UNIT 1 In this unit you will learn to: You will also learn: READING: validate predictions through skimming / classify specific information. GRAMMAR: the modal verb might / intensifiers. LISTENING: identify the tone of messages / identify stressed words / discriminate between correct and incorrect information. VOCABULARY: words related to love and feelings. ORAL PRODUCTION: express personal attitudes / participate in guided dialogues / ask and answer questions. WRITTEN PRODUCTION: complete paragraphs / write a love letter. You will use the following text types: FUNCTIONS: express condition, interest, possibility, requests and suggestions. READING: love letters. LISTENING: a news story / a song. You will pay special attention to these values The importance of expressing our feelings. The acceptance of and respect for different opinions. 6 HYPERTEXT: digital resources and activities LOVE HOW READY ARE YOU FOR THIS UNIT? 1 Look at the pictures and answer these questions in your group, expressing your personal opinions. Use expressions such as: I think that … In my opinion … I believe that … It seems to me that … From my point of view … According to me… a. What are the people feeling? 2 pts. b. Why are they feeling like that? 2 In pairs ask each other five questions about the things you like, dislike, are fond of, hate and really love. Compare your opinions. 5 pts. Example: What kind of food do you really love? 3 Classify the feelings in the box under the correct picture. 12 pts. · angry · annoyed · cheerful · delighted · happy · hateful · joyful · loving · miserable · sad · satisfied · wonderful Your score: 0 - 6: You should look up the words that you don’t know in the dictionary and share your answers with a classmate. 7 - 13: You know enough about feelings, but you could try to improve by sharing answers with your classmates. 14 - 19: Well done! You are ready to start and enjoy this unit; you could help the classmates who look confused. Negative: angry, annoyed, hateful, miserable, sad. Positive: cheerful, delighted, happy, joyful, loving, satisfied, wonderful. Cheerful : adj / happy, and showing it by the way that you behave. HYPERTEXT: digital resources and activities 7 LOVE IN WRITING on 1 Less Learning abilities 1. To express opinions. 2. To match information and visuals. 3. To express personal attitudes. 4. To find meaning of words / to make predictions. READING BEFORE YOU READ 1 Talk about these quotations in your group. Which one(s) do you most agree / disagree with? Why? a. “In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities.” Janos Arnay b. “Take away love, and our earth is a tomb.” Robert Browning c. “Love is two souls with a single thought and two hearts that beat as one.” John Keats d. “Love is the discovery of ourselves in others.” Alexander Smith e. “To love is to suffer, and to avoid suffering one must love.” Woody Allen 2 How do people usually express their romantic feelings? Exchange opinions Did you know that... a quotation is a repetition or copy of the words of another person, usually showing the origin of the source? The sentences in Exercise 1 are all quotations. What do you notice about all of them? in your group. Use the alternatives provided and your own ideas. a. Being jealous of other people. b. Dedicating love songs on the radio. c. Giving gifts: flowers, chocolates, rings, etc. d. Going out to candle-lit dinners and dancing to romantic music. e. Holding hands. f. Making a blog dedicated to the loved one. g. Not letting the loved one spend time with other people. h. Sending love notes and using romantic words. 3 1 2 4 5 3 How would you finish a personal letter or a love letter? Choose the best options. a. b. c. d. 8 UNIT 1 Best wishes, Norma For ever yours, Fred Kind regards from Patrick Lots of love, Julia e. f. g. h. Love you and XXXX Thinking of you Yours sincerely, Dr. B. Adams Yours truly, Benjamin Jones 4 Study the words in this web and identify the ones you know. Check the meaning of the other words in a dictionary. Which of them would you expect to find in a love letter? Love ire Adm Eag er Glad Kind Adjectives antic Rom e sitiv Sen Beauty Date Nouns Novel Cuddle Verbs Feel Jealousy Heart WHILE YOU READ 5 Read the letters on pages 10 and 11 and check your predictions in Exercise 4. 6 Which expressions from Exercise 3 were used to finish the letters? 