Australian Beverages Council Ltd Technical Manual Last updated: 01 September 2004 2004 010701 Table of Contents 1.0 Date Marking Guideline for Non-Alcoholic Water Based Beverages Page 3 2.0 Emission Estimation Technique Manual Page 13 3.0 A Code of Good Hygienic Practices for the Soft Drink Industry Page 42 4.0 Product Recall Procedure for the Soft Drink Industry Page 52 5.0 General Specification for Two Litre One Piece PET Bottle Page 75 6.0 Sensory Evaluation of the Shelf Life of Carbonated Soft Drinks Page 84 7.0 Voluntary Manufacturing Standards for Carbonated Soft Drink Containers Page 90 8.0 Labelling Guideline for Non-Alcoholic Beverages Page 103 9.0 An Examination of the Causative Factors and Preventative Measures For the Control of Mould Growth in the Production of Bottled Water Page 138 2 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010701 Date Marki ng Guideli ne for Non-Alco holic Water Based Beverages 3 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010701 Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction 5 2.0 Food Law 6 • Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) Food Standards Code • Summary of FSANZ Standard 1.2.5 Date Marking • Summary of FSANZ Standard 1.2.9 Legibility Requirements 3.0 Soft Drink Stability and Shelf Life 9 4.0 Recommended Shelf Life for: 10 5.0 • Carbonated Soft Drinks • Bottled Waters • New Age Beverages Proper Storage and Handling 11 Table 1: Guidelines for Shelf Life in Months for Carbonated Beverages 10 Table 2: Guidelines for Shelf life in Months of Bottled Water (Including Bulk and Single 10 Serve Sizes) Table 3: Guidelines for Shelf Life in Months for Non Carbonated Beverages 11 4 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010701 1.0 Introduction Date marking allows consumers to better determine how long a food or beverage can be expected to retain all of its quality attributes. Quality attributes include organoleptic properties such as colour, taste, texture and flavour. In some circumstances date marking may also indicate how long the food can be expected to be safe for consumption. Under the new FSANZ Joint Food Standards Code all beverages produced in either Australia or overseas, with a minimum durable life of less than two years will be required to be date marked with a best before date. If the food or beverage needs to be consumed within a certain period of time for health and safety reasons a 'use-by' date must be used instead of the 'best-before' date. Previously the 'used-by' date and the 'best-before' date could be used interchangeably on food labels. This new standard will align Australia and New Zealand with international food standards. It is the beverage manufacturers responsibility to determine whether a 'use-by' date or a 'best-before' date should be used. It is also the manufactures responsibility to calculate the 'use-by' and 'best before' dates of the beverage. In view of the above, Australian Beverages 's Technical Committee has developed the following set of guidelines to help you and your business understand the FSANZ Joint Food Standards Code date marking and shelf life of products. Please note these are guidelines only and based on industry knowledge. We strongly recommended manufacturers to assess the shelf life of individual products based on individual ingredients and packaging materials. The guidelines contain advice and information on: • • • FSANZ Food Regulations for Date Marking and Legibility Requirements Soft Drink Stability and Sweeteners, Recommended Shelf life of products including: - • Carbonated Soft Drinks Bottled Water New Age Beverages Storage and Handling Recommendations Australian Beverages sees the major benefit of the Soft Drink Industry Date Marking Guidelines is the improved quality of soft drinks offered for sale to our consumers. 5 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010701 2.0 Food Law Summary of requirements from FSANZ Standard 1.2.5, Date Marking of Packaged Food The FSANZ Joint Food Standards Code states that all packaged food will have to be date marked unless the shelf life of the food is two years or more. A summary of the requirements of the FSANZ Standards for date marking is listed below. The FSANZ Standard prescribes a date marking system for packaged food and the form in which those foods must be date marked. The Standard requires packaged food, with some exceptions, to be date marked, and prohibits the sale of packaged food after the expiration of the use-by date, where such a date mark is required. In this Standard – Best-before date, in relation to a package of food, means the date which signifies the end of the period during which the intact package of food, if stored in accordance with any stated storage conditions, will remain fully marketable and will retain any specific qualities for which express or implied claims have been made. NOTE: The expiry of the ‘best-before date’ does not mean that the food is no longer marketable after this date. The food may still be satisfactory beyond this date. Use-by date, in relation to a package of food, means the date that signifies the end of the estimated period after which the intact package of food, if stored in accordance with any stated storage conditions, probably will not have the quality attributes normally expected by the consumers. NOTE: The reference to ‘quality attributes’ in the definition of use-by date includes, for the purposes of this Standard, attributes of the food relating to health and safety. § Food must be date marked (1) The label on a package of food, subject to subclause 2(2), must include – (a) its best-before date; or (b) its use-by date, where the food should be consumed before a certain date because of health or safety reasons; unless :- 6 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010701 (c) the best-before date or the use-by date of the food is two years or more. Exemptions form Date Marking § individual portion of ice cream or ice confection; or § small packages, except where the food should be consumed before a certain date because of health or safety reasons. Food must not be sold past its ‘use-by’ date. Prescribed form of date mark (1) A best-before date must use the words – ‘BEST BEFORE’ accompanied by the date or a reference to where the date is located in the label. (2) A use-by date must use the words – ‘USE BY’ accompanied by the date or a reference to where the date is located in the label. Prescribed form of date (1) The best-before date and use-by date must consist at least of – (a) the day and the month for products with a best-before date or use-by date of not more than 3 months; or (b) the month and the year for products with a best-before date or use-by date of more than 3 months. 7 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010701 (2) The best-before date and use-by date must be expressed in uncoded numerical and chronological form, other than the month, which may be expressed in letters. Examples: For paragraph 5(1)(a) 3 Dec or 3 12 3 12 99 or 3 Dec 99 For paragraph 5(1)(b) Dec 99 or 12 99 3 12 99 or 3 Dec 99 § Statement of storage conditions (1) The label on a package of food must include a statement of any specific storage conditions required to ensure that the food will keep for the specified period indicated in the – (a) use-by date; or (b) best-before date. Summary of requirements from FSANZ Standard 1.2.9 - Legibility Requirements This FSANZ Standard sets out general and specific legibility requirements for the labelling of packaged foods. In this Standard – Size of type means the measurement from the base to the top of a letter or numeral. General requirements: (1) Unless otherwise expressly permitted by this Code, each word, statement, 8 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010701 expression or design prescribed to be contained, written or set out in a label must, wherever occurring , be so contained, written or set out legibly and prominently, and in the English language. (2) 3.0 Where a language other than English is used in addition to the English language on a label, the information in that language must not negate or contradict the information on the label in the English language. Soft Drink Stability and Shelf Life The shelf life of soft drinks is affected by many different variables such as carbonation, pH, temperature storage conditions and sweetener formulations. Whether the product is artificially sweetened and the type of sweetener used can vary the shelf life to that of sugar products. For non-nutritive sweetened products, the Ph and storage temperatures drive the loss of aspartame sweetness over time. These conditions also impact the stability of certain flavours in soft drinks. There are a number of important points, which need consideration when determining the shelf life of products: 1. Carbonation – In PET carbonation loss may be significant when talking about shelf life. Carbonation is what appeals to consumers for refreshment value so a loss of carbonation will lead to a significant loss in the consumer’s perception of the product’s quality. In the case of small packages of PET it is carbonation loss before loss of sweetness that will dictate shelf life. 2. Stability of Sweeteners: stability of currently used intense sweeteners can vary with pH; the majority of soft drinks using intense sweeteners and in particular aspartame are at the lower end of the pH scale (3.0) and may be impacted by shelf life. 3. Temperature fluctuates throughout a 24-hour period and hence the storage temperature assumptions should reflect this. Naturally there are also regional and seasonal differences which need consideration. In the warmer months, soft drinks sell in larger amounts so faster selling periods often means that stock rotation is highest and shelf life is more manageable. 4. Sweetener Formulations: Many companies have recently reviewed their sweetener formulations and Aspartame/Ace K blends are now common in the marketplace. Extension of shelf life was one of the key drivers for this change. More specifically, the blend ratio is a key driver of shelf life with this altering as aspartame concentration in a formulation shifts over time. This results in shifts in sweetener synergy and perception. 9 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010701 5. Consumer Perception of sweetness and flavour is critical. This issue is driven by what is deemed as an acceptable sweetness loss. Research indicates that a loss in sweetness up to 25% can be tolerated before a product is deemed to taste different from its fresh equivalent. 10 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010701 4.0 Guidelines for Shelf Life of Products Table 1: Guidelines for Shelf Life in Months for Carbonated Beverages Packaging Materials Sugar Shelf Life of Products in Months PET Non-Sugar Sugar Cans Non Sugar Sugar Glass Non Sugar < 1 Litre > 1 Litre 4 6 4 6 12 12 6 6 12 12 6 6 Australian Beverages ’s guidelines suggest that If the product is consumed within these time frames, your customers can be assured that the product is of optimal quality, provided the product has been stored under proper conditions (i.e. in cool, dark places, away from sunlight, heat etc). It is highly likely that the product may still be safe to consume after the best before date, but the quality may be reduced. Table 2: Guidelines for Shelf life in Months of Bottled Water (Including Bulk and Single Serve Sizes) Packaging Materials Shelf Life of Products in Months < 1 Litre > 1 Litre PET 12 12 Cans 12 12 Glass 12 12 11 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010701 Table 3: Guidelines for Shelf Life in Months for Non Carbonated Beverages Packaging Materials Sugar Shelf Life of Products in Months PET Non-Sugar Sugar Cans Non Sugar Sugar Glass Non Sugar 5.0 < 1 Litre > 1 Litre 9 9 6 6 12 12 6 6 12 12 6 6 Proper Storage and Handling Careful attention during storage and handling will ensure quality is maintained once the product leaves the factory. You can reward your customers with freshness and reliability if you follow the commonsense rules that apply to storage and handling of all food products. Soft drinks should be protected from any source of contamination, and the effects of extreme weather conditions, at all times. The following checklist (use Australian Beverages ’s Golden Rules Poster when available) has been developed to ensure your products are handled and stored correctly: 1. Examine on Delivery - check that products and packaging are in good condition on delivery 2. Cool and Dry - drinks should be stored in clean, cool dry area. Ideally stored below 25 degrees Celsius. Products should be kept away from all sources of heat 3. Avoid sunlight- protect drinks from exposure to direct sunlight. 12 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010701 4. Off the floor and away from the walls - store goods at least 100mm off the ground. Stack away from walls and ceilings 5. Avoid non food products- always store and display drinks with other food products 6. Avoid strong odours - keep drinks away from strong odours including opened and unopened chemicals, paints, petrol, insecticides and cleaning agents 7. Rotate stock - rotate stock and sell earliest date or code first. Follow the "first in, first out" rule. 8. Stack with Care- Maintain correct stacking weight for size of containers. Do not overload containers at the bottom or cause the stack to buckle and fall. 9. Clean and tidy- ensure premises are clean, tidy and free of pests. Wash hands before handling any food products. Clean up any spills as soon as they occur. Be clean. Be cautious. 10. Opening cartons - When opening cartons, be careful not to score bottles and cans with sharp implements 11. Display bottles on clean shelf - Place bottles on clean shelves, but be sure to remove traces of cleaning residues. Alkaline chemicals, like detergents, weaken PET bottles. O Ooo ooO 13 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010701 Emi ssio n E sti matio n Techniq ue for Soft Dri nk Manufact ure 14 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010701 Table of Contents 1.0 2.0 Introduction 16 1.1 Manual Structure 16 1.2 Manual Application 17 Reporting Thresholds and Emissions 19 2.1 Transfers 19 2.2 Category 1 19 2.3 Category 2 19 2.4 Category 3 21 2.5 Emissions to Air 21 2.6 Emissions to Water 22 2.7 Emissions to Land 22 3.0 Glossary of Technical Terms and Abbreviations 23 4.0 References 24 Appendix A – Emission Estimation Techniques A.1 Direct Measurement 25 26 A.1.1 Sampling Data A.1.2 Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems (CEMS) Data A.2 Mass Balance A.2.1 Overall Facility Mass Balance A.2.2 Individual Unit Process Mass Balance 32 15 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010701 A.3 Engineering Calculations A.3.1 35 Fuel Analysis A.4 Emission Factors 36 Appendix B – Emission Estimation Techniques: Acceptable Reliability and Uncertainty B.1 Direct Measurement 38 B.2 Mass Balance 38 B.3 Engineering Calculations 38 B.4 Emission Factors 39 Appendix C – List of Variables and Symbols 40 TABLE 1 – Approximate Fuel Usage Required to Trigger Category 2 Thresholds 2 – Category 2 Substances Which Trigger Reporting 3 – Stack Sample Test Results 4 – Example CEMS Output for a Hypothetical Furnace Firing Waste Fuel Oil EXAMPLE 1 – Using Stack Sampling Data 2 – Calculating Moisture Percentage 3 – Using CEMS Data 4 – Using Mass Balance 5 – Using Fuel Analysis Data 16 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010701 1.0 Introduction The purpose of all Emission Estimation Technique (EET) manual is to assist Australian manufacturing, industrial and service facilities to report emissions of listed substances to the National Pollutant Inventory (NPI). This manual describes the procedures and recommended approaches for estimation emissions from facilities engaged in soft drink manufacturing. The soft drink manufacturing activities covered in this manual apply to facilities primarily engaged in the manufacturing, canning or bottling of aerated or carbonated soft drinks, cordials, concentrated cordials, fruit juices or fruit juices drinks of less than single strength, syrups or non-alcoholic brewed beer or cider. These products may be either carbonated or non-carbonated and include bottled water. EET MANUAL: Soft Drink Manufacture HANDBOOK: Soft Drink Manufacture ANZSIC CODE: 2186 Pacific Air & Environment Pty Ltd drafted this manual on behalf of the Commonwealth Government. It has been developed through a process of national consultation involving State and Territory environmental authorities and key industry stakeholders. Particular thanks are due to the Australian Beverages Council, Coca-Cola Amatil and Schweppes Cottee’s for their assistance in the drafting of this Manual. 1.1 Manual Structure: § Section 2 discusses the NPI reporting issues associated with the soft drink manufacturing industry. Section 2.1 discusses the issue of transfers. Sections 2.2, 2.3 and 2.4 discuss the Category 1, 2 and 3 thresholds respectively in terms of which substances are likely to trigger these thresholds. Sections 2.5, 2.6 and 2.7 examine the potential emissions to air, water and land respectively, which are associated with soft drink manufacture. • Section 3 provides a glossary of technical terms and abbreviations used in this manual. • Section 4 provides a list of references used in the development of this manual. • Appendix A provides a overview of the four general types of emission estimation techniques: sampling of direct measurement; mass balance; engineering calculations and emission factors, as well as example calculations to illustrate their use. Reference to relevant sections of this appendix is recommended in understanding the application of these techniques with particular respect to the ferroalloy industry. 17 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010701 1.2 • Appendix B provides a discussion of the reliability and uncertainty associated with each of the emission estimation techniques presented in Appendix A. • Appendix C provides a list of variables and symbols used throughout this Manual. Manual Application: Context and use of this manual This NPI manual provides a ‘how to’ guide for the application of various methods to estimate emissions as required by the NPI. It is recognized that the data that is generated in this process will have varying degrees of accuracy with respect to the actual emissions from soft drink manufacturing facilities. In some cases there will necessarily be a large potential error due to inherent assumptions in the various emissions estimation techniques (EETs) and / or lack of available information of chemical processes. EETs should be considered as ‘points of reference’ The EETs and generic emission factors presented in this manual should be seen as ‘points of reference’ for guidance purposes only. Each has associated error bands that are potentially quite large. Appendix B discusses the general reliability associated with the various methods. The potential errors associated with the different EET options should be considered on a case-by-case basis as to their suitability for a particular facility. Facilities may use EETs that are not outlined in this document. They must, however, seek the consent of their relevant environmental authority to determine whether any ‘in house’ EETs are suitable for meeting their NPI reporting requirements. Hierarchical approach recommended in applying EETs This manual presents a number of different EETs, each of which could be applied to the estimation of NPI substances. The range of available methods should be viewed as a hierarchy of available techniques in terms of the error associated with the estimate. Each substance needs to be considered in terms of the level of error that is acceptable or appropriate with the use of various estimation techniques. Also the availability of pre-existing data and the effort required to decrease the error associated with the estimate will need to be considered. For example, if emissions of a substance are clearly very small no matter which EET is applied, then there would be little gained by applying an EET which required significant additional sampling. The steps in meeting the reporting requirements of the NPI can be summarized as follows: • For Category 1 and 1a substances, identify which reportable NPI substances are used, produced or stored, if any, and determine whether the amounts used or handled are above the “threshold” values and therefore trigger reporting requirements; 18 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010701 • For Category 2a and 2b substances, determine the amount and rate of fuel (or waste) burnt each year, the annual power consumption and the maximum potential power consumption, and assess whether the threshold limits are exceeded; • For Category 3 substances, determine the annual emissions to water and assess whether the threshold limits are exceeded; and • For those substances above the threshold values, examine the available range of EETs and determine emission estimates using the most appropriate EET. Generally it will be appropriate to consider various EETs as alternative options whose suitability should be evaluated in terms of: • The associated reliability or error bands; and • The cost/benefit of using a more reliable method. The accuracy of particular EETs is discussed in Appendix B. NPI emissions in the environmental context It should be noted that the NPI reporting process generates emission estimates only. It does not attempt to relate emissions to potential environmental impacts, bioavailability of emissions or natural background levels. 19 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010701 2.0 Reporting Thresholds and Emissions 2.1 Transfers: Under the NPI, the following are classed as transfers and are not required to be reported: • Discharges of substances to sewer or tailing dam; • Deposit of substances to landfill; and • Removal of substances from a facility for destruction, treatment, recycling, reprocessing, recovery or p urification. The definition of transfer has been clarified by the NPI Implementation Working Group as: “All emissions of listed substances, except those which are directed to, and contained by, purpose built facilities, are to be reported to the NPI. This applies irrespective of whether the substances’ fate is within or outside a reporting facility boundary. With respect to receipt of NPI-listed substances, such receiving facilities are to be operating in accordance with any applicable State of Territory government requirements” A number of emissions from the soft drink manufacturing industry are classed as transfers and are discussed in Sections 2.2, 2.6 and 2.7 of this manual. 2.2 Category 1: The Category 1 threshold is triggered if a facility handles, manufactures, imports, processes, co-incidentally produces, or otherwise uses 10 tonnes or more of a Category 1 substance. A facility is only required to report on the Category 1 substances that trigger thresholds. If the threshold is exceeded, emissions of these Category 1 and 1a substances must be reported for all operations/processes relating to the facility, even if the actual emissions of the substances are very low or zero. The majority of soft drink manufacturing facilities are unlikely to trigger the Category 1 threshold for any of the NPI-listed substances. The possible exception is phosphoric acid, which is used in the production of cola products (Spencer, 1999; Hage 1999). If a facility uses phosphoric acid, it needs to determine whether it triggers the Category 1 threshold. Although large amounts of phosphoric acid are used as a raw material, any quantities that are emitted from the process (i.e. do not end up in the final product) are likely to be discharged to the trade waste system. These would be classed as transfers (see Sections 2.6 and 2.7 of this manual for the further discussion of this issue). 2.3 Category 2: - 20 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010701 The Category 2 threshold is based on energy consumption or fuel use. The Category 2a threshold for fuel usage is triggered if: • A facility burns 400 tonnes or more of fuel or waste per year; or • A facility burns 1 tonne of more of fuel or waste per hour. The Category 2b threshold is triggered if: • A facility burns 2000 tonnes or more of fuel or waster per year; or • A facility uses 60 000 megawatt hours (MWh) or more of energy; or • A facilities maximum potential power consumption is rated at 20 megawatts (MW) or more at any time during the year. ‘Potential power consumption’ includes the production of heat or steam, as well as electricity. Based on these thresholds, the amount of fuel usage required to trigger these thresholds may be calculated (as shown in Table 1). From discussions with the industry, the only fuel of relevance is natural gas. If site-specific information is available for densities of fuels, this information should be used in preference to the values assumed for the results of Table 1. It should be noted that Category 2 threshold calculations should be performed for total fuel usage. If a number of different fuels are used at one facility, the sum of each individual fuel used needs to be calculated to determine whether or not the Category 2 threshold is triggered. Table 1 – Approximate Fuel Usage required to Trigger Category 2 Thresholds Fuel Type Natural Gasa Category 2a 5.30 * 105 m3 per reporting year, or at least 1.32 * 103 in any one hour in the reporting year Category 2b 2.65 * 106 m3 per reporting year Soft drink manufacturing plants which use energy for pasteurization processes or those which process high volumes of product are likely to trigger the Category 2a threshold and perhaps the Category 2b threshold, depending on the amount of energy use (Spencer, 1999; Hage 1999). If a facility triggers the Category 2a threshold, all Category 2a pollutants need to be reported. If a facility triggers the Category 2b threshold, all Category 2b pollutants need to be reported, in addition to Category 2a substances. The Category 2 substances are listed in Table 2. 21 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010701 a 3 o Assuming ideal gas with a density of 0.755 kg/m at 15 C and 101.325 kPa. Natural gas (NSW) data from the Natural Gas Technical Data Handbook (AGL Gas Company (NSW) Limited, 1995) Table 2 – Category 2 Substances Which Trigger Reporting Category 2a Substances Carbon Monoxide Fluoride Compounds Hydrochloric Acid Oxides of Nitrogen Particulate matter (PM10) Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Sulfur Dioxide Total Volatile Organic Compounds 2.4 Category 2b Substances Arsenic & compounds Beryllium & compounds Cadmium & compounds Chromium (III) compounds Chromium (VI) compounds Copper & compounds Lead & compounds Magnesium Oxide Fume Magnesium & compounds Mercury & compounds Nickle & compounds Nickel Carbonyl Nickel Subsulfide Polychlorinated Dioxins and Furans PLUS all Category 2a substances Category 3: Under Clause 13 of the NPI NEPM, the reporting threshold for a Category 3 substance is exceeded in a reporting period if the activities of the facility involve the emission to water (excluding groundwater) of: • 15 tonnes of more per year of Total Nitrogen; or • 3 tonnes per year or more of Total Phosphorous. For Soft drink manufacturing facilities, it is extremely unlikely there will be licensed discharges to surface water. The one exception may be storm water run-off, although it is unlikely that this run-off would contain levels of nitrogen or phosphorous which would lead to the triggering of the Category 3 threshold. If, however, your facility has a significant, or potentially significant, release of aqueous nitrogen or phosphorous, you will need to go through the process of determining whether or not Category 3 reporting requirements are triggered for your facility. 2.5 Emissions to Air: The emissions to air from soft drink manufacturing facilities, if any, will primarily consist of emissions from natural gas combustion processes. For guidance on the estimation of emissions from natural gas combustion process, please refer to the Emission Estimation Technique Manual for Combustion in Boilers (Section 3.4.2). 22 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010701 a 3 o Assuming ideal gas with a density of 0.755 kg/m at 15 C and 101.325 kPa. Natural gas (NSW) data from the Natural Gas Technical Data Handbook (AGL Gas Company (NSW) Limited, 1995) Fugitive emissions may also be an issue within the soft drink manufacturing industry. These emissions generally include equipment leaks, emissions from the bulk handling or processing of raw material, windblown dust and a number of other industrial processes. Fugitive emissions are highly site-specific issue and will not be covered further in this Manual. For guidance on the estimation of emissions from fugitive sources, please refer to the Emission Estimation Technique Manual For Fugitive Emissions. 2.6 Emissions to Water: For soft drink manufacturing facilities, it is expected that all the process liquid effluents and water streams will be: • Sent to sewer; • Sent offsite for treatment, recycling or recovery; or • Recycled or reused through the process. These may incorporate some forms of wastewater treatment. It is only in the event that an effluent is discharged to a surface water body that reporting would be required under the NPI. If wastewater treatment occurs on-site (and the effluent is released to a surface water body), it needs to be examined for potential emissions. Please refer to the Emission Estimation Technique Manual for Sewage and Wastewater Treatment for guidance on how to estimate these emissions. The one possible reportable emission to water is storm water run-off. If storm water contains NPI-listed substances, most facilities are likely to be required by their relevant State or Territory environment agency to closely monitor and measure these emissions. This sampling data can be used to calculate annual emissions. 2.7 Emissions to Land: Solid wastes, slurries, sediments and spilled material may contain NPI-listed substances. It is expected that all of these substances will be sent to sewer, sent offsite for treatment of recycling or sent to landfill. In these situations, there is no requirement to report on these emissions. Therefore, it is likely that the only reporting requirements for individual facilities will relate to the following releases to land: • Spills or accidental releases of NPI-listed substances to land (if spills occur, see the Emission Estimation Technique Manual for Organic Chemical Processing Industries (Section 9.2) for guidance on how to estimate these releases); 23 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010701 • Releases of NPI- listed substances to groundwater (see the Emission Estimation Technique Manual for Organic Chemical Processing Industries (Section 9.1) for guidance on how to estimate these releases); and • On site disposal where the on-site disposal does not meet the definition provided in Section 2.1 of this Manual. 3.0 Glossary of Technical Terms and Abbreviations ANZSIC Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification CEMS Continuous Emission Monitoring System CO Carbon Monoxide EEA European Environment Agency EET Emission Estimation Technique EFR Emission Factor Rating NEPM National Environment Protection Measure NOX Oxides of Nitrogen NPI National Pollutant Inventory PM Particular matter PM10 Particular matter with an equivalent aerodynamic diameter of 10 micrometres or less (i.e. =10µm) SO2 Sulfer dioxide STP Standard Temperature and Pressure (0oC and 101.3 * 103 Pa) Transfer Transfers consist of a deposit of a substance into landfill, or discharge of a substance to a sewer or tailing dam, or removal of a substance from a facility for destruction, treatment, recycling, reprocessing, recovery or purification (NEPM, Cla use 3(3)). Emissions classed as transfers are not required to be reported under the NPI TSP Total Suspended Particulate USEPA United States Environmental Protection Agency VOC Volatile Organic Compounds 24 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010701 4.0 References AGL Gas Company (NSW) Limited, 1995, Natural Gas Technical Data Book, Industrial Applications Department – AGL Gas Company (NSW) Limited, Five Dock, Australia. Hage, W., 1999, Coca-Cola Amatil, pers. comm., 19/08/99. McKetta, J., 1976, Encyclopedia of Chemical Processing and Design, Marcel Dekker, USA. Perry, R. and Green D., 1997, Perry’s Chemical Engineers’ Handbook, 7th Ed., McgrawHill, New York, USA. Spencer, I., 1999, Schweppes Cottee’s, pers. comm., 11/08/99. The following Emission Estimation Technique Manuals referred to in this Manual are available at the NPI Homepage (, and from your local environmental protection agency: Emission Estimation Technique Manual for Combustion in Boilers; Emission Estimation Technique Manual for Fugitive Emissions; Emission Estimation Technique Manual for Organic Chemical Processing Industries; and Emission Estimation Technique Manual for Sewage and Wastewater Treatment. 