Manual No. - II Powers and duties of the Officers and Employees ASSISTANT COMMISSIONER Municipal autonomous Commissioner body of is Supreme Brihanmumbai Administrative Mahanagarpalika. Officer of Mumbai Mahanagarpalika is divided in 7 Zones and 24 Wards for Administrative Facility. These 7 zones are supervised by Addl. Municipal Commissioner, Assistant Commissioner and Control by D.M.C. The Assistant Commissioner is looked after the administrative work of ward independently with discussion and advice of D.M.C. and Addl. Commissioner. Initially, Assistant Commissioner is responsible to M.C./A.M.C./D.M.C. in executing his duties. As shown in Manual No.1 in adherence to post wise tree chart all 18 Head of the Departments work under the control of Assistant Commissioner. However, Head of the Departments are shown at Sr. No.6 to 18 are looked after the work under the administrative control of Assistant Commissioner and submit the report to him time to time. Generally, working hours of Assistant Commissioner from Monday to Friday are Morning 8.00 a.m. to Afternoon 12.00 p.m. and in the afternoon 2.30 p.m. to 5.30 p.m. On Saturday Morning 8.00 p.m. to afternoon 12.00 p.m. In emergency i.e. Collapse of Bldg., Higher flooding, Fire and flooding, etc. Assistant Commissioner is available for 24 hours. Assistant Commissioner can enjoy all Sundays and Holidays. He has to remain present for emergency call for Meeting by M.C./A.M.C./D.M.C. and plantation of trees, cleanliness for any other special programmes. Assistant Commissioner can take necessary action to solve all the problems of Citizens of concerned ward. People should not be suffered with any problems regarding shortage of water and other civic amenities which proper action and care is taken from Assistant Commissioner. He has to remain present for the arranged programmes of Demolition of Unauthorized Construction Building in sensitive areas with concerned ward. Office Work : The Assistant Commissioner has two types of works i.e. administrative and fieldwork. His Office duties are as under: 1) To remain present in the office and attend councilor to hear their complaints and solve the same. To keep the time for the Citizens Grievances, to hear their complaints and solve their problems twice in a week in the afternoon on fixed days. If he is busy in some other urgent works then to give instruction to the Competent Officer such as Ward Executive Engineer, Assistant Engineer (Maintenance), Assistant Engineer (Building & Factory) to attend the Citizens. 2) Generally, Telephonic complaints received by concerned head of the departments or Complaint Officer. However, to accept the redressal complaints and solve the same. 3) To take personal follow to clear the Notice of Motion or corresponds received from M.C./A.M.C./D.MC. and other seniors. 4) To sort out the papers submitted by various head of the departments and if necessary, to modify the same and send report to the seniors. 5) To sanction the leaves of head of the departments, the certain sanction amount to purchase from Office Impress Account. 6) Visit to Visitors. 7) To discuss and consult with head of the departments. 8) To supervise all the departments in the ward whether work is going on smoothly and neatly by employees. The employees are present on their places, and to check cleanliness of the office. 9) To visit being a Planning Officer of the ward to put up proposal for Budget Provision and necessary action for improvement of the ward. Field Work : Being a Field Officer Assistant Commissioner, he has to supervise the work field work. His Office duties are as under: 1) To check the usual 10 works. 2) To check the pre-monsoon anti flooding works, and low leveling areas, etc. 3) To check the concerned School, Dispensaries, Stores, Chowkies and Gardens and Municipal Properties viz. Refuse Controlling Centers, Latrines, etc. to take proper steps to continue this services. 4) To see whether the materials are not wasted, while working in various places. To see the Municipal Employees are present to their duties. If any obstacles, to take necessary action and get the work done. 5) To visit slum colonies. 6) To visit with Local Councillor/D.M.C./ A.M.C./M.C. to particular areas. To prepare minutes and sent to concerned head of the department for further completion of work. 7) To visit the certain places as per request from Citizens. As per request from head of the departments to take decision or to give proper solution. 8) To inspire the Private Institution for beautification of Footpath, Gardens, Transport I-lands and Cleanliness facility. 9) To make arrangement to remove the Debris in ward limit, even if debris belongs to Private parties or Central Agencies subject to recovery of expenditure incurred on them from contractors. 10) To supervise the cleanliness of ward as to keep cleanliness and health is one the main duty. Hence, to get the work done i.e. removal of Garbage, mud, stones, etc time to time through Solid Waste Management Department. Meetings : Assistant Commissioner has to attend the following meetings: 1) To give instruction to Complaint Officer/ Assistant Engineer (Maintenance)/ Assistant Head Supervisor/ Medical Officer Health in respect of Civic Amenities day to day meetings held by Assistant Commissioner. 2) To take Review Meeting once in a month for head of the department. 3) Monthly Review Meeting of D.M.C.(Zone). 4) Monthly Review Meeting of D.M.C.(Zone) with Councillor. The re Minutes of the Meeting with sanction of D.M.C. is to be sent to all the head of the departments and Councillor. 5) M.C.’s meeting with A.M.C./D.M.C./Head of the departments and Assistant Commissioner. 6) Meeting called by Mayor, Ward Committee time to time. 7) Monthly Meeting of Ward Committee. 8) Time to time the meeting called by M.C. /A.M.C./D.M.C. for specific reason. 9) Meeting with various necessity institutions. 10) Monthly Grievance Meeting with Labour Union representatives. RESPONSIBILITY: 1) To collect the reports from all head of the departments. 2) To scrutinize the report received from all head of the departments and submit to seniors/ D.M.C./A.M.C./M.C. 3) To solve the problems of Citizens received from Councillors and Citizens in respect of Civic Amenities. 4) To take out solution of employees problems. i.e. Scarcity of equipment and to take out help from Central Agency, demolition of work in large scale and to make arraignment of Police and Transport facility, etc. 5) To check the departmental work done by small work contractors. 6) To keep watch on the works done by Budget Provision and to take sanction for funds and maintain the liability. 7) To make provision in Budget and make planning for future period. 8) To keep watch on outstanding audit notes and take action for disposal. 9) To confirm all works are done satisfactorily. 10) To supervise and control of works in all departments in wards DUTY LIST OF EXECUTIVE ENGINEER AT WARDS 1) The Executive Engineer to be posted for ward will be designated as “Ward Executive Engineer" 2) He will be technical head in respect of all Civil Works except Water Works in the Ward. 3) He will work under the Assistant Commissioner. 4) He will co-ordinate with various central agencies carrying out works within the ward limit. 5) He will get prepared the budget with proper scheme and planning to that only required repairs to the damaged amenities is carried out. 6) He will ascertain that the quality and quantity of works carried are maintained. 7) He will scrutinize the estimates of various works of Ward including slums after verifying 25% of measurements for its corrections. 8) He will sign certify the measurement of the works carried out. 9) He will submit the proposal for time extension as and when required to Zonal D.MC.through Assistant Commissioner. 10)The power of sanctioning the extra/excess occurring during execution of various works will be governed as per the circular bearing No.CE/30149/I date 1.4.2003 or any subsequent circular in this regard. 11) He will review and monitor the progress of the works and take proper action for delays and discrepancies in works. 12)He will prepare schemes and plan the various works to be carried out in consultation with Assistant Commissioner/Ward Councilors/Concerned department. 13)He will get maintained the quarterly appraisal Report of C.W.Cs. 14)He will get maintained pre work order register and post work order register so as to review and control the works and issue the work orders timely after getting estimates prepared with due sanction. 15)The Ward Executive Engineer will scrutinize the unauthorized work/repair works, proposal etc. in accordance with various policies and will submit the report pertaining the this regards to A.Cs. Proposing suitable action. 16)He will be responsible to carry out the departmental works timely. 17)He will inspect the dilapidated buildings private as well as Municipal himself and will take proper action like propping and evacuating the case may be and he will maintain record of the same. 18)He will give special attention to the departmental school repair works/ housekeeping works and he will monitor the Maintenance etc. he will inform the Central agency to carry out major repair works of various properties/road /S.W.D. ASSISTANT ENGINEER (MAINTENANCE) Maintenance Department is an important department in the Ward Office and is operated by the Sub Engineers and Junior Engineers working under the Assistant Engineer (Maint) (under the control of the Assistant Commissioner). The purview of this department is quite extensive and the staff such Drainage Assistant, Mukadam, Labourer in Road, Repair and Drainage Sections, Mistry, Carpenter, Mason, Blacksmith, Plumber etc. work in this department. The Head of the Department is responsible for the maintenance of the minor road, storm water drain, sewerage and all the municipal properties in the ward. Duties: 1. To supervise the work of store supervisor store clerk and the labourers in the store and insure smooth functioning of the store. 2. To ensure that the necessary information is furnished to the concerned officers, in time and to take action on the defaulting staff, in case of delay. 3. To put up indents for the store items after discussing with the Sub Engineers and arrange for the requisite stock and to check for its quality and quantity. Material Checking norms. - 2.5% of the store items, once in three months - 2.5% of the depot items, once in three months - To dispose off the scrap material by following due procedure 4. To arrange for the transport on request from the Sub Engineer or Jr. Engineer. 5. To carry out inspection to assess the condition of major roads and drains. 6. To ensure prompt disposal of the complaints. To check the registers and daily diaries, at least fortnightly and monthly, respectively. 7. To exercise control on the municipal funds available, with the help of Head Clerk (Expenditure) and distribute the said funds among the Sub Engineers, appropriately and make them responsible for the proper utilization of funds. 8. To implement the orders issued by the higher authorities. 9. To take appropriate action on the unauthorized constructions, detected in municipal properties. To provide alternate accommodation to the affected people in the event of the accident caused by the Building collapse. 10. To remove the encroachment on roads and drains with the help of Sub Engineers and Jr. Engineers. Minor encroachments to be removed with the help of the staff of License Superintendent. 11. To dispose off the cases of Road setback. 12. Supervision, being the fundamental principle of better and effective administration, the Sub Engineer (Maint) is required to carry out supervision on following points: a) Departmental as well as the works to be carried out through petty work contractor. b) Funds available under various budget heads. c) Timely submission of payments, bills and adjustments. d) Major faults in the municipal buildings. e) Consolidation of revenue and outstanding requisition. f) Supervision of employee muster-books in order to see that the staff reports on duty in time and the false entries are not made. g) To check leave and service record and 'Dead Stock' register and get them updated. Also, to ensure timely action in Court matters and order. h) To find out the cause and take necessary action on the recurring complaints of choke and overflowing of drains. 13. To take timely action of propping, cordoning and demolition of dilapidated municipal bldgs. To serve demolition notices on receipt of orders from the Executive Engineer or higher authorities. 14. To check at least 20% of mass supply of materials and the contract bills. To check the estimate pertaining to the repairs of municipal bldgs., drains and roads, prepared by the Jr. Engineer and Sub Engineer. 15. To accept and serve notices under various Municipal Acts and take necessary action in the matter. 16. To check the daily diaries of Sub Engineer and other staff at least once in a month. 17. To visit the major works in the ward at least once in a week. 18. To maintain the municipal properties and other bldgs. in the purview of the Estate Department (e.g. school, hospitals etc.) 19. To coordinate with the Law Officer or his assistant as regards the Courtcase lodged by the MCGM or the matters against MCGM. 20. To get dilapidated municipal bldgs., vacated with the assistance of Police. 21. To visit the work sites at least once in a month and check the muster. 22. To coordinate with the Central Agency as regards major repairs of municipal properties and the maintenance of major roads. Also, to suggest remedial measures in case of sewerage and storm water drains. 23. To coordinate with the Central Agency concerned with the operation and maintenance of storm water drains for the removal of silt at flooding spots as well as major nallahs, closed drains, storm water drains and outfalls. 24. To attend the Ward Committee meetings in the Ward Office. Following works are carried out by the Maintenance Department: 1. Repairs: To carry out the repairs and maintenance of municipal ward offices, staff quarters, estate properties, municipal chowkies, roads, depots, maternity homes, dispensaries, urinals, PSC blocks, garbage collection spots, municipal cemeteries, schools, Welfare Centre, Conservancy departmentally or through the petty works contractors. chawls, either Above mentioned repairs also include the electrical repairs. 2. Roads: a. Repairs and maintenance of minor roads. b. To issue permits for the excavation of trenches on roads to various utility services and various departments of MCGM. c. Reinstatement of Trenches: 1. Trenches excavated departmentally. 2. Trenches excavated by various utility services. d. To improve roads under Section 63(K) of MMC Act. e. To acquire the setback area of the road and mere the same into the road. f. To demolish the unauthorized encroachments on footpath, roads and municipal plots. 3. Sewer and Storm Water Drains: a. To attend the complaints of drainage chokes. b. To permit the connections of sewer and storm water drains. c. To exercise control on various machineries made available by the Central Agency, for attending major complaints of drainage choke. d. To issue notices under M.M.C. Act, wherever necessary, in order to rectify the faults in drainage system. e. To coordinate with the Central Agency (SWD Dept.) for cleaning of minor and major nallahs. 