Student Organization Handbook 2013-2014 A Resource Manual for Clubs and Organizations on Campus Mission Statement St. Catherine University educates students to lead and influence. Inspired by its visionary founding in 1905 by the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet, more than a century later the University serves diverse students, with a baccalaureate college for women at its heart and graduate and associate programs for women and men. Vision Statement To be a leading Catholic university distinguished by its innovative spirit and premier baccalaureate University for women. Leadership Statement St. Catherine University is committed to the development of ethical, effective and enduring leaders. As life-long learners in a multicultural global community, St. Catherine leaders work to enrich the knowledge, refine the skills and clarify attitudes essential for responsible action. In varied roles and settings, the St. Catherine leader: lives a commitment to the values of justice and caring, thinks critically and creatively, acts from a strong self-concept and inspires others to act, collaborates effectively within diverse groups, takes risks willingly, exercises power and uses resources wisely, articulates a positive sense of direction, and evokes hope. 2 Mission, Vision, and Leadership Statement At all degree levels, St. Catherine integrates liberal arts and professional education within the Catholic tradition, emphasizing intellectual inquiry and social teaching, and challenging students to transformational leadership. Committed to excellence and opportunity, St. Catherine University develops ethical, reflective and socially responsible leaders, informed by the philosophy of the women’s college and the spirit of the founders. Table of Contents Welcome…………………………………………………………………………………………………….4 Chartered Club/Organization Leader Checklist…………………………………………………………5 Starting and Maintaining Chartered Clubs and Organizations Starting a Club or Organization…………………………………………………………………………...7 Responsibilities of Chartered Club/Organizations…………………………………………………..8-10 Chartering Process……………………………………………………………………………………11-13 Benefits and Privileges of Chartered Clubs and Organizations……………………………………...14 SCU Alcohol and Drug Policy………………………………………………………………………..15-16 Table of Contents Procedures and Forms Annual Chartered Club/Organization Paperwork………………………………………………….18-21 New Chartered Club/Organization Paperwork………..…………………………………………...22-26 Chartered Club/Organization Budget Form…………………………………………………………….27 Writing a Constitution..………………………………………………………………………………..28-30 Fundraising Policy…………………………………………………………………………………….31-35 Fundraising Registration Form………………………………………………………………………36-37 Senate/SKAT Funding……………………………………………………………………………………38 Club Accounts…………………………………………………………………………………………39-40 Reserving Space on Campus……………………………………………………………………………41 Fire Pit Policy and Reservation form……………………………………………………………………42 Catering……………………………………………………………………………………………….……43 Student Organization Center…………………………………………………………………………….44 Access to Club Key Cabinet……………………………………………………………………………..45 Pulse Information and Reservation Form…………………………………………………………..46-48 Publicity Options………………………………………………………………………………………49-55 Publicity Reservation Form…………………………………………………………………………..56-57 Officer Resources Advisors…………………………………………………………………………………………...……….59 Recruiting New Members………………………………………………………………………………...60 Meetings………..………………………………………………………………………………………61-63 Recognition……………………………………………………………………………………...………...64 Retention……………………………………………………………………………………………...…...65 Excerpts from Robert’s Rules of Order……………………………………………………………..66-68 Quick References How to Have an Event………………………………………………………………………………..70-72 3 Introduction This resource manual is for student organizations at St. Catherine University. It is available to all organization leaders and advisors. The purpose of this resource manual is to provide student organizations with the information they need to better understand the responsibilities and opportunities for chartered organizations at St. Catherine University. Included with the information are some forms that organizations will use during the year. Please note that these forms can also be downloaded on the Student Center and Activities (SCA) Kateway website: This handbook should answer some of the general questions regarding organization management and operation. Individuals needing more specific information or assistance should contact the staff in the SCA Office, Room 270, Coeur de Catherine or at (651)690-6210. Welcome The Student Center and Activities Office would like to congratulate you on the responsibility you have undertaken to provide guidance and direction to your organization. With more than 60 clubs and organizations chartered at St. Catherine University, we hope that the services we provide you are as diverse as the organizations we serve. As you embark on your leadership journey, please know that the Student Center and Activities Office is here to assist you in whatever way possible. Whether you have questions about an upcoming event or you need help developing your membership-we are here for you! The best of luck to you and your organization! Student Center and Activities 615.690.6210 Student Center and Activities Staff Director- Deb Miner- ext. 6833, Associate Director- Brigette Mary- ext. 6213, Assistant Director -Cara Garrett- ext. 6212, Office Coordinator- Breanna Berg- ext. 6211, 4 Welcome Complementing your classroom education with out-of-class learning makes the difference between getting a degree and getting a real education. Involvement will connect you to the St. Catherine University community. It will help you meet new people, gain leadership experience, and learn valuable skills. Chartered Club/Organization Leader Checklist Leader’s Checklist Italicized events are required for clubs and organizations. September Hold a meeting of officers and advisors to discuss and evaluate goals Plan an interesting and effective first meeting Participate in the fall Activities Fair Agree on a regular meeting time and reserve a meeting space with Meeting and Event Services Hold your first meeting Set goals for the semester/year Begin planning events for the fall semester Be on the lookout for prospective members at events Check your organization mailbox in the Organization Center Update your Chartered Club/Organization Roster with SCA October Organize a group community service project for your organization Continue to keep your advisors informed Schedule a presentation or workshop on motivation, stress relief, etc. for your members. Contact the LEAD Team for further information or resources ( Sponsor or co-sponsor a program in the Pulse. Contact the Assistant Director for more information Examine and update your organization’s web site Attend Chartered Club/Organization Leader Training November & December Continue regular contact with your advisor Begin planning for spring semester Plan an end of the semester activity Attend an on-campus event for a group activity Complete and submit End of Semester Report to SCA March Start recruiting new officers Review constitution and bylaws; update if necessary Continue work on spring semester goals Continue to keep your advisors informed Submit nominations for Chartered Club/Organization Awards Get involved in a service project Sponsor/co-sponsor an activity in the Pulse. Contact the for more information April Hold elections and plan officer transition Develop a budget for the next academic year Make marketing and recruitment plans for the fall Brainstorm ideas for fall activities Ask advisor to be involved with officer transition training Attend an on-campus event for a group activity Complete and submit Annual Registration paperwork to SCA Complete and submit End of Semester Report to SCA by designated deadline May Review year’s successes, accomplishments, and goals for next year-Celebrate! Check and clean out organization mailbox Attend the Dew Drop Bop as a group activity Recognize outstanding organization members Establish summer contacts and address list February Hold a meeting of officers and advisors to evaluate progress Set goals for the semester Plan spring semester events Be on the lookout for prospective members at events Review budget status Update your Chartered Club/Organization Roster with SCA 5 Starting and Maintaining Chartered Clubs and Organizations 6 Starting a New Club or Organization You’ve got a great idea for a club or organization. What do you need to do? Student organizations can be formed and recognized when the Dean of Student Affairs determines that the group’s purposes are in accord with the stated purposes and policies of the University. Here are the steps you need to take to get started: Meet with the Assistant Director of Student Center and Activities to discuss your idea for a new organization and get information on the chartering process. Hold an interest/information meeting. The staff in SCA can help you organize it. Advertise the meeting in the Daily Update and through posters. Please make all publicity clear that you are NOT a chartered organization yet, but are seeking chartered status. Remember, you must have contact information on all publicity as well. This can help you determine the interest level in your idea. After the interest meeting, determine if starting a new club or organization is feasible. The SCA office requires that each club or organization have at least 5 members. This number is necessary to insure that each group has officers, is active, and will continue each year. Seek out a faculty or staff member who would be willing to serve as an advisor to your group. She/he will need to complete a Club and Organization Advisor Agreement and should be at your first organized meeting. Complete a New Chartered Club/Organization paperwork and develop a constitution according to the guidelines in the Model Constitution. All finished paperwork should be submitted to the SCA Office. Paperwork is available in the SCA Office and KateWay. Once the paperwork is complete, the group’s officers/ responsible members will meet with the Senate Organizational Affairs Chairs. This committee will review all the paperwork and make suggestions. Keep in mind that it is typical to complete three drafts of a constitution. After the committee has accepted the paperwork, your organization will be brought to a Senate meeting for discussion and vote. You will be asked to send at least one representative and answer questions if necessary. If the vote passes, you can act as a chartered organization on campus! See Chartering Process Section (page 11) for Senate Bylaws. *New charters are accepted every fall. Paperwork and deadlines will become available at the beginning of each academic year. Fall Activities Fair For more information, see the references section. 7 Starting a New Club or Organization Responsibilities of Chartered Clubs and Organizations Responsibilities of Chartered Clubs/Organizations (Taken from the Senate Constitution Bylaws section F. University Policy toward Chartered Organizations) Active organizations provide stimulus for campus community life. They broaden the growth opportunities available to students. Organized groups further meet the needs of the students in the university community that do not fall specifically within the scope of the academic departments, the Senate, or the Student Center and Activities office. Recognizing the benefits that St. Catherine University receives from organized groups, the University and the Senate have established a policy to stimulate the formation and activity of campus organizations by establishing a chartering process. Chartering in no way expresses or implies SCU approval of the interests or ideas around which the groups form. Rather, it stems from a belief that an educated person recognizes and understands diversity in attitudes, beliefs, and practices. This policy provides an atmosphere conducive to the functioning of groups displaying such diversity. Becoming an official chartered organization puts a group in a privileged position. The organizations have the responsibility not to abuse the privileges as stated in the policy. However, the autonomy of each organization must be ensured. Although a relationship is established through the chartering process between the Senate, the organization and the university, none of the parties obtain the right to interfere with or attempt to influence the separate vested interests of the others. It is expected that a chartered organization will adhere to the mission of St. Catherine University as a Catholic, Liberal Arts University for women. It is also a belief and a hope of the proponents of this policy that the SCU atmosphere will be one in which participation in extracurricular activities will lead to a commitment to values based on knowledge, familiarity, understanding, association and respect for individuals regardless of background. Definition of an organization For chartering purposes, an organization is a group of people with the following characteristics: 1) Membership that is open to students at St. Catherine University 2) Has function or purpose that involves or concerns a portion of the University community; 3) Agrees to follow the provisions of these policies if granted a charter; 4) Works in cooperation with a faculty or staff advisor; 5) Completes the necessary paperwork to receive recognition: New Chartered Club/Organization paperwork packet or Annual Chartered Club/Organization paperwork packet. 8 Guidelines for Chartered Organizations Chartering implies that the organization assumes certain responsibilities, which include: 2) Electing members and officers only by criteria such as pertinent organizational qualifications, interests or beliefs; all officers of SCU clubs much be current SCU students; SCU/UST clubs must have at least one SCU officer; 3) Obeying all applicable laws, SCU policies, and Senate policies; 4) Recognizing that affiliation with organizations other than SCU in no way changes an organization’s relationship with the University; 5) Making all general meetings open to all currently enrolled students; 6) Officers and members are responsible for registering the organization and maintaining their standing as an officially chartered organization by submitting chartering paperwork to the SCA Office each year; 7) Notifying the SCA office of any changes in officers and/or a change in advisor. NOTE: Failing to register each year will result in withdrawal of recognition and the organization will be required to resubmit a New Student Organization chartering paperwork to the SCA office and the Senate for approval; 8) Informing the SCA office of any changes to a student organization’s constitution. The new constitution should be submitted and reviewed by the Senate Organizational Affairs Chairs and Assistant Director of Student Center and Activities and approved by the Vice President for Enrollment Management and Dean of Student Affairs before the proposed change(s) become effective; 9) Exhibiting a relationship with the mission and vision of St. Catherine University; 10) Each student organization shall be responsible for the individual and collective conduct of its members in all group-sponsored activities and functions. This responsibility shall be exercised on behalf of the organization by appropriate elected officers of each group under the following conditions: In all group-sponsored activities and functions, the best interests of both the University community and the organization shall be basic considerations in the planning and conducting of programs; Each student organization shall be responsible for securing and maintaining compliance of its members with the aims and purpose of the chartering policy and with the rules established by the group for the governing of conduct; An organization will not be held responsible for the conduct of individual members other than at group-sponsored activities. Any organization that has an off-campus event, event involving alcohol, or major campus event open to guests outside of SCU must have at least one advisor present during the entire event. 9 Responsibilities of Chartered Clubs and Organizations 1) Supporting and respecting the rights and privileges of others; Responsibilities of Chartered Clubs and Organizations Additional information regarding conduct can be found in the Student Code of Conduct and Community Expectations and the Students’ Rights and Responsibilities Statement. Self-Sufficiency Student organizations are expected to be financially self-supporting. Any financial obligations entered into are exclusively those of the organizations. The University and/or the Senate hold no liability. Each student organization is responsible for maintaining an account on campus. This account must be held through the University Business Office. No off campus accounts are permitted. Clubs and organizations that are not active for three years forfeit any remaining funds in their account to the Senate to be reallocated to currently chartered clubs and organizations. Fundraising Chartered clubs and organizations may sponsor fundraising activities only after contacting and receiving approval from the Student Center and Activities office. All fundraising activities must be consistent with the mission of St. Catherine University and the chartered club/organization’s purpose and comply with all local, state, and Federal laws. Please see the Fundraising Policy in this handbook for more information regarding fundraising. Responsibility to be Active Student Organizations have the responsibility to be active within the University community, which includes the following: 1) Filing an end-of-the-semester report with the Assistant Director of Student Center and Activities, wherein the organization shall state the activities of the semester. Reports are due at the end of both the fall and spring semester; 2) Sending a representative to the club leader’s meeting each semester; 3) Holding a minimum of two club meetings per semester; 4) Sponsoring or co-sponsoring a minimum of one event per year. The purpose of this policy is to promote campus involvement of the clubs Social Media Policies Chartering Clubs/Organizations must follow these procedures regarding posting on Social Media sites Definition: Social media are defined as media designed to be disseminated through social interaction, created using highly accessible and available publishing techniques. Examples include but are not limited to LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Blogs, chat rooms, Instagram, My Space, D2L, email and Avatar and Flickr® to name a few. The purpose of this policy to help clarify how best to enhance and protect institutional, professional and personal reputations when participating in social media. Social Media Policy: This policy applies to all St. Catherine University students who use social media to represent or discuss matters concerning the University including students who are members of University chartered clubs and organizations, whether or not such use involves the University’s network or other computer resources. (Faculty and staff of the University should refer to the Social Media Policy in the St. Catherine University Employee Handbook.). The use of Social Media at or concerning St. Catherine University is governed by the same laws, policies, and rules of conduct and etiquette that apply to all other activities at or concerning St. Catherine University. 10 Activities of a private nature conducted away from the University can subject you to disciplinary action if those actions reflect poorly on the University or interfere with the conduct of University business. 