitted. Stirrup Irons to allow 1cm minimum each side of the rider's boot at the broadest part, max 1.5cm.approx each side. Toe-Stoppers – permitted. If used, must fit as for stirrup irons Stirrup safety bar clip must be turned down. Stirrup leathers must not be tied down or worn under the saddle flap Stirrup Treads – use of stirrup treads is optional, but if used, they must be made of rubber, plastic, polymer or metal and be either silver, black or white. NOT permitted Polar Fleece Bandages must be either stitched, or taped with a minimum of three (3) separate rounds of electrical tape. All Bandages must have padding and be either stitched, or taped with a minimum of three (3) separate rounds of electrical tape. Bandages and tape not to be tight enough to cause pressure areas. Boots to be clean and correctly fitted – fastenings at the outside, straps facing backwards. Taping of Boots is optional. Boots with metal loop-fasteners must be fitted and fastened correctly – fastenings on the outside with straps facing backwards. Page 27 PRECIS - PCAWA NOVELTIES, Updated May 2014 PERMITTED GEAR & DRESS FOR PCAWA MUSICAL RIDE, FANCY DRESS, FREESTYLE, PAS DE DEUX RIDER SAFETY HELMET SHIRTS TIES JUMPERS & POLO SHIRTS WET WEATHER GEAR BADGE / DISK JODHPURS/BREECHES RIDING TROUSERS OR MOLESKINS BOOTS RIDER / DRESS A rider weighing more than 53 kilograms (8 stone 5lbs) dressed to compete, may not ride a pony 12.2 hands or under. Must be ASA / NZS 3838 -2003 or PAS 015 (UK), ASTM F 1163 (USA), EN 1384 (Europe). Clip Fasteners to be clicked up securely. Helmet cameras will not be allowed at any PCAWA event. Long sleeved, in Club or Zone colour/s, fastened at the wrist and tucked in to waistband of jodhpurs. Sleeves must NOT be pushed/rolled up. Rally shirt or polo/rugby top (rally uniform only – not at competition) is allowed to have achievement badges on the left sleeve from the shoulder to the wrist. To be in Pony Club or Zone colour/s. May not be taken off when jumpers are removed. V-Necked Sleeved (or Sleeveless) Jumpers in Club / Zone colour/s worn with Long Sleeved Shirt with Tie. Polo Shirts with long sleeves in the registered Club or Zone primary colour/s may be worn tucked in to waistband of jodhpurs or trousers. Jumper/Polo Shirts must not be removed without permission of the Judge, Examiner or Coach. Long Sleeves must NOT be pushed or rolled up. Team Members, Pairs, must wear matching Long Sleeved Jumpers, Polo Shirts or Sleeveless Jumpers over long sleeved shirts (unless in composite teams). Wet weather gear not to be worn without permission of the Judge, Examiner or Coach. To be worn on the "V" of the jumper. Optional Beige, Bone or Fawn, (NO hipsters or low-rise). To be plain (No badges, ribbing or coloured stripes). Jodhpur Clips optional. Long socks are NOT permitted to be worn over jodhpurs. Fawn, Bone or Beige colour, the top of which shall be at the rider’s waist (NO hipsters or low-rise) and the length of which shall be such that when mounted the top of the rider’s boot shall be covered, permitted. Short or long riding boots must be worn by all Riders, Leaders, and Unmounted participants. English style riding boots with low heel, smooth sole in black or brown. No splits or holes, soles must be continued to heel - no half soles. Elastic sides must be firm, if stretched, use Jodhpur clips. Boots with zipper down front permitted. Short laced boots must either wear gaiters ensuring that the gaiters are covering the lace tieup or if wearing jodhpurs must wear Jodhpur clips to make sure their Jodhpur stay covering the lace tie-up and don't slip up. LEGGINGS / GAITERS SPURS JEWELLERY GLOVES HAIR MAKE UP BODY PROTECTORS GLASSES PCAWA – PLEASURE, RIDER & BAREBACK RIDER EXCEPTIONS Long laced boots (also called Field Boots) are to be laced in such a way