TISHREI TUNES SONGS & PRAYERS – IN THE ORDER OF THE CD. בס"ד # 01 Blessing for Rosh Hashanah Candle Lighting I love my beloved (Hashem) and my beloved (Hashem) loves me Days of (Hashem’s extra good) will (and) mercy. #02 How lucky we are, by Chanie Altein Ani Le’Dodi V’Dodi Li Yemei Ratzon – Yemei Rachamim דוֹדי ִלי ִ ְדוֹדי ו ִ אַני ְל ִ יְ ֵמי ָרצוֹן – יְ ֵמי ַר ֲח ִמים # 03 Blessing for Rosh Hashanah Candle Lighting 01 Baruch Ata Ado-nai E-loheinu Blessed are You Hashem, עוֹלם ָ ל ֵֹהינוּ ֶמ ֶל ְך ָה- ָי ֱא- ְאַתּה י ָ רוּך ְ ָבּ Melech Ha’olam our G-d, King of the universe Asher Ki’dishanu Bi’mitzvotav Who made us holy with His וֹתיו וְ ִצוָּנוּ ָ ֲא ֶשׁר ִק ְדּ ָשׁנוּ ְבּ ִמ ְצ Vi’tzivanu Mitzvot and commanded us to light the candle of the Day of ְל ַה ְד ִליק נֵר ֶשׁל יוֹם ַהזִ ָכּרוֹן Lehadlik Ner Shel Yom Hazikaron Baruch Ata Ado-nai E-loheinu Melech Ha’olam she’heh’che’yanu viki’manu vihi’gi’anu liz’man hazeh Remembrance (Rosh Hashanah). Blessed are You Hashem, our G-d, King of the universe That (you) kept us alive, sustained us and enabled us to reach this (special) occasion. עוֹלם ָ ל ֵֹהינוּ ֶמ ֶל ְך ָה- ָי ֱא- ְאַתּה י ָ רוּך ְ ָבּ יענוּ ִל ְזּ ַמן ַהזֶּה ָ ֶשׁ ֶה ֱחיָנוּ וְ ִקיְּ ָמנוּ וְ ִה ִגּ # 04 Rosh Hashanah Davening Theme Tune # 05 Kiddush for Rosh Hashanah Night Savri maranan Baruch Ata Ado-nai E-loheinu Melech Ha’olam borei p’ri hagafen Baruch Ata Ado-nai E-loheinu Melech Ha’olam asher bachar banu mikol am viromimanu mikol lashon vikidishanu bimitzvotav vatiten lanu Ado-nai E-loheinu bi’ahava et Yom hazikaron hazeh et Yom tov mikra kodesh hazeh Yom tru’ah mikra kodesh zecher liyitzi’at mitzrayim Ki vanu vacharta vi’otanu kidashta mikol ha’amim udivarcha malkenu emet vikayam la’ad Attention Masters (gathered group) Blessed are You Hashem, our G-d, King of the universe ַס ְב ִרי ָמ ָרנָן עוֹלם ָ ל ֵֹהינוּ ֶמ ֶל ְך ָה- ָי ֱא- ְאַתּה י ָ רוּך ְ ָבּ Who creates the fruit of the vine Blessed are You Hashem, our G-d, King of the universe Who has chosen us from among all nations And raised us above all tongues And made us holy through His commandments And You – Hashem – have given us with love this Day of Remembrance (Rosh Hashanah) this day of holy gathering a day (in which we) blast (the Shofar) a (time of) holy gathering a remembrance of the exodus from Egypt For You have chosen us and made us holy from among all the nations And Your word, our King, is true and enduring forever ָפן ֶ בּוֹרא ְפּ ִרי ַהגּ ֵ עוֹלם ָ ל ֵֹהינוּ ֶמ ֶל ְך ָה- ָי ֱא- ְאַתּה י ָ רוּך ְ ָבּ Tishrei Tunes by Rabbi CB Alevsky with Music by Chony! www.ToolsforTorah.com – RabbiCBA@gmail.com – (203) 887 6044 ֲא ֶשׁר ָבּ ַחר ָבּנוּ ִמ ָכּל ָעם רוֹמ ָמנוּ ִמ ָכּל ָלשׁוֹן ְ ְו וֹתיו ָ וְ ִק ְדּ ָשׁנוּ ְבּ ִמ ְצ אַה ָבה ֲ ל ֵֹהינוּ ְבּ- ָי ֱא- ְַתּ ֶתּן ָלנוּ י ִו ֶאת יוֹם ַה ִזּ ָכּרוֹן ַהזֶּה ֶאת יוֹם טוֹב ִמ ְק ָרא ֽק ֶֹדשׁ ַהזֶּה רוּעה ָ יוֹם ְתּ ִמ ְק ָרא ֽק ֶֹדשׁ יציאַת ִמ ְצ ָרֽיִם ִ ֵז ֶֽכר ִל אוֹתנוּ ִק ַדּ ְשׁ ָתּ ָ ְִכּי ָבֽנוּ ָב ַח ְר ָתּ ו ִמ ָכּל ָה ַע ִמּים וּד ָב ְר ָך ַמ ְל ֵכּנוּ ֱא ֶמת וְ ַקיָּם ָל ַעד ְ TISHREI TUNES SONGS & PRAYERS – IN THE ORDER OF THE CD. Baruch Ata Ado-nai Melech al kol ha’aretz Mikadesh Yisra’el viyom hazikaron Baruch Ata Ado-nai E-loheinu Melech Ha’olam she’he’che’yanu vikiy’manu vihi’gi’anu