1. Remember that laws and St. Catherine University polices including the St. Catherine University Community Expectations and Code of Conduct, including sexual harassment, harassment, discrimination, defamation, infringement of copyright and trademark rights, and unauthorized disclosure of student records and other confidential and private information apply to communications by SCU students through social media. 2. Do not post confidential or proprietary information about St. Catherine University, students, employees and alumnae. 3. Respect copyright and fair use. When posting, be mindful of the copyright and intellectual property rights of others and of the University. For guidance, refer to the St. Catherine University Copyright and the Fair Use Exceptions Policy: and St. Catherine University Intellectual Property policy: 4. Do not use St Catherine University logos for endorsements. Do not use the St. Catherine University logo or any other university images or iconography on personal social media sites. (See Personal Use of Social Media section on the St. Catherine University Social Media Guidelines and Best Practices for Student, Clubs and Organization). Do not use St. Catherine University’s name to promote a product, cause or political party or candidate. 5. Comply with the Terms of Service of any social media platform utilized. 6. Posts must be consistent with the mission of the University. Posts on social media sites should protect the university’s institutional mission and voice. Appropriate etiquette includes using language that is professional in tone, taste and content. No individual St. Catherine student or organization should construe its social media site as representing the university as a whole. This means taking into consideration: naming pages or accounts, selecting a profile picture or icon, and selecting content to post – including names, profile images and posts. Content should be clearly linked to a particular club or organization, or unit rather than to the institution as a whole. 7. Whenever possible and appropriate, link back to the St. Catherine University web site. Posts should be brief, directing the reader to content that resides within the St. Catherine University web pages. When linking to a news article, photo, video recording, etc. about St. Catherine University, check first to see if you can link to a release on the St. Catherine University Headline News site instead of to a publication or other media outlet. 8. Know that the St. Catherine University Student Code of Conduct and Community Expectations identifies misconduct online as follows: “Students are cautioned that behavior online, such as harassment delivered by email, can be subject them to university conduct action. Students must also be aware that blogs, web pages, social media devices such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, and similar online postings are in the public sphere and are not private. These postings can subject a student to allegations of conduct violations if evidence of policy violations is posted online. The University does not regularly seek to discover this online information but may take action if and when such information is brought to the attention of 11 university officials. Should a student be found in violation of misconduct online, she/he may be charged and a sanction(s) determined. 9. Always be truthful, accurate and complete in describing St. Catherine University programs and services. 10. Strive to be accountable to St. Catherine University audiences via regular updates and prompt responses when appropriate. 11. Always sign your post with your real name and indicate your relationship to St. Catherine University. Do not use pseudonyms or post anonymously. Social Media Guidelines and Best Practices for Students, Clubs & Organizations Introduction: Social media are powerful communication tools that have a significant impact on organizational and professional reputation. Because they blur the lines between personal voice and institutional voice, the following guidelines have been designed to help students clarify how best to enhance and protect personal and professional reputations when participating in social media. As noted in the “Best Practices in Social Media” (St. Catherine University Marketing Communications web site), “communication in social media carries inherent risk and reward. When you post a message, photo or video on any social media site sanctioned by St. Catherine University, you have the power and privilege of representing the institution. This means you are also responsible for helping to protect its reputation. Damaging information, rumors and illinformed opinions spread quickly in this ‘real time’ medium.” Definition: Social media are defined as media designed to be disseminated through social interaction, created using highly accessible and available publishing techniques. Examples include but are not limited to LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Blogs, chat rooms, Instagram, My Space, D2L, email and Avatar and Flickr® to name a few. Guidelines/Best Practices: The following guidelines apply to those posting on behalf of an official student club or organization but are also helpful for anyone posting on social media in any capacity. Be authentic and transparent in your postings. Identify yourself and your relationship with St. Catherine University when commenting on St. Catherine sponsored social media spaces. Strive for accuracy of your posting before making it public. If possible, have another pair of eyes review it before you post. Review content for grammatical and spelling errors. This is especially important if posting on behalf of the University in any capacity. If you find out something that you have posted is false, correct it as quickly as possible. Do not delete the post, as this will cause more conversation than a simple correction. Remember your audiences. Be aware that a presence in the social media world is or can easily be made available to the public at large. This includes prospective students, current students, current employers, faculty, staff and peers. Consider this before publishing to ensure the post will not alienate, harm or provoke any of these groups. Think twice before posting. Privacy does not exist in the world of social media. Consider what could happen if a post becomes widely known and how that may reflect both on the poster and the University. Search engines can turn up posts years after they are created, and comments can be forwarded or copied. If you wouldn’t say something at a 12 professional event or to a member of the media, consider whether you should post it online. (If in question, contact the St. Catherine University Social Media Team in Marketing Communications department.) Be respectful. Understand that content contributed to a social media site could encourage comments or discussion of opposing ideas. Responses should be considered carefully in light of how they would reflect on the poster and/or University. Read and abide by St. Catherine University Social Media Policy as stated in LeGuide (go to student tab on KateWay, Clubs and Student Organizations Handbook.) Know that the St. Catherine University Student Code of Conduct and Community Expectations identifies misconduct online as follows. “Students are cautioned that behavior online, such as harassment delivered by email, can be subject them to university conduct action. Students must also be aware that blogs, web pages, social media devices such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, and similar online postings are in the public sphere and are not private. These postings can subject a student to allegations of conduct violations if evidence of policy violations is posted online. The University does not regularly seek to discover this online information but may take action if and when such information is brought to the attention of university officials. Should a student be found in violation of misconduct online, she/he may be charged and a sanction(s) determined. Respect the privacy of St. Catherine students, faculty and staff. Encourage open conversation. Listen to people and provide constructive feedback when necessary. Follow copyright and fair-use laws and St. Catherine University Intellectual Property Policy. Don’t inundate your readers. One or two updates per day is enough on Facebook, three to five on Twitter. Follow the norms on each social media space, as it varies. Social media should be a vital part of your traditional communications plan – it should not replace other marketing and public relations efforts. Review “Questions to Ask Before you Launch into Social Media” (St. Catherine University Marketing/Communication’s web site) which covers the resources you will need and the goals you will want to set. Personal Use of Social Media Always identify your views as your own. If you identify yourself as a St. Catherine University student online, it should be clear that the views expressed are not necessarily those of the institution. Do not use the name of the University, logo, mascot or other images on personal sites without the expressed permission of the University. Do not use the University’s name to promote or endorse any product, cause, religion, political party, candidate or anything else on personal sites. Remember that personal information can be used in identity theft, which can compromise University security as well as employees’ own security. As noted above, privacy does not exist in the world of social media. Consider what could happen if a post becomes widely known and how that may reflect on you. It is common practice today for prospective employers to review candidate’s social media site(s) such as Facebook to ensure appropriateness of candidate for the position begin considered. Employers may screen out candidates who post inappropriate language, writing and whose photos depict illegal behavior. On the other hand, posting positive information such as leadership and community involvement can enhance a candidate’s image. If you have any questions about your postings, contact Career Development to discuss with a career counselor. 13 Chartering Process (Taken from the Senate Constitution Bylaws section F. University Policy toward Chartered Organizations) Chartering is valid for the academic year. New chartering applications are accepted in the fall of each year by a date determined by the Senate Organizational Affairs Chairs and their committee. Renewal of a Charter (Rechartering) Organizations who are currently chartered must submit a request for renewal by the spring deadline determined by the Organizational Affairs Chairs. There will also be opportunities for renewal in the fall, but this will be done on a case by case basis. If the records show that the organization has been active in the past (at least 1 event, attendance at club leaders meetings, submission of end of semester reports, at least 5-7 members), completed all necessary renewal paperwork and has not abused its privileges, the charter will be automatically renewed for the next academic year by Senate vote. If there are any discrepancies, a hearing will be held and the Organizational Affairs Chairs will recommend if the group shall be put on probation or charter denied. The Assistant Director of Student Center and Activities will be present at the hearing. The recommendation will be considered by the Senate. Following the Senate vote, charter renewals are presented to the Vice President for Enrollment Management and Dean of Student Affairs for final approval. 14 Chartering Process Following receipt of the appropriate chartering forms (completed New Chartered Club/Organization Registration Form, completed Contract Agreement, completed Contract Addendum, completed Advisor Agreement, Constitution containing sections pertaining to organizational purpose, membership selection, and duties of officers and amendments): 1) Requests will be considered by the Organizational Affairs Chairs and their committee; 2) The Organizational Affairs Chairs will notify the head of each organization of the time and place at which its request will be considered so that the organization can send a representative. The Assistant Director of Student Center and Activities will also be present at the meeting; 3) The representative will answer the Chairs’ questions concerning the organization and present any information pertinent to the charter request; 4) Groups that are religious or faith based will have their chartering application shared with Campus Ministry for discussion and recommendation regarding alignment with the Catholic mission of the University. This information will be presented to the Senate and Vice President for Enrollment Management and Dean of Student Affairs. 5) Based on information provided by the organization and recommendations received, the Organizational Affairs Chairs will make recommendations to the Senate that: a. A charter will be granted b. A charter will not be granted c. A charter will be granted with documentation if the documentation is received by its stated deadline d. The request will be returned to the organization for revision; 6) This recommendation will be considered by the Senate at its meeting and action will be determined by a two-thirds majority vote; 7) The request will then be sent to the Vice President for Enrollment Management and Dean of Student Affairs who will supply written recommendation for approval or disapproval. Explanations for such decisions will be supplied. Chartering Process Renewal of a Charter Checklist: Submit a completed Annual Chartered Club/Organization Registration Form Submit a completed Chartered Club/Organization Contract Agreement Form Submit a completed Club and Organization Advisor Agreement Form Submit a Chartered Club/Organization Roster including names, mail numbers, and email addresses of at least 5-7 members. Submit a constitution, if there have been any updates/changes to it during the past academic year. Charter Denial or Revocation Any organization whose charter has been denied or revoked may not submit a new charter request in the same semester. Valid reasons for not granting a charter include: 1) Failure to meet the definition of an organization; 2) Submission of a constitution lacking one of the specified sections and/or indicating a statement of purpose inconsistent with the University mission; 3) Sufficient evidence that the organization will not be active; 4) Failure to supply all of the following: Annual Chartered Club/Organization Registration Form, Chartered Club/Organization Contract Agreement Form Club and Organization Advisor Agreement Form, and an Addendum to the Contract Agreement Form In some instances, the Organizational Affairs Chairs, SCA office, and Vice President for Enrollment Management and Dean of Student Affairs may deem it necessary to review an organization’s chartered status, operations, and procedures. Under such conditions, the Dean of Students reserves the right to remove an organization’s chartered status with St. Catherine University. St. Catherine University reserves the right to take any action it deems appropriate with respect to any actions or activities undertaken by any student organization. Additional information related to disciplinary actions is located in the Student Code of Conduct and Community Expectations. Good cause for charter revocation shall include: 1) Failure to comply with submitted constitution; 2) Actions inconsistent with the mission of the University; 3) Abuse of any of the privileges granted by this policy; 4) Failure to be active on campus (see Responsibility to be Active); 5) Failure of group to attend club leader meetings; 6) Failure to have at least 5-7 members; 7) Failure to have a SCU faculty/staff advisor 8) Failure to act consistently within the guidelines stated in this policy Organizations whose charters are being considered for revocation will be informed two weeks prior to the date and time that the Organizational Affairs Chairs and their committee will hold a hearing, as will any complainant that has filed complaint against the organization. The Organizational Affairs Chairs and their committee’s decision, based upon evidence presented at the hearing, will take the form of a recommendation to the Senate and must be approved, amended, or retracted by a two-thirds majority vote. After receiving the Senate’s recommendation, final approval, amendment, or retraction will be decided by the Vice President for Enrollment Management and Dean of Student Affairs. Disbanding An organization wishing to disband must notify the Organizational Affairs Chairs and Assistant Director of Student Center and Activities in writing of its intention at which time its charter will be terminated. 15 Limited Charters A group with outside political affiliation, engaging in political activities, representing a particular point of view or who limits the membership of their group, shall be granted a special charter where the organization has all rights and responsibilities of a fully chartered organization except it cannot use the University’s name, seal and tax-exempt status. Events and Communication Off-Campus All chartered clubs and organizations must receive prior approval from the Dean of Students to use utilize the University’s name or seal directly or indirectly off-campus. This regulation is not intended as a restriction upon the rights of students to organize, but is necessary in order to protect the proprietary name, credit, and facilities of the University. Chartering Process Hazing Policy It is a violation for a student or student organization to participate in hazing or harassment, which includes actions or situations that do or could result in mental, emotional, or physically discomfort, embarrassment, ridicule, or endangerment whether intentionally, for fun, or by consent. 16 Benefits and Privileges of Chartered Clubs and Organizations: The following are some of the benefits and privileges that are extended to each St. Catherine University chartered organization upon its official recognition through the Senate and the Vice President for Enrollment Management and Dean of Student Affairs. An organization’s failure to maintain recognition through annual rechartering may result in suspension of any or all of these benefits and privileges. 1. Charge account at the Bookstore with 20% discount for purchases over $3.00. Items can also be purchased at the MarketPlace. 2. The right to petition for funds from the Financial Affairs Committee of the Senate. Benefits and Privileges 3. Charge account with Document Services and access to a Xerox copy code number which enables you to use the copiers in the Student Organization Center and 1st floor of Derham. 4. Account with the Business office (required) which entitles you to request checks, deposit funds, use university purchase orders, receive monthly balances, and yearly carry over statements. 5. Use of University name and seal (Permission to use the university name or seal off campus must be approved by the Dean of Student Affairs- work with SCA to obtain approval) 6. Access to reserving publicity options in the CdC through SCA 7. Ability to reserve rooms on campus through the Meeting and Events Services Office (MES) at no charge. 8. Access to leadership workshops and assistance from staff in program planning, working with a club account, and training information. 9. Listing on the Student Center and Activities website including contact information and a link to the club or organization website. Note: All organizations with links to St. Catherine University website must comply with student organization web site policies and procedures as outlined by the Student Center and Activities Office. 10. To use storage lockers, mailbox, die cutter, printers, banner paper, button maker, and other resources available in the Student Organization Center. 