4. Gardens: To carry out maintenance of the gardens in the ward. Functioning of Maintenance Department is as follows: Repair Section: Departmental Works: 1. Beat wise responsibility of the electoral wards rests with the Jr. Engineers. The Jr. Engineers works under the supervision of the S.E. and the control of Asstt. Engineer. The Jr. Engineer reports to his chowky along with his workmen at 7.30 a.m. The labour distribution is carried out after signing the muster at 7.30 a.m. A group of workmen (gang) comprising of 2 to 3 labourers, the skilled labours such as mason, carpenter and plumber is formed and additional labour as per the extent of the job is provided to that gang. A job slip is issued to the gang for carrying out various day-to-day works. The job slip is prepared by the Jr. Engineer according to the nature and priority of complaint and is signed by the Mistry and the Jr. Engineer. The address of the municipal property where the work is to be carried out, nature of the work and the number of workmen is mentioned in the job slip. Generally, sufficient material is brought to the chowkies from the Central store. The non-scheduled items are also procured by following due procedures or by calling for the quotations, from the open market. The material thus procured is stocked in the store and is in possession of the supervisor/clerk. The material requisition note for this material, is signed by the Asstt. Engineer, Sub Engineer and Store Supervisor/clerk. The mistry prepares the material slip for the material required for day to day work and is signed by the J.E. The job slip and material slip is with the head of the labour gang. This material is transported to the work site in municipal vehicles. One labourer is posted at the chowky for the full day. If the additional material is required at site, the Mistry/Mukadam prepares additional material slip and collects the additional material with the help of the labourer available in the chowky. A record of the material received and issued is maintained by the store clerk in a register. The daily record of the material used, is taken in this register. Job slip and material slip prepared by the Jr. Engineer and Sub Engineer is sent to Head Clerk (Expenditure), once in a month. The gang works as per the programme and the unutilized material is returned to the chowky. the Mistry/Mukadam takes note of the quantity of the material used, at the back side of the job slip. The Jr. Engineer, Mistry/Mukadam visit the work site, at least once, for supervision and guidance. The Jr. Engineer reports to the office to attend the office work in the afternoon session between 2.30p.m. and 5.30p.m. 2. Works to be carried out through Petty Works Contractors: Besides the budgetary provisions, each councillor is allotted a fund of Rs.35,00,000/- for carrying out unforeseen works in his/her constituency, during that financial year. This fund is utilized subject to the specified norms. The concerned Jr. Engineer prepares an estimate for the work on receipt of the letter from the Councillor as regards the said work. Sub Engineer checks the estimates and submits the same (up to Rs. 3,00,000/-) to Asstt. Engineer and E.E.(Special) if the estimated cost is more than Rs.3,00,000/- for technical scrutiny. The estimates are then forwarded to the Accounts Officer for booking liability and then the Proposal up to Rs.5,00,000/- are submitted to Ward Committee and up to Rs. 10,00,000/- are submitted for the Dy. Municipal Commissioner for Administrative & Financial approval. After obtaining sanction to the proposal, Asstt. Engineer issues work orders with appropriate time period, in view of the nature of the work. The contractors for petty works and reinstatement of trenches are appointed by Dy.City Engineer (Planning and Design) and Dy.Chief Engineer (Roads) respectively. Petty works contractors are entrusted with the works of all kinds of repairs of municipal properties, drains and passages in the slums, repairs of toilet blocks, as well as the minor roads and footpaths. Generally Contractors are appointed for the period of 02 years & the Work Orders are sanctioned upto Rs. 10,00,000/- for the work. If the Contractors are not appointed, the work is done by inviting Tender as per prevailing policy. In this case, Asstt. Eng. (Maint.) Deptt. vigilises the work done by the contractor, whether the said work is done as per specified Norms or not and if Asstt. Eng. (Maint.) Deptt. finds any error, the same work is improved through the Contractor’s own cost. 3. Payment of the Contractor's bill: On Completion of the work the concerned Jr. Engineer carries out joint measurements along with the contractors' representative and enters the same in the measurement book. Thereafter, on timely and satisfactory completion of the work, the bills are sent to the Account Officer for payment. Road Maintenance Section: There are separate chowkies for road maintenance and this purview of each chowky is fixed. Muster in these chowkies is signed at 7.30a.m. and labour gangs are formed for carrying out the works as follows: 1. To fill up the potholes and roads by asphalt premix. 2. The expenditure for reinstatement of trenches taken by various utility services e.g. BEST, MTNL, MGL etc. as well as water works department and drainage department, is met from the suspense account and is later on recovered from the concerned utility service. 3. For General Repairs pertaining to the reinstatement of footpaths. 4. For reinstatement of minor trenches excavated by the utility services on footpath. 5. One lorry, one Mukadam and a gang of 6 to 7 labourers for supplying material to the workmen on site. 6. Demolition action in the ward is taken with the help of one labour gang and lorry. If the demolition action is not scheduled, this lorry is utilized for procuring material from Central Stores or for shifting the furniture of Administrative Officer (Schools) from one school to another or transporting plants from Jijamata Udyan. 7. For resurfacing of minor roads. In order to excavate trench on roads, the utility services obtain permit from Asstt. Engineer (Maint) wherein, the location of trench, approx. size, date of starting and expected date of completion is mentioned. It is mandatory for the contractors to provide proper barricading and red light signals to caution the pedestrians and vehicular traffic. The utility service are compelled to backfill the trench, if excavated unauthorizedly. Drainage Section: Sub Engineer and Jr. Engineer in Drainage Section are assisted by the Drainage Assistants. The labourers in drainage section report in their concerned chowky at 7.30a.m. There, they are given job slips. Sewer gang is deputed to the sites where the chokes of serious nature are reported to have occurred. A review of missing manhole covers is taken and the same are restored. Whenever it is not possible to remove choke, manually at ward level, the same is got removed mechanically, by Executive Engineer (Main Sewer). Jet machine is used as per the requirement. Cross-culverts, are cleaned before monsoon. Roadside storm water drains and minor nallahs are cleaned departmentally and through the contractors, respectively. Major nallahs are cleaned by the Central Agency. During the monsoon, a round-the-clock Control Room is established as a part of Disaster Management System, from 1st June, every year. This comprises of one Sub Engineer/Jr.Engineer, a gang of 10 labourers, 2 gardeners (Mali), 1 lorry and necessary implements. The complaints pertaining to flooding, tree collapse, land-slide etc. are redressed immediately. Notice Action: Asstt. Engineer (Maint.) takes action by serving notices as per the provision of M.M.C. Act as follows: 1. Notice under Section 257(1)(a) for damaged sewer main. 2. Notice under section 257/260 for damaged sewer line of the buildings. The concerned drainage assistant/Jr.Engineer start notice action as per the provisions of the above mentioned sections, after the notice is signed by the Zonal Dy. Municipal Commissioner. This notice is served on the concerned property owner through the Legal Department. 3. Notice under section 258(d)(e)(f) for constructing grease trap chamber before connecting to the municipal sewer line. 4. Notice under section 314 to the constructions on roads and footpaths for submitting documentary evidence of being authorized. 5. To issue a Notice toacquire a set back onroad. GARDEN DEPARTMENT Garden Department is handled by Horticultural Assistant in Ward. Garden Department is under the control of Superintendent of Gardens and Horticultural Assistant is a representative of Garden Department and working under the Maintenance Department of the Ward. Malis and labours working under the Horticultural Assistant. The work of Horticulture Assistant is, to attend and solve the complaints regarding Maintenance of Gardens, playgrounds and Recreation Grounds and also to prepare estimates of works which are to be carried out in Gardens, Playgrounds and Recreation Grounds with consultation of the Assistant Engineer (Maint.) and Deputy Superintendent of Gardens of that particular zone and getting the administrative sanction for the works. The Malis and Labours are attending the muster in Mali Chowkies in various Gardens. Horticultural Assistant is visiting the Gardens, Playgrounds, Recreation Grounds where the civil, Horticultural works are in progress and give the necessary instruction to the Mistry. Horticultural Assistant also maintains the roadside trees and attending the tree trimming/cutting complaints with the Malis and Labourers. In P/North Ward following register maintained by Asstt. Engineer (Maintenance). 1) Property Register 2) Estimate Register 3) Work Order Register 4) Noting Register 5) Trench Permission Register 6) Progress Report Register 7) Street Connection Register 8) Notice 314 Register 9) 299 – Setback Register 10) 63-K Register 11) History Sheet Register ASSISTANT ENGINEER (BUILDING & FACTORY) Assistant Engineer (Bldg. & Factory) works as per provision laid down in M.M.C. Act and M.R.T.P. Act so as to maintain the private bldgs. in Human Habitation condition & controls, the unauthorized works. He also observes, maintain and control the factories in his jurisdiction. Assistant Engineer (Bldg. & Factory) issues permits to new factories and renews the permits issued from time to time. Assistant Engineer (Bldg. & Factory) is responsible to Assistant Commissioner and Dy. Mun. Commissioner in administrative, policy decision and daily works. He is also responsible to E.E.(Spl.) and Dy. Mun. Commissioner in technical matters. Sub. Engineer (Bldgs.) and Sub. Engineer (Factory) assists Assistant Engineer (Bldg. & Factory) . Sub. Engineer executes the daily works with the help of Junior Engineer (Bldg) and Junior Engineer (Factory). Junior Engineer(Bldg) is assisted by Bldg. Mukadam in his works. Sub Engineer (Factory) is assisted by clerk to maintain records and dispatch arrangements. Assistant Engineer controls over the following staff and also performs the following duties/work in addition to above works: 1. To inspect dangerous/dilapidated buildings in his jurisdiction and issue notices for either repairs or pull down to owner. 2. To grant repair permission to house. 3. To perform duties/works to avoid any mishap accident in Natural Calamities like land slide, building collapse etc. 4. To issue notices for avoiding leakages in houses on responsible persons. 5. To grant permission for temporary monsoon sheds. 6. To take action for encroachments on Govt. and Private lands as per provision in Slum Improvement, Redevelopment and Removal Act-1971. 7. To grant permission to construct loft in Industrial and Commercial premises as per D.C.R. 1991. Junior Engineer (Bldg) & Sub Engineer (Bldg) keep the area under observation and submit the reports to higher authority to carry out them the above works. In view of above reports, further line of action is decided by Assistant Engineer and Assistant Commissioner with the guidance of Ex. Engineer (Spl) in technical matter. Assistant Engineer makes correspondence with Legal Department in case of subjudice matter for vacating the Court injunction orders. Assistant Engineer keeps/maintains following registers for controlling and day to day daily works: 1. Notice Register a) Record of Notices issued as per M.M.C. Act Section 351, 354A and M.R.T.P. Act etc. b) Register showing records of notices issued as per M.M.C. Act, sections 2. 354, 347, 381, 377 etc. Court Register: Register showing record of subjudice matter. 3. Detection Register: Register contains the details of records of unauthorized work detected by Engineers in the office and other unauthorized works. 4. Demolition Register : Register contains the details of demolition carried out by office. 5. Repair Permission Register. The above five registers are the main documents maintained by this office. In addition to this Register to record permission for monsoon shed is also maintained. Assistant Engineer carries out the works as per rules prepared provision made in M.M.C. Act, M.R.T.P. Act and Slum Improvement, Rehabilitation and Removal Act. Even though there is no any fixed target given to this department, a regular review is taken by Higher Officers in the meetings. Rights :1) To issue a Notice under section 351 against unauthorised construction. 2) To issue a 'Stop Work' Notice under section 354-A against unauthorised construction being carried out. 3) To issue a Notice under section 354 against the structure which are in dilapidated condition to repairs such structure or to demolish the same. 4) To issue a Notice under section 381 for the leakages found in the room/structure. 5) To issue a Notice against unauthorised factories under section 390. OFFICE SUPERINTENDENT The administration of the ward is being carried out through: a) Establishment, b) Expenditure, c) Revenue, and d) Dispatch Departments under the control of Head Clerk and supervision of Office Superintendent / Assistant Commissioner. Administrative Procedure: A) Establishment Section: The work of this section is carried out in accordance with the provisions of Mumbai Municipal Act, Municipal Service Regulations, Provident/Pension Rules, Industrial Dispute Act, Minimum Wages Act, Works man's Compensation Act, and Payment of Gratuity Act etc. The duties are as under: 1. Preparation of Establishment Schedule:- This section prepares the annual Establishment Schedule and annual budget provisions showing their increase/decrease of the posts shown in Establishment Schedule of Ward Staff and total annual expenditure for meeting the cost of salary/allowance of the staff. The proposal for additional staff if required, is submitted for the sanction of competent authority. 2. Maintenance of staff musters. 3. To certify and get sanction of the leave to the staff 4. To grant annual increment 5. To prepare Pay Bills which is now computerized. Clerks are required to feed data every month, according to the pay programme drawn by the Chief Accountant. Submitting effective reports to the Account Officer after submission of Pay Bills. Payments are being done through Bank, selected by the employee/staff. Annual pay bills are prepared in case of staff on contract basis, suspended and part time. 6. Preparation of supplementary Pay bills in case of advance payment, encashment of leave and Leave Travel Assistant. 7. Dealing with enquiry cases as per directions of Head of Department or Enquiry Officer. 8. Maintenance of Service Record, get audited by Leave Audit Section. 9. To dispose off the claims governed by Workmen's' Compensation Act, have to be settled in case of accidents of employees. 10. If required, to consult Chief Labour Officer in case of Labour problems. 11. Preparation of O.T. Pay bills. 12. On retirement by superannuation, incapacitation, on termination of service on various grounds, claims are to be settled in accordance with the Provident Fund and Pension Rules. The work of Preparation of Provident Fund/)Pension claims of employees retiring from service on account of superannuation should be started in advance so that Payments can be made in time before retirement. Claims Register is maintained and kept open for inspection by Vigilance Section. 13. Every candidate proposed for appointment is to be declared medically fit by the Municipal Medical Examiner so also an employee absent on Medical ground is required to be certified by him as fit before resumption of work. 14. To recover the TDS (Income Tax) of the staff on Establishment by correct calculation and other related work. 15. To maintain Roaster Register (Bindu Namavali) of backward classes according to policy of State Government. Following register are maintained by above department . 1) Service Record 2) Service Record Register 3) L.T.A. Register 4) Effective Register 5) Bill Register 6) Service Record (Temporary Binder) 7) Input Register 8) Muster 9) Pension / N.C.P.F. Register 10) Income Tax Register 11) Work Sheet Register 12) Despatch Register B) Expenditure Section: The main function of this section is to certify bills and make payments. For this purpose, the section has to carry out the following: 1. Making Budget Provision (Capital and Petty works), services and purchases which pertain to both recurring and non-recurring expenses. 2. To create liability for the works proposed / purchases indented. 3. To put indents/ issue work order. 4. Certifying bills and abstracts etc. 5. Keeping record of departmental works, preparing abstracts inclusive of cost incurred on labour, material and supervision. 6. To prepare proposal for revised estimate. 7. To certify the departmental and P.W.C. Bills in consultation with Asstt. Engineer(Maint.)/ Account Officer. 8. Prepare statements of liability noted and actual expenditure. 9. Certification of Telephone/Light Bills, which are recurring nature/ To admit for payment and keep the record thereof. C. Revenue Section: To receive the revenue by the way of rent license fees, factory permits, other miscellaneous fees/receipts, is the main function of the section. The License and Permits which are being issued by this section is as follows: 1. To issue Trade Licenses under Section 394 of MMC Act of License Department. 2. To issue License for Stall boards, Rolling shutter, whether frame under Section 313 of MMC Act pertains to License Department. 3. To issue license to stalls, pitches, and handcarts etc. pertains to License Department. 