SATHYABAMA UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONICS AND INSTRUMENTATION LAB MANUAL for II YEAR B.E(EIE) – III SEMESTER Academic Year 2013-2014 Batch (2012 – 2016) SECX4048 - Electronic Circuits I Lab Name : --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reg.No :---------------------------------------------------------------------------- LIST OF EXPERIMENTS 1. ANALYSIS OF TRANSISTOR BIASING CIRCUITS 2. DESIGN AND TESTING OF HALF WAVE RECTIFIER CIRCUIT WITHOUT AND WITH FILTER 3. DESIGN AND TESTING OF FULL WAVE RECTIFIER CIRCUIT WITHOUT AND WITH FILTER 4. CHARACTERISTICS OF SERIES VOLTAGE REGULATOR 5. CHARACTERISTICS OF SHUNT VOLTAGE REGULATOR 6. DESIGN AND TESTING OF RC COUPLED TRANSISTOR AMPLIFIER 7. DESIGN AND TESTING OF EMITTER FOLLOWER 8. DESIGN AND TESTING OF FET AMPLIFIER 9. DESIGN AND TESTING OF PUSH PULL POWER AMPLIFIER 10. DESIGN AND TESTING OF CLASS A POWER AMPLIFIER 11. STUDY OF PSpice (ORCAD) SOFTWARE AND SIMULATION OF ALL THE ABOVE EXPERIMENTS Expt.No:1 ANALYSIS OF TRANSISTOR BIASING CIRCUITS Aim: To design and analyse different biasing circuits for a transistor. Apparatus required: 1. Transistor 2. Resistors 3. DC Voltmeter(0-30)V 4. DC Ammeter(0-30)mA,(0-250)µA 5. Regulated power supply(RPS) Theory: The process of giving proper supply voltages and resistance for obtaining the desired Q-point is called biasing. The circuits used for getting the desired and proper operating point are known as Biasing circuits . Fixed bias: Also known as Base Resistor method. By the proper selection of Rb,which is connected between positive terminal of supply vcc and base of the transistor, the required zero signal base current can be made to flow. Advantages: Simplicity Small number of components required The base current becomes largely independent of the voltage Vbc if the supply voltage is very large as compared to Vbc of the transistor. Collector feedback bias: This circuit is same as base bias circuit expect that Rb is connected to collector rather than to Vcc. Rb acts as a feedback resistor. Advantage: Considerable improvement in the stability Voltage Divider Bias: A very commonly used biasing arrangement is self Bias or Voltage Divider or Emitter Bias.R1 and R2 acts as potential divider and connected to Vcc for proper Biasing .Re provides stabilization. Advantage: Considerable improvement in the operating point stability Design: Fixed Bias: Given: β=175, Іc=2.5mA, Vcc=12V, Vbe=0.7V, Vce= 6V Let Ic=βІb Therefore Ib= ? Apply KVL Vcc = Ib Rb. +Vbe Vcc = Ic Rc. +Vce Therefore i)Rb = (Vcc -Vbe ) / Ib Rb= ? ii)Rc= (Vcc - Vce ) / Ic Rc= ? Collector Feedback Bias: Given : β=175, Іc=2.5mA, Vcc =12V, Vce=6V Apply KVL Vcc = (Ic+Ib)Rc+ IbRb+Vbe Vce = IbRb+ Vbe Therefore i)Rb = (Vce -Vbe)/ Ib Rb= ? ii)Rc=(Vcc -Vce)/ (Ib+Ic) Rc= ? Voltage Divider Bias / Self Bias: Given: β=175, Іc=2.5mA, Vcc=12V, Vbe=0.7V Let i)Ve = Vcc/10 Ve = ? ii)Ie ÷ Ic Ie = ? For the given Circuit Ve = IeRe Rb2 = βRe/10 Vb=Vbe+IeRe Vb = (Vcc* Rb2)/(Rb1+Rb2) Vcc = IcRc + Vce + Ve Therefore i)Re=Ve/Ie Re = ? iii)Vb=Vbe+IeRe Vb = ? v)Rc = (Vcc - Vce - IeRe) / Ic Rc = ? ii)Rb2 = βRe/10 Rb2 = ? iv)Rb1 = ((Vcc/Vb)-1)Rb2 Rb1 = ? Circuit Diagram Fixed Bias Collector Feedback Bias Voltage Divider Bias Pin Diagram: TABULATION Fixed Bias: Vcc Volt (theo) (prac) Symbol: Vce Volt (theo) (prac) Vb Volt (theo) (prac) Ic mA (theo) (prac) Ib mA (theo) (prac) Vb Volt (theo) (prac) Ic mA (theo) (prac) Ib mA (theo) (prac) Collector Feedback Bias: Vcc Volt (theo) (prac) Vce Volt (theo) (prac) Voltage Divider Bias / Self Bias: Vcc Volt (theo) (prac) Vce Volt (theo) (prac) Vb Volt (theo) (prac) Ic mA (theo) (prac) Ib mA (theo) (prac) Procedure: 1. Circuit connections are made for all the biasing circuits based on circuit diagram. 2. DC voltages and currents are noted for different biasing circuits. 