Graph i c stand ar ds manu al April 2014 contents PART 1 1Introduction 2 Brandmark configurations 3 Brandmark colour palette 4 Brandmark protected space and minimum size 5 Brandmark: incorrect brandmark use 6Typography 7Imagery 8 Preferred placement of the brandmark 9 Use of the Ryerson University brandmark 10 Use of school or program names PART 2 11 Name usage and copy guidelines for communication materials 12 Brand name external usage guidelines 16 Brand name internal usage guidelines 17 Ted Rogers School of Management boilerplate 18 General Usage 19 Advice or approvals PART 1 Introduction On May 29, 2007, Ted and Loretta Rogers made a transformational gift of $15 million to Ryerson University. The gift was directed towards the Faculty of Business, which in recognition was renamed the Ted Rogers School of Management. In addition, the names of all four schools within the Ted Rogers School of Management changed to: Ted Rogers School of Business Management; Ted Rogers School of Hospitality and Tourism Management; Ted Rogers School of Information Technology Management; and Ted Rogers School of Retail Management. The naming of the Ted Rogers School of Management marks a milestone for management education at Ryerson. It’s a tremendous opportunity to position and brand the School as one of Canada’s leading Schools of Management. In a very competitive marketplace, the Ted Rogers School of Management brand is an assurance of quality, and the promise of a relevant and differentiated management education in the heart of Toronto’s financial district. To establish the new brand identity, a dynamic new brandmark has been developed for the Ted Rogers School of Management. A comprehensive design approach, which includes brandmark usage and name brand usage guidelines, has been created to ensure that the brand is always used in a professional and consistent manner. The brandmark, or logo, is the most recognizable visual expression of the brand. When used consistently with other elements of the graphics system – colour palette, typography and image style – a memorable and highly recognizable brand image will be established. This manual has been developed as a resource for anyone responsible for the creation or implementation of marketing and communications materials related to Ted Rogers School of Management, to ensure clear and consistent application of the School’s visual expression, and to help build its image and profile locally, nationally and internationally. Ted Rogers School of Management Brandmark 1 Brandmark configurations The Ted Rogers School of Management brandmark exists in three configurations. The primary, or preferred, use of the brandmark is two-colour on a white background. Alternate versions of the brandmark have been created in black for instances where technical or colour limitations prevent the use of the primary version. The brandmark is custom designed artwork and may only be reproduced from authorized electronic files. Any other versions of our brandmark are not acceptable, as it must never be altered, redrawn or manipulated in any way. Primary Brandmark Pantone 294 (Blue) and Pantone 124 (Deep Yellow) on a white background Alternate Brandmarks 100% Black and 50% Black On black or dark background when colour printing is not available: White and 50% Black 2 Brandmark colour palette The colour palette used by the Ted Rogers School of Management for the brandmark is consistent with the colour palette of Ryerson University. The preferred method of reproduction is by using Pantone colours for maximum consistency and control. When limited by technical or budgetary constraints, these colours may also be reproduced in CMYK, or process colour. When using silkscreening, vinyl application, or other non-offset reproduction methods, colour must be matched as closely as possible to the Pantone standards. For guidance or approval of colour selections, please see the contact information provided on page 19. BLUE DEEP Yellow The Pantone Matching System® is a print industry colour-matching standard. Colour shown on this page and throughout this manual have not been evaluated by PANTONE®, Inc. for accuracy and may not match PANTONE® colour standards. For accurate standards, refer to the current edition of the PANTONE® colour formula guide. Pantone 294 Used for both coated and uncoated papers CMYK C100, M56, Y0, K18 RGB R0, G52, B120 Hexidecimal 003478 Pantone 124 Used for both coated and uncoated papers CMYK C0, M27, Y100, K0 RGB R234, G171, B0 Hexidecimal EAAB00 The colour you see on you monitor or from colour laser output should not be used for visual matching. Secondary Accent Colour DEEP RED Pantone 1805 Used for both coated and uncoated papers CMYK C0, M91, Y100, K23 RGB R192, G49, B26 Hexidecimal B0232A This secondary colour can be used as an accent in the design of print and online materials. Like the brandmark colour palette, this colour may also be reproduced in CMYK or process colour. 