7 Read the letters again and write which of them (I, II, III, or IV) has these characteristics. a. __________ is romantic and optimistic. b. __________ has historical value. c. __________ talks about hidden feelings. d. __________ is written by a Chilean teenager to his foreign friend. e. __________ uses sophisticated words. Miss Sha re Learning abilities 5. To validate predictions. 6. To find specific information. 7. To identify the tone of messages. 8. To locate specific information. 9. To match information. 8 These chunks (a. – d.) have been removed from the four love letters. Put them back in the correct places (i. – iv.). a. I’d like you to love me but if not, do you think we might at least be friends? b. in perfume, in harmonious sound: all of these mean you to me, all of these I see and admire. c. And at other times, you might be doing more important things but you choose to sit with me. d. We might go to the Lake District and cruise the lakes, camp on the beach and watch the stars in the evening 9 Here is a summary of one of the letters. Which letter (I – IV) does it correspond to? The writer doesn’t know how to express his / her feelings, he / she cannot find the right words, but he / she knows he / she is in love. He / She hopes that if the other person doesn’t love him / her, he / she will want to be his / her friend. Cuddle : verb / to hold sb / sth close in your arms to show love or affection. LOVE 9 I Tammy Carter I love you! My beloved Tammy, are kind, tender e. I love you because you fac my on ile sm a ts pu words I love you! Just writing the you are my best friend. se cau be me. and thoughtful, and t you prefer to be close to bu s ng thi er oth do to nt ____ in front u might wa ______________________ __ I know that sometimes yo __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ ______________ (i.) ____________________ we watch TV. to have of the fire and cuddle as are times you might want re the d An y. da ny rai a walking with you on mburger and chips. I love being near you and with me over a humble ha s nd ha ld ho to e cid de u t, but yo steak in a fancy restauran problems of the day. u my small triumphs or the yo th wi are sh I as me to en not agree with re times when you might I love you because you list re’ the – t ou me ar he u yo ult times I love you because in diffic understand. to me, but you listen and try you are. And I love you for what For ever yours, Tim Dear Chris, I &am &writing &this &letter &to &let &you &know &that I’m &really &fond &of &you . Unfortunately, II &you &just &don’t &know &it. S ometimes I &would &like &to &shout &it &to &the &winds &but I’m &scared. Who &knows &what &your &a nswer &might &be? My &lips &are &closed, &my &hear t &is &silent &and &the &words I &want &to &say &just won’&t &come &out. I &want &to &open &up an d &tell you &how I &feel, &but I guess I’m &too &sca red &because I’m &afraid &you &might &reject &m e. What &do I &expect? I’m ¬ &sure. (&ii.)____________________ ______________________ ______________________ Thinking &of &you, Jenny Humble : adj / showing you do not think that you are as important as other people. 10 UNIT 1 III Beloved Victor, If I were clever I migh t describe how you, a famous writer, unite in yourself the beauties of form and song! I might tell you that yo u are the greatest marvel of all ages, an d I would only be spea king the simple truth. I love you, my Victor; I cannot repeat it too often; I can never ex press it as much as I fe el it. I recognise you in all the beauty that surro unds me in form, in colour, (iii.) __________ __ ____________ ____________ __ ____________ ____ – and you are all! You are not only the solar spectrum with th e seven luminous colou rs, but the sun itself th at illuminates, warms an d revives! This is what you are, and I am the woma n that adores you. American v/s British English recognize recognise/ recognize Juliette IV My &dearest Susan, I &last &saw How &long &has &it &been &since &one &month &you? I &will &tell &you: &it’s &been g &hours &since &we &three &days &and 8 &long, &lon lle River &holding &last &walked &by &the Calle Ca &reflection &of &the &hands &and &looking &at &the hen &we &took &the &moon &on &the &water. And &t nd &where &we &little &boat &to &the Huapi Isla d &enough &we &thought &that &if &we &tried &har nd &never &return &might &stop &time &for &ever &a &to &reality. ow I &miss &you But &you &had &to &go &and &n ays &till I &see &you &very &much, &counting &the &d &come &back, what &again. And &when &you &do ______________ &will &we &do &together? (&iv.) __ ______________ ________________________ ______________ ________________________ b &volcanoes ________. Or &we might &clim &rivers. But &and &cross &cold &mountain &it &together - &you whatever we &do, &we &will &do to &come &back &and I. Might I &ask &you & &really &soon? I &miss &you &and I &hate &being &without &you, &think of &you &all &the &time. Your &forever &romantic Carlos Adapted from: My Beloved Toto, letters from Juliette Drouet to Victor Hugo, published by State University of New York Press, Albany. Equipo Editorial. HYPERTEXT: digital resources and activities LOVE 11 Learning abilities 10. To classify words. 