3. Theoretical and practical values are verified. Result: The fixed bias, collector feedback bias and voltage divider bias circuits are verified . Expt.No:2 DESIGN AND TESTING OF HALF WAVE RECTIFIER CIRCUIT WITHOUT AND WITH FILTER Aim: To design a half wave rectifier circuit with and without filter for desired DC voltage and DC current. Apparatus Required: 1. Semiconductor diode – 1N4007. 2. Centre Tapped Transformer- Single phase 3. Capacitor 4. Resistor 5. Ammeter (0-30) mA - MC 6. Voltmeter (0-30 )V- MC 7. Multimeter(0-1)V- MI 8. CRO Theory: Principle:It is a circuit which converts alternating voltage into pulsating voltage or current for half the period of input cycle. Working: During the positive half cycle, the diode D is forward biased offers very small resistance and acts as closed switch and hence conducts the current through the load resistor R L. During the negative half cycle, the diode D is heavily reverse biased and offers very high resistance and acts as an open switch and hence does not conduct any current. Procedure: 1. Connections are made as shown in the circuit diagram. 2. Using design calculations, the values of resistance, supply voltage and other specifications are fixed. 3. The output waveform of HWR is observed using CRO. 4. The voltmeter and ammeter readings show Vdc and Idc respectively. 5. Using the standard formulas, the values for ripple factor efficiency and regulation are calculated. 6. The above procedure is repeated for various values of RL. 7. For HWR with filter, the capacitor is connected across R and it serves to bypass AC components to ground. 8. The characteristics of HWR with and without filter are obtained and verified. Circuit Diagram HWR without filter HWR with filter Pin Diagram Model Graph Symbol Input Output TABULATION Without Filter Vdc(theo) Volt Vdc (prac) Volt Idc(theo) mA Idc(prac) mA MODEL CALCULATION: Given: Vdc = 10V,Idc = 10mA Vdc (th) = Idc * RL Idc (th) = Vdc/ RL RL = ? Vm = Vdc*Π Vrms= Vm / 2 Ripple = Vac / Vdc Vdc(theo) Volt Vdc(Prac) Volt With Filter Idc(Theo) Idc(Prac) mA mA Ripple factor( r ) MODEL CALCULATION Given: Vdc = 10V, Idc = 10mA, r =1.1%,f = 50Hz Vdc = Idc * RL RL = ? C = 1/(2√3*f*R L*r) C=? Vdc = ( 2f*RL*C)*Vm / ((2f*R L*C)+1) Vdc = ? Idc = Vdc/ RL Idc = ? Ripple = Vac / Vdc Result: Thus the half wave rectifier with and without filter is constructed for the given design specification. Expt.No:3 DESIGN AND TESTING OF FULL WAVE RECTIFIER CIRCUIT WITHOUT AND WITH FILTER Aim: To design a full wave rectifier circuit with and without filter for desired DC voltage and DC current. Apparatus Required: Semiconductor diode – IN4007. Center Tapped Transformer- Single phase Capacitor 10µf-C1. Ammeter (0-30) mA - MC Voltmeter (0-30 )V- MC, (0-1) V- MI Resistor 1K - RL 6. 7. CRO 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Theory: Principle : It is a circuit which converts alternating voltage or current into pulsating voltage or current during both half cycle of input. In full wave rectifier current flows through the load in the same direction for both half cycles of input AC voltage. This can be achieved with two diodes working alternatively. Working : During the positive half cycle one diode conducts and supplies current to the load. During the negative half cycle the other diode conducts and current flows through the load in the same direction. Thus the full wave rectifier produces continuous pulsating DC output. Design: Given Vdc = 10Volts, Idc = 10mA With Filter, r = 2.12% RECTIFIER WITHOUT FILTER RL = Vdc / Idc RL =? Vdc = 2Vm/ π Vdc = ? Vrms = Vm/√2 Vrms = ? Ripple = Vac / Vdc RECTIFIER WITH CAPACITOR FILTER Idc Vdc = ( 4f*R L*C)*Vm / ((2f*RL*C)+1) Vdc = ? Idc = Vdc/ RL =? Ripple Factor for the full-wave rectifier with capacitor filter is given by r (Theoretical) = 1/(4*√3*f*C* RL ). r (Practical) = Vac / Vdc. Procedure: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Connections are made as shown in the circuit diagram Using design calculations, the values of resistance, supply voltage and other specifications are fixed. The output waveform of Full Wave Rectifier is observed using a CRO which is a pulsating DC . The voltmeter and ammeter readings are noted. Using the standard formulas, the values of ripple factor, the efficiency and regulation are calculated. The above procedure is repeated for various values of R L. For FWR with filter, the capacitor is shunt connected across the load. The value of capacitance is obtained from design calculations. 