11. Participation in the annual Activities Fair. 12. Ability to order catering through Sodexo and apply the student organization budget number. 17 SCU Alcohol and Drug Policy St. Catherine University (SCU) recognizes that alcohol and drug use can create health, safety, social and legal problems. SCU is therefore committed to maintaining a safe and healthy work and educational environment, free from the unlawful use of alcohol and drugs. SCU is also committed to complying with the requirements of the Drug Free Workplace Act of 1988 (DFWA) and Drug Free Schools and Communities Act of 1989 (DWSCA). The term “SCU” as used in this policy shall refer to the St. Catherine’s St. Paul and Minneapolis campuses. * * * * * Standards of conduct that clearly prohibit the unlawful possession, use or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol by students and employees on SCU property or as part of any of SCU’s activities. A clear statement of the disciplinary sanctions that SCU will impose on students and employees who violate these standards of conduct; A description of the applicable local, state and federal legal sanctions pertaining to the unlawful possession, use or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol; A description of health risks associated with the use of illicit drugs and the use of alcohol; and A description of available drug and alcohol counseling and treatment resources. This policy also contains requirements for complying with the DFWA. SCU will conduct a biennial review of its alcohol and drug program to determine its effectiveness, implement needed changes and insure that disciplinary sanctions are consistently enforced. Standards of Conduct The unlawful or unauthorized possession, use, consumption, sale, or distribution of illicit drugs and/or alcohol by SCU students and employees on SCU’s property or as part of SCU’s activities is strictly prohibited. This policy applies to all full-time and part-time students and all full-time and part-time employees, and any student employees and interns. Disciplinary Sanctions Students who violate this policy will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action, which may include, but is not limited to: a reprimand or warning, disciplinary probation, suspension, expulsion, and referral to the proper law enforcement authorities for prosecution. Employees who violate this policy will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action which may include, but is not limited to, counseling, mandatory participation in an appropriate rehabilitation program, a warning, probation, suspension, discharge and referral to the proper law enforcement authorities for prosecution. 18 Benefits and Privileges The DFSCA requires SCU, as an institution of higher education, to certify that it has adopted and implemented a drug alcohol policy as a condition of receiving federal funds. This policy, which will be annually distributed in writing to each student and employee, contains the following information: Health Risks Drugs and alcohol are toxic to the human body and if abused can have catastrophic health consequences. Some drugs, such as crack, are so toxic that even one experimental use can be fatal. The following is a summary of the various health risks associated with alcohol abuse and the use of specific types of drugs. It is not intended to be an exhaustive or complete statement of all the possible health consequences of substance abuse. Drug and Alcohol Counseling The Counseling Center at the St. Catherine St. Paul Campus (651-690-6805); the Counseling Service at the Minneapolis Campus (651-690-7830) and the SCU Health and Wellness Center (651-690-6714) provide professional help and referral for students concerned about alcohol and drug use. Employees may voluntarily request assistance in dealing with drug or alcohol issues. The cost of treatment may be covered by health insurance benefits. Benefits and Privileges Other locally available sources for assistance and counseling include: * * * * * * * First Call for Help Hotline – 211 (This hotline can provide information on counseling agencies, outpatient treatment facilities for adolescent and adults, evaluation and referral information and education information.) AA Intergroup – 651-227-5502 (Referral number for AA groups in the Twin Cities) Alanon Intergroup – 651-771-2208 (Referral number for Alanon groups in the Twin Cities) Chrysalis – 612-871-0118 (Center for Women - chemical dependency treatment program) Hazelden Metro Line – 866-545-6439 Riverside/Fairview Hospitals – 612-672-7272 (Chemical dependency services) Narcotics Anonymous – 877-767-7676 Some national hotlines providing services: * Cocaine Helpline - 1-866-535-7050 The Cocaine Helpline is a round-the-clock information and referral service staffed by recovering cocaine addict counselors. * NCADD Information Line - 1-800-622-2255 The National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (NCADD) provides referral services to families and individuals seeking help with an alcohol or other drug problem. * NIDA Hotline - 1-800-662-HELP The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) provides a confidential information and referral line that directs callers to cocaine abuse treatment centers in the local community. Free materials on drug use are also distributed upon request. 19 Procedures and Forms 20 Chartered Club/Organization Contract Agreement Form ORGANIZATION INFORMATION Organization:_________________________________________________________________________ Student submitting request:______________________________________________________________ Phone #:_____________________ E-mail:_________________________ Date:_____________ This agreement certifies that _______________________________________will conduct itself according to the following statements, in exchange for the benefits given to chartered organizations as stated in the Policy Toward Chartered Organizations. Should an organization abuse its privileges or should a complaint be filed with the Assistant Director of Student Center and Activities, a hearing will be held and a decision made as to whether the organization’s chartered statues should be revoked for the remainder of the academic year. The organization agrees to: Act in a manner consistent with Le Guide and mission statement of St. Catherine University; File an end-of-semester report of its activities with Student Center and Activities; Accept full responsibility for any bills incurred, with the understanding that the University will not in any way be liable for bills or other action of the organization; Uphold the privileges and policies of the University and the Senate; Not sponsor any events or activities that will be detrimental to the University community, as determined by the Student Senate; Assure that its members will actively participate in events or activities that it sponsors; Update the Assistant Director of Student Center and Activities when changes occur in rosters, contact information, governing documents, etc.; Maintain a membership of currently enrolled students and a full-time faculty/staff member as an advisor; Have a minimum of 5 members; officers must maintain a cumulative 2.0 gpa to hold office; Check their organization’s mailbox in the Student Organization Center once per week; Attend club leader’s meetings; and Receive prior approval from the Dean of Students to distribute publications or promotional materials off-campus utilizing the University’s name or seal. We understand that our organization and all of its members must comply with the aforementioned responsibilities when chartered as a student organization at St. Catherine University. We have read the previous policies and procedures and ensure that our organization will adhere to them. We submit this application and request for chartered status as a student organization at St. Catherine University. ______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________ Signature of President/Chair of Organization Date ______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________ Signature of Additional Officer Date OFFICE USE ONLY The above listed organization has in fact been granted such a charter by the Student Senate and Dean of Students and is therefore, eligible for the rights and responsibilities of such organizations as stated in this agreement and in the Policy Toward Chartered Organizations. Senate Chair:_____________________________________________ Date:______________________ Senate President:__________________________________________ Date:______________________ Organizational Affairs Chair:__________________________________ Date:______________________ Assistant Director:__________________________________________ Date:______________________ Continuing approval by the Dean of Students is contingent upon the compliance with college guidelines and policies include Chartered Club/Organization’s use of the University’s name and seal. 21 Dean of Students:____________________________________________ Date:____________________ Annual Chartered Student Club/Organization Registration Academic Year:______________ We, the entire officer constituency representing, ____________________________ have read the chartering policy and fully understand its contents. We agree to abide by these policies and understand that failure to comply with these requirements or abuse of the privileges of chartered status will result in the suspension or revocation of our charter for the remainder of the Academic year. CONTACT INFORMATION Responsible Member #1 Name:_______________________ Position:________________________________ Signature:___________________________________________ Phone #:______________ E-mail:_______________________ Responsible Member #2 Name:_______________________ Position:________________________________ Signature:___________________________________________ Phone #:______________ E-mail:_______________________ Responsible Member #3 Name:_______________________ Position:________________________________ Signature:___________________________________________ Phone #:______________ E-mail:_______________________ Responsible Member #4 Name:_______________________ Position:________________________________ Signature:___________________________________________ Phone #:______________ E-mail:_______________________ Responsible Member #5 Name:_______________________ Position:________________________________ Signature:___________________________________________ Phone #:______________ E-mail:_______________________ Advisor Name:__________________________________________________________________________ Title/Department:_________________________________________________________________________ Signature:___________________________________________ Phone #:______________ E-mail:_______________________ Mail #:________________ Please attach an additional sheet if needed. Web page address (if applicable):_______________________________________________ If updated, please submit a new constitution. As president or primary representative of this organization, I assume full responsibility to see that all members are aware of and abide by regulations pertaining to chartered student organizations and to see that this organization functions according to its approved constitution. The Student Center and Activities Office has my permission to publish the above information in its directory on its website. In addition, I recognize my obligation to be this organization’s representative to the St. Catherine University community and to receive official communications and make the contents known to the entire organization. I have read, understand, and agree to the above. Signature of President:_________________________________ Date:__________________ 22 Club and Organization Advisor Agreement Form Responsibilities: Attend the regularly scheduled and special meetings of their organization. Attend off-campus events and events involving alcohol. Meet with executive officers to assist in the development of the organization’s programs, goals, directions, and problems. Be available to meet regularly with officers/members when they need help. Stay current and familiar with the institution’s policies and rules which govern chartered organizations. Sign all check requests and purchase orders. Monitor club/organization account and financial transactions. Ensure that new officers are elected by May 1 of the current academic year and that the names of the new officers are sent to the Student Center and Activities office. In the event that new officers cannot be elected by this time, the advisor will serve as contact for the group until officers are elected and will inform the Student Center and Activities office of this. Manage liability and risk management issues for the club/organization Attend Advisor meetings and training/development sessions sponsored by SCA. Qualifications: A faculty or staff member at St. Catherine University employed during the full term of the agreement. A willingness to commit time and energy to the organization. Knowledge of the University’s policies and procedures. CLUB/ORGANIZATION ADVISOR AGREEMENT I, the undersigned, agree to serve as the faculty/staff advisor for _______________________________________________________________________________ Organization Name for the term of ___________(month)/___________(year) through___________(month)/___________(year). I agree to accept the responsibilities as outlined in the Club and Organization Advisor Agreement. Name:__________________________________________________________________________ Title/Department:_________________________________________________________________ Phone #:__________________ E-mail:__________________________ Mail #________________ ________________________________________________ ______________________________ Signature Date 23 Please return to the Student Center and Activities Office, Coeur de Catherine 270 Club/Organization Roster Organization Name:______________________________________________________ Semester: ____Fall ____Winter Academic Year:________________ (Minimum of 5 members needed to maintain a group. Please list the names of members. Continue on the back if more space is needed.) Complete Name of Member SCU Mail # Email 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 24 New Chartered Club/Organization Registration Form New chartered clubs and organizations will only be considered once a complete proposal packet is submitted. Please be advised that these forms do not constitute recognition, but only your interest in starting a club or organization. Thank you for your interest in starting a new club at St. Catherine University! Academic Year:_____________ Contact Information Proposed Organization Name:_____________________________________________ Student submitting request:_______________________________________________ Phone #:______________ Mail #:_______ E-mail:________________________ Date:________ Purpose of club/organization:______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Advisor Information Name:___________________________________________________________________________ Title/Department:____________________________________ E-mail:________________________ Mail #_______________ Phone #:__________________ Date:________________ **Please attach a constitution including an advisor’s letter of support with the registration forms. See Model Constitution handout in the Student Center and Activities office and website. OFFICE USE ONLY The above listed organization has in fact been granted such a charter by the Student Senate and Dean of Students and is therefore, eligible for the rights and responsibilities of such organizations as stated in this agreement and in the Policy Toward Chartered Organizations. Senate Chair:_________________________________________________ Date:__________ Senate President:______________________________________________ Date:__________ Organizational Affairs Chair:______________________________________ Date:__________ Assistant Director:_____________________________________________ Date:__________ Continuing approval by the Dean of Students is contingent upon the compliance with universities guidelines and policies include Chartered Club/Organization’s use of the Universities name and seal. Dean of Students:______________________________________________ Date:__________ 25 New Chartered Student Club/Organization Registration Form Academic Year:______________ We, the entire officer constituency representing, ____________________________ have read the chartering policy and fully understand its contents. We agree to abide by these policies and understand that failure to comply with these requirements or abuse of the privileges of chartered status will result in the suspension or revocation of our charter for the remainder of the Academic year. CONTACT INFORMATION Responsible Member #1 Name:_______________________ Position:________________________________ Signature:___________________________________________ Phone #:______________ E-mail:_______________________ Responsible Member #2 Name:_______________________ Position:________________________________ Signature:___________________________________________ Phone #:______________ E-mail:_______________________ Responsible Member #3 Name:_______________________ Position:________________________________ Signature:___________________________________________ Phone #:______________ E-mail:_______________________ Responsible Member #4 Name:_______________________ Position:________________________________ Signature:___________________________________________ Phone #:______________ E-mail:_______________________ Responsible Member #5 Name:_______________________ Position:________________________________ Signature:___________________________________________ Phone #:______________ E-mail:_______________________ Advisor Name:__________________________________________________________________________ Title/Department:_________________________________________________________________________ Signature:___________________________________________ Phone #:______________ E-mail:_______________________ Mail #:________________ Please attach an additional sheet if needed. Web page address (if applicable):_________________________________________ If updated, please submit a new constitution. As president or primary representative of this organization, I assume full responsibility to see that all members are aware of and abide by regulations pertaining to chartered student organizations and to see that this organization functions according to its approved constitution. The Student Center and Activities office has my permission to publish the above information in its directory on its website. In addition, I recognize my obligation to be this organization’s representative to the St. Catherine University community and to receive official communications and make the contents known to the entire organization. I have read, understand, and agree to the above. Signature of President:____________________________________ Date:_____________ 26 Chartered Club/Organization Contract Agreement Form This agreement certifies that _______________________________________will conduct itself according to the following statements, in exchange for the privileges given to chartered organizations as stated in the Policy Toward Chartered Organizations. Should an organization abuse its privileges, or should a complaint be filed with the Assistant Director of Student Center and Activities, a hearing will be held and a decision made as to whether the organization’s chartered statues should be revoked for the remainder of the academic year. The organization agrees to: Act in a manner consistent with the