liz’man hazeh Blessed are You Hashem, King over all the earth Who makes holy the Jewish nation and the Day of Remembrance (Rosh Hashanah) Blessed are You Hashem, our G-d, King of the universe That (you) kept us alive, sustained us and enabled us to reach this (special) occasion. בס"ד ָי- ְאַתּה י ָ רוּך ְ ָבּ אָרץ ֶ ֶמ ֶל ְך ַעל ָכּל ָה יִשׂ ָר ֵאל וְ יוֹם ַה ִזּ ָכּרוֹן ְ ְמ ַק ֵדּשׁ עוֹלם ָ ל ֵֹהינוּ ֶמ ֶל ְך ָה- ָי ֱא- ְאַתּה י ָ רוּך ְ ָבּ יענוּ ִל ְזּ ַמן ַהזֶּה ָ ֶשׁ ֶה ֱחיָנוּ וְ ִקיְּ ָמנוּ וְ ִה ִגּ # 06 Dip the Apple Song # 07 Apple Dipping Blessings and Prayer Baruch Ata Ado-nai E-loheinu Melech Blessed are You Hashem, עוֹלם ָ ל ֵֹהינוּ ֶמ ֶל ְך ָה- ָי ֱא- ְאַתּה י ָ רוּך ְ ָבּ our G-d, King of the universe Ha’olam בּוֹרא ְפּ ִרי ָה ֵעץ ֵ Who creates the fruit of the tree. borei p’ri ha’etz Then we say this little prayer ֶיך ָ יְהי ָרצוֹן ִמ ְל ָפנ ִ May it be Your will (Hashem) Yehi ratzon milfanecha ֶשׁ ְתּ ַח ֵדּשׁ ָע ֵלינוּ To renew us She’tichadesh aleinu תוּקה ָ וּמ ְ טוֹבה ָ ָשׁנָה For a good and sweet year shana tovah umetukah # 08 Darkecha – Rosh Hashanah # 09 Amida song Avinu Maleknu: Read before the Torah reading on Rosh Hashanah day. Sample lines here. Full version in Machzor. The first and last ones here are sung on the CD. אָבינוּ ַמ ְל ֵכּנוּ ִ Our Father, Our King Avinu Malkenu אָתּה ָ ֵאין ָלנוּ ֶמ ֶל ְך ֶא ָלּא We have no King besides You. en lanu Melech ela Atah אָבינוּ ַמ ְל ֵכּנוּ ִ Our Father, Our King Avinu Malkenu טוֹבה ָ ַח ֵדֹּש ָע ֵלינוּ ָשׁנָה Renew a good year for us. chadesh aleynu shana tovah אָבינוּ ַמ ְל ֵכּנוּ ִ Our Father, Our King Avinu Malkenu שׂוֹנ ֵאינוּ ְ ַבּ ֵטּל ַמ ְח ְשׁבוֹת Cancel the plans of our enemies. ba’tel machshavot son’enu אָבינוּ ַמ ְל ֵכּנוּ ִ Our Father, Our King Avinu Malkenu shelach refua shelema licholay Send a complete healing to the חוֹלי ַע ֶמ ָך ֵ ְשׁ ַלח ְרפוּאָה ְשׁ ֵל ָמה ְל sick. ame’cha אָבינוּ ַמ ְל ֵכּנוּ ִ Our Father, Our King Avinu Malkenu kotveinu bi’sefer chayim tovim Avinu Malkenu malay yadenu mibrachotecha Avinu Malkenu shema kolenu chus virachaim alenu Avinu Malkenu chanenu va’anenu Ki En Banu Ma’asim aseh imanu tzedekah vachesed Vihoshi’enu Write us in the book of good life. Our Father, Our King Fill our hands with your blessings. Our Father, Our King Listen to our voice – have mercy on us. Our Father, Our King Be gracious to us and answer us, Because we have no good deeds. Deal kindly with us and save us. Tishrei Tunes by Rabbi CB Alevsky with Music by Chony! www.ToolsforTorah.com – RabbiCBA@gmail.com – (203) 887 6044 טוֹבים ִ ָכּ ְת ֵבנוּ ְבּ ֵס ֶפר ַחיִים אָבינוּ ַמ ְל ֵכּנוּ ִ יך ָ כוֹת ֶ ָדינוּ ִמ ִבּ ְר ֵ ַמ ֵלּא י אָבינוּ ַמ ְל ֵכּנוּ ִ קוֹלנוּ חוּס וְ ַר ֵחם ָע ֵלינוּ ֵ ְשׁ ַמע אָבינוּ ַמ ְל ֵכּנוּ ִ ַענֵנוּ ֲ ָחנֵנוּ ו ִכּי ֵאין ָבּנוּ ַמ ֲע ִשׂים ָח ֶסד ֶ ֲע ֵשׂה ִע ָמנוּ ְצ ָד ָקה ו יענוּ ֵ הוֹש ִ ְו בס"ד TISHREI TUNES SONGS & PRAYERS – IN THE ORDER OF THE CD. # 10 Avinu Malkeinu song one - # 11 Avinu Malkeinu song two # 12 Vayehi Bin’so’a: As we open the Ark to read the Torah we say / sing: Vayehi bin’so’ah ha’aron vayomer Whenever the Ark was moved משׁה ֶ ֹאמר ֶ ַיְהי ִבּ ְנס ַֹע ָהאָרֹן ַויּ ִ ו [in the desert], Moses would say: Moshe kuma Ado-nai viyafutzu oyvecha viyanusu misan’echa mipane’cha ki mitzion tetzeh