25 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010701 Appendix A – Emission Estimation Techniques Estimates of emissions of NPI- listed substances to air, water and land should be reported for each substance that triggers a threshold. The reporting list and detailed information on thresholds are contained in the ‘NPI Guide’ at the front of the Handbook. In general, there are four types of emission estimation techniques (EETs) that may be used to estimate emissions from your facility. The four types described in the ‘NPI Guide’ are: • Sampling or direct measurement; • Mass balance; • Fuel analysis or other engineering calculation; and • Emission factors. Select the EETs (or mix of EETs) that is most appropriate for your purposes. For example, you might choose to use a mass balance to best estimate fugitive losses form pumps and vents, direct measurement for stack and pipe emission, and emission factors when estimation losses from storage tanks and stockpiles. If you estimate your emission by using any of these EETs, your data will be displayed on the NPI database as being of ‘acceptable reliability’. Similarly, if your relevant environmental authority has approved the use of EETs that are not outlined in this handbook, your data will also be displayed as being of ‘acceptable reliability’ This manual seeks to provide the most effective emission estimation techniques for the NPI substances relevant to this industry. However, the absence of an EET for a substance in this handbook does not necessarily imply that an emission should not be reported to the NPI. The obligation to report on all relevant emissions remains if reporting thresholds have been exceeded. You are able to use emission estimation techniques that are not outlined in this document. You must, however, seek the consent of your relevant environmental authority. For example, if your company has developed site-specific emission factors, you may use these if approved by your relevant environmental authority. You should note that the EETs presented or referenced in this manual relate principally to average process emissions. Emissions resulting from non-routine events are rarely discussed in the literature, and there is a general lack of EETs for such events. However, it is important to recognize that emissions resulting from significant operating excursions and/or accidental situations (e.g. spills) will also need to be estimated. Emissions to land, air and water from spills must be estimated and added to process emissions when calculation total emissions for reporting purposes. The emission resulting from a spill is the net emission, i.e. the quantity of the NPI reportable substance spilled, less the quantity recovered or consumed during clean up operations. 26 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010701 A list of the variables and symbols used in this Manual may be found in Appendix C. A.1 DIRECT MEASUREMENT: You may wish to undertake direct measurement in order to report to the NPI, particularly if you already do so in order to meet other regulatory requirements. However, the NPI does not require you to undertake additional sampling and measurement. For the sampling data to be adequate and able to be used for NPI reporting purposes, it would need to be collected over a period of time, and to be representative of operations for the whole year. A.1.1 Sampling Data : Stack sampling test reports often provide emissions data in terms of kg per hour or grams per cubic metre (dry). Annual emissions for NPI reporting can be calculated from this data. Stack tests for NPI reporting should be performed under representative (i.e. normal) operating conditions. You should be aware that some tests undertaken for a State or Territory license condition may require the test be taken under maximum emissions rating, where emissions are likely to be higher than when operating under normal operating conditions. An example of test results is summarized in Table 3. The table shows the results of three different sampling runs conducted during one test event. The source parameters measured as part of the test run include gas velocity and moisture content, which are used to determine exhaust gas flow rates in m3/s. The filter weight gain is determined gravimetrically and divided by the volume of gas sampled, as shown in Equation 1 to determine the PM concentration in grams per m3 . Note that this example does not present the condensable PM emissions. Pollutant concentration is then multiplied by the volumetric flow rate to determine the emission rate in kilograms per hour, as shown in Equation 2 and Example 1. EQUATION 1 CPM = Cf / Vm, STP = = = concentration of PM or gram loading, g/m3 filter catch, g metered volume of sample at STP, m3 = CPM * Qd * 3.6 * [273 / (273 = T)] where: CPM Cf Vm,STP EQUATION 2 EPM 27 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010701 where: EPM CPM Qd 3.6 T = = = = = hourly emissions of PM, kg / hr concentration of PM or gram loading, g / m3 stack gas volumetric flow rate, m3 / s, dry 3600 seconds per hour multiplied by 0.001 kilograms per gram temperature of the gas sample, oC Table 3 – Stack Sample Test Results Parameter Symbol Total sampling time (sec) Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 7200 7200 7200 Moisture collected (g) gMOIST 395.6 372.6 341.4 Filter catch (g) Cf 0.0851 0.0449 0.0625 1.67 * 10-4 1.67 * 10-4 1.67 * 10-4 Average sampling rate (m3 / s) Standard metered volume (m3 ) Vm, STP 1.185 1.160 1.163 Volumetric flow (m3 / s), dry Qd 8.48 8.43 8.45 Concentration of particulate (g / m3) CPM 0.0718 0.0387 0.0537 Example 1 – Using Stack Sampling Data PM emissions calculated using Equation 1 and Equation 2 (above) and the stack sampling data for Test 1 (presented in Table 3, and an exhaust gas temperature of 150oC (423 K)). This is shown below: CPM = = = Cf / Vm, STP 0.0851 / 1.185 0.072 g / m3 EPM = = = CPM * Qd * 3.6 * [273 / (273 + T)] 0.072 * 8.48 * 3.6 * (273 / 423 K) 1.42 kg / hr The information from some stack tests may be reported in grams of particulate per cubic metre of exhaust gas (wet). Use Equation 3 below to calculate the dry particulate emissions in kg / hr. 28 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010701 EQUATION 3 EPM = Qa * C PM * 3.6 * (1 – moist R / 100) * [273 / (273 + T)] = = = = = = = hourly emissions of PM in kilograms per hour, kg / hr actual (i.e. wet) cubic metres of exhaust gas per second, m3 / s concentration of PM or gram loading, g / m3 3600 seconds per hour multiplied by 0.001 kilograms per gram moisture content, % 273 K (0oC) stack gas temperature, oC where: EPM Qa CPM 3.6 moistR 273 T Total suspended particulates (TSP) are also referred to as total particulate matter (total PM). To determine PM10 from total PM emissions, a size analysis may need to be undertaken. The weight PM10 fraction can then be multiplied by the total PM emission rate to produce PM10 emissions. Alternatively, it can be assumed that 100% of PM emissions are PM10; i.e. assume that all particulate matter emitted to air has an equivalent aerodynamic diameter of 10 micrometres or less i.e. =10µm. In most situations, this is likely to be a conservative assumption but may be a suitable to obtain a reasonable characterization of emissions for the purposes of NPI reporting. To calculate moisture content use Equation 4 EQUATION 4 Moisture percentage = 100% * weight of water vapour per specific volume of stack gas / total weight of the stack gas in that volume. g moist 100% * (1000 * V m,STP) moist R = g moist +P STP (1000 * V m,STP) Where: moist R gmoist V m,STP P STP = = = = moisture content, % moisture collected, g metered volume of sample at STP, m3 dry density of stack gas sample, kg / m3 at STP {if the density is not known a default value of 1.62 kg / m3 may be used. This assumes a dry gas composition of 50% air, 50% CO2} Example 2 – Calculation Moisture Percentage 29 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010701 A 1.2 m3 sample (at STP) of gas contains 410g of water. To calculate the moisture percentage use Equation 4. g moist 100% * (1000 * V m,STP) moist R = g moist +P STP (1000 * V m,STP) gmoist / 1000 * V m,STP moistR = = = = 410 / (1000 * 1.2) 0.342 100 * 0.342 / (0.342 + 1.62) 17.4% A.1.2 Continuous Emission Monitoring System (CEMS) Data A continuous emission monitoring system (CEMS) provides a continuous record of emissions over time, usually by reporting pollutant concentration. Once the pollutant concentration is known, emission rates are obtained by multiplying the pollutant concentration by the volumetric gas or liquid flow rate of the pollutant. Although CEMS can report real-time hourly emissions automatically, it may be necessary to estimate annual emissions from hourly concentration data manually. This Section describes how to calculate emissions for the NPI from CEMS concentration data. The selected CEMS data should be representative of operating conditions. When possible, data collected over longer periods should be used. It is important to note that, prior to using CEMS to estimate emissions, you should develop a protocol for collecting and averaging the data in order that the estimate satisfies the local environmental authority’s requirement for NPI emission estimations. To monitor SO2, NOX, VOC, and CO emissions using a CEMS, you use a pollutant concentration monitor that measures the concentration in parts per million by volume dry air (ppmvd = volume of pollutant gas / 106 volumes of dry air). Flow rates should be measured using a volumetric flow rate monitor. Flow rates estimated based on heat input using fuel factors may be inaccurate because these systems typically run with high excess air to remove the moisture out of the kiln. Emission rates (kg / hr) are then calculated by multiplying the stack gas concentrations by the stack gas flow rates. Table 4 presents example CEMS data output for three periods for a hypothetical furnace. The output includes pollutant concentrations in parts per million dry basis (ppmvd), diluent (O2 or CO2) concentrations in percent by volume dry basis (%v, d) and gas flow rates; and may include emission rates in kilograms per hour (kg/hr). This data represents a snapshot of a hypothetical boiler operation. While it is possible to determine total emissions of an individual pollutant over a given time period from this data, assuming the CEMS operates properly all year long, an 30 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010701 accurate emission estimate can be made by adding the hourly emission estimates if the CEMS data is representative of typical operating conditions. Table 4 – Example CEMS Output for a Hypothetical Furnace Firing Waste Fuel Oil Time O2 content Concentration Gas Flow Rate (Q) Production Rate of Product (A) % by volume SO2 (ppmvd) NOX (ppmvd) CO (ppmvd) VOC (ppmvd) M3 / s tonnes / hour 1 10.3 150.9 142.9 42.9 554.2 8.52 290 2 10.1 144.0 145.7 41.8 582.9 8.48 293 3 11.8 123.0 112.7 128.4 515.1 8.85 270 Hourly emissions can be based on concentration measurements as shown in Equation 5. EQUATION 5 = (C * MW * Q * 3600) / [22.4 * (T + 273 / 273) * 106] Ei C MW Q 3600 22.4 = = = = = = T = emissions of pollutant i, kg / hr pollutant concentration, ppmvd molecular weight of the pollutant, kg / kg-mole stack gas volumetric flow rate, m3 / s conversion factor, s / hr volume occupied by one mole of gas at standard temperature and pressure (0oC and 101.3 kPa), m3 / kg-mole temperature of gas sample, oC Ei where: Actual annual emissions can be calculated by multiplying the emission rate in kg / hr by the number of actual operating hours per year (OpHrs) as shown in Equation 6 for each typical time period and summing the results. EQUATION 6 Ekyp,i = Σ (*E i OpHrs) = = = annual emission of pollutant i, kg / yr emissions of pollutant i, kg / hr (from Equation 5) operating hours, hr / yr where: Ekyp,i Ei OpHrs 31 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010701 Emissions in kilograms of pollutant per tonne of product produced can be calculated by dividing the emission rate in kg / hr by the activity rate (production rate (tonnes / hr)) during the same period. This is shown in Equation 7 below. It should be noted that the emission factor calculated below assumes that the selected time period (i.e. hourly) is representative of annual operating conditions and longer time periods should be used for NPI reporting where they are available. Use of the calculation is shown in Example 3. EQUATION 7 Ekpt,i = Ei / A = = = emissions of pollutant i per tonne of product produced, kg / t hourly emissions of pollutant i, kg / hr production, t / hr where: Ekpt,i Ei A Example 3 illustrates the application of Equation 5, Equation 6, and Equation 7. Example 3 – Using CEMS Data This example shows how SO2 emissions can be calculated using Equation 5 based on the CEMS data for the Time Period 1 shown in Table 4, and an exhaust gas temperature of 150C (423 K). ESO2,1 = = = = (C * MW * Q * 3600) / [(22.4 * (T + 273 / 273) * 106] (150.9 * 64 * 8.52 * 3600) / [22.4 * (423 / 273) * 106] 296 217 907 / 34 707 692 8.53 kg / hr For Time Period 2, also at 150oC ESO2,2 = 8.11 kg/hr For Time Period 3, also at 150oC ESO2,3 = 7.23 kg / hr Say representative operating conditions for the year are: Period 1 Period 2 Period 3 = = = 1500 hr 2000 hr 1800 hr Total emissions for the year are calculated by adding the results of the three Time Periods using Equation 6: Ekpy,SO2 = ESO2,1 * OpHrs + E SO2,2 * OpHrs + E SO2,3 * OpHrs 32 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010701 = = (8.53 * 1500) + (8.11 * 2000) + (7.23 * 1800) kg 42 021 kg / yr Emissions, in terms of kg / tonne of product produced when operating in the same mode as time period 1, can be calculated using Equation 7 Ekpt,SO2 = = = ESO2 / A 8.53 / 290 2.94 * 10-2 kg SO2 emitted per tonne of product produced When the furnace is operating as in time periods 2 or 3, similar calculations can be undertaken for emissions per tonne. A.2 MASS BALANCE: Mass balances involve examining a process to determine whether emissions can be characterized based on an analysis of operating parameters, material composition, and total material usage. Mass balance involves the quantification of total materials into and out of a process, with the diffe rence between inputs and outputs being accounted for as a release to the environment (to air, water, land) or as part of the facility’s waste. Mass balance is particularly useful when the input and output streams can be readily characterized and this is most often is the case for small processes and operations. Mass balance can be applied across individual unit operations (see Appendix A.2.2) or across an entire facility (see Appendix A.2.1). Mass balance techniques and engineering estimates are best used where there is a system with prescribed inputs, defined internal conditions, and known outputs. It is essential to recognize that the emission values produced when using mass balance are only as good as the values used in performing the calculations. For example, small errors in data or calculation parameters (e.g. pressure, temperature, stream concentration, flow, or control efficiencies) can result in potentially large errors in the final estimates. In addition, when sampling of input and / or output materials is conducted, the failure to use representative sample will also contribute to uncertainty. In some cases, the combined uncertainty is quantifiable and this is useful in determining if the values are suitable for their intended use. A.2.1 Overall Facility Mass Balance Mass balances can be used to characterize emissions from a facility providing that sufficient data is available pertaining to the process and relevant input and output streams. Mass balances can be applied to an entire facility (see Example 1). This involves the consideration of material inputs or the facility (purchases) and material exported from the facility in products and wastes, where the remainder is considered as a ‘loss’ (or a release to the environment). The mass balance calculation can be summarized by: 33 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010701 Total mass into process = Total mass out of process In the context of the NPI, this equation could be written as: Inputs = Products + Transfers + Emissions Inputs Emissions = = All incoming material used in the process. Releases to air, water, and land (as defined under the NPI). Emissions include both routine and accidental releases as well as spills. Transfers = As defined under the NPI NEPM, transfers Include substances discharged to sewer, substances deposited into landfill and substances removed from a facility for destruction, treatment, recycling, reprocessing, recovery, or purification. Products = Products and materials (e.g. by-products) exported form the facility. Where: Applying this to an individual NPI substance (substance ‘i’), the equation may be written as: Input of substance ‘i’ = amount of substance ‘i’ in product + amounts of substance ‘i’ in waste + amounts of substance ‘i’ transformed or consumed in process + emissions of substance ‘i’. The mass balance approach can be used for each NPI-listed substance for which the facility has a responsibility to report. Emissions can then be allocated to air, water, and land. Example 4 provides an example of the application of mass balance. Example 4 – Using Mass Balance A chemical facility receives 1000 tonnes of an NPI- listed solvent product per annum, that is stored on-site. It is known that this solvent product contains 2 percent water that settles during storage, and is drained to sewer. The solubility of the solvent in water is 100 g / kg (i.e. 0.1 weight fraction). It is known that 975 tonnes of solvent per annum is utilized in the process, based on actual addition rate data. During the year, it was recorded that 1 tonne 34 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010701 of solvent was lost due to spillage, of which 500 kg was recovered and sent for appropriate disposal, with the rest washed to sewer. Considering the water content of the solvent and the solubility of solvent in water the following data can be derived: Quantity of water received in the solvent annually: Water = 1000 tonnes * (2 / 100) = 20 tonnes of water (containing 100 g / kg solvent) The solubility of solvent in this water is 100 g / kg: Therefore, solvent in water = 20 * (0.1) = 2 tonnes of solvent Excluding the water component, the quantity of solvent received annually is: Total solvent (excluding water) = 1000 * 0.98 = 980 tonnes Incorporating the solvent contained within the water component: Total solvent received at facility (including solvent in water) = 980 + 2 = 982 tonnes solvent Once the above quantities have been ascertained, the quantity of solvent released to the environment can be determined as follows: Example 4 – Using Mass Balance cont’ Solvent to sewer = Captured spillage = = = drainage from solvent tank + uncaptured spillage 2000 + 500 kg 2500 kg 500 kg As no solvent was spilled on unsealed ground, there are no emissions to land. Therefore, the emission of solvent to air is derived as follows: Air Emission = = = Total solvent received – sewer release – captured spillage – solvent utilized in the process 982 - 2.5 - 0.5 - 975 4 tonnes Therefore, 4 tonnes of solvent is lost to the atmosphere each year from storage and handling operations. For NPI reporting, it would then be necessary to determine the quantity of NPI substances present in the solvent and to determine the quantities of each of these substances emitted to atmosphere. It is important to note that any emission controls must be taken in to account when determining your emissions (e.g. the solvent 35 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010701 released to air may be routed through an incinerator before being released to the atmosphere). A.2.2 Individual Unit Process Mass Balance: The general mass balance approach described above can be applied to individual unit processes. This requires that information is available on the inputs (i.e. flow rates, concentrations, densities) and outputs of the unit process. The following general equation can be used (note that scm is an abbreviation for standard cubic metres): EQUATION 8 Ei = ΣQiWfiPi – ΣQoWoiPo = = = = = = Flow rate of component i in unknown stream (kg/hr) Volumetric flow rate of inlet stream, i (scm/hr) Volumetric flow rate of outlet stream, o (scm/hr) Weight fraction of component i in inlet stream i Weight fraction of component i in outlet stream o Density of streams i and o respectively (kg/scm) where: Ei Qi Qo Wfi Woi Pi, Po Information on process stream input and output concentrations is generally known as this information is required for process control. The loss Ex will be determined through analysis of the process. It should be noted that it is then necessary to identify the environmental medium (or media) to which releases occur. A.3 ENGINEERING CALCULATIONS: An engineering calculation is an estimation method based on physical / chemical properties (e.g. vapour pressure) of the substance and mathematical relationships (e.g. ideal gas law). A.3.1 Fuel Analysis: Fuel analysis is an example of an engineering calculation and can be used to predict SO2, metals, and other emissions based on application of conservation laws, if fuel rate is measured. The presence of certain elements in fuels which may be used to predict their presence in emission streams. This includes elements in fuel may be used to predict their presence in emission streams. This includes elements such as sulfur that may be converted into other compounds during the combustion process. The basic equation used in fuel analysis emission calculations is the following: EQUATION 9 36 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010701 Ekpy,i = Qf * C i / 100 * (MWp / EWf ) * OpHrs = = = = = = annual emissions of pollutant i, kg / yr fuel use, kg / hr operating hours, hr / yr molecular weight of pollutant emitted, kg / kg-mole Elemental weight of pollutant in fuel, kg / kg-mole concentration of pollutant i in fuel, weight percent, % where: Ekpy,i Qf OpHrs MWp EWf Ci For instance, SO2 emissions from fuel oil combustion can be calculated based on the concentration of sulfur in the fuel oil. This approach assumes complete conversion of sulfur to SO2. Therefore, for every kilogram of sulfur (EW = 32) burned, two kilograms of SO2 (MW = 64) are emitted. The application of this EET is shown in Example 5. Example 5 – Using Fuel Analysis Data This example shows how SO2 emissions can be calculated from fuel combustion based on fuel analysis results, and the known fuel flow of the engine. Ekpy,SO2 may be calculated using Equation 9 and given the following: Fuel flow (Qf ) Weight percent sulfur in fuel Operating hours Ekpy,SO2 = = = = = = 20 900 kg / hr 1.17 % 1500 hr / yr Qf * C i / 100 * (MWp / EWf ) * OpHrs (20 900) * (1.17 / 100 ) * (64 / 32) * 1500 733 590 kg / yr A.4 EMISSION FACTORS: In the absence of other information, default emission factors can be used to provide an estimate of emissions. Emission factors are generally derived through the testing of a general source population (e.g. boilers using a particular fuel type). This information is used to relate the quantity of material emitted to some general measure of the scale of activity (e.g. for boilers, emission factors are generally based on the quantity of fuel consumed or the heat output of the boiler). Emission factors require ‘activity data’, that is combined with the factor to generate the emission estimates. The generic formula is: EQUATION 10 Emission Factor Mass Unit of activity * Activity Data Unit of activity time = Emission Rate Mass time 37 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010701 For example, if the emission factor has units of ‘kg pollutant / m3 of fuel combusted’, then the activity data required would be in terms of ‘m 3 fuel burned / hr’, thereby generating an emission estimate of ‘kg pollutant / hr’. An emission factor is a tool used to estimate emissions to the environment. In this Manual, it relates the quantity of substances emitted from a source, to some common activity associated with those emissions. Emission factors are obtained form US, European, and Australian sources and are usually expressed as the weight of a substance emitted, divided by the unit weight, volume, distance, or duration of the activity emitting the substance. Emission Factors are used to estimate a facility’s emission by the general equation: EQUATION 11 Ekpy,i = [A * OpHrs] * EFi * [1-(CEi / 100)] = = = = = emission rate of pollutant i, kg / yr activity rate, t / hr operating hours, hr / yr uncontrolled emission factor of pollutant i, kg / t overall control efficiency of pollutant i, % where: Ekpy,i A OpHrs EFi CEi Emission factors developed from measurements for a specific process may sometimes be used to estimate emissions at other sites. Should a company have several processes of similar operation and size, and emissions are measured from one process source, an emission factor can be developed and applied to similar sources. It is necessary to have the emission factor reviewed and approved by State of Territory environment agencies prior to its use for NPI estimations. 38 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010701 Appendix B – Emission Estimation Techniques: Acceptable Reliability and Uncertainty This section is intended to give a general overview of some of the inaccuracies associated with each of the techniques. Although the National Pollutant Inventory does not favour one emission estimation technique over another, this section does attempt to evaluate the available emission estimation techniques with regards to accuracy. Several techniques are available for calculating emissions from soft drink manufacturing facilities. The technique chosen is dependent on available data, and available resources, and the degree of accuracy sought by the facility in undertaking the estimate. In general, site-specific data that is representative of normal operations is more accurate than industry-ave raged data. B.1 DIRECT MEASUREMENT: Use of stack and / or workplace health and safety sampling data is likely to be a relatively accurate method of estimating air emissions form soft drink manufacturing facilities. However, collection and analysis of samples from facilities can be very expensive and especially complicated where a variety of NPI- listed substances are emitted, and where most of these emissions are fugitive in nature. Sampling data from a specific process may not be representative of the entire manufacturing operation, and may provide only one example of the facility’s emissions. To be representative, sampling data used for NPI reporting purposes needs to be collected over a period of time, and to cover all aspects of production. In the case of CEMS, instrument calibration drift can be problematic and uncaptured data can create long-term incomplete data sets. However, it may be misleading to assert that a snapshot (stack sampling) can better predict long-term emission characteristics. It is the responsibility of the facility operator to properly calibrate and maintain monitoring equipment and the corresponding emissions data. B.2 MASS BALANCE: Calculating emissions from soft drink manufacturing facilities using mass balance appears to be a straightforward approach to emission estimation. However, it is likely that few Australian facilities consistently track material usage and waste generation with the overall accuracy needed for application of this method. Inaccuracies associated with individual material tracking, or other activities inherent in each material handling stage, can result in large deviations for total facility emissions. Because emissions from specific materials are typically below 2 percent of gross consumption, an error of only ± 5 percent in any one step of the operation can significantly skew emission estimations. B.3 ENGINEERING CALCULATIONS: Theoretical and complex equations, or models, can be used for estimation emissions from soft drink manufacturing production processes. EET equations are available for the following types of emissions common to soft drink manufacturing facilities. Use of emission equations to estimate emissions from soft drink manufacturing facilities is a more complex and time-consuming process than the use of emission factors. 39 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010701 Emission equations require more detailed inputs than the use of emission factors but they do provide an emission estimate that is based on facility-specific conditions. B.4 EMISSION FACTORS: Every emission factor has an associated emission factor rating (EFR) code. This rating system is common to EETs for all industries and sectors and therefore, to all Industry Handbooks. They are based on rating systems developed by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), and by the European Environment Agency (EEA). Consequently, the ratings may not be directly relevant to Australian industry. Sources for all emission factors cited can be found in the reference section of this document. The emission factor ratings will not form part of the public NPI database. When using emission factors, you should be aware of the associated EFR code and what the rating implies. An A or B rating indicated a greater degree of certainty than a D or E rating. The less certainty, the more likely that a given emission factor for a specific source or category is not representative of the source type. These ratings notwithstanding, the main criterion affecting the uncertainty of an emission factor remains the degree of similarity between the equipment / process selected in applying the factor, and the target equipment / process from which the factor was derived. The EFR system is as follows: A Excellent B Above Average C Average D Below Average E Poor U Unrated 40 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010701 Appendix C – List of Variables and Symbols Variable Annual emissions of pollutant i Symbol Units Ekpyi kg / yr Ei kg / hr Total emissions of pollutant i per hour Uncontrolled emission factor for pollutant i EFi Kg of pollutant / units of weight, volume, distance or duration of activity emitting the pollutant Overall control efficiency (emission reduction control factor) CEi % reduction in emission of pollutant i Fuel used Qf kg / hr Concentration of pollutant i Ci Ppmv, kg / L Total suspended particulates in exhaust gases or air Operating hours TSP kg / hr OpHrs hr / yr A t / hr Activity rate Molecular weight of pollutant emitted MWi kg / kg-mole Elemental weight of pollutant in fuel EWf kg / kg-mole Concentration of PM or gram loading CPM g / m3 Filter catch Metered volume of sample at STP Cf G VmSTP m3 Hourly emissions of PM EPM kg / hr Stack gas volumetric flow rate Qst m3 / s Temperature T Celsius ( C) or Kelvin (K) Moisture collected gMOIST g Moisture content moistR % Dry density of stack gas sample at STP pSTP kg / m3 Emission per tonne Ekpt,i Kg of pollutant i per tonne of fuel consumed Volumetric flow rate of stack gas Qa Actual (ie. Wet) cubic meters per second (m3 / s) Material entering the process Qi kg / hr Material leaving the process Qo kg / hr 41 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010701 Appendix C – List of Variables and Symbols Continued Variable Symbol Weight fraction of component i in inlet stream Wfi Weight fraction of component i in outlet stream o Woi Units Density of stream i pi kg / m3 Density of stream o po kg / m3 ooOOOoo 42 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010701 A Cod e of Good Hygienic Practice for the So ft Dri nk Ind ustry 43 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010701 Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction 44 2.0 Definitions 44 3.0 Design and Facilities of Plant 45 4.0 Hygiene Requirements 47 5.0 Personnel 49 6.0 Process and Controls 50 44 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010701 1.0 Introduction This Code of Practice dealing with hygiene in a soft drink plant, was first developed in 1978 in response to suggestions from the Food Standards Committee of the National Health and Medical Research Council. In assembling the Code, the Australian Beverages Technical Committee drew largely on the existing material, notably the Codex Alimentarius Commission’s General Principles of Food Hygiene. It must be noted that this Code in no way diminishes a manufacturer’s obligation to comply with all existing laws and regulations covering hygiene, building codes, etc. 2.0 Definitions The following definitions shall apply: 2.1 ADEQUATE:- Sufficient to accomplish the intended purpose in keeping with good hygiene and public health practice. 2.2 CLEANING:- The removal of food residues, soil, dirt, grease or other objectionable matter. 2.3 CONTAMINATION:- The addition of any objectionable matter, directly or indirectly, to the product or the presence of any such matter in the product. Contamination includes infestation. 2.4 SANITATION:- The reduction, without adversely affecting the food, by means of hygienically satisfactory chemical agents and/or physical methods of the number of micro-organisms to a level that will not lead to harmful contamination of food. 2.5 ESTABLISHMENT:- Any building(s) or area(s) in which food is handled and the surroundings under the control of the same management. 2.6 FOOD HANDLING:- Any operation in the production, preparation, processing, packing, storage or distribution of food. 2.7 FOOD HYGIENE:- All measures necessary to ensure the safety, wholesomeness, and soundness of food at all stages from production or manufacture until its final consumption. 2.8 PACKAGING Any containers such as cans, bottles, cartons, boxes, cases and sacks, or wrapping and covering material such as foil, film, metal paper, wax paper and cloth. MATERIAL:2.9 PESTS:- Any animals, rodents, birds and insects, capable of directly or indirectly contaminating food. 45 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010701 3.0 3.1 Design and Facilities of Plant LOCATION: Plants should, for preference, be located in areas which are free from objectionable odours, smoke, dust or other contaminants and are not subject to flooding. 