8. The characteristics of FWR with and without filter are obtained and verified. Circuit Diagram FWR without filter FWR with filter Model Graph input output TABULATION Without Filter Vdc(theo) Volt Vdc (prac) Volt Idc(theo) mA Idc(prac) mA MODEL CALCULATION: Vdc (th) = Idc * RL Idc (th) = Vdc/ RL With Filter Vdc(theo) Volt Vdc(Prac) Volt Idc(Theo) mA Idc(Prac) mA Ripple factor( r ) MODEL CALCULATION: Vdc (th) = Idc * RL Idc (th) = Vdc/ RL Ripple factor ( r ) = Vac / Vdc. Result: Thus the full wave rectifier with and without filter is constructed for the given design specification. Expt.No:4 CHARACTERISTICS OF SERIES VOLTAGE REGULATOR Aim: To obtain the regulation characteristics of series voltage regulator. Apparatus Required: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Transistor 2N3055 Regulated Power Supply (RPS) - (0-30)V Resister 1KΩ Zener diode Decade Resistance Box (DRB) Voltmeter (0-30)V Ammeter(0-30)mA Theory: A DC power supply which maintains the o/p voltage constant irrespective of the AC mains fluctuations or load variations is a regulator. It is called as a series voltage regulator because the transistor is in series with the load. When a zener diode is operated in the breakdown region it maintains constant voltage across the load. The series limiting resistance limits the current. As a load current increases, zener diode current increases so that current through RL is maintained constant. The o/p voltage is given by Vo=Vi-IRL. Procedure: Connections are made as shown in circuit diagram. For line regulation the R L is kept constant at some resistance values and for different values of input, the output is noted. Graphs are drawn between output voltage and input voltage. For load regulation, introduce an ammeter between the emitter and the variable resistance. Keep the input voltage at 10V.For different values of R L measure the output current and voltage. Graphs are drawn between output voltage and load current. Design: Vo = 6.8V,IL = 20mA, η = 71.5% Let Vo = Vz RL = Vo/IL RL = ? Rb = (Vin – Vz)/IL Rb = ? Circuit Diagram Pin Diagram Symbol Model Graph: Load Regulation Tabulation: Line Regulation RL= Vi(volts) ohms Vo(volts) Load Regulation RL (Ω) Vin = IL (mA) volts Vo (V) Result: The regulation characteristics of a series voltage regulator are drawn. CHARACTERISTICS OF SHUNT VOLTAGE REGULATOR Expt.No:5 Aim: To study the characteristics of zener voltage regulator. Apparatus Required: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Regulated Power Supply RPS (0-30) V Zener diode Resistor 1 KΩ Voltmeter(0-10) V Ammeter(0-30) mA Theory: A power supply consists of transformer and filter. But such a simple system suffers the following defects. 1. Output voltage fluctuates as input changes due to the fluctuation in DC load current. 2. Temperature coefficient of the device causes the change. The power supply will have better regulation if all the above factors are kept at minimum values. Consider the Zener shunt regulator shown in the diagram. Since the diode is connected in parallel the circuit is called the shunt regulator. A resistance is connected in series to limit the current in the circuit. Here R s is known as the current limiting resistor. For proper operation in reverse break down region, Vin must be greater than the zener voltage Vz. 1. Varying input voltage: As the input voltage increases the current also increases. As long as Vin > Vz. the output voltage is constant. Since Vz. and Rl are fixed IL remains constant. As Is increases, Iz also increases. The value of Rs is chosen such that Iz does not increase beyond the maximum value. As input voltage reduces, Is reduces that in turn reduces IsRs . As long as Vs > Vz., VL remains constant. Since IL is fixed, as Is reduces so that Iz reduces. Rs is chosen such that the current Iz is not below the minimum rated value so as to keep it in breakdown region. 