Torah udvar Ado-nai miYerushalayim Baruch she’natan Torah li’amo Yisrael bikdushato Arise Hashem and your enemies will scatter And those who hate you will flee from you Because the Torah comes forth from Zion (Jerusalem) And the Word of Hashem (comes) from Jerusalem Blessed is Hashem who gave the Torah to His nation, Israel in His holiness יך ָ ֹיְב ֶ ָי וְ ָיפֻצוּ א- ְקוּמה י ָ ֶיך ָ יך ִמ ָפּנ ָ וְ ָינֻסוּ ְמ ַשׂ ְנ ֶא תוֹרה ָ ִכּי ִמ ִצּיּוֹן ֵתּ ֵצא ירוּש ָליִ ם ָ ָי ִמ- ְוּד ַבר י ְ תּוֹרה ָ ָתן ַ רוּך ֶשׁנּ ְ ָבּ ֻשּׁתוֹ ָ יִשׂ ָר ֵאל ִבּ ְקד ְ ְל ַעמּוֹ # 13 Shema & Verses as the Torah leaves the holy Aron (ark) Shema Yisrael Ado-nai Elo-heynu Hear O Israel Hashem ָי ֶא ָחד- ְל ֵֹהינוּ י- ָי ֱא- ְיִשׂ ָר ֵאל י ְ ְשׁ ַמע is our G-d – Hashem is one Ado-nai Echad Echad Elo-heynu Gadol A-doneynu Our G-d is one, our master is great His name is holy and awesome. ל ֵֹהינוּ גָּדוֹל ֲאדוֹנֵנוּ-ֶא ָחד ֱא נוֹרא ְשׁמוֹ ָ ְָקדוֹשׁ ו Kadosh Vi’norah She’mo # 14 The 13 attributes of Hashem’s mercy. This is a very holy prayer we say on Rosh Hashanah. ָי- ְ ָי י- ְי Hashem – Hashem (is) Ado-Nai Ado-Nai El Rachum Vichanun Erech Apayim Vi’rav Chesed Ve’emet Notzer Chesed La’alafim No’seh Avon Va’fesha Vi’chata’a Vi’nakeh Vi’salachta la’avonenu ul’chata’tenu A powerful G-d, merciful before and even after a person sins Slow to anger And abundantly kind and true Rewards kindness for thousands (of generations) forgives intentional willful and accidental sins and cleanses (those who repent) (Hashem please) Pardon (all) our wrongdoings ל ַרחוּם וְ ַחנּוּן-ֵא אַפּיִ ם ַ ֶא ֶרך ֶא ֶמת ֱ וְ ַרב ֶח ֶסד ו נ ֵֹצר ֶח ֶסד ָל ֲא ָל ִפים ָפ ַשׁע וְ ַח ָטּאָה ֶ ֹשֹא ָעוֹן ו ֵנ ַקה ֵ וְ נ וּנ ַח ְל ָתּנוּ ְ אתנוּ ֵ וּל ַח ָטּ ְ וְ ָס ַל ְח ָתּ ַל ֲעוֹנֵנוּ # 15 Vezot HaTorah: After the reading, as the Torah is being lifted we say / sing: Vi’zot haTorah asher sam Moshe lifnay b’nai Yisrael And this is the Torah which Moshe put before the children of Israel. ֹשה ֶ תּוֹרה ֲא ֶשׁר ָשֹם מ ָ וְ זֹאת ַה יִש ָֹר ֵאל ְ ִל ְפנֵי ְבּנֵי # 16 continuation of the verses while the Torah is lifted – in song: Etz chayim hee la’machazikim bah vi’tomche’ha mi’ushar d’rache’ha dar’chai no’am vichol ne’ti’vo’teha shalom It (the Torah) is a tree of life to those that hold it dear And those who support the Torah are happy. The Torah's ways are pleasant And all its paths are peaceful. Tishrei Tunes by Rabbi CB Alevsky with Music by Chony! www.ToolsforTorah.com – RabbiCBA@gmail.com – (203) 887 6044 יקים ָבּהּ ִ ִֵעץ ַחיִים ִהיא ַל ַמ ֲחז יה ְמ ֻא ָשׁר ָ תוֹמ ֶכ ְ ְו יה ַד ְר ֵכי נ ַֹעם ָ ְדּ ָר ֶכ יה ָשׁלוֹם ָ יבוֹת ֶ וְ ָכל ְנ ִת TISHREI TUNES SONGS & PRAYERS – IN THE ORDER OF THE CD. בס"ד # 17 The Brachot of the Shofar Baruch Ata Ado-nai E-loheinu Melech Ha’olam Asher Ki’dishanu Bi’mitzvotav Vi’tzivanu lishmo’a kol shofar Baruch Ata Ado-nai E-loheinu Melech Ha’olam she’heh’che’yanu viki’manu vihi’gi’anu liz’man hazeh Blessed are You Hashem, our G-d, King of the universe עוֹלם ָ ל ֵֹהינוּ ֶמ ֶל ְך ָה- ָי ֱא- ְאַתּה י ָ רוּך ְ ָבּ Who made us holy with His Mitzvot and commanded us וֹתיו וְ ִצוָּנוּ ָ ֲא ֶשׁר ִק ְדּ ָשׁנוּ ְבּ ִמ ְצ to hear the sound of the Shofar. Blessed are You Hashem, our G-d, King of the universe That (you) kept us alive, sustained us and enabled us