11. To consolidate a grammar point. 12. To reinforce a grammar point. 13. To evaluate learning. 14. To match information. / To imitate a spoken model. 15. To write a text. 16. To relate content to personal experiences. AFTER YOU READ 10 Classify the adjectives in the box as positive or negative. Use some of them to describe letters III and IV, sharing and comparing answers in your group. · abusive · boring · confusing · dramatic · embarrassing · enjoyable · fascinating · funny · gentle · honest · insensitive · interesting · ironic · joyful · kind · loving · mad · nasty · optimistic · passionate · pessimistic · pleasant · romantic · sad · sensitive · silly Language Note The modal verb might 1. What do these sentences from the letters you read have in common? a. I’m afraid you might reject me. b. If we tried hard enough we might stop time for ever. c. Might I ask you to come back really soon? d. We might go to the Lake District and cruise the lakes. 2. Which sentence expresses the following? a. A condition. b. A possibility. c. A request. d. A suggestion. 3. Study these other examples. a. She might be in another class. b. Might I go with you? c. If I had time I might help you. d. When you are in London you might visit the London Eye. The modal verb might can be used to express all four options, but it is most commonly used to express possibility and condition. 4. There are nine more sentences with might in the letters. Copy them into your notebook and identify what they express: a condition, a possibility, a request or a suggestion. 11 Match the sentences in column A in the chart with what they express in column B. A She might miss the train if she comes late. Excuse me, might you speak a little louder please? We might stay at home and watch a film if you want. If the plants don’t get enough water they might die. The teacher said it was optional - we might read it if we want to. American v/s British English pen pal pen friend B a condition a possibility a request a suggestion 12 Answer these questions using what you learnt in the Language Note and your own ideas. a. What might you do at the weekend if you don’t have any homework? b. Where might you buy roses in the middle of winter? c. If someone asked you to be his / her pen friend, what might your answer be? Enjoyable : adj / giving pleasure. 12 UNIT 1 HYPERTEXT: digital resources and activities 13 MINITEST Write one sentence for each situation. 8 pts. a. Your foreign friend is visiting your area and asks you to suggest a place to visit. b. You want to borrow your sister’s / brother’s brand new T-shirt. c. You want to ask your mother if she knows where your favourite jeans are. d. Your cousin wants to know what food to buy for his / her birthday party. REVISE AGAIN 0 to 2 GOOD JOB! 3 to 5 EXCELLENT! 6 to 8 14 10 Match the questions (a. – c.) and answers (d. – f.) to form dialogues. Check with the recording and then role play them in front of the class. a. If you organise a party, who might you invite? b. So, what do you think we might cook tonight? c. Where might we find Philip? d. How about some fish and chips? e. I’m not sure - you might try his home address or his office. f. In my opinion, we should ask everybody in the class. American v/s British English French fries chips 15 APPLICATION TASK – WRITING a. Read letters III and IV again and answer these questions in your group. i. What do the letters tell you about the people who wrote them? ii. What does the vocabulary the writers use tell you about their background, education, the times they live or lived in? iii. Have you ever written a love letter or note? Why? iv. What was the result? b. In your group, write down a few ideas that can help you with your task: to write a love letter! i. A list of words that you can normally find in a love letter ii. Different beginnings and endings. c. Work individually now and choose the style of a love letter that best suits you – optimistic, sophisticated, sad, etc. d. Write a love letter (maximum 90 words) to a real or imaginary person using the ideas you wrote down, the format and the vocabulary in the letters you read. e. Apart from your own words you can also use quotations from Exercise 1 or others you can find on the Internet. f. Check your spelling and grammar. g. Exchange letters with somebody in your group. h. Follow the points suggested to evaluate your letter. Say Yes or No. in my group. ose of letter writing rp pu e th d se us sc di •I cated steps. • I followed the indi the lesson. tures and ideas from • I used words, struc coherent sequence. • My letter follows a and spelling for grammar errors g in rit w y m d ke ec • I ch mistakes. 