3.2 GROUNDS: The grounds about a food plant shall be free from conditions which may result in the contamination of food including, but not limited to, the following: 3.2.1 Improperly stored equipment, litter, waste, refuse and uncut weeds or grass that may attract rodents, insects, and other pests and provide a harbour or breeding place for them. 3.2.2 Excessively dusty roads, yards or parking areas that may constitute a source of contamination in areas where food is exposed. 3.2.3 Inadequately drained areas that may contribute contamination to food products through seepage or footborne filth and by providing a breeding place for insects and micro-organisms. 3.2.4 If neighboring grounds are of the types described in 3.2.1, 3.2.2 and 3.2.3, care must be exercised in the plant by inspection, extermination, or other means to effect the exclusion of pests, dirt, and other filth that may be a source of food contamination. 3.3 PLANT CONSTRUCTION AND DESIGN: - 3.3.1 Plant buildings should be of sound construction and maintained in good repair. 3.3.2 Adequate working space should be provided to allow for satisfactory performance of all operations as well as ensuring that employees can perform their duties without contamination of food or food-contact surfaces with clothing or personal contact. Aisles or working spaces between equipment shall be unobstructed. 3.3.3 The design should be such as to permit easy and adequate cleaning and to facilitate proper supervision of food hygiene. 3.3.4 The design should be such as to prevent the entrance and harbouring of pests and the entry of environmental contaminants such as smoke, dust, etc., in food processing or component storage areas. 3.3.5 The plant should be designed to provide separation, by floor to ceiling partition, location or other effective means, between those operations which may cause cross-contamination of food products. It is most desirable to separate by floor to ceiling partition the bottling room, syrup mixing areas, pre-mix and post-mix 46 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010701 syrup filling areas, ingredient storage areas and non-ingredient raw materials storage areas. 3.3.6 Floors, walls, ceilings, windows and doors in all food handling areas shall be of such construction that they can be adequately cleaned and, where necessary, disinfected. Where appropriate floors should be sufficiently sloped to permit adequate drainage of liquids to trapped outlets. Floors and walls should be waterproof and non-absorbent. Ceilings should be constructed to prevent dirt accumulation and minimise condensation and mould development. Windows should be constructed to prevent accumulation of dirt and those which open should be fitted with insect screens. Doors should, where appropriate, be selfclosing and close-fitting. 3.3.7 Stairs, lift cages and auxiliary structures should be so situated and constructed as not to cause contamination of food. 3.3.8 In food handling areas all overhead structures and fittings shall not be so installed that foods, raw materials or food-contact surfaces are contaminated by drip, condensation or dirt. They shall be easy to clean. 3.3.9 The plant design should be such as to provide adequate ventilation or control equipment to minimise odours and noxious fumes and vapours (including steam), in areas where they may contaminate food. Such ventilation or control equipment shall not create conditions that may contribute to food contamination. 3.3.10 Adequate natural or artificial lighting shall be provided in all areas where food or food ingredients are examined, processed or stored and where equipment and utensils are cleaned and in dressing and locker rooms, wash-rooms and lavatories. Light bulbs, fixtures, skylights or other glass suspended over exposed food in any step of preparation shall be of the safety type or otherwise protected to prevent food contamination in case of breakage. 3.4 SANITARY FACILITIES: 3.4.1 Water supply shall be sufficient for the operations intended and shall be derived from an adequate source. Any water that comes into contact with foods or food-contact surfaces shall be safe and of adequate sanitary quality. Running water at a suitable temperature and under pressure, as needed, shall be provided in all areas where the processing of food, the cleaning of equipment, utensils or containers, or employee hygiene facilities require. 3.4.2 Sewage disposal shall be made into an adequate system in accordance with local authority requirements. 3.4.3 Plumbing shall be of adequate size and design and be adequately installed and maintained to :• carry sufficient quantities of water to required plant locations • properly convey liquid disposable waste from the plant 47 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010701 • not constitute a source of contamination in any way or create an unhygienic condition. 3.4.4 Lavatories and changing facilities shall be provided in all establishments, adequate for the number of personnel, and in compliance with local authority requirements. Lavatories shall have flushing water closets. Lavatories shall be maintained in good repair and in hygienic condition. Doors to lavatory areas shall be self-closing and shall not open directly into food handling areas. Hand washing facilities with hot and cold water, together with a suitable hygienic means of hand drying, shall be provided adjacent to lavatories. Notices shall be posted directing personnel to wash their hands with soap or detergent after using the lavatory. 3.4.5 Hand washing facilities of an adequate and convenient nature shall be provided at location in a plant where good hygiene requires personnel to wash or disinfect and dry their hands. Such facilities shall be furnished with running water at a suitable temperature, effective hand cleaning and disinfection preparations, hygienic drying devices and, where appropriate, easily cleanable waste receptacles. 3.4.6 Rubbish and waste shall be so conveyed, stored and disposed of as to minimise odour development and prevent the attraction, breeding and harbouring of pests, and to prevent the contamination of foods, food-contact surfaces and water supplies. 3.5 EQUIPMENT AND UTENSILS:All plant equipment and utensils used in food handling should be:• suitable for there intended use § designed to be easily cleaned, disinfected and inspected § capable of withstanding repeated cleaning and disinfection § properly maintained at all times. The design, construction and use of such equipment and utensils should preclude the adulteration of food with lubricants, fuel, metal fragments, contaminated water or any other contaminants. 4.0 4.1 Hygienic Requirements MAINTENANCE: The buildings, equipment, utensils and all other physical facilities of the establishment, including drains, should be maintained in good repair and in an orderly condition. 48 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010701 4.2 CLEANING AND DISINFECTION: 4.2.1 To prevent contamination of food, all equipment and utensils should be cleaned as frequently as necessary and disinfected whenever circumstances demand. 4.2.2 Care should be taken to prevent food from being contaminated during cleansing or disinfection of rooms, equipment or utensils by water and detergents or by disinfections and their solutions. Detergents and disinfectants should be suitable for the purpose intended and should conform to public health requirements. Any residues of these agents on a surface which may come into contact with food should be removed by thorough rinsing with potable water before commencing work. 4.2.3 Either immediately after cessation of work for the day or at such other times as may be appropriate, floors including drains, auxiliary structures and walls of food handling areas should be thoroughly cleaned. 4.2.4 Changing facilities, lavatories and washrooms should be kept clean at all times. 4.2.5 Roadways and paths in the immediate vicinity of and serving the premises should be kept clean. 4.2.6 Only such toxic materials as are required to maintain hygienic condition, for use in laboratory testing procedures, for plant and equipment maintenance and operation shall be used or stored in the plant. These materials shall be clearly identified and used only in such manner and conditions as will be safe for their intended use. Insecticides and rodenticides must be properly labelled and stored in an area which can be secured from access by unauthorised personnel, and which is not used for food, food ingredient or food container storage. 4.2.7 Cleaned and disinfected portable equipment and utensils used in food processing should be stored in such a way that they are protected from contamination. 4.3 HYGIENE CONTROL PROGRAMME:Every establishment should have a proper cleaning and disinfection schedule drawn up to ensure all areas, equipment and utensils are appropriately cleaned. 4.4 STORAGE AND DISPOSAL OF WASTE:Waste material, including single use items such as paper towels and cups, should be stored in appropriate containers and handled, dispensed, used and disposed of in such a manner as to avoid contamination of food, food ingredients or food-contact surfaces. 49 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010701 4.5 ANIMAL AND PEST CONTROL:4.5.1 Dogs, cats and other domestic animals should be excluded from food processing areas. 4.5.2 There should be an effective and continuous programme for the control of pests. Establishment and surrounding areas should be regularly examined for evidence of infestation. 4.5.3 Should pests gain entrance to the establishment, eradication measures should be instituted. However pesticides should only be used if other precautionary measures cannot be used effectively and precautions must be taken to prevent the contamination of food, food ingredients, food-contact surfaces and food packaging materials. 5.0 5.1 Personnel HYGIENE TRAINING:Managers of establishment should arrange for adequate and continuing training of every employee in hygienic handling of food and in personal hygiene so that the employees understand the precautions necessary to prevent contamination of food. 5.2 MEDICAL EXAMINATION:Persons who come in contact with food in the course of their work, should have a medical examination prior to their employment if the official agency having jurisdiction, acting on medical advice, considers that this is necessary, either because of epidemiological considerations, the nature of the food prepared in a particular establishment or the medical history of the prospective food handler. Medical examination of a food handler should be carried out at other times when clinically or epidemiologically indicated. 5.3 COMMUNICABLE DISEASES:The management should take care to ensure that no employee, while known or suspected to be suffering from, or to be a carrier of a disease likely to be transmitted through food or while afflicted with infected wounds, skin infections, sores or diarrhea, is permitted to work in any food handling areas in any capacity in which there is any likelihood of such person directly or indirectly contaminating food with pathogenic micro-organisms. Any person so affected, should immediately report to the management that he is ill. 5.4 INJURIES:Any person who has a cut or wound, should not continue to handle food until the injury is suitably bandaged and the bandage is completely protected by a waterproof 50 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010701 covering which is firmly secured, and which is conspicuous in colour. Adequate firstaid facilities should be provided for this purpose. 5.5 WASHING OF HANDS:Every person engaged in food handling areas, should wash his hands frequently and thoroughly with soap or other detergent under running warm potable water while on duty. Hands should always be washed commencing work, immediately after using the toilet, after handling contaminated material and whenever else necessary. 5.6 PERSONAL CLEANLINESS:Every person engaged in a food handling area should maintain a high degree of personal cleanliness while on duty, and should at all times, while so engaged, wear suitable protective clothing including head covering and footwear, all of which articles should be cleanable unless designed to be disposed of and should be maintained in a clean condition consistent with the nature of the work in which the person is engaged. 5.7 PERSONAL BEHAVIOUR: Any behaviour which could result in contamination of food, such as eating, use of tobacco, chewing (e.g. gum, stick, etc.) or unhygienic practices such as spitting, should be prohibited in food handling areas. 5.8 GLOVES: Gloves, if used in the handling of food products, should be maintained in a sound, clean and sanitary condition. The wearing of gloves does not exempt the operator from having thoroughly washed hands. Gloves should be made of an impermeable material, except where they would be inappropriate or incompatible with the work involved. 5.9 VISITORS: Precautions should be taken to prevent visitors to food handling areas from contaminating food. These may include the use of protective clothing. Visitors should observe the provisions recommended in paragraphs 5.6 and 5.7. 5.10 SUPERVISION: Responsibility for ensuring compliance by all personnel with all requirements of paragraphs 4.1 to 5.9 inclusive should be specifically allocated to competent supervisory personnel. 6.0 Process and Controls 51 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010701 All operations in the receiving, inspecting, transporting, segregating, preparing, processing and storing of food shall be conducted in accordance with adequate hygiene principles. Overall hygiene of an establishment should be under the supervision of an individual assigned the responsibility for this function. This individual must have the necessary authority to achieve proper hygiene. 6.1 Raw materials and ingredients shall be inspected and segregated as necessary to ensure that they are clean, wholesome and fit for processing into human food, and shall be stored under conditions that will protect against contaminants and minimise deterioration. Bottles and cans, used for packaging products, shall be washed and cleaned as required immediately before filling. Water used for washing or rinsing shall be of adequate quality and shall not be re-used in a manner which may result in contamination of food products. 6.2 Containers and carriers of ingredients should be inspected on receipt to ensure that their condition has not contributed to the contamination or deterioration of the products they contain. 6.3 All food processing, including packaging and storage, should be conducted under such conditions and controls as are necessary to minimise the potential for undesirable microbiological growth, toxin formation or deterioration or contamination of processed food or ingredients. 6.4 PACKAGING: 6.4.1 All packaging material should be stored in a clean and hygienic manner. The packaging material should be sound and should provide appropriate protection from contamination. 6.4.2 Product containers should not have been used for any purpose which may lead to contamination of the product. Where practicable containers should be inspected immediately before use to ensure that they are in a satisfactory condition and where necessary cleaned and/or sanitized; when washed they should be well drained before filling. Only packaging material required for immediate use should be kept in the packing or filling area. 6.4.3 Packing should be done under conditions that preclude introduction of contamination into a product. 6.4.4 Where practicable products should be coded to enable identification of lots. Records should be retained for a period of time that exceeds the shelf life of the product. O Ooo ooO 52 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010701 Product Recall Procedure for the Soft Drink I nd ustr y 53 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010701 Table of Contents 1.0 Definitions 55 2.0 Introduction 56 3.0 Developing a Recall Plan 56 4.0 Recall Objectives 56 5.0 Recall Committee Members & their Responsibilities 57 5.1 Committee Members 57 5.2 Records 58 5.3 Mock Recalls 58 5.4 Other Considerations 58 6.0 Risk Assessment 59 7.0 Level of Recall 59 8.0 Notification 59 8.1 Notifying the Distribution Network and Clients 60 8.2 Notifying the Public 60 8.3 Notifying the Government 60 9.0 10.0 Mechanics of Notification 60 9.1 Product 60 9.2 Problem 61 9.3 Other Considerations 61 9.4 Confidentiality 61 Recall Letters, Paid Advertisements and the Media 62 10.1 Release 62 10.2 Paid Advertisements 63 10.3 Media Releases 64 54 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010701 11.0 Product Recovery 64 12.0 Post Recall Action 64 12.1 Effectiveness of the Recall 65 12.2 Follow-up Action 65 Appendix A – Standard 3.2.2 FSC 66 Appendix B – Food Recall Procedure 67 Appendix C – Recall Notification Form Format 68 Appendix D – Coordinator Contact Details 70 Appendix E - Format for Letter to the Minister 71 Appendix F – Minister Contact Details 72 Appendix G – Newspaper Contact Details 73 Appendix H – Example of Media Release 74 Appendices 55 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010701 1.0 Definitions Sponsor A sponsor is the provider of the product to the wholesale or retail market and may be either a manufacturer or an importer. With the exception of extreme circumstances, recall action should never be initiated before the sponsor of the product has been notified and consulted. Withdrawal A product may be withdrawn from sale for two reasons: 1. Because of a quality defect that does not pose a potential risk to public health or safety, or; 2. A withdrawal may be undertaken prior to a recall, pending a further investigation that may or may not lead to a recall. If a risk to public health and safety is established, the product must be recalled. Recall A recall is constituted by action taken to remove from sale, distribution and consumption, foods which may pose a safety hazard to consumers, whereas a food withdrawl may be undertaken for quality reasons. (ie the presence of Clostridium botulinum, Listeria monocytogenes, toxic chemicals or harmful foreign bodies in the product.) Action may also be taken if the product has serious defects that pose a potential health risk. (ie goods that are incorrectly labelled or are adulterated.) A recall may be either permanent, where the products a removed from the market and destroyed, or temporary whereby the product may be returned to the market after rectifying action has been taken. A recall may need to be undertaken at either a wholesale or a consumer level. Wholesale recall: involves the recovery of the product from wholesalers, distribution centers and importers. Consumer recall: is the most serious and most expensive as it involves the recovery of the product from supermarkets, grocery stores, hospitals, restaurants, other major catering establishments and consumers. State & Territory Coordinator A State or Territory coordinator is the senior food officer (or their deputy) of the health authority in that particular jurisdiction. Australian Coordinator The Australian Coordinator is a Commonwealth Officer of the Food Standards Australia New Zealand. (FSANZ) 56 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010701 2.0 Introduction The purpose of this document is to provide member companies with a set of principles and guidelines for a product recall procedure plan which could be adapted by smaller soft drink manufacturers or used as a guide by the larger manufacturers in developing their own procedures. A recall may be initiated as a result of reports refereed to sponsors or coordinators from a variety of sources such as manufacturers, wholesalers, retailers, medical practitioners, government agencies or consumers. A recall of goods manufactured overseas may also be initiated by reports appearing in overseas bulletins and similar, or as a result of information received directly from health authorities. A recall may result due to failures in the companies quality assurance and quality control programs as a result of accidents, product tampering or unforeseen circumstances. Where public health and safety risks exist, State and Territory legislation can require that the product in question be recalled and that public warning statements be issued. Because of this FSANZ now requires that any food business engaged in the wholesale supply, manufacture or importation of food must under Standard 3.2.2 of the Food Standards Code (vol. II) (see Appendix A): 1. 2. Have in place a system to ensure the recall of unsafe food, Set out this system in a written document and make this document available to an unauthorised officer upon request, 3. Comply with this system when recalling unsafe food. 3.0 Developing a Recall Plan Each product, sponsor and recall procedure situation differs and sponsors need to develop their own procedure in order to accommodate their own particular structure and activities. There are however are eight main stages in the procedure which need to be addressed: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Recall objectives Convening the recall committee Hazard/risk assessment Determining the level of recall Who should be notified of the recall The mechanics of notification and recovery Post recall reporting Also see Appendix B 4.0 Recall Objectives Detailed guidelines should be developed to help those involved assess the risks and determine the companies response to the problem. A full product recall has ramifications for governments, industry and consumers and therefore it is critical that all the necessary information is obtained and thoroughly analysed before a decision is made. A recall plan needs to: 57 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010701 - Stop the distribution and sale of the affected product. Inform the public and the appropriate authorities of the problem. Effectively and efficiently remove from the marketplace any product which is potentially unsafe. 5.0 Recall Committee Members and their Responsibilities A Product Recall Co-ordinating Committee needs to: 5.1 Assess the overall problem. Evaluate the hazard and decide on a strategy to use. Recommend whether or not to close the production plant. Act as the sole contact with the media and Government Authorities. Provide information requested by the Government Authorities on the progress of the voluntary recall action. Recommend production may re-commence. Committee Members It is important that company employees in key positions are aware of the recall plan and of the part which their sections play in that plan. Senior management personnel should be nominated to represent the principle areas involved in a recall. Typically a recall committee would have the following members: - Recall coordinator (ideally the companies senior technical executive) The managing director The head of public relations The head of warehousing and distribution The head of purchasing The firms legal representative In small companies the committee may consist of just one or two people, each having a number of responsibilities. These responsibilities should be clearly defined in the product recall procedure, in order for that person to do their job as quickly and efficiently as possible. 5.1.1 Extra Staffing It needs to be considered whether extra production staff may be needed in order to allow permanent staff to deal with the recall. 5.1.2 Using a Consultancy Many firms involved in previous recall campaigns have felt the need to use external specialists in areas such as marketing communication. (ie advertising and direct mail, public relations and corporate communications.) 58 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010701 Many agencies can cover all these facites of business and can be found by contacting the public relations institute in the various states and territories. 5.2 Records To expediate a recall, records should be made and kept readily available and easy to follow. In accordance with the principles of good manufacture, sponsors should keep the following information on products they manufacture: - Complete up to date histories of all batches of products, from starting materials to finished product, - Allow for determination of the use and disposal of all raw materials and b ulk products, - Provide adequate details of customers to whom the end product has been sold or distributed. Records should be kept for at least one year after the shelf life of the batch. If the foods have a shelf life of two years or more, the records should be kept for at least five years after the date of manufacture. A record of complaints should also be kept which includes information on the type of product, the time / date, and the action taken. 5.2.1 Distribution records It is strongly recommended an up to date lists of distributors and retailers is available. If the company uses intermediate distributors, it is important that the company checks with the intermediate distributors in order to make sure that they that they have a similar ability to quickly produce a list of retail outlets receiving product and a means to quickly notify retailers. 5.3 Mock Recalls In preparation for any recall, the plan should be tested by a simulation exercise based on current products. By putting the plan into practice there is an opportunity to rectify any problems prior to a genuine recall. 5.4 Other Considerations Included in the procedural documentation should be essential reference information such as : - A list of telephone contacts - for company personnel, Commonwealth and State and Territory authorities, and media contacts. (see Appendices) Blank media release. The Food Recall Notification Form. (see Appendix C) 59 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010701 6.0 Risk Assessment The level of recall is to be determined by consultation between the sponsor, the Australian Coordinator and where appropriate, the State or Territory coordinator. Specific information such as the following is essential to make a proper assessment of the risk to consumers and, the action appropriate to the situation: - The seriousness of the fault or complaint and its safety implications, Whether more than one report of contamination has been received, The likelihood of contamination in the manufacturing process, The size and distribution of the batch, Whether the complainant has already involved police, health officials or media. 7.0 Level of Recall Once the risk has been analysed, the product may be either withdrawn or recalled from the market. A withdrawal will occur when use of the product is not likely to cause adverse health consequences. (ie incorrect labelling k, aesthetically undesirable foreign matter, or incorrectly formulated product.) This does not warrant a voluntary recall notification to the Minister. A recall will take place when there is a reasonable probability that the consumption of the product will cause either M: - Serious adverse health consequences or Consumption of the product may cause temporary or medically reversible adverse health consequences, or Where the probability of serious adverse health consequences is remote. (ie the presence of toxic contaminants or harmful foreign bodies.) 8.0 Notification Notification has three aspects; 1. Notifying the distribution network and clients 2. Notifying the public: 3. Notify the appropriate statutory authorities: K The exception to incorrect labelling is when it that may lead to a health risk ie sugar-containing products labelled as non-sugar 60 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010701 M NOTE: a compulsory recall can however, be ordered if it is deemed that insufficient action has been taken with safety related defects. 8.1 Notifying the Distribution Network and Clients Detail methods for stopping the distribution and sale of the product, for storing the recovered product safely, and for isolating and disposing of in a correct manner, are required to be provided. 8.2 Notifying the Public Detail methods which state which forms of media are to be used and how contacts are to be informed. Public notification is essential if the product in question is offered for sale at the retail level. 8.3 Notification of the Commonwealth and State and Territory Ministers Responsible for Consumer Affairs and Fair Trading. Consumer product standards, bans and recalls all come under the Commonwealth’s Trade Practices Act. This Act gives the Minister (in practice the Minister for Consumer Affairs or the Attorney-General), power to order a recall of consumer goods if a voluntary recall is considered to be inadequate and to issue public warning notices. Section 65R of the Act also requires that a supplier must notify the Minister within two days of a voluntary recall when goods will or may cause injury to any person. Severe penalties ($3,300) can be imposed by the Federal Bureau of Consumer Affairs through the federal court for breeches of not only standards and bans, but also recalls. Complimentary State laws also exist, so it is advisable to check the precise details of the provisions of these laws. Most states require that a party responsible for a food or beverage subject to a mandatory recall, be liable to recall that product from members of the public. Full co-operation with the Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) State Health Departments and Office of Consumer Affairs in a product recall is of great importance. Soft drink manufactures must lodge a copy of their product recall procedures with the State Health Departments or authorise Australian Beverages to lodge a copy of its recommended recall procedures on their behalf. A list of food recall action officers for Australian and New Zealand is attached in Appendix D. 9.0 Mechanics of Notification The following information is required to complete the notification form. (see Appendix C) 9.1 The Product - Product name and description, including packaging size and type; 61 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010701 9.2 9.3 9.4 - Batch or serial numbers; - Use-by or best-before dates; - Australian sponsor and contact telephone number - Quantity of batch, date and amount released; - National distribution; - Overseas distribution of any exported product. The Problem - Name and telephone number of the person reporting the problem; - Date of the report; - Nature of the problem; - Results of tests and other investigations on suspect or other samples. Other Relevant Information - Availability for investigation of suspect sample or other sample; - Type of hazard and assessment of risk; - Action proposed by sponsor; - Proposed recall level; - Number of similar reports received; Confidentiality Some of the information provided to FSANZ may be commercially sensitive or private in nature. If this is the case, the Authority should be told. Except where disclosure is specifically authorised by section 39 of the Food Standards Australia New Zealand Act 1991, confidentiality of information deemed to be 'confidential commercial information', as defined in section 3 of that Act is maintained by the Authority. Because FSANZ is a Commonwealth authority it is subject to Commonwealth government administrative laws, which means that its actions are open to public scrutiny. The Freedom of Information Act 1982 makes provision for public access to certain documents in the Authorities possession. The Authority is required to provide access to documents in its possession unless the documents sought are within an exception or exemption specified in the Freedom of Information legislation, for example where it is necessary to maintain 62 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010701 confidentiality to protect the private and business affairs of people and organisations to whom the information relates. Similarly, State and Territory health authorities are subject to government administrative laws and requirements; if these authorities are a sponsors first point of contact the sponsor should inform them if it is supplying confidential commercial information. 10.0 Recall Letters, Paid Advertisements and Media 10.1 Releases Initial notification for recalls should be done by telephone and followed up with written communication within 24 hours. Recall letters sent to distributors and overseas importers should include a factual statement of the reasons for the recall of the product, plus specific details that will allow the product to be easily identified. Where possible, the Australian Coordinator should agree with text of the letter before it is sent. 10.1.1 Heading The heading should be 'Food Recall'. 10.1.2 Composition of Text Information on the following should be provided: - The name of the product - The package size and description of the packaging - The batch or serial numbers - Other details necessary for fool proof identification - The reason for the recall, nature of the hazard and the effects of consumption - The need to identify and quarantine the product - The method of recovery, disposal to be used - A request to retain the letter in a prominent position for one month in case stock is in transit - Distribution of the product - Company contacts, including telephone and fax numbers. If recalled stock has been distributed to a limited number of retailers or distributors and there is reason to believe that the product may have been further distributed to other distributors or retailers, the recall letter should include the following statement: 63 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010701 "If any of the recalled stock has been further distributed by you to other distributors or retailers please immediately let those distributors or retailers know of the recall. Please then telephone the nearest company office shown below so that we can make contact with the distributor or retailers supplied by your company. Long -distance callers may use reverse charges." 