
July 10 - 11 2015
‫שבת פרשת פנחס‬
For All Shul Info: Zmanim - Shiurim - Pics & Videos
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Shabbos Mevarchim Chodesh AV
Special Birchas HaChodesh
with the One & Only
ovid Malin
y Rabbi D
Pirchei b bbi Yossi Fried
and Ra
n 3:00 - 4
Pester Rebbe
abbos Aft
0 pm
Every Sh
arts at 4:0
Tehillim st
osh & G
tories hillim - S
"R' Yoeli Leibovitz"
Candle lighting
Plag Early Mincha
Youth Minyan
Shachris Vasikin,
Youth Minyan
Mincha Followed
Pirkei Avos
Managed by our great
gabbai Ephraim Yurowitz
at 1:40pm
6:45pm 20 Forshay
7:00pm 20 Forshay
7:30pm in the tent
8:15pm Ohr Chaims “Bais Chabad
9:15am Followed by Kiddush
9:15 am at 20 Forshay Rd
10:00am Ohr Chaims “Bais Chabad
3-4 & 4-5pm BNOS 3:00pm at 22 Forshay Rd
By Daf Yomi 6:00pm
1:45pm - 8:10pm
9:10pm & 9:15
Rabbi Lankry - 7:15
Rebbitzen lankry - 6:45
Bnos for Girls
7:00am & 9:00am
Shachris Vasikin 4:55am
Shacharis 8:00am - 9:00am & 10:00am
Minchah - Maariv 1:40pm - 6:45pm & 8:20pm
Maariv 9:00pm 9:45pm 10:30pm 11:00pm
6:00am & 9:00am
Shachris Vasikin 4:55am
Shacharis 6:25am 7:00am 8:00am 9:00am
Minchah - Maariv 1:40pm - 6:45pm & 8:20pm
Maariv 9:00pm 9:45pm 10:30pm 11:00pm
Girls: ages 6- 8
Shabbos Afternoon
3:00 - 4:00pm at 22 Forshay
Led by: Ayelet Esther Coren & Tzivi Rosenblum
Dear Kehilla,
BET Parashot Pinchas Haftara 5775
The Haftara speaks of Eliyahu defending the
honor of Hashem just as Pinchas defended the
honor of Hashem in this week’s Parasha. In
fact, Chazal states that Pinchas is Eliyahu.
Eliyahu lived in the year 3000 and he was the Navi in the time of King Achav
ben Amari and Aciheza ben Achav. His title as Eliyahu Hagiladi is because
he is from a place called Gilad. His teacher was Achiya Hasheloni, and he
battles and challenges King Achav and his wife Eizavel for bringing Avoda
Zarah to the nation.
King Achav rebuilt the city of Yericho and therefore the curse of Yehoshua
came true; Achav lost all of his children. Upon meeting with Eliyahu, Achav
asked him can it be that the curse of the student can come true but not the
curse of the master? He was referring to what Moshe Rabainu said, that if
the Jewish people will violate the Torah with the sin of Avoda Zarah then
Hashem will stop the Heavens from giving rain. At that point in time there
was so much abundance in the land that a famine was not conceivable.
Eliyahu davened to Hashem to protect the honor of the Torah, and instantly
there was a famine. Three years later Eliyahu gathers the entire nation by
Mount Carmel for a show down between him and the Naviim of the Avodah
Zarah called Ba’al. The result was everyone was returned to teshuva.
Eliyahu left a legacy of many miracles and did not actually pass away but
went to heaven as a living person. May he return speedily and bring with
him the messiah, amen.
In the haftorah, Eliyahu is victorious against the Naviim of the Ba’al and
this causes Queen Eizevel to threaten his life. Eliyahu runs to Be’er Shevah
towards his disciple Ovadia. As he is running in the desert he finds a tree to
rest under, and depleted of food and energy, he requests from Hashem to
take his soul so he can rest in peace. Exhausted from escaping those who
hunt him, he felt that he is too old and no longer useful to do Hashem’s
work. While under the tree a miracle appears and a second tree appears
so that now he can lie down with enough shade. He has a vision, a dream,
that an angel wakes him up and presents Eliyahu with freshly baked bread
on hot coals, and water .The angel directs him to eat and drink so he can
regain his strength for the journey ahead. After eating and drinking Eliyahu
walks for 40 days and nights until he reaches Mount Sinai and the cave
where Moshe Rabainu entered to receive the Torah from Hashem. Hashem
speaks softly to him asking; “what are you doing here”?
Eliyahu responds I have avenged the honor of Hashem and killed the false
prophets of the Ba’al . I also instigated the famine because the nation has
left the way of Hashem. I am the only remaining Navi left to the nation,
and they wish to kill me. I came to the holy place to daven to you that you
should punish the idol worshippers and protect me.
Hashem told Eliyahu to step out of the cave and Hashem presented before
him three types of the most powerful angels, in great multitudes. The first
group was from wind, the second was from noise, and the third from fire.
Each group was extremely powerful in their own way. However, there was
a fourth group present too, and they were from the sound of silence. This
referred to the attribute of kindness. Hashem said that the only way I will
deal with the nation is with the attribute of chesed.
Eliyahu tries to clarify his actions by explaining that his desire was only
to defend the honor of Hashem. Hashem responds that He knows the
intentions of Eliyahu, nevertheless, the attribute of kindness will always
Eliyahu is instructed to return from where he came from and anoint a new
king and the future leaders of the nation.
We learn how a location where something great had once occurred will
become a holy site with special energies. Just like the location of the cave
where Moshe went into the mountain became a holy site where Eliyahu
received special revelation.
Perhaps the greatest lesson is that the attribute of mercy and chesed will
always prevail. May we all experience only Hashem’s lovingkindness in our
‫להבין ולהשכיל‬
by Tuvia Pressburger
Parshas Pinchas
When a woman performs a Mitzva that she’s not
obligated in, i.e. Tzitzis or shaking ‫לולב‬, there’s a
great discussion among the ‫ ראשונים‬whether or not she should
make a ‫ ברכה‬on that ‫מצוה‬.