16 Answer and discuss these questions in your group. a. b. c. d. What have you learnt about quotations? Where / When can we use them? Which do you prefer, writing or speaking when love is the main issue? How would you help a friend who is suffering because of love? In the case of a married couple having serious problems, do you think separation is a solution? HYPERTEXT: digital resources and activities LOVE 13 FROM THE HEART on 2 Less Learning abilities 1. To match information and visuals. 2. To identify tone of message. 3. To make predictions. LISTENING BEFORE YOU LISTEN 1 Look at the cartoon and match the bubbles (a. – c.) with the corresponding picture (1 – 3). a b We might be a little late, but it’s so wonderful to be together! c Terribly late as usual! I might as well go home. I hope she’s not too angry! These flowers might help! Did you know that... accent is connected with the way we pronounce words? That is why people from the same country speaking the same language may have a different accent, depending on where they live. Stress is related to which part of a word or a sentence we emphasise. It means that we do not say all the syllables or words with the same force, but say some more loudly than the others. American v/s British English subway underground, tube 14 UNIT 1 1 2 2 3 11 Listen and read these pairs of dialogues. Which one in each pair do you think is more intense? Why? a. i. Adam: I love you. Theresa: I love you too. ii. Adam: I love you so much. Theresa: I love you very much too! b. i. George: I’m fond of dancing and singing. Lilly: I love dancing too. ii. George: I am quite fond of dancing and singing. Lilly: I absolutely love dancing! 3 You are going to listen to a news story called “Underground love”. What do you think it might be about? Choose one alternative. a. Prohibited love b. Love between a miner and his girlfriend c. Love on the subway WHILE YOU LISTEN 4 12 Listen to the news story and check your prediction in Exercise 3. 5 12 Listen to the news story again and mark the specially stressed words in these sentences. a. We have a real life romantic story. b. He developed the very popular Web site. c. He described her really well. d. What better illustration of this unusual love affair? 6 12 Listen to the news story again. Which statements are true (T), which are false (F) and which are not mentioned (NM)? a. ______ Patrick Moberg is 28 years old. b. ______ Camille, his mystery girl, is a journalist in New York. c. ______ To find his dream girl Patrick developed a blog. d. ______ He did not approach Camille on the train because he was shy. 7 12 Listen to the song in the programme and choose the correct alternative. Learning abilities 4. To validate predictions. 5. To identify stressed word. 6. To discrimínate between correct and incorrect information. 7. To discriminate between correct and incorrect information. 8. To identify tone of message. a. My life’s so brilliant / exciting . b. She looked / smiled at me on the subway. c. And I don’t think I might meet / see her again. d. But it’s time to face the end / truth . e. I will never / always be with you. 8 12 Listen to the song once more and choose the best description. a. Angry and pessimistic. b. Cheerful and romantic. c. Sad and romantic. AFTER YOU LISTEN 9 Re-write these sentences using might. Example: It is posible that a. I suggest you invite b. Maybe Patrick will Patrick and Camille will Patrick and Camille to take Camille to the marry. visit Neruda’s house. cinema. Patrick and Camille might marry. c. It is possible that Patrick and Camille will travel to Paris. _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ HYPERTEXT: digital resources and activities LOVE 15 10 The words below appeared in the listening text. Use them to write four sentences. The pictures on the left can help you. crowded a. b. c. d. 1 headline sketch subway ____________________________________________________________. ____________________________________________________________. ____________________________________________________________. ____________________________________________________________. Language Note Intensifiers 1. Read these sentences from the news story. a. We totally clicked. b. They actually had so much to talk about. c. I am quite sure. d. I was terribly nervous. 