Family School Manual 2013 – 2014 Howard Avenue Montessori School

Howard Avenue Montessori School
357 E. Howard Avenue
Phone: 935-0700
Fax: 935-0715
Family School Manual
2013 – 2014
Heidi Panosh
Principal in Charge
This manual is periodically updated. You will find the most recent version on the Howard
Avenue Montessori website including calendars at:
Revised: 8/02/13 KPP/JJR
Table of Contents
MPS Non-Discrimination Policy
From the Principal
Schools Mission, Vision, and Goals
Staff Roster and Contact Information
School Calendars / Events
School Daily Schedule
Student Entry Procedures
Student Dismissal Procedures
Before and After School Services and Programs
Student Attendance / Tardiness
MPS Family – School Partnership Pledge
The School – Family Compact
Open House
Parent – Teacher Conferences
Parent Volunteers
School Governance Council
Title I: District Advisory Council
Parent Classes
Parent Links
Parent Assistant Program
Parent Resource Centers
Office of Family Services
Parent / Student Handbook on Rights, Responsibilities and Discipline
Tips for Parents
Wisconsin DPI Report Card for the School
School Improvement Plan
Top Grade Completion
High School Graduation Requirements
Standards Based Report Cards / Progress Reports
School Homework Policy
Textbooks / Instructional Materials & Equipment
School Discipline Rules / PBIS
Lunch Behavior Expectations
Playground Behavior Expectations and Procedures (K - 8)
Bus Pass Distribution Procedures (High School)
Student Dress Code
Inappropriate Items
Equipment from Home
Communication Devices/Cell Phones
Telephone Calls for Students
Student IDs
Communication with Families / Family Newsletter
Parent / Guardian Concerns, Visiting Your Child’s Classroom
Emergency Contact Cards
Breakfast Procedures
Lunch Application/ Cold Lunch/Lunch Procedures
Field Trips
School Bookstore
School Supplies
Emergency Drills
Extra-Curricular Activities Offered
Acknowledgement for the School - Family Compact
Acknowledgement for the Family School Manual
2013-2014 SCHOOL YEAR
Parents will play a vital role in the new program at Howard Ave. This Parent
Handbook is a quick source of information for you to use throughout the school
year. Please take a few minutes to look through the book and then keep it in a
handy place for future reference.
Fridays are the day we send home important notes and newsletters with your child.
Be sure to check our child’s backpack so that you can stay informed about all of
the events and special activities at Howard Avenue this year.
Thank you,
The Howard Avenue Montessori Staff
From the Principal
Dear Parents and Families:
I am the new Principal in Charge at Howard, replacing Mr. Phillip Dosmann, who retired at the end of last
year. I am excited to begin my first year as an Acting Principal, getting to know you and your family
better. Howard is the newest Montessori public school in the MPS district. This year we will have K3 to
K5 students with five primary teachers. The school will continue to grow yearly up to 6th grade.
I have a Masters in Montessori Elementary Teaching and taught Lower Elementary (1st through 3rd grade)
for 8 years, 3 at Racine Montessori School, and 5 at Craig Montessori, an MPS school. I also taught
Adolescents (7th and 8th grade) for three years at Craig. I just completed my online Master’s in
Administration from Concordia University in Portland, OR. My undergraduate degree is in Marketing
from New Hampshire College. I am originally from New Hampshire, spent summers there growing up,
and lived there as an adult for 16 years. Before joining the Montessori world, I worked in the business
sector, mostly managing my family’s business. I also held numerous leadership positions while teaching
at Craig. I just celebrated my 10th wedding anniversary with my husband, Tom. We have lived on the
Northwest side of Milwaukee since 2005, and we love the city. I was raised in Mequon, but I enjoy the
city so much more.
As parents of Montessori children I will help to inform you how Montessori education can become part of
raising your children not only in school, but with activities in your home. In the school setting, your child
will choose from lessons presented by the teacher. Progress through the curriculum is based on a child’s
willingness to repeat and learn the lessons. If your child is reluctant to choose activities, the teacher will
re-present and guide your child to practice and learn the lessons; however, there is always the factor of
choice allowed in the daily routine. This method of education empowers the child to become more
independent and responsible for their own learning. Dr. Maria Montessori referred to this as “Freedom
with Responsibility.”
As experienced educators, the staff and I, at Howard Avenue Montessori, are available to assist you with
raising a successful, responsible, and independent child. Communication with your child’s teacher will
further inform you of how your child is progressing in school. Additionally, parent information sessions
will occur during the school year. The use of Montessori materials used in the classroom will be presented
as well as techniques that will further enhance your ability to raise productive and happy children.
I look forward to meeting all of you and to share the Montessori journey with you, your children, and our
wonderful staff.