to reach this (special) occasion. שׁוֹפר ָ ִל ְשׁמוֹע קוֹל עוֹלם ָ ל ֵֹהינוּ ֶמ ֶל ְך ָה- ָי ֱא- ְאַתּה י ָ רוּך ְ ָבּ ֶשׁ ֶה ֱחיָנוּ וְ ִקיְּ ָמנוּ יענוּ ִל ְזּ ַמן ַהזֶּה ָ וְ ִה ִגּ # 18 Shofar Blasts # 19 Kaddish Yisgadal vi’yiskadash shi’may raba bi’olma di v’ra chir’usay vi’yam’lich mal’chusay vi’yatzmach purkanay vi’karev mishi’chay bicha’yechon uviyo’mechon uvcha’yay dechol bet Yisra’el ba’agala uvizman kariv vi’imru amen Yihay shi’may raba mi’varach li’olam uli’olmey olmaya Yitbarech vi’yish’tabach vi’yitpa’er vi’yit’romam vi’yit’nasay viyit’hadar vi’yit’ale vi’yit’halal shi’may di’kudsha b’rich hu li’ela min kol birchata vi’shirata tushbi’chata vi’nechema’ta da’amiran bi’olma vi’imru amen yi’hay sh’lama raba min shi’maya vicha’yim tovim alenu May Hashem’s great Name be greater and holier. In the world which He has created according to His will and may He establish His kingdom And may His salvation blossom and may He hurry (the coming) of His anointed one (Moshiach) In your lifetime and in your days And in the lifetime of all the House of Israel (the Jews) speedily and soon; and let us say, Amen May His great name be blessed forever and to all eternity. Blessed and praised, glorified and exalted, extolled and honored, elevated and lauded (praised) be the Name of the Holy One, blessed be He. He is greater than all the blessings Songs, praises and consolations which can be spoken in the world and let us say, Amen May there be much peace from Heaven and good life for us יִת ַק ַדּשׁ ְשׁ ֵמהּ ַר ָבּא ְ ְַדּל ו ַ יִתגּ ְ עוּתה ֵ ְבּ ָע ְל ָמא ִדּי ְב ָרא ִכ ְר כוּתהּ ֵ יך ַמ ְל ְ ַמ ִל ְ וְ י ֻר ָקנֵהּ ְ ַצ ַמח פּ ְ וְ י יחהּ ֵ יק ֵרב ְמ ִשׁ ָ ִו וֹמיכוֹן ֵ וּבי ְ ְבּ ַחיֵּיכוֹן יִשׂ ָר ֵאל ְ וּב ַחיֵּי ְד ָכל ֵבּית ְ וּבזְ ַמן ָק ִריב ִ ָלא ָ ַבּ ֲעג אָמן ֵ וְ ִא ְמרוּ יְהא ְשׁ ֵמהּ ַר ָבּא ְמ ָב ַר ְך ֵ וּל ָע ְל ֵמי ָע ְל ַמיָּא ְ ְל ָע ַלם ַשּׂא ֵ יִתנ ְ ְרוֹמם ו ָ יִת ָפּ ֵאר וְ יִ ְת ְ ְיִת ָבּ ֵר ְך וְ יִ ְשׁ ַתּ ַבּח ו ְ Tishrei Tunes by Rabbi CB Alevsky with Music by Chony! www.ToolsforTorah.com – RabbiCBA@gmail.com – (203) 887 6044 יִת ַה ָלּל ְ ְיִת ַע ֶלּה ו ְ ְיִת ַה ָדּר ו ְ ְו יך הוּא ְ ְשׁ ֵמהּ ְד ֻק ְד ָשׁא ְבּ ִר יר ָתא ָ ְל ֵע ָלּא ִמן ָכּל ִבּ ְר ָכ ָתא וְ ִשׁ ֶח ָמ ָתא ֱ ֻתּ ְשׁ ְבּ ָח ָתא וְ נ ירן ְבּ ָע ְל ָמא ָ ַדּ ֲא ִמ אָמן ֵ וְ ִא ְמרוּ יְהא ְשׁ ָל ָמה ַר ָבּא ִמן ְשׁ ַמיָּא ֵ טוֹבים ָע ֵלינוּ ִ וְ ַחיִּים TISHREI TUNES SONGS & PRAYERS – IN THE ORDER OF THE CD. and for all Israel; and let us say, Amen He who makes peace in the heavens may He make peace for us and for all Israel; and let us say, Amen vi’al kol yisra’el vi’imru amen Oseh shalom bim’romav hu ya’ase shalom alenu vi’al kol Yisra’el vi’imru amen בס"ד יִש ָֹר ֵאל ְ וְ ַעל ָכּל אָמן ֵ וְ ִא ְמרוּ רוֹמיו ָ עוֹ ֶשֹה ָשׁלוֹם ִבּ ְמ ַע ֶשֹה ָשׁלוֹם ָע ֵלינוּ ֲ הוּא י אָמן ֵ יִש ָֹר ֵאל וְ ִא ְמרוּ ְ וְ ַעל ָכּל # 20 Kaddish Tune - Bechayechon # 21 Musaf: Unetane Tokef Let us proclaim the mighty holiness of the day for it is awe-inspiring and fearsome Unetane tokef kedushat hayom Ki hu norah ve’ayom דוּשׁת ַהיוֹם ַ תּוֹקף ְק ֶ וּנּ ַתנֶה ְ נוֹרא וְ אָיוֹם ָ ִכּי הוּא # 22 Musaf: Be’rosh Hashanah Be’rosh Hashanah yi’katevoon uve’yom tzom Kippur ye’cha’temoon kamah ya’avroon v’chamah yi’ba’re’oon mi ye’a’ni Umi ye’a’sher mi yishafel