4. To issue permit for advertising under Section 328 of MMC Act, pertains to License Department, maintenance of Index Register and Demand Register. Renewal of Licenses/Permits. 5. To issue M.P.F.A. Licenses of State Government and Milk License under Section 412 of MMC Act. 6. To issue Mandap Permission for Ganeshostav / Navratrostav and to collect fees for the same. 7. To maintain Deposit Register. Following register are maintained from above department: 1) Remittance Slip Book 2) Receipt Book 3) Main Cash Register 4) Sub Cash Register D) Inward/Outward Section : For giving the smooth/easy services to the Tax Payers, Citizen Facilitation Centre has been established. Inward/ Outward Section is located in this centre. The following online services are given by this Section: 1. To accept the letters/papers from public, post as well as from other department of the Corporation. To point out the important papers for the notice of Assistant Commissioner and sent to respective department by sorting out the same and noting on computer. 2. To Send the letters of all department by post and keep the record thereof. 3. To maintain register of Audit notes. Following register are maintained from above department: 1) Computerize Summery 2) Confidential Register 3) S.R. Register 4) Despatch Register. D) Typing Section: 1) All Department’s typing work done by Typing Section. E) Citizen Facilitation Centre: Citizen Facilitation Centre has been started in 'D' Ward Municipal Office from January-2000, so as to give Civic Services to the Citizens quickly and easily. C.F.Centre is on the ground floor of the office and under the control of Assistant Commissioner and supervision of Office Superintendent. Under One Window System, payments by cash/cheques of the bills of all department are being accepted on three cash receiving windows in Citizen Facilitation Centre, such as charges of all type of licenses, deposits, charges for Mandap permission and deposit charges for reinstatement of trenches and deposits regarding the same. Tender deposit, Recovery from various contractor charges fixed for Birth and Death Certificate, Property Tax, ground rent. The cash/cheques under Budget 'A' etc. To pass the receipts on computer for cash/cheques received. To remit the cash/cheques in Municipal Treasury by reconciliation. The timing of the Helpdesk in CFC for submitting applications of Birth and Death Certificates and format A & B of Shops and Establishment Deptt. is from 9.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. The working hours of CFC are also from 9.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m. In the CFC, Officer papers, letters/references from Public and by post are being received and acknowledged by Dispatch Section. The working hours of Dispatch Section is from 10.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. Duties of Office Superintendent: 1. All over Supervision on Indoor Staff in the Ward Office. 2. To check musters/attendance of all the staff in the ward. 3. Scrutiny/verification of worksheets/Central Registers and weekly reports etc. 4. To follow up the matters received from M.C. / A.M.C. / D.M.C./ C.E./ Central Control Room through Dispatch, Head Clerk. 5. To send reply to the references involving more than one department, through Dispatch, Head Clerk. 6. To check daily cash registers. 7. To coordinate the C.F.C. work, and to make alternate arrangements in case of absentee. 8. To assist the public in absence of Asstt. Commissioner/ Complaint Officer. 9. To put up proposals/ reply which are specifically directed to Asstt. Commissioner. 10. To call reports in case of reminders from concerned departments. 11. To issue circulars as directed by Assistant Commissioner in case of General Policy Matters. 12. To guide the Head Clerks working with various Head of the Departments. 13. To coordinate the works of different departments as per need of the work. 14. To guide the Head Clerk of department in case of enquiries. 15. To visit the section of offices in case of backlog in disposal of papers. 16. To assist Assistant Commissioner in Ward administration. 17. To supervise the disposal of M.C. Audit Notes and get its disposal from Head of the Department. 18. To maintain Outstanding Resolution Register of various Committees / Corporation and to dispose off the same. 19. To attend Senior Officers, Dignity Representatives and Councillors in absence of Assistant Commissioner / Complaint Officer. 20. To receive complaints in absence of Complaint Officer. 21. To attend Union Representatives and to redress the Complaints from them. 22. To send replies to Union references. 23. To make necessary arrangements for the staff of Vigilance Branch/M.C.A. 24. To attend Zonal D.M.C.'s meeting with Ward Councillors. 25. To attend the meeting arranged by Assistant Commissioner/M.C.A. for administrative purpose. 26. To maintain the separate register for the application received under Right of Information Act-2005. To follow up the said references. POWERS: 1) Sanction Leave upto Clerk Level. 2) Authority to sanction of Bill upto Rs.200/- F) K.L. Saigal Open Air Theatre. Maharashtra State Government had accorded approval on 27.11.1969 for the development scheme of Malad City No.1. As per the said scheme the last open plot No.5 admeasuring to 1014 sq.ft. was kept pending for future improvement and in 1979, an Open Air Theatre was constructed for arranging various cultural programmes of Dance, Dramas, Religious function such as Ram Leela, Ras Garba, Dance Programme of South Indian and North Indian people. This Open Air Threatre is situated at Goshala Lane, Malad (E) and the main aim of construction of Open Air Theatre is to give to the people at concessional rate and open space for general purpose. Jogger's Track facility have been provided for the citizens. Duties of Manager: 1) Making reservation of big hall, small hall, stage and open space. 2) Preparation of refund claims and forwarding the same to Account Officer through Revenue section. 3) Supervision of staff. 4) Making Correspondence with various offices for completion of various works. 5) Preparation of Revenue Budget Estimate. 6) Attending Budget meetings. 7) sAttending meetings called by Dy. Municipal Commissioner 8) Keeping vigilance on the utilization of Budget provisions for various works. 9) Making office correspondence. 10) Verification of license issued is as per rules for stage show before the start of stage show. 11) Making correspondence with staff of A.E.(Maint.) for the maintenance of Open Air Theatre. 12) Attending the programmes at Open Air Theatre. 13) Following the orders of Higher Officers. 14) Attending any unforeseen work. POWERS OF MANAGER: 1) Sanctioning of Employees leave. 2) Sanctioning of Employees conveyance allowances. 3) Refusing the permission or application for the use of Open Air Theatre. 4) Certifying the refund memo for deposit amount. 5) Sanctioning of expenditure upto Rs.200/-. COMPLAINT OFFICER The Complaints Officer is the head of the Complaints Department. He/she works under the supervision of the Assistant Commissioner. His/her main job is to redress the complaints received from the corporators and citizens. The following are the activities being carried out by the Complaints Officer: 1) To mark the attendance in the attendance registers of the outdoor staff 2) To make a note of the complaints received from complainants by telephone, fax and personal visits in a Complaints Record Book and forwarding the same to the concerned officers through SAP for their necessary action. 3) To take a print out of the reminder of complaints received by the Central Control Room/Department on the SAP online website and phone No.1916 and forwarding them to the concerned departments. 4) Making a note of M.C.L.- A, B, C/ P.G. etc in the Register and forwarding them to the concerned departments. 5) The reports received from the various department heads at the end of the month are compiled and forwarded online to the Civic Training Centre (C.T.R.C.) at Borivali. 6. The ‘Board’ has been written one day before ‘Lokshahi Din’. Through the ‘Lokshahi Din’, the control has been taken over the complaints submiited by citizens by meeting Dy. Mun. Commissioner personally. 7. Follow-up for redressal of all kinds of complaints. Reminders are prepared and send to departments. 8. Intimation of meetings of the Assistant Commissioner with the corporators, meetings with the officers and such other meetings is given over telephone. 9. Minutes of the meetings of the Deputy Commissioner (Zone IV) are prepared. After approval they are send to the department heads. Compliance Reports on the same are obtained. 10. Receiving calls from the Head Office, Central Control Room, other Ward Offices, Mantralaya, corporators, MLAs, MPs and forwarding the messages so received to the concerned person in office. Similarly, the complaints received from them are forwarded to the concerned officer immediately and follow-up is kept for their compliance. 11. Preparation/compilation of the Reports and summary of the same for placing before the meetings of the Assistant Commissioner with various officers. 12. Compilation of monthly, fortnightly, weekly reports and forwarding them to the concerned officers. 13. Assistance/guidance to guests, parties and other officers/staff as may be required from time to time. 14. Preparation for various meetings and projects. Duties of the Complaints Officer 1. To make a note of the complaints received from corporators, citizens, the Central Control Room and Ward Citizen Facilitation Centres (CFCs) by telephone and personal visits in a Complaints Record Book. 2. Forwarding recorded/registered complaints to concerned departments for their action. 3. Obtaining Compliance Report of the action taken on recorded/registered complaints from the concerned departments. 4. Giving reply in written to the complainants who have given written complaints. 5. Sending intimation of all meetings and meetings with corporators to the corporators and the concerned staff. 6. Disposal of the complaints which do not fall in the jurisdiction of the Ward Office. 7. Follow-up with the concerned officers for complaints pending beyond the time fixed for their redressal. 8. Preparation of Compliance Report of the complaints received from the Central Control Room. 9. Compiling and presenting Compliance Reports regarding matters discussed at various meetings. 10. Assistance/guidance to citizens visiting the Citizen Facilitation Centre (CFC) with regard to complaints. 11. Forwarding written complaints received from the Commissioner, Additional Commissioner, Deputy Commissioner, Mayor, Chairman Prabhag Samiti to the concerned officers. 12. Co-ordination/follow-up for complaints pertaining to more than one department . 13. Drawing the attention of the concerned officers for giving high priority to complaints which are of a most urgent nature. 14. Forwarding a summary report of important matters and matters specially referred by the Honourable Commissioner, Additional Commissioner, Deputy Commissioner to all concerned. 15. Preparing important Report/ Draft regarding work related to development of ward. 16. Submiting Compliance Reports to Asstt. Commissoner regarding an action taken by the concerned department heads. 17. Organizing various civic functions like inauguration of building, implementation of projects, etc. 18. Any other work which may be assigned by the Assistant Commissioner, from time to time. ASSISTANT ENGINEER (WATER WORKS) Ward wise setup: Assistant Engineer (Water Works) is the in charge of all the activities pertaining to the water works in the ward. He works under administrative control of Assistant Commissioner, 'P/North' Ward and for technical matters, he has to work under Zonal Ex. Engineer and Senior Officers of the H.E.'s Department. Assistant Commissioner only acts as Liaison Officer. Sub Engineers, Junior Engineers, Meter Supervisors, Head Clerks, Clerks, Meter Inspectors, Record Assistant. Labourers assist Assistant Engineer (Water Works) in his works. Duties and Responsibilities: Assistant Engineer (Water Works) (A.E.W.W.)devotes his full duty hours for following works and remains available day and night during emergencies such as bursting of water lines, fire etc. Assistant Engineer (Water Works) is responsible to Hydraulic Engineers through Ex. Engineer for all the works pertaining to general administrative works relating to the staff working under him, preparation, distribution and recovery of the water charges bills as well as maintenance of water lines and water meters. He should posses thorough knowledge of water reservoir, their inlet-outlet as well as water mains, under ground water distribution system, computerized billing system and its working system etc. 1. Distribution of Water Supply: In coordination with the Asstt. Engineer (Distribution and Control), Assistant Engineer (Water Works) has to perform following operations regarding water supplying gates on day to day basis in his ward. To submit the report incorporating water pressure control over the changes in supply hours and improvement measures thereof etc. To attend fire calls and bursting of pipelines within his jurisdiction etc. After regularizing of water supply report to control room, to suggest alternative measures to improve and increase water supply after noting of available water supply and considering the shortage of water supply in the section from where the complaints are received. 2. Granting water connections: He has to consider new water connections applications as per rules in force. He has to prepare and frame extra water and sewerage charges applicable to all the new constructions and to implement recovery of revenue thereat. Then, after recovery of all the charges as per rules in force, he recommends/grant water connections with meter or unmetered one. He certifies the works after inspection of the sites carried out by the Licensed Plumbers as per the Water Charges Rules , Water Byelaws and M.C.G.M. Act. Before sanctioning of any water connection, he has required to consider following matters: a) To verify and ascertain whether the Occupation Certificate is granted by Building Proposal Department. b) Certificate from Asstt. A & C., regarding recovery of all outstanding property tax bills. Road opening permission issued by Asstt. Engineer (Maint.) and all other aspects wherein Municipal interest involves have to be checked. 3. Maintenance: To repair and attend expeditiously burst and leaked water pipes up to 250 mm. and while to inform and get repairs works done by Assistant Engineer (Water Works) Maintenance City above 300 mm. water pipes. To attend and to eradicate all complaints of contaminated water supply and considering seriousness at the works summon to the leak detection division and other divisions for help to maintain proper water supply. Preparation and maintaining up to date water distribution system plan within ward and to note its changes, additions, alterations etc. To initiate proper action as per MMC Act and water charges rules against wastage of water, leakage of water and unauthorized water connection complaints etc. with the sanction of competent authority after personal investigation or by assessing investigation reports submitted by the staff working under him. To procure and store necessary materials required for maintenance and repair works and to prepare and maintain schedule list thereof. 