With Best Regards,
Mrs. Heidi Panosh
Principal in Charge
School Mission, Vision, and Goals
Howard Avenue Montessori School fosters a safe, nurturing, inclusive
environment which promotes quality Montessori education in all aspects of school
and family life from primary through elementary grades.
The District educates all students for success in higher education, careers, and
responsible citizenship so that the District is the first choice for families.
The 2013-14 goals are:
Achievement levels for all students will increase significantly, equaling or
exceeding national averages.
Schools will be safe, orderly and nurturing places for students to learn.
Employees will feel positive and empowered and will receive recognition for their
Parents and community members will become significantly more involved in the
achievement of MPS' vision, goals and objectives.
Employees and students from different racial, ethnic and economic backgrounds
will learn and interact positively with each other.
Howard Avenue Montessori School is a safe place for community activities that
are welcoming, well maintained, and accessible. Children will be provided
maximum educational opportunities to become responsible citizens who make
positive contributions to their communities. Howard Montessori will strengthen
partnerships with families and those in the community who influence and affect
students and families.
Core Beliefs
• Children come first
• The classroom is the most important place in the school
• Leadership and accountability are keys to our success
• Teachers and support staff foster student achievement
• Families are valuable partners
• Community partnerships add value
1.05 School Staff Assignment Roster
Howard Avenue Montessori School
Staff Roster 2013-2014
Phone 935-0700
Fax 935-0715
Principal in Charge
Primary Teachers
Lauren Sousek
Joan Kelly
Jen Pettigrew
Kelsey Kosmitis
Sunita Austin
Additional Support Staff
Spec Ed Teacher
Spec Ed Supervisor
Social Worker
Building Operations
Speech Pathologist
Daycare Director
Building Service Helper
e-mail staff by putting @ at the end of the staff name example:
Revised: 8-23-2013
School Calendars / Events
K4 and K5 PAL’s Reading Assessment: Fall: Window is open from 10/14- 11/8
Spring: Window is open from 4/28 to 5/8
K5 only MAP math Assessment:
Fall: Windows is open from 9/11 to 10/9
Winter: 12/4 to 1/17/14
Spring: 4/1 to 5/8
Parent teacher conferences: To be announced. Friday October 18 no school
Report cards: (Interim for k5 students only)
Interim: 10/11
Trimester 1: 11/22
Interim: 1/24/14
Trimester 2: 3/7/14
Interim: 5/2/14
Trimester 3: 6/13/14
Open House: Thursday, September 19th
PTO Movie Night, September 27th
School Picnic Sunday, October 6th
All events and dates will be announced in the monthly newsletter calendar and posted within the
School Daily Schedule
School Starts:
School Camp
8:45 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
8:40 a.m. – 8:50 a.m. In Camp room
8:45 a.m.
k3 and k4: 11:50 and k5: 3:30 p.m.
7: 00 a.m. - 8:45 a.m.
3:30 p.m. – 6:00
12:00 p.m. - 6:00
Our school’s procedures are, first and foremost, to ensure the safety and well-being of your children. We
need your cooperation, assistance, and support to ensure students’ safety especially during arrival and
Student Entry Procedures
Children will enter the school from the front door on Howard Avenue no earlier than 8:40 a.m. Support
staff and school assistants are at assigned locations to assist with supervision as students enter the
Students are to enter in a quiet and orderly manner. They should walk to their classrooms by themselves
unattended by parents, where they will be greeted by their teacher.
Students will be dismissed from the breakfast area to report directly to their classrooms. All breakfast
students should be in their classrooms by 8:50 the latest.
Children eating breakfast will do so in the camp room on the second floor.
Student Dismissal Procedures
The school day ends for k3-k4 students at 11:50
The k5 school day ends at 3:30 p.m.
Children who take the bus will exit through the front door escorted by support staff. Those children
getting picked up will walk to the playground with their teacher and stand in line until the designated
adult comes to pick them up.
Camp children will go up stairs to the second floor with camp staff at 11:50 where they will eat with the
k5 students who stay all day until 3:30. The same dismissal procedure happens in the afternoon as well as
the morning.
In inclement weather, children will be picked up in the gym.
Child Care/Camp:
Through the Office of Recreation our school offers before and after school child care camp. The program
offers homework help, arts and crafts, sports, games and more. The after schools activities provide
students with the opportunity to develop creatively, expand knowledge, build strong bodies, and offer a
safe place to play. A fee is charged for the childcare services. Students must be registered by a
parent/guardian in order to participate. Please contact Tammy Damato-Busshardt at 414-935-0710 for
more information.
