Beth Jacob Weekly Beat

The Beth Jacob Beat
‫כ״ו טֵ בֵתב תשע״ה‬
Parashat Vaera
The beat goes on…
26 Tevet, 5775, January 17, 2015
There’s no need to take this home on Shabbos… these announcements can be found on our website at
Birthdays: Lotem Taylor, Patrick Feigelson, Jesse Fried,
Laura Hart (5), Nancy Levine-Jordano, Ariel Shusteff (6),
Naomi Moskowitz (15), Mollie Werthan (17), Zondra
Anniversaries: Michael and Zondra Barricks, Michael and
Adrea Gerber, Jeff and Catherine Shachat, Yosef and
Gayle Helwani.
A special Mazel Tov to Rabbi Michael, Ora, Yehoshua and
Chana Davies on the birth of TWIN BOYS Wednesday.
Everyone is doing well!
Kiddush this week is sponsored by Melissa Werthan, in
honor of her parents, Moshe and Libby Werthan, and her
children, Sam and Molly Werthan.
Kiddush Sponsors and Kiddush Crew volunteers gratefully
accepted! Please contact
with a date in January to sponsor a Kiddush, or Adrea
Gerber at to volunteer to
Minyanaires Needed: Ensuring our regular twice-a-day
minyan has been challenging of late. We ask that adult
men try to join us once a week (not including Shabbat)
to help ensure that we have the requisite minyan. We
also invite women to consider joining us and enhancing
the Kol Tefilah (voice of prayer) at Beth Jacob.
The BJC Annual Dinner is fast approaching and NEW
FOR THIS YEAR, we will be having an EVENT RAFFLE.
This year we are raffling one of the most exclusive
events: A four-course dinner for six at the new
Covenant Winery in Berkeley, complete with gourmet
dairy/pescatarian food prepared by Jeff and Jodie
Morgan, and wine pairings selected by Jonathan
Hajdu. Raffle tickets will be $100 and only 50 tickets
will be sold. Ticket sales start this week – watch your
e-mail for details. (You do not need to be present at
the dinner to purchase or to win.)
Sunday, Feb 8: The BJC Annual Dinner! Celebrating
Oakland and 120 years of Beth Jacob. There is still time
to RSVP, and you don’t want to miss the biggest social
event of the year! After January 15th, seats are just $60
per person. Feel free to pay online, by check to the
office, or let us bill you. To reserve your spot, call the
office or visit
Shacharit: Sun: 8:00 AM; Mon-Fri: 6:45 AM
Maariv: Sun-Thurs: 6:45 PM
Candle Lighting Friday
4:56 PM
Friday Mincha/Kabbalat
4:55 PM
Shabbat Morning Services
9:00 AM
Latest Time to Say Shema
9:50 AM
Shabbat Mincha*
12:15 PM
Shabbat Ends
5:58 PM
6:10 PM
For a complete list, click here to see our Program Guide.
*No third meal
 Office Hours: The Office and Pre-school will be closed
in observance of the Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday on
Monday, January 19 th, 2015.
MLK Weekend Parking Notice: The City of Oakland has
alerted us to the possibility of protests during MLK
weekend. If you will be leaving your car overnight at BJC,
please do so on side streets, rather than on Park Blvd. In
case of emergency, please call the OPD at 777-3211.
Shabbat University: No Shabbat U. this week. The
next class will be on January 24 th. Approximately
12:15 PM in the Main Sanctuary.
Sunday Morning Breakfast & Tefilah Talks: Learn
together every Sunday morning after Shacharit.
Scrumptious breakfast provided!
Meditation Group: Join a group of Jewish meditators
at an ongoing Monday evening meditation session at
7:15PM in the small sanctuary. All are welcome.
Explorations in Jewish Thought: Join Rabbi Albert as
we explore the role of prophecy in Judaism. Tuesdays at
The Book of Joshua: Let’s travel together back to the
13th century BCE to experience and understand these
watershed years in Jewish history. Wednesdays at
12PM and 7:15PM.
Lunchtime Talmud: Join us every Thursday at 12PM at
the home of Deborah and Michael Sosebee, 701
Trestle Glen Rd. (corner Brookwood).