2. Varying Load Resistance: As RL increases the load current reduces. This causes Iz to increase. So the value of IS and IS Rs remains constant. Thus VL is constant. 3. Optimum value of Rs: The value of Rs must be properly selected to fulfill the following requirements . 1. When input voltage and load current is maximum, sufficient current must be supplied to keep the zener diode in the breakdown region. 2. The input voltage is maximum and load current is minimum, Zener current must not increase above the maximum rated value. Procedure: 1. The circuit connections are made as per the circuit diagram. 2. The input voltage is varied within the limits and the corresponding output voltage is noted down by keeping RL constant. 3. Similarly the value of RL is varied and the output voltage is noted down by keeping V in constant. It is noted that the output voltage is constant with respect to input. Design: Given: VS= 16V,VZ = 6.2V,IS = 10mA Is = (VS - VZ)/RS RS= ? Circuit Diagram: Pin Diagram Symbol Model Graph: Load Regulation Tabulation: Line Regulation RL = -------- ohms Vin (V) Load Regulation Vin = ------- Volts RL (Ω) Result: Thus the shunt voltage regulator characteristics are studied. Vout (V) Expt.No:6 DESIGN AND TESTING OF RC COUPLED TRANSISTOR AMPLIFIER Aim: To design a RC coupled amplifier and to plot its frequency response characteristics and to calculate the gain bandwidth product. Apparatus Required: 1. Transistor 2N3904 2. Resistors – 120KΩ ,56KΩ ,4.7KΩ ,12KΩ. 3. Capacitors – 0.33µF(2 nos.),470µF 4. Regulated Power Supply (RPS) - (0-30) V 5. CRO 6. Audio Frequency Oscillator (AFO). Theory: The RC coupled amplifier is the most popular type of coupling, because it is cheap and provides excellent audio fidelity over a wide range of frequencies. It is usually employed for voltage amplification. A coupling capacitor is used to connect the output of first stage to the base of the next stage and so on. As the coupling from one stage to another stage is achieved by a coupling capacitor followed by a connection of shunt resistor .This amplifier is called as resistance capacitance coupled amplifier. When AC signal is applied to the base of the first transistor, it appears in the amplified form across its collector load. The amplified signal developed across RC is given to base of the next stage through the signal. In this way the cascaded stages amplify the signal of low and high frequencies where it is uniform over mid frequency range. Design: The voltage gain of the circuit is Av = hfe (Rc || Rf ) / hfe. 1. For large voltage gain hfe must be high. Therefore Ic will be high. Then Rc will be low. Therefore Av again reduces. 2. To increase Av if Rc increased, Ic decreases. But a minimum Ic of 500μA is necessary for small signal operation. Therefore Ic=1mA mostly. 3. Thus for given I c for large Rc,VRC increases ,Vce & Ve decreases. But Vce should be atleast 3V to ensure that transistor operates in active region. 4. Select Rc<<< RL because RL should have little effect on Av of the circuit. 5. Minimum Ve=5V for good bias stability. When Vcc = 10V, Ve = 3V (when Vcc <3V it results in poor stability) Vcc = VRC+Vce+Ve ; RC = VRC/Ie Re = Ve / Ic (since Ic=Ie) BIAS RESISTOR: Select I2 = Io /10 gives good bias stability R2 = Vb/ I2 R1 =( Vcc – Vb) / (I2 + Ib) BY PASS CAPACITORS: The circuit’s lower 3 dB frequency is determined by C2, 1 /(2*π*f1 *C2) = hfe / ( 1 + hfe) from which C2 can be found. SHUNTING CAPACITOR: The circuit’s higher 3 dB frequency is set by including a small capacitor to shunt the output terminals to ground. 