4. Revenue: Before issuing orders for granting water connections to verify that all types of charges are recovered and length of water connection and road excavated tallies. A.E.W.W. has to ascertain some of the meter reading and difference if any as well as application of appropriate rate. To recommend, repairs and replacement of non working meters, so that all meters be kept in working condition. To observe scheduled programme of meter reading To feed regularly necessary data to computer To settle gaps where meter reading is not available or not reliable. So that there is no loss of revenue or burden of excess billing to the consumer. Preparation of the bills without delay. To see that the before approving / printing S.L.B.s on daily basis, bills are prepared, printed and posted as per scheduled programme. In case of disputed water charges bills, AEWW to assess and ascertain prima facio correctness of disputes immediately and disposed off the same at earliest. To prepare every month a list of water connection based on outstanding bills and to issue DCO orders for disconnection. To make available adequate staff for disconnection so as to recover all outstanding bills. However, in case of availability of the staff differs priority is to be given as follows: 1. Contaminated water supply complaints 2. Leakages, repairs 3. Dis connection order actions 4. To collect Water Tax 5. Other works. To arrange for site inspections after regular intervals to ascertain, whether or not disconnected water supply is restored unauthorized. When new connections is granted or when cut off connections is restored, accurate information to levy or delete water and sewerage tax being given to Asstt. A & C. without fail. 5. Administration: A.E.W.W. has to give priority to dispose off the audit notes involving revenue. To read, mark the papers and dispose them, to reply the question/queries asked by senior officers, councilors, consumers and general public etc. To sanction over time or to recommend the same on personal visit to actual work done and to justify the same on ascertaining without disturbing usual routine working sanction or recommend leave to the staff working under him. Indenting usual stationary required for office. Procuring the same and keep control over its utilization Responsibility of regular office works in a disciplinary manner. Appoint adequate but minimum staff for every work, To prepare yearly budget of Office expenditure To up date various records and register and to maintain them properly and submit periodical informative report to concerned officers. When called by Senior Officer to submit compiled report of spot material, inspection report with record and information etc. To attend meetings called by higher officers with all and every realistic information. To fill up confidential history sheet of employee working under him without any fear or favour based on facts and inferences drawn from observation. To submit proper and accurate administrative report of facts and figures based on realistic information. To furnish information regarding contaminated water supply and obstacles in water supply to Sr. Officers, Councillors. Ward wise Division of Water Works: This is divided in 3 sections - 1) Distribution, 2) Maintenance, 3) Water Meters and Revenue. Distribution Division: Adequate Jr. Engineers, Chaviwalla, Sluice man, Record Assistant and Labourers assist to the distribution division under the jurisdiction of SubEngineer. Engineering staff resume their duty at 8.00am. Though the Engineering staff attend their duty at 8.00 o'clock in the morning, they have to attend various site during supply hours which can be beyond working hours. They have to attend emergency events such as fire, bursting of pipelines etc. Since the timings of supply hours are differ sometimes Sub-Engineer and Jr. Engineer (Distribution) have to visit various places during supply hours along with Asstt. Engineer to enquire into short supply complaints, leakages and consistency in water pressure. Duties: Employees working in distribution division have to mainly dealt with following : Enquiry of the complaints regarding short supply of water to the consumers Grant of new water connections. Identifying the unauthorized water connection, use of buster pumps etc. Granting water connections for construction purpose and charging extra water and sewerage charges for the same. On resuming the duty, Asstt. Engineer and Sub Engineer have to ensure that the water supply from zonal control room is normal and average water pressure is not dropped for the day. After that they have to attend to the complaints regarding short supply of water or have to enquire into matters regarding applications for additional water connections. All the application are recorded in Ward Office. Working Procedure: Only after the complaint is verified by chaviwalls, sluice man complaint do exist and requires further action, the Sub Engineer and Jr. Engineer investigate the complaint. After the end of the investigation, the complaint found correct then the Requisition notice is issued to the owner of the premises. If the owner fails to comply with the proposed action mention therein the legal action is initiated. Shortage of water supply may be caused due to following: Inadequate water pressure in the water mains, which distribute the water supply to the concerned zone. Non provision of suction and overhead tanks being the old building. Dilapidated pipelines in the private layout. Non-cleaning of the pipelines accumulating dirt in water supply over period of time. Stagnant water flow. After fixing of the water meter the dirt is accumulated in it can create obstacle in water flow and that can affect the water supply. Distribution staff give orders to maintenance staff to carry out the necessary works so as to improve the water supply to the consumers. Water Works Department frame the policy of granting water connections as per their size and for that obtain sanction from competent authority to grant the water connection. ANNEXURE – A. Permission form is valid upto One year from the date of issue. Then after the same is required to be revalidated. While revalidating, it is required to verify whether the proposed work is within the frame work of prevailing rules and regulations. While granting the new water connections to the tenants, N.O.C. from the Landlord is required. But no permission from the landlord is required while granting sub connections from existing main connection when the ‘P’ form is issued for new connection, it is necessary to carry out the plumbing work as mentioned in the ‘P’ form and the same should be got certified through Sub Eng./ Asstt. Eng. Or the Competent Authority. Under section 287 of M.M.C. Act , the plumbing work should be carried out through the agency of Licenced Plumber. Pipes having ISI marks should be used while making the water connections. Plumbing work carried out in the building as well as in the flats should be visible. Licensed Plumber should certify the water connection and plumbing work. On receipt of site inspection reports from Meter Inspectors and Meter Supervisors, the water distribution staff should take necessary action to cut off the illegal connections after verification. Under Section 279(1) of M.M.C. Act, water connection can be cut off whose water bills are not paid. Disconnection notices are printed on the water bills. However, if the connection holder fails to pay the outstanding dues within the due date, then the Jr. Eng. W.W. (Maint.) is informed to cut off the water connection. The disconnection orders for cutting the water connections on Saturday and a day before public holiday is issued in special case as per H.E.’s orders. N.O.C. from the following deptts. are necessary before certification of water connection. 1. P.C.O. (Not applicable as per new circular) 2. Drainage department. 3. Building Proposal Deptt. 4. A.A. & C. Applicant/connection holder should use the water connection for the requested purpose/ If the water connection is used other than the required purpose, then the water connection should be charged as per the appropriate rates mentioned in the water charges rules. If the connection holder is not ready to pay the bills as per the appropriate rates, then the said water connection should be cut off. If the owner needs additional water connection for construction purpose then the unmetered water connection can be granted by recovering Security Deposit and paying Compounded charges as per the size of construction connection. On completion of construction work said water connection is disconnected. All notices are required to be prepared by Jr. Eng. And are verified by Sub. Eng. And Asstt. Eng. Water distribution staff is expected to look after the distribution and improvement of water supply. In case of complaints regarding short supply of water, proposals for enlargement of existing water mains and laying of new water main are to be prepared. Distribution staff has to attend the fire calls immediately. At present to control fire, water supply is being made available through fire brigade water tankers. In case of Emergency fire calls, chawiwala and sluiceman has to give additional water supply to the Fire Brigade staff. In case of water main burst also, chawiwala staff has to attend the complaints and has to make arrangements to provide water supply to the affected area. Water distribution staff has to operate valves for supplying the water. This work is done by Chawiwala & sluiceman under the supervision of higher authorities. Jr. Eng. has to keep proper register of the orders given by higher authorities. Whenever requisition notice is served to the owner and if the owner fails to comply the same, then the occupants/tenants of the same building has to apply under section 499 of B.M.C. Act to allow them to carry out the work. Owner has to bear the expenses done by the tenants. Authority granted under section 499 of M.M.C. Act is totally different than the action taken under section 471 of M.M.C. Act by the court. On non- compliance of requisition by the owner, it is not required to wait for the orders of Hon. Court to grant authority under section 499 of the M.M.C. Act. To grant authority under section 499 of M.M.C. Act, the Asstt. Eng. , water works has to recommend and required to obtain orders of Zone D.M.C. Under section 274(d) of M.M.C. Act, the owner are given notice to provide pipe fittings and tanks in the proper manner. If the owner fails to comply the same, then the work can be carried out at the owner’s cost under section 481 (1) of M.M.C. Act. Maintenance section :Sub Engineer is the incharge of the Maint. Deptt. and he is being helped by Jr. Eng. Mistry, Mukadam, Fitter and labourers. Maint. Deptt. has to carry out following works. 7) To repair the broken water pipes within M.M.C. limits. 8) To clear the connection on ferrule and on meters. 9) To clean the water main being supplied through Vihar lake. 10)To replace the defective washers. 11)To replace the defective ball cocks, beb cocks, stop cocks and other defective fittings. 12)To connect or disconnect the water supply to shift the connection from one place to another to provide new connections to restore the cut off connection, tap or ferrule as per the direction of distribution section. On completion of work, trenches are filled by A.E. (Maint.). PROCEDURE :Employees work from 8.00 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. with the break time in between. Attendance of the labour staff is taken by Mistry or Mukadam. This muster is supervised by Jr. Engineer. One gang comprises of 1 fitter and 3 labourers. The required material are made available as per the requirement under ‘G’ Budget. Mistry prepares separate work order/ gate pass for each work and obtains signature of Jr. Eng./Sub Eng. Mistry verifies whether the work is completed or not and make note of the same on the back side of work order register. If the work is not completed, reasons are required to be mentioned. Also to take note of material used for work, the amount of deposit, connection charges/ disconnection charges are recovered as per the endorsement of A.E. (W.W) or Jr. Eng. and Head clerk. Any work is done by issuing notice under section 279(1) of M.M.C. Act to the consumer. The work of Govt. authorities are carried out by Maint. Deptt. by recovery charges in Advance by Maint. Deptt. The preference is given to repair the defective fire hydrant defected by water staff and as informed by Fire Brigade Deptt. MEDICAL OFFICER (HEALTH) INTRODUCTION: U/s.61 of B.M.C. Act to take preventive measures to safeguard the heath of the community to take immediate measures and action for the control communicate diseases and to provide all the medical facilities in case of outbreak/ epidemics of any disease, are the main functions of the Medical Officer in the Ward. To control and govern the cemeteries (B.M.C.owned), the functioning of the same even if it comes under the jurisdiction of Ex. Health Officer at the Local level its MOH’s duty to look after the cemeteries. In case of put cemeteries MOH is the governing authority. Under the RBD Act of 1969 MOH is the sub registrar of the Birth and Death and its his duty to register all the birth and death under his jurisdictions and issue the certificates for the same. U/s.394 and 412 A of B.M.C. Act to govern all the trades and issue Licenses under the same. (Ex. Eating House, Snack Bar, Juice Centers, etc) and to keep check on them regularly. So also to issue MPFA (Maharashtra Precaution of Food Adulteration) Licenses under the MPFA Act 1954 wherever applicable and MOH is the Licensing Authority for the same. As per the Rules & Regulations the Licenses are issued under the one window system wherever applicable. Under the Maharashtra Nursing Home Act 1949, to register Pvt. Nursing Homes and give them the Nursing Home Registration Certificates and to govern the same. Under the PNDT Act (Pre Natal Diagnostic Techniques Act) to register the Sonography Centers and issue them the Registration Certificates and to govern the same. MOH is the appropriate authority for the PNDT Act. Census is carried out every ten (10) years as per the directives of Central Estate Govt. Norms is carried out under the Leadership of MOH. The entire training, appointment, Planning and Implementation regarding the Centers is carried out by MOH and his subordinates. Similarly the economic, census, Below Poverty Line (BPL) Survey are all carried out by MOH and his staff whenever called for. Duties of Medical Officer, Health: 1. To look after Marriage Registration and Registration of Birth and Death. MOH is the Sub Registrar as per the RBD Act 1969. 2. To provide all the papers to all the hospitals/ Pvt. Medical Doctor and to cemeteries. To register all Death and Birth, within 21 days if pertains to the Ward and to if pertains to other wards send it accordingly to respective wards. 3. To accept applications of Birth and Death, and issue the certificates. 4. To sent all the papers to Head Office for audit records. 5. To enquire and take preventive measures against communicable diseases and food and water prone disease and other diseases. 6. To enquire about food poisoning cases and take preventive measures. 7. To make arrangements for cremation of dead person, to check and supervise the cemeteries , their staff, facilities, to issue all the papers and registration books required in cemetery. 8. In some cases, where there is no cause on death certificate, such cases to make enquiry about the reason, and to take necessary action. 9. In cases, where Birth is not registered, to enquire about the reasons and to take necessary action. 10. To prepare statistics regarding birth and death and also regarding various diseases and to report it to Ex. Health Officer in given time. 11. To register Pvt. nursing homes as per the Bombay Nursing Home Act. 12. To supervise the smooth marking of Health Posts and dispensaries and wherever required take necessary actions. 13. Whenever a new dispensary is proposed to be started, then make arrangements of all the equipments and purchases if required. 14. To issue licenses under Section 394 and 412 A (Food) and keep a govern on them. 15. To visit all the establishments surprisingly and to see whether they are running as per the norms and conditions. 16. To check and issue NOC to Cinema theaters and other entertainment places and to see whether running as per norms. 17. Under section 62(E) to collect information of mentally imbalanced person. 18. To give permission to dead bodies to be taken outside Mumbai limits, also after the office hours and Sundays and Public Holidays. 19. Whenever exhumation of dead body to be done, to supervise the same and take precautionary measures like to spray insecticides etc. 20. To supervise the subordinates and give help and guidance whenever required. 21. To prepare all the papers in given time limits and to issue circulars whenever required. 22. To check the PNDT centers and to supervise the same. 23. To follow all the orders as told by the higher authorities and superiors. Duties of Senior Sanitary Inspector: 1. To enquire about communicable disease and take necessary action , preventive measures etc. 2. To conduct enquiry about food poisoning cases and take necessary action and sent reports to Head Office. 3. To look into the maintenance of cemeteries , their staff attendance , water supply etc. 4. To visit private nursing homes for Registration. 5. To co-ordinate with other departments. 6. Under Section 62(E) of MMC Act, to make enquiries into person who has lost mental balance. 7. Under Section 394 and 412(A), issue Licenses, check them on regular basis and to see whether the License conditions are fulfilled and take action accordingly. 8. To keep a check on the subordinates staff and guide them as and when required. 9. To take action and report after any complain arrives. 10. To keep check on cinema theatres and other entertainment premises and to see whether they are running as per the norms. 11. As per needs to issue Inspection Reports and notices to various trades under MOH. 12. To carry out all the works as told by superiors. Duties of Assistant Medical Officer: 1. To plan, implement and carry out immunization programme. 2. To investigate communicable diseases, and send reports to respective offices i.e. Polio, Dengue etc. 3. To keep a record and statistics of all the programmes 4. To look into the Health Post working and functioning wherever the full time Medical Officer post is vacant. 