The ‫ ר"ן‬,‫רא"ש‬, and ‫ תוספות‬say that women make a ‫ ברכה‬on these
‫מצוות‬. Though they’re not obligated, they nonetheless get ‫ שכר‬for
doing it.
However the ‫רמב"ם‬, among others, argues and holds that they
may not say a ‫ברכה‬. The ‫ מגיד משנה‬explains that the reason of
the ‫ רמב"ם‬is, since they are not commanded in the ‫מצוה‬, how
could they say ‫וצונו‬, you have commanded us, if they are not
The Shulchan Aruch in Orach Chaim 589 follows the opinion of
the ‫ רמב"ם‬and paskens that they may not make a ‫ברכה‬.
However, the ‫ רמ"א‬writes on this, that the ‫ מנהג‬of the Ashkenazim
is that the women do make a ‫ברכה‬.
Now, here’s the question. When it comes to ‫ברכת התורה‬, the ‫שלחן‬
‫ ערוך‬writes in chapter 47 that here women do say the ‫ברכה‬. Being
that women have no obligation to learn ‫תורה‬, this should be
similar to shaking ‫ לולב‬or ‫ציצית‬, where as we mentioned, women
don’t say a ‫ ברכה‬according to the ‫ שלחן ערוך‬who follows the ruling of
the ‫רמב"ם‬. So, why is ‫ ברכת התורה‬different?
The answer to this question is found in the ‫בית יוסף‬. Though women
don’t have to learn ‫תורה‬, they do have to learn the ‫ הלכות‬pertaining
to them. Therefore, it would make sense for them to make a ‫ברכה‬
and say "‫"וצונו‬, since they are somewhat commanded here
Good Shabbos,
Questions and comments are welcome at
An Ex-Loner's Guide to Authentic Friendship
Jim's Daily Awakenings for July 2, 2015
The law on using therapists:
Therapists are tools
we use to accomplish our mission.
The best therapist I ever knew made the same speech to
all new clients. After hearing them talk about their problem,
she would say, "You have a lot of dung in your life. The good
news is that I have a shovel. My professional expertise is
like a shovel. I will rent it to you, but you have to shovel
your own dung."
My therapist friend was right. If we go to a counselor
without a clear mission and the determination to use the
therapist's tools to resolve the issue, we will waste a lot of
time and money.
Many therapists have tools that are worth their weight in
gold to us. But we have to use the tools or our goals are
unaccomplished. We are responsible for doing the work
necessary to bring about own healing.
Rabbi Daniel Aron Coren
There is a well-known relief carved in the
Arch of Titus on Via Sacra in Rome that
depicts the General Titus returning from
his victory in destroying the second Bais
Hamikdash in Jerusalem and bringing
back the Menorah that had stood in the
What’s the significance of this Menorah?
Korban Tamid
Parshas Pinchas refers to the mitzva of
sacrificing the Korban Tamid which was
brought to the Temple twice a day every
day including Shabbos. No day went by
without first sacrificing the Korban Tamid
in the morning and ending the day with
the afternoon Tamid. What do these two
sacrificed sheep represent?
On a nightly basis in our shul, we have
been learning Mishna Brura and we are
now studying the Halachos of the three
weeks. In the first siman, the Mishna
Brura discusses the five things that
happened on the 17th of Tamuz: The
breach in the wall of Yerushalayim took
place; the luchos were broken by Moshe
Rabeinu; a Greek General, Apostimus,
burned a Sefer Torah and erected a
pagan idol in the Beit HaMikdash and
lastly the Korban Tamid was stopped.
I presented the people at the shiur
with the following question: What is the
common thread between all these events
and how does it connect to the 17th of
Tamuz and the start of the three weeks?
Another fascinating fact to consider
is that the year and date on which
the Declaration of Independence was
signed—July 4th, 1776—just happened
to be the 17th of Tamuz. So another
question I asked was: Is there any
connection between the newly declared
United States of America and the 17th of
I will share with you a story that I
heard personally from a friend. He was
scheduled to be in court and the day of
his hearing, he visited one of the tzadikim
in Israel for a bracha and some advice.
The tzadik told him not to worry but to
keep Shivisi Hashem in front of his eyes
especially when the judge is about to
make his decision. Although the judge’s
facial expression was not very promising,
my friend remembered what he had been
told and he followed this advice—he
envisioned the name of Hashem spelled
out on the face of the judge and thought
to himself,’ shivis
tamid’. Suddenly,
without any prior
warning, the judge dismissed the
entire case to the great relief of
everyone especially my friend. He
was the only one that could possibly
deduce what had really taken place.
What is the secret of Shivis and does
it apply to only great kabbalists or
every one of us?
Surprisingly, this Shivis concept is in
the Mishna Brura in the first siman
in Shulchan Aruch Orach Chayim.
The Chefetz Chayim wrote about this
concept because he felt it was the
most important conviction in Judaism,
one that we must acknowledge
when we wake up and keep in
mind throughout the day. Shivis
emphasizes the existence of a God,
master of the universe and king of
the world, an omnipotent God who
loves me and all His children and only
wants what is best for us.
This is the secret of Shivis which
focuses on placing God in front of
you all the time. This is not an easy
concept to internalize and takes much
training but it should be a life time
There are many shuls that have a
big Shivis by the chazzan and many
siddurim are printed with a picture of
Shivis which is basically a menorah
with different names of Hashem
representing different concepts.
The underlying principal that Shivisi
represents is our unbreakable and
constant connection with Hashem
and as the holy books tell us, when
you are connected to Hashem nothing
can harm you (see Nefesh Hachayim
on ‫)אין עוד מלבדו‬.
Now let’s go back to the 17th of
Tammuz and how we can use the
next three weeks to bring changes to
our lives. The first step should be to
analyze our relationship and locate
where there is a break of some sort.
Just like a crack in a house calls for
serious analysis in order to fix the
problem before the whole structure
caves in, similarly when dealing with
relationship and certainly a spiritual
one, a person needs to find the cause
of the problem and then try to find the
solution to it.
