Grace Adventures Day Camp 8200 Old Columbia Road Fulton, MD 20759

Grace Adventures Day Camp
8200 Old Columbia Road
Fulton, MD 20759
Dear Camp Parents,
Welcome to Grace Adventures Day Camp! We are looking forward to having your children at camp this
summer. Enclosed you will find all the information you need to prepare you and your family for this
experience. Please familiarize yourself with the policies and procedures and let us know if you have any
questions. For your convenience DURING CAMP, a camp director can be reached at 240-553-1090.
Aaryn Richardson
GADC Director
Grace Adventures Day Camp
Parent Handbook 2014
Our Purpose
To Glorify God in Everything
Our Vision
Building bridges of relationships into the community; to see friends, families, and neighbors positively
impacted for the Kingdom of God.
The entire session fee is due on or before June 20, 2014, unless previous arrangements have been
made with the Camp Director. An email will be sent notifying you of payment due on or before June
Cancellation Policy
All cancellation requests must be made by email or in writing in order to receive a refund. A $50 nonrefundable deposit is applied to your camper’s total registration. Cancellation requests made within 30
days of your camper's registered camp date will be assessed a $25 per camper per week of camp
cancellation fee. All requests must be made by Thursday at 5pm prior to your camper's registered
camp week or no refund will be given.
Required Forms
Each child must have the following documents on file before camp begins.
- Camper Health and Release Form (enclosed)
o This form authorizes your child to attend camp and includes a photo release and
emergency transportation authorization. It also provides us with health information
required by the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DHMH).
Immunization Record (ONLY home school, preschool and out of state campers)
o Campers enrolled in a Maryland state public or private schools are ONLY required to
submit the date of their last tetanus shot and name of their school. If your child is in
preschool, homeschooled or enrolled in school in a different state, a copy of their
immunization records is required by DHMH.
Medication Permission Slip (only required if meds are given at camp)
o In order for medication to be given to a camper, a Medication Permission Slip must be
filled out and signed by a doctor. Please allow enough time before camp begins to have
all the appropriate paperwork completed. GADC can accept any State of Maryland
public school medication form or email Aaryn Richardson at for a copy of the medication form.
Sunscreen Permission Slip (enclosed)
o Campers should arrive at camp wearing sunscreen. If you would like your child to
reapply sunscreen after lunch you must fill out the enclosed permission slip required by
the health department. Only spray sunscreen is allowed at camp and must be labeled
with your child’s name.
Impact Team Self-Checkout Form (enclosed, not required)
o If your camper is on Impact Team (high school) you may allow them to sign out of camp
on their own. Please read the form carefully and submit it only if you feel your camper is
able to handle the responsibility of self check-out.
What to Bring to Camp
Each camper should bring their own backpack. It’s a great place to store your swim suit, flip flops,
towel, lunch, water bottle, camp store money, small group worksheets and coins for penny wars. Make
sure your child’s name is on all items brought to camp. We highly recommend packing a gallon sized
zip lock bag for wet items.
Campers should arrive at camp wearing sunscreen. Explorer campers will be given time to reapply
sunscreen after lunch. Pioneer campers will remain indoors after lunch and should not need extra
sunscreen. Only spray sunscreen is allowed at camp and must be labeled with your child’s name.
Swimsuit, Towel and Plastic Bag
We have water play every day at camp so a swimsuit and towel are a must! We suggest packing a
plastic bag in your camper’s backpack to pack away those wet clothes. It is recommended that your
Pioneer camper wear a swimsuit to camp under his or her clothes to speed up the changing process.
A non-perishable bag lunch and drink should be packed every day. The entire property of Grace
Community Church is a NUT FREE ZONE. Please do not pack any kind of nut or nut butter in your child’s
lunch. Lunches will stay in camper’s backpack until lunch time. There will be no refrigerators or coolers
provided for lunches.
Pizza Fridays!
Fridays are Pizza Party days! Each child is given two slices of pizza and a drink. Topping options include
Cheese, Pepperoni, or Hawaiian (Ham & Pineapple). Unfortunately, we are unable to accommodate
gluten or lactose allergies. Additional slices may be purchased for 50¢ per slice. Students are not
required to eat pizza and may bring a lunch or extra snacks on pizza day.
Water Bottle
A water bottle is required daily for camp. Numerous water sources are available to refill water bottles
at any time during the camp day. If you forget to bring a water bottle, there will be options available at
check-in to purchase disposable and reusable bottles. Disposable bottles are available for 50¢ and
reusable GADC bottles are available for $5.
Shoes and Socks
For the safety of your children and the health of their feet, tennis shoes and socks are required.
Sandals or flip flops are recommended for water play time only. If your children do not have proper
foot attire they will not be able to participate in camp activities and we will contact you to bring tennis
shoes to camp or take your campers home.
Dress your child in cool, comfortable play clothes that can get dirty. Camp will be held outdoors for
most of the day and we do more than just look at nature; we play in it! Pack a towel, bathing suit and
flip flops/sandals for daily water play along with a plastic bag for wet clothes. An extra set of clothing is
recommended and may be kept in your child’s backpack.