1 /(2*π*f2 *C4)-Re//RL From which C4 can be found. COUPLING CAPACITOR: V1-V2/(Xc2+Z1)*ZL if Xc2 increases, V1 decreases. Therefore choose Xc1=Z1 /10. Vo-Vc/(Xc3+RL)*RL, if Xc3 increases, V2 decreses. Therefore choose Xc3 = RL/10. Procedure: 1. Connections are made as per the circuit diagram. 2. The input voltage Vin is initially kept constant at a particular values say 0.04volt. 3. By slowly varying the frequency range from a low value say 100Hz to a high valve say 100 Khz, the corresponding values of the output voltage Va are noted down and tabulated. 4. The gain in db is then calculated using the formula 20 log V o/Vin. 5. A graph is plotted with gain in db along Y axis and frequency along X axis in a semilog sheet. Pin Diagram Symbol Circuit Diagram: Model graph: Tabulation: Vin=-----------volt S.No Frequency(Hz) Vo(Volts) Gain=Vo/Vin Gain in dB Model Calculation: Calculation of bandwidth: Bandwidth = (f2 – f1) Hz. Result: The frequency response of the RC coupled amplifier is thus obtained. Band Width - -------------HZ Expt.No:7 DESIGN AND TESTING OF EMITTER FOLLOWER Aim: To design an emitter follower circuit and study the frequency response. Apparatus Required: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Power Transistor T1 (BC547) Switching transistor T2 (SL100) Resistors – 220KΩ ,47KΩ ,270Ω Capacitors – 0.33µF(2 nos.) FET voltmeter, Multimeter Regulated Power Supply (RPS) - (0 – 30)V Audio Frequency Oscillator (AFO). Design: The Darlington emitter follower is an example of DC multistage amplifier. The ideal combination of discrete transistors for Darlington pair consists of a power transistor driven by low or medium power transistor. The circuit considered consists of cascaded emitter followers resulting in high input impedance. Consider the Darlington pair emitter follower formed by connecting two discrete transistors namely 2N 3904 and 2N 3055 or BC147 and SL100. 1. The following ratings are noted down for both the transistors. a. Small signal current gain hfe and its corresponding Vcc and Ic. b. Maximum collector power dissipation at 25°C. c. Collector - emitter saturation voltage and base - emitter saturation voltage. 2. Choose a value of R e such that its power rating is ( IE2)R2. 3. Now Vcc = Ic2 * Re + Vce2. Find the operating voltage of the transistor 4.Find the current through the base of the transistor T2, which is IB2- IC2/2 (Select 2 from data Sheet) 5.Find the current through the emitter of the transistor T2,which is IB1- IB2 6.The current through the base of the transistor T2 is same as through the emitter of the transistor T1.which is IB1- IC1/1- IE1/1 7.The potential at the base of T1 with respect to the ground. which is VB1-VBE3+VBE2+IE2* Re 8.The potential at the collector of T1 with respect to the emitter of T2 is R 1 (I2/IB2) = (VCC-VB1)/R1 9.The coupling capacitors C1 and C2 are selected such that their impedances are negligible compared with the input resistance of the amplifier. Take 20 Hz as the value of the lowest frequency used in finding the amplifier frequency response. XC1=XC2=1/2FC2<<<(1*2* Re) ||R2 ||R2 . Design: Given: Vcc – 12v, f – 50Hz, Ie – 1mA, hfe – 100, hie – 1K, Vbe – 0.7v, Let R1 – 10k Procedure: The circuit connections were made using the computed values of the components. The RPS unit was turned ON and its voltage level is adjusted to the value of V cc needed.AFO was switched on and its voltage level is adjusted to a suitable value of V s. This level was maintained constant throughout the experiment. The frequency of the oscillator was varied over its working range in suitable steps. For each frequency setting the corresponding value of the output voltage was noted. The voltage gain