3 Brandmark Protected space and minimum size Keeping the wordmark isolated from other graphic elements is key in preserving clarity of presentation. A minimum amount of protected space should always surround the wordmark, separating it from headlines, text and imagery, or from the outside edge of the document or application. The protected space is defined by 1.5 times the x-height in the wordmark, as shown below. Minimum Protected space The minimum size for print reproduction of the brandmark is defined by its total width at 1". Minimum Size 1" 4 Brandmark incorrect brandmark use Consistent application of the brandmark is essential to building and maintaining brand recognition. The brandmark should never be altered or redrawn in any way and only approved digital artwork should be used for reproduction purposes. While not an exhaustive list, the examples below illustrate some incorrect uses and deviations to avoid. Do not rotate the brandmark. Do not change the colour of the brandmark. Do not distort or alter the proportion of the brandmark. Do not change the configuration of the brandmark. Do not use portions of the brandmark. Always use the complete brandmark. Do not add other elements like drop shadows to the brandmark. Do not apply the brandmark to a colour background with insufficient contrast. Do not apply the brandmark to complex backgrounds. Do not use the brandmark turned 90°. 5 Typography The typography of the Ted Rogers School of Management brandmark is a customized, proprietary piece of artwork. Type within the brandmark should never be altered, replicated or rebuilt. The typestyle of the brandmark is not used in the visual system outside of the mark itself. Supporting typography in communication materials is the Univers Condensed family, used in the weights shown below. Univers is a sans serif typeface that is well-known for its clean lines and legibility. Italic versions of the typeface should be used for distinction or emphasis within body text, but should not be used as the main style for text or headlines. In instances where the Univers typeface is unavailable, or when a standard Windows® system font is required, Arial Narrow may be used in place of Univers Condensed. Preferred supporting typography: univers condensed This text is set in Univers 47 Condensed Light This text is set in Univers 57 Condensed This text is set in Univers 67 Condensed Bold Default supporting typography: Arial Narrow If Univers Condensed is not available This text is set in Arial Narrow WEBSITE TYPOGRAPHY The typeface recommended for headlines on the Ted Rogers School of Management website is Bebas Neue from Dharma Type. Univers Condensed or Arial Narrow typefaces are recommended for body copy. This text is set in Bebas Neue 6 Imagery Photography is an essential tool in communicating an appropriate brand image and personality in our communication materials. Use images that capture the innovative and youthful spirit of the Ted Rogers School of Management: 1.Students in real locations to reinforce the “relevant” aspect of our approach to education 2.Faculty leadership 3.Professional and business-related scenarios 4.Technological advancement 5. In the heart of the city 7 Preferred placement of the brandmark The preferred positioning of the brandmark is at the upper-left corner of an application. In instances where readability or emphasis is impaired by using the preferred positioning, the brandmark may be positioned in a more appropriate place. However, any placement must receive approval from Marketing and Creative Services prior to usage. In some applications, it may be appropriate to use the positioning of the brandmark to align text or graphics, as shown below. This technique helps to integrate the brandmark into the layout as a whole. Adip eui bla core velis acilluptat Conullum loreetum verostisi. The Future of Communications Adip eui bla core velis acilluptat, conullum nos augue tet, quam, quat et adionsequi tet lanMagna faccum delit augue ming eugiam zzriure tie enibh essis et ea corem nit, sequis nim iriustrud dolore consectet, sum dolenim venim alis atie dolor am doluptatum dolortisisim quisi te feum ex eu faci exerosto con utem inisit alis alis nibh el dolore tie exero od tet et wis aut ver sum nos nulluptat. Duisim quam in henim zzrillamet, vullandrem diamcorpero commodiam nulputat nonulla feugiam zzrilis at nim nummy nullaortinim in hent ex et lorpero exero dionullaor acilisismod tat, senim volobore feui tating eum ver iriliquat nostrud eumsan henit lan vullut utat. Gait wis aliquis doluptat. Ut prat. Rit, quip ea cor siscill aortie dunt illaorer augiam, con eugait nonsed min enim zzriureet, quisi blaore do od tem quat. Dip ea cor incipisl erosto ea feugait alisim eliquiscing et aliscin ut amet, quat. Ci tetummy nulla feuguer senis et wisit in et erat ex er alisi tet er si. Nonsequam, sit, veliquam adignis am nostinibh er in henisci ero conullutat num do od eugiat iliquat.Idunt vulput ver sectem duisim quate feu feu facing ercinis adit velit dolorperosto odip etue dolorerat