Parents must sign at the door before picking up their children from camp. This is a safety procedure for all
Extended Learning Opportunities
Milwaukee Public Schools offers a myriad of Extended Learning Opportunities that provide academic
and other learning supports. These personalized learning opportunities are based on student interest and
need, are planned in advance, and include rigorous content. The ELO program offers authentic
opportunities for students to collaborate with a highly qualified teacher and/or a community partner to
demonstrate competencies outside of a traditional classroom. The programs focus on global and
community partnerships, social responsibility, creative problem solving, critical thinking, selfdirection, collaboration and technological proficiency. The ELO programs include but are not
limited to: Summer Academy, T4U Tutoring, Credit Attainment, Credit Recovery, Community
Service, Service Learning, Enrichment Programs, STEM Camps, Apprenticeships, Internships,
Volunteering, Summer Freshman Bridge, Gifted and Talented, Community Partnership Programs
and the Summer Adventures Program.
Howard Avenue does not have a parking lot. There is parking the north side of Howard Avenue only.
Parking is available on Whitnall Avenue and the surrounding neighborhood side streets. Please do not
park directly in front of the school on Howard Avenue.
Safety Tips:
 To ensure the safety of all students please avoid double parking. This causes heavy traffic
congestion and is unsafe for your child to run between vehicles.
 The school is not responsible if a parking ticket is issued to a parent.
 We need to respect the rights of neighbors and not park in front of their driveways.
 Unfortunately Howard Avenue does not have a parking lot.
 Please do not park in the bus lane in front of the building during pick up times.
Student Attendance / Tardiness
Reference: Parent/Student Handbook on Rights, Responsibilities and Discipline
Attendance is the most important factor that impacts student academic growth for this reason all students
are expected to be in school each day. It is essential for students to be on time in order to be present for
opening learning activities and instruction. Students arriving late must report to the office for a tardy slip.
When a student is absent, parents must call the school attendance line at 935-0710 and send a written
excuse within 2 days of the absence.
Excessive absences and tardiness will result in an immediate referral to the school social worker and
eventually a referral to the District Attorney, which could result in a court hearing and fines.
The School - Family Compact
As a student at Howard Ave. Montessori, I promise that I will:
* Know and follow all school and class rules.
* Work hard and do my best.
* Discuss with my parents what I am learning in school.
* Give parents/guardians all school notes.
* Ask for help when I need it.
As a parent/caring adult, I promise to:
* Help my child prepare for a successful school day by providing proper nutrition and 8-10 hours of
rest each night.
*Make sure my child attends school on time every day. I will inform the school whenever my child
is absent.
* Have high expectations for my child.
* Encourage my child to respect and experience other cultures.
* Help my child learn to resolve conflicts peacefully.
* Read with my child 3-5 times a week.
* Let my child see me read and use the library.
* Support my child’s learning at home by providing supplies and a place to work.
* Limit my child’s TV viewing and computer video games.
* Attend parent conferences and respond to communications sent home.
* Contact my child’s teacher to share special information or classroom concerns about my child.
* Attend parent education sessions.
As a staff person (teacher, support staff or administrator) at Howard Ave. Montessori, I promise to:
* Have high expectations for myself, our students and other staff.
* Respect the cultural differences of students and their families.
* Respect and encourage children in their ideas, efforts and growth.
* Provide a positive environment which will build self-esteem and academic knowledge.
*Communicate effectively with parents about their child’s progress in learning and behavior.
* Be prepared each day to provide quality instruction in line with the Montessori curriculum.
* Provide opportunities that will reinforce and extend classroom instruction.
Open House
Open House will be held twice a year. The first Open House is scheduled for September 19th at 6:30. The
date for the Spring Open House will be announced.
Parent-Teacher Conferences
It is important that all parents / guardians attend parent / teacher conferences. Parental
involvement impacts and increases student achievement. Our school welcomes all parents to
participate in parent-teacher conferences. These will be held in the fall and in the spring. Dates,
times, and information will be announced.
A conference sheet will be sent home so that you may indicate the day that you prefer you
conference to be held. We will do our best to accommodate that day and time for you. Final
conference sheets will be sent home in your child’s book bag. Conferences can also be held over
the phone if necessary at the convenience of the teacher’s schedule.
Parent Volunteers
Reference: MPS Homepage under Popular Links, “Volunteering in MPS”
Our school encourages parents interested in doing volunteer work to apply.
Volunteers are defined as persons who provide services on a regular and on-going basis or more
than five hours a week. It does not apply to those parents and/or other adults who are one-time
volunteers for field trips or other one-time-only activities in schools and/or departments. All
volunteers must complete the volunteer application process before they can be assigned to a school. This
includes completing an application, passing a criminal background check (for those 18 years of age or
older), and interviewing with the school administrator or MPS Volunteer Coordinator. Applications are
available at the main office and at the district website at –
School Governance Council
The purpose of a School Governance Council is to provide a forum for parents, teachers, community
members, students, and principals to work together in providing continued analysis and improvement of
public school policies, curriculum, and School Improvement Plan. The council's decision-making
authority is advisory with respect to all duties, powers, and responsibilities, with the sole exception of the
council's authority and responsibility to submit a signature page with its school's annual budget and the
school's annual School Improvement Plan. Council participation is on a voluntary basis via a schoolbased election process. The council is not intended to replace a parent organization.