A v given by 20 log (Vo / Vs) was computed for each frequency setting. The frequency response curve is plotted. Circuit Diagram: Pin Diagram Symbol SL100 Tabulation: Vin = …………V S.No Frequency(Hz) Output Voltage(V) Voltage gain= V0/Vin Gain in dB Model calculation: Calculation of bandwidth: Bandwidth = (f2-f1) Hz. Model graph: Result: The frequency response curve for the designed Darlington pair emitter follow amplifier was noted. Expt.No:8 Aim: DESIGN AND TESTING OF PUSH –PULL AMPLIFIER To study the operation of the push amplifier. Apparatus Required: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Power Transistor T 1 – ZN3904,ZN3906. Resistors 10KΩ (2), 4.7KΩ(2). Diodes Audio Frequency Oscillator(AFO) Cathode Ray Oscillator (CRO) Regulated Power Supply (RPS) - ( 0-30 V) Theory: The push pull amplifier is a power amplifier frequently used in the output stage of an electronic circuit. It is used whenever high output power at high efficiency and little distortion is required. In a class B amplifier the collector current flows for the duration of the positive half cycle of the input signal only. In the push pull amplifier both PNP and NPN transistors are used. So the collector current for each transistor flows for each half cycle. Procedure: Connections are made as per the circuit diagram. The input voltages and frequency supplied by AFO is kept constant. A load resistance is varied and the corresponding power output is measured. The value of R L for minimum output is measured. With the minimum value of R L obtained, the frequency is varied in steps and the power output is measured. The frequency at which maximum power is to be determined. With R Lmax and Fmax the input voltage from AFO is varied in steps and the corresponding power output is measured. Circuit Diagram: Pin Diagram Symbol Model graph: Tabulation: Vin = -------- volts S.No Frequency(Hz) Vo(Volts) Gain= Vo/Vin Result: The operation of the push pull amplifiers are studied. Gain in dB Expt.No:9 DESIGN AND TESTING OF FET AMPLIFIER Aim: To construct and test FET amplifier Apparatus Required: 1. FET(BFW11) 2. Resistors – 1.5M,6.8K,100K,1M,6.8K 3. Capacitors – 0.1µF( 2 ),10µF 4. Audio Frequency Oscillator (AFO) 5. Cathode Ray Oscilloscope (CRO) 6. Regulated Power Supply (RPS) – (0-30)V. 7. Decade Resistance Box (DRB) 8. FET Voltmeter. Theory: FET amplifier is a low noise amplifier. It can be used as amplifier in common source mode or common drain mode. The input signal is applied to gate. The gate is always reverse biased with respect to source. Procedure: The connections are made as per the circuit diagram. RPS is switched on. The input voltage is set on the oscillator at a constant value, varying the frequency of input signal, the output amplitude is noted. The gain is then calculated. A graph is drawn for frequency versus gain. Circuit Diagram: Pin Diagram Symbol Model Graph: Tabulation: Vin = ----------- Volts S.No Frequency (Hz) Vo(V) Gain=Vo/Vin Model Calculation: Calculation of Bandwidth: Bandwidth = (f2-f1) Hz. Result: The FET amplifier was tested. The various graphs are drawn. Gain in dB=20log (Vo/Vin) Expt No: 10 DESIGN AND TESTING OF CLASS A POWER AMPLIFIER Aim: To Study the operation of the Class A Power amplifier. Apparatus Required: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Power Transistors (SL100) Resistors – 560Ω ,22KΩ,120KΩ ,1KΩ ,100KΩ Capacitors – 0.1µF,0.01µF,100µF,10µF. Inductors 30H(DIB) CRO RPS (0-30V) AFO Theory: The class A amplifier is a small signal amplifier that has been designed so that output voltage can vary in response to both positive and negative inputs that is the amplifier is biased such that under normal operation the output never saturates or ends off. In this type of amplifier the output remains in the active region during complete cycle. This principle advantage of Class A amplifier is that it generally produces less signal