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‫מדינת ישראל‬
‫משרד העלייה והקליטה‬
Ministry of Aliyah and Immigrant Absorption
What's your next step?
Studies? Army? Work?
Know your rights – explore your options:
hear it straight from the experts…
Representatives from the Student Authority, Universities, IDF, Academic
Institutions, Jewish Agency & Ministry of Aliyah and Absorption will be
there to advise you on the Aliyah process, higher education, tuition
sponsorship, employment and army recruitment.
28.1.15 Haifa at 13:00-16:00
11.2.15 Tel-Aviv at 13:00-16:00
15.2.15 Beer-Sheva at 13:00-16:00
Haifa: Ezion Carmel Ulpan, 65 Hanamal St
Tel-Aviv: Beit Brodesky Ulpan, 36 Brodesky St, Ramat Aviv
Beer-Sheva: Academic Engineering Institute Sami Shamon, Bialik St
Contact Jewish Agency for Israel: Mati at Tel. 02-6204459,
Mobile 0523849113, Email: matis@jafi.org
03-9733333 '‫ מרכז מידע טל‬02-6214653 ‫ פקס‬02-6214576 '‫ טל‬,‫ ירושלים‬15 ‫רח' הלל‬
www.gov.il :‫שער הממשלה‬
www.moia.gov.il :‫כתובתנו באינטרנט‬