So what do the five things that usher
in the three weeks have in common?
They all represent the rupture in our
constant connection, a breach in the
wall. The luchos and the sefer torah
represent our covenant with Hashem;
the korban Tamid was a constant
korban that cleansed the Jews every
day and the placing of an image
represents our detachment from our
I hope these weeks turn into days
of joy and the appreciation of our
connection with Hashem.
Snap Shot
on th
by Lazer Scheiner
Bamidbar-Numbers 25:10–30:1
Aaron’s grandson Pinchas is rewarded for his act of
zealotry in killing the Simeonite prince Zimri and the
Midianite princess who was his paramour: G‑d grants him
acovenant of peace and the priesthood.
A census of the people counts 601,730 men between
the ages of twenty and sixty. Mosesis instructed on how
the Land is to be divided by lottery among the tribes and
families ofIsrael. The five daughters of Tzelafchadpetition
Moses that they be granted the portion of the land
belonging to their father, who died without sons; G‑d
accepts their claim and incorporates it into the Torah’s
laws of inheritance.
Moses empowers Joshua to
succeed him and lead the people into the Land of Israel.
The Parshah concludes with a detailed list of the daily
offerings, and the additional offerings brought on Shabbat,
Rosh Chodesh (first of the month), and the festivals of
Passover, Shavuot, Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur,Sukkot
and Shemini Atzeret.
I Kings 18:46-19:21.
The prophet Elijah is the main protagonist of this week's
haftorah. According to tradition, Elijah shared the same
soul as Pinchas, the hero of this week's Torahportion.
They also both zealously fought on G‑d's behalf, while
disregarding the dangers involved.
Following the
showdown with the Baal prophets at Mount Carmel, which
led to the execution of the Baal priests, the evil Queen
Jezebel issued a death sentence for Elijah. Elijah fled to
the Judean desert and asked G‑d to take his life. While
he slept, an angel awoke him and provided him with food
and drink. Reenergized, Elijah went for forty days until he
arrived at Mount Horeb (Sinai), and he slept in a cave on
the mountain. And the word of G‑d came to him and asked
him for the purpose of his visit. "And [Elijah] said: 'I have
been zealous for G-d, the Lord of Hosts, for the children of
Israel have forsaken Your covenant. They have torn down
Your altars and they have killed Your prophets by the sword,
and I have remained alone, and they seek my life to take
it." Elijah was instructed to leave the cave and stand on
the mountain: "Behold! G-d's Presence will pass." There
was a great and strong wind splitting mountains and
shattering boulders, but Elijah realized that G-d was not in
the wind. Then came an earthquake followed by fire, but
again Elijah understood that not in the earthquake nor the
fire was G-d. After the fire there was a subtle silent voice,
and Elijah realized that the Divine Presence had appeared.
G-d asked Elijah again for the purpose of his visit, and
Elijah repeated his earlier response. G‑d instructed Elijah
to go to Damascus and anoint Hazael as king of Aram and
Jehu as king of Israel and to anoint Elisha as a prophet
in his stead. These three would continue Elijah's battle
against the Baal. Elijah followed the instructions and he
immediately found Elisha and recruited him as his aide
and eventual successor.
English was an odd language. I'm
actually surprised that there is no
silent Q in the word English. While
I know that rules were meant to be
broken, whoever made up English
took that concept to the next level!
Why is an alarm clock going "off"
when it actually turns on? I'll tell you
the answer, but before I do, please
note that most of these questions do
NOT have answers. For example
in singular, it's house. But in the
plural, it's houses. Than how can
we explain that the plural of mouse
is not mouses.
When we think of the alarm going
"off", we think that when the sound
goes on that's what we call off.
Actually, the alarm is always on.
When it's on, it's quiet. Only when it
turns off does it make the annoying
ringing sound!
If there is anyone out there who
would like to teach me Yiddish, let
me know!
”Think about it,
Yehuda Grodko
A Yartzeit is generally associated with two mixed feelings.
On the one hand, as we learn from our sacred sources,
the soul of the departed enjoys on the day of its Yartzeit,
an elevation, passing from one spiritual world into a
higher one. This is, therefore, a day of rejoicing for the
soul, hence, a day of corresponding joy also for the near
and dear ones left behind, for long and happy life.
On the other hand, the Yartzeit naturally
refreshes in the mind the loss sustained
by children in the passing of their parents,
giving rise to a feeling of sadness.
In truth, however, the Yartzeit should
not call forth any feeling of sadness, but
rather a feeling of earnest reflection,
introspection and self-examination. With
a view to attuning one’s life on this earth
to the life-path of the soul above, which
is constantly on the ascent. This is to say,
just as the soul On High is continuously
rising, year after year, going "from
strength to strength," so must also all
those left behind on this earth, who are
the associated with the departed soul,
steadily go from strength to strength,
through advancement in “Torah and
the practice of good deeds.”
In this way, also, children give the
greatest possible joy to their dear
departed parents.
This also underlines the basic view
of our religion, that in reality there
is no ‘death’ in matters of G-dliness,
Torah and Mitzvoth, experience this
transition is one direction only – going
higher and higher, first in this world and
later in the following world – always
on the ascent.