2. Compare them with these sentences: a. We clicked. b. They actually had much to talk about. c. I am sure. d. I was nervous. 3. Study the sentences in Point 1. What do the underlined words do? a. They make the meaning more intense. b. They make the meaning more general. c. They make the meaning more understandable. The answer is a. The underlined words are intensifiers; they enhance the words that follow them. 4. Read some more examples. a. My dad told me an incredibly sad love story. b. It is surprisingly hot. c. You are absolutely right. 5. Listen to the first stanza of the song again and copy three more sentences that contain intensifiers. 2 3 4 11 Complete these dialogues using different intensifiers. a. A: You’re late again! I’ve been waiting for half an hour. B: ______________________________________ sorry. b. A: How did your mother feel when you showed her the test? B: ______________________________________ upset. c. A: I can help you to study for the physics test. B: ______________________________________ much. d. A: What do you think of the new television programme? B: ___________________________________ interesting. 16 UNIT 1 HYPERTEXT: digital resources and activities 12 13 Listen to the recording and check your answers in Exercise 11. Practise and then role play the dialogues for your classmates. 13 MINITEST Choose six places in this story to use the intensifiers in the box. 6 pts. · absolutely · quite · really · terribly · so · very This happened a month ago. The day was hot and I wanted a drink. I looked around and saw a little kiosk with soft drinks and ice-cream but it was crowded, I decided to look somewhere else. Then a boy standing right in front of the kiosk waved to me. He was cute! He had a bottle of orange crush in his hand and he was offering it to me. I was impressed. Now, a month later, we are dating! I still think he is fabulous. REVISE AGAIN 0 to 1 GOOD JOB! 2 to 4 EXCELLENT! Learning abilities 9. To reinforce a grammar point. 10. To consolidate vocabulary. 11. To consolidate a grammar point. 12. To imitate a spoken model. 13. To evaluate learning. 14. To create a new text. 15. To reflect on the contents of the lesson and relate them to personal experiences. 5 to 6 14 APPLICATION TASK – SPEAKING You are going to share love stories with your classmates. a. Work in groups of four or five students and answer these questions about the love story you heard in the recording. i. What are your opinions of the two protagonists? ii. How would you behave in a similar situation? iii. Would you be embarrassed to go on national TV or radio to find the person you love? b. Work individually and write down a few lines about a love story you know. It can be about your parents, yourself or someone you know. Use these questions as guidelines. i. What are the names of the protagonists? ii. When / Where did the story take place? iii. What is special about this love story? iv. How did it end? c. Use the ideas you wrote and tell the story to the rest of the group. d. Answer the group’s questions providing extra information. e. Choose the most romantic or the most unusual story, and appoint a story-teller in your group. Help him / her to practise telling the story. f. Exchange stories with another group. g. Use these ideas to evaluate your performance. Say Yes or No. g my e discussion respectin • I participated in th . classmates’ opinions t my story. used them to presen d an s ea id y m te ro •Iw n. other’s pronunciatio • We corrected each m the lesson. uctures and ideas fro • We used words, str 15 Answer and discuss these questions in your group. a. What do you think of making a blog dedicated to the person you love? b. What would be the perfect words to say to someone that you are deeply in love with? c. Would you show respect or make fun if you received an anonymous love letter? HYPERTEXT: digital resources and activities LOVE 17 CONSOLIDATION ACTIVITIES 1 Helen is asking her friend Gloria to look after her pets while she is away on holiday. Fill in the gaps in her note with