Farmer Helper Compact Manure Spreader 27G 9-26-2014 Manure Spreader Model 27G Read and follow the instructions in this manual before operating the equipment.. Failure to follow the instructions in the manual may result in serious injury. Features and specifications may be changed at any time without notice being given. Betst Products, llc. 83371 Melton Rd, Creswell OR, 97426. Phone: 541-895-3083 1 Farmer Helper Compact Manure Spreader 27G 9-26-2014 Contents Guide to this Manual...........................................................................3 For Your Safety...........................................................................................................................................3 Safety Labels.........................................................................................................................................4 SECTION 2: OPERATION..................................................................7 Understanding Spreader Operation...........................................................................................................7 The Spreader Operating Components................................................................................................7 Connecting the Spreader to the Towing Vehicle...............................................................................7 Guidelines for Loading the Spreader for Operation..........................................................................8 Operating the Spreader......................................................................................................................9 SECTION 3: MAINTENANCE & ADJUSTMENT.........................10 Guidelines for Regular Maintenance.......................................................................................................10 Procedures for Spreader Adjustment................................................................................................12 Adjusting the Rear Pawl....................................................................................................................12 Re-installing the Beater Drive Chain................................................................................................13 APPENDIX A: PARTS REFERENCE............................................14 General Spreader Specifications..............................................................................................................14 Ordering Information...............................................................................................................................15 Spreader Box, Hitch Assembly and Spreader Controls....................................................................15 Axle, Wheel and Safety Shield Assembly..............................................................................................17 Apron Chain Drive Group........................................................................................................................19 Beaters and Drive Assembly....................................................................................................................21 Jack Stand & Dolly Wheel........................................................................................................................23 Manual End Gate....................................................................................................................................24 2 Farmer Helper Compact Manure Spreader 27G 9-26-2014 SECTION 1: INTRODUCTION Guide to this Manual This m anual contains all the information necessary to safely operate and m aintain the F a r m e r H e l p e r 27+ or 37+ Spreader. Consult the Table o f Contents for a detailed list of topics covered. You'll find this m anual's step-bystep procedures easy to follow and understand. Should questions arise, please contact Betst Products before starting any o f the procedures in this manual. NOTE: Procedures provided in this manual apply to both spreader models (Model 27+ and Model 37+) unless specifically noted otherwise. R egarding the inform ation presented in this m anual: All safety, operating, and servicing inform ation reflects current production m odels at the tim e o f publication o f this m anual. R eferences m ade to left, right, front, and rear are those directions view ed w hen facing the unit from the rear. Please read all sections in the manual carefully—including the important safety information found in this section—before beginning any procedures; doing so ensures your safety and the optimal performance o f your Farmer Helper Spreader. For Your Safety... F or your safety, F a r m e r H e l p e r docum entation contains the follow ing types o f