5. To attend dispensaries in absence of Medical Officer In charge dispensaries. 6. To sign on the Birth and Death Certificates. 7. To carry out all the works as told by the superiors. Duties of Community Development Officer: 1. To co-ordinate with the ward office and Health post and communicate regarding all programmes especially Information Education & Communication. 2. To co-ordinate between the non governmental organizations (NGOs), Private Voluntary Organizations (PVO), Rotaries, Inner wheel clubs, any other organizations and the ward office and to utilize their services as per the needs. 3. To educate the community about the preventive services. 4. To involve the community for family planning programme, and immunization programmes and various other programmes. 5. To co-ordinate and help all the national programmes viz. census, BPL survey, economic census, Pulse Polio, Leprosy, T.B., HIV/AIDS etc. 6. To carry out all the work as told by the superiors. Duties of Sanitary Inspector: 1. To enquire and take necessary actions and measures about the complaints of communicable diseases. 2. To supervise the cemeteries, its functioning, maintenance, staff position etc. 3. Under Section 62(E) to enquire in person who has lost mental balance. 4. To supervise, take necessary action when required and to report to higher authority, all the trades under Section 394 and 412(A) and MPFA Licenses and to keep a regular check on the same and to issue Inspection Reports and prosecute accordingly as and when required. 5. Top take action on without licenses trades and those trades who are infringing the licenses conditions, in terms of issuing Inspection reports, notices and prosecute whenever required. 6. To help issue Section 394 / 412(A) / MPFA Licenses under the guidance of MOH. 7. To check the private nursing homes regularly and give the registration and renewal certificates. 8. To check the theatres and other entertainment premises and help them to obtain Health Deptt's NOCs. 9. To enquire, take action and report about the complaints received from the public. 10. To clear all the papers in given time limits and reply to the respective offices/parties etc. 11. To attend calls as and when required and to help the BMC Asstt. Law Officer. 12. To carry out all the works as told by the superiors. The public health department of P/North Ward provides health care services to the citizens of the ward through its vast infrastructures. An important responsibility of Public Health Department is to make decisions, supervise the programmes and implement on it. In P/North Ward, the Medica Officer of Health prepares the report of proposal of new Cemeteries/dispensaries of maternity homes with the help of concerned Sanitary Inspector. Then this proposal has been sent to Higher Authorities for further approval / sanction. The concerned staff of Death / Birth Registration, Nursing home registration , put its suggestion, remarks, implementation policies to Medical Officer of Health for further actions on them. As per one window scheme lodging house, eating house, Bakery , Manufacturing of Ice Cream, Cold Drinks, Sweet Meat, Oil and Masala Mills etc. Total 9 Establishments related proposals. As per one Window Scheme lodging house, eating houses, Bakery, Manufacturing of Ice Cream, Cold Drinks, Sweetmeat, Oil & Masala Mills etc. in all about 9 Establishment related proposals are prepared by Medical Officer of Health with the help of Sanitary Officer and then Medical Officer of Health in turn presents to Higher Health Officer for further approval the other 29 small establishment proposals are approved or rejected at Medical Officer of Health level. The extra grant required for dispensaries cementaries etc. the proposal for this this are prepared by concerned Head Clerk under the guidance of Medical Officer of Health. As per the responsibilities given the Health Officer and other employees are doing their work. All the work done at P/North is as per B.M.C. Act and norms and as per instructions and circulars issued by E.H.O.’s Office for issuing of license the manual prepared by Public Health department is taken into consideration. In P/North ward, all administrative and Public Health Department work has been done under the guidance of Assistant Commissioner P/North Ward, Assistant and Deputy Executive Health Officer, Executive Health Officer, Legal department helps in dealing with legal procedures. Local political leaders and ward committees are involved is making decision related with the new Hospitals / dispensaries/ Maternity Homes / New Cemeteries. (XII) Head Office Sanctions / pays the grant for National programmes. (XIII) In Public Health department, under section 394 and 412, Health License are issued to concerned establishments. Public Health department also registered Nursing Homes and sonography centers, under the Maharashtra Nursing Home act and PNDT Act respectively. (XIV) In P/North Ward the Data of Death / Birth available online computer since 1996. (XV) Important messages, I.F.C. activities are regularly displayed on Notice Board. Public Health department informs the public about the health activities through Medical Officer of Health, Assistant Medical Officer, Community Development Officer, Sanitary Inspector and other Health post staff. Health Posts: The P/North Ward has 11 Health post at Malad. Sr. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Name of Health Address Post Nemani Road S.V. Road, Malad (W) (Somwar Bazar) Valnai Valnai Gaon, Valnai Zopadpatti Vasahat, Malad (W) Malvani No.2 Malvani Colony Gate No.6, Malad (W) K.E.M. K.E.M. Hospital Compound, Malvani Gate No.7, Malad (W) M.W. Desai M.W. Desai Hospital, Govind Nagar, Malad (E) Pathan Wadi Pathan Wadi, Rani Sati Marg, Malad (E), Kurar Gaon Kurar Gaon, Near Ramesh Hotel, Malad (E) Dindoshi Santosh Nagar, Dindoshi Malad (W) Appapada Appa Pada, Kurar Village, Malad (E) Tank Lane Indravan Complex, Abhishek Building, Datta Mandir Road, Malad (E). Madh Marve Madh Marve Jn., Marve gaon, Malad (W). BMC Dispensaries: 'P/North' Ward has 6 dispensaries wherein at a nominal charge of Rs.10/-, for case paper medicines are given and treatment given. STRUCTURE Medical Officer Dispensary Pharmacist (To dispense the medicines) Laboratory Technician Dresser (for bandaging of wounds) Peon Labour Name and Address of the Dispensaries:10 Sr. No. 1 2 3 Name of Dispensaries Address Nemani Choksy Valnai 4 5 6 Malvani No.2 Manori Goshala Lane 7 School Road 8 9 Pathan Wadi Kurar Gaon 10 Riddhi Garden S.V. Road, Malad (W) Choksey Hospital, Marve Road, Malad (W) Valnai Gaon, Valnai Zopadpatti Vasahat, Malad (W) Malvani Colony Gate No.6, Malad (W) Manori Gaon, Malad (W) Goshala Lane, Ramlila Maidan, Malad (W). School Road, Opp. Tipco Company, Rani Sati Marg, Malad (E) Pathanwadi, Rani Sati Marg, Malad (E) Kurar Gaon, Near Ramesh Hotel, Malad (E) Riddhisiddhi Bldg.. Gen.A.K.Vaidya marg, Dindoshi, Malad(East).s LICENSE DEPARTMENT License Department plays vital role in Municipal Corporation at Ward Level and its functioning is as under: Senior Inspector (License) and Senior Inspector (Encroachment) are the two designed officers appointed as Heads of Sections working under supervision of Assistant Commissioner at Ward Level and their functioning is shown below. Both the Sectional Heads functions under the control of Suptd. of Licenses as far as policy matter is concerned. Senior Inspector (License): 1. Licensing Section: The trade and storages mentioned in schedule 'M' of Maharashtra State Government Gazette of 1979 is licensable under Section 394 of M.M.C. Act. Information regarding permission are as follows: Sr. No. 1 2 3 4 Licence under section Total Revenue Amount 394 313 (1) (B) (C) 313 (A) (B) 328/328 - A 2064 363 218 377 18207945 298738 872080 14275550 2. Advertising Section: Advertisement Boards, Hoardings, Sky Sign Boards, Illuminated Boards including glow sing and neon sign boards, posters, banners, advertisements by means of wall painting, advertisement on balloons and advertisement on Mobile vehicles are covered under Section 328/328-A of M.M.C. Act. 3. Stall Board Section: The projections of shops, projecting on Municipal footpaths/ road viz. weather frames, over handing awning, stall board show cases, rolling shutters and steps etc. covered under section 313(b)(c) of M.M.C. Act. 4. Hawkers Licensing Section: Under Section 313(A) and (B) of M.M.C. Act, hawkers licenses are permitted for stall, pitch license, Rowing Handcarts, Stationary Handcarts, Handicapped P.C.O. and skilled workers such as cobblers, barbers and petition writers etc. on Municipal Footpath/roads. Duties: 1. To process the applications received respectively under section 394, 328/328-A, 312-(b)(c), 313(a)A, 313(b), and obtain sanction of competent authority (including to issue License under section 394 for one window system). 2. To take action against unauthorized trades and storages appeared in schedule 'M' of Govt. of Maharashtra and also against unauthorized projections (viz. weather frames, over hanging awning, rolling shutters, stall boards etc.) and unauthorized advertisements such as hoarding, sky signs, illuminated advertisements viz. glow sign/neon sign and posters, banners etc. 3. To take action against infringement of license conditions, for Licenses/permits issued under section 394, 328/328-A, 313(i)(b)(c), 313(A)(B) etc. 4. To take action against dangerous/hazardous trades under section 394(4) of M.M.C. Act. 5. To take cognizance of complaints received from General Public and take suitable action and to reply to the complainant. 6. To file offence sheets against offenders in the Court of Law through Legal Department. 7. To renew the licenses and pursue action against unrenewed licenses. 8. To take action in respect of audit notes received from M.C.Ass. Department and submit report in this respect. 9. To attend the meeting called for by Assistant Commissioner, Dy.Municipal Commissioner, Superintendent of License and to submit the required information and also to attend the meeting called by Chairman, Prabhag Samittee and submit required information. 10. To submit the information called for by Legal Department against respective court cases and file Affidavit/Written Statements in the respective Hon. Courts through Legal Department. 11. To hear visitors/complainants in the office and advise and help them to solve their problems. 12. To attend day to day correspondence and reply to the concerned. 13. To supervise the work of License Inspector, Advt. Inspector, Peon and guide them properly to attend day to day work and submit confidential reports of staff to Higher Authorities. 14. To attend the work entrusted by Assistant Commissioner such as Cleansing Programme, Nuisance Detection, LACC Meeting etc. and even sudden emergency programme. SENIOR INSPECTOR (ENCROACHMENT) Departmental work under jurisdiction of Sr. Inspector (Encroachment) are as under: No. of authorized hawkers in P/North Ward – 249 No. of unauthorized hawkers in P/North Ward - 7184 The work of this department is divided into two shifts i.e. Morning and Evening. In every shift, there are 01 (One) Lorry Inspector and 11 (Eleven) Labours are working and they are taking encroachment removal action against unauthorized hawkers and stalls under Section 314 of M.M.C. Act; seized the goods and hand over to godown clerk and he makes entries in the register and releases the goods by recovering redemption charges as fixed by Municipal Corporation. If the goods are not released within 30 days, the auction is proposed and goods are disposed off. The Senior Inspector (Encroachment) looks after this work daily. The Senior Inspector (Encroachment) supervises the work of hawking/non-hawking zones as proposed by the Hon'ble Supreme Court. He attends the meetings with Assistant Commissioner, P/North' Ward / Dy. Municipal Commissioner and Superintendent of License as and when required. He also attends complaints received from citizens regarding hawkers/ stalls. He furnishes the information required by the Three Members Committee for implementation of Hawking / Non-Hawking zones. SENIOR INSPECTOR (SHOPS AND ESTABLISHMENT) In order to know the Importance of Shops and Establishment Act the situation and the sympathetic conditions of the Employees at that time i.e. 1930-40 has to be understood, the employees were made to work for 12-12 hours continuously, were not given rest intervals, also, the employees were not given weekly off or compensation. Leave with wages occasionally given. In the year 1930, Late Shri R.R. Bakhale raised his voice in the Assembly against the squeezing of the employees. Thereafter under the Leadership of Labour Commissioner a Committee was formed to look into the condition of the employees then. In order to regulate the condition of work of Employment in Shops, Commercial Establishment, Residential Hotels. Restaurants Eating Houses, Theatres, Other Places, Public Entertainment, Bombay Shops & Establishment Act was passed in 1939 and thereafter for further amendment in the Act. A committee was again formed under the leadership of Shantilal Shah and thereafter as per the recommendation of the said Committee. The existing Shops & Establishment Act was passed on 11th January 1949. The main object of this Act is that employee working in small business. Shops & Establishment are an unorganized Sector. Since they do not have an organization they can not raise. Their voices together, and the employees get their rights and that the establishment to be run smoothly through friendly relationship by the employer and employee got this the Shop Inspector Implements this Act. Also for more benefits to the labour staff and got more simplicity this department looks after the implementation of this Act. Under the State Government of Maharashtra the Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai is implementing the Shops & Establishment Act. Total Establishment in P/North Ward – 37613 (upto 31.3.12). Total received revenue amount from April-11 to March -12 of Rs.3,53,49,809/1) Payment of wages Act, 1936. 2) Industrial employment (Standing Order) Act, 1946. 3) Workmen’s Compensation Act, 1923. 4) Maternity Benefit Act, 1961 5) Minimum Wages Act, 1948 6) Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation Act), 1986. Above mentioned Acts are implemented in the Jurisdiction of Mumbai by the Shop Inspector appointed by the Municipal Commissioner. As per the directions and guidelines issued by Municipal Commissioner and Labour Commissioner the Staff working under Chief Inspector (Shops and Estt.) i.e. Dy. Chief Inspector, Sr. Inspector and Inspectors are implements this Act along with other labour Acts. At the Ward level of the Corporation as per the orders of Assistant Commissioner, Sr. Inspector along with the help of his staff i.e. Inspector, Sr. Shop Attendant, Shop Attendant and Clerk the following work is done. 1) He has to visit the Establishment in his Jurisdiction and see whether Estt. is covered under Shops & Estt. Act. if the Estt. is not registered under BSE Act 1948 within 30 days from the date of Commencement of Business, Inspector prosecutes against the employers. To verify the ‘A’ forms received for registration by visiting the Estt., and thereafter put up report to Sr. Insp. After satisfaction of Sr. Inspector the Registration Certificate is issued. 2) To see whether the Estt. in his Jurisdiction are renewed and if not to visit such Estt. & to register prosecution against such Estt. 3) Regarding the Estt. holding this Registration Certificate any charges in respect of No. of Employees is to be notified to the Inspector with Schedule fees in E Form within 15 days from the Expiry of the quarter to which it relates and any other charges should be notified within 30 days from the date of change. After submitting E form with Schedule fee. The same will be verified by the concerned Inspector and the report to the Sr. Inspector. If the notice of change is not submitted within the prescribed period mentioned detail here above the action as provided by law will be initiated against the employer. 4) If an intimation is given by the Employer of the Estt. within 10 days regarding the closing of his Estt. the Inspector after visiting the Estt. removes such Estt. from the Register of Estt. and he cancel such Estt. 5) To verify and Inspect the register records such as Attendance Register, Service Record, Leave Book, Salary Register, Visit Book maintained by the Estt. and if such Register records are not maintained to prosecute such Estt. 6) To dispose off the audit notes received from MCA Dept. 7) To implement other labour Acts. 8) To check the opening and closing hours of the shops and to take action against them. The following Registers are maintained for the working of the Dept. A) ‘A’ Form Register. B) ‘E’ Form Register. C) Duplicate Register. D) Audit Note Register. The certificate issued under Bombay Shops & Estt. Act 1948 is merely a Registration Certificate and not a License and it does not bestow any legality of a structure in which Estt. is located. If an Estt. where Registration Certificate is issued and if such Estt. or structure is demolished or otherwise in future by Govt./ Semi-Govt. authorities, then the Registration Certificate Holder can not claim as a proof of Registration certificate for alternate site or compensation. Duties of Sr. Inspector (Shops & Estt.) are as follows: 1. Duties under Section 49. 