that the laces will not be caught on any saddle, stirrup or girth fitting. Must match the colour of the boots. Must be polished leather on the outer side. Optional. If used, must be smooth metal, with a shank, which must be not more than 3.5cms long, pointing downwards to the rear and the end must be blunt in order to prevent wounding a horse. Straps must be correctly fitted with buckles to the outside. “Spur Ends” optional, must have one on each spur if used. Medic-Alert bracelets and chains must be taped leaving the disk exposed. Rings must be removed or taped. No other jewellery or body piercing permitted. Watches, Medic Alert Sports Bands, mouthguards and PCAWA Badges are permitted Optional. Must be neatly restrained. Long hair to be plaited to collar-length and restrained in a hairnet. The wearing of make-up is discouraged, Coloured Nail Polish not permitted. Optional but recommended. Prescription Spectacles permitted. Sun Glasses (Preferably Aus Std 1067, Cancer Council Approved), close-fitting and flat-wrap style permitted. THE FOLLOWING EXCEPTIONS APPLY FOR PLEASURE, RIDER & BAREBACK RIDER EVENTS PLEASURE EVENTS - Riders may be asked to ride one-handed or on a loose rein. Judge’s decision. RIDER EVENTS - Riders may be asked to ride without stirrups. Judge’s decision. BAREBACK RIDER EVENTS - Riders to ride without saddles, Use of a Neck Strap is recommended. PRECIS - PCAWA MUSICAL RIDE, FANCY DRESS, FREESTYLE, PAS DE DEUX, Updated May 2014 Page 28 PCAWA - MUSICAL RIDE, FANCY DRESS, FREESTYLE, PAS DE DEUX EXCEPTIONS AGE DISCHARGE GENERAL HEALTH BLOOD HOOVES MANES & TAILS BRIDLE THE FOLLOWING EXCEPTIONS APPLY FOR MUSICAL RIDE, FANCY DRESS, FREESTYLE, PAS DE DEUX BITS / MARTINGALES: As for Cross Country permitted in Musical Ride and Fancy Dress only. NOT permitted in Freestyle and Pas de Deux. Artificial colouring or spray painting of horses or ponies permitted for Fancy Dress, Musical Ride, Pas de Deux, and Freestyle events only. False Tails with no metal parts permitted THEME REQUIREMENTS: Participants may use other dress/gear other than PCAWA approved standard Dressage dress/gear to suit their Theme, e.g. Long Flowing Dresses, Harness with cart (Fancy Dress only) etc, etc HORSE / PONY Must be 4 years of age or over. No discharge from Eyes and Nose No chronic cough. No swellings. The sighting of any blood (whether wet or dry) from anywhere on the horse, in particular the mouth, nostrils or spur area must be reported and checked by the Vet/Steward/Ground Jury/Chief Coach (whichever is applicable). To show evidence of recent care. Horse/Pony must have either: 4 Unshod Hooves OR Front 2 Hooves Shod, Back Hooves Unshod OR Back 2 Hooves Shod, Front Hooves Unshod OR All Hooves Shod. Manes and forelocks to be plaited. Tails to be pulled, trimmed or plaited. False tails permitted but must not have metal parts. SADDLERY Leather or Synthetic Fibre with or without a matching noseband. English style Micklem Bridles (Multibridles) allowed only with a snaffle bit. As per EA rules, no bit clips. BITS PERMITTED BUT NOT PICTURED Half-moon – port-mouth – curved mouthpieces Rubber or synthetic bit – both jointed and unjointed Sweet Iron bit Double-jointed rotating mouthpieces may have one ‘roller’ or rotating middle piece in the centre section. Multiple ‘rollers’ are not permitted. PRECIS - PCAWA MUSICAL RIDE, FANCY DRESS, FREESTYLE, PAS DE DEUX, Updated May 2014 Page 29 BIT GUARDS, AUSTRALIAN CHEEKERS NOSEBANDS MARTINGALES SADDLE Permitted Cavesson Noseband Dropped Noseband Hanoverian (Flash) Grackle or Mexican Grackle (Crossover) Continental or Crank Noseband Permitted Martingales (only one may be worn at a time) are: Running Martingale with rein and neck stops, Irish Martingale, with rein stops, Standing Martingale with neck stop. A Standing Martingale may