safety statem ents (listed here in order o f increasing intensity): N O T E : A clarification o f previous inform ation or additional pertinent inform ation. AT T E N T IO N : A safety statem ent indicating that potential equipm ent dam age m ay occur if instructions are not followed. C A U T IO N : A safety' statem ent that rem inds o f safety practices or directs attention to unsafe practices w hich could result in personal injury if proper precautions are not taken. WA R N IN G : A strong safety statem ent indicating that a hazard exists w hich can result in injury or death if prop er precautions are not taken. D A N G E R ! The utmost levels o f safety must be observed; an extrem e hazard exists which w ould result in high probability o f death or irreparable serious personal injury if proper precautions are not taken. The best operator is a careful operator. By using com m on sense, observing general safety rules, and 3 Farmer Helper Compact Manure Spreader 27G 9-26-2014 For Your Safety... (continued) In addition to observing the specific precautions listed through out the m anual, th e following gen eral p re c a u tio n s a p p ly a n d must be heeded f o r p r o p e r , safe o p eratio n . WA R N IN G : K eep hands and feet from under the spreader at all tim es. Ensure that you are safely distanced from any other persons before operating the spreader. WA R N IN G : D O N O T attem pt to operate the spreader in areas w ith steep inclines, ditches, large rocks, stum ps, or holes w hich m ay endanger the operator by upsetting the tractor or cause dam age to the spreader. W A R N IN G : To prevent serious personal injury and to prom ote safe spreader operation, keep all shields in place during operation. Ensure that all m ounting hardw are is properly tightened. WA R N IN G : N ever clean, adjust, or repair the spreader w hile the tractor is running. WA R N IN G : N ever get off th e tractor w hile it is in m otion and/or w hile the spreader is in operation. WA R N ING : N ever w ear loose clothing w hen operating the spreader as it may becom e caught in the m oving parts o f the machine. WA R N IN G : N ever allow children or anyone else to ride on the spreader. AT T E NT ION : For proper and safe operation o f th e spreader, periodically inspect all parts for excessive w ear. Replace w orn com ponents w ith factory-authorize parts. AT T E NT ION : To prevent the hitch from com ing disconnected during operation, use the proper size hitch pin w ith a safety cotter at all tim es. Safety Labels Follow ing are the locations and descriptions o f all labels on the spreader (labels are identical for both M odels 2 7 + and 3 7 + );refer to Figure 1A. Please note that som e labels denote m odel num ber, m odel description, etc. while others contain important safety messages. Each Safety L a b e l contains an im portant safety m essage starting w ith a key w ord as discussed earlier in this section (e.g. ATTEN TIO N , CA U TIO N , WA R N IN G , D A N G ER). F or you r safety and the safe operation o f your equipm ent, review all labels and heed all safety m essages as printed on the labels. B e sure to keep the safety labels clean and readable. I f the labels ever becom e dam aged or illegible, contact Betst Products for replacem ents. 4 Farmer Helper Compact Manure Spreader 27G 9-26-2014 Safety Labels (continued) S p r e a d e r Safety L ab els Label P art# 42792 42710 42756 42772 42814 42700 42815/42816 42817/42818 Description D A N G E R -N O riders WARNING - Flying Debris WARNING - Entanglem ent, Do NOT operate w ithout shields WA RN IN G - Spreader com bination safety label - m oving parts, read manual ATTEN TIO N - D o N O T exceed specified speed F a r m e r H e l p e r Logo Label Spreader Serial N um ber Label Spreader Model N um ber Label 42815 - 27 42816 - 1-86259 42817 42818 - 37 37 27 F ig u re 1A - S p r e a d e r S afety L a b e l L o catio n s For your safety, be sure to locate all safety labels and review their content before proceeding with operating the spreader! 