10.2 Paid Advertisements If the recall is to the consumer level, or retail level and they cannot all be identified, advertisements paid for by the sponsor are to be placed in the daily print media of each State and Territory in which the product may have been distributed. (see appendices G, H) 10.2.1 Choice of Print Media The choice of print media should be made in consultation with the Australian Coordinator and the coordinators in the appropriate State and Territory health authorities. The Australian coordinator has a list of the main newspapers in each State and Territory (see Appendix C) In addition, consideration should be given to the need to inform ethnic and regional newspapers. 10.2.2 Format Size: Double column and 10 centimeters deep is the minimum size for advertisements. Which should be enclosed in a diagonally hatched border, preferably with the internationally recognised safety triangle in the top lefthand corner. See Appendix H. Position: It is important that recall advertisements appear in the front pages of daily print media. If this is not possible they should appear in the first half of the newspaper. The classifieds section is not suitable. Text: The text of the recall advertisement should be submitted to the Australian Coordinator for confirmation before it is sent for publication. Heading: The heading should read 'Food Recall'. Composition of Text: The text should include information on the following: - The name of the product - The package size and a description of the package - Any other details necessary for fool proof identification - The reason for the recall - The need to identify and quarantine the product - The method of recovery or disposal - If the hazard to the consumer is serious, a description of possible clinical symptoms and advice to consult a medical practitioner, if desired. 64 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010701 - 10.3 Company contacts including telephone and fax numbers. Media Release To ensure the widest possible dissemination, and to cover both electronic and print media, sponsors undertaking a voluntary recall should consider issuing a media release. The media release should contain the same information as the paid advertisement and should be developed jointly by the sponsor, the Australian Coordinator and the relevant State or Territory Coordinator. Again, consideration should be given to informing ethnic and regional media. Expert advice from a medical practitioner or other specialist may be required. The sponsors telephone number should be given to allow 24-hour access to further information. Media releases are intended to bring the problem to consumers attention as quickly as possible as there may be a delay of several days in the publication of a paid advertisement. The policy should be based strictly on the following: 1. Only one source within the company to be authorised to issue press statements to the media. These must be in writing. 2. Only substantiated facts should be given. 3. Unless companies are frank and open with the media, there is the risk that the media will present its own story, based on rumour, mis-information and unrelated circumstances. 11.0 Product Recovery Products may be recovered by returns to supermarkets, via distribution chains or direct returns from consumers. The product should be returned to a central site or, in the case of a widely distributed product, to major recovery sites. The recovered product must be stored in an area that is separate from any other food products. Accurate records must be kept of the amount of recovered product and the codes of that product. After recovery, a product may be corrected or reprocessed if it is fit for human consumption. If it is unfit for human consumption and is stored in a metropolitan area it must be destroyed or denatured under the supervision of the State or Territory health authorities. However in isolated country areas it may be destroyed or denatured under the supervision of the store management 12.0 Post Recall Reporting 65 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010701 One month and two months after the implementation of a recall the Australian Coordinator should be provided with an interim and a final report respectively on the recall. The reports are to contain the following information: - A copy o f the recall letter faxed to customers - The circumstances leading to the recall - The action taken by the sponsor, including any publicity, with names of newspapers in which advertisements appeared. - The extent of distribution of the relevant batch in Australia and overseas. - The result of the recall - quantity of stock returned, corrected, outstanding, etc. - The method of disposal with certificates of destruction. - Action proposed for the future to prevent a recurrence of the problem. - Any difficulties experienced in conducting the recall. - Whether any government agencies or industry organisations helped with the recall and, if so what written information they provided. The interim and final reports give information about the effectiveness of the recall and form the basis of reports to State and Territory coordinators and to the Consumers Affairs Division of the Department of the Treasury. If the reports are unsatisfactory, further recall action may have to be considered. 12.1 The Effectiveness of Recall Action To be effective, recall notification must reach as far as the product has been distributed. The effectiveness of the recall is assessed on the basis of the amount of product received as a proportion of the amount of product that left the sponsor, while taking into account the retail turnover of the product. 12.2 Follow-up Action In addition to assessing the effectiveness of a recall, it is necessary to follow up by investigating the reason for the recall and taking action to prevent a recurrence of the problem. On completion of a recall, the sponsor is requested to provide details of proposed action to prevent a recurrence of the problem that gave rise to the recall. Where the nature of the problem and appropriate remedial action are not apparent, FSANZ will investigate and, in some cases, may audit the recall process. The sponsor will receive advance notification of this so that it can assemble the relevant records. 66 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010701 Action in response to the audit will be taken by the Consumers Affairs Division of the Department of the Treasury in conjunction with FSANZ. This might involve for example, a review of the product. 67 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010701 Appendix A Standard 3.2.2 Food Safety Practices and General Requirements 11 Food Disposal (1) A food business must ensure that food for disposal is held and kept separate until it is: (a) Destroyed or otherwise used or disposed of so that it cannot be used for human consumption; (b) Returned to its supplier (c) Ascertained to be safe and suitable (2) In subclause (1), 'food for disposal' means food that: (a) (b) (c) (d) (3) Is subject to recall Has been returned Is not safe or suitable ; or Is reasonably suspected of not being safe or suitable. A food business must clearly identify any food that is held and kept separate in accordance with subclause (1) as returned food, recalled food, or food that is or may not be safe or suitable, as the case may be. A food business must not sell food that has already served to a person to another person unless the food was completely wrapped when served and has remained completely wrapped. 68 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010701 Appendix B: Procedure for a Product Recall A potential recall situation may first come to the notice of any of the following: the sponsor, retailers, health officials, the police or consumers. It is essential to notify the sponsor BEFORE any recall action is decided Sponsor Record details of complaint / problem Consult store / company procedures Convene the product recall coordinating committee It is essential to make a proper assessment of the risk to public health and safety and the appropriate action required. It is advisable that the sponsor contact the relevant State or Territory health authority and FSANZ to determine if a recall is required and must notify relevant authorities if the decision to recall has been already made. If necessary, recommend a 'withdrawl' step while potential risk is assessed. If a risk to public safety is confirmed and a recall is required. Notify your suppliers, the Australian Retailers Association and any other relevant trade associations If no risk is established, terminate the process. STOP distribution and production (if appropriate) of the affected product. CONTACT distributors (wholesale, retail and other trade customers) of the affected product by phone and follow that with a fax. NOTIFY the media and the public by placing advertisements in the newspapers (FSANZ and health authorities can help with the wording of the advertisement) Also think about a media release. Note that press advertisements can take two or more days to be published. Within two days of initiating a recall you have to INFORM, in writing, the Federal Minister for Financial Services and Regulation. It may be necessary to inform the relevant State or Territory dept. responsible for fair trading. Arrange isolation, storage and disposal of affected product. Check effectiveness of recall. 69 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010701 Appendix C Urgent Food Recall Notification Form PLEASE COMPLETE AND FAX TO FSANZ's FOOD RECALL COORDINATOR ON 02 6271 2278 DATE SPONSOR Company Contact Address Telephone Fax After Hours Telephone Fax Alternative Contact FOOD PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Food Type Brand Name Best Before Brand Name Product Size Date Marking Batch Code Where is the Date Located on the Product APN or EAN Quantity of the Product Affected NATURE OF HAZARD Has Any Testing Been Done? If Yes, Results LEVEL OF RECALL Wholesale Retail Consumer DISTRIBUTION Australia Overseas 68 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010701 (please identify which States of Territories) (please identify which countries) QLD TAS NSW NT ACT WA VIC SA ACTION PROPOSED AND ACTION TAKEN DISPOSAL OF PRODUCT (What do you want done with the affected product?) OTHER RELEVANT INFORMATION _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 69 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010701 Appendix D Contact Details: Australian & State / Territory Coordinators FSANZ The Food Recall Coordinator Food Standards Australia New Zealand PO Box 7186 CANBERRA MC ACT 2610 Ph: 02 6271 2610 Fax: 02 6271 2278 Website: New South Wales Food Branch NSW Health Department PO Box 798 Gladesville NSW 1675 Ph; 02 9816 0269 Fax: 02 9817 7596 Western Australia Environmental Health Services Health Department of Western Australia PO Box 8172 Stirling Street Perth WA 6849 Ph: 08 9388 4909 Fax: 08 9382 8119 Website: South Australia Food Section – Environmental Health Branch South Australian Dept of Human Services PO Box 6 Rundle Mall Adelaide SA 5000 Ph: 08 8226 7107 Fax: 08 8226 7102 Website: Northern Territory Program Directorate, Environmental Health Territory Health Services PO Box 40596 Casuarina NT 0811 Ph: 08 8999 2965 Fax: 08 8999 2526 Website: Victoria Food Program Department of Human Services GPO Box 4057 Melbourne VIC 3000 Ph: 03 9637 4094 Fax: 03 9637 5212 Website: Queensland Environmental Health Unit Queensland Department of Health GPO Box 48 Brisbane QLD 4001 Ph: 07 3234 0952 Fax: 07 3234 1480 Website: Tasmania Environmental Health Unit Department of Community and Health Services GPO Box 125B Hobart TAS 7001 Ph: 03 6233 3753 Fax: 03 6233 6620 Website: Australian Capital Territory ACT Health Protection Service ACT Department of Health & Community Care Locked Bag No 5 Westons Creek ACT 2611 Ph: 02 6205 1700 Fax: 02 6205 1705 Website: New Zealand Food and Nutrition New Zealand Ministry of Health PO Box 5013 Wellington New Zealand Ph: 0011 64 4496 2360 Fax: 0011 64 4496 2340 70 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010701 Appendix E Letter to the Minister PLEASE FAX A COPY OF THIS LETTER TO THE FEDERAL MINISTER FOR CONSUMER AFFAIRS IT MAY ALSO BE NECESSARY TO ADVISE THE STATE OR TERRITORY MINISTER RESPONSIBLE FOR FAIR TRADING OR CONSUMER AFFAIRS Federal Minister for Consumer Affairs [and State or Territory Minister responsible for fair trading if necessary] Dear Minister, RE: NOTIFICATION OF PRODUCT RECALL In accordance with section 65R of the Trade Practices Act 1974, we wish to inform you of a product recall. Nature of product [Provide information that will help identify the product – for example, product name, size, batch, and code numbers, and use-by date, type of product (such as confectionery, meat or milk).] Nature of the defect [Say what the problem is; for example, bacteria or foreign matter.] Action taken or proposed [Say what you have done or are going to do. For example. • • • • We have notified the manufacturer of the product and relevant government authorities. We have notified all retailers known to have purchased the product. We are going to do a consumer-level recall. We have scheduled press advertisements to appear in the (name of newspaper or newspapers) on (date).] Should you require any further information please contact us on (telephone number) Yours sincerely, [YOUR COMPANY NAME AND ADDRESS [DATE] 71 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010701 Appendix F Contact Details: Relevant Ministers (Usually the Minister for Consumer Affairs or Fair Trading) It is a legal requirement to notify the federal minister responsible for consumer affairs of all food recalls. Federal Minister for Financial Services & Regulation Consumer Affairs Division Department of the Treasury Parkes Place Parkes ACT 2600 Ph: 02 6263 2747 Fax: 02 6263 2830 New South Wales State Minister for Fair Trading Dept. of Fair Trading NSW Consumer Affairs Agency PO Box 972 Parramatta NSW 2124 Ph: 02 9895 0111 Fax: 02 9689 0423 Victoria State Minister for Fair Trading and Business Affairs Department of Justice GPO Box 123A Melbourne VIC 3001 Ph: 03 9627 6000 Fax: 03 9627 6007 Western Australia State Minister for Fair Trading Ministry of Fair Trading PO Box 1344 Osborne Park WA 6916 Ph: 08 9244 3748 Fax: 08 9244 3750 Queensland State Minister for Consumer Affairs Office of Fair Trading GPO Box 3111 Brisbane QLD 4001 Ph: 07 3239 0133 Fax: 07 3239 0415 South Australia State Minister for Fair Trading Office of Consumer and Business Affairs PO Box 469 Hindmarsh SA 5007 Ph: 08 8234 7039 Fax: 08 8234 1486 Tasmania State Minister for Fair Trading Office of Consumer Affairs GPO Box 1244J Hobart TAS 7001 Ph: 03 6233 7655 Fax: 03 6272 7852 Northern Territory State Minister for Fair Trading Office of Consumer Affairs and Fair Trading GPO Box 1722 Darwin NT 0801 Ph: 08 8999 6207 Fax: 08 8999 6260 Australian Capital Territory State Minister for Fair Trading ACT Legislative Assembly GPO Box 1020 Canberra City ACT 2601 Ph: 02 6207 0423 Fax: 02 6207 0424 New Zealand Minister for Consumer Affairs Ministry for Consumer Affairs PO Box 1473 Wellington New Zealand Ph: 0011 64 4474 2750 Fax: 0011 64 4473 9400 72 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010501 Appendix G Major Australian Newspapers National The Australian The Australian Financial Times Telephone 02 9288 3000 02 9282 3415 Facsimile 02 9288 2250 02 9282 2484 Canberra The Canberra Times 02 6280 2173 02 6280 4884 Sydney The Sydney Morning Herald The Sun Herald The Daily Telegraph The Sunday Telegraph 02 9282 2833 02 9282 2833 02 9288 3606 02 9288 3000 02 9282 3121 02 9282 3332 02 9288 3729 02 9288 3729 Melbourne The Age The Herald Sun The S unday Herald 03 9601 2014 03 9292 2739 03 9292 2000 03 9670 1329 03 9292 2141 03 9652 2080 Perth The West Australian The Sunday Times 08 9482 3716 08 9326 8326 08 9482 9091 08 9325 3360 Brisbane The Courier Mail The Sunday Mail 07 3666 6222 07 3666 6267 07 3666 6687 07 3666 6680 Adelaide The Adelaide Advertiser 08 8206 2000 08 8206 3622 Hobart The Hobart Mercury The Launceston Examiner 03 6230 0622 03 6331 5111 03 6230 0766 03 6334 7328 Darwin The Northern Territory News 08 8944 9801 08 8981 8392 73 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010501 Appendix H Example of Printed Media Release 74 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010501 General Specificatio ns for Two Litre, One Piece PET Bottles 75 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010501 Table of Contents 1.0 Drawing and Dimensions 78 2.0 Finish 78 3.0 Colour and Clarity 78 4.0 General Appearance 78 5.0 Bottle Weight 78 6.0 Fill Point Capacity – "As Manufactured" 78 6.1 Average Fill Point Capacity 78 6.2 Individual Fillpoint Capacity 78 7.0 Individual Fill Point Capacity as Delivered 79 8.0 Perpendicularity – Empty and Filled Uncapped 79 9.0 Acetaldehyde Content and Flavour 79 10.0 Weight Loss 79 11.0 Durability 79 12.0 Vertical Load 79 13.0 Fill Point Drop Variation 80 14.0 Thermal Stability – Filled Bottles 80 15.0 Impact Resistance – Bottles 80 76 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010501 16.0 Carbonation Loss – by Permeation 80 17.0 Plastic Distribution 81 18.0 Internal Pressure Resistance 81 Appendix-1: Specifications 82 Appendix-2: Vertical Load Procedure 83 77 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010501 1.0 Drawings and Dimensions The bottle shall conform to a fully dimensioned drawing (signed by both supplier and bottler). 2.0 Finish Shall conform to Alcoa Drawing No. 969 – 1716 – 002, be free of defects or other irregularities which may adversely affect the seal integrity of the closure. 3.0 Colour and Clarity Bottles shall have a colour and clarity (pearlescence) falling within limits or standards submitted to and authorised by the bottler. 4.0 General Appearance Blemishes (bubbles, unmelted resin, dirt specks, pitting, condensation marks etc.) shall not constitute a more objectionable appearance than that of the limit samples submitted to the bottler. Scuffing should not exceed acceptable limits as previously set by the bottler and agreed by the manufacturer. 5.0 Bottle Weight Bottle weight shall be specified on the supplier’s drawing and authorised in writing by the bottler. The bottle manufacturing weight tolerance shall be -1.0g for nominal. 6.0 Fill Point Capacity – “As Manufactured” 6.1 Average Capacity The arithmetic average for the fillpoint capacity of a sample of bottles at the nominal reference fillpoint, as measured from the top of the finish down on each bottle, 72 hours after manufacture when exposed only to room temperature and 50% R.H. and with 0 Kilopascals gauge (0 psiq) internal pressure shall be as follows: Bottle Capacity: 2020mL 6.2 Tolerance Limits: +8 –0mL Individual Fillpoint Capacity The individual fillpoint capacity tolerance of bottles at the nominal reference fillpoint, as measured from the top of the finish down on each bottle and at 72 hours afte r manufacture when exposed only to room temperature and 50% R.H and with 0 kilopascals gauge (0 psig) internal pressure shall be as follows: Bottle Capacity: 2020mL Tolerance Limits: +17 – 9mL 78 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010501 7.0 Individual Fill Point Capacity As Delivered The individual fillpoint capacity tolerance of bottles at the nominal reference fillpoint, as measured from the top of the finish down on each bottle as delivered and at least 72 hours after manufacture and with 0 kilopascals gauge (0 psig) internal pressure shall be as follows: Bottle Capacity: 2020mL Tolerance Limits: +17 -28mL 8.0 Perpendicularity – Empty and Filled Uncapped Bottles Deviation from the perpendicular for an empty bottle or an uncapped bottle filled with product to the nominal fillpoint (bottles should be tested as received) shall be less than 6.4mm (0.250”) (total indicator reading). 9.0 Acetaldehyde Content and Flavour A. The acetaldehyde concentration of freshly blown clear resin bottle as measured by the standard 24-hour air-space analysis method shall be as follows: 1. 2. B. 10.0 The average of a uniform sample of bottles, representing each injection mould cavity, shall be not more than 3.0 micrograms/litre; The maximum in any single bottle shall not exceed 4.0 micrograms/litre; There shall be no taste or flavour change of the product from the original taste of flavour due to contact with the bottle when the bottle is exposed to any temperature between 2°C (36°F) and 27°C (80°F) at any % R.H. for 24 weeks or 38°C (100°F) at any % R.H. for 7 days. Tests to determine taste or flavour changes shall be performed by the bottler. Weight Loss Weight loss from the contents of the bottle shall not exceed 1% during a 24-week shelf-life period when exposed to temperatures between 2°C (36°F) and 27°C (80°F) at any % R.H. 11.0 Durability The bottle shall not exhibit excessive stress cracking or other breakdown to the point where the ability of the bottle to function as intended is grossly affected under normal handling and distribution conditions during the 24-week period after filling. 12.0 Vertical Load When tested as per the test procedures included in Appendix II. (Attached) the vertical load strength of the bottle shall not be less than 30kg. The bottle finish and support ledge should not crack or deform under vertical and side loads applied during filling and closure application. 79 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010501 13.0 Fill Point Drop Variation After exposure to 414 Kilopascals gauge (60 psig) at 24°C (75°F) for 60 seconds, the difference between the pressurised fill height and the unpressurised fill height for individual bottles in a sample group, originally filled to the nominal fillpoint with water, shall not vary more than 1.5mm (.060”). The internal pressure shall be attained by injecting carbon dioxide gas at the constant rate of 69 kilopascals gauge per second (10 psig per second). 14.0 Thermal Stability – Filled Bottles Sealed bottles originally filled to the nominal fillpoint with product at 4.0 volumes apparent carbonation (as read at any temperature between 2°C (36°F) and 24°C (75°F) and a maximum of 28 kilopascals absolute (4 psia air) shall meet the following performance criteria at any R.H. and shall develop no rocker bottoms and continue to function as intended after storage at 27°C (80°F) for 24 weeks or 38°C (100°F) for 24 hours: 15.0 Temperature 38°C (100°F) Time 24 hours Diameter Increase 3.0% max. Height Increase 3.5% max. Perpendicularity 9.0mm max. Fillpoint Drop 23.0mm max. Impact Resistance – Bottles A sealed bottle originally filled to the nominal fillpoint with a product at 4.0 volumes apparent carbonation (as read at 24°C (75°F) from the Zahm and Nagel Table for CO2 dissolved in water) and a maximum of 28 kilopascals absolute (4 psia) air shall not fail when dropped in any mode, except on the finish, from a height of 2 meters (6’) on to a rigidly fastened concrete plate when exposure to any of the following conditions has not been exceeded by the filled bottle: 16.0 Ambient Temperature Time 2°C (36°F) to 27°C (80°F) 24 weeks 28°C (82°F) to 38°C (100°F) 24 hours Carbonation Loss – by Permeation The average carbonation level of a group of representative bottles originally filled to a carbonation level 4.0 volumes of CO2 shall not be reduced by more than 15% after 12 weeks storage at 22°C (72°F). 80 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010501 17.0 Plastic Distribution The thickness of the plastic material in the walls of the container should be distributed such that the ability of the bottle to function is not affected under normal handling conditions. Wall thickness is one of many contributing factors to overall bottle performance. The minimum wall thickness’ listed in Appendix I, does not necessarily define a bottle which will comply with all the specifications in this document. These values are listed only as a reference to suppliers. 18.0 Internal Pressure Resistance The bottle shall withstand an internal pressure of 1035 kilopascals (150 psi) at 24°C for 60 seconds at any % R.H. 81 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010501 Appendix I: Specifications Min. Thickness A. Gate Area – Crystalline portion of the bottle i ncluding the sprue 2.80mm (0.110”) B. Base Area – Feet and curvature to heel 0.30mm (0.012”) C. Heel – The lower major diameter 0.30mm (0.012”) D. Sidewall – Body label and panel area 0.30mm (0.012”) E. Shoulder – Upper major diameter 0.30mm (0.012”) F. Upper shoulder – Curvature above upper major diameter below the support ledge 0.30mm (0.012”) 82 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010501 Appendix II: Vertical Load Test Procedure Equipment Required: SATECH Tensil – Compression Tester or Equivalent Load Gauge Procedure: Free-standing – Empty 1. Place the empty bottle upright in a tensile compression tester at room temperature. 2. Lower the cross head to the top of the finish and ensure load gauge reads 0 kilograms (0 lbs) 3. Apply load at the rate of 51cm per minute (20 ins/min.) until the bottle fails, (i.e. until the resistance of the bottle to the load peaks and there is a loss of column strength attributed to a buckling sidewall panel or collapsing shoulder). 4. Record the load at failure. 5. The minimum requirement for passing the vertical load test shall be 30kg (66 lbs). If the bottle passes this minimum load, the empty and filled bottle shall be capable of meeting the vertical load requirements of bottling and stacking during storage. O Ooo ooO 83 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010501 Sensor y Assessment o f t he S hel f Li fe o f Carbonat ed Soft Dri nk s BY R.L MCBRIDE AND K.C. RICHARDSON Authors ’ address : Food Res earch Laboratory, CSIRO Divis ion of Food Res earch, PO Box 52, North Ryde NSW 2113 Aus tralia 84 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010501 Table of Contents 1.0 Summary 86 2.0 Introduction 86 3.0 Method and Materials 86 4.0 Results 87 5.0 Discussion 88 6.0 Acknowledgements 89 7.0 References 89 85 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010501 1.0 Summary Six commercial soft drinks, in glass bottles and aluminium cans, were stored at 0.6°C and ambient temperature and assessed by a consumer-type sensory panel every three months for two years. While there was evidence of deteriorations with storage, more so at ambient temperature than at 0.6°C, all drinks were still considered satisfactory at the conclusion of the trial. 2.0 Introduction In 1978 the State of New South Wales introduced mandatory date coding for those food and beverage products with an expected shelf life of less than two years. Although soft drinks were exempt from date coding requirements, there is still some uncertainty about their shelf life. Richardson (1976) had suggested that the shelf life of soft drinks may, in some instances, be less than two years; Tilley (1978) considered soft drinks to have a shelf life of up to 12 months; and Kieninger, Koberlein & Boeck (1979) found deterioration in the flavour of commercial cola drinks stored for 4 weeks a 40°C. The packaging of soft drinks in two -piece aluminium cans, instead of timplate, has further complicated the issue, since shelf life can be limited by container breakdown as well as product degradation (Alderson, 1970). Those previous studies which have included investigation of the shelf life of soft drinks, have tended to focus on new product formulation (e.g. Lime & Gruse, 1972; Saeed &Ahmed, 1977), or microbiological aspects (Panazai, 1978; Jahrig & Schade, 1979). The present study is specifically concerned with sensory quality. 3.0 Materials and Methods Materials: Six carbonated soft drinks, typical of commercial production in Australia, were included in the study: cola, low calorie cola, lemon, low calorie lemon, lemonade, and orange. All drinks contained added flavour, and the lemon drinks contained 5% lemon juice. Both low calorie drinks were sweete ned with a mixture of sodium saccharin and calcium cyclamate; the others were sweetened with cane sugar and varied from 10.5 to 12° Brix. The degree of carbonation (in volumes) was: cola 3.5 – 4.0, low calorie cola 3.5 – 4.0, lemon 2.6, low calorie lemon 2.6, lemonade 3.7, and orange 2.7. Three soft drink manufacturers each supplied two products. All products were processed locally and delivered immediately to the Food Research Laboratory in brown cardboard cartons. Samples of each product came from the same production batch. Half the bulk quantity of each drink was packaged in 375 ml ‘ring-pull’ aluminium cans, the other half in 1 litre screw-cap glass bottles. Methods: Some of the bottles and cans of each product were placed in a covered storage bay at ambient temperature, to simulate non-insulated warehouse conditions. Once side of the storage bay was open to the air, but products were protected from direct sunlight. The remaining samples were stored in a constant temperature room at 0.6°C. Thus there were effectively 24 treatments; 6 drinks x 2 storage temperatures. 86 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010501 Each treatment was assessed by a sensory panel every three months over a two year period (9 assessments in all). There were 12 sessions at each three-monthly assessment (2 sessions a day on 6 days over a 2 week period), and two drinks were evaluated at each session. The order of evaluation of drinks over the 12 sessions was random, except that no two drinks of the same type (e.g. cola and low calorie cola) were presented at the same session. Twenty – four hours before each session the appropriate drinks were removed from their respective storage conditions and kept at 5°C. Composition of the sensory panel varied between assessments, but most assessors had some previous experience in the sensory evaluation of food. The number of assessors at each session ranged from 41 to 72, with a median value of a chilled (approximately 8°C) 100 ml sample of soft drink in a clear glass tumbler. They were required to drink the sample and to rate their overall impression on a 7-point hedonic scale: Extremely good (7), Very good (6), Good (5), Satisfactory (4), Poor (3), Very poor (2) and Extremely poor (1). Only the verbal descriptors were attached to the response scale. On completion of this task, the assessor returned the response scale and tumbler, and was then presented with another drink to evaluate (except at the first assessment where absence of the storage variable meant there were only 12 treatments). This ‘single presentation’ design more closely simulates normal consumer assessment than comparative evaluation (McBride & Richardson, 1979; McBride, 1980), and has been shown to be less prone to methodological bias (McBride, 1982). Assessors were not informed of the purpose of the test, nor were they given any information on the history of any sample. The sensory laboratory in which the testing was conducted has been described elsewhere (Christie, 1966). 4.0 Results The 10,300 responses were subjected to an analysis of variance using the GENSTAT statistical package on Cyber 76 Computer. The results are summarised in Fig.1. There were significant difference between the hedonic scores for the six types of drink (F = 60.25, d.f. = 1/10, 213, P< .001). Overall mean scores were; cola 4.63, low calorie cola 4.46, lemon 4.8, low calorie lemon 4.23, lemonade 4.43, and orange 4.30. The low calorie drinks were rated lower than their sugar-sweetened counterparts. There was a significant drop in scores over the 8 storage time (F = 13.63, d.f. = 7/10, 213, P< .0011) The overall mean score at 0 months was 4.80; at 24 months, 4.34. The effect of storage temperature was significant (F = 85.51, d.f. – 1/10, 213, P< .001). The mean score for drinks stored at 0.6°C was 4.56, compared with the lower value of 4.34 for those stored at ambient temperature. Overall, the mean score for drinks stored in bottles (4.50) was marginally higher than for those in cans (4.45), (F = 6.03, d.f. – 1/10, 213, P< .05). However, this container-type main effect was found to be due only to the lower scores for low calorie lemon in cans; for the other drinks the scores for bottles and cans were almost identical. Interactions There was a significant drink type x container type inter-action (F = 12.88, d.f. = 1/10, 213, P< .05) 87 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010501 but, as for the container main effect, this was due entirely to the low scores for low calorie lemon in cans. The storage time x storage temperature interaction was also significant (F = 4.65, d.f. = 7/10, 213, P< .001), indicating that the scores for samples stored at ambient temperature dropped more than those for samples stored at 0.6 C. This is evident in Fig. 1. A significant storage temperature x drink type interaction (F = 4.54, d.f. = 5/10, 213, P< .001), implies that storage temperature affected the six drink types differentially. Inspection showed least difference between the scores for low calorie cola stored at 0.6°C and ambient temperature (4.46 and 4.37 respectively), and the largest discrepancy for orange (4.49 at 0.6°C, 4.07 at ambient). A small but significant storage time x container type inter-action (F = 2.47, d.f. = 7/10, 213, P< .05) revealed a slight cross-over effect: scores for drinks in bottles were marginally higher at the first six assessments, but the trend reversed at the last three assessments. There was no storage time x drink type interaction, suggesting all drinks deteriorated to the same extent during storage, not was there any storage temperature x container type interaction. 