What to Leave at Home
Expensive things that can get broken, dirty, ruined or lost, toys, Legos, games, radios, jewelry, trading
cards, electronic devices, cell phones and weapons will not be allowed at camp.
Grace Adventures Day Camp is not responsible for lost or stolen items.
Cell Phone Policy
Cell phones are NOT permitted at camp. If your child has a cell phone please leave it at home.
SIT/Impact Team Cell Phone Policy
It is recommended that SIT and Impact Team members leave their cell phones home. Phones brought
to camp must be turned off and kept indoors. A watch is required as part of the SIT/Impact Team
uniform as cell phones are not permitted during camp.
Theme Days
In the mornings students will participate in activities related to the theme.
Students are encouraged to dress up related to the theme, but do not have
Mission Impossible- Students will wear dark clothes or camouflage, and
participate in an intense obstacle course.
Animation Domination- Students will dress up as their favorite character
from their animated film. Students will participate in games and activities
related to the theme.
Escape to Africa- Students arrive dressed ready for a safari and jungle.
Superhero- Students come dressed as your favorite superhero and play
games that have students saving the day.
Carnival- Students will participate in carnival games and theme.
Amazing Race- Students will travel all over the “world” and participate in
activities related to the countries.
America- Campers will have the opportunity to show their pride and wear
Red, White and Blue everything.
Backwards- Everything is backwards, from clothes to the schedule.
Color Wars- Every Friday and all week 5 will be color wars. Campers will
participate in competitive games.
Team Days- Every Monday campers will participate in team building
activities to enable relationships with their counselor.
and Sign-out Procedures
The Sign-In Procedure
To drop your camper off in the morning, follow the GADC “Camp” signs around to the back of the
Grace Community Church building. Park in any of the parking spaces around the driveway loop and
walk your camper into the main building and proceed to the left into Grace Place. Each day a staff
person will sign your child in and make sure he/she is wearing sun screen, has a peanut-free lunch and
a water bottle.
Monday Morning Sign-In
Please allow extra time for sign-in on Monday morning. When you check your camper in we will make
sure all of our records are up to date including specialty camp registration, health information and your
financial records. There is usually a line to sign-in on Monday morning but rarely for the rest of the
week. You will have the option each morning to purchase a water bottle if your camper has forgotten
The Sign-Out Procedure
Camp ends at 4:00 PM and all campers will be signed out where they checked in at Grace Place. If your
child is signed up for Late Camp he/she should be picked up no later than 6:00 PM daily. An authorized
adult over the age of 18 must sign each child out on the attendance sheet upon departure. When you
registered your child you listed emergency contacts and filled out a pick-up form. The names you
submitted are the only adults allowed to pick up your child. No child, regardless of circumstances, will
be allowed to leave camp with an unauthorized person. The only exception to this rule is for Impact
Team (high school) and a separate self sign-out permission form must be filled out.
Please be prepared to show photo identification each day.
Our photo-ID policy exists to ensure the safety of every child.
The safety of your child is more important to us than any inconvenience that may occur.
The Late Policy
Late Camp ends promptly at 6:00 PM. Many of our staff arrives around 7:00am, we ask that you
respect our staff in arriving on time. We appreciate all your help. If you are going to be late we ask that
you call 240-553-1090. If you are late more than 3 times during the week a $25 late fee will be billed to
In case of emergency or unexpected delay PLEASE call us at 240-553-1090.
General Information
Parent Communication
We are committed to quality communication with camp parents and families and there are many ways
for you to tune in to what’s happening at GADC. This manual is the first way we communicate a large
amount of information to you. Each week of camp we will send out a parent newsletter with important
information and specifics about the activities for the week. We will also be updating our camp blog,
camp Facebook page and tweeting on our camp account.
If you have ANY questions or concerns please talk to the Camp Director right away. We will work with
you to provide additional information and to quickly resolve any issues.
Taste of Camp
- A time for morning snack will be arranged for our Taste of Camp campers.
- Please send a snack for snack time.
- The drop off routine is the same as for full-day campers.
- Pick up for Taste of Camp is at 12:40 in the west end of the building.
- All Taste of Campers and their families are invited back to camp for Friday’s Parent Assembly
Parent Assembly
Each week our camp parents and families are invited to our Friday Parent Assembly. Come to camp at
3:10 and be treated to songs, skits and performances by our campers!
Camp Store
Each group will be given a chance to go to the Camp Store. Campers will have the chance to redeem
their “Grace Dollars”. Grace Dollars are a token reward system that students will have the chance to
win throughout the week. The Camp Store will have chips, candy, popsicles, and Gatorade.
Snacks and Lunch
Lunch times will be split by age and allow each camper to eat under the shade of our pavilion. The
following schedule explains what time your child will eat:
- Taste of Camp will have snack time in the morning and will not eat lunch at camp. Please send a
snack with your camper.