2. To implement other labour laws. 3. To work as directed by Assistant Commissioner. 4. To co-ordinate between Assistant Commissioner and Chief Inspector (S&E). 5. To attend the Court. 6. To control on the work of Shop Inspector and other Staff. 7. To solve the complaints. PEST CONTROL OFFICER Pest Control Department comes under Insecticides Branch of B.M.C. All the duties decided by the Insecticides Officers are executed by the respective ward's Pest Control Officers. The main duty of the department is to control vector (breeding responsible for malaria) and destroy the breeding spots thereafter, besides control of other pest. For this, Pest Control Department comes under Assistant Commissioner of the respective wards. Duties: 1. To plan and design the control of pest (Insecticides) 2. To suggest and order the employees working under P.C.O. 3. To plan and control the methods for the control of mosquitoes and rodent. 4. Antifly treatment (during monsoon). 5. To plan the fumigation in whole ward. 6. Action against private premises- namely inspection, issue of notices , insecticide treatment, charges. 7. To take necessary action for the control of communicable disease , malaria control. 8. To implement the National Malaria Eradication programme. 9. Whenever necessary anti fileria work to be done. 10. To see all the necessary stock of insecticides 11. Timely attend the complaints of citizens 12. To see all the work pertain to the department including paper work. 13. To supervise all the work of the employee and to take necessary action whenever required. Working of Pest Control Department: In order to control malaria, fileria, dengue fever, leptospiroses, plague etc., Pest Control Deptt. undertakes the control measures for mosquito, flies and rat. 1. The Junior Overseer and labourers working under J.O. should detect the breeding spots of mosquitoes and treat it with suitable insecticides. 2. The D.S.I. along with labourers, treats all the garbage bins, garbage hips, market. 3. Junior Overseer (Rat) Rat Traps and poison baiting done with labourers. 4. F.S.I.- Fumigation done at all the hutments. Other areas and places where malaria, dengue exists. 5. J.O. Breeding spots detection and issue notices. 6. If earthquakes, flooding or any nature disaster, malaria, plague, leptospiroses, dengue etc., control to be done by extra workers and extra items. SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT DEPT. The Solid Waste Management Department in the Ward Office which functioning under the Control of Assistant Engineer (Environment). A.E. (Env) is supervising the work of A.H.S., two or more supervisors and Junior Overseas, Mukadams, Motor Loaders, Scavengers, etc in sufficient numbers and in the given chain. The working of the department is carried out in three shifts. Section in the Ward is divided into number of beats and Roll-Call of the labourers is taken in the mustering chowkies of every beat. After attending the Roll-Call the labourers go to their respective places. Every day Khada Badli Labours are appointed in place of absent permanent labourers. At the time of Daily Recruit, Separate Seniority is maintained and out of them Khada Badli Labourers are appointed. The work of road cleaning is one of the main works of the department. The area like roads, house-gullies in the City is swept in the morning and afternoon shifts and the refuse is deposited at the Refuse Collection Centres. REFUSE LOADING AND TRANSPORTATION : The refuse deposited in Refuse Collection Centres is taken away through Municipal Lorries and Compactors and Contractor’s Vehicles. The staff on the post of Motor Loaders load the refuse in the lorries from the dust bins and this refuse is carried away through the Check-points to the Deonar, Gorai, Mulund, Kanjurmarg etc. dumping grounds. Generally, one trip is taken by lorry in every shift. Additional vehicles are provided by the Central Agency in the peak period like Rainy Season, Mango Season, etc. However House to House collection of refuse system is being implemented (85%) for the last 4-5 years. No specific charges are recovered for the refuse collected from the roads and footpaths. However, trade refuse charges are recovered from trades and business. The cleaning of the Common House Gullies as well as cleaning of Private/Government and Semi Government lands in the City area is supposed to be daily work of the SWM Department at the Ward Level. As per provisions of Mumbai Mahanagar Palika Act, the Corporation removes refuse from roads and footpaths. However, no refuse is removed from Pvt. premises. The landlords of the Pvt. Premises is responsible to collect and dump the refuse in the dustbins kept on the roads. PUBLIC SANITARY CONVENIENCES : It is duty of SWM Dept. to provide Public Sanitary Conveniences and urinals and to maintain P.S.Cs. and urinals, Public Urinals are provided as per requirement of the Public Places and the facilities are given free of charge. The facility to clean the P.S.Cs. is provided on the basis of nominal charges through Private Institutes like M/s. Sulabh International. The proposals to construct P.S.Cs. urinals, etc at particulars place is required to be sanctioned in the Meeting of Municipal Councillors with Zonal Deputy Municipal Commissioner. A notice is displayed at that particular place and suggestions and objections are invited from the Public, when such type of proposal is mooted. If objection is received within prescribed time limit, the administration takes into account and the urinal is not constructed if there is a substance found in the case. Apart from this, SWM Dept. is carrying out the work of Maintenance and allotment of Municipal Staff quarters and cleaning of beaches, public festival places and nuisance detection. WORKING PROCEDURE : The Roll-call of the labourers is taken at 6.30 a.m. every day and after 6.30 a.m. all roads are swept through labourers and the refuse so collected is deposited in the dustbins. The surrounding area of the Refuse Collection Centres is kept clean. The debris on the roads is also removed. The roads are cleaned by means of brushing. The dust on the road dividers is also removed. The Refuse Collection Centres are disinfected by spreading over Insecticide powder. The refuse collected at Refuse Collection Centres is loaded by the Motor Loader Staff in the refuse Vehicles and the same is unloaded at the dumping grounds Silt Lying on the roads and debris is collected through J.C.B. Dumpers and unloaded at dumping ground. Mukadam pay visits to the all places and guide the labourers. At 1.15p.m., Mukadams close the Mustering Book and same is verified by the concerned J.Os. Ward Supervisors supervises all the working and make utmost attempts to implement house to house Refuse Collection Scheme by reducing refuse bins as far as possible, supervisors also visit P.S.Cs, Refuse Sheds. The work of construction sheds, store-rooms is being carried out through A.E.(Maintenance) after preparing estimates and getting appropriate sanction of the Competent Authority. The articles and materials provided to the labourers like Uniform, Gumboots, Rain-coats, etc are being indented and control is kept on its availability from the store by the Supervisors. REFUSE COLLECTION & TRANSPORT : The Roll Calls of the labourers are taken at 6.30 a.m., 2.00 p.m. and 10.00 p.m. in the night in three respective shifts. Required daily recruits are taken and log-sheet is given with the Municipal Vehicles as well as Contractors’ Vehicles. Refuse is collected and deposited in Refuse Collection Centres. The same is loaded and the area is disinfected. Loaded Vehicles is being checked at the Check-Posts and after verification, necessary rubber stamps are fixed on the Log Sheet, Refuse Loaded Vehicle along with Vehicle No. are recorded in the trip Register. Thereafter, the vehicle is taken away at the dumping ground. The details in the Log-Sheets is recorded in the Trip Register maintained in the Motor Loading Chowky. The bills of the Contractors are scrutinized with the details on the LogSheet. If any discrepancy is found, the penalty is charged and recovered through the bills. Monthly report on the quantum of the removed refuse is made. The redressal of the grievances is done. Apart from the refuse removal work SWM Dept. removes stones, debris, silt and working of the removing the same is carried out same as per refuse removal procedure. Nuisance Detector of the SWM Dept. carries out following works. 1) Nuisance detector pay visits to all the roads at public places in the Ward and restricts the nuisance caused by the Public and they recover charges as a penalty from the public. 2) Constant Watch is kept at the sensitive Refuse Collection Centres and N.D. is to see that the surroundings of the refuse collection place is kept clean and tidy. 3) As per Parivartan Project N.D. is supposed to locate areas of source dumped. Refuse from the main roads and carry out the same to the Refuse Collection Centres for removal and help to implement house to house refuse removal system on a larger scale. 4) N.D. is to take action on the use of plastic. 5) Penal action is taken against the persons urinating or squatting on the roads. 6) Charges are recovered from the persons depositing debris, on the roads. Precise Information of Solid Waste Management Department in P/North Ward Sr. Subject No 1 Total S.W.M. Labour Details Nos. 879 A) Road cleaning staff Road cleaning 659 Beat (2 labour for 1 beat = 2 Labours 233 2. Dattak Vasti Yojna 3. Manning & Mapping 4. for 1 Km. Daily Cleaning of Road (in Km.) Total Junior Oversear Mukadam & P.T. Mukadam B) Motor Loading Labour Contractor Vehicle M.C.G.M. Vehicle Daily Average Collection of Solid 185 27 244 57 13 452 Waste, Silt etc. Vehicle Collecting waste from Houses Societies from which waste is collected Total Garbage Collection Centres Total Dattak Vasti Yojana Total Slum Pockets. Total Population Total N.G.O. Manning Labour & M.T. 26 3200 231 48 754 739501 05 36 Mopping Labour 14 Total Swatcha Mumbai Total Unit Total Road Cleaning Abhiyan (Hydrabad 50 8 728 Pattern) K.M. 144 Total Labour Sub: Under Mumbai Special cleaning project issuing of Cleaning contract. Ref: A.O./8946/AHS, dated 12.8.2005. Unit No. Name of Institute & Address 1 M/s. Priya Mahila Seva Sah. Sanstha Name of Institute Owner & Tel. No. Shri. Gomes 7738901036 Name of roads Shri. Sai Prakalpa, Water Reservior road,Malad (E), Mumbai. 2 M/s. Priya Mahila Sahkari Sanstha, Mukari Matya Chawl, Nivetiya Road, R.No.04, Vadari Pada, Malad (E), Mumbai - 97 Shri Parvez 9867542563 3 M/s. Vighnaharta Seva Sah. Sanstha Shri. Buntty 9029171868 4 M/s. Sukhoi Swayamrojgar Shri Manohar Nagari Seva Sahakari Pawar Sanstha, 1, Chintan Building, 9324403376 Nadiadwala Colony No.1, S.V. Road, Malad (W) 5 M/s. Malad Swayamrojgar Nagari Seva Sahakari Sanstha, Nadiadwala Chawl, Underai Road, Opp. New Era Theatre, Malad (W) M/s. Omkar Majoor Sahakari Sanstha, Chawl No.101/807, M.H.B. Colony, Malad (W), Shri Shelwa Shetty 9867019899 M/s. Sangharsh Berojgar Seva Sahakar Sanstha, 61, Nutan Colony, Bhandarwada, D.K. Marg, Malad (W) M/s. Bhadravati Majur Sahakari Sanstha, Mukari Matya Chawl, Nivetia Road, R.No.4, Wadarpada, Malad (W), Shri Ramesh Gaikwad 9892423732 6 7 8 Shri Sandip Kate 9867542563 Shri Madan Koli 9224118120 Western Express Highway, P/S Boundary to R/South Boundry, MHB colony, Highway Service road and Pathanwadi, Malad (East), mumbai. Link Road, Marve Road, P/S Boundry to R/South Boundry, Marve road, Corporation Bank to Mith chowky, Toyato Show room to Kondwada Lane, Kanchpada,D.P. road, Malad (West). Mahakali Nagar, Malwani Jankalyan Nagar, Mahakali road, Lagoon Road, Marve road, Mith chowky, Fire Brigade, Atharva College to Nalla. Gaikwad Nagar, M.H.B. Colony, Ekta nagar, Malavani, Malad (W), Mumbai. Marve Aksa Gaon, Sea Beach, Madh road, Aksa Gaon, Malad (West). Erangal Bhati, Silver Beach, Bhati gaon, Danapani Beach, Malad (West). Madh Island to Madh Gaon, Malad (West). PARIVARTAN PROJECT UNDER CLEANLINESS CAMPAIGN : In all Municipal Sectors Parivartan Project is being implemented by introducing house to house refuse removal scheme by way of reducing Refuse Collection Centres. Under the said scheme all main roads in the ward are being made without refuse bins are as under:. 1) Western Express Highway 2) Datta Mandir road 3) Daftary Road 4) Podar Road 5) Rani Sati Road 6) S.V. Road 7) Marve Road 8) Link Road 9) Chincholi Bunder Road 10)Abdul Hamid Road 11)Pathanwadi 12)Madh Road HYDERABAD PATTERN : For the Last two years the Scheme is being implemented by Sweeping roads particularly at night time when there is less disruption in the sweeping work on all of pedestrians and Vehicles moving comparatively less on the roads. Unit No. 1) 2) Working Area Link Road, Marve Road Gaikwad Nagar, M.H.B. Colony, Ambuja Wadi, New Babrekar 3) Nagar, Malavani, Malad (W). Western Express Road, Govind Nagar, Pachbawadi, M.H.B. 4) Colony, (Dindoshi Nagar) , Dak Sanghatan Road Madh Village, Madh Koliwada, Patil Wdi, Pascal Wadi, Nawa Goan, Harbadevi Area, Christenpada. 5) Lagoon Road, Mahakali Vasahat 6) Marve to Madh (Bhati), Sea Beach, Malvani Church, Marve 7) Pathanwadi, Dindoshi 8) Madh Island, Madh Gaon Total Labour : 144 Working hours: 6.00 a.m. to 3.00 p.m. NATURE OF WORK 1) Sweeping the roads. 2) Removal of debris on the road. 3) Cleaning of Collection Centres on the roads. 4) Removal of rank Vegetation on the road. 5) Cleaning of road dividers. 6) Brushing the roads. 7) Spreading insecticide powder at Collection Centres. MANNING AND MOPPING : Surrounding area around Refuse Collection Centre is maintained and kept clean by appointing one labourers. The system is called Manning. Refuse thrown by Pedestrian/Public from the main roads and particular crowded places like Railway Station, Bus Stops, Hospitals Complex is collected and deposited at the Refuse Collection Centres, this system is called as Mopping. There are total 6 units of Manning and Mopping in P/North Ward. Sr. No. 1 Manning Mopping S.V. Road – 2 Sainath Road Mamletdar Wadi Main Road –2 Kasturba Cross road - 2 Anand Road – 2 Chincholi – 2 2 Total road - 8 Link Road – 4 Abdul Hamid Road - 3 Total - 2 Orlem, Gautam Budh Marg - 1 Marve road - 2 3 Total road - 9 Pathanwadi Main road - 2 Totalroad - 1 Indira Nagar - 1 Vayshetpada No. - 2 Mallika Hotel - 1 Shivaji Nagar - 1 Triveni Nagar - 1 Kurar Market - 2 4 Total road - 7 Datta Mandir Road – 2 Total road - 3 Datta Mandir Road – 1 Poddar Road - 2 Khodiyar Aptt. Service Daftary Road - 2 road - 1 Rani Sati Marg - 2 5 Total road - 8 Haji Bapu Road – 2 Total road - 2 Rani Sati School - 1 Rani Sati - Station Road - Poddar road - 2 Govind Nagar School - 1 W.E. Highway - Service road - 3 Total road - 7 Rani Shauchalaya - 1 Total road - 3 ADOPTED SLUMS SCHEMES : In the Corporation area where Municipal Services are not available in such a Slum. The Corporation fixes responsibility of cleanliness on the N.G.Os. formed out of the Local Residents. The refuse from the slums is removed to the Collection Centres. Small gutters, gullies, are also kept clean. Before handing over the work of such slums to the Organizations, it is binding on the Organization to fulfill terms and conditions as prescribed by the Corporation. There are 41 adopted slums schemes are working in P/North Ward. INFORMATION OF ADOPTED SLUMS SCHEMES IN P/NORTH WARD Sr. No. 1 2 3 4 5 Name of Institute & Address M/s. Pranjal Seva Sah. Sanshtha, Om Shiv Kutir Sadan, chawl No.4, First floor, Rajan pada, Bhandra wada, Malad (W), Mumbai - 64. M/s. Nagina Welfare Assoc., Plot No. 53/97 NCC Gate No.7, Malwani Malad (W), Mum- 95 M/s. Shri. Krushna Nagar Mitra Mandal, July compound, A.K.Vaidya marg, Malad (E), Mumbai - 97 Name of Institute & Tel. Phone Malvani New Collector compound, Plot No. 58 to 75, Malvani Malad (West). Name of area Shri. Shelar 9967208784 Aazmi Nagar, Aakashwani, Malwani, Malad (West) Shri. Irshad Ahmad Ansari Shree Krishna Nagar Main Nalla to July Anti compound, Upper boundary, Dindoshi Malad (East), Mumbai - 95 M/s. Pragati Mahila Mandal, Makbul compound, Pathanwadi, Malad (E), Pathan wadi, Patel Mumbai - 97 nagar, Sanjay nagar, Indira nagar to Nirwara Shabana, Azami nagar, Malad (W) M/s. Sankalp Siddhi Suraksha N.C.C.plot 43 to 55, Rakshak Seva Sah. Sanshtha, Malwani, Malad (West) Hari Om Niwas, Room No. 7, N.B. Cross road, Somwar Bazar, Malad (W), Mum – 64 Shri. Shankar Warpe 9869031015 Smt. Arati Bagwe 9821320128 Shri. Shahin Kureshi 9322623886 6 7 8 M/s. Mangalmurti Mahila Mandal, 2/4, Ramesh chawl, Siddhiki compound, Kurar gaon, Malad (E), Mumbai - 97 M/s. Komal Mahila Mandal, Jay Janta Nagar, off. Selvin Store, Ambe wadi, Mith chowky, Marve Link road Jn., Malad (W), Mumbai - 64. M/s. Swayamsiddha Mahila Mandal, 2/4, Yadav chawl, Laxman nagar, Kurar Village, Malad (E), Mumbai - 97. 