student bill of rights and mission statement of St. Catherine University; File an end-of-semester report of its activities with Student Center and Activities; Accept full responsibility for any bills incurred, with the understanding that the University will not in any way be liable for bills or other action of the organization; Uphold the privileges and policies of the University and the Senate; Not sponsor any events or activities that will be detrimental to the university community, as determined by the Student Senate; Assure that its members will actively participate in events or activities that it sponsors; Update the Assistant Director of Student Center and Activities when changes occur in rosters, contact information, governing documents, etc.; Maintain a full-time faculty/staff member as an advisor; Have a minimum of 5-7 members; officers must maintain a cumulative 2.0 gpa to hold office; Check their organization’s mailbox in the Student Organization Center once per week; Attend club leader’s meetings; and Receive prior approval from the Dean of Students to distribute publications or promotional materials off-campus utilizing the Universities name or seal. We understand that our organization and all of its members must comply with the aforementioned responsibilities when chartered as a student organization at St. Catherine University. We have read the previous policies and procedures and ensure that our organization will adhere to them. We submit this application and request for chartered status as a student organization at St. Catherine University. ______________________________________________________________ Signature of President/Chair of Organization ___________ Date ______________________________________________________________ Signature of Additional Officer ___________ Date 27 New Chartered Organization Advisor Agreement Form Organization Name:____________________________________ Academic Year:__________ Responsibilities: Attend the regularly scheduled and special meetings of their organization. Attend off-campus events and events involving alcohol. Meet with executive officers to assist in the development of the organization’s programs, goals, directions, and problems. Be available to meet regularly with officers/members when they need help. Stay current and familiar with the institution’s policies and rules which govern chartered organizations. Sign all check requests and purchase orders. Monitor club/organization account and financial transactions. Ensure that new officers are elected by May 1 of the current academic year and that the names of the new officers are sent to the Student Center and Activities office. In the event that new officers cannot be elected by this time, the advisor will serve as contact for the group until officers are elected and will inform the Student Center and Activities office of this. Manage liability and risk management issues for the club/organization Attend Advisor meetings and training/development sessions sponsored by SCA. Qualifications: A faculty or staff member at St. Catherine University employed during the full term of the agreement. A willingness to commit time and energy to the organization. Knowledge of the college’s policies and procedures. Club/Organization Advisor Agreement I, the undersigned, agree to serve as the faculty/staff advisor for _______________________________________________________________________________ (organization name) for the term of ___________(month)/___________(year) through___________(month)/___________(year) I agree to accept the responsibilities as outlined in the Club and Organization Advisor Agreement. Name:__________________________________________________________________________ Title/Department:_________________________________________________________________ Phone #:__________________ E-mail:__________________________ Mail #________________ Signature:__________________________________________________ Date: ________________ 28 New Charted Organization Roster Organization Name:____________________________________ Academic Year:________________ We, the undersigned, request permission from the Student Center and Activities Office, the Dean of Students and the Senate to organize for the purpose of becoming an officially chartered student organization of St. Catherine University. If this organization is approved, all members are responsible to be aware of and abide by regulations pertaining to student organizations and to see that this organization functions according to its approved constitution. We understand that regulations pertaining to St. Catherine University chartered clubs/organizations can be found in the Student Organization Handbook. (NOTE: Minimum of 5 members in order to maintain group) Complete Name of Member SCU Mail # Email 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 29 Chartered Club/Organization Budget Form It is in the best interest of each Chartered Club/Organization to complete a budget form and utilize it throughout the year. Questions regarding how to budget can be directed to the Assistant Director of Student Center and Activities at x6210. Budget figures are based on the following estimated membership: Number of dues paying members: ______________________ Dues (per member, per year): $______________________ Estimated total dues revenue (members x dues) $______________________ Senate Funding: $______________________ Other charges (if applicable): $______________________ Fundraising/expected revenue: $______________________ Rollover from previous year: $______________________ TOTAL REVENUE: Expenditures: Printing/Copying Retreats Events/Activities $______________________ $_______ $_______ $_______ $_______ $_______ $_______ $_______ $_______ $_______ $_______ $_______ $_______ $_______ Office Supplies Public Relations Postage/Mailing Technology Member Development Recruitment Expenses Conferences/Travel TOTAL EXPEDITURES: Gifts/Awards Other $_______ $_______ $______________________ Surplus/Deficit: Total Revenue: (-) Total Expenditures (=) TOTAL _________________________________________ Treasure’s Signature _________________________________________ President’s Signature _________________________________________ Advisor’s Signature $_____________ $_____________ $_____________ _____________________ Date _____________________ Date _____________________ Date 30 Model Constitution Chartered student organizations at St. Catherine University are required to have an approved constitution. The information below includes information needed for approval by the University; see the SCA staff for assistance and more detailed information. Constitutions should be reviewed with outgoing and incoming officers each year or as changes occur within the organization. Revisions to constitutions should be carefully considered and approved as indicated in the document. When changes are made, a copy of the revised document should be filed with the Student Center and Activities Office. Constitution Approval Process Once you submit your paperwork and constitution to the SCA Office, the Senate Organizational Affairs Chairs and committee will review the paperwork. After review, the committee will call a meeting the representatives from the organization to discuss any corrections or suggestions. Most constitutions take more than one draft to be approved. If this is a new organization after approval, the group will go to Senate for a vote. Title o The constitution should be entitled “Constitution of” (official name of the group). State the full, official name of the organization. o The name of your organization should reflect the nature of your organization. Article I: Purpose o Provide a general statement about the purpose and goals of the organization as well as the type of activities the organizations will engage in. o This is also an appropriate place to mention the organization’s affiliation with other groups, if any (if the group is a chapter of a national organization). If the group is affiliated with a national/outside organization, it needs to be stated that SCU policy supercedes the national organization. Article II: Membership o Include information about membership eligibility, standards, and requirements. Example: “Membership shall be open to all currently enrolled St. Catherine University students”. o Remember that only students can be members of your organization. Faculty and staff may attend events or meetings, but cannot be considered members of the organization or serve as officers. o List all requirements of membership. A few typical examples are: members are required to attend organization meetings regularly or must contribute dues (if organization chooses to have dues). o This article should also contain the membership selection process (if needed). 31 Writing a Constitution What should we include in the constitution? A constitution should provide the structure for an organization, describe its purpose, and define the duties and responsibilities of the officers and members. The objective is to draft a document that covers these topics in a simple, clear, and concise manner. NOTE: According to the needs of each organization, constitutions will vary. The information included below is meant to help you think about your organization and its needs. Please note that this is only a guide and not all information included would be applicable to all clubs. Please pay attention to the text and whether or not it makes sense to include in your club's constitution. Remember: When officers transition the constitution tells the new student leaders how the organization is organized and run- so be specific! o Also list procedures for disciplining and/or removing members. Example: “Any member not fulfilling the requirements as outlined in this constitution to the satisfaction of the voting membership or violating St. Catherine University policy may be removed from membership. A 2/3 vote of the membership is required for removal of a member.” This section should also include information on how the member is notified of the charges, and how the member presents her case to the membership. Article III: Officers o Under this article list the titles of the officers, duties and responsibilities of each office, when and how elections occur, and term of office. o You should include information about any qualifications/length of term for the organization’s advisor. The procedures for removing an officer should be included and how vacancies will be filled should also be included. o Example of officer duties: “President: preside over all meetings represent the organization on campus, ensure that the organization is operating in conformity with the standards set forth by the Senate and St. Catherine University maintain communication with organization advisor, Senate Organizational Affairs Chair, and the Student Center and Activities Office.” o Example of Officer Removal: “If an officer does not fulfill the stated requirements, the officer may be removed from office.” State voting requirements, how the officer is notified, if the officer is permitted to speak before the vote, and if the officer is removed or resigns, how to fill the vacancy. Article IV: Meetings o Include information on how often meetings will be held (at least 2 a semester at the minimum), who has the authority to call a meeting, how far in advance membership will be notified of special meetings, and what constitutes a quorum. Article V: Finances o Provide general information about the manner in which finances will be handled. o If the group decides to charge dues, it should be stated how much the dues will be and the purpose of the dues. o State that the advisor and a designated officer must sign all financial paperwork and that the group must have an account with St. Catherine University Business Office. Article VI: Amendments and Ratification o This article needs to explain how constitution amendments may be made as well as the procedure for adopting this constitution. o Proposed changes to the constitution should be made to the general membership and then voted on by the entire membership. State the voting requirements for a proposal to pass. o A ratified constitution is one that has been read and agreed upon by the entire membership. History of Constitution o A date needs to be included to indicate when the constitution was ratified and ensure that your group is operating on an updated constitution. o Continue adding dates and explanations as the constitution changes. Ex. 12/13/10- Amendment to eliminate secretary position and combine it with treasurer passed with a unanimous vote by membership. * As changes are made to the constitution, updated copies should be submitted to the SCA Office. 32 Constitution Checklist Please use this checklist to make sure that all of the required elements are included in your constitution before you submit it to Student Center and Activities. If you have any questions while you are drafting or revising your constitution, please do not hesitate to contact us at or 6210. Student organizations exist for the students within it. It is imperative that students govern the organization. Specifically, advisors and non-students within the organization cannot have voting rights or decision-making responsibilities. Remember, student organizations should be democratic organizations. Name o Remember to clearly state the full name of your organization Purpose statement o o The purpose of your organization should be clear and concise. Any outside affiliations-remember, if your organization is affiliated with a national organization, SCU policy supersedes the affiliated organization’s policies. Membership o Are there requirements? o Who can join? o Include information on removal of members Officers o Duties o Methods of election o Dates for elections o Replacement procedure o Removal of officers o Any advisor requirements? Meetings o How often? o Who calls the meetings? Finances o Who approves financial decisions? o Who signs paperwork o Group must maintain an account with St. Catherine University Procedures for amending the constitution o What percentage of membership must be present to amend? o How must an amendment be brought to the membership and considered for voting? o What percentage of the membership must vote to pass an amendment? History of Constitution o Date of ratification o Continue adding dates and short explanations to this section as the constitution is amended. 33 Fundraising Policy Introduction Fundraising is an excellent way for your chartered club or organization to earn necessary funds to support your events, conferences, or to buy supplies/equipment for your group. Chartered clubs and organizations may sponsor fundraising activities only after contacting and receiving approval from the Student Center and Activities office. All fundraising activities must be consistent with the mission of St. Catherine University and the chartered club/organization’s purpose and comply with all local, state, and Federal laws. Fundraising Policy St. Catherine University recognizes the need of student organizations to fundraise for projects not funded through the Senate allocation process. These guidelines and policies are intended to help organizations and departments be successful in their fundraising efforts by providing a system to work within and to establish a relationship with the University’s Office of Development and Student Center and Activities. These guidelines and policies have been created as a collaborative effort between the Office of Development and Student Center and Activities. Definition: Fundraising at St. Catherine University includes the collection of money and goods through donations, sales, and/or events for the purpose of charitable donation or organizational budget enhancement. Have you checked into other potential funding resources? Here is a checklist that can help your group to determine if you need to do a fundraiser: Has your group submitted a funding request to The Senate and/or SKAT? Has your group reached out to other student organizations to collaborate on your project/initiative in order to split the costs and help in other areas? Has your group gone to the Student Center and Activities office or other departments to see if they would be willing to collaborate with you on your project/event? We have done all of the above and have not secured adequate funding to have the project/event. We definitely need to fundraise. If you have exhausted all of your resources and need to have a fundraiser, the next step is deciding what kind of fundraiser to have. Remember: Fundraising should not be the sole activity of your club/organization and it is important to find resources and help for your endeavors so your club has time to pursue other activities that is important to the group. 34 Types of Fundraising There are several types of fundraising that your group may use in order to generate the funds your club needs: Internal (SCU only) Project: Fundraising aimed only at SCU students, faculty, and staff. Examples: Bake Sales Candy Sales Flower Sales Etc. Fundraising for a Charitable Organization: Raising funds or collecting items to donate to a charitable organization such as The Red Cross, Catholic Charities, Big Brothers/Big Sisters, etc. Examples: Donation boxes Concert fundraiser Etc. You’ve chosen your fundraiser, now what? Once you have decided what type of fundraiser your organization will be doing you must set up an appointment with the Student Center and Activities Office. During this meeting you will complete the Student Fundraising Registration Form-you do not need to fill this out prior to your meeting. Please be aware that there are time frames for approval for each type of fundraising and you must be in contact with SCA before you begin advertising to promote your fundraiser. These time frames are established to give you enough time to implement a successful fundraiser. If your group fails to contact SCA prior to holding the fundraiser or fails to uphold SCU policy regarding activities for which permission has been granted, the event will be canceled. Timelines: Project Fundraising: Contact SCA at least 2 weeks prior to the fundraiser. Solicitation: Contact SCA at least 4 weeks prior to soliciting. Fundraising for a Charitable Organization: Contact SCA at least 4 weeks prior to the fundraiser. Additional Guidelines-please read carefully: Guidelines: The following guidelines are applicable to all fundraising activities by chartered student organizations at St. Catherine University. 1. The sponsor of a fundraising activity must meet with Student Center and Activities prior to the fundraiser to obtain approval of the fundraising effort. Failure to meet with Student Center and Activities could result in organizational 35 Fundraising Policy Internal and External Project: Fundraising aimed at SCU and family, friends. Examples: Magazine Sales Candy Sales Flower Sales Etc. Solicitation: “Cold call” or make contacts to businesses or individuals by mail, phone, email, or in person to solicit for contributions. Examples: Gift Certificates Prize Items Cash Donation Product/Service Etc. 2. 3. 4. 