the intensifiers in the box. · absolutely · quite · really · such · terribly · very Dear Gloria, Thanks so much for offering to look after my pets while I’m in Brazil. There are three of them: , Winnie, the cat Spike, the dog and Bella, the parrot . a character and needs special Each of them is (a.) attention. Please see the indications below for their care. fond of eating socks so please make sure that Spike is (b.) there are none lying around. hates the darkness so make sure that you leave Winnie (c.) the lights on when you leave. Bella (d.) portion every morning. loves fresh seeds and water so give her a fresh Spike and Winnie are (e.) always taken for a walk together. good friends that they are small, make sure that the And finally, because Bella is (f.) windows are always closed so she cannot get out. Once again thank you for offering to help. See you after I’m back from my holiday. Love Helen Fond : adj / of doing sth, finding sth pleasant or enjoyable, especially sth you have liked or enjoyed for a long time. 18 UNIT 1 HYPERTEXT: digital resources and activities 2 Now that Helen has left her pets in goods hands, she is planning her holiday activities. Look at the page from her diary and see what activities she might do. Write the sentences in your notebook. 11 Monday Arrival, unpack , phone Gloria 12 Tuesday Visit Christ the Redeemer or Sugarloaf 13 Wednesay Go to Ipanema or Copacabana beach 14 Thursday Visit the botanical gardens or the national park 15 Friday Take a bus to Florianopolis or to Buzios 16 Saturday A boat ride or hang gliding 17 Sunday Flight back and arrival home 3 Read the sentences below (a. – d.) and put them in the right order, following the cartoon (1 – 4). Practise and role play the dialogue with a partner. 2 1 a. b. c. d. 3 4 Well, I worked awfully hard this summer, and I absolutely must have it. Mum is going to get quite mad with you for spending so much. It’s really fantastic, don’t you think? And it’s outrageously expensive too! Mad : adj / very angry. HYPERTEXT: digital resources and activities LOVE 19 JUST FOR FUN 1 Who are these famous love couples? Match the names (a. – h.) with the pictures (1 – 8). a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. Adam & Eve Barbie & Ken Bella Swan & Edward Cullen Frida Khalo & Diego Rivera Homer & Marge Simpson John Smith & Pocahontas Pablo Neruda & Matilde Urrutia Romeo & Juliet 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2 Which person in the couples in the pictures (1 – 8) could have said these statements? a. “I am scared to tell you who I am. My name, dear boy, is hateful to myself, because it’s an enemy to you.” b. “I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where, I love you simply, without problems or pride: I love you in this way because I don’t know any other way of loving”. c. “Is that what you dream about…being a monster?” “Not exactly, mostly I dream about being with you forever.” d. “Just a little bite of the apple to show me how much you love me!” e. “Remember, my love - as far as anyone in Springfield knows, we’re a nice normal family.” 20 UNIT 1 3 Complete these 10 Commandments of Love with You should or You shouldn’t. ents of Love Ten Commandm pt change and support growth Commandment 1: ___________ acce in yourself and your partner. your partner 20 times a day or follow Commandment 2: ___________ call him / her to all his / her activities. 100% of yourself. Commandment 3: ___________ give n to your partner. Commandment 4: ___________ liste and bother your partner with your Commandment 5: ___________ nag problems all the time. n remind your loved one how much you Commandment 6: ___________ ofte care about him / her. s. ember important dates and anniversarie Commandment 7: ___________ rem ember that you partner is a separate Commandment 8: ___________ rem kes. individual with his / her own likes and disli e love, problems, work, and play. Commandment 9: ___________ shar with jealously and suspicion. nt 10: ___________ treat your partner Adapted from: www.romancestuck.com Commandme CHILEAN CONNECTION Teresa Wilms Montt was born in Viña del Mar in 1893. As a young woman, Montt was sent to a convent as punishment for falling in love with a man while being married. There, she wrote her first literary work, “Diario Intimo”, where she talked about her life, her love and her passion for a different, more liberal life. In 1916, helped by the Chilean poet Vicente Huidobro, she escaped from the convent and moved first to Buenos Aires and then