Umi yaroom u’teshuvah u’tefilah u’tzedakah ma-avi’rin et ro’ah hage’zerah On Rosh Hashanah, they are written. And on Yom Kippur, they are sealed. How many will pass from the world. And how many will be created. Who will become poor. And who will become rich. Who will be lowered down. And who will be lifted up. And Teshuva, prayer, and Tzedakah Remove the severity of the decree! ְבּרֹאשׁ ַה ָשׁנָה יִ ָכּ ֵתבוּן ֵח ֵתמוּן ָ וּביוֹם צוֹם ִכּפּוּר י ְ יִבּ ֵראוּן ָ ַע ְברוּן וְ ַכ ָמה ַ ַכּ ָמה י ֵע ֵשׁר ָ וּמי י ִ ֵע ִני ָ ִמי י וּמי יָרוּם ִ ִמי יִ ָשׁ ֵפל וּצ ָד ָקה ְ ילה ָ וּת ִפ ְ שׁוּבה ָ וּת ְ ֵרה ָ רוֹע ַה ְגז ַ ירין ֶאת ִ ַמ ֲע ִב # 23 Birchat Kohanim – Priestly Blessings Yiva’re’chi’chah Ado-nai ve’Yish’mire’chah (amen) Ya-er Ado-nai Pa-nav Elecha Vey’chu’ne’kah (amen) Yissah Ado-nai Pa’nav E’lecha Ve’yasem Le’cha Shalom (amen) May Hashem bless you and guard you May Hashem shine His countenance towards you And make you gracious May Hashem raise His face (forgive) to you And give you peace (אָמן ֵ ) ָי וְ יִ ְשׁ ְמ ֶר ָך- ְיְב ֶר ְכ ָך י ָ יך ָ ָי ָפּנָיו ֵא ֶל- ְָאר י ֵי (אָמן ֵ ) ֶך ָ יחנּ ֻ ִו יך ָ ָי ָפּנָיו ֵא ֶל- ְיִשׂא י ָ (ָשֹם ְל ָך ָשׁלוֹם )אָ ֵמן ֵ וְ י # 24 Tashlich Mi E-l kamocha no’seh a’von vi’over al pesha lish’erit nachalato lo he’chezik la’ad apo ki chafetz chesed hu Who is a powerful G-d like You Who pardons sins and forgives wrongdoings for the remnant of His people. He does not hold onto His anger forever for He desires to do kindness Tishrei Tunes by Rabbi CB Alevsky with Music by Chony! www.ToolsforTorah.com – RabbiCBA@gmail.com – (203) 887 6044 ל ָכּמוֹך-ִמי ֵא נוֹשֹא ָעוֹן ֵ עוֹבר ַעל ֶפּ ַשׁע ֵ ְו ַח ָלתוֹ ֲ ִל ְשׁ ֵא ִרית נ לֹא ֶה ֱחזִ יק ָל ַעד אַפּוֹ ִכּי ָח ֵפץ ֶח ֶסד הוּא בס"ד TISHREI TUNES SONGS & PRAYERS – IN THE ORDER OF THE CD. Yashuv yi’rachamenu yich’bosh avonotenu vi’tashlich bim’tzulot yam kol cha’totam ti’ten emet l’Ya’akov chesed l’Avraham asher nishbata la’avotenu mi’may kedem Min hametzar karati Y-a Ana’ni bamerchav Y-a Ado-nai li lo i’ra ma ya’ase li adam Ado-nai li bi’ozray va’ani er’eh bi’son’ay Tov lachasot ba’ Ado-nai mi’bito’ach ba’adam Tov lachasot ba’ Ado-nai mi’bito’ach bin’di’vim Yi’hiyu li’ratzon imrey fi vi’hegyon libi lifanecha Ado-nai tzuri vigo’ali He will again show us mercy He will suppress our sins and He will THROW all their sins into the depths of the sea. יָשׁוּב יְ ַר ֲח ֵמנוּ וֹנוֹתינוּ ֵ יִ ְכבּוֹשׁ ֲע ֹאתם ָ וְ ַת ְשׁ ִליך ִבּ ְמצוּלוֹת יָם ָכּל ַחטּ Show faithfulness to Jacob kindness to Abraham which You have promised to our fathers from a long time ago From out of distress I called (to) Hashem with abounding (a great) relief, Hashem answered me Hashem is with me I do not fear What can man do to me?: Hashem is with me among my helpers and I will see the downfall of my enemies It is better to rely on Hashem than to trust in man.: It is better to rely on Hashem than to trust in nobles. : May the words of my mouth and the thoughts of my heart be accepted before You Hashem, my strength and my redeemer.: ַעקֹב ֲ ִתּ ֵתּן ֱא ֶמת ְלי אַב ָר ָהם ְ ֶח ֶסד ְל בוֹתינוּ ֵ ֲא ֶשׁר ִנ ְשׁ ַבּ ְע ָתּ ַל ֲא ימי ֶק ֶדם ֵ ִמ אתי יָּהּ ִ ִמן ַה ֵמּ ַצר ָק ָר ָענ ִָני ַבּ ֶמּ ְר ַח ְביָה ירא ָ ָי ִלי לֹא ִא- ְי אָדם ָ ַע ֶשֹה ִלי ֲ ַמה יּ ָי ִלי ְבּעוֹזְ ָרי- ְי