5. Fundraising Policy 6. sanctions such as loss of organizational funding, removal of chartered status and/or frozen assets. All groups must submit acknowledgement letters to donors within 2 weeks of the fundraiser (if not an anonymous donation- if donations are anonymous, put a thank you on the Kateway Update). This is to ensure a positive response from the donors in the future for other fundraisers that your group or another group may hold. The purpose and activity of the fundraising effort must be consistent with the mission and values of the student organization and St. Catherine University. Further, the fundraising activity must not violate legal, tax, or corporate restraints upon the University. A currently enrolled student member of the sponsoring registered student organization must be present during the entire time of the event- this includes Atrium Tables in the CdC. Event sponsors are responsible for ensuring that proposed activities comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws, rules and regulations. Spaces in which the fundraising activity is occurring must be identified by a sign indicating the conducting entity’s name, goods, and/or services being sold, and pricesthis includes donation boxes. Non-affiliated Profitable Organizations 1. Neither individuals (regardless of affiliations with St. Catherine University) nor private, commercial organizations may sell or promote the sale of products on campus except for: a. Individuals or organizations with which St. Catherine University has entered into a written contract. b. Individuals or organizations who have received authorization through the Student Center and Activities office to engage in the sales of goods or services via Atrium table for the benefit of a registered student organization. 2. Commercial or corporate sponsorship of programs or events is permissible if the sponsor and program has been approved by the Office of Development. 3. St. Catherine University reserves the right to require third parties participating in or conducting fundraising activities to meet additional requirements, including without limitation requirements that such parties furnish evidence of insurance coverage acceptable to the University and/or agree to indemnify the University and University personnel against liabilities arising from their acts or omissions. 4. St. Catherine University reserves the right to approve any proposed sponsor and the content of sponsorship materials associated with a fundraising activity. Non-affiliated Charitable Organizations Fundraising for non-profit, charitable organizations (e.g. The Red Cross, Sarah’s Oasis, etc.) having no direct affiliation with St. Catherine University, is encouraged, provided that the above guidelines are followed, and: 1. The non-affiliated charitable organization submits a statement of support on the organization’s letterhead or via email conversations (emails must include the company signature information) to Student Center and Activities acknowledging that the fundraising will occur on its behalf and indicating the expected date of the receipt of the donation. 36 2. The organization is consistent with the mission and values of St. Catherine University. 3. The organization provides proof to the University that it is registered with the Secretary of State of the State of Minnesota as a non-profit, charitable 501(c) 3 organization, that it has received the Internal Revenue Service exemption letter, and that its proposed use of the University’s owned, operated, or controlled property is in furtherance of its taxexempt, charitable purpose(s). 4. The registered student organization planning the event is responsible for all costs incurred in connection with the event, other than those borne by the charitable organization. 5. Educational information about the organization and the services it provides is made available at the event. a. The charitable organization is responsible for ensuring that its activities comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws, rules, and regulations. 6. All checks need to be written out directly to the non-affiliated charitable organization directly in order to be processed. Additional Requirements St. Catherine University acknowledges that a policy of this nature may not anticipate every possible issue that may arise with respect to fundraising activities. As a result, the University reserves the right to impose reasonable restrictions and/or requirements with respect to the time, place, and manner of fundraising activities. These restrictions may be in the addition to, or in lieu of, those set forth in the policy. Enforcement 1. Failure to obtain permission to engage in or sponsor sales or fundraising, or failure to adhere to University policy regarding activities for which permission has been granted, will result in the immediate curtailment and/or cancellation of the event by the Office of Student Activities and/or the Office of Development. 2. The Dean of Students has jurisdiction over complaints against any student or registered student organization(s) alleged to have violated this policy. Sanctions Sanctions for violation of this policy by students and/or chartered student organizations include, but are not limited to: restitution, loss of the right the use University property or facilities for activities, loss of recognition as a chartered student organization, other disciplinary sanctions appropriate to the circumstances. How to Advertise the Fundraiser When advertising the fundraiser, the group must be clear that the event/fundraiser is club/organization sponsored and NOT University sponsored. All advertising and publicity must include: 37 Fundraising Policy Prohibitions 1. Solicitation by credit card or telephone card companies, with the exception of those approved by the University bookstore or the Dean of Students. 2. Fundraising for any candidate for political office 3. Sale or distribution of items that violate St. Catherine University trademark rights or existing contracts. 4. Fundraising for organizations or activities that are inconsistent with the University’s mission and values or those that violate the Code of Conduct and Community Expectations. The name of the sponsoring organization A description of the fundraiser The purpose for which the fundraiser is being held The location of the fundraiser Contact information of the sponsoring organization (name and phone number) Fundraising Policy Note: Fundraisers should be respectful of all individuals. Date auctions and other kinds of “auctions” are not encouraged because they devalue the dignity of human beings to the level of merchandise. In accordance with state law, no raffles shall be held on campus unless a license has been secured. When soliciting in person to businesses or individuals, you should be courteous to all people, even if they do not donate. Each organization will be held accountable for the fundraiser. If an organization enters into a contract to sell a certain amount of product and fails to sell all of the items, the club/ organization is responsible for the costs. Example: the group purchases candy bars to sell, the group doesn’t sell all of the candy bars, and therefore, the group is responsible for making up the cost of the unsold candy bars. Do’s and Don’ts of Fundraising Do keep records of everything you do Do have a goal Do keep track of those who have supported you in the past Don’t allow fundraising to be the central focus of your organization Don’t ask anyone to make a donation because the group “needs” the money Don’t ask for a fixed amount when a donation will do just fine Don’t expect too much from members-you should have fun and raise money Don’t have a fundraiser based on impulse-plan carefully Don’t wait until the last minute for anything Don’t forget to be creative, energetic, and have fun! 38 Student Fundraising Registration Form To be filled out during your meeting with the Student Center and Activities Office. You do not need to fill this out yourself. Note: If you plan to solicit businesses, you must provide a list of your targeted businesses to the Student Center and Activities Office during your meeting. Contact Information Organization:_____________________________________________________________________ Name of Person Completing Form:____________________________________________________ Email:____________________________ Phone:________________________________________ Fundraising Event or Activity Information Event Title:_______________________________________________________________________ Date(s) of Fundraiser:______________________________________________________________ Location:________________________________________________________________________ Description of products/services:_____________________________________________________ Description and purpose of fundraiser:_________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Cost of product for contributors (range):_________________________________________________ Type of Fundraiser Internal (SCU) only Examples include: Bake sales and plant sales Students are encouraged to send thank you notes to individual donors and post a public thank you on The Daily Update and/or in The Wheel. Internal (SCU) AND external (people you know) 39 Students are encouraged to send thank you notes to individual donors and post a public thank you on The Daily Update and/or in The Wheel Will Saint Catherine University logo be used to publicize this off campus? (Circle one) Yes No Note: If the logo/University name is used off campus, the group must receive prior approval from the Dean of Students- SCA can help with this process, but allow a week to process. Solicitation of businesses (gifts, services and/or funds) Student Organization must provide a list of business they intend to solicit to be approved by the Office of Development- SCA can help with this process, but allow for two weeks to process. List of businesses attached? (Circle one) Yes No Student organization must agree to send a thank you note to all donors upon completion of fundraising effort Fundraising for non affiliated charitable organization o Name of charitable organization:___________________________________ Non-affiliated charitable organizations fundraisers are required to submit: A statement of support on the organization’s letterhead, emailed or faxed acknowledging that the fundraising will occur on its behalf and indicating the expected date of the receipt of the donation. Proof the organization is a certified non-profit or 501(c)3 certification Letter of support and 501(c) 3 status attached? (Circle one) Yes No Signatures I understand the official Saint Catherine University student fundraising policies and agree to follow them for my organization’s fundraiser. I agree that a representative from my club must attend the fundraising seminar offered during the Club Leader Meeting before I/we begin fundraising. Student Organizer Signature Date Submitted Student Center and Activities Date Approved 40 Senate/SKAT Funding What is it? The Senate/SKAT funding is divided into two categories: Capital (Large) Contingency – Funding for purchasing permanent items for the SCU community which benefit the Day student body. Student Advancement Fund (SAF) – Funding for things other than permanent objects for the SCU community, which benefit students. Why is it in existence? The Senate/SKAT funding serves to support groups as well as individual endeavors that will better students, and/or the SCU community such as dances, performances, conferences, festivals, concerts, speakers, panels and celebrations. SAF and Capital Contingency exist through the undergraduate day student activity fee of $140 per student. The Senate allocates a certain portion of the activity fee each year for Capital Contingency & SAF funding. How can one access these funds? A group or individual can apply for these funds through the following process: 1. Visit the Senate Office or the Senate Kateway page to pick up a Senate/SKAT Funding Proposal. 2. Prepare a word-processed proposal for the Senate. Answer all questions on the Senate form. This will give the Senate the essential information they need to responsibly decide whether to grant your request. The proposal materials must be thorough, clear and complete with concise and accurate information. Please provide all available information. 3. Give this funding form to anyone in the Senate office, and it will be directed to the Financial Affairs Chair or please place it in the Senate Funding proposal folder outside the Senate Office. Please turn in your proposal at least 3 weeks before you need the funds. A last minute request for funding may be given lower priority because it may reflect inadequate planning. 4. The Financial Affairs Committee will contact you with any follow-up questions concerning your request. 5. The Financial Affairs Committee will present your proposal to the Senate and make a recommendation for or against it. You are strongly encouraged to attend the meeting supporting your proposal. Contact the Financial Affairs Chair on the Senate to find out when your proposal will be discussed. The Board may or may not choose to modify your request for funds. 6. You will be officially notified of the Senate’s decision by letter or e-mail. (Please note your mailbox number and e-mail address on the information sheet). 7. For SKAT funding, work with the SCA Office to set-up a meeting with the SKAT Community Connections Chairs. 8. When meeting with the SKAT Community Connections Chairs, come prepared with a word-processed proposal that includes the essential information needed to responsibly decide whether to grant your request. Please be thorough, clear and complete. Provide all information available. 9. It is required that the individual/organization must explain details of the event, including relevant background information, goals of the event, description of expenses, detailed 41 Senate/SKAT Funding Who can use these funds? Anyone at the University may request funds, as long as they are used for the benefit of the undergraduate day students and enhances the student experience. publicity/promotion plan, if the event was held previously, and changes that were made etc. 10. All Senate/SKAT money will be distributed only when all the documentation (such as contracts, receipts, invoices, purchase orders, etc.) are received. 11. In an effort to serve the greater number of students, we reserve the right to limit funding to the same group to twice per year. 12. All allocations granted during an academic year must be processed and/or used for that academic year only. What if my club/organization also has graduate student, evening| weekend| online and/or associate student members? Club Accounts Congratulations! It is always great to see student groups reaching across populations. Funding for students that are in a different population can depend on what type of event you are requesting funding for: o If your club/ organization is seeking funding for an event open to the entire St. Kate’s community, and would be worthwhile to that population, you can complete funding requests from the Graduate Student Advisory Board, E|W|O Board and/ or Minneapolis Advisory Board. All funding processes are outlined on the boards perspective website. Don’t forget that to receive funding you must also make a concerted effort to market your events to this population. o If you are seeking funding for an individual student to attend a conference, workshop, etc, that student must go through their particular governing board to receive funding. In other words, a graduate student cannot receive funding to attend a conference from the undergraduate Senate. Club Accounts There is a series of accounts set up for student clubs and organizations. The Senate, student publications and honor societies are automatically given a club account. All other account numbers are assigned only to chartered clubs and organizations. Every chartered club and organization MUST have an account with the Business Office. No outside accounts are permitted. Reimbursement Process: Purchasing items with personal funds is never recommended. Our office will help whenever we can to help you prevent spending your own money. Submit your receipts and reimbursement form to the SCA Office with signatures from the organization advisor and President/Co-Chair or Treasurer signatures. Please tape your receipts to a piece of paper and staple paper to the reimbursement form. The receipt or invoice should prove that the items were paid for and that you paid for them. In other words, credit card receipts should show that you are the owner of the card. See more information below. The receipt should show the form of payment. If you receive an invoice without payment confirmation, return it to the company and request something be added. When at a restaurant, return both the itemized receipt and credit card receipt because your name is attached to the card on that receipt. 42 When paying with a check whenever possible have your name and check number added to the receipt/invoice. We will and can reimburse you for the tax on your purchases. Where do the forms go after they are submitted? Your account balance is verified The form and information you submitted is checked over and you are contacted if it is not complete. Once checked and complete, the form is initialed. The SCA Director reviews all forms once initialed-all club requests require her signature! If the form is still incomplete, you are contacted and the form is not signed until completed. The form goes to the Business Office for approval and processing. Checks are cut weekly-typically arriving Thursday afternoon. Forms are typically sent to the Business Office at the end of each week for next week's processing. Use this information to best plan when you need to submit your forms! 43 Requesting Cash from your Account: Request cash when your purchase can not be totaled until you arrive to the store and receive the purchase-like dinner out, a Target run, etc. Be mindful of the amount you are requesting. You need to be able to justify the amount requested. Submit a shopping basket print screen from an online store or request an invoice from the company you are purchasing from (for instance a restaurant). Requesting cash requires a completed cash/check form submitted to the SCA Office and your ID to pick up the cash from Student Accounts Please submit this form to the SCA Office at least 7 business days prior to when cash is needed. Once you make your purchase, you must submit all original receipts to the SCA Office (receipts should be taped to paper) and any remaining change to be deposited into your account. An account deposit (if you have leftover cash) is made at Student Accounts, deposit slips can be picked up at student accounts or the SCA Office. Cash/Check Request Forms and Deposit Forms are available in the SCA Office. Requesting a Check from your Account: Request a check whenever something you purchase requires negotiation of the price or lead time between ordering/reserving and receiving such as t-shirt designs, performers and speakers. This requires a completed cash/check form, invoice or contract and W-9 submitted to the SCA Office Blank W-9s and contracts are available in the SCA Office! It is a good idea to have a contract for even a free performer or lecturer to ensure you are both agreeing on the same date, time and performance. Once you request a check the first time, the vendor or performer’s W-9 remains on file and the next check is easier to cut. When the check is cut, it will be delivered to the SCA Office. You will be contacted when it is available for pickup! Where do the forms go after they are submitted? Your account balance is verified The form and information you submitted is checked over and you are contacted if it is not complete. Once checked and complete, the form is initialed. The SCA Director reviews all forms once initialed-all club requests require her signature! If the form is still incomplete, you are contacted and the form is not signed until completed. The form goes to the Business Office for approval and processing. Checks are cut weekly-typically arriving Thursday afternoon. Forms are typically sent to the Business Office at the end of each week for next week's processing. Use this information to best plan when you need to submit your forms! 