5 Farmer Helper Compact Manure Spreader 27G 9-26-2014 6 Farmer Helper Compact Manure Spreader 27G 9-26-2014 SECTION 2: OPERATION Understanding Spreader Operation Proper and safe operation o f th e F a r m e r H e l p e r 27G Spreader requires: (1) being fam iliar w ith the spreader's operating com ponents and (2) heeding all safety precautions as stated in this manual. The Spreader Operating Components By definition, the left and right sides o f the spreader are determ ined while sitting on the tractor seat. The follow ing operating com ponents are included with all M odel 21+131+ spreaders: The left h a n d s p r e a d e r lev er engages thefloor apron chain which moves the manure to the rear o f the spreader and into the beater. The r ig h t h a n d s p re a d e r lev er engages the chain that drives the beater and spreads the manure. The follow ing are optional operating components included w ith some M odel 21+131+ spreaders (depending on the specific model configuration ordered): The jack s tan d d o lly w h eel o p tio n allow s easy m ovem ent o f the spreader around the stable or bam ; also adjusts the height of the spreader to facilitate hook-up to the spreader tow ing vehicle. The en d g ate helps to contain loads betw een spreading and also shields the operator during spreading. Connecting the Spreader to the Towing Vehicle For operation in the field, the F a r m e r H e l p e r M odel 27G spreaders can be tow ed by a num ber o f vehicles-garden tractor, A TV , or utility vehicle. Please adhere to the follow ing procedure for connecting the spreader to your tow ing vehicle. Attaching the spreader to the towing vehicle as instructed is necessary fo r safe and proper operation o f the equipment. 1. 2. Back the tow ing vehicle within a few inches o f the spreader hitch. R efer to Figure 2A. D eterm ine the spreader hitch position required to allow the spreader to remain parallel to the ground w ith relation to the tow ing vehicle. N O T E : A s show n in Figure 2A , the adjustable hitch on the front o f th e spreader m ay be positioned in A num ber o f w ays, by sliding up/down or inverting, to achieve a higher or lower positioning of the Figure 2A - Adjusting the Hitch Position 7 Farmer Helper Compact Manure Spreader 27G 9-26-2014 Attaching the Spreader to the Towing Vehicle (continued) 4. R efer to Figure 2B. A djust the overall height o f the spreader/hitch w ith the dolly w heel/jack so the height o f the spreader hitch m atches the height o f the tractor drawbar or vehicle hitch point (as applicable). N O T E : The Jack is held in its upright position w ith a spring-loaded pin. To release the jack to m ove it into its operational position, sim ply pull the pin outward and sw ing the jack dow n. F ig u re 2B - U sing th e Jack Stand with Dolly Wheel 5. 6. 7. 8. Back the tow ing veh icle into the hitch until the holes of the spreader hitch line up w ith the vehicle hitch point. Fasten the spreader hitch to the vehicle draw bar/hitch point w ith a hitch pin that fits securely (i .e. so that it will not com e out during spreader operation) and lock in place with the safety clip. WA R N IN G : D am age to the spreader or other vehicle, as well as injury to the operator, m ay occur if A properly-sized hitch pin is not installed as recom m ended. N ote that the installation o f the safety clip to hold the hitch pin in place is also required for safe spreader operation. Rem ove the w eight from the Jack /Dolly Wheel by lowering he spreader hitch on the vehicle draw bar/ Hitch point. T o provide adequate ground clearance for operation, swing the j ack up into its resting position (i.e. pull the spring-loaded pin out to release the jack and swing the jack upw ard, then allow Th e p in to re-engage to h o ld th e jack in its upw ard position.) Guidelines for Loading the Spreader for Operation F a r m e r H e l p e r recom m ends that you load the spreader from the front toward the back to facilitate Easier unloading. AT T E N T ION : N E V E R store m anure in the spreader between unloading tim es during critical cold W eather m onths w hen a frozen load could result in severe equipm ent dam age (i.e. tom floor apron chain). D O N O T store w et m anure in the spreader (or keep the spreader outdoors w ith m anure in it)— 8 Farmer Helper Compact Manure Spreader 27G 9-26-2014 Operating the Spreader Before proceeding with operation of the spreader, review all safety statements as provided in Section 1 of this manual. WA R N IN G : To prevent serious personal inj ury, ensure that A LL safety shields are in place on the spreader before starting operation. N E V E R operate the spreader w ithout ALL safety shields in place. AT T E NT ION / C A U T IO N : In order to obtain proper, aggressive spreading action, the spreader ground speed must reach a minimum o f 3.0 miles per hour—the equivalent o f a comfortable walking pace. (N ote th at the w heels drive the beater action.) H ow ever, spreading at speeds over 5.0 m iles per hour (i.e. Sim ilar to a very brisk w alking pace) can cause excessive w ear or dam age to the equipm ent, w hich m ay void Your warranty. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Ensure that the spreader (and tow ing vehicle) are in a stopped position (i.e. N OT in m otion). L if t the m anual end gate. (Optional equipment) Engage the right lever to start the beater. Engage the left lever to start the action o f the apron floor chain (m oving the m aterial towards the rear o f the spreader). Begin m oving forward, and ensure that you are reaching the optimal operating speed for spreading (at least 3.0 m ph, but not m ore than 5.0 m ph ). Rem em ber that this optim al speed is sim ilar to a comfortable walking ace. W hen the spreader is alm ost empty and there is very little m anure pushing against the beater, disengage the right spreader lever (w hich controls the beater rotation). A llow the apron chain to run the rem aining m anure out the back o f the spreader. W hen com pletely unloaded, disengage the left spreader lever to stop the action o f t he apron chain. I f your spreader is equipped w ith a m anual end gate, return the end gate to the closed (down) position. Refer to Section 3 in this m anual for m aintenance to be perform ed follow ing operation o f th e spreader. IMPORTANT! After a few hours o f initial operation, watch and listen fo r any loose components. Be aware that it may he necessary to re-tighten hitch hardware and/or wheel bolts: please refer to Section 3 in this manual fo r the proper torque specifications. 9 Farmer Helper Compact Manure Spreader 27G 9-26-2014 SECTION 3: MAINTENANCE & ADJUSTMENT Guidelines for Regular Maintenance WA R N IN G : All shields m ust be replaced after m aintenance or adjustm ent procedures are perform ed. Failure to do so could result in serious personal injury or death. Perform ing regular m aintenance on your F a r m e r H e l p e r Spreader w ill help ensure optimal performance. Please follow these guidelines for maintaining your spreader: Clean the spreader once a w eek and before storing the unit for an extended period o f time. AT T E N T ION : N E V E R store m anure in the spreader betw een unloading tim es during critical cold weather m onths w hen a frozen load could result in severe equipm ent damage (i .e. tom floor apron chain). Storing w et m anure in the spreader (or keeping the spreader outdoors with manure in it) will accelerate rusting o f the steel. C heck the spreader each tim e it is used for loose, bent, broken or m issing parts. ATT E N T ION : During operation, listen for abnormal sounds w hich m ight indicate loose parts or other equipm ent damage. Correct any parts problem s im m ediately; expanded parts view s o f all spreader assem blies are provided in the A ppendixes at the back of this manual. AT T E N T ION : For safe and proper operation o f the spreader, adhere to the follow ing specifications for tightening the H IT C H H A R D W A R E ; failure to tighten all hitch hardware securely m ay result in equipment damage. H itch H ard w are* To rq u e Specification 3/8" 25 ft. lbs. 5/16" 15 ft. lbs. *N ote th a t th ese to rq u e sp ecificatio n s a p p ly to th e h itch m emb ers fasten ed to th e s p re a d e r box, N O T to the adjustable hitch prong bracket at the front o f the hitch. C heck that im plem ent tires have adequate air pressure (28 psi). A lw ays use ag-traction Im plem ent tires on the drive w heels. W heel bolts should be torqued to 60 ft. lbs. 10 Farmer Helper Compact Manure Spreader 27G 9-26-2014 Guidelines for Regular Maintenance (continued) Periodically check the floor apron chain for tension/tightness (refer to Figure 3A). P ro c e d u re fo r check in g / adju stin g th e flo o r a p ro n c h a in : a) Pull up firmly on the center slat o f the floor apron chain. N OTE : The force required to adequately pul1 up on the apron chain to determ ine the tension m easures approximately 30 lbs. b) If y o u can lift it higher than five (5) inches, the chain is too loose. c) I f you can lift it not higher than three (3) inches, the chain is too tight. d) If the chain needs adjustment, turn the front nut clockwise or counterclockwise until correct tension/tightness is achieved. (See Figure 3B.) R ep eat fo r th e other side. M ake sure that the chains on each side o f the apron are equally taut Figure 3B - Adjusting the Floor Apron Chain 11 Farmer Helper Compact Manure Spreader 27G 9-26-2014 Procedures for Spreader Adjustment Problem s w ith spreader operation m ay indicate that certain adjustm ents are required to restore proper function. The follow ing procedures address com m on problem s w hich m ay be encountered in spreader operation. Adjusting the Rear Pawl If th e floor apron chain is not m oving, the m ost comm on cause is im proper brake (rear) pawl adjustment. N O T E : By engaging both side drives and turning the beater by hand, you w ill be able to observe the brake pawl engagem ent in the sprocket teeth. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. R efer to Figure 3C. Rem ove the shield covering the brake paw l assem bly by rem oving the tw o (2) nuts holding it in place. Loosen the nut behind the brake pawl using a 9/16" wrench. With the roller positioned at the highest point on the star cam , tap the brake paw l up or down as necessary to attain a 1/16" to 1/8" clearance betw een the brake paw l and the sprocket tooth (see close-up detail in Figure 3C). A fter the desired adjustm ent is achieved, re-tighten the rear nut. Replace the safety shield. Figure 3C - Adjusting the Rear Brake Pawl 12 Farmer Helper Compact Manure Spreader 27G 9-26-2014 Procedures for Spreader Adjustment (continued) Re-installing the Beater The follow ing procedure explains how to re-install the chain should this ever becom e necessary. A s needed, refer to the B e a ters a n d D riv e A ssem bly parts detail in A p p en d ix A at the back o f this m anual. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. D isconnect the spreader from the tractor. Securely block up the right side o f the spreader, and rem ove the right side w heel. Rem ove the right safety shield by rem oving the three (3) nuts holding the shield in place. A t the front o f the spreader, pull up on the right lever to engage the beater drive com ponents. A s shown in Figure 3D, re-install the chain around the small rear sprocket. Re-install the chain over the top idler sprocket. Re-install the chain around the bottom idler sprocket. Push the operating lever down (right side) to disengage the beater drive. Verify th at th e chain is positioned properly over and around all sprockets as shown in Figure 3D. Re-install the safety shield with the three (3) nuts to hold it in place. Re-install the w heel and torque the w heel bolts to 60 ft. lbs. Rem ove the safety blocking. Proper Engaged Position Proper Disengaged Position F ig u re 3D - B e a te r D riv e C h a in In sta lle d in th e P r o p e r P osition 13 Farmer Helper Compact Manure Spreader 27G 9-26-2014 APPENDIX A: PARTS REFERENCE The follow ing inform ation is provided for your reference in understanding how the spreader is assem bled and how spare parts can be identified and ordered properly. General Spreader Specifications Model 27G *NOTE: The tires are mounted in reverse direction of "normal" installation. 14 Farmer Helper Compact Manure Spreader 27G 9-26-2014 Ordering Information W hen ordering replacem ent parts, please contact Betst Products, llc, 541-895-3083 M odel and Serial N um ber of th e unit (located on the front left com er o f the spreader) P art N um ber and D escription as it appears on the follow ing draw ings/parts lists Spreader Box, Hitch Assembly and Spreader Figure A1 - Spreader Box, Hitch Assembly and Spreader Controls Part Detail 15 Farmer Helper Compact Manure Spreader 27G 9-26-2014 Spreader Box, Hitch Assembly and Spreader Controls (continued) Item # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 MC Part # 261662 261658 261587 220167 261743 261136 261767 261766 260112 261801 210421 261894 261896 261893 261895 34282 34099 34191 34336 34392 34220 34018 34337 34274 34389 34201 34268 34211 261728 261729 261889 261890 220156 Qtv 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 8,11 94,128 1 1 4 4 15 25 2 4 4 2 2 4 2 2 8 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 Component Description Adjustable Hitch Hitch Apron Tightener Bracket Plastic Idler Apron Idler Shaft Handle Right Hitch Bracket Left Hitch Bracket Floor Hold Down Apron Slat T-rod Chain Link Half Floor Board 27 Half Floor Board 37 Floor Board 27 Floor Board 37 5/16 x 1-1/2 Carriage Bolt 5/16 Flange Nut 3/8 x 3/4 Carriage Bolt 5/16 x 1 Flange Bolt 3/8 Wide Flange Nut 3/8 Nylon Lock Nut 3/8 Washer 5/16 x 1/2 Carriage Bolt 5/16 x 3/4 Carriage Bolt 3/8 x 3-3/4 Carriage Bolt 3/4 Washer 1/2 x 3-1/2 Bolt 1/2 Nylon Lock Nut 27 Spreader Box 37 Spreader Box 27 Rhino Lined Box 37 Rhino Lined Box Hitch Pin 16 Farmer Helper Compact Manure Spreader 27G 9-26-2014 Axle, Wheel and Safety Shield Assembly Figure A2 - Axle, W heel and Safety Shield Assembly Parts Detail 17 Farmer Helper Compact Manure Spreader 27G 9-26-2014 Axle, Wheel and Safety Shield Assembly (continued) Item # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 MC Part # 215120 215263 261898 215358 220207 34385 215359 220201 210456 210227 34387 210466 210130 261779 261771 261874 261869 261891 261738 261868 261872 34386 34006 34392 34414 34099 34274 34366 34409 215314 34215 34020 34290 34136 Qtv 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 4 10 2 12 7 1 4 2 3 1 1 4 Component Description Left Wheel Right Wheel Ratcheting Hub (includes bushings 210100) Keyed Hub 1/4 x 1-1/4 Clevis Pin 3/32 x 3/4 Cotter Pin Pawl Torsion Spring 54 Tooth Sprocket 1-1/8" 2 Bolt Flanged