School Governance members are:
Michelle Estrada, Parent Representative
Erin Orlowski, Parent Representative
Melissa Radar, Parent Representative
Danielle Simonovic, Parent Representative
Naomi Guzman, Community Representative
Title I: District Advisory Council
In accordance with the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (Section 1118) and the Wisconsin
Department of Public Instruction Title I Parental Involvement Guidelines, Milwaukee Public Schools
established the District Advisory Council (DAC) as a means to ensure the opportunity for parents of all
students to share their ideas on the needs of children, assist in the planning and operation of Title I
programs for children, and participate in evaluating the success of Title I efforts.
Our school is required to have two parent delegates. If you are interested in representing our school in this
area please contact the school administrator for more information.
Parent Links:
Reference: MPS Homepage/public pages/parents
Parent Assistant Program
Parent Assistant is a computer program that allows parents / guardians to:
 View information about their child (ren)
 View attendance information
 View bus pick-up and drop-off information
 View courses, grades, possible assignments (may be limited at some schools)
 Parent Assistant is available 24 hours
Parents will need to apply for security access to this information, and then they will be able to view the
information using a computer with Internet Access. Patents/guardians can contact our school or the closet
Parent Resource Center for technology trainings for additional information.
Parent Resource Centers:
North Division High School
(414) 267-5181
South Division High School
(414) 902-8414
Washington High School
(414) 875-6124
Office of Family Services:
Central Services, Room 133
(414) 475-8467
Parent / Student Handbook on Rights, Responsibilities and Discipline:
Reference: MPS Homepage under Popular Links “Rights, Responsibilities”
The Parent/Student Handbook will be sent home with students at the beginning of each school year.
Handbooks are also available at each school, Central Services and online (see link above).
Tips for Parents
 Make sure that your child is in school every day and on time at 8:45 a.m.
 Call the school when your child is absent at 414-935-0700
 Make sure that your child gets the proper amount of sleep every night.
 If your child brings a cold lunch, make sure that it is nutritional.
 Check your child’s book bag every day.
 Read with or have your child read every day.
 Assist your child with homework / practice.
 Encourage your child to keep a writing journal.
 Attend fall and spring Parent/Teacher Conferences
Contact the teacher with academic concerns or recognized growth you see.
Provide your child with comments of encouragement regularly.
Insure your child is dressed appropriately.
Help in your child’s classroom when you are able.
Attend field trips when your schedule allows it.
Be a part of the School Governance Council and /or Parent Organization.
Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (DPI) Report Card for the School
Howard Avenue has not yet tested students. This will occur this year with k4 and k5’s. K4 and k5
students will test in PALS, a reading test, twice a year. In addition, K5 students will test on a
computerized program, MAP, for math assessment three times a year, per MPS requirements.
School Improvement Plan (SIP)
Reference: MPS Homepage under Popular Links “SIP/SSA”
Your school’s SIP can be found online at the link above.
Top Grade Completion
This doesn’t pertain to Howard Montessori
High School Graduation Requirements
This doesn’t pertain to Howard Montessori
Standards Based Report Cards / Progress Reports
To ensure that parents / guardians are kept informed of their children’s progress in school,
(K5 and Elementary through K8) parents at Howard Montessori School will receive three standardsbased report cards and three interim progress reports. K3 and K4 students will receive report cards three
times per year.
This report card is different from what you may be accustomed to. Students do not receive a letter
grade for each subject, but will be provided with marks that indicate levels of proficiency.
(Traditional Middle and High School) Our school’s report cards will be distributed to
parents/guardians at the end of each mark period, based on each school’s course schedule.
MPS continues to implement new, more rigorous standards for what every child should know and be able
to do in each subject area and grade level. The MPS Comprehensive Literacy Plan and Comprehensive
Math/Science Plan are aligned to the Common Core State Standards.
The Standards-Based Report Card:
- Provides accurate and meaningful information about a student’s strengths, challenges and performance
- Clarifies and reinforces consistent high expectations for students and schools
- Helps teachers, students and families focus on standards throughout the year
- Provides specific feedback on progress to the standards
-Allows students, families and teachers to work together to set meaningful goals for improvement
- Provides information about a student’s work habits, behaviors and efforts
Achieving these career and college ready standards requires continuous monitoring of progress and
additional support targeted to those who need it.
School Homework Policy
Homework is an important part of the learning process that should be viewed as an opportunity
for students to practice new skills and reinforce classroom lessons. Most homework is considered
practice which will not be graded. Instead a student will receive feedback that allows them to
improve their skills before being graded. Some extended homework or projects may receive a
grade or proficiency level feedback.
Montessori parents are encouraged to expose their children to enriching activities outside of school.