distortion than some of the other, more efficient classes. Procedure: Connections are made as per the circuit diagram the input voltages and frequency supplied by Audio Oscillator is kept constant. A Load Resistance is varied and the corresponding power output is measured. The valve of RL for maximum output is measured. With the maximum valve of RL obtained, the frequency is varied in step and the power output is measured. The frequency at which maximum power is to be determined. With RL max F max the input voltage from Audio Oscillator is varied in step and the corresponding power output is measured. Circuit Diagram Pin Diagram Symbol BC107 BC107 Model graph Tabulation: Vin=----------volt S No Frequency(Hz) V0(volts) Result: The operation of Class A Power amplifier is studied. Gain=V0/Vin Gain in dB SPICE (Simulation Program with Integrated Circuit Emphasis) Electronic circuits design requires accurate methods for evaluating circuit’s performance.Because of the enormous complexity of modern integrated circuits, computer-aided analysis is essential and can provided information about circuit’s performance that is almost impossible to obtain with laboratory prototype measurements.Computer-aided analysis permits. 1. Evaluating the effect of variation in elements such as resistors, transistors, transformers, and so on. 2. The assessment of performance improvements or degradation. 3. Evaluating the effect of noise and signal distortion without the need of expensive measuring instruments. 4. Fourier analysis without expensive wave analyzers. 5. Evaluating the effect of nonlinear elements on the circuit’s performance. 6. Optimizing the design of electronic circuit’s in the term of circuit’s parameters. SPICE is a general-purpose circuits program that simulates electronic circuits. SPICE can perform various analyses of electronic circuits: the operating (or quiescent) points of transistor, a time-domain response, a smallsignal frequency response, and so on. SPICE contains models for common circuits elements, active as well as passive, and it is capable of simulating most electronic circuits. It is a versatile program and is widely used in industries and universities. The acronym SPICE stands for Simulation Program With Integrated Circuit Emphasis. PSpice,which uses the same algorithm as SPICE and is a member of the SPICE family,is equally useful for simulating all types of circuits in a wide range of application. PSpice allows various types of analysis. DC Analysis is used for circuits with time-invariant sources (e.g., steady-state dc source). It calculates all node voltages and branch currents over a range of values, and their quiescent (dc) values are the outputs. Transient analysis is used for circuits with time-variant sources (e.g., ac sources and switched dc sources). It calculates all node voltages and branch currents over a time interval, and their instantaneous values are the output. AC Analysis is used for small-signal analysis of circuits with sources of variable frequencies. It calculates all node voltages and branch currents over a range of frequencies, and their magnitude and phase angles are the outputs. Limitations of PSpice: 1. As a circuit’s simulator, PSpice is restricted to circuits with 10 transistors only. However, the professional DOS(or production)version can simulate a circuit with up to 2000 bipolar transistors(or 150 MOSFETs) 2. The program is not interactive; thats, the circuits cannot be analyzed for various component values without editing the program statements. 3. PSpice does not support an interactive method of solution. If the elements of circuits are specified, the output can be predicted. On the other hand, if the output is specified, PSpice cannot be uses to synthesize the circuit’s elements. 4. The PC version needs 512 kilobytes of memory(RAM) to run. 5. Distortion analysis is not available in Spice. SPICE2 allows distortion analysis, but it gives wrong answers. 