====Rebbe’s letter
, ‫והיינו משום שכבר התרגל לזה‬
‫והיינו שעצם מציאותו של החפץ‬
‫חיים היה עצם מציאות של רצונו‬
‫ שבזה שראה‬, ‫ עד כדי כך‬, ‫יתברך‬
‫חילול שמו יתברך היה אצלו כאלו‬
‫ זהו מי שדבוק‬, ‫ניטל אחד מאבריו‬
. ‫בבורא עולם‬
‫פרשת פנחס‬
‫בענין קנאות‬
‫וכן מובא בספר שיח ישראל ממרן‬
( ‫הגר׳ ישראל אליעזר קנריק זצ״ל‬
‫בענין אלול ) שהאריך בענין של בן‬
‫ שהיה חי‬, ‫ שזהו היה שמו‬, ‫איש חי‬
‫ והיינו מרגיש ועל ידי זה כל דבר‬,
‫ וכן‬, ‫בענין רוחניות הרגיש אצלו‬
‫ חיי אצילות חייב‬, ‫כל יהודי שחי‬
‫ שכל חילול‬, ‫להיות בן איש חי‬
‫ ועל‬, ‫שמו היינו פגיעה בו ממש‬
‫שכואב צועק בכאב אישי עד כדי‬
‫ והיינו שהוא‬, ‫למסור נפש עבור זה‬
‫מרגיש חלק מיחודו יתברך שכן הן‬
. ‫ והיינו שזה עצם מהותו‬, ‫הדברים‬
‫ידוע מה שאומרים הבריאות ״כשכואב צועקים ״‬
.‫וזהו הנקרא בעולם קנאות ואבאר‬
‫והנה בתחלת הפרשה מדברת התורה הקדושה‬
‫ בעד שקינא קנאותו‬, ‫בענין מעשה פנחס ושכרו‬
‫ ויש להבין עומק יסוד‬, ‫ ובזה זכה לכהונה‬, ‫יתברך‬
. ‫ענין הך קנאות‬
‫ועל ידי זה זוכה לכח העילאי‬
‫ שהיא כח ומתנה ממרום‬, ‫הזאת‬
‫ שנזכה באמת‬, ‫כמו שניתן לפינחס‬
‫להרגיש הך הכרה גדולה ולקרבה‬
. ‫הגדולה הזאת‬
‫רבינו זיע״א בספרו תנינא כתב ביסוד ענין קנאות‬
‫וזהו לשונו ״ קנאות זו צדקה ״ ויסוד הענין הוא יש‬
‫ לא כמדת הקב״ה‬.‫לומר על פי גמרא בבא בתרא י‬
‫מדת מלך בשר ודם מדת בשר ודם השולח דורון‬
‫ הקב״ה‬, ‫למלך בו״ד ספק מקבל ספק המלך רואה‬
‫אינו כן נותן פרוטה לעני מיד נכנס לפלטרין של‬
‫ והיינו שעצם מעשה הצדקה היינו‬, ‫מלך עייש‬
‫ וזהו‬, ‫סיבת ומעשה הקירבה הגדולה ביותר‬
‫ והנקודה היא שכואב לו‬, ‫קנאות כמו שאמר רבינו‬
. ‫לאדם שמתחלל רצונו יתברך‬
‫שבת שלום‬
‫מארץ ישראל‬
‫מצפה לישועת השם ולפני משיח‬
‫הכו״ח לכה״ק או״ח‬
‫ד י פיירסטון‬
‫והענין שהאדם נהפך מציאות רצונו לרצון הכביכול‬
‫ ועל ידי זה מקור עצם חיותו הוא נובע‬, ‫ברוך הוא‬
‫ והפוך מתרחק‬, ‫על ידי התקרבותו עליו כביכול‬
‫ וכמו העובדא עם הסבא קדישא מרן החפץ‬, ‫ממנו‬
‫חיים זיע״א שראה יהודי מחלל שבת מיד התעלף‬
, ‫ ואחרי זה שוב ראה עוד יהודי רח״ל ורק בכה‬,
Crown Heights Mother of 5
Receiving Kidney from Munkacs'er
Chaim Elazar ben Esther Fradel
Sara Malka bas Chana
Today's kidney donor, Chaim Elazar,
was inspired to donate a kidney when
his brother did so four years ago. He is
a Munkacs'er chossid from Boro Park
and father of one. His enthusiasm for
thismitzvah was enviable.
The recipient, Sharon, is a mother of
five from Crown Heights in Brooklyn.
Her children wished to donate but
were unable to. She was nearing to
have to go on dialysis and we are
very happy that this transplant can be
preemptive. She will now IY"H receive
a second chance at life due to Chaim
Elazar's amazing selfless act.
Wishes to remain anonymous
Zvi ben Shoshana
Today's kidney donor wishes to remain
anonymous. This special person was
willing to donate a kidney despite
the uniqueness and special expertise
required to perform this case. The
reason we didn't send out this email
yesterday was because of the special
circumstances the kidney might not
have been usable. We wish to thank
the surgeons Dr. Lloyd Ratner, Director,
Renal and Pancreatic Transplantation,
Department of Surgery and Dr. Pedro
Rodrigo Sandoval, Assistant Professor
of Surgery Division of Abdominal
Organ Transplantation, of NY
Presbyterian-Columbia University for
performing these extremely long and
difficult surgeries.
We are happy to report that the surgery was a success and the recipient, a
father of one from Queens, NY will now be able to stop needed to go to dialysis
three times a week for four hours each time as he has been doing for over three
years. They are B"H both in their rooms recovering nicely.
Thank you,
5904 13th Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11219 -
11:15 AM
Rebbitzen Mindy Lankry
Women’s Corner-Parshas Pinchas
(These words of Torah are dedicated L’illuy nishmas my grandfather,
Menachem Mendel ben Nachum)
The daughters of Tzelofchod approach Moshe with a request to
inherit a portion of Eretz Yisroel. Their father had passed away in the desert
without ever having sons, and so the daughters wanted to inherit the land in
their stead. They present their case as to why a portion should rightly belong
to them even though they are women. Hashem concurs. In recognition of
their righteousness, Hashem gave them the honor of being the catalyst for the
pronouncement of the laws of inheritance. Few honors can be comparable to
that of being the vehicle for the revelation of Hashem’s word.
What was so great about the request of the daughters of Tzelofchod?
They simply needed a place to live, as their family without a male offspring,
was left without a portion. Where was the righteousness in requesting a
piece of land?
The greatness in the Bnos Tzelofchod actually lies in their pure intention.
The daughters were fervently in love with Eretz Yisroel and desperately
longed to have a share in this blessed land. There was no incentive of greed
for land and they were not willing to accept a portion that was on the other
side of the Jordan.