utpat. Um iuscipsum quis aute magnim zzrilis molortie velit ad dolor sed del ex esto commy nit num zzril esequat. Vulla commolore exer sequatem ing ea faccum alis augue min utet exercillaor sumsandit lum zzrit iniam, sim doloreet nibh et doluptate ea conullaoreet luptat luptat illa facilisi. Gue utatum dipit irilissi tem illa feu faccum qui blam, vullaoreros nulluptat autatue doleniat deliscillum esent ad mod eril diam accum vel ut alisl erat.Urercipiscip estrud magnibh ea consed tie dolorti scinim quis acidunt wis augiamc onsenit, velisi. Preferred positioning of the brandmark Idunt ulput lam, ver ip eugiat lut dolobor aci bla consed eugueriustie magnibh endre elit prat amet lumsan ero odolortie commolore doluptat. Quam, senisim doloborper alisi tat. Duis dit velesed doluptate exeros aliquat ad et veniat, vullan vulla feu faccum et, quat loreetum nonsendit verostisi. The brandmark used as a basis for text alignment 8 Use of the Ryerson University Brandmark The Ted Rogers School of Management brandmark is always accompanied by the Ryerson University brandmark, and the two should be placed away from each other so they do not compete for prominence. A simple way of achieving this is by using the university mark in the bottom right corner with the School mark in its preferred position in the upper-left corner. In some scenarios, there may not be enough room to accommodate both brandmarks (e.g., promotional items, such as a pen). In general, the Ted Rogers School of Management brandmark will be the lead, but each instance will be evaluated independently. As a general rule, the width of the Ryerson brandmark should be equal to the width of the type of the word “Management” in the Ted Rogers School of Management brandmark. There may be some instances where this rule does not apply, where one brandmark is larger and primary and the other is smaller and secondary. X Admissions office X Width of the Ryerson brandmark (X) is equal to the width of the word “Management” in the Ted Rogers School of Management brandmark Positioning of brandmarks in layout 9 Use of the brandmark with school names and other affiliations School names: When using the TRSM brandmark with the name of a School, the name should be typeset in Univers Condensed. If not available, Arial Narrow is the secondary font option. The School name should not encroach on the minimum protected space around the brandmark. When accompanying the brandmark, the words “Ted Rogers School of” are reduced to 1/3 of the larger School name font size so as not to detract from the brandmark. For example, if RETAIL MANAGEMENT is set in 21 point type, “Ted Rogers School of” is set in 7 point type. However, where legibility is a concern, “Ted Rogers School of” can be increased to 50% of the School name font size. The School name should be set flush-left and aligned to the width of the brandmark. In examples of a one-line treatment, centered is acceptable. There are three design configurations to use. In order of preference, they include: 1. T he School name accompanied by the TRSM and Ryerson brandmarks (located in bottom or upper right corners of creative – see page 11). 2. School name accompanied by the TRSM brandmark. See example 1 3. School name by itself. See example 2 Other affiliations such as centres, departments, and student groups affiliated with the TRSM brandmark should follow the same guidelines as stated above. Remember to be considerate with point size so as not to detract from the brandmark. Example 1 Example 2 TED ROGERS SCHOOL OF BUSINESS MANAGEMENT TED ROGERS SCHOOL OF BUSINESS MANAGEMENT 10 PART 2 NAME USAGE and copy GUIDELINES FOR COMMUNICATIONS MATERIALS The following “name” usage guidelines are for copy within marketing and communications materials (i.e., written materials, brochure copy, website text, etc.). The objective is to be consistent when using our “brand” names, Ted Rogers Schoolof Management and Ryerson University, in all marketing and communications materials so we clearly identify ourselves. This includes, but is not limited to, websites, brochures, press releases, reports and publications by all Schools at Ted Rogers School of Management and all Centres and Institutes that are part of the Ted Rogers School of Management. The Marketing & Communications team at Ted Rogers School of Management is available to give assistance in the development of any marketing and communications materials and available to review any materials any Ted Rogers School of Management stakeholders develop that includes our faculty name and logos and copy about us. These guidelines may be further adapted in partnership with the marketing and communications department as needed. Please note that we have used the short-form “TRSM” through this section to be succinct. 