6. The student version will run with or without the floating-point co-processor (8087,80287,or 80387). If the co-processor is present, the program will run at full speed; otherwise it will run 5 to 15 times slower. The professional version requires a co-processor; it is not optional. Expt.No:11 SIMULATION OF HALF WAVE RECTIFIER AND FULL WAVE RECTIFIER Aim: To simulate a half wave and full wave rectifier circuit using PSpice. Apparatus Required: System with ORCAD software. Procedure: 1. Start Programs 2. File New Project. ORCAD 9.1 CIS Capture. 3.Select Analog or Mixed Signal Circuit wizard Choose required libraries. 4.Place parts from the corresponding libraries Wire them. 5.Create new simulation profile Edit Simulation profile.(Choose the corresponding analysis type). 6.Place the corresponding markers(Voltage, Current or dB magnitude probes). 7.Run the simulation and view the simulation results. Result: The given circuits are analysed using Pspice. Expt.No:12 SIMULATION OF VOLTAGE REGULATORS Aim: To simulate a series voltage regulator and a shunt voltage regulator circuit using PSpice. Apparatus Required: System with ORCAD software. Procedure: 1. Start Programs 2. File New Project. ORCAD 9.1 CIS Capture. 3.Select Analog or Mixed Signal Circuit wizard Choose required libraries. 4.Place parts from the corresponding libraries Wire them. 5.Create new simulation profile Edit Simulation profile.(Choose the corresponding analysis type). 6.Place the corresponding markers(Voltage, Current or dB magnitude probes). 7.Run the simulation and view the simulation results. Result: The given circuits are analysed using Pspice. Expt.No:13 SIMULATION OF TRANSISTOR BIASING CIRCUITS & RC COUPLED AMPLIFIER Aim: To simulate different biasing circuits for a transistor and also simulate RC coupled amplfier using PSpice. Apparatus Required: System with ORCAD software. Procedure: 1. Start Programs 2. File New Project. ORCAD 9.1 CIS Capture. 3.Select Analog or Mixed Signal Circuit wizard Choose required libraries. 4.Place parts from the corresponding libraries Wire them. 5.Create new simulation profile Edit Simulation profile.(Choose the corresponding analysis type). 6.Place the corresponding markers(Voltage, Current or dB magnitude probes). 7.Run the simulation and view the simulation results. Result: The given circuits are analysed using Pspice. Expt.No:14 SIMULATION OF EMITTER FOLLOWER & PUSH PULL AMPLIFIER Aim: To simulate an emitter follower and push -pull amplifier circuit using Pspice and study their frequency response Apparatus Required: System with ORCAD software. Procedure: 1. Start Programs 2. File New Project. ORCAD 9.1 CIS Capture. 3.Select Analog or Mixed Signal Circuit wizard Choose required libraries. 4.Place parts from the corresponding libraries Wire them. 5.Create new simulation profile Edit Simulation profile.(Choose the corresponding analysis type). 6.Place the corresponding markers(Voltage, Current or dB magnitude probes). 7.Run the simulation and view the simulation results. Result: The given circuits are analysed using Pspice. Expt.No:15 SIMULATION OF FET AMPLIFIER & CLASS-A POWER AMPLIFIER Aim: To simulate FET amplifier and Class-A power amplifier using Pspice and to study their frequency response. Apparatus Required: System with ORCAD software. Procedure: 1. Start Programs 2. File New Project. ORCAD 9.1 CIS Capture. 3.Select Analog or Mixed Signal Circuit wizard Choose required libraries. 4.Place parts from the corresponding libraries Wire them. 5.Create new simulation profile Edit Simulation profile.(Choose the corresponding analysis type). 6.Place the corresponding markers(Voltage, Current or dB magnitude probes). 7.Run the simulation and view the simulation results. Result: The given circuits are analysed using Pspice.
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