to Paris. Her life and romantic love and her willingness to She died in 1921, when she was only 28. sacrifice everything for it became the subject of a In the 19th and early 20th centuries, many talented Chilean film called “Teresa”. Directed by Tatiana Chilean women writers were censured by a society Gaviola and starring Francisca Lewin, the film made that mistrusted women who engaged in Teresa Wilms national news again. intellectual pursuits. In most cases, their works were Adapted from: Teresa Wilms Montt: A forgotten legend. lost forever after their deaths, and their names were Original Research Article, Women's Studies International Forum, Volume 13, omitted from literary annals. Today, Teresa Wilms’ Issue 3, 1990, Pages 195 - 199 by Marjorie Agosin. works can be found in old book stores. LOVE 21 TEST YOUR KNOWLEDGE READING THREE LOVE LETTERS I Dear Brad, I &know we’ve &been &busy &lately with &school, &tests and what not. I wanted &to &send you g &this &letter &to &let you &know &that I’m &thinkin of you and &love you very much. I’m very &lucky &to &have &such a wonderful &boyfriend and I wanted &to &say &thank you &for e changing my &life. You make my &life complet __ and (&i.) ______________________________ ___ a million ×. You make me &laugh and I &sometimes &so &hard I cry. For all of &that, want &to &say &thank you. nge I can’t wait &until our work &schedules cha &and we can &spend more &time &together. Love always, Jessica Dear Krissy, I sit here in sorrow, wishing I cou ld hold you. I’ve realised that I’ve tried to rep lace you over and over since I made (ii.) __ ____ ___________, but no one can make me laugh and smile like you do. You are the only one that ever made me so hap py; no one could ever take your place. I feel as if my soul has stolen my heart and left me to cry myself to sleep each and eve ry night with guilt in my heart of how I hur t you. I guess you just don’t realise wha t you have until it’s gone; I was so stupid to leave you! I know sorry is just a word, but for what it’s worth I am very, very sorry and I ask you to please forgive me! Love forever Brian II 1 Read the three letters. What type of letter is each Dear Marco, We can never &be &together. Why? Because we are &just &friends, (&iii. ) ____________________ _____________________ &that. You &said &that &being with me was very &special &for you and &that you &really &respect our &friendship. &by I &love you and &if you have not &seen &that now &then you are &blind. You make my &life worth &living. Maybe &this &letter &is all I need &to &put you &behind me - I doubt &it, &though. You will &be &in my &heart &forever, Marco, &even &if &it &is &just as &friends. Simona III Adapted from: http://www.poemslovers.com/love_letters/thank_you/letters/173.html http://www.poemslovers.com/love_letters/i_am_sorry/letters/177.html http://www.poemslovers.com/love_letters/confessions_of_love/letters/36.html 22 UNIT 1 one? a. A letter of apology. b. A love confession. c. A thank you letter. 3 pts. 2 Read the letters again and find the answers to these questions. a. Why does Jessica cry sometimes? b. Why does Brian cry at night? c. Does Marco love Simona? 6 pts. 3 These chunks (a. – c.) have been removed from the letters. Put them back in the correct places (i. – iii.). 3 pts. a. the foolish decision to leave you b. really good friends, and I don’t want to ruin c. you make me feel like I can touch the sky LANGUAGE LISTENING LOVE REUNITED 4 14 Listen to the recording. What kind of programme is it? a. A news programme b. A game programme. c. An interview. 7 Match the sentences in column A in the chart 1 pt. with what they express in column B. A What time might it be? I’m not sure. It might be around 5 p.m She might miss the plane if she does not hurry. Where might we go at the weekend? Whatever you prefer - you might have salad or pasta. Might I take this chair if you are not using it? 5 pts. B A condition A possibility A request A suggestion 8 Use a different intensifier to fill in the blanks in 5 6 each of these sentences (a. - d.) according to the pictures (1 – 4). 4 pts. 14 What is the general topic of the recording? 1 pt. a. How a missing letter brought two lovers back together. b. The reason two foreigners decided to marry in London. c. Why two lovers stopped loving each other. 1 2 3 4 a. b. c. d. Philip’s baby daughter Flo is ______ cute! That dessert looks ______ delicious. Yummy! Pablo and Gonzalo are ______ good friends. Thank you. These flowers are ______ beautiful. 