44 Club Accounts Please request cash or a check for ALL group expenses so you are not paying out of pocket. It can take LONGER to reimburse you than to request a check! How to Schedule an Event with Meeting & Event Services Please visit KateWay to reserve space on campus. Go to the Find It Your Way tab and search for Meeting and Events. The reservation form is listed as Space Request Form. If you have additional questions, call x6861. Reserving Space on Campus When completing the Space Request Form, be as specific as possible. If you do not know the specifics of your event, complete the form to the best of your ability and contact Meeting and Events with additional details closer to the event. Remember to read all space policies included on the Meeting and Events website before reserving space! Large event spaces such as the CdC Ballroom and JdA require a meeting with the Assistant Director of Student Center and Activities before the request can be confirmed by Meeting and Events. You can set-up a meeting by calling the SCA Office at x6210 or stopping by CdC Rm 270. All requests for campus space use (including use of grounds such as the Quad) must be directed to the Meeting & Event Services Office, which is located on the third floor in Coeur de Catherine. Some space use requires approval from space managers and may have limitations. The Scheduling Coordinator makes the necessary inquiries for you and is responsible for administering policies with regard to space use on campus. To use the fire pits on campus, complete the Fire Pit Form available in the SCA Office. All large student organization require SCA approval. Once you submit a reservation through Meeting and Events. The Scheduling Coordinator will prompt you to contact SCA. The Assistant Director of Student Center and Activities will request either an email conversation of face to face conversation to approve the reservation request. All student organization events that advertise and invite the general public (people outside SCU students, faculty and staff) require a Public Safety Officer to be present. The Centers of Excellence, Butler Center, and the Pulse are not reserved through Meeting & Events Services. To reserve space in the Centers of Excellence please call x8847. To reserve space in the Butler Center call x8777. To reserve the Pulse please visit the Student Center and Activities office, CdC 270. Please see the Pulse Reservation Form in this handbook for more information. 45 Fire Pit Policy & Reservation Form Updated: 10/28/13 Process of Reserving Fire Pit: Please obtain signatures from the Departments/Offices listed below. Once you have obtained all signatures, please submit this form to Meeting & Events Services, CdC 356, Mail #4034, at least two weeks prior to the event in order to be considered for approval. Public Safety Regulations: 1. The fire cannot be lit or must be extinguished if the winds exceed 10 miles per hour. Please call the Department of Public Safety the day of your event to confirm the fire can be lit and there are no burning restrictions in place. 2. The fire must be at least fifty (50) feet away from any vehicle or structure. The fire circle can be no larger than three (3) feet in diameter or two (2) feet high. 3. Means of extinguishment must be present at the fire site. 4. The fire cannot be left unattended. 5. Public Safety (x8888) must be called at the beginning and end of the event. Other Conditions: 1. Only chartered clubs, recognized organizations, and St. Catherine University departments may reserve and use the fire pit. 2. The sponsoring group must provide firewood and is responsible for lighting and extinguishing the fire. The sponsoring group must also provide any chairs and/or tables. 3. The fire must be extinguished by 11:30pm and the area completely clean and cleared by 12:00am. 4. If the Fire Department is called for any reason the sponsoring group is responsible for paying all costs incurred from the call. 5. The fire pit can only be reserved from April 1-November 1. 6. This form, including all necessary signatures, must be returned to Meeting and Events Services at least 2 weeks before the event in order to be considered for approval. 7. Reservations will be confirmed or denied by Meeting and Events Services via email. Reservations are not guaranteed until you receive an email confirmation. I have read and understand the Fire Pit Policy and Reservation Form. I assume responsibility and agree to the regulations and conditions. ___________________________________________________________ Signature of Representative from Sponsoring Group ____________ Date ___________________________________________________________ Signature of Advisor (ONLY required for chartered clubs and organizations) ____________ Date ___________________________________________________________ ____________ Signature of Student Center & Activities (ONLY required for chartered clubs & organizations) Date ___________________________________________________________ Signature of Facilities Management Representative ____________ Date ________________________________________________________ Signature of Public Safety Representative ____________ Date Meeting & Events Use Only Received by:__________________________________________________ Date:_________ Approved by:__________________________________________________ Date:_________ Confirmation sent via email: ____yes _____no Initials:_______________ 46 Catering Reservations St. Catherine University does have an exclusive catering contract with Sodexo. That means all events advertised and open to the entire St. Kate’s community and/ or general public must use Sodexo catering. The only exceptions made must receive approval from Sodexo. In order to make your arrangements as smooth and convenient as possible, please take the following three steps: 1. Decide what type of event you wish to have. Student catering: All paper products, no linen or flowers. Only for pickup from kitchen. Casual beverage and meal service: Disposable paper products and linen tablecloth. Formal beverage and meal service: China, glassware, and skirted tables. (There may be an additional charge for this service depending on the number of guests and location.) Catering 2. Reserve the room. This should be done through Meeting and Event Services. Please visit KateWay and go to the Campus Resources tab and under Where to/How to look for Meeting Space/Events to use the online reservation system. You may also call them at (651) 690-6861 with questions. 3. Plan for your food and beverage needs. No later than two weeks before the event, submit your request using the online reservation form (Flavours) on KateWay on. The reservation form is available on the Dining Services Kateway page. Search ‘Dining Services’ under the Find It Your Way tab. This form includes only a portion of catering options if you would like to choose other options or need some help planning all the catering details of your event, call Catering at (651) 690-6900. Catering will send you email confirmation of your event within three working days of receiving your final arrangements. Late Reservations In order to ensure product and staff availability, your reservation and service details (menus included) should be finalized five working days before the day of your event. For late reservations, less than five working days prior to the event, approval must be obtained from Catering. There may be additional charges for catering requests placed with less than three working days notice. Guarantee Campus catering requires a final count three working days before an event. This count is your guaranteed number. On the final billing, you will be charged for the guaranteed number, or the actual attendance, whichever is greater. Attendant Charges To ensure that your event is a success, catering attendants will be provided for all served meals and buffets during the first one-and-one-half hours of your event at no additional cost. If additional time or number of attendants are desired, attendants are available for an additional fee per hour per server. Billing All campus groups will need to submit a department or student organization budget number before services are rendered. 47 Student Organization Center The Student Organization Center, located in Coeur de Catherine 253, is a resource space for student organization leaders and members. A variety of supplies, tools, and information are available to help leaders. Below is a listing of what is available. Don’t forget-Clubs and organizations can also use the Student Conference Room, CdC 286. You may reserve the conference room with the SCA Office Coordinator in the Student Center and Activities Office. 48 Student Organization Center Mailboxes- Each chartered organization receives a mailbox. The Student Center and Activities Office will distribute updated account balances and Document Services reports every month so be sure to check your box regularly! Computers and Printer- 6 computers and 1 printer are available for club leaders to event plan and organization their group! Copier- 1 copier is available for student organizations. Chartered organizations receive new copy codes yearly. If making more than 25 copies at once, please remember to use Document Services. Banner Supplies- Banner paper and die cuts (letter and shape stamps) are available for chartered organizations to create signs and banners. Storage Lockers- Each chartered organization receives a storage locker to store decorations, publicity, etc. Keys are available at the Information Center. Kitchenette- Organizations are welcome to store food in the refrigerator or serve food from the buffet. Please remember that others use the space as well and storing food is at your own risk. Student Center and Activities Staff who are knowledgeable about a wide variety of organization and leadership topics can be reached right through the adjoining door to the Student Center and Activities Office. Remember, the Student Organization Center is not a reservable space, if you do use it for meetings please be aware that the space is open for others to use. You cannot advertise your meetings if you use the Org Centers for meetings. Flatscreen Television- The television in the Organization Center was donated by Senate as a meeting and planning tool for student organizations. The remote, VGA cord and Mac adaptor are available for check-out at the SCA Office front desk. Feel free to use this TV for meeting agendas, finalizing publicity, creating budgets, etc. This television does not get cable! Access to Club Key Cabinet Club Key Cabinet Keys to the cabinets are available from the Information Center for chartered club and organizations during regular building hours, everyday 7am – 12am unless during the academic year. Holiday hours differ and will be posted on each entrance and the Kateway Update. Procedure: The organization’s list of officers submitted with the chartering paperwork will be used as an access list for the cabinet. If you wish to add anyone to the access list, work with the SCA Office to do so. This list will be kept with the key in the club’s key sleeve. When a student requests a key, she must surrender her ID. The key to the cabinet is given to the student and the staff member then places the ID in the sleeve that held the key. When the key is returned, it is placed in is proper sleeve and the ID is returned to the student. 49 The Pulse The Pulse is a versatile space on campus that houses a variety of events located on the 1st floor and the entrance is inside the Dining Room. With food service 7 days a week from 11am - 10pm, this comfortable and relaxed space adds to the vibrancy on campus. With a unique atmosphere and built-in food service, any event taking place in The Pulse already has a built-in audience. The Pulse To reserve the Pulse for your student organization or department: Contact the Assistant Director of Student Center and Activities or email to ensure the space is available Submit the Pulse Reservation Form to the SCA Office. The form is available via a google document and can be accessed from Kateway. Log on to Kateway then under Find It Your Way type Pulse. Once received, you will receive an email confirmation from The Pulse Manager confirming the date and requesting a time to meet and review the event details. The Pulse has two monthly programming series'- The Pulse Unplugged and Saturday Cinema. Check the SCA Activities calendar for dates and band or movie names. 50 Get the Word Out! Publicity Options at St. Kate’s Various types of publicity options are available to chartered clubs and organizations and departments in Coeur de Catherine to provide information to students, faculty, and staff. Publicity Options and Policies Before you begin posting, please read these 2 tips for effective publicity: Start early! Allow extra time to get your information in. All publicity options need more than a 24 hour turnaround. At the minimum, plan to submit all of your publicity forms 2 weeks in advance. Follow the guidelines! Your publicity cannot be posted if you haven’t followed the guidelines. Following the guidelines will ensure that your time and money spent on creating publicity was well worth it. Guidelines are listed later in this handbook. To publicize in the CdC, complete the Publicity Request Form (available via a google doc on the SCA Kateway page) and select the publicity options want. Below are descriptions of the options available. Publicity Hints Publicize to a target audience Word of mouth is ALWAYS the most powerful way to advertise an event Make publicity an integral part of your budget and event timeline Pick someone creative to develop your advertisements Create advertisements that are clear, concise, catchy and contain the necessary information: time, date, location, who and what. Post advertisements in high traffic areas for the population you are targeting Think of creative, alternative ways to advertise your event Use of the St. Kate's logo off campus requires approval- Contact the SCA Office for the process. Get Started Listed below are the different types of publicity options available for your chartered student organization or department. All the options below require completion of the Publicity Request Form available in the SCA Office. Banners Banner space is available located near the stairwell in the first floor atrium of Coeur de Catherine. These banners are created using the banner paper and die cuts available in the Student Organization Center. Floor Windows and 23x31 Posters Floor windows are located on the floor near the atrium entrances in Coeur de Catherine. These are 23x31 posters created out of an 8 ½ x 11 original that you supply. Easels and 8 ½ x 11 Sign Holders If you have an event on campus and need to direct people toward your event space, reserve an easel or sign holder. Taping your signs to doors, windows, columns, or other surfaces in Coeur 51 de Catherine is not permitted. Using a sign holder or easel will ensure that your directions will not be removed and presents a more professional look for your event or meeting. Outdoor Sign Holder An outdoor sign holder is available to use outside of the doors to Coeur de Catherine. The holder requires a 23x31 poster. Buttons The button maker creates 3 inch buttons using the artwork that you provide. Buttons are 25 cents each. Digital Signage If you would like your flier to be posted on the TV screens around the CdC, send a pdf or jpg of the poster to Remember to include the dates you would like the flier to be posted! Atrium Table Reservations Tables are available on the second floor of Coeur de Catherine for chartered organizations and University departments to use for things such as bake sales, handing out publicity materials, or seeking support for something. Please note that there is a rental fee for external organizations reserving an atrium table. Sidewalk Chalking All chartered clubs and organizations and University departments must request and receive approval for chalking with the Office of Student Affairs. This form is available through the SCA Office. The SCA Office will work with Student Affairs to receive approval. Display Case Your group may reserve a display case to showcase your upcoming event. The display case is located on the second floor atrium of Coeur de Catherine. Personal Invitation and Word of Mouth Don’t forget, this is a great way to get the word out. Personally inviting people to your event is a wonderful idea. Now that you are aware of the various options available to you, your next step is to figure out your publicity needs, read the guidelines for each publicity option, and complete the necessary forms. If you have more questions, call Student Center & Activities at x6210. 52 Publicity Options and Policies Posters/Fliers Posters and fliers may be posted on the bulletin boards in Coeur de Catherine. Please take your poster or flier to the Information Center. There it will be approved and posted by the Building Manager. The Information Center accepts 5 fliers for Coeur de Catherine, Residence Life accepts 40 fliers, and more can be distributed on the bulletin boards throughout campus. A listing of where the bulletin boards are around campus is available outside the Information Center. Guidelines, Policies, and Processes for Publicity PLEASE READ THE GUIDELINES BEFORE COMPLETING A RESERVATION FORM University Publicity Policy and Coeur de Catherine Reservation Guidelines St. Catherine University Posted Materials Policy: This policy refers to any form of publicity posted on the St. Catherine University campus. Publicity Options and Policies Each building on campus has designated locations for the posting of signs, posters and other information. Certain bulletin boards, display cases or glass cases in each building are the responsibility of individual campus departments. Those departments control the use of these areas and must be contracted for use by other members of the campus community. Posted materials must be of interest to some portion of the campus community and/or be sponsored by an individual or group within the campus community. The University reserves the right to determine the appropriateness of any materials posted and the locations for posting. All posted materials must clearly indicate the individual or group sponsoring the posting and contain an address or telephone number where the sponsor can be contacted. It is the responsibility of the sponsoring group or individual to post materials in appropriate locations and to remove them immediately after the information is outdated. Information regarding meetings or events must be removed within two days of the completion of the meeting or event. Material posted inappropriately is subject to immediate removal. Questions regarding this policy can be referred to Student Life, Minneapolis campus at (651) 690-7831, or the SCA office, St. Paul campus at (651)690-6210. Coeur de Catherine Reservation Guidelines: The policies below are for Coeur de Catherine (CdC) publicity spaces and materials only. Please note that other buildings may have their own guidelines for publicity. Questions regarding CdC policies can be directed to the Student Center and Activities (SCA) office, 270 CdC or x6210. Please note: All requests must be submitted using a Publicity Request Form, which is available in the SCA office and on the SCA website. Only chartered clubs/organizations or St. Catherine University departments may submit button requests. Requests will be confirmed or denied by the Student Center and Activities Office. Requests are not guaranteed until confirmation is received. 