11 Brand Name External Usage Guidelines Ted Rogers School of Management When using our faculty name, “Ted Rogers School of Management”, for the first time within the copy of any marketing materials, you should write: “Ted Rogers School of Management at Ryerson University” in full. Please do not use “Ryerson’s Ted Rogers School of Management” or “Ryerson University’s Ted Rogers School of Management”. The name “Ted Rogers School of Management” should also appear in full, and/or can be alone, within headings or sub-headings on marketing materials. Further uses of our faculty’s name, after the first use, can be shortened to “Ted Rogers School of Management” (i.e., no need/obligation to further reference Ryerson University.) To ensure that our faculty name gains recognition and retention with external stakeholders, please do not use acronyms such as “TRSM” in printed external materials. Due to space restrictions online e.g., 140 characters on Twitter, the need for, and habit of, shorter names online or in digital communications, “TRSM” can be used with consultation and agreement of the MarComm team at Ted Rogers School of Management. 12 The Schools of the Ted Rogers School of Management Thanks to the generous donation from the Rogers family in 2007, four Schools within the Ted Rogers School of Management are mandated to use the Rogers name whenever they write/speak/show their school’s name: • Ted Rogers School of Business Management • Ted Rogers School of Hospitality and Tourism Management • Ted Rogers School of Information Technology Management • Ted Rogers School of Retail Management. When using a School name, always use its’ full proper name. Please do not use acronyms of the proper name of Schools, for example: TRSITM, TRSBM, or TRSHTM or TRSRM as its first use in any materials. For second and repeated use of Schools, the “program” terminology such as the “Retail Management program” and “Information Technology Management program”, and “BComm degree in Hospitality and Tourism Management” are acceptable and can be used instead of the full School name. However, whenever “School of…” is being used within a document, the proper name must be used. For example, “Ted Rogers School of Business Management” not “School of Business Management”. The “Ted Rogers” must always appear prior to the word ‘school’ after proper first use, and using “program” terminology. The acronyms ITM, BM, HTM or RM can be used instead of “Information Technology Management” as a second reference. These are the only acronyms that can be used. (Note that acronyms of BM and RM differ from previous acronyms of SRM and SB). When including more than one school name within a document, place in alphabetical order. For example: Ted Rogers School of Business Management, Ted Rogers School of Hospitality and Tourism Management, Ted Rogers School of Information Technology Management, Ted Rogers School of Retail Management (first use). 13 School of Health Services Management & School of Accounting and Finance These two schools (HSM & SAF) are not sponsored by the Rogers family, therefore, should be initially identified as: • T he School of Health Services Management at the Ted Rogers School of Management at Ryerson University • T he School of Accounting and Finance at the Ted Rogers School of Management at Ryerson University After the first reference, use of the school’s full name as above. They can be shortened as per other schools at TRSM (see page #3). MBA Program The graduate degrees delivered at the Ted Rogers School of Management, with admissions support from the Yeates School of Graduate Studies and located at TRSM, are titled: Master of Business Administration (MBA), and Master of Management Science (MMSc) in Management of Technology and Innovation. These programs have not been renamed under the “Ted Roger School of Management” name. Both MBA programs, therefore, should be referred to as the “MBA at Ryerson University (first use)”. Further references to the MBA programs can use “Ryerson’s MBA”. Please do not use “MBA on Bay” or “The MBA on Bay”. 14 The Centres & Institutes of the Ted Rogers SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT The 12 Research Centres & Institutes (as of Sept 2013) under the auspices of the Ted Rogers School of Management should make every effort to clearly identify in their printed and online materials and websites that they are part of TRSM. For example: the TRSM logo (seen on this document) should be featured on the cover of centre and institutes’ publications and on the home pages of their websites. We would also highly recommend that website copy make the relationship between the centre or institute and TRSM clear to the reader. For example, in printed materials such as press releases, the first reference to an institute or centre should read as follows: “Ted Rogers School of Management’s Institute for the Study of Corporate Social Responsibility at Ryerson University.” In further references, TRSM and Ryerson can be left out of copy, but it is essential that the full name is used up front within all printed pieces to clearly identify that the institute or centre is funded by, in many cases directed and staffed by, and often physically based at, the Ted Rogers School of Management. This recognition is key to building the academic and faculty profile of TRSM amongst our external and internal stakeholders, as well as building our research authority. 