Spiritual Growth through the study of Mussar:
Taught by Rabbi Fox. Thursdays from 7:10PM–7:30PM.
Shulchan Ivrit - The Hebrew Table: Come join the
Shulchan Ivrit, a relaxed, informal Hebrew table at
Kiddush! Gidon and Sara Bar-Chama, our local
shlichim from Israel, and resident Hebrew experts, will
lead conversations; open to all beginner and
intermediate Hebrew speakers. This week will be an
Israeli Sing-Along! Gidon also practices Hebrew with
congregants on Monday (adults) and Thursday (highschool age) nights at Beth Jacob after evening services
 Food & Schmooze @ Oakland Kosher!
Come join Rabbi Fox and Gidon Bar-Chama for casual
learning, discussion, and some food too! Next class
Monday, February 9th, from 4-5PM at Oakland Kosher.
 Unveiling (Hakamat Matzeiva): Please consider joining
us for the unveiling of Henry Ramek this coming Sunday,
January 18th, at 3:00 PM at Home of Peace Cemetery
(4715 Fairfax Ave. Oakland, CA 94601), followed by a
reception at BJC at 4:00 PM.
 Shabbat Groups: 10AM - All ages meet in the
downstairs Social Hall. Parents, please pick up your
children at the end of services (before Kiddush). The Gan
will be locked at the completion of groups.
 NCSY: Join us for the following events:
 Teen Advocacy Program: Every Tuesday evening
from Jan 20-March 3, twenty TAP Fellows will learn
how to become advocates for their community. It
ends in a day of lobbying in Sacramento! All
information at or ask Ali Zak!
 Grades 9-12, Skibbaton in Tahoe: NorCal yarchei
kallah! From February 13-16, this is going to be the
Shabbaton of a lifetime! With guest speaker Rabbi
Menachem Nissel! Sign up at
 Do you like to write? NorCal NCSY is publishing a
book on all of the amazing Torah we have learned
over the past 4 years together! See Daniella Engel or
Molly Werthan for details, or click
Friday Night Open Table: Anyone and everyone is
invited to a Shabbat Open Table – Hosted by Ken Maki
and Kathy Hollander. All dinners are meat with a veggie
option. RSVP to Ken Maki at 1963 E. 38th St, Oakland.
 Join Author, Attorney and BJC member Joshua Safran
for a book talk at the Oakland Public Library, Montclair
Branch - 1687 Mountain Blvd. - on Tuesday, January 27 at
6:30 PM. FREE. Visit the library's events page for more
Federation Alight Israel Trip April 2015: Join us for a
memorable and magical trip to the heart of Israel. Our
different daily excursions allow you to personalize your
trip to follow your passion: history, arts & culture,
tikun olam, hi-tech, Jewish learning, geopolitical. For
more information and to register: or Presenters: Jewish
Federation of the East Bay, Beth Jacob Congregation
and other East Bay synagogues.
 Jewish Circle Theatre (JCT) is offering a free introductory
session in the East Bay as part of opening a community
theater in the East Bay (following the success of Bama
Ivrit in the south bay), January 26, 2015, 7:00-9:00pm at
Congregation Netivot Shalom, 1316 University Ave,
Berkeley. For more info, call 408-510-2201.
 BJC’s Men's Fitness Program: An ongoing popular and
dynamic series of training sessions. We welcome all levels
of fitness. We train in plyometrics with minimal
equipment. NO CHARGE!! So no excuses!! Sundays at 8
PM and Wednesdays at 8:30PM in the upstairs social hall.
70-minute session includes warm up. Bring water and a
towel. MUST RSVP: Maxim Shusteff,, David Carasso,, Yossi Offenberg,
 Beth Jacob Basketball: We are looking for a few good
men who like to play hoops. The key to our game is
comradery and the desire to schvitz. Designed for middleaged Jewish men in white collar jobs from 8:30 AM until
10:30AM @ Oakland Hebrew Day School, most every
Sunday. For more info, contact Stephen Leist.