We learn, however, that it was not just the daughters of Tzelofchod
who loved the land so dearly, but all the woman of Am Yisrael shared this
passion for Eretz Yisroel. The Torah discusses in this parsha the re-counting
of the nation and it states that of these counted “there was no man from
the previous count in the midbar”. Rashi explains that “no man” tells us that
although the generation of the spies all died and did not enter the land, this
did not include the woman who were not part of the decree. This was because
the men said, “Let us return to Egypt” but the woman held the land precious.
They wanted possession of the land. That is why the passage dealing with the
daughters of Tzelofchod is put next to the verse which says those guilty of the
sin of spies died here.
In fact, Hashem Himself tells Moshe that the women are the ones who
love the land. When the Jewish people wanted to send spies, Moshe didn’t
see it as Hashem did. Moshe chose twelve men he thought to be righteous
and suitable for such a task. Hashem told Moshe “shlach licho anoshim –send
for yourself men”, your request to send men is your own opinion. Meaning
to say you think it is a good idea to send men, but in fact it is a terrible idea.
The men hate the land and desire to return to Egypt whereas the women love
Eretz Yisroel and are enthusiastically ready to enter. The correct approach
would be to send women. Additionally, Hashem told Moshe in the future,
there will be women who will entreat the right to own a portion of Eretz
Yisroel. (These were the daughters of Tzelofchod) Hashem said if you send
women to spy the land they will return only with praises of the land as their
love for it is great. Hashem was in essence telling Moshe, “do what you think
is right, send for yourself men, but I, Hashem think it would be better to send
women who truly love My Land.” (Kli Yakaar Bamidbar 13:2)
In fact, the Meraglim did speak terrible Lashon Hara which caused the
Jewish nation tremendous damage. Only Caleiv and Yehoshua did not speak
against Eretz Yisroel. Hashem says “but My servant Caleiv because a different
spirit was with him and he followed Me wholeheartedly, I shall bring him in
the land…” The words “different spirit-ruach acheres” is written grammatically
in female form. This is because Caleiv possessed the same fervent love for
the land that the women had. He was inspired by his wife Miriam and her
enormous love and longing to enter the land. With this “womanly outlook”
he viewed the land and only found it desirable. (Sefer Alufei Yehuda - Rav
Yehuda Froind z"l)
Our female ancestors persisted through the long wanderings of the
desert conveying their love for Eretz Yisroel despite the obstacles. They
eagerly awaited the awesome day of settling in Hashem’s holy land and
indeed merited the great privilege to do so. We too are wandering in exile;
a wilderness of confusion and pain. We can remember the immense love of
the land that guided our mothers’ and we can reignite the passion in our own
hearts too. Now, as we begin the sad mourning of the Bais Hamikdash, let our
yearning for Eretz Yisroel show Hashem how dearly we want to be reunited in
His special land. May we once again merit, entering and living in Yerushalayim
Ha’benuya, this time forever.
Erma Bombeck was an American
humorist who achieved great
popularity for her newspaper
column that described suburban
home life from the mid-1960s
until the late 1990s This written
after she found out she was
dying of cancer.
"If I had my life to live over...
I would have gone to bed when
I was sick instead of pretending
the earth would go into a holding
pattern if I weren’t there for the
I would have burned the pink
candle sculpted like a rose
before it melted in storage.
I would have talked less and
listened more. I would have
invited friends over to dinner
even if the carpet was stained,
or the sofa faded.
I would have eaten the popcorn
in the ‘good’ living room and
worried much less about the dirt
when someone wanted to light a
fire in the fireplace.
I would have taken the time to
listen to my grandfather ramble
about his youth.
I would have shared more of
the responsibility carried by
my husband.I would never
have insisted the car windows
be rolled up on a summer day
because my hair had just been
teased and sprayed.
I would have cried and laughed
less while watching television
and more while watching life.
I would have sat on the lawn
with my grass stains.
I would never have bought
anything just because it was
practical, wouldn’t show soil, or
was guaranteed to last a lifetime.
Instead of wishing away nine
months of pregnancy, I’d have
cherished every moment and
realized that the wonderment
growing inside me was the only
chance in life to assist God in a
When my kids kissed me
impetuously, I would never have
said, “Later. Now go get washed
up for dinner.” There would have
been more “I love you’s.” More
“I’m sorry’s.”
But mostly, given another shot at
life, I would seize every minute…
look at it and really see it .. live
it .and never give it back.
hat tip RAC
abbi Steinfeld
C H A B A D. O R G
B Y T Z V I F R E E M A N - C H A B A D. O R G
From the Wisdom &
Te a c h i n g s o f t h e
Lubavitcher Rebbe
Working Lessons
If all the world is a classroom and
all of life is a lesson, then certainly
your profession and workplace are
After all, He has unlimited ways to
provide your livelihood—why did
He direct you to this way of life?
What sparks of the divine await
you here?
Wonder Making
If you see someone’s faults
hanging out and you truly want
to help—whether it be a friend, a
spouse, your child, or even your
nemesis—don’t say a word about
what you have found wrong.
Find something wondrous about
that person, perhaps something
that nobody ever mentions, and
talk about it—to yourself, to those
who will listen and sympathize.
In very little time, you will see such
a new person, you will believe you
are a maker of wonders.
Indeed, we all are.
"Sometimes you have to deal with issues and show others your
uncomfortable side. It’s perfectly okay – it’s a natural part of being
human. And the good news is that these tough moments will often
show you who will accept you at your worst and who won’t."
"Stepping onto a brand new path might be difficult, but you will be
better off in the long run, than remaining in a situation that no longer
fits, or no longer exists."
" Many people are uncomfortable with periods of change and transition;
We often think its the end.
But change is not death, its a beautiful rebirth.
A bris took place on Erev Pesach right before mincha.
May one make a seuda to celebrate?