Home work for the primary students involves participating in family life that promotes
independence and responsibility.
Textbooks / Instructional Materials & Equipment
Reference: Parent/Student Handbook on Rights, Responsibilities and Discipline
All students will be provided with the necessary textbooks/instructional materials by the school.
Textbooks/instructional materials must be returned undamaged at the end of the school year or at the time
of withdrawal.
Our school is committed to providing a safe and effective learning environment. The safety of all
students, teachers, and staff at our school is of utmost importance. It is the expectation that all District and
school rules and policies be followed and adhered to.
The MPS Parent/Student Handbook on Rights and Responsibilities and Discipline is mailed to the home
of each MPS family at the start of each school year. This Handbook provides families with detailed
information regarding the MPS Discipline Policy.
School Discipline Rules / Positive Behavior Intervention and Support (PBIS)
All students have the right to feel safe and the obligation to respect each other and all adults in and
outside the school building. All students are expected to be at their best behavior in order to create a safe
learning environment conducive to learning.
Reference: MPS Homepage/PBIS documents
MPS had one of the greatest suspension rates in the state and in the nation for a big city school district. In
2009 the district started this PBIS support program to reduce the rate of suspensions in the learning
environment. Howard Montessori has a PBIS team of teachers, support and administration. The result of
this program results in reducing the number of student discipline problems in the learning environment.
What is PBIS?
 PBIS is a framework or approach for assisting school staff in adopting and organizing
evidence-based behavioral intervention into an integrated continuum that enhances
academic and social behavior outcomes for all students.
 PBIS IS NOT a program, packaged curriculum, scripted intervention, or manualized
 PBIS supports the success of ALL students.
It is important to focus on teaching positive social behaviors.
Research says: The implementation of punishment, especially when it used inconsistently and in the
absence of other positive strategies, is ineffective. Introducing modeling, reinforcing positive social
behavior is an important step of a student’s educational experience. Teaching behavioral expectation s
and rewarding students for following them is a much more positive approach than waiting for
misbehavior to occur before responding.
The purpose of school wide PBIS is to establish a climate in which appropriate behavior is the norm. The
purpose is also to acknowledge the student for positive behaviors. This does not mean that a student
should always receive something for doing the right thing. It means we acknowledge students for good
behavior not bad behavior. The basic tenets of PBIS is that students demonstrate Safe, Respectful, and
Responsible behavior in all areas of the school, classrooms, hallways, bathrooms, lunchroom, playground
and other common areas in the school.
PBIS is a data driven program. Office referrals are looked at in terms of where and when they occur.
This data is used to analyze how to be proactive and solve problems in the school setting. There is a
PBIS Universal Team at Howard. The team meets at least bi-weekly to review the data and determine if
there are students who need Tier 2 interventions. Tier 2 students are identified as Check- in and Checkout (CICO) students.
A staff member is identified to meet with these students each day to monitor their behavior and to connect
with them. The student also checks out with the same person at the end of the day to assess how the day
went behaviorally. If the student has more serious issues they will be referred to Social Academic
Instructional Group (SAIG) which is led by either the school psychologist or social work. These students
would be in intervention groups with the appropriate staff person.
PBIS is a corrective action by DPI. All MPS schools are mandated to participate in PBIS.
Students are never to be left unsupervised in a classroom. Teachers are expected to teach and maintain
safe and orderly classroom routines and procedures.
Teachers are expected to establish, teach, and reinforce classroom rules and expectations. Safe and
orderly routines and procedures must be taught and used throughout the school year. Positive behaviors
should be routinely recognized. Problem behaviors should be handled by classroom teachers in a
progressive manner that is well understood by the students.
We encourage parents to use the vocabulary of safe, respectful, responsible, and productive with
their children to promote consistency in how we demonstrate positive behavior.
Lunch Behavior Expectations
Our school has a "soft voice" lunchroom policy. The term "soft voice" is synonymous with "low level of
noise." The purpose of the "soft voice" lunchroom policy is to afford students a pleasant environment in
which to enjoy their meals, eat more, and relax in a peaceful setting before their afternoon activities.
Teachers are expected to discuss the "soft voice" lunchroom policy with students beginning on the first
day of school.
Lines waiting for lunch and the entire lunchroom are considered quiet zones. No talking is permitted.
Students who are disruptive while in line in the cafeteria will be asked to go to the end of the line.
Students are not to give "skips" or take "skips" in line. Students will be seated in the order they are
in line.
Once seated, students are not to leave their place without permission from the lunch supervisors. Students
are not to play with food, throw food, give it to others, or take it from the lunchroom. When students
forget to pick up a food item or utensil, they should raise their hand and a lunchroom supervisor will get it
for them or allow the child to retrieve the forgotten item. No soda or candy/gum is allowed for bag
lunches or as an extra drink for students eating school lunch.