9 M/s. Nilam Mahila Mandal, Shivsagar chawl committee, Tanaji nagar Rd. No. 3, Kurar Gaon, Malad (E), Mum - 64 10 M/s. Shivsai Mitra Mandal, Sector No.A2, Dindoshi Mun. Colony, A.K. Vaidya marg, Malad (W), Mumbai - 64 11 M/s. Indraprastha Rahiwasi Seva Soc., Gate No.5, Plot No. 21, Malwani, Malad (W), Mum-64 12 M/s. Sujata Mahila Mandal, Santosh chawl, Laxman nagar, Kurar village, Malad (E), Mum- 97 13 M/s. Vitthal Rukhmini Rahiwasi Seva Sangh, Nahar nagar, near B.S.S. college, Malad (W), Mumbai – 64 M/s. Swami nagar Rahiwasi Sangh, Swami nagar, Gate No.7, Malawani, Malad (W), Mum – 64 14 Siddhiki compound, Lower Kokanipada, Dattawadi, Laxman nagar, Islampura, Anandwadi, Malad (E) Jay Janta nagar, Shivgami nagar, Ambe wadi, Ambedkar Nagar, Walnai Colony, Malad (W) Janu compound, Narsoba wadi, Tadiwala compound, Siddheshwar nagar, Khot Pragati, Malad (E) Tanaji Nagar, Hanuman nagar, Adarsha nagar, Pratap nagar, Dhobighat, cutting No.5, Hanuman Takdi, Malad (E) Santosh nagar, Dalvi compound, Sardar compound, Babul compound, Shramsaflya Sangh, Kokani Rahiwashi, Surya compound, Bhim nagar, Ganesh nagar, Hanuman nagar, Malad (E) Ali Talao, Three Star chawl, Kharodi Zopadpatti, Julias wadi, Malwani, Malad (W) Makrani pada, Govind nagar Zopadpatti, Khot Dongri, Dhobi ghat, Malad (E) Ekta nagar, Mottapada, Mahalaxmi nagar, Malad (W) New Bhabrekar nagar, Azad nagar, Aakashwani, Goriya Masjid chawl, Malwani, Malad (W) Shri. Mangal D. Dangat 28492611/ 9869455742 Shri. Govindamm a 9867402084 Smt. Jaya Mandad, 9004748971/ 9892864157 Smt. L.M. Todkar 9869808674 Shri. Narayan Patil 9869441366 Shri. Ashok Shinde 9819790179 Smt. Sunanda Vikas Kanekar 9892231239 Shri. Ram Shankar Ghadge 28893301 Shri. Silvaraj kumar 9224935322 15 16 17 18 19 20 M/s. Satyawan Seva Sahakari Sanstha, Room No.2, Pusalkar chawl, Raypada School, Raypada, Malad (W), Mum-64 M/s. Savitribai Phule Mahila mandal, Surve No. 239/1, Jam Rishi nagar, Wagheshwari mandir road, Kurar gaon, Malad (W), Mumbai - 400 097. M/s. Janseva Sanstha, Nalanda chawl, Kranti nagar, Kandivali (East), Mumbai. Wadari pada, Seeta nagar, Bhandar wada, Kumbhar wadi, Raypada, Dahyabhai Patel chawl, Malad (W) Sanjay nagar, Pal nagar, jaiswal nagar, Pimpri pada, Mawle nagar, Ambapada, Malad (East) Kranti nagar, Gokul nagar, Malad (East) M/s. Pragati Mahila Mandal, Gopal chawl, Kanchpada No.1, Ramchandra lane, Malad (W), Mumbai - 95. M/s. Sinha Garjana Samajik Sanstha, 1/5, Albert chawl, Anand nagar, Appapada, Malad (East), Mumbai M/s. Abbasiya Charitable & Welfare Society, Gate No. 5, Plot No. 21, Malwani, Malad (W), Mumbai - 95 Kanchpada No.1, Gudiyapada, R.C. Pada, Malad (West) 21 M/s. Shree Seva Sanstha (Reg.), Kurara Bad Appt., Shop No. 4, Tanaji nagar No.1, Malad, Mumbai - 97 22 M/s. Yash Seva Sah. Sanstha, Jay Janta Nagar, Room No. 5, near Valnai Vasant, Orlem, Malad (W), Mum - 64. M/s. Kanchanganga Audhyogik Utpadak Mahila Sah Sanstha, Hanuman nagar, A.K. Vaidya marg, Goregaon (E), Mum - 62. 23 24 Sai nagar, Azad nagar, Maheshwari nagar, Anande Nagar, Malad (E) Patelwadi, Shankarwadi, Khajuri chawl, Panjabi chawl, Inaswadi, Malwani, Malad (E) Ban Dongri, Highway East, Hanuman nagar, Adarsh nagar, Tanaji nagar Rd. No.2 (Left side), Malad (East). Kach pada No.2, Mariamma Mandir, kanchpada, Malad (West). Seva nagar, Kasambaug, Pragati Welfare Soc. to Shantaram pada, Sant Rohidas Samaj Mandal, Malkani Estate, Malad (East) M/s. Shivprerna Vikas Mandal, Maharashtra nagar, Sudarshan chawl, Prathmesh nagar, Maharashtra Nagar, Patel compound, Azad Appapada, Malad (East), nagar, E34 Popat Mumbai - 97. compound, Kalimata nagar, Shivshakti Smt. Suvarna Panchal 28721740/ 9820287253 Smt. Suryawashi 9819500569 Shri. Arvind Wankhede 9323430698/ 9892909862 Smt. Krushna 9594246863 Shri. Salvi 9029397495 Shri. Hasan Abbas Zaidi 9819710179 Smt. Asha Dumbre/ Shri. Santosh Borade 9969672409 Shri. Parshuram Chintala 9867402084 Smt. Manisha Vishwakarm a Smt. Shirvandekar 9869086468 25 M/s. Vighnaharta Welfare Soc., Matruchhaya Mandal, Shivaji Nagar, Kurar gaon, Malad, Mumbai - 400 097. 26 M/s. Anju Rahe Nijam Shiya Asana Aasari, Plot No. 4, Room No. 67, Gate No.5, Malwani, Malad (W), Mum-95 27 M/s. Malwani Mahila Vikas mandal, 101/C, Chandra Darshan, Marve road, Malwani Church, Malad (W), Mum - 95. 28 M/s. Swayambhoo Seva Sahakari Sanstha Ltd., 8, Yadav chawl, Laxman nagar, Kurar gaon, Malad (E), Mumbai - 97. M/s. Gajanan Seva Sahakari Sanstha Ltd., 1, Gandhi nagar, cutting No.1, Kurar gaon, Malad (E), Mumbai - 97. 29 30 Rahivasi Vikas Mandal, Popat compound, Vanashree chawl, Malad (East) Shivaji nagar, Kadam chawl, Bhim nagar, Ganesh Mitra mandal, Shivneri Mitra Mandal, Shivtakdi, Mangal murti, Achanak Mitra Mandal Trimurti chawl, Malad (East). Maharashtra chawl, Shital chawl, Uttar Kharodi, Bhandarwada, Ram galli, Pareshwadi, New Maharashtra chawl, Koliwada, Slum infront of Bhosale chawl, Malwani, Malad (West). Rathodi gaon, Chiku wadi, Gomswadi, Marum Khan nagar, Slum infront of Saikrupa, Akashwani, Slum at left side, Malwani, Malad (W) Kurar village, Ambewadi area, Dhanjiwadi, Malad (East). Appa pada, Gandhi nagar, Ramnagar, Takdi, Bhim nagar, Dube chawl area, Budhiya chawl, Lokhandwala lane, Malad (E) M/s. Matruchhaya Mahila Wadarpada, Pathak Mandal, 126, Sakseriya chawl, chawl, Rane Govind nagar, Haji Bapu road, compound, Sharda Malad (E), Mumbai - 97 Kishan chawl, Lakshmibai chawl, Pachbawdi Narjal pada, Wadarpada, Nivetia compound, Malad (East). Shri. Anil Singh 9619251925 Shri. Yunis Hussain 9819317273 Shri. Belwankar 9833064862 Shri. Ketan Naik 9892864157 Shri. Dhuri Amol 9167313223 Smt. Aarmarkar 9833669374 31 M/s. Utkarsha Mahila Mandal, 3/19, Arunodaya Niwas, Haji Bapu road, Malad (East), Mumbai - 97. 32 M/s. Sumedh Mahila Seva Sahakari Sanstha Ltd। Santosh chawl No.3, Shivshakti colony, Laxman nagar, Kurar Village, Malad (W), Mumbai. M/s. Shivsai Nagri Seva Sahakari Sanstha Ltd., A/2/28, Dindoshi colony, Goregaon (E), Mumbai. 33 34 M/s. Sai Berojgar Seva Sah. Sanstha, Room No.2, Chameli Devi chawl, Kokni pada, Kurar gaon, Malad (E), Mum - 97 35 M/s. Mansi Mahila Seva Sahakari Sanstha Ltd., Sudhar chawl Committee, Ambedkar nagar, Kurar village, Malad (E), Mumbai 97. Rozi colonu & surroundings, Ghosalkarwadi & surrounding, Madhavsheth compound, Hari nagar & surrouning, Old Bunglow (Bandongri), Wagheshwari Burani colony, Malad (East). Bhadran nagar, Daruwala compound, Malad (West). Smt. Sayali Sanjay 28492611/ 9869455742 Ganesh Soc., Raj Maharashtra Nagar, Manav Rahivashi Sangh, Sadhu compound, Shivneri Soc., Shivsai Mitra Mandal, Ganesh Welfare Soc., Laxmi Welfare soc., Tushar Welfare Soc., Bhimshakri. Aala Raja Pada, Baswabai chawl, Manglabai Marwad chawl, Kishan Shinde chawl, Sarjoprasad Yadav chawl, Yashwant Chaudhari chawl, Ramyada chawl 1 to 5, Anand Bhaskar chawl, Bihari Yadav chawl, Balkishan chawl, Priyadarshan Shri. Narayan Patil 9820969779 Smt. Bharti Balkrishna Sawant Smt. Parab 9220946046 Mukadam compound, Smt. Smita Chikamulla compound, Alawe Jay Ganesh Co.Op. 9223341097 Soc., New Mukadam compound, Anwar Ind., Kanu Sahayog Welfare, Maynat Nawsha Compound, Ravi Shelar chawl, Pimpri pada, Plot No. 267, Hariom. 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 M/s. Abbasia Nagri Seva Sanstha, Gate No.5, Plot No. 21, Room No. 264, Malwani, Malad (W), Mumbai - 95. Manori Banrakpada, Gulli between Hindu Hotel, Deol Chuch, Baudhyawadi, Aksa gaon, Manori gaon, Upper Lower Pachkar, Mantanpada Malwani, Malad (W). M/s. Karwa, Nalanda Co.Op. Durga Nagar, area Hsg. Soc., Kranti nagar, surroundig Kandivali (E), Mumbai - 101. Dnyanganga Vidyalaya,Malad (East). M/s. Dakshin Ekta Soc. Mum., Amboj wadi, Sainath Swami nagar Zopadpatti, Gate nagar, Samna nagar, No.8, Malwani No.8, Malad Malwani, Malad (W), Mumbai - 95. (West). M/s. Jagruti Seva Mandal, Dindoshi Colony, Ward Sector K., Gen. A. K. Kumar A.B. E.F., J.K.I., Malad Vaidya marg, Goregaon (E), (E). Mumbai. M/s. Shraddha Nagar Dindoshi Colony, Ward Rahivasi Sangh, Sector K., No. K, C.D.G.H.L.M., Gen. A. K. Kumar Vaidya Malad (E). marg, Goregaon (E), Mumbai. M/s. Swastik Vikas Mandal, Wadarpada (Ranisati C/o. Room No. 118, Govind marg), Sardar chawl & Nagar, Malad (E), Mumbai surrounding, 97. Dhanjiwadi, Khotkuwa road, Off. Post office, Thakur chawl, Bamanwada, Bajir compound, Chikalwadi, Yashwant Laxman chawl, Dadikisan, Malad (East). Ms/. Santoshi Mata Seva Buddha nagar Sanstha, O.C.C.Gate No. 5, Buddhanagar Mandir, Plot No. 21(B), Room No. 271, Plot No. 19A, Plot 19B, Malwani, Malad (W), Mum Hanuman Mandir 95. Swagat Welfare Soc., Siddheshwar Grih Nirman Sanstha, Malwani, Malad (W). M/s. Savitribai Phule Mahila Jamarhushi Seva Sah. Sanstha, Bhim nagar,Wagheshwari Nagar, Shivaji Nagar, Cutting Mandap area, Adarsh No. 5, Kurar gaon, Malad (E), nagar, Banjari pada, Mumbai - 97. Sainath Welfare Sadguru chawl, Giridhar chawl, Shri. Haidar Raja 9819317273 Shri. Nanda Wankhede 9930407959 Shri. Selva Rajkumar 9594094115 Shri. Mandavkar 9820969779 Shri. Patil 9869479779 Sunil Joshi 9969528431 Shri. Sagar Khot 9619198363 Smt. Sunita Suryawanshi 9819500569 44 45 46 47 48 Gajarabai chawl, Giridhari Raghuwanshi chawl, Sonkamble chawl, Malad (East). M/s. Malad Swayamrozgar Shivaji Nagar No.1,2,3, Seva Sah. Sanstha Ltd., Madh Koliwada, Ekta Nadiyadwala chawl, Underai Rahiwashi Sangh, Road, Opp. Nyura Cinema, Paskal wadi, Tokara Malad. gaon, Naik wadi, Patilwadi, Dharwali, Dongarpada, Madh Marve, Malad (West). M/s. Swami Vivekanand Sahyog Seva Soc., Sunrise Welfare Soc., 257/23, New Maharashtra Plot No. 11, N.C.C. Gate Social Welfare, No.6, Malwani, Malad (W), Dnyandip Welfare, Mum - 95. Imampada road, Akhil Bhartiya Welfare Soc., Ram Mohan Lohiya road, Malwani Malad (W). M/s. Navkshitij Pratishthan 6, Masur chawl, Upper Mawli Prasad Bldg., In front of Kokani pada, Hemant Malad Sahakari Bank, Kurar Niwas to Noor chawl, gaon, Malad (W), Mum - 95. Hanipha chawl to Gulab nagar, Noorsen chawl to Khanderao Patil, Narmada hall, Malad (East). M/s. Dr. Babasaheb Masur chawl, Upper Ambedkar Rahiwasi Seva Kokani pada, Hemant Sangh, Bharatratna Dr. Niwas to Noor chawl, Babasaheb Ambedkar Nagar, Hanipha chawl to Vyaghreshwari Mandir road, Gulab nagar, Noorsen Kurar gaon, Malad (East). chawl to Khanderao Patil, Narmada hall, Malad (East). M/s. Balaji Berojgar Seva Sah. Masur chawl, Upper Sanstha, Room No. 51, Marve Kokani pada, Hemant King Co.Op.Hsg.Soc.Ltd., Niwas to Noor chawl, Marve road, Malad (W), Hanipha chawl to Mumbai - 95. Gulab nagar, Noorsen chawl to Khanderao Patil, Narmada hall, Malad (East). Shri. Sachin Sakhare 9869715159 Shri. Murgeshan 9892184389 Shri. Vishwas Vaman Dalvi Shri. Sukhdeo Mohod Shri. Sachin Parab 9223459599 DUTIES OF ASSISTANT ENGINEER (ENVIRONMENT) : 1. To Head and Supervise the daily work of SWM in Co-ordination with concerned Assistant Commissioner of the Ward. 2. To maintain cleanliness with help of Municipal Labourers. 3. To maintain cleanliness through N.G.Os. under the Hydrabad Pattern Scheme. 4. To carry out Mechanical sweeping through Pvt. Contractors. 5. To collect refuse from the roads and Refuse Collection Centres. 6. To collect a transport refuse through Municipal Refuse Vehicles. 7. To collect and transport refuse through Pvt. Contractor’s Vehicles. 8. To ensure the restrictions on overflowing refuse dustbins and open refuse existing places and to co-ordinate the work of Refuse Collection by way of transport plan (routs, time and trips) with the help of E.E. Transport effectively. 9. To repair, beautify and maintain Refuse Collection Places and Open Refuse existing places. 10. To co-ordinate Adopted Slums Scheme in the slum area. 11. To reduce piles of unauthorized debris in co-ordination with A.E. (Bldg.) and A.E.(Maintenance). 12. To control over work of allotment on the basis of Pay and Use, maintain and operate Municipal W.C. and PSCs. & cleanliness, in the slum area. To plan, control and 13. implement working of Solid Waste Management with Engineers and SubOrdinate Staff. 14. To initiate and expand house to house Refuse Collection System as per norms under M.S.W. 2000 and Sections 368 & 372 of the Mumbai Mahanagarpalika Act. 15. To evaluate the work of labourers, J.O. and Supervisors of the SWM Department in the Corporation. 16. To evaluate in relation with cleanliness work carried out by Pvt. Contractor. 17. To create awareness on the following items in Co-ordination with Municipal Officers, (Officer on special duty). Advance Locality Management. (C.D.O.s, Municipal Councillors, Peoples Representatives, Local Authorities). 18. Reduction in refuse generation, Segregating the refuse. 19. To collect house to house refuse. 20. To use of Vehicles Loaded with bell in the slum area for refuse collection. 21. The disposal of debris caused on amount of Construction and removal of unauthorized constructions. 22. To direct nuisance detectives for following Rules and Regulations under MSW 2000 and U/s. 368 & 372 of M.M.C. Act. 23. To assist ward Executive Engineer, Agreement & implementation Committee of SWM Dept. for the Survey and analysis of the following items. a) Materials and articles as required by Municipal Labourers and its use. b) Requirement of Refuse Dustbins for collecting refuse and unwanted articles. c) Contract for Collectors Refuse from various places. d) Facility of new PSC for the use of Public at large at various places. 24. To implement new Management Model for collecting debris in Co-ordination with Ward Executive Engineer (Environment). 25. To repair, operate and maintain the sewage system, Storm Water Drain System following details of Mechanical Electrical works by Controlling staff of SWM/ Sewage/ SWD/ Electrical Staff. 1) Daily operation and Maintenance of Sewage System in the Ward. 2) To repair common house gullies and house drainage system in the ward. 3) To implement various actions in the drainage scheme as per Municipal Act. 4) To carry out remedial work in connection with sewage/ S.W. Entrances in the ward to carry out remedial and preventive measures in corporating scheme of pumping out the water from the low-lying area. 5) To do the work given by higher authorities time to time. ELECTRIC DEPARTMENT Sub Engineer (Electrical), working under Assistant Engineer (Environment), is maintaining electrical installations in the ward. Electrician 1st, 2nd, 3rd, liftman, wireman and labourers are working under him. Electricity bills of street lights and Estate properties are verified by S.E.(Elect.) Ward. In Electric Department, following activities are carried out: 1. Maintenance and repairs of water pump sets. 2. Electrical repairs of Mun. Dispensaries and Maternity Homes. 3. Providing additional electrical points to Fire Brigade, AHS chawls, Municipal Offices, buildings, Municipal Hospitals, Maternity Homes, Markets, Schools, Gardens. 4. Repairing of electrical accessories existing in the Mun. Properties mentioned in Sr.No.3. 5. Replacement of parts of electrical accessories, as per requirement, in the Municipal properties mentioned in Sr. No.3. Sub.Engineer (M.