53 Requests are on a first come, first serve basis. Requests should be submitted at least two weeks ahead to ensure supplies are available. Student Center and Activities Office reserves the right to approve or deny requests based on consideration of fire codes, number of requests, previously scheduled events, staffing, resources, materials and time. Atrium Table Policy: 54 Publicity Options and Policies Four tables are available for SCU chartered student organizations and University departments to use for the purpose of solicitation. The tables are located in the 2nd floor Atrium of Coeur de Catherine. “Solicitation” in this statement means the seeking of funds or other support, such as signatures, food, or supplies by a chartered student organization from persons outside its membership or by individual students. Solicitation includes activities as the sale of goods or services; the distribution of literature, materials or products; or the promotion of rallies, parades, runs, or special events. Two tables are available for external organizations to use for the purpose of solicitation. The charge is $50 per table. The tables are located in the 2nd floor of the Atrium of CdC. “Solicitation” in this statement means the selling of goods or services, information distribution about a company and/or product. Outside vendors must fit within the mission of a Catholic Women’s Liberal Arts institution. Vendors soliciting for credit cards will not be allowed to reserve a table. The University reserves the right to deny a solicitation table to any external organization. Fees will be waived for private, not for profit organizations who fit within the mission of a Catholic Women’s Liberal Arts institution. All organizations must display the name of the department or student club at all times. At the beginning of each reservation, department or sponsoring organization must check-in with the Student Center and Activities Staff to obtain table sign. SCA reserves the right to relocate or rearrange atrium table locations where there is a conflict with other events or within CdC services. Groups not staffing their tables within the first hour of their reservation will forfeit their reservation. An atrium table that becomes available as a result of a forfeited reservation is available to all users. SCA will not store any materials related to atrium tables. Any materials left after the reservation will be discarded. Department or student organization members must remain seated behind or standing to the side of the atrium table. Departments or student clubs collaborating with an outside organization must have a member of the organization or department at the table at all times. All materials must be contained on the table. Tables, groups, and/or distribution of printed material must not obstruct normal traffic flow. All atrium tables must remain in designated areas. The use of extra tables will not be allowed. All signage must be kept to the table. No signs may be taped to walls, laminate, pillars or railings. All departments and student organizations must ensure that at the end of their reservation the area is clean. SCU Student Center and Activities reserves the right to cancel existing reservation and deny approval of future requests to groups not following these guidelines. St. Catherine University assumes no liability for information distributed or goods sold. Banner Policy: Publicity Options and Policies Banners are hung on Mondays and will remain hung until the following Monday. Only one space per sponsoring organization per given time period. The sponsoring organization must deliver the banner to the Student Center and Activities Office by 10:00am on the reserved start date. Late delivery may cause the sponsor to lose the reservation. The Student Center and Activities Office will hang the banner in the proper location for the sponsoring organization. Banners will be disposed of unless specified. If banners are to be held for sponsoring organization once taken down, banners will remain in the SCA Office for one week only. After one week, banners will be disposed of by staff. Banners must be 3 feet wide and 6 feet long in size and made with banner paper provided in the CdC Student Organization Center. Six inches of blank banner paper must be left at the top so the banner can be hung without covering the design. Banners must be made with die cut letters and shapes or drawn legibly. Illegible banners or banners not made with banner paper will not be displayed. Banners must include event date, event name, location, time and organization contact information to be approved and hung. Button Maker Policy: The Student Center and Activities Office button maker was purchased for the purpose of creating buttons with positive, inviting, smile-inducing messages. The button maker will not be used to make grumpy, unhappy, exclusionary buttons. All button makers must take personal responsibility when creating buttons. The cost of the button maker is $.22 (twenty-two cents) a button. Your club/department account will be billed for the total number of buttons made. The user of the button maker must read the instructions on how to operate the button maker before using. All users must supply their own paper and artwork. The button maker creates 3” buttons. Users must always cut their designs on a flat surface using the Cut-A-Circle and cutting mat provided. If for some reason the mat is not available, cut on a layer of thick cardboard or poster board. Never cut directly on wood, glass, or plastic. The button maker cannot be taken out of the Student Organization Center. If the button maker is lost, broken, or stolen, the user’s organization or department account will be billed for the cost of a new button maker. Display Cases: Coeur de Catherine display cases #1, 2, 5 and 7 – 10 on the 2nd floor atrium entrance may only be reserved by chartered student organizations and University departments. Please see chart in SCA office. Cases may only be used to promote upcoming events or chartered student organizations and University Departments. Display case reservations run from Monday – Monday and the sponsoring organization is responsible for setting up and taking down materials. If display cases are not taken down in 55 a timely manner, SCA staff will empty cases and hold materials for 48 hours or Wednesday at 5pm before disposing of materials. Requests for longer than Monday – Monday are considered Special Requests and dependent on available space. To access display cases, keys for the display cases are available at the Student Center and Activities Office and can be picked up Monday – Friday from 8:00am – 4:30pm excluding University closings. Departments or student organizations that have not utilized their display case by 12pm on Wednesday on the week of their reservation automatically forfeit their reservation. The first group requesting to utilize the display case may do so for the remainder of the week. The name of the organization, event title, date, time and location of the upcoming event (when applicable), and contact information for the organization must be prominently displayed. Flyers must include event date, event name, location, time and organization contact information to be approved and hung. Flyers should be 8 ½ x 11 inches in portrait format. Flyers are posted on Mondays and removed the following Monday by Student Center and Activities Staff All reservations made for elevator posters follow the above St. Catherine University posting policies. Coeur de Catherine Special Request Guidelines: The items below are considered Coeur de Catherine Special Requests. Please note that other departments offering similar services may have their own guidelines for donation boxes. Questions regarding CdC Special Requests can be directed to the Student Center and Activities Office, 270 CdC x6210. Please note: All Special Requests must be submitted using a Special Request form, which is available in the SCA office and on the SCA website. Requests will be confirmed or denied by the Student Center and Activities Office. Student Center and Activities Office reserves the right to approve or deny requests based on consideration of fire codes, number of requests, previously scheduled events, staffing, resources, materials and time. Donation Boxes: Donation box requests require a meeting with the Assistant Director of SCA. Meeting can be scheduled when submitting completed Special Request Form. Boxes must be checked and if necessary emptied everyday of donation drive. Space in front of the Information Center for a maximum of 14 consecutive days at a time. Popcorn Requests: Student Club/Organization Popcorn can be requested for one event per semester 56 Publicity Options and Policies Elevator Postings: Minimum order is 25 bags. Maximum order is 100 bags. Requests cannot be filled on Fridays between 10am and 2pm. Requests are not guaranteed until after meeting with the SCA Office Coordinator and electronic confirmation is received. SCU Departments Minimum order is 25 bags. Maximum order is 75 bags. Larger orders can be made through Dining Services catering department. Requests cannot be filled on Fridays between 10am and 2pm. Requests are not guaranteed until after meeting with the SCA Office Coordinator and electronic confirmation is received. Balloon Requests SCA is currently not taking Balloon requests. Publicity Options and Policies 57 Officer Resources 58 Advisors Each Chartered Club/Organization is expected to have an advisor who is a member of St. Catherine University faculty or staff. If a group does not have an advisor, the Student Center and Activities Office can assist the group in finding one. However, it is the responsibility of the club/organization to secure an advisor. Selecting an Advisor It is helpful when selecting an advisor if organizations determine the role they wish the advisor to assume in the organization. Organizations should identify their expectations of the advisor and share them with the person being considered, at the same time offering that person an opportunity to present his or her own expectations. Questions to consider might include: 59 Advisors How much involvement is expected or needed? How often does the group meet? How many major activities does the group plan? What kind of skills would the advisor bring to the group? How do these skills match the needs of the organization? What are some of the problem areas that your organization especially needs advisory assistance in dealing with? What are some of the ways you think the advisor could be more helpful to you, both as a group and as individuals? Do you want the advisor to be: a) a silent observer at meetings, or b) an active participant? Do you want the advisor to interrupt if she/he thinks the group is getting off track? When? How? Do you want the advisor to spend time “hanging out” with the club or do you want the advisor to remain a “resource” person away from the group? hat to expect from your Advisor Organizations require different kinds of advising styles, depending on the stages of development of the organization and its leadership. The list below gives some indication of the range and amount of responsibility that is placed on the adviser. It is recognized that not all that is listed is required all the time. When a member of the faculty or staff is asked to serve as an advisor, she or he should be informed about the organization and what the organization will require. A new advisor should be given an orientation relating to all the activities of the organization. Notices of the meeting should be given to the advisor. When a designated meeting time is set for the semester or the year, every attempt should be made to set a time that is convenient for the membership, as well as the advisor. The organization should confirm the appointment of the advisor and have her or him complete the Advisor Agreement each year. Organizations should always invite the advisor to all events. Advisors are required to attend off-campus events, events involving alcohol, or a major campus event open to guests outside of St. Catherine University If a situation arises that may cause problems for the organization or any member of the organization, the advisor should be informed immediately. Advisors should be aware of the financial condition of the organization. The adviser should not be expected to sign check requests until she/he has evidence of the validity of the documents. Minutes of meetings as well as other materials from the organization should be submitted to the advisor as these materials are made available to the members. Advisors should be aware of University policies, attitudes of the faculty and administration, and help the organization to understand limits, restrictions, and avenues for achieving its objectives. Recruiting New Members Recruiting New Members Do you have more projects than group members to complete them? Are you a new club or organization and are trying to attract members? If you are in need of some fresh perspectives and talents, take a look at these ideas to help improve your recruiting skills: Before actively recruiting members, identity the interests and talents your organization currently needs. How many members do you need? Are you only interested in specific majors? Do you need someone to keep your finances in order? An artist to create posters and fliers? A more diverse membership to get a wider variety of ideas? In most cases, your best bet is to identify specifically what types of members you need rather than just simply looking for anyone to fill your membership. Where are your members? Once you know what type of people you need, you can narrow down the most likely places to find them. Attend activities sponsored by groups different from your own group to meet others with viewpoints and ideas not currently found in your group. Inform people about your organization. The aims and goals of your organization should be clear and consistent and they should be communicated to prospective members at every opportunity. This is an ongoing activity of groups. Clear goals and organization promote your public image. Very Important: How you go about contacting people is critical. Generic letters may be timesaving, but are often considered “junk mail.” Send your prospective members personalized letters. Be sure to include a description of your group’s purpose and benefits of being a member. Personal contact is very important, so let the person know why you want her to join. All contacts with prospective members should be followed up. Even if she decides not to join at this time, make sure the contact leaves her with a good feeling about your organization. Sitting back and waiting for them to make the next move will cost you many new members; you have to get people interested in your organization. Wow-they really want me! That is how you want your prospective members to feel. Make a phone call; meet her for coffee, something personal to feel like they know someone in the organization. Invite them to one of your meetings and escort them to the meeting, it will help ensure that they get there, and let them know how important they are to the organization. You’re on a roll! Once people have agreed to come to a meeting, do not leave it at that. Personally welcome them at the meeting, introduce them to others. Make them feel welcome, appreciated, and excited about the organization. The first meeting they attend is critical when they are forming their opinions and deciding whether to join their group. For this reason, it is probably not a good idea for their first meeting to be an annual budget meeting. 60 Additional recruitment tactics: Have current members bring friends to the next meeting Ask resident advisors to promote your organization or event at floor activities, or see if you can attend and deliver you message in person. Make brief pamphlets or information sheets and make them available to students. Talk up your group with friends, classmates, and everyone else you see! Also important: The members assigned to staff your table at the Activities Fair should know your group’s goals and plans for the upcoming year and should speak enthusiastically of them to interested students at the Activities Fair. Meetings The manner in which an organization conducts its meetings can often determine the success of the organization. Few people enjoy sitting through long and drawn out meetings where little is accomplished. The particular nature of each organization will determine the degree of formality used in conducting its meetings. Whether your group needs formal business meetings or informal discussion meetings, a good leader should strive to facilitate maximum participation in order to keep members interested in the organization. The following are some factors which contribute to successful meetings: Before the meeting. Seating pattern is important. For better control, the leader should be centrally located. Arrange chairs and tables according to the degree of formality desired. Check the comfort level of seating, lighting, acoustics, temperature, and ventilation. Uncomfortable arrangements can make meetings long and unsuccessful. Plan the goals for the meeting. Identify what is to be accomplished at the meeting. If there are not goals, don’t have a meeting! Prepare an agenda and meet with officers and your advisor prior to the meeting to discuss items to be included on the agenda. Members presenting topics, reports, or items for discussion should be prepared in advance. The agenda should list items in the order for discussion and copies should be made for each member. Minutes of meetings. Although it is natural to think only in terms of “here and now,” the decisions you make today may have significant impact on the organization in the future years. Therefore, it is important that a thorough and accurate record of all organization meetings be recorded. After the meeting. Jot down notes-note things that went well in the meeting, ways to improve the next one, items to be sure to address. Follow up with members who missed the meeting and begin making 61 Meetings Plan ahead for your meetings. Make arrangements for the date, time, and place of your meetings to be the same each week or each month. Prepare an agenda and require people to come prepared. Send out an email telling members the purpose of the meeting, what topics will be covered and what they should review before coming. A good leader is one who plans ahead-your members will respect you and the organization more for this. Making Meetings Fun & Team-building progress checks on activities and so forth. Send thank you notes to presenters or others performing special tasks. Finally, start the next agenda! In general, remember the following: Be prepared! Encourage teamwork. Be specific and concrete when addressing topics or delegating. Maintain a positive, enthusiastic attitude. Stay on one topic at a time. End meetings with a laugh. Making Meetings Fun You can create meetings that are fun, effective, and build group cohesion all at the same time. All it requires is some creativity and a willingness to crack a smile now and then. Brainstorm with members of your group and other group leaders on ways to improve your meetings and make them more enjoyable. You can also use the following ideas as a guide: Open each meeting with an inspiration quote or fun fact Have food. Ask a different member at each meeting to bring a snack for the end of the meeting. Socializing with food after meetings is a great way to unwind after a meeting. At the close of the meeting, have members give appreciation to other members of the group If everyone is focusing on “downers”-a program where no one showed up or a dance where the band was horrible-have everyone write their “bad news” on a piece of paper. When everyone has completed this, throw them all into a garbage can. Tell everyone that the problems or failures are gone (trashed, eliminated)-and it’s time to focus on the future. Use icebreakers and team builders Be creative! There are so many ways to lighten up a meeting! Team-building Just because you have a group of people in an organization does not necessarily mean you have a team. Team members are able to work together to reach common goals, support each other in their endeavors, and can do more as a group than alone. Building a team involves more than simply gathering a group of people into the same room twice a month. It involves learning about each other, establishing common goals, and developing the basic elements of trust, respect and understanding. There are several programs designed to encourage team building, such as ropes courses and challenge courses. These can be extremely beneficial in bringing your members together and establishing a sense of trust within the group, particularly if it is a new group of people or the beginning of your activity year. There are also ways you can build your team at any stage in your relationship within the confines of your meeting room. Set a vision (goal) for the future together; one that everyone agrees on. Work together to create programs and events that support this vision. Each person should feel a sense of responsibility towards accomplishing it. Encourage communication. Everyone in your group should know what is going on. Do not hide things from your group. 