All staff members working in the lunchroom are to be consistent in assuring that "soft voices" are used by
students and are responsible for modeling appropriate behavior for students by using "soft voices" and
nonverbal signals such as pointing, motioning, whispering, and using minimal verbal directives.
Students who disrupt the lunchroom program will remain in the lunchroom, seated away from their
classmates, until all other students have been dismissed. These students will then be dismissed to the
playground (or classroom) depending upon the time of day. They may be required to help clean-up the
lunch room. A two-week class rotation schedule will be established for each lunch group to clean the
lunch room at the end of the students eating lunch.
Every School will insert lunch behavior expectations here.
Playground Behavior Expectations and Procedures
The playground staff and teachers are very concerned about the children being able to play safely on our
playground. The attached playground expectations have been approved by our staff and Governance
Council and are being enforced during recess times. Please look over these expectations and discuss them
with your child.
1. When an entry bell rings, play activity must stop. Students must line up at their assigned
place on the playground. Playground equipment should be put in the ball and rope
containers and no students should run to hold the doors.
2. Students are to respect the rights and personal property of others.
3. Students will play away from the school building (windows, stairs and doors).
4. Students will utilize respectful language at all times.
5. Students will not fight, trip, tackle or play rough body contact games. This includes
“kung fu”, “karate” and wrestling moves, whether contact is intended or not.
6. Students are not to throw snow, ice, stones, etc.
7. Students are to ask adults for help when they have problems with other students on the
8. Students may not bring play or sports equipment from home.
9. Students may not utilize roller blades, skateboards or bikes on school premises during
school hours.
10. Students may not climb on the fences, trees, or pick plants.
11. Students are not to leave the playground for any reason.
Bus Pass Distribution Procedures
Not applicable to Howard Montessori
Our school is committed to providing a safe and effective learning environment. All students in the school
must follow the Code of School / Classroom Conduct and implement the following expectations:
Student Dress Code
Every School will Howard Avenue Montessori School adopts a dress code that is accepting of diversity.
Students are expected to dress for school in a manner that does not disrupt the instructional process and is
conducive to the academic atmosphere. Violations of the dress code will require the students to change or
might result in the student being sent home or parents to bring an appropriate change of clothes so the
child can remain in school.
The following types of clothing and accessories are prohibited:
Tube tops, spaghetti strap tops, backless or revealing low cut shirts, midriff baring shirts, and
bra straps showing.
Shorts, skirts above mid-thigh, or skirts with slits higher than mid-thigh. Young ladies shorts
and skirts should be the length equal to end of their open hand when the arm is fully extended at
their side.
Swimsuits and sheer see through fabrics.
Platform sandals and high heels should not be worn in school.
Low hanging shorts or pants not secured at the waist with a belt.
Mesh muscle shirts or lace see through tops.
Hats, do-rags, sweat bands, visors, headscarves or bandanas.
Automotive, bicycle or animal chains.
Clothing with inappropriate lettering or slogans on the front or back of shirts.
No writing across the seat of the pants.
Jackets intended for outside wear.
Make-up, nail polish, perfume, glitter products.
Students wearing inappropriate clothing must change into appropriate clothing or go home. Accessories
will need to be removed and taken home.
Additional related policy items:
Electronic devices (MP3 players, Ipods, Cell phones, CD walkmans, video games) are not allowed out of
backpacks or lockers during the school day. If students are exhibiting or using these items during the
school day, these items will be confiscated by school staff, turned into the office and parents will be
requested to pick up these items. We strongly encourage these items not be brought to school. Also, no
laser pens or shock pens are allowed in the school or on the bus.
Every school will insert their student dress code here.
School Uniform Policy
Howard Avenue Montessori does not have school uniforms.
Inappropriate Items
All toys, games, electronic games, cards, large amounts of money, expensive jewelry and jackets should
not be brought to school. The school is not responsible for any lost or stolen items.
Equipment from Home
All equipment needed for recess and physical education is furnished by the school district. Balls, jump
ropes, or other play equipment should not be brought to school and is not the responsibility of the school.
Cell Phones/Communication devices
While on premises controlled by Milwaukee Public Schools, students are not allowed to activate, use or
display electronic communication devices, such as cell phones and pagers, for a purpose other than an
approved educational purpose. Violation of this rule will result in discipline according to district policy.
If devices are activated, used or displayed in violation of this policy, they will be confiscated. If a student
activates, uses or displays a communication device to endanger the physical safety or mental well being
of others, the student will be recommended for expulsion. In the event that communication devices are
brought to school, the school and school district will not be financially responsible for lost or stolen items.
Telephone Calls for Students
It is the goal of our school to offer all students an environment of uninterrupted learning so that they can
achieve academically. In order to protect learning the school requests that if a parent /guardian need to
communicate with his / her child during the school day that they leave a message at the school office.