‫‪January 17, 2015‬‬
‫‪26 Tevet 5775‬‬
‫‪By: Gidon Bar-Hama‬‬
‫העפלה ‪ – 1934-1948 -‬גדעון בר‪-‬חמא‬
‫העפלה‪ ,‬הוא כינוי לעלייה לא חוקית (בלתי לגאלית) של יהודים לארץ ישראל בתקופת המנדט הבריטי‪ .‬ההעפלה החלה בשנת ‪,1934‬‬
‫לאחר שהיטלר עלה לשלטון בגרמניה‪ ,‬ורבים מיהודי גרמניה (וארצות אחרות) ביקשו לעלות לארץ ישראל ‪.‬‬
‫ההעפלה נעשתה בעיקר דרך הים‪ ,‬בספינות משא קטנות‪ ,‬ישנות ורעועות שניסו להגיע לחופי הארץ ולהביא אליה בחשאי פליטים‬
‫יהודים ‪.‬‬
‫בשלב הראשון של ההעפלה‪ ,‬בשנים ‪ 1939 – 1934‬הגיעו לחופי הארץ יותר מ‪ 50,000 -‬מעפילים‪ ,‬גם במהלך מלחמת העולם‬
‫השנייה (‪ )1945 – 1939‬לא נפסקה ההעפלה‪ ,‬ולמרות כל הקשיים והסכנות – הגיעו לארץ כ‪ 16,000 -‬מעפילים ‪.‬‬
‫חלק מן הספינות לא זכו להגיע לחופי הארץ‪ ,‬בין השאר בגלל מצבן הרעוע והמספר הרב של המעפילים‪ ,‬והן טבעו (או טובעו) או‬
‫הוחזרו ע"י הבריטים במהלך ההפלגה‪ .‬כזה היה גם גורלה של הספינה "פאטריה" (מולדת)‪.‬‬
‫עם סיום מלחמת העולם השנייה התבררו ממדיה הנוראים של שואת יהודי אירופה‪ .‬למרות שההגבלות על העלייה לא בוטלו‪ ,‬המוסד‬
‫לעלייה ב' החליט לחדש את פעילותו ולסייע לפליטים להגיע ארצה‪" .‬במבצע ענקי" שנמשך כשלוש שנים‪ ,‬נשלחו יותר מ‪85,000 -‬‬
‫מעפילים‪ ,‬ניצולי שואה‪ ,‬מעשרות נמלי ם מאירופה לארץ ישראל‪ .‬ספינות הפליטים הראשונות שהפליגו מאירופה היו קטנות‪ ,‬אך‬
‫בעקבותיהן באו הספינות הגדולות יותר‪ ,‬דוגמת "יציאת אירופה תש"ז" (אקסודוס)‪ .‬הבריטים עשו ככל יכולתם לעצור את זרם העלייה‪,‬‬
‫הם סגרו את החוף הארצישראלי בתחנות מכ"ם‪ ,‬שיגרו מטוסי סיור וספינות משמר לסיורים קבועים בים‪ ,‬ועצרו כל ספינה חשודה‪.‬‬
‫אבל מבצע ההעפלה לא נפסק‪ ,‬להיפך‪ :‬הוא גבר והלך‪ ,‬בין השאר בלחצם של פליטי השואה ששהו במחנות העקורים באירופה‬
‫וביקשו לעלות לארץ ישראל‪ .‬באותה תקופה (עד סוף שנת ‪ ) 1946‬נהגו הבריטים לכלוא את המעפילים במחנות מעצר בארץ‪ ,‬ולשחרר‬
‫אותם לאחר שהושגו עבורם רי שיונות עלייה‪ .‬מאוחר יותר‪ ,‬כאשר מחנות המעצר בארץ התמלאו בפליטים‪ ,‬החלו הבריטים לגרש את‬
‫הפליטים למחנות מעצר בקפריסין ‪.‬‬
‫בשנים ‪ – 1948 – 1946‬עד להקמת המדינה – הגיעו לארץ במבצע ההעפלה כ‪ 70,000 -‬פליטים מאירופה בדרך הים – אך לא רק‬
‫הם‪ :‬נוסף עליהם הגיעו לארץ גם ‪ 5,000‬עולים מארצות המזרח‪ .‬ההעפלה מצפון אפריקה הוכיחה‪ ,‬כי שאיפת היהודים לעלות לארץ‬
‫ישראל אינה קשורה אך ורק במצבם הקשה של הפליטים היהודים באירופה בעקבות השואה‪ ,‬וגם יהודי גלויות אחרות מוכנים להפליג‬
‫בספינות רעועות או "לגנוב" גבולות כדי להגיע לארץ ‪.‬‬
‫‪HA’PALA – 1934-1948‬‬
‫‪Translation By: Michal Kohane‬‬
‫‪Ha’pala (literally means “mountaineering” and used specifically in Israeli history as described here) is a term‬‬
‫‪for illegal aliya (immigration) of Jews to Israel during the British Mandate. Illegal immigration began in 1934,‬‬
‫‪after Hitler came to power in Germany, and many German Jews (and other countries) wanted to go to Israel.‬‬
‫‪Immigration was mainly by sea, using small, rickety old freight ships that tried to reach the shores of the‬‬
‫‪country, bringing the Jewish refugees secretly.‬‬
‫‪In the first stage of illegal immigration (1934-1939), more than 50,000 illegal immigrants reached the shores of‬‬
‫‪the country, and even during World War II (1939-1945) the ha’apala did not stop. Despite all the difficulties‬‬
‫‪and dangers, about 16,000 illegal immigrants came to Israel.‬‬