Bearing 1/4 x 2-1/2 Cotter Pin 1 /4 x2 Key 1/4x1 Key Axle Shaft Cam Wheel Front Shield Left Side Shield 27 Left Side Shield 37 Rear Guard Bar Right Side Shield 27 Right Side Shield 37 1/2x1 Lug Bolt 3/8 x 1 Carriage Bolt 3/8 Wide Flange Nut 1/4 SAE Washer 5/16 Flange Nut 5/16 x 3/4 Carriage Bolt 5/1 6 x3 Carriage Bolt 5/16 x 3/4 Set Screw Cast Corner 5/1 6 x2 Square Head Set Screw 5/16 Nut 5/16 x 3/4 Square Head Set Screw 5/16 x 1/2 Flange Bolt 18 Farmer Helper Compact Manure Spreader 27G 9-26-2014 Apron Chain Drive Group Figure A3 - Apron Chain Drive Group Parts Detail 19 Farmer Helper Compact Manure Spreader 27G 9-26-2014 Apron Chain Drive Group (continued) Item # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 MC Part # 261739 210436 261772 261754 220104 261830 261752 261748 261829 261050 220105 261756 261867 261871 261832 220138 261818 261884 261900 210124 220199 220204 34218 34392 34391 34198 34227 34202 34006 34314 34099 34337 34412 34390 34219 34018 34141 34087 34410 210129 34282 34413 34223 34201 34409 34057 34092 34124 34245 220208 Qtv 1 2 1 1 2 2,1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1,0 0,1 1 1 1 0,1 0,1 0,1 1 3 2,1 4 4 1 4 1,0 1,2 1 8,11 7,8 1,2 1 1 2,3 1 1 2 1 0,1 0,1 0,1 1,2 2 2 2 1 1 1 Component Description Right Side Apron Bracket 5 Tooth Sprocket Apron Shaft Left Side Apron Bracket Pawl Spring Pawl Cam Roller Arm Ratchet Short Crank Arm Cam Roller Ratchet Spring Side Link Guide Long Linkage 27 Long Linkage 37 Short Linkage Front Lever Spring Left Side Lever Roller Arm Mounting Bracket Drive Pawl 37 3/4" Shaft Collar 1/4 x 2-1/4 Clevis Pin Wire Locking Clip 3/8 x 1-1/2 Carriage Bolt 3/8 Wide Flange Nut 3/8 Center Locking Nut 1/2 Thin Nylon Locking Nut 1/2 Washer 3/8 x 2-1/4 Bolt 3/8 x 1 Carriage Bolt 1/4 x 1/2 Carriage Bolt 5/16 Flange Nut 5/16 x 1/2 Carriage Bolt 5/16 x 3-1/2 Carriage Bolt 3/8 x 3-1/2 Carriage Bolt 3/8 x 2-1/2 Carriage Bolt 3/8 Washer 3/8 Lock Washer 3/8 Nut 3/16x1-1/2 Key 3/16x1 Key 5/16 x 1-1/2 Carriage Bolt 3/8 x 2 Carriage Bolt 5/16 Nylon Locking Nut 3/4 Washer 5/16 x 3/4 Set Screw 5/16 Washer 1/4 Flange Nut 1/4 Nylon Lock Nut 1/4 x 1-1/4 Carriage Bolt Rubber Cap 20 Farmer Helper Compact Manure Spreader 27G 9-26-2014 Beaters and Drive Assembly F ig u re A 4 - B e a te rs a n d D riv e A ssem b ly P a r ts D etail 21 Farmer Helper Compact Manure Spreader 27G 9-26-2014 Beaters and Drive Assembly (continued) Item # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 MC Part # 261837 220199 220204 261866 261870 261864 261865 220171 261855 210433 261828 220105 210463 210464 210455 210106 261744 210128 34392 34375 34191 34219 34218 34337 34099 34227 34391 34018 34252 34006 280262 261899 34306 34057 220208 Qtv 1 1 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 10 2 1 1 1 4 4 2 1 4 1 1 2 1 2 7 1 Component Description Right Side Lever 1/4 x 2-1/4 Clevis Pin Wire Locking Clip Linkage 27 Linkage 37 Guide Bracket Lift Arm Chain Tensioner Spring Idler Bracket 15 Tooth Idler Sprocket Lift Arm Mounting Bracket Long Spring 27 Chain (#50 x 122 Links) 37 Chain (#50x151 Links) 10 Tooth Sprocket 3/4" 2 Bolt Flange Bearing Beater 3/16x3/4 Key 3/8 Wide Flange Nut 3/8 x 3 Carriage Bolt 3/8 x 3/4 Carriage Bolt 3/8 x 2-1/2 Carriage Bolt 3/8 x 1-1/2 Carriage Bolt 5/16 x 1/2 Carriage Bolt 5/16 Flange Nut 1/2 Washer 3/8 Center Locking Nut 3/8 Washer 3/8 x 1-3/4 Bolt 3/8 x 1 Carriage Bolt Idler Bushing Rubber Hose 1/4 x 1/4 Set Screw 5/16 Washer Rubber Cap 22 Farmer Helper Compact Manure Spreader 27G 9-26-2014 Jack Stand & Dolly Wheel Item # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12** 13 MC P art# 261630 215347 261635 261636 220190 34209 261631 34006 34227 34269 34009 34211 34330 Qtv. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 7 1 4 Component Description Jack Mount Plate Dolly Wheel Jack Jack Bracket Jack Pivot Bracket Spring Cotter Pin Latch Pin 3/8 x 1 Carriage Bolt 1/2 Washer 1/2x4 Bolt 3/8 Flange Nut 1/2 Nylon Lock Nut 3/8 x 3/4 Flange Bolt **NOTE: The JACK PIVOT BRACKET must be able to PIVOT for proper operation; DO NOT overtighten the 1/2 Nylon lock nut (item #12). Farmer Helper recommends that you just tighten the lock nut, then loosen 1/4 turn for 23 Farmer Helper Compact Manure Spreader 27G 9-26-2014 Manual F ig u re A 6 - Ma n u a l E n d g a te P a r ts D etail Item # MC Part # 1 261670 2 34274 3 34099 4 34057 5* 34072 6** 220192 7 260966 8 260965 9 34328 10 34223 11 34336 Qtv. 1 4 8 4 2 2 1 2 6 2 2 Component Description Endgate Frame 5/16 x 3/4 Carriage Bolt 5/16 Flange Nut 5/16 Washer 5/16 Grade B Lock Nut Endgate Stop (rubberfoot) Endgate Endgate Plate 5/16 x 3/4 Flange Bolt 5/16 Nylon Stop Nut 5/16x1 Flange Bolt *NOTE: The ENDGATE FRAME must be able to PIVOT