The office will arrange for the student to receive the message. If there is a home emergency please request
to speak to an administrator.
Student IDs (middle and high school)
School Communication with Families/ Family Newsletter
Our school believes it is important to keep parents informed of school news, services, activities, and
events. On a regular basis the school will be sending home a Family Newsletter.
When parents / guardians wish to contact their child’s teacher, please call the (main office / classroom) to
leave a (message / voice message.) The teacher will return the call.
Parent / Guardian Concerns / Visiting your Child’s Classroom
Our school believes in assisting parents / guardians in resolving any concern they may have. A parent
may come to the school office and make a verbal or a written complaint.
As a parent you have the right to visit your child’s class as an observer. Our first concern is always the
children’s work and concentration, so we respectfully request that parents notify the teacher in advance of
any visit. The classroom teacher will suggest the best time for a parent to observe without disturbing the
children’s work and lessons. We request that parents of K3, K4 and K5 students wait till October to visit
the classrooms.
Children often change their behavior and find it difficult to concentrate on class work when there
is an extra adult in the classroom. We ask that all classroom visitors follow a few guidelines so that the
visit will not disturb the work of the class.
Make an appointment with the principal or teacher.
Remain seated in the place provided.
Don’t start a conversation with a child or children.
Make notes of questions and discuss them with the teacher after the visit.
Do not stay for more than fifteen to thirty minutes.
It is important to remember that because the Montessori Method of teaching is based on the
natural tendencies of the child, it is impossible to dictate what each classroom and individual will do at a
given time. Each child is unique, so lessons are directed toward small groups or individual children.
Children who are not in lessons are expected to make work choices based on lessons they have already
If you have questions about anything you observe at Howard Ave. please don’t hesitate to talk to
your child’s teacher or Mrs. Panosh for clarification. Books and information about Montessori are
available for parents who would like to learn more about the Montessori model of education. Parent
resources are available in the office.
Emergency Contact Cards
For the safety and well-being of all students, parents are required to fill out a new Home Emergency
Contact Card at the beginning of the school year. Please keep your information current. The main
purpose of the Emergency Contact Card is to help the school locate parents / guardians in the event of an
illness or emergency involving your child (ren). Only adults authorized by the parent/guardian on the
Emergency Contact Card are allowed to remove a child from the school premises, receive information
about the child or communicate with the child or the child’s teacher.
Breakfast Procedures
Our school has a "soft voice" lunchroom policy. The term "soft voice" is synonymous with "low level of
noise." The purpose of the "soft voice" lunchroom policy is to afford students a pleasant environment in
which to enjoy their meals, eat more, and relax in a peaceful setting before their afternoon activities.
Teachers are expected to discuss the "soft voice" lunchroom policy with students beginning on the first
day of school.
Classes of teachers on lunchroom duty are to line up at the kitchen-serving window and enter the
lunchroom first. Teachers who are not working in the lunchroom are responsible for assuring that their
students are "quiet and orderly" in the lunch line before leaving them in the care of the lunch supervisory
Lines waiting for lunch and the entire lunchroom are considered quiet zones. No talking is permitted.
Students who are disruptive while in line in the cafeteria will be asked to go to the end of the line.
Students are not to give "skips" or take "skips" in line. Students will be seated in the order they are
in line.
Once seated, students are not to leave their place without permission from the lunch supervisors. Students
are not to play with food, throw food, give it to others, or take it from the lunchroom. When students
forget to pick up a food item or utensil, they should raise their hand and a lunchroom supervisor will get it
for them or allow the child to retrieve the forgotten item. No soda or candy/gum is allowed for bag
lunches or as an extra drink for students eating school lunch.
Students who disrupt the lunchroom program will remain in the lunchroom, seated away from their
classmates, until all other students have been dismissed. These students will then be dismissed to the
playground (or classroom) depending upon the time of day. Elementary students might be required to
help clean-up the lunch room. A two-week class rotation schedule will be established for each lunch
group to clean the lunch room at the end of the students eating lunch.
Lunch Application / Cold Lunch / Lunch Procedures
Parents / guardians can obtain a lunch application from the school office, local libraries or central
services. The application needs to be submitted to the school office. Parents / guardians can complete and
submit the application online at . The screen walks you through the
process step by step. Enter the student’s name exactly as it appears on school records. Parents may
complete only one online application per household, per school year. If an online application is completed
you do not need to fill out a paper application.
Parents can call (877) 833-7756 to get their child’s meal status
Parents need to know their child’s Student ID number (child’s lunch pin number) before they call.
The status information is updated every night.
Parents / guardians who pay for hot lunch may choose to pay in advance, up to one month in advance.
The student may give their money to Tammy, the school secretary. Students may bring a cold lunch. We
encourage students to bring a nutritious (fruits, vegetables, whole grains) bag lunch. Students are not
allowed to leave the building during their lunch hour.