only be attached to a Cavesson Noseband or the Cavesson portion of a Hanoverian/Continental noseband. English Type (Fully mounted) of leather or synthetic fibre is compulsory and must have a Girth with a minimum of two buckles, OR a Girth with a single buckle and surcingle. Humane Girth must have surcingles Musical Ride and Fancy Dress ONLY: English, Poley, Stock, Fender, Pony Pads, Wintec Child’s Saddle, Western, are permitted BREASTPLATES / CRUPPERS / NECK STRAPS / MONKEY GRIPS SADDLE CLOTHS/NUMNAHS STIRRUP IRONS / STIRRUP LEATHERS WHIPS Fancy Dress ONLY: Racing Saddles All permitted Must be in Club or Zone colours or White. All team members must have the same Saddle Cloths/Numnahs unless in composite teams. ½ numnahs permitted in white, black, cream or club colours Stirrup Irons to be metal or carbon polymer but not plastic, wooden or aluminium. Stirrup Irons to allow 1cm minimum each side of the rider's boot at the broadest part, max 1.5cm.approx each side. Toe-Stoppers – permitted. If used, must fit as for stirrup irons Stirrup safety bar clip must be turned down. Stirrup leathers must not be tied down or worn under the saddle flap Stirrup Treads – use of stirrup treads is optional, but if used, they must be made of rubber, plastic, polymer or metal and be either silver, black or white. Whips are permitted up to and including Medium standard in this discipline. General Purpose Whips must have a flexible flap or tassel, must not be weighted at the end, maximum length 75cm including flap. Loop Handles must be removed. Whip heads to be unadorned, i.e. no horse heads and smooth. BANDAGES / BOOTS / BELL BOOTS Dressage Whip – must have tassel or flexible flap. Maximum length for pony 13h and under – 1m, over 13h – 1.20m. Permitted for Musical Ride, Fancy Dress, Freestyle events ONLY Polar Fleece Bandages must be either stitched, or taped with a minimum of three (3) separate rounds of electrical tape. All Bandages must have padding and be either stitched, or taped with a minimum of three separate rounds of electrical tape. Bandages and tape not to be tight enough to cause pressure areas. Boots to be clean and correctly fitted – fastenings at the outside, straps facing backwards. Taping of Boots is optional. Boots with metal loop-fasteners must be fitted and fastened correctly – fastenings on the outside with straps facing backwards. PRECIS - PCAWA MUSICAL RIDE, FANCY DRESS, FREESTYLE, PAS DE DEUX, Updated May 2014 Page 30 PERMITTED GEAR & DRESS FOR PCAWA PONY CLUB MOUNT RIDER SAFETY HELMET SHIRTS TIES JUMPERS WET WEATHER GEAR BADGE / DISK JODHPURS/BREECHES RIDING TROUSERS OR MOLESKINS BOOTS RIDER / DRESS A rider weighing more than 53 kilograms (8 stone 5lbs) dressed to compete, may not ride a pony 12.2 hands or under. Must be ASA / NZS 3838 -2003 or PAS 015 (UK), ASTM F 1163 (USA), EN 1384 (Europe). Clip Fasteners to be clicked up securely. Helmet cameras will not be allowed at any PCAWA event. Long sleeved in Club/Zone colour/s, fastened at the wrist and tucked in to waistband of jodhpurs. Sleeves must NOT be pushed/rolled up. To be in Club/Zone colour/s. May not be taken off when jumpers are removed. V-Necked Sleeved (or Sleeveless) Jumpers in Registered Club/Zone colour/s worn with Long Sleeved Shirt with Tie. Jumper must not be removed without permission of the Judge, Examiner or Coach. Long Sleeves must NOT be pushed or rolled up. Team Members, Pairs, must wear matching Long Sleeved Jumpers or Sleeveless Jumpers over long sleeved shirts (unless in composite teams). Wet weather gear not to be worn without permission of the Judge, Examiner or Coach. Optional, if worn to be on “v” of jumper. Beige, Bone or Fawn, (NO hipsters or low-rise). To be plain (No badges, ribbing or coloured stripes). Jodhpur Clips optional. Long socks are NOT permitted