for proper operation; DO NOT over tighten the Grade Block nut (item #5). Farmer Helper recommends that you just tighten the lock nut, then loosen 1/4 turn for proper movement. * * N O T F - W h p n rpnlaninn th p p nrlnatft stnn nipnps iir p 9 -3 Hrnns n f I nr.ktitp iM RD Cnr p n n ivalp n t aHhe>ci\/p\ 24 Parts Request Form Fax to 541‐895‐2756 or E‐mail Name: Model Number: Address: Serial Number: City State Zip: Purchased From: Phone: Purchase Date: E‐mail: ItemNo. Comments: Description Qty Price Amount Farmer Helper Compact Manure Spreader 27G 9-26-2014 Farmer Helper Machinery Brand LIMITED WARRANTY FARMER HELPER MACHINERY CO. LTD. warrants to original Purchaser that F A R M E R H E L P E R M A C H I N E R Y C O . L T D . products are free from major defects in material under normal use and service for a period of Two (2) Years from the date the product is purchased or shipped, whichever is later. Commercial use 180 days. Use at address that is not yours, is considered commercial use. Consumable, Expendable, Wear Items (Examples:Rubber & plastic parts, hydraulic hoses, belts, tires, cables, blades, tines, wedges, teeth, tips, chains, pins, brushes, filters, etc.) and cracked hydraulic pumps, bent or broken cylinder rods are not covered under this warranty. Warranty does not cover items that have been modified, damaged by abuse or usage not in accordance with design or maintenance. FARMER HELPER MACHINERY CO. LTD.’s. obligation under this warranty is to repair or replace defective product. upon determination by; Betst Products, llc., 83371 Melton Rd. N., Creswell OR 97426 that Warranty Claim is Valid. Product shall be returned upon request of Betst Products, llc. Transportation charges to be prepaid by buyer. Gasoline or diesel engines used to powered FARMER HELPER MACHINERY CO. LTD. products are covered by the warranty of the appropriate engine manufacture and Purchaser must look to the engine manufacture for all issues relating to engine operation. Farmer-Helper Machinery nor Betst Products, llc. assumes any responsibility for labor. PERMISSIBLE BY APPLICABLE LAW, FARMER HELPER MACHINERY CO. LTD. HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES WITH RESPECT TO THE PRODUCT PURCHASED, WITHOUT LIMITING THE GENERALITY OF THE FOREGOING, FARMER HELPER MACHINERY CO. LTD. HEREBY EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ALL LIABILITY FOR PRODUCT DEFECT OR FAILURE, CLAIMS THAT ARE DUE TO NORMAL WEAR, PRODUCT MISUSE, ABUSE, PRODUCT MODIFICATION, IMPROPER PRODUCT SELECTION, NON-COMPLIANCE WITH ANY CODES, OR MISAPPROPRIATION.• FARMER HELPER MACHINERY CO. LTD.. MAKES NO WARRANTIES TO THOSE DEFINED AS "CONSUMERS" IN THE MAGNUSON-MOSS WARRANTY-FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION IMPROVEMENTS ACT . THE FOREGOING EXCLUSIONS OF IMPLIED WARRANTIES DO NOT APPLY TO THE EXTENT PROHIBITED BY LAW. PLEASE REFER TO YOUR LOCAL LAWS FOR ANY SUCH PROHIBITIONS THERE SHALL BE NO LIABILITY FOR PRODUCT LIABILITY OR LIABILITY ON THE PART OF BETST PRODUCTS, LLC. FOR ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE SALE OR USE OF ANY PRODUCTS SOLD BY BETST PRODUCTS, LLC OR AN AGENT THEREOF. BETST PRODUCTS, LLC. MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS OF THE PRODUCTS FOR ANY PURPOSE) WITH RESPECT TO THE PRODUCTS COVERED BY THIS AGREEMENT EXCEPT AS IN THIS PARAGRAPH OTHERWISE EXPRESSLY PROVIDED. THIS IS THE SOLE AND ONLY WARRANTY OF FARMER HELPER MACHINERY CO. LTD. PRODUCTS. NO OTHER WARRANTY IS APPLICABLE, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, IN FACT OR BY LAW, This warranty shall not be interpreted to render Betst Products, llc., or any authorized agent liable for injury or damages of any kind or nature, direct, consequential, or contingent, to person or property. The sole and only remedy in regard to any defective products shall be the repair or replacement thereof as herein provided. Betst Products, llc., agent(s) of Betst Products, llc. shall not be liable for any consequential, special, incidental or punitive damages resulting from or caused by any such defects. Farmer-Helper Machinery reserves the right to make improvements in design or changes in specifications at any time, without incurring any obligations to owners of units previously sold. No one is authorized to alter, modify, or enlarge this warranty nor the exclusions, limitations, and reservation thereof. Revised 9-20-14 26 WARRANTY VOID IF REGISTRATION IS NOT RECEIVED OR RECORDED ONLINE WITHIN 30 DAYS OF PURCHASE DATE OR SHIP DATE, WHICHEVER IS LATER. FARMER HELPER MACHINERY REGISTRATION Item________________________________Model # _________________ Purchase Date_____/_____/_______ Purchased From: ________________________________Gifto