5.0 Discussion It is important in this experiment to distinguish between statistical and practical significance. Although most of the main effects and first-order interactions are highly significant statistically, it does not necessarily follow that they are highly significant in practice. For example, Fig. 1 shows that, irrespective of treatment condition, almost all scores lie between 4 (Satisfactory) and 5 (Good) on the hedonic scale: despite the deterioration with storage time, highly significant statistically, only 5 of the 102 scores in Fig. 1 lie below ‘Satisfactory’ on the hedonic scale. Figure 1 also shows that the highly significant storage temperature effect becomes noticeable only after 12 months storage: in the first 12 months the pattern is not consistent. The design of this study was such that assessors were not able to make direct comparisons between samples. McBride and Richardson (1979) and McBride (1980) argue that, in the sensory laboratory, this provides a more valid estimate of practical shelf life, since the only comparison possible is that which is also available to the consumer, i.e. a comparison against a remembered level of quality. The use of large panels of assessors, as in the present experiment, also helps to simulate consumer assessment. The experimental design used here, with assessments at periodic intervals and with no reference standard, can always be criticised on the grounds that it is susceptible to ‘panel drift’; that the drip in scores may reflect assessor satiety rather than a genuine deterioration in the product. On this point it is pertinent to note that participation in the sensory panel was entirely voluntary; that co-operation and motivation were good throughout; and that assessments were conducted only every three months. Besides, there can be considerable methodological problems when reference standards are employed (see Wolfe, 1979). In conclusion, this experiment suggests that, provided they are protected from light, carbonated soft drinks packed in glass or aluminium containers, have a practical shelf life of at least two years. Even those drinks stored at ambient temperature, and which 88 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010501 experienced seasonal fluctuations of more than 30 degrees Centigrade, were still considered satisfactory at the end of testing. 6.0 Acknowledgement We thank Mary Willcox for assistance with the statistical analyses. 7.0 References Alderson, M.G. (1970) Fd mf. 45 (8), 67. Christie, E.M. (1966) Fd Technol. N.Z. 1, 175. Jahrig, A. & Schade, W. (1979) Levensmittel-Ind. 26,511. Kieninger, H, Koberlein, A. & Boeck, D (1979) Brauwelt, 119, 384. Lime, B.J. & Gruse, R.R. (1972) J. Fd Sci. 37, 250. McBride, R.L. (1980) CSIRO Fd Res. Q. 40, 149. McBride, R.L. (1982) J. Fd Technol. In press. McBride, R.L. & Richardson, K.C. (1979) J. Fd Technol. 14, 57. Panezai, A.K. (1978) In: Developments in Soft Drinks Technology – 1 (Ed by L.F. Green). Applied Science Publishers, London. Richardson, K.C. (1976) CSIRO Fd Res. Q. 36, 1. Saeed, A.R. & Ahmed, M.O. (1977) Sudan J Fd Sci. & Technol. 9, 78. Tilley, N. (1978) In: Developments in Soft Drinks Technology – 1 (Ed by L.F. Green). Applied Science Publishers, London. Wolfe, K.A. (1979) Fd Technol., Champaign, 33 (9), 43. O Ooo ooO 89 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010501 Voluntar y Manufacturi ng Standard s for Carbonat ed Soft Dri nk Co ntai ner s Produced by: The Glass Packaging Institute of Australia in Conjunction with the Australian Beverages Council. 90 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010501 Table of Contents 1.0 Purpose 93 2.0 Scope 93 3.0 Definitions 93 3.1 Returnable Bottles 93 3.2 Non-Returnable Bottle 93 3.3 Carbonation Volumes 94 3.4 Visual Inspection 94 3.5 Visual Defects 94 3.6 Perpendicularity 95 3.7 Standard Crown Finish 95 3.8 Thread Finish 95 3.9 Bearing Finish 95 3.10 Knurling 95 3.11 Cavity Number 95 3.12 Lower Specification Valve 95 3.13 Normal Capacity 95 4.0 Requirements 96 4.1 General 96 4.2 Temper Number 97 4.3 Thermal Shock Resistance 97 4.4 Internal Pressure Strength 97 4.5 Wall Thickness 98 4.6 Impact Resistance 98 91 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010501 5.0 4.7 Surface Coating 100 4.8 Visual Inspection 100 Physical Dimensions 100 5.1 General 100 5.2 Height 100 5.3 Major Body Diameter 100 5.4 Capacity 101 5.5 Weight 101 5.6 Perpendicularity 102 5.7 Bottom Characteristics 102 5.8 Bottle Identification Marks 102 Tables Table 1: Internal Pressure 103 Table 2: Wall Thickness 104 92 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010501 1.0 Purpose The purpose of the Standard is to publish nationally recognised manufacturing requirements for conventional glass bottles designed as containers for carbonated soft drinks. This Standard is intended to provide producers, distributors, users and other interested groups with a basis for common understanding of the characteristics of these products. For the purpose of completeness, various physical dimensions are included as indicative of good manufacturing practice, but not necessarily related to safety. 2.0 Scope This Standard covers conventional returnable and non-returnable glass bottles manufactured from soda-lime-silica glass with nominal capacity of up to and including 1 litre intended for use in the packaging of soft drinks carbonated to a miximum of five volumes. This Standard also covers conventional non-returnable glass bottles manufactured from soda-lime-silica glass with nominal capacity in excess of 1 liter but not excess of 1.25 litters, intended for soft drinks carbonated to a maximum at four volumes. The Standard provides manufacturing requirements for temper number, thermal shock resistance, internal pressure strength, impact resistance, visual defects, dimensional tolerances for height and major body diameter, tolerance for capacity and weight, wall thickness, perpendicularity, bottom characteristics, and bottle identification. Provision is made for utilisation of automatic inspection devices for certain bottle characteristics with the allowance of a time interval for the manufacture, acquisition and installation of these devices. These requirements apply only to glass containers currently being used and described as conventional containers; they do not apply to bottles which are plastic clad, or the result of other novel or innovative engineering or design developments. Definitions of the trade terms used and methods for identifying products which conform to this Standard are included. 3.0 3.1 Definitions Returnable Bottles A returnable bottle is one which, by design, when manufactured has the mechanical characteristics to provide for multiple service trips as a carbonated soft drink container. 3.2 Non-Returnable Bottles A non-returnable bottle is one which, by design, when manufactured has the mechanical characteristics to provide for one service trip as a carbonated soft drink container. 3.3 Carbonation Volumes Carbonated soft drinks are made by absorbing carbon dioxide in potable water. One volume of gas will be absorbed by water at 16°C (60°F) and zero kpa (psi) gauge pressure (one atmosphere); correspondingly, four volumes of carbon dioxide will be 93 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010501 absorbed by the water at 310 kpa (45psi) gauge pressure (four atmospheres); five volumes, 414 kpa (60psi) (five atmosphere). 3.4 Visual Inspection The procedure which subjects bottles being produced to visual inspection to delete and discard bottles with observable defects. 3.4.1 3.5 Automatic Inspection – The procedure which subject bottles being produced to scanning by mechanical, optical or electronic means or stress loading, in order to detect and discard bottles with detectable defects. Visual Defects Visual defects are the significant discontinuities or irregularities in the glass container which can be detected by visual inspection. 3.5.1 Birdswings – A string or strand of glass extending across the inside of the bottle. 3.5.2 Butterfly Bruise – A surface crack caused by a severe blow. The fracture is usually curved in shape extending into the glass from the outside surface. 3.5.3 Cracks – A breaking or a fracture extending into or completely through the glass from either surface. 3.5.4 Overpress Finish – Glass fin projecting upward from the inside surface to the extent it may be broken or chipped in normal use. 3.5.5 Split Finish – A crack extending from surface to surface extending from top of the finish downward. 3.5.6 Stuck Glass – Extraneous sharp glass fragments adhering to a surface. 3.5.7 Choked Neck – Constriction of the inside of the neck and finish exceeding print specifications. 3.5.8 Checks – Shallow fractures confined to one surface of the glass container. 3.5.9 Chipped Finish – An imperfection due to breakage of a fragment out of an otherwise regular surface. 3.5.10 Crizzle Finish – A frosty appearance on the sealing surface caused by a multitude of fine surface fractures which could prevent an adequate seal. 3.5.11 Distorted Finish – A sagging or irregular surface which could prevent an adequate seal. 3.5.12 Off-set Seams Finish - Sealing surface or finish threads misaligned to such an extent that proper seal or removal torque cannot be maintained. 94 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010501 3.5.13 Stones – Unmelted batch or foreign matter 1.6mm (.062”) or larger in size embedded in bottle. 3.5.14 Blisters – Bubbles or gaseous inclusions 3.2mm (.123”) or larger in size. 3.5.15 Stuck Plunger – The glass sticks to the plunger during the forming process. Small protrusions or spikes of glass are dragged out from the inside wall of the finish restricting clearance in the bore. 3.5.16 False Bottoms – An extra section of glass above and usually close to the regular base. It is usually very thin, incomplete, and susceptible to breakage. 3.6 Perpendicularity Perpendicularity of a bottle is the total horizontal deviation of the top of the bottle from the perpendicular when rotated through 360o (See Figure 1). 3.7 Standard Crown Finish The Standard crown finish is the upper portion of those bottles which accept a fluted crown whose edges are crimped over the bottle opening (see figure 1). 3.8 Thread Finish The thread finish is the upper portion of those bottles which are designed to accept a closure over external threads (see figure 1). 3.9 Bearing Ring The bearing ring is the portion of the bottle base which contacts the supporting surface when the bottle is in an upright position. The contact area is on or adjacent to the outer circumference of the container (see figure 1). 3.10 Knurling Knurling is a pattern of small projections on the surface of the bottle (see figure 1). 3.11 Cavity Number The cavity number is the code that identifies the individual blow mould that forms the bottle. 3.12 Lower Specification Valve The value which for the purpose of process control defines the lower limit below which a re-sampling procedure is to be instituted. 3.13 Nominal Capacity The fluid content as stated on the label of the product or embossed in the bottle 95 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010501 4.0 4.1 Requirements General This section sets forth the inspection and test procedures to be utilised by producers of soft drink bottles in order to comply with this Voluntary Product Standard. Each producer who represents his product as conforming to this Standard, shall keep such essential records for at least one year as are necessary to document his claim that the requirements of the Standard have been met. Conformance with this Standard is not to be interpreted to mean that all bottles in a shipment will be free of defects. As soon as technologically and practically possible, but in any event within a period not to exceed 24 months after the agreed publication of this Standard, a producer of soft drink bottles shall utilise the following automatic inspection devices as may be commercially available to inspect all soft drink bottles which are produced: • • • • Choked Neck Check Detection (Finish and Base Minimum) Split Detection Impact Simulation. (Refer Section 4.6) It is recognised that other automatic inspection devices for inspecting all bottles produced are currently under development, but no time frame for their utilisation can presently be predicted. Among those additional devices, producers of soft drink bottles are encouraged to accelerate development and installation of such devices for: • • • • • • Down Finish Pressure Strength Wall Thickness Stone Detection Bottom Push-up Measurement Out of Roundness Additional sampling and testing of the product, as may be agreed upon between producer and user, is not precluded by this section. 4.1.2 Testing Procedures – All producers of soft drink bottles shall use the techniques for production process control listed below in paragraphs 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.6, 4.7 and 4.8 until such time as appropriate automatic inspection devices are substituted therefore. Test frequencies for items 4.2 and 4.3 shall be in accordance with ASTM C224. Sampling frequencies for wall thickness checks (4.5) will be as for internal pressure tests (4.4). 4.1.3 Re-test Procedures – If a bottle fails to meet the lower specification value for internal pressure, wall thickness or thermal shock, four additional bottles selected from the next succeeding production of the represented cavity or cavities shall be tested. If a failure occurs among the four bottles selected 96 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010501 for re-test, all bottles being produced from the representative cavity or cavities shall be rejected until the condition causing the failure has been corrected. Correction will be indicated when all four bottles of a re-test lot pass the test. Upon initial re-test failure, all pallets loaded with bottles produced from the represented cavity or cavities since the last satisfactory test, shall be quarantined. The quarantined bottles from the represented cavity or cavities either may be rejected or shall be qualified for acceptance by testing in groups of four in reverse order of production beginning with those last produced following the test procedure described above until all four bottles of the test group indicate conformance. All bottles from any test group that did not indicate conformance when so tested, shall be rejected. The quarantine shall then be removed. 4.2 Temper Number Representative bottles after annealing, when examined under polarised light, shall show no greater than Real Temper Number 4 when compared to standard discs in accordance with the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) C148-65, Standard Methods for Polariscopic Examination of Glass Containers*1. The relationship between Real and Apparent Temper is shown in Appendix A. If, during the polariscopic examination, it is discovered that certain bottles fail to meet the prescribed limits, all non-conforming bottles shall either be destroyed or re-annealed until the condition is corrected. Production back to the last approved examination shall be quarantined until re-tested using the polariscope following which the production will be released, re-annealed or destroyed. *1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Later issues of this publication may be used providing the requirements are applicable and consistent with the issue designated. Copies of this publication are obtainable from the American Society of Testing and Material, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohcken, PA. 19428 2959. Phone: (610) 835 9585 Fax: (610) 832 9555 “” 4.3 Thermal Shock Resistance Representative bottles shall withstand a hot to cold thermal shock of 40°C (75°F) differential, from a hot water bath of 63°C ± .16°C (145°F ± 2°F) with a transfer time of 15 seconds (± 1 second) into a cold bath of 21°C ± .16°C (70°F ± 2°F) in accordance with ASTM C145-71, Standard Method of Thermal Shock Test on Glass Containers *2 . 4.4 Internal Pressure Strength The bottles taken from the lehr shall withstand the minimum internal pressure specified in Table 1 when tested using one of the following methods: a. The 1 minute sustained pressure test in which pressure is sustained for 1 minute at each level, starting at 1034 kPa (150 psi), at increments of 86.2 kPa (12.5 psi) 97 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010501 up to and including 1379 kPa (200 psi) and at 172.4 kPa (25 psi) increments thereafter, in accordance with Method A of ASTM C145-69, Internal Pressure Test on Glass Container *2 . b. The increment pressure test, in accordance with Method A of ASTM C147-69*4 , Internal Pressure Test on Glass Containers, and in which case the load duration is 3 seconds at each level starting at 1034 kPa (150 psi) and the actual applied pressure is 1.23 times the levels specified in the 1 minute sustained pressure test in 4.4a. For example, for the levels of 1551 kPa (225 psi) 1379 kPa (200 psi) and 1207 kPa (175 psi) referred to in table 1, the actual applied pressures in the bottle are 1917 kPa (278 psi) 1703 kPa (247 psi), and 1489 kPa (216 psi) respectively. c. The continuously increasing test, sometimes called the ramp test, in accordance with Method B of ASTM C147-69*5 Internal Pressure Test on Glass Containers, and in which the 1 minute equivalent pressure in increased at a constant rate of 414 kPa (60 psi) per second starting at zero psi and ending at the 1 minute equivalent pressure as specified in Table 1. The actual pressure applied in the bottle is given by the following equation: PR = 1.28 P 60 + 25.9 In which PR is the actual pressure applied in the bottle, and P60 is the 1-minute equivalent pressure as indicated by the ramp pressure test machine. NOTE: Both the increment pressure tester and the ramp tester read out is equivalent to 1 minute pressure strength. This procedure does not preclude the manufacturer from using automatic random off-line pressure testing provided that the procedure utilised will give equivalent results to those specified above, in accordance with the ASTM C147-69*6 Internal Pressure Test on Glass Containers. 4.5 Wall Thickness The wall thickness of the bottles shall meet the lower specification values for wall thickness shown on Table 2. Interpretation may be necessary for special design and fluted bottles. 4.6 Impact Resistance When in accordance with 4.1.1 a suitable automatic device for impact simulation is used, such as the squeeze-roll tester, the roller shall exert at least 22.68 kg (50 pound) force per vertical 25.4 mm (inch) of bottle wall loaded. Bottles failing to meet this test level are shattered and shall be removed from the production. 98 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010501 TABLE 1 INTERNAL PRESSURE STRENGTH Minimum Internal Type of Bottle Capacity Returnable Up to and incl. 1 Litre 1551 (225 psi) Non - Returnable Up to and incl. 1.25 Litre 1379 (200 psi) Pressure (kPa) Supplementary pressure testing should be carried out after the A.C.L. Process has been completed. TABLE 2 WALL THICKNESS Returnable Bottles Diameter (O.D.) Lower Specification Values Wall Thickness Up to & incl. 60mm (2-3/8”) 1.5 mm (0.060) Above 60 mm up to & incl. 71 mm (2-25/32”) 1.8 mm (0.070) Above 71 mm up to & incl. 80 mm (3-9/64”) 1.9 mm (0.075) Above 80 mm up to & incl. 95 mm (3-3/4”) 2.0 mm (0.080) Non – Returnable Bottles Lower Specification Diameter (O.D.) Values Wall Thickness Up to & incl. 168 mm (2-11/16”) 1.1 mm (.045) Above 68 mm up to & incl. 76 mm (3”) 1.4 mm (0.055) Above 76 mm up to & incl. 83 mm (3-1\4”) 1.5 mm (.060) Above 92 mm up to & incl. 108 mm (4-1.8”) 1.8 mm (.070) 99 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010501 4.7 Surface Coating Adequate surface coating must be applied on non-returnable bottles in a manner which will assure coverage of all “bottle to bottle” contact surfaces and at the same time minimise the entry of the material into the bottle. In the absence of suitable material approved by Australian authorities, the material used for surface coating must be approved by the Food and Drug Administration of the U.S.A. or exempt from their regulations. It must not contribute to the development of crown rust, interfere with the colour or appearance of the bottle, applied label, operations at point of use including labelling, or the soft drink quality. The presence of coating materials on the finish of the bottle shall not affect the removal torques of convenience closures. It is noted at the present time that surface coatings and satisfactory methods of testing the effectiveness of coatings are in a continuing state of development and hence such tests are not described in detail but left to the descretion of the producer. 4.8 Visual Inspection The producer of soft drink bottles shall use continuous visual inspection for the removal of defects listed under 3.5.1 through 3.5.16. 5.0 5.1 Physical Dimensions General The bottles shall be of round cross section design. The nominal height, major body diameter, capacity and weight of the bottle shall be agreed upon between producer and user, but the actual height, major body diameter, capacity and weight of the bottle as manufactured, shall meet the applicable tolerance requirements; requirements for perpendicularity, and bottom characteristics are also given. 5.2 5.3 Height:- The container height should be within the following tolerance limits, and the range groupings are “up to but not including”. Nominal Height Range Tolerance Under 203 mm (8”) ± 1.2 mm (3/64”) 203 mm & up to 254 mm (10”) ± 1.6 mm (1/16”) 254 mm & up to 305 mm (12”) ± 2.0 mm (5/64”) 305 mm & over ± 2.4 mm (3/32”) Major Body Diameter The major body outside diameter shall be within the following tolerance limits. The ellipticity or “out-of-roundness” shall not exceed that shown in the second column, and there shall be no flat spots. 100 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010501 Diameter Range Tolerance Limit Ellipticity Not to Exceed 50.8 – 60.3 mm + 1.2 mm (3/64”) 1.5 mm (0.059”) (2” – 2-3/8”) - 0.8 mm (1/32”) 60.3 – 69.9 mm + 1.6 mm (1/16”) (2–3/8”-2-3/4”) - 1.2 mm (3/64”) 69.9 – 92.0 mm ± 1.6 mm (1/16”) 2.4 mm (0.094”) 92.0 – 105 mm + 2.0 mm (5/64”) 2.7 mm (0.105”) (3–5/8”-4-1/8”) - 1.6 mm (1/16”) 2.1 mm (0.082”) (2–3/4”-3-5/8”) The bottle shall be measured at its largest exterior barrel diameter using a caliper or equivalent device. 5.4 Capacity:- The tolerance for the capacity of both returnable and non-returnable bottles at a specific fill point shall be as follows:- Capacity Tolerance Above 150 ml and up to and incl. 200 ml ± 3.5 ml Above 200 ml and up to and incl. 285 ml + 5.5 -4 Above 285 ml and up to and incl. 375 ml + 8.0 - 7.0 Above 375 ml and up to and incl. 500 ml + 10.0 - 7.0 Above 500 ml and up to and incl. 750 ml + 10.5 - 8.0 Above 750 ml and up to and incl. 1 Litre + 12.0 - 9.0 Above 1 Litre and up to and incl. 1.25 litres 5.5 + 15.0 - 10.0 Weight:- Bottle weight may be specified to include a minimum tolerance as follows. Above nominal weights may be used by the manufacturer to obtain correct capacity. 101 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010501 Weight (g) Tolerance (g) Under 170 -7 170 & up to but not incl. 255 -9 255 & up to but not incl. 340 - 11 340 & up to but not incl. 480 - 11 480 & up to but not incl. 625 - 12 625 & up to but not incl. 795 - 14 795 & over - 17 The weight shall be determined on a scale accurate to at least 0.5 grams. 5.6 Perpendicularity The perpendicularity of bottles with both Crown and Threaded Finishes shall have a total indication of indicator reading of less than 2% of the specified bottle height (Maximum 317.5mm) when measured with the bottle resting on its base and rotated 360° against a centering device. Bottles over the maximum height of 317.5 mm will have a total indicator reading of less than 6.35 mm when measured through 360°. The measurement shall be taken at the external horizontal surface of the finish diameter. 5.7 Bottom Characteristics a. Push-Up – The centre bottom push-up dimension for non-returnable bottles shall be no less than 1.6 mm (0.062”). Returnable bottles shall rest on the bearing ring only. b. Knurling (Stippling) – Knurling is required and should be limited to the bearing surface unless otherwise indicated on the bottle drawing. The required type is at the Glass Manufacturer’s discretion. 5.8 Bottle Identification Marks All bottles shall be legibly marked to show manufacturer’s identification symbol, plant identification, cavity number, and year of manufacture. Reference Figure 1. ooOOOoo 102 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010501 Labelli ng Guideli ne for Non-Alco holic Water Based Beverages 103 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010501 Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction 105 2.0 General Requirements 106 3.0 Product Description 108 4.0 Manufacturers or Importers Address 109 5.0 Lot Identification 110 6.0 Date Marking and Batch Numbers 111 7.0 Directions for Use and Storage 113 8.0 Weights and Measures Marking 113 9.0 Ingredient Labelling Requirements 116 10.0 Percentage Labelling 120 11.0 Allergen Labelling 123 12.0 Nutrition Information Requirements 125 13.0 Labelling of Electrolyte Drinks 132 Appendix 1-A Labelling Checklist 133 Appendix 2-A Complete Example 134 Appendix 3-A Mandatory Declaration of Certain Substances 135 Appendix 4-A Reference Values for an Interpretive Element - PDI 136 Appendix 5-A Energy Factors in Relation to Food Components 137 104 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010501 1.0 Introduction New requirements for the provision of information for foods and beverages have been included in the Australia New Zealand Joint Food Standards Code. The changes mean that there will be more emphasis on retailers to provide information in regards to the ingredients in the products that they sell. There will however be a greater flexibility in how this information is to be provided. FSANZ have given manufacturers a period of two years to comply with the new standards. (until late 2002) During this time manufacturers can comply with either the old Food Standards Code or the new Joint Code. Using a combination of the two codes is however prohibited. It is hoped that the two year time frame will help to minimize manufacturers costs in meeting the new legislation. This guide has been developed by Australian Beverages for its members in order to assist them with the new FSANZ labelling requirements. This document is only a guide and manufacturers are urged to consult the FSANZ Food Standards Code before developing their labelling. Australian Beverages accepts no responsibility for the miss-use or misinterpretation of any of the information contained in this guide. Other legislation that manufacturers need to be aware of include: - The Code of Practice on Nutrient Claims in Food Labels and in Advertisement. (CoPoNC) - Codex Alimentarius - Commonwealth of Australia Trade Practices Act 1974 - New Zealand Fair Trading Act 1986 - Fair Trading Acts in each Australian State and Territory. - State Trade Measurement and Packaging Legislation. For more information, or for any question in relation to any information contained in this guide you can contact the Australian Beverages Council on 02 9662 2844 or by email at 105 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010501 2.0 General Requirements (refer to FSC Standard 1.2.1 & 1.2.9) All beverages sold through retail outlets, for catering purposes, or when being supplied to elements of a subsidiary companyt, must bear a label containing the following information: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Date marking and batch number Description of product Characterising ingredients Manufacturers or importers address Storage requirements Country of origin labelling Food additives list Ingredients list Nutritional information Allergen labelling General Labelling Restrictions - Any statement which may misrepresent the product. - Any statement or claim that a beverage is a slimming food or has intrinsic weight reduction properties. - Any representation that a beverage has the approval or endorsement of a government authority. - The word health or any other similar words when used as part of or in conjunction with the name of the beverage. - The name of, or any reference to, a disease or physiological condition. - The words 'vitamin enriched', 'vitamin fortified', or any similar words or claims. - Any comparison between the vitamin and mineral content of the beverage and the vitamin and mineral content of any other food or beverage. - Words, statements, claims and expressions, which could be interpreted as advice of a medical nature, are prohibited. - Generally beverage labels should not include statements relating to poisonous substances. - The word 'pure' is restricted to describing single ingredient beverages and single ingredients used in beverages that contain no additives. - The use of any certificate of analysis. t Exemptions: beverages in an inner package which are not designed for sale without an outer package. NOTE if these packages contain substances listed in appendix 1-a they must be labelled with a warning statement. 106 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010501 - The use of certain words and expressions such as 'polyunsaturated', 'natural', 'organic', 'low alcohol', 'non-alcoholic', 'health-enriched' etc. are restricted and guidance should be sought from the FSC. Print Requirements Each word, statement, expression or design on a label must be: 1) Legible 2) Prominent 3) In English 4) In a color which provides a distinct contrast to the background If another language is present on the label it must not contain information which contradicts the other language. Pictures - Pictorial representations and designs used for the purpose of illustrating recipes or suggesting how beverages may be served must be immediately preceded or followed by the statement: 'RECIPE' or 'SERVING SUGGESTION' - Pictorial representations or designs must not be misleading to the public. Non alcoholic beverages must not be labeled or otherwise presented for sale in a form which is expressly or by implication suggests that the product is alcoholic. - Pictures or designs may be prohibited on certain beverages and manufacturers and importers should familiarize themselves with the restrictions in the FSC. 107 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010501 3.0 Product Description (Refer FSC Std. 1.2.2) The Food Standards Code requires that all beverages must be labelled with sufficient information, which will allow the product to be easily identified. Where the Food Standards Code defines the name of a beverage, for example orange juice, then that name is called the prescribed name and it must appear on the label. If a name is not prescribed or a standard does not exist for a beverage the label must carry an appropriate designator. Designator An appropriate designator is any name, which clearly indicates the true nature of the beverage. It is not to represent any single ingredient of a beverage nor is it to mislead or deceive consumers in regards to the products origin, character, or place of manufacture. Trademarks, Brand Names or Fancy Names Trade names, 'fancy' names and business names can be used however they must not: - Represent any single constituent of a beverage Misrepresent the composition or q uality of a beverage Give a false or misleading indication of the product's origin, character or place of manufacture. 108 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010501 4.0 Manufacturers or Importers Address (Reference FSC STD 1.2.2) All labels t are required by the Food Standards Code to contain information relating to the manufacturer of the beverage name and address to assist in recall purposes. Labelling A full business name including the street name, number, the town/suburb, state* and country of either the manufacturer, packer, vendor, or importer of the beverage is required. If the address of the manufacturer includes the name of the country, then no additional country of origin labeling is required. For imported products intended for the food service sector, (i.e. nonretail packs) the name and address of the importer must appear on the package offered for sale. This may be the outer which contains a number of inner packages. If the importer has knowledge of, or becomes aware that subsequent buyers are offering the inner pack at retail level, documentation must be available to trace the goods back to the importer. Imported Ingredients The label must include a statement that identifies the country of origin of imported ingredients or include information to the effect that the beverage is made from imported, or a combination of imported and local ingredients. * An abbreviated state name can be used, (i.e. QLD) t With some exceptions: i.e. packages smaller than 100 cm , those in an outer package where the inner packages are not for individual retail sale. 2 109 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010501 5.0 Lot Identification (Refer FSC Std. 1.2.2) The Food Standards Code requires that all packaged beverages carry a lot identification. A lot is a quantity of products prepared under the same general conditions, from a particular packing or preparation unit, during a particular period. Normally less than 24 hours. Layout No specific form of words is required. The lot identification may be marks, or codes devised by the manufacturer. There are no prescriptions for the type,size or color. The lot identifications does not have to be set out in English language. Exemptions The only beverages exempt from legislation are those which are in packages of a size smaller than 100 cm2. The outer package or bulk container must however include a lot identification. 