&E.): 1. Follow up of repairing and Maintenance of Telephone/EPABX System, Computers 2. Preparing proposal for providing street maintaining street lights through B.E.S.T. lights at various roads and ASSTT. ASSESSOR AND COLLECTOR Assessment and Collection Department is one of the important department and main source of Revenue of M.C.G.M. As per Section 154 of M.M.C. Act, Assessment and Collection Dept. has to assess all lands and buildings situated in the jurisdiction of M.C.G.M. To levy and recover property taxes, Theatre Tax, tax on vehicle- animal, Maharashtra tax on building with large residential premises etc. is the main work of various Sections/Wards of the Assessment & Collection Deptt. Under the control of Assessor & Collector and under Supervision of Dy. Assessor &Collector, Asstt. Assessor & collector get the day to day work done from the staff under his control at ward level. Under the control of M.C., the administration work is done at Ward level. Along with this, Assessment & Collection Deptt. carries out the work of General Municipal Elections. For smooth working of each Ward, two separate wings namely Indoor & Outdoor are created under the control of Asstt. Assessor & Collector. Work of Indoor Staff: To prepare tax bills and send to tax payers, levy penalty and issue warrant of attachment to defaulters of payments, as per provisions of M.M.C. Act allow refund, maintain record of R.V. etc. prepare administrative reports, statistical figures. Issue inspection extracts, print assessment list, half yearly bills, bill books summery of taxes due. Work of Outdoor Staff: For the purpose of Inspection of the properties 'P/North' Ward is divided into various sections and one Ward Inspector is appointed for each section. Under the supervision of Dy. Supdt./Supdt., Ward Inspectors the properties of his section and submits inspection report, initiate recovery actions by serving penalty notices and warrant of attachment etc. submit inspection extract of property if party applies for the same. Under supervision of Asstt. Supdt., tax is collected at CFC Counter and receipt is issued to party. General working procedure of 'P/North' Ward: Collection Target is allotted to each Ward of Assessment & Collection Deptt. In order to achieve the target, regular follow up is done by pursuing rate payers for recovery of taxes. For this purpose, the Property Tax Bills are issued and served to rate payers under provisions of Sec. 154 of M.M.C. Act. Demand notices are served on tax defaulters. penalty notices If no payment is received and warrant of attachment are issued and served on the defaulters. Public Auction sale is conducted under the sanction of competent authority for recovery of Municipal dues by giving advertisement in the local newspapers. Refund on account of vacancy & over collection is allowed to party under the sanction of competent authority W.T./S.T. is levied or deleted from P.T.Bills On payment of Schedule fee, first date of assessment, inspection extract, Duplicate receipts are issued to applicant. On demand, tax clearance certificate is issued if all dues are recovered. Abstract of daily collection is prepared and sent to Cash Section of Head Office. Transfer of property cases are disposed off after proper scrutiny, under sanction of competent authority Maharashtra Tax on building with large residential premises is levied and recovered and entire work procedure for the same is followed by this Deptt. For aforesaid work sanction of competent authorities obtained whenever necessary. ADMINISTRATIVE OFICER (ESTATES) In M.C.G.M. Estate Department is Independent Department and Assistant Commissioner (Estates) is Head of this Department. All the Estates belong to M.C.G.M. comes under the Jurisdiction of this Head of the Department and Protection and Maintenance of these properties are being looked after by Administrative Officer in the Wards. Administrative Officers (Estates) in the wards working under the control of Assistant Commissioner of the concerned ward for Administrative Work and Policy matters in the context of Right for Information Act and they (A.O.Estates) work as per the direction of Assistant Commissioner (Estates). The properties belong to M.C.G.M., the Eastern Suburbs is being maintained and look after by (A.O.-Estates) Eastern Suburbs. There are outdoor staffs such as Rent Supervisor, Rent Collectors, and Indoor Staff such as Head Clerk, Clerks, Peon, etc. is looking after the office work of Estate Department under control of (A.O.-Estates). The properties in A,B,C,D & E Ward are maintained and protected by (A.O.-Estates) City. Rent Supervisor, Rent Collector, the Outdoor Staff and Head Clerk, Clerk, Peon the Indoor Staff working under (A.O.-Estates). (A.O.Estates) has to keep control over the daily work of the above staff. He has to guide regarding the properties. The proposal for transfer of the tenancies of Municipal property and there disposal dispose the cases of disputes and Court Cases in the Municipal Properties redressal of complaints from Municipal Tenants and submit report to superiors and submit necessary information to concerned Assistant Commissioner and D.M.C. and the possession of tenements etc. work regarding Municipal Properties case to be done by (A.O.Estates). (A.O.-Estates) has to take eviction action against any unauthorized work under Section 105B of Municipal Act. Rent Collectors are directly working under Rent Supervisor. They are recovering rent of the properties assigned to them and remit the same to the Municipal Treasury. Rent Collectors have to issue Notices to the tenants for heavy arrears of rent, dues, etc take necessary action against them. Rent Collector’s submit the necessary information to Rent Supervisor after inspecting the Municipal Properties, submit the report of unauthorized work and take action. Rent Collector’s take eviction action under Section 105B of MMC Act, take vacant possession of the tenements of defaulter tenants. Also Rent Collector allots tenements, submit transfer proposal along with complete documents to superiors, attend complaints of tenants and attend duties as per orders from Superiors. The Head Clerks working under (A.O.-Estates) attend the work with help of Clerk as follows. Head Clerk supervise the work of clerk working under them, keep Control Monitor and guide to the clerk, submit monthly and annual report of recovery of rent, dispose of daily outward, inward papers of verify Audit Notes & follow up, Inspect Demand Register and fulfill discrepancies therein submit Budgetary Report, furnish information to Rent Collector’s and Rent Supervisor submit report as per instructions from Superiors, etc. The following Demand Register are maintained in Estate Department of P/North Ward. 1) Demand Register 2) Khata Book Register 3) Cash Book Register 4) Balance Register 5) Transfer Case Register 6) Challan Register 7) Rent Register 8) Sale Tax Register 9) Estate Tax Register 10) Default Cheque Register 11) Expenditure Register 12) Clearance Certificate of B.M.C. Employees 13) Deposit Register. ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER (SCHOOLS) Administrative Officer (Schools) is such a head of section on whom the responsibility of Municipal Primary and Upper Primary schools of the ward is entrusted. The A.O.(Schools) is answerable to the Education Officer. Nevertheless, he is expected to be in close contact with the Assistant Commissioner of the ward and carry his work and also expected to submit the reports to him from time to time. Similarly, for the maintenance of Municipal Schools and in regards to municipal schools housed in private buildings, he has to act upon the landlords in coordination with the Assistant Engineer (Maintenance) and Assistant Engineer (Building and Construction). There are 79 schools and they run through 8 mediums under jurisdiction of A.O.(Schools), 'P/North' Ward, which is situated at Municipal School, Daftary Road, Opp. Koshish Building, Malad (E). These schools are housed in 25 buildings. The functioning of A.O.(Schools) is as under: He exercises supervision on schools and office work. He attends the meetings of superiors. In connection with the repair works, he accomplishes such tasks in co-ordination with Assistant Municipal Commissioner. He implements in schools, the activities like Balakostav, Tree Plantation, cleansing campaign and other Government Projects. He carries on duties such as giving scholarships money to the school employees, giving uniforms to the fourth class employees and supplying educational aids/materials to the schools. To give admissions to the new children when schools reopens and motivate schools children to participate in cultural programmes. There are some of functions of A.O.(Schools) regarding the thefts in schools or accidents, he urgently establishes contacts with superiors and executes them accordingly. Solid articles, broken wooden furniture, torn and unusable library and text books, answer books are allowed to be written off from dead stock register after getting them verified by the officers concerned and making arrangement for carrying such things away. Science Laboratories are also run in schools. The A.O.(Schools) gets various task of Sarva Shikshan Abhiyan Project completed. The contingence money given to the office of the A.O.(Schools) is distributed to the employees after sanctioning their expenses and other expenditure bills. The A.O.(Schools) sanctions and send school electricity bills, water bills, and property bills to the higher officers for the approval. He conducts meeting of complaints, redressal committee in the office and gets those complaints redressed. Duties of the A.O.(Schools): 1. Exercising supervision on the establishments work at all languages schools in the ward. 2. Supervising the work of office staff. 3. Executing the transfers of peons and hamals as per convenience of the administration under his jurisdiction. 4. To ensure the projection of municipal rented school buildings in the ward. He has to discuss about the repairs with the other officers in the wards and execute such repairs/maintenance work as per the instructions of the superiors. 5. To grant all types of leaves- casual leaves, and half pay leave to the school and office staff. 6. To attend the meeting of higher officers and execute the work as per their orders. 7. To grant contingence funds to the schools. 8. To prepare report of school employees and give salary increments accordingly. 9. To prepare the list of employees retiring from service and submit their claims of provident funds and pension papers for the disbursements on time. 10. To organize hobby classes and non formal classes in the schools. 11. To initiate the enquiry in case of unauthorized absent employees and complaints of employees from outsiders. 12. To visit the schools along with E.O., Dy.E.O., D.M.C., Mayor, Dy. Mayor and Chairman of Committees and Officers. SR. COLONY OFFICER AND COLONY OFFICER Colony officer is Head of Slum Department of the Ward and the slum on Municipal lands in wards are under his purview. Following works are carried out in consultation with the Senior Colony Officer and the staff working under him. 1) To accept the Compensation charges from the hutment dwellers on Municipal Lands. 2) To supervise the work of issuing photo passes on the basis of Slum Survey 2000. 3) The transfer /conversion cases of hutment dwellers to be submitted to Dy. Municipal Commissioner. 4) To certify the eligibility of the hutment dwellers while issuing Annexure-II for Slum Redevelopment Scheme. 5) To submit report for cleanliness in slum colonies. For administrative process, the Colony Officer, is working under Assistant Commissioner whereas for policy mater under D.M.C.(Spl.) Colony Officer and Rent Collectors are working under Senior Colony Officer and performing following duties. 1) Recovery of Rent : Rent Collector of the Colony Office is having a receipt book for the Collection of Compensation charges. He also maintains the ‘Compensation Demand Register,’ wherein name of hutment dweller, area of hut and monthly demand is noted. The Compensation from hutment dwellers is accepted in chowky/ office or by visiting slum colonies. Photo passes are issued to the hutment dwellers. Recovery of rent is noted in the Demand Register and entry is taken in photo pass (Rent back) by issuing receipt to the hutment dwellers. 2) Recovery of Pending Rent : If the recovery of Compensation is remain pending for more than two months, the Rent Collector recovers the same with the help of “Chief Enquiry Officer” according to Section 105 B of the M.M.C. Act. 3) Action on unauthorized Changes/ additional works : The Rent Collector, by Survey in Slum Colonies, brought to the Notice of Colony Officer, the unauthorized changes, extra works, change in user, subletting, etc and the Colony Officer with the help of workers of maintenance department and Police Force demolish such unauthorized works/ constructions. 4) Transfer of Rent : Transfer of hutment dwellers is sanctioned as per Municipal Rule for which defendant applies to Assistant Commissioner. Such transfers are effected in the name of Legal Heirs and others. For such transfers, proposals are submitted to Dy. Municipal Commissioner for sanction, through Assistant Municipal Commissioner, by adopting laid down procedure and after such sanction, Rent Collector issues the photo pass. 5) Change in use : On receipt of application for change of user, proposal is submitted to Dy. Municipal Commissioner for sanction by following laid down procedure. 6) Repair Permission : After receipt of the application from the hutment dwellers for repair permission. Same are scrutinized by A.E. (B & F) and the permission is granted by Assistant Commissioner. After that, the Rent Collector, Colony Officer and Sr. Colony Officer supervise whether the repair work is carried out as per the permission and if additional work is found, demolish the same. Following registers are maintained in Colony department. 1) Demand Register 2) M.C.A. Audit Notes register 3) Photopass Register (I-Cards) 4) Transfer of Hut Register 5) Cash Register 6) Rent Receipt Register 7) Inward Outward Register 8) D.M.C.(Spl.) Photopass (I-Card) Report Register 9) Bill Register. JUNIOR LEGAL ASSISTANT Legal Department represents M.M.C. in cases filed in various courts by M.M.C. under Mumbai Municipal Corporation Act 1888, M.R.T.P. Act 1966, Mumbai Shops and Establishment Act 1948, Food Adulteration Act 1954, Development Control Rules etc. These cases are filed in both criminal and civil and are in different courts. Law Officer is head of this department. Jr. Legal Assistant in Ward Office and Sr. Legal Assistant in zones, work as representatives of Law Officer, and looks after the cases filed under Mumbai Municipal Act 1988. Court Clerk, Notice Clerk, Notice Karkoon, Mukadam and Peon are working under Sr./Jr. Legal Assistant and he works with the help of this staff. Duties: 1. To look after legal matters in ward office. 2. To scrutinize action papers and offence sheets received from the departments such as License, Health, Building and Factory, Water Works, Maintenance, P.C.O. etc. 3. To file and handle the cases in metropolitan court under Municipal Corporation Act, as authorized by Municipal Commissioner. 4. To prepare brief, evidence and arguments regarding cases in Metropolitan Magistrate's Courts. 5. To guide the witness and give opinion if required by departments. 6. To prepare monthly reports of Legal Department. 7. To supervise clerical and other staff. 8. To attend head office to consult Sr. Officers and to work as directed by Sr. Officers. ASSISTANT SECURITY OFFICER In 'P/North' Ward Municipal Office, all head and order comes under Assistant Security Officer who looks after all the things with his subordinates. For him, all orders comes from Chief Security Officer. In 'P/North' Ward Office, all Departments such as Hospitals, Gardens, Depots, Stores, Swimming Pool etc., Security is being maintained by Assistant Security Officer with his subordinates. In addition to above, following work is also done by Assistant Security Officer: 1. All the visitors coming in 'P/North' Ward Office and other incidence such as Morchas, Strikes and other movement are handled by Assistant Security Officer and avoided untoward incidences. Sometimes , Police Bandobast is also taken for help. 2. To keep all Security Guards vigil, the Assistant Security Officer takes day and night round and checks Security Guards on Duty and see that all untoward incidences and thefts are minimized and vanishes such things. 3. All visitors coming to 'P/North' Ward Office during office hours are well guided and treated by Security Department. 4. To conduct enquiries in respect of that, misconduct with property and other untoward incidences. 5. To see the establishment work of all Head Security Guards, Security Jamadar and Security Guards in 'D' Ward. 6. All works given by higher authorities such as Dy. Municipal Commissioner, Assistant Municipal Commissioner and authorities of Security Department are done by Assistant higher Security Officer as well as he sees that the work of 'P/North' Ward is going on smoothly. 7. Asstt. Security officer is working as a Head of the newly established Enforcement Wing in Ward. Following Municipal properties are in P/North Ward. 1) Municipal Office, Liberty Garden, Mamletdar Wadi, Adarsh Road, Malad (W), Mumbai – 400 064. 2) Asstt. Assessor and Collector : Trimurti Apartment, Ground Floor, Mamletdar Wadi Cross Road No.1, Malad (W), Mumbai – 400 064. 3) Garage: Municipal Garage, S.V. Road, Opp. Post office, Malad (W), Mumbai – 64. 4) Cattle Pond: Municipal Cattle Pond, Link Road, Kachpada, Malad (W), Mumbai – 64. 5) Malvani K.E.M. Health Centre: Malvani Gate No.7, Malvani, Malad (W), Mumbai – 64. 6) Malvani Maternity Home: Malad Malvani Gate No.5, Bandra Plot, Near Malvani Police Beat Chowky, Malad (W), Mumbai – 64. 7) Chokshy Maternity Home: Malad Marve Road, Malad (W), Mumbai – 64. 8) Theatre: Kundanlal Saigal Open Air Theatre, Ramlila Maidan, Opp. Hira Market, Goshala Lane, Malad (E), Mumbai – 97. 9) S.K. Patil General Hospital: S.K. Patil Hospital, Daftary Road, Malad (E), Mumbai – 97. 10) M.V. Desai Hospital: Haji Bapu Road, Govind Nagar, Malad (E), Mumbai – 97. 11)Amizara Office: Ground Floor, Amizar Building, Mamletdarwadi Cross Road No.1, Malad (W), Mumbai – 64. As per availability of security Hawaldar / Security Guard are appointed to secure Municipal Properties for above stated work monthly duties are fixed for security guard.
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