to be worn over jodhpurs. Fawn, Bone or Beige colour, the top of which shall be at the rider’s waist (NO hipsters or low-rise) and the length of which shall be such that when mounted the top of the rider’s boot shall be covered, permitted. English style riding boots with low heel, smooth sole in black or brown. No splits or holes, soles must be continued to heel - no half soles. Elastic sides must be firm, if stretched, use Jodhpur clips. Boots with zipper down front permitted. Short laced boots must either wear gaiters ensuring that the gaiters are covering the lace tieup or if wearing jodhpurs must wear Jodhpur clips to make sure their Jodhpur stay covering the lace tie-up and don't slip up. LEGGINGS / GAITERS SPURS JEWELLERY GLOVES HAIR MAKE UP BODY PROTECTORS GLASSES OPEN RIDER DRESS Long laced boots (also called Field Boots) are to be laced in such a way that the laces will not be caught on any saddle, stirrup or girth fitting. Must match the colour of the boots. Must be polished leather on the outer side. NOT permitted in PC Mount Medic-Alert bracelets and chains must be taped leaving the disk exposed. Rings must be removed or taped. No other jewellery, watches or body piercing permitted. Medic Alert Sports Band and mouthguards are permitted Optional. Must be neatly restrained. Long hair to be plaited to collar-length and restrained in a hairnet. The wearing of make-up is discouraged, Coloured Nail Polish not permitted. Optional. Prescription Spectacles permitted. Sun Glasses (Preferably Aus Std 1067, Cancer Council Approved), close-fitting and flat-wrap style permitted. SHIRTS - Long sleeved, fastened at the wrist and tucked in to waistband of jodhpurs. Sleeves must NOT be pushed/rolled up. TIES – Tie, Stock or Ratcatcher must be worn. JACKET/V-NECKED JUMPER – Must be worn with Long Sleeved Shirt and Tie/Stock/Ratcatcher. Jacket/Jumper must not be removed without permission of the Judge. Sleeves must NOT be pushed or rolled up. Service (e.g. Police Force) uniform permitted. JODHPURS - Beige, Off White, Light Canary or White, (NO hipsters or low-rise). Jodhpur Clips optional. Long socks are NOT permitted to worn over jodhpurs. Riding Trousers (bone, fawn or Beige) permitted OPEN RIDERS ARE BOUND BY THE SAME GEAR CHECKING RULES AS PCAWA MEMBERS, WITH THE ONLY EXCEPTION OF OPEN RIDER DRESS Page 31 PRECIS - PCAWA PC MOUNT, Updated May 2014 AGE DISCHARGE GENERAL HEALTH BLOOD HOOVES MANES & TAILS BRIDLE HORSE / PONY Must be 4 years of age or over. No discharge from Eyes and Nose No chronic cough. No swellings. The sighting of any blood (whether wet or dry) from anywhere on the horse, in particular the mouth, nostrils or spur area must be reported and checked by the Vet/Steward/Ground Jury/Chief Coach (whichever is applicable). To show evidence of recent care. Horse/Pony must have either: 4 Unshod Hooves OR Front 2 Hooves Shod, Back Hooves Unshod OR Back 2 Hooves Shod, Front Hooves Unshod OR All Hooves Shod. To be neat, tidy and clean. Plaiting not permitted unless the length of the mane is at risk of the rider where a French Plait is permitted. False tails not permitted. SADDLERY Leather compulsory with matching Noseband. Micklem Bridles (Multibridles) not permitted. BITS PERMITTED BUT NOT PICTURED Half-moon – port-mouth – curved mouthpieces Rubber or synthetic bit – both jointed and unjointed Sweet Iron bit Double-jointed rotating mouthpieces may have one ‘roller’ or rotating middle piece in the centre section. NOT PERMITTED BITS FOR PC MOUNT Any Kimblewick/Spanish Snaffle Bit Any Dutch Gag / Pessoa Snaffle Any Pelham Bit Multiple ‘rollers’ are not permitted. BIT GUARDS, AUSTRALIAN CHEEKERS NOSEBANDS MARTINGALES SADDLE Not permitted Wearing of a noseband in PC Mount is compulsory Cavesson Noseband (preferred). Drop, Hanoverian (Flash), Grackle