- Pioneer Camp will have snack time in the morning and will eat lunch at 12:10. Please send lunch
and a separately labeled snack with your camper.
- Campers who have completed Kindergarten through 1st grade will have snack time in the
morning and will eat lunch at 12:10. Please send lunch and a separately labeled snack with your
- Campers who have completed 2nd through 5th grade will eat lunch at 12:40. They will have no
snack provided but may bring a snack for the afternoon to be eaten during late camp. Please
send lunch and a separately labeled snack with your camper.
- SIT/Impact Team will have no snack provided and will eat in early or late lunch depending on
their involvement in the assembly. Please send lunch with your camper.
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The Discipline Policy
Clearly established rules and consequences have been developed using the guidelines outlined below.
Rules will be phrased in positive statements and will be reviewed with the campers many times during
the day. A variety of positive reinforcement methods will be used to encourage acceptable behavior.
Staff will not, under any circumstances, administer physical punishment. If unacceptable behavior is
demonstrated counselors will enforce the following discipline policy. For more serious offenses a
parent/guardian may be called immediately and a child may be suspended from camp without prior
1st incident: 2 Verbal WARNINGS – The counselor will correct the child’s behavior and give a warning
as to the consequences of continued disobedience.
2nd incident: CONSEQUENCE – The counselor will enforce the established consequence. The Camp
Director will be notified immediately and the parent will be verbally notified at sign-out. Consequences
include but are not limited to: Time out, loss of activity time and trash clean-up.
3rd incident: REMOVAL – The child will be removed from the camp group for a 30 minute time out with
Camp Director and the Camp Director will notify the parent.
Repeated or Serious Behavior Problems: SUSPENSION – In the case of serious behavior problems or
repeated behavior issues the Camp Director reserves the right to send a camper home for the day. The
camper will not be permitted to return to camp until after the parent/guardian, child and Camp
Director meet. If a one day suspension does not curb problem behavior the child will not be allowed to
return to camp. Refunds will not be given for behavior suspensions.
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Health and Wellness
Administrating Medication
In order for medication to be given to a camper, a Medication Permission Slip must be filled out and
signed by a doctor. This form gives us permission to administer specified medication to your child; by
law we are not permitted to administer medication without it. Children are not allowed to carry
medication on their person at camp. All medication must be delivered to the camp nurse in the original
packaging or prescription bottle. GADC can accept any State of Maryland public school medication
form or you may use the form enclosed. If you need a copy of a medication form, please email
Sick Camper Policy
We cannot provide care for sick children. Please do not send your child to camp if he/she is ill! We are
concerned for the health and welfare of each child at camp as well as our staff. We require that a
camper be picked up as soon as possible in the event that he/she becomes ill while at camp.
In order to prevent the spread of illnesses we have aligned our sick camper policy with the Grace
Community Church Children’s Ministry sick policy.
Children with any of the following symptoms should not be checked into Grace Adventures Day Camp:
Fever of more than 100 degrees Fahrenheit within the last 24 hours*
Diarrhea within the last 24 hours
Vomiting (2 or more times within the last 24 hours)
Persistent cough
Heavy mucous discharge from the nose, or any colored secretions
Mouth sore with inability to control saliva
Sore throat
Conjunctivitis (pink eye)
Chickenpox (until the 7th day after the rash starts)
Impetigo & Strep (until 24 hours after treatment)
Head lice (until morning after treatment)
Any illness that prevents the child from normal functioning, or requires that a caregiver
give exclusive care.
* Fever free and symptom free, without the use of medication for 24 hours.
Please notify us immediately if your child was contagious or had head lice while at camp.
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Code Red Days
Code Red days are hot, hazy and humid. There is no breeze, tons of sun and little chance of
precipitation. On Code Red days campers will be kept out of direct sunlight for games and sports and
will not be permitted to play games and sports that require running. Campers will spend extended time
indoors where there is air conditioning and outdoors in the shade. Water is always available to
campers at all times.
Rainy Days
Rainy days are no problem here at camp! Special curriculum and activities have already been planned
to keep your kids active and having fun all day. Unless thunderstorms keep us indoors, we will still play
outside, even in the rain! We look forward to the extra fun a rain shower can bring.
Tick Policy
Be aware that we have spotted ticks in our wooded areas. We have a deer feeding station that applies
a tickicide to the deer when they stop to eat. This is an ongoing program to reduce the deer tick
population. Each counselor will carry Cutter Backwoods Unscented Insect Repellent Aerosol in their
backpacks and apply the bug spray to campers before entering the woods. Upon exiting the woods,
campers will be instructed to check for ticks. We encourage you to double check your kids when they
get home.
Lost and Found
Please be sure to check the Lost and Found table at the end of each camp day. We accumulate a lot of
lost items that unfortunately get donated at the end of the summer. Please note that all lost socks and
underwear get thrown away at the end of the day. All items that are left in the lost and found will be
donated to a local organization on August 9th, 2014.
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