ַא ִני ֶא ְר ֶאה ְבש ְֹנאָי ֲו אָדם ָ טוֹח ָבּ ַ ָי ִמ ְבּ- ְטוֹב ַל ֲחסוֹת ַבּי יבים ִ ָי ִמ ְבּט ַֹח ִבּ ְנ ִד- ְטוֹב ַל ֲחסוֹת ַבּי ֶיך ָ יִהיוּ ְל ָרצוֹן ִא ְמ ֵרי ִפי וְ ֶה ְגיוֹן ִל ִבּי ְל ָפנ ְ גוֹא ִלי ֲ ְצוּרי ו ִ ָי- ְי # 25 Return, Oh, Return My Son – Yom Kippur Story in Song # 26 Erev (right before the start of) Yom Kippur - Parents bless their Children Vayedaber Ado-nai el Moshe lemor daber el Aharon v’el banav lemor koh tevarchu et B’nei Yisrael Amor lahem Yiva’re’chi’chah Ado-nai ve’Yish’mire’chah Ya-er Ado-nai Pa-nav Elecha Vey’chu’ne’kah Yissah Ado-nai Pa’nav E’lecha Ve’yasem Le’cha Shalom Visamu Et Shimi Al Binai Yisra’el And Hashem spoke to Moshe saying: Speak to Aaron and his sons, saying Thus you shall bless the Children of Israel Say to them May Hashem bless you and guard you May Hashem shine His countenance towards you And make you gracious May Hashem raise His face (forgive) to you And give you peace And you shall place my name upon the Children of Israel Tishrei Tunes by Rabbi CB Alevsky with Music by Chony! www.ToolsforTorah.com – RabbiCBA@gmail.com – (203) 887 6044 ֹשׁה ֵלּאמֹר ֶ ָי ֶאל מ- ְוַיְ ַד ֵבּר י אַהרֹן וְ ֶאל ָבּנָיו ֵלאמֹר ֲ ַדּ ֵבּר ֶאל כֹּה ְת ָב ְרכוּ ֶאת ְבּנֵי יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵאל אָמוֹר ָל ֶהם ָי וְ יִ ְשׁ ְמ ֶר ָך- ְיְב ֶר ְכ ָך י ָ יך ָ ָי ָפּנָיו ֵא ֶל- ְָאר י ֵי ֶך ָ יחנּ ֻ ִו יך ָ ָי ָפּנָיו ֵא ֶל- ְיִשׂא י ָ ָשֹם ְל ָך ָשׁלוֹם ֵ וְ י יִשׂ ָר ֵאל ְ וְ ָשׂמוּ ֶאת ֹ ְש ִמי ַעל ְבּנֵי TISHREI TUNES SONGS & PRAYERS – IN THE ORDER OF THE CD. And I will bless them Va’ani Avarichem Yesimcha E-lohim Ke’Efrayim Vi’chiMenashe Yesimech E-lohim KeSarah Rivka Rachel V’Leah בס"ד ַא ִני ֲא ָב ְר ֵכם ֲו (for boys) May Hashem make you like Ephraim and Menashe ַשּׁה ֶ ל ִֹהים ְכּ ֶא ְפ ַריִם וְ ִכ ְמנ-יְשׂ ְמ ָך ֱא ִ (for girls) May Hashem make you like Sarah, Rivka, Rachel & Leah ל ִֹהים ְכּ ָשׂ ָרה ִר ְב ָקה ָר ֵחל וְ ֵלאָה-יְשׂ ֵמ ְך ֱא ִ # 27 Yom Kippur Candle Lighting Blessed are You Hashem, our G-d, King of the universe Baruch Ata Ado-nai E-loheinu Melech Ha’olam Asher Ki’dishanu Bi’mitzvotav Vi’tzivanu lihadlik ner shel Yom Haki’purim Baruch Ata Ado-nai E-loheinu Melech Ha’olam she’heh’che’yanu viki’manu vihi’gi’anu liz’man hazeh עוֹלם ָ ל ֵֹהינוּ ֶמ ֶל ְך ָה- ָי ֱא- ְאַתּה י ָ רוּך ְ ָבּ Who made us holy with His Mitzvot and commanded us וֹתיו וְ ִצוָּנוּ ָ ֲא ֶשׁר ִק ְדּ ָשׁנוּ ְבּ ִמ ְצ light a candle for Yom Kippur. פּוּרים ִ ְל ַה ְד ִליק נֵר ֶשׁל יוֹם ַה ִכּ Blessed are You Hashem, our G-d, King of the universe That (you) kept us alive, sustained us and enabled us to reach this (special) occasion. עוֹלם ָ ל ֵֹהינוּ ֶמ ֶל ְך ָה- ָי ֱא- ְאַתּה י ָ רוּך ְ ָבּ יענוּ ִל ְזּ ַמן ַהזֶּה ָ ֶשׁ ֶה ֱחיָנוּ וְ ִקיְּ ָמנוּ וְ ִה ִגּ # 28 Kol Nidrei – Yom Kippur Eve Kol nidray ve’esarei u’shvuei va’charamei vi’konamey vi’kinusay vi’chinu-yay di’in-darna u’dishtabanah u’di’acharim-nah u’di-asarnah al naf-sha-tana mi’yom kippurim zeh ad Yom kippurim - habah aleinu li’tova b’chulhon icharat’nah b’hon kul’hon yehon sharan shevi’kin shvi’tin betailin umivu-talin la sh’ririn v’la kayamin nidra’na la nidrei ve’esaranah lo esarai ushe’vu-utanah la she’vuot Any promises to do or not to do something, that something we say is true, that we will never use