or Mexican Grackle (Crossover), Continental or Crank Nosebands are permitted but will be marked down Running or Irish, both which must have rein stops. Permitted but will be marked down English Type (Fully mounted) of leather or synthetic fibre is compulsory and must have a Girth with a minimum of two buckles, OR a Girth with a single buckle and surcingle. Humane Girth must have surcingle Page 32 PRECIS - PCAWA PC MOUNT, Updated May 2014 BREASTPLATES / CRUPPERS / NECK STRAPS / MONKEY GRIPS SADDLE CLOTHS/NUMNAHS STIRRUP IRONS / STIRRUP LEATHERS WHIPS BANDAGES / BOOTS / BELL BOOTS Permitted Must be in Club / Zone primary colours (contrast edging permitted) or White. All team members must have the same Saddle Cloths/Numnahs unless in composite teams. Stirrup Irons to be metal or polymer and to allow 1cm minimum each side of the rider's boot at the broadest part, max 1.5cm.approx each side. Stirrup safety bar clip must be turned down. Stirrup leathers must not be tied down or worn under the saddle flap Toe-Stoppers – permitted. If used, must fit as for stirrup irons Stirrup Treads – use of stirrup treads is optional, but if used, they must be made of rubber, plastic, polymer or metal and be either silver, black or white. Not permitted in PC Mount. Polar Fleece Bandages must be either stitched, or taped with a minimum of three (3) separate rounds of electrical tape. All Bandages must have padding and be either stitched, or taped with a minimum of three (3) separate rounds of electrical tape. Bandages and tape not to be tight enough to cause pressure areas. Boots to be clean and correctly fitted – fastenings at the outside, straps facing backwards. Taping of Boots is optional. Boots with metal loop-fasteners must be fitted and fastened correctly – fastenings on the outside with straps facing backwards. Page 33 PRECIS - PCAWA PC MOUNT, Updated May 2014 PERMITTED GEAR & DRESS FOR PCAWA POLOCROSSE RIDER SAFETY HELMET SHIRTS / POLO SHIRTS TIES JUMPERS WET WEATHER GEAR BADGE / DISK JODHPURS/BREECHES RIDING TROUSERS OR MOLESKINS BOOTS RIDER / DRESS A rider weighing more than 53 kilograms (8 stone 5lbs) dressed to compete, may not ride a pony 12.2 hands or under. Must be ASA / NZS 3838 -2003 or PAS 015 (UK), ASTM F 1163 (USA), EN 1384 (Europe). Clip Fasteners to be clicked up securely. Helmet cameras will not be allowed at any PCAWA event. - Long sleeved in Zone colour/s, fastened at the wrist and tucked in to waistband of jodhpurs. Sleeves must NOT be pushed/rolled up. To be in Zone colour/s. May not be taken off when jumpers are removed. V-Necked Sleeved (or Sleeveless) Jumpers in Registered Zone colour/s worn with Long Sleeved Shirt with Tie. Jumper must not be removed without permission of the Judge, Examiner or Coach. Long Sleeves must NOT be pushed or rolled up. Team Members, Pairs, must wear matching Long Sleeved Jumpers or Sleeveless Jumpers over long sleeved shirts (unless in composite teams). Wet weather gear not to be worn without permission of the Judge, Examiner or Coach. NOT permitted. Beige, Bone or Fawn, (NO hipsters or low-rise). To be plain (No badges, ribbing or coloured stripes). Jodhpur Clips optional. Long socks are NOT permitted to be worn over jodhpurs. Fawn, Bone or Beige colour, the top of which shall be at the rider’s waist (NO hipsters or low-rise) and the length of which shall be such that when mounted the top of the rider’s boot shall be covered, permitted. English style riding boots with low heel, smooth sole in black or brown. No splits or holes, soles must be continued to heel - no half soles. Elastic sides must be firm, if stretched, use Jodhpur clips. Boots with zipper down front permitted. Short laced boots must either wear gaiters ensuring that the gaiters are covering the lace tieup or if wearing jodhpurs must wear Jodhpur