School lunch procedures
Howard Montessori school has a "soft voice" lunchroom policy. The term "soft voice" is synonymous
with "low level of noise." The purpose of the "soft voice" lunchroom policy is to afford students a
pleasant environment in which to enjoy their meals, eat more, and relax in a peaceful setting before their
afternoon activities. Teachers are expected to discuss the "soft voice" lunchroom policy with students
beginning on the first day of school.
Classes of teachers on lunchroom duty are to line up at the kitchen-serving window and enter the
lunchroom first. Teachers who are not working in the lunchroom are responsible for assuring that their
students are "quiet and orderly" in the lunch line before leaving them in the care of the lunch supervisory
Lines waiting for lunch and the entire lunchroom are considered quiet zones. No talking is permitted.
Students who are disruptive while in line in the cafeteria will be asked to go to the end of the line.
Students are not to give "skips" or take "skips" in line. Students will be seated in the order they are
in line.
Once seated, students are not to leave their place without permission from the lunch supervisors. Students
are not to play with food, throw food, give it to others, or take it from the lunchroom. When students
forget to pick up a food item or utensil, they should raise their hand and a lunchroom supervisor will get it
for them or allow the child to retrieve the forgotten item. No soda or candy/gum is allowed for bag
lunches or as an extra drink for students eating school lunch.
Students who disrupt the lunchroom program will remain in the lunchroom, seated away from their
classmates, until all other students have been dismissed. These students will then be dismissed to the
playground (or classroom) depending upon the time of day. Elementary students might be required to
help clean-up the lunch room. A two-week class rotation schedule will be established for each lunch
group to clean the lunch room at the end of the students eating lunch.
Field Trips
Field trips are an extension of units of study being taught by the teacher and become an essential part of
the total learning experience for students. Field trips assist in the teaching / learning process and have
learning objectives for these experiences. They are an important part of the student’s education.
Our school encourages all students to participate. Parents / guardians must sign a permission form for
each field trip and return it to the classroom teacher. The signed form will be filed at the school.
Funds are raised for the school through fundraisers conducted by our school and parent organization. The
purpose is to raise monies for the benefit of our students and school.
Students' participation will be on a voluntary basis with parental permission. Students participating in
sponsored fundraising activities are not allowed to be involved in door-to-door sales. Fundraising
activities will not impose on instructional time during the regular school day.
School Bookstore
School Supplies (Pre-school – Grade 8)
All children need to be prepared with their school supplies on the first day of school. Each grade level has
a special supplies list. Our school will distribute the school supplies list at the start of the school year. The
list is also posted on the MPS Portal under “Back To School”. Please make sure to put your child’s name
on his / her supplies. Head Start students do not need supplies.
Emergency Drills
Our school will hold Emergency Drills on a regular basis. Fire Drills and Emergency Lockdown Drills
are held once a month. Tornado Drills are held once a year in April. Bus Evacuation Drills are held
twice a year.
Extra-Curricular Activities Offered
Sports will be offered in elementary and will be coached by family volunteers.
Milwaukee Public Schools (MPS) is committed to providing the best education possible for every child in
the district as long as the student can benefit from attendance and his/her conduct is compatible with the
welfare of the entire student body. Within this commitment is a policy of nondiscrimination and
acceptance of diversity throughout the district.
It is the policy of Milwaukee Public Schools that, as required by Wisconsin Statutes S.118.13 and PI 9, no
person will be denied admission to any school in the district; excluded from the benefits of pupil services;
not allowed to participate in curricular, extracurricular, recreational, or other activities; or in any other
way discriminated against because of the person’s: ancestry, color, creed, gender, national origin, race,
religion, sex, sexual orientation, marital, pregnancy or parental status, physical, mental, emotional, or
learning disability.
In the school compact, families and school staff agree how to work together. Every Title I school must
develop a School-Family Compact, according to the No Child Left Behind law (Section 1118). The
purpose of this agreement is to help parents and teachers come to a consensus on the responsibilities that
impact student achievement. The underlying assumption is that a student’s academic success will improve
when the home and school work together.
It is important that parents/ guardians review and discuss the School-Family Compact with their child
(ren). We request that the parents/ guardians and students sign and return the bottom portion of this form
to the classroom teacher.
We have reviewed and discussed the School-Family Compact with our child.
Student Name_____________________________ Room #_________
Parent Signature ____________________________ Date ___________
Student Signature ___________________________ Date ___________
It is important that parents/ guardians review and discuss the Family School Manual with their child (ren).
We request that the parents/ guardians and students sign and return the bottom portion of this form to the
classroom teacher.
We have reviewed and discussed the Family School Manual and agree to follow all rules and expectations
set by the school.
Student Name_____________________________ Room #_________
Parent Signature ____________________________ Date ___________
Student Signature ___________________________ Date ___________