something, and all other types of commitments, ֶא ָס ֵרי ֱ ָכּל ִנ ְד ֵרי ו ָמי ֵ ַח ָר ֵמי וְ קוֹנ ֲ בוּעי ו ֵ וּשׁ ְ נוּסיוְ ִכנּוּיֵי ֵ וְ ִק that we promise, vow, swear ימנָא ְ אַח ִר ֲ וּד ְ וּד ִא ְשׁ ַתּ ַבּ ְענָא ְ ְדּ ִא ְנ ַדּ ְרנָא or take upon ourselves, from this Yom Kippur until next Yom Kippur, we regret them all. Let them have no power. let them be canceled as if they never existed. our promises shall not be promises, Our vows shall not be vows, And our oaths shall not be oaths. ַפ ָשׁ ָתנָא ְ אָס ְרנָא ַעל נ ַ וּד ְ פּוּרים זֶה ִ ִמיּוֹם ִכּ טוֹבה ָ פּוּרים ַה ָבּא ָע ֵלינוּ ְל ִ ַעד יוֹם ִכּ ֻלּהוֹן ִא ֲח ַר ְטנָא ְבהוֹן ְ ְבּכ ֻלהוֹן יְהוֹן ָשׁ ָרן ְכּ ֻטּ ִלין ָ וּמב ְ יתין ְבּ ֵט ִלין ִ יקין ְשׁ ִב ִ ְשׁ ִב ָמין ִ ירין וְ ָלא ַקיּ ִ ָלא ְשׁ ִר ִנ ְד ָרנָא ָלא ִנ ְד ֵרי ֶא ָס ָרנָא ָלא ֱא ָס ֵרי ֱו בוּע ָתנָא ָלא ְשׁבוּעוֹת ָ וּש ְ # 29 Follows Kol Nidrei ki l’chol ha’am beshgagah And the whole congregation of Israel were forgiven (together with) the converts who lived amongst them For it was not on purpose that they have done wrong. Va’yomer hashem salachti ki’dvarecha And Hashem said: I have forgiven according to your words. V’Nislach l’chol adat b’nei Yisrael vi’la’ger ha’gar be’tochum יִש ָֹר ֵאל ְ וְ ִנ ְס ַלח ְל ָכל ֲע ַדת ְבּנֵי תוֹכם ָ וְ ַלגֵּר ַהגָּר ְבּ ִכּי ְל ָכל ָה ָעם ִבּ ְשׁ ָגגָה # 30 Follows Kol Nidrei Tishrei Tunes by Rabbi CB Alevsky with Music by Chony! www.ToolsforTorah.com – RabbiCBA@gmail.com – (203) 887 6044 יך ָ ָי ָס ַל ְח ִתּי ִכּ ְד ָב ֶר- ְֹאמר י ֶ ַויּ TISHREI TUNES SONGS & PRAYERS – IN THE ORDER OF THE CD. בס"ד # 31 Follows Kol Nidrei Baruch Ata Ado-nai E-loheinu Melech Ha’olam Blessed are You Hashem, our G-d, King of the universe That (you) kept us alive, sustained us and enabled us to reach this (special) occasion. עוֹלם ָ ל ֵֹהינוּ ֶמ ֶל ְך ָה- ָי ֱא- ְאַתּה י ָ רוּך ְ ָבּ she’heh’che’yanu viki’manu vihi’gi’anu יענוּ ִל ְזּ ַמן ַהזֶּה ָ ֶשׁ ֶה ֱחיָנוּ וְ ִקיְּ ָמנוּ וְ ִה ִגּ liz’man hazeh # 32 On Yom Kippur we chant the Baruch Shem aloud instead of the usual whisper. Shema Yisrael Ado-nai E-loheinu Ado- Hear O Israel: Hashem is our is ָי ֶא ָחד- ְל ֵֹהינוּ י- ָי ֱא- ְיִשׂ ָר ֵאל י ְ ְשׁ ַמע G-d, Hashem is one nai Echad Baruch Shem Ke’vod Mal’chuto Le’olam Va’ed Blessed is the name of His glorious kingdom forever and ever רוּך ֵשׁם ְכּבוֹד ַמ ְלכוּתוֹ ְ ָבּ ָעד ֶ עוֹלם ו ָ ְל # 33 Al Chet – the verbal confession Al chet she’chatanu lifanecha be’imutz ha’lev Al chet she’chatanu lifanecha bivli da’at Al chet she’chatanu lifanecha bi’dibbur peh Al chet she’chatanu lifanecha Bi’zilzul horim umorim Al chet she’chatanu lifanecha Bi’lashon ha-rah Al chet she’chatanu lifanecha Bi’sh’vu’at shav ve’al kulam E-lohah selichot selach lanu mechal lanu kaper lanu For the sin which we have committed before you with a hard heart For the sin which we have committed before you that we did not realize was wrong. For the sin which we have committed before you which we have made with words - by mouth For the sin which we have committed before you by disrespecting parents and teachers For the sin which we have committed before you by speaking badly about others For the sin which we have committed before you by not keeping a promise. . For all these, Hashem, G-d of forgiveness Pardon us. Forgive