110 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010501 6.0 Date Marking and Batch Numbers (Refer FSC Std. 1.2.5) Date marking offers a guide to consumers as to how long a food can be expected to retain all of its quality attributes. Quality attributes include things such as colour, taste, texture and flavour. In some circumstances date marking may also indicate how long the food can be expected to be safe for consumption. The new FSC will require all beverages produced within Australia or overseas, with a minimum durable life of less than two years to be date marked with the best 'before date' unless the food needs to be consumed within a certain period of time for health and safety reasons. In this circumstance the 'use by' date must be used instead of the 'best before' date. Previously the 'used by' date and the 'best before' date could be used interchangeably on food labels. This will align Australia and New Zealand with international food standards. It is the beverage manufacturers responsibility to determine whether a 'use by' date or a 'best before' date should be used. It is also the manufacturers responsibility to calculate the 'use by 'and 'best before' dates of the beverage. Best Before Date The 'best before' date is the date which signifies the end of the period during which the intact beverage, if stored in accordance with any stated storage conditions, will retain its quality and any other specific qualities for which express or implied claims have been made. The 'best before' date is internationally preferred as it is better encapsulates the intention of date marking which is to provide a guide to consumers on the shelf life of a food in terms of food quality rather than food safety. Beverages marked with a 'best-before' date can be sold after this date has passed, provide that it is not damaged, deteriorated or perished. It is an offence under current Food Laws to sell food which is damaged deteriorated, or perished regardless of whether the food is within its specified date mark or not. Used By Date The 'used by' date is the date which signifies the end of the estimated period if stored in accordance with any stated storage conditions, after which the intact beverage should not be consumed for reasons of health and safety. Food must not be sold past it's 'used by' date. A 'use by' date is restricted to those foods where there is a health or safety issue involved. Some of the health issues which need to be looked at include nutritional concerns. (i.e. the nutritional profile of the product may be critical to the consumer's health, and microbiological issues.) 111 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010501 Date Marking Requirements The 'best before' date and 'use by' date must express the day, month, and year so that they are distinguishable. It should also be in an un-coded chronological or numerical form. The exception to this is the month, which can be in letters. (see example) No date marking system other than that prescribed in this guide or in the Food Standards Code is permitted to be used. Manufacturers or packers codes can be used in addition. The date given must be used with one of the following phrases: - ‘Use by’ followed by the date or a reference to where the date is located. ‘Best before’ followed by the date or a reference to where the date is located. Prescribed Form of Date 1) The day and the month for products with a date of not more than three months. I.e. 3 Dec or 3 12 2) The month and the year for products with a date of more than three months. i.e. Dec 99 or 12 99 Exemptions If the 'best before' date of a product is longer than two years, or the product is packaged in a size of less than 100 cm2 , except where the food should be consumed before a certain date because of health or safety reasons. 112 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010501 7.0 Directions for Use and Storage (See FSC standard 1.2.6) The label on a beverage must include appropriate directions for its use or storage where it is necessary to ensure that the beverage will keep for a specified period of time as indicated by the 'use by' or 'best before' dates, for reasons of health and safety. 8.0 Weights & Measure Marking Package weight is not governed by the Food Standards Code. Each State and Territory has its own legislation dealing with declaring weight labeling require -ments for packaged beverages. The following legislation however has been sourced from the 1998 New South Wales Department of Fair Trading's Guide to Trade Measurement Packaging Legislation. Marking Measurement All prepackaged products must be labelled with a statement which indicates the true measurement of the article. The statement must be: V § One the main display panel of the package V . § Marked close to, and in the same direction as any name or brand of the product. § At least 2 mm from the limits of the package and any other graphic or wording. § In English and using the metric measurement system. § In the case of a decimal sub -multiple, be preceded by a zero or other number. § If the package is entirely cylindrical, spherical, conical or oval cross-section, the measurement marking must, in addition be positioned so that no part of the marking is further than one-sixth of the circumference of the package from the line tha t vertically bisects that part of the package on which the marking is required to be made. If another part of the package is, or are likely to be displayed instead of the main display panel when the product is exposed for sale. 113 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010501 § Additional measurement markings are permitted provided that they are correct and the metric marking remains predominant. Character Size - Stamped or printed in a colour which provides a distinct contrast with the background colour.V - In the minimum print size specified in Table A - Marked by an approved printing device in characters at least 3 mm high. Table A Maximum Package Dimension Minimum Character Height 120 mm or under 2.0 mm Over 120 mm but below 230 mm 2.5 mm Over 230 mm but below 360 mm 3.3 mm 360 mm or over 4.8 mm - The maximum package dimension: the largest measurement of either the height, length, breadth, or diameter of the package. Rounding of Values The statement of measurement should be rounded downward so that the number ends in five or zero. (zero is preferred) i.e. 487mL may be expressed as 485mL or 480mL. 114 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010501 Mandatory Measurement Statements a) The word "net" may be included in the statement, however it is not mandatory. b) Litre should be expressed as L c) Millilitre should be expressed as mL d) Permitted units should be expressed in the simplest manner. e) If the unit has no significant figures then whole numbers should be used. f) Not more than three significant figures, unless permitted for an approved printing device, should be used. All figures should be rounded down. g) Always add a whole number or a zero of a decimal point to the left 115 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010501 9.0 Ingredient Labeling Requirements (Refer FSC Std. 1.2.4) With some exceptions a label must display a statement setting out all ingredients in the beverage, including all the foods and additives used in any ingredient contributing more than 25% of the final beverage, and all additives used in any ingredient contributing more than 10%. Listing Ingredients Ingredients must be listed in descending order of their proportion by weight in the beverage. This means that the ingredient present in the greatest proportion is listed first and so on. If an ingredient is given prominence on a label, for example by the statement “contains real apple juice”, then the proportion by weight of the ingredient should be stated. Added water or volatile ingredients must be declared immediately following the ingredients with the closest higher in-going weight but shall be calculated in accor -dance with the in-going weight of the added water or volatile ingredient minus the amount of that ingredient that is evaporated in the course of the manufacture of the beverage. Exemptions From an ingredient statement: - Beverages in packages that have a total surface area of less than 100 cm2 . - Beverages where the name of the product identifies all of the ingredients, and single item foods such as mineral water, do not require a statement of ingredients. - Beverages which are not intended for consumer sale, (e.g. caterer packs) may be exempted from ingredient labeling if documentation showing the ingredients accompanies the food. 116 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010501 From listing certain ingredients: - A flavoring of a flavoring as defined in schedule 5 of STD 1.3.1 FSC. - A volatile ingredient which is completely evaporated during processing. - Added water, which is used to reconstitute, or concentrated ingredients. - Added water, which forms part of a broth, brine or syrup, which is declared in the ingredient list or is part of the beverage name. - Added water, which makes up less than 5% of the final beverage. - Processing aids which are listed in Standard 1.3.3 of the FSC. Naming of Ingredients Ingredients are to be identified in the ingredient list either by there prescribed name or if there is no prescribed name, by an appropriate designator. The names of ingredients should be detailed and accurate enough so as to ensure they are not false, misleading or deceptive, or likely to deceive. In the case of some ingredients, it is sufficient to state the name of the relevant class of ingredients. For example, the term fruit can be used in place of apples, oranges etc. A list of the classes of ingredients for which this option is available can be found in paragraph (5)(f) of Standard A1 of the Food Standards Code. Compound Ingredients Compound ingredients can be listed by declaring all of the compound ingredients separately as if they were individual ingredients of the food or by declaring the compound ingredient by name in its appropriate place in the statement of ingredients. If the beverage contains 5% or more compound ingredients then they must all be listed. If it contains less than 5%, only the food additives in the compound ingredient where the food additive is performing a technological function* in the final beverage must be listed. Some food additives which are added as part of a compound ingredient may not be performing a technological function in the final food due to processing. I.e. a preservative in apple juice may not function once it has been added to a carbonated beverage. This needs to be considered. * Determining when a food additive is performing a technological function in a food may be difficult and will depend on the nature of the compound ingredient and the food in which the compound ingredient is used. Manufacturers should consider what the critical factors are in the final food (e.g. shelf life, color, and texture) and determine whether the food additives added via compound ingredients are functioning in such a way as to affect these critical factors. If they are, then it is likely that the food additives are performing a technological function in the final food and should therefore be declared. 117 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010501 Alternate Ingredients When the composition of a beverage may vary due to the substitution of one ingredient for a similar one, yet still performs the same function, it must be labeled so that it is clear that one or the other ingredients may be used in the product. Food Additives Food additives should always be used in accordance in Good Manufacturing Practice. (GMP) Manufacturers are responsible for justifying the use and level of additives used in products. The following criteria according to the Codex Alimentarius states: - The quantity of additive used should be limited to the lowest possible level required to accomplish the desired effect. - The quantity of additive that becomes a component of the food as a result of its use in the manufacture, processing or packaging of a food and which is not intended to accomplish any physical, or other technical effect in the food, is reduced to the extent reasonably possible. - The additive is prepared and handled in the same way as a food ingredient. The Codex Alimentarius also states that the use of food additives is only justified where they do not present a hazard to consumers health and serve one or more of the following purposes which cannot be carried out by nay other means either economically or technically: - Preserve the nutritional quality of the food. - To provide necessary ingredients for foods manufactured for consumers having specific dietary needs. - Enhance the shelf stability or organoleptic properties of the product. - To provide aid in the manufacture, processing, treatment, packing, transport or storage of a product. Additives should however not be used to hide or disguise any product deterioration. 118 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010501 Additive Naming When an additive can be classified into more than one class, the most appropriate name should be used. If a food additive does not have a defined class name then it must be declared on the label by its prescribed name or an appropriate designator. In the case of food additives, these may be declared either by reference to their class name followed by the food additive number, or by their name followed by the full name of the substance. E.g. 'COLOUR (102) or 'COLOUR (TARTRAZINE)' If no ingredient list is required (e.g. the package is too small) then colours, flavours, anti-oxidants and preservatives must still be declared e.g. 'COLOUR (124) ADDED'. Where the composition of a beverage may be subject to minor variations by the substitution of an additive which performs a similar function, the statement of ingredients may list both additives in a way which makes it clear that alternative or substitute additives are being declared. Flavourings The words 'flavouring' or 'flavour' can be used or a more specific name can be used. Where the following additives are added to a beverage as a flavouring, their presence must specifically be declared by their name or code number. - L-glutamic acid monosodium glutamate, monopotassium L-glutamate, calcium di-L-glutamate monoammonium L-glutamate magnesium di-L-glutamate disodium guanylate disodium inosinate disodium 5c-ribinucleotides 119 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010501 10.0 Percentage Labelling (Refer FSC Standard 1.2.10) All foods must include a declaration of the proportion of characterizing ingredients and components of a beverage, calculated and expressed in accordance with the FSC. There are however a number of exemptions t . In addition to this there are also a foods which do not have a characterising ingredient such as bottled water or soft drinks. If however any ingredient or component of these foods were emphasized in advertising or in the display then percentage labelling would be required. Characterising Ingredients Means an ingredient or category of ingredients that: - Appears in the name of the beverage. - Is usually associated with the name of the beverage by the consumer. - Is emphasized on the label of a beverage in words, pictures or graphics. - Is essential to characterize a beverage, and to distinguish it from other foods in which it might be confused with due to its name or appearance. Does not include: - An ingredient or a category of ingredients which is used in small quantities for the purpose of a flavouring*. - An ingredient that is a sole ingredient. - A category of ingredients that comprises the whole of the beverage. - An ingredient or category of ingredients which, while appearing in the name of the beverage, is not such as to influence the choice of the consumer, because the variation in quantity is not essential to characterize the food, or does not distinguish the beverage from any others. Examples A component of a beverage that is naturally present, is not an ingredient of the beverage and therefore can not be considered a characterizing ingredient. E.g. caffeine that is naturally present in coffee cannot be considered a characterizing ingredient. * Because flavourings are not considered to be a characterising ingredients, soft drinks can be considered to be exempt from percentage labelling. t Exemptions: Beverages intended for catering purposes, or beverages sold in packages 3 smaller than 100 cm. 120 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010501 When an ingredient is used in small quantites in a food such as a flavouring and is used to describe a food or is mentioned in the name of the food then it need not be percentage labelled. Example: Orange flavored soft drink. As the orange is a result of the use of a flavour percentage labelling is not required as it is in to small a quantity to be considered a characterising ingredient. However if manufacturers emphasis a particular ingredient by the use of either words of pictures then percentage labelling word be required. Example: A claim is made that the beverage contains "5% real fruit juice" would require percentage labelling. Declaration Percentage labelling may be placed anywhere on the label however it must be declared as: - A percentage (either the actual percentage or a minimum percentage.) Be rounded to the nearest whole number, unless it is less tha n 5% in which case it is rounded to the nearest 0.5% The declaration may be in either the name* or in the ingredients list^ 121 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010501 Calculating Characterising Ingredients There are two methods for calculating the percentage of characterising ingredient in a beverage. 1) The in-going weight of the ingredient expressed as a proportion of the total weight of all the ingoing ingredients. 2) The final weight of the characterising ingredient expressed as a proportion of the total weight of the final food. (This method is used if moisture loss occurs during processing.) If concentrated ingredients are used in the manufacture of a product and are reconstiuated during the process, the weight of the reconstiuated ingredient can be used in the calculation of the percentage of characterising ingredient. Example: In-going weight calculation Ingredients Weight (g) Carbonated Water Colour Artifical Sweeteners Food Acids Orange Juice Preservative 540.0 1.8 84.0 2.4 30.0 1.8 Total befo re processing: 660 g Water lossed during process: - 60 g The percentage of fruit juice in the final product: 30 / 600 x 100 = 5.00 % Example: Final weight in final food Ingredients Weight (g) Carbonated Water Colour Artifical Sweeteners Food Acids Orange Juice Preservative 540.0 1.8 84.0 2.4 30.0 1.8 Total Before Processing: 660 g Total After Baking: 600 g The percentage of fruit juice in the final product: 30 / 600 x 100 = 5.00 % . 122 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010501 11.0 Allergen Labelling (Refer FSC Std. 1.2.3) Mandatory Advisory Statements Beverages are required to have a mandatory advisory statement accompanying the label if they contain one of the following: - Kola beverages containing caffeine Guarana or guarana extracts Aspartame Quinine Caffeine Caffeine is to be labeled: “CONTAINS CAFFEINE” Aspartame Beverages containing Aspartame are to be labelled: PHENYLKETONURICS: CONTAINS PHENYLANINE Guarana Beverage is to be labelled:"CONTAINS CAFFEINE" Quinine Labelled with a statement: "CONTAINS QUININE" Low Joule Beverages Low joule beverages containing permitted mannitol, sorbitol, polydextrose, xylitol or isomalt other than as a humectant are to state on the label” “EXCESS CONSUMPTION MAY HAVE A LAXATIVE EFFECT” Advisory Statements for Polyols or Polydextrose If a beverage contains one of the following ingredients it is required to be labeled with an advisory statement when either combined or singularly and in excess of 10 g / 100 g of beverage. “EXCESS CONSUMPTION MAY HAVE A LAXATIVE EFFECT” - Lactitol 123 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010501 - Maltitol syrup Xylitol Mannitol If a beverage contains one of the following ingredients in excess of 25 g / 100 g of beverage the following advisory statement must be present on the package: “EXCESS CONSUMPTION MAY HAVE A LAXATIVE EFFECT” - Sorbitol Erythritol Isomalt Polydextrose If any of the above additives are combined in excess of 10g/100g the following statement must be added to the packaging: "EXCESS CONSUMPTION MAY HAVE A LAXATIVE EFFECT” Print Format Each word, expression or design must be set out in: - English language and In a font of no less than 3 mm, or no smaller than 1.5 mm for small packages. NOTE: Any exemptions in relation to ingredient listing do not override the requirement to declare the presence of the caffeine, aspartame, guarana, quinine etc. Manufacturers who substitute one ingredient for another must clearly indicate this and an advisory statement should be present. 124 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010501 12.0 Nutrition Information Requirements (Reference FSC 1.2.8) All foods must now display a Nutrition Information Panel. (NIP) This differs from previous requirement where a NIP was only required if a nutritional claim was made. The nutrients that must be declared are: - Energy Protein Fat Saturated fat Carbohydrate Sugars Sodium General Requirements A NIP must include the following: - The number of servings of beverage in the package. - The average quantity of the beverage per serving expressed, in milliliters. (ml) - The unity quantity of the beverage. - The average energy content expressed in kilojoules or both in kilojoules and in Calories, of a serving of the beverage and of the unity quantity of the food. - The average quantity expressed in grams of protein, fat and carbohydrates in a serving in the unit quantity of the beverage. - The average quantity expressed in milligrams or millimoles of sodium in a serving of the beverage and in the unit quantity of the beverage. - The name and the average quantity of any other nutrient or biologically active substa nce in respect of which a nutrient claim has been made, expressed in grams, milligrams or any other appropriate units that is in a serving of the food and in the unit quantity of the beverage. - The average quantities set out in the panel are averages. - Any minimum and maximum quantities set out in the panel, are minimum and maximum quantities. - Must include declarations of unavailable carbohydrate other than dietary fibre where they have been subtracted from the carbohydrate declaration. 125 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010501 Exemptions Foods that are exempt from carrying a label in other parts of this guide are also exempt from carrying an NIP however if a claim is made an NIP must be labelled. Other product exempt include: - Processing aids as defined in standard 1.3.3 FSC - Single ingredient foods or category of ingredients. - An additive defined in standard 1.3.1 FSC - A herb, spice, a herbal infusion, water. - Food in inner packages not designed for sale without an outer. - Beverages in small packages. Where nutritional claims in relation to beverages in small packages* have been made, the label on that package must include a declaration expressed in accordance of the: a) Average quantity of the claimed nutrient or biologically active substance present per 100g of the food. b) Average quantity of energy, carbohydrate, sugars and dietary fibre present per unit quantity of the food where a nutrition claim is made in respect of fibre, sugars, and any other type of carbohydrate. Nutrition Claims A nutrition claim relates to the function, presence or absence of a nutrient in a food^. Where a nutritional claim is made the NIP MUST list the following seven ingredients: - Energy - Protein - Fat - Saturated fat - Carbohydrate - Sugars - Sodium Although they may relate to processing procedures, the terms 'sweetened' and 'salted' are also considered to be nutrition claims. These are however, a number of commonly used ^ * A trigger cluster is a group of nutrient declarations that are triggered by a claim relating to one particular nutrient. The clusters share common characteristics and refer to fatty acids, carbohydrates, dietary fiber, sugars, sodium, and potassium. They should be set out in logical groups. 3 Small packages are defined as those which have an area of less than 100 cm 126 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010501 names of foods that may include such terms as 'sweetcorn', where obviously no sugar or sweetening agent has been added. Such terms would not warrant an NIP. Under new labelling provisions, the voluntarily disclosure of a nutrient in the NIP will also be considered a nutrition claim. For example if a manufacturer voluntarily provides the polyunsaturated fat content of a food, additional information as triggered by a polyunsaturated fat claim must also be provided. Examples of Nutrition Claims "The product is high in dietary fibre" If this claim were made the amount of energy, carbohydrate, sugars and dietary fibre per 100 g would need to be declared on the label. Claims about Sugars, Fibre and Carbohydrates Require the declaration of dietary fibre and the type of carbohydrate e.g. polydextrose, in addition to the mandatory nutrients. (which include carbohydrates and sugars) There are also conditions for making claims in regards to the following*: - Polyunsaturated or monounsaturated fatty acids Omega fatty acids Energy Lactose Gluten Salt, sodium and potassium Average quantity Consumers must be alerted to the 'average' nature of these declarations or, if applicable, to maximum or minimum values. The word 'average' the abbreviation 'avg' may be inserted at the beginning of the 'quantity per serving' and the quantity per 100 ml columns. Alternatively, a note below the NIP can be included. For example: 'All values are considered averages unless otherwise indicated'. * See Australian New Zealand Joint Food Standards Code. 127 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010501 Expression of Quantities - The average energy content and average minimum or maximum quantities of nutrients and biologically active substances must be expressed in the panel to no more than three significant figures. - Where the average energy content of a serving or unit quantity of the beverage is less than 40 kJ, that average energy content may be expressed in the panel as 'LESS THAN 40 kJ'. - Where the average quantity of protein, fat, classes of fatty acids, carbohydrates, sugars or dietary fibre in the serving or unit quantity of the food is less than 1 gram, that averages quantity may be expressed in the panel as 'LESS THAN 1g'. - Where the average quantity of sodium or potassium in a serving of the beverage and the unit quantity of the food is less than 5 milligrams, that average quantity may be expressed in the panel as 'LESS THAN 5 mg'. Serving The serving size in an NIP is not prescribed, however it is expected that the serving size specified by the manufacturer would reflect a realistic portion of the food that a person might normally consume. Any word describing a common measure or unit including metric cup may also be used. NIP Calculations In order to calculate an NIP, three basic steps need to be followed. These are: a) b) c) Calculating the amount of nutrient in the product. Calculating the energy value provided by each of the macronutrients (prepared by using data from step a) Preparing the NIP using data obtained from the above. To calculate the amount of a nutrient in a product, certain information (commonly known as food composition data), including the amount of food components per 100 g and per serve, need to be obtained from a variety of sources which include: § Food Composition Tables - Available from the Government information shop - The main problem with using the data from this type of source is that most of the figures are only estimates. Another problem is that some of the data collection is not as accurate as others. For example different calculation methods, different sample sizes etc. § i. Nutritional Values of Australian Foods (English & Lewis, 1991) ii. Concise New Zealand Food Composition Tables 4 th ed. Electronic Databases 128 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010501 § These databases tend to have the same problems as Food Composition Tables. NUTTAB95 AUSNUT FoodFiles 20000 (NZ) Overseas References - FSANZ strongly discourage the use of figures from these references as the collection techniques and environmental factors mean that they are not particularly accurate for Australian and New Zealand industries. I. Food Composition and Nutrition Tables, 5th revised and completed Ed. Souci, Fachmann and Kraut (1994) GER II. McCance and Widdowson's "the Composition of Foods, 5th ed. Holland Welch, Unwin, Buss, Paul & Southgate (1991) UK III. § Laboratory Analysis - Very reliable and product specific, however it is important to ensure that the laboratory used is NATA accredited. Deriving NIPs from Food Composition Tables The average amount of carbohydrate and average energy content of a food should not be determined directly from food composition tables. The average amount of carbohydrate must be derived by difference. However this method may sometimes result in a value that is at odds with the carbohydrate and sugars values given in food composition tables. Deriving an NIP from Recipe It is not always possible or appropriate to determine the nutrient composition of foods, particularly recipe foods, directly from food composition tables. There may be no entry for the food in question. Or it may differ significantly from its standard counterpart in formulation, making the use of existing nutrient data inaccurate. In such cases the nutrient composition of the food should be determined from the nutrient contents of its ingredients. The nutrient content for each ingredient can be determined from food composition databases and tables. As values are for 100 g the amount of the ingredient used should be divided by 100, each food component should then be multiplied by this factor. Once this has been done two sets of information are needed to calculate the nutrient composition of the entire recipe: - The nutrient composition of each ingredient Weight of cooked product. A x 100 B 129 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010501 Average Energy Content The average energy content should not be determined directly from food composition tables due to energy factors used to derive this value may be different from those listed in the standard. Two sets of information are required for the calculation: a) b) The amount of each food component The energy factor assigned to each food component (see appendix 2a) Average energy (kJ / 100 g) = Σ WiFi Wi = the average weight of the food component (g/100 of food) Fi = the energy factor assigned to that food (kJ/g) see appendix 2a The amount of food components, (carbohydrate, fat and protein) used in the calculation of total energy should be the same as those listed in the NIP. Saturated fats and sugars are not included in energy calculations as they have already been accounted for under total fat and total carbohydrate respectively. When calculating the average energy content of a food that contains substitute food components, (i.e. polyols, polydextrose or resistant starch used to replace sugars and or fat) there are specific energy factors assigned to these substances that must be used. (See appendix 3a) The amount of carbohydrate assigned an energy factor of 17kJ / g should not include any polyols, polydextrose or resistant starch. Percentage Daily Intake Information Information relating to the percentage daily intake (PDI) of nutrients set out in a NIP may be included in the panel, however it is not compulsory. If PDI information is provided it is compulsory to include energy, fat, carbohydrate, protein and sodium levels, and the following statement should be given: In order to calculate the PDI the following equation is required: PDI = Amount in One Serving Reference value* * x 100 For reference values see appendix 2a 130 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010501 Example: A product contains 10 grams of fat and the reference value is 70. The calculation would be as follows: the PDI rounded to the nearest whole number would be PDI = (10 / 70) x 100 = 14.28 = 14% (rounded to the nearest whole number) When a PDI is used the PDI for energy, protein, fat, saturated fat, carbohydrate, sugars and sodium must be included. PDI for fibre may be added. Example of Completed Nutrition Information Panel .**** Any other biologically active substance for which impressed or implied claims have been made. 131 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010501 13.0 Labelling of Electrolyte Drinks (Refer FSC Standard 2.6.2) The labeling on electrolyte drinks must include a declaration which includes: - The average energy value per 100 ml. - The total carbohydrate present,Including each type of mono - saccharide and disaccharide. - Milligrams and millimoles of added minerals and electrolyte. - The recommended volume of frequency. Where a claim that an electrolyte beverage is isotonic or hypertonic, the osmolarity of the drink in milliOsmols/L must be declared on the label. A claim that an electrolyte drink is isotonic may only be used if the drink has an The label on an isotonic drink may include wording, which implies that the product can promote the availability of energy and prevent dehydration that may result from strenuous exercise. 