The Gemara in Meseches Pesachim daf tzadik tes,
amud bais asks; why does the mishna teach us the halacha of
Erev Pesach regarding the fact that one is not allowed to eat after
mincha? The same halacha applies to every Erev Shabbos and
every Erev Yom Tov! Why repeat this halacha concerning Erev
Pesach? The Sfas Emes says that on every Erev Shabbos and
Erev Yom Tov where there is a seudas mitzvah i.e. one is allowed
to eat Seuda Shlishis after mincha when Shabbos falls out Erev
Yom Tov. However, when it comes to Erev Pesach it would be
forbidden due to the chumra of matzah. We see from this Sfas
Emes that one is not allowed to eat a seudas mitzvah on Erev
Pesach. We also learn from this Sfas Emes that if one did not eat
Seuda Shlishis on Erev Pesach he should not eat it after mincha
even though on any other Erev Yom Tov it would be permissible.
The question will remain in the event that a person does not have
matzah and won’t be able to obtain it either. May he eat after
mincha on Erev Pesach that falls out on Shabbos just like any
given Shabbos that falls out on Erev Yom Tov? Does the halacha
rule that since he does not have matzah, there is no concern
of him ruining his appetite; or once the Rabbanon made this
gezeirah of not eating past mincha it would not make a difference
whether he has matzah or not (Lo Plug)? The latter reasoning
would seem to be the correct reasoning; as we see that if Erev
Pesach falls out on Shabbos, the burning of the chametz is done
a day earlier than usual and yet is done before the sixth hour of
the day.
In conclusion, mitzvos are so important that one must prepare his
body to be ready to do the mitzvah with the best appetite possible.
Readers’ comments are encouraged. Send your message to
Next Week’s Question: If someone has a hard time having an
appetite for food, must he spend money and buy a special medicine
or herbal drink to help bring on his appetite to eat the matzah or not?
The Maggid’s Corner
Rabbi Benzion Sneh
‫ לכאורה לשם מה היה בכלל נדרש לתת שכר‬.‫לכן הנני נותן לו את בריתי שלום‬
‫לפינחס?! הלא זה היה מעשה מתבקש? אולי אנחנו לא היינו מעיזים אבל פינחס‬
‫ לסוחר משקאות שאסף ילד‬:‫בדרגתו בוודאי שכן? התשובה תובן על פי משל‬
.‫מהרחוב וסיכם עימו שבשכר עבודתו יקבל אש"ל (אכילה שתייה לינה) בביתו‬
‫ אמין וחרוץ משאת נפשו‬,‫ הבחור התגלה ככישרוני‬,‫החוש העסקי לא הטעה אותו‬
‫ ימי פורים‬.‫ שנים עבד הבחור במרץ מבלי להתלונן‬5 ‫ במשך‬...‫של כל בעל עסק‬
‫הגיעו והעבודה הייתה מתישה שכן עבור חנות משקאות זוהי "שיא העונה" אך עם כל הקושי רמת‬
.‫ בזכות חריצותו של 'בן הבית' החדש‬,‫השירות לא נפגעה בכי הוא זה‬
‫ בעל הבית והעובד סגרו את החנות וישבו לסעודת‬,‫ זמן הסעודה הגיע‬,'‫ 'פורים דפרזים‬- ‫יד" באדר‬
‫ אחד הקליינטים ה'חזקים' מירושלים הגיע על מנת‬,‫ אך ישבו הם ונשמעו דפיקות בדלת‬.‫פורים‬
‫ ברור‬.)‫ 'פורים דמוקפים‬- ‫למלא את משאיתו בסחורה ללקוחותיו (בירושלים חוגגים בט"ו באדר‬
‫ הבחור לא חשב‬.‫ הן פורים היום ויש לקיים את מצוות החג‬,‫שבעל הבית ביטל את האפשרות במחי יד‬
‫פעמיים קפץ מהמקום לקח את המפתחות ותוך שעה מילא את המשאית בסחורה והביא רווח גדול‬
‫ לפליאתו (הרי‬.‫ בסיום הארוחה קרא לו בעל העסק וביקש להתחיל לשלם לו משכורת‬.‫ונאה לבעליו‬
‫ עד עכשיו חשבתי שאכן‬,‫ "הבט‬:‫ הסביר המעביד‬,)!?‫סיכמנו שהאוכל והלינה הם בתמורה לעבודה‬
‫וויתרת על הארוחה‬- ‫שכרך הוא בלינה ואוכל אך משראיתי שהנאמנות שלך איננה מסתיימת באוכל‬
‫ ה' בתמורה לקיום המצוות‬:‫ כן הוא הנמשל‬...‫וקמת לעבודה הבנתי שעלי לתת לך שכר מעבר לזה‬
.'‫ ברגע שפינחס חרף נפשו = וויתר על החיים שניתנים לנו כשחר חלף קיום מצוות ה‬.‫נותן לנו חיים‬
‫ מי שמוכיח שהנאמנות שלו היא מעבר לחיים שהוא מקבל‬...‫הרי שאומר הקב"ה עלי לתת לו יותר‬
...‫הרי שעליו לקבל חיי נצח‬
‫ ולא כיליתי את בני ישראל‬...‫ינחס בן אלעזר בן אהרון הכהן השיב את חמתי מעל בני ישראל‬
‫ מעניין לראות שהקב"ה מקדיש פרשה מיוחדת לפינחס על מעשה הצלה בודד של‬...‫בקנאתי‬
‫ לכאורה מדוע זכה פינחס לכל הכבוד הזה ולשכר הגדול בעוד משה רבינו‬.‫כליון עם ישראל‬
:'‫הציל את עם ישראל כמה וכמה פעמים? כפי שאומר דוד המלך בתהילים פרק ק"ו פסוק כג‬
‫ ומבאר מצודת‬."‫בפרץ לפניו להשיב חמתו מהשחית‬
ּ ‫"ויאמר להשמידם לולי משה בחירו עמד‬
‫ אם לא היה משה עומד בפרץ ואחז במשל‬- ‫ לולי משה‬,‫ חשב ה' להשמידם‬- ‫ ויאמר‬:‫דוד‬
‫ היה‬,‫כעומד במקום פרצת הגדר לבלי תת לבוא דרך בה ור"ל בתפילתו ביטל החמה ולולי הוא‬
‫ וזה רק מקרה אחד היכן המרגלים? חטא העגל? המתאוננים? ולא הובטח‬.‫(הקב"ה) משמידם‬
‫ לסוחר אחד היו‬:‫ב'שלום' כפי שהובטח פינחס? והתירוץ יבואר על פי משל למה הדבר דומה‬
‫ כשראה שאין מנוס‬.‫הרבה 'נושים' שלקח מהם סחורה בהקפה ולא היה בידו לשלם בעבורה‬
‫ ובכל פעם‬,‫ מה עשה? נצמד לחבר אחד ששימש כנציגו‬...'‫ויש גבול לכמה הוא יוכל 'להתגלגל‬
‫ חבר אחר‬.‫ היה החבר מדבר עימו שיאריך את זמן הפירעון לעוד חודש ימים‬,‫שהיה מגיע נושה‬