14 Listen again and identify the word you hear. 10 pts. a. Steve Smith and Carmen Ruiz-Perez, both now 42 / 44 , fell in love 16 / 17 years ago. b. Their relationship ended / started after she moved to France / Spain . c. Smith sent a letter to her mother’s / parents’ home in France / Spain . d. When he answered / picked up the phone she knew it was the right / wrong decision. e. Within 30 / 40 seconds of setting eyes on each other they were embracing / kissing . LOVE 23 SPEAKING 9 A new classmate, Jerome is asking for WRITING 10 Complete this letter expressing your feelings suggestions. Answer his questions using sentences with might. Role play your dialogue in front of your classmates. 10 pts. (maximum 90 words). Pay attention to vocabulary, spelling and grammar, and don’t forget to use appropriate intensifiers. 10 pts. Jerome: So where do you think I could have my lunch? Dear ________________, You: It’s been ten long months since we were last ________________________________. Jerome: Which of our classmates should I talk to if I need help? You: ________________________________. together. This time ________________________ ________________________________________ _______________________________________. Jerome: And what can you suggest for after school activities? I know we can ___________________________ You: ________________________________. ____________________, but it’s not the same as Jerome: Who do you think I should call if I want more information? ________________________________________ You: ________________________________. Jerome: What do I have to do to join a club or the library? You: _______________________________________. When you come back _____________________ ________________________ and we will never ________________________________. ________________________________________ _______________________________________. Please, _________________________________ _______________________________________. All my love, ______________________. 24 UNIT 1 HYPERTEXT: digital resources and activities SELF - EVALUATION YOUR TEST RESULTS Reading Your score You are expected to be able to identify and understand key facts and details. 10 to 12 Excellent I grasped all the main ideas and answered most questions correctly. 6 to 9 Good I grasped the majority of the main ideas and answered most questions correctly. 3 to 5 Not too bad I grasped some of the main ideas and answered some of the questions correctly. 0 to 2 Unsatisfactory I deduced some of the main ideas and answered just a few of the questions correctly. Listening Your score You are expected to be able to identify and understand key facts and details. 10 to 12 Excellent I identified almost all general and specific information correctly. 6 to 9 Good I identified most general and specific information correctly. 3 to 5 Not too bad I identified some of the general and specific information. 0 to 2 Unsatisfactory I deduced just a few bits of the general and specific information. Speaking Your score You are expected to be able to complete and participate in a guided dialogue. 8 to 10 Excellent Good pronunciation and no hesitation. 5 to 7 Good Good pronunciation and a minimum of hesitation. 3 to 4 Not too bad Some pronunciation mistakes and with hesitation. 0 to 2 Unsatisfactory A lot of pronunciation mistakes and a lot of hesitation. Writing Your score You are expected to complete a letter using alternatives and your own ideas to start and finish. 8 to 10 Excellent I included all the right alternatives and my own ideas. 5 to 7 Good I included two of the right alternatives and my own ideas. 3 to 4 Not too bad I included one of the right alternatives and one of my own ideas. 0 to 2 Unsatisfactory I included none of the right alternatives and none of my own ideas. Language Your score You are expected to apply and identify two language items. 7 to 9 Excellent I understood and applied the language items in all cases. 4 to 6 Good I understood and applied the language items in most cases. 2 to 3 Not too bad I understood and applied the language items in some cases. 0 to 1 Unsatisfactory I deduced and applied the language items in very few cases. YOUR GENERAL PERFORMANCE In this unit Always Sometimes Never I grasped the main ideas of the texts. I used different strategies to help me to understand. I made myself understood even if I made some mistakes. I interacted with other students to do the exercises. I expressed my point of view appropriately. LOVE 25
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