us. Clean us of our sins. ֶיך ָ ַעל ֵח ְטא ֶש ָח ָטאנוּ ְל ָפנ ְבּ ִאמוּץ ַה ֵלּב ֶיך ָ ַעל ֵח ְטא ֶש ָח ָטאנוּ ְל ָפנ ִבּ ְב ִלי ָד ַעת ֶיך ָ וְ ַעל ֵח ְטא ֶש ָח ָטאנוּ ְל ָפנ ְבּ ִדבּוּר ֶפּה ֶיך ָ ַעל ֵח ְטא ֶש ָח ָטאנוּ ְל ָפנ וּמוֹרים ִ הוֹרים ִ ְבּזִ ְלזוּל ֶיך ָ וְ ַעל ֵח ְטא ֶש ָח ָטאנוּ ְל ָפנ ְבּ ָלשׁוֹן ָה ָרע ֶיך ָ ַעל ֵח ְטא ֶש ָח ָטאנוּ ְל ָפנ בוּעת ָשׁוְ א ַ ִבּ ְשׁ וֹהּ ְס ִליחוֹת ַ ֽל-ֻלם ֱא ָ וְ ַעל כּ ְס ַלח ָלנוּ ְמ ָחל ָלנוּ ַכּ ֵפּר ָלנוּ # 34 At the end of Ne’ila - Yom Kippur’s final prayer the entire congregation cries out these verses, just before the Shofar is sounded. Shema Yisrael Ado-nai E-loheinu AdoHear O Israel Hashem is ָי ֶא ָחד- ְל ֵֹהינוּ י- ָי ֱא- ְיִשׂ ָר ֵאל י ְ ְשׁ ַמע our G-d – Hashem is one nai Echad Baruch Shem Ke’vod Mal’chuto Le’olam Va’ed Ado-nai hu Ha’Elohim Blessed be the Name of His glorious Kingdom forever and ever Hashem is the G-d רוּך ֵשׁם ְכּבוֹד ַמ ְלכוּתוֹ ְ ָבּ ָעד ֶ עוֹלם ו ָ ְל ל ִֹהים- ָי הוּא ָה ֱא- ְי # 35 After the Shofar blast we shout out: Leshanah habba’ah biYerushalayim Next year in Jerusalem! Tishrei Tunes by Rabbi CB Alevsky with Music by Chony! www.ToolsforTorah.com – RabbiCBA@gmail.com – (203) 887 6044 ירוּשׁ ַליִ ם ָ ְל ָשׁנָה ַה ָבּאָה ִבּ TISHREI TUNES SONGS & PRAYERS – IN THE ORDER OF THE CD. # 36 The Everlasting Sukkah - Song # 37 Blessings for Sukkah Baruch Ata Ado-nai E-loheinu Melech Blessed are You Hashem, our G-d, King of the universe Ha’olam Asher kedishanu bemitzvotav Who made us holy with His Mitzvot and commanded us vetzivanu to sit in the Sukkah. Leyshev basukkah For our first time in the Sukkah this year – we say: Baruch Atah Adon-aiy Elo-heiynu Blessed are You Hashem, our G-d, King of the universe Melech Ha’olam בס"ד עוֹלם ָ ל ֵֹהינוּ ֶמ ֶל ְך ָה- ָי ֱא- ְאַתּה י ָ רוּך ְ ָבּ וֹתיו וְ ִצוָּנוּ ָ ֲא ֶשׁר ִק ְדּ ָשׁנוּ ְבּ ִמ ְצ ישׁב ַבּ ֻסּ ָכּה ֵ ֵל עוֹלם ָ ל ֵֹהינוּ ֶמ ֶל ְך ָה- ָי ֱא- ְאַתּה י ָ רוּך ְ ָבּ That (you) kept us alive, She’heh’che’yanu viki’manu vihi’gi’anu יענוּ ִל ְזּ ַמן ַהזֶּה ָ ֶשׁ ֶה ֱחיָנוּ וְ ִקיְּ ָמנוּ וְ ִה ִגּ sustained us and enabled us to liz’man hazeh reach this (special) occasion. # 38 Blessings for “The Four Kinds:” While holding the lulav in your right hand, say: Baruch Ata Ado-nai E-loheinu Melech Blessed are You Hashem, עוֹלם ָ ל ֵֹהינוּ ֶמ ֶל ְך ָה- ָי ֱא- ְאַתּה י ָ רוּך ְ ָבּ our G-d, King of the universe Ha’olam Asher Ki’dishanu Bi’Mitzvotav Who made us holy with His וֹתיו וְ ִצוָּנוּ ָ ֲא ֶשׁר ִק ְדּ ָשׁנוּ ְבּ ִמ ְצ Mitzvot and commanded us Vi’tzivanu לוּלב ָ ילת ַ ַעל ְנ ִט to take the Lulav al netilat Lulav The first time you do the Mitzvah this year, you say another special Bracha. Take the Etrog in your left hand and say: Baruch Ata Ado-nai E-loheinu Melech Blessed are You Hashem, עוֹלם ָ ל ֵֹהינוּ ֶמ ֶל ְך ָה- ָי ֱא- ְאַתּה י ָ רוּך ְ ָבּ our G-d, King of the universe Ha’olam she’heh’che’yanu viki’manu vihi’gi’anu liz’man hazeh That (you) kept us alive, sustained us and enabled us to reach this (special) occasion. יענוּ ִל ְזּ ַמן ַהזֶּה ָ ֶשׁ ֶה ֱחיָנוּ וְ ִקיְּ ָמנוּ וְ ִה ִגּ Lyrics to English songs coming soon! Tishrei Tunes by Rabbi CB Alevsky with Music by Chony! www.ToolsforTorah.com – RabbiCBA@gmail.com – (203) 887 6044
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