132 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010501 Appendix 1-A: Labelling Checklist 1) Date Marking and Batch Number 2) Description of the Product 3) Characterizing Ingredients 4) Manufacture or Importers Address 5) Storage Requirements 6) Country of Origin Labeling 7) Food Additives List 8) Ingredient List 9) Nutritional Information • Check Legibility Requirements 133 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010501 Appendix 2-A: Example 134 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010501 Appendix 3-A: Mandatory Declaration of Certain substances If any of the following ingredients are present in a product it must bear a mandatory advisory or warning label - Cereals containing gluten and their products - Crustacea and associated products - Egg and egg products - Fish and fish products - Milk and milk products - Nuts and sesame seeds - Peanuts and soybeans - Added sulphites in concentrations of 10mg / kg or more - Royal Jelly - Bee pollen - Propolis 135 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010501 Appendix 4-A Reference Values for an Interpretive Element - PDI Food Component Reference Value Basis for Reference Values Source of Health Recommendations for Reference Amount Energy 8700kJ Based on the average energy consumption / day for adults and children in Australia and New Zealand 1995 National Nutrition Survey, Australia. 1991 Life in NZ Survey Protein 50 g Protein based on average for RDI for men (55 g) and non pregnant, non lactating women (45 g) Australian RDI, as per NHMRC 1991 Fat 70 g Saturated fat based on 10 per cent energy. CDHSH 1994 Saturated fat - Total 24 g Fat based on 10 per cent energy CDHSH 1994 Carbohydrates - Total 310 g Carbohydrates based on difference and cross reference with survey data and international targets (60 per cent of energy) No RDI or targets set. US value for labelling set at 60% of energy. Sugars 62 g Sugars based on 12 per cent of energy Better Health Commission Target, Commonwealth Dept Health 1987 Dietary Fibre 30 g/day Dietary fibre based on 30 g per day Better Health Commission Target, Commonwealth Dept Health 1987 Sodium 2300 mg / day Australian RDI as per NHMRC 1991 136 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010501 Appendix 5-A Energy Factors in Relation to Food Components Food Component Energy Factor (kJ/g) Alcohol 29 Carbohydrate (excluding unavailable carbohydrate) 17 Unavailable Carbohydrate (including dietary fibre) 8 Fat 37 Protein 17 Erythritol 1 Glycerol 18 Isomalt 11 Lactitol 11 Maltitol 16 Mannitol 9 Organic acids 13 Polydextrose 5 Sorbitol 14 Xylitol 14 ooOOOoo 137 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010501 An E xami natio n of Causative Factors & Preventati ve Measures for the Control o f Mo uld Growt h in t he Prod uctio n of Bottled Water 138 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010501 Table of Contents I Introduction to Moulds Tyrone Wilson, International Bottled Water Association II Packaging and Vendor Certification Mould and Fungal Prevention Kevin Mathews, The Perrier Group of America III Cooler Maintenance and Handling Gordon Wells, Elkay Manufacturing Company IV Environmental Factors Stewart Douglas, Mountain Park Springs and Albert Lear, Wissahickon Spring Water Co. V Storage Conditions For Small Packages Terry McSweeny, Hidell-Eyster VI Bottling Operations Ted Sands, Sands & Associates Appendix A Trouble Shooting Checklist for Minimizing Mould Occurrence Laura Current, Suntory Water Group This paper was prepared by the Mould Task Group of the International Bottled Water Association (IBWA). This paper should serve as a useful tool for bottlers to review conditions impacting the occurrence of mold in bottled water and provide some suggestions for how to minimize its growth during and after production of finished product. 139 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010501 SECTION 1 Introduction to Moulds Prepared By Tyrone Wilson, International Bottled Water Association INTRODUCTION Mould is a downy or furry growth on the surface of organic matter that typically occurs in the presence of dampness or decay. Mould, by definition, is any fungus producing such a growth. The fungi (singular, fungus) are a group of eucaryotic, spore-bearing organisms that lack chlorophyll and are of great practical and scientific interest to microbiologists, because many fungi are of microscopic cellular dimensions. Depending on the species, fungi display a diversity of morphological appearances. The velvety blue-and –green growth on rotting oranges and on stale cheeses, as well as whitish-gray furry outgrowths on bread and jam, are examples of the familiar gross appearance of many multicellular fungi. Yeasts, like moulds are also fungi1. While moulds are filamentous and multicellular, yeasts are usually unicellular organisms. They are generally reproduce both asexually and sexually. The diagram below illustrates various developmental stages of a mold typically associated with water, Aspergillus niger. Because of their need for both a low pH requirement and high sugar content, yeasts are not highly regarded as problems for the bottled water operation. However, for bottling operations in which various beverages products are used on mixed filling lines, the bottler must place greater emphasis on cleaning –in-place procedures. For guidance, IBWA has established the following procedure when producing multiple products (e.g. water, juices, soft drinks, etc.) on mixed lines: Bottled water may be processed through lines or equipment used also for other food products under the following conditions: (1) Process lines, including storage tanks and associated equipment, shall be used exclusively for the production of bottled water, except for filling equipment, which may be used also for filling other food products. (2) Prior to use for the bottling of water, filling equipment designed to be cleaned-inplace and used for filling other food products shall be thoroughly cleansed and sanitized in-place in accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications and in compliance with Section 129.80 of Title 21 of the Code of Federal Regulations and the supplementary procedures that follow in paragraphs (3) to (7), inclusive, of this section. 1 Yeasts are any of various single-celled ascomycetous fungi in which little or no mycelium develops and which ordinarily reproduce by budding. Yeasts live on sugary solutions, ferment sugars to form alcohol and carbon dioxide, and are used in making beer, whiskey, etc. and as a leavening agent in baking. The presence of yeasts in finished drinking water is usually associated with slow colonization in water pipes throughout public distribution systems. This colonization may become more numerous with pipe age. 140 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010501 (3) Immediately following completion of filling operations for any other food product other than water, the filler shall be thoroughly rinsed internally and externally with potable water. (4) In accordance with filler manufacture’s instructions, any parts which are not designed to be cleaned in-place shall be disassembled and removed. All of these parts shall be cleansed and sanitized prior to reassembly using appropriate cleansing and sanitizing procedures, as specified in subdivisions (c) and (d) of Sections 129.80 of Title 21 of the Code of Federal Regulations. (5) All surfaces of the filler which do not contact food products shall be cleaned manually so as to render all surfaces clean and free of any residues. (6) The filler shall be prepared and all appropriate connections made in accordance with the filler manufacturer’s instructions to place the filler in the clean-in-place mode. The following procedures are suggested: (a) An alkaline cleaning solution of appropriate strength shall be recirculated through the filler to provide effective cleaning of all product contact surfaces, with a minimum recirculation time of 20 minutes at a temperature between 140 and 170 degrees Fahrenheit. (b) The cleaning solution shall be drained and followed with a potable water rinse-to-drain for the removal of all residual cleaner alkalinity. This step may be supplemented by the application of an acidified rinse prior to the potable water rinse in order to neutralize any residual alkalinity on product contact surfaces. (7) Following reassembly of all parts to place the filler into the product mode and just prior to boiling water, the filler shall be sanitized in-place in accordance with procedures specified in subdivision (d) of Section 129.80 of Title 21 of the Code of Federal Regulations. (8) Any alternate cleaning, rinsing, or sanitizing operations or processes not described in this section shall be approved in writing by the pertinent Department. PHYSIOLOGY Fungi are better able to withstand extreme environmental conditions than most other microorganisms. For example, yeast and moulds can grow on a substrate or medium containing concentrations of sugars that inhibit most bacteria. This is why jams and jellies can be spoiled by mold but not by bacteria. Yeast and moulds can also generally tolerate more acidic conditions than most other microbes. Moulds are usually aerobic microorganisms. Fungi grow over a wide range of temperature, with optimum for most saprophytic species from 22 to 30oC; pathogenic species have a higher temperature optimum, generally 30 to 37oC. Some fungi will grow at or near 0oC and thus can cause spoilage of meat and vegetables in cold storage. Fungi are capable of using a wide variety of materials for nutrition. However, they are heterotrophic. Unlike some bacteria, they cannot use inorganic carbon compounds, such as carbon dioxide, as their sole carbon source. Carbon must come from an organic source, such as glucose. Some species can use inorganic compounds of nitrogen, such 141 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010501 as ammonium salts. But all fungi can use organic nitrogen; this is why culture media for fungi usually contain peptone, a hydrolyzed protein product. A comparison of the physiological characteristics of fungi and of bacteria is summarized below2. Characteristic Fungi Bacteria Cell type Eucaryotic Procaryotic Optimum pH 3.8 – 5.6 6.5 – 7.5 Optimum Temperature 22 – 30 C (saprophytes) 0 30 – 37 C (parasites) 22 – 37 C Oxygen requirement Strictly aerobic (molds) Facultative (some yeasts) Aerobic to anaerobic Light requirement None Some photosynthetic groups occur Sugar concentration in laboratory media 4 – 5% 0.5 – 1% Carbon requirement Organic Inorganic and/or organic Antibiotic susceptibility Resistant to penicillin, tetracyclines, chloramphenicol; sensitive to griseofulvin Resistant to grisofulvin, sensitive to penicillin, tetracyclines, chloramphenicol 0 0 OCCURRENCE Fungi are probably more common than any other single class of microorganisms. They include such disparate ecological niches as mushrooms, the slow degradation of cellulose (as evidenced by the mould on seed on fallen trees in the forest), on grain products, and Penicillium (the species which produces the antibiotic penicillin). Fifty of the estimated 50,000 species of fungi, are approximated to be pathogenic for humans. Some fungi emit toxins in foods resulting in carcinogenicity if present in sufficient concentration. For example, some species of Aspergillus a fungus which grows on peanuts, produce carcinogens known as aflatoxin which are pathogenic to humans. It does not appear that there are any fungi naturally present in water that are directly pathogenic to humans (Edberg, 1992). There is extensive clinical literature regarding fungi as pathogens. However, except in certain circumstances, the role of fungi is relegated to those of opportunistic pathogens. In the environment, species of fungi in the mould form have been shown to be responsible for many allergic reactions (e.g. farmer’s lung). However, it is extremely unlikely that the concentration of fungi in drinking water would be such to result in an allergic reaction. The ecological niche of the fungi tends to be an environmental niche rather than a human host. Fungi are present in, and have been removed from, diverse, remote, and extreme aquatic habitats including lakes, ponds, rivers, streams, estuaries, marine environments, wastewaters, sludge, rural and urban storm water runoff, well waters, acid mine drainage, asphalt refineries, jet fuel systems, and aquatic sediments. Fungi have been found in potable water and on the inner surface of distribution pipes. They either survive water 2 th Comparison adapted form Table 17-1, Pelczar et al., 1986, Microbiology 5 Edition, McGraw Hill, New York, p. 344. 142 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010501 treatment or they enter the system after the treatment and remain viable. Having survived treatment of having been introduced after treatment, fungal spores can remain viable for extended periods of time. Fungi, like prokaryotic organisms such as bacteria, actinomycetes, and cyanobacteria may be involved on potable water taste and odor problems Moulds are present (as spores) in high numbers in the air, and therefore, it is possible for bottled water exposed to such air quality conditions over extended periods to exhibit mould growth. While such conditions would not represent proper storage, the mould itself would not represent a health threat. Nonetheless, the potential exposure condition warrants a review of good manufacturing practices and sanitation procedures used at a bottling facility. REGULATORY Currently, there are no fungi in the analytical group for microbial monitoring which are regulated for dinking water. For microbiological quality of bottled water, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) traditionally follows the Environmenta l Protection Agency (EPA) guidelines for E. coli and coliforms in drinking water. As EPA revises its procedures, the FDA will continue to review them for their appropriateness for bottled water. SIGNIFICANCE Moulds may be found wherever nonliving organic matter occurs. In spring water near the source, the number of mould spores is usually minimal. Unpolluted stream water has relatively large numbers of species representing the true aquatic fungi (species possessing flagellated zoospores and gametes), aquatic Hyphomycetes, and soil fungi. Moderately polluted water may carry cells or spores of the three types; however, it has fewer true aquatic fungi and aquatic Hyphomcyetes, and soil fungi are more numerous. Heavily polluted water tends to have large numbers of soil fungi. The group designated as soil fungi includes yeast-like fungi, many species of which have been isolated from polluted waters. MONITORING THE PROBLEM Media and analytical kits, specifically designed for growing mould and yeast are currently available from a variety of commercial suppliers. In addition, kits for sampling air for the presence and enumeration of fungal spores may be purchased or rented for a modest fee. These kits allow the transfer of spores to a filter surface where they may be cultured using appropriate media. REFERENCES Edberg, S.E., Technical Assessment of the Microbial Health Effects of Bottled Water. 1992 FDA Bacteriological Analytical Manual, 7 th Ed. 1992. Pelczar, M.J., Chan, E.C.S., and Krieg, N.R., Microbiology 5th Ed., McGraw-Hill, New York. 1986. Kenneth B. Raper and Dorothy I. Fennell [eds], The Genus Aspergillus, The Williams and Wilkins Company, Baltimore, 1965. Page 20. 143 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010501 Development of the conidial apparatus in Aspergillus niger. A, Foot cell bearing young conidiophore as a vertical branch B, Developing conidiophore, X 182 C & D, Developing of the vesicle by swelling of the terminal portion of the conidiophore,X 280 E1 & E2, Vesicle in optical section and surface view showing early development of primary sterigmata, X 280 F, Later stage in development of primary sterigmata, X 280 G, Young fruiting head showing secondary sterigmata bearing chains of conidia, X 280. [Reference; Thom and Raper] 144 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010501 Section II Packaging and Vendor Certification Mould and Fungal Prevention Prepared By Kevin Mathews, The Perrier Group of America I. SUMMARY Moulds’ ability to sporulate and disperse freely in the environment by air gives it widespread opportunities to populate manufacturing facilities, where moisture conditions exist. Materials used in the packaging of bottled water are often susceptible to mould or mould spore contamination. Frequently, bottles, caps, and cardboard shipper materials are manufactured far in advance of a bottler’s need, stored in a warehouse for long periods of time, and then released upon order confirmation. Protection of these materials from airborne contamination, particularly in humid environments, is an essential element to the quality assurance program of water bottling operations. It is imperative that bottlers take proactive steps to certify that suppliers of raw materials are taking appropriate precautions to minimize mould contamination of their products. A successful mould prevention program employs regular monitoring for mould in raw materials and finished product combined with a supplier audit program. The audit process provides vendors with feedback and invariably heightens their sense of awareness to potential mould contamination of customer products. II. OBJECTIVE This paper discusses the various factors and prevention guidelines which bottlers should employ to safeguard their products from mold or fungal contamination originating from vendor raw materials. Development of a supplier audit and certification program is recommended. III. INDUSTRY PROSPECTIVE Moulds are the predominant spoilage flora of seeds such as peanuts, wheat, maize, rice, and other dried foods. Predominant in nearly all-climatic regions, several hundred genera of moulds are known. Mould growth is highly dependent on available moisture and a substrate to gain a foothold. Growth generally takes place through vegetative budding by forming branching hyphae. Multiplication and dissemination of moulds is accomplished by means of spore formation, which is useful in carrying the organism through unfavorable environmental conditions. While the sanitary conditions of bottling operations have improved significantly over the past ten years in the U.S., The incidence of mould in non-carbonated bottled water continues to be troublesome issue, resulting in recalls affecting numerous products worldwide. Disinfectants such as ozone or ultra-violet irradiation of finished products have not shown to be completely effective at destroying mould or mould spores under normal bottling conditions. Commonly, bottled water manufacturing facilities rely on outside vendors for supply of raw materials except raw source water. Practices range from source ownership, control and transportation to contract buying and trucking. Vertical integration of raw materials into the bottling plant is becoming more prevalent in the United States. It is a practice commonly 145 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010501 found in France and within the European economic bottling community. Here, strict monitoring of the total environment for bacteria and moulds is routine due in part to the exclusion of disinfectants from the bottling process but moreover to effectively controlling contamination at every point in the process. It is necessary for pla nts that vertically integrate as well as those that purchase from outside vendors to certify that all raw materials are free of mould contamination. IV. DISCUSSION This section discusses the importance of controlling the entry of mould and mould spores into the bottling operation from raw material suppliers. A root cause analysis of mould entry into bottled water products identifies six major pathways of contamination: man, the people who carry mould spores and contaminate materials or products; process, the mechanism which brings people, materials and equipment together, environment, the air, soil, and activity composition of an area; equipment, the machinery and structures within a bottling process; methods, the analytical process of mold identification; and materials, all the components or building blocks of the finished product. Of these pathways, materials are by far the most common pathway for contamination of mold in bottled water. The susceptibility of packaging materials to contamination with mould or mould spores varies according to the manufacturers environment and processing method, as well as the moisture of the material, protection after manufacture, and the physical properties of the material itself. With regards to the manufacturing environment, the vendor plant must have air control which provides protection from outside spore entry. This is accomplished through a tight, well-constructed facility with a filtered air supply which will preclude mould spores of two micron size. Main doors and overhead doors must be kept closed at all times when not in use, and ideally employ automatic air curtains which engage whenever the doors are opened. These are curtains must be set to create a positive pressure gradient forming an effective barrier to outside air. Conditions inside the vendor plant must be maintained so that there are no standing water conditions, or leaks from sanitation hoses or the roof. Drains in the plant must be clear, without standing water, and cleaned regularly. All areas of the vendor plant should be easily cleanable and not show signs of condensation which could lead to mould growth. Epoxy based paint on floors and walls maintains a surface upon which Mould will not easily gain a foothold. In-process or stored materials must be protected at all times and not allowed to become wet. Humidity levels inside the plant must be kept as low as possible. Increases in humidity must be accompanied by fast rotation of stored product. All product must be stored on pallets up off the floor, which routinely must be dusted and cleaned on the top to avoid normal dust and dirt build up which also serve as breeding grounds for mould. The major components of bottled water products are bottle, cap, label, overwrap and carton. Commonalties to all raw material handling is to produce the item under controlled conditions as outlined previously, and carefully protect the item during packaging, storage and shipping. Economics in the supplier industry the past few years’ seasonality in the business have forced many vendors to produce and store large quantities of materials in off-site warehouses to meet obligations. The bottler should be aware of the age of the product which leads to the susceptibility of mould. In general, the shorter the time delay from vendor manufacturer to the bottler, the lower the risk of mold contamination. As a 146 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010501 rule, raw materials packaged in clean containers and unitized covered in plastic shrinkwrap gives the very best protection. The same provisions which apply to the vendor manufacturing location, apply to a greater extent to the bottler. Due to the normally wet conditions found in bottling plants, mould conditions may thrive year round. Vigilant efforts must be undertaken to store raw materials in very dry storage locations totally separated from the wet side of processing. Transferring pallets of goods from supplier wooden pallets to clean plastic ones or elimination wood pallets completely in the bottler plant is ideal. Raw materials in use must not be allowed to become “stored” in the processing area by carefully monitoring the amount of material brought to the floor. One should never allow any raw materials to remain on the production floor after processing concludes at day end. Protect all unused partial pallets of raw material which becomes contaminated by falling onto the floor or off the processing line during production must be discarded. The following summarizes the steps which bottlers and suppliers must take in order to safeguard against mold contamination in individual components: • Bottle: Returnable water bottles should not be stored in excessive quantities inside the bottler plant. It is advisable to keep no more than a one day supply on hand at all times. Non-returnable bottles made at the water bottler location are the ideal set up for preventing bottle mould contamination. All vendor supplies bottles should be packaged in clean cartons or if bulk palletized, stacked on clean slop sheets. Always insist on plastic shrink film on unitized pallets which completely protects the bottles. Plastic slop sheets are much preferable to cardboard, as these are readily cleanable by the supplier and not as predisposed to mould contamination. • Caps: Caps generally come packaged loosely in cartons or packaged in paper or plastic bags, preferably with a heat seal closure. • Labels: Paper labels are frequently bundle -packed in cartons. As with any paper product, labels are prone to attract humidity in the air. Although not as critical as product contact materials, labels are a source of mould contamination in the plant. It is advisable to keep inventory levels as low as possible. • Overwrap: Overwrap takes the form of plastic shrink wrap, plastic unitizers, mesh, or cardboard. Of these, cardboard poses the most significant risk. As labels, keep inventory levels low, monitor vendor inventories and age, and store in a very dry location. • Cartons: Cardboard cartons represent the largest contribution risk to mould. Depending upon the liner type, fluting configuration and weight, cartons will readily attract moisture in the air and provide an ideal environment for mould growth. Cardboard cartons are normally manufactured as a knock-down flat board, then unitized in bundles and held tight by strapping. Remove and discard any cartons which become wet by mistake. V. CONCLUSION Mould and mould spores are a natural part of the supplier and bottler environment, but cannot be treated haphazardly. A well disciplined sanitation and quality assurance 147 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010501 program must be developed and implemented by suppliers and bottlers alike to minimize mould population. The best and most effective manner to control mould is through employee training awareness, a formal testing program and the use of an audit program. Certification of suppliers based on performance and audit results has proven to be highly effective in reducing the risk of incoming mold contamination. The bottler should incorporate into their quality assurance programs the necessary critical control points and standards to achieve adequate product protection. VI. REFERENCES Beuchat, L. 1978. Food and Beverage Mycology. AVI Publishing, Westport, CT Buchanan, E. and Buchanan, R. 1924. Bacteriology. MacMillan Publishing, New York, NY. Parnes, C.A. and Branc h A. 1990. Microbiological Flora and Methods to Reduce Contamination of Bottles/Closures Used for Production of 12oz. Deer Park Mountain Spring Water. Clorox Technical Research Centre, Pleasanton, CA. Mathews, K. and Dunlap, S. 1996. Vendor Audit. Perrier Group of America, Greenwich, CT. 148 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010501 Section III Cooler Maintenance and Handling Prepared By Gordon Wells, Elkay Manufacturing Co. The occurrence of mould in bottled water coolers is highly site specific. In a site where mould is present, the minimization of mould occurrence in bottled water coolers requires a regular schedule for cooler cleaning and sanitation. Emphasis must be placed on cooler cleaning because of the extreme resistance of mould spores to treatment with chemical oxidation type sanitizers. Mould spores are resistant to all oxidation type sanitizers including chlorine and iodine. Therefore, the best means of eliminating mould from a water cooler is to physically clean the cooler with an alkaline detergent. If a trisodium phosphate cleaner is used, then care must be taken to rinse the cooler well to remove all residue of phosphate from the refurbished cooler. Failure to remove traces of phosphate will result in rapid regrowth of microbes in the cooler once water is installed. I. CLEANING AND SANITIZING FIXED RESERVOIR COOLERS Drain all water from the cooler, including the hot tank. Remove the baffle and plug the hot tank inlet with a rubber stopper. Pour the pre-mixed cleaning solution into the cold reservoir. Use a cloth or non-metallic scrub pad to wipe down the sides of the reservoir and the baffle. Use a pope cleaner or flexible brush to clean the cold and cook water ways. Drain the detergent and rinse will with clean water. The faucets should be removed, disassembled, and placed in a detergent solution. Special attention must be paid to cleaning of the soft gasket-like sealing surfaces, as they typically provide better growth conditions than do harder metal or plastic surfaces. Use a brush or ultrasonic cleaner to remove contamination. Rinse the parts will in clean water. Sanitize the baffle and faucets in 50 ppm chlorine sanitizer for at least 10 minutes.1 Reattach faucets to the cooler and sanitize by pouring 50 ppm chlorine sanitizer into the cold reservoir. Make sure the hot tank inlet is plugged to prevent chlorine sanitizer from entering the tank. Chlorine sanitizers can be corrosive to hot tanks. Allow the sanitizer to sit for 10 minutes, then drain through the cold and cook faucets. Re-install the sanitized baffle using either sanitary gloves or a hand dip station to prevent contaminating the baffle or reservoir. Place a lint free paper towel over the reservoir and cover the cooler with a plastic bag. In areas with high airborne mould counts, the bag should be sealed to preclude contamination. 1 Prepare a 50 ppm free chlorine solution by mixing ¾ tsp. of household bleach in 1 gallon of clean water. In metric measure, mix 1mL of bleach in 1L of clean water. 149 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010501 CLEANING & SANITIZING REMOVABLE RESERVOIR COOLERS Drain all water from the cooler, including the hot tank. Remove the baffle, faucets, gaskets, etc. from the reservoir. Clean the reservoir by placing in a mechanical washer or immersing in a detergent solution and using a brush. Disassemble the faucets and clean, along with baffle, gaskets, etc., by using either an ultrasonic cleaning bath or by hand and a brush. Rinse all cleaned parts well in clean water. Sanitize by soaking in a 50 ppm chlorine solution for at least 10 minutes. Allow to air dry, if possible. Use sanitary gloves or a chlorine dip station when reassembling sanitized parts onto the cooler. Place a lint free paper towel over the reservoir and cover the cooler with a plastic bag. In areas with high airborne mold counts, the bag should be sealed to preclude contamination. II. CLEANING & SANITIZING WATERSAFETM NO-SPILL TOPS After removing the Watersafe TM top, disassemble and remove the air filter. Clean all parts except the air filter in a detergent solution using a brush especially on the gaskets and the inside of the bottle probe. Rinse well with clean water. If mould or mildew contamination is great on the gasket material, replace the gaskets. Sanitize the Watersafe “bowl” assembly by immersing in a 50 ppm chlorine sanitizer for 10 minutes. Allow the Watersafe to air dry, then re-assemble using sanitary gloves or a chlorine dip station. Replace the air filter with a new filter, if it is dirty. 