Inv#/Order# ____________________________ Owner Name: _______________________________________ Serial # (if Applicable)______________________ Owner Address: _______________________________________ City: ________________________ County: ___________ ST: ______ Zip Code: _____________ Phone: _______________________ Email: ________________________ Acceptance of responsibility: I (Purchaser) have read operators manual and Limited Warranty or someone has read/and explained all instructions to me. I understand this warranty does not cover any labor and that all disputes will be settled by binding arbitration. Binding arbitration is conducted by the Better Business Bureau (BBB) located at 4004 SW Kruse Way Place Ste 375 Lake Oswego OR 97035 or the current BBB location closest to Betst Products, I acknowledge my Limited Warranty is void if any attempt to repair or replace defective parts has been made by unauthorized personnel. I acknowledge receipt of my Operators Manual and have read the Safe Operation Section. I acknowledge understanding maintenance and safe operation requirements, item specifications, operation, controls, and storage requirements. I understand that I alone am responsible for proper maintenance, care and safe operation of this Value-Leader item. I (Purchaser) agree that persons not familiar with the operation of this item should not be allowed to use it. Children especially should not operate or be near Power Products when in use. ANYONE OPERATING FARMER-HELPER PRODUCTS SHOULD HAVE READ OPERATIONS MANUALS AND SAFETY MANUALS. Owners Signature: x ____________________________________________ Date: ___/___/___ You must sign this warranty and mail or fax copy to Betst Products, 83371 Melton Rd N.#3, Creswell OR 97426. If you prefer you may complete your registration on line. This warranty is not effective unless the Purchaser completes Registration and Warranty Form within 30 days of purchase or ship date whichever is later. Fax to 1-904-216-2059 NOTE: We may refuse warranty of any kind unless Betst Product, llc., receives a completed, legible and signed warranty registration. It is the responsibility of the purchaser to assure that registration document is received by Betst Products, llc.. Fax to 1-904-216-2059 Betst Products, llc. 541-895-3083 2 YEAR EXTENDED WARRANTY & REGISTRATION Farmer Helper Machinery Branded Products 2 YEAR EXTENDED WARRANTY 2 Year Extended Warranty amends to original Recorded Manufacturers Warranty Registration the time period of described coverage. Extended Warranty does not apply to Consumable and Expendable Items as described in Product Warranty Registration. This Amendment does not affect any other part of recorded Warranty Registration or Policy. This Warranty Extension is the soul responsibility of Betst Products, llc. No one is authorized to alter, modify, or enlarge this addition to the original manufacturers recorded warranty registration. EXTENDED REGISTRATION & PAYMENT MUST BE RECEIVED WITHIN 30 DAYS OF PURCHASE DATE EXTENDED WARRANTY REGISTRATION Product & Model # : ________________________________________ Serial #: ______________________________ Owner Name: _______________________________________ Betst Products Invoice # ________________________________ Acceptance of responsibility: I (Purchaser) have Read and understand the Extended Warranty or someone has read/and explained all the above to me. I understand this extended warranty does not cover any labor. I have filed my Original Warranty Registration and fully understand my requirements. I understand that I alone am responsible for proper maintenance, care and safe operation of this tractor implement. I (purchaser) also understand that persons not familiar with the operation of this equipment should not be allowed to use it. Children especially should not operate or be near equipment. ANYONE OPERATING EQUIPMENT SHOULD HAVE READ ALL EQUIPMENT OPERATIONS MANUALS AND SAFETY MANUALS.. Owners Signature: x ______________________________________________________ Date: _________________ You must sign this extended warranty and email to or Fax to 1-305-3971780 or mail copy to Betst Products, 83371 Melton Rd N.#3, Creswell OR 97426. This extended warranty is not effective unless the Purchaser faxes or mails this Registration Form within 30 days of purchase. NOTE: The manufacturer may refuse warranty of any kind unless Betst Products receives a completed, legible and signed extended warranty registration. It is the responsibility of the purchaser to assure that this registration document is received by Betst Products. To Make Payment for Extended Warranty Call: 1-877-876-7895 Revised 9-20-14
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