20% ‫ כל בעל חוב שהגיע הציע החבר‬.‫של הסוחר ראה שכך הוא לא יתקדם והחליט לעזור לו‬
‫ משלא הייתה ברירה הסכימו הנושים להציל לפחות חלק‬.‫מהשטר במזומן וסגירת החשבון‬
‫ והחבר קרע את השטר לאלתר וכך תוך זמן קצר חיסל את כל חובותיו‬...‫מכספם האבוד ממילא‬
‫ בנו‬...‫ נישקו וברכו בכל הברכות‬,‫ משראה הסוחר שנקרעו השטרות קפץ על חברו‬...‫של הסוחר‬
‫ מדוע את זה אתה מברך שהגיע אך לכמה שבועות ואילו לא עשית‬,‫ "אבא‬:‫של הסוחר התפלא‬
‫ חברי הקודם‬,‫ "בני! דע לך‬:‫ השיב האב‬."‫כך לחברך ששהה עימך כמה שנים ועזר לך לא פחות‬
‫ במעשה‬:‫ הנמשל ברור מאליו‬,‫ זהו המשל‬..."‫רק דחה את החוב אל זה קרע את השטרות לגמריי‬
"‫ "וינחם ה' על הרעה אשר דיבר לעשות לעמו‬:‫ משה רבינו רק דחה את החוב שנאמר‬,‫העגל‬
‫ לעומתו‬."‫ "וביום פקדי ופקדתי עליהם חטאתם‬:‫ אבל לא ביטלה לגמריי כפי שאומר הקב"ה‬...‫פינחס ביטל את החוב לגמרי לכן נותן לו ה' ברית שלום‬
Kids Corner submitted
by Shragie Newhouse
Olomeinu in
A Jewish Guide
Shoveling Snow
snow decide for itself what
it wishes to do, and then if it
wishes to be shoveled, do so
JWR contributor Jordan Max is
a Toronto-based humorist and
columnist for The Canadian
Jewish News.
Rashi - "Snow, this is a form of
solid precipitation that clings
to one's beard if you remain
outside too long in the winter
season. (Old French: neige).
Shoveling is a Rabbinic precept,
based on the verse in Isaiah 1:18
- "If your sins be like scarlet,
they will turn as white as snows"
By Jordan Max
LAST YEAR, in Toronto, we had a
lot of snow. I spent many hours
shoveling snow. Shoveling snow
is boring work, and after a while
a mind tends to wander. So I
resolved that this year I would
be prepared with lots to think
about. I researched and sent
letters to key Jewish figures,
polling them for their keen
insight on shoveling snow. Their
Ariel Sharon - "The important
thing is to shovel the entire
width and breadth of the
driveway, regardless of what
anyone else thinks."
Ehud Barak - "You must
shovel most of the driveway,
but the exact dimensions of
shoveling will be determined in
discussions with our neighbors.
No wait, you can shovel only
in places where snow had
previously fallen, but you
cannot shovel in places where
no snow had fallen - wait, don't
do any shoveling until you hear
from me!"
Yossi Sarid - "You should not
shovel any part of the driveway,
since you really do not have any
valid historical or legal claim to
the driveway, and it will soon
be given back to its rightful
Na Nach Corner
This past Week
Soldier Field -Chicago-The
Grateful Dead Fare Thee
be so happy"
Well Concert
Rabbi Nachman says
Telshe Cleveland
that the main thing in
South Bend Indiana
life is to be happy!
Camp Dora Golding
Nachman Me'Uman
Artscroll Hilchos Sheleg ("Laws
Regarding Snow; Ashkenaz
version, chapter 5) - "First
approach the snow with the
proper kavanah, meditating on
the concept of snow removal.
Recite the "...Who commanded
us concerning the shoveling
of snow" benediction," then
take three steps back, bend the
knees slightly with feet together,
then look at the snow, lift shovel
and dig, turning right and then
left, bend knees fully, take three
steps forward and deposit snow
deliberately. Repeat until done,
then recite the Sheheheyanu
benediction, go indoors and
have a hot drink, remembering
to say the Shehakol brocha (see
Artscroll Hilchos on Drinking
Hot Liquids)..."
Tikkun Magazine - "What right
do we have to violently take
snow from its rightful resting
place? Snow has rights: each
snowflake is a unique individual,
and we have absolutely no right
to do anything with it. Let the
Birthright Israel - "It does not
matter how the shoveling is
done, but the very act of Jewish
teenagers shoveling snow for
ten consecutive days, under
proper supervision, will have
a lifelong impact on Jewish
Meir Ben-Meir (Israeli Water
Commissioner) - "Just shovel
the snow as fast as you can, and
ship it here. We are running out
of water fast! Is anyone listening
to me?"
Rabbi David Hartman - "Snow
is a potent force in the world
which unites all Jews. It falls on
us all, regardless of religious
denomination and belief, and
is therefore instrumental in
our understanding of Jewish
unity and diversity. In fact, just
this week, I was explaining
the significance of snow to
the Prime Minister, President
Weizman, President Clinton,
and His Holiness the Pope, who
had asked my opinion."
Now, if I could just find my
Pet Fish
After a day fishing in the Sea of
Galilee Moshe the fisherman is
walking from the pier carrying
two rare fish in a bucket. He
is approached by Yaki Game
Warden who asks him for his
fishing license.
Moshe says to the warden, "I
did not catch these fish, they
are my pets.