150 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010501 Section IV Environmental Factors Prepared By Stewart Douglas, Mountain Park Springs And Albert Lear, Wissahickon Spring Water Co. The ubiquitous nature of moulds and spores makes their elimination from bottling operations a difficult taks. Their presence, however, may be contained after one has a better understanding of their origin and preferred environments. It is commonly accepted that most spores originate outdoors and migrate indoors via air and humans. Once spores are indoors, they thrive in the moist conditions commonly found in bottling plants. By examining the seasonal peaks in fungal populations, factors affecting the growth of spores, and resources for monitoring outdoor spore density, it can be possible to anticipate and to control the presence of spores within bottling operations. The four most common spores and their percentage of the total population found in the environment are: Cladoporium (30%), Penicillium (18%); Alternaria (5%), and Aspergillus (4%) (Li & Kendrick 1995). Of these four fungi, only penicillium is more numerous in urban than rural areas (Rosas, et al. 1993). Most fungi originate from vegetation and soil. They peak in concentration at various points during the year. Moulds are most prevalent in the Midwest, but are also found in the Southern Eastern regions. The concentration of moulds decreases markedly at high altitudes and the dry regions of the west. In the Northern states, spore populations are nominal in the winter months (June - July), emerge after the spring and peak in December, January and February. In the South and on the West Coast, spores can be found throughout the year (Pollen and Spores Around the World 1996). In order to anticipate and control spore populations within the bottling facility, it is important to understand how weather conditions lead to increased spore counts outdoors. Warm, wet weather is especially associated with mould growth in any area of the country. Studies indicate that in colder climates, a mild July is associated with increased spore concentrations the next spring. A number of environmental studies have shown that mould grown best within certain pH and temperature ranges. Studies of Surface water show naturally occurring fungi to be consistently present in water with pH of 5-7 and abundant in water with pH greater than 7. Penicillium and Aspergillus sp. grow best between 20-27 degrees Celsius but become inactive at temperatures below 15C and above 45C (Pitt 1992 and Dubey et al. 1993). Although moulds may be active under certain conditions, most fungi can survive unfavorable conditions such as anti-microbial treatments, extreme temperatures, lack of water, and pH extremes by producing chlamydo spores. These thick walled spores store food and can survive for years until favorable conditions return (Chaspuri 1992). Outdoor spore counts may be monitored through a variety of sources. Local newspapers or television may include spore counts in weather reports. Additionally, each week the National Allergy Bureau (US) updates a national database for pollen and spore count information. This information may be accessed via the internet at Also available from the National Allergy Bureau at no charge is a 12 page pamphlet “Pollen and Spores Around the World” which provides details about the seasonal peaks of pollen and spores in each state and around the world. The spore count 151 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010501 data compiled by the National Allergy Bureau is collected by allergists who have been certified by the bureau. A list of each reporting allergist and city for which they are reporting is supplies with the free pamphlet. There are several other factors which impact the growth of mould as it relates to the bottled water industry. The single most important factor is humidity. Relative humidities greater that 50% encourage mould growth while relative humidities less than 50% inhibit it (American Academy of Allergy Asthma & Immunology, telephone information, 1 August 1996). Unfortunately, the nature of water bottling facilities may preclude the ability of some bottlers to maintain relative humidity’s at less than 50% without potentially expensive dehumidification systems. It is possible to minimize the presence of fungi in bottling plants through climate control and careful sanitization of filling rooms; however, it is important to understand the many different vehicles on which fungi can enter the facility. Spores can be introduced via person, empty bottles, outside equipment, and air. Bottles are often transported in trailers, with wooden walls and floors, on wooden pallets, and in boxes – all of which can be habitats for moulds. Conveyor belts can also transport fungi into the bottling room from areas outside the “clean” environment (Chaspuri 1992). One of the keys to controlling fungi is to understand the occurrence of mould in the environment both inside and outside the facility. Outside the walls of the facility, the presence of spores is affected by climate, weather, and environmental conditions. Although exterior spore concentration cannot be controlled, they may be monitored through local public information sources. Internally, fungi may be controlled or eliminated through climate control, elimination of mold habitat, and careful sanitization. REFERENCES American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. Pollen and Spores Around the World. 1996. Chaspuri, R. “Fungi, A Major Problem in the Tropics for the Bottled Water Industry.” IBWA Symposium on Microbiology: A World of Different Approaches. Cincinnati, 3 October 1992. Dubey, T., Stephenson, S. and Edwards, P. “Effect of pH on the Distribution and Occurrence of Aquatic Fungi in Six West Virginian Mountain Streams. Journal of Environmental Quality 23 (1994):1271-1279. Li, D.-W. and Kendrick, B. “A Year-Round Comparison of Fungal Spores in Indoor and Outdoor Air. “Mycologia 87:2 (1995):190-195. Ohenoja, E. “Effect of Winter Conditions on the Fruit Body Production of Larger Fungi”. Acta Univ. Uppsala Symb. Uppsala 3 (1995):163-168. Pitt, R. E. “A Descriptive Model of Mould Growth and Aflatoxin Formation as Affected by Environmental Conditions.” Journal of Food Protection 56:2 (February 1993):139-146. Rosas, I., Calderon, C., Ulloa, M. and Lacey, J. “Abundance of Airborne Penicillium CFU in Relation to Urbanization in Mexico City.” Applied and Environmental Microbiology 59:8 (August 1993):2648-2652. 152 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010501 Section V Storage Conditions for Small Packages Prepared By Terry McSweeny, Hidell-Eyster Fungal spores are ubiquitous in nature, and serve to provide a mechanism for dispersion of viable fungal entities. However, the spores of the terrestrial fungi are not motile and therefore, possess no mechanism to ensure that they contact a hospitable growth environment upon their release from the parent organism. To compensate for this haphazard and uncertain dispersion, vegetative fungi routinely produce and release tens to hundreds of thousands of spores per parent organism, a fact which has important ramifications to the bottled water industry. Due to their prodigious production, fungal spores can be found in nearly every environment on the surface of the globe, and tend to become concentrated in the indoor air of occupied structures. In fact, the spore concentration may be hundreds of times higher in indoor air than in the surrounding outdoor air. Furthermore, the spore profiles in these environments may demonstrate seasonal fluctuations, with fungal spore concentrations peaking in the tens of thousands per cubic meter of air in the warmer and wetter months. When faced with these odds, and considering that fungal spores may be only slightly larger than 1 micron in diameter, it becomes readily apparent that preventing the entrance of spores to bottled product is an overwhelming task. It is also a cruel reality that one spore, too small to be seen with the naked eye, can easily grow to a macroscopic size easily observable by casual observation. Another consequence of the fungal spore cycle which impacts the bottled water industry is the extreme resistance of the spores themselves. Because fungal spores are “designed” to spend extended periods of time in harsh environments, they must be tremendously hardy. This high resistance to adverse environmental conditions imparts a level of resistance to ozone and other disinfectants commonly used on the bottled water industry. Ozone may be very successful at killing vegetative (actively growing) fungi but cannot be expected to produce an adequate kill of fungal spores at realistic concentrations and contact times. Ozone is known to be very effective at killing bacteria, which are the primary competitors of the fungi in natural environments. Application of ozone in the bottling process therefore produces and environment capable of supporting the growth of fungi relatively free of their bacterial competitors. Relatively little research has been conducted on the capacity of ozone and other drinking water disinfectants to inactivate fungal spores. One such paper by Rosenweig, et al. 1983 indicates that a CT (disinfectant Concentration (in mg/L) multiplied by contact Time (in minutes)) value of approximately 600 was required for a 2 log (99%) reduction in fungal spores at 25 degrees Celsius and neutral pH. Various authors have reported CT values of Approximately 0.1 to 0.2 for a similar chlorine inactivation of coliform bacteria. Although no similar study has yet been reported on the effects of ozone inactivation of fungal spores, numerous authors have reported CT Values of 0.01 to 0.02 for a 2 log inactivation of coliform bacteria. If direct extrapola tion is appropriate, a 2 log reduction of fungal 153 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010501 spores by ozone would require an approximate CT value of 60. Such a dosing is equivalent to a 1 mg/L concentration of ozone with a contact time of 60 minutes. These are unrealistic conditions considering the ozonation techniques currently available to the bottled water industry. Although somewhat esoteric, this discussion does serve to highlight the extreme environmental stability and disinfectant resistance of fungal spores, a fact already well known to those in the industry who have experienced fungal spoilage of bottled product and have attempted to correct this problem with increased ozone levels. It must be reiterated that a complete elimination of fungal spores from the operating environment is not attainable and is therefore not a realistic goal. Given the above discussion, the goal must be to eliminate the presence of fungal spores in bottled product to the greatest extent possible, and this must be the common goal of each individual and organization in the entire manufacturing process, from equipment suppliers to warehouse personnel and each individual involved in the process. In the majority of cases, fungal spores in bottled product will germinate and grow to an observable size within 30 to 35 days after production. There are, however, extenuating circumstances which may delay the appearance of growing fungus. This delayed growth is usually attributable to the storage conditions of the product water and the physiology of the contaminating fungus. To gain a better understanding of how storage conditions may impact fungal growth, it is first necessary to describe the fungal spore formation and germination processes in greater detail. One such discussion is provided by Griffin, 1994, and involves six discrete phases: (1) formation, (2) maturation, (3) dormancy, (4) after-ripening, (5) activation, and (6) germination. Spore formation may be triggered by any number of environmental stimuli, including changes in nutritional conditions, temperature, light, carbon dioxide concentration, and humidity. The exact trigger or combination of triggers are impossible to predict, and will vary by species of fungi. These triggers are usually closely related to the environmental conditions in which the fungi is living, and are most commonly associated with changing temperature and/or humidity levels. Due to this environmental relationship, seasonal elevated spore production is common. Spore dormancy may result from exogenous or constitutive controls. Exogenous conditions are those which are imposed by the growth environment, for example extreme heat, freezing temperatures, or overabundance or lack of water. Constitutive dormancy is directly imposed by the genetics of the fungus and cannot be reversed simply by changing Environmental conditions. Dormancy, during which fungal spores remain viable but are not metabolically active, allows extended periods of storage in adverse environmental conditions. The next three components of the spore cycle, maturation, after-ripening, and activation, are involved in the germination of the spore and the growth of the vegetative organism. These phases occur either after constitutive dormancy or exogenous dormancy have been broken. The differences which distinguish these spore cycle phases are somewhat open to interpretation; however, it is sufficient to know that specific environmental conditions may be necessary to induce the changes in the spore which eventually lead to germination, without being distracted by the subtle differences between, these phases. 154 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010501 In short, the environmental triggers of these spore cycle phases are important for the bottler to control in order to prevent the product released to market from exhibiting growth of fungus after it has been placed on store shelves. Maturation and after-ripening are aging processes which the spore must complete before it is capable of germination. The major difference between these two processes is that maturation usually involves metabolic changes resulting in a visibly different shape or form of the spore, while after-ripening does not involve such observable morphologic changes. The swelling of a spore prior to germination, or the appearance of certain cellular constituents would be an example of maturation processes. After-ripening is not a universal requirement among the fungi, but is most common in fungi whose spores must survive prolonged periods of adverse environmental conditions. The most common after-ripening conditions include extended storage in the cold followed by warming temperatures, or alternating warm-cold treatment. Maturation and after-ripening are usually lengthy processes, and may require weeks to complete. The causes of the after-ripening requirements are not all clear, although it has been suggested that certain temperature controlled metabolic changes must occur before germination is possible. Unlike maturation and after-ripening, activation processes are usually short in duration (minutes to hours) and routinely involve an abrupt change in environmental conditions from those of the maturation and after-ripening periods. Elevated temperatures or treatment with certain chemical agents are the most common activation triggers. Germination, defined as the actual beginning of vegetative growth, us ually occurs shortly after activation. An examination of the following example illustrates the relevance of the discussion about storage conditions. Product which has been manufactured and stored in a local warehouse for approximately 30 days. It is typical for this product to show a level of fungal spoilage, in most temperate regions of the world somewhere around 1 to 2%. It would be helpful to know if the remaining product which is currently free of fungi will remain free. It all depends on the physiology of the fungus, and in particular whether its spores demonstrate exogenous or constitutive dormancy and what the environmental conditions are that trigger the spore germination phases of the spore cycle (maturation, after-ripening, and activation). Although there are various fungal species that can contaminate the product, some generalizations can be made. Fungal spores which demonstrate extended dormancy periods are usually those which originate in areas of the world where extreme environmental conditions and fluctuations are the norm. This would include areas with long cold winters or long how summers, and may also include tropical areas with extended and well defined rainy seasons. Although there are various fungal species that can contaminate the product, some generalizations can be made. Fungal spores which demonstrate extended dormancy periods are usually those which originate in areas of the world where extreme environmental conditions and fluctuations are the norm. This would include areas with long cold winters or long hot summers, and may also include tropical areas with extended and well defined rainy seasons. 155 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010501 From the perspective of the fungus, these extended periods of spore dormancy and the use of environmental triggers to break dormancy make sense because it prevents the spores from germinating during the times of the year when environmental conditions are most harsh, and successful growth of the fungus is less likely. Maturation, after-ripening, and activation processes may, therefore, be seen as fungal responses to changing environmental conditions that signal the onset of conditions more likely to support successful growth. Fungal spoilage of product is then most likely to occur when the storage conditions of the product mimic those which naturally signal the spore that it is time to grow. For example, storage of bottled product in an overheated warehouse followed by movement into a more temperature controlled retail facility could serve as after-ripening and activation processes. Similarly, storage of product in cold warehouses followed by warming storage temperatures, either as the result of a change in storage location or normal seasonal cycles, could trigger after-ripening and activation. As stated above, the exact combination of environmental triggers which results in after-ripening and/or activation of the spore is difficult to predict; however, an educated guess can be made by examining the natural growth conditions of the contaminating fungus. In summary, the vast majority of fungal spoilage will occur within 30 to 35 days after bottling of the product. However, depending upon the spore cycle of the contamination fungus, it is possible to experience growth of the organism months after it has been placed into storage. The likelihood of this delayed growth, and the conditions which cause it, can only be predicted by examining the natural environmental conditions in which the contamination fungus grows. REFERENCES Rosenzweig, W.D., Minnigh, H.A. and Pipes, W.O. (1983). Chlorine Demand and Inactivation of Fungal Propagules. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 45(1): 187 – 192. Griffin, D.H. (1994). Spore Dormancy and Germination. In: Fungal Physiology, John Wiley and Sons, New York, pp. 376 – 396. 156 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010501 Section VI Bottling Operations Prepared By Ted Sands, Sands & Associates I. GUIDELINES The purpose of this operational guideline is to assess the concerns and to recommend preventive and monitoring actions that apply “five gallon” returnable and non-returnable bottle operations. Identification of similarities and differences in both bottling operations will also be discussed. This operational guidelines assumes that the bottler is familiar with information published by IBWA and has equipment, training and experience as will as established microbiological controls through the use of multi-barrier techniques. As discussed previously (see Sections IV & V), fungi, yeasts, molds and spores, can survive under various conditions of temperature, humidity, chemical or other exposure to control treatment under which bacteria could not exist. Consequently, while prevention of bacterial entry is very important and treatment is critical to control bacteria, prevention of fungal entry becomes as critical as treatment. For example, spores of fungi can survive under extreme environmental conditions and are quite resistant to chemical or radiation treatment. However, once the fungus begins to bud or branch it becomes more susceptible to treatments. Because both states will simultaneously exist, prevention and treatment must deal with all states and conditions. A. Returnable Bottles Returnable Bottles should be inspected at the incoming point for visible damage, contamination, odor or other irregularities. The presence of bacteria in a returnable container whether newly manufactured or returned form a customer should be expected prior to the washing and sanitizing process of the bottling operation. The application of ozone is effective in controlling the growth of naturally occurring bacteria at the time of bottling. However, to minimize the occurrence of mould formation from the bottle, the normal washing and sanitizing process may not be adequate. Furthermore, exposure of bottles to low levels of fungi will not be readily visible. The extent of the presence of mould spores is incoming bottles is important to evaluate and may be determined by interception methods, such as: 1. Training delivery personnel to recognize signs of mould in cooler dispensers and bottles received from a customer and marking bottles for special attention at the bottling plant. 2. Identifying and reporting signs of mould in cooler and dispensers for cleaning and replacement. 3. Establishing testing protocol for fungi, etc. 157 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010501 4. Regularly and periodically testing by swabs or other means to discover level of algae, moulds, etc. in incoming bottles to establish frequency and level by season.1 5. Regular and periodic testing of coolers and dispensers for levels of contamination 6. Consider means of reducing contamination at coolers and dispensers. 7. Implement means of changing washing, sanitizing, and bottling operations to remove and control fungi from returned bottles to prevent and control recycling of contaminants in returnable bottles.2 8. Improve methods of changing cooler washing, sanitizing and servicing operations to remove and control algae and fungi from returned coolers and dispensers in order to prevent and control recycling of contaminants. B. New Bottle Specification, Receipt and Storage1 1. Returnable new bottles. Under current general practice, care for new returnable bottles received from the vendor is not significantly different form that given to returned used bottles. However, to control moulds, consideration should be given to: B. a. Instituting a process control over new bottles similar to that described in Subpart A. b. Instituting a prevention control system at manufacturing, warehousing and handling before entry into the bottling line similar to that for nonreturnable bottles. Bottling Operation – Bacteria and Mold (Fungus) Control 1. Bacteria The multi-barrier systems developed over the years to control bacteria and other contaminants have served the industry well, even though they are under continuous scrutiny for improvement. These steps include: a. Water source protection and collection.2 b. Loading and unloading. c. Transport to bottling plant (pipeline or tank). Pre-treatment to storage. d. Improved storage tank material. Venting, cleaning and treatment systems. 1 Presently, new returnable bottles are assumed to have been produced and stored under exposed conditions which would subject them to contamination similar to returned used bottles. 158 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010501 e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. m. n. o. p. q. r. s. t. Improved distillation, reverse osmosis, ion exchange and filtration systems Ambient air filtration (and Ultra Violet Treatment) in bottling, bulk storage, bottle and final goods storage. Product water sediment filtration media and cartridges. Charcoal or compressed air filtration. Bottle washing systems. Washing compounds, solutions, temperatures and CT management. Sanitizing compounds and CT management. Applications of ozone to product with CT management to product and rinse water, and storage systems Application of Ultra Violet with CT to product and rinse water, and storage systems. Closed and/or pressurized filling systems. Controlled manufacturing, storage and handling, feeding and sealing of crowns and closures. Improved start up and shut down methods. Increased protection of filled containers from dust, precipitation, travel and temperatures. Improved testing protocol and record keeping. Package identification, handling, storage and field monitoring. Better employee training for testing, water bottling, and product handling. 2. Moulds Moulds and yeasts, are often thought of as “bacterial” because of some similarities. For instance each of the barriers which have served well for bacterial control can have some salutary result against the causes of moulds, but taken as a whole, they are not as effective. To a large extent this is because of the higher resistance of spores. For example, ozone has provided excellent service to the industry as applied to the bottling process, and is usually used as the final barrier to bacteria; however, it has been less effective on spores. The same can be said for ultra violet, filtration, chlorine, washing compounds, temperature, CT levels, air management, product collection and storage. Additionally, in post-bottling storage or handling, exposure to time and temperature may not cause severe product quality degradation even if nonpathogenic bacteria growth, minor sedimentation of container deterioration could occur. However, if the causes of moulds are present, severe product degradation can occur and becomes identifiable through visibility, odor, and/or taste. The rate and extent of the development of moulds is enhanced by increases in temperature. This is a serious problem with nonreturnable bottles, because it destroys the acceptability of the product and damages the image of the product and the brand. It is an even greater problem with returnable bottles, because the “see” (i.e., spore) of the 2 There is some evidence that the proliferation of new and previously unused sources of water may have introduced spore bearing suppliers into some bottling operations. 159 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010501 problem will be returned to the bottler to cause another cycle of contamination. Even worse, it can inoculate coolers, dispensers and bottling equipment. Conversely, a contaminated dispenser or cooler can inoculate many bottles. Because barriers used for bacteria control have been partially or fully effective against bacteria, each succeeding barrier became more effective, and the overall result has been very satisfactory. Of course, one can see that if one step, or more than one step, was ineffective or partially effective, than the burden on the final barrier became critical. As long as that final barrier was adequately effective for the bacteria encountered, the partial or total failure of previous barriers was not crucial. Thus, while the same concept of multi-barrier control can be applied to mould causing agents, the efficacies of each barrier are different for mould causing material than for bacteria (even as it is for different kinds of bacteria). In general, the steps used to control bacteria must also be taken to control mould forming material, but certain steps must be enhanced and additional barriers must be applied. Primarily this applies to the enhancement of water and air filtration and the enhanced use of ultra violet and ozone, to the extent that this does not cause product degradation. Where the presence of mould causing spores is found, filtration to below 0.5 microns becomes essential. This applies not only to product water, but to rinse water whether used as part of returnable bottle rinsing system. It further applies to air used for the rinsing or drying of bottles, to air exhausted into a bottling area from pneumatic power equipment, and to ambient air in bottling facilities. The intrusion of airborne bacteria, while a problem, can usually be controlled by the multi-barrier techniques. However, because airborne spores are more resistant, they may not be controlled as effectively.3 These matters apply not just to bottle filling operations, but also to the manufacturing, storing and handling of empty bottles, and to the manufacturing of closures. D. Non-returnable Bottles The recent exponential growth in the use of non-returnable bottles has had a significant effect in the industry in many ways, and certainly not just operationally. 1. For the purpose of this report, the primary operational effects have been: a. b. c. d. e. f. Reduction in water volume to bottle interior surface ratios (ozone residual). Rinsing, not washing of bottles. Longer storage life of sealed containers before use. Higher temperature storage conditions. Higher visibility of interior of water container. Conditions of individual bottle storage. 160 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010501 2. Prevention will require increased attention to these matters relating to the multi barrier approach: a. b. c. d. e. f. E. Enhanced levels of control of ambient and pneumatic power air exhaust, in blow molding and closure forming facilities. Training of blow molding and closure forming employees. Handling and storage of bottles and closures form point of molding or forming to containers, warehousing, silos, transport, unloading, decasing, etc. Storage, opening, feeding and treatment of closures before application. Transport of bottles to and from rinser to filler/capper. Methods of rinsing/washing bottles, with or without detergents, sanitizers or elevated temperatures. Airborne Bacteria – Spores An important barrier is control, filtration and treatment of incoming air to bottling rooms, washing or rinsing areas and empty bottle storage areas. The use of filtered air supply to maintain positive pressure bottling rooms is well established. Improvements in filtering treated or untreated media, and supplemental ultra violet treatment have also shown benefits. It is necessary to monitor the air contaminant load in order to maintain affective filtering systems. Factors affecting load are movement around air inlet, air velocity (windstorm), load (dust, pollen, etc.), humidity and season. The most helpful monitoring method is to periodically collect air samples in media dishes at various locations on a regular basis to assess weather and seasonal changes. A sampling protocol of exterior air, warehouse air, inlet air, filter discharge and bottling room air (particularly around open bottle lines and filler/capper) are important. Matching results with tests of finished product aids in developing methods to control airborne contamination. To test for bacteria and spore levels, techniques normally employed for bacterial testing, with specifically developed media for the type of contaminants anticipated should be used.4 Testing in this context is intended to be indicative of spores or moulds, not necessarily to identify specific classes or spores or moulds. However, the average layman can soon recognize the various types of growths and relative concentrations on media in order to assess barrier efficacy. 3 Many contaminants identified as “waterborne: can be and are also transported in air and thus can be considered as “airborne”. 4 Many media are for specific testing, such as (Heterotrophic Plate Count) HPC, and contain inhibitors to prevent growth of moulds. Therefore, utilize media as appropriate. A media supplier can help in making the proper selection(s). 161 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010501 APPENDIX A TROUBLE-SHOOTONG CHECKLIS FOR MINIMIZING MOULD OCCURRENCE Prepared By Laura Current, Suntory Water Group I. SUMMARY The information provided in this manual will be valuable in helping bottlers resolve or prevent mould problems in their facilities. The following document should help you determine critical areas within the plant which should be monitored or evaluated to trouble shoot mould problems and help reduce the number of occurrences in your facilities. It should be noted that some of the items in the Appendix were referenced in the previous sections. The following outline should be helpful as a trouble-shooting guide. II. BOTTLING OPERATIONS – RETURNABLE AND NONRETURNABLE CONTAINERS A. B. Non-Returnable Container Storage 1. Insure that containers are stored 2. Insure that supplier maintains clean tier sheets on pallets of PET bottles 3. Insure that all partial pallets of containers are covered and wrapped. Non-returnable Container De-Bagging or De-Palletizing 1. C. Conveyors 1. 2. 3. 4. D. Insure that the de-bagging table or de-palletizing are located away from open exterior doors and fans. Maintain a routine schedule for cleaning and sanitizing conveyor belts and covers. Insure that conveyor covers are cleaned (top of cover & under cover). Remove all air curtains on conveyor entrance to bottling rooms. When possible install drop pans to keep the production area as dry as possible. Non-Returnable Container Rinsers 1. 2. 3. Clean and sanitize rinser exterior daily. When possible enclose rinser in bottling room with HVAC system. When possible rinse containers with ozonated rinse water. 162 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010501 4. E. F. G. Pipe rinser discharged to drain to keep area as dry as possible. Bottling Room 1. When possible maintain cool temperature in bottling room to reduce humidity. 2. Clean and sanitize walls and floors on a routine schedule. 3. Maintain and clean HVAC filters and vents. Filler Operator 1. When production line goes down or filler is stopped, run rinsed/washed bottles out from rinser/washer all the way through filler. 2. When rinsed/washed bottles have been left on line, put bottles back on line prior to rinser/washer before line starts up. 3. Never leave bottles on line or caps on hopper or basket overnight. 4. Never leave bottles under filler valves during breaks or downtime. 5. Always check ozone concentration after every downtime and/or break. Capper 1. Insure air supply is clean, filtered, and dried. 2. If using a cap hopper to blow caps into bottling room, upgrade air intake filter (intake usually on floor). 3. Clean and sanitized capper, cap basket, and cap hopper daily. 4. After capping equipment has been sanitized, remove as much of the excess water as possible (blow down with filtered air, wipe down with clean dry cloth, or wipe down with alcohol). 5. When possible purchase caps that have been packaged in a plastic bag inside a box. 163 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001 010501 H. Quality Control 1. Maintain retain samples on all production runs. 2. Inspect retain samples at least once a month. 3. Evaluate production records and QC records every time a defective product is found. 4. Incorporate military time into bottle date code to facilitate problem solving. 5. Add Y & M as routine micro test for finished product. 6. Insure that you ha ve at least 8 minutes contact time in the contact tank. 7. Insure that the ozone level does not drop below 0.1 mg/L. 8. Routinely run Y & M micro test on various points on production line (empty bottles, rinsed/washed bottles, rinse water, etc.). ooOOOoo 164 Australian Beverages Technical Information Manual 2001
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