clips to make sure their Jodhpur stay covering the lace tie-up and don't slip up. LEGGINGS / GAITERS SPURS JEWELLERY GLOVES HAIR MAKE UP BODY PROTECTORS GLASSES AGE DISCHARGE GENERAL HEALTH BLOOD HOOVES MANES & TAILS Long laced boots (also called Field Boots) are to be laced in such a way that the laces will not be caught on any saddle, stirrup or girth fitting. Must match the colour of the boots. Must be polished leather on the outer side. Optional. If used, must be smooth metal, with a shank, which must be not more than 3.5cms long, pointing downwards to the rear and the end must be blunt in order to prevent wounding a horse. Straps must be correctly fitted with buckles to the outside. “Spur Ends” optional, must have one on each spur if used. Medic-Alert bracelets and chains must be taped leaving the disk exposed. Rings must be removed or taped. No other jewellery or body piercing permitted. Watches, Medic Alert Sports Band and, mouthguards are permitted Optional. Must be neatly restrained. Long hair to be plaited to collar-length and restrained in a hairnet. The wearing of make-up is discouraged, Coloured Nail Polish not permitted. Optional but recommended. Prescription Spectacles permitted. Sun Glasses (Preferably Aus Std 1067, Cancer Council Approved), close-fitting and flat-wrap style permitted. HORSE / PONY Must be 4 years of age or over. No discharge from Eyes and Nose No chronic cough. No swellings. The sighting of any blood (whether wet or dry) from anywhere on the horse, in particular the mouth, nostrils or spur area must be reported and checked by the Vet/Steward/Ground Jury/Chief Coach (whichever is applicable). To show evidence of recent care. Horse/Pony must have either: 4 Unshod Hooves OR Front 2 Hooves Shod, Back Hooves Unshod OR Back 2 Hooves Shod, Front Hooves Unshod OR All Hooves Shod. Manes must either be sectioned off with rubber bands, or have a running plait or French Braid along the top of the neck, or be plaited normally or be hogged. Page 34 PRECIS - PCAWA POLOCROSSE, Updated May 2014 Tail must be plaited and put up polocrosse style (BELOW) SADDLERY Leather compulsory with matching Noseband. Micklem Bridles (Multibridles) not permitted. BRIDLE REINS – If long reins are knotted, the centre buckle must be left undone. Polocrosse/Novelty reins are permitted. Clips must face inwards towards the horse/pony. BITS 1. Ordinary Snaffle with double jointed mouthpiece 2. Ordinary Snaffle with jointed mouthpiece 3. Racing Snaffle – D Ring 4. Egg-Butt Snaffle (a) with cheeks (b) without cheeks 5. Other types of snaffles with cheeks 6. Snaffle with upper cheeks only 7. Rubber, leather, plastic or steel snaffle, jointed or un-jointed 8. Hanging Cheek Snaffle 9. Ordinary Snaffle with double jointed mouthpiece – with lozenge 10. Ordinary Snaffle with double jointed mouthpiece – French Link 11. Un-jointed wavy plastic or rubber snaffle (not steel) (a) with cheeks (b) without cheeks 12. 12 Ordinary snaffle with rotating mouthpiece NB Bit No 11 can be used for Eventing Dressage ONLY. Double-jointed mouthpieces may have one ‘roller’ or rotating middle piece in the centre section. Multiple ‘rollers’ are not permitted. 12 Crescendo ALSO PERMITTED BUT NOT PICTURED: Half-moon – port-mouth – curved mouthpieces Rubber or synthetic bit – both jointed and unjointed Sweet Iron bit Cherry Roller Wilkie Snaffle Page 35 Dr Bristol PRECIS - PCAWA POLOCROSSE, Updated May 2014 Copper Roller Peewee Dutch Gag / Pessoa Snaffle 3 Ring Dutch Gag / Pessoa 4 Ring Dutch Gag / Pessoa Myler Egg-Butt D ring Snaffle Bit with slots The check piece attaches to the top slot and the rein to the bottom slot, (this increases the leverage action) Kimblewick Bits - Can only be used with a Cavesson Noseband. Jointed Mouthpieces are NOT permitted. This variation of the