15 Brand Name Internal Usage Guidelines All of the external guidelines apply to any written communications to internal stakeholders. We do allow, however, the short form, TRSM, to be used as a secondary reference in internal materials, as long as the first reference is “Ted Rogers School of Management (TRSM)” is clearly stated and written in full. At this time, we do not want to use “TRSM” broadly with external stakeholders (outside of digital usage as detailed above). Ryerson University When using the name “Ryerson University” in text/copy for the first time, make sure to use the full name i.e., the word “University” follows “Ryerson”. Further uses of the Ryerson name within copy, after the first use, can be shortened to “Ryerson”. In headlines or sub-headline copy, the full name “Ryerson University” should be used. 16 Ted Rogers School of Management boilerplate Descriptor for press releases and websites About Ted Rogers School of Management Ted Rogers School of Management at Ryerson University is Canada’s preeminent entrepreneurial-focused business school that is shaping the country’s next generation of global innovators and leaders. The school’s focus on academic rigor, combined with real world, relevant curriculum, provides students with experiential learning and critical thinking skills needed to solve the challenges facing today’s fast-changing economy. Ted Rogers School of Management is home to six schools of management, 12 cutting-edge research centres and institutes and offers three innovative graduate degrees, including two MBA degrees and one research-focused master’s degree. Ted Rogers School of Management is AACSB accredited, and has nearly 10,000 students and 200 faculty and staff from around the world. Its’ students, faculty and alumni are connected with business and community leaders to fuel Toronto and the world’s economic growth, prosperity and creative talent. For more information, visit Short boilerplate Ted Rogers School of Management at Ryerson University is Canada’s preeminent entrepreneurial-focused business management school that is shaping the next generation of global innovators and leaders with a combination of experiential and theoretical learning. Ted Rogers School of Management is AACSB accredited and home to six schools of management, 12 research centres and institutes, offers two MBA degrees and one research focused master’s degree. 17 General Usage Do not use or refer to the “business” program or “business” students in any internal or external communications. Wherever the word ‘business’ was previously used to describe a student or program, at Ryerson please now use ‘management’ program or ‘management’ student. When referring to a group of students from various bachelor’s or graduate programs at the Ted Rogers School of Management, please describe students as, “Ted Rogers School of Management students” rather than naming each school of all students. If discussing a student of a specific TRSM school, please use, “Ted Rogers School of Information Technology Management student” in your first use. For Health Services Management and School of Accounting and Finance, you need only reference the specific school, not TRSM. For further uses of TRSM school students you can shorten the reference to “Information Technology Management student” or “ITM student”. 18 Advice or approvals These standards have been developed for use as a resource by anyone responsible for the creation or implementation of communication materials. During that process, you are responsible for managing the brandmark and graphic standards effectively. We are happy to answer any questions you might have about: • Incorporating the Ted Rogers School of Management brandmark into your design • Ensuring your school or department name appears correctly • The appropriateness of selected photos or images • Proper reproduction and colour management • Name usage guidelines for copy (text) within communications and marketing materials If you have any questions regarding Ted Rogers School of Management name usage guidelines for copy within marketing and communications materials, please contact: Kate Marshall Director of Marketing and Communications Office of the Dean Ted Rogers School of Management - Ryerson University e: t: 416-979-5000 ext. 6569 Should additional design information or interpretation be needed, please contact Richard English, Design Services Manager at 416-979-5000 ext. 6917. For final project approval of printed materials and electronic design, please forward materials to This manual and any addenda are available on the web: 19 ADDREss: 575 bay street (enter at 55 dundas street west) mailing address: 350 victoria street TORONTO, ON, CANADA M5B 2k3 Tel: 416 979 5169 Fax: 416 979 5294
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