‫‪Some of the ships, however, never reached the shore, in part because of their bad conditions struggling to‬‬
‫‪carry a large number of illegal immigrants, and in part because they sank (or were sunk) or returned by the‬‬
‫‪British during the voyage. Such was the fate of the ship "Patria" (Moledet, Homeland).‬‬
‫‪At the end of World War II, the terrible extent of the Holocaust became known. Despite the fact that‬‬
‫‪restrictions on immigration were not canceled, the Aliya Bet (another name for ha’apala) decided to resume‬‬
‫‪its activities and help refugees make it to Israel. In a mega operation that lasted about three years, more than‬‬
‫‪85,000 illegal immigrants, most of them Holocaust survivors, were shipped from dozens of European harbors‬‬
to Israel. The first refugee ships sailing from Europe were small, but the next ones were larger ships, such as
the famous "Yetziat Eropas Tashaz" known as “Exodus”.
The British did everything they could to stop the flow of immigration, guarding the coastline with radar
stations, sending patrol planes and ships to police the sea, and stopping all suspicious ships. But the operation
did not stop. On the contrary, it kept growing, much due to the pressure from Holocaust survivors who were in
the DP camps in Europe and wanted to immigrate to Israel.
Initially, (until the end of 1946), the British would lock up illegal immigrants in detention camps in Israel, and
release them after they obtained appropriate certificates. Later, when Israel’s detention camps were filled
with refugees, the British began deporting the refugees to detention camps in Cyprus.
From 1946-1948 - until the establishment of the State of Israel – about 70,000 refuges came to Israel in this
manner mainly from Europe by sea but not only: About 5,000 immigrants came from North Africa as well. The
ha’apala from North Africa demonstrated that the Jews’ desire to immigrate to Israel was not related only to
the plight of European Jewry after the Holocaust, and that other diasporas were willing to travel in rickety
ships illegally in order to come to Israel.
A message from our Scholar-in-Residence Rav Judah Mischel:
Dear Friends,
Shalom to All!
Thank you for the wonderful hospitality and warm welcome this past Shabbat in Oakland.
After a hard week for Am Yisrael, it was particularly comforting to spend an uplifting weekend together with
you. What an honor to meet so many special people and spend time with friends new and old... what a
blessing to have Rav Gershon, Meira, Rav Daniel & Bryna as leaders of your community!
From the sweet davening, the communal Shabbat meal, the open and engaging learning, our musical Havdala
together - I left Oakland enriched, inspired and most of all, with a genuine sense of family and Ahavat Yisrael.
Thank you for welcoming me so warmly into the Beth Jacob Congregation.... May we always share, and may
the sharing be for good occasions.
Please be in touch, and if you're visiting Israel, we'd love to have you over.
Let's keep the conversation, learning and sharing going!
All the best,
Judah Mischel