Kimblewick has The original version of the Myler Kimblewick slotted bit rings. Kimblewick Pelham Bits - Can only be used with a Cavesson Noseband. Jointed Mouthpieces are NOT permitted. Half Moon Pelham Port Mouth Pelham Two loop Pelham More examples can be seen in the General Section of the Manual under Bridles/Bits. Rein Attachments & Roundings: Pessoa / Kimblewick / Pelham Bits A. With Two reins, or B. With a single rein attached to roundings, or B. C. C. With divided reins. Two reins may be used with single mouthpiece bits including the Kimblewick, Pelham and Dutch Gag / Pessoa Snaffle. BIT GUARDS, Permitted AUSTRALIAN CHEEKERS NOSEBANDS Wearing of a noseband in PC Mount is compulsory Cavesson Noseband (preferred) Dropped, Hanoverian (Flash), Grackle or Mexican Grackle (Crossover), Continental or Crank Nosebands are permitted, but will be marked down MARTINGALES Permitted Martingales (only one may be worn at a time) are: Running Martingale with rein and neck stops, Irish Martingale, with rein stops, Standing Martingale with neck stop. A Standing Martingale may only be attached to a Cavesson Noseband or the Cavesson portion of a Hanoverian/Continental noseband. SADDLE English / Poley / Stock Type (Fully mounted) of leather or synthetic fibre is compulsory and must have a Girth with a minimum of two buckles, OR a Girth with a single buckle and surcingle. Humane Girth must have surcingle BREASTPLATES / Permitted CRUPPERS / NECK STRAPS / MONKEY GRIPS Page 36 PRECIS - PCAWA POLOCROSSE, Updated May 2014 SADDLE CLOTHS/NUMNAHS STIRRUP IRONS / STIRRUP LEATHERS WHIPS BANDAGES / BOOTS / BELL BOOTS Must be in Zone primary colours (contrast edging permitted) or White. All team members must have the same Saddle Cloths/Numnahs unless in composite teams. Stirrup Irons to be metal or polymer and to allow 1cm minimum each side of the rider's boot at the broadest part, max 1.5cm.approx each side. Stirrup safety bar clip must be turned down. Stirrup leathers must not be tied down or worn under the saddle flap Toe-Stoppers – permitted. If used, must fit as for stirrup irons Stirrup Treads – use of stirrup treads is optional, but if used, they must be made of rubber, plastic, polymer or metal and be either silver, black or white. General Purpose Whips must have a flexible flap or tassel, must not be weighted at the end, maximum length 75cm including flap. Loop Handles must be removed. Whip heads to be unadorned, i.e. no horse heads and smooth. Dressage Whip – not permitted. Optional for riders 12 & under, Compulsory for 13 and over Polar Fleece Bandages must be either stitched, or taped with a minimum of three (3) separate rounds of electrical tape. All Bandages must have padding and be either stitched, or taped with a minimum of three separate rounds of electrical tape. Bandages and tape not to be tight enough to cause pressure areas. Boots to be clean and correctly fitted – fastenings at the outside, straps facing backwards. Taping of Boots is optional. Boots with metal loop-fasteners must be fitted and fastened correctly – fastenings on the outside with straps facing backwards. Page 37 PRECIS - PCAWA POLOCROSSE, Updated May 2014 NOT PERMITTED AT ANY PCAWA ACTIVITY The following items of dress, saddlery, etc. are NOT permitted to be used at any Pony Club Mounted Activity (Rallies, Training Days, Camps, Efficiency Certificate Test Days, and Competitions etc.) PCAWA Uniform – Rider PCAWA Saddlery – Bits Protective Headgear: Non-Equestrian Helmets such as Bicycle Helmets. Any Safety Helmets NOT labelled ASA/NZ 3838, PAS 015 (UK), ASTM F 1163 (USA), EN1384 (Europe). Bits with Curb Chains / Curb Straps with Drop, Hanoverian, Grackle or Mexican Grackle, Continental (Crank) Nosebands Combination Bits Protective Headgear Fitting: Any camera, including helmet cameras will