62 Appreciate diversity. Help your team identify and benefit from the different ideas and resources a diverse team possesses. Having a diverse group can be one of the most beneficial aspects of your team. Generate a supportive environment. Be available to help your teammates when they need it. Do not focus only on what you are responsible for-if you help others, chances are they will help you when you need it. Be social. Do some social events to facilitate getting to know one another. When working together, sometimes people focus on the task at hand more than each other. It is difficult to have group trust if the members do no know each other. Establish ground rules. Work as a group to generate rules which apply to all members, such as not criticizing others, only agreeing to something if you believe in it, operating punctually, working as a team player, accepting and supporting the group mission and vision. Meeting Checklist Conducting the meeting: Make sure purposes are clear Have meeting’s objectives defined Individuals need to know why they are there-what their contribution should be Make sure ground rules are clear o Will the entire meeting be open discussion? o Part or all of Robert’s Rules of Order o Other-be specific Be aware of what’s going on-group dynamics Move group toward making decisions where appropriate After decision is made, clarify who, what, where, and when needed action will be taken 63 Meeting Checklist Planning the meeting: When planning a meeting it is important to create your agenda with your advisor and other officers. Here is a helpful list to give you guidance when creating your agenda: Is this meeting needed? What kind of meetings is this? o Information giving o Information and opinion collecting o Decision making o Problem solving o Task accomplishment Let people know what will be discussed o Allow for members to contribute items o Email, post, or mail the proposed agenda for review and suggestions Carefully select location o To avoid confusion, maintain meeting time and location-but move the meeting to meet the needs of each particular meeting if necessary Communicate to members the meeting time, date, and location in advance (at least 48 hours-minimum) Indicate ending time in planning how long each task/item will take Invite all necessary participants, guests, facilitators Plan how you will run the meeting o Do you have all the necessary supplies? o What special skills and techniques will you need to hand the meeting? Recognition Imagine you are a new member of an organization. You volunteer to coordinate a big project and put hours and hours of work into it. The event comes and is a huge success. You walk into the next group meeting beaming with pride, half-expecting a party to be thrown in your honor. But no one makes mention of your event – not one word! How do you feel? Recognition is an important part of success in our country. As a wise person once said, a pat on the back is only a few vertebrae above a kick in the pants – but what a difference it makes! Sometimes it is easier to point out flaws than to congratulate success. We need to turn this around! Recognition There are four elements of recognition: Acknowledgment. It is so basic, but so important. Attention. Give time and energy to supporting your group members. Feedback. There are two forms: positive and negative. Make yours constructive. Praise and criticism. Be specific, timely and appropriate. Searching for ways to give recognition? You do not have to hold a formal dinner in someone’s honor or dig deep into your pocketbook to recognize the accomplishments of others. Brainstorm different ways to show appreciation. Be creative! Here are some ideas to get the brainstorming process rolling: Mention the accomplishment in your group newsletter or memo. Email the person (and copy the rest of the group) to thank her for a job well done. Allow her to discuss the success in the next group meeting. Greet each member by name. Smile and make eye contact. Make a poster to honor someone. Praise her in front of others. Ask for her ideas and opinions. Make an award, certificate or button. Enlist her to train others. Take time to talk. Take her out for coffee. Bake goodies for the next group meeting. Select a “Member of the Month” – post her photo and a description of her accomplishments in a space where other group members will see it. Plan social events. Send a thank you note. Nominate her for awards. Say “we missed you” when someone is gone or ill. Provide support. Applaud. Don’t be afraid to ask the person how she would like to be rewarded. Due to cultural differences or personal preferences, some people will be truly embarrassed or upset by public recognition. If she tells you she would rather just have her accomplishment mentioned in the newsletter rather than a round of thunderous applaud, be considerate of that. Sometimes you will have people in your group who do not accomplish a great deal or are not especially outstanding, yet they are faithful to the group and always willing to help. Do not forget to recognize them too! 64 Retention OK. You now have the largest, most energetic group in the history of your organization. How can you keep them that way? Member retention is one of the most overlooked – yet extremely important – aspects of an organization. So many people feel that as long as their members show up for meetings, they must be enjoying themselves. Losing group members does not typically occur because the member has failed the group; more often than not, the member feels the group failed her. Keeping members interested, excited and feeling responsible for the success of the organization are key factors in member retention. There are several ways to accomplish this which are not difficult or magical – they just take a bit of practice and conscious effort: Get a good start. Making new members feel welcomed and appreciated from their first meeting goes a long way. Make a special effort, as an individual and with your group, to warmly welcome new members and let them know you are glad they are there. Goal Setting. Setting goals together as a group helps members feel more responsible for completing the goal. People are more likely to support ideas and projects that they were involved in creating. Recognize success. How disheartening it is to work hard on a project only to have it fade away without being recognized. When your members work hard, reach a goal or pull off an event, thank them! Delegate. What is the point of being in a group if you have no responsibility? Delegate assignments as much as possible. If members have specific responsibilities, they will feel more important and necessary. Ask for opinions. Group meetings in which one person does all the talking may go quickly (or may not!) but generally do not leave members feeling valued. Encourage group discussion in your meeting and make a point to ask for the opinions or suggestions of your particularly quiet members. Keep them informed. Do everything you can to keep your members abreast of group activities. Send them copies of the agenda prior to the meeting, distribute the minutes within two days after the meeting, and make announcements of major changes prior to the rumor mill getting started. Do not keep them guessing. Create individual mission statements. Many organizations have group mission statements which are excellent for keeping on track and working towards a common goal. It is also a good idea for each member to write their own mission statement: Why am I a member of this group? What do I hope to get out of my participation? What talents can I contribute to the group? If someone’s only reason for participation is “resume building,” she may want to reconsider her membership or find other motivating reasons for being involved. Talk with your group. Find out what they like about the organization and what can improve. You might be amazed at how helpful some frank discussions can be! 65 Retention Team Builders. Nearly everyone groans at the statement “Let’s do an icebreaker!” but they work! Doing team-building exercises every so often helps people get to know one another, strengthens the bond within the group and often reminds people that the group needs each and every one of them in order to succeed. EXCERPTS FROM ROBERT’S RULES OF ORDER ORDER OF BUSINESS I. II. III. IV. V. Call to order Roll Call Approval of Minutes Approval of Agenda Guest Speakers VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. Officer’s Reports Committee Reports Old Business New Business Announcements Robert’s Rules of Order Motions That Can Interrupt a Speaker A call for the orders of the day A question of privilege A point of order A question of quorum Motions That Cannot Interrupt A Speaker Without His Consent But May Interrupt The Proceedings Appeal from decision of chair Parliamentary inquiry Giving notice of reconsideration of repeal Point of information Objection to consideration of question Request that the question be divided Motions That Do Not Require A Second Call for the division of the assembly (recount of vote) Call for the division of the question under certain circumstances Call up motion to reconsider Call for the orders of the day Committee and board recommendations - motions Filling blanks Inquiries of any kind Leave to withdraw a motion (if not stated by the Chair) Nominations Objection to the consideration of the question Parliamentary inquiry Point of information Point of order Question of privilege Motions That Cannot Be Amended Adjourn (except when qualified or when made with no provision for future meeting) Amend an amendment Appeal Call for the orders of the day Call for a division of the assembly (voting) Fill a blank Grant leave to withdraw a motion Lay on the table Leave to read papers Nomination Object of consideration of a question 66 Postpone indefinitely Previous question Question of order Question of privilege Reconsider and call up question to reconsider Request of any kind Take from the table Take up a question out of its proper order (Every original main motion and resolution may be amended) Robert’s Rules of Order Motions That Cannot Be Debated Adjourn Amend and Undebatable motion Appeal (under certain circumstances) Call for the orders of the day Call up motion to reconsider Dispense with the reading of the minutes Fix the time to which to adjourn (when privileged) Lay on the table Limit or extend debate Objection to the consideration of a question Other incidental motions, which include the following: Close or reopen nomination Close or reopen the polls Division of assembly Division of a question Filling a blank Point of order, information, inquiry Question of quorum present Voting, motions relating to methods of Previous question (close debate) Raise a question of privilege Reconsider an undebatable motion Suspension of the rules Take a recess (when privileged) Take from the table Motions Requiring a Two-Thirds Vote (Used in all situations when a change of constitution and by-laws is adopted or when some right of the membership is curtailed.) To amend (annul, repeal or rescind) any part of constitution, by-laws, etc., previously adopted; also requires previous notice. To amend or rescind a standing rule, order of business, or a resolution, previously adopted, if previous notice was not given. Close nominations or the polls limiting the names to be voted for at an election. Correction of adopted minutes if proposed at a later meeting than the one at which it was originally adopted, unless previous notice of the proposed amendment (Correction has been given). Depose from office (also requires previous notice) Discharge a committee when previous notice has not been given Discharge an order of the day prior to the time set 67 Expel from membership (also requires previous notice and trial) Extend the time set for adjournment or for taking recess to limit or extend debate To make a special order of business The previous question (close debates) Refuse to take up an order of the day To repeal or rescind that which has been adopted unless previous notice has been given To suspend the rules To sustain an objection to the consideration of a question To take up a question out of its proper order Robert’s Rules of Order Motions That Cannot Be Reconsidered Adjourn Call for the orders of the day Division of the assembly Division of the question Lay on the table Parliamentary or other inquiry Raise question of order or privilege Reconsider Suspend the rules of order of business Take a recess Main motions executed in whole or partially take from the table 68 Quick References 69 On Campus Event Planning Checklist Event Information Event Name: Event Purpose: Event Date: Time: Event Location: Number of people needed to make the event happen: Number of people expected to attend event: Organizations/Departments Collaborating: 3 Months + in Advance Create a budget- helpful to save for future officers Member in charge: _____________________________________________ See Budget Planning Worksheet. Use your budget to determine whether additional funding is necessary. If additional funding is necessary to support the event begin considering other organizations to collaborate with, develop fundraisers for your organization and/or apply for funding through Senate, Weekend Program Board, and Graduate Student Advisory Board- more information is available on the Club and Organization website. Confirm performer/ entertainment/ speaker Member in charge: _____________________________________________ To pay a performer or speaker, you must submit a check request with a copy of the contract or consultant form (signed by the organization advisor) and a completed W-9. Contracts must have advisor signatures to be complete. Payment is received following the performance. Contracts must be completed prior to the event. Negotiate an all inclusive price- performance, travel, hospitality and accommodation- to eliminate additional work for your organization. Contact the SCA Office if you have contracting questions. Reserve space to hold the performance or event Member in charge: _____________________________________________ Check the Meeting Room Reservation information on Kateway to make sure your event is complimenting not competing with other programs. 70 How to Have an Event List resources needed to make event happen- what do you already have, what do you need: All spaces are reserved through Meeting and Event Services except The Pulse. MES reservations can be requested through Kateway. To reserve The Pulse, contact the SCA Office ext. 6210. Reserve a “dressing room” for performer(s) if needed. Questions to consider when choosing a space: What size room do you need? What technical needs (if any such as microphones, power point) do you need? Your performer’s contract may have insight into set-up needs. 1 Month in Advance Create publicity and reserve CdC publicity options Member in charge: _____________________________________________ The CdC Publicity form is located in the SCA Office and the Club and Organization website. How to Have an Event Paperwork for Fundraisers Member in charge: _____________________________________________ If the event is a fundraiser for your organization or an outside non-profit organization, complete the Fundraising Form, which is available in the SCA Office and the Club and Organization website If the event includes a donation box, please complete the Special Request Form, which is available in the SCA Office and the Club and Organization website. Order catering Member in charge: _____________________________________________ St. Kate’s has an exclusive contract with Sodexho. Most food must be ordered through Dining Services, few exceptions are made. Orders can be made through Dining Services online reservation form. 2 Weeks in Advance Confirm event details with MES or The Pulse Member in charge: _____________________________________________ Do you have changes to the room set-up? Additional technical needs? Changes to the agenda? Confirm catering order with Dining Services Member in charge: _____________________________________________ Request any checks or cash needed for the event Member in charge: _____________________________________________ This includes a performer/speaker/entertainment or decorations, etc More information about cash and check requests is available on the Club and Org website Blank cash and check forms are available at the SCA Office Begin Advertising Member in charge: _____________________________________________ 71 Hang posters, email listervs, update facebook, table in the CdC, create banners, etc Supplies to make banners are in the CdC Student Organization Center Posters hung in the CdC and Residence Life can be submitted to the Information Center Information where posters can be hung around the rest of campus is available on the literature rack outside the Information Center Confirm details (travel and performance) with performer Member in charge: _____________________________________________ Driving and parking directions to St. Kate’s Exchange contact information with the performer for the day of the event. Day of the Event Meet vendors/ performers at the event and assist with set-up Member in charge: _____________________________________________ Greet guests at the door when event begins Member in charge: _____________________________________________ Have fun! After the Event Send thank you notes to performers and to volunteers to those that work the event Member in charge: _____________________________________________ Do a post evaluation (see example attached)- helpful to save for future organization officers Member in charge: _____________________________________________ Balance the Budget! Pay all bills and turn in all funding paperwork on time! Member in charge: _____________________________________________ 72 How to Have an Event Review event with organization/volunteers and assign event shifts if necessary Member in charge: _____________________________________________ Remember your organization will need to arrive early for set-up and stay after the event for tear-down. Fall Activities Fair The fall Activities Fai occurs in September of each semester. On the day of the event, clubs and organizations may bring items regarding information so currently enrolled students at St. Catherine University can learn more about joining their club or organization. 73
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