Every day I come down to the
water and whistle and these fish
jump out and I take them for a
swim only to return them at the
end of the day." The warden,
not believing him, reminds him
that it is illegal to fish without a
license, and a heavy fine is levied
for illegally fishing rare fish. The
fisherman turns to the warden
and says, "If you don't believe
me then watch," as he throws
the fish back into the water. Yaki
the warden says, "Now whistle
to your fish and show me that
they will come out of the water."
Moshe turns to the warden and
says, "What fish?"
911 -A Glimpse into the
"Chesed" life of Zvi Gluck
Nachum Scheiner Ohr Chaim Night Kollel
This past week we heard a shiur from
HaRav Shlomo Gissinger, Rav of Kahal
Zichron Yaakov in Lakewood, NJ and
Rav Hamachshir of Bodek and Rabbinic
Administrator for the Kof-K. I would like
to share with you some highlights. Rav
Gissinger pointed out that people are
unaware how vital it is that they not
leave food in the open, especially in
the summer months, when insects are
prevalent. He mentioned that he once
was in someone’s home and noticed
that the food was left open before
being served. He told the host that it
was not a good idea. The host replied,
“In my house we don’t have any bugs.”
I invited him to take a look at the light
fixture located right above the table and
lo and behold we discovered plenty of
“shady characters,” - actually a whole
“cemetery” full of insects.
The Chochmos Adam asserts that
one must be vigilant to keep food
covered at all times and additionally he
recommends that one scan the food
prior to consumption to ensure that
there are no uninvited guests. Indeed
the Chochmos Adam adds that many
times he was saved from transgression
because he checked before partaking
from his food.
Rav Gissinger also discussed the halachic
regulations of nir’e l’eina’im - an insect
is only prohibited if it can be seen by the
average naked eye. As we find in many
areas, the laws of the torah are given
based on average and normal situations.
One must make sure that there is proper
lighting and some training is necessary to
understand what is being seen and how
to see, but ultimately it must be seen by
the average naked eye to be prohibited.
Those who use magnification properly
are only using it to for identification
purposes, but at the end of the day it
must be visible to the naked eye.
The only time one needs to be concerned
is if it one can see identifying features legs (all insects come with at least six of
them), wings, the unique shape of the
insect, or if it can be seen moving.
In the Q&A session after the shiur, Rabbi
Gissinger added an important clause.
Once an insect was noticed - via one of
the aforementioned methods - the insect
will remain prohibited. Therefore, if one
notices an insect crawling and then it
subsequently stopped moving and is no
longer nir’e l’eina’im (e.g. it had “cardiac
arrest”), it remains prohibited and one
who noticed it originally, should inform
others of the infestation.
The kollel boker would like to extend
their warmest bracha to our member,
Moshe Kaplan, on the birth of a baby
girl. We wish him much nachas.
We are continuing to host various guest
speakers, on the topic of bedikas tola’im.
As we go to print, we are expecting to
host Rabbi Isser Mordechai Fuchs, OU
Kosher Rabbinic Field Representative
for New York City. The last of the string
of shiurim will iy”H, take place on July
15th @ 8:30pm. The shiur will be given
by Rabbi Sholom Tendler, Kashrus
Administrator of Star-K. I also gave a
chabura on the topic of worms in the
fish, and I will, iy”H, share with you the
highlights of the various shiurim in a
future article.
As always, CDs of the shiurim are
available and can be downloaded from
the shul’s website
Wishing you a wonderful Shabbos,
Rabbi Nachum Scheiner
The Aruch Hashulchan writes clearly that
insects that can only be seen through
magnification are not a concern. Quoting
the scientists, he writes that the air is full
of many living microorganisms and dust
mites (and the pollution is just getting
worse!), but this is a non-issue, because
they cannot be seen by the average
naked eye.
He mentioned that there are those
that claim that seeing a black dot on
a fruit or vegetable requires further
investigation. However, Rav Gissinger
stated emphatically that - in his opinion
- merely seeing a black dot does not
constitute nir’e l’eina’im. There are
plenty of black dots that are just dirt and
one may therefore follow the majority.
Story of the Week:
At 21 years old and newly married, he should
have been enjoying his new life with his
beautiful bride, instead of molesting a child.
He should have been, but he wasn't. And it
doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that
he had to have been abused himself as a child.
The first time he was abused was at 11. His
parents refused to get help for him. By 15, he
had turned the tables and was abusing others.
His parents had no idea what to do with him, so
they sent him away to live somewhere else. Not
surprisingly, the abuse didn't end there. The
cycle doesn't just magically end once someone
has a new address. He continued to abuse
unsuspecting victims. No one got him help.
And no one reported him, either. Until one
day, as a new chosson, who should have been
looking ahead to a future filled with promise,
he got caught doing the unthinkable. This
story continues to unfold and we are learning
of more and more victims that he molested.
We still don't know how many lives he has
forever tarnished. What we do know is this:
the abuse that he perpetrated could have been
prevented if only he would have gotten the help
he needed when he was 11. Instead, 10 years
later, he leaves behind a trail of lost innocence
and shattered lives.
Weekly Stats:
This week, Amudim -Dealt with 1 new case of
sexual abuse. Started 3 new cases relating to
drug addiction. Opened 2 new cases pertaining
to At-Risk matters. Assisted 2 people with
emergency passport matters. Referred 3 people
to therapy. Dealt with 2 immigration matters.
Assisted with 1 legal referral. Dealt with 3 jail
Where Are They Now:
B"H we are able to share more good news
of success. Another client has successfully
graduated from rehab and is entering sober
living. And, we have just learned that a survivor
of childhood sexual abuse with whom we
worked has been accepted to social work
school. These are the stories that give us chizuk
to continue forward in our work even in the
sometimes very dark moments, knowing that it
is saving Jewish lives and helping them towards
happy futures filled with potential sparks of
Have a wonderful Shabbos,
Zvi Gluck.
Rabbi Shlomo Gissinger speaking at the
night Kollel last Monday Night on the
topic of Checking Vegetables for Insects.
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