not be allowed at any PCAWA event. Mikmar Mouthpieces Running (Balding) Gag Bit Any other Bits not specified as permitted in the GC Manual Shirts: Singlets/sleeveless garments Sleeves rolled/pushed up. PCAWA Saddlery - Nosebands Jumpers: Sleeves rolled/pushed up Worcester Nosebands, Kyneton Nosebands, Shadow Nosebands Wet Weather Gear: Not to be worn without permission of the Judge, Examiner or Coach PCAWA Saddlery - Martingales Running / Irish / Bib Martingales without Rein Stoppers and/or Neck Stopper Badge: Not permitted for PPMG / Novelties / PC Mount / Polocrosse Standing Martingale without Neck Stopper Jodhpurs: Badges, ribbing or coloured stripes Hipsters or low-rise Bright yellow, white and dark coloured Long socks not permitted to be worn over jodhpurs Market Harboroughs Chambons and other auxiliary equipment (May be used at “A” Schools only) PCAWA Saddlery - Miscellaneous Boots: Wellington/Gum Boots at any mounted activity Riding Boots with treads that are deeply ridged Riding Boots with splits or holes in the sole Riding Boots with half-soles Spurs: Strapless Spurs Jewellery: Jewellery including ALL Body Piercings - except Watch and PCAWA State Badge where permitted and Medic Alert Bracelets & Chains & Sports Bands which must be taped leaving disk exposed. Rings must be removed or taped. Chewing of any gum or lollies. Articles of any sort held in the mouth e.g. whips, lollypop sticks etc, Mouthguards are permitted. Make Up: Coloured Nail Polish when in formal Pony Club Uniform Mobile Phones: Mobile Phones (when riding, when under instruction, riding in competition, by coaches when coaching) PCAWA Saddlery - Bridles Bitless Bridles One Eared Bridles Rope Bridles Hackamores or Bosals Fly Shields/Fly Veils except under exceptional circumstances Hoods or Blinkers Tongue Ties Draw Reins PCAWA Saddlery – Saddles Racing saddle (Fancy dress allowed) Treeless saddles Saddle Covers PCAWA Saddlery - Girths Single Buckle girths without a surcingle Humane Girth without a surcingle PCAWA Saddlery – Stirrup Leathers Stirrup Leathers worn under the saddle flaps Stirrup Leathers tied down PCAWA Saddlery – Stirrup Irons Oxbow Stirrups Safestyle Stirrups Stirrup Irons / Toe Stoppers not allowing 1cm each side of the rider’s boot at the broadest part PCAWA Saddlery – Whips Whips with loop handles, horse heads or adornments Whips without Flexible Flaps or Tassels at the end Page 38 PRECIS – NOT PERMITTED LIST, Updated May 2014 PICTURES OF SOME NOT PERMITTED GEAR AS A GUIDE, THE TEXTUAL RULING IS BINDING a) b) Mikmar Mouthpieces – Not permitted for ANY activity b) Example of a Mikmar mouthpiece, can be jointed Running Gag – Not permitted for ANY activity Market Harborough – Not permitted for ANY activity Chambons – Not permitted for PCAWA Activity BARCOO / STOCK / FARM / QUEENSLAND BRIDLE Only permitted at Rallies, Musical Ride, Fancy Dress, Prince Philip Mounted Games and Novelties. Chapettes [Suede-like material] (Only permitted at rallies) PERMITTED AT PONY CLUB RALLIES, FANCY DRESS, AND MUSICAL RIDE ONLY Fender / Western Saddles prior to C Efficiency Certificate Coloured stirrup treads level Pony Pads / Wintec Child’s Saddle – 7 yrs & under Achievement Badges (allowed at rallies only) Clogs - 7 yrs. & under Grass Reins/Anti Grazing Strap Barefoot Boots (Rallies only) under exceptional circumstances where permitted by the State Coaching Panel via the Club Coach Coordinator Full details of dress / saddlery can be found in the General sections of the Gear Checking Manual, and relevant discipline pages. Any item of gear or equipment, or combination of gear and/or equipment, not specifically in this manual, précis, matrix or amendments is not permitted. Page 39 PRECIS – NOT PERMITTED LIST, Updated May 2014
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